#hiking gear recommendations
wanderguidehub · 1 year
Unleashing Yellowstone's Hidden Gem: A Comprehensive Hiking Guide to Shoshone Lake Area
Kickstart your adventure in the untamed wilderness of Yellowstone National Park with our comprehensive hiking guide to the Shoshone Lake Area. This guide offers a deep dive into one of Yellowstone’s best-kept secrets, showcasing its breathtaking landscapes, unique geothermal features, and diverse wildlife. Immerse yourself in the tranquility of Shoshone Lake’s surroundings, away from the beaten…
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nordfjording · 9 months
i don't understand the need my sister (who lives in holland) feels to come to norway during the christmas week to attempt to roadtrip. they arrive in bergen tomorrow and are supposed to try to get to trondheim, meanwhile a bunch of roads are closed due to avalanches and cars aren't even staying on the open ones.
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wanderlustphotosblog · 5 months
Top 10 Travel-Friendly Backpacks for Photographers
Looking for the best travel-friendly backpacks for photographers? Check out this top 10 list for safe and comfortable transportation of your camera gear while you travel and explore.
This top 10 travel-friendly backpacks for photographers post was provided as a guest post by Claire Wilson. In today’s fast-paced travel photography, where amazing moments unfold in the blink of an eye, and you need precision and quality, carrying the appropriate equipment is a must. Traveling as a photographer, be it a professional or an amateur photographer, a backpack matters a lot because it…
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Tune in to discover the essential gear you need for Tanzania mountain climbing. Learn the best clothing, footwear, and accessories to enhance your Kilimanjaro mountain climbing experience.
Read More: https://www.keitoursandsafaris.com/blog/tanzania-mountain-climbing-packing-guide/
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whatsy0urdream · 1 year
Sun Hoodies: My Trusty Trail Companions for Endless Adventures
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wanderguidehub · 1 year
Discover the Magnificent Trails: An Unbeatable Hiking Guide to Sedona, Arizona
Welcome to the heart of Arizona’s Red Rock Country! Sedona, with its stunning beauty, magnificent trails, and vibrant wildlife, is a hiker’s paradise waiting to be explored. Our comprehensive hiking guide is expertly crafted to enhance your Sedona adventure, ensuring you don’t miss out on any awe-inspiring views, hidden gems, or thrilling trails. So, lace up your hiking boots, pack your sense of…
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portraitoftheoddity · 8 months
Beginner Hiking Guide: Gear - What to Bring Hiking
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What you want to bring with you on a hike will vary depending on what kind of hike you’re doing. If you’re going on a very short (under an hour) and easy hike on highly-trafficked and easily accessed trails for instance, you may not need to bring much at all -- though I always recommend a water bottle, sun protection and a hoodie or something. But if you’re doing a longer trek on backcountry trails out in the wilderness, you’ll want to bring quite a bit more with you, because the stakes are higher if things go wrong.
My general rule of thumb is: Pack for the Worst Case Scenario.
What is the worst that could happen if you get lost or injured? How long would it take for someone to find you if your phone died and you couldn’t call for help? If you get stuck out overnight, how cold is it going to get, and will you be able to survive it? How about if you have to wait several hours for a rescue party to carry you out if you can’t walk?
I carry a bunch of emergency items in my pack that, on an ideal hike, I never need. But if things don’t go ideally, given the places and conditions I hike in, they could save my life. In the list below, I’ve put an asterisk next to items I recommend packing even for short day hikes (2 hours or less)
So let’s start with the most important thing:
You Need a Backpack.
If you’re going to carry supplies, you need something to carry them in, and a backpack is the easiest, most comfortable way to do so that won’t compromise your balance or leave you unable to use your hands on a hike. (On short outings, fannypacks are great, but you’ll want a backpack if you’re going out into backcountry).
DON'T: use a drawstring backpack -- this will dig painfully into your shoulders pretty quickly. 
DO: use a backpack with a waist/hip strap (and chest strap if possible). Having more of your pack’s weight on your hips than on your shoulders will cut down on back pain! The more adjustable, the better; you want to be comfortable.
There are really great hiking specific backpacks out there, but they are on the pricey side. It’s something where, if you plan on doing hiking more regularly, I would recommend investing in a good pack, but for your first time your old book bag will probably do okay.
The Ten Essentials
If you do any research on backcountry hiking, you will probably see “the ten essentials” mentioned somewhere. These are the things that you’re recommended to always bring on a hike with you if you’re going out into the wilderness. The list can seem a little daunting, but honestly a lot of the things on it are pretty small and easy to acquire. 
1) Navigation / Map & Compass* -- Have a paper map in a ziploc bag and a compass in addition to any digital tools and GPS you may be using to navigate. Technology fails, and having a map that you’ve familiarized yourself with before you set out will help you to stay on your route and avoid getting lost. REI has useful articles on how to use a compass and how to read a topographic map.
2) Nutrition / Extra Food -- I always bring food hiking. You burn through a lot of energy while hiking, and snacking will help boost your energy levels and keep you moving. Calorie-dense foods with sugar and protein like trail mix, nuts, and granola bars give you the biggest boost while not taking up too much room in your pack. And if your hike runs over, you’ll be grateful for the extra rations.
3) Hydration / Extra Water* -- I typically bring a full liter of water (or gatorade!), minimum when I hike. Nalgene bottles are great because they’re lightweight and virtually indestructible. You’re going to be losing a lot of moisture through sweat and through the vapor your exhale while breathing heavily, so you are going to need to hydrate. Bring more than you think you’re going to need in case things go badly.
4) Insulation / Extra Layers* -- I talked about this in the post about clothes, but always have an extra layer. If the weather shifts, or you get injured and can’t move to keep warm, or you get lost and need to wait for a rescue, the last thing you need is for hypothermia to come along and make your day worse.
5) Illumination / Light -- There’s always a chance of something going wrong, be it a twisted ankle or just misjudging the length of a hike, that can lead to you being out for longer than you anticipated -- and if you’re stuck out in the wilderness when the sun goes down, you want to be able to see where the hell you’re going to find the trail and get home. On any longer hike (especially if you’re starting later in the day), bring a headlamp or flashlight with extra batteries (and test it before you leave!)
6) Emergency Shelter -- Is there any chance that on the hike you’re doing, you could potentially get lost enough that you have to spend hours and hours out here? In the theme of extra layers, if you get lost, injured, or otherwise caught out in bad conditions and can’t hike out on your own for any reason and rescue won’t be there anytime soon (search and rescue teams take time to assemble, deploy and then hike out to you), you want to have some means of shelter. Obviously, you don’t wanna drag an entire tent out into the woods if you’re just going on a day hike, but a there’s a few lightweight options that can make a difference when you’re improvising protection from the elements, such as:
A mylar space blanket / shock blanket
A bivvy sack (basically a lightweight plastic sleeping bag that keeps warmth in and water out!)
....And if you’re on a budget, a large plastic trash bag can do in a pinch!
7) Firestarter -- On the topic of shelter, especially if you’re stuck out in the cold overnight, a fire can be an emergency source of heat and light. Since most of us are not capable of starting a fire just by rubbing two sticks together like in the movies, we’ll want to make it easier on ourselves by bringing something to start a fire with: pack something to ignite it with, and something to use as tinder to catch the flame and sustain it long enough to ignite other fuel you’ve gathered. I personally carry a bic lighter that was like, .99c at the gas station, and a toilet paper tube stuffed with dryer lint for tinder. This is one of those “hopefully you never actually have to use it” things.
