#hi friends i'm a teensy bit excited
tinybro · 1 year
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my art!!!!!! officially printed on and in books!!!!!!!!!!! i'm gonna scream about this for a week straight!!!!!!!!!!!!
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bluehwale · 1 year
unconventional first encounters with ateez
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part one // part two
pairing. ateez x reader (specifically fem! reader for seonghwa's & jongho's)
genre. fluff, humor, this is a headcanon with a teensy bit of thriller and fantasy (and maybe sci-fi)
warning(s). a creepy man stalking u (san's part), swearing, mentions of drinking alcohol, mentions of murder without actual murder, a crazy toxic ex (jongho's part), mingi had a one night stand, mentions of nudity without actual nudity, this is not proofread, seonghwa’s scenes are inspired by the kdrama “youth of may”
word count. 8.7k (sorry in advance)
note. i’ve created a monster… the 3k words headcanon suddenly snowballed into almost 9k oops i think i had too much fun writing this,, anyways please tell me ur favorites! mine would be seonghwa’s, wooyoung’s, and yunho’s bc it may or may not be inspired by a true story,,, (if u notice me reusing a trope in this hc,,,,, no u don’t)
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kim hongjoong
you're in a skateboard park
"why did you follow me here?"mingi slurps on his juicebox as he steps on the nose of his skateboard, "you don't even skate."
you turn to look at him and cheekily grin
"is it wrong to want to spend time with my bestfriend?"
mingi raises a brow
okay fine
he's right
you don't skate and you basically see mingi everyday at campus so you're actually kind of sick of him (don't tell him that)
so you're not really here for him
"just go do your thing," you make shooing gestures at the boy with pink hair as you turn to plop down on the side walk
"i'll sit here and watch."
sit and watch one of the most attractive guys you've ever seen skateboard
kim hongjoong
and there he is
laughing with his friends and doing little skateboard tricks that you can't name
everytime you look at him you hear sk8ter boi by avril lavigne playing as the background music
it's not a crush btw you just think he's super cool
you're falling in love with him
mingi blinks twice at you and proceeds to follow your line of sight
"oh c'mon."
"what??" you huff, trying to avoid his judgemental glare, "i just think he's cute, okay???"
"yeah but i thought whatever phase you had over him would be over by now."
well u thought wrong !!!!! >:-D
"instead of ogling over him, you should try skating."
mingi throws away his empty juicebox in a nearby trash can and drops his board before gently kicking it in your direction
the board hits your feet
"you're trying to kill me?" you deadpan before kicking the board back to his direction
"oh come on!" mingi flails his arms around as he whines "it'll be fun!!!!!"
"fun for you," you snort while trying to look over his gigantic ass that's currently blocking your view, "i'll probably end up with a broken arm."
mingi suddenly grabs onto your hands and pull you up
"nonsense! i'm right here-" he adjusts you on his skateboard and makes sure both your feet are planted firmly on it, "- i won't let anything happen to you :-D"
the thing is
you love your best friend
but you absolutely cannot trust him in situations like this
you were about to hop off his board and make a run for it
but mingi starts rolling you forward gently
"dUDE!" you yelp, immediately holding tight on his arms that are still gripping you as you both move around the park
"bro calm down, we're going at like 5 kilometers per hour"
and you both kinda go at it for awhile
and oh
wait a minute
this is actually pretty fun !!!!!! :-D
mingi laughs at your excited grin
"see! i told you it's fun!!!!"
okay yeah he's right about this one
"now you try on your own !!!!!"
sometimes mingi forgets that not everyone can do what he does
he releases his hold on you and gives you a push
your eyes widen
your best friend hollers when the board starts going faster
you shriek as you hurdle to the ground and the skateboard kinda just tumbles behind you
"a pothole that hasn't been fixed," mingi winces before slowly walking over towards you
but someone beats him to it
"hey are you okay? that was a pretty rough fall"
you look up to see a boy with half of his short hair dyed blonde and the other half black, his wide eyes pooling with concern
cue sk8ter boi by avril lavigne
if he's here........ that means he must've seen you embarrassingly fall flat on your face and basically eat the ground
okay, your dramatic ass actually didn't even fall face first to the ground but,,
you somehow ended up with having your palms and knees on the ground
and the kim hongjoong is right in front of you
..........you had to resist the urge to curl up and die
"i-i'm fine-- ouch," you hiss as you move to push off the ground
exposing your now bloody knees and scratched up palms
apparently you're not fine
"oh no," hongjoong frowns, gently cradling one of your bleeding hands in both of his and you kinda have to muffle back your scream because oMG
he lets go of your hand and kinda digs around in his pants' pocket to pull out what looks like an antiseptic spray thing and a
and a box of pink disney princesses band aids
you didn't know skater boys can be this cute?????? HE'S SO CUTE???????
"i got just the right things to fix you up!" he exclaims and looks over at you for permission, "is it okay if i do it for you?"
you can only nod
meanwhile, mingi's just kinda standing awkwardly on the sidelines while watching the boy disinfect your wounds with the spray
and he sees that hongjoong immediately strikes you into a conversation in an attempt to distract you from the pain once he sees you flinching
and he's just inwardly going wooooo yeah !!!!!! go gET IT Y/N!!!!!!
hongjoong was starting to open the box of bandaids when he notices that you're staring a hole into his busy hands
"don't judge me for these, i just picked up the first ones i see," he says, thinking that you're probably staring at the bandaids because you're thinking of how weird it is for an emo-looking guy like him to have pink bandaids, "i think they're pretty cool anyways."
"yeah, they are cool," you scoot closer to him, "i was just hoping you have either tiana or rapunzel. they're my favorite princesses."
hongjoong thinks that's wildly endearing somehow
if he ends up not having two of the princesses in his remaining band-aid pack, he's definitely running to the nearest drugstore to get a new one
just for you :-D
he chuckles and digs around the box to hopefully see a bandaid with a princess dressed in green or another one dressed in purple
as he finishes placing the band-aids on your injuries, he stood up and offers a hand to pull you up
"i'm hongjoong."
yeah you know
you return his name with your own and he softly smiles when repeating your name under his breath
"y/n, try not to get hurt when i see you next time."
park seonghwa
"let's get married."
you almost spurt out the complimentary water you were drinking
what in the arrranged marriage bullshit????
you finally agreed to go on one of many blind dates your mother has arranged to hopefully marry you off in hopes of merging your family company with another powerful company
to which your personal chef, wooyoung, proposed a plan (that had yeosang, your personal assistant, immediately going on his knees to beg you not to do)
wooyoung calls it operation zombie bride
which roughly translates to 'make yourself an undesirable wife'
but you didn't even get the chance to get your acting game going because this park seonghwa of park enterprises is already asking for your hand in marriage
right after you took a seat across him and managed to take ONE sip of the glass of water prepared on your table
"have you lost your mind??" you sputter while trying to swallow down the bits of water you're currently choking on, "you don't even know me!"
seonghwa raises a brow and opens his mouth, ready to retort back to your challenging remark when a waitress come up to your table
"may i start you both with a drink?"
"yes please," you try to force your hiccups to a stop so you can deadpan at the admittedly handsome man in front of you, "i'll have a bottle of beer."
the waitress visibly tries to stifle her surprise because it's currently 11 am and it's unheard of for people like you in a fancy restaurant like this to order the alcoholic drink
but yeah it's none of her business so she just took both of your orders and leaves :-D
"i guess you like to drink."
it's no question that you both obviously know of each other
having both been raised in similar worlds to be the perfect heir to be handed the family company
but you'll show him just how much he doesn't know you
you can somehow hear wooyoung's evil cackles from here
"yes," you widen your eyes and hope that you look unhinged enough, "i can't live without it. whenever i feel sober, my hands tremble like crazy."
wooyoung would be so proud that you've perfectly recited the first part of the script he wrote
"i see." an intrigued brow raises at your direction as seonghwa calmly leans back into his chair with a-
things are not supposed to go this way
he's supposed to be at least slightly irked by your behavior at this point
the amused smirk still plays on his lips and you were about to openly berate him for being a weird idiot before the waitress comes back with your drinks
at the sight of the bottle of beer and a tall glass set beside it on your table, you think of backing out
you absolutely HATE beer
but you don't want to marry a guy you just met!!!!!
so you sucked it up and gulped down the glass of beer after the waitress poured the alcohol in it to the brim
ggaAAH this shit tastes like piss
you slam the now empty glass on the table before letting out a loud aHHH~ as you smack your lips obnoxiously
and you feel the side of your lip twitch upwards when you see his surprised face
(ノ>ω<)ノ :。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:・゚’☆ wooyoung's plan is wooooorking~!
"may i have a sip?"
record scratch. the earth stops rotating. pause.
"it's just, you make it look so delicious," seonghwa nods at the bottle before pushing down the cuffs of his grey suit and you swear you see his mirthful eyes twinkle when they meet your own gobsmacked ones
without waiting for an answer, he grabs the remaining beer in the bottle and lets the drink tip into his mouth as he knocks his head back to avoid touching his lips to the bottle
seonghwa lets out a rasped guttural sigh before he hums out, "now this is some nice beer." as he twirls the bottle in hands to look at its label before returning it back beside your glass
you do not find this man drinking alcohol attractive. you repeat, you do not find this man drinking alcohol attractive.
he sends another smirk your way
time to resort to the second half of the script
you rest your elbows on the table and lean closer to the man in front of you as your eyes narrow, "i've been told that i'm picky when it comes to who i date."
you wait for him to start spewing out random nonsense about some bullshit or the "nice guys always finish last" rant but he surprisingly stays silent and motions a hand for you to elaborate
"i don't want a man that expects me to cook or clean," you tilt your head back and give him a smirk of your own, "i'm not the type to stay home and cook for my husband. my career is more important."
he stays silent, and you can't help but feel a tad bit disappointed that maybe he's just like any other man-
"i like it."
ngl you almost went apeshit after hearing that
"my ideal type is an ambitious woman."
maybe your heart went pitter patter hearing that but no!!! you're not getting married!!!!
"i'll never want to have kids!" you grasp at straws, blindingly saying anything that will hopefully give him the ick because mhm yeah he definitely looks like a guy who want kids of his own yeah you got this
but he shrugs it off with a wave of his hand, "that's up to the woman, of course. i won't force you to do anything."
you're fucked.
"you're not as picky as i thought," seonghwa hums as another smirk, this time teasing, curls up on his face
you kinda want to smack it off
he matches your stance as he too, leans closer to you, and he tucks a stray hair behind your ear
"i guess we're pretty compatible, future wife."
jeong yunho
tonight is THE night
your finals are finally over and honestly you don't know if you did a good job at it
but that's for future yn to think about
because present yn is gonna go party it up tonight!!!!
yuh B-)
a new club just opened nearby and it looks pretty cool so you and your friends decided to go there
you have on your cutest outfit with your hair and makeup done
and you're sO excited !! >:-D
"hm?" you turn to face wooyoung, one of your best friends, who currently has his arms crossed and a serious look on his face
cue your cheeky grin and your not so innocent batting eyes
before every outings that involves drinking, wooyoung always gives you the talk because... well,,
one time, none of your friends couldn't find you anywhere in the club because you ended up in a nearby seafood restaurant with your whole face inside one of the aquariums (you don't know how you ended up there and yes it was gross and yes wooyoung had to pay for all the damages)
but the thing is, even though wooyoung threatens reminds you every single time before you drink to not get too crazy, it happens anyway
you don't know why he even bother
(he's handcuffed himself to you once and the night ended with both of his hands cuffed together while you were nowhere to be found)
so yeah aha
"you know the drill," wooyoung deadpans, "it's extra crowded tonight so i want you to be within my sight at all times."
that should be easy
you give him a mock salute, "got it, dad!"
you do feel bad for your friends who have to take care of you whenever you're drunk so you're gonna limit yourself to only 3 shots tonight
yeah you can do that !!! :-D
turns out,,, you can't limit your insatiable drinking habits
you lost count over how many glasses you've had and oh my god wooyoung's gonna be so pissed!!!!
you don't even know where he is
you're just lazing around in between the swarm of bodies on the dance floor
you've gotten to the point where the high to dance waded off and now you just want to sit down and relax
and that's exactly what you were gonna do
until you accidentally stumbled out of the club
everything seems to fall into slow motion
next thing you know, you're engulfed into a pair of arms, your face crashing against a warm pair of tiddies chest that cushions your landing after you drunkenly fling yourself out of the club's exit
a pair of large and warm hands cup around your waist to steady you
your dazed eyes look up to see a man with sleepy doe eyes that blinks in surprise and soft chocolate hair that's slightly tousled
he looks adorable (this is you speaking)
and hot (this is your drunken alter ego speaking)
and you're pretty sure you're gaping like a fish
mom i want him
you wrap your previously flailing arms around his waist, unconsciously pulling him closer as you happily croon
"yooou look like myh future boyfriend!"
the handsome man in your embrace lets out a deep chuckle as amusement crosses his face before concern pools in his eyes once he belatedly realizes the state that you're in
if you weren't so drunk right now, you'd probably swoon over how respectful his hand placements are; his hands lift to linger above your waist as he tries to keep you steady-- not touching you but also making sure he'd be able to catch you in case you topple off him
the bare minimum but it's still cute ok
"hi," he softly greets and you have to bend your neck all the way up because tHIS MAN IS TALL just so you can continue staring at his face in awe
"you're sooo tall !!oof-" you drunkenly stumble more into him as you loudly remark on his height, gaining attention to the both of you
he protectively pulls you in just a little bit closer to him, eyes taking in the amount of iffy strangers that have their eyes lingering on you for too long
"do you know where your friends are?" he softly hums, gently brushing away the sweaty strands of hair that stuck to your face so he can look at you properly
yunho knows he can't leave you alone, not with how your eyes are drooping and your speech slurring even though he desperately wants to catch up on more sleep after he did a little snack run to the convenience store
and it's currently 4 hours before he has to wake up for his morning class :-(
he knows he'll regret not getting enough sleep for his class but,,,
he'll regret it even more if he just leave you all alone
"they're all inside!" you giggle while your finger points to the entrance of the club
a bout of chilly wind suddenly breezes past you and you shiver because oH NO you left your purse and coat in the lockers!!!!!-
a warm jacket that smells of vanilla and steamed milk suddenly sits atop your shoulders
"are you cold?" the boy in front of you frowns as he adjusts his grey jacket over your body, "you should call your friends and ask them to come get you."
you didn't even notice when he gently pried your arms off him so he can shrug off the jacket he's wearing to give to you
hE'S SO-
the boy yelps when a shoe is suddenly hurled in his direction and nearly whacks him in the face, "what the fu-"
"hEY !!!!!!!"
you both turn at the sound of the high pitched shriek to see a tiny boy with red hair and smoke coming out of his ears while holding a purse and two coats with one of his socked feet missing a shoe
"gET YOUR HANDS OFF THEM!" wooyoung dashes at you both with an inhuman speed and launches himself to grab you by the wrist and tuck you behind him
"sorry man," the kind stranger lifts both of his arms into the air to show that he means no harm, "i was trying to help them find their way back to their friends."
wooyoung's like oh when he turns back to see you nod in confirmation and his hostility diminishes in an instant
"oh thanks man :-D i guess you're cool :-D what's your name :-D ?"
"it's yunho."
"well, i'm y/n!! and this is my best friend oomph- wooyoung!!!!!!"
and wooyoung's like c'mon y/n we have to get you back to the dorms and you're like waIT A MINUTE I HAVE TO RETURN THIS JACKET-
"no it's okay you can keep it," yunho assures you with a shy smile
"you look better in it anyway."
he's so- ahaue@$#@3ahgru
"take out your phone." you hiccup and yunho shoots you a confused look but obeys anyway
"listen carefully," you cutely hiccup again with your hands on your waist and yunho has to stifle a laugh at your endearing antics, "i'm gonna recite my number for you."
at that, yunho's eyes comically widen and he fumbles to quickly pull up the phone app
"i'm listening!!!"
kang yeosang
when you ordered for an android that will help you around your apartment, you did not expect this
"delivery for y/n?"
you excitedly peer at the tall box that was wheeled in by the delivery man after thanking him
only faltering once you notice something odd
the label on the box reads KYS-1117
you're sure that you made an order for PSH-1024, an android that's promised to be a clean freak and will keep your housing as neat as possible
pshhhh there's no way a highly renowned tech company that sells expensive androids could make a simple mistake like that right? :-D
yeah ! :-D
so you grab your exacto knife and get to the best part of receiving packages -- unboxing !!!!!
you excitedly dive into ripping the box apart, mindlessly flinging away the handbook that was neatly attached to it because how hard can it be to activate an android?
a very handsome android, it turns out
you peer through the glass window of the white pod that houses a blonde boy laying so peacefully you almost didn't want to wake him up
you fumble around and managed to press a button that lifts the lid of the pod, emanating trendils of mist to reveal a clearer vision of the boy with golden blonde hair, eyes closed as if in a deep sleep
"woah," you murmur, bringing your head closer to take a better look at the android. you somehow expected a normal looking one instead of an android who looks like he just won a beauty peagant but hey,,, you're not complaining :3
you crawl across your living room, grabbing the handbook you set aside and immediately flip open to the first page
how to turn on your android: a guide
aha! here we go
you reach out to poke around the android's neck to press on the disguised button to power him up, ignoring the flame scorching your cheeks at the thinning distance between you and his face
his eyelashes flutter as his eyes slowly open and falls on you as you back away from his personal space
you just kinda stay on your knees (not in that way!!!) in front of his pod, because well..... you don't know what to say to him.....
he's slowly blinking, seemingly fighting sleep, as he trains his gaze on you
this is awkward........ (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ
the silence stretches for another minute before the blonde beauty finally speaks
"There must be something wrong with my eyes."
