A bunch of scanned in doodles from various small notebooks (more like just two)
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.... Ignore how inconsistent I'm being with Ribsy
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the-blivyverse · 2 years
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Fornyxes but more biblically accuratified
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tummeys · 4 months
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heelia star ⭐ (a wip from 2020 that i finished!)
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sofiagabrielle · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Ted Baker Heelia Entangled Enchantment Wrap Cardigan.
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1. Favourite fic you wrote this year?
That’s tough. I think it might be either Lonely or Trigger.
5. Most Popular fic this year?
Oh jeez. Making me look stuff up. I’m not actually sure how to calculate that. Could be Fever, Kiss, Oops, or Baby depending on what stat/site you looked at.
6. Least Popular Fic?
That might be Trigger, but I think that’s partly because I posted it when AO3 glitched, and most people don’t realize it was posted. Collar and Punishment are also contenders.
24. Favourite fic you’ve read this year?
Actually, it might be a fic that hasn’t been posted yet! 
So my bestie is a fic writer too, and she’s doing Sterek month in January. I’ve been reading everything she’s been writing, and I think my favourite fic this year is one of them, but I can’t tell you what it is until it’s posted!
Also, I have literally read thousands of fics this year (that is not an exaggeration), so I’m not sure I could single one out even if I wanted to. But I do help run a rec blog here if you’re curious.
28. Longest fic you read this year?
I think that might be The Feeling That I’m Under by wearing_tearing
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incelkai · 7 years
What if EXO posts bbhs teaser last cause what happens after a solar eclipse ? Of course the sun comes out ---bbh's power .
I was kind of assuming the one they posted today was bbh because he was the one singing almost all of it, but if they had him first AND last that would be extra cool
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renrakuu · 7 years
Tagged -URL TAG- Rules - spell out your URL using only kpop songs and tag 10 people. Thanks so much to @heelia for tagging me! Damn, i gotta give it my all. R - Replay by SHINee~~~ E - Exodus by EXO (haven't listened to it in a while, it's like the The Eve of Exodus the album) N - NO by BTS (💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞) R - Rainism by Rain (I'm gon' be a bad boy, I'm gon' be a baaaad boy~) A - Are you a good girl? by TVXQ (glory days...) K - KoKoBop by EXO (timeless) U - Uncommitted by XIA (i know it by heart) U - Unfair by EXO (extremely sweet) As for the tagging, I nominate @misfitshinki @chenshirejams @wuace @xiusername @kittaenesque @coffee-laytte @meokmool @milky-waee @yukeehh 💞❤👍
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And so it ends. 
This fic... gods this fic. HomeAgain will remain one of my all-time favorite things to write. Mega bro-feels, a badass collab-partner, all the angst with the happy ending. I had so much fun writing this. 
But here it is. The final chapter. The end. 
Of this one. 
For those of you that have been reading, thank you so much for joining us in this massive adventure. We had so much fun traveling with you. If you’re sad to see the end of And Home Will Feel Like Home Again, make sure you check out A Wound in Heart, the next massive collaboration between Trips and myself. And there are more after that - we have a bunch of things completed and just waiting to be posted. Come join us and follow along. I can promise it will be a wild ride. 
Chapter Nineteen:  To the seas of Midgard, the cruel shores of the Amsvartnir, and Niflheim itself, Thor and Loki break the chains that bind Loki's children and finally bring them home. 
Full Fic Summary: During the attack on the palace, Thor dies protecting his mother from the Kursed's blade. Loki escapes his prison beneath the palace with the sole intent of avenging his brother, his grief almost too deep to wade through. But Thor is still fighting, even in death, and he will not let his brother face this alone. 
