#hello i love u both sorry this took a bit
misshugs · 6 months
The Cameragirl || snc
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You've been Sam and Colby's cameragirl for some time now. Usually, nothing too crazy happened to you in most investigations, but this time...
warnings: paranormal activity, reader getting attacked, near death experience, strangling(?), cursing, angst?
a/n: took a bit of inspo after watching the boys' video of the asylum, but nothing exactly like it. just the fact that the place is an asylum
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3]
word count: 3.6k
[u n e d i t e d]
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As they were making their iconic intro and explaining what this new place was about, you made sure to have a sturdy pulse whilst filming them.
"Today, it's just me, Sam and our lovely cameragirl, Y/n." Colby said, letting you shift the camera towards your face and smile at it.
"Hello there." You said, making sure your face was extremely close to the camera, merely because it has become your way of introducing yourself.
"And since it's only us today like the good old days, we decided to make something fun. ALL of us." Sam explained to the camera and smirked, looking directly at you.
You batted your eyes, looking at them while they kept on smiling menancingly at you. "This wasn't a part of the contract." You said, gaining a laugh from both of them.
You zoomed onto his face and began talking with this soft, almost narrative voice. A voice you very well knew they enjoyed. "What is this oh so fun idea you seem to be hyping about, mr. Golbach?"
"Why thank you for asking." Sam nodded slightly, moving his attention towards the camera. "The three of us are gonna do a little challenge tonight." He clapped his hands together as you began unzooming the camera, putting Colby back on frame.
"That's right, we're going to walk alone, lights out throughout some of the most haunted corridors from this place." Colby continued. "The owners of this place told us it gets freaky when people are alone, so we thought this might get us some good activity."
"We have some cameras with nightvision but we're not gonna see shit." Sam added, "After a while, we all should find our way back to the main lobby."
"So stay until the end to see how that's gonna turn out." Colby says, getting close to the camera before covering it with his hand, making you stop the recording for the cut.
"That was pretty good." You said, looking at the video slightly.
"You're still good with the challenge, right?" Sam asked, looking at you. You scoffed.
"Please. I wouldn't have come if I wasn't sure about it. Remember you told me about it before the video?"
"I know, I know. Just making sure, you know how I am." He laughs. "Wouldn't want you to do something you're not comfortable with."
"You're saying that like we haven't known eachother for how long?"
He chuckles. "You're right. I'm sorry."
"Alright, so since we're all settled, should we start right away?" Colby chimed in, looking at both of you.
"Not yet. This place has some good cinematic potential, lemme cook first." You said, looking around with your flashlight.
"Aight, we'll let you do your thing, I'll go ahead and look for the equipment." Colby said.
"Oh, shoot. I forgot to ask the owners about something." Sam said, taking out his phone.
"Go out with Colby, I'll be here waiting." You said, fixing back your camera to start recording.
"Alone?" They both asked, looking at eachother and then at you.
"I do my best work alone, gentlemen. You know that." You begin walking towards the shadiest corridor you've seen in your life, without even looking back.
"Oh wow. Fearless. She's trying to do the challenge before us." Colby laughed.
"Alright, I'll be super quick. If anything happens, just yell. As loud as you can." Sam said, smiling.
"Copy that." You laughed.
In the blink of an eye, you were left alone. You were used to these type of things, so it didn't bother you much. You've somehow become numb to all of this paranormal adventuring.
And that was one of the main reasons why you liked to take control of the camera, since you were able to keep your cool in stressful situations, making it easier for the viewers later on.
Plus, you didn't know how to act on camera and they were the professionals... allegedly.
Whenever something odd happened, you made sure to try and record as much as you could, in the best angles possible. You liked to joke around and call yourself a professional in your craft, although sometimes it wasn't even a joke.
You were passionate about it. The videos and the ghosts, it was only natural to try and do more, risk yourself to do something more interesting and outgoing.
That's a piece of yourself they loved about you. You were simply a perfect match in their combo.
As you began to do your cinematic, you began to have shivers. A sudden draft of air passing through you, as if a window suddenly opened.
Looking around, there was no possible way of that happening. You were in the middle of the corridor, absolutely no chance of an air draft simply passing through so randomly.
You thought it might've been a bit odd, but nothing you haven't felt before anyways. While you kept on making some videos, an eerie feeling of someone watching crossed over your spine.
The sensation of a presence slowly getting closer to you behind your back.
Almost feeling the heat of another person behind you, towering over you.
Hurriedly looking back, you were met with Sam's hand almost touching your shoulder. He stopped midway, knowing he got caught trying to scare you. "You bitch." You spit out, making him laugh.
"Damn it!" He said mid laugher. "I was so quiet this time, how do you always seem to know?"
"I can feel you lurking closer, you stalker." You looked away from his gaze, trying to ignore the thoughts of his pretty face. You began walking back to where he came from, meeting Colby in the process.
"I'm not a stalker, if anything, I'm protecting."
"Quietly from the shadows, sounds like a stalker to me, but you do you." You smiled softly, looking at the confused Colby.
"I left for a second, what did I miss?"
"Stalker behavior, nothing else." You said, putting your camera up again and ready to record.
Colby shook his head from side to side, already being on your side of the story without even asking further questions. "I can't believe you brother."
"Wha- it wasn't-..." Sam sighed, defeated. He knew you were joking, so he wasn't going to win anyways.
You laughed and pointed the camera at them. "Ready when you are." They nodded and you began to record.
"So as you can see, in our hands we have some devices that we'll scatter throughout this first room. If you've been here before, you'll probably be familiar, but if you haven't, these are basically some motion censor devices that will let us know if something walks infront of it." Colby explained, turning one of the devices on and showing to the camera how it worked.
As they organized everything, the REM-POD immediately began beeping. "Oh, shit. That's the rem pod." Sam said, stopping on its tracks. "That was the temperature dropping."
You made sure the camera caught that as you got closer to it. "Oh fuck. I was feeling a bit cold since we got here." Colby added. "Alright. I think we're ready."
"Okay. If there's any spirit around that would like to communicate with us, we would like for you to use any of these devices we've put up for you." Sam started, as you made sure to get far enough from everything for the shot.
"You can touch these lights on the floor, or maybe this device I have on my hand." Colby continued, pointing towards the EMF reader. "We mean no harm, we'd just like to talk to someone."
A couple of seconds passed, looking around, waiting for something to happen.
"Maybe they don't want..." Sam began, before getting interrupted by the REM-POD beeping, making you hurriedly move your camera angle. "Oop. Nevermind. Thank you very much. Can you do that again if you're here with us? To let us know it wasn't something else?"
Silence filled the room for a while, before the device started to beep once again.
Excited, they began asking questions to this entity, expecting for it to be somewhat intelligent enough to give answers back.
Luckily, it was. It seemed to be someone that died inside the asylum, a woman. Curious about the story of this woman, they kept on asking questions. Some of them being answered, others being completely ignored.
Asides from the constant beep from their device, you heard a knock coming from one of the corridors. Quickly looking around, they stopped talking. "What?" Colby asked.
"Heard something." You whispered. The room went silent, followed by what sounded like footsteps getting closer. You turn the camera back at them and their faces were shocked.
"Holy fuck." Sam whispered.
"That was like... thumps. We're the only ones here, right?" Colby asked him.
"Yeah, we're supposed to be." Sam says, walking towards the place they heard the sound, quietly. You followed close behind. "Hello?"
Nothing. They kept on looking around, searching and at the same time waiting for something else to happen. "There's no one here." Colby says. "But that was clear as day."
"Super clear, the camera must've have heard that, for sure." Sam said, looking at you as you nodded. "That was crazy."
"Yeah, let's try something else but closer to this area, maybe it's more active." Colby said, and all of you nodded.
A couple of minutes later, and you were all set up. This time around, they turned on a spirit box to try and communicate better.
The idea was to first use it as normal, then for Colby to do the Estes Method.
And so, the spirits began to talk.
"What's this." It spat out. Colby and Sam looked at eachother, smiling.
"Hello, this is a spirit box, you can use it to communicate with us. Would you mind telling us who you are?" Sam said, looking around.
"Hi, hello." Colby responded. "Who are we talking to."
"I'm scared."
"Scared? Scared of what?" Colby asked, furrowing his eyebrows whilst looking at the camera.
"Behind you."
They quickly looked behind them. "Oh, fuck. I hate that." Colby said, as you smiled at their gestures.
It quickly faded away when you felt the familiar presence of someone behind you.
Heart racing, you looked around for a second, but there was nothing there. It didn't mean the feeling went away, though.
"Monster. Care..." It seemed the audio cut before finishing the whole word.
"Monster... care?" Sam asked, confused.
"Or maybe it meant careful? Like, careful of the monster?" Colby questioned.
"It would make sense. What monster are you talking about? Is it harming you? Are you scared of this monster... or... person?"
It took a while before responding. Last thing it said, before a screech filled the radio was... "Run."
Quickly, they turned it off. They looked at eachother. "That was terrifying." Colby said. Sam nodded and sighed.
"Let's try and look around for some other place. This doesn't feel safe." Sam said and everyone agreed.
For the past hour of recording, moving around and joking here and there, you felt a bit uncomfortable. Usually, you weren't the type to get scared over the paranormal, but this place felt more eerie than usual.
You heartbeat has been increasing slowly, as well as a slight pain in your chest that quickly faded. You felt watched.
There was a point where you even felt slightly touched, quickly warning the boys about it.
Due to this, they almost discarted the idea completely, thinking you might be getting targeted, scared that it might do something to you. It took you a couple of minutes of convincing them to keep on recording before the conversation was dismissed.
You tried to brush it all off, as 'something you've felt before', but deep down you were really anxious about it. Perhaps it made you feel better to think about it being just the nerves.
But you weren't the type of person to feel these nerves for no reason.
"Hey, you good?" Colby touched your shoulder and whispered to you, noticing you seemed a bit weird. "You seem out of it today."
"Yeah, I'm good. I was just zoning out."
"Yeah, I noticed." He chuckled, looking into your eyes. "You sure you're okay though?" He raised an eyebrow, seemingly concerned. "You don't look well."
"What? Do I look like a ghost to you?" You asked, smiling, which quickly made him show that gorgeous smile you loved.
"More like you've seen one." You shook your head.
"I'm fine. I've just seen some shadows running in the corners of my eye, but nothing too big to point out."
He batted his eyes. "You've what?"
"Calm down, you know I see those things all the time. It's nothing new." Half of it was true. The other half, well... there was a chance you might've seen a whole figure standing close to a doorframe, but you felt your imagination was tricking you too much tonight, so you didn't say anything.
You weren't a psychic or a medium or something close to it anyways. If anything, you'd probably consider it more like a hallucination due to the constant lack of sleep you've been having lately.
"I know, I know, but still. You could tell us about it, you know? Maybe we all see the same thing you do and since you don't point it out, we don't notice."
You rolled your eyes playfully. You were about to say something, but a breeze passed through your ear, a soft whisper saying "Come play."
You jumped, covering your ear and walking closer to Colby. "Shit." You whispered.
Confused, he held your shoulders. "What? What? You heard something?" His worry was enough for Sam to stop setting the cameras up and walk closer.
"What happened?" He asked. You looked around where you were standing.
"Did you guys not hear that?" You asked, the shook their heads. "I heard something like... right next to me." When you said that, Sam began recording once again.
"Alright, so... apparently Y/n just heard something right next to her." He began explaining to the camera, pointing it at you.
"It was like a whisper, it.. uh... it just said 'come play', like, the creepiest shit you can say. I even felt the air on my ear, that shit made me jump." You tried laughing about it to not let the mood down, but it wasn't working much.
"Although I really want to, maybe we shouldn't do the challenge." Colby said, looking at Sam straight in the eyes, genuinely worried.
"Guys. Come on. Don't back down when we're this close." You said. "We're basically done for tonight, this is the last thing we're doing and we're out, right?"
"...yeah." Sam whispered. "Let's..." He sighed. "Let's do it. Just like she said, we walk through the corridor and come back straight away."
Althought skeptical, Colby nodded. "Fine. Let's hurry up then. The quicker we begin, the quicker we're leaving this place."
And so, everyone held their cameras and said their goodbyes. The three of you went through your respective corridors and began walking, alone, with no light.
"Alright guys. I'm not good at, like, talking to the camera but I'll try." You sighed, pointing the camera at your face while slowly walking the dark corridor.
"Honestly? I'm usually not as creeped out when we come to places like this, but this one is like... up there. It's giving me the chills, making me paranoid, I feel like I'm... seeing thing. Or maybe I'm just sleep deprived. That's... that's also an option now that I think about it."
Looking around with the camera, although it's absolutely useless, you started feeling out of breath. Almost as if the air didn't reach your lungs anymore. "It feels... hard to breathe." You took a deep inhale and shakily exhaled.
You gulped, your throat suddenly feeling dry as the lack of oxygen was evident.
"I'm just gonna walk... faster. I wanna get this over with..." And so, you did. But the further away you got, the worse it all felt. You felt your vision starting to get blurry although you could barely see anything.
You paused as your vision began to get used to the darkness.
At the end of the corridor, what you could shape out like a human figure was standing there. Seemingly the same one you barely saw before.
This time, it didn't seem to go away.
You were also alone.
Unable to breathe.
You don't know when it started, but you were unable to breathe properly. You choked, trying to regain yourself from the feeling.
Your neck feeling tight, your stomach hurting at the sudden feeling.
Putting your hands on your neck, you coulnd't feel anything that would make you feel this way. You started to get worried.
You felt as if you were being choked. You tried to scream, but all that you could spat out from your lips was a soft, quiet, 'help'.
Trying to turn around and walk back, you saw the figure again and got scared, falling towards the floor. You coughed for air, sucking back as much as you could but being unable to.
Leaving the camera behind, you tried to crawl back to where you came from, but the lack of circulation on your body failed you as you coulnd't handle it anymore.
Your body falling on the floor, the camera seemingly recording your movements come to a halt.
Your eyes closing, leaving you unconscious.
It didn't take long before Sam and Colby got back to the lobby. Waiting for you, something seemed off.
They knew the corridor wasn't as long as theirs. You should've been the first one out by that logic. They've been waiting long enough and they were starting to get worried.
Even though the concept of the challenge was to be alone in the darkness, the idea of you being in trouble was too much to bare.
Heck, even if you were pranking them, the anxiety of you not coming back on time was driving them insane, they were ready for a scare if it had to come to that.
But the scare they were expecting wasn't the one they got.
Minutes of walking and calling out your name came to a stop when they saw you on the floor.
Hurriedly, they ran towards you and fell to the floor, yelling out your name. "This isn't funny, Y/n!" Sam yelled, moving your body, only to notice how cold you felt. His heart sank.
"Y/n, come on!" Colby said, putting himself on the other side, looking at Sam. The color from his face was gone when he felt her body. Colby, worried, touched your body and understood why he looked that way. "Oh, fuck. Fuck!"
Throwing the camera to the side, Colby quickly checked your pulse. "Sam. Call 911. This is serious." You still had a pulse, but you weren't breathing. First thing that came to his mind was CPR.
While Sam began to call, Colby was trying as hard as he could to help out. He began doing mouth to mouth, trying to bring some oxygen back to your lungs.
Tears streaming down both of their faces. Colby started making compressions to your chest, while Sam was talking to the 911 dispatcher and using the flashlight to illuminate Colby.
Luckily, they weren't too late. You began to cough and moved to the side to spit out some saliva. You breathed heavily and both of the guys sighed in relief.
As you tried to catch your breath, they softly held you up in place while your color came back to you. You blinked a couple of times, adjusting your view to your surroundings.
When you looked at them, they hugged you tight. "Fuck..." Sam whispered. "Let's get the fuck out of here right now." He held you softly and helped you out, as Colby grabbed all of the cameras.
It was hard for you to walk. It felt as if a ton of weight was keeping you from even standing up. It felt as if your limbs went numb, the lack of oxygen probably acting up.
Sam noticed, and didn't hesitate on holding you up and putting you on his back so that you could rest. They began walking as fast as they could, reassuring you that you will be fine.
You were focused on getting your breath back while listening to them scream at the spirits.
"You are not allowed to follow us home." Listening to Colby talk like this, while taking all of the equipment made you feel light. You started moving your arms and made sure to hold onto Sam, closing your eyes.
"You'll be okay. We're leaving." Sam reassured you, waiting for Colby to grab everything and get out of there in a rush.
After the police arrived and handed you an oxygen mask, you started feeling much better. You had some marks on your neck, like some hands were just squishing the air out of you.
Your body... at first, you could even see your veins pop out of your legs because of your lack of color. The poor circulation that ran through your body for a couple of minutes really drove your body to its limit somehow.
It took you a while to be able to stand on your two feet again, but before the police left you could walk on your own just fine. Sam and Colby however still managed to help you out.
"Let's head back home." Sam whispered to you. You nodded slightly and tried to walk on your own, only to be held up by Colby.
"Don't force yourself right now. You need some rest." He said, taking you back to the car. Your face having a rush of blood because of the gesture.
"I... I can walk."
"Let us do this. Please. It's too much already that you fainted right when we weren't with you." Sam said, looking at you, your heart racing at the look of his blue eyes upon you. You gulped.
"...f..fine." You said, resting your head on Colby's chest, making him smile.
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part two is up!! the link is in the beginning! <3
thanks for reading all the way! likes, comments and requests are much appreciated.
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urfavlarry · 4 months
hi! can u write about a drunk love confession lolll 😭🎀
Why’d you only call me when your high?
Joost Klein x fem!reader
warnings: swearing, bad grammar, mentions of alc0hol
summary: you and Joost have been friends for a few years now but ever since he got more recognized after his song ‘friesenjung’ came out you both became more distant. What will you do after he calls you for the first time in months, drunk?
A/N: this is um.. long .. enjoy!
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You were alone in the house, your parents went off to the neighbours to go grilling. You decided to not go since you were doing things with them the whole day and you just felt exhausted. You went to cook yourself a quick meal, just some toast with whatever on top. You looked at the time, 10:28PM. Joost was performing currently in Amsterdam, not that you knew anything about it. He was probably going to get a few drinks with friends after it like he usually did after his last concert of the season. He has probably long forgot about you, probably replacing you with someone else by now. Ever since he became more famous, you both stopped reaching out as often. There wasn’t any hate behind it, Joost wasn’t the type to cut people off because of fame which you loved about him and you missed him dearly you just.. drifted apart?
You went back up to your room, deciding to go to sleep early tonight, opening the window for some cool air to come into the room. The covers called your name, snuggling into them and getting comfortable. You fall asleep a few minutes later, the room was dark and the wind entered your room like an unwelcome guest, goosebumps appearing on your skin.
A buzzing noise wakes you up, your phone lighting up and blinding your tired eyes. You try and get up, body still a bit weak since you woke up about 5 seconds ago. You grab your phone and your heart skips a beat, the name “duck” appearing on your phone. It was a nickname you gave to Joost years ago. You were teens, trying to make up nicknames for each other and you just took the word dutch and turned it into duck. You watch it ring for a few seconds and then sigh, cursing a bit then pick it up. “Hello?” You say, your voice raspy and very tired sounding. “Hallo?” You hear the dutch accent you oh so loved come through the phone. “Hello, hello.” You turn around and lay on your stomach, waiting for him to speak. The noises in the background were loud and clear, loud music coming through the phone. “Is dat het meisje waar je het over had?” (Is that the girl you were talking about?) “ja ja ga nu..” (yea yea, go now.)
He shifted around before he spoke again. “Sorry, what’s up?” You raise a brow, was this some kind of phone call you get from your dad once a year? “Nothing much, why are you calling me?” He chuckles, voice deep and handsome like always. “Can I not call mijn liefde?” (my love) “What are you on about Joost? Are you drunk?” “No, no.” He slurs, making you scoff. “Yeah, yeah.” He was mumbling things in dutch you couldn’t understand; “Ik wil niemand anders dan jou.. mijn lief meisje.” (I want no one else but you.. my sweet girl.) “Fucking hell Joost.. where the hell are you? Is Apson with you?” He nods, which you barely heard but at least he gave you an answer. Apson would mostly stay sober, only having a few drinks so you decided to call him. He picked up, voice cheerful like always. You told him to take Joost home since he sounded like he had enough for the night and he kindly agreed. You thank him, ending the call with him before trying to go back to sleep.
3:07AM, another phone call wakes you up. “What the fuck is wrong with him..” You ask yourself before picking up. “Joost it’s 3AM can you go to sleep?” You demand and he just smiles. Oh yeah you were on face time now, great. You looked like a zombie compared to him, he looked more energetic than you did, his hair wet and it looked like he was shirtless. Probably just got out of the shower. “I wanted to see your stunning face schatje.” He says, laying down on his side, the side of his face resting against a pillow.
You sigh, watching him like a hawk. The light coming from his side of the phone blinded you, making you groan. “What do you want? I’m exhausted from your bullshit.” You say and he pouts; “Why are you so mean, hm? Do you not miss me?” He asks, smiling, his adorable, genuine smile. “Joost stop it.” He chuckled, moving around in his room when he suddenly turned his lights off, the only light that let you see his face was from his LEDs. He started mumbling things again, his voice lulling you to sleep but you fought back the urge to sleep. “Jij bent zo schitterend..” (you’re so stunning) “Joost I’m hanging up.” “No, no.. Blijf bij me.” (stay with me) “Ik wil je Y/N.” (I want you Y/N.) “Ik krijg je niet uit mijn hoofd.” (I can’t get you out of my head.) All of these things meant nothing to you. You didn’t speak dutch, maybe a few phrases and words but you weren’t fluent. You brushed off all of those phrases, when he said the one thing he taught you during your time as close friends. “Ik hou van jou lieverd.” (I love you sweetheart.)
You face turned bright red, quickly hanging up and flipping onto your back. Your eyes were wide eyed, staring at the dark ceiling above you. You internally scream, maybe he meant it in a friendly way? But the nickname?? It was weird. He was just drunk after all, it probably didn’t even mean anything. You try to fall asleep, tossing and turning before finally succeeding.
Morning came quicker than usual, making your stomach turn and face feel hot. You didn’t even dare open your phone, deciding to pack your things and head home to Amsterdam a little earlier than expected. You booked a flight, canceling the one you were supposed to take 3 days later then this one.
