#hello ein i love you
zukkaoru · 1 year
adding hopeful and happy love songs to my itfs playlist because i love dramatic irony and also crying
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johnmalevolent · 1 year
so i was listening to my trigun playlist imagining vamery to eine kleine right. and it was p sad. and then suddenly. kipas angin kesedot sampah
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bitterkarella · 4 months
Midnight Pals: Souper
[at unicorn fuck club] JRR Tolkien: tonight we've got a special story from everyone's favorite fantasy writer GRR Martin: CS Lewis: Peter S Beagle: Hans Christian Andersen: L Frank Baum: Tolkien: whoops shouldn't have said that ha ha Tolkien: i mean, you're all winners in my book
Tolkien: but when i say everyone's favorite fantasy writer Tolkien: i mean terry practchett GRR Martin: oh yeah that's fair CS Lewis: yeah fair Peter S Beagle: fair Hans Christian Andersen: yes yes of course L Frank Baum: that's fair
Terry Pratchett: hello unicorn fuck club today i've got a story about a wizard who is - get this - actually very bad at his job Tolkien: oh ho ho! terry my boy, you've done it again! Pratchett: there's also girl dwarves Tolkien: [suddenly stone-faced] i hate this
Pratchett: but first Pratchett: all this story telling is hungry work! Pratchett: do you happen to have anything to eat around here? Tolkien: are you talking about... Tolkien: having Tolkien: a Tolkien: feast????? Brian Jacques: [squeaking incomprehensibly in rising excitement]
Tolkien: why, terry, my boy, what an idea! Tolkien: instead of merely DESCRIBING a feast, we'll have one! huzzah! Martin: huzzah! Lewis: huzzah! Jacques: [squeaking] i use a mercury head dime as a serving platter!
Pratchett: no no nothing so fancy as that Tolkien: eh? Pratchett: i was more thinking along the lines of Pratchett: soup Tolkien: soup? Pratchett: yeah just a big bowl of heart soup right about now would just be the best thing Pratchett: oo i just love the sound of it!
Pratchett: think about it: no work... no worries... no failures... no waste... when you serve maggi homestyle soups, the finest money can buy yet priced reasonably within your budget Tolkien: interesting! tell us more Pratchett: maggi soup! es ist echt ausgezeichnet!
Pratchett: how often have you had this problem Pratchett: say, you're on a budget but you have to feed your hungry hungry boys Tolkien: oh man i have been there! Tolkien: more times than i can count!
Tolkien: but terry Tolkien: i need something substantial and nourishing for my hungry boys. can maggi soup satisfy? Pratchett: ahh jirt my friend, maggi soup does more than satisfy! Pratchett: as the good people at maggi say, "kartoffelsalat volkswagen fahrvergnugen lebensraum!!"
Tolkien: What's that sizzling sound I hear? Pratchett: Get up! It's soup and eggs, my dear! Martin: What can I cook without much fuss? Pratchett: maggi soup would tickle all of us! Lewis: What's a lunch that's good and quick? Pratchett: Hot Maggi soup mix does the trick!
Pratchett: mm mmm! i tell you, nothing's as good as a rich bowl of maggi soup! buy some today! eat it with someone you love! Neil Gaiman: something's not right here
Gaiman: of course the power of imagination is infinite, friends Gaiman: but in all the worlds in all the multiverses of possibility, i cannot imagine one in which terry pratchett shills for soup Pratchett: [sweats] nein, nein, ich bin der echte terry pratchett!
Gaiman: if you are in fact, the real terry pratchett Gaiman: and not an imposter Gaiman: like the imposter sandman hector hall in The Sandman, vol. 2: The Doll's House Gaiman: then you won't have any trouble telling a joke Pratchett: [sweats] ein witz? du magst ein witz?
Pratchett: [sweats] i mean ha ha of course i can tell a joke Pratchett: i am the real terry pratchett after all Pratchett: [sweating intensifies] and you all know me, i'm a real spaßvogel Pratchett: Pratchett: a-are you sure you wouldn't all rather just have some soup?
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ivoovu · 7 months
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Mic Tap
A PSA to all König/Krueger writers:
Hello, I‘m Voov, and I‘m a native German.
And let me just clarify that I do not mean any of this in a offensive matter, and that none of these things are 'annoying' or 'bothersome' to me as a German, which I‘m sure other Germans would agree with me. This isn‘t something that‘s making it impossible for us to read blurbs/fics/etc., however I do know that some writers want to write in foreign languages as accurately and realistically as possible, so this is for those. And for everyone else who‘s just interested, of course
1 - What I often read is "Exemplary Sentence I can‘t think of something right now but it‘s in English, ja?"
We don’t end our sentences with "[…], ja?". Sometimes, yes, fair, sometimes we do so, but it’s on the rarer side in my opinion. Majority of the time we use this at the end of our sentences:
"[…], nicht?" = "[…], no?" (please don‘t use "[…], nein?" for this one)
"[…], nh?" = honestly this one can be used for a lot of things, it can be used for "[…], no?", "[…], don‘t you think so?" or how the Brits use 'innit', like you‘re trying to prove a point.
(Translation for "[…], don‘t you think so?" = "[…], denkst du nicht auch so?")
I understand that when you type in a "[…], ja?" you‘re translating from the words' English equivalent which is "[…], yeah?", but again, it‘s more common to use "[…], nicht?" instead.
If you use a good mix of "[…], ja?", "[…], nicht?" and "[…], nh?" (and any other word you might want to add to the end of your sentence) instead of sticking to one throughout an entire fic, you‘ll make us Germans a bit happier.
2- If you‘re using longer sentences, and the sentences are directed at the Reader, you should clarify beforehand if the Reader is masc or fem. Why? Because a lot of words are gendered in German, so the way they’re conjugated tell us the Gender of the Person:
English: "My perfect Partner."
-> Gender neutral, the reader could be a Man, Woman, in between, on the outside, an Alien race, whatever
If you type this into google translate you get: "Mein perfekter Partner."
-> Masculine. It‘s an instant tell that the reader is a dude.
The female version would be: "Meine perfekte Partnerin."
-> Now we know instantly that this is feminine.
There is no gender neutral, German simply isn’t a language that works that way.
Can you write full sentences without using anything gendered, at all? Yes, absolutely, here‘s an example:
English: "Oh God I love you, I don‘t know what I would do without you. You‘re my everything, I‘ll do anything and everything for you."
