#helpless dick
pompadourks · 11 months
The fandom needs to stop infantilizing Kieran or I’m gonna start taking names
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storyweaverofgondor · 3 months
Fanfiction help!
So years ago i read a Dick Grayson pov story where he had been tied up and put in the trunk of a car. It was Bruce's car and he didn't know Dick was there and was driving around thinking Dick had been kidnapped. Then he either got a message or something because he suddenly stops the car and opens the trunk and lets Dick out.
I think it was a oneshot on FF.net. But i don't remember if it was Young Justice, Teen Titans or just general Batman. I don't remember if it was part of a oneshot collection or a stand alone. I don't remember who wrote it or what it was called.
Help me, DC Comics fandom! Your my only hope!
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lord-squiggletits · 3 months
If any MegOP writers are hungry for an Orion Pax who gushes over Megatron and is obsessed with him and looks at him with stars in his eyes, might I suggest giving IDW1 OP/IDW1 MegOP a try?
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americanprometheuss · 10 months
i love it when the most physically/visually intimidating man has the weakest dick game. i’m talking absolutely ZERO bitches and if he does get bitches, it takes him a lifetime to pull them. he cries during sex, whimpering and groaning like he’s being tortured, hiding his face in your neck, begging pleading for you to give out a “helping hand”. absolute loser. doesn’t know how to do shit with that absolutely massive schlong he’s been given, quite literally “he don’t know how to handle allat” personified
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mamawasatesttube · 11 months
oh my god i thought too hard about dick & kon and im in the fucking sauce help me
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martyrbat · 10 months
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batman and superman vs vampires and werewolves #2
#feeling fucking insane about this actually#bruce talking out loud to jason's memorial case—sharing the events of the night with his robin—with his son.#dicks response..... that lightheartedness before being slightly snarky at the realization....#‘havent been called that in a long time’ before realizing bruce was almost hoping for it to be jason despite how illogical it may be#‘have room for one more?’ ‘might as well throw a ghost in the mix’ AND BRUCE REACHING FOR HIM BUT STOPPING HIMSELF!!!#like yeah jason coming back is cool and all (hate most of his red hood character lmao) but!!! this!!!!#haunting the narrative and influencing bruce and being a driving force in bruces still despite his death!!!!!#HELL MORE BECAUSE OF IT EVEN#bruce experienced the greatest lost of his life twice. the first as a kid and his parents deaths and how it was a driving force to make him#dedicate his entire life to fighting crime and helping others. but then he experienced it again but now as the parent#he now knows firsthand the other side of that coin. he knows both sides of grief and mourning and lost#first as a helpless child. then as batman. he became batman to prevent this from ever happening yet he still couldn't prevent it#making him push himself more and more because he still wasnt good enough. he still failed.#he still has only himself to blame for all 3 murders.#like losing jason was the thing that tipped him over on he cant ever have that civilian life hes yearned for and wanted#because there's always going to be scared little boys with blood on their hands that needs help. just whos blood it is can and has differ#anyways. bruce talking to jason still while working and trying to help others..... man.#c: batman and superman vs vampires and werewolves | i: 2#crypt's panels#batman#bruce wayne#dick grayson#nightwing#jason todd#robin ii#bruce & dick#bruce & jason
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thegreatflyinggrayson · 4 months
@kentstopme Are you available to help find my brother?
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invisiblegarters · 5 months
Man whenever shows dig into how bad things can get for the have nots vs the haves I get so impotently furious.
On the bright side I'm not going to be sad watching these asshole kids get picked off one by one. I hope next week we're back to the murders.
PS the gasp I let out when a wild Phee appeared!
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messengerhermes · 5 days
Can someone explain to me, why it feels like people have gotten *worse* about public hygiene since the pandemic began?
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woodcries · 3 months
apparently at work we need two openers now for safety reasons but all of my opening shifts are stuck with our most useless team member ever and honestly i’d rather risk getting attacked or murdered than deal with her one on one in my quiet contemplation hours
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theblackestofsuns · 1 year
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“Completely Helpless!”
Fantastic Four #17 (August 1963)
Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Dick Ayers and Stan Goldberg
Marvel Comics
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fortjester · 2 months
having now read the epilogues (mostly), I feel so fucking vindicated for putting the only heartbreaker by mitski on my dirk playlist. how did I know??? how was I that spot on????
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roobylavender · 2 years
ranking of batkids on a scale of who'd be the most comfortable with a civilian life to who'd hate it??
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helena and duke are missing bc idk enough about them
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The Connor and Willa "exploitation or literally just girl making choices" discourse is like. Well. Not to say I've solved the whole show but like fundamentally you have to stop thinking of agency as a yes/no question. It's not even a sliding scale or a dialectic or anything as simple as that. It changes literally moment to moment!!
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dreadfutures · 2 years
unlike some people, the anger and frustration and lack of agency i have in the important situations that surround my intersectionalities and marginalization don’t make me decide to shame any not-perfect attempt at progress in another, less-dire area of life where i do have some agency and burn it to the ground for not being 100% good enough immediately, or for not elevating me and my suffering to the top of the suffering olympics
#everything everything everything#solidarity means something#progress is growth growth has a rate growth is not immediate#growth of institutions reshaping policies reshaping opinions reshaping content takes time time time#many moving parts many people many bad apples spoiling the bunch to prune away#progressives eating themselves aka the fascist incel pipeline by another name#it somehow pops up in every single fucking movement and it's because feelings of helplessness suck#and what's one thing that can give us a sense of control#it's being a dick#ruining something for everyone because you found a Crumb to justify your moral outrage#i'm sick of it i'm sick of it i'm sick of it#i'm sorry comrade it's called a struggle and it's not gonna be over in one day one contract one game#if you need a safe space that doesn't remind you of the struggle i'm sure there are those out there#but a place that is mostly safe but bears traces of the struggle or is showing improvement at a slower rate than you like#is not a place worth burning down#especially if the option is leaving us with nothing resembling safe at all#personal#blue vagueblogs#i haven't been sleeping because this kind of thinking poisoning the pot#and you can't beat these people with reason or inclusivity because they do not care they JUST want a chance to defy their own impotence#they JUST want a morally acceptable punching bag#they don't actually want progress they want perfection and will chop off their nose to spite their face and cripple their fellows
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korusalka · 2 years
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