#hindutva uses it zionists are using it
homonationalism is sinister. do not fall for the narratives of homonationalism, just because one group of people supposedly tends to oppress their queer people don't forget so do the ones pointing it out to you they do not care any more about you, think about their motivations and agenda, this is a ploy and honestly a thinly veiled (if at all) fight against liberation, because no matter how far your queer liberation goes, no liberation is complete until everyone is liberated.
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stopantisemitism · 1 month
hey hindulivesmatter and their ilk are gushing about this movie on savarkar (dude is sort of the founding father of hindutva) and one of the posters for the movie literally has him doing a nazi salute. so you’re absolutely right about them and it’s concerning to still see jews here hobnobbing with them. they just really hate muslims and have a massive victim complex.
I just looked into this and you're right. This is DISGUSTING. This man apparently called for the rape of Muslim women too and you're also right about the Nazi salute.
THIS is exactly why I don't consider those nasty hindutva scum my allies. Is this your symbol too??? Did Hitler steal this from your nasty followers too???
Jumblr we need to do better with who we allow into our cause.
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timetravellingkitty · 4 months
everyday i see clueless westerners (especially white people) peddle thinly veiled hindutva propaganda which they wouldn't know cause they know absolutely nothing about what goes on in india. so here are some signs that that the person you're talking to is a hindu nationalist:
they either do not acknowledge casteism or claim that caste is a western construct. my personal favourite however is dismissing anyone bringing up caste discrimination by saying that the indian constitution outlaws untouchability. they may also bring up the fact that the prime minister belongs to an other backwards class (obc) so clearly india has moved on from caste and hindutva isn't only for the upper castes. they possess a shallow understanding of caste
harping on about "islamic colonisation" : no, the mughals did not colonise india. when you point this out, they will immediately assume that you think muslim invaders were innocent beings who did nothing wrong, which is very much not what anyone is claiming here
while we're on the topic of "islamic colonisation" they will also refer to the demolishing of muslim sites of heritage and worship and then building hindu temples over them as "decolonisation" (cough cough ram mandir) the hindu right also goes around pretending that they're indigenous to india. this is false
along a similar vein, they will dismiss islamophobia by bringing up instances of hindu oppression in countries like pakistan and bangladesh. it is true that hindus are persecuted in these two countries, however they are used to fuel their oppression complex, that their upper caste hindu self is under attack in india of all places (think a white christian in the united states). you should be in solidarity with minorities everywhere. it is neither transactional or conditional (note: they will never bring up sri lanka. persecution of hindus exists only when the oppressors are muslim)
claiming that hindu nationalism and hindutva are not the same because hindutva means "hindu-ness". that is only the literal translation of the term. like it or not, they're the same thing
they support the indian military occupation of kashmir. they will call it an integral part of kashmir, one reason which will be "hinduism is indigenous to kashmir." they will also bring up the last maharaja of kashmir signing the instrument of accession as further proof, as if the consent of the people was taken
they're zionists. do i even need to explain this. hindutva is just zionism for hindus
they refer to buddhism and jainism (sikhism too sometimes) as branches of hinduism rather than separate, distinct religions
they condemn any resistance to the indian govt as a burden or terrorism (like calling the farmers who are currently protesting a hindrance or terrorists. funny how sikhs are the same as hindus when they support hindu causes but terrorists when they resist oppression...)
they call you a pseudo liberal or a fake leftist. i'm telling you, they don't know jackshit. they can't even tell the difference between a liberal and a leftist and call US unread lmao. bonus points if they call you a liberandu or a sickular 💀
they call india "bharat" when they talk in english. there are in fact multiple indian languages that call india bharat or bharatam, but if they say bharat while talking in english, that is absolutely a hindu nationalist no questions asked
please do your due diligence. read up on hindutva. hindu nationalists have already started making gains in the united states, thanks to rich upper caste nris. do not fall for propaganda
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fiercynn · 2 months
Can you elaborate more on how hindutva is tied to zionism and white supremacy? I'm not trying to hate I'm genuinely curious.