German: "Oh Gott ich liebe dich, ich weiß nicht was ich ohne dich machen würde. Du bist mein ein und alles, ich würde alles für dich tun."
This is completely gender neutral because while typing I actively made sure to avoid using anything gendered. But I understand that this is a extremely difficult task to do so for those who don’t speak German, so if you can pull it off, you just earned my highest form of respect, but this isn’t something that us Germans expect of you as a Writer, this is just something I wanted to draw your attention to.
My point is: If you do any of those two, we Germans aren’t crying about it. We won‘t stop reading the fic, we won‘t bitch about it or send you hate-mail.
We just notice it, correct the sentence in our mind, and some of us will type out the correct sentence as a comment.
I sadly don‘t have any websites that can help with the gendered words, and google translate sucks anyways, so I truly don‘t have any type of direction I could point you writers to, sorry :/
But I have said this before and I‘ll say it again, as many times as I have to: I am absolutely willing to help with the German parts, my dm‘s are always open, no I won’t think you’re annoying or abusing anything by asking me to check the German sentences you might‘ve used in your works, no I‘m not saying any of this out of courtesy, no I‘m not lying, no we don’t have to know each other, no you don’t have to deal with chit chat you can immediately hit me up with 'Hey how is this sentence?', yes I am being serious. In doubt, read this paragraph again and again.
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Hello I am going on a holiday to Eryri next month & I like to read up about an area before going there... do u have any reading or documentary or podcast recs? I'm particularly interested in the ecology & minority language activism & like. Peoples history & rural lives! I know this is stuff u know about in Wales but idk if north Wales is ur region! Míle buiochas ón Eireann!
Fáilte go dtí an Bhreatain Bheag! Or croeso i Gymru. Exciting! Keep an eye on the notes for others chiming in with good recs for documentaries and the like, I'm going to just give a super quick guide
Okay, pronunciation guide for place names and that is here in written form and here in video form. I cannot recommend strongly enough that you try to use the Welsh place names rather than the English translations. Duolingo is flawed but serviceable if you want to hear and learn some basic phrases. If you can at least throw out a 'bore da' to people you pass/shopkeepers, you'll be very well liked. You don't need to be fluent by any means, but Making An Effort is seen as, like, the nicest and politest and most wonderful thing in Wales, and particularly in regions like Eryri.
Because! It's one of the biggest remaining Welsh language strongholds. If you look at language maps over time in Wales, a pattern emerges:
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And the current (2021) figures show this:
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And you are going to this bit:
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So you're heading into the Welshest bit in all of Wales! And the bit with the strongest and longest history of Welsh, too.
Which also means there's a lot of activism-related stuff in that area. It's probably worth you reading up on the history of Tryweryn (which was a bit further east, but sets the scene well); there was also a BIG thing a couple of decades ago where activists would burn down English-owned holiday homes (while they were empty in winter, not, like, with the English in them). This is because, in addition to the usual issues with the social impacts of holiday homes (driving up prices meaning locals can't live there, eroding communities, etc), holiday homes in Welsh language heartlands are a significant and tangible threat to the language. Even today, the issue of holiday homes is an extremely touchy subject, as is the issue of (mostly-English) people moving into the area because "It's so pretty!!!" and then not learning the language.
(Yet another reason they will love you if you Make An Effort)
Historically speaking, you'll be in a chunk of the country that was the ancestral seat of the last kings of Wales (Gwynedd). The final one, Llywelyn ein Llyw Olaf, was ambushed and murdered in 1282, which was the beginning of the end for fighting off English rule. In fact, Owain Glyndŵr later crowned himself king of Wales for about two years, but weirdly, no one acknowledges this as real kingship for some reason - if you google his name, he's always listed as a soldier or military commander, which really opens up a whole "Who gets to say when someone is royalty" debate, but he did actually claim descent from the House of Aberffraw anyway, so ultimately it still links back to Llywelyn.
Ecology! Temperate alpine. There actually isn't a global scientific distinction between hill and mountain, but most countries set an arbitrary height standard. This means it varies from country to country depending on how tall their topology is. Wales, however, bucks this trend, and instead decides based on what is formally referred to as 'land use' and colloquially referred to as 'Vibes'. If it's a hill, it's tamed - if it's a mountain, it's wild. This means Eryri is fairly short by the standards of tedious foreigners who regard mountains as a sort of geological dick waving competition, but it's in fact a whole mountain range; it's also older than Saturn's rings. And, crucially, it's very much sufficiently above sea level to have an alpine ecosystem.
There are three endemic (i.e. not occurring anywhere else in the world) species in Eryri, to whit:
The Snowdon lily. A small and delicate flower growing in protected and inaccessible spots on yr Wyddfa (formally known as Snowdon). Excessively vulnerable to trampling, so the national park keeps sections where it grows fenced off.
The Snowdon beetle. RAINBOW BEETLE.
The gwyniad. A sub-species of whitefish until recently exclusively found in Llyn Tegid (Bala Lake), trapped there after the ice age and now developing its own genetic profile distinct from other whitefish. Some dickhead in the 80s introduced the ruffe to the lake for fishing, and the ruffe eats the gwyniad's eggs, so they've now transplanted eggs to Llyn Arenig Fawr nearby as a conservation measure.
There's also feral goats. And Welsh mountain ponies. Ooh, and, red kites - in the UK red kites were so heavily persecuted they eventually fell to just 7 breeding pairs in Wales. We established a protected zone and hired Nepalese Gurkhas to guard the nests and thus saved it from extirpation so successfully they later translocated Welsh birds to other spots in the UK. It's a big conservation success story, and now red kites are considered to be the national bird of Wales. They have a very distinctive silhouette, too, look for the forked tail.
Oh, and, we have a unique habitat type called ffridd, which you see a lot of in Eryri.
Final wildlife pictures to close:
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Anyway - have a great time! Enjoy muchly.
