#hijab costum
veillover19 · 3 months
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She was a reporter just visiting the palace on a fact finding trip when she walked around the corner and found herself facing a spinning disc that made her feel so sleepy...
Now there is a new dancer performing after dinner and she will find herself feeling oddly "sore" when she wakes up tomorrow...
(AI art made with Stable Diffusion)
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larasatin · 8 days
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quotidian-oblivion · 5 months
Me and my irl group of friends are deciding to dress up as the Rainbow Magic Fairies. I have three options:
Nur - her costume is very very easy to do
Elisha - I basically brought Eid to my school, when before they didn't use to celebrate it
Maryam - my irl name
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Please help a Quo out and decide!
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interimboyfriend · 5 months
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"I currently have a faculty dinner to attend and the theme is "old money"
The Arabian dressing style has always intrigued me and I feel like this is the opportunity and time that I have been waiting for to dress in an Arabian style.
Their costume have not been the easiest to acquire from this part of the world. Hence, I need ideas on how I can improvise and still achieve the "old money" dinner theme. The time is really near.
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piekhana · 11 months
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naylor · 2 years
some girl on twitter said that sexualising nuns and violating their religious beliefs and modesty vows by making sexy nuns costumes is weird and misogynistic and people are acting like she said sex is evil...
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shangleo · 12 days
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kruxton · 10 months
"hello teacher i am batman!!!!!!!!! look i made this costume-" "haha i get it youre catwoman!!!!" "what no im not. im batma-" " OHHH WAIT!!!! YOURE BATGIRL!!!!!" "no- IM BATMAN" "haha how silly. you cant be batMAN. youre batGIRL. what a cute batgirl costume."
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larasatin · 13 days
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dolphinosketch · 1 year
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A redrawn portrait.
the previous one used Photoshop's default brush and the new one used costume brush from truegrittexturesupply. The drawing style was inspired by Janise Sung's style. I am in love with her style.
The girl portrait reference was from Pinterest. So sorry I don't know her account. I downloaded it a long time ago.
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dude-iloveu · 1 year
i can't decide whether to make a silly guy or girl cosplayer
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luminalunii97 · 1 year
saying F U to the regime again and again: a quick update on women vs IR regime
Famous Iranian actresses have been appearing in public without a mandatory hijab. This has been happening since the beginning of the protests. Last month, Kiumars Pourahmad, a well known Iranian screenwriter and director, committed suicide. He had a history of criticizing the regime's political decisions. At his funeral, some of the famous actresses attended without mandatory hijab.
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You can see Fateme Motamedarya, Katayoun Riyahi, and Golab Adineh in these pictures from the funeral. Ms. Riyahi was one of the first celebrities who took her hijab off at the start of the Jina (Mahsa) Amini protest and for that she's been the target of IRGC harassment and has been to court.
Last week, in the ceremony of screening of the final episode of Lion's Skin (a persian crime show), actress Pantea Bahram participated without hijab. The manager of Tehran’s Lotus Cinema, where the ceremony was held, was fired for letting her attend without hijab.
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Other than prosecution, the regime has blocked these celebrities' bank accounts. Basij and IRGC members have also attacked and harassed these women online and in real life.
Students on university campuses take off their hijabs. There's an installed version of morality police in universities that monitor students' styles. Female students must wear "appropriate" hijab and male students must wear "manly" clothes (one of my guy friends once was asked to go back home and change his shoes because they were red casual loafers. Apparently that's gay!). When you enroll in Iranian universities, the first thing you do is to go to the security office and sign an agreement that says you promise to follow the Islamic dress code. There are posters all over the campus that says things like "hijab is security" "respect the islamic hijab" and "not wearing appropriate hijab (tight short clothes, too much hair, makeup, etc) would result in legal action". So not wearing hijab on campus, where a lot of security cameras are installed and it's easy to identify you, is a big deal.
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The regime's response to students taking off their hijabs is sending threatening messages to students' phones and increasing the security people. At the entrance of Universities, these security forces check people's clothes and if it's not proper they won't let you in. Some of the students wear the hijab at the entrance and take it off after they're in. They have warned our professors to not let non hijabi students sit in classes too.
One of my favorite trends in Iran now is when guys wear our hijab. These pictures are from universities. Guys wearing hijab make the security mad. This is a great act of solidarity with women against the obligatory hijab.
