#his thinking pose is his default and its so funny
thehappiestgolucky · 4 months
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Fe'gahlicious - Photo Shoot Edition Or "This cat doesn't have an outfit he looks bad in. All bangers"
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Also with noble outfit because really its only those stupid trousers that ruin the fit, and an attempt at trying to mimic the Post Ending look for him with in game clothes. There's no double puffy sleeves option and Menalla's clothes is the closest visually to them and obvs hers is not available without mods,,,
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casual-praxis · 30 days
Miscellaneous things I noticed in the FS Manga
I reread the Four Swords manga quite a bit now that I have it, so I figured I might as well share some of the things I’ve noticed over the course of those many rereads.
- In chapter 11 it’s revealed Blue keeps his hammer in his hat.
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- The flower Zelda is mentioned to like is potentially a blue flax, just going off of appearance and status as a wildflower. 
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- In the first chapter, all the Colors have dark-shaded undershirts/sleeves, but starting in chapter 2, only Green has dark-shaded sleeves (Blue has a lighter grey color). This was probably done to save time, or maybe just to make it easier to tell them all apart. 
- Everyone’s default expression just seems to be :0 which is honestly probably just a quirk of its era, but still really funny. 
- In chapter 2, the first time Blue gets hit by Shadow, Red is briefly seen crouching next to Blue as if to check on him. I think Red remains crouching after Blue gets up, but I’m really not sure. He’s back on his feet by the time Blue gets hit again.
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- Vio holds books really weird but at least he seems to be having fun. Up until someone talks to him, anyway. (I attempted to translate the words we can see, but I think it may just be gibberish. It was not a very good attempt to be fair.)
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- Shields, swords, and sheaths only seem to exist when relevant. 
- For being touted as the “boring” and “uninteresting” member of the team, Green sure does have a lot of expressive moments if you focus on him. I think he’s the most well-rounded of the bunch in terms of personality. His defining character trait is “motivated”, which when compared to “angry”, “cry laughing”, and “morals are a roulette wheel”, isn’t that easy to see visually. He’s competitive with Blue, he shows when he’s scared or happy like Red, and he can think rationally like Vio. He has all these overlapping traits with the others, they just aren’t nearly as prominent. Like a jack of all traits.
- In chapter 2, Shadow jumps at Green in an attempt to kill him. A similar pose is mirrored by Vio later in chapter 7 during his fight with Green. Perhaps intentional? (What do they have against Green??)
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- Blue is the undeniable powerhouse of the team. He lands the final hit on Stone Arrghus, protects Red throughout the whole Temple of Light/Darkness (which I thought was really sweet, dude was not leaving Red behind no matter what), takes out Big Poe, and steps in to take down their father (so Green doesn’t have to). He also drops a bunch of Hinox into lava if we’re counting that. Pretty much all these instances did have help from the others in at least some capacity, but you can trust him to finish the job.
- The dynamic between Red and Vio, though not seen much due to Vio’s Evil Shenanigans and the team being split for multiple chapters, is surprisingly wholesome.  In chapter 2, shortly after receiving their names, Vio lists the obvious personality traits they all have, and pats Red on the head while smiling (which may or may not be his first genuine non-smug smile at this point?). Red seems to admire Vio, though honestly he’s like that with all of them. They seem to stand near each other a lot early on before the group is split. In chapter 3, when Red gets stuck in place and Stone Arrghus is about to attack him, Vio is the first to jump in between them to save Red. In chapter 8, Red runs to hug Vio after they get him back from Vio’s Evil Shenanigans (and Red also seemed to run to him for a hug in chapter 6, but because it’s not shown, Red probably stopped just short of giving him one). I really wish we got to see them interact more. 
- Speaking of Red and Vio, their speech bubbles in chapter 10 appear to have been flipped around. 
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- Of all the Colors, Vio is the only one to never be shown crying. The closest he gets is when Green stomps his foot and his eyes tear up. Red cries all the time, Blue cries a few times but most notably when Green “dies”, and Green seems to be crying when their father “dies”. 
- Not so much an observation but just a question--are the fire rod and ice rod actually two different items, or just a toggle for the same rod?? Due to the lack of coloring, and the fact the rods look pretty much, if not completely the same, I can’t tell if the “click” that comes from it in chapter 7 (while they’re standing on Vio’s execution rock), is the fire rod being changed into an ice rod, or Red switching weapons all together just with a weird onomatopoeia (or potentially the “click” had nothing to do with the rod at all). 
- Though not super fleshed-out characters, the other knights of Hyrule showing up in the fight with Vaati to help out the Colors was a nice nod to the start of the story, what with the themes of teamwork and all that. They might not have been there on time, but they made it there eventually and got the Colors out of a tricky situation. Their unity is their strength, as they say. Also, shoutout to Link’s father, he’s doing his best and clearly loves his son(s)
- In one of the bonus comics, “It’s Not Easy Being Purple,” Vio is for some reason labeled as Green. This one bugged me when I noticed it.
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- In the final bonus comic, “Fear Like Never Before,” I am convinced Vio’s Evil Shenanigans Part 2 would commence had Green not put the sword back in again. (Just look at his face. Why is he staring at the ground? Shadow??) 
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- Red is best boy, moving on.
These are just some of the immediate things that come to mind when I’m rereading. I seem to get a new appreciation for each of the characters each time, so that’s really neat. Back when I was like 13, I only knew of a few pages of the fan translation, and of the characters I only really had a feel for Red’s whole deal, so he was my favorite (still is tbh). 
Now I can say I like all the characters, each for a different reason, and not to the same amount, but I don’t dislike or feel neutral about anyone like I used to. Green and Blue were really “meh” to me when I first acquired the manga a few months back, but honestly they’re both really interesting in ways I’ve only started to notice recently. 
I thought Blue was just angry all the time, but he pulls off a lotta cool shit constantly (not including the time he literally got frozen) and I think he does care about the others a lot even if he won’t admit it (his interactions with Red turning more soft is definitely an indicator). I wish we had gotten to see what his response to Red would have been back in the Temple of Light/Darkness when Red asked if he was even worried about Green and Vio. He was definitely worried, but someone had to be focused, and in that moment it had to be Blue. 
Or something, I’m not very good at character studies. I’ll stand by what I said about him caring for the others though.
Liking Green more is still on the newer side for me. Again, I never disliked any of them, but Green always came across as plain (since he doesn’t have any stand out character traits other than being the one who looked most like Link), so I tended to overlook him. The thing that got me to like him more actually was his body language. He is very expressive, be it his facial features or the way he moves. I love characters that emote in exaggerated ways, it’s also why I like Red so much, they share this in common. In particular, Green just has some funky poses I think are neat, like in chapter 5–he may be fighting for his life but his dodging is just so cartoony and bouncy, I want to see it animated. 
To some extent they all move like this, but with Green it’s nice since he’s not usually comic relief. It’s nice to have a “main” main character be just as goofy and cartoonish like the rest. 
And when it comes to Vio, I’ve always liked Vio. Finding out how unhinged he actually is was a treat, but it also was a really funny realization for me. I knew him as the serious bookworm, which isn’t entirely wrong, but he’s also a smug bitch who, had the narrative allowed him, would definitely have a kill count. In fact, he has only read one book, but it was in doing so that everyone latched onto the idea he loves reading. Love that for him. I also love the fact he’s a liar.
It’s like he got most of Link’s negative traits wrapped into one, and then they set him loose into the wilderness. It’s a miracle he didn’t kill anybody. He certainly tried. 
I do not have the words to explain how much I love Red. He’s adorable and so unapologetically emotional that it makes me happy. He’s just being himself, havin’ a good time. The others would have perished without him, I’m convinced (or, well, Blue would have frozen to death, Green would have died to the Hinox, and Vio would presumably continue living in his darkness-sponsored love affair with Shadow until he either killed one or both of them). 
This got longer than it was supposed to be whoops.
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florelia12 · 4 months
do you have a fancast? like perfect irl people that remind you of florelia (and the rest) not necessarily actors but people in general. tbh it's hard to find the perfect tan girl with green eyes. sometimes it's easy when people aren't in your ear telling you flora is latina bc she might be but it's hard to find latinas with flora's physical traits. and helia to me he's not asian he just has cat eyes. though I have to admit I like it when in fics people say helia and musa are cousins.
okay there is a lot to unpack here.
First of all, no, I actually don't have the perfect fancast for Florelia or any of the Winx characters really and its not something that really bothers me. I don't want a live action (not everything needs to be made live) or a reboot, I want them to fix the mistakes they've done in the actual show and bring back quality content.
Secondly, I am that person in your ear telling you Flora is a Latina and that Helia is Asian.
Not because she might be, but because it has been explicitly said since forever that Iginio was inspired by Jennifer Lopez when creating Flora. The WHOLE POINT of the characters Musa, Aisha and Flora being designed the way they were was to include diversity.
The proof is coming out with the original designs for Musa and Flora where they are both clearly white. What other reason would Iginio have to change their features and the colors of their skin if it wasn't to be inclusive? And what is wrong with him doing that?
When people say Flora is Latina they obviously don't mean she is a Latina, Puerto Rican girl living in an alien world. Her character is inspired by a Latina woman. Hence, her features and skintone (when doing art or fancast) and possible stereotypes (when making hcs or writing fanfics) need to be taken into account.
When you say it's hard to find Latina's with Flora's traits, it's not because Flora's not a Latina or girls who look like her don't exist, it's because there is not enough representation of darker skinned Latinas. THAT IS THE WHOLE POINT. Especially if you're looking for it on pinterest, like you search girlhood in there and all you get are white girls?? Where the hell are the rest of us?
Also Flora having green eyes is directly related to the fact that she is the Fairy of Nature (they literally glow when she powers up) but that doesn't mean Latinas can't have green eyes. One simple google search will show you.
You can argue for Linphea since it doesn't look like Puerto Rico but it also a realm of Nature and that doesn't leave as much room for them to work with as they got to with Musa and Melody (even that has its issues of lumping in all the different cultures) and lets be honest we barely got a glimpse into Linphea's actual culture as it was.
Then we have Helia. Yes his character wasn't explicitly said to be Asian. But his design doesn't leave much doubt, especially the moment someone points it out. His features are inspired by East Asian features, he shares similar design characteristics to Musa and other asian characters.
The fact that you said he just has cat eyes already proves how you view Asian features. And also the fact that you identify he has Asian features but don't want him to be Asian is because of whatever prejudice you are holding onto.
The joke is so fucking old, it was never, ever funny.
Also I want to pose this question to everyone, not this person since they didn't say they think he's white. Why is it that if a light-skinned character's inspiration isn't explicitly stated, they are just by default white?
And anyone pointing out the possibility of them being otherwise makes people think they have the free-reign to just to ignore because the character is light-skinned?
When Helia's background is left for interpretation it makes more sense to explore the hundreds of Asian cultures that exist instead of ignoring all of that and jumping straight to him being white. Like there are East Asians and there are Southeast Asians and no these aren't just two cultures they are a number of different countries with different cultures.
