#help me get in the Mood™
angel-of-the-moons · 8 months
Mr and Mrs Knight
Steven Grant (Marc Spector + Jake Lockley) x Curvy!Fem!Reader
TW/CW: NSFW, body dysmorphia, smut, suit kink, glove kink, fingering, PiV sex, creampie, squirting, misuse of The Suit™ (and truncheons), cosplay, established relationship, fluff
A/N: I am unashamed to admit that suits are fucking hot and the shit they do to me is what I imagine straight men feel when they see a VS model in lingerie. And Steven is hot. So is Marc. And Jake and Oscar in general you get the rest. Imagine the Mrs Knight suit looks something like this. (Also featuring the headcanons by @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction for Jake's craftiness!)
Taglist: @mundivagantsoul @belle-oftheball34 @steven-grants-world @denile-xo @whatevenisagrapefruit @hagridnmegamind @sapphire-and-ruby
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It had been a banger of a night. A fun Halloween bash at the museum, amazing costumes, great food. Donna even seemed to be in a decent mood. But of course that woman could have been faking it.
You and Steven decided to go with matching costumes. In a gross abuse of Steven, Marc, and Jake's status as Moon Knight, you'd convinced him to use his "Mr Knight" suit as his costume.
Jake helped you make yours to match. Finding the majority was easy enough at thrift stores (despite Marc's insistence that you should buy a new one), the mask was what was the pain.
That's where Jake's expertise came in. Sure his main skill was in knitting, but that didn't mean the man wasn't nuanced in other ways to make clothes. You couldn't count how many times Jake would stitch up the seams of your favorite jacket that you just refused to throw away, or how many times he'd hit you with that smug smile when you blubbered about how awesome he was for giving extra life into your jacket so you could wear it juuuust a bit longer.
Your mask turned out to be almost a perfect replica of his, complete with glowing lenses to match Steven.
You were nervous when you got dressed, looking in your floor-length mirror at your reflection.
Your hair was pinned back neatly to allow you to pull the mask on or off (because unlike Steven's, which was magically suited--pun intended--to be comfortable) without much problem, and you would still appear "flawless" as Steven put it.
But right now, you were having second thoughts. You weren't sure you liked how the skirt fit you. Or the blazer.
The waistband of the skirt squeezed your waist and the rolls of your tummy, the creases in the fabric seemingly emphasizing every imperfection you saw in yourself.
Your transparent white stockings were not helpful either, the bands squished the fat of your thighs in a way that made them look like muffins, even moreso than your tummy. They kept rolling down so much you had to buy garters to wear beneath your skirt just so they'd stay up...
You frowned at your reflection as the skirt rode up your legs, showing off the cute lace trim of the stockings and your squishy thighs; honestly if you weren't careful, or you bent over the skirt would bare your ass to the whole party.
You were tempted to go and grab that last minute shitty vampire costume you had stashed away, when Steven walked in, already dressed immaculately in that gorgeous white suit of his.
He adjusted the tie, not looking at you as he does so.
"Hey, luv, I'm fairly ready. I can help you with your makeup now, if..." His eyebrows shoot up and his mouth feels suddenly very dry at the sight of you all dressed up.
His tongue darts out to swipe at his bottom lip, moistening it as he clears his throat.
"You look good."
"Oh.... Thanks." You mumble shyly, trying to pull the edges of the blazer down to cover the rolls poking out of your skirt a bit more.
"Hey, hey, what's wrong, beautiful?" He said softly, moving up to you.
"I... I look like a marshmallow." You sigh hesitantly, your tone full of self-deprecation.
"Hey, now." Steven smiled sweetly, wrapping his arms around your waist as you tucked your face into his lapel.
"You're the most gorgeous marshmallow on the planet if that's the case." He told you, kissing the top of your head.
He felt something press down on him, and he looked up at the mirror, getting a full view of your back, but he saw Marc's face staring back at him with a cringed expression.
(Dude, that was the shittiest compliment ever. What woman wants to hear her being compared to a marshmallow??) He hissed.
Steven was about to retort, before you started bubbling out on laughter at how silly his compliment was.
"That was so corny." You snicker.
Steven gave a smug smirk at Marc before looking down at you with a soft, lovesick smile.
"Yeah, well, you love my sense of humor, eh?" He winked.
"Yeah... I guess I do." You smile back.
"Now, then! Your makeup. Let's sit you down so I can work on it for you!"
Whenever you had your doubts about your appearance, Steven, Marc, or Jake would pipe in and alleviate your worries. Sometimes all three at once, though rapid switching would often cause problems for them (like migraines).
You kept your eyes closed as Steven carefully applied your highlighter to your cheekbones, the brush tickling your skin, his shaky breaths ghosting over your face.
He would mumble some curses when he messed up, but would correct his mistake.
When you had asked him where on earth he learned to contour and highlight he shyly admitted he watched half a dozen tutorials on YouTube to get it perfect for you.
You felt the coldness of the liquid eyeliner as he painted on the wings with the white liner, the silver and gold glitter further adding to your look.
"'Kay luv, open your eyes so I can apply your mascara." He murmured, looking down in your makeup kit for the said cosmetic.
Once he did, he pulled out the black tube and made sure there was no excess before he carefully combed the white creamy substance on your eyelashes, lightening them up to enhance the face he'd helped apply for you.
Once he was finished with both eyes, he leaned back and allowed you to blink, smiling that puppy dog smile of his in satisfaction at his handiwork before placing the mascara tube back in the kit.
He lifted his hand and shook the bottle of setting spray so you wouldn't accidentally sweat it off or wipe it off with something during the night (or god forbid it rub off on the inside of your mask).
"Close em again for me."
You couldn't help but smile at his level of gentleness and politeness.
You restrained from physically recoiling as the cold setting spray hit your skin and quickly dried.
"Now, do you want to put on lipstick now or when we get to the party?" He asked as he watched your sickeningly gorgeous lashes flutter open. All the white, silver, and hints of gold on your face enhanced your eyes and their color, the very depths of them stealing his breath away.
"We can do it now. I have liquid matte and regular lipstick." You reply, smiling once again.
"Which would you prefer?" Steven asked you.
"Whichever you think would look best."
He sucked in a breath that his lungs were suddenly starving for, and grabbed the liquid tube.
His hand gently cupped your chin as he brushed the satiny lipstick onto your lips, carefully lining them so it wasn't too much. He'd even dipped his finger in your cosmetic glitter and applied a very gentle amount.
"Gorgeous." He breathed.
"Aww..." You giggle, thankful for the glitter and makeup that hid your blush at his praise.
"Now then... Let's go, shall we?" He said, taking your hand to help you stand and slip in your white heels.
As the two of you left, Steven could hear Jake in the back of their headspace.
(Que hermosa... Be careful, hermanito. If she bends over, I just might take over for the rest of the night and have that ass for myself.)
Mr and Mrs Knight. That's what you two went as for the party. You two even won the prize for best couples costume!
Sure it was just a gift card to some restaurant, but it was exhilarating to hear how people adored your matching outfits.
And you couldn't help but notice all night that Steven simply couldn't keep his hands off of you.
He would get like that sometimes; working himself up like that, but trying to be subtle. You knew it was only a matter of time before an awkward boner would be the cause for the two of you to leave early, so you excused yourself to the restroom under an excuse to check and see if your makeup needed retouching or if you could go the rest of the night without your mask.
But you got a little nervous when two women went into the lavatory after you, and you felt trapped within your stall. You simply couldn't stand the glances from other women you were getting all night. You were afraid these two women who were clucking at each other like hens were amongst the ones judging you.
And your fears were confirmed.
"I can't believe that such a handsome guy would pick a blimp to be his girlfriend." One of them scoffed as she applied a fresh layer of brick red lipstick. As if she didn't have enough on already.
You felt your heart sink further inside of you as the other joined in.
"I know, right? It's gotta be her tits, only thing I can imagine. Maybe her ass, too." The other laughed as she touched up the false blood on the corners of her mouth.
"Either that or she gives good enough head that he can overlook the fact that if she ever got on top she could crush him." The first one snickered.
Your hands knotted in the mask you held in your hands, threatening to tear the stitches Jake so lovingly sewed in for you to wear tonight. You bit the inside of your cheek harshly as the two gossiped further.
"Ugh, and the sad thing is, he's cute, for a bookworm who won't shut up." The second sighed.
"Ugh, I know... I can look past the blabbering if I can see what he's packing."
"Right? I wonder if he's as good with his mouth as he is with his stupid history facts." The first giggled.
You gritted your teeth. You couldn't take much more, you knew that. Insulting you, you could take and bottle up to deal with later, probably in the heat and privacy of your shower.
But talking about Steven like he's some kind of... sex toy? No. Hell no. If you were anything, you were insanely protective over your boys. Even bordering on possessive at times (of course the same was true for the boys about you).
You were done.
You slammed the stall door open and sort of enjoyed how startled they seemed when they saw you, their jaws dropping when it hit them that you heard everything.
You hurriedly wash your hands and slip your gloves back on, gripping your mask in your hand tight as you spare them a backwards glance before leaving the lavatory to find Steven.
You felt sick to your stomach and you wanted to go home...
When you found him, his brows knitted upwards in concern at how tight-lipped and tense you were when you gripped his sleeve tight.
"Ey luv, what's wrong?" He murmured to you, leading you away from the crowd.
"I... I just want to go home." You say, the words those women said about your body weighing down on you, and the things they said about Steven burning hot in your gut. You weren't sure what to feel with this cocktail of emotions.
"Hey hey, okay we can leave." He says, kissing you on the forehead.
"Let's go."
The walk back to your flat was... Difficult. You could barely hold yourself together, suddenly hyper-aware of every roll and stretch mark on your body, even the slight double chin you had when you moved your head a certain way.
It wasn't until you were in the lift of your building that you finally broke down, your reflection staring back at you in the walls of the tiny space, crushing down on you with every imperfection you saw.
You couldn't keep in the bubbling sobs, or the fat tears that rolled down your cheeks and ruined the makeup Steven worked so hard to put on you.
He cradled you against him and cooed to you, saying sweet nothings and whispering nothing but praise for your looks, rubbing your back and kissing your hair.
In the various angles of the reflections, and the oppressive feeling weighing down on Steven... He could see and feel Marc and Jake.
Both looked pissed. Marc almost looked violent.
(If anybody talks like that about our muñeca again...) Jake trailed off.
(Oh trust me, I'll do the honors.) Marc growled.
The walk back into your flat felt horrid. You didn't just cry, you ugly-cried. You ruined your makeup, your hair fell out of the pins, and your skirt rode up more with every rushed step you took to hurry up and get in to get into some baggy clothes that didn't showcase your body.
You didn't feel cute or sexy anymore, you felt... ugly.
And Steven didn't like that one bit. Marc and Jake retreated, knowing that their anger at your injured self-opinion wouldn't help. This kind of situation was a Steven situation. He knew best how to be the sweetest person on the planet with you.
But right now he wasn't feeling particularly sweet. Sure, you were upset. But he couldn't help but get a good look at you as you walked ahead of him, the skirt riding up so much that he could just barely see the black and blue panties you wore beneath, your cheeks peeking out from the edges of the fabric, the garter straps clinging desperately to your stockings in effort to keep them up your gloriously plush thighs to keep them up.
He felt hot beneath the collar, his trousers getting uncomfortably tight as blood flowed straight to his cock.
The moment the door closed behind you, your hands, trembling and rushed, went to unbutton the blazer to get it off of you quicker, sniffles and tiny sobs sneaking out of you in the process.
However, your actions were halted when Steven placed his hands gently on your shoulders from behind, his thumbs rubbing soothing circles through the fabric of your blazer, trying to soothe you.
"Love. You're gorgeous. Beautiful." He breathed, resting his forehead against the back of your head, inhaling the lingering scent of your shampoo.
"Steven, I'm... I'm not." You sniffle. "I'm fat, I can barely squeeze into a pair of jeans, I can't even shop at normal clothing stores for women. I get looks when I wear anything tight, and--and the things I hear people say about me--"
Your voice is broken off when you hiccup, feeling another sobbing fit try to get out of you.
"You don't understand what I'm sayin', luv." Steven smiled into your hair, ever patient.
"You're the prettiest girl in the world to us. You don't need a flat belly, or toned thighs to be pretty. You're funny, you're warm, and you're soft."
You made a shocked squeak when his hands snake around you, his gloved hands gripping at your belly and squeezing the plushness there through your clothes.
Your denial died in your throat when Steven rolled his hips into you, his hard cock throbbing as he rutted into the curve of your ass.
"You wouldn't be able to get to me like this if I didn't find you the most gorgeous woman on the planet. You wouldn't get Jake to say the filthy things he tells you in bed. You wouldn't have Marc snuggling you and resting his head in your lap or on your belly..."
His breathing got heavier as he rocked his hips into you further, a bitten-back whimper dying as he swallowed hard.
"You've been driving me insane all night. This skirt looks so good on you." He says hotly in your ear, his fingers rolling up the hem of your skirt to reveal your panties and garters, making you gasp again.
"Those stockings huggin' you so tight. Been thinking about how badly I want to have my head between your legs, tonight." He growled.
Before you could say anything else, his gloved hand went up to your mouth and he tapped your lips, begging for entrance. Powerless to resist him, you let him press his fingers into your mouth, your tongue wetting them effectively before he pulled them away, and slipped down into your panties
He dragged one of his fingers up your puffy lips, parting your folds before he turned his attention onto your clit.
"S-S-Steven--" You whimper when he starts to circle the little nub.
"Hush, now. Let me show you, eh?" Steven said, biting at your earlobe softly.
You couldn't fight it, you couldn't fight the warm nectar that gushed out from you at his words and affirmations. All your mind could focus on was how wonderfully his fingers toyed with your cunt, deftly rolling, pushing, and pinching your clit in every way he knew that brought you the best pleasure, the fastest.
Your mind practically went blank when he curled two fingers into your weeping hole, the leather around his digits making them thicker than they normally would be, and providing a luxurious texture to your clit as he massaged you with his palm. His mouth trailed down your neck, breath hot on your skin as he bit down and sucked.
It wasn't like when Jake did this to you, no. Every one of them had different methods, different touches...
