#hey I’m lesbian
sailoreddy · 2 years
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cherriisodapop · 5 months
Apparently its Lesbian Visibility Week
Well this is awkward
I guess I’ll take this as an opportunity to come out as lesbian rn if it wasn’t already increasingly obvious
I made this decision a month ago but was hesitant to come out because I didn’t wanna come out to everyone and then come to find out my sexuality has changed again-
So ye
Again, this (maybe probably) might change again idk but rn I feel pretty good about my decision ^^ Overall, I’m doing this mainly for myself so I can solidify the decision, face my sexuality with a pair of balls, stop being a little bitch, and be more open about it both on this blog and irl <3
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imjusthella-gay · 11 months
you're so cute, i wanna make you sit in front of a mirror while i touch you from behind <3 don't close your eyes or i'll stop! why are you so embarrassed? don't you wanna see what a pretty slut you are?
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carlisle06art · 12 hours
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Vi paint study
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stinkybrowndogs · 4 months
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I spent my weekend frantically trying to come up with some pride merch for this year and this is what u get! Babies! I like how they turned out! Just a bunch of little guys! You can grab them on my ko-fi!
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sevikasenby · 1 year
sevika loving to hear you beg and plead her to fuck you while she teases you by only rubbing her cock against your cunt, rocking her hips so she prods against your wet entrance, making you think she’s gonna fuck you but only drags her cock that’s coated with your arousal back up to clit and just as you’re about to come, she drills her cock into you.
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badgirlcass · 7 months
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my nipples would like to be sucked on pls & thanks <3 :(( they are lonely and cold and in need of a mouth to call home 😩
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cfcreative · 8 months
After your biggest self indulgent headcannon with the famed moon lesbians, I've wanted to ask you about your personal headcannons when it comes to the characterisation of both Aylin and Isobel.
In my experience in playthroughs, I feel like I got Aylin's character down pretty well. Bold to the point of recklessness, unyeildingly loyal to the ones she loves, loud and unapologetic but deeply rage full and stubborn.
But I'm pretty stumped on Isobel. I've tried getting extra dialogue from her before she's reunited with Aylin but I just feel like the one scene isn't enough.
What do you think about her character?
Oh, wow, my first ask! And about Aylin & Isobel, of all things. Genuinely delighted by this development.
(DISCLAIMER: I’ll never declare myself an expert on these characters. My reads on them are based on a healthy knowledge of writing, tropes, and speculations spinning off of personal experiences. Unless Larian has put it in the game or game related materials, it’s all headcanons. Cheers!)
I'll put a TL;DR up front (or my "thesis statement" if you want to get academic with it). Isobel and Aylin make each other "more human" primarily by being opposites in the way they express themselves. Aylin is bold, fearsome, and brash. Isobel is composed, sensible, and calculating (while “calculating,” tends to have negative connotations, I'm more leaning into it in a "she's a planner where Aylin is a do-er" way.)
I do hope you’re ready for a ramble, because I have been working on this on-and-off all day.
One of the most important things to keep in mind is Isobel was raised in a house in mourning.
The kind of epic grief Kethric would have gone through upon the loss of his wife would have forever altered the way he acted towards Isobel, beyond making sure she was raised as a Selûnite per Melodia’s wishes. The Kethric we’re presented in game is a fairly controlled man. He's unlikely to be the kind of person who would show his young daughter how deeply his sorrow wounded him; he'd keep his weeping behind closed doors. What distraught adults forget is that children understand and see way more than they're given credit for. Young Isobel would be acutely aware of her father’s pain, and the fact that he hid it. She was a child coping with her own sorrow, and would have looked to her father's example of how to deal with it: she'd learn she was allowed to care deeply, but she could not present that to others. Melodia's death also likely motivated Isobel to become a powerful cleric relatively quickly—a powerful enough cleric might have been able to heal her mother, might have spared her and her father this agony.
The Thorms, being a family of power and privilege in Reithwin, would have been treated by most of the people around them with formal manners, which would be isolating for a child. Everyone in Reithwin would frame Isobel as Kethric Thorm’s beloved daughter, a child without a mother, the devotee of Selûne. They would treat her with respect tinged with pity, never really knowing her... which would be even more isolating.
