#hippo does a meme
ohshy · 7 months
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meme thatll only b understood by a few people (3 including me)
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zot3-flopped · 5 months
Niall is literally unwatchable live. God the standards the industry has for male performers is so fucking low. I'm a Dua Lipa fan and she recently talked about how the 2017 dancing clip/meme affected her but ended up feuling her to do better and to prove people wrong and to see how people bully famale pop stars for not having the best stage presence while simultaneously letting their male peers get away with doing less than the bare minimum is crazy. The issue with Niall is the fact that he TRIES to have a big career he's really into being a pop star and yet he never worked on his stage presence. He isn't bad vocally per se, but he comes off stiff and nervous and he's always visibly shaky. I'm not tryna be a dick but if after years and years of performing and you still can't overcome your anxiety maybe work on that first instead of wasting people's time and money. And when he DOES try to hide his awkwardness it comes off even more awkward and weird! he's just not a natural as Harry is and the pop stardom is just not for him. I think he'd have been better off if he'd stuck with the Flicker-esque sound/persona. THAT felt natural. yes he wasn't jumping up and down the stage, but he looked comfortable and at ease performing folksy and soft rock-ish songs with his guitar. A lot of people are into laid back shows and he'd have made a career out of that but he had to go the Harry Styles route and failed miserably bc you can try to copy and dress up as him but you'll never be him.
Agree with every word! Niall doesn't have Harry's natural grace and athleticism, and just lumbers around the stage like a baby hippo. His friends find this 'cute' but it really isn't.
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council-of-beetroot · 13 days
What do i think about when a country is mentioned or what do I associate it with
Algeria - Sahara desert
Angola - thumb pianos, Luanda being an incredibly expensive place to live
Benin - dahomey, voodoo
Botswana - diamonds and the fact that it has been called the success story of Africa
Burkina Faso - Ouagadougou formerly called upper volta.
Burundi - drums used during a revolution there. Gorillas
Cabo Verde - the shape of the country is like a ring of islands all around another island
Cameroon - soccer, limnically active lakes
Central African Republic - the French language
Chad - Lake Chad, Taureg People particularly the blue headscarves
Comoros - Anjouan Moheli and Grand Comore. Has had lots of coups
Congo DRC - my sister is into epidemiology so she talks about it a lot.
Congo - across a river from Brazzaville is Kinsasha
Cote d'Ivoire - Chocolate and the flag is the reverse of ireland
Djibouti - Lake Assal
Egypt - the pyramids
Equatorial Guinea - Spanish speaking, usually the country I use to explain why GDP per capita can be skewed.
Eritrea - architecture influenced by italy
Eswatini - I once got it confused with Switzerland, there's a holiday called Incwala
Ethiopia - a book I read a kid called "children just like me" also pizza hut, weddings, raw beef.
Gabon - oil and the fact that they have places called ogooue
Gambia - the shape and Yaya Jammeh
Ghana - also soccer, Elmina Castle
Guinea - One of the countries my sister knows a lot about
Guinea-Bissau - hippos
Kenya - Jeff
Lesotho - mountains
Liberia - my sister does a great impression of the I'm Liberian meme. Ebola, Ebola in town, don't touch your friend
Libya - Gaddafi, Has a much better flag now. A transit point in human smuggling.
Madagascar - vanilla
Malawi - perch
Mali - Houses built out of mud, west African Islamic architecture.
Mauritania - slavery, I watched a lot of videos during quarantine about modern day slavery.
Mauritius - hinduism
Morocco - markets and tangines
Mozambique - Cabo Delgado
Namibia - San People
Niger - The coup, the orange dot on the flag
Nigeria - Boko Haram
Rwanda - Rwandan Genocide
Sao Tome and Principe - water access for some reason
Senegal - I think this one YouTuber I watch is from there
Seychelles - Hetalia
Sierra Leone - Civil War
Somalia - it's shaped like a music note
South Africa - Vuvuzelas
South Sudan - Francis Bok
Sudan - There are more pyramids here than in Egypt
Tanzania - zanzibar
Togo - for here or Togo meme. I'm sorry Togo I know nothing about you
Tunisia - Arab spring
Uganda - Mr. Moseby
Zambia - the shape of the country reminds me of a fetus. There is also some really cool waterfalls I think, not sure.
Zimbabwe - Mugabe
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beevean · 10 months
Man its just that the average nfcv fan vision of the belmonts is a human centipede. You grab the og belmonts, you kno the good hearted almost superhuman warriors who fought and killed Dracula time and time again, let nfcv turn them into regular vampire hunters that are framed as morally gray bc "muh poor vampires :(", and who are cynical jerks that don't do much of anything. And then you let the fandom bully them into the ground bc haha loser men and muh girlbosses.
And its kinda weird bc its also often making fun of them due to their traumas? Like yea maybe alcoholism due to losing your entire family at a young age isnt a joke you know. Or seeing your mother get killed in front of you as a child. Yes ofc you can make fun of dark stuff i'd be lynched as a hypocrite if i said you cant, but the way its done and how continuous it is... irrespectful? Like they dont respect the serious aspects of the character and legit think they suck for having horrible things happen to them? Im bad at gauging jokes like that but... yea (they just dont know how to bully fictional characters unlike us who throw Isaac off a 10 stories building everyday <3)
In any case, N! Trevor and N! Richter do not deserve that sort of treatment already, and much less their mainline counterparts :/
And regarding girlbosses, they way ppl need to put down their men to show how cool the girls are just, reeks of insecurity to me? Why does having a "loser dumb wife guy" makes her a girlboss? Why would a confident gal need a loser to take care of instead of a good partner were both compliment eachother's strong and weak points? Maybe im being a bit dramatic here, but it carries off a similar mentality to sexist guys that need to put down their gal's accomplishments to feel well Plus, the way how fandoms still revolve around said loser guys and how a lot of the times the writing itself makes the girlboss character a compliment or a motivation for the man without depth for herself makes it all feel performative. Just write a normal character with character traits who happens to be a woman ffs :/
It's incredible. NFCV alone feels like a shitty fanfiction, full of those fanfic tropes that would make me close immediately: flanderization, wimpification of "pretty" male characters, thirsting, juvenile wit, spotlight-stealing OCs, gratuituous sex and SA treated with the finesse of a charging hippo. Then you let the fandom fandomify this shitty fanfic even more, and the result is just a disaster, a kiddie pool of the most baffling misconceptions you could see.
