#heres how the polycule works in my head:
swervesbar · 2 years
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First episode impressions: I want to join Dot and Megatron's polycule so fucking bad
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tequiilasunriise · 1 year
Being in fandoms where the characters are clearly based on other pieces of media/famous figures is so much fun because then some of my ships look like this:
Parentified Goldilocks who is also The Beast x Avoidance attachment Beauty who is ALSO also The Beast, one of my fav moments with them is when they off the Minotaur together who is ALSO also also The Beast
Little Red Riding Hood if she was also the Wolf and has galloons of repressed trauma x Snow White but she’s heavily knight coded and the poster child of daddy issues
Edgar Allen Poe’s Lenore x Annabel Lee but they’re in gay ghost love
The poem ‘The Last Rose of Summer’ x Odin’s raven Huginn but they’re exes still in love in a milf yuri divorce that ends super mega tragically and domino effects mommy issues out the ass
Historical figures Cleopatra x Frida Kahlo with the most chef’s kiss height difference you’ve ever seen
A polycule with Joan of Arc x Mulan x Thor x Achilles but they’re all genderbent/trans
The Velveteen Rabbit x fashion icon Coco Chanel if she was a lesbian with a gun
Frankenstein’s monster x a different sapphic Cleopatra bc baby gays <3333
Okay okay that black cat from Poe’s, well, The Black Cat x Poe’s Eulalie is cute yes
But I actually really REALLY love Poe’s Eulalie x Poe’s Berenice bc they’re “me and the bad bitch I pulled by being autistic” personified
The Snow Queen with mega daddy issues x Robin Hood if he was a socialist lesbian I SAIDDDD ITTTT
Imma say it historical figures JFK x Confucius were adorable bros
Aesop’s Fisherman x Odin’s other bird Munin you will always be famous my tragic old man yaoi <////3
Y’all will really have to hear me out here when I say Cinderella if she fucken snapped x ice cream Mad Hatter because couples who are terrible to each other but in a “only I’m allowed to be a horrid to them” way can be so funny
And I could go o n fer ages but the point is imagine explaining these ships to someone like 30 years ago with ZERO context their heads would explode and it’d be so funny
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ceaseless-rambler · 10 months
Fort Galfridian dashboard simulator
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☠️ sheriff-stoned Follow
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🏵 robotfucker69 Follow
I was actually there it was wild, these three just showed up and I think they're all like, in love?? Good for them, actually, but anyways Stone and her gang barely had time to draw before they were all dead, and then the Pendragons, the ones who got rid of them, just sort of set up in Camelot and everything is supposed to be way better now
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🏵 robotfucker69 Follow
Hey anyone else think the hanged man is like. Really hot. God I need me some robot tits
🤖 robotlover420 Follow
But do you ever think about the man behind the tits? Have you ever considered that he could have a beautiful mind? I need to take him on a picnic date
🫖 doublesunn Follow
That is literally the Prophet Merlin, do you guys understand how problematic it is to objectify him like this??? He is a religious figure and it is wildly blasphemous to talk about him in such a way
🧅 xxcactusflowersxx Follow
Tell me you know nothing about The Hanged Acolytes without telling me you know nothing about The Hanged Acolytes
☀️ galahad-336 Follow
Hi! Head Priest of the Hanged Acolytes here! Merlin hot
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🌏 highnoonoveryourmom Follow
Greater Camelot area polycule
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☀️ galahad-336 Follow
Save me Prophet Merlin
☀️ galahad-336 Follow
Prophet Merlin
☀️ galahad-336 Follow
Prophet Merlin save me
☀️ galahad-336 Follow
Sorry sat in The Chair and witnessed the horrible fiery deaths of everything I know and love and started religionposting it won't happen again (there's no time for it to happen again)
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🎠 camenot-okay Follow
That preacher has been telling everyone about how we're all gonna burn in hell and I wanted to know
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🌹robophetprophet Follow
I'm so sorry
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🌅 therealactualsun Follow
Yall watch how bad I'm about to fuck up everyone's day
🔋thetubesun Follow
It was a pleasure working with you <3
🦂 scorpion Follow
Happy to do my part!
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🍤 dusteater Follow
Hey did it manage to get hotter somehow
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cinnbar-bun · 8 months
Popularity- Cross Guild's Day Off 2 (Cross Guild x Reader)
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Summary: In which you work with the three Cross Guild officers and Buggy attempts to prove his popularity through a poll. Of course, it's never as simple as it really should be in Cross Guild.
Rating: SFW/Crack
Word Count: ~3k
Notes: No relationships are defined, so feel free to headcanon whatever you want. I know it says x Reader up there and I wrote it in mind that it's a weird ass polycule but I made sure to leave it ambiguous for your reading pleasure. Made in mind with part 1, but can be read as standalone. Features cameos from Alvida, Galdino, and Daz Bones.
A/n: I love these three goofballs so like feel free to request stuff with them or what scenarios you'd like to see them in please???
Read Part 1 here! Read this chapter on my AO3 here!
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“It’s really not fair! It’s not fair at all!” Buggy screamed. Mihawk, Crocodile, and you sighed at whatever it was that seemed to be, well, bugging Buggy. 
“Will you stop your complaining? Some of us are actually trying to do work here,” Crocodile growled while his fingers continued clicking away on the calculator. “(Y/n), go and hand me the reports for-,” 
“Right here, Sir,” you said as you handed him the stack of papers he wanted. Crocodile smirked proudly while his eyes narrowed at Buggy. 
���See, why can’t you be like (Y/n)? They know how to get work done.” 
“Wha-! I get work done! Plenty of work!” 
“Juggling isn’t work.” 
“Is too!” Buggy stomped his foot. 
“Hardly,” Mihawk chimes in. 
“Grrr… you two are just jealous of me! Jealous of how I’m the Star Clown and you two will just be boring, old men!” 
Mihawk and Crocodile glanced at each other knowingly and rolled their eyes. 
“You’re still bothered by the fact you were not important enough to have any good cards in the deck, aren't you?” Mihawk states bluntly, not bothering to be gentle with Buggy’s fragile ego. 
“SHUT UP!!! SHUT UP!!!!” Buggy shouted, gaining the attention from his subordinates outside the office. 
“Aw… someone’s upset,” Crocodile teased. You huffed at the two stoic ex-warlords and tried to soothe Buggy. 
“Buggy, it’s alright. They’re just silly cards. Look around you, you have so many employees happy to work for you because they really admire you as captain,” you say genuinely while patting his head. Buggy sniffles and nods. 
“You’re right, (Y/n), you’re right,” Buggy agrees. He wipes his eyes and nose with his hand before he bounces back to life, clenching his fists. “That’s very true! All these people love me and would die for me! So those card makers don’t know anything! I’m the most popular one here!” 
“Wait, what…” you wince, while Crocodile and Mihawk groan. 
“Thanks, (Y/n), now he’s gonna do something stupid again,” Crocodile sighed. 
“Buggy, all I’m saying is-” you try to fix your error, but Buggy shakes his head. 
“Nope! You just gave me an amazing idea!” 
“Here we go again,” Mihawk mumbles. 
“W-what’s the idea?” You ask Buggy. 
“Obviously, to really settle the matter, we need to hold a popularity contest!” Buggy proclaims. 
“We really don’t have to. No one cares about this except you,” Crocodile says blandly while he opens the folder you gave him. 
“Haha! You’re just saying that because you know deep down that I will win when it comes to Cross Guild!” Buggy eggs Crocodile on. “They love me here!” 
“I really don’t care-” 
“So, to finally gather once and for all who the most popular is-” 
“God damn it.” 
“I’m going to poll the others!” Buggy announces, grabbing a random clipboard from your desk. 
“Isn’t that rather biased?” Mihawk asked. 
“Biased? What are you talking about?” Buggy raises his brow. “You think Imma lie about this?” 
“Yes,” all of you respond. Buggy lets out an offended gasp and frowns. 
“Well then, what do you suggest, smart guy?” Buggy yells at Mihawk. 
“Having only you go around and then return with results will obviously not be the most accurate. We need to send a third party that won’t lie,” Mihawk explains. 
The three men turn to look at you. 
“Why do I have to do it?” You fold your arms. “I have work to do!” 
“I’ll pay you extra for this week in order to have Buggy shut up,” Crocodile states. 
“Do you think I can be swayed so easily with money?” 
“Yes,” the three men respond. You swipe the clipboard from Buggy. 
“Damn right I am,” you state as you pick up your favorite pen from your desk. 
“Now then, since you’re going to be polling, I expect truthful and honest answers,” Mihawk demands. “No one can lie or cheat this.” 
“Before we do this, none of you are allowed to know who voted for who,” you add. “I’m not having you fire or hunt down some poor employee because they voted for Mihawk or something.” “Well that won’t happen,” Buggy comments. “No one is gonna vote for Mihawk to begin with.” 
Now it’s Mihawk’s turn to be offended. “What do you mean by that, Buggy? Do I need to silence you for good?” 
“Eek! All I’m saying is, you hardly ever step out of the office or interact with anyone!” 
Mihawk stays silent then mumbles, “I interact with others…” 
“Oh really? Name one person you’ve interacted with,” Crocodile demands. 
“You can’t do that, either,” Mihawk counters. 
“That’s just because I don’t give a shit about these people’s names. I still talk to them, though,” Crocodile corrects. 
“Fine, (Y/n)!” Mihawk huffs. 
“They don’t count.” 
“Why don’t they?” Mihawk crosses his arms. 
“Because we all see them every day in this office,” Crocodile chides Mihawk. “Name someone.” 
“Okay, I guess I cannot name anyone,” Mihawk relents. “Not that it matters in the slightest, by the way. This is a silly and pointless little game.” 
“See? No one is gonna vote for you!” Buggy laughs. 
“I guess I should kill you now, Buggy,” Mihawk says as he draws Yoru. 
“Gaaaahhh! No! Please don’t!” Buggy cries, latching onto you for safety. 
“Buggy, please let go,” you sigh. The clown does so shakily and you begin to write on the paper in your clipboard. “Okay… Buggy, Crocodile, Mihawk. There we go. I’ll go around and ask, then. See you guys later.” 
“Before you go,” Crocodile begins. You turn to hear him out while he has a big shit-eating grin on his face. “If you’re going to talk to Mr. 3… knock before you enter.” 
Your eyes practically bulge out of their sockets from what this could mean as you nod and exit the office. 
“Why the hell did you say that?” Buggy questions. Crocodile chuckles, taking a puff from his cigar as he shakes his head. 
“Oh, they’ll see soon enough.” 
