#hell he was fine when I had to stand there while the cashier at the grocery store tried to scan an item that wouldn’t scan
readingwriter92 · 4 months
Anxiety is cancelled from now on. I’ve had too much of it today
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sylusjinwoon · 5 months
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within your embrace.
no curses | college au
megumi fushiguro x fem.reader
when megumi spent the whole day without receiving a single text or call from you-
the young man knew that something was completely amiss within the universe. ever since he began dating you 3 years ago, your presence always remained the one stable part of his life.
sure, megumi would feign annoyance each time you would shoot him a good morning text, but little did you know, his smile would remain so wide and bright each time he looks down at the screen while reading your text over and over again.
and during those long nights where megumi had to pull an all-nighter writing papers, or studying for those last minute exams, he deeply cherished your calls while attempting to keep him company (not even minding when you ended up falling asleep in the process).
so the fact that he had to spend nearly 21 hours without any contact with you-
megumi knew that he had to act fast.
he looks at the time on his phone, with the time nearing 10pm. if he made a run for the closest convenience store, then he would be able to buy all of your favorite snacks and food before heading to your apartment. not wishing to waste even another second, megumi exits his dorm with his wallet and keys in hand.
megumi reaches his car, pulling out his phone from the confines of his jeans, getting into his car while dialing your number. he keeps his phone pressed against his ear even as he drove to the nearest convenience store. and at the tenth ring, your voicemail was heard echoing within his ear.
{ sorry, i can't get to the phone right now. how about you leave a message, and i'll get back to you later? byyyyye! }
"i'm coming over, you better be ready for me." megumi states while clicking his tongue, hanging up the phone while trying to fight back the anxiety that threatens to take over his mind.
please for the love of god, be okay!
megumi tosses aside his phone on his passenger seat, parking haphazardly when he reaches the store and kills his engine. as if he were running on autopilot, he stiffly gets out of the car and heads directly toward the brightly lit building, grabbing a basket while filling it with all of your favorite things.
from snacks, to candies, even ice cream and a variety of sodas-
megumi did not hesitate to buy all of your favorite items in bulk for you, adding your favorite bento boxed meal into the basket before proceeding to pay for it all.
when he dumps all of the food and snacks onto the cash register, the cashier lets out a low whistle while ringing it all up. "what's all this? you got a heavy study session tonight?"
megumi shakes his head while running a hand through his hair. "no, i'm worried about my girlfriend. she hasn't been picking up her phone, and whenever i text her, she leaves me on read."
the cashier hums, now bagging all of the items. "you got into a bad argument with her?"
"hell no. we've been fine. but she did start working recently-"
megumi's eyes widen with realization now. the cashier seems to realize his epiphany while grinning at him, handing him the bags filled with snacks and food. she tells him the total as megumi pays for it all with his card, and after waiting a few seconds for the transaction to go through, he takes out his card from the reader and grabs the bags.
"go get her, dude!" the cashier calls out to him just as he leaves the convenience store, placing all of the food within the backseat before returning to the driver's seat.
feeling a little more relaxed and confident in your reasoning for not contacting him today, megumi arrives at your apartment and parks in a random corner, taking all of the bags while making his way up to you. he takes the stairs two at a time, all too eager to see you again.
a few minutes later, he stands in front of your door while giving it several loud knocks. "oi, dummy, you better open the door!"
megumi hears what sounds like a gasp coupled along with some shuffling. after waiting a few beats, the door opens, revealing you as you had to be in the most pathetic state of your life.
your eyes were still rimmed red with tears, cheeks appearing damp from the sheer amount of times you had to have cried today. adjusting his hold on the bags, he transfers them all to one hand, using his free hand to bring your body closer to him in an embrace.
megumi softly whispers comforting words to you, brushing his lips against your temple, soothing you for a moment before inviting himself into your apartment.
once he was finally inside, he demands that you relax on your couch as he moved around your kitchen (after handing you the bags of your favorite snacks, first). he opens the bento box and works on heating it up, getting it to the perfect temperature before giving it to you with some utensils.
as you dig into the food, megumi takes sips from one of the bottles of sodas he had purchased, listening to you talk about your first week at work between bites of your food. he allows you to vent about your strict supervisor and almost lazy coworkers, listening to each and every syllable that comes from your mouth.
when you were finished talking about your first week at your new job, megumi flashes you a smirk. "shall i take you to work tomorrow and have a little talk with your coworkers?"
your eyes go wide, and megumi almost chuckled in response to your panicked expression. "no! absolutely NOT, 'gumi! i know you're going to want to threaten or beat them up...!"
megumi raises his eyebrows at you. "well damn, i guess you know me too well after all."
ah, there it was, the smile he had so desperately wanted to see the whole time. you were giggling while playfully hitting at his chest, and megumi couldn't help but feel relieved now. getting a bit emotional, he takes you in his embrace, causing you to stiffen slightly in response.
"you have no idea how worried i was about you... when you didn't send me an annoying good morning text, or even called."
a soft giggle was heard coming from you before you wrapped your arms around megumi, placing your lips against the side of his neck. "sorry, 'gumi... i guess i just needed some time to cool off. i didn't mean to ignore you."
"it's okay, don't apologize." megumi's voice takes on a deeper tone, gently moving your head away from his shoulder. he takes a moment to admire your beauty before placing a hand on your chin. "you're allowed to have all the time in the world you need for yourself... just... just let me know, so i won't have to worry, okay? can you promise to do that for me?"
he watches as you give him a nod, "i promise, megumi."
satisfied with your answer, megumi leans in forward to capture your lips within his, having every intention of helping you forget about all the stress your job had given you-
and you weren't one to complain as you spent the entire night basking in his kisses.
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a.n. - dedicated to @xbarrjallenx 🥰
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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freak-accident419 · 9 months
Helloo, I hope you’re doing alright!! I was wondering if you can make a fic about Josh Futturman that’s set after the show?? Like at around the early 2000s (since they end up in 1999 iirc) And when he meets the reader at his new job he gets a crush on them so he invites them over to hang out :-)
I think it would be cute fluff (like a little kissing) but if you can manage to make it smut that’s good too :P
His Silver Lining
Josh Futturman x GN!Reader
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Summary: Josh had been adjusting fairly well to the year 2000 after tragically getting stuck in it. Though for quite a while, he had developed a crush on you ever since he first met you during his new job at Blockbuster. He finally gets the courage to ask you out—which was inviting you over at his place to watch a horror movie.
Word Count: 2.7k
Content: fluff, gender neutral reader, takes place in year 2000 (after season 3 events), Josh uses “Pastman” for a fake name, spoilers for season 3
(A/n: First of all, I’m doing just fine, thanks so much anon !! Second, I don’t know if this was exactly what you wanted based on the request, but I hope it’s okay !! I can’t tell if it’s half-assed, but it was the best I could do!)
Josh adjusted quite well to the year 2000. He found a place to live, got a simple job at a Blockbuster store in Pasadena, and almost accepted his life here in this timeline. Sure, he would usually make a few slip ups like the fact that NYSC would break up, Britney Spears’ conservatorship, and the existence of the Xbox, but nobody would think too much of it; to them, they were just wacky, pessimistic predictions—except for the Xbox, of course.
You were a regular customer at the Blockbuster store. You were quite the film buff, immersing yourself in old cinema and classics as you would rent a new movie every twice a week. And it was almost love at first sight for Josh when he saw you at the counter renting The Last Starfighter—it was destiny.
A bit sheepish from how attractive you were to him, he stammered over his words a bit clumsily, which you only smiled admiringly at.
The first thing he noticed about you were your eyes. They were bright and optimistic. With this, it revealed to him that you were quite charming and friendly. The second thing he noticed about you was your style—your fashion was unique, yet delightfully peculiar. It was sort of refreshing to see, which made you stand out compared to anyone else he’s met. And he should’ve seen this first if it weren’t for your eyes, but the third thing he noticed was your smile. It was so beautiful that he couldn’t believe that it was himself that brought you to grin like that.
“‘The Last Starfighter’? Really?” Josh asked after he came out of the trance you put him in, ringing you up.
“Yeah, I know, I… It’s a bit of a classic, hell, I was, like, nine years old when it came out, but… Y’know… I’m just… Expanding my horizons. I kinda just immerse myself in mostly eighties movies,” you chuckle. The cashier was endearingly dorky to you. He had soft brown hair and eyes, with a cute smile, undeniably caused by you. You’ve never seen him before however, and you came here frequently, so you assumed he was a new hire.
The movie you’re renting would only remind himself of his own life—how his video game became reality, bringing him into the most traumatizing and insane adventures. Hell, it took him a month to finally stop seeing his parents from afar ever since he got trapped in this timeline. So the subtle mention of it would have sparked melancholic nostalgia in him under different circumstances, but right now, he was far too distracted from how pretty you were.
“Yeah, it’s… it’s an alright movie, I’d say,” he replied with a faint chuckle, reinforcing your belief in the film as you took out your cash to purchase the rental.
“Hey, so, um, are you new here?” You asked briefly.
“Yeah. Yeah, I am. Did I—did I make it that obvious? Like was there something unprofessional I did—”
“No, god, no,” you giggled—it was the sweetest thing Josh had ever heard in a long, long time. “It’s just—I’m a regular here. Rent movies all the time. Usually Brandon or Steffie rings me up. When did you start?” You asked, watching him place your money in the register, then retrieving the amount of change you had.
“Oh, like, a week ago,” he answered, giving you your change.
“Well,” you peered at his name tag, “Josh. Welcome to Blockbuster. Get used to seeing this face every twice a week.”
He chuckled softly to himself, almost in fluster as well, because he knew he would look forward to be seeing you frequently. “I’ll look forward to it, um…” He trailed off with anticipation as he handed you the VHS tape and receipt.
“Y/n,” you grinned, taking it in your hands and making your way to the exit.
And so, the last thing he noticed about you was the silver ring on your right index finger.
It was like this for a couple of weeks. You would come in, get a movie, exchange smiles and giddy laughter, then leave. He would observe the movies you would rent, though he would also occasionally make some more accidental slip ups about the future:
“‘Dead Poets Society’?” He raised an eyebrow as he looked at the VHS cover. You nodded pridefully. The image of Robin Williams caught his attention. “A shame he died. He was awesome.”
“Neil Perry? Yeah, I suppose,” you reply.
“Wh—Oh,” Josh stammered in realization.
“‘Dawn of the Dead’? Hell yeah! That man, Zack Snyder, is a genius.” He declared with a wide grin.
He looked back at the cover. This was the 1978 movie. The Zack Snyder version wouldn’t come out until four years from now. “Oh.”
You brought up a ‘Back to the Future’ VHS at the counter, causing Josh to raise an eyebrow.
“Huh.” How ironic.
You came into the Blockbuster store once again. Over time, your crush on Josh only increased. There was something about his dorky, sweet, awkwardness that charmed you, that even on days you didn’t feel like watching a movie, you went anyways and rented one as an excuse to see him again.
Today, Josh had a confident mindset—this was the day he was going to ask you out. He felt very prepared to speak to you once you would walk up to the counter with a movie.
“Hey, Josh,” you smile softly as you see him at the counter.
“Oh, hey, Y/n. Got any specific movie you’re looking for, or are you just gonna browse today?”
“Well, now that you mention it,” you began, “Do you have any movie suggestions for me?” You walk to the front counter where he was, crossing your arms on the surface with an expecting smile on your face.
“Hm. Depends,” he answered. “What, um… genre are you looking for?”
“Not sure,” you shrugged. “Just anything. Any movie you’d like.”
“A movie I like?”
“Yeah,” you smile.
“Why me?”
“Eh. I guess I trust your taste.”
With an attractive chuckle under his breath, he led you to a specific aisle of the store. Then, he finally grabbed a movie for you.
“Sleepaway Camp?” You raise an eyebrow as you gently took the VHS from his hands.
“Yeah. Yeah, um, it’s a really great horror movie,” he claimed. While Josh would usually be scared shitless of this kind of slasher, he was so desensitized to nearly everything due to all of his time travel adventures. He witnessed his companions chop up his co-workers and saw his work crush’s head explode right in front of him. And plus, he already watched this movie, so he knew where all the scary parts were.
“Horror movie? I don’t know if I’m much of a horror person,” you bit the inside of your cheek and smile kindly.
“Wait. You’re scared of horror movies?”
“I didn’t say I was scared—”
“I think it’s heavily implied.”
“No, I… I quite enjoyed the—The Silence of the Lambs and—”
“No, no, no, Y/n, that’s different. Like, you gotta watch Sleepaway Camp. It’s crazy. Like, insane,” he emphasized.
“I don’t know, man,” you laugh softly.
It’s now or never, Josh thought. “Okay, okay, how about this: we watch it together. At my place. I have a TV and microwavable popcorn. I can even let you know where the jump scares are and everything,” he initiated endearingly.
You offer a coy smile as you fidget with the ring on your finger. “Josh Pastman, are you seriously asking me out?” Because his six-year-old self exists in the same timeline as him now, he would’ve had to have a cover name—which was actually the same one he used back at the meth lab.
You could swear you saw his face flush red a second after you said this, making you giggle to yourself.
“I—Well. Sorta. Well. Only if—if you—if you would want to—”
“I’d love to, Josh,” you interrupted charmingly, looking at the back cover of the VHS’ clamshell to skim through the movie’s details.
“W-wait, really?” He blurted in surprise. While he did intend to ask you out, he never really expected you to actually accept it—his self confidence was fairly low and the poor man has never gotten a break.
“I mean, yeah, sure, why not? Bold of you to suggest a horror movie for our first movie together, though,” a smug smile appeared on your lips. You suspected he would choose it because you would inevitably cuddle with him in fear. It really wasn’t his intention, though. It was genius, nonetheless. “Hm. Respect.”
Josh stammered over his words, slightly abashed. “I—Wait—No, that’s—”
“I’m just messing with you.”
He sighed in relief. He was adorable. “Okay, so, the movie’s fine? We can—we can change it—”
“It’s all good, Pastman,” you laugh. “Don’t sweat it. I’m gonna be busy for the upcoming days, so is tonight gonna be alright with you?”
“Yeah. Yeah! That’s—that’s perfect!”
You scoffed playfully at his mannerisms. “I’ll see you then, Josh.”
“I’ll—Yeah! Yeah, I’ll see you then!”
“Oh my god, I hate you, I fucking hate you,” you breathed in his neck as you held onto him tightly. A quite gruesome, unsettling scene had just appeared on the TV screen, not like it was the first one that occurred, but you were at a point where you couldn’t take it anymore.
Josh was blushing furiously as he felt your warmth on his body, your hands clutching at his shirt, and face buried in his neck. It felt nice for him to protect you, holding you in his arms, feeling his blood rush to his face.
It was an unintentional plan. It practically wasn’t even a plan to begin with. But it was genius nonetheless.
“Hey, it’s not that bad, it’s just shitty special effects of the eighties,” he chuckled, looking down at you.
“Dude. I get nightmares of even the most mildest crap,” you argue.
“Yeah, well, at least we’re not watching The Human Centipede. Now, that shit is fucking crazy.”
You grimace as you hear the title name. “I don’t think I even wanna know what that is.” And you wouldn’t. Not until another 9 years, give or take.
You peek fearfully at the TV screen with uncertainty. “If I see shit like this in my dream tonight, I am going to fucking destroy you,” you claim.
“Oh, really?” Josh raised an eyebrow.
“Well, yeah. I know where you live.” The two of you laugh softly. It was a beautifully, harmonious sound, your laughter. The way your voice overlapped with his, it was a sweet symphony. He had the greatest laugh. You finally moved your face from his neck and looked at him. Then he looked at you. Another calm, shared laugh until he finally grabbed the remote to pause the movie.
As you remained to grip onto his shirt, he glanced at your silver ring. “Hey, what’s—what’s that?”
“What’s what?”
“The—the ring.”
“O-oh, my ring?” You chuckled softly as you look at the shiny band hugging your finger.
“Yeah. What’s the—what’s the deal with it?” You raise an eyebrow as you looked at him with playful uncertainty.
“Well, I always believed on ‘the bright side,’ you know? The saying that ‘every cloud has a silver lining’. Like, when shit hits the fan, there’s at least one advantage coming from it.” Josh looked in your eyes as you explained, yourself too preoccupied with the carvings on your ring. “And a silver ring is quite literally sort of like a silver lining. I know—I know it’s corny, but a friend gave it to me, and I guess it means a lot.”
He hums in response, not taking his eyes off you. You were gorgeous. “Take this moment, for example,” you start, finally looking back at him, which elicited another blush on his cheeks. “I am being scared shitless by this fucking eighties horror movie, but… at least I’m watching it with my favorite Blockbuster employee.”
His eyes widened, quite comically as well. “I—I’m your favorite?”
You nod with a polite smile.
“Not even—not even Steffie or Brandon?”
“Not even Matty? He’s, like, everyone’s favorite, he’s so kind, and—”
“Josh! Holy shit!” You exclaimed, giggling at his disbelief. “They’re all nice, yes, but you are definitely my favorite.”
He slightly parted his lips in awe, then grinned sweetly. “Well, I hope you’re happy to know that you’re my favorite customer.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Well, yeah. Even the guy who knows so much about video games, that guy cannot take your place.”
“Oh jeez, so technically I did have competition, huh?”
“Eh, not really. I like you too much.”
Josh actually couldn’t believe he just said that to you. He wanted to play it cool, but his eyes widened once he processed what be just told you.
You blushed softly instead, smiling to yourself as you bit the inside of your cheek. “O-okay, so, why’d you ask me about my ring?”
“Well, initially, I was curious. But also, I thought that if you had to explain and think about something else, you would forget at least some of the scenes in this movie that freaked you out,” he explained.
“Wait, really?”
“I feel a little bad. I don’t want you to get nightmares because of me.”
“Seriously? That’s so sweet of you, Josh.”
“Well, yeah. I mean, it’s not a big deal, anyone wou—”
“I mean, I know that, but,” you intervened, “It’s not just that, you… You’ve always been so amazing to me, you know? You’re kind, and charming, and patient, and… you are really funny.” Josh smiled at you bashfully as you chuckle. You were so charmed by him. He stood out to you, and you didn’t really know why. He was kind and considerate, like everyone else, except it wouldn’t feel the same—in the best way possible. Josh paid close attention to you. He genuinely admired you. “You’re a really great guy, Josh. I would… definitely be lying to myself if I said I wasn’t crushing on you for a while now.”
His eyes widened, and you just smiled faintly. “W-wait, really? You—You like me in that way?”
“Um, well, yeah. I thought—Was it not obvious?”
“I—I don’t know, I—”
You both laughed together, feeling nothing but giddiness and contentment.
“But yeah, um, I really like you too,” Josh claimed after the laughter died down. “I just… I looked forward to seeing you every week because you’re just… You’re so amazing! And it just… blows my mind that you like me back, because why would someone as perfect as you, like such a loser like me?”
“Hey, you’re no loser, Josh,” you chuckle. “There’s a reason why I like you, alright?” He let out a scoff, but then nodded with a cute smile on his lips. “Hey. You said I was perfect.”
“You really mean it?”
“Of course, I do!”
You looked into his eyes quite intimately. They were brown and doting. He was beautiful.
Your hands were already on him, as you had held onto him tight in reaction to the gory movie scenes. So it wasn’t difficult to trail your hand up to the side of his neck. It seemed like he read your mind, because he remained quiet, shy, yet prepared. His eyes would switch from looking into yours and your lips.
You whisper lightly, “Can I—”
“God, please do—”
You two kissed each other slowly, yet passionately, your hands moving more comfortably to his face as you adjusted your legs slightly. His lips were soft and gentle, moving deeply with yours in the comforting silence of the room. You both were generous with your actions, as well as intimate.
Josh had realized; you were his own silver lining. It absolutely sucked to be trapped in a reality that wasn’t his, a timeline that he was forced to adjust to. That was the shittiest thing about it. But at least you were something great that came out of it all. With all of the calamity and mishap he’s experienced, you seemed to be his only comfort, an anchor to keep him stable in this reality.
You continued to kiss each other, which sort of transitioned into making out, as he held onto your hand, moving his finger gently over your ring. You gave him hope. That life here was going to be okay.
He was going to be okay.
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heavyhitterheaux · 3 months
Shoot Your Shot Part 1
Bayou Barbie Meets the Hometown Hero
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Synopsis: When you are playing a game in Louisville a certain person in the audience couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. Not wanting the opportunity to pass him by, he quickly makes it his goal to grab your attention before the night is over
Pairing: Jack Harlow x Basketball Player!Reader
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
A sigh of relief finally escaped you as you lifted your arms in order to shoot a three pointer and successfully scored making your team win the game. You were currently in Louisville going against the Cardinals and as good as a team that they were, tonight you had proved to be better.
Currently, you played for LSU in the position of point guard on a full scholarship and you were in your sophomore year. Even though you grew up in Maryland, this was the only school that you had your eyes set on for as long as you could remember. 
Your teammates quickly crowded around you and embraced you as the buzzer went off signaling the end of the game. 
As you walked off the court, different people were congratulating all of you, but all you wanted to do was get food, go back to your hotel and sleep all weekend until you boarded a plane to go back to Louisiana.
Studying for your midterms would also be thrown in there somewhere.
But it was Friday night and more than likely your teammates were not about to let that happen.
You quickly showered and got dressed, but as you were putting on your shoes, one of your best friends, Kelsey, sat down next to you and simply eyed you.
She played center and towered over you at 6’4 even though you were 6 feet yourself. 
“Why are you just staring at me you little weirdo?” You asked when she finally caught your eye.
“Uhh did you see your boyfriend staring at you tonight?”
“Who?!? Me and Tristan broke up so what in the world is your ass talking about? Was he here?!”
“Not him! Jack Harlow!”
“Girl, what?! Now, I know you’ve lost your mind.”
The entire team knew how big of a crush you had on him and would tease you about it all the time, and you would constantly be fighting for your life in the group chat. Kelsey had actually gotten you tickets for your birthday to see him in concert before.
