#henry turner headcanon
Headcanon: how the potc characters would react if you hugged them🫂🏴‍☠️
Jack sparrow
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Jack would be on the deck of the pearl trying to turn the wheel when you come up with a smile.
"Aye love, come up here to enjoy the view?".
You would run up to him gripping your arms around his shoulders.
Jack would stand stiff and become slightly confused but then later slowly hug you back.
He would stand there awkwardly "did I do something darlin".
You would smile and look into Jack's eyes saying "your the best damn captain there ever is".
Jack would smile to himself and hug you back before turning the wheel.
Hector barbossa
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So to say the least he isn't used to hugs, more or less any contact.
He would be in his cabin staring at the gold he got over the years.
You would come in with a smile "whatcha doin' smilin' lass".
He would be slightly confused but as you wrap your arms around him, he would stiffen.
"Uh...girly" he would be awkward to say the least.
You wouldn't care because this man meant so much to you.
Slightly he would pat your head and you would still smile "sorry cap'n your amazing".
He would smile softly but not before showing his tough exterior "ya best be off Missy, the deck ain't gonna scrub itself".
Will turner
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Will would be soft and passionate, he would be looking over deck while jack is keeping an eye out and Elizabeth is talking to the crew.
You would softly smile to will and wander up to him.
"Y/n, your safe" he smiled softly.
The next thing he knew was arms coming around him, you wrapped him around his shoulders.
Will would be more loose and hug you back thinking he's grateful to see you.
"Don't worry, your not a bad person y/n, your amazing".
Will would be more comfortable hugging you.
Henry turner
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Henry is super energetic and passionate, he was glad you agreed to help get his father back.
You were sitting on the side of the pearl while Jack, Carina and barbossa were off checking the area.
You come up to henry with a smile and wrap your arms around his shoulders.
"You alright y/n, don't worry the sea life gets better" he joked.
Henry would of course hug you back.
He would smile to himself as he hugs you.
James norrington
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He is very proper and hugging is slightly out of the mannerisms he's used to.
You would come up and wrap your arms around him.
He would be shocked to say the least and stiffen.
"Is there something you need my lady" he would question.
He would awkwardly bring his arms up and hug you back.
You would be glad to be in his grasp.
He would slightly smile to himself, he would finally find someone who could bring him happiness.
Davey jones
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So davey is cut off from human contact ever since he was cursed.
You would be a lost soul drifted at sea and he would slightly take a liking to you but he wouldn't show it.
If you wrapped your arms around him, he would stiffen.
It's been a while, he wouldn't know what to do other then think it's a joke.
"What in the seven seas are ya doin' lass" he sneered.
Davey would bring pat you slightly, it will take a long time to get used to.
Phillip swift
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You were captured and when Phillip was alright you would run up and hug him.
You wrapped your hands around his shoulders.
He would hold you in his grasp and basically do a passionate hold.
He would say "your gods gift to me".
He would at least be very warm and open to you hugging him.
Joshamee gibbs
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You saw Gibbs as a father figure ever since you joined Jack and the crew.
You felt like you could share your feelings with him and he would be sympathetic.
If you wrapped your arms around him, he would be shocked at first but then slowly warm up to you.
"Don't worry lass, things be gettin' better" he would smile.
He would be more fatherly and warm to you.
Headcanon requests: open
Oneshot requests: open
Imagines: open
Matchups: open
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Ahoy and hello,
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Welcome to the pirates of the caribbean writing blog. Here, you'll find fanfics, oneshots, headcanons, imagines, and moodboards.
A bit about me
I've been a writer for 6 years, and writing is my passion and pirates of the caribbean is my hyperfixation. I've been researching about the 18th century because of the pirates of the caribbean, and I wish to continue that trend. By all means, I'm no historian, but the timeline fascinates me.
You may request anything at your whim.
Ocs, self inserts, and ships are accepted!
Send requests through the asks or submissions box.
Matchups are open! Matchups will include why I ship you, the outfit you'd wear (please describe your fashion style or link photos of what you'd likely wear), and relationship information.
Provide your pronouns and a small summary about you.
Please specify the characters you wish to see written, or I'll assume it's the main characters.
I respect and welcome the lgbtq+ community. I also welcome anyone who has a disability or is nuerodiverse. This blog is a safe space for all.
Requesting an oc requires information and summary, I need details on appearance and personality, clothing and and pronouns.
Self inserts require the same format. However, this will be in the form of x readers.
When requesting NSFW 🔞 and anything triggering, I will label warnings above or the "keep reading" so you may click to view at your discretion.
Since potc is based in the 18th century, age gaps are accepted. However, I will not go below anything under 18, especially in NSFW.
My limits are no under-age romance or NSFW fetishes (not that I have anything against it, I'm just not comfortable writing those topics), I will NOT write the potc characters committing dispicable acts of SA or abuse. Degrading anyone isn't accepted, homophobia, heterophobia, transphobia, biphobia, acephobic etc is not welcomed.
This will take place in the 18th, meaning I will use nautical terms and lingo. If you are curious, I will write the words meanings at the top of the page.
Toward any of the historians, I accept criticism, but please don't go on a rant if I get something wrong. As I said, I'm no historian, I'm just someone who researches on websites to get the meaning.
Raise the sails and request away!
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piratesandstuff · 1 year
New favorite HC—Elizabeth would write letters for Will after AWE, and store them in a chest so that when he returned after ten years, the two of them could sit together and read them, to catch him up on what he missed.
She would especially write about Henry’s milestones, like his first words, first steps, first haircut, things like that.
