#helluva boss buckzo
apoljuise · 9 months
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“Remember how you used to distract my dad so I could steal his booze?”
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A quick comic since I don’t have time now-
I’m obsessed with them rn
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imp-imp-im-a-simp · 7 months
A few headcanons/theories.
1.Blitz's parents weren't married. Buckzo don't look like a guy who would ''waste'' money on wedding.
2.Stolas kept Octavia away from parties and children of other royals, because he was afraid she might get hurt or corrupted.
3.Striker, when younger, was enslaved and abused by a royal. Satan maybe.
4.Loona, before being adopted by Blitzo, was forced into dog fights.
5.Andrealphus assassinated his and Stella's parents.
6.Our Stolas is not the first Stoas. This demon was know since ancient times and our Stolas, even if time passes differently in hell and on earth, is definitely not a few thousands years old.
When original Stolas somehow passed away, Paimon got assigned to conceive Stolas' incarnation.
7.Andrealphus' plan B is to marrying Octavia.
He's highly concerned about status, and seems like someone who would do really a lot to get higher in hierarchy.
Yet now he tries to take as much as he can from his sister divorce, but in case Stolas' got deceased, Stella is left with nothing, and Octavia took duties after her father, the shortest way for Andrealphus to became a prince himself, would be to marry Via.
Royal families are also known for marriages like that, so I doubt blood would be a big concern for him.
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hellaversepolls · 1 month
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drades-lair · 1 year
Daddy Issues PT2
Fandom: Helluva Boss
Pairing: Blitzo/Stolas/Striker
Rating: T for swearing and mild gore
A few weeks went by with no sign of Buckzo returning much to Blitz’s relief, allowing him to push the incident along with his PTSD into the back of his mind. Striker had been on edge keeping a close eye on Blitz until his mate insisted on going back to work at IMP that is, Striker hated letting Blitz out of his sight however it was inevitable. Blitz liked the return of some sort of normalcy even if that meant putting up with Moxxie’s nagging about paperwork, a few kills later had the crimson imp feeling like himself again thus putting him in a good mood so much so that he even decided to stay late to finish the paperwork. Blitz gave a yawn as the clock read 10pm, stretching he slid the last few pieces of paperwork to the side of his desk before standing up to head out making sure to send a text to Striker and Stolas telling them he was about to leave. Once the office was locked Blitz took the elevator to the main floor where he exited the main building into the parking lot, heading to his waiting beat-up van, fumbling with the keys near the driver side door. Distracted by his keys Blitz failed to notice a figure creep up behind him until it was too late, a hand wrapped around Blitz’s mouth to silence any attempt at a scream and although this triggered his fighting instincts something hit him on the back of the head promptly causing the world to go black.
Striker was starting to pace the palace kitchen with his tail rattling while he stared at his phone, Blitz hadn’t responded for over two hours. Stolas watched Striker’s agitation grow trying to remain calm despite being concerned as well.
“No response yet?” Stolas inquired
“No, where the fuck could he be?” Striker anxiously wondered
“Maybe he ran into traffic,” Stolas suggested
“There’s nothin’ between here and his work,” Striker explained
“Oh…you…you don’t think this has something to do with his father returning, do you?” Stolas wondered finally conceding to the obvious.
“I was hopin’ not…but I think we might need ta consider that a very real possibility,” Striker confirmed with a heavy sigh.
“What do we do?” Stolas asked
“We’ll go to IMP then work backwards from there,” Striker instructed already heading for the foyer
 Blitz slowly saw the world come back into focus although it was clearly a different place then where he’d been previously. Blinking away the blurriness Blitz groaned at the slight throb in his head however upon trying to bring a hand to his head he found that he couldn’t as both hands were tethered above his head. Blitz looked up to see his hands had been secured to a large wooden beam by a thick rope, glancing around now Blitz realized he was in a barn specifically a semi rotting barn with missing wood panels and holes in the roof. A figure loomed in the shadows just out of sight yet somehow Blitz still knew exactly who it was and all at once those horrible memories of the past came rushing back to him.
“You thought you could get away that easily? I may have sold you to the Goetia family all those years ago, but it was only for the one day!” Buckzo barked stepping from the shadows
“Do you even hear yourself! You fucking sold me! Your son!” Blitz barked back finding some form of courage.
