#heh also merry christmas!
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Merry Christmas 🎄🎅🏻
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baileypie-writes · 6 months
~In Love with my Idol - Part 2~
Velvet x Fem!Pop Star!Reader
Part 1 here!
Fandom: Trolls 3: Band Together
Relationship: Romantic
Synopsis: After your concert, you go on a first date with Velvet.
Warnings: A minor suggestive joke, though nothing happens. Sharing feelings, cringe but I kinda did it on purpose.
Requested by: @reizuuuu
A/N ~ Hope you enjoy! Also, merry day-after-Christmas!(it’s one in the morning for me right now. I need to go to bed)
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You don’t think you’ve ever been this excited for one of your concerts to end. You had to stop yourself from completely rushing it. You wanted your fans to be happy, so you gave it your very best, and your concert ended with cheering that nearly busted your eardrums.
After thanking the audience and saying goodbye, you practically bolted backstage. And there Velvet was, waiting for you.
“That was pretty good.” She said, giving you a golf clap. You knew that this was her way of saying “That was awesome! Great job!” So you smiled back at her.
“Thanks!” You said, voice tired and slightly raspy. You fiddled with your fingers, wanting to shyly bring up what you talked about earlier. “So….”
“A date? Sure, where do you wanna go?” She casually asked and answered your question for you, much to your relief.
“Well, I think I’ve had enough paparazzi for one day, so someplace quiet. How about my place? We can order food or something?” You asked.
“Woah, inviting me to your place? Isn’t that kinda forward? What’re you planning on doing?” Velvet teased, raising an eyebrow with a smirk.
You rolled your eyes, laughing. “Nothing, I promise!”
When you arrived at your house, you got out of your car, and went over to Velvet’s. You politely opened the door for her, and half-jokingly held out your hand to help her step out. She smirked and rolled her eyes, waving your hand away.
You both went inside, and you showed Velvet around.
“It’s not nearly as big as my house, but it’s nice.” Velvet said, clearly flexing.
“Well I don’t really feel the need for a big house. It’s just me who lives here, after all.” You said. Internally, you were freaking out. Not only were you on a date with Velvet, but it was at your own place! You avoided eye contact to hide your bashfulness.
“Huh, I guess that makes sense.” Velvet noticed your shy demeanor, and didn’t like it. She tried getting you more involved with the conversation.
“So… all by yourself, huh? Must get pretty boring.”
“Heh, yeah, it does.” You said. Velvet was pleased with herself when you finally looked at her, and your shoulders became less tense.
Your walking suddenly slowed and came to a stop. Velvet noticed, and stopped as well.
“To be honest, hanging out with you has really been really fun.”
“Well duh, of course it is. I am really fun to be around.” Velvet said, gesturing her hand to herself, and tilting her head up with pride.
You laughed. “What I mean is, besides being a pop star, I don’t really have anything else going on in my life. So when I’m not on stage, I feel kind of lonely. So when I started hanging out with you, it added something new and fun into my life.” You confessed, avoiding eye contact yet again.
This time though, Velvet also wouldn’t look at you. She wasn’t good with sharing feelings with others, so this made her feel awkward. So she did her best to make a response. “Well, you’re pretty fun too. It’s nice to have someone other than Veneer to talk to.” You looked up at her and smiled, which Velvet copied.
You then let out a big exhale, ready to change the mood of the conversation. “So! Wanna order some food?” You swayed back and forth on your feet.
A little over thirty minutes passed, and the two of you were sitting at the kitchen table, eating your meals. Velvet was the one who picked the food, of course.
“This is pretty good. Do you eat here a lot?” You asked, mouth full of food.
“Yeah. Veneer and I usually get it when we’re working.”
You hummed in response, too focused on eating to say actual words. Velvet watched, finding it amusing how fast you were eating.
“Hold on.” She suddenly stopped you.
You froze just as you were about to take another bite. Velvet leaned close to your face. She then licked her thumb, and swiped it on your cheek. “You had some food on your face.” You hummed again, but got confused when Velvet didn’t move away. She stayed close to your face.
You were staring at each other so long and hard, you could practically see into her soul. You started internally freaking out again, thinking that you were possibly about to kiss. But suddenly, Velvet quickly moved away. She had the biggest smirk on her face. “Wow, I didn’t know that you could get that red.”
“Velvet, what the fuck.” You shouted, realizing that the whole thing was just her teasing you. Velvet started laughing in your expense. You were so upset about her little joke, so you wanted payback. You pounced towards her, making her flinch. But instead of a fist or palm to the face, she got lips.
Velvet froze, and you took the chance to throw her words right back at her.
“Wow, I didn’t know you could get that red.”
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doodle17 · 6 months
Psychonauts Secret Santa!🎄🎅
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Merry Christmas to @outofopossum! I was your Secret Santa this year!
I decided to draw Raz and the interns hanging out together as requested, with a little Halloween stuff sprinkled in there as well, because I also saw that you liked Halloween :)
There's so many of them that I kind of had to split em up into two different drawings heh. Anyways, hope you like em!
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bronx-bomber87 · 6 months
Merry Christmas Eve to all who celebrate it :) We’ve reached S5. Which is unreal. It shouldn’t be since I’ve been writing these for 7 plus months now and yet ha. I remember BUZZING for this ep. Then being in shock It actually happened. This entire season felt like a gift from the writers.
The long awaited reward for the slow burn. Although I enjoyed every moment of that slow burn. Was very happy to get to this place I will say. You thought Tim’s brain was broken last ep? It’s about to be obliterated haha Once again some long gifs I’ll make to get it all in. Might be the theme for this season LOL I fit everything in that I could this ep was wall to wall moments. Let’s get going.
5x01 Double Down
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We start out on a glorious high. Lucy is dreaming about kissing Tim. Making out really. Not only that but she is grinning like crazy as she does. Sure she’s had dreams like this before about him. No doubt in my mind she’s had naughty dreams about this man. (and vice versa let’s be honest) But now she had something real to dream about. A tangible moment. Didn't take long for that to take root in her subconscious ha.
Also in this dream we get another lovely angle to that kiss. It's like we got two first kisses everyone. It's glorious. They sure started this season off with spoiling us right away. He looks like he’s about to eat her face in this dream version. This is why she’s smiling so much heh I love having both angles. Real and dream version.
I like how the dream version is little spicier. Like this is her dream version of that kiss. How he’s cupping her face in this one. She wanted him to devour her like that. She would’ve been happy to be his meal for the night. Also showing Lucy has it SOO bad for him. Forgetting she has a blah BF at the moment. Chris who? Unfortunately as it gets good a knock startles her awake.
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It’s Tamara waking her up. Lucy is legit jarred from her dream. We watch her struggle to come back down to earth. Her messy hair and reaction are too funny. This one of my all time fav Tamara/Lucy moments. She has to give Lucy a hard time about the kiss. Wouldn’t be her if she didn’t. It’s too cute. Lucy goes into mom mode about school. Telling her about Rosalind’s trial shutting the city down. Her normal route will be closed.
Tamara mirroring her going into protective daughter mode. Asking her if she wants her to skip class? I love her always wanting to put Lucy first. She tells her no. She will be ok and no where near Rosalind anyways. She is bound to the station with Tim anyways. Waiting for their OP to jump off. Tamara asking if it’s for the UC thing from the other night? Lucy confirms this.
Tamara’s giving her crap about the kiss. Lucy being defensive saying didn’t mean anything. Oh yes nothing. You weren’t just dreaming about it or anything…Mmhm…Then she says her legendary line. ‘Make out. Stop crime. That totally tracks.' LOL I love her so much. Lucy tells her to go to school. Tamara replies in kind telling her to have fun at work. With her boss. Who she kissed…
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We then switch to Tim talking to Angela about said kiss. Now let me say how giddy it makes me he came to Angela about it. Yes she’s his best friend but he didn’t used to be this open with her. She had to pull teeth in 2x11 even when he asked for her help. This is a far more open Tim Bradford than we’ve seen before. He starts this convo then goes into full denial. Babe, you started this and she has great Chenford radar. You weren’t going to fool her. Not in the slightest. I love how she doesn’t let up the entire convo. Smirking this entire time through out it as well.
Asking how much did they practice? LOL Tim telling her it was just a kiss. No big deal. Angela’s reply is epic. ‘Then why are we talking about it?’ Boom. Mic drop. She is iconic in this scene. Sounds like he’s trying to convince himself more than anything else. Tim deflecting saying 'What if it wasn’t just a kiss for her?' Really asking 'Do you think she has feelings for me too?' Angela follows up asking if Lucy might have feelings for him? He looks so deflated when he says ‘No..’ Thinking no way Lucy could have feelings for him. Ugh break my heart Tim. When Angela gives me more logic it makes him said.