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hawksheadcanonblog · 9 months
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Sam Turner’s Pokemon team Floragato - it felt right Manectric - guard dog with their hair Dedenne - it felt right Starmie - stealing the headcanon they’re a space nerd Minior - see above Clefairy - see above, accidental baby evo trio with Dave and Jacob
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lighthouseborna · 2 years
henry generally being kind and generous and willing to assist until someone tries to assume authority over his good will and direct him as they think he should act and then he will dig in his heels and pull the other direction so hard
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thecodekeeper · 2 years
@lighthouseborn​ asked -  👫
1.)     Their relationship is somewhere between grandson/grandfather and mentee/mentor. This came about naturally as Teague and Elizabeth work closely together. Teague took Elizabeth under his wing and it appears that Henry simply fell under this same umbrella. Since there weren’t many (read: any...including Teague) babysitters on Shipwreck Teague found himself agreeing to keep an eye on Henry while Elizabeth dashed off to do one thing or another. As Henry got older he began coming around without his mother. Teague rarely turned him away. It wasn’t an uncommon sight to see Teague in his cabin, looking rather pained by Henry’s incessant questioning. Sometimes he’d snap at the young boy to stop pestering him, but he never made a move to make him leave. They spent so much time together that people began to assume Henry was Teague’s protégé. They weren’t wrong.
2.)     By the time Henry rolled around Teague had resigned himself to the fact that he’d likely die without an heir. His position, while powerful, isn’t desirable. Those who would desire such a position generally hold little intention of maintaining a pirate society. So he was resigned...until Henry. It wasn’t intentional. Henry’s constant chattering simply got to the point where Teague needed a reprieve, and it just so happened that the only time Henry was silent was when he was reading. So he allowed Henry to read the codex. Much to Teague’s surprise, Henry devoured it. Naturally, Henry’s questions started again, this time about the codex, pirate society, and their customs. It spiraled from there. Henry’s attachment to Shipwreck Cove and its inhabitants has only solidified Teague’s decision to offer Henry the position at some point. 
3.)     Teague gave Henry his first knife, taught him how to shoot his first gun, showed him how to tie his first knot, gave him his first sip of rum, and plenty of more firsts none of which were done at age-appropriate times.
4.)     Much like Jack, he finds Henry to be too kind and trusting. Willing to put his faith in others where Teague would never. He is slightly more forgiving of this than he was with Jack. Perhaps he has mellowed in his old age, or maybe he’s realized that Henry, like Jack, has his own way of doing things. It’s doubtful even Teague knows the answer. 
5.)      When Henry was younger and Teague was in one of his better moods he’d regal Henry with stories of his youth. Often when this happened it would be in connection to some trinket or furnishing that Teague kept as a trophy. Now that Henry is older and more experienced he gets to regal Teague about his own adventures. Everything comes full circle. 
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Luce’s Relationships
Initially, Hal tries his best to keep Luce away from the Shelbys in the hopes of protecting her from the horrors of the family – also, in his own way of trying to protect them from outsiders because he worries about them. When he realises there’s no way of deterring her, Hal decides to do what he can to ensure she doesn’t get herself into too much trouble.
Stan is the first person Luce met properly in Birmingham and while initially he’s a little shy, the two of them have grown to constantly rely on each other. One is rarely seen without the other in the early stages of their friendship. They are each other’s cheerleaders for a lot of things, and they know they can always rely on the other to be there should they need it.
Michael and Luce don’t actually see eye-to-eye a lot of the time; however, they have a kind of begrudging respect of each other when it comes to some of the less violent parts of being involved with the Shelbys. Occasionally they show something that could be mistaken for friendship, and they do look out for each other, but neither will really admit that there is anything other than a working respect between them.
Gio hears whispers of the red haired woman working with the Shelbys and starts to dwell on his life before having moved to America. When he comes face-to-face with Luce Turner, everything changes for him. Their relationship is a tense one, but one they are both going to have to navigate with care because of their respective jobs, and the past which in part they wish they could forget.
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papcrrings-arch · 2 years
Henry Turner Tag Drop !!
