#his hairline is um...but it's ok
lovebeatriceplz · 1 month
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eddiernunson · 2 months
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I Can Do it With a Broken Heart | Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader | 18+ | PREVIEW
Summary: You and Eddie have both had crap luck on dates lately, nothing that can't be fixed with a strawberry milkshake. However, he gets asked out on a date and it goes well...until it turns your life on its head and he forgets how to pick up the phone. You don't even care that he's dating someone else you just want your best friend back.
Warnings: idiots in love, best friends to lovers, ANGST, brief EddiexChrissy, ooc Chrissy, attempted SA, bestfriend!Steve, and needy, desperate smut that makes it all worth it.
Excerpt here:
The puff of smoke that leaves his lips as you approach him should not be this gorgeous, it’s practically unfair. “Hey, Eds.” 
He dusts the filter, killing it on the cement table he sits at as he blows out one more puff. “Hey, sweetheart.” 
Just from that particular look in his eye, you can tell something is on his mind. “You okay, there, Munson?” 
He smirks, effortlessly standing up. “I suppose. I’m not sure how to react. Or how you’ll react.” 
Your brows meet your hairline, watching his mind move at a million miles per hour. “Ok, Eddie this better be about a new class of creatures in DnD, or something, because you’re scaring me.”
He smiles, nodding his head over to the halls that lead toward the front door of the campus. “Someone asked me out on a date, earlier, today.” 
Your brows furrow, biting back the jealousy that eats at your chest. Every little part of you holds back the monster that threatens to class its way out, to snarl and hiss at every girl that even so much as looks at him wrong. It’s hard to bite it back, to choke on it purposely, but if you must, you will. 
It tastes like venom as you swallow it back down. “Oh, who?”
A faint pink spreads across Eddie’s cheeks, much to your dismay. Not once, in your fuck, what, seven, eight years, of friendship have you ever managed to see Eddie blush. (Just once but it was when you nearly walked in on him jerking himself off a few short years ago.) “Who?” 
“Um Chrissy. Chrissy Cunningham?” 
Your jaw drops, but your gut falls through the floor. You swear you hear it smash through the tilted floors and fall into the depths of hell. 
“She asked you out?” 
“Hey! Don’t act so surprised! A cheerleader could like me!” 
That was the last thing on your mind. Of course a cheerleader could like Eddie, they’d be stupid not to. No. Every other girl that Eddie has either slept with, or gone on a date with brought no worry to your head, competition, per say. But a sweet girl like Chrissy, one that bore pretty blonde curls, a sweet smile and a sweet disposition, this is like your worst nightmare come true. 
Thanks to the notion of living in a small town, you could recall 99% of the names that Eddie had told you, whether they be hookups or a date. Most of them didn’t intimidate you, only because, selfishly, you could nitpick at things you think wouldn’t work out with Eddie. Whether they were too vapid, too shallow, had none of the same interests as him, only shallowly liked him for his looks, or was a bully…you had something to give great comfort to you to prevent that little jealousy monster from clawing its way out. 
This time, your brain wracked itself for some sort of answer. Some sort of flaw in the Queen of Hawkins High that could settle this uneasiness that has taken over your mind. Nothing. Nothing. 
“I’m not surprised a cheerleader could like you, I’m surprised that Chrissy Cunningham asked you out,” you answer candidly, watching in step with him to where you supposed was his van. “I’m guessing you said yes?”
“I’d be crazy not to!” Eddie answered sheepishly, tugging at the sleeves of his leather jacket. “I’m taking her out on Friday night.” 
“Ah, you’ll tell Steve to take Creeper off hold for us, then?”
Eddie stops mid stride, faltering, his brows pinched as he gives you those big brown eyes. “Shit. It totally slipped my mind.” 
This is also new. Even as his dates would happen any previously made plans with him were always a priority. You just hope this isn’t a new habit of his. 
“We’ll do it on Saturday, yeah?” 
You nod, giving him the comfort you suddenly find yourself craving. From the pep in his step, the rosiness of his cheeks, the warm glint in his eyes, you can tell that he’s truly excited. As a best friend, you tried to be happy for him, however hard it is to make the smile on your face even remotely convincing. 
Eddie curls his arm around your shoulder, tugging you along with him for what is probably another afternoon in his room, clouded by a haze of weed. 
You smoked more than usual, if anything to allow his excitement and plans for his big date in two days to buzz into the background, the bong rippling through your lungs as a punishment for yourself. 
Final word count is about 24k so I think I'll post on the 15 to give my editor a fighting chance. If you want to be tagged let me know <3
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thevirtualvalentine · 11 months
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content warnings: nsfw, med student!law, riding, perv!law, dick sucking, roles switch part way through, college au, maybe more.
plot: oh no! you’ve come down with the common cold and luffy suggest you visit his friend.. traffy? at the on-campus med clinic. seems simple enough till you’re fucking his brains out.
word count: 3.3k
It was just a simple cold, a quick trip in and out of the health clinic is all it would take. Get your decongestant, maybe a cough drop or two and lickity split you’d be better in no time. It’s not that you’re scared of the doctors office, just a bit wary of them whilst the process is long, arduous, and usually results in a headache. That’s why you thought the smaller on campus clinic would be quicker than scheduling an appointment, your friend Luffy said he knew the guy that worked there and added that he was, ‘grumpy but pretty practical.’ Went on a long tangent saying they’d known each other forever, yada yada, “go see him, he’d like you.”
It wasn’t a far walk from your dorm, plus it was a nice day out, the weather didn’t seem to make you feel any worse. When you walked into the small health center, you were shocked to see that no one else was there. The lights were dim in the main office and you would have sworn it was closed if a deep voice didn’t call out to you from another room, “Back here, what can I do for ya?”
You pull your jacket over yourself from the below sub temperatures when you make your way down the hallway. “Um… Traffy? Luffy said you’re studying pre-med. I just feel pretty congested is all..” You eye over the note Luffy had given you to double check the pronunciation, he knows you get pretty nervous at new places with people you don’t know. Annoyance shrouds his voice when he speaks again.
“Traffy? Of course that idiot told you to say that,” you can hear him sigh as you come up to the door. You shove the crumpled up piece of paper into your pocket simultaneously as you enter his office, shuffling awkwardly because he doesn’t look up from the paper work in his hand.
“Sorry bout that, what should I call you?” You can't see his face but he has short black hair that’s a bit messy, his hands show that he has vitiligo and tattoos? A bit built for a doctor, but the white lab coat makes him pop out amongst the pristine and dim space.
“La-” he finally looks up from his stack of miscellaneous books and papers but stutters over his words, “Traffy is fine.” He’s quick to clear his throat while giving a light awkward smile, all annoyance in his tone suddenly gone in thin air. You give a small wave as you pass your weight back and forth on the balls of your feet. The handsome man shakes his head in the act of doing a double take before he asks for your name. “Where are my manners, you are?”
“No no, it’s ok! y/n is fine,” your nerves cause you to mimic his verbiage as you stand planted in the middle of the room. He has these deep yellow eyes that stare you down while he asks you about your symptoms, asking when they first appeared and how long you’ve been feeling unwell.
He tsks which makes you gulp, worried that you’ve come down with a life threatening disease that seemingly has no cure. The snap of latex gloves against his tattooed hands snaps you out of your panic, “Well now, that just won’t do. No worries, doctor Law is here to help.” His low voice eases your nerves. As he stands up you realize how tall he is, and as his face comes into light you’re taken aback at just how handsome he really is. You’re almost annoyed at Luffy for hiding his hot friend from you, scruff that seems to suit him so well across his speckled features. Gold earrings with splotches of white hair scattered across his hairline. You’re praying your fever can explain why you feel so hot all of a sudden in such a cold room.
“Say ‘ahh’ for me.” His large hand rests underneath your chin, subtly tilting your head up to face him. Now you’re certain it’s not the fever that’s making you feel hot, it’s definitely him.
“Ahhh,” you stick your tongue out timidly, trying to avoid his almost predatory gaze while averting your eyes. All of a sudden his free hand enters your field of vision as two thick gloved fingers slide against your tongue, pushing the pads along the slimy surface. “Good,” he remarks monotonously, bright eyes never leaving your face.
Your mouth instinctively closes around his digits and you swear a light smile tugs at his lips before he retracts his fingers slowly. “Shit, sorry about that,” you say nervously, god you could jump off a bridge right now. How embarrassing, or so you think.
“Mhm, no gag reflex?” With his back turned to you he discards the gloves in a waste bin, ushering you to sit down on the examination table with a point of his finger.
You’re confused by his question, does he mean this in a medical sense or a practical one? The man is a doctor you suppose, it’s always best to be honest with your doctor, right? “Only when I’m brushing my teeth, why?” Those butterflies are back, causing you to swing your feet absentmindedly as you tell him the truth.
He returns to you with a stethoscope in hand as he places the ends in his ears. “Nothing, can you remove your jacket for me?” His demeanor makes your heart thump wildly in your chest, words that come out so smooth like he’s a practiced professional. You’re sure there’s something wrong with you because you’re getting turned on from a simple check up in the schools minute clinic.
You try to calm your heart as you take off your jacket, leaving you in a simple flimsy tank top. Hopefully he won’t be able to hear it’s [your heart’s] erratic beat. You curse yourself for not wearing a bra, you didn’t expect your ‘check up’ to go this way when you dressed yourself for the day, it was supposed to be a quick trip.
The cold air chills your nipples, making them visible through the thin fabric as they pebble up. Another pang of embarrassment stabs at your pride when he leans down to press the diaphragm over your chest.“Am I making you nervous?” It’s in the way he doesn’t even look at you as he presses the cold material over your blazing skin. “Your heart is beating so fast.”
“No…” you do your best to lie, hopefully that can save you or else you’ll have to hide in your dorm for the rest of your days while Luffy harasses you over embarrassing yourself in front of his friend.
“Your body doesn’t lie sweetness,” you can feel his stare drilling holes into your forehead now. “Ah, there it goes again.” You think you’re going to melt on top of his exam table if he doesn’t stop revealing things you don’t want to tell him. Your grip on the doctor roll makes it crackle beneath your hands as you try to calm down before you speak.
“What kind of examination is this anyway, I told you I’m just congested.” Defensiveness consumes you as you lean away from his touch, brain too rattled by his other worldly looks and words. You cross your arms and snub your head to the side, unbeknownst to you but most definitely to his own enjoyment it pushes your breasts together. You sigh, feeling bad for raising your voice at him. Maybe a bit of honesty will lessen the tension between you both.
“Look, I’m sorry for yelling, it’s just you’re really attractive and it’s making me nervous.” You drop your guard as you look up at him earnestly, apologizing isn’t always your strong suit.
He could be wrong, but he feels you want him in the way he wants you too. Luffy was right, his friend was hot. He’d heard about you in fleeting conversations, but was always curious to know what you looked like. There was just no way any normal person would want to be around that guy for more than a few minutes at a time. He could kill that guy for hiding such a beauty from him.
“I can help with that.” He turns his back to you once again, setting down his stethoscope. You’re gagged from the fact he blatantly ignored your confession. Your eyes that had drifted to the side now meet his as you stare at him wide eyed in disbelief. He leans over you, slotting his knee between your legs while his hands rest on either side of your head. You blink at him a few times dumbfounded because a few seconds ago you were sitting up but now lay flat on your back as he cages you in. Desire swirls deep in your stomach as you clench your fists.
