#his (re)design is still not 100% solid
skelevenn · 3 months
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My love for Wind Waker managed to pull me out of a long and deep depression pit long enough to do this. Started playing the HD version and its just so pretty, I finally actually wanted to draw something. So here's my OC Wish in WW style!
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ltwilliammowett · 1 year
A light on a reef
Until the end of the 17th century one of the threats facing shipping heading to Plymouth on the southern coast of England was the isolated and treacherous Eddystone reef, 23km directly offshore. Much of the hazard is underwater, creating complex currents, and extraordinarily high seas are often kicked up when conditions are very windy. In 1620 Captain Christopher Jones, master of Mayflower described the reef: "Twenty-three rust red [...] ragged stones around which the sea constantly eddies, a great danger [...] for if any vessel makes too far to the south [...] she will be swept to her doom on these evil rocks." As trade with America increased during the 1600s a growing number of ships approaching the English Channel from the west were wrecked on the Eddystone reef.
King William III and Queen Mary were petitioned that something be done about marking the infamous hazard. Plan to erect a warning light by funding the project with a penny a ton charge on all vessels passing initially foundered. Then an enterprising character called Henry Winstanley stepped forward and took on the most adventurous marine construction job the world had ever seen. Work commenced on the mainly wooden structure in July 1696. England was again at war, and such was the importance of the project that the Admiralty provided a man-o-war for protection.
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The Winstanley Lighthouse, by English School, 17th century (x)
On one day, however, HMS Terrible did not arrive and a passing French privateer seized Winstanley and carried him off to France. When Louis XIV heard of the incident he ordered his release. " France is at war with England, not humanity," said the King. Winstanley's was the first lighthouse to be built in the open sea. It was a true feat of human endeavour. Work could only be undertaken in summer and for the first two years nothing could be left on the rock or it would be swept away. There was some assistance from Terrible in transporting the building materials, but much had to be rowed out in an open four-oared boat in a journey that could take nine hours each way. Winstanley's lighthouse was swept away after less that five years, during the great storm of 1703.
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John Rudyerd's wooden lighthouse of 1708, by Issac Sailmaker, c. 1708 (x)
Winstanley was in it at the time supervising some repairs- he had said that he wished to be there during " the greatest storm that ever was." The next lighthouse was built by John Rudyerd and lit in 1709. Also made largely of timber and with granite ballast, it gave good service for nearly half a century until destroyed by fire in 1755. During the blaze the lead cupola began to melt, and as the duty keeper, 94- old Henry Hall, was throwing water upwards from a bucket he accidentally swallowed 200g of the molten metal. No one believed his incredible tale, but when he died 12 days later doctors found a lump of lead in his stomach.
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Smeaton's Eddystone Lighthouse, by John Lynn (active 1826-1869) (x)
John Smeaton, Britian's first great civil engineer, was the next to rise to the challenge of Eddystone. He took the English oak as his design inspiration - a broad base narrowing in a gentle curve. The 22m high lighthouse was built using solid discs of stone dovetailed together. Work began in 1756, and from start to finish the work took three years, nine weeks and three days. Small boats transported nearly 1000 tons of granite and Portland stone along with all the equipment and men.
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  Sir James N. Douglass's Eddystone Lighthouse, Plymouth, England, photochrome print, c. 1890–1900. The remnants of John Smeaton's lighthouse are at left. (x)
The Smeaton lighthouse stood for over 100 years. In the end it was not the lighthouse that failed; rather that the sea was found to have eaten away the rock beneath the structure. In 1882 it was dismantled and brought back to Plymouth, where it was re-erected stone on the Hoe as a memorial, and where it still stands.
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The Eddystone lighthouse today (x)
It had already been replaced by a new lighthouse, twice as tall and four and a half times as large, designed by James Douglas, which now gives mariners a beacon of light visible for 22 nautical miles (40,78km).
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MLP Rewrite AU - Equestria Girls first movie (if you haven't done it already)
Okay I've done bits and pieces and I've rewritten it once or twice as I hammered things out over the years but this is a more Offical one where I will go back and retcon my old rewrites BUT:
Just some bullet points:
Let Spike be Human! He's the CMC age so a High School Freshman while the Humane 6 are Seniors.
some discussion of why the age difference between the Pony and Humans(the Mane 6 are grown adults but the Humane 7 are still in school?) (if only so I can keep my sanity re: shipping)
Something a little more solid on like. The crown goes through the portal, Sunset follows 10 seconds after it, but Human!Flutters has already found it and sprinted off to the Principal's office to turn it in and they just go 'well a student found this crown let's use it for our Fall Formal!'. I don't..... /quite/ know how to do this other than making Sunset get detained for a bit so that the Crown can make it to the principal's office in a timely manner?
Twilight does actually properly enroll in the school with Princess Celestia having helped her make a fake identity because 'oh I've popped through there before so I know what you'll need'. But also she's 100% in contact with her Counterpart to make sure this goes smoothly. Her not just having her Counterpart return the crown is because she's once again turning a dangerous situation into a test. Both for Twilight to see how she does, but also to see what all Sunset does in the other world and when faced with this. (I will call Tia out later for this BUT-)
Let Flash be more than a Sexy Lamp PLEASE I'm begging!!! Like even if we just use conversation between him and Twilight to learn more about Sunset and what she was like other than being a bitch. (Like. Why'd they date? Was she a jerk the whole time or was it only until recently that she went off the deep end(aka: when she found out about Twilight replacing and surpassing her. Which like, /how/ did she find out???)
I need to have something else to help Twilight convince the other five that there's some Magic Fuckery since I made Spike Human. Hm. Okay so like my thought process has to do with the body's Magic Pathways and how they channel Magic, which means Twilight can't access her Magic since it's designed to go to horn and wings but she might be able to access Earth Pony Magic since that's more body, but Spike could still play a part since /his/ Magic is more tied to his body and he'd just. Be able to do shit with fire still.
Maybe a touch more aftermath re: the Humane 5 helping Sunset and Twilight going home and meeting the pony!Flash.
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felicereviews · 2 years
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Friday Foster (1975) 90 minutes, Rated R
I loved this one. For many reasons. The main reason being Pam Grier is so likable and wonderful and confident and in charge. No victim mentality here. She's up for it and engaged in her life choices and owning the screen.
I don't know who is paying attention but I'll remind readers that I am working my way through 2 books on cult films and one box set of 52 cult movies. None of the box set selections have made it to the blog yet. The book '100 Cult Films' is a good guide through what should be mentioned in the genre. Meaning I have substituted film after film - watching the selection in the book then watching and blogging about the selection I find more appropriate. But the 'TCM Underground' book - well - it's just got more class, more Va Va Va Voom, and less sexual violence. And, of course, I am listening to the TCM podcast this season which just so happens to be on Pam Grier.
So I was ready for Friday Foster, expecting more grit and violence but there was no revenge drama here. Just a professional photographer living her life who witnesses an assassination attempt and has to solve the mystery by stealing a milk truck and a hearse (loved those scenes).
And Pam is her usual and wonderful self but you know who else is tops? Yaphet Kotto! He is her friend and a private investigator and he is so dang funny! Considering the last time he was in a movie on this blog it was a very serious role I was tickled at how much I laughed at every scene he was in. One scene, he's chasing the bad guy, played by Carl Weathers, and he ducks down for cover and then says out loud, 'What am I doing here?' Like - really? Why are you chasing down a bad guy with a gun? Really good comedy - in the moment - laughing at himself.
Of course Friday has her two lovers - one a senator and one the 'black Howard Hughes'. She enjoys herself both times - seems happy and sexy. She fends off the neighborhood pimp who is constantly showering her with gifts to get her to work for him declaring that his girls are 'covered under a health plan'. (They seem happy too - the prostitutes I mean).
Scatman Crothers plays a minister, Eartha Kitt is a fashion designer, it's just a wonderful display of black culture at that time in history.
Have to mention Friday's little brother played by Tierre Turner. I had trouble finding his name on the IMDB page but that's it. Turns out Tierre is still working as a stuntman and actor - way to go. He was 15 when he made the movie but he looked younger. And he collects gifts for Friday and then re-sells them. Someone says, 'so you're a hustler' and he says, 'no - black capitalism'. Or something like that. He's just taking care of business is all. He was an underdeveloped character - like why is Friday living there with him and no parents? When does he go to school? Bla bla. But Friday Foster is a blaxploitation movie (said with all the admiration for the genre one can emote) - and that genre didn't always have all the ends tied together. Such is life.
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I thought about substituting Friday Foster for Foxy Brown or Coffy but no - I'll leave this one in the cult series. It's a solid movie bringing in all the tropes of blaxploitation plus comedy. Really enjoyable.
As I was posting the hashtags - I realized another repeat player in cult cinema - Paul Benjamin. He played the senator in this film was in Across 110th Street also - playing the main guy who robs the mob. These sorts of discoveries are why I love blogging about movies.
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wordsandsound14 · 5 months
Top 50 songs of 2023
If you checked out my top 20 albums, thank you. If not it’s on the next page and make sure to check those out. Now it’s for the songs and this year had some really great songs. The albums were pretty good but the songs here were all really solid. Previous years (especially the past two lists when I started to listen to a lot more music) the song list was a challenge but nothing to the extent that this one was. After making some tough cuts, I had difficulty making more and I had 100 songs left. When I was organizing, I made some more and got down to about 75. Those I had to just cut like ripping off a band-aid. I did it fast since I knew my top 50 couldn’t be changed and I needed to stick with my list. I feel pretty good about that decision. So here it is, a top 50 and a playlist link. My only honorable mention is Switchfoot’s “Meant to Live” since it got re-recorded and it was an anthem of my year.
50. Vines - “I don’t mind”
I honestly don’t remember how I discovered Vines. I don’t think it was from TikTok but I honestly don’t remember her from Discover Weekly. I was like her song appeared in my playlist and when it came time to rotate her out, I decided to listen more to her music. Vines has an experimental ambient sound that are all slow burn layered songs with very interesting vocal processing. “I don’t mind” is a somber song that has the listener feeling what she is singing about as it builds up to more emotion without the song getting explosive. Vines has become an inspiration to me and a goal. An artist that I would personally love to collaborate with at some point. And they aren’t even a high caliber artist, but certainly still has a crowd listening to her. So here’s to hoping in the near future that maybe something can happen.
49. Cobra Man - “Take a Rest”
What a weird song. But there’s something about it that just works. There’s a lot of creative expression that I really appreciate that they are willing to be strange. It’s not that far out there of a song but it does have an energy that isn’t my typical song. The combination of synths, production, and acoustic guitar with a good rhythm and they made themselves a pretty good song.
48. Citizen - “When I Let You Down”
Picking a song off this album was difficult since it’s a pretty consistent album. But I chose this song for its solid verses and memorable chorus. The drums keep this song moving forward and the guitars play along and feels like it guides the vocalist to tread the same ground. There’s an energy to this song that keeps me coming back to it.
47. Chase Petra - “Reliable Narrator”
I remember hearing this on discovery weekly and I just fell in love with it. It has the usual indie rock vocals over alt indie rock music but it works for the song. I like how she doesn’t stick to the usual song format of “verse-chorus” but she doesn’t disrupt it either. She embellishes upon it to keep it interesting. It’s just a solid song that hits the nail on the head for me for this type of genre.
46. Dominic Fike - “Bodies”
Dominic was someone I found through the Barbie album because I loved his song a lot on there. I checked out his record and it was a cute album and liked his sound overall. But this song really stayed in my brainwaves. It shows his rapping-singing that he does occasionally. The thing that I gets me is the hook and the catchy chorus. It’s not a long song but it’s one I enjoy every moment I get with it.
45. HM Surf, Arbee - “Gava”
HM Surf is a lo-fi artist I follow and it’s always nice to add some music of that genre into my daily listening. This one stuck with me through the whole year for its incredibly designed drop and atmosphere. It’s a truly incredible listening experience and stands above the rest in a genre that’s difficult to stand out in.
44. Liquid Girlfriend - “Spongebob Halftime Show”
It’s a great title that’s meta and gets your attention. It’s a solid indie rock song that has a great flow to the song as it builds and breaks. And I can feel the energy of the recording session also. It’s one of those songs that the band loves playing live as much as the audience loves to hear it live and all of that is transferred into the recording.
