#hiiii I'm still around
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Someone’s a little salty that Ezra’s been taking all of my attention.~
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tofixtheshadows · 4 months
Id love to hear ur interpretation and analysis on falin! She’s one of my favorite characters and and I was wondering what ur thoughts on her are
Man, I struggle to think of anything I could say about Falin that others have not already said. But she's one of my favorite things about Dungeon Meshi too.
So much of the story revolves around Falin, and she's not even there. Tumblr loves to talk about haunting the narrative, but Falin might be one of the best examples of it ever put to page. She's dead. She's alive. She's dead. She's alive. She's alive but she's missing, she's alive but she isn't herself. She's dead but she might wake. She's dead but she's frozen in ice. She's alive but she's sleepwalking. They chase her ghost and they chase her body all through the story.
I think what Kui does with her is fascinating. Not just as character with a personality we can analyze, but as an object in a narrative- that's why I say she's one of my favorite things about the story, because I also mean it in a mechanical sense. As a writer, Kui's really good at misdirection- that is, setting you up to believe or expect something about a character or a plot, and then turning that on its head. It's most apparent with Kabru, but it works really well with Falin too.
Because the precious little sister is a very well known character archetype, right? So is the gentle healer. The heart of the party. The white mage girl. The damsel in distress. The martyr.
And this isn't a Laura Palmer situation, where we find out that beneath her wholesome surface there's something dark and troubled. No, Falin truly is a kind and gentle person. That isn't where the misdirection leads (and that, too, I think, is another misdirection- it's not "Plot twist, she isn't as nice as you thought!", which would almost be too easy).
The misdirection here is more about structure than about character (but also, yeah- a little about character).
What I mean is, with these archetypes firmly in mind, along with a whole other host of fantasy genre expectations, I think anyone who goes into Dungeon Meshi un-spoiled probably expects Falin's rescue to be an endgame event; at least on a subconscious level, where you're not really thinking about it but in the back of your head you're already stretching out the story to place Falin firmly in the distance. Fire breathing dragon at the bottom of the dungeon is perfect final boss material, right? Slay the dragon. Rescue the princess.
And Falin is the perfect prize in the traditional old school fantasy that the concept of the titular dungeon is a send-up to. Blonde (white), soft-spoken, sweet-natured, beloved by everyone. An angelic figure.
Maybe that's why Ryoko Kui gave her white wings.
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It is sort of jarring when chapter 23 rolls around and it's already time to fight the red dragon. And it takes a few chapters, but they succeed. And then Falin's impossible resurrection succeeds. But by then you guess that this is not going to be the story you expected it to be.
I want to point out that Falin spends a lot of time getting, well, babied, post-resurrection. Marcille washes her in the bath, despite Falin stating that she's capable of washing herself. Marcille schools her about her mana use despite Falin demonstrating that she is not hurting for mana, and brushes aside Falin's explanations. Both Marcille and Laios refuse to actually tell her what happened. Laios scruffs up her hair like she's a little kid and scolds her for something she can't remember doing. Marcille explicitly calls her a little kid when Falin tries to talk about how much she's grown.
Of course I'm not saying that Laios was wrong to act like a big brother, or that Marcille shouldn't be worried about taking care of her shell-shocked friend in the bath. But the framing of it clearly shows a Falin who is struggling to be heard.
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If you'd like to address the big gay elephant in the room while we're here, I want to state for the record that- whether you read her as gay or not -I think Marcille is completely oblivious during this. Because Falin is her little friend from school. Her best friend, yes, but also the young tallman student she, in her infinite elven wisdom, had to mentor and look after. Marcille has not yet accepted that Falin is an adult now, nor has she accepted that she, herself, is only barely past teenagerhood developmentally and is not nearly as mature as she believes. Of course she'd scrub Falin in the bath and fuss over her.
Falin, meanwhile, seems more than aware of her own adult body and the inappropriate way Marcille is treating it.
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The mana-sharing scene is, I think, Falin trying to get a little of her own back. How do you like it, Marcille?
And she tries again in bed.
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Maybe she's wondering if their relationship will change now that they're grown ups. If Marcille prefers her as a little girl, or at least as a woman who lets herself be guided like one; if Marcille will react badly if Falin keeps trying to assert herself. She also might be subtly trying to signal to Marcille that bed sharing, like bathing, carries a different weight to it when you do it as adults rather than as children.
With all this in mind, the decision to turn Falin from the precious prize they rescued into to the vicious dragon they have to slay, hits a lot harder.
Falin with a powerful, monstrous, destructive body. Falin, who couldn't even stand to cause people pain from using healing spells, slaughtering half a dozen people in brutal ways. And that's not her, she's being mind-controlled, but as an object in the story she has completely flipped. From damsel to threat.
And I love that she carries a little bit of that with her when she's resurrected again.
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Because she's no longer the girl who's going to let herself be stifled by her brother's and her best friend's co-dependency, no matter how much she loves them. She's different now: stronger, eyes open, forging her own path instead of following in their wake. Falin is still going to come back to them again, but this time it won't be because they chased her. It'll be because they let her go.
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squisheebugdoodles · 1 year
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dump of just some of the characters i've gotten ready for art fight this year 83 this particular set are all ones that i got in a trade with a friend years ago, except the green guy which i did still get from them but wasn't designed by them, if i remember right? i love them all very very much <3
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mrfoox · 7 months
.... OK I really hope I can keep this dude ♥
#miranda talking shit#Like... I just want him around me... Yeah. First visit I thought it may be how I felt. Now I'm like lol yeah#8+ hour visit later... Not even that I just... Am being used for sx like we talk so much#We talked about past experiences and love and children etc. Like... I guess we just vibe. Or rather I feel like we do#We make each other laugh and he seem to want to touch me and want to tell me about things#He talked about metal (or we about music but I'm not a metal head so) and he played songs for me#He found my reactions to them funny. Some song did some guitar thing and I was like “woah!”#He laughed and after the song went into explaining what it was. How it was done and such#“i wonder what you think about this... Or... Well maybe you won't care. But I think you may find it interesting?”#Me already clawing at the phone: yes yes I'm interested show me!!!#I love having people show me things willingly. Like even if it's embarrassing or whatever like hey I am going to love it#He showed Warhammer figures he had painted and talked about that#I love hearing people info dump like omgggg hiiii tell me everything uwu#I took up the... Idea of being fwb and being like... Exclusive about it. And he was like “I mean... I haven't really been seeing anyone els#Mainly bc I don't want to and bc it's so... -makes eye contact with me-“ me: tiring?”-deep sigh-yes so tiring.... “#He shared a lot of personal things in general and one thing in detail he definitely didn't have to#I mean I casually say I got daddy issues but that's like... Yeah my dad never cared for me and my siblings that's just how it is ya know#Idk man. Been a while I... Felt so... At ease and.... Open so quick with anyone. I liked Linus quick but not in this way#I hope I get to keep him around me for more... Like he's.... I think we have things in common but we are definitely still different enough#Want to learn everything I can about him. Plus he let's me be... Overly affectionate and serviceing him like an doting mom (how I want to#Treat everyone in my life but I know majority don't accept it). I get to bring him a drink and help him get dressed to go outside#Men who just goes along with how I want to express affection and not hate it is great#I mean. I don't think he have been touched this... Affectionately before either. I'm very intense and like.... Yeah it's like I'm in love#With you. Sorry I'm stroking your face and looking into your eyes and all :/#He just smiles. Me with basically heart shaped eyes and he's like: :)#Some nerdy brunette: hi (: me: omg? Spend all your free time with me???
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criminalamnesia · 7 months
HIIII!!! I just wanted to say that i really love ur writing! I've read ur traitor series and I can't wait for part 4! I'm a new author, and english isn't my first language, so it's sometimes very hard for me to write bcs i'm stil not that good, but ur fics have helped me improve<3💗!
thank you so much!🫶 im glad you’ve enjoyed the series! and speaking of part four, here it is :)
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simon didn’t turn to watch you leave the gym.
he stood there, eyes forward, mask clenched in one fist. he could feel the blood drying on his skin. he made no move to wipe it away.
he didn’t blame you for your anger— he couldn’t. he understood the rage. had felt it himself a time or two.
but he couldn’t take everything lying down.
did he deserve your wrath, your fury? yes— and he knew that. there was no making up for what he did; he realized that, but why couldn’t you understand?
he’d never fully taken his walls down around you, and that was no fault of your own. he was a guarded man, and his past gave him every right to be.
he had been burned and broken too many times. he’d seen the people he loved murdered because of him.
he swore he would never let that happen again. he put those walls up, and you knocked some of them down.
but there were some you’d never gotten through, at least, simon told himself you hadn’t. there was always something he was holding back, a piece of himself he wouldn’t give freely. he told himself it was because he couldn’t stand to love you so deeply and then watch you leave.
but really, it was because he needed an out. he needed a way to justify his leaving if something ever happened— and that’s what got him here.
simon trusted the 141 with his life. he trusted his captain with his life. price had never led him astray; john knew his face well before any of the others. well before you.
and when someone you trust so deeply, someone you’ve followed for years, tells you that the person you love has betrayed your team?
you can’t help but believe them. and that’s what simon did.
the evidence was coincidental at first. wrong place, wrong time. but then, everything started to seem like more than a coincidence. pieces of a complicated puzzle were fitting together. things only you and the rest of the 141 would know were leaked.
and all the signs pointed to you.
and although he didn’t want to, simon couldn’t help it. the second price had confided in him that you may be the rat, simon began to distance himself. you had been confused, but he had offered no explanation.
price was the one to question you first. it was a heated conversation in his office, consisting of him showing you the evidence and you becoming furious at the accusations.
johnny came to you next, buttering you up with his flirtatious and unarming words before asking if you’d leaked information.
then there was kyle, who pleaded for the truth. he told you that a case was being built against you, and that if you came clean now, things wouldn’t be so bad.
simon never tried to talk to you about it. the other men would tell him what you’d said, but he had never gone to talk to you himself.
maybe it was pride. simon wasn’t trusting, not after his past. he had let the 141 in, had let you in. and now you were a suspected traitor, and he was angry at himself. angry he hadn’t seen it sooner; angry he’d let you in at all.
but maybe it was hurt. hurt that you’d done this to him, to the team, after knowing everything they’d been through. after stitching up wounds on the battlefield and taking bullets for one another. after sharing simon’s bed and whispering you loved him.
all he knew was that he trusted price. and as evidence built, so did the distance between the two of you, until you were tied to that chair.
and simon had taken his hurt, his anger, out on you. he wasn’t proud of it, and he knew now that he was wrong. but he was still a little angry. angry because you couldn’t see his side of things— not like he could see yours.
so, he was an ass. he didn’t apologize. he snuck flowers to your bedside but kept his distance. he told you to watch your tone because you were still part of the team, and speaking to price like that was only something an outsider would do.
and he told you that he’d spared your life because he had. anger had consumed him, and truthfully, you were lucky he hadn’t done worse.
even if he’d smothered his feelings for you with rage, he still harbored love for you, and that’s why some part of him held back.
he knew you would probably never forgive him. he had made his peace with that.
but he couldn’t stand the fact that you couldn’t understand why he’d done what he did.
the creak of the gym door opening broke simon from his thoughts. he pulled his mask back on before turning around and making his way to the door.
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it took one firm knock on the door for price to answer.
the door clicked open, and price sighed when he saw simon, scrubbing a hand over his unruly beard before letting the taller man in. price turned, walking back to his desk chair, while simon closed the door behind him and locked it.
“this is a bloody mess,” the captain said, falling heavily into the chair. it squeaked at the sudden weight, old leather crinkling and crackling.
“doc came and saw me earlier, ‘fore she left for the night. told me about some new injuries, and yelled at me for letting that happen.”
simon didn’t speak. price’s eyes met his, and he sighed again.
“fuckin’ hell, simon. what the fuck did you say? doc said she had to stitch up both their hands.”
“doesn’t matter what I say,” simon spoke, eyes still on the captain “they won’t fuckin’ listen.”
price shook his head. “that’s not true, ‘nd we both know it,” he sounded tired as he spoke, dark bags under his eyes. he paused for a moment, then spoke again.
“spoke to laswell after you left earlier. she said she’ll try to speed up the transfer process. tryin’ to avoid more fuss, and im not fightin’ it any longer.”
“they’re part of our team,” simon spoke, tone rough.
price shook his head. “they are, but I can’t keep doin’ this. can’t keep pushin’ off transferin’ because of you lot. it may be better for us, but not for them.”
the room fell quiet. simon inhaled, exhaled. his fists clenched at his sides before quickly unfurling once more.
he didn’t have a right to be mad at you for leaving, but he was.
“laswell say anythin’ else about tha’ transfer?” simon asked.
price leaned back in his chair, arms folded across his chest. “not much. no word on where or with who, but even if she knew, doubt she’d tell us. for their sake.”
simon gave a small nod and made to turn, but froze as price spoke again.
“she did say she didn’t know if it would go through. they’d have to pass another eval.”
they both knew what that meant. if laswell said that, then she didn’t believe the transfer would happen. kate wouldn’t outwardly say it, but price had known what she’d meant.
pushing the transfer through wouldn’t matter if you couldn’t pass a physical and psychological evaluation— and laswell didn’t think you could.
although he wouldn’t admit it, price was unsure, too. torture was something that took an incredibly devastating toll on the mind and body.
but torture at the hands of your team? there was no telling the damage that that would do to someone. to you.
an honorable discharge was more likely. and, if that was the case, then your rage would likely grow tenfold.
you career, your livelihood, taken from you by the hands of the men you trusted the most. your family, cutting you up and pushing you out.
damned by your team and your country, regardless of everything you’d done for both of them during your service.
you were just another cog in the machine, one that had been damaged and discarded, and a discharge couldn’t make that any clearer.
he thought back to what you had said in the gym earlier, before you’d left.
‘you should have killed me.’
maybe he should have.