The minute you got home you opened the messages. Some were from last night and some were from a few minutes ago. You tried replying but no words were coming to mind, your fingers just hovering above the cold screen.
why did u hang up hm?
blijf bij me
ik krijg je niet uit mijn hoofd
sent 16 hours ago
————————— new messages —————————
Im so sorry I woke u up yesterday
I was drunk haha
hope to see u soon, today Im performing in that club we used to go to as teens
ill look for u after
You contemplated whether to go or not. You wanted to see him, but another part of you didn’t. Why should you be the one running back to him? It made no sense to you, yet you went. It was like you were in a daze, getting ready, taking the train to the city he was performing in.. it all felt forced in a way. You got stopped by a few fans then made your way to the barrier. You bought a ticket last minute most people already in the club waiting for their idol to come up on stage. 15 minutes until it started, you felt disgusting. Sweaty fan girls who never heard of a shower were all around you, all you wanted to do was curl yourself into a ball and dissapear on the spot. It will be so akward talking after almost a year of barely knowing of each other’s pressence yet you still wanted to see him, hug him.. kiss him.
The concert went by fast, you and Joost making eye contact several times which made you even more anxious than you were before. You walked back stage, most of the security recognising you and letting you pass which surprised you. The halls felt endless, walking in front of his door you gently knocked almost instantly hearing footsteps. And there he was. He changed a lot. His hair was now longer, looking more mature but he was still there. Your Joost. “Weren’t you supposed to be the one looking for me?” He rubbed his neck, chuckling awkwardly before pulling you into the room. It looked like he was trying to find the right words to start which made you count down the dreadful seconds going by.
“Well, what I said yesterday was true. I don’t remember all of it but from the messages I said it was pretty obvious. I really do love you and I hate that you aren’t by my side. I hate that I can’t wake up with you in my arms. I miss you. I miss your smile, your energy, I miss hearing your thoughts, I miss everything about you. Liefje please I need you I can’t live without you.” He looked at you with those beautiful ocean blue eyes, looking desperate but it was obvious he truly meant every single word. You smile softly, cupping his cheeks. “I love you too. You have no idea how much I’ve been missing you. It was like a part of my heart was taken away from me.” He kissed your forehead, smiling down at you. “I promise to never leave you. Never.” “Promise.”
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layuhsblog · 5 months
Hi, I'm not sure if ur still open to requests (I'm so sorry if ur not >_<) but could u do some princess treatment with nct dream bcz I've genuinely just thought of them spoiling their gfs🫶🏻
its not too princessy and more domestic and 'nct dream as boyfriends'
reqs are still open, ask away babies
idk how to write diff stuff for diff members but i tried and i hope you like it. definitely very fluffy tho. and YEP THEY'RE DEF THE SPOILING THEIR GFS TYPE
warnings: very fluffy, suggestive at some places, very crack, a bit imagine based as well, i think i swore once? i dont remember, some members are too short I'm sorry i was having writers block also ITS LONG.
also cus its so long its unedited.
members drabbles under the cut
• I feel like if you're dating Mark, your house will never be quiet, whether its with his chaotic unhinged questions, his jokes, him singing or producing songs or just his playlists playing in the background. especially if you're the type to always need some kind of background noise while doing chores- he'll make you like a thousand playlists for every mood, every chore etc.
He'll even make you a personal playlist with secret songs only meant for you to listen, even if the lyrics are highly unhinged like;
"Yoyo my girls cookin, and she's hella goodlookin yoyo" just for you to laugh at his silly antics even when hes away for too long.
• I dont see him as someone who'll get you flowers cus I feel like he will get sad when they die. He'll stay up at night when youre asleep finding origami videos to make you paper flower bouquets. Each date a different type of flower. Even goes out of his way and googles what flower signifies what feeling, literally befriends a flower shop owner.
• He once called them at 4am to ask what flower means "I'm sorry, I messed up. Please don't break up with me." The phone hung up on his face ofc. Your argument was about mint chocolate and pineapples on pizza. You obviously wouldn't break up with him for that. (He hopes)
•You definitely have a specific closet filled w those paper flowers. He has never given you a handmade bouquet of your favourite flowers cus he plans on doing so when he proposes to you, hiding the ring at the bottom of the bouquet. AHH IM SOFT
•Personal Spotify, he'll sing you to sleep whenever you tell him to, whatever you tell him to.
•You once had an argument with him in public and he asked you how he can make you forgive him so you made him sing 'Welcome to Miami' infront on random strangers
•OH I FEEL LIKE. If you're on a picnic. He would take help from his members (the 127 hyungs. Dreamies are hopeless I'm sorry) and make you both a bento. Imagine your surprise when you opened the picnic basket and saw two lunchboxes one was spiderman and the other was hello kitty.
"Mark, this is so cute. But yknow I like spiderman too right?"
I've said this before and I'll say it again, Mark's the type of boyfriend to snatch a jar from you, tell you he got it and fail miserably. Most of the time when you DO have a problem opening a jar and you go to him..he gulps nervously.
"I, have to go to the bathroom. Be right back."
"Mark- ...you took the jar with you.."
You know where this is going.
"Baby, I know you asked Johnny to help. But thankyou! Yes you're very strong."
To sum it up, being with Mark is dorky and comforting and you love that man with all your heart.
•I see Renjun as the type to do princess treatment stuff with you together.
•Like Idk how to explain it- you both spoil eachother. Your nighttime skincare takes you both HOURS because instead of doing like sane people, you do it on EACHOTHER, explaining every step of your routine to the camera (the mirror) in a fake accent.
•If he sees you painting your nails, he gets offended because he's your personal nail tech.
I definitely see him as the type to tell you,
"Gurl, that watermarble is a disaster. Let me do it for you." and he does a better job than you.
"Silly girl, this is why you should always let me do your nails. Don't even bother."
•He's adorable, if its your birthday or you achieved smtn big at a job or at uni he would celebrate it with you. Decorate your room with pink balloons and stuff, get you a tiara and a sash- like a true princess, get you a pretty dress to wear. Click your pics and share it on his close friends story.
You love it. You saved that same tiara for his birthdays and achievements and crowned him your princess. CUTIES
•Allows you to do his makeup while you're sitting on his lap on one condition, you don't click pics.
Once he grows into it though-
"Hey! Blend that foundation properly, my neck and my face are two different shades."
You show your puppy eyes to him he's cracking. Lets you take as many pics as you want, doesn't say shit when you post it. He's soft for you.
•I dont see him as a very verbally expressive partner, he'll show you through his actions, like the one time a family member of yours was very sick and admitted in the hospital while he was on tour.
•You were continuously crying on call and it was late where he was. He knew you had trouble sleeping for a few days as you were staying at the hospital with them. He flew in to surprise you and had a mini date in the hospital cafeteria. He made sure you ate and you both took a walk around the building after dinner as he comforted you and gave you advice on how to deal with everything going on.
He stayed in the room, looking after your family member as you showered and slept soundly after forever. You felt bad as he was jetlagged and tired but he scolded you and forced you to sleep.
You woke up to the sound of the door opening and the nurse greeting your relative the next morning. There was a note propped up on the couch you had slept in,
'Had to fly back baby :( Call me anytime and I'll be there. My girl comes first always, I love you<3'
•Oh your family loves him btw, he had also got a get well soon card and a bouquet for your relative.
You were gonna marry this man, you were sure of it.
•Overall he scolds you when you don't take care of yourself and always puts your needs first before his and trusts you fully to do the same when he needs it, and you will<3
•This is so random, but I really see Jeno as the type of boyfriend who bakes for you?
•its just a you and him thing. When you started dating, you were at his dorm and got hungry and night. So he decided to make you a mugcake? It tasted like rubber but you ate it anyway ans reassured him that it was really good. (It wasn't)
•Y'all know that guy on tiktok who bakes for his gf?? THAT'S HIS INSPIRATION RIGHT THERE.
•Experiments each recipe on Jaemin before making you try it. Why do you think Jaemin hates strawberries? Its HIS fault.
•Yknow how...Jeno is so buff and sexy?? His favourite part of going to the gym is sending you post workout bathroom mirror selfies. (YES THAT IS SPOILING. SHUSH)
•He also definitely seems like the type to call you princess. If you hate that nickname? He doesn't care he'll call you anyway cus you ARE his princess. You eventually grow into it.
•Definitely the type to wake up no matter how late it is if you need anything. You're hungry? He's up and running ready to cook, go to the convience store or order food for you. Anything his princess wants. You got your periods? You think he already doesn't have your necessities stacked in the dorm bathroom already? Pads, tampons, everything- even if you're on cups, he'll always keep them ready for emergency purposes and incase the other dreamies have their girls over and they need it. Your bf is a gentleman yes. You love it.
•PASSENGER PRINCESS PRIVILEGE. You'll always be connected to the Bluetooth. You never have to drive ever in your life again. His favourite part of driving is you screaming out the lyrics of ur new favourite songs.
He will never tell you how tired he is of listening to the same song over and over and over again. Even if his ears feel like bleeding from listening to the same song again, he'll hold back his tears and just smile. He loves you but he's not a big fan of your music.
"You're so quiet babe, what's up?"
"Huh, nothing... just focusing on the road.. You keep singing, I love your voice hehe."
•Yknow how much it annoys him, youre testing his patience to see when he'll tell you to stop. He wont tho babe, he's getting tortured, stop please. (I unironically love that song)
•I think he's the most princess to ever princess which is why he's perfect at giving princess treatment.
•Also hes very clingy, wont leave you alone for even a minute.
•One time you were cutting fruit with a new knife you had just bought and cut your finger on it. He was so annoying with it;
"Hyuck, its just a small c-" He pecks your lips to shut you up and runs to his room. He runs back and to your surprise shows you a hello kitty band-aid. You laugh at that to which he pouts and claims that "it hurts less with this specific one"
Doesn't even let you wash the cut yourself. He washes it for you, puts antiseptic and lastly puts the bandaid on your finger.
He proudly admires his work and when you thank him he "kisses your ouchie" to which you cringed out for a solid five minutes.
•He's the type to say, "I GOT IT" to everything you're about to do.
Opening a jar? He's got it. Opening your apartment door after a date? GASP YOU JUST GOT A MANICURE, HE'LL DO IT. Reaching for the shelf to grab a mug? He's got his Johnny hyung to get it for you cus he can't reach it either.
•He absolutely thinks it's his job to make you laugh. You literally cannot laugh at another guy's jokes now. Mark is an exception tho, he'll fite you for Mark. How dare you not laugh at a stupid joke Mark made.
•Speaking of fite, He'll let you win all playfights. This is how you know shit is srs between y'all. Haechan is competitive. But he'll let you win. I know its an unpopular opinion.
•Especially if you don't have much in common with Haechan and start showing interest in gaming and ask him to teach you, he'll go very easy on you. Yknow, set his pride aside, let you win a lot of games before actually becoming competitive with you as well. Still he won't ever admit it even years after being together- if you have a particularly bad day, he would let you and not make it very obvious, even if you call him names and make fun of him for being a loser, he'll just have a lovesick smile on his face and stars in his eyes as you're doing a dorky winner dance for beating him.
The 127 boys are very proud of their maknae, he's surely grown a lot. You're both still incredibly immature but they love you together.
•Oh the only down side is you're always competing with Renjun.
"Blink twice if you love Renjun and Mark more than me"
*blinks twice*
"We're done."
•You love him too much to get mad at the fact that he still didnt choose you
here we go..
my bias wrecker.
•YOU CANNOT DENY He's going to be the best boyfriend ever.
•You want to put ribbons on him? he bought you those himself. the pinkest of pink ribbon for you to tie his hair, biceps, _anything_ with.
•He loves making you flustered.
•Will check up in you every second of the day.
"Did you eat yet? Slept properly? Drink enough water?"
•Nags at you like a mother.
•If you're studying for exam or just working from home in general he'll pop up to check in on you every five minutes with coffee, freshly cut up fruits, chocolates etc.
•If you're too busy to eat, he will pull a chair and sit beside you, stare at you while you work and feed you occassionally.
•When you're tired he'll give you a massage and draw you a pretty bath with rose petals and scented candles and stuff.
•He cannot say no to your puppy eyes. He loves cats but you're the reason he has three.
•Also the type to get jealous of the cats, AND you if you're not giving him attention. He doesnt know whether he wants to be at your place or the cats'.
•HE COOS AT YOU. A LOT. ANYTHING YOU DO. "AIGOOO MY BABY IS SO ADORABLE *insert incoherent wooing noises as he pulls your cheeks* and you're just there like- '🧍😀'
•If you're on a date, you don't even have to ask. He'll already have his camera ready, suggest you cute poses and click pictures for your Instagram. He'd stay up late to edit them himself.
When you're with Na Jaemin you cannot have a blank looking Instagram.
•Overall hes the sweetest and absolutely adorable but he also has a babygirl to take care of. (He himself is a babygirl)
•Another one to call you princess.
•I saw a reel of him asking his nephew for a kiss before handing him money. THAT'S SO ADORABLE OH MY GOD MY HEART HE'LL DO THAT WITH YOU TOO.
•Even if you're not the type to accept gifts or ask for money he'll MAKE SURE you get used to it because he JUST LOVES SPOILING HIS PRINCESS
•If you're going for a spa or to get your nails done or any type of self care activity and you DONT ask him to pay, he gets mad. he'll sulk, wont talk to you.
"What's the point of being born in a rich family and working hard to earn a living if my girlfriend doesnt want to spend my money?😔"
•He loves you so much. Every night when he does his skincare, you're sitting on the bathroom sink and hes doing your skincare as well.
•Another nagger who will ensure you're hydrated and wellfed, keeps track of your period.
"Open the door, I know you're on your period, I got you heatpacks, pads and chocolates. Let's watch Hamilton and cuddle."
"Lele, marry me."
"Pick your diamond, baby."
•But, we all know chenle is so much more than just a rich guy, he'll sing you to sleep and stroke your hair whenever you're stressed
•He may be mean and nagging and annoying sometimes but hes such a huge huge softie for you its crazy. Everytime you walk into the room, its all music and wind blowing and time slowing for him. Cliche lover boy and I'm here for it.
•He loves you so much, if you pout at him he'll be on his knees at your service doing anything and everything you tell him to...even aegyo.
•He also tries to learn how to cook for you. The first time he cooked, the food tasted like dish soap cus he thought vegetables had to be cleaned with soap.
•Eventually gets better and cooks very comforting meals. They taste like home, you love it. Yknow the type of food that's not too fancy but its warm and make your heart feel full.
•Thats also what loving him would feel like. He wouldn't go OUT and extreme but whatever he does is warm and fills your heart with love for him more everyday.
•Occasional flowers, gets you chocolates/cookies/ice cream everytime you hang out.
•Lot of movie dates, he'll always let you pick the movie. You'll always be the small spoon
•Oh he always pulls your chair at a restaurant. Also has a habit of putting his hand under your shirt and just holding your stomach when cuddling, makes him feel closer to you. Same with hugging, when you hug his hand peeks under your shirt so hes touching your bare back. It's nothing sexual, it's just intimate.
•He would always purposefully leave his hoodies at your place so you dont have to steal them. He's too shy to admit he left them on purpose. Also does it cus if you stole his hoodie, his poor heart wouldn't be able to handle it. It would probably combust into flames.
"You forgot your hoodie at my place."
"Oh shit, well its okay, you can take it. I don't wear it much anyways." and you're just there thinking,
'That's your favourite hoodie man, you'd rot in it if you could.' You don't tease him about it though. Its cute to you that he trusts you with his favourite hoodie.
•He's the type to be jealous of your plushies but then would also go out of his way to buy more for you. He gets sad if you buy new ones.
In his logic, if he buys them for you, he's the father and the kids will be loyal and know their place. But if you buy them, they'll be too greedy to share you with him. Oh please, he talks to trees don't tell me things like these wouldn't cross his mind.
•He loves it when you ask him to pay for dinner cus you usually split the bill. He realised he loves it a BIT TOO MUCH, makes him feel all alpha-protecter, big boy and would start demanding that he pays for dates more often.
Unlike Chenle he's cool with it if you don't like it, he'll turn it down a notch.
•He just wants you to be comfy and he'll always stick to his boundaries while also keeping an eye on you, making sure you're okay, comfortable and happy with him.
722 notes · View notes
love-belle · 1 year
i'll be loving you for quite some time !!!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ in which their fall-in-love-again era is them pretending as if they aren't back together and having just a little bit fun with everyone.
for when you know it'll be them till the end. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
social media au // lando norris x fem!reader
prequel - i bet you think about me ⋆·˚ ༘ *
warnings - language
author's note - hiiii!!!! so sorry for being inactive i have midterms :/// posting rn bc i js couldn't wait!!!! i hope u like this <3 i love u thank u so much for reading <3
tagged @marsdreamworld @luvrrish @ccallistata @eviethetheatrefreak @f1-futurewag-16-3-4-63
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liked by lewishamilton, carmenmmundt, alex_albon and 689,625 others
yourusername seeing him tonight it's a bad idea right
username MOTHER????? HELLO??????
username ahahahahahahahaha hey there!!!!!!
username she's actually so ❤️
-> yourusername i js love my daughter oliviarodrigo
-> oliviarodrigo mom 🫶🏼
username the absolute lack of petty posts we've had from lando and y/n..........
-> username no bc WHAT ARE THEY COOKING 💯💯💯🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️
username pls get back with lando and put me out of my misery 🙏
username what the fuck is going on
username THE CAPTION??? Y/N WHAT.
username no bc i need them BACK together like asap 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
danielricciardo very bad idea
-> yourusername he's annoying
-> danielricciardo very true
username DANIEL SPILL 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
username ahahahahahahahaha!!!!! what.
username js one chance i will never shade u like lando did
username no bc i need them back together before valentine's bc i CANNOT miss on their posts for each like
-> username "here's to my forever valentine, ur annoying and i'm in love ❤️" IM CRYING
-> username istg i will never get over them ://
username FUCK IT IT'S FINE
*liked by yourusername*
charles_leclerc again, listen to me and don't go
-> alexandrasaintmleux shut up
-> yourusername fr
-> charles_leclerc WHY AM I BEING BULLIED
username all the grid is plotting against lando and im here for every second of it
username may god bless the dinosaur that died in order to create the fossil that was processed to fuel that took the car to bring her mom to the hospital to give birth to her
-> yourusername wow
username if she's seeing lando i will SCREAM
username all jokes aside, if they really REALLY broke up then i hope that everyone leaves them alone bc imagine everyone bringing ur ex (the one whom u dated for such a long time) into everything like if i were her that would RUIN me
-> username fr like i love them both but if they really broke up then i hope people leave them alone
username mother is mothering so hard
maxverstappen1 do you not remember what happened the last time?
-> yourusername it wasn't that bad
-> danielricciardo yes it was
-> charles_leclerc yes it was
-> kellypiquet yes it was
-> carlossainz55 yes it was
-> pierregasly yes it was
-> lewishamilton yes it was
-> lilymhe yes it was
-> carmenmmundt yes it was
-> heidiberger_ yes it was
-> yourusername oh my god
-> username LMFAOAOOAOA
-> username bruh the CROWD here rn
username earth is weirdly off it's axis since ur break up pls get back with dad ❤️
username no bc lando better be on all fours if he wants her back like nothing less is VALID
username HER.
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by carlossainz55, pierregasly, maxverstappen1 and 796,426 others
landonorris feels like a taylor swift song
username if that's not y/n i will burn down mclaren
-> mclaren fix yourself landonorris
-> username admin is done with his shit
username yo wtfff
username babe wake up new y/n and lando lore js dropped ❤️
danielricciardo interesting choice of photos
-> landonorris thank you ☺️
username i will not sleep until i get answers
username we !! need !! answers !!
username genuinely on the edge of my seat fr like WHATTT
username the lyrics speak VOLUMES
username no bc if this is not y/n i will in SHAMBLES
username guys i know it was for funsies before but it's getting a bit silly now 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
-> username fr like y'all can stop pranking us now thank u.
charles_leclerc i hope she leaves you. AGAIN.
-> landonorris what have i ever done to you.
-> charles_leclerc ate my pasta
-> maxverstappen1 no offense but the day someone eats your pasta, it's the pearly gates for them
-> landonorris facts
-> pierregasly never eat charles' pasta
-> alex_albon it's deadly
-> charles_leclerc STOP TALKING ABOUT MY PASTA
-> charles_leclerc lando i hope she dumps you
-> landonorris you taKE THAT BACK
username what the fuck is going is
username nice joke 😐😐😐😐 hard launch NOW.
username no bc that's y/n i don't take any criticism
username where tf are the twitter girlies they need to play detective rn
username lando this is ur last chance at confirming if that's y/n or not or else im hugging a tree at 178 mph
georgerussell63 you don't even listen to taylor swift
-> landonorris i'm a changed man
-> georgerussell63 you're barely a man
-> landonorris BLOCKED
username i live for the grid violating lando at every possible chance
username this has to be illegal they're playing with my blood pressure
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by lewishamilton, lilymhe, charles_leclerc and 713,729 others
yourusername date night but it's js me telling u about my succulents and my cats
username DATE NIGHT
username mom r u done with dad be so honest
username stay together for the kids ❤️
username oh i js died died
alexandrasaintmleux pretty baby 🤍
-> yourusername i love u 🤍
username forever in awe of her likeeee
username im so in love i might stop breathing
username u can talk to me about plants any day of week!!!!!! i'll even bring my plants and they can have a little photosynthetic date!!!!! and u and i a humanistic one
username i am coming for u mclaren
danielricciardo i wasn't aware of you going on a date - lando (PLEASE UNBLOCK ME)
-> yourusername yeah it's js with this loser 💔 (no.)
-> danielricciardo wow and to think i chose your favourite place tonight UNBLOCK ME
-> yourusername no ❤️
-> username they're talking?????? omg??????
-> username not him still being blocked 😭😭😭😭😭
danielricciardo real daniel here please unblock him
-> yourusername lando give daniel his phone back
-> danielricciardo FUCK YOU
-> yourusername this isn't getting u any brownie points
-> danielricciardo I DON'T WANT ANY I WANT YOU BACK
*danielricciardo deleted this comment*
-> username OH I SAW THAT OMG
-> username lando in his redemption era we love to see it
username i love her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
username lando im puncturing ur tires
username someone check on how lando's doing
lilymhe gorgeous 🫶🏼 you can talk my ear off any day
-> yourusername lily i ADORE u <3
username lando r u still breathing
-> username real
username my pronouns are she not her bc i'll never be HER
lewishamilton please unblock him he's about to cry
-> maxverstappen1 tears are welling
-> charles_leclerc he's sniffling
-> carlossainz55 eyes have glossed over
-> oscarpiastri holding them tears at bay right now
-> pierregasly can confirm
-> alex_albon please unblock him
-> georgerussell63 he's genuinely sobbing right now
-> mclaren we can hear the cries
-> scuderiaferrari UNBLOCK ME FIRST
-> username oh this man's DEDICATED
username genuinely in ruins rn
username oh to go on a date with her ❤️
francisca.cgomes love 💌
*liked by yourusername*
username im so.
username ???? DATE ????
