#hey guys do you know this musical called tick tick boom
pardonmydelays · 5 months
looks like i'm going to see three musicals this year 👀
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crystalcow · 3 years
𝑆𝑎𝑝𝑛𝑎𝑝𝑠 𝐶ℎ𝑖𝑙𝑑//𝑆𝑎𝑝𝑛𝑎𝑝 𝑝𝑡 4
Masterlist // child reader ML //
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Sapnap x reader !p !child reader
Pronouns used: none specified!
Warnings: swearing, mentions of death, casinos
𝐊𝐢𝐧𝗼𝐤𝗼 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐧𝗼𝐰??
Quackity was telling you all of his plans
He rambled on for hours of his ideas for casinos and how he was going to marry Karl and sapnap
It sounded great
He had his whole plan set up! He even had Sam helping him with the building
But then he left
Just like everyone else
But that was fine! You were just with sapnap
Before Karl came running over rambling on about needed to move his library
He had a library?
“[Redacted] you need to stay close, please”
You looked at him weirdly
Who the fuck was [redacted]
“Karl my names Y/n you idiot” “flame..” “sorry”
He didn’t even notice it and then you had to spend the next couple days hauling over 100 books
“Oo hey what are these! The covers look really weird”
You had found his time travel books
That man raced over and in the kindest way possible, snatched it from your hands
“Don’t touch those, they are my special books”
You just shrugged and let him be, he freaks you out enough
So you all traveled to this area in the spruce forest and built a really ugly mushroom hut
But hey it’s fine! Foolish thankfully came around later that day and made everything better
So you stuck around
Maybe you needed this, this new start
Oh but prime knows that wouldnt last long
Karl started forgetting
At first it was simple things as just forgetting where he was or little stumbles with names
But eventually he was going away longer and longer
He started calling you by these strange names, some that sound Victorian and western and others that are unlike you
One day he didn’t call you by your name at all
You were hanging around the Sakura trees and the big yin Yang pond waiting for sapnap to come back with George
Then you saw Karl exit the library, running up to him for a hug
It’s been two months since you’ve seen him
You fucking hated it but you couldn’t help but consider him another parental figure
He loved it
But he just stood there as you wrapped your arms around him
Expecting the usual “[reda]- Y/n, I’ve missed you so much my sweet flame!”
But there was nothing just a sad one sided hug
“Hello? I’m sorry but do I know you?”
You were ready to cry
“I’m sorry, I uh must’ve mistaken you for the wrong person” “No that’s fine! Hugs are nice?”
So you left and ran into the library
Scouring throughout all of the books until you found them
The same 8 books you shrugged away
You read through all of them along with Karl’s other journals
You didn’t like going through his stuff especially, a whole invasion of privacy
The more you read the worse it got
What were you gonna tell Sapnap?
Who the hell is James, and [redacted]?
And why couldn’t he stop
It’s no use anymore
You were simply just forgotten
𝐋𝗼𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐬
The closer you got to the large building, the sicker you got
Kinoko Kingdom was supposed to be your free pass
But somehow you always end up here
You called for Sam on the comms waiting for the beep
The inside looked great to say the least
“What are your past relationships with the prisoner?” “No answer.”
“Where are you currently resided?” “No answer”
“Do you believe the prisoner deserves his sentence?” “Maybe”
You put all your shit in the locker and followed him through all the safety checks
“I’m glad you didn’t bring anything with you”
You stood on the platform heart racing as the lava went down
It was like a ticking time bomb
The small squeaks and scratches of the hovering bridge
He just stared at you
That sick stupid mask was broken by tommy that day in the black stone room
So you had to look into his face
Lets just say he looks good in Orange
“Barrier up or down?” “Down”
He backed up into the corner as you stepped in
Once the lava cascaded down your smile turned into a sick frown
“Hello” is that all he had to fucking say?
“Screw you. Fuck you. Damn you”
He just looked you a small chuckle escaping from his lips
“Those all mean the same thing.” “Well I’ve been living in cinnamon town for the past couple months, and I’m ready to fucking burn some buns”
Yeah he just laughed
“I’ve missed you Hot shot”
“You ruined our damn life!”
Someone went quiet
“If you didn’t have to have a petty little war, or criminalize children we could’ve been fine! It could’ve just been you, dad, me, and George.”
You were pissed, everyone just kept leaving you.
Tommy and Tubbo, Quackity, Karl, Dream, and hell even Wilbur
“You come and visit me, after not having seen me for months and you just yell? Not a hello or ‘how are you dream?’ ‘How’s prison dream’ ‘how can I help you get out of this damn place’ “
You just sat down ready to just walk out into the lava
“I’ve been stuck here for months! None of you even cared enough to visit me, hell even Tommy came around.”
You might have felt a little bad after leaving him
The prison was cold even tho lava was flowing right there
“Why would you leave the discs alone..” “Because I had to end it.”
What were you doing here
What were you planning on saying?
“So, what do you do in prison”
“I have a clock.”
You got up to go look at the pretty clock
Then threw it at his face
“Ow” “deal with it bitch”
The longer you stayed the worse the feeling in your stomach got
so you buzzed for Sam waving goodbye
“Wait.. Do they miss me?” “Can’t say, but I think this may be for the best.”
He wanted his best friends
But he just got the annoying teenager
Oh but that wouldn’t be the last
𝐋𝐚𝐬 𝐍𝐚𝐯𝐚𝐝𝐚𝐬
You got a letter in the mail one day
Who the hell uses letters??
You were shocked to see the address and the small post card
“Come around some time”-Quackity
Ans on the back it had the cords
Oh well what did you have to loose? Sapnap was focused on Karl
and well Karl didn’t even know you
So you set off
It took you a couple hours travel by horse to get to the desert area
The large sign blaring in the red text
You gotta admit the place looked beautiful
There was a giant dick and different shops
You were shocked to see this random un human like guy
“Hello, I am Charlie a totally human guy!”
Yeah totally not slime
“I’m uh, Y/n?” He reached out for a handshake sort of thing
“Dap me up!” “Another time Charlie”
Maybe when you had hand sanitizer
“Ohh so your Y/n! Mister Quackity talks about you all the time, come on in!”
You were skeptical but followed anyways
Stopping in your tracks when you saw Fundy
“Furry?” “Fire shit?”
You went over to give him a side hug, ruffling his fur
“What the hell are you doing here ginger boy!” “Oh you know, just escaping nightmares”
You were confused then just let him be
You walked to the entry way of the place
A beautiful pond with flowers and an arch
“Did what the place where Mr. Quackity was going to propose!”
Going to?
You shrugged it off following inside
You hated to admit it, but you were excited to see him
Yeah you really needed a parental figure in your life at the moment
So when you saw him, he immediately pick you up in a hug
You didn’t fail to notice his change in appearance
That beanie stayed the same tho
Thank god
“Hey hey! Let me show you around the place, we can also go for lunch and talk.”
The casino looked great to say the least
Loud music booming from the speakers, along with the live jazz band on the side
Slot machines were going off every minute
“Have a chip, something to remember this by”
He handed you a red poker chip
It was a cool one tho, in the middle has a blocky sort of smile
Creepy and dopey.. sick!
So you put it around a spare silver chain
“So how have you been kid? ‘Ts been a while hasn’t it.” “Could be better..”
You both walked around the city in silence, offering to go in the super model shop
“No” “why not” “keep walking”
On your way to lunch you had to squint at what you were seeing
“Oh my goodness you’re still alive?!” “You’re alive!?”
You and revivebur just stared at one another
“Yeah he came back after I died!” “you what now-“
You just stared at Tommy and back to Wilbur
Oh god those shrooms were messing with your head
You should’ve gotten out of there a while ago
Quackity came over placing his hands on your shoulders
“Do I have to execute you both? Get off my damn property”
“Sorry Q. Say, Y/n wanna join Lmanburg 2.0?”
You back away holding your hands up
“I denied that offer once, and I’ll do it again. Fucking zombie freaks”
You obviously muttered the last part
Why the fuck did dream revive those two shits??
When did Tommy even die??
Your visit here has just gotten weirder and weirder
𝐌𝗼𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬
Quackity got you away from the brits as quick as he could
So he brought you over to his office
“So kid, how’s your dad..”
Ah you expected this question
“How the fuck am I supposed to know. He’s living his life, Karl’s time traveling! Oh yeah did I mention he doesn’t even remember me.”
He looked at you with wide eyes
“So I’m not the only one they forgot..”
You slammed you hands on the fable dramatizing the situation
“How would you feel about moving here? I mean you could work for me in the casino!”
You thought about it for a second
You have two options
1. Live in shroom town with bubbles
2. Move to las Nevada’s with Quackity
You were sure Sapnap wouldn’t mind
I mean would he even care?
He hasn’t for the past couple months!
“You feel abandoned there, over here there are hundreds of people. You’ll have the time of your life”
You thought about it for a sec
“Alright hand me a contract”
So you signed
Making deals with the devil huh
Little did you know it would cost you your life
Devils little soul
and this is the finale! I will take requests for sapnaps child, and I’ll do some shit with Quackity and the casino and go in more depth if wanted!
As always request and ask anything! And ask if you want to be on a taglist (child reader or general)
For those on the taglist I don’t know if you wanted to be tagged for all child reader shit or just dreams child.. so please tell me :)
@creatorofstars @georgenctfound @samistheidiot @smolbox-png @ghostlysenses @stellarinstigator @bobaducky
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imerdwarf · 4 years
Sworn To Secrecy
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Requested by @imagine-all-the-fandoms: Hey colleague ❤️ I really love your writing! So I also thought to send you an idea 😊 The reader is Bucky’s girlfriend but just a normal civilian and he keeps it a secret at the compound. One day she visits him but crosses the other Avengers and Sam is immediately flirting with you but Bucky just comes, swoops you in his arms and kisses you. The others are shocked and confused and later that day they finally tell them they’ve been together for a while now and they are all happy for you two? 😊
Pairing: Avenger!Bucky x Civilian!Reader (Modern AU)
Warnings: Absolutely none! Just a lot of fluff 🥰
Author's Notes: Thank you so much my dear friend for sending in this beautiful request, I hope you like it and please let me know if there's anything you want me to change! 💜
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Your phone vibrated in the palm of your hand and your smile reached both corners of your eyes when you saw the name light up your screen.
Bucky: I can't wait to see you, how long until you get here?
Your fingers flew quickly over the touch sensitive keyboard to reply back, without any typos might I add.
Y/N: I'm five minutes away. Patience! ;)
The wind blew in your face as you tilted your head upwards and sighed. Your relationship with Bucky Barnes was absolutely not the easiest thing in the world. He had made you sworn to secrecy about it, to protect yourself and him from potential haters and enemies.
You were grateful that you were able to spend a lot of time together when he didn't have month-long missions to go on. The sunny afternoons were spent in your small apartment on the couch watching movies with a blanket draped over the two of you, often accompanied by a hot chocolate made from his secret recipe.
Everything about Bucky screamed safety; his big beefy frame, bulging biceps that he just knew you loved and deliberately bought small sizes to show them off, his thick thighs were a dream for you whenever you draped your legs over them to get comfortable. Nothing about him scared you, not even that matte black and gold Wakandan inspired arm of his. It did wonders when you were burning up with fevers.
You met Bucky by chance at a coffee shop in Brooklyn. It was a cliché moment when you accidentally turned around too quickly and spilled your hot drink over his white shirt. Endless apologies spilled from your lips while Bucky was too busy admiring your beautiful features that your words simply fell on deaf ears. To Bucky, it felt as though time had temporarily stopped ticking, and the only people in the coffee shop at that moment was you and him.
The two of you exchanged numbers with your promises of buying him a brand new shirt to replace the one you ruined. You texted each other every second of every day. The more you talked, the easier and the flirty-er the texts became.
A month after the coffee shop incident, you almost keeled over when he finally asked you to be his girlfriend. He regretted he couldn't take you on a date because of his status, and that never really bothered you.
You didn't date him because he was a popular avenger, with a staggering 100 million followers on his Instagram. For your protection, he couldn't follow you either, but that too didn't bother you. You dated him because you loved his personality and you loved him.
You zig-zagged past the oncoming pedestrians as the tower came into view. Outside of the gates there was already a crowd of people hoping to catch a glimpse of the avengers.
The security guard in the booth next to the gate was trying to reason with the crowd, sadly a building this well known attracted all kinds of attention and tourism. You were told that people from Australia would come to visit.
You approached the guard with a friendly smile. "Good afternoon sir," you greeted politely, pulling some I.D out from your purse.
"Good afternoon! Are you expected here today?" The guard smiled but looked over your shoulder to see the crowd was now taking pictures of the front of the tower. He shooed them away and brought his attention back to you.
"Yes, Sergeant James Barnes is expecting me." The way his name rolled off your tongue was like drops of honey. Smooth and sweet.
The guard checked the list of visitors expected today and hummed with a smile.
"So he is. So what you do is, go to the front desk with your visitor badge and they'll direct you to his floor."
With a quiet thanks and holding on tightly to the badge, you walk through the screeching iron gates. Your shoes crunch underneath the gravel and the wind howls through the trees that gives off extra privacy.
The lady at reception greets you warmly and you relax when you give her your name and show her your visitor badge as directed by the security guard.
"Take the elevator and go to floor 13. Sergeant Barnes is currently in a meeting but he won't be too long." Another thank you passes through your lips as you head off towards the glass and chrome elevator.
The ride up to the 13 floors was agonisingly slow. Classical music filled the emptiness of the elevator. The glass casing gave you a beautiful view overlooking the grounds of the compound. A rose garden of all different shades of roses up the far left of the green garden surrounded by cherry blossoms and hydrangeas. Benches scattered across the grounds that you hoped to one day have the pleasure of sitting on and watch the bumblebees.
This was another reason Bucky loved you so much, you were so passionate and kind against wildlife and nature.
Finally, after god knows how long you've been staring out into the garden daydreaming, the elevator doors ding open and you're greeted with a muscular blond God with a red Cape hung over his back and a creepy wide grin on his face. His scruffy hair made you think he hadn't washed it in a few days.
"I was expecting someone else, but hello!" His voice seemed to boom throughout the space of whatever room this actually was. Some kind of hallway, but you're pretty sure you would hear his voice from all the way from that beautiful garden.
"Uh hello!" You stuttered, taken by surprise that there would be other people here.
"I am Thor, the God of Thunder!" His arms went wide and so did his smile. Your mouth gaped open and closed when you recognised the name. Thor. God of thunder. Of course, you read about these gods and how he ruled Asgard. Or was set to.
"Thor! Of course," you chuckled nervously, stretching your hand out in front of you, "I'm Y/N."
"It's a pleasure to meet you! Please follow me and allow me to introduce you to my mortal friends," you chuckled at that line, and adjusted your sweater.
"Friends, mortals! We have a guest, this is Y/N, A human of Earth." Thor stepped aside and your eyes widened; you were only standing in the same room as the avengers, the same people Bucky spoke so highly of. Thor told you the names of the people in front of you, everyone was there and you wondered where the hell Bucky was.
Tony was the first one to step forward and looked you up and down by moving his tinted glasses to the bridge of his nose. You relaxed when he smiled, but only slightly. You realised they had not asked why some stranger was standing in their living room.
"You know who I am?" Tony asked smugly, his arms folded over his chest.
You nodded, your eyes flickered down his chest, his arc reactor lit up in a bright blue. You almost reached out to touch it but stopped yourself before you could.
"Uh yes. You're Tony I believe?" You blushed under their gazes. Bucky told you they were the best people, but to you they were very intimidating.
"Very good. What brings you to my tower?"
"I'm here to see—"
"Wow! Who is this?" A voice yelled out from behind you. A guy you recognised as Sam, or Falcon, or Birdbrain as Bucky liked to call him.
"Y/N!" Thor answered before you could, the rest of the avengers took a seat on the couch.
"Yeah, hi," a small laugh came out and it made your cheeks heat up when his eyes raked over your form.
"My, my. You are gorgeous!" He kept that grin on his lips as he stepped closer. His over-sprayed cologne was suffocating you. "Beautiful, just perfect, just—"
"Mine!" Bucky yelled from the doorway as he stormed past Sam to get to you. You bit your lip to hide the growing grin and failed, he swooped you up in his arms, your legs instantly wrapped around his waist as he spun the two of you around and kissed you.
Cat calls sounded from the couch and you smiled into the kiss. When you pulled away for air, the expressions on everyone's faces told you they needed and wanted an explanation.
You could only imagine the questions they wanted to ask; how did you know Bucky Barnes? How did a soldier and an assassin manage to keep a relationship so hidden under the eyes of a mind-reader and a super intelligent spy? How did Bucky not slip up to Steve about having a girlfriend? All valid questions of course.
Bucky lowered you back down on your feet and pressed his forehead against yours. Without giving the team an answer, he slipped his hand in yours and pulled you away, leaving the superheroes with confusion etched upon their faces.
Bucky gave you a thorough tour of the tower. He showed you the gym, the kitchen where he made you his favourite sandwich, he even showed you his room. It was painted in a light blue with white curtains and blinds, thick, soft cream carpet covered the floor and his bed was as soft as a cloud. It was a lot more comfortable than your bed, that's for sure.
Later that day, Tony ordered a takeout and invited everyone to the dining room to eat, including you. The way Bucky's hand was slung protectively around your shoulder didn't go amiss by anyone in the room. It was when he finally sat down did the questions start.
"Alright, what's the deal with you two? Is this a prank? Is he paying you darling?" Sam fired off first, pointing his fork at the two of you opposite him.
Bucky glared at him from calling you 'darling', from where you were sat you could hear the heavy breathing. Your hand slipped into your lap and into his, giving his thigh a firm squeeze to keep calm.
"Y/N is not being paid!" Bucky defended, outraged he could even think such a thing.
You cleared your throat and took a sip of water before speaking, "it's true and I understand it's a shock but Bucky is actually my boyfriend and has been for the past couple of months," you smiled, proud of the fact you were in a relationship with this man and it was no longer secret.
"How the hell did that happen?" Tony queried, waving his chopsticks in the air, flabbergasted by the whole situation.
"What, you think I'm not capable of meeting people?" Bucky challenged, not really enjoying the interrogation which was the whole reason he didn't want to say anything at the beginning.
