#hey tai
ffcrazy15 · 8 months
Someone needs to do an analysis on the way the Kung Fu Panda movies use old-fashioned vs. modern language ("Panda we meet at last"/"Hey how's it going") and old-fashioned vs. modern settings (forbidden-city-esque palaces/modern-ish Chinese restaurant) to indicate class differences in their characters, and how those class differences create underlying tensions and misunderstandings.
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tay-bee · 11 months
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Watched Legend of Hei a few weeks ago and oh my god oh my god HIM
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the3rddenialist · 2 days
((( of @slay-the-heroine by @tai-janai <3 )))
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Did quite a few Sharp Damsel here haha! Love them all tho
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jdsgothwife · 6 months
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everyone besides me has probably already seen this but look what i found
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tai-janai · 5 months
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listened a song that reminded me of someone
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torillatavataan · 1 year
Neulo Ukrainaan
Talvi alkaa lähestyä ja tarve sukille ja ampujanlapasille on taas kova. Pro Ukrainalla on tavoitteena lähettää 10 000 paria. Viimeksi villasukkia lahjoitettiin 10.10.2022 – 16.4.2023 yhteensä 11 046 paria!
Pro Ukraina:
Haluatko auttaa ukrainalaisia myös tänä talvena? Toimi näin:
Keräyksemme alkaa 1.9.2023. Sitä ennen emme logistisista syistä toivo neulomuksia meille lähetettävän.
Neuloa voi toki mitä tahansa käyttökelpoista. Pääasiassa meiltä on kuitenkin toivottu villasukkia ja ampujanlapasia puolustajille.
Puolustajien käyttöön aiotut neuleet tulisi olla tehty maanläheisistä väreistä. Lasten ja naisten käyttöön aiotuilla neuleilla väri- tai kuviorajoituksi ei ole.
Yhdistä sukka- ja lapasparit toisiinsa löysällä, umpisolmuun solmitulla villalangalla. Näin niitä voidaan sovittaa – kadottamatta pariaan lajittelussa.
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Ryhdy vanhusten, lasten ja sotilaiden sankariksi, neulomalla villasukkia ja lapasia Ukrainaan. Niitä voi neuloa kaiken kokoisia ja kaikissa väreissä sekä kuoseissa.
Ainoa vaatimuksemme on asetettu niiden materiaalille: Jotta ne ajaisivat niiden oleellista käyttötarkoitusta, tulisi niiden valmistukseen käytettävän langan – nimensä mukaisesti – sisältää vähintään 50% villaa.
Sama sääntö koskee toki myös mahdollisesti valmiina ostettuja tuotteita. Toisaalta lapasissa ja erityisesti sukissa olisi suotavaa olla jonkin verran myös keinokuituja (esim. polyamidi), tuomaan parempaa kulutuskestävyyttä.
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waterfire1848 · 4 months
Do you think Azula and Tai Lung are similar?
Hello, anon!!
I do think they are similar to a certain degree. Tai Lung is never classified as a prodigy but he was confirmed to have talent in Kung Fu at a young age which is why Shifu trained him and kept telling him he was destined for greatness. I think a darker version of that could easily be applied to Azula and Ozai. Azula had talent in firebending and Ozai constantly told her that she was destined for greatness/to be Fire Lord.
Where they differ is in the area of their mentors. Shifu turned a blind eye to what he was turning Tai Lung into until he had no choice but to confront it. Ozai knew exactly what he was doing when he turned Azula into a weapon.
Some of Tai Lung’s lines though “All I ever did, I did to make you proud. Tell me how proud you are!!////Who filled my head with dreams! Who drove me to train until my bones cracked! Who denied me my destiny?!?!” really do hit home for Azula’s character though.
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mishy-mashy · 6 months
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averagemrfox · 15 hours
rwby rewrite this rwby reboot that
you’re wrong let’s get that straight but i do need crwby to redo every single scene with the team strq photo because i refuse to believe they’ve all been wearing the same outfit since they went to Beacon
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oblivious-aro · 2 months
I remember you saying you had some thoughts on Morro being a less effective version of Tai Lung from the Kung Fu Panda movie. Do you have any more thoughts on that :o
Quick introduction, both Morro and Tai Lung are students who turned evil much to the of their old teachers (Wu and Shifu respectively). If you watched Kung Fu Panda 609 times as a child like me, you probably caught on that Morro's character was taken whole cloth from Tai Lung.