“My useless son! Apparently, things haven’t changed except now you’re a whore as well…I mean I understand taking that ditsy prince, he’s got money to burn but to mark that…hillbilly hick…disgraceful!” Buckzo retorted, pacing in front of Blitz.
“Shut the fuck up! Don’t you fucking talk about Striker or Stolas!” Blitz snarled, pulling against his restraints unfortunately with his feet dangling off the ground it made it hard to get leverage.
“Or what? Hmm? What are you going to do?” Buckzo taunted
Blitz snarled yet didn’t answer unfortunately his courage only went so far especially with how angry his father was getting.
“Humph, that’s what I thought. Pathetic,” Buckzo scoffed with a huff, slowly pulling a whip from his belt making Blitz’s eyes grow wide.
“No…no please!” Blitz pleaded starting to heave himself up in a vain escape attempt until the whip lashed across his forearms, ripping his sleeves, and drawing blood. Blitz screamed in agony as the strength instantly left his arms leaving the younger imp limp in the rope. Another lash hit his chest once again ripping through his clothing to the flesh below leaving a nasty gash that immediately started bleeding as he once again cried out in pain. Desperate to escape Blitz started slowly creeping his tail up towards the ropes in hopes of either cutting them or some how wiggling them loose unfortunately Buckzo noticed. Buckzo snatched Blitz’s tail making him wince then scream as Buckzo snapped it in the middle.
“Defiant little brat,” Buckzo growled dropping Blitz’s limp tail to the ground
Blitz gritted his teeth with a little whimper as Buckzo returned in front of him readying his whip for another hit.
 “Where could he have been taken too?” Stolas wondered, concern lacing his tone as they finished investigating the entire area around the IMP building.
“I might have found the answer to that…found this not far from Blitz’s van,” Striker showed several pieces of hay to Stolas eliciting a confused look from the prince.
“That could be from anywhere or anything,” Stolas retorted
“No, it’s hay from a barn and from what Blitz told me about his old man the ass didn’t like doing too much,” Striker began to explain
“Meaning?” Stolas prompted
“Meaning he went east just outside Imp City’s boundaries where there are several abandoned buildings including barns,” Striker continued
“Why east?” Stolas wondered curiously
“Because from here east is the closest and quickest way out of the city,” Striker finished explaining
“Oh, well…then what are we waiting for?” Stolas encouraged with a smirk
“Yeah, let’s go,” Striker agreed giving a sharp whistle
Bombproof came galloping up to the duo coming to a stop in front of them, Striker easily mounted the hell steed then extended a hand to Stolas to help the prince up. Snapping the reins twice with a ‘Yah’ Striker got Bombproof to take off easily, heading east in hopes to save Blitz.
 Blitz panted heavily, looking through half lidded eyes with his chin dipped to his bleeding chest, the smell of his own blood filling the room. Buckzo scoffed at Blitz’s state as he walked up to the younger imp to grab his chin forcing him to look up.
“You truly are pathetic…no one loves you…you do realize that, right?” Buckzo taunted
“Y-you’re…wrong…” Blitz managed to get out
“You know I’m not…those two that you claim are your mates…they only stay with you for your dick!” Buckzo continued to taunt
“No…t-they…care about…me…” Blitz stammered out
“Do they? If you had a small dick or were shit at sex, do you think they’d stick around? Love doesn’t exist! Just lust!” Buckzo continued to taunt with a sharp laugh
“NO!” Blitz retorted bringing his knee up right into Buckzo’s stomach making him double over, releasing Blitz’s chin. Blitz gritted his teeth, squeezed his eyes shut from the pain this elicited but he didn’t care after all how dare this ass talk about his mates that way. Anger flared in Blitz igniting his dominate instincts, Buckzo had challenged his relationship with his mates and that wasn’t going to stand. Adrenaline gave Blitz enough of a boost to heave himself once again up till he was completely upside down and vertical, allowing him to use his teeth to slice the rope. Dropping to the ground Blitz did a summer-salt to land on one knee unfortunately the pain quickly overtook him, grabbing at his side with a grunting wince.
“You little fucker!” Buckzo growled advancing on Blitz once he’d managed to stand back up
“Fuck off!” Blitz snarled snapping his head back up, whipping the rope still attached to his one wrist outwards catching it across Buckzo’s face.
