#higuchi’s sister
aarcanechaoss · 2 years
Can you do a fic with Higuchi and the black lizards.About seeing Higuchi at an outing with her sister school on a day off and she looks so different(i headcanon her having black hair and being more kind and respectful as to keep her mafia identity and sister identity a secret)
And Higuchi has to frantically tell the other parents and teachers their her coworkers(but they dont believe her cause she says she works in an office but their all dressed in black and looking scary)
It seems wierd but i had this scenario in my head for a while🤣
Ignore it if you want💙
👀 hold my beer I have an idea… don’t mind me just gonna throw Natsu in here 😎
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“Come on Kuniko we’ll be late.” The dark haired woman called, the small apartment making it very easy for her voice to travel.
“Coming Natsuko!” The fourteen year old sang as she rounded the corner grasping at her school shoes. “I’m so excited you’re tagging along today.”
“I can tell.” She laughed, ruffling her sisters hair.
“Duh. You never come on excursions anymore and you know my friends parents like to talk to you too.” Kuniko says as they exit the apartment.
And with one last glance into the mirror, she locks the door.
Natsu didn’t mean to lie to anyone. She didn’t enjoy it but she didn’t want her sister to get hurt, not while she worked at the Port Mafia.
Kuniko only ever saw Natsu, her sweet and kind big sister who’d give her the world. Natsu who worked odd office hours but made it home for tea, who would hide her injuries and help her with her homework. Natsu who would chat with Kuni’s friends and their parents and laugh with them over whatever silly thing the kids did at sleepovers.
The Port Mafia saw Ichiyo. Ichiyo who wore a blonde wig so she wouldn’t be recognised in public. Ichiyo who craved affection from a man who would never give it to her. Ichiyo who didn’t belong.
They could never meet. She wouldn’t allow those two worlds of hers to collide.
But of course those hopes don’t last.
“Natsu!” Mrs Nakamoto greets, pulling the black haired woman in for a hug. “Oh it’s been too long. That office job of yours must be working you to the bone! You’ve lost so much weight.”
She was a kind woman, Kuni’s best friend’s mum. She helped them both the second she found out Natsu was raising Kuniko herself at seventeen.
“Hello Mrs Nakamoto, how have you been?” Natsu asks, smiling as she hugs the older woman back.
“I’m doing great! Just wonderful now that I know you are one of the other chaperones. Mr Sato is here too by the way.” Kuniko’s other friend’s dad. He was younger than Mrs Nakamoto but not any closer to Natsu’s age.
“Hey Natsu.” He greeted, grin cheery and welcoming as always. “How’ve you been?”
“Busy. Way to much paperwork recently.” She answers, and that isn’t a lie.
“Tch. You need to take some time off.” Mrs Nakamoto tutted. “You are young so you can’t go working yourself to death you understand.”
“I understand.” Natsu grins.
“She understands but probably won’t listen.” Kuniko buts in, making the parents and her friends laugh.
“Very funny Kuni.” Natsu rolls her eyes as the teacher makes her way to the collection of guardian chaperones.
“Ah Mrs Higuchi?” Natsu doesn’t ever think she’ll get used to the teachers doing that.
“Miss.” She corrects. “I’m Kuniko’s older sister.”
The teachers face flushes. “Oh my god I’m so sorry!”
“No worries. Happens all the time.”
And with that let the chaperoning begin.
Of all places Higuchi never expected to see people she knew; the Zoo was quite high on that list. Yet here she was half panicking behind her sister because she thought she saw a very familiar head of choppy copper hair.
She couldn’t have right? She must be seeing things… she highly doubts anyone from the Port Mafia would come to the Zoo today of all days…. Right? Yeah… maybe she just needs to go to bed early tonight or something.
And so the day continued, Natsu playfully shoving her sister and chatting with the parents. The teachers even joined their chats every once in a while.
It was her sister that pointed it out as they sorted themselves for lunch. She noticed that four people dressed in all black, with a shorter male stood in the middle had been looking their way, specifically towards Natsu. Her eyes widened… no, no it couldn’t be who she thought it was right?
Slowly she turned her head, eyes widening as she locked eyes with the copper haired male from earlier. Tachihara.
If that was Tachihara then… she scanned the group, the Akutagawa’s, Hirotsu and Chuuya too… what’s next Mori is going to appear out of nowhere?
“Why’s that group staring at you?” Mr Sato questions. “Should I go and check?”
“No.. no it’s fine I know them.” She said with a sigh. Mr Sato was by no means a small man, he was tall, had muscles and could probably put up a decent fight but… they were the Mafia, he wouldn’t win. And knowing them whatever he did would end in an altercation.
“How do you know them?” A teacher questions, looking quite nervous and she side eyes them.
“Work.” She says quickly. “I’m just gonna… go talk to them… okay?”
The parents nod while Kuniko gives her older sister a confused look.
“See I told you I saw Higuchi.” Tachihara tutted as he sat himself down to eat some ice cream he’d just bought.
“Are you sure it’s her?” Gin questioned. “Also I’m fairly certain you are scaring those school likes Ryu.”
“Then they should grow a spine.” Was her brother’s response.
“Yep okay.” Gin sighed.
“Why does she have black hair?” Chuuya questions as he takes a seat beside Tachihara and Hirotsu.
“Who knows. Maybe it’s a fresh dye.” Tachihara shrugs. “Oh hey she’s coming over.”
The Black Lizard and co turn to see an almost embarrassed looking, dark haired Higuchi speed walking towards them.
“What are you doing here?” She questions. No hello, no asking how Akutagawa is doing. Nope, none of that.
“Hello to you too.” Chuuya drawled before giving her an appreciative look. She looked good in jeans and a tight long sleeve.
“Hello Mr Nakahara.” She says through her teeth. “Why are you here?”
“Day off, got bored.” Tachihara answers.
“So you come to the zoo? Today!”
“What’s wrong with the zoo?” Hirotsu questions.
