#hes just another paradox pokemon like the others
gummywyrmtrainer · 2 years
Completed my art of Walking Wake!!!
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Aaaaand under this is Cascade, the one I caught and have since given to Tanis. I have a small story in mind for it but overall she isn't going to make a huge fuss over it unless someone else does c:
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He's just got some different colors going on right now. Subject to change in the future tho.
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cherrirui-official · 9 months
Friendlocke Violet Gijinkas (Part 3/7)
PART 3 RAAAAGH!!! SO SORRY THIS ONE TOOK SO LONG AAAH!!!! But it's here now, yippee!!! And just in time for Christmas too, wowie!
I plan on posting them in order by groups of three, so there's gonna be seven parts in total, all of which I'll be linking here when done vvv
(Part One) (Part Two) (Part Four) (Part Five) (Part Six) (Part Seven)
!! These will contain personal headcanons I have for the cast, little fun facts, and also spoilers for Friendlocke Violet (for both the edited vids and the streams) !!
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Designs under the cut!
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The light scars/ cracks on her body were injuries formed while she was accidentally sent through Turo's time machine. Unlike the paradox pokemon/ miraidon, GrAce's body isn't made of iron or metal, so her body wasn't able to withstand the large amount of tera energy used to power the machine as easily as the paradox pokemon were.
Luckily, she was just barely able to hold out against the time machine's energy until she made it to Turo's lab in the present day. Unfortunately, she can't be sent back because she would literally die if she went through the time machine again. Sooooo she's stuck in the modern era.
Very familiar with Area Zero and the various pokemon that reside down there, but moved out in order to continue producing music as well as familiarize herself with current-day Paldea.
She only vaguely know Clavell back when he was a rebellious teenager, though she didn't know his name. Clavell, on the other hand, was one of her biggest fans back in the 50s-60s.
Funny enough, when she sees "Clive" for the first time, she recognizes him! But not as Director Clavell, she just barely recognizes him as the random teenage fan that would occasionally ask her to sign various GrAce posters he had bought. She is also under the belief that he too, was sent from the past into the present, unaware that he simply just grew up.
Likes doing random poses for absolutely no reason whatsoever.
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Believes that everything can be solved without violence, but can and will throw hands if need be.
Everyone in Braidy's family greet each other by playfully ramming into one another. So when Peppy and his team were getting chased down by Braidy's family during their journey, they weren't trying to attack them, they just wanted to say hi!
Braidy is really good with kids due to his experience with being the eldest sibling, as he'd often have to take care of his younger siblings.
Mykyie and Braidy shop at the same clothing store.
Speaking of Mykyie, the lighter parts of Braidy's fur appeared only after Mykyie passed...
As of now, he's still an apprentice, but he has great potential to become an all powerful wizard... someday.
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Artist's note: I couldn't fit their children in the bio sorry girls and gays. I'll probably draw them out later on after I'm finished with everyone else.
Their stomachs are basically voids, so every time they eat the food just disappears, which is why they're ALWAYS hungry.
HIGHLY flammable.
It is speculated that they're poppets, but you don't have any proof of that, do you?
If you listen closely, you can hear soft bell noises every time they walk. It is unknown why this happens, but I believe it is best not to ask.
Aaaaand that's it! I plan on taking a short break from these bc I wanna draw some other stuff. Dw, I'll continue to work on these very soon!
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howlingday · 6 months
Are you able to update the Pokemon Au list thing?
Pokemon Au: Does Coco have a Leavanny or any of its line? Leavanny loves to make clothes. Would Ren have a Poltchageist? Are their any Paradox Pokemon in Renment?
I have updated the list, but I need to figure out how the heck everything fits together. Not everything fits in neatly. Might have to do a whole other page for non-story snips, like Penny and Rotom or the Milo One Piece bit. I'll also need to get the list updated to include their Pokémon.
"And... done~!" Coco twirled her seat around to show off her beanie. "How's it look, Letty?"
The Leavanny looked over the stitch with their head tilting this way and that before nodding. Coco smirked at her victory, though it was short-lived when the Pokémon waved their bladed leaf arm. "Lea lea..."
"What? What do you mean it's 'so-so'?!" The Pokemon lifted their arm to their mouth, giving a chuckle at their trainer. "Oh, you think you're being cute? Don't think that just because you're my first doesn't mean I won't take away your treats!"
Unamused, the walking bug hopped from their seat on her desk and took an empty box of treats from the trash. After slicing it into neat pieces, the trash was then sewn together into a much smaller hat. They then hopped onto the desk again and placed the box hat on Coco's head.
"Hmph... You're lucky you're cute." Coco looked in the mirror. "And so's this hat." She stood up and walked away, leaving the beanie on the desk, unaware of the smug smirk her Pokémon had watching as the words 'TREAT' bounced behind her head.
"Yes, Ren?"
"There's a Pokémon in the cupboard."
"Oh?" Ren's mother quickly walked to her son and looked into cupboard. She clicked her tongue a few times before stepping away. "It looks like a Poltchageist has snuck in." She then took her son's hand. "Come on. Let's go tell your father."
As the two walked away, Ren looked back to the cupboard where the Pokémon shook angrily from inside. The two waited outside until his father returned, but passed the time talking about what Ren found.
"How did you know that was a Pokémon?"
"I don't know." Ren replied. "It just looked like one."
His mother giggled. "Not many people can tell the difference, and it causes problems for them. You're very lucky to be so talented."
Ren smiled at his mother, before he opened his eyes to remember that he wasn't that same boy anymore. Looking to his side, he saw there was a cup of tea sitting on the table by his chair. It'd gone cold, but he'd drink it regardless. No point in wasting good tea.
"I see." Headmaster Ozpin nodded. "It's a shame about Professor Sada and Turo. My condolences to their son, Arven."
"Yes, though their passing is not without some good news." Director Clavell replied. "Thanks to the efforts of their son and our recent Champion, Paldea is safe from a far more concerning fate. In their efforts of studying the Paradox Pokémon, they had inadvertently traveled through time to another era, where they had passed away and left behind a digital copy of their AI, whose intentions were to revert all of Paldea to match the era in which their creator had perished. That is why the Paradox Pokémon are so abundant in Area Zero."
"If they are contained, we no longer need to concern ourselves with any outbreaks beyond Paldea."
"No, no." Clavell replied. "Area Zero and all the Paradox Pokémon contained within are accounted for."
"I see." A smile split from Ozpin's face. "Would you mind sharing the data on these Pokémon? I would love to teach a class about them."
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pokemoncenter · 9 months
On Time Travel
Before I begin, I wish to state very clearly that this is not to be taken as fact or a dedicated primer on the subject. This is my own attempting to sort out the information I learned from Bill on the subject, by writing it out in a clear form. There may be mistakes, inaccuracies, and misunderstandings in this text.
Bill created the Time Capsule system in 1999. This system only allows for the transfer of Pokeballs up to three years into the past, and only within the Kanjoh region. The reasons for this are energy- The further something is moved in time, the more energy it takes. The further it is moved in space, the more energy it takes. And most importantly, the more mass it has, the more energy it takes- The other two are more workable, but the mass-energy requirement increases exponentially.
A single Pokemon in its Pokeball can be sent three years across time with the electricity a Pokemon Center has. Something larger, such as a Machop outside of its ball, would take an entire city's energy for a week to make the same trip.
An adult human would take enough energy to power all of Galar for a hundred years, and they would likely cease to exist in transit. We will get back to that part.
Time is not a straight arrow that can only move one direction. It is simply another axis of movement. We all move through time at one second per second, without accounting for relativity, from past towards future. However, as it is a single axis, movement can be achieved along that axis in both directions. Thinking of it as a fourth spatial dimension can help visualize it. Time's ongoing nature is not an inherent aspect of time, but of the beings that interpret it this way.
According to the Many-Worlds Interpretation, there are near-infinite timelines. Anything that could happen in multiple ways, happens in every possible way in different timelines. Thus, as time moves forward, time branches into infinite possibilities. However, according to Bill, there are two important notes to that.
First, it is not only forward. Time actually branches out in both directions. It branches backwards, such that 'every possibility that could lead to this moment' is a branch. Furthermore, there is a principle he calls 'path of least resistance'.
The same way water moves in space according to the path of least resistance, he says that time follows its own path of least resistance. To move from one instant to the next, things that would require too much change or a change of information cannot happen. Thus, when sending a Pokeball back in time, one does not actually need to worry or account for alternate timelines- By sending things backwards in time, it will branch into the timelines where the reception is possible, by following that path of least resistance.
However, the greatest problem of this is information.
By following the path of least resistance, things that did not exist in the recipient era cannot be sent there. Not just objects, or creatures, but information itself cannot cross the gap. Knowledge would be forgotten, or be scrambled. Discoveries cannot be made.
The key principle to understanding this is that there is no omnipotent, intelligent force overseeing things. Time does not have a guardian which keeps the timeline in order. It is simply a matter of energy- The energy to overcome the 'path of least resistance' to cause a paradox with information does not exist in our world, and possibly not in our universe. Thus, time itself will 'correct' the paradox, by forcing it out of your head. This is because forgetting it is 'possible', and so it would be slid into a timeline where that forgetting does happen.
If forgetting was not possible- If there is simply too much information to be forgotten, that there is simply no way it could possibly be lost- Then there will be no timeline that can receive that time travel. At which point, the outcome is...
Either total cessation of existence, or perhaps something else. A non-timeline. Either way, once this occurred, that information is lost to us, as surely as if it fell into a black hole.
... This is all I could understand. I hope any of you can understand this as well.
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elle-cross · 1 year
Where Katsuki can't wait to get out of this stupid party. Thankfully, Deku comes to his rescue... with a sandwich.
