#hhhh why did i have to make so many friends with old people
allthecatsaregrey · 1 year
Till Death do we Part
I have a friend who is 74 years old. I love her very much, and she’s always been like a grandmother to me, I’ve known her since the day I was born. Of course, I’ve always known that she will die before me, it’s almost inevitable that I will outlive her. However, every time I am reminded of this, it never gets easier, in fact, I find it has only gotten harder. What will I do once she’s gone? She’s the only person I know in the city I live in. 
I’ve never been good at making friends with people my age, all my life my friends have always been older than me. I’m not sure why, this is just how I am. Unfortunately, that means that quite a few of my friends are at least 19 years older than me. At least twice my age. It seems my friend who is 74 is not the only one I will outlive. 
I find that I don’t know how to handle it. How do I cope with the fact that unless I put a stop to my own life it is almost certain I will outlive so many of the people I care about? I know someone has to be the last one standing, I know eventually there will only be one, but why does it have to be me? I am already feeling grief over people that have not yet died. 
This is probably why I’m so afraid of growing old. I don’t want to have to watch everyone around me leave me behind. I know it’s selfish, but I can barely even handle thinking about it, how am I supposed to handle actually experiencing it?
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chromotps · 8 months
Do you have any favorite acelu headcanons/tropes/dynamics?? All your works of them are so gorgeous and amazing and wonderful that it’s got me curious on what other thoughts you might have for them. (●´∀`)ノ♡
AHHH thank you!! From you, it means a lot--I love so many of the details and backstories woven into your works for them!! TwT
I barely know where to begin with this bc like. Everything about acelu is my favorite. But I've also sort of been in a brainrot for them for so long now that my brain is entirely mush when I even think of them. Where do I start???
I guess, I love all the Ace-Lives-related headcanons. Anything about him finding more of a sense of self after Marineford, now that he's reckoned with the fact that he really is unconditionally loved... I personally adore any storyline where Ace kind of mellows out, like, his life isn't about proving he deserves to exist anymore, so he isn't as unforgiving with himself. I actually wanna link this comment thread between me & @to-a-merrier-world bc the headcanon of Ace getting a Stawhat tattoo makes me go wild. It just makes so much sense—his Whitebeard tattoo was on his back as a sign of worth and labor and duty, but the Stawhat tattoo over his heart would place more emphasis on his joys and dreams and jusT gosh. I need to lie down. This idea also ties into your to be deserving fic and Ace allowing himself more like, purely whimsical adornment?? Especially if it's gifts from Luffy??? I can't quite word it now, but the way it could symbolize him just loving the parts of himself that aren't just for fighting makes me. weak. I think it's why I like drawing post-timeskip Ace ideas so much (I already have another sketch I'm planning to post 😂)
hhhh okay that was a lot of Ace Talk. On Luffy's side... tbh Luffy is always harder for me to pin down. But I always love the idea that he needed Ace as a kid just as much as Ace needed him. Like this hc (from another comment 😂)—"Ace needs someone to prove unconditionally that he's lovable, and Luffy needs someone to prove that his love is important, and not easy to abandon." tbh acelu reminds me of my old D&D character, where basically, she was always pretty cheerful and resilient, but felt isolated—like she was always too alien to really relate to others. But then, this other character loved her as she is, and I think Ace did something similar for Luffy in the end? Like, in a world where Luffy never got Ace, I wonder if he'd still be as emotionally secure and kind. Probably! But... ahhh. This hc is more indulgent, but I really love the idea that Ace helps Luffy remember who he is beneath all the power and bravery. Where most of the One Piece world loves Luffy for being a liberator and a fearless captain, Ace loved him before all that—when he was just a kid who loved to laugh and share a meal and marvel at the world.
Oh my goddd I'm rambling. uuuuhhhh there's so much more, I love both when people write Ace as cool and suave, but also when he's a giant lovesick dork... The enemies/annoyance-to childhood friends-to lovers trope works in every world, I'd love to see it in AUs as like a bodyguard + celebrity/royalty plot, or arranged marriage—or pretty much, any story where Luffy wins Ace over with his terrifyingly stubborn love. I also love the fact that their dynamic is so playful!!! If an acelu fic/art doesn't imply that they can—and love—laughing together, then it's out of character to me. 😂
I don't know... they just have it all.... the depth and "I would die for you" level of devotion. But also the ridiculous "we're two feral gremlins who dare each other to eat doritos soaked in mountain dew" shenanigans. It's that mix of both.
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dcjokerhs · 2 years
I'm in a fuzzle-brain-mode, so here! Floof!
(me, banging pots and pans: Come get y'all's floof!)
Phil, Wil and Tech all live together in the tundra with snow and cold winds and what have you, so Phil has a nest in his living room that all three like to snuggle in when not looking after the farm or galavanting off somewhere.
Thing is, Elytrans? A nest is up high in the hills, in the cold. A nest is just the warmest place in the house, so you can do whatever you want in there. Both Wil and Phil are cool with it, and Techno's kind, the pigmen, treated their Dens similarly, so it's no skin off their backs, either.
Now, Ranboo, Tubbo and Tommy all know about this kinda stuff from Wilbur and Technoblade (for the Bench Duo it's Wil, for Ranboo it's Techno) BUT THEIR OWN INSTINCTS ARE LIKE "Hm?? Nest???? Bunk??? FAMILY!!" because for Endfolk and Avians, a Nest is basically like a bed, and goats (from what little I've read, so don't take it as gospel) like having bedding at least a little higher than ground level in the form of a bunk, which is where they feel safest, so having someone else there? It's Family.
So the SBI trio are oblivious to the BanchTrio being like "Do we want them as family? They invited us to their nest as Friends, why's we feeling like calling them family?" "Technically we are family, because Phil adopted Tubbo, who's married to Ranboo, and Wilbur basically adopted Tommy as his brother?" "But ARE THEY??"
What result do we have?
Oblivious SBI with Protective Bench Trio.
Ranboo is bringing them Gifts like "I found this and it reminds me of you guys."
Tubbo's always asking them if he can help out, if they ask about paying him, he'll say "gimme a hug and I'll call it even" and HE DID NOT MEAN TO FIND OUT THAT TECHNOHUGS ARE GOOD HUGS, BUT THEY ARE!!
Like, Wilbur's hugs feel kinda firm, kinda soft, and Wilbur likes hugging around your shoulders so he can sometimes put a hand in your hair in that way that's semi-protective but not.
And Phil's hugs Just Surround You, like, he uses his Arms AND Wings so it's like Full Dad Vibes that make you feel safe and warm
It's like you're both a child and an adult, with thick arms gently hugging under your arms, lifting you up slightly, not enough to be on tippy-toes, but enough to make you feel like you're something precious and worthy in the arms of someone old and worn and HHHH (/pos)
Then there's Tommy.
And Tommy? He likes acting all independent and stuff, but he'll quietly see one of the SBI guys heading off by themselves, and he'll slip over to their side like "We're having an adventure together now".
This means, for when Phil and Wil go into town? Into the SMP to talk to people and trade?
"It don't bite."
And Tommy is "totally just watching, Phil. Idky they're getting upset, it's just little old me!"
And Wilbur finds it adorable, and Phil finds it kinda amusing and a little flattering that this zygote thinks he needs to protect him, the Angel of Death.
And the one time Tommy accompanies Techno?
"Tech, why are you and Tommy covered in mud?"
"It was a small skirmish."
"Uh-huh? And how many bones were broken in that skirmish?"
"Uhhh... None of mine, nor Tommy's."
"Cool... Did you at least buy more cocoa?"
"Oh, yeah, sure, here ya go!"
This ends in Adoption! Obviously, but which way it happens?
Well, depends how dark you want it, LOL.
Cause I have two ideas:
One? Phil Finally has enough, sits everyone at the kitchen table and asks about it. The Trio reluctantly own up, and by this point it's just adorable to the SBI, so they're like "you're already family, you don't need to do anything for it" and then they end up adding a little extension on so the boys don't end up sitting in Ranboo's with puppy eyes over the SBI Nest, LOL.
Well, Snowcester is still a thing, and they could always pay Foolish for an extension...
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OK ok. many things 2 say. i just woke up and read ur answer so bare w me i have a lot
first of all. yeah people really fuck with malons character and the tropes they stick to her are boring at best and misogynistic at worst and it makes me Very Upset. shes one of my favs and shes actually rlly interesting if u squint (im abt to make 2 posts abt that lol) but noooo shes Time's Wife and The Boys Mother and nothing more . when it comes to Time L/U its weird bc it takes the heroes shade into account (which is fine! it is canon!) but imo the heroes shade completely fucked her character to shit and disregarded her entire story of oot and mm and. hhhh. i dont like that version of her becoming the Main Interpetation. please stop making her a brooding asshole please consider her as shes written pleaaaase 🙏🙏
i dont blame u for finding oot and mm dull. theyre long and old and not quite story-heavy as sksw and botw but im just insane about its themes and characters so if u ever have questions i can prolly answer them (and itd make me super happy lmao 🕺💃)
i didnt even know the shortened names were a completely fanon thing what !! hell world ig aaaagh
and OK THANK YOU!!!! there is a MASSIVE difference between tired and sleepy and he is TIRED if anything !!!!!!!! the entire game is about how devoted link is to saving zelda that it caused the reincarnation cycle OF COURSE HE WOULD BE TIRED. OF COURSE HE WOULD SACRIFICE SLEEP FOR THE SAKE OF HER. OF COURSE!!!!!!!!! i will say that there is this interesting thing w sksw in that, like... you start out being told link is someone who is very carefree and almost lackadaisical. he lives with his head in the clouds and takes things at his own pace and he likes to stop and smell the roses and whatnot (see: everything zelda says at the beginning of the game abt him not practicing and not rlly taking it seriously and etc etc etc). hes too late to see her at the forest temple and impa tells him he was too late to SAVE her and THEN we get that iconic "am i late?" "no. youre right on time." scene, and then it ends w ghirahim saying hes "far too quick" at the end of the game. what im getting at is that hes trying so, so hard throughout the game to be the hero zelda needs, and he gets better and better and better (albeit at his own expense). i DO think the impa scene was the major turning point and fucked up his view of himself ("why would i need to take care of myself when she still needs to be saved?") but point is. he is trying so hard. yes hed be tired and itd almost certainly be self imposed but sleepy? LAZY??? did you play the game past the opening .
you and me have the same brain abt sksw link i think. no more sleepy soft sweetheart link i want sksw link with a good heart who is still ultimately so sooo tired and weary bc he is putting everything he is into saving his friend but who also wont pass up the opportunity to fuck with people or wreck shit if he wants to.
ok sorry for the long messages. Why am i not following you what hang on
Dang :/ you really can't have anything in this place, huh? (Also I'd love to hear what you have to say on the hero's shade (even if its just in the context of lu), because I do quite like him (although the version that exists in my head is admittedly a bit-- different))
It's not that I don't want to watch it its just that I know after about three hours I'll be giving up (yeah I can replay a game I've already finished three times for six straight hours but GOD FORBID I try to watch a new show or listen to a podcast :/)
Yeah the names are shortened. yall could've been creative at least? It feels like it reduces them down even further, if that makes sense
YES he's getting faster and faster but at what cost!! Buddy you're going to make yourself sick!!! Take a break once in a while!!! (I say while actively writing several fics in which he Does Not Take A Fucking Break)
At this point sksw link simply has no shits left to give. Like yeah he'll help people but. Wouldn't it just be so much easier to give this love letter away as toilet paper? And also like I know it's just restrictions on how many words they can get in the boxes. But he seems like a pretty blunt guy. I think someone who's a quote unquote "soft sweetheart" would at least be willing to use more than three words at a time (and he wouldn't walk closer to better hear a private conversation, cough, pipit and his mom, cough, and then lie about it)
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panlyv · 2 years
Hi! I'm new to watching bl, I'm just starting now with eclipse, do you maybe have any rec? Like shows that you really like with good acting and a good plot? (I love misteries/sci-fi/thrillers but I'm open to more lighhearted genres too) I'm asking because recs I found online are too generic and I wanted to see the persective of someone who actually watches shows! 🌼
hi there anon! welcome to the hell that is blblr! hope u can enjoy ur time here and steer clear of dumb discourse most of the time, and the eclipse is honestly a great first show!!!! i personally loved the eclipse from when it was announced in 2021 bc i love khaotung since forever and i was sooo ready for his main character redemption era (u don't wanna know why he needs one tbh), and the plot seemed amazing—and it was! i really hope u can enjoy it as much as i did and go through the rollercoaster of emotions akkayan will take u on, i love them a whole lot<33
as for show recs, ive been out of the loop on everything bl this year bc im a uni student and i work two jobs, i don't really have the time and energy anymore so i might not be able to talk about more recent shows, but there's still a handful of good bls i can rec u!
one of my personal faves is theory of love because 1. i adore gun to the moon and back, he's a phenomenal actor and he did an amazing job in this series; 2. the story is great! friends to lovers with a lot of angst is just MWAH; 3. THE SOUNDTRACKKKK!!!! fake protagonist THE bl ost of all time!; 4. i loooove all the movie references in the show. all that said though, tol does have its fair share of issues (like poorly written female characters) but overall it still is a good show imo!
i dont think the bl sphere has many shows in the genres u mentioned but we have a couple of supernatural plots like he’s coming to me (dude meets this ghost and falls in love with him and the show is super cute and sad at times but if u think too much about it its creepy lmao), until we meet again (hhhh maybe not supernatural but the whole concept is soulmates and red threads of fate and it’s VERY angsty), the untamed (i personally never finished it helppp but its a very good show and it has a lot of ~magic~), the movie the blue hour which is IMMACULATE, its so good, its horror/thriller, it has gun and oab and its GAY ugh its really really good i love it so much AND ITS DIRECTED BY A TRANS WOMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!
other shows that i really enjoy but that are romcoms more than anything (with angst bc i looooove angst): gaya sa pelikula (filipino, probably the best bl of 2020, absolutely incredible), old fashion cupcake (jpn bl about two dudes who work together and deal with growing old, its v v good! established adults!), cherry magic (jpn bl, SO cute and wholesome, dude turns 30 but because he’s still a virgin he gains the power of reading people’s mind. doesnt make much sense but its def worth ur time!), 2gether/still2gether (a classic, a staple, the show that popularized thai bls worldwide. looking back its an ok show, nothing much, but it is very cute if u wanna turn ur brain off), we best love (taiwanese, ONLY SEASON ONE, i love this show so so so much it gave me such a huge brainrot)
now more heavy/sad shows: i told sunset about you (THE artsy bl we all needed, bkpp KINGS, storytelling 11/10, amazing), history3 trapped (one of my personal faves, again established adults god bless, dramatic and dynamic, main couple’s chemistry thru the roof, fifi!!!!), a tale of thousand stars (very angsty but also very beautiful)
the next two aren’t bls but i have to talk about them because they are great and i love themmmm. 3 will be free, deals with class disparity, has strong female leads, trans characters, bi characters, gay characters, polyamory, beautiful cinematography, def should watch! and the gifted/the gifted graduation. not gay bc it barely has any romantic storylines but very interesting concept, v v thriller-y and good acting!!! s2 disappointed but s1 is mwah and my url is from the gifted bc im a clown and pang and wave ARE gay and ARE in love and ARE dating thank u!
ive also heard about ghost host ghost house but haven’t had the time to watch it yet, seems very cute and i think it has some supernatural elements? cant confirm but ill try to watch it next week during my break so maybe ill update u on it later!