Just to make one example, Trevor in the games is a noble but ruthless hunter, both friendly and fierce, fighting for mankind yet wanting respect yet gladly giving credit to his friends; in the show, he's a washed out Bojack Horseman-esque asshole, who despite his cynicism admittedly attempts to do the right thing when push comes to shove; and according to fandom he's pretty much a funny penis man with two braincells, Sypha and Alucard. the scene where he punches Dracula and he goes "you must be the Belmont" became a meme for a reason :^)
And yeah you're right that the fandom doesn't seem to. like the Belmonts much. But then again, they're acting like the show wants them to :) The writing doesn't take Trevor's alcoholism seriously, so they don't, alcoholism is a funny joke that makes people silly and just a tad pathetic (and it's not a serious addiction and symptom of larger problems no sir). Richter is a goofball who cries in a corny way, so it's easy to laugh at him - and that's when fans don't say that Julia deserved to die for being a "colonizer". Lenore is sexualized to hell and back, so the fans thirst for her and they think that Hector must thirst for her too, and look, wasn't her death so prettly tragic, maybe she was a good person after all!
The way fandoms treat girl characters nowadays is... barely an improvement over the 2000s when Amy would be called a slut for having a backless dress. Now it's all about how stronk and kewl and queens and girlbosses they are. And you can't criticize the writing of a female character because "just say you hate women 🙄", even when the said character is a female victim of abuse who was written by a molester as a smug radfem whose personality never goes beyond "i want to steal from men because men bad" *coughcoughcough*
The show itself is regressive when it comes to its female characters. They're all the damn same. They're either spunky sassy gals who put their men in their place, or evil but hot dommy mommies (Striga and Morana don't fit the mold because they're not characters). Most of them are magic users, even those who in the games were normal women. I will forever stand by my point that Annette did not need to be a metal bender, and if the writers truly cared, they could have fleshed out the skeleton provided by RoB. But they didn't. Because girl power!!! but only if you're conventionally "badass" and have a "strong" attitude.
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nov4-rocket5 · 8 months
I'm almost convinced that the whole stirr/meme over some YouTuber paying $50k to animate himself not getting laid by Disney Princess Anti-Christ is some sort of Negative Hype Marketing Ploy.
Hazho's first season is so close that this can't not be manufactured in some capacity. Like some sort of 4D Hungry Hungry Hippos move.
Fifty thousand goddamn dollars on an animation of your self-insert getting with a character you like, but not one frame of the sex? Who does that?? It all looks way too safe and tame for a personal Spank Bank. Something you could easily 'leak' to generate buzz for an upcoming show who's first two episodes have already leaked. Hm...
I don't fucking know. Maybe I'm just too busy thinking about what I'd have done with $50k worth of disposable income.
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dykesbites · 9 months
what does rdj meme mean?
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he is enamoured by the simple beauty of the baby hippo
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rimouskis · 1 year
is there some way we can bribe you for track by track thoughts on whatever albums you listen to? my personal vote would be for four, an album of some of the silliest songs in the world and grade a certified bangers
no bribery all I ask is that you listen to one song I love in return. so first go listen to Yippie Ki Yay by Hippo Campus and review it back to me then you're allowed to look beneath the cut
wait. I changed my mind. also you're not allowed to get offended at any of my meaningless opinions on an album from almost 10 years ago. capisce? I promise whether or not I like any of these songs is not an indictment of your personal music taste. love and light to all 1D fans
Steal My Girl: I like what this track initially put down. Really loud and stadiumesque bass, which is generally a one-way-ticket to "bec likes this song"-ville. but it keeps backing down for them to sing their verses, and personally I prefer constant auditory assault from said stadium-shaking bass+beats, but the loud chorus makes up for it. it's a little slow and plodding, but it's definitely a happy song. enjoyable! not likely to be on heavy rotation for me, but I won't skip it if it comes up. I do appreciate a good "na na na na nana". Banger. ✅
Ready to Run: the opening of this song is so nostalgic ahahah it sounds like that whole slate of acoustic guitar songs from the late 2000s. I like that! I wasn't as big of a fan when the full instrumental backing came in!!! leave it acoustic! is there an acoustic version of this song? that's what I want
Where Do Broken Hearts Go: now here's a big loud stadium chorus. yes. I wish to be top row in some enormous basketball stadium and hear this beamed directly at my head with the force of 1000 fighter jets while a strobe light whites out my eyes.
18: here's my secret, cap... I don't like ballads. like sure it speeds up about halfway through but I just have to accept about myself that I don't like this type of pop music. it's slow it's lovey and I need about 15 more levels of loud bass for this to work. this is also why miss swift's folklore and evermore albums didn't work for me [don't throw tomatoes at me okay I TRIED TO LIKE IT AND I DON'T. I NEED LOUD GUITARS.]
Girl Almighty: YES A SONG I KNOW! I KNOW THIS ONE! MY FRIEND HAS A TATTOO ABOUT IT! I do think the "save a savior" line is silly but this song is so bouncy and delightful that I'll forgive it. also "let's have another toast to the girl almighty" is such a delightful lyric. I need to add this song to my skiing playlist. Banger. ✅
Fool's Gold: snnznnnnznznzzzzzzzzzz another slow song. ballad BANISHED (it's not a bad song I just achieve normal person levels of dopamine via fast music)
Night Changes: [points] look ma it's the song from the meme! does it ever drive you crazy just how fast the night changes! would you believe me if I told you this is the first time I've heard this song in its entirety? because it's true. it's not a bad song! not super to my taste, but I was willing to sit through the whole thing. I really enjoyed the vocals in this one.
No Control: I like the guitars here. I do NOT like the chorus, which is too bad. the verses are good. not a flop, but not a banger :(
Fireproof: at this point I think I'm beginning to experience 1D fatigue. their voices are all starting to blend together. pop overload. this song blends into the background. I feel like I'd hear this song at the state fair playing on some speakers. inoffensive. it smells like popcorn and deep fried oreos here. a vehicle from the dirt rally catches on fire. the speakers crackle. louis croons, unbothered.
Spaces: ballads BANISHED!!!!!! BEGONE
Stockholm Syndrome: I rather enjoy the "WHOA!!!!" noises in the chorus here. I fear the rest of it does not overly stick out to me. more perfectly innocuous pop music
Clouds: this song is sadly SUPER not for me ahaha. it's strange bc I think the bones are there but something about the production isn't for me. I feel like if the sound was rawer and it was produced in a more rockish sense it would absolutely bang. like, strip this down to ONE boy singing the chorus, make the singing a bit grittier, and fuck with the instrumentation a bit, and then we're in business
Change Your Ticket: christ this album is long. [it is at this moment that Bec realizes she selected the "Deluxe" version on spotify. "fuck," she says to herself. well, in for a penny, in for a pound.] I like this one. not in a "it's gonna make it onto my playlists" kinda way, but in a "oh yes this is a fun pop song" kinda way. 7.5/10, would bop around if this was played at a wedding reception.
