#here is my contribution please take it with all the cringe
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Summary: After three weeks apart, Hange plans a get together with the gang.
Pairing: LevixFem!reader
CW: This one shot heavily revolves around the use of alcohol. mentions of smoking and related language. 18+ MDNI.
wc: 3.5k
a/n: First, I'd like to thank @i-lev-you. She has been here to hold my hand through all the sweat and tears of writing my first Levi fic, I truly cannot express how much I appreciate the help and advice I was given. If you do like this, please send some love her way. This cute lil fic is loosely based off of this song, and the scenes were living in my head rent free for weeks prior to writing it, enjoy~
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“Took you long enough.” Erwin teases as you hop into the passenger seat, He texted you fifteen minutes ago letting you know he was out front waiting for you. 
“Don't be dramatic, it was only ten minutes.” you huff, pulling the seat belt over your chest and clicking it into place. Erwin gave you a once over, his gaze halting before turning back and shifting the car into drive. 
“You did your hair for this?” he comments, raising an eyebrow. Doing your hair was a generous observation on his part, you just spent extra time on it for tonight. 
“Yeah, and what's that look for? We haven't been able to get together like this in so long, so I wanted to look a little nice.” It's been three weeks since the five of you could all hang out together. Miche got a new job and Hange had a change in shifts, making it nearly impossible to do something collectively. It just so happens that everyone has the day off tomorrow, so Hange suggested getting together to drink and catch up.
 “It's just us, you never cared like that before. Besides, if this is like any other time your hair’s gonna look like shit by the end of the night anyways. Like that time Miche set your hair on fire lighting that cig for you.” He laughs. You cringe and brush your fingers through your hair in the same area that was singed short, only just recently were you able to make it look like it blends in with the rest of your hair. “Or, that time Hange-” Erwin starts but you quickly interrupt. 
“Okay! I get it, I'm accident prone.” you mumble, giving him a playful glare. “Both of those are better than the time me and Levi had to drag you out to the car which, by the way, wasn't fun.” you smirk, watching his dumbfounded expression illuminate under each street light you pass under
 “Like that compares at all, it was one time, and my birthday” Erwin retorts and gives you a gentle nudge. You shrug in response, looking out the window to see you're already turning down the street that leads to the house that Levi, Hange, and Miche share. “We’re late again, you know how much shit we’re going to get?” 
“Finally!” Hange raves when you walk in with Erwin. You make your way in and take your bottle of contribution to the cooler that was already set up in the living room, stuffing it in and shutting the lid. Almost instantly after, you were met with a fierce hug from Hange. “Late, as always. What was the hold up? Anything interesting?” They beamed, their eyes gesturing hopefully towards Ewrin. You parted from Hange’s hug, shaking your head at their silent accusation. This wasn’t new for the two of you. For as long as you could remember, you both have been teased about your friendship. Everyone constantly begged for you two to finally get together. Erwin is your best friend, and has been for years. The thought has never crossed your mind. The only person who understands that is Levi, he's the only one who never pokes and prods for something more. 
“Thought I heard the lovebirds were finally here.” Miche announced as he emerged from his bedroom. He makes his way into the living room and grabs two beers out of the cooler and tosses one to Erwin as he walks past him. “Catch up” Miche enthusiastically demands, cracking the tab on his can and raising it up to Erwin in a faux cheers. 
“You guys really started without us?” Erwin groans followed by the sharp hiss and snap of his own can. 
“What, were we supposed to wait for the two of you to stop sucking face in the car?” Miche laughs and gestures to you and Erwin both. Erwin rolls his eyes but just as he was about to respond the whole room collectively flinched at the sudden piercing interruption of music that gradually dimmed down to an appropriate volume. All eyes fall on Levi who’s standing in front of the speaker with his phone in his hand. 
“Cleaning playlist, forgot to turn it down earlier.” He explains candidly and takes a swig from the cup in his opposite hand, seemingly unapologetic for the disturbance. 
“Jesus, Levi. When did you get out here?” Miche groans, rubbing his ear melodramatically. Levi ignores him, instead he turns to face the group. “Didn't realize this party was about celebrating Erwin sucking face. I would have stayed in my room had I known.”
 “No one’s staying in their room!” Hange chimes as they make their way to Levi “it’s been three weeks, we should do something fun!” they place their hands on Levi’s shoulders and grin “like a drinking game.” they suggest, approval spreads across the room. 
“Pass.” Levi scoffed, rolling his eyes like he was above the activity. “Looks like you're outvoted.” Hange sings, squeezing Levi’s shoulders and quickly moving to drag the coffee table away from the couch for everyone to sit around. Miche was already on his way in with the bottle and a shot glass.
“Fine. I’ll play but I'm not sharing that shot glass with any of you, I’ll get my own.” he sighs, heading straight for the kitchen. Hange cheers and grabs chasers out of the cooler, lining them around the circular table as everyone settles into their chosen spots. Levi returned shortly after with his own shot glass, you notice a clean rag hanging out of his pocket as he sits in the space left open for him. Miche chooses the game for the group, the rules are simple and easy to follow. It doesn't take long, just a few rounds in and everyone around the table seems to have a pink flush across their cheeks, slurring their words, and laughs at anything anyone says.
“Damn!” Hange rasps out with a cough, slamming the shot glass back down onto the table. At this point in the game Hange was doing horribly, the last 3 rounds of the game they were the one to take the losing shot. They pick up the bottle and shakily attempt to fill the glass up for the next victim. Liquid splashes around the glass as they miss a couple times. 
“Okay,” Erwin says and takes the bottle from them “I’ll fill them from now on.” He adds. “it’d be nice if someone else could start taking the shots!” Hange complained, folding their arms over their chest. 
“That’s entirely on you, Hange.” Erwin pointed out as he finished pouring for them. His hand was stable despite being just as drunk as anyone else at the table, he was always the one who handled the liquor best. 
“Stop losing and you won’t have to take any more.” You laugh and watch Levi lean forward, pick up the glass, and quickly wipe underneath with the rag he’d brought to the circle. Even tipsy he was concerned about keeping things at least a little clean. 
 The next round, Hange takes the losing shot again. “of course!” They spout, taking the bottle from Erwin’s side, forgetting that he was in charge of filling the glass after each shot. Before he could register that Hange had taken the bottle, they were attempting to fill the glass again. With shaky hands Hange tips the bottle too far, causing the rim of the bottle to clash with the shot glass, tipping it over. The jolt alone was enough to cause them to drop the bottle as well. You watch as it rolls off the table, its contents spilling out. 
“Come on, Hange.” Levi groans as he lunges forward. He fails to catch the bottle, forced to watch it spill out and seep into the rug. “Games over.” He announces, immediately going back in with the rag. Levi sets the bottle back upright on the table and Miche gathers up the remnants of their game, wiping the liquor off the cards as he organizes everything back into the box. 
You thread your fingers between Hange’s after they stand up. “Kitchen, Hange.” You sang, guiding them out of the living room. Despite their protests, you decided you both need a water break. You let go of Hange’s hand, and they lean against the counter to the right of the fridge. You grab two glasses from the overhead cabinets and pull the ice tray out of the freezer. “Sooo,” Hange coos as you as you cracked the tray, haphazardly dropping ice into both cups. 
“Yesss,” you mimic back in the same tone, opening the fridge. 
Hange pushes off the counter and leans over the open door “Erwin looks cute tonight, huh?” They try, grinning. 
“Not this again,” you laugh at them and set the first filled cup on the counter behind you. 
“Give me a break!” Hange groans, dropping their head onto their forearms. “You always avoid talking about it, when will you guys give up the act?” You look towards them and your attention is immediately drawn to Levi, who is discarding an arms worth of cans onto the counter. He kneels down in front of the sink and starts digging through the cabinets underneath. 
“It’s not like that, and it never has been.” 
“bullshit, there’s got to be a reason you haven’t just gone for it yet. We can all see how it is between you two” they pried for more. 
“And you’re all wrong” you say as you set the second cup down next to the first. 
“Then what is it? You still have that thing for Levi?” They joke. Your eyes immediately flicker back to Levi, he’s frozen, still knelt down at the sink. You swear you can feel all the color drain from your face. Hange has already started mumbling about a new topic you couldn’t focus on. 
“Hey, four eyes.” Levi stands up from his position, peeling out the trash bag he was digging for. “Keep me out of your fantasies and come help me with your mess” he says, his tone was flat, as usual. He turns away without looking at either of you and walks out of the kitchen. 
“Shit, he heard that?” Hange asks, looking back at you. It's obvious by their face how embarrassed you must look because Hange immediately starts assuring you that it’s fine. 
You walk back out to the living room with Hange, still fighting off the embarrassment from the kitchen. You watch as Hange picks up the various chasers that were still left over from the game. When you turn your attention to Levi your face burns, you wonder if that made everything weird now. “You good? You look like you could use one of these.” Erwin interrupts your thoughts, handing you a new can. You accept and pop the tab.
“You have no idea.” You confirm, taking a drink.  
“What a mess.” He comments and shakes his head, watching as Hange and Levi clean. Just as you open your mouth to reply, Miche caught your attention as he made his way across the living room, careful to walk around the chaos that Hange and Levi were cleaning. When he catches your gaze he raises a hand up, flashing a lighter and gestures towards the back door with a nod "smoke break?" 
"Count me in!" Hange yells, quickly standing and discarding the handful of cups on a nearby side table and making their way out, followed by Erwin. You tip your can back, finish the beer, and make your way to the back door. you lazily slide your shoes on not even bothering to pull the backs up over your heels, you glance behind you to see Levi gathering up the empty cups and beer cans and throwing a couple unopened cans into the cooler placed in the living room. You think for a moment about staying inside and doing damage control with him, maybe you could convince him that Hange was just being dramatic, or using it as a means to prove that they’re right about Erwin. "Come on! What're you doing?" Hange interrupts, pulling you away from the door and sliding it shut, dragging you over to the group. 
"Hange, you really couldn't have said that a worse time." You groan and squeeze your eyes shut, willing another wave of embarrassment away. At this point, you didn’t care about bringing it up in front of Erwin and Miche. You figure Hange would tell them on their own anyway. 
"Said what?" Miche mumbled around the cigarette hanging off his lips, passing the lighter to Erwin. 
"Well.." Hange drawled, a shit eating grin on their face "I may have spilled the beans on her little crush on Levi.. right in front of him." Now both Erwin and Miche were looking right at you, a few moments of silence pass before Erwin raises a brow and glances between you and Hange
"Crush?" His tone was so flat it didn't even sound like a question.
"Levi?" Miche interjected quickly, waiting for you to say you were joking. When the silence began to linger Miche let out a quick snort "like, Levi?" He asked again, his hand gesturing towards the house. "No shit, way to pull the rug from under our feet." He shakes his head in disbelief and nudges Hange with his elbow "you knew and still said your piece about Erwin this whole time? Evil." he laughed 
"Hey, I was told in confidence that she thought Levi was hot one time!" Hange spills out. It was true, months ago you hung out with Hange alone. The two of you decided to have a night in with movies and wine since no one else could join. After a couple glasses you let it slip that you had a small crush on Levi, making sure to paint it as fleeting so the two of you didn't get the same treatment as you and Erwin. "Hey," Hange places a hand on your shoulder "are you alright?"
“I’m just worried about it, I never would have told him that. You saw him in the kitchen, everything is probably going to be so awkward now.” 
"Oh stop, it's Levi!" Hange encourages and pulls you in close by your other shoulder "he doesn't care, he probably won't even mention it" they try to reason with you, but it falls on deaf ears. you were so full of doubt. How could things be normal after this? Were you just supposed to continue on while pretending it didn't happen? That's exactly what you plan to do because there was no chance you could bring it up to his face.  
"I'll be back" you mumble at Hange as you spin on your heels and make your way inside through the back door and decide the bathroom would be a more private place to pull yourself together. 
You admire the photos that hang unsystematically in the hallway, tracing waves on the wall with your finger as you glide through, the music slowly starts to fade the closer you get to your destination and completely muffles as you close the bathroom door. 
"uh, hi?" 
You snap your attention towards the voice, meeting a sharp but forgiving gaze. "Levi, I didn't realize you-." you start, feeling the heat in your cheeks as you stammer for the words to apologize. Levi's stare is unmoving for a moment. He looks down, swiping the cloth off the hook to dry his hands. His eyes dart back to your face. "Your shoelaces are untied." 
You take a moment to register what he just said, double checking that you heard him correctly and glancing down to see the strings loosely hanging off each side of your shoes. "That's how I like them..." When his expression doesn’t change you curse yourself for sounding so dumb. 