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yourlocalsonia2 · 6 months
My shitty headcanons for Nicktoons unite
Drumroll please 🥁🥁🥁🥁
Jimmy Neutron
When the group first met, he was 13
His is currently 16 and the second youngest
he's also 5'7
He was kind of a bitch for most of their first adventure, but eventually became nicer to the group
His full name is James issac Neutron
there was a time when he convinced the group into thinking his last name was Newton but someone misspelled his name on his birth certificate
when he was 14 he gave himself cybernetic implants just in case he was ever in an emergency +he didn't tell anyone (this is inspired by choraa)
sometimes when he is alone he'll use the arms/implants doc ock style
the longest time he slept was 1 hour, 58 minutes and 26 seconds
he basically lives off of energy drinks and shit
he also is anemic (iron deficient) and he doesn't know
there are a lot of times when he doesn't have his ice cream looking hairstyle bc he doesn't have time to do it, or he'll just forget
after becoming friends with Nicktoons, he became a better person and treated Carl decently and people were scared (including Carl)
his main weapon is his inventions (think of whatever)
he knows 10+ languages (English. French, Spanish, German, Mandarin, Greek, Latin, Italian, Swedish and Dutch) and a few alien languages
he's gay and he thought he liked Cindy
even though he did date Cindy for a while, he did break up with her bc their relationship was falling apart (they were literally never meant to be. THEIR RELATIONSHIP WAS GOING TO FAIL AT SOME POINT. THE BOAT WILL SINK)
Timmy Turner
Watch out y'all, I don't know shit about the Fairly Oddparents lore
His full name is Timothy Thomas Turner (haha t.t.t)
he is the shortest and the youngest of the group
he met the group when he was 12
he is currently 15 and 5'6 and a 1/2
he kinda thinks of Cosmo and Wanda as his parents and not just God parents
he has a normal sleep schedule but he is also narcoleptic
he has ADHD and doesn't take his meds out of spite (no one knows why lmao)
he is trans (ftm)
he is bisexual with a preference for men
he may or may not have had a crush on all the members (he got over all of them except for Jimmy)
his main weapon is gun(s) both Wanda and cosmo are guns (DUEL GUNS)
his other weapon would be a bat with nails
he has a hard time with schoolwork and is really stressed about school
Daniel Fenton / Danny Phantom
He is the second oldest and second tallest
he is currently 17 and 5'7
he was 14 when they first met
when the group first got together, he tried to hide Phantom's identity from them until SpongeBob told him that he knows
he can be very nice then very threatening in a snap
he tries not to sleep bc he has a lot of nightmares from his adventures
he is probably the most powerful in the group
him and SpongeBob have the ideal friendship
he makes a lot of puns and stupid references
he has anxiety
he has panic attacks not that often and it's kinda alarming for the rest of the group
he is a bit self sacrificial bc he is already half-dead
ON THE TOPIC OF HALF DEAD- he is not affected by stab wounds
his blood is green
he is planning for a day when Jimmy and Tucker meet up and they can be "science-y" together
he didn't tell anyone in his universe about his time with Nicktoons, one day they did come to see him and everyone was confused
he is very protective over the people he loves
there will be times where he'll throw up or have green goo leak from his eyes (tgs Henry Jekyll style)
his family is his parents, Jazz, Daniel (future him) and Dani (younger female clone)
SpongeBob / Bob
He is the oldest at 18
he first met them when he was 15 (yes, he was working then)
He is a shapeshifter.
His main two forms are his normal self (sponge) and his human form
he first met the group as a sponge and didn't tell them about his abilities and they found out bc one day he accidentally turned into a human in front of them and their reactions went like this
Jimmy: *shocked, wide eyed*
Timmy: *gaw dropped, flabbergasted*
Danny: oh my god....YOU GREW, SPONGEBOB!!
After that he would spend more time as a human
he is 5'9 as a human and 4'5 as a sponge
he has the fucking hammer as his weapon bc why not
he is "glue" of the group and kinda the mom too
he is strongest in the physical strength category (he's the type of guy to hug you but then pick you up and spin you like a parent would to a baby"
he is actually a good therapist and helping the others
he'll help Danny after or during his panic attacks, he will make Jimmy sleep for once and sometimes hide his energy drinks, he'll try his best to help Timmy with his schoolwork
he is a great cook and will make for the gang
he is overworked and underpaid (I love Mr. Krabs but please pay your workers the money they deserve)
he has ADHD and autism
he pays really good attention to the others and knows there's something worth in a snap (like if Danny had a nightmare the night before, SpongeBob will know the next morning bc of how Danny acts)
They've all seen the horrors
found family found family found family found family
they've all had a crush on at least one other member
during meals someone will tell stories of what happened in their world
they all split up after volcano island (they got back together bc of the third and fourth game) also it was still the main four during the other games (no extra side characters)
they had a split for a few years but SB brought them back together
they have this set of rules for their house
the house is in Jimmy's universe btw
Danny and Timmy both unironically got "shoo whap shoo whap ain't no lovin' my man" stuck in their heads
Jimmy's parents adore the group (not even knowing they are from other universes)
Timmy unironically calls Shirley his son and Jimmy caught on (SB and Danny are honorary uncles)
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ok elizabeth sorting Pirate King Paperwork is hysterical but i also headcanonned henry turner as autistic so imagining him grow up in shipwreck cove, the noisiest and most texture-y place on earth..... good lord (he's stimming with a blank flintlock)
NOT THE NOISES AND TEXTURES....also anon I just gotta say autistic henry is so based esp bc a fave hc of mine has always been autistic carina. they sensed it in each other
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lighthouseborn · 2 months
HC question: what does Henry think of his name? His first one and last one. Does he think it suits him, or is it something he gradually grew into?
hmmmmmmmmmm neat question I haven't ever approached it from like, his ic opinion on it before I don't think?
I'm not sure... I don't really think he'd have a suits/doesn't suit opinion about being 'Henry' because it's like. One of those things he just is? One of my sources: just trust me headcanons about him is that he's not very prone at all to like... that thing people are capable of where they think of themselves and their body and their minds and their souls all as like, separate things? And that extends to like. Everything about him is him, and he's neither critical nor vain about himself, he just is. If that makes sense? To be like.... "I hate my hair" or even "I love myself" it too... self-removed? Whereas his approach to self is like. He is. And he trusts that he is. (Which isn't to say he's completely devoid of personal preference, obviously he has his shiny bits and his good luck totems and his tattoos and he prefers comfortable dress over fashionable dress but still has... it's definitely a personal style, anyway. Which prioritizes function but isn't exclusively function based. (Let's be honest there's nothing practical about the necklace. Noisy! Heavy! Capable of being grabbed in a fight or snagged in other situations!!)) I'm digressing but the point I'm trying to work on is: his name is just this sort of irrevocable part of his person, to him, and he no more likes or dislikes it than he likes or dislikes that he is a person. Which is to say, he has no opinion on being a person, he simply is one. If it had felt wrong, and he'd chosen some sort of moniker or ended up with some manner of nickname, I think it would still remain part of him. In a different way, but. I think this is just... some of the way he is. He has been given things, names and tools and treasures, that are simply just part of him. And it doesn't occur to him to really pick them apart into which he likes and dislikes, usually. He's not just called Henry, he is Henry.