"huh??" you panic, quickly turning back to the handbook in your hands and flipping the pages frantically. "what's wrong?? does it hurt??? maybe there's something about that in here--"
"... Because I can't take them off you."
:-D ....
you're ... gobsmacked
"uHHH ahhahahHHahHa, nice joke?????"
you really don't know what to say
he smiles, effectively blinding you because, holy shit, this man is too good looking to be an android cleaner wtf, and he gracefully steps out of his pod and crouches down in front of you to tuck your hair behind your ear WHAT IS HAPPENING
"What's your name, doll?"
d-d-doll ????
"uh,,,, it's y/n"
"It's nice to meet you, Y/n. I'm KYS-1117, you can call me Yeosang."
he flashes another charming smile and oop yeah that's all it takes
if you weren't kneeling on the floor, you'd probably pass out
but wait a minute,,,, did he say-
"huh,,,, they did get the order wrong," you mumble to yourself
you don't notice yeosang's face contorting in confusion
"Am I not to your liking?"
your eyes snap back to his warm brown eyes that flashes a hint of hurt before disappearing all too quick
oh no
you managed to hurt an android's feelings (メ﹏メ)
"no no !!!! there's nothing wrong on your part !!" you vigorously shake both of your hands in front of you. "it's just,, i think they sent me.... uh, the wrong ..... android."
yeah...... oh
"Would you like me to contact our customer service? You'll be guaranteed to receive your correct order and compensation, of course."
yeosang lowers his head to face the floor while his voice falls flat; a stark contrast to the charismatic lilt he greeted with you previously
you don't need a degree in psychology to tell that he's visibly upset at the fact that you're gonna return him
it makes you feel worse because no !! this isn't your fault
and you can't ignore the fact that he looks absolutely human right now
okay, you do have to give props to the tech company who, despite messing up your order, did a good job at making their androids realistic
maybe a bit too good because,,, you're getting swayed by him rn
which is weird because aren't androids supposed to NOT have emotions?????
you sigh to yourself
"can you clean?"
the blonde snaps his head to look at you. "I'm sorry?"
woop here it goes
"i'm not returning you," you shrug. "i bet that's gonna take another 2 months to process and i don't see why i should do that when i have you."
you can see the gears turning in his head as he tries to process what you just said
you give him a small smile that you hope is comforting and that it somehow tells him that he's not going back to (you presume) a lab that's probably a hellhole
he perks up at your words, his body rocking back and forth as he excitedly informs you, "I'm not specifically programmed to be a cleaner android, but I can learn! I'm known to be a fast learner!"
"okay,,,,, that's settled then!" you happily reply
this is great, a win-win solution! maybe you should also ask yeosang to get compensation for the mistake they made without returning him
in that way,, you won't have to wait for ages to get another android and you get money !!!!!!
"if you don't mind me asking, what are you specifically programmed to do?"
"Oh! I'm a boyfriend android!"
what did he SAY (o_O) !
... "yeosang,, why do you talk like that?"
"Ah. Is the way I talk not to your liking?"
you shake your head frantically, "no!! no!!!! it's nothing like that! just that you kinda talk like you use proper capitalization and punctuation all the time aha"
yeosang blinks
"Am I not supposed to?"
"no!!! it's perfectly fine,, i was just hoping you could be more relaxed around me :-D"
relax. yeosang tilts his head at that word
"I am. Relaxed."
you stare at him
his ramrod straight back against your couch, feet planted perfectly side by side on your floor and his hands placed politely on his lap
meanwhile, your figure sprawls messily on the spot next to him
"yeah,,,, okay"
choi san
you felt it once you stepped foot outside the 24 hours supermarket
that feeling of someone watching you
you try to quench it down, thinking that it's just paranoia creeping on you because it's almost 3 am and eerily dark outside
but then you hear it
not too loud, as if the person does not want to be heard, and you realize that their footfalls match yours
they're keeping up with your pace
you feel your heart rapidly race as you curse yourself for leaving your phone because it's charging back home
is it a good idea to run?
you discreetly turn your head to the side, seeing a man way bigger than you with his hood up in your peripheral vision
and his dark gaze straight on you
you attempt your best at nonchalantly flicking your head back forward, hoping that he doesn't realize that you know that he's following you
the streets and sidewalk both remain empty, rows of closed shops greeting you instead of any taxis or people that could help you
you're completely on your own
you inwardly sigh, making a detour to head towards the main street because there's no way in hell you're leading this creep straight back to where you live and if you can be in a busier street, that would be much better
after walking for what felt like hours, you notice the unmistaken colorful lights that shine red, orange, and green from a convenience store's banner
!!! a convenience store !!!!!!
you quickly pick up your pace, not caring over how the man behind you also start to fasten their steps, and you immediately swing open the glass door once your fingers grasp at the handle
your eyes fall to the cashier, a teenager, probably, who looks like he's not older than 18, and at the brink of dozing off into a deep sleep
tears prick your eyes as you feel the panic finally start to overwhelm you because you don't think this kid can do anything besides being scared with you if you drag him into this
but you kinda have no choice
as you step further inside the convenience store, ready to approach him, you notice a mop of messy raven hair near the cold drinks aisle
you feel the presence of the creepy man looming behind you, ready to step into the convenience store as well
you gulp, shivers running down your spine at the thought of being in a close proximity with the stalker
hell no
the cashier's way too close to the entrance
you need to move somewhere further away
you make a beeline for the raven haired boy at the back of the store grabbing two small sized cartons of milk, tightly lacing your arms around his side, your groceries in a bag swishing wildly against him as he looks at you in surprise
"hi, babe!" you loudly greet the stranger, making sure the man who just rang the bell atop the convenience store door as he enters heard you
you shoot wide eyed glances that hopefully screams 'help!' at your temporary pretend boyfriend
who happens to be very handsome btw
"i'm sorry i took so long, you must've been waiting for me," you continue, eyes roaming around the store and quickly spotting the man in front of the aisle you're both in, quietly listening on to your conversation. "the grocery store was so far away! i shouldn't have insisted on going out alone."
the boy you're latching onto must've gotten the memo (at speed record too!) as he quickly wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him and he lets out a chuckle
"it's okay, baby. let me just pay for these, yeah? mingi and wooyoung are waiting for us in the car outside."
he purposefully raises his voice at the last sentence, making sure that the creep he noticed won't stop staring at you would understand that it'll be a 3 against 1 if he tries anything
gently tugging you by your waist to the other side of the store, away from the man's prying eyes, the boy takes you in with concern furrowing his brows
"are you okay?" he softly whispers, grasping the two cartons of milk in one hand as his other move from your waist to settle comfortingly on your shoulder to soothe you
"yeah," comes your shaky reply, eyes still glancing warily towards the front of the store. "just need to get him off me."
"do you want me to drive you home?" he asks, face quickly grimacing at his insensitivity and he scrambles to replace his offer. "ah, that probably sounds scary. do you want me to call you a cab instead?"
you thank the universe for gracing you with the kindness of this stranger
"sure, that sounds good."
you both finally arrive to the cashier after circling the store, waking up the cashier who begins to lazily ring up the boy's items
his arm wraps around your waist again once he notices the man lingering too close to the both of you and he quickly grabs his paid items after muttering a small 'thank you' before dashing out the door with you by his side
you look behind you, freezing when you see the man with his eyes still on you beyond the glass doors
"the passenger seat's empty, you can sit here first while waiting for your cab, if you want," the raven haired boy offers, opening the passenger seat door of the car parked right outside the store
you enter the car, letting the boy shut the door beside you as you settle down and try to calm your racing heart
"hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii !!!!!!-- uhmm, who are you?"
you turn to the backseat to see a redhead with a nosy expression, his limbs tangled with a blonde boy's own limbs who also sports the same expression, although his looks more confused than nosy
"some creep was following them on their way home," said the raven haired boy, already settling down on his own seat and shutting the door as you look over to the driver's side
"what?" an angry yell sounds from behind, the blonde seemingly trying to untangle himself from the redhead as he desperately tries to claw the car window. "that fucker!"
"mingi!" reprimands his friend in the driver's seat, his head shaking at his friend's antics and he looks at you with an apologetic look. "sorry about him, they both had a little too much to drink. i'm san, by the way"
"san," you repeat his name, and told him yours. "thank you for helping me back there."
"of course," san gives you a dimpled smile, pulling out a pack of mint chewing gum out of the plastic bag and offering it to you. "i heard chewing gum helps when you're nervous."
you must've been too focused on the man near you while he was paying that you didn't notice him grabbing it
and you know that you're not supposed to accept candy from a stranger but you kinda need it ok
"oh, thank you so much," you shyly thank him as you grab the pack. "you didn't have to."
"yeah, but i wanted to," he says, giving you another smile before grabbing the two cartons of milk and tossing them to his friends
"oUUUCH!!!!!! san you hit my head!!" the redhead wails, grabbing his head with both hands in dramaticized agony after the boxed milk bounces off his head while the blonde angrily yells that he does not want milk!!!!!!!
"a bunch of kids, both of you," san tiredly sighs and you almost giggle at his funny expression that resembles an exhausted dad dealing with his two rowdy toddlers
"drink the milk! you need to neutralize!"
"I DON'T WANT TO!!!!!!!"
what a cute friend group
you ended up asking san to drive you home because somehow, you feel like you can trust him
(he drove you home safely with his two drunken friends singing 2000s hits all the way home and you both exchanged numbers)
song mingi
the biggest regret of your life is moving in to a shared apartment that was listed on craiglist
yeah.... you don't know what you were thinking
your roommate is literally a descendant from hell
and not in the cool sexy demon way
but in the 'i've made it my job to make your life a living hell' kinda way
besides the fact that:
a) she never cleans up after herself (whether it be dishes, laundry, or anything, really) and,
b) she acts like you're the bane of her existence,,,
it feels like she has a guy over every night
and honestly, you have no qualms about her getting dicked down because good for her
but the walls are PAPER THIN
you really wonder how she never got a noise complaint over how loud she is
and you have to applaud her for her stamina because they would go for hoouuurs and you'd end up watching the sun rise without getting a wink of sleep everytime
it's gotten to the point where your friends are concerned because you'd show up to class or hangouts with eyebags and a murderous look on your face
your sleep schedule is so messed up
you'd do all your assignments during the night with your headphones in, go to classes during the day, then pass out right after your classes end
all of your friends are kinda on edge around you because they're scared you're gonna Snap™ one day lmao
anyways, you were just chilling one night with your headphones in (which you immediately put on after hearing the unmistakable high pitched noises coming from your roommate's room), waiting for it to be 8 am so you can go to your morning class
when your laptop suddenly lost connection to your wifi
and you hate working on your google docs offline !!!! >:-(
so you forced yourself to get up and go to the living room to see what's going on with your wifi router
only to find a butt naked man hovering over it
"what the fuck!!!" you scream, grabbing the nearest thing to you (a throw pillow on the couch) and launching it on the stranger who's very much naked in your living room
"what--" the man cries out, looking back to see you with your eyes closed just as the pillow bounces off his head. "who the fuck are you??"
you wish you kept your eyes open just to let him see your eyeroll but you quickly scratch that thought because you really don't want to see a stranger's dick at 7 in the morning
your nostrils flare at the nerve of whoever this guy is at your apartment
"excuse me??? who the fuck are you?"
turns out, his name is mingi, and you came to know of it after he got appropriately dressed, turned on and off your wifi router, and sat down across you to enjoy his breakfast that you made
you also came to learn that he's the one who made your roommate sound like a literal pornstar last night
"so, uhh.." the blonde awkwardly starts, gripping his cutlery as he pathetically tries to strike up a conversation while you're busy wolfing down your breakfast. "you cook often?"
the simple question turns into a long conversation that you surprisingly find yourself enjoying
not only is he super cute,,,, but he's also so fun to tease
you move to clear away both of your plates and mingi looks up to you in awe, "that was the best breakfast i've ever had."
you smile, "sure, and that will be $53."
your raise a brow, "you think i'm giving you free breakfast?"
you laugh when you see him scramble to pull out his phone and ask you for your venmo
"dude, i was just kidding," you reassure him, "but please give me a heads up if you're coming over to fuck my roommate again. i couldn't get a wink of sleep last night."
mingi turns a bright shade of red
jung wooyoung
you can't believe it
never in your life would you think you'd be a witness to MURDER
you were just calmly walking back home after meeting up with your friends when you spot a guy with both of his arms pointed to the sky
you had a "little bit" of soju during your monthly bbq hangouts with your friends, so your tipsy self took some time to openly judge and even snort at the stupid looking stranger
that is until, a golden bow materialises into his hold
what in the hunger games lmao
.... you scratch your eyes, hoping to clear your vision
his right hand reaches into the air again, seemingly pulling out two golden arrows with their tips dipped in crimson out of nowhere
wtf did someone lace your soju
and then he nocks them, one above the other, and draws the string back
is he about to shoot someone??????
he releases the arrows in the direction of two people conversing with each other in a playground's swing set not too far away from you and-- holy sHIT HE'S SHOOTING TWO PEOPLE AT ONCE
you hear the wind rip as the arrows zips through the air before embedding deep into the unsuspecting targets' chests
it took point three seconds for you to realize what the suspicscious man did
and that's when you scream
very loudly
but wait a minute
......... there's nothing
there's no blood, no dead bodies dropping to the floor, and the arrows that struck their chests somehow vanished into thin air
in fact, the two people he shot looks happier now
that's weird
but you continue to scream anyway
the boy whips his head to see you; a little tipsy and screaming your head off, and when your eyes lock with one another, his eyes go impossibly wider
he swiftly dashes off into your direction after carelessly throwing his bow into the air and wait,,,, did the bow just dissappear??? it was right there--
a hand suddenly clamps over your mouth
"stop screaming."
you proceed to scream even louder
the boy lets out an annoyed grunt, somehow dragging you into an alley with his hand still clamped over your mouth and the other gripping the back of your head tightly
"look i need you to calm down, okay?" he lets out a huff, nervous hands running through his red hair -- a detail you just noticed with the moonlight shining on him
you finally stop screaming and he immedieately sighs in relief, loosening his grip on you
you take a good look at him
he's beautiful
"thank you," the boy nonchalantly replies, too distracted with looking out the alley to make sure no one saw you struggling against a body of air into an alley. "just to be clear, i didn't kill them okay? they're perfectly fine"
but you're not even listening to him
"you can read my mind?!"
"yes i can but that's not the point," the redhead squints. "i need you to understand that i didn't kill them and that you're not supposed to be able to see me"
you swallow
this guy might be cute but,,,,, you definitely wouldn't risk it because he's weird weird
"umm okay, mr. i'm-not-a-murderer,, what else would you be doing with a bow and arrow besides killing someone??? running your cupid errands or something haha????"
he knocks his head to the side, taking quick steps to near you that has you pinned against the wall as his eyes rake over you in scrutiny
"who sent you?"
pffft LMAOOO 。゚(TヮT)
"what are you on???" you breathe, having to take in a large gulp of air after literally laughing your ass off because of how ridicilous he sounds
there's an offended tick to the boy's brow, his stare drilling at you
you wipe tears from your eyes, "you're saying you're the cupid? or eros? or uh,,, whatever his name is"
the boy rolls his eyes, placing his hands in the pockets of his pants as he moves to lean against the brick wall beside you. "yeah,, cupid or eros works. but i prefer wooyoung."
your jaw slackens. this guy can't be serious
"okay, wooyoung. how do i know you're not lying?"
the same golden bow you saw earlier materializes in front of you out of nowhere, its grip in a firm grasp within wooyoung's hand
huh,,,, seems pretty legit
mhm okay you're sold, you guess you can tick off meeting someone supernatural off your bucketlist!
wooyoung chuckles, he must've read your mind again, and he turns to look at you at his side, mouth still gaping in awe at his glowing bow
"glad you finally believe i'm real," he smugly grins, flinging his bow to the side where it magically vanishes in mid-air
"although, you're really not supposed to be able to see me. you're the first mortal to ever do so."
you see curiosity lighting up his eyes but you also see something else
"you're the first mortal to ever do so."
he probably has uh godly friends up there but,, you can't imagine how lonely it must feel to walk on earth without anyone acknowledging you,,,, as if you don't exist
everyone should have someone around!!! D-:
"let's be friends!"
"what?" his eyes fall back to its usual indifferent gaze, this time, with a tinge of nervousness. "i don't even know your name, how are we supposed to be friends??"
"hush, i know you know my name from the beginning. you probably read it off my mind," (you're right), "now come on! you have to show me some more of your katniss everdeen side!!"