tbh i don’t have the energy rn to write up an explanation myself, but here are some sources to get you started:
hindutva’s ties to fascism, nazism, & white supremacy broadly
hindu fascism 101: what is hindutva?, by the alliance for justice & accountability
why white nationalists are working with hindu supremacists, by safa ahmed at progressive
why white supremacists and hindu nationalists are so alike, by audita chaudhery at al jazeera
white and hindu supremacists are a match made in heaven, by amardeep singh dhillion at novara media
when hindu nationalism and white nationalism meet, by thomas crowley at jacobin
hindutva & zionism specifically
united in hate: the similarities and solidarities between hindutva and zionism, by ananya ray at feminism in india
the hindu nationalists using the pro-israel playbook, by aparna gopalan at jewish currents
why zionism rules the hearts of hindutva acolytes, by shreevatsa navatia at frontline (a magazine of the hindu)
in state repression and its justification, india and israel have much in common, by achin vanaik at the wire
violent majorities: indian and israeli ethnonationalism, a discussion between balmurli natrajan, lori allen, and ajantha subramanian at recall this book podcast
how hindu nationalists became best friends with israel, by goldie osuri at jacobin
india's hindutva proponents and zionist israel: strange bedfellows, by kavita chowdhury at the diplomat
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metamatar · 8 months
To counter what they view as a rising tide of prejudice, the HAF and other Hindu American groups have turned to American Jewish organizations, which they have long seen as “the gold standard in terms of political activism,” as Maryland State Delegate Kumar Barve said in 2003. Since the early 2000s, Indian Americans have modeled their congressional activism on that of the American Jewish Committee (AJC) and AIPAC; Indian lobbyists have partnered with these groups to achieve shared defense goals, including arms deals between India and Israel and a landmark nuclear agreement between India and the US. Along the way, these Jewish groups have trained a generation of Hindu lobbyists and advocates, offering strategies at joint summits and providing a steady stream of informal advice. “We shared with them the Jewish approach to political activism,” Ann Schaffer, an AJC leader, told the Forward in 2002. “We want to give them the tools to further their political agenda.” Shukla told Jewish Currents that the HAF continues to work closely with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the AJC, whether by “being co-amici curiae on briefs to the US Supreme Court,” or by “lending our support to one another’s letters to Congress.”
[...] Faced with rising scrutiny over India’s worsening human rights record, Hindu groups have used “the same playbook and even sometimes the same terms” as Israel-advocacy groups, “copy-pasted from the Zionist context,” said Nikhil Mandalaparthy of the anti-Hindutva group Hindus for Human Rights (HfHR). Hindu groups have especially taken note of their Jewish counterparts’ recent efforts to codify a definition of antisemitism—the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition—that places much criticism of Israel out-of-bounds, asserting that claims like “the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor” constitute examples of anti-Jewish bigotry.
[...] In 2003, Gary Ackerman—a Jewish former congressman who was awarded India’s third-highest civilian honor for helping to found the Congressional Caucus on India—told a gathering of AJC and AIPAC representatives and their Indian counterparts that “Israel [is] surrounded by 120 million Muslims,” while “India has 120 million [within].” Tom Lantos, another Jewish member of the caucus, likewise enjoined the two communities to collaborate: “We are drawn together by mindless, vicious, fanatic, Islamic terrorism.”
Driven by that sense of shared purpose, the AJC and AIPAC helped train new Indian American political groups—such as the Indian American Political Action Committee and the United States India Political Action Committee—to achieve their aims in Washington. The AJC hosted seminars on political activism in DC and New York; it also brought several delegations of Indian Americans to Israel to meet with members of the Israeli government and military. “We’re fighting the same extremist enemy,” the AJC’s capital region director Charles Brooks told the Forward in 2002.
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Where does this curious Hindutva-Zionist solidarity spring from? One origin is from the earliest Hindu nationalists who modelled their Hindu state on Zionism. Hindutva’s founder, Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, supported majoritarian nationalism and the rooting out of all disintegrating forces. These included Muslims who supported electoral quotas for their community and left-wing internationalists. As a result, he even condoned the Nazis’ antisemitic legislation in two speeches in 1938 because, as he saw it: “a nation is formed by a majority living therein”. Yet Savarkar was not antisemitic himself. He often spoke favourably of the tiny Jewish-Indian minority because he considered it too insignificant to threaten Hindu cohesion. In fact, Savarkar praised Zionism as the perfection of ethno-nationalist thinking. The way Zionism seamlessly blended ethnic attachment to a motherland and religious attachment to a holy land was precisely what Savarkar wanted for the Hindus. This double attachment was far more powerful to his mind than the European model of “blood and soil” nationalism without sacred space. Today, Hindu nationalists perpetuate this legacy and still look to Zionism as a uniquely attractive political ideology. To Hindu nationalists, some Zionists were engaged in a project to reclaim their holy land from a Muslim population whose religious roots in the region were not as ancient as their own.
In 2018, Israel passed a law that rebranded the country as “the nation-state of the Jewish people” and delegitimised its non-Jewish citizens. Similarly, India’s controversial Citizenship Amendment Act in 2019 eased paths to citizenship for immigrants from several religious groups, but not Muslims. Coupled with rhetoric associating millions of Indian Muslims with illegal immigration, human rights groups argue that this law could be used to strip many Muslims of their Indian citizenship. Hindu nationalists have also stoked a culture war to consolidate “Hindu civilisation” and sweep away symbols of Islam. This is very much in keeping with the wish of Israel’s far right to rebuild Solomon’s Temple on the site of the holy Temple Mount in Jerusalem, where al-Aqsa mosque compound currently sits. In 1969, a Zionist extremist burned the south wing of al-Aqsa. And in 1980, the fundamentalist group Jewish Underground plotted to blow up the Dome of the Rock, an Islamic shrine at the centre of the compound. A similar project of demolishing mosques and building temples in their place was suggested by Savarkar and Golwalkar. Hindu nationalist organisations focused their attention on Babri Masjid mosque in Ayodha, since this was the mythical birthplace of the Hindu god, Ram.
