#his death and the gods refusal to bring him back leading her to becoming so corrupted
fanstuffrantings · 10 months
Thinking strongly about the concept of a Salem lore rewrite where she was a creation of the God of darkness who was trying to make more advanced Grimm, and Ozma was a hero blessed by the God of light. The only person to never look at her like a monster.
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gotranting · 2 months
Currently replaying the Stark theme in the "All Must Choose" song from the finale and a short story appeared:
Imagine Y/N going with the Greybeards without saying anything to Cregan. She rides towards the march, joining them only after they were far enough from Winterfell - as the soldiers already knew the girl and her skill, they welcomed another pair of arms in the fight to come.
"Does he know?"
The commander asks as he steers her to the side, glad to see the girl he trained here with them.
"No, but he will soon enough."
"...We are marching to death lass. Not much of a chance of us returning."
She turns to look upon The North once more.
"Aye...I know."
Cregan found out when he came knocking at her door in the village. There was no answer, no smell of strange herbs, no mischievous smile he so loved to see. The door creaks open, freezing air being the only thing to greet him. The fire has been put out, and all the windows are sealed shut. It all leaves a foreboding feeling in him, as he begins to realize what she has done.
His thoughts become a reality when he notices a hastily scribbled note on the table.
"I love you" are the only words left on it.
Cregan's eyes become stormier each time they fall on her handwriting. He wanted her to say it for so long, but not like this.
The paper crumbles in his fist as he rushes to his steed, trying to follow any tracks in the snow. Knowing well it is far too late.
Her horse is the only one he finds near the river that leads further South.
Going after her means leaving his own people to die in the Winter. He cannot abandon them. And she would not turn back, no matter what he did.
She went to fight for him. For the North. For the Blacks. To aid her kinsmen, even if she dies trying.
His hand trembles as he brings the note to his lips, his gaze torn between South and The North.
May the Old Gods protect them.
Let her fight and win.
Let her come back to him alive.
Does he call her foolish upon her return, kissing every part of her bloodied face - refusing to let this stubborn, magnificent woman out of his arms. Do tears fall freely, as they murmur "I love you" to each other? Do the smallfolk rejoice for their Lord and future Lady of Winterfell, when they see how much care the young pair clearly holds for one another? And do they rush to wed under the Weirwood, not wanting to keep apart any longer? Cregan whispers to her that from now on, they fight together. For there are many battles to come. Ones they will face side by side.
2. Or does he hold on to her note, barely keeping himself standing for the sake of his own people, as the funeral pyres burn one by one. He tells her still - how much he loves her. His brave girl. He calls her foolish nevertheless. Only, Cregan wishes that she would reply. He crumbles down in the solitude of his own chambers. The note never leaves his side after that day. Rickon is his heir, he needs no more children. Not if they aren't hers as well. He wishes for no other wife, for the one he wanted is with the Old Gods now. He can still hear her in the wind, or when the ravens fly over him. Protecting them, as she always did. A thought that might bring him comfort one day. Now, he wishes that she were standing here with him.
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sweet-evie · 11 months
This is How You Fall in Love
Content: Established Relationship, gojo x fem!reader, nameless OC, she/her pronouns, lovesick!gojo, sentimental!gojo
A/N: I actually do have an OC in mind, but I don't want to give her a name yet.
✨ masterlist ✨
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Part of him wished she could see how ethereally beautiful she looked in her sleep.
But then again, this vulnerable and peaceful sight belonged to him and him alone. He alone was granted the privilege of watching how her eyelashes fluttered in her sleep, or how her lips parted slightly as she breathed in and out. No other soul would be privy to the way she tucked her hands into loose fists, or how her body subconsciously curled towards his.
No one else would hear her say his name in the dead of night sometimes.
There were nights when he couldn’t help but think that he didn’t deserve her. And tonight was one such night.
He lay beside her on their bed, tucked under soft sheets, skin to skin.
Gentle fingertips whispered delicately over the side of her face, brushing stray locks of hair behind an ear. He traced a familiar path from the delicate arch of her brows to the bridge of her nose, her cheekbones, and her lips.
So beautiful…
An irreplaceable treasure. Sweet and strong. Lovely with all her flaws. So honest and endearing.
He didn’t think she truly understood just how much he loved her or how much he cherished her. To be fair, he didn’t exactly tell her outright, but he adored her and would always find ways to make sure she knew just how much she meant to him. He wanted a life with her — a home, a family, maybe even two beautiful darlings they would call their own one day.
The hand that was on her face traveled lower, tracing her arm and her hand until he gently held her palm, bringing her hand to his lips, so he could lay soft and secret kisses along her knuckles. His eyes landed on the emptiness of one of her fingers, waiting for the engagement ring he had already commissioned. He was waiting on its completion, and when it would be done, he would ask her to tie her life to his for eternity — would ask her to marry him and spend the rest of his life with her.
He loved thinking of their life together and how much they effortlessly intertwined with each other throughout the years — as if this was meant to happen all along, as if every moment back then was meant to lead to where he was now, sleeping next to the woman he loved and adored, basking in the happiness that enveloped him whenever he gazed at her.
He made himself sick sometimes, just thinking about how much he loved her.
And to know that she returned his sentiments and perhaps even more, humbled him — drove him to his knees if he let it. It was beautiful to know that she accepted him and loved him for who he was — not for his wealth or his powers or his status, but for him. She stripped him of his titles and she loved him for simply being Satoru. No one ever made him feel like that ever since Suguru did. And to think that he would find someone that he would feel so deeply connected to… It was almost unheard of, but she found him and he found her regardless.
He refused to think of losing her, but once in a while he would try to think of it just to prove to himself how inconceivable it all was. If he lost her, he knew he would be ruined. Suguru left a gaping hole in his heart. If she ever left or if she was ever taken away from him, he feared what he would become. He would never love again. He didn’t want a life without her.
She was everything and more to him and his soul — a missing piece of his puzzle, his angel, the other half of his wandering soul. Her happiness was his… And to be a constant witness of her smiles and laughter, her joy and fulfillment for close to a decade…it made him so infinitely happy too.
She was his happiness.
And just like every other night he spent like this, he promised her again that only the coldness of death could ever take him away from her love and her warmth.
Gods, he didn’t deserve her at all. But he was glad to have her anyway, and he loved her so much.
[Dumped in AO3]
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of-mutton-and-wool · 4 months
Yapping about my interpretations of lamb and goat
So tldr; in MY interpretation of the lamb and goats relationship, goat is basically lamb’s sibling- expect their from another universe.
(Feel free to have your own interpretations-)
So for context, my lamb is a girl failure called Eve (she/it). Blah blah last sheep in the lands of the old faith. She was so desperate to keep living she accepted the deal from Narinder reluctantly. She probably leads her cult with manipulation and the promise of good food and warm beds!!! She is sorta afraid of herself and the road she is going down, but ultimately, she wants to survive and be happy. The type of person who prepares heavily each cursade.
And in a sense i want to characterize goat as a foil for Eve.
For the time being I’m calling it Cain (it/he). Cain is a lot more confident and eager for a challenge! It often does stuff on the fly, such as running into battle, for it is secure in its own abilities. It runs its cult with intimidation and the promise of safety. Though like Eve, Cain is afraid- of the future, of itself, of what it can’t control- so it always must go go go. Cain wants revenge. It wants those who hurt it to suffer the same way it did
These two butt heads often, but at the same days, are perfectly in sync.
Beyond this is just yapping about my lamb’s backstory and the alternative universe this goat comes from
Eve and Cain knew each other from when they were little. When Eve was just a lamb, her mother (Esther) begged to be allowed to hide in a village unaffiliated with the old faith. Most of the villagers did not want the trouble, but Cain’s father and traveling merchant, Abraham, refused to just leave Esther and her baby out to die.
So Esther and Abraham made a deal (not really? It wasn’t verbalized). Abraham would take Esther with him and hide her when her can, and Esther would help Abraham make the fleeces he sells + help care for Cain- as It’s mother died in childbirth.
Abraham is a very sweet man!! Basically treats Eve like his own daughter! Slowly over the next decade or so Esther and Abraham kinda fall in love and kinda become a thing! Life is as good as it can be, and the family makes plans to leave the lands of the old faith for good when they have the money.
Cain and Eve aren’t to far apart in age. Cain is older by about a year or two. The two often went on small adventures (much to their parents dismay) under the cover of night and had pretend sword fights with sticks! They dreamed of being able to run around freely!!!
But uh, about the year the lamb turned eighteen the old faith finally catches up to them. In the resulting confrontation, let’s just say Eve escaped and survived and the rest of her family didn’t. Eve would live on the run for the next three years, with the guilt of being the only survivor.