8) First Aid Kit* -- You want to be able to treat an injury if it happens, and to address smaller health concerns before they become bigger health concerns. With blisters especially, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure -- putting blister pads on your feet when you’ve got hot spots before they turn into full on oozing blisters is going to make a world of difference. And as someone who has taken a nasty spill on the trail and hiked out injured, I always carry a solid first aid kit with me. You can buy a compact pre-made kit easily enough to carry with you, but you may find yourself customizing it to your needs. I recommend having the following:
Ibuprofen -- good for managing pain, swelling, and soreness
Tylenol/Acetaminophen -- pain reliever, fever reducer, better for head injuries than ibuprofen since it doesn’t thin blood (also, if you’ve hurt yourself and you’re in a LOT of pain, you can alternate Tylenol and Ibuprofen)
Benadryl or some other antihistamine for allergies
AfterBite -- good for stings and bug bites
Bandaids in assorted sizes
Blister pads
Disinfectant wipes x 2
A triangular bandage
A lightweight SAM splint 
Ace bandage - good for wrapping sprains
Tweezers - good for removing splinters!
Any important medications you personally need, such as an EpiPen or inhaler, or personal joint braces you require
9) Sun Protection* -- Even if you’re hiking under tree cover, or on a cloudy day, with hours spent outdoors, you’re getting a lot of UV exposure. Regardless of whether you’re someone who sunburns easily or not, it’s good to have sun protection. Bring sunglasses and sunscreen, and consider wearing a hat. Especially at higher elevations, where the air gets thinner and blocks less UV radiation! And don’t forget when hiking in winter, that you can get snowblindness and sunburn from light reflected off snow. 
10) Repair Kit + Knife / All That McGuyver Shit -- A few lightweight and simple objects can make it much easier to jury-rig a shelter, replace a snapped bootlace, or hold together a torn pack until you can get back to the parking lot. I personally always have:
A pocket knife/multitool
Flat-wrapped duct tape
Several safety pins
A handful of zip ties
A spare shoelace
And other people may find other items useful depending on their gear and the kind of repairs they might need.
In addition to the stuff on this list, there may be weather-specific or trail-condition specific gear you might need, like microspikes for traction on ice, or rain gear for hiking in wet climates. You can use your best judgment and the recommendations of others who have hiked where you are hiking to figure out what the best packing list is for your specific hike. This list is a guideline and a starting point.
Other things you may want to bring:
Whistle -- if your phone is dead and you’re waiting for rescue, you can blow on a whistle a lot longer (and a lot louder) than you can yell. Three short bursts usually means ‘hiker in distress’ and will help other hikers or searchers find you.
Toilet Paper + plastic bag -- If you don’t think you’re going to be able to hold it, bring a means to go in the woods. But bring the plastic bag to carry out your used toilet paper so it doesn’t pollute nature (Leave No Trace!)
A ziploc bag big enough for your phone -- if you need to cross a river or if it starts pouring, have a means to bag your phone to keep it dry. If there’s a risk of rain, bring a trash bag as well that you can use as an improvised pack cover to keep your stuff dry.
Insect Repellant -- even if you don’t bring it with you and just put it on in the parking lot, if you’re hiking in spring or summer especially, you’ll want some bug spray.
Keeping It Light
You want to pack smart, which means maximizing the usefulness of what you pack while keeping things as light as possible. Try using a lightweight plastic water bottle instead of a heavy steel one, and packing spare layers that are warm without being too bulky. Put sunblock in a small tube or bottle instead of packing the huge family-size one. The weight adds up, and the final weight of your pack is what you’re going to have to be carrying along with you. Though the good news is, your pack will get lighter as you consume the food and water you’ve packed!
If you are hiking with friends in a group, there’s some things you don’t really need multiple redundancies for -- if one person has a well-stocked first aid kit and another person carries enough sunblock for the group, you don’t need three of each and every item. Communicate with your group to make sure all your bases are covered, but also be sure you stay close together while hiking. Your friend having the group’s utility knife isn’t going to help you if you go off on your own and get separated. And you will all still want your own food, water, clothing, and light.
Organize Your Bag
Having the right gear is helpful. Knowing where it is is even better!
I try to organize my pack so the weight is evenly distributed (with the heaviest objects at the center near my spine to avoid throwing off my center of gravity), but also so I can find stuff easily enough. If your backpack has different pockets and compartments, think about using those to organize your supplies. Put stuff you’re more likely to need to use in easy to reach places. I usually keep my water bottle in a side pocket that I can reach from the outside of my bag, and my snacks in the topmost compartment so they’re easy to get to and not squished.
I also have a couple of lightweight smaller bags inside my pack I organize things in -- a mesh bag I keep all my first aid supplies in so I can pull out the splint, main kit, extra bandage, AfterBite, etc. all together, and a waterproof stuff sack that I keep all my “emergency” supplies (bivvy sack, shock blanket, headlamp, lighter, knife, etc.) inside so they aren’t all rattling around loose at the bottom of my pack where I will never find them. 
Using your knowledge about the hike you’re doing, the duration, the conditions, and your own body and needs will help you make smart choices about what you need to bring in order to keep yourself safe, both during your hike, and in the hypothetical scenario where something goes awry. Be informed, be prepared, and have fun out there!
<< Previous Part: What to Wear Hiking
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crimeronan · 2 months
my google newsfeed is about 30% hiking accidents because of how my internet activity is, and every time i read a new hiking accident story, i'm like "oh god, people on tumblr need to know about this shit."
and then i remember that the vast majority of you are not going outside regularly, let ALONE hiking. so you really..... don't need to know about this shit, actually.
HOWEVER. for my peace of mind:
if you DO go out hiking, particularly on mountains or very wet areas, look up the weather conditions at the summit of the trail before you leave. if it's recommended that you bring specific gear with you on a hike, BRING IT. don't rely on your phone's GPS or google maps to guide you, don't wander off the trail, etc. if you accidentally get lost and have no way to orient yourself, staying put is better than wandering.
also.... maybe Don't do a many-miles-long hike in sunny 100F (38C) weather. any more than you'd do a mountain hike during a whiteout blizzard.
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ohnococo · 8 months
Gratitude | Chapter 4 | Kiyotaka Ijichi x F!Reader
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“I love what you do with your hands… I love what you do with your mouth. You know how to satisfy me. I just want you to feel your cock inside me tonight. That’s all.” You rest your head back down onto the bed and look into his eyes. “I’m not putting any expectations on tonight other than having you close to me, okay?” He takes a deep breath in, and when he exhales his shoulders rest a little lower, his head a little higher, and it’s as if he’s chosen to breathe out any little worries even he was unaware of. He nods and smiles, “Okay.”
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Warnings: fem!bodied reader, light dom/sub undertones, vaginal sex, creampie, cockwarming, ijichi cums fast as usual, subby ijichi, the L word.
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Your plans had been ruined yet again, this time not from just how busy you two were. No, this time it was a snowstorm messing up your carefully planned time with Ijichi. Ijichi had been so excited about your hike together, so excited to share his hobby with you, so excited that you even cared about it.