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chaosintheavenue · 4 years
Fallout Survey Results!
There were 69 responses this time around, aaand the results are in. This was a really random survey mostly based on pure curiosity, so make what you will of the results!
Without further ado, let’s get into it...
Which Fallout games have you played? 
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Which did you play first? 
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Which game is your favourite in terms of gameplay? 
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Which game is your favourite in terms of lore?
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By the way, that one ‘other’ vote was my own, for Van Buren. If I had to stick to the canon games, I’d have gone with New Vegas, 100%.
Are they canon?
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Van Buren:
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Where would you LIKE the next Fallout game to be set? 
Here’s a map of how many times each state was specifically mentioned, because I'm a map nerd.
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Top answer: Florida
It’s pretty clear that, as one respondent said, the people want swamp Fallout!
Other countries mentioned: Canada, Mexico, China, Australia, Cuba, UK
A few people just said the US in general for this and the next question, usually when their answer to the other question was a different country. I wasn’t really sure how to categorise that in terms of the way I chose to display the results, so I’ve left them out.
Where do you THINK the next Fallout game will be set? 
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Top Answer: New York
Other countries mentioned: Canada
A lot of people mentioned that they expect previous locations to be re-used, but didn’t specify which.
Favourite character
Arcade Gannon: 17 (a lot of my Fallout mutuals are Arcade stans, so there was probably a bit of bias here, but still, an impressive victory for Arcade!) Nick Valentine: 5 Craig Boone: 4 Rose of Sharon Cassidy: 4 Joshua Graham: 3 Raul Tejada: 3 Veronica Santangelo: 3 Fawkes: 3 Deacon: 2 John Hancock: 2 Courier Six: 2 Benny: 2 Lily Bowen: 2 Folks who got one vote: Goris (aside: THANK YOU for making me look up who this is, I have been blessed), Charon, John Henry Eden, Butch Deloria, Irving Gallows, X6-88, Harold, ED-E, Preston Garvey, Ronald Curtis/Picus, Cait, Gob, Ulysses and RJ MacCready
Least favourite character
Vulpes Inculta: 10 Shaun/Father: 8 Caesar: 7 Strong: 5 Paladin Danse: 4 Piper Wright: 3 Craig Boone: 2 Legate Lanius: 2 Parker Quinn: 2 Daniel (from Honest Hearts): 2 Jericho: 2 And the list with one vote: Antony, Mortimer, Three Dog, Princess, Dean Domino, Myron, Cait, Roger Maxson, Arthur Maxson, Justin Ayo, Colonel Autumn, Joshua Graham, Colin Moriarty, Aaron Kimball, Alistair Tenpenny, Ulysses and Robert Edwin House
Favourite faction
Followers of the Apocalypse: 30 (holy moly lol) New California Republic: 7 Minutemen: 6 Railroad: 5 The Kings: 4 Yes Man: 4 Brotherhood of Steel: 4 Caesar's Legion: 2 Enclave: 2 The Institute: 1 Great Khans: 1 Westside: 1 Megaton: 1 Ghoul settlements in general: 1
Favourite DLC
Old World Blues: 14 Dead Money: 12 Nuka World: 9 Far Harbor: 7 Lonesome Road: 6 Honest Hearts: 6 Point Lookout: 5 Broken Steel: 3 Operation Anchorage: 1 Mothership Zeta: 1 The Pitt: 1
When you think of a chem that removes addictions, which comes to mind first? 
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When you think of Harold, which version of him do you picture? 
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The fate of cats
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New Plague symptoms
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Does Duncan MacCready have the New Plague?
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Are any characters secretly synths?
The synth-accused: Sole Survivor, Ulysses, Easy Pete, most birds, Travis Miles, Courier Six, Colter, Deacon, Mr House (’just for fun’), Piper, and many settlers in general
Also, @ respondent that I’m pretty sure was @hiscotti-biscotti​... 👀👀👀
Which New Vegas ending would you pick to be canon?
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And finally, a handpicked selection of the gushing comments (got a bit long because there were so many I liked too much!)...
I wish they made the main quest harder to acces and finish, or to have more step to it... because once I played it one the experience wouldn't be the same. It so amazing discovering new location and being like 'I'm gonna explore that' so damn good.
The fallout franchise has one of the most beautiful heavy lore ridden world I've ever seen
I love the theme of change in the west coast trilogy and how strongly it contrasts the game's moto of "war never changes". I love how you can look at the changes to the NCR from shady sands to the republic but I also love how you can look at the Khans. People and factions do change, but waging war over petty dramas never does, you can escape it, but only if you admit you were wrong and change for the better.
I love the world and the characters. There is always some fucked up shit in the past that has a chance of snowballing into worse shit in the current time, like the  cazadores and the new plague. And when characters are written well, they have a chance of being the coolest part of the games, like with Nick Valentine/Hancock or any of the characters of New Vegas.
When things get creepy it's wonderful. More in the vein of Dead Money or the Glowing Sea please!
I love how in NV the apocalypse isn’t just the end of everything. There’s still culture! There’s towns! There’s just people vibing! It feels less like the apocalypse and more like a developed area that is experiencing a war. People moved on after 200 years. Because that’s what people do.
The hopefulness of rebuilding.
oh my god i love arcade gannon so much i dont know why but i am literally about to start studying latin at uni because of him.
Can I just say I love how fnv gave us LGBT characters without making the fact that they're lgbt their entire personality.
I can go through abandoned buildings without getting arrested.
I love that it's helped me make so many new friends and has reignited my creative drive.
Say what you will about robot fetishists but Fisto was the greatest thing to happen to the series. A true icon and reminder of wonderful writing and character design. They may say you can't make a flawless character, but I say "look at Fisto". Don't boo me, I'm right.
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meibemeibelline · 4 years
highlights from that 32k word doc i wrote when i marathoned gazette’s songs (2002-2007)
Some quick notes:
This is a combo of thoughts on music, lyrics and sometimes just funny things I found while I was hurriedly typing at 11pm listening to these songs. Not every song will be featured in these, sorry
At times I directly quote translations and when I do I’ll specify who I’m quoting, but just so you know first they are all either Defective Tragedy, Heresiarchy or Trauma Radio
Also, I’m planning on writing some longer essay-type things with these notes so there might be some things I skip over (such as a recurring theme in their songs) bc I want to use them elsewhere
CONTENT WARNING FOR LYRIC DISCUSSIONS: suicide (Ganges ni Akai Bara). i will bold the title so you can skip it if you want. it’s one paragraph long
HHHH this is already 2k words but anyway hope u enjoy my ramblings
 “I’d have to take a break from feminism to appreciate [Akai One Piece]”
“His delivery is still highly emotional and [Okuribi] overall is really emotional. Like the fact you can still hear and FEEL the sheer bittersweet feelings (mostly sadness) of someone you love passing away is like...really telling of 2002 gazette’s potential”
(Doro Darake no Seishun) “Bitch Aoi and Uruha are serving LOOKS like the red tartan blazer with the black shorts???? And Uruha with the red tank top and the pleather skirt with the garters THE OTHER GIRLS WISH THEY WERE HIM”
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(Haru ni Chirikeri, Mi wa Kareru de Gozaimasu) “it’s about a flower that’s in love with a one-winged butterfly, and i imagine the point is that even though they sing songs for each other, they’re just so different that they don’t understand each other and they can’t be together. and they’re just...fated to end, and maybe try again next spring. and you can see that in human relationships too.”
“Akuyuukai i think is such a significant turning point musically like i just FELT a significant shift where they were really painting with their music and having it be more closely connected with the lyrics”
“[Linda Candydive Pinky Heaven] is a happy and fun song!! it’s doro darake no seishun’s cuter and cooler older sister. this also gave me a lot of serotonin and i’m glad this is a classic. it’s also this band’s first fan song (or closest to a fan song) and i think it’s quite meaningful because they were picking up as a band and were starting to really connect with people which is always so so great. and i think it’s cool that many songs before this were fun songs to jam out to but linda is specially DEDICATED to that. it’s so carefree and i think like...this is the exact thing many musicians love about performing and what fans love about concerts. it’s the escapism and just the SPACE to be yourself and have fun. it’s so freeing.”
(Black Spangle Gang) “I can’t believe GazettE were doing 2005 Miyavi before Miyavi did 2005 Miyavi”
(The Murder’s TV) “I think it’s cool how playful they make it sound -> like a creepy show that kids might see and the last chorus is pretty good. it’s a bop AND THE BASS AND GUITAR SOLOS SLAP. The lyrics are really interesting too and I LOVE the way Ruki embodies them with his voice”
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“The composition on Kawareta Haru, Kawaneru Haru is actually SO good (and the costumes are fucking ICONIC). And Ruki is STILL getting better at singing. The chorus is melodic and the effects on the guitar just go so well like I think the others (probably since Akuyuukai actually) have been really getting to play with all sorts of effects on their instruments to make this new variety of sounds which is super rad. AOI SOLO SUPERIORITY BTW.”
“Indie gazette really love their key changes in the bittersweet songs in the last choruses.”
“Comparing the lyrics of [Sumire] to many of the last ‘goodbye’ songs, there’s a lot more imagery and scene-painting as opposed to like, just direct thoughts and feelings. And that’s really Ruki developing as a writer, I think, as his lyrics are becoming more subtle and open to different interpretations which is super cool! Like this is really him finding his voice and I know he’s going to be doing more of this over the years.”
“I LOVE MISEINEN SO FUCKING MUCHHHHH. I can only begin to imagine just HOW significant this song is for Ruki. This is him acknowledging his weaknesses and his flaws, looking around him and seeing the people he has, he writes about what he’s afraid of, he writes about how he’s going to change and move forward, what is MOST VALUABLE to him. This is A LOT. This is A LOT for anyone. It is a song about GROWTH – how he wants to grow yet is terrified of change, but even so is going to do it with the help of his support system. This is EVERYTHING. It’s raw and brave and so very beautiful. It has Wakaremichi and BEST FRIENDS energy. These three songs are best friends. And also like, for the last couple of releases Ruki’s been doing lots of wordplay and metaphors and using euphemisms, but this set of lyrics is just completely honest and STRAIGHT FROM THE HEART. Like, there ARE metaphors and symbols but he’s talking COMPLETELY about himself and his FEELINGS. I get emo whenever I listen to this song.”
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(Carry?) “Apparently it’s about Frankenstein’s monster, so I guess this is another Concept Song. So this explains the flat vocals – the monster is undead but also…very sad and confused about what it is and its place in the world. ISN’T THAT ALL OF US ON SOME LEVEL…HAHA…”
“Zakurogata no Yuutsu is that 2010 fb meme where someone sees their partner right before going into a heart surgery only to wake up to find they’re gone and the doctor is like ‘omg who do you think gave you the heart😔’”
“WHAT THE FUCK WHY DID I SLEEP ON HANAKOTOBA. THIS IS AOI SONG SUPERIORITY. THE GUITAR SOLO IS ALSO GORGEOUS. Also love what he did with the melody getting higher in the end when the narrator questions the existence of the love they lost. AND THEY DIDN’T RESOLVE THE FUCKING CHORD PROGRESSION OHHH MY GODDDD BECAUSE “I’LL WITHER AWAY, NEVER KNOWING THE ANSWER” //THROWS. THESE GENIUSES. THIS IS THE BEST SONG ON THE ALBUM SO FAR AND THAT’S👏ON👏AOI👏SUPERIORITY👏Also I know that, literally, Hanakotoba is a flower on the side of the road but LISTEN. This is a soul that just wants love...This is the anthem for us lonely invisible bitches <3 This song has the MOST yearning. Thank u Aoi for my life. Like he is TRULY the composer with the most emotionality.”
(Tokyo Shinjuu) “I LOVEEEE THE BASS. This has a very old, classic Japanese style and it’s just…so good. You can really hear it in the melody. Also there’s just something SO feminine about it and I KNOW it’s that classic Japanese sound and like…god I love this gender bending with music. I adore the guitars too I think there’s such a good balance between them.”
(Shichigatsu no Youka) “I love how the lyrics are between sections too – the most emotional parts are in the big, emotional chorus, and the verses are more mellow when the narrator is sort of…more detached and Not Crying… The guitar melodies are really pretty and the solo is just GORGEOUS. It’s such a bittersweet song as well (god GazettE just do bittersweet EXTREMELY WELL) like bruh…already being sad over a breakup and OH DOUBLE WHAMMY THEY’VE MOVED ON like. Ruki sweetie I’m so sorry.”
[a rant about how I know Saraba is well-meaning and is about the peace and unity of a nation and is EXPLICITLY anti-war which I can definitely appreciate but my Chinese ass was just NOT having the whole painting the Japanese army as heroes deal]
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“COCKROACH SLAPS. Love that he reframes being compared to a cockroach as like, resilient (I’ll never break through -> I want to believe I’ll break through), and he’s embracing his crudeness and taking a huge dose of PHUCEMOL.” (Cr: Defective Tragedy)
(Sugar Pain) “God Aoi’s intro though………..I HATE THE BREATHING SO MUCH. No I’m actually really angry right now why is it actually good. YOU’RE NOT ALLOWED TO BE GOOD.” (I then had to stop after the first chorus for obvious reasons)
“Idk why the first thing I thought of when Bite to All started was ‘yeehaw’…[Also] I hate how I know exactly who is screaming at the end and when.”
“BTS 🤝 GazettE Gunshots in songs”
[My personal interpretation of Nausea & Shudder is not that it’s about the pressure of being true to oneself in the face of success, but rather that success itself is not what Ruki expected it to be and he’s figuring out how to navigate that and move forward. It is also just a really good set of lyrics.]
“There’s just a hopelessness that’s so profound in [Bath Room]. Like if depression was a song IT WOULD SOUND A LOT LIKE THIS… Up until this point this is the Darkest song AND WE’RE ONLY GONNA GET DARKER FROM HERE *sweats in DIM*”
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“I love these unsaid words Ruki leaves in the booklets. Adds layers and messages for the listener (usually of hope)”
(Silly God Disco) “After reading the lyrics I love this song soo much more. Like it’s actually really nice to think about dancing and living life because you have rock music and it makes you happy. Also the FUNK. The flavour. Not only that, but the way Ruki SWEARS he will live happily, without fear, and always moving past pain and towards freedom and glory. And he INVITES the listener with him. This is just SO nice.”
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“I think it’s interesting that like…for an album that is sort of Known to be depressing as hell, there are quite a lot of songs about resilience and just…living and moving forward. Depending on what the rest of the albums are about, NIL might actually be, weirdly, the one with the most hope in it.”
