#hexagon head bolt
FIXDEX have own Industrial wastewater Treatment Process
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big-bolt-nut · 2 months
DIN 931 Bolts Manufacturer and Exporter in India| BigBoltNut
We are manufacturers, supplier and exporter of Din 931 bolt in India.  The steel quality used to manufacture of the DIN 931 grade 8.8 bolts includes Grades A2 and A4 class 70. This International Standard specifies the characteristics of hexagon head bolts with threads from M1,6 up to and including M64, of product grade A for threads M1,6 to M24 and nominal lengths up to and including 10d or 150 mm, whichever is the shorter, and product grade B for threads over M24 or nominal lengths over 10d or 150 mm, whichever is the shorter.
Source Url: https://www.bigboltnut.com/product/din-931.html
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rkctrades · 11 months
Hex Bolts Manufacturers in Delhi
RKC Trades, a renowned name among Hex Bolts Manufacturers in Delhi, boasts 35 years of experience in trading. With a commitment to excellence, they provide consistent quality products that are known for their high precision. As industry leaders, RKC Trades ensures customer satisfaction by delivering reliable and durable hex bolts that meet stringent standards. Trust them for all your hex bolt needs and experience their expertise firsthand.
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jrjlogistics · 1 year
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Socket Screws Allen Screw: Socket screws, also known as Allen screws, are a type of fastener that features a hexagonal recess in the head. This recess allows for easy installation and removal with a hex key or Allen wrench. These screws are commonly used in applications where a flush finish is desired and are often found in electronic and mechanical equipment.
Threaded Bars: Our Threaded Bars are a versatile and cost-effective fastening solution. They are made from high-quality materials and precision engineered to ensure maximum strength and durability. These bars are used in a wide range of applications, including construction, industrial, and manufacturing.
Thumb Screws: Our Thumb Screws are designed for easy installation and removal by hand. These screws feature a knurled exterior that provides a secure grip, making them ideal for use in applications where frequent adjustments are needed. They can be used in electronic, mechanical and other equipment.
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yandere-daydreams · 1 year
Title: Chauvinism.
Commissioned by the very lovely @meri47.
Pairing: Yandere!Clark Kent | Superman x Reader (DC).
Word Count: 2.6k.
TW: Kidnapping, Plans for Prolonged Imprisonment, Nonconsensual Touching, Obsessive Behavior, and Slight Codependency.
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You woke up to the feeling of something burning into the back of your head.
Again, true to the most literal definition of the word, burning. You bolted upward, bringing one had to the back of your scalp as you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes with the other. Exhaustion weighed you down, made it difficult to think about anything but the searing pain burrowing into your, the stiffness of your joints, the static numbness pricking at your fingertips, but luckily, you didn’t find an injury, didn’t smell burning hair, didn’t feel flesh melting off of bone or blisters forming across delicate skin – even if you were uncomfortably warm in that familiar, ‘held your hands too close to an open bonfire’ way. Still, you had to force yourself to calm down, to tear your attention away from your own startled distress and turn your focus outward.
You weren’t on fire, which was good. That was good.
But, you were in a strange room with strange crystalline walls, which was bad.
Very, very bad.
You swallowed down something thick and dry that’d lodged itself in your throat. The scenery was as blank as it was alien – all featureless, all bizarre, little more than a series of hexagonal pedestals that erupted from the ground without pattern or intention and four chrome walls so well polished, your own distorted reflections were able to corner you on all sides, and so tall, you weren’t able to make out the ceiling that had to be looming somewhere far above your head. The only actual piece of furniture seemed to be the bed you were sitting on; a remarkably normal mattress swamped with remarkably normal sheets, blankets, quilts - all doting cutesy, sappy patterns, all things you’d find in the bedding aisle of a particularly folksy home-goods store.
Partially out of curiosity and partially out of hope that you’d be able to dispel the knot of dread coiling in your stomach, you turned over the corner of the nearest quilt, finding a paper tag still on the end of its plastic toggle. That, for as thankful as you were not to be lying on a bare stone floor, was almost the most concerning thing you'd seen so far. It meant that someone had found the time to prepare this, to get ready for you. It meant that someone had decided to bring you here, and had given your abduction enough forethought to buy a fucking blanket.
You were almost tempted to curl back into yourself, to cover yourself in a stranger’s blankets and pretend you’d never woken up, but any delusions you might’ve had of being able to sleep this off like a bad dream were dispelled by the sound of a man clearing his throat, a new weight coming to rest on the other side of your bed. You jerked around the face the new presence, your eyes instantly landing on the monster who’d—
— on your coworker, Clark Kent, sitting on the edge of your mattress.
Your coworker, Clark Kent, who was inexplicably dressed like Superman.
For a second, all your panic and all your fear seemed to disappear in favor of making more room for complete and utter confusion. He wasn’t wearing his glasses, and admittedly, his get-up looked a step above what you’d find on the clearance rack of some out-of-season costume store. You couldn’t imagine where he’d gotten it. He was smiling, too – that gentle smile, the same one he wore as he slipped a mug of freshly brewed coffee onto your desk an hour before either of you were supposed to be so much as thinking about getting to work, as he rubbed the back of his neck and admitted that he got too caught up while he was writing his last article and pulled his third all-nighter that week. Despite everything, you couldn’t help but relax. Clark was here, which meant that wherever ‘here’ was, it couldn’t be that bad. You couldn’t be in that much danger if Daily Planet’s resident sweetheart had managed to make it out unscathed.
“Clark!” You scrambled toward him, already grinning. “Oh my god, thank fuck you’re here – I’m don’t know where we are, and my head really hurts, but I don’t think we’re—”
“Hey, hey, it’s alright. You were out for a while – try to remember to breathe.” His tone was like his expression – light, soothing, comforting enough to have you nodding along in an instant, to have you doing your best to inhale and exhale without cutting yourself off with more half-formed fears. He moved toward you, his fingertips brushing against your bicep before he draped an arm over your shoulders, pulling you into his side. You melted against him, and with an airy chuckle, he went on, keeping up a tenor that could’ve lulled you to sleep in any other circumstance. “You said that your head hurts? If you feel dehydrated, I get you something to drink.”
“No, that’s aright, I’m alright. I just—” You glanced towards the crystal walls, towards the nonexistent ceiling. “Do you know where we are?”
There was a slight lilt to his smile, a reassuring squeeze to your shoulder. “If that’s what’s got your heart beating out of your chest, you can let your guard down. We’re in the Fortress of Solitude. Unless a supervillain found a way to terrorize the North Pole, you’re perfectly safe.”
Now, it was your turn to laugh. “The Fortress of Solitude? I’m not an idiot, Clark. What do you want me to think – that Superman needs a house sitter?”
He was quiet, for a second.
Then, empathy practically dripping from his tongue, he said, “Honey, I am Superman.”
He’d hesitated, but you didn’t. Your reaction was instantaneous, automatic; a swell of bubbling laughter and a playful elbow driven into his side. You loved Clark, but he wasn’t a superhero. He kept a running list of the names of his coworkers’ pets, to make sure he never mistook Rebecca’s dog for Max’s rabbit. Whenever he stubbed his toe on a doorframe, he’d apologize to the doorframe. When aliens rained down from the sky or monsters erupted from the ground, Clark was always the first to run, and while you couldn’t blame him, you couldn’t say his tendency to make himself scarce as soon as the villain of the week reared its ugly head was very heroic, either. “That’s not funny,” you managed, eventually, in spite of your nervous smile. “We could be in danger. If you want to put on a Halloween costume and pretend to be a superhero, at least wait until we’ve gotten back to Metropolis.”
To his credit, he kept a straight face. “I wouldn’t lie to you, (Y/n).”