“Favorite head of Cross Guild?” An employee scratches his head. His coworker beside him does the same. 
“Wait, uh, they’re not gonna kill us for answering this, are they?” The other one asks. 
“Crap, you’re right. Is this some way to weed us out or something?” 
You shake your head. “No, no, not at all! This is just a… uh… thing they’re testing for some new merchandise,” you lie. 
“Ah,” the two men nod along. “That makes so much sense.” 
“Buggy,” the first man states. 
“Mmm… yeah, Buggy,” the second adds. “He never harps on us like Sir Crocodile.” 
You thank them for the response and tally it to the votes. 
“I guess Buggy was right,” you mumble to yourself, seeing as he currently had seven votes out of the seven people you asked. “Maybe we could send these results in to those cardmakers and get a cut of the merchandising.” 
Just as you’re about to walk away, Alvida strolls into the room. 
“Oh, Alvida! Good morning,” you smile at her. “Can I have a moment of your time?” “(Y/n), dear,” Alvida runs a hand through her hair. “What do you need from the most beautiful woman of the sea?” 
“Well, the higher-ups wanted to run a poll,” you show her the paper. “Please vote for your favorite head of Cross Guild.” 
She studies the paper for a moment and purses her lips. “Hmm… you know what, I vote for you.” 
“What? Just put a tally for you,” Alvida suggests nonchalantly. 
“But, um, I’m not a head of Cross Guild,” you argue. 
“So? You practically are their fourth one. I’m sure they won’t mind. And if they do, they can take it up with me,” Alvida brushes your concerns aside and takes the pen from you. She writes your name down and adds a tally. 
“Can I ask why you want to add me?” 
“Simple, dear.” Alvida chuckles. “You’re not like those brutes upstairs. You get worked to the bone by them yet still retain your own sense of self. Do you know what that is?” 
“No, I don’t think I know what that is-” 
“Passion!” Alvida throws her arms in the air. “You are passionate, clean, stylish, and most of all, you are quiet! If anyone is worthy of my vote and attention- it is you!” 
“Wow, thank you,” you comment, impressed that Alvida actually gave you a nice compliment. 
“Yes, yes, well, what do you think about becoming my assistant instead of working for them?” Alvida winks. 
“Ah sorry, I’m pretty happy where I am right now,” you quickly shut down. Alvida clicks her tongue. 
“Hm… perhaps you’d prefer to be my partner instead? You would be a good match by my side.” 
“Would you look at the time!” You awkwardly laugh. “Bye, Alvida!” 
“Bye, darling. Don’t worry though, we’ll pick this conversation up another time~,” she waves. You sigh in relief as you walk away that she didn’t mace you immediately. Still, there’s work to be done. 
You walk into the staff lounge and greet the other members there, who cheerfully greet you back. 
“Sorry to bother you guys, but if you could just fill out this poll, that would be great. And don’t worry, no one will know of the results, so please be as honest as you can!” 
The clipboard gets passed along by the staff members, who quickly add a tally mark to the poll. In less than a minute, all twenty people in the lounge have responded. 
“Wow, thank you guys. You guys are quick,” you joke, taking back the clipboard. 
“The choice was obvious,” one of the employees answers, and the others nod. You wonder who they voted for when you look at the paper, only to see your name has now over twenty marks attached to it. Your eyes widen and you politely thank the others as you step out of the room. 
It was one thing when Alvida did as she pleased, but now the others were voting for you in droves. You took a deep breath. Crocodile, Mihawk, and Buggy surely wouldn’t kill you for this, would they? After all, Alvida herself said they could bring it up with her. Yeah, that was okay. This was just a silly joke anyways. 
You continue to collect polls, feeling touched yet also nervous when you found that every employee had checked you off as their favorite. It got so bad that you had to use a second page to collect all the tallies that the employees were adding to your name. 
As the number of employees left to ask dwindled, you remembered to get Daz Bones and Galdino’s polls. You figured the choice would be clear for them- Crocodile. After all, they were very loyal to him and even continued their work relationship into Cross Guild. It would also allow for Crocodile to at least get some vote from his current tally at zero. 
You had scoured for them all around the base, but didn’t find any sign of their presence. Just as you were about to give up, you found Daz Bones peacefully sitting, probably waiting for his next assignment. 
“Daz! Can I-” 
“(Y/n), I have no interest,” he cut you off. 
“It’s for Crocodile,” you add, knowing he wouldn’t participate otherwise. Daz nods and then urges you to step closer. You show him the clipboard and he raises a brow. 
“Crocodile really cares about this sort of thing?” 
“It’s mostly because of Buggy,” you explain, and Daz nods, connecting the dots. He quickly tallies a mark to Crocodile’s name. “Thank you, Daz!” 
“You’re welcome,” he gruffly responds. 
“Oh, and do you know where Galdino is?” 
“Why should I know? Perhaps he’s in his room,” Daz shrugs. You should’ve guessed that but wave goodbye and walk to Galdino’s room. You’re about to knock when you remember Crocodile’s ominous warning echoing in your head again. 
“Knock before you enter…” 
You were going to do that anyways, but the weird way Crocodile said it made you grimace. You nervously rapped your knuckles against Galdino’s door. You heard a huff and a lot of grumbling as Galdino swung open the door. 
“What do you w-,” he angrily yells until he gasps when he sees it’s you. “(Y/n)! Ah! Uh! Please excuse me!” 
You briefly notice a large wax statue on the table before Galdino slams the door on your face. You jump when you hear Galdino freaking out and throwing things around his studio. Something metal is grating against the floor as you hear Galdino struggle to move the obviously heavy object. 
“G-Galdino? Is this a bad time?” You call out. 
“No, no, no! It’s fine! Perfectly fine! Hahaha there’s nothing weird going on here!” Galdino answers from inside his room as something crashes to the floor and Galdino swears. 
It’s silent for a moment until Galdino opens the door, leaning against the frame and trying to give you a charming smile while some wax is now splattered against his pants and shirt. 
“So, (Y/n), what brings you to my studio?” He asks while forcing his voice to sound lower, pushing up his glasses. 
“Ah, the heads wanted to take a little poll. Mind answering?” 
“Anything for- I mean-,” Galdino coughs and lowers his voice again. “Anything for you, (Y/n).” 
He takes the clipboard from you and begins to notice the options, quickly marking a tally next to your name. 
“There you go- wait a minute!” He looks horrified as realization sets in that there’s only one tally next to Crocodile- most likely Daz, he thinks. Crocodile would absolutely know right away that Galdino didn’t choose him, and the thought makes Galdino nearly pass out. “I-I need to change my vote!” 
“Sure,” you give the clipboard back to him and Galdino scribbles over the one he gave you to mark one next to Crocodile. 
“Kh... but we’re supposed to be honest…” Galdino mutters. He glances at you, and seeing you patiently waiting and smiling at him makes his heart tighten. 
Gah! Who am I supposed to choose?! My muse or my boss?!
“Are you alright, Galdino?” You asked, making Galdino struggle to form words. Instead, he scribbled over the mark he put next to Crocodile and re-marked a tally next to your name. 
He hands the clipboard back to you and you smile and wave to him. “Thank you, Galdino!” 
“Y-you’re very welcome!” Galdino shouts, unable to control his voice properly around you. You turn around and head back to the office while Galdino lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. 
He was most likely going to die after this, but seeing your smile was all worth it. He could die happy, even knowing that Crocodile would probably drain him of life later. 
You, however, didn’t notice the longing look Galdino gave you as you open the door to the office. 
“Well, I got all the votes!” 
“Well, who won?” Buggy immediately jumps forward and steals the clipboard from you. He notices that Crocodile and Mihawk hardly have any, with only Crocodile have a mark. “See I wo…” 
His face darkened as he noticed he had only seven votes. 
“What’s the matter, Buggy?” Crocodile smirked. “Can’t handle the fact you lost?” 
“I… wha…” Buggy grips the clipboard roughly, nearly snapping it in half. “How the hell did (Y/n) get all the votes!?” 
Crocodile and Mihawk are caught off guard. 
“Wait, what? (Y/n) won?” Crocodile repeated. 
“I thought I told you to be fair and not cheat!” Mihawk accused you, his golden hawk eyes glaring into yours. 
“I-it wasn’t my fault! Alvida was the one who put my name on the list!” You try to defend yourself. 
“Give me that-” Crocodile snaps as he swipes the poll from Buggy’s hand. Crocodile grunts as he notices page after page marked with tallies from the employees choosing you. He sees Mihawk has none, but that his name has one mark (Daz, of course), and one crossed off (that bastard, Galdino-). Given Crocodile’s attentiveness, he does recognize that yours and Alvida’s handwriting is different, so your story is credible. He huffs and tosses the clipboard, making Mihawk lean over curiously. 
“Not even one vote…” he murmurs. 
Buggy, meanwhile, is distraught, crying on the floor and banging it repeatedly. 
“It’s not fair! Not fair at all! I hate this! I’m the star!” Buggy wails out loud. 
At first, Crocodile did this as a joke to satiate Buggy, but even his own ego is hurt by this new poll. 
“I take it back, you’re getting docked again,” Crocodile threatens, pointing his cigar at you. 
“What?! But I spent all day getting this with the promise of money!” 
“I changed my mind! I wanted a good poll, not whatever the hell this was!” Crocodile yells back. 
“Recount! Recount this!” Buggy shouts. 
“I refuse to lose this competition. Give me an hour, I will win this,” Mihawk says, pushing himself off his couch as he walks out the door to do who knows what. 
The ensuing commotion causes some of the Cross Guild members to peek through the door and watch Buggy screaming in agony at losing while you’re sobbing at the fact you’re losing money due to this dumb poll. 
Alvida rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. 
“Would you guys cut this noise out? It’s driving me mad!” 
“Alvida! This is all your fault!” Buggy yells at Alvida in tears. “I was supposed to win, not (Y/n)!” 
Alvida frowns at Buggy and twirls her mace in her hands. “Are you questioning my decisions?” 
Buggy gulps as he sees the mace casting a shadow over him. 
“N-no, not at all!” He quickly corrects himself, praying Alvida will not maim him to death. 
“That’s what I thought.” 