Illusion: nooooooot for me
Once in a Lifetime: BALLADS B A N I S H E D. but also this song is about the pens core thanks.
Act My Age: ANOTHER SONG I KNOW! AND HAVE LISTENED TO FREQUENTLY! I ENJOY THIS SONG GREATLY. MY FAVORITE PART IS UNFORTUNATELY THE FIRST FIFTEEN SECONDS, WHICH I WISH TO LISTEN TO ON REPEAT. I COULD DO WITHOUT THE SINGING. I'M REALLY HERE FOR THE FIDDLE. FIDDLES4EVER. But also I really like the slower chorus breakdown here aha. I think it works very well, and then it slams so harshly back into that fiddle segment. ugh. so good. don't love the verses here but all is forgiven for the sake of the fiddle.
mission accomplished 👍
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am-i-sans · 1 year
dnd adventure 19
raz isnt here yet so no undyne. oh no.
and inferno is back. OH NO. oh god. oh fuck.
(gaius is listening in playing a soundboard help me)
undyne is in eeby deeby and inferno dropped out of it landing badly. ALL HANDS ON FUCKIN DECK.
dans is just the ben affleck smoking meme sksksksk
suzy and inferno are besties. dear god.
dans: i have total faith in most of you *staring at inferno*
me and cam volunteer to watch inferno. dans also offers to get us a carriage since soupnik isnt here without undyne. dans takes cam with him to haggle for a carriage, and tori will use wildshape to be a honse.
giant wacky inflatable waving arm tube man. that is all.
cam fails to lower the price but dans does so cam is sad oh noes. and then goes eeby deeby cause addi is being gay.
a wood elf looks disappointed at the carriage? dans walks over (ITS GAIUS WTF) i offer him a ride. SIlvyr O'Hara, a woodelf druid, is his name. cam comes back from eeby deeby lol. why is gaius so british wtf. cam goes and gets everyone.
tori turns into a horse and we all get on and goooooo. dans takes the reins. sllvyr questions us lol.
(this whole session is fuckin wild its taken us like forever just to leave town)
inferno tries to leave since undyne isnt here so no curse? suzy looks so betrayed. sllvyr asks us about disasterious carriage rides. and hes worried about getting cursed with us now lol. also british is a swear word now lol.
inferno feels like hes been insulted.
sllvyr tells us about his old group. stopping kids from being kidnapped and enslaved. and his dead brother. (dans is very fucking attentive at this) we get some backstory pog. cam is confused how dans can relate to this (cause they were eeby deeby)
frog doesnt like the bad vibes so they start playing music. cam joins them. 'anyway heres wonderwall!' INFERNO GETS ATTACKED BY A GIANT VULTURE! he wins
we arrive at the town, its called Gersbavi and its full of halflings! dans hands the carriage over to sllbyr.
inferno sees something and follows it. TIGER. sadly inferno wins. then he gets attacked by a hippo and griffin.
dans and cam are going to find whoever is in charge to find where the monsters are. there isnt anyone but we get told about some bugbears. we go back and tell everyone and gather up and shit. (i then haunt the group with puns xD) cam is trying to teach the kids how to swear in bird. tori is stuck answering halfling kids questions. some kids say they saw a yellow lizard in a cabin up the mountain.
raz is finally back but moss said "no undyne cant be back i want you all to die." inferno shows up somehow. sllvyr shows up too. inferno keeps hissing at the kids and they hiss back.
time to fight some bugbears! 7 of them and 1 bugbear chief. dans carefully steps out and tries to converse with them. they say they got chased away from their den. dans offers to clear the den to make these guys leave. but we dont find anything. hmm sus. tori talks to the trees. they say there was a dark cloud and fighting noises.
so whatever it was left cool. we go back and let them know its safe. (addi goes eeby deeby) undyne leaves eeby deeby finally. the bugbears go home. (undyne is drax she doesnt understand metaphors omg) we go to check out the lizard thing!
we hop on soupnik to find the cavern. dans spots it so we land pog. we hear breathing inside. dans is very sneaky, but undyne is very loud and clunky lol. its a small dragon and a malformed kraken. the dragon is awake. we elect to just uh leave it alone. (moss told us they were gay and if we killed them a druid would show up and yell at us for killing them cause they wanted a family lol) frog sneaks inside to look at the dragon cause of course.
we ruined moss's plans all over! also jim shows up in town! for next session.
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thenewsart · 9 months
El Hippo price rises after $150k HIPP token burn
Disclosure: This article does not represent investment advice. The content and materials featured on this page are for educational purposes only. The El Hippo meme coin recently burned a major portion of its supply. This action has made the token scarcer and led to increased trading volumes, contributing to the coin’s upward trend. What is El Hippo? El Hippo, a meme coin launched in August 2023,…
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james-on-shuffle · 2 years
What Are You Doing in My Timeline?
This is an alternate timeline I made where Chris Farley lived long enough to finish recording all of his lines for Shrek. What follows is a strange timeline. It was really fun imagining these movies because many of them actually happened.
The story starts in 1997. On December 18, 1997, Chris Farley’s brother John invites him over (so that night Chris doesn’t have the speeball that killed him). He completes the audio for a new animated movie called Shrek directed by Vicky Jensen and Adam Adamson a week later. On January 10, 1998, he’s found dead on the streets of Chicago from an overdose. His last movie Shrek, is released in April 2000 ahead of Disney’s film Dinosaur. It does fine, but not fine enough. 
December 18, 1997-Chris Farely stays with his brother John.
January 10, 1998-Chris Farely dies of a drug overdose.
-Shrek starring Chris Farely, Eddie Murphy, and Cameron Diaz is released before Disney’s Dinosaur. It earns $123 million on a $54 million budget. People criticize it for taking advantage of Farley’s recent death, and the animation looks too scary for children. The film will ultimately find a second life online, in the same vein as Disney’s Treasure Planet (Never becoming the meme material that it should’ve been). Chicken Run grosses more, barely keeping the company afloat. 
-Disney releases Dinosaur and The Emperor’s New Groove to half-decent turnout. 
-Mike Myers appears in Dieter’s Day, a comedy film directed by Bo Welch which performs modestly and helps keep SNL films alive for the next few years. 
-Disney releases Atlantis, to good reception. 
-Pixar releases Monster’s Inc, to great success. 
-Dreamworks fails to make much from El Dorado. 