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by charles_leclerc, danielricciardo, georgerussell63 and 798,528 others
landonorris she's kinda okay
username WAR IS OVER
username OH MY GOD
username "kinda okay" don't like u weren't in SHAMBLES bc of her
username world is spinning again god bless
username never have i ever felt a sense of relief this immense
username genuinely speechless rn
charles_leclerc "kinda okay" you cried when she blocked you
-> landonorris OH MY GOD STOP
-> username LMFAOAOAOAO
-> username PLEASE OMG
username im here for every second of this
username i just fell to my knees at home depot
username OH MY GOD????????
lewishamilton stop being weepy now x
-> landonorris tell her to stop being mean to me x
-> lewishamilton she said nothing wrong x
-> landonorris x
username drought is over ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
username they got back for ME
lilymhe you break her heart, i'll nail gun yours. got it?
-> landonorris yes ma'am.
-> username lily u will always be famous ❤️
username THEM.
username the biggest sigh of relief js left me
-> username bitches (affectionate)
username missed my parents ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😭😭😭😭😭
username watch lando get a podium at the next race
-> username oh my man's gonna be motivated
alexandrasaintmleux don't make me pull out the 25272828 messages from u saying how much u love me and those ESSAYS u sent me - y/n
-> landonorris first, DON'T do that
-> landonorris second, why are you using alex no. 2's phone?
-> alexandrasaintmleux first, DON'T tell me what to do
-> alexandrasaintmleux second, i'm blocked???
-> alexandrasaintmleux please don't call me alex no. 2 - alex
-> landonorris first, noted
-> landonorris second, i unblocked you???
-> landonorris sorry alexA force of habit
-> alexandrasaintmleux oh
-> username nah they forced my girl alex to sign off as "alex" on her OWN acc 😭😭😭😭
-> username the two things i've inferred from above are 1) y/n is not blocked on lando's acc she js chooses to comment from other ppl's phone and refuses to elaborate and 2) lando calls alexandra alex no. 2
-> username this is a WILD place to be
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by kellypiquet, carlossainz55, pierregasly and 799,152 others
yourusername yeah i'll be loving u for quite some time or whatever taylor swift said (❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️)
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liked by carlossainz55, alex_albon, danielricciardo and 825,826 others
landonorris happier than ever
username nah not him using the same caption that he used to shade her
-> username it's almost poetic in a way
username WAR IS OVER 😭😭😭😭😭😭
username the way i collapsed omg
username THE CAPTION HELP??????
username this is life altering
charles_leclerc not a funny caption
-> landonorris have a sense of humour
-> charles_leclerc i have you as a friend and you're a joke so, i do, in fact, have a sense of humour
-> landonorris you're getting reported for that
-> username LMFAOAOAOAO
-> username PLEASE OMG
username im sooooo here for this
username brb checking if my toaster is waterproof or not
-> username i'll join u!!
username i feel like i've js managed to make two toddlers quit fighting and feel like such a proud parent
-> danielricciardo that's exactly how we feel
-> heidiberger_ so true
-> maxverstappen1 absolutely
-> kellypiquet they were worse than actual kids
-> sebastianvettel they're stubborn
-> scuderiaferrari the amount of times we've had to stop y/n from smashing his car is insane
-> mclaren we had to stay indoors with locked doors scuderiaferrari
-> susie_wolff it was horrible
-> landonorris every single one of you is horrible
-> carmenmmundt fuck u all i hope u step on a lego - y/n
-> landonorris FOR THE LAST TIME YOU'RE NOT BLOCKED yourusername
-> carmenmmundt idc
username life has meaning again
username omg
-> username im folded
username they're so ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
username they're actually so taylor swift coded it's INSANE
username brb gonna cry some more
username i used to PRAY for this
danielricciardo could've chosen a different caption - y/n
-> danielricciardo terrible thought
-> landonorris i take it back
-> danielricciardo ❤️
danielricciardo this is sweet
-> landonorris thank you
danielricciardo I LOVE YOU
-> landonorris I LOVE YOU MOREEE
danielricciardo bf
-> landonorris gf
-> username what in the world am i witnessing
-> username shh js look away
-> username what in the dando i just witnessed
-> username NOT DANDO OH MY GOD
username sleepover on highway !!!!!!!!!!!!!
username im sooooOOOOooo normal about this (!!!!!!!!!!!)
username ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
danielricciardo nice jacket in the last slide
-> landonorris yeah it'll look even better on your floor
-> danielricciardo mate what the actual fuck
-> landonorris NO NO NO NO NO NO NO
-> landonorris WHERE'S Y/N
-> danielricciardo SHE GAVE ME MY PHONE BACK
-> landonorris OH MY GOD I'M SO SORRY
-> heidiberger_ wow
-> yourusername i guess it's js us now heidiberger_
-> heidiberger_ ❤️❤️❤️
-> landonorris NOW YOU CHOOSE TO BE ON YOUR OWN ACCOUNT yourusername???
-> yourusername yes ❤️
-> username this is CRAZY
-> username i genuinely have a whiplash
2K notes · View notes
hannieehaee · 6 months
hello !! Could you make a svt reaction to you being very loud in bed ? <3 (nsfw) thank you !!
you being really loud in bed
content: smut, being heard by other people while having sex, established relationship implied, etc.
wc: 813
a/n: thank u for requesting sorry i took so long T-T
seungcheol -
one of his main goals when fucking you would be to hear how loud you got for him (with his main goal being to make you cum, of course). he was simply obsessed with your sounds, and knowing that other people could hear you would just motivate him into fucking you even harder. he adored the thought of others hearing how pretty you sounded for him and only him.
jeonghan -
being real, he would probably be proud knowing that other people could hear you as he rammed into you. he loved everyone knowing how pretty and angelic you sounded for him. the thought of other people hearing you and feeling aroused by your pretty sounds would have him fucking you even harder.
joshua -
he'd chuckle and mock you a bit for how loud you were being. would imitate your moans a bit, just to get a rise out of you, eating up the way you couldnt help yourself. he would absolutely encourage you to be as loud as you could, not at all minding other people hearing you.
jun -
he'd panic a little bit whenever you got a bit too loud. he knew his members were just on the other side of the wall, so it was very likely that they could hear every single cry of pleasure you were letting out. his friends never let go of year's-old jokes, so he knew that they'd never let this go either.
soonyoung -
he'd wanna show it off to anyone (not that anyone asked ...) he loved showing you off in any and every other context, and this wouldnt be an exception. he would be incredibly turned on at knowing that other people could hear the cries and mewls of pleasure that only he could pull out of you.
wonwoo -
as someone who was usually pretty quiet in bed, you'd make a huge contrast to him. he'd be conflicted between wanting everyone know how good he made you feel and wanting to keep your sounds all to himself. would likely encourage you to be loud for him but would also sometimes muffle you in order to keep your pretty sounds all for himself.
jihoon -
oh, god, why did you have to be so loud? dont get him wrong, your sounds always had him feeling ways he was way too shy to explain, but that was the root of the issue. he was a bit reserved when it came to his sex life, he didnt need the members getting a front row seat to what you sounded like when getting pounded by him.
seokmin -
your loud moans would literally make him cry and whine like crazy, body losing control as the two of you seemed to have a competition of who could be louder. your sounds would make him lose his mind, realizing there was a sinister side to himself that made him proud at knowing others could hear the two of you as you lost yourselves in each other.
mingyu -
he'd be just as loud so there would be no issue! every single time the two of you ever did anything in the bedroom, he knew anyone around could hear both you and him. it kinda excited him, honestly. he loved knowing that you both made the other feel such insane ecstasy to the point where neither of you could possibly muffle your sounds.
minghao -
as much as he loved when you were loud for him, if there was ever any risk of other people hearing you, he would muffle you somehow. he'd either gag you or put his palm over your mouth, whispering against your ear for you to behave and keep your sounds for his ears only.
seungkwan -
o-oh? were you making those noises because of him? could everyone else hear you just as well as he did? he would find a new bit of information about himself through his reaction to your loud moans. turns out he was a bit of an exhibitionist, or else how could you explain how light-headed he got at the thought of everyone knowing how pretty you sounded – all for him?
vernon -
he'd get a little sheepish at the way you were twitching and moaning way too loud for comfort, knowing that his members were probably able to hear you also. this shyness would be quickly overpowered by how incredibly hard the whole situation made him, however. you just sounded so fucking pretty ... he'd be thinking of your pretty sounds for weeks.
chan -
a single moan escaping your mouth would have him rutting against you like crazy. he'd reel whenever you were loud for him, reaching a level of turned on that he thought impossible. he wouldnt even have half a mind to think about how any outsiders may be able to hear you. all he cared about was making you moan more and more for him.
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w2soneshots · 3 months
Oh Haz -W2S
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words: 0.8k+
warnings: angst, commitment issues.
summary: Harry freaks out and bolts when you tell him that you love him, so he has to figure out a way to make it up to you.
notes: hello loves! I have a few requests to write but I thought of this fic all by myself🙊 (for once😅). I hope you enjoy!!💘🫶🏼
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"So you told him that you love him and he just... left?" Talia asked in disbelief as we ate lunch. I nodded. "What a prick! Did he say anything?" "No. He stuttered for a second then got up off the bed, grabbed his coat and made a b-line for the front door." I replied. Me and Harry have been seeing each other for almost four months now and I've known that I love him for over a month. I decided to wait a little while because I didn't want him to freak out but it seems I should've waited even longer.
That night, after talking things over with Talia, all I could think about was him. Worried in case I'd completely fucked everything up. Eventually I decided that it wasn't my fault. If he wasn't ready to commit after a whole four months then maybe he didn't like me as much as I thought he did. I just wanted him to text me because I wasn't sure what was going on. The last time I spoke to him was the night he left, I've heard nothing since then.
The next day I got up and got ready for work. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, pinned my hair back, applied a little bit of makeup then got dressed into a matching skirt and blazer suit along with tights and some black heels. After quickly eating some breakfast I grabbed my bag and drove to the building in which I work.
The day dragged on and so I couldn't wait to get home, get into my pyjamas, order a takeout and watch some trashy tv. Once I was finally finished I said good night to my boss and headed home.
My heels clicked on the tiled floor as I walked towards the front of my apartment. My brows furrowed as I noticed something on my doorstep. Once I was a close enough I realised what it was. I picked up the bouquet of white flowers then unlocked my apartment door and went inside.
I set the flowers on my kitchen counter and walked into my bedroom to change into some comfy clothes. Once I was finished I took a closer look at the roses. A note was placed inside. I pulled it out then opened it. The note read: "I'm sorry about the other day. Can I make it up to you with dinner tomorrow night? -Harry x" I smiled. He could've just sent me a text but this was way cuter and meant a lot more.
I sent him a quick message: "thank you for the flowers. Do you wanna meet at our usual spot at 7 ish?" He replied quickly, "yeah, that's perfect. See u then." I set my phone down and enjoyed the rest of my night but not before I called Talia to tell her about what had happened in the past twenty minutes and she also thought that the flowers were adorable.
After getting a good sleep I woke up in a great mood. Thankfully it was also my day off so I went to run some errands before I came back and began getting ready for mine and Harry's date. I took a warm shower, took time to do my hair and makeup then slipped into a cute dress that I had brought earlier that day. Once I was finished I left my apartment and drove to the restaurant me and Harry always go to; since we both love it and it's where we had our first date.
I parked my car then headed inside. I was quickly met with a waitress who took me to a quiet table at the back. Harry hadn't arrived yet so I sat patiently on my phone while I waited.
"Hey." I looked up to see Harry. "Hi." I stood to greet him. We shared a quick hug before both sitting down. "How are you?" He asked. "Good. You?" It was awkward, which is what I expected. "I feel awful, you know- because of the other day. I owe you an explanation." He began seriously. I smiled lightly at him since I could tell he was very nervous.
He took a deep breath. "I uh- my last relationship was really fast and it ended quickly as well. I think I freaked out because I um- I didn't want the same thing to happen with us 'cause... I love you, like a lot." He didn't look me in the eyes until he said the last sentence. My features softened. "Oh Haz, I understand. We can take it as slow as you need. And I'm really relieved that you feel the same." I replied.
The mood changed quickly and we enjoyed our night like nothing had even happened. Harry invited me over to his apartment afterwards and as we lay together on his bed, my head rested on his chest and his fingers gently playing with my hair, I felt so happy.
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isadollie · 2 months
hi anne! i wanted to request boyfie x fem!reader headcanons for daichi and kuroo from haikyuu?
btw loved your recent bokuto hubby drabble 🥺 you've really blessed us 🥺 i wanted to include bokuto for the ask but you wrote him so well in that drabble! 🤧 you can still include him in this request if you'd like 👀 might be fun hehe 🤭
thank you! 🤍🤍
boyfriend! daichi, kuroo, bokuto headcanons (separate)
★ hello anon! tysm for requesting<3
★ and omgg, i'm so happy you liked my little bokuto drabble! 🥹🥹 i included him in the headcanons here as well cause it's never too much bokuto am i right or am i right
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★ super protective like omg
★ i feel like he loves to hold hands at all times
★ the sidewalk rule.
★ is veryy serious about your relationship
★ already plans your future together and loves to talk about it
★ always asks for your opinion though
★ "my love, when we get married, do you want to get a cat? a dog? maybe a hamster?"
★ can be a bit too serious sometimes tbh
★ like, when you guys are out with friends, sometimes you have to nugde him and be like "that person was joking btw" cause he just doesn't get itttt
★ that type of man that your family would love
★ might get late to the meeting with your family and then enter with a cute smile and be like "i'm so sorry, i met an elder lady on my way and i had to help her with grocery shopping"
★ he's that type to read every single book you said you liked, and watch all your favorite movies
★ always insists to pay for everything
★ acts of service allll the way
★ will stop in the middle of your walk to kneel down and tie your shoe
★ loves to show you off in front of his teammates
★ ALSO OMG imagine you two go shopping cause you wanted to get some new makeup supplies
★ he'll carry your cart and when you want to see how would a lipstick, eyeshadow or anything else look on skin, he offers you his hand so you can try out all the shades on him hehe
★ and then when you two walk out of the store both of his hands are covered in blush, lipsticks and other stuff but he doesn't care tbh
★ (now i kinda want to write a drabble abt it)
★ (let me know if i should)
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★ would probably do anything you asked of him tbh
★ he's that type of boyfriend to also be your bestie ykwim
★ "they broke up?? no way! give me all the details rn"
★ skincare routine is his favourite activity with you, he's just so glad you got him into that
★ then he goes to practice and talks to his teammates like "don't you guys see how i'm GLOWING??"
★ pretty random but i hc that he can fall asleep literally anywhere and that he loves naps
★ kinda... like a cat...
★ and oh he SNORES
★ loves to tease you sm
★ especially abt your height, let's be honest
★ asks how's the weather down there and thinks he's funny
★ i feel like he really cares about kenma's approval of your relationship
★ introducing u to kenma was more important for him than introducing you to his family atp 💀
★ so stressed abt it too it's honestly funny
★ but kenma said you seem cool so kuroo can already go look for a ring
★ sends you reels of cats cuddling and says "us"
★ loves to carry you and always looks for an excuse to do so
★ would switch his shoes with yours when your legs start to hurt
★ looks good in your heels and i'm telling you, he walks in them better than u do
★ just smirks and says that he can teach you to be better lol
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★ lowkey an introvert's nightmare
★ probably took ages to confess tho
★ cause he's just too afraid to mess up, and he doesn't want to ruin your friendship:(
★ asked akaashi to help confess
★ also, asks akaashi with help with ANYTHING
★ like in my head, bokuto doesn't really have any previous relationship experience
★ so he doesn't really know what to do sometimes and you're very important to him so he wants to do everything right
★ therefore he asks akaashi for help. all the time. all. the. time.
★ like let my man akaashi rest 😭
★ asks him what to get you for your birthday, how to apologize after a fight, anything you can think of tbh
★ so clingy, the definition of clingy actually
★ wants to hang out 24/7
★ if you asked him to move in with you on the very same day you two started dating, he'd agree without hesitation
★ also texts you whenever you can't meet up
★ sends the most random shit, especially on tiktok and ig
★ he's that type to, when he plays a match, before he makes a serve, points at you and is like "this one's for you" and then completely misses
★ will talk your ear off
★ says the cutest things when he's sleepy
★ he'll just cuddle up to you and start rambling abt how much he loves you
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199 notes · View notes
kaisfruit · 10 months
Hello love! I love your posts so much and I was wondering if I could request a Cole smut one shot? I mean, I saw your head canons and you said you could go on for longer, girl please do!??
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Starved | Cole x Fem!Reader
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A/N; I DONT KNOW U TWO, BUT U TWO ANONS MWAH !!! I LOVE U GUYS! i wanted to go so in depth w cole cuz i am unbelievably attrracted to that man i aint afraid to admit it. also, neither of yall specified BUT! im going w fem!reader since u both came from the fem!reader hcs <3
warnings; nsfw under the cut <3, cunnilingus, size kink, pussy drunk cole, unprotected p in v (pls wrap it b4 u tap it yall), probably some typos/grammar mistakes cuz i am way too scared to ask anyone to read this beforehand, and uhh i think that's it!
word count; 4.4k (i may have gotten a bit carried away im sorry yall)
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Dinner was a favorite time amongst the ninja. It was time to unwind, to have fun, and enjoy each other's company. You had been chatting idly to Lloyd, who sat to your right, for a majority of the time. He was a bit quieter compared to some of the others (full shade to Jay, Kai, Cole, and Nya) and it seemed as if the mundane practice of just a normal conversation was a great relaxer for the green ninja, so he was definitely one of your preferred dinner companions. That didn’t mean there wasn’t chaos going on around you guys. Jay, who was to your left, seemed to be in a full shouting argument with Kai who sat directly across from the blue ninja. The topic of their angry musings was unknown to you, but Lloyd kept making commentary on it every now and again which you would happily add onto.
Across from you sat Cole, then to his left was Nya, and the head of the table was occupied by Zane while opposite him on the other end sat Pixal. Zane seemed content to exist in the company of all of you, only chiming in when he felt like it was needed, but he and Nya were definitely whispering jokes to each other every now again between bites of their food. Pixal, you noticed, was actually jokingly joining in on Kai and Jay’s argument. She would add in one point that was completely absurd and it would cause the other two to blow up again. That robot could be devious when she really wanted to be.
Then there was Cole. You were surprised that he wasn’t also a part of the argument, but you suppose the topic of…maybe devil worship? You weren’t sure, but still, whatever it was didn’t seem to interest the earth ninja. To be fair, you knew the other was prone to getting entranced into whatever he was eating at the moment and Zane had done wonderfully with tonight’s dinner (as he always did) so it was understandable really. 
“And, yeah, I don’t know. I just don’t really understand why I’ve always got to be doing something.” Lloyd finished his story up and you nodded along, having listened intently the entire time. 
“I don’t know either man,” you shrugged as you took a sip of your water, “your shit is always getting rocked one way or another.” That caused a slight snort of amusement to exit the green ninja. “I mean, I would’ve already changed my government name and gone into hiding if I were in your shoes.”
Lloyd let out a sigh. “That’s the dream. I don’t know if I could do all of that. Couldn’t leave you guys behind at all. That’d suck big time. Ninjago should just get its shit together so we can have some slice of life anime lives.” You nodded enthusiastically at that idea.
“Ooo yeah. And then we could have like fun drama like…what outfit am I going to wear tomorrow or oh no my hair is so bad!” 
“Yes! You’re getting it.” Lloyd grinned. “I think I should get a cat.” His mind wandered constantly, so you were only slightly jarred by the sudden conversation change. “I’ve heard that their purrs do some sort of healing and I could for sure use some of that.”
“I think we’d all like having a cat around.” You added on. “They’re sort of independent, so it would be a good pet for our lifestyle.”
Lloyd was about to respond to you, y’know how conversations work, when all of a sudden Jay slammed his palms onto the table as the “argument” had escalated. It caused the table to shake and before you could stop it your water glass had fallen down and drenched your shirt. You let out a loud gasp which quickly caught the attention of everyone.
“Oh my God, [name], I’m so sorry!” Jay began profusely apologizing, scrambling about the table to find some napkins. Kai was howling with laughter just happy to not be the one who fucked something up. Lloyd was a bit in shock, Zane and Nya had both gotten up to grab some towels from the kitchen with Pixal not far behind, and Cole seemed to be frozen. You were too caught up in the water seeping through your clothes to notice, but the ninja sat opposite you seemed to have his eyes locked onto you, his body tense.
“Jay, it’s fine.” You quickly reassured as you stood up, Cole’s eyes following the movement carefully, “I’ll just go get changed. It’s no big deal.” You tried giving the blue ninja a comforting smile, but you could tell the guilt was already eating him alive and it’d be hard to get him out of that state for a while. You’d try again later, you decided.
Letting those who had left to the kitchen know where you were going, you made your way to your room with your arms held awkwardly in the air so that the weird feeling of the wet fabric wouldn’t be sticking to your skin too bad. Before you could forget, you made a quick stop by the bathroom in order to grab a towel from the cabinet.
Finally having made it to your room, you were quick to tug your shirt off and throw it somewhere on the floor. A sigh of relief left your lips as you began to dry off your top half with the previously acquired towel. With a frown, you removed your bra as well since the water had made it to that garment too and once you were sure your skin felt dry you dropped the towel onto your bed and you made your way to your closet.
You were bent over getting into your dresser looking for a new bra when you heard a knock on the door.
“Who is it?” You called over your shoulder, still digging around in the dresser. 
“Uhhh Cole! Is it okay if I come in?”
“I’m sort of changing right now!”
“I won’t look!”
You huffed out a laugh at that. It was sort of indecent to let him in when you were like that, but he did promise not to look. But what if he did? That thought caused your cheeks to heat up a bit. To be completely honest, you were almost entirely head over heels for the earth ninja. The only reason you didn’t choose to spend every dinner chatting to him is because you knew part of you would slip up and embarrass yourself in one way or another. Not to say he didn’t do his fair share of embarrassing himself, but you found that endearing. He’d probably think you were weird and off putting if you were to just slip up randomly. 
“Fiiinneeee!” You agreed against your better judgment. “No peeking!”
You could hear a chuckle rumble from the man as the faint sound of the door clicking open hit your ears. Chancing a glance behind you, you smiled fondly at the sight of Cole with his hands over his eyes as he shut the door behind him. He stood completely still after that too scared to make his way to a place to sit with him completely blind like that.
