#high for two days after i did this shoulder stan haha
pynkhues · 9 months
Hi! Do you have any tips or advice on how to improve self esteem? Like how do you go from low self esteem to high self esteem. Thanks!
Hi! I'm sorry if you're struggling with self esteem, anon. It can be a tricky thing to navigate, especially if you're finding you're discouraging yourself from pursuing opportunities for growth and connection as a result of it.
My advice I guess is kind of three-fold:
Know that any new skill, any new connection, any new mindset requires an investment both in the self and in the thing you're seeking to develop. Nothing ever changes overnight, and finding ways to love the journey even when you don't love the moment is pretty crucial.
Find community and surround yourself with people who will show up for you, and who you will show up for in turn.
Fake it til you make it.
I think self-esteem is something that needs to be nurtured, especially when developing new skills or forming new connections. As a result, I think holding yourself accountable while also treating yourself gently as you work on your mindset is really important.
Don't turn off the voice in the back of your head that tries to shut you down - I think that can stymie self-reflection a lot of the time, which in turn obstructs growth - but get better at arguing with it. Ask it why, tell it off, remind it of the things you know you're good at, the happiness you bring to those around you, the last thing you did that you're proud of.
I think goal setting in that sense can be good. If your low self-esteem is around a particular activity, you can set small daily, weekly or monthly goals to measure growth, whether that be in a word count or - if you're like me and have spent a year learning how to do a shoulder stand, haha, - how far you can get your arse off your yoga mat. These little achievements can serve as good reminders of your progress and help build your confidence around certain activities.
Finding community in friends, in a class, in a teacher (I could not have finished my year with my dodgy but successful shoulder stand without my yoga instructor!), in family, in an online FaceBook group or Discord can also help you to find encouragement, support and guidance too.
And yeah, I think it's always worth remembering that everyone's really in the same boat. Nobody entirely knows what they're doing, and trying to pitch your confidence for where you want it to be instead of where it is can often help to get you there.
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Original title: 僕の名前を呼んで
Source: Diabolik Lovers Daylight Vol. 5 Sakamaki Kanato
Audio: Here (Huge thank you to @filthyhelplessworld​ for providing the audio!)
Seiyuu: Kaji Yuki
Translator’s note: Now this is the angst I’ve been waiting for! I have to give Kaji Yuki huge props because he really had to rely on his entire voice range for this CD, haha. I’m not a Kanato stan by any means, but I did feel somewhat bad for him, despite his selfish behavior from earlier. You can really tell he was struggling all along but he doesn’t know how to convey his feelings so he just defaults to throwing anger tantrums instead. 
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5 + Epilogue
Track 3: Say My Name
“Haah...School is such a chore. Perhaps I should just burn the whole building to the ground? ...I suppose I’ll just kill some time at the infirmary for no…”
[00:20] “...!? ...You. ...Hah. I figured you were dead already since I hadn’t seen you in a while. You’ve actually been attending school, it seems. So, are you resting up here? I will excuse myself then. I came here hoping to get some alone time, but since someone is here, that plan has been completely ruined.”
He turns around.
“...Especially since it’s you. ...Well then.”
You stop him.
“Haah...What’s the matter?”
You ask if he’s feeling unwell.
[01:04] “Now why would that matter? It’s none of your business, is it? Please stop meddling with my affairs, it’s highly bothersome.”
You ask if he needs to suck your blood.
“Hahaha…! You would still be willing to offer me your blood after everything?”
You nod.
[01:27] “...While that is rather noble of you, don’t you think that perhaps you’re thinking a little too highly of yourself? If I’m thirsty, I will simply make my way to town. There are plenty of people who can take your role after all. ...Aren’t you the one who said that? ーー Either way, you do not need to worry about me.”
You frown.
“Is that all you had to say? Well then, goodbye.”
Kanato leaves.
[02:06] ( I thought you would return to my side if I continued to push you away like this. Crying, weeping, clinging to my legs. ...All while I remained completely ignorant to just how much your heart was aching. I’m sure that by this point...You had already made your resolve, had you not? ) 
[02:50] “The hours of boredom are finally over. Now to head straight home. ...Hm? That back side...It’s her, isn’t it? Hmph. I can tell straight away even when she has her head hanging down. ...Hm. Well, I suppose I shall give her a small chance. I can’t just give her the cold shoulder after all. (1)”
He approaches you.
“Good evening. (2).”
You flinch.
[03:26] “Hah. Why so surprised? Is it strange for me to approach you? That being said, I don’t exactly need anything from you. ...So, you were hunched forward quite a bit while walking, what’s the matter? Did something sad happen? ...Hah. If you insist, I would not mind hearing your story. I’m sure it will help combat my boredom. ...So, what happened?”
You brush him off.
“...! ...I-If you’re alright, I suppose that’s fine too. Heeh…”
You tell him you will head home now. 
[04:17] “Yes, please be my guest and be on your merry way. By yourself.”
You walk away.
“Kuh…! ...Hey, wait!”
You come to a halt.
“The infirmary is my resting place, so you better stay away from it in the future!”
You nod.
“Hah...Well get going then! ...What’s the matter?”
You ask if he will be okay by himself.
[05:00] “More than okay. If anything, it feels like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders! Please don’t treat me like a child.”
You smile.
“...’I’m glad’ you say? ...Excuse me!?”
You turn around and walk away.
[05:42] “...Honestly, what is her problem!? I was so kind as to strike up a conversation with her too…! ...Oh well, I wouldn’t mind if things remain this way either, of course. Even if she were gone, I’d be just…!”
“Tsk...Aah, god!!”
[06:13] “Haah, haah...I have no idea where you are or what you are up to right now. You might be having your blood sucked by one of my other brothers for all I know. When I consider that possibility...I’m overcome by intense feelings of anger and despair. Haah...I...I don’t want this...Why won’t things just go my way!? Iーー To me, you’re so veryーー...! (3)”
[07:19] “ーーUgh! Guess I have no other choice! At this rate, my rage will never be quelled. While I don’t like having to do this, I will bend. It’s frustrating, but...You’re all I have…”
He opens his drawer and pulls out a piece of paper.
*Scribble scribble*
You are standing out on the balcony.
[08:07] “...Are you still awake?”
You squeak.
“No need to be so surprised. I do come and visit you from time to time, no? Either way, I’m coming in.”
He enters your room.
[08:25] “Haah...I’m surprised to see you’re out on the balcony this late at night. Were you hoping to jump to your death, perhaps? ...That would only cause extra trouble, so please refrain from doing so. Haah...The wind feels chilly. I can’t believe you would come to such a cold place when you’re already feeling unwell. Are you an idiot?”
You remain quiet.
[09:07] “...Why not say something? Like you could ask me what I’m here for? Or say you’re happy to see me!? I’m sure you’ve got plenty to say!”
You start coughing.
“Haah...There you go coughing. That’s why I warned you. You really are hopeless. ...Without me, at least. ...Listen...I didn’t come to say this or anything...Ugh!”
[09:44] “This. Accept it already.”
You tilt your head to the side.
“It’s an invitation to a tea party. ...For just us two.”
[10:01] “Why, you ask…!? Do I have to spell it out for you!? Consider it my way of telling you that you’re once again allowed in my presence. You will obviously attend, no? I was so kind to invite you after all. Not to mention, this might be your once-in-a-lifetime chance to make things good between us.”
You hesitate.
“...What are you doing? Hurry up and accept the invitation! Otherwise I can’t return to my room! I want to rest already! It’s almost morning after all. ...Here!”
You stand there dazed.
[10:51] “...Do you not want it? ...But why!? I’m trying my absolute hardest to compromise! ...Are you perhaps okay with things staying the way they are right now? ...WHY WON’T YOU SAY ANYTHING!? For one, you’re the one who caused this whole ordeal in the first place! I don’t know what your intention was, but you pestered me by going on about ‘dying’ and such!
...In reality, you should be the one apologizing to me. Begging for my mercy. Do you have any idea how I felt coming heーー”
[11:45] “...!? Hey…? Are you listening? You’ve been acting somewhat off this whole time. You seem awfully pale too...Is something the matter?”
You collapse.
“...!? H-Hey! Are you okay!? HEY!”
Kanato touches your skin.
“Cold as ice…!? Why, all of a sudden…!? How come…!?”
“This bottle...Don’t tell me…”
[12:24] “Poison…? Did you drink this? Then...You were actually trying to die? But why…? …! Because I told you...you could be easily replaced?”
“You can’t! Open your eyes!”
[12:54] “Hang in there! I was obviously lying when I said that! Why don’t you understand!? I-I mean...To me, you’re just soーー!”
You tell him he wouldn’t believe you.
“No! You’re wrong…!! When you said you were dying, I didn’t actually disbelieve you. I justーー!”
You admit to how sad it made you.
[13:16] “Uu…It was never my intention to make you suffer either…! I just…Uu…Hic…I can’t bear the thought of it…Of a world without you…I didn’t want to believe that day would come…! That’s why I turned a blind eye to itーー! Yet…Why…Why did it turn out like this…? Hic…Say?”
“Open your eyes…Wake up! …Wake up, please…!!”
[14:00] “I mean…This just can’t be…No...Who…Who gave you permission to do this!?”
You have passed out.
“…Open your eyes…and say my name…Like you always would…Please! ...Uu...No...You won’t let get away with this! I won’t let this happen!! ...UWAAAAAAAAH!!!”
Translation notes
(1) Kanato refers to the ‘carrot and stick’ method here, in which punishment and reward are alternated. 
(2) ごきげんよう is a very snobbish/high class way to greet someone. You won’t actually hear it much in modern day Japan, but some characters in anime say it 
(3) His sentence is cut off, but it’s heavily implied he wants to say something along the lines of ‘but you mean so much to me’ or ‘I love you so much’.
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wowtobio · 4 years
Haikyuu as Idols w/ reader as their manager
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[1k special]
a/n: to celebrate 1k here’s something i wanted to write for awhile, since pretty much all of the haikyuu va’s sing. i hope yall enjoy! thank you all so much for 1k followers. I appreciate the love and support, y’all too sweet and i really did not expect it all 🥺
warnings: suggestive, cursing
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The cool, stoic member everyone biases
Is known to have a soft side that makes eveeeeryone go heart eyes 🥺
If you look up his name on youtube there is probs a good handful of compilations titled “Kags being a huge tsun for 6 minutes” 
One of the lead vocals, has a very nice baritone voice and occasionally posts covers of his favorite songs. 
As your manager, he appreciates and treasures you a lot, though he does not show it often 
He’s just shyyy he’s trying 
Even crushes on you ooooo
And he won’t give any hints other than small gestures; lingering touches, being the only one he’ll speak too in the room, leaving you your favorite snacks and drinks on your desk, etc. 
He would definitely be afraid to involve you and him in a scandal tho, precious bb is just worried 
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aaaa another stoic member, just not as popular as his fellow members
But i can see him having stans that are HARDCORE like it’s tsuki or die no in between. they are a cult. 
Back-up/sub vocalist but the man can DANCE he always denies it in interviews though smh
At fan meets, fans will give him dinosaur plushies. he would always blush and get all flustered while mumbling a thanks cutest shit ever
Like Kageyama, he is secretly envious of you, though he is waaay better at hiding it. to the point you feel like he isn’t even interested lol
But then there is the whole “teasing = flirting” which definitely applies here
A part of me feels like he is known to have painted black nails, like it’s his signature 
you paint his nails for him
It’s so cute, omg imagine sneaking into his dressing room just to blast music and painting his verrry nice nails (tsuki has attractive hands dont @ me) 
But never catch this boy in a scandal, never caught lackin
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He hypes up the group, the concerts, everything, 100%
Main dancer and back-up/sub rapper 
He is known for being a super good dancer and fans always dieeee when he does his dance solos 
Noya tends to stand out a lot in shows, concerts or so. Intros would go something like: “Hi I’m Daichi! Hello I am Kageyama. HAAAIII I AM NOYAAAAAAH” 
His fashion sense is mwah chef’s kiss. He owns airport fashion. The best street wear around and he rocks his baggy fits to stylish red carpets. 
(you’re his stylist ofc high-five you oooo)
Speaking of you, he also is super thankful to you and shows it often it’s so wholesome and cute.
Times where he would flirt, it would be funny attempts that normally end with you giggling at his flushed demeanor after messing up his pick-up lines.
Overall, I can just see you’re more his mom than his manager. 
“(y/n)-cchi what’s on my schedule for the rest of the day?” “shower, eat dinner then practice dance” 
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Super warm and welcoming member,, he’s a safe haven
Y’all saw this coming; the leader of the group
Starts with the perfect intros ALL THE TIME. In interviews, tv shows, concerts, etc.
Lead rapper, he spits some bars ngl 
And y’all saw this coming again, he’s the dad of the group.
Like if the members are bein wild children he’s always there yelling and trying to calm everybody down haha
When it comes to you, he definitely shows his gratitude outwardly to you.
He’d probably mention you and how grateful him and his fellow members are for you occasionally on radios and shows.
You always get super flustered when you confront him about it and he just chuckles and head pats you. 
If he were to initiate a relationship with you, he would ask his fans to understand his feelings for you :,) and he would protect and comfort you from any possible backlash bcs he loves you hehe
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The sweetheart of the group.
Absolutely UNDERRATED.
Back-up/sub vocals but has the preeeettiest tenor voice ever.
Like could sing you to sleep.
He has his own soundcloud where he uploads his own covers and he sings like Justin Bieber songs, some Bruno Mars, just any romance songs.
Twitter is HIS platform he would post small snippets of him singing and some effortlessly beautiful selcas.
Being his manager, he is super duper sweet towards you. Kinda like Daichi but he is way more flirty.
Can be super sly with his compliments. And lowkey a huuuge tease he will leave you all flustered and all he’ll do is bat his eyelashes innocently smhh
Suga will do all this but since he’s super sneaky abt it, no one will notice so he won’t get caught in that scandal ykk
But, I can see him disguising himself in some silly sunglasses and a hat when going on secret dates with you.
And you’ll giggle while trying to pull the frames off his pretty face and he’ll whine and playfully snatch at your wrists awwwh
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Very very popular among his fans.
Once again we got another leader here. 
He is for sure the main dancer and is a back-up/sub vocalist but he probably raps a few verses in a couple of select songs.
His signature is giving cheesy pep talks that hype up the group before performances.
It’s pretty cool but once you hear his words it’s cliche and you can’t help but giggle every time you witness it. 
Speaking of you, he has a huge thing for yah
Like he probably makes it painfully obvious, but only in front of the members and staff. No fans nor paparazzi, he has a reputation to uphold of course.
But that doesn’t stop secret make-out sessions in his dressing room. 
Sometimes he’ll just pull you in, pin you against the door and just stare into your eyes with so much passion before sealing your lips with his. 
When eating with the group, he’ll casually wrap an arm over your shoulder while teasing you playfully in front of everyone.
Other times he’ll rest his hand on your thigh underneath the table wink wink. 
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Shy small boi of the group
**Most presume him to be shy at first but he will actually roast tf out of his fellow members. Yk those ICONIC moments.
Main rapper, Kenma’s got bars and he can lowkey ruin someone’s career with a single diss track 😳  (he can sing too, has a pretty voice but denies it so he avoids singing most of the time).
MMM his fashion sense as well YES. Like have you seen those fanarts of Kenma rocking streetwear, yeah he would wear exactly that at the airport or somethin. 
Ofc a huge gamer, he will most likely be seen on his switch backstage, during breaks, on the plane, during vlogs, etc.
Being his manager, Kenma finds you very endearing and he’s always blushing and nervous around you. 
He hides his face behind his switch when he asks something from you awwwh 
He won’t mention you in interviews but when he is asked he will just be like “yeah.. i guess she’s pretty cool” with a light pink dusting his cheeks.
Kenma probably wouldn’t have the courage to initiate a relationship in fear of ruining a lot of things. But if it were to happen y’all are super lowkey and good at hiding it.
Yet overall, very wholesome. If a member were to walk into his dressing room unannounced they would see the sight of Kenma laying his head in your lap and playing his games while you play with his hair. 
It’s super cute until Kenma throws some inanimate object at the poor fellow :,(
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OH the most fitting character as an idol and for sure the most famous out of everyone. 
Main vocalist hands down (ponyo ponyooo-)
Oikawa is always and I mean always bombarded with the press and fangirls anywhere he goes.
It seems like the only time he has alone time is when he’s in his dressing room with the doors locked and he only allows you inside. 
You two naturally got closer, you were the least annoying thing in his life so he felt comfortable around you and he found it fun to tease you every now and then.
One thing led to another and uhhhh
Definitely some dressing room sex involved with Tooru
You always scold Oikawa for giving you hickeys in very noticeable spots on purpose and he just waves it off while sticking his tongue at yah.
After awhile you probably have sleepovers with him because you both enjoy each others presence so much. 
His schedule is always jammed pack so you tend to have to overwork in order to keep up and make sure everything runs smoothly. 
So late at night when you’re organizing events for the next month after doing plentiful work, Oikawa will come up from behind and scoop you up in his arms carrying you to bed. He’ll cuddle you to sleep while whispering how you’re the best manager in the world.
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a/n: kinda popped off for kenma bcs i haven’t wrote him in so long and i missed him hehe. same for oikawa too i just had a really cute scenario in mind. anyways, hope y’all enjoyed and once again thank you so much for 1k i love you all!