"katnip what??" he yelps in disbelief, figure remaining still despite the incessant tugs on his wrist by your attempt of pulling him out of the alley
"and i don't need friends!"
he was about to go off more about how people would think you're batshit crazy because they won't be able to see him and- oop his back is off the wall now, yeap he's moving out the alley with you successfully pulling him
"yes you do!" you turn to look at him and made a stop once you both are out of the alley, a grin makes it way on your face. "i can't believe it!!!! i'm cupid's first friend!!!"
a faint smile almost places itself on wooyoung's face because hey, being friends with you doesn't seem too bad
but he tramples it down with all his might, rolling his eyes and letting out a huff instead
"just follow me and keep your mouth shut."
guess he's stuck with you then
(he's a little bit happy about that. just a little.)
choi jongho
you knew you should've trusted your gut feeling on not going to the frat party
“but ynnnnnnnn,” one of your best friends, yuna, whines, “it’s been forever since you partied with us!!! just this one time please please !!!!!”
and you being the easily moved person you are reluctantly agreed after some more convincing
“don’t worry babe,” ryujin, another one of your best friends, reassures you while applying lip gloss in her vanity, “i’ll personally kick your ex’s ass if he tries anything on you.”
right, your ex
he’s the prime reason why you would not step foot in any more college parties because trust yourself when you say that he will be in every available party
but you know what
you’re kinda siCK of that !!!
so even though your ex is borderline crazy and threatens you to get back together even if you don’t want to
you’re gonna go to the party :-D
with your five besties protecting you
“let’s go!!!” chaeryeong whoops with her head out the opened car window as yeji, the designated driver of the night, parks the car in front of the already blaring frat house
“now girls,” lia starts, “make sure your phones are always on okay?? and make sure at least one of us knows where you are—”
she’s interrupted by the door slamming open and oh yup there they go—
ryujin, chaeryeong, and yuna are already sprinting across the lawn to get to the house
you all exchange looks as lia lets out a sigh
it’s gonna be a long night
turns out, it’s gonna be an even longer night
specifically just for you
you were just in the kitchen trying to pour some vodka into your red solo cup when you lock eyes with him
your ex, stood in front of the opened fridge
woops what, vodka?? yeah i don’t need that because i’m getting outta here bye
“y/n, wait.”
you briskly walk to the living room slash dance floor with your eyes desperately trying to find your fiery friend who promised to kick the ass of the man currently following you as he tries to call after you
to no avail
you’re kIND of panicking now!!!!!
just then, a figurative lightbulb flickers above your head when your eyes land on a guy with dark brown hair with a cup of his own perched on a corner alone
you’re hoping this works
you practically sprint to him and he looks like his heart is about to pop off his chest at the sight of someone barrelling towards him at full speed
“i’m so sorry but i have a crazy ex who’s following me literally right now so can you please be my boyfriend for like 5 seconds?”
the words jumbled out of you in a haste— too quick for jongho to catch anything else besides ‘crazy ex’ and ‘be my boyfriend’ but he knows from your panicked eyes that you’re asking for help
and of course he will
jongho’s eyes scan around the living room, finally seeing the guy who he can tell is your ex by the determined steps he’s taking towards you along with his eyes set on you
ok yeah jongho agrees with you
because damn this guy does look like he’s crazy
he figures there’s nothing to lose
“yeah, sure.”
jongho expects you to probably just linger near him in hopes of your ex leaving or maybe he’d have to play the role of the protective “boyfriend” by landing a punch on your ex if he tries to pick on a fight
what he didn’t expect was your lips meeting his own
if jongho is an android, the wires in his head would've short circuit 
your arms move to wrap at the back of his neck and you slightly tip toe so you can reach him better
he almost faltered on the kiss because he finds that so cute 
only after you initiated the touch does he place his hands on your waist to pull you even closer as he surprisingly deepens the kiss into a sweet kiss
his soft lips slowly guide you into a slower tempo, smoothly taking charge by moving a hand to softly grasp your cheek while the other rubs comforting circles on your exposed waist 
“what the fuck– get off my girl man!”
you’re forcefully separated from the boy with a breathless gasp as your ex pins him against the wall
despite your ex shouting obscenities at him with a hand wrapped on the collar of his shirt, the brunette doesn’t look scared at all
in fact, he kinda looks bored
his eyes lazily rake over your ex and he indignantly smirks before letting out a deep chuckle that silences the boy in front of him
“how pathetic.”
his big shoulders effortlessly knocks your ex to the side as he shoots a glare at him
this time, he’s the one standing in front of your ex with his intimidatingly large figure towering over him
“if you ever touch her or even fucking try to look at her, i’ll make sure to let everyone in this house know to beat the shit out of you whenever we see you.”
that’s when realization seeps into your ex and his body immediately froze
“oh shit, jongho, i-i’m sorry man,” your ex stammers, silently cursing himself for blindly messing with one of the frat members in their own party, “i didn’t know that she’s yours.”
“she’s not a thing you can own,” jongho rolls his eyes, roughly pushing your ex off the wall and harshly slapping his hand on his back to force him towards the door’s direction, “now get out of here.”
as your ex scrambles out the door, you turn to face jongho with your head slightly muddled by the fact that 
a) you kissed a frat boy
b) he’s hot
c) oh and have you mentioned that he’s hot?
“you good?”
you scramble out of your thoughts to see him looking over you carefully, “yeah…. thank you for that.”
a gummy smile lights up his face and you’re kinda confused because this guy does not resemble the intimidation he showed earlier at all, “no problem.” 
ok go off duality king
“wanna get out of here?”
this is the first time you met a frat boy who’s not really interested in the party he’s in
but you like that :-D
you smile, “sounds good.”
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hwaslayer · 5 months
project: make you love me (jyh) | 13.5
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♣︎ spotify playlist | series masterlist
—summary: yunho can’t stand how you’re so wrapped up in the notorious campus fuckboy, park seonghwa. he would gladly love you the way you deserve, despite being shy, awkward and the complete opposite of seonghwa. thus, when he finds himself spending more time with you over literature reviews and random study sessions, he decides to take on the challenge to win you over.
—pairing: jeong yunho x f. reader x park seonghwa
—genre: (18+ - minors dni) strangers/friends to lovers, college au | fluff, angst, smut
—word count: 1.8k
—chapter content/warnings: cussing/mature language, just a peek into some stuff that happened over break, very self indulgent honestly i just wanted more yuyu time lolol, the usual teasing between these lovebirds, making out, handjob, teensy weensy bit of spit play, unprotected sex, riding yunho after hes fresh out the shower purrrr 🤪
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—a/n: hi! dropping a bonus chapter because it's like ... kinda necessary in order for the next update to make sense? more self indulgent tho LOL but it wasn't long enough to be a chapter chapter 😭 anywho, enjoy!! pls vote on my poll if you haven't already cause ya girl needs to figure out her priorities hehe ty 💕
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"Get in the damn car! We're late!" Chaery yells at Seungmin as he lazily walks over after forcing for a pitstop just to get snacks. Yunho laughs as he watches from the rear view mirror, popping his mouth open when you lean over and feed him a fish ball.
"Why don't you get in and stop worrying about me? I'm getting there!" You hear Seungmin yell back as Soobin swings the door open and slides into the back seat.
"Maybe they'll never notice if we just drive off?" Soobin suggests, making Yunho chuckle again.
"He's almost to the car." 
"Why is she hella mad anyway?" Soobin shivers in his jacket.
"He's taking his sweet ol' time. Plus, you know how Chaery is. Her family is full of seasoned travelers. They don't do pitstops and stuff." You dip the fish ball into the sauce and pop it into your mouth.
"Right." Soobin sips on his cup of coffee, scooting closer to the door when Chaery and Seungmin finally slip into their seats.
"We're literally so behind now. You made Yuyu wait." She continues to go at Seungmin, making him roll his eyes.
"Yunho, I'm sorry. I really had to use the bathroom. Some people don't understand it's a thing." 
"You're good." Yunho starts up the car and instantly turns up the heat. "We've only got about an hour and a half left." 
Today, you and your friends were off to spend a few days deep in the snow; renting a huge cabin near a snowboarding and ski resort. Yunho graciously offered to drive, patiently dealing with your friends and their requests on the way over.
Yunho heads to the cabin to help drop off the bags before meeting up with the rest already at the ski resort. He pulls into valet while the rest of you hop out and head straight into the store to get some gear and rent some snowboards. You find the rest of your friends hanging around in the café, sipping on hot cocoa while waiting for your group to arrive. Everyone is in good spirits, excited to see Yunho alongside of you. Even though he's tagged along a few times, you still can't help but feel worried about Yunho. You don't want him to feel isolated or left out, especially if you and your friends already have a good bond with each other. But, he fits in so well every single time, you almost feel like he's been friends with them for as long as you have been.
He tries, and the effort shows.
Once the snowboarding finally takes off, you find out that Yunho has been snowboarding before and is pretty comfortable with it. You, on the other hand, are terrified out of your mind. It takes a few tries, a patient Yunho and constant falls before you're [at the very least] boarding in a straight path. But, you're having fun and sharing lots of laughs with your friends, and you find yourself enjoying yourself no matter the circumstance.
After an hour or so of boarding, you, Yunho and a few of your friends sit off to the side to observe everyone else and play around with the snow in the surrounding area. You give your sister a Facetime call during the brief break, getting your friends and Yunho in the screen. Your sister kept calling Yunho a cutie, demanding for you to bring him over for dinner ASAP. Yunho agrees and tells your mom and sister that he'll see them soon again, waving goodbye before helping you stand to your feet for another round of snowboarding.
You and your friends are out there for another 1.5 hours before you call it quits, heading back to the cabin for a relaxing rest of the evening before another day of playing in the snow tomorrow. Everyone pitches in to make a good, hearty dinner— Yunho and a few of the other boys grilling in the covered back patio while the girls stayed indoors and finished preparing the rest of the dishes over some drinks. Once everything is set, everyone sits at the table and quietly enjoys their food before debating what to watch for the rest of the night.
After dinner, most of the food is gone, and the group is cleaning around before you head upstairs to your shared room with Yunho. You take a shower first, while Yunho hangs out with the group downstairs, enjoying the hot water as it hits your skin. You take a good, lengthy 20 minute shower; gently moisturizing before getting into Yunho's shirt and some shorts, leaving your wet hair to air dry.
Luckily, the cabin is warm enough, but you know you'll get cold the longer you sit around. Before leaving the room, you turn on the portable heater just to warm the room a bit more before you get to bed. By the time you've headed back downstairs, a few of your friends are huddled around the living room now watching a true crime docuseries with some snacks; the rest already resting in their rooms or asleep from the eventful day.
"I'm gonna shower." Yunho kisses your cheek before excusing himself to shower. You watch for a bit before helping clean up around the kitchen and living room. You then bid your friends goodnight— the exhaustion kicking in quick that you don't really have time to sit and enjoy the rest of the docuseries they've started. When you get back into the room with a cup of tea in hand, Yunho has just turned off the shower and steps out in nothing but a towel. His hair is damp and you can't help but ogle at his frame, his body. "Hey. You didn't wanna watch?"
"No, the exhaustion is hitting me pretty badly now. I just helped clean up a bit downstairs and made some tea."
"Mm. Is the room warm enough for you?" He points at the portable heater that he's turned up a bit more.
"Yes. It's cozy." You chuckle. "Thank you." You sit on the bed with your back against the wall, watching as Yunho takes a seat on the edge. He's running a smaller wet towel across his damp hair, his back facing you. You can't help but crawl over and throw your arms over his shoulders, planting random kisses against the side of his neck and shoulders.
"Cutie." He chuckles. "What can I do for you?" 
"A kiss?" He smiles, dipping forward to connect his lips with yours in a sweet kiss. 
"You sure that's all?" He teases. "You know you can just tell me, baby."
"That's all." You continue to kiss him, hand traveling down his chest, to grazing across the tent forming in his towel. 
"Hey." He whines in between kisses, slightly hissing when you continue to gently palm him through the towel. "If you keep doing that, I won't be able to stop myself."
"Your fault for walking out of the damn bathroom when it's literally below 0 outside." He laughs, hands falling onto your hips when you crawl onto his lap.
"It was warm enough in here!"
"Sure." You playfully roll your eyes.
"Take these off." He whispers, tugging on your shorts.
"So bold." You tease as he helps you out of your shorts and bites his bottom lip.
"Mm, well. You started it." His hands come up your shirt to squeeze your sides. "Care to show me what exactly you need, love?" He smirks, a drip of a suave tone slipping through his lips.
"Mhm." You sit back a bit and run your hand up his towel to gently stroke his already-hardened member. He hisses and tilts his head back in pleasure, tempted to thrust into your hand as you pump him at a steady pace. He lets out low, strangled moans, trying his best to keep contact with you through hooded lids. You take the opportunity to spit onto his dick, letting it drip down the head and down his length while you pick up the pace. Yunho's moans are a little louder now, and hearing it drives you crazy.
"Jesus." He lowly groans. "Baby, wait, wait, wait—" He grabs at your wrist and stops you. "You'll make me cum if you keep going."
"You don't want that?"
"No. Or else, we would've gone through all that trouble of taking off your shorts for nothing." You giggle, adjusting your position to line him up at your entrance. 
"We have to be quiet."
"Do we? They have the docuseries on loud downstairs." You slowly sink down his length, lips attaching to his as you both let out soft moans while adjusting to the feeling.
"Mm, but there's still rooms across—" Yunho chases after your lips, enclosing it in a heated kiss before you can say anything else. He grips onto your hips and guides you at a steady pace, more gargled and low moans leaving him as you work him.
"They won't hear a thing, pretty. Don't worry." He smirks against your lips. "Is it really a bad thing, though?"
"Yunho." You giggle, tilting your head back in pleasure when his cock hits you in all the right places, clit rubbing against him perfectly. 
"Love when you say my name like that." He mutters against your neck, tongue swiping against the surface before he bites onto your neck. You let out a sigh just as his hand comes to your neck, gently squeezing as he watches you ride him at a steady rhythm.
"You feel so good." Your hands trail up the nape of his neck, tugging at the ends of his hair. His hands come back to your sides as he whispers in your ear, praising and cooing you straight to the edge.
Gonna keep being a good girl for me?
Riding me like you were made for me.
So pretty, so beautiful.
My baby.
And it only takes a couple of more rolls against Yunho before you're twitching and trembling in his grip, digging your nails into his shoulders as he thrusts up into you and fills you up shortly afterwards. He groans as lets out every last bit into you, lips grazing against your neck before planting a soft trail there, to your jaw, to your lips.
"That was fun." You say, making Yunho chuckle.
"Let's get cleaned up." He looks down at the towel that's now on the floor. "Again." You laugh, heading to the bathroom to clean up, get dressed and do some final touches before slipping into bed with Yunho. He instantly pulls you into his arms, wrapping one around your shoulders while you lay on his chest. "Can barely keep my eyes open now." You smile when Yunho kisses you on the forehead, letting out a content sigh with you in his arms.
"Thanks for coming along on this little trip."
"Wouldn't miss it for a thing, love." He hums against you, falling asleep in due time just to repeat the agenda all over again tomorrow.
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♣︎ taglist: @s-nsanshine @soupbinlily @tyongff-ff @jiminiscricket @g1g1l @staytinyinmybpack @woomyteez @gfksz @bitchwhytho @savluvsmingi @thisisntmyrightera @hyukssunflower @miriamxsworld @tmtxtf @kuromibabe04 @lmnhead @carrietwrites @tournesol155 @persphonesorchid @txt-yaomi @mxnsxngie @h-nji @mundayoonimnida @jalapeno-princess @nakiiko @asjkdk @kunikku @idkwgoh @kyeos4ng @agust-d2 @araknoid @bintificreads @primoppang @betray-the-light @aurorasjoongie @wineyoungie @yunholuvrsblog @yungigiggles @jaerisdiction @ignoretheskies @luminouskalopsia @naeviscall @vixensss @choisansplushie @arya9111 @my-lightspirit @dazednconfusion @astro-doll-the-star @faesmingi
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nhlclover · 1 year
drunken | rutger mcgroarty
summary: after going over your limit, your boyfriend has to come and pick you up.
request: yes / no
warnings: drinking, teensy tiny bit of angst
a/n: wrote this instead of studying for my exams... also I'm testing out writing from a different pov not sure how i feel about it
word count: 0.9k
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The night started with a promise to yourself that you would stick to your limit of at most four shots and a beer or two. However, with the excitement of it being your friend's birthday and free drinks coming left and right, you had well exceeded that limit.
At 1 am Camilla, the most sober of your group, decided that you guys should go home and get a head start on sobering up. She dragged you and your other drunk friends outside, planting you on the curb. Camilla grabbed your phone, calling your top contact.
Rutger was awoken by his phone ringing from the nightstand, his screen illuminating the whole room. He looked at it, seeing your contact photo on the screen. He pressed the answer button, only for his ear to be filled with shrieks and laughter, followed by a scolding voice.
“Hello?” He asks.
“Rutger?” A voice asked.
Rutger furrowed his brows at the unfamiliar voice coming in the place of what should’ve been his girlfriend’s. “Who’s this?” He asked.