And Steven was particularly good at balancing out the sweet and the hard, paying more attention to your own pleasure than his. Sometimes, he would get so lost in pleasuring you he'd cum in his pants without even being touched.
This time was no different... in no time at all, he had you cumming so hard you almost fell to the floor, your slick gushing out and soaking the glove.
He smiled sweetly into the skin of your neck as he eased you forward, so you could press your palms on one of his desks, thighs quivering as you recollected yourself.
You barely saw through your haze clearly enough to catch Steven licking his glove clean through the reflection in the mirror on the desktop, his eyes closing in satisfaction at your savory taste.
You half expected him to drop to his knees and eat you out, next, but he doesn't. He just stands there for a moment, staring at you with a lidded and loving gaze, curls falling forward over his forehead as they always do.
That's when your self-consciousness rears its ugly head, and you pinch your legs together, and try to wiggle away from his gaze, to retreat to the safety of the bathroom and escape from his heated staring.
But in a flash, Steven is on you again, his hands gripping at your hips and that's when you feel the hot, heavy weight of his leaking cock slap against the barely clothed flesh of your ass as he rolls your skirt up completely over your hips.
"Steven!" You squeak.
"Hey, now... 'M not done showing you yet." His voice croaks out, heavy and barely coherent as the silk fabric of your panties brushes the head of his dick.
He groans, giving one more roll of his hips against your ass, smearing more precum on the fabric and skin, there; before he gripped the base, lining his cock up to your weeping hole.
"Fuck, luv. So soft. So wet f'me." He said, voice strained from barely contained arousal.
You squirmed, still feeling inadequate despite Steven's words and assurances.
God, you wanted him. You wanted him so badly. But right now you just felt so... so...
Your thoughts cut themselves off when he reached behind him, and from beneath his coat pulled out one of his engraved truncheons.
Placing it in front of you and gripping it with his other hand, pulling you tight against him as he thrust sharply into you, sheathing himself in one whole go, the tip of his cock slamming upwards so suddenly you felt his tip smush your cervix before he eased back.
"B-baby--" You whine, despite yourself.
"Not runnin' away, luv." Steven grunted into your hair as he thrust into you, his hands gripping tightly on the truncheon, using the bar to squeeze against your belly and hold you against him while he fucked you raw.
You couldn't fight the snapping of his hips or his raw need for you, right now. You couldn't hold back the moans and whimpers he wrenched out of you with each punctuation of his hips.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck--" You hear him wheeze as his thrusts get more and more desperate.
There is a metallic clang as he tosses the truncheon to the floor in favor of gripping your thigh and lifting your leg so your knee was on the desktop.
You let Steven guide you so you're practically laying face down on the desk, his cock still spearing you open, pussy fluttering around him at the change in position.
You were taken by surprise when he grips your wrists next, ripping off his tie before slipping it over your hands, before tying them together at the curve of your back. Not tight enough to cut off circulation, but tight enough you couldn't squirm free.
He hesitated a moment. As nice as it would be to watch the soft flesh of your ass bounce and ripple while he fucked you... He didn't want to do it like this.
So, without further hesitation on his part, he gripped you, lifting you off your feet and rolling you so you were laying with your upper half on the desktop, pulling your legs up so your calves rested on his shoulders, all without dislodging from the warm tightness of your cunt.
You whimpered as he does this, and try to wriggle from his tie so you could cover your face, your running makeup and smeared lipstick.
Your pitiful, chubby face--
"Hey, hey..." His voice is soft and shaky as he leans in, cupping your cheek with one hand as your thighs squish against the both of you.
He caresses your soft cheek with a thumb and he smiles.
"Don't hide from me, sweetheart. You're gorgeous and I want to see you."
"Steven, I..." You whimper as your pussy clenches around his shaft, making it twitch inside of your tight, gummy walls.
His eyes rolled back with a groan.
"I'm not gonna stop until you see what I see." He grunts, dragging his cock out slowly until only the tip remains inside of you, the rest of your cunt squeezing desperately around nothing.
You're barely given a moment of respite before he snaps his hips into yours again, fucking you relentlessly and hitting your sweet spot over and over withe every arch of his hips.
Some of Marc's precision was bleeding into him as he aimed the tip of his cock like a weapon against your g-spot, pounding into you hard and fast, stoking the fire in your belly so hotly that you felt the embers scatter throughout your veins, every nerve in your body aflame in pleasure.
His left hand kneads the soft skin of your thigh, squishing and rolling the plush flesh beneath his gloved fingers before he slips his other hand between you, circling your clit mercilessly, making you shriek with every sharp thrust of his hips.
He loved how your body jiggled and bounced with every thrust; how your tits were bouncing so hard that they were spilling out of the top of your bra cups, your blazer falling completely open around you, now.
Despite still being fully clothed, you felt utterly naked beneath his gaze. Fresh tears burned in your eyes as he crammed his cock into you over and over again, his fingers working your second orgasm out of you faster and faster with every swipe of his fingers.
"It's okay, luv." Steven moaned, turning his head to plant a kiss on the inside of your knee, the leg he was squishing in his fingers.
"Cum for me, yeah? Show me how pretty you are." He pants, his thumb pressing hard into your clit.
That was all it took, the friction of his fingers, the thrusts of his hips, and each jab of his cock, plus his words? You were on cloud nine, brain fried and all sense gone as drool dribbled down your chin and you cum with a choked cry, babbling out his name over and over as your body clamps down, gushing around his cock, spraying out and soaking his hand and the front of his suit.
Steven, poor, loveable, goofy Steven could never hold out too long after you came, the squeezing and milking of your pussy was simply too much for him to bear.
Your eyes rolled back and you felt yourself spasm in an aftershock as you felt the hot ropes of his cum painting your walls a milky white, flooding your hungry cunt with everything he had to give you.
He drops your leg, wrapping them around his waist as he leans in and kisses you roughly, his tongue pushing past your lips to twine with yours and steal your recovered breaths.
"See... You're fucking beautiful. Wouldn't do this to us otherwise." He mumbles against your lips.
"Oh... God." You whimper.
Your mind ticks back into sanity and you realize the two of you are still clothed. Your outfit was of course mussed, but Steven was almost completely immaculate. The only thing he was missing of his suit was his tie, and the only sign of mess was the wet stain on his front, and his cock still sheathed inside of you.
"Hmm." He hummed softly, looking down at you with the softest gaze he could fix on you.
Steven gave you a sweet kiss to your forehead before he moved his mouth to the shell of your ear.
"And if you still don't believe me... Jake and Marc want to have a word with you."
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starryevermore · 5 months
celebrating you ✧ roy kent
angst city™ library | send in a request (consult request faqs first)
pairing: roy kent x fem!reader
summary: you’re used to no one celebrating you. but roy proves to you that he’s not like the others. 
word count: 1,486
warnings?: fluff fluff fluff, no use of y/n, not proofread
a gift for @captainsbestgal happy birthday bestie 🥰
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Since you’ve entered adulthood, your birthday was never anything that you put a lot of weight onto. There was something different about adult birthdays, you supposed. Something that made people not want to put any effort into celebrating others. Or, at least, something made people not want to put any effort into celebrating you. 
Ever since you finished school, it felt like you were pulling teeth just to get someone, anyone, to give you an ounce of attention and affection that they were ready to give to anyone else. Whether it be a promotion or a life milestone or your fucking birthday, it seemed like no one wanted to show up for you the way you would for anyone else. The way they would for anyone else. All of your friends would throw surprise parties and take each other out to fancy dinners whenever something great would happen. Your work would get balloons and a simple gift card for people’s birthdays. But for you? Crickets. 
Anytime you tried to bring up the difference in treatment, people acted like you were out of your mind. Surely you understood that they had busy lives? That they can’t just drop everything at the tip of a hat? That these things take time, and energy, and coordination, and they don’t always have the capacity to meet those demands. And you understood! Really, you understood more than most. Often, you were the one playing host, or the one making incredibly personalized gifts, or the one just shooting a “Happy Birthday!” text when things got busy. You understood about not always having the capacity to show up. It’s just…Odd that you were the one who always got the short end of the stick. 
Nowadays, you don’t even bother reminding anyone about your birthday or try to set something up on your own. It was too much effort, and too much heartbreak to see no one even care. 
You expected this year to be more of the same. Nothing was particularly different, except that you had a boyfriend for a few months now. But the relationship was still new, so you didn’t expect Roy to do anything special for you. But, oh, you should have. The second you had mentioned in passing that you were taking a day off work for your birthday, Roy had a plan set in motion. 
The morning of your birthday, you woke up to soft kisses being peppered across your face. Your nose wrinkled, slightly confused as to what was happening. But as you opened your eyes and saw Roy hovering over you, a goofy smile on his face, you couldn’t help but kiss him back. 
“What’s got you in such a good mood?” you asked between kisses. 
“It’s your special day. Why wouldn’t I be in a good mood?”
You pulled away for a moment, your brows knit together. This was…odd? Unexpected? But, also appreciated. “Well, aren’t I lucky, then?”
Roy kissed you again then got out of bed. You whined at the loss of warmth, reaching out and trying to pull him back into bed. He batted your hands away. “Nuh uh, none of that.”
“You can’t just wake me up with birthday kisses then take it away!”
“I can if I’m going to make you birthday breakfast while you get ready,” Roy said. But he leaned down over you and kissed you again. “Was planning on taking you to the zoo.”
Your eyes lit up. “Really? Oh my god, I love the zoo.” Then you frowned. “But you have work?”
“You’re not the only one who can take the day off, love. Now, c’mon, I got a lot planned for you today.”
You started to push yourself out of bed, watching as Roy started to leave to go get breakfast made. But, then you called out to him. As he turned,  you said, “I really appreciate you.”
“Get ready to appreciate me even more,” he teased. 
After getting dressed and eating a breakfast of your favorite foods, you and Roy headed to the zoo. You were beyond excited to go. You hadn’t been to the zoo in years, having been too busy with other aspects of your life. You had once mentioned in passing, months ago, to Roy that you were itching to go.
“I can’t believe you even remembered this,” you had said as the two of you walked around. 
Roy turned to look at you. His brows pinched together. “Why wouldn’t I remember?”
You shrugged, pointing to a monkey that was swinging around. “It was so long ago. And it wasn’t really anything that was important. I mean, I barely remember what we had for dinner last night.”
“Yeah, but what you say is important to me.”
The way he said it, the way it sounded so definite, so sure, it made your heart squeeze. God, could Roy be anymore perfect? Was it not enough that he was completely devoted to you and handsome to boot? Did he have to so considerate? You leaned your head against his arm, smiling. Out of the corner of your eye, you watched Roy take out his phone and snap a selfie of the two of you. 
“Wait, I wasn’t looking!” you giggled as he pocketed his phone. 
“But you looked beautiful.” He nodded over to a different habitat. “C’mon, I heard a kid shout that the lemurs were out.”
“Ooh, I love lemurs!”
You didn’t think the day could get any better than this. You were a bit surprised at how into the zoo Roy was. In some ways, you still had the public image of Roy painted in your head—all stoic, the traditional “masculine man”. The kind of guy that would grumble and groan at the idea of spending a day at the zoo. But Roy wasn’t like that. He was just as giddy as you, just perhaps a little less outward about expressing it. He let you pull him to every habitat you wanted to, pointing out a few that you missed. He took pictures of you—many candids where he called you the most beautiful woman in the world, as well as some posed pictures where he acted like you were walking the red carpet. Your favorites, though, were the silly selfies he would take with any animal that would wander near him. The day was so perfect. It actually made you start to like your birthday again. 
As the two of you returned home, you couldn’t stop gushing about how amazing the day was. Talking about all the things you did. Roy didn’t even mind that you were talking about things he was literally present for. He loved your little recaps of the day, even adding on things that you forgot about. Perhaps if you hadn’t been so wrapped up in excitedly talking about the day, you would have noticed the giant grin on his face as he walked you up to the house. 
“And, oh my god, the snow leopard! She was so sweet and—” you were saying as you unlocked and opened the door. 
You jumped back, hitting Roy’s chest. He wrapped his arms around you, swaying you side to side as you processed that the entirety of AFC Richmond, Rebecca, and Keeley (and those guys who were always at The Crown & Anchor?) were standing in the middle of the living room. You looked up at him, your eyes wide. “Did you plan this?”
“Nah, just let all these fucking idiots breaking into my house,” he teased, kissing the top of your head. 
Keeley ran up to you, throwing her arms around you. “You bet he planned this! I was practically shitting myself trying to keep it a secret, because, I was so upset you didn’t even tell me your birthday was coming up, babes! But I couldn’t even reveal I knew without revealing everything, and I think Roy would have killed me—”
“I wouldn’t have killed you,” Roy protested. 
She waved him off. “Anyways, come in! You have got to see the cake Rebecca got you. It’s fucking gorgeous. I mean, something straight out of a magazine!”
Keeley grabbed your hand, dragging you into the house. As you were pulled away from Roy, you threw one last glance at Roy, a wide smile on your face. “I love you, you big softie!”
“Oi, don’t just go shouting that! I got a fucking reputation to uphold!” he laughed. 
“So I shouldn’t post your selfie with the elephant?”
Will’s, who practically materialized beside you as if you were hiding in the boot room, eyes lit up. “Ooh, can I see that photo?”
Roy chased after you, growling lowly. “You’re fucking lucky it’s your birthday.”
You laughed. 
Hmm. Perhaps you liked your birthday after all. All it took was someone showering you in the attention you deserved. Yeah. Yeah, you weren’t going to let Roy go after this. 
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alienguts · 4 months
Bruce + Bookworm S/O (Bruce Wayne x GN!Reader HCs)
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Warnings: none
A/N: just a little something i thought of while at work. Part 4 of Picking Up the Pieces is still in the works!
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Despite being someone who has No Spare Time™, Bruce is very well read.
He was reading the classics by the time he was ten years old, so he's got the reading skills and the literary chops, he just doesn't have a lot of time.
While his favourite titles are by authors like Charles Dickens or Sun Tzu, he doesn't know a lot about modern authors.
Sure, he knows who Stephen King is, but he doesn't know Stephen King.
He's been asked at charity events for schools and libraries what he thinks of recent releases, and while he tries to have at least a vague idea of what's the hottest thing, he usually has a default answer.