@sageclover61 @taaroko @thallencambricaltran @fancydiplomateggneck @imyourgaybff @three-seas-writes @perceptorxbrainstorm @pepin-the-short @lyricfrost13​ @saphira1819​ @tonakings​ @badwolf1212​ @cannotcompute21​ @altyex​ @altyexcray​ @fanfictionrecommendations-com​ @godzgirlforever​ @jedimasterkeleeshi​ @superfanntural​ @dreamsofaazadi​ @fanfictionobsessed99​ @almaquinzel​ @biancasolangelo​ @queencfthestarsdrfoster​ @katiemoss2001​ @punyjotungod​ @ilizibeth​ @wellcometothedarkside​ @a-really-big-mess​ @teentitantruefriend​ @lostinbetweenfandoms​ @heelia​ @ultimateshipper86​ @iwillstaywiththemforever​ @dearayezindagi​ @thejemersoninferno
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Tagged by @heelia, thanks baby ;)
Answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to know better
A: Age: 278 in crab years
B: Birthplace: Somewhere in Asia
C: Current time: 6:19pm
D: Drink you had last: OooooOOoolong tea (why the many o’s you ask? , well its to embrace the hallooooOoween season ofc , ok i’ll stop)
E: Easiest person to talk to: My mirror 
F: Favourite song: its always constantly changing but atm it oasis by crush (i love that  bitch)
G: Grossest memory: eat my snotty booger..it was so delicious 
H: Hogwarts house: i dont even know…
I: In love: With Kyungsoo’s bald KokoNut Head ;)
J: Jealous of people: used to be but i realized that i’d never be happy if i kept comparing myself to ppl ,so now i just work on me myself and i 
K: Killed someone: yes (at least mentally )
L: Love at the first sight or should I walk by again: why would i ever walk by again looking at food 
M: Middle name: the only vagina kyungsoo will fuk (its a long one ik ;)
N: Number of siblings: 4 
O: One wish: Happiness for everyone 
P: Person you called last : my best friend like 3 months ago, but i didnt call her, she called me…
Q: Question you are always asked: none because im an awkward unsociable duck that doesn’t leave the house for 10 months 
R: Reason to smile: because im a duck 
S: Song you sang last: some brazilian song called BUM TAM TAM 
T: Time you woke up: 10: 39 am (i’m so productive ikr)
U: Underwear colour: My skin *insert cheeky wink*
V: Vacation destination: LONDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON (because im phandom trash) 
W: Worst habit: PROCRASTINATION ( I hate myself for this)
X: X-rays: Chest and head 
Y: Your favourite food: atm it’s garlic cheese naan , that shit is good 
Z: Zodiac sign: Virghoe 
and i tag @kyungsoos-bitch , @monsieurjunmyeon @jypjuniorswife @aye-im-gay-as-fuk @kittykatkiy and anyone that actually read thru this far ;)
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inarichi · 7 years
Music Shuffle Tag🎵
Rues: Shuffle your music playlist, list the first ten songs and tag 20 people.
I was tagged 95 years ago by @omegajongin Thank you purse!! Let’s do this!
Rihanna - Unfaithful
J. Holiday - Run into My Arms
Two Steps From Hell - Atlantis
Two Steps From Hell - Twisted Children
Dru Hill - How Deep Is Your Love
Thomas Bergersen - Ironheart
EXO - First Love
DEAN - Bonnie & Clyde
DEAN - Pour Up
Beyonce - Standing on the Sun
pfft, i expected more soundtracks tbh. and that double Dean tho.
I’ll tag: @life-n0t-knife @lookatnini88 @dyodorant @capthastings @chocoberry-dream @ninis-chicken-soo @kpopandlock @kyungsootrash120 @sooing @kimmidokyu @heelia @vivihun @mochichans @kisookai @kiauraly @livinka-n-diland @sillence18
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uueskuues-blog · 5 years
Havas akadeemia uues kuues
Uus nimi, uus seltskond, uus lend, vana hea akadeemia. Ideast on saanud nüüdseks Havas ning selle praktikaprogramm alustab tänavu juba kuuendat korda.