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detectivebambam · 4 months
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@zerokrox-blog this got out of hand btw
How Keverejeandreil Got Together
obviously we start with Andreil. they've been together the longest. no surprise there, so that's step one
let's head over to USC. Jean and Jeremy are talking about Kevin and are a little tipsy and they end up kissing. PAUSE ✋
back to Palmetto. Andrew and Kevin are Juniors now, Neil is a Sophomore. around second semester Kevin is so damn exhausted that he falls asleep on Andrew. now they've been known to snuggle, but they definitely don't do that. Andrew realizes that his feelings for Kevin from his Freshman year never actually went away. the next day, he talks to Neil about it. Neil goes "if I was to date anyone else, it'd probably be Kevin or Jean". Andrew is like wait hold up, Jean is hot asf. so they talk about Jean and Kevin and how they want to dick them down etc. etc. FAST FORWARD.
now it's Kevin, Jean, and Andrew's Senior year. Jeremy is away on a pro team, and while they technically never started dating after the kiss (or even talked about it), Jean is still lonely. that's his partner, and while he's healed more since the beginning, he's still on edge. so Andrew, Neil, and Kevin fly Jean over to Palmetto for winter break. and, well.... stuff happens. Neil gets to watch Andrew put his mouth to work on someone else and realizes he quite likes it. Neil makes out with Kevin and Jean but doesn't go any further with them. Jean goes home.
and realizes that Jeremy wanted to surprise him and come back for winter break. whoops. Jeremy smiles and says he's glad Jean is making friends (Jean didn't tell him what they got up to), and he has to go back to the Pro team now. he says Jean don't worry I had a great time with my friends here, it's okay. but Jean is like no I'm gonna miss you, kisses him again, they fuck. back to Palmetto.
Kevi joins Andreil. now we have Kandreil. second step complete. Kevin gets a text from both Jeremy and Jean saying they have feelings for the other man. he makes a group chat, sends the screenshots of the messages, and leaves the group chat.
Jerejean get together. 3rd step complete.
Andrew is very gay and very horny. caves at the sight of a single ab. Kevin is emotional, just came to terms with being bi, allowing himself to be attracted to men, and realizes the same thing Andrew did. all four of these men are hot as fuck. (Jean and Jereny came to the realization a long time ago. Andrew was Jeremy's first Exy crush)
and they're all on the same Olympic team (2010). and they're all rooming together. so. they start with truth or dare. then it escalates to spin the bottle. and then escalates from there. by the time they leave the Olympics, they have a group chat jokingly (?) named "The Polycule"
they're not on the same Pro teams, so yk, it's hard. they all visit Neil during his college breaks, but for the most part they're across the country from each other.
until 2012. Neil immediately signed to Andrew's team when he graduated, Jean is on Jeremy's team, Kevin is alone and feels bad. he doesn't want to transfer just for dick though. Andrew and Neil love Colorado. Jean and Jeremy realize the pro team they're on is incredibly homophobic and can't deal with it anymore. they go "fuck you, you lost your two best players" and transfer to Kevin's team. they live with Kevin because it's easier that way. Kevin has fucked them both of course, but he's not dating them in the same way he's dating Andreil. so he calls them and he's like "babes, would it be cheating if I dated these two during the season, and dated you two in the off season?"
Andrew and Neil are confused but down, so Kevin dates Jerejean in season and Andreil out of season. step 4 ✔️
2014 Olympics time. they're all 110% chill with sharing Kevin, and things are great. they fuck again, but then Jean and Andrew are like.... making out. and not because they're horny either. so they all decide they can be long distance boyfriends. step 5 complete, Keverejeandreil Polycule complete
but long distance is frustrating
the Utah Pro team puts a bomb ass trade offer for Kevin, Jeremy, and Jean (it's fiction i can do what I want). and because Neil and Andrew's house is right on the border of Utah and Colorado, they all move in together.
Keverejeandreil 💕
sorry this got so long
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devil-in-hiding · 5 hours
John loves his boys, and he loves you. He loves being a provider, he loves taking care of his girl and boyfriends. He’d do absolutely anything for them, he’d go to hell and back if he had too. But sometimes it does get a bit exhausting. Always being the one to keep the others in line, always giving them punishments or pleasure. Don’t get him wrong, he does love his role in the polycule, but sometimes he just wants to be the bottom for a change. He wants to be the one who all the attentions on, who everyone’s working to pleasure, sometimes he wants to give up his control. 
But he feels bad asking his partners for that. He can’t exactly explain why, but he does. So he shoves that urge deep down, denying himself of it so he can instead focus on the needs of his lovers. 
They can all tell of course. They can see the change in his demeanour, the slight shift in his tone. They can feel how his touch on them is less commanding and more needy, the way he speaks to them is less final more pleading. And one night, after a long day, they notice he’s especially like this. So the four of you decide it’s time you all take care of him for a change.
He’s sitting on the porch, cigar in one hand a glass of whiskey in the other. He looks out towards the vast forest surrounding the farm, listening to the quite sounds of the crickets and birds. You approach him first, sitting down next to him on the steps of the porch and placing a soft hand on his forearm.
“Hey sweet boy, how you doing hmm?” You ask him quietly, smiling up at him.
Even just the slightest touch from you is sending the blood straight to his cock, but he tries to act normal as he clears his throat, “‘m good love, what’s on your mind?”
Simon’s the next to come out, sitting on the other side of John and placing a firm hand on his thigh, “Ya sure yer doin’ alright sir?” He asks gruffly, causing the older man’s attention to fall all on him.
“Course I’m fine, what’s this all ‘bout-?”
Before he can finish speaking Kyle joins you three. He plops down right behind John, putting his arms around the man’s shoulders and leaning in to kiss the bank of his neck.
“Y’seem stressed love. We just wanna make you feel better.” Kyle whispers softly against him. And as he speaks you and Simon both tighten the grips you have on him, stroking his skin gently.
“Ya do so much for us, s’only fair we return the favour.” Johnny says cheerfully as he comes outside, forcing his way into Johns lap. 
“Come on sweetheart, let’s go inside, let’s us take care of you tonight.” You say softly to him, a sweet smile on your face.
And all John can bring himself to do is nod his head, completely at a loss for words. Simon takes the cigar from his hand, putting it out in the ashtray as Johnny takes the whiskey and shoots it back before standing up. You all gently coerce John to his feet, and lead him back inside to your shared bedroom. 
When you get through the door, Simon gently pushes John down, forcing him to sit on the bed. The remaining three of you all round the bed, crawling up to the mattress to surround him.
“So, here’s how this is going to work okay honey?” You coo softly in his ear, your hands wandering around his body, “Simon’s going to fuck you. He’s going to come deep inside your ass, as you watch me play with Johnny. Then Kyle’s going to have his turn with you, he’s going to use Simon’s cum as lube, as he fucks your sore hole, and I force Johnnys head down onto your cock. And as he’s choking on you, and Kyle’s pounding himself into you, Simon’s going get me all stretched out for you. And after you’ve come down Johnny’s throat, and Kyle’s filled you up, you’re going to sit on my face. I’m going eat their cum out of you, and when you’re finally all empty, then you’re going to be allowed to fuck me. And maybe, if you’re extra good, Johnny will fuck you too. Does that sound good?”
The older man is at a complete loss for words. He’s staring at you, open mouthed and dumbfounded expression on his face. He tries to speak, but he can’t, so instead he just nods, a desperate moan making its way up his throat. “Please…”
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ladykailitha · 10 months
Royal Pain Part 28
Hello! This is the last chapter before the epilogue. I'm so grateful for everyone who's still reading this little big story. Longest thing I've ever written. It caps out at nearly 60k words. I want to thank the people who have been reading this since day one and all the people that joined us for the ride along the way.
I love reading your comments and theories. I especially loved reading the freak outs over cliffhangers and the abuse I piled on our poor boys. But I am a sucker for happy endings.
Also a little treat for @goodolefashionedloverboi who wanted this way back in part 21.
Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3 Pt 4 Pt 5 Pt 6 Pt 7 Pt 8 Pt 9 Pt 10 Pt 11 Pt 12 Pt 13 Pt 14 Pt 15 Pt 16 Pt 17 Pt 18 Pt 19 Pt 20 Pt 21 Meta Pt 22 Pt 23 Pt 24  Pt 25 Pt 26 Pt 27
“Steve!” Robin called out. “Your boyfriend is here!”
Steve came running out of the back room. His grin nearly split his face in two.
He lifted Eddie up and spun him around. Eddie laughed out loud.
“Put me down, you menace!” Eddie said between gasps of giggles.
Steve gently put him down. And then kissed him right in front of Robin.
Who promptly fake gagged.
“Shush you,” Steve said. “You should be grateful I didn’t let him keep me in bed this morning.”
Robin gasped. “Betrayal! And in front of my coffee no less!” She covered her coffee with her hands as if to shield it from the scene in front of her.
Eddie laughed. “Sorry there Birdie, it was a very near thing. I had to be bribed!”
She shook her head. “Go on, get! Before you ruin my coffee with your sugary sweetness.”
Steve and Eddie just smiled and walked back to Steve’s room, hands in each other’s back pockets.
Once they got to the room, Eddie was all over Steve. Hands tangled in his hair, lips on that perfect mouth. Gripping the back of Eddie’s shirt was all he could do to keep upright.
“Baby,” Eddie whined when they finally broke apart. “I missed you so much. I promise to never leave you like that again.”
Steve nuzzled their noses together and sighed happily. “I know, Eds. I missed you too.”
Eddie stepped back to take off his shirt and Steve scanned over the expanse of his chest.
Eddie caught the look and grinned. “No new tattoos, sweetheart. I don’t trust anyone else but you.”
Steve blushed. “That’s nice to hear, beautiful. But I was just ogling my boyfriend.”
Eddie laughed. “Yeah, okay that’s fair.” He walked over the chair and straddled it, resting his head on his folded arms.
“Let’s get this bad boy done, shall we?” Steve sighed happily.
“Sure thing, darlin’,” Eddie murmured. “Can’t wait.”
Steve started up his gun and got to work. All the while they chatted about the lighter stuff of the last three weeks. Eddie caught up on all the shop gossip.
“Honestly,” Steve said, “if Robin doesn’t pick soon, she’s going to be in the world’s most awkward polycule.”
Eddie laughed. “She’ll figure it out. But I guess Birdie really has a thing for redheads.”
Steve chuckled too. “Oh, yeah. Pretty much always had. Except once with Nancy back in high school. But that was more a ‘everyone had a crush on Nancy’ thing then a specific crush.”
Eddie hummed. “You said you had a thing for curly haired smart people with soulful eyes. You were talking about me too, right?”
Steve huffed out a laugh. “Oh yeah. I’m not a subtle person when it comes to my crushes. Pretty much everyone figures it out before I do. Except in your case. I’ve had a crush on you since high school.”
“Me too, Stevie.”
“It’s about time we got our heads out of our asses, then.”
Eddie murmured his agreement and they settled into a comfortable silence.