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thanks to everyone for your patience! also just incase you didn’t see my post about it—
im no longer doing a taglist! my side blog @troiastitans will reblog my works from now on, so if you want to know when I post, follow that account and allow notifications!
as always, thank you for the love! (also I hope you all enjoyed a little peek into simon’s head!)
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grandline-fics · 3 months
hiiii! I really love your account and I'm so glad you're still taking requests, I was thinking of like Law, zoro and ace having a nightmare of reader getting married to another guy and how would they feel after waking up in the morning seeing reader next to them sleeping <3 take your time and I hope you have a great day or night!
DESCRIPTION: They have a nightmare that you marry someone else
WARNINGS: little bit of brief angst/insecurity but it's kept light for the most part
CHARACTERS: Law, Zoro, | Ace, Shanks, Mihawk, Kid, Katakuri
WORDS: 1,156
A/N: I absolutely loved this request and I hope you like what I came up with for it. Sadly I could only think of scenarios for just Law and Zoro.
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Law finds himself having this dream often, of finally marrying you. Every blissful, happy detail is unchanging and one he never tires of seeing. After years of torturous, painful nightmares plagued by his past trauma to dream of a future he wishes to make a reality is a welcome one. Tonight however his subconscious felt something was off. It wasn’t his usual dream he was so accustomed to. Normally at the beginning of the dream he’d be standing at the front of the aisle, watching your beautiful form coming into view and approach him with an excited, loving smile gracing your face. 
This time however he was standing at the back of the room. He heard your laugh and he turned, his eyes widening in shock to see you already in place and holding hands with who you were marrying, Eustass Kid. Suddenly all sound fell away and he felt like as much as he tried to run towards you, he stayed firmly in place and forced to watch your lips shape the wedding vows. Over and over he tried to activate his powers, to shambles you away and out of the touch of his rival but even that failed him. His distress grow as he watch you and Kid lean in, lips parting to seal the wedding with a kiss. 
With a shout, Law lurched forward, breathing heavily and mind swimming with the disturbing images still fresh in his mind as he woke and took his time in getting his bearings. With slow breaths, he pushed the heel of his hand against his already tightly shut eyes, desperate to force the images away. Beside him he felt a movement and with a sigh he looked to see you waking. Blearily you forced your eyes open enough to see Law was sitting up in the bed. Still half asleep, you couldn’t find the energy to pull yourself up so you reached out, taking his hand into yours and tugged him to lie down with you. 
Relief flooded Law as the realisation that it really was a nightmare and you’d always reach out for him was the reality. Eagerly he lay down against, you settling his head on your chest, a satisfied smile curling his lips when you threaded your fingers into his hair, making sleepy movements against his scalp to comfort him. “Bad dream again?” You asked, voice thick with sleep but you refused to let yourself fall back over until you were sure he was okay. 
“Different one, but still bad.” Law admitted, curling his arms around your body to hold you close. “Dreamt you married Kid of all people.” There was a moment of silence and your fingers stilled in his hair making him think you’d fallen asleep. Finally you let out a sigh and tapped his head, making him turn his head just enough to look at your disapproving stare breaking through the tiredness.
“Law I have better taste than that.” You scowled before resuming your comforting motions in his hair. “Now go back to sleep and dream it right this time.” Law let out a sleepy chuckle and did as he was told. Although now he as he began to drift to sleep, he began to put a plan in motion to give you the real wedding you deserved.
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This couldn’t be happening. This was his worst thing he’d ever have to witness in his life. No matter how many times he shook his head and rubbed his eyes, the sight was the same. He was standing amongst the rest of the crew who were cheering happily as they all watched you exchange rings and a sealing kiss with Sanji. The horror of what he had to witness didn’t end there. He was rooted in place having to watch your first dance with him, lovingly pressed up against him as you both swayed together, staring at each other with an expression he once got to share with you. 
The image melted away to the familiarity of the dining room and he watched you lean up to kiss Sanji as he placed an extravagant meal in front of you, your hand cupping his face in sickening adoration, the gleaming band of gold on your finger all but blinding him from the repulsive display. His mind was racing as he tried to think how this happened. Weren’t you two happy? Hadn’t you both sworn that you’d always love one another? Didn’t you love him anymore? When did he lose you? What had he done that made you pick the stupid cook? Had he died and gone to Hell? That must have been it. 
“Zoro!” He jolted awake to see you standing by his bed, hand on his chest as you shook him awake. Concern etched your face. You’d just finished your watch and came back to your shared room to see Zoro tossing and turning in his sleep, clearly trapped in a nightmare he couldn’t wake from. Slowly Zoro sat up in the bed as his good eye sharpened. When he realised it was you and thinking on what he’d just seen, he acted instantly. His hand took yours desperately and he lifted it, inspecting your fingers with as much attention as he would when he cared for his swords. “No ring.” He finally said with a relieved sigh, pulling you onto the bed to settle against him. 
Keeping your hand in his grip, he used the other to hold you close against him. You blinked in confusion and sat up to tilt your head at him with a growing frown. While you never wanted to force your relationship with Zoro to go to the next step, you would have been lying to say you hadn’t hoped that a proposal would some day come up. Worry began to gnaw at you. Were you more invested in this than he was? “You’re…relieved I don’t have a ring on my finger? The thought of marrying me is so bad to make you toss and turn in a nightmare?”
“What? No! I’d love that.” Zoro protested, cursing himself for his clumsy words. “It’s only a nightmare when you’re married to that shithead cook!” 
“Oh…” Your eyes widened and you bit your lip, fighting a smile to hide your excitement that Zoro wanted to marry you. Quickly to ease the tension of a very real conversation that you both were probably too tired to have you decided to clear your throat and joke with him. “So how nice was the ring?” You let out a squeal when Zoro suddenly tossed you onto the bed beside him and rolled onto his side with a long yawn breaking from his lips. You pouted playfully to see his eyes were closed again, already falling asleep with his freakish talent. 
“It looked like shit, the one I give you will be one hundred times better. Now get to sleep.”
TAG LIST (If I've missed anyone or if you want to be added just let me know) @3v37773, @tsaaps , @i-am-all-love-puns-and-lazy , @sanemisnonexistenteyebrow , @fiery-captain-spider-santa
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Hiiii pretty star,
Me again.
📝Can I get a little something with Theo and the prompt cuddles after being touch starved? I feel that with his mother gone and his father being who he is, Theodore deserves all the love and snuggles in this world. Thank you 🤍
"My house of stone, your ivy grows, and now I'm covered in you"
Theodore Nott, despite popular belief -mostly his-, was easy to love. Your relationship was still fresh, you two were slowly getting to know eachother; favorite hobbies, habits. And most importantly, each-others love language. 
Your favorite way to love someone is by touching them. Kisses, holding hands, looping your arm around them, playing with their hair; that is how you show love, and it is how you show Theo you love him.
He however is not used to that. You had suspected so one day, when you two were walking, casually talking to eachother about your day; out of habit you grabbed Theos hand, lacing your fingers together. His hand tensed at first, as if he was entirely unfamiliar with this feeling, and lost his train of thought, mumbling words and excuses until he grew used to your touch and picked up the conversation from where he left it.
Your suspicion was confirmed one night. You were tired and stressed; homework was piling up, quidditch practice was more constant and you had taken up way too many extracurricular activities. You ran straight to Theos dorm, needing the comfort of his presence to ground you, calm you, help you recharge your energy and get ready for the days to come. 
You found him in his bed, with a book you had recommended to him, in his hands. You quickly walked towards him and he greeted you, lifting his eyes from the pages, “Hello.”, he said with smile “Hi.”, you mumbled back, way too tired to pretend you weren’t. 
“What’s wrong?” He asked as you changed out of your clothes and into an old sweatshirt of his. 
“Exhausting day. Exhausting week.”, you replied with a deep sigh and then settled next to him in his bed.
You rested your head in the crook of his neck and looped your arm around his shoulder, breathing him in “I want to stay here forever.” , you mumbled with your eyes closed.
But, instead of a kiss on your forehead or his arm hugging your back you felt him grow tense and his heart beating really fast against his ribcage. You raised your head worried, and looked at his face “I- am I crashing you?”
“Ah- no…no, this is new to me, that's all.”, he quickly said nervously
“Oh, I am sorry, I didn’t think-“, you exclaimed and moved your body off to give him space.
He stopped you, quickly and guided you back in his arms, “No, don’t go, I like it.” he whispered in your hair. His body was more comfortable now, moulding into yours, his muscles weren’t tense anymore and his limbs shifted to keep you close to him.
“Stay.”, he whispered in your hair and you let yourself close your eyes, and drift off, finally able to relax, in the arms of the person you craved all week.
After that night he simply couldn’t let you go. His hand is always clasped in yours, or settled in the small of your back or around your shoulders. He kisses your forehead goodnight and greets you with a peck on the lips every morning. And his favorite; whenever life feels heavy, he will lay on your chest and let you play with his hair, causing him to forget all his troubles.
He is learning how to love and be loved and his favorite thing is that he is learning with you.
fin 🤎
celebrate my academic hardships & Theodore Nott masterlist
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bsturnzmtt · 26 days
Can you write a fic that Matt and yn were not getting along at first but they get drunk have sex. During it Matt gets too rough and yn have to use her safe word so Matt give her plenty of aftercare PLEASE IM ON MY KNEES BEGGINGGGG🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼(involve stomach bulging🤭🙈)
Blurred desires - Matt Sturniolo
Enemies to lovers
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Paring: rough dom!Matt x sub!Reader
Contains/warnings: rough sex, stomach bulge, drunk sex, usage of safe word, overstimulation, spanking, pussy slaps, edging, pet names, degradation, unprotected sex, creampie, choking, cnc, after care. More stuff. Tell me if I missed something
Summary: You stumble across your enemy, Matt Sturniolo at a party. What happens when you two are drunk and there’s some tension between you guys?
Matthew Sturniolo. Your worst enemy. He made your life impossible since the moment you two met. You never understand why, but after a while, you got tired of trying to understand so you just gave him the same attitude he gave you. Unfortunately you had to see him on a regular basis because you’re best friends with his brothers Nick and Chris.
Nick and Chris have been talking about this party they are going to on Friday for like three days in a row. Today, Thursday they are convincing begging you to come also.
“Come onnnn y/n it’s going to be so fun!” Nick says, trying to persuade you.
“Yessss there’s gonna be alcohol, many people, many friends” Chris adds.
“Okay okay! I’ll go!” You say laughing.
“Yayyy that’s great!” Nick says excitedly.
“Do you want us to pick you up tomorrow?” Chris asks.
“Ummm no it's fine, I'll just uber. Plus I don't think Matt will like the idea of picking me up if he’s the one driving.” You say laughing.
“He’s an asshole, just ignore him.” Nick says.
“Yeah I know. But I still prefer to uber, just text me the address.” You respond.
Next day. Friday…
You are almost ready for the party and your Uber is 3 minutes away. You add some finishing touches to your makeup and brush your hair one last time. You straighten up your dress and take one last glance in the mirror before heading to the uber. After 15 minutes of boring traffic you got to the party. You pay the uber and get out of the car. You decided to text Nick and Chris before entering the party.
“Hey guys I’m here” you text them. And start walking towards the door. You opened the door and you felt the music blasting and colorful lights everywhere. You walk through some people until you see Nick and Chris waving at you. You walk to them and of course Matt is with them.
“Hey girl! You made it!” Nick says hugging you.
“Hiiii” you say and hug him back for a few seconds then you go to greet Chris who was talking to Matt.
“Hey Chris!” You say.
Chris turns around. “Hey y/n!” Chris says.
After that you make eye contact with Matt for a few seconds. Matt just stares at you with a blank expression, but he doesn’t say anything. He just keeps staring for a couple seconds before turning back around to talk to Chris again. You decide to ignore Matt and not let him ruin your night out with friends.
You see many of your girl friends by the bar so you decide to go there to say hi and also get some drinks. As the night goes on you got drinks after drinks, shots after shots. Most of the night you stayed with your girl friends dancing and drinking. While drunkenly dancing on the dance floor, with the corner of your eye you spy ‘Nick’ getting a drink at the bar. So you decide to approach him not knowing you are confusing him with his triplet brother Matt.
You walk to him. “Oh my god Nick. Literally the cutest guy came up to me to ask me for my number!” You say slurring your words and grabbing him by his arm.
The person you're talking to slowly turns around, and it's not Nick, it's Matt. He looks at you and chuckles. "I'm not Nick," he says with a smirk. “Are you seriously that drunk?”
You roll your eyes as you realize it's Matt. “Ugh shut up I’m not drunk.” You say, still slurring your words as you take your hands off his arm.
Matt's grin widens, clearly amused by your drunken state. "Oh really? Because from where I'm standing, you seem pretty intoxicated." He steps closer to you, his voice lowering. "And you were just hanging all over me."
“First of all, I thought you were Nick. Secondly, you seem as drunk as I am.” You respond.
"Maybe," Matt says, leaning even closer, "but at least I can still form a coherent sentence." His eyes flicker to your lips briefly before meeting your gaze again. "You know, if you wanted to touch me, you could just ask."
“Ew, no. You wish.” You say rolling your eyes and taking a seat at the stool bar motioning the bartender for another drink.
Matt laughs heartily, enjoying your back-and-forth banter. "Keep telling yourself that," he says, leaning against the bar next to you. He flags down the bartender and orders another drink for himself, sliding it over to you instead. "On the house," he says mockingly.
You look at him. “Hm, what a gentleman.” You say sarcastically but still accept the drink. You grab the glass and take a long sip.
Matt grins mischievously, enjoying your snarky comebacks. "Gotta keep you hydrated," he says, his eyes glinting with amusement. He takes a swig of his own drink, his gaze never leaving yours. He tilts his head, considering you. "You know, you're different when you're drunk."
You frown your eyebrows and look at him. “What do you mean?” You ask.
