#hestia answers
apollosgiftofprophecy · 3 months
what are your thoughts on the olympians’ thrones? we know that they are connected to the power of the gods, and that kronos’ tactic was to destroy olympus/their thrones in order to weaken them (so when kronos destroyed the arm rest of ares’ throne, did that weaken him during the battle with typhon?)
but why should the destruction of their thrones weaken them? isn’t the source of their power, their divinity, well, themselves? and what of minor gods? or what about during the first titanomachy? sorry for the lengthy question but it’s all very confusing and im interested in hearing your take.
first let's see what Dionysus had to say about this in The Last Olympian
"Whichever! Now listen, the situation is graver than you imagine. If Olympus falls, not only will the gods fade, but everything that is connected to our legacy will also begin to unravel. The very fabric of your puny little civilization—"
"Yes, yes. Your entire society will dissolve. Perhaps not right away, but mark my words, the chaos of the Titans will mean the end of Western civilization. Art, law, wine tastings, music, video games, silk shirts, black velvet paintings—all the things that make life worth living will disappear!"
"—the other gods would never admit this, but we actually need you mortals to rescue Olympus. You see, we are manifestations of your culture. If you don't care enough to save Olympus yourselves—"
Let's look at the third part first! Dionysus tells us that the gods are manifestations of human culture. And as we know, in the RRverse, the gods have moved around with the flame of progression, where the most human power is allocated. This is why they are in the US in the RRverse, and why they tend to reflect a more American culture (ie, Zeus in a CEO suit, Poseidon as a fisherman, Ares is a biker, ect.)
So what I'm getting from Dionysus's explanation here, is that the gods and human culture are intrinsically intertwined with each other. You can't have one without the other and all that. If human culture fades, the gods weaken, and if the gods weaken, human culture fades.
Something interesting to note here is that Dionysus says that the gods will fade if their thrones are destroyed...interesting, considering Dionysus and Percy also discuss how Pan faded.
But Pan didn't fade because of a lack of human belief/culture - he faded because his domain was being destroyed. Helios and Selene faded because they lost faith in themselves.
I think Dionysus might be overexaggerating a bit here. I don't think the gods would have necessarily faded if their thrones were destroyed- just significantly weakened. And perhaps, weak enough that if they ever just decided to give up...they would fade.
(Which brings up an interesting notion of Dionysus fearing them fading, because maybe that implies he thinks not all of them have the willpower to push through that...food for thought)
Kronos destroying Ares's arm rest is curious, since after the defeat of Typhon, we see the Olympian gods and nothing is out of the ordinary, even with Ares. So I'm guessing the arm rest getting cut off didn't exactly affect Ares, but if a larger piece of the throne or even the throne itself was sliced up? We'd have a different story.
I believe the source of the gods' power comes from a variety of places- mortal belief, their thrones, and belief in themselves. We see the latter occurring with Apollo in The Tower of Nero especially, where he's able to bring himself back into immortality on his own willpower, and I think we even see this happening with Hades and Poseidon, leaving their respected realms to come to the aid of Olympus and leaving behind their grudge (Hades) and ego (Poseidon) for the greater good.
This brings up an interesting idea, then. The Olympians have three main sources of power. But are they even aware of the third?
Because think about it. People, in series and out, have automatically assumed Helios and Selene faded because of a lack of mortal belief. But, that is not what happened, for they were still majorly worshipped- instead, it was a lack of faith in themselves. They lost their sense of self.
So I think the "power ranking" of these sources go as follows;
Belief in self
Mortal belief
Mortal belief is often talked about, especially in ToA where Nero tells us mortals gave him a prolonged life and eventually immortality. He does not have a throne like the Olympians, though he does have a fasces, where his immortality is stored.
Could it be that the Olympian's immortality is stored in their thrones? Maybe. But remember, Nero is a wannabe god. There has to be drawbacks to that, and I bet the fasces was one of them. He has to contain his immortality in something, while the Olympians do not, because they are immortal. Full stop.
Now minor gods...this is a bit trickier, but I think minor gods have a power scaling of their own. The Olympians are on another level for godly power- they are The Squad so to speak.
How powerful minor gods are I think depends on their domain, as well as mortal belief/their own belief.