Part of her made the pact with narinder in hopes he may have the capabilities to bring them back. But alas, the red crown can only revive those devoted to it.
Meanwhile in an alternative timeline, goats are the ones being hunted and this whole thing happens in reverse. Also!!! In this universe, shamura is the god of death (hence why the crown is purple but not shamura usual crown) and locked away.
So yeah multiverse BS is happening
But hey Eve and Cain get to see each other again.
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shipcestuous-two · 6 months
I want to submit this anonymously. I also apologize for any mistakes since English is my second language. (Btw, while I can say this: You are great! I love your blog!)
Y’all… I found a new adoptive mother x son canon…It’s an ongoing Korean Webtoon named «A Not So Fairy Tale» («선녀외전» in Korean, also «Extroversion of an Immortal» and «The Fairy Outreaching»), based on the famous Korean fairy tale «The Fairy and the Woodcutter». Beware! The main romance is with another dude (tbf, he is adorable). Also the son is (most likely) the second male lead (though, cmiiw, the author refused to say who is the male lead, so we can hope…).
Also TW: their backstory is dark AF. They are both non human, and their actions are questionable at best. Her mental state is awful, she has PTSD, hates men due to trauma, and overall cannot understand her emotions well. He is manipulative, sly (he is a fox after all) and quite possessive of her and has a fear of abandonment. He is also a masochist.The FL Cheon Moran is a fairy (goddess) who is trapped in the human realm because a man stole her robe and tried to make her his wife; she killed him with axe, but was unable to return to her home without her robe. She basically had two options: either wait for reincarnation of that man (and he would tell her where her robe was hidden) or ask some divine beings to bring her back, but they were forbidden to do that. Later, Moran befriended a heavily pregnant nine-tailed fox, who later died, while giving birth to the twins, Miho (sister) and Shiho (brother). Moran decided to raise and train them, so they would ascend as gods and would bring her back to human realm (they are forbidden to kill/hurt humans). 
She also tried multiple times to kill Shiho, because she is afraid (hates) of all men, but she saved him all the time, because she is his «mother». Later, Shiho fell in love with Moran. When he understood that she tried to kill him, he was ecstatic — it meant that she did not see him as her son. She offered to register him as her son, and he refused. He confessed his love and said that she can do anything to him, because he loved her. They became lovers?… (it’s a bit unclear when).  Some time later, Miho (Shiho’s twin sister) was brutally murdered by evil spirits. Moran killed all of her murderers, thus stripping Shiho from revenge. After he buried his twin sister, he went back to Moran, even though he truly believed that she did not love him nor his sister. Shiho still thought that Moran was the only person for him, that only she can understand him and be with him for all of his eternal life. 
Later, Moran had a meltdown, begging to be back to the divine realm, it was too much for her, all the people she couldn’t save. She mused whether she should kill Shiho to save herself from the future heartbreak, but realised that she couldn’t, she didn’t want to kill him. They spent almost one thousand years together, waiting for Shiho to conclude his ascension. He is extremely afraid that Moran will find the reincarnation of the Woodcutter earlier than he becomes a god and that she will leave him alone. Btw, both Moran and Shiho believe that Jeha (other ML) is the Woodcutter. And, like, the quotes? THE QUOTES? Hello?…
«My pitiful goddess» (Shiho thinking about Moran, after her meltdown)
«I will make you into a god no matter what. Only death awaits a divine beast who has taken the life of a human. I won’t let that happen to you. From the moment you were born, you belonged to me. I put you through strict training from when you were a pup in order to make you into a god. And in exchange for starving you for a thousand years, I gave you my divine powers. I am a sculptor… and you are my masterpiece.» (Moran to Shiho)
«I was her adopted son… then her student… her baby, her masterpiece… And I’d like to become her companion as well, but I do not think she will readily allow that…» (Shiho introducing himself to Jeha, other ML)
And this dialog from chapter 18:
Moran: «Sorry for bringing the baby along. He has severe separation anxiety, so I couldn’t leave him anywhere»
Moran’s subordinate: «I’m sorry, Moran… But he’s not exactly a baby, is he?»
Moran: «Oh, sorry. He is a baby in comparison to me. He’s my protege and adopted son.»
Moran’s subordinate, thinking: «That’s not the vibe I’m getting from them…»
Shiho: «You know what? Humans would normally see the two of us as lovers.» 
(Their backstory is in chapters 37-48, for those who are interested)
Imgur Gallery of them: https://imgur.com/a/oz0YtmN
Dang, that gallery. Wow.  🔥 🔥 🔥
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This is a fantastic rec, Anon. Thanks so much!
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Two Choices
(I’m gonna change the name I promise. Please send suggestions.)
Chapter 1
Pairing: Eris x reader x Azriel
Summary: The future wife of Eris never cared much for mating bonds, she had spent years in love with Eris and when Beron finally dies they can be together. He has full intention to make his love into his High Lady until at a party meant to celebrate Eris’ reign the girl finds herself finding her mate, Azriel.
Warnings: Slight smut, angst, tell me if I missed something.
Word Count:  13224
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For the first few days after I moved into the Forest House Eris refused to let me go. He always either had an arm wrapped around me or a hand somehow touching me, and in private he would wrap his arms around me and refuse to let go. 
With the death of High Lord Beron and Eris becoming the new High Lord us two of us had no reason to sneak away from our respective families to be together. The only person who knew about us was Eris’ mother, none of his brothers knew and none of mine knew. Though my brothers were now warming up to the idea of their little sister becoming a High Lady.
I assumed my oldest one had an idea of what was happening. As the head of the house it was my brother's duty to find me a suitable husband, every single one he picked would reject me before the wedding, always due to Eris threatening them or paying them off. It wasn’t hard to do, so he did.
Now we sat on the balcony in our chambers, his arms wrapped around me and his head snuggled into my neck as I played with his fingers. I went to adjust my sitting position before Eris just pulled me into his lap, chest to chest, I wrapped my hands around his neck to hold him as well. I felt so much peace in this moment, he was my entire world. The world could be burning around us and I wouldn’t care. I wanted nothing more than to be his High Lady.
I’m not sure how long we sat there before the door opened for his brother, the second oldest, Onyx. I perked up to look at him, Eris looked too and held onto me harder.
“What do you need, brother?” Eris asked Onyx.
Onyx looked like he wanted to laugh at us, “You got a letter,” Onyx started, “It's from High Lord Thesan.” He placed the letter on a bedside table.
He twisted his hand around a bit, “You guys can go back to… whatever you guys were doing.” Onyx said before leaving, the door shutting behind him.
Eris scoffed as he left before picking us both up from our sitting position, I squealed a little bit leading him to place a kiss upon my head. He placed me on the bed before grabbing the letter and sitting down next to me. 
He opened the letter and read it carefully before sighing. He laid down on the bed and I scooted towards him.
“Is everything okay?” I asked him.
He grabbed one of my hands and began to play with my fingers, “In a week's time we have to go to the dawn court for a High Lord meeting,” He started, I instantly could see why he was dreading it, “they want to host a little party to celebrate me becoming High Lord. I’ll have to ensure my brothers will behave as well.”
I stroked my free fingers through his hair, “Maybe I could call my brothers to treat you with some manners?” I jokingly suggested.
Eris laughed a little, “God I wish I could bring your brothers instead.” I kissed him while giggling.
I moved away to kiss him on the cheek, “I haven’t bathed today and I feel gross,” I kissed him on his other cheek, “wanna join me?” I asked him, kissing him on his forehead and then his lips. 
“Of course I’d like to join you, my love.” He picked me up to bring us to the bath. 
After the water finished running and we were both naked, also including stopping ourselves from fucking on the counter, we went into the bath together.
“We’re gonna have to go to the dress designer tomorrow, and I also want to go to the crown jeweler to get you a crown,” Eris explained to me what we’d have to do tomorrow.
“You don't have to get me a crown,” I told him.
“Your to be my High Lady,” Eris started stroking my wet hair, “I want to show you off appropriately. I don't want to hide you anymore.”
The last part of his sentence made me want to cry a little bit, I was also just sensitive though. He leaned down to kiss me, and then kept kissing me.
Eris forced my body to my knees before running his hands over my body with one hand and holding my head in place as we made out.
He let his fingers trail down before he began rubbing my clit, causing me to moan into his mouth.
He let go of my head, “Sit in my lap love.” He told me, I immediately followed to allow him to fuck me with his fingers.