If Katsuki is not a pro hero, he can just tell all of them to respectfully fuck off and leave him alone. But he cannot burn his bridges to the influential and rich folks who kinda help Katsuki and other pro-heroes in politics and social images
"Ahh! Kacchan! I've been looking for you! Let's go, it's mission time!" Deku, presumably sent by the deities who Katsuki hasn't pissed off yet, comes outta nowhere with his paradoxically annoying and comforting voice, "Excuse us, pretty ladies. The Wonder Duo is being summoned!"
Deku takes his hand, firm and unwavering, and drags him away from the lady hounds. He leaves them instead with an alarmingly enchanting smile that Deku has always been known for.
If Deku was a pokemon, this would be one of his abilities. (Deku used ‘Cute boy-next-door-charm’ IT WAS SUPER EFFECTIVE!)
The party hall is pretty big, so there are corners that are empty. Deku takes him to one of those corners.
There's no one there that can hear him, but Deku excitedly lowers his voice and leans to whisper next to Katsuki's ear. It reminds him of a five year old Deku, with bruises on his knees but at the same time, breathless and delighted to tell Katsuki about the bird's nest he just discovered.
“Kacchan, I was wandering around,” Deku flails his arms excitedly, “...then I found the kitchen and guess what!” There’s so much giddiness and happiness in his voice that Katsuki can’t help but grin back.
Deku takes out two ziplock bags from inside his suit, “I MADE US KATSUDON SANDWICHES!!”
“Oh my god!” Katsuki’s stomach makes a sound (similar to what the velociraptors make) at the sight of the sandwiches. “You have no idea how hungry I am, Deku! I can eat a whole fucking horse!”
Deku hands him one of the sandwiches and proceeds to hurriedly unwrap his own. Apparently, he’s not the only one hungry in this stupid party.
Katsuki takes a bite of his immediately and his tastebuds are greeted by that familiar creamy and tangy spice, “Whoa! Samurai sauce?! Where did you find it?!” his eyes widen to big saucers. Samurai sauce is like spicy mayo, but tangier. Katsuki puts it on almost all of his sandwiches when they visited the Netherlands for a mission. But it's not sold in Japan, last he checked.
“Of course! I was lucky I found it in kitchen here! Maybe the chefs keep it for international dishes. I was just looking for any spicy sauce. Then I saw this, and I was like, Jackpot!! Samurai sauce!!” Deku takes another bite and hurriedly chews, “I knew you’d like that!”
Spicy katsudon with samurai-sauce sandwich, thoughtfully made by Deku--Katsuki can’t ask for anything more wholesome and sweeter than this.
“Thanks for rescuing me again from that.” He nods his head to the direction of the female celebrities. “Did you sense it or something?”
“Heh, I don’t need a quirk to sense that you’re in danger.” He sticks his tongue out at Katsuki.
“You mean THEY were in danger FROM me. I could have blown their heads off and this whole party.” Katsuki finishes the last bite of his sandwich.
“..which you won’t do because we have to keep everyone happy and we want our agencies handsomely sponsored.” Deku finishes his sandwich too, “Don’t worry Kacchan. I’ll save you all the time.”
Katsuki knows deep in his bones that Deku will keep that promise forever.
“Like hell you will. This is the only time you save me. From now on, I’ll do the saving for both of us.” He takes Deku’s hand and silently thanks every possible god listening right now for this genuinely good thing in his life. “Come on, sandwich wizard. Let’s get some drinks.”
Well-fed, in good company and happy, Katsuki promises himself that he’ll marry this man someday.
A few years later, surrounded by their closest friends and family, he fulfilled his promise to himself and to Bakugou Izuku.
---🧡💚 ---
Did you know that this was inspired by the song I Don't Care? I just think about Kacchan wanting to escape a stupid party, but he'll gladly stay as long Deku is there.
Original thread in Twitter here.
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snakeassassins · 7 months
Pokemon Theory: Hassel, Drayton, and "Sinister Hands"
Hey guys! Before the pokemon presents starts tomorrow, I wanted to hash out some observations I’ve made on the scarvi dlc and the implications they have on pokemon lore as a whole. I don’t have much of a big hook to draw anyone in, though, so let’s just jump into it.
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Hassel is only one of two characters in all of gen 9 who is left handed. The other is professor turo, who does so to symbolically mirror sada. Through this, I don’t think it’s hard to say that Hassel’s left handedness is also something designed to mirror someone else.
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A lot of people have already pointed out that Hassel and Drayton have a lot of mirrored animations.
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As such, I don’t think it’s much of a stretch to say that they are the big foils here.
There’s a bit of a snag, though.
With Sada and Turo, it’s obvious that this right/left theming is in regards to the past/future, but it becomes a bit murky if you attempt to apply this to Drayton and Hassel.
If anything this theming is reversed.
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Drayton’s supposed to match Sada’s past, but his ace is the futuristic Archaladon.
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Similarly, Hassel is supposed to represent the future, but his ace is Baxcalibur, who is themed around dinosaurs, much like past paradox pokemon.
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The major exception to this is their signature moves. Electro shot takes a turn to fire, while Baxcalibur takes double damage after using Glaive Rush. Drayton’s ace’s weakness is the “past”, while Hassel’s ace’s weakness is the “future”.
So… how are we supposed to read this exactly? It’s an intentional contradiction —a paradox, if you will—but one whose intent is hard to parse.
Something else has been nagging me about Hassel’s left-handedness: it’s an anachronism.
See, given the name, Baxcalibur is designed to be a medieval weapon. In which case fighting with it left handed would be considered a major taboo for that time period. Swordsmen of that period were trained exclusively with their right hand, which meant fighting with your left was considered to be inherently underhanded.
This bled into a lot of the language and culture at the time. The word “sinister” itself literally means left in latin, we just use it to mean evil in modern times because those were the traits associated with left handed people back then.
It was a common trope for duels to be won unfairly by having the perpetrator fence with their right hand, only to stab their opponent with a hidden blade in their left. A left handed fencer in most medieval fiction is almost inherently duplicitous.
Another one was for left handed fighters to be masters attempting to hide their true strength by using their non-dominant hand to fight. A more benevolent form of trickery, but deceitful nonetheless. Maybe it’s a sign that Hassel is pulling his punches, given how low “elite four member” is compared to the multiple dragon tamer champions we’ve had?
You can see both of these tropes being invoked by this scene from the princess bride. Both opponents intentionally start with their weakest hand before switching to the right, but it’s a double entendre also meant to show that neither is as bad as they appear to be either, a fact made even more obvious by how honorably they fight.
To be honest, I was a bit concerned I could be grasping at straws with these comparisons, given that Baxcalibur’s Japanese name doesn’t even refer to a sword, but then it hit me
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Its signature move is it literally backstabbing you. That’s the pun.
Which leads me to what’s been nagging at me here: why is one of Hassel’s major character motifs centered around him being a traitor if he never once betrays anyone in the story? If he was built from the ground up to be our metaphorical Brutus, then who is Caesar?
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I think the obvious guess of who Hassel is a traitor to would be the dragon tamer family he seems to have run away from.
He tells us why he left, but his explanation is more than a little vague. Why did he stop being a musician and join the elite four? Why is he so necessary to his family’s hierarchy that they are willing to fake his father’s illness to get him back, even after all these years? There’s more to this story that Hassel is either downplaying or straight up not telling us, and that makes it the prime suspect for Hassel’s “traitor” status.
However, as we are in Unova for the dlc, my inner fan theorist can’t help but also point out the faction actively themed around medieval knights.
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Especially when their boss is yet another blonde-ish lefty with swept back hair who is, frankly, more than a little ceasar coded himself.
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Hassel’s backstabbing is probably a good thing for us either way tbh
Drayton’s the right hand man, however, and as such we can assume that he is aligned with whatever Hassel is against, willingly or otherwise. The Mark Anthony to our Brutus, if you will. The responsibilities of which he is likely dragging his feet on by staying in school as long as possible. Which actually brings us back to the original right hand/left hand dichotomy.
I think the big difference between the Sada/Turo dichotomy and the Drayton/Hassel dichotomy is that Sada and Turo are defined by a relentless pursuit of something. Drayton and Hassel, on the other hand, are defined by avoidance.
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What’s important to the symbolism isn’t that Drayton is using his right hand, it’s that he isn’t using his left. He isn’t someone pursuing the past like Sada, but using his obligation to the school as a way to avoid the future.
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Similarly, I think it's safe to say that Hassel is using his teaching position to escape his past moreso than he is looking to his future.
Because of this I don’t think it’s too much of a stretch to say that Hassel’s past and Drayton’s future… probably coalesce in the same place.
What this actually implies is a question that will probably only be answered by our inevitable black and white remake, but I am curious about it nonetheless. I’ve got a bunch of extra comparisons to make between these two that didn’t quite make the cut here, so feel free to add your own observations and theories if you come up with anything.
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ask-zerotrio · 1 year
Passcode 1 entry: #229
Passcode 2 entry: #765
It had made sense then, when he had found out Sada and Turo had had the gall to instruct not just Arven, but his friends too, to come into Area Zero. There was no way he’d allow the children into such a dangerous place. Penny had been oddly relieved to be grounded.
Clavell had been caught up in his anger, and admittedly been hasty with his decision to have a word with the two professors himself.
Years of bitter silence since he left, cold exchanges in the few times they resurfaced to interact with Arven briefly…
But endangering Arven like this?
Clavell was incensed.
So he dropped everything and journeyed into the crater he left behind all that time ago.
Labs 1 to 3 were as he remembered, if coated in a thick layer of dust. He read their journals, their notes.
“We need more people. More time. That man walked out not long afterthe boy was born.”