Robin was still going to kick Eddie’s ass for making Steve sad for two weeks, but after hearing it from him how much he hated touring and how much he missed Steve, she forgave him for the most part. He sounded like he had been more miserable than Steve and that was honestly saying something.
So she went to Corroded Coffin’s return concert at the Nightmare Holes and cheered loudly for them.
She also knew she had to chose between Chrissy and Vickie soon otherwise they were going to have a cat fight.
But Robin didn’t want to chose. She liked the attention from both girls plus it would be super awkward if she chose Vickie and Chrissy stayed at the shop. But it would also be awkward working with Vickie at the front desk if she picked Chrissy.
It was a mess.
But then a lightbulb dawned over her head. Maybe she didn’t have to chose.
She spoke to them on their way to the club and ended up dancing with both of them all night.
Steve waved at the rest of the band as Eddie dragged him to his car, eager to get back to Steve’s apartment.
Steve laughed as Eddie shoved him into the passenger seat of his own car and got in the driver’s seat.
“Someone’s in a hurry there,” Steve teased.
“Stevie darling,” Eddie said. “I am vibrating out of my skin here with anticipation and if I don’t see that tattoo of yours soon, I’m might go absolutely feral. Do you understand?”
He laughed. “Yeah, baby, I hear you.”
Eddie breathed out and drove to the apartment. They walked up the stairs and once the door was closed behind they were all over each other. Hands and mouths all over as they tumbled onto the sofa.
Shirts were the first to fly, Steve careful with Eddie’s still healing tattoo.
“Baby,” Eddie whined. “Is your tattoo healed?”
Steve wiggled underneath him. “For the most part, it’s been about two weeks.”
Eddie let out another whine. “This won’t hurt you?”
Steve shook his head. “The scab is already gone. I heal fast.”
Eddie undid Steve’s jeans and slid them down his legs. He looked up at Steve for permission for the final layer of clothes to be removed. Steve nodded and lifted his hips for Eddie to slide off his underwear.
Eddie gasped when he saw it.
His thumb gently rubbed over the tattoo. It wasn’t very large, about the size of a half dollar. It was a simple heart with bat wings and a little crown.
“Baby, is this us?” he asked, breathless.
Steve nodded. “Yeah, do you like it?”
“I love it, sweetheart,” Eddie whispered. “And when my back is done, I am going to get it done on me, too.”
Steve’s eyes glistened with happy tears. “Okay, yeah. Suddenly I need that.”
Eddie kissed him deeply. “Me, too. I need you so much.”
They got Eddie’s pants and underwear off and Steve moaned at the long, graceful lines of his boyfriend’s lean body.
“Fuck, Eds,” Steve murmured. “I can’t wait to taste you.”
Eddie threw his head back and moaned. They had to be careful with Eddie’s still healing back, but they managed to make do and had a great time.
Once they had cleaned up and dressed, Steve began making dinner.
“So how did your meeting with Murray Bauman go?” he asked as he fried up the chicken for fajitas.
“It went great,” Eddie said. “Cec is still going to bring the contract to one of his law professors to make sure he didn’t miss any hidden bullshit, but yeah. It seems like Corroded Coffin is going to make an EP.”
Steve hummed. “And that different than a full record, right?”
“Yeah,” Eddie said, nodding. “It’s about five songs. But it’s what most new artists get. The record company doesn’t want to spend a boat load of money on an LP only for the band to not go anywhere.”
“That makes sense,” Steve murmured. “And you guys are going to keep working at the Nightmare Holes?”
Eddie nodded again. “Yeah, and if the record hits big, we can renegotiate our contract with Rick to get more money each week.”
“That’s great,” Steve said with a smile.
“And you and your genius schedule is going to work out great,” Eddie said with an answering grin. “They’ll even send a car for us every time, too.”
“Wow,” Steve said. “That’s awesome. Looks like I’m going have a rockstar boyfriend.”
“A perfect compliment to my tattoo artist boyfriend.”
Steve came over to where Eddie was seated at the table to kiss him. “Perfect indeed.”
They had dinner and sat down to watch a movie. They curled up on the sofa and just enjoyed each other’s company. Like they had so many times before.
Other than the sex, they were still Eddie and Steve. They still enjoyed the same movies, food, and music that they did before they got together.
They were just finally on the same page.
Once the movie was over, Eddie pulled out his guitar.
“You ready for this, baby?” he asked as Steve turned to face him on the couch.
Eddie played the first song he wrote on the road, the one that made Jeff and the others cry.
Tears streamed down Steve’s cheeks, too. “I’m sorry you were so lonely, Eds. I’m glad you’re home now.”
“Me too, sweetheart,” he murmured. “But I think you’ll like this one more.”
And he play the most beautiful, heart-stoppingly romantic song Steve had ever heard and it was for him. About them. And he was crying for a completely different reason now.
“Sunshine,” Steve said through his tears. “That was amazing. They both were. Thank you for sharing them with me.”
Eddie kissed him fiercely over the guitar. “Just you wait, Stevie. You’re going to get a life time of sappy love songs.”
“And I’ll cherish every single one.”
They got ready for bed and snuggled up together, falling asleep in each other’s arms.
The next morning led to morning sex, showers, and breakfast, never too far apart.
They were getting ready for a walk in the park when they got to witness a Robin Buckley walk of shame.
She opened the door and jumped when she saw them. “Shit!”
Eddie and Steve shared a glance.
“And what time do you call this, young lady,” Eddie teased.
Robin blushed all the way to her roots. She pulled out her phone. “Uh...11:13am?”
Eddie cackled as Steve grinned.
“And which lovely lady did you go home with last night?” Steve asked.
Robin’s blush deepened. “Both?”
Eddie and Steve glanced at each other again.
“You want to repeat that?” Eddie asked.
She shrugged. “I couldn’t decide. And Chrissy had hit on Vickie before, which lead to us talking to Vickie and once it was made clear that it wasn’t just a one time threesome she decided she was down for poly relationship.”
Eddie and Steve both held up their fists for her to bump and she fist bumped them both at the same time.
“You go girl!” Eddie crowed.
“Hell, yeah, Robs,” Steve said. “That’s awesome!”
“Where are you two love birds going?” Robin asked.
“Just for a walk in the park.”
“Have fun.”
Tag list: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk ​@bookworm0690 @chaosgremlinmunson @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @thedragonsaunt @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @justforthedead89 @emly03 @aizawa-emma @yikes-a-bee @redfreckledwolf @thesuninyaface @bookbinderbitch @archermightbegay @littlewildflowerkitten @scheodingers-muppet @hallucinatedjosten @ellietheasexylibrarian @anne-bennett-cosplayer @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @bestwifehaver @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @oldwitcheshat @nightmareglitter @tinyplanet95 @novelnovella @jonesn4coffee @slowandsteddie @awkwardgravity1 @steaddie-on
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xerith-42 · 3 months
Hi guyyyys I just finished exploding over Jess' new tiktok
Link if you want it
Just gonna go through some kind of unorganized thoughts here. I wanna say I do believe Jess in everything that she says. I have no proof of that other than just vibes, but I think she's being genuine in regards to addressing the age gap between her and Jason.
That's all I have to say on that matter.
Now on the matter of MCD Season 2 and everything that happened there, this was already something Jess has addressed before but it's nice to have it in this video and easy to reference. Jess brought up previously that toxic shippers made her change the course of her story in regards to later episodes of Season 2, and previously she attributed this to Episode 98, and I've made a case for it applying to Episode 95 as well.
Considering those two episodes are some of the worst episodes of MCD, it is kind of cathartic to hear her admit once more than she actively changed the story to appease fans. Because changing your work to appease fans always makes it worse and the more cases we have of it the more likely fans are to learn that this is the case.
Obviously most modern day MCD critique doesn't really bother with the whole "Garroth/Laurance should have ended up with Aphmau" because half of us ship all of them, some of us dare to throw Aaron into the polycule, and the other half ship her with Zoey.
And finally I also believe her when she says Jason didn't make her change anything. This might be controversial, but I always thought that theory was a little farfetched. Jason's had a hand in the series since episode 1, but it was always Jess' story, and she's clearly always been the head writer of that story. I believe that she added Aaron to the story, made him voiced by Jason, and gave him a larger role as love interest because she wanted to.
That doesn't absolve that love story's absolutely botched execution, but saying Aphmau doesn't always know how to write romance is like saying that dumb bitch who wrote the wizard books is transphobic. It's obvious to anyone who can read some writing on the walls of the original text.
Those are my immediate thoughts on the matter.
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thetickleeraven · 1 month
Ticklish Tank
BG3 - Tav x Halsin x Astarion polycule
Summary: Tav is a strong, almost stoic leader and the tank of the party. Halsin, Tav, and Astarion are relaxing in a clearing in the forest when the two discover that Tav is ticklish. Tav is they/them, class and race unspecified but said to be a tank. [THIS IS A TICKLE FIC]
its literally been 11 months from my last fic and they may very well be my last tickle fic. idk we'll see how i feel. REMINDER THAT THIS BLOG WILL BE DELETED WITHIN THIS YEAR AND ALL MY FICS WILL BE ON AO3 FOREVER.
The forest clearing is cool and quiet. In it stand three lovers: A druid, Halsin, admiring the beauty of nature at night; Astarion, a vampire basking in the moonlight; and Tav, a strong tank of a leader admiring the images of both their partners.
As Tav eyes the pale elf, Halsin approaches them from behind to wrap them in a hug.
The hug is a welcome surprise, as usual. However, not as usual, Halsin lays his hands on Tav's sides and notices them tense. He moves his hands down a bit and Tav begins squirming, cringes, and eventually jerks out of his hold with a smile giving away the reason.
Halsin is amused by Tav’s reaction. "Are you truly so sensitive that you couldn’t stand it?"
"What can’t they stand?" Astarion turns his attention to the two, curiosity piqued at the mention of their stoic leader presumably having some sort of weakness.
Tav's eyes widens knowing the last person who should know is Star.
"Our partner is just ticklish. That is all."
"Oh. That’s ‘all’ is it?" Astarion is suddenly predatory. Grinning like a wolf who happened on its prey. "I think we've just discovered our entertainment for the night."
"I-I'm not really ticklish." Tav curses inwardly for the stammer. "I'm just a little sensitive there, is all.
"Beloved, you and I both know that smile of yours gives it away. There is no need to be shy. Being ticklish is natural for you."
"No, I was smiling because you were hugging me, nothing more." They hold their hands up to defend theirself. They frustratingly couldn't wipe the smile off their face and a flurry of butterflies in their stomach, knowing what was probably coming.
