#helluva boss season two episode 6
dia-b-harvester · 10 months
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disneyanddisneyships · 9 months
I'm getting real sick and tired of yall antis.
Here's a lil tip.
If you don't like a show?
Don't watch it
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the-moons-ace-card · 10 months
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I’m assuming the person behind this is either Cash or Mammon
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rainbow-beanie · 8 months
Was rewatching episode 6 again when I decided to see what faces i could find during the rescue scene.
The answer? A LOT XD
My favorite screenshots from this scene from season 2 episode 6: a mid air rescue, part one
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Love how when they were in the air, blitz was the first one to look at fizz and reach out to him.
Keep in mind, this happened in a matter of seconds, so the only thing that was going through the twos heads at that moment was panic and fear
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alexdespell · 9 months
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... today, I learn that I hate going outside. ;(
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gartenofbanny · 5 months
Overture is the first official episode for Hazbin Hotel, and after nearly four years of waiting, somehow, this episode is very bad. I'm not going to provide a summary of the episode but instead I'm going to provide what I liked and what I didn't like. So let's get started.
The animation for this episode is pretty good. While it isn't really as smooth as Helluva's and has some noticeable errors, it's still well animated for the most part.
Adam's part if the song is honestly a fucking bop and thankfully the genre is different from most Helluva songs.
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Lute is my favorite character in this episode. She's a cold, stern Exorcist who hates demons. I have no clue why she isn't the leader, but Adam is considering how seriously she takes being an Exorcist and how professional she is for the most part.
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This little bit with Niffty having stage fright is pretty funny.
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And that's it for the positives now onto the negatives.
One of the things I really hate about this episode is that it reveals WAY too much so early on. In this episode, it's revealed that Adam and the other Exorcists like killing Demons essentially doing it for sport, rendering Charlie's redemption useless, Exorcists are able to fucking die, and Adam has moved his schedule from another year to 6 months for the next Cleanse.
I honestly expected the first episode to show Charlie trying to redeem demons, a twist like that would've worked if it was like halfway through the season.
This episode, for some reason, has two plotlines when it would've been better if it just stuck with Charlie meeting the Exorcist one. We spent some minutes of this episode with Vaggie trying to make a TV commercial for the Hotel, however we never get to see the commercial itself, so what was the point?
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Secondly, why would Vaggie and Charlie ask Alastor to make a television commercial for them? His entire thing is radios. It's like having a powerlifter do a track video. They're both completely different skill sets with their own benefits.
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Also, if Alastor really does hate televisions THAT much, then why was he entertained when Katie and Charlie fought in the pilot by watching Televison?
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I'm honestly unsure whether or not the pilot for Hazbin Hotel is canon. Adam states that it has been a week since the cleanse, Vaggie states that they recruited Alastor for the hotel last week, and the pilot takes place some time after the Cleanse. While the Helluva Boss pilot isn't canon anymore, it's up in the air whether or not the Hazbin Pilot is.
This fucking cat is still confusing. It literally just appeared in this episode with no explanation of how it was made or came to be or what it even does.
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Adam, as a character, is one of the most irritating I've ever seen. He embodies those "If this was written by Vivziepop" memes, his singing voice is top notch, but as a character, he doesn't act any different from the demons he's supposed to kill. So it makes me question what's even the difference between Angels and Demons.
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Last but not least, Adam says that there won't be a Demon left alive to kill another Exorcist.
And right off the bat does Adam know that killing every Demon in Hell is literally impossible? As long as humans die, Sinners are going to keep existing. Unless if Heaven decides to make everyone into angels, which is highly unlikely. And Lute says herself that Charlie and her family are exempt from the yearly cleansing, so they're not truly getting rid of every possible threat in Hell.
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Overall, I'd give this episode a 5/10. It's a very rough start, especially since Vivziepop and her writers had nearly 4 years to write this out, but it's just very messy.
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bahja-blix · 24 days
Vivziepop Swear Word Sin Counter
So it's been a while since I made a post regarding Vivziepop, so I pondered a new idea just for the fun of it so...
Lets get straight into it shall we? 👀
For this post I wanted to take a bit of inspiration when it came to CinemaSins (No not literally). I'll Only use the Sin Counter when it comes down to how much a character uses a swear word in each and every episode of Viv's shows.
1.) Kicking off this special event were going to start with Helluva Boss! But why you may ask? Well dear reader, I'll tell you! Simply put the series itself has more episodes and two seasons than Hazbin Hotel does and I wanted to work with Helluva Boss before moving onto Hazbin being as it came out After Helluva as a season!
2.) I will put "1" Sin for each Swear word used in an episode individually
3.) Doubling the Sin if any character inverse uses the term "FUCK" as BONUS Sins! And we All know how much Viv loves to say that word
4.) I'll separate the first season of Swear Words to determine and calculate how many Swears were used in that season, repeating the exact same thing in the second season of Helluva
5.) I'll also Sin each character individually to determine and calculate how many times each character swears and who swears from Most to Least which will be more challenging in this event!
6.) After all of that I will count each and every episodes Sin and calculate the entire total of swear words used in the entire show itself entirely, and don't worry. I Will review the newest episode that's Supposed to come out this Friday of Helluva Boss to add onto the Sin Counter and (Regularly Update the Sin Counter whenever a new episode of Helluva Boss drops!) I might also make a YouTube video about it just for fun!