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bfpnola · 9 months
definitely a longer piece so these excerpts are far from showcasing everything this piece has to offer! read the whole thing on your own time, and in general, just check out jewish currents, an educational, leftist, anti-zionist jewish magazine!
Every August, the township of Edison, New Jersey—where one in five residents is of Indian origin—holds a parade to celebrate India’s Independence Day. In 2022, a long line of floats rolled through the streets, decked out in images of Hindu deities and colorful advertisements for local businesses. People cheered from the sidelines or joined the cavalcade, dancing to pulsing Bollywood music. In the middle of the procession came another kind of vehicle: A wheel loader, which looks like a small bulldozer, rumbled along the route bearing an image of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi aloft in its bucket. For South Asian Muslims, the meaning of the addition was hard to miss. A few months earlier, during the month of Ramadan, Indian government officials had sent bulldozers into Delhi’s Muslim neighborhoods, where they damaged a mosque and leveled homes and storefronts. The Washington Post called the bulldozer “a polarizing symbol of state power under Narendra Modi,” whose ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is increasingly enacting a program of Hindu supremacy and Muslim subjugation. In the weeks after the parade, one Muslim resident of Edison, who is of Indian origin, told The New York Times that he understood the bulldozer much as Jews would a swastika or Black Americans would a Klansman’s hood. Its inclusion underscored the parade’s other nods to the ideology known as Hindutva, which seeks to transform India into an ethnonationalist Hindu state. The event’s grand marshal was the BJP’s national spokesperson, Sambit Patra, who flew in from India. Other invitees were affiliated with the Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh (HSS), the international arm of the Hindu nationalist paramilitary force Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), of which Modi is a longtime member.
On December 6th, 1992, a mob of 150,000 Hindus, many of whom were affiliated with the paramilitary group the RSS, gathered at the Babri Masjid, a centuries-old mosque that is one of the most contested sacred sites in the world. Over the preceding century, far-right Hindus had claimed that the mosque, located in the North Indian city of Ayodhya, was built not only upon the site where the Hindu deity Ram was born but atop the foundations of a demolished Hindu temple. The RSS and its affiliates had been campaigning to, in the words of a BJP minister, correct the “historical mistake” of the mosque’s existence, a task the mob completed that December afternoon. “They climbed on top of the domes and tombs,” one witness told NPR. “They were carrying hammers and these three-pronged spears from Hindu scripture. They started hacking at the mosque. By night, it was destroyed.” The demolition sparked riots that lasted months and killed an estimated 2,000 people across the country.
The destruction of the Babri Masjid was arguably Hindu nationalism’s greatest triumph to date. Since its establishment in 1925, the RSS—whose founders sought what one of them called a “military regeneration of the Hindus,” inspired by Mussolini’s Black Shirts and Nazi “race pride”—had been a marginal presence in India: Its members held no elected office, and it was temporarily designated a terrorist organization after one of its affiliates shot and killed Mohandas Gandhi in 1948. But the leveling of the Babri Masjid activated a virulently ethnonationalist base and paved the way for three decades of Hindutva ascendance. In 1998, the BJP formed a government for the first time; in 2014, it returned to power, winning a staggering 282 out of 543 seats in parliament and propelling Modi into India’s highest office. Since then, journalist Samanth Subramanian notes, all of the country’s governmental and civil society institutions “have been pressured to fall in line” with a Hindutva agenda—a phenomenon on full display in 2019, when the Supreme Court of India awarded the land where the Babri Masjid once stood to a government run by the very Hindu nationalists who illegally destroyed it. (Modi has since laid a foundation stone for a new Ram temple in Ayodhya, an event that a prominent RSS activist celebrated with a billboard in Times Square.) The Ayodhya verdict came in the same year that Modi stripped constitutional protections from residents of the Muslim-majority region of Kashmir and passed a law that creates a fast track to citizenship for non-Muslim immigrants, laying the groundwork for a religious test for Indian nationality. Under Modi, “the Hinduization of India is almost complete,” as journalist Yasmeen Serhan has written in The Atlantic.
To achieve its goals, the RSS has worked via a dense network of organizations that call themselves the “Sangh Parivar” (“joint family”) of Hindu nationalism. The BJP, which holds more seats in the Indian parliament than every other party combined, is the Sangh’s electoral face. The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) is the movement’s cultural wing, responsible for “Hinduizing” Indian society at the grassroots level. The Bajrang Dal is the project’s militant arm, which enforces Hindu supremacy through violence. Dozens of other organizations contribute money and platforms to the Sangh. The sheer number of groups affords the Sangh what human rights activist Pranay Somayajula has referred to as a “tactical politics of plausible deniability,” in which the many degrees of separation between the governing elements and their vigilante partners shields the former from backlash. This explains how, until 2018, the CIA could describe the VHP and Bajrang Dal as “militant religious organizations”—a designation that applies to non-electoral groups exerting political pressure—even as successive US governments have maintained a warm relationship with their parliamentary counterpart, the BJP.