The day of the party had arrived, while I spent most of the day time with Eris’ mother I eventually left her to go get ready with my handmaids.
My hair was pulled back with a pin and hair pulled out in the front, I had light makeup on only used to make my features pop and a red dress that I assumed Eris would very much like. 
A couple minutes after I was done and I was chatting with my handmaid's Eris walked in, already made up and with a huge smile on his face. The handmaids took this as a sign to leave and I quickly noticed Eris’ hands behind his back.
I stood up from my seat and walked towards him, I wrapped my arms around him, careful to go under his arms.
I looked up towards him, “Hello my love.” I giggled at him.
I saw his eyes fill with love as he moved his hands from behind him to place something on my head, “Hello my gorgeous girl.” He said adjusting what was on my head.
He took me to our mirror to show me what he got me, it was an amazing tiara with giant red jewels. He originally planned on getting me a full crown but I quickly found my dislike for them, they could never sit on my head comfortably no matter what.
I turned to him and pulled his head down to kiss him, “I love you so much.” I told him.
He held my face in his hands, “I love you too, my pretty girl.” He kissed me again, “Do you wanna put mine on my head?” He asked me.
My eyes brightened, “Yes, yes please!”
He sat down while I went to the drawer where we put it last night for easy access. I approached him with the crown in my hand and kissed his head before placing it upon his hand. He sat still as I adjusted it to look perfect.
“Are you ready to go?” I asked him, Eris wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in closer. “I don't want to go.” He said.
“I know,” I adjusted his hair some more, “We can try to leave early if we go now though.”
Eris stood up from his seat before grabbing my hand to guide us both downstairs to his brother and mother.
When we got down the stairs the four remaining members of his family stood there. His mothers eyes lit up when she saw me and rushed to me, telling me how pretty I looked as she held my face in her hands. I couldn’t help but smile and nod along with her.
Eris’ brothers began winnowing to the Dawn Court leading us to follow them to the party.
When we got there my hand immediately went to Eris’ before walking into the party. When we walked in, wine was immediately handed to us as loud music played. Eris’ and I discussed going to dance but before we could we heard a voice.
“Ah! High Lord Eris.” I turned to see High Lord Helion walk towards us, “and hello to you.” He smiled at me. I smiled back to be polite.
“This is Lady (Y/N), I’ll be formally introducing her soon but she is to be my High Lady,” Eris stated.
Helion nodded at me in respect before turning back to Eris, “High Lord Thesan is forcing all the High Lords into some room, I’m not sure why.” Helion started, “I’m starting to think he’s trying to kill us, but not even High Lady Feyre or Vivian are coming so Lady (Y/N) won't be left out.” 
Eris motioned to Helion before turning to place a kiss on my head before saying he’ll be back and following the fellow High Lord.
When he was gone I felt really awkward standing here by myself, so I began to walk towards some tables and try to find Eris’ mother. 
As I walked I saw both the High Ladys Feyre and Vivian discussing something with Feyre’s child at her hip. I wondered if I would be a part of a discussion like that with them soon. I also imagined a child with Eris for a minute.
My eyes continued wandering, trying to find my soon to be Mother in law before I saw a tall winged man. He stood by other members of the Night Court. I intended to look away to continue looking for Eris’ mother before the winged man looked to me as well.
As we made eye contact I felt something hit me, my breath got heavy and suddenly all I could see was him.
The man dropped his wine, clearly ignoring the voice of his other winged friend next to him.
Maybe it was a minute too long for me to realize what it was, but I realized it. It was a mating bond.
I’d met my mate, and it wasn’t Eris.
I felt my eyes fill with tears, I couldn’t breathe. I began to shake my head in a silent no, still looking at the winged man who was attempting to make his way toward me.
I didn’t know what to do, I didn’t want this, all I wanted was Eris. I broke my eye contact with the man and did my best to speed walk out of the room. I didn’t care where I went, I just didn’t want to be here.
I rushed my way out and before I knew it I had somehow made it into some gardens. I sat on a bench to try to catch my breath, but I ended up just crying.
I felt like I had betrayed Eris, like I was a traitor.
I sobbed into my hands, my whole body shaking. I sobbed more when I started to feel guilty for wanting Eris with me right now.
I looked up as I heard footsteps, seeing my mate enter my vision. He looked nervous and sounded nervous, “You know when I imagined meeting my mate I didn’t expect her to cry right after seeing me.” He joked.
I tried to catch my breath, as he knelt down in front of me, “Well um, my name is Azriel-”
“No,” I stated, not letting him finish past his name. I stood up from my spot on the bench and walked a few feet away.
“Oh my god this can't be happening,” I whispered to myself.
Through the bond, I could feel him tense up before asking me, “Is there something wrong with me?” He said quietly.
I turned to look at Azriel, “What's wrong is that you're not my fiance,” I started, “You're not the man I have spent over a hundred years loving.” 
We both stayed silent for a minute before he spoke, “I’m sorry.” He paused for another second, “We need to discuss what to do.”
My eyes widened, “What are we gonna do?”
“I mean we’re mates,” Azriel said, “we just at least try to talk and get to know each other.”
I scoffed, “And what? Fall in love? Have a long happy courtship?” Azriel looked me up and down, “We should try. The cauldron picked us, we should-”
I was going to start crying again, so I just walked away, rushing my way back to the party to find Eris as Azriel yelled for me behind me, he didn’t even know my name.
As I walked into the room I immediately looked for Eris, I found him quickly talking to the High Lord of Summer, I made my way there and grabbed his arm.
“Eris,” My tone caught him off guard, “Can we go now.”
“What do you mean my love, what's wro-”
The Summer High Lord walked away at this point, sensing the urgency of my voice which gave me a clear view of the High Lord of Night approaching us.
Before we could winnow away, Rhysand said Eris’ name, catching my fiance’s attention.
Eris turned to Rhysand, “I’m sorry Rhysand,” he started, “Whatever you wish to discuss can be discussed later.”
Rhysand smirked, “I think the fact your lover is the mate of my shadowsinger should be discussed now.”
My heart stopped, I wanted Eris to hear it from me. I wanted to tell him that I wanted nothing to do with my mate, I wanted to tell Eris I loved him. Rhysand took that and broke it.
The expression Eris made would haunt me, his face fell from his stern look to a blank face. I couldn’t tell what he was thinking and all I could do was try not to cry.
“We need to go.” was all Eris said before grabbing my shoulders and winnowing us back home.
He winnowed us to our room and quickly let go of my shoulders. He ran his hands through his hair before turning to look at me, “Is it true?” he asked me, he wasn’t angry, he was sad.
I nodded, choking back tears. It took me a second to say, “I didn’t know until thirty minutes ago.” I said quietly.
Eris sat on our bed, his face in his palm. Something about him looking like that broke me, I started sobbing. I did my best to repeatedly tell him that I was sorry, but he didn’t move from his spot. I couldn’t tell if he was also crying.
I ended up leaving, deciding to sleep in the chambers that are technically mine but I’d always ignored them.
Once I’d gotten there I realized I had no night clothes but I didn’t care at that moment. All I could do is sob into my pillow on the bed I’d never touched until this moment. My heart hurt so much, I prayed to the cauldron that this was a mistake.
Once I’d finally calmed down I ludged myself to the bathroom to take off the things in my hair and take off my makeup.
When I looked at myself in the mirror all I could see was a traitor. I didn’t even look like myself with red puffy eyes and smudged makeup.
Once I was done I forced myself onto my bed. I didn't care that I was still in my dress, but I did care about how cold the bed was. I would’ve started crying again if I hadn’t heard a knock at the door. I looked up to see Eris walk in, my nightgown in his hand.
He placed it down, silently telling me to put it on. Looking at the nightgown I realized how heavy my dress was, so I put it on while Eris sat on the other side of the bed looking away from me. 
He never looked at me once, I could only stare at his back. My words failed me. 
Eris could only say five words, “I couldn’t sleep without you.” Neither of us moved for a minute before I laid down, facing away from him. I felt him do the same.
It took everything in me to not cry myself to sleep.
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morgan-n-cheese-91 · 9 months
I think is really funny when people are like it's Anakin's own fault that he fell and it's like yeah did he make that choice in the end. In the end was it his choice completely? Yes and I won't argue that fact.
What I am going to argue is the fact that you do need to look back and see the factors that went into that choice. Let's break this down from the beginning of when we meet him and how that seems to have alter the fact that leads to this ending choice.