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Shipped (Colby Brock Imagine)
Summary: *REQUEST* Omg your requests are open!! Can you do something about colby and reader dating in secret and she’s always hyping him up on everything and fans just think it’s cause they are best friends. But she posts a post wearing the love for hire letterman on accident and the fans connected it because Kat and Tara have it to so they figure out they are dating and go crazy (in a good way) for them 🥺❤️
Written: 2020
Word Count: 1,967
Warnings: Major fluff, Swearing
I harassed Colby into letting me listen to their new music. Let’s just say, when you guys hear this, you’re going to be glad One Direction is on a break. Can’t help but stan L4H!! #numeber1fan
I press "send tweet" before plugging in my phone and taking a quick shower. When I get out of the shower I grab my phone and throw myself onto Colby’s bed. It’s our bed at this point. I spend more time at the trap house than I do my apartment, I might as well move in. I go and read the comments under my tweet. Most of them are good. Some fans want me to leak the boys' music, others are freaking out over mine and Colby’s friendship. Someone makes it a point to mention how cute Colby and I would be as a couple and linked an edit that they made. Someone commented that fans like them, the one that posted the edit, are the problem and the reason why Colby doesn’t have any friends who are girls. There is a whole fight going on under that comment.
I quickly try to defuse the situation between the fans before exiting twitter altogether. I take my towel off of my damp hair and walk back into Colby’s bathroom to detangle it. When I finish doing my hair I grab the first jacket of Colby’s that I see to get warm. Lucky for me, it’s his Love for Hire lettermen jacket. For whatever reason, this jacket is more comfortable than any hoodie I’ve stolen during our entire relationship, maybe it’s because it smells strongly like him. Or maybe it’s because I get to finally live out my high school dream of wearing my boyfriend’s lettermen. Either way, Colby knows that this is my jacket now and he’s going to have to fight me to the death for it back. I don’t know if it’s because I freshly showered and my hair is fluffy, or because my skin is thanking me for not putting makeup on it yet, but something is compelling me to take a selfie in Colby’s bathroom mirror.
I get up on to the counter and try to position myself comfortably. I take a few selfies, while carefully not exposing Colby’s messy counter. I do cute poses with peace signs and my tongue sticking out. I do serious “model” poses with hair looking like I’m in a photoshoot. I take a couple and post them on my Instagram story. I triple check each one before pressing send to make sure they end up on my close friends’ list and not my public story. That would be disastrous. I saw how people were acting in the comments of my tweet supporting Colby when a fan posted an edit wishing we were dating. I can’t imagine how his fan base would react if they knew we really are dating and have been for well over a year.
Well, I can imagine how they would react, I’ve been around Colby long enough to figure out how his fanbase functions. Most of his fans would be supportive. Of the majority, there would be roughly half who constantly would show their support over our relationship. The other half would keep quiet and try not to mention it directly so they don’t “jinx” it. No matter how open Colby is with his fans, there is still so much of his life that he has to keep private from the rest of his fans who wouldn’t be supportive of our relationship. The obsessive ones who think that Colby is a toy and belongs to only them. In all honesty, Colby and I probably would have been together longer if it wasn’t for them. We probably wouldn’t have been friends. There was a period in his life when he wouldn’t make any new female friends because of what his old friends had to go through. Because of that, Colby has always been protective of me.
Even though we’ve been friends since he moved to Los Angles, he only introduced me to his fandom two years ago. Even then, it wasn’t like, boom: “here’s a girl that I’m friends with, be nice!” Colby made sure I was properly acclimated to his side of internet stardom by having me appear in all of his other friends’ videos and photos first before a strand of my hair was placed in one of his videos. And then he said, “here’s a girl that I’m friends with, be nice!” Being a Youtuber myself, I have some experience with fandoms. But nothing could prepare me for his intense fans. For the first couple of months after Colby put me on his channel, I understood why Colby kept so many of girl friends in the dark or why some chose to stop being friends with Colby in general. It’s only a select few fans, but when there are so many comments of harassment and death threats it can get overwhelming.
Those comments died down after a while though. Mostly because I either mute certain words from my comments or I don’t read them. Colby and I try really hard to hide our relationship. If we’re in videos together, we don’t sit too close. We keep our hands to ourselves; even a simple hand on the shoulder can cause a frenzy. We only post our couple pictures on our actual secret Instagram accounts and close friends list. Our friends know not to post anything where we might look too much like a couple. We make it a point to bicker like siblings whenever we do work together. Hell, the reason I still have my apartment is to avoid people finding out we’re dating. If I have my own place, people just think I’m visiting the guys whenever I’m over. And it works, everyone just assumes that we’re really close friends.
“I’m back and I bring food!” Colby yells as he opens the door to the room. I plug my dying phone back into the charger before abandoning it in the bathroom to greet Colby.
“Oh thank God, I was beginning to think you were with your hoes. But then I ran into Sam, Jake, and Corey in the kitchen so I relaxed.” I give Colby a quick kiss and help him with the shopping bags in his hand. I set them on the bed and start going through them.
“I wish, but they were too busy for me. So I went and got us stuff for this weekend.” Colby sets the food down and helps me unload the bags.
“Oh that reminds me, we need to stop by my place after dinner so I can pack my things.” Te whole friend group is renting a log cabin in woods for Thursday to Monday morning for bonding and to get a few collars done. Colby went and got a few road trip snacks without me. Probably because I would get distracted at Target and we would never leave. It’s fine, he remembered to get my favorite snacks.
“Yeah, okay, I figured. We could have gone earlier but I had to let you sleep in after you spent all night watching tiktoks.” Colby walks over to the couch and starts to set up our lunch in front of the tv.
“To be fair, I’m not responsible for the time lost when I’m on the tok. Besides, I learned more dances to teach you!” I take off Colby’s jacket and set it at the foot of the bed before joining Colby on the couch.
“Of course you did. You know how much I love learning a new TikTok dance every day.” Colby jokes before kissing my forehead. He hands me my food and turns on Netflix.
A few minutes into our show, there’s a loud, rapid knock at the door. Annoyed, Colby paused the show and puts his food down.
“What?” Colby asks as he gets up to open the door. Sam stands on the other side, relieved. The last time Sam knocked on the door like that, Colby and I were busy… rearranging furniture.
“Oh Colby, you’re home. But I’m not here for you. Y/N, did you mean to post that on your story?” Colby moves aside to let Sam in.
“Haha, Sammy, I’m not falling for that one. Colby already tried that on me last week.” I go back to eating my food and ignore Sam.
“No, I’m being serious. Katrina said she kept trying to reach you but you’re not answering. Fans are freaking out on twitter.”
“Oh shit!” I quickly put down my food and grab my phone in the bathroom. There are miss calls and texts from Kat, Tara, and Devyn. I unlock my phone and open Instagram to check my story. Sure enough, I accidentally sent one of my selfies to my main story instead of my close friends. The selfie looks harmless enough, except I’m wearing Colby’s jacket and it’s very obvious that I’m in his bathroom. Jake moved in some of the cardboard Colby’s into Colby’s room and one of them faces the mirror, you can kind of see it in the selfie. Most people might think nothing of it, but earlier this week Kat and Tara posted pictures of them wearing Sam and Jake’s jackets. With that association alone, everyone is going to find out.
“I don’t get it, there’s only a selfie on here. Did you already delete it?” Colby yells from the bedroom. I slowly walk out of the bathroom with a confused look on his face.
“Please tell me you’re joking.” I open up my story and check how many people have seen it.
“What, I’m lost… Oh… Oh! Oh, fuck!” Colby finally gets it and does something on his phone.
“‘Oh fuck’ is right. So many people took screenshots that even if I deleted it now, it would be pointless.” I walk to the bed and throw myself facedown, like a teen in a movie after having a shitty day at school.
“And you guys are trending on Twitter,” Sam says. I almost forgot he was still here.
“Dude,” Colby warns.
“Not helpful, I get it. I’ll be downstairs if you need me.” Sam leaves the room and I let out a scream as soon as I hear the door close. I feel the spot next to me sink as Colby sits down and starts rubbing my back.
“Hey, Y/N, these aren’t as bad as you think. I’m only seeing positive messaged. Look,” Colby gently pats my back to get my attention.
“Really? Let me see.” I sit up, sniffle, and peek at Colby’s phone as he reads.
“Are you crying?” Colby asks as he wipes my face.
“I immediately got overwhelmed. Let me read the tweets.” I take Colby’s phone scroll through the tweets. He’s right, they’re mostly positive. I haven’t seen a negative tweet yet. That’s the opposite of how I thought this would go. A few people are telling other fans to stop assuming, but even those are calm compared to the fight I saw earlier.
“See, I guess we were stressed all this time for no reason. We can do normal couple things like our friends and not go out of our way to hide everything.”
“That’ll be nice. It was getting exhausting. What do we do now? How do you want to approach this? Live stream? Youtube video?” I look at Colby and he has a big smile on his face.
“Right now, let’s just finish lunch. We can deal with this later. Now, I’m going to take this back. I don’t want you to start crying again.” Colby strokes my hair and kisses my forehead.
“I love you, Colbs,” I say softly.
“I love you too, Y/N.”
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muwur · 4 years
Since requests were open I was wondering if I could request father headcanons for iwai + ushi + atsumu 🥺 btw your writing is vv tasty n I can’t wait to see you write more !! Keep up the good work n stay safe !!
haikyuu daddee headcanons
✧ hc’s ✧ for iwaizumi, ushijima, and atsumu
❧ gn reader
✎ 1.4k words
a/n: omg u called my writing taSTY Dx i cri tySM 💞 that is a high compliment for me AHAHAHAH ILY and ty for the request! 
also my lovelies i m back i m sry i was gone so long feojfe i miss yall <3 here u go enjoi, this was fun to write lmk if yall want more characetrs AHAHA
current listen: accidentally in love by sHREK AAHAH jkjk i mean counting crows, they cant take that away from me by ella fitzgerald and louis armstrong, love the way you lie by eminem and rihanna
requests: open!
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✧ prePARED daddy
✧ picked up on this parenting thing p fast, also does a lot of research so he’s ready to face any situation
✧ teaches his kids how to behave n respect others
✧ also makes sure they know not to talk to strangers and teaches them some self defense
✧ be warned these kids are packing a surprise can of whOOP ASS,, dont fuck w them,, plus u wouldnt want buff daddee iwa on ur tail
✧ honestly his kids would be ANGELS ,,, n thats cuz he treats them all so w e l l
✧ mans is ATTENTIVE. he asks his kids about their days, their interests, and encourages discussion about their fEELINGS 🥺
✧ always offers them really valuable and light-hearted advice
✧ and gives them the love and transparency we all wanted but never had--
✧ however his kids are easily (n negatively) influenced esp when uncle oikawa comes to visit--
✧ but mostly bc iwa gets annoyed and slips out a lot of curse words and a “shittykawa” and then his kids started calling oikawa that and now it’s ingrained in them forever fjoefefgfvi (*distant phlattykawa crying noises*)
✧ gives them LOTS of head pats and ruffles as signs of affection
✧ PACKS THEIR SCHOOL LUNCHES and ensures they eat a balanced meal
✧ attends all their games/events,, will get a bit rowdy hype them up
✧ def lets his kids sleep with him when they’re having a bad night or woke up scared from a nightmare (and waits for them to fall asleep before going to sleep himself fojref)
✧ when they were babies he usually succeeded to get them to stop crying by pulling funny faces, showing them their favorite cartoons, or humming a lullaby
✧ when they get older,,, u bet iwa would be suPER protective esp when their kids start being iNtErEsTeD in other people
✧ you: “iwaizumi, they seem like a really nice kid, though”
✧ iwa: *sitting with you in the car, across the street from the ice cream parlor your child said they were at, and spying from the window* “you can’t trust everyone, of course they seem ‘nice,’ they just want our approval”
✧ definitely did not interrupt his child’s potential first kiss at their house’s doorstep by slamMINg the door open “sUDDENLY” cuz he “hEard TheIR vOicEs and THougHt TO lET them In”
✧ effectively traumatized both kids
✧ tho he felt bad after n u made him go apologize so he did (and he was forgiven, only if he agreed to never spy on them again--)
✧ doesn’t stop him from scrutinizing every person yalls kid introduces to you tho
✧ overall a super supportive dad, 11/10
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✧ ok dEF does not know much about parenting ,, at first
✧ stared at his child like ???nani when you both changed their first diaper
✧ also had plenty of staring contests with his babies ,,, called it bonding
✧ was curious and tasted baby food once,,, immediately regretted it
✧ once put a volleyball next to his child, who attempted to bite it, and took it as a sign that they liked it
✧ after sum time n practice, his mind becomes split between “how to volleyball” and “how to dad”
✧ catch him in the kitchen wearing an apron and whipping up his kids’ favorite smiley face pancakes 😤😤
✧ has an amazing ability to get his kids to stop crying, does really simple things like give them their favorite toy or place a gentle hand on their hand or attend to their needs (mans can tell if they want food or needa poop) and they calm down immediately
✧ carried them on his shoulders once and now they never stop asking him for shoulder rides (not that he minds anyway)
✧ if theres two kids he can probs carry one on each shoulder cuz cmon ,,, have u seen this man
✧ always goes to every performance/game/event his child takes part in
✧ man smiles so soft™ when he goes to the 1st grade play and sees his kid’s name in the program next to their role as “townsperson b” (next year, they upgraded to “singing carrot” in a play about the food pyramid)
✧ if his kid ends up enjoying volleyball, he will teach them e v e r y t h i n g they need to know
✧ but is overall super supportive of anything else his child pursues and doesn’t push anything onto them, would rather let them choose what they want to do
✧ had n o idea what to do when his kid asked him about the birds n the bees asfghkl
✧ couldnt sleep one night thinking about it and just randomly asks you while yall laying in bed in the dARk like “so our child asked me how babies are made and I told them they came from watermelon seeds” (you: 👁️👄👁️ “come again”)
✧ you: *at the grocery store with your child*
✧ child: *hands you watermelon* “I want a little brother!”
✧ you: “haha of course honey” 👁️👄👁️ what do i do (*later to ushijima* “duhfojhguf we needa get another baby i promised our child a younger brother fohurof” ; ushi: “wat” ; you: “itS YOUR FAULT”)
✧ yall eventually tell them not every watermelon can produce babies only really special ones that are really hard to get fhuoefkfotfi theyre not ready for the truth
✧ another great daddee, we stan
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✧ knew parenting was stressful esp with bABieS but was like eh it cant be that bad right
✧ think again
✧ g o o d b y e  s l e e p
✧ develops phat bags under his eyes, responds with a weak “aha im fine just that parenting life and the kids ykNOW” whenever his teammates ask if he’s oKAY
✧ tried to tempt his kids to eat their mush baby food by trying it himself, nearly gagged but was able to say “eughh yuMM”
✧ loves to lift them high up in the air, even throws them up a little and nearly drops them (yall almost died from feAR but babie was having so much fun,,, yall agreed to be just a bit more careful)
✧ rlly bad at getting them to stop crying, gets very stressed when he’s exhausted every option he can think of then calls you over for some help/advice (you: *immediately calms them down* ; ratsumu: “how--”)
✧ calls up osamu a lot to ask him how to make food ,, then simps whenever his twin brother comes over and the kids are in love with this man and his cooking (”dad why cant you make stuff as yummy as this”)
✧ very affectionate with his kids, gives them lots of hugs and kisses on the forehead
✧ plays with them a lot! whether it’s sports, just dance, animal crossing, or UNO, yOU NAME IT WE PLAY IT
✧ also has no mercy when playing competitive video or board games,, has made them cry more than once LOL
✧ so sometimes he toned it down n let them win,, until his kids actually got better and DEMOLISH him every time
✧ is cool with his kids cursing, just as long as they don’t do it in front of their teachers LMAO
✧ plays innocent when he gets a call from school saying his kid was using ‘inappropriate language’ and is like “whaaat? my child? im not even sure where they learned that, maybe check if the other kids in class are saying those things, too--”
✧ reminisces how much nicer his kids were to him when they were younger and all the time they spent together,,, bc now that they reached their tEeNS they want alone time
✧ wants to be B) cool dad so he tries kinda hard, esp in front of their friends but his kid’s just like dad pls dofjrgjigtgro
✧ also very supportive of whatever his kids want to pursue and dedicates time to help them in whatever ways he can (whether that be to help them practice, make sure he can provide transportation, get them supplies, etc)
✧ always playfully competing with you to see who’s the “better” parent (you win by default)
✧ PROTECTIVE dad and will easily intimidate ANYONE who crosses his kids
✧ takes sum adjustment and mental resilience but daddee atsumu perseveres  😤 absolutely loves his kids and would do anything for them  
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all-things-mlqc · 4 years
Boys reaction to MC who never have date before meeting them. Like, the boys as MC's first love.
My first HC on here and I was memeing half the time while writing it. Included what the boys would do after hearing this news as well because why not. I’m not a Lucien fan but lord have mercy on my soul, I couldn’t help making his romantic af. He is the ideal boyfriend/date minus the l i e s that come in the MS and I hate it. All the crossed out stuff is just commentary because I couldn’t help myself. Hope you enjoy~ Thank you for your ask <3
How the MLQC boys react to being MC’s first love below the cut~
Follows with some snarky comment after he calls her “Dummy”.
Let’s be real here, if he doesn’t call her dummy immediately, then something is wrong. Reminds me of when we streamed the first episode of MLQC and we were all yelling “CALL US BAKA” the second Victor came on screen.
While he seems cool and collected on the outside, you can hear the computer shutdown sound play on the inside.
To him, this is a shocking confession.
Victor: I’m not surprised a dummy like you hasn’t been in a serious relationship before.
Victor, internally: How has she never been in a serious relationship before??
He’s not very good at expressing himself honestly through his words but he truly admires MCs hardworking nature.