.. I've thought it was because "Henry" as a name doesn't nickname easily (and like, with the established nicknames.... he's not a 'Harry' for Obvious reasons and he's definitely not a Hank holy shit scoob) but maybe that's why he doesn't lend to them so easily, actually? He picks up some endearments -and some insults- but nothing that's... especially derivative or unique, like something someone would call only him. And maybe that's why? Maybe we all agree, He's Henry. At least whenever he's not The (Turner) Boy.
[Which as a completely unrelated aside might also be. Part of my "if you're going to ignore dmtnt canon then just don't call the w!llabeth kid Henry then" pet-peeve when it comes to fanfic as well ;sdkfjg;ldkfgj like that is! a whole different child, then!! get 'em a new name with this new identity because that's for sure not Henry you have said so yourself. grrr snarl bark.]
Now depending on where you think the name came from I do also think it's really interesting that. He's potentially named something that -to Elizabeth- is a pirate name. I don't know if this is a me-thing or a fandom-thing (it's. almost definitely not a the-writers thing because he was Henry before he was even Turner so that means they didn't pick it based in these thoughts at all) but I maintain he's named after Henry Morgan, and some of that has to do with Elizabeth's childhood infatuation with pirate stories, and some of it has to do with her adult appreciation of the Code and captaining. And because she was not going to doom her child to whatever blatant curse my live on the name ".William Tu.rner" that consigns a man to be cursed and killed and claimed by the sea (though some things are at least somewhat inevitable, apparently). And so while Henry might not... well no he probably knows and has thoughts about that but like. While Henry wouldn't necessarily find a reason to like or dislike his name there, it is interesting to have his name tied to intentionally and specifically to piracy and infamy and the code itself.
And he's got a dead man's name for his middle name, Henry James. Which is pure and solidly headcanon (and let me tell you how often I run into 'Henry William' and 'Henry Jack' and, once, 'Henry Weatherby' which is very sweet but also immensely silly, as a name, and only slightly less unfortunate than 'William Weatherby') and I don't think he exactly likes or dislike that either but I do think it's. maybe a little heavy, sometimes. Maybe even a little uncomfortable? To be not just his family legacy but a legacy of shattered possibility. Not in a way that makes him resentful but that definitely makes him conscious of names and lines and loss.
And then like. Can a last name ..not suit you? It has very little to do with you, most of the time, if you think about it. And also everything to do with you, though. Nothing to be mad at or anything there for him, anyway. But I guess maybe it's also heavy in its own way but I don't know that that's purely because of the name he's really just sort of. going to pick that up even if he had always been called Swann. Which, I do think he is, also. And I think he gives it that way sometimes, when it bears being said out loud because someone did something stupid like forgot about it, or acted like it was irrelevant and not literally his largest influence and honest to god a big explanation about the way that he is. 'Look like your father' this and 'turner boy' that, why is everyone stupid he'll chain you to a sinking ship and let you get eaten by a literal sea monster for his loved ones. (Well. no probably not, he'd find a secret third way, this is his narrative function -to break the narrative rule, to flip a double bird at your catch 22 while he has his cake and eats it too- but if he wasn't an inherent system breaker he would. I stand by that.)
I think this is getting worse the longer I go on let me,,, try to bring it back.
I think his name, which if you ask me is H.enry James Swann-Turne,r with the occasional turn at donning Sparrow wings every now and then, is very. a lot. It's a lot. It carries legends and deaths and love and curses and wind and wildness. And sometimes I think it's a heavy thing to be carrying around, and now and then maybe even a frustrating thing. But I don't think... whether it suits him ever crosses his mind. Because I don't think... I don't think whether or not he "lives up to it" crosses his mind either? Which would maybe ultimately be the question here? Because you know for all the things he sits in the cross section of and all the cycles broken for him and by him, and all the history in all those names you could call him by, and all the sort of... thoughts that might invoke and places that leads him and doors it opens (and doors it closes) the thing about Henry is. He's going to do whatever it is he's going to do. What he decides to do.
And I know I've gone on some extended rant about this before so there is a post about it somewhere but I think part of the reason he's so able to be that way and have the confidence he has is directly because of the way he was raised, and the effort his parents went through not to slough all of their traumas and fears onto him, not to set some impossible standard for him to strive for or iron role for him to fit inside. There's this throughline in the franchise about freedom and love and freedom being love, and from that I think giving him freedom to just be whoever he was going to be is exactly the demonstrative love his parents would commit to. The fact that it leads him to grow into the kind of person who then dedicates himself directly to the madness of his family is just... who he is. Not who he felt he had to be —at least not in the way of Living Up To A Name. The conversation of ''only I will'' is a different one. It's an intense name, in some ways. And I think he's aware of the weight it contains, if only because of the way other people have reacted to it. But I don't think he feels... beholden to it? In the way of... something he can fail at being. It's not a thing to grow into it's him. Always has been.
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Potc headcanon🏴‍☠️ How they would cheer you up🏴‍☠️🫂
Jack sparrow🍺
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If you were feeling down, Jack would walk drunkenly up to you.
He would ask "everything alright love".