“You little shit! I’ll teach you a lesson you won’t ever forget!” Buckzo screamed as the cut across his face bled. Blitz fell forward on his hands and knees trying to bare the agony from the lashes all over his body that caused agony with each little movement he made. Buckzo drew back his whip in preparation to attack Blitz when a gun shot rang out followed by Buckzo pulling his hand to his chest with a pained yelp, dropping the whip in the process. Blitz shot a glance over his shoulder in the direction of where the gun shot had come from revealing Striker standing in the dilapidated doorway of the barn with Stolas right behind him, crimson eyes glowing with anger and power.
“S-Stolas…Striker…” Blitz stammered out with a small smile
“H-How did you find us? Shit!” Buckzo quivered as he started backing up proving he was a coward like always, like Blitz always knew.
“Get away from our mate!” Striker growled, tail rattling so loud it radiated through the barn
“Leave before I have you drawn and quartered!” Stolas added, magic flaring from his hands
“Don’t gotta tell me twice! Fuck!” Buckzo quivered again before stumbling then running off out of the barn eventually getting into a car and driving off.
“Fuckin’ coward,” Striker snarled, holstering his pistol.
“Indeed,” Stolas agreed calming his magic
“G-Good…timing….” Blitz stammered out feeling the adrenaline rush ware off causing at first pain then numbness as he felt his eyelids grow heavy. Blitz’s body buckled sending him falling to the ground however he never hit it as a strong familiar arm caught him, gently pulling the crimson imp up against the equally familiar firm chest of Striker.
“Hang in there boss man, I gotchya,” Striker stated
“Hmm…I-it’s good…to see you…” Blitz stammered
“Hush darling…rest now,” Stolas insisted cupping a gentle hand to Blitz’s bloody cheek
Blitz didn’t argue allowing himself to slip into blissful unconsciousness, coming back around an unknown amount of time later tucked into warm sheets with that familiar firm chest beneath him. Blinking away the haze of unconsciousness Blitz glanced upwards to see Striker casually scrolling his phone with one arm tucked behind his head. Blitz was about to say something until he moved a little too much causing a sting of pain to shoot straight through him from back to front causing him to wince with a grunt instead, drawing Striker’s attention down from his phone.
“Hey, you up Darlin’?” Striker asked putting his phone down and bringing his arm from behind his head to rest lightly on Blitz’s shoulder, caressing his thumb over Blitz’s jawline in a soothing manner.
“Ugh, everything hurts,” Blitz groaned out
“Yep, that I don’t doubt. You were pretty tore up, we did what we could for Ya,” Striker gently agreed furrowing his brows up in sympathy.
“Where’s Stolas?” Blitz wondered curiously
“He went to make some coffee, he should be back soon,” Striker explained tapping his chin to the top of Blitz’s head.
“Alright,” Blitz simply said
“If yer still tired you should rest,” Striker encouraged
“Not really, everything just hurts,” Blitz reiterated with another wince as he tried to readjust just a little
“Probably goin’ ta for a while yet with how many lashes Ya took,” Striker explained in an apologetic tone
“Ha-ha, I can take more then I used to be able too,” Blitz lightly chuckled as he made the dark joke
“Seriously?” Striker retorted with a raised eyebrow
“Sorry…I appreciate you two coming to my rescue by the way,” Blitz added still smiling at his dark humor
“Seemed like Ya were about to make an escape by the time we got there,” Striker huffed a laugh
“Well…he…was bad mouthing you guys…I couldn’t let him get away with that,” Blitz stammered out feeling a little embarrassed.
“Ha-ha, guess I get that,” Striker chuckled just as Stolas entered the room carrying two mugs of coffee
“What’s so funny…oh, your awake Blitz,” Stolas exclaimed, excitedly crossing the room to place the mugs of coffee on the side table.
“How are you feeling?” Stolas asked, concern laced all over his features
“Could be better, could be worse,” Blitz responded managing to look over his shoulder at Stolas
“Are you in a lot of pain? I have some numbing cream that could help,” Stolas offered
“That might be nice,” Blitz admitted
“Of course, Striker could you help him sit up?” Stolas asked heading into the bathroom
Striker nodded in agreement then shifted to help Blitz into a sitting position eliciting a series of groaning winces from the crimson imp. Bandages had been wrapped around several areas of Blitz’s body that he’d not really noticed till now and Striker was currently in the process of removing them in preparation for Stolas’ return. Stolas walked over with the cream in a jar, settling on the bed beside Blitz to start applying the cream to his angry lash wounds making him grunt and bite his bottom lip from the initial stinging pain before the numbing effect kicked in making him sigh out in relief. Once all the wounds were covered in the numbing cream Blitz felt himself getting tired again, Striker settled back against the headboard of the bed allowing Blitz to lay against his chest again while Stolas settled behind him. Blitz nuzzled happily into Striker’s nape revealing in the feeling of having been completely right, Striker and Stolas did care about him.  