He was cute when he was like that, explaining details and intricacies of things that seemed to be his specialty. He’d even gone with you to buy new gear, giving recommendations on clothes that would be appropriate for a winter hike in the great outdoors.
Snow, he’d explained, wasn’t a problem. It was great, in fact. He’d even showed you his heating packs and hand warmers, assuring you that he’d make sure to keep the chill off of you. What was a problem was the biggest snowstorm you’d seen in years, so bad that your area was being advised to not even leave your homes, nevermind trek through the woods looking for cute little deer and picturesque views.
As disappointed as you both were, it wasn’t a total waste. You still had your time to yourselves, and you still had it together, you were just trapped in your own home.
It was nice being stuck with him, though. It was as if the weather had pushed the two of you right into playing house. All your time was spent together suddenly and everything had seemed to just fit. Cleaning up together every night, watching Ijichi cook for you, cuddling on the couch, seeing just how many times you could make each other cum in one day.
He’d been so happy, so relaxed. It was what you had wanted for him all along. So, you decide that it’s time to broach the subject he’d made clear he was nervous about in the past. The thing that seemed to be a final hurdle in his mind.
He’s washing dishes, insistent that you sit and relax since you’d been the one to cook tonight. You come up behind him, placing your hands on his hips and nuzzling at his neck. He’s melting into your touch already, quick to get distracted by you. A few well placed kisses along the side of his neck and he’s squeezing the water out of the sponge, grip tightened as you slide your hand down his stomach.
“Thank you for washing the dishes for me.”
“I’m happy to do it.” He sets a plate onto the drainer, shaking his hands off over the sink, not wanting to move away from your touch to dry them properly on the hand towel.
“And thank you for making being trapped at home so nice.”
Your fingers are so tempted to move downward, to pull his cock out and jerk him off right there over the sink as you’d already made a point of doing a few times before, but you want him relatively clear-headed for the next question.
“I want you to do something for me.”
He puts a still slightly wet hand over where yours rests on his stomach and speaks to you softly, “Anything.”
“Can I have your cock inside me?”
You feel his fingers twitch over yours, a soft stutter of an ’ah’ escapes his lips and you can’t help wishing you could see his expression as he thinks, processes, decides. You’re satisfied with pressing your face to his shoulder, knowing that even if you can’t see his thoughts laid bare on his face, his words will do.
He turns around slowly in your arms to face you, holding your face in his hands, pressing one of his soft, but bordering on desperate kisses to your lips. He pulls back and smiles and nods. In case the kiss and the gesture aren’t answer enough, he kisses you again, deepening it with barely parted lips and the soft brush of the tip of his tongue against yours. If even that weren’t indicative enough of his agreement he tells you outright, cock already stiffening against you, “Yes, please.”
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He’s accepted so graciously, and you’re the one who has to calm themselves first as you reach your bedroom and undress each other slowly. He’s doing so well, open and present and sure of himself, sure of the two of you.
Once he’s on top of you, having made you cum on his fingers once already - kissing you, holding you, panting and whining against your neck as the muscles in his wiry arms flex while he brings you to climax - you make sure his eyes are on yours as you line him up with your entrance.
“Look at me, Kiyo.”
He does, feeling safe and secure as he hovers over you, surrounding you with his arms on either side of your head and propped up on his elbows. You’re surrounding him too, his hips gripped firmly between your thighs.
You lean up and press kisses across his face between each statement you speak:
“I love what you do with your hands… I love what you do with your mouth. You know how to satisfy me. I just want you to feel your cock inside me tonight. That’s all.”
You rest your head back down onto the bed and look into his eyes.
“I’m not putting any expectations on tonight other than having you close to me, okay?”
He takes a deep breath in, and when he exhales his shoulders rest a little lower, his head a little higher, and it’s as if he’s chosen to breathe out any little worries even he was unaware of. He nods and smiles, “Okay.”
As you slide his tip through your wetness, you take in his expression: excited, happy, smile lopsided and wide, eyes half open and glassy. He looks absolutely enamoured. You only hope your face reflects the same as you press the head of his cock at your entrance, wrapping your legs around him tighter to pull him into you.
He slides in so, so slowly, eyes rolling and moans spilling out just from his sensitive tip being swallowed up by you. As he pushes his hips further the moans get breathier and deeper down into his chest until he’s fully buried in your heat. His stomach tenses and he groans, pressing into you as though desperate to be deeper than was possible for him. You run your hands up and down his back, sending shivers through his whole body.
“You feel so good, Kiyotaka… your pretty cock fits me so well.”
His eyes are locked on yours, and you see that worry bubbling up just behind the lovesick look he was pouring straight into you. His cock is throbbing already, his thighs tensing now too, brows furrowing.
“I’m sorry…” he’s pre-emptively apologising, but you let him know he doesn’t have to.
“For what? I want your cum inside me, whenever you’re ready.”
He groans, and he’s already struggling above you, putting his all into holding out for your word. You take his face in both hands, ready to give it.
“Go on, cum for me.”
It’s immediate, his orgasm ripping through him, shaking his body as he drops his head low and buries his face in your chest. His thrusts are sudden, deep, sloppy and he whines with every wave of hot cum he fills you with.
Through it all you have your arms wrapped around him kissing his forehead, the top of his head, whatever you can reach, chanting out a soft, “Good boy… my good, good boy.”
He rests his head on your chest, shivering as you run your fingers through his hair, pressing into you again though he was already as deep as he could go. He kisses your chest, panting against your breasts, and begins to pull out, but you wrap your legs around him again, heels firm against his ass as he raises his head to look at you curiously.
“Stay inside.” His brows raise, blush coming to his face as the sentiment has his heart racing already, “You just feel so nice. We can keep each other warm.”
He does just that, resting his chin on your chest, looking up at you with happy, calm eyes. You run your fingers over his shoulders, smiling as little shivers continue to run through him when your touch gets too light.
“The weather is supposed to calm down next week.”
He nods, and even though he offers nothing in response you know he’s hanging onto your every word.
“We should go on that hike together then, don’t you think?”
He perks up a bit at that, the prospect of you joining him for his favourite hobby distracting him from the warmth he was buried in. His voice is so smooth and calm when he talks about the things he loves that it gives you butterflies. “That would be great. It’ll be quiet then, you can always hear the birds so well once the worst of the snow has passed.”
His smile widens, and you imagine how cute he’ll look with his binoculars, listing off birds in the surrounding trees. You’d been unsure about the whole thing initially, but now you couldn’t wait.
“As long as you don’t let me fall in some icy creek.”
He lifts his head a little, looking very serious, “Of course not, the trail doesn’t have any tough crossings, I made sure to double check. It’s perfect for your first time.”
You chuckle, and the way it makes you squeeze at his cock gently has him shivering again. “Thank you Ijichi.” This time, your pussy clenching at his softened cock inside of you is intentional. “You always look out for me… you’re so sweet.”
He’s hardening inside of you now, slowly, and you push him a little further.
“Are you happy, Ijichi?”
His smile spreads til his nose is crinkling slightly and he just has to close his eyes, looking like a cat basking in the sun. “Yes, I’m so happy.”
“Me too. You make me so happy, you know.”
“I do?”
There it is, his little way of asking you to keep going, even though he knew by now that you always would.
“Yes, you’re always so good to me.” His eyelids get heavy as his cheeks flush, cock fully hard inside of you now, and it twitches with your next words. “Always my good boy.”