Depending on what mood he's in, he either refers back to the classics, or plays on the 'dumb playboy' persona and says that he hasn't read a book since high school.
When he found out that you were a huge bookworm, he tried to become more knowledgeable about modern literature.
You likely met in a bookstore that he took Damian to and struck up a conversation with you over a book that you were reading the back of.
You'd noticed him numerous times while browsing and often overheard the store's staff talking about Bruce Wayne and his pushy son, but you never thought that he would ever talk to you.
Your first date was, of course, in the bookstore's café and he treated you to whatever you wanted, including books.
You didn't want to push your chances with him, but he was happy to get you that special cloth bound edition that you thought you wouldn't be able to afford.
The study is your favourite room in the entire Manor, and he learnt that quickly.
You get to have a Beauty and the Beast library in real life, things don't get better than that!
Most of the books there are old editions or academic journals that have been accumulated in the 100+ years people have lived in the Manor.
Eventually, some colour will be incorporated into the shelves and there will be an eclectic mix of covers in amongst all the brown spines.
There are times when Bruce has come home very late from a gala or from patrol and found you still awake, reading in bed.
"Sweetheart, I think you should get some sleep now." "Just let me finish this chapter first."
God help him if he ever tries to take a book out of your hands.
He's fought gods, monsters, serial killers, and weird giant crocodile men but he wouldn't even think about taking a book from you while you're reading.
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creedslove · 1 year
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Javier Peña x f!reader
Summary: Javier got jealous of you and you boyfriend and that leads to an argument, but once he needs your help, you find yourself compelled to help him
Warnings: mentions of smut, angst, fluff and a lot of stuff, jealousy, argument, mentions of violence, blood, bruises, cheating (idk to me that's cheating, sorry not sorry Manu lmao)
A/N: alright, let me start by telling you all that I was planning this chapter to be like 2k long or so but instead I got so carried away with it as always because I don't know this Javi series makes me feel things and then I just write these things. A lot happens in this chapter and I know not everyone will be happy because some of you like my boyfriend DEA agent Javier Peña to suffer 😭 but i love the final result and I'll continue on the A/N under the chapter so there will be no spoilers here 😉
5.7k words
this chapter was made with all my love™ enjoy 💕
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You woke up in a great mood the next morning. You were naked in bed and you felt the slightest hint of desire in your lower belly as you felt the presence behind your stir.
You giggled happily and sank your face into the pillow, thinking of last night and the flashes you had of his hands on your body, his lips, his mouth, everything… and the way the same lips trailed kisses down your neck.
"Mm Javi" you whimpered and bit your lips.
"What did you say?" Manu's voice snapped you out of your drunk feeling of sleep and post orgasm and you widen your eyes open. You closed your eyes again "shit" you mouthed and slowly turned to him, giving him a wide smile as if nothing happened
"I said good morning baby" you told your boyfriend and blushed softly, hoping he would buy it, after all you had whispered in a low voice, besides, who assure you you had actually said Javier's name? Maybe you were still sleeping after all. However, as much as you would love to trick yourself and pretend nothing happened so you wouldn't feel guilty, you had to face the truth. You literally fantasized about Javier Peña while having sex with your boyfriend. Not only that, you only came because you kept picturing Javier making you cum and wet his bedsheets with your squirt while Manu tried his best, because you were sure that your boyfriend wouldn't be able to make you do that, not even if he spent the whole day overstimulating you. Javi on the other hand, would be able to make you pour like a fountain in a blink of an eye.
Manu tried his best and you appreciated that… but then, that was his best? Which meant sex with him wouldn't be anything better than what you experienced? You guessed the expression you were looking for was just that. It felt so basic, so bland, and you felt so guilty about summing your relationship up to only that.
You finally had met a nice guy, someone who treated you well and you could feel safe with, so maybe complaining about sex was something shallow? But on the other hand, sex was very important for a relationship, so it was a big deal.
Manu grumbled and nodded "morning princesa, I'll make us breakfast" he kissed your shoulder and got up.
You frowned.
Princesa, he had called you princesa. It sounded so weird, usually Javier was the one who called you that and you loved it, but another man using the same word caused you a weird feeling.
You tried ignoring your own thoughts and went to shower, you wanted to get rid of the sweat, the sticky feeling on your skin and get ready for your day. You still needed to work on your potato salad and a batch of brownies for dessert, just like you'd promised Connie. You would meet up in a few hours for the barbecue, it would be in the patio of your apartment building and Steve was probably already setting up the grill outside, maybe Javier was helping him.
He was back in your mind and you didn't seem to catch a break, you hadn't been that hooked on him since you realized you'd fallen in love with that son of a bitch nearly a year ago, and now, even if you had a boyfriend, you were going through a better phase in your job, he was still there, haunting you.
You rinsed your hair and grabbed the soap, washing down your body when you got distracted again.
Your mind went back to the night you found out about his involvement with Los Pepes, how desperate he got, the way he pressed himself against you and began kissing your skin. How got so close to your breasts and you once again let your mind wander and allowed yourself to imagine what would've happened if he pulled your bra a little further, if he'd seen your nipples hardening in front of him. He would massage your tits, you were sure of it, he would squeeze them, pinch your nipples before kissing each of them and lick them.
But he wouldn't be satisfied with it yet, you were sure of it. You just knew he would suckle on your nipples and make you whimper louder than one of his prostitutes.
An obscene thought occurred to you as you pictured Javi licking your tits: had he ever been with a pregnant woman? If so, had he ever tried her breast milk?
You didn't know where that came from and it got you even more weirded out to picture yourself, pregnant with his baby letting him try the warm droplets that dripped down your breasts.
You scoffed at yourself, Javier wasn't trust worthy to be fuck buddies, let alone the father of your child, and yet, the scenario made your clit throb.
And before you could stop yourself, you had your fingers inside of your slippery pussy, pretending they were his fingers instead.
Coming back to the other night, you enjoyed picturing that if you hadn't pushed him away and locked yourself in your apartment, you would probably get down on your knees and blow his cock.
You hadn't seen Javier naked, but you felt his cock a couple of times when he hugged you and accidentally let your body too close to his waist. His pants were tight and he was big, and you were suspicious you occasionally gave him a boner or two by accident. So you felt he was big, it seemed that way.
So you pictured yourself freeing his cock, watching his tip glistening with pre cum and taking it to your mouth, sucking his dick while he would grip your hair and you would stroke his base.
Then you just knew you would massage his balls and lick them too, his balls would be so heavy carrying all the thick load he would empty on your pretty face.
And with that dirty, obscene fantasy, you managed to cum, biting your lips so you wouldn't make a lot of noise. And without even knowing, Javier had sent you to a delicious orgasm for the second time in less than 24 hours.
When you came down to your senses, you sighed disappointed in yourself, feeling another wave of guilt. As if it wasn't bad enough you'd fantasized about the guy while your boyfriend was on top of you, now you were finger fucking yourself thinking of him, your boyfriend just a few meters away from you in the kitchen making you waffles for breakfast and you rubbing one off for the guy next door.
You stared at your own reflection in the mirror as you brushed your teeth.
Just as guilt came, it quickly faded. You didn't know exactly what had changed in this whole Javier-Y/N mess you'd been living, but after the Los Pepes night - you decided to call it that way - it was like you were letting your guard down around Javier, and in the worst way: sexually.
You felt so tired of behaving like a nice woman, like a decent person and there was a side of you that just wished you could drop everything you had in life and surrender to Javier. You literally felt like whoring around and of course, you'd learned from the best.
So what was really stopping you from knocking on his door and letting him fuck you?
Your boyfriend for instance, you reminded yourself. Manu was such a nice person, you liked him, but you didn't desire him.
And the way Javier looked at you and asked you if you were gonna care if he got killed made you want to slap him in the face. How dare he think otherwise? How dare he think you wouldn't be utterly broken? Yes, he was an asshole, but he was your asshole and you hated to even think of that possibility.
When Manu knocked on the door you finally went back to your senses. What the fuck was all that that crossed your mind? It was like you were put under a spell while in the shower.
How could you even consider going after Javier after everything? Or when you had a nice relationship right there?
You decided to lie to yourself some more, at least it was a safe space for now.
Javier groaned as he stepped outside and immediately put on his sunglasses. The warm weather and the sun bothered him deeply, especially at the little sleep he got the night before.
Well, not exactly the night before, because he'd spent the whole night drinking his anger and jealousy away. After what he heard coming from your apartment, coming from your mouth, he couldn't bear being in the same place as you, and especially not being in the same place as your stupid boyfriend.
Javier wanted to kick that door open, get him away from you, but he couldn't do it. It wasn't his place to do it anymore, you'd made your choice and unfortunately he wasn't part of it. So he decided to go out and drink. Of course he could go to a brothel, find himself some company, but he couldn't even trust his own self with that, he'd been so disturbed by everything that went on that the last couple of times he tried doing it he just couldn't get hard. It felt like you were haunting him, your image always lingered around and he couldn't break free from your spell, your presence, your love…
But nothing really mattered anymore, you were with someone else, and judging by the noises you were making you were enjoying every second of it. It pained him, but at the same time he knew it was what you deserved it: someone to love you and make you happy.
Even if it was the right thing, it still hurt him pretty bad. It twisted his guts, left a lump in his throat and the rush of adrenaline turned into a blinding rage he could kill your boyfriend with just a few punches.
So Javier sat down at a dirty table in some sketchy bar and drank one shot after the other.
He managed to get home in the morning, god knows how, and blacked out on his couch.
He didn't sleep nor rested, he literally passed out. However, a shower and a cigarette later, he was ready for Murphy's barbecue. He'd rather skip it and avoid facing you and Manu, but if he did it so, he would have to explain to Steve why he wasn't there, or worse, Steve could just knock on his door and make things more embarrassing for him. So he sucked it up and went to help his friend with the grill and the burgers, greeting Connie on his way and complimented her looks, being just the tiniest bit of flirt, as usual of Javier Peña, just a respectful way to remind women how pretty they were.
You, on the other hand, managed to avoid Manu's kisses during breakfast and after putting the brownies in the oven, you got to the egg salad. He was all the time hovering around you, certainly wanting to repeat last night's activities but you weren't in the mood.
Correction: you weren't in the mood with him, but you couldn't simply fantasize about Javier to get started so your boyfriend could have a quickie when you were just a couple of hours away from seeing him. How could you even look Javier in the eye after all the dirty thoughts you had of him? How could you act normal knowing the only reason why you had two mind blowing orgasms was thinking of him touching you, making you his and treating you like a slut?
You sighed as you finished peeling the potatoes and felt relieved to see Manu had given up trying to make up with you and went to get changed.
As you got yourself into nicer clothes, you knew it was time to go and just hoped everything would be alright.
Manu helped you carry the dishes as you went to the patio and found Steve, Connie and Javi.
Olivia was playing with a doll and as soon as she spotted you, she smiled big, extending her little arms to you and wanting you to pick her up.
You placed the bowl with your potato salad down and went to pick up the little girl. You lifted her up and twirled around holding her making her giggle "hi princess!!! I missed you!" You said excitedly and tickled her small tummy, earning some other adorable giggles from her.
Javier watched you from afar. His gaze wouldn't leave you for a single moment, hidden under his sunglasses, he took in all of you, of your body, of your clothes and how carefree and happy you were around Olivia. The way you smiled and played with her, as you thought no one was watching you was making it very difficult for him to hate you. He scoffed at himself, he could never bring himself to hate you, but he was trying to keep himself angry, because that was the only way he could be away and not screw things up between you and your boyfriend again.
But you always made his life so damn hard, especially when you were all gorgeous in your summer dress holding a giggly little princess in your arms.
Javier suddenly was taken back to the green fields of his dad's ranch in Laredo.
He could easily see you there, playing with a couple of toddlers - a boy and a girl - as the three of you would feed and pet the horses.
Then, when the sun was setting, the kids would all run to him calling him daddy and fighting each other to be the first one to hug him.
And then you would walk to him, all sun kissed, smelling like jasmine and coconut and would wrap your arms around his neck, welcoming your husband after a long day of hard work. A golden ring around your finger would be more than enough to show the whole town you were Mrs.Peña.
Where the fuck was that coming from?
Javier nearly dropped his can of beer when he realized where his mind wandered, he couldn't believe his brain betrayed him like that.
Since when was he the kind of man who would envision himself as a good husband and decent father of two? That was bonkers, he never wanted to be tied down, let alone be a father.
You were standing a few meters away from him with your boyfriend, the kind of guy who would probably give you that lifestyle because Manu was that kind of guy. Javier wasn't.
"Y/N… can you help me bring some plates?" Connie asked you sweetly and you nodded, putting Olivia down and promising you'd be there soon to play with her.
You followed Connie upstairs and walked into her apartment, it was everything very organized and cleaned. You couldn't help but smile at the pictures on the wall of herself and Steve, on their wedding day, their honeymoon and also pictures with Olivia.
Connie separated the plates she wanted to take downstairs "so… new boyfriend?" She raised her eyebrow and saw you blushing softly.
"Yeah… it's very recent"
"Well, he is very handsome… not Javier handsome, but still…" Connie chuckled at how shocked and surprised you got.
"What do you mean, Connie?" You asked clearing your throat, trying to show your nervousness
"Well, it was pretty obvious to all of us you liked Javi… more than friends, and Javi likes you too, Steve told me so… I mean, Javier hasn't said anything but Steve sees a lot more than it seems and he is positive Javier has romantic feelings for you. Judging by the way he was staring at you earlier, I am sure he does too" Connie gave you a sweet smile "and I think you still like him… listen, Steve told me everything that happened and honestly I think you were very right to completely ignore him at first, but he also told me about Carlos and how Javier protected you" Connie grabbed herself a glass of water and downed in one sip, she was sweaty and you could tell she suffered a lot with the weather in Colombia.
"What I'm trying to say is that if you two like each other then sometimes it is alright to give in and forgive. Look at me and Steve, I thought I was doing what was best for myself and our daughter but it turns out all I did was waste precious time away from my husband. Sometimes we're too proud and we miss out on people we love, so maybe you should talk to Javier, see what really goes on between the two of you" she placed her hand on your shoulder and smiled.