"And you're walking through my house with shoes on." he states and you can feel your face burning even more. Duh, Why wouldn't you have remembered to take them off as you came in. Just as you part your lips to muster up what would probably sound like another pathetic attempt at an apology, you notice the small smirk pulling at Levi's lips "Save it. Hange's party, Hange’s mess to clean" He assured you.
You hum in response and started to turn back towards the door to leave "Was that true?" He asked, you can hear a subtle eagerness in the question "What Hange said, I mean" he corrects his tone this time. You’re completely still while a wave of embarrassment washes back over your whole body trying to think of something to say, but you're stuck speechless. Muffled music and Hange’s voice chanting at Erwin to chug from outside quickly fill in the silence. You take a deep breath, realizing that now is your chance to give context. 
“Yeah, but that was so long ago,” you stammer your words and finally turn to face him, he’s closer now. 
“Yeah? How long?” He’s smirking now, arms crossed over his chest, like this is amusing to him. 
“Months.” Was all you could say in response. 
“So what happened? You let eyebrows take my spot?” He teases. 
“You’re starting to sound an awful lot like Hange, It was never like that anyway,” you scoff, not realizing his implication of having a spot. In your attempt to explain yourself you hadn't noticed Levi closing the space between you. 
“You done?” He interrupts, glancing down at your lips then back up. Your eyes meet his and you nod, not trusting yourself to speak. Levi leans in, his fingers brush against your jaw as he reaches out resting his hand at the nape of your neck. He pulls you in gently and pauses briefly before your lips meet. You hear his breath shake before he closes the small space between the two of you. Warmth spreads across your whole body and the intoxication rushes back in. You drape your arms over his shoulders and relax into it, tilting your head to follow his lead. Levi rests his other hand on your hip, pulling you flush against his body and snaking his fingers through the hair behind your head. He guides you back up into the door, his hand acting as a cushion for your head as he moves his lips against yours. Your breath hitches at the gentle impact against the door, you pull your arms back in to cup his face just as he parts from you. He rests his forehead against yours, his breaths coming out in soft pants. Your eyes meet again and just as he parts his lips to say something you hear the back door slide open and shut. Levi quickly pulls back from you, a quiet ‘shit’ falling from his lips. You realize how long you have been missing from the group. Grabbing the door handle you turn back to Levi, he responds with a gestured nod toward the door. A silent agreement that you leave first. You twist the handle and exit the bathroom quickly, closing the door behind you. As you step away from the door Erwin turns down the hall and stops at the sight of you. 
"There you are.” he starts, sounding relieved. “We got worried when you didn't come back and," he stops speaking when you hear the bathroom door click shut behind you. You watch as Erwin's eyes flicker back and forth. You press your eyes shut as Levi slips quietly past you. When the back door slides shut signaling that Levi is outside, you open your eyes. Something is different about Erwin’s posture; he seems stiff and his expression indecipherable. "Oh, looks like that worked out for you then?" He questions, referencing Hange’s slip of the tongue earlier and offering a wistful smile.
"Yeah, I guess it did." You agree, biting back a grin. 
The night died down fast. Miche made sure Hange had more water and got into their bed without issue then retreated to his own room. Erwin has the couch, and you have the recliner, your usual arrangement for nights spent over. The music was silenced, the only light now coming from a single lamp on the side table keeping the room just lit enough for Levi. He paces between the living room and kitchen, picking up the last of the mess left behind from the night. Erwin hasn’t said much since coming back inside. You assume he's not feeling well and decide to leave him alone for the night, you could fill him in tomorrow. You spend your wind down time curled up on the chair, your eyes flicking between your phone and Levi as he moves around the room. "You always had a staring problem, now I know why." he teases.
 "Shut up" you roll your eyes at him, setting your phone down as he walks back towards you. 
"Let's go." He says as he yanks the blanket you were using off of you, tucking it under his arm. 
"Where?" You ask.
"My room, dumbass."
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Taglist: @ackerbootytobbi @amywritesthings
307 notes · View notes
k-nayee · 7 months
Dis Is Live!
wc: 3.2k ~✩~ A/n: Inspired from a twitter/X thread years ago
Dreamer M.List
ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ
'𝐃𝐀𝐌𝐌𝐈𝐓! Why the hell is this blouse so tight! I could've sworn it fit perfectly before...'
You cringe at the tightness of the fabric as it sticks your chest like a second skin.
Leaving the house in a hurry, it was only until meeting your interviewer face-to-face were you finally able to acknowledge the snug clothing.
Luckily you had enough jitters to bring a jacket and was able to use it as a cover-up.
"So Ms. [Last Name], I understand you have the experience of doing tasks such as scheduling events and appointments?"
You break out of your distressed bubble with a jump before catching sight of the male walking down the hall, quickly trailing after.
"Y-yes sir. I have done countless jobs of setting up plans and meetings during my two-year internship for Yu Inc."
His brows raise at your words. "Yu Inc. you say? That's a very well-known business. Can I ask why you choose specifically this company? Why not stay with them?"
"Well..." You meet his questioning gaze with a small smile, "when creating a name for yourself- especially in the entertainment business- it's a known possibility of failing. But even so, you still had hope and tried. There's not many people out there who would've done what you did. And I admire that. So much in fact that I want to help support what you're doing as much as possible."
He suddenly stops in his stride causing you to give him a lost look.
"You're right. And I'll be eternally grateful for having the determination and people I trust behind me to help make my dream come true. I can't say much of the later future..."
Your eyes slightly widen when he holds out his hand with a blinding smile. "But what I can say that it would be an honor to work with you Ms. [Last Name]."
"Wait...does that mean-"
"Welcome to Hybe Co.!"
"Oh thank you very much sir! I promise to work very hard and contribute to the company." He lets out a hearty laugh when you grab his hands with an energetic shake.
"Please, Bang PD's just fine. No need for such formalities now that you're part of the family."
"Okay...Bang PD." You hesitantly try out his name, jaw clenching at suppressing the urge to address him more formally.
He claps his hands, a gleam of happiness shines in his eyes as they crinkle on the sides. "Excellent! You will officially start working tomorrow morning. Now, before we continue, do you have any questions for me?"
"Yes I do in fact. They're mostly about the contract and all of the benefits from this job."
Bang PD nods in understanding, "Of course, so the benefits you will receive—"
"Bang PD-Nim!"
You both turn towards the frantic call to see a breathless woman running over.
"There's been an abrupt change in the scheduled meeting with Fila Inc. It seems they're only open for today, the next three months have been filled."
The older man's face falls at the news before letting out silent curses. "Alright. Are they already here?"
"Yes. In your office as we speak."
"Okay, let's go then." Bang PD says as he takes a stack of folders from her outstretched hands, but before he could fully exit the room you call out his name.
"Yes?" He answers in a rushed tone, one hand tightly grasping the documents while the other straightens his tie and glasses.
"I'm sorry, but what should I do while you're gone? I mean, you still have to explain to me the rest of what my job consists of. Unless of course, I can come back another day?"
"No!" You jump at his shout causing him to give an apologetic smile, "Sorry about that. But to answer your question, I can't. With the rest of the month's schedule being packed twenty-four-seven, I won't have a free slot to situate you in. So while I'm gone please feel free to walk around and get yourself acquainted with the building. Once I return, I'll be able to answer any questions you have."
"Okay. So when do you think you'll be finished with the..." Your words trail off once realizing that he's no longer there,"...meeting?"
Eyes still planted on the shut door, you finally break the silence with a scoff of disbelief. "Well ain't that a bitch."
Smacking your lips, you stand up with a hum, "Guess I'll go look around then."
With that, you make your way to the door.
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After spending a good twenty-minutes roaming and getting used to routes of the building, you decide its time for a snack break, moving to the nearest snack machine.
You dig through your purse with a sigh and grab the needed amount for your chosen drink. It drops to the bottom with a muted thud causing a small cheer to leave your lips.
Beverage in hand, you continue looking around the building. Music filters from speakers above leaving you content and begin to hum along, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere.
Unfortunately, that peacefulness soon turns into frustration when you try to put the straw into the juice box.
Forcing the weak plastic in with way more strength than needed, your cry of victory quickly turns into one of shock when a good portion of the juice spills on you.
"Goddammit!" You let out a groan, swiftly taking off the jacket before the cold liquid could seep all the way through.
But that action was deemed useless upon noticing a wet spot decorating your once clean white blouse.
'Shit...I can't walk out of here with this big ass stain. I need to get this cleaned up pronto.'
Moving down the hall in search of a restroom, your steps falter when seeing how unfamiliar the area was.
"First the juice now this? Great..."
Body hunched over in defeat, you perk up at the sight of a man coming from the opposite direction.
"Hey-um excuse me!"
He slows down at the sound of your voice, freezing in place upon spotting you.
Scurrying over to him, you plaster an awkward smile. "Yeah..hi? I'm sorry to disturb you, but I new here. And I kinda had a little accident with my juice when I was trying to..."
Unknowingly to you, as you continue to ramble, a pair of eyes take in your figure.
"Oh...shit!" He hisses under his breath as a low gasp escapes him.
"So yeah...I was wondering if you know where the nearest restroom may be located." You finish your statement in time to see him staring at you with a shocked expression.
Your brows raise at the man as he continues to openly ogle at you without a care in the world. "E-excuse me?"
Finally breaking out of the trance with a jump, his eyes shift back and forth from your chest to the unamused expression on your face.
"I-I mean...ah my back! Goddamn I say goddamn!" You blink in confusion when he howls in pain, his body dramatically falling to the ground as he holds his back.
"Oh sh-are you okay?! Do you need me to call someone for you?" You bend down to get a closer look with a concerned frown.
He looks at you with a strained smile before quickly getting up from the floor. "Ah n-no need! I experience this very often, so I can just walk there myself."
"Are you su-"
"Thank you for caring! Have a nice day!" His voice rings throughout the hall as he hobbles away, hand placed on his lower back like an old man.
"Wait! What about the rest...room?" You roll your eyes in irritation, arms crossed with a huff, "well that was quite the first impression."
Turning to start your journey of searching for the restroom once more, you stop when another man appears in your line of view.
"Hi! Excuse me, can you please tell me where your restrooms are?"
"Sure," he looks up from his phone with a smile, dimples formed on both sides, "all you have to do it take a-"
He abruptly stops talking, eyes widening once they take in your-ahem, attire. "Ahh...ek!"
You blankly stare at him as he stumbles over his words, a light blush coating the apple of his cheeks.
"Asdfghjk! I-I gotta go! Bye!"
Opening your mouth to question him, it quickly closes when he bolts down the hall, leaving you in the dust.
"...the hell is wrong with these people?!"
Just as you were about to follow after him two more males make an appearance.
If it were any other day, you would've stopped at how shockingly handsome the two were, from the blue and pink fluffy hair on their heads to the way they walked with so much grace and confidence that only a celebrity could do.
But today was not the day to do so.
So while they had yet to see you by the playful jabs and taunting given to one another, you quickly take the chance and stepped right in front of them.
They slightly jump in surprise before relaxing when seeing it was only you.
"Excuse me but can you tell me where the restrooms are?" You force a smile, the clear tone of impatience could be heard in your strained voice.
"Sure thing," the one on the right speaks up with a bright smile, his deep voice strongly contradicting the childish aura around him, "it's...ah..."
His voice trails off as he looks down at your chest, eyes bulging out of his head.
"Well?" You ask, foot tapping in frustration.
"What are you looking at?" His friend asks with a push to the shoulder, but the taller male continues to stare at you in awe.
"I'm sorry. He's not usually like this," the young man giggles, rubbing the back of his head. "So what do you need help with?"
"Finding the restroom. As you can see, I really need to clean this...stain" you explain, gesturing to the vivid patch on your shirt.
"Sure. It's down the hall to the..." his sentence trails off, eyes zoning in on your chest.
Choking on what seemed to be nothing, gibberish spills from his plump lips as he stares unabashedly.
Following where their unwavering eyes went, you snort in disbelief. 'Now this some bullshit! Why the fuck are these grown-ass men acting like a tiddy popped out my shirt or something?'
"Oh yeah? To the what?" You ask, crossing your arms, done with all of the interactions you've faced so far today.
While you hadn't realized the action caused your breasts to pop out even more, these two on the other hand witnessed the entire thing causing them to hold onto each other's arm for support.
"We've seen heaven," one whimper, a dazed look spreading across his face.
"God has blessed this woman," the other mumbles, his eyes never straying away from your chest for one second.
"Excuse me?" Growing unsettled by their intense stares you loudly clap in their faces, snapping them out of it.
"I-I mean, God has blessed us all to live and see another day!"
The bluenette, who seemed to have caught on to what he was doing, quickly joined in.
"Hallelujah! Praise the all mighty and his greatness! God is good all the time, and all the time God is good~" He begins to stomp his feet, happily singing out random church phrases as he bends down with his hands at his back.