He nuzzles into your chest, and you swear you can see his gears turning, even with his face buried. When he lifts his head, he looks up at you sheepishly, a coy smile on his lips as he is sure he knows the answer to this question. “Can we go again?”
You nod, and he pushes himself up onto his forearms, beginning to give you slow thrusts, barely pulling out before he’s pushing back in and groaning as he bottoms out. After a few moments of this, with your breaths getting louder, soft moans slipping out to join his louder ones, his thrusts get a little harder. He pulls out a little more each time, cock rubbing just so on the sensitive spot inside of you. His eyes are locked onto yours once more, lost in your gaze, and you see him fighting to form his thoughts into words.
“I think I can go longer this time.”
“You don’t have to.” You mean it, otherwise you wouldn’t lean up, beginning to press wet kisses into his neck.
He shudders, rhythm thrown off immediately, “N-not if you do that…”
Those words aren’t enough to stop you, as you suck on the spot that always leaves him whining, right by his Adam’s apple. It has him breathless, thrusts getting quicker in the moments before he regains control and slows them down again, falling back into that pace that had you moaning beneath him.
“Please, you’ll make me cum again.”
“I want your cum though, Kiyotaka.” He whines at that, loud and desperate, and you feel his cock throbbing already. “Want it deep inside me.”
That’s all it takes, and he’s thrusting fast for only a few seconds, whining and panting, before he’s spilling inside you yet again.
He’s apologising again, though you don’t know if it’s for cumming fast, or cumming at all since you hadn’t explicitly given him permission. You don’t want him apologising at all, and let him know as much in the uncertain terms Ijichi always needed.
“You don’t need my permission tonight, cum as soon as you feel like it.”
He looks at you, brows up, face asking the questions he was still catching his breath before he could form into words. What about you?
“I love it.” You kiss his forehead as he slides his arms underneath your shoulders, holding you close. “I love your cock, I love your cum, I love all of it.”
He looks at your eyes, then your lips, then back up to your eyes - thinking, and thinking, and thinking again. Then, quicker than the last time, you feel his cock hardening inside of you. Throbbing, almost, as he keeps moving his eyes over your face, redness spreading across his cheeks, followed by wetness gathering just at his thick lashes. You frown, pressing a hand to his face gently, but before you can parse this change of expression, he’s speaking first.
“I love you.” His tears don’t spill, but you see the intensity of his feelings plastered across his face. Suddenly, he’s thrusting, hard and deep as he can given he’s clutching you so tight his hips can barely separate from yours. It’s more of a rocking motion than anything, and you wrap your arms around him just as tightly. He repeats himself, breathy, lost in you, “I love you.”
There’s not even a chance for you to respond, with his lips coming down on yours, his kisses surprisingly chaste considering he was digging deeper than you’d expected of him, thrusting with a fervour spurred on entirely by his emotion.
“I love you, I love you, I love you.” It’s barely intelligible, since he doesn’t bother to stop his tongue from sliding against yours as he repeats it. You rock your hips against his, matching his desperation and earning some friction on your clit.
Your moans are music to his ears, and he can’t help letting ones of his own out as if in direct response to you, loud and broken. He’s close, so very close, but so are you and seeing you like this only makes it harder for him. Urgency flashes in his eyes as he separates your bodies only enough to slide his hand between you, fingers nimble on your clit as another word joins his endless proclamation. “Please, please, I love you, please.”
It’s there, just under the surface, threatening to undo you with your sweet Ijichi begging you to cum with him, but he’s that little bit faster. The warmth of his cum hits you first, and though it takes all of his composure, he keeps his movements steady until you’re cumming just moments after him, clenching his cock hard enough to have his cum forcing its way out around him.
As your orgasm wanes, he’s buried his face in your neck, still thrusting sloppily and swiping at your clit even as he twitches and whines at the overstimulation it was causing him already.
“Ijichi…” you’re back to running your fingers through his hair, warning him to stop before you’re pushed into that jarring sensitivity as well. He does, moving his hand from between you, collapsing into you fully as you hold him tight.
You let the moment settle, letting him catch his breath, before you respond as well with a kiss to the top of his head and a whisper along his skin. “I love you too.”
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It might have felt too fast if he’d said it any other time, but like this, it doesn’t. It just fits with you taking it easy, living for only the two of you in your house, close as could be. It’s perfect. It keeps being perfect every time you chat about your upcoming plans with his softened cock still inside of you. Talking about how work would go, everything that would happen after the coming days all while he kept peppering it into the conversation just to have said it again, just to hear it back.
It keeps being perfect as Ijichi reiterates it every time he hardens again inside of you.
Even as he sits up, and from all the sweat it’s like peeling your bodies apart for the first time. His hands are gripping at your stomach, fingers digging in as he gives you his hardest thrusts yet. He sounds like he can’t breathe, like your pussy is hot enough to make him pass out even though he’s been settled inside of you for hours at this point. He’s gotten a second wind though, reaching deep and this time, you’re teetering on the edge even as he is unwavering above you.
The heat in your core is blinding, joining with a weight in your chest as you try your best, even in the throes of your orgasm, to watch him in all of his unbridled glory above you. Ijichi mouths the same sentiment that is burned onto your lips at this point, unable to control his breathing enough to form them into words.
I love you.
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lokh · 4 months
Okay, I won't lie NSW is more than slightly outside of my area of expertise when it comes to camping but the basics are the same anywhere. You said you have a tent and bag and some gear so we're not starting out at baby beginnings.
Step one, check the forecast. If its gonna be a heat wave or a cold snap or pissing rain wouldn't it be nice to know that before you're sitting miserable in a tent in the middle of nowhere? Plan accordingly, pack accordingly and you will be amazed how much you can deal with if you're prepared for it. Personally I have a nice rainshell with me at all times because it acts as a windbreak, water barrier, and exposure layer. I have taken a rainshell into the mojave desert where it never rains and I was right to do so because the wind got cold. I have occasionally been the overprepared dork, but I have more often been the only one not getting hypothermia.
Step two, know where you're going. As in, what to expect not just physically where it is. Are there restrooms? Water? Animals? Poisonous/stabby plants? Poisonous/stabby bugs? Other campers? Poisonous/stabby campers? Hazards? Cell service? Emergency services? Gas stations? Can you safely have a fire? Can you toast/grill your food or are you having cold dinner?
Step three, pack the most obscenely overdone toiletries kit you can imagine. Yes, this is actually important. My god, human bodies are messy. All your basic overnight goodies and then add sunscreen, bug dope, wet wipes or something similar, your own toilet paper and something to dig with if you're going out past available restrooms, and a small first aid kit. The kit doesn't have to be a full triage supply, tweezers, bandaids, antiseptic and maybe some gauze if you're clumsy. If you are gonna be doing a lot of walking/hiking I also recommend moleskin for blisters. Put the moleskin on BEFORE the blister pops.
Step four, look at the forecast again, assume it's wrong and pack for the worst weather possible. You need a dry pair of socks and undies. You need long sleeves and a spare shirt. Even if it doesn't feel like it, you will sweat through the day and get damp and if you sleep in the same thing you've been wearing you will get chilled. This is why every one says no cotton for camping, no matter where you are. I have a full change of clothes for sleeping so my day clothes can air and dry overnight.