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mommywilliamsblogss · 1 month
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Hello I am Abdl mommy I’m looking for a serious Baby 🍼Boy 👦 or Girl 👧 mommy will love to have you in diaper 24/7 and also take care of you as her only Baby Forever DO YOU WISH TO HAVE AN ABDL MOMMY IF YES KINDLY INBOX ME NOW OR GIVE ME A FOLLOW ❤️❤️💝💘🧸🎈
Hallo, ich bin eine Abdl-Mama. Ich suche ein ernsthaftes Baby 🍼Junge 👦 oder Mädchen 👧. Mama würde dich gerne rund um die Uhr in Windeln haben und sich auch für immer um dich als ihr einziges Baby kümmern. MÖCHTEST DU EINE ABDL-MAMA HABEN? WENN JA, SCHREIB MIR BITTE JETZT EINE E-MAIL ODER FOLGE MIR ❤️❤️💝💘🧸🎈
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buns0fst33l · 6 months
— sub!König —
-Cod men scenarios-
König x GN Reader
MDNI Suggestive themes
TW: brief mention of injury/warfare
Not proofread, also I used Google Translate
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König, who’s secretly a switch but only under very particular circumstances.
Normally, he wants to be in charge. In his head, he wants to be in charge. When he’s with you intimately, he wants to be in charge. But there’s a very particular set of circumstances that have him rolling over to expose a soft underbelly he didn’t know he had.
You have plans to get lunch with him after a three month leave. He comes to you, excited as always. But there’s something about him coming back at the exact moment you’ve finished getting ready to go out that absolutely wrecks him.
Now, he loves you and finds you to be “an enchanting creature”, even when your face is puffy and your complexion is shit and you feel like ass. And he is excited to come home to you and worship your lovely body regardless of what state it’s in. Usually it’s the middle of the night, when you’re in your most natural and comfortable state, which he loves.
But something about this is eating him alive.
You’re wearing your favorite outfit. Your hair is freshly washed, mostly dry but still slightly cool to the touch from the remaining bit of moisture. You’ve just finished lathering yourself in lotions and oils and perfume. The delicate metal of the casual jewelry you’ve chosen compliments your skin tone in the most angelic way, glittering with little reflective shimmers as your body moves around to preen itself.
‘Wie ein Hase,’ (like a bunny) he thinks to himself. The warmth and scent of your shower is still wafting off of your water-softened skin deliciously.
As soon as you notice him, you move so fast it’s funny and bounce your way over to the objectively creepy brute who looks ready to eat you alive. Ugh, the domestic sight of your warm smile and cute bare feet quickly padding over to greet him has his soul fucking melting.
With all the grace of a bull in a china shop, he grabs you, picks you up, and sits on the couch with you straddling him. Both of his massive, too-long arms are wrapped around your torso like pythons and his face is buried in the crook of your neck. He’s shamelessly huffing in deep lungfuls of your scent like an animal, inhaling through his nose and exhaling through his mouth noisily. With every breath, he scoots that crooked, handsome nose of his an inch in another direction to get more of your scent. Once he reaches just behind your ear, you squeal and push on his shoulders at the unexpected tickle it causes. His arms are still keeping your body pressed closely to his.
“Hello to you too….Are you having fun?” You tease him lowly, reaching to grab the sides of his face and pry his big head away from your body and into your line of sight. He resists for a second, but then allows it, looking into your eyes with heavy eyelids.
He’s so textbook masculine and somehow adorable at the same time. Those strong, dark brows of his are relaxed and those intense, steel-blue eyes are lidded over even more than usual, droopy and sleepy-looking. The faintest bit of pink dusts over his strong cheek bones and crooked Roman nose. His pretty, thin cupids bow lips are slightly parted and his tongue darts between them briefly as he gives you a slow nod in response to your question. His breathing is quiet, but deep and heavy. A barely-restrained pant.
One of your hands leaves his face to push back the silky black strands of his hair with a gentle but efficient swipe and you can’t help but coo at the way his eyes roll back and flutter shut at your gentle touch. Your hand finds its way back to his jaw right away and you lean in, clicking your tongue lovingly at the pitiful mess he so quickly became.
Oh you have no idea the effect you’re having. All he’s seen for months is ugly, angry, dying and bitter men. Even triumph stunk of unwashed, musty clothes, metal, caked-on sweat, infected stitches, sun-rotted blood stains. And suddenly he has what feels like a newly made doll, crafted by god just for him, finished just in time for his weary soul to lap up like a starved dog. Instead of grime and sweat and oil and god-knows-what-else, his callused fingers greedily smooth over your expanses of clean, delicious, fuckable-smelling flesh.
His palms drag over your sides and back and his fingertips grab at your clothes and drag over your scalp eagerly. You smile softly at the state he’s in and grab his wrists. He allows you to pull his hands off of you, but scoots his hips forward and against your body like he needs to make up for the physical contact you took away.
“Liebling…bitte…” his voice cracks a little. You bite your lip and search his eyes, feeling a power trip wash over you. You grasp it delicately, afraid you’ll accidentally break the spell he’s under if you bring his attention to it.
“What do you need, Kö?” You whisper to him, thumbs stroking his huge forearms you’re holding in front of you. Your hands don’t go around all the way. He is just… allowing you to be in charge of his absolute tank of a body. He is being so mushy for you right now. He bites his lip and whines quietly.
Oh you need to see where this goes. Fuck your lunch date, you can get takeout later.
Please like or reblog if you enjoyed! 💋
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✨banner/divider created by @cafekitsune!✨
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schnitzelsemmerl · 5 months
(this post is best viewed in light mode!!)
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My intro post!! 🌈🌈
hallihallo! :3 my name's Cher (Cherilyn if you feel silly) 🍒 or Andrey and you can call me whatever (nicknames, etc. I LOVE NICKNAMES 💗). im 🇦🇹🇧🇦 btw. and can you tell i like schnitzelsemmerl (ohne salat 🥬 ist ein schnitzelsemmerl kein gutes schnitzelsemmerl btw ‼️😒😒 /lh)
fun 🎊 fact: Cherilyn is hella 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 </3
"say "hiya", ezra lamb!" "hiya, ezra lamb"
I'M ✨️⚠️A MINOR⚠️✨️ and i use any pronouns but if you call me a boy i will kiss you on the fucking mouth :3 my gender is weird but so am i
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this pretty much is a blog about musicals and my interests, but i'm mostly being 🎊silly🎊 and a sigma 🤩😼 with the mutuals™️ on here for now (this post may appear organized (why am i lying it doesnt), but in reality i am a trainwreck :3 ) i'm very online, so yea. talk to me please :33
fandom list: musicals (hamilton, rtc, SIX THE MUSICAL MY BELOVED <33 , etc.); hetalia <3; history, especially tudor dynasty and amrev/french revolution (idk if that counts as fandom); лолофд (this is a russian minecraft my friend and online father figure @frownce showed me don't go there it's deadly); the hellaverse/HH/HB, titanic (1997)
list of silly characters i like (idea totally not stolen): peggy schuyler, misha bachinskyi, france/francis bonnefoy, hera (i know she only appears for 20 seconds in one song AJFJFJFJGJF), niffty, moxxie and millie, jane grey, boleyn, towelie (bro he's funny 😭😭), heather mcnamara, karen smith, buffy gilmore and cindy campbell, etc etc
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the online family <3
my ao3!!