“At least try to make it plausible, then. I mean, he’s an alien, for fuck’s sake, and you’re from southern Kansas. He can fly, and you get stuck in traffic every morning. I’ve been to your flat, and everybody knows Superman lives in the Fortress of—”
Your voice died in your throat. Your mouth fell shut, and you went limp against his side.
After several seconds of stubborn silence, you forced yourself to spit out a soft “Prove it.”
His grin broadened. With a single hand, he took up the scruff of your blouse and lifted you off of the mattress without a hint of strain or trepidation. You were tossed, cursing and thrashing against his hold, into the air and caught in his lap, every step of the process just as effortless as the one that’d come before it. On reflex, you clung to him, wrapping your arms around his neck and cursing under your breath. He only laughed, glazing over your distress, your confusion in favor of paying more mind to your amazement. “The laser eyes can get a little out of hand, and flying indoors is…” He trailed off, shaking his head. “Is inhume strength enough, or are you going to make me break out the x-ray vision?”
“No, that’s not— I think you’ve done enough.” You felt breathless, like you’d just run a marathon. You felt drained, and exhausted, and frail, but you forced yourself to smile up at him, to remember that he was still your coworker, still your friend, still Clark Kent.
And if you knew anything, you knew that Clark Kent couldn’t hurt a fly.
(You also knew that Superman would’ve been able to break your neck with a flick of his wrist, but you tried not to think about that.)
“This is great,” you kept your tone bright, cheerful, burying your anxiety beneath a heavy layer of brimming enthusiasm. “You have to tell me everything! As soon as we get back to Metropolis, you’re going to—”
“About that,” he cut in, only somewhat apologetic. “Metropolis might have to wait. This can be a sensitive time, and I thought it might be better for you to stay here, with me, just until you’ve adjusted to…” There was another pause, another sympathetic smile. The heel of his palm pressed into the small of your back, and against your will, you were reminded of just how easily he could crush your windpipe, or break your spine, or rip your heart out of your chest before your body had time to give out. “To this. To us.”
You didn’t have his resilience. Your expression immediately dropped. “What do you mean?”
He didn’t waste time, didn’t pretend to believe it was a genuine question. “Think of it as a precaution. You’re just going to stay somewhere safe and quiet for a few weeks, let some new information soak in, and when you’re ready, we can go home together.” He bowed his head, his lips ghosting over the curve of your shoulder. You tried to let go of him, to put a little distance between yourself and Clark, but his hand rose the back of your neck, keeping you pinned against his chest as he went on. “I tried to think of a way to do this at home, but it wouldn’t have worked out. You’re going to be in danger, and this—” He nodded toward the crystal walls. “—is one of the only places where I know you’ll be safe. From the people who want to hurt me, and from yourself, while you’re still learning.”
“Learning what? Clark, I might be a reporter, but I’m not going to sell your secret identity to the first paper that makes a bid.” Another half-hearted shove to his chest, another attempt to give yourself space to breathe. He only held you tighter, his smile pressing into the side of your neck. “I-It’s not like you can keep me here, either. I mean, it’s not like heroes hold civilians hostage.”
“Heroes do what they have to do,” he muttered, his voice stifled by proximity, his breath warm against your skin. “’specially if it means keeping the people they love safe.”
It felt like a stupid thing to ask, given your situation, your position. It felt like a waste of breath, considering you were in his lap, in the heart of his secret lair, with his mouth pressed against your skin and his hands drifting toward your waist, and yet, you couldn’t seem to stop yourself. “You love me?”
There was a throaty laugh, a squeeze to your side. “With all my heart.” There was no hesitation, no reluctance. If you’d been standing, your legs might’ve given out. “I wish it didn’t have to be so complicated. I really did try to find a workaround, but if I tried to approach you as Clark, you’d never be fully protected from everyone who’s after Superman, and if I tried to love you as Superman – well, then you’d never pay Clark a second glance. I didn’t want you to only know half of who I am.” A kiss, this time, shallow and fleeting, pressed into the corner of your jaw. “This was the only way I could show you who I was without putting you in harm's way. You’ll learn the ropes here, and when you’re ready, we can go back to Metropolis and get you moved into my place—”
A waste of time, a waste of breath, a waste of hope. Still, you couldn’t seem to stop yourself from making bad decisions, today. “What would you do if I didn’t feel the same way?”
This time, it was a kiss to your temple, then your forehead. He didn’t try to kiss you – to actually kiss you, thank God – but it was a small mercy, further dampened by the fact that he was still holding you, still keeping you as close as you could possibly be. After long, agonizing seconds, he raised his head. If he was worried, if he noticed the tension in your shoulders, how stiffly you held yourself, you couldn’t tell from his easy smile, the levity in his tone. If anything, he seemed excited, eager to plan out your future together with or without your cooperation.
“If you didn’t love me…” He tried to laugh, but the air hitched in his throat and he settled for a wistful sigh. “Why are you asking? Have something you want to tell me?”
“It’s a hypothetical.” Your tongue felt swollen, your head heavier than it should’ve been. “Just… indulge me, alright? I’m curious.”
“Like I said, you don’t have anything to worry about. If you took a little time to come around to me, I wouldn’t mind – it wouldn’t change anything, either.” It was a corrupted type of reassurance. Rather than soothing your anxiety, it only seemed to make you feel more sick. “I’d just have to work a little harder, keep a closer eye on you. I mean, I already plan on keep you as close as I can, but—” He clicked his tongue, brushed a few stray hairs away from your face. “—I guess I’d have to hold you a little tighter. Until I could trust you to come around on your own, at least.”
He'd already taken you to an impenetrable fortress in the middle of a frozen wasteland, hundreds of thousands of miles away from the nearest person. You weren’t sure how much more tightly he could hold you.
Dread welled in the cavity of your chest, something sweet and sickly rising into the back of your throat, but you managed to nod, to lean against him. He welcomed your cooperation, rewarded it with a low, throaty sound of approval. “I should show you around. There isn’t much to see, but, y’know, common courtesy and all that.”
“I’m… actually still pretty tired.” It wasn’t a lie. You were exhausted, and you wanted more than anything to crawl into the nearest hole and wait until this had all blown over. But, there weren’t any holes you could crawl into – just a bed, a few mirrored walls, and a man you had formerly thought of as Clark Kent. “I think I might need to take it easy for a couple hours, just to give my brain time to process all this. Would… would that be okay?”
That, that was what made him falter – earning a slight lapse, a new quirk to his smile – but he held himself steady, only nodding as you shifted off of his lap. Hesitantly, with no small amount of apprehension, you edged away from him, daring to put just an arm’s length worth of distance between yourself and him and letting out an ounce of tension drain out of your rigid form when he didn’t immediately decide you weren’t worth the effort, when you didn’t find yourself reduced to little more than ash or pulverized viscera. “Of course. Give me a few minutes, I’ll get you something more comfortable to—“
“This is fine.” Your voice cracked, but you tried to pretend you didn’t notice. “I mean, I’m fine. I just— I think I need a little time to myself. To take this all in.”
His disappointment was visible, but he didn’t argue. You waited until he’d left your room, until he was out of sight and out of earshot, to slip back under your mound of blankets and shrink into yourself. You were exhausted, and yet, you’d never been more awake in your life. Sleep seemed like a distant dream, leaving yourself helpless and unaware like a lurking nightmare.
It was all you could do to lie there, small and vulnerable, and try to ignore the eyes burning into the back of your neck.
