#her stans shouldn’t have to suffer like this
somewherefornow · 5 months
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rynnthefangirl · 10 days
You’ll never catch me NOT defending a Pines twin.
Stan? All he ever wanted was his family’s love and respect. He would have done ANYTHING for Ford, he made mistakes but they were genuinely honest mistakes, he paid for them greatly and spent thirty years trying to fix things. He never meant to break Ford’s project, and he couldn’t have possibly known what the portal was. He just wanted to welcome his brother back with open arms, and got punched in the face for it. All his jealousy and anger towards Ford were totally understandable.
Ford? Stan’s mistakes may have been honest ones, but Ford still suffered greatly for them and it’s perfectly understandable for him to be angry and not quick to forgive his brother. Yes, he fucked up big time with Bill and that’s on him, but he would do ANYTHING to make things right. Also like how can you not feel bad for him, he went through actual Hell, first with Bill’s psychological torment and then spending 30 years hopping dimensions. Of course he’s paranoid and distrusting! Suffered more than anyone else, my poor grunkly meow meow.
Mabel? She didn’t know what the rift was! Nobody told her! She’s 12 years old for gods sake, of course she is easy to manipulate when she is extremely upset. And yeah she is awful to Dipper in Mabel Land, but she was literally being influenced by demonic brain magic, you can’t hold her accountable for all that. And the times when Dipper sacrificed for her was bc he was the one who SHOULD have made the sacrifice. Mermando and even Waddles are more important than Dipper having one good day on his totally doomed romantic pursuit of Wendy. Once Mabel was put in the situation where what she wanted wasn’t as important as what Dipper needed, she came through for him.
Dipper? I haven’t seen much criticism of him, and good because there shouldn’t be. My boy is brave and smart and would go through hell without hesitation for his sister. Sure he can fuck things up when he recklessly messes with supernatural stuff, but nobody’s perfect. As for his and Mabel’s fight at the end, Dipper didn’t do anything wrong. He was offered a huge opportunity from Ford and was just considering taking it. He should have told Mabel about the rift, but he was only doing what Ford said, his idol and mentor who has way more experience with Bill.
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Have you ever noticed that ever since season one of What If introduced Captain Carter, she's been showing up a lot more than Sam Wilson as Captain America? I once queationed it, which pissed off some Peggy stans on this site to the point where I had to alter the tags so I wouldn't have to deal with them.
Oh yeah I did, trust me, you’re not the only one. Many Sam or Steve or Bucky stans and, yk, Peggy antis here on tumblr noticed it, but her stans are just too stubborn to accept it.
In my humble opinion, I think Peggy is simply a better character for marvel to sell as cap (and not for the right reasons), which is why Sam’s cap hasn’t appeared in 2/3 years and all of Steve’s appearances were butchered.
Steve is noble, all about freedom and doing what’s right. He was a disabled son of immigrants who knew struggle and, in his own words, didn’t like bullies no matter where they came from, which means that doing what was right to him was more important than any government, any authority. Civil War is all about this characterization of Steve, and it’s why he was the perfect man for the job.
Sam is like Steve. He is a noble man who knew struggle and suffering growing up, who lost loved ones, his place in the world the moment he chose to follow what was right instead of what was ordered to him. He was ridiculed and beaten down, and risked losing it all multiple times, but that never made him back down. Plus, to add fuel to the fire, the higher powers would have never accepted him as Captain America because he’s black, no matter if Captain America himself passed the mantle to him, they wouldn’t have accepted him and still didn’t right up to the finale of TFATWS. Sam is perfect for the job and mirrors Steve as the perfect Captain America of his time.
Peggy is… well, she’s nothing of these things.
Yes, she’s a woman, and so everyone would be expected to find sympathy for her, to root for her, but aside from her stans no one actually does. Peggy has a support system and respect, like it or not, and she was relevant. She’s arrogant, she’s headstrong, and she doesn’t go against the system because she is the system. She’s not a minority, she never knew struggle, hell, she lived a comfortable life up until the war and after. And marvel can use her more than Sam or Steve because she’s not troublesome like them, she’s not going to rebel the system if not for selfish reasons or plot points. She’s not Steve, she’s not Sam, and she shouldn’t be, but at the same time Peggy should not be a Captain that marvel should enforce in their media over and over again.
As Erskine said, “Because the strong man who has known power all his life may lose respect for that power, but a weak man knows the value of strength and knows... compassion.” And while Steve and Sam don’t know strength in the sense that Erskine disregards, Peggy does. And if anything, she resembles John Walker.
Not to mention she is no character of her own, she’s simply the mixture of some characters thrown together in a cauldron, and in addition she’s a Mary Sue. She is a villain masked as hero, one that is convenient as a character and can be thrown from side to side as if she was some Y/N insert in an avengers fanfic.
Not only she has made more appearances than the current Captain America, but she managed to insert herself in the majority of What If…’s storylines, even more than actual main characters. Like, you want to tell me people actually want yet another episode about Peggy or with Peggy being a major character instead of Wanda, Loki or the main six avengers? No one does, not even the stans with a functioning brain. But Marvel will not stop, and whatever chokehold Hayley Atwell has on them will last until she’ll be satisfied with the colonization of all the possible marvel projects.
So ultimately, to answer your question: yes, I did notice Sam is being overshadow by a dusty side character that should have stayed dead back in 2016. You’re not alone, and I’m glad I’m not either. If you scroll on my profile you’ll soon find an old post of mine from last year, during the MoM era, where I was talking about this issue, and a Peggy stan went ballistic and on a rant on how I was using Sam as an excuse to hate on Peggy and justify Stucky. (Btw nice move altering the hashtags, I’ve done it too and it’s been a blessing for me.)
Feel free to check that post and come back in the asks, I’d love to discuss that and maybe share some posts regarding the issue (if I can find them lol)
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thornpixie · 1 year
I am Team Jeremiah, but that doesn’t mean I hate Conrad. However, I find it very hard to feel any sympathy for him: an essay.
I truly hope Conrad finds happiness. I just don’t think he and Belly are right for each other. And no, I haven’t read the books (you can read my feelings on that argument in another post I’ve done lol), so I’m just going off the show.
I am Team Jeremiah, I make no secret of it. But that’s because he is just the better choice for Belly. Not because he is better than Conrad, full stop. They both have their flaws. Should Jeremiah have made out with his brothers ex girlfriend like that, without at least talking to him first? Hell no. But come on - the guy tried to resist. He tried so hard. Belly kept pushing. And let’s remember what Conrad said to Belly at the start of the season after they kissed - ‘Do you want to be with him?’ ‘Being with you is all I’ve ever wanted.’ ‘Okay so be with me then.’