Hecate, for example, is probably exceptionally powerful for a minor goddess because of her position as the goddess of magic, the Mist, and crossroads among other things (did you know she has some influence over prophecy? ;3 she and Apollo were two sides of the same coin when it came to prophecy).
Iris is probably not as powerful as Hecate is, because, uh, rainbows aren't exactly powerful when it comes to magic XD
As for the Elder Olympians' power during the Titanomachy...that's also interesting to think about. Imo, I think their power grew over the time of the war, since they didn't really have the opportunity to fine-tune anything what with being in Kronos's stomach and all lol
Zeus probably got more practice in when he was young, but probably not as much when he became cupbearer. And I also think the symbols of power of the Big Three help channel their power- which now has a funny image because here are the guys learning how to focus their power with training wheels while the girls are just fucking around and finding out.
Demeter probably strangled a few people with her plants. Hera probably unleased a hoard of peacocks on someone. Hestia no doubt set a few things on fire.
lmao, that's funny to think about.
Anyway, finally got around to this one!!! :D
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gotstabbedbyapen · 4 months
But now we must know, what are your headcanons for the first generation of Gods siblings? Personally? Zeus isn’t allowed to swim with Poseidon cause they always fight and Zeus goes toaster in bathtub mode where he’s the toaster.
I haven't considered Zeus doing the "toaster in bathtub" thing. Thank you Anon, I will put this into my HC list :3333
Now on with the first-generation Olympians (it's gonna be a long ride, so strap on!)
Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, and Poseidon were swallowed when they were young kids/nearing adolescence, not newborn babies. I want Kronos and Rhea's family to have some years of happiness together before the prophecy ruin them all.
Out of the Big Six, Demeter and Hades look the most alike to Kronos (unrelated note: Persephone looks the most alike to Kronos out of the 2nd gen)
Demeter is Kronos' favorite child because she shares his power over agriculture. Kronos has even planned her future to be his successor as goddess of the harvest.
Poseidon has the fear of dark, closed places due to his trauma of being locked in Kronos' stomach. During his first centuries ruling the ocean, he cannot stay in his kingdom at night because the realm gets extremely dark and it paranoid him. Poseidon can't go to the deep trenches either.
To cope with his fear, Poseidon's bedroom is filled with bioluminescent algae and jellyfish.
After escaping Kronos' stomach, Hera was sent to take refuge at Oceanus and Tethys' place. Around this time, she became besties with Amphitrite (I see Amphi as a daughter of Nereus but she is close with the other sea deities too)
Thetis and Hera's friendship is underrated. Hera, Thetis, and Amphitrite have occasional girl's nights where they ditch their spouses to spend time together.
As besties Hera and Amphitrite share the same taste in men *looking at Zeus and Poseidon*
Hera and Amphitrite were not happy when Zeus married off Thetis. Oh boy, there were a lot of screaming and fighting for Thetis' behalf.
It was very surprising when Thetis later made her husband Peleus immortal (there is a version of that lol)
Zeus and Poseidon created the electric eel and other aquatic animals that produce electricity. The purpose? Ask them.
When Hebe was training to become the cupbearer of the gods, Zeus watched over her and gave her tips from time to time. He used to be the cupbearer of Kronos, too.
I am seriously contemplating on whether Poseidon have a thing for Odysseus or not. Like in "I want to fuck you up both ways".
Hades doesn't outright ban the others from coming to the Underworld. The reason he doesn't like them visiting often is because some will ask (read: screaming and crying at) him to resurrect their favorite mortals.
Hades adopted Cerberus some times after Typhon (Cerberus' bio father) was defeated and the doggo had nowhere to go. From then on Cerberus was living in luxury in the Underworld with the only job is to guard the door.
Hades has a messed up sense of humor after centuries of dealing with the dead, and Persephone got infected as well. If you ask Hades "Can you give me a hand?" he will give you an actual hand.
Hades x Persephone x Minthe OT3 is real.
Hades isn't some gloomy dark man. Yeah, he wears black a lot but also with gleaming gems and fine jewelries (you know, god of precious minerals and all).
You don't believe me? Here's the testimony:
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(tfw your husband rocks his dress prettier than you :DDD)
The three kings didn't draw lots to determine who will rule which realm. During the Titanomachy, they grew fond over their future kingdom and showed hints of belonging to them.