You carried the plates silently as her words wouldn't leave you alone. She did have a point, maybe you needed to talk to Javier, the tension, the unspoken feelings, the fact that sometimes it was so obvious you had feelings for each other and sometimes you couldn't read him even if your life depended on it, was making you stressed out.
"I'm sorry honey, can you go grab some other silverware? I forgot to bring them downstairs" Connie pouted and asked you very nicely, you nodded and quickly made your way upstairs, you were lost in your thoughts and didn't really pay attention where you were going, so you only realized you were standing right in front of Javier was when he stopped literally inches before bumping into you.
You noticed how he towered you, he was strong and a bit intimidating even, being so close to him and smelling his cologne got you thinking maybe Connie wasn't so wrong and maybe you should talk to him. You realized you'd let your walls down a while back and you could no longer act tough and unbothered by him, instead, each time you two saw each other you couldn't help but smile brightly again.
"Hey Javi… you okay?" You frowned softly as you saw he was kind of pale and had dark bags under his eyes, maybe he was coming down with something?
He frowned and shot daggers at you, he'd removed his sunglasses inside.
"Sure, just couldn't get to sleep at night with the neighbor across the hall moaning louder than a pornstar" he spat and gritted his teeth.
You were mortified. You had absolutely no idea he could hear you from his apartment, you didn't know you'd been that loud, no wonder Manu wanted a second round in the morning, he thought all that was for him. If only he knew…
And Javier was pissed off too, that was unexpected.
"Oh god, that's embarrassing, I'm sorry…"
"You're right, Y/N, it's fucking embarrassing" he replied in a rude way which began bothering you, who was he to talk about that? He was the guy who used to have girls over nearly every week, it didn't matter if they were paid or not, but very often you heard noises coming from his apartment, so he had no right to complain about that. "You and that dick shouldn't be making that much noise, it bothers people. It's rude, it's not what decent women do"
You stiffened and returned him the same cold gaze, Javier Peña had such nerve it made you want to stab him sometimes.
"You're right, decent women don't do that, that's why this kind of noises always came from your apartment Javier and all the women you picked up, because you simply can't get in a relationship with someone slightly decent, your partners reflect your personality!" You took a deep breath "it hurts, doesn't it? It hurts to hear someone we like, someone we care about with another person. Thinking that you could be there with them, but knowing you are simply not good enough or not the best option" you said "I hope you heard me through the whole thing, I hope you heard me cumming for my boyfriend…" Well, that was a lie, but Javier didn't have to know about it. "... I hope it has hurt you, because that's exactly how I felt every time I saw women come and go into your apartment when you knew damn well I was in love with you!"
Javi didn't expect you to be so blunt about it, he thought you wouldn't admit it and you were right, it did hurt, it felt horrible, he didn't want to ever feel like that again, and now he was even more sure of the asshole he was to you this whole time.
"What's so special about him, after all? What makes you like him to the point of acting like a wh-"
He stopped himself right there before he could screw things up more than he already had.
"Like what, Javi? Like a whore?" You asked with hurt in your voice "I am not a whore, and you know that. It's not my fault if you're jealous because you lost me… why do you do this? Why do you try to push me away whenever things are improving between us?" You stared at him "you wanna know why I like Manu? Take a good look at him, he's the whole package. He's handsome, younger, stronger, taller, he's not a fucking dirty cop. I think the real question here would be asking yourself why did I ever like you, Javier!" You spat back at him, not having any of his shit.
You thought he would backfire at you, but instead, Javier looked down and nodded, putting his sunglasses on one more time.
"You're right, cariño" he said in defeat "you shouldn't like me, I'm no good" surprising you, he cupped your cheek with his big hand, stroking it gently, and against all odds you leaned into it. "I tried pushing you away because it hurts less when you're not around, I lost you Y/N and there's nothing I can do about it"
Javi turned around and grabbed his coat before exiting the building.
The barbecue didn't go much further after Javier left. You guys sat down, ate and you helped Connie with the dishes, Manu and Steve chatted about business as Olivia played nearby. It could've been a real nice time among friends if you hadn't argued with Javier. But it puzzled you, it wasn't a normal argument, it was something else, it felt almost as an apology, or as a goodbye.
You shook that thought off immediately, a shiver ran down your spine as you couldn't even bear the possibility of that happening. Still, ever since he left, you had an urge to see Javier again. You wanted to check on him, make sure he was alright. You didn't know if it was a gut feeling, your sixth sense or just good old anxiety keeping you company, but you didn't like the way his eyes looked empty when he left, you would only calm down when you saw him again. You knew he was probably buried deep inside some Colombian prostitute, probably making her scream his name but you didn't care, you didn't feel angry after your argument, you felt just sad.
It didn't feel right to rub Manu on his face, especially because you didn't even like Manu that much, you just wanted to hurt Javier for being a cocky motherfucker and you felt really guilty about it. You didn't know if it made sense you felt guilty about it, but you knew you were past that point. You were caught in your own trap and at the same time you wanted to kill Javi, he was the only one you craved.
So after Connie's dishes were perfectly done, you half lied to Manu saying you'd need some time alone because you had a headache. You just occasionally didn't mention your headache went by the name of Javier Peña.
And Manu, being the sweetest and most comprehensive boyfriend on earth, gladly accepted your excuse and went home. He was such a great boyfriend it was starting to become annoying. Or you were starting to come up with reasons to break up with him, after all, you had a good deal with him and you had a bad deal with Javi and of course you were leaning towards the bad one.
So you spent the rest of your day by your door, you were completely silent, no TV, no music just you and a book you were too distracted and anxious to concentrate and actually read it, you just paid attention to every single noise coming from the hallway in hopes it would be Javier arriving home. You thought of using the spare key you had - and you still hadn't returned him - to wait for him in his apartment, but you stopped yourself at the fear of witnessing him arriving with another woman. That would break your heart again, not to mention it would be awkward to everyone as hell.
So you waited, and waited, and waited until you decided it was time to give up and go to bed, it would be another night of the countless you'd spent before hoping Javier would be in the comfort and safety of his home when in reality he was out whoring around.
You had changed into your nightgown and was ready to get under your blankets when you heard mumbling and stumbling coming from outside. Your heart raced and you could tell it was Javier's voice. He was cursing in Spanish and struggling to unlock his door and your heart clenched at the thought of him making out with a woman outside. For a moment you thought of not opening your door, but you realized you could hear only Javier and no one else.
Curiosity took the best of you and you stepped outside your apartment, freezing at what you saw.
"Javi!!!" You whined at the image of him covered in blood, bruised and beaten up.
You immediately teared up at the state he was in, he'd probably been punched a considerable amount of times, a cut right above his left eye was responsible for the amount of blood that stained his face and dripped down his neck and got to his cut.
You hated to see him like that, suddenly that horrible feeling that haunted you earlier made all sense and you ran to him. You'd much rather see Javier arriving home with a woman than all bruised and broken like that, at least he wouldn't be suffering.
You unlocked the door for him and helped him sit down on the couch, which he did with a groan of pain.
He looked at you in silence but smiled softly seeing your presence there, no matter if his whole body hurt, if he had been beaten up by one of the Los Pepes sicario, seeing you there made him better.
You didn't ask him any questions, you would have time for that later, instead you rushed to his kitchen, getting a bowl and filling up with water and ice. You had no idea if that worked for real, but you'd seen several times in movies and TV how someone would sink their face into water to prevent it from swelling.
You also grabbed some cloth and whatever you thought that could be helpful and sat next to him.
"It's okay Javi, I'm here don't worry okay? You're not alone" you reminded him and patiently instructed on what to do.
You didn't know how long you spent wiping all the blood off his face, but you were both relieved to see he hadn't broken any teeth nor his nose. Javi unbuttoned his shirt and removed it with your help, making visible a darkening bruise on his ribs.
You touched it as softly as you could but he winced in pain
"Sorry honey" you said sadly and grabbed the ice pad, letting him place it over so you wouldn't hurt him even more. You hope they hadn't broken any of his ribs.
"It's alright princesa, you're the best nurse in the world" he smiled sadly "you should go home now, I can handle from here, your boyfriend must be waiting, you're all dolled up for bed" he said finally acknowledging your nightgown. Even if he had just been beaten up, he still smirked at your choice of clothing. Manu was a lucky son of a bitch, he thought to himself.
You shook your head "no fucking way I'm leaving you like that Javier. He's not here, and even if he were, I wouldn't leave you" you assured him and saw how he opened his mouth then closed again.
He licked his lips and stared into your eyes.
"Sit on my lap" he asked in a low voice which made you frown in confusion
"J-just sit on my lap, I wanna feel you close, cariño, please"
And there they were: his puppy eyes again. How could you say no to broken, beaten, bruised Javier Peña looking every bit vulnerable in front of you?
You didn't think twice before switching to his lap, sitting on top of him comfortably and feeling one of his arms snake around your waist, holding you in place at the same time he buried his face in the crook of your neck.
Javi didn't say anything, he just inhaled your scent quietly, feeling in peace and at home. His body didn't hurt as much now, his heart wasn't aching at that moment. You were pressed against him willingly, not because he grabbed you, but because you wanted to be there.
You took his big hand into yours seeing the dry blood on his knuckles and very softly you began wiping it.
"Looks like you threw a few punches too," you said with a small smile and felt him place his head on your chest. He was so close to your breasts, but he didn't make any attempt to touch you inappropriately, he just rested his tired head against your soft skin and watched as you devotedly wiped someone else's blood from his knuckles.
"I left earlier looking for trouble and found trouble with one of the sicarios from Los Pepes" he explained briefly "he got worse than me, I promise" he thought it was best not to mention the other sicarios shot him in the head right there, in front of him, because they had explicit orders not to hurt the DEA agent who was collaborating with them, so he only chuckled but earned a dirty look from you. He knew you were going to say 'I told you so' and probably lecture you again on how stupid working with these people were, but instead, your eyes softened up and he could only see compassion, affection and maybe, just maybe some love in them.
You wrapped your arms around him, pressing Javier against your body tight, closing your eyes and enjoying the moment.
You'd never been that close to him, it felt so intimate but it was good.
"You know, the guy who left you at the altar is a stupid dick" he suddenly let out, earning a scoff from you
"Your ex's fiancee's current boyfriend probably says the same about you, Javi"
"It's her husband, and he is completely right. I was a dumb dick and what I did was terrible, I didn't want to get married and instead of straight up telling her, I chose the cowardly path. But I apologized to her and she forgave me, because she said if it weren't for me, she wouldn't have met the love of her life and built her family" he smiled "maybe the same can happen for you" his hand stroked your side, as he still held you tight against him.
You couldn't help but laugh softly.
"Who knows, right? Maybe someday I will have a nice husband and a baby of my own"
"I just know I wouldn't make the same mistake twice, Y/N, if you walked down the aisle for me, I'd be happily waiting for you to be my wife"
Javier only realized what he'd said after the words were out in the open. He shouldn't have said that, just a few hours ago he was trying to push you away and now he was low-key proposing to you? Fuck him, he was stupid.
You giggled and stroked his hair
"Aren't you adorable when you aren't a dick?" You tilted your head and pecked his forehead, seeing how hot his skin was "shit, Javi. You're burning up with fever… let me find you some medicine" you tried getting up but he held you tight in place, which caused your hips to move against his rough jeans and you let out a soft whimper.
Javi frowned at first but immediately smirked, his hand cupping your cheek again as the other one rested on your neck, massaging and stroking your skin.
"Need a relief, mi amor? Go ahead, rub yourself against me, I'll be glad to help you… you took care of me and I take care of you" he sweet talked you, his voice was a low rumbling purr and it took you a lot of willpower not to accept his offer. But you shook your head
"I can't Javi, I'm not gonna hump you while you keep burning up" you replied with the same sweetness he addressed you.
Eventually, you convinced him to take a shower and in the meantime you had to rush back to your place to get a tylenol because of course his medicine cabinet was empty.
When he got fresh out of the shower, you gave him two pills and walked him to his bed. Of course Javier wouldn't bother putting on clothes so he just got the towel out of his waist and got under the blankets, giving you only seconds to turn around not to look at his naked body.
He chuckled at your reaction and raised his eyebrow
"What querida? Do I look like the kind of fucker who goes to bed in pajamas? I ain't no Steve" you both laughed together and he took your hand in his, he caressed your knuckles with his thumb
"Stay. Spend the night with me, just to sleep and nothing more, I need you here, mi amor"
A/N: So let me just continue by saying that I had a major headache when I was writing it earlier today and then suddenly it went away because that's the power Javi holds against me. Now, this scene where he asks her to sit on his lap and they have this moment, it felt so intimate and erotic to me, I loved writing it and I hope you guys all enjoyed it as well, because it is probably my favorite scene so far.
I know some of you really love angst and want Javier to suffer but I am aching for a happy ending though I still have no idea what will happen in the next chapters or how many chapters there will be.
And also, please let me hear your feedback!!!!! Let me hear what you think of this chapter let me know if you have a favorite part, you can comment or send me an ask whatever i need to talk about javier 🤌🤌🤌
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618 notes · View notes
seventh-district · 3 months
This Evening I Will Not Forget
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“I jumped into the fray with the intention of helping you and next thing I know I’m standing there uselessly watching the first person I’ve dared to love in two fucking centuries take a warhammer to the stomach!”
He turned to face you as he emphasized his last few words, now standing all but frozen in the middle of the tent with his hands held out, gesturing toward your injury. You’re about to pipe up and insist that it wasn’t his fault, but the words dissipate before you can speak them as another part of his sentence echoes in your mind. You repeat them back to him in a disbelieving whisper.
“The first person you’ve dared to love?”
His tense, frustrated expression instantly falls flat.
“I didn’t say that.”
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An injury and an argument lead to you revealing far more of yourself and your unspoken past to Astarion than you planned to.
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Pairing: Astarion x Reader
Word Count: 3,292
Content Warnings: [injured Reader] (not graphically described, just mentions of bruising and pain) [mean/avoidant Astarion] [argument] [mentions of Reader's scars & non-specific allusion to their Tragic Backstory™] [vulnerability] [possibly (probably) OOC Astarion]
Author's Note: This is an excerpt from my fic An Evening I Will Not Forget, but can be read as a standalone one-shot. The only context I think you'll need is that this fic is written in the style of reliving memories, hence certain lines will mention Reader "looking back" on them.