You would shake your head, even if you didn't speak. Jack sat up on the Barrell and placed his arm around you.
"C'mon, you can tell ol'jackie what's the matter hm," he smiled, showing his golden teeth.
You spoke about your worries toward Jack, something that's been bothering you for quite sometime.
Jack places his hand around your shoulder while saying, "People can be awful mate, the world ain't full o' nice people, but if it was, you would be the gem they would need".
"The world needs more kindness like you savvy," Jack softly spoke.
Even if Jack may be drunk and chaotic, he was entirely wise with words.
When Jack's down, you would hug him and offer him rum.
You would boast in his ego of adventures and talk to him about sweet nothing's.
Hector Barbossa🍏
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You were sitting by yourself when the captain noticed you weren't at your station.
At first, he ordered you to get back to your station however when he saw your tear stains he held his tounge.
Barbossa softly asked, "You right' missy/lad/y/n, what's yer reason fer hangin' tha' jib (pirate term to frown)."
You looked up to Barbossa as if he were your figure of guidance.
You explain your worries and woes to the captain.
"Hm, ye ain't meaningless, ye be sometin' more then most, ye be valuable as treasure" barbossa grinned and winked.
"I know men n' sailors tha' give up too easily, but ye, nay, ye ain't ave' naught any sign o' bein' lily-livered (pirate term for coward) ye be strong, strong enough ta' live through tha' toughest o' moments" barbossa smiled as he showed off his crooked teeth.
With a final comment barbossa joked "least ye ain't three sheets ta' the wind (pirate term for very drunk) like sparrah".
You hug Barbossa, at first he was confused but then he slowly placed his crooked bony hand on your head.
Will turner🌊
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Will noticed how you weren't as enthusiastic, since you weren't with elizabeth.
You were staying back on board while Will looks for you. He finds you below the sleeping quarters of the sailors on the pearl.
Will asks gently "you alright y/n, you seem upset".
You spoke to him about your situation, your anxious thoughts and feelings.
Will immediately hug's you and kiss's your forehead. "You mean everything to me, y/n, you're special, and I couldn't ask for anyone better."
"I'm always here for you. you're the reason I'm fighting for you" Will spoke with a passion, your the certain of his universe.
You grip onto Will as if he were a savour toward your needs.
You loved how Will is devoted to you. He wouldn't leave your side until you wished him too.
Henry turner🗺
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Henry was looking out over the horizon trying to look up at the stars as carina guided him.
He noticed you were sitting down on the main deck. He trailed down the stairs until he saw your tears.
Henry asked "Hey, you alright, d-do you need anything".
You explained to henry your whole dire feelings and anxious thoughts.
Henry placed an arm on your shoulder "you're a great person. You know what's right and you follow your heart".
"Once we find my father, I'll take you across the seas and set sail like he did" henry smiled, he leaned into a hug; whether it was instinct It didn't matter.
You hugged him back; Henry was the sweetest boy you've ever met.
James Norrington⚔
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James was busy scouting the area to capture Jack Sparrow when he noticed you were dreary.
He excused himself from his men and went up to you in a polite manner.
You had tear stains which you tried to wipe away with a hanker chief.
James tried to understand your emotions. "Lady/sir/y/n, may I ask, what is the matter?" he sat down with you.
You explained your grief and feelings toward the situation.
James grew sympathetic. He grabbed your hand in a devoted manner.
"Listen to me y/n, your everything I could've asked for, not many ladies/gents/people capture me like you, I promise to be a devoted man once we settle" he whispered.
"You're a fine woman/gent/person." james smiled, those words reflecting toward what he told someone once.
You hug James. At first, he is hesitant, but later, he leans into you.
He wraps his arms around you like you mean the world to him.
Elizabeth Swann 🏴‍☠️
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Elizabeth was manning the helm (pirate term for wheel) while also muttering curses under her breath about Jack.
You were in the corner sniffling, Elizabeth observed the main deck until she recently discovered your crying.
Elizabeth asked jack to take over which he happily obliged.
"Y/n, your crying, are you alright" she asked.
You muttered your feelings and thoughts.
Elizabeth pulled you in, her soft voice soothed you "your perfect. you're the reason I'm strong and I couldn't ask for anyone else."
"You taught me so much, I wouldnt be free if it wasn't for you".
You hug in Elizabeth's grasp. You felt her comfort warm you. She kissed your forehead.
Davy jones🐙
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Davy was busy playing the organ until he heard your distressing crying.
He scowls at who dares to disturb him and long behold it was you.
He didn't react. His tentacles curled and twisted as he asked curiously, "An' what bah' yar reasan' far' distur'ban' mah' peace" he snorted.
You explained your troubles and anxious thoughts.
Davy softened hobbling over toward your side. "Aye, I ain't bah' known ta' mankind's kindness, tha' world bah' a cruel place, bah' I would save ya' from tha' terror o' it".
"Yah' a kind soul lass/lad/y/n, me heart belongs ta you-ah" he softly muttered, it's as if for the first time he was showing his soft side.
You hug the tentacle bear of a sailor, he reacted to a stiffness at first but then he raised his hand toward your head.
You allow him to caress your head with his tentacle beard.
Davy snorted out a hefty laugh. "Ah bah, lookin' fer a new farst' mate, an openin' as appened" before he grabs his sword, planning to kill his current first mate for you.
Tia Dalmer🌊
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Tia was busy trying out some new brewing of herbs when she heard a commotion.
You were sobbing when she crept up behind you.
"Calm yourself my y/n, what harmful thoughts plague your mind," she said in a soft tone.