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Some men have been doing either this or wearing shorts in public. The former is to ridicule the obligatory dress code and the latter is because wearing shorts in public is forbidden for guys too.
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And women not wearing hijab in general. Though hijab is not our only issue, we want a whole new political system, one that is not theocratic or terroristic, hijab is something the regime won't back down from because it's one of their strongest oppressing tools. If they let us win the fight against obligatory hijab, I quote from a regime head, "people keep demanding more changes"!
So to put people against people to enforce the hijab law again, the regime has closed down many businesses (hotels, cafes, malls, bookstores, etc) for welcoming non hijabi female costumers. They have also warned taxi and bus drivers to not let non hijabi women in their vehicles.
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Although not everyone is disobeying the hijab law (some believe in hijab, some don't want to pay the price), the number of women who take the risk and don't wear hijab in Tehran and many other cities is high enough that you feel encouraged to keep doing it.
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gothgleek · 1 year
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Alicent based on this post about Modest!Alicent by @dirtytransmasc
Details under the cut
-I was obsessed with the veiled pieces that OP mentioned and I loved the image of her in gold veils that looked like she was dripping in gold.
- The veils are based on Catholic veils (specifically and 4), medieval head coverings like ones worn in Ophelia 2018 and wimples (2 and 6), Star Wars (5), and the Tudor period (7). Most of them are sheer because one, I couldn’t figure out how to wrap them around her head without her looking like a blob of color and when it did look okay she looked like she was wearing a hijab and it felt too appropriative to draw on Alicent. This is also why her hair is visible in most of them but in practice she would cover them with thicker fabric.
- Alicent wears long billowing sleeves with heavy skirts. OP said that Alicent would wear dresses that conceal her figure which I tried to maintain but some have a shapelier silhouette as it looked better with my art style. I hope one day I will be able to draw modest clothing without making someone look like a blob but I’m not there yet.
- Dress 1 is inspired by the series Isabel 2011, which from what I’ve seen has some nice costumes. It also gave me a good base for something historical and modest but still luxurious.
- The second is based on Lady Macbeth and Ophelia in the Ophelia movie. I debated on adding braids but I think Alicent would’ve worn them. They’re neat, mature, and somewhat conservative hairstyle while also giving her an opportunity to wear more accessories which is expected of her as a queen. I know OP said modest but irl royalty had to wear extravagant clothes to prove their status and with the pressure of civil war and being the second wife, Alicent would certainly wear luxurious jewelry while staying simple compared to the rest of the Targaryens. The beads are Targ inspired as she would also need to embrace Valeryian styles to stay in Viserys’s favor.
- This side view of Alicent has the deepest neckline because that is what worked best for a side view. I also noticed Catholic veils tended to have patterns so I added simple gold flowers. The dress is medieval based.
- What sparked my artistic interest was OP’s descriptions of the veils so I had to do a dedicated work with a veil in the spotlight. In the original post, it was mentioned that Alicent would wear shawls with tapestry like designs. I couldn’t think of anything that would look good with fabric folds and creases but on a lace veil? I could definitely do that. Tbh it’s not my favorite design (Helaena’s was my favorite) but I think it represents Alicent’s loyalties pretty well. I’m personally pleased with how the dragons and tower came out.
- I don’t care about Star Wars but some of Padme’s outfits have screamed Alicent to me since the beginning. The golden lace veil with pearls is the centerpiece so her dress is much more toned down.
- This is again based on Ophelia’s costuming and on OP saying Alicent appears to be dripping in gold wearing golden veils. I added jewelry shaped like the Hightower sigil with green gems decorating it.
- OP mentioned shawls with tassels and patterns so I had to add them onto the last dress. Well, I had fur instead of tassels but the statement still stands. I also tried to make the veil based on Spanish mantillas but it never turned out correct so I kept it simple. The dress is a mix of Alexander McQueen Fall 2011 and the Tudors era.
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schar-aac · 2 months
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image: a tv screen displays a person with a green dress and long black hair holding a sword. a red arrow goes from the tv screen to a person in front of it, who is wearing a green dress, holding a handmade replica sword, and wears a flowy black hijab. the person in the costume is smiling.
