#hepatitis- c symptoms and causes.
northgazaupdates · 5 months
18 April 2024
Environmental engineer Dr. Tamer Al-Najjar describes the Hepatitis C outbreak in north Gaza, with which he himself and his family are afflicted. The following was entered into a machine translation software and as such is bound to have some flaws, but the main ideas are still clear. Dr. Al-Najjar’s condition continues to worsen, and he has asked for prayers for his recovery.
He writes,
Since it has become a personal and family guest, I would like to update the official description of hepatitis C, so that the world knows it in its realistic form!
Regardless of its symptoms that I will mention, its basic definition begins with its causes. It spread among us after six months of total war and complete annihilation against us, after the complete destruction of the infrastructure, including sewage and water, and after the spread of thousands of tons of solid waste and rubbish. sanitation in the streets, roads and holes resulting from the bombing that did not stop, and after the spread of sewage among people and under their feet everywhere, and preventing any civil effort from exercising its work in reducing these massive disasters and targeting crews, devices and equipment, and killing all ideas of progress regarding this matter. After the inhuman conditions we have been living through for months...
From here, we were all infected. From here, and because of the previous set of reasons, as a result of the continuous aggression, the barbaric war, and the prevention of the entry of the necessary capabilities and tools...we were infected with hepatitis and it spread among us. And it spread everywhere!
As for its symptoms, it is a very harsh condition that we go through, old and young, in which we experience all the symptoms of the terrifying world, high temperature, severe diarrhea, severe colic, nausea and profound fatigue, fatal vomiting, blocked appetite, a feeling of suffocation to a large extent, with complete isolation from the surroundings for fear of infection.. .
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covid-safer-hotties · 2 months
They develop a mask that lights up when it detects the Coronavirus. It would signify great progress in case detection - Published Aug 5, 2024
Scientists at Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are trying to apply the technology that worked to fight other diseases to this pandemic.
This invention could help stop the spread of COVID-19. A team of scientists from Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) develop a mask that glows when contaminated by the new coronavirus. It would greatly help in the fight against this global pandemic.
According to Business Insider, in 2014, the MIT bioengineering laboratory began to develop sensors to detect the Ebola virus when it underwent lyophilization (a dehydration process) on a piece of paper. This same technology was adapted to address the Zika virus outbreak.
Again, as part of their work on this subject, they’re conducting research to be able to help in the COVID-19 pandemic. In this case, they hope to create a mask that can produce a fluorescent color to identify the coronavirus. If successful, it would help complement current virus detection methods.
“As we open up our transit system, you could envision it being used in airports as we go through security, as we wait to get on a plane,” said Jim Collins, head of the MIT lab, in conversation with Business Insider.
“You or I could use it on the way to and from work. Hospitals could use it for patients as they come in or wait in the waiting room as a pre-screen of who’s infected” he added.
This could greatly facilitate the work of doctors in the midst of this pandemic. One of the peculiarities of this coronavirus, unlike previous outbreaks, is the lack of symptoms in patients that test positive, making contagion easier for those who think they’re healthy when in reality they’re just asymptomatic. Also, it would make the detection of cases much quicker.
For now, it’s just in the first phase – although expectations are very high. They hope to develop the detector’s design in a way in which the sensors can be embedded into any mask.
They hope to show in the coming weeks that this method works. “Once we’re in that stage, then it would be a matter setting up trials with individuals expected to be infected to see if it would work in a real-world setting,” Collins said.
It would just be a matter of adapting the sensors to this new coronavirus, since in 2018 this technology was able to detect the viruses that cause SARS, measles, influenza, hepatitis C, West Nile, in addition to other diseases.
“We initially did this on paper to create inexpensive paper-based diagnostics,” Collins said. “We’ve shown it can work on plastic, quartz, as well as cloth.”
The COVID-19 vaccine is expected to be part of a long process, which is still far from over. However, this mask could help lower the rate of contagion around the world.
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selfmedblves · 11 months
Safe Snorting Guide
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Insufflation or snorting is a common means for administering drugs. However, snorting still comes with some risks that can be avoided with the proper precautions.
How Insufflation Works
When a drug is snorted up the nostril, it enters the bloodstream through blood vessels that line the nose. This means the effects of the drug will have an earlier onset than the oral route.
The Risks of Insufflation
While insufflation at first glance has less risks than other methods of consuming drugs, it still comes with its risks. If you are snorting drugs, please keep in mind that:
Snorting a drug can still result in overdose.
Regular snorting can damage your septum and cause a hole to form.
Using bills or keys can expose you to unnecessary germs
When snorting drugs, the skin in your nose can become damaged and lead to bleeding, when snorting equipment is shared, this can spread Hepatitis C.
Preparing Drugs for Snorting
Note: If you are snorting any drug that is a press, keep in mind that the pill weight will not be the same as the amount of drug in the pill. Get a good milligram scale to weigh your pill. Divide the weight of your press with the amount of drug in the press. That'll tell you how many milligrams of pill powder you'd have to snort to feel the affects of 1 gram of drugs.
Example, if you get a press that is 30mg of adderall, but the pill weighs 90mg, you'd have to snort 3mg of adderall to get the same effects of snorting 1mg of speed. If you plan on snorting 15mg of speed, you'd need to snort 45mg of adderall to get the same effects.
If you want to snort a drug that isn't already in its powder form, there are two main ways to crush drugs into a fine powder.
The first way can be done with a lighter and a bag/piece of paper. Place the drugs in your bag or in between a folded piece of paper. Hold your bag/paper on a solid surface and hit the drugs with your lighter until it is a fine powder.
The second method is to use a pill crusher to crush your drugs into a fine powder. It is recommended that you clean your pill crusher with an alcohol wipe and to let it dry in between use. Especially if you are using it to crush a different substance.
Testing Drugs
Now that your drugs are a fine powder, you can snort them. It is recommended to do any drug testing prior to snorting. Presses can often contain more substances than they are sold as. And the content of substances in your press can be lower or higher than what it's sold as.
Drug testing kits are available at:
qtests.org (dosage)
dancesafe.org (drug checking)
bunkpolice.com (drug checking + dosage)
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After your drugs are finely crushed, measure out the amount of drugs you plan to snort. Know what constitutes a light, common, and heavy dose for the substance you are going to use.
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DO NOT EYEBALL. Eyeballing is not recommended as it is highly innacurate and unreliable. Eyeballing can put you at higher risk of overdose. Measure your drugs with a milligram scale.
When your drugs are measured, pour them onto a clean surface and use a piece of cardstock, hard plastic, or a clean razor to cut your drugs into lines. Don't use banknotes or keys for snorting. Use a plastic straw, paper straw, or a glass stem.
Exhale, put the straw or glass stem in your nose (make sure it goes in above your nose hairs), and then inhale the drugs through the straw. After all the drugs are snorted, exhale out the mouth, and then put a couple drops of sterile water up your nose.
To reduce risk or irritation, use a vitamin e oil or saline spray after snorting and switch between nostrils on a regular basis.
It is still possible to overdose while snorting. Because of this, it is very important to carry naloxone on you. Naloxone comes in both nasal spray and IM injections.