“It’s Camilla!” She shouts. Rutger connects the dots, now recognizing the voice of your friend. “Don’t worry, y/n is fine she just — bitch I told you to sit on the curb we are not going back in the bar!”
Rutger chuckles to himself, knowing she was probably yelling at you. “Sorry, um she just had a little too much to drink and she was supposed to take an Uber home but I don’t want to send her alone. Is there any way you could come and get her?” Camilla asked.
Rutger was out of bed in an instant. “Yeah of course. Can you guys stay with her till I get there?” He asked. Camilla says of course, as Rutger pulls up the location of your phone.
15 minutes later, Rutger’s familiar car is pulling up next to the curb in front of you. He hops out of the car, seeing you sitting next to one of your friends, your head resting on her shoulder. When you spot him, your head shoots up and you scramble to your feet.
“Hey babe.” He chuckles, catching you as you step off the curb.
“What’re you doing here?” You ask, your words slurring together.
“I’m gonna drive you home.” He says. Rutger spots your heels and purse on the ground, grabbing them as you were about to forget them. “Babe, can you put your heels on I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”
You keep trying to walk to the car, despite your lack of shoes. Rutger grabs a hold of your waist, picking you up off the ground. You squeal, gripping his shoulder and kicking your feet. “Y/n, baby, stop squirming.” Rutger said, tightening his grip on your hips.
“Byeeeeee!” You shout over his shoulder to your friends who await their own Uber.
Rutger opens the passenger door, placing you in his passenger seat and handing you your belongings. He thanks your friends before climbing in the driver's seat and pulling onto the street. You crank the volume of the radio, The Weeknd filling the car and rattling the base. Glancing over at your boyfriend, you looked at him adoringly. His face was briefly illuminated by passing cars and streetlamps.
“God you’re so pretty!” You shout over the music. “I am so so so in love with you.”
He chuckles, shaking his head at your drunk rambling.
“I think we should just go to Vegas and get married, right now.” You suggest. Rutger looks over at your face, which indicates that you’re serious, causing him to let out a loud laugh. “Rut, I’m serious.”
“I think that you're really drunk right now and I don't think you're going to remember any of this.” He says.
“I'm not drunk.” You pout, crossing your arms over your chest. “You're just super blurry right now.”
He laughs once more, causing you to laugh as well. A few minutes later, you guys pull into the driveway, Rutger getting out immediately to come to help you inside the house. He grabbed your shoes and your purse, taking you by the hand and walking inside.
“Let’s go get ready for bed, hm?” Rutger suggests.
As soon as you get into your bedroom, you flop down on the bed. Rutger grabs you a t-shirt from his drawer and some sweatshorts, urging you to change into them.
“Did I tell you how much I love you?” You ask him, taking the clothes.
“You did.” He nods.
Rutger helps you out of your mini-skirt and out of your mesh top. He slips his shirt over your head, a bit of makeup rubbing off on the hem, and helps you step into the shorts. You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss, albeit a sloppy one due to your drunken state. He pulls away a little quicker than normal, putting you on your side of the bed.
You frown at this. “Am I annoying you?” You ask him.
He turns to you a small smile on his face. “Not at all, baby.” He says, planting a soft kiss on your cheek.
“Are you sure?”
“100%.” He reassures you, climbing into his side of the bed. He removes his glasses and puts them on his side table
“I feel like I’m being annoying though.” You frown, pulling your knees into your chest. “Are you sure I’m not annoying you?”
“If you keep asking I’m going to get annoyed real fast.” Rutger said under his breath, but loud enough that you heard it.
Small tears began to fall down your cheeks. A small sniffle made Rutger flip over and face you, seeing your eyes welling with tears.
“Baby, baby, I’m sorry.” He said. He snakes his arms around you, pulling you into his torso. “That was mean. I’m sorry love.”
He kisses the side of your head, resting his chin on your shoulder
“So I wasn’t being annoying?” You ask again.
“A little.” He admits. “But even when you’re annoying me I still love you.”
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another-lost-mc · 7 months
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candy prompts: barbatos + sweet
before the angels take you on a little vacation to the celestial realm, barbatos has a gift for you.
pairing: barbatos x gn!reader
content: sfw. fluff. domestic bliss, mutual pining, a teensy bit of angst (he just loves you so much and he's gonna miss you~). oh, and kissing.
word count: 1.4k these are supposed to be short wtffff
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The castle kitchen is bustling with activity when you push the door open and step inside. Luke and Barbatos both turn their heads and welcome you as they finish their little pet project. The young angel is especially excited to see you and he gestures towards the counter where all his hard work is displayed. "Look at how much we made! The other angels are going to be thrilled, don't you think?"
Luke has told you countless stories about Michael and the other angels he admires in the Celestial Realm, and most of them love sweets. However, you're not sure that explains why there's nearly a dozen pastry boxes stacked high on the countertop in front of you. You have no doubt they’re all filled to the brim with cookies and cupcakes and other sugary treats Luke wants to bring on this trip to visit his home realm.
It's possible Luke went overboard just a little bit, but you share an amused look with Barbatos over the angel's shoulder. Luke’s excitement is contagious and you can't help but return his giddy smile with one of your own.
"You know what? I'm sure all of your friends are going to be very excited when they see what you've made for them." You ruffle his hair and bite your lip to stifle a laugh when a poof of flour floats in the air around him and settles like a dusting of white snow on his shoulders.
Thinking practically, there's no way Luke can safely carry all these packages on his own; the tower of boxes is taller than he is! This many boxes would be a struggle even if you helped him, but it seems Barbatos has already solved the dilemma for you. He glances at something—someone—behind you. Out of the corner of your eye, you recognize Number Two who pops up out of nowhere. He hovers over your shoulder and nuzzles your cheek in greeting.
(The Little Ds know by now that if they visit the kitchen when their boss and the young angel are baking together, they'll probably get to help taste-test their creations once they're finished. Barbatos warns Luke not to indulge them too much, but the angel can't resist slipping them cookies or bits of cake when the butler's back is turned.)
Barbatos watches fondly for a moment before he clears his throat to get the lesser demon's attention. "Please help Luke take these to the foyer, and do remember to be careful with them. The contents are quite delicate.”
Number Two gives his boss cheeky salute and a wide, toothy smile. With a surprising burst of speed, he rushes forward and takes the first few boxes from the top of the stack. The other lesser demons that were helping with the kitchen clean-up take the opportunity to abandon their chores and help carry the other boxes instead. They all cackle delightfully as the packages teeter precariously in their claw-like grips. Luke yelps nervously and bids you a hasty see you soon! before he rushes after them in a cloud of powdered sugar.
The kitchen is quiet once the others are gone, and something dark on the now-bare counter catches your attention. "Oh, it looks like they forgot one." The box is smaller than the others and decorated differently too. While the others were standard white boxes tied with gold ribbon, this one is black and tied with a bow of emerald-green.
Barbatos brushes your side when he steps up the counter and he looks pleased that he managed to surprise you. "Actually, this is a gift for you, dearest. I hope you'll enjoy it while you're gone." He tips his head towards the box and encourages you to open it. It looks too pretty to open, but you do as he asks and tug carefully on the ends of the bow before lifting the lid and peering inside.
It takes a moment for you to realize what you're looking at. There's a large tin of loose leaf tea, his personal custom blend. There's a row of individually-wrapped scones that smell faintly of cinnamon and vanilla bean. Nestled inside a layer of tissue paper is a small jar of midnight-berry jam; you already know it's made from fruit he picked himself in the castle gardens.
His presents for you have always been thoughtful, his sense of practicality perfectly blended with his own selfish desire to impress you somehow. You already cherish this gift as much as any other, despite its apparent simplicity.
To anyone else, this would be nothing more than a small selection of Devildom breakfast fare for your week-long excursion to the Celestial Realm.
To you, it's Barbatos's way of providing you with something comforting to drink if you feel homesick while you're gone. It's his regret that he can't be there with you and his hope that you'll eat well despite his absence. It's also a promise: like all mornings you've woken up in his bed to find warm tea and scones prepared on a tray nearby, it's because he's thinking of you, the other master he serves willingly with bated breath on bended knee.
For some reason your eyes are watery all of a sudden. The laugh that warbles from you fails to hide the way you sniffle and try to wipe your eyes without him noticing.
"Come here, love." Familiar hands settle lightly on your waist and draw you closer to him, and suddenly you regret agreeing to go on this stupid trip.
"Barbatos, I—" But whatever you're about to say seizes in your throat when someone knocks softly on the kitchen door.
"Sorry to interrupt," Simeon apologizes when he steps inside. He looks between you two guiltily. Barbatos's eyes snap up at the intrusion, and Simeon makes a wise choice to step back at the menacing growl reverberating in the demon's chest. "I wanted to let you know we're ready to leave when you are." He mouths sorry one more time before making a quick retreat. Even though he closes the door behind him, it's pointless—you're out of time for farewells.
A warm puff of air tickles your ear when Barbatos sighs quietly. Goodbyes aren't any easier for him, or at least they aren't when it comes to you.
"It's not often you travel somewhere I cannot follow." As he murmurs his vulnerable confession, his hands dip under the hem of your shirt, seeking the warm comfort of your bare skin. "I'll miss you more than you can imagine," he whispers, and he pauses with indecision.
To hell with it.
He steals a few more moments with you while he can. His warm breath fans lightly across your face when he leans towards you, followed by a soft brush of his lips against the corner of your mouth. The forked tips of his tail tickle your leg when he closes the distance and kisses you properly. It's unhurried and sweet at first, but then his tongue teases the seam of your lips and he answers your muffled sound with needy groans of his own.
Like his gift to you, kissing him feels like a promise that no one in the three realms could love you as fiercely as he does.
When he finally steps back so very reluctantly, your lips are glossy and plump. It soothes the instinctive urge to claim you somehow, and he takes a moment to admire how lovely you are. When he's satisfied, he laces his fingers with yours and leads you from the kitchen.
Simeon and Luke are waiting for you in the foyer when you arrive. The angels are eager to leave, but they don't dare complain about the delay. Even Barbatos knows he needs to see you off safely before he does something reckless.
(It's far too tempting to tuck you away in his room and keep you to himself. None of the others, except perhaps his Young Master, would dare barge into his space to find you.)
He offers insincere apologies to the others for delaying your departure while you pack his gift carefully with the rest of your belongings. You hum as you swipe your tongue across your lips, savoring the taste of him that lingers there. You don't notice that he mirrors the action himself, or that he stares at you with molten, greedy eyes as you step through the portal he conjures for you.
He carries on with his tasks as best he can after you're gone, and it's a surprisingly easy feat. Time passes so quickly when he gets lost in thought imagining all the ways he plans to cherish you when you return.
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read more: halloween 2023 masterlist || obey me masterlist
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dearmura · 10 months
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☆ cw. reader uses she/her pronouns + is referred to as girlfriend, a teensy weensy bit of cursing, the reader is hit on by some creep at one point, not proofread
☆ pairings. non-idol! riki × fem! reader
☆ genre. fluff, strangers to lovers
☆ synopsis. summer would've proven to be monotonous, the greatest thrill being the audacity of the ice parlor's customers. that is until a new face walks in, leaving you daydreamin'
☆ a.n. enhypen exists in this au but let's pretend that riki isn't an idol for story purposes
"one scoop of mint chocolate ice cream, one of cookies and cream, one of rasberry, and one of chocolate in a sugar cone with rainbow sprinkles, chocolate drizzles and Oreos on top. and get it right, it's for my kid" they end with a forced smile, not even bothering to say please or thank you, not that you weren't used to it. sadly, you wish you could say that was the weirdest order you've gotten but, one thing this job has taught you is that kids, and parents alike, are weirdos. nevertheless you make the salty parent's order with a feigned smile and don't bother when they snatch it from your hands, throwing you the cash and not even bothering with the change
one would think that working in an ice cream shop in the hot summer heat would be ideal
if they didn't have the job, that is
but you were in no place to complain. while scooping questionable orders for ipad kids and karen parents all summer wasn't your passion project per se, it did help bring money in, money you desperately needed to afford tickets to enhypen's tour. with your unfortunate luck last year, you couldn't afford to not see them again this year. therefore, you were left to deal with a customer service job you hated where you feigned smile all day, motivated by the motto 'enhypen's worth it'
you wish you could say you at least made a friend in the process, though, your co-workers consisted of retired old folk who were too much of overachievers to at stay home and bask in their retirement money and kids around your age who you can only assume were too popular to be in your league
mentally cursing as the rude woman walked away, you compose yourself before serving the next customer who only makes you double take. a boy around your age with a height no one other than a k-idol could bear. he spoke in a low voice you'd be lying if you said wasn't attractive
"wow, that woman seemed really rude umm...y/n" he eyed your name tag before meeting your gaze, making you furrow your brows and shake your head on instinct
"no no no it's alright, I'm used to it" you reassure him. though, your answer doesn't seem very convincing to him. he frowns
"no, no it's not, no one should be used to that, I'm sorry" he apologizes, albeit, you don't know what for but, nevertheless, you nod
"thank you, babe. I'm sorry, what can I get for you?" you mentally curse at yourself for the term of endearment that slips past your lips. though, he doesn't seem to mind
"it's alright. actually, that woman speaking to you like that rubbed me the wrong way. what would you recommend, y/n?" he asked, looking at you with expectant eyes, which only make you blush
"um, I usually like to order a chocolate and vanilla swirl with rainbow sprinkles" you giggle a little
"it's the best of both worlds I guess, no need to choose a flavor when you have both" you reason, looking up at the boy whose eyes crinkle in joy. a warm laugh comes from the boy that only warms your heart
"valid. I'll take that then, please" he ends with a smile, which you return
"coming right up!" you say too giddily, as you turn around to make his ice cream you mentally curse at yourself for being so excited for no reason. though, you don't stop yourself from swirling the ice cream a little slower than usual to ensure his cone was perfect and a little higher than you're supposed to serve them
smuthering his cone in sprinkles, you hope he actually enjoys it considering you gave him extra of everything, not that he needed to know
"here ya go. that'll be $2.50, sir" you say, carefully handing him the cone, your fingers grazing his. your ignore the quickening of your pulse at the contact
"thank you so much" he hesitates a little before he continues
"and you can call me riki by the way, sir makes me sound way too old" he jokes, handing you a $5 bill as he laughes. nodding, you take the bill, your fingers failing to touch much to your dismay. upon handing him back his two bills and quarters, he doesn't even look before immediately placing them in the tip jar. thanking you again, he turns to leave, beginning to lick a stripe off his ice cream. though, you couldn't quite catch his reaction
as the door closed behind him, you catch your smile lingering a little too long for your liking. clearing your throat, you attempt to compose yourself, eying the clock until the very last minute. wiping down the tables and cleaning the ice cream machine kept you busy until closing. you wish you could say the thought of the sweet boy didn't entertain you through those last few hours but you'd be lying. in the back of your mind, you secretly hoped he would return soon
to let you know if he liked your recommendation of course...