Multiple times.
“He was staring at you the entire time!”
“Uh, because he was watching us play?” You responded as you put your curly hair up in a bun on top of your head.
“Nah, not us, YOU!”
“I second that!” Screamed Ebony from across the room, but you just looked at the both of them dumbfounded.
“If you two say so, now I’m hungry so where are we about to go and eat?”
“Zombie taco, I think we should be able to walk to it from here. I looked it up before we even got here."
The restaurant wasn’t far from the arena and you and a few of your teammates walked a few streets over. As you were all standing in line, your other best friend Briana pinched you and told you to look to your left.
“Ow! What the hell Bree?!”
“Your husband is over there and so is his fine ass best friend Urban. I’d do anything to kiss those lips of his.”
“First, he’s my boyfriend and now he’s my husband? I’m going to need for the two of you to make up your mind!”
“He obviously wants you since he keeps staring at you.”
“Everyone stares at me. I’m used to it. I’m tall.” You replied while shrugging. 
“Bitch, we’re all tall! You’re actually one of the shortest ones on the team!” Kelsey quickly said and all you did was roll your eyes and playfully push her.
You were the last to order and as you went to take out your card to pay, the girl at the cash register quickly shook her head.
“No need, someone already paid for your food for you.”
Kelsey and Briana heard this and you quickly looked over at them to see them both smirking.
“It wasn’t us. We’re broke college students, bitch.” Briana said while taking a swig of water from her courtesy cup that she had gotten and all you could do was laugh.
“I got you when I make it to the WNBA.” Kelsey added and you just smiled at the cashier.
“Do you mind me asking who paid for me?”
“Dude with the curly hair sitting in the corner. I think you already know his name.” She replied as she smiled at you.
You looked in the direction where she pointed and of course, she was pointing to no one other than Jack himself and your eyes went wide.
“We told you.” Was all Briana said as the three of you waited for your food. 
“I hear wedding bells and Harlow babies in the future.”
“I will make you walk back to our apartment.”
The three of you found a table not too far from where Jack was sitting and Kelsey and Briana sat on one side making it so you actually ended up facing him and you quickly rolled your eyes at the two of them.
“You two get on my nerves.”
“We just want to see this love connection unfold. Don’t be mad at us!”
“I’m not mad at all, but come on. He’s tall himself, what does he need with a tall girl too?”
“You’re a catch and I’m going to need for you to stop talking about yourself that way.”
“I’ve hardly met any guys who want to date tall girls. Tristan doesn’t count because that relationship was a dumpster fire on wheels.”
“The team celebrated when you dropped him.”
“Come on, he treated you like shit. You deserve happiness and we can’t understand why you of all people can’t see that. You have the biggest heart and we’re tired of seeing you get hurt. Take a chance with him because his number will definitely be in your phone by the time we leave. Mark my words.”
“Bree, unhand my nacho before I stab you with my fork. If you wanted some, you should have gotten some.” You responded as you avoided what she had said before. The thing is that you knew that she was right, but now that basketball and school took up most of your time, doing anything else with you was like pulling teeth.
“Didn’t I tell you I was a broke college student?”
You wanted to thank Jack, but didn’t want to interrupt him with his friends, however Kelsey and Briana could tell you were trying to make your way out the door before saying anything to him and they weren’t having it.
“Nope, come on. Let’s go right now!” Kelsey said as she tugged at your arm.
“What?! No!”
Before you knew it all three of you were in front of Jack, Urban, Clay, Ace, Sunni, Cope, and Nemo with you in the middle and Kelsey and Briana on each side.
“Hey! Our best friend just wanted to say thank you for paying for her food. Right, Y/N?” Briana said and you quickly smiled at him.
“Yeah, thank you. I appreciate it.” You quietly said and Jack couldn’t take his eyes off of you.
“Anytime, pretty girl. You three played a hell of a game tonight.” Jack answered and you could feel yourself getting hot.
“Well we have no choice when we have a captain as good as she is. We have to do our best to keep up with her.” Kelsey said while looking over at you.
“Well, Y/N, I want to be able to keep up with you too, so put your number in my phone if you’re up for it.” Jack replied while handing you his phone and you quickly took it. You already knew Kelsey and Briana were internally screaming and you wouldn’t hear the end of this for weeks.
As you finished putting your number in, you quickly handed him back his phone.
“You doing anything tomorrow?” He asked and you started to answer, but Kelsey quickly cut you off.
“Being with…”
“NO! SHE’S FREE! Pick her up at 8! We’ll send you the address. Come on Y/N!” Kelsey said as she pushed both you and Briana out of the door. 
“See you then gorgeous.”
“Okay, can’t wait.”
When the three of you got outside, you all looked at each other before collectively screaming.
“Bitch! What did we tell you?!”
“Okay, I admit you two were right because a lot of times yall aren’t.”
“That was one time on the sociology final. You aren’t going to keep hanging that over my head, Y/N! That was freshman year!”
“I- you know what Kelsey, I forgive you for that. Even though that was just literally last semester.” You said while laughing.
“Oh shit, I can’t wait to pick out your outfit!”
“Uh oh.”
“Uh oh, what?!”
“I don’t have anything to wear!”
“Uhh? You literally look like a model out of your uniform, how do you not have anything to wear?”
“All of my cute clothes are at our apartment… In LOUISIANA!” 
“It’s okay. I have my credit card my parents gave me for emergencies. I think it's almost maxed out, but there should be enough for us to get you something.”
“This is a fashion emergency so tomorrow we’re going shopping to get you ready for your date with Jack Harlow.” 
Suddenly you had stopped walking and when they both noticed that you were behind them instead of beside them, they looked at you concerned.
“Y/N? Everything okay?”
“Did he just call me pretty girl or was I imagining that?”
“You definitely didn't imagine it. He wants to get to know the bayou barbie for himself.” 
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w0rmm1lk · 8 months
Can I request a Bakugo (Cuz let’s be honest, he is FINE AS HELL) x gn! Reader who’s very socially awkward?
Like, if anyone they don’t know tries to talk to them they’ll just be like🧍‍♂️and give them that classic awkward smile
yes!!!! i relate to this reader sm and also I 100% agree bakugo is so fucking fine like??????? he's a fucking 2d character from a style where theporportions arent even based on humans, he has unmanaged anger issues and will fucking explode and not in the joking sense and yet????/ like whoever made hi design TEL ME YOUR WAYS. he's so fucking pretty. but also as much as I love him jeanist did him so fucking dirty with that hair. jeanist looked at *THAT* and really said "I can fix him"??? bitch don't fucking fix him I like the explosive pomeranian bitch. but like that one scene when he was making fun of todoroki during the provisional license extras classes like bro I was watching with my siblings and had to aggressively hold back a fucking screach noise. AND I STILL DO WHENEVER I WACTH IT. he's a fucking anime character who is so damn unhealthy but if you cant tell by the length of this, I fucking love him.
reader: GN
characters: bakugo katsuki
summary: reader is a very much not people person so how the fuck are they dating bakuhoe out of all bitches
warnings: swearing if you couldnt tell. anxiety, mentions of anxiety attacks. bakugo being a bitch.
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💥- okay honestly, first day? didnt even know you were in the class.
💥- this mf too focused on beating everyone up to notice you.
💥- was forced to acknowledge you when you kiri and bakuhoe were in the same area during the usj attack.
💥- after yall beat the shit out of some ppl you were sweating a ton but not bc you just fought some bitches.
💥- your ass was panicked af, not only are you shoved in a small space with two extroverts, you're also being exxesivley complimented by Kirishima bc you punched someone and along with that the fucking usj is under attack.
💥- it was very obvious you were panicking tbh.
💥- like bakuhoe at this point doesnt give a shit about other peoples feelings at this point but even he could tell.
💥- you were just standing there with you r arms pinned to your sides staring into the distance as Kirishima was obsessing oever how you beat someone up.
💥- after the usj he started to notive you more often.
💥- he noticed hpw evenn when the whole class was close with each other, you were still extremely quiet.
💥- he noticed how awkward you were even when talking to your friends.
💥- he noticed how youd speak up if your friends were being rude to you but the moment someone like monoma said something you just shut down.
💥- he even noticed how panicked you were when you learned about the internships.
💥- during the sports festival you both fought one on one, that's when he truly noticed how awkward you were.
💥- like bro was beating the shit out of you while yelling shit like "say something damnit!"
💥- honestly even though he wouldve won anyways, the round ended faster due to your panic with him yelling n shit.
💥- bro was thinking about it more and was like "damn. but like why were they kinda cute."
💥- first thoughts?
💥- immediete denial.'
💥- bakugo thought his time would be something like loud and outgoging, someone whos super confident.
💥- then saw you who was about to have a fuckinh panic attack and was like:
💥- i want that one.
💥- honestly ur crush on him was not obvious at all, you were just your normal panicky self but this time with slightly more blush.
💥- honestly you guys didnt get together until someone had to word it to make it seem like they were challenging bakugo to confess.
💥- will fight someone for you.
💥- monoma insulted you? 3 days of house arrest for bakuhoe.
💥- someone judged you? explosions.
💥- cashier looked at you wrong? banned from the convenience store for the next 6 months.
💥- congrats on your new scary dog privledges.
💥- mf so fucking protective tbh
💥- its not that he doesnt think you cant fight for yourself, he knows you can beat anyone to a pulp. i mean like- you're in the hero course for gods sake man.
💥- more in the sense of, distant jealousy. you wont know he's jealous, but whoever is talking to you thats making him jealous will know.
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not my best work but i wanted to type something lol.
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rems-writing · 24 days
Sanhwa dream go brrrr
》 Pairing: Seonghwa and San x gn!reader 》 Genre: Fluff 》 Wordcount: 1,872 》 Rating: pg-13
Nets: @mirohs-aurora-society @othersideoutlawsnetwork @illusionnet
You and your coworkers nodded as your supervisor told you to shut down the front gate. After the front gate was closed, you headed towards the farthest backroom that the venue had to offer. Once you arrived inside, you went to your locker, grabbed your meal, and closed it before heading into the breakroom where the rest of your coworkers had already started their 30s. Some of them didn’t eat, which was fine. You found an empty chair, punched your meal ticket, and immediately started gobbling down your food. 
Yeah you didn’t eat anything before leaving for work and you know it was going to be a long night. 
“Hey. I got you some hot chocolate. Complementary and all that. Want it?”
You looked up to see your coworker extending their hand that held the hot chocolate. Normally, you didn’t like hot chocolate since the drink tasted too sweet for you. However, due to the fact that it was free, you accepted it. You thanked them and took a sip of it. 
Boy were you in heaven. 
You took deliberate sips with each bite of food you took. Before you know it, you had finished eating and you slurped down the entirety of your drink surprisingly. You checked the time on your watch. 
You were only 10 minutes into your 30. What should you do now? 
“Hey, guys. I’m going to go wash my hands then maybe walk around for a bit. Anyone want to join me?”
Most of them politely turned down your offer and you nodded in acknowledgement. You gather your things and stuff them in your locker once more so you can go ahead and walk around. You decided to walk around first since the lines for the bathrooms were too long and you were not about to wait for that long since you only needed to wash your hands. As you did your leisurely rounds, you decided to see what was going on in the seating areas of the venue. You climbed the stairs and looked around some more. A few cashiers that were working the wine stands saw you and waved hello. You waved back and offered them a polite smile before walking around some more. 
This is when everything took a turn for the better. 
In your midst of bobbing and weaving through the crowd, your eyes landed on a guy’s huge backside. He was standing next to another guy, whose frame was slightly lean yet his waist was as tiny as the first guy’s. Because you left your glasses at home, you had to get closer to see who these dudes were. You didn’t want to interrupt their time yet you couldn’t help your curiosity. Once you were at a distance that was close enough yet still far away from them, your eyes widened. 
You’d recognize that huge backside anywhere. 
As an Atiny, you’d never expect them to be in the same vicinity as you so it was natural of you to freak out and debate on whether or not you wanted to approach to simply say hi. You wanted to talk to them yet also remain respectful of their space. Muttering to yourself, you turned around and walked away. While you were talking to yourself, you looked up and saw that the line to the bathrooms shrank. You took the opportunity to head inside and wash your hands. Once you finished, you hastily exit the bathroom. In this moment, you hated being short. There were so many people exiting the bathroom and scurrying to get back to their seats or buy something to eat and/or drink that you felt like you were drowning in this sea of people. And that’s when it happened. 
Your face rammed into a huge chest. 
You let out a quiet curse and you were about to politely tell them to please watch where they were going (if they didn’t apologize) when you looked up. The words got stuck in your throat. 
Of course the huge chest belonged to none other than Choi San of Ateez. 
Your brain went into panic mode and you were about to be the one to apologize for running into him when his hands slowly raised up and landed on both of your shoulders. You froze upon feeling his touch and it didn’t help that he stood even closer to you, his face almost touching you as he stared you down with concern in his gentle brown eyes. You knew that he was just trying to get out of the way but still. 
You didn’t understand why he felt it was necessary of him to stand so close to you. 
“Are you alright?”
Your knees almost buckled upon hearing his soft voice in real life. 
These thoughts run rampant in your head and it didn’t help that Seonghwa had an amused smile on his gorgeous lips while he watched the exchange between you two. You could only nod and say meekly, “Yeah I’m fine! Are you guys enjoying your time here?”
You internally cursed at the way you went into work mode as you said those words. The both of them looked at each other before looking back at you and nodding in approval. In that moment, you’ve never felt more validated. 
The sea of people grew bigger and you saw it as a sign that intermission was almost over. You were about to inform them politely about it when your words got stuck in your throat once more. As San moved even closer to step out of the way, he did something unexpected. 
His hands slid from your shoulders all the way down to your waist and he yanked your body closer to his. 
“Sorry. I just didn’t want you to be trampled by these other people.”
You could only nod as San spoke. He let go of you as soon as there was room so he could place a respectable distance between the two of you. He checked the time on his phone and a frown appeared on his face before putting it away and looking up at you. 
“According to the program, I think intermission is almost done. It’s only supposed to be 20 minutes, right?”
You nodded in confirmation. 
“Ahh. I see. Ok then. Seonghwa and I should get going then.”
“Mhm yeah that’s fine.”
You internally cringed once more at your choice of words and the three of you were about to part ways when Seonghwa stopped you. He grabbed your hand, smiled, and said, “Thank you for supporting ATEEZ!” 
That was the final statement before the two of them walked back to their seats.
You stood there for a good minute or two, processing everything that has happened within the remaining duration of your 30. Speaking of which, you checked the time on your watch. 
You sprinted back to the breakroom and hid there until your 30 was up. 
The concert ended and as people filed out of the venue to get their cars or wait for their ubers, you and your coworkers were making sure that no one stole anything nor blocked people’s paths. As you were breaking down some of the stuff in the venue, you noticed two men talking with your supervisor. They looked familiar yet you couldn’t place your finger on who they were. You didn’t have time anyway since your coworker called for your help in stacking away some things. After everyone had gone home, you and the rest of your coworkers headed back inside the back room to gather your things. Since all of you finished fast, your supervisor allowed you guys to clock out early. Once all of you clocked out in unison, you walked out with them, only stopping at one point so you could wait for your uber. 
You were supposed to get a ride from your roommate, but they cancelled at the last minute so now you had to wait for an uber. Your coworkers felt bad and offered you a ride, only for you to decline politely due to not wanting to impose. Feeling unsure, they wished you a safe trip home before getting into their cars and driving away from work. You were scrolling through your phone and you were about to book an uber when two shadows fell over you. Apprehension set in and you were ready to fight, only to falter for a moment when you saw who was standing over you. 
“San? Seonghwa? What are you doing here?”
First, you ran into them during intermission. Now, they are here? Waiting for you? For what? So they could talk to you some more? As much as you wanted to talk to them, you were tired and you just wanted to go home. The two men smiled and knelt down next to you. San spoke up. 
“Are you still on the clock?”
You shook your head. 
“Waiting for a ride then?”
“Yeah. Sort of. I don’t know how long the uber will get here so you don’t have to wait with me.”
San chuckled while Seonghwa spoke up this time. 
“Cancel your uber. We’ll take you home.”
“Oh! Well no that’s not necessary -”
“Come on. Please?”
You looked into Seonghwa’s big boba eyes that were filled with a slight desparation. As much as you wanted to spend time with them, you couldn’t. You were feeling bad enough for them since they waited for you. You would feel even worse if they offered you a ride home, especially if they were tired. 
“I know what you’re thinking. Stop that. We don’t mind. After all, we wouldn’t want to pass up an opportunity to hang out with an Atiny who’s so hardworking.”
Why did San have to say it like that?! Your delulu was going through the roof. 
“If you honestly feel bad about ‘wasting’ our time, you can make it up to us by sleeping over. We’re staying at the hotel across from the venue.”
“Oh you heard us, babe.”
Internal panic was coursing through your veins. Not only were these fine men offering you to take you home, but they offered something better?! You figured your roommate would be fine by themself for one night. 
“I don’t have any clothes to sleep in though…”
“You can sleep in one of my shirts.”
Your eyes widened at San’s statement. Before your brain could process, you meekly nodded and both men seemed satisfied. You were soon lifted into San’s arms while Seonghwa carried your things. San then kissed your cheek and smirked at your flustered expression. 
“So cute.” 
That was the last thing he said before the two men walked back to their hotel with you in tow.
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gerrystamour · 1 year
i could be honest, i could be human [Chapters 4, 5 & 6]
Rated E | Steddie
No summary to save space since this is a meaty update. SOME CONTENT WARNINGS THOUGH!! There is some vaguely described homophobia and a brief mention of a homophobic hate crime. Nothing is explicitly described.
Chapter Four: November 1984
It had been a few days since Billy Hargrove had beat the shit out of Steve and his ears were still ringing. Nancy wanted him to go to the doctor about it, saying something about his brain swelling and how that was bad. He figured he was fine. If his brain was going to crush itself on the inside of his skull, it would’ve done it already, right?
Regardless, going to the doctor would mean telling someone even a fraction of the events that happened, and he was in too much pain to keep his story straight.
Everything hurt at that point. His whole head pounded, and his jaw clicked at the hinge when he yawned or chewed any food, his nose was broken, and a bunch of Steve’s teeth were worryingly loose, shifting painfully in his swollen gums. To top it all off, he had a nasty gash on the side of his head from the plate Billy broke over it that definitely needed stitches because it kept reopening. But his head would have to be shaved to get stitches, and that was not an option.
He survived, and it wasn’t like it bled that much when the wound reopened. It was fine.
It also didn’t help that his breathing was also a little fucked up. The air inside the tunnels was definitely toxic, and their stupid little makeshift masks were a pathetic attempt at protecting themselves. He could still taste the tunnels sometimes when he managed to take a deep enough breath. Steve imagined that was what rotting meat would taste like, which was not helpful in the least.
Steve had been calling himself out of class, both because he was too messed up for the faculty to just ignore and because being in that bright, noisy, and crowded building while he felt so shitty was probably what Hell would feel like.
At that moment, he was shuffling through the aisles of Melvald’s—wearing sunglasses inside like a douchebag—to grab painkillers since he already used up his supply at home. The cashier gawked at him as he paid for the medication, and he didn’t even tell her off. Steve knew how bad he looked and he was just relieved that she wasn’t Ms. Byers.
Steve headed out into the sunlight with a groan, flinching as the bright light blinded him through his dark sunglasses. He didn’t even notice that he stepped out of the store and right into someone’s path as they passed until their shoulder caught his.
Normally, a bump like that would have made Steve stumble a step at most. This time, while his equilibrium was on vacation and he could barely even stand without holding onto something, he went down hard. Steve barely got his hands out in front of him to save what was left of his busted face from another traumatic injury.
Now, he had road rash on the heels of his palms, one of his wrists hurt, and the fall triggered a wave of dizzy nausea that actually made him dry-heave a bit before he regained some of his composure. To top that all off, his sunglasses had fallen off his face and from the sound of it, they had skittered directly under someone’s foot with a resounding crack.
“Fuck,” Steve managed to groan, and distantly he knew someone was talking to him, but it was difficult to hear them over the whooshing in his ears.
The person sounded alarmed, understandably so, and Steve managed to say, “Sorry, I promise I won’t puke.”
“Bummer, I was kinda hoping you would,” the person said, their voice finally coming in clearer as the whooshing subsided. “It would really make my day.”
Eddie Munson. Of course it was Eddie, there to witness another very low point in Steve’s life.
“On second thought, maybe I will,” Steve said, shakily pushing himself up onto his knees.
“Have you been drinking, Harrington?” Eddie asked, his voice getting closer as he crouched next to Steve on the sidewalk.
“I wish that’s what this was, Munson,” Steve replied with a wry laugh, hissing when cool fingers suddenly grabbed his chin and turned his face toward him.
“What the fuck, Harrington? Who the fuck did this?”
If Steve didn’t know better, he’d think that Eddie was actually concerned. Upset even. Like he actually cared that Steve was beaten up and concussed and on his knees in the middle of the sidewalk on a Thursday morning. Even if Steve could have opened his eyes against the bright sunlight, he wouldn’t have. He wanted to avoid seeing the grin that Eddie was undoubtedly wearing, didn’t want to ruin the illusion that someone else outside of the party cared that he was hurt. 
With a hiss, Steve lifted a hand to the side of his head where he felt warmth trickling through his hair and sure enough his fingertips felt something wet. He laughed bitterly as he pulled his hand away.
Like Eddie said on Halloween—it was only funny if Steve was bleeding, right?
“Shit, Harrington, you’re bleeding,” Eddie said, and his voice was all wrong. There was no banter, no laughter, only what Steve would describe as panic if it was anyone else talking to him.
“Yeah, that happens. I’ll be fine, I just need—fuck, why is it so bright out here?” Steve croaked, trying to open his eyes but without his sunglasses, it just felt like hot icepicks were being driven through both eyeballs.
Steve could hear Melvald’s door open with a jingle, and the tense voice of the cashier said, “he can’t stay out here like that.”