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mauesartetc · 10 months
Is it me, or is Vivziepop bad at writing romantic relationships? It feels like she wants to write "problematic", drama-filled romance where the characters start out toxic, there are misunderstandings, betrayals etc cuz the show is supposed to be about "problematic gays", and that's perfectly valid, but she can't write chemistry. So far, it feels like Blitzo clings to Stolas because he's afraid he will end up alone and unloved, but doesn't actually care for him as a person. He often looks uncomfortable with Stolas' flirting even if he reciprocates sometimes.
I've seen couples in children's media with much better written-relationships and chemistry, like Roxanne and Megamind. It's clear they enjoy each other's company, they have mutual banter and flirting and he respects her intelligence.
I know Stolitz is supposed to be "toxic" pre-character development but at this point it still sucks that so far, it's impossible to tell what the characters like about each other other than the sex.
(I've been told that Stolas enjoys how Blitzo made him laugh when they met during the circus but that's not been developed enough as a concept to count).
Yeah here's a thought: When has he made Stolas laugh during adulthood?! Where was that moment? What do they even have in common other than liking dudes?
Oh shit. I think I get why fans of this show accuse critics of being homophobic. It's because this relationship has literally no substance other than "they're gay". (Or Stolas might be, anyway. Their specific orientations are never clarified in the show that I can recall.) Oh, you don't like this mlm relationship? You must hate ALL mlm relationships. Funny how the fans are the ones fixated on that aspect while no one I've seen criticize the show has ever cited the homoerotica as evidence that this relationship sucks. No, it sucks because there's absolutely no depth to it. There's nothing to make us root for it to work.
Sure, the characters have their own personalities as individuals, and there's potential for chemistry in how those personalities and backgrounds oppose each other, but the show never explores it. What would happen if Stolas tried to fit into Blitzo's poverty-stricken school of hard knocks, or if Blitzo tried to fit in with high society? What if they just had a conversation about what life has been like for each of them? Where are the bonding moments that show us this is more than just a transactional arrangement (or at least that it could be)? What made Stolas suddenly fall in love with Blitzo offscreen between Episodes 6 and 7, after treating him like an object the entire season? Why the fuck does he care if Blitzo comes to see him in the hospital or not? Why should we care as viewers?
Funny enough, this neat video by LocalScriptMan just came out (check out this channel, seriously), and it talks about going deeper into writing relationships than just smashing two characters with differing personalities together. Again, differing personalities can create potential for chemistry (as each character learns new perspectives from the other), but a pairing of opposites isn't chemistry in and of itself.
If Helluva Boss's writers gave us a good mlm relationship with actual substance, more power to 'em! Maybe we'll get one with Asmodeus and Fizzarolli, but... ehh. It's doubtful at this point.
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cemeteryspider · 3 months
A Helluva Rescue
Fizzarolli x Succubus! Kingpin! Reader x Asmodeus
Summary: Inspired by season 2 episode 6, "Oops". Luckily Ozzie puts his best man/woman on the job to get Fizzie home safe
Trigger Warnings: Violence, guns, abduction, sexual themes, strong language, and general dark themes
Word Count: 1860
Being a famous Hellborn gave you some perks that so many did not have the gull to dream about. It gave you access to powerful people, and you climbed your way to the top of the Hellborn food chain. This is how you met the Sin of Lust, Asmodeus. You often provided protection for his dancers and other employees when they left the Lust Ring. Or when you personally delivered goods from other rings to the sin.
After a few years of this you met Fizzarolli, who's spunky attitude you had come to adore. You found yourself at Ozzie's nightclub more than you'd like to admit, and one night you had a red envelope with gold lettering sitting at your usual seat.
I have a different proposal for you tonight, meet me backstage after the show and we'll discuss
As anyone who wanted the Sin and his imp could imagine, the rest was history.
Despite your relationship with Fizz and Ozzie you spent most of your days in Greed. Dominating the heart of Greed Ring, your empire sprawled amidst towering skyscrapers that gleamed with the opulence of wealth. The air reeked of ambition and desperation, the constant hum of financial dealings echoing through the crowded streets. You reveled in the cutthroat atmosphere and the relentless pursuit of wealth that defined this particular part of Hell. 
Still many days were spent traveling to other rings. You went to the Pride Ring a couple times a year, and looked after some business dealings there. Though you couldn't own a human soul, it didn't mean you did have proxies to deal in them for you.
The Envy Ring granted you access to different sorts of people who were willing to spend money to get things from unsavory means. You want authentic blood sapphires, you got it. You want real human teeth, it'll be x amount. You want to get your nails done by Pride's top sinner without ever stepping foot there, well you were sure it could be arranged.
Your favorite place however, was the Lust Ring. Not for the slobs who insisted that just because you were a succubus you wanted to bang, but for your loving and doting partners.
Ozzie large hands massaging your back, "Oh darling, these knots are deep, you simply must come visit more often"
Fizz's jokes at the club, "I know you're jealous, the people I bang are 1000 times hotter than you losers"
The pampering, the caring, and god the sex was amazing.