“… you aren’t meant to see me like this.” She almost panics and they can tell she’s trying to keep a cool head. They give each other worried glances.
“Like what?” Akutagawa asks, nose scrunching as he did. “You dyed your hair? Was it supposed to be a surprise?”
“No this is my natural hair colour I normally wear a wig.” She blurts out accidentally. She can see Tachihara almost choke on his ice cream at that (is that even possible?).
And before they can ask any more questions Mr Sato, Mrs Nakamoto and Kuniko wander over, to warn her that lunch was nearly over.
“Natsu dear we’ll have to get ready to continue walking around the zoo soon.” Mrs Nakamoto smiles. “Hello dears I’m a friend of Natsuko’s.”
“Natsu…” Chuuya says before smiling and moving to reach a gloved hand forward for a shake. “Lovely to meet you I’m Chuuya Nakahara.”
“Hinata Nakamoto and this is Katsuki Sato.”
“Hello.” Mr Sato greets, towering over the much smaller man.
“Sis says you work with her at the office.” Kuniko adds, giving them a look filled with suspicion. Then they realise, oh, this is why she didn’t want to be seen.
“We do.” And surprisingly it’s Akutagawa to speaks first. “She’s Mr Nakahara’s secretary along with my sister.”
The lie was almost fluid, falling from his tongue smoothly- but Natsu could see the worry in her friends eyes as he spoke, assessing him with sharp eyes.
“And you do?” Mr Sato questioned.
“Security!” Natsu grinned, patting the Emo man on the shoulder. “Akutagawa, Tachihara and Hirotsu here work as Mr Nakahara’s security…”
“Oh.” Mrs Nakamoto hummed. She seemed impressed. “We’ll we best get back too it. Can’t let the class leave without us… see you another time dears.”
The older woman practically drags Natsu away from her co-workers whilst Mr Sato and Kuniko continue to give them sharp looks.
They didn’t believe them… and that was fair- who would believe a group of people dressed in all black and clearly not all that important looking.
“We’ll that was fucking awkward.” Tachihara said once they were out of ear shot.
“Yep.” The group agreed.
“Perhaps we should agree to not speak of this again.” Hirotsu offers. “It seems she really doesn’t want us to know her as anything but Ichiyo Higuchi.”
“No one else still blown away that she wears a wig like all the time?” Gin said suddenly. “Like how have we not seen that? How has it never come off?”
“You know what?” Tachihara said. “You’re right… what the hell!”
“I agree with Hirotsu.” Chuuya cuts in as he laughs at Akutagawa rolling his eyes at his sisters antics. “Unless she speaks about it first- keep your mouths shut. Alright let’s go I don’t feel like sticking around.”
The group agrees, readying themselves to leave as they watch their co-worker laugh and smile with her sister and friends. They would leave it at that, she could come to them in time, when she felt her sister was safe, when she felt she was safe.
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rosalinesurvived · 3 months
Bones’ changing 3x06 so much makes me wanna start screaming where is Higuchi’s little sister why did they skip out Mori taking Elise and his mafiosi to the Mall, why did they remove Atsushi’s excitement at Katai announcing he was in love, where were Kunikida’s scathing looks, where’s Higuchi complaining about her work and traffic, WHERE WAS AKUTAGAWA SAYING “LETS GO HOME” TO GIN HOW DOES HIGUCHI KNOW WHERE THEY’RE EVEN GOING, why’d they remove Gin talking about Aku had just returned after spending so long away at work implying they actually live together why’d they remove Higuchi asking Gin to call her sister-in-law, why’d they remove Kunikida sitting with Katai while the latter cried
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ssaraexposs · 6 months
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Do you think Gin told her brother about Katai's confession? It's unclear if Aku's just being a protective older brother, or if he genuinely ignores this guy's existence. Anyway, Katai sure is a brave one lol
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zukkaoru · 8 months
could you tell me more about why you dislike femskk?
okay disclaimer before i begin: this is not meant to be a dig on every person who enjoys femskk. the biggest reason i don't like it is honestly because it's just not my cup of tea and honestly it really makes no difference to me if other people like it. but beyond that my biggest issues with it are
1. the phenomenon of fans "yuri-ifying" the most popular m/m ship and then using that to prove they like female characters and f/f ships. this is not a bsd-exclusive thing; it happens with stsg too and i don't like femstsg for the same reason. but there's a big difference between actually liking female characters and just genderbending (or even making transfem) the big m/m ship. i literally went to the f/f category in bsd on ao3 the other day looking for fics and about half of them are skk fics instead of fics about like. the actual female characters in bsd. who i was looking for fics of. similarly, there have been some redraw trends going around twitter - specifically the i prefer girls cover redraw - and i have seen. i don't even know how many femskk redraws of that (along with a couple femfyolais and a femrimlaine) but only one redraw with actual female characters from bsd. same with the scene 14 redraw that was going around, and while that one wasn't originally two female characters, i have still seen significantly more femskk (and femsigzai, femsigchuu, femfyolai, etc) than i have ships with even one character who is female in the source material.
and imo this phenomenon is made even worse in the bsd fandom bc so many fans just see bsd as the skk show. so of course they're writing off the actual female characters; they literally don't care about anything besides skk. and obviously i can't do anything to force anyone to care about other characters but like.... bsd has so many other wonderful characters and dynamics (both romantic and platonic) that a good half of the fanbase won't even glance at because they're not skk. i do like skk, but bsd is about so much more than just them. they are, objectively, only one small part of it. like if you only care about skk, then just be outright about it and don't pretend you're "proving" you like female characters and sapphic ships bc you like femskk too
2. of the fans who only like skk and nothing else about bsd, most of them. don't even characterize dazai and chuuya correctly? i think the some of the best skk characterizations i've seen have been from people who actually like other characters and ships too, and some of the worst skk characterization i've seen has come from people who literally don't care about any other ships or characters. this isn't a hard and fast rule obviously but even with 30k skk fics on ao3, i have struggled to find ones that actually feel true to their characters. and the characterization seems to only get worse when it's femskk. if you're just going to turn femdazai and femchuuya into two completely different people, what's the point in it even being skk? why not write k.ousano or h.igugin or even a ship with one canonically female character? if you have to change the core characteristics of both dazai and chuuya... do you even really like them?