the next sale will begin in:
34 days 9 hours 0 minutes and 5 seconds
as if checking every hour would suddenly make them appear, you couldn't help but stalk the ticketmaster page, desperately waiting for seating charts, vip packages, or just prices in general to drop. with your entire happiness this summer being determined by whether or not you were going to enhypen's concert, you couldn't help but be utterly paranoid
with a heavy sigh, you peel your eyes away from your phone, dragging your feet slightly as you add the ingredients into the ice cream machine. as if the stress of ticketing and insensitive customers had not been enough, you'd been assigned the opening shift, a time you thought was ungodly to buy ice cream, but, you couldn't complain. overtime did mean more money in your pocket, so you opted to keep your complaints to yourself
as the day continued, you couldn't deny that the boy was on your mind again. even amongst tamer regulars, he was the one person you genuinely wanted to see
"um excuse me. I don't know why it's so hard for you to get it through your thick skull, but I ordered my ice cream in a waffle cone, not sugar cone" a woman spat out, shoving the cone in your hands before you could begin to unpack that statement
"I'm sorry ma'am but you ordered your ice cream on a sugar cone so I made it that way" you tried to reason, knowing damn well that she specified sugar, not waffle
"well the customer is always right! so quit the sass and do your j-"
"ma'am, I know this is none of my business but this young woman said she made your order to the 't,' so would you please have some human decency, admit your sorry, and leave her alone, please" the voice you'd been waiting yearning for all day rang out, interrupting the bitter words that came from the woman's mouth. looking up, your eyes meet his, which only give you a look of reassurance. completely stunned by his actions, the woman finds herself at a loss of words, grumbling as she stormed out of the parlor like a child throwing a tantrum
giggling as the door jingled behind her, he stepped forward, now directly parallel to you across the counter
"you never seem to catch a break, now do you?" he almost laughs, still amused at the woman's childlike nature. trying to keep your composure, you only shrug with a smile
"thank you, again. for caring I mean. you didn't have to do that" you insist, unable to meet his eyes, a little nervous being around someone you deemed way too out of your league. he only frowns
"y/n, this is only my second time meeting you but I swear if someone tries to disrespect you again, I will defend you towards the ends of the earth. who else is gonna recommend me ice cream flavors?" he ends with a teasing smile, which you only scoff at, ignoring the butterflies in your stomach at the implications of the beginning of his statement
his smile grows, a contagious expression which only reflects back to you
"speaking of ice cream recommendations, that was quite possibly the best ice cream I've ever had. when I got home, I couldn't stop thinking about coming back here. please share some more of your ice cream secrets, oh wise one" he teases, making you giggle. you ignore how your heart skipped a beat at the thought of him thinking about you like you had him
it wasn't like that
you tap your chin comically as you think. the whole time, he bears an expectant look on his face, giving you his full, undivided attention, making you a little nervous if you do say so yourself
"you fancy me as a cookie dough kind of guy" you joke, playing along, making him smirk
"is that so?" he gives you an amused look. you don't miss the way his eyes rake you before returning to yours
"I'll take your word. I'll have that then, please" he smiles, sitting down on a stool in front of the counter, still parallel to you, watching as you make the treat
"so, if you don't mind me asking, what brought you here? there must be a reason why you wanna stay here even after all these fussy customers" he asks curiously, eyes never leaving you. as you scoop a few spoons of the cookie dough, you smile to yourself
"just trying to save up for a concert that's all" you tell the truth, opting to not elaborate, guessing he wouldn't care to ask anyways. your answer seems to pique his interest as he rests his chin in his hand, eyeing you with a curious look
"ooo what artist?" he questions, much to your surprise. you decide to tease the boy a bit, feeling oddly comfortable with him already though you just met him the previous day
"you sure do ask a lot of questions don't you? definitely cookie dough" you don't miss how he smiles to himself at your comment. he lifts his arms in defense with a warm smile
"got me there. now who are you seeing?" he continues. at this point you hand him his ice cream, making sure to add rainbow sprinkles on top. though he didn't ask for them, you did so nonetheless considering how he seemed to enjoy them the previous day. your guess seemed to be correct as his eyes lit up immediately
"oh thank you" *gasp* "how'd you know I love sprinkles" he takes a spoonful of the treat, humming in delight as his eyes shut, his head thrown back dramatically
"you're a genius, y/n, I swear" he says through mouthfuls of ice cream, making you laugh
"thank you, and, to answer your question, I'm seeing enhypen. have you h-" he immediately lets out a gasp, almost choking on his spoonful. bracing his chest, he swallows his bite before looking at you with wide eyes
"you like enhypen?" he speaks in a hoarse voice which you only guess is from the coldness he quickly swallowed. you nod questionably, still confused as to why he had such a visceral reaction. he throws his head back in disbelief before craning his neck back to face you, leaning forward over the counter, resting his chin in his hand once more
"I literally religiously listen to their music it's not even funny" he jokes, taking another spoonful of ice cream
"what can I say? only hot people love enha" you state, not even processing your words until they come out of your mouth. eyes widening, you immediately regret it after seeing him look up from his ice cream with a teasing smile
"so are you implying I'm hot?" he teases, cocking his head to the side as he raises his eyebrows, making you freeze, scrambling to come up with some witty response to save yourself
"well I was implying I was hot actually but I guess you're included in there too" you state, masking your nervousness with feigned confidence. he bursts into a fit of laughter, throwing his head back and clapping his hands, a habit you found way too cute for your liking. calming down, he wipes away the tears that formed in his eyes, giving you an approving nod
"touche, touche"
high from your sudden boost of confidence, you continue playing along, matching his energy
"so then you're implying I'm hot. touche, am I right?" you say with a look way too innocent for your intentions. giving him your best does eyes in an attempt to amuse the boy. you could see his act falter a bit as he scoffs taken aback by your words, low-key finding it really attractive
"if the shoe fits" he states simply, as if his words weren't going to replay in your mind the rest of the day and keep you up at night pondering their intentions. taking one last spoonful of his ice cream, he walks toward the counter to pay, immediately putting his change in the tip jar just as he did the previous day. before leaving, he didn't forget to bid you a goodbye, promising to come by the next day to see you
a jake stan you presume
the next sale will begin in:
12 days 6 hours 0 minutes and 2 seconds
though the shop had it's flaws, one thing about it you adored was the days off. with every employee being part time, the manager decided to just give everyone a day off every week to meet the hour requirements for part timers. having a day to yourself to escape the antarctic temperatures and even colder people was essential
normally, you would have stayed home and basked in your ability to sleep in. though, you ultimately decided against it when finding out the local pool was open. now you weren't a fan of public pools, infested with children who fail to control their bladders. but, with your oddly good luck, you arrive at a time earlier than most head for a swim, ensuring the pool all to yourself
slipping your towel off your skin, you gently make your way into the water, hissing at the cold temperature. sighing in relief as your muscles seemed to relax, you bask in the sunlight. bracing yourself with your arms off the edge of the pool, you sway your feet up and down, almost like a mermaid. you laugh to yourself. suddenly getting an idea, you slide yourself into the water fully, gripping onto the edge of the pool with just your hands. dipping your hair in the water, you wip back singing "part of your world~" as water splashes all around you dramatically
as you look up, your smile slowly drops as a heavy blush takes over your face
"hey, princess" that same voice you found yourself replaying in your mind rang out just above you. he gives you a smile but you only widen your eyes at the name, making him suddenly go into a frenzy
"no no no, I didn't mean it in like a player, f-boy way. like princess as in princess ariel. and you were just ariel so I-" you only giggle at his panicked stage, finding him increasingly adorable by the minute
"are you gonna keep rambling or are you gonna join me?" you tease, suddenly getting confidence boost. you immediately pat yourself on the back when you see a blush take over his face. you pretend not to notice. he shyly slips his way into the pool beside you, albeit a few feet adjacent to you, only amusing you more
"don't worry, riki. I don't bite on fridays" you slip your sunglasses down your nose, giving him a teasing look which he only returns with a shy smile. for a few minutes, you two sat in silence like that. it was then when it finally occurred to you that your conversations never went beyond the shop. desperately trying to think up a conversation, he thankfully starts
"I really like ariel" he finally speaks up, meeting your gaze with an unsure look. you smile warmly at his comment. he continues
"my older sister, konon, had this bright red hair when we were little. I always told her she looked like ariel" he laughs at the memory, almost making you feel like you were there too
"I guess she kind of became my favorite Disney princess 'cause she reminded me of her. you know how younger siblings kinda idolize their big sisters at that age. and my little sister, sola." he smiles to himself "gosh she's a character"
"you and your sisters must be close" you say, orienting yourself to face him, giving him your full, undivided attention. he pretends not to be flustered by the sudden attention, nodding with a smile
"what brings you here by the way? I WAS planning on having the pool all to myself so you at least owe me an explanation" you joke. he hesitates a little before responding, refusing to meet your gaze
"well, I was gonna get ice cream butsawyouweren'tthere so I decided to come here to cool off" he mutters his words in the middle but you understand nevertheless. with a smile, you lightly push his side a little. you don't miss the way he tenses at the contact
"it's not like scooping ice cream is a skill. you could've gone in even if I wasn't there" you tease, seeing him smile to himself a little at your words
"I dunno, it's not the same without you there" he finally meets your gaze as he speaks. you panic a little at his confession
"ya! you ruined ice cream for me. now I can't have it without you" he complains dramatically, making you giggle. you don't notice his smile forming at your happy state
"well I'm sorry I let you down today. how about we have some now, my treat" you offer, seeing the glimmer in his eyes at your invitation. you can practically see the cogs turning in his head as he contemplates the right response. deciding to tease him further, you gradually climb the steps to get out of the water
"I'm not getting any younger~" he is immediately snapped out of his thoughts at your words. without thinking, he gently grabs your wrist, stopping you in your tracks
"it's a date" he gives you an unsure look, biting his lip a little in anticipation. you try to keep your composure but the look on his face was too priceless. giggling like a teenage girl, you shake his hand away playfully
"don't get ahead of yourself now" you tease, flashing him a smile as you run off playfully. searching for you things, you rummage through your bag in search of your towel. mentally cursing at yourself, you realize you had forgotten it at home. pouting at the implications of you walking around town all wet, you sigh
emerging from the water himself, riki quickly takes notice of your frustrated state. searching for his towel, he wordlessly approaches your wet figure
"may I?" holding the towel just before it made contact with your back, he gives you a warm smile. giving him a shy nod, you quietly thank him, not missing the way he tries not to touch you out of respect as he helps drape it around you
"let's go, yeah?" waiting for you, you stop dead in your tracks at his actions. inhaling, you didn't miss the boy's scent hitting your nose, soothing you. in a weird way, you felt a gravitation towards the boy you couldn't quite explain. felt so safe with him though you'd only met him not long ago. shaking your thoughts, you hold the towel around yourself, nodding a shy thank you before following him
upon reaching the ice cream parlor, he insisted you choose for him, requesting you "surprise" him. with a playful roll of your eyes, you order for the both of you, reaching for your wallet to pay only for him to hand his own bill to the woman behind the counter, much to your surprise. with a smile, he insists its his treat as an apology for interrupting your pool day
making sure to hand you your ice cream first, you thank him before you begin to walk. about to leave himself, the employee stops him before you notice
"your girlfriend is beautiful by the way, you're a very lucky guy" the old woman gives him a smile as she hands over the soft serve. blushing to himself a little, he returns her smile
"I know"
"riki!" you call after him after noticing he wasn't next to you. beckoning him over, he takes one last glance at the woman before running to catch up to you. smiling as he slowly reached you, your eyes catch an arcade down the street. both giving each other a challenging look, you wordlessly agree to head there
"but you already bought me ice cream. that's not fair" you complain with a pout, refusing to let riki pay for your tokens. trying to stop him from inserting his bill only proved to be fruitless, using your height against you. raising it above his head, he smirks as he sees you struggle. fingers gripping onto his shirt as leverage, you use the other to futility reach for the bill. he masks his blush with a smile, pretending as if he wasn't internally screaming at your touch
"come on! you're holding up the line! just let your boyfriend pay already" a bystander stresses, causing a blush to come over both of you. suddenly aware of your proximity, you let go of the boy, stepping away as you let him slip the money into the machine. collecting the tokens, you two walk away together, trying desperately to hold your laughter but mutually breaking after only a few steps of silence
with a gasp, he immediately pulls you to two basketball machines adjacent to each other off to the right of the arcade. giddily inserting the tokens into their respect slots, you shoot him a smirk
"watch and learn pretty boy" you tease, knowing VERY well you were all bark and no bite. you can see his tongue poking at the side of his cheek, amused
"we'll see about that, babe" he challenges, his voice dropping an octave in a tone too attractive than you'd like to admit
as if on cue, the clock starts and basketballs roll down the ramp. your eyes widen at the boys lightening reflexes, immediately grabbing a ball. taking a gulp, you swiftly pick up a ball yourself, shooting and (thankfully) succeeding much to your surprise
with new found motivation to beat the boy, you keeping shooting, glancing over at his score every so often as you waited for balls to roll down. as if feeling your eyes on him, the boy turns his head, throwing you a wink
"this one's for you, y/n" he says in a voice you assume was supposed to sound flirty. rolling your eyes, you watch as he dramatically dribbles the ball, flicking his wrist as he throws it only to completely miss the net. a wide-eyed look comes over his face, absolutely crushing his ego. you can't help but burst out laughing, doubling over as you brace yourself against the boy
soon enough, the buzzer goes off with you two only making a couple of shots, not that you cared. eyeing the scoreboards, you smirk. turning to the boy, you bat your eyelashes mockingly at him, rubbing your win in his face. with a smile, he accepts defeat, satisfied enough by seeing you have a good time. with a giggle, he watches you flaunt the tickets you won
with a gasp, you tap the boy excitedly, pointing toward a claw machine just a few games down. you (of course) take the opportunity to tease him
"if you get me something from there, maybe we can all forget about that excuse for a shot back there" you cock your head, giving him a challenging look. he hates the way your attitude worked wonders on his mind. how it makes it much harder to resist looking at your lips. how it turns his mind into putty and makes him eager enough for your attention to instantly take you up on the offer. though he would've done it anyway if it meant your happiness
"which one do you want?" he asks, scanning the plushies for himself, mentally playing a guessing game of which you would choose. as soon as you laid eyes on the machine, you knew exactly which one you wanted. with a smile, you happily pointed to a little duck plushie. he gives you a questioning look but inserts the tokens nonetheless
being places in be middle of two games, the claw machine had only the facet facing you visible. combined with his tall frame, you found it hard to watch. with a pout, you searched for a way to observe him play, eyes lighting up when you see an opening just in front of the boy
slipping just under the boy's arms, you feel him freeze a little before resting his chin on your forehead, continuing to jut the switch "strategically." the same feeling took over yourself. you were nothing to him but why did it feel right to be this close to him? why did you feel so safe at this proximity and crave more than just the contact of his chin on your head?