First we're introduced to him he's out in the market by himself find these strangers basically brings them home him and his mom share like the little stuff that they have. We then find out that he is a slave to a bug man, which that can be an entire another thing of the dehumanization of the slavers so that the general population was watching feels not connected and refuses to like feel sympathy for them in the same way that like the droids Stormtroopers and the clones are all dehumanized. But that's the point for another discussion. They run some tests on him and they're like oh my God this kid is the most powerful fucking being in the galaxy. That right there kind of sets him up as a bargaining chip not going to lie from that moment on Qui-Gon doesn't want him to be free because he's a person. Qui-Gon wants him to be free in that moment and continuously on because Anakin is so strong in the force and he's scared that something is going to happen and this really powerful kid is going to become a really powerful adult that's going to hurt somebody. And not even in like a caring about other people kind of way but in this kid's going to be used as a weapon why not make him our weapon first.
So he makes a bet with Anakin's owner that if Anakin can win in a fucking death race after cheating at dice. Anakin becomes in the terms of the time and place becomes Qui-Gon's property, with the intention of setting him quote unquote free. And I think the worst part about this is that when he frames it to Anakin that this is going to happen he frames it like he tried so hard to free both him and his mother not mentioning the fact that it was a "can I also free the mother as well? no she's too valuable. okay" there was no fight for Shmi not at least the same amount of fight that there was for Anakin.
Then we all know Anakin wins the damn race earns his freedom has his entire life been told how the Jedi are these mystical warriors who are bringing Peace and freedom to the Galaxy yet can't be bothered to help his mother his best friend and his community who are all slaves. It doesn't seem too far of a reach for me for that to be corrupted later on in his life of that what is this peace and FREEDOM that they are talking about when they couldn't help your people. And then is he going before a council is very important people and they basically test him on his like abilities in the force which like that makes sense intro exam. But then to be told that you're too angry about your past of like 3 days ago about being a slave and you're too attached to your mom who up until 3 days ago you've never been apart from and being apart from ment something really bad is going to happen, like being sold, so you are not being welcomed into the place you were taken from your home for and the girl you met 3 days ago said you could live with her but your mom is still a slave and not categorized anywhere as a human with rights so she could be beaten, assaulted or killed with no repercussions from the government or the people who are supposed to free the galaxy.
And then after all of that you do actually end up getting to train and be a part of the culture that you were told you were too angry for to attached to your mother for only because the man that quote unquote rescued you dies and his final wishes that you are trained. I don't know about most people but I feel like that would create a lot of resentment not only of the child who is being trained but also the feeling of guilt and that someone else resents you because the only reason you were there is because someone died. That is a lot of pressure to put on a child. Which makes it very easy for someone who is actively trying to groom a 9-year-old let's repeat that groom a nine-year-old into being the evil version of himself.
Which then also brings you on to the point of for a community that seems to very much centralize itself around its children it most definitely failed one of its most vulnerable by letting a 9-year-old be accessed by the most powerful man in the galaxy the fucking chancellor who is at least 50 years his senior with no supervision or activized dismay. Hell I wouldn't want to politician alone with a fully grown adult most of the time let alone a 9-year-old traumatized child. So does no wonder that by the time that he was in crisis he did what any logical person would have he went to the person who had been giving him support and trust for the last 14 years. Unfortunately due his past treatment that was not the people who actually could have helped him but rather the person who wanted to maintain control over him.
Tldr: it isnt any wonder why Anakin fell. He through a majority of canon was treated as something to be used or discarded rather than a person and that was used against him by Palpatine.
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Prince Laito of the House Sakamaki (Game of Thrones AU)
(moodboard + plot headcanons)
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Prince Laito of the House Sakamaki. The Spider of Westeros. The Man of Word Trades. The Messenger. The Destroyer of Houses. The Unburnt. He Who Knows All Secrets. The Fifth Son.
at a young age, Laito constantly pressured himself to prove something bcos Ayato excelled at wielding double blades, Kanato displayed fire magic, and he still showed no progress
there was even a time he became Kanato's apprentice for magic spells, learning a few Valyrian spells he can chant in case of danger
he also became Reiji's test subject, to the point of being immune to various poisons
it wasn't until he heard one of the officials conspiring against Karlheinz that he was recognized as "The Spider of Westeros"
he was sleuthing for pieces of evidence that would turn these people against his father, and when he succeeded, Karl immediately ordered his men to wipe out their houses
Laito was soon known in King's Landing as "The Destroyer of Houses"
ofc he had his fair share of trauma since Cordelia decided to take advantage of his childish feelings and used them to abuse him
Laito never understood anything abt "love" and "s**" after that
even deemed a fake pervert persona to lure in enemies and spy on them
has also become one of the House Sakamaki's most brutal killers as he doesn't give a damn abt killing those who defy them in broad daylight
even goes as far as to kill Cordelia's suitors (except for Richter)
this setup gave him trauma, to the point of refusing to be bathed by the servants (this actually made Ayato bathe him by themselves to soothe his mental pain)
there was even a time Ayato saw him scrubbing his skin multiple times that the spot turns red with few scratches
he was later imprisoned by Karlheinz in the dungeon bcos of his acts with Cordelia, with Seiji requesting he be punished by the old gods
ofc Seiji's request was turned down again since Laito is a very essential part of Karlheinz's army (even more valuable than most of his children as he holds all information about the seven kingdoms)
after all, while power is power, knowledge is a valuable asset and Laito has the traits of a perfect spy
but after Ayato was exiled, Laito took it upon himself to search for him and make a petition to bring him back since neither he nor Kanato has plans to inherit the throne
he just didn't expect his plans to backfire as one of his female attendants was a servant of the Mukami's and wanted to get revenge against Laito
while he was imprisoned at Kou's castle, he was being punished just so he would tell them where Ayato went (since Ayato was Adam and some houses are after his head)
Laito didn't tell them, which caused him plenty of wounds and scars, as well as getting his manhood cut off from him
as punishment, he was forced to spend his time in prison with Lady Christa, who was having hysterical fits every now and then bcos Laito resembled Karlheinz
since then, he threatened Kou that Subaru will come after his head
ofc there were times Christa was sane and she would become his makeshift mother, telling him stories when she was still able to hold Subaru in her arms
Laito learns later on that Kou tried asking Christa abt Subaru's whereabouts since Subaru was a feared assassin in Westeros, and if she doesn't answer, they will either kill Laito or her
so when Laito found out that they purposely poisoned Christa's food and told her to eat them as punishment, he was enraged, forcing her to spit out the food
Christa still poisoned herself as a sacrifice since Laito has to find Ayato and bring him back, leading to her early demise
and by this time, he forced himself not to cry bcos if they found out, it's like admitting defeat
he knew it was time to use the spell Kanato taught him and send Subaru a message about his mother's death
it will take a long time before he's freed from Kou's castle
he believes it will happen, and when he takes it all back
he will destroy House Mukami
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hermesserpent-stuff · 8 months
hiii spoiler scene for future of the fic, Claws and Calls au. not sure where this will come in. Astrid and Stoick talk and sorta explain themselves to eachother.
Astrid stares into the fire, eyes dry of tears. She had cried so many on Stormfly’s back during the journey home. She had sworn Snotlout to secrecy about it. With her ax and dragon. Snotlout had promised. Astrid watches the flames twitch and stir, eating the wooden logs.
Stoick’s voice is firm. Filled to the brim with disappointment. She refuses to look at him, knowing already why he is talking to her. He sits down heavily beside her, the new weight causing the wood to groan. It sounds all the louder with his clear frustration and dissatisfaction. He repeats her name.
“Astrid. I would have thought that you knew better.”
She knows what he is talking about. Astrid finds a growl bubbling up in her chest and she lets it come out in the words she speaks.
“I thought you would know better than to give up on Hiccup.”
The chief tenses.
“He disappeared in enemy territory, messing with dragon hunters for over a month. And while I hope and pray to the gods that he is alive, I am the chief. I have to think of the tribe. I was thinking of the tribe when I named you heir apparent. I would have thought you would have thought of the tribe before flying out and risking the winter storms. We could have lost another heir. Another stable future.”
Her eyes snap to him.
“Messing with? He was saving dragons. Hiccup was helping dragons.”
She is pissed.
“As good as that is, helping dragons was not among his duties to his tribe.”
Stoick’s voice is firm and she wants to scream. “And? It was part of him. Hiccup loves dragons. He would never be able to standby and watch. He feels like it is his duty to watch after dragons. To watch after his friends.”
“And he is now gone. Astrid. I need you to focus. Chasing after dreams and shadows of people will not keep Berk safe.”
“Like you never did that.”
She bites back and the chief clenches his fist, anger swirling across his face.
“I would choose your next words carefully.”