Poseidon's first hint of becoming King of the Sea is that he makes lots of sea puns. Like, a lot.
They also don't have total rule over their kingdoms. Their authority is above all but still under the Primordials of their respective realms (Zeus is under Nyx, Poseidon under Pontus, Hades under Tartarus). Every time they make major changes in their kingdom, they have to consult the Primordials first.
Demeter isn't officially crowned ruler of the Mortal Realm but they all know she is in charge of the whole place.
Even though the Big Six preside over lots of domains, they don't always tend to each one themselves but have lesser deities like dryads, naiads, nepheles, etc. to assist them while they act like the head directors.
The marriages of the three kings and queens are more about political power than love. It's not that they don't have some feelings for each other though.
When they were young and Zeus is courting Hera, he once put on a peacock tail to woo her.
Demeter is married to Leto and they raised Persephone, Artemis, and Apollo together. I don't take objection.
All of the second-generation Olympians were taken care of by Hestia at least one time.
Do not mistake Hestia's dislike of violence for her incapability of inflicting violence. She can cause more damage than your mental health is prepare for.
Hestia doesn't yell or hit others, but disappointing her is the biggest crime.
Demeter makes the best vegetable dishes, roasts, soups, anything. Kids love veggies because of her. She can make you love broccoli with one meal.
Headacanon but also true myth: Demeter adopted and raised lots of kids on her own. Many of them later became her companions or spread the agricultural knowledge they learned from her to humanity. They all love mama Demeter.
Hera treats her daughters better than her sons, but it's because she is learning from her mistakes in bringing up Ares and Hephaestus. She isn't the best but she is trying everyday.
Zeus doesn't hate Ares, but what he reflects. Ares is a raw reminder of a darker side of Zeus that he'd rather pretend doesn't exist.
I've made this joke before but it's still relevant: The only thing more complicated than advance mathematics is Zeus and Hera's relationship with Ares.
Zeus' favorite children are Athena and Apollo, obviously. His least favorite (as in he doesn't care enough compared to others) are Ares and Persephone.
Iris and Chloris/Flora are not straight because of Hera, but they know they won't have any chances with her.
Zeus' first lover is Aëtos, an earth-born man who was his childhood friend when he lives in Crete.
In the modern world, the lock screen of Hera's phone has the picture of her family being happy together. And her home screen is the pic of Zeus in a Pikachu onesie.
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god-syndicate-if · 21 days
How would Dame feels about a MC that feels bad for hephaestus and thinks that he deserves better?
Ares: "Like... The guy was abused and forgotten by his family. Nobody loved him and he helped us all through so much. We should say sorr-"
Dame: "Get out of my bed, I need to rethink my life choices."
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the-sun-and-the-sea · 3 months
Back home everything is so much simpler. A woman usually rents a white dress that's been worn hundreds of times. The man wears something clean that's not mining clothes. They fill out some forms at the Justice Building and are assigned a house. Family and friends gather for a meal or bit of cake, if it can be afforded. Even if it can't, there's always a traditional song we sing as the new couple crosses the threshold of their home. And we have our own little cere-mony, where they make their first fire, toast a bit of bread, and share it. Maybe it's old-fash-ioned, but no one really feels married in District 12 until after the toasting.
Hey thanks so much for finding that! Glad to know it’s canon :)
@persephoneprice I feel like this may be a win for Panem! If d12 can supply every new couple with a house, then probably most other districts can too.
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demigods-posts · 6 months
have u ever considered writing fics or just tiny little drabbles here and there bcs ure so eloquent it blows my mind... that hc abt hestia being the last goddess percy has to go on a quest for is my roman empire truly. fills my heart with so much warmth.
bcs besides percy's wish to the gods abt claiming their children, hestia was easily my most favorite part of tlo esp the scene where percy gives pandora's jar as an offering to her 🥲🫶🏻
Good question! I have considered writing fanfiction (here is my A03 for future reference). I'm actually currently working on so many stories that I'm sort of drowning in them all lol. I'll eventually get around to releasing something, so be on the look out. But thank you so much for your kind words! It means a lot <3
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0lympian-c0uncil · 1 year
My latest angst Big Six + PJO hyperfixation scene:
Percy: We were child!