43. Ed Sheeran - “Plastic Bag”
Ed put out two albums and my rule is that if an artist releases two albums in a year, that they are allowed two songs on a list if they qualify. So I will say that Ed will show up again. This song really showcased what I loved about Ed being raw with his emotions and incorporate it into what made us fall in love with his music. The acoustic guitar is more rhythmic than melodic and he finds a chorus that’s easy to sing along with.
42. Michigander - “Stay Out of It”
Michigander has been an artist that I haven’t committed to listening but has been floating around the same circles so I’ve heard a decent amount of songs. I did check out this EP and I was sold. There’s plenty to go back to listen to but I’ll at least hear the stuff coming out. This song was the one that got me listen more. It hooked me with the guitar and melodies. It’s just a solid song and showcases how good Michigander is at their craft.
41. Tilly Louise - “Join the Club”
There’s something so charming about Tilly and her music. Her charisma bleeds into her music as she’s able to put an energy into her song that most artists struggle to do. It’s an indie rock song that acts like a pop song. It’s catchy, it’s fun, and makes you wanna hit the replay button. I listened to her EP and I’m excited to hear what comes next for this artist.
40. Charlie Martin - “Splash”
This is the second time I came across this artist and luckily this song was released this year. He’s got a nice indie folk sound but also incorporates some midwest emo influences into the song through the vocals. It’s a song that’s good at slowing me down and getting me to feel the moment.
39. CARR - “Spiral City”
I can’t but help to smile when listening to this song. It’s so ridiculous while also being a solid rock song. It’s a song that is really fun to show other people just to see people’s reactions. There’s a couple more on the list like that but this one will be the start of that trend. It’s one of those songs that if you aren’t listening to the lyrics, you’re still gonna have a good song.
38. Switchfoot, Dayglow - “Adding to the Noise”
This felt like a match made in heaven, it’s my favorite artist with one of my wife’s favorite artist. And it was the song that she loved most from the Switchfoot concert too. I loved what Dayglow did with the song. He made it his own without changing the core of the song. It always feels difficult putting cover songs on a list like this since history plays a lot into a song. But this one was one that I just couldn’t get enough of. Dayglow did amazing.
37. Liza Anne - “Cheerleader”
You can’t tell me this song doesn’t get you on your feet. Its bass line is so infectious and the melody is so catchy. And the brass incorporated makes this song that much better. The song doesn’t let an ounce of creativity go to waste as she puts everything into this song to be the new icon of her sound.
36. Daisy the Great, illuminati hotties - “Time Machine 2”
Daisy the Great has become one of my favorite indie artists as of late as they continue to prove how good of songwriters they are. And illuminati hotties took one of their songs and made something special with it. It’s electrifying and the build up is perfect. I can hear how much they also love Daisy the Great. Hopefully there will be more collaborations from Daisy if they are gonna sound like this.
35. Foo Fighters - “Show Me How”
I don’t think anything sounds more like healing and trying to move forward than singing a song with your daughter. Losing a family friend and a mother/grandmother isn’t easy, especially when it’s close together and this song feels like the embodiment of those emotions. I’m glad they don’t try too hard to make a really depressing or dramatic song. Foos made something that feels like them and having Dave’s daughter here is one of the most natural fits.
34. Crown Lands - “Starlifter: Fearless Pt. II”
Bear with me here, it’s almost a 18 and half minute song so it’s long even for prog standards. But this band is like if Ledd Zeppelin did prog. It seamlessly blends the multiple parts of the song with call backs to 70’s rock and 80’s synths but with a modern approach. It’s a journey that I love going on with this band. This was the song that got me to check out their record. And while that didn’t fancy my tastes as much, this song encompasses all that you need to hear from the record in one amazing song.
33. Jacob Collier - “WELLLL”
I can’t thank my brother enough for introducing me to Jacob Collier. He’s a really talented songwriter and hearing his next project feels like watching a future veteran paving their career path. And this feels like a moment in his career that is worth paying attention to. He flipped the script on us since he’s known for his well produced electronic pop music and he made a solid alt-rock song in his style. It’s layered to the heavens and back with a great hook.
32. Petey - “I’ll Wait”
Petey went from my TikTok page to my discover weekly and I feel like I should be checking out his album now since I’ve already liked two of his songs and this one is making my year end list. But this song just hits me in the heart somehow. It’s got the energy that I crave and Petey’s voice is amazing. I really enjoy the timbre of his voice, especially in the higher range. Man this song is fun… I should check out his record.
31. Teenage Wrist, Softcult - “Still Love”
This was another record to find the stand out song. I went with this one because of the Softcult feature. I’m not even familiar with the band but I adore how the vocalists sound together. It’s the pure rock bliss that feels like two soulmates singing together. The post grunge of this song is strong and that final chorus is just chef’s kiss.
30. Fwango - “Cover My Eyes'“
I’m not sure if myself or my wife found this song or if we individually found it ourselves but she really loves this song, and so do I. I think she would have it towards the top of the list but I’ll place it here. It’s still a great indie rock jam that has a little bit of a bedroom rock influence in it, especially in the chorus’ melody. It’s definitely been the sound of the year since she likes to play a new found song a lot.
29. Wolves of Glendale - “Loud Ass Car”
I found Wolves of Glendale early this year and I’ve heard their releases as they came out this year and this one was the one that got me to laugh the most. It’s a great synth rock song that works even outside the great lyrics. This is a great comedy band that I can’t wait until they put out their first record.
28. Sam Smith, Calvin Harris, Jessie Reyez - “I’m Not Here to Make Friends”
This is the club song that I love most from the two on the record. This one is more so the pop song between the two but the bass line on here is groovy and the chorus is so much fun to sing along too. I’ll admit that the chorus carries the majority of the song for me but it really is that good to me.
27. Hannah Wyatt - “40 years of holy rain is looming overhead”
Hannah is able to paint a canvas of time with an instrumental track that is able to make a setting and tell its story with melody and notes. It’s haunting, it’s moody, and it feels impending. The doom washes over you as every instrument tells you what the rain will entail. It’s well crafted and beautiful.
26. Sweet Pill - “Starchild”
Sweet Pill is another band that’s made their way into my heart with their insanely great rock songs. Great guitars, vocals, and drums this band has it all. And this wasn’t even part of a record release. It may have been a left over track but I love their music. I hear their vocalist and I just want to have them on repeat, even if it is a slow burn of a track.
25. Drew Holcomb & The Neighbors - “Find Your People”
Drew probably has written the book that tells you how to write the next big folk, country, pop song that reaches the hearts of many. He’s become incredibly consistent with writing heartfelt songs that are also just fun to hear. And you can picture hearing them live and the energy that’s there too. It gets the crowd on their feet and it really makes their fans feel like a family. But that’s all the neighbors wanted, was a family to sing their songs and that their music was what brought them together. It was about finding your people.
24. Zach Bryan - Ticking
Another hard choice since the record is so consistently good but I chose a song that embodies the record for me. The guitar being played in the outskirts within the south for a small audience. Zach really wasn’t made for the fame that came his way and the only thing he knows what to do is make music about it and say it something from his heart and that just makes the world fall more in love with him. I think this song really showcases his personality the most and what kind of musician he is.
23. sundial - “grass is greener”
sundial was found through discover weekly. It was this song that got me interested in them and checked out their ep and got me hooked so I would be following, They make cute indie pop songs but with a very organic sound with two vocalists that compliment each other really well. But I love the storytelling that they do in these songs that pulls me in. Across their whole ep they write in a way that pulls me into the song. It’s relatable but it’s also not my story. They know how to make the small details be theirs but also resonate in a different way with the listener.
22. Royal Blood - “Shiner in the Dark”
Royal Blood still has rockers even on their albums that don’t hit the way you remember. Something about the distorted guitar/bass and the infectious beat that keeps me coming back. But really it’s the shiny sound during the chorus that I love the most. It’s not over done but done enough that it doesn’t keep you waiting. It’s overall just well made and rock out every time I hear it.
21. Flowers for Emily - “Sitting Confused”
Something about midwest emo really hits my heart. I didn’t listen to the genre specifically but there were influences in some of the music I heard this year. But this is a full on representation of the genre and I just break down from these songs. Something about the formula of the genre. And nothing did it quite like this song for me. It’s reflective, it rocks, and it's emotional.
20. blink-182 - “ONE MORE TIME…”
This song is so incredibly written. It tells the story of the band and why they are doing a reunion album in such a raw and heart on sleeve way. I know that Tom’s singing sometimes is a little silly but they commit to the heartfelt nature of the song regardless and I think it pulls it off. A goofy band getting serious is sometimes the way to really pull at the heart strings. It’s a well composed song and I adore the bells during the chorus and adds to the room of the song.
19. Sears - “House Song”
I don’t get a lot of songs from TikTok since it’s usually not my genre, I’ll hear it a thousand times in the app already, and discovering artists on there feels like a nightmare. But this has been an exception for me. Every time I heard this song, my heart sank. The poetry tiktoks, the depressing slideshows, and the motivational ones. This track slowly wrote itself on me and it helped me in times when the hours felt long and hopeless. Sitting in my car during lunch break as the sun sets over my work building. It’s dystopian but it’s beautiful in its own way.
18. Gregory Alan Isakov - “Sweet Heat Lightning”
Nothing painted the picture of the album quite like this one for me. The beautiful piano accompanies the guitar and gives a rich picture of a white desert. It’s lonesome and begging to be endured. I feel like I came out the other side alright but it was still brutal to get through. Alan captures this all so well.
17. Avenged Sevenfold - “Nobody”
Hearing this song as the lead single sent shivers down my spine. Avenged Sevenfold had made a comeback for themselves with The Stage and this lead single felt like the marriage between classic Avenged with the new one. The rest of the album was kind of all over the place but this song still stands out as being something only a veteran act could make. It’s like a homecoming in a way and a great one.
16. Blue October - “Sobriety”
The Blue October I knew at the beginning of the year isn’t the same one at the end of the year. I won’t get into the details but the reddit fan page has been debating it back and forth. Regardless of my feelings of the band currently, “Sobriety” is a well crafted song that feels like the new sound put on the overdrive. The softer atmospheric new sound with the rock sound. It molds itself into something different from the beginning to the end. It feels like a progression through life and overcoming. It’s the one of the best metaphors put through sound alone, especially in a commercial aspect.
15. Point Taken - “Stranger in the House”
My buddy has a band in Nashville and they finally came out with their music this year with an ep. It’s a rock band that uses brass to embellishment on top of it with influences from classic rock, pop punk, and prog. It’s a really interesting sound. The more songs they put out, the better they get. They released a single after the ep and this is that song that feels like pop punk meets prog. It’s a song that feels very intentional with every part and only great musicians could have put together. If they keep this up, they’ll be touring big in no time.
14. Waterparks - “Closer”
I’ll let the song do the talking on this one. I’ll just input that the vulnerability on this song hit me right when I needed it. The Waterparks album was more having fun with their struggles this time but this song stripped it all away and it really spoke to me.
13. Benny Sings, Remi Wolf - “Pyjamas”
This song is so damn cute. The metronome kinda irritates me but when the song gets going, it’s easy to ignore. But they made a song that just wouldn’t leave my brain. The chorus and how they say the words with the circus like piano. Showcases Benny’s production skills really well. The fact that he committed to the metronome and I still love this song proves how much he knows what he’s doing. This song along with Paramore’s has got my ears looking out for Remi too.
12. Genesis Owusu - “Leaving the Light”
There were great songs on this album and it was hard to pick a favorite when this song was just so objectively good. The force of this song that makes you pay attention and it opens up the album. It’s insane how Genesis was able to come up with this song. It’s an engine of a song that when it gets revving, it doesn’t stop. And it thematically sets up the album really well. Just impressive.
11. The Maine - “I think about you all the time”
The album kind of sounds pretty similar with all the songs so picking a stand out was a little hard but this song kept standing out to me. I love this chorus of the fun pop rock. The Maine captured an infectious energy with this album and kept it running throughout it. I think what really makes this song standout the most is that the verses stand out compared to the other songs since they all have this really great chorus.
10. slimdan - “Nosebleeds”
What a song to find on discover weekly. It’s just a simple mostly acoustic song but he wrote a song that every mid-20’s person is feeling that is feeling behind in life. So you know… perfect for me. I feel like I'm doing alright mentally and all that. I have days I struggle like everyone but I just look at where I am and it gets me feeling like I’m still in the nosebleeds. Man… it’s hard to be open about this year.