That's why Isobel is struck by Aylin so immediately (you know, aside from Aylin being a tall blonde sculpture of a woman). Every one of Aylin’s emotions are BIG and outward-facing. Most people approaching “The General” or “The General’s Daughter” would default to near ceremonial conduct. Dame Aylin wouldn’t see the need! Aylin cares strongly about justice, and defending the weak against the wicked, and everyone knows that about her in ten minutes of meeting her, tops. Aylin is passionate and sincere in that passion. Isobel would have been drawn to that, despite the fact that her upbringing still dictates composure.
You can also witness the emotion/composure contrast in the way Isobel reunites with Aylin after Kethric is finally dead. Aylin falls to her knees, picks Isobel up, spins her around. Isobel is overjoyed, but also more reserved. Her emotions are not in grand gestures but in the trembling of her voice—she’s trying to hold herself together.
(If you haven't seen it, there's a Devnote that specifically states that Isobel's delighted by Aylin's demanding people shove off and let her do unspeakable things to Isobel in private. Isobel scolds her angel for acting that way in public, but once those two are alone...)
This is where I circle back on “calculating.” Because it's not just in reuniting with Aylin that Isobel has had to hold herself together. She's been doing that for months....
Imagine yourself in Isobel's position before the start of the game. One moment you’re in your comfortable, warm home, trying to work out how to reconcile your devoted father and your angel, the two people dearest to your heart. Then you blink… and open your eyes in a cold, dusty tomb. It reeks of death. So does your father, who is telling you your beloved is no more. His lips are curling up in an ever-so-slight smile as he delivers the news. The sheer confusion and panic most people would feel in that moment would be overwhelming.
Isobel could have panicked and fled, but that tomb is filled with bones and Kethric is now the Chosen of Myrkul. Where Aylin would charge in and through, inherently trusting her own strength, Isobel would need to craft a plan. Maybe she would play on her father’s emotions until she found herself in a position to run. Maybe she prepares haste or hold person under her breath, or unleashed a well-timed "turn undead." In any case, Isobel is able to pull herself together and escape in such a way that her father cannot follow. She finds a familiar place and sets up a bastion of protection there. Rather than fleeing the Shadowlands altogether, which is what most people would have done, Isobel starts gathering information. She needs to know what happened to her, her family, and her lover. She needs to know why there’s Sharran magic literally everywhere. She is alone, trying to piece together a confusing story she was part of, and somehow the driving force of after she was killed.
Harpers arrive to deal with the threat of Kethric Thorm like they did a century before. Jaheira would have been a legend even when Isobel was a child, but Isobel makes the very conscious choice not to tell Jaheira her true identity. She doubles down on that when Tav and their companions come through... unless they have proof of who she is beforehand. (In this way Shadowheart and Isobel are hilariously in contrast: the Selûnite is a much better secret-keeper than the Sharran.) So I think that all covers "composed, sensible, and calculating" with regards to Isobel, but when writing from her PoV I think you would have a very rich inner dialogue in line with the ideals Aylin outwardly expresses: Isobel wants to comfort and protect the weak, she's loyal to the ones she loves, and feels strongly and deeply. Once she and Aylin are together again, Isobel's presentation shifts. Where Isobel is a grounding force for Aylin (thinking about how Isobel would have had to explain to Aylin why she was upset Aylin went on a month long walk without warning), Aylin pulls Isobel out of that carefully crafted shell of hers (thus my statement re: making each other "more human.") I haven't yet written any (complete) fan fiction for these two but this fic on A03 (fair waring: it's smutty!) really altered my thoughts as to what Aylin and Isobel could have been like prior to Isobel's untimely death. While I love to joke about Aylin ALWAYS TALKING IN ALL CAPS, there's something to be said for writing her along the lines of a courtly knight-errant. Aylin worships Isobel in a way people worship Selune; she's Isobel's most fervent devotee. Isobel is swept away by love at first sight, but still needs to navigate her father's delicate emotions and her own responsibilities. I firmly believe anyone writing anything in the timeframe of the game or beyond it needs to consider their past, even if they have no plans of writing anything of the sort.
I could probably go on for another um... 13 or so paragraphs (😅) but it's proooobably better if I wrap this up. I hope this gives you some things to think about, and helps a bit with whatever you're working on!