Walked out… Clavell gritted his teeth. It was them, who abandoned Arven, who abandoned him.
“Leave then!” Turo’s words still haunted Clavell some nights, even if he shuttered the emotion away for Arven’s sake. 
As he set foot in Lab 4 however, Clavell gasped. The robotic voices that chimed from the ceiling did not help. 
“Please leave as I’ve advised, Clavell.” Turo had not sounded like Turo at all. 
And then there were the strange Jigglypuff… the strange metallic Delibird… Paradox Pokemon? Clavell had dealt with them accordingly, before finally making his way to the place that carried bittersweet memories. He had lived here once, afterall.
With them.
The news Not-Sada and Not-Turo deliver guts him, in a way he thought impossible now. They had ignored his pleas to live a life beyond the crater, had made him leave with Arven, and yet… He still reserved their labs in his office, in case they ever decided to come home. 
But now they were dead, with copies of themselves guarding their life’s work.
The time machine idea actually worked. 
Clavell’s laugh is almost hysterical, bitter and steepled in grief. It was foolish to battle the AIs on his own, but there was no Sada and Turo left to scream at.
His pokemon had pulled through against the Paradox pokemon just barely, but he never expected Sada and Turo’s paranoia of others to result in locking his Pokeballs. He should have stopped having expectations of them at all, what with their track record of crushing his heart.
Then the Paradise Protection Protocol had kicked in, and Clavell watched in horror as the AIs pleaded for him to run.

“̶̡̧̝̥͈͎̟͉̼͍̯̱͇͔͂Y̶̛̘̬̘̾̃̚O̵̬͙͛̓̋͘͜U̸̧̨̡̙̹̠̘͙̱̠̲͇̺͛̽̎̅̎͗̇̈́̐̋͆̃͘͠’̷̧͓͎͙̘͇̙͖̳̪̪̯̇͊͆̓̔͛̒̈́̓͂́͆̽̒͜͜Ŗ̴̺͙̪͎̔͐̽͒̿́̀̚E̸̜̿̂̒̏ ̶̧̡̠͚̦͚̺̠͈̥̞͗̆͝Ņ̸̟̐̅͑̈́͒̽͒́̚̚O̸̳͒̍̏Ṫ̸̥̭̤̱͖̹͙͍͙̜̟̊̉͐͒͂̀̀̄͜͝ͅ ̵̮̖̝̥̳̮͇̕G̴̹̺̩͛̋͗Ȇ̶̪̜̙͓͚͛̋̑͝T̷̡̢̢͕̻̭̰̼̠̻̓̿̾͌́̅͘͜T̸̺̓́̀̀̀̏̿̀̒̽̚͘Ī̸̢̨̻͓͍̱̮͙̱͉̫̄̿̔̐͒̚̕͝N̶̮͙̆̽̆̆́͗́͊͐̉̔̒̅͘Ģ̵͉̥̝̱̯̹̮̜͙̿̎̋͐̈̔̚͜͜ͅ ̵̠̬̣̘̼͛͜͝I̸̛͇̝̦̮̩̟̭̙̎͌̇͋̍̀͆̑́̈͐͘͝ͅǸ̶͖̱͆̅͒̏͘ ̵̧̧̢̡͙͔̮͓̭̟͎̤̠͕̜͂̈̀͂̾̊̀͐̌̿̈̆́O̸̻̦͎̘̥̗͉̥̐͗Ư̷̡̡͚̹͉͎̟̮̜͉͎̬͉͙̗̽͋͆̉̈́̆͆̈͆͝R̷̢̩͍̗̓̅̓̊̈́̈́͂̋̂́̔ ̶̰̦͂̃̂͒͐̌͐̃̐͌̾͌͠͝͝W̵̡̧͇̝̟͍̤̪̫̼͒̿́̈́̔́̀͐͘͠A̴̢̧̧̬̝̳̪͔̣̲̪̤̘̾̓̆Y̷̧̛̲̤͙͒̍̾̓̇̉̋̇̿͊̆̈!̷͙͎͔͙͎̤͙̞͇̤̝͚̱̈́̌̈͌̉̾̎̈̍͘͝͝”̵̩̜̳̭̻͗̂̄̂̍́͜͠

Clavell flinched, the tone’s familiarity reopening old wounds anew. 
As Koraidon and Miraidon roared to charge at him, Clavell wished…
“A-another life…” Clavell sobbed. 
A life he could have had with them, had things been different.
He had gotten his wish, even as it faded with his waning strength and morphed into this living nightmare.
His torso stung, warm blood coating his clothes. His head felt like it was stuffed with cotton, with the head wound making it worse.
Distantly, he heard the reptilian chitter of Koraidon and Miraidon, the slow thud of the obsidian pillars withdrawing into the ground, and the twinkle of crystal as two figures approached his prone body.
Sada? and Turo?’s farewell kisses had felt real, and as he faced the versions of them with barely a crease above their brow, his heart tore in two from morbid wonder, laden with grief for reality that was not his.
He loved them, whatever form it took, in every universe.
Once upon a time, he had thought he had found his treasure in them, and him as theirs.
So why?
"... who w-was I to you, in the end? Sada... Turo..."
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the-witchs-cafe · 6 months
A bit more of a meta question than a specific character question: but how do you think kyubey and the witch system work in the pokemon world? Would kyubey perhaps be a legendary, or is he something completely unrelated? Can kyubey and/or witches be caught in poke balls? And what about soul gems?
I'd be lying if I didn't say that I have been seriously brainstorming this for some time. While I do have bits and pieces in my disposal atm, I am more than happy to share them with ya! Hopefully, with time, we could manage to uncover a bigger picture here; see how these small particles of knowledge interconnect with one another to form a constellation like no other.
This is gonna be separated into parts, because, pal, I am gonna unleash levels of autism like no other;
- H E A V E N S A Y S - "Y O U A R E A N A N G E L !"
So, first thing's first, Kyubey; after looking into his main inspiration, being the Old Ones and any other eldritch horror that is beyond human rationality, I've theorized that perhaps that a whole other incubator species is present within the Pokemon universe. Much like Kyubey, their individual "selves" are little more than parts of a much higher, vaster being that is looking down at humanity with calculative intrigue; striking a single one of them down is an act akin to simply waving your hand in front of their face, which is annoying, but not necessarily harmful. Unlike incubators, though, I can see their designs being more heavenly and digital; focused on what is right or wrong without any of the nuance of humanity, as well as butterflies being a key motif present.
While I am still working on how they would work lore-wise (like, how they came to being in the first place'; perhaps born from the expansion of the universe, as a consequence of Arceus' actions?), I don't think they would be in any way related to Pokemon as a species- rather, they are part of the universe as a whole. Think of the Pokemon universe as an Operating System, and the incubators as an essential application, there to ensure that the OS is running in a stable manner like a sort of booster, and magi are their own anti-viruses.
Aside from emotions and karmic destiny, tho (because I fucking hate Kyubey's justification for why he only contracts with girls in-canon; "oh, girls are just more emotional-" shut up), the incubators of the Pokemon universe also target desire; think visions from Genshin Impact, those whose wishes are so powerful that they rival the very narrative they are in. Those who seek to take charge of their destinies are more than likely to contract.
Regarding witches, I have to make it clear that, no; they're still interdimensional monsters born from curses and are, in fact, the maddened remnants of the souls of the magi they once were trapped in an eternal nightmare. However, it can be said that they would develop certain...quirks depending on the region they hail from. I'm still working on the whole list of regions, but here is what I got so far;
Alola: Community (can call for one another for assistance; battles against one another is rare, as they prefer to team up. More in-tune with the physical world than the rest.) and ??? (something to do with Z-Power, and how it would affect the witches and their barriers; still need to work on that)
Galar: Monarchies (the strongest witch there is crowned as their "ruler"; mirroring the region's celebrity culture and the old monarchs of Britain) and illusions (upon witching out, the magi leave behind "specters" of their former selves; kinda like faceless remnant data of the people they used to be, haunting the places and people that influenced them so until the witch's defeat. This phenomenon is caused by the former trainer's wishing star/dynamax band and the region's power spots.)
Paldea: Regrets/Treasures (still working on that) and paradoxes (how fucked up would it be if you met your future witch form looking down at you and square in the eyes, amirite you guys? Dang it, Sada and Turo...)
Aside from all of the above, if the magi happened to be a Pokemon trainer themselves before falling into despair, I think that their accompanying party 'mons would also be affected. After all, Z-power is drawn from both the trainer and their pokemon, and Mega Evolution's success depends on the bond made with one another. I'm still working on the intricacies, but they might become akin to shadow Pokemon from Pokemon Colosseum/XD: Gale of Darkness; they aren't familiars for the witch, but they would still be driven to insanity by their master's despair and still obey them in this form.
As a side-note, mainly because I am a huge Alola stan, I should state that, through Z-moves, the region technically has something akin to the Doppel system of Magia Record. When your heart is in-tune with your pokemon's, you share one another's hopes, dreams, worries, and despair in the process, before unleashing it all in the form of an as-of-yet unnamed specialized Z-Move. Using them also doesn't pose the risk of contracting Doppel Syndrome, either, but that is due to the following key aspect that separates this universe's doppel system from that of MR's-
You see, these specialized Z-Moves don't completely cleanse the soul gem upon activation; rather, they simply create a sort of equilibrium between the remaining energies of the magi and their 'mon. In a sense, you are sharing your burdens with your buddy by using this power, while also allowing them to lend their energy to you. Think of how the MC would feel exhausted after unleashing Light that Burns the Sky, then imagine the opposite of that.
This method of purifying soul gems is often regarded as an absolute last resort; the thought of risking your Pokemon's health just to make sure you don't kick the bucket is considered to be way too much of a taboo for most people. If used carelessly, then unleashing this power would cause the user to witch out at an even faster rate- perhaps instantly.