Telling him she probably saw the kiss as just as a weird work thing then. The defeated way he says ‘Right....’ Angela picks up on it immediately. Hence her next question to him. The way he says ‘No!' to her feelings question. He’s SO defensive. Not telling at all…Do you even believe yourself Timothy? His voice gets all high pitched. Just like Lucy does when she gets nervous about her feelings. He does his spiel about them both being in relationships. Being her boss. etc. Angela crushes it with some more solid logic. ‘All true. Not what I asked.’ God I love her. Also let’s note how deliciously tight Tim’s shirt is in this scene. Didn’t think I would let that slide by did you? Mmm.
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We rejoin them in the interrogation room. Tim complaining how greasy his double is. How he hates it LOL Lucy comes in looking like a stunner. Notice Tim agreeing with Aaron’s assessment of how good she looks. She then mentions regretting the choice of thong idea LMAO I love her. Also you are going to be the death of him Lucy Chen haha What are you doing to this man? They received a call earlier and now waiting for a follow up to where to meet.
The phone goes off and Lucy gives the most ‘ in love’ look at him. She couldn’t adore that man standing in front of her more if she tried. Tim answers and Hajek tells them to meet his guys at an air strip. I love the silent communication between them. Always adore that about them. Lucy tries to get them more time saying they can’t just up and leave. How she looks requires lots of suitcases and precision.
Swing and miss sadly. Tells them to meet them there or end up in a coffin. Angela is scrambling because leaving the state is a whole other thing. Aaron saves them by letting them use his private jet for him and Angela to follow in. Lucy says they can follow the flight plan the pilot has to submit. Angela is relaxing a bit and decides to let them proceed. Aaron cracks me up asking about caviar selection such a goob. Says he'll just get an assortment. Ha I love him.
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So begins them “pretending” to be a couple. When really it’s just them having no restrictions or boundaries on them. Getting to look, touch, flirt, and be free with one another. Under the guise of UC. It’s glorious really. I felt my brain stopped working multiple times in this episode the first time. Just like Tim. Lucy starts off STRONG explaining why they're late. Pulling Tim to her saying 'Their quickie wasn’t so quick.' Hot damn. (I can see this being a reason for them now a days too hehe)
They’re like magnets instantly drawn to each other. Gah I love it so much. I remember it being so hard to focus. Because they had their arms all wrapped around each other from the word go. The way they are all over each other in this hanger scene. It’s their normal banter but heightened. I’ll never be over her hand resting on his hip. His arms wrapped around her. The easy rhythm they quickly fall into. Almost like being a couple is the most natural thing in the world for them. I mean look at them. They are not struggling to sell this one bit.
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The way they’re attached at the hip. Swaying together like they’re in their own world. Which what else is new with them? This is par for the course when they're together. They’re always in their own world when they banter. Only right now they’re allowed to touch and hold each other as much as they want to. And trust me they want to. It felt like I was dreaming as I watched this portion. Truly in a daze. I had to rewind and pay attention to the SL. More than once...
The smiles and the swaying gah they get me. They basically mirror the smiles and swaying from 5x12. Because they’re just as in love right now as they are 11 eps down the road. I love Lucy’s face when they get interrupted LOL It was the biggest scowl. Like excuse me you weren’t invited to this party.
I truly think they nailed this because it was their shot. They thought this was their only chance to be with each other without any restrictions. So they went for it as we can see. We all lapped it up like it was the last bit of water in the desert haha I’m giddy as he tells her to get on the damn plane. It's so cute. Lucy cannot keep her hands off him from the minute they start this. Tim is more than happy to oblige. Gah this is cloud 9 goodness.
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The goodies continue on the plane as they head towards Vegas. I don’t know about you but first time I watched this portion I couldn’t focus. I was obsessed with her sitting on his lap basically. Leaning into him. Not only that but the start to Tim’s obsession we all love with her thighs. How he has his hand rests there naturally. Like his hand has found it's new home happily. Lastly their hands. I remember focusing so much on just their hands I missed dialogue. Had to rewind it to hear what was going on LOL
If you weren’t just as distracted by their hands and PDA you’re a lying liar who lies haha Or you don’t ship them. In that case why you reading this review right now? Ha I think they were both nervous about this being out of state. The hands weren’t necessary in the least. I think they were unconsciously grounding each other.
Finding comfort in each other’s touch. Also I think them being this way was incredibly natural for them. Just like everything else has been their entire relationship. Why the slow burn was so necessary. So when we got here it was basically a flawless crossover to this. Touching each other as much as possible and I love it.
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Lucy cracks me up trying to get info on their job. Saying right now it's the world’s most boring bachelor party LOL Tim saying this is a job not a party. They finally tell them what their job is since they’re airborne. They ask them if they know who Roman Krupka is? They say nope. Apparently he imports Heroin to the Monarch cartel. Lucy mentions so the competition?
He continues on saying ‘Something like that.' That Roman is paranoid of computers. Doesn’t keep a written record anywhere. That the details of his operation exist in one place. One man called ‘The Brain .’ His name is Leonard Madris. Tim makes the comment isn’t is dangerous for one man to carry all that? They say yes and he’s usually kept under heavy guard. Never leaves the compound.
The reason they’re headed to Vegas is because of him. They’re received a solid tip he will be there this weekend. They find out their plan in this. They’re to take out the guards while he grabs Madris. Then they’re gonna torture the man for every detail. Then they’ll take over the business by doing so. Lucy is so cocky in her reply. I love it. Saying sounds like they should be getting paid more heh. Lyon tells them tough. So charming...
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We rejoin them finding out Rosalind has escaped through Lyon. This is one of my fav moments of the episode. The way he immediately grabs her hand. Trying to ground her in this moment. Keeping her close to him so he can show her he’s there. Reassure her that she isn’t alone in hearing this. It’s just instinctual him doing this. Knowing this would be a massive trigger that would throw her off kilter. Trying to keep Lucy there with him. To stop her from losing focus and spiraling out.
Also the way Tim looks up at her. Checking in trying to get her to silently communicate with him. He needs to know she’s ok. Protective Tim is one of my favs. That immediate need to shield and protect her. Rosalind is a huge trauma trigger for her. He wants so badly to help her with this news. Look at how her hand is clutching his shoulder at first. He starts rubbing his thumb on her hand. Trying to get her to unclench. (Wasn't able to fit that one in but he does it.)
Tim being her calm in the raging storm she has going on right now. Her constant in this moment. Which is exactly what she needs. This man is so soft for her I’ll never be over it everyone. Tim isn’t able to get a read on her. She won’t look down at him. So he asks how long till they land? Lyon says 15 minutes. Tim tells them perfect. His cover being the mile high club. It’s his way of getting them a private moment. He needs to check in on her and he can’t do that with them around.
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They head back and Lucy goes into full spiral mode. This is why he wanted to do this. She starts to be taken over by her fear and PTSD. Tim sees it taking over her. He tells her to stop in the softest way possible. Lucy takes a deep breath and little stomp but does. Telling her if she is not 100 percent in this it’s going to get her killed. Which ultimately will kill him in the process.
Lucy defends herself and says she’s got this. The news got to her at first but this is their one shot at Madris. That she is fine. I love him being protective and wanting to pull the plug just for her. The beautiful thing is he listens to her on this. Doesn’t bulldoze her and make a decision like he used to. He is trusting her in this moment. Letting her decide for herself ultimately. Which is such growth for him once again I can’t stand it.
He’s so ready to kill this OP if she’s not ok. I love that sfm. Letting her know that there is no shame if she does. He is there if she is ready to pull the ripcord. Tim is about to leave when she stops him. Tim looks so very confused once again. Lucy telling him it needs to look like they hooked up in here. Tim isn’t on the same page as her right now and it shows haha
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Here comes that infamous airplane kiss. Has some similar aspects to their first kiss. Except way spicier this time around. Once again Lucy just pounces on Tim. He has to absorb the weight of her throwing her body at him. We watch him once again stumble into their kiss. Taken aback by her forcefulness. Her passion nearly knocking him off his feet. Tim isn't complaining once her lips collide with his though.
It doesn’t take long for him to adjust to it and go with this mini make out session of their's. He is adjusting much faster this time around. It’s all hands at first. His body absorbing the shock of her body slamming into his. Tim wrapping his arms around her anchoring her body to his. Lucy’s hands firmly planted on his face as she leads this kiss at first. Tim’s hands moving up her back fully enveloping her in his arms. Getting so very lost in her once again. Instantly melting into her.