Now let's get into the details!
So Tai Lung and Morro have two parts to their character: the threat/villain aspects, and the tragic relationship/falling out with their mentor.
As a villain, Morro works pretty well. Possessing Lloyd establishes him as a threat both emotionally and power wise, since he's taken someone the ninja care for deeply and robbed them of their most powerful member in one swoop. I always kind of thought of him as the dark version of Lloyd, but he’s really more of a “What season 1 Kai could've been”, further supported by Kai's unyielding determination to protect Lloyd this season, contrasted against Morro literally using Lloyd as an actual meat puppet and casually threatening to kill Lloyd to get what he wants.
He’s threatening, hateable, and thematically appropriate as a villain.
As for his “tragic” relationship with Wu, well…despite general fandom opinion, it's actually pretty weak.
Tai Lung's screen time is dedicated to building up how powerful of a threat he is, outside of two key scenes that establish and build on his relationship with Shifu. The first is a flashback that happens somewhere around the half point of the movie. Reveling that Tai Lung was groomed to work his entire life for a role he ends up being denied point-blank recontextualizes the audience's feelings about Tai Lung. Up to that point he was presented as just some dangerously power-hungry villain, but now that the audience knows that Shifu has a personal connection to Tai Lung, and that changes their feelings on both of them.
The second relationship-focused scene is the penultimate fight between Tai Lung and Shifu. Before the combat, the two of them have a conversation that is just loaded with tension, and that tension stays prominent for the rest of the fight. The audience obviously doesn’t want Tai Lung to win, but watching Shifu attempt to take down the child he raised with his whole heart doesn’t exactly feel all sunshiny. Everything from the dialogue to the dark and rainy atmosphere (later heavily contrasted against Po’s triumphant fight in the rising sun) is meant to emphasize the heaviness and tragedy of the fight, building the flashback and Shifu's character growth to twist the knife in the audience's heart.
On the surface, Morro works similarly, spending the majority of his screen time being built up as someone that needs to be stopped, outside of two scenes that focus on his relationship with Wu. While Tai Lung's flashback happens in the middle of the movie, Morro's is told in the second episode of the season. Changing the timing of the flashback changes the effect it has on the audience. Instead of establishing an evil scary guy and then going ‘oh wait, there’s also this other important aspect to him’, we see the more human (literally) side of Morro almost straight away and then spend the remaining 80% of the season showing how evil he is. If Morro’s backstory garnered any sympathy from the audience, it will inevitably be overshadowed by the proceding 8 episodes of Morro doing nothing but make selfish choices. Doing Morro's flashback earlier has the exact opposite effect that Tai Lung's flashback had on his story.
Also worth noting that while a large part of Shifu’s characterization comes from his hand in Tai Lung’s fall (his cold relationship with his new students, his need for control, etc), Ninjago shifts the fault more so onto Morro as a person:
Wu: After I told him he could be the Green Ninja, there was a hunger unmatched.
Morro: (He kicks some of the other trainees, making them fall. Aggressively) Get up. Get up!
Wu: Enough.
Morro: But Sensei, I'm gonna be the Green Ninja. I need greater tests.
Wu: I said, enough!
Kung Fu Panda meanwhile feels no need to shy away from the idea of Tai Lung's actions being the result of Shifu's failure as a teacher. In fact, it embraces it:
Tai Lung: Not your fault!? Who filled my head with dreams? Who drove me to train until my bones cracked? Who denied me my destiny!?
Shifu: I...I have always been...proud of you. From the first moment I've been proud of you. And it was my pride...that blinded me. I loved you too much too see what you were becoming...what I was turning you into...I'm s-...I'm sorry...
Ninjago doesn’t completely kill the vibes, it’s still understandable that Wu would be sad a student of his didn’t turn out well, but lessening the responsibility Wu’s bears for the way Morro turned out gives their relationship a lot less weight than Shifu and Tai Lung’s, and lessens the impact their relationship had on Wu’s character compared to Shifu’s. They do retroactively imply Morro's reaction was the reason Wu never told his new students about the green ninja prophecy, which is kind of neat, but Wu doesn't really seem to be affected by his relationship with Morro beyond that.