3. about femdazai: i actually don't mind the transfem dazai headcanon in general but most fans get her wrong. i made a post about it here but basically so many times i see femdazais that are just. completely unrecognizable as dazai. you can't strip away core aspects of dazai like idk the fact that dazai doesn't show any skin from neck to toe just because you made her a girl. i have seen some femdazai that's good! but i have seen so much that is just fundamentally wrong for dazai's character as a whole. mostly on twitter.
4. about femchuuya: i really truly just don't get femchuuya. i THINK the hype here is probably bc lesbians seem to get attached to chuuya (which. valid. i am also a lesbian chuuya fan.) and so they want to draw a chuuya they can be attracted to (i.e. femchuuya) which like. cool whatever i'm not here to judge. but looking at it from a "would this character actually identify as female" perspective, i don't actually think i can picture that for chuuya. maybe it's just because i so strongly hc them as nonbinary? idk. this one is honestly just a neutral "i don't see that but you do you"
tl;dr: from what i've seen, femskk is often mischaracterized, and genderbending the big m/m ships in a fandom is often a way fans "prove" they like the female characters and f/f ships while not actually caring about anything other than their main m/m ship
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atsushi would find an identical coat to akutagawa's but in pink for their barbie movie day w/ gin and kyouka and lucy and naomi and juni and tachihara and higuchi
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kyouka-supremacy · 11 months
Gin is such a tricky character. They've got a very good premise and compelling relations with other characters which makes them very interesting to explore. They have near to no screentime which makes everybody have a personal and original idea of what their personality is like with equal canon basis, so that in the end it feels like the fandom is filled with as many different Gin-ocs as people that are in it. I'm forever pursuing the objective, doomed to be unsuccessful by its own premise, of finding a fanfiction that features a Gin characterization that perfectly aligns with my own Gin-oc.
Anyways, meet my Gin-oc:
I already mentioned this, but Gin and Ryuunosuke aren't biologically related. Back in the slums, everyone assumed they were for their similar looks and how they never left each other's side, and they never bothered correcting them; what did it matter anyways? In the end, when all their friends were slaughtered, they ended up being the only family they had.
Gin's quite confident actually: she could cut your throat at any given moment, and she knows it. That's the consequence of always having been quite spoiled by Ryuunosuke: not really with words, but it'd be extremely rare for him to criticize anything she does, and he would let her win on everything more often than not. She is the youngest sibling. The difference in age feels a lot bigger than what it actually is.
Gin's the blunt, sharp type; doesn't talk a lot, but when she does it's sure to cut you. She's similar to Ryuunosuke in that. She's the only one who can speak back to the most feared pm member without fearing consequences... And it shows.
The only thing that intimidates Gin is for people that have only ever known her in her work attire to see her in civilian clothes, or the other way round.
Gin is also a little naive compared to their brother: she doesn't contemplate the endless fight between good and evil or what it means to take a person's life like Ryuunosuke is used to, she just gets her job done. She's younger than Ryuunosuke and, although she's still a feared Port Mafia operative, I think she is fairly more immature than him, also given the fact that, again, Ryuunosuke used to spoil her and always tried to shield her from seeing the most gruesome, terrifying sides of the world. It's not like he managed to keep her blind to everything, she is from the slums too and she did see her family being slaughtered in front of her eyes and she does know how cruel the world can be a thousand times more than your average Yokohama citizen; it's just slightly better than it is with Ryuunosuke, that's it. And keep in mind that to me Ryuunosuke is quite naive too, so they're also close in this.
Gin and Ryuunosuke live together. Ryuunosuke moved them to a little rented apartment as soon as he could when he started receiving pm retribution, and they later moved to a big flat when he got promoted to command unit (the apartment was destroyed after Dazai left the pm because. yeah).
Ryuunosuke was actually against Gin joining the pm too. He never contemplated it being a possibility when he accepted to join himself. But Gin never had any intention to sit around uselessly, and was going to join whether Ryuunosuke liked it or not. He eventually gave in, reasoning the pm would have protected her, so it was all for her to be safe (a little naive thinking on his end, but he was young too).
The one and only time Ryuunosuke ever got mad at Gin was when he found out that she killed someone for the first time. Which like, what else did he expect ever since she joined the mafia? And yet he had thought (perhaps, hoped) that her role would be limited to low stakes missions, and that she would have maintained a low rank (he's a little stupid). He was furious. Which sounds quite hypocrite given the fact that he's killed countless people, but the thing is in his mind he always was the only one supposed to stain himself with sin, never Gin. Despite all the lives he's taken, I have reason to believe Akutagawa still values life and understands what burden it is to take other people's; a burden that Gin should had never known. He's quite the protective kind. But Gin is not afraid of Ryuunosuke (of course, he's her dear brother), and she wasn't afraid to speak back at him; in the end, she did what she wanted, but it was a tough tooth to swallow for Ryuunosuke.
No one has to know they're siblings– no one. Ryuunosuke is dead serious on the matter and mildly obsessed by it; he's tormented by the idea of any of his enemies getting revenge on him through Gin, and that's literally his greatest fear and worst nightmare (not only Gin dying, but also Gin's death being his fault). The only people to know they're related are the executives and Hirotsu; if Ryuunosuke ever found out anyone else knew, he would instantly hunt them down and kill them, no matter who they were. At work, Gin and Ryuunosuke act like they don't know each other; Gin never protested, because she understands just how vital the matter is for their brother, and how it would be impossible to change his mind on this.