Esimene nädal algab
Uus tiim kohtub esmakordselt esmaspäeva hommikul 5. augustil ning kõik ootavad juba huviga, et mis siis saama hakkab... Täpselt ju ei tea, aga lugusid oleme siit-sealt kuulnud. Istume maha “Kollasesse” koosolekuruumi koos programmi eestvedajatega ning algab tutvustusring. Kelly. Silver. Karl-Erik. Mariann. Sander. Kõigil oma taustad, oskused, huvid - mõneti sarnased, aga samas totaalselt erinevad. Ega lühikirjeldusest algul kaugemale ei jõudnudki, kui hakati meile tutvustama kogu seda kirjut elu ja melu Havases. Saime teada, mida üldse loovagentuuris tehakse ning kuidas erinevad osakonnad oma panuse annavad. Tegime tiiru ka kogu kontorile ning näitasime näod ära kohalolevatele kolleegidele, et me liiga võõrana seal kolades ei tunduks.
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Töö juba käib
Algul ei saa vedama, pärast ei saa pidama
Eks nagu eestlastele ikka kombeks, siis värskelt üksteist tundma õppinud tiim on algul natuke häbelik. Tahaks ju natuke sisse elada enne, kui end rohkem teistele avada julgeb. Kuid aega selleks ei anta, kui meie mentor ja Havase loovjuht Kadi teeb kiire loovuse workshopi ja annab kohe ka ülesande uued teadmised praktiliselt ära kasutada. Briif on iseenesest lihtne - bensiinijaama kett soovib omaenda brändinguga taaskasutatavaid kohvitopse klientidele tutvustada, kuhu peale saab enda nägemuse järgi pildi printida. Aga kuidas? Aega palju ei ole, et kogu asjale lahendus välja mõelda, nii et ideid on vaja kohe ja praegu. Alaku brainstorming, kus iga mõte läheb kirja, olgu see nii hull kui tahes. Viimaks kogume kokku meie meelest 3 parimat lahendust ja esitleme neid ka Kadile. Pärast sellist mõttelahingut tunneme üksteise seltsis nüüd palju mugavamalt ning juba lõunalaua taga vestleme kõigist ja kõigest. Kui juba kontorist väljas olla, siis kasutame selle võimaluse ka kohe ära ning Silver teeb kogu tiimist väikse fotoseeria, et meid maailmale tutvustada. @havasacademy
Kahjuks teatab Sander, et tema peab kogu asja pooleli jätma ning suubub USA-sse toimetama. Soovime talle edu ja jaksu edaspidiseks!
Päeva mõttekõlks - ideed pole iseenesest väga midagi väärt, nende teostus on see oluline osa.
Teisipäev algab kiirelt ning hommikusöögiks saame seekord “Valges” koosolekuruumis PR & Sotsiaalmeedia workshopi. Nii teooriat kuulates kui ka näiteid nähes tundub see kõik ilusti arusaadav ning loogiline. Üllatuskülalisena kutsutud Heelia Sillamaa räägib meile oma kogemustest ning seda vast olekski võinud kuulama jääda, no nii intrigeeriv on see maailm, mis kõige nähtava taga peidus. Ja siis... uus praktiline ülesanne - luua kommunikatsiooniplaan Arvamusfestivalile, mis kohe-kohe ukse taga. Siinkohal peab postituse autor küll siiralt tänama tiimi naispoolt, kes meid sellest tulest välja tõi. Ei tea, kas mõte veel magas või mis toimus, aga tundsin oma elus vast esimest korda, et olin #täiestikasutu. Preemiaks neile selle eest üks mõnus vahutav Rabarbra vein.
