#hhhh its the thought that counts?
collophora · 24 days
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Do yourself a favor and go read the entire fanfic work of @fanfoolishness
(In order: Under sun and shade, Blind Side, and Breathless (patching up is one of my fav too, I just had no cool sketch idea for it)
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ruumirmir · 1 month
Uhhh uhh uh hhhh hhhjhhhhhhh h yeah wait I'm having filthy pantalone thoughts
18+ sexual nsfw under cut
Pantalone fucking reader from behind, slow, whos arched over his desk. Having to count out a heavy pouch-ful of mora . Coin after coin clinging to each number with the desperation of a man starved.
Youre not sure if he would make you start all over again if you messed up. You dont want to find out, having reached around the 200s already. It's getter harder as he whispers a breathless "good boy" into your ears for each time you reach a new hundredth mark.
Wait. What is this . Fuck I need to write this actually there's naur way I can just let this rest as a half baked ramble . Also yeah,,male reader if it wasnt obvious . Sorry ladies,, its been one of those weeks for me I need the yaoi passed to me.
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redyrmes · 2 months
hhhh thinking about my silly headcanons about how hc!Phil met hc!Mumza. quite a long post so be warned ig haha
in my head, Mumza (whos the goddess of death in hc yesyes) has this little like, colosseum, in a dimension seperate from the mortal realm. i call it the In-Between. people show up in the colosseum when they die and Mumza greets them, she takes the mortal down the path of the colosseum, to a little porch at the end, where an old metal bench sits…the view from the porch is just nothingness for as far infinity reaches. they’ll sit down on the bench, and the mortal will tell the goddess the story of their life. when they finish, its like. the final closure. they are finally ready to move on from existence, theyll walk back inside the colosseum, and when Mumza goes back in, they’re gone. theyve moved on:) this is a natural process, it happens with everyone who dies, the mortals kinda just know what to do.
and the In-Between is a home of sorts to her, but she goes to the mortal realm a lot because the In-Between is quite lonely, she doesnt get guests very often. its adorned with trinkets and bits and bobs that she took from the mortal realm because she thought they were pretty hehe, namely the walls are covered in these huge black roses or flowers of some sort. and they stay alive because the place is independent of time and space, like its similar to + has connections with the void, but the void is a part of the mortal realm and the In-Between is not.
Anyway onto Phil. so he dies in s1, ends up in the colosseum, but he isnt ready to move on right. and Mumza thinks its odd because no guest of hers ever died and was like holy shit dude i wasnt meant to die noooooo…..he stays in the colosseum for a while and they get to know eachother, they become friends:) and one day Mumza realizes he can just give up his wings and respawn instead of staying in the In-Between forever and not moving on, so they do that. and he respawns in s2, with no memory of his life from s1 and no wings. he remembers the goddess of death though, and everything from the In-Between.
but Phil gets his wings back when he gets his first elytra. lore-wise its because because the end, being in the void, has the strongest connection to the In-Between, so Mumzas just kind of able to give him back his wings lol. and when he gets his wings, he can finally talk and hang out with her in the mortal realm:D hes not able to do that before he gets his wings because he isnt ‘complete’ yknow. fucks with the universe too much, not good. oh also sometime around here they become girlfriend boyfriend yesyes
ANYWAY. HIS ASS DIES TO THE BABY ZOMBIE AND HE ENDS UP BACK IN THE IN-BETWEEN. they do the same thing as last time, hang out for a little in the colosseum -> wing sacrifice -> crow man respawns in s3 now with no memory of s2 and s1. then he dies before he gets his wings i think,,,but he wasnt alive long enough for that life to ‘count’, per se, so he can respawn again without the wing sacrifice. but!! before he can do that!! hes like oh ive been meaning to ask you *gets down on one knee* Kristin, (literally the goddess of death, who is responsible for moving every soul into nonexistence, who is the strongest being in the world, messes with time and space on a daily basis, and was born with the universe) will you marry me (literally just some guy)
she says yes ofc and big happy,, and then phil goes n respawns in s4, gets his wings, and thats where hes been until now.
also idk where to put this so ill just put it here. my Phil design has these four hearts on his cloak thing, they were all sown on by Kristin when hes been in the In-Between.
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the first death, she put two, to signify his first life and his new, second one. just to remind him ig idk. and then when he died in s2, another was sown on, and in s3, another, so theres the four rn
anyway thats all if you read till here why did you do that but thank you
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cornerful · 5 months
Lotr Jan 14th
For eight dark hours, not counting two brief halts, they marched on; and they met no danger, and heard nothing, and saw nothing but the faint gleam of the wizard's light, bobbing like a will-o'-the-wisp in front of them.
Oh...oh my god. I am having Thoughts about this oh no
He raised his staff, and for a brief instant there was a blaze like a flash of lightning. Great shadows sprang up and fled, and for a second they saw a vast roof far above their heads upheld by many mighty pillars hewn of stone. Before them and on either side stretched a huge empty hall; its black walls, polished and smooth as glass, flashed and glittered. 