9. Paramore, The Linda Lindas - “The News”
This was a tough one to count on the list or not. I went with it cause it was the year I fell in love with The Linda Lindas. They took one the rockier songs from the This is Why and went harder. I already liked the original but they produced this song really well and added a lot of energy to the song that wasn’t there before. Their drummer is insane and I think she’s the youngest too out of this teen band (like 14 or 16). I think Hailey Williams saw herself in this band and really wanted them to be part of their remix album. And they blew this song away.
8. Movements - Tightrope
As much as a rocker album Movements made, it’s the softer song that feels more like their classic sound that I loved the most. Probably cause it felt the most relevant to me. I feel like all someone has to do is look at these emotional songs and read the lyrics and they can peel back the cover of my book. Regardless, the music here is super well crafted. It honestly doesn’t even sound like Movements until after the first chorus. I remember when it came up on shuffle and I didn’t remember liking a heartfelt pop song but the lyrics were telling me why I hearted it. Then it got rolling and I knew who it was. But the intensity of something like this is very Movements. Only something they could make.
7. Sleeping At Last - “Bright Sadness”
Sleeping at Last had a really tough time since they lost their mother. I felt the sadness through my own lost grandma and through my hard year. This song’s piano fading from left to right and how it replicates a tide. It’s beautiful and love the lyric “It’s been a year at the mercy of a merciless tide.” What a line. And I can feel it all in my throat as he tries to accept the merciless tide. It’s been a year of growth hasn’t it. Then he hits with the violin and it’s over for me at the bridge.
6. Ed Sheeran - “F64”
I still don’t know what this title is but I stopped caring when this song hits me the way it does. Ed did the hip hop thing that he’s really good at with piano underneath it. And a great bass line that’s kinda poorly produced but it’s also why I kinda like it. It feels like a song that was made quickly and it’s messy but that’s how he feels. Ed’s lost a lot of people too and it feels like it all comes out during this song and the meme of Ed feels like it gets shedded off. If he made stuff like this and did a whole album, I think a lot of people would take him seriously again.
I may have felt like they missed hard on their album but this song… THIS SONG is something else. It’s anthemic, it’s suspenseful, and it’s exciting. It’s built up so well and I couldn’t stop thinking about this song and how well crafted it is. It’s no wonder the album fell short when this song is on it. They took notes from somewhere and they ran with it.
4. Spanish Love Songs - “Haunted”
This is the type of stuff I wanting to hear from the band. Something new enough but it didn’t betray the band’s sound. There’s a push in this song that I hope they end up exploring more for later. The synth feels seamless with their sound and the lyrics are still gripping and feel like ripping apart the rib cage. Me and my homies all get scared of Spanish Love Songs.
3. Arm’s Length - “Arm’s Length”
I have always thought it was kinda weird to have a song after your band name. Very few do it but Arm’s Length pull it off and it really does make sense as it represents what the band does for music. Their post hardcore sound influenced by pop punk and midwest emo. I fell in love with their sound at the beginning of the year and haven’t been the same since. It makes me want to cry my eyes out and turns my spirit blue. I’m really excited for any new music from them since they just manage to make music that just hits me every time.
2. Glen Hansard - “Sure as the Rain”
You’re on an old boat that creaks and it’s dusk. The sailors are singing a folk song from one of the mountain lands they visited, even incorporates foreign language into the song. Their deep growly voice is used for soothing than anger. It’s slow and loving. This song was something I was waiting Glen to do and he even went above what I was wanting. It’s a song that feels timeless already.
Billie Eilish - “What Was I Made For?”
I don’t really think this could have been anything else. No other song kept me up at night like this one. Even thinking about the song makes me emotional. Listening to it literally breaks me. This song is almost solely the reason why the Barbie movie has the emotional weight it does. And I don’t even think of it within the context of that movie. In a year that was as emotional as it was, this just felt like it was its calling card. “I don’t know how to feel / but I wanna try” has basically been the motto for me. Despite all that’s happening with the economy, the war, my relationship, my job, my goals, my bad days… it all can feel like a mess and shutting down feels appropriate to not think about it. But I want to try. Try to feel it all, accept it all and move forward. Billie captured an amazing song here and I hope she can keep up with the high bar this song sets for herself here. At the same time, she keeps doing just that.
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theelf-online · 2 years
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I posted 8,105 times in 2022
That's 5,307 more posts than 2021!
13 posts created (0%)
8,092 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 882 of my posts in 2022
#blockmen - 462 posts
#osha violation - 93 posts
#homestuck (/neg) - 11 posts
#actually blockwomen - 10 posts
#me - 8 posts
#original post - 7 posts
#ok to reblog - 5 posts
#minecraft - 5 posts
#minecraft texture pack - 4 posts
#for -c - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#also its proven sex education helps prevent csa because it gives people the knowledge to recognize it and i think thats extremely important
My Top Posts in 2022:
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0 notes - Posted February 16, 2022
Hi! I’m @cosmic0artist and you wrote sweet tags on my miraculous ladybug redesign of Adrien that made me very happy so thank you haha! I never post here anymore but your lil comment means a lot :3
Aww this is so sweet! Absolutely made my day, thank you.
1 note - Posted July 20, 2022
Shitty Rice Pudding
I want to have a place to send people when they ask about how I make the shitty rice pudding. Literally the only reason, I am not a chef clearly. It tastes like horchata so that's a bonus too. If you leave out the cornstarch it's still very good but it's basically rice in hot milk so... cereal?
Old Rice from the fridge (a bowlful, the measurements are very unspecific), Milk, usually enough to cover most of the rice but not completely, if you have it Heavy Whipping Cream, some Honey depending on how sweet you want it, Vanilla Extract, a bit of Cinnamon, and a very small spoonful of Cornstarch.
Add the rice and honey and if there's cream the cream to it, if not, just a bit of the milk and put it in the microwave for 30 seconds to melt the honey if it's solid and also warm the rice up to de-clump it.
After that just declump, the back of a spoon works great. Mix it together, add cinnamon, vanilla extract, and the rest of the milk, toss it back in the microwave for like a minute (both the times might depend on your microwave, make sure you watch it so the milk doesn't like, bubble over and make a mess)
Add cornstarch, mix very well, you don't want clumps lol, then put it back in for 30 seconds (again, watch to make sure it doesn't bubble over)
After you take it out mix again and let it cool to an edible temperature, it'll probably be too hot when it first comes out, it'll solidify a bit as it cools.
7 notes - Posted May 2, 2022
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Ya boi finally got a cane! Finally got around to going to the medical supply store and it was way easier than I was expecting. My anxiety was definitely making it seem worse than it was, it was literally just in and out. Other than being new to using it and uncoordinated, it made a huge difference on the way back home.
[Image ID in Alt Text]
10 notes - Posted June 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Tired of the antisemitic caricatures in Minecraft?
It's well known the villagers, illagers, and witches in Minecraft are stuck with an incredibly antisemitic design that despite hope, will probably never be changed. I've looked for a resource pack that only changed those elements (keeping the base game look), and was non-optifine friendly, but found none, so I made my own.
So I introduce Antisemitism Begone!
(Version 1.19 but should work for all versions that include the redesigned villagers) It's far from a perfect solution, but it satisfies my main personal annoyances (I am Jewish myself), and I'm certainly open to any improvements that can be made.
Unfortunately, there's many things I wish I could change but am unsure how (such as re-naming the golems to constructs, or changing how the Ominous Banner looks), but my knowledge only goes so far, and I'm pretty clueless when it comes to these things. So for now it's only visual elements that are changed. If I figure out how to do these things in the future I will certainly update it.
(Edit as of 10/9/22) I have figured out how to change the name from Golems to Constructs. Currently supported languages are English (US/UK), Spanish (Spain/Mexico) and German.
Below the Read More are Images of changes (ID in alt text) and a list of changes made.
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4,402 notes - Posted June 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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equitynahas · 2 years
Ivipid 20th century fox
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So today we'll analyze the historical aspects, the style used, and how to easily create some of the elements in the scene (capitals, moldings, etc.) in Cinema 4D. After 75 years, the iconic 20th Century Fox logo is still a reference for many 3d artists. Welcome to this first tutorial in the "The Hollywood Film Studio Logo Animation Series". And today we're bringing you the first part! 20th Century Fox was victorious in the end, and Antonio Cerri has been hard at work ever since re-creating this iconic logo animation in Cinema 4D and After Effects. Back in October we gave you the chance to vote on which studio logo you wanted to see kick off this series, and although it was an extremely close battle between 20 Century Fox, Dreamworks Animation SKG and Paramount Pictures. Watch 90th Century FOX by iVipID - 20th Century Fox on Dailymotion. Looks really good Nice job Edited SeptemIceLucario64. 20th century Fox video Remake Logo blender. Bonus: FOX VIDEO 1995 remake available in the file. Featuring with the light intro, sunflash, city, and the Hollywood Hills. Today we're extremely excited to launch "The Film Studio Logo Animation Series" by Antonio Cerri here on Cgtuts+. This model is made with Blender 2.49 with my own 20th Century Fox font.
Solidify your brand with the particle fusion logo reveal.20th CENTURY FOX - Day 1 - "HOLLYWOOD MOVIE TITLE" FREE TUTORIAL Upload your file to the template, add your customized text and watch the magic unfold. intro, animation, greeting card, Custom, vipid, ivipid, 20th century fox logo. Hiring a graphic designer with an appealing portfolio and quality reviews is a solid start to creating a winning logo design. Ivipid lets you create custom, high-quality video intros and greeting. Something in this subgenre minor film Studios have had a long string of logos Ivipid 10 s a logo with only two rear searchlights instead of three 20th 20thcenturyfox All Try He Mashup Dream. You will have this intro in hd for only 5$. Here are a number of highest rated 20th Century Fox Logo Prototype pictures upon internet. Up to 7% cash back 20th century fox intro i will recreate the 20th century fox intro with your own text.ĭownload movie logo template editable design | premade for custom text, color & more | company logo branding kit | available in ai, pdf, pngĭownload over 1,447 icons of logo design in svg, psd, png, eps format or as webfonts.
No download link will be included in the public only my friends can ask nicely for a private link stealers can not get my logo remakes because this is my watermark not the stealers do not steal Let the sparkling particles unite to form your logo. Share your videos with friends, family, and the world Youre unable to view this Tweet because this. We are proud to present our works with an incredible amount of flexibility and quality customer support. Hello i search to create a original 20th century fox intro, but i dont find help me please. Generate a wide range of creative possibilities for your new logo If you don’t have a company name yet, no problem! 20th Century Fox fanfare in Predator vision There’s a pair of gold stick earrings that are unusual and Yet he shows great compassion and tenderness for his family View company info, jobs, team members, culture, funding and more Our garments are either 100 cotton ot 90 cotton 10 viscose, making each item super. Ivipid is another useful free online tool that is capable of creating quality logo intro videos.Ībout press copyright contact us creators advertise developers terms privacy policy & safety how youtube works test new features press copyright contact us creators.įlaticon, the largest database of free icons. Go here to my blend files and download the fox logo (about 1 mb) by clicking on the movie camera above it. More than an image with text and color, a logo communicates the tone and personality of your company to your potential customers. Tcf (ivipid style, modified) logo remake. Logo design is an important part of your company’s brand development. On october 15th 2011 youtuber champmaniacpictures uploaded the 20th century fox opening production logo sequence with a saxophone playing the background music shown below left.
To produce this vipid you need at least 200 credits. 20th century technology meme generator the fastest meme generator on the planet.
If you try to produce a intro for free nowadays, the site tells you this: ' Warning Free vipids cooking disabled temporarily. Get inspired by our community of talented artists. We used to use it all the time to create intros using famous logo intros for free without having to pay a single penny.
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lovesanmotion · 3 years
yandere!ateez reacts: s/o with agere
💌. This is: requested 
Heads Up: To those who don’t know what agere is (like me when this was requested) agere is short for age regression. Agere is completely different from DDLG, it is also 100% SFW and a coping mechanism. 
He wouldn’t leave you alone, wherever you are, he would always be beside you. Seonghwa always has the need to see and touch you. If you weren’t in his sight or hold, his eyes would go wide and look for you everywhere. Like a mother who goes on full panic when her child gets distracted and follows something in a busy crowd. 