"Well of course I wouldn't be surprised if it was Capsicle here but it's you," Tony snorted.
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Bucky was yelling and turning red with anger when Nat sought the opportunity to take the heat off the two men.
"So, Y/N. Tell us about yourself."
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Tags: @smokeybluebrooke-lyn @pinkdiamond1016
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robinofinashiro · 4 years
request by anonymous: “can i get some my hero angst. maybe where there’s an argument between them and the reader and it blows up terribly. you can decide on the rest of the details. two characters is fine!”
request status: CLOSED
characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Mirio Togata
Bakugou Katsuki: 
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you two were practically a match made in heaven. it wasn’t easy to tell that you held Bakugou down without much trouble. some praised while some were just genuinely confused. 
but because of that, there were some things that did tick the both of you off. the two of you had very ‘aggressive’ sides to each other and when arguments did happen, good lord, help any person who was around to hear it. the loudness happening between the two of you could be rivaled to that of present mic’s booming voice. 
the thing that caused this argument was how Bakugou kind of didn’t like how comfortable you were around your friends (specifically the boys). you were very laid back, not caring how you talked or ate, and while the boys no problem in it, it irked Baku’s nerve. sometimes he just wished you were a bit more feminine. 
you were sitting down with Kaminari and Sero having coffee after class. Friday nights you usually spent your night with them, relaxing after a hard week, and really just trying have fun with each other before the week started up again. 
Bakugou on the other hand had a terrible day to say the least. he got bitched at by Aizawa, Midoriya had beat him in training, and you were just not there dotting on him as you should have. you were with Kaminari and Sero, laughing and talking with him. 
as you took another sip of your coffee, you let an unintentional burp out, not realizing how loud it was. Kaminari’s eyes widened as Sero started to laugh hysterically. you covered your mouth in embarrassment as Bakugou rolled his eyes. 
“you might as well grow a dick if you’re going to act like that.” 
you immediately looked to Bakugou, your eyes fluttering to anger and confusion, “excuse you?” you asked. it wasn’t hard to tell. whenever you got pissed off, it was easy to see the rage in your eyes and your jaw clenching almost immediately. 
“you heard what I said. it’s like you have no manners,” Bakugou retaliated. you scoffed, “please, like you’re the last one to talk about having manners Mr.I get pissed off at any living and breathing thing,” you retorted. 
Sero and Kaminari remained silent, not really knowing how to leave the situation. Bakugou, this time, laughed as you drank your coffee, waiting for his response. 
“at least I have table manners. it isn’t lady like. at least girls like Mina don’t do things like that and don’t even get me started on your mouth. it’s like you’re trying to break us up.” 
this time, your eyes widened but not in anger, in sadness. Bakugou had never compared you to someone before. he had never shown you this side before and frankly, you had no idea how to respond. 
you grabbed your coffee cup, slamming it in the sink before basically charging up the stairs to your dorm room. Sero and Kaminari gave him a look before awkwardly. Bakugou had never argued this badly with you before and he had no idea that in the heat of the moment, he basically insinuated that he wanted to break up. 
Bakugou growled at himself, immediately texting you that he was sorry but what he got in return was a delivered sign before it read that he was no longer able to send or receive messages from you. you had blocked his number and honestly, he understood why. 
the next morning, he woke up in a worse mood. you were not bothering him with a million messages, his number was still blocked but the slight upside to this was that you were downstairs eating breakfast and in a better mood from what he could tell. 
he groggily made his way downstairs to see you with Kaminari and Midoriya which immediately put worsened his mood. you were still the same old you but as soon as you realized he walked, you remained silent, not speaking which threw Midoriya off but Kaminari quietly told him he’d tell him later. 
Bakugou remained in the kitchen for a while as he made his breakfast. in that time, the conversation was still going but you were practically silent the entire time and whenever you did speak, it looked like you watched what you were saying and kept your voice EXTREMELY quiet. 
he found it weird to not see you in your usual personality. you weren’t as excited or loud as you usually were. your attitude went a full 360 every time he was around you for the rest of the weekend. you had unblocked his number, him immediately apologizing as you gave him a simple ‘it’s fine’ as a reply. 
come Monday morning, all of you had class again. you had made it to class before Bakugou did as you were just hanging Kirishima and Sero. you personality was back to it’s original state but as soon as Bakugou walked in, you fell silent. he walked over to you, putting his arm around you. 
the conversation went to a few murmurs with you only speaking up quietly every so often. everyone throughout the day could tell the switch in your personality every time Bakugou was around. you went from your usual self to as quiet as Momo. 
Bakugou noticed. he would be an idiot not to see it. he saw the way you were with everyone else, loud, excitable, slightly annoying, but as soon as he walked in, you did the flip and just stayed quiet. once the day ended, he was above the point of being annoyed. he was pissed off at himself because he hurt the one person who meant the world to him. 
you had made your way to your room after class ended to get work done. you were studying for a Hero Law’s exam, dry texting Bakugou before hearing a bang on your door. you had felt yourself jump out of your skin in fright before approaching the door. 
“hey,” you said quietly to Bakugou. he didn’t say much before basically slamming your door shut, “what the fuck is wrong with you? you’ve been acting weird since we’ve fought and even after I apologized,” he stated. 
you didn’t know what to say so you stayed quiet for a moment. he huffed as you finally looked up at him, “you said you wanted someone ladylike and feminine so I became what you wanted,” you muttered. 
Bakugou sighed, of course that was why you were acting all weird. he grabbed your hand and while you wanted to pull he away, he didn’t let you, “stop. i was being a dick. i didn’t mean any of that. i was having a bad day. you’re fine and you shouldn’t change who you are because of my dumbass,” he practically begged. 
you sighed, finally relaxing into his touch. 
mirio togata: 
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it wasn’t a secret. mirio was a flirt with many people. that was just who he was but as soon as he laid his eyes on you, it was over. he wanted to flirt with you and you only. it was practically love at first sight more him. 
but that didn’t stop his flirtatious ways from coming up again after a few months of dating. you saw him talking to girls the same way he did when he first showed interest in you, sometimes even flirting with your closest friend, and while it didn’t bother you at first, it slowly crept up to burning jealousy. 
tamaki and nejire had noticed your saddened expression whenever he did that and tried comforting you whenever they could but they could tell it was coming in one ear and going out the other. 
it was getting harder and harder to catch his attention and you felt that as his girlfriend, you shouldn’t have to fight this hard for your OWN boyfriends attention. 
finally, you had confronted mirio about it and for whatever reason, it blew up to an even bigger argument than you anticipated it to be. 
“mirio please, just try to understand where I’m coming from,” you whispered. you weren’t trying to fight with him for various reasons. one: it was extremely early in the morning and two: both of you were planning on going to a party later in the night and didn’t want to ruin the night for the two of you.
he ruffled your hair in a way that pissed you off even more. it was demeaning in a way and it irked you even more, “imagine if I flirted with every guy I spoke too? would you be upset?” you asked. he shrugged, “well yeah!” he exclaimed, “so why is it a problem when you do it and I get mad?” you asked again. 
mirio sighed, “you’re just overthinking it and letting your jealousy get the best of you. you’re no fun when you’re like this,” your eyes widened, not believing what he was saying. you grabbed your phone, “whatever, have fun tonight togata. you can fuck any girl at the party for all i care,” you yelled as you got up to leave.  
“sunshine,” he tried to say as you turned around to give him the middle finger before slamming the door shut. you practically marched to your room with one thought in your mind, “he wants to play this game? fine,” you murmured as you dug into your closet. 
the night crawled in as you finished getting ready. you were wearing something very out of your element. it was clothes you just had laying around, no intention of ever wearing but with the events from the morning and your plan already stapled in your head, the outfit was perfect. 
you were wearing short shorts, fishnets underneath them with a crop top that showed your cleavage. you felt extremely weird wearing it but the party wasn’t in the dorm building and everyone attending had to wear non-UA sanctioned clothes to get away with not getting caught. 
the party was at a house a few blocks down. you had worn a jacket that covered everything you had too until you got to the house. once you finally got there, the house was blaring music, you could see a few kids already getting drunk, and everyone packed inside. 
you gave your jacket to the host, him complementing you almost immediately. you had seen Mirio with Tamaki and Nejire in the corner but you didn’t bother to say hi as you went to your other group of friends and talked with them. they had poured you a cup of what they called Jungle Juice (take it from someone in a sorority, don’t drink that shit. it’s basically gasoline that will have you in the bathroom puking for hours), and you chugged it down as if it was water. 
“hey, ( your name ) is here,” tamaki inquired. they had known about the argument and while mirio had every intention of apologizing tomorrow, he saw the way you were dressed and made him drool, “go to her!” nejire said. 
mirio was about to get up but he saw one too many guys already surrounding you. you were basically entertaining them, laughing and giggling with them as they offered to buy you more drinks and even ditch the party with them. 
“wanna dance?” one of the guys asked. you nodded, getting up from the couch and clutching onto your drink as you joined him on the dance floor. both of you were slightly tipsy at this point and practically yelling the words to the song, “i haven’t had this much fun in so long,” you exclaimed to the boy. 
you had the boys jacket wrapped around you as you leaned into him and screamed in random drunkness. now everything was making sense to mirio. this is how you felt whenever he was this way with girls but the thing was, boys never crowded around you the way girls did with him and frankly, he hated the way they were around you. 
the boys were staring at your chest every time you jumped up or danced and he wanted nothing more than to just deck them in the nose. as he watched you entertain the boys, his nerves were getting more and more short. he saw you look at him from time to time and basically brushed him off to talk with everyone else. 
finally, you got up to use the bathroom when you felt mirio walking your way. you immediately locked the bathroom door, taking as much time as you wanted, freshening up your makeup and popping in a mint before walking out again. 
“hey!” mirio’s voice said from behind you. you gave him a simple nod before walking down the stairs, grabbing your drink from one of the boys and taking a sip, “can we talk?” he asked. 
you gave him a confused look, “nah, we can talk tomorrow. i’m having fun and you’re probably busy flirting with girls so just save whatever you have to say,” you said with no remorse in your voice, “i haven’t spoken to any girls all night,” he muttered. 
“that’s a first! you should probably get on that, huh?” you said before walking away, “see you later mirio.”  
mirio felt himself wanting to cry as he replaying the words you told him when you first got together. ‘don’t forget, you play with my heart and you’re easily replaceable’. he continued to watch you dance and sing with different people almost as if you had already moved on and forgot about him. 
the night finally came to an end as you grabbed your jacket from the boy and started to make your way to the dorm room. mirio had left the party by then and while you had known that your words were kinda harsh, he finally got a taste of his own medicine. 
you slowly walked to your dorm room but not without seeing mirio standing at the front of it. you sighed, not really wanting to deal with all of this so late at night. 
“what do you want togata?” you asked annoyed. he walked inside of the dorm with you, “i’m sorry,” he basically spat out. you laughed as you started to undress yourself and put on your pajama shorts, “i guess i kind of deserve what i got tonight,” he continued. 
“no, really?” you said sarcastically. he nodded in shame, “i finally felt how you feel when i’m that way with other girls and it isn’t fair to you,” you finally gave him a look before rolling your eyes and hugging him, “i promise i’ll try to stop girls from getting close to me and all of that.”
you nodded as you bent him down to give him a kiss, “it shouldn’t have taken me to do all of that to get you to realize it, mirio,” you said softly, “just take what i say in consideration next time instead of gaslighting me.”
mirio nodded as he held you closer, muttering how jealous he was of the guy you were with and how that should have been him. you knew at the end of the day, mirio was just an overgrown baby who could didn’t need a lot to be hushed so you took him into your bed to snuggle him, quickly changing his mind with something else.
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holylulusworld · 4 years
Miss Piggy
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Summary: You are head over heels for your elder brother’s best friend – sadly he doesn’t reciprocate the feelings.
Pairing: Biker!Bucky x Rogers!Reader, Steve x Sister!Reader, Sam Wilson, Brock Rumlow, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff, Carol Danvers, OFC’s
Warnings: angst, unrequited love, language, Bucky being a douche, mentions of violence, remorse, awful dates, mentions of sex
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Music blares through the night. You can smell the booze and beer in your brother's living room, just like cheap perfume and sweat as his friends talk, drink, and laugh.
Steve insisted that you shall join the party. Working the whole week and spending your time in your room is not the way he imagined how you spend your life.
“Get a beer, relax and dance with the girls.” Steve tries to make you feel comfortable around his friends, but most of the time you feel like you do not belong.
Nat, Wanda, and Carol are nice, but the other girls drawn to your brother and his friends, are always bitching around.
While Steve’s female friends are nice, even drag you out of your shell sometimes the other girls seem to do not like you.
Maybe it’s as Steve focusses his attention on you, his sister, when you are around or that you do not drink until you pass out, but they always find a reason to make you feel unwelcome.
“You look pretty tonight, Y/N. I bet all the guys in this room, except for your brother, of course, will lose their heart to you.” Sam Wilson, Mr. Charming in flesh and blood takes your hand to lead you toward Clint and Wanda.
“There she is!” Wanda smirks, looking you all over before she gives you an approving hum. “You bought a pink one! Me too!” Wanda wears a pink top, white skinny jeans and matching pink heels. “We look like twins.”
“I must admit, Wanda is right.” Clint snickers as the redhead gives him a thumb up at his comment. “You look stunning, just like Miss Maximoff. I bet Bucky will finally make a move.” You like Clint, but sometimes his mouth is faster than his brain.
Just like right now. While he blurs out the words two of the girls who tried to get Steve’s and Bucky’s attention start to giggle before they run off.
“I don’t think so…” Grumbling you take the beer Sam offers, returning his soft smile. “I am not the kind of girl Bucky would ask out. We are friends, that’s all.”
“He calls you doll; Y/N. Bucky never called any other girl like that.” Natasha insists as she steps closer.
“Our shy guy is watching you since you entered the room. I can tell he does not want to hold hands or crap. His looks are full of hunger…”
“Don’t scare her, Nat. Let’s make sure he will dance with our fledgling.” Clint grins as he strides toward Steve to distract your brother long enough for Bucky to make a move.
“Go and get the guy. Just walk over there and ask him about his new bike. You know, he bought a new one last week. It’s black and he asked someone to give the bike a nice ‘tattoo’ in a week.” Wanda shoves you toward Bucky.
You want to talk to him, want to ask him about the bike, just like Wanda suggested but two girls flank his side and he seems to enjoy their company.
Before you can even say ‘hi’ to your brothers’ best friend one of the girl's eyes you up and down, snorting at your pink dress.
“What does Miss Piggy want here? Did Stevie invite everyone in town or is she a clown?” The girl snickers and you feel your heart drop.
You liked the dress, Wanda liked it too, but that girl looks at you as if you are wearing a clown suit.
“I guess Stevie wanted her to have fun,” Bucky smirks as you look down your body to find a reason why the girl laughed about you. “I guess she stole the dress from Miss Piggy to impress the boys.”
The words coming from the man you admire, even secretly are in love with feel like someone stabbed your heart, twisted the knife, and carved it out of your chest.
“Look at the little girl. I guess she’s about to cry…” The other girl coos and you turn on your heels before you storm out of the room to run upstairs.
Natasha and Wanda call your name, even run after you while Sam storms toward Bucky, followed by a very pissed Clint.
“Y/N, Sweetie…wait…” Natasha tries but you slam the door to your room shut. Locking your door, you sniffle silently as Natasha calls your name. “Open the door, Y/N. Come on. Tell us what happened…”
“Ask Bucky and his girls.” Turning toward your bed you open the zipper, shove the straps down your shoulders to let the dress pool around your ankles. 
“Y/N?” You can hear Steve’s voice from the other side of the door, but tonight you will not open the door for your brother either. “Cupcake, open the door or I’ll kick it open!”
“Stevie, go back to your party and have fun with your friends and those girls. I am just having a headache.” Changing into pajamas, fluffy socks, and your favorite slipper you sit onto your bed, wiping the tears away.
“I will break it, Y/N.” Steve rams his shoulder against your door and you get up, sighing.
“Why did you cry?” The moment you open the door, Steve, cups your cheek. “Baby sis?”
“It’s stupid, Stevie. I should have known better than to try to talk to your best friend while he’s surrounded by two chicks. I am Miss Piggy to them and Bucky. Just let me have some sleep and tomorrow I’ll go and have some fun.”
“I will rip him a new one! I swear he’ll not survive this party!” Steve’s voice booms through your room as he stands there to watch you curl into a ball onto your bed.
“Save it, Stevie. We both know that this was my fault. I had to buy this stupid dress and go to a party where I do not belong. They are your friends, not mine. I should stick to the men asking me out.” Steve covers you with your blanket, not knowing what to think about his friend’s behavior.
“Y/N, I’ll be back later. Sleep a bit.” Your brother presses a soft kiss to your temple before he leaves your room.
His hands balled into fists he storms down the staircases to beat his friend into a pulp.
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“Wait! Stevie, you can’t do this…” Natasha and Wanda drag the girls bullying you out of Steve’s house. Natasha even fisted the girl’s hair to drag her out. 
“You were not invited. Out of my house and I dare you to get close to my house, my club or my sister, the girl you harassed, ever again. I know you like to be close to the big bad bikers, but do you know what happens to people hurting my sister?” Steve towers over the girls and they flinch when he steps closer.
“We didn’t know she’s your sister…Sir.” The girl calling you Miss Piggy whines.
“I don’t care if you did know shit! You came to my house, uninvited and harassed one of my guests. My sister or not, if you come to my house, you respect the people in there or you will pay for it. Get out of my sight before I forget my manners!” 
Wanda never saw Steve that mad before. Even she flinched when he made another step toward the girls.
“Let’s get back inside, the show is over.” Sam tries as the girls run away. “We should talk to Bucky. I want to know why he pulled that shit after you allowed him to go out with Y/N. I don’t get him…”
“Same, Sam. I told him he can ask her out and he has the guts to hurt my baby sis at my party, at my house.”
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“I want to hear it coming from you Buck. I want to hear why you broke my vulnerable baby sis’s heart.” Arms crossed over his chest Steve glares at his friend as Bucky runs one hand down his face.
“I had to scare her off. You know that I am no good for your sister. We are the bad guys, bikers and my job is it to beat the shit out of people disrespecting you, the club and our members. All I know is how to drink, hit people and fuck a girl behind a bar.” 