He doesn’t make any sort of move on you till he has your consent. Sure he’s definitely already used some of his medical practice to his advantage, but he’s not here to hurt you. He won’t do anything to you unless he's sure you feel the same way.
You’re so turned on by it all that your legs squeeze together, interrupted by the knee slotted between them. “Please?” It comes out as more of a whine than anything while you place your hands on his shoulders, dragging him down to kiss you. It's sloppy and rushed at best, filled with mutual hunger as your tongues collide. His knee slides further and further upwards till it makes contact with your cunt that’s slowly becoming needier for more of his touch.
The swap of saliva is anything but sanitary and you almost feel bad for the fact you’ll get him sick after this. When he pulls away a string of spit connects you both, glimmering under the dimmed fluorescent lights, “here, lemme get that.” Traffy, or rather Law, swipes the pad of his thumb across your bottom lip trying to clean up the mess he’s made, a shame, you like it dirty. You catch the digit with your tongue before sucking it into your mouth, working your warm muscle all over whatever’s available to you. His eyes darken a shade as they gloss over when you release his finger with a loud pop sound.
“Is this still part of the ‘check up’” you tease, a coy smile tugs at your lips as you try to rock your hips against his knee. “Cause if so, I think I’m a little sick Doc.” He likes this flirtier side of you, what happened to the girl who walked into his office 30 minutes ago that couldn’t look him in the eye? Who knew such a shitty job with inadequate pay could be so fun.
Law lets his speckled hands run along your sides, groping whatever free skin he can. “Yeah? Think the only cure’s suckin me off. It’s terminal. Better work fast, doctor's orders.” His words send shivers of excitement coasting through you like waves. You’re entranced by that smirk of his, what other kinds of faces can a stoic man like him make?
You sit up to undo his belt hastily while he pulls your tank top off from over your head. It’s a flurry of items being removed till you’re sinking to your knees in front of him. Every part of him is beautiful, dark hair that stands out against lighter skin on his abdomen, additional tattoos that trail down his body that aren’t just on his hands. You could eat him alive and not spare a single bite, he’s tantalizing.
Those same bright eyes watch you now as you admire him, drinking you in. After you’ve finished checking him out you place your hands on his thighs, kissing the tip of his cock which makes him tense beneath your hands. “What, are you nervous, doctor?” He hisses in response, twitching tentatively right before your eyes. You lick from the underside of his base to the tip, running your tongue along his veins.
Law’s more of a pervert in theory rather than in practice, watching you eagerly suck him off like candy brings down all his resolve. His cock slipping in and out of your lips makes his toes curl. He’s trying to suppress whimpers by biting down on the back of his hand. Heat rises to his face as he melts like putty with each jerk of your wrist. “You’re so cute like this Traffy, feel so big in my hands.” He groans at your praise, eyebrows knitting together while sweat builds at his hairline. Those med school types are always such sluts for praise, you should have known.
You slide your tongue along his sensitive slit while your hand twists around his base. “Such a pretty boy, you’d let anyone who walks in suck your dick like this huh?” The role reversal makes him delirious, he’s whining for you like his life depends on it.
“N-no. Just you, swear.” His voice is trembling as he struggles to look you in the eye. He doesn’t want to cum yet but if you keep talking to him like he’s some kind of slut he just might. He can’t remember the last time someone’s sucked him off like this, treating his dick like a prized commodity, it’s too much for him.
You take all of him in your throat while breathing through your nose, grasping at his bare thighs with your well manicured nails. He’s so thick it surprisingly makes you gag around him, tears well up in your vision but you push through, bobbing your head along his length. Spit dribbles down your chin and he’s convinced you’re trying to suck him dry. “Fuck please, do-don’t stop,” he’s never felt this out of control in his life and for once it feels nice to let go. He cums down your throat with no verbal warnings but his body said everything, orgasm ripping through him with a guttural moan.
But you don’t stop, continuing to suck him through his climax till he’s doubled over whining. “You even taste good,” you say while licking the corners of your mouth and then your fingers, letting your tongue slide between the webs of your hands. It makes his jaw drop and he can’t even say anything, his dick gets hard all over again from feeling so desired. Seems he’s found a new favorite patient.
Law can’t just leave you like this, not after you swallowed his load like you’d done it a million times before. He drags your kneeling form up to sit in his lap, letting you settle on him. He finds the placement of your hands on his chest endearing, your fingertips trail his inked skin and it feels intimate for someone who just caused him to break plenty of OSHA laws upon their first meeting. “I want you to use me, show me how to make you feel good,” the tip of his nose grazes your cheek as he speaks low in your ear.
Oh god, he doesn’t even know. It’s like he’s just opened Pandora’s box without a care in the world, and worst of all he personally asked for it. You can only smile sweetly, “this time let me hear you.” He nods like a dog just given orders, resting back against his palms as he waits for instructions. Your hands continue to feel him up, raking your nails across his pecks or squeezing at his biceps while you praise his figure. Law continuously gets harder beneath you, not even he was aware of this newfound kink for praise. Precum leaks from his tip in globs, please for the love of god just fuck him already.
You take him with no prep, usually you’d make sure to stretch yourself but with how wet he’s made you it’s honestly unnecessary. “Aah— fuck wait wait. You’re so tight.” He tries bracing himself when you sheath him, hands come flying to your hips as he grips you in place. “Can’t.. you feel s’good,” he’s breathing heavily trying to ground himself. Maybe he’s bitten off more than he can chew.
“But you’re taking me so well baby, your cock’s perfect.” And again he moans, it’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever heard, he tries biting his bottom lip to silence himself but you roll your hips forwards. “I said, let me hear you.” You wrap your arms around his neck as you push yourself up by your thighs to drop back down again. Continuing the motion while he struggles to keep up beneath you. Law attempts to keep his eyes open but with his previous orgasm it’s borderline impossible, the rhythmic slam of your hips on his dick sends his mind somewhere hazy.
He’s too cute, falling apart like this. Zero composure left to his name as you bounce up and down. The veins on his cock rub so deliciously within your heat, every time they throb you’re sent into ecstasy. The table creaks and gives as you ride him, if anyone walked in right now they could hear it or him whimpering helplessly.
You lean forward trying to position yourself so your clit grazes his pelvis with each grind of your hips. “Touch me Traffy, anywhere please just touch me.” Your close, so close that you can feel the pressure building in your cunt. His mouth latches onto your nipple, kneading the soft flesh with practiced hands. The added sensation sends your head rolling back, tapered pants of how good he is at this and how you don’t want him to stop escape you.
The view is impeccable, delicate tits in his face while your slick pussy engulfs him. He watches the way your mouth moves when you say his name and saves the memory for later use when he’s all alone. It almost feels like a movie to him, but he knows a film couldn’t be as good as this. Even that stupid nickname he’s gotten over the years sounds so sultry coming from you right now.
Your hand comes down from his shoulder to push him off you and he’s startled, figuring he must have done something wrong, but then you’re touching yourself as you fuck him and he’s trying to keep the floodgates from pouring over. You twist and tug at your own breast before trailing it down your body, trying to relieve that desperate ache that’s built up throughout your trip to his clinic. His eyes are blown wide, pupils dilated as he watches your fingers drag through your folds and then your puffy clit. “Said you wanted to watch me, so watch pervert.”
Oh fuckkkk. His hips jerk, biting his own lip hard enough to draw blood as he coats your insides white. He can’t do anything but whimper and shake noisily, gravelly voice failing him because of how hard this second orgasm rips through him. “Yes yes yes! Fuck, you’re so hot.” You must be trying to kill him, he can’t take anymore of your praise or he’s going to have to come back for more.
“Such a slutty face, gonna make me cum all over this dick.” Your fingers work faster and faster over your nub bringing you closer to that euphoria. It’s licking your insides like wildfire and it truly feels like it might be the cure to any disease. Finally it crashes over you, the back of your thighs slap against his for the final time as you cream all around him. Hands shooting for his hair as you grind out the remainder of your high.
It felt so dirty to be used as a cock to fuck but dear god did it look so good. Your heavy breath hitting him in warm fans as your body calms down. “So..” you huff while laying down on top of him, “think I’m cured?”
“No, I think you’ll have to visit for regular check ups.” Those same hands that you first noticed when you walked in rub circles on the dimples of your lower back, another cheeky smirk from the med student following suit.
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luveline · 7 months
hi jadeee!!! :D i read the fic abt poly!marauders with depressed reader and i was wondering if you could do one with aaron? for example r having trouble getting out of bed or doing small tasks and her mental health getting bad again, i don’t know if its just me but i rarely find these kind of fics <3
hi gorgeous i hope this is ok! fem, 1k
“How are you feeling?” Aaron asks, patting his face dry with a towel. 
You rub sleep from your eyes, catching Aaron's eyes in the mirror over his broad shoulders. You offer him a tired sort of smile.
“Come here,” he says. 
You do as he says. Aaron's getting dressed for work, and it's miraculous to have you up and out of bed before him considering how depressed you've been lately. Your abdomen presses to his.
“What are you going to do today?” he asks, wetting a washcloth in the sink. He feels the temperature of the water for a few seconds. 
“Um…” You close your eyes in preparation. “I have to shower. And I want to… make you dinner. So I'll do that.” He brings the washcloth to your face and rubs at your skin gently, little rivers of warm water creeping down your face and neck. “Is my appointment today?” 
“No, sweetheart. It's not until Tuesday.” He cleans your nose, your sleep-crusted lashes. “Why not have a bath? That way you can sit. You could bring your laptop in here and watch a movie.” 
“That…” You run out of steam as he wipes the last stretch of your cheek gently. 
If you can't manage a shower today, Aaron will help when he comes home. He never makes it seem like an obstacle or an imposition to help you through these things, treating it like any other hour of time spent together. “Dinner would be nice. But make sure you set the timer if you use the oven. I'll worry.” 
He passes you your toothbrush and toothpaste. You squeeze it out onto the bristles as he sets about neatening your hair for the day, fingertips gentle on the soft skin of your hairline. You force the toothbrush into your mouth and start out slowly. You feel a disconnect between you and your actions, his touch the only tether, and every brush takes effort you don't have. 
“I didn't say good morning,” he says apologetically, rubbing your shoulders with some loving roughness. “How did you sleep?” 
Sleep is a big blob you don't have words for. “Good morning,” you say through toothpaste, leaning your face into his arm. 
He kisses whatever bit of your face he can reach. “Good morning.” 
“Sorry if I'm dirty.” 
“You aren't honey, you're fine. We just need to keep on top of it.” 
He pulls away to let you finish your half job, offering you a floss pick that you take on automatic but can't force yourself to use. It stays in your hand all the way to the breakfast table, where you get served sliced fruits and toast with chocolate spread. It's the kind with lots of calories, to keep you going if you can't manage your own lunch. Aaron makes you lunch most of the time if you can't do it yourself and leaves it in a tupperware in the fridge, but actually getting up to reheat it is another thing. You usually do it if your stomach aches but not otherwise. Already, you're wanting to go back to bed. Another day of letting him down. 
He gives you your medication divider, sipping at his own mug of coffee. “Jack's coming back tonight. Are you excited?” 
“So excited,” you say honestly. “Did he have a good time at, uh, Mason's?” 