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greatyme · 6 months
Ppl rlly talked so much shit abt skam austin and then fucked off to watch actively racist seasons from other remakes instead like okay !
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firekitten830 · 6 months
UNfriendly reminder that if you feel like you have the right to police the identities of other queer people you can get the fuck off my blog and go step on broken glass while you’re at it. Yes this includes if you don’t like she/her gays or he/him lesbians or bi lesbians/gays. It’s not your business and they don’t hurt anyone, shut up or get out
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meanferalbutch · 2 years
The way I want to be taken down a peg by a hot femme. Everyone sees me in my leathers and my boots and my tattoos and you in your bright colorful clothes and they think they know what happens behind closed doors. Depending on the day and the assumption, they might even be close to right.
But some days you want to be the tough one. I don’t like to give up power easily, so you plan your attack with precision. Maybe you let me take you out to dinner, let me be chivalrous and pull your chair out and pay for the check. Let me spend all night teasing you slyly and draping off of my arm like youre coy. We both know that’s not the case, but we also know it makes me feel confident to get to make the first move. After a lovely night of showing you off and working me up we head home to the bedroom.
You wear something pretty and silky and lay in the bed, looking like a masterpiece. You hold me close and kiss the spot on my neck that makes me shiver and tug on my short hair and that makes me gasp. After a while you lay back and pant, giving me the look that tells me I better leave and come back to bed with something nice and big to fill you up with. So I do, reaching into nearby drawers and grabbing a collection of things: a harness, one of my more impressive dicks, lube, a condom. I set my self up, slowly and luxuriously pulling the straps tight and stroking my dick in front of you like I’m a performer, teasing you as much as I possibly can. You even let me get underneath you, starting to ride on my thighs and stomach, letting my hands wander.
Right as I’m rubbing my dick in between your thighs and I’m guiding your hips you suddenly grab my wrists and pin them by my head. I gasp at the sudden change in power dynamic and my head swims a bit at the way you look at me. Somethings changed in you, and I can tell you’ve taken on a new goal when you grab my strap and start stroking. Not just taking me, but needing a full Conquest. Doing my part to make it harder for you, I again try to move your hips up and onto me, only for my hands to get slapped away and pinned down again.
We both know that if I really wanted to I could flip you over and take what I want, but it’s holding that urge back that fuels how bad I want this. I decide to give up some struggle when I feel you retreat and shuffle your own harness on, pink glistening cock sparkling in the dim light. My eyes widen as I realize exactly how much control you want this evening, and you lean in close to ask if I would like to bottom tonight. When I answer it’s overwhelmingly positive, but incredibly quiet, so you take your hand with your red tipped nails and slap me across the face. I gasp again, and over my panting I can make out you telling me to ask nicely when I want to get something nicely.
So I do. I take all of my hangups about not being masculine enough, feeling like I have to be in charge, feeling like I can’t show this side of myself, and I shove them out the open window our next door neighbors can surely hear me from. I shudder and blush, but I sit up proudly when I ask you to make me your bitch. So you flip me over, fucking all the way into me from behind in one smooth motion as I cry out. You hold onto my dick, determined to keep it from swinging there uselessly and start to stroke it and grind into my cunt, and all I can do is hold onto the blankets until my knuckles go white. I can feel you fucking the fight out of me with each thrust and every single “good boy, good boy, good boy” timed perfectly in sync.
When I eventually do come it’s so loud that I’m now 100% positive the neighbors heard us, but I’m too sweaty and fucked out to care.
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imjusthella-gay · 17 days
y’all ever see a girl and your first thought is i wanna hear what she’d sound like when she cum’s for me
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poebrey · 4 months
Not only is Patrick Kwok-Choon getting to sit in the captains chair on the same day his wife went into labor with their kid incredibly based but we got an openly neurodivergent actor/actor with ADHD sitting in the captains seat on discovery which is pretty neat from the show that made neurodivergent Spock canon
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One day when I have a partner and we’re adults we’re going on a stargazing date this is beautiful
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sevikasenby · 2 years
i have thoughts and none of them are pure
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fridayiminlovemp3 · 2 months
men on dating apps will seriously ask you on a date after 1 message. like come on ted do you not even value your life? what if i’m fucking deranged? huh? what if i’m an axe murder? come on man have a little bit of fear in your life.
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