-Pixar releases its first fairy tale film, Tam Lin, directed by Brenda Chapman. It is awarded the Oscar for best Animated film. Tam Lin becomes enshrined in the Disney hero category similar to Peter Pan and Aladdin. At the 2003 Academy Awards, a rambling John Lasseter accepts the award for Tam Lin. He says, “Eisner told me this was the year of Stitch. This time it’s the year of Lin.”
-Disney releases Lilo and Stitch and Treasure Planet. However bad blood between John Lasseter and Chris Sanders/Dean Dublois (exacerbated by the Oscar speech) results in the two leaving the company. 
-Dreamworks releases Spirit of a Horse with Ben Affleck as the film’s narrator. It performs poorly. 
-Blue Sky releases Ice Age, to great success. It’s directed by Don Bluth who managed to finally work with CGI. 
-Tim Allen stars in Universal’s Adaptation of The Cat in the Hat. It becomes another modest hit for Imagine Entertainment after The Grinch. And they greenlight plans for a rock musical adaptation of The Lorax starring Jack Black to be released on Earth Day 2005. 
-Disney releases Great Bear with Johnny Depp as the titular Kenai. 
-Pixar releases Finding Nemo. William H. Macey’s performance as Marlin has the critics applauding. 
-Dreamworks folds after the failure of Sinbad (an untitled undersea remake of Mean Streets with Chris Rock and Robert de Niro halt production, and footage of it becomes a holy grail of lost media sleuths in the late 2010s). Katzenburg decides it’s time for him to enter into the internet age, and takes a position back at Sony while working on a video-downloading platform called Quiki. Dreamworks assets are sold to Paramount, and many of the old directors and writers of the company go onto work for Nickelodeon. Films like Nome (an adaptation of the books by Terry Pratchett) and Escape from Manhattan (about a Lion, Hippo, Okapi, and a Giraffe escaping the zoo only to wind up in New Jersey) are put into production. With the dissolution of Dreamworks, Aardman then gains a contract with 20th Century Fox, with their next five films being released alongside Blue Sky. 
-Disney releases Cows Gone Wild with Rosie O’donnel, and it does modestly. 
-Pixar releases The Supers. Blake Snyder, writer of the screenplay Nuclear Family sues Pixar and receives a portion of the film’s profits. 
-Mike Myers stars as Inspector Clouseau in The Pink Panther.
-Wallace and Gromit: The Great Vegetable Plot by Aardman and Blue Sky is released to critical acclaim. 
-Nickelodeon releases The Spongebob Squarepants Movie to great success. 
-Disney releases Mark Dindal’s The Ugly Duckling to mixed reviews. Joan Cusack earns praise for her performance as said Duckling facing obstacles in a summer camp. 
-Blue Sky releases Robots to great success. 
-Disney doesn’t renew Pixar’s contract due to bad blood between John Lasseter and Bob Iger, as well as diminishing returns. In the media storm rumors arise about Lasseter and possible sexual harassment (in our timeline he was let go because of this). He is ousted from the company and his successor is Pete Doctor. Lasseter goes on to work for Jeffrey Katzenberg’s new Clouding Service (in this timeline streaming is called clouding). 
-Imagine Entertainment releases The Lorax with Jack Black as the Lorax and Chevy Chase as the Oncler, and despite music by Bon Jovi the film is laughed off. This is the one which causes Dr. Seuss’ widow to stop making live-action adaptations of her husband’s work. 
-Quiki is launched as a subscription based website where for $4.99 a month, you can download 11 or 22 minute episodes of original shows on your iPod and later Zune. Some of the shows include new sitcoms such as Penny and the Geeks produced by Chuck Lorre, and Phineas & Ferb, a flash cartoon by Dan Povenmire and Jeff Marsh. Captain Underpants is also brought to the platform starring Johnny Bravo actor Jeff Bennet as the titular captain. Katzenberg tries to acquire Homestar Runner to no avail. 
-Disney releases The Robinsons, to negative reviews. Critics complain that the main villain played by Jim Carrey wasn’t scary enough. 
-Pixar releases Monsters Inc. 2: Lost in Scaradise. The final scene where Sully sits with Boo as she is about to pass, music by Hans Zimmer, is acclaimed by critics as one of the most brilliantly edited montages of all time. At this time they have launched a joint venture with Robert Zemeckis to create a new studio called PIXAR LIVE, a mo-cap company, after the success of Robert Zemeckis’ mo-cap adaptation of Zathura. 
-Nickelodeon releases Escape from Manhattan, now called Life’s a Jungle. It is hailed as a brilliant social satire of New Jersey’s infrastructure disguised as a goofy kids film. It features Breckin Meyer as Allen the Lion, Queen Latifah as Gloria the Hippo, Jerry Seinfeld as Benny the Okapi, and Matt Leblanc as Simon the Giraffe. 
-Sony releases The Wild, with Cedric the Entertainer as a bear who gets lost in Cascadia and decides to create his own theater like the one he performed for in Yellowstone. The film is praised as an animated ‘remake’ of Werner Herzog’s Fitzceraldo. 
-Chris Sanders releases American Dog for Blue Sky, the story of a successful dog actor who is forced to make his way in the world. The film is completely without dialogue. They find success and even receive the Oscar for Best Animated Feature. Debates as to whether or not this or Monsters Inc. 2 deserve the Oscar go on to the present day. 
-Eric Darnell and Chris Buck direct and release Surfin’ Birds. Originally an idea Eric pitched to Dreamworks as a mockumentary with a four-penguin band similar to The Beatles. After his pitch is rejected and Dreamworks dissolves, he finds work at Sony who is working with Chris Buck on a penguin surfing sports film. EMI won’t let them have the rights to The Beatles, so the film is reworked to have the penguins be more similar to The Beach Boys or The Monkees. 
-Disney releases an adaptation of Don Quixote with Wilmer Valderrama as Alonso Quijano and Cheech Marin as Sancho. Like Hunchback, it is criticized for watering down a beloved classic, but it finds a new following in the early 2020s. 
-Pixar Live releases its first film 1906 featuring Al Pacino in multiple roles. Directed by Brad Bird and an adaptation of the novel of the same name by James Dalessandro, the film about the 1906 earthquake uses mo-cap, and is praised for expanding the medium. 
-Nickelodeon releases A Fairly Odd Movie with Justin Long as Timmy, Wanda Sykes as Wanda, Sean Hayes as Cosmo, and Jim Carrey as Mr. Crocker. 4Chan debates Sykes’ casting, with the memes resulting in her calling out the racist ‘internet goblins’ on Conan. 
-Aardman’s latest film Crood Awakening is released. Originally an adaptation of The Twits by Roald Dahl, now rewritten and starring John Cleese, the story is of a caveman struggling to evolve in an ever-changing world. 