Gin and Ryuunosuke love each other more than anything. They're always going to be each other's priority, always, I can't stretch this enough. 50% of the reasons Ryuunosuke joined the pm to begin with was because of Gin, because he wanted to take her away from the slums, because he wanted her to be safe. Yet they just... Have no idea how to help or comfort each other. Both of them are entirely inadequate with words when it's about comforting someone. So their only way to show affection ended up just being there for each other, silently. I can picture, in one of Akutagawa's lowest moments, when months of being beaten up are starting to really feel on his already frail body, and his illness is starting to emerge, him vomiting blood at home; and Gin just being next to him without saying a word– because what could she possibly say? But she's still there, next to him, and she's the most important thing for him; and it doesn't make the world any less cruel, doesn't lessen the pain that's killing both of them, but at least there's some sort of white comfort in knowing they're not facing it alone. I really believe that as much as Dazai worked to dehumanize Ryuunosuke, tried to make of him a mindless killing beast only existing to follow orders, Gin was the only thing left to keep Ryuunosuke hanging to the glimmer of humanity left in him. On that front, I find the relationship between them to be similar to the one Kyouka and Atsushi share in Beast: their life is walking through the darkest of nightmares, but they do so holding each other's hand.
Although, those moments of connection became always less frequent as time passed and both of them grew up. The more time Ryuunosuke spent working for the pm under Dazai, the more he was reluctant to show himself vulnerable, the more they grew apart. Ryuunosuke was going through a very hard time and for him it was of vital importance that Gin had nothing to do with it. On Gin's end, it was draining to have to powerlessly, passively witness her brother slowly destroy himself and his own humanity without being able to do anything about it, and ironically that led to her distancing herself from Ryuunosuke in turn. In a funny, cruel way, seeing Ryuunosuke so pained without being able to do anything about it activated the fight or flight response the slums installed in her: since there was nothing immediately tangible she could fight against, her instinctive response was to run away from the situation. I just feel like powerlessly having to see a dear one suffer so deeply without being able to do anything has the potential to be even more painful than having to bear the suffering yourself, and I can see how she would have wanted to distance herself from it. Gin and Ryuunosuke didn't move away or anything, but the time they spent together significantly decreased to the point they were both actively avoiding each other. Ryuunosuke was constantly moody and angry at the world and although it was never - ever - directed at Gin, can you really blame her if she didn't want to spend time with him? It's hard for me to explain this without making it sound like Gin didn't care about Akutagawa, wasn't aware and suffered from his pain, didn't want to help him; because she really did care, and was concerned for his suffering, and wanted to help. It's just something really hard to deal with on daily basis when it drags on for several years, and there's so little you can do, especially if the person you want to help would rather die than let you help them.
It got better, though. I feel like Ryuunosuke touched the bottom when Dazai left the pm. But his and Gin's relationship got better after that. Very slowly, very gradually, but it got better. I like to think something switched in Ryuunosuke with the Moby Dick fight, and he started to change. And if he had to change, he decided to start from his relationship with Gin, because she's the person he cares about the most. He tried to be there for her more often, tried to spend more time with her, and it made her so happy. It took a while, and it was a little awkward at first: after all, Ryuunosuke is still his brooding self, who will tell her “It's been a while // Let's go home” with a frown on his face; but even despite that, what matters is that he's still there where he wasn't before, he's there wanting to spend time with her, and Gin is overjoyed by it, and she smiles sweetly to him. They're fixing their bond together, and I think they will get there! I think they will get their close-to-normal siblings relationship.
Differently from Ryuunosuke, Gin actually grew to quite like her job, especially after the Black Lizard was born. Hirotsu soon enough became the closest to a father figure she could have ever wished for. And she has lots of fun with Tachihara– in a way, they share much more of a siblings relationship than she and Ryuunosuke ever had. They constantly jab at each other, they have inside jokes; they threaten each other's lives on the daily but unfailingly have each other's back in battle. Gin eventually opened up a lot to Tachihara, who she felt like was the only one who could really understand her; she had found a solid common ground in their shared experience of having a distant older brother they struggled to connect with. And she trusted the sentiment was mutual, that Tachihara opened up to her as much as she did to him, completely oblivious to his half-truths. When she found out he was a spy– when he told her he was a spy, it broke her. She felt deeply, thoroughly betrayed; it changed her. She's not much the forgiving type. (talked about the Black Lizard dynamics some more here)
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note-boom · 1 year
Higuchi and Ranpo are just such interesting author-based characters in BSD.
I know it's weird to connect the two but hear me out...
So far, the only authors I can remember that don't have a known ability are Aya, Higuchi, and Ranpo. Aya and Higuchi will likely get an ability (latter has been confirmed to have one, at least) while Ranpo...probably won't? Though you never know.
But the reason I bring Higuchi and Ranpo together is because the latter is an author who is heavily implied to be the son of one of his IRL counterpart's characters. And meanwhile, the former is someone who has one of the real people in her IRL counterpart's life (that is to say, BSD Higuchi's sister) brought into the manga. Yeah, Tanizaki and Akuatagawa have their sisters be based off characters, and we also have Haruno based off a Tanizaki character, plus Fitzgerald's characters in the eyes of god story arc.
But I really think that it's interesting that Ranpo is the child of his own character. And that Higuchi is I think the only one with a family member that is based on IRL Higuchi's own family situation. That we might actually have a BSD character based on a real life person that wasn't a significant writer of some sort (to my knowledge, at least).
I don't really have a point with this, but it is interesting and aghhhhhhh Asagiri I'M BEGGING you to do something with Higuchi that doesn't involve Akutagawa! There's so many things about her and I want to know!