He finds that very attractive in a woman and is surprised that other men in the line of business haven’t taken their shot with her yet. it’s because they can feel your death stare on the back of their heads, kind sir
One thing he struggles with is being himself. He tries to act like everything is in his control all the time.
Because of this, upon hearing MCs confession, he invites her to a fancy dinner at his penthouse insert Victor’s Dazzling Date because THATS ALL THAT MATTERS. Jkjk haha... unless...
He wants to impress her as much as possible even though he knows deep down that she doesn’t care about what a person has and rather how they are as a person
BUT ALAS. The stress be real for her first boyfriend.
He wants her to know she made a good decision without verbally telling her out of his own bitch mouth I love you, please call me baka so he goes over the top with their first date.
Basically pulls a Mr. Krabs when taking Mrs. Puff on a date. Just add shades to Mr. Krabs to represent Victor’s “I’m calm. I’m chill. I’m all good. We vibin out here.”
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All MC wants from him is his honest and genuine thoughts. and a lifetime stock of pudding because good god a girl has chocolate needs
MC eventually figures out Victor’s intentions with all the gifts he rains on her because hE dOesNt nEeD tHeM he can’t give her anything more than a cup of pudding up front
MC knows this and accepts the secret gifts with a smile.
She sends a gift in return to his office the following day along with a thank you for the wonderful date.
Can you hear that? It’s the sound of Victor’s heart rate slowing to the average persons.
insert pikachu meme
This boy is mind blown.
“How have you never been in a relationship before??? That can’t be true!”
Kiro sees the good in everyone, so hearing that MC has never been in a relationship before him is
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He gives her a bright smile and playfully hugs her from behind.
The two of them laugh together as he whispers genuinely in her ear,
“I promise to make you happy. You won’t regret it.”
He immediately drags her off to Loveland’s Amusement Park, where they spend the whole day together.
Rides, snacks, games, you name it, they did it all.
Kiro naturally spoils MC without putting much thought to it.
It’s like a reflex for him. It’s just who he is as a person. Always wants to share the happiness in the world with the people he cares about.
As for how anxious he is after hearing the news about being MC’s first love, he is screaming at a pitch only dogs can hear.
Almost 100% of the time he has a smile on his face and even convinces himself that he’s not worried about it.
But he is.
It only hits him when he thinks about another man taking MC away from him after seeing her talking with another guy.
MC will catch him without his carefree smile at times and eventually confronts him about it.
He shows her a wide smile and says there’s nothing to worry about.
After a few attempts of trying to get Kiro to open up about it, he gives in and says he’s worried he’s not good enough for her HAHAHHA, GOOD ONE KIRO
MC, however, turns it around on him
MC: I’m afraid IM the one who isn’t good enough for you.
They both smile and embrace each other, knowing they’ll get through any little concerns like this.
He knows.
We’re talking about the boy who has been in love with MC since high school; Who has protected her behind the scenes ever since he laid eyes on her.
He would know if she had been in a previous or current relationship.
It only comes as a shock when she says she’s never been interested in anyone else romantically before. Lies. Have you seen the other suitors, MC. In a world where guys are that hot, you must’ve had at least 1 crush, c’mon sis.
Gavin respected her personal boundaries and never looked into her personal affairs so he had very little knowledge of her views on other guys.
He gets a little bit nervous, since he believes her standards must be high if she hasn’t been interested in anyone else before.
Does the full on soldier oath, bend the knee cliche which includes “I promise to always protect you” and “Nobody will ever be good enough for you”
Mc: Gavin no...
Spoiler alert: You are waayyyyy too good for me, Gavin.
He doesn’t have too much anxiety over the thought of being MC’s first love though since he’s very good at staying true to himself and knows MC is one to admire that about others.
Gavin is a quiet guy in general. He’s more of an observer and watches MC to take note of what she enjoys.
When he sees her eyes shine bright after seeing a delicious dessert cafe, he offers to take her. He makes sure to express how he also wants to go since he knows she won’t accept unless he is interested as well.
Boy literally has no interests the moment he’s with MC. He is essentially that vine
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Doesn’t even wait until the question is over and just “Absolutely. Let’s do it”
MC: But I haven’t even said anything yet...
He isn’t much different from how he is now. Has around the same amount of anxiety just from being in MCs presence.
Boy just wants to PROTECC and is always panicking on the inside but tries to remain calm.
He is very good at calming his anxiety though since he’s had so long to understand what MC values and knows she just loves people for themselves.
That’s all he needs.
His eyes widen slightly at MCs confession.
It’s nothing too mind blowing for him since he knows how refined MC is and how dedicated she is to her work.
It’s still surprising to him that nobody has tried to sweep her off her feet yet.
With how kind MC is, it would be hard for her to refuse a date with a gentleman.
Lucien gently presses a kiss to MCs hand upon hearing her confession.
Lucien: I am honored to be given the opportunity TO WOO to take such a beautiful lady out on a date~ AND MORE PLEASE
Lucien is the definition of a gentleman shhhh we aren’t speaking of current chapters in the main route Lucien. Cover your eyes. Pretend you do not see.
With little to no anxiety showing on his face after the reveal that he is MCs first love, he insists on taking her out to a nice restaurant the most classy and romantic 5 star restaurant Loveland City has to offer as a way to thank her for dealing with his bs (both his bullshit and black swan hahaha I’m so funny oml) being given the opportunity to treat her as a beautiful young lady should be treated.
He’s also more on the less anxious side of being MCs first love.
Lucien is a traditional man and does stuff by the book.
Because of this, he respects and likes the idea of being MCs first love.
He doesn’t go over the top yet isn’t cliche with dates and little actions.
He knows exactly what to say and when to say it. Though he may struggle with being openly honest about his own thoughts and feelings, he tries his best to express himself for MC. a lot of the time he just assumes talking to her about his personal affairs would bring her down.
This, however, gets better overtime as they continue to date.
They spend a lovely evening at dinner together and take a midnight stroll through the city oh god city stroll PTSD
He gently wraps his jacket around her bare shoulders with a soft smile as he thanks her once again for believing in him believing he is worthy of her
Shaw, smirking: Is that so?
Oohhhhh you know what that smirk does to me. DOWN BOY D O W N.
He’s surprised but his reaction is very mutual.
His internal thoughts are more on the line of “Hmm I’m her first boyfriend, aye?” and “OYA OYA”
He very likely most definitely places his hand on the wall beside her head and leans in closely to get a reaction from her as he growls,
Shaw: So that means you really like me, yeah? I’m making this way too hot gdi. Shaw stans please enjoy your food
MC looks up to see that same playful smirk resting on his face.
highkey don’t know how to respond because Im just “ok think of 3 things she would probably say and go from there” while my brain just computer error sound
MC: and what about yourself? I’m sure there are tons of girls throwing themselves at you yet you choose me.
He pulls away and places his hands in his pockets with a chuckle.
Shaw: I’ve had my fair share before.
iVe HaD mY fAiR sHarE bEfoRe MY ASS
I’m convinced he’s had one time things with girls purely for information or he isn’t the least bit interested in relationships because he thrives on stimulation and entertainment and nOboDy iS gOoD eNouGh plus he literally asks what people do on dates when taking mc out in his first date in game SO
Either way, this is a LIE. The man can’t relationship for the life of him so he has no RIGHTS to tease her.
Just let him believe or you can try to tease him about it in hopes of getting a little pouty face out of him.
Honestly, their first date would just be the first date we got in the game and nobody can convince me otherwise.
Shaw is a wild child and doesn’t care for romantic dates. at least that’s what he wants you to think
A little insight on his character: He’s very blunt and easily pushes people away all the while keeping them close enough to gather intel. He doesn’t get emotionally attached to anyone and makes sure it’s mutual on both ends. Personal relationships only drag him down, especially in his line of work. He prioritizes other things before relationships which makes him so damn FRUSTRATING BUT I SWEAR I WILL CRACK YOU OPEN LIKE A WALNUT JUST YOU WATCH ME.
With that being said, after actually being in a relationship with MC for a while and opening up about their personal lives more, Shaw can be very romantic. He may be awkward for a bit at first since he literally doesn’t know what a date is but he gets there eventually.
He’s still full of fun but is also very gentle and makes sure MC is enjoying herself.
I got sidetracked with the actual HC on this one but Shaw stans need food I NEED FOOD
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youtiaoshutiao · 4 years
i just finished "the romance of tiger and rose" and i have nothing to watch now :( do you have any cdrama recs?
hello!!!! sorry i got to this a week late my tumblr is like... neglected currently
anyway i’m so glad u enjoyed tiger and rose!!! i love it so much too :D for cdrama recs, omg it really depends on what u’re looking for!!!! i find it so hard to narrow down dramas that are my faves to recommend because i actually watch very little HAHA and i only watch to completion dramas that i really like anyway xD anyway i’ll just list a few that i’ve watched recently (meaning like... from mid 2019 till now) and really enjoyed!!!
period dramas:
- joy of life 庆余年 (2019): hard to describe this tonally because it’s v irreverant and hilarious yet moving and deep and suspenseful?! the first 15 episodes are fun and enjoyable but i think i really really truly got into it after that and became invested 100%. in my eyes it felt like a fervent love poem to life and the human condition especially towards the end. the characters are all very fascinating and there’s a lot of twisty plot twists. excellent acting and script writing. only caveat is that it’s the first season out of a planned 3 season series so it ends on a cliffhanger, and the female lead doesn’t really have as much agency compared to the other supporting female characters (mainly due to her circumstances and the role she plays i guess).
- young blood 大宋少年志 (2019): YOOO THIS is a huge lovelovelove for me, you have the most lovable squad consisting of 6 very different and generally lonely teenagers who get roped into this secret services thing where they deal with top secret government plots and stuff. and they start off all on the wrong foot and grow to LOVE EACH OTHER and RELY ON EACH OTHER and HAVE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. *sobs just thinking about it* has many supporting characters that are interesting and whom u also get invested in. It’s an original script written by Wang Juan 王倦 who also wrote the joy of life script, except young blood is 100% original and not adapted from a webnovel! just like tiger and rose’s script, which is also an original script written by Nan Zhen. this is SUPER SUPER rare nowadays in cdramaland which is why i stan these 2 dramas so hard hahaha. caveat: young blood also ends on a kind of cliffhanger/open ending, but it still felt like the arcs that the entire series covered in terms of character development were well completed so i was okay with it. plus there are lots of hints that there’s also gonna be a season 2, though I think Wang Juan is still writing the script for that.
- under the power 锦衣之下 (2019/2020): this is the drama that tiger and rose is sometimes compared to in terms of how it became so popular unexpectedly. i would wholeheartedly recommend this 100% solely for the OTP which is a Tsundere Embroidered Uniform Guard (Ming-dynasty secret police) ML x Bubbly/talkative/street smart Constable FL. they are SUPER SUPER cute and the leads (who are both my faves) play them super well and their romantic development is presented really organically. the outfits esp the male lead’s are A+++ also and make him look super super hot. i like the OST too. however everything else is quite mediocre lol especially the special effects and the meandering sideplots and there was a whole plot arc that didn’t really make much sense because a lot was edited out because of censorship. STILL VERY ADDICTIVE THO
- the story of ming lan 知否知否应是绿肥红瘦 (2018/2019): a very long drama (but quite normal by cdrama standards lol) basically about the ~journey~ and ~growth~ of our protagonist minglan, unfavoured daughter of a concubine of a relatively high ranking civil servant. it’s a very different vibe to a lot of other cdramas in that it’s very slice-of-life and slow paced, but i think it’s fascinating how it showcases how women deal and work with the internal dynamics of a household in a patriarchal society, and how that affects societal and political affairs as well. her OTP with an unfavoured son from another family (lol) is also very very delicious as it’s basically 2 people who have gone thru a lot of Trauma as children treasuring each other/learning that they too are treasured by the other and them building their own family and household against all odds and evil family members. it’s v long and slow paced as i mentioned earlier but it’s very very rewarding!! and i think many of my tumblr mutuals would agree it’s quite a favourite :D
modern dramas:
(i’ll admit that i’ve only had the brainspace the past 1 year for fluffy brainless modern dramas so all these are just for the FLUFF)
- skate into love 冰糖炖雪梨 (2020): uni drama where the FL re-picks up her true love speed skating after abandoning it for Reasons and gets back into it competitively. her OTP is her primary school deskmate who is an ice hockey player. the otp is very very fun!! the ML has a lot of resentment towards FL initially because FL was quite the bully in primary school but i really like how they resolved it and eventually the ML falls first and falls Really Really Hard and it is Delicious. the career aspects was quite well done also and i really rooted for the FL to rediscover her passion and pick it up again, and also for the ML to become better at his craft. caveat: i actually still have 10 episodes to go as i stalled because i know there’s a couple of episodes coming up that are going to be frustrating because of typical Misunderstanding and Miscommunication blablabla. but that’s pretty common lolol and overall it’s still a cute watch.
- the 致我们 series consisting of 3 dramas : 
1) a love so beautiful 致我们单纯的小美好 (2017): high school drama basically tsundere male lead x bubbly female lead, they’ve been classmates since young and are next door neighbours, female lead has a crush on him since forever
2) put your head on my shoulder 致我们暖暖的小时光 (2019): set in uni, female lead’s doing an internship far from her school, male lead is a physics student and his parents have a flat for him that is near female lead’s internship place, BAM THEY ARE FLATMATES!
3) the love equations 致我们甜甜的小美满 (2020): uni drama, female lead is a chinese language major who loves writing forensic novels online, male lead is a forensic science major.
all 3 are really cute lolol. i put these 3 because i just watched the third one two months ago and i feel like i have to mention it in the context of the first 2 haha. the first 2 were definitely hits both domestically and internationally. i feel the 3rd one kind of flopped? in terms of reception compared to the first 2 and a lot of my drama mutuals couldn’t get into it, and i can understand why because it did feel more unpolished? in terms of directorial choices/the editing/the acting/the script. but i still somehow really loved it for some reason, i think some parts of the ML’s life esp his relationship with his mum really resonated with me, and i loved FL and her friendships with her dormmates so so so so much. so i really rooted for the OTP.  i think objectively in terms of quality i would rate them 2 > 1 > 3, but in terms of feels... i loved them all. and it’s all just pure fluff anyway at the end of the day HAHA.
ok i’m running out of time writing this hehe but also a quick shoutout to my 2 favourite youth/high school dramas forever - With You 最好的我们 (2015) and My Huckleberry Friends 你好旧时光 (2017) which are sister dramas/set in the same universe and imo, are the pinnacle of youth dramas and what it means to capture the anxieties/stresses/mundane joys/pain/beauty of the Chinese/Asian high school experience. 
there are many others from before 2019 that i watched and enjoyed but i didn’t put them in hehe. and i’m sorry HAHA i actually don’t have much trust in my own taste LOL but i hope it helps!!
ohhhh and i’ve been trying to avoid starting on new dramas because of Exam Prep but there’s been SO MANY airing lately that i’ve been interested in:
The Bad Kids 隐秘的角落: apparently super well done suspense/thriller drama that’s receiving rave reviews everywhere!!
Love A Lifetime 暮白首: an original wuxia starring ren jialun (ML in under the power) whom i love so much and zhang huiwen
My Girl 99分女朋友: this is a modern day cdrama written by nan zhen!!! (who wrote tiger and rose) so i think it might be worth checking out :))
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starbuckie · 4 years
𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐚 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝
challenge: the cbc 1k writing challenge by @captainscanadian​
prompt: “do you treat all your hookups like this?”
pairing: carter baizen x reader
words: 4.7k words
warnings: fluff, angst, assault, swearing, some degrading comments, and implications of the sexy times 
summary: waling up next to one of New York’s most eligible bachelors brings on a lot more than what you expected.
a/n: what’s up y’all! i’ve essentially been dead for the past two weeks, but i’m back! i lost motivation for a bit, but i feel a lot better now, and what better way to come back then a little carter baizen? i ended up writing a lot more than originally intended, but i like the way it turned out. anyways, enjoy, and thank you for all of your support<3 
main masterlist || sebastian stan characters masterlist
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As you awoke with a long stretch and yawn, memories of the previous night had you smiling like an idiot. Sunlight streamed from the half-closed blinds of your windows and the smell of coffee wafted to your room from the kitchen. You grabbed your lover’s dress shirt from off the floor and slipped a pair of satin slippers on your feet. 
The night before had been amazing. It had started with a beach reception when you had finally caught his eye. The two of you had been playing a game of cat and mouse during the whole wedding, only giving lustful stares and shy smiles, but when you finally had a hold of each other, your night only got better. The rest of the night had the sounds of only tearing clothes, pants, and moans. 
Snapping out of your sweet reverie, you stared at the man in your kitchen. His bare back was faced towards you, giving a great view of his shifting muscles while he made pancakes. A bowl of mixed berries were laid out on the table, along with strawberry syrup and mugs of Peruvian coffee. “Do you treat all of your hookups like this, Baizen?” 
Carter, finally noticing your presence, turned around and gave you a heartwarming smile. He flipped the last few pancakes over and walked over to wrap his arms around your waist. Burying his face into the crook of your neck, he mumbled, “Haha, cute joke. After everything we’ve been through babygirl, this was definitely not a hookup. And I only treat my favorite person like this, so eat up.” He gestured towards the food on the table and with a quick kiss to your lips, turned his attention back to the pancakes.
You sat in one of the chairs and took a sip of steaming coffee and looked out of the ceiling to floor windows surrounding the room. The New York City skyline would never get old from this view, no matter how long you and Carter had had this penthouse. Sighing, you looked down at your left hand, the sun casting light on the diamond on your fourth finger. 