This time however, Ozzie called you while you were in a meeting with a new client who was in debt to a loan shark. Quickly you had your assistant take over the meeting and you stepped out into the hall.
"What is it Ozzie-bear"
"Hey Doll, Fizzie had some meeting in Greed today and I was wondering if you could maybe send someone to look after him, ya know, without him knowing"
"Why didn't you send people with him, Ozzie?"
"You know how he gets sugar, he gave me the puppy eyes"
With a little smirk and a roll of your eyes, you told him you would get your best and most discreet people on the job.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
"No biggie Ozzie, gotta keep our boy safe and sound"
After a quick good-bye, who are you kidding with either of your boys, good-byes were never short. A long string of I love you's and see you laters was given before eventually the new client and your assistant left the meeting room.
Seated behind your lavish desk, you sifted through an imposing mountain of meticulously organized papers, each document representing a different facet of your empire. When your phone starts to buzz. 
"Boss, something bad just happened, Fizzarolli got into a fight with some imp then they were both grabbed, me and Hen are going up to find him but-" Two shots could be heard from the other end, and two thuds presumably the two hellborn you hired to protect Fizz.
You growled as you crushed the burner phone in your fist.
"Jazz, get my jacket, I gotta teach some bitches a lesson"
Fizz started thrashing on the floor of the cage they were put in, and Blitz looked as though he was about to explode. Then you waltzed in the door with your tail swinging in circles from your right hand.
"Hey Crimson, Hey Striker, long time no see boys' ' You jumped on a crate and crossed your legs. "I hear you have somethin' of value"
"Hey, Darlin', I sure missed yer face", Striker walked up to you and took your hand in his and placed a long wet kiss to your knuckles.
Internally you groaned, but you were going to get Fizz out of this no matter what. You pressed your lips together and crossed your legs a little tighter, "Mhm, Could say the same about you, Striker".
Striker chuckled a little and got back to business, discussing prices for Fizz like he was a slab of meat.
"I don't know Striker, we have a pretty lucrative contract on the books" Crimson teased.
Your brows scrunched, who could it be, and how did they get the word out so quickly. It took you less than an hour to get from your office to this dump.
"Hmm, I think I could find a quick buyer for the real deal Fizzarolli, I'll pay double what the other guy is paying" With that everyone in the room looked at you. Their eyebrows raised and a sly grin on their face.
"Double and I get to spend the night with ya, that's offers always on the table for you babe," As Striker propositioned, a flicker of irritation crossed your face – a testament to your aversion to these negotiations 
"How about I see the merchandise first?" You tapped his nose with your fingernail and gave him a smirk.
"Anything for you sug" With a quick nod the cage descended from the ceiling and you hands went to the guns on your hips.
Two goons dragged Fizz and another imp from the cage and tossed them at your feet. You almost let your emotions get the better of you when Fizz hit the floor with a groan.
"Can someone untie them? I want to see the merchandise before I buy it, and I haven't got all day" Again another nod from Striker, and the two were untied.
Fizz had his hands over his eyes and was silently crying to himself. Despite you wanting him to look at you, to give him some reassurance, you also hoped he didn't just in case he revealed your relationship with him. Unlike Fizz and Ozzie, your relationship to them was more discrete. The other imp was still shouting, and you saw a gun holster, minus the gun, on his hip as well.
"I'd take the other imp, off your hands as well, he'll make a delicious snack for whoever buys Fizzarolli" Striker walked up to Crimson and started to discuss pricing on Blitz, with the right numbers Striker would give him to you because, as you learned, everything has a price.
You stalked over to Blitz, though the affiliation with guns was the only thing you knew about him, walked around him for a moment, quickly cutting the tape that still bound his hands with your sharp fingernail. Making eye contact with him you pressed a finger to your lips and shoved a gun in his hand without anyone noticing.
A smile spread across Blitz's face as you grabbed Fizz and threw him over your shoulder and started to make a run for it. You shot everyone you saw on the way down the stairs, while Blitz covered everyone behind you.
Once Fizz was safely in the car you continued to cover Blitz until he made it as well. However, before you could get in the car and signal to the driver to get away Striker pressed the hot barrel of his gun to your temple.
"Well sugar, I guess this is checkmate" But just before he could pull the trigger, Asmodeus appeared, snatching the gun from his hands and throwing it across the street.
"Just what do you think you're doing?" Ozzie growled in Striker's face. Ozzie grabbed him by the throat and squeezed. You just put a hand on his huge forearm, and he threw Striker to the ground.
With a growl the great Asmodeus shrunk and fit himself into the limousine with the two imps and succubus.
The driver peeled out of the place as soon as the door was closed and you collapsed into the nearest seat. Fizz huddled in a dark corner, his breaths coming in rapid gasps as panic gripped him. Your heart sank at the sight, a mix of worry and determination flooding your thoughts. Despite the familiar smell of wherever he was, he couldn't shake the danger of the gunfight or being held captive so quickly. Blitz stood over him leveling the gun at your forehead.
"Does ANYONE want to tell me what the FUCK just happened"
The screeching tires signaled your escape, but the tension lingered in the air, still adrenaline was high in all parties involved. 