(Worthless War) ““Do you shoot first so you won’t get hurt? / Do you call that sort of thing ‘justice’” damn Worthless War spilled. This sounds like a whole lot of anxiety surrounding war, and a very strong criticism against the government for caring more about power than people. Even though violence is despair, he also says that this age of political tension and FEAR is also despair. And he is correct. Ruki: ALSO THE EARTH IS DYING???” (Cr: Defective Tragedy)
(Rich Excrement) ““Lyric killer is erectile dysfunction” + “Biters should check it out too” -> you’re a limp dick who rips off other people’s work I AM SCREAMINGGGGGG.”” (Cr: Defective Tragedy)
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(Crucify Sorrow) “The main metaphor here is someone who is an insect with a broken shell – an empty person. With depression, probably…And I cannot help but think about Utsusemi, in which he uses this EXACT metaphor to describe himself and his own depression, his loneliness and his desire to disappear. Was this a coincidence??🤔”
(GANGES NI AKAI BARA) “I really like this song – music and lyrics both. Like even though it’s sad that the girl was in a lot of pain, kills herself and is condemned by her church, the narrator bringing her to Ganges and doing a sacred ritual for her so that she can find salvation is actually really really kind and meaningful??? Not only because it’s an act of kindness but also because the pain she was experiencing was emotional/mental (with the constant tsu-tsu-tsura-tsura-tsurai), salvation could relieve her soul from exactly that.” (Apparently Ruki said the narrator is Buddhist but in the context of the song Hindu makes more sense, so I’m just going with that)
(Calm Envy) ““If you could love even these words I’ve thrown your way / I could keep trusting only you as you stand in front of me / It hurts every time you bring up the past you’ve suddenly shown me / I want to love even that empty space where I don’t exist / I’ll wipe away my tears so you wouldn’t notice them / So don’t smile in front of me anymore than this” – SHUT UP THIS SHIT IS REALLY UNCONDITIONAL BUT THEY’RE TIRED OF BEING HURT. GOODBYE. GOODBYEEEEE.” (Cr: Heresiarchy)
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(Circle of Swindler) “Ruki writing "how much do you buy us for? let's negotiate [the] value of pain" in circle of swindler to demand respect and acknowledgement of his worth from the higher ups of the music industry because it's the music born from his pain that's making their money is Quite sexy” (Cr: Defective Tragedy)
“[Stacked Rubbish] is about the baggage we have, the baggage we give each other, the Errors we make precisely because we are People who have souls. I think the point (of this album being like an anthology) is that everyone could find something in this album that speaks to them.”
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ruensroad · 5 years
hhhh i love all your writings, each time you post a prompt, I'm like "wtf I need a follow up in the universe" like the empath!cop!JC, neeeeeeeeed. T-T Also, your xicheng fic with baby JL is one of my fav. (Xicheng ? AND Nephew/Uncle feelings, the best) can you do prompt 46 or 58, please ? or even one prompt that you'd really liked to be requested xD
Ahhh wow thank you so much! I put this in the empath!cop!JC verse for you :D and sprinkled in some adorable nephews!
Prompt is from this list here.
Prompt 46 & 58 | “I can beat you up, you know that right?” & “You’re never this quiet, what’s wrong?” | Xicheng (+ Nie Mingjue)
In many ways, being dead wasn’t all that bad. Besides the rather annoying one-sidedness of it all, Nie Mingjue would admit there were worse things to dying and refusing to cross over. He got to watch over who he wanted, and haunt who he wanted, and had even learned to push things over, which was more fun than it had any right to be.
The bad part wasn’t that he was dead, but that no one else seemed to know it. The media deemed him a missing person, his brother and his friends under the impression he’d just up and left them. And that made him angry, because surely they knew him better than that. Surely they’d see the snake in the grass and know something bad had happened.
It’d been over two years and his body had not been found. The police had stopped looking, his brother had moved on with his life. Huan had finally started writing his music again and Meng Yao had gotten away with murder.
That was the worst part. Not that he’d loved the man, trusted him, been so blind. But that he’d been killed and Meng Yao had slipped through suspicion like oil over water.
The first months, Nie Mingjue had resolutely spent his time going back and forth between Huan and Huaisang, half afraid Meng Yao would try to weedle into their vulnerabilities and plant himself like a weed. But then Huaisang had moved in with a roommate who had a guardian ghost, and a very protective one, and though the dramatic spirit spoke the most archaic Chinese Nie Mingjue had ever heard, they’d managed to find common ground in their want to protect Huaisang.
And with his brother protected best he could be, it gave him leave to watch over Huan and hope for a resolution to his case before Meng Yao used his charms on Huan and their friend ended up with a bullet to the face the way Nie Mingjue had.
But since the reopening of his case by a cold case detective, Huan had gone into a weird mood. One that shifted this way and that and he didn’t seem to understand why. Nie Mingjue knew a crush when he saw one, given how often Huaisang had fallen in and out of love with people, and wished Huan could hear him laugh. Because of course Huan would fall for a bad boy, just as Nie Mingjue told him he would.
He wouldn’t say he was pleased that Huan wanted Detective Jiang. He was a good man, Nie Mingjue could see that readily enough, but he wasn’t exactly pleasant to be around. He was cutting, and fierce, and competent, independent to a fault and rigidly stubborn. Even his ability to see and talk to Nie Mingjue wasn’t quite enough to overcome his unease with it all, but even he’d admit the asshole was growing on him. And he was a friend to Huaisang, which was something Nie Mingjue would always account for. His brother was smarter than he allowed people to know. If this prickly man was a friend, then there was a damn good reason for it, so Nie Mingjue did his best to cooperate with him, even if he was terrible at following orders.
Huan would laugh to see them bicker, but as it was he was sitting at his studio sighing, pencil tapping on his desk, eyes unfocused on the sheet music. He’d been writing a new song after nearly a year of not touching his scores and it was clearly fighting him. Nie Mingjue had never seen him distracted to this extent and it worried him that Meng Yao might be the reason for it. 
“You’re never this quiet,” he murmured, knowing he would not be heard, but unable to help himself. “What’s wrong?”
He’d found, during his afterlife, that answers were easy to find if he tried hard enough. Feeling for things, like studying a map too hard and feeling the eyes start to strain forward. He did that then, focusing on the music sheets, and felt a soft pull to the title written across the top. Wanyin. Night poetry. Artistic and vague, as Huan always was, and he snorted.
“That’s for Detective Jiang, isn’t it?”
Somehow he knew it was true, even if he couldn’t get the answer straight up, and moved over to the door to peek out the window into the hall. It was close to time for the lesson bell and Lan Zhan would be ushering out his brightest pupil, a young boy named Wen Yuan who’d taken up guqin after watching a performance. His adoptive father, one Doctor Wei, happened to be Detective Jiang’s brother and could see Nie Mingjue too. The boy, thankfully, could not, which was a relief. He could not control what form those who could see him would be, after all, and the last thing he wanted was to scare an innocent child to death. Detective Jiang had seen him with a bullet in his face. Doctor Wei had seen the dirty, discarded body.
He himself saw what he wore the night he died. His favorite jacket, his old army boots, comfortable jeans. The softest shirt he owned that he didn’t actually like that much, but Meng Yao had adored it.
In the end, he’d put three holes in that shirt, a hole in his face, and shoved his body into a hole three feet deep and covered in concrete. It was little wonder he still hadn’t been found.
The bell rang overhead, finally snapping Huan out of his daze. He quickly got up and hurried to the door, always eager to watch his brother subtly flirt with Doctor Wei, which Nie Mingjue knew was the highlight of the day, not to mention he got to see all the happy kids always so eager to tell him about their lessons. Nie Mingjue didn’t mind it, liked feeling the atmosphere the children brought to the air, and wasn’t the only ghost floating down the hall in the sea of excitable ducklings.
Like clockwork, Wen Yuan was shown out of Lan Zhan’s classroom, his guqin wrapped and strapped securely on his back. It dwarfed him almost comically, in Nie Mingjue’s opinion. But it was not Doctor Wei waiting there with his too big smiles and too loud laughter. Huan pulled up short and Nie Mingjue peeked around him, amused at the red overtaking his friend’s cheeks.
“That is not how you punch,” the man huffed to the tiny boy in his arms, who was failing miserably at connecting his fist to Detective Jiang’s palm. Little cheeks puffed and the boy quickly stopped trying to smack his hand, managing a solid, if glancing, hit to his chin. The man glared while the boy peeled off into laughter. “I can beat you up, you know that right?” the cop demanded, bouncing the boy, and got louder giggles for his effort.
Wen Yuan went rushing past them before Huan managed to move, and before Nie Mingjue could decide if he wanted to waste energy pushing his friend forward. “Shu-shu! What are you doing here?”
Detective Jiang huffed at him, but allowed Wen Yuan to grab his hand. “Your idiot of a father got stuck at work so I told him I’d come get you. A-Ling also wanted to say hello.”
“A-Ling says hello,” the boy in his arms chirped happily, waving to his cousin. Wen Yuan reached up to grab his hand and tickled him with a grin.
“I can see why he likes you,” Nie Mingjue snorted and decided that, yes, he was going to push his hopeless friend into action. Thankfully, Huan had remembered vocabulary and how to use it and moved forward on his own. Progress.
“Detective.” He was all smiles, oozing confidence, but his face was a flushed mess. By the way Detective Jiang raised an eyebrow at him, the front wasn’t exactly successful.
“Lan Huan,” he got a slight bow and a crooked grimace that was probably supposed to be a smile. Nie Mingjue rolled his eyes so hard he felt them roll all the way back. Good grief. He felt the man’s mind connect to his own and he was mentally flipped off, making him smirk back. At least the man had guts.
“I was wondering… would you perhaps be free this evening?” Huan asked and Nie Mingjue’s own mind flickered as Detective Jiang’s did, his ability feeling out what Huan wanted to truly ask. It was fascinating, feeling the workings of a mind not his own, and blinked when Detective Jiang focused in on a ticket resting in Huan’s back pocket, one Nie Mingjue hadn’t even known was there.
“For the performance?” Detective Jiang asked, calm and at ease even as Huan blinked in surprise. Again, his mind flickered, going through his schedule, to plans for the case, and the want to simply go to bed and sleep. Nie Mingjue narrowed his eyes at the man in challange, daring him to even think of not coming when asked, and that mental fuck off rang through their connection again.
“I - Yes,” Huan licked his lips and pulled out the ticket. “I have more if you’d like to bring your family,” he offered, eager and hopeful.
To the man’s credit, he melted instantly. Nie Mingjue could feel his reservations about any sort of relationship, especially when it was so close to Nie Mingjue’s case, but he was perfectly soft for Huan and that’s what mattered.
When Detective Jiang took the ticket, their fingers brushed, a pointed move, and Huan got a slightly better looking grimace-smile that time. “I’ll be there.” As long as no ghosts interrupt.
That was aimed at Nie Mingjue and he flipped the man off. “I’m not out to destroy Huan’s love life, asshole. Be there or I will make your night a living hell.”
You already do, Detective Jiang pointed out, even as he turned to his nephews, one with huge eyes, the other shyly hiding from Huan. “A-Yuan, do you want to go?”
“Yes, please yes,” Wen Yuan looked up at Huan with his best smile, easing his friend into a far more comforted state.
“And your father will want to go as well,” Huan hummed, thoughtful, but not without a sly look at Lan Zhan, who’s ears turned red. “I’ll get you as many tickets as you need.”
“Jiu-jiu, me too?” the other boy whispered, still casting a shy smile Huan’s way.
“You too, A-Ling, and your ba-ba and ma-ma. Does that sound like fun?”
A happy nod. “Listen to the pretty music.”
That got Huan a pointed look, almost flirty, and maybe Detective Jiang wasn’t as terrible at this as he seemed to be. “Yes, very pretty music.”
“Fuck, I’ll have to keep you alive now, just for that,” Nie Mingjue crossed his arms in exasperation, shaking his head at the blushing delight that overtook Huan’s face. Hopeless. So fucking hopeless.
I’ll keep myself alive. Just protect Lan Huan.
So, he knew then. Nie Mingjue met his eye and nodded once, all soldier, before grinning wide.
It was going to be one hell of a night.
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fallingin-like · 5 years
november 20
back to the start by @fuzzballsheltiepants​ [requested by @nikothespoonklepto]
see which other fics i’m reviewing this month! / my review request post!
containing an injured!andrew who loses all of his recent memories, this fic is has heartbreak and healing. this fic has great pacing and flow, you don’t even notice that you’ve read 30k words until you’re done.
this is an absolutely amazing fic. you did such a great job writing the characters in a way that was in depth and stays really true to them. it was funny, serious, angsty, and fluffy in a way that tied everything together and made it really easy to read. i loved having the opportunity to see andrew fall in love with neil again and see neil really fight to protect andrew.
parts that i especially liked:
”andrew and neil had watched kevin’s interview the night before on exy night in america from andrew’s apartment. neil had spent the ten minutes grinning at kevin’s well-practiced persona while andrew drily commented what they both knew kevin was really thinking” this is so cute! there’s really nothing that brings people together more than making fun of kevin
andrew waking up so disoriented and confused and afraid is so heartbreaking. to be brought back to that terrible night, surrounded by strangers, in so much pain. i really cannot handle it, he’s already suffered so much in his life ;-;
ohmygoodness andrew sort of recognizing kevin? is this based on andrew having seen kevin before the club incident or because he’s actually recognizing kevin?
”’did they kill him?’ he asked dully.” ahhh i can feel andrew closing himself off, resigning himself for bad news
”he didn’t know why he was talking, he was revealing too much, he needed to stop but not as  much as he needed to know” i hate seeing andrew so distressed, to the point where he can’t contain himself
”he almost laughed, it was such a ridiculous idea that andrew’s perfect memory could be compromised, but dr. kupra’s face was serious.” oh no, what a terrible and ironic injury, for andrew to lose the memories that he likely actually wanted to keep
what in the world kevin, why would you not call nicky to get him to talk to andrew??
”that voice… it tickled something in his chest” AHH even without his memories, something within andrew recognizes neil, so soft
”and you need to understand that you can’t just start touching him when  he’s asleep” it’s so comforting to know that neil is around to protect andrew while he is extremely vulnerable.
it’s really not surprising that andrew has a panic attack, to learn that you’ve lost seven years of your life? i can’t even imagine how upsetting and scary it would be
ah yes, of course neil forgets to charge his phone
”like i’m worth something, like i matter” oh no i totally forgot that since andrew is back to his 17 year old self it means his mental health is probably a lot worse. oh my goodness 17 is so young! 
”it’s amazing how many words they can say to avoid telling you they don’t know” oh my goodness neil
ANDREW REMEMBERS SOME THINGS, I HAVE HOPE. and it seems like now neil does too!
to hear that they’ve had conversations with andrew that he can’t remember, that they’ve explained the situation to him multiple times already, it sounds hard for anyone, but andrew who is used to his eidetic memory? oof
”this felt more like he had read it in a book, like if he turned the page he would already know what was on the next one, but he couldn’t manage to turn the page. and the next page was important, of that he was sure” wow this description is so so good.
OH NO ANDREW THINKING NEIL AND KEVIN ARE TOGETHER and then “it didn’t seem such an unreasonable question to andrew… the alternative didn’t make sense. the alternative was impossible” ahhh this is so painful, at least neil is not around to hear this.