You had been engaged for only six months, but it didn’t feel like anything new. At the age of 33, you didn’t feel any different than you did ten years before or even ten before that. Hell, you always knew that you would be Carter’s friend, but one drunken night had changed that very quickly.
As your fiance joined you at the table, he set a plate of warm pancakes in front of you. Sure, he could have had your housekeeper, Marybeth do it for him, but he also liked pampering you himself. Together, you sat in silence and stared out the windows. Carter tore his eyes away from the city to study your face. He would never understand how after twenty years of friendship, it ended with him finding his one love and putting a ring on your finger. 
“Hey, baby?” He asked, and you hummed and met his gaze. “How’d we even get here?”
You smirked and replied with, “Well, I walked from the bedroom, but I don’t know about you?”
“Don’t be cheeky,” he said, pinching your elbow. You swatted his hand away and smiled. “Anyway, what I meant to say before I was so rudely interrupted, was how did I end up with the most beautiful girl on the Upper East Side?”
“Well, if I recall, it started with me being fed up with your stupid ass, and you finally confessing that you had been madly in love with me since we were thirteen.”
“And I still am.” He moved towards you to place his lips on yours. “You’re mine now, baby.” You grinned against his lips and went to sit on his lap.
“Mr. Baizen, you’ve had me from the moment I laid eyes on you. With that cute little schoolboy outfit, and your hair! Oh god, remember-”
With a playful glare, he cut you off as you giggled. “We do not need to talk about my middle school style, fiancee, but I will gladly talk about when I fell in love with you.”
“That sounds good.” You smiled at each other and went back down memory lane, into your long, long, shared history.
Looking in the mirror, your maid had finished tailoring your school uniform. When she deemed you presentable she scurried out of the room to help your mother, and you immediately went to call your best friend.
“Carter, are you ready for our first day? We’re finally in eighth grade. Next year I’ll be headed off to Constance and you’ll be going to St. Judes, and there’s gonna be a whole ton of hot guys-”
Your friend’s chuckles were heard through the phone. “Y/N, we haven’t even begun the first day yet.”
“Yes, I know, but we’ll be one step closer to the best years of our lives!” Your mom’s voice called you from downstairs. Oh crap. Only the Lord knew that Andrea L/N did NOT want to be kept waiting. “Okay, my mom’s coming, but we’re coming to pick you up right now. I’ll see you in a few minutes.”
“See ya soon, Y/N.” You smiled at his voice and responded.
“See ya soon, Baizen.” You hung up the phone and ran to your vanity. Making sure your mascara wasn’t smudged while you had dressed, you spritzed on the Chanel perfume you had stolen from your mother's room. Truth be told, you only dressed up for Carter, but you would never tell him that. 
His parents were two of New York’s socialites, famous and wealthy, so they got along well with your parents. Though your dad didn’t pay too much attention to you, your mother made sure you kept up with your grades and social life. She was always the shoulder to cry on, offering you wisdom and advice. Not to mention, but your mom was a fantastic shoe designer. She was truly the greatest woman you knew. The two of you grew up closely with his sister Caroline, from the time you were babies to now. Caroline had gone to a boarding school in France in the fifth grade, but that didn't tear your friendship, and only made it stronger. However, while you stay poised and polite, Carter had always had a bit of a bad boy streak. Albeit, he was charming and sweet, sometimes too much for his own good, but the two of you were opposites. Yin and yang. Sun and moon. At the age of thirteen he was the Upper East Side’s darling sweet-talker, who had girls and boys alike fawning over him. 
Including you.
You never realized when you had started developing feelings for your friend, but it was a huge shock to you. It helped that he was cute as hell, but you got to see the sweet side of him, that was respectful and caring. He always made sure you were comfortable and happy, giving you a small sliver of hope that he liked you back. You always helped him, whether it was being a wingwoman, or giving him schoolwork, you were always there at his beck and call. 
The next seven years were absolutely painful for you, however. In high school, he charmed the skirt off of every single girl at Constance, and constantly blew you off for hookups and dates. When he was cut off and went to travel the world, you called him to make sure he was okay, though he always seemed fine to you. You stuck with him through everything, and the more you went on, you barely knew the man who claimed to be your best friend. 
Dating Serena was the last straw. You were twenty-one, studying political science and business to hopefully one day become a lawyer. Your father had disapproved of your majors, but your mom fully supported you. 
Sighing and putting your textbook away, you stood up and went to put something on for the party you were invited to. Normally, you would have stayed in your NYU dorm, but Carter had miraculously managed to get you to leave, claiming you needed to meet his girlfriend, who you didn’t know at the time. You grumpily slipped on a champagne sequin dress, and grabbed your white stilettos to match. After hailing a cab, you were off to Blair Waldorf’s house, unknowingly driving to the end of you and Carter’s friendship.
You had to admit that the party wasn’t half bad. Blair certainly knew how to decorate, and it wasn’t hard to believe, considering her mother was the infamous designer, Eleanor Waldorf. You bumped into a lot of old classmates from your high school years, and grudgingly exchanged greetings. When you finally found Carter, he had his arm slipped around the waist of a pretty blonde, making your heart drop to the pit of your stomach. He turned around, and let out a smile that normally would have made you happy, but instead filled you with dread. 
“Y/N! You made it! This is Serena Van der Woodsen.” As you went in to hug your friend, you were stopped by none other than Serena's hand stuck out for you to shake. 
“Hi, it’s so nice to meet you, Y/N. I’ve heard so much about you.” You stared into her blue eyes, and were immediately filled with envy and irritation.
You had no right to be mad. You knew Carter could date whoever he wanted, but at this point you didn’t care. Exhausted, you started to yell at the couple.
“Really, Carter? You go off to travel some other goddamn countries and come back to date a high schooler? A child? Who the hell do you think you are?” The entire room went silent, all of their attention focused solely on the college girl who went crazy. Serena stared at you, absolutely dumbfounded. As she came to her senses and started to yell back, Carter stopped her.
“Y/N, let’s go outside,” he gritted out. His eyes were burning red, and you could tell he was furious, which was never a good thing.
However, at this point your emotions were so heightened that it rivaled his anger. Once the two of you were outside the building, he started lecturing you. “What the fuck was that, L/N? I introduce you to my girlfriend, and you start yelling at her. You have no control over who I date, and you have absolutely zero right to insult them. I wouldn’t do that to you.”
He knew he had hit a sore spot there. He knew your deepest insecurities, how you were self-conscious about your body, and how you were saving yourself for the one. No one had ever looked at you throughout high school, and even if they had, you would’ve been too blinded by Carter to see any of them. He had always had you wrapped around his finger.
You chuckled mirthlessly. “You are such an asshole, Baizen. I have been there for you for years. I was always there to make sure you had done your homework, I looked after you, I fucking lied for you. I have done everything for you, and for fucking what?”
“So you yell at my girlfriend? I never knew you could stoop so fucking low, Y/N.” He glared at you, on the verge of tears, and saw that your face was already wet as well. “Oh, poor you. Cries whenever someone raises their voice at them. You had no right to say those things about her. What are you, jealous?”
Your heart stopped beating in your chest. It was the longest five seconds of your life, as tears ran down your face in hot paths, and he stared at you, for once, not knowing what to say. 
“You are.” His gaze turned sympathetic. “Wait, Y/N, I never knew-”
“It doesn’t matter, Carter,” you yelled, “I don’t fucking care anymore. I’m not gonna go on loving you, because it’s never gonna happen and I can’t sit around to wait for you. I’m done.” With that, you left, his last memory of you stomping off into the streets of Manhattan at midnight. 
“That wasn’t my best moment exactly.” You cringed, face flaming from your actions that had taken place that night.
Carter placed his hand on your jaw and rubbed your cheekbone. “It wasn’t your fault, I was kind of an idiot. But in a way, I’m kind of grateful, because that really woke me up to what was happening outside of that little bubble I was in. It made me see what I had lost, and remember that it was you who finally saved me from the hole I was digging myself farther into. You were my hero. Still are.”
You grinned bashfully. “But then we ended up seeing each other two years later at that other party.”
“Oh god, the party,” he smirked, “we had some fun then, didn’t we?”
“I can’t remember, we were both drunk as fuck.” 
The last two years had changed you. You had still focused on school and kept up with your studies, but the old Y/N was no more. Carter Baizen had ruined your life, and now you were just getting a taste of what you had missed out on in high school. A barrier surrounded your heart, with the one rule of no man staying in your bed for more than a night. You had a reputation to uphold, of course. Every social event now had your name on the attending list, and guys were lining up at your feet for a night with you. Your hair was longer, the clothes you wore out flashier and your style rivaled that of Serena Van der Woodsen’s. You were unattainable and everyone knew your name.
Your father’s private jet flew in on the evening of December twentieth. Merula, your family’s maid, helped carry your bags from the jet and your mom greeted you with tons of hugs and kisses. However, that didn’t last very long, as you had a party to attend. Going up to your old room, you took a quick, yet luxurious bath, and went to fix yourself up. Your old closet was still intact, and you were happy to know that the short red dress you had bought five years before still fit you. After you slipped on the dress and your black heels, you curled your hair in loose waves, and swiped on some dark red lipstick.
You were dead set on getting laid tonight. But then again, when weren’t you?
With a goodnight call to your mom, you ran out to the limo waiting outside your family’s penthouse. Giving the driver the address, you pulled your compact mirror from your Valentino clutch. Flawless. Like any other night. Paying attention to your looks was now tiring. And this life was lonely. You hadn’t had any friends besides Carter at the beginning, but now you were truly by yourself.
Carter. You hadn’t thought about him in a long time. In your furious haze after the incident two years ago, you blocked him on all forms of social media, and ignored any headlines from Gossip Girl including his name. It was lonely, naturally, but you had enough men filling your bed to avoid you from the empty void in your chest. The void that was filled with whispers telling you to apologize, to call him, to take him back, because the truth was that you missed him like hell.
The party was full of college kids, neatly dressed in the chandelier-lit room. Ugh. So far you couldn’t see any lookers. A couple of guys who looked like they were in their late twenties were eyeing you up from the corner, and grabbing a flute of bubbly champagne, you headed in their direction, licking your lips. As you crossed the room, you could feel more eyes on you but you didn’t dare look at them. No, you liked being in charge, controlling the room. Heels clicking against the marble floor, you blatantly checked out the tall blonde in the middle. He was pretty handsome. Cropped hair, a muscular frame, and electric blue eyes that kind of reminded you of Carter. 
Stop thinking about him, go get laid.
You stopped in front of him. “Hey, pretty boy. Can I get your name?” 
He wasn’t even fazed by your flagrant introduction. You were absolutely shameless, and though you received glares from the other women in the room, you couldn’t have cared less. “I’m Steve. What’s your name, beautiful?”
You opened your mouth to speak and Steve’s eyes widened as he saw the figure that shouted out your name, abruptly stopping you. “Y/N?”
Freezing, you prayed that it wasn’t him. His voice that haunted you daily, and made guilt and sadness pool in your gut. It had to have been your imagination. You started again. “Sorry, but I’m-”
“Y/N.” Turning around, you came face to face, well, face to chest with Carter Baizen. He had grown taller since you had last seen him. Even with the noticeably darker bags under his eyes and growing hair, he was still as gorgeous as ever. 
“Hey, Carter.” Steve had walked away by then, not wanting to intrude, but at that moment, he was the only person you needed. Heart beating in your chest, you finally met Carter’s eyes. “How are you?”
His mouth was gaping a little, taking in your form, seeing that it was so much different than it used to be. “I’m good.” Pausing for a moment, he added, “You look great.”
A blush rose to your cheeks and you managed to mumble out, “Thanks.”
“Can we talk?” 
That’s how you ended up outside on an empty balcony overlooking Manhattan. Taxis and honking were heard, but it was fainter due to blood rushing in your ears. 
He opened his mouth to speak, but you cut him off. “Carter, before you say anything, I want to let you know that I’m sorry. I really am. Last time we saw each other, I knew what I did was wrong, and though I was in love with you, I had no right to be upset.” Sighing, you placed your hand in his. “Can we be good again? I really hate how we left things off.”
Silently, he nodded his head, eyes wide and subtly taking you in again. The last two years hadn’t been kind to him, after Serena dumped his sorry ass, and he ended up with no money and nowhere to run to. His mom had allowed him to stay in the family house for a while, and his father was even giving him a second chance at running the company, but it wasn’t easy for him. He was slowly spiraling down, and only when he saw you did he wake up and take a look at himself properly. He looked like a piece of garbage next to you. He hadn’t even gone to school, and here you were, even more beautiful, which he never thought was possible, and a successful law student at Harvard.
“We’re good, Y/N. I brought you out here for another reason though.” He paused and looked at you as you nodded for him to continue. “It’s been a few years, I know, and I shouldn’t be saying this now, but I miss you so much. These past few years have made me realize how much of a fool I am for you, but God, I’m in love with you, Y/N, I always have been.”
You stood up, anger coursing through your veins. Now? When it’s most convenient for him? No. You needed to get drunk. “I’m sorry Carter, but I fell out of love with you one hell of a long time ago.” Swallowing the lump rising in your throat, you continued your lie. “You made your decision, I made mine. I wanted to be friends, Carter, but I can’t have that laying around us.”
Stomping away, you heard the crestfallen voice of Carter. “Y/N, wait, please.” He stumbled his way over to you, and caught your hand again before you ripped it away. “Please, Y/N, please, I’m in love with you. I’m sorry I was such an ass, I was so stupid, please.”
Tears fell from your eyes as you shook your head. “I need a drink.” 
He numbly nodded as you made your way back inside, asking one of the servers for a gin. You needed to get drunk. It was a necessity at this point, and as you got more and more tipsy through the night, you found your way back with Steve. By now the party had started to get crazier, people making out in corners and drunkenly stumbling everywhere. Steve held you up as you grinded against him, but stopped when you felt his hand go up your dress. 
“No, no thank you,” you slurred.
He smirked, giving you a steely glare. “You’re asking for it with this slutty little dress and winding me up.” He forcibly grabbed your wrists and started to drag you to a bedroom. “I own you tonight, baby.”
Before you could scream, someone came over and punched Steve in the jaw. You were speechless, staring at his already bruising face. Once again, you were being pulled away, only this time, out of the party. The person dragged you back to your place, and your drunken mind asked, “You wanna come in?” 
Without another word, the two of you were attached by the mouth, clothes being thrown haphazardly around your room. Earlier events from the evening wiped from your memories, and you could have only hoped that your parents weren’t home. Falling into your bed, you and your unknown lover tore up the bedsheets for several hours until you both drunkenly passed out.
When you woke up the next morning, you looked up. You silently thanked yourself for closing your windows before you had left the other night, and only then realized you were cold, naked, and in your own room. 
“What the fuck.” You whispered to yourself. Throwing on a robe from your closet, you looked around seeing the scattered clothes from you and whoever you had spent your night with. They were still here.
You flew down the stairs at a record-breaking speed, and slid into the kitchen, risky business style, and saw a familiar head of brown hair sitting at the table. “What the fuck, Baizen?”
Carter calmly turned around, smiling as he blew into his coffee. “Damn, Y/N, good morning to you too.”
Scoffing, you grabbed the newspaper he held in his hands and started to whack him with it. “Ow, what the hell?” He grabbed your wrists to calm you, then pulled out a chair next to him for you to sit. Reluctantly, you sat and frowned at him, raising an eyebrow to ask what happened. “Do you treat all your hookups like this?”
“Did we…” You didn’t even want to finish that sentence.
“Sleep together piss-drunk after you told me you didn’t love me back after two years? Yes, we most certainly did, beautiful.” Though your face burned red at the old pet name, you asked for what had happened. “Well, the asshole you were dancing with tried to get you in bed, but I came over and punched him, while we were both still drunk, and I got you back here, and you offered me to come inside and we fucked.”
Your eyes were comically wide, and he would have found the situation really funny if his heart weren’t beating erratically inside his chest as he awaited your full reaction. “So,” you started, “you're still in love with me.”
He tried not to let his embarrassment show, but his cheeks flamed anyway. You smiled genuinely, but you were terrified of whether he meant it or not. “Do you mean it, Carter?”
You stared into the depths of his eyes and he answered, “Yes. I’m so sorry that I was a horrible, horrible friend to you, and I don’t deserve your forgiveness. And I know you already expressed how you felt about me, and let me say, I understand completely. If you want me to, I’ll walk out of that door right now, and you won’t have to see me again. But if you let me stay , I’ll spend every waking moment of my life making sure you feel happy and loved, and making it up to you.”
He stared at you with pleading eyes, and held your hands gently. Suddenly, stinging tears obstructed your vision, and you whimpered. “I love you, Car,” you gave him a watery smile, “never stopped.”
His eyes started to tear up as well, and smiling you finally pressed your lips to his, taking in the moment. The past few years had been torturous for you both, dealing with the loneliness and pain from your broken friendship, but slowly and surely you two built trust. It took a long time, and you took the relationship slowly, but patience was key, and it was all worth it in the end.
“And now we’re here?” You asked. Carter combed his hand through your hair, the soothing action making you rest your head on his shoulder.
“And now we’re here.” He glanced down at you, smiling and pecking your lips.
“Damn, we had one dramatic-ass story.” He chuckled at that and sighed.
“We sure did, baby. But hey, look at us. We’re on top of the world right now. We have a wedding in a few months, you don’t have any cases, and I have the most beautiful girl in the world in my arms right now.”
You smiled against his neck. “Hey, Car?” He hummed against your hair, looking out the window. The sun had fully risen, making the room glow. “I know we haven’t had this discussion in a while, but are we ready to have kids?” His brow furrowed, but he said nothing. “Car?”