Yeah, between the witches that can actually organize and a less-than-stable doppel system, Alola is one of the worst regions to contract in. Too bad most of the residents there have a LOT of Z-power coursing through their veins, making it a sort of incubator/witch hotspot; same goes for Galar and its Dynamax Energies.
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ihaveatheoryonthat · 9 months
Forgive and Forget (cont'd)
Earlier this year, I said something about wanting to clean up a few WIPs, and I really did try-- I just got smacked in the face with MHIMH around June and things went out of control from there.
In any case, the first one I was trying to complete was Forgive and Forget; this is more of that, delving into the actual plot instead of just being the introduction. It's also very incomplete, just as a heads up.
(I should also warn that it deals with an illness that's basically the Pokemon world's equivalent to covid. It's an important plot point, but more in the sense of being why the story happens, not what the story is about.)
If a process was uncomfortable for an adult, it stood to reason that it would be even less tolerable for a child. Drayden knew it was asking a lot for Ingo to [tolerate] another test, but he couldn’t help his concerns. The boy woke up slowly every morning and kept a coat wrapped around him indoors; both of these habits would lessen as the day progressed, but the fact that he was so consistently chilled and fatigued was worth paying attention to.
The test came up negative once again, ruling that potential cause out. It was a relief for obvious reasons, but troubling, too. There were no other symptoms that suggested he had a run of the mill cold, and while he was a bit stilted at mealtimes, he didn’t raise a fuss about eating properly. At first, Drayden had been worried for how little the child ate, but that [concern] had been settled with a bit of research; the amount it took a six year old to go about the day was a great deal less than what an adult needed.
He was advised to let his nephew be; not only was he having to adjust to staying in Opelucid for the time being, but he wasn’t used to being on his own. The coat was likely a comfort object, he’d been told, and it stood to reason that he had trouble sleeping so far away from home.
Drayden had been unable to leave well enough alone, though. He didn’t want to create a reliance, but Ingo and Swablu were getting along so well that he thought it might help; Swablu could roost on the headboard, and the presence of another living being might help his nephew sleep through the night. Well after Ingo had gone to bed, and just before Drayden himself planned to retire for the night, he cracked the guest room door open to let Swablu toddle in. The bird did exactly that, and Drayden’s attention moved to the little form on the opposite side of the room.
It seemed the advice held weight after all. Over the blanket, Ingo had spread his coat out like an ill-fitting bed cover, plainly finding reassurance in it. He might not have noticed a conflicting detail if not for the beeline Swablu bid toward its new friend. It plopped itself down without a care, and while it didn’t have the weight to wake the child, it disturbed him just enough to make a hissing exhale audible from the doorway. Drayden hesitated in the threshold, wondering if he shouldn’t do something, but waking Ingo up now-- on a school night no less-- would do nothing to help the trouble he had getting started in the morning. He decided it would keep until the daylight hours.
When he witnessed the usual routine the next morning, he could have kicked himself for not connecting the dots the night prior.
“Ingo,” He said gently, and waited for a response before going on.
The boy paused what he’d been doing to put both hands on Swablu-- restraining it from hopping up onto the table and going to town-- and looked up at him. Not for the first time, it pinged at Drayden how strange it was to see someone wearing a coat at the breakfast table.
“If you’re getting cold at night, I can find you another blanket.” That made sense, didn’t it? A smaller body would get cold much easier, and if he was trying to curl up tight enough to hide under that jacket all night, of course it would leave him exhausted.
Ingo stared at him with paradoxically ultra-bright and sleep-dulled eyes, and eventually said, “S’okay.”
“It’s no trouble, if that’s what you’re worried about. Do you want to see where I keep the extras? You can pick one out, if you’d like.” […]
Something twitched in the child’s expression, but Drayden couldn’t tell what it meant. He zipped his coat all the way up, then buried the bottom half of his face in the collar. Swablu pecked at the dangling zipper.
That was… fine. Regardless of that [puzzling] response, Drayden would make sure there was an extra blanket available for him tonight, whether or not he worked up the courage to ask. What was making him so nervous, though? It wasn’t out of character for him to avoid raising fuss when he needed something-- the twins were shy about that, but would flag down an adult for their brother’s sake-- but it was strange that he would actively reject an offer of help.
Drayden brought it up that afternoon, during the daily check in with Travic. His brother still sounded awful, and he didn’t want to make things any worse, but Vick would endure the discomfort in a heartbeat to ensure his wayward son’s wellbeing.
“He does run cool,” Travic rasped, and then paused-- either to rest or to give the whole of it some thought. “I’m not sure what he was trying to tell you, though. He can’t know if it’s a bad texture without feeling it. And he didn’t say anything?”
That part had mystified Drayden since the initial commute to Opelucid. Historically, it wasn’t difficult to coax Ingo into a conversation, but his nephew had stayed silent even with the promise of meeting a new Pokemon in the near future. He should have been asking about Swablu until he’d had the chance to see it in person, but instead, he’d curled in on himself and waited out the train ride. Drayden understood that he might be scared by how quickly things were happening around him, but the forced indifference was incredibly out of character.
“Not a word.” He confirmed grimly, “We may have to have a talk tonight, just to get this ironed out.”
“Be gentle, Dray. He’s the one you need to watch out for with the RSD.” [...]
Unseen, Drayden rolled his eyes. “I’m not a Druddigon; I have thick skin, not rough skin.”
On the other end of the phone, his brother stifled a coughing fit and then wheezed, “Just be nice to my Goomy.”
Drayden snorted. Personally, he thought an Axew would be more appropriate-- or maybe a Noibat-- but he’d let Vick have this one; he had to be worried for both of his kids. Speaking of…
“How are the both of you faring over there?”
Travic caught himself before he could snort. “I honestly think Emmet’s going to sleep this entire thing off. I’ll get him up to eat some soup, and he nearly zonks out in the bowl. At first I was worried, but he’s not fainting. It’s just that he doesn’t have the energy for more than one task in a row.”
“Poor thing.” Drayden said [?], careful not to let his amusement at the mental image come through.
This time, Vick let his [amusement] out in a puff of breath, “That poor thing’s got the right idea. I wish I could sleep all day.”
“I should let you catch up on your rest, then.” [...]
The [amusement] settled into a [?] sigh, “Yeah, I think it’s about time. Tell Ingo we love him, and I’ll talk to you later.”
“I will. In the meantime, rest well.” He said, and shut his Xtransceiver off.
That didn’t help very much; if anything, Vick’s concern only made it worse. While Drayden stood by his initial assessment-- his brother was probably just seeing things through a skewed lens as a result of his illness-- the fact that he hadn’t been able to pin down a potential cause for the behavior was confounding. Unfortunately, the next best expert on the topic was unconscious, sick and six, so they’d find no quarter there.
Drayden was somewhat startled to realize that, given his [sporadic] visits and the previous [timeframe], that made him the third best [reference]. He ran his hands over his face and braced his elbows against his desk.
He tamed dragons and guarded the gates to the Pokemon League like he himself was a drake. Surely he could talk to a little boy about a blanket.
It was much harder when he found hopelessly confused silver eyes fixed on him over the uppermost edge of the blanket he’d handed off for inspection. He knelt down and made to lower it, but aborted the gesture as he realized he’d seen the same thing that morning when Ingo had hidden his face.
Instead, he asked as gently as he could, “Can you tell me what’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” The child lied, the word thick in his throat and reluctant to come out.
Drayden sighed, and what might have been frustration under different circumstances only turned into [?]. “We’ll come back to that. You’re struggling, and I want to help; is there anything I can do to make this easier for you?”
With that reframing, Ingo paused and thought about it. He almost said something, but the first word came out muffled, and he belatedly lowered the blanket before trying to say his piece. “What are the rules?”
“There are no rules; if there’s something on your mind, I want to hear it.”
Ingo gave his head a harsh shake. “Not the rules for right now. I don’t want to get in trouble again, so I need to know what I shouldn’t do.”
Drayden felt his brows furrow. “What do you mean by that? Did something happen at school?”
There was a quiet, “No,” but that was all.
Right. He needed to be clear, and right now he was getting distracted.
“Are you asking about my household rules?” He tried, and was relieved to get an affirmative, if only because he was on the correct track. “You don’t need to worry about anything like that. I know you won’t get yourself into trouble.” Not alone, at least.
To his surprise, it earned him a nervous whine, and the blanket crept back upwards.
“Do you… want rules?” Drayden asked, slightly baffled. He didn’t think Travic imposed any major restrictions over the twins at their age, so he wasn’t sure where this was coming from-- but, sure enough, Ingo nodded from behind the safety of his fleece shield.
Running a hand through his hair, Drayden [?]. “I don’t currently have a list of rules. We could make one, if that would help put your mind at ease.”
Ingo nodded again and held the blanket up for Drayden to take back.
He hesitated. “Ingo, you’re going to need that tonight.”
His nephew’s pale eyes flicked down at it and then, questioningly, back to Drayden. “Is that one?”
Drayden resisted the urge to pass a hand over his face.
“No, it’s not.” He said, and proceeded to bargain with the six year old, “Why don’t I put this away for now, and you can decide on a blanket after we’ve made your list? Does that sound acceptable?”
The blanket was held out again, more insistently than before. Drayden couldn’t help but wonder if he’d picked a bad texture to hand over after all, and that was why he was so intent on getting rid of it. Once they’d settled this, he’d have to get a definitive yes or no.