“You’re actually fucking joking, right?” Eddie snapped, his tone so full of venom that Steve couldn’t help but laugh.
“I don’t want any trouble, and both of you are scaring people—”
Eddie cut her off with a mean laugh. “He’s on the ground bleeding, and you care about, what exactly?”
“Munson, stop,” Steve murmured, trying to get to his feet again but failing miserably.
“Either you both leave or I’m calling the cops,” she snapped, her tone closed off. Panic flashed through Steve about Hopper seeing him laid out on the sidewalk like he was and he shook his head.
“Oh, I fucking dare you to, lady—” Eddie started to taunt her again, but Steve smacked his leg blindly.
“Stop, Munson, seriously,” Steve insisted before addressing the employee. “We’ll leave, okay? I’m sorry for the inconvenience.”
Eddie scoffed at his apology, but the employee thanked him and the door shut as she presumably went inside.
“Okay, can you help me to my car? I parked it down the street—” Steve started.
“Like hell am I taking you to your car, Harrington!” Eddie interrupted, his voice almost shrill with his outrage.
“Well I can’t stay here, so unless you have a better idea…” Steve trailed off, his head throbbing with a new flash of agony.
Eddie was silent for several moments before the various chains he wore jingled with movement. “I’m going to take you to my van, okay?” Eddie said, his voice now coming from above Steve rather than next to him. Eddie didn’t even wait for him to respond before he grabbed Steve and easily hauled him to his feet.
Steve was surprised at Eddie’s strength, not quite expecting it from the way Eddie looked and behaved. Not only was he strong enough to lift Steve, but he was controlled enough with that strength to do it without jostling him unpleasantly. When Eddie settled Steve against his side with an arm tucked firmly around his waist, that embarrassed fluttering filled Steve’s gut again for some reason.
Maybe Nancy was right and his brain was starting to swell.
That thought was reaffirmed when they reached Eddie’s van and he had zero recollection of moving. Eddie was muttering in his ear, and after a moment of concentration he managed to understand some of the words.
“—Idiot pretty-boys passing out and bleeding all over my new fucking battle vest—”
“You regularly haul around bleeding pretty-boys, plural, Munson?” Steve groaned as Eddie startled at his voice. The other man propped Steve against the bumper of his van and carefully let him go.
“Nah, Harrington, only you get the royal treatment,” Eddie admitted with a chuckle. “Can you get yourself into the van, or do you need my help?”
Steve considered the question carefully, his eyes shut and head hanging. He could probably tough out the pain enough to get himself into the van. He had toughed out the pain and dizziness to run around tunnels made of writhing vines and crawling with Demo-dogs. Crawling into a van was nothing.
And yet…
“Okay, I’m helping before you pass out on me again,” Eddie grunted as he scrambled up into the van and knelt behind him. With a huff, Eddie weaved his arms beneath Steve’s and around his chest, his own chest pressing against Steve’s back. Curly hair tickled against Steve’s cheek and hot breath puffed across his throat. “Okay, big boy, you’ve gotta help a little bit.”
Heat burst across Steve’s cheeks, that terrible fluttering feeling running rampant in his gut, but all he did was nod and hum his agreement.
“On three, okay?” Eddie said, and once he counted them in, Steve pushed up on his tip-toes at the same time Eddie lifted him. Once he was partly inside the van, Steve was able to hook his heel on the bumper and help push himself the rest of the way while Eddie pulled.
Once inside, Steve laid on a pile of blankets on top of a mattress that was probably shitty, but at the moment was the best damn thing he’d ever had the pleasure of laying on. Distantly, he heard the van doors close, as well as some fabric shifting, and blessedly the world became a lot less bright through his eyelids. Steve found himself marveling at how Eddie’s van… did not smell bad, not even that much like pot. It did smell like pot, it definitely did, but it wasn’t awful like other vehicles he had the displeasure of sitting in after a hotboxing session.
At that thought, Steve realized he had no idea if Eddie actually did any of the drugs he sold. He could have just been selling, right? And yeah, on Halloween he offered to share a joint with Steve, but that didn’t actually mean Eddie smoked pot regularly. Steve always lied about hating the chicken nuggets at school so Jonathan would actually take them from his tray when he offered. 
Suddenly, Steve felt bad about all of his assumptions about Eddie all over again.
“M’sorry,” Steve mumbled before he could stop himself, and Eddie laughed, still moving around the van.
“What are you apologizing for now, St—Harrington?”
“What I’m always sorry for,” he sighed, reaching up to cover his face gingerly. “Being an asshole.”
Eddie was quiet for a long time, or maybe it was a short time, but it felt really long because there was a script to these moments. Steve called himself an asshole, Eddie agreed, and they moved on. Eddie wasn’t agreeing, so Steve wasn’t sure how to move on.
When Eddie spoke again, he still sounded weird, almost sad. “You wanna give opening your eyes a try, Harrington?”
With a nervous sigh, Steve slowly opened his eyes and glanced around the van. It looked old and a bit rundown, like the outside suggested, but it was clean. There was a curtain between them in the far back and the middle bench, which looked like Eddie installed himself. There was also some fabric covering the rear windows, giving the space they were laying in a dimmer, gentler light. It was light enough that Steve could see, but not so bright that it hurt him.
“That’s a lot better,” Steve sighed, and finally he looked up at Eddie’s face.
Eddie was sitting next to Steve, his back leaning against the side wall of the van with his knees bent and his arms resting loosely on top of them. He looked kind of angry, and Steve was at a loss for why he would be. He remembered the muttered complaint about blood on his vest and when he looked at it properly, sure enough, there were dark red drops and smears on the shoulder.
“Sorry about your vest. I’ll pay to have it cleaned,” he promised, and when Eddie’s stare didn’t soften, he looked away nervously.
“Seriously, Harrington, who the fuck hurt you?” Eddie asked again, as if he was about to fight for Steve’s honour or something, and Steve laughed.
“Billy Hargrove,” he said as he looked back over at Eddie, and just as he expected, the other man deflated a bit, his anger turning into something closer to fear. “It was pretty fucking stupid on my part.”
“Why were you fighting Hargrove?” Eddie asked and Steve mulled over the best way to answer.
“I was babysitting—”
“Oh, fuck off, no you weren’t,” Eddie scoffed, and Steve frowned over at him.
“Yes, I was. I’m a damn good babysitter, too,” Steve said defensively. 
He was really trying not to take Eddie’s skepticism too personally; he knew how weird that concept sounded from the outside. Hell, a year ago even Steve would have scoffed at what he was saying. Still, it was really starting to suck having everything he said and did doubted because of who he was a year ago.
“Okay, and why would you be babysitting? What’s in it for you?” Eddie asked, eying him closely.
“I was helping Ms. Byers out,” Steve replied as if that answered everything, before he continued, “anyway, his step-sister was hanging out with us, and then Billy showed up, she was scared of him, so I tried to get him to leave.”
“Looks like it hurt a lot,” Eddie said quietly, cringing sympathetically.
Steve shrugged, which was a bit awkward while laying down. “Honestly, I was out cold for most of it. Didn’t feel much after the first couple hits,” he laughed, but Eddie didn’t join in.
“That’s not a fight, Harrington. That’s a beating,” Eddie replied, his voice deeper than Steve was used to hearing and lacking any of its usual lightness.
“Yeah, I guess so. Better me than her,” Steve replied with a flippant shrug; he was no stranger to being hit, even if the only other time he took a beating to the face was his fight with Jonathan the year before. Then he added before he could stop himself, “she was afraid he was going to kill her, so I tried to get him to leave. Then he threatened to kill one of the other kids, Lucas Sinclair?”
Steve looked over at Eddie and watched him as he visibly sifted through his knowledge of the people in Hawkins. Recognition sparked behind Eddie’s eyes and his expression darkened.
“I know the Sinclairs. Nice people,” Eddie said after a bit, scowling.
Steve nodded. “He’s a good kid, too, not that I’d say that to his face. It’d go straight to his head,” he said, smirking when Eddie chuckled. With a heavy sigh, Steve said, “He threatened to kill Lucas, so I hit him and then…”
He trailed off, gesturing vaguely at his face.
Eddie was still staring at Steve when he looked back, and he started to squirm a bit under the intense gaze. “You’re just a regular knight in shining armour, aren’t you?” Eddie asked after a bit and Steve laughed, especially at how angry Eddie still looked and how begrudging he sounded.
“Yeah, totally. And you know what they say,” Steve hummed sarcastically, looking up at the ceiling. “No good deed goes unpunished and all that.”
“Maybe you should start avoiding the Byers?” Eddie suggested and Steve barked out a laugh that hurt his head and made him wince.
“Christ, maybe,” he admitted, running his tongue along his loose teeth. “Starting to think I should just get the hell out of this town,” he muttered, surprising even himself.
“Shit, the King is going to abandon his kingdom?”
Steve looked back at Eddie and met his wide, dark eyes. His expression was searching and his smirk was back, the nicer one. The weird fluttering feeling in Steve’s chest and stomach had returned in full-force, and he floundered for an explanation. He wasn’t embarrassed, for sure this time.
“I don’t know,” Steve replied after a minute, sighing heavily. “Probably not. Where would I even go?”
“Aren’t you gonna go to some fancy college somewhere?” Eddie asked with a snort.
Steve grimaced and glared up at the ceiling again. “I guess,” he said hollowly.
He missed early admission between the whole dinner with Barb’s parents and the break-up with Nancy, plus luring D’art, plus getting beat up by Billy. Well, he deliberately missed it at first because he decided to take a gap year to stay close to Nancy. Because they were in love.
Steve scoffed out loud. “Yeah, totally,” he added sadly.
“Wait, Harrington, are you… not going to college?” Eddie asked and Steve groaned.
“Yeah, Steve Harrington isn’t going to fucking college,” he declared with a listless laugh. “Decided to be all romantic and take a gap year, propose to Nancy after she graduated, go to college together. Or I would work for my dad and pay for Nancy’s school or something. Not that she would need my help, she’s so smart she’ll probably land a full-ride wherever she wants.”
When he was done with his rant, the van was silent for several moments until Eddie asked, “What’s wrong with that plan, lover boy?”
Steve nearly snapped at Eddie, nearly told him that he knew exactly what was wrong with that plan. He caught himself, though, remembering that he never actually told Eddie why he was crying on Halloween.
“She, uh, dumped me,” Steve replied, glancing away from Eddie. “At Tina’s party.”
“Shit,” Eddie said, and Steve nearly laughed at the little cringe on his face. “I’m sure you’ll get her back, right? Don’t people like you always get back together?”
Steve frowned at Eddie, not sure what he meant by that last bit. “Not this time. No fairytale ending here,” Steve eventually said, sighing. “She’s with Jonathan now.”
Eddie made a noise. “Halloween was only a week ago,” he said flatly.
“Glad you have a grasp on the passage of time, Munson,” Steve chuckled.
“No, the timing—”
“I know how it looks. It’s not like that,” Steve interrupted firmly. “She—Nancy wouldn’t do that. It’s more complicated than that.”
“Doesn’t look that complicated from where I’m sitting, Harrington,” Eddie challenged, and he looked properly angry again when Steve looked over at him.
“Well, it is. Ever consider that you might not actually know everything?” Steve spat, a bit meaner than he liked, before continuing, “Nancy is amazing and I was fucking it up the whole time, because I’m an idiot and a douchebag. She wasn’t cheating on me. She wouldn’t do that to anyone, even me. She’s not like that, okay?”
Eddie frowned at him, and Steve could practically see the wheels turning in his head as he mulled over what Steve had said. “I can’t decide if your steadfast faith in her is admirable or pathetic,” he admitted after a few moments, dragging another startled laugh out of Steve.
“Probably the second one,” Steve replied through a grimace of pain. “I think my head is still bleeding,” he complained, and sure enough when he touched the wound, his fingers came away wet and sticky.
“Jesus H. Christ, Harrington, why the fuck is your head still bleeding?”
Suddenly, Eddie was looming over him, straddling Steve’s midsection without putting any weight on him, turning Steve’s head so he could try to see the cut through Steve’s hair.
“It’s fine,” Steve said, heat rushing to his face.
“Dude, this needs stitches or something. You need to go to a doctor—”
“No!” Steve immediately said, shaking his head and grabbing Eddie’s thigh. “I don’t want to see a doctor, or go to the hospital.”
“Why the fuck not, Harrington? You’re bleeding, this cut is really bad, and—” Eddie stopped short, and Steve blushed when his eyes narrowed suspiciously down at him. “You don’t want them to shave your head.”
Steve blushed even darker and Eddie laughed, the mocking one that Steve had expected at the start of all this. It was actually a bit comforting at that point.
“Christ, I guess I shouldn’t be shocked that Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington would walk around with an open fucking head wound before he’d get fucking stitches,” Eddie grumbled as he went back to inspecting the cut.
Steve idly began to slide his thumb back and forth where it rested on Eddie’s thigh. He barely realized he had been doing it at all, the sensation of denim against the pad of his thumb soothing. He was snapped out of his stupor with a wince when Eddie prodded a bit too hard on his tender scalp.
“Knock it off,” Eddie snapped, his hand swatting Steve’s away from his leg. “That’s distracting.”
“What are you even doing?” Steve asked grumpily, feeling pinned even though Eddie was hovering above him.
“Trying to decide if it’s worth waking my uncle up to get your stupid jock head fixed,” he replied before sitting back on his heels to glower down at him thoughtfully. Somewhere in the back of his mind, Steve registered the way Eddie’s weight settled on his midsection, and that fluttering in his gut turned to a swooping sensation.
“Is your… uncle a doctor?” Steve asked nervously, still afraid for the fate of his hair.
“No, but he was a field medic in Vietnam and he keeps some supplies around. I don’t know if you’ve ever noticed, but I’m a Klutz with a capital K,” Eddie replied, crossing his arms over his chest and staring down at Steve.
“And he won’t shave my head?” Steve pushed and Eddie rolled his eyes.
“I can’t promise that, Harrington, but I can vouch for your pathological vanity and we’ll see what he can manage. But this will keep bleeding and probably get infected,” Eddie warned, and Steve made a face up at him.
“Stop making sense,” he complained and squirmed under Eddie’s weight.
Eddie froze above Steve, wide-eyed and slack-jawed, for several moments. With a strangled little noise, Eddie scrambled off of Steve and back to his spot against the wall of the van.
“Okay! So, do you think you can manage sitting up front or are you going to lay back here?” Eddie asked, pulling a curly lock of hair in front of his face and fidgeting with it nervously.. 
The motion was so endearing it almost pained Steve to see it. He’d seen so many girls do that exact move when they were being shy or playful with him, and it always drove Steve mad. He wished Eddie was a girl so he could reach over and tuck his hair out of his face, pull him down for a kiss—
Those thoughts came to a screeching halt as he tried to figure out where that came from. Steve’s brain was definitely swelling, that was the only explanation for the direction those thoughts went. Maybe he should go to the hospital…
“Dude, stop spacing out on me, you’re freaking me out,” Eddie said frantically, snapping his fingers in Steve’s face.
“What?” Steve asked, unsure of what conversation they were having now.
“I’m taking you to my uncle, remember? Which means I have to drive. Are you going to hang out back here, or sit up front with me?” Eddie repeated curtly.
Steve frowned. “Do you have sunglasses I can borrow?” he asked, and when Eddie shook his head, Steve gestured around him. “Then it looks like I’m getting the real royal treatment, huh?”
“I’ll take the corners super fast so it doesn’t go to your head,” Eddie promised with a wink before he said, “Shield your eyes, Your Majesty.”
Steve chuckled and covered his eyes as Eddie scrambled over the middle bench through the seam in the curtain.
Despite his comment, the drive was actually uneventful, the gentle movement of the van actually lulling Steve to a light doze. He jolted awake when the van shut off, and a moment later Eddie poked his head through the curtains to meet Steve’s eyes upside-down.
“We have arrived, Your Highness, and we’re in luck. My uncle is already awake,” he said with a bright grin.
Steve was suddenly very unsure. “Would it’ve been a problem if he wasn’t?”
“What? No, of course not,” Eddie said with a frown, shaking his head quickly before he disappeared. Steve heard Eddie get out of the van and decided to start getting himself sat up again.
“Hey Uncle Wayne, do you have sunglasses?” he heard Eddie call, and then the quiet response from someone. He couldn’t hear the words, but it didn’t sound like a yes.
“I need your help with something,” Eddie said and Steve could hear a long-suffering sigh and the sound of footsteps coming toward the van.
“What’d you get yourself into now, kid?” The tone was so affectionate that Steve couldn’t help the small smile that came to his face.
“I didn’t get myself into shit—”
“Watch your language. Shouldn’t you be at school?”
“Just listen a minute, okay? Someone from school got a little hurt and he needs stitches—”
“Then he should be going to a doctor, Eddie. What’re you doing bringing him here?”
“Uhm, this sounded better in my head but now that I’m saying it out loud with you looking at me like that, I’m realizing it sounds kind of dumb, but he doesn’t… want his head shaved.”
Steve grimaced because… yeah, now that it was being said out loud to an actual adult, it sounded beyond dumb. It was completely childish.
“Okay, Uncle Wayne, I know. It sounds really stupid, believe me, but it’s also really important to him, and I kind of get it because I wouldn’t want my head shaved either.”
There was a long silence before a heavy sigh. “I’ll look at your classmate, and I will do my best to save his hair, but I ain’t making any promises.”
“Right! I already told him that! Thank you, Uncle Wayne! One last thing…”
“For the love of Pete, kid…”
There was quiet murmuring, too quiet for Steve to eavesdrop on from inside the van, but Mr. Munson did not sound happy about whatever other information Eddie delivered to him. After a few minutes of hushed back-and-forth, Eddie knocked lightly on the doors.
“Alright, Harrington, you decent?” Eddie called, and Steve snorted, closing his eyes.
“Ready to go when you are, Munson,” he replied and he heard the van doors open wide.
Eddie hauled him out carefully, and guided Steve up a set of stairs into what Steve assumed was his house. When Steve opened his eyes, he was met with the cramped interior of a trailer, with shelves of mugs on the walls. Where there weren’t mugs, there were baseball caps.
“Huh, nice place,” Steve said, and he meant it. It was small, a little worn out, but it was cozier than his house by several hundred degrees. It actually felt like a home, like it was lived in. Like there was love there.
“Don’t be an asshole, Harrington, you’re skating on thin ice as it is,” Eddie warned in a low voice and Steve flinched.
“I wasn’t—I didn’t mean—Sorry,” he muttered, and refused to meet Eddie’s eyes when he was deposited into one of the chairs at the tiny kitchen table. He couldn’t really blame Eddie for his assumption, but still… Just like the comment Eddie made about him babysitting, it sucked.
When Mr. Munson stepped out of the bathroom with a first-aid kit, he pulled up short upon seeing Steve, his expression dark.
“This is a little more hurt than ‘kinda’, Eddie,” Mr. Munson said in a low voice, pulling up a chair to sit in front of Steve. “You get into a tussle with a bear, kid?”
“No, sir. Another classmate,” Steve replied quickly.
“Guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Apple rarely falls far from the tree,” Mr. Munson muttered, almost under his breath, and with sudden clarity Steve understood that Mr. Munson was talking about his father, that there was history there.
Steve knew about his father’s reputation; the man bragged about his glory days in high school and college. Steve often heard about it the most during the worst of his lectures and punishments growing up. Richard Harrington never let anyone forget who was in charge, and he ruled over the halls of Hawkins High and then later Harvard with his fists. Richard Harrington didn’t even have to be challenged before he asserted himself, Richard Harrington never gave anyone the chance to take his crown.
Most people seemed impressed by Steve’s father, they would call him a “man’s man” and strong. So many people described him as a provider, a protector even. A man that strong, that intelligent, that wealthy? He had to be doing something right.
And then there were people like Wayne Munson, the people who did real work and lived out of run-down trailers on the outskirts of Hawkins, and their disdain for people like Richard Harrington was palpable. Had Mr. Munson ever personally been targeted by Steve’s father? Maybe. Or maybe someone Mr. Munson knew had been.
The nauseating shame that filled Steve’s gut at that had him diverting his gaze to his lap. Part of him wanted to say he wasn’t like his father, to insist that he was his father’s greatest disappointment and how he didn’t care about trying to change that anymore.
The very thought of saying any of that out loud in front of anyone, let alone Eddie and his uncle, was mortifying, though.
“Where’s this cut you need stitched up, kid?”
Steve heard the question but it didn’t sink in right away, didn’t reach through his fog of concussion and shame until Eddie snapped his fingers in front of his face.
“Hey man, you okay?” Eddie asked when Steve looked up at him.
“Listen, I’m sorry,” Steve said, swallowing thickly against the nausea roiling in his core. “Thank you for offering to help, and thank you Mr. Munson, but maybe I should go. I’m sorry.”
“Stop apologizing, Harrington. Jesus, you haven’t done anything wrong,” Eddie said pointedly, and Mr. Munson frowned a bit at that. “Just show Wayne your head,” Eddie added firmly, crossing his arms.
Steve just nodded and turned his head, cringing as Mr. Munson began moving his hair out of the way to see the injury. “Jesus, kid, what the hell happened?” he asked, and his tone demanded an answer. Mr. Munson got up to collect a bowl of warm water and a washcloth, which he used to start cleaning some of the blood off of the skin around the wound.
“He broke a plate over my head,” Steve answered immediately, and Eddie made a disgusted noise. “I don’t remember much after that.”
“Knew that piece of shit wouldn’t fight fair,” Eddie grumbled.
“Was the rest of your busted face before or after the plate?” Mr. Munson asked, and Steve gave a weak shrug. “Don’t give me that, boy. Answer the question.”
“After,” Steve answered.
Mr. Munson’s hands pulled away from Steve’s head to start preparing the needle and thread. “Sounds to me like the cops should be involved,” he said shortly.
“Hopper knows,” Steve replied tensely. “I’m not pressing charges.”