-Pixar releases Toy Story 3. The film about Woody and Buzz attending Andy’s college drew criticism for too many jokes about the way that college works. The film was a box office hit, even with college students. 
-Invader Zim finds a third season on Quiki. 
-Blue Sky releases Jack Frost, an adaptation of William Joyce’s The Guardians of Childhood, the film has Aaron Carter as Jack and Santa Claus facing off against Bill Nighey’s Pitch Black. 
-Disney releases The Sleeping Beauty. A 3D film which is an epic fantasy retelling of Sleeping Beauty. With Mandy Moore as Aurora and Michelle Pfeiffer as Maleficent. The film is criticized for trying to start a franchise, but praised for its sympathetic and nuanced portrayal of Maleficent. 
-Pixar releases Newt, a film about two newts who are the last of their species. The film is praised by critics, but draws criticism from Sean Hannity for being too Tree-Huggy and criticism from Greenpeace for its expansive toyline. PIXAR LIVE also releases an adaptation of Yellow Submarine directed by Robert Zemeckis. Tho the real life John and Ringo initially showed support, they retract it when seeing the final movie and its horrifying animation. 
-Brad Bird and John Lasseter form a new studio named Noma Studios. Katzenberg shows interest. 
-Disney releases their 2D film The Snow Queen. Originally conceived as a musical before director Kevin Lima vetoed that decision, the film underperforms but with praise given towards Kristin Chenowith as the Snow Queen and John and Joan Cusack as the twins. 
-Pixar releases The Bear and the Bow featuring Karen Gillian, blowing up at the box office and establishing director Brenda Chapman as one of the great Pixar directors. She sets out to adapt a film based on the fairy tale East of the Sun West of the Moon. Disney and Pixar bury the hatchet and their partnership resumes. 
-Quiki in conjunction with Nickelodeon releases Zim’s Revenge, a film which is released in theaters and shortly afterwards online. It becomes a surprise moneymaker and viral hit. 
-Aardman releases Tortoise vs. Hare, a story of the tortoise and the hare but about their rematch. Starring Miriam Margoles, Bob Hoskins, and an up and comer called Tom Holland. It underperforms being seen as Aardman’s first mid production. 
-Sony and Happy Madison release Castle Drac, starring George Lopez as Dracula, failing to convince his daughter, played by Selena Gomez, to stay in the castle. It is a musical which takes home the Oscar for best Original Song “Little Bite of Love”.
-After the death of Bill Waterson in 2004, Blue Sky acquires the rights to Calvin and Hobbes and releases its adaptation with Robin Williams as Hobbes. The film underperforms and is praised for its ground-breaking animation but criticized by fans for not being something Bill would want. 
-Clouding services are starting to overtake TV, but Quiki may not be a part of it after Katzenberg decides to partner with Blockbuster. Lasseter and Bird are at Noma with Bird setting out to direct Ray Gunn and Lasseter an adaptation of Dr. Seuss’ The Sneetches. And the worst part is that there are people online who are beginning to hate Pixar for letting him go. 
Katzenberg finally acquires Homestar Runner during the Chapman Brother’s Hiatus. Truly this is a disturbing timeline. 
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thievinghippo · 6 years
End of year writing meme H I P O and instead of second P let's say X :)
@ferociousqueak asked for H I P O as well! So this is for both of you. :D
H.  How do you write? Paper, pen, computer? Music, no music?
Computer only. I’m not sure if it’s arthritis or what, but I can only hand write long enough for my morning pages. Everything else is done on computer. Mostly on scrivener, but The Longest Distance was written completely in Google Docs. 
I was answered here. 
P. What are your pet peeves in other people’s work?
I might get roasted a bit for this, but a peeve of mine is an excess of witty banter. Because a lot times? It’s not as witty as we think it is. So when I see an entire chapter of just one one-liner after another, I just keep scrolling until something more substantial is offered. 
O was answered here. (You all know you want to see my spreadsheets...)
X.  What’s your least favorite work of this year?
Hmm... Probably Control (aka the Shakarian pegging fic). I had started it so long ago and it had become such an albatross for me. By the end, I just wanted it done. Didn’t help that it didn’t get a good reception, either. Ah well. They all can’t be winners!
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morrigan-le-faye · 5 years
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ryattcos · 2 years
sakuatsu head canons:
- atsumu has ugly sundays where he simply lives as a goblin creature until sunday evening
-sakusa wears hair clippies and head bands at practice but never for games cuz “it’s embarrassing”
-sakusa knows how to play piano he and atsumu have piano practice as dates
- sakusa has two cats and they have ridiculous names like Princess Cupcake Sparkles and Hungry Hungry Hippo atsumu never lets him hear the end of it
- atsumu loves to go out for dinner cuz it makes less clean up omi loves to stay in for dinner because it’s cheaper
- atsumu does the “i saw this thing and thought of you” as a love language resulting little knick knacks around that don’t make sense to their visitors
- sakusa enjoys quiet time and parallel play he and atsumu can exist quietly for hours sending memes and tiktoks back and forth
- they have pictures of all of their teams and awards and their olympic jerseys hanging on the wall there’s very little space left for new awards without rearranging the whole wall
- every year on atsumus birthday sakusa hand writes a letter for him atsumu keeps all of them in a shoe box
- when they are on dates they will listen to drama around them and discuss it on the way home
- sakusa knows alllllll the drama from delayed rice shipments to messy work place break ups because atsumu always tells sakusa the onigiri miya drama and sakusa is invested
- sakusa and atsumu argue and banter but have never broken up
thats all i got for the time being
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skellizo · 2 years
Moon Knight ep 6 liveblogging
Oh wait Ammit right
Whoevere else might be in there - ANOTHER JAKE TEASE DAMN IT
Oh no….
Wait can the scarab thanks to Taweret now lead her to Khonshu stone
Oh my dudes get ready to be judged
you could say that‘s an upgrade
Oh hey one survived, good for you buddy
Shout out to Layla for being a genuinely good persoooo- SHE HAS A KNIFE
I love her
Not the buddy giving up on her now and again
The voice
Your scales lack balance OH HE IS ABOUT TO GET IT
Did she take control of him?
Very true layla
Marc wants Steven back!
Fuck off freezing sand
Them <3
My poor heart
Khonshu is getting his fucking ass kicked
They do come as a package deal
Steven I love you
Ok dramatic bird
Oh Taweret is a good choice
I‘m not the fan of the „everybody gets powers“ trop
Well thi seems a bit extreme
Good for you girl for not getting a mask- HOLY SHIT SHE HAS GOLD WINGS
Oh wow
Thanks Jake
Absolutely not
I have an idea for a meme gimme a sec
Conclusion: Marvel we need a follow up because we saw nothing of Jake. But overall a really good episode
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bebepac · 3 years
Ri-Liamo de Bergerac (Happy birthday Zoehanji )
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Happy birthday @zoehanji​ !!!!!