your thoughts are interrupted by him pulling away, much to your dismay, shouting in celebration at his win as he happily danced around like a child. swiftly grabbing the duck plushie from the slot, he handed it to you with a smile, which you only returned
"okay, okay, I'll forget about that lame shot. thank you riki" you smile, eyes lingering a little too long as they meet his. giving you a playful nudge, you giggle as you watch him feign annoyance. hugging your duck plushie, you hold it up next to his face, using your other hand to caress your chin in a pondering manner
"hmm there's definitely a resemblance" you tease, looking up at the boy who only gives you an unamused look. you giggle as he pouts a bit, further proving your point
"you're too cute" you say with a laugh, only further annoying him
"not cute" he mumbles under his breath, crossing his arms like a child, earning a chuckle from you
"if you insist my little duckie" your voice raises in a teasing manner toward the end, already sensing his annoyance growing
he was too easy
"oh you're gonna get it" he threatens with a scoff too attractive for the situation
"not if you can't catch me~" you tease, running off before he could realize it, searching for a hiding spot amongst the neon lights and laughing crowds, face lighting up at a perfect spot just behind the basketball machines. being on a slant, you'd be under the upper portion of the game, giving you enough space to hide without being too claustrophobic
you almost laugh at how childish you were being but he didn't seem to care, eagerly searching for you through the crowds. with the spot in sight, you try to slip your way through the many people huddled around the arcade machines, running as fast as you could. your tunnel vision didn't seem to take notice of a quite everything in front of you, though. you immediately stop in your tracks at a figure in front of you just before you ram into them
"hey hey what's the rush pretty girl?" a boy around your age stood before you, a smug look on his face. your breath quickened a bit. for some odd reason, you couldn't help but feel disgusted at his words. like they were wrong to hear. like you were betraying riki in a way but letting the boy very obviously flirt with you. flashing him a fake smile, you try to slip through the crowds to lose him but he persists, taking hold of your arm with a vice grip
"let me go!" tears start to well in your eyes in fear, no one seeming to notice. scanning the crowds of people for the boy seemed futile
"relax, babe. we can talk this over somewhere else, yeah?" he smirks, starting to drag you toward the door. hot tears roll down your eyes as you try shaking his grip away
"hey! she told you to let her go" a familiar voice appears. with a hopeful look, you lock eyes with riki whose face bares a petrified expression. you can see the pain in his eyes as he feigns a confident look
"and who are you?" the stranger asks bitterly. you see him hesitate before he speaks, giving you a look beforehand, almost an 'im sorry'
"she's my girlfriend, so if she told you to let her go, then let her the fuck go" his voice shakes, his anger not masking his fear entirely, but you suppose the boy doesn't notice, immediately letting go of your arm, lifting his arms defensively before walking out the door
as your eyes finally meets riki's, his gaze softens, enveloping you into a tight hug. hit with the gravity of the situation if he weren't there, you cling to him, letting your tears dampen his shirt as he holds your head, massaging your scalp
"I'm so sorry I let you out of my sight, angel. I promise it'll never happen again" his voice was soft, his breath tickling the shell of your ear as his arms never left your side. you ignore the butterflies in your stomach at the name, too focused on his warm hold seemingly washing your worries away. cupping your cheek, he looks into your eyes with a soft smile as he rubs soothing circles onto your skin as he gently wipes a tear away
"how about I take you home" he whispers, looking down into your eyes as he towered over your figure. nodding wordlessly, you let him lead you towards the door, hand still around your waist, too afraid to let you go. you knew by now he was a man of boundaries, one of respect. but he couldn't bring himself to leave your side. placing a hand over his on your waist gave him the reassurance he needed that he had your consent
in that moment, you realize he never corrected himself when he addressed you as his girlfriend
you didn't seem to mind
walking through the streets as he led you home, you couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. the fact that a bystander would probably mistaken you two for a couple and you wouldn't correct them. you couldn't help but shake the thought that you could get used to it
upon reaching your door, you could see the hesitation in his movements, slowly dropping his hand from your waist. he scans you before speaking, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear
"are you sure you're okay, y/n" his voice softens as he searches into your eyes for any sign of discomfort
"never been better" you smile, slipping your hands around his neck, embracing him as an expression of your gratitude "thank you." you close your eyes as you squeeze him tighter, knowing he would never truly know how grateful you were for him through words alone
"my pleasure" he watches intently as you pull away, pulling your keys out to unlock your door. as your back faces him, he can't shake the one thought he had on his mind, couldn't let you slip away from him once more. with a gentle grip on your wrist, he pulls you back into his arms. hands coming up to cup your cheeks, he tilts his head, lips colliding with yours
for a second, the world stopped, the only thing running through your mind being the sweet taste of vanilla on the boy's lips. as the reality hits you, you follow his movements, tangling your fingers through the boy's soft locks. you feel a hot tear roll down your cheek, feeling utterly complete at the contact you've been craving for too long. as if this very moment answered all of the burdening questions and doubts that previously ran through your mind
and just like that, it got stripped away from you
he pulls away abruptly, eyes shifting frantically as his hands came up to his hair, pulling at the strands you once touched. you can hear his breath quicken as he speaks
"fuck, fuck, fuck, I didn't mean to do that. I didn't even ask for your consent. you were just hit on by some creep and this is what I do. God, I'm such a horrible person" you hear his voice shake as he paces back and forth
"please don't hate me" he locks eyes with you. only then do you see the streaks of tears rolling down his cheeks and the bloodshot nature of his eyes
"oh, ki, I could never hate you" tears begin to well in your own eyes. you attempt to approach the boy, cupping his cheeks in reassurance. he only feels disgusted with himself at your actions, feeling as if he manipulated you to feel that way. knowing you would never feel the same as he did you, he mutters an 'im sorry' before leaving
in that moment, it was as if every foot away from the boy was another one you'd never get back. you wish you could blame someone, something, but you couldn't shake the feeling that you were part to blame. like sand, you let the boy slip right through your hold. only the remnants of what used to be remained, leaving you completely empty
the next sale will begin in:
8 days 18 hours 9 minutes and 26 seconds
"one scoop of mint chocolate ice cream, one of cookies and cream, one of rasberry, and one of chocolate in a sugar cone with rainbow sprinkles, chocolate drizzles and Oreos on top. and get it right, it's for my kid" they end with a forced smile, not even bothering to say please or thank you, not that you cared. every day felt like an endless loop, a time without meaning ever since the boy left you that day. how much you wished to see his puma eyes and tall figure walk through those glass doors. how you wish you could've hugged him tighter that day, then maybe he would still be here with you
forcing a smile became increasingly difficult. anybody could see you were at your breaking point. as the days passed and the voicemails accumulated, it felt as if you deserved to be ghosted, deserved the rude treatment, only pulling yourself through the day by pure muscle memory
eyes flickering to the clock, you began to lose hope that the boy would ever walk through those doors again. taking your last order, you greet the family goodbye with a feigned smile before you heave the heavy mop onto the tile floor emotionlessly. hearing the bell at the door ringing, you take in a sharp breath
"sorry we're closed" you force out, not even feeling like feigning a peppy voice. hearing a pair of shoes shuffling closer, you clench your jaw, ready to break at any point. looking up, your eyes meet the ones that have kept you up on sleepless nights, haunted your thoughts
wordlessly, you run to the boy, not even bothering to stop the tears from streaming down your cheeks. immediately doing what you dreamt of doing these past nights, you tiptoe to reach the boy, cupping his cheeks softly and letting his lips meet yours. your breath hitches and you taste the saltiness of your tears as you feel the boy's soft lips you missed dangerously. letting his forehead meet yours, you whisper painfully
"please don't leave again. please, ki" you breath out, interlocking your fingers in his hair as you did that day
"I promise, angel. I promise. I'm so sorry for being such a coward" you only shush the boy, relishing in the warmth you missed oh so much. you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding when his hands find purchase on your waist. you can't help but think the fit was too perfect for it not mean to be
"angel" he whispers sweetly into your ear, making your breath hitch. you only hum in response, not wanting release your hold on him just yet
"will you be mine?" he caressed your cheek softly as he whispers. you only giggle through tears
"only if you come see enha with me" you smile, leaning into the touch. wiping the tears from his cheeks, he chuckles
"you got yourself a deal"
author's note: I hope you can tell I love angst but only to a certain extent cuz this one lasted a grand total of 5 seconds😍
also this is my first longer fic so pls let me know what you think!!! I would really appreciate it<3
@hachimarii 🤭🤭
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merakiui · 1 year
Me and the neige community are STARVING and ur psot abt Neige was just so???SCRUMPTIOUS.I WILL GO ON MY KNEES FOR MORE GROSS PERVENT NEIGE THOUGHTS PLEASE (I asked very nicely)
I'm so happy you like it!! Neige is so beloved. orz
I like to think he's so eerily good at taking sly, candid photos. He's the best at getting panty shots (although admittedly he might get some help from the woodland creatures when they distract you with their mischievous antics). He has an entire scrapbook filled with photos of you, some more innocent than others and some downright lewd. He snips out anyone else who might be in the photo (all he really wants is you; everyone else is a mere background character in his love story). Neige's delusion and obsession becomes so bad that sometimes it feels like he doesn't see anyone else—like they're all faceless nobodies. He often peers through people rather than at them, but he's just so sweet and carefree, so you'll never suspect anything's amiss. He's the type to catalogue everything about your habits and mannerisms, and he might even adopt some just to feel more like you (to be closer to you).
He most definitely has an onahole with your name scribbled on it. I like to think Neige was never very interested in sex (he just wants sugary romance—the fluffy type seen in all the best stories and fairytales!), but after he falls for you he is almost always horny. T_T everything you do has his pulse quickening; he is down so bad. He pastes his favorite pictures of you to a wall in his closet and he'll spend so long in there rutting into the onahole to images of you in a cute outfit, to your smile, to that time the birds were teasing you and it caused you to fall in a very suggestive position...
He might occasionally scroll through your NRC friends' Magicams just to collect more photos of you. It's so unfortunate that you aren't attending RSA. Oh, how he wishes he could see you every single day. The others are so lucky to spend time with you so often; he's actually a teensy bit envious. :( he wants to eat lunch with you, attend classes with you, stand near you so closely that he can smell you. Thankfully, he can always spend time with you when the both of you meet up in town! Although meeting up for a day of fun isn't the same as day after day after day of fun.
I like to think he also vividly daydreams of how your first time will go. He's really excited. Neige hopes you're a virgin like he is, but if you aren't that's also okay! It doesn't make him love you any less. And it's actually a little attractive if you have some experience. So long as he gets to sleep with you, he can ignore details like whether or not it's your first time. He'll always be honest with you, so he's very pleased to tell you it's his first time. But you don't have to be gentle because he's a virgin! In fact, he'd prefer it if you were rough, if you tore his shoulders to shreds, if you marked him with bruises and bites... Neige likes the idea of being marked by you (of course he'll have to cover them up so his fans won't suspect anything, but having this little secret makes it all the more alluring). Also breeding kink. I wholeheartedly believe he is in the top few of the twst cast with a huge breeding kink.
I also feel like he would be really into role-play. He probably has the filthiest of fantasies he'd love to act out with you omg. <3 OOOO AND PHONE SEX. Neige is absolutely fucking into his fist or his onahole when he talks to you over the phone. Whether you're explaining how your day went or excitedly going on about a movie you saw recently, he's always listening (while also busy imagining some not-so-innocent things). :)
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nyaskitten · 2 months
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Proceeds to do a fucking spit-take
My friend sent this to me, and there are two sides to me rn, the side that's EXTREMELY fucking excited, and the side that's... a teensy bit disapointed? OKAY, here's the issue(s), right;
First off, the armor, I can understand it'd be a hassle to color it wit blue, red, and dark grey, but why is the solution then to... make it silver instead?
I hope the armor is just a preliminary somehow and the actual piece is better, because the overall lack of dark grey on him makes his sword look out of place...
As for the red, I'm disappointed we aren't getting like, a red-eyed Cinder to indicate Shatterspin, considering he HAS the Shatterspin armor... lastly while I do LIKE the idea of him having a smoke tail, they should've used the NRG Nya/Nehmaar Reem tail instead, it's WAY more physically-detailed and better for smoke detailing...
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archivallyfound09 · 2 years
Request: That's a Problem? Part 2
WOW. You guys blew this one up! Here's part two that encorporated two additional requests (one for a part 2 and one for a Hawaiian shirt). Thank you for the requests! Enjoy!
Request: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x SingleMom! Reader
Warnings: None- just teeth rotting cute and a teensy bit of angst
Part One: Click here!
Part Three: Click here!
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“Is ‘ooster ever going to come over?” You smiled and turned away from the stove. Chuckling as you put down a plate of mac and cheese in front of the almost sulking boy at your table.
“I dunno bug, he works a big job and has a lot of important things to do,” a large sigh out of a tiny body interrupted your sentence. You smiled and sat down next to him. “There’s still some time before bed, maybe he’ll come tonight.”
If you could have bottled up 1% of the hope and excitement from your son, you’d be rich. You laughed and put some carrots on his plate and watched him rush through dinner, hoping to not have any distractions while he waited for his new friend.
You checked the time on the microwave for the hundredth time and sighed. You could hear a variety of noises (dinosaurs versus sharks, you assumed) from upstairs. It was almost 9pm, way past little dude's bedtime. You hoisted yourself off the couch and started up the stairs.
You footsteps brought about terror in the little one. He realized that he was going to have to go to bed again without his new playmate. Truthfully, you felt bad having to put him down tonight. It had been four days since Rooster had stood on your porch and your heart ached for your little one.
"I know buddy," you wrestled him up in a hug, tears threatening to fall as he screamed and started to throw the perfect bedtime tantrum. You sighed and sat in the rocking chair, soothing him in any way you could, cursing Rooster for another late night for both of you.
About a half hour later, you were finally able to tuck the little guy in. You kissed his forehead and promised you could go to the beach tomorrow. Tht seemed to hold him as his eyelids started to droop and he was reduced to barely mumbling, hardly conscious.
You headed downstairs and played with your phone, spinning it over in your hands. You opened your messages and saw 4 unreplied to message to Rooster....You sighed, frustrated and tired, and shoved it back into your pocket, settling down in front of the TV again.
You weren't sure what time it was, but you were startled awake on the couch by knocking at your door. You could barely make out the shadow of someone standing on the other side of the door. You groaned and rubbed your eyes, looking at your phone: 12:14. "Great....who the hell is it?"
You opened the door and were face to face with a very apologetic looking Rooster. You sighed, exhausted, and waited for him to say something. You leaned against the partially open door, refusing to give him entry (or much grace on this).
"I'm...." he let out a breath, rubbing the back of his neck and his mouth. "I'm so sorry. I promise I haven't been ignoring you I just-"
"You're busy," you said, void of any emotion and Rooster nodded sadly. "That's fine, Rooster, but you can't promise a little one that you're going to be over to play and then show up after midnight with an apology. It doesn't get to work like that."
Rooster hadn't stopped nodding as his gaze dropped to his shoes. He wanted to tell you how the two of you had been on his mind every second he could spare during training. How he thought of you every time he went up, wanting to be sure to tell you he'd be back. He wanted to tell you that, in less than a week, he was positive that he had fallen for you.
The silence between the two of you was deafening. You yawned and decided that if he had nothing else to offer, you were going to cut this conversation off. You didn't want to be a bitch, but he had made a promise to come play and it was not kept, and that broke your heart. You weren't sure, however, whose heart was more busted up about this.
"Look, we're going to be at the beach tomorrow. If you want to make it up, I suggest to swing by and say hi and apologize to him yourself. If I don't hear from you," you tried to make the bite in your voice lessen, "I'm going to assume that this isn't going to be a thing, okay?"
Rooster nodded and mumbled another apology. "I really am sorry. I know I didn't keep my promise and I know you're both upset with me. I'll make it up to you, I promise," you quirked a disbelieving eyebrow, "I mean it."
"Goodnight, Bradley," you said quietly as you closed the door, your heart beating in your ears. You decided to keep the late night visitor your own secret as to not disappoint someone even more.
You lugged the huge beach bag out to your car and grunted, hoisting it into your trunk. You were almost knocked down to your knees when a small body ran past you screaming "BEAAAACH DAAAAAY!!!" You laughed as you regained your balance.
"It is- and if you don't let me put sunscreen on you, we're not going to the beach!" He froze and smiled at you as you grabbed some sunscreen and started slathering it on him. He started to get wiggly, as most boys do at this age, and you laughed at the small sunglasses and white stripe on his nose.
"Ready?" He nodded, halfway into the car before he jumped out again and darted into the house. You chuckled and closed the trunk, awaiting to see which toy he could have possibly forgotten to add to his beach stash.
"Need this!" he yelled, exiting the house and waving some sort of fabric around. You looked at him amusedly and then laughed, seeing exactly what was in his hand. A child-sized Hawaiian shirt was clutched tightly in his little fist- a halloween costume from a year ago. You laughed as you put it on him.
"D'you think 'ooster will be at the beach?" he asked, eyes not meeting yours as you hosited him into his car seat and buckled him in. You shrugged.
"Not sure bug, but I'm sure if he is, he'll come say hi, okay?" He nodded happily, swinging his feet and losing a flip flop in the process. You laughed putting on the offending shoe before closing the door and walking to the driver side. Once in, you glanced in the rearview window.
"Ready, captain?" You laughed as you received two thumbs up and a giggle from the backseat. You checked the time and was grateful that you had staved off the dino-obsessed gremlin until after you had eaten lunch. Sandy sandwiched just weren't your thing.
You had set up on a beach towel, watching as your son tossed all variety of items into the surf and the tide brought them back into him. After each successful rescue, he turned back to you, making sure you were watching. You smiled and gave a thumbs up for the millionth time.
You hadn't seen the pilots playing some sort of keep-away game down the other end of the beach until they started heading to the beachside bar that was just behind you. You smiled recognizing a few of them and returning their hello's as they made their way in. You tried to hide your disappointment as you didn't see the one pilot you had hoped to spot today.
Suddenly you looked up and saw someone running towards you little one as he yelled for your attention. You felt your heart flutter as you realized that Rooster had booked it down the beach to surprise your son. He scooped him up and you couldn't help the huge smile that broke out on your face as you heard panicked screams turn to delight one the captor was identified.
"'OOSTER!!!" He wriggled around and threw his arms around Rooster's neck. The pilot laughed and looked at you smiling and your heart absolutely melted. You saw Rooster say something and then a small conversation ensued. You were about to stand up and make your way over, but a small body was now beelining for you.
"Mom-gotta put it on," he said, breathlessly. You saw the Hawaiian shirt in his hand and looked up to see Rooster pulling his own on over his shoulders. You helped the little one get his arms in and patted his butt as he ran back to Rooster, you standing to follow him.
"'ooster! Look!" He said proudly and you saw the proudest look cross Rooster's face. He looked at you and then scooped up your son.
"Woah, buddy! I look just like you!" He received a giggle in exchange and then put him back down, the little one running to go grab toys and show his new best friend his fun beach day game. You smiled as you closed the gap between you and the aviator.
"I'm glad you could come over and say hi," you said quietly, turning to watch the waves as the sun had just barely started to set. Rooster turned and watch the waves with you, cautiously putting an arm around your back. You nestled into his side, your arms crossed.
"I really am sorry. You haven't been off my mind for a second. Honestly," you turned and looked at him, emitting a surprised 'hmm.' He squeezed you. "It's true. I've never met someone like you and-" he gestured to the little one playing in the sand nearby, "you've got a heck of a sidekick there, momma bear."
You chuckled and swatted at his chest, trying to ignore the volt of electricity that passed when you made contact with his bare, tanned, chest. "I guess I am a momma bear. I just don't want anything to hurt him, ya know?" Rooster nodded and pressed a kiss to your temple, forcing your face to get hot.
"I know," he started, "and I know I messed up. He's the priority and I promise to make more time for the both of you." The sincerity in Rooster's voice made your throat tighten and you weren't sure if you should trust your voice. You cleared your throat and forced a warm smile.
"How about we just stick to a few more dates and we go from there?' Rooster let out a noise of approval and then paused.
"Dates for he and I or for us?"
You both broke into laughs as you noticed how high the tide was coming in. Not wanting to mess with a whole host of wet toys and blankets, you yelled for your mini-me to grab his toys and help pack up. Rooster bent down and folded up your towel and grabbed a few scattered fish toys that had escaped.
"Can I at least get you both dinner?" he nodded towards The Hard Deck, "Penny's got a few things I think he'd like. I mean, I like them, so I figure that's the standard for a child." You laughed and paused, looking at your son, Hawaiian shirt covered in sand as it blew in the wind and sighed happily.
"Dinner. In a bar. With a child?" you asked, ribbing him and he snickered.
"Hey, my parents brought me here when I was even younger than him," he straightened his back and puffed up his chest, "I was quite the regular at 3 years old." He winked and you rolled your eyes.
"Fine let's go," you paused, scooping up the bag and your keys, "but you have to wrangle that one." you nodded your head towards the child that was about to plunge into the water and become a very real and very wet problem. Rooster saluted you and then took off into the surf, scooping up the little boy and tickling him, earning a very wriggly and loud response.
Two cheeseburgers and an order of chicken nuggets later, and you realized this was the best meal you had ever had. Rooster sat across the rounded booth from you, the carnivorous little one between you. You and Rooster had been playing footsie under the table throughout the meal and you couldn't believe that you had fallen this fast for a man you barely knew. Well, you felt like you knew everything about him. You shared a lot of similar life experience (sans kid), and you clicked with him in a way that made your heart swell and your head spin.