“Of course you’re not,” Eddie muttered, and Steve could hear the eye-roll.
“Time for both of you to shut up now. He can’t be yapping while I’m doing this,” Mr. Munson said, which effectively shut both of them up.
Steve tried to think of other things while Mr. Munson worked quietly, and part of him was glad he was just generally in pain everywhere. He barely felt the needle. The worst part was when Mr. Munson would tug his hair just a bit too much while trying to keep it out of the way. Eventually, he huffed after a few minutes of fighting with Steve’s hair and the needle.
“That’s it—” he started and ice-cold fear lanced through Steve’s gut.
“Please don’t shave it,” he begged, and he hated how pitiful he sounded. He was struck again with just how stupid his concern was, as if his goddamn hair was actually important.
It was just one of the few things he still had going for him. Even if he no longer had the popularity, or Nancy Wheeler, or a future his father might be proud of, he still had his stupid hair.
Mr. Munson sighed, his eyes softening at the plea. “I’m not gonna shave it, kid. I promise. Eddie, get over here and make yourself useful,” he said over his shoulder, and Eddie jumped forward. “I need you to gently hold his hair away from the cut, got it? Don’t pull so hard you’re reopening it or yanking the stitches, just enough that it stays out of my way.”
Eddie nodded and stepped behind Steve’s chair to frame the cut with his hands. With hands smoothing his hair out of the way and holding him so firmly, Steve sighed and relaxed into the chair.
“That good, Wayne?”
“It’ll do.”
Steve winced when Mr. Munson got back to work, and one of Eddie’s thumbs started moving in soothing little strokes behind his ear. The effect was immediate, his body relaxing as much as it could at that moment while actively keeping his head up. Behind him, Eddie chuckled and stepped closer so Steve could rest his head back against him. The thumb kept sliding back and forth behind Steve’s ear, lulling him into a quieter state of mind for the first time in a while.
Steve startled when Mr. Munson pulled away and Eddie’s hands disappeared.
“That should do’er,” Mr. Munson sighed as he started to clean everything up. “Come back in a few days and I’ll remove them.”
Sitting up on his own, Steve asked, “Can I remove them on my own?”
Mr. Munson looked at him flatly, before looking at Eddie above Steve’s head. When he met Steve’s gaze again, his expression brooked no argument. “Come back in a few days and I’ll remove them,” he repeated and Steve nodded carefully.
“Of course, sir,” Steve muttered, looking around. “I should probably go home.”
“I’ll give you a ride,” Eddie said quickly, and when Steve looked up at him, he caught the tail-end of a wordless conversation between uncle and nephew. Eddie was shaking his head sharply before he turned a strained smile down at Steve, and Mr. Munson was rolling his eyes tiredly. “C’mon, Harrington, your chariot awaits.”
When Steve stood up, he was a lot less dizzy, which was a relief. He knew the vehicle would still be hell, but it was a necessary evil. This time, he decided he would ride up front with Eddie instead of laying in the back like an invalid.
The sun was still painfully bright, but even that was getting manageable. Once inside the van, he leaned back and shut his eyes tightly.
“You good, Harrington?” Eddie asked as he started the van.
“Yeah, I’m fine, just relaxing my head,” Steve replied, swallowing thickly. “Didn’t wanna say this in front of your uncle, but can you just drop me off downtown? My car’s still—”
“Harrington, if you think I’m going to knowingly let you drive like this for even a second, you must really have one hell of a concussion,” Eddie interrupted sharply. “I’m taking you home.”
“Not even taking me to dinner first?” Steve teased before he could stop himself.
Eddie barked out a laugh and didn’t respond.
“Seriously, Munson, my car—”
“Can’t someone else pick it up for you? You can give me your keys and I can give them to anyone you want,” Eddie suggested and Steve’s brow furrowed as he turned his face toward him, eyes still shut.
“This is ridiculous, I’m perfectly capable of driving,” he insisted and Eddie scoffed.
“Sure you are, just open your eyes,” Eddie challenged and Steve grimaced.
“Fuck you, man,” he sighed without any heat to it and Eddie laughed again.
“Seriously, though, give me your keys once we get to your house I’ll make sure your car gets back to you,” Eddie promised.
“Even if I told you to take my keys to Chief Hopper?” Steve challenged and Eddie barked out another laugh.
“Bold of you to assume me and Hopper don’t like each other,” Eddie teased and Steve actually opened his eyes just a bit to look at him.
“Seriously?” Steve asked and Eddie just chuckled and shrugged.
“I mean, the guy’s had plenty of opportunities to make my life hell, but he hasn’t,” he said evasively, drumming his fingers against the steering wheel. “Figure that has to count for something.”
Steve just shrugged and closed his eyes again. “Maybe. Fine, then take my keys to Hopper,” he decided, if only because it would be less out of Hopper’s way to bring his car to him than literally anyone else.
Steve wasn’t sure how much time passed, but he was startled again as the van stopped.
“We have arrived at Castle Harrington,” Eddie proclaimed as he turned the van off, and he was smirking when Steve opened his eyes again to look at him. “I’ll walk you to the door.”
“Sure,” Steve said, and he felt his cheeks heat with a blush. Confused at that reaction, Steve got out of the van as quickly as he safely could, careful not to trigger another dizzy spell.
When he unlocked his front door, he paused to look back at Eddie, shifting his weight back and forth between his feet. “Did you want to come in?” he offered, his words a bit stilted.
“No,” Eddie laughed, looking up at the huge house. “I’ll pass, Harrington. Plus, I have an errand to run for you.”
“Right, uh, here you are,” Steve replied, handing his key chain to Eddie. “Thanks. For everything. I really appreciate it, Munson.”
“Yeah, don’t mention it, Harrington,” Eddie replied, and Steve watched as a blush rose to Eddie’s cheeks. He looked Eddie over again and remembered the blood on his vest. 
“Shit, your vest. Let me get it cleaned for you,” Steve insisted, pointing at the spots.
Glancing down at his vest, Eddie shook his head quickly. “No way, Harrington. I’ll handle it. Plus,” he started, grinning broadly as he leaned into Steve’s space. “It’s kinda metal, don’t you think?”
Steve stared at Eddie, a dazed little smile rising to his lips. “I have no idea what that means, Munson,” he admitted, and he felt a little proud at the loud laugh that got.
“Oh, Harrington, when you say shit like that, it makes me wanna corrupt you,” Eddie sighed, tilting his head as he took a step back. Steve rolled his eyes at that, the tips of his ears feeling hot.
“I’ll see you around,” Steve said, stepping backward into his house and Eddie nodded with a little wave before bounding down the walk back to his van.
Steve watched from his doorway while Eddie sat in his van and appeared to begin scolding himself. The man was always very animated, his gestures huge and typically very clear to read—the way he ran his hands through his hair in frustration, or the light smacks to his forehead, or the way he seemed to lean back and plead skyward. It was hilarious to watch if a bit baffling.
Eddie glanced back at the house and visibly jumped at seeing Steve still standing there. He couldn’t see from that distance, but Steve was positive that the nervous shake of Eddie’s head was paired with a blush. With another shake of his head and a laugh, Eddie leaned over to the passenger side of the bench and rolled the window down.
“The hell are you still standing out here for, Harrington? Get the fuck inside!” he shouted at Steve, his grin huge.
“Yeah, yeah,” Steve called back, waving at Eddie before he finally turned and shut the door.
After an afternoon being tucked into the back of Eddie’s van and then inside Eddie’s trailer with his uncle, the big Harrington house felt cavernous. His parents weren’t even in town anymore. They left again for business around the time Steve was on the train tracks with Dustin setting the trap for D’art. When he had finally gotten home after that entire ordeal, he had been relieved to have the house to himself.
There was a smaller part of him that had ached for someone to be there and care that he was hurt, to take care of his bruised face and call him in sick to school. There he was, almost eighteen and wanting his mom like a child. That ache was there again, but with an angrier edge to it that he was too sore and too tired to unravel.
With a huff, Steve went upstairs to wash up as best as he could and get changed. Belatedly, he realized that he had lost the bottle of painkillers he bought, making his entire excursion earlier pointless.‘Not completely pointless,’ Steve corrected himself as he fussed with his hair gently, a reluctant smile coming to his face as he thought about the overall afternoon.
Chapter Five: B-Side
Steve groaned at the booming cop-knocking at his front door as he shuffled toward it. He had been dozing on the couch and his equilibrium was slow to reacquaint with itself upon waking up. It was a lot better than earlier, at least.
“I’m coming, Jesus, relax!” Steve shouted as he got to the front door, opening it with a bit too much gusto and losing his balance.
Hopper was quick to catch him before he toppled over, one big hand on his shoulder and the other around his elbow.
“Jesus, kid, you somehow look worse,” Hopper grumbled, stepping inside without letting go of him.
“Thanks, Chief,” Steve said with a self-deprecating laugh, and he didn’t fight when Hopper sat him down on the stairs.
“Your folks still not home?” Hopper asked as he looked around, his eyes landing on the note that was on the side table at the door from Steve’s parents. Picking it up, he read it with a frown.
“You got a warrant for that?” Steve grumbled, tipping his head back to stare at the high ceiling instead of the subtle, sad tilt of Hopper’s frown.
“I’m off-duty, kid. I’m checking on you,” Hopper said, and Steve could hear him crumpling up the note. “This says you’re on your own for Thanksgiving?”
“Does it?” Steve asked, and genuinely he hadn’t even read it. His father’s handwriting was hard enough to read at the best of times, and the head injury didn’t help with that.
“You’re coming to Thanksgiving with me and the Byers,” Hopper said firmly, and when Steve looked at him again, his expression brooked zero argument. “And if you argue, I’m telling Joyce you’re home alone with a head injury, you got it?”
Steve glowered weakly up at Hopper before shrugging. “Okay. Should I bring something?” he asked, rolling his eyes at Hopper’s smug smile.
“I’ll get back to you on that,” he replied before leaning back against the front door, his expression stern. “What’re you doing with Munson?”
Steve frowned up at Hopper. “We ran into each other when I was out earlier and he helped me out,” he replied after a bit, shrugging. “I’m not doing drugs if that’s what you're asking.”
“That wasn’t what I was asking, Harrington,” Hopper sighed, but the uncomfortable way he glanced away said differently. “I’m keeping your car at the station until Wayne removes your stitches at least—”
“C’mon, Chief,” Steve protested, his mouth hanging open in shock. “You can’t be serious!”
“You heard me! I’ve half a mind to ticket you for driving earlier on principle!” Hopper shouted over him, just loud enough to shut Steve up. “As I was saying, I’m keeping your car at the station. I’ll bring you to Wayne’s place to get your stitches removed since you refuse to see a doctor. Then I’ll decide if you’re good to have your car back. Do you understand?”
“This is ridiculous,” Steve grumbled.
“I asked you a question, Harrington,” Hopper pressed, stepping forward to loom over him.
“Yes, sir, I understand,” Steve agreed, glancing away from him.
“Glad to hear it. Munson also gave me this. You apparently left it in his van,” Hopper said, pulling a bottle of painkillers out of his pocket and handing it to Steve.
Steve blinked at it before accepting it, smiling down at it a bit. He wondered if Eddie had been removing the blankets he bled on and that was when he found the bottle. “Uh, thanks, I thought I lost this,” he said, nodding up at Hopper.
Hopper stared down at Steve for a long while, frowning thoughtfully in that way that scrunched up his whole face. Then he sighed through his nose. “You’re a good kid, Harrington. I thought you were a snotty little prick like your old man—”
“Wow, thanks—?”
“But I was wrong. Munson’s a good kid, too, but he’s on a track that doesn’t look great. People in this town will talk,” Hopper said very deliberately. “You should be ready to deal with that if you’re gonna be running around with him.”
Steve stared at him, and he knew Hopper was right. What if word somehow got back to his parents that he had been in the local drug dealer’s van and trailer, and that drug dealer was at their house? Was that a fight he wanted to deal with while he was still firmly under his parents’ thumbs? He thought back to the argument Eddie got into with the cashier at Melvald’s and cringed. He’d be lucky if he didn’t get a “concerned” phone call from his mother within the week.
“I’m not running around with him, Chief. He was just helping me out today, okay? We go to school together, so we’re friendly,” Steve said, shrugging under Hopper’s hard stare.
“Good talk,” Hopper said before glancing around one more time. “Put your shoes on and grab a coat. You’re coming to dinner with me and El.”
“I’m not really up to going to a restaurant,” Steve declined, making a face up at Hopper.
“You need a proper meal, and I already told El you were coming,” Hopper replied, shrugging at Steve’s puzzled look.
“I don’t even—why would that matter to me?” Steve asked, even though he already felt his resolve to say no waning. He had a soft-spot for all of the kids, but especially the quieter ones like Will and Eleven. It was baffling though that him not going would possibly disappoint her. “Why would that matter to her? I’ve only really been around her like, three times, and I don’t think I’ve spoken to her once.”
“Listen, I make it a point to avoid understanding what teenage girls think about, kid,” Hopper sighed tiredly. “I told her I had to come by your place and make sure you weren’t dying on our way to dinner, and she asked if you were coming.”
“And you just told her yes?” Steve asked incredulously, even as he stood up to collect his shoes and coat.
“Of course I did,” Hopper replied, snorting. “I mean, it wasn’t like it was that hard to convince you anyway.”
“Where are we even going? Is it okay for her to be out?” Steve pushed, frowning.
For the first time since the conversation started, Hopper faltered and Steve glared. “We aren’t going to a restaurant,” Hopper admitted after a moment. “We’re going to the Byers’ house for dinner.”
Steve groaned, imagining his evening sitting at dinner with a cop, a girl with psychic powers, a boy they just barely saved from possession, his ex-girlfriend’s new boyfriend, and Joyce Byers. Who would take one look at him and freak out completely. After everything that had happened and between them all splitting up, Joyce hadn’t actually seen Steve after all was said and done. Come to think of it, neither had Jonathan. Nancy only knew how messed up he was because she came to his house after school on Monday when he didn’t show up.
“You said if I agreed—” Steve started to argue and Hopper shook his head sharply.
“I said I wouldn’t tell Joyce you’re home alone with a head injury,” Hopper replied, crossing his arms. “And I won’t tell her.”
“She’ll figure it out, though. She’s not stupid,” Steve snapped, and Hopper just shrugged at that.
“I didn’t say I would hide that you’re home alone with a head injury either,” he stated flatly and Steve groaned, rolling his eyes.
“Fine, I’ll go,” he finally conceded. He knew he was resigning himself to weeks of being fussed over by Joyce, but he was too tired to keep arguing in circles and he was getting hungry.
Steve pointedly ignored the way a very small part of himself that ached constantly went quiet for once.
Chapter Six: Bonus Track
Hopper groaned when the phone on his desk rang, spiking his headache to an entirely new level. He was exhausted, still recovering from everything that happened over the weekend, particularly the way he very nearly died in the tunnels.
“Yes, Flo?” he greeted as pleasantly as he could manage as he picked up the receiver.
“Incoming, Chief.”
“Wha—?” Hopper started to ask just as his office door slammed open and in came Eddie Munson like a force of nature.
“Heya, Chief,” Eddie greeted loudly with a grin when Hopper flinched at the volume. He threw himself into the chair opposite Hopper and threw his feet up on the desk. “How’s it going?”
“What do you want, Munson?” Hopper asked flatly, eying the dirty shoes on top of his desk with disdain.
“Can’t a guy catch up with his favourite cop?” Eddie asked, batting his eyes innocently at Hopper as he fished out a cigarette and lit it.
“Cut the crap, Munson. Give me one of those if you’re going to sit here wasting my time,” Hopper demanded, and Eddie tossed him the pack. With a huff, Hopper took one of the three remaining cigarettes then pocketed the carton.
“Is it so hard to believe I just wanted to say hi?” Eddie pouted before taking a drag from his cigarette, and the effort it took for Hopper to not roll his eyes was tremendous.
Hopper lit his cigarette and willed the nicotine to calm his steadily fraying nerves. “Why would a drug dealer—”
“Alleged drug dealer,” Eddie interrupted pointedly. “Never been caught and convicted, and you know how it is, innocent until—”
“I will search you right here and now, Munson,” Hopper threatened half-heartedly and Eddie got a mischievous look on his face.
“Hop, I’m annoying, not stupid. You wouldn’t find a damn thing on me or in my van,” he said with a teasing tilt to his head and Hopper took a deep breath in through his nose and held it for five seconds. Releasing that breath, he took a drag off of his cigarette on the next one.
He would not let Eddie Munson get under his skin when his day was so close to being over. He only had to make it through two more hours until he could go home and pick El up for dinner at the Byers’.
“How. Can I. Help you. Munson?” Hopper asked slowly and deliberately before reaching over to shove Eddie’s feet off his desk.
Eddie had apparently been supporting most of his weight that way and yelped as he nearly fell out of his chair completely. Hopper couldn’t deny how much that alone raised his spirits.
“Shit, Hopper, you made me drop my smoke,” Eddie complained, picking the cigarette up and tossing it into the ashtray on the desk to burn out.
“Munson, either get to the point of your visit or leave,” Hopper pushed, and maybe something in his tone finally got through to the kid. Eddie righted himself in his chair properly before reaching into the pocket of his leather jacket. After a moment, he frowned and stood up to dig in his other pockets.
Hopper studied the kid a bit now that he was distracted, and his eyes focused on the dark stains on his shoulder. “Munson, is that blood?” he asked, alarm overtaking his annoyance as he stood up and came around the desk to look closer.
“Oh, yeah,” Eddie said as he glanced down at his denim vest, shrugging. “Yeah, it is. Not mine though.”
Hopper stared at him, waiting for him to elaborate. Eddie just continued digging in his pockets until he pulled out two sets of car keys and sat back down. Blinking up at Hopper, Eddie asked, “What?”
“Whose blood is on your vest, Munson?” Hopper said in a low voice, and for the first time since Eddie entered the room, he looked a bit less cocky.
“Steve Harrington’s,” Eddie replied, and Hopper stared at him for several long seconds, again waiting for him to elaborate. Eddie just raised his eyebrows up at Hopper before the corner of his mouth quirked upward into a little smirk.
“Edward Munson, you have five seconds—”
“I ran into him on the street, he ate shit, and had a massive bleeding wound where Billy Hargrove broke a plate over his head, so I took him to my uncle,” Eddie said in a tight tone, and Hopper realized that the kid was angry now. More than that, the kid was angry at him for some reason. Was he pissed the whole time and Hopper was only just figuring that out?
“Christ, Munson,” Hopper grumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose as his headache throbbed behind his eyes. How did Wayne live with this kid and his moods?
“Steve claims you know about the fight,” Eddie said, and it was said like a statement, but it was clearly more of a question, like he didn’t quite buy Steve’s story.
“Yes, I do. He declined pressing charges,” Hopper replied, crossing his arms and leaning back against the desk.
“Did you know about his head?” Eddie asked, and Hopper sucked his teeth. Steve had, predictably, played down his injuries when Hopper got back from the lab with El, and all of that hair of his helped hide the alleged open wound.
“Where is Harrington now?” Hopper asked instead of answering Eddie’s question, looking around for his truck keys and hat.
Eddie huffed. “Don’t worry, I made sure he got home alright. He asked me to give you these,” he said, holding up the keys for Steve’s Beemer. “It’s parked in the alley around the corner from Melvald’s.”
Hopper took the keys, a flash of anger spiking through him that the kid was stupid enough to drive with a concussion at all. When he glanced down at Eddie, he could see he was still pissed off. “What, Munson?”
“What are you going to do about Hargrove?” Eddie asked, his tone low. “Steve said he was going to kill the kids he was supposedly babysitting.”
“He was babysitting,” Hopper said, almost defensively, on Steve’s behalf and Eddie reared back.
“That’s the part of my sentence you focus on?” he asked and Hopper held a hand up.
“First of all, I will remind you that Steve declined pressing charges—”
“Why does that matter?” Eddie interjected angrily. “Does attempted murder need the victim to press charges?”
Hopper dropped what was left of his cigarette into the ashtray as he pushed off the desk to go shut the door of his office. Once he was back at the desk, half sitting on it and looming over Eddie, he said slowly, “There were extenuating circumstances surrounding the bullshit with Hargrove that you are not, and cannot be privy to, Munson. So yes, while I would love to do something about that little shit, I can’t about this incident because Steve. Is not. Pressing charges.”
Eddie glared up at him, crossing his arms over his chest and jutting his chin out defiantly. Hopper immediately thought of the day he met Eddie, and despite his generalized annoyance with the kid, he felt a sad sort of fondness.
“Why do you even care this much about it, Munson?” Hopper asked, trying to return his focus to their conversation. But when Eddie immediately looked away nervously, his face turning pink under Hopper’s stare, Hopper heaved a huge sigh and scrubbed a hand over his face.
It was about a week after Hopper returned to Hawkins to take up his post as chief of police when he met Eddie. The kid’s hair was a lot shorter, still growing out an unfortunate buzz cut, and he was skinny in a way that spoke of the neglect he dealt with before the system dropped him onto his uncle’s doorstep. Hopper had been driving around, reacquainting himself with his hometown after years away, when he happened upon a group of young men jumping Eddie. The cowards had bolted before Hopper’s truck came to a complete stop.
He could still remember the conversation they had while Hopper took the kid’s statement at the hospital.
“What started the fight?”
“I’m a faggot.” Tone sharp, full of venom.
“Is that what they said?”
“Yeah, that’s what they said, but they’re right.” Conviction, even as his eyes were full of tears, that defiant tilt of his wobbling chin. Waiting for Hopper to hit him, too. “I am a faggot.”
Hopper tipped his head back to stare at the ceiling. “Eddie,” he sighed and Eddie huffed.
“You can’t say shit to me I haven’t already said to myself, Chief,” Eddie grumbled miserably, his crossed arms squeezing himself tighter as he folded in on himself.
“Harrington, though?” Hopper asked him, trying to keep his tone light, teasing almost. “Of all the boys to be all… hormonal and mushy about, it had to be a Harrington?”