The most extreme figures in the Hindu nationalist and Zionist movements were especially frank about the nature of their partnership: “Whether you call them Palestinians, Afghans, or Pakistanis, the root of the problem for Hindus and Jews is Islam,” Bajrang Dal affiliate Rohit Vyasmaan told The New York Times of his friendly relationship with Mike Guzofsky, a member of a violent militant group connected to the infamous Jewish supremacist Meir Kahane’s Kach Party.
In 2003, Gary Ackerman—a Jewish former congressman who was awarded India’s third-highest civilian honor for helping to found the Congressional Caucus on India—told a gathering of AJC and AIPAC representatives and their Indian counterparts that “Israel [is] surrounded by 120 million Muslims,” while “India has 120 million [within].” Tom Lantos, another Jewish member of the caucus, likewise enjoined the two communities to collaborate: “We are drawn together by mindless, vicious, fanatic, Islamic terrorism.”
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hindulivesmatter · 2 months
I agree with true Zionists that there is no room in our movement for hindutvas. While we appreciate the support it's just not a good look for us to be associated with right wing ideologies. That other blog was racist about their use of "Indians" so I apologize on their behalf because we don't all think that way but they were right about your movement
I'd like my Jewish mutuals to weigh in on this please. What do you all think?
@mossadspygoat @gaelic-symphony @matan4il @gerrysherry
I'd love to know your thoughts here.
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hussyknee · 6 months
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I accidentally deleted this ask yesterday but fortunately had a screenshot. Ngl I'm kind of ??? about it because...why would you single out Hinduism to pick the most fundamentalist, cultural and political aspect of it, that's not even practised in most the Hindu minorities outside of India? Nearly every community in India has a caste system regardless of religion. Within Hinduism there's no just one caste system either. Eelam Tamil Hindus have a caste system, but it's not as violent as India's (although of course still violent and oppressive). Sinhalese have a caste system too, and the ones still invested in it would swear blind this was related to Buddhism somehow, a doctrine that preaches against inequality of any kind. Caste systems are literally haram in Islam and yet some Muslim communities managed to rationalize creating one because they wanted to assimilate into the worst of us I guess.
I know fuck all about Hinduism to tell you the truth, but my sister is a convert and devotee of Durga Matha. I asked her about it and she sent me this:
There are as many variants of Hinduism as there are varieties of grass. The only thing they have in common is the Vedas which is a bunch of hymns and stuff. It doesn't really go into detail about caste.
The caste system comes from a book called Manu Smriti. Some accept it as a Hindu text, some don't. Hinduism isn't even a religion actually. It's a bunch of similar belief systems that the Britishers lumped in together for ease of classification. Within Hinduism there are many sects- Saivism, Shaktism, Vaishnavism, etc. So to define Hinduism as some sort of oppressive religion doesn't make sense because it isn't a religion as Westerners define it. Anyway, truth is everyone cherry picks the parts of religion that suits them and discards the rest. Some think that's being dishonest. I think that's just common sense.
This makes sense to me. It's very colonial to monolithize belief systems that evolved from the disparate religious texts and syncretic practices of dozens of kingdoms and dynasties over 4000 years, just because it shares the unique character of belonging to the Indian subcontinent. (Which is precisely why its propagated by Hindutva nutcases. They're imperialist colonizers permanently snorting Indian manifest destiny crack.)
Bestie. Friendo. My guy (gender neutral). Ideology doesn't shape society. People wrap ideology around what they already want to believe and do. This is how you get Zionists (both Christian and Jewish), Wahabi/Salafi Muslims, Hindutvas and... whatever we're supposed to call this current iteration of Theravadin Buddhism that is also characterized by ethnosupremacy and genocide. Religion takes the character of the individuals and ideologues that choose to follow it. There are no exceptions.
To reiterate the point that inspired this ask: Some LGBT folks's queerness is inextricable from their religious identity. Stigmatising and ostracizing religion in queer spaces is alienating, racist and violent. Just like no one should force religion on you, no one should force secularism on people either. There is enough air for us all to breathe free.
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buttercuparry · 5 months
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The braindeadness of this post is the proof of what Hindutva and Islamophobia does to you. On top of that there is this brain dead use of the tag "hindulivesmatter" via bastardization of BLM, which protests against the very real violence perpetuated by the state against African Americans and using "Hinduphobia"- a vile distortion of Islamophobia, which in fact has killed millions and dehumanized billions of people. Who is killing Hindus in India? Who is jailing Hindus? Who is oppressing Hindus in India? Who is enforcing laws punishing Hindus and reducing them to second class citizens? Exactly how have they been dehumanized? Do random professors come up to a hindu student in an university and call them terrorist? Does the vermilion invoke the same "tsk-tsk" sound as a burqa? When a Hindu boy dares to fall in love with a girl from another faith, is it called the love-jihad? If a woman defends someone from the Hindu faith, are they immediately told that Hindu men would tear into her body and behead her? The audacity and privilege in playing the victim when violence isn't heaped on you...