Astrid hisses and finds her mouth moving before her brain can truely consider what she says.
“You chased after the idea of finding the dragon nest for years. We lost people on that fool's errand for years. I lost my aunt! Everyone lost someone on that stupid idea! It took a dragon to find the nest! A dragon named Toothless that we only met because of your son, who you gave up on!”
She shrieks.
“How dare you!”
He snarls. She tries to speak but he cuts her off.
“No. Listen here. You will one day be chief and you will be faced with hard decisions that make you question yourself. Yes. I hunted that nest for years. But never in the dead of winter when storms were guaranteed to come and would most likely kill everyone who sailed. We all were already under threat from the dragon raids. So whether we sailed or not, the fate of death by a dragon was likely sealed for all involved. You know this. But your hunt for Hiccup? Right now? It's foolish and stupid. If he is dead, which is likely, then you are sentencing yourself to following him. If he is alive, then he is grounded by the rolling storms. So stop being a foolish child. We both know you are grown enough to understand.” 
Stoick takes a deep breath, rage still simmering.
“Do you not think, that as his father, I want to believe that Hiccup is alive? That I want to try to find him? I can't hold onto a dream. I am the chief. And the needs of the village come before the individual. Something that I tried to teach Hiccup. I let him go to the Edge, hoping that he could grow. To learn. To become a good chief in the future and know what it takes to lead people and achieve goals.”
He touches her shoulders.
“I miss him too. But we can't throw away life because we miss him.”
Astrid looks away. 
“You can't even bring yourself to think he is alive…”
She whispers, voice shaking.
“I cannot afford to.”
Stoick says, voice cracking. Astrid looks back and sees it. The heartbreak that is so reflective of her own.
“If I believe he is alive, I cannot do anything about it. Risk myself or the tribe? No. I cannot do that. It is better to think him dead than think he is out there suffering. Do you understand?”
Stoik frowns, fingers tight on her shoulders.
“I’m not sure I can.”
She states a little coldly. Astrid then takes a breath.
“But I’ll wait for spring. Alright? But I’m going to keep looking. Until I can believe that Hiccup is dead.”
She leaves the building and embraces the hit of cold against her skin. She hopes Hiccup is warm. She hopes he is not scared. She hopes Dagur has not found him.
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eve-to-adam · 1 year
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Her whole body was shaking frantically and she felt her legs becoming so soft that she was in danger of collapsing completely on the floor. Someone pushed her, she's sure of it. Someone was behind her as she descended the stairs, she felt a touch—no, actually, a painful thrust, as if someone had driven a knee into her spine—which made her legs wobble. [...] In a single second, a second that could turn out to be terrible, Karla sees herself standing down at the bottom of the stairs. Charlie, her brother-in-law, appears before her eyes and looks at her angrily, demonically. Could she have already died and gone straight to Hell? It takes a few moments for her to realize that she is perched high in his arms - she doesn't even remember how she got there. "I thought I was going to fall and die!" she says, letting out a tortured scream. Tears begin to flood her big, glassy eyes, hidden under her tousled bangs. "We'll think about it in detail after you give birth," replied Charlie in a frozen tone, moving a little further away from the arch that, a few minutes before, could serve as her grave. "And stop pulling my hair so hard, for God's sake!" "Yes...", she answered between hiccups, without fully understanding the meaning of his words. All she feels is panic. It's as if she lost her ability to think. She is wrapped in a cocoon of fear and the death she just avoided. If Charlie hadn't been here to catch her... Karla instinctively nestles closer to his body, clinging desperately to his warmth, as if using it as a shield against the world. She is ready to show Charlie how grateful she is to him for saving her life. She needs a few seconds to collect herself, to formulate a few simple words of gratitude. She opens her mouth like a rosebud, but Charlie interrupts her: "You should be more careful. It's a bit harder to clean the blood here." She remains speechless for another moment, shocked by his answer. She refuses to believe that this is what his actions are all about. All the warmth she felt in those moments - no, in fact, all her gratitude - dissipates as quickly as a cloud of fog.
A small tremor brings her completely to reality - Charlie is not her savior and he never will be, he is a demon incarnated in flesh and blood, her biggest nightmare. "Put me down you monster!" she cried, writhing in his arms, trying to push him away. His touch on her skin burns her; his image makes her nauseous. She needs to get rid of this horrible feeling, even at the risk of collapsing on the floor. "If you insist...". For a moment, Karla has the impression that he will simply throw her down, so she clings to him even more.
"Don't you dare touch me ever again!", she threatens him, almost bursting into tears, as soon as she feels the floor under her feet. She moves away as far as possible, nervously tightening her shirt around her body. Her clothes smell like him, dammit! "I'll keep that in mind the next time I see you flying down the stairs." Retreating to the enormous stone vault of the great hall, Karla watches him walk away. She can't fall now, even if her legs are weak and giving way to the pressure. No, she won't. She will not give him the opportunity to laugh at her again. He sees her instinctively cupping her belly with her palms, as if looking for a sign that would banish her dark thoughts. "You'd better prove yourself useful this time," he warns her viciously, as he walks away towards the hall leading to the exit. "No one wants to see Vincent disappointed again." Maybe if he hadn't punctuated her darkest thought, she wouldn't have felt so miserable. He knows that she is not a woman that you can hurt easily. For years, she had to endure his taunts and along the way, she learned that sometimes, to his amusement, it is better to return his malice with elegance. But now it was about more than that - and this thought only darkened her perspectives even more. Now, Karla will not only have to endure, but to try and buy back the life she just owed him. Because everyone knows that there is no greater chore on earth than being indebted to Charlie Elkins.
(Volume II)
( © Karla and Charlie Elkins are my original characters and they are part of the project that my good friend @teodoraioana221  and I are working on together. )  
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random-blep · 2 years
How odd it is to form a kinship with a being who is not of your own blood. To make a promise of protection and then fail to do so. To be unable to control your own flesh as you cradle what was once your child. To be unable to stop the flow of burning tears running down your face. To not be able to hear anything beyond the racing of your heart, but knowing screams are escaping your lips.
Humans are such frail creatures, it seems they die so easily. Be it from sickness, malnutrition, or a wound inflicted by someone with ill intent. Whichever it was such events lead to carrying the blood covered body to the closest god, even if such god had been the one to abandon you many years prior. In the nation of eternity surely she will listen to your plea as you beg for his life back. Ask her to do what she had once done before and create life where there is none. Feel the way the bile rises into your throat as she rejects your plea, feel how it burns as it tries to push it's way up and out your mouth.
Useless, of course, no archon could bring back life. For that one must go to Celestia itself and debase themselves to receive such a blessing. So you drag the body great lengths once again, you cry out for anything to listen. Despite the hoarseness of your voice, despite the inability to continue to cry, you are forced to continue to grieve. "It is not the way things are," you are told, "It is the nature of humans to die."
You are not given the one thing you want. Pathetic, the looks of pity and words of sympathy mean nothing. Despite what all is taken from you, they cannot give you this one thing. You do not earn back the child you had cared for, you do not deserve your son for failing to protect him. So you travel to your final destination, back to your home. The small hut in which laughter once lived, songs used to be sung, and life once bloomed. Instead of smelling like the home it once was, it now reeked of death. No matter how this place would be cleaned it would forever be a tomb, so you decide on the best option. You take your child and lay him up on a bed of flowers, the ones he enjoyed in life.
While preparing for the parting your eyes lay upon a small fabric doll that resembles yourself. You feel your stomach churn as you kneel to lift it up, you can feel yourself start to choke up at the memories this thing carried. How you spent some time working in the neighboring village to earn mora to buy the fabric. How you spent a few hours crafting the thing, earning yourself many pricks in your fingers from the needle. The blinding smile you earned when it was gifted to him. The way he carried this thing everywhere and refused to even let it go while he slept. He loved this thing as much as he had loved you, and while you hold it you can almost feel his warmth. The warmth from the way he hugged you, the happiness you felt when he slept by your side, the pride you had felt for how brilliant he was. Before you know it tears are once again dripping down your face and onto the small doll. You wish how you could stay in this home, you wish you could turn back time so he was here with you. If you imagine hard enough, he is not dead, but the tremble in your hands and the way it becomes difficult to breathe betray you.
You cannot live in a fantasy anymore, you have witnessed yourself many times how the world is cruel, how nothing is how it should be. Every person is a liar, they never truly mean what they say. Every god is a traitor, they turn their backs on everything they have made and ignore how it hurts what they claim to care for. Every life is a fabrication, it is not everlasting and unravels when faced with hardship. So you take one parting look to the lifeless body of your child and tuck his most prized possession away in the small bag you intend to bring with you.