“I think so. They went to Pizza Hut buffet. He said we have to go for his birthday.” He smiles at you from over the lip of his mug, eyes all manner of tender. “He asked if you're still sleeping.” 
“Don't let him worry about me,” you say, half-pleading. 
“No, I won't. You know I won't. He's just noticed you're not feeling your best, but it's not a bad thing. He wants to tuck you in.” 
“He said that?” 
Aaron nods with a smile. “He misses you when he doesn't see you.” 
“I miss him… I'm sorry. About all of this. I really…” You look down at your hands. Toast crumbs cling to your fingers, little white ants that catch hold when you attempt to shake them off. You wipe them in your pants. “I promise I'm trying.” 
He rounds the table. Takes your face into his hand, but doesn't force your head up. “That's not in question,” he says in his dulcet tone. “We want you to feel as good as you can. It doesn't matter how long it takes.” 
“I just want to be better.” I just want this feeling to be over. 
He hums into himself, his big hand a warm, steady thing where it covers your cheek. He's so solid. 
“Listen,” he says, bending to meet your eye. “Today, I only want you to do three things. Do you think you can do that? If you can't, I won't be mad, but I want you to try.” 
“Firstly, what you said about dinner? That sounds nice. Being active is good for you.” He measures your reaction. You've schooled your features into a determined seriousness that makes him smile. “Alright. Secondly, you take that nice long bath.” 
Your seriousness falters. “Sorry.” 
“No, no, don't be. It's not like that, sweetheart, I just want you to stay healthy, and to feel good about yourself. That's why I need you to eat lunch too.” 
“Is that the third thing?” 
“No, the third thing is to give me a kiss because I'm about to be late for work.” 
You tip your head up and he kisses you sweetly as always. You let him fawn and fret for a few minutes before he really has to leave, and then it's your fault he's late, calling him back in for a last hug. To be fair to you, it's a hug you really, really need. 
“Call me if you need to,” he says, his cheek against your temple. “I'll come home. I promise.” 
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pedge-page · 2 months
I can imagine preggo wife literally talking and talking and talking in the middle of a movie and gets offended and leaves when Joel tells her to quiet down
Joel Dealing with Preggo Wife : Yapper
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notes: Oh I had fun writing this! no warnings (maybe some Fugitive and Raiders spoilers), Enjoy!
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Joel’s pretty excited for movie night. It’s one of the few films the two of you don’t argue over and can pretty much watch the entire way through without disruption.
Or at least, it used to be.
Joel settles against the couch armrest with his feet propped up, knees bent slightly so you have room to sit in front. He’s got any snack you could think of within an arm reach away, and he’s got the title on pause so you can scooch your fat booty and big belly comfortably. Usually takes about 15 minutes of squirming, smacking his chest to “fluff” it up, adding a pillow at his crotch, then taking it away because you like his hard cock there instead, elbow in his groin and then his knee, then you gotta get up to pee before starting the whole process over.
“OK Im ready!” You say after 15 minutes on the dot, snuggling close to him with the back of your head rested against the crook of his neck.
He finally hits play, and the Lucasfilm logo flashes across the screen. The tropical forest and ominous music plays as the familiar font of Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark fade on to the screen.
“Joel. Joel. Hey Joel.” 
“Did you know Indiana was named after George Lucas dog? Who also was the physical inspiration for chewy?” You ask  rhetorically. 
It takes him a second to understand you’re asking him a question. “What?”
“Chewbacca! From Star Wars!”
“Oh ok neat,” he says with some enthusiasm, but quick to end it and get back to watching the movie—
“Yeah also Sean Connery is also apparently—well guess how much older he is to Harrison Ford.”
“Um—I don’t—I don’t know.” Joel says slowly, watching as Indy carefully removes the sand from the pouch and weighs it to the gold idol.
“C’mon, guess!”
“I really don’t know, can we—“
“12 years older than Harrison in Last Crusade! My mom was like ‘WHAT no way’ and I was like ‘Yes way’ and she was like ‘He's his father and he's got all that white in his hair and receding hairline’ and I was like ‘Joel's only in his late 30s and he's got white in his beard.’”
Joel can’t hear a damn thing happening on screen except the shouts about hating a pet snake named Reggie. “Wha—“
“Not that you look anything like Sean Connery in Last Crusade. Maybe in like Bond —oof he was the hottest Bond. Plus you got like a receding beard-line with all the patches, I don’t know, but my mom was like ‘Ya know Joel's got more white hair lately since you've been pregnant’ and I was like ‘Nah uh’ and she was like ‘Ya huh’ and I was like ‘Huh I wonder why that is…?’ Anyway but nope only 12 years between him and Ford—“
Joel turns to look at you with a frown, a bit confused and amazed at how you have so much to say, right now, oblivious as ever. 
It doesn’t phase your rambling one bit: “—Like damn, but you know Harrison Ford has always been handsome. But like in the bad boy kind of way, not like handsome upstanding like Christopher Reeves? When I saw The Fugitive, I was like ‘oooohhhh I'll be his wife now’ hahaha! no no I’m sorry, he’s famous and I’m not so that’s why I married you, but that's such a fall film don't you think? Minus the murder and betrayal and fucking Dr Charles Nickles like was he British or not? He was in and out of an accent the whole time? Didn't make sense to me but yeah, it's just such a fall Cozy film.”
Joel looks back at the screen and realizes Marion is already being cornered by the Nazi creep: “Ah huh—honey—“
“OH! I Love her song! It’s kind of like Leia and Han’s from Empire except the last notes are different, like it goes do doooooo instead of da dat dada daaaaaaa, That’s just John William’s for ya, but you’d never notice they were so similar!”
Joel opens his mouth to say something but nothing comes out as you continue:
“—Also I know you said my mom made good apple pie but I really wanna try to make it because I want you to like mine more, so I need you to get some apples and pie crust and butter and stuff from the store, I’ll make a list so you can get it. They said we need ground cinnamon but I think ours expired like 5 years ago so don’t forget that. And then I'm gonna tell you how to slice the apples since I can't handle sharp objects and then oh I need you to get the mixer from the top shelf and then you have to mix it all together and slice the top with like little heart patterns and then put it in the oven n stuff ‘cause it's hot and I don't wanna burn OH and that reminds me—!” 
“Hmm? yes?” You ask with a innocent smile. 
“Let's try to be quiet and watch the movie ok?”
He offers a gentle smile and nods, pointing towards the TV again and settling to watch it with his beautiful wife.
His very very very unhappy wife. Your eyes haven’t left his, face now downturned in such a scowl, he should be shitting his pants.
You roll your jaw at him once, teeth grinding against one another with slitted, murderous eyes. Joel gulps, too afraid to glance back at you again. His eyes are wide staring at the commotion on the television but, now in your deadly silence, he can’t seen to focus on it at all. 
Instead of saying anything, you roll polly up to your feet, arms crossed over your chest defensively as you utter a loud “Hmph!” before storming away from the living room.
He’ll have to deal with groveling tomorrow morning when you might be a little more welcoming. But on the bright side, he’s got way more room to spread out on the couch and he can hear the movie much better now! 
He switches it off and runs upstairs to get on his knees by your side of the bed, begging for your forgiveness and promises of a Clyde's milkshake to go. 
- - - -
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bruisedboys · 1 year
ok this prompt is a lil long but just use it for the vibes if that makes it easier okok i love u
“your head is so numb. that nervous breath you try to hide. between the motions. that trembling tender little sigh.” w/ peter parker!!
this is sooo omg. I love u for this roma. also this is not that good I’m sorry :(
fem!reader 0.5k words
It’s 5pm and Peter’s already got you in his lap. Really, you can’t blame him. You’d looked so pretty when you got home from work he couldn’t keep his hands off you.
He’s already managed to get you out of your work blouse. Unbuttoned it all the way down while you’d kissed him silly, then pushed it over your shoulders onto the floor and kept right on kissing you.
He kisses you languid and messy, drinking you up like he’s been deprived of you for days. He hasn’t. He’d seen you just this morning. But it feels like it’s been forever.
Peter thinks you’re even more eager than him tonight, which is saying something. You’ve been all over him, hands on his neck and chest and waist. Lips hungry and unforgiving. Now, your hands glide from his shoulders down to his hips and then you’re slipping them beneath his shirt. Peter suddenly decides he needs a breather.
“Y/N,” he breathes out, sounding like he’s just run a marathon.
He pulls away and you try to chase his lips with yours. It’s insanely cute and a little (a lot) attractive. Peter holds you back with one hand on your sternum. You stop searching and open your eyes.
“What?” You ask, sounding similarly out of breath. Peter can feel your heartbeat under his hand. It’s racing. “You don’t want me to touch you?”
Frowning, you pull your hands away from his skin. Peter misses your touch immediately.
“No!” He says quickly, his tone taking an embarrassing desperate edge. “No, that’s not it.”
With his free hand he takes your wrist and guides your hand back to the hem of his shirt. You look very content with this. You slide your hand under the fabric and spread it over Peter’s stomach. Peter tries desperately to hide the nervous breath that escapes his lips.
“What is it, then?” You ask.
Peter feels your thumb stroking over the fine hairs on his stomach and just about loses his mind. He struggles to get the next words out.
“Um, I—I just need a breather,” he manages. The stuttering makes his already hot face grow hotter. “My head feels numb.”
You squint at him and shuffle forwards on his lap. Your hand finds his forehead and you push your fingers into his hairline. “Good numb or bad numb?”
Peter feels your thighs pressing against his, your hand in his hair, and it’s all too much. He throws his head back against the couch and lets out a trembling sigh.
“Good numb,” he admits weakly. He’s sure he sounds quite pathetic. He can’t bring himself to care very much, because now you’re giggling like mad.
Peter shoots up. “What’s funny?” He demands. He’s still very hot in the face and out of breath.
“Nothing,” you say, but you’re smiling like it’s something. “You’re really cute, you know that?”
Peter rolls his eyes. You’re sitting in his lap, in nothing but your bra and work skirt, and you’re calling him cute.
“That’s funny,” he says seriously, “I was just about to tell you the same thing.”
You burst out laughing again, peals of sticky giggles rolling from your lips. Peter feels so lovesick his head hurts.
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The Great Shift: Reunion
The Great Shift is a well known event that had swapped over 90% of the world’s population! However, after the initial fallout and chaos, a few years later people began to acclimate to their lives. Though there were still moments where people were confronted with just how much they’ve changed.
“Ok Ned Nuno. No one is gonna remember you as Ned the know it all. It’s been years. People are mature and have their own lives.” Ned said to himself in the mirror. 
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The young man looked back at his model like reflection. Sometimes he still couldn’t believe it was him. Only a few years ago he was looking at his own bespectacled face with his receding hairline. Sure he’s what some would call cute and charming. He always had a knack for intelligent conversation. After college he embraced his intelligence even more and had the luxury to travel as he got older... but he couldn’t deny that his former body wasn’t turning any heads romantically. They’d haver to notice the 5 foot tall waifish man for that to happen. 
But now... that was no longer the case. All those years ago he was traveling at an airport when the Great Shift happened. One moment he was departing his plane, the next he was in a boarding area waiting to be seated!
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Needless to say it was a shock. He’d gone from a smaller and dark skinned to a clearly white and very in shape young man! He later found that this guy was named Connor Duval and was  just 21 years old at the time! Still in college too. And... well those first few days he certainly had a lot to learn about his new form. 