Rooster noticed the antsy boy between you and he smiled, scooping him up, and climbing out of the booth. He wiggled his eyebrows at you and carted off the little guy, heading towards the piano. You sat at the table, chin resting comfortably on the heel of your hand. You watched, completely smitten, as Rooster put your son on the top of the piano, and sat down, starting to play.
It wasn't long before the rest of the bar had started to crowd around and sing along with Rooster. Your son had not quite been introduced to older decades of music (Old MacDonald was a current favorite), so it was fascinating to watch him experience this new music from someone who he clearly looked up to.
You stood up, making your way over the piano, pilot stepping aside to let you get right up along side it. Your son was so entranced he didn't have any words for what was going on. He was clearly loving the attention from the group of adults, but he beamed everytime Rooster looked up and sang to him. You reached down, swiping the pilot's aviators from his shirt pocket and placed them on your son-truly making him the perfect mini-me of the Top Gun graduate.
If he thought he had fallen in love before, your recent move with the sunglasses and sitting next to him on the piano bench assured him he had not. You leaned against him, singing to your son, your head brushing Rooster's shoulders. He finished his song and turned to you, bringing his hands up to your cheeks and planting the most passionate (and obnoxious) kiss on your lips. You smiled and tried to hold in a giggle as you saw, from the corner of your eye, two little hands fly up over a pair of too big aviators.
The crowd around you burst into cheers and laughs as you ended the kiss with Rooster. He smirked and turned back to the piano and started another song, the bar once again coming to life with this makeshift karaoke. You stood up and took your son's hands, dancing with him as he remained on top of the piano. You couldn't remember a time that had been like this.
The night seemed to come to an end too soon for any of your liking, but the child asleep and drooling on Rooster's shoulder said otherwise. You gently brushed his hair away from his forehead- he was out like a light. Rooster chuckled and helped you load him into his carseat.
Rooster stood up as you closed the door, the window still down. "Thank you-" you started and Rooster raised a hand to your cheek, pushing back your hair and leaning in for a kiss. You eagerly met him and tangled your hands into his brown curls. You felt a whine almost escape as he broke away, the kiss far too short for your liking.
"Thank you,' he emphasized, "I've never had that much fun. I hope I could make up for..." his voice got quiet and you took the pause as an opportunity to throw your arms around his neck, squeezing him close to you.
"You did. He absolutely adores you," you whispered into his ear. Rooster placed his hands on your hips and pushed you back so he could get a look at your face. It was not unnoticed by you that you were both almost nose-to-nose.
"And you?"
You cheeks went hot as your eyes dropped. He placed a finger under your chin, bringing your gaze back up to meet his.
"I think I adore you too."
The smile on his face could have lit up an entire room. "Well, that works out for me, because I pretty much adore you both." You lips crashed together again, your chest ready to burst. You hadn't noticed when, but Rooster had picked you off the group and spun you around, eliciting a giggled that was quickly shushed by another kiss.
"Don't wake him up- I just got him down!" Rooster hissed, a hint of something glistening in his eye. You rolled your eyes and forced him to drop you back down to the ground.
"I'll see you tomorrow?" Rooster asked as you started towards the driver side door, your hand now tangled in his. You paused and nodded.
"Grocery shopping, 0900 hours," you ordered, snickering when Rooster dropped your hand to salute.
"Yes ma'am," he gave you a toothy grin, "there is nothing else I'd rather do on my day off than pick out gummy snacks with you.
Part 3
Taglist for this from comments on the last one: @newlibrary @n3ssm0nique @sadpetalsstuff @rosiahills22 @ancabifi @kajjaka @multifandom-fangirl4
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Hello I'm wanting to participate in the bg3 matchup please, if it's closed I'm sorry. I'm gonna do my tav (my pfp), thank you ^^ Name: Nixie Stormchapel Age: 27 Pronouns: She/Her Sexuality: Pansexual (Monogamous) Class: Sorcerer (Storm sorcerer) Race: Tiefling (Mephistopheles) Background: Sailor/Criminal (Pirate) Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Likes: Rum, jewelry, her "crew", kids/animals (secretly but not so secretly), whale blubber, a good erotica, the sea, her ship the "Dazzling Pearl". Dislikes: Pirate hunters, slavers, racists (especially against tiefling), people who don't respect/tip barmaids, people who don't know how to take a joke, scurvy. Hobbies: Pickpocketing, map making, singing sea shanties, drinking rum/tea, building model ships, and reading pirate erotica. Feats: Became a pirate captain after slaying a kraken that killed the former captain, "successfully" made out with a siren and survived when she ripped out her spleen, has freed hundreds of slaves from ships. Fears: Getting scurvy, adds lemon to her daily diet to avoid it, like adding it to rum/tea, her food or just eats it like one would an apple. Letting her "crew" down, constantly worries about their wellbeings but is to prideful to admit this fear. Personality: Is very charming and witty, loves to socialize, is always seen smiling or making jokes and can be a bit flirty but when she gets mad it can be pretty unsettling since it's so rare. Bonds: Tends to compliment people a lot, usually to get what she wants but if she likes you she means it genuinely, also loves to give gifts, like the treasures she found. Is loyal to her "crew". Ideals: Believes freedom to be the upmost of importance, the sea was freedom to her. When she was a pirate captain she not only pillaged other ships for loot but freed slaves being transported via sea. Faith: None Flaws: Has a bit of a drinking problem, but rarely gets wasted due to infernal blood, also loves shiny things, can't resist the shiny, so she often steals stuff under people's noses. Has a mouth of a sailor, no filter once so ever. Strength: 14 Intelligence: 12 Dexterity: 10 Wisdom: 9 Constitution: 13 Charisma: 17
A/N: Because you @lilly-pad02 didn’t specify a gender preference, just that your Tav is Pansexual and monogamous, I’ve given you one of both below. For your matchups, I think Gale (Male) and Karlach (Female) would be best suited to you. 
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☸ Gale would be a great match for your Tav, Nixie! He’s always excited to learn more about the world, especially about lands, cultures, and magics from far away. He’d love nothing more than for Nixie to regal him with all the tales of her and her crew’s grand adventures on the high seas. 
Gale has made it very clear that to him, the most important thing in a partner is personality and commitment, not looks. He’s not against dating a tiefling, or a halfling, or even a mind flayer! He thinks Nixie looks amazing. She has this strong, adventurous aura about her which intrigues him greatly. 
Gale may be a bit intimidated even by Nixie’s outgoing demon and sailor mouth, but that just becomes another one of the things he loves about her. He thinks it's very admirable, Nixie’s choice to save slaves from their slave ships, to grant them freedom. Gale knows freedom is not something to take lightly, it's a treasure, and it should be protected accordingly. (He’s also a little teensy bit intimidated by her sorcery, being a wizard and all, but he keeps that tidbit to himself.)
Gale’s home is in Waterdeep but he’s not against joining Nixie for one or two adventures on the high seas every year, so long as he can come back to his tower now and then to check in on Mrs. Dekarious and his old friends. On that note, Tara adores Nixie, for getting Gale to finally come out of his shell. Although the tressym may have a habit of making a passive-aggressive comment or two about the pair finally “settling down” lol. 
Knowing that she wants to avoid scurvy, Gale takes it upon himself to find all the recipes he can that include lemon or orange, promising to make them for her. He loves cooking and is more than happy to adjust his ingredient list to suit her needs. 
The both of them are constantly in pursuit of something more, something greater- a trait they admire in one another. They encourage each other in the best of ways, all while understanding that even though they're committed to one another, they’re committed to their unique goals as well. 
Overall the two of them work great together! Their goals in life and love align just perfectly! Thanks to Nixie’s travels and Gale’s teaching, they become one of the best-known couples in Baldur’s Gate. Bards and poets alike write songs and prose dedicated to their relationship. It’s very safe to say they’re basically couple goals. 
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❂ Karlach would also make a good match for Nixie! She’s just as loud and adventurous and always down for a good time. Plus, Karlach is a tiefling as well, so she gets the discrimination that can come with the horns and tail. 
Karlach and Nixie together are like the life of the party! They’re both so compassionate, even though their lives haven’t always been easy. Karalch admires Nixie so much for her rebellious spirit, choosing to free the slaves on slave ships she and her crew come across. Karlach herself was a slave once, and she would have given anything for someone like Nixie to come and rescue her before she was dragged to Avernus. 
A date between the two of them involves A LOT of rum drinking. And singing. And karaoke. (Do they have karaoke in DnD? Well, whatever, they do now!) 
So long as Karlach’s infernal engine gets fixed, I could see her enjoying a life spent mostly on the high seas. She’d love feeling like part of a crew/family and getting to stay by Nixie’s side. Just promise to keep the rum stocked for the journey, throw in a pirate’s hat, and Karalch’s on board!
The two of them are a fierce couple. They become well known as renegades, especially amongst other tieflings. In fact, they sort of become tiefling legends- being hailed as heroes for freeing many of their people from slave ships and never being afraid to punch a racist in the nose. 
With the two of them together, there’s nothing they can’t face!
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caseylicious · 2 years
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summary: Y/N is going to their favorite band concert. Little do the brothers know is that they're huge fans.
Characters: Leo, Raph, Mikey, and Donnie!
Relationship: CRUSH (no established relationship)
Warnings: None other than Being Biased over Leo, maybe characters being ooc idk
Words: 3495.
A/N: I saw one of my favorite writers of this fandom reblog ideas for these characters! I found it adorable and decided to write it. I'll link each song which is being played, (most that I personally like.) ALSO I got a bit lazy at the end, so I apologize for that. Please enjoy!
Tags: @jasontoddisbest thank you for the ideas! Even if I'm not who you'd expect a tag from. Ideas Here!
[ If you have any constructive criticism or corrections for any of my English do let me know! :) ]
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A few hours ago, you won a raffle online for 5 tickets to a concert, you decided to bring the Mad Dogs and April!
Imagine how excited one of the brothers were when their crush asked him to a concert.
April knows how much of a fan you are for this band, you were "MARRY ME" crazy for these band players. However the brothers have no clue how much you are a fan of them. You always kept most to yourself, as a quiet person. Which they all respected. Which now takes us now back to the present. Where you have a glow sticks in your hands, A shirt of your favorite band member, and hidden excitement.
As the brothers stand with you (holding their own glow sticks) they watch with you as the stage lights up with color. And as the concert begins rocking out... You stomped on the floor excitedly, screaming the lyrics, and of course, squealing.
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💙 Leo
Song: I Just Threw Out The Love Of My Dreams - Weezer
April and his brothers were teasing him the instant they all got the text. He was happy to be with you, especially in a concert you love! It tells him more about you WHILE being with you. He was a bit concerned for one particular reason. Every single interaction he and his brothers had with you... you always seemed to back out. He understood if you were scared of some of the things he does. April has to deal with them daily. Whether for mission or fun. He doesn't want to scare you, oh no, no. He just wants to include you in their activities. So does his brothers and April.
So, you all were standing in the dark stadium. Mikey was talking with April about the band, and Leo being Leo: he eavesdropped. To his surprise he heard you having a massive crush on the singer of the band. His attention glanced to you watching you jump up and down a little. He chuckled to this sight. You were cute, and that was one of the reasons his heart acted weird around you.
He hasn't felt this way before, which is understandable. Due to him being a mutated turtle in the sewers. It wasn't until April introduced you to them out of a mere accident. While they all tried entering Aprils' quarters in the middle of the night you screamed. You knew April was a teensy bit weird, but you had no clue she'd be friends with turtles. You quickly became their friends too! In your own way.
But you, out of everybody made Leo act differently. He seemed to be less cocky, and tried to make you laugh more! There were times he received confused stares, but you always smiled to yourself to each one. He seemed to want to know more about you! Have more interactions and memories with you! He wanted to see you smile.
Before he could daydream about you and him further, bright lights lit up. His brothers, April, and himself in awe watched as the guitarist began to shred.
He would've been a liar if he said the music was bad. The music was so energetic, it popped. He wondered if you had an energetic personality under that timid shell of yours. He was going to ask you a question about the concert until he was interrupted by the sound of a loud voice. It was the lead-singer beginning the first song. He didn't have expect much from you, until the first few verses were sung. In the blink of a second, the person he thought you were disappeared. As you began screaming the lyrics with the crowd. It almost scared him, not in a bad way though. He just always saw you as a quiet person!
A flashback to when Mikey asked you about your favorite bands, songs, foods, etc. You only responded in shy short answers. You never went deeper into your answers and it only intrigued the curious blood bandana turtle. Or to when, April tried including you in a selfie. And you at first rejected the offer saying it should be with the brothers and her since you "didn't look good." Which was and still is a lie in Leo's eyes. You were included in the selfie with April in the end to the brothers encouraging you. He really hoped you'd bring out that side of you out more. No matter how loud or goofy it is.
He watched as you raised your light sticks shaking them with the audience. You knew ALL the lyrics to heart, while Leo did find this cute, adorable even. He did feel a little jealous. He had suspicions that you were just shy, to hide an amazing personality like this, but he didn't expect it to be true! It just made him think on how he could let you out of your "shell" more. That you didn't have to be afraid of anybody's opinion about how you acted. This was all so new to him. A visible blush was all over his face watching you smile.
If he could take a photo of this moment, he would. Always displayed on his wall of posters. But he wouldn't tell his brothers about that.
Choosing to be a good friend, he cheered with you. Chanting lyrics with the audience, even when he did mess some up. He waved his glow stick as if his life depended on it. Thank goodness it was dark, nobody could see there were even turtles in the crowd. And even if someone did see, they'd assume they were mascots in costumes. Or strange looking humans with clothes on.
After the concert ended, the band began to speak with people in the concert. Your shy demeanor returned and you REALLY wanted to talk with the singer and get an autograph. He could tell you wanted one, due to how you looked at the group Infront. He placed his hand on your shoulder. Looking at the group with you, "You want an autograph Don't cha?"
You nodded your head, "Yeah... But I can't imagine myself talking to one of them." He had a look of confusion for a moment. "You can't say that! I just saw you become a whole different person." Your eyes widened, embarrassed. You whispered so quietly that he almost didn't hear you.
"Y- you heard all of that?"
He smirked, "Obviously." Before you said anything else he interrupts you. "But! Everybody else was cheering so... I don't see what's so wrong. You just keep saying you can't talk to them when you clearly can!" Was he trying to do a pep talk with you? You found this all silly, but really sweet. A boost of confidence filled your body. "You're right Leo! Thank you. Be right back!"
And off you went running to the line getting your autograph. Mikey smiled at Leo, poking at him. "Leo's got a S/O~" he chanted. His friends giggled with Mikey, but he didn't care. He watched as you let out that cute bright smile of yours. Visibly talking to your favorite band in the world. Your squeals of happiness holding the part of your signed shirt.
He smirked to himself, Eating up all the teasing. "Cute."
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❤️ Raph
Song: Breakin' My Heart (Pretty Brown Eyes) - Mint Condition
You were his first crush, and he didn't know how to act around you. Whenever you were around him he always had this smile that made you smile. It was hard to stop him. You were just, you! You seemed so patient around him. Even if you didn't say much, you alone could make his stomach flutter. Which was what happened when he read the text of inviting him, his brothers, and April to a concert. 
It made him worry a bit though, how would he go out with his large spiky figure. But you reassured him that nobody would see that they were turtles. After a lot of convincing he decided his family should be able to go. So after a couple hours, you all made it to the stadium. While the dark environments scared him a little. Being around you helped him out big time. Like Leo, he didn't expect your attitude to change. But it did. He didn't make a fuss about it, but he noticed that you were more.. optimistic? You and April kept talking about the band. And he could notice how serious you were about this event. 
As the oldest of his brothers, it was on him to make sure everybody got along and/or were comfortable. That applied especially to you. You were always a quiet person, and he respected that! His younger brother Donnie doesn't like many things, but that doesn't make him less of a person. He was still his little brother even if he disliked physical touch. 
He was knocked out of his thoughts after you handed him a light stick. He was a bit confused, looking at you. "What is this for?" He tilted his head a bit as well. You chuckled, "You'll see Raph. You'll see..." He could only nod with his silly smile. His crush on you wasn't something he could hide easily, He tries his best to hide it though. All of his brothers and Splinter found out after a week. So he hopes you don't know about his feelings for you. 
He glanced to the left side of him. With Leo and Mikey giving him a thumbs up. They were sending a silent "You're doing great Raph!" message. He blushed to himself; embarrassed. 
His attention was suddenly stolen by the stage lighting up. There were moving lights that were either colorful or just white. He didn't know what to expect, until he heard a loud keyboard begin playing with drums. The words "Pretty" , "Brown" , "Eyes” were heard before he was introduced to a whole new environment. The song sounded smooth and well-put together. And as the whole song finally began to start... he heard the loudest squeal he has ever heard in his life. Where did that come from? 
Was it Donnie? Was he stimming out again to the music? No- He didn't seem to care about the concert. 
Mikey was vibing with the whole thing, shaking his light sticks with the crowd... 
And Leo- wait why is Leo looking at Raph? 
No, he wasn't looking at him specifically, more... wait. 
Raph turned his head to you happily singing with the crowd. Now this was something new. You just began to sway to the music moving your light stick from left-to-right. He saw that you had one of the biggest smiles he's ever seen on your face. Were you crying? Raph had no clue you liked this band THIS much. His eyes focused on your face, awestruck of your adoration for this band. 