“I knew this when I told you that Y/N is no longer off-limits to you. She is in love with you since she turned sixteen, Buck. My baby sis wants you, so she will get you. Now find a way to make it up to her and come back tomorrow.” Steve steps closer, jaw ticking, hands balled into fists he nods at Sam.
“Bucky, you should go now. Have a shower, wear clean clothes, and buy flowers for the girl. You better prepare a speech before you come to the inquisition.” Clint hums, watching Brock flirt with Natasha.
“Dude, hands off my girl!”
“I did not touch her, Barton. I got a nice girl right over there. Her ass is even nicer.” Snickering Carol gives her boyfriend a wink. “Where’s Peggy, Steve?”
“At her parent's place. She has to explain why a biker is the right guy for her – again by the way.” Sighing Steve falls onto a chair, running his fingers nervously through his hair. “I don’t know if she will stay with me.”
“You’re a catch, Steve. Now let us talk about how to kick Bucky’s ass for hurting our girl.” Clint’s eyes meet your brothers. “Kicking his balls? Scratching his new bike? Cutting his hair…or wait – he already did so as the colleague Y/N flirted with has short black hair…”
“Shut up, punk…” Bucky was silent the whole time but now he grits his teeth. “I did it to make sure she can find a nice guy…”
“And a nice guy she’ll find…” 
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“Where are you going?” Watching you walk down the stairs, wearing a brand-new cerulean dress and a fake smile you stop in your tracks as your brother looks at you.
“I do what you told me to do. I will have more in my life than work and hiding in my room. Alexander Pierce junior asked me out weeks ago. I refused to go out with him but after last night…” 
Stiffing you give Steve a cracked smile. “Bucky is out of my league, I got that, so I’ll try to find a nice guy appreciating me and my Miss Piggy dress.” Pecking Steve’s cheek, you ignore Sam’s worried face, or the way your brother’s jaw ticks.
“You sure about that?”
“I can’t wait for the rest of my life for your best friend to fall in love with me. I thought, no believed, that Bucky is at least my friend, but I was wrong.” 
Steve cannot do anything but watch you walk out of the house. While you step out of your brother’s house, Bucky sprints toward the gate as you keep your eyes trained toward the car waiting for you.
“Doll…uh—hey.” Bucky tries, opening the door but you ignore his presence, his words, and the single rose in his hands.
“Mr. Barnes.” Your voice is cold, eyes not meeting his you pass him by without acknowledging him further.
Steve’s eyes follow you to the parked car, the one belonging to your date and he nods at Sam. Signalizing him and Clint to follow you to make sure your date behaves like a gentleman.
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“She has a date…” Huffing Bucky looks at the single rose in his hands.
“Yeah, with Alexander Pierce junior, the world's biggest asshole. Follow that girl and get her.” Brock grunts, pointing toward Bucky’s brand-new bike. “We all know you want that guy to spray Y/N’s name on your bike.”
“Maybe that guy is the better choice, Brock. We are…” Fisting Bucky’s leather jacket Brock glares at his friend.
“Listen, Bucky. We had our conflicts in the beginning, but I hope you know we are friends. I would not let my girl go for anything in the world. Am I an ass? – yes! Did I do stupid and dangerous stuff? – yes! Would I let Alexander Pierce junior fuck my girl? – no fucking way!”
“Fuck her?” Pale Bucky swallows the lump in his throat. Panic rises in his chest and he nods at Steve. “I need the club…all of us. I will get my girl…”
“You heard my first lieutenant. Let’s ride…”
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Dinner could be pleasant if your date would be more subtle while staring at other women’s ass or at least try to listen to what you have to say.
The whole time the man asking you five times to go out with him has nothing better to do than playing with his phone, telling you about his newest car and on top of all – he stares at your waitresses ass.
“That’s nice…” Poking the food he ordered with your fork (He didn’t even give you the chance to decide what you want to eat.) you try to remember why you agreed to go out with this awful man.
Outside the restaurant, Steve’s club parks their bikes. Steve smirks, as Bucky nervously straightens his clothes.
“I’ll go and get my girl now.” Bucky takes the roses from Natasha before he rushes toward the restaurant. He is nervously opening the door, but the moment his eyes land on you his back straightens, and he walks toward the table.
“Excuse us, but we are trying to have a conversation. We don’t need…” Your date glances up at an incredibly angry-looking biker and you can help yourself but giggle as his jaw goes slack and his fork drops onto the table.
“What do you want here?” Alexander juniors’ eyes widen as you bark at the biker right next to him. “I have a nice dinner right now. I don’t think Miss Piggy has time for an audience right now.”
“Doll, I tried to help you hate me. Stevie allowed me to ask you out for a date and I panicked. I believed someone with a regular job and a not so shitty past would be better for you.” Humming you place the fork next to the plate.
“Interesting. So, you believed that I would like to go out with a guy not giving a shit on me. With someone not even listening to what I have to say while he’s busy looking at every girl’s ass in the restaurant?” Your words make Bucky chuckle and he holds out his hand, but you get up without taking his hand.
“Y/N.” Ignoring Bucky you grab your purse, toss some money onto the table before you turn to leave. “Please, doll. Let me apologize for acting like a douche.”
“You’re an idiot, Barnes.” Bucky follows you outside, rushing to your side to walk with you. He tries to guide you toward his bike, but you walk toward your brother.
“Guys, Girls.” Nodding at Steve’s club you want to get on Steve’s bike, but he shakes his head. “Steve?”
“Cupcake, he’s your man now. Teach him a lesson but let him drive you home.” Your eyes narrow as Steve motions the club to start their engines. The whole club let their engine roar before they drive away.
“Doll…please…” Huffing you turn around to look at Bucky. “I am the first lieutenant of the Howling Commando. I’d like to drive you home and more…”
“More, Mr. Barnes?” Humming Bucky shows you the roses and you let your eyes drink him in. 
“I want to know why you cut your hair.”
“You flirted with that guy, admiring his new haircut. I thought you did not like my long hair and cut it. I wanted to get your attention, Y/N. Can I drive you home now, doll? Please?” 
“I need to be at home at …” Smirking you shrug. “I don’t know when. I mean, it depends if you want to feel my big brothers’ wrath.”
“We could go for a walk with my bike, Y/N. I mean…uh—doll. I’d like to spend some time with you.” 
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“It’s 2 am, James Buchanan Barnes.“ Eyes narrowed, hands balled into fists your brother watches Bucky and you walk upstairs. “Did you hear me?”
“Yes, Stevie. You said I am her man now. The lady wanted to go for a ride with my bike, then she wanted some ice cream and now we are going to her room and watch her favorite movie. It’s called redemption.”
“Did you touch her?” Steve cocks his head, poking a finger into his friends’ chest. “I dare you to say yes…”
“I held her hand and helped her off my bike. I may or may not kissed her lips and touched her neck with my lips. I think I’d like to touch her some more, but we did not even reach the first base…” Bucky smirks while you tug at his jacket.
“I want to watch a movie.” Whining you look at Steve. “He won’t get any until he made everything up to me.”
“Fine. You can watch a movie with my sister. No touching. No kissing. No making-out.” 
“Yes, Sir.” Bucky follows you upstairs as Sam, Clint, and the others watch the both of you. “Our girl grew up so fast…” Sam sighs. 
“We need to make sure he uses condoms,” Clint adds while the girls dreamily watch Bucky grasp for your hand.
“I guess they will go at it like animals soon enough.” Brock snickers and Steve feels his stomach tighten.
“Fuck! I did forget they could have sex…”
Laughter fills the house and Steve can feel his heart race as you turn around to press your lips to his first lieutenant.
“Yeah, Steve. Sooner or later he will ruin your baby sis…” 
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All works Tags
Marvel Tags
Bucky Barnes/Sebastian Stan Tags
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yandere-wishes · 4 years
Gambling man //Yandere Idia Shroud Gang AU//
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This has got to be one of my longest fics so far, if only because I tried to stuff it with Greek mythology references. Let me know how many you guys can find!
I met you once, I loved you twice that's the way this tale begins
You took a deep breath, straightening your black dress for the third time that minute. You weren't supposed to be here, this wasn't something "good girls" did. They didn't lie to their mothers just to sneak out to casinos run by one of the seven notorious gangs of Night Raven city! But what choice did you have? Money was tight, you're mother's flower store was barely surviving. No one wanted freshly picked Forget-me-nots or bouquets of narcissus and roses! Any "normal" person in Night Raven city didn't have enough money to buy dinner for their families let alone an assortment of flowers. The truth was that no one in the city could ever make ends meet, not with the amount of "protection" money the seven gangs demanded. Each territory had a set price range, all inhabitants of those territories had to pay that exact price every two weeks, failure to do so would lead broken bones, burnt homes and as a last resort dead family members. Each time gang took over a rival gang's territory the price would increase as a sort of punishment for the residents. It was cruel, unjust, but then again so was the world.
You and your mother lived in the current "Purple territory" run by the Octavinelle gang, the greediest out of the dreaded seven. Ever since someone tipped the local cops off about a gang-related kidnapping, the "protection costs" had risen by 20%. Whoever was barley scavenging money back then was surely penniless at this point. So that's why you were here, hoping to somehow win enough money to pay at least a quarter of the next "protection rent". The blue division nicknamed the underworld was one of the better divisions. People there paid less, lived more prosperous lives, businesses their earned fair income somewhere even booming with business. One of the blue divisions most alluring aspects was the Night Long casinos, a place where people from all over the city tested their luck. 
The skull doorknobs were icy to the touch, sending shivers up your spine upon contact. It was almost like you were willingly walking to your death. For a split second you closed your eyes, grounding your thoughts. This was stupid, everyone went to the casino when they were short on money. Of course if they actually gained anything -or lost what little they had- was all up to faith. 
the bright lights glared from every corner. Blinding any who dared to open the metallic black door. Music reverberated off the walls, rushing to crush the guests. Everything was blinding and uproarious, beyond overwhelming for any newcomers. Your body shook, torso feeling too heavy for your frail legs. 
"Fist time kid?" You turned around rapidly, a cold sweat broke over you, had you done something wrong? How could that even be possible? You just got here! When your attention shifted to the source of the voice you were momentarily stunned. Sitting behind a desk, a blue screen floating close to her face, was the most exquisite girl you had ever seen. Tiny black skulls decorated her curly blond hair, her fair milky skinned hand carelessly swiped through digital documents on a hovering Netscreen. Her Olympic blue eyes circled with heavy dripping black makeup, were fixed on you, bearing right through your soul.
Your voice refused to leave your throat, words stabbed the inside of your neck sticking themselves to your throat forbidding air through. The girl behind the receptionist's desk let out a haughty giggle before outstretching her arm beckoning you forward. Hesitantly you stepped over to her, body trembling with every step. As you approached she leaned forward a playful smirk shining over her face. "You're new here aren't you sweetie?"  inelegantly you nodded. For a second a look of sympathy fashed over her divine features. "Money's tight huh?" again you nodded, head half away up something shined in the corner of your vision. A blue and back armband fastened tightly around her bicep. She was a member of the Ignihyde gang, not just some lowly secretary. The girl didn't seem to notice your staring, her eyes were darting across the packed rooms. "Those two bottom feeders seem to be occupied" she mumbled more so to herself. "That would just leave Ortho," cupping her hands around her mouth she yelled over the roaring music and endless chatter. In moments a young-looking boy skipped over....except he wasn't a boy at all! You're eyes frantically scanned the boy's stark white body. His feet resembled hooves more than usual feet. Half his face was covered by a muzzle of sorts that blended in the snowy appearance of his torso.
"Ortho, be a dear and show this young lady around, she's new and wants to earn some quick cash." No sooner had the words left her mouth that her attention jolted back to the hovering screens, back to scrolling through names and credits. "Right this way miss" The young boy, who you presumed was named Ortho called, somehow he'd already skipped ahead. You rushed over to him, following this the shine that the metal of his body emitted. "And this is the blackjack table, my big brother is in charge of running games, let's stop by and say hi!!" "O-okay"
In the past nineteen minutes that you had met Ortho, all the young boy talked about was his "amazing older brother". How wonderful this man must be to have engraved his presence so deeply in the mind of such a young...child. Steadily you followed Ortho over to a green table in the middle of the room. Arching over the soft green table was a black neon sign with bold white lights spelling out the word "BLACKJACK". Tiny money chips and playing cards flashed around haphazardly.
Ortho ran up to the table, slapping his palms on the fuzzy surface, sending frail cards flying in all directions. "Big brother! I met a new girl a the door! She's so nice, a bit quiet but she's so sweet! Hey, big brother do you want to meet her? Do you? Hey (y/n) come over here! This is my big brother Idia!"
Dame that boy really could talk a mile a minute couldn't he? Tensely you eyed the tall man that Ortho was talking to. It took a minute for everything to click. The blue hair that resembled wild flames, dark yellow grief-filled eyes, and teeth as sharp as a shark's, it had to be him!
Idia Shroud the inherited leader of the Ignyhide gang, sister organization to the avaricious Octavinelle and owner of the Underworld casinos.
The man was rarely seen in public, it was rumored that he suffered from a strange curse which is why he remained locked up in his mansion most of his life. Yet here he was, nodding along to the ramblings of his....younger brother? For a split second his golden orbs darted towards you, absorbing every detail of your frame before returning to his brother. You stifled down a yelp, not wanting to draw any more attention to yourself. Endless minutes seemed to scurry by as Ortho drowned on about every little thing he had noticed about, every theory for why you walked like there was a gun pointed at your head, or why your eyes lingered longer the 0.58 seconds on every someone every time they started celebrating their victories.  It was mind-numbing, you wondered how Idia could just nod along without bang his head on the table out of annoyance.
"Hey" You felt a sharp tung on your arm, almost knocking you off your feet. Subconsciously you let out a loud welp, casing the two Shroud brothers to turn to you. You craned your neck trying to look behind you. A tall slender man's fingers where wrapped suffocatingly tightly around your forearm, causing the appendage to turn white. "Are you here to play or just stare at Idia-sama?" his voice bordered in between a threat and a question. His honey-colored eyes glared daggers at you.
You tried to for a coherent answer, your throat only pushing out a few syllables repeatedly like a broken record. "Actually Pain she was just getting ready to play blackjack with me" Idia's voice was creaky and horse, it was like his words were coming from the inside of a damp cave. The flame-haired man's lips pushed apart forming a smile of sorts, displaying his fang-like teeth. The man quickly let go of you, pushing you slightly towards the two brothers. Obediently you took a seat on one of the tall stools. Idia began to shuffle a deck of grayish blue cards, his eyes never once leaving your form. "Come one Pain let's go get them some drinks" Ortho cheered as he capered over to the taller man and guided him into the sea of players. "How much do you want to be?" Idia queried, his long fingers rearranging the deck in a mesmerizing manner. It suddenly occurred to you why you had even come to this suffocating place in the first place. To win some money, to help mother. You shuffled through your purse and scavenged out a crumpled twenty dollar bill, nervously you leaned over the table to pass it to Idia. His thing fingers grasped the bill and shoved it into the pocket of his tuxedo pants. Half-heartedly he tossed you two blue chips and a green one. "Um I think you made a -" he brought a finger to his lips and made a "shushing" noise. You simply gulped and awaited him to pass you your cards.
Hours ticked by, people began to leave, the once crowded room had been reduced to a bored-looking secretary, two bodyguards tossing cards back and forth and a little robot who gazed at the pair at the blackjack table. Glee and sheer excitement pooling in his electronic iris. The game had started out in utter silence, every single sound around the two of you had by some magic faded into the abyss.  You had surprisingly one three rounds gathering a total of one hundred thirty-five dollars, not nearly enough for even a quarter of next month's payment. The next two rounds were one by Idia who didn't even seem to be paying attention to the game. It was around this time that he had reluctantly asked you why you were here. It might have been the optimist in you or maybe the drinks that Ortho and the bodyguards kept serving periodically. But you had cracked, told him everything. How you're mother couldn't make enough to afford three meals a day, how she starved her self to be able to feed you a minimal breakfast and lunch. How the Octavinelle gang had risen the prices on their "protection money" and how you just wanted to help! You were desperate to make life just a tiny bit easier for your mother! Every time one miserable story came to an end there was another waiting to take its spot. Sometimes you swore you saw pity and sadness cross over Idia's features but again that could just be explained by the drinks you had consumed. 
It must have been the third round, Idia had won for the fourth time in a row. You were about to push the few chips you had to his side, when the Ignihyde gang leader slammed his hand on the table, imitating his brother's action from earlier. "I can help!" he blurted but then quickly recalled hunching his shoulders. "I can pay your mother's debts!" Your eyes widen, ears ringing with the mystical words you had just heard. No No No! There was no way in hell that a heartless mob boss would agree to help your family. "W-what do...what do you mean!" for the first time his golden eyes locked with your (e/c) ones. "I'll tell Azul to lower the prices a bit and I'll pay your mother protection money" You jumped to your feet about to hop over the table and hug him! Joy coursed through your body your brain spinning in every direction trying to make sense of what you had just been told! How could a descendant of the "Lord of the dead" harbor such kindness in his heart! "THANK YOU IDIA I--" before you could finish or even get close to him he stuck out a pale arm. "But there's a price", sadness and threads of shock washed over you, of course there was a price. There was always a catch with everything in this city, even kindness didn't come for free. Your eyes lowered staring at your shoes, then his shoes, and back to your shoes. "Which is?" you mumbled. Horrific thoughts flashed through your mind. What was he going to make you do? Force you to work as a waitress in the casino? Maybe a stripper for the VIP lounge? Would he force you to become a prostitute on the street to repay him the money he had so "graciously" offered you!?
A cold sweat began to glisten over your face, just what had you gotten yourself into? You could feel Idia's icy slender finger pinch your chine as he gradually tilted your child up. There was a look of uncertainty on his eerie face. His lips would part, move even but no words would fly out. The once comfortable silence had now turned rotten and began to decay. Finally, the tips of a word became to clumsily fall from his mouth."S-s-stay....stay here with--" his eyes fell to the floor, the quickly swam up to stare into yours with also much faux courage as he could muster up. "Stayherewithme!" he blurted out in a single outstretched breath. It took a moment for your brain to nitpick the words apart, analyze each jumble to comprehend what they meant.