I am South Asian. No, I do not look like Helia or Musa, I look like Nabu.
Hell, I thought Flora was Indian and Helia was white when I was NINE. It took one person casually pointing out "hey they're not" to realise oh ya they actually aren't.
I don't know if this was a targeted ask because I have posted in this account about how i find the Helia and Musa being cousins hcs uncomfortable.
But yeah, I find it uncomfortable because where I'm from (I can't speak for every single Asian country though I don't think this is an isolated experience) it is a joke to ask any new Asian person you meet if they are related or if they know this other Asian person that you know. Again it's an old joke, it's not that funny, it never was.
It is also a joke to say yeah all Asians are related, or they all cousins. It may seem harmless, but I'd say it has deeper roots of incest accusations/stereotypes like marrying your cousin or whatever. Even if I'm wrong about that (if i am please someone who is a poc correct me, white people shut up), it's still a stereotype you are perpetuating. (and no I'm not just talking about older fanfics that were probably written by 11 year olds where everyone is always related, i'm talking about the ones written by adults.)
Why is it never Sky and Stella being cousins? Or Riven and Tecna? They have similar features. Why not them? Why is it always only Musa and Helia?
But that just brings us back to you saying you don't think Helia's Asian. Musa is clearly Asian (if you're going to say she's not then you are just plain ignorant). But, Musa's Asian and her "cousin" Helia just has cat eyes ???If you like that hc then why can’t you accept that he is clearly Asian?
Before white people get defensive about poc calling out racism that you claim isn't intentional, stop and think WHY. It has been said time and time again, racism is not always inherently overt or 100% intentional. It can come out in even as something as 'small' or 'not as serious' as cartoon characters. But it is serious because we poc exist in these spaces too.
Also you can be POC and still be racist. Funnily enough, that was the very first direct interaction of racism I experienced in this fandom. That also does not mean white people get a pass (it's sad I even have to add that as a disclaimer)
I don't even know if you bothered to read this far, but I hope you've learned something.
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rmbunnie · 1 year
Watched GOTG3 on friday! Here are some of my personal thoughts (spoilers obvs):
- I really liked it, first of all. To be honest, Rocket is my fave of the group alongside Nebula. I just think they’re neat, and I like characters that cause drama. If there’s no personality traits that are a little abrasive and offputting, then i’m not saying that’s a flaw, but perhaps i am saying its a bit of a missed opportunity. This is probably one of the reasons I am still interested in GOTG when most of the mcu is a bit worn out to me, there’s this neat focus on why they’re acting the way they are and letting their reasoning steer the story to a good extent rather than using it like an add-on (especially if the way they’re acting is flat out dickish,) and I think that’s a fun approach. All this to say, Rocket is one of my faves, and so a movie largely focused around his character is pretty interesting to me by default.
- The hallway fight was great. Loved it no notes a plus.
- I really liked the tardigrade suits on the tech planet-meteor-lab thing! They looked weird and offputting, don’t get me wrong, but space suits that are visually inspired by the creature that can naturally survive the void of space, boiling temperatures, and so much else are REALLY well-suited (haha) to the organic planet founded by the man who uses existing creatures as the bases of his "creations.” I can absolutely picture the High Evolutionary learning about a tardigrade and being like “hell yeah i just came up with a GREAT and original idea”
- I also liked the organic planet. Very cool the meat was so gross and the eye motif was fun.
- I have mixed thoughts on Adam Warlock, but mainly positive. I think that with the amount of things that were happening in the movie some of the scenes that were necessary for his development made the runtime drag a little and lose some momentum, but I’d rather have them than not have them. He was funny, and the creation of Adam posing at the end was both fun, cool to look at, and kinda something to think about, seeing as he was the one taking the place of god, but he is also the one named Adam. Maybe the idea there was that the first good act he does is the birth of his own humanity, as in existence as a person or as anything more than a passive invention? Or maybe they just thought it would be fun haha. Regardless, the idea of the divine being the one who can gain something through contact with the human is a sentiment that fits in the movie about the dude who plays god via animal cruelty but lacks what his "lesser” creations have and can never get it due to his failure to recognize their personhood idk.
-The ending is how it should have been imo. I know it’s so so sad to see a found family leave each other and it bums us out, and I am bummed out best believe but particularly in the case of Peter, Drax, and Mantis, it seems like what the movie was going for (if you’re taking the latter two’s writing as anything past comic relief which, like, of course I am) is that being in the Guardians was keeping them from evolving into the people that they were meant to grow into, and stunting their potential. Again, very relevant with the High Evolutionary, evolving people against their will isn’t right but remaining frozen in time isn’t natural. It was nice to see them get unstuck.
- Speaking of evolution and the characters, Gamora seemed like she had a little divergent character evolution thing going on, with 2014 as her sorta common ancestor. The ravagers seemed a little out of nowhere but not the the extent that it was unbelievable. “I bet we were fun” was really sweet. It’s nice to see her gain some of the things that she had before the time travel death bullshit personality-wise, the idea that she would always end up kinder and happier when she was free of Thanos (who i hate btw, not even as a character although that too, there was just NOTHING interesting done with him the whole goddamn franchise) than when she was with him is not something it takes a genius to figure out, but it’s still good to see. It’s also worth considering that original Gamora had to choose to be free of Thanos everyday and work with the consequences of his actions while 2014 Gamora was brought into a world where Thanos was gone regardless of her feelings or actions. This is kinda explored in the movie, and neither Gamora is bad, but I feel like its very important characterization-wise to understand that she didn’t fight to leave and struggle in doing so the same way original Gamora did, and so their worldviews are different, too, not only their experiences. To original Gamora the Guardians were fundamental to her indepence, without Peter she wouldn’t have gotten the orb so easily and without Rocket and Groot she might not have survived the Kyln. To 2014 Gamora, Thanos is out of the way and now these other people are kinda just here.
- Gamora dying in Infinity War or Endgame or whichever it fucking was was bullshit and i won’t debate on that but it is funny to see the directors of the mcu doing the exact same thing comic writers have been doing forever coordination-wise. Trying to work with the absolute trash that’s going on in the concurrently-running title is a comic struggle that transcends medium. GOTG did pretty well with it.
- I loved the High Evolutionary! Of course, not as a person, he’s the worst, but he was consistently really interesting to watch and his actor did a really really good job with him! The religious-type traits were really interesting, and specifically his bit with the opera song and music and how he valued literature and art was really interesting and not to be too jojo in marvel but it kinda gave me Dio or Pucci vibes. That’s the type of weirdass tangent one of them would say (specifically their convos with each other or the Pucci Hallelujah moment.) Everyone has already said more than i could say about his weird evolution-genetics shit but it remains weird. 
- “There is no god, thats why i stepped in!!1!” and the bit wheres he’s scrambling to the cage where Rocket is to find out how he knew the filtration system thing were two particular highlights of his character for me. He is messy and emotional and all over the place, and he thinks he is perfection incarnate. His emotional outbursts add humor and are a big part of what makes him interesting and fun to watch, but he would ridicule them in any other being. This is proof that the High Evolutionary is a hypocrite with poor taste.
- Ayesha dead. She was a bitch but she slayed. she will be missed, for the comedy of those fucking gold lenses was a highlight of GOTG2 for me.
- Rocket is a creep. Rocket is a weirdo. What the hell is he doing here. The Radiohead singalong in the beginning was so fun. I loved it so much, genuinely. 
- Lylla, Teefs and Floor were. so much. Everyone says they’re sad, and of course they are, but the whole thing was offputting too. Not as in like “oh they’re so gross” the vibe was just horrifying and sorta nightmarish because it’s not like you think they’re gonna make it out, you see Rocket in GOTG the first and you know there’s absolutely nobody with him but Groot. The scream was, a lot, and very well voiced, I guess? It seems weird to say, it’s not like, oh wow cinema i loved the part where his friends died and he screamed as he watched them get shot in his face but i felt my stomach drop in that theater even though i fully knew it was coming so i guess what i’m saying is mission accomplished you did the thing the way the thing was meant to be and it gave me bone nausea.
- Also it has been pointed out before it is not original thought of mine but the cage death scream vs the dance party scream. I’m thinking about that. Similarly in the sense that i’ve seen it mentioned but I keep thinking about it, the Dog Days are Over was quite a choice, seeing the zune scroll to the most recent decade it has was, bittersweet, or cathartic i guess? They can finally just move through time, they get to be growing people again now. I love the Dog Days are Over. I love Florence.
- On the Lylla topic, everyone’s been saying this sad quote made them sad or that sad quote bummed them out but the thing that got me most was “We were right. The sky is beautiful, and it is forever.” in the final dream sequence. Idk why that one particularly got me like that, heaven and the sky as a pair is a pretty common concept, eternity is just hefty I guess. Compared to the cage though, I’m glad they get such a nice place to be.
- We got “vocabulistics” and now we have “emotionallistic problems.” In GOTG 1 I could give him the plausible deniability of smushing together “linguistics” and “vocabulary” but no, Rocket just likes putting “ballistics” inside words. As is his prerogative. 
- I like how weird and retro some of the sci-fi elements are. The movie isn’t just a rehashing of older sci-fi concepts of course, it implements the retro elements interestingly and makes them fresh, but mad scientist experiments and unnatural experiment beings in a slightly more horror/negative approach is like RETRO retro sci-fi, like heavy book Frankenstein original first-ever sci-fi, so it was interesting to see past sci-fi incorporated into story elements in addition to world aesthetics and soundtracks like we’ve already seen. It’s nothing new to say GOTG has a bit of a 70s vibe just as a franchise, which I absolutely adore, but particularly counter-earth has a kinda “wouldn’t it be fucked up if that happened” vibe to it that I think is really fun. We got meat planet. We got animal planet. Lets go. This is peak fiction.
- Speaking of GOTG being retro-esque this trilogy LOOOVES that fucking yellow slime. Every movie there is a prominent yellow slime feature, it’s the most consistent character in the mcu. Did they accidentally order too much on movie 1 and save the rest for later? It kills me. 
-Speaking of, it’s very funny to me that they end up living on Knowhere. Like in the grand scheme of things. They did well with it, they have lovely homes with nice tables and blankets and lamps and such but like. Imagine you break out of jail and you go to kill time at some shady weirdo planet because the guy who wants to buy your orb is there, and the guy who wants to buy your orb is also Spongebob. You call up the guy who killed your family while you’re there and he stabs you and throws you into the yellow goo to die. The weird guy you’re stuck with breaks down and gets in a fight with you and threatens to shoot you in the face after doing this weird venty monologue that you don’t get at all. This is all one night. Nine years pass and you’re besties and you live there. The goo vat you got thrown in is probably like two blocks away because the planet is kinda small. Idk it just doesn’t seem like that would give homey vibes to me but they made it work and i commend that!