The first (and last) time Seonghwa lost you in a crowd was the time you asked him to go to an amusement park with you. The bright lights, tall ferris wheel and happy smiles of the children made you jealous and you asked Seonghwa to take you there. He wouldn’t let you at first, but since your birthday is nearing, he thought that maybe going to the amusement park for your birthday is the best gift he could give. 
And it is the best gift you’ve ever received. Seonghwa could never forget the bright smile on your face while you are eating a cotton candy, clinging onto his arm when going inside the haunted house and him winning the huge teddy bear for you. When you started to feel hungry, you pointed to him this food stall that caught your attention, walking towards the stall and asking what you wanted to eat. And while waiting, you mentally hummed to yourself while hugging the teddy bear, your eyes darting around the place until a bubble came into your view and popped before your eyes. 
Unknown to Seonghwa’s attention, you had titlted your head to the other side and followed where those bubbles were coming from and who was blowing them. But you failed to recognize that further you stray away from him until you no longer knew how to get back. Seonghwa, coming back to his senses, no longer felt your presence by his side. His eyes widened and left the stall, turning his head left and right while looking all over for you. Multiple scenarios ran through his mind and he prayed that you are still here, not leaving him for anyone perhaps. 
But once he stops dead on his tracks, his heart broke into a million pieces. A few feet away from him is you, crying while hugging the teddy bear tight. He would run over to you and immediately hug you tightly. Leaning away and wiping your tears as he asks you where you went and why you left his side. He wouldn’t be able to bring himself to scold you. Instead, he’ll hold your hand tightly while going home, making your favorite dish and cuddling in bed instead. 
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He loves to personalize your clothes for you. He’d buy an item off the rack, take it home to re design it and then hand it to you. However, he noticed that you weren’t wearing the clothes. When he asked you one night about it, you straight up told him that you prefer wearing thin clothing. He found it odd at first. But he would observe how you would rather wear a tank top, underwear and socks than an expensive pajama set. Cuddling a stuffed toy to sleep while sucking your thumb. It was an odd behavior but he found it cute and heart warming to watch you. Even when he pulls you in his embrace, he would feel his insides bursting at how you would snuggle up to him. He wouldn’t say but he always wished it was nighttime so he would be able to watch you sleep before placing kisses on top of your head. 
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When Yunho met you at first, you told him how you hated tying your hair. But if it was necessary, you would tie your hair. And you love it when people compliment your hair, but when it comes to dating Yunho, you couldn’t get enough of him showering you with praises. 
And he did find it out that one day you asked him to buy you those cute little hair tie in clear plastic packs sold in children’s department store. He didn’t know why but nevertheless while he was out he bought it for you. To add it up, you suddenly asked him to tie your hair. 
“But I thought you didn’t like tying your hair?” Yunho asked, curiously eyeing the hair ties inside the plastic. 
“I really don’t like it but please tie my hair for me. Any style would do.” You begged, kneeling down on his feet with your hands clasped together, a pout painting your lips. Yunho sighed and ordered you to sit down on the couch. He walked at the back and stood behind you, gently combing your hair before you taught him how to braid your hair. When he was done, you waddled over to the mirror, putting on the quirky little hair pins before going back to where Yunho was and straddling on his lap. 
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You were quite the picky eater and it pissed Yeosang off whenever he would cook vegetables and you wouldn’t pay any attention to it. He tried alot of tactics like hiding it under the meat, but you would always find it and put it on the edge of your plate. At first, he would just let it slide, thinking there is alot of ways to make you eat vegetables. But eating solids is still different from drinking solids turned to liquids. 
“If you aren’t going to eat your vegetables then just fucking stay in the table until you eat them.” He abruptly stood up from his seat and left the kitchen, growing from watching you ignoring your plate filled with carrots and green peas. That night, Yeosang was able to do everything: having his night shower, brushing his teeth, doing his skincare. Four hours after he left you in the kitchen, he found you already dosed off on top of the dining table finally eating the carrots and green peas. He cleaned up your used utensils before gently scooping you up in his arms, heading towards the bathroom as he gently sat you down on top of the counter, brushing your teeth and washing your face before laying you down on the bed besides him. 
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When you found out that there was a playground in the neighborhood, you had begged to San to take you there everyday. Even though it was just a few walks away from your house, San was scared that you could run away and leave him. But actually it was the opposite. He didn’t know what was up until he saw you all happy and giggling at the sight of a the swings, slide and rocking horses. 
He was blank and stared at you in confusion. What was about a playground that got you all so hyped up? He stood close where were you are and watched you in awe. Crouching down at the end of the slide. 
“Y/N~ come down the slide quick!” He calls, looking up at you with a big smile. He watched you sit down on the upper end and slide down to him before placing a peck on your lips. 
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He stared at the dress and tiara in your hands in horror. There is no way he is going to wear that and join a tea party with you and your eight plushies. But that was half an hour ago and now Mingi, wearing Sofia the First’s purple gown is playing tea party with you (wearing Cinderella’s blue gown) and with your eight plushies. Fake gossiping about what is happening in their respective kingdoms. 
This is a new feeling to Mingi and somehow he’s liking it. Well, too much. He would act soft with you, drinking and eating how women in the old days would and laughing with a hand hovering his mouth. 
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His eyes shot up instantly when he hears you crying beside him. Turning to the other side, he immediately engulfed you in his embrace, soothing your arm. 
“Bad dream?” He asks when your cries slowly died down. You nodded your head, he slowly laid down on his back and placing you to lay down on his chest. 
“It’s okay, darling. I won’t be going anywhere.” It got quiet for a moment before he softly sang to Spring Day while slowly running his fingers on your hair. When he felt a heavy weight down his chest, he didn’t need to peak as he knew that you had fallen back to sleep. Smiling to himself, he brought the blanket on top of them before going back to sleep as well. 
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He prepared all the snacks and drinks on the living room table, covering yourself with a pink blanket as Jongho puts on Bee Movie on his netflix. He sits down besides on the couch, getting his purple blanket and covering himself too as he watches the movie. Occassionally eating pop tarts and funfetti flavored cupcakes and sipping apple juice. When the movie ends, he crawls through the floor still covered in his blanket as he turns to play Despicable Me. 
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formulaorange · 3 years
Summer 2021 Anime - Week 1
The summer season has already started so let's get right into it! The first episode has been released for a few shows so I'll touch on those and potentially continue them from now on based on whether it clicks or not. Sorry if this post ends up being long - I intend to check out most of what's coming out now. - First 3 are what I expect to be the top of the series and under the cut is the rest. (I'll likely get around to all of them eventually throughout the summer season)
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Peach Boy Riverside Summary - In a world of ogres and demons, what if Momotaro wasn't the only ogre killing child that came floating along the river? Holy shit - right off the bat with a killer series 100% this will be one of the top shows of the season. It's an excellent and thrilling adaptation of the traditional Japanese Momotaro story and because of that, the world that they all live in is super neat. The protagonists are awesome so far and the enemies/monsters are also well designed. Really looking forward to this one. Side note - I really like that Frau is adapted from japanese folklore of the rabbit on the moon beating mochi.
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The Detective is Already Dead Summary- Main character attracts back luck and a master detective recruits him to help solve the cases he brings in but she's already dead from the beginning. Yet another one that will be one of the top shows. Honestly had me hooked within 5 minutes of the storyline. Side note for Genshin ppl - Koumori/Bat is Xiao's Voice Actor The duo is excellent and the hook at the end of the episode - expected but still great. Guess the creators were confident enough about the show's potential that they sacrificed the pilot as a 45 minute episode so I think there's a lot in store for this season.
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Vanitas no Carte Summary - A cursed blue vampire uses his mythical book to heal red vampire illnesses in old Paris. omfg T_T I'm going to be so obsessed with this show. The Art The Style The Character Design The Era The Memes The Cat I no longer care about any show but this one and this one only. (gives me howl vibes but also dazai - I haven't watched past season 1 of Bungou Stray Dogs but this feels like the same creator/animation studio - I'll need to check in on that) The rest of the Summer Season Shows are below the cut--
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Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid Summary - he's cursed to kill everything he touches - she likes teasing him. the art in this show is really pretty - idk if it's actual paintings or just animation on a canvas background but it's nice either way. Idk if i'll ever get used to cgi - this one is rough for me since it's the primary animation method and it still just feels to smooth. Plus I have no interest in the sexual harassment aspect of the show. Unsure if I'll keep watching.
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How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom Summary - a uni student is summoned as a hero in another world and decides to reform the kingdom using realistic plans and administrative duties. Yet another issekai. Low-key the animations look really bad in anything other than the main characters. The idea seems really boring and it seems a lot of character designs and concept are straight up copies from other shows but I kinda like it for some reason? Either way - will likely be a super mid tier show.
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Re-Main Summary - Water polo anime but this champ has been in a coma for 6 months and doesn't remember his last 3 years as a top water polo player. Damn - they don't need to go this hard on every sports anime. Right off the bat with something new - the accident and the animations are solid as all sports shows are for some reason. The different take on it alone has me interested but I like the mc, so I think this'll be a good one for this season. I ran out of time today so this'll be part 1 Part 2 will feature: Scarlet Nexus -Episodes 1 & 2 Bokutachi no Remake - 50 min pilot episode Seirei Gensouki - Spirit Chronicles Slime Season 2 Part 2 Episode 1
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nomoregoldfish · 3 years
I Promised You The Moon rant
Just binged it and this was from the episode by episode reaction/discussion with my partner in crime @glossyboy.
First of all, Oab stole the show, singlehandedly, which he's not supposed to. I don't think anyone expected it including himself. In the very top post when I searched his name on tumblr, he said this lol
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But the truth is he played one hell of "villain" that required a very nuanced performance and he delivered it in a believable and graceful manner. Jai became the catalyst of the entire season and his rather complicated relationship with Teh was the highlight of part 2.
EP 1
From the very beginning it's clear that part 2 is very much a Teh's story rather than a balanced story about two young people's journey as a couple in the next chapter of their lives. It makes me uncomfortable they made Oh-aew clingy and pessimistic without giving him any character development.
The best part is probably the opening scene where they went paper-rock-scissors to decide who's gonna buy condoms. It felt authentic, the expectation, the hesitation, the mischievous act, all fits their characters well. Other times ep 1 was more like two adult kids playing house, literally in an empty giant ass upper middle class apartment.
EP 2
It's great that they poked the femininity vs. masculinity issue through Oh-aew, but stopped right there at the surface. Missed a perfect opportunity to go head-to-head with the controversial topic, start a debate, crush the stigma of femininity, bring something new, be a real game changer of the BL genre, and most importantly give Oh-aew some concrete character development. Part 1 showed us a gay character that's very comfortable with his sexuality and femininity, that's almost revolutionary in Asia, not as a comic relief but a leading role. Oh-aew questioned his own sexual identity once in that bra wearing scene, it's straight out of comfort zone, BOLD, and transgressive. So I expected more from part 2.
That's it? And they're already sophomores? Can't believe Oh-aew's character has been marginalized like this. It's pathetic.
But I love the brutally honest conversation at the end where Teh vented his rage and despair regarding his frustration of acting. He was acting like a dick because he's disappointed, and scared. Teh again was not afraid of showing vulnerability, making the reconciliation very realistic and touching.
EP 3
Dare I say I freaking love ep 3! The unresolved (partially sexual, but not entirely) tension between Teh and Jai was over the roof! And the built-up to their kiss was very authentic, which paled Teh and Oh-aew's much sidelined storyline, including the long anticipated sex scene (still can't believe it happened right after Jai explicitly instructed Teh to do it after the two spent a whole night bonding, like wow! Totally TRANSGRESSIVE and to some extent, kinky.) Teh looked up to the senior, idolized him, wanted to be good for him and make him proud, thirsted for the validation from him, which was mixed with affections. The workshop diary was a brilliant idea to let them open up to each other and eventually bring them close. This was what a meaningful arc of a story looked like. By contrast, there isn't a single moment between Oh-aew and Teh in part 2 that made me go "Damn it's soooooo hot!"
I know Jai/Teh wasn't the endgame but I appreciate the storyline so much. It's a very bold move considering it broke the over-glorified "one true love in one's life" fantasy of its target audience, mostly young cis women. The popular narrative of "you can only love one person through your life/one true love" in romance fictions/chick flicks was totally smashed. And it wasn't written just to stir up things between Teh and Oh-aew, it wasn't a silly fling. Instead, it's meaningful, complicated, natural, and realistic, delivered by nuanced and excellent acting from two young actors. It's hilarious that fans hate Jai with a passion and call him names.
