#his parents don't understand his rage or how it's a part of him
agueforts · 3 months
sometimes i think when some of u talk about gorgug u forget zac isn't white
#aspen tag#it's not like a concrete thing i just get the vibe sometimes#like sometimes ppl phrase things abt his heritage and relationship to his rage#or how he fits with gnomish culture n stuff#in a way that kinda frames it as like..... passive#when there's obviously very deliberate themes being explored#or like. idk.#talk about him in a way that gives the impression they've never thought about it from the perspective of race#i'm having an autism moment or smth and the tone machine is like fully offline rn#but i guess i just don't get how someone could just. not consider it at all#it's not like it's a stretch it's very much like. baked into him#his parents don't understand his rage or how it's a part of him#their house isn't made for someone his size#he shies away from anger because he already knows the world wasn't made to fit him#he spends s1 looking for his bio parents-- people who'd be like him. who he could connect to with this part of himself#digby & wilma don't talk to the rest of their families because they thought adopting gorgug was a bad choice!#their parenting (well-meaning as it may be) is all about redirecting rage#and gorgug's teaching himself not just how to channel it constructively#but how to be comfortable with it at all#because the environment he's in doesn't offer security in expressing it. not for people like him#and so he's learned to control it and distance himself from it#in a way that he has to dismantle to fully engage with his barbarian class#it's just. it's there#i can't convince of a world where someone could look at him and just. not see it#idk how to end this. yeah 👍#d20
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cambion-companion · 10 months
Here’s ya girl who has gone completely feral over astarion. He’s the babiest baby. Okay, here’s the prompt. My characterisation could be a bit (or a lot lol) off bc I haven’t played the game Y E T so feel free to change the things that seem OOC.
Established relationship, but the beginnings of it, on a mission to find a way for astarion to be in the sun again. Reader has given astarion time to work on his sexual trauma so they haven’t been having sex for some time. Reader is 100% ok w that. But they have a big argument over something (not related to sex) and astarion doesn’t know how to resolve the situation other than reverting back to his seductive artifice and using sex as a way to ensure his safety (in this case, emotional safety). Reader figures it out because they (or she) are not dumb. They reassure astarion and he lets himself be vulnerable but also, it turns out that astarion wants that sexual intimacy. But reader decides this will be all about astarion and making him feel good and loved. Body worship, astarion’s praise kink, just everything focused on astarion’s pleasure in a way he has never experienced and that makes him completely unravel once he comes. Not a subby reader, tho. You know me, I don’t do subby.
If this is too long of a prompt, just the sexy part will be ok. Thank you so much, i have such astarion brainrot DDDD:
I Want to Live
word count: 1700
gn!reader x Astarion | Baldur's Gate 3 fanfic | 18+ only
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"I don't think we should use the tadpoles for anything, Astarion." You put your hands on your hips, glaring at the sulky Elf in front of you.
This tense conversation between the two of you had gone on far longer than you'd have liked. Astarion seemed insistent on using whatever advantage the Illithids had unintentionally given your party. Despite not yet knowing the implications of doing so.
Astarion's silver hair glinted in the firelight that warmed your back, his eyes shone like droplets of blood. "You might as well leave me alone, spoilsport." He waved an imperious hand in your direction, sneering at you in the way he knew would hurt you most. "Since you insist on being boring and unimaginative."
You ground your teeth. "I'm trying to keep us safe."
"And a fine job you're doing, my sweet." His lilting voice was dripping with sarcasm. "Why don't you ask Arabella how her parents are doing?" He paused, then feigned surprise. "Oh wait..."
Your eyes widened as a jolt of genuine pain lanced through your heart at his callous words. Astarion was aiming to do damage and, like always, he knew how to push your buttons.
Magic sparked at the end of your fingertips as you fought to control your rage. It was the lack of verbal response that alerted Astarion to the fact he might have pushed a little too far with you. His face almost looked regretful for a moment, or perhaps it was a trick of the firelight casting shadows across his features. You didn't gain much insight because of the tears blurring your vision as you quickly turned away and strode as far away from the vampire spawn as you could.
Shadowheart, who always seemed to overhear everything, cast a worried glance your direction before leveling a glare on Astarion who still watched after you with a blank look.
You sat yourself upon your bedroll before the campfire and listened to Volo squeakily tune his lute. Wyll and Gale were over by their tents chatting and Lae'zel sat on a boulder by the river sharpening her sword.
You had thought Astarion would understand and perhaps even agree with you, and the rest of the camp for that matter, that the parasites should not be utilized to gain control of other beings. It was convenient and downright useful, yes...but not worth an unknown cost.
You had thought...since that night when the two of you had become intimate...that he'd maybe come to care for you. But that jab about Arabella's parents, who you'd failed to save, only confirmed that the vampire did not have your best interests at heart.
Sighing, you moved your bedroll away from its usual place beside Astarion's and arranged it next to where Karlach slept. You could feel multiple pairs of eyes watching you move about but you didn't much care at the moment.
Karlach gave you a curious and concerned look as she came over and got comfortable for the night. "Are you alright? I could hear you and Astarion going at it...and not in the fun way."
You grunted and moved your body to the side so you could scrape out a rock that had been digging into your back. "It's fine. He's just an ass." You said these words loud enough for him to hear.
Karlach shrugged and nodded as if this were common knowledge. She gave you a jolting pat on the back before getting comfortable in her own bedroll.
As the breathing patterns of your companions slowly deepened in slumber, you could not find any rest. You tossed and turned as best you could in such primitive sleeping arrangements. You missed your bed back in Baldur's Gate above the taproom of the Shadowcat Claw, the familiar bustle of voices and a mug of ale in your belly lulling you to sleep. Out in this wilderness, with the thought of your argument with Astarion tugging at your thoughts...you had to get up.
As quietly as you could, you slid out of your bedroll and got to your feet. A quick observation of your companions told you they were all in a deep sleep. All except Lae'zel who sat on the boulder still, keeping silent watch. She nodded at you curtly as you passed and didn't ask any questions, for which you were grateful.
You crept through the foliage down to the place in the forest by the river where you and Astarion had had your midnight tryst. You could still feel his moonlight hair running through your fingers, his fangs on your neck as you arched it just for him. The trust...you thought you had at least earned a little bit of his trust.
"I thought I'd find you here." His voice was velvet, it shivered straight through your defenses to your heart.
"I wanted to be alone, Astarion." You tried to keep your own voice cool and collected, but you ached to hold him in your arms again.
Astarion had followed you from the campsite into the woods. He'd been fully aware of your restlessness, of course he had. He entered your line of sight now, looking very much like a cat stalking its prey. His ruby eyes were dark and trained on your face. "Come now, you're far too obvious for all this bluster. Do you not want to feel me again?" He gave you a crooked smile, showing his teeth. "A second taste, perhaps?"
You felt the hollowness of his words and saw the carefully arranged expression he wore like a mask. Beneath the facade you could make out the telltale twitch of a facial muscle, the tenseness of his eyes, indicating anxiety.
You sighed. "I thought we were passed these games."
"Games?" Astarion's tongue flicked out to wet his lips. "Games are all part of the fun, my dear. So good at getting the blood pumping."
You folded your arms. "I want an apology."
This tripped him up. For a moment the facade slipped, and he seemed genuinely taken aback. "Apologize?" Then he was back to his usual bluster. "Me? Apologize for what?"
"For having a go at me today. Bringing up Arabella's parents when you know how upset I am about it." Astarion made a noise as if to speak but you cut across him. "That was cruel, Astarion, and I deserve better from you."
"I didn't..." Astarion sighs heavily, his eyes glancing down to the ground then back at your face. "I apologize." The words seemed to pain him in some way. "I wanted to get a rise out of you, that's all. Now let's forget about that and have some fun."
You raised an unimpressed eyebrow, saying nothing, simply watching his face lit in the silver moonlight. His unconvincing grin slowly slipped off his face, a troubled frown replacing it. The two of you looked at each other for a long moment. Finally, you spoke.
"You're testing how much I care for you, aren't you?" Your voice was soft, almost inaudible over the rippling stream.
Astarion seemed momentarily taken aback, he seemed to consider taking shelter once more behind his mask of pompous indifference. But then his shoulder's slumped slightly, the fists at his sides loosened. That was all the answer you needed.
You stepped forward and placed your hands around his, tugging him closer. He did not resist, his footfalls light as ever as he drew near. Close enough to feel his breath warm your lips.
"I care about you, Astarion." Your voice was still soft amidst the rustling leaves and sparkling water. "I discourage you from using the tadpole's powers because I couldn't bear to see your will overtaken by yet another monster."
Astarion was silent for a long time, his scarlet eyes turned silver as a moonbeam fell across his pallid face. When he spoke, his voice sounded strained. "What if it's too late for me? To be anything other than a monster? My only choice is which one." He laughs forcefully, bitterness twisting his mouth.
"I won't let that happen." You encircled him tenderly in a hug, pulling him to rest flush against your body. "We're in this...together."
"Together." The word was echoed back to you, his voice framing the syllables as if it were a foreign tongue.
You turned your face into him and kissed his neck softly, feeling his body tense in your arms and then slowly relax. You kept your lips against his skin, over where Cazador had sunk his fangs all those centuries ago.
Astarion's hands slowly slid up your hips to rest against your lower back as he held you close. Your lips caressed his neck, throat and trailed up to his jaw until you pressed a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth. "I love you." You murmured.
You felt him tense again, not pushing you away, but his hands tightened on your back. "I..." Astarion hesitated. "I'm not quite ready to say those words back to you, my dear."
"I know." You felt no anger, no hurt. You accepted him however he wished to come to you, grateful for this rare moment of vulnerability beneath the stars.
You pushed him back gently until his back made contact with the base of a large sycamore tree. A huff of air left his lungs, quickly claimed by your mouth as you kissed him hungrily this time. Your hands made quick work of his clothing and Astarion became eager to help the process along.
"Vixen." He murmured and you laughed against his lips, your tongues teasing each other.
"You're beautiful, Astarion." You held his face in your hands and kissed his mouth lightly, not allowing him to turn away even as the compliment made his eyes search yours for hints of disingenuity. "I want nothing from you in return." You said firmly, reading his emotional turmoil through your shared Illithid connection. "This is just for you." You kissed his mouth, his cheek, his forehead. "To keep."
Astarion's head fell back to rest against the tree trunk as you continued lavishing affection upon him. He moaned your name softly to the night sky as you slowly sunk to your knees before him, the dirt and rocks digging unheeded against your knees. His fingers twisted in your hair and guided you to where he wanted you most.
"Good, my love." You praised him, your words causing his body to shake with increasing pleasure. "Show me."
The night was long and full of bliss. A genuine exchange of pleasure, without the previous facades and plays at affection. You felt the change as surely as he did, and when the others awoke in the morning it was to find your bedroll pulled back right next to where Astarion lay curled against you.
"You owe me five gold, Shadowheart." Gale mumbled.
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lunylune · 3 months
"Will it not break your hearts, when inevitably... the child grows to know only rage?"
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"Did you prove your parents right, or did you prove your family correct?"
I drew this when stress-tested came out because I have a lot of feelings about Gorgug fighting so hard for people to see him as he is. I think Gorgug knows rage is a part of it, and his protective instinct builds from that. But he knows other people don't know that. Many people only see what he bring to the table as a barbarian.
And with everything that happened in the nightmare forest i can't help but wonder how the world would have remembered Gorgug if he did die on that first day of school, the kid who got detention on the first day for fighting another kid.
Gorgug knows he is more, but the pressure of making the world understand that might just break something.
(No worries i'm working on a follow up :D )
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d-targaryenshoe · 2 months
Forgotten Destiny - Anthony Bridgerton
Summary: When one wants a thing it does not mean the other lover would want the same thing, is it not?
Word count: 1543
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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the sky into a tapestry of fiery reds and oranges, Anthony Bridgerton paused in his work, his pen hovering above the paper. 
He glanced at you, as you were sitting primly on the edge of his desk, your delicate features set in a familiar expression of determination. 
Your argument had been raging for the better part of an hour, and it showed no signs of abating. 
The air in the room seemed to crackle with tension as if a storm were brewing, waiting for the right moment to break free.
You leaned forward, your voice taking on a pleading quality that only served to enrage your husband further.
 "Anthony, I am your wife," you said, "and I am begging you to reconsider. We have three healthy children, which is just fine to me."
Anthony bit back a retort, unable to understand how you could be so content with your current situation. 