"The lord of the dead use to have a queen, it was said that dispute her being a powerful goddess she could not obstruct the dreadful curse that the Lord of Olympus had bestowed on his younger brother. But her mere presence was more than enough to subdue the pain that he felt." Idia leaned forward, his greying chapped lips brushing against your soft ones, for a second it resembled a kiss. But before your lips fully touched he slithered both hands up, to cup your cheek as he rested his forehead against yours.
"But why me?" You quizzed. After all you had just met him a few hours ago. It didn't add up! From the distance you heard an exhausted sight before a silvery voice yelled.
"You the first girl to talk to him, since he was a kid. So the idiot thinks it's destiny and you are meant to be the spring goddess to his god of the underworld!"
Your eyes went up to meet his, all you had to do was stay with this man until your mother, had saved enough money to lead a comfortable life. Then you could escape and reunite with her once more. Either way he wasn't really leaving you much a choice, even if you decline he could order those two brutish bodyguards to drag you to his mansion and chain you up there. You closed your eyes tightly, he may not show it outwardly but he really was a cold-hearted monster, a fiendish salesman through and through. Dangling you and your family's fortune in front of you and pretending like he was giving you a fair choice.
"I really don't have like time to bat this around I'm kind of on a schedule I got plans for august I need an answer like now!... Going once...Going twice1" Idia declared as his once blue flamed hair began to taint a fiery orange-red.
Your eyes and mouth seemed to have made the choice for you, the second your eyes flashed open your mouth parted and said...
I've never been a gambling man, I've never had the winning hand but for you, I'd lose it all!
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heyitssmiller · 4 years
Did someone say people writing anonymous fics in your asks?? 👀 Hmm. Guilty.
Ik someone said they wanted to write this, but after I had that 18-years-old-soulmate-idea I couldn’t get it out of my head so I wrote something. Annnd it’s a little bit long. Sorry! Anyway, without further ado~
Logan was ready.
It was the night before his eighteenth birthday, and he was getting a soulmate. His sisters, all older, had already had their Soul Days, as people called it. They had told him over and over their stories of hearing their soulmate’s Voices for the first time, being able to hear the Voice of the rest of their lives. And now it was his turn.
He had started out his freshman year of college two months before. He joined a fraternity and got settled in his classes, and things had been going well.
He’d asked some of the guys who’d already turned eighteen if they’d heard their voice yet. Most had. Some were even lucky enough to stumble into their soulmate on campus. There were a few who hadn’t, though, a few who’s soulmates hadn’t turned eighteen yet. They told him this with sad smiles. He almost wished he hadn’t asked them.
Logan couldn’t imagine having to wait. He didn’t know if he could bare waiting any longer than he already had.
He finished combing his hair and stepped out of the bathroom. His roommate Finn was lying on his bed reading a book, reading glasses perched on the edge of his nose.
“Hey,” Finn said when he noticed him. “Happy Soul Day!”
Logan gave him a nervous smile. “Thanks.”
Finn was one of the guys who hadn’t heard his soulmate’s voice yet. Logan felt bad for him. He was a cute guy, and Logan thought Finn deserved to know at least the voice of whoever he was meant to be with. It was too bad Logan couldn’t fix it.
Finn swung his legs over the edge of the bed. “Ready to party?”
The party downstairs was already outrageously loud, music and laughter filling every room. Logan was the man of the hour. Hands clapped his back and people yelled his name, and all he could do was grin and take the drinks they handed him.
He didn’t know how to feel. Yes, he was excited, but he was also nervous. He had been waiting for this his whole life. He wanted so badly to find the person that he would be spending the rest of his life with. Eighteen years of anticipation had been killing him.
Logan weaved through the crowded fraternity house and made his way to the back pourch. The music pulsed through the door. The clock on his phone read 11:47. His fingers flew over the keyboard as he dialed his parents’ number.
“Logan! C'est le jour de l'âme!”
“I’m not eighteen yet, Maman.”
“Eh, assez proche. Are you shaking? I know your hands shake when you’re nervous.”
He shoved his free hand into his pocket. “Maman, je vais bien. It’ll be fine.” Logan didn’t know who he said that to reassure.
“Is that my son?”
“Yes, Marius,” his mother sighed. “Here, he wants to talk to you.”
“My boy is a man!” His father boomed into the phone. “Happy Soul Day, mon fils.”
“Thanks Papa. But again, not eighteen yet.”
“Eh, assez proche.”
Logan rolled his eyes and breathed out a laugh. “Listen you guys, it’s almost midnight. I should go.”
“Yes, go, go! S'amuser!”
“Nous t'aimons!” his mother’s distant voice called.
“Love you, too,” he said as he hung up.
His parents had heard each other’s voices. His parents had found each other.
Logan took a shaky breath and opened the door again, squeezing through the crowd as people wished him well. The song changed and people shrieked with approval, stomping and clapping to the beat. It was all background noise to him.
He found his way to the kitchen and clutched the counter to steady himself.
“Your hands are shaking.”
Logan jumped. Finn stood behind him, studying him over the rim of a red solo cup. Logan took off his hat to run a hand through his hair.
“Yeah, well…” he trailed.
Finn chuckled. “I know the feeling.”
Logan glanced at his phone. 11:58.
How was time going by so fast?
“Good luck,” Finn offered. “With your soulmate.”
Finn breathed in deeply. He didn’t look all there. Logan wondered if it was because he was tipsy or because of something entirely different.
They stood there looking at each other, waiting in suspense as the seconds ticked by.
Somebody tackled him.
“Tremzy,” they slurred. “Happy Soul Day! Do you hear anyone?”
Logan, having been pushed into the next room, caught his balance. This is was it. He was going to hear a Voice. Hopefully. He tried to focuse on his thoughts. Hello?
Hello? He tried again.
No one was responding. He wanted to swear, to cry, to go lock himself in his room for the rest of the night.
But then he heard a voice.
Hi. it said.
And despite how softly it was spoken and how noisy everyone was being around him, he recognized it.
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Oh my god
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daisukissed · 4 years
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【 Okay, Gamer 】
❧ pairing: kozume kenma x gn!reader, slight kuroo x reader if you squint hard enough
❧ synopsis: who would've thought you'd meet the love of your life through fortnite?
❧ genres: fluff, e2l (the enemy phase being 5 seconds lMFAO), one-shot
❧ warnings: guns, shootings, violence all the stuff you do in a battle royale if that needs a warning???? oh, and cursing.
❧ word count: 2k-ish
❧ a/n: purely self indulgent hehe the things i'd do to game with this guy 🥴
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Your fingers move swiftly across your controller, pressing the combinations of buttons that have been ingrained in your brain from muscle memory. Your eyes shift from left to right, focusing solely on the screen of your TV as you scan the large platform for the person who shot you earlier.
Gaining another shot from the right, you immediately toggle your left stick towards the sound of the gunshot, aiming for the pink haired player not far from you.
"SHIT!" You throw your controller out of frustration, seeing it bounce a few times on your bed before making its way onto the floor with a large thud.
"I'm knocked down by the tree, the enemy's literally at 15 health." You groaned through the microphone, picking up the controller back up as you hear a soft hum in reply.
You could see your partner making his way towards you, building up floors and ramps skillfully as he avoid the shots made by the other player earlier.
It doesn't take much time for your teammate to kill off the female character, various items of different colors dropping from her death to which he gathers immediately.
"Oh my God, you're really out here looting and healing first when your teammate is literally seconds away from dying?!" You yell, feeling more and more frustration pile up as you see your health bar becoming shorter and shorter.
"It's your fault that you got knocked down."
Your grip on the controller got tighter than before as you take a deep breath, holding in all the numerous curses plagued on your mind as of now.
"Username 'applepi', I swear to God if you don't get your ass back here and revive me, I'll come and haunt you in real life."
You hear a exasperated sigh from the other side of the call before seeing a purple and black skeleton running his way to the tree you're currently residing in.
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The rest of the game went out just as bad as the start of it. He would fire shots aimlessly and pointlessly to attract enemies nearby, solely because he knows it'll piss you off. Of course, you can't just back down from his childish antics so you pay him back by following him everywhere and anywhere, stealing any weapons and materials he got on his sight.
"Hey, there's someone coming over towards your left."
"You already did that trick, try again next time."
"No, I'm serious-"
And he's down.
"What the fuck?"
You couldn't help but obnoxiously snort at the sight of your teammate falling down to his knees, only being able to crawl and nothing else as he watches his health bar dwindling into nothing.
"Pfft- See! I-I fucking t-told you but you wouldn't even l-listen!" You stammer in laughter, clutching your stomach in pain. Tears are starting to form in the uppermost corner of your eye, your cheeks beginning to feel sore and chest heaving up and down uncontrollably.
"Shut up and revive me." The player behind your laughter said in an unamused tone. You could hear the aggravation behind his sighs, the sound of what seemed like a device or some sort being put down forcefully followed behind, leaving you in fits of blissful giggles.
Oh, how sweet that karma is by your side.
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Top 3.
That's all it takes for the endless banter between you two to cease.
Your body is tense, not wanting to move a single inch from your spot, afraid that it'll wreck the whole game if you put any attention to anything else besides the ongoing match. Your hands are clammy, layered with sheets of sweat between your palm and the black controller you're gripping at, holding it tight as if it's your only hope in winning the game.
You rapidly toggle the small joystick, trying to aim for the player in front of you as you furiously press buttons to shoot and evade at the same time, taking a few shots in the process.
Pressing the R2 button a few more times, you finally knocked your enemy down, shooting them in the head to truly end them.
The green health bar located on the bottom side of your television has about a quarter of it left, causing you to move away from the enemy's sight, searching for a secluded place to refuge in.
Switching your shotgun into a red and white bandage, you heal yourself up, anxiously waiting for the timer to count down to zero to finish healing, hoping that no one comes to ambush you in the meantime.
Your heart thumps against your chest, caused by the surge of adrenaline through your body.
The timer ticks down to six when you get shot, all your remaining health diminishing in one go along with your energy and enthusiasm.
You see your shooter immediately make his way to your teammate, greedy for kills, leaving you to watch your character slowly die in all fours. You think it's a stupid mistake that they didn't finish you off but you're thankful for the chance given.
"Applepi, revive me!" You order frantically, your hope of winning the game slowly decreases as you see your fellow teammate's health at half, the sight of him frantically moving backwards to create distance between his two opponent tells you that he's having a hard time.
"We'll both die before I have the chance to revive you."
An aggravated sigh left your chapped lips as you watch one of the players close in on him.
"Well, you can't beat two players all on your-"
Before you can finish your sentence, soft party music suddenly booms from your speakers, a large blue banner with the writing 'Victory Royale' displaying on your screen. It is as if the gods above and he himself are playing with you, proving you wrong before you could even try.
"What did you say?" The male asks in fake innocence and you might be dreaming but you think that you can hear the slight smile in his husky voice.
You let out a small groan as the game cuts off to its loading screen, the voice chat between you and the quiet male ending.
Trying to fight off the disappointment growing in your heart, you take off your blue headphones, finally setting your controller down after what seems like hours.
Blinking the tiredness of your strained eyes, you give the in game menu a final scan.
As if all the negative emotions that you felt were never there, you hold back a smile, feeling a budding hope when you make out the words in front of you.
Applepi sent you a friend request!
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You learned a lot of new things about your new friend.
You learned that his real name is Kozume Kenma, he's a year older than you and goes to Nekoma High, the school a few stops before yours.
You learned that he has blonde hair and ebony roots, along with gold slit eyes and small pupils that makes him resemble a cat.
You also learned that he uses the username 'applepi' because he loves apple pies, he's a quiet person in general, not just in game but in texts as well. Sometimes he surprises you, getting chatty and affectionate at rare times.
You screech out his name, the boy being mentioned having to wince at the loud sound from his headphones. You run around the grassy platform, avoiding the player coming for you at all cost due to your lack of good weapons.
Kenma watches you for a while, contemplating whether he should just leave you or actually save you.
He opts for the latter, he always does.
Rushing in with a stronger weapon than yours, he jumps through bushes and cars, avoiding anything that seems to block him. Turning left from the rocky road, the blonde male immediately shoots at a purple character near yours, focusing on aiming at the small figure faraway.
"You suck, Y/N." He points out, controlling his skeleton-like character to run towards you after finishing the last blow.
"Yet you always play with me anyways." You argue.
You know you hit the mark when he doesn't give you any sort of response.
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Your lips curl up into a soft smile as you hear the boy you grow more and more fond of talk about today's practice.
You don't know how or when it happened but the hectic calls while gaming are slowly replaced by a more ordinary and intimate one instead. Insults about the other party's skills turns to subtle compliments and childish banters turn into curious questions about one's life.
You would be lying if you said you didn't like the change.
"So this Hinata guy just spikes without even looking at the ball?" You ask intriguingly, genuinely interested at the dynamic duo he had been telling you about.
"Uh-huh, he's amazing."
You let out a small giggle at his response.
He doesn't notice but the tone of his voice always seems to change when he's talking about the things he's passionate about. Whether it be the new game he started playing or even volleyball, when he played an intense match. It's a minuscule change but you notice it anyways.
A slight click of the door opening followed by one or two footsteps can be heard from Kenma's room, a sly voice resonating throughout the walls.
"Ah, is that your Fortnite girlfriend you're calling again?"
You can vaguely recall the voice belonging to Kuroo Tetsurou, one of Kenma's teammate whom you shared a few conversations with before, much to the blonde's dismay. Feeling a slight cringe upon hearing the tall athlete's words, along with a hint of envy, you choose to stay quiet as they talk.
"It's not. Get out of my room, Kuroo." The cat-like male spit out, black eyebrows furrowing in annoyance.
Kuroo's lips twitches up into a infuriating smirk, knowing full well of the ticking time bomb in front of him. He does as he was ordered to, stepping his foot out of his childhood friend's door.
Not before dealing a blow though.
"If you don't ask her out soon, I might just go and steal her, you know~?" The clever male goads before escaping out of the room.
Upon hearing those words, Kenma's mind goes into a havoc, his heart dropping down into his stomach.
He knows that you and Kuroo have been texting as well lately, the said man mentioning that he is in fact, quiet interested in you.
What are you bothered of anyways? People can get close to her however they'd like, he thinks, yet he feels all these negative emotions swirling around his head when he imagines you going out with the suave boy.
"Fortnite girlfriend?" You inquire, breaking his train of thoughts. You can't help the slight bitterness in your tone when you speak, though you're sure it goes unnoticed by the person you're speaking to.
"It's nothing, just ignore what he said."
Not satisfied with his answer, you push more, "Well, shouldn't you really ask her out? We can't let Kuroo be a step ahead of you, can't we?"
You try your hardest to play it as a joke, masking your jealousy with a cheerful and joking tone.
It is exactly this that gives Kenma the final push, giving him the last ounce of courage and guts that are needed to say his next line.
"Then Y/N, would you like to go to the cat café I mentioned about together this Saturday?"
Your mind short circuits, incompetent to form words and your eyes widen by a tenfold. To say that you are shocked would be an understatement
You can hear Kenma beginning to take back his words, scared that he's putting you in a difficult place or making you feel uncomfortable but before he can finish his words, you cut him off with a stuttered and loud 'yes!'
The Pudding Head smiles slightly at your agreement and before arranging his plans with you, he opens the messaging app on his phone, immediately texting the number one contact.
Kozume Kenma
I did it.
Kuroo Tetsurou
Took you long enough.
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lordseochangbin · 4 years
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Beverly Hills- Han Jisung (Part One)
a/n: i didnt realize how much i loved writing fics until a couple weeks ago so we back at it again with our biaswrecker sksksksk
this fic is going to be drama-filled? not sure how to describe it but i’m getting a lot of inspiration from high school dramas so we’ll see LOL
Sweaty palms and sunburns cannot emphasize how bummed Jisung was about this weather. Living under a cave for three years and completely skipping high school did him good but now he's back in the city, knocking on the front door to his cousin's home with a glued smile on his face.
"Jisung!" Jeongin exclaimed, running down the stairs of their mansion home to swing open the door.
"Jeongin!!" Jisung could only laugh at the sights of his younger bro, pulling him into his arms.
"I missed you dude" he whispered into the younger boy's ear before his luggage could be pulled away from his arms.
"Let me help you out with that," Seungmin said, taking a whiff of Jisung's figure before scrunching his nose in disgust. "You need a shower before our mom comes home, she would not like to see you like this"
Jisung looks down at his dirty vans and rusty jeans, "What's wrong with this?" he asked the two boys before the two look at each other.
"We'll get you a new wardrobe, just please go take a shower"
"Alright, alright" Jisung complies, following the boys upstairs he stares at the lines of academic awards and medals."So how did you two punks graduate high school early?"
Seungmin and Jeongin eye each other before turning around to show him their diploma. "Just with our wits" Seungmin winked
"Well your wits got me to come back to school, your mom literally dragged me here" Jisung groaned, flopping onto the bed that used to be his.
"She really wants you to graduate Jisung, can't you do just that? Especially after your parents.." Jeongin's voice turned into a whisper as Jisung eyed him across the room.
"Let's not bring them up Jeongin, I swear if Auntie brings them up I'm going to ignore her"
"Sorry I just-"
"It's fine Jeongin" Jisung interrupted before stuffing his face into the familiar pillow.
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Let's get things straight. 
Here at Beverly there's a few different families. We have the Bang Family, consisting of son and daughter Chan and Claire. Their family owns almost all the clubs in LA. Next we have the Lee's, Felix and Minho are nothing alike however, Felix being the school's outcast and Minho being a popular dancer.  Yang and Kim's are united- the bond between the two families inseparable.
Oh, did I not mention Beverly Hills' most popular rich boy? That would be Hwang Hyunjin. The Hwang's along with the Seo's claim all the hotel businesses of Southern Cali, and their families are often known for being involved in rough politics.
Last, but definitely not least, we have the Stay family. You're the only daughter, sister having passed away at a young age. Because of this, you carry the legacy of your own last name. Oof, the pressures of an asian family. But nothing stops you from a good party, especially the big "Back to school" pool party that Chan and Claire are throwing tonight.
"Is this cute?" Claire asks, taking a pretty white swimsuit from the hangers to your attention. 