”that didn’t really surprise neil; he had suspected that andrew had been interested in kevin at some point” ooo i like this
neil talking to andrew’s coach oh my goodness he really can’t help himself. but also it’s his way of caring too, protecting andrew from everyone
ahh i love andrew falling for neil again. “aggression of an eight-pound terrier” THIS IS SO TRUE. picking fights, but too small to actually fight them
”neil was reading on his phone and andrew watched him through his lashes until he couldn’t keep his eyes open anymore” this is so so sweet, i love being able to see things from andrew’s perspective, he hides so much from the outside that i am always interested in what he’s thinking
”he wouldn’t be the first who thought andrew could be ‘healed,’ whatever that meant.” the thing i like about their relationship is that i think that neil doesn’t think andrew ‘could be healed’. i think neil thinks that andrew doesn’t need healing. that bad things happened to andrew and yes, these things changed him, they shaped him to be the person he is now, but they don’t mean he is broken. uhh i don’t know how to say the words i am thinking. BASICALLY, NEIL DOESN’T THINK ANDREW NEEDS TO CHANGE. HE LIKES (LOVES) HIM AS HE IS
”... but he could still taste his old grief and guilt and fury” ANDREW FEELING GUILT SO MUCH GROWTH
”nicky had been there; he could call nicky, and find out what - who - had broken neil so badly” ahhhhhh i love this!!!
ohmygoodness, all the things that neil is remembering. i love it so much
ugh i want neil to go off on all the people trying to pin down andrew, but at the same time, i guess they had a somewhat reasonable reason for doing what did. BUT STILL THEY SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER. andrew has been through so much!!!!
i love these moments of andrew finding out what happened to neil. we get to see his genuine reactions, even what he’s feeling, not just what he’s emoting (which i’m sure is not much). it’s a little different, because although he still feels this emotional connection to neil, he doesn’t understand why, but his reactions are so pure and unfiltered. i love it
”it’s who i am, it’s not something i can forget” I LOVE THIS LINE and i love love love nicky’s reaction. 
ugh, neil fighting to protect andrew is just *clenches fist* so good
okay i love neil, but woah. when he thinks of how lucky he is to have andrew and the first thing that comes up is andREW BREAKING RIKO’S ARM. LOL what a legend
ohmygoodness i forgot that neil is still in school. i really cannot believe that he is able to balance everything, like it’s just so wild to me.
i’m so glad that neil has matt. he has andrew yes, but matt is just a good friend, something that neil has never really had. someone that is openly affectionate and talkative enough to balance neil’s anti-social personality. someone he can go through during these tough times when andrew is not around
oh, hearing andrew’s perspective of millport is so good, so interesting
NEIL ROASTING THE REPORTER IS WHAT I LIVE FOR. but also i’m pretty mad that this guy was able to get into the hospital and approach neil like this. people are so rude and have no sense of privacy somethings UGH
”neil was a trouble magnet. andrew didn’t remember too many specifics, but he knew it with a bone deep certainty” hah
oh, the way that you wrote andrew regaining his memories about riko and drake and maybe easthaven. it’s so impactful seeing it from neil’s perspective. “he watched as that bomb hit, the slow motion ripple effect it had as memories resurface and deductions were made.” your descriptions are so good
the contrast between the texts from the foxes and neil trying to deal with andrew remembering is amazing
it’s so interesting to me the way that the sense of distance between neil and andrew are for different reasons. neil is being so careful not to cross andrew’s boundaries because he doesn’t know what andrew’s okay with, etc. and andrew is still learning about the relationship that he previously shared with neil and doesn’t know where they were at with that, doesn’t know what past him did
oo i love twinyard moments, the bonding. “i didn’t forget you” AHHH i like that they’re so civil now, aaron is probably less stressed (now that he’s not trying to balance school, exy, and the MAFIA) and has matured, he doesn’t repress as much of his emotions maybe. he cares about andrew and both lets himself care about him and allows himself to show it, even if it’s in small ways
so much growth/development to see that neil turns to betsy and actually calls her!! she knows so much about their history, i’d be interested in what kind of relationship neil had with her after their first year
”didn’t know how to tell him that he remembered other things - remembered bits and pieces of meals and drives and games and shared cigarettes on the roof, the weight of neil’s mouth on his own and the feel of his skin, the sound of his hitches of breath. because none of that felt real” THIS IS SO GOOD BUT ALSO HURTS. NEIL IS A PIPE DREAM BUT ANDREW DOESN’T KNOW THAT HE’S ALSO A REALITY TOO
”then neil came out of the bathroom and andrew decided maybe he didn’t hate the girlfriend after all. not if she’d picked out those clothes.” ohmygoodness andrew
”four years. four years since andrew had been nearly torn apart by terror. four years since he had felt that anguished need that seemed so fresh in his memory. and yet neil was still here” THIS IS SO GOOD AHHH
EXCUSE ME HOW DARE YOU BREAK MY HEART LIKE THAT BY SAYING NEIL CAN’T HELP DECIDE WHAT HAPPENS TO NEIL ALSO “everyone but andrew, whose glam intensified” WHAT DOES THIS MEAN AND THEN NEIL SAYING “do you think if andrew cared he wouldn’t let them kick me out in the first place?” AHHHH
oh okay you have redeemed yourself by having aaron and andrew BOTH agree with neil. “look, i might have head trauma but i’m not an idiot” LOL
”andrew wasn’t sure why his stomach clenched, why his fingers dug into the blanket” HHHH HURTS
oh! so cute to have bonding between andrew, neil, katelyn, and aaron!!
oHH no i forgot that people might hold andrew’s sexuality against him and that makes me so mad
”aaron said mildly ‘out of all the men in this world, why did you have to end up with one who’s too stupid to feed himself?’” LOL
”it would only be a week tomorrow, but it felt like he had always been here, that the rest of his life had been something he’d seen in a movie or read in a book. like this was the only part that was real” oh oh oh. this is so sad, but also it makes so much sense. “it was always like that, though” OH. this, and the rest of the paragraph is so interesting. i love the way that you explain it. and the end of this chapter is so good. it really sets us up for the last chapter and leaves me aching for resolution. for andrew to realise he can and does have this. that it’s real and won’t be taken away from him
i’m a little bit confused about the whole discussion about sexuality and mental illness. why did katelyn misunderstand and what was she thinking? i think i’m just missing something here LOL
”the way andrew hesitated before he nodded meant no, but neil wasn’t going to push him” ugh it’s so good to know that neil can read andrew so well, can tell what he’s not saying, but knows when to push and when to back off.
”aaron refusing to sign anything, turning it all over to andrew and neil” aaron is such a complicated character, we don’t get to see him fully explored in the books and i love the way that you used this fic as an opportunity to do so. he cares, but in his own way. even though they have disagreements, at the end of the day, he wants what is best for andrew and i really liked how you portrayed him and throughout this fic.
i love that you have parts of this fic from andrew’s perspective. it’s so so interesting to see his honest reactions to memories and people and to experience his introspection. and it’s not super obvious, but i love that with perspective shifts, we also see your writing style adjust to reflect that. you handled this whole fic so well, there was a great balance between humour, softness, and angst that made me really enjoy reading this. 
you did such a good job with the characterization, it was so wonderful seeing andrew rebuild his relationships and fall for neil again, the interactions between everyone (including your OCs). i appreciate that, although andrew and neil have kind of re-established their relationship (they both know that they like each other and are comfortable with each other), there’s still some sort of distance. things are still a little bit off and they still have work to do to continue to learn each other. it keeps things realistic and, for some reason, brings me closure. this is such a significant event for both of them and things are different because of that and i’m glad you didn’t ignore that aspect of it. this was just such a wonderful fic, thank you so much for writing it!!
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nohshinwoos · 5 years
survey results 🥳
so a few days ago i did a follower survey and now i’ve gathered the results so it’s time for some stats 📊
some general info
this survey was made just for fun and there might be mistakes in it.
i can’t do math, so i apologise for that in advance.
216 people participated in this survey.
answers were submitted between august 17th and august 21st via google forms.
some questions allowed for participants to choose more than one answer, which means the total might be more than 100% on those questions.
the number of people who chose each answer are in brackets.
if i get asks about this everything will be tagged “fp survey 2019” so if it gets annoying just blacklist it!
the results (with some comments from me) are under the cut!
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about you
what’s your age?
32.4% (70) 14-17
27.8% (60) 18-20
21.3% (46) 21-23
9.7% (21) 24-26
4.2% (9) 13 or under
3.2% (7) 27-30
1.4% (3) 31 or over
* i’m so old hhhh 😳
what do you identify as?
70.8% (153) female
20.4% (44) formless blob
6% (13) male
2.8% (6) other
* i didn’t wanna exclude anyone, which is why i chose to have an “other” option to allow people to express whatever they feel comfortable with identifying as.
37% (80) bisexual
19.9% (43) lesbian
17.1% (37) asexual/anything on the ace spectrum
13% (28) i don’t use labels
10.6% (23) pansexual
9.7% (20) other
out of which:
4.7% (10) queer**
6.9% (15) heterosexual
3.7% (8) gay
* as this was a question where people could choose multiple options, the total percentage is more than 100%.
** queer wasn’t originally an option in the survey, but i added it in the results as there were so many that wrote it when choosing “other” as an option.
what’s your zodiac sign?
13% (28) pisces
12% (26) taurus
10.6% (23) sagittarius
10.2% (22) scorpio
9.3% (20) capricorn
7.9% (17) aquarius
7.4% (16) libra
6.9% (15) leo
6.5% (14) gemini
6% (13) virgo
5.6% (12) aries
4.6% (10) cancer
* shoutout to all my fellow pisces! i was actually surprised that so many of you who took this are pisces, didn’t expect that.
where are you from?
44.9% (97) united states
22.2% (48) other countries/unable to count
8.3% (18) canada
5.6% (12) united kingdom
4.6% (10) australia
4.2% (9) germany
3.2% (7) sweden
3.2% (7) finland
1.9% (4) russia
1.9% (4) ireland
* these are just the top 9 countries from the survey. if you wanna know a number for a specific country, feel free to ask me! 
** oh and a shoutout to my fellow swedes! (i wanted to write something in swedish here but i didn’t know what sdkshjgkl)
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dan & phil
do you watch dan & phil?
97.2% (210) yes
1.9% (4) used to but not anymore
0.5% (1) who?
0.5% (1) other
0% (0) no
* i don’t know why i had an other option for this question, but it was fun reading this one person’s rant about how the last question (”dannie or phillie :)”) of this part scared them. love you, you’re valid!
when did you start watching them?
25% (54) 2015-2016
24.5% (53) 2013-2014
24.5% (53) 2017-2018
16.7% (36) 2011-2012
5.6% (12) 2019
2.8% (6) 2009-2010
0.9% (2) 2009 or before
0% (0) i don’t watch them
do you think they are together?
90.7% (196) yes
8.8% (19) i don’t know
0.5% (1) i used to but not anymore
0% (0) no
dannie or phillie :)
59.3% (128) dannie
40.7% (88) phillie
* shoutout to all my fellow dannies!
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about me and my blog
when did you start following me?
51.4% (111) 2019
35.6% (77) 2018
13% (28) 2017 or before
* it’s wild that some of you have been following me since 2017 or before - wow! and thank you! i feel like you have seen a lot sdhjsfjkl
how did you find me?
37% (80) honestly no idea
31.9% (69) from someone else’s blog
27.3% (59) saw your gifs/edits
14.4% (31) tumblr recommended
2.8% (6) read a fic of yours
2.5% (5) other
0.5% (1) from a friend
* as this was a question where people could choose multiple options, the total percentage is more than 100%.
fav content of mine?
75.9% (164) gifs
26.4% (57) edits
13.4% (29) icons
17.6% (38) fics
40.3% (87) text posts
3.5% (7) other
* as this was a question where people could choose multiple options, the total percentage is more than 100%.
** didn’t know ppl liked my text posts that much but thank u! and shoutout to the one person who said “memes” sjdkskfjkgl 
*** also seeing 38 (!!) ppl say fics really boosts my confidence in writing, which is very much needed for me rn, so thank u!!
anything you wanna say about me as a person/my blog 😳
this was an open question, where people could write whatever they want about me and my blog.
there were quite a few answers and i’m not sure if i should publish them or how i even would in that case, but just know i’ve read them all and cried (good tears, i promise) and i really do appreciate every single one of you so much. 
will try to remember all your kind words on days when i need to cheer up and i will save them and look back at them if i ever need motivation for anything 💖
anything else? suggestions? or if you wanna reveal who you are that’s okay too
this question was another open one as well. some chose to reveal themselves, while some just said something nice.
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notes for myself
in a potential future survey i’ll have less of the “other” option, as it can be hard to group some answers together.
for a potential future survey i will definitely phrase the questions a bit differently and maybe add other questions for a more precise result.
i just generally feel like i learnt a lot - both about who my followers are and also what they think of me. it was very interesting to go through and reflect on!
i’ve only ever done one survey for an essay in school, so making a “not so serious one” was fun and i think i learnt a lot from that aspect as well. might be useful in the future, who knows!
30 notes · View notes
halfusek · 6 years
With a sort of analysis/shitposting on my side? Yea.
Chapter 1
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There is like two walls with these, that’s a lot. Is he... aware from the beginning now? I mean someone’s crossing this and Henry is implied to be leaving these messages so...?
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Choose your fighter.
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Ok wow harsh.  Haven’t you seen all these cool AUs in his house?
Also can I just point out how... Joey... literally... drew... the Studio...
Oh, my bad.
He drew STUDIOS. Because the damn thing keeps happening over and over again.
Oh fuck if that’s the case then that is clever. I made puns about him drawing the studio before, wish I did something with it before Chapter 5 dropped, that would be hilarious to look back at fvdfjkvnfkj
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That’s just depressing. But like... yeah...
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Wow Henry you must be a proud mom now
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Hey remember when DAGames played Chapter 4 and was interrupting Alice Angel’s monologue by telling her to stop watch him poop
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It spells “There never was a choice.” (never underlined)
Those messages are either hilarious or straight up depressing.
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It’s... kinda sweet how Henry from the past (pasts) helps his future self (selfs). And encourages.
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I’m pretty sure she’s got many hearts in her stock.
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Henry what the fuck
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The falling human made out of the two Ls, the Y and the splatters above it-
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Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. He is not the creator of the cartoons. He is the creator OF THIS WHOLE FUCKING STUDIO AND EVERYONE IN IT. Like it’s maybe a sort of obvious thought but when you let it sink in... damn
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Rest of the chapters under the cut because it’s really long
Chapter 2
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Do you remember that? Or only slightly? Oh man. “I should have warned him” thoughts and then you get a pissed off boy in Chapter 5.
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Ok. How. How did you write anything there. When. The only time he’s aware would be right after Sammy hits him with the dustpan. So is he like fainting and writing it? So he wouldn’t be able to write anything else like SAMMY IS GOING TO KNOCK YOU OUT WITH A FUCKING DUST PAN because yeah he’s passing out so it’s just... OUCH! Also to confirm this he is facing the way he’s facing when he’s on the floor. God that’s both shitposty and depressing. Nice.