Original Post date: 04/27/21 at 9:52PM EST  (4/28 where you are celebrating your birthday!!!) 
I have no idea when we started talking but we did, somewhere in the beginning of my writing journey on this site.  Even though I still consider myself to be a beginner here. Thank you for being my friend and being a fellow long distance cousin, as our relative in common would be Drama Whore!  Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha   🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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I hope you enjoy this.  I know that Fast Forward has always been one of your favorites.  
The Book:  TRH and Beyond
Pairing: Liam x Riley  /  Maxwell x Taylor  (Maxwell x F!OC)
Warnings:  Sexual Innuendo  and fluff. 
Word Count:  1889
Summary:  Maxwell and Taylor go on their first date.  Both are nervous and ask Liam and Riley for an assist.  
A/N:  This is a little similar version of Cyrano de Bergerac, not in the take that someone has a big nose, no one does, but the aspect of someone getting help in a conversation by using someone else’s words.  I did ask around to see if anyone had done something similar to this.  No one recalled of a similar story, so any similarities to anything currently on the fandom is completely unintentional.  
I also used @theworldofprompts  prompt: "All my life I've been searching for an answer as to where I belong. Then I met you and everything changed. You treated me like I deserved to be treated and you made me feel like I had a home. I don't want to lose that. I don't want to lose you." which will appear in bold.  
Song inspiration for this.  I heard this song while i was desperately needing to calm down while i was listening to the calm station on my pandora and I came across this song and enjoyed it so, so here it is for you all to enjoy too. I feel like it has a little sweet nervous energy, but then the music builds like you’re getting used to being with someone. it’s truly a beautiful piece.  
First Love by Yiruma 
I don’t own rights to the music. But i’m quickly becoming a Yiruma fan.  Every song was amazing that i heard today and it had such a unique feel.  I could pick them when they started playing on pandora.  
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Riley raised her eyebrow at Maxwell. She saw him pacing nervously as he kept glancing in Taylor's direction. Taylor was completely oblivious as she had her nose buried in a book she'd gotten from the estate library.
Finally Maxwell had psyched himself up. He walked over to Taylor sitting in the lawn chair next to her.
"Hey Softie."
Taylor put down her book, as did Ellie as she was sharing the oversized lounge chair in the sun with Taylor. Both lifted their sunglasses to their hair.  
"Lord Playlist?"
"So I was wondering if you want to have dinner tonight."
"Silly Uncle Maxwell, we eat dinner every night."  Ellie confirmed matter of factly.
"What Riley Jr. said."  Both Taylor and Ellie picked up their books again, sliding their glasses back to cover their eyes.
Riley laughed to herself.  Oh my God Taylor she thought. She is absolutely adorably clueless. 
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Liam laughed softly.  He gently rubbed Riley's stomach.
"Aren't you glad we're married? We don't  have to do that."
"You were never like that."
Liam blushed.  "I felt like that when I talked to you the first time. I don't even remember what I said on the street to you. I was so dumbfounded by your beauty."
"You don't remember me being so awkward, Liam?"  
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Liam shook his head. "You… were perfect, is all I remember, My Love."
A light blush hit Max's cheeks.  
"What I meant Softie, was you and me alone, away from the estate."
Taylor slowly lowered the book again, her eyes slowly meeting Maxwell’s.
"So like a date?"
"I mean date is a strong word, but it could be an accurate one. Two people dressed nicely eating food together at the same table. I mean I'm not opposed to the idea if you are."
"Auntie Taylor likes food, and to dress nicely. You should see Auntie Taylor's dress for the ball. I picked it!!!!!"
"Excuse me Miss Crown Princess read your book."
"So… whaddya say Softie? Dinner tonight?"
"Sure. Riley Jr. nailed it pretty much."  
"Great! I'll meet you out front at seven."
"I swear this baby likes to just sit in there and poke my bladder for fun." Riley tried to roll out of the lounge chair she was on. “A little help Liam?”
Liam immediately jumped up to assist Riley to her feet.  
"You just went thirty minutes ago."
"You tell your daughter that."
Liam affectionately rubbed her stomach, kneeling to plant a soft kiss on it.
"Little One be nice to Mommy. She has kept you safe all this time and we still have a few weeks to go. Let Mommy relax.."
Riley had stepped out of the lavatory only a few steps when Taylor descended on her like a ninja.
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"Jesus Christ! Taylor you almost scared the crap out of me, and the way this baby has my bodily functions out of whack it could have legit happened!!!"
“Ew. Riley. Gross.  Another reason I won’t procreate.  Did you see, Maxwell asked me out!!!! On a date!!!!"
Riley laughed.  "Because he likes you, and you like him."
"What are we going to talk about alone?!?!"
"You guys talk, and you are texting back and forth all the time."
"We talk in a group Riley. All Me and Maxwell do via text is meme war each other."
"Our whole texting conversation… nothing but memes!!!"
She swiped on Maxwell's conversation in her phone it was nothing but pictures.
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"It's okay, I'll get an ear piece set  from Nico, and help you.”
“You’d do that for me?”  
“Of course I would.  Can’t have your first date with the guy you like nothing but uncomfortable dead air.”  
“Thanks Ri.  Can you keep this between us?”
“Sure! Do you need help picking an outfit for tonight?"
"Nope, with the outfit, you kind of already did when you gave me my new wardrobe. If I can’t pick from there, I’m truly an idiot."
Little did Riley and Taylor know Maxwell and Liam were having a similar conversation.
“Liam I didn’t think she would really say yes!!!  She said yes!!!! She said yes…..” 
Then it looked like the gravity of the situation crashed into him.  Maxwell looked like he was about to hyperventilate.  
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“Calm down Maxwell.  Taylor likes you.  It’s easy to tell from the trained eye.  She lets down her guard around you.”  
“What are we going to talk about?  I can’t talk about peacocks all night.  Or Memes. She’ll think I'm a complete buffoon.   I don’t even have reservations anywhere.  I asked her on a nice date and I don’t even have reservations ANYWHERE!!!! What am i going to do?!?!?!
Liam grabbed Maxwell by the shoulders.  “Get a hold of yourself man!!!!  And take a breath, your face is turning blue.”  
Maxwell took a few cleansing breaths.  