You explained your worries, unhappy thoughts and anxious feelings.
"My y/n, you have no reason to fill your mind with thoughts of terror" she kneeled down.
"You are my life, a person of importance to fate, don't doubt your existence because you have a purpose, a purpose to be here."
Tia smiled with warmth. She placed her arms around you. It was like you had found your soul mate.
You hugged her as she elegantly placed her fingers around your cheek.
Cutler Beckett☕
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Beckett was busy writing documents toward his business when he heard you crying. He rolled his eyes attending to your needs.
He politely, calmly smiled asking about your problems "might I ask the reason for your sorrows".
You explained the reason, your doubts and insecurity.
"Indeed, feelings are quite distracting, I never dwell on them, the reasons are quite...various" he coldly spoke.
He raised an eyebrow. "Though I suppose yours is valid, I suppose we sometimes loose touch with our side that shows how human we are."
"I beg the question why I keep you around, your a distraction that keeps digging into my pesky mind." He turns to you softly.
"But then I came to the conclusion, you keep me...content, calm when I need it." he turned and placed a hand on your shoulder, "so don't doubt yourself, your of value to me, " he smiled softly.
You hug Beckett in a full manner. He stepped back, though he placed his hands on your back. He was quite unfamiliar to hugs, but at least you brought back the softer side he once had.
Angelica tech👢
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Angelica was busy speaking with her father when she heard you.
She whispered calmly, "Care to tell me why you're sobbing on my father's ship".
You explained your feelings and personal thoughts.
Angelica softened, she whispered so her father couldn't hear her "y/n, your the reason I fell in love, sparrow never showed me what it was like".
"I won't let my father touch you. You'll live as my first hand, as my lover" angelica kissed your lips softly.
You kissed her back passionately.
Phillip swift🧾
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Phillip was forced to walk with you while everyone else was trying to find a mermaid.
You ponded and sniffled while the crew walked.
Phillip noticed your sadness and draped his coat over you.
"Y/n, you're a wonderful being, a gift from God given onto this planet. Please don't deny anything of doubt as you're perfect," he whispered to you.
He watched to make sure the crew wouldn't listen in toward your worries.
He placed a hand on yours. "I promise, I promise when we leave, I'll give you everything you want," he kisses your forehead.
He tried to help you keep up so you weren't tortured by the crew "they won't touch you, not under gods gaze up in the heavens".
You hugged Phillip as you both walked. However, a man called you out from being too slow.
Phillip, in response, stepped out in front and protected you by pleading, "It was me, I was chatting to her".
Phillip picked you up and started to pick up the pace.
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Seryna had noticed you crying on the shores of white cap bay.
You were alone and hurt, she curiously approached showing her golden tail shining in the moonlight.
"Hurt, you're hurt" she muttered in english.
"Let me help. You helped me by freeing me, I can take you to a far better place, " she held out her hands.
You look back as Blackbeard's crew were scouting for mermaids. You nodded in, hope to find somewhere happier then here.
However, Phillip stabbed the sword into serynas tail.
You push Phillip away even if he didn't mean to hurt the girl on purpose.
"I will go but not yet, you're beautiful, you're the only one who cared, please leave before your hurt, before they find you" you quickly tell seryna.
Seryna leaned up and kissed you fully on the lips before she dove back into the sea whispering "your a kind human."
Carina Smyth🌠
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Carina was busy navigating the seas. She was using the Ruby to reveal the map; guiding her through the seas.
You were sniffling on the other deck. She put the Ruby away and headed over toward you.
Carina asked "your upset, are you alright, did jack or Henry hurt you".
You explained your hurtful woes to her.
Carina placed a hand over yours, and she explained "your not alone. Even if you feel you are, look toward the stars."
"I didn't know who my father was, but I know he was an astronomer, so I like to think the stars are a way of him watching over me, so just think the stars are watching over you, if you feel alone" she gently smiled.
You gently hug carina as she gently hugged you back.
Henry and jack were watching over the distance while you spent time with carina.
"I'll show you everything about the stars and science. Trust me, it's not witchery" she joked.
Armando Salazar☠
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Salazar was busy scowling over about sparrow, he had been in the dark for so long he forgot what kindness was.
You were weeping in the bay of the main deck, salazar spotted you and wandered over.
He asked. "Mi amore, what brings you great sorrows."
You explained your worries and doubtful thoughts.
"Nah, you see, I let you live for a reason, your meaningful in ways that no living human can see" he spoke in a husk.
"You're mi amore, my love, someone who I can't vanquish easily," he smiled, holding his cold, dead hand to your cheek.
You smiled and held him close, you kissed him even if he was rather dry and cracked.
In response, he was passionately held you close.
Joshamee Gibbs🍻
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Gibbs was drinking rum on a Barrell while he was on break. He saw you looking sad, he approached you with a worried look.
"You alright lass/lad/y/n, hangin' tha jib are ya" Gibbs smiled.
You explained all your worries and doubtful thoughts.
"Aye, it ain't a bright feelin', let me tell ya, when I be down, rum be a great solution, though only to sad sailors, how bout' this, I'll speak ta' Jack and ave' ya man tha helm o' tha pearl" Gibbs confendiately spoke.
"Life ain't fair at times, but ye be a winnin' gold mine ta be with'" Gibbs took a swig of rum.
"Aye, it be a pleasure ta' sail wit' yer" Gibbs placed a hand on your shoulder.
You hugged Gibbs as he stumbled yet hugged you back.