- Overall it was a good movie. I definitely have some thoughts that I’m missing but the thing about situations like that is that I can’t remember them. I will be bummed that the trilogy has ended but things end and this is life. Oh well. It ended well.
- Oh one more thing but the High Evolutionary ultimately lacking creativity was really interesting. All he can ever do is use bits and pieces of things that already exist so he can’t ever achieve what he would consider true perfection, because he can’t appreciate anything that exists due to its inherent and unavoidable flawed nature, and since his “inventions” are based only on preexisting stuff the flaws aren’t going anywhere. When he does come up with something worthwhile he effectively discards it because he doesn’t understand what makes it special, he just knows that it has something that he doesn’t and he’ll destroy it and eventually ruin what was good about it in the first place in the pursuit of replication, so if he ever did achieve perfection he wouldn’t even be able to do anything with it. The one thing he makes that he values, the only thing he can think to do is copy it and ruin it. His mindset won’t allow ingenuity because his pursuit of something without flaws can only ever be informed of traits he’s already seen in flawed beings. He owes everything he ever did accomplish to the flawed. If he wants something perfect so bad he should have at least tried to start from scratch (it would have been a move of immense hubris but obviously he’s not above that) but he can’t, because not only is he uncreative but like Rocket points out, he doesn’t even want perfection, he just hates everything the way it is. 
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penumbraphantasm · 1 year
I really want to know more about Mr. Incognito since they aren't that much talked about like Bruno. Like why are they in the tower (suppose they're hired by the noise to watch her and that's why they always run away?) Plus who's the person in the trenchcoat. Take as long as you want to answer this
you can still probably guess who mr incognito is from one pose and some of the items. it both is and isn't who you think it is.
i think its fun when theres a bit of mystery left to things. part of me wants to tell about whoever's incognito and why but also part of me wants to keep it a secret, even though i'm not planning to actualize my ideas like, ever.
so i'll put the long answer under a read more and you decide if you wanna know lol
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but also maybe not the noise we know. it's the other noise.
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it was a rough idea but pretty much, this one is from an alt file where crumbling tower wasn't the victory lap it was supposed to be. noisette didnt make it out and theo noise didn't take it well. he feels regret abt not letting her know how much he cared abt her and treasuring their time together more. sad! anyways stuff happened and he's found his way into the file you play.
his default colors would be reminiscent of missing source textures and have noisette's pink but those parts could also change to match whatever color/pattern she's wearing. internal file names for sprites would be like spr_player (noisette replacing peppino, otherwise it'd be playerB for 🐇 lol), spr_playerN (noise) and spr_playerO (other noise, O is after N). the title screen would show 3 tvs but the last one is broken and inaccessible, leaving you with only 2 save slots.
The O. Noise, taking inspiration from ol' Noisette, disguises himself as Mr. N to the cognitO and tries to make sure this noisette will be fine on her adventure without messing with things too much. he'd lack access to his usual gear and maybe utilize scrapped stuff like the demolition button and grappling hook to help noisette clear obstacles in certain sections.
after you clear a file the first time, theo noise would disappear and you'd be sent back to the title screen and see the 3rd tv's been restored like nothing happened. if you select it, you'd then be able to play through the tower as noise (like kirby's meta knightmare time attack style)
ridiculous ambitious idea. unfitting for funny pizza game. also feels like noise overload, theres already so fucking many variations of this dude lol. did not pursue this any further but now you know if you read on ooouuugghh
(also im sure noisette, peshino, snick, etc came out of the tower just fine in the actual game. all those enemies in the credits made it out after all lol)
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malwarechips · 2 years
Tiso, and obligatory pk ask because he never leaves my brain
ok ok putting these under a cut bcz since theres two it'll probably b quite long
favorite thing about them - he's just sooo pathetic . i love him . why is he like that /complimentary
least favorite thing about them - he's dead :(
favorite line - HMM im gonna look at a list of his quotes here bcz i remember like NO dialogue from ANY characters . ok, ive returned from the hk wiki and the conclusion is: probably his dialogue at blue lake !!! "Garrgh. What a calm place. It's action I want, vicious and deadly battle. This serenity is a bore. So peaceful. So dull."
brOTP - him and cloth 100% . i used to think theyd hate each other but then i was like . no actually i think theyd be friends and totally encourage each other to do the most dangerous shit. quirrel has to stop them.
OTP - speaking of quirrel: him and quirrel <3 its so weird bcz w/ like any other characters w/ those two personalities id be like . no they hate each other. but i think they'd like . balance each other out if that makes sense. also honorable mention to him and god tamer bcz i think its funny. not personally smthn i ship tho bcz i myself think theyre both very gay and have 0 interest in each other's gender
nOTP - uhhhmm im not sure actually ? id say "any of the vessels" but that's kinda a blanket that applies to basically everyone by default for me.
random headcanon - hmmm... ok so the headcanon that he is an ant is pretty popular i think but: so his original concept art by the kickstarter backer who designed him mentions that his hood covers a horn on his head. and i wanted to include that while also still having him be an ant bcz i love ants sooo much. so. i took some creative liberties bcz i dont think there are any ants with spikes on their head BUT . there is streblognathus peetersi . which has a very prominent spike between it's thorax and its abdomen !! so i just kinda moved it to his head and called it a day. so i technically have a very specific species headcanon for him. ok short ramble abt spiky ants over
unpopular opinion - not sure i have one rlly?
song i associate with them - UHMMMM ... god im trying to think of one now . i SWEAR ive had some but i always forget song titles. probably this cover of Hit the Road Jack . im not entirely sure why but! it gives me tiso vibes
favorite picture of them - probably the little pose he pulls in the pantheon of hallownest. he looks so cool only to get crushed </3 utter cringefail man i love him
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OK . PK . as a note i may not have all that much for him since i only recently started actually rthinking abt him more .
favorite thing about them - hmmm. id say his design is a big thing that i rlly enjoy !!!
least favorite thing about them - I HAVE NO IDEA . possibly the fact that he has so little dialogue but he's kinda dead so thats probably why.
favorite line - as said before he doesnt rlly have much dialogue but i'd have to say the iconic abyss dialogue. "No cost too great. No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering. Born of God and Void. You shall seal the blinding light that plagues their dreams. You are the Vessel. You are the Hollow Knight." like cmon . its very cool i think
brOTP - im not sure !! i personally dont really see him being close friends with basically anyone in hallownest or anything.
OTP - id probably have to say him and white lady. i think they really did care about each other, but i dont really have much to say outside of that since as i said before i only recently started actually thinking about pk more.
nOTP - once again i dont really have one outside of "any of the vessels". also including hornet this time bcz like . he's her dad. but yeah outside of the usuals like that i dont really have one
random headcanon - constant eyebags . he always looks like he hasnt slept in 5 weeks (and he probably hasnt) . sleep? never heard of her . whos that .
unpopular opinion - once again im not sure i have one really? i dont really know what would apply with the term unpopular when it comes to my headcanons
song i associate with them - GOODBYE MR A BY THE HOOSIERS. ABSOLUTELY. VIBRATES. i . dont think it fits fully but i am a master of editing songs in my brain to make them fit characters . so it does to me, OKAY ??? /silly
favorite picture of them - probably his silhouette for white defender's arena . idk what it is abt it but i enjoy it greatly i think its the wings.
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actually either that or the statue/wishing well of him in ancient basin, if that counts? that statue look sooo cool
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casliveblog · 1 year
Custom Toonami Block Week 144 Rundown
Spy X Family: It’s the second half of the season and it’s DOG ARC time! The family goes to get Anya her dog but Loid’s spy shop is just full of bara dogs doing Jojo poses at them like why even take her to that one like if anyone blows the cover on that shop you publically going there is dangerous. But yeah Loid gets called away and busts a ring of college students planning to use dogs with bombs attached to them to murder the foreign minister and start World War whatever world war number this world is up to. This is pretty suspicious as college kids don’t tend to have ‘buy government hyperintelligent dogs to strap bombs to’ money which is a lot more than it takes to buy, you know, a gun. Meanwhile Yor and Anya are at another pet show and Anya trips across one of said Data Dogs who already has a picture of the Forger family in its memories so she wants to go see what the fuck that’s about and runs off after promising not to run off like five minutes ago and Yor has apparently been taking lessons on watching your kids from Stu and Didi Pickles because she doesn’t notice a fucking thing. Anya tries to free the Data Dog but because she’s in the hideout of the afformentioned college students with dog bomb money she gets fucking caught and they just wanna fucking slit her throat like geez guys. Luckily Data Dog frees himself and protects her which… I guess he could’ve done that at any time? Why did he need Anya? But still he’s able to use his Data Dog powers to predict the phone will ring about Loid busting the other hideouts and they use that distraction to get away but turns out Data Dog is in the Anya tier of ‘having superpowers doesn’t mean you’re any less of an impulsive moron’ camp and just kinda runs in circles for a while. Though they ran past Yor when they ran out so you can already see where this is going, Yor beats the shit out of the college students and saves Anya from what she thinks are human traffickers which is supposed to be a funny overreaction but given these guys were gonna snap her neck with their bare hands apparently I think she undershot it this time.
Inuyasha: I feel like this episode must’ve run REALLY short because we have like a five minute intro of Kagome reflecting on meeting Inuyasha and heading back to the feudal era for like no reason, like it makes you think the episode is gonna be a clip show but it does eventually get on with the plot. So back to that gate to the afterlife Hakudoshi had Kagura tell Inuyasha’s group about, like Miroku and Kagome even talk about how this couldn’t be a more clear trap if they tried like they even have Saimyosho fucking leading them to the spot but Inuyasha’s just like ‘yeah, yeah Naraku’s traps, we’ve all seen em, I’ll just shoot sword beams until the trap doesn’t work anymore’. I always did kinda like the setup for this setpiece though, it’s a stone gate to the underworld guarded by two statues that come to life and ask if someone wants to pass through the gate and they’re like ‘Yeah bro you can pass, but it’s the afterlife so we can’t let anybody living in so we gotta fucking kill you’ which I always found kind of hilarious like what’s the point of the fucking gate then like if you die you’re gonna go there anyway (the answer is it’s pointless and ends up being a weird plot point in Yashahime which would be an amazing callback if I ever thought any of this was planned out ahead of time) but yeah, the statues are basically invulnerable as with most gate guardians and even the Wind Tunnel doesn’t fucking work because… yeah they’re still giant dudes made of stone, makes sense. Really feel like Inuyasha is a D&D campaign where the DM realized they let Miroku’s character have a fucking broken ability and had to keep finding ways to nerf it. Myoga tells Inuyasha that the statues go back to sleep once the gate opens and closes so Inuyasha actually fucking defaults to the Red Tessaiga for once (thank god I’m so sick of him hitting it with the regular Wind Scar and then having it do nothing and having to switch or just missing his chance to kill the bad guys) and busts open the gate and Kagura has a horde of demons bum rush the gate to get into it before Inuyasha but turns out all the demons turn to stone because, you know, can’t go into the afterlife while alive, but like what’s the point of the guardians at that point? Like not only is the gate pointless if you need to be dead to get through it because the same thing happens when you die anyway but guarding it is pointless because if someone tries to jump through they just get Dr. Stone’d anyway, this whole system is just full of double redundancy. But yeah Kagura’s not too happy about that and the statues go to sleep but Kagome does confirm that through the gate is a jewel shard. Kagura goes back to Hakudoshi like ‘wtf bro you tried to kill me’ and he tells her to chill out because he sent all the fodder demons with her so there was only like a 40% chance she’d die and more importantly a 0% chance he would die because he wasn’t even fucking there. Kagura tries attacking him but Naraku can apparently long-distance squeeze Kagura’s heart and is just like ‘don’t try that again bro’. Anyway next is the Princess Abi arc and she’s easily one of my favorite tertiary characters like her design is so fucking cool, her and Yura are really awesome underused characters.