However he couldn’t reminisce any further. He needed to get ready for his school’s 10 year reunion. He wasn’t the same timid nerd that people would pick on. He was braver! He’d seen the world! And wasn’t afraid!
- One ride to the school later -
“Ok. I’m afraid! Jackie! Are you here yet? I know this is the 2nd message I left for you on your phone, but I don’t want to be the only one here I know! You were always my best friend and I’m sorry I’m so nervous and-” Ned was pacing nervously outside of the building he once learned at, waiting to go in with his friend.
“Easy there poindexter. Your bestie is back.” A deep voice says spooking  Ned as he jumps.
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“J-Jackie?” Ned asks nervously seeing the towering muscular figure beside him.
“In the flesh. I though I told you that I shifted into that big Ukrainian construction worker? I mean all the better for it right? None of your old bullies ever messed with you when you butch lesbian bestie was at your side.” Jackie said with a flex.
“I know. I know. You were always so open and brave with yourself It’s honestly inspiring. I’m sorry i was so shocked. I’m just nervous and it’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other. I hope your girlfriend is taking it ok.” Ned offers sympathetically.
“Yeah she loves it. She swapped into this bi goddess of a woman and works out with me a lot. Good thing too! I’m still only attracted to women and I have the best one sucking me off every night!” Jackie bragged. Previously her normal crude humor always let out a laugh from Ned, but now Ned trembled a bit as Jackie sounded just like those macho straight guys that bullied him.
“Aren’t you a little under dressed without um... a shirt?” Ned asks.
“Ha! Well you know. I thought about going nude. But I did pack a polo so i can be decent. Aren’t you over dressed Ned?”
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“What!? I  couldn’t decide what to wear! I just chose one of my body’s outfits that still fits...” Ned blushes in his nice suit. Sure he was a 6 foot tall model with abs, but his indecision in outfits was ever present.
“Neverminded that anymore. Let’s get in there! You’re a tenured professor for Pete’s sake. And I’m a well known LGBT author. We got a lot to talk about.”
Jackie pulled Ned in with his surprising strength and they began to hear the music and mingling. Inside they were given name tags and soon saw the crowds of people that none of them recognized! One of the perks of the shift was that no one was ever mad when they didn’t recognize one another. In this case though Jackie and Ned’s eyes zeroed in on a few key people.
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Stacy Skarsgaard was always known as the head cheerleader and total B. Her platinum blond hair and perky breasts getting her through life and landing her a cushy secretary job somewhere in the city, from what Jackie had heard. Now once again, as she was so many other times, she was blasted drunk and taking her top off. Only this time it revealed a powerful dark skinned chest with curly black hairs. Her perfectly shaved face saying, “And like. I”m already on my 4th husband and he totally worships me. Takes care of the kids and still tops me like a champ. Like. I totally see why gay guys do it all the time. I can’t stop. Any more martinis?”
Jackie snorts. “Where was that open mindedness when she tried to get student council to take down the LGBT Support Club? Freaking hypocrite. Their eyes then drifted to three men chest bumping and laughing.
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“Are those guys Chad, Thad, and Grad?” Ned asks surprised. “Weren’t they... like the biggest guys on the football team?” Ned recalled the days when those beefy fat bodies would pound through the halls and shove him against lockers.
“Oh yeah. I heard they were working as assistant coaches at some college and ended up swapping with their respective school’s freshman swim team. They... certainly lost a lot of that freshmen 15 that we saw them with in university.” Jackie laughed admiring how they both towered over their former bullies, though Ned once again felt insecure about how much their abs looked better than his. Those three guys kept messing around but in different ways. Instead of belching and arm wrestling they were doing some handstands and showing how flexible they were. 
“Ok. Ned. Stop sulking and start catching up. You wanted to prove to yourself you could stand up to your past. Now is your chance. Next person to walk through that door is gonna be a new person you have to say Hi to ok?” Jackie commanded.
Ned gulped and looked at the door nervously and was in awe of who stepped in.
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“Paul Bailey?” Ned said astonished. He’d recognize that familiar leather jacket anywhere.... he could still smell it as the closeted athlete wrapped his arms around him all those years ago under the bleachers after a big game. Neither have them had mentioned the night since, but that hadn’t stopped Ned from cherishing that memory.... as well as stalking him occasionally on social media seeing who he swapped with. 
Ned hadn’t realized he’d been staring that long as Paul immediately saw him and walked over. “Holy... Ned? Is that you. Wow you sure changed.” The man joked. His voice was different... but still so deep and smooth Ned nearly swooned.
“H-hey Paul. Guess we all have since the switch. You’re um... looking good.” Ned admitted, blushing. He missed his previous heritage that made these embarrassing actions less noticeable with his former darker skin. 
“Thanks. I guess I traded in my older pasty body for a new more bronze kind. I wasn’t expecting to swap with an Asian bodybuilder, but hey I was at the airport. Right or wrong place depending who you ask for the shift.” 
“Really? I was at the airport too when I shifted. It was kinda funny. I’d been traveling a lot since I got tenure as a professor, but the first thing I did when I shifted was trip. I guess no amount of travelling prepares you for suddenly having size 14 feet.” Ned laughs.
“Really? They do look big... dang. Those are like twice the size of your old ones.” Paul laughs too!
“Y-you remembered me that well?” The nerd felt touched.
“Of course,” Paul replied as it was his turn to blush. “Though hey! I got you beat with these size 17 wide feet. With these heavy muscle I nearly took out an entire cart of luggage.”
The two continued to laugh, comparing bodies, stories, and catching up. Jackie suddenly took her leave to be ogled by all of the female attendants.
Ned and Paul were having a great time walking around, having fun, and enjoying each other’s company.
Ned didn’t know that their bodies had met previously. That Connor was on the way to visit his boyfriend at the time... that miles away their original bodies were holding hands and laughing too... Ned couldn’t know that Paul had also been secretly keeping up with Ned after feeling bad about kissing and never calling...
But there are some things a know it all doesn’t know. Maybe it’ll be fun for him to start learning again. This time with someone both old/new.
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year
Baby Spider: I don’t understand..
Aonung: I know bro it’s okay:
Baby spider: but he’s right behind you..
Aonung: aww Spider baby-‘turns around’
Neteyam: hay guysss I’m backk
ao'nung didn't want to believe it, not at first, not when it felt like an awful trick. surely he couldn't really back, he was dead, he had been dead for months. but spider was reaching for the undead boy and neteyam was walking towards him, that skittish but comforting smile he always wore.
ao'nung found himself, despite every instinct telling him to not fall for it, to not get his broken by what surely couldn't be true, meeting him in the middle, sinking into his embrace. he heard spider talking to the other boy, latching onto him as well, but he couldn't make out the words over the sound of neteyam's heartbeat, the feeling of it pounding against his cheek where it rest on his scarred chest.
"Eywa's handing out miracles now is she?" he joked through the tears, relief sagging his body, neteyam holding the trio up in his strong arms.
"yeah, it seems that way."
ao'nung pulled away only to shift his grip on spider, the little one starting to slip down his chest as he squirmed to be in neteyam's arms. he carefully wound his hands under spiders arms, passing him to neteyam, making sure he was pressed safely to his chest.
"got him?"
"I got him, I promise." neteyam's eyes flashed as he took the baby into his arms, smiling at ao'nung as he stood awkwardly watching spider hug his brother as tight as he could, "so... how've you been?" neteyam asked awkwardly
"how have I been? you were dead neteyam, I... I missed you so much, and I want to be really angry with you for leaving us, but I can't, and-" he couldn't help but throw himself back into the boy, sandwiching spider between them, spider rubbing his head up against ao'nung like a cat. "don't go again,"
"I won't, I promise." he was holding onto ao'nungs neck, gently rubbing a thumb against his hairline, like he did with lo'ak. "now, we should probably go talk... to our families."" he spoke wearily, like a man about to meet his in-laws for the first time.
"yeah... oh Eywa, your so screwed dude,"
"you'll make sure they don't smother me, right?" his voice has the slightest lilt of a laugh
"um, if your holding the baby they won't tackle you on sight, but your mama, she might smother the two of you together, she's really taken to spider the last few months."
"she has?" he sounded hopeful, looking back down at the baby.
"yeah... we adopted spider, after you... she healed, as best as she could, spider and her are closer now. ever since this whole thing happened, she's trying to fix it... I- I tried to stop it at first, but... he needs this."
"that's good, he deserves a real family, not just us kids, and my mom, she deserved to heal. you're a good brother 'nung, protecting him, you did good... can't say I would have let my mom near him if I was you."
"yeah, you would, cause you would do what's best for him." he knew that to ring true about neteyam, he did what was right, always, even if it cost him everything.
neteyam just nodded, his focus back on spi, who was wiping his cheeks of his tears, luckily, they could be counted as happy tears this time around.
ao'nung lead the way, listening to neteyam and spider's conversation.
"how have you been little man?"
"mmm... confused... my mama says I was blessed by eywa, but its so weird, everyone's big now, and we have a new little sister and... you were gone and neytiri seems to like me now. I have a new family know, they're very nice, they said you were friends. ao'nungs a good big brother and tsireya is very nice," spider rambled away until he was out of breath.
"that does sound very confusing spi," he clearly didn't know what to say to the boy, how does one respond to that
"mhm, but I guess its ok... I like my new family, and I'm still friends with you guys and neytiri lets me stay late now, so I'll be ok." spiders voice held a hopeful confidence as he hugged himself close to his brother.
"that's good spi, that's really good." neteyam sounded choked again, it had to be rough hearing his little brother talk of his family as if they were just friends, like the treatment neytiri used to put him through was resolved simply by letting him stay for dinner, to speak of people who were just becoming friends in his own memory like family. but neteyam kept a strong face for spider, and ao'nung was grateful for it.
"come this way, straight to the family pod, it'll be best if no one sees you yet, cause... I have a feeling that would not end well for you." ao'nung quipped, leading neteyam down a far more secluded path to the pod, helping conceal him as they entered.
it was empty, ao'nung was grateful for that.
"I will go find the others, you stay here with him, prepare yourself."
"will do," neteyam answered, alreayd being lead by spider to the corner he shared with ao'nung showing him the shells he had found with their mama.
ao'nung took a long, deep breath, this was going to be a long long day.
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destroyabez · 1 year
Ok so @unabashedchaosturtle had this headcanon for after Spider gets adopted by the Sullys with Neytiri trying her best to change but change takes awhile so she is aggressively doing nice things to Spider and Spider does not know what's going on so yippee!!!
I am trying
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Spider does not know what's going on anymore, he has given up trying to figure out what was going on with him and Neytiri long ago but it's still unnerving
He had been officially adopted by the Sullys at least a few seasons ago and ever since then their has been something going on with Neytiri's treatment of him
She hadn't been the same as she always was with him, either ignoring him or getting irritated at him
No now she seemed to be... how could he say this um...
Aggressively kind to him?...