Belly choosing Conrad over Jeremiah was all that mattered back then, not how it affected anyone else, even though she was quasi-dating his brother for most of the summer. He didn’t give a fuck about Jeremiah and if it wasn’t for Belly saying no, he would have flaunted her immediately, even knowing she had kissed Jere a few times. When he asked Jeremiah for his blessing, I don’t believe he did that for any other reason than Belly would continue to distance herself from him until she believed Jere was over it. Conrad did not go to Jeremiah to make sure he truly was okay. He was ticking a box for Belly. Jeremiah was quite obviously not okay with it but Conrad chose to ignore that because he wanted Belly. We saw that in what he told Belly about it afterwards. He took the parts of the conversation that suited his narrative and the outcome he wanted, and he ran with it. And it worked. Jeremiah got hurt, and Conrad didn’t care, because he had Belly.
Their relationship wasn’t this epic love story. I still don’t understand where it came from. I understand Belly’s crush. But when and how and why did Conrad start loving her? The writers of the show seemed to just say ‘he just does’ and we are supposed to say ‘okay yeah sound makes sense.’ I just don’t understand the timeline. Besides that though… Look, I understand and empathise with the fact that his mom was dying while they were dating, and that he was struggling with his mental health. It was a lot for an 18 year old to deal with. (Of course, Jeremiah was dealing with it, too, but Conrad stans conveniently forget that). But Belly suffered in that relationship because of it, and no one should have to do that. To me, it seemed like she was always waiting for the other shoe to drop. Waiting for him to pull away. Scared. Maybe Conrad wasn’t going to break up with her at prom, and she jumped the gun, but it says a lot about how she was feeling that she immediately assumed that. A relationship shouldn’t be like that.
Jeremiah, though… from day one he was open and honest with her. He asked her straight up if she could ever love him like she did Conrad and she said YES. Belly said herself - Jeremiah is always there when she needs him. That’s what you need in a life partner. And fuck me, the passion they have. A perfect blend of supportive and passionate. Tie that man DOWN. He is supportive, he defends her, he speaks his mind, he is honest and reliable (the only time we saw him ‘let her down’ in any way was when he missed the dance at the Deb Ball and jeez, he had a damn good reason so no one can blame him). He makes her laugh. They can have fun together, but can also have the serious conversations. I married my best friend and I wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s honestly amazing to know you have that person who truly sees you, loves and supports you. Who is your comfort. Jeremiah is that for Belly. Honestly, I could go on and on about how Jeremiah is the perfect match for her - and the chemistry between Gavin and Lola definitely adds to it, but it isn’t the only factor - but everyone has probably given up reading by now…
Both boys have been dealt a shit hand, losing their mother. Both boys have made mistakes and have flaws. But they both have incredibly good qualities, too. Personally, I just think that Jeremiah is more suited to Belly, and they will have a happy, healthy relationship.
Also, the way she kissed him back in that episode… I’m sorry but there’s no way she’s not jumping his bones when they start officially dating. It wouldn’t make sense to me. She was smiling against his mouth and knotting her fingers in his hair, and it was ‘Wattpad level hot’, as Taylor would say. Considering she’s already done the deed, I can’t see any logical way for the writers to incorporate a ‘no intimacy’ storyline for them. Especially after that scene in particular, but also their first kiss in the pool back in season one, and the booby fondling in the car - WHERE BELLY STRAIGHT UP SAID SHE WAS NOT NERVOUS BECAUSE IT WAS JEREMIAH. Sorry, but let’s be real - there’s not a chance in hell those two are not banging the brains out of each other. And good on them. So I hope that is a change made to the books. Furthermore, show-Jeremiah cheating? I cannot see it happening. I really really hope it doesn’t.
IF Bonrad must be endgame, then please, Jenny Han, I beg of you to right your wrongs and not assassinate Jeremiah’s character to reach that ending. There are better ways to do it. But I maintain that the better choice for Belly is Jeremiah. And Conrad should meet someone new who is more emotionally mature and able to deal with his very obvious mental health problems. Someone he feels he can open up to about them. Because, as a sufferer myself, you need that support. Belly doesn’t provide that for Conrad and, as a result, Conrad doesn’t give Belly what she needs either.
One last parting thought - what the fuck happened to Jeremiah and Steven’s friendship? Jeremiah told Steven how much he cared for Belly in season one. Why did literally no one listen to him? And how did no one see it in the way his entire personality seemed to shift in season two. He’s lost his sparkle. YES most of that is because of his mom, but is everyone really that blind to him? No one notices that poor guy. He’s completely overshadowed by Conrad in every aspect. Everyone just expects Jeremiah to roll over and let everyone else have their happy ending while he gets trampled on because he’ll ‘just get over it’. Come on. WRITERS - DO BETTER. There is too much phenomenal acting talent in this show to let bad writing and tropes ruin it.
In conclusion, I haven’t written this much on one topic since I did my degree and I am obsessed with this show. Goodbye.
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yuikomorii · 7 months
i think i can forgive yui for anything even toxic simply because she suffered the most because of those guys and deserves to get her lick back. they put her through so much in earlier games, it's insane
// PARDON?? 😀😀
I understand that the Diaboys were bitchy at first and they all treated others as less (which is bad), but other than Laito, Kanato and Carla, nobody made Yui suffer that bad to the point of breaking her. Kou was pretty nasty too at first, but the rest weren’t that horrible route based for characters supposed to be monsters. At the very least, I can name some human LIs who were way worse than most Diaboys, yet nobody seems to hate on them for that. I understand that it must be tiring being pushed around and being treated as “prey”, yet we’re talking about vampires here. They are predators and don’t have the same set of morals as humans do, for this reason humans are a mere food source for them. They can’t live without blood, even if this means having to sacrifice humans to satisfy their hunger. We love cats despite the fact that they like torturing mice before killing them, and that’s because we understand that it’s just how the predator instinct works. The Diaboys might look humanized, but they are a whole difference existence and you shouldn’t hold them at human standards. It’s good that DL showed how vampires were truly supposed to act, instead of making them romantic and flirty from the start.
Even the whole Adam’s apple plan focuses on Eve, a human, making Adam, a vampire, learn about human feelings. One thing about the Diaboys is that they all had growth. If someone is shown regretting their behavior and is genuinely changing into a better person just for you, it’s very insensitive to remind them about what they did a long time ago. They are aware of their actions and they are aware they were in the wrong, therefore bringing up their past mistakes won’t make you a better person than them. A Diaboy could sacrifice everything for Yui and put his life on the verge each and every time she’s in danger, but some of you guys would still only see him as “bad”, which would be a huge insult to his character, given that it would erase all the development he went through.
I’m not going to count the bad endings here, but saying that you forgive all of Yui’s toxic actions is very toxic itself. She is an abuse apologist herself, who tried to convince Ayato that his mother secretly cared for him (despite knowing the full story), Subaru that Karlheinz loved him and the Mukamis that Karlheinz, after he committed a whole genocide, saved them to redeem himself. These are all very wrong. Karlheinz always used everyone for his plans, just like Cordelia used her children for her selfish desires. Neither of them were ever shown regretting their actions. This is just one example of Yui’s toxic actions and I’m not saying that she did them with ill will, but stupidity can make one problematic too. It gives off the same vibes as “but they’re your parents”, after hearing someone talk about how much their parents hurt them.