Step five is food and its really each to his own for this one. If you're hiking out you will be more limited as far as weight/refrigeration, but thats somewhat of a trial and error thing. Freeze dried meals have their place but there is no reason it has to be your go to. Remember your water and remember that if you sweat and replace it with nothing but water you will be hurting. Powdered drink mix is your friend. If you're car camping and tenting next to the car I just bring a 5 gallon jug of water that stays in the car and refill waterbottles as needed. (Note: Senshi from dungeon meshi isn't actually an unattainable fantasy, you can cook a full scale meal in the backcountry if you really want to. It is several magnitudes more difficult than you would think if you are used to cooking in a kitchen, but it is possible.)
Step six is assessing your gadgets. If you want your phone you probably need a power pack to charge it. You will want a flashlight for the dark, not your phone, not glowsticks. If you want a camera you have to figure out how to carry that with you. You also need to figure out if you have cell service and a way to call for help. The more intense you get into this, the more you should look at getting a GPS or inreach/spot device, especially if you want to go alone. This is also a good time to come to grips with the falliblity of technology and get a paper map.
Step seven is for sleeping arrangements, which you seem to have covered. My rip is to set up sleeping stuff as soon as you get to where your making camp, so that way your bag has a chance to loft and your aren't fiddling with stuff sacks in the dark when your tired. And drunk if you're party camping. Open the sleeping bag before the tequila. Also a sleeping pad will protect your bag and also your joints so you don't wake up feeling like Rip van Winkle.
Have fun, be safe, don't be a dick and clean up after your self at your campsite. Sleeping in the dirt is a great time and I hope you enjoy your trip.
thank you so much!!!! i had a great trip but it wouldve been better if id followed your advice more carefully LMAO
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amnesiamilk · 1 year
Wolf Therian Tips!
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You have a divine taste in prey ! And I must say , your packmates must be proud of your agility ! Come over here and listen to my tips and activities for wolf therians!
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Eating and Food
Wolves are practically known for their carnivore based appetite , so well known that some people fear they might attack humans. I dont really recommend eating people since it’s kind of illegal and immoral but here’s some other options!
Eat a lot of meat , obviously balance your diet but go to the market and buy chicken . Chicken is a good choice because it usually has the bones still so you can get lots of gnawing and ripping out from it . Also be sure to wash and clean the bones if you’d like to keep them . No one likes a den that smells like rotting chicken .
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Activities and Behavior
Find a pack. There are thousands of online packs or mixed packs out there, but if you’d prefer a in-person pack then go searching for packs in your area. Also GO CAMPING. I recommend this to any canine therian because camping is just so good for canines. You can hear the wolves at night and play in the river , lots of amazing opportunities for quads . You can also howl at night, if you live in an area with lots of coyotes , most people won’t tell the difference and will leave you alone. Going on hikes is a great way to analyze habitats .
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Gear and Species Dysphoria
Bite species dysphoria in the tail . We know it sucks. Although you don’t need gear or quads to be a therian it may be helpful to have some form of tail .(please make sure your tail is not from a fur farm , buying fake ones are better than abuse) .If you cannot purchase a tail due to being a minor or other reasons , then you can make some very easily! On my coyote tips post, I linked a video for how to make a yarn tail. Check that out if you’d like . You can also make a tail through blankets and a belt . Simply attach the belt to your waist and feed a blanket through the buckle and knot it, move the tail to your back and enjoy your temporary tail! This is good if you are in a shift and need to aid your phantom limbs.
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pinkhairandpokemon · 2 months
Blueberry Academy Annual Summer Camp
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Every late summer here at BBA, when most students are approaching the end of their break, we hold an event to offer anyone who might've struggled last year with grades a chance to catch up and prepare for the upcoming new year, or newbies that are seeking to get a head start. It's also a good opportunity for any parents considering BBA for their child!
This camp began as a student-lead idea to help their friends who were struggling to keep up, and in the last few years has become a BBA tradition. Along with tutoring, we also realize attending requires most students to stay in dorm rooms for the duration of the camp- so we also offer fun activities and games in between lessons! These activities can range anywhere from arts and crafts, general hangouts, nature walks or hikes to different parts of the Terarium, or even battling!
You aren't required to show up to any specific lesson- whatever works with your schedule, and whatever subject you need help studying for! Most of our tutoring sessions are held in groups, but we also provide private individual lessons for anyone who think their kids would benefit more from that. Our sessions our typically held by volunteers, teachers, and even some students!
The event organizers this year is our newest champion of the BBL and Naranja Academy exchange student, Florence Ramirez, and our Steel-type BBL Elite Four Member, Amarys Martin. If you have any questions, direct them to Florence at @scarlet-rider!
Here's a list of the subjects we plan to tackle and some of the events we have planned in the coming weeks:
Subjects (+ Instructors):
-Science (Florence Ramirez)
-Battle Study (Blake Lockhart)
-History (Ms. Briar)
-Mathematics (N Harmonia)
-Literature (Mrs. Ross)
-Foreign Language (Anita Brooks)
Week 1 Activities
Day 1- Introduction to the Terarium: This one was made specifically for new students, but anyone is allowed to attend! Director Cyrano and Florence will be providing a personal tour of the Terarium and its various different biomes.
Day 2- Group Training: Are you a trainer seeking to challenge the BBL this year? Our Battle Studies instructor Blake and a few of our League Club members themselves will be holding a series of training sessions for you and your Pokemon to hone their skills!
Day 3- Paper flowers: We try to have a different arts and crafts activity held by the Art Club for every week of the camp. This time, we'll be learning how to make paper flower displays!
Day 4- Lunch and Get Together: Just a small meet up we'll be holding in the Central Plaza to recap how our first week of camp has gone! A good opportunity to make some friends and get to know some of our instructors. We might also have some exhibition battles between BBL Elite Four members to enjoy!
Day 5- Polar Biome Hike: We'll be hiking to the peak of the Polar Biome's Mountain! Pack a lot of cold weather and camping gear for the journey.
Day 6- Karaoke Night: A laidback karaoke event that'll be held by the Music Club!
We'll be revealing Week 2 and Week 3 events later on into the camp! We'll provide more details for each event and tutoring session via handout pamphlets that all attendees will receive, such as times, what to expect, and what you'll be recommended to bring.
The camp will run for a duration of three weeks from July 25th to August 15th. We hope to see you there!
(( OOC Event info under cut ))
(( hi! the summer camp arc was something I've been plotting for a while, and decided hey maybe other people with BBA characters would like to participate in this!
it won't be anything too complex- you can just make posts about your character attending a tutoring session or one of the events listed above. you can even have them interact with N, Blake or Florence if ya want! Florence will be making an announcement post for each event on her blog.
like I said above , there will be week 2 and week 3 events, and those will be announced once week 1 wraps up :)
a pretty simple, low stakes event, I think that pretty much sums everything up. if you decide to participate i hope you'll have fun! lmk if you have any questions ))
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totkdaily · 2 months
Top Six Peaks of Hyrule
We climbed the peaks of Hyrule so you don't have to! Which of these landmarks measure up? And which fall short of their promised splendour? Enjoy our rankings - number two will shock you!
6. Hebra Peak
Views of this peak from afar are impressive, particularly from a southeasterly direction where the impact from Vah Medoh's attack on Calamity Ganon is clearly visible.