"You're more... unguarded," Matt says, choosing his words carefully. "You're usually so cold and aloof around me. But now, you're actually talking to me without biting my head off." He smirks, taking another sip of his drink. "It's... interesting."
“Well I’m like that because most of the time you’re mean and annoying towards me. Right now you’re not being that annoying.” You respond.
Matt laughs, throwing his head back. "Fair enough," he says, turning to face you fully. He leans in closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "But for the record, I'm only mean to you because you're so easily riled up." His eyes drop to your lips before leaning back. "But…I'll try to be less annoying tonight. But I can't make any promises." He chuckles.
As you’re about to say something, one of your friends comes up to you. “Y/n! Girl, come on, this is our song!” She says and starts dragging you to the dance floor.
Matt watches as you're dragged away by your friend, a hint of frustration crossing his face. He sighs and finishes his drink before setting the glass down on the bar. He glances out at the dance floor, spotting you dancing with your friends.
As you kept dancing, the cute guy that you mentioned to ‘Nick’ came up to you and started dancing with you.
Matt's eyes narrow as he watches the guy dancing with you. His jaw clenches and he looks away, trying to shake off the feeling of jealousy that's rising up inside him. He orders another drink and downs it quickly, feeling the alcohol coursing through his veins.
You keep dancing with the guy, but after a while you sneak out of the dance floor to go to the bathroom.
Matt sees you slip away from the dance floor and quickly finishes his drink. Seeing an opportunity, he follows you discreetly. As you push open the bathroom door and disappear inside, he slips in behind you, unnoticed. He leans against the wall, waiting for you to come out of the stall.
After 2 minutes you stumble out of the bathroom. “Matt? This is the ladies room you know.” You slur out.
Matt pushes off from the wall and steps closer to you, his grin lazy. "I know," he says, his voice low. "I wanted to talk to you without... distractions." He reaches out, steadying you as you wobble on your heels. "You okay there?" He chuckles.
“Yeah, yeah I'm fine.” You say grabbing onto his arms so you don't fall.
Matt's grin widens, and he steps closer, wrapping his arms around your waist to support you. "You don't have to hold on so tight," he murmurs, his face inches from yours. "I've got you."
You look at him and start loosening your grip on his arm.
Matt's hands tighten around your waist, pulling you flush against him. "On second thought... keep holding on," he whispers, his gaze flickering between your eyes and your lips.
You don’t know why but you’re starting to feel nervous and also you feel your face growing hot. “I- uhm… I have to- to go back with my friends.”
Matt's grip on you tightens, and he takes a step forward, backing you up against the sink counter. "Not yet," he says firmly, his voice leaving no room for argument. He tips your chin up, forcing you to look at him. "You're not going anywhere until we talk."
“Talk about what?” You ask.
Matt's thumb brushes against your bottom lip, silencing you. "About how much I can't stand you," he says, his voice barely a whisper. "About how you drive me crazy with your smart mouth and your icy glares. About… that stupid guy you were dancing with.”
Matt's expression darkens, and he leans in closer, his face inches from yours. “You’re such a slut.” He chuckles.
“What did you say?” You ask in an annoyed tone.
Matt's smirk widens, and he leans in closer, his breath hot against your face. "You heard me," he taunts. "Dancing with some random guy... you're so easy. No wonder everyone calls you a- "
Before he could finish his sentence you pushed him. “Fuck you.”
Your push barely moved a muscle on him. He takes a step forward, crowding you against the sink again. "What's wrong? Can't handle the truth?"
“It’s not true. So shut up.” You say.
Matt scoffs, his eyes glinting with amusement. "Oh yeah?" Matt says mockingly. “So if i were to touch your panties, they wouldn’t be soaking wet?”
You swallow hard at his words. “Wh-what?”
He leans in even closer, his lips brushing against your ear as he whispers, "I bet you're hot and wet right now. Are you?" His hand moves down to your thigh, grabbing it firmly. "Are you wet for me… or for that guy?"
You bite your lip and squeeze your thighs together but don’t respond.
Matt's grin turns predatory, and he slides his hand up your thigh, slowly, until it reaches the hem of your short dress. "So quiet now... not so icy anymore. Maybe I should find out for myself..."His hand slowly moves under your dress, his fingers brushing against your inner thigh. "Last chance to stop me," he whispers, his breath hot against your neck. "Tell me to stop, and I will." His hand moves higher, reaching the edge of your underwear. But you remain silent, still biting on your lip.
But you remain silent, still biting on your lip.
Taking your silence as consent, Matt's hand slips under your underwear, his fingers slowly parting your wet folds. He groans softly against your neck. "You're soaking wet... and it's not for that guy, is it?" His fingers slowly push into you, stretching you. "Admit it..."
You close your eyes and whimper as you feel his fingers stretching you out. You grab onto his neck for steadiness.
Matt's breathing grows heavier as he slowly moves his fingers in and out of you. "Say it... say it's not for him," he demands hoarsely. His thumb finds your swollen nub, rubbing it in slow, torturous circles.
You try your best not to moan. “What if it is for him?” You say in a challenging tone, trying to get him mad.
Matt's face darkens, and his touch becomes rougher. "wrong answer," he growls. His fingers pump into you faster, harder, his thumb rubbing you furiously. "Say it... say it's for me."
“Oh fuck” you whimper at the change of speed, but still maintaining your challenging self. “I wouldn’t want to lie…”
Matt's expression hardens, and he uses his free hand to tilt your head up to look at him. "Oh yeah? You wanna be like that...?" he whispers against your skin. His touch becomes demanding, almost punishing, as if he's pouring all his frustration into it. “Then you’re coming with me.” He says as he abruptly takes his fingers out and drags you out of the bathroom to a room upstairs.
Once inside, he slams the door shut locking it and pushes you down on the bed. "Your safe word is red. Now... spread your legs," he orders, his voice low and commanding. He begins unbuckling his belt, his eyes never leaving yours. "You wanted to play hard to get..."
You obediently spread your legs open, loving how rough and mad he was getting.
Matt steps between your legs, his eyes burning with a fierce intensity. He pulls his belt out and wraps it around your wrist, securing it to the bed frame. "You're gonna stay like this... until I'm done with you," he growls.
You buck your hips upward trying to get some sort of friction.
Matt smirks darkly, enjoying your eagerness. He slowly unzips his jeans, letting them drop to the floor. "So impatient..." He climbs onto the bed, settling between your parted thighs. "You're not going to touch me... you're just gonna take it." Matt grabs your chin, forcing you to look at him. "Understand?" He asks, his voice cold and demanding. Without waiting for a response, he thrusts his hard, naked cock into you in one brutal stroke, not giving you a chance to adjust. "Fuck... you're so tight,"
“Fuck” you moan loudly as you arch your back feeling pain and pleasure. “T-too big”
"Shut up," Matt snaps, his hands gripping your hips as he starts pounding into you with relentless force. "You can take it, right? Since you’re such a slut." he hisses. "And you'll take all of it. Won't you?" He leans down, biting your neck, his hips pumping faster. "Say it..." He pulls out almost completely before slamming back in, the force of his thrusts making the bed shake.
“Oh fuck Mmhp” you moan loudly.
Matt chuckles darkly at your moans, his pace becoming even more brutal. "That's it... scream for me," he demands, his balls slapping against your ass with every thrust. He reaches down and spreads your pussy open with his fingers, getting a better view of his cock pounding into you.
“Mmh Matt … fuck I’m so close” you whimper pathetically.
"Not yet," Matt growls, his thrusts getting even more intense. He reaches up and twists your nipples between his fingers. "You'll cum when I say you can." He lets go and starts to slap your tits, leaving his handprint on them. He leans back, grabbing your legs and throwing them over his shoulders, changing the angle of his thrusts. "Now this is fucking perfect..."
“Shit… Mmhp Matt I- I can’t hold it.” You moan as tears of pleasure and pain run down your face.
"I don't care," Matt hisses, his face contorting with pleasure as he continues to mercilessly pound into you. He leans down to bite your neck again, marking you. "You. Will. Not. Come. Until. I. Say."
You moan loudly and you try, you really try to hold it, but you can’t. Your pussy starts to tighten around Matt and your orgasm starts to spill out.
"Fuck!" Matt roars with anger as he feels your pussy clench around him. Matt's face darkens with anger, and he slams into you even harder, punishing you for disobeying. "You couldn't even do that...?" His voice is dangerously low. He reaches down and grabs your jaw, forcing you to look at him as he continues to thrust into you.
“Matt.. mhh I- Im sorry” you whimper.
"Sorry?" Matt's voice is cold and harsh. "Sorry isn't going to cut it right now." He pulls out of you abruptly and sets your wrists free then he flips you over onto your stomach. He grabs your hips and pulls them up into the air, spreading your ass cheeks apart.
"You're going to pay for that," he says coldly, spitting on your hole and pressing a finger against it. "You're so worked up that you couldn't even wait for permission... Now, I'm going to teach you some self-control."
“Mmhhhh” you moan moving your hips backwards, trying to get more friction.
Matt ignores your moans and movements, focusing on his task. He pushes his finger inside you, scissoring it to stretch you open. "No, no, no... You don't get to move like that," he scolds, pulling his finger out of your pussy and spanking your ass hard.
“Mhhp shit”
Matt continues to spank your ass, each slap echoing through the room. "I said, no moving. You're going to stay still until I decide otherwise." He pauses, his hand still raised in the air, ready to strike again. "Now, I'm going to give you a choice."
You keep still waiting for him to talk.
"Either I start using my belt on your ass, or I'll let you cum when I put my finger back in your pussy, but you have to promise to stay still and not move until I say you can." He pauses, letting his words sink in. "Choose quickly, I'm losing patience."
“I- I’ll stay still…I- I promise.”
Matt nods, satisfied with your choice. He puts his finger back inside you, moving it slowly and deliberately. "That's a good girl," he says, his tone softening slightly. "Just stay still for me. I want to see how well you can control yourself."
“Mmmhhh” you moan.
Matt slowly increases the pace and pressure of his touch, his finger sliding in and out of you with maddening slowness. He wants to test your limits, to see how far you can hold back before you snap. He leans over, his breath hot against your ear. "You're doing so well..."
“Mmh more please.” You cry out.
Matt smirks at your words, but he doesn't increase his pace. Instead, he moves his free hand to your clit, his finger pressing down on the sensitive bud. "Be careful what you wish for," he says, his voice low and dangerous.
Matt continues to rub your clit in time with his finger moving in and out of your pussy. He's creating a torturous rhythm, keeping you on the edge but not allowing you to cum. "Look at you, so desperate and needy," he taunts, his breath hot against your ear.
“Matt… please”
Matt relishes the desperation in your voice. He knows you're close to breaking. He leans down and bites your neck, his fingers continuing their unyielding rhythm. "Beg some more," he growls. "Maybe then I'll let you cum."
“Please Matt… I promise I’ll be good.”
Matt finally relents, his finger pressing down hard on your clit as he curls his other finger inside you, rubbing against your g-spot. "Good girl," he praises, his voice dripping with satisfaction. "Now cum for me. Cum hard."
“Ohh… fuck fuck fuck” you moan as you feel that knot in your stomach finally releasing.
Matt grunts approvingly as your body convulses around his fingers. He keeps his hand on you until your movements slow, then he withdraws his hand and brings his fingers to his mouth, licking them clean. "Very good," he says, his eyes glinting with satisfaction. Matt smiles at you, a satisfied smirk on his lips. He leans in and kisses you, his tongue invading your mouth to taste yourself on his lips. "I'm not done with you yet," Matt's smile widens at your expression. He grabs a pillow and places it under your hips, tilting your bottom up higher. He positions himself in between you.
Matt runs his hands along your thighs, caressing your skin. "You're going to take me again," he says, his voice low and commanding. "And this time, you're not going to come until I say so."
Matt grabs his dick and rubs the head against your soaked pussy, teasing you. He looks into your eyes, his gaze intense. "Understand?" He asks, his voice firm. "You don't cum until I say so." He pushes the head of his dick inside you, slowly, stretching you open.
“Mmhh” you nod.
Matt's face contorts with pleasure as he slowly pushes more of himself inside you. He grips your hips tightly, his fingers digging into your flesh. He pauses, buried to the hilt. "You feel that? You feel how deep I am?" He asks, his voice strained.
You try to speak but only whimpers and moans come out of your mouth.
Matt starts to move, pulling out slowly until just the head is inside, then slamming back in. He sets a brutal pace, pounding into you with no mercy. "Fuck, you're so tight," he groans. "So fucking tight."
“Ahhh fuck mmmhp… t- to much”
Matt ignores your pleas, his movements becoming even more frantic. He leans forward, his chest pressing against your back as he continues to fuck you mercilessly. "You're not allowed to cum," he reminds you, their breath hot against your ear. "You're not allowed to fucking cum until I say so."
Matt reaches around, finding your clit with his fingers. He starts to rub slow circles around it, making sure you can feel every touch. "You're so close, aren't you?" He asks, his voice strained with pleasure.
“Mmhhfp” you moan and nod.
Matt tightens his grip on your hips as he increases the speed of his hips. "Not yet," he hisses. "Not until I say so." He continues to rub your swollen nub, knowing that you're right on the edge, but not allowed to fall over.
“Fuuuuuckkk mmmh s-slow down”
Matt's breathing quickens as he gets closer to his own release. He knows you're desperate to cum, but he's enjoying the control he has over you. "Quiet," he orders, his hand moving to cover your mouth.
He continues to thrust into you, his hips moving like a piston. His fingers on your mouth muffle your cries, while his other hand still circles your swollen nub. He's close, and he knows you're on the verge of disobeying his order. "Not...yet..." he hisses.
Matt lets out a low, guttural moan as he finally finds his release. He buries himself deep inside you, his whole body tensing up. "Now," he gasps, his hand moving from your mouth to your hip, his fingers digging painfully into your flesh.