And big news, Jai is bi?! Bravo! He's radiating bi vibes since his first appearance.
I kind of gave up at this point, the season wouldn't do Oh-aew any justice. Like my partner in crime pointed out, the costume design literally threw some "incongruous female fashion pieces" on Oh-aew, made him dye his hair red, without...making any actual point of his personality or his character development. Wardrobe was supposed to make a point in storytelling. Yes, PP wearing pink is cute, and? There's nothing else for Oh-aew. Unfortunately he's reduced to this sulky, crying, and wronged partner in a failing relationship.
EP 4
Oab again was killing it. The tension between Jai and Teh...from the rehearsal in front of Oh-aew to the dressing room pep talk, was incredibly intense and hot AF.
Was it a manipulative relationship after all? Oab was so good at conveying a character with many faces. Jai's a mentor to Teh, also a good friend, their relationship was genuine. He's also ambitious with his own goals, he used, challenged, provoked Teh in a way that benefited them both. It made sense the title of part 2, I Promised You The Moon, was from Jai's script. He promised Teh what the junior wanted the most, a bright future in acting. Teh's unconventional and unspoken feelings for Jai was the best part of the entire season in terms of creative writing, it's complicated, fragile, delicate and completely heartbreaking.
The after talk in the hallway was so well-written. It's funny (Teh joking about playwrights always write about their EXs is gold), intimate yet meticulously controlled, no one lashed out or wept. Both knew what they signed up for and Jai particularly made it clear about his motive and the purpose of the "special workshop" beforehand (or right away.) Yet it's no one's fault that Teh got carried away. He's younger, he's immature, he's more into it, it's totally natural. It's so romantic when Teh's singing karaoke in the bar with Oh-aew, yet he couldn't help but desperately staring at Jai on the floor, knowing he and the man who just turned him down were never gonna happen, they were done, but he's still madly attracted to him and his talent. He fancied Jai, at least the idea of Jai, a playwright, a director, someone knew him better than himself. That hurt beautifully.
EP 5
Teh/Oh-aew endgame at this point was pretty meaningless. Oh-aew as a leading character never got any solid character development over a span of four years. What happened between Jai and Teh wasn't just "cheating", though they surely made it look that way, like Teh's empty promise of "I won't see him again after the show ends". No matter how Oh-aew and Teh eventually reconciled, there's no emotional connection, no sparkle anymore between the couple.
But I knew for a fact they had to. Otherwise it's too much of a risk financially for the series. The creators had to take the easy way out like most traditional romances—one of the most contrived and formulaic trope where the male leading character made a mistake (usually cheating) and realized he's wrong, he deeply hurt the female leading character (Oh-aew was merely a girl substitute in part 2), then he completely changed for hell knew what reasons, started doing every nicest thing in the world to try to "win" the female character back. It has been feeding the emotionally-deprived cis female readers/audience who are frustrated with heterosexual relationship irl for decades. The formula that made romance outsell other genres of fictions combined in the 60s and 70s still sells today, under the name of boys' love. It's pathetic to see Oh-aew confess to Bas that he always "lost" to Teh. Love shouldn't be some kind of game or competition, there isn't winner or loser in love. Love is spontaneous. Oh-aew didn't lose because Teh developed feelings for someone else, and he didn't win when Teh begged him for reconciliation. People change, people move on.
And as predicted, they went for it. The ending was so absurd and tedious.
Overall, Jai's probably the hardest villain to play, he needed to be REALLY GOOD to be "the bad guy", to make his role conceivable. Oab absolutely nailed it with his talent and experience. He's not even my type or extremely good looking yet I'm 100% SOLD. I immediately re-watched the scene of him kissing Teh back hungrily at the end of ep 3 like I used to re-watch Teh/Oh-aew's steamy make out session at the end of episode 3 part 1. Coincidence?
I like some parts of both seasons for the same reason, each challenged and tried to break some outdated/contrived narratives in the BL genre. Part 1 took on the sexuality taboo by showing two same sex characters sexually attracted to each other, no more "I'm not into boys, I just happened to fall for someone of the same gender" or "pure love" bullshit. By staying true to the characters' sexuality and actually showing it with explicit, intense (and beautifully shot) scenes, the gay characters were normalized. They weren't just pure and innocent, no one was. And it created two of most unconventional gay characters in Asian pop culture, Oh-aew, a beautiful boy who's very comfortable with his own sexuality and femininity, not passive at all, taking initiative to pursue what he wanted; and Teh, a sensitive, caring and vulnerable boy who cried a lot, he's confused but also sweet and brave.
Part 2 tackled the "You can only love one person through your life" trope with a very nuanced story of "cheating". Yet neither carried out what they started. Part 1 fell short of a revolutionary piece that stayed true to "adolescent sexual turmoil", dismissing bisexuality and becoming a typical unrealistic BL fantasy in the end. And Part 2, ugh, forced a "happy ending" that almost no one digs. I understand it's extremely difficult and risky to disrupt the established norms of a genre. But sometimes being transgressive and progressive could be the same thing. A story, an artwork, has to challenge something in order to create something new and compelling.
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vaguely-concerned · 4 years
The Mandalorian s2 ep1 Reactions Post That’s right I’m BACK
and none of you not even god himself can stop me from rambling about space cowboy dad and tiny green baby stuff for much longer than any sane person should 
the TL;DR is that I still love this show SO MUCH, beware a bunch of spoilers under the cut!
- costume design wise I LOVE how badly the armour fits Cobb Vanth
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 especially when you get shots with him and Din side by side for contrast:
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It’s not just that it’s clearly not made for him (it seems he’s a lot lankier and more wiry than Boba is), he simply doesn’t know how to wear it, and he doesn’t know how to take care of it, because he doesn’t know what it means. Remember when Din’s breastplate got bent completely out of shape by the mudhorn and he had it repaired to the best of his ability long before they even finished with the ship? That’s why he looks so grounded and natural in it and Vanth has sort of a clumsy Spiderman-in-his-first-home-made-costume air about him. (also Boba’s helmet has a beautiful heft and solidity to it in this, they make all the beskar have a Feel and weight to it, makes it feel important)  
I like that Vanth is taller than Din; everything that drives home that Din’s strength doesn’t come from being naturally physically imposing or impressive is a joy to me 
- Boba’s armour seems to be confirmed to be real beskar, which gives me so much hope that they’re doing something actually nuanced and interesting with Boba and Jango’s cultural identities as Mandalorians (whether they do consider themselves that or not, for example), unlike George Lucas’ inexplicable yet unbending stance of ‘They aren’t and never were lol get fucked Fetts’  
the way the triumphant heroic part of the mando music sputtered and died when the man himself showed up tho... uh-oh this might be bad news 
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man but that’s a stunning and surprising way to introduce a well-known character divorced from what makes them so iconic, though, just from that I’m going to trust they know what they’re doing (AND they got temuera morrison back I’m so EXCITED!!!). without the armor there’s the face of someone who shared that face with literal millions and at the same time must be looking older than his father ever got to at this point, and that’s super interesting as a starting point to me. (I... guess there’s still a chance it’s a fakeout and that it’s actually another clone, but that would be such a letdown when they’ve already given us this haha) 
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- an excellent [mando sighs] moment
this opening scene did a great job of re-summarizing him for the audience -- establishing again that he gives you one chance at dealing with him fairly and if you insist on continuing to be an asshole about it, you’re toast, the fact that his fighting style is so much about being able to tank blows rather than not getting hit in the first place, the horror movie monster mando setup as he stalked the dude down and strung him up, the Poetic Justice predicated on some very careful word choices, and most importantly “where I go, he goes”... all wonderful, I’m sure I’ll watch this scene back for fine details and better looks at the background characters many many times 
(word seems to have spread about him and the baby for real now, which makes me VERY nervous btw)
- Pulserifle’s back! Jetpack’s back! Razor Crest’s back! Grappling line’s back! PELLI’S BACK!!!!!! Tattooine... is also back *Finn voice* Why does everyone want to go back to Tattooine????
I really enjoyed the way they fleshed out and (for lack of a better word) humanized the sand people, though, if you are going back to this desert hellplanet again that is a worthy reason to do it 
- Din swearing :O!! and one of the less egregious star wars swears too, I’m fine with this
- in campaign star wars news: I guess there was sort of both a binbon and a jubna in this ep! what a time to be alive
- as usual I love the jawa. a bright spot in any day, just a bunch of lil goblin-y friends hanging out having the best time loving sparkly crystals and rescuing silver foxes.  
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get in loser we’re going shopping
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I uh. Do you think. Hm. Is there maybe a metaphor here somewhere. Is there perhaps a hidden, one may say double, meaning, at play, right here, in this image? Who can say, it’s just niggling at me (there’s a very similar set of shots with Toro in season 1, but seemingly the show went ‘I fear we might have gone too subtle with it, let’s amp it up this time’ over the season break loool)
honestly though this dynamic really highlighted everything I love about the ways Din performs masculinity. It’s so much softer and more community/collaboration focused and more comfortable to be around than Vanth’s version -- and Vanth isn’t a bad dude by any stretch of the imagination, it’s not hard to see why he’s like that considering where he’s from, he’s just such a... man. The lone person who can protect this village! The only man who’s got what it takes! It’s all on his shoulders and no one else’s, so do exactly as he says or he’ll put a hole in you! (I think it’s telling that one of his first comments to Din is ‘I’m sure you call the shots wherever you’re from, but ‘round here, I’m the person who tell folks what to do’, because as we as the audience knows, Din very much does not call the shots of where he’s from lol) I guess it says some nice things about the tribe of Mandos Din is from that this is how he approaches things, and it says some good things about Vanth how quickly he comes around to this smarter and less confrontational/domineering style of doing things once he’s been exposed to it and sees how it works. it’s just neat
(it’s smart of Favreau to set his ~*lone gunslinger*~ character up like this, too, it makes him so much more interesting and versatile)   
- With the way Din says ‘a Mandalorian Armorer sent me on my path’ it does seem confirmed that’s the equivalent of a priest role or a sort of shaman -- I wonder if he knows the name of ‘The’ Armorer or if they take on the role as a whole identity 
- the sheer contrast between the two people who wanted Din to take his helmet off for them in this ep tho... wants Mando’s armour off for horrible awful reasons and got exactly what he deserved:
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wants Mando’s armour off for entirely sympathetic and understandable, just culturally uninformed, thirsty thirsty reasons & also having drinks together:
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 (the sort of... little lick over his bottom lip he does there? keep it in your pants vanth my GODjflsadf he’s a good dude tho he understands and respects the ‘no armour removal before marriage’ thing and backs down gracefully)
- This is a nuanced thing: I don’t think I actually ship it (not in a requited way from Din’s side, anyway, Vanth I’m 100% sure about lol), but the incredible potential for out-of-context-taking of “Take it off, or I will”/”...we doin’ this in front of the kid?” is uh astounding  
(anyone got the vibe Vanth sort of had something with the bartender too? no just me? well well)
- I was never really scared Din was actually dead or hurt b/c baby wasn’t scared and I figure he’d know lol, a very useful fear barometer 
- “What’s the plan?” “Take care of the child” “What are you gonna do?” “I don’t know, but wish me luck *yeets his new bro out of harm’s way before diving in head first himself*” fksdjhfkjlashdfkjsldahfkasldjhfskldajhfsadkjfh WHAT a summation of Din’s entire approach to battle & life, dad please you carry a not insignificant part of my heart around with you be careful 
(Also with the heavy implication that Boba was watching the whole thing... can you imagine him just looking on as Din throws himself down that gullet like a madman. There must have been some ‘o_-7 *headscratch headscratch* ???’ going on for him there)
it’s kind of sweet that din trusts vanth will take care of the baby if something happens though, they really bonded quickly huh 
- the sand people who kept willingly going over to the krayt dragon’s cave are honestly braver and more admirable than anyone else has ever been, I kept just shouting in anguish as they were gobbled up, they deserved better 
- can we talk about how clear it still is that Din’s just... lonely. When he thinks he’s found another Mando and he sounds almost reverent with relief... and then it gets odder and odder (’uh... drinks? I guess... does he have drinking straws with him or -- HE’S TAKING THE HELMET OFF???’ oh buddy)
I wonder if they’re building towards something about him realizing it doesn’t have to be Mandos for him to trust and bond with people longer term? Basically all the characters he’s met and we’ve watched him form attachments to and get help from are non-Mandos -- Kuiil :’^(, Cara, Omera, Cobb Vanth, IG-11 :^’’(, Greef Karga to a degree. Establishing so firmly what he’s looking for this early would be good setup for a ‘what a character thinks they want vs. what they need’ thing later on just on a writing level, anyway, Boba Fett could bring in some interesting points of view about Mandalorianness too   
- baby’s happy gurgles when he sees pelli!!!!!! din speaking sand people language and petting alligator doggies!!!!!!