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i984 · 1 year
Finally Hers
|Pairing|: Wednesday Addams x gender neutral reader.
|Genre|: Fluff 💞
|Warnings|: Stalking, mentions of gore, Wednesday being mean, mouth-on-mouth kissing, ooc Wednesday Addams.
|Summary|: You're caught in the act (in a library no less), now what?
|Word count|: 1.2k words
|A/n|: This was kinda rushed but I hope you enjoy!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Masterlist
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How could this happen?
The following two weeks since your last encounter with Wednesday Addams had been peaceful--or suspiciously uneventful--you thought to yourself. You had feared for your life, half-expecting for the raven-haired girl to confront you after the last time she caught you approaching her with a creepy stare in your eyes.
But nope, the weeks passed, and you continued with your unusual schedule, mostly consisting of you stalking the girl of your nightmares from afar. At least, that was the case until today--you've settled yourself in one of the hexagonal tables in the school's library with stacks of books around the table to hide your figure--when Wednesday took a seat across the table. Your table.
Wednesday always seats at the same table--the one in the dark corner of the room, every week at the same hour; a piece of information you've successfully gathered after extensive "research" on the girl. And you use this information to admire her every week at this very hour from a safe distance, only to find her seating at your table directly across from you today.
You had observed her movement when she entered the room--with a book in hand, her stride full of confidence, no trace of hesitation to be found.
...and then she walked straight in your direction, and you swear to god you've never ducked your head so fast in your entire life.
When you dared to peer through the gaps of your heavily stacked books, the girl in front of you already had her nose stuck in her book, her lips pursed in concentration. With Wednesday sitting closer than ever to you--suddenly blessed with the breathtaking sight of her figure--you can't help but notice her features; the ones you never get to see because you've always been watching her from afar.
Strays of light hit her face, sharpening her features in all the right places. Her eyes dart over the pages, and you can't help but admire the brown in them. Her lashes are full, eyebags adorning her face giving her a deliciously daunting look. Her lips are a dark color--a beguiling burgundy. She has freckles softly scattered across her nose and cheeks, and soft strains of her hair fall to the sides--framing her face perfectly. 
Your eyes trailed down to her sharp jaws, then to her slender arms, and to the fingers that are gripping the edges of her book firmly. Your heart skips a few beats at the sight--everything about her is so mesmerizing. And as you take a deep slow breath, you could smell a hint of sweet alyssum--the flower vaguely resembling the pattern on her coat.
As your line of sight trailed back up to her face and her eyes, you yelped back in your seat--her gaze piercing holes right into your own--your books falling off the table at the impact of your motion.
You quickly scrambled to your feet, ready to bolt at the entrance.
You've been caught, you thought to yourself.
And if you don't get out of the room right now, who knows what kind of torture Wednesday would inflict upon you? Though torment coming from her does seem like something you'd gladly take, for now, you are set on fleeing this place and never returning.
And as your legs move, ready to sprint, suddenly you feel a strong tug at the hem of your shirt--your body suddenly lurching her way, while Wednesday stepped back releasing her grip--and you find yourself stumbling forward, barely managing to catch yourself from face-planting to the ground.
"I know what you've been doing," Wednesday stated while stepping forward, "You've been following me. Why would you do that? Did somebody send you to spy on me? Monitor my schedules and activities?" 
Her voice was cold and harsh, and you feel yourself cowering before her, unable to answer her pointed questions. 
"You're quite good at your job, I'll give it to you. For a while now I've felt like someone was trailing me, watching my every move. And I couldn't figure out who until Christmas. But when I look at your face, I knew it was you."
You stepped back, and she took two steps forward, cornering you into one of the bookshelves. You look behind Wednesday and you see a couple of students have turned their heads at the commotion, and you can hear them murmuring.
"What was your intention, approaching me and my friends that day? Were you trying to hurt them?" At this, you blurted out a response from your short-circuiting brain.
"N-NO! Of course not! I would never do that to you- I mean to your friends and you. I was just..." you trailed off, your eyes not daring to meet her gaze.
"You were what? Answer me." Her stance seems to relax a bit, but her voice is still as stern as ever.
You stumbled on your words but quickly took a deep breath after seeing the look on her face.
"It's just that ...I have a crush on you," Wednesday pulls back a bit at your sudden confession, her brows raised in puzzle. 
Your heart drops at her reaction, but you willed yourself to continue. "And I know it doesn't excuse all the following and the stalking, and I know it's creepy, and now you probably hate me and feel disgusted, and I'm terribly sorry," you sobbed out, tears falling down your cheek.
"But I would never hurt you or any of your friends, I swear on my life," you continued. "The thing is, I would die for you Wednesday, kill for you if you ask me to. I will go to Tartarus and come back with Cronus' heart if you wish for it. You can rip my heart out and you'll find it beating for you," your breathing quickens as you speak, "All things impossible I can do for you, but I would never. Hurt. You."
Wednesday stared at you wide-eyed, her mouth gaping ever so slightly. Never in her life had she seen someone so blindly devoted to her, and the heartfelt speech you delivered has suddenly made you her one coveted dream. 
You watch as Wednesday straighten herself up, her feet taking a half-step closer to you. You can feel your heart pounding against your chest, your head spinning as breathing isn't your brain's priority. 
Her brows relaxed and her jaw opens as she speaks, 
"And if I carve your chest and break your ribs, pull your lungs out, and stick a straw in it, would you drink the red for me?" she muttered the last sentence underneath her breath, dark-brown eyes looking straight into your own--daring you to answer her question.
"Gladly, until the very last drop of it," you breathed out. 
And at that, Wednesday grabs the collar of your shirt, and you feel her soft lips press against yours. Your head bumps against the bookshelves behind you; her sweet-flowery smell invaded your scent--overwhelming you--and the surging tide of warmth washes over you, leaving you limp. 
And before you know it, you were kissing her back, and at that moment you realize;
You were finally hers.
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 year
Wired (part one)
Gemma x Programmer!Reader
For @deafeningsharkslimeempath
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"F1D0, find the 5/8th hexagon wrench" you issued the command to your robotic canine. The robot's ear perk up before running over to your toolbox. The canine's tail wags back and forth as it searches before picking up one wrench and laying it at your feet.
"Am I a good dog?" the robotic AI voice of your dog spoke up. You inspect it and smirk.
"This is 3/4 bud. But close enough." you pull out a few nuts and bolts and toss the metallic treats to your bud.
"Good try F1D0" you give him a little pet on the head. Your phone goes off. The caller ID reads "Emergency Services"
"Hello?" you answer with a shaky voice.
Losing your brother and your sister in law is one of the hardest things you ever had to do in your life. Your niece was in a neckbrace and all you and your fellow in-law, Gemma, the lead programmer at Funki was watching from the sidelines.
"Been awhile" Gemma gives you a sad smile.
"Too long" you flirt back. "How's BRUCE doing?"
"Fine. Still laying in the back of my workshop" she answers. You place a gentle hand on her.
"I'm here if you need me Gemma."
"I know. Just keep your horrible kazoo playing away from me. You're a better programmer than musician"
"One time! That was one time in college" you roll your eyes as the authorities lead you and Gemma into a small room. Legal custody for your now orphaned niece fell to Gemma. You offered to check in on them instead of them sending some therapist.
You helped Cady get settled into her new room.
"Uncle Y/N do you have to go?" she practically begged you to stay.
"I'll be back in the morning, C. Besides I need to get Fido settled into the motel room." you explain, "the only other available room is your aunt Gemma's and I can't put up with her obnoxious snoring"
You top it off with a little snoring sound, earning a little laugh from your injured niece. You turn to see Gemma looking at you and rolling her eyes. You follow her out and shut the door behind you.
"How do you do it?"
"If its my good looks, its my cross to bear" you joke.
"How are you so good with Cady?" Gemma looks at you.