You moan as you squirt all over his cock.
Matt gasps as he feels you squirt all over his cock. His hand moves from your hip to your clit, rubbing frantic circles around it as he feels you continue to spasm and tremble around him. "Fuck...yes..." He pants, his own release still pulsing through him. Matt keeps his hand on your clit, rubbing it vigorously as he stays buried inside you. He can feel your pussy milking his cock, desperate to keep him inside even as it continues to spasm and twitch.
You start to feel overstimulated. “Fuck.. stop, to much” you cry and push his hand away… not knowing you’ll regret that later…
Matt's hand stops rubbing your clit, but he doesn't pull out of you. "Too much?" he repeats, his voice dripping with sarcasm. He's still buried deep inside, his cock twitching slightly as he feels your desperate plea. He looks down at you, his eyes narrowed. "You don't get to say stop," Matt continues. "You don't get to choose when I stop," he growls, his hips starting to move again. He pulls out slowly, before thrusting back in deep and hard. He does this a few times, the head of his cock hitting your g-spot with each thrust.
“Matt Matt mmhp no…. Too much.” Your body immediately pulls away.
Matt growls in frustration as you pull away from him, his cock pulling out of your pussy with a wet, slapping sound. He looks at you, his eyes narrowed. "You're going to regret that," he growls. He grabs you by your hips and flips you around. His hands immediately spread your legs apart. His hand goes and slaps your pussy.
“Fuck!” Your back arches back.
Matt's hand comes down on your soaked flesh again and again. The sound of his palm meeting your wet, puffy folds fills the room. "You pull away from me again," he growls. "And you'll regret it."
Matt growls in frustration as you pull away from him, his cock pulling out of your pussy with a wet, slapping sound. He looks at you, his eyes narrowed. "You're going to regret that," he growls. He grabs you by your hips and flips you around. His hands immediately spread your legs apart. His hand goes and slaps your pussy.
Matt's hand keeps slapping your pussy, the force of each hit making your body jolt. He doesn't stop, not until your pussy is bright red and swollen from the punishment. Finally, he stops and stands up, his cock still hard and angry. Matt grabs your ankles and lifts your legs up, resting them on his shoulders. He lines himself up with your punished hole and slowly pushes himself back inside. He's gentler this time, but only to tease you. "You're mine," he growls. "And you'll take everything I give you."
“Mhhhm fuck” you moan. Your vision starts to blur.
Matt grabs your thighs and spreads you wider, his hips slowly thrusting as he looks down at where your bodies are joined. "Look at you," he whispers. "So wet, so ready. You were made for me." His voice grows darker. "And you'll learn to take what I give you."
“Matt it's too much… mmmh”
Matt's thrusts grow harder, faster. He's fucking you with ruthless intent, his cock pounding into your pussy like it's trying to break something inside you. "Too much?" he snarls. "You think this is too much? Wait until I really lose control."
“Fuck I- mmhp… Matt… red! Red.” You can’t take it anymore so you say the safe word.
Matt immediately freezes, his body tensing as he hears you say the safe word. He pulls out of you gently, his arms wrapping around you. "Shh, it's okay," he murmurs, his voice soft and gentle now. "I've got you."
Tears run down your face. “I- im sorry…”
Matt shushes you, his fingers wiping away your tears. "No, don't apologize," he says softly. "This is what the safe word is for. To stop anything that's too much. I'm the one who's sorry. I didn't mean to push you that far."
He holds you close, not saying anything more as he lets you process the emotions running through you. When he feels you starting to relax, he pulls back slightly and looks into your eyes. "Are you okay?" he asks softly.
You nod slowly.
He sighs in relief and wraps his arms around you again, holding you close. "Good," he murmurs. "Let's just rest for a bit, okay? We can talk about this later when you're feeling better." He settles back against the pillows, pulling you onto his chest.
But you guys suddenly hear someone knock on the bedroom door. “Hey! I said bedrooms are off limits!”
“Fuck… it’s probably the host of the party” Matt mumbles.
“Wh- what do we do?”
Matt quickly helps you clean up and get dressed. And he also gets dressed up. “Let me drive you home, okay?”
“What about Nick and Chris?” You ask.
Matt sighs, “They can take an Uber. We can’t risk getting caught like this. I’ll text them.” He grabs your hand and pulls you out of the bedroom. He leads you downstairs, where the party is still in full swing.
Matt's grip on your hand tightens as he weaves through the crowd, making his way to the door. He doesn't say anything until they're outside and in the car. "I'm sorry about that," he says.
“About what?” You ask.
"About getting carried away like that… a-“
“Don’t worry about it” you cut him off.
Matt glances at you as he pulls out of the driveway. "No, really. I promise I won't push you like that again. Unless... unless you want me to." He pauses, his voice growing softer. "Did you like any of it?"
You laugh softly. “Of course I did… It was amazing. It’s just at the end it… it was too much.”
Matt nods understandingly. "I know. And I'm sorry. But you liked the other parts? The spanking, the way I talked to you?"
“It was kinda hot…”
Matt smirks at you briefly before returning his eyes to the road. "Kinda hot, huh?" His hand rests on your thigh as he drives, giving it a gentle squeeze. "We'll have to explore that more, then. But not today. Today, I just want to make sure you're okay."
Hope you guys like it 🩷🙌
4217 words….
Not read proof!!
Taglist: @blahbel668 @bernardsbendystraws @sturnzsblog @deffonotjae @suyqa @mattsturniololover1 @mattsturniolosgf @mattsturnihoe @annsx03 @imjusthereforthesturniolosmut @strnzzvsp @l34n @mattsfavbitchhh @chr1sgirl4life @yourenogoodforme @mattshighway @lauren-222 @slvtformatts @megamorgan44 @sturnsxbitvh @pixiespax @xaristhings @slutforsturnioloss @ariestrash @sucretwin @tisiablack @sturniololover69 @lianomer @wakeupitschrizz @jessie-essie @freshlov3 @sturniolofreakk @lydi2718 @chrisstvrns @le4hsblog
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alastorss · 7 months
HIIII so i had an idea for like a reader that's crushing on alastor, and angel dust making jokes about it in front of alastor and basically what would happen once he catches on
Have a lovely day, get good sleep!!!<33 luv ur writing<33
a/n: hello sweets <3 thank you and i hope you like this!
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
Alastor has watched you splash your martini all over Angel's face so many times this week, he's almost certain the star is provoking you on purpose just for a free drink.
In the short time he's come to know him, he's learned that if there's one thing Angel Dust is good at—besides looking pretty on film—it's that he can be absolutely shameless.
Alastor remembers, with a twinge of disgust, that the spider had once told him he came with built in reins. That comment kept him seething for hours.
And now, poor you, having fallen into the trap of his intricate web—the Radio Demon would be laughing if he didn't actually feel slightly bad for you. He knows what it's like to be on the receiving end of those comments, after all.
You, unlike your four-armed friend, have a capacity for shame the likes of which have never been seen before. All hot cheeks and wide eyes, lips pulled into a straight, thin line—embarrassment burns in every corner of your expression.
Though, that's probably why Angel has taken such a liking to teasing you.
Here he is again, crawling over the bar to get into your face as soon as Alastor appears in the room. His voice is low and melodic, so quiet the Overlord can't quite make out the words until—
"Look, hun. Your prince charming!"
Alastor raises a brow as he takes his seat next to you at the bar, setting down his newspaper.
"What was that?" He asks, eyes flickering between you and a coy-looking Angel Dust.
"Oh, nothin'. That right, sugar?"
You look nothing but utterly defeated, martini forgotten and abandoned. "Angel..." you mutter in warning. The spider only shrugs and gives you a toothy little grin.
"Hey Smiles," Angel suddenly grabs you by the cheeks and turns your face to look in Alastor's direction. You only blink at each other in surprise. "Cute, eh?"
You quickly smack his hand away from you, swivelling around to glare. "Quit it!"
Angel puts his hands up in mock surrender. He huffs, backing off. "Okay, okay! Fine! You two are unbelievable."
With that, he stalks off to bother Husk instead. You sigh in relief, head hitting the bar counter. For a moment, you completely forget that Alastor is still sitting beside you.
"Care to explain?"
He watches as you nearly jolt out of your skin, amused at how flustered you are from a little teasing. It's rather cute.
"It's nothing!" You sputter, waving your arms around in panic.
But you can't fool Alastor. Not anymore.
It hadn't clicked before—that perhaps there was some merit behind Angel Dust's words. He had gotten so used to empty threats of sexual advances that he had ruled out the possibility that the star was being a little serious for once.
He wasn't exactly subtle, always jumping on the opportunity to make your cheeks burn whenever the Radio Demon was around.
"It didn't sound like nothing," he sings, leaning in closer to you so he can gauge your reaction.
As expected, you nearly leap away from him when he suddenly invades your personal space. He snickers.
"Not you too..." you groan.
"Why, I didn't know you had such a crush on me, darling~"
"You're the worst."
"Ah, and I suppose that's why our dear friend has been teasing you about me all this time? Because I'm the worst, and you hate me?"
He's getting entirely too close. His face is nearly touching yours.
You stare at him in bewilderment, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. Finally, you manage to stammer out a weak retort.
"You should butt out of other people's business."
"It sounds like it's about to be my business, dear. You know, if you liked me so much, you could have just told me instead of Angel Dust."
"I preferred it when you were just a regular asshole, and not a cocky one!"
"Oh, how you wound me~"
"Shut up!"
taglist: @the-lake-is-calling @dragons-and-dwarves-are-nice @averylonelysea @bri22222 @cxrsedwxrlds @amarokofficial @anae-naea-zacheria @for-hearthand-home @fantasy-is-best @angixyc @th3-st4r-gur1 @i-am-nonbinary-bean-deal-with-it @dilemmaiscool @concentratedconcrete @squiword7 @clarakainda
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weneeya · 7 months
hiiii admin ♡
i love your clingy bf!gojo series !! how would jjk men react to someone hitting on you? thank you for considering, love ya <3
someone is hitting on you w/ jjk men m.list | rules
note. hii!! thank you sm, I'm glad you love it aaaa I hope you will enjoy this one too! love ya too <3
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Gojo Satoru 
he’s clingy, all the time, so it’s hard for anyone to hit on you 
but if he saw anyone hitting on you? oh lord 
he’s going almost feral
Satoru was looking at you from afar, his hands almost shaking. Who was the asshole, who dared talking with you like this? Didn’t he know that you were taken? You were his girlfriend, his lover, and everybody was aware of that. 
You were a bit uncomfortable, trying to deny him softly without being too aggressive. It wasn’t your type at all. But Satoru wasn’t as soft as you. Before you could realize it, your boyfriend was next to you, his arm around your waist. He raised an eyebrow, looking over his glasses to look at the stranger with his piercing blue eyes. 
He brought you closer to him, almost to confirm to this man that you were clearly taken and not interested by him. He said sorry right after he saw Satoru’s gaze, leaving as quickly as he arrived. You turned your head to look at your boyfriend, who was looking at you with a smile on his lips. 
“What?” he said, like nothing happened. You rolled your eyes, hitting him slightly on the shoulder. “You’re an idiot,” your reaction made him giggled before he left a kiss on your cheek. Nobody messed with the strongest sorcerer, and especially not with his lover. 
Geto Suguru
he’s not worried at all, of course 
but he’s not going to stay without doing anything 
he’s subtile but protective 
You were waiting for Suguru outside of the building where he was supposed to join you soon. You were on your own, a bit nervous; and you were right. A man arrived close to you, resting on the wall next to you. He started to talk to you while you were trying to ignore him. He wanted your number, but you weren’t answering at any of his words. 
Suguru arrived when the man was almost shouting at you so you would answer him. He arrived next to you, leaving a kiss on your cheek like that stranger wasn’t there. 
“Sorry sweetheart, I’m late,” he said, before looking at the man. He tilted his head to the side, acting all innocent. “You needed something?” the stranger cleared his throat, a bit ashamed that he almost got caught. Suguru watched him as he left, still smiling all innocently. 
“Thank you Suguru,” you said as you looked at him with a slight smile. He left a peck on your temple, putting his arm around your shoulders. 
Nanami Kento 
he knows you’re strong enough to defend yourself
but he doesn’t like to see man close to you
he’s protective, more than anything 
You were engaged to Kento, and you were the happiest woman on Earth. Your soon-to-be husband had been on a mission for a few days, leaving you alone at Jujutsu Tech as you were a teacher there. A new teacher just arrived a few weeks ago, and he was clearly interested in you. He wasn’t really discreet about it, especially now that Kento was on a mission. 
He was currently talking to you, as you were trying to let him understand that you weren’t interested at all. He wasn’t listening to you, trying to get your number by anyways. Sadly for him, the sorcerer just came back from his mission and he was searching for you. 
Kento arrived close to both of you, crossing his arms as he was looking at the teacher from behind his glasses. He slowly raised an eyebrow, clearly annoyed by what was happening. 
“Do you need something from my wife?” he asked as the teacher almost choked on his own saliva. He quickly shook his head, before pretexting to be busy so he needed to leave. You turned your head to look at Kento, a soft smile appearing on your lips. 
“Maybe I should be hit on more frequently,” you said as Kento sighed slightly. You were strong enough to defend yourself, but you were too amused by seeing Kento being jealous and possessive. 
Toji Fushiguro
he’s the type to don’t care, or at least it seems like it 
he’s watching at scene in silence, waiting to see what would happen
but he’s scary, and you’re his 
You were dancing at the club, as Toji was waiting for you from a bit afar. He was still looking at you anyway, keeping his eyes on you as you were enjoying yourself on the dancefloor. His arms were crossed, and he sighed slightly as he was starting to get bored. 
Until a man arrived closer to you, to dance with you. He slowly raised an eyebrow as he saw the stranger dancing way too close from your body. He was almost rubbing himself against you, even if you were trying to push him away with all your sweetness. 
