#hercules live action remake
persephoneflowerpetals · 10 months
I have an idea for Disney’s “Hercules” remake:
It opens in a school, in the present day, with some kids narrating the Hercules myth as a class project. Those kids fill the role of the Muses, and their narration transitions to the main “Hercules” plot. And them being kids gives an easy excuse that nobody would tell them the full real Greek myth (which is quite violent and sexual), maybe they did poor research. Could be a commentary on online misinformation. Or on how stories change as they are passed down over centuries. All this means Disney could keep its 1997 kid-friendly plot. Because I highly doubt they’ll be faithful in any way to the original story XD .
TLDR; Hercules is narrated by unreliable narrators in the modern day.
Lol! Yes! That honestly would make so much sense as to why the story of Hercules is so mythologically inaccurate lol! I think that'd be a pretty funny way to start off the Hercules remake!
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toaverse · 4 months
Upcoming Disney movies to expect:
Inside Out 2
Toy Story 5
Zootopia 2
Frozen 3
Frozen 4
Cars 4
Moana 2
Live action Lilo and Stitch
Live action Moana
Live action Snow White
Live action Mufasa prequel
Live action Bambi
Live action Hercules
What the fuck is this??!!
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oh naaaaaur
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slaket-and-sprash · 1 year
Honestly I think I speak for everybody when I say that if Disney absolutely HAD to dig up their classic films, I would rather get sequels than live action remakes.
Like the straight to DVD sequals had potential and a couple of them were actually good. If they had higher budgets and more time to work on them I think that more of them would be really great.
They dug up older charecters but at the VERY LEAST had some original ideas and concepts, again preferably I would want neither but if a Disney exec put a gun to my head and asked me wether I wanted to see "live action" versions of Robin Hood, Hercules, Snow White, and Treasure Planet OR a full blown sequel, I will pick the sequals
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idkaguyorsomething · 4 months
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hey what
(IMAGE ID: a screenshot from a Variety article reading “Disney’s Live-Action ‘Hercules’ Will Be ‘More Experimental’ and Inspired by TikTok, Says Producer Joe Russo”. The article is written by Adam B. Vary)
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cjbolan · 1 year
OK hear me out — John Stamos as Hades in Disney’s live action Hercules!! He’s the right age, can scary and funny and charming, and he has Greek heritage. Honestly it’s weird how most movies set in Greece don’t cast Greek actors. And the few times they do, it’s only for very small roles (300, Mamma Mia!, Alexander, The Odyssey, etc.)
Feel free to share other ideas 🙂
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thedanceronthestreets · 10 months
I swear on god the hercules live action remake will become my villain origin story
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musicalisht · 2 years
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wtf does that mean I'm scared just leave them alone
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ceolona · 2 years
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Lovely. Just when I thought it couldn’t get worse. Inspiration from attention whores trying to become internet famous.
How does that even work in Ancient Greece? Will Megara be running around with an iPhone 14 Pro Max iScroll XIV Maximus?
Maybe pull a page from Clash of the Titans, where everyone has a Bubo and they have a network to send out “hoots”?
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totallynotanthony · 2 years
Nooo-why would you do this?! I don't even think tik tok is the worst(most of the time) but it can not be your inspiration for a Hercules movie!!
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Do you have any hopes or predictions for the Disney Hercules remake?
Oh goodness, that’s a great question because I’ve been meaning to talk about this lol! Honestly, I’m so nervous about the Hercules remake.
Personally, I think the only remakes Disney did well on were The Jungle Book (2016) and Cinderella (2015). All the others to me were just…not great. I heard that the movie is also gonna be based on Tik Tok and tbh….that scares me lmao. I’m just really worried about Disney messing it up because, like I said, I feel like they’ve only done 2 remakes right and all the others just kinda flopped (but that’s just me). Also I believe the directors of Marvel’s Endgame are gonna be directing the movie as well and seeing as how the Marvel universe is starting to get bad with their new movies and series and the Marvel hype is starting to die down because it’s gotten bad…I’m worried lol (honestly, I think ever since Stan Lee passed Marvel stuff just hasn’t been as good as it used to be).
Anyways, worries aside, I am hoping that MAYBE they pull through and give us some good stuff from it lol. I’m hoping they give us a really awesome Meg and Hercules with great on screen chemistry just like their animated counterparts and I really hope they get Danny Devito to play Phil because omg that would be iconic lol! Also I would LOVE for them to get James Woods to play as Hades since he is so protective of his role and really enjoys it and well…he’s just perfect as Hades and always will be, but honestly I really doubt it. I think they’re gonna get some handsome British stud muffin or something like that to play as Hades (at least that what I’ve been seeing in a lot of casting rumors lol it’s just a bunch of handsome beef cakes lol) and like, I don’t mind that because Hades IS buff as heck and handsome in his own Hades way lol, but what makes Hades…well Hades is that he’s this fast talking, schmoozing, sleazy, deal making god of the dead full of wit, and sarcasm, and attitude, so I’d really hate to see them turn Hades into some Maleficent type character that’s just all brooding, and evil, and menacing, and refined and not some (as I constantly like to call him) used car salesman lol.