He went to get a blank sheet of paper-- encouraging Ingo to go grab his pencil case in the meantime-- and they spent some time at the table drafting up a set of child-accessible house rules. For every new addition, Drayden handed the page over to Ingo to number, which he did with an adorably intense focus. The [list] consisted of things like ‘no going outside after dark’, ‘no hitting’, and ‘brush your teeth before bed’, and Drayden was a little proud of how competently parental it sounded. It was a little embarrassing that several of the rules came from the child in question and not the adult, but a collaborative victory was still a victory.
Drayden had made Ingo’s clumsy spacing work by using deliberately legible, large letters to spell each rule out-- ideal for a new reader who might want to review them when he got nervous. It meant that only ten items fit on the page, and he’d thought that would be enough to put his nephew’s mind at ease, but again, Ingo proved him wrong.
He stared at the number for ‘no hitting’ for a few seconds, tangling his fingers up. “What about touching?”
For a second, Drayden’s heart seized, and then he forced himself to [idk].
“Can you explain what you mean by ‘touching’?” He asked, voice deceptively even.
“Uh.” Ingo said, and pushed away from his chair to where Swablu was perched [on something]. He paused and looked to Drayden, seeking permission to demonstrate, before setting his hand on the bird’s head.
Drayden bit back a relieved breath. “That’s perfectly fine, Ingo. You’ve been holding Swablu this whole time-- I think he’d be upset if you stopped now.”
Swablu tilted back to nibble at a finger, and the two of them stayed there in silence.
“Is there a reason you were so concerned about that?” […]
The boy’s eyes dropped to the floor and he took his hand back, where it and its partner curled into uncertain fists, pressed against his chest. As promised, Swablu chirped indignantly, but now wasn’t the time to indulge its whims.
“Dad got mad about it.” He admitted, shamefaced, to the tile.
Drayden had to be missing context here; that didn’t sound like Travic at all. He could tell the twins no when it was warranted, but he wouldn’t get upset with them out of nowhere. Maybe they’d misread each other, or something else had caused Vick to come across more harshly than he normally would-- as the man himself had reminded Drayden, Ingo was prone to rejection sensitive dysphoria.
Given Ingo’s abnormal silence, Drayden half expected the explanation to stop there, but to his surprise, it surged on-- unable to be held back now that the dam had been compromised.
“I didn’t know I wasn’t s’posed to. It was okay before, and-- and I just wanted to help, ‘c-cause Emmet wasn’t feeling good.” The boy blurted, hands raising as if to physically stop himself from speaking, but they idled in the air without following through on the threat. “But dad got mad and told me to sit on the couch, and then he called you.”
Okay. That was… a lot at once. Much, much more than Drayden had expected to get. Working from what he knew, Emmet had been sick, and so Travic logically wouldn’t want Ingo getting too close, let alone making physical contact. That made sense. It would seem sudden since the twins were so frequently in close quarters, and it only became a problem once Travic realized the severity of the situation. That tracked, too. Why did Ingo think his father was mad at him, though? Just because he’d been sent to the couch?
“Why do you say your dad was upset?” […]
“He sounded really scary. And then he sent me to time out.” The boy’s lip trembled and, in one quick motion, he snatched Swablu up off of the [whatever] to hide his face against it. The bird squawked at first, startled, but caught on quickly and shuffled around in his arms, trying to do something to help soothe him. Ingo didn’t dare emerge from behind his protector as he finally added, “And then he sent me away.”
Gently, Drayden managed to compress the remaining fluff of Swablu’s wings to catch his nephew’s eye.
“Ingo,” He said, urgent, but trying not to let it show in his voice, “You don’t think you’re here as a punishment, do you?”
There was a single, miserable nod as the child angled his face back into the Pokemon’s plumage. An anxious whine was building in his throat, and with this new understanding, it was hard to blame him.
“Hey, hey now. It’s alright, you’re not here because you’re in trouble. Your dad was worried for you and asked me to take care of you, do you remember that? You said Emmet wasn’t feeling well; he didn’t want you getting sick, too.” As much as he’d hoped it might get through, it obviously didn’t. This had to have been building since [timeframe], too big to be quelled now-- and wasn’t that an awful thought? All this time, and Ingo thought he’d been [punished] for trying to help his brother feel a little better.
Drayden tentatively set a hand on his upper arm, and was promptly shaken off. Swablu chirped reproachfully.
How… how else could he help? It seemed touch was against the rules for now, and words weren’t [getting through]. Swablu was safe, though-- a warm, child friendly weight. What could he take away from that? Drayden stood and backed off several paces, but stayed well in range and never fully turned away. With the gap he’d made, he quietly called Druddigon over and sent it to the closet in the hallway, gratefully relieving it of its cargo once it returned. It didn’t stop him and seek praise for once, too wary of the crying child to linger.
Drayden gave the fabric a vigorous rustling, hoping the friction would help warm it up quickly, and then approached again. Careful not to make contact, himself, he draped his coat over Ingo’s shoulders and then knelt back, waiting to see if that was at all helpful. The lining was the closest he could get to Ingo’s own coat-- the whereabouts of which escaped him in the moment-- it was weighty without being heavy, and it would give him something to retreat into.
It didn’t calm him in and of itself, but it did seem to help; he turned away from Swablu’s plumage and buried his entire face beneath its wide collar. Drayden made sure not to touch anything but the fabric as he adjusted it for better coverage, and spoke slow, soft words meant to comfort. Eventually the little boy cried himself out, and Drayden was able to use his [fatigue] to herd him to the guest room, where he might feel safer.
He lingered in the threshold, at a total loss for what to do. There was nothing he could say right now that would help, but he didn’t want to leave Ingo alone after such an intense emotional outburst. Swablu paced the bed and, lethargically, Ingo dragged himself up onto the mattress with it, all but collapsing as soon as he got there. He pulled Drayden’s coat up over his head and curled up into a forlorn ball.
Drayden’s eyes wandered as he tried to figure out what to do, ultimately landing on a plush Purrloin laying atop the bag Travic had sent along that first day. He scooped it up and set it on the pillow, in easy reach, but to little response.
“Would you like me to stay for a little while?” He asked, and got an indistinct sound as his answer. With touch off the table, he was unable to offer a reassuring pat, and it didn’t feel right to keep talking when the boy was already overwhelmed. Drayden compromised by seating himself at the very foot of the bed, where one of them would have to move for any contact to occur. “If it doesn’t matter to you, I think I would feel better about staying for a minute. Is that okay?”
Ingo didn’t bother to answer this time, and Drayden kept him company until the emotional exhaustion got the better of the boy. When he was sure his nephew was asleep, he moved back to his linen closet and selected a different blanket this time, gently spreading it over the same area as his coat. When he woke up, he’d be able to burrow under the covers, but until then, the coat wouldn’t be enough to stave off a chill.
After a moment of watching the small lump slowly rise and fall with each breath, Drayden glanced to Swablu, trying to judge how it might respond to its friend’s distress. What he found was that the bird had worked its beak under the blanket and wriggled underneath. Once the smaller lump neared the slightly-larger one, he heard a soft, muffled cooing.
Swablu seemed to have the situation under control, at least, even if Drayden didn’t. He made sure to leave the door ajar when he stepped out, just in case that helped at all, and ran a hand through his hair.
He didn’t know how to fix this, but his brother had to be told immediately.
Drayden passed a hand over his eyes and went to grab his Xtransceiver off of the living room table, trying to work out how he’d broach the problem; he didn’t want Travic to panic and make himself worse, but they had nip the belief before it rooted itself any deeper.
With a resigned sigh, he turned the device on and dialed his brother’s number.
“What do you mean?” Travic [?], sounding like he was suffering the immediate aftermath of being punched in the chest.
“He thinks being here is his punishment for breaking an unspoken rule.” Drayden confirmed, grim faced, and triple-checked that his study door was shut tight. While it wouldn’t hurt Ingo to hear the truth of this matter, it wouldn’t do for him to realize how poorly his father was doing.
“I-- I wasn’t mad at him. He just needed to get away before he caught--” His brother broke off abruptly, and at first Drayden thought it could be chalked up to the ragged cough that tore from his lungs, but realized shortly thereafter that it was the other way around-- a sudden inhalation had, instead, sparked the coughing fit. “He put himself in time out. How didn’t I see that?”
“Trav, you had a fever of [?] degrees.” Drayden reasoned, trying to lessen the blow even the smallest amount.
Unsurprisingly, it didn’t work. “That doesn’t matter. It doesn’t change how he understood it. He must…”
There was a break on the other side of the line as Travic tried to wrestle his lungs into compliance.
“He thinks I abandoned him, Drayden.”
Ah. Drayden… hadn’t thought of it in that light, but he did suppose that would make it worse on a parent, and even [worse] on Travic in particular. The twins were too young to remember their mother, but Drayden could [recall/recite] that unpleasantness all too easily.
“We’ll get this misunderstanding worked out. He’s a very smart little boy, I’m sure we can--”
“He’s six.” Travic snapped, and then looked intensely apologetic about it. “Sorry. It’s just-- it’s not his job. I’m supposed to make sure he [understands], and I can’t have screwed up worse.”
Drayden sighed and rested his chin in a hand, unable to quell this particular [anxiety]. “It can’t be undone, so the best thing to do is ensure that it doesn’t stretch on any longer. I can try to talk to him, but I need to know how you want me to approach the conversation.”
“I… don’t know.” Travic said [lamely]. He pressed both hands to his face and ran them both upwards, until the heels were pressed to his eyes. Eventually he said, “I’ll call in, so keep him home tomorrow. It’ll be worse if he has to pass through town on his way to school.”
His already distraught [frown] deepened as he muttered, “All the good that does. It’s been [timeframe]. I thought sticking to his usual schedule would help, but…”
“With all due respect, Travic, what other options were there? His absence wouldn’t be excused for long if he wasn’t also sick, and the inactivity would have worn on his nerves even more than the routine. You’re not being fair to yourself.”