0.4mg/mL IM and 3mg or 4mg IN naloxone are the best doses. Higher doses such as 5mg IM or 8mg IN naloxone increases the risk of withdrawal symptoms and put the person in more harm.
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If you need to access naloxone but don't know where to go, I highly recommend Next Distro. I got IM naloxone from there for free and the people from there are wonderful.
For more resources on safe snorting and reponsible drug use:
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maaarine · 1 year
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The Cause of Depression Is Probably Not What You Think (Joanna Thompson, Quanta Magazine, Jan 26 2023)
"A literature review that appeared in Molecular Psychiatry in July was the latest and perhaps loudest death knell for the serotonin hypothesis, at least in its simplest form.
An international team of scientists led by Joanna Moncrieff of University College London screened 361 papers from six areas of research and carefully evaluated 17 of them.
They found no convincing evidence that lower levels of serotonin caused or were even associated with depression.
People with depression didn’t reliably seem to have less serotonin activity than people without the disorder.
Experiments in which researchers artificially lowered the serotonin levels of volunteers didn’t consistently cause depression. (…)
Although serotonin levels don’t seem to be the primary driver of depression, SSRIs show a modest improvement over placebos in clinical trials.
But the mechanism behind that improvement remains elusive.
“Just because aspirin relieves a headache, [it] doesn’t mean that aspirin deficits in the body are causing headaches,” said John Krystal, a neuropharmacologist and chair of the psychiatry department at Yale University.
“Fully understanding how SSRIs produce clinical change is still a work in progress.”
Speculation about the source of that benefit has spawned alternative theories about the origins of depression. (…)
Repple warns, however, that another explanation for the effects his team observed is also possible: Perhaps the depressed patients’ brain connections were impaired by inflammation.
Chronic inflammation impedes the body’s ability to heal, and in neural tissue it can gradually degrade synaptic connections.
The loss of such connections is thought to contribute to mood disorders.
Good evidence supports this theory.
When psychiatrists have evaluated populations of patients who have chronic inflammatory diseases like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, they’ve found that “all of them have higher-than-average rates of depression,” said Charles Nemeroff, a neuropsychiatrist at the University of Texas, Austin.
Of course, knowing that they have an incurable, degenerative condition may contribute to a patient’s depressed feelings, but the researchers suspect that the inflammation itself is also a factor.
Medical researchers have found that inducing inflammation in certain patients can trigger depression.
Interferon alpha, which is sometimes used to treat chronic hepatitis C and other conditions, causes a major inflammatory response throughout the body by flooding the immune system with proteins known as cytokines — molecules that facilitate reactions ranging from mild swelling to septic shock.
The sudden influx of inflammatory cytokines leads to appetite loss, fatigue and a slowdown in mental and physical activity — all symptoms of major depression.
Patients taking interferon often report feeling suddenly, sometimes severely, depressed.
If overlooked chronic inflammation is causing many people’s depression, researchers still need to determine the source of that inflammation.
Autoimmune disorders, bacterial infections, high stress and certain viruses, including the virus that causes Covid-19, can all induce persistent inflammatory responses.
Viral inflammation can extend directly to tissues in the brain. Devising an effective anti-inflammatory treatment for depression may depend on knowing which of these causes is at work.
It’s also unclear whether simply treating inflammation could be enough to alleviate depression.
Clinicians are still trying to parse whether depression causes inflammation or inflammation leads to depression. “It’s a sort of chicken-and-egg phenomenon,” Nemeroff said.
Increasingly, some scientists are pushing to reframe “depression” as an umbrella term for a suite of related conditions, much as oncologists now think of “cancer” as referring to a legion of distinct but similar malignancies.
"And just as each cancer needs to be prevented or treated in ways relevant to its origin, treatments for depression may need to be tailored to the individual."
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devotioncrater · 1 year
house m.d. truly gives one of thee biggest representation whiplashes in tv history because like:
- there is an asian lesbian couple having a baby boy. they serve as a foil for a white hetero couple having a baby girl. both newborns get sick. one baby is given the correct antidote while the other isn't because the team don't know what is causing the illnesses in the NICU. the white lady tells chase or cameron that she fears her relationship isn't going to survive the loss of the baby because that's what statistically happens. she doesn't have to worry tho because it's the lesbian couple's baby boy who dies, with the foiled implication their relationship won't survive
- a high-ranking mafia man who's been to prison comes in for treatment. his brother is his lawyer. there's a witness protection deal at stake here that the brother doesn't want him to go into. turns out the mafia man has hepatitis c. his brother vehemently denies his brother is gay and calls him a fag. turns out the mafia man has a case of homosexuality. the only way he can live his life authentically is if he goes into witness protection. the brother comes around and says he loves him and will support him in that. they can never see each other again.
- the first latino representation in the show is cuddy's handyman. he stereotypically works twenty different jobs to provide for his mom and his younger brother. he and his mom can't speak english well but his younger brother is talented academically. his hand goes necrotic. the team break into both his home and cuddy's to investigate. he lives in a rundown apartment because his family and him are poor. they have to amputate his hand because the illness cuddy thought to treat him for made the necrosis worse. house overhears his younger brother is going to cover for him at a warehouse gig. cuddy and foreman follow and discover the actual illness came from an illegal underground cockfighting ring. in new jersey.
- a black father is super proud his son graduated princeton. they have a healthy supportive relationship with each other. the son suddenly gets ill with unexplained electric shocks as well as other symptoms. as the son's health deteriorates throughout the episode, it's discovered they've both been lying to one another about things such as spring break trips to jamaica, and how the mother died 15 years ago. house can't identify the son's health problem until the son's white princeton classmate (who he went to jamaica with) is triaged into the ER for vomiting blood and he mentions the dad owns a metal scrapyard. turns out it was radiation poisoning thanks to a freak radioactive metal piece from said scrapyard, which the son had on his backpack as a good luck charm. the dad and the white classmate get better. the black son who graduated princeton dies.
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sapphic-sex-ed · 2 months
my girlfriend and i want to get more intimate with each other but im concerned about possibly contracting an STD/STI. can we contract one of we’re both clean and use no dams? or is protection always the way to go?
STD/STI are acronyms for Sexually Transmitted Diseases/Sexually Transmitted Infections and as with any disease, if you are not exposed to the virus/bacteria that causes it, you cannot transmit it. If you have been tested and have the results come back negative, you do not have the disease and cannot transmit it*.
If you have not been tested but don't experience any symptoms (and has had previous sexual partners), you can still be infected and transfer the disease. It is believed that upwards of 80% of humans are infected with herpes (HSV1 or HSV2) but most don't show any symptoms, called being asymptomatic. Other STIs where it's common to be asymptomatic are chlamydia, HPV/genital warts (only some strains cause warts), and latent syphilis (although you would have noticed syphilis symptoms like rashes before the latent phase, which is a phase that sometimes occurs before the third/final stage of the disease).
If neither of you have had partners before**, or if you have been tested negative 3 months after your last sexual encounter, you don't have an STI.