So yeah, I got a little hope, but for the most part I’m worried lol, but hey, who knows? Maybe we’ll be surprised and this movie will turn out good after all!
(Tbh, I really just want a Hercules sequel instead of a live action reboot, but it seems Disney is quite adamant on making live action reboots instead of sequels nowadays so…yeah lol)
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rainbow-femme · 5 months
Disney needs to stop making live action remakes that no one wants and go back to what caused their renaissance in the first place
Finding horrific public domain stories and twisting them into adorable animated musicals so kids who like them will look up the original and be traumatized by the actual Hunchback of Notre Dame or how well Hercules’ marriage goes
I don’t want live action Moana I want to see Disney’s take on The Odyssey, or Dracula, or The Count of Monte Cristo
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telvess · 9 months
Headcanons for all the characters including Jack since it’s based on Hamlet watching The lion king with the reader. (the original animated movie not the live action remake.)
Record Of Ragnarok Characters x Reader watching together The Lion King (headcanons) 🔞
You know, I haven’t watched The Lion King in… well I watched it once when I was kid and that’s it. Mulan, Hercules and Tarzan were my movies. Anyway I ended up watching The Lion King again to refresh my memory.
A what? Are you involved? Then Qin would agree to do anything.
He’s like a big kid - chill and carefree, even more than usually. Both of you goof around, Mr. Emperor tries to sing without knowing words, popcorn flies around, you pause a movie in stupid moments to make him laugh etc.
You get a stomachache from laughing too much and Qin obviously has to get infected.
Just two morons have time of their afterlife.
The only moment when there is silence is when Simba loses his father. That scene just hits too close to home and remains Qin about Chun Yan. However he doesn’t let it bother him too much.
You both loudly encourage lions to battle.
At the end he asks what other movies you like.
Because he isn’t familiar with the concept of love and how to express it, spending time with you is probably Jack’s way to show his affection. If you ask him to watch an animated movie together, he’d politely agree, even if it’s not his thing.
Expect tea. And cheddar apple pie.
Jack sees Simba’s journey as a lovely and naive story. Deep inside he does compare himself to that lion cub and wonders what kind of person he would've become if he had only received help from strangers. On top of that Jack actually killed his parents, so it’s odd to him to see how much Simba struggles with remorse over Mufasa’s death which wasn’t his fault.
Truth to be told Jack might mentions some quotes from Shakespeare IF you point out similarities between the movie and Hamlet. These resemblances aren’t very visible. But it may be enough to start an interesting conversation.
The ending of the story may seems a bit bitter to Jack. Whoever was meant to be good, stayed good, and whoever was meant to be bad - stayed bad. Kinda depressing outcome for a man who’s trying to change himself, right? You’d have to talk about it and remind that it’s just a simplification made for children.
Now it’s time for a cuddle session.
Do you really want to do this to yourself? You’re very naive if you expect to have a fun with this guy while watching this kind of movie.
At first it’s just boring to him, but after awhile he amuses himself by coming up with new ways to destroy the show. He makes a loud comment every time the opportunity arises. For example, there is a scene where Zaku tells young Simba and Nala that they’d be married one day, to which Simba replies: No way! She’s my friend! You can hear a loud snort on the side, followed by She’s your SISTER, dumbass!
Loud chewing.
Hey, y/n, do you know that once Simba becomes the king, he will have kids with every lioness? Even his mom?
Do they have to sing all the time?
DON’T YOU DARE mention that you can see a similarity between him and hyenas or forget about chips, popcorn, whatever you two are eating.
Phew! It’s finally over. Wanna do something funny, y/n?
Childish entertainment but once he sees that your eyes get wet with tears, he quickly agrees.
A cheerful start bores him but except tactless way of sitting, he doesn’t do anything to ruin your fun.
Even if Mufasa’s death was expected, it still hits hard Adamas. Basically catches him off guard. It remains him about his last meeting with Poseidon: his brother’s pure contempt towards him, that dead, indifferent expression of his face when he pierced Adamas with his trident, then cold surrounding body and Poseidon’s back as he walked away. But while the movie continues, a new digression haunts Adamas. He plays that scene again in his head and it hits him harder, because he realizes that he almost became Scar to Zeus.