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Henry don’t be a dick
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So you do sing 👀
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I wonder how Henry figured out walking backwards to not trigger the Demon here and write this specific message. Also is Joey behind those closed doors because there’s the whistling.
Is he cooking
Chapter 3
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Oh, hi.
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Excuse me what
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Henry is a Jacksepticeye fan confirmed
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Joey is a man of ideas... and only ideas.
Which is why he created a studio, an OC based on a person he has a one sided crush on (me) from who he stole and claimed their OC as his, also made that stolen OC a thing and then made both of the OCs fight in an infinite loop in the massive studio which is behind his kitchen.
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This both has a literal meaning but is also like a deeper general thought Henry do you want Joey to create a therapist OC you seem to have some problems
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Why do these coffins hurt so much
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Who are you asking Henry because Alice sure won’t fucking read that And why won’t you just write it with regular ink why you gotta do it like this
Why does he keep this thing secret? Did he make it? Probably since he’s the one leaving the messages Hmm
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I fucking wheezed.
But also imagine Alice just giving her speech and Henry writing something on the wall with his finger Unless he doesn’t write that in a literal sense but like... spiritually Huh
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He’s so fucking gay I swear to fucking gods.
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Let’s hop on the existential crisis train, choo, choo.
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How can you be kind to people who try to murder you
But this. This. Is such a good fucking work/life thought like damn. I love this game for those.
But are those just some thoughts Henry wanted to get out of his head or does it have something to do with the game because I’m kinda getting pacifist/neutral/genocide route vibes from this. But it it’s not the case it’s still pretty neat, we do meet them, we just don’t have the choice to treat them in some way most of the times.
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It’s on level 14 and damn you game damn you yet again. I guess it can also be applied to that moment when The Projectionist is reaching out for Henry who is hidden in the Miracle Station? Like we don’t know what to expect of him because he had that small moment of realisation of... something. And he is also one of Henry’s “old friends”.
Is Is Ink Demon killing The Projectionist a symbol of Joey’s jealousness like Norman: *reaching out in curiosity, maybe to help* Joey: >:( my fren
Chapter 4
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Thanks. Roll credits. So Chapter 4 is intentionally pointless in the terms of Henry trying to save Boris. THAT’S FUCKING SAD STOP IT
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So Henry is catching up. Joey does regret all that shit he did. I wonder how exactly does it tie here, with Bertie. Maybe that theory I had about Bendy Land being Hell for Bendy? :0c I don’t really think so but that’s a thought.
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I’m losing my shit.
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Okay that seems like another woke thought.
Henry can’t change not being able to save Boris.
Joey can’t change all of his mistakes. But Joey is the one making it happen over and over again so it might be slightly pointed at him?
Like, pal. Stop dwelling on your mistakes. Move on. Let me the fuck out.
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This game is really heavy with this problem:
Move towards your goal, hope, believe, dream, don’t give up. Well actually do if it’s like super hard.
????? This is such a deep uuhhh analysis of this like one of most basics functions of how we people fucking work and live, what keeps us going. Holy shit I am IN LOVE with that.
But oof yeah Henry was and IS the one good at pushing Joey to do the right thing. Man...
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Instead of trying to cheer you up lemme just write this message you can’t read real quick.
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;_; holy lord sweet baby jesus
Can Henry like be fine fun concept Meatly please
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I suggest giving this a read if you as I weren’t familiar with that expression https://quoteinvestigator.com/2014/09/23/heels/
Of course it’s a pun on “Time heals all wounds” expression. The word “heels” there refers to contemptible people. Earliest citation: 1934 and it got more popular around that time till something around the 50s-60s according to that website at least. Neat.
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That is interesting. I guess we can associate the door with Joey as well since Henry warns himself not to go through them? And the Demon drags Projectionist’s corpse through them. Sorta against his will, heeeeeeh.
They look like they could be interactive but I dunno :0c
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Oh, yeah. That two-faced motherfucker. That’s my bitch.
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Chapter 5
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I feel like it was kinda exaggerated. Henry they like saved your life twice or so, how salty can you be
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I mean why the fuck would they drop this star outta nowhere AND HE IS EXTRA LIKE THIS
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But then again there’s this “Don’t go through the door”
Unless Joey did contact him through this as well? But I’m assuming it only because of the stars vfnjksd Idk I like when symbols actualy uhhh symbolise something
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This is pointing at ANOTHER way. Without the boat. Possibly the Valued Employee (take the long walk) achievement?
I would check it right fucking now but my saves are fucked and I would have to replay everything again and I’m just too tired hhhh
Also Valued Employee does sound like someone who listens to their boss right?
And I’m getting the impression it’s not all Henry’s writing because it seems as if there is a different personality present? Idk
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That sounds like sort of both of them. Joey is cheering for Henry, even if he’s planning to make him go through all of this again. Does he... have to make him go through it? That’s a bit odd. Joey nani the fuck.
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I like the idea of Joey saying this ok lemme dream vskjvnskjvs
But it could be Henry (past/present/whatever) trying to cheer himself up like he did with the “Don’t be scared” message (if that was also him)
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Oh, Henry...
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Once people That implies that real people got somehow affected, right?
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I love the halo and the bone, also you can see the bone only if you give it to Boris in Chapter 3
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Wait It is The whole fucking Ink Machine Is inside Holy
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A cooking gay.
Ink Demon/Joey parallel implication. I don’t think he is Bendy in a straight up sense though. He is/was a soulless boss, just how soulless Bendy was/is. I wonder if there is a studio version of him or HHHHHH complicated stuff
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Is it like When people create something good but they just don't know when to stop it eventually ends up really bad And the Demon took The End so his cartoon couldn't be finished and it all had to keep going, Joey had to keep going Hm?
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So like there is no message on Henry’s second desk
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But it does trigger the same dialogue AND IT HURTS
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Actually a lot of people missed the arrows so just so you know
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But I thought we don’t like doors
Also it’s the last hidden message so I do believe it has a special meaning
CONCLUSION get Henry outta here and give him loads of therapy
Is his fucking last name Stein because he made monsters via the Ink Machine by powering it goddamnit Joey don’t trick people into creating that shit
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camellia-thea · 5 years
Feather Reviews: 2019 Cats
For clarification, before I begin, I am a big fan of the traditional musical, Cats, and I grew up on it. I tend to ramble a little, but I have made an effort to make this cohesive.
This will, obviously, include spoilers for Cats. I will also state that this is my personal opinion, and I wanted to share it for those who are interested. I have nothing against people who disagree with my opinions, and am open to talk about how people felt.
Quick list of terminology: Queen’s Chorus: The older female chorus - Jennyanydots, Jellylorum, Bombalurina, Demeter. Kitten’s Chorus: The female kitten chorus - Excetera, Exotica, Electra, Jemima/Syllabub, (Victoria) Tom’s Chorus: The male chorus, including, but not limited to Tumblebrutus, Plato, Admetus. Often doesn’t include Munku or other cats with their own numbers. Original: When I state the original, I mean either the stage performances overall, or the 1998 filmed performance. Both are relevant and I focus on both too.
My initial ramble to some friends:
I am conflicted - on one hand, Cats was mostly awful and they did my boy so dirty. Misto wasn't Misto, he was an anxious boy (which I have no issue with, but it wan't my Misto). Skimbleshanks was wrong, and holy shit, Jennyanydots unzips her own skin and pulls it off revealing a cat in sexy clothing underneath, before eating literal children pretending to be cockroaches. Bustopher was a disappointment, but I got shivers with Memory, and Gus (though missing Jellylorum weeps) was fantastic. My biggest issue was the fact that a whole bunch of cats were missing or simply unnameable. I pride myself on being able to name all of the cats in stage version, but none of them have the same or even vaguely similar designs. Munkustrap was bearable, but not floofy enough, but he was really really good. Victoria was two characters in one: Jemima/Sillabub and Victoria. I saw Excetera, which was good, but apparently Demeter was there, but bad? She was just-- mean? She was meant to pity Grizabella (and is the second cat to touch her???) but was nasty and snarly and grey? She's a Tortie??? Has always been? hhhh, and though I did spot Coricopat and Tantomile -  who always move as one, but none of the non main cats had a big role, and most weren’t named or recognizable which was a shame.. and they MISSED the ORGY scene? WHY? it was a fantastic number, and had some great (if really sexual) dancing?
The numbers themselves:
Good Numbers and Dances: 
Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats; the beat was off on it, which made me mildly uncomfortable, but overal it was well done. Not as good as the original, but I enjoyed it, and it was a good first number. It was good as something to get used to the CGI for.  Memory (both); holy shit, Memory was really raw and emotional. No dancing for these, which was interesting. Gus; Ian McKellan gave me shivers. It lacked Jellylorum, which was upsetting, but he did really well, and I love this song normally, and I wasn’t  Beautiful Ghosts; okay, so I wasn’t expecting to like it, honestly, but I was pleasantly surprised. Vic was very raw and sweet, but I found it a little odd - I suppose it was her telling Grizabella not to give up, but it had a little of the @my pain is worse than your pain” thing, which bothered me. It was a sweet number though, and I enjoyed it. Jellicle Ball: Um... where was the orgy? Other than that, it captured the original, but had some new choreography, which was nice, actually. Couple of bits that didn’t quite work, but overall, a good piece.
Good Numbers, Bad Dancing:  Mungojerry and Rumpleteazer - the house scene was unnecessary and weird? But I enjoyed the sound - it was fairly true to the original. They missed the duo-cartwheel (is there a name for this? I feel like there is, but I don’t know it), which is one of the best moves in the entire musical, but it was missed? Whatever the reason, it was wrong. Grizabella the Glamour Cat - I liked this, though the tone felt off, and the acting was wrong. Demeter wasn’t right, and I think it was Cassandra instead of Bomba, which was also wrong? My ladies sing together. Rum Tum Tugger: I am so so so gad that it wasn't rap, holy shit - I have nothing against Rap!Tugger, but in this musical, it wouldn’t have worked. He had a good voice, and I really liked the way he held his notes, but his tone was a little off. Misto was a little unimpressive in it, where is my sassy boy? and I wasn't a fan of the dancing. It was good, sure, and I did see Excetera, which was nice, but overall, they lost Tugger’s theme. He also insulted Jenny? Which isn’t in character, I don’t think. Tugger’s an arse, but not that kind of arse.
Bad Numbers, good dancing:  hhhh Skimble my boy. Skimbleshanks the Railway Cat. They tried to modernize the music, but it was badly done. His tap was really good though - they mimicked the sound of trains going along, which was good. I didn’t enjoy his voice - where’s my Scottish cat? The 1998 version reminds me of living in Glasgow, but this didn’t have that, and lost a lot of Skimble’s charm, which was a shame.
Numbers that I honestly don’t know how to feel about: Mr Mistoffelees: Okay, so before I begin, you need some context. Mr Mistoffelees is my hands down favourite character in Cats - I’ve had a cat named after him, it was the first song I ever heard, and I relate him to my grandfather who has passed, so I have a lot of feelings here, and some will be unique to my situation.  This song isn’t about the Mr Mistoffelees that I know and love. This song was about a cat who was incredibly unsure about himself, and it shows in the vocals, in the dance, and in the music itself. It wasn’t sung by Rum Tum Tugger, and Misto’s character had so deeply changed that I couldn’t relate it to the original other than the lyrics themselves, and the fact that the goal of the song was to return Old Deuteronomy. However, I enjoyed it thoroughly. It was the only song that furthered a character’s development, and it was enjoyable over all. It did loose the charm of having Tugger sing about Misto, though, which was a big thing for me, I think. I certainly liked it but it wasn’t right, or fitting, however it was cohesive, and Misto got his confidence through it, which was good (and he was very sweet in it too).
Bad Overall:  Macavity; This one upset me. Macavity is another favourite, and I love Demeter and Bombalurina’s duet, and so removing Demeter was upsetting. The dancing was gone, which was awful. They missed a great opportunity to create a fantastic dark jazz number (perhaps on a similar line to Chicago? Something with that dark element that isn’t quite surface level), but instead we got TS nonconsensually drugging cats, and lying on a moon? There was so much that could’ve been done here, but they didn’t and it was bad. Gumby Cat - holy shit, Jennyanydots fucking unzipping her skin and eating children (dressed as cockroaches) was from stuff from nightmares.There was also an odd thing, after she unzipped herself (hhh, nightmare material), where she was suddenly in  this “sexy” bikini? It was just so utterly unnecessary and wrong. Jenny is meant to be an adoptive mother for most cats - Jellylorum being the other Mom Cat. The missing Queen Chorus was missing which was also sad and wrong.  Bustopher Jones: The Cat About Town, James Corden is a great actor, and is normally great in musicals, but he isn't the right person? The casting was wrong, and the song was just plain weird? Where was him flirting? Where was my Queens Chorus, again? my girls? And his CGI was weird. This song just rubbed me the wrong way, and it might’ve been his pitch too, but it was just wrong and disconcerting. Growltiger’s Last Stand: This was the most unnecessary thing? Honestly, they didn’t even need to put him in. They used the first verse, and left it at that which was stupid, and also the full song is racist and awful anyway? Many companies have managed to fix both Growltiger’s Last Stand, and the Pekes and the Pollicles, but this was just lazy and unnecessary, as well as not fitting the original trackline at all? I don’t know. It was a clear bad decision, I think.
Character Evaluations:
Good Characters:  Munkustrap; damn, I was worried that they'd change him a lot, but he was pretty close and I loved him. His voice was great, and I loved his interaction. He was overall friendly, but wary of Victoria in the beginning, and I loved him a lot overall. I’m sad that he didn’t get some of his numbers/lines, and that bits an pieces were changes (why did you sing Tugger’s opening in Mister Mistoffelees, Munku, why?)  Victoria; great voice, great dancing, and I think that she did a very good job but I felt uncomfortable with her singing Jemima/Sillabub's piece. Gus; Ian McKellan is a fantastic actor normally, and I think he really understood Gus, which was great. Missing Jellylorum and his interaction, but I'm glad that he was cast. 
Cat's I'm conflicted on: Mistoffelees - My boy, my best boy, my special boy. I actually really liked him, but his CGI made me deeply uncomfortable, but I loved the costume (top hat boy!), and though he wasn't my Misto in terms of character, I think it was a good version. My one true critisism was that he was straight. (In 99% of all shows, he and Tugger are gay af for each other, and Tugger is chaotic bi.) His design shift was off - too much white, I think. But overall, I think I did like this interpretation. It wasn’t my Misto, but I feel like they did a good job, and the acting was great, so I can’t complain. Grizabella; Griz was fantastic, but I feel like she was too young. She had all the necessary emotion, but looked to be early thirties? I’ve always felt that Griz is meant to be a glamourous signer/dancer who has been forgotten and replaced by newer cats (ei Bombalurina and Demeter), rather than cast out because of a skint with Macavity. She was phenomenal though - her voice, the acting, the emotion, all really well done. Skimbleshanks: Honestly, I didn’t like his design? A mustache? Pants? WHy not let him keep his waistcoat and watch, and leave it? The pants were odd on him, and though i liked the suspenders, they didn’t add to the charm of the character?