Furthermore, hand and oral sex on vulvas are considered the safest ways to have sex when it comes to transmission of STIs. Now, I don't know you or your partner's genitals but I'm guessing based on the dental dam comment that it's likely that the sex you'll be having will mainly involve vulvas. While you absolutely can contract an STI in your throat, the amount of vaginal fluid you would have to guzzle to get enough pathogens down to your throat to cause infection is a lot. Semen is a lot more effective at transmitting diseases because, uh, its purpose is to get that shit (spermatozoa) in there, so to speak. It's not risk free, but nothing in life is. This is so low risk that the Swedish organization for sexual and reproductive rights and education (founded in the 30's, leading org for SRHR in the nation) which also produce and sell condoms, at home pregnancy and STI-tests, lube, etc, don't sell dental dams at all. That being said, dams can be fun to play with vis a vis sensation (taut dam vs relaxed dam, for example) and if you want to use one I would never dissuade you from it.
I do wanna bring attention to the usage of the word "clean" to denote that you aren't infected with an STI. It's a common way to phrase it, but it does stigmatize those who have been or are infected with an STI. To say that one is "clean" to mean "not infected" directly implies that to be infected is dirty or unclean, which it is not. This is part of the stigma of contracting and living with an STI, where a moral judgement is cast upon the person. As some STIs are life long, like HIV, herpes, and sometimes hepatitis, the stigma can also be life-long. In the future, I suggest using terms like "not infected" or "tested negative" to avoid this.
-mod liz
*because of incubation time, you have to wait up to three months for some STIs to show up on a test, so if you sleep with a new partner, getting tested the next week may not yield accurate results.
**some STIs are not exclusively sexually transmitted. You can for example contract HIV at birth if your parent was a carrier, hepatitis C can spread through blood, and herpes can infect both mouth and genitals and sharing a glass of water with somebody with oral herpes can transmit it. Unless there's any reason to suspect that you have contracted HIV or hepatitis from somewhere else (like a tattoo or injection needle, or if you mixed your blood with somebody somehow like in an accident) I wouldn't be too worried though.
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The Physiology Of The Liver
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The liver is a vital organ responsible for numerous functions including metabolism, immunity, digestion, detoxification, and vitamin storage. It weighs around 2% of an adult’s body weight and is unique due to its dual blood supply from the portal vein (75%) and the hepatic artery (25%).
Cellular Structure
The liver’s functional unit is the lobule, which is hexagonal in shape. Each corner of the hexagon has a portal triad consisting of the portal vein, hepatic artery, and bile duct. The lobule is composed mainly of hepatocytes, which have distinct apical and basolateral membranes. Hepatocytes are categorized into three zones based on their function and blood supply:
Zone I (periportal region): Closest to the blood supply, involved in oxidative metabolism (e.g., gluconeogenesis, bile formation).
Zone II (pericentral region): Sits between Zones I and III.
Zone III: Farthest from the blood supply, primarily involved in detoxification and biotransformation.
Blood and bile flow in opposite directions within the liver. The space of Disse, between the hepatocytes and the sinusoidal lumen, contains Kupffer cells (macrophages) and Ito cells (fat-storing stellate cells).
The liver develops from endodermal cells of the foregut as the hepatic diverticulum around the fourth week of embryonic development. It undergoes complex differentiation influenced by various pathways (e.g., Wnt/β-catenin, FGF). By the sixth week, the liver participates in hematopoiesis, and hepatocytes begin bile production by the 12th week.
Organ Systems and Functions
The liver interacts with multiple body systems:
Digestive and Metabolic Roles: Aids in digestion, stores fat-soluble vitamins, and handles cholesterol.
Hematological Functions: Produces clotting factors and proteins.
Detoxification: Metabolizes drugs and other xenobiotics through phase I (oxidation, reduction, hydrolysis) and phase II (conjugation) reactions.
Bilirubin Metabolism: Converts heme to unconjugated bilirubin, then conjugates it for excretion.
Hormonal and Protein Synthesis: Involved in thyroid hormone activation and synthesis of nearly all plasma proteins.
Related Testing
Liver function tests (LFTs), including ALT, AST, bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT), help assess liver health. Imaging techniques like ultrasound, CT, and MRI are also employed to identify liver abnormalities.
Cirrhosis results from chronic liver injury (e.g., due to alcoholism, hepatitis B and C), leading to fibrosis and necrosis. It causes symptoms like portal hypertension, coagulopathy, and jaundice. Hepatitis viruses (A, B, C, D, E), autoimmune diseases (e.g., primary biliary cholangitis), and metabolic conditions (e.g., non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) also contribute to liver pathology.
Clinical Significance
Understanding liver physiology helps manage conditions like viral hepatitis, alcoholic liver disease, benign liver lesions, and liver cancers. Early detection through appropriate testing and management strategies is essential for preventing end-stage liver disease and improving patient outcomes
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dollsandmasks · 2 months
If you, just like me, grew up labelled as a "good kid", it can be hard to finally go against what is forced upon you by someone's authority.
Especially when it comes to doctors and medication.
I've always been a good kid. I did everything doctors told me. I dieted, I kept taking more and more medication, I never spoke over them or against them, because they know best. Doctors are respectable, they are trying to help. My mom is a doctor. I got back some very shady-looking bloodwork as an adult and never questioned it, just assuming that I had somehow missed having been sick with hepatitis C at some point. The bloodwork turned out to be botched, and I had to go to another town to get it re-taken, showing that I have never, in fact, had hepatitis C. It is likely still a part of my medical records somewhere, though.
I am currently seeing a lot of doctors, as I finally have insurance and can get help for the smaller issues I've been having throughout the years. And yeah, it's kind of a mess. I keep being sent to different doctors from the same field, and they don't communicate with each other. They misread my papers, have trouble accessing my test results and scheduling follow-up sessions, they can be rude and dismissive sometimes, but overall, I'm doing fine, and I'm following their recommendations to a T. And they help, even if actually being listened to might have helped a bit more.
But sometimes, they'll send you to a psychiatrist to rule out some of your symptoms maybe being psychosomatic (because, you see, the only results of yours they could access were your most recent, good results, not the abysmally bad results you had at the beginning of the month, so now your abysmally bad results didn't sound real enough to them to still be causing any lasting issues), and the psychiatrist will be one of those types. The "autism is a terrible disease, but you can be cured!" type. The "you are sick in the head and must be immediately hospitalized, even though mental institution patients in Russia permanently lose some of their human rights" type, the "going into remission for your autism can cure everything, including your actual infections, and don't you dare not want to get rid of your terrible mental disease!" type. And, after pushing you, intimidating you, constantly switching the narrative and lying about what type of medication you are being prescribed, after refusing to elaborate about the side effects and essentially shooing you out while insisting you come back next time fully medicated (despite the next time not being covered by the insurance, and even the first time getting the psychiatrist up in arms about whether or not your insurance really covers it), the psychiatrist leaves you with a list of medications, after you have already extensively told them all about the horrible, life-threatening side effects you've had with similar types of medications before. You look these up online, and the side effects sounds like exactly the type of thing you want to avoid. Your mental health is not as bad right now as it used to be, your main problems are physiological, and it's not the right time to go and risk experiencing such a vast array of side effects that you were never able to escape with these types of meds.