The fact that anon can even reason that Pakistan is similar to the settler colony and therefore should cede to exist, by surrendering its statehood to India... the fact that Op agrees! shows the extent to which they live in the universe of their own making.
Because apparently it needs to be spelled out:- the partition of the subcontinent happened amongst people belonging to this land. The violence of partition and displacement weren't strictly heaped on one particular community. Thousands upon thousands of Muslim lives were lost just as Sikh and Hindu lives were lost. Thousands upon thousands of Muslims lost their homes, just as Hindus and Sikhs did. To play it as a tragedy only on part of the Hindus* is aptly done in Indian media...I know that. But a manufactured reality is just that- a distortion of facts.
I know in some Zionist circles there is this goal of manufacturing "Greater Israel" which necessitates even more land grabbing by the settlement. It is similar to the hindutva braying of Akhand Bharat ( as in dissolution of both Bangladesh and Pakistan into one single entity named India or Bharat). There literally is no difference between the genocidal intent of Israel and the aspirations of Hindutva.
*btw I am not calling sikhs, Hindu
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stopantisemitism · 1 month
do you dislike hindis because their support for israel is really weird? (in like a fetishizing way almost idk how to describe what i mean)
Yeah I dislike hindutvas because their support isn't real at all.
From what I've read and seen they just are supporting us because they hate Muslims and thus Palestinians. That makes it seem like our problem with them has to do with religion which it doesn't. We just want our land back
Other so called Zionists like hindutvas because they feel comfortable with the support and I find that to be cowardly because id rather walk alone than walk with the likes of a Hindutva.
Today I learned that they glamorize a man who literally said it was okay to rape women and had a lot of similarities with Hitler.
Also back home in Israel there is def jokes about them being fetishy and creepy. My experience with the men hasn't been the greatest either.
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notatypicalhumanatall · 6 months
welcome to my blog! ♡꒰⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠⑅⁠꒱♡
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the above image is from: https://meiker.io/play/15189/online.html
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hi, my name is drystan! (you can also call me soren)
i am transmasc, omniromantic & demisexual [i use he/him/they/them pronouns]
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my posts are very disorganized (apologies) and consist of the most random shit ever
i am indian!
my mbti is infp-t!
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any form of a:
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blinkies under the cut! (warning for flashing lights)
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ASATA Statement on the March 3, 2024 "Unity March against Anti-Semitism"
There will be a “Unity March against Anti-Semitism'' in San Francisco tomorrow. However the last 147 days of  genocide in Palestine have made clear that this “unity march” is just a cover for Zionists advocating to continue bombing and starving Palestinians. 
The only non-Jewish speaker at the event is Pawan Deshpande from the Hindu American Foundation (HAF). HAF is a right wing Hindu Nationalist (Hindutva) hate group that started as an outgrowth of the core Hindu Nationalist group, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), associated with the current fascist BJP regime in India. These organizations advocate for Hindu Fascism at every level, both in the US and India. You can read more about the VHP in this recent report by Savera, a new, progressive South Asian coalition in the US. 
The presence of an HAF speaker at this Zionist march is a clear signal of the deep ideological and political alliance between Zionists and Hindu nationalists. Both ideologies are built on the belief of an ethnonationalist state only achieved through normalizing violence against minorities, ethnic cleansing, state repression, and cultural erasure. Zionists and Hindu nationalists have been increasingly working together on building power and strategy. This alliance is apparent in India being the largest purchaser of Israeli weapons, their use of Israeli technology and strategy in the ongoing occupation of Kashmir, and India’s recent sale of “killer” drones to Israel. 
Pawan Deshpande and the HAF don’t represent the diversity of the South Asian or Hindu communities in the Bay Area. ASATA stands with the majority of Americans in calling for a permanent ceasefire. Since October, we have joined our Palestinian and Arab comrades, along with people of conscience across the Bay Area, fighting for an end to US aid to Israel and a Free Palestine. 
We continue to call on South Asians and South Asian organizations in the United States to reject the continued co-option of our identities by organizations such as the HAF and to see clearly that the only “unity” perpetuated by this march is a unity in support of a fascist and genocidal regime that continues to invisibilize the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people.
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aceduchessdragoness · 5 months
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2 different posts by [@]khaledbeydoun on Instagram uploaded January 2, 2024
1: "Very sad and ugly. I recognised some of the accounts. But it’s important to have a good team and network to know how to respond to those stirring up division from “within.”
This isn’t surprising to me, given the work I’ve been doing on surveillance, CVE, Islamophobia in the US and globally.