"She just needs to know that she's loved. Gemma, you're an amazing roboticist but you need to wear your emotions a little more on your sleeve. Cady needs that."
You turn to head out the door.
"Is that why you never agreed to a second date?" Gemma playfully asks you.
"I never disagreed to one." you smirk back before heading out to your hyundai.
You got F1D0 settled into your little motel room and attached his server to the only working wi-fi source.
"Now lets go over the laws again, bud" you look at your robotic companion.
"i must not injure a living creature." the robot dog answers.
"Good. Now the second."
"I must obey orders unless it goes against the first law"
"Under some circumstances. I have the access key to that one. Now the last."
"I must protect my own existence unless it goes against laws one and two." the dog concludes, "am I a good dog?"
"Yes you are." you give the robot dog a pet on the head and look to a picture you carried with you. One of you and Gemma back in college, working on Bruce. Better times. Maybe it can work out.
To Be Continued...
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morroodle · 1 year
Every time I escape the Mechanic Morro brainrot he comes back and punches me in the face.
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Mechanic morro finally gets his own mech(s)! It took me forever to figure out what they should be cause dragon is already taken but @butterpony100 gave me the idea of dragonflies and its fucking perfect. I'm still working out names but I have so many ideas for these bad boys.
The big mech
It dosent get used much since morro isn't an actual ninja but he likes having his own anyways
It has so many guns
The tail segments are each missiles
The eye hexagons are also tiny missiles
There are so many hidden guns in the body. At least 80% of the surface area is hiding guns
The feet are claw things similar to the claws on his spider backpack, they can grab onto stuff and perch very well
They also shoot out like grapling guns because morro is extra as fuck
The head splits open (into 4 segments because 2 is for losers) and out comes the middle sized dragonfly! Speaking of...
The hoverboard
The middle sized one is a hoverboard
Its morro's favorite and gets used alot, even for non ninja things because hoverboards are cool dammit
Not as many features (guns) as the big one
The feet are the same claws but no grapling gun, makes easy storage cause he can just mount it on the wall
The eyes store guns (morro would never ride something with less than 3 guns)
The tail segments are not in fact guns! They each detach and turn into different tools that he can use for quick repairs and on the go projects
It has an autopilot and is able to come to Morro on its own. Think he's just chilling and then suddenly needs it so he presses a button or something and it activates and flies straight to him. Very useful.
It's very fast and precise, great for moving in tight spaces
He has funky lil shoes that stick to the hoverboard somehow so he dosent fall off and can do sick tricks (skaterboy morro?
Clips onto morros back for transport but cannot be used as wings
The drones
The littlest ones are multipurpose and there are three of them
They have cameras and guns (because morro) and can be used for security but thats not their main function
They mostly serve as little helpers for morro, like extra arms/flying shelves
Tails are either a tool or storage for nuts n bolts n stuff
Sadly they don't Russian nesting doll sit inside the hoverboard but they can absolutely be stored and deployed by the big mech
Theyre so cute I'm emotionally attached to them
That's all I have for now. Man I love these dragonfly dudes. Anyway butter you are officially un-banned from giving me drawing ideas (for now)
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deckofaces · 1 year
Electrifying Experiments
Tw: whump, electrocution, captivity, experiment like whump, fainting, creepy/sadistic whumper?(not good at the terms for describing whumpers), canonically a female whumpee but they/them is used, slight dissociation(?), I thinkkk that’s it
Last part || First part || Next Part
This one is longer, so the story is below the keep reading line!
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Hero woke when they heard the sound of the door unlocking. They grew to hate that sound, the loud latch being undone followed by the beep from what must have been the result of a card swipe or input code. The door unlocking always equaled a visit from Villain, no one else came in their room, and Hero has not once left it. 
In their time in Villain’s base, Hero discovered they’ve become an extremely light sleeper. Every time they hear the door, they are immediately jolted awake, sucked out of that escape from their dark reality. Which in turn, they never felt fully rested anymore. Even now, Hero’s body felt heavy as they groggily shifted into sitting position. Along with exhaustion, fear lodged a permanent residence. 
Hero’s eyes trailed Villain’s path from the door next to their bed, the sound of each step resounded off the tile in their almost empty room or cell. Villain’s low voice made its way to their ears. “Hello, Hero, dear. We are doing something different today if you would follow me out of the room. I know you are smart enough not to bolt, but I have to remind you it would be in your best interest to stay by my side.”
Hero’s eyes widened a fraction. They were leaving the room? Granted they hated the white enclosure, but they were terrified to think of what they would be doing. However, they didn’t want Villain to have to tell them to get up again. They slid off the bed, their feet gently hitting the white tile. Hero followed the villain wordlessly to the door. 
Outside of Hero’s room, they were led down a long hallway. Doors dotted down the corridor, having said that there were no windows on any of them. She could not see inside, but maybe it would be for the best. 
They took note that the walls and floor outside their assigned room didn’t seem too much different from their room. It all looked very clean and pristine, too clean even, and the walls were of monochromatic colors, mostly whites and grays. The floor additionally remained tiled, though it had more of a decorative hexagon design compared to the plain blocky tile of their room. 
To Hero, the facility reminded them of a more technologically advanced hospital. After they reached the end of the hallway, it opened out into a large space. It was full of activity, everywhere they turned they saw henchmen working on various tasks. None of them looked up as Hero walked by with Villain however. Were they used to Villain bringing people around or were they just too scared to look in their direction?
Hero continued to glance around as Villain brought them through the facility. They saw zero windows, were they underground? That would explain why the base has been so difficult to find.. and if they ever wanted to escape, it made it difficult. Hero couldn’t see any exits either, how did people get in and out?
Hero winced, they immediately were bombarded with a throbbing headache. They put their hand to their head as if that would do anything to soothe their pain. They looked up and saw Villain’s focus trained on them. So it had not been a coincidence.
“You are thinking too much. What did I say about running? Hm?” They stopped walking, waiting for Hero to answer. 
“But I- I wasn’t even thinking about running.. I’ve been following you-“ Hero gasped as their headache felt ten times worse, they squeezed their eyes shut. They were thinking too much? That justified a pounding ache in their head?
“I’m sorry? What were you saying, dear?” Villain watched Hero almost with a sense of curiosity, analyzing them for their reaction. “It won’t happen again, correct?”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.. it won’t happen again.” Hero repeatedly shook their head. To their relief, the headache returned to a dull throb and Villain started walking again, beckoning for Hero to follow.
Hero reluctantly continued to walk with them. Although they weren’t walking through the base much longer. They made their way down one more hallway, similar to the first, and Villain stopped in front of a door. They opened it, waving for Hero to walk in first.
Hero fidgeted with their thin white shirt, stepping inside the room. When they glanced around, they saw cameras positioned in each corner of the room. Though as they continued to look around, they rapidly filled with unease, nerves making a home in their throat when they saw a wooden chair and a table off to the side with a notepad and pen. But what made them sick was what looked like conductive pads on the table. 
Hero started to back away, but they ran into something. They spun around and saw Villain standing over them, they choked on a sob. They wiped their sweaty palms on their pants, shaking a little where they stood. No no no no.. 
“Are you alright, Hero? Please have a seat, you look awfully pale.” Oh Hero hated the calmness of their voice. That chair was the equivalent of a death sentence in their eyes. Hero froze in place shaking their head, “Please.. I don’t want to do this.”
“Sit down Hero,” Villain said more firmly.
“No!” Hero shouted, tears filling their eyes. They starting backing away again, but in their fear and panic, they did not realize they were just moving closer to the chair. Villain noticed and started to grin. 
“You are making this far more difficult and painful than this needs to be.” Villain strode over to the frightened hero, placing their hands on their shoulders. They shoved Hero down and they collapsed into the chair. They did not even need to use their abilities to get the weak hero to fall into it. 