"But y/n," he said, his voice strained, "don't you want to give our children the gift of another sibling?"
You sighed, your gaze drifting to the floor for a moment before meeting his eyes again. "Of course I do, but yet I still think we shouldn't."
Anthony frowned, his eyes narrowing. "But why? What's the problem? You know that I can provide for any number of children."
You hesitated, unsure how to put your concerns into words. You glanced around the room, feeling a sense of overwhelm. 
Your house was beautiful, yes, but it was also filled with so much noise and activity. 
Three children were a handful even when they were well-behaved, and you worried that another one might push them all over the edge. 
"Yet it is my body, Anthony," you began.
He looked up sharply, his expression softening. 
"I understand that, dearest. I do not take your sacrifice lightly. But I feel like we are such a close family, and I want our children to have the same bond that we share."
You sighed, running a hand through your hair.
 "I know you do, but sometimes I feel like we lose ourselves in being parents. I want to be a wife to you too, Anthony. I want us to have time for each other, just the two of us."
Anthony's eyes widened at this admission. He hadn't realized how much you had been craving your alone time. 
He set his pen down on the desk and reached across the space between you, taking your hand in his. "You and me talking in my office isn't the same as spending time together?"
 "No, it's not the same. This is us being parents, have a good night, Mr Bridgerton." You snapped before walking away and smashing the door closed.
Anthony sat there for a moment, stunned. He couldn't believe you had just left him like that.
 He watched your retreating figure until you disappeared around the corner, and then he let out a frustrated growl. 
He knew you were upset, but he couldn't help but feel like you were being unreasonable.
The next morning, Anthony awoke to the sound of one of the servants knocking on your door. 
He groaned, rolling over and burying his face in the pillow. It had been a restless night, plagued by thoughts of you and the argument.
 He wished he could just apologize and make everything better.
When he finally dragged himself out of bed, he found you already dressed and sitting at the breakfast table, sipping your tea. 
Your expression was still stony, but he couldn't help but feel a pang of hope at the sight of you. 
He walked over to you, took a seat across from you, and gave you his most winning smile. "Good morning, my love. I hope you slept well."
You looked up at him, your eyes guarded, but not answering or saying a single word.
Anthony frowned, feeling the tension between you grow tighter. "Y/n, please," he said, reaching across the table to take your hand. 
"I know we didn't part on the best of terms yesterday, but I truly am sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel like you're not important to me."
Your eyes met his, and you retreated your hand, going back to reading Lady Whistledown's new gossip.
Anthony sighed, feeling defeated. 
"Y/n, I truly am sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel unimportant. I just want what's best for our family. I want us to have another child, but I also want to make sure that we don't lose sight of the love and connection we share."
You looked up at him but turned your head towards the butler who stood at the door. "Finley, would you mind cleaning the table, It just got to me that I had a talk planned with the Duchess of Hastings."
Anthony frowned, his eyes narrowing. "And what would you like to discuss with her?" he asked warily.
"I'll be back in an hour or two for tea, Finley, thank you very much."
Daphne Bridgerton rose from her seat when you entered the sitting room, your graceful movements a testament.
 "Y/n, how wonderful to see you!" she exclaimed, giving you a warm hug. "It's been far too long."
You smiled, returning Daphne's embrace. "It has been, hasn't it? I do apologize for not visiting sooner. I've been rather busy with the children."
You sat down on the plush sofa, and a servant immediately brought in a tray of tea and biscuits.
 Daphne poured you each a cup, taking a sip before asking, "So, how are things going with you and Anthony? I must admit, I was rather surprised when Mama said he wanted another child."
You took a deep breath before answering. 
"He does...at least he does," you admitted. "Anthony is so focused on his duty as a Bridgerton, we've been arguing about having another child."
Daphne raised an eyebrow. "Oh? have you?"
"Well, Anthony is headstrong that we should try for another as soon as possible, while I want to enjoy the time we have together as a family before we add to it."
"I see," Daphne said thoughtfully, taking another sip of her tea.
 "It's a difficult position to be in, isn't it? On the one hand, Anthony is right in wanting to continue the Bridgerton line, but on the other, you both need to consider your happiness and the well-being of the children you already have."
You nodded, your eyes downcast as you toyed with your teacup. "Yes, it's been rather strained between us. I feel like he doesn't see how important it is for us to have that time together."
Daphne smiled sympathetically. "Well, I can understand where he's coming from as well. Anthony is a devoted father and husband, but he's also a man of duty."
Anthony cleared his throat as he entered the room, his eyes immediately darting between you two. "Ah, I didn't mean to interrupt," he said, his voice a little strained.
Daphne glanced up at him, her expression softening. 
"It's quite alright, Anthony. We were just discussing the challenges of maintaining a happy marriage while balancing family obligations." She motioned for him to sit down. "Please, join us."
Anthony hesitated for a moment before taking a seat. He cleared his throat again and looked at you, his expression contrite.
"I know I've been insensitive. I shouldn't have pushed for another child without considering how it would affect us as a couple, and I never want anything to come between us. I just..." He trailed off, searching for the right words.
Daphne reached out and placed her hand on his arm, offering him a reassuring smile. "It's alright, brother. We all make mistakes. The important thing is that you recognize them and are willing to apologize."
You took a deep breath, trying to calm your racing heart. You knew Anthony meant every word he said, and you loved him for it. 
But you couldn't help feeling a twinge of uncertainty. You had been through so much already, and the thought of adding another child to the mix was both exciting and terrifying.
"I do appreciate your apology," you said finally, your voice quiet but steady. "But we need to find a way to move forward together. We need to decide what's best for our family."
Anthony nodded, his expression serious. "You're right. I want us to find a solution. I want to be the best husband and father I can be."
You considered his words for a moment.
 "How about this? Let's wait until the end of the season. By then, we'll have had some time to reconnect and renew our focus on our family. If we still feel the same way, we can discuss the possibility of having another child. Does that sound fair?"
Daphne smiled encouragingly. "It sounds like a very sensible plan, y/n. And if you ever need someone to talk to or someone to bounce ideas off of, please don't hesitate to reach out."
The three of you sat in silence for a moment, each lost in your thoughts. But there was an understanding between you, a sense of unity that gave you hope. Perhaps, just perhaps, you could find a way to make everything work.
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weskie · 26 days
Earned (Albert Wesker x gn!Reader)
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no warnings, wesker lives au, extremely loose followup to this, wesker receiving affection, i think he deserves it, if that's wrong i don't wanna be right | Fic Directory
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Sometimes you can see through the cracks of his cold, unbothered demeanor.
There’s something… fragile under all of it.  Buried beneath decades of shielding himself from the worst this world had to offer, from dealings with the dregs of humanity and a life manufactured and directed without his knowledge.
You remember how volatile Wesker had been after discovering the truth from Spencer.  The cracks you peer through now had been wedged clear open back then.  Salt dumped into the not-so-metaphorical wound.  You found him in a fit of rage when he finally came home, destroying his entire office just to cope in the only way he could think of.  Splinters of debris gave way under your footsteps and he glared daggers at you, daring you to come closer, daring you to cross the fray into the eye of the storm.
His reluctance to let you touch him weaned with every passing second that you smoothed your thumbs over his cheeks.  It was startling to see his typically calm exterior eroded so completely. You’d never seen him so… shattered.  It wasn’t until later that you’d understand that the foundation of his entire life had been swept out from under his feet. But, even then, you had an inkling that something had truly shaken him to his core.
“Who am I?”  
You’ll never forget the flare of amber glowing brighter in his eyes as each word fell from his lips over and over, nor the bruising grip he had on your arms, until he hid his face in the crook of your neck– secretly so desperate to hide from the haunting revelations of his life.
And you don’t forget it now as you run your fingers through his hair, cradling his head on your lap while he rests.  His recovery had been long and arduous, and it had humbled him more than anything possibly could have.  His dependence upon you had been a nearly insurmountable sore spot, but you wager it taught him a truth so incredibly foreign to his perception of the world.
Vulnerability can be okay.
At least it can be with you.  You’re not out here to stab him in the back or raw deal him for a larger cut in some grand scheme.  You’re not a multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical company pulling his strings nor the corpse that once orchestrated the entire marionette show.
You’re someone who loves him– adores him. 
It’s taken him a very long time to truly believe that, much less accept it.  You will forever be his greatest weakness and strength, all rolled into one.  You are leverage for anyone who wants to truly hurt him, but you are also the ferocity with which he will unmake them for even considering it.  
Worse yet? 
You are the only reason he’s glad to have not perished in that volcano.  Wesker remembers only flashes of his dreams while cocooned in Uroboros, but he knows, without a shadow of a doubt, that he dreamt of you.  That it was your voice that pulled him through, your presence that he reached out to in his near comatose state. It was you who he sought after waking, despite how his body screamed to cease his movements.
So maybe…
Maybe it isn’t so wrong to let those cracks open up when he’s with you.  Maybe you should see the parts of him locked away from the world.  You should know the little boy thrown into the best boarding schools money could buy, the one who wondered if he had parents like the others did, who sought academic excellence so that he’d have even a fraction of the love he’s seen bestowed upon others by right of birth to those who could love them– to the man he is now, stripped of his pride and still always left to wonder what his true name had been.
Long ago, he asked you a question under much different circumstances.  Have you earned me, he’d said.  As he peeks through his farce of sleeping to take in the sight of you looking at him with endless love, only one thought lingers in his mind.
You have.
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tonyspank · 11 months
Jenna Ortega x G!P Reader
Warnings: 18+ smut, even more cheating, jacob, and i think that's all
Words: 4.1k
A/N: i dont know what to say
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series masterlist | main masterlist | previous chapter | next chapter
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You toss Eli the Gatorade, sitting down on the bench behind you. He catches it with one hand and takes a swig, savoring the taste. He looks at you and immediately notices the anger on your face.
He raises an eyebrow and says "What's wrong?" You take a deep breath, "Jenna's dickhead husband is what's wrong."
Eli looks concerned. "What did he do?" he asks. "He's staying at my house. For an entire week," you reply, your voice full of rage. Eli stares at you for a moment, contemplating the situation. "Your parents were fine with this?" he asks, and you nod in response, putting your shoes on.
Eli shakes his head and lets out a deep sigh. "I don't know what to say. How do you feel?" You look up at him, your jaw clenched, and say, "I feel upset. A part of me is upset that Jenna is so okay with living this double life, and the other part of me is upset that Jacob thinks he can run in and out of her life whenever he wants."
Eli puts a hand on your shoulder and says, "I understand. It's not easy to accept, but you gotta understand. That's her husband, they have depth and you guys only shared a kiss."
You stare at him in response and his face begins to change, "Oh my god. No—y'all... YALL HAD SEX?" You turn away from him, your face burning with embarrassment.
You can feel his gaze on you and finally, he speaks. "I don't know what's happening... Mr. Stark. I don't feel so good." He jokes, repeating Peter Parker's lines from Infinity War.
He then drops to the ground, reaching out for you. You try to hold back a laugh as he grabs your hand, shaking his body. "Cooper! Off the ground!" Your coach yells.
You help Eli up and he sheepishly apologizes to the coach. The coach gives him a stern warning and then turns to you with a smile, patting you on the shoulder. "Anyway... I don't know if I should feel proud or upset."
You just smile and shrug, handing Eli his Gatorade. Eli gives you a grateful smile, "Can you come to my place tonight? Jacob made a stupid group chat with the three of us saying he's preparing dinner."
Eli nods in agreement, "Sure, what time?" You respond, "6 PM." He gives you a nod and you pat his back, heading to your team's huddle up.
"It smells like sex in here," Eli says as you hold the front door open for him. "Shut the fuck up." It didn't even smell like sex, it smelled like some sort of meat cooking. You give him a stern look and he apologizes, but you can tell he's still trying to contain his laughter.
You step inside the house and the smell is even stronger. You realize it's coming from the kitchen and dread the thought of what Jacob has been cooking.
You make your way to the kitchen and find Jacob standing in front of the stove. He turns around with a wide grin on his face and says, "Hey! You're home!"
His eyes move to Eli, "And you've bought a friend... nice." Jacob takes a step forward and motions for Eli to come closer. He extends a hand, "It's nice to meet you. I'm Jacob. What's your name?"
You can sense the fake smile on Eli's face. "I'm Eli." He says, roughly shaking Jacob's hand. Jacob winces quietly, letting go of your best friend's hand and mumbling, "You kids and your tight grip." Eli just grins, a little too toothy. Jacob then pats Eli's shoulder and says, "It's alright, mate. No hard feelings."