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I love how the kiss continues to get deeper. Sexier as well. Hot damn look at them above. Tim is the one chasing her lips as they continue this much spicier kiss. The way he’s leaning into her as they sway together. Two people in perfect tandem with each other. Not missing a beat. They were both so very thirsty in this moment. It’s all over this kiss. Tim running his hands up and down her back as he is savoring her. Lucy hands moving down his face not looking to part from him any time soon either. Tim isn't the only one getting easily lost in this.
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Lucy’s hands sliding down his chest once again. This kiss getting deepened much faster this second time around. Their desire for one another is very evident. Tim can't keep his hands off her. Like I said for their kiss in 4x22. If they kept going his hands would end up on her face. He can’t keep them still and as she runs her hands down his chest. He pulls her closer to him not wanting to lose any contact with her. Eliminate any unnecessary space between them.
Her lips are quickly becoming a drug he is getting addicted to. He sure loves her upper lip. Captures it between his as he looks to further this impromptu kiss. *fans self* Look at him in that gif above. Wants her as close to him as possible. I just adore how softly he cups her face wanting to keep this kiss going. Totally forgetting about the mission and the men outside the door. All that matters right now is Lucy and her lips on his.
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How Lucy has the self control to pull herself from him I don’t know. Gah it’s the grunt Tim does when she breaks off. *phew lord* That noise is doing things to me. Mmm. He was basically chasing her lips again when she broke off. Chasing that high of kissing her some more. He was very not ready for that to end. Also how glossy his lips look post kiss. She had her damn way with that man haha
He looks so dazed snd confused when she wipes his lips. Her hand shaking as she does this. I know we all joke about how “unnecessary” this kiss was. I think part of it was Lucy seeking comfort from Tim in this moment. The kiss quelling her Rosalind fueled anxiety. She needed to be connected with him for a moment before she could put it behind her or attempt to.
Tim was more than happy to oblige. Poor man has short circuited once again though. Eric once again the master of expressions comes through again. He doesn’t know how to restart. She’s like ok let’s do this and moves leaving Tim stand there in her wake. He is trying to figure out WTF just happened in the last 30 seconds.
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We then get this pretty shot of them in the SUV. There is so much being said in the short time span of this shot too. We can see Lucy is still struggling with her PTSD. From the minute she heard the news Lucy has been scaling the walls emotionally. Almost like she’s back in that barrel. All her emotions threatening to drown her. Her lowering the window to get some air on her face. Cool her emotions down.
Looking at the bright lights trying to ground herself. To help her stay in character. Desperate not burn their UC covers. Tim looking over at her so much worry carried in eyes. She can feel his eyes on her and looks back at him. Their silent communication doing all the talking for them. She’s still in a panic but at least she has Tim with her. To keep her grounded and from spiraling out completely.
Tim giving the most space he’s given since this started. Not wanting to physically comfort her right now. Not because either of them want that space. It’s because he isn’t wanting to draw attention to her emotional distress. That would draw questions they can’t have right now. So they share a look and he doesn’t take his eyes off her. I love it so much.
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Someone in the casino recognizes Jake. A girl. Which isn’t great. But does give us some protective Lucy which I always love. Finally getting to do that hair take down of her's. The one she threatened Stanton with back in 3x05. I love her taking charge of this moment. Getting this woman to back off. Don’t mess with Lucy Chen ya’ll lol They spot Angela and Aaron across the way after she lets this woman go. Figures this is the time to break off.
Lucy says she wants to gamble. See if they can get lucky three times in one day. Heh I love how he walks with her to them. Wish I could've fit the gif in. His hands on her shoulders from behind as they walk. Totally necessary to walk like this with her LOL I have a feeling this was possibly Eric being a goober steering her towards the table haha But either way I'm a happy girl with it. This was quite the married thing to do though regardless of why. I loved it. Also low key protecting her as they walk toward Angela and Aaron.
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They update Angela on everything. Lucy’s first question is about Rosalind. Angela says she got a psycho lawyer to help break her out. We watch Lucy comprehend this. Saying 'Another Caleb....I knew it.' Then says Tamara needs protection. (No mention of Chris BTW) Her other fav human is with her. So no one else to protect from Rosalind. As they talk about this Lucy trying to keep her panic at bay but not doing the best job about it.
Angela picks up on it right away. Asking if Lucy is up for this? That she can pull out if she needs to. I adore Tim answering for her. Backing her and saying she’s solid. The look she gives Tim. My damn heart. He wasn’t gonna pull her till she told him to do so. Until then he supported and trusted her decision. The growth is astronomical in him. You see that written all over Lucy's face. It’s so damn good. You can tell she wanted to touch him as a thank you but stopped herself.
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The minute they’re inside the room Lucy turns on the TV. Tim saves her from herself and turns it off. Saying they don’t know anything they don’t. Protective Tim is present through out this episode. Here for it. She is starting to spiral again and sits on the bed. She looks so tired and stressed out. Tim gives her a sweet compliment to cheer her up. He knows how down in the dumps she is about this. Wants to build her up in anyway he can. Saying how she's really good at UC. Just in awe of her once again.
The sweet smile he gives her when he says it too. Be more smitten Timothy I dare you. Lucy asks if he’s ok with her showering first? He says yeah. Then we see her break his brain once again. The door doesn’t close all the way and he gets a sneak peak of her naked back. He stumbles back to the bed trying not to look back at her. Replying 'Yeah... ok.. um fries.' LOL Lucy you have broken this man and I’m dying.
Eric once again crushes it with his facial expressions. Trying not to be turned on and needing a cold shower more than ever. What cracks me up is his sigh as he watches TV. Trying to drown out his dirty thoughts of her in the shower. She comes out saying the water pressure is epic. Wanting to steal the robes and asking if that's stealing? Tim says no it’ll just be charged to the room. She says ‘WE’ should take two then. There’s that married ‘We’ again.
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You can tell Tim is antsy af to talk about their kisses. First off let me say how proud of I am of this man. This is the same man who couldn’t have a serious conversation with his current GF to save his life. He is the one to broach this topic with her. Once again making that first move. NEEDING to know if she’s feeling what he is very much feeling. Lucy is the one to bring this courage out in him. To want to talk about this.
He went far outside his comfort zone to get this convo started. Telling her it doesn’t feel like pretend to him. The look on his face as he says this. The hope in his eyes desperately trying to see if she is feeling their connection. Lucy panics and stutters in her reply. To me it’s not because she doesn’t feel the same. He has stunned her into silence. What she is worried about here is losing what they have.
To admit what’s going on between them means she now has something to risk. Something to lose if she does. Her person. The most important person in her life. Tim is far too important to her lose over them trying and possible failing. She is very aware it doesn’t feel like pretend. But isn’t willing to risk that. Ironically in a city like Vegas where one takes such risks. So she crushes Tim with her reply. Saying it’s an intimate act. It’s basic biology. You know a BS answer.
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She is deflecting so she doesn’t have to risk losing him. Or confront this at all really. What she doesn’t know is the damage she just inflicted. Tim was already panicky from his convo with Angela about her not having feelings. He suddenly feels very alone in his desire for more. For feeling something. She’s basically rejected him in this moment. He is so sad with her reply.
He gives her one last chance with his ‘So you're saying it’s not a big deal? Doesn’t mean anything?’ She stumbles some more saying ‘Right?’ Wanting him to answer this question for her. She can’t possibly accept he wants her too. So she deflects once again. Tim put himself out there and she shut him down. Their convo is interrupted his cell phone. The looks she shoots his way break my heart. Knowing she’s hurt his feelings. When really she broke his heart a little.
It’s Angela with an update. He tells her he’s alone in the hotel with Lucy. Her ‘Uh oh’ always cracks me up. I love their friendship so very much. Her teasing is primo this season and it makes my heart happy. She is so shipping them and just wants her bestie to be happy. I love it. Telling him not to do anything she wouldn’t. He slams the phone shut and tosses it on bed. LOL
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Lucy goes to dry her hair and there is a knock at the door. It’s the girl from earlier saying she knows he’s in there. Tim opens the door and gets hit in the face. They know he’s not Jake. Saying she told them he had a gut last time she saw him. That it was only 3 weeks ago. I mean that sucks for Sava. Means Jake was cheating on her long before 5x18.