“Again, Chief, I’ve already said all of that to myself. Repeatedly,” Eddie said with a shrug. “And Uncle Wayne said it all in even more colourful terms.”
Hopper heaved another sigh. “He wants you to be careful, stay safe. Hell, that’s what I want too,” he said.
“Yeah, whatever,” Eddie replied, and he slouched in his chair. “Steve’s a lot nicer now.”
“That’s true,” Hopper agreed flatly as he crouched to better meet Eddie’s eyes. Heaving a big sigh, he added, “you should still remember who his father is, and that Steve might still follow in his footsteps.”
Hopper went to high school with Richard Harrington, had been on the receiving end of his fists more times than he could count, and he knew how Richard felt about gay people. He knew how much more brutal his fists could get if he thought someone was queer. Hopper did not want Richard Harrington to find out about Eddie at all, which would be easier if the kid stayed away from Steve.
Eddie sighed and looked away from Hopper, spinning the rings on his fingers around nervously. “Yeah, I know,” he agreed reluctantly.
“Okay, good talk,” Hopper said, standing back up and returning to his chair. “Now get out of my office.”
“That’s it? You’re not going to try and tell me to stay away from him?” Eddie asked skeptically.
“I’m not your parent, Munson. Be careful, though,” Hopper replied, shrugging. “Even if Steve isn’t a problem, he’s still living with his parents.”
“We’re not even friends, Chief. You don’t have to worry about that shit,” Eddie said as he stood up and started for the door.
Hopper nodded and then he asked, “were Steve’s parents’ home when you dropped him off?”
Eddie looked back at him from the door and shook his head. “The house seemed empty. And I mean, he had to get his own—oh yeah!” he said excitedly as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small bottle of painkillers. “He forgot this in my van. Can you get it to him?”
Hopper took the bottle of pills and nodded. “Yeah, I’ll get it to him, kid. Now fuck off,” he barked and Eddie snorted as he left his office with just as much noise as he arrived.
“Hey, Callahan! Love what you’re trying with the mustache, man, really distracts the eye from just… the rest of your face. Yeugh.”
Hopper snorted, allowing himself one moment to be amused by Eddie Munson’s nonsense.
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abloomingperiod · 1 year
menace | jeon jungkook
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"just tell me already, babe" jungkook's voice whines through the line, and you roll your eyes so much at his boyish manners it hurts your eye sockets.
"no, jungkook. and don't you 'babe' me", you tell him in a rigid tone, and you hear what seems to be a defeated sigh.
if you didn't know him, that could be believable.
after a few seconds, you hear him again, "fine, i'll just go inside every single one 'til i find you", he says in a smug voice, and you just know he is smirking as he says it.
"the fuc- no you're not. leave me alone."
"you're gonna make me lose it, y/n" he goes back to whining, "one day, you get mad because- well, i kinda messed up, yeah... then when i try to make it right, you get mad because i'm trying to! you're not making any sense!" his voice now is nowhere near a normal tone, but you don't even get mad at his pathetic complaints.
jungkook whines. he fucking whines.
and even though you feel like telling him off, you can't deny what's inside your heart - from the insistent curling up of your lips to the hand putting your phone impossibly closer to your ear,
you find it adorable.
a second deep sigh brings you back to earth, followed by a pleading, yet small "just tell me where you are."
"i'm finding you."
"you sound like a psycho."
"you're making me act like one."
"then i hope someone hears it and calls authorities on you."
"yah, what is it with you today? geez... i should get into meditation with the amount of patience i'm putting on you today..." you hear his muffled complain with a hidden grin, and you almost miss the buzz of cars and anonymous voices evading your desperate, whiny situationship's phone call. just where the hell is he-
"that leather jacket again? shoulda bought you a new one instead of getting these..."
you look around and no one even resembles the annoying ass that goes by the name of jungkook, and still, you feel as hot as every time his eyes rests on your figure.
then, standing against a building wall, big doe eyes stare right at you, proud and smug, and yet, annoyingly enticing. jungkook has his phone in one hand, and in the other...
holds a bouquet of sunflowers.
"oh, god."
"told you i'd find your ass."
"you really went psycho, didn't you?"
"maybe. come outside or i'm screaming your name across the street."
you groan as frustrated as ever and hope his ear bleeds with it, intentionally smushing you lips on the speaker. when you watch his scrunched up nose disapproving of it, you almost feel satisfied, but his shit-eating grin following makes you question if you still had enough cake on your plate to throw at him - although it would be a horrible waste, specially knowing where - or whom - it would land on.
there's better use for it, so you just ask the waiter to wrap it up for you to take home. maybe you could poison it and give it to jeon, or maybe you could stop lying to yourself and acknowledge the other part of your brain that imagines you and him sharing it after hours and hours of kissing.
kisses. it's been a while since they've happened.
exactly. don't forget about that.
jungkook is a menace.
you sigh before hanging up with a defeated "fine". after paying the cashier and opening the door, you have to mentally brace yourself for what's to come - his softly curled hair and pretty nose bridge could affect your judgment like nothing else - and he knows it, but jungkook knows better than to joke about it. he knows the risk of being a dead man by tomorrow exists and prevails.
you get close to his pretty figure that's waiting for you and jungkook eyes you from head to toe, maybe as if to identify any body language that indicates you're about to throw your things at him, and he almost pouts at the absence of it, even if it was for a silly, light slap on his arm, like you always do when he annoys you.
jungkook misses your touch.
undoubtedly, he eyes you like he wants to meet every part of your body again - and you feel like it burns.
you stare at each other for a few seconds, until jungkook simply asks,
"miss me?"
"like a rat misses a cat"
he scoffs at you and shakes his head slightly, and his left hand offers you the yellow, beautiful bouquet. you eye the bouquet, eye him, and then the bouquet, and then him...
"i'm sorry for making you wait for over an hour at my door. i fell asleep and forgot to set an alarm, and i really wish i didn't because it looked like i didn't care but i really do, i actually thought about it since you said you could come over and it even made me a little off throughout those 2 days. i don't want you thinking i don't care. i really do... and i hate the face you make when you're mad at me." jungkook says in a sweet, sincere tone, and you notice your lips already curling up to the point it hurts. doe eyes find your own, and you feel your heart stumble all over your train of thought.
"so you're saying my face is the problem?" you bitterly retort.
"yah, didn't you just hear anything i said? don't pull this now." he responds with an annoyed, impatient and a little whiny tone, and you focus on his mole so you won't smile again at his annoyance. "and no, you're always pretty. your mad face is just scary."
you can't resist and let a small grin appear on your lips, followed by a scoff and a "you have such a way with words, jeon jungkook," you respond, eyes narrowed and grin still plastered on your face.
"if i had more time to come up with a heartfelt apology maybe i could do better but i was too busy searching for this girl around the neighbourhood."
"and how's that search going for you?" you ask, finally reaching for the apology in form of your favourite flowers he holds.
a doe eyed jungkook eyes your face again, nose scrunching up and smile appearing as he watches you embrace the bouquet with a big smile. as your teeth appear and the golden sunlight hits your face illuminating your puffy cheeks, his smile turns into a whipped one.
jungkook has always been a man of giggles and jokes, but as the sun insists on you and irradiates over your eyes that now reaches his, glowing and big, he can't help but blurt out,
"i think i found everything i was looking for."
you're a fool. in this exact moment, across an ordinary street with unfamiliar faces and loud city noises, you finally realize.
you're a fool for jeon jungkook.
you can't resist - once again -, and quickly rest a peck on his cheek, like you're two hiding lovers, even though, no one knows you, and any other noise is louder than your words.
but jungkook loves it. like a cheesy soulmate story, jungkook thinks your kisses were destined to be his to take.
he stares at you, so fondly and so adoring you almost blush.
"we're good?" he asks shyly.
"yes, jungkook. we're fine." you respond with a chuckle and eyes rolling back.
"hm... no. fine is not enough."
"well, you'll need more than flowers to be more than fine."
he narrows his eyes at you, and you think for a second he just might call it a day and give up, when the bluntiest person in the world asks you,
"let me date you."
you're sure your heart just skipped a dozen beats.
"let me date you. be my girlfriend. i've been meaning to ask you that for a while now..."
"a-are you going this far just to-"
"don't even go there", he stops you. jungkook takes the wrapped cake and bag on his hand, as if to help you, even though you didn't ask for help. "i would like to be your boyfriend, and i think you would like that, too. i think we're a good match and i want to confirm that i'm correct. so, do you want to be my girlfriend?" he blurts out and you don't think you've ever heard him speak so fast in his life.
jungkook stares at you, and with your 3 second-silence, his eyes go big and round like he's anxious and impatient, and you think you're a selfish being for finding it so adorable to the point it turns into a 4 second-silence.
so, you let him live.
"sure." you respond, and jungkook judges your words with a heavy frown.
"'sure'? why are you being so nonchalant about it? i'm pouring my heart out for you and all i get-"
he's not able to finish because your lips are already on his, and you god you miss him. you miss him, you miss him, you miss him.
jungkook retributes right away, arm wrapping around your waist as your hand caress his cheek. his plush lips kissing yours so softly, but so urgently. he misses you, he misses you, he misses you.
god, he misses you.
and as you pull out and grab his hand, you simply say "i think you're correct, too. and yes, i do."
he smiles wide, watching your entangled fingers with a giggly, dazed "yeah... me, too."
he's adorable.
"hey, is this cake being saved for later..."
"yes, for when you properly welcome me at your home." jungkooks gives you a look and encircles your shoulders with his arm, and says "then, let's go. my girl needs her proper welcome right now."
you want to twirl your hair around your finger and giggle the night away, and you would, if jungkook wasn't wearing the smuggest smile on his lips, and you can't help but roll your eyes hard, and you also can't help but let the stupid grin you're holding appear on your face.
jungkook is a menace.
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lucy-sky · 2 years
Happy Birthday, dear Amaya @darlingshane​ !!! I swear I didn’t forget about you, but due to technical difficulties (internet at work sucks big time -_-) I’m posting this only now :’) It’s just a little drabble about Shane, just some image that came to my mind while thinking about a possible birthday present. There’s a small pinch of angst, but I hope it’s okay, I just think soft Shane is a good thing :’) I hope you had a great day today, enjoyed tasty food and good company, and I’m sending you a huuuuuge virtual hug! You’re one of my favorite people in the whole internet, and I’m so so happy I got to know you! Happy Birthday!!!
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Whiskey and Chocolate (Shane Walsh x Reader)
982 words; some alcohol, some hurt/comfort; making out, Shane’s bare chest; AO3 link
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This little cabin in the middle of the woods was literally heaven-sent, you think, as you stand at the window, watching the raindrops sliding down the glass surface. 
Murphy’s law: anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Today you really felt that when the car you and Shane took for a supply run broke down on the way back. That was unfortunate for sure, but you thought it’s not a big deal - you were already not that far, so you took the backpacks and decided to go a-foot. And everything went well… Until it started to rain. Just a small drizzle at first, it soon became a full scale pouring rain. You already walked far enough from the car to return, so you kept going with growing frustration until you finally saw this tiny house hidden among the trees.
The place seemed to be abandoned for a while. Maybe its resident went on a supply run as well and never came back? Who knows. You were just glad to find a shelter and some dry and clean shirts in the wardrobe to borrow.
You stand at the window with your arms crossed, trying to get yourself warm. The owner of the cabin was apparently a really… big man - you couldn’t find any pants that wouldn’t slip down your ass, but at least he had plenty of cozy flannel shirts that manage to cover everything, as if you’re wearing a dress.
“You alright?” Shane’s voice behind your back breaks the silence and you turn your head to glance at him. The clothes are a bit too big even for him, but at least he found a pair of sweats. 
“Yep, I’m fine,” you murmur, returning your gaze to the rainy pattern on the window.
“Really? You’ve been awfully quiet all day.”
“What’s wrong about being quiet?” you shrug.
“C’mon, darlin’. I know you.”
Well shit, maybe he does. For a couple of seconds you’re considering just telling him that you’re tired, wet and cold, and that’s it, but you know this answer won’t satisfy him.
“It’s just really not how I expected to celebrate my birthday,” you finally say.
“Wait, what? It’s your birthday? Shit… For real?”
“Well uh… Sometimes I’m not sure what day it is anymore, but yeah… I think so,” you chuckle a bit bitterly.
“Okay… Okay. Wait here, I’ll just-” 
You turn away from the window once again, to find Shane raking round his backpack for something.
“Uh-huh!” he smirks wickedly, holding out a bottle of Jack Daniels.
“No way… Where’d you find it? I swear I saw nothing in the alcohol aisle…” 
“Behind the counter, baby. Guess the cashier was hiding one for himself,” Shane raised an eyebrow, still smirking. “I mean, whiskey’s not as romantic as a bottle of wine, or, I don't know… champagne? But… May I offer?...” 
Why the hell not? At least you’ll finally get warm.
“Fine. I think I had some chocolate bars…”
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“So you’re officially old now, huh?” Shane teases. He looks relaxed and a little tipsy, his shirt is unbuttoned and you stare at his broad chest more than you’d like to admit.
“Shut up!” you throw a candy bar wrapper at him and this idiot laughs with such unconstrained laughter that it’s hard not to laugh with him. You’re tipsy as well, cheeks flushed from warmth and laughter, and partly from his closeness and his shamelessly exposed boobs chest. It feels like you’re a couple of teenagers, silly and lightheaded.
“How’s that, darlin’? Feelin’ better?” Shane drawls, handing you the bottle after taking another sip. 
“Yeah. Much better,” you nod. It’s already dark outside, the rain keeps pouring behind the window, and the small kitchen lit by a couple of candles you found in the cupboard feels surprisingly warm and cozy, as if there’s no danger behind these walls. You just wish you could stay in this warm bubble together with Shane and never get back to reality. 
The whiskey burns in your throat a little, making you wince.
“Hey, Walsh,” you tell him, “Thank you.”
“No problem,” he shrugs. “I mean… That’s the least I could…”
“It’s not about whiskey, just… Thanks for making me feel less lonely today. I mean… I know the world’s a crazy place right now, but when I think about how it was only a year ago, I-” you take a deep breath, trying to hold back tears with no success. You hate to break the mood like that, but you blame it on alcohol - apparently it’s that stage where you become a little angsty. “Nevermind, I think I’m just drunk already,” you shake your head and smile, trying to play it cool, but when you meet his dark eyes, there’s unmistakeable concern in them.
“Hey, hey… come on, sweetheart… C’mere,” Shane’s voice is soft and soothing as he offers you a hand, and you take it, getting up from your chair to approach him. He cups your face, thumb brushing a tear from your cheek.
“I know…” he whispers quietly. “But I’m right here, okay? You’re not alone, yeah?”
You nod as he pulls you closer, urging you to straddle his lap, and his kiss is slow and deep, and tastes like chocolate and whiskey, and you’re not sure what exactly makes your head spin - alcohol or his tongue gently exploring your mouth, or maybe his hands that find their way underneath the flannel to caress your bare skin. You didn’t know he could kiss with such tenderness. Shane’s kisses are usually rough, passionate, furious. You love it, you’re not gonna deny, but the way he kisses you now feels like a next step, a new level of intimacy.
Before every coherent thought leaves your head, before you lose yourself in the kisses and touches, you manage to think the two of you just managed to beat the goddamn Murphy’s law tonight.
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Thank you for reading :’)
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king-maven-calore · 2 years
Mareven “I was waiting for the bus in the rain and you drove past and soaked me in water. Now I’m at a coffee shop and hey look who’s here”
I had so much fun with this one! thanks for sending it love 💞
Mare had done everything right.  
She'd showered with hours in advance, done her make up and picked out her outfit, left her apartment on time. She would not be blamed for when this date went to shit, just like all the others. Her friends didn't believe her when she told them she was cursed for dates. No matter how much chemistry she seemed to have with someone, the moment they arranged for a date, things went to shit in an instant.
Poisoned food, getting catfished, getting stood up, someone's crazy ex showing up. All things that had happened to her. Of course, there were the usually shitty dates in the traditional sense, where the person just wasn't her type after all. Her type being: anyone that did not have a foot fetish, spent more than ten minutes posting where they were and what were they going to eat on social media, or "kindly" suggested she should change some aspect of her personality or how she looked. Her eyebrows were a crowd favorite, since super thin brows were back in vogue. Those requirements wiped out 70% of Archeon's dating pool. 
And speaking of pools, her boots were already flooded by the time she made it under the shelter of the bus stop. She had clung to her umbrella for dear life and her outfit of ripped jeans, crotchet crop top and a vintage jean jacket (cute as hell, in her opinion) was miraculously intact. 
Because today's curse was: the freaking weather. It was fine, she supposed, if it meant that the universe was toying with her in the arrival, rather than the date itself. Which could only mean this was going to be a big one. Today, she might meet the love of her life. She snorted at her ironic excess of positivity.  
With a pleased smirk, she closed her umbrella and fixed her gaze on the approaching bus. 
She was too focused on reading the bus route to notice the sleek black Lexus that maneuvered itself in front of it maniacally fast. It fled past her, drenching her from head to toe with a tsunami wave of murky water. 
Coffee. Maven needed Italian coffee this very second or he would commit arson. He hated days like this, where it felt like the universe was conspiring to make him hate life more than usual. He'd spent the entire night awake, going over a case, only to lose today at court. And it was raining, and his mother had invited him for dinner at their house. His father would give him shit about losing, despite the fact that he never lost, and Cal would surely announce he'd discovered the cure for cancer or some other great feat like that.  
His hands were shaking by the time he made it to the counter of his favorite coffee shop. The smell of roasted beans already started soothing his volatile mood. He shoved a generous tip in the jar simply because the girl at the cashier didn't use an obnoxiously chipper voice or try to make small talk. Thank fuck for people who kept human interaction at a necessary minimum. 
While he waited for his order, a dog started peeing on his leg. His head slowly turned in that direction, ready to skin the creature alive... but it wasn't a dog and it wasn't pee.  
There was a tiny woman squeezing water from her long ponytail onto his shoe. What the fuck? 
"Excuse me?" he sneered twisting away from her. 
"Oh? you don't like having filthy water thrown your way? Well, guess what, piece of shit ghoul, nobody does! Don't drive around town splashing pedestrians! Were you raised by wolves?" 
She was standing on her tiptoes to bark in his face (or as close as she could get with her stature). Wet tendrils of brown hair clung to her blotchy red face, her pupils dilated as she raged at him. She was so unapologetically angry, it was a delight to watch. Something warm started seeping in his chest, and he wasn't even drinking his coffee yet. 
He quirked a brow and asked in a bored tone. "Didn't you have an umbrella? It is raining, in case you didn't notice." 
Her pretty face went from blotchy angry to completely twisted wrath. 
"I did- I do, and I’m going to shove it up your ass!" she pressed her umbrella menacingly against his throat.  
"As entertaining as these dramatics are," Maven remarked, pushing the tip of the umbrella away from his neck with a finger. "It would be in your best interest to keep your voice down." 
"Or what? You're calling your lawyer?" She mocked him eyeing his suit and (rightfully) guessing his general economic status.  
He surprised himself with a genuine chuckle. What was this woman's name again? 
"I am one, but no. Because you're scaring away that guy who was waiting for you." He jerked his chin in the direction of the guy that had been scurrying away to the door without taking his eyes of her. 
Confused, she turned around just in time to meet the guy's terrified gaze before he shot for the door.  
"Ah fuck," she fervently whispered facing Maven again, but not really looking at him. "Not again." 
If that had been her date, he could not be happier about having splashed her with his car.  
"Let me buy you a coffee," he found himself offering. "Anything you want." 
Her wrath subsided, leaving a skeptical annoyance instead as she considered him carefully. 
"Anything? I eat a lot, lawyer boy." 
"Maven. And yes, I'll pay." 
"I am very hungry," she pressed his offer, daring him to back down. "Being wet and cold and abandoned does that to a girl's appetite." 
Now he was grinning. Oh he was developing an appetite too. Food first though. 
He'd never done this but it couldn't be that hard if lesser human beings did it all the time. Bracing himself, he asked her on a date.   
"Great. Dinner then?" He sounded a bit aloof, but at least he didn't stutter. Good enough. 
The woman's demeanor cooled down completely as she was taken aback by the invitation. She blinked slowly two times, as if she was changing the lens through which she observed him. Finally, she shrugged in a dismissive way. 
"What the hell. Sure. Let's do that." 
Maven made sure not to splash any more people as he drove them to the restaurant. 
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Could you do a Steve Harrington HC where the two of you take all the kids to the pool? They could tease you about being mom and dad 🥺
SLAY IM BACK!!! idk for how long tho cause my motivation to write is disappearing and appearing every few days so LETS HOPE ITS BACK FOR A GOOD AMOUNT OF TIME (also this has been in my drafts forever im so sorry it took so long) also this was not proofread just like any of my other shit and its 3:30 am so sorry if the end kinda sucks I TRIED.
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~It was almost the end of summer, and you could tell that the kids were miserable
~Mainly because El and Will had just moved to California and they had no idea when they would see each other again, but also because school was starting soon and they didn’t wanna go back yet
~You were sure that they were at home with the windows open and multiple fans on because it was a little over 90 degrees out, so Steve called Dustin and invited him and the rest over to his house to chill in the pool since his parents were gone for the week
~Before you knew it everyone was at the front door with their towels and swim suits (Everyone meaning Dustin, Mike, Lucas, Max, and Robin)
~As everyone was waiting for the bathroom so they could change, Dustin was bothering Steve because he had no good snacks 
~After a few minutes of Dustin’s nagging, Steve eventually gave in and told everyone that Robin was in charge while the two of you went to the grocery store
~The two of you were walking down the aisles, Steve pushing the cart while you grabbed chips and drinks. You also got things to make sandwiches for everyone when they get hungry and ice cream.