You take a glimpse at it before looking away, "Too white, you'll look like that statue of David when the museum is closed"
Claire rolls her eyes, throwing the suit in the cart. "I don't have a dick y/n, and Michelangelo definitely is not cute enough to mold my curves"
"As if you have any" You retort with a chuckle before being slapped in the back by Claire's Louie Vuitton. "Shut up!!"
You could only laugh as she walks away, shaking her ass in the air as you go for the simple yellow swimsuit. Checking the price tag, you see three digits and decide to put it back before taking it in your hands again.
"Mom and dad will kill me... it's okay" You tell yourself before heading off to the cashier's.
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Jisung mutters a quick "Leave me alone" before throwing the comforter over himself again. Finally, the comforter is stripped away from his bed as Jeongin screams in shock.
"Jisung!! You sleep naked?! Disgusting!!" Jeongin exclaims, throwing the blanket back on him.
Seungmin pats Jeongin's shoulder in embarrassment before waking Jisung up. "Get up, The Bang's are having a party tonight and we've been invited. It'll be the perfect chance to get new friends"
Jisung rolls his eyes at Seungmin's proposal, "Friends aren't shit Seungmin, they're just your friend during high school and when it's over they forget your name."
"Oh come on Jisung!! You can't be lonely forever!" Jeongin pouts, ticking Jisung's sleepy figure before Seungmin could add, "Well Jeongin and I are going, so I guess you're going to be alone with my mom"
Jisung is quick to jump out of bed and puts on the nearest pair of shorts before wrapping his arms around the two boys shoulders, "Okay so where exactly is this party?!"
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The booming music makes the whole neighborhood shake and sounds of chit-chat and the small of alcohol fill the air. Girls fill the pool with floaties of all kinds and drinks at every table.
"W-wait. You guys meant a real party?! I thought you geeks only went to chess comps and bingo clubs" Jisung said, "T-there's real people here. Ew."
Seungmin drags Jisung inside the crowded living room, "You clearly aren't ready for Beverly Hills High School Jisung, and that's why you need to be here”
"I'll get us some drinks, go find some open space for us Jisung" Jeongin says, running off with Seungmin.
Jisung winces at the people surrounding him, turning to the hallway before being greeted by a stumbling girl in a white swimsuit.
"Oh, oh hi! You must be new here, I'm C-claire" Claire grabs Jisung's shoulders, a burp leaving her lips before she collapses onto him.
"Woah- woah okay, okay Claire take it easy" Jisung says, grabbing her waist as he looks for the nearest bedroom. Walking further down the hall, Jisung hears a few voices and hopes to drop the drunken figure into the hands of some other people.
"Look Hyunjin! I've told you so many times, we just don't work out together" You exclaim, trying to push Hyunjin off you as he continues to suck on your neck. You fail to get his weight off him as he cages you against the bed, his plump lips making all sorts of blues and purples on your skin as you try to kick him off.
"Come on y/n..." Hyunjin whispers into the crook of your neck, "We can make this work you know?" Your calls for help are muted by the loud music playing outside but you know with enough resent you can get him to stop.
"Hyunjin, stop! It's over" You continue, trying to wiggle your way out of his grasp. Well aware of how much he chugged before, you tried to work with his intoxicated self but it didn't seem to be working.
Jisung presses his ear against the door, realizing the situation as he kicks open the door. "Hey!"
Hyunjin quickly turns around, getting off the bed. "Um, hello?" Hyunjin replies sarcastically.
Jisung is left without words the second he lays eyes on you, you're beautiful. Light beaming on your figure from a nearby window, the sunlight is casted upon you. He can’t even blink, the sight is too worthy to lose even for a second. Left breathless in the middle of the bed, you thank the lords above that some cute guy came to save the day before noticing your best friend in his hands.
"Holy shit!" You run up to Jisung and grab your best friend.
"Is she okay?" Hyunjin says, picking her up and laying her on the bed. You sniff her hair before nodding your head.
"She's drunk. I'm so sorry about that.." You turn around to see the boy in a simple white tee, shorts and a Ralph Lauren bucket hat before asking, "what's your name?"
Jisung's eyes are fixated on the floor before realizing you were talking to him. "Oh- me? Jisung" he smiles.You smile at the way his cheeks puff up when his teeth show, face resembling a cute squirrel as you shake his hand.
"Nice to meet you, Jisung" you say with a smile.
"So someone told me my sister was being dragged to the guest room?" Chan said, Minho and Changbin by his side as he glanced at his sibling.
"She drank a little too much," Hyunjin responded before Chan could send Hyunjin a nervous look. "Bro, the plan didn't work?" Chan mouthed to Hyunjin as he glanced at you, noticing your hand still tied to Jisung's.
"Dude, why are you still shaking her hand?" Changbin asked, turning everyone's attention to you and Jisung. You stare at Jisung for a moment, noticing the bit of nervousness in his eyes. Jisung's grasp on your hand tightens anxiously before you could smile at the guys, "That's because Jisung here, is my new... boyfriend!"
Minho nearly spat out his drink, "Your what?!"
"My new boyfriend" you repeated, "Now don't mind me, but I'm going to leave now.. with my new BOYFRIEND" you spat at Hyunjin's face before leaving.
"Bro, what the fuck just happened?" Chan asked Hyunjin, handing him his drink
"I-I think y/n is really calling it quits" Hyunjin stutters, lying against the wall as the guys join him.
"Don't worry Hyunjin, y/n is always like this.. I’m sure this “Jisung” kid will leave if we teach him a lesson" Minho said, patting his shoulder.
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You're running to the backyard with Jisung before he could stop you, panting out of breath. Sitting down at a nearby bench, you gesture at Jisung to sit next to you before letting go of his hand.
"I'm really sorry about dragging you into that, I just needed to get out of there" You apologize
"That's alright... but just like, did you call me your..?"
"Boyfriend." Jisung's eyes pop off at the validation.
"Seriously?" Jisung points a finger at himself in shock, "Me??"
"Yes you idiot" You reply with a chuckle, pushing his hand away. 
"I know you're new, maybe we can be friends" Smiling at Jisung's shocked expression you notice a figure resting on the edge of the garden.
"Felix!!" You call out, noticed the freckled boy turn around at your voice.
"Y/N!!" He replies, running over to you guys.
"Jisung, this is Felix. I think he'd be the perfect friend for you here." Jisung looks at Felix before looking back at you again, "Are you not staying?"
You stand up before spotting Chan and Minho asking people for your whereabouts. 
"Not for now, I need to fix a mess I started, it was nice meeting you though!" You exclaim, running inside to the two guys.
"Don't mind her, y/n is always involved in some sort of drama" Felix says
"Seriously? Why would nice girls like her get involved in that kind of stuff?" Jisung asks, scratching his neck in curiousness. "Whew, Jisung" Felix says, knowing he has a lot to learn.
"Welcome to Beverly Hills High School."
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trance-griff · 4 years
Kyoka Jiro x Kaminari Denki Part Two
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Word count (pt.2): 1716
Warnings: None, just fluff.
Part three 
Kaminari Denki woke up that morning groggily, throwing off the blanket to the side, a hand reaching down to scratch his exposed stomach before sitting up with the loudest yawn- running his fingers through his yellow locks- before drooping his shoulders, head-turning to the digital alarm clock.
Eight-Thirty AM.
Today was the day. The highlight of his high-school life about to begin the moment he steps out of the building; he couldn’t wait to meet up with the rest of his buddies and classmates. The arcade, karaoke, and beach called out to him and he quickly jumped out of bed. “Come on buddy, new day, great day!”  Grabbing his mobile- he scrolled through the group chat of class 3-A, the class president is the first to be up and greeting everyone a good morning, affirming whether they were all awake, he was already radiating authority and optimism this early in the morning.
As expected from the class president, the emergency exit guy.
Everyone seemed to be active in the group chat, expressing their excitement even Todoroki had gone about explaining what pair of swimming trunks to take. ‘The red one… Or the blue?’ with Bakugou replying with ‘Live up to your name you half n half bastard!’
It caused Denki to snort, skimming through the chat, giving replies of his own as he sauntered about the room, running his fingers through disheveled strands and picking whatever item needed for today- lazily prepping his duffle bag- until he noticed something off. Everyone on the group chat was online except for one particular person. Kyoka Jiro.
Now that Denki thought of it, she hadn’t been very excited for the trip, avoiding the topic as a whole, not to mention she in general just wasn’t herself. On edge is how he would word it. He wasn’t very book smart, but Denki was always quick to notice these things, being socially intelligent and all. Without hesitation he pressed the green call button, waiting for the call to get through as he pressed the device to his ear and plopped himself on his bed, back against the wall. The two weren’t best friends per se, but they were still close and understood each other on a different level, he respected and admired her.... maybe a little too much, but he wondered if she felt the same way.
“I doubt it…”
Kyoka Jiro was in deep sleep when the buzzing of her phone woke her from her slumber, with squinted eyes she couldn’t believe the name displayed on her phone and perceived it as her in a dream, deciding to roll to her side comfortably, the blanket huddled up under her chin- not until the buzzing started to annoy her that she checked her phone with a frustrated sigh and realized it was indeed Kaminari Denki calling. She rubbed her eyes and pinched herself now fully aware that she was not dreaming. “Heck?”
But why would he be calling?
Deciding to stop overthinking, she sat up and answered her phone with a lazy hello, covering up her stutters with a yawn or an annoyed sigh, a hand reaching up to play with her dark strands. “Oh! Jiro! Morning~!” There was amusement laced in his voice, Jiro flinched, having just woken up, she didn’t need to hear Denki’s energetic voice so early…
Wait… What was today…?!
Drawing her curtains open, she was met with the piercing sunlight, cursing under her breath as she shielded her eyes momentarily, the room now bright enough for her to glance at the clock mounted to the wall. “Shit…”
She could hear laughter on the other side of the line, inciting a groan from her. “You totally forgot, didn’t you?” The female was tempted to snap, but bit her lip and instead smiled at his joyous hilarity, her chest swelling up as she pressed the device closer to her ear. “Yeah, yeah. It’s not funny, y’know?” She breathed out, fully awake and aware of her surroundings, she still had time to get ready and leave to meet up with the girls, they agreed to meet up at Tsuyu’s place which wasn’t too far. Stepping to her closet, she shuffled around to pick out her clothes with Denki still chortling in the background. “Can’t help it, it’s not like you to be late or forgetful.” He wasn’t wrong, with how anxious she was about today, she ended up sleeping quite late because of a certain person invading her thoughts, little did she know he would be the first she’d talk to, and it helped ease her mind; miraculously. Maybe because she didn’t have to /face/ him at this very moment.
“I guess. A-Anyway, thanks for calling… to uh wake me up…” She trailed off, cursing under her breath for her awkwardness, she could hear him exhale, picking up on every sound that was emitted by him, her cheeks red as she patiently waited for him to respond. “Uh… yeah! No probs. See you soon?” Denki had more to say, she waited for him to say more but time was passing by and she needed to get ready. “Yeah… Later.” After hanging up, Jiro stared at her mobile before leaning her head against a wall, the shirt she had picked out earlier; clenched between fingers, before realization dawned upon her, why didn’t she ask him when she had the chance?
Why did he call…? More like, why bother calling in the first place?
Knowing she wasn’t going to get her answers, Jiro continued with her day, following her morning routine, and was soon out hurrying towards Tsuyu’s place greeting the females and explaining her tardiness, excluding the part where Denki called her. She didn’t want to be teased, and Mina would definitely talk loudly about it.
“You’re here now, that’s what matters!” Hagakure exclaimed, patting the other’s back.
The class finally gathered at their meeting point, the lot of them assembling like that caught a lot of attention so by default they split into groups, some deciding to go shopping instead of the arcade, some had other plans, they promised to meet up again with Tenya Iida throwing in instructions, hands moving in all sorts of ways. “I think we’ll all be fine, Iida…” Izuku Midoriya assured with a sheepish laugh, a hand behind his neck, causing the class president to relax and adjust his glasses. “You’re right, Izuku. Alright! You’re all dismissed!” Everyone mumbled their complaints, they weren’t on a class trip, they didn’t need any babying. “Hey, Hey! The arcade’s right there! Let’s go!” Mina was dragging Jiro towards the direction of the arcade, only to realize the rest of the females weren’t tagging along.
“I get terrible migraines with all the lights; I’ll sit this one out.” Momo explained, lightly rubbing her head with a sympathetic smile, even though it was her idea to go to the arcade and gain an experience of a lifetime, meanwhile Uraraka gestured towards Midoriya with fidgety hands, unable to look at anyone directly in the eye. “I- Maybe I should just check on Deku!” And ran off towards the direction of the freckled boy, Hagakure had disappeared in thin air (No pun intended) Mina explaining she saw her walk off with Ojiro earlier and nudged Jiro with a wink. “They’re cute together, right?” Jiro only laughed sheepishly. “Probably…” and Tsuyu? She simply idled with Tokoyami and Shouji, lounging with them silently, the arcade was not her sort of thing.
Jiro felt betrayed, she certainly didn’t want to spend time with the obnoxious group, knowing full well Denki was there, her stomach churned and she clutched it, despite their short call earlier, all the nerves in her body tensed, this is why she was avoiding this dreadful day, she was stuck with him and Mina did a good job keeping her around. “Oh, Jiro!” She was greeted by the yellow-haired individual, wincing and avoiding his gaze, she was sure he would bring up their previous interaction but surprisingly he didn’t even mention it, not even subtly. “Can we go already?!” Katsuki’s voice boomed, no one flinched at his brash behavior, even Jiro who blankly stared at him, the temperamental bully stormed off on his own while Kirishima ran behind his friend. “Wait up, man!”
“Then hurry the fuck up!” And everyone followed, increasing their pace to catch up to the ticking bomb of a man, at least someone was looking forward to the arcade. As they made their way inside, music and neon lights flooded their vision and hearing, the adrenaline rushing through them and Jiro grinned, the colors of the neon lights reflecting against her skin, the pink and orange and blues called out to her; for a second forgetting all her worries, as much as she liked instruments, the arcade was also her go-to place, she wasn’t a gamer so to say, but now and then she’d spend time playing video games. “Ready to kick some butt?!” Mina challenged the group, running in the direction of the counter to get started with all the games. They were all pumped up, Jiro only stared at them from a distance, a little too shy to open up, as she was lost in her thoughts; once again, a nudge to the shoulder brought her back, Denki purposefully bumped shoulders with Jiro, catching her attention and staring up at him, immediately freezing on the spot. “W-What do you want?” She questioned irritably. “Ready to get your butt kicked?” His confidence radiated as he grinned with his teeth exposed, Jiro responded by straightening her posture shoving her hands into her pockets. “Losers treat winners.”
With a little nudge to his shoulder, Jiro was instantly reminded of their previous interactions, interactions that didn’t involve her getting panicked or flustered around the ball of energy, when things were ‘normal,’ when her feelings were undiscovered and their bond was purely playful and ordinary. This one-sided unrequited love pinched at her chest causing frustration but, just for today… She would enjoy every moment and lock up the feelings that hindered her. These were memories being made for them to keep as they grow older and pursue adulthood and no way would she ruin today because of a one-sided emotion, it wasn’t like Kyoka Jiro at all.
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Hoodie College Headcanons
Hey guys, Eden here! I have come to the realization that using desktop is a lot trickier than I previously thought. I am still going to be writing asks, but I am going to simply upload them without the original blurb. I hope that is okay!
- No one knows what Hoodie’s major is and, at this point, neither does he. He knows that he takes some philosophy and psychology classes, but that doesn’t change the fact that he’s just trying to figure out what he wants to do for the rest of his life. He may be very uptight about his studies, but he knows better than to make rash decisions that will ruin him down the line. 
- Now, don’t get me wrong, Hoodie can definitely stay up late and be a night owl when push comes to shove. This, however, does not mean that his natural sleeping schedule involves being nocturnal. It is actually quite the contrary. Hoodie relishes the moments in which he wakes up only to be greeted by the slow, deep breaths of his roommate and the ticking of the clock nestled upon the wall overlooking his bed. He  gets up, quiet as a mouse, and starts his day before even the earliest of birds. He rubs his eyes gently before meandering over to the makeshift kitchen, in which he’d begin the process of boiling water to use for his daily dose of caffeine. While waiting for the water to boil, Hoodie would sit by the window and peer down at the streets below. He loves watching people sluggishly stumble out of dorm rooms and apartments, and he revels in the notion of being the first person around to greet the new day head on. 
- While most college students make coffee a daily necessity, Hoodie doesn’t roll like that. Hoodie prefers tea over the good ol’ bean juice. He isn’t super picky about his tea tastes, and is often seen moseying around the nearby convenience store, browsing through various choices. His favorite tea, however, is black tea. He thoroughly enjoys the sharp taste and jolt of caffeine it sends coursing through his body. He usually enjoys his tea with a light breakfast of toast and/or eggs (scrambled, of course, as they are superior to any other egg styles).
- Hoodie secretly loves kids movies. This is not to say that he cannot handle mature movies, he definitely can, he just really loves the reliability and the predictable happy endings. Hoodie has his own Disney+ account that he only shares with his true homies. He also makes it a point to host a movie night at least once a week. He loves how ‘kids’ movies tackle big topics in a simplistic yet well-thought-out manner. He admires all of the quirky characters and paths to self discovery. His favorite movies include Finding Nemo and Beauty and the Beast. Once high school had ended, everything changed in the blink of an eye. Everyone’s expectations became increasingly high, and he had a hard time listening to the well wishes of the people closest to him, while still staying true to himself. Disney movies gave him a sense of familiarity and comfort. When everything was flipped upside down in his life, the movies he loved stayed as a constant reinforcement of comfort and security. He may not always have everything together, but if Belle can fall in love with a Beast, maybe he has a chance at finding someone who will love him despite his rough edges. 