He sends Wisco after Lucy and says he says not to kill her yet. Lucy is a BAMF and takes out most of the crew. This part is hilarious about her robe. I’m dying. 'Showed him the whole world just now.' Oh Lucy never change. Tim shakes his head so much I’m cackling. This is the woman you’ve chosen to love Timothy. So exasperated with he right now. I love how she stares down at him lovingly. But you know it’s just basic biology right Lucy?
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I love love love him walking her up. That’s last bit of protectiveness being displayed. He doesn't want her to be alone. Tim saying he can’t wait to get out of these clothes. Lucy making a joke she isn’t going to miss that hairstyle. Then Tim is so cute and flirty says he kinda likes hers though. OMG he’s so damn cute. He is such a goner for her oh my word. Lucy’s smile not believing what she’s hearing. Gah this end portion was the death of me. Tim says I guess this is it as they approach her door. Saying they go back to being them tomorrow.
He almost seems sad about that fact. Lucy turning to him and sharing 'Right..everything that happened undercover they’ll leave behind'. No you won’t lol Then Tim does his dorky UC line and regrets it instantly. Scolds himself for that line. Basically saying why are you like this? LOL Cracks me up the way he shakes his head. Like why can't you be more smooth? Oh that's right because you're stupid in love with her and a nervous wreck about it. Funny pre-cursor to his 'Naked time.' line heh.
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It’s then Lucy deciding to make a move here. All this talk about going back to being them stoking something inside her. Saying in a sense they’re still UC since they haven’t been debriefed. Tim not catching what she’s throwing down. Just replies 'I guess you’re right.' Lucy is eyeing him like she is ready to have him right then and there. Her ‘Mmhm.’. Trying to give him a hint as she flicks her eyes to the door. It’s then Tim starts to catch her drift. The look on his face when it hits him. Like he can't believe she feels the same way he does.
That there is something there. There is a whole lot of want and excitement in that man's eyes. Lucy has created a loophole of sorts. One where they’re still Jake and Sava. And what do Jake and Sava like to do? Have sex. Lots of hot sex. The amount of bedroom eyes Lucy is throwing at him is insane. The sultry inviting way she says ‘Do you want to come in?’ Tim falling back on his professional boundaries like he has for years. Tells her he shouldn’t…Not that he doesn’t want to. He SHOULDN’T. The song in this scene is solid too BTW. Whoever picks music for this show needs a raise.
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Lucy nods and goes to open her front door. Tim looks longingly at her as she does. Lucy gives it one last go. Cranking it up on those sultry bedroom eyes of hers. Basically inviting Tim in to have his way with her. Gah Melissa killing it with the inviting stare. We watch Tim struggle outside her doorway. He has been fighting this instinct for YEARS. I’m sure whenever he had an impure thought he pushed it down. Shoved away any attraction to her. Pushed her away as well. Maintained the professional boundaries he set up years ago. (For the most part.)
Thing is he’s been slow receding those boundaries for years as well. Especially last season when that last bit of his wall collapsed. Slowly letting her into every aspect of his life. To the point that we are now here. Where Lucy is blatantly inviting him in for something very unprofessional. We see Tim have an internal battle with himself. Then basically says ‘F*ck it and comes in. His attraction and his draw to her winning out. He would be lying if he said he didn’t want this. Or hadn’t wanted it in the past before either.
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Lucy asks him if he wants a drink? Can she make him one? Tim declining not wanting to waste any time in this precious loophole of theirs. Also didn’t need alcohol to have the courage to do this. He already pushed past that to even enter this apt. Not wanting to dull any senses or touch with alcohol. Wanting to be fully present with her. Lucy looks like was ready to jump his bones right then and there. The sexual tension is palpable. Their UST is off the charts with this entire scene but reaches critical levels once they’re inside.
Lucy understanding why he didn’t want that drink. Love her sweet but nervous smile as she goes to put her stuff down. It's then we see Chris there which ends up ruining everything LOL Just bleeding out on her couch. I love how Tim throws his head back when she see’s Chris is there. I’ll never forget that amount of hilarious memes Eric posted. People putting the funniest shit about him being there. I wish I could find them. They were SO funny. I’ll be honest as frustrated as I was in the moment I was glad they didn’t hook up. The UST was fantastic. Don’t get me wrong good god.
But it’s much better they got together the way they do this season. Way less mess and not worth the angst it would’ve caused for them to cheat on their SO’s. It’s the fact that they almost did that was so damn telling IMO. Phew well hot damn this was a beast to write. But I loved it. This premiere is fantastic from beginning to end. The amount of moments are unreal. Hell of a way to start out a season of non stop gifts. I haven’t watched S5 the number of times I’ve watched 1-4 so this will be fun. Excited to finish out this rewatch with you all as we count down to the S6 premiere. It’s 58 days btw...
Side notes-Non Chenford
This isn’t something I enjoyed so much as it rubbed me the wrong way. Nolan getting a Golden Ticket. Lucy has accomplished more, done successful UC ops before and after she graduated FTO and is currently going on another UC but sure Nolan who was disgraced and held back gets one. Sure sure…it does for being Juarez in who I love so there is positives.
Tim telling Nolan he needs backup career when picking his assignment. LMFAO I LOVE THIS MAN.
Thank you thank you to this incredible fandom that has embraced these reviews. You all are amazing and I love every single like, comment and reblog I get. ❤️ shall see you all in 5x02 :)
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cosmica-galaxy · 5 months
You found a gift box lying innocently on your doormat with a letter.
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Polaroid here. I would be glad to celebrate Christmas with you, but I’ll be away from the base for a mission with Sawmus, the Skibidis won’t be lenient for us even during holiday season.
Anyway, I made some gifts for you and the others, hopefully you’ll like them!
Merry Christmas and stay safe!]
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Oh no! It looks like we forgot a present under the holiday tree! It's dated back since the 25th...I wonder who sent it?
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(. . .)
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Heh. Polaroid doesn't miss a beat, huh? I knew he was going out on a patrol with Sawmus...but I didn't think he would get us a present. I wonder what it is...? I hope it's just as good as mine...hopefully my own present to Polaroid got sent successfully! (ACK! SORRY @striderl !! YOUR ASK SANK TO THE BOTTOM OF MY INBOX AND I HAD A BUSY HOLIDAY! So the peeps found your forgotten present under the dead tree that they are taking down! I also wanted to make a gift from my human to Polaroid but didn't have time, so we have some late gifts to send! >3<'')
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ask-sarah-and-co · 6 months
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Merry Christmas + happy holidays @askpokepals!!!
(writing under cut! it turned out longer than intended ngl)
A piece of paper flutters in the wind, smacking Sarah in the face. She quickly skims it over, “A wishlist?”
She looks up, watching a Hoopa’s ring shimmer away, and back to Hugh and Sparkle, who are battling fine together. “They won’t miss me for like an hour, will, they?”
Pulling out her aerodactyl Wyvern’s pokeball, she tosses him out and they fly off.
“Let’s see, something to decorate a clubhouse and something from a band…” She checks her phone’s map, “Wow, we’re almost in Galar! You’re a fast flier, bud!” Wyvern trills in agreement.
She stops at a store and picks up a pack of fairy lights, ones that twinkle between light shades of pink, blue, and purple. She also grabs a poster featuring Piers.
Sending out Wyvern again, she mounts his back. “To Spikemuth, Wyvern!”
“Sarah! Good to see ya.”
“Hi, Piers!”
He puts his phone in his pocket and ruffles her head affectionately, “How’s the Alola region treatin’ ya?”
“It’s been really nice! Everyone there is so relaxed, you know.”
“Heh, I figured. You run into Uncle Grimsley yet?”
“Yeah! He and Uncle Lucian are with Aunt Lusamine right now.”
“‘Right. Wish ‘im well from me ‘n Marnie, kay?”
She beams at her friend, “You got it!” She digs into her bag, pulling out the rolled up poster. “Could you do something for me, actually?”
“‘Course. Want that signed?”
“Yes.” She hands him the poster as he takes a black marker out from his pocket. “It’s for someone’s Christmas wishlist.”
“Ain’t it a bit early for that?”
“Yeah well,” She thinks for a second. “It’s probably from another universe or something.”
“Figures,” He scribbles his signature and hands the poster back. “I’ll never understand ‘em.”
Sarah checks her phone, “Oh shoot, I’ve gotta get going. Thanks a lot, Piers!”
“Cheers, Sarah. Was good to catch up.”
“Aunt Lusamine!” She bursts into the woman’s office, causing her to shut the holographic screens around her desk.