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Kelly võidukas poseering auhinnaga
Kiire lõuna tiimikaaslastega ning selle otsa magustoiduks Meediakool ehk meedia osakond tutvustab meile reklaamikampaaniate numbrilist poolt. Tambet, Karel ja Jens hirmutavad, et esitlus tuleb väga mahukas ning keeruline. No selge, kui hommikune PR ülesanne juba üle kivide ja kändude tuli, siis nüüd läheb küll kõik kindlasti aia taha... 500MB kaaluv Powerpoint esitlus osutub aga täielikuks staariks. Nii palju kasulikku informatsiooni ühes kohas, et pidime selle lausa endalegi küsima hilisemaks järelvaatamiseks. 2 tundi kestnud "loeng” läheb liiga kiirelt ning juba ongi ametlikult teine päev läbi. Karel andis muidugi väikse ülesande ka, mille sisust ning tulemusest järgmisest postitusest lugeda saab.
Päeva mõttekõlks - iseenda reklaamimine ja nähtavaks tegemine on tänapäeval olulisem, kui see tunduda võib.
Mõtle kastist välja
Kolmapäeval ja neljapäeval saame võimaluse rohkem ise toimetada. Kadi manab ekraanile uue briifi ning selgitab asja tuuma. Meie ülesandeks on välja leiutada out-of-the-box lahendus, et teha teavituslikku reklaami vingugaasi andurile. Kõlab hästi, sest põhimõtteliselt saame nüüd täiesti hullu panna, kuid väga kiirelt surevad kogu tiimi loovmootorid välja. Nähtamatu ja maitsetu gaasiga ei tundu just kuigi palju variante olevat, et seda visuaalselt rahvale manada. Pärast kahepäevast ajude pingutamist saame midagi siiski esitlusele kirja. Ise samal ajal mõtiskleme, et kas kogu see värk ongi nii keeruline või me lihtsalt sakime? Esitluse algus on närvekõditav... kas ollakse ikka rahul meie ideedega või kulutasime me just kaks päeva täiesti mõttetult kõigi aega raisates. Meie mõtteid tutvustades üritan lugeda Kadi näolt reaktsiooni saamaks tagasisidet, kuid sellest ei tule midagi välja. Vastukaja tuleb aga täiesti meeldiv, vist kartsime ilmaasjata. Kahjuks on kogu projekt veel top secret ja confidential, seega detaile siinkohal jagada ei saa, aga võib olla näete seda kunagi sügisel.
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Working hard or hardly working?
Et ajud veel vähe ei kärssaks, tuleb nüüd hakata välja mõtlema ja otsima kostüümi reedel toimuvale Havase suvepäevadele, millel teemaks “Burning Man”.
Päeva mõttekõlks - vahel tasub suure mõttetöö kõrvale näiteks pinksi või xboxi mängida, nii saab hea reseti kõigele ja asjad võivad iseenesest paika loksuda.
Burning Man
Esmakordsete külastajate meelespea: Burning Man on kommuun, ajutine linn. Mis siin juhtub, on sinu enda teha ning hinnatakse seda, kes sa oled, mitte seda, mis sul on.
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Terve tiim õnnelikult kohal
On aeg tutvuda Havase kommuuni liikmetega põhjalikumalt suvepäevadel Liipa talus. Jõudsime oma tiimiga paar tundi varem enne ametlikku avamist, et dekoratsioone püstitada ja muudel tegevustel abiks olla. Kell 1 avati ajutise linna väravad ning sisenedes pühkisid rippuvad kaunistused külastajate igapäeva mured ja stressi õlgadelt. Mis toimub sees, jääb ka sinna sisse, seega mälestuseks ainult ajutise linna elanikele. Üritus oli vingemaist vingeim! Kahjuks pidid Kelly, Silver ja Mariann suhteliselt varakult ära minema, mina võtsin sellest kõigest viimast.
Jääme ootame järgmist nädalat, kus uueks väljakutseks projekt Itella Smartpostiga!
Autor: Karl-Erik Rosenberg
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mym8812 · 7 years
Are you a Kai Stan or a D.O. stan?