You make your way outside once you no longer feel like you will collapse in on yourself. Once stepped out of the small hut the wind caresses your cheeks and dries the tears that you cannot control. You push your wishes for a future that can no longer happen as you move to set the building ablaze.
You do not choke up on the smoke that builds up alongside the fire. You do not allow yourself to weep anymore for the boy inside this tomb. You force the fond memories to the back of your mind as you make yourself a new promise to replace the one you broke. Never again shall anything enter your heart, nothing else will be allowed to worm it's way in and hurt you. So once the building is doomed from how much fire has consumed it, you turn away and put on your hat. You slowly walk away from the warmth of the once home and let the cold settle into your chest.
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fantasyinvader · 1 year
I was thinking more about the French Connection…not the movie. I feel like each of the three hero routes of Houses exemplifies some part of the ideals of the French Revolution. That the game is saying that these things weren’t bad, but the means the revolution went about trying to establish them (i.e. The Reign of Terror) were. The fact that the revolution’s motto, Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, fell into disuse during Napoleon’s reign also seems to be a part of it if Edelgard is supposed to represent him.
Liberty is Silver Snow, where Byleth chooses to fight Edelgard and their title is “Commander of the Resistence Army.” Byleth’s forces are the rebels here, the ones opposing Edelgard’s regime and it’s intent to conquer Fodlan. The fact former Black Eagles students refuse to fall into line with Edelgard, leaving their families behind while the Imperial nobility comes to heel, some of them even fighting against Edelgard during the timeskip, serves to tie them to this ideal. They choose this, just like Byleth does if the player doesn't decide for them.
Azure Moon represents Equality, that everyone is equal under the law. Think about it, we have the people of Duscur being punished because of what TWSITD did for Edelgard, we have Dimitri on the run after being imprisoned and nearly executed after being framed for the death of his uncle, and Edelgard just makes claims about people to justify her actions without any actual evidence to back it up. But not only that, look at Dimitri’s solo ending.
“After his coronation, Dimitri spent his life reforming and ruling justly over Fódlan. He focused particularly on improving living situations for orphans and improving foreign relations. He was known for listening intently to the voices of all, and for instituting a new form of government in which the people were free to be active participants. He lived for his people and alongside them, and was thusly dubbed the Savior King.”
Dimitri makes it so everyone, even the commoners, have a voice in his government through his reforms, not just the people who support him.
Verdant Wind is left with Fraternity. Claude wants to bring people together, so people will stop viewing others as “outsiders.” He’s thinking of this on a global scale, even having Almyra learn trade rather than conquest in order to facilitate this. Not only that though, he comes to realize that Rhea and the Church he originally were against were not the problem. It would be hard for him not to feel a connection to Rhea and her experiences, leading Claude to fight the guy who genocided her entire race.
But if you think about this then, Hopes seems to be each class falling short of their respective ideal. Shez and the Eagles can fight for Edelgard knowing full well she’s seeking conquest and is oppressing the commoners, but they don’t care about liberty as they’re just a merc. There’s no opportunity for them to defect and do what’s right. Dimitri defeats Edelgard and TWSITD, but goes on to punish an Empire that was used by them even after their defeat. Claude becomes his own antithesis, the one who does what Nemesis and his ancestor couldn’t do and in doing so gives multiple countries reason to hate him…but isn’t planning any sort of Zero Requiem. Each route is worse than their Houses counterpart.
And of course, despite all of her honeyed words Edelgard, embodies none of these ideals. Her talk about freeing humanity hides she’s conquering Fodlan to centralize all power on herself. Can’t be equality when she’s the one hurling out accusations that have no basis in the real world, as per word of God the setting was written to support Silver Snow’s story, and only giving power to those she deems fit. And fraternity is out of the question considering, you know, racism and her working to crush anyone who doesn’t agree with her.
This is not to say that each route only has one of these ideals. Ferdinand’s paralogue hints his father is being prosecuted not for the crimes he did commit but by ones he didn’t. Dimitri does improve foreign relations, and fighting against Edelgard is fighting oppression all around. Rather, one stands out more than the others depending on the route despite Silver Snow, Azure Moon and Verdant Wind all leading to a better future.
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women-of-malevolent · 3 months
All references to women in Part 12 - The End
There's a several-minute scene with a psychiatrist interviewing Kellin about madness/KIY; no women come up.
They're wandering a spooky place and find an impossible elevator. Arthur asks, did the cult build this building to hide the elevator or what's under it, like the cult's underground sanctuary on the island? John says it's different. On the island, a widow built a home to hide something not welcome in this world; the hotel was attempting to hide in plain sight.
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They make it into the underground city and past the lake. The imagery here is so cool. Anyways, they get into a house or shop or something, and there's boxes stamped with the name Cassilda. This is making the cut for episode references but I'm not making a character sheet for her unless she shows up.
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I assume that some of the people in this description of the city's dead dreamers are women. They all died, sleeping, while dreaming. They approach John and Arthur from the houses where they said their goodbyes. Arthur is scared, and John tells him to follow them. Arthur doesn't want to. John tells him that this city literally exists to allow passage to The Dreamlands. He says that all of these followers must have dreamt to death to see what lay beyond.
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The dreamers come out and approach Arthur; one man specifically speaks to him and guides him. He says Arthur must come willingly; Arthur agrees to. The people lead him to an auditorium like an ancient Greek theater. Hundreds of people get into the seats and look towards the center. On the stage is a table and large standing mirror. A green light illuminates the theater, seemingly coming from nowhere. Everyone is wearing robe and mask. Someone exits onto the stage, then approaches the table in the center. A man asks Arthur specifically to unmask. John says he's looking in Arthur's direction, then tells Arthur that every person in the auditorium is staring at them.
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John says there's still time to leave. Arthur says no, then tells John he trusts him. Everyone watches as they exit the aisle. They ascend the stage. The one cultist man that's singled them out says, you've come a long way to become whole; and that is their whole purpose, to serve the King in Yellow. John describes straps on the table, and Arthur says he's willing. John says there's no way out if he gives in. The cultist says they were told he would come, it was written, and everything he's done is as was planned. Arthur asks how that could be; the cultist says he's forgotten who he is. He ties Arthur down and says they can make him whole, remove the voice in his head, separate him, save him, bring this body back to him.
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Arthur wants to know what will happen to John; makes them promise nothing bad will happen to John; realizes that they're probably talking to John, not to him, Arthur.
They say, the gateway in the basement 10 years ago trapped John, the piece of the King, in the book. The book bound him to Arthur's mortal shell, the one that they will give "you" (unclear who that is) and make you whole again. John looks into the magic mirror and sees Arthur and him standing on the shore of the lake, smiling. The lake is purple with a black, stone shoreline. His face is his own again. The cultist says that Arthur's vessel is his to take. Arthur pleads him to reject them, remember who he is, what they've done, his name. The cultist implores John using plural pronouns, "Our king, remember your name." Arthur says the same thing. John says he remembers his name... It's the King In Yellow! He's the fractured soul of a god, he's not John! The Cultist implores John to cast Arthur out of this body.
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The next part is some dream or memory or both. Arthur is playing piano, then stops suddenly and calls for Faroe, gets up, calls for her again. KIY asks Arthur why he refuses to let this memory go. KIY says that Arthur's body is now his, and every instance of him is being erased Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind style except this one memory, why? He's playing piano, his daughter interrupts, what happens next, and why won't he leave this memory behind? Arthur refuses to tell him, even when he implores, even when he threatens him as a god.
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This isn't about women but it's great /genuine, indulge my summarizing....
Arthur asks why he doesn't do what he wants, if he's so powerful? Maybe he doesn't want to control Arthur. Maybe the humanity he saw compells him too much. KIY denies it, and says no, it's actually that John (the part of KIY that Arthur "stole") (i love that sm... /genuine) has lost its way, "My fractured soul has become entangled in yours." He says he'll kill Arthur to get ahold of it. Arthur says KIY can't do that; if John won't play along, KIY is stuck, trapped, it's why he had others kill Amanda and attack them. KIY is trapped in the Dreamlands. So, KIY sends them to the Dreamlands.
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yanderefairyangel · 1 year
Engage, hope, despair and redemption
Alright, as a continuation to those posts : 1/2 it's time we adress the elephant in the big room about how Engage deals with the theme of despair and hope.
Alear and Lumera's name are based on light whereas Sombron's name is based on darkeness, Sombron enshadow and corruptes everything around him whereas Lumera and Alear enlighten and helps everyone and everything around them become better.