Toji arrived behind him, resting a hand on his shoulder. The man turned around, ready to fight against this figure behind him ; until he faced Toji. The man was huge and his dark gaze was piercing through the stranger’s skin. “Leave her alone,” he said with no hesitation. The man needed only a few seconds to run away from you, not even saying a word. 
You turned around to look at your boyfriend, and you sighed in relief when you saw it was him. He decided to stay with you for the rest of the night, just in case. You were his, and he wasn’t going to let anyone think otherwise. 
Itadori Yuuji
the boy is too soft for his own good 
when he saw someone hitting on you, he’s not even worried for a second 
he trusts you with all his heart
You were peacefully sitting at a cafe, waiting for your boyfriend who left to grab your order. You were scrolling on your phone when you saw a shadow next to you. You turned your head to look at the figure, thinking it was Yuuji, and you were surprised to see another man that you didn’t know. He was clearly hitting on you, trying to get your number as you were telling him that you weren’t interested because you had a boyfriend. Apparently, the stranger didn’t seem to care at all, as he was insisting. 
Yuuji came back after a few moments, your two drinks between his hands and a huge smile on his lips. “Here’s your chocolate, love!” he said before he sat back in front of you. It took him a second to realize that there was someone else, his eyes meeting the stranger's. 
“You needed something?” he asked, tilting his head on the side. The man suddenly seemed a bit uncomfortable and, after finding an excuse, he quickly left. Yuuji didn’t understand what just happened as he looked back at you, frowning slightly. You couldn’t help but to laugh softly at his reaction. He was so pure, and you loved him so much. 
Megumi Fushiguro
the boy is insecure 
he’s looking at you from afar without saying anything
he’s just waiting for you to come back
When he saw you talking with this other student who was clearly hitting on you, Megumi felt a bit hurt. He was always thinking that he wasn’t enough for you, and seeing you being oblivious about it was maybe even worse. 
When you finally came back to him, something seemed a bit off. You were worried, and you started to get it from him, but he wasn’t answering, acting like nothing was wrong. After a few moments, while you were leaving to get home, your boyfriend finally told you the problem. 
“Maybe you’re more interested in him, than in me,” he finally admitted, and you couldn’t believe it. You stopped while working, grabbing his hands so he would look at you. 
“Megumi, sweetie, I’m sorry! It’s nothing like that, I love you more than anything!” You quickly came closer to him, hugging him tightly as you were scared that you hurt him too much. He rested his hand on your back, rubbing it slowly as a slight smile appeared on his lips. 
“It’s okay, it’s fine,” he finally reassured you. Maybe he was overthinking, as always, but seeing you being so sweet was easing his heart in a second. 
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I love those requests, thank you sm!! I'm becoming a jjk account but it's fine for me lmao
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miniimight · 10 months
Hiiii idk if you’re doing requests rn but I just ADORE how you write Izuku and katsuki like omg-
Anyways- my meds are causing me some crazy nightmares lately and I was wondering how they would handle you waking up from a nightmare???
If you don’t take requests then forget this ever happened :’)
Have a nice day byeeeeee!!!
NIGHTMARES you wake up in a start and wake them up in the process
with izuku & katsuki
notes guys i know ive been away for way too long im so sorry!!! :( i'm in the process of moving so it's stressful T-T thanks for the request, anon, hope those nightmares got/get better :( <3
it was so vivid. your mind sunk into an alternate reality that captured all your senses. you felt yourself spiraling deeper and deeper, faster and faster—
your body jolted upright with a breathless yell and a sharp gasp, the world stilling for a mere second...
and then you leaned over your knees, your lungs racing to catch up with your need for oxygen. your chest felt tight and you squeezed your eyes, remembering that your boyfriend was laying peacefully beside you.
you peeked to your side and found him staring right back—wide, bright eyes piercing into your own—sending a shock through your body.
"god, izuku, you scared me—" you sighed, your hand pressing on your stomach as if that would make the uneasy feeling disappear.
"i scared you?" he sat up further, scooching closer to your side. "you scared me, angel. are you okay? you're out of breath, honey. let's do it together, okay?"
you whimpered softly as you tried to follow his guide. izuku could tell you were in distress and it took everything to stop himself from overwhelming you with questions. he just laced his fingers with yours and squeezed.
"good job, honey." izuku praised you ever-so-softly, rubbing your back soothingly. "feeling a bit better?"
you nodded, frowning. "m'sorry for waking you—"
"angel." he whined, letting his eyes do all the talking. "don't do that! please, don't do that." he actually sounded offended.
you looked away from him, your throat hurting from holding back tears. "it's been happening all the time, though, and you need your rest. maybe i should take the guest room?" you were more talking to yourself than anything, but izuku refused to let you entertain such an idea.
izuku's shoulders slumped, the shock fading as drowsiness began to overtake him. he smiled lazily, fighting a yawn. "y/n, even if i knew you would wake me up every night for the rest of time, i'd still choose to be here beside you."
you turned to face him, the horror of your nightmare slowly fading to the back of your mind. "really?"
"really." he confirmed.
you smiled, letting your head rest on your knees as you stared at him lovingly.
the rustle of sheets and whistle of wind reminded the both of you that it was indeed the middle of the night. izuku tugged you closer by your waist, pulling you back onto the bed. he groaned softly, stretching a little before he relaxed against you. "did you wanna talk about it?"
you pursed your lips. curling into his embrace, you immediately felt warmer. "...not right now."
he kissed your forehead. "don't worry, i'll always be right here to protect you from anything your head throws at you. you just tell me and let me at 'em." he kissed you again before wrapping both arms around you.
his steady breathing and soft snores brought a fond smile to your face. you found yourself falling asleep despite the night's events.
you both stared at each other for a good few seconds before you spoke up.
"sorry for waking you," you mumbled, still having trouble managing your breathing. you turned away from him, pressing your palms into your eyes.
"no," he whispered with a softness reserved for you only. "you didn't wake me."
you stared at him through the darkness and could see him so clearly. "katsuki—"
"shh, it's okay, baby." he gave you a soft smile, once again reassuring you. "come 'ere."
you sniffed as you inched closer. katsuki gently took your arm and pulled you the rest of the way right into his arms. his hand fell to your waist, tracing little shapes and lines as he allowed you time.
"wanna talk about it?" he asked.
you shook your head.
"okay." he squeezed your shoulder, kissing your cheek. he figured you'd tell him when you were ready—the last thing he wanted to do was stress you out even more. it was hard, not to get all the answers on what was bothering was you... it was in his nature to want to make all your problems go away. "what do you need?"
you hand wound around his torso, hugging him back. "um..." you shuddered as you breathed in. "just you."
he smiled against your skin. "yeah? promise you're not holding back on me?"
you giggled. "yes."
"cuz you know i'd do literally anything—"
you sat up slightly, turning to face him with a swat to his chest. your face burned and it was a struggle to recall the images of your nightmare. "katsuki! oh my god."
"what?" he scrunched his nose. his eyes never left you. "it's true."
you returned to your spot between his arm. "just you."
"whatever you say." he pressed his lips to your temple before he got comfy. he sighed. "goodnight, pretty. wake me when those stupid nightmares bug you again, okay?"
your heart fluttered and your smile grew out of your control. "okay."
© miniimight ! thanks for reading <3
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matriarchjojo · 10 months
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starring! : mikey + fem!reader, and kazutora, draken, baji, chifuyu
warnings! : exhibition, sex tape, fingering, finger sucking, choking, FWB, college!AU, basically cheating? (draken), squirting, implied gangbang at the end, readers skin color is not mentioned, mdni, not proofread
summary! : mikey invited the boys to a movie night, but as he was gone to pick you up, they accidentally stumbled opon a camera.
"Movie night gone right" pt.2
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Right after mikeys bike engine roared from outside and slowly got more silent until it was completely gone, the guys just sat on mikeys couch and on the floor, bored.
Kazutora sat down on the floor with one of mikeys pillows and suddenly spotted a video camera, obviously from the late 2000s and a bright smile beamed on his face as he took it in his hands.
"Look what I found, guys" he announced opening the display of the cam "why would mikey have that?" Draken asked himself outloud with a raised eyebrow, to which kazutora shrugged "I dunno but I'm dying to see what he filmed on this."
Chifuyu looked a bit uncomfortable with that idea "I don't know man, maybe there's some personal shit on there" baji just scoffed, "then I just wanna see it more" he laughed. Kazutora looked at draken to see if he wanted to he it too.
Draken sighed and stretched his arms "sure, why not."
Kazutora and baji then cheered before baji encouraged him to connect the camera with the TV, which he had some trouble with since he didn't find the cable at first for it, but after he did find it he didn't waste a single second to plug it in
A video immediately started of mikeys feet as he walked, before the shot lifted to reveal you in pretty heels and a cute sundress skipping infront of him, mikey giggled behind the camera "cute" he said. You then turned around to which the guys perked up.
"She's still pretty even on a shitty camera" baji mentioned.
The tape continued with you laughing happily and smiling at the camera "you gotta say hi to the camera." Mikey told you, to which you just giggled and then waved your pretty long nailed fingers at the camera "hiiii!"
All of the guys had a tiny smile on their face at your cute gesture.
But then the video stopped, and another started up. It was you again. On mikeys couch, stretching your gorgeous legs while reading a magazine. You were wearing a mini skirt and a crop top, mikey kept filming your legs and the how graceful they looked.
It started to feel like...there was some tension in the air now. Kazutora couldn't take his eyes off the screen, admiring your pretty legs and your gorgeous heels. It was no secret that tora had the miggest crush on you, so seeing this put him in a trance. But it didn't just affect him, of course. you were beautiful and cute, and it was hard not to crush on you at least a little bit. Even draken, though he'd never say it out loud.
"Stop filming my legs!" You playfully complained, closing you magazine and coming over to mikey, who was just giggling behind the camera as you came closer and closer to the camera, but then it shut off. And another video started, it was you kneeling on the floor looking up into the camera with your bright eyes and glossy lips "what?" You giggled, tilting your head. "You're pretty." Mikey said, and then it stopped again.
Chifuyu completely forgot about his feelings from earlier, now just focused on seeing more videos of you being pretty and happy.
Those videos continued, just sweet little snippets of mikey admiring you. They were surprised that mikey was so enamored with you, seeing such an "emotional" side of him was very alien to them. Watching these videos made the guys wonder if you two were a thing and they just didn't know about it.
"Come on, let's stop watchin' em" draken announced, waving his hand. But kazutora protested "just one more!" And before anyone could object he let the next one play.
This time you were in mikeys room again with you sitting on his couch as Mikey supposedly laid down on his bed. You were watching some show until you noticed mikey filming you again.
You smiled "what?" You asked cutely, "waiting for a performance" he casually said.
Draken and baji raised a curious eyebrow, "performance?" Baji asked, to which tora hushed him.
You giggled and turned your upper body to him, you smiled a little shyly then rolled your eyes "really? Again?" Assumingly mikey just nodded at your question.
At this point, the guys didn't see anything too weird about these videos until..
You suddenly grabbed the hem of your tank top and lifted it over your tits to flash the camera.
Kazutora and chifuyu let out an audible gasp, draken choked on his drink and bajis jaw just dropped in absolute shock.
"OKAY, OKAY TURN IT OFF!" Chifuyu yelled, pulling his arm over his eyes to shield himself from this privacy invasion. "NO WAY!!" Tora and baji yelled. They both should feel more disgusted or discomfort at you and mikey being.."intimate," but they were too focused on finally seeing your perky tits that teased them for years now.
The video continued and they could hear mikey giggle before the next video started. It was you again with your head on mikeys thigh as you were seated between them on the floor, and he was sitting on the couch, your beautiful eyes looked up into the camera. Your nails pressed softly into mikeys thigh as you tilted your head, then without a single word, mikeys hand cane down to caress your flushed cheek.
It was a cute and innocent enough gesture, until his thumb started caressing your bottom lip and you slowly opened your mouth to suck on it sensually.
"Fuck, she's like a pornstar.." kazutora mentioned, absolutely enamored with how pretty and sexy you looked doing such slutty activities. "She fuckin' does.." baji agreed, leaning more closely to the screen from his seat on the couch.
The video cut, and another immediately started.
This one just immediately started with your pretty moans and your face twisted in pleasure. It didn't take kazutora a second to get rock hard, and it wasn't any different for draken, baji or chifuyu. Hard as fuck.
"What a good girl.." Mikey said behind the camera as it panned down to reveal mikey's fingers slowly sliding in and out of your wet cunt, making obscene and sinful noises. Your clit looked so swollen, kazutora almost wanted to lick the screen.
You moaned so prettily again and you spread your legs further for mikey to get better access. His Fingers sped up and so did the wet squelching noises, your moans got more high pitched and louder "that's it." Mikey encouraged "cum for me.." your hips bucked into his touch as your eyes slightly rolled back and your bottom lip got caught between your teeth.
Baji gripped the blanked next to him, imagining how soft your skin would feel against his own, how tight your pussy would feel around his fingers.
Draken had his fingers on his temple, pretending to not like what he was seeing, and he shouldn't. Especially since he had a girlfriend. But fuck he's just a guy, and you're getting fingers by his best friend. Letting out the prettiest noises he'd ever heard..
Your head tipped back and you covered your mouth as a sticky liquid squirted out of your weeping cunt. "Fuck yeah..good girl, good girl" mikey huffed, fingering you even faster.
Chifuyu gasped as he gripped the pillow impossibly tighter over his crotch, he'd seen a lot of porn but none of them were as good as what he was seeing right there, right now. You were so pretty and he felt like he would die if he didn't jerk off right now.
Kazutora bit his bottom lip desperately as he imagined what your hot and sticky fluids would taste like, he wanted to put his mouth on you so bad, he wanted to make you squirm and cry out as you grip his hair and grind your pussy on his face..
The video cut off again and then mikey was seen with you in a shot, it was assumingly propped up somewhere.