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“What's important is this evenin' I will not forget
Purple, blue, orange, red
These colors of feelin'
Give me love, I'll put my heart in it”
You’re lying on your back as cold, pale fingers press against your sensitive skin, pulling a small pained sound of protest from you.
“Sorry, sorry…”
Astarion retracts his hand, fingers curling into his palm. You reach out to catch hold of him before he can completely pull away, your voice tense with pain as you reassure him.
“No- no... don’t be. I know you’re just trying to help.”
You bring his hand back toward your exposed stomach, his fingers still coated in the healing salve he was attempting to apply. His hand hovers hesitantly over your bruised and broken skin.
“Yes, but- I’m not very good at it.”
Your thumb brushes across his wrist as you hold onto him, suspecting that if you let go he’d just retract his hand again.
“What do you mean? Of course you are.”
He shakes his head insistently.
“No. It seems like every time I try to help you, I just end up hurting you even more…”
Confusion is clear both in your voice and on your features.
“That’s not… that’s not true, Star.”
You tug lightly on his wrist to get his attention, your voice soft as you ask him a question.
“Is this about what happened today?”
He pulls his hand out of your loose hold and you let him, watching as he stands and begins pacing circles inside the tent.
“No, I’m in a bad mood because the weather isn’t quite to my liking- of course it’s about what happened today!”
The initial sarcasm in his voice gave way to frustration near the end. Not with you, but with himself.
Now that you’re observing this memory from his perspective as well, you can see the moment you sustained the injury playing over and over again in his mind, working him up further and further.
“I jumped into the fray with the intention of helping you and next thing I know I’m standing there uselessly watching the first person I’ve dared to love in two fucking centuries take a warhammer to the stomach!”
He turned to face you as he emphasized his last few words, now standing all but frozen in the middle of the tent with his hands held out, gesturing toward your injury. You’re about to pipe up and insist that it wasn’t his fault, but the words dissipate before you can speak them as another part of his sentence echoes in your mind. You repeat them back to him in a disbelieving whisper.
“The first person you’ve dared to love?”
His tense, frustrated expression instantly falls flat.
“I didn’t say that.”
Your eyes widen, nodding slowly.
“Yes you did.”
Nervous laughter escapes him as he takes a step back, distancing himself from you.
“No, no, you… you must have heard me wrong. I didn’t- I was talking about helping you, I didn’t say anything about love, what’s love got to do with this?”
You hate to push him, fearing he may bolt like a frightened deer if you double down, but you know what you heard. It wasn’t like the first time you heard him say it, slapping it on the end of a string of pick-up lines, the word obviously carrying no weight, no truth. No, this second time was different.
“I think it has more to do with it than you’re willing to admit, Astarion.”
He falters, one of very few times you’ve seen him truly caught off guard, truly speechless.
“Those are…” He searches for something to say that’ll cover up the truth that’d just spilled out of him. “...bold words for someone currently bedridden.”
You bark a laugh and it turns into a low groan at the pain it causes to flare in your lower ribs.
“What the hell’s that supposed to mean?”
If he’s being honest, even he’s hardly sure what he meant. He’s truly floundering here, for the first time in… forever.
“It means… it means that I can walk away from this conversation right now and there isn’t anything you can do about it.”
Stooping so low as to resort to childish threats, you can feel the embarrassment radiating off of him.
“Would you truly be so cruel as to do that to me right now? Walking away, leaving me vulnerable and confused just because you can’t handle the truth?”
You’re pushing your luck too far and you know it. Surprisingly, though, he takes one step toward you, moving away from the exit.
“Cruel?! If you think that me simply walking away from you counts as cruelty then you truly haven’t suffered enough.”
His words are suddenly laced with venom and they hit you harder than the barbarian’s warhammer did today, leaving a chill colder than ice in their wake.
He seems to actually hear what he said a moment later, the careless words ricocheting off of you and coming back to slam into his chest, nearly knocking him over and crushing him beneath the weight of his sudden regret.
A furious wave of heat and adrenaline courses through you as you bolt upright in the makeshift bed, ignoring the sharp pain that flares inside you in response to the sudden movement. Reaching down and grabbing at the tail of your shirt where it’s bunched up around your ribs, you hastily yank it up over your shoulders and head, tugging your arms out of the long sleeves and furiously tossing the garment directly at him.
“Suffered enough? You think I haven’t fucking suffered enough, Astarion? You don’t know the goddamned HALF of it! You’re not the only one in this tent that’s been abused, you know?! Oh wait- that’s right- you DON’T!”
Your voice cracks under the pressure of volume and emotion as fat, hot, angry tears roll down your cheeks against your will. Astarion stands there like a deer in the headlamps, your balled-up shirt having hit him softly in the chest and fallen anticlimactically to the ground. As his eyes rake over your heavily scarred arms, the angry purple markings showing no signs of lessening as they curl over your shoulders and disappear behind your back, it suddenly starts to make a lot more sense why you were so damned insistent that no one remove your clothes while treating your wounds earlier.
Shadowheart rips open the flap covering the tent’s exit, a very concerned looking Halsin ducking down behind her. Part of you is grateful that at least not everyone was currently at camp to witness your sudden breakdown, but even the sight of the two of them is enough to have you panicking. Pulling at the blanket gathered around your waist and shouting in an admittedly very childish, vulnerable voice, you demand they leave as you choke on your tears, hastily covering yourself up.
Unsure of what to do, Shadowheart surveys the scene before her with a critical eye before sighing, seeming to understand that the best thing they can do right now is give you back your privacy. She knows that if you needed her, you would call. Turning to shoo away the concerned man behind her, she lowers the flap back down with a quiet murmur of “They’re… fine. Let’s give them some space.”
Astarion finally breaks free from where he’s been stood like a statue, slowly moving toward the exit as well with an unsure glance in your direction.
You bury your face into the fabric clutched in your hands, shouting into it in exasperation.
He freezes, no longer knowing what to do but wishing that the ground would simply open up and swallow him whole. Back under six feet of soil feels like where he deserves to be after what he just said to you.
He racks his brain for the right thing to say, coming up empty handed and eventually deciding that honesty might just be the best policy in this situation.
“I… I’m going to level with you. I have no idea what to do right now.”
In spite of it all, you laugh, a broken sound that cuts through your tears, causing you to cough, then the strain from coughing causes more tears to fall. Though he can’t admit it, Astarion knows right then and there that he never wants to hear or see you in such pain ever again.
“I… I’ll level with you, too.”
You pull the blanket away from your face, looking at him with watery, bloodshot eyes.
“...Neither do I.”
You glance down at the floor, attempting a deep breath and failing spectacularly as another broken sob escapes you. Dropping the fabric still held up against your chest, you press your hands down into the bedroll beneath you in an attempt to support your upper body and ease the pain radiating through your core.
Astarion takes one cautious step toward you, his unsteady voice the only thing filling the silence aside from your soft crying.
“I need… to apologize. For everything.”
You shake your head in disagreement and clear your throat.
“No, you don’t. You’ve been through a worse hell than I could ever even imagine. It’s… stupid of me to try and compete with you in that regard.”
He takes another step forward, insistent.
“That isn’t true. You have… clearly been through your own hell, and it was… stupid of me to assume you hadn’t. Even worse of me to try and downplay my avoidance by… holding my past over you like some sort of… like some sort of excuse.”
You shift your weight to the side in order to lift one hand, reaching out to grab at one of the small cloths stacked beside your bed. Astarion sees you struggling to reach them and rushes forward, closing what remained of the space he’d put between you as he lifted a cloth and handed it to you without a word.
You bring it to your face, pressing it to your eyes in a useless attempt to dry the tears that were still falling. Then, moving it down to blow your running nose into the cloth before you could make an even bigger mess of yourself than you already were. Finally able to breathe a bit better, you counter his point.
“Yeah, but- the thing is, I feel like you kinda have the right to do that, given all that you’ve survived. Of course you’d see the pain of walking away from a conversation as trivial when you compare it to… literally anything you’ve experienced.”
Now that he’s returned to your side, Astarion’s head angles to drag his gaze across your exposed back, finally seeing the full extent of your scarring as you lean forward a bit to toss the dirty cloth to the floor of the tent next to your shirt. Nausea swirls deep in the pit of his stomach as the upsetting sight of your marred skin burns itself into his memory.
“I believe… that’s called a double standard.”
You throw him a sad, confused look, and he explains.
“You’re trying to give me some sort of… free pass based on what I’ve been through, but I’ve never once seen you give yourself that same sort of leniency.”
“That’s… not the same thing.”
“I’m not saying we’ve been through the exact same thing, but…” He gestures vaguely to the entirety of you. “...clearly you’ve gone through something. If I get to lord my baggage over you then surely you’re permitted to do the same.”
Your tears begin to slow as you consider his words.
“I don’t… want to do that, though. Obviously. That’s why I haven’t told you. I don’t want you giving me special treatment because ‘poor pitiful me’ has gone through some shit. I don’t think that excuses any of my current behavior.”
The silence hangs in the air for a moment before he gently drives his point home.
“Yet you think it excuses mine?”
“...okay. I guess you’ve got me there.”
You sigh, body beginning to feel heavier than lead as the sudden rush of emotion and adrenaline fades from you. You ease yourself back down, hissing at the pain as your bruised ribs and torn muscles protest the stretch and movement. Astarion wants to assist but truth be told he’s afraid to touch you. So, he watches on helplessly, still berating himself in the back of his mind for the role he feels he played in you sustaining today’s injuries to begin with.
Once you’re laid down and relaxing into the bedroll as much as you can, you make no effort to cover yourself up, not caring how long his eyes wander across your exposed skin. Silently, he tries to read the countless jagged lines and dots carved into you like they may eventually come together to paint him a picture of all that’s happened to you.
No picture anyone could paint would ever do the pain justice.
He settles himself down next to you as your tired eyes stare a hole in the ceiling of the tent.
“You do not have to accept my apology, but I will not rescind it. I do have the wherewithal to know that what I said was wrong. It was cruel. I…”
He exhales, the heavy sound full of the weight carried by a man that hasn’t been this honest with anyone in centuries.
“I…  tossed aside any consideration for how you may have felt, letting myself get lost in my own… stupid fears. It wasn’t right. It certainly wasn’t fair to you.”
Your head lolls to the side, appraising him with lidded eyes.
“You know… you’re surprisingly self-aware when you aren’t being a pompous ass.”
Your words draw a surprised laugh out of him and after a moment of consideration, he nods slowly in reluctant agreement.
“I’ve… had a lot of time to sit with myself and think. Eventually you get to know yourself pretty well.”
He looks down, idly picking at the loose threads on the edge of your well-worn bedroll.
“All of that self-awareness apparently doesn’t make me any kinder though, does it?”
It’s a rhetorical question but you answer it all the same.
“I still stand by my statement that you have good reason to be so… abrasive. Just being aware of those reasons doesn’t mean that they suddenly don’t affect you any more.”
Your hand raises from where it laid lifelessly beside you, reaching over for Astarion’s and pulling his anxious fingers away from attacking the weak points of your bedroll. You don’t release his hand once you direct him away from the loose threads, holding onto him as you continue to muse aloud.
“I think that a lot of us are just doing our best to not allow our past to affect our present, to varying degrees of success. Sometimes we fail. But- I believe all that truly matters at the end of the day is that we’re trying, though. … And, Astarion?”
“I can tell that you’re trying.” You squeeze his hand. “And I accept your apology.”
You take a slow, deep breath, and listen as his voice comes out softer than you’ve ever heard it.
“Thank you.”
You nod your head in a silent “of course,” laying in thoughtful silence for a few moments before speaking.
“I… feel like I should apologize as well.”
Now it’s Astarion’s turn to be confused.
“What ever for?”
You weakly raise your other hand to gesture all around the room.
“Just… this. The scene I just made. Heaping all of this emotion onto you when you were obviously already struggling with how you felt about me in the first place.”
He doesn’t take long to respond.
“No, I don’t think you need to apologize for that. This… seems like it really needed to come out. I could never be upset with you for sharing it with me, regardless of the… unideal circumstances.”
He then seems to realize something.
“I hope you don’t regret it, though. Sharing this with me.”
You shake your head decisively and the motion causes your impending headache to flare.
“No. I don’t. I- uh- you were going to find out eventually with how… close we’ve been getting. I just couldn’t find the right time to tell you- or- well, show you, I guess.”
Your hand releases its hold on his, reaching up to carefully brush your fingertips across the mottled skin of your stomach. You raise your head up, angling it down to look down at the injury with a thoughtful gaze. Glancing over toward Astarion, you ask him another question.
“Can you hand me that salve from earlier? It never really… got fully applied.”
He immediately reaches behind him for the container, but holds it in his grasp as he stumbles over his words.
“I- I, uhm… wouldn’t mind trying again, if you want me to. If you don’t I’ll understand, though. Just… want you to know that the offer is still there.”
Your eyebrows raise in surprise, but you’re completely willing to let him do it.
“Oh… sure? You’re welcome to, I just… assumed you wouldn’t want to.”
He holds his other hand up and only then do you realize he never wiped the salve from his skin.
“These fingers are numb already anyways, might as well spare yours the same fate.”
You vaguely remember Shadowheart’s words as she passed Astarion the container earlier, cautioning him to not leave it for long on any skin he didn’t want to temporarily lose feeling in.
“But hey, at least we know that it works now, right?”
You give him a tired smile, appreciative of his efforts to lighten the mood.
“Mmm, I suppose so.”
You pull your hand away, exposing your injury to him once again.
“Have at me, then.”
With your permission, he sweeps a scoop of the healing and numbing mixture across your sensitive skin and you notice how feather-light he keeps his touch this time. Looking down to observe his work, you note how the messy mixture of the massive bruise’s dark colors stand in stark contrast to his pale white fingers that brush across it.
A thought slips out of your exhausted mind.
His eyes flick up to meet yours, unsure if he heard you correctly.
“The colors. They’re pretty. Purple, blue, even kinda orange…”
You look away from the bruise and up into his ruby eyes.