A rough, frustrated sound escaped Travic, and in that moment, the resemblance between him and his eldest was uncanny.
Out of an abundance of caution, he peeked into the guest room on his way past. It seemed Ingo had roused himself at some point during Drayden’s call, as the blanket had been folded into clumsy fourths and shoved off to the side. The shapes involved suggested that he’d finally maneuvered himself under the actual bedding, so Drayden wasn’t terribly concerned about that particular blanket being rejected-- especially since his coat was still laying atop the child-sized lump.
“It will be better in the morning.” Drayden promised the sleeping form. “Goodnight, Ingo.”
In spite of the previous evening’s events, Ingo didn’t miss a beat the next morning. He got up right on schedule and started shuffling about as he did every morning so far. While he was still sleepy-eyed, it seemed likely to draw from a different source than before, and Drayden was [vindicated] to see him wandering around without a coat over his shoulders.
There was one in his arms, though, and he wordlessly held it up for Drayden to take back, staring somewhere to the left of the man’s knees.
It took a moment for Drayden to come up with an adequate response to that.
“Why don’t you hold onto that until we find a blanket that you like?” He asked, and saw a nose scrunch in thought.
“Won’t you need it?” [?]
He shook his head. “Don’t worry, I run hot; if I really need a coat this time of year, there are others I can use.”
With the [clumsy] hands of a young child, Ingo doubled it over across his arms and then frowned at the result; he frowned at most everything though, and this didn’t seem so out of the ordinary.
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chicaseptic · 6 months
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Pokemon Violet: Poisonous Rebirth
Chapter 1: Welcome to Kitakami.
The first chapter is done, hope you all enjoy it! Any advice is welcome and so are questions.
The Paldea Region…a region where people and Pokémon co-exist. From the skies to the seas, there are Pokémon at every corner! At the heart of the region lies a giant crater inaccessible to ordinary people…and around this area, in a corner around the crater, lies an academy known as Naranja Uva Acadamy. An academy where students can learn from basic lessons such as language, maths, and P.E. to Home EC, students are offered dorms, and within the academy is a shop where they have everything they need. Within the academy resides the prodigy known as Florian.
Florian is a young 14-year-old trainer who reached the Champion Rank thanks to his rival. His friend group consisted of Nemona(The Battle Hungry maniac), Arven(His cook bestie), Penny(Hacker VeeVee girl), and of course, the iconic paradox Pokémon, Miraidon. Due to his appearance, Florian was often mistaken for a girl until he spoke, which he always found funny. Sometimes, he’d just let people think he was a girl for some time and then speak.
One day, Florian heard of a trip to a place called Kitakami…which caught the young trainer’s interest. So, he willingly signed up…
At the airport, Arven, Nemona, Penny, and their mother met up to bid Florian ‘bye’ even tho it was temporary.
“Make sure you call us, little buddy!” Arven grinned.
“Make sure you get stronger so we can have more fruitful battles!” Nemona chimed.
“Make sure you call…” Penny muttered softly.
Florian looked at his ride partner, Miraidon, who chirped happily. They could tell the electric/dragon type was excited to see more of the world.
Florian stared out the window, wondering how long has it been since he took off to Kitakami. He was bored out of his mind and he had a nap not too long ago. His partner, Meowscarada, on the other hand, was still napping. That grass cat Pokemon HATED being in her Pokeball, so it was up to Florian to ensure this cat wasn’t causing mischief. The boy checked his room phone.
“Man…this is taking forever…and we also need to take the bus…” They muttered to themselves.
Florian looked around the plane, so many trainers…many faces he could recognize as students but not know on a personal level, and then there was Ms.Briar…Florian wasn’t fond of her…and neither was the Magician Pokemon…
Florian checked his team: Meowscarada, A recently caught shiny Flygon, The guardian Miraidon, Azumarill, A shiny Lucario, and a shiny Gengar.
Some of these Pokemon were hatched, some were just caught at their current stages but they all obeyed Florian flawlessly.
He was snapped out of his thoughts as he heard the pilot announce their descent.
Kitakami…a small village-like region and a popular tourist destination…home to Pokemon who are not found in Paldea. Florian got off the bus and looked around.
‘So much green…’ They thought.
Briar guided the students to the community center, yet Florian was lost in the scenery…until he bumped into someone!
“Grah!” A voice echoed.
“A-Ah! Are you ok!?” Another voice chimed in.
Florian looked in front of him. A tall girl with a dark smoke brown hairband and eyes looked down at me. Her hairband had dark smoke-brown wings with dark orange tips. Her dark blue hair with a harsh pink interior and yellow highlights in the front hair waved elegantly in the gentle wind.
“What gives!?” She shouts.
“I-I am sorry! I got c-caught up in the surroundings!”
“Surroundings…I take it you are…new here…?”
Florian looked at the source of the other voice. A smaller boy, around Florian’s age, seemed to share a similar hairstyle to the girl. Although his hairband was a harsh pink with what Florian believes are chains hanging loosely. The boy’s pink eyes were something they were sure to never forget.
“Ummmm…you are staring at me…” the boy spoke softly.
“S-Sorry!” Florian apologized.
“Yea…I will just…mark all of this as you being new here…”
Florian nods, glad that it got sorted quickly.
“I’m Kieran…the featherbrain with wings is my sister…Carmine.”
“Hey! Who are you calling a featherbrain!?” Carmine shouts, getting all riled up.
“You…jeez…” Kieran retorted, sighing. “Sorry about the featherbrain…she gets…riled up easily, really.”
Florian couldn’t help but stare at the chains dangling from Kieran’s hairband…they were simply so pretty…no…Kieran was pretty. That shade of pink just really suits him…
“H-Huuuuuuuuuh!? Kieran suddenly blushed.
“W-Wait…what happened!?” Florian panicked.
“You just said my brother is pretty and that shade of pink really suits him…” Carmine spoke.
“I-I said that out loud!?” Behind Florian, Meowscarada chuckled.
Kieran, still flustered, took Florian’s hands in it’s and smiled.
“I-I think you look pretty too! E-Everything about you is unique!”
Carmine rolled his eyes.
‘Lovebirds…’ she mentally sighed.
The girl now watches as his little brother and the newcomer are flustered messes.
“ANYWAYS! Come now, new kid.” Said Carmine as she took Florian’s hand and took him to the Community center, Kieran following behind.
A little bit later, we arrived at the center.
“Florian! There you are!” Ms. Briar spoke as she approached me.
“Now we know your name…” Kieran muttered.
Florian chuckled.
“I see you met the two group guides already!”
“I’ll get these kids! Kiki, you get Florian!” Carmine said/
For a second, Florian swore Carmine chiriped…like a bird.
Once the groups were decided, I looked at Kieran and smiled.
“Lead the way!~” Florian smiled.
Kieran fidgeted nervously but nodded.
“O-Ok…follow me…”
‘Strange…’ Kieran thought as it couldn’t shake off the smile from Florian. ‘What is he…doing?’
Thoughts ran through the young boy’s head…
“HOLD IT!” Carmine’s voice rang loudly.
Kieran and Florian turned around, only to see Carmine rush at them.
“I want to battle Florian!”
Florian could see a spark in Carmine’s charcoal eyes. A desire to battle.
“Hmmm…let me see if my team is in good condition…” Florian muttered, playing with his braided hair before reaching into his bag for the Pokemon. Meowscarada seemed in good condition. She seemed eager to fight!
“Alright…we can battle.” Florian exhaled.
Carmine looked like he wanted to jump up and down.
“Alright! Let’s do this!”
We went back to the front of the Community Center, Carmine pulled out a Pokeball. She confidently threw it and Mightyena came out.
Florian looked at Meowscarada and she jumped into the battle, meowing ferociously.
Carmine laughs as he gets into battle mode.
“Welcome to Kitamami! For your first experience, get ready to eat dirt!”
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giantchasm · 2 years
let's hear abt the fucked up au
OK. So, as you may have seen, when I first beat Scarlet and Violet I made the following meme as a goofy little joke about how I thought it was funny another time travel plot came immediately after PLA
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I didn't think it through much more than that at the time. But the post has been making rounds and as its popped up in my notifications again and again, I got to thinking...-
It's said in Scarlet and Violet that humans can't come back through the time machine. But let's humor the idea for a moment, just for funsies: What if Barry and Emmet did seek Sada out to get their loved ones back? What if it worked? Wouldn't that make for such a happy ending?
...On the surface, at least.
You see, there's a theory I've seen floating around about Area Zero. The theory posits that the time machine isn't an actual time machine, and that the Paradox Pokemon aren't actually from the past or future. This theory reasons that the 'time machine,' Paradox Pokemon, and AI professor were actually created by a legendary not yet in the game-- one only alluded to in the Scarlet/Violet book.
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The going theory at the moment is that this Pokemon is some sort of eldritch entity that feeds off of imagination/desire and creates things based on people's wishes. That's why the box art legendaries resemble Heath's beloved Cyclizar and why the paradox Pokemon exist despite the holes in the timeline they create. None of it is real.
But if two people were to go to Area Zero with the wish of being reunited with those they care about, what would happen? Would it be like what happened when Turo/Sada went to Area Zero with the desire to see what they saw in the Scarlet/Violet book?
Would something be birthed?
What I'm trying to say is imagine an AU where Barry and Emmet get wind of what Sada's doing, go to the crater to hopefully be reunited with their loved ones, and are-- except... they're not. They're reunited with replicas based on their loved ones exactly as they perceive them.
They don't notice the things that don't add up. 'Dawn' and 'Ingo' behave exactly how they anticipate they would. But for everyone else...-
Things are weird.