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But the hard hike to the summit - an ascent from Rito Village, the nearest settlement, would take an experienced, well-equipped hiker around 14 hours to complete - is not well-rewarded. The weather on the peak is usually dire. Even if the clouds break, the view is obscured by sheer distance - and the circling aerocudas overhead are somewhat distracting.
5. Mount Lanayru
A hard hike from Hateno Village, navigating over Madorna Mountain, this remote location's views suffer from the same weather conditions as Hebra Peak.
However, resilient hikers able to make the trek will be rewarded by this peak's saving grace - the Shrine of Wisdom.
Nestled among the icy spires of the otherwise unwelcoming summit, the Shrine of Wisdom is a tranquil location. Visitors may have the privilege of bathing in the icy sacred waters, or praying to the Goddess Statue, one of the largest in Hyrule. This most remote Shrine of the Goddess is well worth a visit - but make sure to pack climbing and gliding gear, and snowshoes if you have them.
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4. Death Mountain
The views are as fantastic as one might expect, but the sign at the top boasting Death Mountain as the number one of 100 famous mountains of Hyrule might be overselling it. The gloom still pouring out of the crater is sure to put a dampener on any picnic, and the jagged spires around the crater's edge mean that you'll need climbing gear or a glider to truly enjoy the panoramic views of Hyrule and its sky islands.
From ice to heat! Death Mountain is certainly more accessible since the volcano stopped erupting a few years ago. Now, there are two main routes to the summit: the quick and exhilarating route up the mine cart tracks from Goron City's outskirts, or the old-school monster-infested trek through the hills from Foothill Stable. The accessibility of the mining tracks makes this peak a short and rewarding trip.
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3. Dueling Peaks
Dueling Peaks is an all-round good choice for a trip into Hyrule's beautiful natural scenery. The northern peak is convenient for a hike from Kakariko Village, or climbers who're looking for a challenge can set out from Dueling Peaks Stable. The southern peak is a little trickier to reach - we'd recommend heading between the peaks from Dueling Peaks Stable and approaching from the southeast.
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2. Satori Mountain
Ultimately, while Dueling Peaks is a fine destination for a day trip or a picnic, it suffers from a lack of distinctive landmarks or features to recommend it. Its shape can be seen much more dramatically from the Great Plateau, and unless you're confident with a glider or climbing gear it's difficult to visit both peaks in one trip. But the views of Hyrule Plain and the jungles of Faron are unmatched.
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Famous for its ecological marvels and mystical presence, you might be surprised that Satori Mountain isn't higher up on this list! It is relatively easy to get to, being a short ride from Outskirt Stable. And it's certainly worth a trip for enthusiasts of hunting and botany.
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The hike up the slopes is idyllic, through the peaceful Dalite Forest and past the enchanting Rutile Lake. The final approach heads past a beautiful cherry blossom tree beside a small pond - delightful! But the peak itself is a relative disappointment, being three bare rock spires. While they give Satori Mountain its distinctive shape from afar, this underwhelming summit marks Satori Mountain down in our estimation.
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1. Shatterback Point
The area was once home to a rather fearsome Lynel, but thanks to King Sidon's efforts it is once again safe for travellers. Now, the peak stands as a testament to both Zoran history and natural beauty. Mipha Court is a tranquil spot and a well-deserved monument to Princess Mipha. And from here, the sky islands are almost close enough to touch!
The highest point on Ploymus Mountain, Shatterback Point is easily accessible from Zora's Domain and well worth a visit for its spectacular views across Zoran architecture and engineering, from the King's Palace to the East Reservoir.
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All in all, we feel confident in saying this is Hyrule's best peak.
Do you agree? Is there somewhere you think we've overlooked? Let us know! Maybe we'll be able to feature them in a future instalment!
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ashwritesmonsters · 1 year
The Thru-Hiker (part 2)
Female Reader x Male Mothperson (Desmond)
Prev: [Interlude] Next: [Part 3] Words: 2.9k Note: Yes, this story is alive! Don't mind me just editing things like 80 times 😭
As you wake gently to the sun shining through old lace curtains, you enjoy a delicious moment of not quite knowing where you are. Your body feels rested properly for the first time in ages, and the bed underneath you feels impossible to get up from. This all changes when you remember you're in Willow Grove, on the second floor of Evangeline's Bed & Breakfast, and running into Desmond again is a very real possibility. The town was a tiny one, after all, and Moths like Desmond literally stood head and shoulders above the humans, Selkies, and Lupines in town.
With the possibility of seeing him again giving you much needed motivation to get out of bed—you literally imagine yourself hugging him and nuzzling into his soft neck fuzz—you quickly freshen up with an indulgent hot shower and throw on some fresh clothes. You never realized how much you missed wearing things like leggings and sweaters until you wore nothing but purpose-made hiking gear for months. 
The moment you step out of your cozy room, you're dragged by the nose downstairs towards the aroma of fresh croissants. As you step into the kitchen, Evangeline pulls a baking sheet with half a dozen of them out of the oven, her tail wagging with satisfaction.
"Good morning, dear," she greets you, moving with impressive speed to set out a plate and silverware for you in the breakfast nook. "How did you sleep?"
"Perfectly," you reply, playing hot potato with a fresh croissant as you sit at your plate. 
"I've forgotten how nice it is to sleep in a real bed. I seriously considered never getting up."
"Well that just wouldn't do!" She smiles warmly, baring her sharp canines. "Otherwise, who would I share breakfast with?" She turns her back on you for a moment to reach for jugs on the counter. "Coffee, orange juice, water?" She offers.
"Coffee, please," you ask. You heft your camera off your shoulder strap and onto the table, where it's joined by a mug of steaming coffee. You don't have to be a coffee snob to tell by smell alone that this is better than the freeze-dried stuff you had with you on the trail.
"You're a photographer, I take it?" Evangeline asks, eyeing your toaster-sized camera.
"I am," you say between bites of warm croissant. She smiles as you enjoy her delicious handiwork.
"Is that what brings you to Willow Grove?"
You think while you chew. Yes, you could tell her that you're here because you hiked five months to find a Moth you hooked up with in the woods, whose full name and contact info you don't even know, and you're sorta hoping to just bump into him in town and...
"Pretty much," you lie. "I took lots of photos on the trail, and I guess I didn't want to go straight back to the big city. Willow Grove is a very pretty town." That last part is honest.
"Well you are in for a treat." Evangeline leans in, elbows on the counter. She's proud of her town and her tail wagging is proof. "If you're looking for something to do today, I'd love to help you with some recommendations of mine."
"That would be lovely." Just like that, your croissant is nothing but crumbs, so you sip your coffee.
"Well, I think you should start at our library." Evangeline reads your mind and grabs you another warm croissant. "I'm sure you would find the archival photos there interesting. There are some from nearly a hundred years ago on the microfiche."
"Wow. That's pretty good archiving." You start working on the second croissant. You're drawn in by the chance to see this town in photos a century old. The town already feels so steeped in history; you'd love being able to see it for real.
"For a town this size it's unheard of. The library really is the centerpiece of the town. It's the only building with three stories and it's a beauty, too. It's all red brick and stained glass on the outside, with stained wood and brass fittings on the inside. It's pretty enough to photograph on its own, now that I think of it."
"I'll have to do that, then," you chew. "Thank you for the recommendation, Evangeline. I'd be lost without your help."
"Of course, dear. Don't hesitate come by and chat with me again."