He’s silent for a moment, his hand pausing its gentle motion. Then he scoffs, looking away and internally dismissing your words as the ramblings of a tired mind.
“You’re talking nonsense, dear.”
Your filter has all but completely vanished, feeling almost drunk on your current mixture of exhaustion and relief after such a hell of a day. Sleep beckons you and your eyes fall closed as the pain in your ribs fades, on its way to being numbed out by the potent salve. A hazy thought surfaces, reminding you to give your thanks to Shadowheart when you next awake. For now though, you relax, no thought given to the words that slip from your lips.
“But you love my nonsense, don’t you…”
His heart feels like it jumps in his chest as he hears you so casually speak the word that he’s still reluctant to even think to himself, let alone say aloud. As he finishes massaging the salve into your skin and pulls his hand back, his eyes pass over the expansive unspoken history of pain evidently etched into your skin, up across your chest, over your shoulders and down your arms. He figures the least he can do is answer you honestly before sleep pulls you under.
“I… suppose I do.”
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End Notes: If you'd like to read my commentary on this scene, you can find that in the end notes of Ch. 5 on AO3 - right here!
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thinkingaboutjaedyn · 6 months
a big fat lesbian masterlist ✸
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INTRO ━ i'm aj! sixteen. black. she/they. became a fan of woso after the 23' world cup in around september. the biggest fan and defender of the uswnt w/no shame. jaedyn's wife™. i like the frawnt, chelsea, san diego wave, orlando pride, bay fc, psg, tigres and man city the most. also into college wbb & woho. i love writing fluff mostly, sometimes angst depending on my mood. never smut though. i'm just an overall menace and very chaotic and a yapper. an orange cat by definition.
RULES & REQUESTS ━ my only rule is that i don't write smut because i'm trash at it for one and for two i'm a whole minor. that already feels weirdly illegal. however, everything else is fine; angst, fluff, and sad stuff. i write for pretty much anyone but mainly for my faves because i have a grasp on their personalities way more than other players. requests are currently OPEN, but they take some time because my mind sometimes wanna be all funny and have writer's block. also i'm a full time highschool student and athlete, so i don't always have the time or energy. still i like writing alot so don't be shy to send in a request, i'll get to it eventually.
second masterlist
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────────────────── ★ CURRENT WORKS
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FRAWNT ★ ─────────────────────────
elisa de almeida
one. puppy love.
two. hot choco with a side of kisses.
three. the baby chronicles.
four. my favorite view.
five. eye contract is overrated.
six. kindergarten painted hearts.
seven. can't help myself.
eight. red looks good on you.
selma bacha
one. the biggest bully ever.
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────────────────────── ★ BARCELONA
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★ ───────────────────────────────
aitana bonmati
one. falling for you.
two. lovely jokester.
three. lovely jokester part two.
four. ex.
ingrid engen
one. never expected to like you this much.
two. nights like this; part one of series.
three. could've been; part two of series.
four. good days; part three of series.
five. ingrid as your girlfriend.
mapi leon
one. stupid headcanons.
two. hidden fear.
multiple players / all
one. napping with mapi leon and ingrid engen.
two. barcelona is the type to.
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────────────────────────── ★ USWNT
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★ ───────────────────────────────
trinity rodman
one. trin as your girlfriend.
two. beach day fun.
three. the kitty surprise.
four. it wasn't me.
ashley sanchez
one. most annoying person ever.
two. ash as your girlfriend.
three. craving your warmth.
kelly o'hara
one. five things about you.
sophia smith
one. soph as your girlfriend.
jaedyn shaw
one. i'm your biggest fan.
all / multiple
one. uswnt is the type to.
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136 notes · View notes
Update 27 Nov 23
Ko-Fi thing
You can call me Nyarla, I guess.
Or "Yo She-Bitch." Either's cool.
Soooo I figured I might need to make one of those MASTERLIST things because I cannot stop writing (which is the most amazing feeling ever when I've been in a writer's block for months).
It's just One Piece Live Action right now, but as my confidence increases I might post some of my other fandom work.
I'm Open for Requests for OPLA fics and headcanon. Primarily Character X FemaleReader, but I'm flexible.
I do reserve the right to not write every single request that is asked, since I am human and my abilities do have limitations, but I swear I will try.
I'm not squeamish about much of anything, so don't refrain. I'll always post any necessary ⚠️Trigger Warnings⚠️ right here with the links.
I'm always open to requests for Shanks, Mihawk, Zoro, and Sanji. Possibly also Buggy, Luffy, Usopp, Koby, and Helmeppo, but I haven't written them much, so please bear with me if it takes me a bit to respond.
Honestly please bear with me if it takes me a while to respond to Asks/Requests in general because I get really nervous about getting them perfect.
Some things about the weirdo that's writing this shit can be found here
The Lovely Alphabet (NSFW)
Dialog I Presently Have No Use For
(But might eventually) (basically mini dialogue-centric fics that may make there way into something else later or might not)
01 Get Out
02 Can We Keep Her?
03 What Happens in Loguetown
04 Coffins and Coping Mechanisms
05 Kitty
06 Send Help
07 Pep Talk
08 Death Wish
09 Oh No Not Again
10 Shanty Time!
11 No Sleep
12 The Throngler™
The Best Boys
First Kiss
Material Boys (NSFW)
I Don't Even Know Music Or Something?
Ooooh...Kinky ;D (NSFW)
In the Kitchen
Because I Got High
Short Stuff
ABCs of Kink (NSFW)
D is for Dominance (First Kiss sequal)
P is for Public Blacksmith's Daughter Part 1 . . . Part 2 . . . Part 3
Your Scars Are Mine (NSFW)
(Trigger Warnings for Self-Harm, Blood, Implied PTSD)
Ch. 1 . . . Ch. 2 . . . Ch. 3
Ten Years (unofficial sequel to YSAM) (NSFW)
Mood Swings (mostly SFW headcanons)
Hearing Problems (NSFW eventually)
Guess this is important
All OC Face Claims and Character Sheet Links
Ch.1 . . . Ch. 2 . . . Ch. 3 . . . Ch. 4 . . . Ch. 5 . . . Ch. 6 . . . Ch. 7
Late Night Chats
X plus-sizeReader Headcanons (NSFW)
Tongue Ring headcanons
Strawhat Stowaway Ch. 1 . . . Ch. 2
Redhead suppremacy (sfw headcanons)
(...I hope)
(Some titles subject to change)
Tongue Ring (F is for Food Play)
Blacksmith's Daughter part 2 (P is for Public, ABC's of Kink)
O is for O Denial
B is for Brat Tamer
204 notes · View notes
catsnkooks · 1 year
hello horny thots time (sorry if this is a lot™ my period got me feeling real spicy) started out thinking about daddy price and how he dotes on you when you're on your period, always ready to rub your back or snuggle, always prepared with snacks and painkillers. he isn't shy either, not when his hands are sliding into your sweatpants and his mouth is on your neck, murmuring "let's get those endorphins flowing, shall we love?"
but then horny brain supplied me with ghost and/or könig who not only like to fuck you while you're on your period but they want to. woops blood kink they don't mind a bit of mess, not when you're making such sweet sounds as you come, pussy hot, wet and tight as you clench down on their cock, and they keep fucking you until they add to the sloppy mess between your thighs (oopsie sorry not sorry okay byeeee)
ugh MOOD mine is coming soon and i can feel the feralness already
but if you're like me and you get pretty bad cramps the first couple of days, price is right there with you. hot water bottle ready to put on your stomach, or your back, wherever you need it. painkillers on hand, nutritious snacks ready and waiting, he's basically at your beck and call the entire time. and as a military man, he's absolutely not shy when it comes to period sex. he's dealt with all kinds of shit, you think a little blood is going to stop him? nah, love, let's get those endorphins flowing, hm? those should help, shouldn't they? and you're not one to argue with him when he's made his mind up, and he's made his mind up that you're getting fucked tonight
ghost and konig DEFINITELY have a blood kink those men are the kind of deranged but just enough to be hot kind for them to find it sexy. sometimes you wonder if they actively seek out fucking you during your period more than regular fucking time, and you notice he (ghost and/or konig) seems to enjoy it more than regular fucking time. something about taking the pain away from you for even just the briefest of moments and bringing you pleasure seems to satisfy them. and the fact that they can't help but stare between your thighs at the mess that they're contributing to,,,,,a mess of you and him combined. he loves it
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wysteria-clad · 1 year
Dating Will Miller would include:
paring: Will Miller x fem! reader; established relationship
warnings: mentions of sex but nothing explicit, pregnancy, kids.
If marriage, babies & children aren't your thing, keep scrolling.
a/n: I'm highkey soft for the Miller brothers. I'm in love, your honor.
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- Will is 10/10 the guy to give you his shoes if you say your feet hurts after wearing heels all day. He would even carry you in his arms after teasing you a bit playfully.
- He is so good at cuddling. His hugs are the best. He completely wraps you in his arms, shielding you from anything hurting you figuratively and literally, making you feel loved, safe and warm.
- He is a gentleman. He opens doors for you.
- Kisses on the side of your head, lots of it—as a goodbye, a greeting, a reminder of his sweet love. He is soft for you <3
- His terms of endearment for you—sweetheart, honey, sweetie usually. If he is feeling really tender/trying to calm you down, he calls you, 'Baby'
- He is not the jealous type, but he is really protective of you.
- He is attentive, he notices your cues if you are in a bad mood/ pms-ing. He knows exactly what to do to comfort you. And he will give you space to cool down if you prefer that.
- Daddy af
- He is the dom, but would be down to switch for you if you want to try it.
- He is always gentle with you. But he is rough af when you want it that way, but still he checks to make sure you are alright.
- He gives you anything you desire—Hot passionate sex? Yes. Soft vanilla sex? Yes. You just want to be held by him and kissed and cuddled sweetly? Yes.
- He is the big spoon. You tried to spoon him once, but you looked like koala bear clinging to him. You both laughed it off. He doesn't mind as long you are next to him. But you hook your leg over his hip in sleep and he loves it.
- He is not big on pda, but he would never turn down your kisses. He holds your hands when you go out.
- And when you go shopping, he actually pays attention to the outfits you pick out when you try it on for him. He doesn't zone out and scroll his phone mindlessly.
- He is patient af. He would wait for you till you choose without complaining.
"You look beautiful in everything, sweetheart."
To him you can wear nothing but a huge baggy t-shirt, and be the most beautiful women on the entire planet.
"You are not helping," you laugh lightly holding all five outfits you tried.
"I'm just telling the truth."
"Flattery would get you anything, Miller," you add, smiling. You ended up buying all five outfits.
- He would carry your bags. No way he want his baby to carry stuff when he is around. Not in a controlling, macho way, more like, 'Let me treat you like the Queen you are, baby.'
- His primary love languages are quality time and acts of service.
- He is a girl dad™
- You have two daughters with him. (If you wanna see soft! Dad! Will, here ya go)
- They are daddy's girls without a single doubt. You joke about how your girls 'betrayed you'
- He tries to leave for work before your daughters are up, cause he cannot resist their faces when they cling to him. Your youngest refuses to leave his arms, while your oldest clings to his legs and cry for him not to leave. "Daddy, don't leave me alone!'' (You don't count, mommy 😂)
Dating Benny Miller would include
paring: Benny Miller x fem! reader; established relationship
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- Let's say you did something great/achieved something in academics/career. Benny is the type of boyfriend to yell, "That's my girlfriend!", publicly. You are embarrassed, but deadass love it.
- He is a proud boyfriend and he loves to show you off to his friends.
- Santi, Frankie and Will thought it would tone down after he married you, but no. It only changed to 'That's my wife!', after the marriage.
Frankie casually mentions how his wife is the best, and of course, Benny has to go on and on about how wonderful you are until they cut him off, grumbling.
"Yeah, yeah, we get it. Your girl is the best."
"My wife," he corrects with a not so subtle grin on his face.
- Benny loves your cuddles. He would just lay his head between your breasts or bury his head on the crook of your neck. Mans just loves your touch. He is your personal weighted blanket. He cannot keep his hands off you.
- He melts into you like a puddle when you thread your fingers into his hair, and play with his hair while cuddling.
- His terms of endearment for you—baby, babe, darling, sweetness, babygirl. And he would call you more cheeky names.
- Constant teasing and playful banters.
- Palm kisses are his thing <3
- He is the kind of boyfriend that would rest his chin on your palm/kiss your palm if you do the 'hold out your palm to your lover and see what they do' challenge.
- He is your golden retriever puppy. His mere presence lights up your entire day.
- He gets jealous and is a little insecure at times.
- Always knows what to do and what to say to make you smile and laugh.
- Switch af
- Down to try new things with you, but impact play is not his thing.
- kinky sex, giggling goofy sex, passionate sex.
- He loves and enjoys cuddling you after sex.
- He usually spoons you, but would not hesitate to ask you adorably, "Baby, can I be the little spoon now?". He is your six feet tall baby <3
- He knows how goddamn handsome and hot he is, yet he would blush whenever you compliment him, especially his pretty eyes.
- You want piggyback rides from him? You got it.
- pda. pda. pda
Always has his arm around you shoulder/waist/thigh when you are out. And he can't stop kissing you any chance he gets.
- His primary love languages are words of affirmation and physical touch.
- He is great with kids. He is 'the fun uncle' to his nieces and his friends' kids.
- You have a son and a daughter with him.
- Highkey cries on your kids' first day of pre-school, and won't hide it.
(a/n: I can go on & on about these cuties, let's save that for later)
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thebibliosphere · 10 months
Saw your hole-patching posts. After lots of hospital and treatment-related posts, I'm taking this as a good sign? I always get so relentless about Home Improvements™ when coming out of my bad days. It's about taking control of the space!
I think that's probably a huge part of it, tbh. I also think my mood is finally improving because I'm getting help, whereas, for months, I've just been desperately depressed and unable to do anything because it felt like no one gave a shit about the pain I was in.
Now that it's being dealt with, it's like parts of my brain are coming online and are being like "damn, you live like this?" and is demanding outward change to give me more of a boost.
I've been so inactive for months due to pain, it feels nice to do things, however slowly.