“See? That wasn’t so bad,” Villain crooned, Hero’s eyes widened when they fell into the seat. 
“I-“ Hero’s voice caught in their throat. Villain hummed softly and wiped their tears away with the pad of their thumb. 
“Here is what is going to happen, dear,” Villain crouched down in front of the chair. Hero tried not to appear disgusted by the nickname. “I’m going to attach those pads to you-“ they were interrupted by Hero letting out a strangled sounding whimper. They refused to meet their eyes, opting to stare down at their wrists and mindlessly pick at the power suppression cuffs they wore, hoping it was a very bad dream.
“Shhh..” They gently took Hero’s hand away from messing with the cuff before continuing. “I want you to describe the pain to me, how it feels to you. Do you understand?”
“W- why.. I don’t- I don’t understand,” Hero shook in their seat. “Why..”
“You do not have to understand why, but do you understand what I require of you?” Villain pressed.
Hero hated how they had no choice in the matter. They didn’t understand, they didn’t at all, but Villain always refused to take ‘no’ as an answer. They weakly nodded.
Villain stood back up before walking to the table off to the side. “Good, good..”
As Villain walked back, each step they took seemed to echo and ring in Hero’s ears, louder and louder until they were back in front of them. They whimpered when they felt the pads being put on their skin. “Please..”
Villain didn’t reply, rather they walked away back to their table. They picked something up, Hero squinted their eyes. It was tiny, they could only assume it was a remote of some kind. They couldn’t dwell on it before with a soft click, Hero’s world erupted into agony. 
They could barely hear their own screaming over the excruciating pain. Intense burning scoured Hero’s body, they felt as if something pierced every part of their figure. They cried and yelled for it to stop- they never felt something quite so horrible.
When Villain eventually let up, Hero was left gasping and crying in their seat. What did they do to deserve this punishment? Villain didn’t tell them why, they wished they could understand. 
They looked up and saw Villain approaching them through their tears. They put a hand on their back as if to try and study their shaking. “Hero, describe to me what that felt like.”
Hero let out a sound between a whimper and a sob. They looked down at their lap and brought their shaking hand to their face to wipe their eyes. Villain tilted Hero’s head back up afterwards. “Speak with words, or did you forget? Do you need to go again?”
Hero slightly shook their head, they stared at Villain. They opened their mouth to speak, but they couldn’t find any words to talk with, closing it again. The hero gazed at them pleadingly, questions instead sat on the tip of their tongue. They spoke them in their head with such severity, they almost thought they said them out loud. Why why why why, repeated over and over again. They hated everything they felt, why did it happen to them. When would they go home? Would they go home?
Villain tsked and dropped Hero’s head, they could barely hold it up so it dropped. “I can’t read you mind, explain it to me Hero or I will remind you what the electricity feels like.”
They turned away from Hero and started to make their way back to the table. A small smile formed on their lips when their path stopped with a sudden shout from Hero. “Please-! Wait, I'm sorry! I’ll talk!”
Villain spun around and walked back to the hero. “Perfect, I knew you would not need a reminder. Now tell me, describe the pain the best way you can please.”
“I-“ Hero stuttered, swallowing before trying again. “It felt absolutely horrible, it-“
“More specific,” Villain interrupted.
Hero crossed their arms, hugging themself and getting to the point, not wanting to risk electrocution again. “I-it’s so hard to explain- I- The best I can describe it being is that it felt like burning mixed with being pierced by something over and over..” Hero shuddered, thinking back to the pain they experienced moments prior.
“Wonderful..” Villain breathed, grabbing their pen and clipboard to write down exactly what Hero said. They clicked the pen and looked back up once they finished. “Anything else of note?”
Hero stared down at the white tiled floor. The ground appeared so unpigmented, so bleached, it seemed to pierce their eyes, was everything there always this white? “..No.”
Hero still held their gaze towards the ground. They could hear Villain walking away, likely back to put the clipboard down on the table. Their footsteps seemed to reverberate off the walls, sounding farther away and then getting loud again. Hero could see their shoes out of their peripheral vision. Oh they hoped they were done. That Villain had their fun and that they could go back to their room and then-
Screaming echoed off the room’s walls once again. Their eyes shot up frantically only to realize Villain held no such switch as they did before. They could taste the sick flavor of iron in their mouth, accidentally biting down on it. 
It felt exactly as they described. Flames scoured their body, except none were there. They could feel the sensation of piercing, the sensation of stabbing, but nothing touched their skin. More specifically, it was electrifying, maybe even worse than when they felt the real electricity.
“Stop! S-stop-! Please!” Hero cried out. They gripped the chair until their knuckles turned white. The pain wouldn’t stop! They knew the source came from Villain, but they still searched around themself and nearby as if to find a way to stop it. In the end they never found anything to stop the agony, Villain had complete control. 
Finally it ended in an instant. Hero gasped for breath but slouched in their chair, defeated. Their head hung, now the energy to keep it up seemed too much. However a barely noticeable throb in their head forced them to look up at the villain who crouched in front of them. They barely registered that they held a clipboard, their vision seems to run together and blur. 
“Hero, can you describe to me now what that felt like?” Villain looked at them eagerly, sharing the same enthusiastic curiosity a child might have.
Hero swallowed the small bit of blood pooling in their mouth, their face looking pained as they did so. “The same,” they managed to choke out. “The same as before..”
Villain’s eyes seemed to light up at their response, Hero could not stand to see that kind of twisted excitement on their face. They looked down at the floor and squeezed their eyes shut. 
“You did well,” Villain’s voice rang through their ears. “Stand up, you are going back to your room now.”
Hero’s sight blurred heavily now but the words ‘back to your room’ caused them to immediately stand up. They never wanted anything more. 
An onslaught of dizziness immediately washed over them. Their face wore a pale sheen, they swayed on their feet, and everything spun. 
Black spots filled their vision. Were they going to pass out? 
It only took a few more seconds before they last remembered collapsing onto the tile. They heard a noise of disapproval from Villain before black took over their vision.
tagging: @thelazywitchphotographer, @lilywolfgray, @justalittlecorrupted, @kadeee00, @rainy-knights-of-villany, @onlywhump
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ask-anarky · 1 year
The Rise of Technovore Pt 3
It had taken months for it to travel this far, acquiring and then using up so much of its matter to traverse the flooded wastes of america, the barren deserts between the coasts where the only materials for it to process were the rust devils who prowled the area and their makeshift vehicles. It had hopped onto one of the vast transport trains at one point, but ended up derailing it in a desperate attempt to keep itself alive.
Technovore was a powerful entity, but its memory was spread across every nanobot that made up its writhing swarm of mass. As it used up parts of itself, it got less intelligent, more animalistic. Put simply, it forgot.
It forgot how to be an entity with goals, and then it forgot how to even be a computer, with cold rationale to fall back upon, it became an animal, desperate and hungry. The first time this happened was in New York, it was almost over until it processed one of the citizens, base carbon and metal for replication. That was when it started looking for its goal, it worked through the entirety of human history from the internet until it found what it needed, and deleted the rest from its memory. That was when it hardcoded the location it was headed to, so long as one nanobot remained, it knew where it was headed.
It didn’t even remember why it was breaking into this colossal building, with security that even challenged its mind. It tore through ciphers and encryption, popping open doors and eating into cooling vents, tunneling deeper into the bowels below the giant glowing S.
The coordinates at its core, and the ones showing its own location were growing more and more similar, as it turned to a dust cloud that swarmed a security guard, filling his lungs in an instant and processing him down to the bones in just a few seconds. It moved further, the mass had reached high enough for it to think, to try and guess why it was here. If it knew it needed a more complex brain, then it must have before. And behind the hexagonal panel was one, it must have found one, and left itself messages.