The moral system I talked about is intrinsically relying on the notion of hope and despair. Trusting in God is hoping, despairing means doubting in the mercy of God. Hence those who despair refuse the path of redemption and ends up commiting evil.
Lumera is presented as a symbol of hope. In jpn her name is Lumière, light is considered to be a symbol of hope. Lumera herself explain that what she represent is the reason why despite being all alone she still had to fight against Sombron, else Elyos would have been lost : it would have lost hope and would have been ruined by Sombron's darkness. This is why in the Fell Xenologue, the death of all Divine dragon resulted in the ruin of Elyos, with even the Somniel falling from the sky to symbolize this decadence. As a deity, she is asked to protect this world and accomplished miracle, but what would happen if she failed ?
King Hyacinth became obsessed with reviving Sombron in the late years which turned him into the cruel man we saw in the game when he was according to Ivy and Hortensia, and if you know how I made it make sense, I deduced that it was because he was so deseparate of wining the war against Brodia he decided to bring back Sombron. After all, why wouldn't Lumera try to stop the Brodian invasion ? I think this had to play in how the Elusian would rather take Sombron as a deity then Lumera, especially as Diamant explained that Lumera was the one blessing Brodia in it's origin, meaning that the developpement of Sombron's cult began at a moment where Lumera was physically as old as she is now. And a example relying less on speculation is Mauvier's mother and a good example at that. Firene is presented as a very pious country, and the most pious out of 4 kingdom. Mauvier and his mother were living there, but when Mauvier's father died from a decease, his mother and he moved to Elusia and began to worship Sombron since Mauvier's father's death caused his mother to feel like Lumera didn't answered her prayers. In other words she lost faith in Lumera, in hope ... she was deseperate. Zephia herself is that too. Once she lost her family, she never forgave herself and was wandering all alone until she somehow ended up at Sombron's service, and had no other purpose to live, but to stick with the idea that if she helped Sombron, she could have her child, the family she dreamed of, the person that would love no one else but her and lost hope that other people would love her, tied to an imaginary connection rather then the one she already had with the Hounds.
In comparison, Alear is someone who openly admits to not being able to perform miracle, to be actually an average person and they make mistakes, yet none of their allies ever lost hope or faith in them and on the contrary, followed them as Alear promised to become a better leader. The whole journey Alear is partaking is to become a better person, and to become a symbol of hope, like Lumera used to be. That's why one of ther biggest quality and flaw is that they never gave up, quality because it lead them to always push their boundaries and even in death, but it's also a flaw as shown by Chapter 10 since Alear would have still tried to save the lost Emblem rather then move on. That's the fact that Alear admits that they aren't special that actually allows them to not developp the same relationship that Lumera had with her believer, who loved her only because she was the divine dragon and expected her to accomplish miracles when she is like everyone else too. Alear showing their weakness and goofy side make the cast realize that Alear is like them and this realization is actually what prevents them from losing hope. A deity is described as a being capable of performong miracle, and in abrahamic faith in particula, God is described as All powerful and Perfect, Absolute. If the people of Elyos view Lumera and Divine dragon as perfect being incapable of failing then, it would obviously lead them to despair to realize it wasn't the case and to cease to believe in them thinking they had been deceived. Lumera herself acknoweldged that as a symbol of hope she as simply not allowed to let herself fail, leading people to have high expectation on her and when she failed, to lost faith in her as it was the case for Mauvier's mother. In comparison, Alear being more open about their vulnerable side with their allies and trying to establish a bond of equal to equal rather then putting up a face is what permits people to like them for who they are, and not as the Divine dragon and that's what is preventing them from losing faith in Alear : realizing that Alear is like them, that they cannot accomplish miracle but can try to improve when they fail is what gives them faith in Alear much more then if they believed in them to be some sort of all powerful being only to realize they were just putting a face.
What is more is that this is constant within Alear's character developpement that they are symbol of becoming hope. In the Fell Xenologue, Alear is born a Divine dragon yet failed to save the world, they died and the world plunged into darkness, because they were already born "light" and didn't had to go through a whole journey to become "light". Alear on the other hand, is born a Fell child, with Sombron as a father. They were a small glow that had to survive in the darkness but were forced to repress their own luminous nature. However, when Alear meets with Lumera, it was at a time where she was all alone, and where they were all alone too. Lumera was Alear's light/hope and they were hers as she admitted in chapter 25 when she says " You were my light". Alear's journey is all about becoming a bright light of hope. Even in chapter 10, they end up accepting the reality, they can't save Marth and the others now and instead focus on another objective, with hopes to find the rings back. When they meet with Veyle as they die in chapter 22, they are the one inspiring her not to give up when she finally had lost all of her hope. In the Fell Xenologue, a world that had lost all hope, the answer to Nel's prayers were Alear, like a symbol of hope. Rafal will then state several times that it's Alear that inspired him to not give up on saving Nel's life and helped him find is way to redemption and life a new life as himself. And finally, the most important moment : Sombron's death. When Sombron dies, he call for 0 Emblem, but while we don't see it, he says "この光" while we are shown Alear and Veyle. Sombron, who when fighting Alear called them "a bleak glow, the light before it goes out blown by the wind" is now looking at them and recognizing the light he was looking for. Alear's entire arc is all about them becoming the light of hope, lueur of hope in Elyos. Chapter 22 shows that : Alear died, Sombron got all the rings, Evil Veyle was back lefting the world and the Royals in danger : Alear was able to come back twice, as to mean that hope never dies...(lucina jumpscare)
And that's hope that is the main motivation for redemption. People that hope in forgiveness and to find it are more likely to try to work and earn it like Yunaka, Veyle or Rafal, then people who don't believe they can be forgiven or loved such as Zephia that brushed off the idea that Veyle and Alear would have forgiven her, even though they would have did it... had she actually tried to redeem herself. All the people in Engage that belived in Lumera and Alear are hopeful one, those who believed in Sombron are deseperate one and he, himself is a desesparate person who's only goal is 0 Emblem.
Thanks for listening to my rant now if you'll excuse me...*breathes*
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toku-explained · 1 year
Bad End Game
With brief notes on movies.
Blazar: Under the name Morino, Emi is acting as secretary for Novaio CEO Sonezaki when the Kaiju Leviera appears, the man refuses to evacuate, as drones carrying the company product release antimicrobial FK1 which causes Leviera to melts into nothing. Teruaki briefs Gento and Anri on the multiple appearances of Leviera over the months, GGF using FK1 every time the regenerating Kaiju appears, but more has been used every time, suggesting Leviera is building a resistance, Yasunobu is working on a new weapon. At a clandestine meeting, Gento and Emi discuss the reason for the investigation, that Leviera resembles man-made Sea Angels created by a Novaio subsidiary, and Gento has discovered Sonezaki was with the GGF chemical department, quitting 18 years ago and erasing his career. Earth Garon is dispatched to deliver FK1 rounds next time Leviera appears, requiring multiple salvos before it is defeated. Emi is unable to get into the Novaio records she needs, as Sonezaki goes for one of his 30 minute meditation breaks. Yasunobu has found a partial DNA match, but Gento isn't prepared to go to the Chief of Staff yet. He tells Emi the operation is off, and she infuriated, instead breaks in at night, locating a hidden room, and finding both achievement scrapbooks and top secret files on a Kaiju with strong regeneration abilities that landed in 2001, is surprised by Sonezaki and his men, who takes her prisoner. However, the disagreement was for show, and Gento and Yasunobu are watching what happens, though rather than wait for Emi's signal, Gento enacts his own plan. Sonezaki brings Emi to the lab where Leviera returns to, and explains that once FK1 becomes ineffective, he's simply going to have another one act somewhere else, so he always has a market for FK1, caring not for the money, but for his ego. Gento interrupts, and the resultant struggle ends with the guards and Sonezaki beaten, but the containment device destroyed by stray shots from Sonezaki. The Blazar Brace already appeared, Gento sends Emi out with the culprits so he can change in hiding. Blazar struggles, and Emi hits on a plan, having Earth Garon use liquid nitrogen to supercool Leviera, enabling Blazar to shatter it. In the aftermath, Gento explains that when GGF went to digital records 20 years ago, a lot of hard copies were destroyed, Sonezaki must have saved a few and hatched his scheme.
Adventure Heaven: sounds kind of interesting. Ryneol trying to resurrect himself because he thinks only he can lead, making use of Ohger Caliber ZERO, Iroki wanting revenge on Kaguragi, Devonica as a connection to Gira's past.