Doesn't that just sound incredible? Hhhh I don't recall ever seeing any art that's depicted specifically the mirror-smooth black walls. What craftsmanship! Dwarves don't have power tools, just think about the dedication they have to their art
He stooped and looked in Mirrormere,
And saw a crown of stars appear,
As gems upon a silver thread,
Above the shadow of his head.
What to even say about Gimli's song here it just devastates me. This is the part where I started getting literal chills reading it (not even listening and I will make a post about recorded versions shortly) (also, fitting, bc the music in the movie when Gandalf lights up the hall is the part of the movie that always gives me chills)
It was indeed a kingly gift. But now his thoughts had been carried away from the dark Mines, to Rivendell, to Bilbo, and to Bag End in the days while Bilbo was still there. He wished with all his heart that he was back there, and in those days, mowing the lawn, or pottering among the flowers, and that he had never heard of Moria, or mithril – or the Ring.
Who wants to come sit in the crying circle we have snacks. Reading this right after Gimli's song hurts! My heart aches for Frodo, and for Gimli. It guts me how the mithril corslet, this reminder of the splendor and artistry of Gimli's forebears long gone, is what reminds Frodo of his own home, dearly missed. I'm getting goldfish crackers and fruit snacks for the crying circle gahh this book makes me so sad sometimes
When he lay down he quickly went to sleep, but it seemed to him that the dream went on: he heard whispers, and saw the two pale points of light approaching, slowly.
o_o thanks I hate it
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nabulsi · 1 year
6. "are you really so oblivious?" for naz x cecilia 👀
hhhh thank you friend! I am still getting back into the groove of writing regularly. So I'm not super happy with this but here u go~
Cecilia and her big sister have v different ways of dealing with crises <3
Rating: T Pairing: Nayzak Sarhan x Cecilia du Mortain Word Count: 651
Nayzak sits, hands bound, surrounded by the bodies of at least a dozen Trappers. They are, mercifully, not dead. Lia had at least enough restraint not to murder anyone this time.
The vampire crouches before the human, donning an unimpressed expression. “What the fuck were you thinking tackling this alone?” She does away with the rough hemp ropes binding Nayzak’s arms and legs with her pocketknife.
“I was handling it just fine.” Nayzak shrugs the ropes off and gets to her feet. She pats down her dress.
“Yes, because my first choice to raid a Trapper hideout would be an elementary school teacher.”
“I wasn’t raiding them. I was spying—”
Lia scoffs, throwing her hand in the air. “You did a great job of that, didn’t you.”
Nayzak bristles, feeling her ears fill up with cotton. She shuts her eyes, dragging her cognitive functions by the leash to stop her words from failing her. However, Lia’s tone cuts her sharply and she feels stupid for trying.
“Bobby was on her way—”
“Bobby?” Lia laughs bitterly. “You are the most wanted human in this fucking town, and you insist on finding new and inventive ways to die.”
The words slip out of her hands like grains of sand, far too fast for her to catch. There is a dictionary’s worth of thoughts in her mind, if only she had the ability to comprehend them. Her frustration, helplessness, and embarrassment are as trumpets against her ears, muting all other noise. What she manages to say scratches but the surface of what screams behind her eyes.
“Then stop.”
“Stop what?” Lia turns around and leans over her.
“Stop coming to save me. You’re not an Agent. I’m not your responsibility.”
Lia’s honey brown eyes flash with something difficult to identify. The uncertainty sends Nayzak’s voice shrinking back into her body. She allows the vampire to eye her wordlessly. Yet, even in the silence, her senses are alive with the creaks and groans of the old warehouse. Her own heart thuds dully against her temples.
“Are you so convinced that there is no reason for me to come after you? To want to see you alive? To keep you safe?” Lia’s voice softens and she steps so close to Nayzak that she can feel the heat of her body against her own icy skin. “Are you really so oblivious?”
It is hard to look away from Lia’s face, as much as Nayzak wants to break the eye contact between them. Those eyes pin her in place.
“Oblivious to what?” she breathes. Tell me. Just say it. Frustratingly, she is incapable of saying the words.
Lia’s hand reaches for Nayzak’s hip, and she closes the distance between them. Her breath brushes against Nayzak’s ear.  A jolt of warmth surges through her, making her body shudder. The feeling is electric, and she finds herself melting against Lia’s chest.
“You’re smart. I’m sure you’ll figure it out.” Her tone is light and amused, and the lilt of her voice makes Nayzak’s insides twist into knots—makes all her fingers clench and toes curl up in her boots—makes her breath catch in her throat.
With that said, Lia starts to move away, the action sending a chill through Nayzak’s body. Whether it is instinct or a subconscious thought beating its way to the surface, Nayzak’s hand shoots out to pull the vampire’s hand back to her hip. “Lia, wait.”