Bad characters: Bombalurina; um? Why? WHy? WHY? Admittedly, I am not a fan of T*Sw*ft, but honestly, I feel like she was cast into the right character, who’s characterization was them butchered so that she couldn’t perform a decent role. She's a good singer, and I respect her work, but they ruined Bomba’s character, which made her job really difficult. Bomba doesn't work for Macavity, she sings about how he is bad, and her girlfriend was abused by him? They also ditched her original design, which was a shame - I love the red based tortoiseshell that she has in the performances.  Mungo and Rumple; They were done so dirty. Again, why did they work for Macavity? It wasn’t necessary, and honestly, I feel like it was lazy on the part of the creators? I did love their voices though, and their song was close to the original which was great.   Jenny and Bustopher: Again, shitty numbers did these two no favours, but they lost the characterization in this. Bustopher was meant to be pompous but also an okay dude. Jenny was meant to be motherly, and kind, but nope. Not happening here. I feel like for these two, all original characterization was dumped, and then personality was stitched together from ill-fitting material. Macavity: Look, Macavity has no spoken lines in the stageshow, and honestly, I liked that? His part was convoluted, off, and also hhh? Why was his costume like that? He looked like he was going to offer drugs to young children in the back alleyways. I always thought that Macavity would have class - the line “the Napoleon of Crime” references Moriarty, and I always thought of him as being similar to the novelization of Moriarty, but he wasn’t. It felt like he was trying to be suave and charming, but failing miserably. Demeter: My lady? Ruined? Yep, they went there. Deme honestly didn’t have a part, other than to be mean to people, which was awful. She got a duet, in Grizabella the Glamour Cat, but honestly, it was a terrible piece. She wasn’t herself, and honestly, that wasn’t Demeter, that was just a grey cat who sang one of the parts that Demeter sang in the stageshow.
Cats that I straight up didn’t see: Jellylorum.
I mean, there were others, but they completely got rid of Jellylorum, who has a pretty damn big part? She’s the lead of the Queen’s Chorus
Continuing on with the list: Most of the Kitten Chorus. I actively recognized Electra but no others. Most of the Tom’s Chorus. I think I saw Admetus, and Tumble in Jellicle Cats, but nowhere else.
I was upset by the fact that most character’s original designs were ditched? We didn’t really get the calicos or tortoiseshells. Making Vic a tabby was odd? She was a plain white cat in the show, and it didn’t need to be changed? And Tugger’s mane wasn’t big enough (I weep for the loss of his floof).
Costume, Set, Prop, and CGI:  Overall, the CGI was surprisingly good. The cats themselves where disconcerting at the beginning, but it was surprisingly easy to get used to. I think they should've given them noses, and made their lips less pink (Looking at you, Misto), but it was okay. The crawling was weird - human proportions with long legs and short arms was disconcerting, but I could ignore it. There were points where the CGI made the entire thing so much worse (Gumby Cat, I am looking at you) but it was bearable, and even charming by the end. It could’ve been done much better (just plain animated would’ve been fantastic, or even if they’d stuck closer to the costumes?), but it was okay, and I found myself not paying that much attention to it, which means that it wasn’t nearly as bad as it could’ve been.
There was an odd thing in terms of set, where some things were proportions as though it was made for the cats, some were proportioned as though it was for giants, and some was as though they were for a cat's perspective of humans? There was just no continuity there. Same with the props, which was odd, but overall okay. 
Costume and design was mostly good. As I said, I loved Misto's garb - a top hat, with sequens but human sized sequins! very sweet boy. Tugger was odd, but it fit. His mane wasn't big enough, and was a coat instead, which was odd-- Jenny made me feel uncomfortable again, and did Bustopher. Macavity was a disappointment (he's ginger? “Macavity’s a ginger cat, he’s very tall and thin,” But was brown and wearing a coat that made me think of the hey, kid, want some drugs character, as I said before? Which i guess was intentional, but I don't know. He's written as being like Moriarty? So suave and charming, but not?). I feel like they could’ve pretty easily taken a deep red-brown tabby, and gone off with that, but they didn’t, and he wasn’t scary, or creepy, just wrong, and I half wanted to laugh whenever he was onscreen because of it. Griz was pretty good. I liked her coat, but I wished she looked a bit more 'drowned rat'-ish  with some torn up fancy clothes under? I don't know. . Growltiger. Huh. I wasn't expecting him, but also I really didn’t like his design. It was shady, and grimy, and his colourscheme was right, but it didn’t match the slightly majestic stage version of him, which was unfortunate.
Plot: Plot-wise, they honestly should’ve left it the way it was on stage. Macavity’s plot was frustrating, off, and overall unnecessary. Having it told through Victoria’s eyes was interesting, but not unwelcome, however and she gave the show a different angle which was welcome in my opinion. A lot of the music didn’t fit together in the same way as the original. It felt a lot more disjointed, and it wasn’t something I expected. Some of the dialogue was unnecessary and muddled the plot a little more than it needed to be (I’m looking specifically at Macavity’s part, I think.) Overall, the changes to the plot weren’t great, but what can you do.
Sound: I’ll start this section by stating that I have auditory processing issues that are normally really bad, and I rarely watch films/youtube without subtitles, so this section is a little more personal for me. I struggle with watching and hearing things at the same time - I normally only process one or the other, and so I loose a lot of dialogue normally in most films. I can cope with the 1998 filmed version of Cats simply because I know the music so well. I could listen to this, including the parts that I wasn’t familiar with (ie, spoken dialogue, and Beautiful Ghosts) without subtitles, and also I didn’t find myself overwhelmed by all the movement and musical changes, which was great, because it’s normally an issue for me. All in all, that’s a big plus for me, and I think that it was great.
Overall: I rate this film a 5/10. I wouldn’t pay to see it again, but I might borrow it from a library when it comes out on DVD. I rate the music a 6/10. There were some really great songs, but also some severely lacking ones. I rate the characterization a 5/10. Victoria, Munkustrap and Mistoffelees prevented this from going any lower, but still, it wasn’t great for anyone other than them. I rate the dancing a 7/10, overall the dancing was really well done, and I think they could’ve done a lot with it. I rate the plot a 4/10. A lot of it was unnecessary, or overly complicated. I think they should’ve stuck with the original. I rate the casting a 7/10. Mostly good, a couple I disagreed with, but I feel like they did pretty well. In comparison, I rate the 1998 filmed version a 9/10, points being deducted for the racism in several numbers (looking at you, Pekes and the Pollicles)
Would I recommend this film: It depends on the person, I think. I would say that a fan of Cats should watch it, simply so they can see another interpretation, even if there are parts that are wildly wrong in my eyes. I wouldn’t suggest it to younger viewers, simply because it’s not a simple plot, and the CGI can be disturbing. I would recommend it to people who want to watch Cats, but don’t have the energy, because even if the plot was iffy, it was easy to understand, and to follow, and is a good way to lead people into the stage versions. A final sentence summarizing my experience: I was pleasantly surprised by most of the 2019 Cats - I had been expecting much worse, and there were certainly thoroughly enjoyable parts.
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banyak100418 · 5 years
i love you 100.
aka why i love you. aka word vomit of the things about you and us that make my life worth living. (warning: nsfw sprinkled throughout.)
 1. “love” itself sounds like an easy word to say. it gets thrown around a lot. but when i say that i love you, i mean that i love you. i’m in love with you. i mean it with every single fiber that makes up who i am. i mean that i care about your happiness even more than my own, because you, to me, are the sun.
 2. i like thinking about the first time we ever interacted. it’s been almost two years. july first. who would have known that everwing game invites will bring me to my home. they say it’s a small world but for me, it’s a vast universe, and it overwhelms me to think that among the billions of galaxies, people and creatures, you and i happened to be the people that we are, and we have found our way to one another. everything that happened had transpired in the right time and for all the right reasons, because this path brought me to miss right (a.k.a you).
 3. when we started doing our 11:11’s, i thought i was only wishing for your comfort and happiness, but in time i found myself wishing to have you, too. i always find it so endearing, how we basically started with this, how we gradually learned each other’s feelings by wishing each other happiness every night. and to this day, we still do it when we can, and it make my heart do a double flip.
 4. at some point there, you sent me something, telling me not to worry, because you’ll hold my hand the whole way through – and you have, you always did. you never broke your promise.
 5. cliché as fuck, but you are beautiful. inside and out. you are a beautiful soul. even if you think otherwise, i still think you’re the most beautiful, flaws and all. i’m proud to say that i have the most beautiful girlfriend in the entire world, and her majestic existence alone is enough to convince me to keep on going.
 6. your rosy, chubby cheeks that i love kissing so much.
 7. it’s your lips. so fucking irresistible. plump and sweet. 10/10 would kiss again. 100/100 would kiss everyday.
 8. you’re sexy when you’re sleepy. did you know that?
 9. you say you don’t like your hair, but they’re beautiful to me. your curls are cute as fuck. thinking about them makes me wanna touch them again. wanna run my fingers through them while we cuddle.
 10. you have a talented tongue. eyemoji.
 11. you give great cuddles. i love you. please cuddle me soon. i wanna cuddle you, too.
 12. your eyes and the way they light up when you eat nice food, or the way they gradually get a little glassy and sad when i cry a little too hard in front of you.
 13. it’s also the way they look at me, as if there’s something in me that’s worth seeing. your vision’s pretty bad (and that’s okay, i’d still love you even when you get old and blind), but you see everything in me that no one else couldn’t – that i couldn’t.
 14. hah, and the way they disappear when you smile your cutest smile, when your cheeks go all the way up and you’re just like ^u^.
 15. your laugh. sometimes you get giggly, like a low “hhhh” and it’s so cute.
 16.  but sometimes when i say something that just makes you laugh like “HAHAHAHA” my heart just forgets what i made you laugh in the first place, because all it knows now is to adore you. i hope you laugh like that more, my baby. your laughter can cure cancer and bring world peace.
 17. i love it when you laugh at my memes. i love how you laugh at my stupid, dumb jokes. know that you don’t always have to laugh at them if you don’t find them funny (because most of them are really dumb hhh), but honestly the only reason why i share them is because they made me laugh, and the only other person that i wanna see laughing is you.
 18. i absolutely love watching you eat. i love how you finish all of your food and you look so, so happy whenever you eat. i can be full just by watching you eat and be happy with food. my baby.
 19. you are my sunshine. one look at you and my problems and worries float away. when we talk, when i’m in your arms, i’m able to tune out the outer world, and i can only focus on you. my light.
 20. i say this in the most loving way possible—you have a crazy side that i always love seeing. it surprises me every time you bring this crazy out, when you sing your random little songs, or just suddenly make derpy faces or extreme green jokes. keep your crazy on, baby. i love everything about it.
 21. i absolutely love watching you gain consciousness in the morning. it’s one of the simple joys that i have in life. i love how, when you wake up and you don’t have anything important to do, it takes you like a hundred years to force your right eye open.
22. you snore. it’s cute. i love it. keep snoring. snore at my face. heck, snore right on my ear. i love you that much.
 23.  your voice. i remember at first you kept telling me that you don’t sound good. you were so insecure. but i couldn’t even find what is it about your voice that doesn’t “sound good”, because to me, your voice is sweet and comforting. like a blanket.
 24. the random selcas you send me sometimes, whether you’re sporting a derpy face or posing prettily, i love them all.
 25. also whenever i see those my heart goes dugeun-dugeun and all i could think of is: “so pretty. wanna kith.”
 26. i’m sorry that i often sound like i don’t care much when you do things for me, or when you do things that i ask of you. i appreciate each and every single one of them, baby. it’s endearing how you always want to be able to do things for me, and for all your other loved ones. you are really one of a kind. especially that time you gave me a gift by singing for me on my birthday.
 27. i could never forget the feeling that i had when you booked that ticket to see me. i was so happy, i felt like i was floating. it was all just so surreal. it was almost too good to be true for me. it’s a feeling that i’m always reminding myself of, the feeling that we made it happen the first time. and we also made it happen the second time. we’re gonna make it happen the third time (i’mma book my ticket soon!), and the fourth, and the fifth, and the sixth, until the day we don’t have to be miles away from one another anymore. this love, and everything that we are, is just extraordinary and i would never in a million years trade our love for anything else in this world.
 28. the first time i saw you, i was drawn to you. i’m not a hugger. but i ran to you before i could even think, before i could even process what was happening, or what i was about to do. you were a tiny bit awkward and taken aback, i could tell, but you hugged me back anyway and it was the most comforting hug in the world. to me it was something that i’ve always dreamed of (and i’d never thought i’d have), and when you put your arms around me i had this idea that maybe it was the same for you too, maybe you had wanted to hold me just as much as i was dying to hold you.
 29. when i asked us to sit down at the café for the meantime while the driver found his way to us, you immediately took your phone out. i don’t know, i could tell that you were trying to ignore how awkward it could get so i was just watching you with a smile but you couldn’t even look back at me? and it was just so fucking cute? you were so shy. you asked me “why” and i was like “nothing” but in reality i was falling hard and fast for you there. i love you. god, i love you.
 30. and on our way to the hotel, when you actually kinda called me in to scoot closer and hold your hand, i was on cloud nine.
 31. (later i learned that your hands aren’t only soft to the touch and nice to hold—you’re also talented in using them in other ways. like. you know. in bed.)
 32. on our second day, when i got home from class, i climbed to your bed and started falling asleep in your arms. you were running your fingers through my hair. it might just be my imagination, but as i was being lulled to sleep, i think i heard you tell me that you love me, in the softest voice. the way my heart jumped was something i’ve never felt before, and in that moment i confirmed to myself that this is what i am going to live for.  
 33. i like how you smell and just thinking about it makes me miss you so much, like holy fuck.
 34. i miss how your hair smells. sometimes i open rejoice bottles at the grocery store just to get a whiff of your scent, but it just isn’t the same. i miss you.
 35. when we were at baler, that night we went out and walked back to our place, it was scary but i felt strong beside you, even if you were scared of mongmongs. we’ll have more late-night walks, right? i will protect you from doggo. we’ll go to more beaches in our lifetime, and we’ll make out by the waves and under the stars each time.
 36. i’m sorry that our first kiss was shitty… but i hope i made it up to you? that kiss on the beach? to this day, i still find it to be the most picture-perfect experience i’ve ever had. do you ever wonder just how many people have had their perfect kiss? because i have, and it’s you, you are my perfect kiss. kisses are always perfect with you but there’s just really something about that kiss by the beach. we’ll do more perfect kisses. a hundred. a billion. we’ll make the most out of our time, all the kisses we missed while we were still far from one another.
 37. you are a wonderful friend. whenever you talk to me about your friends, or like when they have issues or something, i understand that you don’t particularly like it when you’re being dragged into their situations, but at the end of the day, you are still good to them and they can still call you whenever they need anything.
 38. you are so good at keeping civil relationships with everyone, and unknowingly, you help peace prevail among your colleagues.
 39. your work ethics. ugh. [ 100 emoji ]. i don’t know why you don’t see it, but you work so hard and so well. you are so good at what you do. i am always so, so proud of you. i’m proud that between the two of us, you seem to have most of the working brain cells, hahahaha.
 40. you ARE good at math. a fucking genius. i’m SO turned on.  