“Sarah! What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, nothing.” She takes a deep breath, having dashed through Aether Paradise. “I wanted to know where you keep your wrapping paper?”
“Wrapping paper? Oh, for a present right?” She chuckles, “You bought a present for Rose and Giovanni’s wedding?”
“What? No. Actually maybe I should… But no. It’s a Christmas present.”
“Oh! Well we do have the materials, but I’m not certain we have any Christmas colors.”
“That’s fine! Just tell me where it is and I’ll get out of your hair!”
“They should be somewhere in the main entrance, probably around the desks.”
“Thanks, Aunt Lusamine!”
“Good luck, Sarah.”
“Hi, Uncle Lucian! Uncle Grimsley!”
She drops a bunch of materials, including a roll of wrapping paper and a spool of ribbon, across from them.
“Hey, Sarah.” Grimsley looks at the things she’s tossed on the table, “You’ve been busy, huh?”
“Yeah! I’ve been working on someone’s wishlist in an alternate universe!”
“That’s quite nice of you.” Lucian hardly looks up from the book he’s reading.
“Do you guys think I should write a card?” She doesn’t give them time to answer, “Oh Uncle Grimsley! Piers and Marnie say hi!”
“You saw Piers?” He checks his phone, “Only in the last hour?”
“Yep. Wyvern’s an alpha and flies really fast.”
Lucian smiles, “Her aerodactyl.”
“Hm, that makes sense. I saw you flying around earlier…”
Sarah pulls a card out of her bag, one featuring a litten and a rockruff in Santa hats. 
Dear Ninasha,
Merry Christmas! Or happy holidays!
I hope you like what I got you! I wasn’t sure which band you liked, but I got this poster of my good friend Piers! He signed it and everything! It might be weird if you’re not a human, because he’s a human, but that should be fine, right?
Hope you like both things!
Love, Sarah
She places the card on the lights and speedily wraps and ties a ribbon around them. She makes sure to also tie a ribbon around the poster and add a tag.
Soon, the portal shimmers into existence above her, and she tosses both things in.
Sarah returns back outside, returning to her previous position. It’s almost like she never left at all.
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Merry Christmas Hotaru
Written for Sailor Moon LGTBQ+ Week.
Day 1: Morning.
The Outer Guardians celebrate their first Christmas morning together as a family.
“Haruka-Papa! Michiru-Mama! C’mon! Get up!” Hotaru shouted at her parents' bedside.
Haruka slowly sat up, rubbing her eyes, “What…?”
“It’s Christmas! Santa came!” The black-haired girl said excitedly, grabbing her papa’s arm and trying to pull her out of bed, “C’mon c’mon c’mon!”
“Alright, alright, settle down dear.” Michiru said, sitting up as well, her elegance shining through her exhaustion, “How about you head downstairs and wait for us? We’ll be down in just a minute.”
“Aw, okay. Don’t take too long though! Setsuna-Mama is waiting downstairs too!” Hotaru informed.
“Of course she is.” Haruka said, rubbing her eyes again, “Alright, alright, we’re coming. Just give us a sec.”
With that, Hotaru took her leave, excitedly bounding down the stairs. Michiru turned to her lover with a smile, “Well, she’s certainly excited.”
“A little too much for 5:42 in the morning if you ask me…” Haruka said, fighting the urge to lay down and go back to sleep.
“Well, this is our first Christmas together as a family, it only makes sense.” Michiru reasoned, getting up and putting on her robe.
“And basically her first Christmas period from what I gathered. Kid didn’t even know who Santa was before I told her.” Haruka said, also getting out of bed.
“Yes, I suppose that’s true… that poor girl…” Michiru said sadly, brushing her hair in the mirror.
It was true that Hotaru had not celebrated the holidays before the Outers took her in. It seemed the Death Busters hadn’t felt much need to encourage their Messiah of Silence to leave out milk and cookies or stuff stockings. As such, the whole experience had been dazzlingly new to the girl, Haruka, Michiru and Setsuna all wanting to make sure their little girl’s first Christmas was a good one… no matter how early they had to get up to make that happen.
“Yeah… but, guess that just means we have to make all her Christmases with us extra special to make up for it.” Haruka said, holding her partner from behind and looking at her in the mirror.
“Hmm… yes, I suppose it does.” Michiru said with a smile, turning around and going in for a kiss, until,
“HARUKA-PAPA! MICHIRU-MAMA! C’MON!” Hotaru called up to them.
“Heh, well, let’s not keep her waiting any longer then.” Haruka said, throwing on her robe and grabbing her camcorder before they made their way down the stairs, to find Hotaru and Setsuna sitting on the floor together by the tree.
“... so is he a time traveler too? I just don’t understand how he can get around the whole world in one night.” Hotaru asked Setsuna.
“Of course he is.” Setsuna said confidently.
“Yep. I see him at the Door of Space and Time every year. He usually has trouble fitting his whole sleigh through it, but he somehow always makes it work.” Setsuna explained with a smile.
“Wow…” Hotaru said, wide-eyed, before finally noticing her other parents had arrived, “Finally! You’re here!”
“Yep, we sure are.” Haruka said, still a little groggy, but she’d be lying if she said Hotaru’s energy wasn’t a little contagious.
“Well, go ahead dear, which one do you want to open first?” Michiru asked.
“Hey! No! Not yet! If we’re doing Christmas we’re doing Christmas right!” Haruka said, pulling out her camcorder, “Now if I can just figure out… how to work this thing…”
“Have you never used a camcorder before?” Michiru asked, tilting her head.
“When would I have ever needed to use one before now? I bought this thing, like, last week.” Haruka explained, still looking it over.
“Well do you have a tape in there?” Michiru questioned.
“Yes of course I have a tape in there! I know that much! I just-”
“Oh for crying out loud just give me the damn thing!” Setsuna said, standing up and swiping it from Haruka, before turning it on and pointing it at the little girl, “Alright Hotaru, whenever you’re ready.” She said with a smile.
“Yay!” Hotaru exclaimed, immediately going for the biggest present and tearing it open, “No way! I got a Nintendo 64!” She shouted excitedly, holding it up for the camera to see.
“That’s wonderful sweetheart.” Michiru said, before leaning over to Haruka and whispering, “I get the funny feeling she’s not the only one who’ll be playing that.”
“... Look I just wanna play Mario Kart, okay?” Haruka whispered back, defensively.
“Alright. You’d better let her win a couple times, though. She told me about what happened with God Driving at the arcade.” Michiru said.
“Look, the kid’s gotta learn-”
“... yes ma’am.”
Once the presents had been exhausted, Haruka looked down at her little girl with a smile, “So, you like everything you got?”
“I LOVE IT!” Hotaru exclaimed.
“Heh, well, that’s good. Anyway Setsuna you can probably stop-” Haruka began to say, before Hotaru sprung up to cut her off.
“No, wait! We’re not done yet!” The little girl insisted.
“Uh… we’re not?” Haruka asked, scratching her head.
“Nope! We haven’t gotten to the best part yet!” Hotaru said, and before anyone could ask her to elaborate, the black-haired girl disappeared up the stairs to her room.
“Uh… Hey Sets, you got any idea what she’s talking about?” Haruka asked, leaning over to her.
“Hmm… maybe.” The Guardian of Time said with a smirk, cryptic as ever.
Hotaru soon returned, running back down the stairs with a flat, square present in her hands, and handing it to Haruka, “This is for you.”
“Oh… for us?” Haruka asked, taking the present as Hotaru snatched the camcorder from Setsuna.
“Mmhm! Now c’mon! Open it!” Hotaru said, excited to see their reactions.
Haruka did as she was told and tore open the present, revealing a framed drawing of the four of them holding hands on a hill. Hotaru was very talented for her age, having been instructed in many of the fine arts by Michiru. Despite that, the drawing still had a childish charm to it. Above the four of them Hotaru had written two simple words: ‘My Family’.
“Oh, sweetheart, it’s lovely.” Michiru said, looking down at the drawing.
“Yes, I think so as well. What do you think, Haruka?” Setsuna asked, looking over at Haruka, who seemed almost entranced by the drawing, “Haruka?”
“Do… do you like it, Haruka-Papa?” Hotaru asked, seeming a bit worried, “I worked really hard on- oh!” Was all the little girl could get out before her papa dropped down and pulled her into a hug.
“... I love it. Thank you, Hotaru.” Haruka said in a voice that betrayed that she was definitely holding back tears. Hotaru’s two mamas quickly joined the hug as well, Michiru patting Haruka’s back in support, “Merry Christmas, Hotaru.”