trust me on this and click :3 (it's ✨️fanart✨️)
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Under the cut are just random things :3 🍭🍭
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apparently, i am:
THE mother <3™️
George Washington Insanity™️
Peggy Schuyler's husband :3
alpha & sigma male
an honorary 'murican 🇺🇲
president (2024 - forever and ever and ever)
local schnitzelsemmerl but i am not local
Bernd das Brot (real)
Akkordeonspieler /j i don't actually play the squeeze keys 🤭‼️
mentally unstable bbg
emmy's annoying younger gen alpha brother
taken anons that are taken: 👻🏳️‍⚧️ !!
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previous usernames: @iiamly0
so if you know any of those users but cant find the blog anymore, hihihi ! hello !!!! that's me!! hiiiii :3
a carrd i spent wayyyyy too much time making
have a nice day!! :D (this is a threat)
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miniwheat77 · 1 year
Hello, I hope you are having a great day.
I haven't been able to get Slasher König and his reading wife out of my head for days. It's a scenario where he comes home from killing someone and asks his wife if she's proud of him, to which she says yes and some HUGE obscenity ensues.
Also if you can include something like the reader is madly obsessed with how strong König is (especially his arms) and how tall he is.
Thanks 🙇‍♀️
!CW! NSFW, blood, death, slasher!König, knife play, smut, unprotected p in v sex. (Sorry if I missed any.)
I've never written creepy slasher stuff before so if this is horrible I'm so sorry
I can just imagine he comes in, you're sitting on the couch watching tv or doing something like reading and you glance up from it to see him covered in blood. He's holding his mask in his hands and you know the person who felt his wrath tonight had probably pulled it off in some kind of struggle. You stand up, taking it from him. "Need it washed?" You ask. "No." He says. He's stern and his voice is deep and rough. "Need a new one. That one is ripped now." He's short. You nod. “I can get you another.” You smile. "Everything else went okay?" You smile. Ignoring the fact that he's a violent beast and he's only centimeters from you. "Mhm." He's still being short. "Did alright I think. I hope you're proud of me." He looks down. "Course I'm proud of you." You smile. It's a flirty smile and König is riled up from just a glance of it. Sliding his tongue over his bottom lip and closing the distance between the both of you.
The thrill of you is far more intoxicating than killing but you like when he comes home like this, covered in blood. Something about him hurting others is such a turn on. The way he looks covered in blood and when you've seen him in the act, he's strong. Overpowers anyone he's fighting against.
His hands are all over you, legs hiked up on his hips as he ruts his hips into you, massive cock hard and brushing over your clothed opening. He's smearing his victims blood all over you as he kisses you, hearing the click of a pocket knife has you moaning out. Tilting your head back into the wall whimpering, you're getting wet at the thought. He runs the blade over your throat, lips slightly parted as he watches in awe. He loves how much you love this. He loves that you get just as horny for violence as he does.
He should've known how bad the military would be for him. He couldn't get enough of the violence, being in control. To hear you're proud of him, he can't handle it. He throws the knife to the side, digging his teeth into your neck with a growl. Biting at the skin. He can feel your jugular vein throbbing behind the skin on your throat with his tongue. He licks against it, over and over. Licking his lips at the thought of it. He pushes your shorts to the side, revealing his cock from it's restraint and burying himself into you to the hilt, over and over. He's relentless, which is exactly what you want. You're obsessed with him and the way he manhandles you so easily. How he can twist you and use you any way he wants. He can overpower you so easily.
Yet he chooses not to in a violent way. Maybe that's why you like him so much.
You're nearly screaming as he stretches you open. You can't handle him. Can't handle the way he makes you feel. He loves how you squirm around in his grasp when you're overstimulated from his cock. Clutching at his thick arms for dear life, admiring the way his muscles flex as he holds you just right to hit the perfect angles deep inside of you. He'll laugh at you and degrade you. "Pathetic little thing, So eine Schlampe." He taunts. His warm breath sends chills up your spine. You can't take much more. But you don't have to worry. His hips are getting unsteady and sloppy, he's groaning out perfectly. Filling you full of him with a cry. When he pulls away from you, he smiles. You're bruised up from his lips, coated in his latest victims blood.
You're perfect.
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endlich-allein · 3 months
What's your favourite Till's:
Hello, thank you for the ask, I like this kind of stuff !
It's so hard to choose photos of Till, there are so many that I love! To answer your question, I'm going to separate the "on stage" and "off stage" photos, it'll be easier for me 🤣
My fav "on stage" photos are :
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© Olaf Heine (1998)
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© Guido Karp (2010)
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© Olaf Heine (2016)
My fav "off stage" photos are :
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© Robert Conrad (1987) source
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© Olaf Heine (2001)
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© Andres Mühe (2012)
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© Paul Harries (2015)
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© Danny Uhlmann (2020)
Actually, my fav video is this one (I found it on a fan account that obviously didn't credit the author, so I don't know who did, sorry) :
Look at my honey pot 🥰 so cute !
There is this one too : ding!
My fav gif is by @morgana-lefay (source) :
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My fav quote is this one from
"Everything good in my head comes from the countryside. I have an apartment in Berlin, but sometimes Berlin drags me down. So I live a lot in my village, up between Schwerin and Wismar. Many of my friends who are on tour here with us also live there. My father died a long time ago. But my mother lives there. My daughter Nele and her son, little Fritz, are often here. We are a big family. I fish. I hunt. I stare at the lake. I sleep in the woods at night and listen. I listen to nature. Fabulous what you hear in the woods at night. It is indescribably beautiful. I hate noise. I hate chatter. Exposing myself to it, is pure masochism. So I have to protect myself from it. Noise is maddening. It kills you." from "USA, 20.56 Uhr" by Alexander Gorkow for Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin (14.08.2012). source
I also like this one but it's very short :
" For me, the abyss is workwear." from "Dobble L" for Quintessence, 2013.