@heelia Hi! I was first (and still I am) a ji stan but thanks to him I like ks too now. So I love both of them but differently. In fact the more I know ks the more I love him. His personality is kind of fascinating to me. How about you?
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the-blivyverse · 2 years
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Her design has since been tweaked(view in the tower tarot) but here's Heelia. She's a huge asshole and also a simp.
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help I told my crush about one of my friend’s made up words and then failed to type “heelies” and now we’re writing a book...
how did this happen?  Now we are writing a book called “the legend of zoig” about teens trying to find an ancient relic called the Heelia
umm what? I love this but what is happening pls help
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renrakuu · 7 years
thank you, again, so much to @wuace for tagging me, hope you're having a remarkable day, talk to you soon 💞💞💞 Answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to know better A: Age: eh eh eh eh eh eh eeh 21~ B: Birthplace: Romania C: Current time: 8:00 am (tho it's probably gonna turn to 9:00 by the time i'm posting this :)))) D: Drink you had last: Water E: Easiest person to talk to: oh man :))) uhm, my best friend. i'd say my brother, but that's real tricky sometimes F: Favourite song: it's not my all time fav, but i think it's my fav from the Ko Ko Bop album: WHAT...youuuu dooo! ❤💞❤💞 G: Grossest memory: i honestly don't think i have any, at least not major ones...maybe the time i threw up like 7 times last year H: Hogwarts house: Huffledor :))) I: In love: with kaisoo (andjungkookandhoseok) J: Jealous of people: Sometimes K: Killed someone: like i'd confess to that :)) L: Love at the first sight or should I walk by again: i am the worst™ at relationships M: Middle name: Maria N: Number of siblings: 1 O: One wish: to legit meet up with kyungsoo and be able to tell him how amazing he is P: Person you called last: my dad Q: Question you are always asked: Are you the older one? I am, by 10 years 👍 R: Reason to smile: bad jokes and my friends thanking me or calling me cute S: Song you sang last: The One by EXO-CBX ❤❤❤❤❤❤ T: Time you woke up: 7:00 am U: Underwear colour: beige rn, even tho i'm not a fan of the colour :)) V: Vacation destination: Ideal or next? Ideal: Japan Next: somewhere in Romania W: Worst habit: Stratching :))) not even bone cracking, just stretching like i'm not in a room full a people in a formal environment X: X-rays: had one when i had surgery for removing something that was blocking my sinuses Y: Your favourite food: no such thing tbh :)) maybe corn&tuna salad Z: Zodiac sign: Sagittarius i'm going to tag @heelia, @meokmool and @milky-waee and @beom-sil, but ofc everyone else who wants to try it is welcome with open arms!
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Chapter Five of the collaborative Thor: TDW canon divergent au written by @whinywingedwinchester and TalkingToMyselfAgain.
Chapter Summary: Freed from his prison, Loki has something he must do before he leaves for Midgard.
Full Fic Summary: During the attack on the palace, Thor dies protecting his mother from the Kursed's blade. Loki escapes his prison beneath the palace with the sole intent of avenging his brother, his grief almost too deep to wade through. But Thor is still fighting, even in death, and he will not let his brother face this alone.
@sageclover61 @taaroko @thallencambricaltran @fancydiplomateggneck @imyourgaybff @three-seas-writes @perceptorxbrainstorm @pepin-the-short @stuckatsix @lyricfrost13 @saphira1819 @tonakings @badwolf1212 @cannotcompute21 @altyex @fanfictionrecommendations-com @godzgirlforever @jedimasterkeleeshi @superfanntural @dreamsofaazadi @fanfictionobsessed99 @almaquinzel @biancasolangelo @queencfthestarsdrfoster @katiemoss2001 @punyjotungod @ilizibeth @wellcometothedarkside @a-really-big-mess @teentitantruefriend @lostinbetweenfandoms @heelia @ultimateshipper86 @iwillstaywiththemforever @dearayezindagi @thejemersoninferno 
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