You share a lost look with his friend, lips pursed at what seemed to be him having caught the Holy Spirit.
"Do you feel it? I said do you feel i-" Fortunately for you, the male's preaching was ended by the murderous glare of his shorter counterpart.
Turning to you with a smile, you silently awe at the way his eyes disappear into the shape of crescent moons.
"What he means to say was how not only is the Lord good to you, but to us. Come, my brother, and let us rejoice in his name to those in need of it." Yanking his friend by the elbow, they make a run down the hallway.
"But w-what about the restroom?!"
"Just down the hall to your right!" One of them shouts out before bounding around the corner.
"I swear all of the shit happening today better be a one-time thing. 'Cause I'll be damned if I have to deal with this every day." And with that, you make your way towards the bathroom as directed.
Hoseok's eyes skim over the countless comments with vigor until they land on one that catches his interest.
[Army4life]: Where are the others?
"Um, Suga is right behind me. Say hi to ARMYS hyung~" the rapper leans to the side to reveal the silent male.
Yoongi slowly looks up from his phone with a sigh, a bored look donning his face as he puts up a peace sign before going back to the device.
"Well...but as for the others, they're coming soon! Most likely getting some food."
[Hobi's-Flower]: Have you been taking care of yourself?
Hoseok stares at the sincere question with a small smile. "Yes thank you! I made sure to get enough sleep and eat the right foods."
[JoonsBigDic]: Do you have any kinks?
"W-what?" Faltering at the sudden change of subject, his face flushes in embarrassment and shock, "m-my kinks? I don't think I should answer that."
[SugawiththatTae]: he blushing! Awww
[Mochicoochie]: now I wanna know what it is
[KookieCrumble]: y'all J-Hope got a kink!
[BangtanWhore]: bet it's choking 👀
"N-now wait a minute I never said th-"
His words were cut off by the sudden slam of the door.
Quickly turning towards the source of the interruption, Hoseok frowns at a wide-eyed Jin stepping into the room.
"Hoseok you ain't gonna believe me when I say this shit! When I say my eyes been fucking blessed!"
The idol chokes on his spit and nervously takes a peek at the recording camera. "Hold up! Just let me turn it off right quic-"
"Tell me why this girl walked up to me because she was lost or some shit. But the thing was... she had some big ass tiddies!"
Hearing the younger male's panicked words, Jin looks at the camera and pales in realization. "Oh..."
The room goes quiet.
Not knowing what to do, they just continue to sit/stand there, eyes constantly shifting from the camera to each other.
"Did...did this really just happened?" Jin silently mumbles to himself as he stares off in space, Hoseok sending him a heated glare from the corner of his eyes.
"Aye y'all!" The duo turn their attention to a giddy Namjoon as he walks into the room, "Did you see the girl outsi-"
Jin and Hoseok quickly hold their hands out with frantic head shakes.
Closing his eyes, Jin lets out a sigh and covers his face in embarrassment.
Hoseok, on the other hand, just blankly stares at the floor with pursed lips.
"Did I say something wrong?" Namjoon frowns at their actions before pulling out his phone when it vibrates.
A moment of silence pass as the leader checks the device only for his eyes to widen. "U-um, guys? W-why it...why it say y'all on live right now?"
"Cause we are...fuck! We're in so much trouble..." Hoseok curls up in his chair, heart dropping at the thought of millions of people watching them.
"The hell nobody said anything?!"
"That's what we been trying to tell your stick-bodied ass before you started flipping at the mouth!" Jin roars out at the younger's attempt of blaming them.
Hoseok scoffs at his words. "You ain't no better! If I recall this shit started when you popped up talking 'bout she had some big ass tiddies."
The vocalist's mouth drops in disbelief. "Well excuse me for wanting to enlighten you on one of the best sights of my life! And if we're being honest, it's your fault to begin with."
"What th-my fault?!"
"Yeah! Who the hell do V-Lives without telling anyone else? It's because of your irresponsible ass that we got into this mess."
As the two continue to banter back in forth, Yoongi finally has enough of the drama and gets up.
"Hey...I said hey! I sai-AYE! BOTH OF Y'ALL SHUT THE FUCK UP!"
Satisfied with their obedience, he walks up in the camera view and takes it away from Hoseok's spot.
"Um..." His lips pucker into an awkward pout, eyes shifting before forcing out a fake laugh, "w-we can explain. You see...what had happened was that they just playing around and-"
"AYE YO YOU PEEPED THEM BREASTESES?!" The rapper's excuse was cut off by the loud voice of Jimin as he walks into the room with a trailing Taehyung.
The younger of the two quickly nods his head in agreement. "On God! I'd suck the tiddie juice right out them hoes!"
"ShUT UP!" Yoongi screams out with wide eyes causing the maknaes to freeze in caution.
"The hell happened in here?" Jimin looks at their pale faces in confusion, gaze swiftly skimming over the room only to do a double-take at the recording camera.
"I swear. Acting as if y'all seen a ghost or some shi-fuck! Why'd you do that?!" Hissing at the pain of being jabbed in the side, Taehyung's narrowed eyes follow where the idol was pointing only to widen, "o-oh...y'all filming?"
After catching the sight of Taehyung closing his mouth and Jimin staring at the floor in silent shock, the camera is pulled closer to Yoongi's face.
With the view now consisting of sharp cat-like eyes and a small button nose filling the lens, the others look at one another for the next step.
But even that seemed to be useless since they didn't know what to do.
Taking a look at his phone, Namjoon groans at the wave of comments filling the screen.
[Juanpito]: SAY HEY TO MEXICO 🇲🇽🇲🇽
'Ah shit...'
After the shock of what he had just seen finally passes over, Jungkook puts down his phone with a shake of his head.
"I leave to go to the bathroom and all this happens? Tch...can't do shit!"
Getting up from the toilet, he quickly cleans up and walks towards the room next over.
'How the hell we ain't get disbanded yet?'
Peeping into the room, he spots the rest of the members just standing there with lost expressions.
"Ha...I'm just gonna take this." Slowly walking over to Yoongi, Jungkook carefully takes the still recording camera away from his hands.
"Lmao good joke guys! Bye ARMY, saranghae or whatever," giving the camera a stiff smile and wave, he turns it off.
The room goes quiet before Jungkook turns to the group with crossed arms. "Really? Tiddies? And in front of possibly millions of people no less! That's what we gonna risk everything for?"
Heads lowered in shame from the maknae's scolding, eyes are downcasted to the floor in avoidance of meeting his seething gaze.
"So what do have to say for yourselves?"
"Did you..." Everyone turns their attention to Jimin as he gives the taller male a sheepish smile, "d-did you see her tiddies?"
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mamaspeckles · 8 months
Hey Mamaspeckles. Sorry a discord friend of gramma’s again. So she got incredibly scared and freaked out last night because somehow, someone had figured out who she was, despite herself always sending messages anonymously.
But I’m just sending a message because she hasn’t been able to stop crying, that person (who ironically was anonymous on her blog when they sent her a message), that person was downright nasty to her. Basically called her a ‘cringe r*t*rd who harasses girls and makes them uncomfortable’. I’m heartbroken and I’m angry for her, but now she’s got it in her head that she’s so worried she’s coming across as harassing you and annoying you. She still really really wants to send her ideas to you, and she absolutely adores you and the things you make. But she’s just terrified she’s being too intense and too much. It was a massive breech of privacy for that anonymous to find her and attack her the way they did, and I am so upset over this and I am so so sorry for sending this but we know you care for her, she will be back! She’s just having a little rest is all. But we all want you both to make sure to take care of yourselves. She says she’ll be back within a day or so, but she wanted me or one of us to say to just let you know that she hasn’t been scared off or that she’s stopping sending things. But URGH I wanna fight that person who sent that to her
I'm truly sorry to hear what happened to Gramma... It's incredibly upsetting that someone would violate her privacy and attack her like that after I have expressed to others and even gramma that I enjoy and am not uncomfortable with the messages and stories I get. Please let her know that I adore her and appreciate her sharing her ideas with me. Her messages always brighten my day and even make me blush, and she never comes across as harassing or annoying. Whoever did this to her is despicable, and I share your anger towards them. Please tell Gramma to take all the time she needs, and when she's ready, I'll be here eagerly awaiting her return. She's a cherished part of our community, and I will not let some cowardly harasser drive her away from doing the things she loves.
And to the person who caused emotional damage this Is a sad and pathetic loser. You are deeply despised by me and many others and you can only preform disappointing and unacceptable acts. You are such a lowlife individual that you would go to such lengths to harass Gramma Speckles. Such behavior is not only cowardly but also reprehensible. Gramma Speckles is a valued and loved person to me, and her contributions are appreciated by me and many others. Harassment and personal attacks have no place here or anywhere else. I hope the individual responsible realizes the gravity of their actions and seeks some form of help for their slow minded behavior. May you be punished in the eyes of god on judgement day. You are disgusting.
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revelale · 1 year
TOA Anniversary Munday!
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
tagging: you? :0)
Name: lilly!
Pronouns: she / they, big they though!
Birthday (no year): april 4th!
Where are you from? What is your time zone? pst, lmao. gmt-8, i think?
Roleplay experience: roughly like 20 years now? lmao, cringe.
Got any pets? yeah, my little buppy, max. he's a demon.
Favorite time of year: winter!
Some interests and things you like: cooking, baking, rhythm games, sleeping, lmao.
Some funfacts & trivia about you: i'm double-jointed in one hand; i tend to only bake cookies in batches of like 7 dozen or more; i've killed at least like six different succulents this year alone; every so often, i'll think about spider-man and its various iterations and fully forget what i was doing before i started thinking about it.
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? the more recent persona games, a truly insane number of otomes, i still have not finished yakuza 0, pokemon, dress-up games, lmao,,,,,
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: dragon, dragonite!
How did you get into Fire Emblem? ......... wanted another dating sim real bad and my friend told me to play awakening please do not judge me—
What Fire Emblem games have you played? everything post-awakening, lmao,,,,, except for sov, which continues to elude me in completion for reasons beyond my understanding
First Fire Emblem game: awakening!
Favorite Fire Emblem game: would it be bad if i said none of them—well, okay. technically, i think an awful lot about fates, but i don't necessarily think it's my favorite? ..... but i do think about it a lot.
Any Fire Emblem crushes? nnnnnnot that i can think of?
If you’ve played the following games, who was your first S support? wwww, awakening was chrom ( by accident ), then olivia ( intentionally lmao ); fates was takumi; three houses was claude lel; engage was pandreo, to no one's surprise.
Favorite Fire Emblem class: KINSHI KNIGHT NATION RISE!!!!
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class? villager, and i would have died four times before you recruit me.
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? golden deer, probably, lmfao.
If you were an Engage character, which Emblem would you Engage with? none, i'm firmly of the belief i'm an ultra npc.
How did you find TOA? chuu! had severe 3h brainrot, and chuu already was in the group and told me it was like full of people who didn't need me to be Online All The Time! it's funny because i ended up not even apping for someone from 3h either, lmao.
Current TOA muses: pandreo!
Who was your first TOA muse? If you don’t have them anymore, could you see yourself picking them up again? cynthia, my silly little horse girl, lmao. i always think about picking her up, but it's always a debate of if i've done enough on her or not. easily my favorite character to pick up and start running with, though.
Have you had any other TOA muses? shigure, lon'qu, CONSTANCE VON NUVELLE, m!byleth, shiro, kiragi,,,,, i think that's it, actually? i don't remember any of my other ones, oopsie, lmao.
Do you think you have a type of character you gravitate towards? i tend to generally write characters in my wheelhouse, though i think i have deviations now and again lmao. like, who would think i'd write shigure, right? but, mostly cheerful characters, i think. mood-makers, the kind of people who would set a scene, but also be enough of a backseat player to the driving force where any protagonist or antagonist would take up the reins more comfortably? i think they tend to get written off as genki or filler characters, so i like kind of prodding at their insecurities and seeing what makes them tick instead.
What do you believe you enjoy writing the most? lmao, lbr i'm made for the clown show. nonsensical moments, increasingly strange meet and greets? but, i like doing big establishing moments that suspend what you know about my characters at face value to explore what's deeper in there. i'll slowburn friendship, idgaf; that's my shit.
Favorite TOA-related memory: lel, team justice is still a highlight in my memory from l&k, but i also remember this very specific combat sequence i wrote with rai in the first major lore event with felix and cynthia that was sick as hell to do! ....... also, probably every piemageddon. it is funny seeing even the serious characters fear for their lives / get uber maniacal in a ridiculous situation.
Got any delusions that didn’t see the light of day in TOA that you’d like to share? do not look behind the curtain, lmao.