You explained the situation to Blitz while pulling Fizzarolli in between you and Oz who smiled up at the both of you.
"Ah Fizz you could've just told me you were fucking them", Ozzie, sensing Fizz's discomfort, shot Blitz a stern glance, causing him to back off immediately.
Blitz was waiting for the car to stop where he could get out and call someone who's name was Loona.
Once that happened you, Fizz, and Ozzie snuggled up in the backseat with both Fizz and Ozzie tearing up.
"I'm so sorry that happened Froggie, you will be getting a full escort the next time you even leave the mansion" Ozzie coddled Fizz all the way to bed and you tucked him in and told him that you and Ozzie had to talk business for a minute.
"Thanks for the save back there Ozzie, I would've been done for, if it wasn't for you" The slight burn on your head pulsed, a persistent reminder of the close call, but you dismissed it, not wanting Ozzie to worry unnecessarily.
"Sweetheart, you didn't tell me you were hurt" He grabbed your right shoulder and inspected the bullet wound that must've just grazed you, and the small burn on your temple you tried to hide with your fingers.
"I didn't even notice it Ozzie" Still he sat you down on his desk and bandaged you up.
"There, Doll, all better" You smiled as he kissed the white bandages, and picked you up to take you to bed. "By the way, Doll, you did all the heavy lifting".
You snuggled in a little closer to his chest and breathed out content with the moment.
"Breakfast tomorrow?" You mumbled already falling asleep.
"Always, pancakes with extra whipped cream" He set you between him and Fizz where you usually slept.
Your boys tangled their limbs with your and scooched as close as they could to snuggle up with you.
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anthurak · 5 months
So before all the end-of-season world-building reveals drop with the last two episodes tomorrow, I thought I’d put out an interesting thought:
As anyone who’s been watching Helluva Boss knows, everything we’ve seen of Hell in Hazbin has only been the top level of Hell, with the six other whole rings beneath it that the human sinners are barred from.
So what if the same winds up being the case with HEAVEN? As in, what we saw in episode 6 is going to turn out to be just the lowest level of heaven, which is where all the human souls are allowed.
Except whereas Lucifer is the most powerful of the rulers of Hell, Sera is the weakest of the rulers of heaven…
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slimeylee · 5 months
fic prompt in the replies of this post !
first helluva boss fic . ive been very fixated on it recently :3
also inspired by season 2 episode 6 !
* swear warning , tickling .. idk what else
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switch ! fizzarolli (he / him ) , switch ! blitzø ( he / him )
Fizzarolli enjoyed the fresh morning smell of fire in Hell as he zoomed through the town on his Heelys. He leaned back and relaxed as he was dragged quickly down the sidewalk by his dogs, on his way to his concert rehearsal with Mammon.
Suddenly, the silence was interrupted.
"LOOK, LADY, IT'S NOT MY FAULT IF YOU ONLY KNOW HOW TO MAKE COFFEE THAT TASTES LIKE PISS!" Blitzø yelled, getting thrown out of a coffee shop. He sat up on the sidewalk.
Fizzarolli's eyes widened as he grew near to running Blitzø over, calling out a whistle.
"Woah, woah, woah, woah, WOAH-" Blitzø yelped, bringing up his arm as Fizz and his dogs screeched to a stop.
He looked down at the group of dogs, and Fizz stood with a smirk. "Oh, wow, lookie who it is!" Blitzø's facial expression immediately changed once Fizzarolli began.
"Oh, fuuck.. you again." Blitzø groaned in annoyance, adjusting his sitting position on the sidewalk. "Stalkin' me now, huh?" Fizz grinned widely.
Blitzo stood up from the ground, crossing his arms. "Oh, don't fuckin' flatter yourself, clown. I have my own life, you know; WITHOUT you in it." He stepped closer to Fizz.
"And gee whiz! We've been in each others relative vicinity TWICE in the last FIFTEEN YEARS, that would make me THE SHITTIEST STALKER IN HISTORY!" Blitzø announced, putting his hands on his hips. Fizzarolli had gotten down on the ground, petting one of his dogs.
"Uh-huh! Sure... Blitzo." Fizz teased, crossing his arms now. Blitzø grit his teeth. "The O is silent now, bitch." He poked Fizz in the shoulder, which he then brushed off.
"Twice," Fizz said, slowly raising from the ground and stepping closer to Blitzø. "is already way too much." He said with a large grin, pushing Blitzø out of the way.
"Yeah, well at least I'm still actually working for my shit, and not getting everything handed to me like some pampered attention whore!" Blitzø gestured as he spoke, Fizz walking away while he stepped along.
Blitzø begun walking away as Fizzarolli snarled, but then he looked down at his hand. He then remembered Ozzie, and what he was on his way to do.
"Yeah, well, guess that's what resilience and talent gets ya," Fizz chuckled, turning around. "Plus, my horns were always bigger than yours,"
"Weren't they?"
He picked up his sunglasses, glaring at Blitzø with a smirk. Fizz turned around again to leave, but he was caught off guard when he heard Blitzø running up behind him.
"WhaAAA-" Fizz yelped as Blitzø tackled him to the ground. "You fucking bitch!" Blitzø growled, wrestling Fizzarolli on the ground as the clown attempted to get up. "Get the fuck off me!" Fizz yelled, pushing at Blitzø's wrists.