- pedro pascal’s voice work remains an utter joy to me. din’s measured, earnest, occasionally slightly stilted way of talking is still so good, and then he does things like inserting some more... idk life is the wrong word but that more charged and dynamic tone he took on when he said (”I thought you weren’t a gambler”) “I’m not”. *chef kiss*
- if the pulse rifle’s stun is able to do that to a fuckn krayt dragon... that’s some serious shit din is carrying around with him lol (interestingly the actual shooty pew-pew part of it didn’t seem to do much to it, but then I guess he was shocking it from the inside out and not through thick hide, so idk)
- my only real complaints about this ep: Vanth’s backstory ran a bit long, and not enough baby & dad interaction. the concept art’s got me tho: 
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 (din often wears his original/old armour in concept art still, incidentally, don’t know what that’s about)
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+ omfg ;______;
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- this sand people person conscientiously brushing a bantha’s teeth... blessed
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- Customary flame thrower report: there was a rare useful deployment of the flamethrower. Good job Mando’s flame thrower for furthering the field of diplomacy
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relatablegenzwriter · 5 years
30-Day Writing Challenge (for novelists)
this challenge is intended for novel writers who have had a strong novel idea for a while and know their story fairly well, or who have already made a little progress on a novel, and are stuck on it. i’m not an expert so i don’t know how much this is actually going to help you get out of that rut, but the hope is that you’ll spend a month immersing yourself in the world of your story and you’ll get some motivation out of it. i’d suggest taking about 30 minutes (at least) to do each activity, and to do everything completely distraction-free, with your phone in another room and your computer on do not disturb (if you’re writing on a computer). enjoy you nerds.
1. Write out your entire plot, even if you’ve already done it. This will re-familiarize you with your project.
2. Get the basic information on your main character. Write their backstory up until the point where your novel begins, make note of characteristics, and get their basic appearance down. Got multiple main characters? Great! You get to write more. (That’s what you get.) For all characters, make sure you know:
your character’s wants
your character’s values
at least five character flaws
the role your character will play in the story
how you want them to change over the course of the story
optional but recommended: cultural aspects like race or religion, which will help you develop their background and values a lot better.
3. Do some basic worldbuilding: what year is this novel set? Country? Planet? What are some traditions or norms? Is there magic or new technology? What’s up with the government? If your novel is set in our current world, work out the specifics of the characters’ neighborhood, home, city, etc.
4. Without allowing yourself to see any previous versions that may exist, write the opening scene.
5. Do what you did on day 2, except for your antagonist. No clear-cut antagonist? Pick whoever’s closest, or do the prompts for a supporting or minor character.
6. Research day: go through what you’ve already written and highlight everything you wanted to look up later, then spend some time researching it. You’ll probably find out more things that you’ll want to add to the plot.
7. Character day: you’ll have four of these, so divide up your characters accordingly. Do some of the character work you did for your main and antagonist for however many . You can go into less detail if they’re less important, but make sure you still know the six main points that you got to know about the more featured characters.
8. Pick a few parts of your worldbuilding exercise that you want to go more in-depth into (i.e. political systems, technology, cultural traditions) and spend about thirty minutes writing, brainstorming, and researching things to flesh them out. There will be three worldbuilding days, so make sure to save some material for the others!
9. Look through the plot you wrote out and see if you can find any plotholes, concepts you want to flesh out more, or parts that are unclear or missing. Really take some time to understand what the problems are, and come up with some possible solutions. It’s great if you figure out what you want to do, but if you don’t, that’s fine! You still made progress.
10. Without allowing yourself to see any previous versions that may exist, write the ending scene. Spoiler alert: this is going to be really hard. You can try writing a couple contenders, or even outlining a scene if you’re not quite sure where to go. Don’t worry about trying to make it pretty, because it’s not gonna be pretty: you don’t have all the details that you would if you were writing in chronological order.
11. Character day
12. Write your favorite scene. If you have a strong story idea in your head, you most likely know the one: you daydream about it when you wish you were doing something else, it plays like a movie in your head, it’s probably located somewhere around the middle of the book, and you probably haven’t let yourself write it because you “haven’t gotten there yet”. Today’s the day. Go nuts.
13. Rewrite the opening scene from a different character’s perspective. I know this sounds really cliche, but even if it doesn’t give you more insight on the story, it’s fun to do.
14. Worldbuilding day
15. Research day: research new stuff that you hadn’t written last time, plus anything over from the first research day. Not sure what to research? Characters’ cultures, the history of your setting (if in our world), famous fictional worlds, language development… if you sit and think for a little, you’ll figure out something you want to know.
16. Pick a few of your favorite character relationships: romantic, platonic, familial, whatever you want, and spend some time sketching them out. Think about their arcs, how they met (if they’re not related), what they think about each other, how they interact… basically anything you want, as long as you come away knowing more about the relationships between your characters. Also, please make only half (or less) of these romantic! It’s super important to develop the other relationships in the story.
17. Pick up from where you left off in your opening scene and write the next scene. Again, don’t look at any previously existing drafts.
18. Character day
19. Emotion break! Make a list of everything you don’t like about your book. Get all your insecurities out onto the paper, then refute everything you don’t like. If it’s specifics like “I don’t like that x happens”, figure out how to make x not happen. If it’s general doubts like “This has been done before and I’m unoriginal,” refute that too! Everyone doubts their work all the time and I can guarantee that we are all more critical of our own work than others will be. Finish today’s unconventional activity off by writing a list of everything you love about your book.
20. Pick any scene you’ve written for this book, whether it be from this challenge or something you had before, and rewrite it in some form of AU. Change the genre, time period, location, context… you are a god.
21. Worldbuilding day
22. You know those books that are stories told entirely in poems? You heard me. (Start anywhere you want to, write at least five or however many you can get done in 30 minutes. No one will ever read them, so don’t complain that you’re not a poet.)
23. Find a list of dialogue prompts and pick a few to do with your characters. Want a challenge? Choose two characters at random. (I mean using a generator or drawing names out of a hat. COMPLETELY random.)
24. Pick up from day 16 and write the next scene.
25. Last character day :(
26. Write, or at least, begin, a very short story in your world. Try to include no characters from your actual story. If your novel takes place in our world, focus in on the characters’ neighborhood, time period, workplace, school, etc. This exercise will help you get to know your world through a different perspective. Don’t stress too much about this! It doesn’t have to be very long or even to be finished.
27. Fun day! Pick three of these activities to do with your novel:
Make a playlist about the novel as a whole, or make some character playlists
Design the cover
Cast actors in the film/TV version
Draw: character portraits, scenes, maps, landscapes…
Put together a moodboard for the novel or a character
Write that completely unrealistic scene you love so much but can’t put in the novel for plot reasons
Make memes about your characters
Sit and daydream for a solid 10 minutes about the Vibe of the novel
Anything that falls into a similar category
This is a callout activity for all you ””””””””writers”””””””” who spend more time daydreaming about novel ideas than actually writing. (this is 100% a joke because this is 100% me)
28. Rewrite your opening scene from a different narrator. If you wrote in first person, use third. If you wrote in third, use first. You can also mess with second person if you feel like you have an artist superiority complex and aren’t like other girls.
29. Pick your favorite activity from so far and do it again.
30. List everything that you need to do before you can jump right into the first draft. Then do it.
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gotmymindsetonyou · 3 years
The Best and Worst Things About Each MCU Movie
These are all just my stinky opinions. You are allowed to disagree, you are allowed to agree. Most of these are jokes anyway. I’m honestly just happy you’re reading this. Minor Spoilers Ahead!
Iron Man (2008) -
Best: This movie almost perfectly sets the tone for the entire universe that has at that point yet to have been created. Looking back, you can imagine the feeling of “Where are they going to go from here?” and I think that’s one of the most important things that this movie needed to accomplish.
Worst: What the fuck is Jeff Bridges doing? What’s his endgame here? I get he’s trying to take over Stark Industries but how’s he gonna do that from inside that giant metal suit he uses to kill people inside their cars?
Incredible Hulk (2008) -
Best: Tim Roth is in it and I think that is pretty cool.
Worst: I haven’t actually seen it, but the cgi looks god awful, what the hell.
Iron Man 2 (2010) - 
Best: Sam Rockwell is so goddamn annoying in this movie and I think that’s amazing, he’s such a little stinker.
Worst: I remember basically nothing else about this movie except some guy talking about birds, idk.
Thor (2011) -
Best: It introduces Loki, probably one of the most beloved villains in the entire franchise. 
Worst: This movie is so goddamn boring and it’s my least favorite and I hate it. Don’t @ me.
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) -
Best: The first good chunk of this movie is actually a really compelling character study on Steve Rogers and what makes him a good man. Seeing him basically being paraded as this propaganda figure and watching him struggle with this is one of the most compelling things about him as a person. Really wish they kept this up for the entire movie.
Worst: The red skull is really boring guys. He’s red, that’s it. Give me something else to work with man.
Marvel’s The Avengers (2012) -
Best: This movie proved that you can have a superhero team up with this many people and have it fucking work. It doesn’t matter if you hate or love this movie, you cannot deny the effects it has on the genre.
Worst: It’s shot like a bad CW show. It looks so ugly.
Iron Man 3 (2013)
Best: This one is actually my favorite of the bunch. Exploring the question of what makes Iron Man, the suit or the person, is shown really well here. I thoroughly dig it.
Worst: That scene where Harley flip flops about whether or not he really knows Tony makes me so irrationally angry.
Thor: The Dark World (2013)
Best: It’s slightly better than Thor, and I actually can feel myself start to have a good time whenever Loki’s on screen.
Worst: Once again, this movie is insanely forgettable. Christopher fucking Eccleston is in this movie and I could not tell you a single thing about this character.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) - 
Best: This movie has one of the best hand-to-hand fight scenes in the entire MCU. You know the one I’m talking about. It gives me chills, I love it.
Worst: Having the government stand-in that Steve questions in the beginning of the movie actually be a front for N*zis that he can just beat up, and not an actual metaphor for the issues with the government today? You ain’t slick.
Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 1 (2014) -
Best: This is the mcu movie basically anyone can enjoy. Anybody can watch this movie and find something to love about it. The characters, the messages about family and learning to be okay with feeling love, the jokes, hell, even the space setting. THE MUSIC. It’s the full package baby.
Worst: Chris Pratt has an unfortunate cameo in this one.
Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) -
Best: I have a couple of things. A) The party scene where we get to watch the Avengers talk and be friends with each other and act like people. B) I love James Spader no matter what he is doing.
Worst: Why is everyone quipping? Why is the robot quipping? Why would they massacre my boy like that?
Ant-man (2015) -
Best: I want Paul Rudd to marry me, best dad in the mcu.
Worst: The moment Edgar Wright left this project.
Captain America: Civil War (2016) -
Best: Introduces two great characters, Spider-man and Black Panther. These two get a lot of love when it comes to designing their characters in this movie and it makes me very happy.
Worst: It made the fandom very unhappy and I don’t like picking sides. It feels like watching your many parents get divorced for two hours.
Doctor Strange (2016) -
Best: The magic looks really fucking cool in this movie. Also, the ending with Dormammu is up there for one of my favorite endings of an mcu movie. Having Doctor Strange actually outsmart the villain instead of actually fighting him is endlessly more satisfying.
Worst: Could not tell you a thing else about this movie other than I heard Tilda Swinton plays a character that’s probably not supposed to be white.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017) -
Best: Guys, I gotta come clean about something. I actually like this one better than Volume 1. I know, I know, a good majority of people do not feel this way, but I feel a lot more emotionally attached to the movie, and that’s mainly because of two characters: Yondu Udonta and Rocket Racoon. Rocket realizing that he’s an asshole but his found family still loves him gets me, man. I can’t help it. Helps that Ego is a great villain as well. Also the cinematography is some of the best in the mcu.