~You guys went to the register, paid, and left, but not before the cashier told you guys how cute the two of you looked together
~Steve trying to hide his beet red face>>>>>>>
~You guys got back to his place and saw that everyone was already in the pool
~“I thought I told you guys to wait for us?!”
~“You guys took too long” Lucas said as he shrugged
~“Where’s Robin? She’s supposed to be watching you guys”
~All of a sudden, Robin popped out of the water, causing Steve to scream
~“God, Robin! What the hell is wrong with you?!”
~“Nice shriek, Harrington. Very manly.” Robin said as she swam backwards towards the deep end where Max was relaxing
~You went inside and started putting the chips in bowls and you put the drinks in a cooler while Steve was getting changed. You were going through your backpack trying to find your swimsuit (shout out to everyone who can’t find shit in their bags because its like a bottomless pit)
~You finally found it and as you did you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist
~“Hey beautiful”
~“Hey handsome” You said as you turned around and wrapped your arms around Steve’s neck. 
~“How did I get so lucky? You’re so amazing”
~“I know I am” You said as you rested your head on his chest. He pulled you closer and gripped you tighter as he rested his chin on your head.
~“And I’m...?”
~“Fishing for compliments” you said, teasing him
~“C’monnn” he whined
~“Fine. You’re amazing too. And very gorgeous. And you’re the perfect boyfriend. Happy?”
~“Very” You could hear his smile
~“Y’know, it’s really sweet of you to do this for the kids. It’s cute that you care about them”
~“Those little shits are nothing but trouble. I only did this cause I knew you felt bad for them.”
~“Yeah, sure. It’s okay to admit it Steve. You care about them. After everything we’ve been through with them, they’re like family. I know you love them.”
~He stayed silent for a second, not wanting to admit it
~“I hate it when you’re right”
~“Well then you must hate me all the time”
~Steve broke away from the hug and lifted your chin so he could kiss you. The two of you stood like that for a few seconds before you heard a soda can pop open next to you. You looked to the side and you saw Dustin standing there watching you guys
~“Dude. How long have you been standing there?”
~“A loooong time. You guys are cute. It’s disgusting”
~“Get out of here before I kick your ass, Henderson”
~“Steve! Don’t be rude” you scolded your boyfriend
~“He completely ruined our moment!”
~“Doesn’t mean you can threaten him with bodily harm!”
~“Uh oh! Mom and Dad are fightinggg!” Dustin yelled as he walked back to his friends in the pool
~“I’m sorry, what? Mom and Dad?” You said as you walked over to them
~“Yeah. Y’know since the two of you are always looking out for us. You’re the mom, Steve’s the dad.” Mike explained
~“Yeah and Robin’s like the cool aunt” Max added
~“Wow, high praise” Robin said as she floated towards Max and fist bumped her
~“That’s insane. We’re not your parents” 
~“Obviously, but whenever we’re out you’re parents of the group. Y’know?” Dustin said, trying to explain
~You just stood there not knowing what to say so you went inside to change
~When you finally got in the pool you were relaxing in the shallow end with Robin and Max while Steve was messing around with the boys.
~After a little while Steve and Lucas called you and Max over and suggested that the 4 of you play chicken fight (that one game where someone is on another persons shoulders and you have to knock down the other team)
~You get out of the pool and force Robin to help you make the sandwiches for everyone
~When everyone’s eating all the kids are like “Thanks mom”
~“I’m gonna push you all in the pool if you keep that shit up.”
~After you’re all done eating you sit there and talk for a bit before getting back in
~Since you were still a little full, you decided to just chill on a pool-floatie and listen to music on your walkman 
~You couldn’t relax though, seeing as the boys were starting to get rough again
~“Lucas! Stop throwing water in Dustin’s eyes!”
~“Mike! Be careful! The floor is wet and I don’t want you slipping!”
~“Max! Stop trying to drown your boyfriend!”
~“Dustin stop laughing at Max trying to drown Lucas!
~“Y/nnnnn! Lucas shot me in the eyes with a water gun!”
~“Lucas! What did I say about getting water in Dustin’s eyes?!
~“Steve! Y/n! Help!”
~You and Steve immediately jumped into the pool and swam over to Dustin who was yelling and when you got over he said he got a cramp and that he was okay now
~“I swear to god, Henderson”
~You were lounging on one of the chairs by the side of the pool, finally getting the peace and quite that you wanted, since the kids had started playing Marco Polo
~You just sat there relaxing when Steve went up to you and tried to snuggle up to you
~“Steve! You’re all wet!” 
~Instead of getting up he re-positions the two of you so that your legs are to his sides and he’s laying in between them against your chest
~“Ugh I swear to god, Harrington, you’re lucky you’re cute”
~He didn’t say anything in response, instead he just dug his head deeper into your chest and started rubbing circles on your thighs
~The two of you just laid there in a comfortable silence... that was until-
~You and Steve immediately jolted up to see what had happened and who had gotten hurt
~You saw Mike on the floor clutching his ankle as Lucas and Dustin scrambled out of the water to run to him
~“What the hell happened?!”
~“I was running to get the water gun so I could shoot Lucas and I slipped and fell. Fuck, it really hurts. I think I broke it”
~“No, you didn’t break it” You said as you examined his ankle. “You probably just sprained it. What’d I tell you about running around the pool, Mike? It’s slippery as fuck! You’re lucky it’s just a sprain”
~You told Steve to run to get the first aid kit in the house, hoping there’d be something to wrap his ankle in. You used to work at the public pool over the summer sometimes so you knew exactly what to do in this situation
~Steve came running back with the first aid kit and you quickly but carefully wrapped Mike’s ankle
~You all decided it’d be best to go inside since the sun was starting to set and they would have to be home soon.
~Once everyone had gone home, you and Steve were laying down in his bed
~“You’re so great with those little shits, y’know? You’re gonna be a great mom to our future kids someday”
~“Our future kids?”
~“I mean, yeah... unless you don’t see us together in the future? Shit, never mind, I shouldn’t have said anything. Just forget it hap-”
~“How many?”
~“Our kids. How many?”
~“Oh, I don’t know. I always dreamed of having a big family. Having 5 or 6 little nuggets kinda running around”
~“6?! God damn, Harrington, my poor vagina”
~He let out a laugh and pulled you closer into his chest
~“I mean it doesn’t have to be 6. I could settle for 3″
~“3′s a good number”
~“3 it is. 2 girls and a boy”
~“We’d be awesome parents someday.”
~“Yeah, someday”
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letterstotheflre · 3 years
You’re bored one night and decide to annoy Matt during his daredevil watch and you get him to drop you off food and he eventually agrees bc crime is low and you just hear a crash on your fire escape and look to see a bag of your favorite food place and you send him a little thank you text
please this is so funny
"y/n. y/n. y/n." the monotonous female voice of his phone repeats over and over again. matt huffs, quickly cancelling the call and goes back to observing the neighbourhood.
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his ears strain for a shout, a call for help, a gunshot, anything really. but it seems like the criminals of hell's kitchen have taken the night off. he sighs and sits down on the edge of the rooftop, his feet dangling in the air.
"y/n. y/n. y/n." his phone rings agains. matt answers with a frustrated growl, bringing the phone to his ear.
"finally!" you exclaim. "what's a girl gotta do to get matt murdock to answer his phone?"
"what do you want?" he goes straight to the point.
"what, no 'hello, sweetheart'? what happened to manners?"
matt inhales deeply, begging god to give him the patience he needs to deal with you. "i'm on patrol. this better be a matter of life and death."
"trust me, it is." he hears you fall against something, probably your bed. "i'm bored," you sigh.
he blinks, his fingers curling around his phone in disbelief. "you are bored," he repeats disbelievingly. "you've been calling non stop because you're bored." he scrubs his face with one hand. "read a book or watch a movie. i'm trying to do my job here."
"i thought you were a really good lawyer?" he can hear the amusement in your voice, he grinds his teeth. "besides, y'know bothering you is my favourite hobby. oh, will you punish me if i keep talking? i know that's your favourite hobby."
he says your name in warning, the sound spreading a warmth down to your core. you can't help yourself, it's too easy to play with him. "yes, sir?"
matt throws his head back and looks at the sky. was losing his eyesight not punishment enough, god? did he have to deal with you, too? "if you really don't need anything, i'm hanging up."
he brings his phone down and is about to end the call when he catches your shout of "wait!".
you sigh. "could you get me some food, please? i don't want to cook, and i'm so comfy here in bed."
"are you kidding me? you know i'm on patrol."
"it doesn't sound like there's much to patrol," you point out. "pleaaseee, matt. i'll even show you my thanks when you come back home," you sweet talk him.
he stays quiet for a few minutes, paying attention to the silent streets. there's no call for help, nothing. "fine," he says and hangs up, not before hearing your happy squeal and the mwuah! you give him through the phone.
if matt had to rate his experience as daredevil in mc donalds, he'd give it 2 stars out of five. he had never heard someone as awkward as the cashier while taking his order, and never mind the confused voice of the girl who called his order number and saw a grown man in a red costume with horns coming out of his head step up.
the things he does for you.
he jumps from rooftop to rooftop to get to your apartment faster, then climbs down the fire escape stairs until he reaches your apartment. he leaves the bag on the windowsill and knocks on the glass, then climbs back up to your rooftop.
he waits, listens to you raise the window up and the crinkling of the paper bag as you take your food out. the smell of fried food fills his nostrils, and he listens to your heart pound a little faster when you see he got your favourite meal.
"thank you, matty," you speak to the air, knowing full well that he's listening to you.
with that, he stands and takes a deep breath to ground himself, then jumps to the next building and heads back to his usual patrol spot, his mind full of ideas for your punishment.
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dontfeeltoohot · 2 years
Here is...whatever chaos this is. Have some 18+ snzkink!Steve and allergic!Eddie. Pure fluff. Eddie wants to indulge Steve, and well. Steve combusts.
+ + +
The man is acutely aware that people are staring as he looks at the different flowers arranged nicely at the floral area in the local supermarket. Eddie 'the freak' Munson trying to decide what color flowers to buy...what has the world come to. You'd think it was worse than Hawkins literally splitting into four pieces. Pointedly ignoring the gazes, the guitarist continues to brush his fingers against the different plants before he finally picks out a simple bouquet of roses, thinking they're probably the most romantic anyway.
Even holding them for less than seconds, Eddie can smell the floral aroma wafting from them. For a split second, he debates on putting them back, maybe this isn't a good idea. But then he imagines Steve's face and he walks up to the cashier, smiling warmly and pulling his wallet out. For $12.48, he better get some mind blowing sex from this. That, or at least a deep red blush on his boyfriend's cheeks. Either will be good enough.
The drive to Steve's house consists of Eddie trying to decide how exactly he wants to execute his 'Make Steve cream his pants' operation. They've never really done much in the way of Steve's...thing. They'd both acknowledged it, but that's about as far as it's gone as of yet. As he goes through scenarios in his head, the long haired man rubs his nose lazily, the pollen from the roses already starting to affect him.
Knocking on Steve's door with the roses in hand, Eddie thinks maybe he should have cleaned up a bit more. Though it's a random Tuesday afternoon, he feels like wearing the same black jeans and an old tee is starting to get predictable, and Eddie Munson is anything but predictable. When he knocks again, rings hitting the solid wood door, he hears Steve's voice carrying from inside the house.
"Yeah yeah, I'm coming!"
Smiling at the huffiness in the others tone, Eddie subtly tries to make his hair a little more bouncy, then brushes any tiny whisps away from his face. He holds the roses close and rubs his nose again, blinking when he feels his eyes start to water. The door opens and Steve freezes, eyes zeroing in on the flowers.
Eddie raises an eyebrow when Steve doesn't do anything, still looking at them like they might actually be a bomb.
"Harrington, you gonna leave me standing out here like an idiot? If you don't like the flowers that's fine, but can I at least come inside, it's freezing," Eddie keeps the dramatic, theatrical tone in his voice like he always does, hoping it'll cover the nervousness and slight hurt at the fact Steve really does seem to not want the roses.
"Y-Yeah, sorry, sorry," Steve lets him in, shutting and locking the door behind him.
This is the first time he's felt somewhat awkward around his boyfriend since...well, since before they became boyfriends. Walking in, Eddie rubs his nose with the back of his wrist, trying to make the itch dissipate while he figures out what the hell is going on with the other man. Steve finally reaches out and takes the flowers from him, looking at them with a sudden, dopey smile.
"Okay, what the hell is going on Harrington, are you okay? Should I chuck them in the trash?" He rubs his nose again, scrubbing it with his knuckles and then scrunching it up. An audible wet sniffle rings out and Steve looks up.
"No, no. Don't, I like them. I just...have never had anyone give me flowers," a deep blush appears on Steve's face and Eddie grins so widely it hurts. That's the blush he's been hoping to see.
"Well, this should have been happening more often then, and I'll see to it that it does," he presses a big, sloppy kiss to Steve's cheek, the moment feeling like it needs some lightening. Standing close, the guitarist sighs and nuzzles Steve's shoulder before taking the flowers back, ignoring the confused look from the other man.
"We gotta put them in a vase or glass, or they're going to die. You're helpless Stevie," Eddie smirks playfully, then starts to head to the Harrington's kitchen, where he's sure he'll find a plethora of vases that Steve's mother has collected from worthy suitors sending her flowers over the years, begging her to break up with Steve's father. He freezes halfway towards the kitchen, thin nostrils twitching, flaring into circles. He rubs the heel of his hand up against his nose this time, the itch all encompassing in his head and nose.
"Eddie, why'd you st-"
"h'GKkt! ih'DKtt'uh! hn'GKtt'uhew!"
The itch doesn't go away, doesn't even begin to. He's not been around flowers like this in a long time, and god, maybe he's gotten worse because he can't remember feeling this...itchy.
"ih'GKt'uhhh! h'gkst! eh'GXTt'uhew!"
His hair tumbles in front of his face and the flowers almost get dropped. When he's able to form a semi-coherent thought after the intense itch backs down, he turns to Steve, smirking in a way he knows makes him look kind of like a predator to his prey. Steve's standing there looking like he might actually explode. His cheeks are once again bright red, but his eyes are wide with lust, and his hands are shaking.
"Something interesting to you Harrington?"
His voice is thick with congestion, and his eyes are itchy, but he just blinks back the feeling. Keeping his voice playful, he grins and moves to find a vase, trying to be extra teasing with him tonight. He wants him to unravel. Eddie bends down and finally finds a glass vase in one of the low cabinets. As expected, there seem to be at least six other ones. After putting water in it, Eddie breaks the stems a little to make them shorter, then starts arranging them. He knows Steve is as aware as he is how much pollen he's kicking up from messing with them, he can practically see it floating around.
"ihGTSCHH! hih'ktSCH! ih'gkt'uhew!"
"You okay Killer?" Eddie pats at Steve's cheek as he smirks, but then his nose twitches two or three times, and he rubs his nose roughly.
"I uh...shouldn't I be asking you that?" Steve's are are so big, and he's watching Eddie with the most intense look he's ever seen from the guy.
"Me? I'm fihhne, juhh-HH! Just a tickle....allehhhgies..." He gives the soupiest sniffle after, one that's productive enough it causes another round of sneezes to start, and this time, Eddie presses his face into Steve's shoulder.
"eh'Gkstch! hih'Kgtch'uh! ihh'gktsch'uhEW!"
The last sneeze catches them both off guard, the way it's so loud and desperate, the higher pitched ending making Steve wrap an arm around Eddie's middle. Eddie snuffles against Steve's shoulder, then looks up. They both can see the small damp spots his nostrils have left, and he feels his boyfriend squirm. Oh yeah, they're gonna have great sex tonight.
"Jesus Christ," Steve mumbles out, breathing heavier.
"Actually, my names Eddie, but I get that a lot," Eddie leans in as close as he can without their noses touching. Then, knowing Steve likes his flare for the dramatics, the guitarist brushes their noses together, sniffling.
"Stevie...h-hhave a tickle...right here," and he bumps the tips of their noses together. His eyebrows draw up, his eyes flutter, then he smiles when he hears a guttural noise emit itself from his boyfriend. He's dimly aware of being led to the couch, but the itch isn't letting up and the idea of focusing on anything else isn't possible. He gets pulled down on top of Steve and instantly presses his nose to his neck.
"ih'GKtch'uhew! F-Fuhhck Steve..." Eddie whimpers as Steve rubs up against him, their jeans getting in the way. "h'ngKTSCH! ihKSTCH'uhew!"
A breathy 'oh my god' stumbles out of Steve's mouth and both of them rush to take their pants off, Steve all but ripping his shirt away as Eddie tries and fails to get his own off, the material rubbing against his nose, setting him off into another fit.
"ihktsch! hh'gnxtch! ihtschuhew!"
They're softer but itchier. Steve helps with the shirt, then kisses him hard, hands roaming everywhere on his porcelain skin. Though his hands have scars, most of the rest of Eddie's body is unmarred, all creamy pale skin and freckles on his back. Steve's got enough moles on his back, littered everywhere, that Eddie wants to connect them all into some new constellation.
"God you're so fucking hot," Steve mumbles, kissing down his boyfriends jaw and to his neck.
"Yeah well, one of us has to be, but it's not me. You should see your ass," he smirks playfully, and yet another blush arises. Score three for the Munsonater. Steve sucks on his neck and the noise Eddie makes is embarrassing. Just as he's about to move back to kiss his lips more, Eddie's nose twitches.
"ihgKKkst! hih'TDchh'uh! ihNKTt! Oh god..." the curly haired man can feel the mess that's now half against his nose and half against Steve's jaw. He's about to apologize and pray for something to swallow him whole, but instead he's getting his jaw pressed into, and then Steve's kissing him again, and Eddie moans.
"And they call me a freak," he snorts, and Steve pauses, looking at him with playfully narrowed eyes, no heat behind them at all.
"Come on Steve, I'm an allergic mess and you're getting off," the man grins, kissing Steve again.
"You're so hot, all desperate. Can't sneeze fast enough, your cute nose.." Steve is rambling, rubbing their erections together. Eddie lets out a noise that Steve isn't sure is human, it sounds more like a whimper that Dart had made all those years ago.
"Yeah, well, m'gonna cum soon if you don't keep kissing me..."
"Okay, jesus, someone's impatient."
"I have been sneezing for the past half hour Steven, please..."
Eddie isn't one to beg, so Steve grins and starts kissing him again.
God he loves Steve and sex. In that order.
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fwkei · 3 years
Excited for what's to come
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Rindou Haitani x fem!reader (fluffly, slightly angst, light mention of nfsw)
yass my 2nd request 🥳🥳ik that i can respond to the questions directly but it wont let me put a tittle if i do so i'm just gna do my requests like this, hopefully the person sees it, AND I HOPE U ENJOY! I had kinda a tough time with this ngl also sorry for any mistakes
CW/TW: Mentions of harassment, mentions of drugs
WC: 7.2k
Your mouth parted in shock as anger filled you looking at his grinning face. You never thought you’d ever see this man’s face again. And you almost didn’t recognize him. But the second he spoke...you knew it was him...and he knew it was you.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” you said under your breath, bringing your hand to your head as he walked over, hands in his pockets smiling.
“Been a while, huh?” he said tilting his head at you
The familiar sight of his cocky smile sent you back, way back to when it all started between you two. Way back to when you were only 15.
You were walking home after finishing a day of school and club activities. It was mid year, finals just finished up and spring break was coming along. You felt relieved that you could finally have 2 weeks of rest, and not worry about your underclassmen and schoolwork. Since tomorrow was the last day of school, you decided you’d make a stop at the corner store. To just grab some snacks, maybe even dinner…
You held your book bag close to your body, as you opened the doors of the store. It was cold inside, you tucked your arms under each other to create some friction for warmth, as you walked around a bit you saw a group of 4 boys who all had matching uniforms, but not school uniforms. Just delinquent uniforms. You quickly glanced to see the sign of their gang, after a bit of looking, you didn’t recognize it, and decided to brush them off.
They looked around the same age as you, maybe a year older. They stood crowded in front of the cooler section laughing and talking pretty loud which already annoyed you a bit since you wanted to get a cold drink. You saw them fill their baskets with different types of beers and candy. You sorta cringed. After grabbing a few snacks and microwavable dinner you walked over to the cooler section, avoiding their presence completely, not interested or bothered by delinquents.
It was common for delinquents to be around where you lived. You often didn’t really like them, since most of them just trashed the streets and caused trouble for others, but you liked the ones that consisted of kids who just wanted to have fun and didn’t cause any harm. But definitely not groups like this, who are always waiting to just ruin someone's day.
“Excuse me-” you said avoiding eye contact, but not in a shy way
“Oh?” said one smiling
“What do you need, pretty?” he asked as his friends slightly moved out of the way, and you looked at him
“..just a drink.” you said smiling, trying to hide your irritated face while pointing to the door they were blocking
“Ahh, my bad.” he said moving out of the way, opening to door for you smiling foolishly
“Thank you.” you said giving a closed eyed smile before lowering your self slightly to grab your favorite drink
After grabbing it, you placed it in your basket and squeezed your way through the boys to get to the cashier. You smiled at the old man behind the counter as he scanned and bagged your items.
“Having dinner all by yourself? C'monn, let me accompany you, huh sweet?” said the leader walking over to you with that same smile on his face while licking his lips making you cringe
“Not interested.” you said not looking at him and grabbing your stuff, turning to walk out
“Aw c'mon..” he said following behind you as his friends dropped their stuff on the floor to follow their boss
You couldn't help but to feel a little bit worried for your own well being. When hearing them call out for you, as you so desperately tried to ignore it and go home. Still by the store's vicinity and still walking you heard him come closer and stand in front you, inching closer and closer to you making you back up with confused and worried eyes
“Don’t ignore me~” he said bringing his hand to twirl your hair
“I said I’m not interested.” you said bringing your hand to push you hair down so that he could no longer touch it
“You think that matters?” he asked as his smile faded into a smaller one but more devious
Suddenly you felt his finger tips touch your waist, and before it could escalate any further your fight or flight kicked in, you quickly raised your hand and slapped the male in front of you, and hard. Causing his head to turn a bit and arms drop from your body. You furrowed your eyebrows in anger as his hand traveled to his red cheek.