Zeus: And so were we!
(Me who hcs the war to start when Zeus was 16 bur also that Zeus was literally groomed for this moment and the war since day one.
[And possibly all the others too- that’s a different hc from a fic tho. But Metis and Leto and all the Satyrs & Nymphs that helped him were also probably heavily groomed too, to follow Zeus’s every move at least unless they gain Rhea’s wrath]
{Also I hc Poseidon to be 17, Hades + Hera to be 19, Demeter to be 20, and Hestia to be ~25}])
honestly this is so real.
I like to think there is a meeting going on between the gods and Demigods.
And Zeus and Percy get into like a fight about you know gods sending their children off to fight at such a young age and Zeus is getting really heated and angry and a siblings are like realizing they're like. Oh shit he's getting pissed. That's not good.
They try to calm him down but Percy is still pushing it and he says.
"We were children!!" And Zeus responded with the "So we're we!!" and everyone was just like.... What do you mean.
And then his siblings take him out of the room and tell everyone the meeting is over.
But in all realness I really love this and I really want to hear more!!!
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chimera-tail · 5 months
Also… Zeus hcs????
Okay, so before I start, I just wanted to inform you that all these are pro(ish) Zeus since I don't tolerate anti-(insert name of the god) because I feel that even though the gods in the myths may have done terrible things (and in no way do I condone any of those things), it will be unjust to see them as just black and white whereas, in reality, they are much more complex than that.
Anyway, here are some Zeus hcs:
Zeus always felt isolated from his siblings. It wasn't that he was a forgotten child or something, but he felt left out because he led a very different life than his siblings, and he thought that they felt that he was entitled and had it easy since he wasn't swallowed which couldn't be farther from the truth because he, too, had his struggles in a different way.
Zeus is a 100% certified mama's boy. He might not have much respect towards women (as interpreted by his stories where he has assaulted women on multiple occasions), but he would destroy the person who tried to lay a finger on Rhea. He is also, naturally, the closest to her.
Zeus has always been extremely paranoid--he grew up in a warlike environment and has had first-hand experience of what it looks like from a very young age, unlike his siblings, who truly got exposed to it after they were regurgitated. He also was paranoid about the curse of being destroyed by his own child. He felt as though the world was against him and he would never be safe, which might also give an insight as to why he was how he was in the myths.
Zeus, due to having grown up in an environment which demanded nothing but the best from him, created a similar environment for his children, specifically his Olympian daughters. He is a perfectionist; he hates it, but it's hardwired in his brain, so he can't help it either.
Zeus, among all his siblings, is closest to Hestia. Apart from his mother, Hestia is the only one he'll listen to and would protect her at any cost. He feels that he could relate to Hestia the best because she is the firstborn, and the responsibility of her siblings falls on her. Also, she's the one who listens to him when he's going through something. She may think he is wrong in his actions, but she always lets him talk to her without him being mocked for not being as brave and strong as he portrays and, instead, being a normal deity who also has doubts, fears and weaknesses. Basically, Hestia is his only confidante (I just love the relationship between Hestia and Zeus, as there is just so much potential here :3).
That's all I could think of at the moment 😅. I know a couple of them are all over the place, but I'll add more if I get any ideas and get time as well because, unfortunately, exams are still going on, and my brain is completely fogged up.
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thegodsaremyhome · 3 months
Hi!! I hope you're having a nice day (or night, depending on what time you're reading this)
So I made a little altar to Hestia, and I place an offering for her, a cookie who I often relate with home, but since I put it there I have this crippling feeling like I have to eat it???
And I don't want to eat it because it's an offering, and I think that'll be disrespectful, but I really really feel like I have to eat it, and I'm not even hungry.
What should I do?
Maybe Hesita wants to share lol!
Seriously though, nothing bad will come of eating offerings, it's totally acceptable. In fact, If I'm not burying my offering or laying it outside, I'm eating or drinking it myself. (I don't usually toss offerings out because that personally feels icky to me, but that's also a totally viable option!) In fact, on special occations, where I'm having a big meal(Even non-Hellenic holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas, or birthdays) I'll pray over my meal and offer it and invite the Theoi to share it with me as I eat it. It's a really nice way to invite Them into every occation.