You nod eagerly and thank her again. Between Evangeline's generosity and the small town charm, Willow Grove was growing on you. Once you finish your coffee and croissant, your camera finds itself slung on your shoulder once again and you set off, stepping out into the crisp Autumn air.
The walk to the library is a pleasant one, with the scent of fallen leaves and woodsmoke in the air. As you approach the building, you see what Evangeline meant when she said it was the town's centerpiece. The red brick exterior is adorned with intricate stained-glass windows depicting scenes of nature and the townspeople. Where the morning light shines on the exterior just right, you frame a shot and snap a photo.
Stepping inside, you're greeted by the rich, dark wood interior that oozes warmth and history. If you weren't drawn here by the lure of the archival photos (and didn't have a Mothman to find), you'd want nothing more than to curl up in a warm corner and finish a book in one sitting. Your eyes are drawn to the towering bookshelves that seem to reach for the heavens, each equipped with rolling ladders to access the highest volumes.
Following Evangeline's advice, you make your way to the microfiche room, eager to delve into the historical photographs she had mentioned. Upon entering, you find yourself alone under the dim lighting with only the sound of analogue machinery as various machines hum and click around you.
You take a seat at one of the microfiche machines, both eager and intimidated. You're no stranger to old tech, but you've never used one of these, and the machine's knobs and scroll wheels seem don't match anything you've used before. With determination, you begin to attempt operation, threading a nearby spool of delicate film through the machine and squinting at the projected images on the screen.
Despite your best efforts, the machine proves stubborn and uncooperative. The images refuse to focus properly, and the scroll wheel seems to have a mind of its own as it either moves too fast or not at all. Growing increasingly frustrated, you ball your hands into fists and fight the urge to smack the machine. You'd probably end up more damaged than the machine if you did.
"Ugh," you mutter under your breath, trying to channel your patience and remind yourself that it's just an old machine. "Why won't you cooperate?"
Taking a deep breath, you look around the dimly lit room, seeking solace in the quiet space. As your eyes adjust to the low light, you notice the intricate details of the machinery and the countless reels of microfiche waiting to be explored. Thinking about the long history of this town and the fact you're only one of many people determined to photograph it and record its charm calms you down a bit.
You refocus your attention on the stubborn machine, steeling yourself for another attempt at coaxing it into cooperation.
Just as you're about to touch the scroll wheel again, a gentle tap on your shoulder startles you. Your heart leaps into your throat as you spin around, only to find Desmond standing behind you with a warm smile on his face. 
"Hey there," he says softly, his big red eyes sparkling with amusement. "Need a hand?"
"Desmond!" you exclaim, unable to contain your joy at seeing him again. With a mix of delight and relief, you sweep him into a tight hug, lifting his featherlight frame off the ground for a moment. His fluffy wings flutter against your back, and you can't help but smile even wider.
"Wow, someone got pretty swole on the trail," Desmond jokes awkwardly as you set him back down, his chitinous features accentuating his shy grin. "I'm glad to see you too."
"Sorry, I just got carried away," you apologize, cheeks burning a little. "It's been so long since we last saw each other."
"Yeah, it really has," he agrees, rubbing the back of his neck. "How have things been for you since we... parted ways?"
"Tiring, but good," you reply, trying to focus on the positive aspects of hiking and living like a caveman. "I actually finished the trail just a few days ago. You weren't kidding when you said the town was right near the trail's end."
"Well, welcome back to civilization. I don't need to reintegrate you to society do I?" He teases.
"Shut up," you land a playful shove against his shoulder. "What are you doing in the library, anyway? You haven't been stalking me since I got into town, have you?" You tease back.
"Actually, I work here. It's what I did before I hiked the trail and it's good to be back."
Desmond the Librarian just seems too fitting for him. "How's life as a librarian?" You ask.
"Quiet, mostly," Desmond admits with a chuckle. "But I like it. It gives me time to read and watch old movies, which is nice. Plus, I get to help people find what they're looking for, whether it's a book or a piece of microfiche."
"Speaking of which," you say, gesturing toward the stubborn machine, "any tips on how to make this damn thing work?"
"Of course," Desmond says, stepping closer to the microfiche machine. With a few deft movements of his slender fingers, he adjusts the knobs and scroll wheels, and the image on the screen comes into focus.
"Thanks," you say with relief. "I was about to give up on this thing."
"Anytime," he replies with a warm smile. Then, he glances around for a moment before leaning in slightly, voice hushed as if by instinct in the quiet library. "Hey, do you want to see something really cool?"
"Sure, what is it?" you ask, your curiosity piqued.
"Come with me," Desmond says, leading you out of the dimly lit microfiche room and toward a staircase tucked away in the back corner of the library. "There's a private office upstairs with an amazing view of the town. I think you'll like it."
As you ascend the stairs, you notice the atmosphere shifting from the cozy bustle of the library to a serene, quieter space. The dark wood paneling continues upwards, and the scent of old books melds with the faintest hint of dust.
Desmond opens the door to the private office, revealing a room filled with antique furniture and more floor-to-ceiling bookshelves. A large, arched window dominates one wall, offering a stunning view of Willow Grove below.
"Wow, this place is incredible," you breathe, taking in the beauty of the room and the town beyond. Townspeople below mill about, getting ready for a lazy morning. You can see the cafes on the main street starting to fill up and people driving their cars on the winding roads to the neighboring towns.
"I thought you might like it," Desmond says, a hint of pride in his voice. "It's one of my favorite spots in the library."
You both step closer to the window, absorbing the breathtaking view and enjoying each other's company in the peaceful atmosphere of the office.
"You know, um..." Desmond starts, fidgeting with his neck fluff, "I'm happy to see you again. I'm glad decided to find me again."
"Me too." You sidle up to him, enjoying the warmth of one of his wings. "I worried you'd think I was crazy, or you'd have gotten over me, or..."
Desmond stops you. "No, not at all. "I'll admit, this would have been much easier if I just gave you my number," he chuckles, "but it just didn't feel right back then, you know? But now that some time has passed and I've gotten to be on my own for a bit... this feels right, having you with me."
"Thank you," you reply, touched by his words. Your heart swells, and the knowledge that Desmond is just as happy as you are to be here has your face filling with warmth. If Evangeline's croissants were a feeling, they'd be closest to the sensation of Desmond wrapping a soft, warm, fuzzy wing around you as you both watch Willow Grove come to life.
Just as you're about to stand on your tiptoes to plant a kiss on him somewhere, the door behind you swings open.
"Desmond, I need to talk to you about..." The voice, strong and low like dark chocolate, trails off as the Mothwoman enters the room and spots you. Immediately, an aura of coldness and intimidation emanates from her, making the air heavy with tension. She's taller even than Desmond, and her black wings, spiderwebbed with streaks of white, wrap around her like a cloak.
"Who is this?" she demands, her gaze fixed on you. The warmth in the room dissipates like a snuffed out candle.
"Mom, this is my friend," Desmond says, trying to defuse the situation. "We met on the Appalachian Trail a while back."
"Friend?" Samara narrows her eyes, suspicious of your presence. Her overprotectiveness of Desmond is palpable, making you feel like an intruder in their world.
"Nice to meet you, Mrs... um..." You stammer, offering your hand in a polite gesture.
"Samara," she replies icily, ignoring your extended hand. She turns her attention back to Desmond. "You never mentioned any new friends from your trip."