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afterthelambs · 6 months
Gin barely gets any development in-canon which I think is unfortunate because out of all the port mafia characters she has a lot of potential? Most PM characters get development by explaining why they joined the mafia or why they stay there. Chuuya to protect the sheep after they turned against him, Ryunosuke for a reason to live, Tachihara as a double agent, etc. But what's Gin's reasoning? Did they force her to become an assassin after Ryunosuke joined? Or was it voluntary, did she do it because she wanted to remain involved in her brother's life? She doesn't have the same resentment for Ryu that she does in Beast so can we assume she's happy with their decision? What is it like being a non-ability user member of the mafia? What's her relationship like with the Black Lizard? We know Tachihara is very fond of them but can we actually see them interact outside of the plot events? Does she have any dreams or aspirations outside the mafia that she wishes she could achieve? Would she leave the mafia if she could, or would she only do it if her brother also leaves? Really wish Asagiri would stop sleeping on a really interesting character with a banger design
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junko-loves-dazai · 1 year
Could you write an akutagawa x higuchi's sister reader? And the plot… Have you heard satisfied from hamilton? Basically higuchi finds out her sister has a huge crush on him and painfully gives up on her feelings so her little sister could be happy, because she loves her too much. Higuchi then introduces the both of them to each other and they fall in love as the time passes. Sorry if it's too long!
A/N: I finally have the Tumblr app and can respond faster now and sorry this one took so long to write as well. I'm really trying to write and get these done faster, but anyway enjoy!
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When Higuchi found out about your crush it was purely an accident. You had left your diary wide open on your bed, and when she was cleaning she spotted it. She was drawn to it, like it was singing a siren’s song. Slowly she peaked at your diary and began to read.
Dear Diary,
Akutagawa is so cute. The way he fights is so passionate. He moves so beautifully, and the way he uses Rashomon is so perfect. I’m totally in love with him! I’m in love with everything about him, I way his voice sounds, the way he dresses, and the way he styles his hair is just so handsome.I Love him so much. I’d do anything for him. I’d-
She closed the diary quickly and scrambled out of the room when she heard you open the door.
“Ane, I’m home” you called as you took off your shoes at the door, “where are you?”
“I’m in here,” said Higuchi as she sat in the living room/ main room. She was facing away from you and was panting quietly, and you noticed.
“Ane, are you ok? You look tired?” you asked
“I’m fine. It must be all the stress from work”
“Ok, if you say so”
Higuchi thought back to what her younger sister’s diary said. She likes Akutagawa. But I also like Akutagawa. She’e my little sister, and I don’t want her heart to break and I especially don’t want to be the reason it’s broken. Higuchi sighed, she knew she would have to give up her love towards Akutagawa, so you could be happy with him. I pained her to let go of her love toward him, but she would do anything for you. From doing little things like, buying you something small to make you happy to murder, anything to keep you happy. 
“Y/N,” she started, “how would you like to come and help me with one of my missions? I’d like for you to meet someone,”
“Sure” you answered.
------------------------------The Next Day---------------------------------
Higuchi took you with her to work and made you wait at the Port Mafia base. You didn’t actually get to participate in the mission, Higuchi said that your job was to just sit and wait in the Port Mafia headquarters. While you waited you organized Higuchi’s desk. (You really don’t have to if you don’t want to then ignore the cleaning Higuchi’s desk part) When she returned she was with a certain Mafia member. Your eyes lit up and a blush spread across your face as you sat at Higuchi’s desk, and then you immediately stood up. 
“Y/N, this is Akutagawa, and Akutagawa this is Y/N” Higuchi introduced you both to each other.
“Nice to meet you, Akutagawa,” you stuck your hand out for Akutagawa to shake.
“Nice meeting you too,” and Akutagawa shook your hand. After that day, you and Akutagawa spent more and more time together and eventually ended up dating. You grew so close together and it was all thanks to Higuchi.
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monstersqueen · 1 year
akutagawa's capability for gentleness and atsushi's ability for violence <3
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yaolmao · 1 year
I love bsd I really do, but no anime watcher should have to go through season one to get to the good stuff
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aarcanechaoss · 2 years
Hey :)
So i saw that you did a fic where Higuchi is caught by the mafia.Can you do another one like that but with a different prompt?
Like where there's a joint PM & ADA outing but Higuchi cant attend cause she promised her sister they'll go to the carnival on that day.But councidentally the PM & ADA also go to the carnival and they see Higuchi.
And if you want you can add in how Higuchi was wearing an open back top so you can see a tatto there and the PM is surprised cause they didn't think Higuchi has tattos
Sry for it being so long😭
Don’t be sorry this is wonderful!
Also here’s a link for the tattoo a cherry blossom to match my Yamizakura theory lmao
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A joint outing. What a tiresome idea yet brilliant all the same. Ever since the Guild the Armed Detective Agency and Port Mafia had been… trying more or less to work together when needed. And perhaps it was just some big plan for a means to an end but either way it at least kept the two companies busy.
Ichiyo Higuchi would not be attending this month’s gathering. Hell she was hardly invited to any of the Port Mafia’s normal gatherings so she really doubted they would bother to invite her to wherever it is they are going. Regardless she had plans, the carnival was in town and being the best big sister in the world that she is she promised she’d take Kuniko with her to the Carnival.
She didn’t know nor did she care about asking where the Port Mafia and Armed Detective Agency would be… but perhaps she should have.
“Come on Chiyo I want to check out the rides!” Her little sister whined playfully. The fifteen year old was practically vibrating from excitement as they exited the car. With her crutch held tight Kuniko waddled towards her big sister and practically dragged her into the Carnival itself.
It was a hot day and Ichiyo was thankful she let her sister pick her outfit today, with both girls pretty much matching. Black shorts and red shirts with their comfiest sneakers. Kuniko wore an old worn T-shirt with an English phrase that had Ichiyo chuckling every time she saw it (“what the duck” being the hilarious catchphrase with a cute little duck sitting right below it). Ichiyo however wore a red backless halter top with her cherry blossom tattoo on full display at Kuniko’s request.
Kuniko loved the image of a cherry blossom branch creeping its way up Ichiyo’s spine, with flowers and petals delicately floating about. It was so her sister it made her giddy because it was a well-known fact she loved the tree at the Higuchi home so why wouldn’t she have a tattoo.