“Don’t worry about the reservations, I can handle that.  It’s good you are friends with the King and Queen.  And for conversation I can got it.  I’ll get an earpiece from Bastien, and you’ll be fine.”
“Don’t tell Riley.  She still hasn’t let go about the fact of my baby hippo tattoo.”
“Nor will I thank you for reminding me of it.”  Liam laughed loudly.  
Maxwell and Taylor left on their date.   Both Liam and Riley made excuses to not be in the other’s company for the evening.  
Both Liam and Riley were pleasantly surprised being a whisper in someone’s ear how well the night was going.  Both couldn’t stop thinking about how natural the moments between the two of them felt, and how perfect they were for each other.  
“I can’t tell you enough Taylor how beautiful you look to me tonight.  And I know you’ve had trouble seeing yourself that way when it comes to that word. But you are Taylor.”  
She heard her sister softly gasp.   Tears filled Riley’s eyes.    
Tell him Thank you, and that you wanted to look nice…. For him.”
Taylor parroted her words.
Taylor starred at the menu. None of it was in English and she had no idea what any of it meant.
I wish I had your eyes right now Riley. Taylor thought.  
The conversation was sweet and romantic. It was the perfect date.   Maxwell reached across the table taking Taylor’s hand.  
“Would you like to dance?”
As they danced,  Taylor started relaxing in Maxwell’s arms.  
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“You know I have a hard time sharing my emotions sometimes. All the time..”  
“I know. And that’s okay.  We can take this slow.  There’s no rush Softie.”  
This felt familiar to Liam..  Too familiar.  He knew those words…..her words.
Riley felt the same way but she couldn’t be sure.  
Both had gotten up from their desks to investigate to see what the other was up to.  
Taylor had never felt like a moment was so perfect and what Riley said, she really felt in her heart.
"All my life I've been searching for an answer as to where I belong. Then I met you and everything changed. You treated me like I deserved to be treated and you made me feel like I had a home. I don't want to lose that. I don't want to lose you."
“Riley?”  But she had the feeling, it wasn’t Maxwell’s question.
Taylor pulled away from Maxwell.
Liam and Riley stared at each other in the hallway.  
He touched her ear feeling her ear piece and she touched his, feeling the same. 
“I knew it was you.” They both said in unison.
“I could feel your heart Riley, through the words even though it wasn’t you saying them.”  
“I could feel you too.”  
From the earpieces they could hear Liam and Riley kissing and the sounds of commotion.
“Bedroom, now?”  Liam's voice deep, rumbling with desire and need.
“YES LIAM!" Riley cried out.
"OH GOD!" Taylor shrieked.
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Both Maxwell and Taylor ripped out their earpieces.  
“Well that escalated quickly.”  Max cleared his throat looking at their earpieces that were laying on the table.  “Won’t be using those for the rest of the evening.” 
“Why did you think you needed help on the date Maxwell?”
“Because I’m awkward, when I’m around you.”  
“No you’re not.  You’re funny, and really nice.  I’m the awkward one. I don’t know how to do this normally.  I’ve never had a healthy romantic relationship before.”  
“That’s okay.  I haven’t been in many relationships before either.  We can learn together.”  
“So can I be honest with you?  I have no clue what the hell I ordered.  This place is nice but it’s too much for me.  I’m guessing it was Liam’s idea?  Can we go somewhere else?”
“I know just the place.”  
Maxwell and Taylor left that restaurant, and when they got to the second place, Taylor’s smile widened.  
“Now stop me Softie if you’ve ever heard this one,  a dashing noble wearing a squid tie with an affinity for peacocks, and a Queen of Cordonia lookalike walk into a bar…….”
Date one for Maxwell and Taylor part two was them dressed up like they were going to the ball, eating burgers and drinking cheap Cordonian Beer, playing pool.  And it was perfect.. For them.
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No. Dead. Air.  Conversation flowed easily between the pair.
“Wow.  I can’t believe the earpiece stayed in.”  
“You don’t think they heard anything did they?”  
“I’m sure they probably took them out.”  
"Can I ask you something?"
He could hear the slight sadness in Riley's voice. "Sure, you can ask me anything."
"Do you think I'm cool?"
Liam laughed out loud but abruptly stopped when he saw the look on Riley's face.
"Of course you are Riley."
"Then why is Ellie my sister's shadow right now?  Why do I feel like she wants nothing to do with me?"
"Riley… it's not that. This pregnancy has been rough on you.  You know how active our children are, and how active you were with them. Even while you were pregnant.  Well….Taylor fills that spot  for what you aren't physically able to do right now. Before it was me. I think you notice it more now because it is her.. But yes, it is clear Ellie adores Taylor. They have bonded and really love each other. “
"It was just so hard when I came back from California  Liam. She hated me."
"She didn't. She loved you, and it was my doing that put a wedge between you and her. She was hurting Riley. I did that to her. Not you. I’m sorry for that."
“It’s okay Liam.”  
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*^*^*^*^*^*  Breakfast next day *^*^*^*^*^*^*
“How was dinner last night Taylor?”  Riley asked.
“It was great.  We went for Burgers and beers.”  
“That’s nice.”  
Liam lightly cleared his throat.
“We didn’t hear anything.  We both ripped our ear pieces out when we heard where things were heading.”  
“Riley you’re about to pop, how is that even aerodynamically possible right now?!?!?!”  
“Oh it’s possible!”  Liam chuckled.  “God yes it’s possible.”
“Taylor it’s like when the amusement park is about to close and you want to get on your favorite ride one last time.  Even if you’ve had too much food and you’re full and you might throw up.  You got to get on that ride one more time.”
“You went to a carnival Mommy?”  
“No, she just went on a royal scepter ride. God did I say that out loud?”  Taylor slapped her hand over her mouth.
“Oh my God!!! Can we change the subject now please?”  Liam inquired, beads of sweat were forming on his face.    
“Yes please because this conversation went incredibly awkward!”
Riley laughed looking around the table.  The adults looked like they wanted to climb out of their skins and her children looked either confused or unaware of what was happening.
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YGO Protagonists
*Oldest brother... Literal dad
*Is very protective over the rest of them
*Seriously don't touch a hair on their heads because you will lose your soul.
*He totally has Kaiba on Speed dial and calls him over the dumbest things to get a rise out of him (but they are friendly?( Seto would also murder you dead if you hurt these munchkins he just won't admit it... (I will not apologise for this)
*Does not understand memes (mee mee's?) but tells dad puns for days.
*Always gives compliments and gives great life/dueling advice to the rest (puts a hand on their shoulders with that knowing and proud look).