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spiralling-thoughts · 1 month
Inspired by @diiwata giving tbosas tributes summer friendly outfits
Now some of these I simply lowered the amount of layers worn, I wear hijab and dress modestly so you can definitely wear something long sleeved in the summer it depends on the material (and I couldn't resist giving some of the girls dresses)
Disclaimer: I still adore the costume design of the movie and this is not me saying that my choices are better than @diiwata ( the opposite in fact ) this is all for harmless fun (and to satisfy my obsession with the district's fashion)
(somthing fancy for the district 1 kids as usual. Honestly figuring out district 2 fashion was honestly tough I wanted something that is fancy but practical It's probably the fashion policy in 2, and don't worry circ isn't smoking and idk I thought a plaid jacket would be cute on teslee and it's kinda nerdy)
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decided to go with the overalls for coral and mizzen gets the sailor uniform he'd look so cute in it , blue clothes for the district 5 kids with sol looking more fancy than Hy because I headcanon her to be wealther than him, and a cute dress for ginnee
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Flower patterns for dill and brandy and Lucy gray the dress is flowy, I of course would give Lucy gray shoes no kids are entering the arena bare feet on my watch )
I wanted to give the district 8 kids something colourful and I think this shirt would be good if its oversized )
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byrdstrolls · 12 days
Record Skip
Your name is Raerae Daling, and sometimes a thought gets stuck in your head like a skip on a record, like accidentally clicking speed backward on a grubtube video, like losing your spot in a paragraph and reading the first sentence over, always in threes. Today's thought is thus-
I’m Hesdie’s crazy ex-girlfriend,
I’m Hesdie’s crazy ex-girlfriend,
I’m Hesdie’s crazy ex-girlfriend,
-That was what you would say to the bouncer. It had to be playful enough for intrigue. The bouncer would probably be Nafisa. You know most of the bouncers in the entire west side, and the comfort of firm arms shoving you out into the gutter. But Nafisa was his go-to for these kinds of parties. She’s got a sense of humor, she’s got a want for chaos- You had to play their game for a moment. I’m Hesdie’s crazy ex-grlfriend, you would say. 
No shit, she would answer. Give me one good reason to let you in.
I brought booze, you would say, holding up your shopping bags- your six packs are across the bathroom, you had put them down after purchasing this morning like they burned your hand. But you’d say-
I brought booze, 
-And Nafisa, or whatever bouncer, whoever was guarding the party would say
Shittt, can’t argue with that.
And let you in. Deep down, they all wanted to see you kick that bastard in the nose. You wouldn’t give them the satisfaction, but you’d prey on their thirst, their desperation for your comment, your reaction, the showdown that was always meant to be. I’m Hesdie’s crazy ex-girlfriend. 
You didn’t plan on talking to your ex. There wasn’t a thing to say. You finish the slow circle of eyeliner around your eyes. You’ve never had a steady hand, but it's supposed to be messy, and you take a hand and smear it slightly across your knuckles. You stare into the bathroom mirror, your slit pupil eyes wide. Feeling like one of those dogs freezing at the sight of its reflection. You look so much like drunk Raerae your fight or flight kicks in, but it's just a costume, it's just a costume, she's just a costume. 
Don’t go to your ex’s party, your sponsor had told you, Quincy had looked tired, but he always looked tired, so it wasn’t your fault, and you couldn’t be held accountable for how you answered. Your sponsor said don’t go to that party, and then your client had said 100$ an hour, 500$ bonus if you catch him in the act. And you told them both I’m not drinking and you meant it with your whole heart, and mind, and empty bank account. 
When you make it to the outside of the mansion, the highblood estate where hive music blasts into the unforgiving darkness, the night is young. The bouncer is Nafisa, like you knew she would be. 
“Excuse me Miss” She huffs. “You got an invite?”
“You know me” You accuse. “You know me, Nafisa, I’m Hesdie’s crazy ex-girlfriend”
“Uh-huh. And why would I let you in?” She says, crossing her arms. 
“I brought boozeee” You grin, flashing your bags, she’s so on script you feel like kissing her, but then she ruins it. She squints at you, your running makeup, your permanently offset dress. 
“Girl, did you pregame?” She asks. 
You frown your way into a lopsided smirk, hoping she doesn’t notice your momentary disgust and confusion. 
“You know me,” You joke. You lie. “I started pregaming two nights ago.” 