Ichiyo loved seeing her sister happy. It reminded her that life was worth it and could still be joyful. She loves her little sister so damn much- she can understand why Akutagawa feels so protective towards Gin because she’s the exact same.
Kuniko would practically drag Ichiyo from stand to stand in excitement, getting small gifts and trinkets for their family and friends. They were having an absolute blast.
“Chiyo look.” Kuniko said at one point, hand raised and pointing towards and awfully familiar face. “Isn’t that the man from the newspaper?”
The weretiger was here… she can’t even say she’s surprised really considering how he’s practically everywhere in Yokohama most days. But on the one end of the spectrum this meant that Atsushi Nakajima decided to come to the Carnival today and see what it was or… everyone else decided to come to the Carnival as well.
Honestly Ichiyo believed it was the former considering she couldn’t see anyone from either company surrounding the very uncomfortable looking boy- oh… oh no he was having a panic attack.
With a hobble and shuffle of Kuniko’s crutch the blonde mafioso made it to the weretiger’s side quickly.
“Hey.. Atsushi I need you to breathe okay.” She started, hands lightly gripping his forearms- because no offence she didn’t feel like getting clawed today. “I need you to tell me two things you can hear.”
“Uh… your voice… music?” He said after a moment.
“Three things you can see.” She says again. “And follow my breathing.” Ichiyo places his hand on her chest allowing him to feel her breathing.
“You, grass… you, grass… my hands.”
“Very good Atsushi. Three things you can feel.”
“Hands, my clothes and the breeze.”
“One more okay.” Higuchi said softly. “Something you can smell.”
“Ch-cherry blossoms?” He looked confused as he searched the area wearily before his eyes landed on the blonde.
“You back with us now?” She questions softly. He nods.
“Sorry… sorry just… I thought I saw- someone.” And didn’t that break her heart just that little bit. She never understood Akutagawa’s anger and rage towards the boy who suffered so much, she understood that Akutagawa went through his own trauma’s yes but so did she and many others but she would never belittle someone else’s trauma the way she’d heard him do so some days. She cared for the Rashoumon user, she truly did and she would hang stars in the sky for him but trauma is trauma and no one should be shamed for it.
Ichiyo shook her head, clearing her mind.
“It’s okay you don’t have to tell me Atsushi- May I call you Atsushi or would you prefer Nakajima?”
“Atsushi is fine Miss Higuchi.” He said, sounding awfully tired at that.
“I’m just Ichiyo when I’m not at work lovely.” She said now moving to grip his hand… a simple and calming gesture that always helped her siblings, specifically Kuniko when she was feeling drained and it seemed to work for the weretiger too. “Is anyone else here we were just about to get some food and drinks anyway so we are happy to help.”
“Uh yeah. The joint outing was today… I noticed you weren’t there.” He whispered.
“Ah… so they are here huh? Let’s go get you a drink and maybe some food yeah?”
“Okay.” Atsushi said as he gripped the commander’s hand tighter.
The group was in a mix of emotions, many worried and others wanting to continue on with their little adventure of the Carnival.
But they’d lost Atsushi and now Kyoka was worried sick- Koyo immediately took her to search for him together whilst the others decided to stay as a pack.
Either way they all found him after twenty minutes sat with two women one blonde and the other brunette (who looked about Kenji and Kyoka’s age at that).
And as they walked across the impromptu food court that blonde started to look really familiar.
Cold hands pressed against her back as she leaned over Atsushi tapping away at his phone to alert the ADA of his whereabouts- considering his shaking hands. She yelped and spun around ready to slap the person who surprised her only to see Gin.
“Sorry for startling you.” She says.
“It’s okay Gin… you wouldn’t happen to know where the others are would you?” Ichiyo asked. “I think Atsushi needs Kyoka to sit with him for a bit, he’ll be okay but..,. Yeah.”
Gin looked behind her, behind the weretiger and low and behold the entire group had arrived silently.
“Yo Big Sis I didn’t think you could make it to the joint outing.” Tachihara gleams once he’s close enough to see the blonde’s face. “Sick tattoo. You don’t strike me as a tattoo person.”
He was weirdly chill and yeah granted not everyone in Japan liked tattoo’s and she was in the mafia… knowing him she expected a little more fanfare just because he could.
“Oh… thank you.” She says now turning to face the group, Gin now stood beside her staring awkwardly at the shaking weretiger. “Ah Kyoka!”
“Yes?” The girl asks stepping forward as Higuchi motioned her closer.
“He had a panic attack. I got him to calm down a little but since you are practically his sister you should take over. I know I’d hate it if no one let me take care of my sister, Kuni.”
“Chiyo!” Her little sister pouted.
“Holy shit tattoo.” Was not what she expected to hear fall from her executives lips as he and Dazai arrived, flanking her sides (so Dazai could see to Atsushi and Chuuya could find out what’s happening).
“Ah yes I have a tattoo…”
“Cherry blossom branch?” Ozaki asked.
“Yeah. My family home had a giant one I’d climb so…”
“She broke her arm twice climbing it.” Kuniko said, it was blunt yet full of teasing.
“Shut up gremlin.” Ichiyo groaned as she pulled her sister into a weak headlock.
“I like your tattoo Miss Higuchi!” Kenji shouted, startling everyone at that.
“Why is everyone looking at my tattoo?”
“Because it looks divine on you.” Dazai said smoothly…. Only to get a foot to the face and tumble to the floor.
“No flirting with my co-workers you bandaged freak!” Chuuya yelled, his hands now resting on her exposed shoulders like that would keep the former mafioso at bay.
“Cherry blossoms symbolism is quite beautiful.” Ranpo pipes up, stepping right into Ichiyo’s personal space. “Mostly beauty and pride, but it is also associated with life, impermanence, and love. It can also be a reminder of how nothing lasts forever and that you should celebrate each day.”