Ingo doesn't remember how to run the singles train the way he should (After all, Emmet wasn't there.) Dawn doesn't recall conversations she had with Lucas or Rowan when Barry wasn't listening. Neither of them remember anything about Hisui despite historical records showing that's where they went.
...What's going on?
Their other loved ones would grow suspicious. Things wouldn't add up. But when they'd try to point this out, they'd be rebuked. Clearly they're "just not happy Dawn and Ingo are home."
So they begin to investigate the crater themselves and come in contact with some teens who claim to have entered it. Cue the Scarlet and Violet friend group also catching wind of what's going on.
And a shitstorm ensuing as Florian/Juliana, Nemona, Penny and Arven travel to Sinnoh and Unova to talk with Lucas, Elesa, Cynthia, and anyone else who might become wrapped up in all of this (I can see Looker getting involved) all to try and save Barry and Emmet from the same fate that befell the professor; AKA getting way too wrapped up in a fantasy.
But that's easier said than done. The two would drag their heels in, and it doesn't seem like 'Dawn' or 'Ingo' mean harm. After all... Koiraidon might be fake, too, and Koraidon is perfectly loving and sweet.
Scooby Doo investigation antics and psychological horror ensue.
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nyaagolor · 1 year
SV Bad End AU
Recently occurred to me I never actually like. Explained the Bad End AU in any meaningful capacity on here so oops. Very belated explanation post time
The change that starts off the AU is that the professors never get divorced. They build the time machine together and bring a ‘raidon though it. In my version of the main timeline, whichever professor didn’t get their ‘raidon is the one that leaves, getting a wakeup call from the failure and seeing how obsessed their spouse is with this thing. But this time, BOTH ‘raidons come through the machine, so they both get the drive to continue full force. They continue their research as partners despite not having similar goals, and help each other on their shared time machine so long as they can use it to achieve mutual goals. They take turns caring for Arven, bringing their respective ‘raidon to the surface when they do so. Because the professors are so focused on their own research, they’re still neglectful of Arven, but more physically present than the professor in the actual game. Unfortunately Arven still has to care for himself and these big lizards whenever they show up, so he gets most of the same issues as canon. His main friends end up being his Maschiff and the two ‘radians, who are very young and act kinda like big puppies.
This somewhat precarious family dynamic changes when both professors decide to come up to the surface for some holiday. They both hit a snag with their research and need a break, so they come to visit Arven together and bring the ‘raidons with them. Unfortunately, the ‘raidons haven’t spent much time around each other and end up taking their play-fighting too far while the family is out for a picnic. Arven is hurt trying to separate them and people nearby notice, causing the professors to panic and high-tail it out of there before the League tries to confiscate the ‘raidons. Arven, just like canon, is left alone. And, just like canon, the professors go wacky with their research, make some AI, pull way more paradox pokemon out of the machine, and eventually pull Another Raidon. Luckily, because there are two professors this time, they’re able to overpower the new ‘raidons and survive. This encourages them newfound confidence to keep pulling paradox pokemon thru the time machine as fast and aggressively as possible, neglecting the weaker ‘raidons in favor of the newer, stronger ones. The weaker ‘raidons end up running away, having been bullied by the more aggressive ‘raidons and neglected by the professors, and flee to Arven. They find him at the lighthouse, and Arven this time doesn’t blame them for his parents’ absence. He erroneously assumes his parents are hurt because the ‘raidons are here and heads off to Area Zero. The ‘raidons follow and manage to fight off the paradox pokemon that swarm them (it’s WAY worse this time because of the professors going apeshit with the time machine). This leaves Mabosstiff gravely injured and the ‘raidons too weak to fight, despite everyone making it out alive. Arven Is Fucking Pissed. Seeing how the ‘raidons protected him endears them to him, however, and he decides to travel with them to get the herba mystica and save Mabosstiff.
Meanwhile, the AIs are given new bodies in the forms of Fletchling and Rookidee robots with tera crystals inside (for disguise purposes and bc tera crystals— which let them leave the crater— can’t power a body that’s any bigger) and told to retrieve the ‘raidons. This is normally when the protagonist would show up, but they never make it to Paldea because right before they’re supposed to move, the paradox pokemon break free from Area Zero. The league and gym leaders try to contain them, but because they’re kinda just doing this battling thing as a side hustle it goes insanely poorly and they’re totally incapable of doing anything to stop it. Geeta becomes the most hated person in the region because she completely drops the ball with this by virtue of not being a very good battler. Being organized does not do much against Great Tusk unfortunately. She more or less leaves the public eye, helping Clavell do organizational stuff without showing her face. Meanwhile, a few things happen: 

Arven tries and fails to get the Herba Mystica. Without the protagonist, having only the weakened ‘raidons on his team, and being faced with another Paradox pokemon every three steps, he’s simply not strong enough to push past all of that PLUS the titans and get the HMs. Mabosstiff passes away from his injuries, but is revived as a Houndstone because of his need to protect his trainer / how much Arven loves him. Arven decides he hates his parents and their dream and vows to kick every paradox pokemon back into that time machine himself
Nemona goes to fight the paradox pokemon with hopes of helping keep the towns and cities protected from anything rampaging. She finds herself having more fun doing this than she ever did in the past, taking longer and longer trips just to battle these behemoths more and more. Then one day she hears about an especially strong paradox and goes to investigate. Unbeknownst to her, Sada had heard rumors about her and used that to lure her somewhere alone so she could make a deal
Penny goes from disliking the academy to HATING the academy real quick. When the paradox pokemon break free, all of team star is in their bases, and can’t guarantee the academy will protect them. The bases end up as mini refugee camps, protecting anyone who won’t or can’t go to the league or academy for protection. Seeing her closest friends barely able to protect themselves against the onslaught of paradox pokemon infuriates her, so she purposefully starts to do malicious hacking of the academy / league. Turo notices and messages her, giving her an offer she can’t refuse
Sada and Turo introduce themselves to the general public by this point, announcing what they’re been doing and how great things will be as they continue their research and “improve” Paldea with their plan. People do NOT take this well, but no one is strong enough to venture into the crater to destroy the time machine (especially with the strange new bodyguards that Sada and Turo seem to have). The AIs find Arven along with the ‘raidons at this point and realize they need to put a stop to this because it’s destroying Paldea. Clavell overhears and asks to join them because he’s tired of his old friends doing this and thinks he might be able to reason with them. Geeta finds out and also wants to help because she feels like she failed the region she loves so much and is willing to do anything to save it. Thus begins the plot!! They all try and make it to the crater to stop the time machine :)
Unsure if I want the canon protagonist to get whisked into this world and kickstart things or not but eh that’s smth to figure out later. Also I'm currently unsure if the professors are working together or in a sort of turf war as they try and prove the superiority of past / future that Paldea is just caught in the middle of
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wayfaringastral · 13 days
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✧— Pokémon Headcanon Meme
@toestalucia asked:
☀️: Who is your character’s partner Pokémon? Do they prefer to stay outside of their Pokéball? What’s their dynamic with their trainer?
🌟: Has your character met any Legendary Pokémon before? If so, what were the encounters like? Do they have any Legendary Pokémon on their team? If not, do they believe in Legendary Pokémon?
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Well, just look at shiny midnight Lycanroc and try to tell me that it isn't Fenrir!
This Lycanroc has an extremely vicious temperament. It will happily sustain injuries for the sake of taking down its opponent.
This Pokémon uses its rocky mane to slash any who approach. It will even disobey its Trainer if it dislikes the orders it was given.
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The colour scheme fits her perfectly too, it's always been so crazy to me.
ALTHOUGH. I want to mention that I could easily see her being a Type: Null/Silvally though! A God-Slayer with her powers restricted and all that...
Anyway Fenrir isn't caught in a Pokeball at all she just sticks around with Loki regardless and that is beautiful. I think Loki would try to hide this fact and pretend he caught her but... no... she sticks with him because she cares about him. She is still as vicious as can be though and I think she bites him... He's fine though, because of course he is. That brings me into their dynamic! Fenrir is free to do as she pleases and she gets into fights a lot with wild Pokemon, other trainers, and Loki's own party. She kind of has a reputation for being unruly while Loki is the most awful trainer ever because he doesn't bother to keep her in check. But it's not true... The two of them are very close and Loki just believes she should do what she wants... forever... In secret I'd like to think that they defend a lot of weaker Pokemon that need help. Although it's something no one knows.
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Oh good heavens so I love assigning Legendary Pokemon to characters it is such a special thing to me.
For one, I think Akasha should be a Jirachi... Since it often is dormant and its powers require someone else to use it, I think it checks out! There's also the fact that on two occasions, its powers have been used to make Monstrous Entities that could destroy the world... + Doom Desire feels very Akasha in vibes™...
Terapagos also feels very Akasha (and Astral in general...) to me. It is another Pokemon that technically has the ability to rewrite reality but its abilities are very much shrouded in mystery. It can also learn Meteor Beam, which is exclusive to fossil + space-related Pokemon... so it has that inherit connection to the stars in my opinion! It can rewrite reality too... There's a lot I can say about Paradox Pokemon and the Terastal Phenomenon but this is getting long. I'd like to think maybe the combined powers of Jirachi + Terapagos would equal a fully powered Akasha!? Jeez Erste, how come you get TWO special Pokemon...
Magearna would be Deus Ex Machina... With its artificial soul and general theming it just works! Its ability kind of makes me think of Byleistr and Viola and what happened... Every time a Pokemon is knocked out it grows stronger, so it's a dangerous little thing. Be careful now!
