#hemera’s daily dose of positivity
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I posted 9,428 times in 2022
That's 3,356 more posts than 2021!
1,334 posts created (14%)
8,094 posts reblogged (86%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,413 of my posts in 2022
#art - 171 posts
#toh - 167 posts
#amphibia - 158 posts
#hemera rambles - 150 posts
#ask - 137 posts
#kitty opens mail - 127 posts
#kenzie! - 101 posts
#hemera’s daily dose of positivity - 48 posts
#hemera’s 350 celebration - 47 posts
#ty vee - 46 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i would say toh too but it’s too emotional and chaotic now which isn’t a bad thing but it’s more mood boosting and life giving than my go to
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hi there. :) Can do me a big favor?
Stop scrolling for a second.
Take a deep breath in. Close your eyes if you want.
let it out.
You are so strong. You are gonna be ok.
243 notes - Posted January 3, 2022
I am not sleeping in a girls arms, platonic friend or not, and honestly that’s homophobic
520 notes - Posted June 4, 2022
The 5 Stages of Watching a Children's Cartoon as a Teen+
1. Hm looks cute. Why not check it out to fill time
2. Ah yes favorite comfort show. Love to unwind with it
3. Oh. Oh dear. It appears I have become emotionally attached
4. WHY wtf is this still in my head why must it consume my every waking thought I CAN'T ESCAPE but I love it
5. Welp. Guess this is my life now for the next while...
577 notes - Posted January 2, 2022
I have spent so much of my life bottling up every thought, emotion, opinion, and just me, that I’m honestly so ready to spill out everything to someone. Read my poetry. Read my goddamn journal. Just someone understand me finally, please
684 notes - Posted August 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Reblog to wrap the person you reblogged it from in a soft blanket like a burrito and give them a brownie
15,284 notes - Posted July 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Hi there. :) Can do me a big favor?
Stop scrolling for a second.
Take a deep breath in. Close your eyes if you want.
let it out.
You are so strong. You are gonna be ok.
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To anybody who sees this
You. are. enough.
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A few essential health care things proven to help prevent depression
So, a lot of my friends are struggling with depression and are taking absolutely no care of themselves which I understand, because it’s hard when you don’t have any motivation. So this is me saying
You are worth it. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to be taken care of.
Some ways that you can start to take care of your amazing worthy self, just baby steps, are:
Take regular warm showers 🚿 💙
Go to bed early and STAY OFF ELECTRONICS BEFORE BED. If you can’t fall asleep, read something not on your phone. Regular good Sleep schedules are crucial for your brain to even be able to produce happy chemicals🌙🤍
Don’t have caffeine everyday if you can avoid it. Too much caffeine stimulates your brain to produce a crap ton of stress hormones ☕️💓
Positive self talk. Even if you don’t mean it, be kind to yourself aloud. Forgive yourself and encourage yourself vocally.❤️‍🩹😘
Actively look for silver linings. Ik this is cliche or difficult and u may be rolling your eyes, but trust me. If you are in a situation you don’t like, you don’t have much of a choice so you might as well make the best of it. Find the things you are grateful for or are just pretty 💖🌸
Practice gratitude. Every night, try to name 3 things you were grateful for each day 🌻🌄
Try try try to stay hydrated and eat. I get it’s not easy and a lot of us have eating disorders and such and it’s associated with a lot of bad stuff, but please if you can, try. A lack of proper sustenance means your brain won’t have the energy or materials to produce happy chemicals (ie dopamine seriotonin oxytocin etc) ideally eat healthy, but honestly it more important to me that you at least get food into your stomach and keep it there 🥯 💦 🖤
Please please please take care of yourself. You deserve it. You are amazing and are worth love. If you want to be better, please consider this. I know a lot of people will scoff at me and roll eyes and hate me, but guys. This has been proven by scientists over and over again to boost mental health. Again, not always a choice and I get that, but if you can. Take the step. Take care of yourself. I love you, and I’m always here to support you.❤️❤️❤️
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Self love is not the same as narcissim
Narcissism is actually a psychological condition in which the person has experienced trauma and has a difficult time loving themselves, and so they may overcompensate and come off as vain. They are still very worthy of love. Self love is just the basic respect for you and your body which everybody deserves. They are not the same thing.