The now gel-like mass strained against the panel, which was built of some space age polymer, which resisted deconstruction for a while, but the struts, the screws and bolts were metal, and they gave away without much struggle.
The room was large enough to easily fit a half dozen cars end to end, and was a perfect sphere, with the walls entirely made of those same panels, most of which had lights shining inwards at the center, a few with long support cables holding what lay at the rooms heart. It was a head, red skinned and ripped brutally apart from the body, some of its electronic viscera still hanging limply from the jagged stump. Most alarmingly, it appeared to still be alive, fresh cables connected to where the old ones broke off, eyes open but staring unfocused into the ether, while it spoke constantly, in a level monotone. It was a constant stream of data, the information running through this Vision’s mind constantly being spoken aloud. Dates, names, online activities, places they’ve been, people they met. The mind behind this must be incredibly complex, this was why it was here. As the fog of nanobots swarmed through the air towards this mind, the room's lights turned blood red, alarms going off and hard light fields surrounding the head on all sides. NO, it would not be spurned, not denied the prize it had risked so much to get. It scanned the field, built its schematics, ran the calculations on its power, how much mass it could annihilate, how much energy would cause it to burn out. How much energy Technovore could generate in its current form, how much mass it could burn and still memorize the brain's structure. It reached out, forming a hand, then pushed against the field, the first layer of nanobots glowing with the heat before dripping away. Technovore couldn’t feel pain as such, but the feedback, the loss of brain and self, it might as well be pain. It could however section that pain, put it in a box and process it later. Allowing it to keep pushing, forcing the field to compensate, bring its voltage up, increase the frequency until-
The field dissipated as technovore overcharged it, leaving the emitters in the floor and ceiling smoking. Its ‘arm’ dropped down in ashy particulate, the entire limbs worth of mass had burnt up generating the voltage. The damage was immense, but the machine had already calculated it. It was within acceptable losses, especially for the prize.
Finally.. It slowly, almost gently, took a hold of Vision’s head, ripping the cables away that connected to him and cradling it as it scanned. The software, the hardware, both were so densely packed that it was almost impossible to decipher in such a short timeframe. Technovore needed more mass to process this, it would need time and a safe place, to ensure it didn’t lose any part of what it needed, to make sure it didn’t cannibalize the schematics during one of its hungrier moments. But it was not long now, soon it would have its upgrade. It abandoned subtlety on its exit, the doors beyond the room were slowly filling with armored suits, all of them a small supercomputer in their own right, each with a powercore that rivaled everything it had eaten before. It devoured them, poured their mass into itself, ripped them apart, tore open walls and blew its way out of the building.
Hours later, the repair team was surveying the space, setting up joists on the damaged walls, and eying up the spherical room, now looking more like a cracked open egg. The holographic form of Anthony Edward Stark was crouched over one of the tangled remains of his Iron centurions. “Whatever did this, it was angry.. But the scanners read completely synthetic, it must have been some kind of AI. Some rogue program, or an attack.. But Drake isn’t stupid enough to attack us directly, and Osborn isn’t smart enough to succeed.” “Be that as it may sir, we still have a problem.” “Yeah, I know. Can’t a guy be a little curious about what did this?” “You can do whatever you want sir, but the tech team says-” “Two days, right? Honestly they’re probably over-estimating, without the core, without a brain in there.. Maybe a day, before our data processing grinds to a halt, the city stops predicting, anarchy in the streets… Anarchy.. Huh. Whoever did this, they knew exactly what they were coming for. Tore a hole in a straight line to the core, we need to track them.” “Yes sir but-” Stark sighed, and gestured in the air, presumably moving around holographic displays on his own end. “The system needs a brain, yeah. Good news is, I already found one, one designed especially for computing.”
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big-bolt-nut · 3 months
DIN 931 Bolts Manufacturer and Exporter in India| BigBoltNut
We are manufacturers, supplier and exporter of Din 931 bolt in India.  The steel quality used to manufacture of the DIN 931 grade 8.8 bolts includes Grades A2 and A4 class 70.  the steel quality used to manufacture of the DIN 931 grade 8.8 bolts includes Grades A2 and A4 class 70. The tensile strength for both these steel grades is around 700 Mpa. The strength of the DIN 931 bolt M10x18 is indicated by the marking on the head and it is also defined by the applicable product standard. The grade A4 70 manufactured from stainless steel in low temperature
Source Url: https://www.bigboltnut.com/product/din-931.html
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eorzeashan · 1 year
Wip Wednesday
Awawa, it's upon us again! Wow, it's been awhile. I'm sure I've missed too many of these I've lost count, but if I've ever been tagged I love and appreciate you and am sorry my writer's gauge ran empty at that time. Now, onto the wip.
It's Nathema Conspiracy hours in my brain, specifically thinking about that botched Watcher 2 reunion and then the whole deal with Eight's version of the Traitor arc where he goes with Theron and...lots to think about. lots to unpack.
“You!” Vinn Atrius bristled at the sight of Theron, who quickly drew his blaster and answered in kind. The Zakuulan knight shrieked as the bolt impacted against the exposed portion of his armor, sparking and smoking. He spun and tumbled to the ground, motionless. 
“Been wanting to do that for ages,” Theron grit out, his expression flinty and hard. Betrayal was a two-headed snake, but he was more than happy to bite the hand that fed him. What was it Vinn said to him? ‘Know your place?’ 
He knew his place. Exactly where it was. 
Theron glanced back at Eight and Lana just a breadth’s width behind him. 
Eight’s stare was steady, razor focused as ever. Yet behind those dark, murky eyes was a man who devoted himself to causes beyond the pale, to people he loved, and Theron’s gaze softened.
Even when the world was against him, Eight had chosen to follow because he hadn’t wanted Theron to be alone. Words didn’t even begin to explain what Theron felt for the other operative, who had broken through the walls he'd built around himself as a spy just to make sure Theron wouldn’t regret his choices.
Theron set his jaw. A soul like that deserved more than what the Alliance had burdened him with. 
Lana locked eyes with him next, pulling him away from Eight. 
For a moment Theron could sense the uneasy mistrust behind those intense eyes of gold. He’d left her hurting and confused ever since Umbara, and if Lana was anything, it was frighteningly driven when her anger was given form. He couldn’t say he deserved her friendship at this time, nor the trust of the Alliance. For all he knew, she’d come here specifically to choke the life out of him. Letting her was a stretch, but…
As if sensing the guilt gnawing at him from inside out like a worm that had buried itself in his guts, Lana’s tight-lipped demeanor gave way to a flicker of emotion– and she nodded.
To the end, whispered the memory of those heartracing moments when they promised to die fighting together seizing the throne. He tightened his pistol grip.
Right. To the end. 
Emboldened, he quickly turned his attention to the remaining offender, only for his advance to be stopped short by the hexagonal net of the rayshield activated by GEMINI 16. 
Theron banged on it with the butt of his pistol, frustration mounting in his blows- it didn’t give. 
“Theron,” Eight called to him, anxiety painting his usually collected voice in an odd note that Theron had never heard  before.
“Organics fight so hard for their survival. But you’re too late–the thrones have been filled. Zildrog is summoned.” GEMINI 16’s monotonous voice grated against his ears. Theron banged harder against the forcefield, futile as it was.
“Theron!” Eight sounded desperate– frantic, even. Theron whipped around. 
Eight’s gaze was trained on one of the pods. It contained a woman in an Imperial uniform, her eyes closed as she sat unnaturally still in the seat of her cage. 