“You know I’m like security, right?” 
“You know I like, brought booze? Out of the goodness of my heart? Out of the bottom of my wallet?” 
“If you go in there” She warns. “And do some stupid, insane shit like you pulled at the new sweeps party or fright night, everybodies gonna be like, who let Hesdie’s crazy ex-girlfriend in here?” She huffs, adjusting her hijab. 
“And then Nafisa, darling Nafisa, you say, not me! You say, I’ve never seen that bitch in my life! And your lips stay shut, and my lips stay shut, and everyone wins and everyone lives a little.” You plead. 
She stares at you, but then, with a patient glance around as if to check if anyones watching, she opens the door for you, and you walk into the party. 
The place is a minefield. But that’s why you came in with two plastic bags of seltzers in your hands, with two grenades pressed into your palm pin-first so you can keep the pin tight and close and hear its heartbeat against your skin. You’ve gotta make it to the upper floors- there's got to be an elevator. The alcohol is heavy, and no way in hell you’re going up the stairs in these heels. You wander from hall to hall, from pockets of giggling drunk girls, past trolls lounging on chairs and beanbags passing back and forth pipes, the inescapable smell. You press the elevator button once, twice, three times. 
The top floor, the penthive, that’s gotta be where the seadwellers room was, it was Hesdie’s party, but it’s not his bedroom you’re breaking into. The elevator door opens to a crowded living room, but you don’t skip a beat. 
“Booze runnnn!” You slur, dumping the two bags onto the floor, to which they perk up like vultures. 
“Yoooo!” One says, a cerulean you don’t recognize. He squints at you. 
“Aren’t you that girl who jumped off the building into that hot tub once??? DUDE I remember you” 
“That’s me” You grin. “I’m Hesdie’s crazy ex-girlfriend.” 
“Come sit with us,” He says. 
“I gotta pee” You say, walking past him further into the hive.
“Where have you been?” He says. Like you would tell him. “Nobodies seen you for months.” 
“Living it up in some rich girls apartment down east.” You lie. 
“My man,” He says. 
“I really gotta pee” You repeat, and keep walking down the hall, till you run into a long row of bedroom doors. The first bedroom you check is empty. The second has a couple in it, but they're so trashed they’re not even speaking. The third has a pair of jade’s playing cards. 
“Girl” One says, “Wtf the fuck is up with your eyes?”
You roll them, your sideways goat pupils going to the ceiling. 
“They’re contacts, ofc. Literally grey. I’m anon” You say. 
“Why not get normal ones?” 
“I’m quirky that way.” You reply. 
“Those look real dude, they’re fucking freaky.” the other one says, and you realize you’ll have to do your whole little show, one you knew by heart but still right now feels like a waste of time no matter the adrenaline rush it’d give you. 
Your hand goes to your contact case in your pocket, slyly reaching inside. The contact case had rust lenses in it, you never left home without it and you pick one up with your ring finger, balancing it delicately on the tip. 
“Here” you say, “I’ll take one out” You promise, lifting your index, the rust contact still concealed, turning your head upwards such that your fingers are obscured to the two jadebloods. You put the rust contact in your eye in one quick motion, blinking, and lift your index finger, pretending to hold a contact that is simply not there. 
“See” You shrug. “I’m a rustie” You say. Staring at them with one red and one gray eye. And you see their shoulders fall with ease and relief. You would feel more satisfaction with tricking them if you hadn’t done this one billion times, in the backs of bars, in closets and sidewalks and way, way drunker than you are now. 
“Wait, hold on a second.” The first jade says. “Aren’t you Hesdie’s ex-mate? He’s talking mad shit about you dog. Where have you been?” 
“I went on a cruise, actually. R&R for months” You lie. 
“Did you really try to steal his grubtube channel?” he asks. 
“What? No.” You say, so unsettled by the question you shut the door in his face.
Who cares, who cares, who cares what he says about you to his millions of followers, his channel will crash and burn without you. You head back down the hallway, and open the fourth door- but it's just Maindy in there, and talking to Maindy makes you sad, because you really did like him. 
“Raerae,” He says, voice laced with concern. “Is that you?” 
And how dare he be concerned, really- how dare he- whatever Hesdie said on grubtube, he was complicit- he was the editor. Hesdie never had the skill to do it himself. You like to imagine he portrayed you kindly when he could. But you had deleted grubtube off your phone months ago- you didn’t know what they were saying. 