Yu Yu Hakusho: So yeah, Spirit World’s Law & Order Special Demons unit arrive on the scene and turns out they wanna fucking kill Yusuke… again, like bro’s already dead but turns out it doesn’t count unless you destroy the body (which was mentioned in the first arc so that’s a cool callback) But yeah turns out these guys can close up the hole in demon world in like ten days AND send a squad to make sure nothing passes through (also neat little lore bit about one of these guys being the one that hunted down Yoko Kurama, the lore in YYH doesn’t always feel the tightest so it’s nice when things come together like that) so basically the living world was never really in any danger, this whole thing was basically so Koenma didn’t have to tell his dad he fucked up. Like to be fair Sensui isn’t here and if he wasn’t kicking Hiei, Kurama and Kuwabara’s asses there’s a good chance he’d be fucking murdering all the SDP guys and they do say that them just being in Living World does kinda distort reality a bit and it’s hard to clean up so there’s a couple reasons why we couldn’t have just skipped to this part but it does kinda take the wind out of the stakes a bit. Anyway Koenma and Seaman stall the cops long about what a good guy Yusuke is for him to start reviving because yeah apparently he’s a demon and if anyone in his bloodline dies while having a power level high enough to activate the devil gene they just fucking go nuts and become a demon. And in true Yusuke fashion he plays up being the lord of darkness and shit despite not having changed a bit and shows the SDP guys as the pussies they are because it doesn’t matter if they’re afterlife cops, Yusuke Urameshi says fuck the police. Also Puu is this badass phoenix thing now that resembles what Koenma said the Spirit Beast would look like all the way back in the first arc so that’s pretty cool. Like I’m torn because admittedly this revelation came out of absolutely fucking nowhere with no foreshadowing but I do kinda admire how Yusuke just kinda rolls with it and makes a badass entrance to go kick Sensui’s ass like it’s an asspull among asspulls but can’t really argue with results.
Jujutsu Kaisen: It’s the conclusion of the Mahito fight and Kento and Yuji are kinda onto his Ditto bullshit now and are just beating the crap out of him before he can shapeshift and on the off-chance he can shapeshift with the two of them there they’re able to whittle down his form and pin him down easier. But if there’s one thing shonen anime teaches us it’s that almost dying makes you more powerful and Mahito unlocks his Domain Expansion which traps Kento in a realm where he can just do the whole ‘squibby squoodle your soul is now a noodle’ deal without actually touching you. Meanwhile Yuji has to murder soul gremlin zombies which even though I don’t think anyone considers them people anymore I do respect the series for actually making Yuji kill them despite his principles like a lot of shows confront the protag about it and then weasel out of it like YYH did or the kinda just forget that the protagonist is supposed to care about murder halfway through despite going absurdly out of their way to not have them kill any humans in the first half like Naruto and Bleach did. Anyway now that Kento thinks he’s gonna die we basically get his whole backstory where he’s revealed to be the only thing more evil than a cursed spirit: a stock broker. Basically what I gather is that Kento is Yoshikage Kira but he grew some empathy before the murder impulses kicked in and his own self-loathing and the feeling of saving people that he feels contribute more than him gave him a reason to live which is why he thinks about the bakery girl he saved and how her gratitude was his reason for living and tells Mahito to fucking shove his gratitude for having them unlock his next form. Meanwhile Yuji is able to punch his way into the Domain Expansion because ‘Why would you want to break INTO the realm of infinite torment where the bad guy can morph your soul at will?’ is valid logic. Unfortunately it seems like Mahito can’t turn OFF the soul-warping effect once you’re I his sphere so Sukuna’s just like “WHAT THE FUCK DID I SAY ABOUT YOUR DIRTY FRANKENSTEIN HANDS ON MY SOUL BRO!?” and just fucking murders him. Since Mahito’s critically injured and basically had all his energy used up by the Unlimited Hand Works he tries to Semi-Perfect Cell and bust out of there but pops like a balloon and ducks down the sewer to get the fuck out of dodge. And to my surprise they don’t do any shenanigans about bringing Junpei back to life or any of that shit, he’s fucking dead and Yuji has to live with that and everyone around Junpei has to own up to their part in making him a domestic jellyfish terrorist which is kind of weird they gave him like a whole power set to let him use it for like five minutes and then kill him and they stuck him in the opening just to be a red herring but okay I can respect not backpedaling the trauma of it and making Yuji want to solidify his goals so he can meet up with Megumi and Nobara again.
Ranking of Kings: Okay so A LOT happens this episode, Miranjo and Spear Guy meet Hilling and her guards and Shield Guy out front of the castle with a bunch of the chimera creatures and two of the escaped criminals and all hell kinda breaks loose. It looks like they’re losing ground and Shield guy gets Hilling to run but Ouken cuts them off and almost kills Hilling’s Guard Captain but Hilling is able to heal her own injuries and save her captain from having a slashed throat while chugging down Gatorade stamina potions to make sure she doesn’t fucking pass out from spamming healing magic. Apparently Hilling DOES have offensive spells or at least status spells and casts a holy blinding spell on Ouken which freaks him out enough to have him stumble into town and start killing people there. Meanwhile Gnasty Gnorc slams down on Shield guy and the beasts are about to kill Hilling but Spear Guy has had enough and saves her, demanding to know why Miranjo wants her dead anyway, man took him long enough, like it’s been like eight episodes of unquestioning simping and murdering for a girl made of glass and he’s finally like ‘babe why we murdering your crush’s ex?’. Turns out Miranjo had Bojji’s mom killed because giant women are one and done when it comes to kids and set him up with Hilling so he’d have a second son that didn’t have all his potential sacrifice to a demon to reincarnate into. Man luckily Hilling didn’t have a girl or else this would be VERY awkward for Bosse to just be in the body of a twelve year old girl. But yeah Miranjo is like ‘man if I sit here and make you watch them kill Hilling and Shield guy you’re just gonna betray me more so let’s go kill Sword Guy and Kirito’ so Spear Guy shouts down to Shield Guy to protect Hilling and he starts beating the shit out of the chimeras but still gets his leg dripped off when they dog pile him. Meanwhile two of the prisoners steal Miranjo because they love chaos and the schemey prisoner is like ‘oh geez sorry we stole your mirror girlfriend bro, here have her back’ and fucking bodies Spear Guy. Meanwhile Bojji and the Underworld Guards have arrived in town where Ouken is just murdering dudes left and right and the Guard Captain remembers Despa telling him not to fight Ouken until he arrives nor to let Bojji fight him since their styles are perfect opposites of each other (supporting my theory from last time that Ouken has Bojji’s sword style of disabling but on the ‘bleed it out’ path instead of ‘knock out and talk’ skill tree) so since the Captain can only obey one of those two requests he agrees to take on Ouken and sends Bojji to go help Hilling.
Vinland Saga: So Askeladd’s group is being held at arrowpoint by the second Welsh kingdom and Bjorn points out that if they wanted them dead they’d be fighting already but this is all just sword rattling so the Welsh don’t seem like pussies who let the Danes come in and demand the shirt off their backs for some protection. Askeladd meets with the Welsh leader along with their own Welsh escort and we get kind of a bombshell that Askeladd is actually the son of a Viking warrior that enslaved a Welsh noblewoman that was actually a distant relative of King Arthur… why does anime always come back to King Arthur I swear. But yeah, Askeladd says he promises a good deal for Wales because he’s half Welsh but knowing Askeladd like we do I don’t know how much we can actually trust any importance he holds on his heritage but he does seem to hate his Danish father who treated his Welsh mother badly so there may be more truth than it appears to his talk of ‘I hate the Danish, all my homies hate the Danish” even though he’s been murdering and plundering with a group of Danes for most of his life, guess that’s something he and Thorfinn have in common. Speaking of our supposed main character, Thorfinn calls Canute out on being a fucking pussy which actually gets a rise out of him in a fashion that I’m sure has yaoi fanfic writers drooling. Like I literally couldn’t write a more generic yaoi fanfic if I tried than ‘spoiled bishie rich boy and gruff warrior boy with a tragic backstory hate each other’s guts and also they were roommates’. But yeah, new plan is to pretend to be prisoners and sneak across Wales and make a MIIIINOR trek through enemy territory to snake around back to the main Danish forces, I’m sure everything will go fine.  
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br1ghtestlight · 1 year
btw a cheat sheet for animating /drawing my ocs (that is only really relevant for me) is that bubblegum is ALWAYS moving no matter what she never sits still she is always tapping/fidgeting, she talks all the time and she tends to ask questions abt everything and just generally be very vocal compared to others
rainbow is VERY expressive and the most cartoonish of them, bcuz of her design its very easy to draw her with big dramatic facial expressions and she also tends to be very touchy and affectionate with other characters, she's usually touching somebody or she has her hands somewhere
starr is very intentional in the image she wants to give off and that is true with everything she does, she wants to appear very confident rich famous and above it all and her posing tends to reflect that, would be very uncommon for her to be looking confused or awkward or really emotional at all she usually defaults to proud and confident or annoyed and kinda rude, same with how she walks she is not awkward or rushed bcuz she knows she's better than everybody
sunshine is very friendly and nice he's always smiling :) he tends to be a bit anxious but he isn't angry or sad very often, he likes helping other people but he's closed in on himself and avoids taking up space from other people or appearing confident/loud so he kinda follows behind other people and pushes himself down so he's unnoticeable, but he is very bright and positive so when he's focusing the attention on somebody else with compliments or whatever he gets bigger and shines brighter!!!!!
watermelon runs into everything headfirst and he's usually doing crazy poses bcuz like bubblegum he is almost always moving or doing SOMETHING and i think its funny to put him in ridiculous poses like upside down or whatever, he is a bit michevious and he rushes into things with confidence without thinking them through (something he shares with MANY of my characters) he is BIG and LOUD and loves running not walking, he is a bit impatient and craves excitement
blue is very shy and insecure so they're almost always hiding in the background and getting the attention away from themself, they are also very anxious in general so they worry a lot and they're very physically slow/small and they don't speak up or talk a lot, in group scenes they stick closeby to rainbow bcuz they feel more comfortable around her so rainbow is usually somehow touching/interacting with them more than anybody else
jayden is very cool and confident in himself which is usually seen in his posing but he also isn't very expressive and he sticks to like one default expression, he doesn't care as much as starr does but in general there isn't a lot of movement/expression with him and he keeps to himself and doesn't talk much, really he's just vibing in the background while everybody else does stuff so its very easy to ignore him entirely and not worry about it
two is an ANGRY guy and he almost always is on guard or defensively waiting for something to happen, he tries to be intimidating and scare people and he walks with a lot of aggression/confidence which is fun for me to animate (lying) he also isn't a very talkative person but he will speak his mind if he has something negative to say, the only scenarios where he isn't angry or defensive are with sunshine or sometimes bubblegum bcuz he feels more comfortable with them and he might be more open to actually laughing/smiling but overall he is pretty cynical
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terrence-silver · 2 years
how does terry, john’s and beloved’s polyamory come to be?