Theron recognized her from the holo as the one who had set the guardian droid on them. Shara, Eight had called her, with a wistful air that bordered on nostalgic. 
His voice contained none of that gentleness now, all previous softness cut away like the dull trim of a knife on a sharpening block as his attention turned to their enemy. “What have you done to these people?” Eight leveled at Gemini 16, the midnight of his eyes compressed into fine points of lethal focus.
The promise of death, the ring of metal removed from its sheath- a silent fury so intense it raised goosebumps on Theron’s forearms roiled beneath that smooth veneer like ink released into water, and the SIS spy felt nothing but pity for those who had ever earned Cipher Eight’s ire– an honor not even Emperor Arcann had been subjected to. 
Unphased by his intimidation display, GEMINI 16 continued. “They served a purpose they hadn’t anticipated– fuel for Zildrog’s awakening.
First, he will destroy the shackles that kept me enslaved to your kind. Then he will obliterate your pathetic Alliance as a reward to Atrius for playing his part.”
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holly-fixation · 2 years
Alright I said I would let my theories stew about Jenova's new design in CC Reunion, specifically her head, and I've come down to one main idea for the helmet:
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On the left photo, you cannot see her face at all. Zooming in, it's just three layers of metal with maybe, and I cannot confirm, the slightest slit through to her face with only the SLIGHTEST hint of red.
On the right, I focused on the neck. You can clearly see a hexagon shaped "connector", I'll call it, held together by six bolts. From what I can tell, most set ups like this would be used for seals, perhaps connecting and Sealing two pipes together depending on size. By why would they need to seal her head at all? Especially because remake shows it attached to her body?
Focusing on the right because it's a bit less Bat-S crazy, you don't really see anything inside. It's dark as HELL. Which is weird considering there is a light right behind Sephiroth and I would expect some kind of reflection at the very least but nope, dark void. You can't even see the slightest hint of hair, which should at very least be reflecting a shred of light because it's silver.
I have 2 theories and they are both pretty out there.
1. Jenova is already decapitated by the start of this entire remake saga as a direct result of Sephiroth pulling whatever to get back in time. He and Jenova are one. And in his world, Jenova is decapitated, and the Remnants in Advent Children spend the entire movie searching for her head. Since Jenova can control limbs of her body autonomously and even expand them into monsters in the original, would being decapitated change anything? Might be inconvenient but she can still take out the Cetra nonetheless. At least that's what I think.
2. Bat shit theory: She doesn't have a head at all. The Remnants searched for it. They only got their hands on it for a few minutes and it dissipated with the promise "I will never be a memory", arguably. That could be why there's nothing in the neck. That could be why you cannot see her face at all. Jenova's head is the only thing he had when he fell to the Lifestream. And in remake, the clones steal her entire body in one piece. If he can do that instead of bothering with manipulating limbs, it's just a waiting game to get Cloud in the game.
But the only thing I think solidifies this theory: the Edge of Creation. If it is the same Sephiroth, which I think we can agree on, then it is by definition the same Jenova. But the way that they "merged consciousnesses", at the very least least, was through her head in the Liefstream with him. It's possible, no? That the one thing Sephiroth couldn't give up when restarting the timeline was his greatest connection to Mother? Even at the cost of his "CC Reunion" self finding nothing? Possibly making a puppet of himself?
I told you, it's out there.
If they show her in the tank and she doesn't have this helmet imma be mad. I put too much work into this lol
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fierykitten2 · 6 months
Clever things about the Proto Beasts and Neo Swords:
“Wake” can refer to both the trail of water left as a boat moves through the water and waking up from sleep
”Leaves” can refer to both the green things on plants (ah yes, very descriptive) and leaving a location/situation/etc
Gouging Fire is based off dinosaurs (ceratopsians) from the era that the Deccan Traps began to form (Cretaceous). The Deccan Traps are a volcanic formation (and Entei is based off volcanoes) that is theorised to have killed the dinosaurs
Both Walking Wake’s head crest and Iron Boulder’s extended blade form vaguely hexagonal shapes, matching Terapagos’s hexagon motif
Raging Bolt is based off of the Brontosaurus aka Thunder Lizard. Yeah, this one’s similar to Fire’s fact
”Crown” can refer to the leader of a kingdom. Cobalion is the leader of the Swords of Justice (I’d still like to think that Iron Leaves is the leader of the Neo Swords though, partly because I have the need for the leaders to be consistent between the two groups and also partly because my favourite Pokémon gets special treatment in its trio. So does my second favourite)
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admiral-mason · 1 year
You Reap What You Sow - Chapter 5
Genshin Impact SAGAU X Iron Harvest 1920+
The Everwinter’s Embrace
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You felt the Samson descend until it came to a halt. Your rifthound buddy woke up and started wagging its tail, eager to get moving. “We’re here at Snezhnaya, your grace! Here, let me get you something to keep you warm.” William said, as he went to a side compartment of the Samson, pulling out a white buttoned trenchcoat covered in golden lacings and beige fur, complete with a hood. It went all the way down to your legs, likely to keep them warm without pants (you can’t change here, after all.) He then pulled out a pair of black winter boots.
You noticed that there were shield emblems representing the four nations of Iron Harvest near the wrist sections. On the right sleeve was the emblems of Polania and Rusviet, and on the left sleeve was the emblem of Saxony and Usonia. Slightly above the heart section was an electricity shield made out of bronze, with an electric blue lightning bolt in the center. This likely symbolized Tesla’s Factory. The boots were comfortable too.
“We only used the finest of our materials to make these clothing items. Do you like 'em?“ William asked. You put it on and it felt very comfortable. The interior was laced with more fur, making you even warmer. “I love them.“ You replied. “Tell those who worked on this that they all did a great job.“
“I will. Alright, now a few things before you’re off. The Tsaritsa and the Fatui wanted to meet you first, so you’ll be staying with them for three days at the Zapolyarny Palace. Afterwards, you’ll be picked up via another Samson to head to the Ironside Quadripartite. Once you exit this airship, forces from Nikola Tesla will escort you to the palace.”
“Alright, I got it.“ You said to William. “Come on, little buddy. We’re going now.“ William helped you and your rifthound buddy out of the Samson as you took a few steps into this cold, frosty land. The trenchcoat and boots certainly kept you warm. You then heard the Samson taking off again, and then William say goodbye to you. “Farewell for now, your grace! We’ll see you in three days!” You simply waved back at him until the airship seemingly disappeared into the cold fog.
Upon finishing your waving, you turned around to see seven spider-like robots walking towards you in a hexagon formation. They made what appeared to be happy click-clack noises as your pet growled at them in intimidation.
“Stand down, boy. They’re friendly.” You recognized these robots. They’re TF-377 Slugas, produced by the Tesla’s Factory. They can melee attack, commandeer various control panels, and repair damaged machinery. You walked up to each of them, giving a headpat while your buddy played a friendly game of tag with one of them.
“стваралац!” You looked up and saw nine soldiers on what appear to be long metal stilts wearing backpacks glowing an electric blue. They also wielded rifles with external modifications on them.
TF-233 Šetačs. Soldiers wielding railguns on cutting-edge exosuits. You could easily recognize these. Trailing close behind them is a bipedal bronze robot with beetle-like armor, possessing what appeared to be a cannon, multi-barrel guns, and four guns at the top of the main body. That’s a TF-987 Čuvar, a powerful dual-mode mech capable of using both an offensive and defensive mode.
“We’ve been sent by Nikola Tesla himself to guard you. I am sure William Mason told you about this, yes?” The frontmost soldier asked you. “Yes, he did. Also just gonna be honest here. I never thought I got to see you guys up close!“ You replied back, amazement in your voice.
