the-meme-monarch · 28 days
consider with me for a moment that lanino and elnina are actually an aro4aro couple. consider with me for a moment that while they have valentines proclaiming how they love each other Exclusively but their phrase is "the weather always sticks together". and not something more blatantly romantic sounding like "the weather will always Be together" consider with me they are aromantic together. sincerely an aromantic person (so I hope this doesn't come off as me taking aro characters and looking for excuses to make them date anyway. I'm taking characters who are Already Together and making them aromantic anyway)
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spitefularoandbi · 9 months
Aces don't care about aro specific problems unless it can be made mostly about them. Aces and aroaces don't care about aroallos unless it can be mostly made about them.
I am happy that the aspec community overall said "we're not doing aphobia in 2024" but in light of the post I just reblogged a bit ago, nobody actually gives a shit that aromantic ALLOSEXUAL (cishet aro) men were the ones directly attacked here.
I don't think I've seen a single aroallo flag come up in all this aro positivity junk. I thankfully am seeing aromantic flags, but I'm seeing a lot of aroace related commentary too. Hell, I've been tagging ace tags on posts already tagged as ace tags bc it seemed important. But the attack was on cis aroallo/aro het men. Not aroaces.
Idk. I'm mulling it over and I'm not happy.
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aroacechillzone · 1 year
aro thought of the day: why is jealously such a normalized part of romantic relationships??? like, isn't it unhealthy??? and yet ship dynamic memes have a "jealousy meter" on them??? and ppl make jokes about it??? sounds like you guys need to go to therapy lmao
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ramblingsfromthytruly · 3 months
me, a closeted lesbian who only two people in my life know about but i'm too scared to ever bring up my sexuality:
me, a lesbian who has never actually had a relationship or even "crush" on another girl yet could never imagine herself with a guy:
me, a LESBIAN: what if i'm faking??? what if i'm actually straight and i'm faking for attention????
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gay-otlc · 21 days
I want a trans gf send post
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"but cis-het-aro men are cis-het so they can't be part of the lgbtqia+ community"
cisgender ✅
oop- looks like your logic falls apart there buddy
there's so many people giving valid arguments against that stupid idea but you can boil it down to not being a cis-het-het man
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boxdstars · 7 months
i am sorry queer HL fans if you feel alienated in your personal life and then have to come online to see it all over again, i sincerely wish HP fans in general could just be normal with the notion of our existence
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grandwretch · 1 year
"Not, um--" Steve cleared his throat. "Not exactly. I mean, sure, for a long time, yeah. I was... I was expected to behave a certain way, and when everyone else started going on about girls then, like, yeah. I put on a show for a little while. But, you know, then I met Nancy, and I liked her more than I've ever liked another girl. More than I had ever liked anyone, at that point. I haven't really... I mean, people kinda expect it from me, because I was a little too good at pretending, but it hasn't really felt like that again. It's not realistic to expect yourself to be crazy over every cute girl you meet. Even the really, reall cute ones. So, you know, don't be so down about it. Maybe you'll meet your own Nancy one day."  "I think Nancy was already my Nancy," Dustin said, frankly, and Steve snorted. Yeah, the kid's childhood crush had never been super subtle. "I don't know, man. There was this girl, you know, at camp? Her name was Suzie. And she said she liked me and I... I liked her, too, but there was just so much going on at home, and there's so much going on now-- How am I supposed to care? It just doesn't seem worth it."  "This is going to sound like shitty advice," Steve said, continuing over Dustin's eyerolling. "But you're young. You're probably not going to meet the love of your life in middle school. You're allowed to not care about it for a few more years, if that's what you want." 
a 13 yr old aromantic and a 19 yr old gay man sit in a car and talk about women. they both think they're straight. what happens next will shock you
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dee-boop · 9 months
Just taking my stand here, letting my followers know aromantic heterosexuals and heteroromantic asexuals are queer af dont listen to the hater gatekeepers youre all valid and important and unmistakably queer
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arqueerus · 1 year
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orchid ace (bigender ace: to represent respect) / fire lily aro (bigender aro: to represent courage)
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hydrangea bi (bigender bi: to represent understanding) / petunia het (bigender straight: to represent peace) / flax pan (bigender pan: to represent creativity)
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bluebell gay (bigender gay: to represent truth) / sunflower lesbian (bigender lesbian: to represent loyalty)
(the meanings are directly related to the flowers referenced!)
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octever · 5 months
Yeah yeah, tig ol’ biddies…
[aroallo het rambling]
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ciudaddelapazmp3 · 2 months
Okay final gender thoughts: I am a woman but I'm more aroace than I am a woman
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allgremlinart · 1 year
wish I could get into everyone's lesbian Toph hcs but unfortunately .. to me .. she's that straight girl in But I'm A Cheerleader..
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alilaro · 2 years
how many times i gotta repeat myself: the volturi are horny fruity little faggot demons that live in italy's sewer system
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