“I mean, sure, we’re both doing so well right now, and we could raise a kid here, right? We’ve got an empty bedroom right across from ours, and we’ve got plenty of space here. I think with the combination of me and you, we’d have a pretty great kid. They’d definitely have my eyes though.” 
“They better have your eyes.” You looked up at him. “So pretty.”
He chuckled and kissed your forehead. “The wedding’s coming up pretty soon though, so we can start trying after that.” You laughed as he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. “Before we get too old.”
You smirked and rolled your eyes. “We’re thirty-three, Carter, we aren’t that old.”
He laughed and said, “I guess you’re right.” Heart beating in your chest, you sighed loudly. “What brought this on?”
You cupped his cheek and took a deep breath. When you had taken the test a week before you had been elated, only to freak out after realizing Carter might not feel the same. But you had been okay for ten years, right? When the two of you had finally gotten together, it did take a lot to find that balance in your relationship, but hell, you were getting married in a few months. Carter was your best friend, number one supporter, and fiance, so you prayed that he would be just as excited. 
“Carter, I’m pregnant.” Looking at him dead in the eye, you hoped that he would be happy. You awaited his reaction for a few seconds, and you wanted to scream in anticipation.
And then you saw it. 
His eyes started to water, and his hands moved to your stomach. ”Really?” He asked, voice wavering. You nodded, eyes beginning to tear up as well.
“We’re having a baby, Mr. Baizen.” You laughed joyfully, as he picked you up by your waist and you wrapped your legs around him. Hands found their way around his neck as he pulled you in for a kiss. 
Tears poured from his eyes, as he laughed. “I love you so, so, much, baby.” Hiding your face in his neck, you giggled some more. “God, we’re having a kid. I swear on my life, I’ll do everything to make sure you and this baby are happy for the rest of our lives.”
And he did. Not such a bad hookup after all, now was it?
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dingdongrumba · 4 years
Smut prompt 1 with KomaHina, like a snarky response from Hajime, but of course however you see fit!
Also it’s top Komaeda time!!! Hope you don’t mind anon, in this blog we stan switches and I will die on this hill.
Read on AO3 too!!!
 “Here you go, Hajime.”
 “Oh, wow, thank you. Just what I needed.” Hajime replied, taking the cup of coffee that Nagito was offering him from his hand. It was pretty late at night already and all this work from the Future Foundation had kept him glued to his desk all day. Okay, to be fair, it wasn’t exactly urgent work, but Hajime hated having pending tasks for the weekend, he’d much rather pull an all-nighter on Fridays and have Saturday and Sunday completely free so he could spend them with Nagito completely uninterrupted.
 “You’re welcome, are you almost done with that? You should go to bed soon, overworking yourself is bad for your health.” The white-haired man pointed out, taking a seat on his desk, which was directly in front of Hajime’s.
 “Yeah, I just have to finish up this last report and I’m done, why don’t you go on ahead before me?”
 Nagito shook his head. “I have some work to finish as well, I’ll keep you company until we’re both done.” The soft smile he offered him only made Hajime return one of his own.
 “Alright then, let me know if you need anything.”
 “Will do.”
 They both continued their work in comfortable silence. After being together and working alongside each other for so many years, writing reports late at night without talking had become almost second nature to them, one of the best ways they had of keeping each other company even when they weren’t interacting directly. It was always… nice.
 Eventually, though, work starts to drag. Hajime took another sip of the coffee Nagito brought him earlier and rubbed his eyelids, feeling the exhaustion really begin to settle in now. He was almost done, though, he just needed to push forward a little bit more, so he tiredly took off his suit jacket and loosened his tie before unbuttoning his shirt, instantly feeling the relief of unloading from his constraining work clothes. Cracking his neck, he did some simple stretches in his place and swiftly got back to work.
 It took perhaps two whole minutes for him to feel a heavy burden on his shoulders. He blinked, slightly confused, and raised his head towards the still silent Nagito that was sitting across from him. He had been fast, but Hajime still managed to catch his eyes quickly darting from himself to his work again. Yeah, Nagito had definitely been staring at him just a second ago.
 Hajime shrugged it off and managed to continue working for a grand total of thirty more seconds before he had the sensation of being watched again and looked up to those darting eyes. He stared at him for a bit, not really understanding why Nagito was acting this way until he looked down on himself and finally recognized the way he looked. His chest was half out in the open, his tie loose around his neck and his hair was probably messy from a whole day’s work. He smiled to himself at the realization that his boyfriend was simply ogling him from afar like a high-school boy again.
 Feeling playful, Hajime let out a long, albeit fake yawn that resulted in him stretching over the chair, purposefully letting his shirt open up even more and flexing his chest in the process. He’d closed his eyes to fully sell the yawn act, but even then he could feel Nagito’s intense stare fall directly on his pecs and he couldn’t help but smirk to himself at how easily he could seduce his boyfriend.
 It really seemed to do the trick too. After that yawn, Nagito was basically drooling all over his desk, barely even hiding the fact that he was staring anymore. After what seemed like an eternity of the blatant staring, Hajime let out a small laugh and looked up at Nagito again.
 “Okay, alright, are you going to eye fuck me all night or are you going to do something about it?” He teased, resting a cheek on top of the back of his hand and shooting him a playful smirk.
 “A-Ah! N-No-! I wasn’t-!” Was Nagito’s first reaction, but he quickly stopped the poorly delivered act before returning a smile of his own. “Haha, that obvious, huh?” He admitted, mirroring Hajime’s posture from across the room.
 “Very. So? Are you going to come over here or what?” Hajime replied, giving his best bedroom eyes and causing Nagito to let out a low chuckle of his own before getting up from his chair and walking up to his boyfriend, not wasting any time to start placing kisses along his mouth and jaw.
 Nagito’s hands didn’t take long to find their way down Hajime’s chest, enjoying the way the skin felt against his fingertips as he kept smothering Hajime’s lips with his own. The brunet let out a low moan when Nagito began sucking on his collarbone, already feeling his dick swell up from the touches.
 Finally getting up from the chair, Hajime circled his arms around Nagito’s neck, flushing their bodies together as they kept gasping and panting into each other’s mouths. God, Nagito molded against his body so perfectly it was hard to imagine them not being together for so long before. Nagito pressed a leg against his crotch, causing Hajime’s own to grind against Nagito’s clothed erection as well, making them both moan louder into the heated kiss that only seemed to increase in eagerness.
 “Aah, Hajime, I want you.” Nagito panted into his mouth, briefly breaking the kiss before diving in again, though separating their bodies a bit so he could finish ridding Hajime of his shirt and tie.
 “I-I want- you, too” Hajime managed to reply between kisses, reluctantly complying to the separation so he could get his damn shirt off and have more of himself touching Nagito already. His skin was hot to the touch, usually Nagito was a rather cold person, but he always felt like he could make his entire body ablaze when they were together like this.
 Desperately, Nagito undid his own pants before doing the same to his boyfriend’s, letting both of their cocks out in the open and taking them at the same time in his right hand, groaning at the much needed friction. It didn’t take long for both of them to start leaking pre-cum all over themselves, making Nagito’s motions much smoother and pleasurable and drawing out even louder moans from their mouths.
 Hajime’s head began spinning at the way their dicks slid together, causing his legs to shiver and his arms to tighten around Nagito’s neck. He couldn’t even properly kiss him anymore, reducing himself to a moaning, drooling mess in Nagito’s mouth, although Nagito himself wasn’t much better either.
 “Aah, please, just do me already.” He begged, accompanying his plea with a buck of his hips, drawing out a little laugh from Nagito.
 “i thought you’d never ask.”
 “Stop being a dick,” Hajime pouted, stepping away from him (still a bit reluctant) and bending over his own desk, eagerly displaying himself to Nagito in hopes that would make him hurry up already. “Just do it.”
 “Ahaha, how demanding.” Nagito teased, taking out the bottle of lube from the desk drawer they always kept in the office, precisely for moments like this. He lowered Hajime’s pants the rest of the way down, taking a moment to admire the shape of his ass as he spread it wide open, applying a generous amount of lube all over his entrance and then on his own dick, shivering at the initial cold sensation.
 Lining himself up, Nagito started rubbing the tip of his cock on the lubed up hole in front of him, pressing in slightly every couple of rubs or so, smirking at the way Hajime whined every time he refused to properly enter him.
 “Come on!” He complained beneath him, bucking his hips backwards and practically forcing Nagito’s dick inside, drawing out a low groan from both of them.
 “Mmh~, so eager, Hajime.” Nagito cooed as he leaned forward on top of Hajime’s back and began rolling his hips slowly, letting the lewd noises of their connection fill the room.
 “Aah, y-you are… the one that kept glancing at me.”
 “That’s because you’re so alluring.” Nagito breathed down Hajime’s ear, picking up the pace. “Every time I look at you I can’t help but stare and think about fucking you like this. Aah, I love you so much, Hajime.”
 “N-Nagito…” He moaned at both his boyfriend’s words and the increasing speed of his cock going in and out of his ass, touching every good nerve inside his body. It felt good to have Nagito inside him, but it was made even better by hearing how much he wanted him in the first place. Every syllable was filled with adoration and it made both his heart and his dick swell.
 Gripping the surface of the desk as best he could, Hajime bit down on his lip to try and prevent his voice from coming out as Nagito gradually quickened up the pace of his hips. His legs were shaking violently, but he still somehow managed to thrust his own ass backwards to meet him, making his lover smile at the way Hajime was practically begging him to go harder.
 Feeling generous, Nagito straightened up his back and took Hajime’s hips between his hands to keep him in place, ruthlessly pounding into him and pulling Hajime back onto himself. Their skin smacked violently, causing the room to be filled with the sounds of Hajime’s cries of pleasure and the slap of their skin every time they met.
 Huffing close to his release, Nagito grabbed his boyfriend’s wrists and forced him to arch his back, lifting him up from the desk. The new angle caused them both to feel their climaxes build up in their lower abdomen, the tension threatening to spill out any second now.
 Not stopping or slowing down for even a moment, Nagito finally reached his orgasm inside Hajime, pumping himself empty as he continued to thrust until every last drop was out. Hajime followed soon after, spilling himself all over the surface of the desk with a loud cry, practically on the verge of passing out from the sheer force of his orgasm.
 He collapsed on top of the desk first with Nagito doing the same right after him. They fought to gain their normal breathing back, not caring whether Nagito pulled out yet or not, just enjoying the sensation of being connected for a little longer.
 “Ah, fuck.” Hajime huffed once his voice returned to him.
 “What is it?”
 “I should’ve gotten my report out of the way first.”
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discotenny · 4 years
!Sleeping in Their Shirt!
[Twain, Chuuya, Junichiro]
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Sweet talk will get you everywhere when it comes to me 😘
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Does the guild have like, extra clothes packed in their luggage when they went to America or did they just pack one outfit and fvck off
So, let’s go under the premise that you’re Twain’s new s/o who he met in Japan
Twain often visited your apartment, so him coming in and asking to take a shower wasn’t of the norm
On an especially cold Yokohama night, you wished for nothing more than to cuddle up with your lover
He never stayed the night, so any moment with the mysterious man you’ve come to grow attached to was a blessing
You snuck into the bathroom, going to brush your teeth for the night. “Do you want me to fold your clothes T-Mark?”
It was hard adjusting to using his first names, but he insisted
“Oh yeah thanks y/n!”
Grabbing his clothes, you made your way to your sofa, carefully folding them. Suddenly, you got an amazing[?] idea
Slipping on his shirt, buttoning the last button like he always did, you relished in the comfort it provided
Sinking into your couch, you slowly drifted into the darkness of sleep
Twain stumbled out of the bathroom, towel wrapped around his waist. “Hey y/n where’d you put my- oh”
He started dumbfounded at you wearing his clothes, a smile finding itself on his face
Putting on his pants right there, he slipped the towel on his shoulders and sat down next to you
Not bothered by his intrusion, Twain took it as an okay that he could rest his shoulder on you
He could ask for his only shirt back later
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I don’t actually know what counts as his ‘shirt’. Is it the white one underneath his vest? Is it the vest? For the sake of my sanity let’s say that you steal his inner shirt
It was an accident. You had taken his shirt mistaking it for your own. He had noticd something missing from his closet but thought no mind; at least it wasn’t his hat
Coming back from work, you were exhausted. So tired in fact you collapsed on your shared bed without bothering to change out of your day clothes
Chuuya came home pissed off. After seeing Dazai and striking a fight with him [not to mention losing too], he couldn’t be fvcked to deal with any bullsh¡t now
He saw you on the bed, drool leaking out of your mouth. All anger dissolved in an instant, replacing itself with a fuzzy feeling. Not even noticing your outfit, Chuuya threw off all unnecessary layers[leaving him in his undershirt and slacks] and climbed into bed with you
You two slept until you woke up, Chuuya opening his eyes shortly. You rolled over to face him, giving him a blissful smile and saying, “hey.”
Chuuya, not to be bested by how cute you were, took you in his arms and pulled you closer. “We look the same,” he said, roaming your figure and stopping at your shirt
Yawning, you replied, “I think I took your shirt in the morning haha. You texted me saying you were missing something right?”
Humming slightly, Chuuya looked into your eyes and gave you the most peaceful look you’ve ever seen come out of him
“You look hot when you wear my stuff. Do it more often.”
Nnnnn the original draft of this didn’t save
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Naomi was out for the night which meant you got to stay in her place
Your loving boyfriend, Junichiro of course who else would it be, decided you two would have a movie night
As he was getting the popcorn and drinks ready, you were tasked with picking out something for you guys to watch
After everything was set up, you two cuddled up on the couch and pressed play. Sometime into the movie, you brought up the mug of cocoa to your face. However, Junichiro accidentally pushed your arm and your drink went all over your shirt
Panicking, he brought over napkins and offered you his shirt in guilt
You would never pass up being able to snuggle in Junichiro’s large avs sweater so how could you refuse 🥺
With his arm around you, and you leaning into his chest; you slowly fell asleep, forgetting all about the movie you were watching
He didn’t notice, instead being way too invested in the story of some girl and her dog [would have included a movie reference but I kinda brain farted]
After an hour, the movie concluded and Junichiro shifted to stand up. In your sleep, you had an iron grip on his wrist and our boy realized that you fell asleep
It takes him even a little longer to realize you fell asleep in his sweater
In his sweater
Lowkey gets all embarrassed about it [maybe sneaks a picture if he’s confident enough dkdkd]
He loves the way you look in his sweater, high key wants you to wear it more
When you wake up he’ll be a blushing mess, attempting to blow it off as he remarks having to play another movie while you slept
Shut him up with a smooch and he’s putty in your hands uwu
Be Mod Ioten: write a request you got hours ago instead of writing the requests you received weeks ago.
In all honest, Chuuya x reader oneshot in the progress I swear dkdkdk. And the two ikevamp requests I got. Fics and scenarios take so much longer than headcanons because I write them on my computer lol. Hope this was fluffy enough owo. I love all these boys and I’d gladly join the twain stan club 🥴
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taejeonie · 4 years
dream vs dream
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— i can’t find a gif of mark in dream vs dream :(( so take this screenshot :>>
“gotta go get em”
i present to u
markhee(HEE, i saw that reply and i loved it)
bffs forever mwah <3
i swear mark keeps laughing around taehyuck best friend goals
“mic test,,ncity...gotta go get em :)))”
video cuts to taehee moving her chair closer to mark
“hey, what are you doing?”
“i’m moving closer to you. what does it look like?”
“there you go again”
“iS it mY fAuLt fOr wAnTinG tO bE cLosE tO mY bEsT bUdDy?”
and mark just deadass stares at her but there’s this loving look in his eyes yes mark she’s still ur best friend and u love her bc that’s what bffs are <3
“ahh i knew you would be like this”
“how much do you wanna bet we’re gonna ask the same thing?”
“like,,,for real? cause-“
“are you scared, mark?”
“if that’s the case, i’m not betting. i have a feeling we’re gonna ask at least two questions that are the same”
taehee @ the camera: “if we get one of the questions wrong, we’re gonna eat it.”
“so that we can remember the answer after this.”
“but then we throw it away if we get it right”
“let’s fold the paper like this :p” MARK IS SO CUTE PLS
“but then eat it if we get right...you have to swallow okay?”
they play rps
taehee threw scissors and mark threw rock
mark, shaking his head: “you always throw scissors it’s so predictable”
“one day, i’ll throw u off. we’ll see -.-“
“okay, what year did we meet each other?”
“2012. we arrived at the same day, right?”
“mark and i were really shy back then so we became each other’s first friends in the company”
“we were,,,13? 13, right?”
“i was 12, u were thirteen. our friendship was going strong,,,until haechan came along so mark started hanging out with him more >:((“
“you and haechan fought a lot back then!!!”
in nana’s voice: “but you chose to hangout with me and you left me all alone (-。-; “
and mark’s in faux disbelief
taehee and her antics tsk
“okay next question....give me one thing i appreciate about mark lee and why?”
everyone loves u dont be shy markus
“one? just one?”
“that’s so hard there’s so many”
“just answer the question”
“is it...i’m cute?”
“then what’s the reason for that?”
“do you like me?”
“oh no...how’d you find out :OO”
“no,,i’ll give u another chance. it’s something that you say”
“my habits? ‘약간’?”
“that’s cute,,but no.”
mark snaps his fingers and goes, “AH!”
“when i call you ‘joanie’ becauseeee.....”
“it reminds you of your mom?”