"Spider!" Neytiri's seemingly mad voice cut through the laughter of the sully kids like a knife
Spider froze almost instantly in fear, he knew that Neytiri would only tolerate him for some time but he hadn't expected it to be so soon
It's okay though, he at least enjoyed it while he had it
"Srane Mrs. sully" He responded as she approached him with a long comfident stride
"Za'u! I tare tsyosyu nga'lu etrìp syuve!" Her tone stayed the same but she beckoned for him and the rest of the sully kids to follow her
Spider still very confused, stayed where he was trying to figure out what was going on
"I lawk za'u!" She raised her voice a little more as she moved to grab him
She did easily and basically carried him back to their home, and once they got there she shoved a bowl of Spiders favorite soup into his hand with the order to sit down
That had been the first time that had happened and it continued
Spider remembered some other times, like that one time he had chosen to stay the night with the Sullys instead of going back to Hells gate
He had been getting comfortable with the other sully kids while also being careful of Neteyams wound
They had all finally gotten comfortable when Neytiri walked over
As usual she kissed Neteyams head first, whispering with a smile that she was so grateful of him, then Kiri, praising her of her connection with Eywa, Lo'ak came next, she gave thanks for her brave son, then came Tu- wait was she reaching for his head?
Her soft smile had disappeared as her hand reached for his head, stopping for a second, her eyes flashed something Spider couldn't quite put his finger on before continuing
Grabbing his head gently she laid a kiss on his head right between his mask and his hairline as she said "Rutxe tìng ma maitan lefpom unil si's"
She moved to Tuk and said something Spider couldn't understand as he was trying not to cry, both from happiness and confusion
From then on it became small things like complimenting his hair in a weird angry way? Spider couldn't care less, he was just happy she was being nice to him
He would never complain about it but it was odd in his eyes but he chose not to question it and he continued to be happy with this
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Giggling evily (I hope this didn't suck so much I'm sorry) and uh translations!!!
Srane- Yes
Za'u - Come
Za'u! I tare tsyosyu nga'lu etrìp syuve! - Come I have made your favorite food!
I lawk Za'u! - I said come!
Rutxe tìng ma maitan lefpom unil si's - Please give my son pleasant dreams
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WIP Wednesday
Fanonwriter2023 on AO3
Where CANON and FANON collide!
FANON speculation for season 7
Buddie Multi-Chapter Fanfic - Hiatus Reading: “I’m still in love with you but... I needed to learn how to love myself too!” 
Chapter 10 will be posted soon.
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I’m excited to finish writing Chapter 10 because a lot is happening and there's still more to come. At the end of Chapter 9, Buck and Eddie were trying to cope with everything that happened during and after Jonah's criminal trial. At the end of day two, Buck had a major panic attack, he asked Eddie to get him out of the courthouse and Eddie drove them home instead of taking Buck back to the loft. Then Buck scheduled an emergency therapy appointment with Dr. Copeland and later that night, after Chris and Buck were already asleep, Eddie spent time trying to decide if he should make an emergency appointment with Frank instead of scheduling one with his new therapist, Dr. Theresa because Frank's a trauma therapist and she's not. He was strongly considering it since both him and Buck were faced yet again with additional ramifications from the shooting.
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Here are two snippets from chapter 10, i.e., one for Buck and one for Eddie.
“Let me show you a picture of my husband and our son.”  He says as he struggles to pull his cellphone out of his pocket.  “My grandson bought me this doohickey thing-a-ma-jig and if it wasn’t for him setting up the Face uh… face um…”  He looks at Buck and asks, “What do you young folks call it?”
“Uh... Face ID.”
“Yeah… that, then I wouldn’t know how to get into this thing to get to my pictures.”  Rhett scrolls through the photos app and after he finds the one he’s looking for, he holds his phone up so Buck can see it.
“See… this is me and my son.  Now that picture is about 50 years old and I was a lot younger than I am now. My son had just turned 13 and I was 31 I think..." He trails off then looks up like he's counting. "Yeah, 81 minus 50 is 31, that's right, I was 31 years old. The picture is in my phone because my grandson, he had it… well I don’t know what he did to make it show up in that thing-a-ma-jig but… it’s in there so I can show it to people instead of carrying pictures around in my wallet like I used to in the 1970s.”
Buck takes the phone, examines the picture, smiles then says, “He looks just like you.”
“Aww, thank you… everybody says that but you know what?”  Rhett says as he leans in like he’s about to tell Buck a secret.
“What?”  Buck asks.
“He’s my son and I love him dearly but biologically… he’s not mine. Alexander is my husband's son because he was married before we met but...” He shakes his head. “she died.”
Buck’s eyebrows go up so high, they almost touch his hairline.
Rhett sees Buck’s reaction, then he leans over, uses his elbow to bump Buck's arm and says, “Biology doesn’t make a family kid!”
Almost immediately Buck remembers the way a lot of people have said he looks like Bobby and Chris looks like him but until now, he hadn’t really given it too much thought because he didn't want his heartbroken. But after listening to Rhett share his story of how he found love and the way he made a family with the man of his dreams; he's starting to realize all of it means something.
Where is Buck?  Also, who is Rhett and why is he telling Buck about his life?
One of the firefighters uses the battering ram to open the door and after it's open, they step aside so Bertie and Eddie can enter the 9-1-1 caller's home.
“Hello?”  Bertie calls.
“I’m in here.” A voice from farther inside the house replies.
Bertie and Eddie follow the sound of the woman’s voice and when they make it to the kitchen, that’s where they find her.
After she sees them, the patient says, “Oh, thank you for coming.  I’m here alone and if it wasn’t for my alert necklace, I fear... no one would have ever found me”.
Bertie looks at Eddie then she looks at the patient.  “Maam, can you tell us your name?”
“Loni… it’s Loni.”
“Ok, Loni can you tell us where it hurts?”  Eddie asks.
“My back.  I slipped in some water I spilled… I thought I mopped it all up but I must have missed it.”
“It’s ok, we’re here to help.”
Bertie looks up at the two firefighters who just walked in and asks, “Could you two please get us a backboard for her.”  Then she turns her attention back to Loni.  “You live here alone?”
“Yes… I have for the last 50 years.  After my husband died, I figured I’d never find love again so I bought a new house and moved all the way out here for the peace and quiet because I like it.”
Bertie raises her eyebrows and Eddie notices it.  Even though they’ve only been working together for a couple of days, it didn’t take long for him to learn that Bertie speaks her mind.  That’s why he’s sure she’ll say something about Loni after they transport her to the hospital.
Who is Bertie?  Why is Eddie partnered with her and what is she going to tell him after they drop Loni off at the hospital?
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Fic Summary: Months after Buck and Eddie were hit by the same lightning strike; they’re still struggling with the aftermath of it.  But before they make their love confessions, they’ll spend time getting to know themselves as individuals first. Eddie learns to enjoy the simple things in life as he participates in activities on his own and with new friends while Buck learns the rest of the 31-year-old deep dark family secret about his conception and birth. Their journey to forever is still a work in progress but once they finally admit they’re in love with each other, everything that follows their love confessions will be cataclysmic.
Chapter Summaries
Chapter 1 -Eddie makes a new friend while Buck receives devastating news regarding the sperm donation he made for Connor and Kameron.
Chapter 2 - Buck does a lot of research to learn more about the abnormalities found in his red blood cells and Eddie starts a new therapy journey that’s all about him and not the traumas he’s experienced.
Chapter 3 -After more than a month, Buck and Eddie finally spend time together outside of work but it doesn’t end well and they part with a lot of uncertainty regarding their places in each other’s lives.
Chapter 4 - Eddie has a few realizations about his life which causes him to consider moving back to El Paso, TX while Buck continues to be reminded of his past which causes him to take an impromptu road trip across America.
Chapter 5 - Both Buck and Eddie have difficult conversations with their parents and Buck finally learns the truth behind the reason why his mother despised him while Eddie finally tells his mother about the way she tries to control him.
Chapter 6 - More than two weeks after Buck pushed Eddie away after suggesting they needed a break; Eddie decides to try again. Eddie’s there for Buck when he’s at his worst just like Buck was there for him when he was at his worst and he won’t let Buck give up.
Chapter 7 - After Buck’s mental breakdown, Eddie has his back the same way Buck had his when he had his own breakdown more than a year ago.  They share several vulnerable and emotionally intimate moments with one another and they begin to realize their small, sweet and caring gestures matter just as much if not more than any grand gesture ever could because these are part of the foundation when a couple builds a long-lasting love relationship.
Chapter 8 - Buck, Eddie and Chris all have their own therapists and during their sessions, they reflect on their pasts while they’re in the present so they can prepare for their future together as a family.
Chapter 9 - Buck and Eddie are there for each other when Buck has to testify as a witness during the trial.  But by the end of it, they’ll both realize their individual and shared traumas are going to keep resurfacing until they talk about them, deal with the fact that they’re in love with one another and face the fact that they can’t live without each other.
Chapter 10 - Will be posted soon.
I’m enjoying writing this fic because it’s giving me the chance to unravel the mess that was the 6x18 ending for Buck, Eddie and Chris.  Also, it’s taking them places the show refuses to go including Buck finally having a mental breakdown and Eddie being there for him the same way he was there for Eddie in season 5.
Buddie Multi-Chapter Fanfic - Hiatus Reading
Read chapters 1 - 9 are already available on AO3.
No pressure tagging: @spotsandsocks and @shortsighted owl. (My apologies if you've already posted.)
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salmonskinrolltf · 2 years
Anniversary Present - Pt. 5
Click here to read Part 4 and see how Jace and Levi ended up in 1980. Or start over at Part 1.
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Twenty minutes later, Jace came downstairs again, a sheepish look on his face.
Levi looked up at him, recognizing a different light shining behind his eyes. “You remembered too? I did too, just now.”
Jace sat down on the couch with a whump, sighing. “We’re related again in this timeline. This situation just gets more and more fucked up.”
Levi rubbed Jace’s back. “OK, so I have a theory. I think when we’re fighting we have a tougher time remembering ourselves. We should probably resolve this while we’re still cogent.”
Jace poked Levi in the ribs. “Now there’s a ten cent word if I’ve ever heard one. OK, I’m game.” He tweaked one of the rings in his lower lip. “Well, I can’t speak exactly to what happened in the past, because it’s technically the future and I don’t remember it.” He made himself go cross-eyed, and Levi laughed warmly. “But it seems to me that it’s very frustrating that you never put in the same effort that I do in order to maintain our house, and I feel like that means you won’t put in the effort to maintain our relationship, if it comes to that.”
Levi sighed. “I’ll admit I can be lazy sometimes. But half the time, when you want me to do something, I’m perfectly willing to do it, but by the time I get there you’ve already gotten to it and you’re giving me the stinkeye.
Jace steepled his fingers. “So it sounds like I could be a LITTLE more forgiving and in touch with your emotions. I can do that.”
Levi nodded. “And I need to put in more work to lighten your load. I can do THAT.”
Jace snuggled into the crook of Levi’s arm. “Hey, we did it! Our first big marital spat! Let’s make sure we remember in the morning so I don’t ever have to use the bathroom at that disgusting punk club ever again. The Misfits were totally worth it though.”
Levi frowned. “The Misfits? I thought you went to see… oh, nevermind, I can’t remember.”
Jace yawned, which made Levi yawn. The two of them were asleep and drooling on the couch cushions within minutes. As they slept, the face on the watch slowly began to tick down, one digit at a time, until it reached 19:75.
Jace’s lip twitched as a thick blonde mustache began to sprout, stretching so far that it nearly spilled out over his cheeks, his deep snores causing the thick hairs to ripple. In response to the sheer magnetic force of the mustache, the blue began to leach out of his hair as it deflated and settled into a messy mop over his head, the sides growing out into a short ‘do that curled slightly at the ends. As if it was feeling left out, the indentation between his clavicles churned with motion as the follicles worked into overdrive, sprouting a dense thatch of hair that didn’t spread far, but formed a mat of hair that would be sure to poke out of any collar he wore.