I can legitimately see Terry just taking it upon himself to befriend and approach beloved first and foremost, upping his charm and making the suggestion when it is most opportune and when the chance is highest it will be met with a positive reaction: -"Me and my good, good friend want to..."-
I think Terry doesn't doubt John's sex-appeal (in fact, Terry views John Kreese like he placed the stars on the sky just by default), but he also doesn't doubt his own; far from. In fact Terry's aware John's rough around the edges in certain ways and needs that extra push Terry's providing. John's not a classic, suave playboy type, is what I mean. He is a tad bit stuck in his own ways. He isn't as slick and charmante as Terry is. Terry has the capability of doing all the work where that initial allure is concerned and he does, reporting every bit of progress back to John alongside every reaction, every word beloved said, every expression, everything --- it would be his absolute pleasure. He comes off so mellow, inviting and oddly soft that beloved can smoothly be eased into being with both of them because it feels safe and good, which is exactly the effect Terry wants to go for. There's no doubt in mind some tactical posturing comes into play so beloved would feel as lulled and lured in as possible and Terry adapts his methods depending of beloved's personality. Only when Terry does all the handiwork does John come in. Terry views this like a mission and favour done for his Captain. Target acquired and Terry goes in for the conquest and all his Captain needs to do is reap the rewards with him, yes. All John has to do is point it someone and Terry’s on a quest to acquire that someone or something for him and for himself as well. Terry never wants John to fret. Terry just wants him and John to play together. Terry's in control here. Terry’s the go-getter and the agent of John’s (and his own) will.
John comes in when the hardest part is already done.
Doesn't mean John doesn't do anything, no. If anything, John might either rein in Terry from doing too much, or too little, depending of the era and Terry listens. John's just a bit more classically gruff and strategically patient. I think he and Terry had threesomes galore before and that it never posed an issue and that John has proved himself very apt and very, very willing in that arena, but being in a polyamorous relationship is world's apart from that and John realizes that. It is actually being with a person. Once Terry actually ties all lose ends together, John shows up like someone interested in an actual courtship with beloved. Courtship. How funny that sounds. Oh, Johnny, Johnny, the 1950′s called and it wants its vocabulary back. Which he is. He's the strong, silent type with tid bits of understated, unassuming nonchalance to himself, but he brings that old timey charm to the table. He poses himself and Terry as protectors because that is the first thing he can equate care to, regardless of how twisted and dark his brand of protecting can get --- and it can get very twisted, dark and skewed. We can take care of you. We take care of our own. That's what Cobras do.
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ochomachuu · 2 years
send me a character: todomatsu!
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favorite thing about them: everything
but for real i guess how complex and interesting he is?? like there are so many facets to his personality and so we get so many flavours of totty. hes a sly little bitch, hes a sweetheart, hes a nag, hes a crybaby, hes blunt and callous, hes a goofy mf with a loud ass cackle, hes an angry dude who screams a lot, etc.
like you can probably name a bunch of "contradictory" traits that he can exemplify both of, eg: honest/dishonest, driven/lazy, self-preserving/self-destructive, realist/idealistic, logical/impulsive, sociable/lonely, mean callous bitch/the sweetest baby bro. hes so entertaining to watch and also has a lot of neat tendencies ive only picked up on recently, like apologizing when he doesn't think he did anything wrong, self-destructing for the sake of others, self-destructing for the sake of screwing over others... HE CONTAINS MULTITUDES.
i think when most people think of him, they just think of his cutesy + sly shtick, but by default hes not really like that most of the time. hes just a guy. to me he feels like an actual person, and i find him extremely relatable.
i also love how a lot of his more genuine acts of kindness arent immediately obvious and he doesnt always expect something in return! he is so full of love and care but is also inarguably. bastard. sometimes when he does things from a place of love he’s not kind about it so it doesn’t register as caring, like all the times he nags his bros or tells them an unpleasant truth in a harsh way. my favourite characters are pretty much never the characters that are just nice and sweet, so todomatsu is really really perfect to me because he's a snarky little shit who is crafty and self-serving on the surface, but he also makes me wanna 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 once i start looking deeper into things.
like he actually has a lot of little moments where hes just. a sweetheart? his “evil” moments are very fun and memorable and what made him stand out to me at first but when i rewatch older episodes theres a lot of little things that i hadnt fully appreciated before.
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also he is just a funny guy. i love how he is “the smart, manipulative one”, but he has exactly one plan at all times and it doesnt even work out most of the time. he loses his cool extremely easily and proceeds to do impulsive shit, either bc hes panicking or bc he is fucking FUMING.
but when his plans do seem to work out its a treat to watch and i feel very proud. like good for you, you crafty little bastard.
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i also respect how practical he is and how he makes an effort to improve himself and climb the social ladder! he hasnt had much success and is still undoubtedly a loser despite his efforts but i respect how he puts himself out there to face rejection. i like to think that his advice about the mixer to oso in s2e7 came from a place of personal experience, like there was a time where he was really really excited and then completely failed, then added that situation to his mental checklist, which is why he told oso what he did. he tried to temper his expectations because of that but he ended up getting hyped up again anyways, and fell flat once again.
anyways he is cute and funny and i just think he’s neat.
least favorite thing about them:
IDK I FEEL LIKE A LOT OF HIS POSES IN GROUP OFFICIAL ART ARE A BIT BORING? like theres a lot where he's just smiling and taking a selfie. i dont think this is actually technically the majority of official art though but its enough to be a Thing.
like hes still cute but it also could be that his vibe from the actual show isn’t reflected too well? idk
(his shimamatsu art is really good to me though, idk whats different about it but a lot of it is really cute and i like it.)
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favorite line scene: 
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brOTP: THE 🅱enis.
i find it so cute how totty clearly looks up to oso, and finds him reliable in a weird, shitty sort of way. also cyber!!! i feel like he relies on both choro and oso a lot as big bros but in sort of opposite directions, if that makes sense.
beni also has such a fun and varied dynamic. one second totty will be nagging oso like an annoying parent and the next they'll both be goofing off over something INCREDIBLY stupid. also they are mischievous little assholes and very cute and fun to watch.
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also i want more totoko and todomatsu interaction i want to see them be friends
random headcanon: (thanks @transtottimi​ for this one hehe) i love the idea that he buys cute drinks and desserts and stuff for the aesthetic but he actually likes black coffee bc he’s an old man on the inside
unpopular opinion: he has a shit sense of self-esteem, he doesn't love himself much, he's just coping.
also dont know that this is an unpopular opinion or just not mentioned a lot, but totty wants to be helpful, just not if it involves physical labour or anything (the pampered little princess). his whole deal is that he wants to succeed first so he can be the one to bring his brothers up with him! hes pretty often one to volunteer ideas and advice to the other five, even if nearly all of his plans fail and his advice is sometimes unwanted, to say the least. (barrage of screenshots incoming:)
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and here is him pissing off the others while he thinks he’s being helpful:
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favorite picture of them:
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morporkian-cryptid · 3 years
Last supernatural au for the day:
jigens eyes are wholly reflective like a silver mirror, a fairly nonhuman feature he tends to cover up with a hat or his hair
Goemon can look pretty human but he doesn't have to bother around the gang so he looks all glowy and see through when its just them
I just imagined a sword sticking in the ground under a freezing waterfall, meditating
Lupins calling cards usually provoke the victim into inviting him (if that doesn't work he can always get invited in disguise. I just realized how annoying the invitation thing has to be for a thief. Lucky for lupin this seems to be a secret world type of situation so most don't think he needs an invitation)
I like the idea of fujiko, who uses her beauty as a weapon, having a terrifying inner self only for lupin and goemon (and jigen, but in a platonic sense) to look upon it, accept it and even find beauty in her true self not just her weapons
I like the idea of Jigen having unnatural eyes! Considering he's some sort of shadow being, I'd rather see him with, like, eyes that are just globes of smoke that's constantly moving. (I'm relying on the idea from Discworld that the eyes are the reflection of the soul, and no amount of magic or shape-shifting can change what your eyes look like) (also smoke eyes would just be really really cool)
That said, Goemon could have mirror eyes. Like very shiny polished steel. Same idea of "your eyes reflect your soul/your true form", Goemon/Zantetsuken being actually a sword made of meteorite steel.
And I also like the idea of Goemon not bothering with a fully human appearance around the Gang, because they know his secret and he trusts them. It's also interesting to think of how he ended up trusting them with what is basically his most important and vital secret. I'll try to come up with more ideas about that when I have the time.
Lupin would probably make a lot of jokes and cheesy pick-up lines about how Goemon is glowing, that he's the light of his life, or trying to use Goemon as a lamp.
Actually, you know what? I am going to talk about trust. It's extremely meaningful that Goemon/Zantetsuken (who in the eyes of most people is technically an inanimate object that can be owned, and who basically stole himself in order to reclaim ownership of his person), would entrust Lupin (the greatest thief of all times, a man known for trying to steal any artifact of great value or that can pose a challenge to him), with the knowledge that he is, in fact, a priceless artifact that can be owned and stolen. That would require an absolutely incredible level of trust in Lupin. Even more than what they typically share in canon. AAAAAAAAAAH I just LOVE the implications of this AU!!!
Oooooh my gods I hadn't thought of the "vampires need to be invited in" thing, but that would be SUCH a pain in the ass for Lupin! Perfect XD Although, there is a work-around: yeet Goemon in sword form through the window, and then have Goemon turn back into a human and invite him in. (or have Jigen use the mirror teleportation method, but yeeting Goemon is funnier). Although, I suppose he'd prefer to use ruse rather than have his partners do the work for him. On the one hand, the calling cards would put his targets on edge and they wouldn't let anyone in lest they be an intruder; but on the other hand, that gives him an excuse to be invited in while disguising himself as Zenigata (something we've seen him do multiple times in canon).
Once again, I LOVE the idea of Lupin seeing Fujiko's true form, and instead of being terrified, just getting even hornier. Okay, I know, that's not the point, the point is "her appearance doesn't matter, he loves her all the same", but still. It's very funny and very Lupin. It would be even better (and un-subtle) if Fujiko's monster form is a black widow spider (I was visualizing a tarantula by default until now).