“Merry Christmas, Haruka-Papa.”
Later in the day, Haruka found a nice wall in their house and hung the picture up. Once she had successfully done so she took a step back, looking at the picture and tearing up once again. Sure, their family wasn’t what most would consider a ‘normal’ one but… it was hers. And Haruka wouldn’t trade it for the world.
And that’s it for day one! In case anyone’s curious, my participation in this event will mean that the next chapter of my ongoing fic, Sailor Moon: Reignstorm will be pushed back to next week. 
Please come back tomorrow for Day 2: Argument (I think the UsaRei fans are gonna be pretty happy for the fic I’ve got cooked up for that one ;) )
But until then, please let me know what you thought! Comments, reblogs, likes, etc. are much appreciated!
And until next time, take care everyone!
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thatkdpoh · 7 months
Introduction i think?
Ok so I’ve been like really excited to do this I don’t know why but this is I think controversy? I don’t know how controversy works but this is how it happened.
I am 12 yrs old, My height is 5,1 and holy shit wanna kms but I am 130 pounds. This will flucate and idk how to spell it but it’s like a line with a dot in the front or end and it goes left to right so I flucate to 130 to 140 I hate that.
How I know about ED/Backstory/rant (cringy ik sorry :c :
I was always a fat kid and I’ve hated it, I understand that I didn’t care about my weight but when I was like what 8 to 9 whenever my dad would say cow to me in taqvaylit I don’t know how to write it but I know something’s like amcic or tizizwith or afkroune which is cat, bee and turtle in that order. I would feel self conscious and sometimes cry to because I’m very sensitive which is like cringy i know lol. My heaviest had to been this year like 140 pounds but I think it was water weight and shit. Anyways my mom tried to get me to fast and she would force me or smth maybe not force but like tried to get me to lose weight. She’d say it directly and it would always make me feel bad but like I understand being 130 for like 8 yrs or 9 to 12 is very heavy and embarrassing considering I always saw kids would be more skinner than me I’d feel very bad. Until recently like last year in 6th grade I was reading fanfics of a human au of TMNT i didnt know what ED’s were so when it showed up the word bulimia I thought it meant bullshit but it didn’t sound right so I searched it up and saw the symptoms that’s when I also learned about anorexia and pica etc. When I saw the symptoms I started copying them now this is the part that I think is controversy I copied the symptoms which I know was bad but I was fucking lazy and still am couldn’t do a workout for the life of me or restrict food, I was used to eating a lot and when I saw the symptoms I copied them and they worked!! I loved it and then the minute I knew how to starve myself, I actually don’t know how to continue with that but I didn’t know how much of a deeper hole I got into but I really loved it and still do EMBARRASING. I did do exercise I did like 100 sit ups a day which did nothing but it did make my body ache and stopped, 5th grade was the worst out of all my grades for now but 6th might be second but it wasn’t that bad just a lot of crying and seeing how fat I am made me cry that’s it. Now if I don’t starve at all or try too I would feel like shit. In 6th grade I also saw that purging was a symptom so I made myself throw up but only if I ate way to fucking much and I’m so bloated it hurts and I can’t take the pressure so I throw up just to take off a little pressure and go back but then I’d feel sick which sucked :C. When Ramandan came though I was A BEAST not an actual beast but like it was my oppertuinity to fast without anyone questioning because I live in a studio apartment with 5 other people that are my family >_<. Obviously with my blabber mouth which I hate told everything to my mom but I think she thinks that I’m ok now :D. Any way I’d only eat 5 tablespoons of soup every night and I was very tired and I lost 6 pounds!! Which isn’t a lot but I made it to 124 pounds!! But then I gained it all back in summer break, cried, tried to fast for 3 days but fainted on the 36 hour?? I’m not sure because when I stopped the fast because my mom told me to eat and spoiler alert I cried cause I have little bitchitas if u know Kubz scouts u know. I paused at the 38 hour so like 36 is my highest to fast which is embarrassing again. ANYWAY NOW IM IN 7TH GRADE STUGGLIJG EITH THIS THINGY :]] I sound like those I guess I deserve it heh thing but like no I’m not seriously I just wanted to be silly. Anyway I’m gonna try that ABC diet which I think seems kind of mid to hard but I think fitnesspal would help me with it <33
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buddhaamitabha · 6 months
*Squeezes your cheeks, rubs her nose against yours and kisses it*
Merry Christmas my adorable cat ❤️
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ESKIMO KISS??? SO CUTE, it's my family's tradition over here heh
Kissing both of your cheeks and the tip of your nose! Also the back of your hands ♥
MERRY XMAS MOONYCAKE wishing today to be full of happy moments for ya and that you get to enjoy the holiday despite the coughing 🙏
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mcx7demonbros · 1 year
After Midnight Mass
Ft. Catholic MC, the Demon Brothers
C/W. None
No proofread
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It was past midnight on December 25th, Christmas Day. The Brothers were inside the Common Room, some sitting on the sofas, other standing and/or walking back and forth, the third group did both. The reason was simple, you, their beloved human, had left for Midnight Mass at the church for more than two hours now. Of course, there was no church in Devildom, so you had to use teleportation to go back to the Human Realm. If it were someone else, the Brothers wouldn’t accept suffering a long wait like that. But since it was you, whom they loved so much despite polar differences, they were willing to wait even though they could have done something more efficient.
“Enough! Let’s go find MC!” Mammon said as he stood up from the sofa. He was tired of waiting. The second eldest would rather suffer going to church as long as he was with you, rather than just sitting there waiting.
“Yeah, I second that.” Levi nodded.
“I third that.” Beel also agreed. “Being outside at night is dangerous. Christmas or not, let’s go find MC.”
“If Beel has no objection, I also have none.” Belphie mumbled, even though his eyes were closed and he was snoring.
“I do share the same sentiment but if the pastor were a holy priest, Heaven might reveal us to him, and he would chase us down with holy water. And if they caught MC, we would put them in jeopardy.” In times like this, Satan would always be the voice of reason.
“Alright, then let’s put on cos…disguise. No one would recognize us.” Levi stated his idea with enthusiasm.
“Levi, disguise can’t trick God, remember?” Asmo wasn’t impressed by Levi’s idea. “If we’re going, let’s just go with our true self, so MC can recognize us.”
“Asmo, you…”
“But let me put on make-up so MC can see my true self in a dignified and glamorous way.”
For the next five minutes, the Brothers began to argue how to make their appearances before you, without alerting the priest. Finally, it was decided that they would just go to the Human Realm despite the risk and no back-up plan.
“Lucifer, ya in?” Mammon asked.
“Sigh…alright, let’s go.” Normally, Lucifer wouldn’t be the type to agree so easily. But this time, he was also too tired of waiting and worrying over his human, so he agreed right away.
As all seven of them turned to the door, ready to head out to find you. The door opened, revealing you, their beloved human, returning after the Midnight Mass.
“Guys, I’m home.” You said cheerfully.
“MC!” The six demons jumped at you and embraced you. You became the center of a group hug.
“Sorry for making you guys wait. The Mass took a bit longer than expected.” You said as you hugged them back, although you don’t know how you should hug back in a group hug where you are the center of attention.
“MC, let’s go.” Asmo grabbed your right hand and began to pull you forward to the dining room. “All those clothes must be heavy, let me take them off for you.”
“Yeah, all comfy things are prepared, just waiting for you.” Belphie also grabbed your left hand.
“Oi, you guys can’t just grab MC’s hands like that.”
“You only have yourself to blame for being late. Heh.”
As the brothers leading you to your room, you spotted Lucifer standing in the corner. You remembered there was something you hadn’t done for him yet and the eldest wouldn’t he the one to take the initiative with all his brothers around.
“Wait, wait, let me do something.”
At your words, Asmo and Belphie released you to let you do what you wanted to do. You came to Lucifer, and embraced him.
“I’m home. Sorry for making you wait.”
“Welcome home, MC.” Lucifer hugged you back. “And Merry Christmas, MC.”
“Unfair! Lucifer just took the advantage to say Merry Christmas to MC first.”
“Merry Christmas, MC.” Belphie seized the chance of chaotic situation to be the second one to say Merry Christmas to you.
And then it became a battle to decide the rest of the order of who got to say Merry Christmas to you.
Merry Christmas
It isn’t late to say Merry Christmas. The true end of Christmas season is on February 2, the festival of Candlemas.
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vikaveratime · 5 months
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I finally felt better, so I finished the drawing. By the way, Merry Christmas or Happy New Year to everyone!!!