All that to say, it's totally fine to eat it. That being said, we all have our boundaries: like I said I don't personally feel comfortable throwing away offerings. So if you still feel bad about eating it, then just dispose of it some other way. But I promise it's not disrespectful at all.
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mcsiggy · 2 years
are all gods into some polyamorous/open relationship stuff or are some of them off limits for us mere mortals?
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diana-thyme · 9 months
Do you know where I can find out about ancient worship of Hestia and Iris?
Wow, there is not a lot on them!
For Iris:
If you can access it, this research article seems to be to most cited source on Iris (the google scholar site is linked since the main website is down for work).
This website (however many ads it has) does a good job explaining a) some basic information on Iris and b) why Iris has such little sources.
For Hestia:
This seems to be THE Hestia article. You have to sign up, but it’s completely free. Everything I’ve seen on Hestia (including her Theoi.com page and I believe her Wiki) has cited this.
There is not a lot of free information available on Iris and Hestia. I had a harder time on this than with Hades’ resources!
If you are willing to pay, there are 1-2 more papers on Iris, along with an Amazon book, and 3-5 more papers on Hestia (and she probably has an Amazon book or two as well). You can find the papers on Google Scholars.
As always, their Theoi.com pages are probably the best you’re going to get. Information is gotten from the actual ancient sources (like Ovid and Hesiod) and the pages are put together from that. They have lists of ancient sources used (both Greek and Roman) on the respective pages.
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leehestia · 2 years
Jealousy // sanha x reader ft. eunwoo
Pairing: sanha x reader
Genre: angst, fluff
Synopsis: Sanha denies his love for Y/N, but later on realizes it through jealousy.
Warnings: jealousy, insecurity, swearing (?), dorm era
Authors note: THSI WAS REQUESTED BUT I TOTALLY LOST THE REQUEST OMG IM SO SORRY 💀 I am a dumbass and it was my first request so i didnt know how to work it🧍‍♀️
Authors note (2): i know sanha and eunwoo love each other very much and we don't know whats going on in their lives, so i just wanted to yet yall know that its not completely accurate, and that sanha may or may not be feeling this feeling towards eunwoo, but we don't know 🤷‍♀️
"Of course they'd hang out, they're both perfect." Sanha sighed through the phone call. "I know. But we can't do anything about it. We can't just force them to stop just for your sake." Moonbin answered. "It's just really annoying. The way Eunwoo just does everything with her these days." Sanha groaned. "Wait, don't tell me..." "What?" "Do you seriously like Y/N?" "Of course I do, she's my friend." Sanha said, confused. "No, you dumbass. As a woman." Moonbin remarked. "Oh- well I- I never really thought about it." Sanha blushed. Moonbin paused for a moment with a chuckle, "Okay then... I guess not." Moonbin shruged. "H-hyung, I'll get going, someone else is calling and it's really important... Bye!" Sanha excused
He sighed with his heart furiously beating in his chest. Liked you as a woman? Couldn't be true.
Suddenly, Sanha heard the doorbell ring. He went to open the door only to see you.
"Oh, Sanha." You smiled. "Y/N..." Sanha said with nervous excitement. "May I ask where Eunwoo is?" You said. Sanha paused, an awkward smile forming on his face as he avoids eye contact. "He's just in his room." Sanha answered before giving space for you to come in. "Thanks..." You said with a soft laugh before coming in and removing your shoes. You hung your scarf and coat on the rack, before walking towards Eunwoo's room.
Sanha just watched you by the door, looking at you with a pout. He then later closed the door and walked to his room with a sigh. He lied on his bed, staring at the ceiling. He kept hearing giggles and laughter from outside his room, your voice of fun annoying him. Sanha groaned, taking his earphones from the bedside table and plugging it into his phone, playing music. He put it on the loudest volume, and closing his eyes to fall a sleep.
But he couldn't sleep.
Whenever his eyes close, his brain is plastered with an image of you. Whenever love songs play, he imagines you and him as each lyric. It annoyed him like hell. He wanted to throw his phone on a wall. He took his earphones out, stepping out of his bed as he went outside.