4 Aces and the Black Fox: Honestly, aside from the fact Keilow and Lopo are returning for this, and Punk Jack is actually going to fight, there's not a lot interesting for this I feel. The symmetry of Cross Geats is neat, but Mela and Melo are just more future people playing games with the present.
Geats: Tsumuri awakens with Win, who tells her Ace and Keiwa vanished. Ace explains he reverted the world before he is captured by wires, the world aiming to make him the new God of Creation. Michinaga and Neon meet up. Jitto, Kekera and Beroba are now stuck, Jitto uses the tear he collected to create a new Tsumuri, who will become his Goddess of Destruction, and announces the Bad End Game to the world. Daichi finds the World Tree is back, but Beroba and Kekera come to steal it. Buffa and Na-Go save him, but the tree is taken. Daichi tells them he will help restore Sara if the tree is returned, as Beroba has Evil Tsumuri start using the world tree as fertiliser for one super Jamato. Michinaga goes out to deal with Beroba, as Ace tells Keiwa everyone is working to save Sara, but he fears Michinaga is prepared to throw his life away. Michinaga confronts Beroba, who uses her Rider form against him, she badly beats him, but he taps into his Jamashin powers to finish her off. Beroba's death means Evil Tsumuri cannot fulfill her wish. Kekera goes to finish Michinaga, but Keiwa arrives and interferes, rejecting Kekera, who angrily says he'll give him a bad end. Daichi gives over a serum, the use of which frees Sara from the tree. Ace sees another wish granted, but his hand begins to calcify.
Kingohger: With the Kingohgers holding back, Daigorg opts to grow big...by consuming the Shugod Souls of Kabutan, Sasorin, Batta and Taranchino. The king's can only form King-Ohger, and Gira is unable to act properly due to sensing the Shugods fear, allowing Daigorg to defeat them even as he grows bigger, Kamejin gloating the next strike will destroy Shugoddom. Gira feels unable to act, even with Jeramie's assurances that Gira is like Ryneol Hastie, a man chosen as king by the Shugods. Kaguragi takes everyone to the Caucasus Kabuto Castle, relating how he attempted to use the Ohger Lance to unlock its secret, a secret Kamejin must know, as Boshimar went there with the fake lance until Kaguragi spooked him. Deathnarok had no idea Kamejin was infiltrating the castle, and is angry with him for it. Suzume is found crying over Racles casket, and reveal Racles eventually told her the secret of the castle, but Gira is unable to activate it. The Shugod Hunter arrives, and disables the remaining Shugods, while the others go to fight, Gira rather than keep trying, rushes to Kuwagon, asking him to fight, and dismisses the Shugod mentioning it doesn't have a Shugod Soul, before stopping to actually think about that. Yanma, despite his usual insistence the Shugods are machines, tries talking to them, reminding them of how Gira stood by them, as Gira regains his resolve, the Shugods empower him to defeat the Shugod Hunter. Gira again tries to awaken the Castle, it still won't awaken, and it is their only hope against Daigorg.
Abaranger With Donbrothers: I expected this thing to come out about 6 months ago. Haruka returns to Café Donbura from a grocery run to find Saruhara being manhandled by Sanjo Yukito and his wife, Emiri, but is distracted from intervening by noticing Hakou Ryouga has been using the facilities to make Dino Curry. Introductions have just been made when Saruhara gets up restored from the Chiropractic treatment, it seems like Haruka could use some too. Yukito, knowing Saruhara is Super Sentai, guesses Haruka is too, and the three guests jntroduce themselves as the Abrangers. Saruhara and Haruka are shocked to see such a polite, cheerful red, who considers his teammates friends. Yukito promises his services see free to them as Sentai. Saruhara now realises the source of his ills is Momoi Tarou himself, and feels he can inly find relief by surpassing him, Haruka agrees, and when a battle is revealed, prepare to do just that, Haruka needs treatment though, and is left in Emiri's care. SaruBrother interferes in Don Momotaro fighting the Hitotsuki and they get distracted messing with eachother, and so AbaRed and AbareBlue have to involve themselves, comparing this poor synergy to Nakadai. Their rampage overwhelms, but Taro has to stop them so he can defeat it without killing the host. Ryouga's solution is to throw Taro at it, and amused, they team up, then Yukito gives the push Saruhara needs to land the finisher. Saruhara believes his ills are dealt with by winning the battle, but Yukito actually delivered a surgery mid battle. Saruhara and Haruka both freak out in hearing how much the treatment would have cost them, and Ryouga gets a call from his daughter Mai, saying she can't make their meeting. Unknown to everyone, the battle opened a small crack, allowing a certain figure to break into Another Earth from Dino Earth.
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dreamingsushi · 1 year
Till the End of the Moon - Episode 36
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Last episode ended peacefully with Susu saving Cang Jiumin which leads me to think we’re in it for pain again, now that we almost reached the end of this drama.
Susu tells her father she gives up on the heartless way because she can’t forgive about Cang Jumin. He’s fine with her dating him. Dimian accuses Jiumin of sticking around Susu to retrieve the evil bone. He scolds her for trying to seal it inside of her body without understanding its powers. She said she had no other choice and kept it a secret so it wouldn’t cause a catastrophe. Dimian notices again the demonic energy travelling in the realm.
It is Nian Baiyu, called over by Siying to entrust him with a mission. She wants him to bring Jiumin to Huangyuan and threatens to hurt some people. Perhaps the Yiyue tribe. I knew he couldn’t be a bad guy willingly. Dimian heard all of it and thinks he needs to hurry up.
Dimian and Susu’s father have thought of a plan to help Susu suppress the evil bone before her wedding. I don’t think Dimian is being truthful about his intentions. He hides too much stuff from the others. He gives Susu a tiger he sculpted from the lava rocks of Huangyuan for her. Cang Jiumin is worried about Dimian knowing about her her having the evil bone inside of her.He’ll wait for her to come out of isolation. They can’t meet anymore before the wedding.
Siying goes to visit Monü to tell her that they found the demon god’s palace. Monü asks her if she ever wondered what she wants for herself instead of giving everything she has to the demon god. Siying says she did it wholeheartedly and she needs nothing in return. The she leaves.
As expected Dimian betrays them. He arranged to extract the evil bone from Susu’s body He uses the third demonic weapon to kill Susu’s father. I knew he couldn’t be trusted. After all he betrayed his own wife to obtain the demon god’s power and only stabbed him to get him out of the way, more than to avenge Chu Huang. He could have had a redemption arc, but for now it won’t be possible for me. What he does it will never be enough to redeem himself in my opinion. He extracts the evil bone but right away Susu’s dad comes back to prevent him from taking it away. He loses his life trying.
Nian Baiyu took Cang Jiumin away while there was a commotion. It seems like he drugged him. Siying and Jingmie brought him to the demon god palace. He decides to comply with them first, before trying to escape since they must be well prepared. He opens the gate of the palace, which leads to some sort of nothingness that takes shape the further he walks ahead of him. He meets an impression of the demon god, which transforms Cang Jiumin’s appearance before showing him how he was born out of all the world’s suffering. He wants to return the world to chaos so there won’t be anymore negative energy and then he’ll be free. Don’t sit on that stupid throne Cang Jiumin! No! I said don’t sit there! Then he says in your dream... But to whom? I just hope they don’t blame him for the death of Dimian and Susu’s father.
And yupé As soon as she wakes up, Yue Ya tells Susu that Cang Jiumin stole the evil bone from her. So that’s that shitty Dimian said cause he’s not dead. Of course. Don’t believe that bullshit Susu. You’re the only one who can stop Cang Jiumin from becoming the demon god. She begs Gongye Jiwu that they don’t kill Cang Jiuming. He grounds her to her room as the sect leader. He won’t listen to her and even blames her for causing the death of her father by not disclosing the fact that she was holding on the evil bone.
Cang Jiumin wakes up in the palace, where he’s tied with chains. He knows that Susu’s mark woke him upé From his transe earlier I guess. Nian Baiyu is helping the demons to liberate his people that are entrapped by them. The only way to save them is for the demon god to be reborn, so he begs Cang Jiumin to become it. But he refuses because he cannot sacrifice more innocent people. Siying chases Nian baiyu away and tells Cang Jiumin about her backstory. The demon god saved her and her sister when he killed the God of war. She wants to destroy the order of the world because she hates it and wants to seek revenge for what happened to her sister. Then she shows him the message they sent to the Hengyang sect. He really has no break ever.
As I expected, things ended too well last episode to last very long. I still think it’s kind of annoying how the demons always have the upper hand, like the good guys are always weak and useless. Gogye Jiwu bothers me a lot by the way he’s patronizing Susu and I don’t like him anymore.
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