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j0kers-light · 4 months
Bit of an old trend, but I clearly remember this trend where girlfriend’s would pull their partner in by the belt to give them a goodbye kiss when parting ways for one reason or another- Wonder how J would react if Y/N pulled such a bold move? 👀
Hey hi @unholiiness I love you mi love!!! 🖤✨
This was such an adorable request, don't hate me but I turned it into a head canon! I remember this trend 🤭 hopefully I did well with this scenario if not, do let me know and I can try it again!!
This could go one or two ways. Either you catch Joker in a bad mood and he gives you The Look™ that's when you stop, back away, and run to the your room. Don't mess with that man when he's unpredictable, just don't.
But if you do happen to catch Joker in a good mood then huzzah! Joker will be wholly unprepared. However there's still a problem! Its all about finding the right time to do it that's tricky.
If you pull said stunt at home, it'll just lead to Joker picking you up and having his way with you. All you can do is squeal and kick your feet, after being tossed over his shoulders. There are consequences to your silly little stunts. Not like you're complaining
But that's considering he has time to spare. If you wait till Joker is ready to leave (to terrorize Gotham City no doubt) and hook your finger into his belt to tug him close, he'll allow it— but there's a deep, ominous growl that escapes him while you do it.
It spells nothing but trouble and you should be scared... but your panties are instantly wet from hearing it. And it goes something like this
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"Mmm, Bunny... you're ahhh playing a dangerous game there."
His eyes fluttered shut the second your hands touched him but they soon open, giving you a clear view to the fire within.
You know Joker is rushing to a last minute heist. He has no time to spare but you and your little antics... he can’t help but to stick around.
You bat your eyelashes and tug him more closer so his chest bumps into yours. He had you cornered— your back to the front door but there's no other place you'd rather be. With your fingers toying with his belt, it’s you that has him cornered.
"I didn't get my goodbye kiss, J." You pout. You can tell he's listening but his fiery gaze is burning holes into your lips.
You’re wearing that lip balm he loves so much. It made your lips so glossy and feel incredible. And don't get him started on the taste...
You know you're a vixen and your widening smile confirms it. "Well?"
"Well whaT?" Joker fired right back. He had a few minutes to spare, but after that, he really needed to go.
It’s time to go big or go home.
"Either you be late to the robbery orrrr...." You stood on your tippy toes to brush your lips against Joker's in a phantom kiss, "You give me what I want, Daddy."
It took seconds for Joker to react. That title was the match to his gasoline tank every time.
He made you swallow his groan as your lips finally met his in a dance of old. For a split second you were weightless until your back slammed into the door and Joker's hands slid down to your waist to hold you steady.
Hands roamed wildly to claw at clothes but in the end, there was no time for what you and Joker truly desired.
He ripped himself away, panting heavily and you weren't any better. Your head was swimming and no doubt, a doepy smile was plastered on your face.
Joker considered staying here with you but business came first. He planned this heist for too long to bail out now.
Joker sat you back down on your feet and set about righting his clothes the best he could.
You took pride in shaking up a man like Joker. He looked frazzled and his hazy green eyes quickly found your e/c ones.
He shook his head, "This isn't over, Princess. When I get back—"
"Yeah, yeah. I'm gonna get it. I’ve heard it before. Have fun causing mayhem. Don't get caught." You stepped aside so Joker could finally walk out the door, but not before playfully smacking his butt.
Thankfully the door slammed closed before he could grab ahold of you.
You were so gonna get it later.
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Who vibes for Vibranium?
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AN: Have a little short and sweet, sort of cracky Stucky sexual shenanigans story. Enjoy!
Beta’d by @metalbvcky but all errors are my fault.
Likes are loved, reblogs are golden
Mood board by me and dividers by @firefly-graphics
Join my tag list here
Master list | Stucky Bingo Master List
Summary: Steve likes to be indulged. It's a good thing Bucky likes to indulge him. Even if he's a thieving little big brat sometimes.
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Relationships: Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
WC: <1k
CW: AU: Not Canon Compliant, teasing, suggestive dialogue, Super-Soldier sexy shenanigans, discussion of impact play, discussion of bondage, Steve Rogers is a little shit, Soft Top Bucky Barnes, Bratty Bottom Steve Rogers, Fade to Black.
Bingo Fills and Challenges:
@stuckybingo I4 - Vibranium
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“Come on, Buck. It’ll be fun.” Bucky pulled a face at Steve’s wheedling tone. He wasn’t convinced.
“Fun? Just sounds like a recipe for disaster to me.”
Steve sidled up to him, wrapping his arms around Bucky’s waist, looking into his eyes and doing his best Little Shit ™ pout. “Don’t you miss being able to hold me down. Like really stop me from moving.” Steve nuzzled into Bucky’s neck and Bucky let out a huff. 
“I miss it,” Steve continued, letting his teeth scrape over Bucky’s throat. Bucky closed his eyes and tried to think of the Presidents of the United States. “I miss feeling all helpless under you.” Steve’s fingers slipped up under the back of Bucky’s shirt and started to draw light patterns over his skin, making him shiver. “One vibranium arm can only do so much and I can’t work out a way for you to use my shield to help.”
“Steve,” Bucky cautioned. “This isn’t really a conversation about informed consent if you’re trying to get my dick to make the decision and not my brain. It’s cheating.”
Steve raised his head with a grin. “Is it working though?”
Bucky rolled his eyes, knowing he’d already lost the fight. “You’re such a punk, you know that?”
“But I’m your punk, and you love me.”
“Unfortunately so,” Bucky agreed. “Now, if you wanna do this, first you gotta hand ‘em over.”
Steve let go of him and practically skipped across their apartment. How a 6”2’ supersoldier could move like that Bucky didn’t know, but he couldn’t say it wasn’t stimulating to watch. It was also kinda cute, the way that Steve was getting giddy at the thought of doing something ‘kinky’. 
As two queer guys who’d grown up in the 30’s, neither were strangers to things that were nowadays termed as kinky, but no matter how long they’d been together, and how many different things they’d done, Steve was always enthusiastic, as though it was his first time, every time. 
When Steve returned from his little sojourn into his study, he was practically vibrating - ha! - with energy and he passed over his new toy with a grin.
“Do I even wanna know where you got these from?” Bucky asked. Of course this was the question that made Steve look a little embarrassed. His neck flushed pink and his left hand came up to brush over the hair at the back of his head. 
“I - uh - may have found them in the cache of recovered HYDRA hardware that Fury keeps in the upstate warehouse.”
“Steve Rogers,” Bucky let out, teasingly. “Are you telling me that you - the great and righteous Captain America - stole these Vibranium handcuffs?”
Steve startled “No! Not stole. Just - umm - borrowed.”
Bucky raised an eyebrow and Steve had the good grace to look slightly cowed. “I mean - we might give them back?”
“If they help me beat your ass without struggling to keep you still they are definitely not going back,” Bucky retorted, failing to get the right tone of authority into his voice.
“You promise?” Steve asked slyly and Bucky shook his head in mild disbelief at his bratty boyfriend.
“The fucking audacity,” he said to no-one in particular, and then “Get in that bedroom, Rogers and strip. You’re getting ten for your cheek, and if you aren’t ready when I get in there, then it’s an extra ten.” 
“Oh no,” cried Steve with faux despair. “Whatever shall I do?”
“Nothing, if these work.” Bucky took a step closer, drawing himself up to his full height, despite that being two inches less than Steve’s. It had the desired effect though - science might have taken Steve out of his little body, but it hadn’t taken the memory of being in that little body out of Steve. Steve shrank down, now reacting to Bucky’s domineering aura. “You’ll do nothing except cry those sweet tears as I turn your ass red because you won’t be able to get away from me. You won’t be able to stop me. Now - do I have to tell you again? Get in there and strip.”
Steve turned, scurrying into the bedroom as fast as he could with his cock doing its best impression of a flagpole between his legs. 
Smiling to himself, Bucky looked at the cuffs, inspecting them and working out how they opened and closed. The last thing he wanted was for them to get stuck, even if the thought  of Stark being mentally scarred for life having to come and help remove them was amusing as hell.
“Time to see if these work,” he muttered to himself, before calling out “Ready or not, here I come.”
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Over an hour later
“Yup,” Bucky said with a smile as he stretched out. “Those definitely work.”
Steve groaned and buried his head into Bucky’s side, while lying on his stomach. “My ass is on fire,” he complained.
Bucky sniggered. “Quit your whining, you big baby. You only have yourself to blame. And you’ll be all healed up in an hour. Two, tops.”
As Steve huffed against him and threw an arm across his stomach, Bucky picked up the cuffs from where he’d deposited them after removing them from Steve’s wrists. He turned them over in his hands, pondering.
“I wonder,” he said, “if we got a metal footboard whether these would magnetise strongly enough to it that I could use them to keep your legs apart…”
Steve let out a moan that wasn’t entirely one of despair. “Buck, let me recover before you start trying to turn me on again.”
With a smile still on his lips, Bucky leant over and places a kiss to the top of Steve’s sweaty head.
“Love you, punk.”
“Love you too, jerk.”
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Tag list: @christywrites, @alexakeyloveloki, @doasyoudesireandlive, @galactusdevourerofworlds, @crayongirl-linz, @mightstill, @nicoline1998enilocin, @km-ffluv, @wheezy-stucky, @kmc1989, @kombatfather1796
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Angst Masterlist
all angst, no comfort: 💔 hurt/comfort: ❤️‍🩹
hi i think the original post is getting too long and tumblr won't let me save it so this is my attempt at compromising
main masterlist
➼ fighting prior to a deadly battle (dystopian!au) 💔 ➼ forbidden love with levi 💔 ➼ levi being mad about being called Humanity’s Strongest Soldier™ 💔 ➼ levi comforts you after you think he’s sick of you ❤️‍🩹 ➼ levi removes you from a mission 💔 ➼ levi telling you that you’re perfect just the way you are ❤️‍🩹 ➼ meeting at a party on the arms of someone else (ex-boyfriend!levi) 💔 ➼ post-war!levi grieving you 💔 ➼ you grieving levi's death 💔 ➼ you wake up with amnesia 💔
➼ Don't Leave Me 💔
Wanting to focus on his duties, Levi breaks up with you, wanting to wait until after the war to be together. Unfortunately, you don't get to survive until the end of the war.
➼ His Last Hope 💔
After the tragedy that was the 57th Scouting Expedition, Levi is unable to determine your fate.
➼ Just Go ❤️‍🩹
After a fight, you're convinced that Levi's going to break up with you.
➼ Keeping You Safe ❤️‍🩹
You get hurt during the 57th Scouting Expedition and are confronted by Levi.
➼ Stolen 💔
Levi finally decides to confess his feelings to you. However, before he could, disaster struck.
➼ Surprises ❤️‍🩹
You were convinced that Levi was cheating. He instead comes home with a surprise.
➼ Take Me Back 💔
After losing you in battle, Levi mourns you at your grave.
➼ You're Safe ❤️‍🩹
Levi raises his voice, which triggers your previous memories. Aware of your past, Levi helps you through it.
➼ Your Promise 💔
It's the night before the return to Shiganshina. Afraid of losing you, Levi attempts to take you off the mission.
➼ Your Safe Space ❤️‍🩹
You struggle holding back an incoming mood swing. Levi encourages you not to hold it back.
➼ Your Worth ❤️‍🩹
Upset about constantly coming in second place, you request to get removed off Levi's squad, and Levi isn't having any of it.
Last updated: October 15, 2023
© humanitys-strongest-bamf & rydenkat | Do not repost or plagiarize my work. Do not translate or edit without my permission. Do not feed my work into AI. My work is currently posted exclusively on Wattpad, AO3, and Tumblr. Feel free to recommend my works on other social media platforms!
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sp1rit-realm · 1 year
༻¨*:· 𝐀𝐗𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓 ·:*¨༺
༻¨*:· summary ·:*¨༺ You go axe throwing. Sirius needs help, and Remus gets Jealous.
༻¨*:· notes ·:*¨༺ 𖦹 gn!reader (hair is log enough to tie up) 𖦹 jealous!remus lupin says something mean ૮ •᷄ ⌢ •᷅ ა 𖦹 sirius black being a blockhead™ 𖦹 hurt/comfort 𖦹 mentions of remus lupin's happy trail™ 𖦹 remus lupin looking sexy while axe throwing 𖦹 shitty ending
༻¨*:· word count ·:*¨༺ 𖦹 1K
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Sirius frowned as his axe bounced off the wood again, "I just can't tell what I'm doing wrong." He walked over to you.
"I think the wood just doesn't like me." Somehow, his frown deepened.
"Maybe." You cooed, stroking his hair.
James rolled his eyes and lightly elbowed you, "Stop encouraging his sour mood."
You covered Sirius's ears like he was a child. "James," You whispered, "He's allowed to be sad."
The three of you jolted upon hearing an axe hit the wood with too much power.
You turned to see Remus stomping down to retrieve his axe from the wood—it was unfair how good he was at this. In the past half hour, he hit the bullseye sixteen times.
"Merlin, mate," James chuckled loudly, "Y'angry 'bout something?"
Remus just shook his head and lined up again.
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Remus Lupin looked sexy axe throwing, you concluded.
After the first few hits, Remus decided to try throwing with one hand, and he was equally as good at that. If you were being honest, you found it attractive. He was sweating, and the muscles in his arms would bulge whenever he gripped the axe. On top of that, he made it look so easy; every time he threw the axe, his shirt would lift just enough for his happy trail to show. That meant you also had the pleasure of seeing his v-lines. And, oh, a pleasure it was.
"Earth to Y/n," Sirius droned, "You're gonna catch flies."
You smacked his arm.
He made a dramatic moan, pretending he had been mortally injured. You slapped him again.
He brought the back of his hand to his forehead, "How will I ever improve my axe throwing if my arm is too sore to throw."
So dramatic.
You lined Sirius's hips square with his waist. You heard an axe hit the wood with, once again, too much power.
Remus looked murderous. His jaw was clenched, and his knuckles had gone white from gripping the axe so tightly.
"So, the first issue you're having," You began explaining to Sirius, "Is that you're putting your left hand above your right hand." You moved his hands as you spoke.
You were now standing behind Sirius as you helped guide his arms.
"You're not going to chop your hair off, Sirius."
"But what if I do. Then what?" He argued.