“Soooo, what’s up?” You finally asked, trying to not get irritated at the fact that you couldn’t seem to find another bra in your dresser.
“I just wanted to check in on you.” Cole answered, his voice strained. “I’ll gladly beat Jay up for you. Swear.” That had you giggling.
“You’d beat Jay up over anything.” You rolled your eyes. “You’re just looking for an excuse to.”
“Nuh uh.”
“You can take a seat, y’know.” You changed the topic, about damn near close to giving up and just going braless (you wouldn’t actually. It sounded comfortable, but you didn’t want to expose yourself like that.)
Cole cleared his throat slightly. “No way! I’d totally bump into like a shelf or something!! All of your shit would be broken and then I’d have to beat myself up after beating up Jay!”
Another laugh escaped you at that. Was all of it made funnier by the fact that it was Cole? Maybe. Afterwards, you went silent as your mind began racing. This could be your chance? Would he think it’s weird?
“Hey, I,” you bit your lip in a pause, “I don’t mind if you open your eyes…” You finally spoke, getting ready to just laugh it off like it was just a joke. What a prankster you are!
Cole seemed to go oddly silent after you said that and you were sweating bullets. The tension that filled the room was suffocating. Quickly, you snapped up with your back still to Cole. That action was followed by the sound of footsteps almost as if the other ninja had begun walking closer.
You were about ready to apologize profusely when Cole’s low voice broke the silence, “can I ask you something, [name]?”
“Anything…” You murmured, still facing the other way.
“Can I…” There was a pause, an eerily similar pause to the one you had earlier. He was hesitant as he seemed to be fighting some inner battle.
Without thinking, you quickly turned around not caring about your current topless situation and you pulled Cole down in order to plant a fierce kiss to his lips. You were about to apologize for your impulsivity and how you should’ve asked first and not assumed, but Cole’s hands came to rest on your waist and he let out a low groan as he melted into the kiss.
You weren’t small by any means, but it was making your knees weak at the feeling of his hands just absolutely dwarfing your waist. Those hands pulled you closer to where your chest was pressed against him and the feeling of the bulge in his pants against your hips caused you to gasp which he took advantage of and slipped his tongue into your mouth. You let out a small whine at the action, but quickly reciprocated even if you let him have control of the kiss.
Eventually, the need for air arose and you reluctantly parted with him, a string of saliva connecting the two of you. His eyes searched yours, as if something in your gaze held the answer to every question he had ever asked, as his hands slowly wandered to the area beneath your ass. After a bit of panting between the two of you, the kiss quickly resumed and he lifted you up easily causing your stomach to do flips. You wrapped both of your legs around his back and took appreciation in the new angle as it was much easier than having him lean down as much as he was.
The kiss broke as his lips began trailing downward. A shiver ran down your spine at the sensation of his lips on your neck and your breath hitched as he lightly nipped and sucked at the skin there.
“You’re gorgeous…” He breathed against your neck.
Between your harsh intakes of breath, you eventually got out, “Cole, I need you.” Which caused another low groan to escape him.
“You don’t know how many times I’ve thought about hearing that come from your lips.” Cole had begun walking over to your bed and gently sat you down atop it as he crawled on top of you. He had barely even done anything, but you already felt like your brain was turning into mush. The sight of his body hovering over yours is something you’ve only ever dreamed about and you subconsciously rubbed your thighs together. That movement caught his attention, but he had to pace himself. Make sure everything was alright with you. You were operating at hyperspeed, however, and began reaching to the hem of his shirt. That didn’t go unnoticed by him either and he was quick to yank the material up and over his head. He flung the shirt onto the floor of your room as you laid there, stunned, at the sight of his body.
Cole was, well you knew he was big, but he was beefy. Clearly, he was muscular, but he had some chubbiness going for him as well and, God, you don’t know if you’ve ever needed anyone more. He was perfect. You started to sit up so that you could absolutely just feel him up, but he didn’t let you get up. Instead, he ran his hands down your stomach towards your shorts. You looked at him confused and he just leaned in close, his breath fanning across your ear.
“I want to make this about you.” His hands had successfully unbuttoned and zipped down your shorts. “Call me selfish, but I need to make you feel good. What kind of man would I be if I didn’t treat you like the finest piece of cake in the damn bakery?” To many, that’d be a cause for laughter, but knowing Cole, that meant everything. He slowly pulled away from your ear and you couldn’t help but look at him with the purest look of adoration after that. Even in a situation as intimate as this, he still managed to get the butterflies in your stomach to go haywire.
Cole slowly slid your shorts down your legs and off of your body. They probably ended up somewhere near where his shirt did. His eyes were transfixed at the wet spot that had formed on your underwear and he found himself subconsciously licking his lips. You, on the other hand, were staring at him with anticipation wondering what his next move would be. Gingerly, his hands came to rest on your waist and you shivered. His thumbs hooked into the last garment you had on, but he paused to look up at you. His eyes were searching yours once more.
“Is this okay?” He finally asked, his voice soft. Your enthusiastic nod put him into action and he quickly slid your panties off of your legs.
Cole could’ve sworn he was fucking salivating at the sight of your core fully exposed to him. He placed his hands underneath your knees and used that position to spread your legs open for ease of access. Knowing he still had his pants on, you were curious to what his current plan was until your eyes widened as you watched his head lower to rest between your thighs. Your face was flushed red and you could feel yourself trembling slightly. What he was about to do was just so…intimate? It felt more like a once the relationship has officially started activity, but it seems he wasn’t even kidding when he said he’d treat you like cake. Was he trying to ruin you for anyone else? (As if you’d want anyone else.)
The breath was knocked out of you as he took one small lick of you. You could’ve sworn you heard a noise escape him as well, but you weren’t given time to even think as he instantly dove back in. He had started eating you out like a man starved. His tongue moved along your pussy masterfully, making careful movements along your clit which caused punctuated whines to escape your mouth. You couldn’t help but reach a hand down to rest on the back of his head which he seemed to enjoy. Cole then made his tongue flatten out in order to lap up as much of your juices as possible. As if this wasn’t enough to get his fill, his tongue finally plunged into your hole and a gasp left your lips that slowly morphed into a low moan. This man was eating you up and you’re pretty sure your mind was completely gone by this point. What was your name? Who cares? Cole was giving you pleasure you had never experienced before and that’s literally all that mattered at this point. If your head wasn’t so far up in the clouds, you probably would’ve noticed that Cole was grinding up against the bed as he ate you out. 
Your grip tightened in Cole’s hair and a moan left his lips which seemed to vibrate along your cunt. 
“C-Cole–” His name was but a mere whimper along your lips and it only encouraged him to move his mouth against you faster. You felt the knot in your stomach twist up as your peak approached. You were practically grinding up against his tongue which Cole enjoyed immensely. He could not get enough and it rewarded him as you practically exploded all over his tongue. He was licking up as much of your climax as he could as you were still shaking in post-orgasmic bliss. Your vision felt blurry at the continued stimulation that carried you down from your high and you were faintly aware of the moans and whimpers making their way out of your throat.
Honestly, you had expected him to stop, but even one orgasm wasn’t enough to satisfy him. Cole was still lost in the taste of your pussy. You felt a bit of pain flare up at the overstimulation and you were trying to gently pull at his hair.
“Cole,” you whimpered, “h…hurts.” That fell on deaf ears as he just continued on. You thought he hadn’t heard you, but a shit eating look was sent your way and you knew he was trying to work you up. 
“Just one more.” He growled along your folds as he moved up to suck on your clit which caused a jolt to travel through your body. It seems as if he had enough of your trembles as his arms came up to rest on your thighs. The position still keeping your legs spread, but his strength kept your lower half still as he continued his ‘feast’. Your moans and whines had definitely picked up in pace at this moment as the pain began to border on pleasure.
Your second orgasm came much faster.
He licked it up just as enthusiastically as he did the first time. You think he probably would’ve tried to keep going for a third time if you didn’t forcefully pull him up this time. There was a sheen of your slick that shined around Cole’s mouth and you looked away slightly in embarrassment. Cole, meanwhile, was licking around his mouth trying to get whatever he had missed. 
Your chest rose and fell rapidly as you attempted to catch your breath after all of that. The shifting of Cole’s body was what finally caught your attention. The ninja was moving himself from above your body to your side and it looked as if he was moving to lay down next to you. All signs of lethargy left your body as you quickly sat up and rested a hand on his chest. Cole stared at you with a tilt of his head, the confusion bubbling within him evident.
“What about you?” You asked, still breathing a bit heavy.
“What about me?” Cole replied a bit dumbly.
“You know…” You muttered, a tad bit embarrassed, but you rested a hand over his painfully hard bulge in his pants. The feeling caused him to shiver and he looked down, realization dawning on him.
“Oh, it’s okay.” He said, picking your hand up and removing it from his crotch. “I said I just wanted to take care of you, right?”
“Yeah you did,” you started, “but I said I need you, didn’t I?” Cole nodded slowly, but a small frown was still on his face.
“Aren’t you tired?”
A sigh left your mouth. “A little, BUT.” You emphasized, noticing how he had opened his mouth to speak after you said that. “God damnit Cole. No way am I going to finally get you into my bed just to have you not dick me down. I don’t care how sensitive I am, I need you to fuck me.” You could barely believe what you had just said, but it got the job done. Albeit a bit slowly.
“...Are you sure? I don’t wanna hurt you…”
“I have never been more fucking sure in my life.”
Seeing as he wasn’t moving, you lunged over to him to begin slipping his basketball shorts down. Noticing your haste, Cole finally started taking initiative. If it’s what you wanted then he just had to give it. With a better method, Cole slipped off his shorts and boxers off together in one swift motion. And, boy, did he not disappoint. EVERY part of him was big, you had just found out. Saliva pooled up in your mouth at the sight of his cock as you couldn’t take your size off of it. If you weren’t so needy, you probably would’ve taken him into your mouth right then and there, but Cole already had a hand on your shoulder forcing you to lay back down as he positioned himself right above you again.
Your pussy was definitely still slick from the mix of your own arousal and Cole’s saliva and he ran a finger between your folds before shoving it into you. His tongue hadn’t been as thick as his finger, but it still wasn’t much to adjust to. The second finger proved to be more filling and your breath was once again escaping in huffs. 
It took a bit until Cole had either thought you ready or just gotten impatient, but he pulled his fingers out of you and lined his dick up with your entrance. A pause. You were about ready to complain until the breath was taken swiftly from your lungs as he slowly pushed in. As he slid in further and further, the more your breaths turned into short moans. It felt as if he filled absolutely every part of you and it was addicting. The stretch hurt, but it was so deliciously overpowered by the pleasure of him finally being inside you. Though, Cole still didn’t even attempt to move until you gave him the go ahead.
From there, he started at a slow but deep pace. It was a sensual experience. Above you, Cole was letting out little huffs and groans at the feeling of your walls around his member. He could explode right then and there if he wanted to. But, he continued at this pace of almost completely removing himself from your hole before pushing balls deep back in. It was excruciating.
“F..fa…faster.” You panted at him. And who would he be if he denied you this request?
The sound of skin slapping skin echoed around the room as Cole slowly began picking up the pace. His hips were pistoning in and out of you at a rapid pace, and you think you finally understood the phrasing of “being fucked stupid.”
Every push in had you moaning loudly. It was either moans or a broken moan of Cole’s name which made him go in a bit harder every time you did that. His head hung low until it was resting in the crook of your neck. The groans and low moans that were leaving the man only turned you on more and you about screamed his name when he bit into your neck. There were no thoughts of anyone here at the monastery hearing you two, as far as you cared, you and Cole were the only people in Ninjago at this point. All of your senses seemed to be completely filled by the man anyways.
The feeling of his licking, sucking, and biting along your neck combined with his rough abuse of your pussy brought you close to your third climax of the night which might be a record for you.
“C-Cole, I’m-I’m close.” You whined, your voice barely audible over the sound of him fucking you.
“God, me too.” He moaned against your neck. Cole was determined to not let go until you had, so he reached a hand down to start playing with your clit as he continued fucking into you. That absolutely sent you over the edge and you screamed as you came all over Cole’s cock. He continued thrusting into you throughout your orgasm which only made it feel that much better. His hips began stuttering in their movements and he was quick to pull himself out of the vice grip your pussy had on him. Cole wrapped a hand around his cock and jerked himself off the rest of the way until his cum started landing on your stomach. He let out tiny grunts as he fucked into his hand a bit before letting go.
You made sure he was looking at you when you scooped up some of his release and licked it off your fingers. He really had to save that image for the next time he masterbated.
Before he even allowed himself to lay down next to you, Cole carefully got up and reached for the towel you had used earlier to dry yourself off and used it to wipe his release off of your stomach, a small ‘sorry’ leaving his mouth as he did so. He was cute. 
Finally, his body dropped harshly at your side and you giggled tiredly at him. Cole rolled over to look at you and you held your arms open, a silent question for him to come cuddle you. 
His strong arms wrapped around your body and you rested your head on his chest, listening to his calming heartbeat. Cole found where your covers started and threw them over the both of you which only made you snuggle in even closer to him.
You two sat there in silence for so long, just catching your breaths, that you nearly fell asleep.
“Hey, [name].” You startled at the sound of his voice. A non-committal ‘hm?’ is what you hummed in response and he just rested his nose on the top of your head in your hair. “Do you want to go on a date with me?”
A content sigh left your lips and you sleepily looked up, causing him to remove his head from its place. “Of course, Cole.” One of your hands slipped out from under the covers and cradled one of his cheeks. You leaned up and placed a gentle kiss on the other cheek. 
“Now, let’s get some sleep. We can talk about the details later.” You said through a yawn and he just smiled at you fondly. You both returned to your previous positions and slowly drifted off, and for once, neither of you felt fear or dread for what was to come in the future.
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churipu · 9 months
hello!! can i req megumi dating getos little sister? like, in a au where nothing bad happened between satoru and suguru
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featuring, megumi fushiguro x fem! reader
warnings. none :>
note. anon, i'm sobbing bcs why the hell does gege have to be so allergic to happiness??? gege when i catch u, it's on sight really. but pushing that aside, sorry if this took too long. i just got back from vacation and i hope you like it &lt;;33
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geto doesn't realize at first that megumi and you had something going on, until gojo and shoko asks him about it.
"what do you mean they're dating? no they're no—" he looks back and there you were laughing with megumi, sending a small punch of affection to his shoulder.
"they look lovey-dovey to me." gojo sings out, he was so damn happy megumi was finally dating someone.
geto on the other hand, was mortified, "oh my god, they are." he said while covering his mouth, trying to comprehend what was unveiling in front of him.
megumi was in a lot of trouble. from geto. the day geto finds out about megumi dating you, megumi would then be sitting on his knees awkwardly — his fists balled and laid on top of his thighs as geto paced back and forth in front of him; and you were just heaving out sighs after sighs.
"why must you do this, suguru?" you asked him, pinching the bridge of your nose in annoyance.
"why does satoru and ieiri know about you both and i don't?" god. he was so dramatic about this. it was like he was about to send you off in a marriage — and you were VERY embarrassed.
"it's not megumi's fault then?" i asked.
"it is!"
megumi chose to be silent as you and geto exchange arguments after arguments, none of them made sense but megumi wasn't in the position to join the argument so he just decided to shut his mouth and listen to you both for at least the next two hours.
megumi after that day, was always tense in front of geto. and geto, will always try his best to ruin your dates. anything that your big brother could do, really. pulling gojo and shoko along with him as an escape plan incase they were caught (he was planning to sacrifice their names for his escape).
"what are you all doing?" you ask, already knowing this was your brother's plan to tail both you and megumi on your date.
shoko and gojo pointed towards geto, but when they looked to where geto was supposed to be — the male had already ran away in a distance.
"so? who's explaining?" you asked.
and gojo had to tell you everything, while shoko was there as his emotional support. megumi though was enjoying gojo having to explain everything nervously.
megumi gets nervous when you ask him if he wants to come over to your house, but he reluctantly accepts. and when he steps inside your house, he is always a little nervous about meeting geto. but pushing that aside, geto never does anything but stare at him in suspicion.
"be right back," you said, standing up and walking away.
if megumi could pull you back, he would. but with geto's eyes glued on his figure, megumi had no choice but to stay seated. clammy hands, shuddering, and he could sense the dark aura surrounding geto's figure.
"suguru, i will poke your eyes with my chopsticks if you don't stop looking at megumi like that." savior.
"you love him more than you love your own big brother?"
"at this rate, yes."
megumi who brings you a bouquet of flowers one time during a visit to your house and geto makes a comment out of it because megumi didn't give him one too. so now, megumi brings two of them. one for you. one for geto.
"huh, to think that my little sister's boyfriend has zero care for me makes me kind of sad," it was supposed to be a simple joke. a simple joke from geto.
"suguru, stop that." you mutter out, defending megumi who just stood there like he was caught doing something he wasn't supposed to do.
geto was surprised the next time megumi brought one for him — and that day, geto finally started warming up to the thought of megumi dating his little sister. you.
megumi who meets geto when he walks down the hallway without you and geto being the first one to invite him over for dinner. not you. geto. and megumi was hesitant, but he accepted the offer nonetheless. (you were not told of this by either side until you come home and see them both talking casually on the couch).
"what the hell?" you breathe out, eyeing megumi who was sitting on the couch beside geto who was holding the television's remote control, their eyes also on you.
"oh, welcome back." geto waved at you casually before turning his attention back to the television.
megumi raised his hand up to wave at you, and you joined them on the couch, sitting in between. nobody spoke of it, and nobody asked about it, you three just casually hung and made it a routine after class ends.
megumi who has to be the reason behind your petty arguments with geto because they both wanted to hang out with you. which you win almost every single time, sometimes you just let megumi go with your brother (you didn't want to admit it, but it was nice seeing your brother finally get along with megumi).
"suguru, he's my boyfriend!"
"yeah? he's your boyfriend!"
"that's what i just said, idiot." you shake your head, sighing out exasperatedly.
"exactly, let me hang out with him. you've been hanging out with him for the past week, let him have a day with his future brother-in-law." you sighed again, but agreed in the end, letting geto have his time with megumi (which will be wasted with them both watching the television, with the rule of no interruptions from you).
megumi who was embarrassed when he got caught kissing your cheek by geto when he was about to go home. the younger boy didn't hear the end of it during their weekly watching television session, you just let geto do his thing.
"so..?" geto started
"don't even mention anything about it." megumi cuts him off, looking away with a light blush coating his cheeks.
"but why? i wanted to know about it."
"i'm leaving."
megumi who doesn't have to endure just geto, but gojo too. the two were like parasite when it comes to making fun of his relationship with you, although they don't do it to make him feel bad, megumi is a pretty private person so he gets annoyed by them (but says nothing), and he'll report it to you so you could be the one to give them a piece of your mind.
"what have you been saying to my boyfriend?" you stood before gojo and geto who were on their knees like they had done something bad.
"y/n, you believe me more than megumi, right?" gojo nervously laughs, "i'm your brother's best friend!"
i rolled my eyes, "exactly. that's the main reason why i don't believe in you," the betrayal. gojo gasps out dramatically and shut his mouth, a little offended by what you said (but he's not angry, he just wanted to be a little dramatic for the effects).
"so? suguru?"
"we were just having fun teasing megumi," he mumbles out, furrowing his brows.
god, it feels like they're your younger brothers at times.
megumi who asks gojo for advices in his relationship. what he has to do during arguments, what he should gift you, what he should say, what he should do. anything. as much as he hates coming to gojo for help, he still does it anyway — because believe it or not, megumi trusts him more than anything.
"so, i can buy her the same thing, right? will she get bored of it though? maybe i should get something else." megumi asks, his voice was calm but he was frantic. and gojo laughs at him.
"megumi, she loves you. she doesn't care about anything but you, give her a rock and i bet you she will keep it." gojo mutters out, flicking megumi's forehead.
megumi who broke down in front of gojo when he feels like he's not good enough for you. and gojo keeping all his tears a secret from everyone else including geto whenever he sees megumi and you the next day (you still don't know about it up to now).
"megumi!" gojo swung his arm around the young boy's shoulder, laughing brightly with geto following behind him, "oh, you're here too suguru's sister." he jokes, shoving his tongue out.
the first time megumi broke down, he was a little afraid gojo was going to tell everyone about it — but no words about him crying ever spread, and megumi was appreciative.
"sensei." megumi grumbles, though he doesn't push gojo away, he could see the proud glint in gojo's eyes behind his specs.
megumi who hates to admit it, but loves spoiling you with everything. you talk about a food and then he gets it for you the next day. you talk about a place and he will bring you there eventually. you talk about wanting to do a certain activity with him, he will do it no matter how much he dislikes it.
"gumi, dance with me!"
megumi shook his head, "i can't dance."
"please, please?"
he sighed out and stood up, grabbing your hand, "how do i do it?"
it didn't and well, but you appreciated megumi for wanting to try out in an activity that he didn't particularly enjoy in. by the way, you have a swollen foot from getting stepped on by him during the process — and he was there to tend to you.
megumi who absolutely hates having arguments with you and will do whatever you tell him to do just to avoid it (unless he thinks it's necessary to be talked about).
"megumi, just shut up already."
and he does. he doesn't say anything else for the next couple of hours until you were ready to speak to him in a casual manner, it's funny, it was a moment of "do and forget" between you both. you apologize and he forgives (most of the time), and you both never speak on it ever again.
you don't know what that's called, but it just happens between you both.
megumi who loves saving every memory he has of you in a form of pictures, videos, voicemails. anything that you send him, he has it saved in a special album just meant for you and his memories.
"gumi, what's this album?"
megumi looks at you, scrolling through his phone and when he realizes about it, it would be too late. you'd find out his album full of your pictures and videos.
starting from random sky pictures that you send him, to you making weird faces. everything is just there.
megumi was shy about it, but when you expressed your happiness for it — he just lets you be, scrolling through the album, talking about every single picture. and he just listens, looking at you with a dreamy look.
megumi who considers you his home.
"gumi, are you okay?"
he laid his head on your shoulder, not moving an inch nor did he say anything back to you. but you let him be, rubbing the back of his head affectionately as he leans into your touch.
megumi just needed to be close to you to feel safe. to feel at home.
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jjunberry · 2 months
Hello! How r uuu??
Can u do meanjealousdom!taehyun x sub!reader??