So now he sits stiffly on his ass with a very depressed expression. One look at him is enough for you to know that you have to pause the movie and talk to a guy. At first he rejects your attempts, but very quickly ends up letting you hug him tight. Still plays a tough idiot tho…
Most of the time he just sits next to you with lifeless expression.
Hakuna matata his ass.
Beelzebub secretly enjoys when you sing, but it’s really hard to catch him with a smile on his face. If you manage to do so, he reluctantly admits it. Good luck with convincing him to join you.
He doesn’t have any deeper thoughts about the movie.
If you mention that Timon and Pumba remain you Samael and Azazel, Beelzebub would just give you a dull look. After awhile he starts to notice that too and has mixed feelings about it.
She finds this idea very sweet. It’s relaxing and enjoyable.
When Scar kills Mufasa: RAGE MODE ACTIVATION!
Since then you sit with angry Hrist who really does not like phrase hakuna matata. She starts to hate Simba for being so thoughtless.
Screams SHUT UP every time they start singing.
When Simba lets Scar leave, Hrist in heat of the moment chokes you and loudly screams how dumb he is. You wonder if it can get worse and the answer comes very quickly - Simba fights Scar on the TV screen and you fight for every breath on a couch.
Hermes approaches the movie from a different angle: he focuses more on a soundtrack. The movie itself is simple story with moral, standard for humans’ approval.
You both consider an improvement of some songs and probably start doing it in the middle of a movie. Sorry, Simba.
Ares doesn’t care much about Mufasa’s death - it's necessary plot twist to move on with thread… but the ending kinda touches him. It's very climatic in his opinion.
He is NOT crying, okay?
Well you are. Or you pretend very convincingly so he doesn’t have to play tough boy. He has no idea…
Because he is a gentleman, your wish would be granted.
It’s animated movie but Hades drinks wine. No cola, no popcorn or other snacks. Please, have some dignity.
Hades has weird uncomfortable feeling in his chest when Scar kills his own brother. Scene just awakes something he doesn’t like to mention: conflict between Poseidon, Adamas and Zeus. Hades never could bring himself to blame any of them for how things turned out, so now he doesn’t try to look too deep into Musafa’s murder.
Afterwards he would share his honest opinion with you, almost like professional critic.
No expression throughout the entire movie.
Scar is pathetic.
Mufasa is pathetic.
Simba is pathetic.
Timon and Pumba aren’t even worth mentioning.
That movie proves that humans are lower forms of life.
At least you have chance to hug Poseidon. If he spends time with you, it means he demands it.
After a movie: Y/n, such entertainment is unworthy of the gods.
Books are better than movies. But fine, if you insist, the King of Sparta would spare some time.
The best comforter: Why are you crying? It’s fiction! It’s not even human! By the way - that lion could kill you with a single paw swing. These mfs are huge! Better him than you, hon!
He smokes so much that you have trouble seeing the TV screen.
Stop couching, hon! I can’t hear what they’re sayin’!
The moment Pumba approach, Leonidas starts talking about his love for venison.
You need truly heroic self-denial to not kick him out. The only option to get him to shut up is to kiss him. He doesn’t get why the kiss is angry but he likes it that way.
You two probably miss the ending. Leonidas thinks Simba isn’t worthy of being king anyway.
Ah, y/n, aren’t you adorable for loving such innocent enjoyment? Of course he agrees!
You have to feed him snacks.
He sings along with the characters and makes the movie much better. You end up watching him showing off instead of the movie. Your dirty side may bait off a bit more mature show.
He knows exactly what you're doing and doesn't mind at all.
Later you might catch him humming songs from the movie.
Hello, dear. May I be your king tonight?
Simba’s and Nala’s childhood brings nostalgia. Rudra spent his entire youth with Shiva and they were both free spirits. Watching these lion cubs brings back many funny memories.
Rudra’s favourite moment is Simba’s reunion with Nala. He gets mad if he notices you smirking.
Parvati, Kali, Durga and Shiva
You decide it’s time for girls’ night out.
None of you is focus on the movie, it’s just an addition. You mostly talk and laugh. Very loud that it may attracts Shiva.
He just sits down between you with Whatcha doin’? then proceeds to eats all the popcorn and other snacks like vacuum cleaner.
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veilofthorns · 5 months
Things about twst I could give full Ted talks about:
How the shroud brothers fix the Greek myth continuity that hercules 1997 left out or messed up without retconing the whole film
How the new character build off of the old movies in interesting ways without using the same characters but not dismissing that the old films existed.
The littering of places and artifacts from the films that are being used in a natural way. (Atlantica being a memorial. Beast's mirror having an extra pendant mirror that works with it.)