It’s not that hard to admit that all DL characters have red flags. Nobody in this franchise is meant to be a role model and it’s okay if you don’t like certain actions. I’m a Yui stan, but I get why several people from the otoge community don’t really like her. However, I’m surprised that they see her as really that bad. I mean, she still is mostly kind and sweet, therefore I don’t think her bitchy moments are more significant. Yet, I suppose this has more to do with how they perceive things.
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lovelyo · 4 months
Why Eloise is My Favorite Character
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First off, look at that beautiful face. Claudia is deadass pretty. But besides that, she’s the one that has visibly gone through the most character development and it was subtle as well. When I watched season 3 part 2 trailer(garbage like I predicted it’d be) watching Eloise and the maturity and concern she had for her brother, insisting Penelope to tell him, that she can’t lie to him and expect him to love her(which he’ll end up doing anyway but fuck Polin) and even given Penelope a chance to tell him. The mercy she showed Penelope despite what she’s done and the pain she caused her; the trailer made me finally come to the conclusion that she’s my favorite character.
I was iffy bout Eloise at the beginning of season 1. I know many were annoyed with her and said she was a pick me girl—I even thought, “booo, here we go, one of those annoying buffoon feminists who don’t know how good they have it.” She wasn’t annoying, but she sure was self-righteous about women’s roles in society and how they shouldn’t have to be subjected to the marriage mart and all the feminist bible thumping bs and saying this from her ivory tower.
But you know what she did? She walked down those tower steps, willingly left that ivory tower to go expand her views and learn outside of it, something that women in the ton wouldn’t do. She put herself at risk to broaden her horizon.
“You wish to follow your heart. I wish to nurture my mind.”
Eloise didn’t reject Theo’s criticism of her limited understanding and her privileged position. She took that to seek greater understanding beyond what she knows so I really don’t know how in the living shit people think she’s self-absorbed, especially after she starts interacting with Theo.
Eloise is brusque and may come off as abrasive, but she has integrity, is gracious, and is kind-hearted. She sought out LW for a selfless cause: to help Penelope and her family from ruin. She helped LW escape from the Queen.
The times Penelope has come with her crocodile tears, Eloise dropped everything to comfort her despite Pen insulting with her “pretty Bridgerton” comments(but she’s a bad friend, amirite?)
She didn’t see the lower class as beneath her but as people to learn from(but she’s blind to her privilege, right Penelope stan?)
She was one of the few who showed compassion and understanding for Marina's situation. Despite her being sheltered(that a lot of anti-Eloise fans get their rocks off in exaggerating), she knew that Marina was in a shit place and treated shamefully.
She knows there aren’t many women who share her views and thought processes, but that doesn’t stop her from having them and voicing them and hopes that women would also go against social conditioning.
“How else should I be? Married and silent?”
She kept Penelope’s secret for months. She didn’t try to destroy Penelope or get back at her. She just cut her off and moved on with her life. She took the high road in this situation, a thing that some adults don’t even do.
When she realized that her gossiping hurt Penelope, she sought her out, admitted fault, and apologized. That was incredibly brave and mature. She might be angry at Penelope, but she pushed back when Cressida was mean, even apologized to Pen on Cressida’s behalf.. She didn’t push Colin to be cruel to Penelope just because she had a fall out with her. Eloise is A LOT better than me because if I was in her shoes, Colin finding out bout Whistledown would be the least of Penelope’s problems.
Eloise is just a joy to see on screen, especially in S3 where she is literally the only voice of reason and her suffering with this LW business got me weeping(especially since we know Pen will suffer nothing from it). She better have a good conclusion by the end of the season. The show has failed in almost everything this season.
Don’t fail on Eloise.
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drakaripykiros130ac · 9 months
Can we talk about the Driftmark incident again (on the show), and how much slack certain people cut Alicent for desperately trying to take revenge for her son’s eye, as well as how they criticize Rhaenyra for not punishing Jacaerys and Lucerys?
Why should Rhaenyra punish Jace and Luke? Because they were verbally attacked and physically injured? Because Driftmark actually represented a breaking point for all the abuse that Rhaenyra and her sons have suffered at the hands of Alicent and her band of evil followers?
Green stans always have a tendency to criticize Black supporters for comparing sufferings (I myself received several attacks for having merely pointed out how much more Aemma suffered compared to Alicent and yet she didn’t do evil deeds because she felt entitled).
This time, I ask that we do not compare the injuries suffered by the kids in this fight. Yes, Aemond lost his eye (serves him right) and that can be considered the worst injury. But he was not the only injured party. Baela and Rhaena were bleeding, Jacaerys was almost killed with a rock and Lucerys’ nose was broken.
This was a kid fight that escalated because of Aemond’s very hurtful comments about Laena and Harwin, who recently died.
Aemond was the eldest. Canonically, he is like 3 years older than Baela, Rhaena and Jacaerys, not to mention trained by Ser Incel Cole (which also explains how he overpowered them).
Aemond’s attitude and comments are a reflection of how he was raised. His father, Viserys, did not favor Rhaenyra’s children simply because they were hers. It was because he saw them for what they are. Jacaerys and Lucerys are young, kind, well-mannered kids who made mistakes due to being so easily influenced by others (like Aegon with the pig incident). In short, Viserys knew perfectly well that Jacaerys and Lucerys are just boys. Boys who are not perfect, who have made mistakes because of their naivety, but good boys nonetheless. Whereas Aegon and Aemond are vicious to the bone.
The Driftmark incident was a kid fight, and Aemond ended up being the one with the permanent injury. Alicent, took the opportunity to spew her hatred towards Rhaenyra and accuse her of taking her son’s eye (the absurdity of that). What’s more, instead of asking for a reasonable punishment for a child of 5, she demanded Lucerys’ mutilation.
She actually demanded a child of 5 be punished the same way a grown ass man would be - willingly! All because of a kid fight. Kids don’t know any better. None of this would have happened if the guards were doing their jobs and watching them.
Lucerys slashed Aemond’s eye in self-defense, because this crazy kid was making death threats and was going to bash his brother’s head with a rock.
So we go back to the original question: why should Rhaenyra punish her sons?
They acted in self-defense. They didn’t initiate the fight. They confronted Aemond because they know what he is: a walking piece of shit. Not because “Rhaenyra taught them that they are entitled to dragons” (I actually saw someone write this). Aemond is vicious deep down and so is his older brother (in the book, it was even more evident).
Rhaenyra of course had words with the boys after, even if it was mostly off screen. We hear her tell Jace, “You’ve already found enough trouble today.” when she is sending the boys to their rooms.
She is not ignorant to the fact that Jacaerys and Lucerys shouldn’t have fought that vicious kid. But why should she do the bidding of a woman who has abused her and her children for years? Why should Jacaerys and Lucerys be the ones punished before the entire Court simply because Aemond was the most injured party in the fight? He contributed to starting the fight, after all. If he had kept his mouth shut, he wouldn’t have lost that eye.