“Oh… yes… thank you Ranpo for that insight.” Ichiyo flushes, leaning back into Chuuya’s hands just that bit.
“No problem. It suits you is all.” He said before stepping back to sit at the table… and devour his snacks.
“Why is everyone yelling?” Akutagawa asked as he stepped close to his sister, a small car plush in his hands as he passed it too her.
“Aww Ryuu thank you. I shall name is Ren two, after my cat.” Gin says with a teasing smile.
“Yeah whatever… so why are we yelling and who’re they?”
The group fell quiet for a moment before giggles and snorts erupted.
“You don’t recognise your own co-worker.” Tachihara snorted with many of the ADA following while the rest of the mixed group just snickered. “It’s Higuchi and that’s… her little sister?”
“Kuniko Higuchi…. Sup.” The brunette greeted from her seat. Ichiyo, who had yet to be let go of by Chuuya (who was still kicking at Dazai for flirting with her- as he does with most women) turned her head towards Akutagawa who seemed to have gained the tiniest bit of colour on his pale cheeks.
“Regardless… why are you all making such a scene you found the weretiger yes? Now let’s continue or go home.” Akutagawa said sounding extremely bored.
“Higuchi has a tattoo dontcha want to see it?” Gin teased.
“Not really. Tattoo or not I do not care about something stuck to one’s skin that was probably painful.” He answered.
“Huh? Nah she took it like a champ. Chiyo didn’t feel shit.”
“Kuni! Language.” Ichiyo snapped.
“Yes mum.” The teen snorted.
“Honestly.” Ichiyo groaned. “Welp I promised Kuniko I’d show her the Ferris wheel and a few more stall games before we head out for dinner… lovely to see you all on this very warm day.”
“You aren’t staying?” Kyoka questions.
“Well no I wasn’t even really invited to the joint outing anyway and I don’t really get much time with my sister due to work so I want to spend more time with her.” The blonde answered as she peeled herself away from gloved hands and helped her sister to stand.
“Not invited?” Yosano wondered aloud.
“It’s how it usually goes. Unless Mori tells me personally I’m usually left to my own devices either inviting myself or not going at all… but either way my sister is priority so I wouldn’t have joined today regardless. We should go now anyway. See you all at work.”
“See ya Big Sis.” Tachihara waved.
“Goodbye Higuchi.” The rest added as she and her sister began to leave.
“By Mafia lady!” Kenji added making the blonde laugh and ruffle his hair.
The two Higuchi’s pondered office through the crowd towards a few more stalls looking as happy as can be.
They had to wonder… why did she still seem so down?
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moxie-girl · 2 years
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a redesigned bee miraculous outfit - specifically for this fic
(this is a repost from MY deviantart account, i did not steal this)
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suicidedance · 4 months
BUCK-TICK Q&A (1987)
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Source: Limited_Night_ on X
Q1: Who is your family comprised of?
Sakurai: Mother, older brother, me, dog and two cats.
Imai: Grandma, dad, mom, aunt, younger brother, younger sister.
Hoshino: Father, mother, younger sister, older brother.
Higuchi: Father, older sister and older brother.
Yagami: Father, older sister, niece, younger brother.
Q2: Date and place of birth
Sakurai: March 7, 1966. Fujioka City, Gunma Prefecture.
Imai: October 21, 1965. Takasaki Hospital.
Hoshino: June 16, 1961. Fujioka General Hospital. 
Higuchi: January 24, 1967. Takasaki.
Yagami: August 19, 1962. Takasaki.
Q3: What are you called by everyone? Why is that?
Sakurai: Acchan, Atsushi. Why?
Imai: Imai. I’m Imai so that’s why.
Hoshino: Hide. Because I’m Hidehiko.
Higuchi: Yuuta. When I was a child, I was called Yuutan, which was shortened to Yuuta.
Yagami: Anii (big brother) by the other members because I’m older. (He’s U-TA’s older brother)
Q4: Height, weight, shoe size, eyesight
Sakurai: 177 cm, 57 kg, 26 cm. 1.5 on the right, 1.2 on the left.
Imai: 174 cm, 58 kg, 26 cm. 1.2 on the right and 1.2 on the left, I think.
Hoshino: 179 cm, 60 kg, 27 cm. 1.5 and 1.5.
Higuchi: 167 cm, 48 kg, 25 cm. 0.9 on the right, 1.2 on the left.
Yagami: 170 cm, 48 kg, 25 cm. 1.5. 
Q5: Favorite foods
Sakurai: Sushi (toro ebi), chahan, corn soup.
Imai: Tempura udon, katsu curry, kimchi, reba nira, asparagus, burger with pickles, generic chips, miso soup, nametake, shiokara, oyster, sashimi, sushi, yakiniku, ham and eggs, natto, sea urchin, tororo, watermelon, turbo sazae.
Hoshino: Yakiniku, salad, ramen, pudding.
Higuchi: Vegetables.
Yagami: Pudding.
Q6: Foods you dislike
Sakurai: Eggplant, shellfish, scallion, shiitake mushrooms, bamboo shoots.
Imai: None.
Hoshino: Egg yolk.
Higuchi: Jellyfish.
Yagami: Liver.
Q7: What you want the most right now
Sakurai: Everything in this world.
Imai: Good songs.
Hoshino: Love, money.
Higuchi: Bass.
Yagami: Money. (Because I think I’ll become rich)
Q8: Blood type and self-analysis
Sakurai: Type O.
Imai: Type O. Extremely optimistic. My handwriting is messy, but I’m second rank in Japanese calligraphy.
Hoshino: Type A. Quiet, sometimes I’m stupid so I can’t grasp things.
Higuchi: Type A. Humble.
Yagami: Type A. Genius!!
Q9: What do you think you’ll be doing in five years?
Sakurai: Doing lives.
Imai: Playing guitar in BUCK-TICK and doing my best.
Hoshino: I think I’ll become a celebrity.