Worst:  No Howard the Duck.
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) -
Best: I think the best thing about this movie is just the solidness of it all. No one part stands out as the best because most everything about this movie is pretty damn good. Michael Keaton will knock your socks off, go watch it.
Worst: Donald Glover is in it to tease a Miles Morales reveal, BUT NOTHING HAS HAPPENED ABOUT IT SINCE.
Thor: Ragnarok (2017) -
Best: Taika Waititi knows how to do shit right, lemme tell ya. Taking away Thor’s hammer from the beginning was probably one of the smartest choices in the movie, and this is a movie of smart choices.
Worst: Jeff Goldblum isn’t in it more.
Black Panther (2018) -
Best: Erik Killmonger is easily the best villain in a Marvel movie, and you can quote me on that. An amazing performance from Michael B. Jordan. It’s also the first Marvel movie I saw in theatres (I know, I was very late to the game)
Worst: Everett K. Ross is CIA propaganda and the last fight scene on the train tracks looks like shit.
Avengers: Infinity War (2018) - 
Best: It’s really hard to sum up exactly what my thoughts are on this movie. I think one of the movie’s best qualities is the bigness of it. This movie feels huge, there’s a lot of different stuff to love here. If you like Wakanda, there’s a whole epic battle set in Wakanda. If you’re more a fan of the space stuff, we got a whole lotta space stuff. The best part of this movie is there’s probably gonna be something that everyone can enjoy packed in here.
Worst: I also think the bigness of this movie is also one of it’s larger weaknesses. Because there’s so much stuff in this movie, not all of it is fully fleshed out. Tony Stark gets a lot to do in this movie, but Steve Rogers sort of feels sidelined at parts. There’s a perfect balance that I don’t think was quite hit.
Ant-man and The Wasp (2018) -
Best: I still really love Paul Rudd in this movie, and I think his relationship with Cassie is still really cute. World’s Greatest Grandma indeed.
Worst: This movie really had its work cut out for itself, coming off the heels of Infinity War, so it sort of falls short in that respect. I don’t want to criticize it too harshly, it is what it is, nothing insanely memorable. 
Captain Marvel (2019) - 
Best: I still think this is a pretty good movie, despite what a lot of people think. I struggle a lot with believing that I have to prove myself to others, so having Carol finally realize that she doesn’t have anything to prove to anyone was really important to me, and probably a lot of other women.
Worst: There were parts where I wasn’t as engaged, like the scenes in the Kree empire. That made some of the movie feel off to me, it’s a bit unbalanced.
Avengers: Endgame (2019) - 
Best: This movie 100% achieves what it sets out to do, and that is to be a huge cinematic event. I don’t even really see this movie as a movie, it’s more like one huge experience. My viewing had one of the most energetic crowds I’ve ever seen a movie with.
Worst: I don’t really think this movie holds up to multiple re-watches. Granted, I saw it in theatres three times. I don’t think any subsequent viewings are ever going to pack that same punch that my first viewing had, and that makes it harder to come back to. Also Steve had a totally lame ending.
Spider-man: Far From Home (2019) - 
Best: After ending on such a downer note in the last movie, this felt like a weight being lifted off my chest. Jake Gyllenhaal gives an insanely energetic performance that I absolutely adore. (Also seeing it with my dad was fun, he would nudge me every time they switched locations to tell me he’d been there)(Also when I saw it with my sibling a kid ran out of the theatre during the Mysterio mind-fuck sequence, some just can’t handle that lifestyle)
Worst: Peter Parker and MJ remind me of how perpetually single I am.
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girlactionfigure · 4 years
Plan Z
In the Fall of 2012, Bibi Netanyahu and then Minister of Defense Ehud Barak had a plan to destroy Iran’s capability to make nuclear weapons. The plan was not executed because of opposition from the Cabinet, the Israeli security establishment, and of course the Obama Administration, which was facing an election and secretly negotiating with Iran toward what would become the JCPOA.
The “nuclear deal” that was ultimately signed in 2015 provided Iran with cash for its Hezbollah terrorists and its expansion into Iraq and Syria, as well as fully legitimizing Iran’s nuclear project in 10-15 years. Even before then, the JCPOA lacked adequate safeguards to prevent cheating, and Iran took advantage of the loopholes to pursue development of uranium and plutonium bombs.
The Obama Administration was following a playbook developed – in part by advisor Ben Rhodes – in the 2006 Iraq Study Report, which intended to extricate the US from Iraq and bring about overall stability in the region by appeasing and empowering Iran and Syria (there was still an independent Syria then) at Israel’s expense. It seemed to me then, and still does today, that the negative consequences for Israel from the plan were not simply an unfortunate byproduct of it, but rather a desired outcome.
President Trump took the opposite tack, choosing to weaken Iran and empower America’s traditional allies in the region, Israel and the Sunni Arab states. He took the US out of the JCPOA, re-imposed sanctions on Iran, recognized Israel’s sovereignty in the Golan and Jerusalem (the 2006 plan envisioned Israel transferring the Golan to Syria), and encouraged an alliance between Israel and the Sunni Arab states.
If Trump’s policy to build up a strong countervailing power while weakening and isolating Iran would continue, then it might be possible to force Iran to give up its nuclear dreams without military action. But if, as seems likely, Joe Biden takes office as President of the US on 20 January 2021, then everything may change.
The following is sheer fantasy. I don’t know what the PM of Israel is thinking, I am not acquainted with anyone in the Trump Administration, the Biden team, or Israel’s defense establishment, and I have no insider knowledge about anything.
By Chanukah 5781 [10 December 2020], it became clear to the Prime Minister of Israel that President-elect Biden, although personally not particularly anti-Israel, was assembling a team heavy with individuals that were less than sympathetic to our point of view, like Susan Rice, Jake Sullivan, and Daniel Benaim. Biden had also made appointments that were concessions to the extreme left wing of the Democratic party that had almost defeated him in the race for the nomination. Intelligence reports showed a continuous flow of communications between Biden and the headquarters of the group led by Barack Obama, located only about 3 km. from the White House.
The PM of Israel was worried. Biden had already announced his intention to re-engage with Iran, which would probably mean a loosening of sanctions. The PM knew that the Iranians had recently made significant progress toward the development of a nuclear arsenal. He had no confidence that the Biden Administration would have the will to stop them; he could imagine a repeat of the JCPOA process, in which Iran made a fool of US negotiators.
Israel would have to stop Iran, or nobody would.
The PM knew that during the Obama Administration the Americans considered Israel a prime target for intelligence-gathering. The Americans had been operating a radar installation in Israel since 2008 that could spot air activity anywhere in the country, even small drones. Electronic communications in Israel’s defense headquarters, the Kiriya in Tel Aviv, have been tapped for some time. It would be very hard to take almost any kind of military action against Iran without the Americans finding out.
The PM decided that if Israel were to take action, it would have to be before 20 January, when Biden would be inaugurated. Indeed, considering the precedent of the incoming Obama team which aborted the ground invasion of Gaza in January 2009, it would have to be before Biden’s people got themselves organized. Otherwise, he was sure the Americans would act, diplomatically or even kinetically, to prevent Israel from striking the Iranian nuclear program.
Such an operation would not be simple or easy. The Iranian assets that would need to be destroyed are buried deeply underground and defended by surface-to-air missile batteries. The moment Israel attacked, the Iranians would unleash Hezbollah in Lebanon, which had some 130,000 short range rockets and longer range missiles, some with precision guidance. They are fitted on mobile launchers and ensconced in the homes of civilians. Hezbollah has plans to invade across the northern border, and kill Israelis and take hostages.
But the IDF has been preparing for this for some time. There is a plan called tochnit zayin [Plan Z]. The Prime Minister convened his mini-security cabinet, a subset of a subset of the cabinet, including the Minister of Defense and several others, together with the IDF Chief of Staff and a few key officers, including the Air Force and Navy commanders. The meeting took all of 15 minutes. The clock began to tick on tochnit zayin.
The IDF announced that it would carry out a defensive exercise on our northern border. It was not a massive exercise, and only a small number of reserve units were called up. Several days later an Israeli submarine moved into position in the Persian Gulf (or, if you prefer, the Arabian Gulf). At 0200 on the 4th day of Hanukah, the submarine fired a missile almost straight up. The missile contained a small nuclear bomb designed to maximize the production of gamma rays, and it exploded high in the stratosphere at an altitude of about 100 km. A person on the ground might see a small dot of light if he knew where to look; he would not be injured or even feel anything.
Most of the gamma radiation from the explosion was absorbed by the air. The gamma rays ripped electrons from atoms in the air, and the electrons spun downward; their motion in the Earth’s magnetic field produced a powerful pulse of electromagnetic radiation, lasting only one millionth of a second but containing an enormous amount of energy. Much of Iran was blanketed by this pulse. Electrical conductors that it passed over had high voltages induced in them, and semiconductor devices, especially those connected to power lines or antennas, were reduced to inert lumps of silicon. Telephone and cellular networks, broadcasting equipment, internet routers, the power grid, and countless other things became inoperative. Even emergency generators, with their solid-state controls, didn’t start.
When Israeli aircraft arrived to bomb the nuclear sites with multiple bunker-busters, Iranian radar was dark. When eyewitnesses tried to alert their commanders, they were unable to do so. When they finally drove to Teheran to inform their leaders (most vehicles were still operative, especially older ones), their leaders could not communicate with each other, or, importantly, with Hezbollah in Lebanon.
Lebanon is too close to Israel to receive the same treatment, but units of Israeli special forces penetrated its borders and destroyed communications infrastructure and cut cables at key points. A bombing campaign followed, aimed primarily at the nervous system of the country – the power grid and communications systems. In 2006, the IDF was surprised by its inability to intercept and interrupt communications over Hezbollah’s fiber optic network. Since then, it’s been documented and mapped. It was quickly destroyed. Since 2006 the IDF has collected good intelligence about Hezbollah’s installations, including the hiding places of mobile rocket launchers and weapons depots. Many of them were destroyed almost immediately.
The Hezbollah leadership was targeted; unlike in 2006, the IDF knew where they were and was able to kill them. Without a head and a nervous system, and without support from Iran, Hezbollah was demoralized, and was unable to sustain a massive rocket attack. There was some damage to Israel’s home front, but Iron Dome and Arrow antimissile systems significantly reduced it.
All this happened in a couple of days. By the time Hanukah was over, the Lebanese government – less Hezbollah – was suing for peace. In Iran, economic paralysis had begun to set in.
The US and the Russians, who had been informed only an hour before the operation, offered to help Iran and Lebanon to rebuild, as did Israel and the Gulf states – on condition that the mullahs in Iran and what was left of Hezbollah in Lebanon would have no role in the government. They accepted.
By the time Joe Biden became president, he faced a whole new Middle East.
Abu Yehuda
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muwitch · 4 years
Why the Fullbringer Arc is an important plot milestone - 2
the continuation of this post and I’m bak on my bullshit~ remember my brain will jump to things
also CFYOW spoilers
so part 2/?
key figures and themes of the arc
So last time I said that ppl disliked the majority of new characters because, as opposing to the ones we grew familiar with, the arc was differently paced and so we didn’t have time at large to form some sort of solid connection to them.
And here the magic happens, because we do not have time to get attached to the characters and they seem to be faded against the background of all the others.
But apart from COMPARISON Fullbringers are quite an independent unit that focuses not on how much reiatsu you have, but on skill
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In the Can't fear your own world novel the origin of Fullbringer power is revealed and it’s shown how actually universally badass those powers are, take Tsukishima for example, who grows a tree in a second to ward off lightning, simply adding himself to the past. Atomic.
For living people even just getting close to the level of those with whom they fought (three captains and three leutenants) and not dying in the first moment (except u Giriko) is a great achievement. For people who are not Ichigo Kurosaki with a family tree rivaling GoT of course. 
There is another important motive associated with fullbringers, which I mentioned above, and this is LONELINESS. And it's served so brilliantly that I'm going to die now.
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If you look and read carefully, it becomes clear that even the fullbringers gathered together are unusually, exasperately lonely. (See the cover? They reach out but never do truly connect) This is the curse of their power. This is their main weakness. This is their unusual humanity and kinship with the Hollows.