A smirk spreads across Lia’s face. “What is it, dove?”
Nayzak moves a shaky hand up the front of Lia’s black hoodie. It burns on the way up and comes to rest in the curve of her neck. Lia waits for her to speak. They are so close that she has to arch her neck to meet the other woman’s gaze. Nayzak lifts herself up until their faces are scarcely inches apart.
“I think I understand now.”
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yostresswritinggirl · 2 years
Hey gotta do my part in giving Kasala content of his own cause seeing his tags empty hurts my soul 🥲
What if reader still has eleazar even after being reincarnated though just think about how protective Cyno would be
Mini headcanon: imagine you two having a wedding ceremony or something and greater lord rukkhadevata decided to come over to give reader and Kasala some desert resistant flowers as a congratulating gift
Then later in private reader used the flowers to braid with Kasala's hair (you can't convince me his hair isn't silky smooth)
And then in present day Cyno wants to repay the reader for it(if the reader has long hair). He ended up doing pretty badly and made a disaster of reader's hair but it's the thought that counts right?
Okay so idk how you'd feel about this but I have thoughts
So recently I have been seeing people speculating that Alhaitham is a reincarnated scarlet king and saw how you said you wanted more simps of him so I started blasting
So may I humbly change the au into a poly with Alhaitham included? Cause there's just so much angst potential with the dynamic the three would have
Honorable mentions to my partner for being the reason I could come up with these cause he really is the Cyno to my Alhaitham
- Vagabond Anon
(related to this post)
Ah! Fellow Kasala simp gracing us again with content! *kneels and bows down to floor*
NO NO DON'T CROSS THAT OUT OMAYGHAD THAT'S ACTUALLY HHHHH I LOVE THAT SO MUCH, I IMMEDIATELY THOUGHT OF A SCENARIO like like what what if they didn't tell Cyno or he wasn't informed about it at all?
I was thinking since Eremites are into arts and Cyno's a stalker/lh he was watching them either dance or play a song with their Eremites gang (you know, the enemy idles) when their Eleazar suddenly acted up and he was quick to escort then back to Aaru Village. Reader is still apprehensive about him at this point of the relationship but they're starting to open up after realizing they might die soon.
"This whole reincarnation bullshit... are we really... fated to be together?" Cyno didn't answer as he adjusts your arm around his shoulder. Didn't have to, he knows you know what he would have said.
"If so," a cough from you finally pulled his focused gaze away from the glimpse of Aaru Village in the distance to look. The somberness of your expression took him aback, paired together with the fatigue from your sickness. It hurts to look at. "Am I also fated to leave you every time?"
I hate you, I hate you *adding on to to-do list* but but the flower thing looks so cute! I'm sorry I got distracted by the angst ahahah - I like to think that it's the new version of Padisarahs that Rukkhadevata made as a gift! Like the first of its kind! I'm also kind of a whore for the analogy that Kasala and Reader are also kind of parallels of King Deshret and Goddess of Flowers.
And as thanks to his most loyal priest, he blessed them with a love never ending. OMAYGHAD IMAGINE THIS EXTENDS TO A MODERN AU SKSJSKSKS *BANGING ON TABLE*
I would love a sandwich like that too but hhhh I can't really imagine it knowing that he was down bad for the Goddess of Flowers even till death, unless *strokes chin* He thinks that the Goddess of Flowers reminds him of you hmm, I did try and think of that pairing before but it wasn't really sfw haha,,,
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kotlc characters ranked best singers to worst
Keefe Sencen. He's just. Hhhh. Anson Seabra mixed with Shawn Mendez mixed with like. That one guy who sings "I don't want the world to see me because i dont think that they'd understand how everythings made to be broken i just want you to know who i am". I wrote a whole fanfiction about this.
Wylie Endal. Damn. Damn damn damn damn this kid can SING.
Marella Redek. No thoughts, she has this talent and she's never going to sing for you, she's highkey so embarassed about it.
Biana Vacker. Belongs in a musical. Whichever you think fits her best. But she's got the voice for musical theatre.
Glimmer Alenefar. She can sing fairly well. Hers is a voice for stairwells and echoey hallways.
Tam Song. No one can sing MCR like this kid. He's got a voice for emo music, and he's fun to listen to.
Fitz Vacker. Fine voice but was never trained in it at all and never liked the way it sounded. So he's got a bit of insecurity about the way he sounds. But his voice is decent, if you'd ever get him to sing.
Stina Heks. Lana Del Rey vibes but she doesn't practice enough to make it count for anything. She is off-key 20% of the time.
Linh Song. She's average. Not super good, not super bad, can carry a tune. She's got a voice for singing happy birthday to her best friends and humming bars of tv intros.
Maruca Chebota. Eeeeeeh. She's not horrible but she would rather die than sing unless she's in a huge group of people. She'd sing at a concert when no one can tell its her. that's it.
Dex Dizznee. He has a singing voice for written lyrics.