Jenna walks into the kitchen and you swear you could see her face light up when you two lock eyes. "Hi, Eli. Hey, Y/N." You smile at the shorter girl, bringing her into a hug. She wraps her arms around your neck, and you can feel the tension in her body relaxing. Yeah, fuck you, Jacob.
She steps back, her hands on your shoulders. "How was practice?" You smile and shrug, glad that she seemed genuinely happy to see you. "It was fine. I'm going to take a quick shower before dinner."
She nods and smiles. "Okay, let me take your bag." She says, motioning to the gym back on your shoulder. You graciously accept and hand her the bag. She takes it and steps away, heading upstairs and you follow behind leaving Eli and Jacob alone in the kitchen.
"Doesn't it seem like she likes her?" Jacobs says to Eli, turning around slightly from the stove. Eli shrugs, not wanting to make any assumptions. Jacob just laughs and shakes his head, turning back to the stove and starting to stir the food.
Jenna sets your bag down in your room and you smile at her, "Thanks. You didn't—" She brings you into a passionate kiss, her hands gripping your hoodie tightly. You break away, your heart racing. She grins and says, "I know. I just wanted a kiss." She leans in for one last kiss before walking out of the room.
You stand there, stunned, for a moment before finally processing what just happened. You can't help but smile as you watch her walk away. You shake your head and sigh, feeling the butterflies in your stomach.
You came back downstairs after taking your shower and the dining room table was already set. You glance at the plates confused. "Chicken?" Jacob nods from his seat, already with a fork in his hand. You laugh sarcastically, "Jenna doesn't eat chicken, remember? She's pescatarian."
Jacob groans, "Oh yeah, I forgot." He glances at Jenna who's eating her salad quietly, "I didn't know you were still doing that diet thing." Jenna rolls her eyes, "It's not a diet thing, it's a lifestyle choice." She takes a bite of her salad and continues, "It's not that hard to remember." Jacob apologizes letting out a sigh. "Well, you still have your salad."
You sit down beside Eli, shaking your head in disbelief. Eli glances between the three of you before leaning into your ear. "Just say the word and we can jump him." He jokes a jolly smile on his face.
Your face breaks out into a smile as you start cutting up your chicken. Jacob clears his throat, "So, uh... Y/N." You look up from your plate at look at the bearded man in front of you. "You play basketball?"
You nod and set your knife and fork down. "Yeah, I've been playing since I was a kid. Why do you ask?" Jacob's face is unreadable as he replies, "Just curious."
Jenna takes a sip of her wine while watching the exchange between you two. Jacob stares at you for a moment before he nods. "Interesting," he says before turning back to his dinner. Jenna takes another sip of her wine, wondering if she should break the awkward silence or just keep drinking.
"How's Emma doing?" Eli asks, breaking the silence. Jenna smiles, relieved that the tension has been broken. "She's doing great," she answers. "She was just asking me about you, actually."
A huge grin appears on Eli's face, "Oh, really?" Jenna laughs, nodding her head. "Yes, she's been asking about you a lot lately. I think she misses you." Eli's smile grows wider as he looks away, feeling happier than ever. You breathe out a laugh.
"Wait you still talk to Emma?" Jacob says, finishing a bite of his chicken. Jenna nods, "Yeah...she's a good friend." He scoffs in response, "No, no she's not. She doesn't know her place." Jenna looks back at Jacob, her face growing stern. "You don't get to decide who my friends are," she says. "Just because you don't like her doesn't mean I can't."
"I don't like her because she keeps telling my wife—" You interrupt him, "Fiancée." Jacob stares at you and Jenna for a few moments, before turning away. He mutters something under his breath before speaking again. "Fiancée. About leaving me."
"Maybe because you're a bad fiancée," Eli says, his mouth half full of food. Jacob's face turns red and he opens his mouth to respond, but before he can say anything Eli interrupts him. "I mean she wouldn't be telling Jenna to leave you if Jenna was truly happy, right?"
Jacob stares at the table, clearly frustrated. Jacob clenches his jaw and takes a deep breath before slowly standing up. He pushes in his chair and looks at Eli, his eyes narrowed. Without a word, he turns and walks out of the room.
Eli watches him go, a smile creeping up on his face as he looks at you. You watch Jacob go, feeling a slight sense of relief. Eli's smile widens as he sees your reaction while Jenna slowly stands up and follows Jacob out of the room. Eli's eyes twinkle as he looks back at you, a mischievous glint in them.
"Am I not the biggest drama starter or what?" You chuckle, shaking your head. "Yes, yes you are." You say, smiling back. He grins, satisfied, and you can't help but admire his ability to lighten up the situation.
"Jacob, wait," Jenna calls out after the man stomping up the steps. He makes it to the guest room, turning around to face her. "You just fucking embarrassed me."
He stares at her, his face a mask of anger. Jenna's eyebrows furrow in confusion, "You embarrassed yourself! You're the one who treats me like shit."
Jacob steps forward, his fists clenched. Jenna takes a step back, her heart pounding. He stares at her for a moment until his phone starts ringing. He glances at the phone and takes a deep breath.
He steps back and turns away from her. "We'll talk about this later," he says, before grabbing the phone off the nightstand and answering it.
Jenna exhales in relief, her heart still pounding. She watches as Jacob walks away, still on the phone. She takes a few moments to gather her thoughts before leaving the room. Jenna takes a deep breath and slowly releases it, trying to steady her nerves.
She takes a few moments to gather her thoughts before leaving the room. Jenna takes a deep breath and slowly releases it, trying to steady her nerves.
Two hours have passed and Jenna is downstairs, sipping on a glass of wine. She can feel the tension in her body start to ease, and her mind starts to clear. What are you doing now? Jacob out of her mind and you in it, along with a glass of wine...she was starting to feel horny.
Jenna got up from her chair and started to make her way to your bedroom. She was starting to untie her robe, walking closer and closer to your bedroom door before opening it and locking it behind her.
You rise from your bed, taking Jenna in. She smiled and walked towards you, her robe falling to the ground as she climbed into your bed.
You pulled her close, and ran your fingers through her hair, kissing her deeply, feeling her warmth and desire. She returned the kiss, her body pressing against yours. You felt your heart race as you savored every moment of her presence. You both melted into each other, content in the moment.
She pulls away, stripping you of your tank top and shorts, caressing your body with her hands. You lay back on the bed, her body hovering over yours, "Stay here." She leans closer, her lips lightly brushing against yours. She whispers in your ear, "Trust me." You nod and lay back. Jenna returns with her robe's tie, smiling.
She begins to slowly bind your hands with the tie, her fingers running lightly over your skin. You can feel her breath on your face as she ties the knot, and when she's done she leans in to kiss you.
She whispers again, "Close your eyes." You do as she says, and you feel her lips press against yours. You feel her hair brush against your face, and you can smell the faint scent of her perfume. She pulls away, and you open your eyes to find her looking at you with a mischievous smile.
"Beg. Beg for me to touch you." You take a deep breath, and whisper back, "Please, touch me." She laughs and her fingers trace a line down your neck, sending shivers through your body. She pulls you closer, and you feel her warm breath on your skin. "You're so needy, baby."
She smiles and kisses your neck softly, her hands exploring every inch of your body. You feel a wave of pleasure wash over you, and you let out a satisfied sigh. You know you're in her hands now. Her lips trail from your neck to your chest, to your stomach, and then to the waistband of your boxers.
She slides your boxers off and moves down. "I love sucking your cock." She presses a kiss onto your reddened tip, and you sigh out. She wraps her lips around your shaft and teases it with her tongue.
She begins to move her head up and down, her mouth tantalizing your most sensitive areas. You begin pulling on the tie, letting out a loud moan as you buck your hips up. Jenna releases you. "You have to be quiet."
You nod and bite your lip, but Jenna stands up on the bed, pulling down her panties and stuffing them into your mouth. "There," she whispers. "You won't make another sound." She kneels in on the bed, her hands gripping your shaft as she starts to stroke you with her expert touch.
You close your eyes in pleasure, biting down on the panties stuffed in your mouth. She leans in, her breath hot against your skin as she takes you back in her mouth. You can't help but groan in pleasure despite the panties muffling the sound.
She moves her head up and down, her hands gripping you tightly. Your pleasure builds and builds until you can't take it anymore. But before you can cum, she stops. She looks you in the eyes with a mischievous grin and says, "Not yet." She stands up on the bed again, taking her underwear out of your mouth.
She then proceeds to lower herself on your face, pushing your face between her legs and grinding against it. You can feel her heat and the intensity of her pleasure as she rides your face. Your tongue dances around her clitoris, sending her passionate waves of pleasure. She moans in pleasure, slapping a hand over her mouth to quiet herself down.
"Fuck. You're making me feel so good, Y/N." She grabs your head and pushes it up against her, grinding her hips against your face. You feel her quivering around your tongue and she lets out a loud moan.
She wraps her legs tightly around your head, her breathing becoming faster and faster as she comes closer and closer to her climax. Finally, she shudders and cries out in pleasure as she reaches her peak, gripping your headboard.
She relaxes, letting her legs loosen around your head. You give her a satisfied smile and she returns it, relieved and content. She leans down and gives you a passionate kiss. She whispers softly in your ear, telling you how good it felt and how happy she is. She pulls away and gets up, untying you.
She offers her hand and helps you sit at the edge of the bed. She brushes her fingers across your cheek and smiles standing in front of you, "You can touch me now." You smile, your hands subconsciously finding her waist and pulling her into a lip-bruising kiss.
She wraps her arms around your neck and pulls you closer, her lips soft and inviting. You brush a few strands of hair from her face, and she leans in, her lips softly pressing against yours again.
You pull away to catch your breath and she smiles, her eyes filled with wonder. She leans in and kisses your forehead before turning around, "I wanna ride you."
Your eyes widen in shock. "Reversed?"
She hums in response, wrapping an arm around your shoulders to support herself as she lowers down on your cock. You gasp as she takes you in, her tightness pushing you toward the edge. She begins to move, her hips rolling and rotating in an exquisite rhythm. "Mmm.."
You moan, unable to contain your pleasure. She responds with a sultry laugh, her body shaking with delight. She pulls you into a kiss, her hips never stopping their movement.
You're close to the edge, and she knows it. She increases her pace, her body pressing against yours. "I'm going to cum, Y/N." She rasps out, biting your shoulder. You hiss in pain, nodding at her words. She digs her nails into your bicep and lets out a scream into your shoulder as her orgasm rocks her body.
You feel her muscles contract around you and just as you're about to reach your own climax, she speaks. "Hold it, baby." You take a deep breath and hold back, gritting your teeth in the pleasure.
She kisses your neck and slows her movements, her breathing gradually evening out. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding and rest your forehead against hers.
She smiles and kisses you gently before rolling off you. You lay there, heart pounding in your chest, and look up at staring at the woman in front of you. "Stand up," she says, her voice soft and gentle. You stand up, and she kneels in front of you, stroking your cock.
She takes you in her mouth, and you feel your knees buckle. She looks up at you with a mischievous grin and begins to suck. Your body tenses with pleasure and you can't help but moan. You raise your hand to your mouth and bite on it.
You feel your pleasure rising and you can't help but grab a fistful of her hair. You let out a deep moan as your pleasure intensifies, she releases you with a pop. "Fuck my throat."
Oh my goodness.
She smiles and takes you back in, her tongue working its way around your shaft. You start moving your hips, thrusting into her throat. Her hand reaches up and grips your butt as she takes you deeper. "Fuck, Jenna... please let me cum."
She pulls away and looks up at you with a naughty smile. You feel her hand wrap around your shaft and start to stroke you as she looks into your eyes. "You wanna cum?" She teases and you quickly nod your head, "Yes. Please, shit."
She moves her hand faster and faster, her grip getting tighter with each stroke. "Yeah? You want me to make you feel better baby?" She whispers and you whimper back, nodding.
She moves her mouth back onto you and you thrust your hips faster than before, chasing your high. You can feel her throat tightening around you and her tongue working faster and harder.
You come undone, your orgasm shaking your entire body. She swallows you down, her eyes never leaving yours. Your legs shake, your breathing is labored. She rises from the floor and you kiss her, savoring the taste of you on her lips.
"I'm still so horny." She whispers against your lips. You feel yourself rising at her words. Your hands wrap around her waist, pulling her into a breathless kiss, your tongues battling for dominance. She lets out a soft moan, her breath coming in short gasps as you deepen the kiss.