Alicent is a big fat hypocrite. If the roles were reversed, I doubt she would have punished Aemond for taking out Lucerys’ eye. She would have defended him even more openly (and stupidly) than Rhaenyra did her own kids.
Even when Rhaenyra demanded that Aemond be sharply questioned, it was kind of a breaking point for her as well. She was tired of the Greens’ agenda and Alicent’s constant butting into her business. She was tired of Alicent’s abuse and her vendetta against her innocent children. She was tired of being forced to fight the Greens on her own (because clearly the Velaryons, despite being her allies, never openly confronted Alicent or her lot about their accusations or their attacks towards Rhaenyra, even though they are the ones who put her in that impossible situation with her sons).
If you ask me, Rhaenyra handled herself most graciously in that moment (she always does).
Alicent was raving like a lunatic, and Rhaenyra was taking a deep breath, counting to 10.
If it were me, I would have patted Lucerys’ head and said “Good boy!” out loud for all to hear, just to see Alicent foaming at the mouth and her veins popping out.
I mean - serves her right for going after my children and using her influence as Queen to make my life a living hell for 10 years at Court.
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saltywinteradult · 1 year
1, 6, 8, 13 for the choose violence ask game <3
1: The character everyone gets wrong. Viserys. No, he was not a good king or a good person. He and he alone created the succession crisis that happens upon his death. If he didn’t want family infighting and a bloody civil war he shouldn’t have treated his and Alicent’s children like shit. Or better yet, he should’ve never remarried at all. (Thankfully most team green people here on tumblr seem to understand this, but elsewhere, not so much.)
Honourable mention: Shiv Roy. That woman is a lesbian, mark my words.
6: Which ship fans are the most annoying? Daensa shippers, who tend to be very smug about shipping two female characters who (in show canon and almost certainly in book canon as well) have conflicting and arguably incompatible goals and ideals which they like to pretend don’t exist. Ship and let ship, but don’t act like you’re morally superior just because you ship two women instead of seeing them as political enemies.
8: Common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about: no one actually deserves to rule. Some characters, like Jon or Aegon VI or Sansa, have good qualities for a leader and I’m happy to root for them to rule because I think they’d do a good job, but it should never be taken as a given that they deserve it just because of whose kid they are. They need to prove their ability.
13: Worst blorbofication: Daenerys hands down. Most people who blorbofy terrible characters like Tyrion or Aegon II generally don’t deny that their blorbos are terrible people, but that’s what Dany’s stans do and it drives me up the fucking wall. ”She’s just a teenage girl and she’s still learning how to rule and she’s got good intentions (and is it really that bad if a few thousand brown people suffer and die as a result of her incompetence)...”
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la-pheacienne · 2 years
The problem with thinking that Team Black is the “feminist” side and Team Green is the “patriarchal” side, is that it ignores the fact that Rhaenyra is no feminist. She doesn’t care about the rights of any other women, she’s just fighting for the right to sit on the throne herself. The Greens are patriarchal but so is Rhaenyra, she just sees herself as the exception to patriarchal rules.
Therefore, both sides are bad because they ultimately wage war over the throne which causes the suffering of many smallfolk. The Greens may have started it but the Blacks certainly responded, and violently. So yes, I do see this story as “pick your favorite war criminal and enjoy the show.” Rhaenyra and Aegon both suck as human beings and as rulers, and the Targaryen monarchy as a whole shouldn’t exist in the first place. The iron throne is a symbol of oppression.
So I hope this gives you a better understanding for why some of us are Team Green. It’s not because we think women shouldn’t rule, we just happen to like the Green characters more and think Rhaenyra isn’t any better than Aegon. Aegon is a piece of shit but so is Rhaenyra. We aren’t here to claim our side is the most moral one, we just cheer for the Greens because we like them most not because we think they are the good guys.
The fandom would be so much less toxic if Team Black could do the same instead of trying to claim some moral high ground. We do admit that the show has being framing the Blacks as the “heroes” and the Greens as the “villains” but you guys have been able to identify other bad writing in the show before, surely you can identify that as bad writing as well.
"The problem with thinking that Team Black is the “feminist” side and Team Green is the “patriarchal” side, is that it ignores the fact that Rhaenyra is no feminist"
Stop right there. The entire basis of your argument is wrong, because nobody said that we like Rhaenyra cause she's feminist, nor that the Black side is the "feminist" side. Nobody even talked about feminism actually. We just talked about misogyny, because while feminism as a political ideology doesn't exist in universe, misogyny does. There are those who fight against it, for themselves, and those who weaponize it, for themselves again. You chose your side.
The fandom would be "much less toxic" nonnie if green stans and/or Targ antis like yourself never even existed because you're not supposed to exist.
Also let me do the math here : you think both are bad, "Rhaenyra isn't any better than Aegon" but you're team Green nonetheless? How did we get from A to B? Because "you like the Greens better", you mean because you find Olivia and Ewan hot. That's what you mean. Ok.
Also, just to clear things out, you claim you are not misogynist but you literally said, in that ask, that a woman whose biggest sins are that she had sex out of wedlock, and bastards, and became violent and bitter in the end, "isn't any better" than.......... a man who sexually harasses women, in canon, like, in the book. And you go further and say that you're team Green, which means, you literally want said man to take her place.
I'm only posting this so that my followers admire yet again the inconceivable damage this shitshow has done to the legacy of this poor book.
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
id love to hear about your ideal tuvok-seven and tuvok-b'lanna relationships!!!!
THIS IS VERY LONG AND /ALL/ OFF THE DOME PLEASE FORGIVE ME. Seven&Tuvok: Tuvok is the first person on board who Seven forms a friendly bond with. They understand one another’s methods of communicating very well. They’re both seen as cold and unsocial by others. Tuvok is excused from this because he’s Vulcan but Seven is constantly told she’s wrong for this because she’s human. Perhaps a bit of resentment from Seven about this but it’s not a huge problem. Tuvok is one of the few people Seven feels she can relax in front of
(B’Elanna too - though they argue more than Tuvok/Seven that’s another kind of relaxing. She can talk to her like a friend where they’re on equal footing rather than the Doctor or Janeway who tend to talk ‘down’ to her by which I mean they present themselves as being a mentor figure and Janeway is also literally her boss).
Seven does not need a father figure or another mentor in my mind. She has enough of that, EVERYONE is that. I know people view Tuvok showing care for Seven as fatherly but I personally view it as more friendly concern. In my mind Vulcan parenthood or Tuvok’s particular brand of fatherhood seem to stem more from teaching. (Ex: The children from Innocence or his lessons with Kes). Tuvok does obviously care about Seven but not in what I perceive as a fatherly way. It’s far more interesting to me that Seven is often helping/protecting Tuvok or that they’re often in some kind of dangerous situation together. I think it’d be interesting to lean into that more. Like, it’d be sort of sweet if the relationship Seven finds confidence in caring for someone else in was with a Vulcan. I know they have that whole borg children thing, I couldn’t care less about that honestly. The Naomi-Seven relationship is cute enough on its own! 