They're not showcasing Wu being affected by the soured relationship, or building up any kind of emotional conflict about having to oppose his old student. The fact that this season's antagonist is Morro doesn't make Wu behave any differently than he would with any other run-of-the-mill Ninjago villain.
Shifu's character, as I mentioned earlier, is felt in pretty much every moment he's on screen. You can feel his fear of history repeating itself in everything from how frugal he is with praise for his students, to the sheer panic in his voice anytime he and Oogway talk about Tai Lung returning.
In fairness to Ninjago, Shifu was a character made entirely for that movie and nothing else, so his character was built from the ground up with his relationship with his student in mind for the whole process, while Wu is an already existing character in an establised franchise (that's also on a much smaller budget than a Dreamworks movie *ahem*), but they aren't really trying to build up the relationship between Wu and Morro outside over the course of Posession at all, outside of the two specific scenes I mentioned.
Speaking of, there’s the final scene between mentor and student that both charaters share. For Tai Lung, this was a fight, and for Morro, it's a redemption, and I don't think the writers considered how that key difference would affect Morro's story very deeply. Morro and Tai Lung follow the same structure of building up how evil and threatening they are until their ultimate defeat, and since Tai Lung’s story wasn’t building towards redemption, neither does Morro’s. This is fine for Tai Lung, because the emotional climax of his story is acceptance of the tragedy that his and Shifu’s shattered relationship is completely and totally beyond mending. Not only that, but it mainly takes place over a fight. It makes sense to just continuously ramp up Tai Lung’s threat level.
Morro on the other hand, completely switches sides at the last possible second of both his life and the season. With no buildup, his redemption feels very sudden and insincere. This guy who’s been plotting around the same obsession he had as a child for decades, kidnapped and possessed a child, put in the work to literally rewrite destiny, and made deals with satan/hell herself just decided “Actually I’m good now okay byeeeeeee!” in the space of two seconds?
Tai Lung and Shifu’s fight crushes your soul a little. Morro’s redemption just leaves you going “I guess that happened?”
They ripped off Tai Lung and only got him half-right.
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merlinemrys · 1 year
sorry but, out of everyone, merlin having the only remaining parent is honestly a flex on his part. ESPECIALLY a mother and especially HUNITH
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kdram-chjh · 1 year
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Cdrama: Till The End of The Moon (2023)
Remember this shy & cold #tantaijin ?🤭🤧🥰 #tilltheendofthemoon #yexiwu
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qhieF3SekYo
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pippuns · 2 years
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"A-Xiang clearly saw her own destiny, like an ant whose nest had been toppled by a flood, sliding into a bottomless abyss. She couldn't resist clutching at the malicious thread of spider silk, greedily but vainly crawling upwards in defiance of time."
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spicyvampire · 1 year
Ah yes, breaking up with your soulmate so you can date [look at smugged writing on my hand] ... your soulmate
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jdsgothwife · 6 months
i’m not emo but i do believe in their beliefs so. if you’re looking for some great (in my opinion, at least) emo albums you may not have heard of before, here’s a little list i made of underrated* emo album recs:
say anything — “is a real boy”
bright eyes — “fevers and mirrors”
jack’s mannequin — “everything in transit”
hey monday — “hold on tight”
the academy is… — “almost here”
matchbook romance — “stories and alibis”
death cab for cutie — “plans”
saves the day — “stay what you are”
midtown — “living well is the best revenge”
cute is what we aim for — “the same old blood rush with a new touch”
taking back sunday — “tell all your friends”
forgive durden — “when you’re alone, you’re not alone”
framing hanley — “the moment”
*by underrated, i don’t mean no one knows about these bands or albums. they’re just outside of the category of super well-known, “emo trinity” type stuff. just wanted to make this clear so no one gets mad at me! XD
these are just some of my personal favorites, and i’d love it if people would rb this and add more albums!
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tai-janai · 5 months
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little voices doodles before bed
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