Ragetti and pintel 👁💢
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Ragetti and pintel were busy debating when suddenly they heard you crying.
They inspected when they saw you, they asked.
"Wha's wit all tha' snifflin'" pintel asked, ragetti joined "yeah's, who's ya frownin' love" he smiled.
You explained your situation to these two and your worriedly thoughts.
Pintel whined, "wha tha's it--" he was elbowed by Ragatti "listen love, we's are sorry for your past, we can't fix it but least we can do is support ya".
Pintel, in response, grunted and looked toward you. "Aye, guess we's lookin' after you's now poppet" he tried to sound comforting.
"We's ain't ad' tha best in life but life gets better, don't it, so don't feel down on yourself, cause its not your fault" ragetti smiled placing a hand on your shoulder.
Ragettis smile wasn't the most greatest thing to look at, but at least he was supportive. "Ye's ain't tha' worst we ad" pintel admitted.
You hug the two, and they were caught off guard. They both awkwardly pat your shoulder.
"C'mon, cap'n wants us," Ragetti smiled while pintel scowled.
Anyways that's all I have for now:
Ta Ta ✨️
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Hi there, can I please request romantic matchups with a Pirates of of the Caribbean, Harry Potter, Star Wars and Tolkien character??
I'm British Korean, 1,63m tall, with tangled wavy black hair, monolid black eyes, freckles, full lips and a Grecian kind of nose...I'm curvy, I suppose, but also on the thin side, and I do not shave, since I find it unnecessary. I'm a straight female who feels feminine, if that makes sense? Um...I wear "weird" and second-hand clothing as others would describe it, with lots of earthy tones, black, natural fabrics, velvet and gold and wooden/Amber jewellery. I think I could say my style is goblincore/ravencore? Quite féminine, at the same time.
People say that I'm an extrovert in disguise, who comes across as intimidating and passive at the same time. It's true I'm a passive person. I don't talk much, but once you get to know me I can be crazy and reckless. I have mood swings and battle anxiety :(((((((. I make art, write, read, dance and travel. I love swimming in wild places, since rushing water and clear lakes etc calm me. I play several wind instruments. My favourite colours are black, purple and brown, and I speak fluent English, German and Korean.
I think that's all? I think so. Thank you so much! Lots of love, xxxxxx
Thank you for requesting a matchup! I hope you enjoy the headcanons! I'm sorry for the wait! <3333
Pirates Of The Caribbean;
Henry Turner:
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🏴‍☠️ You met Henry when you were running away from the men in red coats with your best friend Carina, long story short, that was how you and Carina ended up on a pirate ship with Henry Turner
🏴‍☠️ And it wasn't long until you and Henry got closer... And closer... You never knew you'd fall in love with someone in the middle of the ocean
🏴‍☠️ Neither of you really realized you both had feelings for one another until after finding the trident; from the onslaught of worry, almost dying, that was enough for Henry to confess his feelings to you as the ship hung on the edge of the cavern of ocean water
🏴‍☠️ Once you, and most of the others, left the ship with your lives, Henry brought you to meet his mother, which you were a bit nervous about but she loved you
🏴‍☠️ Henry loves you deeply, he finds you incredibly smart, your love for reading and writing is something Henry treasures; overall, you and Henry are the perfect match, with the love for traveling, swimming in sweet open waters, and dancing in your spare time, you are the most perfect match
Harry Potter;
Fred Weasley:
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😜 You met Fred when you were on the Hogwarts Express, he was one year older than you, but he and his twin George were quick to help you learn about what First Year is like, in the end of the conversation, you were hoping you would spend more time with the twins; especially Fred
😜 You were glad to see that Fred and George did actually check up on your throughout the years, and throughout those years, you got extremely close with the mischievous twins; and soon enough, you began to grow a crush on the eldest twin himself
😜 In the beginning, it took a bit for Fred and George to get you to join them on their little pranks, but really how could you say no to Fred; even when you and the twins would get caught, you were surprised when Fred would take the blame; you never spent a second in detention because of him
😜 Only after the Triwizard Tournament did Fred confess to you about his feelings, revealing that he in fact loved you since his third year, it overwhelmed you, this confession, but you were beyond overjoyed
😜 When Umbridge arrived at Hogwarts and Fred offered to take you away to stay with him and work with him at his and his twin's shop, you didn't hesitate to take his hand; for the next couple of years, you spent your time with Fred, helping run the shop, having picnics on the weekends, and thinking about the future
Star Wars;
Han Solo:
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🔫 You met Han with Luke and Obi-Wan, and lets just say that you were part of the reason Han said yes to letting you, Luke, and Obi-Wan use his ship; (Han wouldn't admit that it was love at first sight, he didn't want to sound soft, but...); who gave you permission to be so stunning?