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deanmonlover · 2 years
Of Flashbacks and Firsts
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to explain the background of this fic, it's starting from the present day and jumping back to when they first met when he was pre michael leading up to post michael. also disclaimer, this is my first fic in a really long time so go easy on me please 😭 I think this might become a series, I know it's not perfect but I just wanted to contribute to the corey fic thirstfest currently taking place lmao let me know if you enjoyed this and I will definitely make more of it!
You looked up at the ticking clock on the wall, a steady reminder that you still had an hour left of your shift before you finally were able to clock out and go home to watch that horrible horror movie marathon that you and your boyfriend, Corey had planned earlier on that week. You had finally convinced him to put in all the cheesy classic movies not that it took so much convincing on your part, he always looked forward to spending time with you no matter what you both were watching or doing. The both of you could be watching paint dry and he'd be the happiest man on the planet. The two of you were inseparable since the day you had met him becoming the calm to his storm that he so very much needed everyday. You were the constant he needed in his life, the moon to his stars as cheesy as it was it was the truth. Corey couldn't imagine a world without you, you were his and his only. You only thought the same of him, nothing could ever change that. And yes he may have been acting a little differently ever since the events on the night of the halloween party but after everything that had happened it was more than understandable. He had seen a lot more than you had that night in more ways than one.
The way you both had first met, it was odd thinking back to it. The Corey Cunnigham had stopped in to buy a drink from the very store you still worked at — it was a chocolate milk to be exact. He was almost like a cryptid, rarely out but when he was everyone stopped and watched him with judgement in their unforgiving eyes. Ruthless remarks were said behind his back and some even to his face. All you could do was smile empethcially at him and shoot daggers at the ones in the store who had something to say.
After you had checked him out, one thing led to another and before you knew it a loud commotion could be heard from outside after he had walked out. "C'mon dude just buy us some. We won't tell, we promise. Be a cool psycho babysitter and get us some beer." One of the teenagers smirked stepping forward to corner Corey, daring him to do something about it.
You had had enough of the people in this town and just wanted some peace and quiet for the boy. Why couldn't they just leave him alone? These thoughts plagued your mind and never left it. Who knew threatening some spoiled ass teenagers lives would be on your to-do list that day. Not you of course but they weren't going to get by with harassing the curly haired boy with the puppy dog eyes who literally had done nothing but come to get a drink.
"Listen up, you guys better buy something or get the hell outta here."
But of course not before one of them had shoved Corey to the ground catching him off guard, the bottle breaking with a loud shatter slicing his hand on the broken bottle of milk he had just bought. You had patched him up to the best of your abilities with bandages inside, not caring who saw you.
"Why help me? I mean they're not going to stop harrasing you now that you've helped me." Corey protested, holding out his rather large calloused palm that rested in your own as you continued to patch him up, making sure to be as gentle as you could wrapping the bandage around the open gash that made you inwardly cringe.
"Mmm, because I don't think someone like you deserves to be pushed around. You haven't done anything to them and besides they're just band geeks on steroids anyways. Not like they can chase me down with their clarinets and beat me up." A soft laugh escaped your lips as you finished up your handiwork before giving his upper arm a gentle squeeze.
Corey's face flushed instantly beneath his rimmed glasses at the feeling of your hand resting on him. He hadn't ever been this close to a girl well...ever. Everyone was terrified of him, "the psycho babysitter" as he was dubbed. But not you for some odd reason. You felt like you could understand him a whole other level just by gazing into those big brown eyes. They held so much within them, so many unsaid things that a book could be written about what they had seen.
"You uh–you know who I am already, don't you." He said matter of factly, peering up at you from the corner of his eye. Your heart sunk a little hearing the way he said it. Yes, you did indeed know who he was and what happened that fateful night. However, unlike the other people in Haddonfield you didn't blame him for the accident because it was just that — an accident. It wasn't as if he had done it on purpose, the boy sitting here in front of you couldn't hurt a fly much less a kid.
Giving him a small nod, you give his upper arm a squeeze. "I do know who you are or at least I know your name. What I don't know is how one girl might go about getting to know a certain chocolate milk addict." A surprised look crossed his face as he slowly looked up at you, a small shy grin accompanying it.
"O-Oh you mean me?" In his mind there was no way you wanted to get to know him better. No one even so much as wanted to be seen within five feet of him but yet here you were sitting practically on his lap wanting to know everything about him. He really felt like he could pass out at this point but he mustered up the ability to pull out his phone out of his jacket pocket, handing it over to you for you to put in your number.
"There now you can call me whenever you need rescuing." You teased lightly, unable to stop smiling at him. That dorky side grin pulling at the corners of his mouth as he tucked his phone back away in his pocket. The pull between you both was something that was unexplainable, a fire that had been ignited and couldn't be put out had begun to develop between you both and there was no stopping it once it was started.
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dadfuckerfest · 1 year
Look what we found in Dad’s journal!
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Anyway, the Man writes like Yoda, but here is what we figured out:
1. What the fuck is a “Dadfucker Fest”?
It’s a weekend dedicated to the “fucking” part of Dadfucking.
2. How can someone contribute to this most wonderful and noble cause?
Give us porn! Remember, Dad wasn’t exactly a monk, and Dean gave him everything he’s ever had. All you have to do is write (or draw or edit) some dadsex and mention @dadfuckerfest and/or tag #dadfuckerfest (mentions are preferred, for consistency and notifications). We’ll reblog it to this page to share with your fellow dadfuckers and to save for posterity!
3. Wait, is it just John/Dean? What about [other canon/original character]?
Characters and ships other than John/Dean are most welcome! However, your work still has to be about J/D to some degree. This means threesomes, gangbangs, third-party POVs, role-play, J/D by-proxy, unrequited fantasies are a-okay. You can find some examples here. If you’re still unsure if something is allowed, feel free to ask for clarification. (Though to be honest, we’re not very picky over here.)
4.When is this dadsex going down?
When is it not going down?! Feel free to start working on your daddycestuous fic/art and sharing it as soon as you like. However, works will be reblogged to this blog on Friday, July 28th through Sunday, July 30th.
5. What’s with the day-by-day break-down?
Think of the day-by-day break-down as our reblog calendar, to help us categorize your works. Or if you like, think of them as very optional, not-at-all-serious “themes.” They are as follows: * Friday July 28th: (Pre-)Canon — i.e. the m/m J/D of our main timeline. * Saturday July 29th: Alternate Universe/Curses/Other Weird Shit— incl. genderswaps, John survives AUs, no-supernatural AUs, fuck-or-die, possession, Huntercorp, time-travel, monsterfucking, omega!verse, prequel AU, whatever your sicko heart desires! * Sunday July 30th: Kink — what it says on the tin: give us some kinky shit. As you can tell, the line between canon and AU is very blurry, and J/D can be kinky in any world. So don’t worry too much about sticking to themes – chances are, your work will fit in at least one of these days.
6. What about prompts?
Flip over to pg. 10 for instruction, and pg.11 for the list.
7. I don’t like any of the prompts and I want to freeball and/or rawdog it.
We see what you did there! Submissions need not be in response to a prompt. This is your chance to finish (or start!) some wips, to distill a story idea to its sexy essence without worrying about plot or worldbuilding, to turn a DFF ask into a little scene, etc. etc. Once again, as long as it’s J/D and porny we will take it!
More lore under the cut!
8. What is the desired porn-to-plot ratio?
As long as there is (a little, a hint of) fucking, we’ll take it! If you feel like you need plot to make your story work better/more enjoyable for *you*, please inject as much as you’d like.
9. How long should a fic submission be?
As long as tickles your pickle! You probably won’t get a lot of fucking done under 500 words, but feel free to prove us wrong.
10. I want you to reblog my stuff but this event name is very cringe and I don’t want to mention it.
A. Fuck you! B. You can notify us in other ways of your desire to share your filthy disgusting porn (e.g. dms, mention us in a reply, carrier pigeon, etc.)
11. John/Dean is so very sexy, but I’m shy and I don’t want to post on main. (This is NOT Jensen Ackles, by the way.)
They are the sexiest! You can post your work anonymously on ao3 and send us a link. You can also create a new tumblr account using a new email address and use that to share your wonderful daddycestuous creations. (If need be, we can also discuss email submissions).
12. Can my fic/art be used for another event?
Sure! As long as it hasn’t been published before.
13. Is non-con allowed?
Yes, but please give some heads-up in the tags or in the beginning of the fic.
14. Is under-age allowed?
See above.
15. I really want to participate but the timing doesn’t work for me.
No worries! a) Remember, you have two weeks from today to post whatever your heart desires. b) The point of this event is that it’s low stakes and there isn’t a lot of prep work required, which means theoretically we can have more than one round! If enough people want to participate again, we can definitely have a repeat later this summer/in the fall, etc. (Also, we always take late submissions!)
16. Who is the fucker behind the curtain?
Hi, it’s @egipci! Please feel free to send me any questions here or on my main blog!
17. We haven’t talked before/we don’t follow each other/I don’t like you. Can I still participate?
(Un)lucky for you, I love J/D about 1000x more than you don’t like me. As long as I can reblog your work to this blog, I will!
18. Your graphics suck! Our eyes are bleeding! Are you making this shit on a toaster?
Actually, I’m making it on an DIY busted-up Walkman-cum-toaster. If you got some better nerd instruments and you want to put them to good use, hit me up!
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maybe-your-left · 2 years
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heavy sigh…. no one asked for this but i’ve been reading too many dad KR fics and have to contribute.
“Have a nice day at school today! Happy Valentines!”
Belle rolled her eyes, closing out of the family text thread. This would not be a nice day at school, it would be the opposite! She-she couldn’t have a good day… it was the dreaded holiday.
Roses, pinks, reds, hearts, chocolates, people handing out cheap pieces of paper to one another in a show of fake affection.
She scoffed at that, the sentiment. Belle was too proud to celebrate such a holiday-no she was a strong, independent woman. Just like her dad said… but today wasn’t going to be a nice day.
She got dumped yesterday!
Belles eyes filled with tears, watery as she locked eyes with her phone screen under her wooden desk. Still the picture of her and her now ex boyfriend donning the front of it. A stupid snapchat filter over their love-how could he do this to her? On the day before Valentines?
She has splurged on a gift for him, a nice wrist watch and some eyeglasses cleaner. Belle always noticed he had smudges on the lenses and wanted him to know that she cared in her own way. But instead he dumped her! Over text!
And now all her friends were saying he was giving roses to some new girl with bigger boobs than her! The absolute disrespect!
And worse than that-she was heartbroken.
Belle couldn’t believe it, that the senior boy she has been seeing had been so cruel to her. After giving him her first kiss, and introducing her to her parents! He still left her, high and dry.
She didn’t even have the chance to cry about it, she didn’t want her parents to know about her being dumped. It would be too embarrassing-after she begged her dad to let her date the guy-practically promising stellar grades for an entire semester and to not talk back in her usual sarcastic tone. It was torture-but she did it for love!
A stray tear fell down her cheek, quickly wiping it away with her sleeve. Cringing at the foundation streak on her black sweater that it left behind, shit. She would have to fix her makeup in the bathroom, looking a round at her classroom she spied her friends looking at their own phones. Probably texting their boyfriends about there after school make out plans, while all Belle had was volleyball practice.
The loneliness crashed down on her shoulders, causing another wave of tears to overflow. She couldn’t stop it, hoping that Mr. Christensen’s lecture on world war two would drown out her sobs.
Belles phone went off in her hand, she quickly scrambled to grab it. Maybe it was him! Saying that he was back in love with her and had a bouquet of roses for her at lunch!
New Message from: Old Man Grumpy Pants 👹
I’m parked in front of the school. Please don’t delay when getting out of class.
Belles face scrunched in confusion, quickly texting off a frowning face. Why is he here? Doesn’t he have work right now? Its a Tuesday afternoon, usually he doesn’t have breaks on days he has patients. Surely Belles mom would’ve said if she had an appointment she could t take her too.
Maybe she had a dentist appointment, or worse, her dad was taking her to the hospital for some freak disorder she had and wasn’t aware of.
Just like her parents, to ambush her.
Belle dragged her feet leaving class, ignoring her friends conversations about their boyfriends and giving a side eye to her old boyfriend in the hall giving her a weird look.
She wanted to break down in tears once more when he waved at her while giving a card to that new girl.
Once she stepped outside, her phone started ringing. “Ugh,” she groaned, looking at the screen. Belles friend Violet gave her a look, “What’s wrong?”
“Just my dad calling me-I don’t know what he wants.”
“Why don’t you answer?” She laughed, looking down at her own phone, “Where are we going for lunch, Dustin said he would drive us off campus.”