But you want to be a good kid. A medical professional prescribed you medication and insisted that you take them. They also insisted on you coming back and checking in with them, about raising the "baby dosages" that had been prescribed. You are a good kid, good kids do what authorities tell them to! They take the medication and suffer the consequences, because the doctor knows best.
This is where you stop being a good kid and become a reasonable adult who doesn't want to risk fucking dying because they are dealing with some of the most incompetent medical professionals known to man.
I am still as pro-therapy and pro-medication as I was before, but I will keep on looking for a professional who doesn't make me want to write an official complaint about them three minutes in. They must truly believe that mentally ill and developmentally disabled people are incapable of defending themselves and exercising their rights.
Welp, gotta prove them wrong.
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lastlycoris · 11 months
Liver transplantation.
The one time you might actually want cancer.
Why? Because having a primary liver cancer bumps you up on the liver transplant list. But it can't just be any cancer - there's a criteria for acceptable cancer burden for adult liver transplant, which is known as Milan Criteria. Essentially one big tumor smaller than 5 cm or 3 small tumors less than 3 cm each. The tumor can't have left the liver either aka metastasis. However if it's too small (<2 cm ), you don't get priority listing for having that cancer. Kind of like Goldilocks - the tumor has to be just right.
Now first off, you almost never get a primary liver tumor aka hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) without something wrong in the liver in the first place.
This is usually Cirrhosis aka fibrosis of the liver, which can be caused by Hepatitis C or more commonly drinking too much alcohol too often. The liver fails cause its cells are dead or dying, and the resulting scarring prevents blood from your GI tract from returning properly to your systemic blood. This pseudo-blockage results in fluid backing up in your body, resulting in ascites (fluid in the belly) and pleural effusion (fluid in the lung space) and generalized soft tissue swelling.
The body tries to compensate for this by making alternate paths. Problem is the liver is also a filter, and bypassing the filter through an alternate path affects the brain - a common symptom is confusion and sometimes coma in these patients. Official term is hepatic encephalopathy.
Cirrhosis patients can also literally turn yellow because bilirubin, which occurs from the normal breakdown of red blood cells, can't be processed well by a dysfunctional liver. Liver does a lot of other important stuff too, but I'd go on forever with that - so I'll end that here.
In any case, the only treatment for cirrhosis is getting a new liver - once cirrhosis occurs, it cannot reverse, only worsen. The liver transplant list uses its own criteria known as MELD which I also won't get into here, but generally the sicker you are, the higher you are on the transplant list.
Cirrhosis is essentially a breeding ground for primary liver cancer because cirrhosis is essentially repeated constant inflammation - and all it takes is one cell to heal in the absolutely worst way - and then you have a cancer. This is why cirrhosis patients get yearly liver imaging screening to detect that.
Milan Criteria was created because a good number of liver transplants in cancer patients turned out to have recurrent liver cancer in the new liver. After Milan was implemented, long-term recurrence-free survival improved from 30% to 75%. I believe the sizes used in Milan acts as a surrogate for the likelihood of microscopic metastasis, cancer that's left the liver but too small to be seen in imaging, but don't quote me on that.
Now why did I bring this up? One of the residents asked out loud about why we don't just cut out the cancer.
For one, cirrhosis ensures another one will pop up eventually, and for two, cutting a cancer out also means cutting out good tissue (or semi-okay in a cirrhotic's case) to create the disease-free margin. You don't have much good tissue left in a cirrhosis liver.
You could ablate the cancer by frying it with heat or freezing it, but you again have the issues of damaging normal tissue. Typically excision or ablation is done when there's no chance patient will get a donor liver.
There's also TACE (transarterial chemoembolization) which can be used to shrink tumors, usually back into the limits imposed by Milan criteria. Because if your cancer is too big for Milan, you don't get a liver. There are strict rules for that, and if you break them, your liver transplant service is not getting donor livers.
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colinwilson11 · 3 days
Treatment Of Liver Cirrhosis Market To Grow At Highest Pace Due To Rising Alcohol Intake
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Liver cirrhosis refers to scarring (fibrosis) of the liver tissue and poor functioning of the liver. It is caused by excessive alcohol consumption over many years or due to chronic hepatitis virus infections such as hepatitis B or C. The progression of fibrosis leads to nodule formation and ultimately to cirrhosis. The key symptoms of liver cirrhosis include jaundice, fatigue, abdominal pain, weakness, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting. Treatment for liver cirrhosis depends on the severity of the disease and includes medications to improve liver functions, antibiotics to treat infections, diuretics to remove excess fluid and sometimes orthotopic liver transplantation.
The Liver Cirrhosis Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 1.41 Bn in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 5.2% over the forecast period 2024-2031.
Key Takeaways
Key players operating in the liver cirrhosis market are Madrigal Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Galectin Therapeutics Inc., Grifols Therapeutics LLC, Cyma Bay Therapeutics, Akero Therapeutics, Inc.
Key players operating in the liver cirrhosis market are increasingly investing in R&D to develop advanced treatment options. For instance, Madrigal Pharmaceuticals is developing resmetirom, a first-in-class thyroid hormone receptor beta-selective agonist for the treatment of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and liver cirrhosis.
The growing prevalence of excessive alcohol consumption and obesity are major factors fueling the demand for liver cirrhosis treatment solutions. According to WHO, around 3 million deaths each year result from harmful use of alcohol. Excessive alcohol intake damages liver cells making the organ less able to regenerate, leading to the development of cirrhosis over the years.
Technological advancements in liver transplantation techniques coupled with the emergence of effective post-transplant medications have increased the eligibility of patients and survival rates post transplantation. Shortage of liver donors however remains a key challenge. Companies are investing in development of artificial or bio-engineered livers as potential alternatives.
Market Trends
Increasing Adoption Of Targeted Therapies: Pharma companies are focusing on developing targeted therapies for liver cirrhosis that specifically act on certain molecular targets or pathways involved in disease progression. For example, Galectin Therapeutics' drug belapectin blocks galectin-3 activity involved in fibrotic response and necrosis.
Rise Of Combination Therapies: Due to multifactorial nature of the disease, companies are exploring efficacy of combining two or more treatment modalities for synergistic effects. For example, combination of antiviral medications with immunomodulators to achieve sustained virologic response.
Market Opportunities
Asia Pacific presents high growth prospects owing to changing lifestyles, abusive consumption of alcohol and growing obesity rates. Public-private partnerships can help facilitate more affordable healthcare access in emerging economies.
Emergence of non-invasive diagnostic tools leveraging imaging and biomarkers hold potential to precisely diagnose and monitor disease progression and treatment response without need for repeated liver biopsies. This can increase patient acceptance and compliance.