You were getting fucked sideways by mikey as his hands were on your thigh, holding it up, and on your tit as he was sucking on your nipple. "Mikey!" You moaned as your tits bounced with every thrust, the guys could see the bed completely soaked beneath you two "p-please- I can't anymore~" you whined. Mikeys hand gripped your thigh harder "fuck yeah, you can..just one more" the kissed your collarbone "fr' me.." he begged before going right back to suck on your tiddy.
Kazutora almost moaned when you turned your head to the camera eyes closed in bliss as his friend fucked you senseless.
Your moans got louder and baji could swear his mouth was filling up with drool, looking at your tits bounce and your cunt being fucked.
Mikey lifted himself up and put his hand on your throat, drakens eyes widened as you whimpered at this filthy action, his jeans felt so uncomfortably tight due to his painful erection straining against them. He couldn't contain his thoughts anymore, he would fuck you so hard with his big hand on your tiny throat.
Mikey thrusts become sloppy and harder as your moans suddenly stuttered. You were about to cum.
The men were so focused on the screen, awaiting your orgasm.
"We're hereee" mikey announced and the guys all jolted awake from their pussy trance and kazutora hastily and panicked and ripped the cable out of the TV, feeling his heart beat out of his throat when he saw your pretty self standing next to mikey after he just watched you getting fucked by him.
It didn't take long for mikey to see the guys all flushed hiding their crotches and, of course, the video cam.
Mikey just casually chuckled "they found our tapes" to which you gasped and looked at the man next to you "...the tapes?"
You looked back at the men, avoiding eye contact with you or mikey.
Mikey then looked at you and gave you a soft pat on your ass before you shyly bit your lip and walked over to the bed, you sat down...and spread your legs just enough for them to see you not wearing any panties...
Kazutora and chifuyu were about to have a heart attack with how fast their hearts were beating, baji felt like he was burning hot, he never felt this horny..
Draken really, really tried to not look at you or your half exposed pussy. But he did see it and then couldn't tear his eyes away from it.
"Did you like them..?" You suddenly asked, spreading your legs more as Mikey just grinned.
You looked at the camera and then back at the boys "maybe.." you lifted your skirt, exposing your naked cunt to them. "We could make a featured film.." kazutora kneeled and looked like a starved puppy, with his tongue almost hanging out of his mouth and his eyes wide open.
Someone would have to hold baji back if he got any hornier, cause he was about to just jump on you and ravage you.
"I can film everything" mikey said with a smug grin.
Was this planned?
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forlix · 10 months
‧ ❆ ˚ 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 (besides myself)・l.f.
— you spend three years loving him, six months losing him, and four hours waiting for him to get the hell out of your house. but the human heart is more stubborn than you know.
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pairing・lee felix x gn!reader
genres・babysitter!au, girldad!lix, nobody look at me, toothrotting fluff, more angst than originally intended tbh, exes to lovers, hurt/comfort, happy ending yayyy, non-linear storyline
warnings・cousin has a korean name and experiences one (1) minor head bump, mc is temporarily heartbroken and experiences one (1) breakdown
playlist・house song by searows・glad by tori kelly・let's pretend by del water gap・you were good to me by jeremy zucker
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a/n・hiiii my loves, i'm so unbelievably excited to bring u my first contribution to my and @astraystayyh's collaboration, "winter falls" ♡ every time i write for our ray of sunshine i'm reminded of how thankful i am to love him. this fic ruined me. hope it does the same to you (smile)
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I. everything
“One day,” you muttered to the toddler sitting on your shoulders, “you’ll experience something deeply, irreversibly humbling, and I’ll be there to witness your downfall.”
Byeol responded to this with an unbothered babble. She then gathered two handfuls of your hair and yanked using far too much force to be biologically possible.
You folded like a lawn chair. “Mother—!”
Oh, that word was not suitable for button-sized ears.
“—oh, my dear mother, why? Why me?”
Technically speaking, your aunt should’ve been the target of your lamentations, but all she did was produce the child presently steering you around the kitchen like you were her own personal bumper car. Your own mother was the one who volunteered you to watch said child during the first weekend of your winter break. Only for an hour until the babysitter arrives, she’d said (raising her voice, so as to be heard over your groaning).
You adored Byeol. She made scarily accurate chipmunk sounds and possessed an immobilizing fear of grapes. She bust out a dance move before she took her first steps. The girl could have you floored with laughter without being able to say more than three words at a time. Still, this was far from how you imagined onsetting your desperately-needed few weeks off. Not to mention it was now half past three; your shift should’ve ended two minutes ago.
As if on cue, the doorbell rang. Byeol emitted an excited onomatopoeia like a golden retriever detecting the mailman. Your reaction wasn’t too far off; you swiveled your head in the sound’s direction, sang out “coming!” in a delighted vibrato, and twirled into the foyer, your hands around Byeol’s ankles anchoring her in place.
You cracked open the door and found yourself face-to-face with Byeol’s babysitter. The freckles scattered across his high cheekbones and sloping nose seemed to you like they were imprinted by the sun itself. His hair was dark, falling just shy of pitch black, and long, ending an inch or so below pierced ears. A few misbehaving strands rested over his forehead but did little to obstruct your view of his eyes: profoundly brown and pointed at either end, like poinsettia petals.
He was the most beautiful man you’d ever seen. You felt your skin warm, your heart flip. You opened your mouth. 
Then Byeol hit her head against the vertical edge of the front door, loud enough for it to echo.
The panic that seized you in that moment was truly unlike anything you’d experienced before. You caught one glimpse of the stranger’s expression (as mortified as you expected), and then you were seeing your own epitaph on the inside of your eyelids, engraved with the four words “Death by Furious Aunt.”
“Was that—?” The man sputtered, and his voice was rich and full and accented and just as breathtaking as the rest of him and holy fucking shit now was not the time.
“My fucking god,” you whispered, completely forgetting to watch your mouth. In a hurry, you swung Byeol off your shoulders and dropped to a knee. You leaned in close to examine her reddening forehead and cradled the plush of her cheek; she blinked at you a few times, fascinated by the sudden sight of your face again.
“You okay, Byeollie? That hurt a lot, didn’t it? I’m so, so sorr—”
Byeol started to laugh.
Not laugh as in those little chuckles she let out randomly, like there was something inherently amusing about the kitchen cupboard, but laugh as in a boisterous, resounding guffaw, like a great-uncle at a family gathering off one too many martinis.
This rendered you speechless for the second time in under a minute. Then, you lifted your other hand to cradle her other cheek, her face now sandwiched between your palms, and squeezed.
“I broke my cousin,” you whispered, your voice was so deathly serious that the man in the doorway had to stifle a laugh of his own.
His knee brushed against your shin as he sat down to your left, folding his legs into a criss-cross. You could discern notes of lavender and orange blossoms in the delicate cologne that clung to him, perforated the air and your mind both.
“Can I?” He asked.
Carefully, you shifted Byeol’s small frame towards him; the manner in which he accepted her was so smooth and practiced that there was no doubt in your mind you were watching a professional at work. He settled her on his right knee, then dipped his head to look her in the eye.
“Hi, princess,” he cooed with a dulcet smile. He curved his pointer finger, dusted it beneath her chin. “Why are you laughing, silly girl?”
You might just continue your lineage after all.
“Y/N-ie,” she answered, still tittering.
He looked to you with a slight tilt to his head, and you nodded affirmatively. He murmured a quiet ah. “What about Y/N-ie?”
Somehow you sensed that she was about to embarrass you and pinched the bridge of your nose—in preparation.
“P-pretty.” I knew it!
The man let out the laugh he’d been holding back since earlier and tapped on her button nose, lowered his voice to a whisper that he knew you could hear.
“I agree.” His eye glinted playfully, matching his tone. “And so are you.” The bashful, high-pitched giggle she responded with sounded eerily similar to your inner monologue.
The two of you spent a little longer on the floor of the foyer making sure Byeol was okay, and then the girl upped and made a mad dash for the kitchen while yelling something about a horse, and if that didn’t confirm that she was completely fine (albeit incredibly strange) you didn’t know what would. You found her rolling around the carpet in the room adjacent to the kitchen and left her to her own devices while you and her babysitter fixed up a small fruit plate for her afternoon snack. No grapes, of course.
He told you he usually went by Felix, but that his Korean name was probably easier for Byeol to pronounce, with its easier consonants and whatnot. You asked which name he preferred, and he said either or. He was a recent college graduate, a year older than you, who was determined to spend at least the next two years doing nothing but working out his future. He accepted the part-time babysitting position to pick up some light cash in the process.
“And ‘cause I’m good with kids,” he added, splitting apart a tangerine. “So I’ve been told.”
“Oh, you definitely are,” you said, plating a couple blueberries. “You melted her earlier.”
“She melted me. She’s so cute. And you’re so cute with her—I didn’t realize I was robbing someone of their job.”
You turned your head to regard the tot and let out a helpless laugh. Byeol tired of being a human lint roller a few minutes ago and had since moved on to staring aimlessly out the window.
“She doesn’t take me seriously, and I can’t stay mad at her,” you mused. “I would be a nightmare as her babysitter, trust me. She’s all yours.”
Felix held out two overturned handfuls of tangerine slices, to which you quickly moved the platter across the counter. He didn’t respond to your comments as he placed them on the outermost edge so that they looked like rays of sun emanating from a multicolored core. Adorable.
“Will you be around much, then?”
You made eye contact with him across the counter. On his perfect face was a teasing smirk and a subtle blush. Ah, you’d been mistaken, writing off his silence as concentration—he’d been contemplating how to best flirt with you.
“Y’know. In case I need any help teaching her cuss words,” he appended.
It was then your turn to flush a couple shades darker. “Please don’t tell her mom.”
“I won’t, I won’t.” He walked around the perimeter of the counter until he was directly in front of you; the lavender and orange blossoms returned. “On one condition.”
Not even one hour on the job and he was already trying to blackmail you? You respected it. “Which is?”
As he shifted some of his weight onto the counter, something too shifted in his smile, giving it a quality that was every bit as hopeful as it was gentle.
It was then, while Lee Felix was looking at you like that, all dilated pupils and long lashes, when you predicted that he would one day break your heart. You predicted you’d let him.
“Be around,” he said simply.
It wasn’t a question or a demand. In hindsight, you think it was more akin to a birthday wish, ill-fated the moment it hit the air.
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II. has changed
Felix pulled Byeol’s hood up and over her ears, and you realized he was right about the winter coat getting too small for her—she looked like a bowling pin. You muffled your snort into your scarf.
“And what was the last rule again?” He asked, his breath puffing into the frigid afternoon in tiny clouds. Byeol sighed like she knew anything of the world’s woes.
“No barking at other kids,” came the sad reply, but a toothy smile spread across her face anyways when Felix nudged the underside of her chin. She loved when he did that.
“That’s my girl,” he hummed. “I believe in you.”
“I’ll believe it when I see it,” you said, and the wounded look Felix shot you was like you’d just confessed to hating kittens. “Come on—she doesn’t have a good track record. I’m allowed to have my doubts.”
“I dunno what that means,” Byeol announced with admirable frankness, and then turned around and scurried down the porch stairs, scattering fun-sized footprints across the snowy streets.
As you braced yourself to follow her, Felix stopped you with a slip of his hand into the pocket of your puffer. His fingers first aligned with yours inside the insulated nylon, then chased the spaces in between. He leaned in close, placed a kiss on the apple of your cheek, another on the corner of your mouth. This brought a helpless smile to your face, too. He had a way of melting you and Byeol both.
“It’ll be fine,” he soothed. “A little barking never hurt anybody, baby.”
“Lix, last time somebody called animal control.”
“Ermm—a little barking never hurt most people.”
That winter, Byeol was four, and your relationship with Felix was about to turn two.
Funnily enough, you’d never figured out when your anniversary actually was. Felix wagered it was the day you met, as he knew he loved you the instant he saw you; you insisted it was months later, since it took both of you an entire winter break of open-ended flirting and informal dating to label yourselves for real. Imagine your horror when he showed up outside your college apartment on the last day of your fall semester, arms overflowing with flowers and gift bags brimming with your favorite things, the phrase “happy anniversary” on his lips three months before you perceived it to be. You’ve celebrated both days ever since.
You loved the ocean growing up. You didn’t get to visit it often, but when you did you would run up to the water’s very edge so that your toes dipped into the cold—and just stand there, observing, absorbing, until even the seam of your lips and the ends of your eyelashes were studded with crystals of seasalt. You found endless tranquility in its rhythmic whispers and unspeakable comfort in its oscillating waves, guaranteed to return after momentary departure.
Your fascination stemmed from the folktale your mother used to read to you before bed, about a sun goddess creating the earth. In the story, every component of nature was one of the sun’s beloved children. She allegedly loved them all, but you suspected the ocean was her favorite; it was obvious, the way she twinkled off its ebbing surface, the way every minuscule spot of light looked to you like a handprint of hers, left behind by eons of endless doting.
Felix reminded you of the ocean. Every day you grew more certain that you wanted to drown in him, to let his resonant voice and kind eyes sweep and keep you inside his depths. It was never salt that he pressed into your skin but warmth, stamped and sealed with caring hands and cautious lips. His deep whispers promised eternal love and temporary ecstasy and everything in between. You knew he would come back to you even if stranded in a different realm. And there was no questioning the goddess’ favoritism, either. The freckles on his face mirrored the sun’s very spots like an homage to his creator.
You didn’t love the ocean growing up, no. You had never loved before Felix.
The park was busy when the three of you arrived. Byeol and Felix recognized a few families as your aunt’s neighbors and hurried over to say hello. Your social butterflies. 
“I’ll be over there,” you called after them.
Felix stopped in his tracks, looked over his shoulder. It had started snowing lightly on your walk there, and snowflakes now sat atop his sable locks. He looked like a painting. “You okay?”
“Yes, yes.” You shooed them off. “Don’t worry about me. Go have fun.” 