Belle chewed her cheek, looking at the crowds of teenagers flooding the parking lot. She quickly made eye contact with a vehicle parked idle at the front lot, no one else could own such thing.
“Isn’t that your dad right there?” Violet pointed in the same direction.
Belle whimpered, “Sadly… I think he’s taking me to the dentist.”
“Sucks for you, having to hang out with your dad on Valentine’s day. Doesn’t he like-hate everything?”
Belle shrugged, “Let’s just get this over with.”
The girls followed Belle on the way to the Jeep, dodging sophomores, juniors and seniors. Bumping shoulders with couples left and right, Belle was growing more and more depressed the closer she came.
The window rolled down as she stepped up, grasping the handle. Violet jumped up, huge grin on her face before waving dramatically, “Hi, Dr. Ren!”
“Hello Miss Violet,” Belles dad spoke through the window, “Princess-I told you to be quick and now there’s swarms of teenagers around my car.”
“It’s a high school, dad. There’s gonna be teens,” Belle rolled her eyes, bidding her friends goodbye as she strapped into the seat. Not bothering to give her dad another glance before the sped off.
“She looked so sad this morning, you have to go see her today. Take her to lunch, bring her flowers, something. I heard her crying in the bathroom last night.”
Rens grip tightened on the steering wheel as he remembered his conversation with you the night before. Thinking about his baby’s face, drooping and sullen all evening while she adamantly refused to admit what was wrong.
He wanted to snatch her phone from her hands and find out what had happened, but you were right to calm him from that. Belle would never forgive him if he broke that trust.
So, he called his nurse, got all his patients out of the way this morning and took the rest of the day off. To show Belle how much he loved her, and how she should be treated on such a trivial holiday.
His princess deserved it.
He glanced towards the passenger seat, sulking into the black leather was his baby. Dressed in head to toe black, not her normal color palette, and her mascara heavy (that was normal for his teenager). But it looked clumped and messy, like she’d been fighting back tears all day. He couldn’t have that.
Ren cleared his throat, “How was school this morning?”
“Anything interesting happen?”
He prompted further, “Did you get anything from your friends? I bought the nursing staff flowers today because your mother told me it would be nice.”
“That’s cool.”
Ren scowled, stopped at the stop light to glare at his child. Deciding to just rip the bandaid off and make her spill what was wrong.
“Did Matt give you flowers today, or is he giving you them after school-“
And suddenly Belle was sobbing.
Ren had no idea what to do, was she broken? Did something happen that he should be made aware of? Did someone hurt her? Hurt his precious little monster?
“Belle, sweetie,” he started, only to make her sob even more, he could barely hear himself think as she wailed into her little hands. This was so much worse than what he was imagining, he thought maybe asking would prompt her to admit that he forgot or something stupid but this was so much worse.
Ren pulled off the road into a Walgreens parking lot, deciding he should comfort her before she became dehydrated. He didn’t want her to be hysterical, the only thing he encountered this type of crying was when you were pregnant with Odin… oh god no.
“Belle are you pregnant?”
“What?” her voice raised an octave, looking at him like he was crazy, “What the fuck dad!?”
“I just have to be sure!”
“Then what is wrong? You’re getting your makeup all over the car, and your nose is running, stop wiping your hands on your pants Belle-it’s disgusting!”
And her tears came flowing down again, maybe he was apart of the problem… He looked inward, thinking of how he should approach his hormonal (maybe) teenager.
Ren reached an arm across the console, careful to not startle his child. She flinched at his touch, it was unexpected, he handed embraced her as often as he wanted to as she had gotten older. He began rubbing in soft circles on her shoulder, shushing her as her tears dried down.
“Hush now, there’s no need for that. Its-its going to be alright. Just breathe a little bit,” he placed his left hand over her own, pulling her hands from clawing at her tear streaked face. His heart ached as he looked into the heartbroken eyes of his child, realizing now what had truly happened to make her so hysterical.
“Princess,” he whispered after her tears had died down a little more, “Is there anything you’d like to tell me?”
She shook her head side to side, squeezing her eyes shut in the process.
Ren tried again, “If not, it’s okay. I just want to make sure you’re okay. You know I don’t want you to be hurting like this, especially when you are doing it all alone.”
Belle sniffled, her voice was so small when she finally spoke. “It’s stupid…”
“No, nothing can ever be stupid if it hurts you.”
She nodded, “It’s just,” she took a deep breath, “You know that guy I was kinda dating?”
“Yes,” he growled a little, “The blonde one who wore glasses too big for his face? And called me ‘old man’?”
Ren rubbed her shoulder a little more, encouraging her. Belle took another breath, “Well, yesterday he broke up with me.”
His heart sank.
He broke up with her? His little girl? The most wonderful and beautiful girl in the world (aside from you of course), that anyone would be lucky to have grace their presence with? That lanky, big nosed jerk who said his Jeep was stupid that one time, dumped his little precious bundle of joy?
Absolutely not.
Ren quickly leaned across the console, not caring about smothering his daughter but needing to embrace her. No words he could share could lend the wound this silly boy had given her. All Belle needed right now was to know that he was there for her, and that he always would be.
He held onto her for a long time, letting her cry into his shoulder, and smear her too caked on makeup and mascara and snot all into his scrubs. He would wear the mess proudly just so his daughter knew that he was there for her. Ren hummed and shushed and rocked her back and forth as best he could until she tapped her little fingers on his biceps. Whispering out a pained, “I’m okay,” when she was through.
Ren did not take her back to school.
It was not important, instead he took her home. Briefly explaining to you what had happened while Belle washed her face and changed her clothes. You were angry, wanting to go tell the guy off and hold Belle in your arms but Ren talked you down from that ledge.
He took Belle to the nail salon, let her get whatever manicure and pedicure she wanted while he sat and worked on his emails.
Took her out to her favorite diner that serves waffles all day, every day, and watched her eat two servings of ice cream.
Bought her a necklace with a little cheesy heart on it, so she felt like she was loved by him. And she could keep it as a keepsake for when she was older. She wore it proudly out of the jewelry store, smiling down at it while they drove off together.
Ren even let her pick out some flowers at the store, that way she could keep them in her room. And have ones that would be unique to her, not the same bouquet everyone else gets on the holiday.
The two pulled into the garage at the end of the day, looking at one another as he sighed. Holding onto his daughters hand before squeezing it tight.
“I love you, Belle. And I’m sorry your first romance didn’t turn out like you wanted it to.”
She shrugged, squeezing his hand back, “It’s okay, I’m glad I got to spend it with you. I love you too, dad.”
i always wanted my dad to take me out of school on valentines but that NEVER HAPPENED.
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whoiszid · 11 months
Tumblr media
"David and Goliath"
Some of you are trivialising the boycott: that it being seasonal, and it won't make a dent to the establishments that are funding the genocide, that the efforts are misplaced, etc. 
I’d like to respond here in my own space rather than getting into unnecessary squabbles online with people who are no better than myself. Take it or leave it
Well, many of us are feeling angry and helpless over the wanton bloodshed. It is the only way for us normies to participate in the jihad - we are unable to fight this genocide in the battlefield (we’re even cringing at the thought of being called to the PLKN), let alone contribute anything worthy of change to the plight of the Palestinians.
An-Nu‘mān ibn Bashīr (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "The believers, in their mutual love, compassion, and sympathy are like a single body; if one of its organs suffers, the whole body will respond to it with sleeplessness and fever."
This is the only way we can inflict change through the only language capitalists understand: money. Do you think the companies would go all out to explain their “neutral stance” if they’re not worried about what a personal social media post would impact on their business? At the very least, it is for our own conscience. Nevermind if it won’t so much as cause a ripple, but we are doing our part to the cause.
On the authority of Abu Sa`eed al-Khudree (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) say, “Whosoever of you sees an evil, let him change it with his hand; and if he is not able to do so, then [let him change it] with his tongue; and if he is not able to do so, then with his heart — and that is the weakest of faith.”
I also saw statements such as: “Well if you’re boycotting A,B, and C, why not boycott the rest of the X, Y, and Z?” That is like saying if you’re donating to a cause, why not
give all your money then? Every one of us operates on varying capacities. We are doing what we can within our capabilities, no matter how small. Some participate in peaceful protests, others make videos to raise awareness, and I paint to express my stand.
How about the workers affected? I can’t speak for them but I am at risk of a career suicide too for speaking up working for an international company with whom I’ve had the best professional relationship for the past 10 years. I dare say they’re tenfold upfront than my past experiences with Muslim-run businesses. But that’s the risk I’m taking while others are risking their lives documenting the horrors in Gaza and the West Bank. Palestinians are losing their homes, lives, and their loved ones. Yet they can still say Alhamdulillah.
Did you know that mothers are having C-section, children being amputated, babies operated on without anaesthetics? There are women who have had their uterus removed to save their lives from postpartum bleeding.
Let’s stop criticising others who are doing their part in solidarity with generations of suffering, those affected by the sight of parents collecting body parts sprawling amongst the rubble, fathers cradling their babies with their heads split open from the bombings, mothers refusing to wash her hands from the blood of her martyred children she carried in her womb, and the children not knowing their fates being orphaned. 
At least they are doing something to take a stand in the face of injustice.
Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said, "Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, should not hurt his neighbour and whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, should serve his guest generously and whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, should speak what is good or keep silent."
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yostresswritinggirl · 2 years
What are you talking about? She’s on a forced vacation because of her shenanigans. I fucking wish— Childish Jiang…
Alice is pretty important given her contributions to Teyvat. Klee, first and foremost.
The Tree That Stands Alone quest where you find treasure in Mingyun and it turns out all three sons let their greed for treasure kill them. Their dad has filled the chest each year with some mora so they could later use it to buy some stuff and reminisce about the old times except they’re all dead now. That was so sad.
A lot of the NPCs were done relatively well, I think. The world quests really hurt in a good way and definitely adds to Dain’s argument against trusting the gods. I still think we should have be able to beat the shit out of Azar.
Madame Ping for giving us the teapot. It’s taking forever to build furniture and collect wood, though. I’m almost there.
Overall, I’m pleased at the complexity and contrast (and similarities!) between the immortals and mortals in the game. It’s like “What of duty?” “What of sacrifice?” sort of thing. I admit, there are instances of bad writing in the game, but it’s… it’s a pleasant thing to explore in game and lore.
Bloom anon
*sobbing in hands* What is this thread, weren't we just simping for NPCs, how did it end up like this Bloom anon
Also sudden thought I had earlier but Gold and Alice are now girlfriends in my eyes, I am converted, baptized. But yes, here and there, even the minimal ones Genshin does put in work to make them nice and likeable, sometimes even brutal about it (except for Xavier's er second movie, I cringed so hard at the film). But yes on that, we should have been given the option to beat up or leave Azar to the forest like the guy in the Aranara quest
Even tho it fucking hurts, I love how genshin can go ham with npcs since they won't have to worry about killing them off here and there, the flavor of it all and everything. Even the tiny ones where they're just living their lives, but watching it all progress is so good. There are even some pieces where the npcs parallel characters or resemble their stories
One thing I wanna note is I hope we get back to Jeht, I'm worried for her and I really wanted to be there after the Golden Slumber quest (but also MIHOYO PLEASE GIVE ME LOREMASTER WORLD QUEST I WILL TAKE SO MANY PICTURES, KNEES ON THE GROUND)
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expensivemistake · 2 years
I’m not trying to sound rude or entitled but how come yours and others amazing Klaine/Kurt/Blaine sets do poorly in terms of notes but others gifsets of Brittany or Santana or both do better when I thought Klaine was more popular? It’s sad to see you not get recognized, even if notes don’t matter much I still think you guys deserve more.
Ooh, this is definitely an interesting question. Thank you so much for being sweet about it!! I'm defo not the best gifmaker on here lol. Sometimes I think I get no notes just because my sets are ugly after a few weeks. But I'm really glad you enjoy them!!!
I wanna start by saying that, y'know, notes really don't matter. Especially making Glee content lmao. You can really get yourself tied up in knots about that stuff. Hell, I still do.
But I've definitely thought about this a lot, and I think there's two groups to consider here: dedicated gleeks and general tumblr users.
So, first up, dedicated gleeks.
Now, considering recent polls and stuff, it's clear Kurt and Blaine are the most popular within the dedicated group of people who put time and effort into Glee on here. But I can't help but feel like there's a bit of a divide in terms of Klaine fandom. I'm 21, and obviously didn't watch Glee when it was on, and I feel like sometimes my sets don't make it into the group of Klaine shippers over 30. No hate to those people, by the way! I think a lot of them don't really know we're here, or keep to their groups. But there's definitely a different level of engagement from those people, just because they experience fandom a little differently to how I do.
And the second group, general tumblr users.