I kind of think he doesn't have any Legendary Pokemon on his team directly but he can access their powers when need be. I want to say he's friends with Kyurem and although it's not a member of his team he can still call upon it at will! But if you go the route with Fenrir being a Silvally then yes, he does have one, and she's awesome! Maybe I'll just say best of both worlds and Fenrir would be a Silvally that was made with the DNA of a midnight Lycanroc...
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blueikeproductions · 1 year
Based on a conversation with @shinyhappydigistar. -Ash gets fed up with Iono filming him every waking moment, made worse they share a dorm together at the Academy, and has thrown out some of her stuff out of frustration and starts to tear into her about her sleep stream pranks on him until he realizes…-
Ash: Wuh-WHY ARE YOU STREAMING THIS?! Pikachu: -indignantly- PIKA!!??
Bellibolt: -looks embarrassed and a little fed up as well at Iono- Bellibo…! -says sheepishly-
Iono: Whaaaat? People love drama! Why do you think the Porygon does so well over Zubatman comic drama?
Ash: What, that stuff over Tim Druddigon? Pidgey the Boy Wonder should like who he likes, so long as he still gets to fight Killer Croconaw!
Iono: Wow…, that’s surprisingly progressive from you, I wasn’t expecting that. …Oh hey I got a donation!
Ash: Who would give a donation to this Trubbish fire of a live stream…? -back to being annoyed-
-Cuts away to a far off Paldean campsite Goh and Gary Oak are staying at, having teamed up again for research in Paradox Pokemon. Gary and his Electivire both give a dark chuckle as Gary swipes on his Rotom Phone to give another donation, laughing at Ash’s misery.-
Goh and Grookey just stare disappointingly at him: I thought you and Ash were friends, Gary…
Gary -shrugs-: Old habits die hard, and I still enjoy Ashy being taken down a peg.
-A Brute Bonnet walks by the boys, stops and is curious at what they’re so enamored by, shrugs and waddles on by.-
-Back at the school-
Iono: Oh another donation! …Uh oh it’s from Clavell…
Ash: Heh serves you right!
Iono: … He wants to see us both in his office pronto, dude…
Ash: Aw, Ratatta…
Pikachu: Pikachu… (says dejectedly)
-At the office, everyone is still in their jammies, which makes the situation more comical than it is, with Ash in an old Indigo League sleeveless shirt and boxers, Iono in an Elesa themed tang top and Zebstrika sleep pants, and Clavell wearing a loud colored Pokeball themed night cap and gown, along with his Oranguru.-
Clavell: -sighs- I suppose I should’ve seen this coming, having two, uh, how do the kids say it? Having two Gogoated personalities together. In the same room…
Ash: Does that mean Iono can get her own room? Preferably far, far away from me and Pikachu…?
Clavell: Unfortunately the only other dorm was taken by that pink and blue haired RA team with the Meowth we hired, so you two will have to continue sharing.
Iono: Hah! More streaming content for me!
Clavell: Not so fast, Iono. I have some rules to lay down an- Iono, please stop streaming, no one wants to see this. It’ll be boring. At least I’ll do my best to make it boring!
Oranguru: Guru-ran. (Agreeing).
Iono: Fiiiine. -makes the cut motion at her Rotom phone, who cuts off the feed.-
-Ash, Pikachu and Bellibolt all sigh in relief-
Clavell: Your streams help fund the academy, Iono, that much is clear, but for the sake of our student teacher Mr. Ketchum, please back off on him. No more of these dragged out streams and pranks for views. World Champion or not, all it’s done is be a distraction to the students, facility, and in particular it’s made Alfie upset.
-Ash and Iono look surprised.-
Iono: Lil’ Al? What-why?
Clavell: Seems he isn’t a fan of his two heroes fighting each other, well, not in a Pokémon battle I mean. He came to me earlier concerned about what was going on.
Ash and Iono look at each other sheepishly.
Clavell: So can I trust you two will get along? If not for my sake, then for your young friend Alfie’s sake?
Ash and Iono look at each other embarrassingly and fidget a bit.
Ash: …Y’know what? If you promise to limit your streams about me to just classes I need your help with and Pokémon battling, I think we can manage. -holds out hand to shake-
Iono: Throw in anytime Team Rocket crashes the party too, and you have a deal.
-They both smile and shake hands.-
-Clavell and Oranguru smile satisfied.-
Clavell: Good, good. Now if you excuse me, I have some, ah, Pokémon Sleep to catch up on. -looks at the camera and winks- Just clean up that that little pile of AV equipment in your hall, and we’re Gholdengo. -shuffles off to his bedroom-
Ash: That shouldn’t be too bad…
Pikachu: Chuu…
Bellibolt: B’bolt…
Iono: Provided none of my stuff got wrecked… -shoots a look at Ash- Some of that Silph Co. tech they don’t even make anymore…
Ash: I didn’t know… Besides I have a techie friend from Kalos who might be able to fix things…
Iono: -gives him the annoyed, narrowed eyed Phillip J. Fry meme look, before looking bright and cheerful all of a sudden- Cool beans~!
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dj-yukio · 2 years
I have so many ideas for Pokémon scarlet and violet, but I just know that if I start I will never finish, and honestly I have no one to discuss them
Like I have managed to sort of planned a no terastalization au, which is just Juliana (I picked Juliana) being unable to terastalize (for reasons that Are slightly integral to the plot), and Nemona is the only one knowing of this secret because they battle quite regularly, enough for Nemona to at least pick up that her rival doesn’t do the one mechanic in this region which is quite damning for her when she can’t win with her rival who is technically handicapped in this area
Everyone else however assumes that Juliana does this out of choice, and she doesn’t really confirm this but it gets out of hand after Iono accidentally hypes up this area, saying she hopes to be the one to force the Juliana to terastalize (her and that no weakness mismagius), which leads to a bunch of trainers coming at her trying to battle her and force her to terastalize
Nemona on the other hand learns about this, and instead of taking this like some douchebag rivals probably would, is absolutely STOKED
Her rival is awesome, she can’t terastalize and she still beat the gym leaders, she doesn’t think of you less if anything she thinks you’re the world to her
Also I headcanon that Nemona got the idea that she needed a rival from watching television (like some shounen protagonists), and the tendency for rivals to be from the same hometown is higher, so she’s just waiting for the perfect rival to beat her up and than Juliana comes along
Further spoilers into the game:
Also in this AU I take inspiration from a tumblr post I read that suggested what if one of the professors built the other professor instead (so Turo builds AI Sada, or Sada builds AI Turo), because I wanna foreshadow some plot with regards to why Juliana can’t terastalize, let me know who posted it I’ll credit you
I just think there’s something sweet/romantic/horrendously tragic about someone building their loved one into an AI, which also makes Arven’s story more tragic because he had both parents (technically) but both of them were very busy (and one of them can’t leave on account of being a robot), only for him to realise BOTH are dead, one earlier than the other
Also an additional thought, but like what if the AI tried to build another AI of their creator, so now Arven really gets gaslit two times harder
We get twice the number of paradox pokemon chucked at us by two AI
Actually I doubt that our helpful AI would subject a second AI to their fate, so only one would be forced to go away, the other can’t leave until another plot point happens
I love Arven I really do, I think AI parents are better than having none now
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goldenfox3 · 2 months
I can't find my old post about game Falcon and Stewart's Pokemon teams but I've thought about some new teams for Andy and Robert this time ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Braviary (shiny): well we have to give him his blue not-a-Falcon right. It's noted to be able to carry cars. Falcon Flier (literal bird)
Salamence: bc of Andy's "creatures with wings"/"don't be afraid to grow up" quote and how Bagon dreams of having wings and then finally gets them when it grows up.
Boltund: from his Galaxy Police days. Fast, enduring, loyal, and electric type ties into the way I associate Andy with electricity more than fire bc of the possible cyborg + what I see as electric effects in his Falcon Punch (vs Doug being associated mostly with fire but minorly with electricity).
Floette (red flower): red salvia…I also just wanted to give him some small cute Pokemon to contrast the big dramatic ones.
Quaquaval: blue bird martial artist. I also think Andy would enjoy its flamboyance lol he acts mild and unassuming but he is really such a showman. I had Roserade on his team initially because of the whole masked gallant thing and I think it could also fit.
Minun: another electric type, one that cheers for and supports others. But also I really wanted him to be twinsies with Rob so I gave him the blue one bc Blue Falcon lol.
Ninetales: he's gotta have the golden fox Pokemon is that even a question. I know there are more fox Pokemon but I feel like anime Rob doesn't go as hard on the fox association as game Rob with his fox hair and eyes lmao. Thus I limited it to Ninetales this time.
Audino: and of course he needs to have his doctorly Pokemon with the ability to assess feelings and physical condition along with heal others
Indeedee: a serving Pokemon that dislikes conflict and can sense emotions. I'm really drawing on the differences between game and anime Rob here—obviously game Rob is also a doctor and well-liked, but anime Rob is a vice commander and actively still in medical service as well as more of the supporter and peacemaker of the team compared to game Rob's more confident and bombastic personality.
Comfey: can soothe others and help with treatment with its scent, but I also picked this because the idea of Rob giving it the salvias Andy gave him to preserve them after his death (his fake death or his real one) is 🫠
Iron Hands: the odd one in this team, but I wanted to have a Pokemon related to Rob's cybernetics work and a Pokemon that’s potentially a cyborg itself? Yeah. It is a Paradox Pokemon though so like for a Pokemon that would be normally easier to access I would probably put Electabuzz (electricity generation) or Alakazam (psychic powers, intellect) or something to be an assistant in Rob's robotics work.
Plusle: this one is self indulgent again yeah but I really do think a cheering and supporting Pokemon who does better in a team suits him. Electric type is a bonus though I don't think it can generate electricity on the degree of Electabuzz or Electivire lol. Rob has the red one bc red scarf.
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