With that, you withdrew to the sidelines, an unoccupied swingset adjacent to a baseball diamond covered in frost. 
Your baby cousin was brawny for her age, which you could’ve seen coming with how she was hauling at your hair two years ago, but even she couldn’t yet terrorize the playground without assistance. Who better to make her partner in crime than her favorite Bokkie? You couldn’t help but giggle as the two revolved around each other for the better part of an hour, Byeol’s smile colossal as she frolicked every which way, Felix’s smile worried but hopelessly endeared as he followed behind. He never let her leave his shadow. She never tried to.
It was there on those icy swings that you experienced a moment of strange clarity, like you’d broken the fourth wall of your own story. You could feel the winds of change blowing your hair across your shoulders. You were aware of time’s trickling from the gaps of your fingers like liquid mercury.
Your laughter dissipated to a bittersweet smile; your smile mellowed to dewy eyes. It seemed like just yesterday when Byeol was small enough to sit on your shoulders and Felix stepped into your kitchen for the first time. Now, she was scaling a rope ladder with the celerity of a crazed monkey while Felix hovered a wary hand by her waist. The muted sunlight caught on the silver rings he wore, particularly the thin, bright one on his middle finger. You had one just like it, adorning the same place. 
The last two years were the happiest of your life. Why couldn’t you remember where they went?
Lavender and orange blossoms announced your boyfriend’s arrival—that, and the sigh of fatigue that he expelled as he dropped into the swing next to you.
“I’m not cut out for this anymore.”
Byeol’s neighbor had temporarily relieved Felix of his post by taking her and his son to test out the seesaw, and you wouldn’t be surprised if the whole town could hear her enthusiastic shrieking.
“You know how people walk their dogs?” You mused. “Some dogs walk their people. She’s one of them.”
For a moment, he could only stare in disbelief at the grin creeping across your face; then, he groaned in a way that could only mean you were right on the money. You gave his thigh a sympathetic pat.
“You’re whipped, my love. It’s okay.”
“Maybe a little,” he admitted, suddenly perking up. “Hey, no barking though.”
“Are we considering that a win nowadays?”
“Do you see animal control anywhere?”
“Good point.”
Felix monitored your expression during the quiet interval that ensued—saw through the melancholy curve of your lips, the pensive slant of your gaze. There was a red tinge to the whites of your eyes that hadn’t been there before.
You saw him reach for you in your periphery. His fingers brushed a lock of hair behind the shell of your ear, remained there for three slow heartbeats, and then lifted away.
“Angel,” he murmured. “Talk to me.”
You shook your head. “It’s silly.”
“It’s not.” Not even ten seconds after the last time, he reached for you again, now to take your hand and bring it to his lap. “You know it’s not.”
“It’s just that—”
Felix thumbed over the ridges of your knuckles, his touch so gentle that it could’ve unraveled a chrysalis; it certainly unraveled you. You took a stabilizing breath.
“I wish could recognize my own happiness in the moment,” you sighed, “not just in retrospect. That way, even when it comes to an end, I’d still be able to look back and say with confidence that I was happy once. I’d like that, I think.”
His brows knit together as he processed your words, and, the next thing you knew, he left his swing trembling in his sudden absence and his trenchcoat became a black blur in the cold air.
Felix rested his elbows atop your knees as he knelt in front of you, cradled your face in his hands. He was achingly beautiful always, but you truly felt your breath swiped from your lungs at the new proximity of his ethereal features: petal-shaped eyes, wind-bitten cheeks, coral cupid’s bow. A painting.
“That’s easy enough,” Felix hummed. “How do you feel right now?”
You had zero agency in the smile this brought to your face. You wrapped your hands around his wrists, your answer quick, thoughtless. “Happy.”
He pressed his lips to the space between your eyes. “And now?”
He pressed his lips to the curve of your jaw. “What about now?” 
“Even happier.”
His gaze flickered to his final destination, but you beat him to it, sealing your mouth against his with urgency. The kiss that followed was so intensely loving that your head went fuzzy. How was it that you felt his adoration for you even in his pliant lips, his velvet tongue? You ran your fingers through the part of his hair. You loved when you could feel the locks flutter back into place afterwards.
You and Felix pulled away from one another, wearing matching expressions of bewilderment. Byeol was approximately five Newtons away from soaring off into the stratosphere, her legs jostling around as she clung to her seat for dear life. It seemed your neighbor had a very aggressive way of seesaw-maneuvering. It seemed your cousin had a very aggressive vocabulary.
“Where did she learn—?” The two of you began in unison, then shot your heads back towards each other.
“It had to be you.”
“Outrageous—you’re the Australian here!”
“You cuss like one too!”
“Because of you!”
“So we’re just lying now?”
“Well, yes.”
Felix cracked a smile—and then the two of you were dying of laughter, his right eye squinting closed and your forehead thudding onto his shoulder. You hardly managed to get out your next words. “We have to do something about her vernacular, don’t we?”
“Oh, badly,” he replied. “Badly.”
After you expended your giggles, you nuzzled into the crook of his neck, blissful, glowing. “Thank you, baby.”
“What for?”
“Being my happiness.”
He angled your face back to his and kissed you once more, whispering I love you like it wasn’t enough that it graced your ears; he needed it embossed upon your flesh in permanent ink.
Your intermingled breaths floated up into the air like flare signals over a capsizing boat. Here marks the time we were happiest.
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III. (besides myself)
He’s blonde.
That’s the first thing you notice when you see your ex-boyfriend on your aunt’s porch: the slightly off-white color of his silky tresses, grown out longer than you’ve ever seen, pushed off his forehead and tucked behind his ears.
It’s not the only thing you notice, of course. His face has thinned ever so slightly, the shadows thrown over his features by the streetlights behind him particularly opaque. His outfit is glorious, expensive, with the black blazer and white dress shirt, the top two buttons undone, the pendant of a silver necklace resting between toned collarbones. His hands are almost overflowing with what must be gifts for your family. It’s impossible to discern all of them from this distance, but you know the bouquet of white poinsettias is for your mom, the batch of brownies doused in sprinkles and icing for Byeol.
But the hair is where your gaze returns, because tucked among the platinum strands are black roots: millimeters of the color you grew to adore, peeking out as if trying to catch a glimpse of you, too.
You’re so occupied with this game of “I spy” that you don’t notice the rampant footsteps coming up behind you. Your six-year-old cousin collides with the back of your leg head-on and nearly topples you like a bowling pin.
“Is it him?” She asks breathlessly.
You come this close to berating her as you steady yourself against the wall—what did I say about treating human beings like couch cushions? But you look down to see her chin resting on the side of your thigh, her eager eyes shining so brightly that she puts her own namesake to shame. Your scolding tirade dissolves on your tongue like popping candy.
You simply sigh instead. “Yes, but—”
“BOKKIE!” She shrieks, and Felix’s head snap upwards at the sound of her voice. His tender smile melts some of the frost laminating your heart.
You crack open the door, making eye contact with Felix for the first time in six months.
“Put everything down. Quickly,” you whisper, and he obeys right away, alarmed by the urgency in your voice. A wise choice.
The last present has hardly touched down upon the wooden planks when Byeol wriggles through the doorway and charges towards Felix like an angered toro. He swivels at her bright holler of his name, lowers himself to a squat just barely in time to catch her in his embrace. The delighted laugh that leaves his mouth as he staggers backwards sounds like the sun itself; you feel lost in orbit hearing it again.
“Bokkie,” Byeol murmurs, her voice muffled in the dip of his shoulder, by the tightening of her arms around his neck.
“Hi, princess.” He kisses her temple, presses his nose against her hair. “Whoa, you’ve grown strong, haven’t you?”
“She takes taekwondo classes now,” you hum from above, and the shock in his face asks the very question that your poignant smile confirms. Yes, because of you.
Felix pulls away, cocoons her cheeks with cherishing hands. “Is that true?”
She bobs her head. “I want to be like Bokkie.”
And his eyes go impossibly, terribly soft, like he’s gazing at the horizon itself. The sight twists the knife in your gut and yanks on your tangled heartstrings. It’s all because of you.
“And kick some ass!” Byeol adds, knocking you out of your sentimental spiral. You clap a defeated hand to your forehead. Felix falls over himself. So much for fixing her vernacular.
A few minutes later, Byeol is pirouetting towards the kitchen with a couple of Felix’s smaller presents in her arms, all too happy to be of help. You linger behind as Felix takes off his shoes, your cousin’s departure leaving the two of you alone in the dim foyer.
Felix straightens. The two of you come face to face. The air hangs so heavily with unspoken words that you half expect it to start dripping.
“Hi,” he says.
You nearly laugh at the cruelty of it. The man you were certain you’d grow old with greeting you like you’ve been forced to sit next to each other on the first day of school.
“Hi,” you answer. “You look—”
The two of you say this last part in unison; old habits die hard.
“—nice,” you finish.
“—beautiful,” Felix breathes, his eyes flicking off to the side abashedly.
Your throat constricts, pulse quickens. Says you. If he was a painting before, you think he’s a sculpture now, his perfection as tangible as if hand-chiseled by the greatest artists of old. As clear as the sun’s beloved sea. You can’t tell if it’s his stylist’s doing or simply a product of him growing into himself.
“Thank you,” you reply quietly. “And thank you for coming.”
“Thank you for inviting me. I didn’t think you would.”
“I didn’t do it for me.”
No part of you wants to see the subtle wince that crosses his face at your statement, so you turn your gaze to his jewelry-laden hands instead. 
For a split second, you swear you see the same promise ring settled in the same place on his middle finger. You realize what you’re really looking at only after blinking the phosphenes from your eyes: the thin tanline that it left behind. The realization fixes and destroys you all at once.
Then, Byeol starts wailing about Felix’s whereabouts like an actress hired to spare you from this very interaction.
“Her Highness beckons.” The smile you manage feels like drying cement. “Shall we?”
On your way to the kitchen, you notice the cologne emanating from his person smells only of citrus—no lavender. Its absence steadies you, deludes you into believing that it’s a stranger you’ve just let inside.
That illusion lasts for exactly three hours and forty-eight minutes.
It’s clear that the breakup has your family walking on eggshells, but it’s even clearer that their adoration for Felix has never wavered. You’ve never resigned yourself to the restroom so many times in one night, only to stand with your back against the door, unmoving, unfeeling, listening to the low thrum of his voice through the mahogany. Chatting comfortably with your aunt, bursting into laughter with Byeol, reminding you of the time you considered him family too. 
With every glance you toss your reflection, you discover new cracks in your composure. Has he noticed them yet?
After you come out of the restroom for the sixth time, you notice a light spilling from Byeol’s bedroom into the hallway. A low Australian accent graces your ears, followed closely by a tinkling giggle, and your body nudges you towards the sounds before your head can intervene.
You give your cousin’s door a feather-light nudge. It opens a few centimeters more and grants you vision of Byeol tucked into bed, Felix knelt at her side. Both of their faces are illuminated by the flaxen light of the nearby lamp.
Felix brushes her choppy bangs out of her eyes, a teasing smile on his lips. “Can I tell you a secret, princess?”
This wrests from her another fluttering laugh; you swear he’s the only person in the whole world who makes her shy. “Sure!”
“Promise you won’t tell anyone?”
“Not even Snernard.”
“Or Bong.”
“Especially not Trash the chicken. I don’t trust him.”
“I know, I know, I won’t!” Byeol huffs, and Felix laughs at her outburst. You also snort into your sleeve, amused (and deeply perplexed) by your cousin’s plushie-naming conventions.
“Thank you,” he hums, and he lowers his voice enough that you don’t catch the next thing he says.
All you perceive is the way that Byeol reacts. She sits up straight in bed, resting her back against her pillow. Her features rearrange themselves slowly, awfully, like the spread of cherry-flavored cough syrup over one’s sore throat, into the furthest thing from her trademark too-big-for-her-face smile.
Your stomach plummets to your fucking ankle.
“Why?” Her voice sounds microscopic.
“Well, do you remember what Bokkie’s dream job is?”
Byeol considers for a moment. “Being a singer?”
“That’s right.” He runs a knuckle over the hill of her cheek, the action achingly familiar, immensely fond. “And I found a place where I can do that, but it’s very, very far away. I won’t be able to come home very often.”
The telltale signs appear as he speaks; the final word sets them into motion. A tear streaks down the side of Byeol’s face. It hardly leaves the corner of her eye before it’s being intercepted by a doting swipe of his thumb.
“No,” she replies.
“You've grown so much.” Another tear falls. He wipes away that one, too. “You’re growing so well.”
“No,” she repeats.
“You’ve stolen the light of every star in the sky already. The whole galaxy will be yours someday, sweetheart. I know it.”
“I don’t want it,” she whispers. “I want my Bokkie.”
His vision starts to blur also. “But you don’t need me anymore.”
“We do.”
You know the precise moment Felix’s heart pauses in his chest because it is when yours does too.
“We?” He repeats, and she nods.
“Your dream job is being a singer.” Now Byeol is the one to reach for Felix, her delicate hand cupping the curve of his cheek. Her fingers are too small to catch his tears, she tries anyways—
“But what is your dream?”
It becomes too much for you.
You turn around. A choked sob escapes from behind the hand you have sealed to your mouth, causing both heads inside Byeol’s room to whirl in your direction. You don’t care that you nearly break both of your ankles beelining up the stairs; you only care to get the fuck out of that hallway.
You topple into your room, close the door behind you, and crumble.
Your quivering hands find purchase around your folded legs; your eyes squeeze shut against your knees. Rivulets of tears cascade over your shuddering lips like ruptured barrels of wine, left in the cellars of your soul to age, to spoil.
You never wanted your grief to see the light of day. Pouring your regret over every sidewalk wouldn’t change the past. Splashing your heartache across every wall like the world’s most fucked-up mural wouldn’t alleviate the pain of losing him. He was the one who left, but you were the one who’d asked him to. Feeling, yearning, mourning. Those always seemed so futile.