The two of them suddenly flipped over and Fizz struggled to get Blitzø to the ground. Admist the chaos, Fizz accidentally poked his side. He, and even Blitzø was surprised to hear the squawk that he had let out.
"...What the fuck was that?" Fizz smirked. "Nothing!" Blitzø immediately went back to shoving at Fizz, to which he fought back by poking Blitzø's side again.
"Are you ticklish, Blitzo? What a discovery. I would've thought you'd grown out of this by now." Fizz teased with a large grin. "Oh, fuck no, don't you dare, you fuckin' dipshiIIIIT-!" Blitzø jumped with a squeal as Fizz quickly scribbled his fingers into his side for a few seconds. "Ohohoho! I did think we were gonna fight, but this is even better!" Fizz exclaimed.
"Get the FUCK off of MEHEE!" Blitzø squealed as Fizz tased his sides again. "Stohop doing that, dipshit!" Blitzø said, bringing up his arms from their place on the ground and fighting Fizz back with a squeeze to his side.
"OH, FUCK-" Fizz jumped, nearly totally caught off guard by that. Blitzø sat up, jumping at Fizz and scribbling between his ribs. "SHIHIT!-" Fizz cackled. "Oh wow, Fizz, thought you would've grown out of this by noHOHOW-" Blitzø had taken the opportunity to tease back, laughing out suddenly as Fizz poked him in the side. "Yohou think you're a funny guy, huh?" Blitzø asked him, a small smirk on his face.
"Ihi doHOO- FUHAHACK!" Fizz squealed as Blitzø scribbled into his stomach, squeezing his side a few times inbetween as he cackled. "Yeah, tickle tickle, fuckin' bitch." Blitzø said with sarcasm, a wide grin on his face as he moved back up to Fizz's ribs.
Fizz suddenly came up with an idea. He extended his left arm out and behind Blitzø.
"What are you-" He began, stopping and looking behind him. He jumped with a yelp as Fizz's right hand wiggled into his side. "FuHUHUCK-" Blitzo cackled. He reached out for Fizz's stomach, but Fizz used his left hand to grab Blitzø's.
"You're a fuhuhucking cheheater!" Blitzø yelped, reaching out his other hand. Fizz curled away from Blitzø, smirking. "Oh, no, you don't!" Fizz suddenly moved both of his hands to attack Blitzø, wiggling his fingers into his stomach and sides.
"SHIHIT!" Blitzo cackled, grabbing Fizz's wrists and lunging toward him. "Yohohou're going fucking dohown, bitch!" He exclaimed, his fingers drilled into Fizz's hips as he bounced up with a shriek. "NOHOHO!" The two continued their fighting for a little bit.
Fizzarolli scribbled into Blitzø's sides and Blitzø scratched into Fizz's hips. The two sat up, continuing their tickle quarrel.
They both had let out surprised gasps as they suddenly were lassoed, and flung upwards into a random building.
They were slammed against a wall and heard the word, "Hired," before looking up. It was Striker, and Moxxie's dad.
Well, shit... Now they were in trouble.
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chloesmultifandoms · 10 months
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I've had mixed opinions on helluva boss especially with season two but I'm very excited to watch the latest episode as these pics and gifs look promising. As a supporter of season one these give me a little bit of hope for quality improvement. Fingers crossed they keep it up (less sex jokes though please)
To clarify: I don't think helluva boss season two is bad. Just some of the episodes have been a miss for me personally and I don't mind sex jokes, I'm not a prude however the example I can think of is; EP 3 of season two has a very serious and good scene I felt got downplayed because of a sex joke. Adult humor is expected as it's intended for adults or a mature audience however the over use of it can make the jokes and humor's writing sound as if it was written by a teenager who learned how to cuss. Not only that but it gets old and repetitive after awhile. Some of the humor I have found funny, but it depends on how and when they use it yk. Half if not most of the time it's unnecessary. Anyways I'll update this post after I watch EP 6 aka the latest episode
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I've liked fizz since his first actual appearance (not robo fizz in EP 2 of szn 1) so that's a plus to see more of him in action
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the-moons-ace-card · 10 months
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flower-boi16 · 5 months
Hazbin Hotel Is A Show That Exists
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So...after five years of waiting, Hazbin Hotel is finally out. I had very low expectations going to Hazbin - not only because of the current state of Helluva Boss (Its spin-off show) but also because of all the things I was hearing about it from people who saw the leaks - needless to say, it wasn't very positive. I was expecting this show to be a complete disaster on every single level, though deep down, I did want to be excited for this show - as I did used to briefly be a fan of Viv's work until I realized HB's MANY writing issues, so I went in with low expectations, expecting the show to be awful while deep down hoping that MAYBE It'll MAYBE end up being good. And after watching the first four episodes I can say that...