Both Seven and Tuvok go to and through hell for each other.
My personal favorite Tuvok-Seven moment other than Comfortable Silence one we all know and love is the one where Seven believes the borg are calling her and she tells Tuvok to get out of the shuttle so he won’t be assimilated. Tuvok then says no, he’s not leaving her. It’s just so fucking sweet to me. Both of them. Seven’s like ‘I want to spare you this’ and Tuvok’s like ‘I’ll walk headfirst into this for you’. 
I see both Seven and Tuvok as traumatized people, both of whom would probably deny this citing either ‘borg’ or ‘vulcan’ as the reason this is so. However they both seem to suffer a lot, especially when it comes to their minds. Tuvok even parallels Seven’s initial trauma in being fully assimilated into the borg yet this never comes up between them. Look more into that!! What was that like?? They both suffer traumas, in some cases even similar (Repression, Retrospect) or the same traumas but the reaction of the crew to those traumas is very different with Seven being badgered about her emotions & reactions and Tuvok being left alone with his. I just think it’d be nice for them to have a certain solace. Tuvok would have a shoulder to lean on Seven would have someone who wouldn’t be expecting anything out of her.
Regarding the Borg thing: If ANYONE could understand how being part of an interconnected network of minds would be comforting it would be Tuvok. If ANYONE could understand how being suddenly and traumatically separated from that network via the actions of a certain captain Janeway could be confusing and painful it would be Tuvok. Not that I think Tuvok blames Janeway, I don’t at all. He’s Vulcan (it would be illogical) and also Kathryn’s #1 stan so I think that could again be a point of friction between them. Tuvok doesn’t push Seven in any direction but doesn’t ever admit that Janeway could be wrong. I think at one point in Year of Hell he literally tells Seven she shouldn’t disagree with her? But just Tuvok’s general behavior in the show (like not commenting on her attempting to torture information out of a guy and going on a bloodthirsty quest for vengeance in Equinox) shows that despite what lipservice the show pays to him being her ‘moral compass’ in earlier seasons he mostly just agrees with her after that one instance of him going against orders. He has a tremendous amount of faith in her and would probably encourage that same faith in Seven. That or he’d just excuse himself from the issue by saying he’s Vulcan and can’t really comment on what it means to be human.
Long story short Tuvok is in desperate need of characters he’s not seen as a mentor figure for and Seven is in desperate need of characters that aren’t trying to mold her into what their vision of a good human/starfleet officer is. I think they could and should find that in one another.
B’Elanna & Tuvok: Both B’Elanna and Tuvok have a lot of similarities in their backstories that are unexplored. They both at one point wished they were not the race they are (for different reasons and to differing degrees as Tuvok grew out of this and B’Elanna still has it). They were both sent to a temple to better connect with their heritage. They both quit Starfleet (at different times). They both are seen by people chiefly with regards to their species ‘It’s because [s]he’s Vulcan/Klingon’ and they have both taken issue with it in the past. They both seem like they have had a complicated relationship to humanity with B’Elanna lauding it and Tuvok loathing it (not actively in canon I mean in the past for Tuvok).
B’Elanna from a young age viewed humanity as Good. Full stop. No matter how much humans hurt her the lesson she seems to take away from it is that she needs to change, not that humans should change. She covered her ridges, she lies about not knowing Klingon, when she knows her baby will be born with her features she’s TERRIFIED of how her daughter will be treated and tries EVERYTHING in her power to “fix” (HEAVY air quotes) her and make her socially acceptable to humans. 
Tuvok on the other hand, when faced with similar (though not as dire, sustained or internalized as B’Elanna) issues went the opposite way. He grew to really resent how humans pushed their own beliefs and values onto him. I think it’s interesting how he mentioned humor specifically, implying that Tuvok has and had his own sense of humor - of personhood - that humans didn’t understand and thus ignored or viewed as lesser.
Now for how these elements would interact…B’Elanna in her dreamscape in Barge of The Dead places Tuvok as the arbiter of What is a Good Klingon which I interpret as meaning she views him as very upright and traditional. This makes sense as we see Tuvok is a very staunch person. In canon he doesn’t struggle at all with his cultural identity. He is Vulcan and he’s at peace with that no matter what anyone has to say about it - unlike B’Elanna. He even has a holoprogram of a temple which is interesting when you take into account the fact that B’Elanna denies her cultural spirituality.
I think B’Elanna would see Tuvok as a bit intimidating and very frustrating. He’s stubborn like her and I can’t imagine them working well together. They don’t interact much but the two times I can remember him doing so he says something that could be interpreted as very hurtful (though the narrative hates B’El- doesn’t see it that way).
1 After B’Elanna tells him a painful story about her past in which she was bullied to the point of snapping and attacking another student Tuvok immediately uses the same jeer to incite her to anger yet again. After he intentionally does so he criticizes her for being angry and says she’s too easily riled up.
2 After B’Elanna is acquitted in Random Thoughts Tuvok says something along the lines of “You know for a brutal and illogical Klingon you actually control yourself somewhat well.” and B’Elanna says “Thanks??” which…B’Elanna…you can punch him, it’s okay. I know you don’t punch people but you can do it just this once. Again, I don’t see them being either father/daughter or mentor/mentee. (I assume them having a father/daughter bond is just conceptual as Tuvok IS a father and B'Elanna has a bad relationship with her own) They don’t interact with one another much and seem like they would aggravate each other as they’re both stubborn and kind of similar. I think in fact that Tuvok constantly being relegated to ‘Mentor Figure’ is side-eyeingly similar to the ‘Magic N*’ trope by which I mean Tuvok is used in both canon and fan narratives ONLY to advance other characters’ stories, give them advice etc but his own personhood remains unexplored or seen as unimportant. 
I think B’Elanna-Tuvok could really bring that out. Both of them being just two people. B’Elanna and Tuvok arguing, learning about one another, coming to respect each other. B’Elanna questioning Tuvok and his ideas and Tuvok being unused to that, caught off guard - and through that questioning and response we learn more about both of them as people.
Tuvok, at the end of the day, is not a therapist. He’s just some guy who’s part of a culture which is known for controlling themselves. He doesn’t even seem to really WANT to do what little exercises of control he does with B’Elanna (he says Chakotay insisted). Tuvok is not a people person and doesn’t seek out interactions with others. When he talks to others they often view him as either cold (perception of Vulcans) or superior (Tuvok-specific trait) neither of which I think B’Elanna would jive with well. 
I think it would be very interesting if B’Elanna called Tuvok out on how he’s implied to view Klingons. I think she’d be way more likely to do this with Tuvok because he’s not a human. Like, imagine if after rising tensions Tuvok makes one little comment too many and B’Elanna’s like “Hey. Do you remember when you were an ensign and people kept making these comments about YOU??? Do you think maybe you’re doing the exact same fucking thing right now to me???”