A little bit about this universe:
This is a universe where every character looks like one of the mythical creatures. For example, in art, Kurogiri is a mythical creature, denoting hunger and cold (in winter), a Wendigo. And Oboro is here in human form, of course, but he is a Leviathan- a sea dragon or a sea serpent, personifying fire and water in one flesh
The picture says "You are unchangeable" if anything
Kurogiri most often goes out at night, and Kuro likes to kill people who get lost in the forest. He prefers to hunt in small companies and eat their hearts after the deed is done.
A little story:
"Kurogiri was calmly walking towards the village, when he immediately felt the smell of the salty sea, which immediately turned out to be next to him. Turning his muzzle, he found a man who was shorter than him to the middle of his neck
Kuro- Oh, it's you.... By what fates?
Oboro- It's been a long time, bro!!! How are you doing with the love stuff)?
The man winked. It seemed that a star appeared from the winking eye, which immediately disappeared, but this is just an "illusion".
Kuro- oh God..... You are unchangeable, heh"
I will also add something else to this story, and just wish everyone a Merry Christmas or a Happy New Year!!!
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ibarap · 6 months
[Scout] White Bear / Pure White Diary 6 (END)
Nagisa: ...? Um, Merry Christmas...?
<On the day of the Christmas party.>
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Hiyori: "—Did everyone get their Christmas presents? Raise your hand if you did!"
Yuzuru: "I'll check. One, two, three..."
"...It's the same as the number of presents we prepared. There's no need to worry."
Adonis Otogari: "The Christmas party is almost over, but please keep on being good kids even after this. Can all of you guys promise us that?"
"...Heh, that's good."
Leo: "One last thing! We'll see you guys off with a classic Christmas song! Everybody please sing along. ☆"
Leo & Hiyori: "♪~♪~♪"
Yuzuru & Adonis: "♪~♪~♪"
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<Some time later.>
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Hiyori: Knock knock! Excuse us!
Merry Christmas! We're here to see you!
Boy: Ah, the idol onii-chans!
Yuzuru: Merry Christmas. Were you able to enjoy the Christmas party even if it was through your room's TV?
Boy: Yeah! It was fun hearing all those songs!
But why wasn't Glasses onii-chan there?
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Tsumugi: Fufu, I was there, just not on stage~.
I was working in the shadows — I did a lot of supporting work behind the scenes so that it would be a fun event.
Adonis: The Christmas party was a success because of him.
Thank you, Aoba-senpai.
Tsumugi: Don't thank just me, you know~. It was thanks to everyone who had volunteered—
And, more than anything, the children who were looking forward to the party. They're the stars of the show, after all. ...Hiyori-kun?
Hiyori: Alright, it's about time we got to the point.
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Merry Christmas! White Bear's back home, so give him a big hug!
Boy: Wahh, welcome home, White Bear!
Leo: Also, here's your Christmas present from all of us. ☆
It's a digital photo frame full of pictures of White Bear, and—
Adonis: A diary we all made. We wrote about the days we spent with White Bear in detail inside of it.
We'd be happy if the memories we made with him comes across even a little bit.
Yuzuru: And finally, we left the back pages of the diary blank on purpose.
When you're feeling better, go outside and take White Bear to all kinds of places, then write down the memories you made together in those pages. ♪
Hiyori: It's going to stay cold for a while, but spring will definitely come.
So spend a fun wintertime with White Bear, okay...? ♪
Boy: I will! Thank you, idol onii-chans.
This year's Christmas and all the nice onii-chans—
Me and White Bear will never, ever forget about it!
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<A few months later.>
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Nagisa: ...It seems Ibara and Jun aren't here yet.
Hiyori: You're right. How cheeky of them to keep us waiting!
Hmm, my phone went off? I hope that's not them telling us they'll be running late—
... ♪
Nagisa: ...What is it, Hiyori-kun?
Hiyori: Merry Christmas, Nagisa-kun.
Nagisa: ...? Um, Merry Christmas...?
...Hasn't Christmas passed already? Am I wrong about that?
Hiyori: No, you're right. Christmas is long over.
But there's no rule saying you can only say 'Merry Christmas' on Christmas itself, is there?
...Remember when I volunteered for that Christmas party at a hospital last year?
We got to know a bedridden boy at that time, and he let us look after his white teddy bear.
The boy couldn't leave his hospital room, so we took a lot of pictures of his teddy bear in his place. That way, we could grant his wish to 'go outside for Christmas'.
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Nagisa: ...Yes, of course I remember. You also took a picture with me while his teddy bear was in your care.
Hiyori: Right, I did do that. ♪
Tsumugi-kun sent me photos from the hospital just now. ...Look, Nagisa-kun.
Because he's motivated to go outside with White Bear, he's working hard on his rehabilitation.
Here's one of them outside his room, one of them in a car seat, and one of White Bear on his lap.
They both look super happy. ♪
Nagisa: ...That's why you said, "Merry Christmas".
Hiyori: Exactly! It really warmed my heart. I feel like I got a Christmas present. ♪
That boy is getting better and better from now on. I hope he gets better to the point he can freely go to all kinds of places with White Bear.
When he does, I'm pretty sure he'll smile even more and that everyday will be fun! I'd be happy if we could be the reason he takes that first step forward. ♪
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Nagisa: ...I'm quite certain you are his reason. Hiyori-kun is the Sun telling him that spring has come—
...and just by being near you, he will feel warm even in the cold winter. Because that's the kind of person you are.
...Merry Christmas, Hiyori-kun.
Hiyori: Yes, Merry Christmas... ♪
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snowy-bones · 6 months
What do you mean no one reached out to you for the holiday? You mean to tell me that only your sibling wished you a Merry Christmas?
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unfortunately...um...you might be new to the blog but um...with the passing of my grampa poff 9 years ago..it quickly became very obvious that my family chooses favorites and i um...was not it...heh..sadly they do not make the effort to contact me...and i have done enough of attempting...Christmas and my (nonexistant) Birthday are often..lonely and hard to get through. i don't expect anything...nor do i ever ask..because i dont want to be burden anyone or become a chore you know? my family only made attempts to contact me last year because i broke down in front of my mamma poff about it just to get it off my chest. and how ironic it was to receive phone calls and texts from them that year heh...the timing am i right? no not one of them reached out to wish me a merry christmas...as expected...with everything that has happened this year...my heart is tender...and close to breaking all over again...i dont want to bother any one..and i dont want anyone to feel as if they have to do anything... my family is the biggest reason for my constant sayings of i am easy to forget, and that my birthday does not exist as it is also a holiday and they have actually told me that they had forgotten it was my birthday. if they loved me...how could they have forgotten it was my birthday? its been my birthday for 35 years now teh heh...i dont think its going to change. but uh..yeah thats uh...thats whats going on and what i mean by that...sorry for such a late reply...i havent had much time because of work...teh heh!
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Welcome ya'll to my first attempt at a Fanfiction (With no beta reader btw, so good luck).
This is one in a multichapter fic i made as my project on the LWA secret santa thing for @misseljebel, i hope they enjoy.
Im also planning to release this on AO3 but until then it stays here, right under the LWA-themed christmas tree.
Now sit back, relax, and enjoy--
A Christmas Meetup
Akko cheerily laughs out in their bestest deepest santa voice as they clumsily break the sound barrier. They do this as a sorta signal to them that an especially jolly person is screwing around on a broom outside their closed window, about to join the party
"Merry Christmas everybody!" she then shouts. As she proceeds to aim her broom at a slight incline directing at the window. And as she's breezily flowing at it, Akko gets on her knees on the broom, pulls out their wand and yells "OPEN SESAME!"
Two magical specs encase the knobs on the window. and then it flings them open as Akko enters through the window. She's in! The broom slowly flows into the room and then it stops at around the middle of it.
"heh heh, yeah" Akko blurts as they plop their little bum down to do a cool relaxed pose. With a little stretch, Akko puts her hands behind her head and her leg crossing over the other one.
The room is fully covered head to toe in Christmas decorations. With little knick knacks, blinky lights, ribbons and tinsels galore, arranged as neatly as possible for what is practically a room that's stuffed with them. 
Clashing with both of those is this little fern on a pot thats their substitute for a christmas tree after their actual christmas tree got confiscated because rules exist and so did little critters in that tree (They were gonna leave the moment we put it up!). Its up on what was supposed to be the shared study desk that every dorm room, but is currently the food table stuffed with all the big gift baskets and bowls of snacks sent by Mostly the red and green team members that left to their homes for christmas with very little from any of the blue members who also arent here
And finally, competing with all that is Akko's santa version of the witch uniform with a big old santa hat slightly angled atop their head that's complimenting their crimson eyes and the FLUFFY SANTA BEARD sitting comfortably on their head (and black gloves and a belt to boot). Moving onto the broom, it's the standard broom with a pair of red plush reindeer antlers wrapped around the front, which is also the location of this huge luggage bag that just looks heavy.