Sophie Foster. Again, wrote a fanfic about this, she's deplorable at singing. She's got a voice for the most embarrassing karaoke performance this week, and therefore she will not touch a microphone with a 39.5 foot pole.
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salaapaoo · 7 months
it's been a while since i've been on here!! I've been p busy w school >< but i got tagged !! by @fanfiction-artist-prototype for 20 questions!! 1. how many works do you have on ao3? I have 16! but a bunch of wips hidden in my docs hehe 2. what's your total ao3 word count?
144,014!! I feel proud bc it's been,,, almost a year since i started?? I haven't really had time to write lately though :<
3. what fandoms do you write for? hmm... only lcf so far, but i wanted to write for sss class revival hunter !! but i need to catch up and brain rot harder!!!
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
young master, you dumb bitch
puppy teeth
in the comfort of death
death's little reaper
teeny tiny trouble
5. do you respond to comments? why/why not?
I usually do!! I feel kind of bad tho bc I see comments and then tell myself that i'd just respond later, but then forget.... hhh i will respond to them eventually ;;
6. what's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hm.. there's only a few that are done... so i guess i'll say what i think will have the angstiest once i'm done?? I think it might be between mr forgettable, witcher's calamity, or comfort of death???
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
uhm.... i feel like a lot of mine don't really have happy endings??? hhh
8. do you get hate on fics?
no ! i'm really happy with that! i feel like the fandom is really nice tho heh
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind? :] yes,,, uh theres.. some out there
10. do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one?
i don't write crossovers hhh mostly because i would worry about trying to keep even more charas in character ;; brain too rotten w lcf
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of ??
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
yeah! i had one translated into russian!! that reminds me,, i should probably add a link to that to the summary or smth ghksjhg
13. have you ever co-written a fic?
hmmm officially on ao3, no, but i would consider a lot of my fics cowritten w my friends because would end up brainrotting together so hard that it would end up mostly written!! so if i end up writing it, i usually end up dedicating it to them or smth
14. what's your all time fave ship?
hmmm,,, im not too picky??? i usually like eating them all
15. whats a wip you want to finish but doubt you will?
hmm... im a bit worried about finishing comfort of death ?? i want to finish them all!! but for comfort of death i'm a bit worried because i know how i want it to end but the in between hhhh uughgggh having to connect it ughghghg we're still far out!!
16. what are your writing strengths?
my friend said that my writing felt nostalgic and like heheh that makes me feel proud!! smth abt how i desc scenes, so i think that's a thing i'm really proud of !!
17. writing weaknesses?
i think the fact that i don't like rereading is a big weakness because i'll read it again after a long ass time and then see so many errors!! I think i have a lot of run on sentences, too!!
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language? i don't think i'm too confident on writing dialogue in another language!! I would probably just put it in italics and say its being done hhh or if i do, then i'd want it checked by someone who speaks it
19. first fandom you wrote for?
20. fav fic you've ever written?
mmmm that's hard... but i think i'm really attached to like, teeny tiny trouble or maybe witcher's calamity? theres a few hidden ones that i'm actually really attached to !! i hope to have more time to write soon!!
@vveirdnobdy uuh,,, idk who to tag??? whoever wants to join?
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judjira · 8 months
did a quick study on the amount of fics ive done (not including tumblr drabbles) and
dayeon - six??? doesnt feel like six (altho i dont rly count a rose by any other name nor ogygian delights bc i havent written much for them lmao) conclusion: i need to write more bc dayeon dynamic is so HHHHHH my god
dajeong - ONE???? ok two counting ogygian delights BUT I HAVENT WRITTEN THEIR CHAPTER TOGETHER YET, SO ONE?!?!?!!!!??? my god,,,i just remembered i have this dajeong serial killer au and this has motivated me to actually finish it bc DAJEONG
dahmo - four ! ok i love dahmo n so does everyone else so im happy with this number lmao, i still have a dahmo oneshot on the backburner that ive written like .01 percent of HAHA oh well
saida - NINE WTF i swear how did i write so much for sana im not even that much of a saida stan HAHA i know its popular but i didnt think i wrote so much abt it. not that i have anything against saida they r so lovely <3
dahyo - TWO. TWO FICS ONLY. my god. i am a nuisance, a troublemaker, a rabblerouser, a hooligan. to ignore one of the BEST ships ever i swear dahyo guys. guys. GUYS. you have to listen to me. i am now putting s'agapo at the top of my priority list bc DAHYO MY FRIENDS DAHYO
mihyun - eight (or seven idk im bad at counting) mihyun has and always will be one of my favorite ships bc of the spirit of 1998 universe holy CRAP guys u need to read that if u havent, bc that fuckin fic sets the STANDARD for mihyun dynamics ugh i love it so much i love mihyun this is not the last u'll see of mihyun
dubchaeng - ONE but ok i have an explanation for this,,,i do love the dubchaeng best friend dynamic but lowkey its the only one i see? and for some reason, i have a rly hard time writing best friends to lovers (bc i broke up with the best friend i dated skl) but YES i will try to do this more bc i am reading a dubchaeng fic that is TOP TIER
datzu - two,,,two fics of datzu,,,im such a shit writer my god, but in my defense one of those two is jamais vu and jamais vu is a masterpiece. untouchable. which reminds me i rly need to get on that sequel,,,
i need motivation to write hhhh if u guys have any ideas u wanna send me or just talk abt any of these ships and dynamics, hit me up cus i need motivation and someone to speak my wormy rat brain thoughts to
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blazethecheeto · 8 months
what are your arrowverse rarepairs?