“Were you never taught that when a girl says no it means no?” you asked
You saw rage fill the man's eyes, as he brought his hand up to hit you back, both your heads turned to hear another person's voice.
“Really?” is all he said with one hand in his pocket, and the other taking out the lollipop in his mouth as he walked over with a blank expression
“The hell are you?” asked the male in front of you putting his hand down
“You’re gonna beat down on a girl for saying she doesn’t want you? Huh, ugly?” he said smiling as your eyes widened in shock at his insult to the man
Is he stupid? There's 4 guys here and he just insulted their friend. 4 v 1? The odds don’t play in his favor, and there wasn’t much you could do to help him other than call for help. But you couldn’t help but smile a little at his remark, You turnt your head to the side trying to contain your laugh.
“You laughing?” asked the male in front of you turning his rage filled gaze to you
“Yeah she’s laughing, isn't he an ugly guy?” asked the boy with blonde hair and blue highlights with glasses, grinning
“..yeah.” you said holding back your laugh and looking over at the boy, as he looked into your eyes with a look letting you it would all be okay
The male in front of you grunted as he raised his arm to hit you again, but the boy next to you blocked it with ease, signing. He held his arm steady blocking the arm from touching you. He placed his lollipop back in his mouth with one hand, then took off his glasses, turning his gaze to you. You felt your face get hot. He was just so...cool?
He softly smiled and handed you his glasses.
“Hold these for me?” he asked as you nodded your head ‘yes’ looking at him in complete awe
“I’m right here!” yelled the male coming in with another hit, you quickly moved out of the way to let him have the floor.
You held the boy's glasses in your hands as you watched him swiftly and easily doge the males attacks, and then it was all over. A single punch from the boy knocked the leader out, as he fell to the floor. Your eyebrows raised, excited.
“Isn’t he your leader? You guys are just gonna stand there?” asked the boy using his foot to turn over the body on the floor as his follower simply just ran away from the scene. The boy walked over to you, twirling the lollipop in his mouth. He took it out, throwing it into the trashcan near you before tilting his head giving you a slightly cocky smile...that you actually liked.
“Thank you.” you said bowing your head slightly at him
“No worries.” he said as you brought your head back up, still looking at him in awe
He noticed. He could tell you were stuck in awe, it was obvious by the look in your eyes. He’s never seen himself make a girl look at him like that, and honestly it made him prideful. But also fuzzy inside since he was able to make you nervous. He watched you earlier, noticing you had more of a calm personality, but the way you were now was different. He could practically feel the heat that radiated from your face. It really made him...happy? Usually all the girls he met fawn over his older brother...and it was nice having some attention for once.
He just kept looking into your eyes for a solid minute, you tried your very best to keep eye contact but it seemed as though he was lost in thought, so you looked off to the side and held out your hand with his glasses in it.
“I- uh..here by the way..” you said still looking off the side hoping he wouldn't notice your flushed face
“Thanks.” he said smiling, taking them from your hand and putting them, blinking his eyes a few times to adjust to it.
“Do you live around here? I can walk you home.” he said putting his hands into his pockets
“Yeah, just up the street. But you don't have to, really! I wouldn’t want to burden you.” you said bringing your hands up frantically at the nice gesture
“I don’t mind, honest. Here...just come with me, I gotta buy a few things first..” he said as his eyes traced your face
“Sure.” you said smiling as you both started to walk to the store
You only followed him around like a lost puppy, as he picked up a few drinks and snacks. Once he finally finished and paid, you both walked out, and started walking to your home.
“What’s your name?” you asked looking at him
“Rindou, or Rin is fine.” he said turning his gaze to you
Every. Single. Time. He looked in your eyes, it was like you were lost in trance. Although it was dark out, you could still so clearly see his eyes, they were so perfect to you. But what you didn’t know at the time was he felt the same way. He finally had someone's eyes on him, for him and no one else. He would feel fuzzy every time you looked him deep in the eye. And you both could tell there was a lot of tension, but not in a bad way.
“Yours?” he asked
“Y/n.” you said looking back in front of you
“Pretty name.” he said making you smile scrunch your eyebrows in confusion as you looked over at him
“Thanks...that’s a compliment I've never heard before from someone.” you said smiling
“Is it the type of compliment you'll remember?” he asked smiling
“Yeah, I don’t think i’ll ever forget it.” you said
“Good.” he said
“Oh- my place is just up the stairs so..thank you for walking me.” you said stopping in your tracks and pointing, smiling
“Yeah, no problem..” he said as you waved and started to walk up the stairs
“Hey-! Before you go-” he said making his way to where you were on the stairs, stopping on the stair below you, making him look up at you
You saw that his face was slightly red, and it made you smile softly as you waited for him to finish his thoughts,
“Would this be a bad time to ask you out or-?” he asked laughing, leaving you surprised
“Yes but I like you..so no.” you said
“..cool.. Then i’ll see you tomorrow.” he said said grinning and turning around to walk
“..tomorrow?” you said under your breath smiling as he made his own way home
After the most cliche moment of your life just happened, you went on to do your regular routine of going to bed. And you couldn’t help but feel so excited for what's to come.
‘What does he mean by seeing me tomorrow..he didn’t even ask if i'd be free, or tell me where we should meet….He’s so different..’
You though tot yourself as you were trying to fall asleep
The next morning, you woke, got ready, and went to school. Everything went as usual. Till one of your underclassmen from your club came barging into the club room, sweating and frantically trying to catch his breath.
“Y/N!” he yelled
“Are you alright?” you asked placing down the pen you were using to help correct a paper, while walking over to him to help him sit down
He only let out heavy breaths, and so you went over to your book bag, taking out a new water bottle and napkin. You handed him the water as he aggressively went to open it and drink it. You kneeled next to the kid and wiped the sweat that was dripping from his forehead, waiting for him to calm down.
“What happened? You look scared.” you said with concerned eyes
“Y/n! There's a man outside in front of the school asking for you!” he said
“..did he threaten you or something?” you asked thinking it was the guy from yesterday who harassed you
“No! But! But!-” he said not being able to speak his mind
“Hey! Hey! It’s alright just relax, grab your stuff and go home, okay? Club is done for today.” you said getting up and patting his head
“Sure but!”
“Don’t worry! Everything is fine-” you said walking over to grab your sweater and bag
“Do you mind locking up the classroom on your way out?” you asked to one of the club members
“Sure!” she said as you handed her the key
“Thanks so much, leave the key at the front office on your way out-!” you said walking out of the club room
You walked down the stairs of your school, walking to the front you carefully looked around, seeing no threat in sight you continued on your way, walking to the front. As you turned to start walking on the sidewalk, your face grew shocked at seeing-
“Rindou?” you asked
“Hey there, took you long enough.” he said looking up from his phone
“Sorry..? How would I know that you would be here?” you asked smiling as you walked over to him
“I thought I sent some random kid to get you.” he said
“You also scared the shit out of him.” you said as Rindou started smiling cheekily
“I swear I didn’t mean any harm-” he said bringing his arm up in defense
“Well sit down, let's go already. It's hot.” he said handing you a helmet
“Where’re we going?” you asked taking it and strapping it on
“You’ll see, come- and I’ll hold your bag for you. he said pushing himself up so that you could sit behind him
You didn't respond and only did as he said, sitting behind him, you pulled your skirt down. You felt nervous at how close you two were right now, but he seemed so calm...it was almost frustrating.
“This your first time on a bike?” he asked slightly turning his head
“Yeah, you’re not gonna wear a helmet?” you replied
“Nope, don't need it, and you should probably hold onto me though.” he said, bringing his hands up to start the motor making your heart jump at the loud sound, and before you could even do anything, he started zooming out of his parking space.
Your eyes widened and you quickly brought your arms, wrapping them around his waist, pressing your cheek against his upper back and cringing your eyes shut. Sacred for your life. You heard him laughing a bit at your reaction, and you couldn't help but to smile at it since it was so cute.
“Slow down!” you yelled trying to make yourself known over the loud engine
“You’re gonna be fine! Just trust me!” he yelled back smiling as you brought your head up slightly feeling the wind against your skin..and it felt so good. Was this what living a carefree life was like?
You couldn't help but smile so big at the feeling you were feeling right now.. It was different from any other feeling you’ve felt. It was happy mixed with...anxiousness? It left you with butterflies in your stomach. That never went away and it just made you feel so good.
‘Is this love?’
you thought to yourself holding Rindou tighter to you as he turned the bike
Rindou felt his heart flutter with your every touch, the fact that you would hold onto him tighter and tighter every time he did something new with his bike just made him smile like a fool. He found it so cute that despite the fact that you were scared, knew nothing about him, and had no idea where you were going and just trusted him because he said so made him feel...light? Like fuzzy and warm. He liked it. No, he loved it. You made him feel happy and jittery even though he knew nothing about you, but he knew how to keep a level head...but that was getting harder and harder for him to do
‘Am I in love?’
He thought to himself
He was snapped out of his thoughts when seeing the spot come into view. He slowed down his bike, turning into a dirt road with lots of trees and bushes, the sun piercing through them making it a beautiful sight. There was also a fence that was about 4 feet tall that also had a sign which said “no trespassing, private property.” which made you raise an eyebrow.
“Are we going on a hike or something?” you asked taking your arms off him and resting them on your thighs, making Rindou feel a little disappointed that your warmth was gone
“Sorta, it’s a short one.” he said, parking the bike and getting off to help you out.
“Hm.” you said smiling taking off your helmet and placing it on the handle of the cycle
You got off the cycle and walked over to where Rindou was, seeing he was making his way over the fence
“Are you sure this is okay?” you asked stopping at the fence seeing he was on the other side
“I promise. Trust me.” he said, pushing up his glasses smiling, you smiled at him and placed your foot through the openings so that you could bring your leg up to the other side.
“Alright, I will.” you said smiling as you sat on the fence, ready to jump off
Rindou held his hand out for you to grab. You placed your hand on his feeling your face get hot, again, as he wrapped his fingers around it. You put some of your weight on him as you slightly jumped off. You let go of your hand and fixed your skirt.
“Ready?” he asked holding out his hand again for you to grab
“Ready.” you said finally letting him see you blush as you held his hand making his eyes soften at you. You felt excited.
After a bit of walking through some nature, you two stopped. You held one of your hands over your eyes since the sun was shining directly at you. But your other hand never let go of his. You tilted your head in confusion seeing that you both were stopped at a lake. It wasn't too big or small. The water was clear and you could see the bottom of the body of water because of the sun's bright rays.
“..hm?” you said seeing that Rindou let go of your hand and started to take off his school shirt and jacket, you quickly turned your gaze from him
“What are you doing?” you asked avoiding looking at him
“We. We are going swimming.” he said walking in front of you smiling foolishly
“I don’t have a swimsuit.” you said smiling slightly seeing he was only left in plaid boxers
“And? C’mon it's spring break, isn’t it? Let loose a bit.” he said taking off his glasses
“Is this your cheap shot at trying to get in my pants?” you asked jokingly
“It can if you want it to be, but don’t worry that time will come eventually-” he said smiling cocky and patting your head, making your face become hot
“Smooth.” you said taking off your shoes as Rindou sat on a rock watching you
“Really?” you said after taking off your socks and skirt leaving you in your undershorts and school shirt
“What?” he said playing dumb
“Fold your clothes, don't just leave it on the floor.” you said grabbing his shirt, balling it up and throwing it at him as he brought his arms to grab it before it could hit him
“Oh? I see what you’re doing.” he said smiling and getting up, doing as you told him
“I’m sure.” you said unbuttoning your shirt, folding it and placing everything on a rock turning around to not see Rindou anywhere, you made a confused look but then you felt yourself being picked up and thrown into the water, but he stayed with you, letting you both hit the water together
You weren’t even angry, you just felt happy.
It all went in slow motion in his eyes, seeing your shocked face turn into a happy one as you splashed into the water. It honestly shocked him, the way you two so easily warmed up to each other.
After about 2 hours of just swimming, talking, fighting, and flirting. You both floated in the water watching the sun go down.
“Wanna be a thing, Y/n?” he asked looking off to the side as you let out a small laugh
“You would like a middle school boy asking out his crush-” you laughed making his face turn to yours flustered
“How else can I say it then?” he asked
“I never said it was bad, it’s cute and sure, let’s ‘be a thing’” you said making his mouth slightly part
“I like hanging out with you, relationships are just friendships but more intimate right? It’ll be fun...I like how I feel when I’m around you so it’s an easy yes.” you said resting your arms on the big pile of rocks in the water looking up at his surprised face
“See, I was gonna say all that but I didn't wanna creep you out-” he said shrugging lightly and slightly swimming over to you
You simply smiled and looked at him as he made his way closer to you.
He was completely lost in your eyes, he didn’t even feel nervous about asking you out. He just felt so comfortable, and he knew you’d say yes. He watched as you got up from the water and ringing out your hair. His eyes grazed your damp skin, and you noticed it. But you didn’t feel nervous anymore. You liked it.
“We should get out, right? The sun is almost down. I don’t want either of us to get sick-” you said making your way out of the water
“worried about me? How sweet.” he teased following you out
“Shut it-” you said smiling as you started to put on your school shirt and socks and Rindou put on his shirt and pants.
“Shit. Quick-” he said grabbing your hand
“My clothes?!” you said in a louder tone as you two started to run to a bush
“We’ll come back, keep quiet it’s the cops.” he said pulling you in front of him so that you could hide behind the bush first
“The cops?! How do you know??” you asked whisper yelling
“Shhh..” he said bringing his hand to cover your mouth as he carefully watched the two cops encounter the clothes on the floor
You brought your hand up to pull down Rindous hand, as you both watched and listened carefully. Your heart was thumping hard, you could feel it all over your body. You watched as the cops picked up the skirt you left on the ground.
“Well jeez-” laughed the cop seeing all the clothes
“Is it those damn skinny dippers again?” said one cop signing
“Probably, just pick it up and throw it away. There's no one here like always, these calls are always a waste of time.” said the cop tossing your skirt into a trash bag
“Kids are too horny these days!” yelled the cop picking up the clothes and throwing it in the trash bag
Your eyes turned to Rindou who just let out a loud laugh. You brought your hand to cover his mouth quickly, but the damage was already done.
“Who’s there?!” yelled the cop walking over
“Shit, cmon!” yelled Rindou grabbing your hand as he started to run quickly, still laughing
“You DUMBASS-” you yelled as you two ran fast as Rindou was now laughing hysterically
“Stop it right there!” yelled the cops chasing after you both
“Shit!” you yelled after turning your head seeing the cops were catching up to you two
“Are they close?!” yelled rindou as you both started running faster
“Yes!” you yelled back
“Okay as soon as you see the bike just get on it, okay?!” he yelled looking back at you, grinning making your mouth part in awe
‘He’s so cool.’
You thought to yourself
The fence came into view, Rindou used his hand to hold himself up as he jumped over it quickly, and you did the same. You got onto the bike, putting on your helmet as you watched Rindou pull a pocket knife out of his pants pocket.
“What the-'' you said before being interrupted by the sound of a deflating tire, Rindou placed the knife back into his pocket as he ran over to you, sitting down and starting the cycle. Not leaving yet
“What the hell are you doing?! Drive!” you said anxiously seeing the cops come into view
“Just as second…” he said waiting for the cops to become more clear
“Now. See ya!” he yelled laughing after seeing the panting cops finally catch up to you two, teasing them into thinking they caught you both.
You started to laugh as Rindou drove away quickly with a big smile on his face.
That was probably the funniest night of your life. And that's how all your dates went with Rindou. They were all action packed, filled with adrenaline and excitement. He always showed up unannounced at your place honking, or would text you to come over to his place. It was something new everyday with him..from exploring abandoned buildings, to dining and ditching at expensive restaurants, to staying late at each other's houses just talking, to him laying his head on your lap as you treated his wounds, to almost nothing at all.
It had been 3 years of dating Rindou Haitani… The best and worst years of your life. You two fell so stupidly in love with one another. All you guys did was stupid things at first. The love was young, new, and immature. You both were exploring unknown feelings.
Rindou was your first love, and as much as you hate to admit that, you could never forget the day when you realized how you fell for him. And he for you.
After you both passed your high school years, things started to not go so great. Although you loved Rindou with all your heart, some of the stupid things he did were not cute. You were now both 18, and your mother expected you to start helping her out financially, and you completely understood that since you weren’t very wealthy. You started to take up jobs, any that you could find, basically throwing away your high school diploma, using your knowledge for no good. You didn’t mind it, but it did make you feel upset. You hoped that Rindou would notice and ask you about it but it was always the same thing over and over again with him now. Except he just became more and more aggressive with it.
He started getting into a lot of trouble by himself, and not with the help of his older brother, surprisingly. To the point where you would get calls from the police station from him asking you to come and bail him out. At first you didn’t mind, and dug into your savings to do so, but his crimes just became more expensive. You’ve bailed him out 3 times in just 1 month, and it costed you thousands of yen. And he’d only smile at you and say ‘thank you’ nothing more. It infuriated you, but you kept it inside. You’ve asked him multiple times if everything was alright, and if there was a reason for his sudden outbursts of violence. You even went as far as asking Ran, to which you got no answer from both.
Rindou was never ever considerate of your time. At first it was alright, because you two were just kids and had time to waste. But now it was obvious that it wasn't the same anymore. The love you both had, matured greatly and became way more intimate, you both understood that and the risks with it. But as it matured, you both were growing anxious. Anxious at that maybe things would never be the way they used to be. Just being stupid and in love. Like those cliche romance mangas.
You looked down at your phone after serving your last table of the knight. You were exhausted and just wanted to go home, seeing it was 11.
You received a text from Rindou saying “come over?” and it made you angry. So angry. You bit your inner cheek sighing seeing that yet again, he isn't considerate of your time. You had enough, and immediately started walking to his house trying to calm down as you took off your apron.
After walking about 30 minutes, you successfully calmed yourself down. You walked to the door, and knocked, holding all your things in your hands.
“Y/n, hi.” said Ran opening the door smiling
“Hi, is Rin in his room?” you asked smiling
“Yes,” he said, moving to the side. Ran could tell you were upset about something.
You walked over to the door of Rindous room. You knocked before entering the room, seeing he was sitting on his bed with a remote in his hand playing some sort of video game. You took a small breath to try and control yourself. And Ran stood beside the door, he couldn't help but eavesdrop at what was to happen, but you couldn’t see that.
“Hold on I’m almost done-” he said toying with the remote
“...” you sat there patiently waiting, and after a couple minutes-
“Alright I’m done...What’s wrong?” he said furrowing his eyebrows slightly
“The hell do you mean ‘what’s wrong’?”
“You’re upset.”
“Of course I’m upset, you texted me, telling me to come over for what? For me to just sit here and watch you play video games? Like every other time?”
“What are you talking about? I always take you out? What made you so mad today?”
“Rindou stop acting stupid.”
“What? How am I acting stupid Y/n?” he asked with an annoyed tone
“...Rindou I’ve told you already, I don't have time like I did before, I can't just drop everything and come and hang out with you.”
“I know that, that’s why I texted you after work.”
“Yeah you texted me after my 9 hour shift, and you’ve been doing that for the past week when you see that i’m clearly tired. I have to walk 30 minutes to get here? You don’t even offer to pick me up.”
“I told you my bike is broken.”
“And?! I told you I would pay for it to get fixed but you didn’t accept my money.”
“Because I don’t want you to waste your money on something stupid like that? Maybe think Y/n.”
“You don’t seem to have a problem with me using my money to bail you out of jail, that’s just as stupid.”
“I’m stupid now?”
“I’m not saying that! The things you do are stupid!”
“I told you I’m sorry, I haven't gotten in trouble at all this week for you, okay?”
“For me? I lectured you for your own good.”
“I don’t need to hear a lecture from you right now.”
“Rindou I don’t know what’s going on with you right now, but if something is bothering you and making you act differently just tell me and I’ll help you.”
“Nothing’s wrong, you’re just so sensitive now.”
“I’m always the one planning things between us, and you’re getting mad at me for continuing to do that?” he said
“Planning what? You never tell me anything until the last minute, and you just expect me to follow you.”
“And that's why I text you after work.” he said choppy breaking down the words
“Don’t do that.”
“Do what?”
“Mock me, asshole.”
“I’m fucking tired after work, okay? And seeing how we’re becoming distant just makes me so upset and exhausted. I’m trying to fix things here.”
“There’s nothing to fix, if you don’t like how it is, then just leave me. It’s that easy.” he said
“Are you serious?” you asked biting your inner cheek to hold in your tears
“Yeah, I’m serious.” he said with a straight face
“So you’re okay with me just ending things right here?” you said fisting your hands out of frustration
“If that means you’ll stop complaining then yeah.” he said
You felt your heart ache, you were so unbelievably angry and sad. You got up, not looking at him as you turned to leave
“Fucking dick.” you said under your breath before making your way out of the house, passing by Ran who had wide eyes and raised eyebrows.
“Really Rindou?” said Ran to Rindou while standing at his door smiling
“What? I wasn’t the one who ended things.” he said
“Sure, but you were the one who enticed it.” he said bringing up his pointer finger
“And?” he said
“Nothing...just surprised you're not upset, she was crying as she left.” said Ran signing
“She was..?”
“Obviously.” replied Ran smiling
“It’s a shame really, I liked you two together. She was good to you, I hope you won't take a person like her for granted again, Rin.” said Ran signing before making his way to his room
Ran was always a tease to Rindou, especially about girls and you. Rindou could tell though. He could tell that Ran was trying to tease but also get an important message across to him. Ran could tell Rindou wasn't in the right headspace. He’s been out of it, and honestly Ran envys you for being able to put up with it, and also his normal crazy demeanor at the same time. There really isn't any other person other than you and Ran that have had such an impact on Rindou.