Its filled with shit that's specifically mentioned as contraband items, but specifically only the mundane stuff that isnt really being enforced (infact its more of an oddity in the rulebook). Perfect for a more peaceful rebellion to honor the lost tree, and satisfactory enough for a certain redhead's standard of rebellion to be met. Speaking of which–
"Holy shit! Akko's a plagiarist" Amanda (Who's just standing in the middle of the room) said.
"Awwww c'mon, no girlfriend privileges?" Akko responds whilst raising their hands from their head.
"Nah dude, its like you said. get rid of all privilege" Amanda snarks, poking Akko on their side to try and push them off balance.
it works
much to the chagrin of the one responsible for it, their fucking girlfriend.
Akko falls on their face (with the broom lightly plopping on the floor) Amanda breaks kayfabe and is very apologetic. And Sucy, who is also there, tucked in a blanket with a little santa hat says
"yeah and while youre doing that, get a new girlfriend. They complain too much" And the final guest of the day: Jasminka, who's just standing there aswell. Chuckling a little while trying to conceal it a little with her hand.
"oh hey Jasminka, sucy. How are you all liking the place? And what is it this time, Amanda?"
"Well i dont wanna bring down the mood–" Aaaaand the fucking face is back on
"you already did, like several ti–"
"Shut up, Sucy!" Amanda snaps back. Before mellowing the face into a more chill version and continues with "Well it-was-the-blue-team,-they -didnt-give-us-enough-of-their-expensive-ass-gold-coated-ass-food.-And-Im-salty-about-it-ok." which was rambled fast enough that even Akko (the rambler) had to pause just to comprehend it.
"hmm, i guess Akko is rubbing off of you too." Jasminka says whilst plopped down onto 
sucy's bed, capping it off with "Thats actually really adorable". Amanda begins blushing, snapping their head all around and stuttering before finally responding in an understandable way with
"Jasminka… why?" in the most defeated voice, something which Akko (who's now just accepted being on the floor) takes in a very different way to mean their newly gained love of food apparently rubbed off of Akko. Completely flying over their head tbe rambling and stuttering our newest disaster just did. beginning by saying
"Well if you wanted some more food. Then i got a whole lotta twizzlers and some chocolate bars in there." Akko tilts her head, gesturing to the bag "And it might not be food, but i still kept it with me just so the party could start with me. just wanted to let everyone know." Akko says, looking at everyone and shrugging a bit with just their shoulders
the following are the inner-monologues of Amanda's mind, enjoy. (JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. YOU ARE KILLING ME WOMAN, YOU LITERAL ANGEL. LIKE HOLY SHI–)
"thanks, Akko." Said amanda, softly.
"And besides, we're not entitled to the food that they probably didn't make. Its not like they should force themselves to lend us snack bowls " Akko points out. And this time Jasminka, not Sucy who responds to that with quips (in whispers) to Sucy by saying
"Wait until you see the tag on that giant gift by the main tree" 
And a short silence falls. Theyre all sorta getting lost in their own mind about stuff. Amanda's currently having a war with their own disastrous psyche, Sucy is comprehending the somewhat vague quip of Jasminka, Akko (who does this kinda thing more often) has been thinking about how this hangout is going. And Jasminka is just quite nicely enjoying the silence.
Because this isnt really a party. Its basically just a friendly gathering of all in the new nine who couldnt go anywhere due to outside circumstances. So Akko decided to arrange this little meetup and commit shenaniganry here instead of abroad. But no shenanigans are really going on at the moment, just the wind on the windows and the rather peaceful silence of the 4 
a rather peaceful silence mind you, that Sucy interrupts "By the way, if you're still asking Jasminka, why. Consider it a more merciful deed compared to whatever i was about to do to your fake ass."
"But the front is funny and cool, and atleast its better than the person who i actually was." Said Amanda.
"better? than who? Another plagiarist" Sucy gets them back with their own logic
"Hey it's only copying Akko's style. And I'm a rule-breaker, 'hate to break it to ya." Amanda argues. Rather poorly I might add, It doesn't even really work in Amanda's head.
Jasminka interjects with "You're not really a rulebreaker at the moment, you're just a hypocrite." A line which had the whole red team dorm room laughing their asses off. Even the butt of the joke (Amanda) got in on the laughter. Laughter of people who didn't know how chaotic this next day and a half would be. It all beginning with Akko saying
"So, wanna play some monopoly?"
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heartsmajestymira · 6 months
To Mira
Hey Hey! Secret mrs.claus here! Not so secret anymore. Anyway! Uhm yeah I wear Red too if that counts ahahahahah,anyway mira i got you a tea set like you asked..
Ok now with the compliments to you really i admire you and i want to be like you honestly,you ought to teach me how to manipulate people so well. Love your personality and honestly those black gowns suit you so Much!! Never forget that people ‘round here love you me included heh. Merry Christmas, Mira.
Also you dont even have to ask about the Little 'trip'..i got It ready ;)
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((MERRY LATE CHRISTMAS MUN! IM SO SORRY i forgot to send It in time 😭 Carpe Diem ♦️-mun))
Ah~ the grand secret has been revealed. I still do admire you, darling, don’t you worry your pretty little head. I knew the whole time no secrets are kept from me~
My favorite part about Christmas are the gifts, and you’ve of course made it even more merry with the shower of compliments to pair with it.
This tea set is to die for and someone will when drinking from it~! Oh it’s so hauntingly beautiful, a complete contrast to my delicate white and rose tea set I own and use often. It’s quite goth and perfect for a funeral, just the sort of aesthetic perfectly found in this place.
You have my gratitude, and a favor, only one, that I will grant~
I also hear you’ve been testing out the little trip I’ve requested too, mm~? Best be careful you don’t journey to the great beyond~
xoxo Mira ♥️
// OOC: you’re the actual sweetest thank you so so much 🥺🥺🥺
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dojae-huh · 6 months
Hii huh nim!! How's everything going with your work? It's the end of the year, so I'm curious if you've been productive enough. Did you manage to have some free weekends to go hiking and do some workouts? Taking care of your health, both physically and mentally, is really important. Just like Jae said, mental health matters too. By the way, have you drawn anything recently? How's your progress? And how are the animals you're working with? Do they listen to you well?
Anyway, I just wanted to send this message to appreciate your work on this blog. It's not easy to observe and analyze things, but you're amazing! You've done a great job with everything you've worked on here. I have a lot of respect for you. Seriously, there were times when I eagerly waited for your insights on NCT or Jaedo. Haha! I hope you find happiness and have a future full of success. I also hope you can be even more productive in the future, just the way you want. And if blogging brings you joy, I really hope you can do it forever. Since it's Christmas, I hope you enjoy the holidays and spend some quality time for yourself. Thank you so much for your hard work, and I wish you an advanced Merry Christmas. Keep fighting!
(Ps: I wish to read this blog completely...since it's my exams dont have enough time...pls dont delete it..🙏😄)
Hi, thank you for the kind wishes. I hope your holidays will be festive as well. And good luck with the exams.
I'm never as productive as I'd like to be. I'm a human with low energy levels. Doesn't stop me from doing crazy things, but I require breaks between them.
I draw for work currently, but not for myself. I did start drawing something non-work related as I planned, however, I'm still on the first stage (practice of skills, nothing really creative, just exercises for the eye and the hand). The animals I worked with were wild animals... they never listen, heh.
As for the blog... I've been writing fandom-related blogs for many years, so it's a habit hard to shake off. I do regret from time to time how much of my time it eats up. We are all too used to socmed and spending time on the Internet instead of doing something useful. I won't delete the blog, it continues to serve its initial puprose, but I'm thinking of moderating the questions more.
This year wasn't bad. I visited two new countries and made into reality an old wish of mine. It's still a transitional period, lots of work ahead to achieve the future I want (when it's not...).
Oh, I should be working on a book with my own text and illustrations... I keep postponing it because of the other urgent things (like earning money for rent), but I created this opportunity myself, and I'll be paid as the author and the artist. And I need to finally sit myself on a chair and write a scientific paper I've been running away from for months as well, I should publish the data I've collected... so, lots of projects for 2024 are already in line.
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