wytchwyse · 1 year
Witchery & Mental Illness
Recently On two separate occasions, i have been approached online by fellow practitioners who wanted to know my experience being a practicing Witch and modern cunning person while being treated for and living with mental illness.
firstly It is not easy, i often go through periods of time where i cant bring myself to practice. it took me three years to get back to my spirits and my craft. All through covid season I found myself unable to connect ( without saying too much, my Covid living situation was less than ideal, and completely retraumatizing) I felt powerless and therefore i was.
I was thankful for my amazing therapist and our weekly sessions via Skype, it was therapy and a strong support system that got me through the lockdown. But i was lost without my magic and the spirits that i have come to get to know.
it wasn't until this year that I started to connect again. stepping back into my personal power as a person, and as a Witch. My Witchcraft demands that I rise when i fall, My spirits demand that I always try again. you can call it ataraxia, apotheosis, or self-individuation but that seems to be what i strive for. never letting myself stagnate, stagnation like my avoidant coping isn't living, it's more like a living death.
I for one would like to live as much as i can, experience as much as i can, learn as much as i am able, and accomplish things i have always wanted to accomplish. my Sever Dissociative disorder has hindered much of my life and now at 31 years old im finishing my associate's degree, and looking forward to my BA program and in the future grad school ( for a MA in clinical psychology).
Witches don't bow, we don't surrender, and our Will and Desire is made manifest by our work and arte. no one is a fault for enduring trauma and mental illness we are all innocent, however, all people are responsible for the healing of that trauma, and for Witches, mystics, cunning folk, etc that work is a must, it connects us to our will. As people and as Witches We must always become.
And yes, its easier said than done. but nothing worth doing is easy , magic itself is not an easy task. But for us to have honest spiritual experiences those of us who experience mental illness must work toward healing, it is important. now read what i said, we must work towards healing, not be healed. in my opinion, the journey seems far more important than the destination. ever moving to self-betterment as much as one is able.
That is how i practice magic and live with mental illness, with empathetic and compassionate radical self-honesty. therapy, magic, and spirit work. This is not a perfect process healing is not linear,  "healing isn't a task, it's a practice"
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reneleijen · 1 month
Taakstraf voor nepagent die likes wilde
Een man (45) die zich uitgaf als agent en op een parkeerplaats langs de A1 foto’s maakte om op sociale media meer likes en volgers te krijgen, is veroordeeld tot veertig uur taakstraf. De verdachte liep op een bijzondere manier tegen de lamp toen een undercoveragent hem op de parkeerplaats in de smiezen kreeg: wat doet die ‘collega’ daar? Via het kenteken van de verdachte wordt duidelijk dat de…
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srndpt2024 · 3 months
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regiowestfriesland · 5 months
27-jarige man uit Enkhuizen en 30-jarige man aangehouden voor heling in Halsteren
Halsteren – Agenten hebben maandag 8 januari op de Steenbergseweg een 27-jarige man uit Enkhuizen en een 30-jarige man uit Obdam aangehouden voor heling. Ze reden in een bestelauto rond met daarin een vermoedelijk gestolen bromfiets. De verdachten werden rond 18.15 uur aan de kant gezet voor controle. De bestuurder moest een blaas- en speekseltest afleggen, maar bleek niet onder invloed te zijn.…
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evamaes · 6 months
Un criminel dans la famille ?