The show isn't awful nor is it that good. It's just...PAINFULLY average. In this post I'm going to give my current thoughts on HH based on the first four episodes that are currently released. Note that these are only my current thoughts on the show - there's a chance that MAYBE the show will improve in the second half of season 1. But for now, here are my current thoughts on the show:
1. The Animation & Visuals
The animation is...fine. The characters definitely look very rigged at times, but the animation is at least pleasant to look at. An issue I have is the camera work - sometimes the camera work can be VERY off at times. The show would constantly cut to different perspectives in some of the scenes and it becomes a headache to look at. It's especially bad at the beginning of the Happy Day In Hell song - where the camera looks like it's having a stroke during the sequence as it constantly cuts to different perspectives a LOT.
That being said - the camera work is mostly fine throughout the rest of the show so it's not too bad. So overall, the animation looks fine. I don't love it, but I don't hate it.
2. The Comedy
The show's comedy is...actually pretty ok. There were a few jokes that got a good laugh out of me, especially in episode 3, the episode that isn't written by Viv, so it therefore is the funniest episode of the show so far. I am surprised by the lack of sex jokes in the show which is at least a plus. That being said, a lot of the jokes in the show don't really land - mainly the ones that Angel Dust makes. So really, the comedy is OK. I don't hate it, but I also don't love it either.
3. Worldbuilding & Plot
So now let's talk about the main plot of the show as well as its world-building. Ok so the main conflict for the show is that due to someone killing an Angel during the last extermination - the exterminations are going to happen twice as fast now (6 months instead of one year). The mystery of what happened to the angel...lasts for about two episodes before we're given an answer in episode 3, and then it's just resolved like that.
Aside from that the series mostly revolves around its premise so far which is good. Alright, now lets talk about the lore and worldbuilding - basically Lucifer used to be an angel in Hevean but was seen as a trouble maker and Adam demanded that Lilith fuck him (or something Idk Idr) and Lucifer and Lilith fell in love blah blah blah Lucifer gave an apple to his new lover Eve blah blah blah the apple was cursed blah blah blah the apple created hell blah blah blah It sent evil to the world and Hevean was pissed about that so they banished them to hell blah blah blah Lucifer became sad blah blah blah Lilith didn't blah blah blah Hevean started doing exterminations because they were afraid of Hell's power.
(Semi-accurate description of the opening exposition dump). Ok so a few things; 1) I already asked this in another post but why did Hell never choose to fight back against Heaven when Heaven shouldn't have any power over hell because Hell was a realm created by Lucifer? Also, why does Heaven even have any power over Hell to begin with? and 2) So Heaven is eeeevil now and is going to kill all of Hell. Like I already said, it would have been more interesting if Heaven wasn't evil, and it also would've been better than this Hevean v Hell war we're probably going to get in the finale.
They even changed the reasoning to why Heaven started doing the exterminations, instead of it being because of an overpopulation problem now it's because Heaven was afraid of Hell's power...
...which contradicts the pilot which is canon to the series. But then the show just goes back to the overpopulation problem as the reason for the exterminations???? Like??? Which is it, is it because Heaven is evil or because of an overpopulation problem??? PICK ONE!!!
Hell is also kinda boring of a setting, it's just our world except red. That's it. So the lore and worldbuilding is kinda eh, Heaven is just evil cuz ofc it is and the lore has some problems. Its funny to how one of the lyrics of Adam's big villain song is "its all black and white", and since Adam is the bad guy and Charlie's goal is to redeem sinners, the show is trying to go for a "it's NOT black and white" message, but that's kinda ironic considering that this Heaven/Hell conflict is very black and white in it of itself; Hell good Heaven evil. That's it. Not saying black-and-white conflicts with a good guy and a bad guy are bad, most shows can make them work and be interesting, but Heaven would have been more interesting if it wasn't evil, at least IMO.
4. The Voice Actors
A lot of the discourse surrounding Hazbin until its release was the new voice actors. Let me just say I don't dislike the voice actors here; I think they are fine and they fit the characters decently well. Their singing is also decent as well. So I don't dislike any of the voices, they are fine for the most part and fit decently well with the characters.
5. The Songs
The songs so far are...fine. If there was one thing that HB consistently got right, it was the songs. Even if I dislike HB, the songs are actually pretty good (for the most part...). Hazbin's songs are...decent. There aren't any songs that I can say are bad, though I have some issues with the show's music; mainly the fact that the show sometimes shoves in songs...for the sake of having a song.
If you want to make a musical with songs you need to make sure each song has a distinct purpose for the story; take "Part of Your World" from The Little Mermaid. Before this song, it's pretty easy to infer that Ariel has an interest in the surface world - with her collecting human stuff and all. But the song further shows us her desire to see the surface - to see what it's like above water. It shows her desire to see the surface in the form of a song - it has a purpose within the story because it tells you something about the character.
Hazbin Hotel meanwhile sometimes has a problem when it comes to shoving in songs for the sake of meeting the song quota; the two biggest examples are "Hell is Forever" and "Respectless", as well as "Whatever It Takes". These songs are all completely unnecessary and they give us information that could have been communicated through simple dialogue rather than characters bursting out singing.
"Respectless" in particular feels less like a song and more like the characters just...singing a conversation with each other. The song is completely unnecessary and is just there to fill the song quota per episode. None of the songs I've mentioned are necessarily bad, but they suffer from being unneeded (HB also sometimes has this problem in season 2 mainly in episodes 3, 4, and 7).