Sadly, some of the tactics I was using to identify Hindutva bigots in #India and Chinese agents suppressing my work on the Uyghur Muslims genocide have proven useful again.
We need to focus on Gaza, Lebanon, and Yemen — but have people actively undermining and suppressing from the inside to a company that already wants to silence our voices. Please be wary of those stirring up division and launching personal attacks during a live genocide.
You can’t make this up. But knowledge is power, and I’m trying to garner as much information as I can to protect people and take action."
2: "This is how they disconnect our efforts and silo people on the ground in Gaza.
Go to [@]motaz_azaiza’s page and engage as much as possible.
The suppression and censorship is getting worse and worse, and like I said in my last post, it’s being aided by some from “within”."
Also, here are some comments on the 1st post:
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[id: 1st picture is all text, it says:
I learned today, that through a formal request, that specific Arab/Muslim accounts were reporting other prominent accounts on Palestine with frivolous complaints.
Sad to say this – but some of the suppression on Palestine content is being spurred from “within” the community.
2nd image has text and a screenshot of a warning from Instagram:
Instagram won’t let me post Motaz’s posts anymore without punitive action.
-- Underneath this is a screenshot from Instagram that says:
This post could limit your account’s reach with non-followers
Your post may go against our Recommendation Guidelines. This couled impact your account’s reach on Reels, Feed Recommendations, Explore, Search, or Suggested Acctounts to people who don’t follow you.
-- Underneath this it shows the image that Instagram is warning about. It’s too small to properly see, but it’s of an injured man laying on the ground, with another man crouched near him. The uploader is [@]motaz_azaiza
3rd image if of a string of comments from the 1st picture’s comment section:
khaledbeydoun: I don’t take any of this personally. But take practical action when it harms me or others.
akacaoimhe: [@]khaledbeydoun That’s exactly what they’re being to vicious about too…the fact that you threaten them with legal action, despite the fact that they’re libelling you
anonymouspalan: [@]khaledbeydoun I watched a video today from [@]greg.j.stoker about Hasbara’s next tactics being divide and conquer. Maybe all the big accounts should post about this and make the Pro-Palestinian movement aware that this is coming up. I mean we’re already seeing it as you said.
cookieny29: [@]khaledbeydoun did everyone not watch the movie Fara?! There is always one.
osipmandelstam: [@]khaledbeydoun People aren’t making frivolous complaints. They’re naming people who take money from foundations and NGOs that support Zionism. I used to work at OSF. It has certainly never supported anything or anyone rooted in authentic resistance. That place puts the normal in normalization. I don’t know what your personal endgame is beyond gaining a large personal following and making money off these nonprofits – but you certainly aren’t a revolutionary. And anyone who loves Shaun King like you do can’t be completely above board.
margarita_consalt: [@]osipmandelstam the accounts making these frivolous accusations, like yours, are newly opened (Dec 2023) and have no followers. You are a zi@nist b@t trying to divide us. Find another hobby.
halal.around.the.globe: [@]Osipmandelstam zionist troll! /id]
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hussyknee · 6 months
If y'all want to feel sympathy for the Israelis, you better have it for every single genocider. Slavers and settlers that scalped Natives and Nazis and Imperial Japan and Stalinists and Serbs and the British East India company and white nationalists and Islamic fundamentalists and Hindutvas and Assad's forces and and and.
People do not become genociders because of victimhood. The majority of the worst colonial empires were people who hadn't been oppressed themselves in centuries. Groups become genocidal because they have power and want to take their trauma or paranoia out on someone weaker than they are. Even the ones who aren't gleefully enthusiastic go along with it because the benefits and risks of dissent outweigh your moral conscience. You're not forced to make those choices. That's not what indoctination is. Indoctrination helps dehumanization. It's making it easy to silence every doubt and qualm and instinct for empathy and compassion. But you still choose. You make a conscious decision to see a human being as a vermin to be eradicated. It's easy to do that when you have no incentive to see them as human and no consequences for treating them accordingly.
For fuck's sake, stop using the Holocaust as an excuse for Zionists. Half of them are converts or the children of converts who never lived the Jewish generational legacy of persecution. Most of their families migrated from places where they had a perfectly comfortable lives, and the other half was born in Israel and never knew what being a marginalized minority was like. Israelis are literally the least oppressed Jews in the known world. They victimize Palestinians because colonizers and oppressors live in mortal fear of the people they colonize and oppress, because they KNOW that they're crushing them and have to manufacture all sorts of narratives to rationalize and justify that they're actually the good guys.
Colonization and genocide is a result of power. I and a lot of other BIPOC have been traumatized by Zionists before we ever knew the word for them, because they keep taking out their paranoia of Jewish hate on Black people, Natives, immigrants, Muslims and Arabs and every kind of racial minority that have no systemic power to hurt them. They have such a foothold in the Jewish communities of Europe and its settler colonies (Australia, the Americas), because white Jews have assimilated into whiteness. However conditional their acceptance among white Christians, they have the same racial and institutional power over Black and brown colonized people. Which makes it easy for them to choose Zionism— the legitimizing of white colonial anxiety in place of fear of their oppressor. Antisemitism is their ready and convenient way to rationalize the racism and Islamphobia and racial superiority they already have.