Scenario is taehyun and the boys invited you to a club/party and reader wore a tight short dress and taehyun saw yeonjun flirting with reader ( his hand over readers shouldr and stuff ) Taehyun got jealous and the only way is to settle in bed;]
( smut!! Pls include fingering, breeding kink, taehyun is such a tease ) sorry if its alot lmao but the rest of the story is yoursss
Can i also be a ✏️ anon?:]
❝ couldn’t wait for us could you? ❞
kang taehyun x fem! reader, choi yeonjun x fem!reader
genre: smut
warnings: mean dom tae, sub reader, spit kink, consensual slapping, fingering, creampie, voyeurism, facials, pet names, degradation, marking, etc
wc: 1.2k mlist
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it started when you accepted the invitation to clubbing from yeonjun. the squeal you let out had taehyun rolling his eyes, but he loved seeing you happy. it only got worse when he seen your choice of outfit, a tight deep red mini dress. so tight he could see you weren’t wearing anything underneath.
taehyun sat back and watched you dance, your fruity little drinks quickly making you tipsy. you knew taehyun wasn’t in the greatest of moods, but you decided to push his buttons anyway. yeonjun was surrounded by a group of girls, he was your ticket in. “jjunie,” you called. the boy in question quickly dismissed the girls and made his way to you.
you giggled wrapping your arms around the boys neck, he grinned grabbing your hips. the both of you swaying to the beat of the music. he buried his face in your neck, inhaling your sent. “i know what you’re doing,” he whispered.
you grinned, “and what am i doing?” you asked. “making a certain someone jealous,” he nibbled at your ear. a shiver ran down your spine. his hands slid down and hovered just above your ass.
taehyun was furious, his drink was clenched tightly in his hand. his eyes watched your every movement. “aren’t you gonna intervene?” soobin asked with a laugh. taehyun’s jaw was clenched, “they’re just dancing, besides she knows better.” he snapped. beomgyu laughed pointing to you and yeonjun now grinding against each other.
“does she?,” beomgyu laughed again. taehyun rolled his eyes at his laughing drunk friends. you stumbled up to your boyfriend, body warm and fuzzy. “hyunie,” you whined, wrapping your arms around his neck. you poked his nose, “why are you so grumpy?” you sighed. taehyun’s brows furrowed. “take a guess?” he asked lowly.
before you could answer yeonjun placed a mixed drink in between the two of you. “oh jjunie thank you!” just as you went to drink it, taehyun took it from your manicured hands. “i think she’s had plenty.” you pouted, “hyunie,” you tried to beg. “no y/n that’s enough now don’t be a brat.”
his sharp authoritative tone had you clenching around nothing. arousal thick between your thighs, “hyunie,” you whined. taehyun gripped your throat pulling you close to him. “don’t, you’re in trouble,” he grabbed your purse and jacket before gripping your wrist pulling you outside with him.
“dude what the hell?” yeonjun asked following behind the two of you. taehyun buckled you into the passenger seat, turning to a confused yeonjun. “we were just dancing dude,” he tried. “get in the car,” taehyun said. yeonjun stared confused. you leaned out of the window giggling. “she wants you, so you either get in now or i change my mind and you walk home with a raging hard on.” taehyun walked around the car and got in the driver’s seat. “come on jjunie,” you teased. “fuck it,” yeonjun said quickly getting in car.
taehyun drove to your shared apartment, he guided you to the door still carrying your things. yeonjun walked silently behind you both. was this really happening? “go get ready, we’ll be up in a bit and do not touch yourself until i say so.” taehyun swatted your ass and watched you take off up the stairs. taehyun grabbed two glasses and his bottle of whiskey, he poured the dark liquor. “we have to discuss the rules before we continue,” yeonjun gulped at his serious tone. rules? just what did the two of you get up to. “this is about her, so you’ll respect her boundaries.” yeonjun nodded.
“first, no marking, i’m letting you in but she isn’t yours.” taehyun gulped his drink down in one go. “second she is pretty open to anything but you must ask first, if she doesn’t like something her safe words go by color, red is stop, yellow is slow down, and green is good keep going, obviously.” taehyun looked at yeonjun, who’s eyes were wide.
“you are not allowed in to cum inside her, understood?” taehyun raised an eyebrow. “yeah, uh yes.” yeonjun managed to get out. “good, come on she’s probably soaked the bed by now.” yeonjun followed taehyun to your shared bedroom.
you were sat on your knees, hands folded in your lap void of any clothing. yeonjun’s eyes were locked on your naked form. taehyun however scoffed, approaching you, shoving you back on the bed. “you little slut, couldn’t wait for us could you?” his eyes found the wet spot on the bunched up comforter, the one you just got off on.
your cheeks burned in embarrassment for getting caught. “h-how’d you know she came?” yeonjun spoke. “her breathing is uneven, and this comforter is soaked.” taehyun pointed out, his hand gripped your hair. “and little sluts like her have no patience.” you went to protest but taehyun quickly shut you up spitting in your mouth.
with a whine you swallowed. taehyun spread your legs using your ankles to pull you towards the edge of the bed. yeonjun’s eyes were glued to your glistening pussy. taehyun took his fingers and inserted them into your aching cunt.
you mewled at the feeling, your hands reaching down to grab his wrist. “don’t touch,” taehyun snapped. “fuck,” yeonjun’s eyes locked with yours. “want a turn at her?” taehyun looked over his shoulder at the older boy, his fingers still deep in your pussy. “y-yeah.” he nodded. taehyun removed his fingers causing you to whine. “remember my rules,” taehyun then took a seat on the chair in the corner. “jjunie,” you whined.
the boy smirked before unbuckling his belt. his jeans dropped to the floor and he stepped out. “fuck me jjunie,” he grabbed the base of his hard, leaking cock. “ready?” before you could say anything he was pushing himself in.
“o-oh fuck,”
his pace was rough and fast. “f-fuck you feel so good,” his hips met yours. taehyun sat in the corner, his hand pumping his length. “i-i’m gonna cum,” you whined. “hold it.” taehyun snapped. yeonjun’s hips stilled, he pulled out pumping his cock covering your pretty face in cum.
he collapsed in bed next to you, you groaned looking at taehyun. “hyunie please, it hurts.” taehyun rose from the chair and made his way to you. he used his shirt to clean your face off, “there’s my pretty girl.” his thumb traced your clit sending jolts of electricity through your body.
taehyun rubbed the tip of his cock along your soaked folds before pushing in. “mmh fuck hyunie,” your legs wrapped around his waist. fingers clawing his back, taehyun’s hips snapped against yours. “w-who’s pussy is this?” he asked. “y-yours hyunie it’s yours!” you cried. “that’s,” he thrusted, “right,” he thrusted again, shooting his hot cum inside your soaking hole. “fuck,” you cried releasing cum all over his cock, white creamy release leaking out when he pulled away. “color?” taehyun asked, rubbing your hips, “g-green.” taehyun smiled while picking you up. in the bathroom he let you soak in a warm bubble bath.
taehyun walked back into the bedroom where yeonjun was getting dressed. “uh thanks man,” he zipped his pants. “yeah no problem, but uh don’t get use to it. she’s mine.” taehyun smacked his shoulder.
yeonjun nodded before slipping away. he quickly made his way back to you. “baby?,” you smiled at him. the hot water relaxing your spent body. “come on sweet girl,” he dried you off slipping on a clean pair of panties and one of his shirts.
he laid you down on the clean sheets then joined you in bed, his strong arms encasing you.
“i love you hyunie,” you kissed his chest. “love you more baby girl.”
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🗒️: thinking of requesting? read my guidelines.
author’s note: tysm for the request! sorry i got a bit carried away… hope you enjoyed. welcome ✏️anon to the chaos
love, echo ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪
© jjunberry - all rights reserved. please do not repost on any social media sites, translate, or modify any of my works.
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kuroppiii · 3 months
HI HIHIII!! i have a silly request if you dont mind ×_×
there are a few haikyuu boys with longer hair (kenma, bokuto(?) etc.) and i wanted to see some reactions if gn!reader were to put pigtails in their hair heheheh
idk if this is more of headcanons than a drabble but youre the writer so please choose what u think is right T_T
fluff pleaseee >3< thats it!!!! cheers ro!!! laters!!!!
- 🍸 (begging for this emoji pretty pretty please with a huge cherry on top)
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  hairdresser ᵕ̈        hq boys ( kenma , bokuto ,        kuroo , sakusa , asahi , yamaguchi ,        suna ) x gn reader ˎˊ˗
⋮⋮ ˒ ₍ᐢ..ᐢ₎ 𖥻 ⿻ : putting long-haired   ⋮⋮  hq boys in pigtails
📋 content     ♡ # 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧 🐮     ♡ # 𝘥𝘳𝘢𝘣𝘣𝘭𝘦 🥛     ♡ # 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘯𝘴 🥛     ♡ # ~3.4𝘬 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘴     ♡ # 𝘤𝘸 : 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘩𝘢𝘪𝘳 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘰𝘰𝘳𝘶'𝘴
🧸 directory ‹ ✩  like what you read ? check out more of my blog !  •ᴗ•
💬 kuroppiii ─ “ hello my new 🍸 anon (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧ this idea is SO CUTE tysm for suggesting it . sorry it took a bit but i did both hcs and drabbles , just for you xoxo ”
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︴kozume kenma ․﹒∗*○․﹒✧∘°  
he doesn't know why you want to but he lets you anyway
i'd say, in high school at least, he doesn't really put his hair up (obvi since he doesn't do it during matches) because he doesn't know how he feels about how it makes him look in public
but when he's at home he'll def put it up if it's getting in his way of his video games
he actually has hairties strewn about his room, but for some reason they're like all different brands lol
"sometimes i run out and just grab the first one i see getting off the train."
you grab one that's hanging off the corner of his pc
"pfft didn't know you liked kuromi like that"
"oh that... that actually came from a set with a my mel tie..."
so OF COURSE you track down the my melody pair and start to comb through his blonde hair
he plays a game but asks you what his next moves should be in-game now and then to stay engaged with you, as you sit behind him and pigtail his hair
tbh i think his hair would feel dead af from the bleach as you style it but its ok you still love him!!!
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"okay, done!" you open up your phone camera and hold it out in front of kenma. he quickly pauses his game and lightly grasps your hand holding the phone as he checks himself out.
"hm... i look ridiculous," he chuckles, "i look like a 5-year-old girl."
"yeah i don't think kuromi and my mel are helping with that, either," you joke. kenma shakes his head around for the two pigtails to swing about his head, the little character charms on the hairties clinking about and making you burst out in laughter. you try to line up your phone to take a picture of him, but he catches you in the act.
he gently swats your arm away and swaps the phone in your hand with his hand in the process, "babe, noo."
"just one? please?" you pry.
he shakes his head and takes your hand up to his lips, kissing it but mumbling out against it a firm...
his eyes are still glued to the screen...
"with a cherry on top?"
he turns and leaves a quick kiss on your lips, looking into your eyes before whispering...
despite all his protests, though, rest assured you walked away that night with a new photo in your favorites album: kenma covering his face with his controller with the purple and pink sanrio bunnies holding up two blonde pigtails on the top of his head.
but that was inevitable, he could never resist his baby for too long.
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︴bokuto kōtarō ․﹒∗*○․﹒✧∘°  
"anything you want babe!!"
anything to spend time with his favorite person
theres too much fucking gel in his hair so you send him to the bathroom to water it down a bit
he comes out with his hair all wet and dripping and over his eyes screaming
"um, kō... did you even dry your- your hair...? baby it's getting all over the floor"
"oh! oh yeah, sorry about that babe, i'll do that right now for you"
but you see a glint in his pretty golden eyes
the fucking brat
he shakes his head like a dog, hitting you with water and you squeal at him to "go use a towel, idiot!"
nonetheless, once you put him in pigtails, he takes a look at the grey and black sprigs coming out from his head in the reflection of his phone screen and can't help but let out a hearty laugh
"this is great y/n, do another one on me, wouldy'a?"
"wait, really?"
"yes! plus, you like this stuff, right? if you're having fun then make me beautiful, beautiful."
he lets you take a few pictures before you hand him your phone to look for other hairstyles, & he takes the phone with a quick kiss to your lips
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he scrolls on your phone trying to find a new hairstyle to have you do as you start undoing the ponytails on his head. his hair dried a bit while the pigtails were in, so you run your hand through his hair and ruffle it up a little bit to get rid of the indent the hairties made.
"oh! what about this one," bokuto beams, holding up a pinterest pin of a manbun, "do you think i got enough hair for you to do it?"
you take your phone back to get a better look at it as bokuto tries to gather up as much of his hair in his two hands and hold it up in an... attempt at a manbun.
you look at him and feel laughter bubble up in your chest, but you manage to make out a, "well we can certainly try, kō."
"really? can we?" he smiles at you. you nod and bokuto dives in to kiss you through your giggling. after a moment, you feel the still-damp ends of his hair fall to brush against your forehead, as his hands go from holding his makeshift manbun up to gently holding the face of his one and only love.
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︴kuroo tetsurō ․﹒∗*○․﹒✧∘°  
yeah no this loser definitely has a thing when it comes to people touching his hair
like a DEFENSIVE thing bc no one can convince me it's NOT the longest part of his morning routine
so it takes some convincing but he finally caves bc it's you the love of his life
"fine! but just this once!"
once again, gotta water down the gel
but this time he's like,,, weirdly embarrassed?? and shy?? and cute?? about the fact you're seeing him with his hair wet and undone like this
"baby you cannot tell anyone you saw me like this"
"aww but tetsu you look just as handsome like that"
"ok so we're lying now, i see how it is"
so you sit crossed-legged in front of each other on the floor, and you have him hold the comb and hairties
he sits there all pouty as he has to bend down a bit for you to reach his hair bc he's so tall end me
NO PICTURES!!! the bastard even tries to hide your phone
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"tetsu! give it back!" you complain. you've crawled into his lap and yet his arm still holds your phone too high up and out of your reach. "i swear i won't post it anywhere–just one picture, please?"
"absolutely not!" he says through a chuckle. he cranes his neck up and uses your phone to look at his own reflection. he groans at the sight of his spikey locks sticking out from the two pigtails on his head.
"babe," he whines, "this is really messing with my self image."
"yeah right, as if the rest of you isn't literally perfect."
"not true! as long as my hair is concerned right now. but y'know what?" he finally brings your phone back down to his side but holds the side of your face with his free hand.
"what," you deadpan, before trying to quickly grab your phone back. but to your dismay, he holds it out behind his back and out of your reach once again as he continues.
"i'd feel a bit better if i could get a kiss. just a little one," he mumbles with that shit-eating grin you can't help but love, "who knows, maybe i'll feel so much better that i can give your phone back."
"and let me take a picture?" you ask hopefully.
he looks into your eyes and starts to caresses your cheekbone with his thumb, "well... that might depend on how good this kiss goes, yeah?"
least to say you got your photo, and then some other perks while you were at it.
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︴sakusa kiyoomi ․﹒∗*○․﹒✧∘°  
"omi, i don't think i've ever seen you with your hair up–"
"i put it up when i have to clean."
"oh right!"
you just never noticed because he wears a little bandana on top of it too cutie pie
but when you ask to put his curls in two little pigtails it takes a little bit of convincing
no one's ever really touched his hair before
he's the biggest sucker for you though so eventually he lets you have your way with him
and surprisingly, he feels so loved having his hair played with by your beautiful self and you just look so cute as you do it and you talk to him about the most generic things that this guy starts to get antsy
like i'm talking hands all over your legs and waist as you're sitting in front of him and as he's starting at you with literal heart eyes
he just needs to hold you you're so adorable to him rn
you can really see his two beauty marks with his hair pulled up and you give them a little kiss when you're finished
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"look at him komori," you coo, facing sakusa's phone camera toward him with his cousin on the other end of the line. you had called komori to show off your work, but sakusa couldn't care less as he clings to you now that you're finally finished doing his hair.
"wow cous', this is definitely a new look for you," the brunette giggles through the phone. sakusa tries to hide his face in your neck and groans,
"don't you have anything better to do, motoya? bye."
and with that, sakusa takes hold of your hand and hangs up the call on his phone.
"i quite like it, omi! your cousin agrees with me too," you tease. sakusa can't help but chuckle lightly as his arms wrap around your torso tighter. you can feel the smile creep onto his lips against the skin of your collarbone.
"yeah, whatever. we can do this more often, i guess," he sighs, "the you-playing-with-my-hair thing, not the my-cousin-being-involved thing, mind you."
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︴azumane asahi ․﹒∗*○․﹒✧∘°  
omg shut up i will always have a soft spot for this man
ofc since his hair is very much on the long side, he already puts his hair up in a simple ponytail or the occasional manbun from time to time
so yes he agrees to the idea when you bring it up, even if it’s a different style than he’s accustomed to
he didn't think it was gonna be that much of a big deal, after all, he's tied his own hair thousands of times
what he didn’t realize, however, is how different the experience is when you’re the one combing your hands through his hair MMMM
he's absolute putty in your hands shut upppp
deliberately pulls out some strands so you have to sit there and play with his hair longer
"love i think you missed a spot."
"i literally saw you pull that piece out."
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he’s between your legs on the floor as you sit on the couch, the volleyball highlights he was watching on his phone still running but now long-forgotten. he uncontrollably tilts his head back with every move you make as you run your hands along his hair, parting it and smoothing it down where necessary.
“‘sahi stop moving,” you giggle. all he can do is hum in bliss as you try to get his hair together amidst him leaning into your touch every other second.
"love, is the first one done yet?" he asks innocently, eyes closed, as if his scheming hasn't costed you an extra 20 minutes or so trying to fix his hair up.
"just keep watching your highlights and keep your head still!" you plea with a hairtie between your teeth, finally managing to gather one half of his hair into a ponytail. and just as you were ready to stretch the hairtie out and make the first loop around the bunch of wavy brown hair that you had in your hand, asahi just so happens to readjust how he's sitting beneath you, making some locks fall out from your grasp.
"asahi!" you let go off the hair and draw out a frustrated sigh. you can hear him chuckle as he leans his head against your thigh, turning his head to look up at you.
his hand is already guiding your dejected one back towards his hair, "oops, sorry angel. i guess you'll have to start all over again."
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︴yamaguchi tadashi ․﹒∗*○․﹒✧∘°  
how could he ever say no to you
i think esp senior captain!tadashi started on the habit of tying his hair back for games hot, so he actually does have a few hair ties on hand
but if you use hairties you KNOW he keeps some of yours on his own wrist in case you ever need one (🤭), even if not using them on your own hair like right now
he’s very well behaved as he sits on the toilet seat while you stand in front of him between his legs and get to work
the little piece of hair that sticks out from the top of his head is a pain in the ass tho
every time you think you've successfully smoothed it down, it springs back up again
meanwhile to pass the time, his hands rest on your hips as he asks you about your day, about what shows you’ve been watching recently—anything under the sun
"what happened then? tell me more sweetheart."
in the lulls of your conversation you can feel his thumbs lovingly glide back and forth along your hips im dying i love him
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you stand behind yamaguchi in the cramped bathroom, him hunched over the sink as he observes himself and the new look you’ve given him.
you watch him through the mirror as he holds back a smile. his hand reaches about to touch the points at which the tips of his olive hear sprig out from the pigtails of your doing, his stomach peeking out from his worn out white tshirt as it lifts a little at the careful movements he makes.
he finally breaks the silence “yeah… i wouldn’t go out like this anytime soon.”
the two of you can’t help but burst out in laughter, at how ridiculous he looks and the ridiculous way you two have just passed the evening. the sound echoes along the tiled walls of the bathroom.
as your laughter dies down, yamaguchi turns and wraps those same arms that were poking at the pigtails in his hair, around your waist.
he pulls you close, “but they look good, love. maybe just not for me."
you look up at him and he swears he can see a universe of stars in your eyes, "you really think so tada? they were kind of rushed..."
"of course!" he leans his forehead to yours and touches his nose to yours, "maybe we can open a hair salon for you to hone your skills."
his comment makes you giggle, and he can't help but lean in closer to give your smiling lips a quick peck.
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︴suna rintarō ․﹒∗*○․﹒✧∘°  
you knew the only way you could achieve getting pigtails on this guy was by ambushing him
so as he's dozed off on the bed, you slowly maneuver your way behind him
mf's a heavy sleeper so you eventually realize you actually don't have to be super gentle as you pull his hair into two little ponytails
his hair's already parted down the middle so it's pretty easy
goddamn is his hair silky smooth
you gotta ask for what products he uses bc holy shit why's he been gatekeeping them from you
i feel like his hair is long enough that actually they kind of sag down once you put them up in little curves coming out the top of his head like a bunny!!
but just as you're looping the hairtie one more time around the second pigtail, you accidentally pull on it a bit too hard and it quickly snaps against the top of his head ouch lmao
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suna groans as he starts to shift and stir awake at the feeling of his head getting bonked. you have to restrain yourself from laughing as he absent-mindedly reaches back to see who it is that woke him up from his nap, hand slowly patting down your side. even through his sleepy haze, he can tell it's you and he lightly hums in contentment before turning around and engulfing you in his arms.
"sorry, rin, i didn't mean to wake you," you whisper.
for a brief moment as he's cuddling into you, he opens an eye to see your face. though you were trying hard to contain them, your laughter starts to escape between your upturned lips and suna's brows furrow in confusion. what's so funny?
he leans back again to find his phone on the bedside table and you watch as he catches a glimpse of his new hairdo before he can check the time.
all you hear is him mumbling something along the lines of, "you're something else," before he's plopping his phone down onto the sheets and he's tucking his head under your chin.
the two pigtails tickle your face like feathers as your ears begin to pick up on the sound of light snores as suna peacefully dozes off once again.
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︴oikawa tōru ․﹒∗*○․﹒✧∘°  
i also think he has really silky hair duh but he's definitely shared what products he uses with you
in fact he asks that you use some of the products from his bathroom when you tie his hair
"gotta do these locks justice, baby."
the whole time he's got a little smile on his face, mf is having the time of his life–getting his hair done and being close with the most precious person in the world to him? uhhh YES
he highkey whines about you pulling at his hair tho
"oh suck it up tōru."
offers to do your hair as well crying
very gentle as he combs through your hair, too!! shit's calming asf, him humming a little tune as you tell him about your day and he lovingly runs his hands through your hair
when he's done doing your hair you take selfies together on his phone
definitely makes one of them his new phone background
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pigtails out of yours and oikawa's hair, you're cleaning up the products and hairties scattered across the bedsheets when you accidently brush over the screen of oikawa's phone. the screen lights up with one of the photos you just took with him: you both winking at the camera with pigtails sticking out from the tops of your heads. there's some digital stickers he selected scattered about the photo, as well (a lot of hearts and flowers). he's in another room getting the two of you a snack.