🔫 You sort of liked Han when you met him, thinking that he was really cute, but the more you spent time with him, the more you felt your feelings for him grow into something more, and Han didn't really help with that growing feeling, he loved to tease and taunt you whenever he could
🔫 It didn't take long for the two of you to end up as a couple either, during your stay at Hoth, you and Han may or may not have shared a kiss in a pretty secluded hallway; Chewie, Luke, and Leia all had a bet on who would confess first, and obviously Leia won
🔫 Being in a relationship with Han wasn't always sunshine though, just like any relationship there were cloudy days, but whenever there was a fight, you and Han would always make up; whether that be with a conversation upon the matter or a spontaneous heartfelt kiss
🔫 In the end, you and Han were a match made from the stars, always having each other's back and always making sure the other was okay after a long battle or fight, Han was a kind and caring furball and you couldn't help but fall deeper and deeper in love with him each passing day
Tolkien Characters;
Fili Durin:
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👑 You joined the Company after Gandalf convinced Thorin to let you come with, and that's when you met Fili Durin, the eldest Prince; and let me tell you, you could not get over that hair, blonde and glowing like the bright rising sun at dawn
👑 You didn't know it at the time, but Fili felt this urge to protect you, even though you proved to be an excellent fighter; but Fili wouldn't just protect your from orcs or goblins, he would always be there to hold you if you were feeling anxious or nervous, his warm hugs always calmed you down
👑 You began to wonder if Fili felt the same about you after escaping Mirkwood, he was always there to make sure you were still in your barrel alive, and when you and the Company were on the small boat of Bard's, Fili was there to hold you close to make sure you were warm enough and wouldn't die from the freezing air and damp clothing
👑 But, during the battle, when you saw Fili fall to the ground after being stabbed, you quickly made your way to him, thankfully, you came just in time to save him, repaying him for all the times he saved you; there and then is when you both confessed your feelings for one another
👑 Resting in a comfy bed in the recovery wing, you stayed with Fili as he got better, hardly ever leaving his side; there is when you let him braid your wavy black hair, Fili clasping a black and purple bead into your hair to secure it; neither of you could believe how lucky you both were
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piratesandstuff · 2 years
It’s been a while, but here—
Imagine Jack Sparrow and his crew battling it out against a band of rogue pirates aboard the Pearl one day.
Imagine during the battle, Jack catches a glimpse of his eight-and-a-half year old nephew Henry fleeing two pirates up on deck.
Imagine Jack pelting after them, thinking furiously to himself that Henry wasn’t even supposed to be here, what is he doing here?!
Imagine Jack nearly reducing both men to puddles after finding them in a room where they had Henry cornered, and the crew rushing in to take both to the brig on his orders.
Imagine Jack sheathing his sword as the room empties, just leaving him and Henry, who’s happier than a clam to see him…before Jack slowly turns around to meet his eyes with a cold look of barely-restrained fury.
Imagine Jack quietly uttering out “Henry. Weatherby. Turner. Come with me right now, boy.”
Puts a chill in the bones, I say.
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hawksheadcanonblog · 2 years
Oh shit just realized I haven’t made the sticks gay yet, time for my giga list with no stops and relationships will come another day
Henry is bi nb, Charles is a pan trans demiboy, Ellie is omni demigirl, Reg is polyam bi intersex man, RHM is gay ace trans, Sven is gay demiboy, Stickman is bi demiboy, Burt is bi ace trans, Thomas is bi, Geoffrey is ace trans, Johnny is genderfaun gay, Rupert is pan trans, Dave is gay ace trans, Jacob is demi-gay, Sam is aroace nb stargender, Howie is gay trans, Dr. V is polyam pan demigirl, Galeforce is gay demiboy, Dmitri is agender gay, Grigori is nb bi, Cool Katie is trans and ace, Five-Eyes is demi-bi, The Bookie is polyam omni trans demigendered, Floyd is trans, Randy is pan nb, Terrence is genderfaun bi ace, Sir Wilf is gay, The Witch is trans lesbian, Carol is a lesbian, Calvin and Konrad are gay, Victoria is demiromantic ace, June is a lesbian, B. Hampton is pan, Matilda is a lesbian, MacBeth is trans aroace, Hat Girl is omni stargender, Gremlin is bi, Eel is gay and trans- if y’all need one for a specific character just ask because I don’t want to comb through all my headcanons for every single character.
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thebreakfastgenie · 2 years
same Beejhawk anon as before and thank you for explaining it (but LOL sorry for tumblr eating it), but just one more question - what's wrong with people having the headcanon that BJ is gay? not attacking just wondering
Edit to add: You're welcome, and thank you for your kind approach!
There's nothing wrong with it, it just feels silly to me. I am more than a little baffled by how popular it is. Like, one of the guy's core defining character traits is that he loves his wife. He says it all the time. He's passionately in love with his wife. I am a gay person who has experienced compulsory heterosexuality (kinda broke a guy's heart in the process whoops) and nothing about BJ feels like that. Now, I don't speak for every gay person, so maybe other gay people do see their own experiences reflected in him and that's why they like the headcanon. But for me and my experiences it's way off base.
I've said before that I'm very, very selective with gay headcanons for canonically not gay characters. I think I have one. Like... why not just headcanon him as bisexual? It allows for shipping with Hawkeye or whoever without trying to deny the many, many times he is shown to be attracted to women in canon. Because it's not just Peg. He sleeps with Carrie Donovan, he has feelings for Aggie O'Shea, he mentions dating Esther Williams's stand-in, he indulges in sexual fantasies about Lana Turner, he says he finds Nurse Abel attractive and he'd be interested if he weren't married. He does and says all of that in front of my eyes. I can't just ignore that, and why would I want to? I personally stick with him being straight, which is canon, but I totally get and support the bisexual headcanon. I just don't get the gay headcanon.
I really, really don't like the lesbian Margaret headcanon for the same reason, but that one's a bit more personal. I don't actually, as a gay person, want to watch a gay person have a bunch of straight relationships and sex. That's not a fun thing. When it's deliberately written as part of a canon gay narrative that's different, but I'm not going to go reading that in where it doesn't exist.
It's just...he's a wifeguy. What about that says gay? It's not incidental. BJ was designed to be happily married and faithful in contrast to Trapper, Henry, and Frank. I like that! I don't want to mess with it!
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