This is also why, but that’s my guess, their whole presentation is very lacking, to show how they fall out of everyday life and proper sozialising, so even we, as readers, cannot properly connect to them. Same reach out, but not hold symbolism. Or I am giving too much credit, we just don’t know?
Even the one who has assembled the whole group, Ginjo, is an even lonelier person who has terrible trust issues, who survived betrayal and persecution, and everything that he once believed in was set upside down. And even knowing what kind of person he is, fullbringers, driven by loneliness, followed him. (Though, we must admit, he weilds his words well and rolls +20 on persuation)
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Because, although for a short time, he helped them to bear the burden of this loneliness.
Needless to say, the entire initial situation with OG fullbringers happened not only bc of some noble meddling, but also due to the fact that Ginjo gathered people to TAKE POWER FROM THEM SO THEY COULD LIVE A NORMAL LIFE
Ironically enough, each Fullbringer posesses a piece of SOUL KING, which is the source of their power and lures Hollows to pregnant mothers, which is such an important piece of information it makes me mad it was only explained in CFYOW. 
Although it is understandable why Kubo chose not to focus on it during the arc. My take is he planned to show the importance of Fullbringers and their origins during TYBW, but we all know it didn’t happen.
Another common theme that follows from the previous two is PTSD, which unites the characters and key figures of the arc, and the paths of experiencing trauma constitute another conflict, where Ichigo overcomes it through friends and the return of strength and motivation, as opposed to Ginjo, who choses destuctive way to handle his own trauma.
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In short flashbacks shown during “Pray for Predators” chapters, we can also clearly see PSTD practically in every person’s past. Each of Fullbringers go about it differenly, most proactive being probably Riruka and most reactive being Tsukishima and Ginjo. Which is also symbolically shown that people, who can go own with their lives and finally integrate into society stay alive. Those, who cannot, go to SS and are set into new path by more drastic measures.
I will surely attribute to the pluses how Kubo shows Ichigo's PTSD, literally in 3-4 chapters showing how he cannot, like Remarque's hero, settle in peacetime, because he constantly catches triggers, for example with his substitute badge.
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Through Ichigo’s thoughts is shown how he merged with his position as a substitute shinigami and constantly thinks in categories that are not very applicable to his normal life, which he seemed to have dreamed of for 16 years And now he actually got it, but absolutely does not know what to do with it.
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Kubo skillfully fuels PTSD and Ichigo's anxiety which is why he is being swayed by Ginjo's words correctly spoken at the right time.
 Example: Karin speaks of his brother, they say he always fought to protect  Ginjo fuels Ichigo’s doubt , saying he must act to protect his family
Accordingly, the theme approaches the climax for a push into the plot at the time of the attack on Ishida, Ichigo gets a punch in the gut twice: first from Ishida himself, who, with his unwillingness to tell things, pokes Ichigo into his helplessness and excludes him from the circle of trust, which IS the last blow 
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And then from Ishida's father, who by his behavior shows that Ichigo's efficiency now amounts to zero, so much so that he cannot even protect Orihime while she walks home, which is why he runs away in frustrated feelings, realizing the message. So this intro is absolutely veritable and ingenious.
And so that you understand how desperate Ichigo is, if not yet, then here is a panel where FATTEST visual forshadowing happens. And here is an absolutely genius moment to understand that Ichigo is not a child but a teenager with all that it implies
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He may be battle-hardened, but this is a 17-year-old living boy with trust issues, and if we remember that through his manager's lips we are given a direct hint that Ichigo is still immature in a way, so the meaning of this arc as a stage of Ishigo's psychological maturation becomes clearer.
Just look at the face he has when Ginjo promises to return his powers (not to mention the hysterics after that) Is this a healthy person's face?
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And here my hands are literally itching to start talking about Ginjo, because to give an antihero who, in addition, will have a much closer dynamics with Ichi than Urahara, plus for the duration of the arc  will act as a mentor and father figure, this is just genius. Don’t @ me.
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But the next plus, which will then bring us further, and this is THE Forshadowing 
Everywhere, just everywhere, starting from the very first pages.
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And Kubo still confuses us in the course of the narrative, but my god, when you re-read, Easter eggs are crammed almost in every chapter and I think its beautiful. Both verbal (Ginjo is such a bad actor that he has to change his memory badumts) and visual
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The plus that I mentioned earlier is 100% more lively dynamics between Ginjo and Ichi, because both are people and in fact, there is much more than it may seem at first, that brings both together. And the friendly connection that they establish with each other in this arc still not 100% false placeholder. (Which is easily spotted by the way Ginjo adresses Ichigo through the arc especially last chapters). 
And at the same time, they are in many ways the antonyms of each other, in age, color scheme, design, even names and also in what gives them motivation, in how they react to this or that event. For example, Ichigo is quite an emotional guy and puts his soul into everything, so to speak, then Ginjo, for example
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Plus, the latter is not only skillful manipulator, but also embittered. And through such contrast, with generally the same input data, Kubo shows us that there is always a different path, leading to the topic choice, and where each specific one can lead a character.
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Which absolutely doesn’t stop Ichigo from familirizing himself right off the bat and the two of them have comedy gold moments from the start. It is more lively, than being set against 300+ y.o. Urahara (whom I love as a character).
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And, cross my heart Isshin is a great character, but he’s got that father of the year award, and Urahara can only give like a little itsy bitsy of information at a time only if it benefits him or a bigger picture, so the mentor’s role goes to Ginjo, which is well earned as he is technically the First Substitute. 
Ginjo is a mentor, a guide, and the main antagonist of the arc, which in itself is an unexpected and interesting combination within the framework of  Bleach. Here is a living example, in the moment of training he can go so far as to help Ichigo overcome his psychological barrier by simply and cruelly breaking him.
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Which he does in the most painful way, through the trauma and inability of Ichigo to protect his loved ones. And from the reaction of the latter, childish and naive, his immaturity can be clearly seen (see the previous points). Although we do not know this yet, Ginjo is constantly trying to teach Ichigo one lesson that he himself learned the hard way. 
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Combining this with such an important praise for a teenager and faith in Ighigo’s powers, which Ichigo was deprived of for 17 months as soon as he lost his powers as a shinigami ( all relatives are trying to isolate him from this, no one believes that he can and is able to stand up for him). This is another plus of the arc, namely the whole depth of the betrayal that Ichigo experiences when the cards are revealed.
Maybe the quincy arc would go completely differently, if Ichigo felt Ishida's betrayal or reacted to the truth about his mother in a different way. Did Ginjo not temper/prepare Ichigo in the way he did, did he involuntary not strengthen Ichi internally... Who knows how Bleach would end in general.
 This is to the question of the importance of this arc yes 
P.S  Strengthening the body also benefited Ichigo.Friendly reminder that he fights in his physical body for the entire arc except the end.
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And the training episode immediately appears in a different light, right? 
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And in my next hot take I will focus on another really important thing which is salvation and my own bitterness of why didn’t Kubo explore the whole SS thing and now we have to fee ourselves
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thephantomporg84 · 4 years
As much as I love the trope of characters that hide that they have a lot of negative feelings by putting on an act, I really wish it was made more obvious Dante's cuhrayzee wahoo pizza man act is partly a front, since it kinda seems like people don't notice? Sure there was DMC2 but DMC2 is treated as barely canon by most, and Dante's characterization was one of many big complaints about it.
Oh god I totally feel this Anon. 1,000% agree, as someone who love love loves this trope, too. Lol. It’s why I devour a good DMC story on AO3, especially if the writer knocks this trope out of the park.
But yeah. That was sort of one of my bigger nitpicks about DMC5 as a whole. Like. While I do appreciate that the game (and series, really) can be played and the story does mostly work if you’re not invested in it and taking it at face value / just want a good action game — which is a super helpful tactic to bring new people in with such a gap between titles — I hate how it ruins the context of a lot of stuff.
Vergil (as V) all but looks directly at the camera and says ‘I’m a bastard and did what I did because I was afraid/wanted to be loved and protected’ but Dante’s internal conflict is wayyyy more subtle and it’s cheapened if you really have to spell it out, imo — because I feel like the ‘negative feelings behind a goofy exterior’ thing is easy to portray hard to give real depth to. As in, it’s easy to make Dante be cuhrayzee and swing his chainsaw motorcycle around, but hard to show that it’s an act to fool others (as well as himself, probably to some degree). Unfortunately, on top of all that, lot of people aren’t gonna wanna bend over backwards like you, me, and others have done to discuss and pick Dante’s (or any character from any series, really) personality apart.
That said: I don’t think there are nearly enough contextual clues present in any of the games to make this more apparent, either. I remember some guy made a pretty good video a few years back about how the anime proves Dante is actually depressed on YT, and that video blew up and got nearly 100-150k views (which is a lot, esp. when you consider how dead this series was ‘till E3 2018), and a lot of people were ‘shocked’ and ‘never noticed xyz indicator’ before.
Like... If you give me a scene and have given me all the clues I need, but they’re super vague and I miss it? That’s on me, and totally my bad — another reason to replay the game with a more watchful eye. But I feel like DMC has left way, wayyyy too much out about how Dante feels to even do that, now.
I think one of the best examples of that lack of any kind of solid clues about Dante’s personality is in DMC5: In game, Patty calls to invite him to her birthday, and is loud and chatty and kind of annoying. Dante just seems to cringe and brush it off/hang up. If you weren’t familiar with the anime, then you might just brush it off as a gag, or see it as a brief throwback/cameo if you were. Either way, you could chalk it up to ‘oh wow wrong number / what an annoying girl haha.’ But then if you look in Before the Nightmare, which isn’t even available in any language except Japanese, we see that Dante is incredibly uncomfortable at the idea of being around ‘normal’ people, and I believe it even mentions that he plans to make it up to her.
This ties back into my complaints about putting so much meat from the story in the side material, and then not even making the side material available with the game or even easy to access. I feel like putting that kind of interesting characterization in side material is almost criminal lol. Because that makes the whole scene have so much more weight — especially because it sets up that this man is clearly uncomfortable with what he is, possibly now more than ever, and is about to be asked to kill his brother, again... because of what they both are. You also lose that family dynamic of Nero experiencing the same type of isolation as Dante without even fully understanding why.
And if that wasn’t enough, you also lose some AMAZING bits of characterization if you never read Before the Nightmare like:
Dante still sending Grue’s (from the DMC1 novel) two living daughters / their other caretaker (Morrison looks after them, too) money. Dante also had to mercy kill Grue’s oldest daughter. He sends it to them from using money out of his own savings.
The former patrons of Bobby’s Cellar (re-named Grue’s Cellar) and those in the mercenary world immensely disliking Dante, and fully blaming him for the deaths in that bar, Grue’s death, Nell Goldstein’s death, and the hospital invasion/massacre that happened in the DMC1 novel. So, Dante is even hated in the mercenary world, and shoulders the blame for a lot of stuff that he didn’t do / has probably lost a lot of work because of this — and a lot of it is stuff that Gliver (👀) did or instigated.
The caretaker of Grue’s girls absolutely hating Dante, even though the sisters defend him, and he most likely knows and just says nothing. The caretaker even remarks that she thinks he’s a bad omen and she ‘Hopes he’s dead’ and that ‘If he’s alive, I’d love to stick a shotgun up his ass’.
Lady noticing that the qliphoth is growing in Redgrave City, and then noticing the name on Dante’s guns later — then wondering what the connection was there — indicating how little even people like Lady really know about him.
Like, holy shit that’s just a few things and it already adds so much depth to Dante’s character that’s not there in the games alone. I know I’ve said a million times not to take the series that seriously or in realistic terms, but... I mean... even ridiculously goofy stuff like JoJo’s has really well developed, layered characters that will surprise you / break your heart in the blink of an eye. So it’s not impossible for something like DMC to make some stuff a little more apparent.
Oh, and as for DMC2 — if it hadn’t followed the trend at the time of randomly making your protagonist into a dark/angsty/edgelord version of themselves, and had given the angsty turn some logical explanation, then I don’t think it would have been quite so hated (at least, janky gameplay and rushed design aside). Itsuno said that’s the one he’d remake if given a choice to do a remake, and I can’t help but think he wouldn’t say thay without having some ideas on what he’d do differently.
(SORRY I KNOW THIS IS SUPER LONG. But it’s something that really irks me a lot because it could be SO GOOD if handled a little better lol.)
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