Her legs wrap around your waist and you lay her down on the bed, not breaking the kiss. You break away, breathing heavily, your eyes never leaving hers. Your hand reaches down between her legs, and she gasps as your fingers brush against her wet heat. "Gosh, you're so wet."
You mumble, teasing her as she buckles beneath you. You stroke yourself a few times, lining yourself up with her entrance. You push forward, both of you sighing in pleasure when you bottom out inside her. "You're so deep," she gasps, biting her lip.
Your hips jerk as you thrust into her, pushing her legs behind her head. You grab her thighs, pulling her closer. Her nails dig into her own thighs as she helps you fill her up even deeper.
You feel her heat and tightness around you as you keep thrusting. She looks up at you with a mixture of pleasure and pain, and you can't help but moan in response. "FUCK! Oh my god, Y/N." Your hand slaps over her mouth. "You have to be quiet." You say, repeating the same words she said to you.
She nods, her eyes rolling to the back of her skull. You remove your hand, a smirk on your lips. "I thought you were supposed to be the one in charge, huh? Does me fucking you while your husband is in the next room turn you on?"
She gasps and then moans, her eyes still rolling back in pleasure. She grabs your hand and pulls it back to her body, her breathing becoming more and more rapid. "I'm about to cum—"
A force pushes back against your thrusts, and her body goes rigid as she squirts, a clear liquid shooting everywhere. She shudders and relaxes, and you feel her inner walls clenching around nothing. "Did–did you just squirt?" You ask Jenna, a big smile on your face.
Jenna looks up at you with a satisfied smile and nods. She takes a deep breath, her body still trembling from the pleasure. "That's so hot." You give her a long, passionate kiss which she returns straight away.
You lay back on the bed, and Jenna sits up slightly her hand wrapping around your hard cock. "Let me finish you off. You've done so well."
You groan in pleasure as her hand expertly strokes you. Her hand moves faster and you feel yourself close to the edge. You grab the sheets below you, lowering your face to hers.
You kiss her deeply and passionately as you let go, your body shaking with pleasure. "Shit!" She holds you close as you catch your breath, her lips still lightly touching yours. You slowly relax, a smile growing on your face.
She looks into your eyes with a satisfied smile, her lips still lightly brushing against yours. You pull her closer, your hands stroking her back as you kiss her again. You lay in her arms, your breathing slowly returning to normal.
"I got you these," Jacob says to Jenna, smiling as he holds up a bouquet of roses. Jenna smiles, "Thank you." He waves her off, "I just wanted to apologize for how I acted last night." You roll your eyes at him, picking up your hoodie from the kitchen island.
You would go to school in your black tank top but it was against the dress code, so you had to bring your hoodie to school with you. Jenna shakes her head, "It's okay. I understand." Jacob reaches out and takes her hand, "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have acted like that." She smiles, nodding.
Jacob pulls into a heated kiss and you can see his tongue entering her mouth. You almost vomit at the sight, but you keep your composure and turn away. Jenna pulls away eyes wide as Jacob smiles at you, "Enjoy your day at school kid." Who does this guy think he is?
You seethe with anger, but you don't say anything. You can't believe this guy has the audacity to kiss Jenna in front of you.
You take a deep breath and his smile changes to a face of concern, "Woah, who bit you?" He says, pointing at the bite mark on your left shoulder.
Your wife, bitch.
"Eli. He plays too much." You say, a fake laugh coming from your mouth. He looks at you confused before nodding, "Uh, okay..." Jenna walks to your side, "We're going to get going now."
Jacobs nods at her words, "Hurry back. I miss you already." You clench your jaw, balling up your fist. Jenna notices this, placing a hand on your back, and rubbing it gently. "You're too much, Jacob." She says, laughing.
You take a deep breath, calming your nerves. You and Jenna say your last goodbyes before exiting the house, relieved to be out of the same room as him. As you get into the car Jenna immediately looks at you, "Eli? Really?"
You shrug, your lips curling into a smile. "No one told you to bite my shoulder!" Jenna laughed and shook her head. You started the car and drove away, feeling a weight lifted off your shoulders. Your heart was still pounding, but the feeling of Jenna's laugh ringing in your ears made it easier to breathe.
taglist - @alexkolax @raven-ss @godsfavouritelesbiann @jennasslut @niqmandu @amburntfreeman @returnnofdamac @starry-night17 @get-the-fuck-outta-here @morganismspam23 @tai-hdg @crazyoffher2
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Thank you so much for the furfrou headcannons I absolutely loved it🥰
May I request headcannons for Arven,penny,Nemoma and Mr Hassel(my new dad) with a reader who actually lost their main partner who was a deathly protective mightyena but was…removed should we say…by their dad who was a fighting type gym leader but hated that his kid had a Pokémon like Mightyena,so he had a incredibly violent fight with his lucario and mighty was unfortunately lost in the end.Reader ran away and found a little rockruff puppy who was abandoned,he later became a dusk form lycanrock who is fiercely protective of reader.
I wonder how Hassel would react to a parent doing something so unforgivable to their child and seeing how close she is to her lycanrock and how terrified of fighting types she is.
How would Arven feel seeing someone who dropped everything to help him because she couldn’t stand seeing the cycle repeat in a way.
What about nemona? Would reader be terrified to let lycanrock battle against her pawmot?
If this is to dark I completely understand!
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Oh ouch :(( This is fine to request dw!
He knows a thing or two about having shitty parents.
But absolutely nothing could've prepared him for the truth of why you never spoke to your dad and went through so much trouble to help his Mabosstiff recover:
Because you, too, had a dark type dog Pokémon partner..but tragically lost them after a vicious battle with your dad, a fighting type gym leader who was disappointed in you choosing Mightyena as your ace.
You two had an argument that turned violent as he sent his Lucario against Might, Mega Evolving him to teach you both a "lesson" that ended up wounding them badly.
He didn't think it was fatal, but sadly not even a Pokémon Center could heal their severe injuries.
So you comforted Might in their last moments, burying them that night and grieving, before running away from home--never speaking to your father again after that incident.
At some point, you found a friend in an abandoned Rockruff: a very young one left on a leash outside by their trainer.
You two formed a connection, and years later they remained by your side, having evolved into a Dusk Lycanroc that had the same protectiveness and loyalty as Might once did.
Arven already has tears in his eyes by the time you finish telling him everything, and when you bring out Lycanroc, he has nothing but respect for them.
Both of you wind up making sandwiches and take a break from tracking down the Titan Pokémon.
He's glad he opened up to you, and vice versa.
But boy, he'd love to give your dad hell for what he put you through.
During Operation: Starfall, you had a pretty bad panic attack when Eri brought out Lucario--an event that Penny unfortunately witnessed.
Your Dusk Lycanroc knew why you were so distressed and, despite the obvious type disadvantage, was fueled with enough rage to cleave through her team and take down the Starmobile.
After that, they helped you calm down and recuperate.
Later, after Penny reveals that she's the Team Star leader, she talks to you in private and admits to seeing that frightening moment.
But she's still unsure why you reacted that way.
Since she was open to you, though, you decided to open up to her about your past with Mightyena and how you lost them after fighting your dad's Lucario.
And you see the shock in her eyes before she shakily mutters "I'm so sorry", realizing she played a part in making you relive that trauma by battling Eri.
But you reassure her it's okay. She didn't know, and you don't hold it against either of them.
You've just been afraid of fighting types for so long, which is why you saved the Caph Squad base for last.
She's a gal of few words, but she's willing to lend you her Eeveelutions for emotional support should you ever need them.
There's a good chance she's always gonna feel somewhat guilty, especially when she catches Lycanroc sneaking glares at Eri and her team.
Your battles with her start out normal, with your Dusk Lycanroc taking down most of her team with ease.
But when she sent out her Pawmo for the first time, you become frozen with fear--something that she notices right away and stops the fight.
She asks if you're okay, but you just quietly switch Lycanroc out for another Pokémon and swiftly end the battle before leaving.
It'll be a long while before you admit to Nemona why you looked so terrified that day, so she assumes you had a bad experience with a Pawmo before.
But when you feel comfortable enough to tell her, she feels guilty and promises to change up her team.
Ngl she's probably gonna tear up after learning how awful your dad was to your Mightyena.
She vows to battle the bastard himself and take away his gym badge for good.
But you tell her it's okay. Karma will come for him, and you just wanted to continue healing from your past wounds.
Eventually, you'll be fine battling her Pawmot, though knowing her passion you just...have this nagging fear that she might overdo it and seriously hurt your Lycanroc.
So you avoid using them if she sends that one out.
Of all the teachers, he was closest to being the father figure you always wanted, but never got (considering your own was a dirtbag who didn't deserve his gym badge).
So you trusted him a lot, often chatting with him about homework, his elite four job, or how your treasure hunt was going.
But one day, Hassel notices how sad and distant you seemed in class today.
Considering you're always participating, it's unusual seeing you be so quiet.
So he asks you to stop by later, wondering what was weighing so heavily on your mind.
He may or may not have brought you to tears as you explain that today was the anniversary of your Mightyena's death.
After you go into detail of how your Dusk Lycanroc became your next companion, he starts sobbing his eyes out while hugging you.
Never in his life could he imagine a parent doing something so awful to their child's Pokémon.
It shatters him to know that you, too, were being forced to follow in someone else's footsteps, with your dad wanting to raise fighting-type trainers but you wishing to have a dark-type partner...and ultimately being punished for it.
Since then, Hassel has been 100% supportive of you, always saying that he'd proud of you and how well you raised your Lycanroc.
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euphoricimagination · 2 years
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It's not often that Sakusa feels alone, but when he does, it hit him hard. Thankfully for him, you are there to help him out whenever it happens
[Part 2]
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Sakusa is looking at his phone, his messages to be exact.
“We just won the preliminars, we’re going to the Nationals” reads the message. He sent it about 10 minutes ago. It wasn’t even opened.
‘They don't care’ he thought. He was alone; his parents couldn’t even bother to congratulate him over text for something he was proud of; his brothers think volleyball it’s stupid; plus, Komori was recovering from a minor injury, so he wasn’t here either. He was alone, nobody was there to celebrate with him…
“Kiyoomii!”  he hears from behind him, a familiar voice calling his name.
You met Kiyoomi last year, in your first year of Itachiyama. You, for some reason that he didn’t understand, decided to become his friend after your first day, when he was sitting on the gym floor. He remembers that you were lost, and you found your way into the gym. He helped you, of course he did, and since then he couldn’t get rid of you even if he tried, not that he wanted anyway.
“You were soo good today!” you exclaim as you get close to him, big smile on. He looks at you with slight confusion, why were you still here?
“Your color match is terrible” he says instead, looking at your outfit. The red pants with white letters from your new school match with the bright yellow-green jacket.
“Don’t judge me or my clothes” you hit him slightly
“What are you doing here? Nekoma match was over a long time ago” he says in an attempt to forget his previous thoughts
“I’m here to support you silly. I’m always going to be here for you” you tell him like it was the most obvious thing ever.
He looks at you with wide eyes, suddenly feeling an emotion that he doesn’t remember feeling before. But you were an expert when it comes to bringing emotions he thought he never had.
Like when you told him that you had to move to another city in Tokyo, and therefore, change schools, making him feel an emptiness in his chest.
Like the amount of rage he felt when you told him about the constant teasing you suffered with your old classmates just because you weren’t rich like the rest, rage that turn into feeling useless for not being able to protect you.
Or when you told him in one of your many calls how happy you were at your new school and how much fun you were having being the manager of the Nekoma High Volleyball team, when you made him feel sick of his stomach by the mere thought of you replacing him.
And like now, when you made his eyes watery by just saying something so simple.
“Omi? Are you ok? Did I say something wrong?” you ask before he pulls you into his chest, hiding his face in the crock of your neck.
“Thank you” he simply states, but he knows that you understand exactly what he means. You always knew.
“Of course. I’m so proud of you, Omi” you told him caressing the back of his head, which just made him tight his arms around you even more to contain his sniffles.
He completely forgot about every one of his thoughts, the screams of his school suddenly disappeared, he ignored every muffled comment saying how surprising it was that someone like him was showing emotions; because he wasn’t alone, he was with you, the safe place that he didn’t knew he needed.