Opposed to that, I think there's more general goodwill towards Brittana right now, probably because since Naya died, a lot of people have rediscovered and are really connecting to Santana again. Even if those people aren't actively contributing to the glee bubble, they seem pretty willing to share Santana/Brittana stuff. I've spoken to some other people sometimes about the concept of a gifset "breaking containment", and it definitely feels more likely for Brittana sets to do that. I can't help but think a lot of people who look back at Glee/their Glee days as cringe view Klaine/Kurt/Blaine as a big part of that. There's also a few ideas I have about how generally, people don't understand Kurt in particular and misread him as being a homophobic stereotype of a character.
But those are my thoughts. Obviously they work in conjunction. There's also the general gifmaking problems that plague us all, and that's the unfortunate fact that artistic gifsets never seem to do as well as sets that are literally just scenes (which are obviously beautiful and take time too).
And obviously, I'm preaching to the choir a bit here, but please, if you see a set you like - share it, like it, reblog it, compliment it! Hell, even just send it to me if I've not seen it yet. That's the joy of fandom on here!
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Prestigious Private School AU (RenRuki)
Part of the "We Can't All Be Winners" anthology series of oneshots.
Chapter Summary:
High school was hard enough, and then her beloved sister got married. Now all of a sudden, Rukia is at a brand new prestigious private school where she is instantly both the most popular and least popular person around. Will anyone take the time to see Rukia for who she truly is?
Chapter available below!
The minute the bell rang, Rukia sprang from her desk and ran to her locker. She quickly grabbed her books, stuffed them into her backpack, and headed towards the exit.
‘Almost there,’ She thought, ‘Just a little farther,’ but just as she rounded the corner, she ran into them.
“Oh, look, if it isn’t Mouse,” sneered Aaron, a tall, black haired teen. He wore a white jacket with a skull emblem on the back and a nine on the front. He had a clearly fake skull tattoo on his left cheek. “Now where might you be scurrying off to?” As if on cue, his twin, Niero, who wore a matching jacket and tattoo, laughed.
‘Great, the Arruruerie twins…just the people I was trying to avoid…’ Rukia cringed. “None of your business, Arruruerie dorks.” She said, trying to quickly duck around them.
“Oh ho! Think you are better than us, do you?” Niero Arruruerie sneered. He grabbed her shoulder and forced her back against the locker. Rukia glared up at him.
"You really want to fight me, knuckleheads?!"
“Please, Kuchiki. You know you could never beat us in a real fight, right?”
Rukia knocked his hand away. “If you all really believed that, you wouldn’t be so afraid to spar with me in Mixed Martial Arts Club,” Rukia bit back.
“And what? Get in trouble with the teachers for beating up their prized celebrity? Yes, that makes perfect sense,” Aaron laughed. “Face it, Kuchiki, you're only at this school because your sister gold dug herself a rich heir or whatever and got you all the good life.”
Niero laughed, and following suit, clasped his hands together, in fake admiration, "It’s so sweet, a real life fairy tale. Your sister, a poor, destitute Cinderella, finally found her prince! But Oh! What does that make you, huh? Her animal companion? Isn’t that right, little Mouse?” He jabbed his finger at her face. “Face it, Kuchiki, you aren’t anything without them!”
“Yes, yes,” Aaron said. “With the kind of grades you get, you never would have gotten in here without their money. Or more accurately, the Kuchiki Family’s money.”
Rukia was livid. How dare they say that about her, about them, "Maybe so, but despite all of your family's money, you still choose to look that way on purpose? Twice?" Rukia snapped back.
“Why you little!” The twins pulled back their fists, but just then, a teacher was spotted down the hall.
“Is everything alright?” A gentle voice asked. It was their literature teacher, Jūshirō Ukitake, “Aaron and Niero Arruruerie, are you bothering Rukia Kuchiki?”
“Oh, no sir, of course not, sir. We were simply trying to get an autograph from Ms. Celebrity here!” said Aaron, quickly turning his fist into a pointed finger.
“Yes, yes,” continued Niero, “But look at that, neither of us have a pen,” he shrugged, “Too bad! See you later, Kuchiki.” And with that they left, bumping into her as they went. Rukia glowered at their backs.
“Don’t let those boys get to you, Rukia, they are very troubled to say the least.” Mr. Ukitake said, shaking his head. Rukia didn’t respond. “I loved your sister’s story, by the way! I read about it in my favorite magazine, BANZAI For BONSAI! It’s about botany, if that wasn’t clear. Normally it doesn’t cover that sort of thing, but with Byakuya’s proficiency with gardens, and substantial contributions to the magazine, they had a special. Plus the flowers they had at the wedding were just beautiful! I should really visit those gardens again some day.” Ukitake trailed off, looking wistful. He stood there dreamily for a moment.
“Um, sir?” Rukia said tentatively. Ukitake blinked.
“May I go home now?”
“Oh dear, look at the time! Sorry for keeping you, Kuchiki, see you on Monday.”
“Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.” Rukia said politely, and walked off.
When Rukia finally made it out to the school yard, she made sure no one was looking before hauling herself up into her favorite tree. Just because she couldn’t convince her brother-in-law to stop having the servants pick her up by limousine, didn’t mean she had to stand around being gawked at till they got there.
The sun shone brightly and the wind blew pleasantly through the branches. Rukia leaned back against the trunk of the tree, and took a deep breath before slowly letting it out again. It was Friday. She had made it through the week. She could relax. It was going to be okay.
‘Well, until next week of course, and the week after that,’ She thought ruefully. The students had been the same as ever this week, either kissing up to her or talking about her behind her back. While school life hadn't exactly been great before her sister had married the illustrious Byakuya Kuchiki, at least no one had paid her any attention at her public school. Now she was practically a celebrity.
Rukia sighed. She was happy for Hisana, she really was. And her brother-in-law was…trying his best. But now that she was ‘rich and famous’, everyone made all kinds of assumptions or judgments based on half known facts. Whether people wanted to be her friend or not, it had nothing to do with who she was, but rather to who she was related to. Rukia thought back to her conversation with the Arruruerie twins, and sighed again.
“Mouse, huh? I wish I were a mouse.” Rukia laughed bitterly to herself, “Then I could scurry away from here and hide from it all.”
As she sat in her tree, watching the students file out of the school noisily, Rukia’s musings were interrupted by a flash of vibrant red hair moving across the school yard. She looked down and saw a young man, with two other students, exit the building. Renji Abarai… He was a new transfer, and had only been going to the school for a short time now, but he had already managed to make quite the impression. He was smart, often getting high marks on his tests, and was athletic, having signed up for most of the sports clubs.
Rukia had personally met him after another pretty bad day in the school’s Mixed Martial Arts Club. Technically she was undefeated, but that was because everyone either refused to spar with her or they purposely took it easy on her. Sighing, she had been about to just give up for the day, when he walked up.
"I'm here to fight the unbeatable Rukia Kuchiki!" He shouted. Rukia gave him a look. Was he making fun of her?
"You asked for it, buddy. Don't expect me to go easy on you just cause you're new."
"That's what I wanna hear!" He said, and took a stance on the mat. She did the same. Renji threw a punch at her, and she easily dodged to the side. At the last second however, he dropped to the ground and swept his leg, knocking her to the ground.
"Is that the best you can do?" He goaded. Oh, is that how it is? Rukia thought, Well in that case…
“I’m just warming up,” Rukia said casually, brushing herself off, “Try coming at me again.” Rukia took another stance. Renji threw a punch at her again, but this time when she dodged to the side, she immediately grabbed his arm and flipped him onto his back. Hard.
“Oof! Dang girl, how much muscle are you packing in those scrawny arms of yours?” Renji muttered, sitting up and rubbing his back.
“Sorry? What was that? Was that a compliment? Are you giving up already?” Rukia boasted, standing over him triumphantly.
“Psh, you wish!” Renji said, and quickly scrambled to his feet.
They went on for a while like that. She would get the next hit and then he would get in a couple. They even pulled off a dirty trick or two on each other. Eventually she won, but they were both exhausted. She thought he would be angry, and he did look pretty frustrated. But when she offered her hand to help him up, he took it.
“Psh, I’ll get you next time.” He had said.
“Yeah, sure you will.” She had said, but she found that they were smiling at each other.
Back in the present, Renji had gotten all the way to the sidewalk, only to stop, turn around, and dash back into the school as if he had forgotten something, excusing himself from his friends. Rukia chuckled, that was Abarai for you.
Eventually, Renji reopened the door and exited the building again, walking casually across the yard, a small smile on his lips. Most of the other students had left at this point, there was just a small group waiting by the school sign. They watched Abarai walk past, and began to follow him. Rukia recognized them immediately by the skull emblem on their jackets. They belonged to the same group as Aaron and Niero, although they didn’t appear to be with them. Instead it was Szayelaporro Granz and his crazy tall goons. Szayelaporro, who got the top grade in all his classes. Szayelaporro, who was known to use intimidation to keep it that way. Szayelaporro, who recently lost out on the top test grade in their shared honors chemistry class to Renji. This was bad. Szayelaporro and his goons surrounded Renji, and started talking to him about something. Renji stiffened. One of the bullies slammed his fist into the wall next to Renji's head. Rukia leaped from the tree.
Ugh, how did I end up in this situation… Renji thought ruefully, with his back up against the wall, surrounded by three angry and surprisingly tall teens.
*Ten minutes earlier*
Renji was on his way to the library with his friends, when he realized he had forgotten his book and doubled back. He had been doing that more often lately, getting spacey that is. That happened whenever he thought about her.
"Rukia," he said aloud, if only to himself, and smiled a little. He liked her name, it sounded tough and pretty at the same time. ‘Which she is!’ He thought. She had whipped his butt more than once in their Mixed Martial Arts Club by now, not that he hadn't gotten a few good hits in himself.
Renji had first noticed her in that after school club. He had been going for a little while now, and already he was running low on sparring partners. A lot of the students were just rich pansies trying to learn a few moves to look cool in front of their friends and not much else. But it didn’t take long for him to notice that one of the other students seemed to be having not much luck finding partners either, Rukia Kuchiki. When it came time to spar, the other students either avoided her like the plague, or she beat them so easily, it was clearly no contest. Of course, it could be due to her small stature, maybe the other students were afraid of breaking her arms or something and getting into trouble. But she always looked bored, not scared, and when she hit someone, she hit them hard. Interesting, Renji thought, Let’s test this out.
For better or for worse, Renji’s observation skills had proven themselves right again. Rukia Kuchiki was tough. She had taken him, a man several heads taller than her, and threw him into the ground. And while he had gotten several good hits in, his ego quickly reminded him, she had clearly been the victor in the end.
Renji had finally reached where he had left his book, picked it up, and then headed back out. He wondered what Rukia was up to right now. Probably headed home, maybe studying for the test. He rarely saw her around the grounds, or out of their shared Honors Chemistry class. He's pretty sure they're in the same grade, so maybe she's just not taking any other honors classes? Oh well, that's fine. If they are in the same grade, they should still have lunch at the same time. So next time he saw her, he could ask her to…maybe…sit together with him? Renji shook his head, No, no, no, that's way too forward, Abarai. No way she'd say yes! Besides, if she goes to this school, then isn’t she like rich or something? What would a rich girl like her see in a guy like you anyways…
Just then, Renji bumped into a lanky guy who was nearly as tall as he was.
"Oh sorry, dude, didn't see you there."
"Well, look who it is, boys, it's Abarai." The pink haired student with glasses said.
Renji spun around to notice two more students to either side of him. The school wall was to his back. Crap, Szayelaporro Granz and his goons. And they already have me surrounded.
"What do you want, Granz?" Renji asked, crossing his arms and standing up to his full height.
"Why I'm here to congratulate you of course! I heard you did well on that last chemistry exam. Got a hundred percent, not including all the extra credit you did."
Renji narrowed his eyes, "Yeah, what about it?"
"What it is about, Abarai, is that while you may savor your victory for now. You may not want to push your small brain so hard next time."
"And why is that?"
"Because we all know, that our chemistry teacher, Mr. Kurotsuchi, only gives out one college recommendation for the entire year, and I can assure you it is going to be mine. So therefore there is no reason for you to bother yourself with it. You can always just retake his class next year and try again. So don't push yourself so hard, you'll only exhaust that little brain of yours trying to compete with me." He said, pushing up his glasses.
"Sure, sure, and if I don't?"
At that moment, one of the other students to the side of Renji, both whom somehow managed to be even taller than him, smashed his fist into the wall beside his head.
"Now, now Abarai, don't be like that! We wouldn't want to do something drastic!"
"You really gonna have your goons beat me up? Over a grade?!" Renji bit back. Szayelaporro pretended to looked surprised.