There, he saw you and Eunwoo. You and Eunwoo’s perfect faces in the kitchen, sitting on the counter chairs while eating. "God, please get a room." Sanha said with an eye roll as he walked towards the kitchen. You only laughed, looking at Sanha's annoyed expression. Sanha went straight to the fridge, looking at it. He immediately took the iced coffee, closing the fridge. “Ya… what’s that in your hand?” You asked, eyeing the iced coffee. Sanha looked, and started laughing awkwardly. “You hate coffee…” Eunwoo said. “I grabbed the wrong one.” Sanha said, before going back to the fridge and putting it back, getting the banana juice. “That’s Moonbin’s.” Eunwoo pointed at the banana juice. “Oh.” Sanha put back the juice and properly looked at the fridge this time. He sighed, taking the strawberry juice. “Have fun guys.” Sanha said in a sarcastic tone, going back to his room. “What’s wrong with him?“ You asked, looking at Eunwoo. Eunwoo looked back at you with a shrug, “22 year old hormones I guess…” You gave Eunwoo a chuckle.
Sanha silently screamed into a pillow as he kicked his bed. Sanha reached for the strawberry juice on his bedside table and finished it in one go. He crumpled the box with furrowed eyebrows, and threw it in the trash can like a basketball. “SCORE!” He shouted. Realizing what he just done, he put a hand on his mouth. He sighed, and continued to scream into his pillow. “What are you doing…” Minhyuk, his roommate walked it. “Rocky hyung!” Sanha whined, kicking. “You’re like a baby, Sanha. What happened now?” Minhyuk sat beside Sanha. “I don’t want to admit it, but I’m starting to get annoyed with Eunwoo and Y/N.” Sanha pouted. Minhyuk raised an eyebrow, then suddenly gasped, “You’re jealous!” He said, pointing at Sanha. “No, why would I be?” Sanha questioned. “Because no one gives a shit about them, it’s just you. Moonbin told me about your little stutters during the phone call.” Minhyuk teased. “I did not stutter! It probably lagged!” Sanha defended. “Ey… That’s obviously jealousy, Sanha.” Minhyuk crossed his arms. “It’s not!” “Then go take a jealousy quiz to see if you are!” Minhyuk suggested. “That’s stupid.” Sanha said. “Just take it, I’m telling you, you’re so obviously jealous!”
3 minutes later, Sanha finished taking the quiz, “IM JEALOUS?” Sanha choked. “I knew it!” Minhyuk laughed. “Yah, do you like Y/N? I mean as a woman by the way.” “No!” Sanha exclaimed. “Weh… Take another quiz!” Minhyuk instructed. “What? No-“ “Take it.” Minhyuk furrowed his eyebrows.
3 minutes later once more, “WHAT? THATS NOT TRUE! THIS QUIZ CANNOT DEFINE MY FEELINGS!” Sanha shouted, pointing at his phone that he just threw on the floor. Minhyuk cackled, finding joy in Sanha’s denial. “That’s just a stupid quiz hyung! I don’t like her!” “Then you love her~” Minhyuk laughed, receiving a hit on the arm by Sanha. “Yah, let’s go test it out.” Minhyuk said, excited. He pushed Sanha out of their room and into the kitchen.
There, they both saw you and Eunwoo still eating. “Oh, Y/N, Eunwoo!” Minhyuk called out, still pushing Sanha towards the both of you. “Oh, Minhyuk. Do you want to join us?” You asked, making Eunwoo look at you confused. “Of course!” Minhyuk laughed, placing Sanha to sit beside you, then him sitting beside Eunwoo. “What were you guys talking about?” Eunwoo suddenly asked.
“Why’d you ask?” Sanha answered back. “I heard you shouting “That’s not true this quiz cannot define my feelings!”” Eunwoo mimicked Sanha with a laugh, causing Sanha to glare at him. “It’s just nothing, Rocky hyung forced me to take some personality quiz.” Sanha half-lied. It was true that the quiz was about his personality and feelings, but he left something very important about that quiz. It was about his feelings towards you. “Well I guess that personality quiz showed something you never knew about yourself.” You laughed, making Sanha blush. “Oh- Y-yeah I guess…”
“See you next next week guys!” Eunwoo waved. Eunwoo was going to a fashion event for two weeks in Paris, and it joyed Sanha. He wouldn’t have to see Y/N and him flirting in the kitchen or living room for two weeks. Two weeks! He was so happy that he even gave Eunwoo a goodbye gift like he would never come back.