Do you think Jews are the only people who have ever been genocided? The Holocaust was not exceptional, it was exceptionalized by the Western powers to launder their own atrocities that far outstripped Nazi Germany. Look at what they're doing with Ukraine. They're being genocided and colonized and they deserve empathy and help against Russia. But the West isn't concerned about Armenia the same way even though it's also an Eastern European country. They definitely weren't concerned about any of the other countries Russia has attacked or helped genocide (like Syria). Including Ukraine itself before all this. Putin has been attacking Donbas since 2014.
So why now? They care about who's genociding Ukraine, not about Ukrainians. Russia under Putin is very much a threat to NATO and Ukraine is bordered by NATO countries. The Western PR machine still had to make Ukrainians white, because Slavs are ethnically marginalized in Western Europe, and even North America to a lesser degree. They have white privilege over all Asians and Africans and Indigenous people because the colour system of race is based on European colonization, but they have only conditional whiteness in the imperial sphere of both the US and Russia. But because they're ethnically European, the US and Western Europe was able to launch a PR "Look They're Just Like Us!" campaign to elevate them to full whiteness, so that their own citizens would actually give a shit about this country they'd barely heard of before. That's why we're all more concerned about Ukraine than any other Eastern Europeans (we're all conditioned into white supremacy). After that, the US went around thumping its own chest for a full year and half, trying to launder its military image after the twenty year Muslim genocide that was the War on Terror (still ongoing).
This is exactly what they did with European Jews. High-ho, somebody victimized by the Enemy! Dust them off and lookie! They're European! People will give a shit that we liberated them if we make them all white! But uh, do we really want five million Jewish refugees in here? Oh I know, we'll thrown in with those crazy Jewish terrorists that were giving the Brits so much trouble, and give them a state! They're also from Europe after all, and Civilized™, unlike the savages!
And then the liberated Jews accepted doing exactly what the Nazis did to them. Not because they had to! They could have just lived in Palestine, that whole region of the Levant was pretty secular and multicultural. But they didn't see Arabs as human beings! Because Europeans are taught to see Black and brown people as servants and savages! They massacred Palestinians and took the place over because they could and then called it the War of Independence. The first people they victimized after that? Were Arab Jews. They colluded with Arab nationalists to have them ethnically cleansed entirely out of their countries and scooped them up to create a labouring underclass! Put them up in such squalid conditions that scores died!
And did those people look around and realize white Jews were their oppressors and they had far more in common with Palestinians? No. They threw in with their oppressors to help make Palestinians lives a generational nightmare. Because power and assimilation! This is the exact same reason why Zionists has been trying to cosy up to Nazis since before Hitler.
(Oh and by the way? Germans never regretted the Nazis or the Holocaust. The Americans "denazification" was a dead fail. They just used Israel to make a whole dog and pony show of how very sorry they were and how it was a Dark Moment in Their History™ (because nothing they've ever done to colonized people counts). They paid reparations because the West made them, but they never got over the massive post-war genocide the Allies subjected their people to, or the way they carved up the country like a Christmas turkey. But again, did they hold Britain, France, US and Russia responsible for it? Did they acknowledge that the most severe cases of post-war violence came from American GIs? Of course not. Obviously the biggest threat was...the Poles.)
If you really see all those TikTok videos of families dancing to their genocide songs, taunting starving and dehydrated Palestinians and teens lampooning Palestinian mothers grieving their dead children and think "they're also victims because Western imperialists exploited their fear and made them into monsters" then I don't even know what to say to you. That level of infantilization, wilful ignorance and need to turn sadism into victimhood is breathtakingly racist and paternalistic. Even if you believe #Not All Israelis, the point is there's enough Israelis. Also what is even there to feel sorry for?? Are Israelis about to be turned out and shot in the streets? Starve to death? Have their limbs amputated without anesthetic and still die of sepsis? Literally what??
Emotions are signifiers of your own internal biases and perspectives. They aren't indicative of justice or morality. We can't move through a deeply unequal world and believe that compassion is having the same responses, judgements and feelings for everyone. It's not empathy you're feeling for Israelis, it's conditioned philosemitism and casual racism against Palestinians. If you actually followed the videos and images and news coming out of Palestine, you would feel about as sympathetic towards them as Nazis. You would understand that this kind of atrocity doesn't come from trauma or having been victims. It comes from having zero consequences for doing them. It comes from unchecked, gleeful, sadistic power.
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By Seth J. Frantzman
I was reading about the passing of some French artist and there was some discussion about his antisemitism and whether it was just “antiZionism”….how he was obsessed with being against Israel and even seemed to mock the Munich massacre.