“Better now, you cry-baby?” you say teasingly, earning a chuckle and a playful pinch in your waist “wanna go and eat dinner? I can go with your team…or you can come with mine, I’m sure they would love to meet you”
“What about my place? I can ask the chef to cook us your favorite” he asks with his normal self back on track, not quite sure why he feels happy that you want him to meet the team that you hold so dear to your heart.
“Oh yeah, I forgot that Mr. I-have-people-that-work-for-me doesn’t like the food of the peasants” you joked, this time receiving a small flick on your forehead
“If you don’t come you’re not eating pasta ever again” he says chuckling again as you protests about how mean he is with the smile that he grew to love “make sure to schedule a practice with your school before Nationals, they will be a good challenge”
“Eh? The great N°1 ace of all Japan wants to train with a normal high school instead of the university clubs?” you ask with full sarcasm, making him roll his eyes before starting to walk towards the exit.
“Forget it then”
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding, of course I will. I can’t wait for you to meet them” you say holding his arm, making an bunch of fireworks explode on his stomach.
You made him feel so complete ever since you enter into his life, so it’s only logical to take the next step. Hopefully he can present himself as your boyfriend when he meets your team next time.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 15 days
I used to see Sephiroth and think “damn he’s the Marilyn Monroe of video games and anime,” but after delving into his backstory and seeing Crisis Core/Reunion and Ever Crisis I just feel sad.
I mean when you think about it he really had no one. He only knew Glenn, Matt, and Lucia for that one mission but he never forgot about them, despite all of them leaving him behind. Then Angeal and Genesis who- I’m sorry, I know this is also an unpopular opinion- also treated him like crap. To me it always seemed like Genesis didn’t really care about Sephiroth at all. We’ve never seen him being nice to him, even prior to degrading. During that one spar we saw of them three Genesis really seemed like he was going for the throat and like he was letting his rage and jealousy take over, and Angeal had to break them up. At first I used to think that at least Angeal was a decent friend to Sephiroth, but the more I think about it the more it seemed like he was on Genesis’ side because he was his childhood friend and simply acted as a peacekeeper between them three than anything else. Sephiroth didn’t hesitate to offer his blood/cells when Genesis needed it and Angeal even commented on how Sephiroth had lost weight when he sees him the last time, probably from stress and depression.
So not only did he never have friends who cared about him and who he always cared more for than they cared for him, he was also raised in a lab his entire childhood by a psycho who’s his biological father (he didn’t know about that part but it’s still horribly messed up.) And even with all of that he still grew up to be a good person- before all the trauma drove him crazy. He still wanted to genuinely help and save people, and he got attached so quickly. Even with every reason to be horrible he wasn’t, until the whole dam of emotions and mistreatment broke.
Sorry for the long post. I was just looking back at the Seph lore and started feeling really sad 😕
Sephiroth is a very tragic character, and he was failed by every adult in his life from the very beginning, first by his parents—one being an unethical twat and the other being his mother, someone who he would later come to really yearn for and had no idea she was part of the reason why his life was the way it was. He was Shinra's lap dog from birth to Nibelheim, and the only respite he had from it all were his friendships—and he was an extremely loyal friend to everyone. He was loyal even to SOLDIER despite the program being part of the problem.
It appears Glenn, Matt and Lucia were his first friends who really taught him what it was like to care for other people. The thing is: the FS trio were as much of Shinra's pawns as Sephiroth—albeit to a lesser extend because Seph was their golden boy. And so were Genesis and Angeal. They were victims of the Jenova Project too, and had every right to be angry, and Genesis' actions are more understandable (not excusable) once you take into account how the degradation likely preyed on his mental state. Genesis and Angeal are complex characters, but unfortunately we don't have as much narrative context and content for them as we have for Sephiroth, which ultimately makes Sephiroth easier to sympathize with despite what he goes on to become later. He's an incredibly tragic character who everyone rightfully adores, also because of who he was as character Pre-Nibelheim, before he understandably lost his mind. It's a damn shame so many people disregard the compilation, because there's so much of Seph's backstory to be explored that adds even more depth to his character.
I think Genesis and Angeal were good friends to Sephiroth, but you have to understand that they were both degrading while Sephiroth was (physically) fine. So of course they latched onto each other and left Sephiroth behind, especially if they thought Sephiroth wouldn't understand their desertion and wouldn't abandon Shinra to come with them. I don't think they were bad friends, but they—Genesis especially—underestimated how good of a friend he was to them. I hope chapter 2 of FS can show Sephiroth and Angeal's (fingers crossed Genesis too) friendship before the crisis ever started. Only then will we know what their dynamic was like.
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
Would you ever consider doing platonic yanderes where the reader is the characters mom? Reader is married to the dad and the whole family is yandere?
(Example; Reader is married to Enji (a romantic yandere) and the kids are platonic yanderes to their mom (reader), either Rei doesn’t exist or Reader is their stepmom)
Or reader finding the LOV when they were kids and just adopting them herself instead of them going down the villain path and they become platonic yanderes for the mother that wanted and loved them? (I’m a sucker for platonic yanderes)
Been there, done that. Have u read Yandere overhaul as a president au???? Its literally that, with Overhaul being yandere for his fake wife reader so that he could gain popularity and become president, and then they have triplets- Dabi, Himiko and Tomura, all of who are yanderes for their mommy. And I take it a step further by making the entire world yandere for reader.
I have thought about another au where reader, just barely entering into adulthood, suddenly has to adopt Dabi (she took him in after he ran away from home and found him sleeping in an alley). She worked very hard to bond with Dabi, and after a few months, he finally began opening up to her affection (he let's her cuddle him, and kiss his forehead before tucking him in her bed while she takes the couch because she knows Dabi has still has some issues with physical touch). Despite having little to no savings, she puts him in school (the same place where she works part time as a janitor. Though she hides herself when he's with his classmates because she doesn't want him to feel ashamed- not that he ever would). There's been one to many times when reader didn't know where the next meal would come from, but she made sure Dabi never went to sleep hungry (she would work as a server at parties and would sneak some of the food into her bag for him). Reader fell sick quite a few times because of how overworked she was, but she never had the money to get herself some medicine. However, she always found a way to get Dabi the very expensive ointment for his burns and scars. She always wore used clothes and sewed them with patches wherever they were torn, and she'd outgrown her shoes 2 years ago, but she made sure that Dabi was always well dressed, and he always got brand new clothes (she never wanted him to feel inferior to his peers. She knows how mean kids could be.) And somehow, even with multiple jobs, she made sure to be there for him on all important days, celebrated all his achievements no matter how small, and even when Dabi grows up, he can't wrap his head around why you would do all of that? How could one be so selfless, especially to a stranger she knew nothing about?
In fact, there was even a time when Dabi ran away from your house, feeling guilty for what you'd been putting yourself through for him and how he had hurt your feelings after a stupid argument. He was in shock when he saw you running around the city looking for him, tears in your eyes as you asked people to help you find "my son!" And when you finally found him, the first thing that came out of your mouth was,
"Are you okay?"
Not anger, Not rage for worrying you- but genuine concern for his well being. Dabi all but ran into your arms and broke down, sobbing into your chest and he never had to say it out loud for you to understand how sorry he was.
From there on, you two had a good relationship. I could see that perhaps reader finds a stable job as a barista at a cafe, and a part time tutor (because she is well educated), and perhaps she had been hired by Tomura's parents to teach him and his sister, and you were the best teacher they had. Then one day, Tomura accidentally murdered his family and you only found him because you were on your way to tutor him. The trauma in his eyes, in his face- it was all enough for you to understand that he didn't want this to happen. So, you reach for him, but be he jumps back, claiming that he'd kill you. You don't know what happened, but you talked to him, calmed him down, and when you finally reached for him, he didn't pull back. And when you didn't turn into a pile of ashes (maybe because of a hidden quirk, maybe because you had calmed him down), he all but jumped into your arms, wanting all the warmth and comfort you could provide. You of course, took him home and didn't contact the police because that would've turned everything to shit for Tomura and he was far to young to be experiencing cops and courts and investigations, who yo were sure would find a way to incriminate him and send him go jail or worse. You had introduced Dabi to Tomura and told him that he would staying here.
Dabi being jealous and protective of you, snarled "For how long?"
You smiled and rubbed Tomura's back in a comforting manner. "For as long as he'd like."
While reader being poor and helpless and working herself to the bone would be the typical plot to go, how about a reader who is rich- Maybe a year after she adopted Dabi, she has suddenly got a hefty inheritance from a distant relative. The first thing she does is legally adopt Dabi (with his consent of course), then adds his name in her will (he was very moved by it, but he cried alone in his room). Then Tomura comes along, and she also adopts him legally and the two "brothers" are always fighting with each other, only stopping around you because of how gravely it upsets you when they don't get along. From a very young age, you had told them that the two of them are family and they always have to stick together, have each other's backs no matter what. So while they act amicably in front of you, the moment you leave the room, they are at each other's necks.
Now that you're rich and the boys are all grown up, you decide its time for you to find love. But Dabi and Tomura have other plans.
One thing that they do agree upon is that no man or woman you date is ever gonna be good for you. So all of your dates are always gonna end up missing or ghosting you. I can also see them actively trying to prevent you from adopting more kids because they don't like to share, they don't want other greedy assholes (aka poor orphans) taking advantage of your kindness.
Maybe after you give them control of your company and decide to retire and go on a vacation, Dabi and Tomura will hire men to keep tabs on you, protect you, put a tracker on you so that they know where you are at all times. And when they find out that you're on a vacation with a "secret lover", their blood boils, more so when they find out that your s/o has proposed to you and you agreed.
IMMEADIATELY you're flown back home by their bodyguards, and you can struggle all you want, their not letting you go (although Dabi and Tomura had ordered them not to a hurt a hair on your head. You're just too soft and fragile). When you're brought home and find out that it was your own sons who did this, you are furious, yelling at them that that they can't do this.
Dabi narrows his eyes at you. "Of course, we can. We're looking out for you because you don't know whats good for you. Like lying to us and going out with some measly pervert."
Your eyes widened. How did he know? "You've been spying me-?"
"Its for your own good." Tomura said, cupping your cheek. "You're old now, so you can't take care of yourself. Just let us do it. Listen to us."
You recoiled back from him, confusion evident on your as you looked back and forth between them. What are they talking about?
"I- I don't understand this- you shouldn't be spying on me! I'm an adult! I can take care of myself. And who I date or see is not your concern! I'm well equipped to make my own decisions! And then to have me dragged here with no explanation! What would s/o think?! You've embarrassed me in front of him!" You scolded them but they both shared a look. "I'm gonna have to call him back, but this isn't over!"
"You don't have to worry about him anymore, mom." Tomura said, and you began to worry when he didn't offer an explanation.
"What do you mean?"
Dabi spoke this time, face stoic as ever. "He's been taken care of."
The longer they remained silent, the more the daunting realisation hit you.
"I- no..."
Seeing the terrified look on your face, Dabi attempted to comfort you by grabbing your forearms.
"He's been taken care of. You won't ever see him again."
"No- no!" You began to struggle in his arms, trying to break free but he towered over you and held you tighter. "No! You didnt- no! Let go! LET GO! LET GO! LET GO! LET GO-!"
Tears slipped from your eyes at the silent confession of a heinous crime came from your sons, the news being too much as you lost consciousness, both from the shock and from the tiredness.
Dabi lifted you up and began walking to your room, tucking you under the covers as you felt them kiss your cheek, too tired to even flinch away from the murderers.
Perhaps they're right. Maybe you are too old now.
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mantizimus · 6 months
Hello! I've never asked for requests before, so I hope I haven't messed up anywhere x) I just need a little inspiration. Fandom: Transformers Prime. Headcanon I think. Platonic. Female reader. Half Mexican. The reader becomes Optimus Prime's human partner at the beginning of the series. She is very independent and used to cope with everything by herself (her father left her mother, and her mother did not take care of her due to depression), quite rude, decisive, sarcastic, and even cynical, feisty, wild, but at the same time very sympathetic. She is 3 days older than Jack and likes to make fun of him for it. Engaged in street dancing, likes to read literature, both classic and criminal. The most interesting thing is that she combines some of the qualities of Optimus and Megatron: she can be quite cruel, also has anger issues (although it's more like cold rage) and has no problem killing bad people, while being very loyal, fair and decisive. This makes her a morally gray character. I would like to read how her relationship with Optimus developed in general with such characteristics, given that they later turned into a father-daughter relationship. Some moments between them that show this relationship. Also, maybe she had some interesting interactions with Megatron? If the fantasy goes further, then write about her relationship with other members of the Prime Team, including people. I hope I didn't add anything too much. Sorry for my bad English. Thanks in advance!