Still asleep, Jace scratched at the side of his stomach, where Levi’s arm rested. It was being tickled by the feather-light texture of Levi’s arm hair, which was getting longer and darker, becoming a poofy, unmanageable forest. Levi’s clean-cut jaw began to sprout a thick beard that matched the darker color. The hair on his head began to darken too, but the effect was lessened as his hairline pulled back once again, exposing more and more of his forehead.
Neither of them awoke until the sun came streaming through the living room windows. Jace gave his husband a peck on the lips, wrinkling his nose at his morning breath. “Yikes, did we fall asleep on the couch?” He stretched and looked around. “Um… Levi?”
Levi rubbed his bleary eyes, scratching at his beard with his other hand. “What’s crackin’, Jace?”
“Honey… Does our pad look different to you?” Levi stood up and looked around, taking in the shag carpet, lava lamps, and funky-patterned wallpaper. “Oh no. It happened again, didn’t it?” He picked up a framed photo from the mantle. ”At least we’re married again. Well, not legally. But the hash sure smoked the same! And you sure looked cute in them jeans…”
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Jace frowned. “This shouldn’t be happening. We set it to go back, but it shouldn’t have sent us back further on its own. I think we keep slipping backward in time. He held up the watch and noticed that the backward dial wiggled slightly when he moved his wrist. “This dial is loose, it must be sending us backward in incremental jumps, and we only notice when the decade changes too much to support our current forms. Shit! We need to figure this out quick, before we end up in the fucking Ice Age!”
Levi patted him on the back. “Chill out, man. We’re gonna figure this out! We’re getting better at remembering ourselves. That’s the first step. Now we need to use the resources we can, while we can, to figure out how to get back to our own time. First, we should see if we can fix the watch and stabilize the time flow, you dig?���
Jace nodded. “I dig. I actually seem to recall having a job at the local library, so maybe I could see if there’s anything helpful there.”
Levi smiled broadly. “There we go! Look at us, we’ve got this handled. And I’ll go to the hardware store to see if they have any toolkits for fixing it! Meet you back here in two hours?”
Jace grinned shyly. “It’s a plan, babe. They shared a quick peck on the lips before stepping out into the bright sunlight and taking off in different directions down the sidewalk.
Levi had just disappeared around the corner when Jace had the thought to double check his watch and make sure they actually had time to get everything done. As he looked down he saw the display tick down from 19:67 to 19:66. “That’s… probably not good,” he muttered.
He reeled back with a sudden dizzy spell that forced him to lean against a nearby mailbox for support. Once the feeling passed, he stood up, but he still felt hazy and disoriented. He kept shaking his head, but the feeling refused to abate. He suddenly felt claustrophobic, constricted. He removed his shirt and tossed it to the ground, not noticing as it suddenly vanished. “Now, that’s better…”
He scratched his chest. “Now what was I…?” He spun around to look down the street, trying to figure out which direction he was meant to be going. He saw his house and realized he must obviously have been heading there, so he started to drift in that direction. As he walked, the concentrated ball of chest hair on his clavicle seemed to dissolve, lazily drifting into a more diffuse pattern draped between his tan nipples, each one growing longer and scragglier as they fell into their new positions.
His mustache became a mirror image of his chest hair, becoming more scraggly and unkempt, activating all the follicles across his face as they worked overtime, pushing out long auburn strands that quickly got tangled up into one another. His curly hair straightened out and kept going, spilling down until it reached his shoulders. A pair of rose-colored glasses materialized on his face once he reached the front yard, but he was too distracted by a creeping vine on the house’s siding to notice. He traced it with a finger, following it around to the backyard.
Levi didn’t notice as all the cars on the road started to change. He didn’t notice the movie theater marquee letters slowly rearranging until they advertised A Man for All Seasons. He was too focused on getting to the hardware store.
He DID notice when his beard started to recede into his face, making it entirely bare and clean as a whistle. He was obviously perturbed by the feeling of time slipping around him, but he felt relieved. He could think better when everything was precise and orderly. He couldn’t get distracted by an itchy face. As his hairline began to descend back into place, his jaw widened to give him a handsome, hale and hearty visage. He felt confident. Powerful. Alert. His pulse quickened as his brain felt sharper, more keen, more able to notice details. Well, now THIS was handy. Better make use of it while he could. He stepped into the hardware store as his clothing started to bubble and shift on his frame.
Jace wandered through the back garden in a blissed-out haze. “Peace and love, man…” he mumbled to nobody in particular.
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His reverie was interrupted by Levi clearing his throat behind him. He turned around to see his handsome astronaut lover, back home once again. Levi’s face split into a grin. “Babe, I have a plan.”
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Continue to Part 6
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missmitchieg · 4 months
Flowers For Luke
Humming a slow melody, Penelope pointed her phone at a yellow building with a pink and white sign that read Monica's Flowers. She turned her phone toward her and grinned as she stepped out of Esther, walking toward the shop. She smiled at a burly, dark-skinned man who was looking at roses, and walked toward the counter where the owner was.
The walls were light pink and decorated with red and white heart and flower stickers, the floral displays adorned with red, pink, and white rose bouquets lining nearly every inch of the inside of the building.
"Hi! Welcome to Monica's Flowers! What can I do for you?" A girl about Penelope's height with brown curls grinned, her hands clasped together in front of her chest. She was standing next to a taller man with black hair and a name tag that said Daniel, who was preparing a bouquet of red roses with a grin on his face.
"Um, so I wanted to get flowers for my boyfriend, Luke." Penelope started with a smile.
"Aww, ok." Monica's smile grew at that.
"Yeah, I saw this TikTok, and a girl said most men don't receive flowers until their funeral, and that made me really, really sad," she continued, laughing softly as she made the taller man aww and clutch his heart. "So I wanted to get him flowers and write a note for him for Valentine's Day."
"That's so sweet! Wait, now I feel bad because I don't do that for my boyfriend." Monica pouted. "I just- when I close for the night, I'll have to take home flowers for Charlie." She nodded decisively.
"I'm taking home flowers for Michael!" Daniel agreed.
"That's a good idea, hon."
Penelope snickered into her hand, biting her lip. "So, Luke really likes Gerbera Daisies. Could I please get some pink, orange, and red ones?"
With her hand already reaching to grab a handful of pink flowers, Monica's eyes widened as her jaw dropped.
Daniel stared at her with an amused look, his eyebrows now in his hairline. "Wow. Pink, orange, and red, huh? You really love this Luke."
Penelope blushed deep red and ducked her head with a smile. "Yeah."
"That is so sweet."
"Ooh, now I'm curious. What do all those Daisy colors mean?" The dark-skinned man asked, his voice deep.
Monica snickered, pressing her lips together. "So, uh, pink Gerbera Daisies are a symbol of admiration, adoration, or high esteem for someone."
"Oh, my god."
Penelope bit her lip.
"Orange Daisies mean the recipient is the sunshine of your life." Daniel grinned.
Penelope squeaked and hid her face behind her sweater, her face warm.
"And red Daisies mean," Monica giggled, her and Daniel both putting on their best teenager in puppy love looks, "everlasting love."
"Girl, you better marry that man if that's how he makes you feel."
"Well," Penelope twirled a blonde and pink curl around her finger. "I want to." She said softly.
"Oh, my God. That's so sweet." The grin on Monica's face grew, and she grabbed more flowers, arranging them carefully.
"Oh, Luke's favorite color is sage green." Penelope said. "Do you have any sage green tissue paper, and maybe white ribbon to tie it?"
"I'll go look in the back!" Daniel grinned and rushed to the back room, coming back with sage green paper in a few seconds. "Found it!"
After Monica handed Penelope a note card and pen, she wrapped the paper around the bouquet and tied it with a white lacy ribbon. "This is so pretty. I hope your boyfriend enjoys his $70 dollar flowers."
Penelope giggled and paid for the flowers, gently placing the note in between two pink flowers. "Thank you, sweethearts!"
Now in the driveway, Penelope grabbed the bouquet and walked to the door, pushing it open slowly. "Oh, my sweet carame- Oh." She stood silently in the doorway as she took in the red rose petals on the floor leading to the dinner table, which had a white cloth topped with Caesar salads, Beyond Steak, and Pinot Grigio. "Honey…" She stared at her boyfriend in shock, revealing the flowers behind her back.
"Hey, mi amor." Luke grinned brightly, leaning against the dinner table. He frowned when he saw the bouquet and straightened up, walking toward her. "Oh, baby, did you buy these for yourself because you thought I forgot when I didn't say anything this morning?" He asked softly, his eyes filled with guilt as he wrapped Penelope in his arms.
Penelope blinked, wrapping her arms tightly around Luke's neck. Her eyes fluttered closed, breathing in his cedarwood cologne.
"Honey, I'm sorry. I didn't forget. I had this planned for two days." Luke said softly, pressing kisses to Penelope's jaw. "Happy Valentine's Day, Penelope. I love you."
"Luke, I love you." Penelope sighed when she remembered how to speak, kissing his lips softly. "Lovie, I bought these flowers for you." She said as she pulled away and placed the flowers in his hands, watching him react.
"What?" Luke tilted his head as he examined the flowers, his lips parting as his brain registered the type of flower and the colors she bought. "Oh." He whispered, gently holding the flowers in his hands. "No one's ever bought me flowers before."
A giggle escaped Penelope's lips as Luke sniffed the flowers, a smile growing on his face. "You got me gerbera daisies."
"Yeah." She smiled, gently cradling Luke's cheek.
"You remembered my favorite color." He whispered, his eyes sparkling.
"The worker had to look in the back room because everything in the front was pink and red." Penelope admitted with a blush.
With his lips pressed tightly together, Luke sniffled as he processed the information, a tear falling from his left eye. "Penelope."
Penelope gasped, gently grabbing Luke's hand. "Baby, I didn't think you were gonna cry!"
Luke sniffed and wiped his tears away, hugging Penelope again.
"I wrote a note for you, too." She smiled, watching him gently sift through the flowers to find the note.
Dear Luke,
Hi, mon amour. I've been thinking about something I read recently. That love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. That's something I love about love. That's something I love about you. You never give up on anything. You never gave up on me, even when I was being stubborn and stupid for no reason. I hope it stays that way. I never want you to give up on me, because I'll never give up on you. I promise. I love you. Happy Valentine's Day, my darling.
Love, Penelope ♡
Penelope bit her lip as Luke read the note, holding his hand. She blushed as he squeezed her hand three times, squeezing his hand back three times. She smiled as he hugged her again whispering in her ear.
"Baby, I love you so much. I'll never give up on you. You're the love of my life." Luke kissed her passionately, taking her breath away.
Penelope squeaked as she slowly pulled away, her heart pounding in her chest. She looked back at Luke as he clutched the flowers in one hand and hugged her tightly from behind, staring at her phone in shock. "Guys, he liked the flowers. I have decided I am doing this all the time from now on. Ok, bye."