"tōru! can you come over here real quick?"
you hear the pitter-patter of his footsteps as he rushes back to you with chips and drink cans in his hands, "what's up, precious?"
his phone in your hand, you hold it up to him for the screensaver to appear again, "are you serious? did you have to pick this one?"
at that instant he doubles over in laughter, so much so he embraces his arms around your head and falls onto the mattress again, making you both lay down next to each other. he moves his hands to hold your face, "what, why such the long face? you don't like it?"
"no... it's just that everyone who picks up your phone is gonna see it now," you explain, starting to laugh yourself because this boy's laugh is irresistibly contagious.
he leans in to give butterfly kisses to your nose, "yeah, that's kind of the point my love. want everyone to know how happy i am when i'm with you. don't we look so happy in that picture?"
you roll your eyes and reach up to play with his hair again as you two lay there in love, "i guess. but i can't believe you look better in pigtails than i do!"
"i look good a lot of the time," he jokes. his eyes drift down to your lips and after a beat, he presses his lips to yours briefly.
"but not even i can be more beautiful as you are all of the time."
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yurinaa-world · 9 months
hello! can u do reader who likes to rest on characters lap? like whenever reader couldn't sleep but feel tired, they goes to character's lap while they're doing smth and reader sleeps :3 any characters but i prefer jing yuan n blade pls :D (its okay if u don't want to write this, i don't wanna pressure u haha and sorry for my bad english :'d i love ur works btw!!)
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Characters: Blade and Jing Yuan x Gender-neutral Reader
Synopsis: laying in their lap while they're doing things
Warnings: Fluff and spelling mistakes,
Notes: IM SO SORRY I messed this up so hard, I wrote then I looked at the request, and I mentally slapped myself, If you didn't like this I would be fine rewriting it!
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This guy literally doesn’t do anything all day, just has his eyes closed and just rests (Warning: I love making reader a very little dramatic when it comes to Blade)
Dead silence; he did not say anything to you once you lay on his lap with a smile on your lips. You couldn’t help but feel a bit awkward. He’s always been quiet, but right now, you're starting to feel the silence stabbing you from every angle.
"What aren't you going to say?" you asked, opening one of your eyes to stare at him from below. "Want attention that badly?" He gave you an amused look, looking down on you as if you were some kind of little child. "Well, there's no fun if I just lay here," you pouted, looking at the ceiling as well as at him, his fingers going through your hair. He's figured out what you want from him—attention, of course—yet he just does what you want him to do, or you'll complain about it all day.
So instead, he stays silent and plays with your hair, but his hand moves to your face, creasing your lips with his calloused fingers. "You're such a pain," he whispers, leaning down to kiss you and then moving away before saying, "Yes, yes, you kiss someone you find annoying." You rolled your eyes, closed your eyes again, and sighed loudly.
"I know, bladie, you can't keep yours off; no man can!" You laugh, obviously joking.
What a personality you have.
𝒥𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒴𝓊𝒶𝓃
“How needy, hmm? What a pleasure it was to spend time with you. a pity I have work to do." Jing Yuan teased while you lay in his lap, watching him from above: reading his boring yet important paper, “You offered and I took it; you know it’s unkind to decline someone." You responded by tracing shapes on the thigh you’re lying on.
"If you don’t want me, then I'll" you cut off before you could even finish your sentence. “No need; you’ve already come, so you're going to stay like this." He said before turning the page of his paper, "I was just joking." He said while ruffling through your hair, making you frown a little, that he messed with your hair.
You both lay in silence. You broke first, asking, “When do you think your paperwork is going to be finished?" He chuckled at your comment.
"A couple of hours, it seems."
“Hurry it up, and I’ll give you a gift."
You stated matter of factly crossing your arms in front of your chest, “What kind of gift?” He asked curiously, looking down at you, and you shrugged your shoulders. “It’s a surprise. Do it and find out,” he chuckled at your words.
"Alright, I'll take your word, but this better be a good gift since I'm working so hard for you, hmm, don’t you think?"
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if you liked this, consider tipping me on ko-fi! it'd mean a lot
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ilwonuu · 7 months
hihi imagine being in a secret relationship with jaehyun as idols and going to a bruno mars concert
and the song finesse comes on and the part where it says « fellas grab ur ladie if ur ladie fine » and that somehow s gets them discovered .???
idk y can like imagine the rest tyy if u do this ✊
.★ ᦃ ۰finesse. j.jaehyun
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summary- you and your boyfriend accidentally reveal your secret relationship.
warnings-affection, slight angst, idol!jaehyun,idol!reader, exposed relationship, kissing, sweet bf jaehyun
authors note-help im so sorry if this is terrible 💔
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your boyfriend surprised you with tickets to a bruno mars concert. you were beyond excited. bruno mars and you get to go with jaehyun. you were happy that you got that opportunity. a little nervous about you two being seen together.
“you ready baby?” he asks you as you two are waiting for a staff car to pick you two up. “yes im so excited!!” he pulls you into his arms kissing your face.
“the staff is here let’s go!” he says before you two leave for the concert.
you two arrive quickly making it into the venue with all the other attending. you two find your seats waiting for the concert to start.
“it’s gonna be great!” he says looking around you two. he smiles at you adjusting his hat.
the concert was something you have never experienced in your life. you were having a great time. the whole time you and jaehyun singing to eachother. as your and jaehyuns favorite song “finesse” starting to play.
you are jaehyun singing and dancing together to the lyrics.
you two getting lost in the moment. as the lyrics “fellas grab your lady if your lady fine” jaehyun pulls you into his arms singing the lyrics to you. causing you both to smile into eachothers touch.
you sing the lyrics back with him holding him aswell. “i love my lady.” he says kissing your cheek. “i love you too jaehyun.”
you and jaehyun make your way home after the concert ends. “thank you for taking me baby.” you pull him into a kiss. “of course my pretty baby.” he smirks kissing your neck before he gets interrupted quickly. getting a call from the company.
he makes a weird face at his phone before answering. “hello?” he asks listening shortly to what he is being told on the phone. “what? seriously? shit okay.” you are now beyond confused but slightly nervous about the way he was reacting to the words. “yea okay i’ll say something.” he nods again before putting his phone away.
“y/n..” he says looking at you softly. “whats wrong jae?” you move to pull him into a quick hug. “nothing really just something happened with the concert.” you look at him clueless.
“someone followed us at the concert baby. they took photos and posted them online everywhere. the company says we need to say something.” you are beyond shocked.
you and jaehyun have been dated for a little over a year. you two were happy with your fans not knowing about your relationship.
“what do we do jae?” he shrugs. “hey its okay baby. i know fans can be crazy but i’m not leaving your side.” he rubs your side to give you a little bit of comfort. “the company says that we should release something from us personally.” he sighs kissing your cheek.
“so they don’t care about how you being in a relationship will affect your image jae?” he shakes his head. “i guess not. but what about your love? this is gonna affect you two.” he sighs again. “i know but you’re in a big group. i’m sorry this is just crazy? we we’re having so much fun. the fact that someone followed us is crazy to me!” you say quickly sitting on your bed, jaehyun joining you shortly after.
“i know. i cant believe it. i thought we were covered up enough!” he rolls his eyes before grabbing his phone.
“i can post something on my account. don’t worry babe.” he kisses your head. you nod at his words moving closer to him.
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_jeongjaehyun: i guess this is my way of saying the rumors are true. i love my girlfriend <3
comments are turned off.
“done!” he smiles at you softly and pulls you into his arms. “don’t stress okay? we can adjust to this together okay?” he pulls you into a quick kiss.
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bluehwale · 1 year
I loved that unconventional meeting post could you maybe do a post where they realize that after meeting you for the first time that they might have a crush on you ?
ateez realizing they have a crush on you!
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part 2 to unconventional first encounters with ateez (please read this first!)
pairing. ateez x reader (specifically f! reader for seonghwa & jongho)
genre. fluff, humor, teeny tiny angst if you squint
warning(s). injuries, drinking, mint choco ice cream slander, some of the endings are half-assed im sorry
word count. 8.1k oopsies
note. tysm for sending in this request!! and i'm so sorry it took so long to get to you </3 im an ungifted burnout kid so i write and think at a snail's pace lmao bUT i hope u enjoy this one :-D (feedbacks and reblogs are greatly appreciated! ily all muah)
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kim hongjoong
here's the thing about hongjoong
he can be really cool with his skateboard and his obscure music taste and whatnot
he can also be a little bit out of tune with his feelings (this is a certified testimony from his self-proclaimed best friend, wooyoung)
it's obvious from how he has heart eyes for you but wouldn't make a move
"so when are you taking yn out on a date?"
hongjoong's skateboard halts in an abrupt stop after he suddenly plants a foot on the concrete to take a look at wooyoung as if he's grown two heads. "when am i what??"
and wooyoung’s just kinda staring him down like man, you can't be serious rn,,,,,
everyone and their mothers in this skatepark probably knows that hongjoong is basically head over heels for you because
it's just that obvious!!!!
and wooyoung has to resist from pulling out all of his hair in frustration because the man in question is eyeing him as if he’s the weird one
it all started after your Incident™ (you falling on your ass and having hongjoong help you)
you started to frequent the skatepark with your best friend mingi, and hongjoong even mustered up enough courage to ask you for your number one day
and now you both text each other every day >:-D
he even got you your own skateboard
and he also taught you how to skate hehe
he's so whipped
the boy immediately turns to the direction of your voice (he can recognize it even while asleep) and he sees you waving excitedly at him beside an unfamiliar boy with pink hair
unbeknownst to himself, hongjoong's face lights up at the sight of you and he quickly pushes his foot off the ground to skate towards you
"yn!" he hops off his board and pulls you into a hug, inhaling the sweet scent of your hair that makes him feel all warm and fuzzy before involuntarily pulling away to look at the boy with an all black get up beside you. “who’s this?”
“oh! this is seonghwa!” the boy with pink hair nods at hongjoong and gives him a friendly wave in greeting. “he’s mingi’s cousin. he’s visiting for a little while.”
“oh hello, cool skateboard!” hongjoong greets in return, gesturing to the pink skateboard by the boy's feet that contrasts his dark outfit and quiet personality, “i’m hongjoong! i hope we can be good friends!”
maybe not
hongjoong doesn’t know the reason why, but he feels this really uncomfortable sinking feeling in his chest whenever he sees you together with seonghwa
despite his pink hair, the boy looks very intimidating and it seems like he doesn’t talk to anyone except you
and whenever he’s with you, there’s a happy grin permanently etched on his face and you both just look so happy together—
“they probably like each other.”
hongjoong snaps his head to glare at wooyoung who’s munching on a pack of strawberry pocky sticks as he watches you and seonghwa before innocently looking back at hongjoong with a shrug, “what? i’m just saying.”
and hongjoong starts sulking because you know what,, wooyoung might be right :-( 
(you, wooyoung, seonghwa, and mingi actually devised a plan to act upon your crush on hongjoong) ((and wooyoung's role is the catalyst to set the plan in motion))
and you know what,,,, maybe hongjoong does have a crush on you. yeah, but just a little bit—
“oof!” wooyoung winces when he sees you land a particularly harsh fall from your skateboard that leaves you lying face first on the ground, and he scrambles to shove the remaining pocky sticks in his mouth before thrusting hongjoong’s first aid kit towards the shell-shocked owner. “dude, go! this is your chance!”
hongjoong was just zipping up his first aid kit after grabbing his can of antiseptic spray and band aids and was ready to run to you until he sees seonghwa already tending to your wounds as he sits beside you
:-( he’s a second too late
(it looks like you two are talking about something or someone as both of your eyes discreetly flicker to hongjoong (who’s too upset to notice))
what he diD notice, however, is the pack of band aids in seonghwa’s hands
and he kinda has to crouch and put his hands on his knees so that his squinted eyes can see better 
are thoSE
he thought cute graphic band aids were his– and only his– thing !!!!
dang it, and they look super cool too !! :-(
his own pack of pink disney princesses band aids fall to the ground as he dejectedly walks back to where wooyoung is and he slumps to the ground to place back his first aid stuff back inside the kit
looks like he won’t be needing them anymore :-(
but he still finds himself heading to where you are, and he can’t help it when he worriedly takes in your scraped elbows and knees that are covered by the black band aids. “are you okay?”
“yeah, i’m good,” you say, and hongjoong’s too distracted to notice you glancing at seonghwa who gives you an encouraging nod. you nervously twiddle your thumbs, “uhH, hongjoong, uhm. listen, do you– i MEAN, would you want to maybe grab some milkshake with me sometimes?”
“oh sure! who else is gonna be there?”
(on the other side of the park, wooyoung rips out the headpiece that taps into seonghwa’s hidden microphone and almost bashes his binoculars in frustration)
just then, hongjoong feels shivers run down his spine as he feels a pair of dark eyes glaring daggers into his back and he can feel the devil on his shoulder whisper harshly into his ear, “they’re asking you out on a date, idiot.”
(spoiler alert: it’s seonghwa)
“i was thinking maybe it could just be the two of us? you know? aHa but it’s totally fine if you don’t want to—!”
“no nO, of course !!! i’d love to!!!” hongjoong exclaims, shooting up from the ground from sheer excitement at the thought of getting milkshake with you
this is the best day of his life
“great, it’s a date then :-D OH SHIT—”
(another spoiler alert: hongjoong fainted)
park seonghwa
seonghwa can definitely see himself marrying you
but not during moments like this
"shh, don't move."
seonghwa lets out a startled noise when he's suddenly awakened by a weight on him, and he almost screams his head off until his bleary eyes slowly open to see your figure straddling his torso with what seems to be an ice cream stick (?) held in your hand while you inch closer to his face
oh! it's just you! :-D (he thought it'd be his sleep paralysis demon)
it had been your idea to buy a house and live together after he nervously got on one knee on your fifth date; which seems all too soon but it appeases both of your parents enough for them to shut up on the marriage talk, much to your and seonghwa’s relief
and after six months of living together, he's proud to declare that you're his best friend or more specifically, his soulmate :-D
which is why you both are comfortable enough to do oddly domestic things together
"baby," he rasps, voice still thick with sleep, before placing his hands on your hips to circle the skin over your nightgown with his thumbs. he lets slip an amused chuckle when he sees your furrowed brows as he holds you off from coming near him. "what are you trying to do, hm?"
"i'm waxing your brows."
seonghwa's eyes almost gouged out of their sockets
"you're what???" he snaps his head to look at the clock at the far end of the wall, all the while trying to push you off him. "why are you trying to wax my brows at… 2 in the morning??!!!!"
"no, because—" you breathlessly giggle at the panic on his face, struggling to get his grip off your wrists. "you'll thank me for this!!! trust me!"
seonghwa, mortified at the thought of you shaping his brows with only a single ambient light aiding your sight in the dark bedroom, thrashes his legs under you like a petulant child. "i'll have you know that my eyebrows get compliments all the time >:-( !!! now get off me !!"
"huh. they must be lying because you kinda look like the red angry bird, dude :-/"
∑(O_O;) !!!!
the image of the cartoon character pops up in his head; the red bird with thick furrowed brows comically pelting towards a wall of green pigs, stupefying his thoughts
his movements falter
"do- do i really.... look like an angry bird?"
"a cute angry bird," you reassure him, gently running your fingers through his hair when you see him pout after his grip on you loosen and his arms fall limply to his sides on the bed. "now, hold still okay? i'm gonna make you look super pretty!"
you dip the wooden stick into the pot of melted wax in the still plugged-in wax heater sitting on the nightstand, prepping the pink wax around the stick before leaning closer to seonghwa's face
"it's pink?" he softly asks, referring to the wax that he's only just now paying attention to, and you nod in reply
"of course! :-D it's your favorite color."
you miss the endearing blush overtaking his cheeks as you lightly slather the wax on his skin before moving to take a muslin wax strip from the pack beside you
seonghwa's hands are back on your hips (this time for his own comfort) as his wide doe eyes nervously peer up at you who's sticking the strip onto the slowly hardening wax on his skin, ready to pull
"w-will it hurt?"
"nah, you won't even feel a single thing. no need to worry :-D"
his head twists side to side dramatically and you have to prop your hands on his chest to regain balance on his shaking body and your own from laughing
"you said it wouldn't hurt!" he exclaims with an exaggerated pout, rubbing at the sore skin and his eyebrows furrow when you wouldn't stop laughing. "this is serious! you're hurting your future husband!"
"shut up," you playfully roll your eyes, the smile that seonghwa adores lighting up your face. "don't have to remind me that i'm stuck with your ass forever."
he grumbles, pulling the blanket to cover half of his face and hide the growing smile threatening to take over his face. "i'm calling off our engagement."
you dip the stick back in the melted wax as you hum, "you love me too much to do that."
"that's true."
this time, your cheeks grow hot as you attempt to recover from almost losing your grip on the stick, his statement having caught you off guard. he smirks at your reaction and you playfully swat his arm, earning a small ow! as you sarcastically quip, "how romantic."
you return to applying the wax on the areas of his brows that needs cleanup after your fingers forcefully drag the upturned corners of his lips downwards
"you know... i figured i'll just marry the first person my parents set me up with," he breathes, a soft smile lingering on his lips at your focused expression. "but if it hadn't been you, i'd go through– hm– i’d willingly go through 219 horrible ! horrible ! dates just so i could be with you."
"oh please," you snort, raising an eyebrow at his statement. "you'd probably end up with someone else if you went on 219 dates." 
"you're right.... who could ever resist this scrumptious, absolutely handsome face–"
"i'm gonna make sure the next strip hurts twice as much :-)"
jeong yunho
"tonight is your first mission."
wooyoung twirls the pointing stick in his hand before slapping it against his open palm, calmly sauntering across the leeway in front of the big whiteboard in the coworking space he rented. "today's topic will cover everything you need to know, so i need you to listen very closely."
amidst the numerous empty chairs behind the large meeting table sits an eager boy with soft brown hair, his wide eyes taking in each and every word on the board while his right hand grips a pen— ready to take notes on the very important lecture wooyoung's presenting today
"but first, a pop quiz!" wooyoung suddenly smacks his pointing stick against the board, smudging the writing that reads dealing with drunk yn 101 written in pink dry erase marker and effectively startling the poor boy from the loud noise
"a- a pop quiz?" baffled, yunho feels the grip on his high-quality japanese brand pen slip. he scrambles over the table littered with his best stationery to prepare a crisp spiderman themed loose leaf paper, "but-but i haven't even learned anything yet!"
"hush, this is to test out your prior knowledge. now, i'll begin with a case study."
jeong yunho, a widely-known overachiever, strives to be the best; especially when it comes to things for you– which is why he currently remains unblinking out of sheer focus on wanting to get his answers right
he has to get it right!!!
"you're both in a cab to go home when suddenly," wooyoung aggressively taps on the stickman drawing that poorly resembles you on the board, "drunk yn sees a claw machine on the side of the road and wants you to win a stuffed animal for them. what would you do?"
what would i do? yunho can feel the sweat beading on his forehead as he desperately racks his brain for an answer that would please the red haired boy who has an eyebrow raised and his hands on his hips
think, jeong yunho! think!
"i would... politely ask for the taxi man to stop and accompany yn to the claw machine—"
"WRONG. ddaeng !!!! man, how are you so down bad– sigh,,,,, dude," wooyoung turns to lean his forehead against the whiteboard and sighs before pulling out his wallet and moves to step out of the room. "i'm gonna extend another hour for this meeting room, brb."
turns out, nothing, not even wooyoung's 4 hour lecture, could ever prepare yunho for havoc personified
a.k.a. drunk you after a night of celebrating the end of your midterms
"noooo!!! oof-" you stumble against your dresser as you try to run away from the wide-eyed boy standing dumbfoundedly in the middle of your bedroom, your bottle of cleansing oil tightly gripped in one of his hand and your cleanser in the other
yunho rapidly shakes his head like a cartoon character to get his muddled brain back on earth when you ungracefully fall onto your carpeted floor and make no move to get up. he moves closer to gently pull you off the floor as he sighs, "you'll regret not removing your makeup when you wake up tomorrow."
"no !!!" you lift your head up at his words, your pleading eyes look close to tears and yunho panics at the sight. "i don't wanna! my eye makeup looks so pretty today!! i don't want it gone :-("
yunho had to refrain from grabbing one of your pillows and stuffing it in his mouth to muffle the scream that almost slipped out at your cuteness
he also almost screamed fuck it! and hop on the bed to cuddle you to sleep right then and there but he remembers that wooyoung would probably be disappointed in him and he also doesn't want you to be uncomfortable from the smudged makeup the next morning :-(
so he stands his ground and tries to think of something that would get your makeup off while still making you happy
"how about we take some pictures?"
and that's how you both end up having a full blown out photoshoot in your bedroom, with yunho lying down on the floor at a funny angle to take pictures of you posing on the bed with your phone while his own phone rests between his armpits (... don’t ask) to shine its flashlight for extra lighting
he can't help his own chuckles from escaping his mouth as he hears your giggles, his chest warming at the sound
after an estimate of 241 pictures taken, you're finally satisfied and allows him to help take your makeup off
"am i doing this right?" yunho nervously asks, gently rubbing the cleansing oil into your skin that slowly blends with your makeup as you dazedly nod, prompting him to take a hold of your chin to minimize your movement and causing you to giggle
"why are you laughing?" he smiles, watching your eyes crinkle as you continue to giggle softly 
"i don't know. i just really really reeeeallly like you."
he knows you're drunk and it might just be a mindless statement and yet still, he can't help but freeze as he feels his heart skip a beat
he stops massaging the oil on your face
you like him you like him you like him you like him you like him you like him you like him—!
“uh,, actually that’s something i’ve been meaning to tell you. i- i like you too—“
“yEah yeah, i know!” yunho feels your hand blindly slap all over his face until you finally muffle his mouth, earning a glare from the boy. “you can tell me that tomorrow. noW get back to cLeansing!!”
yunho huffs and playfully rolls his eyes at you, trying to stop himself from grinning ear to ear while inching you closer to the sink so he can rinse off the oil, “aye aye ma’am.”
“noW uhguh–” you sputter out some water that got into your mouth, earning an oops from yunho, “you have to double cleanse with tHat cleanser,” you point at the tube of cleanser on your sink, “for at least 60 seconds.”
and when he finally lathers the face wash on your skin, he actually starts counting, “one, two, three, four, five, six—”
he'd do anything for you
kang yeosang
there are two things yeosang absolutely hates in this world
number one: your job
“i have to get to work, yeo,” you chuckle, “you gotta let me go.”
the android in question is glued to your arm, refusing to let you out the door by clinging to your arm and snuggling his face into your shoulder in an attempt of convincing you to stay
“You always leave,” the blonde pouts, his eyes glistening at the thought of always being left alone from every weekday morning to wait for you to come back at night. “Why must you go to work? Can’t you just stay here?”
sometimes, you forget that your android is supposed to be a boyfriend android – which is probably why he craves your company all the time
ok you feel a bit guilty now :-(
but you’re gonna have to work because !!! unfortunately, you need money to survive !!!!