ALSO one last thing I find interesting is (I’m sorry) LITERALLY ONE line in Innocence that’s NEVER brought up again. Tuvok saying that he used to believe in the concept of a katra and the Vulcan afterlife but “in recent years” he’s begun to experience doubts. Let B’Elanna and Tuvok talk about spiritual doubts.
At the end of the day I DO ABSOLUTELY want them to be friends. I want them to stick up for each other when a human makes a little comment. I want them to have each others fucking backs. Maybe it's not the fact that I'm Vulcan or You're Klingon that's the problem.....maybe it's the whi- humans...that are wrong. This could also connect to Seven's personal journey with humanity. Seven seeing that two people she cares about have been hurt by humanity and humanity's perception of them could be an interesting thing for her to notice and think about in regards to what sort of person she wants to be.
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golbrocklovely · 4 months
I want to say smth and you always seemed like a person who thinks objectively, so excuse me for a harsh topic :
I am kinda tired of stans on Twitter especially expecting their favs to speak about political issues and calling them various names whenever they don’t do it. I acknowledge and agree that big names like f.e Taylor Swift , Ariana, Kim K ( fuck her) or even Snc using their platforms to spread awareness is very much helpful and as much as i wish they could do it, i also understand why a lot of famous names do not want to involve themselves in political issues and tbh it’s not their duty to do so. There is no single situation like this that is simple and on top of that there is plenty fake informations , fake charities, fake news surrounding always such political issues. And to clarify i am and always will be supporting freedom of Palestinial , Congo, Sudan or Ukrainian people, because you will never see or hear me supporting killing and massacring innocent people , their lives and their homes. And that is why it also irritates me when i see people on the Internet focusing more who shared how many informations, who did not share at all , instead of actually focusing on seriousness of what is happening on this world currently. Because things are not looking well and other people suffer shouldn’t be used in a way to drag those who just decided to stay silent. Are they right for this? No, but they are not also wrong for it ( ik it sounds weird, but still). I have seen many celebrities getting dragged even when sharing information about at least Palestine. Either it was Israel supporters or Palestine supporters who claimed that they only do it for damage control. I have also seen people loose their jobs for simply showing support to the victims. I do want see more famous people speaking up , especially about Congo and Sudan, since those two countries are not voiced out as much as Palestine and definitely needs help as well, however i will not tolerate using other people death and suffering used as a way to hating and fighting some bigger figures. Say you are disappointed ! Say you wish they could speak up! But you will never achieve anything with hate speech! It can only have opposite result and it was never right in the first place!
❕The only “celebrities” that I understand hate for are the ones that showed support for Israel! ❕
i get what you're saying, and i agree with you for the most part.
first off, there needs to be a distinction between celebs and influencers. bc sure, snc have a good amount of money. but someone like taylor swift, who is basically worth a BILLION… she can do a lot more than snc could. than most influencers could.
i think my main issue with the entire argument of 'celebs and influencers need to use their voice' is that most ppl that complain aren't actually upset. and i'm not talking about just with this situation happening in gaza (or congo, sudan, ukraine), i'm talking about any major political issue. how any fan berating their favorite reads to me is "i stand for X, and you aren't showing that same political belief, even tho we all know X is a good thing. and bc of that, now i'm being told i'm terrible for not immediately tossing you to the curb. so, i need you to say you also stand for X bc otherwise you make us both look bad."
nobody wants to be a fan of someone problematic. but in my personal opinion, not using your voice isn't problematic. for example, i didn't sub to snc for their political takes on ANYTHING. so if they use their voice, cool. if not, whatever. however, compare that to hasan. i watch his content because of his political takes. if he was saying nothing, i would be shocked and upset.
not only that, i'm a full fledge adult with my own mind, thoughts, and feelings. idc what snc have to say. they don't influence me to feel the way i do about palestine, or congo, ukraine, sudan - nothing. i know genocide is bad, and as long as snc aren't celebrating the death of innocent ppl, than i'm gonna continue to be a fan of them.
what you do when you complain about your favorite not using their voice - all it shows me is that you are making an entire issue about you and your comfortability. you don't like looking bad, and you won't feel better until that's fixed. and especially when we are talking about something as serious as a genocide… i need everyone to just stop making it about themselves. ppl are dying. who cares if you like someone problematic? dear god, touch grass.
the second issue i have is reality is - all of this is pointless. these fans are harping on the wrong thing bc it is a lot easier to bitch in taylor swift's dms and maybe get a response for her social media manager than it is to email our politicians and get no response from them. but those are the ppl we need to be upset at. yes, taylor's got a fuck ton of money. most of which she will never be able to use before she dies, so she should be donating it. i'm not denying that. however, she's not in power. she wasn't elected. her donating would help but it wouldn't stop OUR GOVERNMENT from giving bombs to the IDF to kill innocent palestinians.
we need to be angry at our government. we need to call THEM out. they want us to focus on the micro-influencer that isn't doing "the right thing" rather than the politicians who take our tax dollars and relish in being rich and protected until they croak while being funded by the institutions that allow atrocities like this to happen. FOCUS on what actually matters. do what you can do, and keep pushing for what's right.
free palestine, free congo, free sudan, free ukraine, and fuck anyone that thinks differently. fuck oppressors, may you never know peace.
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deviiancetv · 1 year
Cinema Starview Presents: The Idol…? 👎🏽
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So, I’ve watched 3 episodes and have officially decided to stop watching. The reviews and critics of the show are right, but over exaggerate the narrative they’re trying to paint by sounding like prudes.
The series follows Jocelyn, an aspiring pop star, trying to have a comeback after suffering from a nervous breakdown, and the death of her abusive mother. These episodes revolve around Joce trying to reclaim her title as the sexiest pop star in America. With the hectic celebrity life, she begins a complex relationship with Tedros, a self-help guru and the head of a contemporary cult.
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I won’t disagree with the fact that it DOES showcases the overly sexual stuff, but it’s not extreme, it’s just annoying, not needed and doesn’t move the plot forward. It’s just there for the ratchet sake of our current hyper-sexualized culture and overexposure of the female body. If there’s gonna be nudity, it should be equal nudity or none at all.
This show has honestly just confirmed that Sam Levinson definitely needs to be investigated in the future for how much he over sexualizes his white female characters. I won’t be surprised if Euphoria gets cancelled because of his terrible erotic writing. I think this show HAS ruined the mystique of The Weeknd by showcasing how he doesn’t care about women stories. I never knew he was this pretentious as he is. Lily Rose Depp is the only grace I can give this show, but she doesn’t save the show at all.
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Also, we need to trash the entire narrative of the pop star with trauma, cause it never works the way it should and it’s always tying back to the negative press Britney Spears has received over the years. She needs a break, and shouldn’t be used for plot conveniency to progress a storyline about the darkness of Hollyweird.