"Oh, really now? is that why you're smiling still? With those pretty eyes of yours wide as saucers?" Astarion is stalking closer like an owlbear about to pounce.
Tav tries to suppress their smile as they slowly back away, and it almost works, until they see Astarion's fingers curl into claws. The knowledge that those swift thieving fingers would soon be prodding and poking all over Tav's (unfortunately) severely ticklish body was enough to swarm their belly with butterflies, almost tickling them from the inside out.
"I, myself, would love to hear you laugh. Throughout all our travels I don't think we've heard so much as a chuckle of you." Halsin muses.
"Yeah, you can keep dreaming." Tav turns to run, Astarion quick to follow. They dash through the clearing, Tav occasionally jumping over bushes or weaving through tress in order to get Astarion off their tail, though the elf is much too agile to be deterred that easily.. Halsin smiles, watching his lovers chase and play in the vast harmony of nature. It fills his heart, but he can't resist the thought of Tav laughing and beaming in the moonlight. With a wave of his hand, vines grow from the ground, tripping Tav in the middle of their chase, sending them flailing to the ground. Astarion leaps over the vines and skids to a stop, quickly dropping down to the ground and straddling their partner. Halsin quickly approaches the two, knowing the vampire, while capable, has no chance of holding down Tav on their own. He kneels next to the crown of Tav's head and wrestles their arms to the ground, holding them with his bear-like strength.
"This is ridiculous! I'm not even ticklish so this is a waste of time!" Tav protests, hoping somehow, against all odds, they can talk their way out of this.
"No amount of time spent touching your body is ever a waste of time." Halsin says.
"I must agree with our druid, darling. If you're not ticklish, well, you just get to enjoy having your lovers' hands all over you." Astarion raises his hands above Tav, fingers twitching as if they had a mind of their own just begging to make Tav squeal.
Tav feels their heart pumping and face heating up.
Their panic is interrupted by Halsin's low rumbling chuckle. "Red is a wonderful color on you, love."
"Oh, look. Our little pet is blushing, how disgustingly adorable."
"If you're just gonna compliment me, there's much more fun things we could be doing together." Tav tries to sound suave, hoping some flirtation and faux confidence could change their partners' minds to something else that doesn't involve them laughing their ass off.
"I agree. There is something fun we could be doing." Astarion smirks, a familiar flirty smirk that makes Tav think that maybe they've successfully deflected to that something else. Just as they're about to sigh in relief, Astarion's fingers dive towards their exposed ribs and start dancing and skittering across them, Tav's thin night shirt barely doing anything to dull the sensations.
Tav jolts violently and immediately chomps down on the inside of their cheek to keep from smiling or, gods forbid, giggling.
The scowl they planned to keep stays for about 2 seconds before morphing into a bright smile despite their best efforts.
Astarion has a look of unmatched glee at the strong reaction, knowing this is just the very beginning.
"Tav, it is alright to laugh. Don't fight your instincts. Just let it out." Halsin says with the fondest of smiles.
"It's like you don't know them at all. They're so focused on being a strong and great leader. They'd never give up so easily. Especially to something as silly and juvenile as tickling, am I correct?" Astarion says in that infuriatingly teasy tone only he can muster while his fingers continue to torment Tav's upper body.
"You are right, Astarion. They are notoriously stubborn."
"Remember how they said they weren't ticklish? So sure of theirself?"
"I do remember, yes." Halsin chuckles.
"Well..." Astarion coos in a sing-song voice as he puts more pressure in his pokes and prods. Tav's body instantly starts jerking and jolting side-to-side despite Tav trying to keep still and smooth their expression to nonchalance. However much they try, their eyes still crinkle, their smile still beam, their laugh lines still show.
"I suspect they might have been lying." Halsin raises an eyebrow with a radiant smile of his own as he gazes down at one of his loves.
"It's almost as if..." Astarion's fingers skitter up and down Tav's body, searching, hungry, for a good spot. "...they'll start laughing any second now."
Tav can't help it, when his fingers venture a little too high they let out a few very quick high-pitched giggles before chomping down on their lip.
The two ticklers expressions brighten victoriously.
"What's this? Is thiiiiiiis a good spot?" The vampire circles his index fingers around the hollows of Tav's armpits. Tav's eyes practically bug out of their skull and their frame begins shaking with barely contained laughter.
"I'd say so." Halsin says.
"Well then... I'd better not do this then!" Astarion, the evil EVIL bastard, begins scribbling his fingers across each armpit and poor poor Tav can't resist any longer. They explode into loud laughter interspersed with little fits of giggles before descending right back into helpless cackling. They yank on their arms and kick their feet, but nothing can stop those two.
Astarion grins a sadistic... yet somehow fond grin. Halsin's expression meanwhile melts into the sappiest and most endearing lovestruck look an elf could possibly muster.
"OHOHOHO MY GOHOHOHAHAHAHADS!" Tav fights hard, bucking, jerking, yanking, everything they can, but their partners didn't seem to care.
"What a lovely laugh you have there darling, though I could do with a lower volume." Astarion teases whilst his digits continue their mirthful torment.
"I have another idea." Halsin says with a smirk of his own.
"Oh, do tell." The rogue lifts his hands, mercifully giving Tav time to breathe.
"Y-You guys..." Tav takes a breath. "...are the worst."
"Careful what you say, darling. You might not like what comes next."
Tav bites their lip and resigns theirself to just catching their breath.
"Now, what was your idea?"
Halsin wordlessly waves his hand and lets the vines hold down Tav's wrists so he's handsfree.
"Oh hells, I can't take both of you." Tav whines.
"Oh, our poor leader, completely helpless. And they admit to not being able to take it? Now this is a side of you I could get used to."
Tav turns their face away, feeling it heat up again, though they're sure it was already red enough from the torture they just endured.
Halsin's form suddenly shifted and changed... he was using wildshape.
And the shape he chose?
The dire raven.
At first Tav didn't know where this was going. A bird? Why would a bird be the form to torture them?
"Oh, you are brilliant at this." Astarion giggles and reaches to the bird's wings who stretched them out for him. He then plucks...
Oh no.
The vampire now holds two long feathers, one in each hand.
Dread pools in Tav's gut along with another storm of butterflies.
Halsin shifts back to his elf form and lightly slides his fingertips across Tav's ribs. Tav can't hope to hold back, they're already broken. Tired helpless giggles spill from their mouth, causing both their tormentors to chuckle at the sight.
"You're a beautiful sight, indeed." Halsin continues gently sliding his fingers across Tav's body, lighting up their nerves like a cantrip.
"I wonder how you'll fare against these two little feathers? Surely the great Tav can take it, can't they?" The bastard slowly lowers the feathers... inching them closer to their underarms.
"No... no no noho nohoho-" Tav is positively giddy with anticipation, eyes glued to those damn things as they came closer... and closer...
"Tickle tickle, little pet." He begins fluttering the feathers agonizingly quick all across those two tickle spots.
Tav doesn't explode into laughter this time, rather bursts into a hysterical fit of unstoppable giggling. They shake, wiggle, and squirm as much as they can with a vampire straddling them and vines tight around their wrists.
"Gohohohods NOhohoho! Ihi- Ihihihi cahahahahan't!"
"Can't what, beautiful?"
Tav elects not to respond, instead succumbing to the giggle fit completely, almost sinking into the ground as they accept their mirthful fate.
It's almost relaxing. Despite the instinctive fighting their body does of its own accord, laughing uncontrollably is... soothing in some sort of way.
That is until Tav feels Halsin taking off their boots.
"NO! Nohoho no no NO! Hahahalsin Ihi swehehear on all Gohods in this realm ihihif you do thihihis Ihi wihihil kihihihick you!"
Astarion full on laughs at that, still not letting up on those godsdamned feathers. "Is this really all it takes? To get you to beg? To fall completely under our mercy?"
"I'll start soft. If you truly cannot take this, I think we'll know." Halsin laughs, knowing Tav has much more fight in them than what's being observed on this night.
All Halsin does is drag one fingertip from the heel to the toes.
"FUHUCK nohohohohahahaha! Hahahalsin!" Tav screeches, kicking as much as they can muster given the circumstances.
Astarion laughs hard, dropping the feathers to hold his stomach in sadistic cackling. "Yohohou're soho dead."
Halsin picks up one of the feathers and twirls it in his fingers. Tav had no idea the peaceful druid could be so cruel to his lover.
"Do it." Astarion snickers.
They truly were the metaphorical angel and devil on Halsin's shoulders. Torture Tav at their worst spot? Or let them go?
"Let's see if you can hold on a little more, then we'll let you go." Halsin says with a villainous smirk.
Devil it is.
All he does... all this elf does is start fluttering the feather over the arch of Tav's bare foot.
And in turn Tav begins thrashing uncontrollably, cackling and screeching helplessly. Tears of mirth are flying off their red hot face as its whipped from side to side and hiccups and wheezes litter their forceful laughs. The vines nearly snap from the tension. "STOHOHOHAHAHAP PLEHEHEHEASE!"
At that, the feather is dropped and Astarion, partially having been bucked off, is sitting on the grass to the side. After a few moments the vines are released and Tav curls into a ball, frantically rubbing the sensations on their soles away.
"Apologies, Tav. I believe... I believe I went too far." Halsin bows his head, regret evident.
"Oh, come off it. Sure it got a little extreme in the end but they were obviously enjoying it up until then." Astarion scoffs, though not without a sly smirk decorating his features.
"I... I was not-" Tav starts to object but is cut off with a quick fit of giggles as Astarion flutters his fingers just under their arm.
"Oh, you absolutely were. Don't even try to deny it."
Tav lays on their back, utterly exhausted. "...Was it that obvious?"
The two ticklers laugh.
"You could've made it clear in the beginning that it would make you uncomfortable. You know as well as we do that we would've listened."
"Plus those vines? With enough effort you could've snapped those before we brought out the feathers." Astarion snarks.
Tav shivers at the mention of those feathers. Gods they could practically still feel them.
Astarion snorts at their reaction.
"I believe we've disproved your lie." Halsin says smugly.
"Do it say it aloud, darling. You know we'd love to hear it."
Tav feels the return of those butterflies.
"Fine. I'm extremely ticklish. Happy?"
"Quite." Astarion pokes Tav's underarm, causing even more giggles. "I do hope you're aware this will become a regular occurrence now."
"I'd have to agree. This was most enjoyable... for everyone involved." Halsin nods.
"No more tonight." Tav yawns. "I'm more tired than when we fought that entire goblin camp in one day." They say groggily, eyes slowly falling.