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okay so this is gonna be fun especially as i'm not sure what counts as a rarepair
lauricity (laurel x felicity) <- the first words she said to laurel was 'gorgeous laurel' ok she was crushing hard
shasladiver?!?! (shado x oliver x slade + please tell me if they have another name) <- domestic. cute. island. trio. before. the. incident. "what's the worst way your ship has ever died" "oh so slade fake-died and then oliver accidentally murdered shado and then he appeared just as she died and she never knew he was alive so he held her dead body in his arms as oliver was forever shrouded in guilt then slade became corrupted from a drug and oliver had to kill him too but he wasn't really dead and came back for revenge"
smoaksiren (siren x felicity) <- i already ranted about this one i LOVE THEM.
terrificdog (rene x curtis) <- they're so gay and chaotic x nerdy duos are the best even dinah agrees
constanqueen (oliver x constantine) <- why was constantine so flirty to him in that one episode they probably hooked up let's be honest
smoakingcanary (felicity x sara) <- 'YOU'RE STILL CUTE'
alicity (felicity x alena) <- they were actually adorable oh my god
lauryssa (laurel x nyssa) <- supposed to be canon you can't convince me otherwise
(gotta love how much felicity ships are in there girlie has chemistry with everyone)
coldflash (snart x barry) <- does this even count as a rarepair they're so popular i mean thematic parallels, red x blue, enemies to lovers, homo-erotic flirting
snowwest (iris x caitlin) <- lauricity coded also the entirety of 4x05
balph?!?! (barry x ralph) <- the entirety of s4. that's all.
blackfrost (frost x siren) <- they're each other in a different font just IMAGINE THE FUCKING POWER.
bulian?!? (barry x julian) <- enemies to lovers and just very sus moments in s3 that made me say 'hold up fruity'
killersnow (caitlin x frost) <- new ship but oh my god its growing on me they're smoaksiren in a different font
(gotta love how barry is half of them he's so shippable)
superwire (leslie x kara) <- dude they're so coldflash coded
agentreign (alex x sam) <- i still can't believe they're not canon
psiwire (psi x leslie) <- that one episode in s3. got me thinking thoughts.
superlane (kara x lucy) <- i shipped them so much in s1 oh my god
monwinn (mon-el x winn) <- bro has a thing for aliens
scholson (james x winn) <- nah bc this could lowkey work
superbat (kara x kate + is there another name?) <- kate was 1000% flirting with kara in the elseworlds crossover
coldatom (ray x snart) <- snart has a type and it's self-righteous red coded dark haired boys
lovebirds (kendra x sara) <- this was so unexpected but like hello they trained together and she got sara back from the league
timehex (jonah x rip) <- actually no way u can convince me they aren't exes
whiteatom (sara x ray) <- they're so sweet and they're the time parents and so underrated
steelatom (nate x ray) <- bromance.
hellcanary (sara x constantine) <- hhhh i could rant so much bro but they get each other and they are friends with benefits and both have ties to demons and can understand each other's hurt and are chaotic bisexuals and-
atomhawkcanary (sara x ray x kendra) <- they lived together for like a year ok things probably happened.
thanks for asking!!!! damn there's a lot lol
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chill-to-ill · 2 years
Oh man I haven’t written a sickfic in a minute and this is my first one for this blog but no time like the present right (pls let me know what you think I exist only on the Validation of others /j)
Dylan thought he was making the right decision.
If not the right decision, it was at least the noble one.
There was work to be done. There were projects to juggle and deadlines to meet. The echoing wail of an understaffed workforce wrapped around him until it was wrenching him from his bed that morning.
The fear of disappointment was enough to stay the swimming in his head, the tremor in the furthest points of his limbs. He was off, but he wasn’t down. That was the mantra of the morning, echoing and crescendoing until he found the strength to push through it all.
A strong will was marginally effective against the tidal force of a failing body.
The crux of that lesson came, perhaps, a bit too delayed, waiting until he was being lectured in his boss’s office to make its appearance.
Evidently, he was not faking it as well as he assumed he was. According to the powers that be, he was “barely functioning” and a “staff mass call out event waiting to happen”. The conversation with his boss was cut short by a poorly timed, wet spray of a sneeze that threatened the immunity of all in the immediate vicinity. In a hastened dismissal, said ill-fated boss urged him to “Stock up on supplies on your way home, I have a feeling you’re going to be down for the count for a while.”