- Hoodie is usually not the type of person to make decisions blindly, he’s too smart for that, but sometimes he has no choice but to use alternative methods when indecisiveness kicks in. Whenever Hoodie is faced with a near impossible situation, he breaks out his magic eight ball. He usually reserves the eight ball for the most difficult of situations. Whether it be choosing between two classes that he wants to take, or  making personal choices in regards to his friends, he always falls back on the hands of fate. He hides the magic eight ball under his bed, amid piles of blankets and pillows. He got it during freshman year at a run down Walmart near the edge of town. He was there to get groceries for the first time in three months, when he stumbled upon the toy aisle. He saw the eight ball instantaneously, and bought it without hesitation. He has been using it ever since 
- Hoodie loves going to concerts, however, he is not a fan of the big stadium scene. He frequents a pub near his dorm that houses a tiny stage and an even tinier fanbase. He’s really into the obscure artists that pass through and always finds himself adding their music to his playlist. Going to concerts is one of the ways he unwinds. He may be an introvert, but something about the concert scene gives him an indescribable rush. He has a place in his heart for all kinds of music. As long as it has a nice flow or something interesting, he’s hooked. The booming speakers and scent of inebriation is something that usually disgusts him, but when he’s amidst a crowd of people, listening to the same music, it just feels right. He knows that he’ll never see the same artists twice, and he knows that every time he goes back something will change. There is something that is inexplicably comforting about the spontaneity. He knows that he’ll never be disappointed because he never knows what to expect. 
- Hoodie has a green thumb. He doesn’t have an insane amount of plants in his dorm room, but he does have a fair few that he takes care of. Hoodie truly believes that to get good out of the world, you have to put good into it. His plants are lined up across all of his window sills and are scattered across his desk area. Each plant has a name that has been given to them by Hoodie’s friends. Taking care of the plants is part of his winding down routine. He enjoys coming home and checking up on each and every one of them. His friends joke with him and call him out on caring more about his plants than them. That’s obviously not the case, but the plants give him something to continuously pour love and good energy into. Hoodie truly believes in karma. If he puts good into the world, he’ll receive good in return.
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capricornus-rex · 5 years
Prompt: Overprotective Cal (3 - End)
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Cal Kestis x Reader
Didn’t think this story was going to get attention! I was worried there for a second 😅 I’m always thankful for the support and attention you give my stuff. I get all fluffy inside when I see that you all are liking it! ❤
1 | 2 | Masterlist
3 of 3
The proprietor introduced you to his—as he called it—”backyard,” where almost all of the same parts that you saw in the marketplace stalls were there except that this one store owner kept his goods mint.
That explains the neat sorting. You thought to yourself as little droids, reprogrammed from their manufacturing settings, walk around carrying and lifting parts in and out of the store.
“Now see here, I don’t mean to brag or anythin’ but here in Mos Espa, I am the biggest and best stock of wares. Sorry, I haven’t introduced myself: I’m Devric Plike, call me Dev,” he approached you two to shake his hand just to finish up the formalities.
“Cal, and this here is my girlfriend, [y/n],”
You blushed, thankfully you can falsely blame the sunlight for that. You smiled as you shook Devric’s hand.
“Please to meet you youngins. You look like a good, honest girl. You got lucky, boy,” Devric leaned a bit closer and spoke in a loud whisper. “Don’t lose her.”
Devric didn’t expect a reply and went ahead.
But Cal subtly slid his fingers through the spaces of your fingers and clutched your hand quite firmly, “Oh I won’t, that’s for sure.”
You look and see that adorable smug face again, you scoffed and rolled your eyes, and followed Dev around the backyard. He was, thankfully, a fair negotiator. A charitable one too. He advertised a certain engine to you that he boasted to be cross-compatible.
When asked, Dev explained that whilst he made up the word for it, it simply means that a cross-compatible part could be used by at least two or three types of ships—for instance, one part can be fitted into either a freighter or a fighter. Cal then filled you in that it’s not a thing of the past, it’s just an uncommon practice for most ship technicians but it usually works 90% of the time.
“What happens to the 10% of the time?”
“Uh… boom?” Cal accompanied his answer with a little demonstration with his fingers splaying out when he said “boom.”
“If and only if the wrong part was outfitted into the ship, right? Typical technical error?”
You asked BD-1 to scan the part to see if it would fit in the Mantis.
After scanning, BD-1 continuously beeped in a high-pitched and melodic tone, meaning that his scanners on the external engine say that it’s all good; Cal checked it himself and vouched for the mint condition of the external engine. Before sealing any transactions, you contacted Cere via your comlink saying that you found the part that Greez needs.
“How much?” You were almost too afraid to ask the question to Devric.
“Well, for the mint S-251 engine coupling, I’d say…” he tilts his head up to think then jerks it back down to your eye level. “How does 10,000 sound?”
You felt your heart go loose after holding your breath. You exhaled in relief. You asked permission from Cere via the comlink, there was a few seconds worth of silence from her end before she gave her reply.
“Go ahead and take it, you saved Greez from overspending. Seal the deal there,” Cere instructed and ended the call.
You gave the go signal, Devric ordered his protocol droid to get a cart. A team of DUM-series pit droids lifted the engine to the cart and the protocol droid hauled it back inside.
“I will have it ready to go in a cargo speeder in an hour,”
You politely stepped in between the two gentlemen’s conversation and tapped Cal on the arm. You fished out the pouch of credits from your pocket and held it to Cal.
“Can you handle this for a bit, Cal? I’m going to take a look around, if that’s okay,”
“Sure,” he said and took the pouch.
Devric glanced over Cal’s shoulder. The store owner watched you look around, check out some of his wares, and lift BD-1 to the higher shelves so he could check out stuff too.
“You got a really sweet girl there, boy,” he commented.
He nodded at you and repeated himself.
“Yeah,” Cal smiled while counting the credits. “She is. She really is…”
“She’s got a certain oomph about her. I saw the way you look at her too—the fire in your eyes—and that shine in her eyes? Oh, kid, buddy, I don’t know who is lucky is to have whom!”
“Both of us to each other, I guess. But I’d like to think I’m luckier to have her,”
“You do look it, kid. The eyes never lie,” Devric chuckled.
As soon as Cal handed over the correct amount of credits, Devric hollered at the DUM droids again to start the preparations for the transfer. The little droids scamper and squeak around as they did their task. You came back to the counter by Cal’s side and watched the DUM droids cover up the external engine with a large piece of cloth.
You gave your thanks to Devric and he gratefully welcomes it.
“Alright, see you in an hour,” Devric said as you walked out of his store.
You realized you had a lot of time to kill. Cal suggested going for a drink and you agreed, you looked for the nearest cantina. A few yards away from Devric’s shop, loud music is coming from a certain direction, you immediately knew it was a cantina.
Both of you walk in and find yourselves in a cesspit of all kinds of scum. The place reeked with whatever the patrons were smoking at the bar. Every corner you look, it’s filled with diverse clusters of species with some humans mingling in the scene.
“Well, this is… inclusive,” you commented.
Both of you stepped in, heading for the bar. You kept your vision narrow, ignoring anyone or anything in your periphery. A single look could mean another thing to another species; but you sensed the humans looking at both of you strangely.
“Are they looking at me or you?” You mumbled within Cal’s earshot.
“I don’t wanna know,”
“Me too,”
Due to the dense crowd, none of you could find a seat that could fit you both; you volunteered to get the drinks while Cal volunteered to finding seats in the meantime. One seat was open by the bar, you tug the bartender by the sleeve.
“Something mild, two of that,” you ordered.
He gave a quick nod at you and started working on your drinks as he was doing nothing else but wiping empty glasses. As you wait for the drinks, you sneak some quick glances at the patrons beside you—Twi’leks on your left, a Devaronian and Aqualish conversing on your right.
You did not flinch when a human male suddenly bursts in on your right-side periphery. He had a companion who took on your left, it was a green Rodian. Neither were drunk, but the human reeked of liquor as if he bathed in it.
“Well, look what we have here: it’s a desert flower,” he uttered throatily. “What’s a pretty flower like you doing ‘ere?”
You blatantly ignored him. The bartender handed over your two drinks right on time. You fiddled with the glass by tapping your fingernails on it.
“Ohh, two. I think the little flower brought her friend eh, ya think?”
The Rodian spoke in its native language but you could assume he agreed in the same perverse way as his human friend.
“Who’s the friend, sweetums? Care to introduce us, hmm?”
Cal abruptly steps in, kept his eye on the human male and sneered at him, “This guy bothering you?”
“Oh piss off!” the stranger hissed.
You turn to Cal, smiled at him as you hand him his glass. Both of you drink at the same time, maintaining eye contact—communicating something entirely secret from everyone else.
When you finished your drink, you hissed cockily, “Actually, you should piss off,”
“Aww come now, don’t be so sour with me, flower,” the stranger persisted.
The stranger has overstayed his welcome in your personal space, his overall presence and his bothering you ticked Cal off. The drunk just crossed two lines at the same time.
You initiated the first strike. You severed the poor sob’s hand, the Rodian—who was on Cal’s left—grabbed him from the shoulders but Cal ignited his hilt in an overhead strike position to cut both hands.
The musicians and the chattering patrons all shut up—this must be the cantina’s first time to go quiet, excluding the agonizing moans of the two strangers whom you just mutilated. You switched off your lightsaber, fished out three credits from your pocket and slapped it on the bar in front of the bartender as compensation for the mess.
You and Cal left the cantina, walked far away from it and towards the direction of Devric’s shack.
“Got there in time, huh?”
“Yeah, you’re right…” you chuckled weakly but you had your head bowed.
“Hey,” Cal propped his fingers under your chin and gently tilted your head so you could see eye-to-eye. He wasn’t begging or anything, but he pulled up those soft, puppy eyes that you can’t help but give in to. “I know that face.”
“Okay, I was startled from that drunk earlier, got scared for a second there. But I’m okay now, Cal,” you said, putting up a brave face. “I promise.”
“Okay, promise,” Cal sighed, pulled you in for a hug and planted a kiss on your forehead. “That was an impressive move, by the way.”
The two of you decided to spend the remainder of the hour at the front of Devric’s shop, watching over the part and how the droids handled the prepping while you shared with Cal some sweet bread you bought from an old couple’s stall nearby.
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Halloween Heist
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Peter Parker x Reader
Words: 3229
Summary: You use your sleuthing skills to track a string of robberies in your neighborhood. Enlisting in the help of your boyfriend- and secret superhero- Peter Parker, the two of you discover a plot to attack a charity ball full of New York’s richest on Halloween night. 
Notes: I am so so so sorry that this is so late. I really wanted to get this out on Halloween, but a lot was going on in my life and I just couldn’t write. I’m really hoping to get some Christmas imagines out to make up for it! (P.S., I couldn’t find if Pepper change her name to Stark, but I went ahead and put that in)
You anxiously watched the clock, the seconds ticking by painfully slow as your teacher droned on. You sprung up before the bell even had time to ring and bolted out the door. The halls filled with students eager to go home for the weekend- more so than most. Tomorrow was Halloween. 
“Woah, where’s the fire?” A voice behind you asked with amusement, fingers lacing through yours. You pulled your phone out of your pocket and showed him the article you were reading. 
“There was another robbery this afternoon. This one was at the jewelry store down the block from my dad’s apartment.” You pulled him down the hall, weaving in between students and making your way towards the door. “They’ve escalated their targets.”
“What’s your favorite scary movie?” A voice whispered from behind the two of you. He was holding his arm over your head and made a stabbing motion. The boy took off the mask and grinned. 
“Hey man.” Peter greeted nervously. Robbie gave Peter a dirty look before turning a creepy stalker smile on you. “I heard that you’ve been looking into those missing backpack cases with the security team-”
“I really can’t talk now, Robbie. I’ll see you on Monday.” You waved him off and Peter wrapped an arm around your shoulders. 
“He gives me the creeps.” Peter shuttered. You shrugged. 
“He’s harmless.” Robbie was one of the kids that grew up during the Blip. He’d always had a crush on you when he was a kid, but now he was your age and he wouldn’t leave you alone, even though he knew you and Peter were together. You weren’t worried about him, though. You had bigger fish to fry. 
You took the subway back to your neighborhood. You loved the rattling cars and the silent agreement between occupants not to make eye contact. Peter thought it was too crowded, but it was your favorite time to observe the people around you. From the man drumming on the railing to the woman hiding a cat in her sweatshirt, you found every person fascinating. 
Once your feet once again hit the pavement, you quickly found the scene of the crime. The front window was shattered and cases of jewelry had been ransacked. You took a step closer, but the hand holding yours pulled you back. 
“Y/N, I really think you should leave this kind of thing to me.” Peter suggested. It’s not that he thought you weren’t capable of taking care of yourself, but after everything he’d been through that year… to say he worried was an understatement. 
“I’ve been tracking these guys for months, Peter. Once we find them, you can kick their asses with those spidey powers, deal?” You gave him a quick kiss before sneaking across the street to get a better look. If your suspicions were correct, they would have left their calling card in the center of the store. With no officers in sight, you climbed through the window, your eyes scanning the ground for the little white note. 
“What are you doing? Someone could see us!” Peter exclaimed. 
“Shhhh.” You hissed, finally spotting the paper. You pulled a glove out of your backpack and picked it up. 
“Why do you even have those?” 
“Peter.” You shot him a look and he remained quiet while you read the note. “Oh my God.” Each time they left a calling card, they left some kind of hint of where their next hit was going to be, but it was never enough for the local police to figure it out before it happened. But looking at the photograph, information clicked inside your brain, giving you every clue. The police wouldn’t have made the connection, but they’d made the note for you, waiting for you to come and find them. 
“What is it?” Peter asked, trying to look over your shoulder and keep an eye on the door. 
“It’s me.” You lifted up the photograph of you standing in front of a large ballroom, dressed in a princess gown your mother had made you wear for Halloween when you were eight. “I know where they’ll be next.” 
The annual Halloween Gala was hosted and attended by New York’s elite. This year was particularly important since it was being held in honor of the late Tony Stark. Peter had even been invited by Pepper as a special guest. You knew how important it was to him. 
“Have these guys killed anyone?” Peter asked anxiously, although he knew the answer. He just didn’t want to hear it. 
“Not at their latest job.” You answered, running a hand down your face. “But their second robbery, the one at the bank in Manhattan, they killed one of the tellers.” Peter passed back and forth across your room, the base of all your sleuthing. 
“I have to stop them.” His stammered. Whenever he started to freak out, his voice was slightly higher than usual. “Mrs. Stark is going to be there and I can’t let anything happen to her-”
“Okay, first of all, I’m pretty sure that Rescue is going to be just fine,” You gave him a reassuring smile and stood in front of him to make him stop moving, “And secondly, we’re going to stop them.” He made a face.
“You aren’t coming. It’s too dangerous.” You raised your eyebrows.
“You’re kidding, right?” You scoffed. “I’m so not missing this. You were taking me as a plus one anyway.” He shook his head. 
“They used your picture as the clue. They obviously have you as a target.” 
“Which is exactly why I need to be there.” You argued. You were not about to let him go all lone hero on you now. “I’m going and not even Spider-Man is going to stop me.” He gave you the look with his big brown eyes, sad and soft. You shouldn’t have snapped at him. “Peter…” You sighed, putting a hand on his arm when he moved to leave. “I’m sorry. I just can’t let this go until those guys are put away.” After a moment, he put his hand on top of yours, pulling it up to his lips. 
“I know.” He held your hand against his cheek and neither of you said anything for a while. You’d both been through a lot since you came back from wherever the hell you went for five years, Peter especially. Maybe busting things bastards was just a way of reminding yourself that you were back. That you wouldn’t be snapped away again. 
“Why don’t we watch a movie?” You suggested. “Since we’ll be spending Halloween drinking mocktails and catching bad guys.” He shot you a look. “What?” 
“You always want to watch scary movies though,” He whined. 
“It’s Halloween, dummy.” You giggled. “Of course we’re watching a scary movie.” You reached for your movie shelf, your hand wavering over a few of your horror favorites like Halloween and Scream. Peter pulled you back. 
“Why can’t we watch a fun Halloween movie? Like Hocus Pocus?” 
“Because we’ve already watched it five times this month.” You laughed, putting Nightmare on Elm Street in the DVD player. “Don’t worry,” You grinned, “I’ll protect you.” You pulled his lips to yours and turned off the lights. Neither of you paid much attention to the movie anyway. 
The extravagant white dress billowed around you as you got out of the car. Once Pepper knew that you were coming with Peter, she helped you pick your costumes and she insisted on paying for them. Since it was a formal event, you decided on Christine and The Phantom from your favorite musical The Phantom of the Opera. Pepper didn’t realize that you would be pursuing a group of ruthless bank robbers in a $3,000 dollar ball gown. Peter stood in the hotel lobby, his pearly white mask glistening in the light of the chandelier. He was wearing a tux with a long black cape, concealing his Spider-Man suit underneath. 
“Wow.” He said breathlessly, eyes wide as they traveled over the shimmering fabric. “You look… wow.” You couldn’t help but smile and you kissed the cheek that wasn’t covered by the mask. You laced your arm through his and a pair of hotel employees dressed as knights opened the doors to the ballroom. 
It was like a scene from a movie. There were red banners lining the walls and meticulously detailed carved pumpkins placed on every step of the long, dramatic staircase. Costumes ranged from Medusa to King Arthur. Somewhere in the bustle of people whose shoes cost more than your whole apartment stood a familiar face framed with strawberry blond hair. Pepper’s dress was a backless, silky blue gown. 
“You two look incredible.” She beamed, pulling you into a hug. 
“So do you.” You replied, trying to keep your jaw from dropping. 
“Oh this?” Her lips tugged up into a small smile. “I found it in an old box… I’m surprised it still fits.” There was a look in her eye that told you more than she could have said. 
“You look really really great, Mrs. Stark.” Peter chimed in. She put a hand on his arm. 
“How many times do I have to tell you to call me Pepper?” The band had already begun to play some classic Halloween tunes, but there was still no sign of the robbers. 
“We look pretty suspicious just standing here.” Peter observed and spun you outwards, causing you to laugh. “We might as well dance.” The band started to play “I Put a Spell On You” and the two of you jived along, laughing at each other’s strange dancing techniques. You almost forgot why you were there. 
A sharp cracking sound sent Peter’s body rigid. You look up to see the chandelier crashing down towards you, shards of glass reflecting your screaming face as Peter grabbed you, ducking out of the way just in time. The entire crowd froze, gasps and screams filling the air. All other light sources dimmed and a projection appeared on the far wall. 