“i was going for family but mom works too ;))”
and mark laughs in delight
“yo that was EASY”
taehee playfully rolls her eyes, “your turn”
“what is mark’s sleeping habit?”
taehee’s eyes widen for a split second before answering
“kissing your roommate”
“crawling on the floor”
“sleep talking in korean and english”
“that’s right”
“konglish” - taehee, 2k18
“i witnessed it personally and when i do get the chance, i will record it and post it on sns”
“...please don’t”
“you’re right i might get fired”
they both laugh,,you can also hear renjun’s laughter off-screen
“okay next, you’ll know the answer to this if you’re really interested in me”
“i feel uneasy”
“what is my favorite song as of now,,,,”
“uhh ‘better now’?”
“‘i like it’”
“‘better now’”
taehee puffs out her cheeks before giving him a clue
“it’s a song by one of your favorite artists”
mark blanks out for a moment and he’s like
and taehee sighs disappointingly bc so far she’s got two of mark’s questions right
i mean her questions aren’t that hard pfffft
“AH! ‘new light’ by john mayer”
“i told you to listen to it, right?,” mark says proudly
she nodded cutely before singing the lyrics
“oh i want a take two,”
“i want to breakthrough,”
and mark joins her and it becomes the perfect recipe for a louder duo
mark + taehee = loud
and now they’re calm again, “so i can see you in a new light~”
taehee: “applause!!”
“in how many cities did mark live in?”
taehee main rapper we stan
“f o u r,” she spelled in english
simultaneously: f o u r.
and they’re both shocked like the five year olds they are so they high five each other
“what is taehee’s most recent sleeping habit?”
“told you it would be the same”
“yeah but mine has a ‘most recent’ on it? see,” she gestures to the paper in her hand
“you raise your arm when you’re asleep”
taehee’s like >:(( as she puts mark’s hand down when he demonstrates
“there’s another one”
“ahh sleeping on the floor”
“yeapp :DD”
“why do you get on the floor tho?”
“honestly i don’t even wanna know”
“okay in what restaurant did we eat together”
“like...just the two of us?”
“do i have to name all of them”
“name the most memorable one.”
“ah 삼겹살!!!”
“that’s correct but there’s another-“
“wow you got all of them right”
“paper doesn’t exactly suit my appetite...but maybe it does for you”
mark laughs at this
“wait, see? i’m getting goosebumps right now. what was the first menu mark and taehee ate together?”
“just the two of us? isn’t it 김치찌개 also?”
“yes,” and the girl goes in for a high five
“woah we really wrote the same thing ...”
“we should’ve discussed this earlier”
“okay last question!!! are you ready?”
“yES IM READY,” she shouts causing mark to let out a giggle
“name the film that we watched together in the movie theater”
“train to busan. i loved that movie.”
“that’s right!!”
and they make their 93488293rd high five in the video
best friend tingz
mark laughs, “no one knew about this.”
“yeah we had to sneak out,” taehee says before making that
oops i did it again face
taehee and her escapades the managers have trouble monitoring her sometimes
but she’s a good girl for the most part lmao she still needs to pay rent
“i didn’t want to watch the movie-“
“but i forced him to”
“i thought you didn’t like scary movies?”
“scary movies are fine as long as i’m with....”
everyone expects her to say ‘the members’ but it’s taehee ffs
“...you ;)))”
“okay my turn,,,”
taehee suddenly throws the paper behind her shoulder and catches mark off by surprise
then there’s this look in her eyes which made mark laugh nervously, “whaaat are you gonna do?”
“are you tired?”
“is that the question?”
taehee nods, “ask me why,,”
“because you keep running through my mind all day ;)))”
*finger guns*
chenle and jeno laugh behind the cam while mark attempts to keep a straight face while shaking his head at you
“that was good right?,” taehee’s still laughing as she nudges mark with her knee
“oh really?,” mark says
“then you must be exhausted”
taehee: ( O.O )
taehee’s in shock bc??? mark lee??? flirting back???
“wah that was good...”
and mark’s just laughing at her expression
“wah .... i didn’t ....”
video cuts to taehee looking sullen while mark :))
“okay, the score is 5:4-“
“i’m hurt,,,clearly mark isn’t interested in me”
*proceeds to fake cry*
“hey, that’s no fair. the last question wasn’t even about you-“
*fake cries harder*
when taehee “calmed down” she looks at the camera
she’s still wiping her non-existent tears
acting queen give her an oscar
“from now on, i will try to be less interested in mark”
she turns to mark and makes this cutting/slicing gesture with her hand
and mouths “friendship. over. -.-“
“she gave the wrong questions. that’s why-“
“this was dream vs dream which ended in my victory. thank you for watching!!!”
they give each other a bro hug
and when taehee pulls away she looks down and pointed at mark’s shoes
“tie your shoes properly!!”
“but they don’t-“
“i don’t want you falling for anyone else ;)))”
mark shoves her causing taehee to go out of frame
“try to come up with a new one, i heard you use that on yuta-hyung already.”
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musicallisto · 4 years
🌒 Once Upon A Dream (Nik Ryder x F!MC)
what do you mean this is a dead book among the fandom? haha jokes on you, I'll keep posting about nightbound and endless summer until I DIE. here’s me being a disney & choices stan as well as a softie in the same post 😔
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word count: 1.6k words
summary: In which Nik Ryder can't quite see nor sense the magic of the fae, but he can sure as hell enjoy how peaceful it makes him.
soundtrack: ♬ ; ♬
gif credit: @ pvscvls
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NIK DIDN’T MIND waiting in the clearing anymore.
Sure, the first days, he'd had a hard time refraining his curiosity, and squinted his eyes like a child as if that could make him distinguish some otherworldly light; but after a few months of accompanying Louise every week to the Fae Realm, he'd found his interest wasn't as ardent as it once was. Besides, he'd been to the Fae Colony once and his memories of the place were all but pleasant - setting aside the murderous betrayal and terrifying pain-in-the-ass of a Bloodwraith to fight, it all had a certain charm confined in all too vibrant colors, smells, and noises, nauseous to his frail human condition.
No, for the time being, he was more than satisfied with juggling with his knives and vials, alone and still in the comforting silence of the forest - all the more so because Louise, somewhere undecipherable, was enjoying herself.
It was always the most important part of his day, the only worry that clawed at its heart even in the tranquility of a still forest; whether or not Louise was happy, content, and safe. He had never thought himself to be the selfless type - rather he'd been used to only looking after himself for countless years, benumbed by his work and pride to the solitude it had brought him. Yet as soon as he had been tasked with protecting Louise, his walls had come crumbling down one by one until all that surrounded his heart was her and only her. Suddenly he was restless when she was away; deaf when she wasn't talking; forlorn when her eyes weren't singing. What he had mistaken for another weakness to get rid of as soon as possible was a strength, his greatest; and he'd be damned if he let it go to waste. Though judging by the wide smiles she wore when she was with him, even after one year, he wasn't doing too bad a job of it.
Something unfathomable had always lingered in the woods of the Fae colony, but he tasted the sugar of another world on his tongue, like fruit he had never tried, even more now that he waited alone. His lungs filled with this tingling air and the murmurs of the forest, more relaxed with each breath. Really, he could get why Louise insisted on coming each week, and he hadn't even seen the best part.
A slight rustle in the leaves usually announced Louise's return. Nik could feel it carnally, a wave of warm, calming pleasure washing over his chest, and it wasn't as stupid as he once might've thought it. After all, magic was real. He'd put his hand in the fire that Louise worked a little bit of her Fae magic on the strings of his heart each time he saw her.
When the familiar swish in the air came, Nik stuffed his vials in his bag and his throwing knife in his thigh holster; he raised his head just in time to see the colorful lights emerge out of nowhere, twinkle for a few seconds above the ground, then buzz and cackle with a shiny white flash, gone in an instant. In its place stood a blissful and disheveled Louise.
She almost tripped over her own two feet, but she always did when she came back to the human world, so Nik had already stepped forward to steady her. Her heart was a galloping horse under his palms.
“Easy, easy. You're back.”
His voice, low and deep, rumbled like a strong and safe current on her skin. His chest held enough breath for the both of them; still breathless, she chuckled.
“You're getting used to it by now...”
“Used, but not tired. What did you do this time?”
She took a step back. As always when she talked about the Fae world, her real world, her eyes sparkled, and Nik couldn't help smiling before she'd even spoken.
“It was so cool- Thalissa called down the dragons, and one of them descended! It's super rare, and it was the first time I've been this close to one, and- the magic, Nik, it's like it's spilling over my fingers- I wish you could be there to see it all with me!”
“I wish too, but that's not gonna happen anytime soon, darlin'.”
When she was giddy like that, talking of dragons and spells and vibrant markets and spire towers, Nik forgot about Rookie, about the concern and the money and the monsters. All his heart knew was how he loved her. Oh, how he did. Like a lullaby and a call to arms, all at once.
“They played music in the great hall, this time,” she reminisced with a dreamy smile.
“What, fairy opera?”
In normal circumstances, she would've rolled her eyes, but the return from the Fae Realm never was a normal circumstance, so she just chuckled.
“No, it's... I don't know how to describe it. Don't you hear it?”
“Hear what? Music?”
She had perked her head up suddenly, quite reminiscent of the huntress she was usually; but the euphoric high that still inhabited her features told she was enthralled, and not intrigued. Still, as hard as Nik concentrated on his surroundings, all he could distinguish was the intermittent buzzing of insects.
“Hate it to break it to you, but this is just normal forest noise...”
“Shh, Nik. Listen.”
He listened. He truly did. He stopped. Louise often chastised him for looking straight ahead at all times; for keeping his blinder on, she said. So much of the world passed him by without a glance from him. The world was ugly and he saw it well enough, he would retaliate, but she'd retort that it was precisely because he moved so fast that all the shapes and colors appeared deformed, monstrous to him. So he tried to pay attention to the songs of the rivers and the lumps of the wood under his fingertips, but he wasn't half-Fae like she was. He would always see but a fraction of her world, so radiant and gripping like a quivering heart in her palm. In her world, there was still hope for him to be gentle and kind like her...
He listened. But he heard nothing.
He was never disappointed, though. Some of these bright waves still reached him through Louise if he was attentive enough.
“It's beautiful...”
Like in a dream, she started to hum, and for the first time, Nik thought he heard the voices of the Fae, fluttering all together in his girlfriend's throat and the air surrounding her. She then turned to face Nik and put a hand on his arm, the other on his shoulder. She had opened her eyes, hazy but tender gray. The notes flowed effortlessly between the two of them; Nik wasn't sure if it was still Louise singing.
“Dance with me, Nik.”
“Woah, Rook, you know I don't dance, Fae orchestra or not,” he stepped back.
It wasn't distaste from Nik, but rather his jokester and detached self trying to make sense of what he couldn't understand. Exactly like how he had first deflected his feelings for Louise.
But when she draped a hand over his arm, carefully as not to deter him, with a million stars shrouding her beautiful face, a ravishing peace washed over Nik’s entire body and soul. Maybe it was the Fae, maybe it was the forest, maybe it was her. Suddenly he was placid and surrounded by ethereal harmonies.
“Just this once?”
A little fairy laughed in his chest, settled in his smile. Slowly, he took her hand in his and raised it between the two of them, eyeing her with care.
“Alright. Just this once.”
Louise beamed in front of him, and a halo of white light gleamed around her head as if she were crowned by the fading day. His hand rested on the hollow of her waist, and hers on his relaxed shoulder, without question, without doubt, as if they had practiced the dance a hundred times before. Still humming her otherworldly song, Louise led him in tentative waltz steps, and he followed. They were artists of a kind, fighting monsters and dodging bullets with ease and grace. Surely a waltz in the middle of the woods would be no different.
Their movements picked up speed and breadth. From the corner of his eye, Nik distinguished small flowers along the path they were taking; but all his concentration remained on Louise’s face, her dreamy smile and closed eyes. Between his arms, she radiated a glow that bounced on everything around her, from the littlest leaf to his pounding heart, and a serene tingle twittered in his chest. She was the only heaven he'd ever know; and he was certain that what would ring in his ears long after his death would be the echo of her voice and that of the forest.
“I bet I’m the first person who convinced you to dance,” she murmured, opening her eyes to meet his.
Only they, the trees, and the clouds were breathing in the world, and all was still and quiet. Safe in the immense silence, Nik murmured back.
“You’re the first to all my first times, Louise.”
They twirled together in the clearing and under the open arms of the trees until the moon was high in the sky. When its silver shadow fell on the world, one could still see, reflected on its surface, two silhouettes locked in an everlasting embrace; and one could swear their feet weren’t touching the ground.
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nexttrickanvils · 4 years
MI Fic: Beware of Karen
Title: Beware of Karen
Ships: Guybrush/Elaine, past Stan/OC (if you could call that mess a relationship)
Notes: So this is the result of lots of jokes and headcanon swapping with @captmickey. Hope you enjoy. ;)
Throughout his adventures, Guybrush Threepwood, Mighty Pirate(TM) had seen the strange and impossible…
...And yet none of it compared to the sight of perpetual grifter, Stan S. Stanman standing on a dock before the Screaming Narwhal with a sleeping roll and other items in his (still flailing, how does he do that) arms.
“Guybrush! Good to see you! How’s the wife?”
“...She’s fine?” Guybrush remarked glancing at an equally baffled Elaine to his right.
“What...exactly are you doing here?”
“Haha! A good question! Typical of a smart man such as yourself! See, I need a favor and I figured we’ve been such good friends for so long...”
“You sold me a cruddy ship, I locked you in a coffin, scammed your life insurance business, you tried to sell me a timeshare, and tried to prosecute me on false charges. I don’t think “friends” is the word I’d use.”
At that, Stan’s usual bluster and “charming” salesman smile deflated like a really sad balloon.
“Alright alright. I know we haven’t exactly been on the same page but you’re the only one I actually trust with this.”
Okay that got Guybrush’s attention.
“This being?”
“I need a place to stay. Maybe a few days maybe a week. It shouldn’t be too long… hopefully”
Guybrush and Elaine glanced at each other, warriness and a little bit of annoyance obvious on both their faces.
They were planning on sailing off tomorrow and continuing their Multi-Island Anniversary Vacation. Elaine especially was looking forward to this after all the craziness with the Pox Incident… and the LeWalrus Incident before that. Winslow was even nice enough to be willing to stay at Spinner Cay with Anemone and the rest of the Merfolk so the two could have their space.
Then came Stan like a bad penny.
“Stan… we’re-” Guybrush attempted to explain
“We’re in the middle of something. As a couple. As in something for just the two of us.” Elaine added
“Don’t worry! Ol’ Stan here will be quiet as a mouse!”
Guybrush pinched his nose in frustration at Stan’s refusal to take no for an answer.
“Stan… why do you want to stay with us anyway? What? You couldn’t scam yourself a hotel room?”
“I take personal offense to that, my friends!”
“We’re not friends.” Elaine interrupted
But Stan ignored that and continued, “See I’ve been a businessman for a long time and in that field of work, I’ve met many a character, believe you me! I’ve crossed paths with the prickliest pirates, the saltiest of sea dogs, the most brackish of buccaneers...”
Guybrush muttered to Elaine, “What’s “brackish” mean?”
“I think it just means unpleasant, dear.” Elaine responded
“But none of them! None of those pillaging plunderers hold a candle to the most frightening person in the Caribbean… KAREN!”
Was… was he joking?
Is this one of those weird Pirate Prank Plays?
Was there a hidden audience ready to burst out and laugh at him?
“Unless Karen is LeChuck’s first name… which would be hilarious I can’t lie, I don’t think I see the threat.” Guybrush replied
“Who is Karen anyway?”
“Oh… she uh… she’s… err… she’s my ex-wife.”
An awkward silence hung between the three…
“Alright Guybrush, pull up the anchor.”
“WAIT! Listen I understand that I may have a… unique relationship with the truth but please believe me when I say that Karen is the absolute worst person imaginable and if she finds out that I’m on this island, I am a dead man!”
Okay… wow… even after racking his brain, Guybrush couldn’t really remember seeing Stan so… terrified (well okay the coffin thing but that’s uh something else.) He looked over to Elaine and could tell that she was still less than sympathetic.
Not that he could blame her. A guy, known for exaggeration and bullshit, shows up to your ship and tells you how his ex-wife is somehow WORSE than LeChuck? Not a good look.
But obviously Stan was not gonna go away, Guybrush had to think of something.
“Okay, listen, Stan. Elaine and I are trying to have a nice private vacation as a couple. But since you seem so worried, why don’t I just go talk to Karen?”
“ARE YOU CRAZY!? Stronger men than you have buckled before her! No, it’s better for all involved to just get out of dodge!”
Guybrush just gave a cocky grin in response, “Stronger men, but not wittier. Believe me after dealing with you for years, I think I can handle this.”
Stan merely sighed and muttered, “Sounds like I need to go back to the coffin business because it's your funeral.”
Guybrush turned to Elaine and gave her a quick peck on the cheek.
“Don’t worry Plunderbunny, I’ll get this done quickly and we can get right back to our vacation.”
“Oh alright but you owe me a shoulder massage after all this.”
The Mighty Pirate(TM) shot a wink and began to disembark The Screaming Narwhal.
Before long the two were making their way through a marketplace full of merchants, scam artists, and those in between.
“So… how did you and Karen meet?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
Yikes, Stan doesn’t want to talk about something? Maybe… this wasn’t a good idea…
“Why’d you divorce? Or is that too personal?”
“We began to see each other as competition. And Karen is quite ruthless to anyone she sees as competition.”
Before Guybrush could ask further, a pained high scream rang through the market. A female pirate ran past him and Stan screaming about her eyes as she covered them.