Corinne was not addicted to work. In fact, she enjoyed her work life balance to the fullest degree—but working at the drug store and having an employee discount did make it hard to always avoid work on her days off.
She forgot her bag from last night with a desperately needed restocking of toiletries and Sage promised to keep an eye on it during her shift if she picked up an order of crepes from that place down the road that doesn’t open until after their morning shift starts.
The exchange was easy enough, Sage was working at the back of the store by the pharmacy and accepted the goods with eager hands and a hungry stomach, then returned yesterday’s purchased necessities.
On her way out, she couldn’t help but fall lock step in with her work routine. It was so automatic at this point to be normal would have felt unnatural. And of course, as her luck would have it on her day off—
Something caught her eye.
A man, standing in the medicine aisle. His shoulders sagged, posture poor and stance only stay enough to do be upright. He didn’t appear to be looking at anything. Instead, irritated eyes were glassed over and distant. There was color lacking from his face. His wispy hair wasn’t as disheveled as she would have expected, as if he put a semblance of effort into getting ready this morning against all odds. He was still wearing his suit, after all, even if he looked like he needed to be in his PJs.
He must have been gorgeous normally, because even in his weakened, pathetic state, he was adorable.
Corinne could have ignored the random man, but her curiosity and innate custom service abilities stopped her dead in the aisle.
“Hi,” she greeted, normal voice creeping into the upper register of the infamous customer service voice. “Are you okay?”
It took the customer a long second to recognize someone was with him and process her words. “I’m fine.” Or, at least, that’s what she assumed he said. What she really heard was Ahbfideg.
Corinne knew enough about her job and not enough about minding her business to let it go. Her curiosity was taken and she wasn’t interested in getting it back yet. “What are you looking for?”
“Not—hhhh. Not sure.” His nose twitched in between words, trying to keep whatever in it at bay. “Don’t—snnck—know which to get.”
Corinne reached into her bag of forgotten groceries and pulled out a well-timed tissue box. She cut the plastic film with her finger nail and held it out for him.
“No, s’okay, I don’t—hahh” his denial was cut short by a protest from his nose. Moving the fastest he had yet that day, he reached for the available tissue and clamped it to his face. “HaaTSSCxu—nn”
Corinne only had to hear it to know that could have been messy.
The man blew the remaining contents of his nose into the tissue, damp, wet squelching noises that never signaled an end.
She waved the tissue box slightly, a silent welcome gesture.
He complied and was able to at least quell the mess for the time being.
“I’m no doctor, but you sound awfully full of gook to me. What other symptoms do you have? Maybe I can help you find something that will work.”
He opened his mouth to protest but either decided she was right or was too out of it to remember what he was going to say.
Corinne saddled up next to him, perusing the piles of pills. “Something with a decongestant and an expectorant, preferably. Do you have a cough?”
“Dno.” He sniffed. “Not yet.”
“Well let’s hope it stays that way. Sore throat?”
He swallowed on impulse. “Was worse earlier.”
She thought about making a comment about how that should’ve been his first sign to seek help, but despite his cute face and endearing pathetic mess, she didn’t know him well enough to start ribbing him yet. “Aches?”
“Ugh,” he groaned.
“Head or body?”
“Fever?” Without waiting for an answer, she took the liberty of bringing a hand up to his face. “Check.”
“Don’t have a fever,” he protested.
“Oh honey, I didn’t even touch you and I could already tell that forehead is the perfect place to fry an egg.”
He pouted.
She lifted a hand again. “May I?”
He didn’t resist, allowing her to properly place a gentle hand on his forehead. Her fingers were delicate and cool to the touch, but his sensitive skin was unsure, deciphering whether to read the contact as ice or fire.
She carefully pulled away. “Like a sidewalk in Arizona.”
Corinne scanned the shelves with newfound knowledge. She picked out a couple products and handed them to him. “Take these, I’ll be right back.”
After a quick jaunt around the store, she turned with a handful of more items. “Figured you’ll need these,” she said, holding her findings out for him. “Just some water with electrolytes and more tissues because whatever supply you have at home is not going to be enough. Make sure you stay hydrated, okay?”
The man accepted with ginger hands. “Okay.”
She let loose a small smile. “I’m Corinne, by the way. I work Wednesdays through Saturdays, if you ever want to stop by when you’re feeling better. Maybe next year I can even convince you to get a flu shot.”
“Dylan. I…thank you.”
“Of course,” she giggled. “Happy to help. Are you going to be okay getting home?”
Dylan glanced at the items in his hand before looking back at her. “I will now. Thank you.”
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lelianasbitch · 2 years
Hello!! I'm new around here, I just wanted to say that I absolutely adore your fic oh my GODS.