So it got me thinking. We tend to always debate “antiZionism” on its merits. Like “here is privileged guy X from some place in European country Y and he is anti-Zionist”…and we are supposed to discuss it normally like here is this person and he or she just happens to be obsessed with hating one country…and he makes a profession out of it. We aren’t supposed to interrogate using critical race theory how he came to this.
What I mean is that you have a person and we are supposed to discuss if their “antiZionism” is perhaps just a bit too much and they are actually antisemitic.
But what I suggest asking is a deeper question. Let’s take the random French director or British peer or German pianist or Swedish actress…some random example….and let’s ask…how is it that they are born in the 1940s or 60s and their parents were usually openly racist antisemites…maybe even pro-Nazi…but they just happen to direct their obsession against one country out of 200….like they just happen to adopt “anti-Zionism”….now their colleagues and peers do they randomly adopt some other anti-thing? For instance, Zionism is the nationalist movement of the Jewish people…so if we took a random 100 sample would we find also there are anti-Chinese nationalism, and anti-Biafra, anti-Ataturkism…or is there only one movement that they adopted an anti belief against. Is it interesting that in Europe you have two dozen basically nation states, from Latvia to Ireland, countries of one language and one majority religion…and that somehow someone is getting up in the morning in France and they are not obsessed with being against Bulgaria or Kosovo or Sweden or Basque nationalism…they get up and look all over the world and are obsessed with “Zionism”…and their parents were also obsessed but were antisemitic. For instance their parents didn’t like seeing a synagogue but the kids get up and don’t like the country that has a Star of David on its flag.
If it was just a normal thing to be debated we’d expect to find as many people in the West obsessed with Chinese nationalism, Hindutva, Greek and Turkish nationalism, Latvia…Katanga…Swaziland…there’d be professors who are professional anti-Swazi nationalist activists at universities…but there aren’t.
There’s only one thing the West invents as an anti-national activist thing. And it invented it in 1945, the day the war ended. They moved from being antisemitic to antiZionist. Where once their antisemitism had been palatable at the country club now they were lauded for being professional “anti-Zionist”…it was a quiet wink-wink that they knew what they were doing…If any of it was legitimate then we’d expect to see as many of them obsessed with Western Sahara. They aren’t. And that’s because Western anti-Zionism is their modern form of anti-semitism.
They say “well I’m just critiquing Israel’s government” or “I don’t believe in ethnic nation states”….except they do. They don’t do this to any other countries. It’s not a “legitimate” critique of Israel to adopt “antiZionism” since they don’t create a whole “anti” movement for anything else. Some of them critique Russia but they aren’t professional “anti-Slavics”….since there is no comparison with anything else one can conclude that critics race theory shows that they have always had this obsession. When a university club at some place says it only opposes “Zionists” but no other nationalists it’s just antisemitism. There’s no room for debate here. How did they come to the conclusion to single out one group and one country? If they want to critique Israel “legitimately” the only way they can do that honestly is among a broader critique of other countries…adopting a professional “antiZionist” view is solely a form of hatred. There shouldn’t be any “antiZionism” and it shouldn’t be debated. It should be viewed as strange as if someone said he’s a professional “anti-Liberia” activist…to which no one would listen because why would a westerner be obsessed with that…Those who pass off their antiZionsim as a cover for a new hatred shouldn’t ever be listened to or justified…and the fact some director or “artist” adopted this should automatically make it clear what he is. It’s part of a milieu, a western cultural signage.
*I'll add, sometimes the excusers of antiZionism will say something like this "we don't accept Zionist members of our university club, that's not antisemitic because we have many Jewish members who are anti-Zionist; as long as you're anti-Zionist you can join us"...to which I'd say once again we see an obsession with only one nationalist movement and it's even worse because what they are saying is that they only accept members of a specific racial/ethnic/religious minority if that group rejects a certain state abroad that shares its religion/ethnic/national status. Imagine them saying "we accept Greek and Baloch members but only if they are anti-Greece and anti-Baloch nationalism"...that would on the face of it unacceptable. The fact that some Jews are "anti-Zionist" like some Turkish people are against Turkish nationalism is fine, the people who are members of the group are entitled to oppose internally the group's nationalist aspects...like Latvians can support a Batlic confederation if they want...Kosovars can choose to be against Kosovo or Kosovar nationalism...that's up to them...but no non-Kosovar can decide for them...so no group at some campus in the US should tell a Kosovo Albania that he/she must reject Kosovo in order to join a totally unrelated group...and of course no one would do this...they only do it with Israel...it's the only country they single out. No one tells Bangladeshi students that they have to reject Bangladesh and support Bangladesh being unified with India or something bizarre, the way the "one state" folk do with Israel, seeking to erase it. 
This is why we have to interrogate the very roots of "antiZionism" and never accept the idea that it has any legitimacy. It certainly has none outside of an internal Jewish discussion.
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