Impact Of COVID-19 On Liver Cirrhosis Market Growth
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted the growth of the liver cirrhosis market. During the initial phases of the pandemic, factors like lockdowns, restrictions on non-essential medical services led to postponement of diagnosis procedures and delay in treatment. This adversely impacted the market growth initially. However, as the healthcare sector learned to cope and adapt to the new normal, telehealth services gained prominence helping maintain continuity of care virtually. With the development and availability of vaccines as well, the market is recovering fast. However, challenges like availability of medical staff, hospital beds, and potential risks of severe COVID infection in cirrhosis patients still persist and need to be addressed. The immediate focus post pandemic is to boost diagnosis and treatment rates back to pre-COVID levels. Intensifying awareness campaigns and policies promoting community healthcare can aid in early detection and management of cirrhosis cases.
Geographical Regions With Highest Liver Cirrhosis Market Value
North America dominates the Liver Cirrhosis Market in terms of value. The region accounted for over 35% market share in 2024 owing to rising prevalence of cirrhosis caused by non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and alcohol abuse. Growing healthcare spending and availability of advanced treatment options have further augmented the regional market. Europe ranks second with major markets being Germany, United Kingdom, France and Italy. Developed healthcare infrastructure, supportive reimbursement environment and presence of key industry players have boosted the European market.
Fastest Growing Region For Liver Cirrhosis Market
Asia Pacific is identified as the fastest growing regional market for liver cirrhosis expected to expand at a CAGR of around 7% during the forecast years. Growing consumption of alcohol, rising obesity rates attributed to changing lifestyles and dietary habits have majorly contributed to increased cirrhosis burden in the region. Countries like China, India and Japan have emerged as high potential markets. Rapid economic development, rising healthcare expenditure, growing medical tourism are some factors favoring the Asia Pacific liver cirrhosis market. Initiatives to spread awareness about lifestyle-related liver diseases can further augment the regional market opportunities.
Get more insights on this topic: https://www.trendingwebwire.com/liver-cirrhosis-market-poised-for-growth-amid-rising-adoption-of-targeted-therapies/
Author Bio:
Alice Mutum is a seasoned senior content editor at Coherent Market Insights, leveraging extensive expertise gained from her previous role as a content writer. With seven years in content development, Alice masterfully employs SEO best practices and cutting-edge digital marketing strategies to craft high-ranking, impactful content. As an editor, she meticulously ensures flawless grammar and punctuation, precise data accuracy, and perfect alignment with audience needs in every research report. Alice's dedication to excellence and her strategic approach to content make her an invaluable asset in the world of market insights. (LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/alice-mutum-3b247b137 )
What Are The Key Data Covered In This Liver Cirrhosis Market Report?
:- Market CAGR throughout the predicted period
:- Comprehensive information on the aspects that will drive the Liver Cirrhosis Market's growth between 2024 and 2031.
:- Accurate calculation of the size of the Liver Cirrhosis Market and its contribution to the market, with emphasis on the parent market
:- Realistic forecasts of future trends and changes in consumer behaviour
:- Liver Cirrhosis Market Industry Growth in North America, APAC, Europe, South America, the Middle East, and Africa
:- A complete examination of the market's competitive landscape, as well as extensive information on vendors
:- Detailed examination of the factors that will impede the expansion of Liver Cirrhosis Market vendors
Q.1 What are the main factors influencing the Liver Cirrhosis Market?
Q.2 Which companies are the major sources in this industry?
Q.3 What are the market’s opportunities, risks, and general structure?
Q.4 Which of the top Liver Cirrhosis Market companies compare in terms of sales, revenue, and prices?
Q.5 Which businesses serve as the Liver Cirrhosis Market’s distributors, traders, and dealers?
Q.6 How are market types and applications and deals, revenue, and value explored?
Q.7 What does a business area’s assessment of agreements, income, and value implicate?
*Note: 1. Source: Coherent Market Insights, Public sources, Desk research 2. We have leveraged AI tools to mine information and compile it
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prudentrxprogram · 4 days
PrudentRx Program: Solutions for Liver and Digestive Health Issues 
 Liver and digestive health are crucial for overall well-being, but managing these issues can be challenging, especially for those with chronic conditions like hepatitis, cirrhosis, or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Many of these conditions require long-term medication, and the cost of these treatments can create a financial burden. The PrudentRx Program offers a practical solution to these challenges, providing patients with access to affordable specialty medications that can help manage liver and digestive health issues. 
This blog will explore how the PrudentRx Program addresses these health concerns, provides financial relief, and answers common patient questions via the PrudentRx Program. 
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Understanding the Role of the PrudentRx Program in Liver and Digestive Health 
The PrudentRx Program is designed to make specialty medications more affordable for patients dealing with chronic conditions, including those affecting the liver and digestive systems. Whether you are managing a liver disorder like hepatitis or a digestive condition like Crohn’s disease, having access to the right medications is essential for maintaining your health and preventing complications. 
By offering significant savings on specialty medications, the PrudentRx Program ensures that patients can stay consistent with their treatment plans without being overwhelmed by costs. This program has become an essential tool for individuals who need expensive medications to manage their liver and digestive health. 
Liver Health and PrudentRx: Key Medications and Support 
Liver diseases such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) can cause long-term health problems if not properly managed. Treatments for these conditions often include antiviral medications, immunosuppressants, and other specialty drugs. The PrudentRx Drug List includes a variety of these essential medications, making it easier for patients to access treatments that might otherwise be too expensive. 
Some of the key medications included on the PrudentRx Drug List for liver conditions include: 
Antiviral Medications for Hepatitis: For patients with hepatitis B or C, antiviral medications are crucial for reducing viral loads and preventing further liver damage. These drugs can be costly, but the PrudentRx Program helps minimize out-of-pocket costs. 
Immunosuppressants for Liver Transplant Patients: After a liver transplant, patients need immunosuppressants to prevent the body from rejecting the new organ. These medications are often lifelong, making the PrudentRx Program vital in reducing the financial burden on patients. 
By making these essential treatments more accessible, the PrudentRx Program plays a critical role in helping patients maintain liver health and avoid complications like liver failure. 
Digestive Health Solutions with PrudentRx 
Digestive health conditions, such as Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), can be debilitating if not properly managed. Treatments for these conditions often involve expensive biologics, anti-inflammatory medications, and immunosuppressants. The PrudentRx Drug List includes medications for these conditions, allowing patients to receive necessary treatments at a fraction of the cost. 
Some of the digestive health medications included on the PrudentRx Drug List are: 
Biologics for Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis: Biologic drugs target specific parts of the immune system to reduce inflammation in the digestive tract. These drugs are often used to treat moderate to severe cases of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, but they can be prohibitively expensive. The PrudentRx Program helps lower the cost of these medications, ensuring patients can continue their treatments. 
Anti-Inflammatory Drugs for IBS: For patients with IBS or other inflammatory digestive conditions, anti-inflammatory medications help manage symptoms and reduce flare-ups. The PrudentRx Program helps patients stay on track with these medications, improving their quality of life. 
PrudentRx Program: Common Questions Answered 
Many patients have questions about how the PrudentRx Program works, particularly when it comes to managing liver and digestive health issues. Below are some frequently asked questions from the PrudentRx Program that can help clarify how the program benefits patients: 
1. What is the PrudentRx Program, and how does it help with liver and digestive health? 
The PrudentRx Program is a patient assistance program that helps reduce or eliminate out-of-pocket costs for specialty medications. It is particularly helpful for patients managing chronic liver and digestive health issues, as these conditions often require expensive medications. By providing financial support, the program ensures that patients can stay consistent with their treatments. 