I only kept coming back for Moses Sumney and they barely show Jennie, so K-POP stans were used and pandered to. Overall, I’m not watching or finishing the rest of this show.
SCORE: 2/10 ⭐️
(Please tip if you liked this review, tipping is a great source of revenue for a small artist & blogger such as myself 🤍)
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horizon-verizon · 1 year
green and alicent stans have never touched a single one of grrm’s books and it shows everyday. tf you mean alicent watches b&c?? what do you mean she knew when to quit?? WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE CARED ABT DYANA AND WAS TRYING TO HELP HER??
everyday they have a new inconsistent argument and when you try to debunk it, you’re a misogynist and only like cool girl bosses and not the utter most passive feminine girls who suffer in silence.
Response to this post.
CORRECTION!: Alicent more likely than not watched her grandkid die bc there's no strong suggestion that she was actually moved before he died in spite of how the text also doesn't mention how weird it is the text doesn't include Alicent in the list of those Gyldayn was surprised at not having been hurt:
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there are no details of Alicent trying to get her way around or to her child and grandchild, begging behind the gag with Helaena as she begged for example.
This doesn't change that most of Alicent's actions during and after the Dance were mostly closely tied to her emotions, particularly her grief and rage and desire to prevent the deaths of loved ones when actually confronted with the likelihood of that. At the same time, she also still wanted Jaehaera to risk herself to kill Aegon III, so...my points from that post continue to stand.
Answering the Current Ask
The next ask is trying to convince me Alicent was wise and conciliatory towards any black is gonna get a disrespectful gif istg.
"girl boss"--from what I noticed in the HotD fandom--can be used to denote how the person perceives how negative or positive female autonomous power is more than what actually gives her power in the setting that she is in.
Some definitions I found:
Wiki: "Girlboss is a neologism which denotes a woman "whose success is defined in opposition to the masculine business world in which she swims upstream". She's the confident and capable woman who is successful in her career or the one who pursues her own ambitions, instead of working for others or otherwise settling in life...The term is conversely used with sarcastic and pejorative undertones, to denote women who attempt to raise their professional lives by practicing the same abusive and materialistic practices found in the patriarchal society."
TheWomensNetwork: ""Meanwhile, phrases like, “They hate to see a girl boss winning,” “Just a girl boss building her empire,” and “Gaslight, gatekeep, girl boss” has taken off as ironic Gen Z catchphrases used to poke fun at clueless millennials who once uncritically bought into the notion that craven careerism is somehow inherently empowering""
The second site goes on to say:
How did this idea fall so far from grace? To put it simply: scammers. We all know about pyramid schemes, and somehow they wormed their way into the idea of a girl boss. In an article from gen medium, writer Leigh Stein quotes Jia Tolentino from her essay, “The Story of a Generation in Seven Scams,” as saying this on the girlboss “The feminist scammer rarely sets out to scam anyone...She just wants to be successful, again the agency that men claim so easily, to have the sort of life she wants. She should be able to have that shouldn’t she?” The feminist scammer in Tolentino’s words is a part of the downfall of the ‘girl boss’ as this is what allows the joke to enter their conversation.
And then when it is Rhaenyra vs Alicent (HotD), Rhaenyra's detractors claim her being a "girlboss" in her somehow using her privilege to have room to be rebellious and "get away" from those "responsibilities" towards her family, which includes keeping "chaste" and having legitimate heirs...but also conducting herself, unlike the men who have the ability to do this AND not be condemned for it. Instead of thinking that:
A) she didn't come out of the womb wanting to "make trouble" for her society, she just has a more adventurous spirit than Andal patriarchal lords would think is "normal", hence Lyanna being seen as "wilful" instead of "spirited". This is show!Rhaneyra's nature. Her privilege as a Targ princess & Viserys giving her some more leeway than Jaehaerys would have is out of her control while, yes, shaping her sense of autonomy, which can only be a good thing!
B) and when she's up against restrictions on Asaid autonomy (bc she is, as she is still a woman in a patriarchal society) she then/continuously rebels because the irrational double standard is irrational and oppressive in itself. What is she going to have poisoned children bc she wasn't chaste? If true, how is that different from Robert's bastards? what is the real material difference b/t a woman's and a man's bastards other than already sexist customs allowing more power to men over women?!)
These people use "girlboss" against Rhaenyra, twisting the meaning of "pursues her own ambitions, instead of working for others or otherwise settling in life" as if Rhaenyra's is in the wrong for opposing or rebelling against not even a lot, but a few key elements of an already flawed and irrational system of "honor" and chastity.
The crazy part is that I can definitely call book!Alicent a "girlboss" by virtue of the fact that she, too, is still opposing men in a smaller way by using their power and perception of her for her own rise. The silent but deadly sort of "girlboss". And I can be sarcastic about it too, by pointing out how she still actively uses misogynist principles against female sexual autonomy as her main weapon against another woman for her own rise.
*EDIT* (8/21/23):
THIS is a great post by @mononijikayu about medieval queens, female rulers, the history of how women in leadership positions were made and seen as threats to the very structure of social "order", and contextualizing Rhaenyra thru Empress Matilda. I didn't even know about Matilda's husband being comparable to Rhaneyra's Daemon! PLZ READ!!!!
just as much, along with these fictitious portrayals, more lies are depicted. these women are considered vixens that cause havoc to men by shifting them into desires and danger. through the written word, we see how women are cast in roles of villains in men’s lives. it is because by their conclusive thoughts, women are the only creatures that are able to turn ‘good honorable men’ into despicable creatures who do shameful, deplorable acts for the sake of women’s pleasures.  it is within this narrative that ancient chroniclers declare that women were in fact the doom of men. if they were not able to control the dangers posed by the wiles of women, then the foundations of the mighty society they had built would be up in flames.  [...] as i mentioned, these factors of community are written down and preserved. and with that, the example of the ancients were the foundations by which medieval society built itself. the same concepts continued to cause the same issue within society and that was the exclusion of women from participating in the bigger picture of community and state, much so with governing states in their own right—without judgment or disapproval. 
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spartazia-blog · 6 months
Pen stans handwaving Colin criticism as “obviously bad” and not engaging with it(and then making the argument that Colin’s entire journey should be about discovering his feelings for Pen) so they can write a whole screed about how the Plot Device story is good actually and we should want it to get to a proposal is the most transparent bullshit I’ve seen lately. And that says a lot given the amount of transparent Pen stan bullshit there is in this fandom.
This goes hand in hand with “Pen is allowed to lash out when she is hurt, but Colin can be hurt and angry but needs to be of so nice about how he expresses it because otherwise bb Pen might *actually* have to feel the impact of her actions. And, yeah, the fact that Pen shuts down or lashed out when confronted should NOT mean Colin can’t review his feelings. That’s a point where Pen needs to grow. People shouldn’t have to modulate their emotions because she’s immature in how she communicates and fights.