Goemon would probably freak out the first time, and not understand that the spider is Fujiko, and probably try to kill her. Angst ensues, until he realizes who she is, and immediately shows no sign of being bothered by the fact that the most beautiful woman he knows is actually a giant fucking spider. (Goemon of all people would know that someone's physical appearance, whether their real supernatural form or their human disguise, doesn't dictate who they are)
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summonerscenarios · 4 years
Just because I think it'd be funny, how do you think Gabriel, Bathym, and Hakumen (while hanging with Mc)would react to someone asking for an autograth, and assume they're asking for their autograth, only for the person to pull away with a look of absoluts confusion, and clarify that they want Mc's autograph
Hoooo boy this one is going to be a doozy lmao. I can feel the second hand embarrassment of this situation the whole time I wrote this~
Spending time with Gabriel in public often means that the two of you get accosted by fans all the time. She’s a well known face in Tokyo as both a lovable idol and overall pop-angel sensation, so running into people begging for autographs, pictures or otherwise is par from the course when it comes to being her friend. Which is exactly why, when the two of you spend a day out shopping together, you’re fully expecting someone to recognize the angel at any moment and swoop in vying for Gabriel’s attention in one way or another. 
The two of you had ducked into a clothing store to take a look through some of the items that had caught your eye as you’d walked past, and you were busying yourself viewing the displays as you listened to Gabriel excitedly chatter away when you felt a hand tap your shoulder. Turning to your left, you come face to face with someone you’ve never seen before - they’re bouncing on the balls of their feet and they flash you such an excitable smile that you’d think they’d just won the lottery if they weren’t looking directly at you. Gabriel notices them as well, as she peeks over your shoulder upon noticing you’ve gone quiet and smiles when she sees them talking to you. This person’s all too eager to pull out a small book and a pen, practically brimming with energy as they ask for an autograph - at that you make a noise of realization, immediately assuming that this must be one of Gabriel’s fans, so you excuse yourself and step out of the way so as to not get in the way of their request. Gabriel must have the same idea, as she steps forward to take over and asks about the autograph - she’s used to signing them all the time so she settles into the welcoming professional with ease and you expect it to go off without a hitch.
 But then the fan proceeds to look right past Gabriel and over to you, holding up the book and pen and once the confusion wears off you’re taken aback when you realize that they’re actually asking you. It’s easy to see the shock on Gabriel’s face when they dart past her and over to you, and when you shoot her a nervous look, a lot less used to this than she it, you catch her expression startled expression and she lets a pout cross over her face for but a few moments. Even caught off guard, you still take the time to give them your autograph, listening to the fan excitedly ramble about how much they look up to you and how amazing you are as you do so. It’s enough to fluster you a little at being confronted with a barrage of praise from someone who views you so highly, but you’re still incredibly confused on why they would come to you - you’re so used to fans swarming Gabriel, so having a fan of your own and having the tables turned is a weird thought to wrap your head around. The interaction is brief, and you wish them well as they scamper off, brimming with joy and clutching their newly signed book close to their chest as they practically skip away,
You’re still trying to wrap your head over what just happened when you notice Gabriel watching the fan walk away she’s got a perplexed look on her face, brows furrowed in an expression unusually serious for the usually chipper idol. She’s not used to being passed over, especially when it comes to all things fan-based, so you can tell she’s still somewhat baffled, but when you call out her name she brightens up and spins back around to face you, smile on her face as she approaches you and links arms with you. She settles close up against your side, close enough that you’re pretty sure Hati would keel over on the spot if he saw you two, and she comments on how that was fun. You don’t think she’s jealous, but you can tell that the situation made her a bit embarrassed, so when she pulls you along to continue shopping and forget the whole thing you humor her and follow along letting her lead you.
Bathym’s got quite the reputation both inside and outside of the Berserker’s guild, and he does his best to cultivate his growing fanbase, thriving off of the the people who adore him and vy for his attention and making no show of hiding that fact. Most of his fans swarm him after tournaments or just outside of the Colosseum, though most of them are usually handled by Andvari since he’s in charge of Bathym’s branding and merchandise. You’ve seen the occasional fan manage to find him and beg for pictures of autographs, so when you spot one hanging around while the two of you are out you don’t really bat an eye at the fact.
The two of you spot the fan approaching, they’ve been skirting around for a little while, clearly nervous about coming over but they seem to have plucked up the courage to come forward. Bathym flashes you a knowing grin and stands up, smoothing out his tail and perfecting his pose before he swaggers over to greet them, and you can already hear the sweet talk he’s gonna butter them up with before it even leaves his mouth as you watch it all unfold. You expect them to stop since he’s approaching them instead, but then they nervously duck right past him and continue walking straight towards you, and you immediately straighten up. Bathym looks flabbergasted when he turns back to you, the first time you’ve seen him genuinely astonished in a while, and you’re sure you look just as surprised when this fan shuffles nervously up to you and hesitantly asks if it’s okay to get an autograph from you, face red as they wait your response. The moment you hear they’re your fan, you just about fall out of your seat, scrambling to balance yourself if you ask if they’re serious.
When they say they are, and offer you a pen to sign you try to mask your surprise and give them a smile, asking them to take a seat next to you while you signed - it was mostly because having someone hovering over you expectantly felt a bit weird, but they seem to calm down having somewhere to sit, apparently relieved that you’re so welcoming as soon enough they’re talking all about how much they admire what you do, and how cool you are while you write out a small message for them. Soon enough you’ve got everything signed and handed back to them, watching their eyes light up as they spring from their seat and thank you profusely, nervousness turned to happiness by the time you’ve got them sent on their way.
 Not even a moment after they’ve left Bathym hums as he approaches, shaking his head as he slides into the now vacant seat beside you and slings an arm across your shoulder. He pouts and comments how it makes sense that such a cute master is going to have fans, soon enough you’ll have a whole fanclub if you really wanted! Then, Bathym flashes you a grin as he adds that it looks like he’s gonna have to keep an eye out for competition from now on, after all, he can’t just let anybody come in and sweep you out from under him~! When you try to wave off his concerns and playfully swat him away he makes a show of feigning hurt though he insists that it’s true~! You just don’t realize it yet. It’s hard to tell if he’s telling the truth, or even how he feels about the whole thing, but that look on his face when that fan first approached you makes you feel as though Bathym was maybe a little envious - then again, it’s hard to tell when it comes to the usually eccentric demon.
Roppongi’s full of people of power, so it makes sense that its hierarchy is governed by such - whether it’s status, wealth or both, the more you have of it, the better. And with Hakumen being at the metaphorical top of the pecking order with the other major Tycoons, catching the eyes of the masses and bringing in the attention of all lucky enough to be in her presence is all par for the course. And by default, that means you often around when these interactions occur, so you’ve seen your fair share of people swarming the fox looking to get into her good books or at least earn some of her favor - it;s both entertaining and a little embarrassing to watch, but Hakumen handles them all well enough, and if she’s not interested in interacting them there’s always plenty of security to usher those ‘fans’ away soon enough.
You’d been invited to the casino, having been seemingly dragged along to view some new addition to the already impressively intimidating building to see how well it will fit, and you’d spent the majority of that time flitting about the pace. You’d exchanged words and shook hands with more unfamiliar faces than you’d like to be around, and you were relieved when Hakumen had shown up in a flurry of pride and energy, turning every eye in her direction. Almost every eye, anyway. You feel better no longer being on your own around unfamiliar faces, and you could see that your attachment to her at the moment clearly stroked her ego as she seemed keen to lead you around, mingling amongst guild members and discussing plans regarding the casino’s build. Most of it went over your head, so you eventually trailed behind to chat with Xolotl who kept watch as his mistress moved around, exchanging pleasantries right up until you caught someone moving out of the corner of your eye.
It was someone you’d never seen before, a guest maybe, and they were approaching Hakumen who stood in front of you so quickly that you were pretty sure that they were going right for her, excitedly yelling something about an autograph as they approached. As the fan got closer, Xolotl made a move to slow them down, but Hakumen, likely wanting to show off, waved him off with a hand and spun around, fully preparing for a slew of praises and things to sign. You’d stepped back a bit to let this all unfold, turning your attention to elsewhere in the casino while you waited for her to finish up, but upon hearing a surprised yelp from Hakumen’s bodyguard your attention abruptly snaps back to the current moment, just in time to nearly get knocked right off of your feet by that very same fan. Amongst their babbling as they cling to your arm you make out ‘autograph’, ‘please’ and ‘biggest fan’ and the pieces gradually begin clicking into place as you look up from the fan to see Hakumen, still frozen in the place she’d been before.
The expression on Hakumen’s face is priceless, you don’t think you’ve seen her quite so frazzled, jealousy practically bubbling under the surface of a facade you can clearly see through. Honestly seeing her like this is kind of amusing, though you don’t know whether it’s because you’ve got someone about five seconds away from jumping into your arms or because she isn’t the center of the fan’s attention. Xolotl looks worriedly between his mistress and you, and the two of you share a look that spells that this fan just hit a nerve without realizing it, so before anything else happens you calm the person down and pat yourself down looking for a pen. You’re fortunate enough to find one in your pocket, and make quick work of signing the autograph and letting them go, returning back to Hakumen’s side with a comment about how you don’t know how she deals with doing that every day. You’re playing into her pride hoping to change the subject, and it does the trick, however the moment you’re back by her side she’s got both hands on your shoulders for the remainder of the guests’ visit, shooting looks at the fan whenever the three of you cross paths and she thinks you aren’t looking.
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into-september · 3 years
Watching MLB: “Lies”
- This confirms that a) Ladybug and Cat Noir do their fair share of just hanging around Paris to be your friendly neighborhood superheroes, and b) Cat Noir is in fact one of the, uh. "Village originals", as we'd call him where I live. You know. That ONE GUY. The weirdo with no dayjob and no family, who everyone knows yet nobody KNOWS. Like Mr. Ramier. Paris has three of them apparently and here they are on a bench together. 
- This entire sequence of poor, poor Cat Noir patrolling alone is the vibe that makes me love this show
- Kagami is a liar, huh. The last time she pulled this subterfuge, her mum got akumatised over it.
- Let's appreciate the contrast between Marinette mooning over the amazing life of Adrien Agreste as shown on TV, and Kagami complaining that the modelling poses he defaults to are not "the real him". 
- The clown is the "real him"; Kagami disagrees, the "real him" is when she manhandles him. Also, she repeats her earlier claim that he is "perfect", though clearly by different measures than Marinette uses. Suffice it to say that neither of the girls are ready to truly face him on even ground.