2. How do I know if my medication is covered under the PrudentRx Program? 
The PrudentRx Drug List is a comprehensive guide to the medications covered by the program. Patients can consult this list to check if their prescribed medication is included. If you’re unsure, the PrudentRx Program can provide additional guidance on how to navigate the drug list and find out if your medication is covered. 
3. How much can I save with the PrudentRx Program? 
The amount of savings will depend on the specific medication and your current insurance plan. However, many patients report significant reductions in out-of-pocket costs for specialty medications. The PrudentRx Program provides more information on how the savings are calculated and what you can expect based on your medication needs. 
4. How do I enroll in the PrudentRx Program? 
Enrollment in the PrudentRx Program is simple. Patients can sign up through their healthcare provider or their insurance company. Detailed instructions on how to enroll can be found in the PrudentRx Program, which provides step-by-step guidance to ensure a smooth enrollment process. 
5. What if my medication isn’t on the PrudentRx Drug List? 
If your medication isn’t currently covered, you should consult with your healthcare provider to explore alternative medications that are listed. The PrudentRx Program also suggests checking the list regularly, as it is updated frequently to include new medications. 
Conclusion: PrudentRx as a Lifeline for Liver and Digestive Health 
The PrudentRx Program provides invaluable support for patients managing chronic liver and digestive health ssues. By offering access to essential medications through the PrudentRx Drug List and answering common patient concerns through the PrudentRx Program, the program ensures that individuals can maintain their health without the financial strain that often comes with long-term treatment. 
Whether you're managing liver disease, Crohn's disease, or another digestive condition, the PrudentRx Program offers a solution that supports both your health and your wallet. For more information on how the program can help you, consult the PrudentRx Program and explore the savings and treatment options available to you. 
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Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan: Liver Cancer Treatment in Mumbai
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Liver cancer is one of the most serious and life-threatening forms of cancer. As with most cancers, early detection and effective treatment are key to improving survival rates. For patients in India, particularly in Mumbai, access to top-tier liver cancer care is essential. Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan, a renowned surgical oncologist, provides crucial insights into the causes, symptoms, and treatment options available for liver cancer. His expertise has made him a trusted figure in Liver Cancer Treatment in Mumbai, helping many patients navigate this difficult diagnosis.
Understanding Liver Cancer: An Overview
Liver cancer occurs when cells in the liver begin to grow uncontrollably, forming a malignant tumor. There are different types of liver cancer, the most common being hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), which originates in the main type of liver cells. Less commonly, cancer can begin in the bile ducts or blood vessels within the liver.
In most cases, liver cancer does not show any noticeable symptoms in the early stages. By the time it is diagnosed, the disease may have already progressed to an advanced stage. Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan emphasizes the importance of regular screening, especially for those with risk factors like chronic hepatitis or cirrhosis, as it could lead to early detection and more effective liver cancer treatment in Mumbai.
Causes and Risk Factors of Liver Cancer
Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan explains that liver cancer is primarily associated with chronic liver conditions. Some of the most common risk factors include:
Chronic Hepatitis B and C: Both hepatitis B and C are viral infections that lead to liver inflammation. Over time, this inflammation can cause cirrhosis, which significantly increases the risk of developing liver cancer.
Cirrhosis: This is a condition where scar tissue gradually replaces healthy liver tissue, impairing liver function. Cirrhosis can result from various factors, including long-term alcohol abuse, fatty liver disease, and chronic viral hepatitis.
Alcohol Consumption: Excessive alcohol intake is another leading cause of liver cancer. Over time, it can lead to cirrhosis, which heightens the risk of cancerous cell formation.
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD): As obesity and type 2 diabetes become more common, so does NAFLD. This condition can lead to liver inflammation, scarring, and, ultimately, cancer.
Exposure to Aflatoxins: These harmful substances, produced by fungi found in crops, particularly grains and nuts, have been linked to liver cancer.
Symptoms of Liver Cancer
As Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan explains, liver cancer is often referred to as a "silent" disease because its symptoms may not appear until it has reached an advanced stage. Some common symptoms that may indicate liver cancer include:
Unexplained weight loss
Loss of appetite
Upper abdominal pain
Jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes)
General weakness and fatigue
Nausea and vomiting
For anyone experiencing these symptoms, seeking an expert opinion from a specialized clinic offering liver cancer treatment in Mumbai is critical. Early diagnosis and immediate treatment offer the best chance of success.
Treatment Options for Liver Cancer
Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan emphasizes that liver cancer treatment in Mumbai varies based on the stage of cancer, overall liver function, and the patient’s health. Some of the most common treatment options include:
Surgery: If the tumor is small and localized, surgical resection can be performed to remove the cancerous part of the liver. In certain cases, a liver transplant may also be considered.
Ablation and Embolization: For patients who are not suitable candidates for surgery, techniques such as radiofrequency ablation (RFA) or transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) can be used to destroy cancer cells or block blood flow to the tumor.
Targeted Therapy: This treatment involves using drugs that specifically target cancer cells while sparing normal cells, helping to slow the progression of the disease.
Chemotherapy: While liver cancer is often resistant to chemotherapy, it may still be used in some cases to shrink tumors or slow their growth.
Immunotherapy: A newer form of treatment, immunotherapy works by stimulating the immune system to attack cancer cells.
Liver cancer remains a challenging diagnosis, but with advances in medical treatments, there is hope. For those in need of liver cancer treatment in Mumbai, Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan's clinic offers expert care and cutting-edge therapies designed to give patients the best possible outcome. With a focus on individualized treatment plans, he is a trusted resource for anyone facing this difficult disease.
1. What are the early warning signs of liver cancer?Early-stage liver cancer may not show symptoms, but common signs include weight loss, abdominal pain, and jaundice.
2. Is liver cancer curable?If detected early, liver cancer can be treated effectively, especially through surgery or liver transplant.
3. Who is at risk of developing liver cancer?Individuals with chronic liver diseases, hepatitis B or C, cirrhosis, or excessive alcohol use are at higher risk.
4. How can liver cancer be prevented?Preventive measures include hepatitis vaccinations, limiting alcohol intake, maintaining a healthy weight, and regular screenings for those at risk.
5. Why is Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan considered an expert in liver cancer treatment?Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan is a renowned surgical oncologist in Mumbai, specializing in advanced techniques for treating liver cancer, offering personalized treatment plans for each patient.
For expert Liver Cancer Treatment in Mumbai, consult with Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan and get the best care possible.