You sighed, "Then you get a haircut. Now, shut up." You wrapped your hands around his and pushed them, ensuring the axe's poll was against his back.
"Now," You removed your hands and moved to the side of him. Mimicking his stance, you continued: "You want to almost walk into the throw. Step in with your right foot. Then, bring your arms up and over your head, and throw the axe." You demonstrated, though, you were empty-handed. He followed your steps, and you both watched as his axe flew and stuck right into the bullseye.
You both cheered as you hugged him. "I knew you could do it!"
Your words were muffled by his chest.
"I fuckin' hit the bullseye twenty times, and I don't get a hug," Remus mumbled, walking to your table, which was stationed in front of the two lanes shared by you and Sirius.
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You hit the wood over and over again, and Remus felt his mouth dry at the sight of it. You had a slight sweat building up, and he marveled at the picture of your bobble between your teeth as you gathered your hair into a ponytail. His heart exploded when you smiled at him.
"Taking a break, Remus?" You said as you walked over to him.
He loved when you said his name.
"Mhm. Tired." He supplied, resting his face on his palm.
"Tired from what?" You cocked an eyebrow, "From effortlessly hitting the bullseye time and again?"
He let out a tired laugh, "Trust me, it takes effort."
"You know who it takes a lot of effort for?" You asked with a sly smile.
"Who?" He shared the smile with you.
"Blockhead over there," You tiled your head in Sirius's direction.
Remus huffed, "Seems to be doing perfectly fine after your little lessons." It came out more bitter than he meant.
"You jealous?" You teased.
"Of what?" His left cheek twitched upwards, "Of Sirius being helped by you?"
Your happy expression dropped as you turned and walked away.
"By me? What the fuck does that even mean?" You mumbled, picking up the axe. As you shifted your weight, you let out a grunt and watched as the axe hit the bullseye. You made a sound of victory, retrieved your axe, and did it over again. Adrenaline pumped through your veins as you continued; you didn't miss the target once.
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You turned to go to the table and were met with a nightmarish scene. Remus was talking to someone. They were beautiful, eyes the loveliest shade of brown—almost black. Their hair was the same color. And their teeth were pristine and white.
They laid their hand on his arm as they laughed.
Remus was making them laugh. Why was he making them laugh so much?
You knew it was unfair to get upset; you weren't dating.
You walked back to where James and Sirius had congregated, "I'm going to go take a..." You turned to look at Remus, "A breather."
You pushed past Remus and the person, muttering, "'Scuse me."
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It was raining.
This was a common occurrence—feeling like you wanted to cry, only to find the earth weeping for you.
How the fuck did axe throwing turn into this?
You jolted at the sound of him clearing his throat, "Can I talk to you?"
You didn't look at him as you spoke. "Why would you want to talk to me?" The last word was dripping in spite.
"Look, Y/n," Remus sighed and sat next to you. His shoes were getting wet from the rain, "I shouldn't have said that."
"You should move your feet. They're getting wet." You said, deflecting. You still wouldn't look at him.
"Y/n?" He tried again.
You turned your head to look at him, snapping, "What!?"
His silence only drove you angrier, "What, Remus?" You said, tone softer, "Are you going to apologize for saying my name like it was trash rolling off your tongue? Or was there something else?"
He hung his head, "I'm sorry for speaking like that. It was very rude of me." He sighed heavily, "I suppose I was jealous."
You smiled ever so slightly, "Jealous, huh?" He nodded.
"Jealous of...?" You wanted to squeeze it out of him.
"Jealous of Sirius." He muttered.
Filled with hope, you asked, "Does that mean you like me?"
He softly kicked your shoe with his, a soft blush settling on his face, "Maybe," He smiled, "Do you like me?"
Remus swore you were an angel as the sky cleared, the sunlight hitting your face as you beamed.
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Thank you for reading, my lovelies
ଘ(੭ ˊᵕˋ)੭*༺ ♡‧₊˚
@sw34terw34ther @forourmoons @evergreenlover @ell0ra-br3kk3r @cremexcoffee @holyregulus @goodoldfashionedluvergirl @masivechaos
Please let me know if you want to be tagged in my posts! ૮ ˙Ⱉ˙ ა
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coryothesub · 2 months
Visual Stimulation
I’ll proceed with the asks tomorrow but currently I feel like there's a shameful lack of Sejanus smut across tbosas tags so I decided to fix that
Modern Sejanus is definitely the type of guy who has a secret OF account. Not for money purposes, he just feels like showing off sometimes and he loooooves the validation. He has never told Coryo, because he knows that Mr Future President™ would tell him off for jeopardizing his own reputation like that. But reader on the other hand is just a horny girl who likes to do a little browsing to help her meet her needs…
nsfw / mdni / no specific dom/sub dynamics
Coryo was away for the weekend just in time for your ovulation and you were so horny that you felt like your brain was gonna explode. Or something else.
You were just scrolling some socials on your laptop, bored out of your mind and decided to check out some adult content to get a bit of stress relief.
None of the guys in the pictures did anything for you until you stumbled upon a fit looking man with a very pretty cock that reminded you of something you had seen before but you couldn't quite put your finger on it. Probably that was some well known pornstar. What else could it be?
You clicked on the profile and scrolled through some pictures and videos, but none of them showed the guy's face. Just some footage of him using the fleshlight, some pretty tasteful dick pics, cumming video, more dick pics…
The next one was titled “Morning workout in the park”. Interesting… You clicked on that one and saw the guy sitting in the grass leaning against a tree. 
Judging by the lighting it was very early, right after sunrise and the park was still empty. You clicked on description and it read:
“Hey guys! Went out for a morning run once in a blue moon. My jogging pants felt kinda restrictive, therefore I decided to get rid of them and do a little show off wearing only my little running shorts. Looks much better like that, doesn't it?”
It looked good indeed. You bit your lip as his big hand kept palming his hard-on through the thin fabric of the tiny shorts. You could hear some moans and groans and for some reason they sounded very familiar. 
You wiggled out of your panties and kicked them away bringing your hand down to your wet cunt right away. You started rubbing your clit and a small moan escaped your lips. He was so fine. You just wished for him to take those shorts off asap.
Then the young man turned the camera to his face and you gasped in shock, almost falling out of your bed. 
It was Sejanus. smiling suggestively, small drops of sweat glistening on his forehead from the workout he’d just finished.
“I fucking love it when the sun comes out,” he spoke into the camera. “It always lifts my mood up. You know what else gets really excited about the sun?”
He turned the camera back to his crotch and let the tip of his cock slip out of those loose little shorts. It was thick and hard and it twitched against his strong thigh as he kept speaking, making your pussy impossibly wet.
“It feels so good, fuck! I wish y’all could be here with me.”
God you wished that too. Your fingers moved on your clit rhythmically as you watched Sej letting his whole manhood slip from the leg opening of the shorts and starting to stroke himself. His cock looked so good in the morning sun and the sounds he was making went straight to your pussy.
You felt like those small stifled moans were about to bring you over the edge at any moment now and you threw your head back in pleasure as you suddenly heard his voice right there in your room.
“Like what you see, huh?”
It took a couple of seconds for you to register that he was actually there and after that you slammed your laptop shut and covered your exposed private parts with the oversized t-shirt that you were wearing.
“Sejanus! What are you doing here!?”
“The door was open and I thought I would surprise you,” he gave you a cheeky smirk.
“Well you certainly did. How long have you been standing there?”
“Long enough to realize that you really enjoy my little hobby.”
You felt your cheeks flooding with red. It felt so embarrassing to be caught like this.
Sejanus just gave you a flirty smile and made a few steps closer.
“I don't mind at all, princess. In fact I hope everyone who enjoys my videos looks as good as you while doing it.”
“How about I put on a little live show for my favorite viewer?”
You just nodded, still not fully recovered from the surprise.
Sejanus stood in front of you and started unbuttoning his shirt while moving his hips like a true professional. Who knew he had it in him. 
Soon he revealed his toned torso and pulled down his pants with a cocky grin. He loved the way he made you feel. Still kinda confused, but extremely aroused. 
You got in a more comfortable position and let your hand play with your cunt again, looking at the dark haired boy with pure lust in your eyes.
He teased you, brushing his hand over his cock while it was still in his briefs and you could see that he was already hard.
You breath hitched when he finally let his thick member spring free, bouncing against his lower abdomen. He gave it a few lazy strokes and crawled into your bed.
His hand immediately reached for your clit and a soft whimper escaped your lips as soon as you felt his fingers pressing against your most sensitive spot.
“So wet for me already,” he cooed before pressing his plump lips against yours in a steamy kiss. Then he moved down to your neck, sucking at the soft skin in a harsh manner that would probably leave some marks.
“Do you mind if I fuck you now?” He whispered against your skin.
“God, I need you to fuck me!” you sounded embarrassingly desperate as your pussy was literally melting underneath his fingers.
Sejanus pulled your t-shirt over your head and licked his lips marveling at your titties.
“Would you please get on your knees for me?”
You obeyed immediately, desperate to have him inside you already.
“Such a needy girl,” he teased, sliding his leaking tip up and down between your folds.
“Sej, if you don't get to it now, I swear…” you hissed and pushed your ass against his cock.
Sejanus chuckled amused by your despair and slowly pushed his girthy member inside your dripping wet cunt.
You felt immediate relief as he started moving in and out, digging his fingers into your hips.
You moaned softly, feeling his cock stretching you out so nicely.
“You’re so thick, Sej. Fuck!” 
“It's just your perfectly tight pussy. Damn, feels so good,” he praised you as his pace grew faster and you kept pushing against him, lewd sounds filling the room as your naked bodies kept slapping together.
You felt your arms growing tired so you lowered yourself against the mattress and pressed your face into the pillow, your muffled moans filling the air.
“It looks so good from up here,” Sejanus spoke in a teasing tone as his thrusts became even harder.
“Maybe you should guest star on my channel. I bet we would go viral.” 
The thought alone of being displayed for everyone while Sej fucking you like the horny slut you were made your walls clench around his cock.
Sejanus groaned, feeling his climax nearing from the warm embrace of your tight pussy.
“I’m so damn close,” you whispered before biting into the pillow as you felt his cock hitting against your sweet spot repeatedly.
“Me too baby. Oh god, I think I’m gonna…” the sentence was cut off by a deep grunt and you felt Sejanus's cock twitch before shooting his load deep inside your pussy.
Getting filled by his warmth brought you over the edge and you came simultaneously, drenching his dick in your juices.
You felt the pillow underneath you getting damp from your hot breath as Sejanus continued with a few sloppy thrusts, fucking his cum deeper inside your pussy.
Then you sank down on the sheets panting heavily. Sejanus laid next to you looking like he could easily do a few more rounds right away. His morning workouts certainly did him good.
“Oh god I really needed this,” you said, still catching your breath.
“Me too, I'm really glad I caught you like this,” Sejanus chuckled softly before pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“By the way, the offer to make that video still stands.”
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Gravity Falls Thoughts: Ford and Trauma™ (Part 01; because I know I'm turning this into a multi-part series)
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So...when you start to think about it, Ford has been through a lot. Because of Gravity Falls' nature as a 2-season Disney cartoon, I feel that we've only scratched the surface of all the crap this man went through.
And thanks to the fandom...good Lord in Heaven, all the flippin' Trauma!!! Sweet Moses...
I mean, other than Bill Cipher and Weirdmageddon, Ford has a level of trauma that not a lot of people have.
Of course, Ford isn't the only one with Trauma™. Really, all four of the Pines are traumatized in some way. I mostly want to focus on Ford for now.
Now, most of the trauma Ford is given is fan speculation/interpretation. The thing is though, is that these traumas would make sense if Gravity Falls was given a more serious direction. (sort of like Steven Universe, a show that is more emotionally driven)
Okay...first things first, nutrition.
In a previous post I've made (I think it was about the Feral Ford headcanon; which I may or may not go into further detail in this series), I said something along the lines of how Ford wouldn't be all that bothered by weird looking food or could even stomach strange food combinations.
While a part of me still thinks this, another one thinks of something else thanks to reading a lot of fanfics of his essentially living off of nutrient pills.
This is from Ford having to be constantly on the move to avoid Bill's reach during his travels. I'd imagine it's a rare occurrence for him to be able to sit down and have a decent meal, either at an establishment or even hunting for food. Not only that, but you have to remember that a lot of the places he went to probably don't have food suitable for humans.
So, Ford has probably taken to nutrient pills so that way he's always on the go, among other foods he's able to preserve and carry.
The thing is, living on mostly nutrient pills could only take you so far before it could be more of a bad boon. Nutrient pills wouldn't exactly give you the appropriate amount of calories a human adult male needs. Especially if they are constantly in danger.
This can lead to some malnutrition.
Yes. I took time to research this so we can properly make Ford's life more like hell.
Signs/Symptoms of Malnutrition (according to NHS)
(Other than the main concern of weight loss and BMI being low)
reduced appetite
lack of interest in food and drink
feeling tired all the time
feeling weaker
getting ill often and taking a long time to recover
wounds taking a long time to heal
poor concentration
feeling cold most of the time
...feeling cold most of the time...
"feeling cold most of the time"
...And who wears a turtleneck sweater/trench coat combo during the summer?
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And, lastly, Low mood, sadness and depression.
Furthermore, it would seem that Ford would have developed a low tolerance to actual food (other than bland, mushy stuff) and is probably incapable of eating a whole meal without throwing up.
It's a struggle to be sure, especially if Ford already has a history to forget meals, even as a child (may or may not be projecting here as someone who forgets to eat)...not to mention the months of paranoia due to Bill prior to being sucked into the Portal.
I'm honestly imagining a scene in which Abuelita (bless her soul) tries to feed Ford when she sees how skinny he is...or at least what she perceives as skinny. And no one (no one) can say no to Abuelita Ramirez. And it's Mexican food. There is absolutely nothing bland about it. And Ford does his best to eat it...only to scurry into the bathroom after three bites. He didn't mean to be rude. It was honestly very delicious. Ford's body just couldn't handle it at the moment.
At least Abuelita is understanding of the situation and becomes Stan's right hand woman on his quest to help Ford with his eating habits.
...Great, another idea for an upcoming fic...I had a title in mind but I feel like I should call it *Trauma* Ford Edition.
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