*Will spend hours bragging about how far Judai's come, how smart and talented Yusei and Yusaku, how Yuya and Yuga created original dualing rules, how Yugi is awesome. He will tell anyone and everyone (they all secretly love it)
Yugi Mouto:
*Younger older brother? (identical twins but younger of the two)
*Super optimistic, always there to lend a hand and is very pacifistic... but will throw hands if the situation requires and without hesitation.
*Has Kaibaman in his deck to spite Kaiba (it works every time)
*Yes it can pierce a wall... It was for science.
*Usually the one to help escalate the chaos, and than pretends to have no idea why the house is upside down... And on fire... And the fire is green.
*Is the only one other than Atem to get Yusei to go to sleep.
*He loves puzzles, telling riddles and leaving little clues around the house for the others to solve (and they always get a present even if they get it wrong because they tried.)
*Doesn't see anything wrong with his fashion sense.
Judai Yuki:
*Problem child 1, needs a hug
*Memelord, will constantly troll Atem with movie references, and anything he can think of. (Yes he does quote the star wars prequels during duals.)
*Yubel makes sure he's looking after himself and has woven their way into the family. They and Astral have fun conversations. (Pharaoh the cat gets on very well with Atem... Werid.)
*Either he's happy, outgoing and herding the younger kids into various pranks. Rounding up Yuya, Yuma, Yuga and Yugi into his antics, (we don't speak of the Eggwitch incident). Sometimes he manages to drag Yusaku in to join them, giving them all a part to play and praising their efforts (they haven't been caught)
*OR he's depressed, haunted and full of guilt. He finds comfort by spending time with the others, hating being on his own. Everyone even those fairly reserved pick up on his mood and direct him to different tasks. Especially with Yuya, both of them can talk for hours about what ifs, shoulds and shouldn'ts.
*Favourite non dualing activity is helping Yusei to bake, he has burned many a cookie but he loves icing cakes.
*Very protective, will tap into the power of the Supreme King and Yubels abilities sometimes as unconsciously when one of the others are upset, or he's pushed into a corner.
Yusei Fudo:
*Oldest after the twins, literal mum
*Can't take care of himself to save his life but cares deeply for the others. Packing them lunches, helping them with school work etc.
*Takes Yusaku under his wing as soon as he sees his tech skills, both of them stay up for hours working on projects until Yugi scolds them at 4 am.
*Always half asleep, covered in oil and holding a cup of coffee (no he doesn't have a problem.) He mumbles codes and always seems to fall asleep holding a wrench.
*Usually he's accompanied by Yuga or Yusaku, either sitting and asking questions about their projects or working on a shared on/Yusaku's own stuff. He doesn't like working alone so it works out.
*Can do the "Mum look" and it has stopped the Supreme King, Dark Zexal and Zarc in their tracks.
*Card games on Motorcycles...having his bike borrowed by the little ones who want to play a card game on a bike but aren't old enough or know how to drive.
*Likes to bake, learned from Martha to give the others birthday treats and finds it fun.
*Claims he can never get sick... Liar.
Yusaku Fujiki
*Problem child 2 (all problem children need hugs and therapy, Kaiba get your wallet)
*Tried to stay closed off from the others but finds he enjoys their company and their antics.
*He has a Metapod hoodie that Yuya won at a carnival and gifted him. He wears it all the time, its cosy.
*Pretty Awkward, very cold sometimes without meaning it but somehow there all able to understand what he means without getting upset or offended.
*He spends hours working on projects with Yusei, neither talk much and it's a comfortable silence. Yuga often accompanies them, full of questions and joy and he enjoys sharing his work.
*Prefers to watch the others dual than to dual himself, absorbing the strategies and while he doesn't quite understand their motives... He finds himself smiling at Yuya's shows, wondering what he means with his smiling routine.
*Offhandedly told Kaiba that he fixed some holes in his security system. Kaiba went on a firing spree (yes with his firing people coat) and his was promptly hired. He actually enjoys it, and is now Kaiba's favourite brat.
*Also... The missing persons list is growing after Yusaku finally opened up about his past.... Werid.
Yuya Sakaki
*Problem child 3 (see above)
*Smiles go for miles
*Finds a lot of comfort from the others. The first time he let slip about Zarc, Judai was right there with his glowing green/orange eyes and they bonded instantly.
*He tries to only dual for entertainment and fun but that can't always be the case, though it really rattles him up afterwards. Do not make him mad in a dual if you value your life.
*Plays a lot with Yuma and Yuga, as the oldest of the trio he tries to set an example... He never said it was a good one....hes part of Zarc.
*He always has a game, an idea and the others will always be his faithful audience. He's made real solid dualing into an art, Atem and Judai have made his monsters real at times without the need for the tech (it was beautiful)
*Starts the appreciate Dragons Fanclub with Yusei and Kaiba.
*Yes to capes (Sorry Edna)
*Fusion dimension isn't available at the moment... Or the forceable future.
Yuma Tsukumo
*Second youngest, space boy
*Atem gives him advice and praises every one of his duals even he loses, teaching him that every one can be used as a step towards success.
*Astral befriends Yubel, and often makes remarks at the Zarc fragments, he and Yuuri get on the others nerve.
*He spends most of his time with Yuya and Yuga, either dualing, watching Yuya dualtain or pranking. He started their lengendary prank war against Judai and Yugi...(Yusei was out of the house for a week and Atem gave up). It was a battle for the ages.
*He does worry at times that he's so behind the others skill's levels but as he gets closer to them it matters less. He cheers on every one of them, bragging about how cool they are.
*He takes up other hobbies, baking, cooking, and dragging everyone into family game nights. Which all end fine and do not result in a pissed of Zarc threathing Wario before kicking his switch out of a window... Nope absolutely not.
*Has a constellation book.
*Likes using big words he doesn't know the meaning off. And than trying and failing to convince everyone he knows exactly what he just said without googling it... While Astral facepalms, definitely picked it up from Yusei.
Yuga Ohda
*Tiny baby
*Yugi picked him up once and everyone starting to sing "it's the circle of life."
*He loves watching Yusei and Yasuke work, because they answer his questions properly and look at his inventions with respect and a critical but kind eye. They slowly teach him his to improve and it shows in his work.
*All of them were interested in his Rush duals and listen to him explain, finding it interesting and another new way to play.
*Yuya teaches him how to dualtain, both of them putting on hippo-tastic shows for their friends and loved ones. Fulfilling their goals to have fun.
*He steals everyone's hoodies and jackets, doesn't care how big they are he will steal them and wear them. And look adorable despite his argument that he isn't.
*Everyone is the most protective of him as he's the youngest and while he's touched, he's super protective over them and offers himself as a cuddle buddy whenever anyone has nightmares.
And there all one big crazy family
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