It's OK. Just, please, don't send such long requests next time. I might go "tl;dr" mode and miss something you'd like to see.
Father-daughter relationship with fem human Reader
Optimus Prime
Adopting a human girl wasn't part of Optimus' plans, but he's not complaining.
He don't quite understand why you tease Jack because he's a little younger than you.
Feels sympathy for you when he finds out about your past.
If your biological parents try to take you away, he will politely explain that you're staying with him.
From time to time he will turn to you for recommendations regarding earthly literature.
If he has free time, which is extremely rare, he can watch you dance.
Doesn't really approve of your willingness to kill bad people, preferring to try to resolve the conflict peacefully. However, he has to admit that sometimes this may be the only option.
Your Megatron-like traits make him remember their friendship.
Optimus greatly values your loyalty, honesty and determination.
The rest of his team takes your presence completely calmly… except that Bumblebee and Bulkhead will sometimes wonder when Ratchet will have his own human.
It's worth noting that Wheeljack will immediately join them when he meets you.
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phantaloon · 6 months
okay okay im finally finished with both eps and here's my genuine opinion
the cast is 10/10, every single one of these kids knows exactly what they're doing and WHO they are, i can't imagine anyone playing each character better than them
the slight change in Sally and gabe's dynamic gave me a bit of whiplash at first, but the second time watching it, i kinda really dig it better than the books
the way they're portraying percy's feelings of inadequacy and the whole "i know I'm broken, i don't need you to make up stories for me"? fucking devastating, but it fits so fucking well (i can't remember if this is shown as deeply as it's shown here)
sally jackson is the most badass mfer and i fucking love her she is the godly parent fuck poseidon
it's been said before but sally calling percy perseus when she wants him to listen >>>
LOVED how they gave us the impression of percy having riptide while facing the minotaur, only for them to take it away (not really but percy didn't know that) and having percy face the minotaur book style rather than movie style
i am fucking loving the way they're doing percy's rage, like maybe it's bc i don't remember it as clearly in the books, but it's so raw, and walker does an amazing job portraying it, but the whole part where he offers food (a thing meant to be for gods) to SALLY, king behavior fr, and that monolog about making his father see them?? actual goosebumps
leah does such an amazing job portraying annabeth's indifference and apparent arrogance, i can't explain how much i love her, like she does it so subtly, it's just little gestures, but she IS annabeth chase (this felt especially cooler after seeing her in interviews, where she's actually really shy irl)
im not going to lie here, and like im sure it was done on purpose anyway, but i am feeling it kinda rushed, and I get it really! they won't waste time in the many chapters spent during camp introducing the world to us, when they've got few episodes, and the whole quest to showcase instead, but like, i would have loved to see percy training with luke (and besting him) and annabeth showing percy around camp (second time we've missed that) and idk just some fun little details, but like i said, i understand why they HAD to rush the intro, so I'm not upset about it or disappointed, just smth to notice
having said that, i really did love the bit of luke guiding percy through several activities trying to figure out his "calling", the callback to percy's horrible archery skills is 10/10
annabeth's yankees cap is fr a yankees cap and im crying
i nearly forgot, but im loving the nightmare sequences, i love how they're keeping the "voice" so faceless and shapeless, but just a light in the darkness of a nightmare, and really it's a great figure, bc a light in a nightmare is usually a good thing, it's the thing you run towards, and it's usually smth that helps you, but here, the light in the darkness is anything but good (quite literally) and he literally taunts percy, and fuels his fear and bitterness, and ugh I love it
the whole capture the flag sequence is 10/10 as well, i can't explain how much this healed me, just like annabeth leaving percy to be bored to death on his own, when she was right there, the transition between luke's "percy's got this" and percy doing the fucking floss dance? cinematic masterpiece, and like the fight sequence was really well done and crafted much much better than many others that rely on slow mo or weird angles, like the fight with clarisse and her spear was gold
dior's scream as percy breaks clarisse's spear alone deserves an emmy
leah portrays annabeth so effortlessly and naturally, I've said it before but i love her
i got like 10 seconds of annabeth interacting with percy and i can already see them together forever ahdjdj
overall 10/10 will rewatch again and again and again bc I'm in fucking love even if it does feel a bit rushed at times and there was the same lack of the hellhound as the movie
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starlightshadowsworld · 3 months
Bsd but Atsushi is a lot more aware, a lot more wary. And all the Agency want is to give him a home.
"Welcome to the Armed Detective Agency."
Atsushi shakes his head "No thanks." He's tired, too tired to deal with this right now. "I'm afraid I don't follow" says Fukuzawa, frowning and he wasn't the only one.
Dazai looks confused and Kunikida concerned.
"Listen, you guys seem nice and I'll pay you back for the meal" at that Atsushi briefly looks at Kunikida before looking back at Fukuzawa.
"But you don't want me." He says it so definitely, like no one could ever argue otherwise. "And why, would we not? You passed our exam" Says Fukuzawa and Atsushi shakes his head again.
He's slouching and keeping his head low, all in an effort to make himself smaller.
"You want the tiger, and no offence but that's stupid." Says Atsushi bluntly.
"The tiger is not your friend, not your ally. It's a wild and uncontrolled beast. You seem like a kind man who's surrounded himself by good people. You don't want this, it'll only spell despair got you all."
Fukuzawa is suprised to hear such, hatred in Atsushi's voice. Dazai knew Atsushi had a poor self image, but even this level of vitriol takes him by suprise.
As does the empty look in his eyes. When he'd met Atsushi he saw a bright light, one that's nowhere to be found.
"My ability can help others to keep control over theirs, and you've already seen Dazai's at work. Your ability will not cause us or yourself harm." Atsushi seems confused at that last part, and that breaks Fukuzawa's heart.
Why does a child look so confused at the idea of his own wellbeing being taken into account?
"I left one cage and I won't let you put me in another.." Says Atsushi, a growl in his voice. But it only betrays his fear. "The tiger doesn't like to be contained, and neither do I."
Atsushi shakes his head "and I didn't even know this was for an entrance exam." Dazai doesn't really want to pull the other card, it is underhanded but Atsushi needs to understand he's in danger.
"Atsushi, a bounty has been put on your head. The Port Mafia and other criminal organisations will be after you. The Agency can keep you safe from harm."
To Dazai's suprise Atsushi just shrugs. "And? What you think this is news to me? The Headmaster would tell me everytime I messed up he'd sell me to the highest bidder."
At that the entire Agency goes still with rage.
"I appreciate your help, but I'm good. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go before it gets dark." Says Atsushi, turning to leave.
"Atsushi, you said earlier we want the tiger. But what if we want you. You did pass after all, you seem like you'd be good here." Says Dazai.
Once again, Atsushi suprises him by laughing. It's harsh, cold and almost sarcastic. "We're serious" Says Fukuzawa, coming to back Dazai up. Atsushi looks at them for one of the few times during this meeting.
His eyes may be empty and cold, but they only show just how in pain he is.
"Don't lie to me. You want the tiger, it's the whole reason you guys were looking for me." Says Atsushi and Dazai nods "that's true, but circumstances change."
His voice becomes softer, gentle like he's talking to a scared animal, a scared child. "Is it so werid that we might actually like you and want you around?"
"No one wants me" Says Atsushi, his words hollow and borderline emotionless. "Not my parents not the Orphanage and definitely not you." He looks out the window, like he's reminiscing.
"I bring nothing but misfortune onto others. It's who I am, everyone wants the tiger but not me. Fyodor wants the tiger, the Guild or rather Fitzgerald wants the tiger, Shibusawa wanted the tiger. Everyone wants the tiger."
Atsushi looks Dazai dead in the eye.
"So do you. I can see it in your eyes. Don't lie to me, you all might be too nice to say it. But no ones ever wanted me, and that won't start now." And as those as his parting words, Atsushi leaves.
Fukuzawa raises a hand "let him go" he says. "But President, we can't let him just..." Says Kunikida and Fukuzawa nods. "I know, but all we'll now is scare him off. He has no reason to trust us, that is something we'll have to earn."
He's right but if still hurts to watch Atsushi run off.
Dazai can't help but be reminded of another thinks of another kid, now years older. One with dark red hair and piercing blue eyes full of distrust and anger.
Everyone wanted him for one thing too, a gift he couldn't quite control.
Dazai wants Atsushi to join, of course he does. Does he have a plan to put together a new Soukoko, of course he does
But does Dazai also see a hurt, terrified kid and want to help him? Yes. A kid who believes he's better off dead but wants nothing more than to live.
The President was right, they needed to gain Atsushi's trust. To show him that he was cared for, not simply for the beast underneath his skin.
Dazai knew he'd already gotten attached, so had Kunikida and everyone else who'd met the kid.
Maybe they all saw themselves in this lost boy.
And hopefully they could bring him back home.
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vaguely-concerned · 6 months
Thoughts upon finishing Master and Apprentice! A good double read with Padawan; the ending of that leaving Obi-Wan slightly hopeful about his relationship to Qui-Gon makes for a very sad yet hilarious ‘Local Padawan loses last little bit of hope he didn’t even know he still had’ sort of vibe to the beginning of this one, which is set one (1) year later and Obi-Wan is So Done with Qui-Gon’s whole deal by this point (correctly btw). Also if you can’t tell already I will not be objective or free from bias in this because I love Obi-Wan so much and some of the stuff Qui-Gon pulled made me incandescent with rage on his behalf <3 let’s go
- 'oh obi-wan, you're so mature for your age, I keep forgetting you're only seventeen years old,' qui-gon says, word for word, repeatedly, in master and apprentice, apparently willfully deaf to the industrial-sized warning bells about their relationship dynamic that should probably be setting off in his head. qui-gon believes in vibing with the living force and being in the moment right up until the moment requires him to pay attention to the kid he's raising for more than oh, one and a half minutes of self-effacing inner monologue and then he's like 'well unfortunately there is simply no time for that right now there are prophecies to be pondered'. (the fact that the admission that obi-wan has essentially been left to raise himself emotionally and the resigned reframing of that as 'and maybe that is a good thing!' is part of the olive branch they extend to each other towards the end... will my sadness never end)
- most of all it's so heartbreaking to me that qui-gon seemingly never understands just how much obi-wan as a person is rooted deeply in shame. I don't think that's a feeling that's particularly prevalent in qui-gon's own inner world so he doesn't recognize how central it is in obi-wan's psychology and completely misunderstands and misaligns with him again and again and again and then gets annoyed with obi-wan for that, thus making the shame even deeper. doubly painful because he does see the way rael lives so much of his life out of shame now and feels sad about it, but can't see the way he's contributing to obi-wan doing so. this is what fucks me up so bad about the generational trauma in star wars -- no one here meant to be cruel. for all his faults I do think qui-gon does love obi-wan and doesn't mean to hurt him. but the original sin of the prequels as far as I'm concerned is qui-gon tenderly drying away obi-wan's tears as he's dying even while completely failing to see him, his eyes too fixed on anakin's future to actually be with obi-wan, who's there right now and needs him.
these are simply very different people trying and failing to understand each other, and the harm that can still happen in that… 'if you love me, you don't love me in a way I understand', all the way through the disaster line, even when the love is there, it is there, that’s what hurts the most, it just doesn’t reach where it’s needed, there’s a connection that doesn’t happen. (ironically I think ahsoka doesn't doubt that anakin loves her, it's just uh everything else that went down. so y'know family curse broken! new even more fucked up curse achieved now with more child murder. I mean there already was some child murder in this family but anakin upped the game exponentially) 
- a lil guy who's basically tarzan except the gorillas are replaced with protocol droids and then he becomes a jewel thief is one of the funniest star wars concepts I've ever heard and I hope pax and rahara get to pop up in more star wars media, they’re great fun. (also an idea I think would be super fun to make a character/campaign around in Edge of the Empire or something, everyone playing different droids and then one person being robo-parented lol) 
- was not prepared to have rael posit a theory of what essentially seems to be the jedi version of predestination in his despair, but I do love to see it haha. especially interesting since he, qui-gon and dooku must be among the people alive who've studied the prophecies in most depth, and they've all reached different conclusions -- dooku decides to join the war of light and dark on the side of dark for some reason, qui-gon (possibly the stubbornest fucker the jedi order ever produced) 'turns towards the light not to win some great cosmic game, but because it is the light', and rael in the middle falls into the depressed apathy of 'it doesn't matter what we do here, the outcome is already decided; for there to be true balance there has to be as much dark as light in the world so we're fucked'. but in the end he does take qui-gon's words to heart and turns towards the light rather than accepting dooku's offer, even if he might not believe it makes a difference in the long run. man I love rael. hobo-looking sonofabitch living in a castle for eight years will just suddenly fling out some deep jedi theology huh
- master rael 'I'm gonna make up for the big terrible mistake I made on accident by making an even bigger more premeditated mistake on purpose' averross (affectionate)
- the added layer to dooku’s fascination with prophecy after reading dooku: jedi lost — that his best friend in the world was a seer who couldn’t turn it off and it destroyed him……….. dooku you’re not getting him back if you just understand what he saw you know that right
- the more I read of master and apprentice the more I realize that the reason yoda and qui-gon don't get along is that they're two of the judgiest bitches the jedi order ever produced. They’re like two cats scowling judgmentally at each other from opposite sides of the room pretending to live and let live while going ‘you’re wrong tho’ internally. 