My fav poem is "Herzraub" :
Was hast du mit mir gemacht Wie ein Räuber in der Nacht Brichst du ein in meine Seele Wolltest mein Leben stehlen Da nimm mein Herz nimm es hin Ohnehin verloren bin War am End schlecht bewacht Gern geb ich mein Herzen her Leg es in den Schoß dir sacht Doch halt es fein Ich bitte sehr
It's the only foreign-language poem I know by heart. And as a little anecdote, the title of this blog comes from this poem. One day I might do an analysis of this text...
My fav Till song are :
- Stein Um Stein - Ich Tu Dir Weh - Wiener Blut - Spring - Meine Tränen - Steh Auf - Wer Weiss Das Schon - Übers Meer - Du Hast Kein Herz
I've already explained my love for the song "Spring" here, and I'm still waiting for Till to send me the original version 🤣
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thatluckycanadian · 1 month
Mystreet Season 7 Predictions
Hello :D I used to love Mystreet, and since the final season has been announced, I wanna talk about predictions! - Ein comes back. I really want to learn about Ein's past, cause I really liked his character as a kid. I'm kind of hoping he has amnesia and moves into the same street Aphmau and the others live in, and being utterly confused when they act hostile. - All sorts of Phoenix Drop High characters come back (ie, Teony, Ivy, Kai) Characters from Phoenix Drop High have barely been in Mystreet, and I really enjoyed their interactions with the main cast. I mainly want Kai to be there because I lowkey ship Kein, and really want Kai and Ein interactions, but if the other PDH characters are there too, it'd be cool. - Aphmau learns about the Irene stuff from Season 6 - We learn more about Michael, Zach, and Elizabeth We never really understand Ein and Zach's relation. I believe it was implied that Ein and Zach was Son and Father, but a few people have been saying that Ein and Aphmau aren't half siblings, and that Ein isn't Zach's son, but those people also ship Einmau, so- Are Zach and Elizabeth together? - Lucinda and Melissa get together or just more Melcinda moments. - More Laurence. Garroth and Zane interactions They were funny in the earlier seasons. And I just really want Garrence moments with Zane as the 3rd wheeler. - Ghost remembers what happened in her past, or atleast remembers her name. Was it ever confirmed that she was Emmalyn? And that's all I have thought of for now. I'll add more at a later date. If you guys want me to add anything to this list, please tell me in the comments :)
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bibastibootz · 8 months
Hello! First of all, I love your blog so much, you give off such warm, positive vibes :)
I wanted to ask if you would explain your head canons regarding Basti and Thorsten's sexualities a bit more? I've seen you refer to them as gay/bi respectively quite often and I would love to hear your reasonings and explanations behind that. (Not at all because I disagree, I'm just obsessed with the two of them and I think you'll have some very interesting takes on the topc!)
If you don't want to just ignore me :)
Hi! and thank you for this lovely ask, it put a really big smile on my face!! you're so kind! 😌 and OOHHHH do I have headcanons about Thorsten’s and Sebastian’s sexuality, I hope you’re ready!! 🔥 (I prefer making lists rather than writing articles, so I hope this still reads well enough)
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schwuler Thorsten <3 It would be so easy to say that Thorsten is straight because he had a wife and a daughter back in Hamburg, but people who claim that aren't watching the show right. Here's why I think that a reading of him as a gay man is so so so so valid:
Susanne and Lilli: There are many ways to fit his late wife and daughter into this headcanon, so take your pick: He genuinely didn't know he was gay and started a family. He was in denial and started a family anyway. He was well aware of his homosexuality and maybe this was a mutual arrangement between him and Susanne. It was purely superficial.
(lack of) interest in women: Once Thorsten is in Stuttgart, he literally never shows any interest in any woman whatsoever (much to the dismay of his neighbour) and I do not remember him flirting with any woman ever. Also when asked about women, he literally answers, "Keine Ahnung, ich bin da kein Spezialist." A fortuneteller read his hand once and said: "Sie sind ein lebenslang Suchender. Besonders Frauen sind Ihnen ein ewiges Rätsel." and Thorsten replies, "Jetzt wird es vielleicht doch etwas zu persönlich." Hm. . . So Thorsten is sb who still hasn't found himself? And women are a mystery to him? Hm, gay. Also: Another relationship with a woman, much less so marriage, is so far off his radar that he proposed to Sebastian to start a "Alters WG".
often presumed gay: It is almost a running gag that people assume Thorsten is gay (except that the possibility of a gay Thorsten should not be the punchline). Julian Siebert in "Grabenkämpfe" assumes that Thorsten is gay. His boss while undercover in "Freigang" assumes that he's gay: "Bist du schwul oder warum sind hier keine Weiber?" Thorsten replies, "Schwul.", which the boss plays off as a joke.
casual, yet serious about queerness and other queer people: This is particularly striking in comparison to Sebastian because Thorsten seems so #woke about everything. He understands subtle and not so subtle nods and hints from other queer people but does not make a fuss about them and immediately recognizes queerness (as opposed to Sebastian): Once again "Grabenkämpfe," where Thorsten never jokes about Julian Siebert's obvious interest in him. Also in "Hart an der Grenze" Basti treats them playing a gay couple as a fun joke while Thorsten is very much not amused - and there is just sth in the way he treats the topic so seriously that makes it seem as if it real to him. In "Anne und der Tod" they interrogate clients and stand in front of an old man who has pictures of him and another man on his shelf and wall, and while Sebastian very innocently asks whether that's his brother or son, Thorsten's behavior suggests that he caught on instantly that the old man is in fact gay and that those are photos of him and his late partner.
actively against homophobia: When an old man makes a homophobic remark at him and Sebastian, he immediately grabs Sebastians hand to make that man uncomfortable and as a big fuck you and a way of saying, "Yeah people are queer, get over it, old man!!"
never denying, never clarifying: As much as men flirt with him or people assume he's gay, Thorsten never denies it and never clarifies that he is, in fact, heterosexual. Never! Best example is (once again) "Grabenkämpfe" when his neighbour spots Thorsten at a gay bar with another man and says that at least now she knows why he didn't have time for her - and Thorsten does not get defensive and screams sth like, "I'm not gay, I'm here for a case!", he just lets it slide. And remember when the Freigang boss derogatorily asked Thorsten whether he's gay but then later it seems that Thorsten had sex with a woman, to which the boss replies "Na egal, bin ja froh, dass du nicht schwul bist."? Thorsten once again does not outright say, "Genau, bin ich nicht." but instead replies, "Ich weiß." and looks sad and angry at this blatant portrayal of homophobia.
love confession: In "Die Nacht der Kommissare" Thorsten confesses his love to Sebastian while on drugs with a loud and clear "Sebastian? Ich liebe dich." He continues to confess his love to other men in that episode, but this "Ich liebe dich" feels very different, very sincere and from the heart. I like to read this scene as both a platonic and a romantic love confession.