Rewinding a bit, here I was, scrolling around Tumblr looking for something new to read. Then I stumble across your recent post about the latest chapter and was like hmmmm, this seems interesting. And a slow burn Donna fic no less! Just my cup of tea :)) Here I thought I'd read a couple of chapters after seeing the word count, but NOPE! YA GIRL READ IT ALL IN ONE SITTING. And when I say that was one of the best decisions I have ever made I mean it.
It's been too long since I've found a fic that caused me so much joy, so much agony, stress, anger, happiness all at once, and in the absolute best way possible. Your style of writing just makes the reader feel, like truly feel as though they were really that character in the story. And the way you capture all of the characters we all adore so much, ESPECIALLY Donna (Gods, the way you write Donna is so perfect I don't even know how to put it into words), it makes reading impossible to stop.
I could continue raving about this for eternity, its just so impossibly good. But I digress, keep up the absolutely marvelous work and writing dear author! As someone who also writes fics I am in awe at your work and look on with great admiration. Have a wonderful day!! (or night, its 3AM for me right now hhhh)
Hello!! Welcome!
BRUH!! YOU READ IT ALL IN ONE SITTING?? That's intense and some dedication . . . I appreciate that so much 😭 I hope you got some much needed rest afterwards!
I'm so happy that you enjoy my style of writing!! I just love Donna so much and she deserves happiness and she needed more love on Ao3.
Thank you for taking the time to write me an ask! All these nice asks and comments I've been getting make me wish I could instantly write chapter 13 and post it!
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rrxnjun · 2 years
OML OKAY i like john green too <3 i love looking for alaska. i recently read turtles all the way down and oof it hit really hard. next on my tbr is papertowns and then i’ll be done with all of his books (hi i’m obsessed with his writing style hkjg) and ooh i haven’t read any from j.d. salinger. the catcher in the rye is the only book of his i’ve heard of </3 i’ll check him out soon. YUSSSUH i love dystopian books too. dkfjg this just made me realise that they made up almost 60% of my life as a bookworm. the maze runner is my favourite out of all i’ve read !! the adrenaline rush it gave was unparalleled. i’ve also read hunger games, divergent, ready player one and a few more from the dystopian genre but i don’t remember them rn. also unless my physics books count for smth, no i’m not reading anything 😭😭 i was reading war storm by victoria aveyard (the red queen series.) and it’s going good but i’m taking a break bc exams </3
AHHH you play the guitar :0 ? THAT’S SO COOL and no idk how to play any instruments. i have literally no knowledge about instruments so sheet music is just, so weird for me even after a friend tried explaining it gdfgdf i learn classical music tho so i can sing to some extent 
OMG YESSS OVERDOSE IS JUST SO HGFKGF it just activates this part in my brain and makes me go grrr. YESS the playlist was literally me putting in my fave of fave songs so i’m glad you like it and kdjfhd i love going crazy too it was in my spotify wrapped’s top 10 last year. OKAYYY since exo is kind of sort of completely dormant rn there’s literally just crumbs and older content left for the fans </3. you can check out this channel and this video. warning: exo-l territory = crackzone NOT EVEN KIDDING this place is wild lmao. expect what you will from neocity’s sunbaenims <3 also lmk your bias so that we can collectively lose it all together <3
gosh i listened to all of fandom’s songs but i felt younger when we met still stays the fave (i said i loved you to death so i must be dead 🙇🏾‍♀️) easy to hate might be a second kjfgd it’s so. good. i’ve been playing it on loop too dfjhdjh 
oml pls i really needed to see that 🤧 tysm bar !! i really can’t wait to get into uni ngl i am excited for that. but it’s also slightly weird bc the last year of high school sentiments have finally started hitting and they’re hitting hard </3 it’s funny how we spend sm time with friends we’ve known like, forever, and don’t really treat every moment as smth special till it all comes to an end. ahh i was really planning on making the most of my hs years but pandemic decided to be a pain in the ass. nvm tho. 17 is weird and it feels like time’s running fast i do plan on making sm good memories 💪🏾
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THIS AGENDA IS GOING SO STRONG hfjgkdafgdja also oml i did notice that yn doesn't smoke around yangyang after that scene but thought that it was just me being delusional hhh i think ab that fic sm and yangyang just amplified that brainrot by doing this
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HEAD EMPTY NO THOUGHTS JUST HE KDJFHGDKF HGD laptop's dying from all the ss i took lol
also the dreamies concert 👀 .. hyuck... renj-?? ... cue my brain giving up
p.s. hihii this took me so long 😭 it’s exam season for like the next 2 weeks so the pressure is finally catching up w me also your words really meant a lot to me tysm for them <3 have a segci day/night and stay safe ily
I MISSED YOU !!!!!!!! im glad youre back 🥺🥺 looking for alaska and turtles all the way down are my most fav from john green!! paper towns was really beautiful and its my friends favorite,, however id say that amongst john green books, id put it somewhere in the bottom tbh. hope you enjoy it tho!! i had to read the catcher in the rye for my exams last year but i surprisingly enjoyed it so much its one of my most fav books now! also the fact that i read and loved all the dystopian books you mentioned 😩😩 taste.