“No.” You answer, slamming the door.
“Rae!” He calls back, shutting his husktop, following you into the hallway. Can you really be mad at him for videos you haven't even seen?
“What are you doing here?” He says, as he stalks you down the hallway to the last bedroom. “Where have you been?” He asks. “Nobodies seen you in months,” He says. 
And it's Maindy, and he's this barkbeast grub of a man, with big wide dark eyes and curls cascading down his back, and he looks at you like a guilty pet, and you can’t lie to him. 
“Rehab.” You say. 
“Oh” he says, stopping, and you try the door of the last bedroom, but it’s locked. 
“Did that… go well?” He says, taking in your state of dress, makeup, and demeanor. 
“Really well” You say, pulling a bobby pin from your hair to pick the lock. 
“I’m sober. I’m sober. I’m sober.” You say, with a different inflection each time. But it’s true. 
“I just wanted to lure everyone into a false sense of security so I could break into this hive.” You say, and the lock clicks open. 
“Oh.” He repeats. It’s so easy for them, it’s so easy for them to believe the worst of you, and why wouldn’t they?
The worst of you has millions of views. However many livestreams on Hesdie’s channel. MINECRAFT DRINKING GAME WITH MY GIRLFRIEND (gone wrong) (gone crazy). 
“Why break in?” Maindy asks. 
“For a client of mine.” You say. “Moirail of the fushia who own’s it’s matesprit.” You say, walking in and rifling through the fushia’s drawers, for a husktop- preferably a husktop. The fushia had a name, but it wasn’t important to you. 
“Oh… I forgot you used to do that Private Investigator thing” He says. 
“I’ve got bills” You answer. “No longer the luxurious grubtuber’s girlfriend.” You find an ipad plugged into the wall- bingo. You start looking through his messages. 
“Hesdie’s um,” Maindy pauses. “Saying a lot of stuff about you.” 
“So I hear” You say, flipping through the text messages, just long enough to confirm this guy is indeed cheating on his matesprit, just as your client suspected. Most PI gigs are cheaters these days. They bored you. It was always too easy. It was always too easy. It was always too easy. 
“He said that um” He stares at you as you work. “That you, um, demanded he give you his whole channel, and accused him of hemophobia when he didn’t. (he made me leave that in)” He says softly, and you can’t even stay mad, because Maindy was paying off student loans, and Hesdie pays him well, because Hesdie knows he’s not actually funny and his channel will crash and burn without Maindy’s editing, just like it will crash and burn without your hilarity. Just give it time.
“I did none of that” You say. 
“Well what happened?” he asks. 
“None of your business” You say, texting screencaps to your client, plugging the ipad back into the wall, you walk past Maindy back into the hall, and shut the door on him. 
“Go fuck yourself” You say, and it doesn't matter to you much whether you or he earned it or not anymore, its a night for slamming doors, and suddenly you have to be out of this party, you want to not be here more than you’ve ever wanted anything in your life. Why didn’t you listen to your sponsor? You begin the long trek back to the elevator, and past the living room, and to the front door, and very few minutes someone stops you and says hey, aren’t you that hemoanon who chugged a bottle of capiers on a dare? Aren’t you that girl who did a line off a pocketknive in a livestream? Aren’t you that troll who set fire to Hesdie’s kitchen last New Sweep party? 
Aren’t you Hesdie’s crazy ex-girlfriend? 
Aren’t you Hesdie’s crazy ex-girlfriend? 
Aren’t you Hesdie’s crazy ex-girlfriend? 
And you don’t run into him the whole night, you just hear his name spoken again and again like it’s your own, but you know that by three am most nights mid-high he likes to mellow out in jacuzzi’s and hot tubs, and the pools are on the third floor, and you know he’d be there, and you avoid it like the plague. Right now, somebody, maybe one of those jades or those guys on the living room floor is walking up to him and they’re probably saying hey, your ex-girlfriend was upstairs with two six packs, she was opening bedroom room doors, 
And he’d lean back, running a hand through his hair and he'll say 
Damn, she really is obsessed with me
Nafisa watches you head out the front door at a brisk pace to where you’ve parked and she tries not to look too disappointed.
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