Halsin chuckles and wildshapes into his bear form, laying on his side so his two lovers could lay on his warm furry body and fall asleep.
"Night night, Tav. Who knows what will await you come morning." Astarion sings.
Tav doesn't even respond, already out for the night.
And so the polycule slumbers for whatever awaits them tomorrow. (Probably more tickling)
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dovand · 9 months
i am as always thinking about 14 and the nobles... specifically 14 & shaun. CRIMINAL lack of 14 & shaun content . excuse me that is my emotional support deranged lovers-in-law prongs of a queerplatonic throuple V. that is my little scrinkly wet cat and his chill saint bernard friend. that is my symbiotic relationship weirdos who sleep back-to-back to 14 can a) leech his body heat b) cuddle donna c) not fall off the bed. that is my favourite “both wake up early but one of them is being clung to like they are a teddy bear and it is Not Shaun, who is making ‘too bad’ faces at 14 and tiptoeing away” dynamic.
(14 either ends up dozing again after he wakes up early or just lays there curled up thinking—but, either way, when shaun shows up with breakfast in bed every sunday, he is treated to the beautiful sight of the two huge autism creature eyes peering up at him from behind the most bedraggled mop of hair ever seen. whether there are any thoughts behind those eyes depends on whether their owner has been napping or Pondering)
(yes this is all made up in my head!!! yes i am dismayed by there only being FOUR FICS (4!!) using it as a tag and none of them (afaict) doing it in a qpr way. where is my deranged weirdplatonic polycule!!!)
further insanity under the cut pleasseee please please read. please i need to be insane about this with people
(also btw this post is about queerplatonic doctordonna, doctordonna shippers i love you and you are welcome to contribute but it is a Little squicky for me so if tag ur additions (so i have a heads-up) that would be so lovely and i would adore you forever <3)
shaun likes listening to people ramble and 14 likes rambling so it is a regular occurrence to find the two of them like. standing in the kitchen holding cups of tea except one of them is actually drinking the tea and one of them is talking too rapidly about equivalent exchange to remember to blink, let alone have a sip of earl gray that has veered violently past lukewarm and is headed straight for room temperature
if 14 is in a not-wordy mood tho… thru shaun’s expert tutelage he has mastered the art of the Dad Nod. he passes shaun in the hall and gives him a little nod. shaun gives him one back. 0 words are spoken but they understand each other on a deeper level than if there had been.
they go on a Family Outing to a thrift store. rose and donna disappear to the dressier sections. shaun creeps along the racks of trousers, solemnly comparing seemingly identical pairs of jeans. 14 follows him and stares for a while, then silently hands him a loudly patterned pair of shorts. shaun takes them without question and adds them to his basket & sylvia loses her mind just a little bit when she sees him wearing them
(^ this inspired by going thrifting w my friend and looking @ everything and then finding her dad looking thru the racks of shorts comparing two beige ones, and my friend handing him a pair of pink shorts with penguins on and him buying them. because he has some . i think plaid shorts? at home and when he wore them his wife said he looked gay. so he’s trying to do it More) (it's an incredible family dynamic there. i have no idea what is going on)
god jesus. 14 learns how to cook so he can be the housething (as opposed to housewife or househusband. he is just a weirdgenderthing. little creature). someone buys him a nice apron and he wears it with so much delight. chases everyone else out of the kitchen so he can concoct something lovely. runs out into the garden to stick something into an oven in the tardis kitchen because “i am not working with enough ovens, here, people!”. organises the pantry and gets this crazed look if anyone tries to stop him. “how will i know where things a—” “it will be LABELLED.” brandishes a label maker that DEFINITELY is not from modern-day earth given that it seems to take dictation as input and can print in colour and has not needed a refill of paper even though he has extensively labelled EVERY PLASTIC BOX of stuff in the pantry
sometimes he gets into Moods where he needs to solve a problem before it makes his head explode and that used to be a like. tinkering in the tardis thing. where he’d have himself and whatever poor companion he was with just floating in the time vortex for a week while he tries to make this bit of the tardis do what he wants it to. now it’s a day or two spent almost entirely in the kitchen trying to find the scientifically optimal method by which to make meringues. he starts gesturing dramatically with a spatula forgetting it is not a sonic screwdriver. makes a sonic spatula. realises he doesn’t often need to like. scan a pancake for malware. sadly puts the sonic spatula away
he is absolutely a nightmare to watch movies with btw bc a) can’t sit still b) so tall. either he is bouncing his leg and shaking the whole couch or he is stretched out across the entire sofa. no in between. donna buys a thick rug so he can just lay on the floor. the rug is TOO comfortable and he starts just spending time laying on the floor which would be fine if he thought to turn the lights on because people keep almost stepping on him while he’s having 4am Floor Time (on the nights he's not drooling all over donna's pillow)
if anyone else has thoughts about Them PLEASe share i will love you so much and forever. doctor~donna/shaun weirdcule is the only thing in my head
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idlenight · 4 months
I'm curios- what are the reasons from the demo that you like hg? It can be under the cut if you want to avoid people getting spoilers!
I will use any excuse to blab about HG, you are an enabler anon.
WARNING: Public Revelations Demo spoilers (for route 4.2) under the cut
Secondary warning of a LOT of text lmao.
hgsib variable.... i am obsessed w/ u.
You are Hollow Ground. You wake up in the middle of the night because you're a little parched. You untangle yourself from your polycule to go to the kitchen and get a drink.
There, sitting on your kitchen counter, is the villain that had previously refused to show up to the meeting you invited them to and send their assistant instead. They are in full armor, you are in your robes (a little underdressed for this meeting).
They offer you a cup of your own coffee that they just made.
Personally? I would be alerting my bodyguards polycule to the intrusion. But no HG just, rolls with the punches. I respect that.
But to get into the actual nitty gritty and the Connections(tm) to sidestep, focusing on the friendly + mind conversation because that's what I saw in my run.
In the friendly conversation where sidestep takes their helm off you get so much insight into HG's relationship with their sibling.
"Believe it or not," you start, *if ((suit_terrifying) or (hgterrified))   realizing how absurd this must sound, "I do believe it will be more advantageous to work together than be enemies." "You have certainly proven that you would be a bad enemy to have," Hollow Ground admits. *if hgreveal   "And I'm glad you're being sensible about this." The smile is real, as is the relief.   *if hgmind     "I wouldn't want us to be at odds. Not now."
a boss or hunter also gets this piece of dialogue that im unwell about:
  "Oh I know exactly who would," Hollow Ground says, voice sharper than it has been so far tonight. "Lord Ember. That San Francisco fuck has been making moves on my territory. I wasn't sure if you were one of his plants until tonight."   *if hgreveal     ${hghis} ${eyes} meet yours. Certainty. You're on ${hghis} side in this.
'Certainty. You're on [their] side in this.' <- homie immediately willing to believe step is on their side because they're probably his sibling, why wouldn't they be?
With a thief step, this dialogue comes up
  "Sometimes I can't be bothered though." You stare ${hghim} down, seeing how much leeway you have with your little stunt. "With the whole research thing. Is that going to be an issue?"   "You..." Hollow Ground groans.   *if hgmind     "You really haven't changed one bit, have you?"   *elseif hgreveal     "This feels far too familiar."
and the mindtalk + being defensive:
    "So what?" Your tone matches ${hghis}, because you have never once backed down from an argument. "Are you seriously surprised?"     "I shouldn't be, you always were a little shit." The words are out, flat on the table between you, coins not heads or tails but on the edge, spinning freely.
HG's youngest sibling confirmed to have been a little shit. (this dynamic was made for River 'born to be a shithead little brother' Becker fr fr)
Although my favorite part of the mind talk is this:
  *selectable_if (protected) #"You saved me," I gasp, focusing on that. "Why?"     "You saved me," you gasp, trying to swallow the taste of blood and drowning. "Why would you do that?" $!{hghe} must have known what you were trying to do. You're not sure if Hollow Ground is a telepath, but there is some form of mental powers at play here, that you could feel. Something...     "Hell if I know," ${hghe} @{hgsv lies|lie} and you know that now. Can taste the lie, not because your minds are entangled but because you can see it in ${hghis} eyes.     *if hg_relationship = "dangerous telepath"       "I should have let you drown like last time."       "But you didn't," you retort, wiping your mouth. "You know something."     *else       "Liar," you retort, wiping your mouth.
"You don't know?" You can sense the disbelief, ${hghis} eyes narrowing. "Fuck. Of course. That makes sense. Too much sense." "No it doesn't," you protest. "Do you remember anything?" Hollow Ground leans forward, too insistent now, almost reaching out to touch. You lean back, putting space between you despite the protection of your armor. "About what?" Why are you the one being interrogated? What did you see in there? What did you feel? "Your childhood." The words land heavily, and you almost laugh. As if you were ever a child.
The way that i am obsessed with ["dialogue" he lied] in texts. ALso ugh, HG leaning forward, wanting to touch sidestep. To make sure they're real? to comfort them? to comfort themself? They want sidestep to be their sibling so bad, need it to be true.
In fact is sidestep dismisses it (our memories got entangled. it's nothing more than that), then HG begs them to answer the question anyway, and are very clearly unwilling to let it go even though they won't force the answer because they're at a disadvantage.
  #"No," I say, which is technically not a lie. "Why?"     "No," you say, which is technically not a lie. No childhood unless you count being newly decanted, fumbling your way through the world before your memory implant. "Why?"     "Because you remind me of someone." Hollow Ground looks directly at you, eyes narrowing. "Someone who I thought I had lost long ago. Someone who should be dead."     "Some people don't stay dead forever," you joke with your grimmest smile, but ${hghe} @{hgsv takes|take} it the wrong way, eagerly leaning forward.     "Could it be...?" A pause, ${hghis} fingers tapping nervously against the table. "You would have been in your early teens. There was an... attack. They called it an accident, but nobody was fooled. You had been arrested, they said you suffered an overdose. They never let us claim the body, so I always figured it was police brutality. Didn't want us to see the evidence. I never thought there was a chance that you were alive?"
You can feel the hope radiating from ${hghim}. An old wound, reopened. Someone who loved ${hghis} *if afab   little sister *elseif amab   little brother *else   younger sibling and is now hoping that ${hghe} had been wrong all along. That there is a chance there had been no death. No body. Just someone disappeared into the system for whatever nefarious purposes. Someone who might be sitting at the table across from ${hghim}. Maybe. Hope. The most powerful and addictive of drugs. *if (((amab) and (gender = "woman")) or ((afab) and (gender = "man")))   You know in your heart that it is wrong. Not just because you are a Re-Gene and never were a child. But because the child you saw in ${hghis} mind had been a @{amab little girl.|little boy.} And you never would have been. Not back then.