- Adrien WHY are you so surprised
- Anyway: They're adorable oh my god
- Either the timeline is whacked, or Ladybug legit didn't hear his voicemail until days later? (it's the timeline; she got the kwamis out of the box just before the date with Luka that was bombed by Mr. Pidgeon, which clearly is days later in Adrien's life. So either they're living parallell universes, or the writers messed up)
- Can I just say that I hope there'll be more band practice for Adrien in the future becaues maybe then Ivan will talk some more to him
- Adrien WHY ARE YOU SO SURPRISED you were about to kiss this girl like three times in this episode already, this can't be the first time you're holding hands
- Ooohooo, the lucky charm, the physical reminder of one girl and the verbal and thematic symbol of another one. Invisible cat is pulling it out of his pocket here, huh. 
- I mean, if Rose is going to get her miraculous soon-ish, then there's a good chance he'll be in town for a while.
- I'm probably being a bad shipper by low-key hoping that Marinette's lucky charm is passed on to Kagami
- And THIS incredibly observant conversation is why adrigami is lit. Like it is a legitimately good ship, it’s got tension. It makes demands on its participants. Kagami has to lie and she doesn’t like it, but she does it for him. This ship has depths to be explored and you’re all sleeping on it.  
- I don't know why I expected Gabriel to have left his lair to attend a social obligation but here I am, surprised to see him molting in the basement
- This is the second time the lucky charm is the object akumatised. This happened with the repeat villains (Reflecta, Puppeteer), but not with DIFFERENT PEOPLE. 
- Heeeey is that the new transformation music?
- Heeeey Jagged, this what you were doing before strolling over to bond with your recently found son. Also, Penny running around with the croc on a leash. I love this universe. 
- I'm ridiculously happy to see XY
- The show clearly recognises the necessity of white lies; Kagami clearly does not. 
- Question: Marinette recognises the Adrien's lucky charm. Does she know that this is Kagami? Does she think it's Adrien? It would be really funny if she thought it was Adrien, but since she's got eyes, what does she think of him having passed it on to his girlfriend? Will the show even acknowledge this?
- I love Kagami's rage-fencing and I love D'Argentcourt stepping in to stop it
- And so Adrien really did lose Kagami completely because unlike Luka, Kagami has some smidge of self-respect. But at least it was relatively peaceful. 
- And once again, the Ladynoir lives strong. Just sayin'.
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which bmc scenes make you the softest bc for me it's gotta be most of the stagedorks scenes ESPECIALLY a guy that i'd kinda be into. mostly bc of christine cause her and michael are my favs (i love them all sm though) but also bc of jeremy because he is a close second to both of them. also vimh but vimh makes me cry a lot although nowadays i can hardly watch one scene without at the very least tearing up. anyways yeah which ones make you soft
i simply rewatched bmc and took notes for this and really got off track at points in the sense of sticking to What Makes You Softest but that’s how it goes babey
ACT ONE - in mts when jeremy is just having a whole moment being smitten in christine's presence while she's inelegantly picking herself up off the floor and smearing on lip balm and adjusting a skirt wedgie - jeremy and michael just being default that glad to meet each other in the middle of a random schoolday - michael hyping up jeremy's crush on christine and just encouraging this momentum to get jeremy to sign up for the play - ilpr.....that christine stops after like, the first two verses and goes back to her book b/c she doesn't figure someone's looking to listen to her beyond that but then she sees jeremy's still 110% paying attention and the whole rest of the song enfolds with increasing enthusiasm - jake doing that whole bit "all the pressure i feel to be the best at everything all the time" lmao classic stuff here, depressing content delivered in this humorousse way. charming moment - "leave me alone, i've had a bad day" - 2pg......when michael taps jeremy on the shoulder to get jeremy to join in on his choreo, which jeremy then does.....that michael asks if jeremy will be too cool for Video Games and jeremy just responds Emotionally Directly......we love the Favorite Person moment......that this song just ends with the two of them grooving 2gether god bless - jeremy stammering and Tics and Fidgeting when the squip remarks uponst it - jeremy delivering the Looking Pretty Sexy Brooke as awkwardly as possible and she's just like "thanks :)" - jeremy's own Theatricality coming out......hey hamlet - jeremy spinning around in place alternately addressing both brooke and the squip with "oh i'm supposed to meet my friend michael" - nice little detail wherein brooke signals for chloe to join in on her choreo - speaking of, v fond of the Moment jeremy is in on both their choreo......brooke sort of alarming jeremy with her whole attempted grande finale, straw and all, ft. the first instance of her messing with his hair so much she's just tugging his entire head around - cute that jake and rich have a sort of 2pg-esque handshake routine too - jeremy's "that's sad, what should i do" reaction re: jenna - rich's Earnest invitation to come over and play xbox... - "bonjour, jeremy" "ooh brooke!" and this whole exchange, her complimenting him, him laughing at "That Was French" and remembering to ask about pinkberry - love the whole choreo sequence/s in sync up, especially fond of his Moments with the girls, bumping hips with chloe (twice), hearing some Gossip from jenna, posing with brooke.... ;__; - the bowling alley performance art exchange before agtikbi ;____; - agtikbi......the glittery hearts choreo.....the whatever! the interlude or whatever!!! the I Guess A Part Of Me section hhhhoughhh ;o; ;o; ;o; ;o; ;o; that she pulls him into a hug and puts her head against his shoulder omggg ;_________; - brooke just trying to interact with jeremy the Right Way w/o any guidance on the bleachers and it continues to be awkward and funny....like comforting just his Leg while he converses w/his squip.....how she just ends up Physically pushing him around by the hands and head and shoulder and etc......whole situation here in upgrade.mp3 clearly less than Ideal but jeremy and brooke are nevertheless very cute individually And together - meanwhile jake also trying to genuinely Be With christine in upgrade is also charming lol, quitting archery to hang w/a girl like her.... - i always love when the Playful Shove brooke gives jeremy at "but at the mall, you looked at me" pushes him back a whole few steps....this moment of them truly Getting each other sans anyone else's interference.....tres magnifique - jeremy being That psyched to see michael for the first time (in like, less than one full day lol)....michael being That psyched just hearing that jeremy's cool scifi thing worked out after all - lgw ;_________________________; - like i'm some normal, handsome guy..... - giving us All that silence after "The Problem Has Always Been Me" - the whole bit where he launches into the "I'm Not The [series of insults]" and i've realized it's really especially a stretch to say i'm Soft for these moments in lgw but i Am vulnerable and that's its power. little 1" tall will roland on my screen here just made me shed a real tear doing That.....
ACT TWO - brooke's Howl at the end of her verse lmawooo - oughhh jeremy and brooke Greeting each other at the party too, jeremy unable to disappoint her and going for the Real Compliment, just v charming. rip - jake and jeremy's danceoff lol hell yes and then jake just having Misunderstood the costume plan between him and christine lol - the squip getting in on the dancing :) go you funky little ai - jeremy and brooke singing that last verse of Halloween v enthusiastically at each other, - again that jeremy is just genuinely glad to see michael.... - the inherent intimacy of singing mitb b/c your bff dumped you..... - AGTIKBI REPRISE..... ;______________________________; hhhhuouuuoh my god :'3 the lil detail that at the Height of things christine is Shy and turns away.....just. This Scene oh my god - soft in a vulnerable way like, rip to jenna where we're seeing chloe's Lack Of Enthusiasm in accepting a call from her :[ - the Shift at the start of the pants song :] - and the lil mitb reprise during said pants song lmao, also always having a great time w/this concept of "maybe this teen having a rough time needs some guidance from someone grown w/all that bonus maturity here" - i wish there was a way i could help everyone but i don't know how so i guess i'll just do theatre..... - jenna being Moved simply being asked for the first time ever How She Is u_u then her being like "....Okay!" lmfao jenna's great - just have to say in whatever context i'm v fond of pitiful children there at the end lmfao the bass kicks in like that and we're having a great time - the audience always having that response to "all the way to broadway" - jeremy going "you came to see me in the play? :)" like, that he's processing the significance of that in the middle of these Very Raised Stakes - i'm soft for will roland's vocal glitching mouth noises live every night!!! - jeremy like "ha! >:)" flipping his squip off after he's successfully Apologized lmfaoooo love him - but then having that real And I'm Stronger Than You Think I Am victory like :'| - that michael's been by like a ton btw during jeremy's probably somewhat concerning coma. also cherish the lil dance he does while they're celebrating mr. heere's bepantsedness - jake and jeremy sharing a Dab - and just the Popular Kids actively seeking him out to help re: christine b/c they just Want To Be Supportive.....very nice - this vimh interlude or whatever with christine and jeremy like jlsdfhh i think of this all the time - me and the voices in my head have made up our collective mind ;__; what do they say we should do ;______; and the Woohoo! ;_______________; - huoughh kiss and you KNOW especially the [jeremy spinning away in sheer enthusiasm] of 2.0 just KILLS THE MAN ;O; - jeremy not missing a beat despite the squip's interruption leeet's GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO - the more than survive na na na na na na na na na na na's but they're all So, and jeremy ending With everyone but also there with Himself and it's so Good and Everything Wants What Vimh Has!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hhrough ;0; - that jason does that spin at curtain call w/his excellent squip costume... - that in virtually any given curtain call when they get into line together there's that lil ritual of george smacking will's ass lmao love languages
i mean tl;dr quite Same in that like, most likely to inspire tearing up over something or other includes agtikbi reprise and vimh which is just like, again any finale wants what it has, and the I Guess A Part Of Me bit of the non-reprise agtikbi like Oof augh this is so cute, and lgw always Gets me, and while i was rewatching speaking of being soft and move-able i was also just continually struck with delight over various moments throughout, and noticing little details for the first time thank god. just Vulnerable the whole time
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treeni · 4 years
For Your Entertainment
Day 4 - There is a trail of color only you can see that marks out where your soulmate has been. (I know its late, I forgot to post here)
Wordcount: 5688
TW: Swearing, I may have to accept swearing’s a default of my writing and not swearing is the abnormal. Heights. Abusive past (sad but not graphic) Non cannon blind character, (Avatar-esque level jokes about said blindness (think Toph)) mentions character experiencing homophobia and disable-phobia. Crime?
Summary:  If you were lucky, the world would be suddenly bathed in color at sunset or sunrise. Trails of colors left by your soulmate suddenly appear. For the first time, Roman was seeing the colors he had heard so much about in storybooks, that he’d heard even Remus talk about. Finally, finally he was on a quest to follow them.
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taglist: @tsshipmonth2020 
Roman took a deep breath. In slowly, hold, and breathe out. He stared down at the crowd of what had to be a couple thousand people, maybe more. The bright lights obscured him from being able to truly take stock even from his position so high up. He rocked on his feet once, the nervous energy still shaking his knees just slightly.
And then he jumped.
Roman arched his back and stretched his legs forward with pointed toes to pick up speed quickly, his white leotard stretched familiarly with his movements like a second skin. The shimmering red accents caught the light and the audience gasped as he let one hand move from the aerial swing to pose for the cameras as Remus mirrored his movements in his own black and green leotard while swinging the opposite direction.