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theatrekidstatus · 6 months
Chapter 11
Y/n pov: -next month- "Y/N" Anthony yelled "YEAH" I yelled back "Let's go we have rehearsals" he informed I mumbled a bunch of stuff none were real words I changed into this
"You look beautiful babe" he compliments "Thank you," I say "Not so bad yourself " I complimented Wee better head out now" he advised "Yeah"
"BABE" Jazzy yelled"WIFEY" I scream back "We're GONNA BE ON BROADWAY" "FAMOUS COUPLE" "LEZZZZ GOOOOOO" "MAN WHAT YOU LOOKING AT US FOR" Jazzy screamed at Ant "Shi my bad" he replied "fuh boy" she calls "yo calm down jazzy" I warn "my bad" she 'apologizes' "now say sorry" I demanded "SORRY ANT" she yells "oh um no prob-" he says before getting cut off "THAT YOUR HAIRLINES RECEDING" she cuts off "there it is" "JASMINE CEPHAS JONES" renèe yells "IM SORRY ANT" she yells we didn't believe her. so we waited [ (; ] "DAMN I SAID SORRY" she yells agitated "I forgive you" he chockes up "coo" she replies "OK LETS GET TO WORK" Lin shouts we head to the stage it was so big (a/n: shut up) ok let's rehearse first song
-2 minutes later-
"when he was ten his father split full of it depth ridden"
-2 hours later- "let's take a break" (RUN AWAY WITH US FOR THE SUMMER LET'S GO UPDATE) "I'm so tired" I tell Ant "Did you eat" he asks "Yeah..." I lie "Are you lying?" "Yeah..." I admit "Eat this apple" he demands "ok..." I eat the apple "Now let's take a nap" he suggests I fell asleep while Ant was scrolling threw insta I wake up to a nudge "Hey, hey, babe wake up" "What happened" I rub my eyes with the bottom of my fist "we gotta rehearse" I yawn and get up "I bet you could sleep forever" renèe "LIN WHAT MY RECORD" he shouts"17 hours" "WHAT THE FUCK" "I was depressed"
-After rehearsal- "SEE YOU TOMORROW GANG" Lin yells "gang?" Jazzy asks with a raised eyebrow "Aren't we a gang" Lin asks "I'd take family" Pippa suggests "DIBS ON MOM" I shout "DIBS ON DAD" Ant shouts "Aw fuck" Lin mumbles "Anyway let's head home" Chris suggests "k" we all say in unison "you wanna stay at my apartment" ant asked "sure" "nice let's go" "but you don't have a car" I bring up "yeah" he tells "uh" "..." "uh let's go I guess" I say
-at apartment-
"Nice place" I compliment "Thanks, lemme get changed"
"Gah damn" I mumble "like what ya see?" He asks with a cocky voice and smiles "Hell yeah" I say flirtatiously. he chuckled and flopped in bed "you coming" he ask "i don't have anything to sleep in" I share "you did that on purpose" "maybeeeee" I joke "go get a t-shirt and boxers" he tells "YA-I mean ok" Anthony chuckled "your cute" "so are you" (imagine how Zendaya SOUNDED and that one interview when Tom holland said she was cute) "uh oh did nervous y/n come back" he ask with a smirk "no shut up" "THAT HURT MY FEELINGS MY WORDS MATTER" "👆🏾" he started fake crying "I'm sorry you big baby" I said while hugging him "it's ok" he faked sobbed i went to get his boxers and shirt "HOW DO I LOOK" "amazing" "ant" I whispered "what" "you're blushing" "oh um sorry um shit god" "JUST KIDDING" "🖕🏼" "I love you too now come here" "what" "I wanna spoon" "ok" we spooned and at 3:00 am we got a call "ughhhhhh" "do I Answer or" "pick Up I guess" "hello" "EW" "what" "it's that Alexa girl" "ew" "bye bitch" he said before hanging up "your funny" "I know" he says before falling back asleep
-next morning-
"WAKE UP" "SHUT UP" he started whimpering (STFU) "I'm sorry" "It's ok" We get ready
"Do you think you can move in those jeans" "yeah" "ok" "let's get donuts" "FUCK YEA" "let's go" we stopped at krispey cream "can I get-" "I WANT THE BEE DONUTS PLEASE" "HOW MANY" "ALL" "a dozen" "ALL" "DOZEN" "ok pull up please" "that will be 2.99 " (I don't know how much donuts cost) "thank you" "I WANTED ALL" I huff "you can have 2" "I DESERVE ALL" "you do but you only getting 2" "ghvghgdh" "sorry babe" it's fine"
-at the theatre-
"how was y'all sleep over" "good but Alexa called ant" "ew" "yeah but ant said 'bye bitch and hung up" "what she say" "um um" "ANTHONY" "huh" "WHAT LEXA SAY LAST NIGHT" "hi freckles" "ok" "YOU LYING" "NO JAZZY DANM" "AIGHT" "anyway I slept in his clothes" "oooooooo" "did y'all...you know" "JAZZY" "what" "it's ok and no we didn't" "OK LISTEN UP WE'RE GONNA BE ON BROADWAY SO THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT SO LETS GET TO WORK" "SIR YES SIR" "har de har" "now get up here" we got up there and didn't get down for 5 hours! I was wobbly and sick "UM LETS TAKE A BREAK" (rUn AwAy WiTh tHe SuMmEr LeTs Go UpStAtE) "You good pinky pie" "Shut up dude" "I'm Sirius" "Yeah...I'm im" then it went black. I hear loud sirens "Huh what happened" "Y/N" Ant and Lin yelled while they tried to jump in they only let Lin in and said "Sir your gonna have to meet her at the hospital I just saw angry tears flow down his face "L-Lin" "yeah" "what happened" "you fainted and we're out for 2hours" "it took y'all 2hours to call the ambulance" "IT TOOK THEM 2HOURS TO COME" "Lin shut up because if they throw us out on the streets what then" he chuckled we get there I got checked out they gave me pills and a chart on how much I should eat for each meal
-after rehearsals and at home-
"Hard day" "It was ok" (bars) "Let's eat" "I'm not really-" I was cut off by an intense stare given by Lin "I'll eat" "Good don't stuff or overeat"
-on broadway- "WOO OPENING NIGHT LETS GO HOW WE FEELING" "SCARED" "AND" "EXITED" "THATS WHAT I LIKE TO HEAR" "ok 45 minutes till places" "you nervous John" "No, I'm terrified" "don't be you did good off broadway" "just think of it as a bigger stage that's all it is" "just a bigger stage" he mumbled "exactly know get dressed" "I got-dressed" "ok" "oooooo updated costume?" "Yeah you should see my Phillip one" "Can't wait" "Is your mom here tonight" "Yeah she saved a seat for you and everything" Thanks babe I go find ant mom she waved me over and I sat with her and chatted about ant as a kid "oh he was so cute did you know he dimples on his butt" "no," I say giggling but not letting out the laugh I want "oh yeah he was cute the you know the baseball Super Bowl thing (I don't know what it's called or if it's even a thing😭😭) "yeah" "he loved it as kid he once pissed his pants not to miss it" "oh really" I say holding back I laugh "oh it's starting"
-After the show- "Can you show walk me backstage" "Of course" "HI BABE YOU DID SO GOOD" "THANKS babe, did you like meeting my mom" "Yep dimples" "Dim-?"He was caught off by embarrassment he went pale then red "Honey are you okay" "sí Mama que tu hablar como y/n" "You as a Child" "OK gracias" "No problema" "DONT worry I think it's cute" I say while kissing his cheek
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parameddic · 1 year
@hvndredstories ok here's! here's an actionable. this is meant as a starter but it could also be a background information, but this is. how that situation was resolved, now you know
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It was getting cold. TK’s phone was still off, and he was still on the roof, but the little bottle of fenty in his pocket was still full. Hadn’t been able to do it. If he gave it long enough he thought maybe he could, but he – 
A door opened, somewhere behind him. TK was on a rooftop; he turned, surprised to have company. It was a man, balding, slightly overweight, in overalls. Classic building-caretaker sort of a guy. TK looked at him. The man (whose name was Walt, TK would find out, soon) looked back. “Hey, kid!” 
Kid. TK had not been a kid to the people in his life for a while, except his dad’s screwed-up kid “on the wrong path”. ‘Kid’ sounded like he was up to something (which he was), or was doing something illegal (which he was), or maybe that he just needed to be worried about (which he did). 
“You okay up here?” Walt was aging, TK thought, when he stepped closer. An older man with what used to be a nice hairline, holding a mop with both hands. This was a rooftop. It did not need mopping. Something in the silence between them made TK think maybe Walt knew why he was up here or maybe he didn’t, maybe he had no idea, but some sliver of him thought there was something religious about being here on a rooftop and reached for when half his family (the 126) would be freaking out and this guy was the janitor who, just an hour beforehand, TK had been planning to leave to find him drugged out on a rooftop (if not dead). Walt said, “It’s pretty cold to be up here alone.” 
“Yeah.” A croak, the word broke halfway through, thick with the lump in his throat he had been fighting for at least an hour. TK’s loneliness didn’t have a lot to do with the temperature. “Yeah, it is.” 
Would she have sent someone named Walt? 
His mum had always seemed more like an Elijah sort of a spirit. 
“Let’s get you off the roof, okay?” Walt did not hesitate to reach, and touch him. TK turned into the touch, the older man’s guidance on his shoulders, hands gentle as they directed him back to the door he had walked through with no real plan on how to get back down. His phone was dead. He hadn’t been making noise. What was it, he’d left a door open? Walt had just looked up, chanced into seeing him, brought a mop on a pretense of cleaning a rooftop? 
“What’s your name?” Walt was sitting him down. TK did not know when they’d reached the bottom of the stairs but Walt was wrapping him up in a blanket, now, which made TK register vaguely that he was shivering rather violently. 
“TK.” His name was TK. 
“I’m Walt. I’m the caretaker here. For people, too.” Caretaker of people, too. TK liked that. He felt far away. “Is there someone I can call for you, TK?” 
His mum. His mum his mum his mum his mum his mum. “My mum.” 
“Alright. Your mum, that’s good. What’s her number?” 
“She’s dead.” It felt - satisfying to say it like that. No euphemism. She was dead, she had not passed on, it was not a peaceful rest, it was not some ‘better place’. Dead. Yknow? 
Walt did not react to this in any large way. He said, “I’m sorry to hear that,” in a measured tone (could hold that, for him; Walt did not flinch the way it would have made TK flinch), and he offered him a cup of water. TK shook his head, no. “Are you sure there’s nobody?” 
There was a bottle of fentanyl in the pocket of his hoodie. 
His mum had sent some guy named Walt. Either that or it was stupid dumb luck and TK really, really needed it to be his mum, so it was his mum. He swallowed hard and took a breath (it shook; he forced it in) and tried to – 
“Um,” forced himself to say it, “no, but could you take me to a hospital?” 
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They would have taken it off him even if he didn’t ask them to, which was good because by the time they reached the ER doors TK was almost backpedaling. There was something very final about arriving here, something very sure (he would be safe, there was no real choice in the matter), and he hated that this was where he’d ended up but it was where he could be. They’d asked who they could call for him while they kept him here, admitted because he asked, and TK’s first and most ready answer was not my dad. 
Some of these hospital workers recognised him - he was a paramedic who frequently brought in patients, and often some pretty interesting ones - but they did not make him call his dad or tell the 126 where he was, they slipped a note about the privacy of his medical records on his file so even if Owen was calling around asking for him, they wouldn’t tell him that TK was here. 