“well, unfortunately–” you struggle to untangle yourself from his grip as you try to put on your shoes, “i have to work to get money so that i can buy food to live and pay for my electricity bills that keeps your battery charged.”
he grumbles and lets out a small yelp when you successfully unlatched yourself from him, “That’s so unfair!”
you shrug as your fingers grasp the doorknob to swing your apartment door open, “mhm, it’s called capitalism. see you tonight!”
you come home from work only to find yeosang missing
just as you were about to have your second mental breakdown, you spot a lilac post it stuck to your fridge that reads I’ll be out late. Dinner’s in the fridge. :-) in perfectly aligned and neat handwriting with proper punctuation– it’s definitely yeosang
but where could he have gone to???? you don’t even know if he knows his way around the city !! omg what if he’s lost and can’t find his way back home–
you hear the sound of your front door slamming shut
“Honey, I’m home!”
you immediately rush to your entrance door, ready to reprimand him for going out until so late at night, only to pause when you see yeosang dressed in a… bright pink polo shirt… with a blue apron that covers his front… and a matching blue cap that sits atop his mop of golden hair and wait a minute is that the baskin robbins logo???
“I got a job,” he grins at you, proudly tapping on the circular logo with the initials BR that rests smack dab right above the pocket of his blue apron. “They pay me to scoop ice cream into cups for tiny humans all day! Now you won’t have to work anymore!”
he’s so proud of himself :-D
this way, you won’t be as tired and he also gets to hangout with you all day long at home !! hehe
“you know… if you have a job, that means you’re gonna have to go work everyday,,, so,, you can’t really be with me either way :-/”
his face crumples at the realization
“Do you know the number of the Baskin Robbins down the street? I’ll have to tell them that I’m quitting.”
another thing yeosang hates the most in the world is: you going on dates
“strawberry for golden boy. target located and is currently approaching the table. do you copy? over.”
yeosang can’t really remember why he agreed on showing up with a fake mustache plastered above his lips and a black fedora hiding his blonde hair in the restaurant where you are to meet the guy you’ve been talking to on tinder for days
but anything to make you happy, he guess
sitting in a few tables away from yours, yeosang nonchalantly stirs the spoon in his overpriced cup of hot chocolate as he brings the dollar store walkie talkie upon his lips, “Are the codenames really necessary?”
he sighs, “Over.”
“of course they are! we don’t want our identities compromised! wait shit he’s getting closer now, i’ll talk to you later. over and out.”
yeosang squints at the guy sitting in front of you, scanning his admittedly handsome face to quickly run a background check on him
.... for safety purposes, of course
choi jongho. born in seoul. went to seoul national university. graduated magna cum laude. is currently pursuing his masters. non-existent criminal record. does environmental volunteer work on a monthly basis. can also ?? break an apple with his bare hands ??
yeosang gulps
this guy is basically perfect
his eyes flits back to you, the sight of you laughing at something jongho said making his stomach churn
and his eyebrows furrow because ?? he’s an android ?? he doesn’t even have an actual stomach so how is he even experiencing all of these overwhelming emotions— oh.
he’s jealous
“—and did you see the way he smiled at me?” you gush excitedly all the way back home, making sure your skips are on par with yeosang’s brisk walk. “he’s adorable! we already planned second date for next week and i’m so excited—”
“52 percent.”
you pause at your tracks, turning to look at yeosang who abruptly stopped walking. “huh? what was that?”
“You’re 52% compatible with Choi Jongho.”
“oh ! i guess that’s not too shabby. although, i thought it’d be a lot higher,” you bring a finger to your chin, deep in thought
“...You’re 96% compatible with me.”
THERE he finally said it
his electric motor is probably overheating from how flustered he is but, according to his system, it’s advised to confess to the person you like instead of holding back your feelings (source: wikihow)
so, he’s doing just that
it’s a good thing that he doesn’t have sweat glands because he’s pretty sure this street would’ve been flooded by now from how nervous he is as he asks, “Would you like to go on a date with me?”
you stood in front of him with your eyes comically widened, and based on your silence, he can kinda guess what’s coming next
aha, looks like he's gonna have to shut down for the next 168 hours!
“I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable, you can forget it. I just wanted to let you know—“ “sure” “—that I like you– ...I’m sorry, what?”
you chuckle at his shocked expression, “i said yes, yeosang. i’ve actually been waiting for you to ask me that.”
(you ended up having to bring yeosang in for maintenance and pay a $150 fee because yeosang literally short circuited at your answer)
choi san
san finds it kinda hilarious how you’ve become his best friend, seeing as you seem to be the complete opposite of him
“what do you mean you hate mint choco??” san gawks, both of his palms lying flat against the glass encasing the freezer lined with tubs of various ice cream flavors as he turns to you with an incredulous look. “how could you even say that?!!!!!”
unbeknownst to san, the blonde baskin robbins employee behind the cashier register scowls at him, annoyed that he’s going to have to clean the fingerprint marks left on the glass
you snort, “everyone knows that cookie dough is superior,” you stick your tongue out at him, eliciting a dramatic gasp from the dark haired boy, “mint chocolate tastes like eating toothpaste with chocolate chips anyway. big yuck.”
“that’s ridiculous!” san, the official defender of the controversial green ice cream, exclaims. “how are you even comparing an oral hygienic product to food?? that’s not fair!! they don’t even taste remotely alike !!!”
“mhm, whatever helps you sleep at night, sannie,” you yawn, purposely flapping a hand over your open mouth to annoy him and you giggle once he starts to pout
“Excuse me," the inhumanely gorgeous cashier calls, surprising both you and san out of the little bubble that seems to form whenever the two of you are together, "are you ready to order? You’re holding up the line.” the blonde says, a grim look on his face
you smile apologetically at the employee who has a blue circular sticker on his uniform that reads new hire and you move to tell him the ice cream you want
while waiting for the employee to scoop your ice cream into a cup, you grimace when you look behind you to see a long line of teary-eyed kids with their glaring parents, probably because it's taking too long to get their ice cream
you and san immediately booked out of there after he was done paying
“as i was saying,” san pops in a spoonful of his ice cream before continuing, “mint choco doesn’t taste like toothpaste,” you open your mouth, ready to object, but san took this chance to shovel a spoon of the dessert into your mouth, making you sputter in disgust of the taste and effectively shutting you up, “it’s toothpaste that taste like mint chocolate.”
you pause your steps before turning to look at him in disbelief, “are you even hearing yourself right now?”
he said what he said okay!! and he’ll stand by it ┐( ˘ 、 ˘ )┌
“sometimes…. i wonder what goes on in your brain… because dude, that does nOt make any sense at all.”
ok no, you know what doesn’t make sense?
it doesn’t make sense how san seems to think of you 24/7
when he strolls around the park and sees a golden retriever quietly mingling? that’s you.
the smell of cinnamon and freshly brewed coffee when he steps into his university cafe? he loves it because he thinks it smells exactly like you.
someone’s music leaking through their headphones in the hallways? oh wait, you two blasted this song in his car once.
grocery shopping alone? he better grab some of those birthday cake flavored oreos for you even though he hates them because he thinks they’re too sweet.
it’s just what friends do, right?
“what are we watching tonight?”
ever since you two became friends, it’s become a tradition to hold a weekly movie night at your place
and without fail, san always uses this time to try and convert you to become a mint choco ice cream lover
this would be his 12th attempt
“can we watch inside out?” you say, already munching on your microwave popcorn as you lounge next to him on the loveseat in your living room. “i feel like crying today.”
san almost jumps out of the couch to do his little dance
because you know what they say,,,,,,,,,
when you’re sad, eat ice cream!
and he’s gonna make sure you eat some ice cream, alright!! :-D
specifically, his favorite ice cream flavor that he's got in your freezer :-D
so, in the middle of the movie, right after bing bong tragically disappears into the abyss (san still sheds a tear despite this being his twentieth time watching the film) and he hears your tell-tale sniffles, he dashes off to your fridge and grabs the pint of ice cream he brought for tonight along with two spoons before returning back to stand in front of the tv screen
“fear not!” san announces, holding the pint of ice cream above his head while the other hand that is gripping the spoons is placed on his hip. “i have just the right thing to make you feel better!”
he excitedly pries the lid of the pint open and you groan as you wipe the tears under your eyes, “san, i’m really not in the mood to have mint choco ice cream shoved into my throat today—”
you’re cut off by san almost shooting through your apartment roof as he blankly stares inside the pint, “hUH?”
he furrows his brows when instead of the mint green ice cream, he’s greeted by the thick consistency of creamy soft brown ice cream with chocolate chips
it can’t be
why did he get your favorite ice cream flavor instead of his own?????
he hates cookie dough ice cream, and he’s a hundred percent sure he got a pint of mint choco chip ice cream— wait a minute,
“woah, they’re really everywhere,” san mutters to himself while looking at the shelves as he pushes the grocery store cart, “yn would love this!”
“love what?” his roommate, mingi, pops up, dropping a pack of a party sized barbeque chips into the cart
“yn would love this grocery store,” he says, referring to the newly opened grocery store they're in as he hums, “there's every product that’s endorsed by their favorite k-pop group in here. i’d have to take them here sometime.”
“at this point just date yn already.”
san glares at his friend, blindly reaching for what he thinks is a pint of mint chocolate chip ice cream with the thought of you stuck in his head, as always, “i don’t even talk about them that often !!!”
“sure you don’t.”
“is that…. cookie dough?”
“yeah, i guess— oof!” he falls to the ground when you literally jump on him
after san’s reassured you that he’s still him and not some anti-mint choco san clone, you happily eat up the pint of cookie dough ice cream throughout the rest of the movie while san tries to reflect on the new found revelation that he has a crush on you
now, whenever he looks at you, everything seems to fade away and cartoonish pink flowers would appear around you and start blooming (he also hears a soft tune that goes lalalala~ in the background)
oh, and he also thinks he’d stop eating mint chocolate chip ice cream just to appease you
his friends are right, he is a simp
song mingi
long story short… you decided to move into mingi’s 2 bedroom apartment to escape from your insufferable roommate !! :-D
it had been the boy’s idea because you two meet each other literally every single day and so he thought hey, living together doesn’t sound so bad !!! you should just move in with me!! i have a spare bedroom that’s been empty for a while !! 
and so you immediately packed your things, left your roommate gaping when she saw her previous one night stand awkwardly waving at her as he helped you load your things to his car, and never looked back 
now you’re both currently skipping down the street en route to the local farmer’s market because mingi swears that they have cheaper and fresher produce compared to any grocery store out there
you both stop at the first stall you see
“dude, check it out :O” you point at one of the corns on display, “that one totally looks like nanami :O”
he tilts his head as he tries his best to discern any similarities between the crop and your favorite jujutsu kaisen character………. only to come up with nothing
“hm. i don’t see it.”
“no, no!” you jump up and down, hands flailing everywhere as you try to gesture out corn nanami’s features. “you see! the corn hair is, well, obviously his hair, and the green jacket kinda looks like his suit don’t you think? and oh–”
to any nearing passerby, it seems like you two are a pair of excited newlyweds who were highschool sweethearts as mingi gazes at you fondly as you continue to ramble on about the corn-nanami doppelganger
which sounds totally stupid, but he doesn't mind at all
having been too entranced by whatever it was you were saying, mingi only snaps out of his fixation on you when he realized you caught on to his staring
he clears his suddenly dry throat and his eyes flick to anywhere except you. “ehm, e–EHm yeah right,, i guess he kinda looks like, uh, that corn.”
you playfully bump your side into his arm as you exclaim an “I KNOW RIGHT” and you accidentally start a bump fight when mingi starts practically shoving you back (he sometimes forget just how big he is) and you’re both just giggling at each other like stupid kids until—
“what a good-looking couple! i’ll give you two a discount! :-D”
mingi feels you freeze up against him and shake your head at lightning speed, “oh, we’re not… we’re not a—“
“how much? :-D” he interrupts, wrapping an arm around your waist to pull you closer as he grins at the stall owner who starts cooing
meanwhile, you resist the tempting act of whacking him with your reusable tote bag
and you may be trying to tone down the heat on your cheeks bUT that’s besides the point !!!
you’re not a couple
“how cute!” the stall owner squeals, and you can nearly see the dollar signs in her eyes as gullible mingi fails to see beyond her sly marketing ploy. she hums in contemplation, “hm, maybe i shouldn’t favor you two. wouldn’t be fair for the singles out there, am i right?”
you nervously chuckle, “that’s perfectly fine!” you try to push mingi to move along the market but it’s like his feet are immediately rooted to the ground once he hears compliments directed at you both. “psst mingi, move your ass— aha i’m pretty sure we still have some corn back home anyways—“
“do we really look cute together? :-D”
cue you smacking your palm against your forehead
“why of course!” the woman nods her head eagerly, “absolutely adorable. and especially with a fine handsome young man like you!” she turns to look at you, “he’s a good one. don’t lose him, dear.”
dang, maybe you should ask her which business school she went to because her marketing skills are just straight up fire
mingi knocks his head back as he lets out a hearty belly laugh and if you squint hard enough, you can spot the pink dusting his cheeks. “ah, you flatter me too much, ma’am!.... please tell us more about how cute we look together! :-D”
… he ended up lugging an abnormally large sack of corn all the way home
“people probably think we look like a cute couple all the time, huh?” mingi grins to himself during dinner, eliciting a glare from you as you take another hesitant bite of the… weirdly edible grilled corn salad
your bowls of corn soup and corn rice bowl (don’t ask) along with a cup of sweetened corn for dessert remains untouched while mingi scarfs down his own like a mad man
you don’t even want to know how he’s been surviving on his own
“remind me to never let you grocery shop again,” you grumble, stabbing your fork into the bowl of corn salad as mingi stares at you, finding your anger cute somehow
huh… that’s weird
why does he think your furrowed brows and the aggressive chewing behind your pouty lips are the cutest things ever right now?
uh oh
your heart practically leaped out of your chest as you yelp in surprise when mingi suddenly stands up from the dining chair and sprints to his room without a word
you resume back to eating your food
meanwhile, mingi grabs his laptop and looks up a love meter website to calculate love percentage while trying to calm down his erratic heart rate
he quickly types in his and your names into the website and crosses his fingers with his eyes shut as he waits for the results
he opens his eyes and excitedly reads the words on the screen
90%! Love is in the air!
:-D <3 !!!
“mingi… why are you sitting on my lap.”
“i think i’m in love with you.”
jung wooyoung
“i’m feeling lonely ♫ oh i wish i’d find a lover that could hold me ♫ now i’m crying in my room ♫ so skeptical of love ♫ but still i want it more, more, mOre ♫ i give a second chance to cUPID–”
“sing that song one more time and i will shoot you with an actual arrow.”
“hmph, meanie :-(“
usually, wooyoung would sing along to that stupidly addicting cupid song you always sing whenever you’re with him 
but right now, he’s a man on a mission !! and he’s very serious about it
“i need absolute silence,” he mutters quietly, his eyes zeroing at the very serious task in hand with his brows furrowed in concentration
“you’re being dramatic.”
his head snaps up to look at you with a glare. “excuSe me? i’m sorry that i’m the only one who obviously has a passion for art here!!”
and by art, he means frosting heart-shaped sugar cookies
this is like, one of the first few human activities he’s doing !! so he wants to actually be good at this !! (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ
he doesn’t know why but he really wants to make you proud :-(
you stifle a giggle when you see his hands practically tremble as he continues to squeeze out the pastel pink frosting from the piping bag onto the heart-shaped cookies
how cute
you walk over to him and gently wrap your hand around his that’s currently holding the piping bag with a death grip, making him let out a small yelp in surprise
“you need to relax,” you softly chide, helping him loosen up his grip to gently guide him into pressing the piping bag properly
meanwhile, wooyoung’s trying to refrain himself from jumping out of your apartment window and flying to mount olympus because he can feel your breath on his neck and his heart is beating a little too fast and omg you’re so close to him &:&;;’js!
honestly, this isn’t the first time wooyoung’s felt this way towards you
it’s just,, he just feels so carefree and himself whenever he’s with you 
and also because he thinks you’re the best human ever
and that you have the most beautiful smile
and that if he tries to personify love, the first thing that’d pop up in his head would be an image of you with crinkled eyes and a smile, your twinkly laughter ringing in his ears
but he’d rather let zeus zap him on the butt with a thunderbolt than admit that
“see!” you let go of his hand to excitedly gesture towards the pink cookie you helped him with, “you can do it if you let yourself have fun a little ! this one actually looks pretty decent :-D”
he already misses the warmth of your hand
“are you saying the ones i did before look bad?” he raises a brow, and your eyes nervously flicker to the tray of heart-shaped cookies that looks like it’s been frosted by a kindergartner
you start sweating
“nO of course not aha!!!! haha!!!!” he narrows his eyes at you. “okay not even gonna lie but, they do look kinda bad I’M SORRY”
he huffs, offended. “it's aBstract!”
“it’s lopsided.”
gasp D-:
you laugh when he aggressively rips off his apron before sulking, “i hate baking.”
but he knows that he’d do anything to become human; to leave his cupid errands just so he could be a regular boy who dreams of opening a bakery down the street
and in this alternate universe he’s envisioned, he’d actually manage to do it and that’s where he would first meet you
with his hands coated with flour and him sporting a messy apron, a boyish grin on his lips as he tells you that the small bag of pastry in your hands is on the house and he’d watch as your cheeks endearingly heat up
and then this alternate universe wooyoung would lean against his sleek car as he waits for you outside your apartment for a set date to an amusement park, where he’d win a giant teddy bear for you from one of those rigged game stalls
and he would try his best to make you the happiest you can be every single day
but in this life, he can only distract himself for so long from your fate that's set in stone by the red string intertwined on your pinky finger that stretches out long and far outside your apartment door— a painful reminder of the first thing his mother’s ever told him about love,
that it is never fair.
(he looks at his own gray string looped around his pinky with its short length frayed around the edges before glancing over to you who’s packing the cookies in a tupperware for him to bring while he does his cupid errands, and he knows he doesn’t regret falling for you even though he knows how it’ll end.)
choi jongho
“what do you mean you can’t go????”
jongho may or may not have tears in his eyes right now
“look, man. i really am sorry, i know we planned this weeks ago but it’s an emergency,” mingi sighs from the other line of the call, sounding genuinely regretful. “i really can’t go.”
“the new jujutsu kaisen movie drop isn’t an emergency, hyung.”
“it is !!!!!” mingi exclaims, and jongho wonders whether he’s actually a year older than him. “and i have to be one of the first people who watches it so i’m not exchanging my movie ticket for anything else.”
this hurts even more than the top 10 anime betrayals :-( 
“you know what? you should go do it with yn instead. you two look cute together.”
record scratch
jongho almost drops his phone placed on his ear as he feels his cheeks flush a bright beet red. “whAt !!” he squeaks.
“‘kay! i’ll talk to you soon !!!! have fun on the date hehe :-D” beep.
see… the thing is…
jongho really looks up to mingi
he’s his favorite frat brother !!!!!
and so, he finds himself sitting on the couch of your apartment right after the call, obediently following his hyung’s suggestion
curse his soft, compliant heart
“choi jongho, are you asking me out on a date?”
“-!” jongho chokes on his saliva, sputtering out unpleasant noises before bringing his fist to his chest, “n-not a date!” he manages to choke out and you grin cheekily at him. “it’s just a paint & wine class that i was supposed to go with mingi hyung but he ended up bailing, a-and it’s non-refundable and i’ve already paid in full so i’m basically forced to take you instead–”
“yeah yeah,” you dismissively wave a hand at him, already sprinting to your bedroom to get ready. “whatever. i guess i’ll agree to go on a date with you.”
jongho doesn’t know when it all started
after his frat party, you two somehow always meet each other in every party he goes to and you’d both hangout in the corner of the room together, enjoying each other’s company and leaving together when the bass of the loud music finally deafens your ears
and soon enough, you have his number and he has yours, and the party hangouts turn into lunch hangouts that happens almost every day (he looks forward to it and will sulk when he doesn’t meet you at least once a day)
you also like to give him free iced americano and savory pastries from the cafe you work at !! :-D
safe to say, jongho likes you
uH, as a friend !!! of course
just as a friend
“psssst, jongho,” you whisper from across the table, stifling a giggle as you eye the other people attending the paint & wine class. “i think you need new prescription glasses.”
“if you ever mention this to wooyoung hyung, i’ll revoke our friendship,” he grits out before chugging his glass of red wine, the tip of his ears flushed red
turns out, jongho had accidentally booked two spots for a paint & wine class reserved for the elderly (which, jongho thinks, is a stupid idea because why would they let old people have a night of free-flow wine????)
the painting instructor actually felt so bad for him that they allowed you two to join the class anyways
so here you are, sitting in the two seat table smackdab in the middle of the room with everyone’s eyes on you
it also doesn’t help that you two decided to dress super fancy as a joke for the night, with jongho wearing a crisp dark gray suit over a white button up that’s barely buttoned and you with a white floor-length evening dress under the apron they gave you
it looks like you both just ditched a wedding or something
which is precisely the look you two are going for !!! :-D 
and honestly, his hyungs can tease him all they want for all the mini adventures he does with you but he’s truly the happiest when he’s with you (he will never say this to your face)
“look at what i painted!”
jongho looks up from his canvas to see you pursing your lips in concentration over yours, your hand tightly gripping one of the paintbrushes as you finish up some small details before turning the easel to proudly present the A4 canvas to him. “tadaa!”
the reference for today’s class is an acrylic portrait of a brown kitten and jongho personally thinks he nailed his own rendition of the painting projected on the projection screen in front of the room so he’s really excited to see yours!!!