“Now that we have your attention,” A voice boomed. A man appeared on the projection. His face was hidden with a cheap, plastic Iron Man mask. You saw Peter’s expression harden. Through the dark, you could see Pepper clutch the metallic necklace around her neck. “I would like to welcome you all to the first-ever Halloween auction. All the proceeds will be going to, well, me.” The crowd made a break for the doors, but everyone was locked with a blinking device. “Trying to leave would not end well for any of us.” The masked man laughed. 
“What do you want?” Some frightened woman yelled.
“I want her.” His voice dropped to a growl. A look of confusion went around the room. No one knew what he meant but you and Peter. He grabbed your hand. “All of this is for you.”
“What is he talking about?” Peter whispered. You had no idea. 
“Oh, I almost forgot.” The camera shifted, revealing two of the other thieves, both wearing the same plastic masks. They stepped to the side and Pepper let out a cry. 
“Morgan!” She shrieked, pushing her way to the front of the room. The little girl sat in a metal chair, handcuffs cuffing her ankle to one of the bars. You and Peter frantically raced to join Pepper at the front. “Leave her alone!” 
“A single door has been left open. Only she will go through it. If anyone else tries to leave, we’ll level the building.” The projection shut of and the room went into a panic. Everyone was trying to figure out what he meant. Others called the police. But you knew that Morgan would be dead before they got here if you didn’t do something. You stepped forward, but you didn't get very far.
"What are you doing?" Peter hissed, keeping your hand locked in his. 
"It's Morgan." You said, your determination overshadowed by your fear. Pepper shook her head, but you knew she would do anything for her daughter. You slowly slipped your hand out of Peter’s and pushed through the open door. 
The hallway was dark except for a red light placed beside the elevator. Old Halloween decorations littered your path, from broken plastic skeletons to styrofoam gravestones. You pushed the button on the elevator and tried not to scream when a bloody mask mounted on the wall greeted you. This time it was Spider-Man. 
“Come to the roof.” The same morphed voice boomed through the elevator speakers. You shakily pressed the button. You felt ridiculous, standing there in that gigantic dress as the elevator took you up to meet your fate. The floor numbers ticked by above your head until they reached the roof. 
It was one of those hotels that had a pool overlooking the city and the water glistened in the moonlight. 
“Y/N?” A small voice called out to you from across the pool. 
“Morgan.” You stepped out of the elevator and heard the click. You kept your head down as a bucket poured the warm red liquid splattered over you. Morgan started to cry. 
“What’s your favorite scary movie?” The whisper was too close to your face and you jumped away. You tried to keep a tough face and faked a confident smirk. 
“You’re mixing your references. The blood pouring is from Carrie.” Just looking at Iron Man’s face made your heart rate pick up. “I have to applaud your execution though.” 
“All of this has been for you.” He shrugged, the voice changer in his mask turning off. You knew that voice. What’s your favorite scary movie? 
You stumbled back, trying to put as much distance between you and him as possible while trying to get closer to Morgan. 
“I gave you quite the story to chase, didn’t I?” His eyes were wide with a wild excitement that terrified. “All I had to do was pay a couple of thugs to help me rob a few places and I had you chasing after me.” 
“All of those robberies, that person you killed…” You gulped, “That was for me?” He nodded and laughed, and your heart raced even more. You had to keep your mind focused. You had to get Morgan out of there. “W-why did you take her?” 
“I had to make sure that you would come alone… Spider-man.” He had a giant grin on his face, as if he had won a prize. This took you back. 
“Don’t play dumb, Y/N. I know your secret.” He grabbed a piece of fabric from his pocket. “I found this in your bag a couple of months ago.” It was a torn piece of Peter’s suit that you had from when he came to your apartment after a fight with a couple of street thugs. He was okay, but his suit had been cut in a few places. How could you have been so stupid as to leave it in your backpack?
The pig’s blood was starting to irritate your skin and Morgan was getting more restless. You needed to keep him away from her. 
“Alright, so you know.” You stood up straighter, trying to seem convincing while you kept him on the opposite side of Morgan. “Why go through all of this?” 
“Because we could make the ultimate team!” He exclaimed as if it was obvious. “And you would finally ditch that creep Peter Parker and be with someone of your own standard.” 
“So you decided to start robbing banks and jewelry stores? And kidnap Tony Stark’s daughter?” You scoffed. 
“It was the only way to get you here tonight.” He shrugged with an eerily happy sigh. “And now we can say that we caught the bad guys together. That they had you on the ropes, but a new hero, The Night Owl appeared just in time.” He spoke as if he were reading a comic book. 
“Not gonna lie, Night Owl is a terrible superhero name.” A voice said from above you. Robbie looked up just as the real Spider-Man’s foot nailed him in the face. Robbie barely had time to recover before he pushed him back into the pool. Peter turned to you. “Are you okay?” He held out his hand and you tried to wipe the blood off your hands before you took it. 
“How did you get out?” You wondered as the two of you rushed over to Morgan. 
“Happy showed up with the bomb squad.” He explained, his voice turning soft as he spoke to Morgan. “Did the bad guys hurt you?” He asked, snapping off the handcuffs. She jumped into his arms. 
“I’m okay.” She answered. He picked her up, but when you turned around, a group of three more men in masks stood in front of you, a furious, and wet, Robbie standing with them. 
“You don’t get to ruin my plans yet!” He shrieked. 
“There’s nowhere to go, Robbie.” Peter warned. “The cops are on their way up now.” He held Morgan close, keeping her head down. 
“I was so convinced that it was you, Y/N.” Robbie seemed to pretend that Spider-Man wasn’t there. “But that doesn’t matter. All we have to do is get rid of the real one.” The three men started to move towards you and Robbie pulled out a gun. If he missed Peter, he would hit Morgan. 
“Stop it.” You ordered, putting yourself in front of her. “You can’t be a hero after being a villain Robbie.” 
“Every hero is someone else’s villain, Y/N.” He shrugged. The three thugs drew nearer and Peter gently set Morgan down behind him, preparing to fight. They attacked all at once, one taking your arms and shoving you back and the other two going after Peter. As you stumbled back, your foot caught on your dress. In a whirlwind of red stained fabric, you toppled over the edge of the roof. 
“Y/N!” Peter shouted, trying to fight off the two men to get to you, but it was too late. Morgan started to cry again. 
“You’ve ruined everything!” Robbie shouted. “Grab the girl! We can still make something of this disaster.” But as one of the men reached for Morgan, the whooshing sound of propulsors cause him to freeze. 
“Don’t. Touch. My. Daughter.” Rescue soared up to the roof, her mask lifting to show Pepper’s seething face. In her metal-clad arms, was you. 
“Hell man, I’m not dealing with two superheroes.” The man exclaimed, scurrying off, quickly followed by the other two. Pepper landed, putting you back on your feet and took her daughter into her safe arms. 
“Oh my god.” Peter swept you up as quickly as you’d been put down. “I thought- when you- I didn’t… don’t ever go into scary doorways alone ever again.” 
“Wait a second,” Robbie muttered. “You’re cheating on Peter with Spider-man?” The police burst through the doors before he could make any further revelations. He called out for you as they dragged him away, but you kept your face buried in Peter’s chest, your stomach still doing somersaults from the fall. He lifted up your chin to look at him, taking off his mask once the coast was clear. 
“Hey,” His voice was calming and his smile turned to boyish excitement. “Let’s go get some candy.”
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Seleme and Dionysus
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So one day Zeus, the king of the Olympian gods, visited Earth and he saw a drop-dead beautiful woman named Semele. Zeus is all like "I have to have her" because Zeus can't control himself. Ever. So he changes his appearance so Hera, his wife and Queen of the Olympians won't find out and keeps it a secret. So Semele and Zeus start to see each other, and everything is great, until Hera finds out about this. Hera, being the jealous wife/sister of Zeus decides that her honor is ruined, and she's so angry that she's out for blood. She has to destroy Semele at all costs. So she disguises herself as a mortal woman. Not just any mortal woman, she is a handmaiden to Semele herself. Hera becomes BFF's with Semele. She does her hair and nails and helps pick out her outfits and likes all her selfies. Of course, Hera is one of the few Olympians who actually thinks about what to do and had formulated a plan. She wanted all the details on Zeus and Semele's relationship.
 So one day while doing each other’s nails Hera asks Semele, “Do you think your boyfriend actually loves you? I heard a rumor he was actually Zeus, is that true?” 
So thinking that they are great friends Semele says, "Listen, Zeus totally loves me. He loves me so much that he promised to do whatever I ask of him to do. He even played that Ain't No Mountain High Enough song for me and it was so romantic. I guess you could say it's pretty serious." 
Hera thinks to herself "Yes! My totally evil plan to defeat Semele and get back at Zeus is going to be better than I thought! I am so awesome and beautiful." So she goes back to Semele and says that if Zeus would do anything for her she should ask him to show off all his awesomeness, the same way he did when he was dating, Hera. And Semele thinks it’s a great idea. 
So Zeus comes by later and is like "Hey babe, how's it going?"
So Semele says everything is great. So later when they are going on a romantic date at the local drive-in movie theatre Semele says "Hey, do you remember that sacred oath you said about doing anything I ask you?"
And he's all like "Sure I remember. What do you want? Do you want to be Queen of Greece? Or more servants and money?" And she says "No. I want to see all your awesomeness the exact same way you did with Hera." Zeus doesn't want to, but because he promised her, he agreed to show off all his power and awesomeness. He has strobe lights, a disco ball, a fog machine, confetti, there was loud music playing in the background. It was too much awesomeness for Semele so she screamed, burst into flame, and died. Zeus knew he was her baby Daddy though so he grabbed the baby she was six months pregnant with, and sewed him into his thigh to hide him from Hera. So Dionysus grows and when it's time for him to be born, Zeus took out the stitches. He then called Hermes over and said "Hera's going to be so ticked if she finds out Dionysus is still alive. So take him to his Aunt Ino and her husband. And to make sure he is super protected makes him look like a girl." Hermes is like "Kay." And does what Zeus said.
Eventually, Hera finds out that Dionysus survived, and she is super ticked. Like ten times as ticked as Zeus thought she would be. She was so ticked that she made Ino and her husband totally crazy. So Zeus took Dionysus and made him a goat. He gave goat Dionysus to some Asian nymphs to take care of, but Hera found him again and made him crazy times 10. So Dionysus is walking around all over the Mediterranean world in places like Egypt and Syria doing these awful crimes like murder and theft when he runs into Rhea, a great goddess, in Phrygia and she makes Dionysus better and forgave him for the bad things he did. She made him the leader of her cult and gave him oriental clothes and an ivy wreath to wear. And he did wear it and never changed. Ever. He taught everyone how to make wine from grapes and how to farm with yolk and ox. People joined his cult, and everyone was happy.
Well most everyone. This dude named Lycurgus, a King of Thrace did not like Dionysus' cult so he didn't let Dionysus sit with him at the plastic’s table, and imprisoned his followers. Dionysus did not like that, so he made Lycurgus so crazy he thought his son was a grapevine that needed pruning, and he murdered his son by chopping off his arms and legs. So the moment Lycurgus' son died he realized what he had done. But Dionysus was not done. He made all of Thrace barren for such a long time that Lycurgus went to go see an oracle. The King was all like "I must have ticked off Dionysus a lot. What do I need to do to make Thrace lush again?" The oracle responded, "You need to die, idiot." So because the king didn't want to die he tried to keep it a secret. And naturally, because it was a secret, everybody in the kingdom found out and they all killed him. It was a mass meeting of 1-800-choke dat hoe. 
So then Dionysus went to Thebes, and a profit told the King Pentheus that if he had to do all the religious rites for Dionysus. If he didn't, then all the mothers would tear their children's arms and legs off and decorate the woods with the limbs. Pentheus' own mother would kill him that way. But Pentheus didn't believe him. So Dionysus arrives, and the party doesn’t start till he walks in. So everyone in Thebes is having a party and doing the Dionysus cult thing, and King Pentheus gets word of that. Now Pentheus is really angry. He goes around yelling at everyone and saying that he thought Thebes would have had to be taken by force of an army. “It would at least be more honorable than this!” 
So he’s ticked off and demands that Dionysus be captured to determine if he is a fake. But Pentheus’ bros tried to change his mind, but it just made Pentheus even angrier. So his guards went out to try to find Dionysus, but they couldn’t find him because everyone, EVERYONE was too turnt, so they grabbed one of Dionysus’ priests because the guards were afraid to return to the king empty-handed. 
So Pentheus roasts Dionysus in front of the priest when the priest decides to tell Pentheus the story of how he met Dionysus. 
“It’s like this.” He said. “I was a pirate on a ship when the ship got stuck? So me and my crew spent the night and the next morning we woke up and we were thirsty so we went to go look for water, right? So then this dude wearing purple just shows up on the beach! So my crew got together without me and said “dudes I think this guy is a Prince! We could make a fortune if we sold him!” Right? So they go ashore and this guy is high or turnt, or almost asleep so it should have been easy to chain him right? Wrong! No matter how they tried to put the chains on they kept falling off. They were seriously tripped up by this. But somehow they got him on our boat, and I saw him and was like “This guy looks like a god, and that thing with the chains, he has to be a god.” So then I was yelling at my crew like “Dudes, this guy is a god for real for real! He even looks like a god, and you can’t see that? You might have captured Zeus, or his bro Poseidon, or Zeus’ son Apollo, fools! We can’t take him, ya’ll are trippin,” but my captain was like “Nah bro, you’re crazy just make like Miley Cyrus and Do Your Thing, and we’ll deal with this guy. This dude is rich, not immortal, but the gods must have sent him here to make us rich, you know what I’m saying?” 
“So right then the dude wakes up, and is like “Where am I, how did I get here?” But the captain was like “You can hitch a ride with us. Where do you want to go?” So the dude said, “My home is on the island of Naxos.” So the captain was like “Lit, we’ll take you there.” But I knew that this fool was lying, so I didn’t do my job. So the captain made someone else steer the ship. So we are sailing when Purple dude says “Wait we’re not heading towards Naxos! How could you? I came out to have a good time and honestly, I’m feeling so attacked right now.” Then the ship stopped right there, like no movement, like it was dead. So we’re sitting there when suddenly homie points to the sail because there is a grapevine growing, but with vines of ivy growing and a bunch of other fruit and everything was getting covered and then it started to smell sweet, and the deck started to get covered in wine, and everyone was terrified, I mean terrified. We all looked at the purple dude who was really angry. He had on a wreath of ivy and grapes and was shaking a pole called a thyrsi that was covered in ivy and grapevines. Then all these animals appeared out of nowhere by his feet. Like a lynx a tiger and a panther. Then Yogi bear showed up and he was angry, and the dude was too. So he changed into this huge lion and killed the captain. So now everyone is running around trying to find a way to get away, ‘cuz this was some messed up stuff. They were tearing away vines to try to get to the oars that wouldn’t move, when their hands turned to fins, straight up! So they are all trying to jump overboard now, and as soon as they hit the water, BOOM! They were dolphins, for real! Nineteen of my bros became nineteen dolphins. So the young dude turns back into himself and was like “You’re cool, so I saved you. By the way I’m the son of Zeus, Dionysus.” So that was that, and since then me and my Immortal bro Dionysus are tight. And we get more mortal followers all the time, straight up.” 
Pentheus was ticked off. “YOU CAN’T SIT WITH US! Take him away and beat him up, then kill him for that stupid story!” 
So the guards were preparing his torture and saying to each other that they needed to let him go, when suddenly there was an earthquake, and the door opened and the chains fell and the priest walked out with a fog machine blowing smoke behind him. So the guards ran up to Pentheus and told him what happened. And Pentheus was like “Am I the only one that can do things the right way?” So he goes out and starts stalking Dionysus and all his followers on Facebook and Twitter, and Tumblr, and Pinterest, etc. He wants to know how Dionysus gets all his followers and friends. So he is looking at the likes and spying on them in a tree because he had gotten so mad at hearing the hysteric songs and shrill screams. He keeps looking and watching, trying to figure out how to defeat this “boy” when his mother sees him in the tree. She gets so mad at the fact that he is spying on all Dionysus’ followers and watching them do their rites and rituals that she takes out her iStone 11 and calls her friends to help her chase this boar that is destroying the land. So Pentheus runs like a mad man, but the women are so much faster and they catch him and cut off his hands. Pentheus starts to yell out to his mother in a desperate attempt for her to recognize him, but just like Lycurgus before her, she didn’t recognize her own son. He begged her, but she said the last words Pentheus ever heard. “This trophy of the hunt is mine!”  So she cut off his head and put it on a thyrsus and scattered his body everywhere. Later at the party, she realized what she did and showed everyone. They were so afraid, but Dionysus had taken over their kingdom and everyone was happy. Well except for Hera who was angry that Dionysus could turn people to dolphins and make mothers and fathers kill their own children. Everywhere he went she tried to stop him by punishing everyone else, but she never directly punished Dionysus. Dionysus continued on his road trip to get more followers. He even went back to Naxos and married a girl named Ariadne. On one of the last of his travels, he went down into a Burning Ring of Fire, also known as Hades, or the underworld. In the underworld, he found his mother Semele, who he renamed Thyone. He brought her up to Mt. Olympus to live happily ever after. 
The version of this myth was taken from Mythology and You: Classical Mythology and Its Relevance To Today’s World by Donna Rosenberg and Sorelle Baker
Some versions of the myth cite Semele as a princess of Thebes, some not only say she was a princess but the daughter of the founders of Thebes, Cadmus, Prince of Thrace brother to Europa, and Harmonia, who was the daughter of Ares and Aphrodite. A scholarly analysis of another version says Semele could have been a priestess. 
In other versions of the myth, after the “second birth” of Dionysus, instead of giving Dionysus to Ino and her husband, Zeus had Hermes give him to the nymphs of Nysa where he stayed until manhood. Another version says Dionysus was given to Ino and her younger sister Argave who eventually betrayed Dionysus. Ino was punished, most likely by Zeus, by making her go mad and jumping into the sea with her own son where they were saved by the sea nymphs and stayed forever helping sailors.
In another version of this myth, when Dionysus made his way to Thrace, Lycurgus still opposed the worship Dionysus was leading, insulted, and set out to capture Dionysus. However, Dionysus retreated to the ocean only to return later and defeat Lycurgus. As punishment, Dionysus  imprisoned him in a cave until he went mad and realized Dionysus was a god whence Zeus struck Lycurgus blind. Lycurgus died soon after.