I think I’ve reached a point where, yeah, I kind of do struggle to have empathy for Pen because EVERYTHING in this fandom must be centred upon her and her feelings in order to be seen as “valid.” Not to mention, I’m sorry but Pen’s job is literally her profiting off talking behind people’s backs and no one wants to talk about how part of her growth should be recognizing that that’s fucked ip and STOPPING that. Instead it’s just all “but people are mean to her” and “she built a business (of the backs of other women’s suffering) and is thus a girlboss”
Also, every time you make the argument ever the PD is there to parallel Marina, I immediately write you off. Because, my friends, the scorekeeping and desire for Colin to be “punished” for daring to like someone before Pen is clear no matter how you try to dress it up.
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woomycritiques543 · 2 years
WARNING: Long Vent.
Hazbin Fandom: *Criticizes Vivziepop harshly and some even going out of their way to verbally mock her and her staff’s work*
Vivziepop: *Gets upset*
Hazbin Fandom: *Laughs at her*
Hazbin Fandom: *gets criticized almost the same way, with the only reason why someone assumed that they were a stan was because they used the same excuses as the they do but otherwise every other thing that was said towards them was an actual critique of something they said that was actually wrong and or otherwise hateful*
Hazbin Fandom: “Why are you being so mean!!!” *literally follows people who give others serious criticism but cant handle when someone critiques them the same way back* “I would never say something like that!!!!!! 😭🥺🥺🥺”
The Person who critiqued them: “I just said that you shouldn’t make excuses for the show by saying that you’re ok with most of the female cast not being given depth. I said nothing personal about you wtf-“
Hazbin Fandom: “SHUT UP!” *accuses that fan with slander that have nothing to do with what they said, and then tries to harass them along with their friends and guilt trips them for being upset about being thrown serious accusations over a cartoon. Meanwhile, the person who critiqued them is suffering from dealing with a family member in the hospital in the middle of the harassment.*
If anyone is wondering what this means:
My father had to go to the hospital last night and im now waiting for him to get surgery.
Yet some of you decided that it would be a good idea to throw serious accusations towards me in the middle of a cartoon discussion just because you disagreed with me, try to guilt trip people into thinking that im “angry” for an actual criticism, send your friends after me with harassment, and then play the victim while im being harassed by multiple people in the middle of waiting for my father to leave the hospital. Do you know how much that hurts me? To be harassed like that while trying to help a family member who’s suffering from a dangerous health condition that could impact him for the rest of his life due to internal stones? Yet you feel like you all can just waltz in, verbally mock Vivziepop’s art work with few critiques in between, harass other fans, and then leave without karma or being given any criticisms yourselves?
You want to know what that is? Hypocrisy.
You feel like you can throw anything you want at people, guilt trip them for saying even the slightest of criticism, the person giving that critique only laughing once because you decided to say something foolish in public, and then cry wolf when that person tries to tell you and your friends to stop harassing them?
Bullshit- BULLSHIT! People have told us that some of our criticism is too harsh or that we don’t accept enough ourselves, and now I know why. The worst part is, this is probably the fifth time i’ve seen this happen in the community. Someone mocks a creator of the show or another fan, gets criticism for something they made, and then either harasses people or resorts to guilt tripping once they’re called out. Its awful! How do you think that acting this way is going to solve our problems? It makes us look terrible, and then causes us to be seen as even more of a clown war by the outside world. You know why people say “Hazbin Fandom” when mentioning the lack of accepting criticism but never mention just the “Hazbin stans”?
This is why, even our own community has now shown glass jaws and have made complete asses of themselves publicly on multiple occasions, and then people wonder why there are fans who have (reasonably!) called us out for this kind of behavior. Even I admit that ive taken things too far at times, especially now, feeling how much it hurts to be spoken to that way by someone I thought I could trust.
Because this? This is too far!
(PS: A villain can be given depth or an actual personality without excusing their actions. “Depth” doesn’t equal sugarcoating or complete sympathy. So about the person on the right- This is actually a stupid reason to harass someone. All of this is (the fan on the left sent their friends after me after I said for them to “be more consistent.”) because I told you people that the female characters should be given depth regardless if they’re a side character or a villain and that you’re being biased about the male characters. How is that any different than how you talk about other creators? What makes it even worse is that you harassed me- over this! Either way, harassment never needs a “reason”. Bullying should have never existed- Period.)
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This kind of behavior needs to stop.
End of Story.
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blackmagecat · 7 months
Made it to episode 3. Sliiiiightly better than episode 2 but the issues from the previous episodes are starting to repeat themselves
Spoilers below
Azula’s intro (and Ozai’s to a lesser extent) now suffers from the same thing Zuko’s does. I am not convinced she is a threat, merely a salty brat that is jealous of her brother.
It is a shame we didn’t get the recruitment scene of Mai and Tai-Lee because those encapsulated perfectly why Azula is a terrifying force to be reckoned with. Even her own best friends fear her
Honestly, she probably shouldn’t have been introduced this early in the show to begin with
They also blew the load too early on Ozai. He works best as a distant tyrant, a nightmarish concept formed in the viewer’s mind over time. We begin to sympathize with Zuko precisely because most audience members can probably imagine having someone like that as a father, to say nothing for desperately wanting to please him.
And of course, Ozai monologues his entire motivation within six seconds of his first appearance like everyone else. Daniel Dae Kim does what he can with this.
Props to our Azula for pulling off the character’s original cadence. Mai and Tai Lee try this to a degree of lesser success
Tai Lee’s wig. Ouch.
It was an interesting choice to combine the Jet, Omashu and Northern Air Temple storylines. Still feels like a bit of speed running but in this case it kinda works
Speaking of pacing, they really need to let the humor hang more. There’s a scene of Sokka’s that the editor just cuts away from too quickly and for seemingly no reason. Like… just let these actors show off their expressions and emotions for once
It’s really disappointing how Katara and Sokka get into a serious inter-sibling conflict and then it gets resolved like a scene or two later. I cannot keep stressing how this show really needs to let these characters breathe.
Admiral Zhao doesn’t feel particularly threatening to Zuko’s mission either? I know this is building up to the Northern Water Tribe but I also wonder if we’re ever getting their Agni Kai. His was always a great parallel to Ozai’s.
I’m not too convinced that Jet’s terrorism plot works well in Omashu, though I still respect the choice. Unfortunately the place becomes conveniently deserted of earth benders (and people in general) whenever it suits the plot.
Also Jet’s motivation, even for all his own monologuing, is kind of unclear? Fire benders bad but let’s kill Bumi because corruption or something?
Jet was never one for having sound logic but at least his plot in the original aimed to tangibly weaken the fire nation. Targeting one of, if not THE most powerful earth bender in the world just makes Jet seem like he might be secretly pro fire nation? Especially with all the intrigue surrounding the mechanist and his affiliations thrown in the mix. I dunno maybe I missed something there
There is also a distressing lack of Momo in this episode. In this house we stan His Royal Momoness
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