i do play the guitar! not very well tho, i only know the basic chords hhhh so the yy fic was kind of self indulgent in a way LMAO but you can sing?? 😯😯 thats impressive. could never be me i absolutely suck AJJAJA
i will never skip overdose or monster when they come on shuffle theyre just THAT good. i listen to exo a lot recently bc of you😭😭 i watched the videos and WHY ARE THEY SO CHAOTIC i am in love w them SJJS feel free to send more content my way!!! i think my biases are baekhyun (expected) and chanyeol (also expected) 👀👀 literally tell me everything abt them im ready to listen. baek is very funny and chaotic and theres just something abt chanyeol that pulls me to him. i also like sehun tho! idk what this tells abt me feel free to psychoanalyze AHAHHA also kyungsoo is so funny i completely get why you ult him
17 went by so fast for me as well bro and the last year of hs even faster... to think that i didnt have prom bc of corona but i had exams that were cancelled 2 years in a row the previous years 💀 i hope you make the best out of your last year!! i start uni in a week and im shitting my pants its so scARY I DONT KNOW THE CITY OR THE PPL AND THIS GUY I MET ON A PARTY THAT I LOWKEY AVOIDED LIVES THERE AND HE KEEPS REACHING OUT TO ME THROUGH MY FRIEND AND HE ASKED IF I WANNA COME OVER AND NOW IM PANICKING EVEN MORE 😭😭😭😭
yangyang and me are soulmates. its confirmed. also youre not delusional at all it was intended!!! sjsj im honored to hear that you think abt my fic a lot but also YANGYANG UGH that sc !!! instant brainrot. i dont actually think he can play that guitar but its okay 😩😩😩😩
have a good day stay safe!! good luck with your exams i love u xx
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lostacelonnie · 2 years
penny for ur thoughts on bronya zaychik?
How I feel about this character: OH MY GOD SO MANY THOUGHTS. but the short version is my little scrunkle i love you to bits. also she was the first character i stanned after starting the game. bronya protection squad.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: bronseele obviously bc its so important to me. bronveli too.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: LOVE her relationship with kiana oh my god. there is nothing that quite screams siblings like these two do
My unpopular opinion about this character: i dont really think i have one??? fandom is generally correct about her, at least in my circles
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: i also dont know. honkai is well written. tho i WOULD love even more insight on how she perceives her role as the herrscher of reason bc chapter 27 gave me Feelings
Favorite friendship for this character: hhhh idk if it counts as a friendship since theyre also like siblings but roza and lili!!!
My crossover ship: i dont have one!
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toelessbastard · 4 years
#lowkey#yelling#bc people actually Saw It#SO MANY PEOPLE SAW IT#PROLLY BC IT WAS A POPULAR TAG BUT STILL#VOICE THING#seduces people to the spae fandom voa tiktok in desperate hope for more fanartists#mm oh this isnt just random uelling like normal#ig?#dumbass started crying for literally no reason other than i rllylove them?#like its#a thing thats common enough by now that i dont question it but idk#normally its lik3 3 hours from now that it happens#maybe todo love time came early? ?v?#iddkkk i stopped a bit ago#i dont thing ive ever mentioned it? but sometimes ill just start crying bc im lovemy friends so much??#a very often occurance especially when dummy gets stressed#no thoughts...head full love....#hhhh#todo has a rlly nice voice. and theyve me crack up like a glowstick more times than i count#which is. why i always get? shook? when they notice stuff i make for them? bc like. theyre someone i rlly look up to and admire???#and theyre like *here* and im like *there* and they so so so good ; ; and#and i dont get it and i dont think ill ever get it but theyre someone i treasure dearly?#theyve so many stories to tell so when they DO tell them its like. serotonin? i love you??#AND NOT EVEN JUST CREATIVE WRITINGS STORIES#LIKE. SHENANIGANS WITH THEIR FRIEND? AND WHEN THEY TELL PEOPLE THEY LOVE ILU WITH ‘THE VOICE’#AND WHEN WE PLAY DND THEY HAVE TWEETING BIRDS IN THE BG AND THEY HAVE THIS LAUGH WHENERVRE THE CHARAS ARE DOIN SMTH RLLY UD#MB?#and their content is so good? but when yOU MAKE THEM SMTH AND THEY COMMENT ON IT?? AND THEY L I K E IT???#AND THEY LET ME RAMBLE IN THEIR COMMENTS AB THEIR WORKs N ITS WACK BC. I USUALLY GETYELLED AT FOR IT BUT THEY LIKE IT? ilove thems omuch ;;
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mimiyoyos · 5 years
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Sir thats my emotional support war criminal-- 
or, Happy B-day Teru!
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