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fleshgerm · 2 months
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smedenn · 24 days
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Blitzøs entire life spent being unwanted. So he adapted, and learned how to be something needed, something to be used.
Which is why I think he firmly believes he is being used by Stolas. He simply cannot fathom a different reality, one in which he is wanted for once in his life.
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You can never visit the same place twice.
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Each time, it's a different story.
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By the very act of coming back, you wipe out what came before.
-Maureen Johnson (The Last Little Blue Envelope)
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tealvenetianmask · 18 days
Blitz is going to be the death of me.
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Right before the crystal, when he thinks that Stolas is really breaking up with him, he straight up begs.
"Stolas, please, I need this book. Please."
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Uh huh the book . . .
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"I need this book, Stolas. I will do anything.
Looking down (maybe telling himself, "I knew this was coming eventually") and then looking up, trying not to cry.
Despite . . . his everything here, I'm pretty scared that half the audience will think this is really about the book, and I'm not ready for the bad takes yet.
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beeclops · 18 days
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this scene shattered me into a billion pieces
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knightinink · 2 months
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meandtheyeehaws · 9 months
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theyre just being silly dont worry
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apoljuise · 9 months
HERE'S YOUR PRICE! *Giving him a silver medal* IS THERE ANYTHING YOU WANT TO SAY TO THE AUDIENCE? *give him mic*
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I’m trying different brushes JSJS
🎭 First —-> Next
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laz-kay · 3 months
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Stolas really said “✨🥺✨”
Helluva Boss, Seeing Stars (S2: E2)
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shellforbrains · 2 months
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something something helluva text posts
one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine
just a one off thing this time. the second i saw this post i knew what needed to be done.
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drades-lair · 1 year
Daddy Issues
Fandom: Helluva Boss
Pairing: Blitzo/Stolas/Striker
Rating: T for swearing 
Blitz gave a yawn as he trudged through the palace foyer wearing his boxer briefs and a t-shirt while carrying a mug of coffee. A knock at the giant double doors nearly caused Blitz to drop said coffee making him growl in irritation as he walked over to them. "You better have a fucking good reason for nearly making me spill my...shit," Blitz began yelling only to trail off, face dropping as he paled. "Good to see you," the familiar yet unwanted voice chimed from the older imp standing at the door.   "Dad...?" Blitz breathed out, chest tightening as his pulse quickened. "Is that anyway to greet your old man?" Buckzo asked incredulously "W-Why are you here?" Blitz stammered taking half a step backwards, averting his gaze from the older imp. Striker stood in the kitchen wearing only his grey joggers as he poured his coffee when the sound of voices in the foyer drew his attention. Arching an eyebrow Striker grabbed his mug to head to the foyer where he found Blitz talking to another, much older imp at the door. Although he'd missed the conversation Striker could easily tell by Blitz’s body language that he wasn't comfortable with whomever this imp was talking to him. "Everythin' alright, boss man," Striker asked walking up behind Blitz instantly getting the attention of the older imp. 
“Um…Yeah…” Blitz responded however the uneasiness still managed to creep into his tone something that didn’t go unnoticed by Striker, another thing that Striker noticed was the disgusted look the older imp gave him probably in response to noticing the mating mark boldly on display on Striker’s nape. The pale imp placed his coffee mug on the foyer table before taking the mug in Blitz’s hands to do the same.
“Blitz, did I hear someone at the door? Oh! Striker, you’re here too? Have I missed something?” Stolas called from the top of the stairs, wearing a casual outfit consisting of a pair of short denim shorts and a white t-shirt.
“N-no…no, you didn’t miss a thing. He was just leaving,” Blitz responded
“Nonsense…you should introduce me, right son?” Buckzo insisted pushing into the foyer
“Son? This yer old man, Blitz?” Striker asked as Blitz gave a small wince
“Oh, I see,” Stolas commented not missing how Striker’s tail started rattling in the background nor how Blitz anxiously rubbed his forearm.