“Thanks again Sanha for the gift, see you!” Eunwoo cupped Sanha’s cheeks, squishing them. “Okay, okay, bye bye!” Sanha grinned. Eunwoo left, shutting the door. Jinwoo clasped his hands, turning back to his room. The rest of the members did the same, except Sanha. He stood infront of the door, a big grin still on his face.
No Y/N! No Eunwoo! No flirting! No teasing! The best idea for Sanha.
The doorbell rang, and Sanha being infront of the door, he opened it.
"Sanha!" "Y/N?" Sanha said, shocked. "Why are you here? I thought you knew Eunwoo left." Sanha asked. "I know Eunwoo left, but he's not my only friend here." You smiled. "Okay..." Sanha said, awkward, "Come in... I guess..."
You gave him a smile and went in, hanging your coat and removing your shoes. "Where are your members?" You asked, going straight to the kitchen. "They're in their room." Sanha answered, following behind her.
"Well then, I'm sure they wouldn't want to be disturbed. Let's eat! Just the two of us." You smiled widely. Just the two of us. Just the two of us?! Sanha smiled back, but it was totally awkward.
"Well, what do you guys have?" You asked, opening the fridge. "Not much, we don't really stay here that much, as you know. We have rameyon though." Sanha answered. "That'll do!" You giggled. "Where is it? Is it here?" You said, trying to reach for the highest shelf. Sanha sighed, seeing you struggle.
He walked up to you, holding your shoulder for support as he reached for the rameyon. You blushed as his chest was pressed to your back, his hand shifting from your shoulder to your waist. "What kind of stupid ass would put this at the back of the shelf..." Sanha complained, finally taking ahold of the rameyon. He turned and walked to the stove, leaving you red and sheepish. "You're so young yet so tall..." You complimented to boost your self-confidence about how 'you're not short and that he's just tall'. You're neck almost gets dislocated everytime you see Sanha.
He chuckled at your compliment, starting the electric stove and adding water. You both gawkily leaned on the counter while waiting for the water to boil a little. A few minutes later, Sanha pushed himself off the counter, going to the stove to add the noodles. He stirred them around a bit, before going back beside you to lean awkwardly again. What a pain.
"What made you hang out with Eunwoo a lot these days?" Sanha asked out of the blue. You were not ready for that question. "Well, I haven't really thought about it. Do you usually need a reason to hang out with someone?" You answered with a shrug. "No, not really. Just asking." Sanha scratched his nape. He gulped for a moment, before continuing, "It's just that... you know, it used to be... us, usually..." Sanha pressed his lips together. "Oh"
There it was again. Awkwardness.
"I mean, I'm not saying you should choose me over Eunwoo, I'm just wondering that- well- I-" Sanha didn't know what to say, he just... gave up and sighed, going back to the stove to stir the noodles. He stirred for a moment, then stopping. "Do you... like me?" Sanha said, placing the fork down. "Of course I do." You answered hesitantly, not knowing what he meant. “What?” You paused for a little, analyzing what he just said. "Oh, well- Sanha I- I'm- uh- washroom." You stuttered, running away. Sanha looked back as he saw you running into the washroom. He softly smiled and giggled as opened the rameyon powder and poured it in.
Pure silence was the loudest thing that was going on. Pure silence.
You didn't feel like eating, as you just stared at the red soup that drowned the noodles. "Eat, Y/N." Sanha said, mouth full of noodles. You looked at Sanha who was currently sitting across you, and sighed as you gave him a nod, picking up the chopsticks.
"Sanha, would we still be friends if I was a worm?" You asked, dipping your spoon into the soup. "Sure, I guess." Sanha said. "What if I dated Eunwoo, would we still be friends?" You said abruptly.