- I dunk on him constantly (not entirely without affection, however grudging), but Qui-Gon is genuinely a really interesting character. He’s so… he’s so. He’s infuriating but he’s infuriating in an equidistant sort of way. You feel me. He’s pissing everyone off equally and he just doesn’t care because again, he’s the stubbornest judgiest bitch around and thinks he’s right all the time. I would be free to just enjoy his ornery ‘no actually I’m right about this’ ass and the chaos he wreaks so much more if Obi-Wan didn’t have to live with the emotional consequences of it lol. 
- poor rael closing in on fifty with his puriteen middle-aged little brother clutching pearls about his getting laid once in a blue moon fhdskjahfas. again a really interesting insight into different ways of interpreting the jedi code, though, I love seeing the jedi not be an ideological monolith. to be fair to rael, having sex sometimes does seem to be the indulgence he has that causes the least conflict with his principles or loyalties so you know what honestly force speed you my friend why not. (and then there's qui-gon 'noooo sex is only okay if you're In Love (implied: like I was)!!!' jinn lmao. I wonder what he'd think of anakin and padme's relationship, would that pass the 'being sufficiently purely in love' test for him) I do like how consistently it’s shown that rael doesn’t mean to be cruel or unkind in anything he says, he always notices something landing too close to home and then pulls carefully back from it instead of pushing on. He seems to be the emotional intelligence powerhouse in this lineage (as long as he doesn’t have his feelings too tangled up in something, at least). 
Dooku: jedi lost also shows us that dooku absolutely knows rael is out there in the galaxy laying pipe and is, at worst, softly amused by it. So in this little family unit it’s only qui-gon losing his mind over it fjsdkafa I’m so used to having qui-gon be the wild card maverick compared to obi-wan ‘*in tears* but what are the RULES master’ kenobi, it’s so fucking funny that within the context that raised him he’s the stick in the mud 
I guess. the book also had a plot and it was not bad! some interesting insights about how the republic interacted with the big corporations and just how fucked everything already was by this point. I'm a pretty character-driven reader so that's what sticks with me for the most part
- obi-wan’s big teenage rebellion here being that sometimes. Occasionally. When he really loses his temper and gets hot under the collar. He’ll say something slightly passive aggressive out loud instead of keeping it contained inside his head. And qui-gon still can’t handle that gracefully AT ALL he snaps right back fdjskfhas. (I guess he also snitches on qui-gon to the council but well, you know, qui-gon was breaking republic law pretty brazenly at that point I think that moves beyond teenage angst and into ‘...master that’s a wholeass felony’ territory). Obi-Wan does go for a couple of low blows, but like. Nothing that’s not actually true, is the thing. And mostly he blames himself for not being good enough, because surely if he were qui gon wouldn’t treat him like this. Augh. hngh. Pain. suffering. 
- I am not one of the people who think everything would have automatically been just hunky-dory if only qui-gon lived and could have been anakin's master (in fact I would have given it a 50/50 chance of going exponentially worse way faster; being more similar as people is not always a guarantee that a relationship will go smoother and qui-gon is an incredibly difficult man to be close to for any length of time), but the way this book basically presents how the dynamic between dooku, rael and qui-gon could have gone on in the next generation too... it would have been incredibly unfair to obi-wan (as always I think that's just an universal constant lmao) but I think the odds of it turning out okay would have been better if you had him in the mix to run crisis control for both qui-gon and anakin, as he does for each of them individually as best he can anyway. at least he could have been free to be anakin's brother and friend purely in that scenario, without all the added mess of grief and having to take on a parental role there so young. he does basically fill that role in ahsoka's apprenticeship, after all.
- qui-gon finally hugging rael before he leaves the planet (and especially since when they were younger he wanted to, but held himself back from it)... that's still his big brother even with all the shit that's happened since ;_____; when someone teaches you how to swim (literally and symbolically) that shit stays with you I suppose
Relatedly: DOOKU getting hugged, and gladly. What the fuck. Are you all seeing this shit. I’m gonna cry or laugh I’m not sure which one why am I emotionally invested in the galaxy's most problematic grandpa now this sucks
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majimasleftasscheek · 11 months
Have you played Yakuza 6 yet? If so ya got any kazumaji head canons based off the events of the game?
I absolutely love your ideas for them and I am beyond upset that Majima was barley in the game. Or even mentioned that much.
They did the boi dirty in this game, I swear.
*clenches my ass hard enough to shit diamonds*
oh I have OPINIONS about 6 I'll tell you that but it is good fodder for the kazumaji agenda 👀 I'mma be kinda rambly in this but I promise it all ties together kdjfjkldfkldf
so we all know Kiryu goes off to find Haruka and because I'm a big fan of dadjima, I can only imagine Kiryu lets him know while he's stuck in jail and Majima's just like WHAT
so Kiryu does a lot of self reflection but acting upon it is another matter. I can see Majima chastising him, saying she ran away cuz that's all Kiryu ever does (part of him is still pissy about him leaving in y3) and she's never had a healthy role model other than the king of hypocrisy. Kiryu would go on about how it's just to protect people yada yada but Majima would be like my guy, you left a bunch of kids in the care of your daughter who should not be parenting for you. you refuse any and all help because you think you can do it all on your own. you left me with Daigo who you said I wouldn't be babysitting AND YET—
I just want Majima to absolutely rail into him about how self serving he's acted despite better intentions. like of course Haruka ran away, look how much pressure she was under, what she went through in the idol bizz (maybe I'm a loser but I did not like Haruka's part in y5 that shit icked me), what you (Kiryu) do every time you feel like a burden to people. how naïve it was to think any part of Kiryu's past would leave him behind just because he wanted it to. how his lone wolf thing impedes on everybody else. how in 5 he literally says he needs to stop running from his past and he does it anyway. this game FRUSTRATES ME rrhrrhhrhrr KIRYU FRUSTRATES ME ACK. but also I have a thing for Majima just being angry at him, to actually lash out and spew all those feelings of being left behind or being refused to let help because Kiryu's stubborn. how he let himself be used all those years to help Kiryu out just because he asked and now once again Kiryu's off on his own, never changing his tune about how he doesn't wanna rely on people. Majima's not perfect either and frankly he communicates like shit too but I just want that RAGE to get out and explore how Kiryu would hear him but never listen. makes it all the more tragic when he finds out Kiryu "died."
*tho I must note, as much as it does irritate me, 6 makes sense entirely for Kiryu's character lol. nothing he does in it surprises me in the slightest so while I'm not a fan of the story, it's pretty fitting for him since he's the downfall of his own story half the time. and it's not so simple as just saying Kiryu's to blame. he's constantly forced to deal with shit just as much as he wants to be left alone. he struggles and he tries hard I'll give him that. I don't think he's a bad person for what he aimed to do in 6 but he's not infallible either. and sometimes it's just par for the course. like how he makes the compromise at the end of the game to disappear so his family can be at peace all the while in his history, he's had major problems doing what he's told - never truly disappearing anyway, going about whatever's gonna happen in gaiden. could you imagine if Haruka caught wind that some resting bitch face motherfucker is beating the shit outta armies somewhere? could you imagine her finding out that Kiryu left again?
honestly I think his character is really interesting cuz of this. he has good intentions and I feel like to him there's some expectation that people should understand this, that people should accept his choices. I think it's fun to explore how others react to that - how it's in a way offensive, that Kiryu thinks he knows what's best and how to handle it as if he has all the power and say. how pissed people feel about him shoving them away for the sake of their safety, etc. I don't think he'd listen to Majima tbh but I think it's important that someone unafraid of Kiryu's dumbassery would lay it out how it is to him in a way that cuts, more so than Haruka, Date or like Akiyama could.
ANYWAY, Majima's mad at him lol but can't really do anything atm due to the surrounding circumstances. I like to think he's got some of the Majima family watching out for Kiryu and Haruka if they happened to see them. Nishida at least cuz ain't no one gonna arrest a cutie patootie like him. it's not much but it's a little peace of mind. Majima knows Kiryu's reckless as all hell so he's worried and doubly annoyed that Kiryu doesn't care (about his own safety or that other people are concerned for him).
so since Majima has a fat 5 minutes in the whole game, there's not much to say about his involvement overall (other than oopsie stuck in jail) but I've had some thoughts about what all the jimas³ are doing in the meantime.
all the jimas are grouped together because I said so even tho realistically they'd prolly be separated lol. Daigo and Saejima are handling things well enough but Majima's bouncing off the walls in boredom and nothing irks him more than being stuck in one spot while Kiryu's out probably getting hit over the head with a stop sign and refusing medical attention. Daigo's losing his mind but he can agree Kiryu's bullheaded and talking about that keeps Majima distracted. Saejima does his part in trying to get Majima's mind off things now that they have all the time in the world to catch up on whatever.
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time passes and I'm rewriting the part in 6 where they show up at the end cuz I live in a fantasy world.
Kiryu "dies" and suddenly the three of them are released early, no doubt knowing his death had something to do with it. Daigo gets Kiryu's letter and Majima makes some joke about Kiryu's literacy but a quick scan of the letter makes Daigo's face drop. he reads it and Majima doesn't think it's real. he doesn't know how to feel. even Saejima is in disbelief. but the letter is vague. it's conjecture written by Kiryu of his own death so there's a chance he's fine. Kiryu's fine, he's always fine. he's been shot and stabbed a million times, he's fine.
but it's not long till it's confirmed by Date. Daigo's skeptical cuz his inner punkass doesn't trust cops. Saejima's on the same page but Majima's in full denial whilst also believing it to be true. his reaction is immediate and violent. he wants something to be done, he wants revenge but Daigo wants to follow Kiryu's wish to avoid war. Majima's so outraged he frankly couldn't give less of a shit about Kiryu's wishes so it's up to Saejima to wrangle him back *insert a dramatic fight here.* Majima gets his ass beat and he's just a mess. things move fast though - the fate of the clan is up in the air and he just couldn't care. but Daigo needs him and for that he pulls it together, just barely.
fast forward to when the jimas go into hiding. they get set up in a lil safehouse via Nick Ogata. I like to see it as a basic bitch type of place, very out of the way, very ignorable but the inside is nice enough. they have to stay cooped up as much as possible and it drives Majima insane. he's fidgety, always pacing. Saejima tries to calm him down and it works for a time until Majima falls into another slump and repeats.
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they took a few things with them that they could, mostly small stuff, some clothes and the like. Majima brought along a few of Kiryu's things, namely some pocket cars and a shirt. he wears it often, being very against washing it. Daigo's too stressed to notice but Saejima watches Majima just break down into someone he doesn't know. he's tired, closed off, guilt ridden. Saejima starts to think this is who Majima was after getting out of the Hole. a shell of a person taking blame for things out of his control. losing the will to care for himself as some sort of self imposed punishment for not doing more. seething in silence in the powerlessness.
his beard grows scraggly, his hair is unkept and the circles under his eye grows darker everyday. his behavior mimics his Sotenbori days where everything was for Saejima, all he could think about was Saejima, how he failed him, how if he tried hard enough he could see him again. it's not the case with Kiryu though. he didn't even get to see the body himself.
he's always on his phone reliving memories through photos and conversations. he freaks out when anyone touches the pocket cars and eventually the shirt gets worn out. he's spiraling while the others look on, unsure how to deal with someone whose entire personality revolves around having a fake one.