There is probably so much more, but this is just from the top of my head. Moving on!
bi Basti <3 Sebastian is bi because it Just. Makes. Sense.!!!!!
the rise and fall of the Bootz family: I need to start with Julia and the kids because Sebastian is introduced as a happy, young family man who has basically achieved everything, both in his private life and career. His life as a husband and father is basically too perfect when we meet him, and of course it does crumble more and more into pieces with every new episode. We soon see tension in his and Julia's marriage, ultimately leading to their divorce and Sebastian's never-talked-about problem with alcohol and his separation anxiety. I encourage everyone to watch all the eps until "Spiel auf Zeit" as if Sebastian is falling out of love with Julia and in love with Thorsten (. . .is it possible to love two people at once? Good question, Sebastian).
Felix Klare supremacy: Even Felix Klare himself thought that Tatort was lacking diversity in terms of presentation of women and gay people back in 2013 and he advocated for becoming the first gay Tatort duo. Aber Richy wollte nicht. Tja.
bi in another universe: In "Tödliche Tarnung" we learn that Sebastian and Julia were once close to breaking up and Basti wonders how different his life could have been: "Julia, hast du dir schon mal überlegt, wie unser Leben verlaufen wäre, wenn, naja, wenn wir uns damals getrennt hätten?" Cue "Scherbenhaufen": When he is about to go undercover, he has to come up with a backstory for his character. And what does he do? Completely remove a wife and kids out of the picture and then says, "Ehrlich gesagt, ich hab sie dann mit meinem besten Freund betrogen." Kinda bi to make up a scenario in which he gets to be with Thorsten instead of Julia, if you ask me. And he looks so happy about it, too.
weird about queerness: Sebastian has always been weird about political correctness, and to me this reads as a defense mechanism, as a way to distance himself from queerness and treat it as sth "not concerning me". And yes, I do headcanon Basti as having serious internalized homophobia, why do you ask? I have yet to form proper thoughts about Basti's uncharacteristic compassion towards the gay man who has just lost his lover in "Vergebung", it feels so personally affected. What we can nevertheless witness, though, is some personal growth in that Sebastian is more comfortable with and knowledgable about queerness.
heteronormative worldview / hetcomp: Sebastian literally doesn't know that bisexuality exists. When he hears of married men (yes, there have been three such storylines. . . THREE!!!!) who had a secret lover on the side, he always assumes they were gay and never once considers bisexuality. Looping back to the Bootz marriage&divorce as well as the countless "secretly gay married men" trope, Basti is literally describing his life in "Vergebung" without acknowledging the parallels.
flirting with Thorsten: Of course, any straight man can flirt with his friends, but the way Sebastian does it is so "haha just joking!!! . . . unless 👀"-coded. First the pretend gay couple at the adoption agency, then another pretend gay couple in the waiting room, then the queer undercover persona plot twist. And look how flustered he gets when he gets flirted with.
honorable mentions: bi lighting, bi sitting, bi bi bi music.
Again, there is most definitely more and everyone is free to add on to my thoughts! 😌✌️
bonus: Are Thorsten and Sebastian in love? 👀 Yes, and as of February 2024 there are 32 episodes to prove it. Thank you for reading! 🫶
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einsatzzz · 5 months
Profile Info + Project KHRe(:born!!!)
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Hello! You can call me Ein. I'm an artist who's trying to improve my drawings and to manifest the visions in my brain. I also love OCs very much, whether it's mine or others' OCs. For more information, you can refer to my About page. Feel free to send an ask too if you want!
Blog’s Current Status: Active (can be inactive on weekdays)
OC Profiles (Oniyanagi Wiki)
Kurumi (Wiki Page ⬗ Character Tag)
Kana (Wiki Page ⬗ Character Tag)
KHRe Webcomic
Status: Planning/Writing/Organizing Assets & Refs Target Release Date: October-November 2024 (On-track)
Main Tags
#einart - Art posts on Tumblr since 2022.
#queue i can't put into words - Queued posts. I will occasionally remove this tag from older posts.
#khre - Posts related to KHRe:born's universe and related AUs.
↳ #khr oc - Posts related to KHR Original Characters, both mine and others.
↳ #khre oshiete - Posts related to KHRe OC asks answered under a "Oshiete Yuipachi-sensei" crack segment.
Project KHRe(:born!!!)
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@amiahoshi (Sou) and I decided to call the project "Katekyo Hitman Re:born!!!"*. We call it either Re:born!!! or KHRe for short. This is my main brainworm cultivating mega-project that has several sub-projects under it (including the webcomic). Anyway, read below for more details on this project!
*Note: Inspired from T/oky/o Gh/oul's title, where it had "T/G:re". And it really just emphasizes the "Re" in "Reborn", meaning "again, do over" - mainly since it's a retelling. MOST importantly...it's very easy to remember for me and my goldfish brain.
So far, the major ambitious projects I have under this are as follows:
Oniyanagi Wiki
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This is a wiki site I made in Miraheze and I have already set it to public, so you can visit it through this link (or the one I linked above in the OC Profile section).
All characters/items/stories information related to KHRe is planned to be compiled here bit by bit, including certain canon characters (due to the inevitable canon divergence).
I learned a lot from making this wiki.
KHRe Webcomic
A webcomic that features KHRe's story. KHRe is sort of a similar universe to canon, but not exactly the same. There will be additional characters, which are our OCs, then there will also be modifications/additions to the story/lore as well (e.g. certain arcs/chapters will be rearranged, certain events will happen earlier).
Tsuna retains his protagonist role in KHRe as well (I'm so fond of him, my 2nd fave...), but he will also be joined in this role by the twin bosses from Oniyanagi, Kana and Kurumi.