 41. you are creative af. i still remember the stuff you did on canva for the newsletter. you’re so good. like damn. i could never. THAT’S MY BABY RIGHT THERE.
 42. you know so many awful things about me. you know how my dad abused me. you know how i’m not very good at certain things. you know that i’m not really someone who has a nice face, and also, i’m fat. you know that i have the tendency to commit certain mistakes. and yet you’re still here.
 43. i’m not intelligent – at all – but you always tell me that i am. i’m not creative, nor pretty, nor cute, nor anything, but you always remind me that for you, i am every good quality that i don’t think i have, and somehow, i start to learn how to own them. you boost my confidence up, baby. even when i’m a shitty painter, the way you hype me up makes me feel like i can be up van gogh’s ass.
 44. whenever you’re sad, crying, or just generally not feeling well, i have this overwhelming urge to run there and at least hold your hand or hug you. i want to protect you, in any way that i can. it’s like one of my biggest missions in life. i wanna protect you, even though you’re much braver than i am.
 45. you are easy to love. you don’t make it difficult for anyone to love you – you are just lovable as you already are, and baby, trust me when i say that i fall for you harder everyday.
 46. you always know what to tell me, to make my heart find comfort. i hope i could be the same for you.
 47. you are not afraid to stand up for yourself, and that’s so brave. if it had not been for you, i wouldn’t have learned that standing up for myself isn’t wrong. every day, you give me strength and courage to fight for myself, just like how you do. it’ll still take me a long time to figure out how to do it consistently, but being with someone as brave and strong-willed like you is such an inspirational blessing.
 48. have i mentioned how much i love your lips? and our kisses? i’m pretty sure i did but i just wanna remind you just how much i wanna kiss you again. soon.
 49. when we first started dating, i wasn’t very good at communicating – like i’m just very shit at it, i don’t reply and i don’t always say the things i want to say because i don’t know how – but from you, i learned. i appreciate how good you are in this area, and how you always do your best to check up on me, or at least update me when you are doing things. i love you. i’m so happy i have someone like you. rather than just filling in my weaknesses, you help me improve myself.
 50. you try your best to have a very objective, almost perfectly neutral approach to problems but not without using your heart. us humans are naturally emotional, and to me, having the ability to be able to solve a problem by properly investigating the logistics of it, while at the same time keeping a heart, is a superpower.
 51. you are not afraid to argue with me when you know that i’m wrong, and although i have to admit that i sometimes get scared when you’re mad at me, i appreciate that you are bringing things up for the sake of fixing things between us. i am eternally grateful that you are a kind heart, that you call me out when i am wrong not because you want to shove my mistakes to my face, but because you want us to be better. all the more reasons why i should never let you go.
 52. i know that you always got my back. when things feel like they just can’t work the way i hoped they would be, thinking about us and how the universe just allowed us to be with one another despite all the circumstances gives me so much faith.
 53. you listen very well. with you, i feel like you actually want to know about the things that i’m talking about. you always hum and nod along like “i’m listening, go on”, even when i feel like what i’m talking about is very boring or nerdy or dumb. when you do that, i feel very loved. i appreciate that so much.
 54. you listen very well pt. 2, in the sense that when you do not understand something, you ask me so i can clarify it, and in return, you carefully listen to what i have to say. you listen so you can understand. you always give me a chance to speak. i appreciate it, all of it.
 55. YOU are a star. at everything. you’re good at everything you do, you always makes things work and even when you don’t, you’re still good and like i said earlier, you always make me so so proud of you. i love you. i hope you’re proud of yourself, too.
 56. i am tough to deal with, tough to understand at times, especially when i’m sick or going through something, but i’ve never ever seen you give up on me because you were tired. thank you for being patient.
 57. you hate waiting but you do it for me. i’m sorry. i love you. i’m sorry.
 58. absolutely love your pussy. i love eating you out. your wet pussy’s just so beautiful to me. also, i love how you’d run your fingers through my hair. i can’t wait until i get to taste you again, baby.
 59.  also, can i just say that whenever i see you looking at me, my heart still stops?
 60. the way you teach me malay, and the way you laugh at me when i say things with a foreign accent. nasi lemak sambal sotong? u w u
 61. the way you SPEAK tagalog. you’re so cute. you’re like a baby. whenever i remember how you repeat “dalawa” “na lang” “mahal kita”, my heart melts. i love you. so much.
 62. it’s a small detail, but when i have issues and you’re trying to help me with it, you always ask me what you can do for me. whenever i hear it, i become much stronger because i get reminded that you’re here, with me, willing to do whatever just to keep me at ease.
 63. another small detail, but whenever i’m going through something, you always say ‘we’ or ‘us’ instead of just ‘you’ or ‘me’. “we’ll make it.” / “can we eat our dinner soon?” / “is there any way for us to deal with it?”
 64. ah,, the way you grope me unapologetically in public. especially that time you claimed me at the bus. fuck. that was so hot. do it again. (suddenly i’m thinking of making out with you in a fitting room.)
 65. also, whenever i let you watch me fuck myself on vidcall and you ask me like, “good?”, i swear to god i can cum from that alone.
 66. i love you even when you think you are not worth loving, even when you feel like such a failure as a sister to your siblings, as a daughter to your family, or even as a lover to me.
 67. i love you even when we’re not okay as a couple. even when i’m not okay as an individual. even more when you are not okay as an individual. some nights are just so bad, and i am sorry for even letting us go through such things, but even so, we get through them. that is the most important thing, right? a lot of times, giving up has crossed our minds but did we ever? no, because we are meant to be.
 68. i love you. i know you love me, too. that love just never goes away, and it is the kind of love that is always worth keeping.
69. you, my baby, deserve this entire world. you deserve the sun, the moon, and all the other stars in the sky. you deserve the entire universe and a lifetime’s worth of love. i know that it’s impossible to swim from the ocean to the sky and personally pick out the most beautiful star for you but know that i’ll dedicate my life to giving you everything else that i could.
 70. i also know that i am still imperfect and sometimes i just couldn’t deliver, but i am asking for patience because i am still learning for you. i want to be better for you.
 71. actually, the mere idea that you always make me want to be a better individual for you already makes you such a wonderful person. again, for the nth time, i am so lucky to have someone like you.
 72. i love how you touch me. i love how you love my boobs. i love how you rub your my clit. i loved how your fingers felt inside me, like fuck. it was so good.
 73. i especially love how you kiss them and run your tongue gently against my nipples until they perk up.
 74. you never failed to support me. although sometimes, you don’t necessarily agree with my methods or the decisions i make, you support me anyway – you’re still there, you never left.
 75. if you ever need a kidney, i got two.
 76. if you ever need a heart, mine is all yours.
 77. i asked the universe for happiness, you gave me so much more. you gave me peace, you gave me wonder, you gave me hope and light when it’s just pitch black. i’m too far gone, too far in love with you and your soul that i swear i’d lose everything if i lost you.
 78. you can have my everything and i don’t even have second doubts about it. i am uncertain about a shit ton of things, but i am certain that i love you, and i want to build a future with you.
 79. and this is the part where i start daydreaming about the everything we’re going to have.
 80. you and i, we will be one. we’ll be happier. we will be okay. i will be your wife, and you will be mine.
 81. we’re going to have a house of our own. not too big, and not too small – just enough for you and me to be in our own little world. can we grow houseplants? i’d love to grow my own herbs by a windowsill.
 82. i’d cook for you. maybe not everyday, because remember you’re dating a lazy ass bitch and i know sometimes we’d both come home just hungry as fuck that we’d want to just order take out, but if you ask me to, i will put on that apron and cook for you. i wanna be that nurturing housewife, you know? (of course i want some kissy kissy while i cook. may i have those too?)
 83. don’t forget the nine cats we’re gonna adopt. we’re going to love each and every one of them. they’re gonna be like our children. you are going to be such a great fur-mom to our future cats. i can’t wait to see that.
 84. i’m gonna do housekeeping. i’ll clean the toilet for us, you’ll do the dishwashing. i’ll happily fold your clothes and iron them always.
 85. we need house rules. maybe at least five. number one should be “don’t forget to kiss your wife goodbye”. if i can’t go to work with you, then you better give me that kith before you go. > : c
 86. i won’t let you get out of the house without breakfast. but if you’re running late, i’m gonna make sure you have a packed meal ready, so that you won’t be too hungry when you get to work. <3
 87. you’ll do your best at work like always. when you come home tired, or when you want to rant about your coworkers, i’ll hold your hand and kiss you while you talk, so that you can calm down. when i feel like wanting to give up, you’ll be there for me like always, and you’ll pick me up from my slump.
 88. on our off days, we’ll stay in, eat pizza and ice cream, and watch Netflix, hold hands, kiss and cuddle.
 89. ^ if you’re bored with that, we can go out and explore. you can drag my lazy ass outside, it’s fine, as long as i can get to see your pretty pretty smile.
 90. i’m gonna have my master’s degree! and be a good housewife for you. you’re going to reach everything you want to achieve, learn everything you want to learn, earn everything you want to earn, because you are my #BestAgent, #CEO, #RichMama.  we’re gonna witness everything fall into place, not only for me, but for you and all the people that we love.
 91. not all marriages are perfect… there’s gonna be yelling here and there. but we’ll get through them, just like how we get through things right now.
 92. we’ll grow together, as a couple and as individuals. i’ll learn so many things from you, and i’ll be able to share some of my knowledge with you, too.
 93. you and i will grow old. together. we’ll see each other’s hairs turn gray, we’ll lose our teeth together and laugh about each other’s wrinkles when we’re much older.
 94. (i wonder how the sex is gonna be when we reach that age. hmm. we’re gonna be so lethargic. we really need to invest on vibrators. HAHAHAHAH jks.)
 95. all of the things i listed above are the things that keep me going – the things that keep me sane. it’s you, beautiful. you keep me on my feet, you help me get back on track. but most of all, you give me hope that i will be able to spend a lifetime being happy with you. you give me hope that i deserve to be happy with the person that i love, despite my past and the issues that i carry from those scars.
 96. there are lots. there are a million other beautiful things about you and me that i failed to mention, and there will be a billion more memories to create with each other. along with those memories, i will learn a gazillion more reasons to love you.
 97. like that one 8bitfiction quote, “i forgive the world because it has you” – it’s true; the world is ugly but it’s beautiful to me. you make all the difference, baby.
 98. we will be okay. you and i will have our happily ever after, so i need you to hang on tight until we get there. me too, i’ll be here, i’ll always do my best, and i’ll always hang on tight so that we can reach our dreams together.
 99.  you’ll always have me. i’m not going anywhere.
 100.  and even before you ask in the future, for the record, yes, i will marry you.
 i love you, baby. happy valentine’s day. <3 
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hwangskz · 6 years
k thanks bye | bookstore customer! felix
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• u studied at a school where reading gore and violent comics termed u as something similar to that
• yk like how a murderer would like to know more about murders and killing techniques so they read a book which is vvv violent? ye everyone had that mentality
• and then u were there who always thought what if murderers were actually reading my little pony comics inside them to hide their duality hhhh
• well that was one of the many ways to hide the fact that u read stuff like that too
• so u were in the middle of hiding ur face and going to the bookstore
• when u entered it u felt aLIVE
• "now i'll finally get to read these babies ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ"
• so u hid ur face and went till the corner when u found the section that u had been looking for
• so u slowly slid down ur mask and reached for the book on the middle shelf
• bUT
• "????"
• ur hand brushed with someone else's so u looked at them
• "um excuse me,, i reached out for this first"
• even though he was kind u were nOT GOING TO LOSE (۶•ᄇ•́)۶
• "yeah but i came here fIRST so it's mINE NOW"
• u tried to tug on it but the guy kePT PULLING IT TOWARDS HIM
• "wow ok that was rude but i nEED TO READ IT TODAY PLS"
• "SO DO I!!!"
• u both paused for a moment before tugging on the book and yelling so loud that the manager had to LITERALLY snatcH the book away from u two to stop the fight smh
• u only put ur mask on and left the store after scoffing at him
• next day,,, while u were taking ur breakfast in the cafeteria, u suddenly hear two male voices (ONE VERY FAMILIAR) speaking to each other behind u
• "yeah and when i asked her POLITELY to give it to me, she sTARTED TUGGING ON IT LIKE WHAT NO I WANT TO READ IT DON'T U UNDERSTAND"
• u were 1982626% sure that it was the guy from the bookstore that u had a fight with yesterday
• and u avoided eVERY way to ignore him but ur plan was ruined by ur friend who tapped ur shoulder only to make u turn around
• and u almost forgot about him until ur friend left and u were about to turn back bUT UR EYES MET
• but before he could approach u or smthg u quickly bOLTED AWAY
• few days later, when u had fINALLY decided to visit the bookstore again (and since u two hadn't met at the school ever since)
• u walked in to see a new collection of books stacked right beside the ones that u are so fond of
• u picked one of them and started reading it cause why not
• fast forward to an hour and u had already decided tHIS is THE best book u have eVER read
• "this is it, chief."
• u really wanted to buy the book but when u saw the price,,,,,
• "yeah i guess i can live without this book,,,,"
• u ended up coming every day to finish this book because !!! this book !!! was eNORMOUS OK
• one day while u were reading ur books somebody lightly tapped ur shoulder and when u looked above
• there he was,, the guy who u had been running away from
• u really wanted to go away but hE HAD U CORNERED SHSHSG
• "hi,, look i know u have been probably running away from me because of that incident here,,, but i just came to apologise i guess,,, my inner fanboy just came out,,, you know?"
• u couldn't help but stare at the boy in disbelief
• "and if u had been running away because of the judging looks and comments from the people at school...guess we really aren't that different, right?"
• u lightly chuckled at his words and skdg
• ",,,,do u mind if i sit here?"
• "o-oh,, yeah sure"
• u made space beside u so that he could sit with u
• there was an awkward silence surrounding u two before he broke the ice
• "i'm felix btw,,,"
• "i'm y/n.." - u say as u smile at him and take away that last tiny bit of his heart with u again
• that day u brought out ur inner fangirl/fanboy and u felt so ???? relieved???
• like the huGE knot from ur chest was gone and u could actually bREATHE
• needless to say, u and felix became best freinds
• u would go to the bookstore to read the book (that u couldn't afford) and after an hour or so, felix would come to the graphic comics section to read the newest edition or re-read the old ones with u
• he would usually go to ur house too and dAMN u are one huge of a fan hhhhh
• "wow ok my bank account can't relate"
• "same lmao"
• "y/n u bought this,, plus did u really just say lmao oUT LOUD HHHH"
• so one day (like everyday) u walked into the bookstore an hour earlier before felix to read the book
• but today it was gone ??? it just wASNT THERE
• well until u had heard felix talking behind u
• "searching for this?"
• he held up the book and it was ?? wrapped up ??
• u kinda wanted to ask him about it before u could,, he just shoVED the book in ur face and was like
• "i bought it for u"
• "HOW WHAT" - u, whisper-shouting at him
• "i saw u reading these everyday but not buying it so,,, i did it for u"
• u legit surprised him when u hugged him
• i mean yeah sure hugs and cuddles were common with u two
• but today felix just felt so weird in his stomach like someone had let loose all the animals in his stomach
• so he pulled away
• and looked at u
• ",,,hey y/n?"