“You’ll thank me when you have to beat the men away with a club!” shouted another woman
“...It’s her.”
Guybrush turned to where Stan was glaring and immediately spotted a woman in a jacket and plaid pencil skirt. Her hair was closely cropped with some parts flared up or sticking out. In her hand was one of those fancy looking glass perfume bottles. Her face was covered in way-too much make-up for one person and she had a pure white salesman smile similar to Stan.
The woman turned to them and immediately her smile dropped.
Hoo boy, Guybrush was wearing a coat and he could feel the chill between these two. Better step in before things get more awkward.
“Um excuse me?”
Guybrush straightened himself and adjusted his coat.
“I’m Guybrush Threepwood, Mighty Pirate™.”
“Uh-huh, that’s nice.” Karen remarked with little enthusiasm
She then turned to Stan and shot him a smug look, “You know Stan, I always said you couldn’t find better than me but wow you really dug rock bottom.”
Stan just continued to glare at her while it took a second for Guybrush to realize what she was saying.
“Oh, oh no! Stan and I are just… acquaintances… who keep running into each other. I’m happily spoken for to the most beautiful ex-government official in the Caribbean.” Guybrush explained, showing off the ring on his finger
Guybrush wasn’t sure what happened next; one moment there seemed to be a glint in Karen’s eyes and then he found himself pulled away from Stan with one of her arms wrapped around his shoulders.
“Oh you’re married huh? Can’t imagine the Missus being too thrilled to see you spending time with someone like Stan.”
“Uh...I mean… you’re not wrong”
“You look like the kind of guy who’s just one mistake away from the straw that broke the camel’s back.”
“I… um… actually Elaine and I-”
“A lady likes to be treated… um… Gasbroom was it?”
“Guybrush… but I’m not here to bu-”
“Of course, of course. And you say she’s ex-government? Well clearly you somehow found a woman of class who deserves only the classiest -and most expensive- items in my collection!~”
Thankfully before Karen could continue with her sales pitch, Guybrush felt Stan pulling him back and he suddenly felt more clear headed. It was almost like a spell had been broken. Or maybe he was now further from the perfume fumes and wasn’t feeling as dizzy.
Karen glared at Stan and crossed her arms.
“Hmph, I see you haven’t changed a bit, Stan. You just can’t stand the mere IDEA of someone buying something from someone other than you.”
“This isn’t about sales and you know it, Karen.”
Guybrush pushed himself away from Stan and faced Karen.
“Listen, I just wanted to talk to you and clear up all… whatever this is!” Guybrush exclaimed, pointing his finger between the two
At that, Karen began to laugh.
“Oh, sweetie, there is no fixing that mess. And that mess could also be in your future if you don’t...”
“I’m not buying anything!” Guybrush snapped
“Oh… no wonder your marriage is on the rocks.”
“HEY! My marriage has survived curses, evil undead voodoo jerks, and my mother-in-law! I think it can survive not buying your stuff”
“See this is what she does! She lies and insults you every way to get you to buy from her!”
Guybrush couldn’t help but side-eye Stan as he remarked, “Isn’t that what you do?”
“Oh no no no. What I do is a little something called Cold Reading. A skill of the trade. All she does is push you down and down until you can’t take it anymore!”
“...Again, sounds like what you do.”
“I agree with Stan, how dare you compare my mercantile skills to this idiot who couldn’t sell a used ship to a pair of monkeys!”
“Still spreading those lies and slander are we? I think we’re done here, Stan. Leave now and if I see your face around here or worse yet, try to set up shop near me. I will have the Island authorities on you like flies on a zombie.”
“BUT! You’re at a marketplace! You can’t have someone arrested for running a business near you!” Shouted Guybrush
Karen smirked, “True but I can if this is what I tell them...”
Instantly Karen pulled out a handkerchief and started crying (without any actual tears, can’t smudge the make-up after all.)
“I-It’s my ex-husband, sir! He-he won’t leave me alone! I just want to run my business in peace but he just keeps harassing me!”
In an instant, the “oh woe is me” act is dropped and that smirk came back.
“Have I made myself clear? Now go on, shoo! You’re scaring off customers.”
Realizing that there was no winning here, Guybrush and Stan began to turn around and walk away. But not before…
“Hey! Goibersh!”
“...It’s Guybru-”
Quickly Guybrush caught a tube of lipstick that Karen tossed at him before it could hit him in the face.
“Consider this a free sample. And when your dear lady inevitably demands more, you’re free to come crawling back to me without Stan.”
With that, Karen went straight back to harassing another “customer” passing by.
“Yes Guybrush?”
“You can stay on the ship. THIS DOES NOT MAKE US FRIENDS! But I’d feel like a jerk if I just left you to her “mercy.””
“...Thanks. Maybe if we survive this, I’ll give you a ten percent discount on my next business venture.”
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feferipeixes · 5 years
Even though their parents have made it clear that they will not be going back to gravity falls, Mabel makes deals with Dipper to tesser them there whenever their parents aren't around. This leads to a lot of midnight visits that can last until 4 or 5 am, since Stan's sleep schedule hasn't recovered from thirty years spending most of the night in a basement and their parents usually fall asleep around 11
At one end of the hall, a door clicked shut. At the other, a door quietly glided open, and a 13-year old girl’s head peeked out.
“Okay Dippler Effect, Mom and Dad went to sleep!” Mabel hissed excitedly. “Let’s ride!”
“That’s a new one,” Dipper replied in a whisper. The idea of sneaking out in the middle of the night still gave him anxiety, even though he’d done it a million times, even though no one but Mabel could hear him, even though the concept of him getting caught and punished was long dead. “Do you even know what the Doppler Effect is?”
“Sure do! It’s that thing when, like, if someone’s standing in one place listening to you, the sound of your brother’s protests get whinier as he blips away with you to go hang out with your friends!”
Dipper snorted into his hand. “Okay, that was pretty good.” He grabbed his sister’s hand. “Ready?”
Mabel put on a serious face, gripped her Dream Boy High backpack, and nodded. “Ready!”
There was a quick jerk as the air twisted around them – flashing colors filling Mabel’s vision and an awful nausea filling her stomach – and then it stopped. Mabel’s bedroom in Piedmont was gone, replaced by the kitchen of the Mystery Shack, complete with the sounds of a romcom floating in from the TV in the other room, a few empty cans of Pitt Cola sitting on the counter, and a sleeping Grunkle Stan slumped over the table.
Dipper floated over to his Grunkle and poked him in the head. His finger, unsurprisingly, went right through. “I thought he said he’d be awake,” he said, pouting. “Should I visit him in his dream and tell him to wake up, or -”
Mabel clapped giddily – cutting her brother off – threw her backpack to the ground, and unleashed the glee that had been building up within her since they’d planned this trip a couple of days earlier. She screamed at the top of her lungs, causing Dipper to clap his hands over his ears and recoil (which resulted in him clipping halfway through the refrigerator).
Stan jolted upright in his seat. “SOOS, THE COPS ARE HERE, HIDE THE VIOLINS!” he shouted. He blinked sleepily a few times, and then his eyes settled on Mabel bouncing up and down in front of him with a face-splitting smile on her face. “Oh, it’s just you kids. Geez, you’re gonna scare me into an early pension doing that.”
Mabel jumped at her Grunkle and hugged him tight. “Well, someone said he’d be awake at 11 so we could come by right after our parents went to sleep! Did someone forget it was our -”
There was the pounding of boots on stairs, and the door burst open to reveal Ford in a lab coat with ash on his face and in his hair. “Stanley! I heard screaming, what’s going on? Did the man-eating toaster come back? You swore you’d let me be the one to kill it if it did!”
“Calm down poindexter,” Stan started, “it’s just -“
“GREAT UNCLE FORD!” Mabel screeched, peeling herself off of Stan and running over to hug him instead. “You made it! I thought you were still having an awesome boat adventure!”
Ford flinched, but then ruffled Mabel’s hair. “Of course I made it, Mabel. Wouldn’t miss it.” A tuft of his hair spontaneously caught on fire, and he patted it out. “You’ll have to excuse me, I brought some of my research home with me. I must warn you, I may be slightly radioactive right now, so… watch out for that.”
“Haha, YES!” Mabel pumped her fist. “Soon I’ll have magic glitter dandruff!”
“Ask him about the boat trip, ask him about the boat trip!” Dipper whispered in Mabel’s ear. She waved him off.
“So nice of you to show up,” Stan said, getting up and punching his brother on the shoulder. “Did you finish cleaning all of your science crap out of the parlor?”
“Yes, yes, of course,” Ford countered, and then paused. “Mostly. Almost. There’s too many people in there right now anyway. But hold on – I only see Mabel. Where’s my former apprentice?”
“MABEL HE’S TALKING ABOUT ME,” Dipper hissed. “Tell him I want to know about his trip and the sea monsters and the cursed gold doubloons he’s hiding from Stan and -”
“Dipper’s right here!” Mabel chirped. “He’s just invisible right now! Speaking of, Grunkle Stan, did you get a sacrifice for him?”
“You know I did, sweetie.” Stan picked up his eight-ball cane and gestured down the hall. “But today’s an important day. He’s not getting none of that rodent’s blood hootenanny we usually get him. We got something special.”
Mabel started hopping up and down so violently that the walls shook and everyone had to cover their ears. “What does that mean!!!!!!!!”
Stan hoisted Mabel up onto his shoulders. “How about you come and look for yourself before you blow the whole house down?”
Mabel cackled. “Onwards, Stan-oshima!”
Dipper eyed his sister jealously, and then floated over to Ford and pretended to sit on his shoulders. He and Mabel stuck their tongues out at each other playfully, forgetting to pay attention to where they were being carried, until -
Dipper and Mabel both flinched at the chorus of voices, and Mabel almost toppled off of Stan’s shoulders. It was a moment before they could take in the sight in front of them, but by then, Stan had placed Mabel on the floor and people were already coming up to her and hugging her.
“Dude, so good to see you!” Wendy said. “Where’s your bro at?”
Soos pushed up next to Wendy. “Mabel! You made it! Is Dipper here too?”
“Hey, it’s my turn to talk to her,” Pacifica drawled. “You’re lucky I’m even here – my parents would never allow it. Good thing they’re in Venice right now. Why can’t I see Dipper?”
Mabel screamed in joy again. “I can’t believe it, all of our friends are here! Wendy and Soos and Pacifica and Candy and Grenda and Robbie and Thompson and that weird guy who likes America! You all made it! And bro-bro’s right here,” she added, grabbing her incorporeal brother and squeezing him close. “We just haven’t summoned him yet!”
“Sixer. That’s our cue,” Stan said from behind them.
Dipper and Mabel turned around to see Stan and Ford each holding a cake with the number “14″ written in the center. Stan placed his cake on the table, while Ford carried his over to an empty space of the floor where a summoning circle had been drawn out. He placed the cake in the middle, and pulled out a vial of blue liquid from his lab coat. He uncorked it, dropped the liquid into the circle, and then paused.
“Uhh, remind me what the incantation is?” he asked.
“It’s stella splendidum, te invoco -” Dipper started.
Mabel cut him off by grabbing his sides, effortlessly lifting him up, and throwing him at the circle. He squealed in surprise, his little wings flapping frantically as he toppled through the air. He came to a stop a few feet above the circle, at which point Mabel shouted, “COME ON OUT, DIPDOPS!”
Another yelp, and Dipper was yanked out of the Mindscape and into the real world. The cake they sacrificed to him disappeared, replaced by a very nervous looking demon. Even though Dipper trusted his friends in Gravity Falls to be more supportive than his parents, it had been a long time since he’d seen some of these people, and, well, things sure had changed even since the Transcendence. He felt every eye in the room fall on him, examining his fancy attire, his sharp teeth, his pointed ears and gold-on-black eyes.
And then they began to cheer.
“Good to see you little man!” Old Man McGucket yodeled.
The Multibear growled softly. “Such a lovely gathering now that you’re here.”
“The Mystery Twins are back!” Candy joined in.
An incredible sense of relief washed over Dipper. Mabel pushed her way through her friends and pulled him into a tight hug again.
“Can you believe it, bro-bro?” she said, giggling as the rest of the crowd rushed in to join her. “Everyone made it!”
“Yeah, this is incredible!” Dipper wiped a golden tear away from his eye. “Everyone’s still here. Everything’s still okay.”
“Hope you like it, kiddos,” Stan said, ruffling his hair just as Ford did Mabel’s. “Happy birthday.”
The twins grinned. The remaining cake was passed through the crowd until it was resting in front of them.
“Don’t forget to make a wish!” Grenda shouted.
Dipper laughed. “I don’t know about you, Mabes, but I’ve already got my wish.”
“Me too, bro-bro,” Mabel replied. “Although I wouldn’t say no to backstage passes to the Boyz 4 Now concert, or maybe a jetpack, or…”
“Just blow out the candles, dummy,” he retorted.
The crowd of their friends and family started chanting “Blow! Out! The candles! Blow! Out! The candles!” The birthday twins nodded and grabbed each other’s hands. They both drew in a large breath. They blew as hard as they could.
Applause rippled through the room, and Mabel and Dipper were happy.
At 5am, there was a soft blip, and two teenagers appeared in a bedroom in Piedmont, California. A newly 14-year old girl’s head peeked out the door, looked toward the other end of the hall, and then pulled back into the room.
“Looks like we got away with it, bro-bro!” Mabel whispered. “That was the best sneak out to Gravity Falls to date!”
“It sure was,” he replied, and a warbling note of gratitude filled his voice. “It sure was.”
(AO3 link)
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ruhrohrichie · 4 years
Kind of adding to dark Kaspbrough. Imagine if for when IT "got" Bill it subtly influenced him (like planted an idea in his mind ofr something), for a while if it only made him more obsessive, but eventually it makes Bill get angry whenever Eddie is with anyone even another loser, leadknh Bill to randomly fuck Eddie out of nowhere saying Eddie is only his and will be his forever
okay so i answered this in just rambling ask-answer format, its definitely not a fic, but its also over 2000 words lmao so uhh this will be under a read more haha. also im sorry for sitting on this so long but its just so good holy fuck
okay, yes. so like, when bill’s in the deadlights/challenging it when he’s young, something in them transfers. nothing big, it’s not like a connection, but it can see what bill fears and just strikes something in him. or some of its evil leaked through, just a little, but enough. and he’s pretty okay at managing it all throughout high school, and it even fades a little when he goes to college in massachusetts. but then he comes home from school for summer break and it all comes crashing back into him, and it’s so much harder to control now that it’s been fading so long. but the worst part is that it also feels kind of good, like letting his shoulders sag after keeping a straight posture for too long. it makes him feel hot, hotter than the maine sun itself would. it makes him feel irritable, like he’s hungry for something, but he doesn’t know what.well, until he sees eddie in his little denim shorts, his thighs all tanned and freckled and toned from running track, but still so soft when he sits down. bill can’t take his eyes off of them. and one time, without thinking about it, suddenly his hand is on them. it’s almost casual. the losers are hanging out in bills living room, sprawled across his couches, and eddie is sitting next to him. bill wants to touch him, and it’s almost like the part of his brain that controls his impulses just isn’t working, because he wants to touch and he does. just a casual hand on eddie’s thigh, his own long fingers curling along the inside of eddie’s thighs. and they’re so soft under his touch, bill just has to squeeze a little. eddie lets out a little gasp, and for a moment an image flashes in bills mind of making eddie gasp for air, but then his gasp turns into the sweetest little giggle bills ever heard, and hes pressing his thighs together and playfully pushing at bill’s wrist, telling him bill stop it tickles! and his voice is so innocent and almost flirty, it makes bill so fucking hard, and hes sure the others must notice, he’s sure eddie must notice, but that thing in his mind likes that. he wants the others to see the way he makes eddie flush like that. his eddie. his precious little thing. his eddie, who he loves and protects and teaches. god, the things he wants to teach eddie.it doesn’t go any further that day, but bill can’t stop thinking about it later that night with his hand in his boxers. he cant stop thinking about how small eddie is, how bills hand engulfed his thigh. and god the noises eddie made, so helpless and cute, like he liked being helpless under bills touch. and a voice in his head, his own just a bit deeper, a bit darker, says that’s because he did like it. he wants you to touch him like that. did you see how he blushed? and he did, and bill comes thinking about others ways to make eddies cheeks that pink, to make him blush like that.bill always kind of knew eddie had a crush on him as a kid. and it had secretly always made him happy when eddie chose him, when eddie happily trotted behind him. bill liked that eddie trusted bill to take care of him. he like the feeling of eddie wanting him, of eddie needing him. and while he had always liked that, now he was craving it.and its bad. its almost out of control how bad he wants him, and they’re hanging out with the others and eddie laughs at something richie says and bill wants to hit richie. but bill doesn’t want to hit richie, right? richie’s his friend. bill knows there’s something up when ben reminds eddie about his sunscreen and offers to get eddies back and bill sees red; ben is the sweetest guy ever, yet bill could twist his wrist just watching his hands on eddies back. bill gets the opportunity to do something about it when they’re swimming and messing around and richie goes a little too far and tugs on eddie’s ankle. “richie, stop it!” eddie cries, clearly fighting tears as he finds his footing. “you know that freaks me out!” and richie does his normal job of fucking up damage control, and bill takes this opportunity to pull eddie into his arms and say “stop being a dick, richie” with maybe a little more venom than is called for. but eddie happily curls himself into bills arms, accepting the comfort and reassurance. it makes bill feel… powerful. controlling eddies fear like that. controlling when he feels safe. “come on, eddie, lets go hang out on the blankets, yeah?” he coos, rubbing eddies arm. “okay,” eddie nods, his voice so soft and small bill wants to watch eddie suck on his fingers, he wants to hear eddie say okay that easily and sweetly as bill tells him to get on his knees and suck his cock. he wants eddie to look at him like bill is safety itself, like bill held the secrets to everything, like he did when they were kids, like he does now as bill leads him to the towels and sits him down, and arm around his waist. and fuck, his waist dips down so pretty. he wants eddie to look at him like that while he takes bills cock. bill knows he’d be such a good boy. he wants eddie right then and there, but he settles for cupping his face in one hand as he leans into eddies space. “you’re okay,” he coos over him, stroking his cheek. “maybe just a little sunburned, but you’re okay, i’ve got you.” bill knows its really not that serious a situation, but he needs to take care of eddie just then, needs eddies eyes on him. he wants the fear and he wants to soothe it. and if it ever shows up again bill wants to be the cause of it. and eddie smiles and leans into him and bats his eyes and says, “thank you, bill,” like the sweet boy he is
so bills confused and hurt and pissed when they’re all hanging out later at the movies and eddies laughing with richie again, and letting richie pinch his cheeks and tease him. bill buys eddies favorite candy and takes him by the hand, maybe tugging a little hard. “sit with me?” he asks, smiling at eddie like it’s a secret. and he watches eddies eyes sparkle, and he feels that power again, the feeling of being wanted and needed. he can tell eddie likes feeling special, too. and he is. bill would do anything to have him. he makes sure eddie sits next to him and he even lifts up the arm rest between them and pulls eddie into his side, drinking in eddies giggles as bill pulls him close, practically into his lap, and eddie curls into him, his cheeks pink. so cute and eager, bill got half hard just from how pliant eddie was for him. bill gets a little carried away with it and instead of handing eddie his skittles he shakes the box out of eddies reach and asks, “want some?” and eddie nods and says, “yes, please.” bill cant help but lean in and purr in eddies ear, “so polite.” he almost thinks hes gone too far, but eddie shivers, and he opens his mouth when bill brushes his fingers against his lips, and he lets bill press the candy to his sweet, pink tongue, running his finger over it before eddie closes his mouth. “good?” bill asks, watching eddie chew and swallow. “mhm,” eddie says, nodding real small. “more?” bill asks. eddie nods again. bill smiles at him sweetly as that sadistic something swirls in him, tugging at his lower abdomen. “open.” and as he feeds eddie again, watching eddie open his mouth eagerly just because bill told him to, bill looks up and finds richie and stan watching them skeptically. he meets richies eyes over eddie and smirks before nuzzling into eddies neck and running his tongue over eddies skin. and that is definitely not a bill move, hes definitely succumbing to the pull inside of him, but it makes eddie giggle and squirm and grab bills shirt, pulling him closer, so he considers it a win.