Instead of a live action remake or forcing "clever" easter eggs into the story, it takes the old stories, references them and tells them again in an interesting way without interfering with the old movies.
How kids are more drawn to stories about overcoming trauma and relate more to shows like demon slayer rather than disney movies these days. Twst could be the bridge between generations that disney is looking for and be relevant to younger generations again.
A YouTube essay I watched about the fatal frame series said that a good sequel will make the previous entries stronger and more interesting with its existence. Twst could revive these old films and make them relevant again without losing the charm or messing with the original stories.
Anyway. I have a lot to say but brain hurt. Bad with words.
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violetlunette · 3 months
Ideas for Villainous Characters for your Yuusona / Ocs in Twisted Wonderland
To help fanfic writers and artists, I thought I’d make a list of characters/items that creators could use to make their own twst characters. Feel encouraged to add if you have any ideas as well! The bigger the list, the better!
These are all things that present a challenge to the heroes in the Disney films or are connected to an antagonistic force, such as the poison apple being connected to the Evil Queen, or are just shown in a wicked light, such as the vultures from the same movie who just follow the queen looking devious.
Below are things that feature from the main animated features that feature in Twst; Alice in Wonderland, The Lion King, etc. But aren’t technically taken. Other animated movies, live action, games, and etc. will get their own list.
(Someone else will have to do the sequels and remakes. I suffered the sequels enough and the remakes--well, I'd rather leave them to others.)
Alice in Wonderland:
*The King of Hearts
*The Walrus
*The Carpenter
*Any of the Flowers
The Lion King:
*The Hyenas that weren't used in the story
*The Wildebeests that killed Mufasa (Debatable as they were forced into a panic by the hyenas)
*The elephant graveyard (note: this is a location in the Savana Event)
*The fire that nearly kills Simba and whose embers give Scar an advantage
The Little Mermaid:
*Vanessa (Ursula’s other form)
*The necklace that held Ariel’s voice
*The Contract (Note: Technically used as Azul’s unique Magic)
*The Storm (beginning and end)
*The Shark
*The Chef (Debatable)
*The “unfortunate Souls” (debatable)
*The Guards
*The Cave of Wonders
*The Scarab that took Jafar to the cave
*Jafar’s snake Form
*Jafar’s Genie form. (Note: Used as Jamil’s over blot)
*Iago (Debatable)
*Jafar’s Staff
*The lamp that traps Jafar in the end
*The hourglass that nearly drowns Jasmine
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs:
*The Vultures
*The Woods that frighten Snow White in the beginning
*The Hag Form (Note: Vil’s phantom takes the form of the hag)
*The Potion that made the Evil Queen old
**Any of the components to make the potion may work
*The Heart Box
*The raven that played witness to the potion-making
*The Three Fates (Note: These Gals are mentioned as superstars who are older than they look, like Lilia)
*Meg (debatable)
*The Hydra
*The potion that made Hercules mortal
*Any of the Titans
*The Centaur
*Any of the beasts Hercules fought during "Zero to Hero"
*The Souls of the Underworld (debatable and note: these seem to be represented as Phantoms)
Sleeping Beauty:
*Diablo (Note: Theorized to be Crowley, but no confirmation at the time of this post)
*Any of Maleficent’s minions (Note: Two are taken by Lilia and Baul)
*The Spinning Wheel
*The Thorns
*Maleficent’s Fire
*Maleficent’s staff (Note: This may be an item that appears in Chapter 7)
*The Death Curse itself (Note: In the original Sleeping Beauty, Maleficent cursed Rose to DIE. The Sleeping Curse was actually placed by Merry-weather to SAVE her. Maleficent just rolled with it to create a fate worse than death.)
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Frozen live action rumour!
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Cover created by me
According to this site, here, a live action Frozen remake is in the works. Love actions we know are and confirmed to be in the works are Snow White (coming in March 2024), Mufasa: The Lion King, Moana, Lilo & Stich, Hercules and Bambi. The rumoured ones in the works are A Sword in the Stone, Aristocats, Robin Hood, Princess and the Frog, Tangled, Frozen and Tarzan.
That's a lot of love action remakes in the works. It even includes Frozen, with Frozen 3 still in the works! Jen Lee did say that if there was more to tell of the story, there would be more movies. So while the franchise is expanding, the live action remakes are too. I guess it would be cool to see how it's interpreted in love action form; to see what changes and what's kept. This could be a chance to fix the plot holes that are mostly surrounding Hans. They could actually do quite a lot with Hans' character in a live action remake. I'm also certain they'll keep Let it go. Maybe this live action remake inspired the future of the main franchise, and also takes inspiration from the Broadway adaptation.
What do you guys think about all this?
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