Hollow Ground loved their younger sibling, Hollow Ground hopes that they are wrong. They want to be wrong, they need to be. For a chance that their sibling can still be alive, sitting in front of them now, breathing.
I could go on but this is already long enough lmao. Thanks for coming to another one of my TEDtalks ✌️.
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Yuri posting time. These are ships I personally vibe with from what I post about on here.
Higuchi and Gin (BSD): Okay, I'm not sure I can really explain this properly because it's so entwined with the plot of a particular fic I've been wanting to write about them, and I don't really want to spoil where it goes too much? Basically, I love the potential of two characters who (it's implied) got involved with dangerous work for the sake of their siblings. Higuchi's idealized view of romance contrasts with Gin's survival mentality (which is similar to Akutagawa's). At the same time, Higuchi gives Gin opportunities to express different sides of herself. They both work for the sake of others. Okay, so canonically, there isn't a lot there, because there is little exploration of the themes of BSD through these two characters, unfortunately. But, with a combination of "what if I explored the themes through these characters", some influence from O-Gin and Higuchi-sensei's works, and a touch of my own personal brand of "fuck it, we ball, and see where it rolls", I think there's a lot of fun things you can pull at.
Higuchi and Tsujimura (BSD): Not a long-term relationship. They're best friends who had a brief fling and then decided to remain friends. To me.
Wells and Sasaki (BSD): Absolute crack ship that I have not stopped thinking about since you suggested it @lucythejudge. It's so funny.
Meryl and Milly (Trigun): !!! THEM!!! AUGH! They spent!!! Eight months navigating the apocalypse together!!! Milly's smile and presence is enough to help Meryl out of her dark thoughts! Milly is unable to sleep when Meryl is in danger! Milly challenges Vash and Wolfwood when they try to stop her from rescuing Meryl! Meryl has complete faith in Milly to intervene when she has a literal contract killer pointing a gun at her head!!! They're always at each other's sides! THEY!
Coco and Agott (WHA): They give me slight killugon vibes (also maybe lumity - but I've never actually watched owl house unfortunately). Cute and pure. I hope they continue to inspire each other. :)
Theta and Morena (HxH): Saw art for this once. They haven't even interacted. But still, my brain thinks about it and goes ohohohoho
Ann and Shiho (P5R): Ahhh... they want to be strong for each other... avenging Shiho was Ann's reason for awakening... ahhhhhh
Ann and Mika (P5R): I just think Ann's canonical admiration for women who are mean is incredibly funny and so real. Get her a mean girlfriend.
Makoto and Hifumi (P5R): Okay, they hit it off immediately and also I want to see how intense they get over a game of shogi. Everyone quietly backing away from them... lmao. Also I think it's nice because Makoto could understand Hifumi's struggles with expectation and wanting to help her family, and Hifumi offers a familiar setting (intellectual, strategic) with opportunities for Makoto to expand her understanding as well as form a solid connection. They should be best friends at least!
This idea I had for a fucked up polycule that never actually becomes a polycule and is literally just Yosano, Wells, and Mary all being needed for some kind of research, with a stressed Tsujimura as their supervisor. There is... some kind of tension happening amidst the often inadvisable scientific decisions being made. No sex or romance actually ever occurs but there are conversations that sound suspiciously like flirting that usually end in Yosano gleefully hacking at something or someone in her temporary office, Mary nearly downing the entire grid because she diverted all the power to her latest project that then promptly exploded, or Wells vanishing then abruptly and calmly reappearing minutes later with no explanation except "the world will survive another day". Tsujimura is about ready to tear her hair out. The cat thief drops in sporadically to cause extra chaos. This too, is yuri.
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actualbird · 9 months
UHM HELLO!! idk how to use tumblr tbh and im awkward so this is gonna be. uh. yeah HOW DO YOU GO BACK TO ANOTHER LINE - moving on. i love ur polynxx hcs soooo so much please i need more more more 🤲🤲
wahhh, hello and welcome to tumblr :D!!! im so glad i enjoy my nxx polycule stuff hehe and it's been a While since ive written for them (be it for fic or hcs) so this ask came at a lovely time. without further ado, here's some:
the nxx polycule date permutation hcs
due to everybody's schedules being immensely packed all the time, all 5 of them cant go out on dates/get-togethers very often with everybody in attendance. like, when theyre All together it's often for NXX Work OR they save it for special occasions (ex. christmas, new years, any of the team's bdays)
that being said, the Top 1 most common not-everybody date permutations are: artem + mc + luke, and then marius + vyn
artem + mc + luke can meet up often and easily because artem and mc work at the same place (so they can quickly figure out when their schedules align, quickly meet up), AND all three of them LIVE IN THE SAME STELLIS CITY DISTRICT!!!
they all live in South Stellis (mc's address was mentioned in The Birth of Stellis | Tears of Themis "Behind The Scenes" Episode, and artem's and luke's can be seen easily in the Stellis Explore function) so i can imagine just like
artem and mc finishing up with work and wanting to go out to dinner together and both of them independently and intuitively understanding that on the drive to the restaurant, they should go pick up luke because if left to his own devices he'll probably only chips and a stale salad for dinner.
mc shoots luke a quick text like "let's have dinner! artem's treat!" 5 minutes prior to them arriving at his shop, and luke panics trying to find something nice to wear because if it's Artem's Treat then that means the restaurant is gonna be QUITE UPSCALE AND FANCY and he doesnt want to look like their boyfriend who they picked off the street from a dumpster because earlier today he had just so happened to be tailing a lead for a case that sent him into the forest so hes all muddy. but hes only got like two (2) sweaters that he himself finds viable for a Fancy Restaurant Date
so when mc and artem arrive to pick him up, hes wearing the blocky xmas partyland sweater. at which mc visibly winces at and at which artem internally winces at
but they all go out for a nice dinner out anyway
MEANWHILE, marius + vyn's homes are in completely different stellis city districts: orchideshine and long beach, hemingway heights respectively. and the Stellis Explore function seems to posit these two locations as pretty far-ish away from each other, yeah, BUT....
marius' PERSONAL STUDIO is right in the same neighborhood as vyn's place
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i assume marius' personal studio is in this area because another thing thats in hemingway heights (that's just not mentioned in the Stellis Explore function) is Stellis University, where marius is taking his masters. so right after his classes, he can drop by his studio and destress before heading over to the CBD for work
marius has mastered this art. he comes to learn vyn's schedule at the university, at the research center, and at his home so that he only shows up when vyn isnt busy and is most likely to actually say yes to an impromptu fancy lunch
and vyn acts like hes Bothered but he really isnt, especially when marius has the money to treat him out to the High End Pastry Places that even vyn "pastry master" richter can appreciate
basically it goes
marius, yelling on vyn's yard: hey vyn! let's go out on a date!
vyn: get off my yard
marius: PLLEEEAAASSSEEEE, i'll take you to that bougie place you like!
vyn: fine (secretly pleased to be spoiled)
that being said, while these are the most common date permutations due to the simple reason of proximity, they all still find time to meet up in different permutations and all together
vyn appreciates luke taking him out on dates to more simple places, like a family owned diner or a hole in the wall ramen place. while it's not his usual kind of place, he enjoys the food and seeing luke light up talking about the memories hes had in this particular establishment ("one time, i ate here immediately after a mission and i was still bleeding out!!" "....please take care of all open wounds before you have ramen")
marius and luke and mc often meet up online and video call to game together. sometimes artem will join in on the call, despite not being much of a gamer himself, but he just likes hearing their voices and enthusiasm and yelling in the background while he cooks or works
ARTEM AND VYN GO TO THE FARMER'S MARKET TOGETHER. theyre both culinary Geniuses after all, and together they are extremely picky about produce and honey and handicrafts like an old married couple
and of course, they all get together every once in a while when their schedules permit and have a lovely time and enjoy each other's company
bonus, what kind of dates each of their residences are best for
artem's residence: best for full-team dinners and movie marathons in his home theatre
mc's residence: best for cozy afternoons because her place is so homey!!
vyn's residence: best for full-team outdoor brunches and tea times and also if you want a touch of nature relaxing in his garden
marius' residence: best for THAT WALK-IN WINE CELLAR and also movie marathons because have you seen the wall-mounted flat screen TV in his bedroom??? phew
luke's residence: best for uhhh...if you wanna slip on stray files on the floor or stub your toe on his palette bedframe? JHFKJ JUST KIDDING, best for in-person gaming hangouts
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bifuriouswaterbender · 2 months
Take a Shine
I finally saw Twisters yesterday, and my brain won't let go of the polycule dynamic clearly going on with that team. Also available to read on AO3
“You’re being pouty,” Dani cooed in Lily’s ear, relishing the way it made her jump.
Lily turned around to glare up at her. They’d all spent enough time together that sneaking up was hard to do, and getting into a truck bed quietly was no easy feat.
“Wanna talk about it?” Dani propped her arms on the side of the truck.
Lily settled in, leaning back in such a way that Dani could brush her finger’s back and forth across her shoulder. “No. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Dani snorted. “Oh, don’t you?”
“No, I don’t.” She sniffed. “Just out here looking for gossip or something.”
“So I’m imagining the way you’re pouting at the way Boone’s hanging on Cowboy Carter’s every word?”
Lily offered her a withering look. “First of all, don’t call her that. I know some of the fans are, but they’re absolutely going to get us sued if we’re not careful.”
“And second of all?” Dani asked, full of fake helpfulness.
“I’m not pouting.”
“Would you prefer pining?”
“You know,” Lily said, “someday you’re going to run your mouth to the wrong people and say the wrong thing, and somebody’s gonna smack you upside the head.”
Dani grinned. “I’ll deserve it too. But don’t change the subject. We’re talking about you.”
“Boone can do what he likes and who he likes.”
“Not in this case,” Dani chuckled. “I get the sense Kate’s more of a one trick pony type than the rest of us. Think she’ll keep Tyler committed?”
Lily flicked her hair. “If she does, Boone’s shine on her won’t last long.”
“So it is about Boone.”
Lily didn’t respond.
Dani leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Lily’s bare shoulder. “You’re only human, you know. Even with this whole situation and as well as we all work together, it’s okay to be jealous of her.”
“Why would I be jealous of her?” Lily asked with a sniff, though she did lean more completely against Dani’s arms.
“Because the first woman to rope Tyler accidentally went and enthralled Boone too.”