and he just cant stand to let him go after that. its out of the way, but he insists on walking eddie home, with a hand on his waist. and god, eddies waist and hips are just so soft, bill can’t help but grab him a little. the gasp eddie lets out just makes bill want him more. so as they’re passing by the elementary school, just the two of them surrounded by darkness, bill tugs eddie toward the brick building. “where are we going?” he asks, and the innocent excitement in his voice is tinged with just a hint of fear. “just trust me,” bill grins. and he knows eddie will. and thats how he gets him pressed up against against the brick wall, gets him letting out a little whimper as bill slides one of his legs between eddies. god, he’s pretty when he squirms, that dark voice says. and he is. the distant street light reflects gold in eddies wide, dark eyes as he looks up at bill with uncertainty. and bill just cant control himself around that look. he has to grab eddie, on hand on his hip and one cradling his face, just barely rocking himself against eddie. he moans lowly at the feeling. “bill?” eddie asks. his voice is small, almost scared, but bill can just discern a little moan in it too. “shh, it’s okay,” bill coos, nuzzling his nose against eddies as he tilts his chin up. hes really grinding into him now, pressing him back against the wall, and that darkness creeps over him as his cock throbs at the feeling. “i’ve got you.” “wh-what are you doing?” eddie asks, but hes moving his hips too, standing on his tip toes to get closer. “im taking care of you, baby. don’t you like when i take care of you?” and now eddie finally succumbs as he lets out a pretty little, “yes” and sags against the wall. bill smiles and lets out a low, “good boy” before kissing eddies pretty pink lips. and god, they’re soft and warm, and they open so easily for him when he finally licks into eddies mouth. it’s not long before he’s sliding his hands up eddie’s sweatshirt and running his fingers over his sides and chest. he just cant resist teasing his thumbs over eddie’s nipples. “fuck, baby, you hard for me?” bill teases as eddie gasps. “so cute, baby, all hot and bothered just from some kissing. god, you're perfect.” he doesn't miss the way eddie squirms and smiles and hides his pink cheeks in bills chest. god fuck eddie is so cute, he needs him now. so he shoves eddies pants down and teases over his cock, making eddie squirm again. “bill,” eddie says urgently. he sounds scared again, and that only makes bills cock throb even harder. “bill, w-what if someone sees?” “aw, let them, baby,” bill purrs as he pulls eddies pants down and presses a kiss to his exposed cock, all pretty and pink and hard and wet at the tip. “you’re so pretty, kitten. wanna show you off. dont you wanna be a good, pretty little doll for me? you know i wont let anyone hurt you.” eddies eyes are faraway as he nods, his pretty mouth dropped open. he lets bill turn him around, sticks out his ass obediently. he lets bill open him up, lets him make him all messy, and hes a moaning, shaking mess by the time bill presses his cock into his tight, wet heat. bill holds him tight as he presses into him. he curses as he watches eddies body practically sucking him in, like he was made for it. aw, how cute, the dark voice says, his body knows exactly what it’s good for. and eddies fucking screaming for it as bill gets close, and just a few strokes of bills hand around his cock has eddie painting the wall of the school with his come. bill comes soon after, spilling into eddies eager little hole. and as he pulls eddies pants back up for him, watching the start of his come dripping out of him, the darkness in him trembles with pleasure. eddies gonna go home with bills come fucking leaking out of him, and there is nothing better than knowing that. bill wants eddie to always have his come dripping down his legs. and the fucked up part of him is already planning how to make sure that happens
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Safety Blanket chapter 6: Dangerous encounter Leon Kennedy x Fem!reader
chapter 1,chapter 2 chapter 3 chapter 4 chapter 5 
read on a03 
well howdy hey its been awhile (haha most of this was on my old Leon Stan account/old resident side blog rip) but here ya go..
warnings:canon typical violence 
word count:2,555
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You and Leon walked down the steps into a small room filled with books and other strange art pieces, Leon did tell you the station used to be an art museum. You looked over at Leon who still did look a little sad.
“Hey are you ok?”, you asked him hoping he wouldn’t just ignore you, he was picking up supplies spread all around the room.
“Yeah I just”, he stood there for a second clenching his fists, “I just wish I could have helped him”, you could hear the sorrow in his voice.
“You can’t save everyone, no matter how much you wish you could, trust me I know that one all too well”, you said looking down and rubbing your shoulder.
“Does it get easier?”, he asked looking at you, you couldn’t describe what the expression on his face was, a sense of uneasiness, hope, it was hard to tell.
“I uhhh”, you stood shocked at his sudden asking of it, you wanted to choose your words carefully. You’d only been through all this in a week, yet you were hardened by it.
“It’s fine you don’t have to answer”, he said, turning away from you.
“No wait!”, your body just moved on its own and you grabbed his hand. You looked up at him seeing his blue eyes again with his blonde hair, you remembered how you were when he found you scared and panicked, when you freaked out about Maria he was there for you, he hadn’t left you behind. You remembered his calming heartbeat, his smile and overall kindness. Unlike everything that had happened to you Leon was pretty much the only good thing about this hellhole, and you weren’t about to leave him in the dust.
“No it doesn't”, you said looking deep into his eyes, he saw how misty your eyes were, “you just get better at hiding your emotions sometimes”
He looked back at you, you had a soft smile on your face, he didn’t notice how pretty you were with your (H/C) hair and your (E/C) eyes, was this an awkward time, yes, yes it was, but it wasn’t just your looks but the way you held yourself, after everything you’ve been through both physically and mentally, you still kept your head up high.
“And I’m not about to lose anyone else”, you said pushing a piece of hair out your face, “and that’s a promise”, you said looking up at him smiling.
“(Y/N) I-”, Leon looked at you shocked at your words, maybe you were stronger than he thought you were. People who knew you well always said you were loyal no matter what, even to the very end.
“Come on let’s get going”, you said excitedly giving Leon a nice bubbly smile, he walked over still shocked by the sudden switch in personality.
You wanted things to go back to normal desperately. You missed the old you, the one that was happy and cheerful no matter what, but that wasn’t going to happen until you got out. So why not try and be happy just for a little while. Leon got hints of what you were truly like. Maybe you did over do it a bit but it was something you were going to have to get used to. Leon smiled at you and followed you towards the doorway that led to an elevator. You two shuffled inside of it.
Leon took a deep breath and pulled out his gun, motioning you to do the same thing, “we don’t know what’s down there”. You nodded at him pulling out your shotgun. Leon then pressed the button and the doors shut and down you two went.
The door opened and Leon told you to wait as he cautiously stepped outside. He looked around for a moment before signaling you to follow him.
You stepped out and were surprised and confused to where you were, obviously underground but something about it was strange. You followed Leon down a few stairs until you got to a place that looked like a boiler room. That’s when you heard someone or something walking around. You quickly held onto Leon’s arm, anxious at the sound.
“What the hell was that?”, you whispered
“I don’t know, stay close”, he said towards you and you nodded back. You followed him further inside, still very confused at where you were at. You followed Leon until you two were blocked by a locker. You stepped back and allowed Leon to see if he can push it out of the way. Leon was able to move it out of the way, which surprised you slightly but something surprised both of you.
A man, no monster, you couldn’t tell, jumped from the ceiling startling both you and Leon. Leon just stood there shocked however as you shrieked out of fear. You both just stood there for a moment before it slammed and grabbed Leon while it pushed you to the ground. You were dazed for a second before realizing Leon was being slammed against the floor over and over again. You quickly stumbled to your feet. About to ready your shotgun when the monster broke through the floor causing both it and Leon to fall through.
“Leon!”, you quickly yelled about to jump down when a quick jolt of pain from your ankle caused you to fall backwards. You looked down to see Leon trying to evade the monster as it chased him. Leon tried shooting at it but realized it wasn’t doing much. You wanted to jump down and help but that fall might definitely hurt your ankle if you weren’t careful. You knew you had to help Leon but how was going to be tricky, you didn’t have a lot of time. You noticed it’s eye on its arm.
“Leon, Shoot the eye on its arm”, you screamed at him still trying to find a way down there. You kept walking towards the hole that the monster left but immediately turned back around. You were basically pacing. You heard Leon groan in pain for a second. Your face went pale and your heart raced. You quickly looked back at the hole.
“This is stupid and it’s gonna hurt”, you said to yourself preparing to jump down, last time it was a bigger drop so maybe it wouldn’t be as bad. You took a deep breath and jumped down trying your best to land on your left ankle first opposed to the right one. You were sort of sort of successful but the force that went on your right ankle was still enough to cause a quick bit of pain from it, you flinched for a moment before getting up to find Leon. You quickly found him and noticed he was cornered by the monster.
“Hey you!”, you shouted at it, and in which it immediately turned around to face you. Leon looked at you and panicked at whatever you were about to do. You just stood there as it walked over to you slowly. Your breath hitched for a moment, as you hoped maybe Leon could get a good shot on it.
You were about to grab your shotgun when it suddenly grabbed you by the head lifting you up. Panic spread throughout your body, the monster proceeding to crush your skull. You screamed out in pain trying to reach for the shotgun but were unable to. You felt it grip your head tighter and tighter, your breathing becoming very ragged and shallow. You started screaming even louder tears were streaming down your face. Your face is turning red. You wiggled around trying to get out of its grasp causing the syringe in your pocket to fall to the ground.
It felt like forever as you just were in the air with your skull being crushed. You suddenly fell to the ground, very hard. You grabbed your head and curled yourself into a ball. It felt like your head was going to explode and your body felt like a noodle. You could barely move. You saw the syringe in front of you and slowly grabbed it, putting it back in your pocket. You heard many gunshots and curses from Leon.
You laid down for a while, breathing in and out trying to regain your composure. You looked over to where Leon was and saw the monster start stumbling backwards and falling into the abyss. You tried getting up but quickly fell back down.
“Hey take it easy”, he said to you, “are you ok?”, he looked at you worriedly. You tried to smile at him but ended up crashing into him. You fell right into his lips, causing Leon to take a step back. It was a very awkward kiss. Leon forgot that physics still exists and watched you headbutt him.
Well one thing Leon learned is that you had a very durable skull. He placed your head back against the railing so your head could be supported. Leon went out to look for more supplies while you dozed off and unconsciously remembered something.
You looked at the other kids playing on the playground. Laughing and screaming just having a very fun time. You wished you could do the same. You were shy, a little too shy, it had been about a month since you moved to a new school and were having no luck finding any friends. Most of the other kids ignored you when you tried talking to them. You just sat at the swing set alone, sadly swinging by yourself.
“Hey are you ok?” you jumped up startled at the voice, you looked over to see a girl with black hair and green eyes.
“Umm I uh”, you didn’t know what to say or who this girl was, she looked about a year older than you.
“Well I’m Maria, Maria Cortez”, she said at you with a smile, “and this is Frank”, she then pointed at a boy behind her and he shyly smiled at you.
“Hi”, he said with a shy wave
“What’s your name?”, Maria asked looking at you”
“(Y/N)”, you said very quietly.
“Well it’s nice to meet you..hmmm how about we play tag together...all three of us”
You then realized she was talking to you as well and awkwardly pointed at yourself to confirm she was talking to you.
“Yep, how would you like to be friends with us?”, she asked you with a smile, you immediately jumped up excitedly and joined them walking towards the playground. That was the day you met Maria, your childhood best friend and her friend Frank.
“(Y/N), hey can you hear me?”, your eyes fluttered open when you heard Leon’s voice. Your head still hurt like hell but besides that you were pretty ok.
“Yeah”, you groaned out, “my head still hurts like hell though”, you said bringing a hand to your forehead.
“Please don’t do that ever again”, he said and you quickly noticed the blush on his face.
“What are you blushing for?”, you asked more grumpily than you meant it to be.
“It’s just uhh you uhh”, he said awkwardly pointing at his lips.
“I have a cut?”, you questioned very naively tilting your head to the side slightly.
“No”, Leon gulped out, still pointing at his lips, he then started to make kissing noises and you immediately caught on. Leon did this so childishly it made you laugh for a minute then your face turned red.
“W-When”, you stuttered out, “h-how”
“Well you sort of just fell into my lips and it happened, if it makes you feel better you did accidentally headbutt me”
You still were embarrassed about the whole thing but you did laugh after the head butt comment.
“Can you get up?”he asked, offering a hand.
“Yeah”, you said, taking his hand getting up slowly.
“I think someone is watching us”, he said pointing to a ladder. Leon went first to check out the area above
“It’s safe, come on up”, he said as you climbed up the ladder very hastily. Leon helped pull you up. You looked around and noticed you were in a parking garage of sorts. You looked and saw the gate that led outside. Next the gate was a kiosk. Leon looked around to see if any doors were unlocked, sadly all of the doors were locked. You both walked over to the kiosk realizing it needs a key card.
“Damn we need a key card”, Leon said just then you two heard growling, you and Leon slowly turned around. Seeing a zombie dog.
“You gotta be kidding me”, Leon said as the dog came rushing towards you two, Leon quickly shoved you out of the way as you slammed against the floor. The dog then pounced on Leon attacking him. You quickly got up looking at Leon who was now being attacked by the dog, he tried reaching for his gun but was unsuccessful. You were about to grab his gun when a bullet went through the dog's neck.
“Hey”, you heard a woman say, you and Leon both turned towards the voice and saw a shadowy figure.
“Who is that?”, Leon asked her. While you stayed silent
“Stay sharp”, she said, just then the dog tried getting back up but Leon quickly reached for his gun and shot it again.
You instinctively put your hands in the air while Leon sat up and drew his gun.
“Lower it”, she said to Leon before pulling something out of her coat, “FBI”, she then flashed a badge in both of your faces.
Leon quickly put his gun down, “sorry...thank you”, he was cut off by the dog slowly getting up again, the woman shot it, finally killing it this time.
“For the help..”, Leon countunied.
“Surprised you two made it this far”, she said to the both of you, she looked at you, you still had your hands in the air, “you can put your arms down now”
“Sorry”, you said quietly and you quickly put your back at your sides. The woman began to walk away from the two of you. Leon quickly got up weakling towards her.
“FBI, huh, what’s going on here?”, he said to her
“Sorry that information is classified”, she said behind her towards Leon, you caught up to the two of them.
“Where are you going?”, Leon asked the woman. She slowly turned back towards Leon.
“Do yourselves a favor; stop asking questions and get the hell out of here”, she said at him she then walked away.
“Hey where are you going?”, he yelled at her as she went through a door. You grabbed his hand, stopping him for a second. He looked at you confused.
“We don’t know who she is”,you whispered. You didn’t really trust her. Leon just turned back towards where she left. He sighed before walking around the garage seeing if anything was left there. You just followed him. You saw him digging through the trunk of a car. He stopped for a minute.
“(Y/N) can I ask you something?”, you just looked at him curiously.
“Y-yeah”, you gulped, you saw him hesitate for a second. He was trying his best to phrase his words.
‘“Why do you have a syringe in your pocket?”
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