Aside from that issue - the songs are...fine. None of them are bad but some of them are kinda useless and don't serve much of a purpose. I at least liked Happy Day in Hell and Poison, aside from that most of the songs are...ok. I just don't find most of them that memorable.
6. The Characters
Now, let's talk about the characters. First I'll talk about the main cast then the villains.
Charlie - I think Charlie's...fine. I always like overly positive and happy characters for protagonists so I was going to like Charlie anyway. She's fine; she's easy to root for and she's likable enough.
Vaggie - Vaggie's also fine. I do like her snark in episode 3, but aside from that there isn't much that interesting about her.
Nifty - Nifty's cute. Nifty's funny. I like Nifty.
Angel Dust - sigh Ok so I didn't like Angel Dust in episode 1 because of the fact he was another character whose one character trait is being excessively horny. And I also find all his jokes painfully unfunny. I'm not really in a position to judge how well his abuse from Val was handled so since I held a poll asking SA victim's thoughts on episode 4 and most of them voted no I'll just say that they didn't handle it very well and move on. So ya don't care for Angel Dust.
Alastor - Ah yes the creepy radio demon. He's also fine, I like his whole style and stuff.
Husk - Husk's whole purpose in the first three episodes is pretty much just to be pissed off at stuff, I kinda liked the scene where he talked to Angel Dust in episode 4 but aside from that, Husk is kinda just..fine...like everyone in this main cast.
Now let's talk about the villains so far!
Adam - Don't care for him. Sigh look Adam could be an entertaining villain but so far his dialogue and jokes are just painfully unfunny and I don't care for him as a villain. I could talk about his sidekick whose name I forgot but she's gotten so little screen time I can't form an opinion on her yet.
Also isn't it funny how HH was meant to be a female-focused show yet the males get more focus so far (As I've already talked about)? Ya, I thought so too. Anyways, the characters are...fine. I don't hate any of them, but I also don't really love any of them either. None of them are that interesting so far to me.
That's pretty much what I can say about everything in this show so far; I don't hate the animation but I don't love it either, I don't hate the comedy but I don't love it either, I don't hate the songs but I don't love them either, I don't hate any of the characters but I don't love them either.
7. Conclusion
So, that's my current thoughts on HH based on the first four episodes. Well...it's certainly a show that I watched. It's amazing to me how a show could be so consistently painfully average in pretty much EVERYTHING, from the animation to the songs to the comedy to the characters, to the episodes themselves, Hazbin Hotel is the most painfully average show I've watched so far. It's not bad so far, but it isn't good either. Again, maybe the show will improve when the latter half of season 1 comes out...
...or it will just get worse. I'm expecting the latter unfortunately due to the trailers making it look like there's going to be a Heaven/Hell war which means the show is probably going to abandon its premise like its spin-off (...that came before the main show was released). But ya, Hazbin Hotel is painfully average so far, probably a 6/10 so far, expecting the show to probably get worse, goodbye.
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starrclown · 7 months
☆Helluva Boss's human world I fear will cause problems in Hazbin☆
Matey's I feel like there is a issue we don't talk about. Helluva Boss's human world. Obviously the human world is supposed to resemble our world, it's Earth after all. This is the issue. What's the one thing about the people that could cause problems? The humans are insanely stupid.
(I wanna point out Random Game Critics video on Helluva Boss Season 2 episode 5. Bomb YouTube channel by the way, check him out he's funny. He points out that he believes that Helluva Boss's humans are so dumb to mimic Invader Zim. Incase you didn't know Moxxie's voice actor is Richard Horvitz, the voice actor who played Zim. Invader Zim is also Vivziepop's favorite cartoon. This is a theory I can absolutely believe.)
The humans on Earth are insanely stupid. The humans don't relize that demons are among them even though I.M.P does not disguise themselves. Martha was able to recognize I.M.P, the other humans cannot. The two inventors are also insanely goofy and cartoon like. The humans are insanely goofy and stupid. That's where I fear the problems could come in.
5 out of the 6 main casts in Hazbin Hotel were people. Alastor died in 1933, Angel Dust died in 1947, Nifty died in the 50's, Husk died in the 70's, and Vaggie died in 2014. I fear how goofy the human world is could affect the lives of the characters. And you could argue, "Oh, the humans are in OUR time period! 2020 to the modern day! We are pretty silly so it could be making fun of that!" Which yes, that could be it. Which is still a problem considering Vaggie died in 2014 and all the other sinners that died in the 2000's. While Helluva Boss could be making fun of modern day it's still a issue considering more modern day sinners. Also, some of the goofy humans are pretty old. Here, Lyle and Loopy. While we don't know how old they were when they accidentally aged themselves up but they looked to be in early to late 30's to 40's. That would mean they were born in 80's to 90's. That's pretty close to some of the sinners we know in the show died. (Velvette, Valentino, Husk.)
Another issue I have is the concept of what humans can do. If sinners are supposed to be mysterious that could possibly make deals with humans then the humans should be more realistic right? While we dont know if demons can communicate with humans but there always is a possibility. Mind you, Lyle and Loopy made a machine that could reverse your age. That's not realistic at all. And yes I know I know, it's a cartoon, and Helluva Boss and Hazbin won't reference each other but it's still a issue. The reason I have such a issue with this is because you have to remeber some of these characters lived through horrific events.