Book your appointment today: Tap herePhone Number: + 91 77000 58024
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adoctorx · 10 days
Thrombocytopenia is an atypically low platelet count. Acquired thrombocytopenia is caused by conditions that develop throughout your life instead of genes inherited from birth. Acquired thrombocytopenia can develop for many different reasons, such as: pregnancy autoimmune disease cancer thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, which is a medical emergency that can lead to serious internal bleeding People with acquired thrombocytopenia may experience easy and severe bleeding and bruising due to a low platelet count. Symptoms often aren’t noticeable if your platelet count is only slightly low. Read on to learn more about this condition, including causes, symptoms, and treatment options. Acquired thrombocytopenia causes and risk factors A healthy platelet count in adults is between 150,000 and 450,000 platelets per microliter of blood. Thrombocytopenia is characterized by a platelet count below 150,000 platelets per microliter. People with acquired thrombocytopenia develop a low platelet count throughout their lives, as opposed to those with inherited thrombocytopenia caused by genes they receive from their parents. Your platelet count can drop for several reasons, including: your bone marrow does not produce enough platelets too many platelets are destroyed your spleen holds too many platelets Acquired thrombocytopenia can be immune or non-immune in origin depending on the underlying cause. Immune causes develop when your immune system attacks and destroys healthy platelets. Potential immune causes include: medications like: antibiotics antivirals anti-inflammatory medications heparin viral infections like HIV or chickenpox bacterial infections vaccines like the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine (very rarely) lupus Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia usually occurs between 5 and 10 days after heparin exposure. Other causes of acquired thrombocytopenia include: pregnancy cancers like leukemia or metastatic cancer liver cirrhosis hepatitis C alcohol use disorder some nutrient deficiencies like folate or vitamin B12 stem cell transplant snakebites Pregnancy and platelet count Platelet counts often drop during pregnancy due to increased fluid in your blood and platelet activation. Platelet counts usually drop by about 10% in the third trimester. Acquired thrombocytopenia symptoms Symptoms of acquired thrombocytopenia can include: extended bleeding even from small injuries small red spots under your skin called petechiae easy bruising frequent bleeding from your gums or nosebleeds blood in your urine or stool heavy menstrual bleeding fever chest pain nervous system problems kidney problems Potential complications of acquired thrombocytopenia If your platelet count drops dangerously low, it can increase your risk of internal bleeding or bleeding in your brain. Bleeding in your brain is called a hemorrhagic stroke. These complications typically only develop when your platelet count drops extremely low. If acquired thrombocytopenia is caused by thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP), there is a risk of developing blood clots in small blood vessels throughout your body that can prevent blood flow to your organs. TTP generally onsets suddenly and lasts for days to weeks. When to get medical help It’s essential to see a doctor if you develop signs of thrombocytopenia. They can run tests to check your blood count levels and may be able to prescribe medications to prevent the breakdown of platelets. Medical emergency It’s essential to get immediate medical attention if you develop symptoms of cytopenia or symptoms of TTP. Go to the nearest emergency room if you experience: extreme fatigue fever headache confusion coma stroke seizure nausea vomiting and diarrhea Acquired thrombocytopenia diagnosis To diagnose acquired thrombocytopenia, a doctor will:
consider your symptoms review your personal and family medical history perform a physical exam They will also likely order blood tests, such as: a complete blood count to measure your platelet and other blood cell levels a blood smear to look at whether your platelets are damaged a platelet antibody test to measure antibodies produced as a side effect of some drugs like heparin How do you treat acquired thrombocytopenia? Treatment for acquired thrombocytopenia depends on the underlying cause. Mild cases may not require treatment. If your symptoms are caused by a medication, you may need to stop taking that medication. If you have heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, usually you’ll also need to take another medication to stop blood clotting. Steroids are typically the first-line treatment for immune causes of thrombocytopenia. The most common regimens are 2 to 4 weeks of prednisone or 4 days of dexamethasone (DexPak, Decadron). Additionally, medications like eltrombopag (Promacta) or romiplostim (Nplate) can help your body make more platelets. If medications alone are not effective, you may need blood or platelet transfusions, or spleen removal. TTP requires immediate treatment to avoid life threatening complications. It should ideally be treated with a plasma exchange within 4 to 8 hours. Plasma exchange involves removing the liquid part of your blood to retrieve antibodies or other harmful substances before returning it to your blood. What is the life expectancy and outlook of someone with acquired thrombocytopenia? Most people with immune thrombocytopenia either do not have symptoms or have minor symptoms like frequent nosebleeds or bleeding gums. Severe bleeding is rare until your platelet count drops below 30,000 platelets per microliter of blood. In children, thrombocytopenia triggered by viral illness resolves itself in about two-thirds of cases. Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura is a medical emergency that has a mortality rate of over 90% without treatment. Early-on plasma exchange drops the mortality rate to between 10% and 20%. Can you prevent acquired thrombocytopenia? Thrombocytopenia may not always be preventable. You can prevent infections that may trigger it by taking steps such as: washing your hands regularly avoiding close contact with people who are sick wearing a facial covering when in close quarters with others, such as on public transport avoiding eating foods past their expiration date Frequently asked questions about acquired thrombocytopenia Here are some frequently asked questions people have about acquired thrombocytopenia. What is the most common cause of acquired thrombocytopenia? Infections are one of the most common causes of acquired thrombocytopenia. Many viruses can trigger thrombocytopenia, including herpes viruses and the varicella-zoster virus that causes chickenpox. Can stress cause low platelets? Mental or physical stress may activate platelets in your blood. This activation can lower the number of platelets circulating through your blood. How can you increase your platelet count? Eating an overall health-promoting diet can help support your body’s production of platelets. Some nutrients required for blood cell health include: iron vitamin B12 vitamin C folate Takeaway Acquired thrombocytopenia is a low platelet count that develops throughout your life. It can be temporary or permanent, depending on the cause. Many people with thrombocytopenia never develop symptoms, but some people develop life threatening complications like internal bleeding. It’s important to get medical attention if you notice you’re bruising or bleeding easier than usual.
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adelmarpharmagmbh · 11 days
Liver Problems: Homeopathic Medicine for Liver Tonic
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The liver is one of the most important organs in our frame, acting in critical capabilities like cleansing, metabolism, and assisting digestion. However, liver issues can arise up due to different factors which include negative food regimen, alcohol consumption, viral infections, and more. These problems can lead to critical situations like fatty liver, cirrhosis, hepatitis, and liver failure. 
Many humans are turning to homeopathy as a natural and powerful method of dealing with liver problems. Homeopathy focuses on treating the foundation cause of the issue with remedies that can be gentle and unfastened from dangerous side outcomes. Below, we explore how homeopathic medicinal drugs and merchandise like liver tone syrup, the Best homeopathic medicine for liver tonic can provide Adel India answers for liver troubles.es. 
Common Liver Problems and Symptoms 
Liver problems can manifest in numerous ways. The most common conditions include- 
Fatty Liver Disease: Excess fat accumulation in liver cells.  Hepatitis: Inflammation of the liver, often as a result of viruses like hepatitis A, B, or C.  Cirrhosis: Scarring of the liver tissue due to long-term period damage.  Liver Infections: Bacterial or viral infections can result in inflammation.  Jaundice: A condition in which the pores skin and eyes flip yellow due to a buildup of bilirubin. 