But you’re not just crying in this moment, rocking back and forth on your bedroom floor; you’re bleeding, the wounds you never treated igniting all at once as if exposed to vinegar, leaving you writhing and gasping in their wake. How you wish they’d been able to heal sooner. Maybe then seeing Felix tonight wouldn’t have splintered your soul like dropped porcelain.
Your door clicks open. Your breath hitches in your throat with a quiet scratch. The gulp of oxygen you intake tastes of oranges.
Every night before you fall asleep, you still think of the last time you visited the sea. The cool sand chafing against your toes, the coarse winds slapping your hair against your face hard enough to sting. The weather was terrible (you neglected to check the forecast before making the drive), but when you stepped onto the embittered coastline, you took what felt like the first real breath of your young adulthood. The fog melded to your skin as if melting a blindfold away, showing you the world in its entirety.
You return to that beach when Felix pulls you into his chest, and there’s no fog this time. Just the faint smell of lavender and your ocean, guaranteed to return after momentary departure.
Feverishly, Felix presses his lips to your temple, the apple of your cheek, rests his forehead against yours. Brokenly, he utters, “it’s you.”
You can feel his shaking in every part of him: the tickling breath, the fluttering eyelashes, the unsteady hand that reaches into the pocket of his blazer. You graze your fingers over his jaw, an attempt to steady his careening heart, only to lose yours in the fray also when he produces a small red box of unmistakable dimensions.
“God, it’s you. It always has been, always will be. Anything can change except for this.” His voice disintegrates as he speaks. You disintegrate as you listen. “Everything has changed besides myself.”
Felix leans back in to pepper kisses across the expanse of your wet features, then brings himself to one fated knee. He flicks open the lid. You don’t even spare the ring a glance; you don’t doubt its perfection. All you care to look at is the love of your life, deliquesced to adoration and tearwater.
“Thank you for being around, my dream.” His soft smile tends to your scars like ambrosia. “Will you let me do the same?”
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© 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐱 (est. 090323) · 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤? please consider reblogging, commenting, or sending me an ask to let me know; or, read my other writing here. thanks so much for the support!
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luveline · 10 months
hiiii not sure if your requests are open but if they aren’t just ignore this😭
imagine getting into an argument with james, sirius, and remus because you brought a stray kitten or something home and you really don’t have the room for a kitten
“but look at him🥺”
“… no” *less convincingly*
You hold the kitten in your hand. Remus strokes her head, her little damp ears. “It's not about that, Remus, I just couldn't leave her there, the box was falling apart and… I thought that only happened in movies.” 
Sirius leans forward on his knees to give the kitten a stroke of his own. “She's lovely,” he murmurs, scratching under her chin and grinning when she moves into it for more. “It's too bad the flat's so small. Otherwise we could keep her.” 
She's tortoise shell with a white half circle around her mouth, eyes squinted closed as she shivers. You've wrapped her in a tea towel like a blanket. She is, without a doubt, that cutest and saddest creature you've ever seen. “Where is she supposed to go, Siri?” you ask gently. 
“People love cats.” Sirius puts his hand on Remus' thigh casually, giving it a loving squeeze as he settles in. “Everybody wants a kitten.” 
But not everyone will be nice to a kitten. She feels like your responsibility now; how can you leave her? She's burrowed into you from the moment you picked her up, shushing and murmuring, your knees sodden in the puddle of rainwater beneath you both. 
“We have to keep her, please,” you say. 
There's a mutual surprise. “Dove, we can't,” Remus says. “The bathroom barely fits the toilet, shower, and sink, we'd never be able to have a litter box.” 
“It wouldn't be fair,” Sirius agrees, “on us or the kitten, she'd have no room once she turns into a cat.” 
You bring the kitten close to your chest and show them her helpless face. “But look at her,” you say softly, widening your eyes gently, your brows bunched together in the beginnings of heartbreak. 
“No,” Remus says, shaking his head sympathetically. 
You frown at him and Sirius in turn, your bottom lip jutting out ever so slightly. 
“No,” he says again, sounding unsure. 
Sirius rubs his leg. “Stay strong, my love.” 
“There's just not enough room.” 
You fear you may be losing this battle, and if they really don't want a cat, maybe you shouldn't force them. But then your trump card comes out of the bathroom with a towel around his neck, shirtless, grey joggers low on his hips, and you know you still have a chance. 
“Wow, Jamie,” you say, not having to act very much to give your voice a hoarse rasp, “you might need to shower again.” 
His smile is magnetic. “Yeah?” he asks, immediately delighted by such a brazen comment. “How's the little sweetheart? Reckon we can leave her alone?” 
“She's cold still,” you say.
James visibly melts at your sad tone, while Remus rolls his eyes. “She's just trying to get you on her side, James. I've said we can't keep the cat and she's–” 
“Taking advantage of her feminine wiles?” Sirius suggests. 
“Cheating,” Remus finishes. 
James leans over the back of the sofa between your head and Remus to kiss behind your ear, a brief press of the lips. “Why should I care? Doesn't she deserve her own way?” 
“It's not as though I'm lying,” you say guiltily. 
James laughs and kisses your jaw. You bring your shoulder up to your chin and flush with heat at such a simple thing, trying your hardest not to jostle the kitten in your hand as he wraps an arm around your front, resting his face against yours. The wet curls of his hair are cold on your skin, and the straight line of his jaw digs in. “I know,” he says. 
“Catch on, Jamie,” Remus says. 
“Shan't, won't.” Another kiss to your cheek. 
“Please, Remus, I promise if you don't want her then I won't make you, but if it's about room, of course there's enough. The four of us manage to squeeze in, don't we?” You lean into James’ embrace, eyes melty-soft. You're practically batting your eyelashes at him. 
Sirius flops into Remus’ lap with a resigned sigh. “If you don't say yes, I will anyway. Look at her.” 
You don't know if he means the kitten or you, but you choose to believe it's you he's complimenting, and you react accordingly, your little smile pushing Remus completely over the edge. 
He sighs. “Yes, alright. Fine.” 
You pass James the little warm parcel of fur and use your freshly emptied hands to grab Remus by both arms. “Thank you! Aw, thank you, Remus. Sirius. I'll be so absolutely clean and if it does seem too small I promise, I won't make anyone suffer.” 
“I never thought you would,” he says. “If you really want to keep her, I can't stop you. I'm your boyfriend, not a prison warden.” 
“Well, we share a home–” 
“I know,” he says warmly, “it's alright. Keep your kitten, dove. Looks like you've found her for a reason.” 
You laugh happily and gather him up for a hug. “Oh, I love you.” 
“What shall we name her?” Sirius asks around you. 
“I'm not fussed. What do you like?” James asks. 
Sirius meets your eyes as you and Remus pull apart. “You always get your way, hmm? Why don't you name her?” 
Oh, you could hug him to death too. He looks comfortable where he is, his face on Remus thigh, hair fanned out over his joggers, and you don't want to disturb him (he's not quite as tactile as the others), so you stroke a curl from his cheek and offer him a cheeky smile. “Don't you have any ideas?” you ask. 
“About you, or the cat?” 
You laugh at his teasing. “Which one do you think?” 
Remus nudges you in the ribs. “Don't start. If we're keeping your cat, we need to go out, don't we? You'll have to go get dressed again.”
You give them all a glowing smile and clamber off of the sofa to find your shoes. 
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attleboy · 7 months
I hold you SO SO closed in my handsss,,, I love seeing you in my notifications it's always such an honor and makes my day so much
omg hiiii mushroom!! :D i'm gonna be honest, i've been staring at this trying to figure out how to respond for a while but i am far too flattered to think of a good response! consider me rendered speechless...
anyway, i just hope you know the feeling is mutual and i am also very happy when i see you around!!! i'm going to use this as an excuse to toss some carnival au art your way which you'd enjoy, i hope?? ^-^
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yes this one's based off madagascar 3 which... please don't judge me too hard for that... that movie's iconic (to me at least 😭)
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there's more to these but idk i wasn't feeling it so crops are all i'm giving out
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this one i'll probably still finish but i like how caine looks so here's a sneak peek
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that was all pomni and caine wasn't it uhhh. whoops... here's a couple jax i also like that guy
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and this isn't the carnival au, but it IS showtime and i know you love them... technically a wip but it's gonna take sooo many rendered pages to finish that idk if i'll ever actually get it done so just take this bit
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okay that's it, ty again for stopping by!!!
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aphroditesmoon · 8 months
Hiiii! Love your clarisse oneshots ^^. Could you possibly do one where Fem!reader is the daughter of Hades and has a hellhound as a pet that absolutely adores clarisse? Reader also has a similar personality to clarisse, loves to fight and has a big pride but only lets her guard down around Clarisse.(also possibly has her own electric weapon of your choice)Thank you!!
creatures of the night
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clarisse la rue x fem!hades'cabin!reader
warnings: none
a/n: sorry this is so short, hope u like it<3
wc; 1.1k
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You would never consider your relationship with your father as better than anyone else's relationship with their own parent in camp.
But when you had been claimed by Hades as well as being gifted a long black javelin with gold wrapped around the sharp edge on the same night you arrived at camp Half Blood, it seemed well established to everyone else and including yourself, that your father acknowledges your existence proudly.
Being one of the people in the small list of forbidden children, had created a fearsome reputation around your presence, and honestly speaking, you enjoy the privileges that come with it.
Although it was hard making friends considering your less friendly personality, some campers stuck by your side anyways. Those who bore you enormous respects and had been intrigued by your mysterious air instead of intimidated.
One of them being the infamous child of Ares, Clarisse La Rue.
Beautiful, strong and hot headed, Clarisse La Rue.
The two of you are often compared as the two sides of the same coin. Your personalities differ from eachother in many ways, but when it came to your goals and aims, you both are usually on the same team.
It's safe to say that you are less hostile than Clarisse. You prefer to keep to yourself whilst she prefered to assert dominance onto the other campers. And yet you are the more feared than her.
Clarisse is commonly brutal and unrelenting, but you usually saved up the worst of your tricks for when necessity calls for it. For now, intimidation worked well enough.
What's funny enough, is how Clarisse herself had a certain trepidation when she first befriended you. She learned soon that you were just another demigod girl just like she was, glory aside.
One of the instances where she felt that she had truly seen you as you are, all the facade dropped down, was when you first introduced her to your hound, Cerberus.
Your father had gifted him to you for your 15th birthday. It was one of yoir proudest moments in life. Demigods are almost never cared for that much by their parents, and so to have your coming of age be recognised by your father was a huge thing.
"Is that not the same name as Hades' own three headed hound?" She asked, staring at it for afar from the corner of your bed.
"I know, that's why I named him that." You explained to her as you're sat criss-crossed on the floor, scratching the beasts' chin.
Cerberus, once he deemed Clarisse as not a threat, rolled down on the ground on his stomach.
"Look at him, such a good boy." You were distracted by your new pet all day, ignoring your poor girlfriend who had come over to your cabin to spend time with you. "He's almost as tall as you." Clarisse spoke sarcastically, picking you on your height.
"That's not a fair observation. Most things are almost as tall as me." You responded, still not looking up.
"Are you just gonna keep standing there staring at me?" You asked her finally, realising just how weird the distance between you two were.
Clarisse was hesitant, frowning at your pet like he was some sort of threat. "I...think I'm good here." She muttered loud enough for your ears. "Oh, come on."
Clarisse shook her head as you complained about her irrationality. "Look at him, he's friendly." And he was, Cerberus had warmed up to you quickly and have not shown a single tendency for violence against your girlfriend.
"Come and say hello to him, Clarisse." You called out to her again.
You hear her sigh from the other side of the room. After a few more minutes pass, her footsteps grow louder as she moves nearer to you.
Clarisse squats down to meet Cerberus and flinched as he lifts his head up to sniff her. You reached for her hand, trying to get him to smell it. She pulls her hand back at first, but after a few more pulls, Clarisse relents and lets the hound give her knuckles a lick. "That tickles." She mumbled under her breath.
"He likes you, see." She gives a resigned look, like she's just going along with what you're saying. "No, I'm serious, look at how nice he's acting." You nudged your head towards Cerberus' head, encouraging her to give him a pet
Clarisse braves herself to give him a few strokes on his ears and found that he particularly likes that notion. "I guess he's not that bad." She admitted at last, pulling out a smile from you. "I told you."
"So what is he then? Some sort of guard dog?" She inquires. The gods would gift their children with tools that can be used, never something useless, like a domesticated pet. And from the looks of it, Cerberus is definitely not meant to be a some cute little friend.
"I don't know." You answered honestly.
"It's not like my dad does a lot of talking to me, but he gave me something from the underworld, something that's set as a reminder of him and his place above. I'd like to view it as some sort of stepping stone. Like I'm one step closer to him because of Cerberus."
It's not surprising that your end goal is to follow on your father's footsteps, no one really knows what the real secret to make their godly parent to care about them is.
It is often assumed that glory was the key, and yet, the best fighters in camp a
re usually the ones who resent their parents the most. You often prayed and hoped that you wouldn't ever have to cross that threshold.
"I'm sure he sees it that way too." Clarisse offered kindly. She knew all too well how much it meant to be noticed by their absent fathers, even if so slightly.
She slso knew deep down that even if your father refused to notice the lengths you would be willing to go for him, she did. And she would break the world in two for you if your father wouldn't. And you would do the same for her.
Clarisse leans her back against the lower frame of the bed, a small smile on her face as she watches you scratch the hound's chin whilst kissing the spot in between his eyes.
It is truly rare to catch sight of either daughters of Ares or Hades' being as gentle and playful as this, and Clarisse is grateful that these kind of intimacies are reserved for small private moments.
That same night, as she sleeps with her arms around your waist, Cerberus laying down by the foot of the bed, Clarisse realises that she would do anything for the bond between the two of you to prevail.
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