“...........yn, that’s not the painting we’re doing today.”
you nod, “i know.”
on your canvas, you’ve painted what looks like a hut with three beds all in different sizes, a dining table with three different sized bowls of porridge, and a family of brown bears with a little blonde boy—
"did you seriously paint me as goldilocks?”
you grin cutely at him, “i did!” you point at goldilocks-jongho on your painting, “you’re with your bear family now! isn’t it cute? :3”
(jongho’s trying his best to not bash his head through the canvas because !!!! nu uh nope nO, he definitely does not like you !!! not at all !!!! it’s just the wine doing things to his brain—)
“and i also painted the bears’ bed sheets purple because it’s your favorite color! and— oh shit.”
a loud clink echoes throughout the room, making everyone's heads (yes, the paint instructor as well) turn to look at your table
you accidentally plunged your paintbrush in your wine glass instead of the plastic cup of water beside it
both of your eyes widen at the sight of the purple paint staining the red liquid in the expensive glass
and honestly, you can probably just ask for a new glass of wine and apologize for this tiny mistake and it’ll be like nothing ever happened (except for the fact that you'll be embarrassed for the rest of the night)
but where’s the fun in that?
you exchange glances before jongho abruptly stands up from his chair, grab both of your canvases in one hand, and interlaces the other with yours as you two run out of the room, both of your laughters ringing throughout the hallway
“that’s so embarrassing!” you yelp, slamming jongho’s car door behind you before he turns on the engine, quickly backing up from the parking lot to drive away from the building. you groan as you lean back on the passenger seat, “please don’t ever take me to another paint & wine class again.”
jongho can’t help but chuckle at your flustered expression as he carefully place the canvases on the backseat without his eyes leaving the road, “i actually think that was pretty fun.”
“should we get dinner?”
“sure, i know a place. we could pretend we’re having our first anniversary so that they’d give us free chocolate lava cake.”
“are you just using this chance to pretend to be my boyfriend again?” you tease, trying to hide the smile on your face
“why are you so shy about it? we literally made out once–”
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taglist. @ad0rechuu @diorwoo @jaehunnyy
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wingedhallows · 5 months
a little jealousy; sirius black
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pairing: sirius black x reader | 0.9k words plot: fighting is normal but, making up is just as important. authors note: i hope u like this little something
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You hated this, the quiet. His hand would be around you, on your thigh, on your arms, his body flush against you, his voice blurring everything out. You missed him.
He avoided you, you had fought after all, over something stupid, you now realized. 
“That’s ridiculous.” He laughed as he turned his back to you. The surring anger inside your chest rose only further.
“So you think it’s ridiculous that I’m angry because Melanie fucking Primrose was hitting on you while I stood right fuckin’ next to you?!”
He brushed a hand over his face before he pushed a cigarette between his lips. He didn’t look at you, brushed your issue away like it wasn’t one at all.
“Sirius, look at me when I’m speaking to you.” He eyed you, blowing some smoke from his lips, mouth in a scowl.
“Sirius!” Your hand on his upper arm before he shrugged it off, his eyebrows drawn together.
“Back off, Y/N.” He blew some more smoke before he stepped away from you. He took his jacket and shrugged it on.
“Actin’ like my goddamn mother.”
You huffed in disbelief.
“You didn’t just compare me to your abusive, awful mother.” Your chest felt tight, your hands were icy cold.
“Oh please, you’re just like her. I can’t even stand the sight of you right now.”
He took a drag of his cigarette and walked past you, hitting your shoulder in the process.
You were still angry, livid even. He had compared you to his horrible mother, the woman you loathed for treating him like garbage. You’ve fought before, of course you did.
Every couple fights but never has he ever insulted you like this. Was that what he saw you like? As a woman so awful that he has to compare you to the woman who abused him for years on end?
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“Why won’t you talk to him?” Lily’s hand rested on your arm, drink in hand. Reggie poured some more in your cup.
“Leave him be, he deserves to be miserable, to be honest.” You downed the insides of your cup before holding it out for the younger Black to fill it up again.
“You might want to slow down a bit or you’ll end up shit faced.” He commented before filling up the cup again. “James said he regrets acting like this.” Lily tried again but you shook your head.
“Why won’t he tell me then? If he regrets it so badly?” Reggie sighs and blows some smoke. “You’re acting childish.” You frowned at him, hands now crossed.
“You blew up in his face over something he didn’t even register and he compared you to our awful monster of a mother, I believe you’re kind of even.” 
You didn’t answer, you knew he was right. You watched Sirius glance at you before he took off to the balcony.
“Talk to him, apologize and please make up, I can’t take anymore of your weeping.” 
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“Hi.” You tried, a cigarette in your mouth as you searched for a lighter. He was quicker and lit the cigarette for you. “Hello, love.” He said, putting his lighter away.
“I-”I’m” Both of you wanted to apologize, at the same time. A chuckle escaped the both of you as you stared ahead, the music buzzed behind you in a comforting manner.
“I wanted to apologize, I never should’ve said that to you. You’re nothing like my mother.” He paused and placed his hand in yours.
“You’re the most loving, beautiful and kindest woman I’ve ever known. I was angry and I spoke before thinking.” You nodded, taking a drag from your cigarette.
You turned to him, his hair fell over his eyes a bit, his eyes glassy. “I shouldn’t have made it such a big issue. I was jealous and let it out on you. I'm sorry.” He nodded, his thumb stroking your hand lovingly.
“I guess we’re both idiots.” You nodded and flicked your done cigarette off the balcony. Your hand found the back of his neck before you pulled him for a kiss.
“But if you let Melanie touch you like this once again I’m sneaking into your room at night and I’ll strangle you to death, got it?” 
His face stretched into a grin as he nodded, his eyes hooded. “Is that funny to you?” He chuckled as he placed a quick kiss on your lips.
“I kind of like you a little jealous.” You shook your head and grabbed for his cigarette, he let you.
“This is way more than just jealousy, I’m obsessed with you.” He tilted his head and grabbed your waist with his unoccupied arm, lips in a smile.
“I love you.” He whispered. You grabbed his face and placed a kiss on his lips.
“You’re mine, Sirius.” He nodded, your head on his chest. He placed a kiss on top of your head. “All yours, love.”
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daisies-daydreams · 1 year
Hey, how are you doing, hope your alright... I'm loving your work and if you don't mind can you do ghost and konig like.......uhmm let us be honest, in most of the story they end up getting jealous when a guy hit on reader right?? Let us 🤭 turn the tables, we want the reader get jealous and you know, like him and reader, went to pub to get there stress out by having some drinks and a girl end up hitting on him.....and you get jealous 😳😭 end up drinking alot, that u lost it, when you go to your (base or house) and head to your room and..... like you go wild 🫠😏😭 on him and they don't know how to react (smut)
Soo sorry to give u a long passage, 💞🥺 I really do appreciate your works, and thank you showing your work (HOPE PLEASE ACCEPT THIS REQUEST OF MINE AND THANK YOU AND FOR YOUR WORK) 🥺❤️❤️ Have a great day 💕
Next Round’s On Me (König x Jealous!F!Reader)
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Pairing: König x F!Reader Category: Smut (18+) Warnings: Handjobs, Oral Sex (M!Receiving), Reverse Cowgirl, Doggy Style, Backshot, Drinking, Consensual Sex Word Count: 3.1k+
A/N: Hello and thank you for your request! I hope it’s alright, but due to the fic’s lengths, I made König’s and Ghost’s scenarios two separate parts (link to Ghost’s fic is below). I hope you enjoy!
Next Round's On Me (Ghost's Version)
“Maus?” König asked. You turned around in your swivel chair, your eyes red from how much you’ve been staring at your computer. You grinned ear to ear as your boyfriend strode into your room.
“Hey, baby,” you sighed. He leaned down and gave you a chaste kiss. König glanced over at your computer.
“You’re still working?” he asked. You nodded before spinning back around in your chair.
“Mhm. They need these reports in as soon as possible, and I’m already swamped with-“ you were cut off when König wrapped his bulky arms around you. You looked behind you. “Kö?” you asked. The corners of his eyes crinkled as he pecked the top of your head.
“I admire your work ethic, (Y/N). But I think both of us need something to take the edge of, hm?” he suggested. You cocked your head.
“What did you have in mind?”
The bar was humming with life. Tipsy patrons cackled and chattered as König and you sat snugly at a table near the corner of the bustling room. Smoke hung in the air as you took another swig of your drink. König gazed down at you, his usual sniper mask replaced with a common black medical mask. His blue eyes glistened beneath the dim lighting as you rested your head on his rough shoulder.
“You’re right-I did need something to take the edge off,” you chuckled. Warmth and a renewed sense of boldness filled you as you bit your bottom lip. You breathed out through your nose as your hand trailed up his jeans. König’s breath hitched as he quickly clasped his hand over yours.
“Maus, not here,” he warned, his eyes scanning over the room full of people. You poked your tongue out, an expression he seemed to mirror based on the tiny bulge that formed beneath his mask. You giggled and took another sip. “I'm glad you're enjoying yourself-though you are drinking more than I expected,” König said with a raised brow, concern laced in his raspy voice. You shrugged.
“I’m only tipsy-don’t worry,” you said with flushed cheeks. Your boyfriend eyed you up and down before pulling his mask down, taking a swig of his own beverage. Your legs squeezed together when you felt a familiar urge hit you. You slid out of your chair.
“Where are you going?” König asked. You lazily pointed towards the bathroom. König clicked his tongue. “Try not to get lost in there,” he jested. You stuck your tongue out again, something that made his brows arch and a smile stretch across his glistening face.
“I’ll be fine,” you waved as you wandered towards the men’s room. You paused, then turned to the correct door. After doing your business, you made sure to smooth out your hair and straighten up before stepping back into the main room.
Your face fell when you saw a young blonde woman placing her hand on König’s forearm. He seemed to stiffen under her touch, his eyes averting her tits that threatened to spill out of the tight fitting dress she wore. A dark pit opened up in your chest and swallowed you whole as you staggered towards them.
“I don’t think I’ve seen your cute face around here before,” she beamed while twirling a strand of hair in her fingers. Your nostrils flared as you approached.
“I-I’m sorry. You seem like a very sweet lady, but I already have a girlfriend,” König explained as he withdrew his arm from her hand, scooching over in his chair. The woman giggled as she leaned in closer, her face inches from his.
“Well, you are a big boy. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind sharing, since there seems to be enough to go around,” she purred as her eyes flicked down to his crotch.
“She minds very much,” you huffed as you crossed your arms.
Both of their heads snapped up, the woman's mouth snapping open as she scoffed. König’s eyes widened with relief as he slipped away from the flirtatious woman. She looked you up and down, her eyes filled with a burning contempt. You glared back, but your frown soon turned into a warm smile as your love came to your side.
“Hi, baby,” you cooed as you raised yourself on your tiptoes. König leaned down and gasped when you pulled his mask over. His eyes crossed when you smashed your plump lips against his. You made sure to moan slightly as the two of you locked your wet lips together. The woman scoffed as she rose out of the chair.
“Whatever,” she grumbled as she stomped away. You smirked at her as she quickly left, onto the next seemingly single man in the bar. You gasped for air when you pulled back. König’s pupils were blown as a string of saliva attached to your lips. His hand came up and rubbed your cheek.
“Maus, that was-“
“Get a room,” a drunk man hollered on a nearby barstool. Your lips twisted as you shot him a dirty glare. He didn’t seem too bothered by it as he went back to wiping his nose and slurring about the game playing on the TV to the poor bloke next to him. You sighed, your hands sliding up König’s pecs before landing on his shoulders.
“Let’s get out of here,” you whispered with a playful smile.
König’s footsteps lumbered as the two of you made your way into your apartment. The keys jingled before he pushed the front door open. You gave him a wry grin as you took his hand, guiding him inside. Not long after he closed the door, you pushed him against the wall. His eyes widened.
“Maus?” he blinked. You wiggled your hips before trailing your hands down his abdomen. His eyes were trained on you as you fell down to your knees, his wide chest rising and falling with deep breaths. König gasped when you started to undo his belt, your fingers working deftly. “S-SScheiße,” he stammered.
You wanted to make sure that any thoughts of other woman were completely erased from his mind.
You licked your lips as you dragged down the band of his boxers, releasing his half-hard cock. You gave him a pair of doe eyes, your hands gripping at the front of his thighs.
“Oh, mein Gott,” he breathed. You chuckled as you kissed the tip of his cock, pulling his foreskin down across his shaft. His large hand immediately flew to the back of your head as you wrapped your fist around the base of his cock. You were sure that König was only half-human: your hand barely reached around his thick shaft. You sighed as you littered his head with small, wet kitten licks.
He released a guttural moan and curved his fingers into your scalp. You started to pump your fist around his shaft as you swirled your wet muscle around his pink tip.
“Yes,” he groaned, his cock twitching as you wrapped your lips around the head. You looked up at him with half-lidded eyes before suddenly taking most of him down your throat. You gagged slightly, his girth nearly unhinging your jaw. His knees buckled when you hollowed your cheeks around his dick. “Kätzchen,” König whined as he bucked his hips forward, threatening to sink his cock completely down your throat.
You shifted your shoulders as you adjusted your head. You let your throat relax as you grabbed at what you couldn’t fit into your mouth. He grunted when you gave the base of his cock a firm squeeze before pushing your head back. His hand rested on your head as you left his head snug between your plush lips. You sank back down with a wet squelch. König’s head fell back against the wall as you sank your head back down. Soon, your hands and mouth were working in tandem as his cock grew harder and harder.
“Mmm, can’t wait to see what my cum looks like when it falls from between your lips,” König rumbled. The thought made you moan, the vibrations causing him to gently grip at your hair as he gasped. “Keep going, Schatz,” he growled as he thrusted his hips forward. You obliged, your hands caressing his cock as your tongue stroked the underside of his veiny shaft. König groaned as he started to snap his hips forward. You could taste the salty precum dribbling into your mouth.
You blinked your eyes open and looked up. König stiffened right when he met your gaze, his cock twitching relentlessly as he suddenly spilled down your throat. You squealed as you squeezed his shaft a few more times, relishing in the feeling of his hot spend draining down your esophagus. You gasped for air when you finally pulled yourself off of his cock. Some of his cum oozed from between your lips. You swiped at it with your digits, locking eyes with your panting boyfriend. He cursed as you slotted it into your mouth, greedily sucking it down until there was nothing left.
“That, that was…” König’s husky voice trailed off as he smiled down at you dizzily. You gave him a sympathetic look before licking a stripe at the tip. König groaned.
“Come with me,” you whispered as you took his hand. He had no complaints as you led him to the bedroom. König’s eyes bulged as you stripped yourself, letting your panties fall to the floor more slowly than your other clothing. You pushed your chest forward as you shifted your thighs together, your slick smearing across your folds.
“Get on the bed,” you pointed with flushed cheeks. König arched his brows as he cracked a passionate grin.
“Yes ma’am,” he beamed. You gladly admired him as he removed his clothes; a walking, glowing Adonis in your presence. He huffed as he climbed onto the mattress, letting his cock rest between his sturdy legs. You stepped over and climbed on top of him, letting your thighs slot against his hips. König purred as he gently lay his hands on your waist.
“You’re so beautiful,” he breathed in awe. Your own thoughts seemed to falter at his words, a lump forming in your throat. König frowned. “What’s wrong, Maus?” he asked softly. You didn’t realize that your bottom lip was quivering until now.
“Nothing,” you waved as you began to lower your hips. His hands squeezed your waist and you looked up again.
“I know you, liebling. I can see that look in your eye,” he said. You frowned, your hands resting on top of his chest as you leaned back.
“I just…do you really think I’m beautiful, Kö?” you blushed while averting his gaze.
“Of course I do, Schatz,” he immediately replied. You glanced up at him again, your features more sheepish this time. A lightbulb seemed to go off in his head. “Is this about the woman in the bar?” König asked. You quickly hid your face in his shoulder as you nodded silently, your cheeks exploding with a deep shade of merlot.
“Oh, Kätzchen,” he cooed. You relaxed as he wrapped his arms around you. The pads of his rough fingers stroked your upper back, causing a blanket of goosebumps to fall over you. He tilted his head back slightly, taking you in with a deep breath.
“Ich liebe dich, (Y/N). Nobody’s going to change that,” he murmured, his thumb caressing your bottom lip. Tears welled in your eyes as you let your face fall towards him, your lips locking with his. His hands smoothed over your back as you kissed him slowly and deeply.
You sighed as you closed your eyes, relishing in the warmth that radiated from the man you loved. You pulled back slightly to gasp for air before kissing him again, this time sticking your tongue in his mouth. König moaned as you caressed his wet muscle with yours, your breasts pushing against his scarred chest. You squeaked when one of his hands snaked down and grabbed a handful of your ass. You mewled as he squeezed and jiggled the flesh in his large palm. You drew away from the kiss, trailing your lips up his scruffy jaw before resting just below his ear.
“God, I love you. Mein großer Bär,” you purred. His hand tightened around your ass as you nibbled on the shell of his ear. You traced your finger around the scars of his chest, all the way up to his lips.
“I’ll make sure you cum until you see stars,” you moaned. König shuddered below you, not used to such filthy language falling from your sweet lips.
“Fuck, please,” he begged as he bucked his hips forward. You smiled and licked your lips as you shifted yourself on top of him. König’s hand slipped to his side as he watched you with glazed eyes. You peeked over your shoulder as you turned around, pushing your ass out and wagging it in his face. You heard him swallow thickly as you lowered your hips, your dripping pussy hovering just above the scorching tip of his red, aching cock.
His hands flew out and grabbed your waist as you wrapped your hand around his burning length. You craned your neck to look back as you lined him up to your entrance. His mouth snapped into a tight “o” as you sank down on his dick-his cock head deliciously spreading you open with a loud squelch. A cracked moan erupted from König’s lips as your walls molded to the shape of his cock, your pussy swallowing him inch by inch.
“F-Fuck, liebling,” your boyfriend groaned, his nails digging into the flesh of your hips. You chuckled lowly as you felt his cock throb inside of you. It always felt so tight-but it was a slow pressure that burned you alive in the best ways. You sucked in a sharp breath as you felt the head of his cock kiss your cervix. Both of you panted as you adjusted your hips, your walls fluttering around his thick length.
“Y-You always fill me up so much, Kö,” you swallowed. König grunted at your words, his fingertips pressing into your waist. You took a deep breath before raising your hips, his cock coated with your slick as you left his head plugged at your entrance. He moaned as you sheathed his dick back inside. Every ridge and curve stroked the ribs of your walls so tenderly as you bounced yourself on his cock.
The room was filled with the wet sound of skin slapping as you arched your back. Your ass jiggled against his rough, lower abdomen as your slick coated his pubic hairs. You moaned as you felt the thick vein below his shaft caress a spot that made you crumble. You bit your lip as you snaked your hand down and rubbed tight circles over your puffy clit. A hot bolt of lighting struck down your spine and into your core when you heard a loud squelch rip through the room.
“Ah!” you keened. König’s nails stung as they dug into your sides, applying enough pressure to draw the faintest trace of crimson. Your head felt dizzy with arousal as you rocked your hips up and down, König’s cock hitting your sensitive g-spot with each deep thrust.
“So good to me. Meine braves mädchen,” he praised as he watched your ass bounce against his rugged flesh. You squeezed your eyes shut as your thighs shook. Your pussy screamed for release as your walls constricted around him. Hot tears streaked down your face as you continued to spear yourself on your boyfriend's member.
Your body was burning, exhaustion sweeping over you and begging you to pause. But the roaring heat boiling in your core was too powerful to ignore. You cried as you kept pushing yourself up and down, your fingers deftly working at your swollen nub.
“Just a little more,” you thought inside your lust-hazed mind. You whimpered as your thighs burned and gummy walls writhed around König’s length. Just as you were ready to collapse, you felt König press his broad, sweaty chest against you. You gasped as you were gently shoved forward, his cock slightly slipping from your gushing cunt. You whined as he adjusted your hips with his palms. Your mind felt like it was turning to mush as he sheathed his cock to the hilt. König’s hips were pressed against your ass as he heaved above you.
“Sorry, engel-but I can’t hold back any longer,” he strained before suddenly pounding into you with no restraint. A fire lit in your belly at his feral tone. You arched your back and cried out as he pistoned his cock into your tight hole-his heavy balls slapping against your clit with every deep, hungry thrust.
“Fuck!” you sobbed. Your head reeled with lust as he pushed you closer to the edge with every drive of his hips. He spouted curses and praises in German as he spread your asscheeks apart, no doubt watching how his thick length mercilessly plunged into your wet hole. Your breathing became ragged as the muscles in your lower stomach tightened. König bared his teeth before scraping them across your upper back. You released a silent scream as your mouth fell open, your gummy walls clamping down around his cock.
“(Y/N), s-scheiße,” he groaned as your pussy gushed around him. Your juices spilled from where your sexes joined as your body was wracked with wave after wave of pure ecstasy. König kept pushing his cock into you, his chest rumbling as he felt your last contraction roll over you. The side of your face was squished against the mattress, a puddle of drool forming below your cheek.
“König,” you slurred as you felt him split you open, your core scorching as pleasure seeped into every inch of your body. Your boyfriend grunted as he pressed his forehead against the back of your scalp. You shivered with ecstasy as his hot breath fanned over your neck.
“Where do you want me?” he asked, his voice thick and heavy with his accent. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as his cock drilled into your slick, overstimulated walls. You wheezed as he bit into your neck and rolled his hot tongue across the red mark.
“O-On my back,” you mewled. König grunted before kissing your shoulder. He kept his forehead pressed into you as he bruised your hips with his leviathan grip. He shoved his cock into you a few more times before he quickly pulled out.
He released an animalistic growl as he shot his warm cum across the ridge of your back, painting milky white streaks onto your shivering body. Your hands curled into the sheets as he kept his hips snug against your ass, his cock spitting out the last few strings of cum. König’s grip on your hips loosened as he gave a stuttered breath.
“Liebling?” he asked, his brows furrowed with concern. You turned your head, revealing a deep blush that crossed your cheeks and rose up to your ears. His eyes were blown from the aftershock of his orgasm, his huge cock softening and resting against your lower back. You shivered as you felt his semen ooze across your back, your hole puckering and still gushing with your slick. You blinked as you slowly came up to your knees. König hummed as you turned and pecked his lips.
“That...was...incredible,” you exhaled slowly. König chuckled and nodded, his forehead snug against yours as he pulled you onto his lap. You kissed him again, this time savoring the flavor of his lips as we wrapped his arms around you. You slipped your hand out of his grasp and cupped them over his sharp cheeks. His deep blue eyes glistened as you swiped at the corner of his mouth.
“Next time, I want you to cum inside me,” you purred. You felt something twitch below you as a guttural groan escaped from König's mouth.
'Next time’ may be sooner than you expected.
Thank you for reading! ❤️
Maus - Mouse
Scheiße - Shit
Kätzchen - Kitten
Ich liebe dich - I love you
Liebling - Darling
Schatz - Treasure
Mein großer Bär - My big bear
Meine braves mädchen - My good girl
Engel - Angel
Tag list: @notthatfanfictionwriter
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