L’un de mes ancêtres directs, Dominica De Mulder, a été condamné à un an de détention en 1820 pour avoir acheté des marchandises volées. Cette découverte a été aussi surprenante qu’aliénante. Y a-t-il un “criminel” dans ma famille ? Achat de biens volés Dans le registre de la population de Bruges pour la période 1830-1846, j’ai fait une découverte sur l’une de mes aïeules. Je lis les détails…
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letoilearts · 8 months
Chapters: 21/22 Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender, Tyzula - Fandom, azula - Fandom Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Azula/Ty Lee (Avatar) Characters: Azula (Avatar), Ty Lee (Avatar), Zuko (Avatar), Mai (Avatar), Ty Lee's Sisters (Avatar), The Gaang (Avatar), Ozai (Avatar), Ursa (Avatar) Additional Tags: tyzula - Freeform, Lesbian Azula (Avatar), Lesbian Ty Lee (Avatar), Protective Azula (Avatar), Happy Azula (Avatar), Crazy Azula (Avatar), POV Azula (Avatar), Child Azula (Avatar), Firelord Azula (Avatar), Bisexual Ty Lee (Avatar), Airbender Ty Lee (Avatar), Minor Azula/Ty Lee (Avatar), Pansexual Ty Lee (Avatar), Tyzula Week 2020 (Avatar), Tyzula Week (Avatar), Fire Nation Royal Family, Fire Nation (Avatar), Yuri, Girls Kissing, girlslove, girlxgirl, Best Friends, Friends to Lovers, Bad Parent Ozai (Avatar), Mentioned Ursa (Avatar), Sex, Lesbian Sex, Eventual Smut, Healing, Healing Sex, Redemption Summary:
𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 火 𝐓𝐲𝐳𝐮𝐥𝐚 - 𝑃𝑠𝑦𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝐷𝑟𝑎𝑚𝑎, 𝑅𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒, 𝐸𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑖𝑐 - ❤️🔥
Azula and Ty lee had been best friends since they were kids, but after they graduated from the Royal Fire Academy for Girls, Ty Lee left the Fire Nation capital to join the circus and they stopped seeing each other for years. It wasn't until Azula paid her a visit one day, asking her to join her elite team with the objective of capturing the Avatar. So many years had passed that maybe they had forgotten how deep their connection really was...
A story of love and healing.
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hspcoaching · 10 months
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sabrinaboglund · 1 year
5 Ting Du SKAL Vide om the Dark Nights of the Soul
Vi vil i denne uge og næste uge fokusere på noget meget seriøst, som på ingen måder er let og sjovt! The Dark Nights of the Soul. (Red. Sjælens Mørke Nætter). Du har sikkert set at jeg har talt om det i andre guides eller på Instagram, eftersom jeg har overlevet en håndfuld Dark Nights of the Soul. Man bør aldrig tage det forgivet at overleve Dark Nights of the Soul. Hvis du ikke får den rette…
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rennebright · 3 months
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ヘルエス様 by Genyaky [Twitter/X] ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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Hleďte, Radhošti sa navrátil jeho právoplatný pán.
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reneleijen · 1 year
België: Nederlanders aangehouden voor heling gestolen bakfietsen
In Lanaken, België zijn twee Nederlanders opgepakt die op een advertentiesite gestolen bakfietsen probeerden te verkopen. Meerdere inwoners van Lanaken en Maasmechelen zijn daarbij opgelicht. De verdachten, een vrouw (24, uit Landgraaf) en een man (29, uit Geleen), werden op heterdaad betrapt bij de verkoop van een van de gestolen bakfietsen. Eerder hadden kopers van zo’n fiets op internet…
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ebechnasheim · 3 months
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So will you wait me out, or will you drown me out? | source
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teplejtrouba · 2 months
to se vysvětlí, soudruzi vzalo "buď teplej, čiň zločin" velice doslovně
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evamaes · 6 months
A criminal in the family?
One of my direct ancestors, Dominica De Mulder, was sentenced to a year in prison in 1820 for buying stolen goods. That was as surprising a discovery as it was alienating. Do I have a “criminal” in my family? Purchasing stolen goods In the population register of Bruges for the period 1830-1846, I made a discovery about one of my foremothers. I read the classic data such as the birthdates of the…
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noahselack · 1 year
unfinished animatic from gideon the ninth i know they dont have facepaint yet but if i ever finish it they will
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elbdot · 1 year
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I am 10 years late to discovering the joys of filling out meme templates but HERE I AM Featuring the Alolan Gang and Dusk for some reason
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