"Beat you up over a grade? Heavens, no! They would never do something as vulgar as that. However, they might be willing to…defend me…against a brutal attack from some big, tattooed thug trying to…lets see now…force me to do his homework for him? Yes, that sounds about right." Szayelaporro smiled devilishly at him. "How else would someone like you get such high marks?"
Renji's reflexively tightened his fists. "Why you…"
"Oh, no! Fellas, look! That brute is about to attack me! Heeelp!"
The two upperclassmen immediately went on the attack, both punching Renji squarely in the gut. Renji coughed and hacked and fell to one knee. They were about to go in for a double blow to the head when-
"Why don't you pick on someone half your size, you maggots?!" And suddenly both teens were tripped up by a sliding kick.
"What the…? Who dares?!" Szayelaporro yelled, whipping his head around. "Mouse…" he sneered.
"That's Lady Mouse, to you!" Rukia sneered back. She quickly grabbed Renji by the arm and pulled him to his feet. "Can you run? We need to get out of here before Vice Principal Sasakibe shows up. Or worse…"
"Yeah…yeah, I can."
As they ran off, they could hear Szayelaporro yelling after them from a distance. "After them, you neanderthals! Don't think this changes anything, Abarai-"
After running down several streets, and around several bends, they finally stopped to rest in a park under the cover of the trees.
"I don't think they are chasing us anymore," said Rukia, breathing heavily, one arm pushed against a tree for support.
"Yeah…" Renji agreed, panting, hands on his knees, "Thanks."
Rukia slowly stood up, and looked at him. "My only question is, why didn't you do it yourself? I've seen you at our Mixed Martial Arts Club. Heck, I heard you are even in the track and soccer clubs. You could have taken them easily, so why didn't you?"
"I..I can't get into trouble. I can't get kicked out of school. My…uh, parents…could never afford to send me here. I got a scholarship due to my grades. If I got kicked out due to fighting I…"
Rukia looked to the side, and breathed out her nose, "Yeah…I get that."
"In any case, thanks again for getting me outta that jam," Renji said. He stood up and looked at his watch, "Crap! Is it that late already? I'm so sorry, I gotta go! I'm already running late!"
"Oh. Well, I can walk you home if you want. Just in case you run into them again, I mean."
"Thanks, but I'm not headed home, I'm headed over to the library to meet up with my study group."
Rukia looked at him quizzically, "Really? On a Friday?"
"Yeah… We have a chemistry test on Monday, you know."
Renji chuckled. "Forgot to study, huh?"
"Sh-shut up! I'll figure something out."
"Yeah, suuuuure! But, hey, if you want, I'll lend you some of my notes and you can join us."
"I… I don't want to impose…"
"You're not imposing! Besides, it's the least I can do to pay you back after you got me out of that jam."
“Well…I guess I could maybe-”
Both of them jumped up at the sudden sound of a cell phone ring. Rukia flipped open her phone and cursed.
“Hello?” she said tentatively.
“Where are you?” came the deep, masculine voice. Despite the monotone, it was clearly angry. Rukia cringed.
“At Rockbridge Park.”
“Why weren’t you at the school? Your sister and I came to pick you up personally today. You know how easily she gets tired.” Rukia could hear Hisana in the background, ‘Is that Rukia? Is she okay?’
Craaaaaap “You should have informed me, Brother, I went to the park to meet a-” She looked up at Renji, “friend?” Renji, who had been unable to hear the conversation, and was looking pretty secondhand nervous, perked up at this.
“That should not matter. If it was not us, it would have been one of the servants, and they do not get paid to look for you. You should have informed us beforehand. We are coming to pick you up.”
Rukia’s heart sunk. For the first time since she had started at this school, she had finally been genuinely asked to hang out with someone, only for it to be whisked away. Figures, Rukia thought.
Renji watched Rukia’s face twist up. This was clearly going poorly. Renji thought for a moment and said, “Why don’t you tell him I’m your tutor.”
“Hold on, Brother, my friend is speaking and I do not wish to be rude,” Rukia said, and she removed the phone from beside her face. Then she gave Renji a look, “Sorry, I should what now?”
“It’s…not technically a lie,” Renji shrugged, “I am sharing my notes with you and you do need help studying for the test.”
Rukia continued to stare at him, “Renji that is the oldest lie in the book. Telling an authority figure a boy is your tutor… Any normal person would practically think we were secretly dating or something.”
Renji blushed and looked away, scratching the back of his head, “Just trying to give you an easy way out, is all…”
Rukia regarded him for a moment and thought. It was true that Renji was technically going to be helping her study. He also was pretty smart overall, so he could potentially help her out with other classes in case they needed a long term cover. Also, when it came to interpersonal relationships, Byakuya Kuchiki seemed a little…dense. While a normal person would see past this easily, he may not.
Rukia made her decision. “Wait, Brother, he’s…um…not just my friend, he’s also my tutor! He got very high marks on the last test we took, and since we have another one on Monday, he’s helping me study!” She said quickly, “In fact, we were on our way to the library right now!”
Byakuya was silent for a moment, “While I am glad that you are taking your studies more seriously, you still should have-” But he was cut off by his wife.
“Oh, come now, Byakuya, it’s not that big a deal. Let her go with her friend to the library.”
“Hisana, she needs to learn responsibility.”
“She’s a teen, Byakuya. And besides, she’s going to the library to study. Something you are always trying to get her do more of anyway. Here, hand me the phone.” Rukia heard Byakuya sigh over the phone, some shuffling, and then Hisana’s voice came in clearly through the receiver, “Rukia?”
Rukia perked up a bit, “Yes?”
“Is this the red haired boy from your class you told me about the other day?”
“Uh…Yes?” Rukia said, a little bit confused.
Hisana smiled to herself, “I see. Well have fun, dear, and don’t stay out too late.” And with that, she hung up the phone. Rukia stared at her phone for a minute. What was that about?
Renji watched her for a moment, before tentatively asking, “You good? Everything go okay?”
Rukia looked up at him, “Surprisingly, yes. Sorry for…well, all of that really.” She finished lamely.
“That was pretty intense.” Renji chuckled a little nervously, scratching his head. “Your bro always like that?”
“Kind of… He’s not really my “bro”, he’s my brother-in-law. I live with him and my sister. She just wants me to call him brother both because it’s shorter and because she claims it will make us closer or something like that.”
“Oh, okay, cool cool.”
They were both silent for a moment. ‘Great job, Rukia,’ she thought, ‘finally made a friend, and you’ve already made it awkward…’ She crossed her arms across her chest and looked down.
“Listen, Renji, you don’t actually have to tutor me or anything. I’m sorry I put you on the spot. I can just study by myself in the park for an hour or two and then go home.”
Renji looked almost offended. “What, no! I’m the one who offered, stupid, so of course I’m going to study with you! I still got to pay you back for getting me out of that jam, don’t I? So let’s go!”
“Wait, really?” Rukia said, looking back up at him.
“Yes, really! Now hurry up, ‘cause we’re already late!” Renji said, turning to walk towards the park exit. He looked at her over his shoulder with a smirk. “You may be able to beat me in a fight, but I bet you can’t beat me in a race!”
Rukia smirked back, “You sure you want to do that? I’m a lot faster than you in a fight too, you know. You really think you can beat me in a race?”
“You forget,” Renji said, getting into position, “I’m on the track team. Speed in a fight is one thing, but I’ve got endurance.”
“And giraffe-like legs,” Rukia said, getting into position next to him.
“Those help too,” he admitted, and with that, they were off.
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meggie-stardust · 2 years
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I posted 1,335 times in 2022
181 posts created (14%)
1,154 posts reblogged (86%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,315 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#meg writes fic - 121 posts
#meg answers things - 80 posts
#meg watches teen wolf - 65 posts
#dracula daily - 31 posts
#steter - 31 posts
#count memeula - 28 posts
#says the girl with the elvish tattoo - 27 posts
#steter mini bang 2022 - 27 posts
#also doubles as an intro post - 26 posts
#fandom - 24 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#but familiar. you leave a valuable impression on those you meet. your humor is witty and smart and probably gets people to laugh so hard th
My Top Posts in 2022:
@steterweek Day 6: Epistolary elements. It took me like 5 mins to craft the "story" and then like an hour to make these dumb images, and I still got the date/time stamps messed up. OH WELL. Also, I of course, had to use these images that dropped this week. OBVIOUSLY.
Stiles goes on vacation without Peter
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See the full post
45 notes - Posted July 29, 2022
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Friends, I'd like to present my @steter-bang 2022 fic and the stunning art by my partner @bettertasting. This is her first contribution to the TW/Steter fandom, and I am so damn lucky that she was my partner for this. Y'all have to tell her how amazing the art is so she keeps giving us Steter content. 💜
This fic wouldn't have gotten anywhere without the cheerleading from my co-mods @teenwerewoofs and @midmorning-bomb, and the words of wisdom and encouragement from @punchedbymarkesmith.
At This Truth We Have Arrived
After years of exacting revenge on the Argents for the murder of Laura, Peter returns to Beacon Hills only to be confronted by the truth that the pack has moved on without him. But the fact that everything he once knew has changed isn't necessarily a bad thing; not when there is someone like Stiles who is so full of possibilities.
OR as my WIP notes for this fic say: "Peter is curious. They do something. Murder murder. Sex sex."
“Okay, so the thing is, and I’m not criticizing you here,” Stiles says as they turn off the main road and onto a ranger access road, “but the thing is that when you got rid of all the Argents, some folks may have taken that as an invitation to, you know, take their place.” Peter slams on the breaks and turns to Stiles as the car skids to a halt on the dirt road. “Have you been dealing with other hunting families?” “Ugh, no,” Stiles says, rubbing at the spot where the seat belt tightened over his chest. “Not families. More like the odd vigilante.” “That’s still not great, but––” “Until now,” Stiles interrupts. “This one, Monroe, I think she might be a bigger problem if we don’t…” “Take care of her?” “Take care of. Murder. Po-tay-to. Po-tah-to,” Stiles says easily. “The point is she’s recruiting.”
Read At This Truth We Have Arrived and see the amazing art on AO3.
52 notes - Posted September 1, 2022
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"How dare you touch him, any of you? How dare you cast eyes on him when I had forbidden it? Back, I tell you all! This man belongs to me! Beware how you meddle with him, or you'll have to deal with me."
200 notes - Posted May 16, 2022
Lucy writing to Mina like
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2,889 notes - Posted May 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I know a ton of people have said this before but for the love everything PLEASE stop treating AO3 like instagram. It is NOT cringe to comment on an old story. It’s an archive old stories are still meant to be found and read. Please think about interacting with the fic you read: at least kudos if you read it, a comment would be ideal. The authors will be over the moon. I guarantee you not a single author is going to ask why someone is commenting on an older fic.
23,026 notes - Posted October 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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specterjest3r · 2 years
Who the hell are you??
I'm SpecterJester! Although I'd prefer you would call me North! I'm your local feral Scottish person that has a long list of things I enjoy, but I mostly stick to the horror stuff.
How old are you?
I'm 22, I'm a 2001 baby, so I have seen the birth of YouTube, and I'm older than the Game Cube.
What are your pronouns?
I go by she/they pronouns, those are the ones I'm most comfortable with, I am fine with stuff like dude, bro, all that stuff! Just don't use he/him for me! Thank you!!
What is your gender identity
Wouldn't you like to know, weather boy.
Are you in any fandoms?
I'm not in a particular fandom as I prefer to just post something and run away without interacting much with those spaces, people scare me and I just want to share the funny little guys I like :)
May I make fanart of your characters/fan designs?
I will kill you (affectionately), go for it man!
Why do you constantly say you'll bite people
I don't know, neurodivergent urge probably... or maybe I just have the taste for blood. Who knows!
What's with the self insert posts?
I just enjoy making that content, yeah it's a bit weird, I'm aware, but I think it's super fun. I never really got to do it as a teen due to the cringe culture movement back then, so consider this a reclaimant of childhood? I mean, who doesn't want to fight the characters they like lmao
What software do you use for your work?
I use Clip Studio Paint EX and After Effects, I live in constant pain with my program choices. I miss FireAlpaca.
Do you have any rules about asks?
Please don't send me NSFW, drama posts or anything about boosting posts. These sorts of things stress me out, and generally I don't keep track of these sorts of things. Be aware that I may block you for it. I also don't reblog help-funds or charity posts unless I am 100% certain they aren't a scam. Unfortunately, people are cruel and are willing to lie for money, and I refuse to contribute to that.
Do you have any rules about tagging you?
I'm fine if people tag me in artwork/fanart, but please don't tag me in memes, call out posts, warning posts or posts with triggering content. If a call-out post is that important that I need to see it, please just dm it to me!
Why do you rarely have anon asks on?