Loving yourself and caring for yourself is not bad or vain. It’s okay. <3
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Newsflash: if you are looking for love and validation from other people to fee fulfilled , you won’t ever be happy
Only you can give yourself the love you need. Only you have the power to take care of your needs and emotions. Only you.
The love you give yourself is the most powerful healer of all.
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Hello, lovely soul. 🧚🏻‍♀️🫐
This is just a little reminder for you.
Please never forget how wonderful you are as you, how much perfection is inside you. You are wanted, loved and cared for by others, even if there might be cloudy days that make you feel like you are all alone and unwanted.
I am very glad that you are alive. I appreciate you a lot. 🌷
You deserve all the rainbows and the warmth of the sun, you deserve love and the best. Your existence makes this world shine brighter and we need you here. ☀️
If you are currently struggling in life for any reason, please let me remind you that all rain-storms have an end and so will your bad days. You can make it through everything, because you are strong and deserve the sunny days after the gray clouds are gone. 🌻
I wish you a day or night as ✨special✨ as you are and don't forget to drink enough and take your medications if you need to. 💕🌷
𝐿𝑜𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒, 𝐿𝑜𝑢. ♡
Why did I cry? Why did this genuinely make me cry???
This—I… am speechless. Honestly. I apologize it took me so long to respond. I saw this early this morning and I couldn’t bring myself to respond. The fact that you took the time out of your day to send this to me means a lot. Especially since the most interaction we’ve ever had was me liking several of your posts… so for that, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I hope you take a page out of your own book if you need it and give yourself the love you deserve (which is all of it). Take care 💖
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of course!!
it's alright
Well I'm here for you if you ever need to talk. Seriously. Remember: our dark days don't define us. We will be stronger and have a greater appreciation for the good things when we come out the other side. <333
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- expert from Flowers on the moon by Billy Chapta
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Hello so I realize a lot of my mutuals are undergoing a lot of hardship right now, and are really in the gutter emotionally. So, I have a little message for you:
It's okay.
take that in whatever meaning you need to hear most right now: it will be ok, its ok that your not ok, etc etc. Whatever it is, it's true. You all are amazing people and I'm here for every single one of you, ok? You are so so loved I promise. You are not alone. There are helping hands reaching out (like mine), and you are also not going through this alone. Other people know your pain too, believe it or not.
So remember: don't self isolate, forgive yourself, take baby steps, try your best to find the silver linings, drink water, eat, get some sleep, and know that there are others there for you if you lose hope.
I love y'all.
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Hey y’all. So, I’m kinda depressed right now, ngl. Idk why, I just am. Kinda unfortunately, I’m the kind of person who is almost toxically positive and doesn’t allow themselves to actually feel the shit so it just sits there I dealt with and it SUCKS.
So, in my classic me move, I’m going to be reblogging a crap ton of positive affirmations that I Need to hear, and hopefully they can help u too ^_^
Let the positivity vibes commence!
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Somethings to know about my blog:
- I am a writer!!! I do poems occasionally, when I’m not busy writing my trilogy (@writing-rising-night)
- I also have fanfics on AO3, for toh and amphibia
-writing tagged as #hemera writes
- I mainly go insane about fandoms on sideblog @sanity-vanished-inthe-night
- I take moodboard requests
- I will post about mental health (#mental health awareness) and ->
- I will reblog encouraging/uplifting/comforting posts for people who are struggling with mental health (#hemera’s daily dose of positivity)
- anything that is straight from my brain tagged as #hemera rambles
- Tell me if u want to be on my taglist for writing!!
- in a different life, I would be a fae
- @angel-of-fallen-dreams is my internet wifey
- this is mostly shit posts I relate to, some aesthetics, and some fandom. So basically the preface of my unorganized thoughts.
Spotify ✨ 🎵
Love u bbs <333
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