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Saejima takes initiative. maybe he's seen Majima like this before or maybe he hasn't. doesn't matter because he gives Majima a bit of tough love, telling him to get a grip. telling him that Kiryu wouldn't want to see him like this and, under his breath, he needs him in better shape so they can beat the shit outta whoever was responsible. it's not easy of course. it takes Majima awhile to learn how to live again and frankly he doesn't want to talk about Kiryu but Saejima forces him to - to get comfortable with mentioning him, enjoying the memories they had. letting him know it's okay to be vulnerable. it's not a kind or pleasant recovery but it's there. it's helping.
and perhaps some time under supervision, he goes to see Haruka and meets Haruto for the first time. he tries to keep a strong façade for her but she can see right through him and gets one of those rare moments where he's just quiet. where he's real. she catches him up on things and it's a rough one for the both of them, especially since he has to keep the visit short. she doesn't bother asking him where he's going afterward but he promises to keep in touch and that he does. she sends him a lot of photos and videos of the family and he backseat-parents Yuta whenever possible. Haruka's never been a fan of always having Kiryu at arms length but this arrangement helps her deal with the long distance since there's effort on both ends to stay close.
Majima's not used to having others around to help him cope but he eases into it decently enough without the Tojo Clan on his shoulders. he even gets along better with Daigo who has time now to focus more on himself and the grunge within his soul. he's a silly lil dork and that charm reminds him of Kiryu but in a way that doesn't send him spiraling. he starts to see all reminders of Kiryu in a more hopeful light, one that brings back his energy. for most of their home confinement, Majima wouldn't even go out as Goromi since half his confidence came from Kiryu's support. but now and then, with Saejima and Daigo backing him, he can tiptoe a bit back into his fav dresses, ones that Kiryu gave him, ones that hurt to put on because of the baggage they carry. he doesn't even have his wigs anymore so he assembles what he can, how he can into something he knows Kiryu would have called pretty regardless. it stills hurts but it helps.
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but, he'll always dip back into the pain of it all. missing intimacy and things taken for granted. he regrets his last words with Kiryu were criticisms knowing he's not perfect himself. maybe he's faced with realizations that he can't survive without certain people, that his attachment issues are brought to the forefront for everyone to see. it's ugly and embarrassing and for the first time in a long time he feels very seen. death's always been a reality for him and he's never cared much for it in regards to himself but losing someone so close, so suddenly? without closure or goodbyes? he's forced to deal with the frailty and mortality of someone he thought was invincible.
and it scares him.
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spacebarbarianweird · 5 months
Mortal Bounds. Part 2. Death, Worthy of a Barbarian
Synopsis: Tiriel and Astarion had a good life together, and now it's time for her to go.
TW: Tav's death
Thanks @tragedybunny for beta-reading!
Tags: main character's death, Astarion mourns his wife.
Read on AO3
Headcanons This is the second part of the Mortal Bounds series. Tiriel dies and Astarion deals with grief and loneliness along with their daughter. Usually all my fics can be read separately but in the case of Mortal Bounds I'd recommend to read them in the order they are written.
Mortal Bounds. Part 1. Shall We Meet Again? Mortal Bounds. Part 3. Paint it Black
Tiriel raises up her face to the skies. Her  legs are numb after a long walk in the mountain, and her  throat burns with panting.
She feels a strong hand on her back - in case she falls down, Astarion will catch her. 
"So, my sweet, what are we doing now?”
Tiriel smiles at her husband.
It's been 150 years since they met. 130 since they became parents to a wonderful dhampir woman they named Alethaine. Thirty - since they decided to become adventurers once again.
Astarion hasn’t changed a bit. Frozen in time, he looks the same as he did decades ago. Short silver curls, his roguish smile, pale skin, crimson eyes, still the most beautiful man she’s ever seen. And all hers.
Tiriel stopped aging at twenty-five. Her elven blood didn’t let her wither , but a year ago the human ancestry finally took a toll on her. Within a year the red hair got pale. Wrinkles covered the face. Tiriel was still strong enough to wield her ax and travel through the wilderness.But -
"Let me relax a bit." Tiriel sits on the ground. Astarion immediately kneels beside her the same way he did for all these one hundred and fifty years. "Don't look at me like that! I am not an old wreck."
He plants a kiss on her cheek. The winds howl like hungry wolves, and a group of warriors who joined them look scared.
All young humans, not older than forty. For them, Astarion and Tiriel are the relics of older times. People who remember Baldur's Gate before the ocean washed half of the city into the dark waters and who can tell about the Cult of Bhaal and many, many other things they witnessed.
"If you are a wreck, you are the most fierce and beautiful wreck this world has seen."
Tiriel touches Astarion's curls and he closes his eyes like a content cat. She wants to tell him a lot of things - that she is sorry they haven't found him a way to walk in the sun, that they haven't found his family... How much she loves him, her very own elven prince she saved from monsters.
Gods know she doesn't have much time left.
They've discussed it many times. Tiriel is mortal and though half-elves often live up to two centuries it's still not much in comparison with Astarion's immortality.
And he knows Tiriel doesn't want to die in bed, old and helpless. She is a warrior, with rage in her blood - she must die in a battle, fighting and killing the most ravenous monster Faerun has seen.
She is Tirirel the Barbarian of the Sunset Mountains, after all.But she is sometimes so weak, she can't lift her ax up for days.
"What do you think she's doing now?" Astarion suddenly says.
Tiriel doesn't need to ask who he talks about.Alethaine, their daughter.
Silver curls, dark eyes, a pair of fangs. She used to be a monster hunter - but sixty years ago she was invited to the court of Cormyr. "They prefer to have a dark witch of their own", Alethaine said, changing her light travel armor to a black dress of a noblewoman. She always had mannerisms of royalty and the life at the castle suited her more than sleeping in the dirt while hunting yet another monster.
"It's night, Astarion, she probably walks around the woods."
"Or reading"
"Maybe both at the same time"
Astarion laughs. "When we deal with that dragon, let's visit her. I understand we live so long that years mean little to us. But it's been a decade since we last saw our little princess."
"Our little princess is one hundred and thirty years old"
"Which makes her a young elven maiden. Though, of course, she would have been considered an adult among Tel’Quessira but still."
Tiriel touches Astarion's cheek. "Agreed. Once we get a reward, let's sail to the Border Kingdoms. I suppose the High Necromancer can offer her parents both a shelter and a job."
Astarion grabs Tiriel’s hand and kisses the knuckles.
"Beware! The beast is here!", a warrior yells, and a loud rumbling sound pierces the air.
Astarion prepares his bow and arrows - he will hide in shadows, somewhere he can distract the beast with annoying shots and small fireballs.
Meanwhile, Tiriel will rush ahead right into the beast's maw. To slaughter it like countless monsters she's killed in her life.
Starting with a wild bear she butchered at the age of fifteen.
Tiriel’s family never loved her. They even didn't bother to give her a name rather than calling the girl “a fairy bastard” and “a pixie”. As if it was her fault, a married woman who dared to call herself "mother", couldn't keep her legs shut.
Her siblings, all of whom are long dead, just pushed Tiriel down the cliff, hoping she would never come back. Tiriel still remembers pain, embarrassment, anger, and sorrow. Why? Why me? Why do they hate me?
And the sorrow transformed into rage. Her blood boiled and Tiriel cried out like an animal, like a wild beast attacking the bear with a small knife she had.
Rage.A skill of primal warriors, fury nothing can compare to. It gave Tiriel strength, faith, and bravery.
And ever since then, her blood boils the same way before the battle. When suddenly the two-handed ax gets as light as a wooden stick and the monster in front of Tiriel becomes just a pathetic animal
"I will go first!" Tiriel says to the warriors, lifting the ax. And suddenly it feels too heavy.
Pain pierces her  body, from spine to legs, and Tiriel almost collapses to the ground.
Human ancestry dictates its rules.
You are old, Tiriel. You don't belong to the battlefield. You belong to a safe bed in a cozy home which will be your grave soon enough.
Pale hands grab Tiriel’s waist and help the woman to stand up. Astarion looks at Tiriel, with no smirk or tease in his eyes.
The massive body of the beast lands, ready to burn down everything to the crisp. A dragon. A Death, worthy of a warrior.
Tiriel isn't scared. She smiles at Astarion and presses her wrinkled forehead to his."Astarion, tell the bards to make a song about me."
Whatever he answers drowns in the dragon's roar. Tiriel walks right to the beast. Then she runs.The blood boils with rage. The lungs burn. The adamantium ax feels as light as if it was  made of hollow bones.
Tiriel has no complaints and no regrets.
She had everything she could ever wish for. A life full of heroic deeds. Friends to drink ale with. A family. A daughter to be proud of.A man to hold in arms.
She will be remembered. She will be loved.That's her own immortality.
Tiriel the Barbarian runs faster and faster, holding her weapon above her head.
It all ended in a blink of an eye. The dragon which spent its last minutes trying to get a shadow figure who dared to cast "ig-nis' ' now lies dead among the burning trees.It won't attack the city, and the people will spend the next days honoring the heroes who killed the dragon, not hiding from it.
Astarion jumps down on the ground."Tiriel! TIRIEL!!!"
No, she couldn't die. Not now. He needs her. He will always need her. And they agreed to visit Alethaine together, she must be alive!
Astarion waits. Waits to hear her voice, to see her. "It's just a scratch" she will tell him, visibly bleeding and he will carry her in his arms to a safe place.
Tell the bards to make a song about me.
What did he answer? What was his response?I love you.
Yes, that's what he told her. That is what he has been telling her for decades. Every day, these words never lost their meaning.
"Tiriel!" Astarion grabs a warrior's hand. "Damn, where is she?!"
"She... died."
Astarion pushes the man away and runs to the dragon's corpse. It's so hot it’s impossible to be there but blessed by his immortality Astarion barely feels the heat.
"Tiriel! Tiriel!"He keeps calling, hoping to hear the answer. She must have been wounded. Of course, fights aren’t easy for her anymore. She is getting older. But she still... She has time to spend with him.
Then he stumbles over something.
Astarion makes a step back and sees the plate of her armor, melted in the dragon fire.Red hot.
"I am sorry", one of the warriors says. "She just jumped into it like a fucking dragon slayer. She cracked the beast's skull in two and disappeared in the flames. We will remember her. She saved us."
Astarion drops to his knees still holding the piece of armor in his pale hands. He feels numb. Is he supposed to yell? To scream? To curse? What do people do when they lose their hearts?
He sits like that staring in the distance. He will never see Tiriel. He will never hold her warm hands. He will never talk to her. He won't spend hours motionless while Tiriel, sound asleep, clings to his cold body.
She will never kiss him. Or caress his elven ears.
He will never taste her blood, so divine and sweet.
He will never read to her, will never say how much he loves her just to see a smile on her face.
Tiriel made him feel redeemed, innocent, and alive. She brushed away his terrible past with a tender touch of her fingers. Now when he thinks about his scars, they don't hurt because he remembers Tiriel's kisses along his skin.
But it's over now.
Her mortal life came to an end. She died as she desired. In a fight. The bards will make a song about her. People will remember her.
"You need to go, it's almost sunrise", a young woman tries to make him stand but his legs don't obey.
"I-I... Need to tell... my daughter..." Astarion mutters.
Alethaine... She was attached to her mother. Ever since she was born. Always clinging to her like a kitten. Astarion remembers Alethaine crying - when she was six Tiriel was severely wounded and though she was all right the  little Dhampir realized what mortality was for the first time.
Of course, that six-year-old girl is long gone. The woman he will have to talk to has a century's worth of life experience. But a mother is a mother. And Astarion will have to be strong when he meets the High Necromancer, Alethaine Ancunin.
Gods know, he doesn't want to deliver this news to her. But who will? 
Astarion looks around trying to memorize the place which became a grave for his beloved.
He will grieve. He will mourn. Once his mind makes peace with what happened. He just doesn't know how to live without Tiriel. He started living at his grave 150 years ago, with her by his side. Her smile, her warmth, her kindness.
Which are all gone.
Astarion gives out a cry, pressing the melted plate to his chest.
Tag list
@tugoslovenka @marcynomercy @wintersire @vixstarria @not-so-lost-after-all @ashiro20 @theearthsfinalconfession @herstxrgirl @starlight-ipomoea@micropoe10 @astarion-imagine-archive @veillsar @elora-the-slutty-songstress @fayeriess @lumienyx@astarion-beloved @tallymonster @caitlincat-95 @tragedybunny @valeprati @lynnlovesthestars @marina-and-the-memes
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