Sanha just stared at you, his cheeks puffed and red from the spice of the noodles, and maybe because of your question. "Of course I would.” Sanha said in a low voice, stuffing himself with noodles. "But why?” You continued to question him. “Isn’t it obvious? Why would your relationship with Eunwoo affect ours?” You closed your eyes before replying, "I see.” Sanha's eyebrows were furrowed this time, his expression slowly changing. You looked up at him to see his expression of antipathy to your personal questions. You gave an awkward smile before saying, "Oh no, I think there's an misunderstanding..." You chuckled, before looking down. "Are you dating Eunwoo?” You can sense that Sanha was getting annoyed. “No.” You mumbled. “Then what?” He said. You've been going around in circles ever since you step foot in this dorm today, of course he'd be annoyed. And you were most definitely annoyed at yourself too. Asking him random questions, getting him all confused, the cause of this whole uncomfortable circus.
“Sanha I-“
"Y/N I like you." Sanha said with furrowed eyebrows and closed eyes, his fist balled on top of the table. Finally. This confusing story of Sanha and yours was over. Now you just had to think of a response. "Really?"
"Yes really, Y/N."
You couldn't say anything else. You just looked into his eyes with a huge blush. Sanha looked into yours too, his expression softening.
You broke eye contact and quickly stood up, turning around to look at anything but Sanha. Sanha stood up as well, and went to you. You felt his tall-self hovering behind you as you bit your lip. "Y/N, is it because you like Eunwoo and not me?" Sanha's words hit you like a strong brick. You turned around and looked at him, a pout on his face. "No..." You whispered. “It’s just that I…” “You what?” Sanha continued to look at you, until you finally gathered courage.
You went on your tiptoes and pulled him down by his collar, giving him a quick peck on the lips. You let go of Sanha and see his smile of accomplishment.
"I like you, and it’s just that Eunwoo knows this secret of mine which is why we spent a lot of time together because I wanted to get closer with you again. I’m so sorry Sanha.” You explained, still gripping onto his collar. “Okay…” Sanha said with a soft smile, making you look at him.
"Okay..." You whispered with a soft smile, before slowly letting go of his collar.
“So… you like me?” “I like you” “So we’re dating now?” Sanha asked cheekily. “If you want…” You replied. “Well, it’s what I want.” Sanha said with a smile. “Alright.” You said with a useless thumbs up. Sanha laughed at your thumbs up and took your hand. “Jealousy isn’t really a good feeling, Y/N.” Sanha pouted. “I know~ That’s why I’ll be careful now. But you also have to be careful!” You replied, feeling more comfortable now. Sanha chuckling at your expression.
“I will.” Sanha smiled.
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jayesprite · 8 months
your brain is so fucking large <- referring to the cronus -> hestia name change
my thought process was, half asleep, "oh. if eridan is transmasc that means his ancestor is afab. that means cronus is a girl. especially if its the virgin mary." (sleepily grabs my phone and googles 'cronus wife' and saw the name hestia) (clicks it and sees shes the goddess of the hearth) "yeah ok. send it." (posts it on tumblr. passes out.)
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audreyscribes · 8 months
Not a request but now that the Olympian gods are done could you do minor ones like hecate or impossible ones like hera (maybe the reader is like Jason and is given to her)
I answered about the minor gods right here! [LINK] But TLDR: yes I will be doing the minor gods. I will be posting them after a period of time. As for the impossible ones...well, I have thought about Hestia and Hera before. For Hera though, it's not impossible to come up with something. I could do a 'Jason' scenario, but even Jason went to sleep and reside in the Zeus cabin at the end of the day.
I have been doing some brainstorming and research if I could make it work, but at the moment I will say it's not something you should expect any time soon.
Thanks for asking and visiting my blog! I hope you have a nice day!! ♪(^∇^*)
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lovenpeace-pkmn · 2 months
Hug Larvesta like ouppy…
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Me: *is fully aware night vale is almost 11 years old* *has used tamika aging to keep track of which year I'm on* *knows how the passage of time works*
Cecil: 20 year old Tamika Flynn
Me: *suprised Pikachu face*
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0lympian-c0uncil · 1 year
Ah, yes. The Big Three. Made up of Mild Autism (Zeus), Major Depression (Hades), and Adhd (Poseidon)
Then there are the big three sisters.
BPD (Hera)
Seasonal Depression (Demeter)
Severe Anxiety (Hestia)
And let's not forget the thing they all have in common ✨PTSD✨
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