In the silence that followed, Dani paused. Perhaps she’d miscalculated. “Or maybe it’s not Boone’s attention that’s the issue. Maybe it’s hers.”
With a scoff that immediately gave her away, Lily twisted away from Dani’s touch. “It’s not like that. If Tyler’s happy, I’m happy.”
“You were trying to move in before she was actually Tyler’s,” Dani realized. “‘Oh, I better go take her a plate! Doesn’t seem like Storm Par cares if she goes hungry!’”
“You shut your mouth,” Lily said, although there wasn’t much heat to it. They knew each other too well to lie when they’d already been caught out.
Dani let out a low whistle. “She’s a little too buttoned up for my taste, but I can see what you all like. If you’re into that clean cut sort of thing, she’s a dream.”
“Are you saying I’m not clean cut?” Lily teased.
Dani bumped her shoulder again. “I’m saying Dexter’s as likely to threaten to hose you down as he is me. High in the sky as your eyes may be, you get a little dirt under your fingernails just the same.”
Lily hummed in acknowledgement. “See, you say that, but Kate’s already showing us how willing she is to do the same. She’ll be good for Tyler. She’ll be good for us.”
This was written mostly to get the idea out of my system, but alas I am continuing. Chapter 2 is up on AO3.
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am-i-interrupting · 1 year
hello first time asking! Could I get a Polycule with Sonia and Rauru with the reader. Maybe they are also a sage or maybe their a personal knight like Link!
Bonus points if Rauru and Reader fight for Sonia attention.
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Tags: 1.3k words, jealousy, new relationship, nudity, communication, pet names
She was a beauty and for a long while you'd been under the impression that she would only be yours. For a while she was but right now? Now, here, in the present, you shared her.
It was simple. It was easy. You couldn’t say no to her, not when she looked at you the way she did.
The night it had come up in conversation had been nearly four months ago now. You were in bed together. Her finger tips trailed up and down your bicep. Her hair bunched up around her face as she rested her head on your shoulder.
“Darling,” she said into the night air, “I have to confess something to you.”
You squeezed her torso gently with the hold you already had around her. “Is everything alright, Sonia?” you asked.
You could feel the exhale of her breath against your skin. “Yes, everything’s perfectly fine. I’m just. . . worried about how you might react.”
It was your turn to drag your hands up and down her skin, along her spine. “Whatever it is, nothing could make me love you any less.”
“And nothing could make me love you less than I do,” she said. She pressed a kiss against your collarbone. “Do you recall my expression of attraction to Rauru?”
How could you forget? It’d come up in a teasing tone as you watched her eyes trail after him. A small question of if he was truly so captivating that he was able to pull her attention away from her work. She’d answered honestly and truthfully with a yes. You watched her a moment more and wondered briefly if that was how she looked at you when you didn’t see. Then you’d shaken your head and began to watch your surroundings once more.
“Yes, I do.”
“Those feelings have evolved as we’ve spent more time together into something more akin to how I feel for you,” she said, her careful, slow, and deliberate dragging of her fingertips never faltering. “It’s something I’d like to pursue but I wouldn’t want to betray your trust. At the very least, I felt it was something you should know.”
Your heart had stuttered and she no doubt felt it. She likely felt the pause in your fingers along the notches in her spine. She didn’t comment, however.
You placed a kiss to her hair. “How about we continue this conversation in the morning?”
“Of course, it’s late,” she said.
Now she was bent over maps with a pen in her hand which she twisted as she thought and Rauru’s hand on the small of her back as he peered over her. The contact was unnecessary but you could understand the want and desire for it despite the prickle of jealousy that sparked in your heart. You willed it down.
You were happy so long as she was. Truly, it was no lie to her, yourself, or anyone else. You’d noticed her brighten, seem a tad more radiant. It was nice. She deserved it. This was just something to get used to. Like all good things, it’d simply take time and that was one of Sonia’s specialties.
Some hours later, the day came to a close and you found yourself in Sonia’s bedroom. She was laying on the mattress as you straddled her thighs. She sighed and occasionally moaned as you worked the knots out of her back.
“Mmm. Higher, higher. A little to the left. No, that’s too far. A li— Ah, perfect,” she said.
Her hands clenched and unclenched around the bedsheets. Her body then went completely lax. She sniffed a bit and then nuzzled her head into the pillow.
There was a knock at the door.
“Who is it?” you asked before she got the chance.
You looked at her. Her body was bare. Her hair was pulled over her shoulder in a braid. Her top was completely gone. She had no underwear on.
She looked over her shoulder at you, who was in a similar state though you still wore your undergarments. You did have lotion on your hands but you were massaging that over her skin.
“It’s up to you, darling,” she said. “I don’t mind.”
You exhaled and steadied your breath. “Come in,” you told him.
The door didn’t creak as it opened but the dim light from the hallway did shine through. You moved off of her as she rolled onto her back. You both looked at Rauru around the same time as he processed what he walked in on, or what he assumed he had. His eyes went wide and his ears flickered back. His hand which still rested on the door handle tightened around it.
“Hello, Rauru,” she said, unaffected by what so clearly caught him off guard.
“Sonia. My apologies, I did not mean to interrupt something. I can leave,” he said.
“It’s okay,” you told him, extending a branch to him as he clearly drowned. “We weren’t doing anything important.”
Sonia gave you a look before she focused her attention back on Rauru. “Nothing that couldn’t bear interruption at least,” she corrected. “What brings you so late?”
He blinked several times and his grip on the doorknob relaxed. “You left your notebook in the council room,” he explained. “I tried returning it earlier but you weren’t here.”
Sonia got up to grab the book. “Ah, yes, well, can’t relax all the time.” She placed it on her desk. “It’s such a long way back to your room, Rauru. Why don’t you make yourself comfortable and stay for the night? We were just winding down for the night and I would love for you to join us. Although, darling, what do you think?”
You looked at her and then back at Rauru. “I wouldn’t mind.”
Her expectant eyes fell on him and he let go of the doorknob. “Nor would I.”
Sonia smiled. “Well, if you’ll both excuse me for a moment, I’d like to get ready for bed.”
She patted your hand and then his shoulder as she left for her bathroom. That left you alone with Rauru.
“I’m sorry,” he said after a moment, “I didn’t mean to intrude.”
“It’s fine,” you assured him. “We really weren’t doing anything important.”
“I’m sorry anyhow.” He walked a step closer. “I can’t help but feel like I’m encroaching on grounds that I should leave untread.”
You shook your head. “I’ll admit—“ you swallowed down a lump in your throat— “sometimes it feels that way but just a look at her and I realize that you’re not. I want you around. You make her happier. That is all I want. We just need to get used to it.”
“I suppose so,” he said, “but do tell me if you wish to be alone with her. I don’t have to step in on everything.”
Your fingers twitched, tightened, another moment of unwanted emotion. “As long as you do the same.”
Sonia walked back into the room. She grabbed Rauru’s hands to pull him down so she could place a kiss to his nose. She coaxed you close and placed a kiss to the corner of your mouth.
“Let’s sleep, shall we? It’s been a very tiring day,” she said and she took both your hand and Rauru’s to pull you to the bed.
You found yourself in her arms. Her hand rested on your heart and her leg was situated between yours. Her breath ghosted your neck. She was squished between you and Rauru. You could feel his hand against the small of your back but you didn’t mind. It was almost comforting. You were sure soon it would be.
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tiredcatboysinc · 3 months
💌 Allan/Charlie/Pim headcanons
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Haaai ٩(ˊᗜˋ*) و
Uhhh, I know it's been a bit since I've posted... Sorgy (´∇`'')I'm here to make it up though!!... With a whole new hyperfixation!!!... That I want to write for!!! Uh... yeah!! ( 〃�� ₃● ) ~
Okay, here are my silly little head canons for Allan/Charlie/Pim polycule ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
💌General head canons; not relationship centered
Charlie is the only one that has piercings
Following that, Pim went with Charlie when he got his ears pierced
Pim was going to get his pierced as well, but freaked the fuck out upon seeing needle
Charlie had to calm him down and he didn't get his ears pierced
Allan doesn't have any piercing because he had them in high school
They got infected within the week
He thinks they're too much work
Though, later on I think he'd think about getting his ears or maybe tongue pierced for giggles
Charlie and Pim often forget to bring lunches, Allan picked up on this quickly and started to bring them something
It was never much, but he didn't want them to starve
Even before they were together Allan was attentive
He never noticed how differently he acted around Pim and Charlie until Glep mentioned it once
💌Romantic head canons; PDA
Allan doesn't like PDA, he's not uncomfortable with it but prefers to keep affection more private
Charlie is okay with PDA, but he leans more towards private affection
He'll give the boys a kiss or hold their hands, but that's about it
Pim doesn't care who's around, he'll hold their hands, them both kisses, hug them, whatever they're comfortable with
Of course they all have set boundaries about PDA, and Pim does his best to follow all of them
Out of all three of them, Allan cooks the best
Pim is the best at housework
And Charlie is the best at running errands
Though, most of the "errands" Charlie gets sent on is just a way for Allan and Pim to get him out of the house while they clean
Charlie has a small habit of getting in the way
In a loving way of course
He does it playfully
Doing things like poking Allan in the side, holding him from behind as he cooks to distract him
Or following Pim around to tease him, picking him up and taking him somewhere else to disturb his routine
He means it all in good fun, and Allan and Pim both find it funny in the end
Even if it pisses them off to no end during the process
Charlies clothing gets stolen 24/7, 25/8
Allan steals his T-shirts the most, Pim taking his sweat shirts or hoodies
Honestly, Charlie doesn't mind all that much
He thinks it's pretty cute
Pim also likes to take Allans clothes on occasion
They're not as big as Charlie's but the material is more soft
Charlie's clothes are more comfortable and warm while Allan's are more silky and soft
They all sleep either curled together or sprawled out with at least one limb touching
If they're spooning then Pim is normally in the middle
Sometimes Allan will take the middle, but it's very rare
He'll normally have to be persuaded because he's too nervous to ask
Charlie is always on the outside, almost always with his face to the closest exit
He wants to make sure that his boys are okay
💌Gifts/love languages
Pim loves to make gifts, almost 99% always crafting something or setting up some fun crafting activity for all 3 of them
Allan likes to take the 3 of them out for, at least decent, dinners or lunches
He likes to treat his boys when he can
Charlie sits up movie or indoor dates, normally making the place comfortable and getting lots of snacks for them all
All of their ways of showing affection are different, but they all enjoy the dates nonetheless
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Uhhh, yea (ᵕ—ᗜ—) I really hope you liked these, maybe I'll do more of them...
Let me know you think, I shall be off ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
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