(Also let me get on record that I don't think that Vivziepop will make fun of horrific events. I'm stating this because if the humans are this goofy, I'm scared of how she'll treat the TIME PERIOD of the horrific event. Get it? Like seriously, Alastor, depending on how dark his skin was, would still go through segragation and racism considering his time period. Angel Dust could also be a person of color, so could Husk. Nifty and Vaggie were confirmed poc, Japanese and Salvadoran respectively. Like Angel and Husk, both are queer in different ways. Both would be HEAVILY discriminated against. Also, Angel's mafia background. Incase you guys don't know, homosexuality in the Italian mob is HEAVILY discriminated against and looked down apon. Recently Italian mobsters are allowed to be gay but they can still get beat up and killed for "flaunting" it. If Angel's family is as mean as Vivzie has described them then there is no way Angel would be able to be feminine in anyway, or show any "gay traits." Seriously this was the 1940's. Thats whne the bible had the bible changed to 'man shall not lay with boy' to 'man shall not lay with man' I hope Vivzie remembers the time period these characters came from because their backgrounds could affect the way they are and how OTHER people treated them.
Like here, Alastor, Angel, Nifty (depending on when she was born.), Husk, and Vox, lived through The Great Depression, 1929- 1939. Hell, Angel, Nifty, Vox, and . lived through World War 2. (There's also a theory that Angel could have been in the war. Same thing with Husk and Vietnam. If they choose to go down that route I hope they treat it with respect. It would also need EXTRA care considering if Angel was in the war he's ya know gay and World War 2 discriminated agaisnt ALOT of people. Jews, gays, trans, poc, disabled people.)
Seriously there is just alot of fucked up stuff that went on during these characters lives and I hope that the human world in Hazbin Hotel is more serious than Helluva Boss.
(Vivzie stans please don't attack me, I just wanted to state my worries. Also! Guess what's next? MY IMAGE of what Hazbin Hotel characters could have looked like as humans. I wanna just teach people alittle but about the time periods these characters feom and a few small headcannons. Look out for that!! Bye Matey's!!)
- ⭐️StarClown⭐️
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gartenofbanny · 4 months
Back with the milk (kinda), time to talk about how Niffty fails at being comedic relief.
Niffty is most certainly a character in Hazbin Hotel. She's the main character who has the least amount of screentime in the show. Unsurprising considering the number of characters that were introduced in this mess of a season alone, which is another topic I'll get into on a different day, but today I'll be talking about a possibly non-canon aspect of Niffty. That being she's the comedic relief character.
I'm not entirely sure where this even came from because I haven't seen any statements of Niffty being the comedic relief character from the writers themselves. I've mostly seen people in the fanbase claim she is, but since I'm talking about how she fails in that aspect, I wouldn't mind seeing the proof of the writers themselves saying it.
Comedic relief characters are usually characters who are comedic to relieve the tension of an earlier scene.
This is a pretty great example of a comedic relief character in action.
After a tense moment of Star Lord promising to kill Gamora if she ever gets captured by Thanos and a possible final kiss between the two, Drax chews loudly on Zarg Nuts in a pretty unexpected way. While delivering some pretty hilarious lines and movements afterwards. This is what a comedic relief character is. They relieve the tension of a previous scene, giving the audience something to laugh at.
And this is where Niffty fails for the most part because of two reasons. The first one is that she doesn't have much screentime. As I said before, she's likely the main character in Hazbin Hotel with the least amount of screentime, and because of that, she doesn't get any prevalent moments where she relieves tension. Is she comedic in some scenes she's featured in? Sure, but just being comedic doesn't always mean a character lightens the mood.
The second reason is that I'm not entirely sure if the writers know how to use comedic relief characters or if they know what comedic relief is. Whenever Niffty does something funny, it's usually in a part of the episode where there's no tension, or she, in fact, makes things worse. Which is the opposite of relief.
For instance, when Niffty stabs through Adam. It was a pretty prevalent moment for Niffty, but it wasn't a tense moment in the slightest because Adam had already been defeated but wasn't killed because Charlie stopped Lucifer from continuing to beat him to a bloody pulp. The situation was already solved by then.
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An example of my second reasoning is when she unintentionally causes problems for Angel Dust in Episode 6. Being under the influence, she runs toward Valentino, letting Angel Dust and Valentino confront each other. Though this did show that Angel Dust has gotten stronger mentally against Valentino, it still caused tension, which is something a comedic relief character isn't supposed to do.
So to pretty much make Niffty more of a comedic relief character, they just need to give her some more damn screentime and actually learn how to place her in a scene where she can ease the tension. In short, they should make her a comedic relief character. Again, I'm not entirely sure if the "comedic relief" thing was just something the fandom came up with or something that the writers actually said. Regardless, her actions just aren't consistent with what she's intended to be, but that could be fixed in the future.
As for..me, uh, I'm back, but not really. This blog was something of a reminder that I'm alive because I've been radio silent for a couple of weeks. Still in college doing college work, but I do have some blogs in drafting. I have seen the latest Helluva Boss teaser, but I don't care about that right now. Anyway, thanks for reading, and I'll see y'all in the next one. Whenever that will be.
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