After you left, Rindou just sat there with a blank expression. He got a notification on his phone, lighting it up, forcing him to see his screen saver which was a picture of you two. Your laughing face at the bottom of the screen, as his hands were messily in your hair, spreading hair dye all over with a smile on his face looking down at you with such awe.
He looked away from his phone and brought his hands to his hair, grasping it in frustration. It was what RIndou wanted. In your eyes, you saw Rindou losing interest, in his eyes, he saw someone too good for him. He held you back, right?
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“Been a while, huh?”
“You two...know each other?” asked Kakucho who was showing you around the building
Complete silence as you both just looked into each others eyes, you slightly angry, and him smiling.
“Yeah-” you both said at the same time looking over at Kakucho
“Oh! How so?” he said giving a surprised smile
You both looked back at each other, you switched your gaze to look off to the side
“Old...uh..friends.” you said smiling at Kakucho as he nodded his head
“Friends?” said Rindou furrowing his eyebrows playfully, making you feel anxious.
“Yes, friends.” you said
“Should I give you 2 some time alone-?” asked Kakucho sweat dropping
“After the meeting.” you and Rindou said at the same time, again.
“...Well alright then, let’s go to the table?” said Kakucho trying to ease the tension between you two
“Sure.” you said smiling at him
“Right this way-” he said walking in front of you as you followed, feeling Rindous presence behind you making you nervous.
As the table came into view, you saw a few other men sitting down and discussing things. You smiled and waved as they turned their attention to greet you.
“Y/n?” asked Ran smiling, clearly very surprised standing up a bit to reach your hand
“Hello! Good to see you again,” you said smiling and shaking his hand
“...Interesting.” he said sitting back down smiling over at his younger brother who looked annoyed
“Ran, you’ve met Y/n?” asked Kokonoi
“Y/n was friends with Rindou and Ran-” said Kakucho smiling trying to avoid another tension filled conversion
“I see, then Sanzu will be right over. But Y/n is going to be our financial guide/supervisor. Today’s meeting is about the recent drop in our drug sales.” said Kokonoi passing around packets
You pulled one towards you and sat down between Kakucho and Rindou, reviewing over the packet immediately noticing some major details.
“Alright!!” you heard a man yelled as he walked into the room throwing himself onto his chair
“Oh, new girl that Koko haired right? Y/n is it?” he asked looking over at you
“Yeah-” you said smiling
“Pleasure~” he said smiling leaning over the table to shake your hand
“Likewise.” you said letting go and sitting back down fixing your dress
After a bit of bickering between the men for about 10 minutes, you finally finished your analysis.
“What you should do is drop oxy shipments, sales go down every month by 2%, Within 6 months you’ll be losing more money than you will make with drugs. Also the place you’re getting your oxy shipments from recently is just faux opioids. I get you switched to a new provider since you weren't making money but they’re not even a type of opioid. They were recently in a feud with another gang just a week ago for selling synthetic drugs. They make business by buying cheap things and selling it for 10x it’s price. So the reason you’re losing money is simple, your clients aren’t getting their desired high. Opioids are too expensive to buy in big shipments so I recommend switching to another drug. Adderall is becoming popular among students and soon with others. Taking it gives you a rush of energy and good feelings all around, switch to selling adderall instead of faux opioids, and you’ll be making a lot more money.” you said showing your paper to the men
“How are you so sure?” asked Rindou looking over your notes
“It’s right in front of you.” you said not looking at his direction causing Ran to put his head down to contain his laugh and Rindou smiles at you remark
“I’m all for it.” said Sanzu smiling
“I also brought samples if any would like to try.” you said
“Oh how nice!” said Sanzu smiling at you as you placed the small container in his hand as he opened it and swallowed one happily
“When will we start to see an increase?” asked Kokonoi
“Oh right so here I made-”
You went on to explain your reasoning to Ran, Koko, and others. Within an hour they all seemed satisfied and impressed with your work, while Sanzu was just in a mind of his own enjoying himself
“Alright then I'll start making calls.” said Koko giving you a soft smile
“Sure, let me know if you need any help.” you replied back as the other men started to pack their papers
“Y/n, would you like to finish the tour?” asked Kakucho
“Maybe next time?” you said smiling trying to cover your annoyed face at feeling Rindou tap your shoulder
“Ah understood- no worries.” he said smiling
You turned to look up at Rindou
“My office alright with you?” he asked placing his hands into his pockets
“Yeah.” you said bringing your hand to your necklace, playing with it
You felt nervous as you followed Rindou into his office, anxious, like that first time he walked you home. You haven't seen him in years, it was so overwhelming. You were surprised at yourself for not getting more angry today.
He opened the door of his office for you, you walked in and sat on one of the chairs, as Rindou closed the door, walking over, leaning himself against the table as he just looked down at you. You looked to the side to cover the flushed face you very much did not want him to see.
“Stop looking at me like that.” you said looking him in the eye
“Like what? You look good.”
“...Just say what you want to say so that I can go home.” you said looking off to the side trying to ignore the fact that butterflies just filled your stomach
“How’ve you been?” he asked smiling noticing how his words took affect on you
“Fine. Went to university like I wanted..” you said
“I’m glad, Y/n.” he said
“What are you getting at here?” you asked getting frustrated
“Nothing, I just miss you.” he said
“Don’t say things like that. It’s not fair.”
“No, don’t say anything anymore-”
“I’m sorry.” he said making your mouth part then close quickly as you looked to the side trying to control the overwhelming emotions taking over you right now
“I don’t know what you want me to say to that.” you said getting up from your seat, walking to the door, stopping in your tracks when you felt his hand grab your wrist gently
“Just say what you feel like saying.” he said, getting up from leaning on his desk to stand in front of you, making your eyes widen in shock at the sudden intimacy
“I-” you said, getting lost in his eyes again like it was your very first time looking in them. Your eyes traced his face, appreciating every little detail, finally looking at his lips seeing them smirk slightly
“Fucking dick.” you said under your breath before bringing your hand to his jaw, pressing your lips onto his. You felt his arms hold your waist as his mouth moved in sync with yours, his mouth was so warm and hungry for yours. You missed being this intimate with him. He moved you against the wall of his office before breaking the kiss, breathing heavily and looking you deep in the eye
“are you...seeing anyone?” he asked 
“..No.” you replied
“Then..Wanna be a thing, Y/n?” he asked smiling after seeing you smile at the familiar words
“Sure, let’s be a thing’”
You said, excited for what's to come.
Bonus lmao
“You guys are done, great-” said Kakucho as his smile faded as he realized what just happened in Rindous office.
“Yeah. We’re done.” you said patting down your hair and fixing the strap of your dress
“We made up.” said Rindou smiling while fixing his tie and wiping under his lip
“...” Kakucho was left with wide eyes and a flustered face, as Rindou and you nonchalantly walked back to the meeting table to grab your stuff and leave.
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kirishimaswife2819 · 4 years
When Their S/o is on Their Period || BNHA Boy Headcanons
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Pairings: Izuku Midoriya x Fem!Reader, Katsuki Bakugou x Fem!Reader, Eijiro Kirishima x Fem!Reader, Shoto Todoroki x Fem!Reader, and Denki Kaminari x Fem!Reader
Summary: How the boys act when you’re on your period
Word Count: 1.6k
A/n: I wrote this because my period is supposed to come in like two days and I am not very excited at all. Anyway, I hope you like these headcanons, and requests are still open and all that, just read the rules first. Also, thanks for everyone who has liked/reblogged any of my posts or even followed me, I really appreciate it. Hope you all have a great day/night! :) -Danielle <3
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Izuku Midoriya:
If you don’t tell him ahead of time that you’re going to be on your period and you snap at him he’s gonna get so upset
Like he’s going to think about every little thing that happened for the past few weeks and try to see where he went wrong
Then when you tell him you’re on your period, he’s going to just freeze, and then start to panic
His face gets all red, but he still asks if you if you need anything
If you send this boy to the store to get pads/tampons, expect him to be gone for a solid few hours
When he firsts gets to aisle, he stands there, because he knows absolutely nothing about pad/tampons, and he doesn’t know what brand to get
So then, he takes out his phone and starts typing, and trying to do research, but google isn’t helping him decide what to get at all
So, then the nice old lady restocking the shelves, offers to help, noticing how he’s panicking
He still ends up getting a few different brands, but that’s okay
If you get bad cramps, like really bad, he’s definitely going to cry
He hates seeing you in pain
If you are having cramps he’ll give you some medicine he bought and offer you a heating pad
After he gets you feeling a little better, he’s going to give you all the snacks he got you and offer to cuddle and watch whatever you want with him
Overall, even though he gets really embarrassed about it, he’ll still help you if you need him to
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Katsuki Bakugou:
If you snap at him, he’s going to like brush it off, but after the second or third time he’s going to go off on you
But once you tell him you’re on your period he’s going to be so confused
Not because he doesn’t know what it is, but because he has no clue what he’s supposed to do about it
He’ll apologize for going off on you
By apologize I mean that he’ll mumble sorry under his breath so that you can barely hear it
But I mean it’s Bakugou, so just take what you can get
He probably wouldn’t offer to go anywhere to get you anything
But if you ask him, he’ll go (Only after complaining the whole time getting ready to leave though)
He’s going to make sure you tell him what brand of pads/tampons to get so he doesn’t have to embarrass himself in front of people in the store
If the cashier says one word about him buying them or gives him a weird look, he’s going to get very pissed
“They’re for my girlfriend, now stop giving me weird ass looks and comments and just scan the damn things!”
He’ll probably end up grabbing more snacks or chocolate than you asked for but if you ask why he did that, he’s going to say it was a total accident, even though it wasn’t
After he brings you the stuff he’ll just crash in your bed, and demand cuddles
But he won’t ask, he’ll just pull you to him and cuddle you
The first time you’re on your period around him, he’s pretty embarrassed but hides it, but with time, he gets used to it and it doesn’t bother him anymore
Although no matter if he’s sixteen and buying pads/tampons for you or seventy and buying pads/tampons for you, he’s still going to end up yelling at the poor cashier, even if they don’t comment or give him a look
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Eijiro Kirishima:
I may be a bit biased because I absolutely love Kirishima (if you couldn’t tell), but I am convinced that he would be the best boyfriend in every way
And that includes when you’re on your period
If you snap at him, he’s going to get a little upset, but immediately ask what’s wrong and try to figure out what the issue is
After you tell him, he’s going to panic but hide it so he doesn’t alarm you
Immediately offers to go get you anything you need
But he’s so eager to help you out, he forgets to ask what brand of pads or tampons to buy 
So now he’s in the feminine hygiene product aisle, standing next to some twelve year old girl whose low key too embarrassed to grab a box of pads in front of some teenage boy
So she’s just standing there, waiting for him to leave, but he’s trying to figure out which box to buy, so he’s like looking at all of them and picking them up, trying to figure out the difference between all of them
And the girl goes to quickly grab a box and run off, but then he speaks
“Wait, can you help me?”
And the girl low key just wants to disappear right then and there, but she helps him anyway
This man walks away with a few different brands of pads/tampons in his arms not realizing he just traumatized some little girl by asking her for advice on getting his girlfriend pads/tampons
Then he grabs you some snacks, medicine, and whatever else you wanted, before checking out and leaving
He like rushes home because he was taking so long and he was worried about you
But when he like bursts into your room, you’re literally fine, and just chilling eating some stale chips, and watching some Netflix
Kirishima immediately takes away your stale chips, and gives you the stuff he bought
So now you guys are eating the new and not stale chips while binge watching your favorite Netflix show for the fiftieth time
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Shoto Todoroki:
I only have three words: Human Heating Pad
But seriously, if you have cramps, and you tell him heat helps, he’s definitely going to offer for you to use his hand as a heating pad
Once he learns that you’re on your period, he’s going to try his best to help, but he knows nothing about them despite having a sister
After taking a moment to compose himself after initial shock of you telling him, he’s going to offer to go to the store for you
So, now he’s in the aisle, trying to figure out what brand to get
He had tried calling you, but you must of been napping, because you didn’t pick up
Eventually he decides to call his sister and ask for some help
His sister proceeds to tell him about pads and tampons and how they work
He ends up writing some of the stuff down in his notes on his phone so he knows for next time and doesn’t forget
Then he’ll get whatever else you want
He’ll probably end up grabbing something extra too
Like a little gift such a plushie or a necklace, since he now knows periods really suck
He ends up getting you a gift every time your on your period (with Endeavor’s credit card of course), so it kind of morphs into a little tradition even though you insist that he doesn’t need to do it
But once he returns to home, you apologize for not answering, since you were in fact napping, but he quickly shuts you down and gives you everything he had got for you
Then you use his hand as your personal heating pad and talk about your lives
Overall, he’s pretty calm about the situation, and doesn’t make it a bigger deal than it needs to be
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Denki Kaminari:
When you snap, or if you snap, he’s probably just going to brush it off
But the second time you snap at him, he makes some dumb remark
Probably something like, “Damn is it that time of the month or something?”
That gets him a textbook to his face
He’s honestly surprised with your response to his question
“Actually, yeah! Asshole! Now, if you’re gonna be a jerk, get the hell out and leave me alone!”
He was only joking and didn’t expect you to actually say yes
After you admit that you being on your period is the problem, he doesn’t know what to do
He knows the basics of a period, he knows you bleed, and like chocolate, and you sometimes get cramps, but other than that he has no idea how to handle the situation
After a moment of trying to figure out what to do, he asks if you need anything
Now he’s in the store, trying to figure out what a ‘flow’ is, and why pads and tampons are so expensive
He ends up calling Kirishima to come help, who has no clue what to do either
Then they turn it into a group call by adding Bakugou and Sero
Bakugou calls them ‘fucking stupid’ but doesn’t know shit about periods either so when they ask him for help he makes up some excuse for not telling Kaminari what to do
Sero is actually helpful and tells him to just get one of each type of flow, since Kaminari refuses to call you and ask (R.I.P. Kaminari’s wallet)
Kaminari thanks him, and then they end the call
Then he gets whatever else you asked for, before heading home
When he gets there, he awkwardly hands you the bag and asks if you need anything else
When you say you want him to stay, he’s immediately jumping into your bed and cuddling with you
He thought since you were on your period, you wouldn’t want to be around him and it low key made him kind of sad, cause he would miss you
Then you guys spend the rest of the night scrolling through Tik Tok, and laughing along to videos
At some point, you end up seeing the thing girls do on Tik Tok where they ask their boyfriend’s how pads work
When Kaminari continues watching the video, and learns how pads actually work, he’s like turns to you and is like
“Wait, the sticky part doesn’t stick to your vagina?”
Somebody please help this poor idiot
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tokyyovie · 3 years
hi!! could i request the feral boys + wilbur with a younger sister headcanons?? sorry i just rlly think platonic stuff like this is cute :D
younger sister headcanons
A/N: i wrote this b4 bed so it’s a little half-assed but yea, also i’m so sorry this took ages😭 i only found this now ??? this took me way longer than it should've bye- count on me to announce fics but delay them for a week
warnings: swearing, she/her prns for sister
(feral boys + wilbur)
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(okay so i went with a younger sister thats around 4-6 with these hcs!! sorry if it’s not exactly what you wanted)
- i feel like he’d keep it more private ofc
- BUT when she would be on stream it would be super wholesome
- "my little sister’s here, do you guys wanna see?"
- he’d carry her on his lap and make her say hi to chat
- i imagine her being super close to tommy too (like showing up on vlogs n stuff)
- ooooh tommy would be all like "will, i'm not the youngest child no more"
- wilbur would let her sit on his shoulders, and they’d be a combined, like, 8 or 9 feet. wow.
- also im bad at explaining,, but hear me out okay
- wilbur would be standing and carry her, like, on his hip? and let her play with his beanie while he talks casually to people
- WOULD ALSO LET HER WEAR HIS GLASSES but they’d be way too big for her and fall off his face and he’d do that thing he does in adoration
- you know, when he pouts and has a big smile on his face, "AWWW, YOU’RE SO CUTE!" would def pinch her cheeks
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- okok so listen, this might be weird but he’d treat her like how he treats patches, y’know?
- would totally get her the most extra things that she doesn’t need, and also would NOT be able to say no to her
- "clay? can we eat ice cream for dinner with sapnap?"
- he’d raise an eyebrow at her, biting his lip in thought before a smile spread across his lips
- "i dunno, mom would kill me for thaaaat,"
- she would stick her bottom lip out, pouting and pulling out the puppy eyes that he couldn’t ever resist
- "fine! as long as you don’t tell mom, okay?." dream would say with a mischievous grin that grew even wider when she smiled at him and nodded excitedly
- would teach her minecraft n be her number 1 supporter n hype her up (not only in minecraft,) even if she dies every 5 minutes
- would also be super protective (like excessively protective)
- meeting him would be scarier than meeting their parents in the future
- would spoil the HELL out of her
- she wants toys at the mall? he’s already handing his card to the cashier
- i don’t imagine him letting his little sister on stream (bc privacy, duh) BUT let’s say he did
- they'd def be farming "aww's"
- i imagine her to be a lil shy
- ok so my younger brother around this age had trouble saying the letter r and would use the letter w instead
- "clay? dweamwastaken?" reading out his twitch name
- george would maybe be on the other side dying of laughter, just like dream who was wheezing as he held her in his lap
- "dweam? dweamie-poo" george would say in mockery
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- would be SO chaotic
- i feel like she would be super clingy to him and he’d be fake annoyed but in reality he’d enjoy it lots
- yk that thing where you sit on someone's shoe while they’re walking and like, cling on to their leg? yea this would definitely happen and george would have to strangle her off (and have to hear her high pitched whines)
- would HATE showing affection, so even if he found her the cutest thing in the world as she pouted at him while they watched a movie, he’d fake annoyance, of course.
- would bully her (jokefully, ofc) n his excuse would be "i’m just helping her develop thick skin, duh."
- HE WOULD DEFINITELY TRY TO TEACH HER MINECRAFT and then fail bc they’d both end up dead
- for christmas, he would definitely get matching sweaters (custom made if he had to)
- she would help him identify colors n it would be SO CUTE OH MY GOD
- "__, is this green? or yellow?"
- "geeeorge, it’s yellow!" she’d say in a ‘duh’ tone
- he’d smile, blabbering in his defense. "i’m colorblind’ you forget that!"
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- would get scolded by dream BECAUSE he’d so definitely teach her swear words
- so now this little girl with brownish ginger hair would be running around, screaming "shit! shit! shit!"
- sapnap would stand like a proud dad, that was until dream swatted his chest and started going off
- "sapnap you absolute moron! she’s like 5!"
- "so? you gotta teach them early, clay."
- they’d be arguing with each other, not realizing she had gone off somewhere without them noticing
- "that’s not appro- wait, where is she?" dream would realize
- "dream! this is your fault!" sapnap would scream, putting the blame on his best friend
- "i was being a good uncle, wait- is that even what i am?"
- “no, fucking dumbass!" they’d still be arguing as they hurriedly searched for his little sister. "__! come here! where’d you run off to?"
- "excuse me, you’re the fucking dumbass." dream says, checking on the sofa for the little girl.
- "fucking dumbass! dumbass!" a high pitched voice came from the backyard, where she was sat, playing with patches.
- "dude! why’d you just start teaching her to say dumbass!" clay groaned.
- "nuh-uh, that was YOU she was mimicking, dream."
- sapnap would not know how to tend to his little sister, so dream would be a babysitter basically (to both of the siblings, actually)
- if he wasn't living with dream, and instead was with his parents
- he would get scolded even more, for being a bad influence and always arguing with a small child
- "HEY! give me the remote! we're gonna watch anime, not some cocomelon shit!"
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- like sapnap, he'd be a super bad influence
- but also would be hELLA protective. like. if u ever laid a finger on his little sister you'd be dead
- would def teach her swear words as well BUT ON ACCIDENT
- like it'd be all on accident because he does it so much that she just picks up on it
- LMAO he'd trick her and be all like "hey sis, did you know dad's name is actually shithead?"
- they'd be chaotic asf
- he'd so use her for 'clout,' if he didn't keep it completely off the internet
- this is super random but hear me out,, painting stream with little sister where they followed a bob ross tutorial
- would just be an absolute mess.
- it'd end up somewhat looking like if a 2 year old made it. (keep in mind the sister is around 4-6 and quackity is. well.)
- if she ever got paint on her hand she'd instinctively go "shit!" and it would catch alex off guard
- "who taught you that?"
- "you, alex!" his sister would giggle
- "WHAT? NO! okay, guys, i'm not a bad brother i swear-"
- sometimes he'd just be playing minecraft on the dsmp with her just sitting in his lap occasionally point out things and talking n it'd be super cute
- would get ugly matching clothes that say shit like "best grandma ever" and "best granddaughter ever" (he'd wear the granddaughter one)
- if he was caught being 'nice' to his sister, i feel like he'd try to toughen up and pretend like he he doesn't care (but in reality ofc he'd give up the world for her)
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- karl
- would be whoooooolesomee as HEEELLLL
- i feel like he'd definitely love to bond with her more off stream (as the other boys would too)
- always ready to drop anything for her
- him and his little sister would both just be two bundles of joy
- would have movie nights with her n quackity / sapnap and the pair would be asleep in minutes with the little girl peacefully resting on his lap or chest
- i think it'd be super casual if she was on stream
- like maybe she'd be staying over at his place and she'd just walk in while he's streaming
- 3 soft knocks on his door would just barely be picked up by the mic
- karl gets up n opens the door, his face lighting up when he realized it was his little sister
- "oh! hi lovely," he'd pick her up gently and bring her to see the stream
- sitting on his lap, he'd make her say hi to the chat and his friends if he was on vc with anyone
- chat. would. be. flooded. with 'AWW'S"
- "guy's she's the cutest, isn't she?"
- "karl? can we pleaaase get ice cream with mom? me hungry."
- "if you give me a kiss, yes." karl smiles, pointing to his cheek.
- "hmph, no no. come get ice cream." she'd tug on his arm.
- he would give in, after a while, of course.
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