It reminded him of when he and his brothers watched Sydney Allen. She always seemed to make them all happy and loved watching her. Maybe it was a bit different though. With you loving a band and them loving a professional skateboarder. Either way, this just made him fall for you even more. Especially to the saxophone playing in the song. He couldn't help but sway from left to right as well. The song reminded him of you immensely. 
He glanced at you again, wondering if you could see. He was a big turtle after all. He leaned down to you, catching you by surprise... 
"Y/N, can you see?" He asked quickly, he didn't even notice how close his face was to yours. You blushed to the question and looked in front of you. You actually couldn't really see well. Maybe it's because of the people in the crowd... "Nah, I can't really see from here." You frowned at yourself. He wasn't going to allow you to frown at something you cherish so very dearly. "Do you want to sit on my shoulders?" The question was so... random. You didn't want to really put him through the effort of carrying you. "No, no.. it's fine I can just lis-" 
"No Y/N, it isn't fine. You should be able to enjoy things like this!" You thought about those words, deeply. You nodded your head in agreement and you were suddenly on top of his shoulders. You could see everything so clearly, much better than the ground. And, bonus! Being on top of a large strong turtle's shoulders made you easily visible to the singer. He gave you a wink and smile and you have never felt so happy.  
Raph smiled, moving his glow sticks slowly from side-to-side. He wishes to see more of this side of you...
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🧡 Mikey
Song: Give it to me - SISTAR
Let's be honest, you both spoke about the song firsthand. He coincidentally caught you listening to the song on your phone! He asked about it, and you shyly info dumped. He listened to the song himself and he absolutely adored it. It was so up-beat and something you could dance too. So when he received a text that you won tickets and chose to go with him, his brothers and April see their concert? He COULDN'T say no. 
He never really noticed his crush on you, until a few days ago! You were a good person in general, with an amazing voice. He only wished you could share your voice with the team more. You both hummed to songs together and honestly, his brothers could notice the crush he had for you. 
It wasn't until his brother, Leo pointed it out. "Hey Mikey, you seem to act more.. more..." Mikey tilted his head staring at his older brother. Donnie then decided to join in, "Fond of Y/N." Leo nodded his head quickly, "Yeah! You and them are really close." 
"..How close?" Mikey still didn't understand what they were saying. "Very, very close. And that's two 'very's." 
He couldn't catch the hint until Raph butted in, "Do you have a crush on Y/N Mikey?" Mikey's cheeks lit up in red, trying to deny it. Before all the three brothers came together saying "Mikey has a-" "CRUSH?" 
And that's how Mikey figured out he had a crush on you, but back to the story... 
"Y/N are you excited? Because I am!!" He smiled towards you and you couldn't help but nod. April began talking with you about the band and any facts you knew. He was surprised how much you knew about the girl band. On which song was the most seen, your bias, your faves, everything. You brought a different sort of light stick. It wasn't really.. a stick. More of a wand! 
He actually didn't expect you to arrive in all of your merchandise for this band. Like, at all. You were wearing wrist bands of the members names, a shirt with your favorite member, and had paint on your cheeks to represent that favorite member. Hm, what if you had orange paint on your face to represent him? He could only imagine... He could hear you happily infodump further, especially about one particular person. "Soyou? Y/N, who's Soyou?" You quickly turned your head ready to answer him before the famous piano start began. The crowd began to roar, and he witnessed you scream and jump up and down. Now Mikey has seen many things, such as Meat Sweats, Hypno the hippopotamus, and a talking news reporter worm. But this? He has never seen this.
Normally, when he's excited he jumps up and down, but he wouldn't scream. Exceptions to Jupiter Jim.
Mikey watched as you transformed into a different person. The shy persona you had was stripped off of you. And as he continued to think about you; he understood why somebody would act differently to this sort of song. It was upbeat, the rhythm was placed in a way you could recognize it immediately, and the singing was made together really well. He watched the choreography of the dancers onstage with you. He couldn't help but notice you swaying your hands from side-to-side. Your "wand" becoming different colors. His eyes sparkled with amazement. 
"Where did you buy THAT Y/N?" He shouted, not so loud to alert anybody else, but loud enough for you to hear. "Oh! I got this on the merchandise site!! Aren't they amazing?!" He nodded as you both began to dance to the song. The both of you became in sync as you both chanted the lyrics to the song. 
It was as if the world just faded away and it was you and him. Dancing on the stars to a good song. Was this what being lovestruck felt like? Quickly, the hallucination ended to the crowd clapping to the end of the song.
"Haha! Mikey you were great!" You exclaimed, clapping your hands. He couldn't stop smiling at those words. "You too Y/N!"
Later that day, watching the live stream that was taken with the group, April immediately recognized something. "Y/N! Look! It's you!!" Your eyes widened to the sight of you dancing with Mikey in the video. 
"Well would you look at that~ Mikey danced with Y/N!" Leo laughed. 
Mikey blushed before you suddenly spoke up, "Welp Leo, I think I'm a better dancer than Mikey!"
Everybody was surprised to see you moving from your shy persona to this one. April smirked, "Well Mikey? How ya going to take that?" It took a moment for the message to sent in. Y/N saying they're a better dancer than HIM?
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💜 Donnie
He never expected himself to have a crush on you. Donnie is an unique individual, and he knows that. He has a prodigy-like brain, he doesn't expect people to catch up with him. As long as he has his friends and family he'd be fine. That was, until he met you.
April chose to bring you over one day, since you began questioning the person who was helping her on her science projects. Since they were epic fails. Finding out it was Donnie, you began to scold him, which didn't really work out for you. April had to explain to Donnie that you were somebody who lacked confidence, so the fact you got angry at him was surprising. She tried encouraging a friendship between you and the brothers. You got along with three brothers, except Donnie for a while. While you both had your ups and downs in friendship, you both eventually came to a mutual agreement to one another. You were smart, but not to his level. Yet you always listened to him rant about his inventions. Especially about "The Drill."
That's when he began acting weird, where he paid attention to you more than a couple seconds. To where he always seeked your attention, it was unbearable. He chose to speak with April about these emotions.
She explained to him that he was in love with Y/N. For a while he tried denying such thoughts and feelings, until he received a text from you, asking if he, his brothers, and April wanted to come to a concert with you. He quickly answered with a yes, not knowing what type of concert he'd be going to. Which now brings to him slouching over, trying to look like he's interested.
It's not that he didn't want to go somewhere with you, it's just that he could do so much more things than stand in a dark room with strangers. He scrolled on his phone for a while before you returned from the restroom. He quickly stood up straight looking at you. "C'mon Donnie, think of your Bad Boy persona..." He rolled his eyes a bit, smirking towards you. "That took you a while didn't it? What did you eat before you even got here?" You chuckled poking him silently. "I take that you're excited for... this." You nodded your head before seeing April walk towards you. He continued scrolling on his phone searching up the singer of this concert. He wasn't surprised seeing noncolorful covers and didn't bother to look at the lyrics.
Then, finally the concert started. Your eyes turned to the stage immediately. Donnie slowly got off his phone, focusing his attention on the music. It wasn't half-bad. It was almost calming in a way. It scratched that one part in the back of his brain, that he couldn't reach. "Hey your music isn't so ba-"
The crowd began to scream the lyrics with the singer, and you joined it. Tears in the corner of your eyes to how good the song was.
"Give me reasons we should be complete; you should be with them I can't compete..."
Donnie for once, didn't know what to say. Watching you scream your heart out. He one, wanted to stop you. That you'd probably gain a sore throat because of screaming. But you seemed so.. happy.
An image appeared in his head of you both waltz dancing to the song. To the music, where he dips you down... kissing you. Your face lighting up with a smile. Ohh... April was right. He was in love. You sounded so great singing the song, as if you were an angel sent from heaven. Almost everything around you both disappeared, it wasn't important. He'd rather hear you sing than this singer.
He blushed, looking at your expression of complete joy listening to the song. Maybe he should listen to more of your music. Eventually the concert ended after a few hours and the both of you said your goodbyes.
A couple weeks later, Donnie sent a text,
<( Check your window. )
Confused, you got up and opened your window. Finding a basket of all the CDs of the songs from the concert. Your eyes lighting up, you quickly texted him back.
<( C'mon now, you're smarter than that. It's obvious I did. )
( I, Just thank you!! What's your favorite song right now? )>
For a moment he thought to himself before smirking to himself.
<( You. )
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cinamun · 1 year
*Looks at calendar* Last day of Spring... oh shit
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I needs to take a vacation day & get my flower girl dress ready. 😂
Things are happening...AAAAAHHHHHH! I'm losing my shit, Cin! Wedding shenanigans are happening fam. I'm excited but a teensy, tiny bit nervous. Lemme go grab my box of tissue and glass bottle of wine now...One can never be too sure. Lol.
Baybeeeeeeeeeeeeee Jay woke up on his 2000 Jagged Edge today!
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Said we ain't gettin no younger so we might as well do it!!! He said your job is stressful? Judy wanna murk you? Your friends are slippin away? SAY LESS
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xavieryaa · 9 months
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love is not over - 8.6k words
ship: namgi
summary: Kim Namjoon had always been a genius, far surpassing everyone else in school and past it, but somehow he’d never been smart enough to notice the big, fat, enduring crush his best friend Min Yoongi has had on him for years. And so, when he asked Yoongi for his help in asking out his crush he had no idea he’s breaking a heart. But Yoongi will do anything to make Namjoon happy, even if it’s killing him inside.
But when Namjoon gets heartbroken as well, things change.
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i'm so sick (but not of you) - 2k words
ship: taejoon
summary: Namjoon and Taehyung have their Valentine’s Day date perfectly planned out, and as Taehyung wakes up, he’s more than ready for the special day ahead of them. Or at least, they had their day perfectly planned out before they realize Namjoon’s sick and can’t even bring himself to escape the confines of their bed, but just because their plans are ruined doesn’t mean their day is.
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won't you fa-la-la-la-love me too? - 13.4k words
ship: namjin
summary: Kim Seokjin can’t help but be just a bit jealous that all of his friends except him have found love for themselves, so in a fit of impulse he lies to his friends and says that he has a boyfriend. It’s not *that* bad of a lie - at least, not until the day before he leaves for winter break, when his best friend remarks that he’s excited to see Seokjin’s boyfriend over break.
Seokjin’s only choice to save face is to try and get into a fake relationship - and it just so happens that the only person available over break is Kim Namjoon, the Calculus tutor who he’s barely ever spoken to. Seokjin expects the entire thing to end in chaos, but he gives it a chance anyways.
What he doesn’t expect is that the only chaos is in his feelings.
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birthday boy - 3.5k words (nsfw)
ship: namjoon x male reader
summary: Namjoon’s birthday wish is to be fucked hard by his boyfriend, and you’re more than happy to give him that.
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red berries & pinky promises - 6.3k words
ship: vmin
summary: Taehyung and Jimin’s entire friendship has always involved a lot of affection; it’s just the way the two of them are. It’s purely platonic, simply how they prefer to connect with people. And so, knowing that, it shouldn’t have meant anything to Jimin when Taehyung gave him a tiny, playful kiss when he realized the two of them were under the mistletoe. It wouldn’t have meant anything to him before - after all, Taehyung was always one for little traditions like that.
Except there was one teensy little problem.
Jimin was head-over-heels in love with Kim Taehyung.
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deal - 54.1k words, 15 chapters
ship: minjoon
summary: Kim Namjoon wasn’t exactly the one responsible for ruining Jimin’s life, but he was certainly a major part of it. Jimin, of course, doesn’t hope for much more in life than to never see him or anyone associated with him ever again. Thankfully for him, luck is mostly in his favor - or, it was, until the man responsible for the disappearance of Jimin’s parents in the first place winds up dead, the killer has hinted that it has something to do with Jimin’s family, and Namjoon decides that as a result the two need to work together to solve the case.
dividers and banners by @cafekitsune :3
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rexismycopilot · 2 years
Rex, I had to pop in here and say I am EATING up these chapters of 50 shades of Anakin in therapy and ooh I feel like with them slowly becoming more comfortable participating in a larger kink community they will in fact become more unhinged to each-other! … like my god Obi-wan could barely stop himself from cumming when they were at Qui-gons, I loved that - especially you know we all know Obi-wan can really really really has a ‘darker’ kinky side that we’ve really only seen a few times because I think Obi-wan is still working through his past bad experiences. With that I can’t stop thinking about Obi-wan’s feral pov he probably tries to contain but I feel like it’s in there 👀👀👀 like imagine what Obi-wan’s pov of Anakin kneeling at his feet at Qui-gons while Qui is also hand feeding Anakin or at the party with a bunch of people seeing how gooood his Anakin is for him. I could go onnn
They are 10000%%% gone for each other and even more unhinged now because they are discovering new things together. And Obi-Wan is a kinky fucker so... we know that he's turned on af lmao. (And I totally agree, friend, unhinged Obi-Wan is e v e r y t h i n g!!!!) That party is going to be fun as helllll. Anakin is going to get a teensy bit of trouble, but he'll remember to be a good boy after that 😌
And in the next chapter, Anakin gets more therapy so hopefully you (and everyone else lol) is excited about that haha
Thank you so so so much, my friend!! I'm genuinely so glad you've been enjoying this fic!
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brainfullofstudyblr · 2 years
Hi All !!
welcome to my studyblr!
after many years of lurking I decided to officially create my own dedicated studyblr blog! these last few years have completed decimated my study habits/drive and I really want to start being more productive and accountable- hopefully documenting my goals and plans on here will help me to improve my organizational skills and motivation (just in time for grad school ( >﹏<。) ).
a little more about me:
- my name is Lib!
- i am a university student in the US and i attend a small liberal arts institution. i'm working toward my BS in neuroscience and graduate this june.
-i am staying at my undergrad institution for my MS in quantitative psychology, which begins this fall.
-i have goals to pursue a pathobiology/neurosci PhD in the future!
-outside of education i enjoy rock climbing, knitting, yoga, boxing, and poetry! i'd like to get into painting and chess as well. doing more of these activities are part of my productivity goals that i hope to document here as well!
-i am currently a microbiology lab tech. i also work as an undergrad anatomy & physiology lab instructor. prior to this i worked for 1.5 yr as an assistant in an immunology/oncology lab. i have a lot of stories from the working world (specifically in cancer research) that will absolutely come up on here. working in academic science is just a teensy bit traumatic :').
-i am a very politically active leftist. i often study theory + history for my own interests and these studies may also come up on this blog.
i'm excited to get started and hopefully make some new studyblr friends !!
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cloudinterlude · 1 year
hi! questions for the blogger:
when/how did you get into the mcu?
what brought you to tumblr?
Hey! Thanks for indulging me 🫂
When/how did you get into the MCU?
So, I actually wasn't interested in anything Marvel related whatsoever at first. I'm not really big on action as a genre, but especially not excited by scifi/superhero fiction...or so I thought. But I first got into Marvel about...maybe 2 years ago? It could've been less or more tbh. I have issues with telling how much time has passed.
Funnily enough, it wasn't because I was super interested in it. I desperately needed a hobby and everyone and their ma talks about Marvel like it was the second coming of Christ! I figured it would be perfect so slip right in. I didn't start with the MCU - I got into the comics, just a little bit and immediately started my love affair with 616 Steve.
I got into the MCU shortly after that. I initially binge watched it with the release order and then binged it again to the timeline order. I was fucking astounded. I'm not a big movie person - period. I'm more attracted to series, a continued storyline and that's ultimately what hooked me with the MCU. The fact that there was all these interconnected plots and characters is like crack to someone like me who is obsessed with pulling apart those strings. Especially with the sheer amount of characters, like omg! My eyes were opened. Exploring the MCU for the very first time is such an exciting experience, specifically because I know basically NOTHING about it or any of the characters. At all. See, my origins are in anime/manga/visual novels, etc lol. I didn't explore western media until pretty late in the game, so when I say it was new to me, I mean it!
What brought you to Tumblr?
So, I don't exactly remember what was the final push to come here, but I do remember my thkught process. I like Twitter. I like it a whole lot. When I had a public account (different fandom), I was pretty active and loved interacting with others with the same interest.
Nowadays I only have a teensy tiny private account, but as I was considering making a MCU Twitter account, I noticed it was considerably harder to find likeminded people. Its way easier to search for specific communities on Tumblr, in my opinion. At least for Marvel. But not just that - people who specifically talked about "old MCU". Seeing as my favorite characters are mostly out of the MCUverse, I expected for there not to be as much buzz around them, but it was ALL so new to me. And I wanted to yal about it forever. In fact, I did just that on my priv account for a while lol. One of my friends (love her to the moon and back) could vouch for that as she is on this account right now. But yeah!
It actually took me months to fully committ to making a Tumblr. I made an ao3 account and joined Discors first. Both places where I'm very familiar. But I've never really had a Tumble before this account. Its been pretty good. I'm still wondering what exactly is the culture here because I'm a lot more...free and almost...I don't know the word. Not aggressive, not confrontational...more bold on Twitter? I think Tumblr just feels a lot more connected to where I feel a little restricted, but that's just me. I love it here regardless though!
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