Higuchi: I don’t know.
Yagami: I’ll become a professional top-class musician.
Q10: What does manliness mean to you?
Sakurai: Be kind to the weak, be tough to the strong. Always be cool.
Imai: There’s no such thing.
Hoshino: Being strong and being kind.
Higuchi: Men are tough.
Yagami: Be strong and kind.
Q11: A movie that recently moved me.
Sakurai: Oedipus No Yaiba.
Imai: I watched Friday the 13th Part 6 on video. That idiot Jason needs to be punished once and for all!
Hoshino: I haven’t watched any movies recently.
Higuchi: Hachiko Monogatari.
Yagami: Back to the Future. (I like time travel stuff)
Q12: A person you aspire to be like
Sakurai: My ideal self.
Imai: There isn’t one.
Hoshino: John Lennon.
Higuchi: There isn’t one.
Yagami: Eikichi Yazawa.
Q13: Please tell us the name of the celebrity who is closest to your ideal woman
Sakurai: [Didn’t provide an answer]
Imai: Probably Miss Oginome Yoko .
Hoshino: Miss Yumi Aso .
Higuchi: Yappy, Nori-P, Skippy, Noriko Sakai. [Nori-P was Noriko Sakai’s nickname]
Yagami: Kaori Torii .
Q14: What was the first record you ever bought?
Sakurai: Maybe Carol?
Imai: «Technopolis» by Yellow Magic Orchestra.
Hoshino: Beatles. (He was tricked by his brother)
Higuchi: I bought a Beatles record for my late brother for his birthday.
Yagami: «Let it be» by The Beatles. (In 2nd grade of elementary school)
Q15: What was your first impression when you met the members?
Sakurai: Imai → Weird!
                Hide → What a superficial guy.
                Yuta → This bastard.
                Anii → Is he okay?
Imai: You should never judge someone based on first impressions.
Hoshino: Sakurai → Scary but interesting.
                 Imai → The yellow-green Converse are impressive.
                 Higuchi → Caring guy.
                 Yagami Toll → Rock n Roller.
Higuchi: Hide → A tall guy.
                Imai → Quiet guy.
                Acchan → Scary guy.
                Brother → I don’t really know.
Yagami: Imai → A silent and mysterious guy.
                Hide → A good young man.
                Sakurai → Seems like a disciplined guy.
                U-TA → Cute baby.
Q16: What do you think is your role in the band?
Sakurai: A person who can get other members on board. Someone who expresses a variety of things.
Imai: Guitar man.
Hoshino: People say I’m someone who makes things run smoothly.
Higuchi: A talkative person.
Yagami: A man of high spirits.
Q17: Teach us how to flirt with a girl!
Sakurai: Don’t flirt.
Imai: Please teach me how to flirt with a girl!
Hoshino: I think it would be good to be honest.
Higuchi: I’m not good at that.
Yagami: I don’t know how to flirt.
Q18: Have you ever cried because of love?
Sakurai: I have.
Imai: I haven’t.
Hoshino: I cried when I was heartbroken.
Higuchi: I have.
Yagami: I have.
Q19: Favorite word or phrase
Sakurai: Atsushi, come out!
Imai: Freedom.
Hoshino: A boy’s heart.
Higuchi: The characters that aren’t difficult. [Japanese characters]
Yagami: Love saves the Earth. The BUCK-TICK Phenomenon.
Q20: What kind of person you cannot tolerate?
Sakurai: A frivolous person. Someone who acts overly familiar with you.
Imai: Stubborn and insincere people. 
Hoshino: Liars.
Higuchi: A selfish person.
Yagami: The guy who sold a BUCK-TICK sample copy to a second-hand record store before it was released. If we ever find him, we’ll beat him up.
Q21: What do you not want a girl to do?
Sakurai: Cheat.
Imai: Be fake. Murder, robbery.
Hoshino: Cheat.
Higuchi: I don’t want her to cry.
Yagami: Don't talk like a man!!
Q22: If you were a plant, what would you be? Why?
Sakurai: A black rose. You wouldn't think of them as morning glories or sunflowers, right?
Imai: A pansy. Yellow around the edges and black towards the root.
Hoshino: Bonsai. Because that's what people often say.
Higuchi: I don’t know.
Yagami: Pineapple. (Hairstyle)
Q23: What is your favorite number and why?
Sakurai: Odd numbers.
Imai: 4. I just like it.
Hoshino: 2. For all six years of elementary school, I always came in second place at sports day.
Higuchi: 1. Because it’s the first one.
Yagami: 3. It’s Nagasaki, Nagashima.
Q24: Someone you would like to meet and talk to
Sakurai: Me from tomorrow.
Imai: Kiyoshiro Imawano, Beat Takeshi, John Lydon.
Hoshino: John Lennon.
Higuchi: Nori-P. [Noriko Sakai]
Yagami: Yuming. [Yumi Matsutoya]
Q25: Any final words!
Sakurai: Let’s make some noise together again!
Imai: We’ll keep on doing our best, so please come to our live show.
Hoshino: BUCK-TICK is immortal.
Higuchi: I’m Yuta.
Yagami: I think the genius group BUCK-TICK looked great at Madison Square Garden!
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
Soo about what I asked you what do you think of yosano x higuchi
I said in the reply there I think higuchi is in her early 20's so therfore an adult
You didn't really say what do you think of this pairing outside of wanting to know how old is higuchi so can you say what do you really think of it?
Mmmhh idk, I don't have any strong feeling about it? I don't think I can picture them together romantically
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sskk-squared · 12 days
Do acchan and ryuu-chan ever hang out with gin? She is akutagawa’s sister after all :3
Gin (and Higuchi too, often enough) babysits her nephews often. When they were babies she would dress them up in all sorts of outfits so they both didn't like going over to visit for a while, but now that they're older she's teaching them how to knife fight and they're always eager to visit to see the new weapons.
Atsushi is unaware of this, so far.
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