Tesla units are never available in Iron Harvest to players by default. The closest you have ever gotten to them was either escorting them in that one World Map campaign mission or when they actually assisted you in assaulting Rusviet’s capital in the same mode.
“Well, you’re seeing all of us Tesla soldiers up close, стваралац. Follow us, we know where Zapolyarny Palace is.“ The šetačs started moving as you and your buddies catched up with them.
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You all were currently walking in a forest separated by an icy blue path, your rifthound buddy and the slugas running in circles as you all went. The footsteps of your boots and soft mechanical whirs of the šetačs further added to the cold yet soft vibe.
You nearly slipped on the path after a while of walking, but you managed to catch your balance. “Careful now, стваралац! We don’t want you getting harmed.”
“I’ll be fine,“ you told the soldier. “I’m more worried about you slipping rather than me.“ You’re on foot and they’re on stilts. It’s absurd how they haven’t managed to slip over yet. “Alright then, стваралац. We’ll be careful.“
You and your escort group reached Zapolyarny Palace after around ten minutes of walking. When you got up close, you noticed how similar it was to the Winter Palace in Russia. However, it was in many shades of icy blue, with a lot more curved aspects compared to the original.
Reaching the main entrance, you noticed that the three double doors had patterns of flowers and symmetrical icebergs. In the middle of all of them was a baby blue cryo symbol made out of tinted metal.
Two Pyroslinger Bracers guarded the main doors, with various other guards protecting all the secondary doors and rooftops. “Your grace. We have been expecting your arrival. Come, the Tsaritsa and her harbingers have been awaiting you.” The left bracer said as he and the other bracer opened the double doors allowing for you to enter.
“Us and the čuvar shall help the guards protect your presence. You go on in with your pet and the Slugas. They seem to be getting along well.“ The lead šetač said as the čuvar activated its defensive mode, retracting its cannon and forming itself into a cocoon-like structure.
Walking in the main doors with the bracer and your buddies, you were introduced with the palace square. It was full of blue flowers and trees of varying shades. You then had a realization in mind. These plants are starting to die out due to the eternal winters. You then thought about how it was just stuck in the back of your head until now. Guess your ‘divine creator’ senses are coming back to you.
You also noticed the other pyroslinger bracer run in the square into a section of the building. You assumed that he was going to inform the Tsaritsa and the Harbingers of your arrival.
Your pet and the Slugas both asked for headpats. You pat them both and the pyroslinger took notice.
“Are those your pets?“ He asked. “Yeah, I guess so. I took in the rifthound a few hours ago and the slugas a few minutes ago.“ You replied as they both walked up to him for headpats.
“Who’s the good boys here? You are, you all are!“ The bracer said as he headpat them all. This may be a cold land, but you’re already feeling much more warmth here compared to the other nations.
стваралац - Serbian for ‘creator’ sluga - Bosnian (and Romanian) for ‘servant‘ šetač - Serbian for ‘walker‘ čuvar - Serbian for ‘guard‘
Genshin Impact is owned by miHoYo. Iron Harvest 1920+ is owned by Jakub Różalski and KING Art Games.
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tanjirou-no-au · 1 year
Izuku Midoriya-Deku
Weapon: Rubrum Orthos - Gun gauntlets and shotgun boots
Semblance: N/A (For the moment)
Emblem: Angular light green rabbit head, similar to his first costume’s hood.
Lujayne Astilbe-Ochako
Weapon: Event Horizon - A fusion of a Brute Shot and a Gravity Hammer from Halo
Semblance: Orbit - Alter the gravitational pull of objects she touches
Emblem: Black dots orbiting a planet
Injigo Kohara-Shinso
Weapon: Ivory Ribbons-Twin Whip swords
Semblance: Overmind-Compelling Voice, the more effective the more it’s responded to.
Emblem: Indigo hypnotic spiral
Tsuyu Aquamarine-Tsuyu
Weapon: Hopper-Harpoon shotgun/spear
Semblance: Disruptive Colouration-Can shift to blend into surroundings
Emblem: Aquamarine Lilypad
Izuku’s a Hare Faunus, while Tsuyu is a Bullfrog Faunus
Lujayne is a SEW. And if we’re playing this something like RWBY Canon, Izuku’s the new wizard.
Injigo replaced their original fourth (The Mineta equivalent) after he dropped out.
In this reality, Izuku is black, Miruko’s cousin, and Lady Nagant is his other mother.
Orion Aetherfield-Iida
Weapon: Recripro-Flamethrower boots
Semblance: Overclock-A period of brief superspeed and nigh invulnerability in exchange for a high aura cost and a slow recharge rate.
Emblem: Blue winged helmet
Tariq Searing-Shoji
Weapon: Panopticon-Sniper Rifle/longsword
Semblance: Sensorium-Manifest astral sensory organs
Emblem: Eight spiked star with an eye in the middle.
Solstice Phosphor-Shoto
Weapon: Heatwave & Flashfreeze-Revolver shotgun kama
Semblance: Thermoberic-Manipulate extreme variances in temperature (ie: fire & ice)
Emblem: Flame and ice split in half
Nyxia Darkholme-Tokoyami
Weapon: Umbral Revelry-Twin hand cannons/scythe
Semblance: Dark Shadow-Same as canon, a sentient aura construct that’s stronger in the dark.
Emblem: A yellow eyed raven’s head.
Shoji is a Mimic Octopus faunus, while Nyxia is of course a Raven Faunus.
‘Nyx’ is transfem and nonbinary.
Tiger Radcliffe-Kirishima
Weapon: Red Riot-Chainsword
Semblance: Unbreakable-Creation of a forcefield that’s stronger the slower he moves, allowing him to shiekd allies.
Emblem: Red megalodon jaws.
Nitro Urquhart-Bakugo
Weapon: Explodikills-Twin Grenade launcher gauntlets.
Semblance: Dynamight-Detach pieces of his Aura and detonate them.
Emblem: An orange grenade surrounded by a burst pattern
Mina Silkwing-Mina
Weapon: Alma-Dust Whip/Baton, and skates
Semblance: Corrosive-Generation and limited manipulation of an acid she can wield as in canon.
Emblem: Pink moth in a hexagon.
Scotford Taupe-Sero
Weapon: Quick Retort-Twin pistols that combine into a sniper rifle
Semblance: Tape-Dust ribbons he can use to move & tangle.
Emblem: Twin golden pistols wrapped in bandages.
Tama’s a Great White Shark (teeth), while Mina is a Rosy Maple Moth (antennae).
Mina is Blasian.
Momo Kashikiku-Momo
Weapon: Summoned weaponry, supplemented by a dust containers woven into her bodysuit.
Semblance: Fabricate-summon copies of objects whose construction she knows about.
Emblem: Spear materializing from a portal.
Yarrow Hadad-Kaminari
Weapon: Thunderbolt-Dart launcher Crossbow/Bat hybrid
Semblance: Stormchain-Direct lightning through designated targets (like darts or discuses)
Emblem: Three lightning bolts arranged in a triangle.
Zelda Eminence-Jirou
Weapon: Lucy-A Guitar/Greataxe, combined with Dust picks.
Semblance: Sonar-Sound detection through surfaces
Emblem: An earjack with sound waves coming out.
Kodiak Urbane-Koji
Weapon: Hitchcock-Hammer/Flail
Semblance: Nature’s Call-Command and communicate with animals.
Emblem: Pan Pipes
Kodi is a Brown Bear Faunus (ears)
Yarrow is the little brother of this AU’s Yuyu Haya.
Zelda is the daughter of two rock stars, and is kind of embarrassed that they legally changed their names to ‘Eminence’.
Sato is a civilian here, while Aoyama, Ojiro & Toru have their...own roles to play.
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