Symptoms to look at for encompass: 
Fatigue  Nausea and vomiting  Abdominal pain and swelling  Yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice) Dark urine  Loss of urge for food 
Homeopathic Solutions for Liver Problems 
Homeopathy treats liver issues with remedies that stimulate the frame’s healing method. It offers individualized remedies based at the patient’s signs and symptoms and circumstances. Here are a number of the fine homeopathic remedies for liver troubles: 
1. Chelidonium Majus 
Chelidonium is exceptionally used for liver and gallbladder troubles, especially for treating jaundice and liver growth. It is especially effective when there’s an ache below the proper shoulder blade or in the top abdomen. AdelIndia offers herbal treatments like Best Homeopathic Liver Tonic to aid liver health. 
2. Lycopodium  Lycopodium is an effective remedy for liver disorders associated with digestion, in particular, whilst signs include bloating, indigestion, and discomfort after ingesting fatty foods. It helps relieve liver congestion and is likewise useful in treating cirrhosis. You can discover the Best Homeopathic Medicine for liver tonic for youngsters as an herbal treatment. 
3. Nux Vomica  For liver conditions because of excessive alcohol intake, Nux Vomica is regularly endorsed. It helps detoxify the liver, especially whilst troubles stem from negative food plans, alcohol, or overuse of stimulants like caffeine. Products like sugar-loose liver tonic homeopathic are fantastic for individuals searching out alternatives without sugar. 
4. Carduus Marianus  Carduus Marianus is a homeopathic treatment derived from the milk thistle plant. It is used to deal with liver cirrhosis, fatty liver, and gallbladder infection. It promotes wholesome liver features and cleansing. You can buy natural liver tonic online for convenient liver care. 
5. Natrum Sulphuricum  This treatment is mainly effective for continual liver situations, particularly hepatitis and liver infection. Natrum Sulphuricum aids in detoxing and might 
Benefits of Homeopathic Treatment for Liver Problems 
Holistic Approach: Homeopathy treats the person as a whole, focusing on bodily and emotional well-being.  No Side Effects: Unlike conventional medicinal drugs, homeopathic remedies are herbal and do now not motivate dangerous aspect results.  Personalized Treatment: Homeopathy gives individualized treatments based on the specific signs symptoms and conditions of the patient.  Long-Term Benefits: Homeopathic remedies consciousness on lengthy-term liver fitness by addressing the basic cause of the hassle. 
Lifestyle Tips for Liver Health 
While homeopathic treatments offer effective remedy, retaining a wholesome lifestyle is vital for liver health: 
Healthy Diet: Eat a balanced weight loss program rich in end results, greens, and whole grains. Avoid immoderate intake of fatty ingredients, sugar, and processed meals. 
Limit Alcohol: Excessive alcohol can severely harm the liver. Drink sparsely or keep away from alcohol altogether. 
Exercise Regularly: Physical pastime facilitates keeping a healthy weight, decreasing the risk of fatty liver sickness. 
Stay Hydrated: Drinking lots of water aids in detoxing and allows the liver to function efficaciously. 
Avoid Toxins: Minimize publicity of environmental pollution, including chemical compounds and pollution, that could harm liver cells. 
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sameerrazobyte · 1 month
Book a liver function test (LFT) in Varanasi: Ensure your liver health today
 The doctor takes blood to check for an inpatient LFT test to check for liver infections such as hepatitis B and C liver disorders and alcoholic liver disease. The doctor recommended an LFT test to identify the risk of jaundice that causes yellow eyes and skin. You can also receive your test result via email, phone number, or WhatsApp. Modern diagnostics give you a timely test result and the symptom of a change in the color or odor of urine, indicating that something is not right with your liver function test in Varanasi.
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molsons112000 · 1 month
My friend in college. He was sexually active and he did receive this but didn't transmit it. And each time he got it, he knew and got it. Taken care of immediately. Yes, antibiotics take care of it quickly. So this disease is contracted by women easily and transmitted by women...
Anyone who is sexually active can get chlamydia, a sexually transmitted bacterial infection (STI), but it's more common in women than men. In the United States, women are estimated to have twice the infection rate of men. Some risk factors for infection include: 
Not consistently using barrier methods like condoms with new sexual partners 
Having a sexual partner who is having sex with other people 
Having a history of chlamydia or other STIs 
Being a young sexually active woman, especially between the ages of 15 and 24 
Being a man who has oral or anal sex with men 
Chlamydia - NHS
It can also be passed by a pregnant woman to her baby. Chlamydia cannot be passed on through casual contact, such as kissing and hugging, or from sharing baths,
Anyone who is sexually active can get chlamydia, a sexually transmitted bacterial infection (STI), but it's more common in women than men. In the United States, women are estimated to have twice the infection rate of men. Some risk factors for infection include: 
Not consistently using barrier methods like condoms with new sexual partners 
Having a sexual partner who is having sex with other people 
Having a history of chlamydia or other STIs 
Being a young sexually active woman, especially between the ages of 15 and 24 
Being a man who has oral or anal sex with men 
Chlamydia - NHS
It can also be passed by a pregnant woman to her baby. Chlamydia cannot be passed on through casual contact, such as kissing and hugging, or from sharing baths,
And you don't think they need to stop with the bisexuality and lesbianism in the adult entertainment, and this is where I said, if they do it at all, it can be deep fakes. But I don't want to encourage it in the outside environment.... Cause then people really get sick. So we have to figure out a way of discouraging this, and like I said, look at all these diseases that are more common sexually transmit it that are more common amongst a lesbian and bisexual women then heterosexual women!!!! And you keep on telling me that this is a good thing, lesbians and bisexuals and homosexuals and transgender!!!! How is this possible? It being a good thing when it causes unbelievable problems physically and mentally. Besides causing the unborn child, all kinds of diseases that it contracts in the womb and causes still birth and birth defects, and then you have to address those issues after birth, if they survive!!!!
In addition, when women, including asymptomatic women, have been tested for STDs, lesbian and bisexual women have had a higher prevalence of bacterial vaginosis, hepatitis B and C, gonorrhea, genital herpes and chlamydia than heterosexual women.Dec 8, 2008
STDs Among Sexually Active Female College Students
You think all universities should require mandatory? Annual physicals and part of those physicals should be testing for sexually transmitted diseases.... C d c says that women under twenty five should be checked for sexually transmitted diseases.Regularly...
"The CDC recommends that all sexually active women under 25 get routine annual screening for STIs."
Yes, lesbians and bisexual women have higher rates of chlamydia than heterosexual women. According to a 2008 study, sexually active female college students who identify as lesbian or bisexual have a higher prevalence of chlamydia than heterosexual women, even if they don't have symptoms. A 1990s survey of lesbian and bisexual women found that 102 respondents reported contracting chlamydia from a female partner. 
Lesbian and bisexual women are vulnerable to sexually transmitted infections (STIs) like chlamydia because of skin-to-skin and mouth-to-genital contact, sharing sex toys, and exchanging vaginal fluids or menstrual blood. Other risk factors for STIs among women who have sex with women (WSW) include: 
Hepatitis A and HIV 
High alcohol intake 
Injecting nonprescribed drugs 
The CDC recommends that all sexually active women under 25 get routine annual screening for STIs. 
Sexually Transmitted Infections Among Women Who Have Sex With Women | Clinical Infectious Diseases | Oxford Academic
Oxford Academic
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