Death threats. I can only come up with so many hilarious responses.
You follow [insert problematic person here]!
I will 100% not be aware of what a certain person has done, I would appreciate being made aware of such things, but please don't take me following them as instant certification that I support someone's horrible behaviour and actions.
What content are you NOT okay with?
Racism, lolicon/paedophilia, sexual abuse, drugs, homo/transphobia, ableism, self-harm/suicide baiting. The usual stuff. Instant block if I'm sent or tagged in this content.
Who are you not comfortable with following your account
Proshippers and DreamSMP stans, these are the ones that come to mind. It’s an instant block.
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insanetwocubes · 2 years
Is defusing the situation gaslighting?
I mean it's something that makes me come off as the bad guy and then her having to make no changes. That's gaslighting, right?
Did she imply you were a bad guy?
Not technically.
Could you just be feeling guilty for the way you acted?
Well, how do you know? With Flare everything is muddled, she doesn't make things straight.
I sure hope not.
Emillie, Flare has-
A rough past, I know. But that doesn't excuse her from bringing toxic traits to us.
So how do you know?
Do you hate her or something? Why are you so out to make her some villain?
Because she's not perfect!
No. No, she's not.
So why are well all on our knees scrambling to fucking please her and be positive and shit. She doesn't own us.
Emillie, we're family.
I didn't choose her to be my family!
Alright okay. Listen.
You're on her side. Of course. I should've known.
Emillie! I'm not on anyone's side.
I'm not. Well, I'm on our side. Both of your sides.
You can't be on my side if you're on hers.
Okay girl! Listen!
You don't have to love her. But you're stuck with her. And if you're gonna be a pain, she's stuck with you, too.
I just don't understand why she took my life away from me.
She didn't do anything. She's keep the life warm until what needs to be done is done.
I was doing that just fine.
Yeah. That's the po- wait. Do you think this implies that you weren't doing a good job?
Emillie, everyone knows she's doing a much worse job than you. No one thinks otherwise.
But she keeps walking around like she owns the place.
She... does own the place.
She doesn't own me.
That's not true, you're smitten.
Yeah... I choose to be. It's love.
Well. I don't like it. She takes on too much stress. And she can't decide where we're at. Do I love her, do I get it, am I mean? Like who are we here?
I yell at her, she does nothing about it. I do nothing about it, she does nothing about it. It's like she just... it's just random. It doesn't make sense. I don't know what this is. Why is this so....
Sounds like feelings are complicated.
Sounds like your feelings are complicated.
She's all like "you should love me" and then "I should love myself" all while it's... it just feels.... complicated.
That's okay.
I just wasn't supposed to see her again. And then she comes back takes over and everything is worse.
That's Flare for you.
And I'm the bad guy for not just sitting on my ass and looking at her with mesmerized eyes like you.
You're not a bad guy.
Then she must be.
She's not. Do you think miss little "forgiveness forgiveness" has a bad bone in her body?
Well, she's not a exactly good.
No, she's not. I wouldn't like her if she was. She wouldn't like me.
You wouldn't like her if she was good?
No. We'd get along horribly. And she would hate me and treat me worse.
Worse, better, potato, potahto.
What the hell did you just write down?
I'm an artist, I'm not a writer like you guys.
She's not a writer.
Emillie. Where do you think you come from?
Then why are her posts so trash? I mean roleplay asterisks? Cringe!
We're from a cringe community.
So. My feelings are complicated.
Think of it this way, Em. I know what I want. I want to give her the world. Now, what do you want?
I want to.... contribute to the family.
That's great!
Okay. I'm sorry.
Tsk. Stop that. Feelings are complicated. I get it. You know how many times I've told her I hated her?
Did you genuinely?
Kind of. It was a sucky situation. I was miserable, she was miserable, she made me miserable, I made her miserable back. It was very far from how you see us now. I wasn't created to be some lost puppy.
And you don't have to be like that either. You guys should learn from each other. Teach her how to be skilled in emotions like you--my little genius-- and let her teach you how to prioritize teamwork and specialization.
Hey. Question. Is this like a relationship thing or an us thing?
I think for all intensive purposes it's an us thing. But because it's a relationship, we can sort of extrapolate given we understand that it's an us thing first.
You guys... okay?
Emillie? Are we okay?
....no. But I'll work on it.
That's fine, angel.
Hey, Emillie?
I'll listen. If you want to talk, if you don't want to talk. That's fine.
Psh. Stop loving me so much, it's gross!
Ey is okay.
I can hear you!
0 notes
sexysilverstrider · 2 years
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this is the only thing i can perceive of reiji about yuma
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worstloki · 3 years
Okay, this is gettin’ real screwed up here.
I watch a lot of TV. Probably too much. And I’ve seen characters beaten to their knees before, sometimes even with collars. And yeah, there’s usually someone standing over them, and it’s been a woman sometimes. The kind of scene we got in episode 5 of Loki is not new ground.
But here’s the thing. In EVERY OTHER SCENE I can remember like this, the person kneeling is the hero. They’ve been brought down, fully humbled before the sneering villain, and in a few minutes something will happen to get them back on their feet again. It’s usually a tense moment, a “what if they break?” that makes you want the hero to win. You aren’t rooting for, or even liking in some cases, the person standing. You’re cheering for the person on their knees.
This doesn’t seem to be the case with the Loki show. Yes, the viewers may be rooting for Loki, but there’s no hatred for Sif there. She’s not proved herself to be a cold, heartless villain, ruthlessly pounding the hero until all he can do is kneel at her feet.
Except…she did kind of do that. But it isn’t treated as something bad. It’s treated more as something Loki deserved, in my opinion. The show wants us to feel like he deserved to get repeatedly beaten up and told horrible things, just for cutting off a lock of Sif’s hair. I’ll grant, it’s peanuts compared to what happened to him in the mythology. But it’s still bad. Especially since they had him acknowledge it, repeat her cruel words back. They’re playing it off as if Loki is still the villain by himself, and is only good because of other people- Mobius, mostly, but Sif is part of that.
That’s not the way Loki’s character is. In the comics particularly, his biggest arcs are always about reinventing the labels given to him, changing “villain” into something good, something he can use, and doing it by himself. Yes, there’s outside influence, but ultimately Loki is the one who decided to change.
The show is not letting him do that. The show is portraying him as a stubborn jackass who refuses to change until other people show him the light- either with psychological torture presented as therapy, or with beating him up a bunch of times until he gives in. The show and its characters are forcing Loki to become good- they aren’t showing him doing it by himself. He is not becoming one of the good guys, he’s being essentially enslaved by them, and the show is passing it off as somehow all that good influence finally rubbed off on Loki’s cold, villainous heart. That’s why him betraying Mobius was shown as so bad even though Loki barely knew him and had been psychologically tortured by him- Mobius is written as a character who can choose to be good, and Loki is written as a character who must be forced to be good.
And something about an entire show revolving around an independent character being treated as a villain, literally enslaved by the “good guys” (back when the show still wanted us to think the TVA weren’t shady as all hell), beaten to his knees with a collar around his neck until he accepts that he deserves to be alone because he isn’t “good” like everybody else…that doesn’t go down right for me.
The TVA being presented in not just a neutral but often reliable light is something I thought would change once Loki literally called out their propaganda and Sylvie called them fascists, but, for some reason the authoritarian genocidalists are not being presented as a bad thing and it irks me too.
It's especially weird because of the way what Loki claims to have wanted by making choices for people and what Mobius claims the TVA do ARE THE EXACT SAME THINGS, except Loki, until the show, hadn't done that of his own volition and was being tortured during the invasion and is treated terribly for something he didn't even succeed in doing, while the TVA successfully erase events on a mass scale but are presented as having a higher (or at best, - equal) moral ground.
The exact same thing was done in Ragnarok where Loki's "turning point" from a tricksy villainous scoundrel happened because Thor left him frying on the ground and gave him a pep talk filled with lies and general slander about how he could be better - and people see that as good because Thor is framed as a hero, and it's because instead of accepting Loki is a complex character they take what the narrative tells at face value and that is that Loki fights the protagonist(s) so he's bad.
I personally don't like the narrative pushing a character that is canonically an abuse victim and attempted suicide and was tortured right after as someone who needs fixing because he's lusting for power and needs it to gain a sense of control during a retcon which is occurring for the sake of calling him a complete bad guy who needs to change (probably because no actual original character development could be thought of?) after he was just confirmed as queer and colloquially (i assume) called a narcissist because of twisted love.
That he deserves to be alone was presented neutrally as a joke even as he was repeatedly getting beaten to the ground, and then both people he could call friends were removed from his immediate vicinity right after.
Loki isn't being presented as a character that has done a huge mix of good and bad in the movies, he's being presented as an oft incompetent idiot that deserves what he gets because he shouldn't have run away from captors, or he cut Sif's hair, or he killed his mother, or he dared to think he had any importance or could do something good, because the truth is he's an evil lying scourge.
"But maybe," Mobius says, "Maybe he wants to mix it up. Sometimes you get tired of playing the same part. Is that possible? He can change?" And everyone's already forgotten that moments before the mission Mobius said to Loki's face that the TVA has pruned a lot of Loki variants because he's so nice! look! he has hope in him when no one else does! It's also easy to forget the "and hey, if it doesn't work, I'll delete him myself," right after because the guy was smiling through it and the scene is followed by Loki really badly trying to explain the logic of being a trickster who everyone knows is a trickster.
A lot of people payed more attention in Ragnarok than to the other Thor movies so it's not a new retcon and people seem fine with the extremely strange take that 'loki is bad but he can do good sometimes,' because the character is more animated and acts foolish and that's generally more fun for comedy, which is fair for people to prefer imo, people find different things entertaining.
But I do solidly hope the show doesn't go that way though and takes a side with Loki on the narrative stance eventually because I've seen a lot of people who just. miss that the TVA's concept is bad. And those who think they're "reforming" Loki. As if the guy needs anything but a break at this point lmao he only got away from Thanos like 2 days ago please just let him rest for a bit he's a fail villain and it's cringe to have your supposed 1st open queer character get beaten to a pulp by Sif and then put wack sexualizing shots for it too :/
it's like the show itself is trying to sell the angle of "Loki is a villain" and I'm a clown who is still wanting that to be intentional because if it is? It could be amazing and playing with how different parties are framed would be s p e c t a cu l ar and could encourage people to reassess the hero coding in other movies including ones Loki was previously in - but we're reaching the last two episodes and I don't feel like that'll happen.
I feel like even if Loki does reach the end of the show as a transformed person it'll be done leaving the audience with "perhaps you're not so bad after all, Loki," and then also give credit to Mobius or Sylvie or whoever else was involved, simply because as even of yet Loki hasn't taken on a lead role in the show. I'd argue he hasn't really contributed anything worthwhile to plot either. As you've said, he's being shown as someone who needs to change but isn't really motivated to. Aw man they better not make romantic love the reason he wants to change.
#no because they're framing things that are humiliating or demeaning as *casual*#I don't even care if they wanted fanservice in the show did it have to be THAT type???#of course it did they don't take the character seriously or consider what they're doing with him despite his legitimate grievances#in a show where Loki's had literally no influence on the main plot but delaying it for the entirety of the Lamentis episode#if i was worse this is where i'd theorize about how Loki isn't a typical 'strong' hero and threatens the fragile masculine ideals of some#like........marvel the F*CK kind of message is this meant to send after Thanos throwing Gamora off a cliff was 'love' and Odin was 'strong'#they've made Loki be embarrassingly bad in fights too and what's up with that?????#''no look he's powerful see he just reversed time on an entire building on his own!!! now watch 2 guards hold him back <3''#bro 2 guards aren't enough if loki wants to escape what movies were you watching bro#you want me to believe this is the guy that went toe to toe with thor and tie-lost because he had tears blurring his vision????#nice try mcu im onto you your writing sucks#the Loki show#loki spoilers#loki show spoilers#im still reeling from Sylvie's backstory of BITING AND RUNNING and that she left the door to the TVA open for so long accidentally??????#im enjoying the show but i'm not going to say it's a good show or even that I see Loki as in-character#he CAN CANONICALLY TELEPORT WHY THE FR*CK WERE THEY SITTING AND WATCHING LAMENTIS BLOW UP#he BROKE the tempad - their ONLY WAY OFF THE PLANET - which was stored in a POCKET DIMENSION - by falling TOO HARD ?????#EXCUSE ME????#put some effort into the story you're trying to sell marvel#the logic with the timelines???? makes NO SENSE??????#the TVA either has no clue what they're doing or the multiverse literally already exists and the sacred timeline continues to be lies#i want to strange Marvel#the entire thing is so entertaining though so im definitely enjoying#ThisPostIsLongerThanMyLifeSpan#TPILTMLS
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