“Well, as much as I’d like to be a gracious host perhaps, we could do this on a day when you’re expected,” Stolas offered trying to maintain his royal demeanor.
“No! I…mean…” Blitz exclaimed before quickly withdrawing again and this instantly elicited a stern look from Stolas towards Buckzo.
“I think you should leave,” Stolas insisted this time, reaching the final stair.  
“Oh, I see how it is. You’re too good for me now huh boy! After everything I did for you, this is how you treat me!” Buckzo barked at Blitz making him wince then avert his gaze.
“Hey! Back off!” Striker barked back, moving to put himself between Blitz and Buckzo while wrapping his rattling tail around Blitz’s waist. Stolas also moved to Blitz placing his hands on the imp’s shoulders as he scowled at Buckzo.
“It is time for you to leave,” Stolas firmly demanded
“Humph, as you wish your highness. You can have the useless little shit,” Buckzo scoffed before turning to leave.
Striker snarled after the older imp as he left out the large double doors, turning around Striker focused his attention on his mate as did Stolas. Blitz was still rubbing his arm, his tail coiled around his own leg and his breathing was raggedly shallow, both Striker as well as Stolas had witnessed Blitz have a panic attack in the past although not full blown this was very close.
“Darlin’?” Striker gently inquired pressing close to Blitz while cupping his cheek
“Are you alright love?” Stolas asked in turn, lightly nuzzling against Blitz’s face. Blitz didn’t respond to either of them instead he let out a soft whimper as he pressed his face into Striker’s hand and leaned back into Stolas’ body, seeking comfort from his mates as they so often did from him. Reaching out like a child Blitz embraced Striker who returned it immediately, tapping his chin to the top of Blitz’s head while Stolas pressed close from behind with gentle touches along Blitz’s upper arms and shoulders.
“Breath Blitz…just breath…” Striker quietly encouraged as the other imp tried to get his breathing back under control, body shaking slightly.
“Take your time Darling, we’re not going anywhere,” Stolas assured
A little while later Blitz managed to get his breathing under control however he felt ridiculous, pulling away from Striker only to immediately avert his eyes to the floor. Striker tapped his index finger to Blitz’s chin drawing his gaze back up, a gentle smile on the pale imp’s face.
“Let’s take this to the living room, shall we?” Stolas suggested
“That’s a good idea,” Striker agreed
Blitz gave a little nod of agreement before being led into the living room where he sat on the couch, curling in on himself slightly out of instinct. Striker sat on one side of Blitz while Stolas settled on the other.
“Everything you’ve told me…he’s the one who did it?” Striker asked Blitz, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.
“Yes…that was my dad, Buckzo,” Blitz confirmed in a quiet voice, knees tucked up to his chest with his arms and tail wrapped around them.  
“I know…you haven’t had a very easy childhood…but what exactly has he done?” Stolas inquired making sure to choose his question carefully. Blitz grew quiet for a few moments before looking over at Stolas.
“Not all my scars are from the job,” Blitz simply stated causing Stolas’ eyes to go wide
“He hurt you?” Stolas wondered caressing his hand along Blitz’s upper arm
“He’d whip me when I wouldn’t listen or didn’t do something the exact way, he wanted it done…he’d…hit me when he was drunk…” Blitz explained
“Oh…Darling, I-I’m so sorry…” Stolas stammered out, brow furrowed upwards in concerned sympathy.
“I shoulda put my coffee mug through his face,” Striker growled
“You knew about this?” Stolas wondered
“Yeah, shortly after Blitz started seeing me, he told me about his old man,” Striker confirmed with a venomous edge to his tone.
“It’s fine…it’s in the past…” Blitz interjected  
“It’s not fine, Blitz,” Striker corrected, wrinkling his nose in irritation
“Easy Striker, dear,” Stolas eased the pale imp
“Let’s just drop it!” Blitz insisted tucking his face into his knees.
“Of course…we can talk about it whenever you’re ready,” Stolas assured Blitz with a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“And if the bastard comes back, we’ll deal with him,” Striker added
The trio cuddled on the couch for a while till Blitz was feeling a little comfortable again, stretching out and allowing himself to simply enjoy his mate’s presences.
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fizzie-frog · 2 months
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Check out the trailer, people.
I AM LIVING ON FIZZAROLLI CRUMBS Y'ALL AND I'M NOT OKAY. This is becoming so intense and I aaahhhh. Send help.
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