"Ah, well, we just recently got back in touch," Desmond explains, his voice wavering slightly under his mother's scrutiny.
"Is that so?" Samara regards you with a steely gaze, her tone accusatory. She begins asking terse, probing questions, attempting to assess you as if you were a threat. "How did you meet? Why are you here in Willow Grove?"
"Um, we met by chance on the trail," you respond, feeling uneasy under her intense stare. "As for the rest, I'm just here to take some photographs. It's a hobby of mine." You try to remain polite, but can't help being taken aback by her coldness.
"Photographs," she repeats skeptically, looking you up and down. There's something unspoken in her expression, a hint of distrust that you can't quite decipher.
"Mom, please," Desmond interjects, coming to your defense. "It's really not a big deal. We're just catching up."
"Fine," Samara relents, her tone still chilly. "But don't plan on spending all day with her. You're needed at the circulation desk soon." With that, she gives you one last lingering glare before turning and leaving the room as abruptly as she had entered.
You stand there in the wake of her departure, heart pounding, as the atmosphere slowly begins to return to near-normal.
"Sorry about that," Desmond says with an apologetic grimace. "My mom can be a bit... overprotective."
"Is she always like this?" you ask, still reeling from the encounter.
"Unfortunately, yes," he admits. "Especially lately, with the town's Founding Festival coming up. She's been under a lot of stress." He rubs the back of his neck sheepishly before continuing, "I guess I should let you know she's the mayor of Willow Grove, so the responsibility of overseeing the whole event falls on her."
"Your mom is the mayor?" Your jaw goes a bit slack. Having his mom dislike you is one thing, but when she runs the whole town? You try to shake off the lingering unease, focusing instead on the warmth of Desmond's wing as he returns to your side and rests his hand on your shoulder.
"Yeah," he chuckles nervously. "She's a bit of a local celebrity around here. I'm really sorry for how she acted towards you. I promise, it's not personal."
"Thanks," you say, managing a small smile. "I appreciate you sticking up for me."
"Of course," Desmond replies, his gentle eyes meeting yours. "You're important to me, and I don't want my mom's behavior to drive you away."
The sincerity in his voice makes your heart flutter, but there's also a pang of disappointment. When he had introduced you as "just a friend" earlier, it had stung a little, even though you understood why he did it. You wonder if that's all you can be to him when Samara is around – just a friend.
Desmond seems to sense your uncertainty, and hesitantly reaches out to take your hand. "Hey," he says softly, "if you're up for it, I'd love to take you on a real date soon. Somewhere outside of this dusty old library."
"Really?" The hopefulness in your chest flares up at his words.
"Absolutely," he confirms, giving your hand a reassuring squeeze. "I want to show you the town and get to know you even better."
"Then I'd love that," you reply, feeling a mix of emotions, but still hopeful. Willow Grove seems like a town just magical enough to make this work, no matter how much warming up Desmond's mom needs before she gives up the cold shoulder.
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zerogate · 4 months
"Men were designed for short, nasty, brutal lives. Women are designed for long, miserable ones." -- Dr. Estelle Ramey
Male expendability starts in the womb. The egg of the female inches in solitary splendor down the fallopian tube, inviting impregnation. It has no competition. On the other hand, the sperm—the male’s contribution to procreation—vigorously swim the lengthy course up the vagina and uterus, beating their long, thin tails in an effort to outrace the millions of their brothers headed for that solitary egg. Only a single spermatozoon—one literally “chosen” by the ovum—manages to finally penetrate the egg’s outer membrane and achieve the grand prize of impregnation. The losers die.
But that is merely a preview of the casual manner in which Nature tosses male lives away. Male fetuses are the primary victims of natural abortions, miscarriages, and stillbirths. When times are tough, Nature shows her preference by hiking the rates of spontaneous abortion for males to higher than normal but continuing her tendency to preserve her embryonic daughters. As James V. Neel of the University of Washington says, for males “in utero it’s a jungle.”
Things don’t get any better after birth. In their first few years of life, male babies have a higher death rate than their sisters. Then the nasty habits built into the male genes begin to take their toll. Even in a nice, civilized spot like Alameda, California, where researchers performed a longitudinal study of five thousand adults, males were nearly four times more likely to lose their lives to homicide than females. And they were twice as likely to be accident victims. Their own aggression and bravado did them in.
But cockiness is not the only thing that mows men down. They are twice as likely to be victims of lung cancer, suicide, pulmonary disease, cirrhosis, and heart disease. The immune systems of females work far more efficiently than those of males. How can you encourage the male immune apparatus to function at a higher level? There is a way, but I wouldn’t recommend it: castration. The single trick that kicks the male defensive system into higher gear is the elimination of maleness.
One result of these myriad handicaps: in every industrialized country, women live four to ten years longer than men. But why does Nature treat the lives of males with such abandon? The reasons are simple. If you did away with the vast majority of men on the planet but preserved the women, you would scarcely even dent our species’ reproductive capabilities. One man kept around as a stud could easily provide a hundred women with the wherewithal to become pregnant whenever they pleased. Every nine months a one-man, one-hundred-woman collective could produce a hundred babies.
Just how disposable males are becomes obvious in the light of statistics revealed by anthropologists William Divale and Marvin Harris in 1976. The pair scrutinized data from 561 primitive social groups. They found that societies constantly engaged in war are very selective about the babies they allow to live. They want boys—male children who can grow up to be warriors—so they weed out the female infants, killing them outright or undernourishing and overworking them. The result is that they end up with 128 male children for every 100 females. So far, it sounds like the males have made out quite well. But when the “treasured’ ‘ young boys pass the age of fifteen, their fate becomes less rosy. They are sent off to war. And there, they die. On the average, 28 out of every 128 never make it to maturity. Their lives are simply tossed away.
-- Howard Bloom, The Lucifer Principle: A Scientific Expedition into the Forces of History
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Hey Caribou! I wanted to ask you what your Caribou self-care routines are and what you would recommend to get started?:(
Thanks for the question!
Something I do to connect with my theriotype and practice self care is just to exercise a lot and run around as much as possible. I especially like hiking and running track! I know this isn’t possible for everyone, but if it is possible for you I would totally recommend it. It really relieves species dysphoria and makes me feel very connected to my body and to my surroundings. I also like to swim sometimes and do quadrobics, and sometimes I like to just walk around and dig in the snow/mud, just because it’s fun.
I also like to just be around other people or animals as much as possible. It doesn’t have to be in person, sometimes I just like to call people to feel like I’m in some kind of herd or to just not be lonely.
I really recommend foraging for food (if you live in a rural area) or growing a garden. Ofc, do your research on which plants are good to eat, but foraging is a big thing that helps me, and is also a socially acceptable hobby. Sometimes I bring my friends along and we just go pick dandelions and it’s a fun time!
I see a lot of therians online talking about changing their diet or modifying their diet to fit what their theriotype eats, and that’s great if it works for you, but I wouldn’t recommend it. Of course there’s some wiggle room but I would just stick to things that you know are good for a human body. You don’t have to only eat meat or only eat leafy vegetables just because your theriotype does it.
As far as gear goes, I don’t really do much. I do, however, walk on my tiptoes so it seems like I have the right joints, and I wear loud shoes and walk so it sounds like hoofbeats.
Hope this helps you!!
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