The fentanyl disappeared out from his view and was probably going to end up being destroyed and that was probably actually the best thing for him, but the shame of it… the shame rattled around in his chest. 
What was he thinking? 
What did he think was going to happen, what had he been planning to do, how could he - to his mum? The day before her funeral he was going to do that to her, he was going to-? How-? 
The hospital had a charger. TK turned his phone back on two hours after he’d arrived there, because it took him that long to brace for the barrage of messages he knew would be there because he’d worried everyone over some stupid addiction and enough fentanyl to put down a horse and he – the first of several missed calls and missed messages flooded his notifications and TK thought about reading any of them, the phone literally started ringing in his hand, and he turned the phone back off. 
God. God, okay. 
“Hey, um…” he asked the nurse the next time they came ‘round, to check he was still doing okay. TK was wrapped up in blankets but didn’t even have an IV in, he didn’t need one, they had run some drug tests when he’d first arrived but he was sober. He was here only so that he was sure he could stay that way. The nurse paused, and TK bested a moment of drowning to ask, “Actually, will you call my boyfriend for me? And tell him where I am? I can give you his number.” That way TK did not have to say, I’m in hospital or I screwed up or I don’t know if I can go home like this or please come he could just let the nurse do it. So he did not have to. 
The nurse – Jamie, was their name – gave him a smile that made his insides writhe with the pity of it all. They promised, “Let me grab a pen.” For the number. “I’ll give him a call.”
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fanfictrashdump · 2 years
Queening a Pawn, 27
If you’re new: this is my procrastination fic. It is what I drabble around with when I’m being my worst self, and ignoring all my other WIPs and responsibilities! Enjoy!
Summary: During the Time Heist, Loki stole the Tesseract and escaped. He did not expect, however, to be pulled through a Time Loop that delivered him to a Midgard more than a decade older, wiser, and bitterer. Having just lived through his unsuccessful attack in New York, Loki must learn to live in Midgard after the defeat of Thanos (post-Endgame). The question is, who is Loki without a quest for a throne or total domination?
Pairings: Loki x OC
WARNINGS: Language, domesticity, babysitting chaos, and unbearable cuteness. FLUFF
Previous Chapter
Loki was tidying up his workspace. The children had all gone home about twenty minutes prior, and even though he did his best to encourage them to clean up after themselves, it was obvious that his and their standards of "clean" were very different. He had been putting blocks into a basket when the sound of rustling fabric tickled his ears. With little hesitation, he drew a dagger and turned. Pepper, who had been at the door, yelped and arched back, though Morgan, who was standing at her mother's side seemed generally undisturbed.
He let out a puff of breath. "Virginia, I've told you a million times that creeping up on me is not advisable at the best of times," he responded, tucking the dagger away and drawing a deep breath. "Hello, Morgan. How are you, sweetheart?" Morgan grinned and offered him a thumbs-up.
Pepper smiled apologetically, smoothing down her skirt in a fidget. "Sorry. Old habits die hard, Loki."
"At least I no longer throw the dagger first and ask questions later, as it were." Placing the filled basket down on its designated spot, he stretched up to his full height and stuck his hands into his trousers. "What can I do for you, Pepper?"
"I really hate to do this to you, but… could you possibly watch Morgan for a few days? I have to go to Prague on emergency business and I can't take her and–"
Loki's mouth fell open and his eyebrows rose dangerously close to his hairline. "Me? You want… are you sure?" His features screwed up as he tried to make sense of the request in his head.
Pepper's expression fell. "Do you not want to?"
"No, I, um, I'm more concerned as to how desperate you must be to come to me for help," he said slowly, watching Morgan sit down at one of the art tables and start drawing on a fresh sheet of paper.
As realization hit her, the redhead pulled a smile. With an easy expression, she crossed her arms and leaned against the doorway. "You're actually first on the phone tree. Tony and I both agreed you were top choice."
His guts twisted in a not at all unpleasant way at that statement, a reflexive smile tilting at his lips. "That's certainly a surprise."
"What do you say? Can you watch the munchkin for us?" Loki nodded, eyes sparkling excitedly. Pepper nodded once, pleased with herself. "I'll have her stuff left at Delilah's– no offense, but I don't trust her inside of New York's premier knife museum aka your apartment."
Loki smirked. "Fair enough. Lilah will be ecstatic."
Kneeling down by Morgan, Pepper pressed a kiss to her daughter's crown. "You think you can be good for Uncle Loki for a few days, Mo?" Morgan nodded, smiling brightly between her mother and Loki. Loki's stomach twisted once again at the moniker. "I won't even ask about your Aunt Lilah, because Lord knows no one misbehaves on Aunt Lilah's watch, do they?" Morgan giggled and shook her head in the negative. "OK. Give Momma a kiss." Morgan twined her tiny arms around her mother's neck and squeezed while Pepper peppered her face with kisses. "If there are any issues, FRIDAY can reach me at any time."
"Hopefully, there will be none to speak of."
Pepper laughed. "Oh, you do not know this child." She stood, sighing. "Thank you so much for this, Loki." Her voice was as sincere as the hug she wrapped him around that took him by surprise.
"Of course," he managed to choke out before he was released. "It's my pleasure."
"OK. If I don't go now, I'll never make it out of the building. Morgan, be a good girl. Have fun!"
"Bye, Mommy!" Morgan was once again engrossed in her drawing, and had barely glanced over her shoulder to call her goodbye.
"Shove me out the door, why don't ya'?" She offered the pair a wave. "Bye, Loki! Thank you again!"
Loki waved shortly, nervous excitement filling his body. He kneeled beside Morgan, leaning against the crafts table to watch her work. "Once you finish that, would you like to go get groceries to make dinner?"
Morgan turned to Loki, eyes sparkling. "I can go with you?"
"Yes, you may, little one. Does that mean you're ready?" Morgan nodded, hopping to her feet and taking Loki's hand as if it were second nature.
An hour later, Loki opened the door to Delilah's apartment, loaded with several bags and Morgan riding piggyback. "Lilah, are you home?" He called into the apartment, but after a long pause, no response was heard. "I guess it's just you and I for a little while, Starklet," he mused, lowering the groceries onto the countertop and then helping Morgan down from his back.
"Can I have some chocolate, Uncle Loki?" Her face looked mischievously hopeful.
Loki smirked. "I believe you know the answer to that question. How about you help me with dinner and I'll get you some fruit as a snack?"
"Alright," she grumbled, climbing onto a stool at the kitchen island.
He set a bunch of podded peas in front of her and a bowl. He took one of the pods and split it open, showing her how to shell them into the bowl. "Shell these for me, please." Turning briefly, he grabbed some strawberries from the fridge and put them beside her. "Snack."
"Uncle Loki, do you love Auntie Lilah?"
Loki looked up from the tray of vegetables and chicken he was arranging to throw into the oven. He smirked, raising an eyebrow at the child. "That is a fascinating question. What do you think?"
"I think you do. You go all pink when you see her," she responded matter-of-factly, as she went through the pea pods.
He let out a bark of laughter, shaking his head. "I do, do I?" Loki slid the tray into the oven and set the timer, pottering around, and cleaning the counter and instruments used. "Well, does she go pink when she sees me?"
"Of course she doesn't," he muttered drily under his breath, rolling his eyes. "I do love her very much. Why do you ask?"
"I think Auntie Lilah is cute and I want her to have a cute boyfriend."
Teeth sunk into his lower lip to keep from laughing. "And do I fit the bill, then?"
Morgan shrugged. "Meh." She held in her own laughter at the response.
"Oh, you little imp." He snagged a pea from the bowl and playfully hurled it in her direction. "You're lucky I like you or else you'd be sleeping in the woods tonight."
"Hey, Momo," Delilah cooed as she walked through the door. Loki and Morgan had set up the table and were just putting out glasses of lemonade when Delilah had arrived from work. Morgan dropped napkins on the table and barreled into her side, hugging her as tightly as her little arms could. "Is Loki behaving? Tell me the truth."
"Uncle Loki kept me tied up under the table all afternoon!"
"Did he?" Lilah gave him a look of feigned outrage. "How dare you mistreat this lovely creature? Don't worry. I'm here now. How can I make it up to you?"
Morgan thought for a long moment. "Ice cream for dinner?"
Lilah tutted. "You were so close, Mo. You got too greedy. I was prepared to let you get away with extra dessert."
"Aw, man!"
"Yeah, yeah. Go wash up for dinner, OK?" She tapped Morgan's nose and grinned, and the child turned tail towards the washroom.
"Hello, love," Loki husked, pressing a slow kiss to her lips and enjoying the relaxing sigh she emitted.
"Hi, babe. How was your day?"
"Much better since you arrived. Not that I don't love the imp–"
"You're all piiiiink."
Loki closed his eyes and drew a deep breath. "–but she has my number, for sure."
Lilah snorted. "Yeah, she's a smartass like her daddy," she whispered back. She pecked him on the lips once more. "I like you pink."
He rolled his eyes, bowing his head to hide his rapidly heating cheeks away from both females. He decided, instead, to place a carefully arranged platter onto the middle of the dining table. Loki was meticulous about the arrangement of even the most trivial things, but meals were a different beast. Delilah had more than once suggested that it was a stowaway habit from his days in the palace. In reality, his obsessive compulsiveness boiled down to idealized notions of what it meant to have a normal dinner.
"Lilah, I made pea!" Morgan called as she settled into her seat.
Delilah cut her gaze over at Loki with a questioning look. He made a mimicked shelling the pods with a lazy half-smile. "Oh! That's great. That means they'll be extra yummy."
"I found a worms in them!"
"Caterpillars, promptly taken outside," Loki clarified.
"They tasted like glue!"
Lilah's head snapped towards Loki so quickly, he swore she'd get whiplash. "Maybe not as promptly as I should have, but…"
 A solitary brow lifted on Delilah's face. "How do you even know what glue tastes like, Morgan?"
"Dinner! It'll get cold! Eat. Your weak mortal corporations need sustenance," Loki irrupted, before Morgan could launch into the story of breaking into the art supplies. 
"Uncle Loki is fun!"
The loving look he received made his insides flutter like a swarm of bees. It seemed that these warm emotions were all tied in some way to his poor stomach. "He is, isn't he? Do you like hanging out with Uncle Loki?" Morgan nodded as she gnawed on a roasted carrot. "Good. I'd have to get rid of him if you didn't."
"If you get rid of him, can I have his dessert?"
"I thought you liked me!" Loki argued, suppressing a smile. "We were bonding!" Morgan beamed up at Loki–there was a hint of trickster in this one. He was so proud. With a serious face, he leaned towards the child. "I'll give you extra sprinkles if you put in a good word for me."
"He can stay."
0 notes
Patroclus: Um *blush* Can I touch your hair? *blush blush blush*
Patroclus: OH itsoknevermind!! Yeah ok. Lets um. Wrestle. Yeah! Uh. Square up.
Achilles: *pulls out ponytail and sits down criss cross applesauce*
Patroclus: *internal squee* *pet pet pet* *gets bold and plants little kisses on his hairline* I um … you … i think … is it dumb if —
Achilles: Patroclus, I think you’re pretty.
Five years later …
Achilles: Love, what is it?
Patroclus: *helping him get his armor on* I hate when you have to go.
Patroclus: *winds a single curl around his finger and presses it to his lips.
Achilles: you are beautiful
Song: the heart, needtobreathe
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