• "yeah?"
• "can u look for a chit in there" - felix, pointing at the book in ur hands
• u searched for a piece of paper until u dID find one and u held it up in front of him
• u could swear he was holding his breath
• "what's this...?"
• "open it."
• u opened it to find a small message written from him to u
• "hey uh...y/n...i know this must be very very... weird for u...since we met like 2 months ago or something...but from that moment on, when i saw u in school, i didn't feel alone anymore, you know? it felt like i could take all of those judgments when i'm with you..but that's what my brain told me.
but right now? my heart has confirmed the message to be true. this is vERY CLICHÉ OK BUT,,,, i really like you. like alot. i hope u won't be ignoring me again >:((
k thanks bye - felix."
• u looked up from the chit to see felix extremely red
• "felix?"
• "yeah?"
• u kissed his cheek and as u pulled away, his eyes were widened and his entire face was bRIGHT RED
• "i will never ignore u again."
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rnainframe · 6 years
every! single! one!
can you tell my mood dropped hard like halfway through
angel; do you have a nickname?at the moment lars is pretty much just a nickname because my mom won’t let me get a name change
awe; how old are you?19!
baby; favorite color?red!
bloop; spirit animal?that’s not a very good term iirc but i guess wolf?
blossom; favorite book/movie/song?book: wolves of the beyond is very near and dear to memovie: the world’s end, the thing 1982, the incredibles, deadpoolsong: i have... so many
blush; what was your stuffed animal as a child?
Tumblr media
her name is baby, she’s dressed up, and i still sleep with her to this day,
breeze; most precious childhood memory?sitting behind my dad and watching as he plays games on the psx and gamegear, i mainly remember ristar and sonic on the gamegear and silent hill on the psx
bright; mermaids or fairies?both!!!
bubbles; do you have a best friend?@aceiou @gruvu
buttercup; showers or baths?showers, submerging my body freaks me out
butterfly; dream destination?a road trip to visit all my frands
buttons; are you religious or spiritual?spiritual, mainly superstitious
calm; favorite scent?a kind of cologne my dad used to wear
candlelight; what did you dream about last night?my brain reminding me of my deep-seated desire to reconnect with an asshole i used to crush on despite me wanting to bury it for good
charming; have you ever been in love?yes
cozy; eye/hair color?i think the name of my hair color is light ash brown? people confuse me for ginger and blond though somehow
cuddly; what’s your favorite time period?80s/90s, also the aesthetics of the 20s~50s
cupcake; favorite flower/plant?succulents, roses, lilies
cute; what did you get on your last birthday?clothes, something useless from my sister, a panic attack
cutie pie; most precious item you own?baby, my phone, my sketchbook, a paw print from sadie the people that put her to sleep sent us
cutsie; what makes you happy?i’m too numb rn to really know
daisies; describe a moment when you felt free.i think the last time i got to go anywhere with friends and without my mom involved was last summer
daydream; how do you want to be remembered?like my dad, where people try to remember him fondly while ignoring the glaring bad shit about him, hhhH
daylight; favorite album of all time?smoke + mirrors from imagine dragons, in silico from pendulum, no culture from mother mother
dear; zodiac sign?sagittarius on the traditional zodiac, ophiuchus on the updated zodiac, my animal is the rabbit
delightful; concerts or museums?museums, concerts get me overloaded unless it’s a band i really like
dimples; have you ever written a letter?yeah
dobby; dream job?i don’t know anymore
doll; how do you like to dress?comfortably, ideally masculine
dovey; any paranormal/magical experiences?my dad haunts my house
dreams; do you want or have any tattoos?i wanna get either an eye coming out of my shoulder of a shamrock in memory of my dad, something simple and space (and/or wolf) related in white ink, uhhhhmaybe the pokemon league symbol somewhere
drizzle; do you believe in aliens?they’re out there
euphoric; talk about someone you love.ace is adorable!!!! i love them so much, their voice, their face, their fashion, their art, their writing!!!!!!
fairy; do you have a pet?ginger morkie named rusty, i wanna get another lab sometime
fluffy; ocean or mountain?mountain
forever; where do you feel time stop?sitting outside at night when it’s snowy, it’s so quiet and magical feeling
froglet; are you a good plant owner?unfortunately no
garden; how many languages do you know?one, trying to learn german or danish or irish
gem; who are your favorite tumblrs?aceiou, gruvu, bunjywunjy, bogleech, weirdmarioenemies, uuhhhh
giggles; what is your aesthetic of choice?either space or red+black glitch stuff
glittery; do you like anons? why/why not?when they’re nice
glow; list the top 5 things you like about yourselftoo numb for that rn
heart; silk or lace?silk feels nice to touch but i wouldn’t wear either
honey; coffee or tea? how do you take it?coffee, cappuccino mixed w/ hot chocolate and a lot of creamertea, raspberry or peach iced tea
hugsy; do you enjoy people watching or bird watching more? why?birds don’t judge you
hunnybunch; what sounds help you sleep?white noise - the sound of a fan, the sound of rain, etc
jewel; what’s your favorite kind of weather?rain, especially stormy
jiggly; what do you usually like to do on weekends?every day is a weekend. i have no life. i am rotting
joy; do you laugh loudly or giggle more?i wheeze or silently laugh. i used to have an ugly loud laugh
kinky; do you blush easily?i blush when embarrassed or crying
kisses; what romantic cliché do you wish for most?spending every moment loving on the person i’m with, every day being like the first day we met
kitty; what’s your favorite time of the day?sunset to night
ladybug; what’s your favorite artist to listen to when you’re sad?mother mother
love; what is your favorite season and why?autumn. it’s not as depressing as summer
lovey; what is your favorite flavor of macaron and ice cream?i’ve never had macarons, but i love bunny tracks and peanut butter cup and bear creek caramel and
magic; what are five flaws you have?you think i can narrow it down to just five
moonlight; do you prefer soft pastels, warm neutrals, or cool darks?warm pastels, warm neutrals, warm and cool darks
munchkin; what do you look for in your significant other?idk but i got it
paddywack; how would you describe a perfect date?wandering around mainstreet and old town st charles, eating at rt weilers, getting ice cream at riverside sweets, then having sodas from the old soda shoppe, ideally in autumn
pebbles; how do you spend free time by yourself?sleeping, wasting away on the internet, the likes
precious; what is something valuable that you learned in your life?don’t get attached, everything will go bad someday
pretty; do you like to cook or bake more?baking is easier but i feel more in control when cooking
prince; how would you describe your handwriting?horrible, illegible
princess; do you play any instruments? if not, are there any you wish you could play?i used to play the recorder, then the flutei want to learn the guitar but i’m so bad at it that when trying to tune a very expensive guitar i got as a gift when i still had passion for it i broke a string
prinky; how do you relieve stress?i don’t
pumpkin; what is your favourite kind of fruit/vegetable?strawberries, raspberries, bananas, pomegranates, pickles, broccoli, tomatoes, pumpkins
rainbow; what was the last line of the last book you read?i can’t focus on reading anymore
roses; what is the most significant event in your life so far?my dad’s death.
smile; what is one thing that has greatly affected you?my dad’s death.
shine; art or music?i’m not good enough at art to deserve picking it, and i’m an audiophile (not! a! fetish!), so
shimmer; do animals tend to like you?i get too rough without realizing it. rusty probably doesn’t like me. he just licks me and sleeps by me whenever he doesn’t have my mom to love on.
smitten; do you collect anything?bottle caps, can tabs, pokemon merch, empty pill bottles
smoochies; how many pillows do you sleep with?four at the head of my bed (two go unused), one plain blue body pillow to hold, like five other pillows to add pressure to my legs
snuggle; what is your favourite candy?peppermint kisses
snuggly; do you have a camera? if so, what kind?phone
sparkle; do you wear jewelry?i used to wear necklaces all the time. they all break because of how i stim with them. my mom doesn’t trust anything around my neck anymore
spooky; sunrise or sunset?sunset
sprinkles; do you like to listen to music with headphones or no headphones?headphones
starlight; what was your favourite show as a child?crashbox, digimon, power rangers, pokemon, total drama
soft; describe your favourite spot in your house.my room. 
soothe; digital or vinyl?digital
squeezed; who do you miss right now?read over some of the questions and ask me again
sugary; what traits do you value most in friends?can i trust you
sunshine; do you prefer for things to be practical or aesthetically pleasing?both
sweet; do you find it easy to open up?too easy
sweetie; do you like kids? if so, do you ever want to have any?they are sensory nightmares
thimble; is there somebody you look up to? who are they?edd gould is dead
toot; what is something you find unique about yourself?my ability to get completely numb over the dumbest bullshit
tootsie; what kind of friend are you?a bad one
treasure; what was something that made you smile today?nothing so far
velvet; are you an early bird or a night owl?night owl
whiffle; if you could have a magical power, what would it be?shapeshifting or invisibility or mind reading
whimsical; do you prefer doing stuff at home or going out?ideally i wanna go out but only if i trust whoever i’m with to understand that i burn out fast anymore
whiskers; do you usually wear makeup?no
wiggly; are you a messy or tidy person?i obsessively organize things but am very messy
wispy; do you like the place where you grew up? do you think you will live there when you get older?i have no choice, i legally own the house i’m in now. i can’t go anywhere without dragging my mom along. i’m trapped
wobbly; have you ever wished upon a star?i wish to have good birthdays. they never come true
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handern · 6 years
85 Q Tag
Rules: Answer the questions, then tag 20 people
Tagged by: @escapeintoavideogame THANKS I LOVE THESE
1. drink - woter. we’re staying hydrated in 2019
2. phone call - K. to tell her I was at her place, but she didn’t pick up that bihh
3. text message - Happy new year from a cool dude with an ass as soft as a pillow who could probably fill in a complain for sexual harassment against half the digging crew we worked with three years ago bc we were amazed by how soft his ass is
4. song you listened to - When you’re Evil - Aurelio Voltaire
5. time you cried - uuuuhhhhh I had so many breakdowns lately I don’t remember
6. dated someone twice? - lol
7. kissed someone and regretted it - AHAHAHAH
8. been cheated on - lmao
9. lost someone special - ??
10. been depressed - It’s been my life since I was 7 years old
11. gotten drunk and thrown up - last time I threw up I was like 11 or something I have guts of steel
fave colours
12. purplish-red
13. teal
14. grey
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends - my whole damn class for some reasons??
16. fallen out of love - LOOOOOOOOOOL
17. laughed until you cried - I’m very easy to kill of laughter
18. found out someone was talking about you -  uh not really?
19. met someone who changed you - like I’m going to wait to meet someone to start changing
20. found out who your friends are - these questions sound very neurotypical for some reasons?
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list - neurotypical or really for normies
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - why the fuck would I ad strangers on facebook it’s not 2012 anymore
23. do you have any pets - I wish qwq
24. do you want to change your name - oh god yeah but only if no one knew I changed it you know
25. what did you do for your last birthday - Cried a lot alone in my room, got lost on the highway, came back home alone to cry more
26. what time did you wake up today - 9am or smth
27. what were you doing at midnight last night - IT WAS NEW YEAR BIHHHHH so like we were screaming Don’t Stop Me Now while drinking apple cider
28. what is something you can’t wait for- being mentally stable, financially stable, adopting a cat, I have a garden with plants in it
30. what are you listening to right now - Pendant que les Champs Brûlent - Niagara
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - there’s one in my class but his name is like Tom Lou and I don’t know how to call him bc everyone calls him Tom Lou but apparently his name is just Tom but french people aren’t used to someone being called Tom and so we don’t know how to call him
32. something that gets on your nerves - human beings are still a thing
33. most visited website -  lmao tumblr is the hellhole I’ll die in
34. hair color - that’s an excellent question. it’s hhhh kind of blonde, kind of brown, kind of ginger but like, all melted together
35. long or short hair - short short short
36. do you have a crush on someone - LMAOOOOOOO
37. what do you like about yourself -  I’m a fucking delight and I’m amazing babey
39. blood type - I forgot
40. nicknames - I ain’t sayin I hate all of them
41. relationship status - why the hell would I want one
42. zodiac - libra
43. pronouns - they/them
44. fave tv shows - Doctor Who, STNG and that’s about it
45. tattoos - got one, want 1000 more but no money
46. right or left handed - right handed
47. ever had surgery - yeah lmao bc people think it’s ok and normal to have a 8 years old have plastic surgery smh
48. piercings - nope
49. sport -  Rowing, fencing, climbing
50. vacation - SEA SHORE AND BOAT
51. trainers - what the fuck is that one are you running out of ideas bruh
more general
52. eating - I don’t eat between meals I’m not a fucking savage
53. drinking - woter
54. i’m about to watch - AHAHAHaHAHhAHHhhhahhHAHhAHhHAHAH like I can watch series
55. waiting for - death
56. want - a drawing tablet with a screen you can draw on
57. get married - orc war chiefs don’t know about that kind of concepts, neither do dragons
58. career - high wizard
which is better
59. hugs or kisses -  equally efficient in diseases transmission
60. lips or eyes - eyes are tastier
61. shorter or taller - tall people should get their legs chopped off for daring to be taller than me
62. older or younger - the young is inexperienced and falls more easily into deadly traps but the older will die sooner and runs slower
63. nice arms or stomach - real strength comes from the heart
64. hookup or relationship - both are government propaganda
65. troublemaker or hesitant - depends on how many zombies are following me
have you ever
66. kissed a stranger - why do you have to be so gross I am but a humble chicken
67. drank hard liquor - oh ja absinthe up this bitch
68. lost glasses - I got perfect vision babey die mad about it
69. turned someone down - as I said I’m a fucking delight but you have to understand that I am also a constant disappointment
70. sex on first date - which calendar are you using that you are hesitating on the date
71. broken someone’s heart -  lmao yeah because it makes me fucking awkward and anxious when people have a crush on me I run away never to return again, I hate this oh god there are so many of them still lurking, getting closer, waiting for an opening
72. had your heart broken - hard to break that which has been buried so long ago that it has been forgotten, lying forever into the depth, surrounded by the most powerful curses and spells. Fear for the day it shall emerge once more, immortal and eternal, bringing only doom and destruction with it
73. been arrested - not yet
74. cried when someone died - ??? of course?????????
75. fallen for a friend - wild
do you believe in
76. yourself - I’m not even a real being what do you think
77. miracles - I believe that chickens do exist
78. love at first sight - where hast thine logic and mind wandereth childe for thou hast hearsted the lies ofth the governemnt and believethed themst wholly like a dumbass
79. santa claus - we had tea together the other day
80. kiss on a first date - are you asking me if I believe in kisses and dates? because both are fake, a social construct and government propaganda wakey wakey
81. angels - my best friend has 19 eyes, three halos, five pairs of wings and only speaks in latin yes
82. best friend’s name - Gwenn (if you’re reading this gwenn close all your 19 eyes and also fuck you)
83. eye color - green with bits of grey and brown
84. fave movie - uuuugnh pirates of the craribib
I’m not tagging anyone because my friends are weakass bitches who never do these u__________u
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