Almost every version talkies about the pirates who captured Dionysus, but it varies on how. One version says that Dionysus hired the Pirates after retreating to the ocean from Lycurgus and coming up on the wrong side. Other versions say he was taken while conscience and cocky and others say he was fast asleep when captured. One aspect that remains consistent is the fact that Dionysus was going to be used to get money either via ransom or sold into slavery in Egypt or other lands and at least one person objected to this arguing he might be a god. All versions have Dionysus making the sailors go bonkers.
The “Asian Nymphs” are most likely from Persia or Asia Minor which is modern day Turkey. This is my own educated guess based on the idea that, according to the myth, he wandered in that region.
Some versions have Dionysus travel as far as India.
After leaving Nysa a version of the Myth has him travel to Crete to grant Midas’ wish to turn everything he touches to gold. Chronologically, I am uncertain as to when Dionysus granted Midas’ wish, but the myth of King Midas does have Dionysus grant the wish. 
Naxos, Thrace, Thebes, and Phrygia are not close together and on a map this is clearly seen. Ultimately, this was the reason I choose to start my Greek Myths with this story. We can see the sphere of influence that the Hellenic world had on the the surrounding area and get a better idea on how large the Hellenic area is even if the majority of the myth only takes place in the Aegean.
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Red- Thebes
Purple- Naxos
Blue- Phrygia (slightly more south east than placed but unable to be seen from the above map.)
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Sources Referenced
D’aularies’ Book Of Greek Myths by Ingri and Edgar Parin D’aularie’s
Mythology And You: Classical Mythology and Its Relevance To Today’s World by Donna Rosenberg and Sorelle Baker
Mythology: Timeless Tales Of Gods and Heroes by Edith Hamilton
Tales Of The Greek Heroes by Roger Lancelyn Green
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san-pada · 5 years
sea.+c.s [1]
the sea is where we go when there’s nowhere to run to.
with your boyfriend always leaving for “business” for his photography shootings, you finally see what he’s actually been doing. and so, you decide to come up with revenge with your friend, choi san.
genre ; drama, fluff
a/n; okk, so i haven’t wrote in a decade, so my writing skills may be rusty. i have music school to attend, regular school finished, and i also have to practice the violin. anyway, enjoy this series! :)
p a r t ; 1 
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“baby, i promise i’ll call you everyday while i’m in bora bora. it’s only going to be 2 weeks.”
your boyfriend gives you a quick peck on the head and turns to his luggage. you just nod and sigh, putting on a fake smile. you didn’t want to be a clingy girlfriend, but you had the right to be like this, right? 
but on the other hand, this was just for his photography career. you kept telling yourself that it was just his job. but in the back of your mind, you wonder if it was more than that.
you didn’t want to believe that, though.
“okay. i’ll miss you--”
“of course, of course. bye!”
he interrupted your sentence and took off with his luggage, leaving you with an empty house. you sigh, taking out your phone and dialing your friends phone number. whenever your boyfriend didn’t have time for you, he always did.
“hello~ san speaking!” the voice boomed from the phone. you grinned.
“hey, can we hang out? i know it’s sudden but--”
“no problemo. can you come over to my place? my other friends are here. i’m sure they would love to meet you!”
“oh, alright. i’ll be there.”
you hang up and took your keys from the table. 
san was your best friend since birth. you basically grew up together, and the last time you guys fought was when you were arguing with him on who would keep this shiba plushy san won at a carnival. in the end, san took it home and named it shiber. ever since both of your parents passed away, you’ve needed san more than you’ve ever needed him before. in some way, the incident brought you guys closer.
and whenever your boyfriend went on this little trips, he would be there for you as well.
you arrive at san’s condo, located along the beach. it was beautiful, really, and you had wished that you lived in someplace like this. thinking about waking up to a beautiful sunrise, the waves crashing into the rocks, was extremely calming.
you ring the doorbell, and the beautiful voice of his floods in your ears. you smile to yourself, knowing that san would always sing you a lovely lullaby when you had nightmares. 
the door opens, revealing your wonderful best friend. he pulls you into a head and ruffles your hair.
“y/n!~ come on in!” he beams happily, leading you to the kitchen. you were greeted by the loud sound of his friends, and your eyes catch them messing around.
“guys,” san shakes his head, “enough already. this is y/n!”
everyone turns their head towards you and your cheeks burn with embarrassment. 
“hello!” they all said in unison. 
they looked fun, you thought. 
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the room bursts into laughter-- except one person.
“that’s not funny! i was a baby..” wooyoung pouts while crossing his arms. 
“a cute one for sure,” you giggled, scrolling through your instagram. you’ve been getting along with everyone very well, acting like you’ve known everyone for ages. it was pretty nice having more friends to talk to and hang out with. 
the others ended up doing their own thing, playing video games, making food, etc. you decided to sit on the couch with seonghwa and san, laughing and talking while going through your social media. 
while scrolling, you come across a post. it caught your eye immediately. it was your boyfriends account.
why was he posting already? shouldn’t he be focusing on his work? 
thoughts raced through your mind, and you scrolled down a little further.
from miles away, someone probably heard your heart shatter.
seonghwa stopped rambling to san and looked up at you.
“y/n? is everything okay?”
out of shock, you just shook your head no. your hand rested on your mouth as your eyes stung with tears. you had to stay strong though. san noticed something was wrong and took your phone.
you read his eyes and expression. you could see the fury in his eyes, almost as if he had flames displayed in them. his knuckles turned white from gripping the phone too harshly. 
seonghwa furrowed his eyebrows, “now you? what’s going on?”
he peeked over san’s shoulders.
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the small droplets of salty water rolled down your cheeks, and before you know it everyone in the house was gathered around you, trying to see what the big fuss was about. 
san was furious. of course he had suspected something going on between jaegyu, your boyfriend, and this girl you both knew during high school years. 
let’s just say that girl was your ex best friend.
hali, the girl in the picture, was always by your side. that was until one day she tried to do something unbelievable. what was it?
she tried to drown you. she knew you couldn’t swim, and so she used it to her advantage. if it wasn’t for san being there, you probably would’ve died. turns out she wanted san for herself, and when she saw that you were also hanging out with him, that gave her a wave of jealousy. 
there was another thing san was worried about.
the silence was cut by hongjoong, “san, isn’t that hali? your girlfrien--”
your eyes widened. san turned to face you, trying his best to read your face.
“girlfriend?” you furrowed your eyebrows, “girlfriend?! the same girl who tried to fucking drown me?!”
he looked at his feet, speechless and not knowing what to say at all. 
the same girl that tried to kill you, dating your best friend? you even knew how much san hated that girl. and now what you’re hearing...is it true?
“i can’t. i’m getting some air.”
you left the living room and went outside on the balcony, overlooking the beach.
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“how do i tell her..?” san said in monotone, staring straight ahead at the wall. mingi sat on the couch next to him, patting him on the shoulder.
“tell her that you were set up. since hali’s... ‘cheating’ on you now, i’m pretty sure you can cut ties off with her.”
san bit his lip, almost breaking skin, “you don’t understand. that girl tried to drown y/n. i even told her i hated her. look where i am now.”
mingi just sighed, looking at yunho. he gave him a sad smile. 
“y/n, don’t be mad at him--”
“wooyoung,” you cried, “you don’t understand. she tried to kill me! kill me. and now that same girl is dating my best friend?! you don’t know how much that hurts..”
wooyoung just pulled you into a hug, letting your salty tears soak in his t-shirt. he patted your head, allowing you to cry into his chest. 
somehow his heart broke when he saw you cry.
he pulled his hair, shutting his eyes harshly.
if only i never agreed to that shitty deal. if i had just said no and protected y/n, none of this would happen.
“don’t beat yourself up over it,” seonghwa sipped on his water, “break up with hali and be with y/n.”
san looked up at the older and glared at him. he shrugged and looked away.
“if i ask out y/n then it’s going to cause something. if she doesn’t accept it then it’s going to ruin our relationship--”
“who the fuck cares? do you see jaegyu and her? he’s always leaving for his ‘business’ and then is actually fucking your fake girlfriend--”
“please don’t.”
“time is ticking san. if you don’t claim her, she’s gonna break.”
he let it sink in.
he’s right.
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silent-writer83 · 6 years
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Request: Can I request a Jealous Cisco please, smutty or not dealers choice.
A/N: So I was gonna do a smut but it ended up being nothing but fluff. I hope you enjoy it regardless.
You were the one normal part of his day. No science, no metahumans, no stress. You were, however, his precious little secret. You see, working with the Flash had plenty of perks and just as many cons. Cisco would lose it if anyone found out about you, about what you meant to him. So he kept you far far away from his business at S. T. A. R. Labs. You had asked to go, to see what your boyfriend was up to all hours of the day, and even nights, but Cisco was smart. He always changed the topic, distracted you with kisses and knowing touches. Damn those sneaky hands of his.
Today was rather usual. Cisco tinkered with new tech for Barry while Caitlin ran diagnostics on her machines. Barry was in the room down the hall to train. Iris and Wally were scanning for any unusual meta activity. All in all it was a pretty peaceful day. Cisco certainly wasn’t complaining, eyes shifting to his phone every so often with each minute that passed.
“Whatcha keep lookin at?” Wally’s voice was unsettlingly close, the Latino boy jumping in shock.
“Dude! Announce yourself!” Cisco huffed, quick to snatch his phone out of sight. “Nothing. Just...waiting for the right time to order some food,” he lied. Apparently it was a pretty bad lie judging by the look he got from the guy.
“Every day for the past few months?” Iris mused from her place at the desk. Cisco glanced to her with a pout. Couldn’t she be on his side? “Cmon Cisco, whose got you all hugged up on your phone?”
“I bet it’s Gypsy,” Wally snickered.
“Is not,” Cisco scoffed. Sure Gypsy was a badass but you....she had nothing on you.
“But it is a girl,” Iris picked up on as she rose to saunter over, cornering the engineer between the siblings.
“I never said that,” Cisco rushed, feeling his palms start to sweat.
“Never said it wasn’t,” Wally smirked.
A soft buzzing turned all eyes onto Cisco’s phone, the latino’s heart pounding in his chest. He tried so hard to keep you a secret and he really didn’t want them to find out — at least not like this.
“Gonna answer that?” Wally hummed, trying to peer at the device that Cisco currently clutched in his clammy hands.
“No!” Cisco huffed, shoving his phone in his pocket to avoid Wally’s prying eyes. He watched the two share a knowing look, their matching smirks not settling well with him. His cover was so blown.
Sighing you stared at your phone as you ended the call when your boyfriend didn’t answer. He was probably busy anyways but you at least wanted to let him know you wouldn’t be able to make it to your date tonight. With no other choice you tapped out a quick message explaining that practice had been extended. Tossing your phone onto a pile of tights, coats and scarves, you stepped back into the studio as your break ended.
“Alright so, I asked you two to stay late for a special project. It’s a duet, a sensual piece and I liked the chemistry you two have together,” your choreographer explained as you joined for friend Matthias. He was a gorgeous dancer and you two had grown close since he joined the company two months ago.
“I’ll teach you the combo tonight and over the next few days we’ll rehearse. I want to film by the weekend,” the man instructed, leading the two of you to the center of the floor. Both of you had eyes on him, concentrated as he began to teach.
“Boom boom...ha. Boom boom....uh. Yes. Boom boom.....uh. Drop!” The choreographer vocalized the percussion over the music as he circled you both. Each syncopated beat was sharp, juxtaposed by a soft, subtle flick. Your body was sore, sweaty and tired but you had only just begun. “Dun dun, tick, tick tick, zah!” He clapped as you snapped to the next position, eyes low as you played the part of seductress. Matthias was on now, prowling into the scene with smooth movements, catching the next beat in complementary moves, hands finding hips as you arched against him.
The dance was just as sensual as your choreographer had told, If not more so. Hands flitted over your body in time with the beat, hips rolling in smooth patterns as your arms wound around your partners neck. Your noses brushed as he guided you through patterned steps, a smirk forming on your lips as you twirled away. His hand caught yours, tugging you close once more, hovering just a breath away before you parted into synchronized choreography.
Cisco walked with a bounce in his step and a smile on his face. Admittedly, he’d been disappointed when he got the text about your canceled date, but he’d come up with a flawless idea. Why not bring the date to you! Sure some take out during whatever break you could get wasn’t exactly the height of romance but Cisco was happy just being around you. The two of you were just so busy any little second was better than nothing.
Stepping into the studio, it was easy to find your room — the only one blaring music at ten o’clock at night. When he stepped in however, the last thing he expected to see was you on your back with some guy snaking his way on top of you.
Brown eyes blew wide, lips parting as his jaw dropped. His stomach soured as he stood rooted to the spot, grip tightening on the little plastic bag he held. Who. The. Fuck. Was that?!
Hands found Matthias’s shoulders, pushing as you rolled on top of him. Back arching you snaked up, eyes flicking to the far wall, for what reason you weren’t sure. Something just drew your gaze up. Standing there was your boyfriend, grasping a bag of food so tight his knuckles were nearly white. You didn’t notice the look on his face, the mix of anger and pain as he glared at the man beneath you. You only saw Cisco, a squeal echoing in the studio as you jumped up.
“Coco!” The horrendous nickname you had playfully coined for him drew everyone’s attention, bare feet slapping the hard wood as you ran. With one easy leap you nearly tackled the man to the ground, clinging to him as legs wrapped around his waist and arms around his neck. “Oh my god what are you doing here!!?” You cooed, pulling back and pressing your lips to his.
“I’ve got an hour left if that’s okay?” You asked with a hopeful glint in your eye. You could feel the expectant look of your choreographer as you climbed off your boyfriend, who still stood frozen when you’d leapt on to him.
Tearing his gaze away from that guy, god he wanted to punch him in the face, Cisco absently nodded. He knew you danced, that you had partners and sometimes it was touchy but he never realized it was like this! As he stepped back and plopped down by your things to wait, his anger only festered. He watched as that guy touched you, rolled against you. He had his hands all over you and....and you just let him!
Cisco tried to remind himself that it was just a dance, that it wasn’t real, but each time he’d catch his gaze, that stupid jerk was smirking! This was the longest hour of Cisco’s short life and he couldn’t wait for it to be over.
“Hey babe,” you breathed as you padded over, finished for the night. You pressed your lips to Cisco’s frowning at the robotic nature in which he returned it. He was stiff, glaring at nothing in particular and far from the quirky man you knew and loved. “....Everything okay?” You asked, eyeing your boyfriend.
“Yeah. Sure. Totally okay over here,” Cisco huffed with a frown. Raising a brow at his response you decided to let it go for now. Whatever issue he was having, the last thing you wanted to do was hash it out at your job.
“Okay then,” you muttered, waving goodbye to your choreographer and hugging Matthias on the way out. You didn’t miss the scoff Cisco gave at the action either.
The atmosphere was just as tense on the ride home, shower, food and a moving later didn’t change a thing. You were getting sick and tired of his shit attitude.
“Alright. Spit it out, what’s wrong with you today?” You sighed, sitting back on the couch as you eyed your boyfriend.
“Nothings wrong,” Cisco lied, knee bouncing anxiously as he frowned at the television. He was trying not to think about it, think about that guys hands on you, about the way you seemed to fit in his grasp so easily. He was tall, muscled, a dancer. You probably got along amazingly and Cisco....Cisco was Cisco! He was a tech nerd at a failed laboratory who lied to you about what he did to keep you safe. Who loved geeky movies and video games. Who didn’t work out, who had two left feet. Who-
“Francisco Ramon,” you snapped his name with a sternness that had him shrinking in his seat. “You’ve been in a shit mood all night and I’m sick of it. Either tell me what’s up with you or-“
Lips covered yours in a hard kiss, hands cradling your cheeks in a tight grasp. Eyes fluttered closed as you instinctively caved, mewling as Cisco’s tongue licked a familiar path into your mouth. This was certainly a staggering turn of events, hands forcing you to the couch as he crawled above you. Desperate kisses rained across your jaw, sliding down your neck to leave bruising hickey’s. His grip was tight on your hips, holding you impossibly close as he marked you with a sharp bite.
“Oh fuck,” you gasped, eyes rolling in delight at the rough treatment. Cisco pulled back with a wet smack, shifting to connect your lips once more only to be halted as you gasped for breath. “Not that this isn’t really fucking hot, but....what’s up with you tonight?”
Cisco paused, panting softly from the rough needy kisses you’d shared. Everything was boiling and twisting inside of him, jaw tight as he ground out an annoyed huff. “He....He was all over you today okay!” He blurted out, pushing back and flopping into the couch. “I know it was just a dance, that it’s your job and everything, but god he....he didn’t have to touch you like that!” Cisco ranted. “Him and his stupid height and muscles and dance moves. I bet he doesn’t even know how you like your coffee,” he went off, jumping up as he began to pace. “Or that you talk in your sleep, or that you had a French bull dog named Bosco growing up!” Cisco ranted.
You sat quiet, jaw dropped as you blinked at your boyfriend. You never saw Cisco so worked up before. It was both amusing and arousing, but you needed to catch his attention before he gave himself a hernia with how tense he was. Sighing softly you’d stood in front of your boyfriend, hands catching his shoulders. “Cisco, te amo, pero you need to calm down,” you spoke smoothly, guiding him back to the couch.
Crawling in his lap, your hands come to cup his round cheeks, making him look at you. His brown eyes were wide and unsure, his hands tentative as they touched your waist. “You...mean it?” He asked softly, almost as if he was afraid of your answer.
A smile crawled over your lips as you realized he’d caught on. To be honest it sort of just slipped out but you couldn’t find it within yourself to regret it. “Yes. I mean it. Te amo Coco,” you hummed, giggling at the pout he tried to force.
“I hate that name,” Cisco mumbled, but he still brought you down for a sweet kiss. Your heart fluttered at the contact, kiss breaking only when your smile grew too large to contain.
“I know,” you giggled, hands falling to his shoulders as foreheads rest together.
“I love you, Y/N,” Cisco spoke softly.
“Love you too,” you hummed in return, lips meeting in a loving kiss that sent butterflies erupting in both of your bellies.
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