Oniyanagi's full 10th Generation line-up can be found here.
Just like canon, it starts with Daily Life Arc. I will draw chapters for as far as I can get into the story. One of my main goals in making this webcomic (besides being able to draw both KHR and OC art at the same time) is to improve my art.
Into the Looking Glass
This is a Horror RPGMaker game that features a prequel story for KHRe through Kurumi's childhood (around 8-9 years old). Long story short, it does follow the classic formula of a kid exploring a scary place by themselves.
The title is very much still subject to change, but I referenced Alice in Wonderland for it. Because it's Baby Kurumi (Alice) stumbling in an otherworldly place (Wonderland) and the events that take place moving forward changes her life.
This will take a very long time to complete, but I wanna finish it eventually because I'm also a big fan of Horror RPGMaker games and I've always wanted to make one.
KHRe Test Game (no title yet)
Yes...that's right. I'm editing this now after three months and still no title. 👍
This will be a very short RPGMaker Game with Tsuna as MC and it's definitely less ambitious than the previous two listed here. This is just me testing and learning the features of RPGMaker before I go do more work for Into the Looking Glass.
The game is just about Tsuna being invited to the Ninomiya Estate by Kurumi and he has a very "fun" time there 😂👍✨ (just like a normal Daily Life Arc episode~). It won't be horror, but maybe for Tsuna it will be 😀.
Other Projects
As for other projects that are even more less ambitious and more doable in a shorter time, I do have MV Projects for KHRe plus a few shorts (like this one) I plan on drawing them in. I listed my priorities here (along with the major projects I mentioned) and will try to update when I can (at least monthly).
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That's all for now! THANK YOU FOR COMING TO MY TED TALK! Any questions are always welcome and very very appreciated! 👀✨I really just love talking about this series, OCs and my projects. I will also continue to update this pinned post as I figure out my projects more.
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o-hora-o · 3 months
hello your art is amazing !! i wondered, do you have hcs / doodles / thoughts about the aftermath of the 1955 disaster ? be it eins and tesla's reaction, how they had to support each others to rise again, how eins had to survive joyce's loss etc... also i'm curious because we always talk about einjoyce in 55 naturally, but the game showed us she still thinks of him even in 2018, it's been so long.... after all the welt joyce is the whole pillar emblem and creation of anti-entropy, it must be hard to be one of the founder of a worldwide organization based on your old lover's legacy otl
Thank you very much!!! Both for the compliment and the question. I often think about 55's aftermath, of course. And these thoughts torment me most of the time so that I draw sketches and make hcs about the alternative outcome. Sometimes I do want to draw more arts about canonical events, and I probably will but it's just...hard.  
Now further goes my headcanonical 1955 disaster aftermath and einjoyce fan ramble and I’m sorry in advance if this is not what you expected to hear from me: 
In the novel, Ada mentioned that after waking up, Ein and Tesla accepted everything that had happened very calmly. But I imagine Ada wasn't present there when they woke up, she spent all her time with Joachim and took care of him. And maybe at some point, the boy got so attached to her that that’s why he eventually decided to run away with her for 20 years, away from the problems and legacy of the late hero (And then hi3 mentions Ada only...what, once?) I imagine that Ada was really the only one who could look after Joachim because Planck spent most of her time in the hospital. 
So, now let’s talk about Planck. I love Emma, she might have quirks but she’s very dear to me. She played the mother figure whose presence could bring the sense of peace, comfort and safety. Emma was “everything is going to be alright” person with a strong yet soft spirit, she was someone Lieserl aspired to be. But oh, how lonely she’d been...throughout all her life. I think Carl was the only one who understood her like no one else. Then she lost him and was on the verge of losing her dear girls. Not to mention she had already lost Edison and Schrodinger. She had to take Edison's place and single-handedly create an entire organization out of the ashes, and Schrodinger...Planck did not live to see the day when it turned out that Erwin was alive. So yeah, Emma was a lonely woman with no one by her side but the unthinkable unbearable burden, she was the first one who had to carry the weight of the World on her shoulders. All in all, back in 1955-56 Plank was either in the hospital or busy trying to find a new base. Oh, yes, most likely she had to organize funerals which Ein and Tesla, obviously, missed. 
Ein and Tesla...as I’ve already said once, not seeing waking-up-from-coma scene in the novel was the greatest loss but the greatest blessing at the same time. I think it was the hardest and most horrific moment in their lives. And I also like to imagine around then they got drunk together for the first time. 
To be honest, I admire Tesla's copium and how she's doing...mostly alright these days. Especially regarding her unfortunate life. But damn how easily 1955 can trigger her. I think she's been holding a very deep personal grudge against Welt all these years. She almost never mentions him or speaks his name out load and, in general, she never speaks of those years either, unlike Ein. If Ein and Joachim are stuck mentally in the past, Tesla seems to exist only within "today". It's only when Joachim tries to sacrifice himself over and over again all the accumulated resentment and despair wakes up in her. Because Welt's sacrifice did all this to Joachim and Welt's legacy is louder than Tesla's cry to stop playing a lonely hero. I think Tesla is a definition of "I told you so" in this story. She was the one who foresaw Welt's death. She was the one who wanted to share her "know there's nothing worth remembering in our lives so there's no need to dwell on the past" ideology to help him let go of the guilt and start appreciating his life. I think she cared about him no less then Ein because I see Tesla and Welt as a younger brother/older sister duo, they always bicker, tease but care for each other nonetheless. So of course when she woke up, she was lost, angry, hysterical and hurt. I think she deserves no less than Joachim or Ein the opportunity to meet Welt again and to talk everything she’s been holding inside all these years out. But apparently this was too boring for the writers, and they just decided to erase Welt’s soul for forever and took away from AE the opportunity to try locating his soul in the core and bring him back when they’re not busy preventing the end of the world every day. But instead, we got Joffrey (I have nothing against the boy but this whole clone thing just feels so.... utterly wrong, help). And I find it ironic that the one who unwillingly made Tesla’s life a mess is, kinda, became her son whom she’s been taking care of and who will be by her side from now on. 
And Lieserl...you know, I’ve never been a fan of romantic stories but somehow einjoyce got a chokehold on me and my heart, for me they’re the true manifestation of soulmates and match-made-in-heaven thing. I already had a little brainrot post about her living after 1955 but yes, you are right, she still thinks of him even in 2018 and I still can’t wrap my mind around it. That and the fact she’d been analysing him for 3 years before she took him in to the 42 lab. For 3 years, without seeing him in person (and she even tried to practice talking less “nonsense” so she would look mysterious and idk attractive to him? But totally failed on the very first day spent together with him). And then, in the course of one, ONE, month Welt became someone who could not only understand Ein’s quirks, chaotic thoughts but also enjoy her personality and communicate with her in pure silence. He was the last one she talked to so freely and who actually listened to her. And Lieserl being ready to rather die than let Erwin hurt Welt is a whole “hear me out” conversation on its own. So yes, I believe a part of her died that day with Welt and the other - later on with the death of her "ultimate navigator" Planck (I still think about how she shortly mentioned that that period was a nightmare for the organization). Now she's just Doctor Einstein and even though she acts as her younger self from time to time she still feels like an... empty cold vessel with an escapistic fixation on work, books and games. And if she has no Tesla to tease, no work to do, no book to read and no game to play, she escapes into nostalgic thoughts. Does she really care about the future of the world and humanity? Because I think she can't care less about 99% people around her. She and Joachim are just driven by symbolic and twisted sense of Welt's legacy who thought his death would be insignificant and then it turned their lives upside down and inside out. Does she even care about Joachim or just sees him as a part of Welt’s legacy? 
But back to the 1956. 
Would it be too sadistic to imagine she had a long dream in which no one died whilst she was in coma? I remember I had an old headcanon similar to this one but it's about present days where 14th Herrscher puts everyone to sleep with an ideal dream. And it back loops to the moment when Ein wakes up in sweat early in the morning in the villa of Southend-on-Sea.  
But anyway. The moment when she woke up from coma...I’m no writer but let’s say her consciousness awakened before her sensations. She couldn't understand where she was or who she was. She didn't remember what happened. And this void of perception caused both calmness and unease for her, everything around felt like through fathomless water. It was hard for her to open eyes and concentrate because she was met by blinding light and dizziness instead. Her hands were shaking, and her body was shivering when she tried to get up. As she called for Welt and Tesla her lips felt numb and every word seemed to scratch her throat, taking away all her energy so that she was ready to fall asleep again. And let’s say Tesla woke up sooner than Ein so that Nicola and Emma were both in anticipation and fear of the moment when she would wake up only to split her life into “before” and “after” with mere three words. She would be in denial and panic would slowly rise up her throat. As the realisation set in, she would slowly suffocate on the verge of tears. Because all of it was so unfair, she entrusted her little World’s fate to the world, and it took him away. She failed to protect him, and the guilt slowly consumed her from the inside day after day, year after year. And to give her an eternal life with an option of ending it by her will is... sigh. I hope she and Tesla at least got sedative pills while in hospital. 
So that’s when Tesla and Ein formed a strong bond. But their problem is that they are constantly keeping all their opinions, feelings and thoughts to themselves (yes, even Tesla) and most likely it resulted in various quarrels and then Emma helped them realise that from now on they only have each other and the life will go on but in the end... they will be the only one left.  
Sometimes I forget that not long after all of this hospital chaos they took part in numerous interviews with Joachim who had to shapeshift into Welt's appearance, and he had to do that for years. That's almost as dreadful as getting eternal lives.  
As you can see, I can endlessly talk about them and all the known scenes they took part in after 1955. I honestly tried to write my thoughts as short as possible, and I hope you don’t regret opening this door into abyss of my endless thoughts with your question. 
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velvetprvsley · 1 year
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[Letter from Elvis to Anita Wood]
“For the first time in a hundred years i am writing a letter. You can see why i don’t like to write. The reason being i can’t write worth a 222! I just thought of so many things i wanted to say to you and i couldn’t say them on the phone. You’ll never know how much i miss you baby and how much i want to pet you and call you ‘widdle bitty.’ Your little picture is by my bed and every night before i go to sleep i always say ‘goodnight little pee pee.’ The people over here are very nice and friendly although they are living about 30 years behind us. Dont quote me. I haven’t dated a single girl since i have been here, the reason being i don’t have time and every time i get out of the hotel i get mobbed. Also i haven’t seen a girl yet that could speak english. You say hello to one and she says ‘lluben shich ein eeo p skip skip skip VON HIEIMER bull shit!’ I want to explain something to you and you have got to trust me and believe me because i am very serious when i say it.
I will tell you this much. I have never and never will again love anyone like i love you sweetheart. Also i guarantee that when i marry it will be Miss “tattle wood presley”. There is a lot you have to understand though only god knows when the time will be right. So you have got to consider this and love me, trust me and keep yourself clean and wholesome because that is the one big thing that can determine our lives and happiness together. If you believe me and trust me you will wait for me and our future will be filled with happiness. With God’s help it will work itself out and you will understand and be patient. I worked so hard to build up my career and everything and if you truly love me you would not want anything to happen to it and cause me to be unhappy. No matter what I am doing, whether it is the army, making movies, traveling or singing, i will be thinking of the time when we have our first “little Elvis Presley.” So have this in mind and don’t get discouraged and lonely.
Just remember there is a guy that loves you with all his heart and wants to marry you. One more thing honey for goodness sake please don’t let anyone read this and don’t say a word about this letter to anyone. You know how i hate that so be careful baby. If you love me and you are sincere you wouldn’t want to let anyone know our intimate secrets. I better go for now love, so be happy and remember down in your little heart that i love you, love you, love you. Keep writing. EP
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mommywilliamsblogss · 5 months
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Hello, I am an ABDL mommy looking for an ABDL baby to take care of. I am loving, nurturing, and experienced in providing the care and attention that a little one needs. If you are seeking a caring and understanding mommy to nurture and guide you, please reach out to me. Let's embark on this special journey together🍼🥰❤️
Hallo, ich bin eine ABDL-Mama und suche ein ABDL-Baby, um das ich mich kümmern kann. Ich bin liebevoll, fürsorglich und habe Erfahrung darin, die Pflege und Aufmerksamkeit zu geben, die ein kleines Kind braucht. Wenn Sie eine fürsorgliche und verständnisvolle Mama suchen, die Sie umsorgt und anleitet, wenden Sie sich bitte an mich. Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam diese besondere Reise antreten🍼🥰❤️
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