The biggest difference between the twins in their joint performances was that while Roman’s face was always a neutral and calm mask of concentration, Remus face was invariably stretched in a huge, toothy grin as he gave into the freedom and adrenaline rush of their careers. He truly was in his element whenever they practiced or performed. Roman? Less so. It’s not that he didn’t like it, he loved the crowds, the reactions of the audience gasping, and awing at their every trick, it’s just... he wanted something more. Something a little less mindless, something he could get lost in the way his brother lost himself in the rush. Maybe singing? Or acting? Or both? Maybe he could bring it up to their ringmaster sometime?
Remy was open for ideas wasn’t he?
Maybe going to his husband Emile about it first would be safer.
The performance was a constant back and forth between the twins, one brother constantly grabbing hold of the other brother and swinging them into the air, then catching them again on their decent. The had to be in perfect sync and over the years the two learned to read each other’s body language as easily as an open book. Or a hidden diary in Remus’ case. Several minutes in with a head rush of seemingly countless tricks and Roman felt like he was settling into the groove of the performance. He was amping up for the big show stopper soon and shook his metallic gold cuff at his brother, catching the light just so in order to signal for him to get ready. Just in time too it seemed, as a blinking stage light was signaling to them both that they needed to wrap it up soon for the next performance.
Light reflected from Remus’ own silver cuff. One, two, three flashes. He was ready and waiting. Roman nodded, mostly to himself and poised himself to go as Remus swung down first. It took a few trips back and forth while beating his legs to and fro for him to build up the momentum he needed and then he was up, up, up in the air, twirling in three consecutive cartwheels on the way down. As he descended, Roman took off, grabbing hold of Remus’ swing on the way and catching his brother as he turned in the air at the last possible second to avoid certain doom. Or at least, what appeared to be certain doom to the audience. Their job was never absolutely safe, but they did have certain safety precautions in place just in case, particularly a hidden net. If there was one thing that Remy was adamant about, it was that no one was permanently hurt on his watch, not after Emile... well....
Anyway. It was a split second maneuver as Roman twisted and worked off the momentum Remus’ fall added to their now joint swing as Remus in turn tossed Roman high into the air. Roman pulled his arms in with his ankles crossed and twirled as fast as he could, like an ice skater performing an axel spin. One, two, three, four, five, six, he pushed for just one more before letting his limbs free and reaching out to Remus’ already outstretched arm, ready to catch him. Catch him he did as the two swung together to Remus’ starting side. With a flourish, the two bowed together in perfect unison, but Remus broke the synchronicity so he could pretend he was going to fall off the stand. As the audience gasped in horror, he pretended to catch himself at the last possible second, much to the public’s relief. Roman suppressed shaking his head and gave the audience one last wave as they exited to the backstage area and away from audience view. Pretending doom was inevitable was one of Remus’ very favorite tricks.
“Ro that was amazing! I didn’t know you managed to pull off another spin!” Remus cheered, throwing an arm around his shoulders in a side hug.
It wasn’t really amazing. He’d seen Remus practice the very same trick and regularly hit eight spins, nine when he was really pushing himself. However, Roman couldn’t pull off the cartwheel trick in the same way that Remus could. It disoriented him too much. When he tried it during practice, he usually faltered at the end, nearly missing Remus’ grip. It was too dangerous to attempt in front of an audience right now and Remy refused to approve it until he made better progress. Remus never said a negative word about it, but Roman knew he was the weaker link of the two. Twins or no, Roman couldn’t quite move the way Remus could. He was stronger, sure, but less flexible, while Remus moved like a living rubber band.
“Hey, what’s with that face Ro?” Remus asked, hip bumping him playfully.
“Nothing...just...” Roman started with a sigh. “have you ever wanted to do something else?”
“Like what?” Remus asked blinking, as if the thought had never crossed his mind before.
“I dunno... something.”
Roman wanted to write, to sing, to dance, to paint, to act, he wanted to do so, so many things that didn’t involve variations of the same routine again and again, night after night.
“Well you know me, I’m always open for ideas!” Remus exclaimed, throwing his arms in the air to show his excitement at the prospect of change. “I want to hear everything! Let’s work on-”
Annnnnnd he was gone. Remus had stopped mid-sentence going googly eyed as he always did when his soulmate, Patton, walked into their general vicinity. He was decked out in a leotard similar to their own in a soft baby blue, with the added bonus of a floofy cyan skirt that matched his soft pleather shoes.
“You both did great out there!” Patton exclaimed with a big toothy grin, reaching to Remus with grabby hands for a hug that was readily returned.
“You really think so?!” Remus asked, nearly bouncing on his feet at the praise.
“Of course I do Inky!” Patton responded with equal enthusiasm and kissed his nose. They were supposed to use their stage names around the audience, but Patton had a habit of using them as affectionate pet names in equal measure. Remus quickly responded with a raspberry kiss on his neck that left Patton in a fit of giggles.
Roman rolled his eyes. Of course Patton thought so. He literally said it every performance.
“I thought you did great too Charm, dad said you got an extra spin tonight!”
“Yeah he did! He was really great out there Drift! The crowd ate it up!”
Unlike Roman and Remus, Patton wasn’t allowed to pick his stage name. Well, he was, as the story goes, until he tried to pick ‘Kitten.’ Emile had been okay with it, but Remy had put his foot down, saying it would make people think too much of another kind of performance. Plus, Patton wanted to teach classes to kids and he wouldn’t be getting any parental sign-ups with that kind of a stage name. Drift was a compromise that was a nod to the shoes he was filling as he took over Emile’s performance.
The loudspeaker crinkled to life with a tinny, electronic buzz. “Hey, ya’ll, have you been enjoying tonight?”
The crowd sounded out their appreciation.
“Oh, I’m sorry babes, but I can’t hear you. Wanna try that again?”
The crowd screamed louder.
From their spot hidden away, Roman could spot Remy center stage in a relaxed position with a hand on his hip. He always had such a strange demeanor for a ringleader. Sometimes he’d literally just walk on stage, take a seat on a stool and spend a few minutes loudly sipping from the straw of his coffee, doing literally nothing else. Roman really couldn’t fathom why audiences seemed to think it was so funny, but they invariably did. Eventually one of the performers would usually come out and start to pull off some tricks behind his back or Emile would enter the stage decked out in his clown costume and make the audience laugh with various tricks that were mainly at Remy’s expense.
Their ring leader had been shot in the face with a water gun many of times while Emile quoted Toy Story for the kids. Anyone else would have suffered consequences for that kind of behavior, but Emile?
Emile invariably was given a soft, amused look in return and sometimes Remy would even pull out a water gun of his own and shoot his husband back.
“Much better. Let me introduce to you, my favorite, and the very best of our sorry lot! Our graceful tightrope walker Drift!”
The audience cheered again, but got louder still when Remy muttered into the microphone, “Yeah, you better cheer, that’s my son ya’ll.”
It was only mildly threatening.
“That’s my cue I guess,” Patton said, shaking his head at Remy’s antics. He gave Remus a single kiss on the cheek before hurrying to his place on stage.
Even just that was enough to push a dopey looking grin on Remus’ stupid face.
Roman gagged.
The tightrope walker didn’t know it, but Remus rushed off to the rafters with barely a wave in Roman’s direction as he hurried off, just as he did every time Patton performed. Roman pushed away his annoyance at their cut-off conversation. He honestly didn’t expect anything else. As always, Remus sat by one of the stage lights, waiting and watching closely with a taut rope in hand. He was at the ready to swing in like god damn Tarzan just in case anything went wrong.
Not that it would.
Roman was good at his trade. Remus was great at it. However, Patton grew up on the tight rope. It was as familiar to him as walking on solid ground, maybe more so. The boy’s performance was practically a grand pas on a stupidly thin surface with gymnastic moves thrown in for flair. Roman was always most impressed by his ability to fluidly fall into a split, on a rope, without his hands, like it was easy. Patton was truly the star of their little show and Roman was certain he could have gone to the Olympics as a gymnast if he was ever so inclined.
Despite his past, and despite his unquestionable ability, Patton was very much like Roman in one very important way. Neither were satisfied by their performances alone. The two had long conversations about it over the years, especially when Remus was off adding to his seemingly endless skill set as he learned the most obscure of abilities from other performers. Unlike Remus thrived in all of the oddity, Patton wanted to do something that helped people, something social. He had never settled on exactly what, but he always insisted that it didn’t matter anyway, because he couldn’t bring himself to leave his parents behind. Remus’ sheer love of it all only solidified his stance and made him want to stay even more. However, they managed to work in some end-of-matinee kiddy classes to satiate his need for interaction. The twins helped too, well, Roman helped by acting as a second pair of hands that made sure no small children lost their balance too badly on the low bar that Patton taught them how to use. Remus “helped” by coming out in a plushy monster costume toward the end of the lessons and kidnapping “the princess,” which forced the kids into a course that utilized their newly taught skills so they could make a rescue attempt. The whole thing usually ended with Remus being squashed by a gaggle of small children who would beat him with foam swords while he played dead. Meanwhile, Patton would watch him fondly from behind the very crowd of children who saved him.
Roman shook his head of the thought just as Patton gave his closing performance bow. The two truly were the funniest of pairs, but they worked somehow. Patton seemed to thrive off of Remus’ near endless enthusiasm and Remus in turn flourished with Patton’s endless patience.
The rest of the show moved in a blur as Roman waited for it all to end. He was anxious for it to be over, anxious for time to pass already. It was their first day in a new city and he was waiting for his freedom to explore it. Roman was only brought back into focus when Remus and Patton gathered him for the final bow as Remy closed out the show. It was nearing sunset and part of their deal was that the first performance at any one location would end early enough that the performers would have the sunset free to do as they wished.
Most of the ones like Roman were just as anxious as him to explore, to catch sight of a wisp of glowing color that was only revealed in the light of a sunset or sunrise. There were apparently all sorts of scientific reasons why it happened, something about the specific light rays that hit and soul auras. Roman didn’t care enough about the how to really look much into it. All he cared about was the why. The why was being able to see the aura left behind that day by your soulmate. The why was being able to find them.
The why was why he was here.
Roman and Remus grew up in a shitty home, but that was no strange story to hear among the circus folk. Patton was pretty unique in sheer support and love Remy and Emile showed him. Then again, maybe he wasn’t. The power couple acted as group parents in a way and looked out for all of their performers. Remy would bring Roman hot chocolate on days he was particularly disheartened and sometimes Emile would kidnap him to watch Disney movies together. Still, there was a reason two sixteen-year-olds found their way to the circus in the first place. There was a reason they left their old, broken lives behind. It seemed to be fate alone that led to Remus seeing and subsequently following the glowing cyan trail all the way to a tightrope dancer in the middle of a show. It was the only time Remus actually had to catch Patton in the years since they’ve known him. The chubby cheeked, fresh faced, fourteen year old performer had gotten distracted by Remus’ sudden green shine and slipped right off. Without even thinking about it, Remus dove to save him from disaster, well perceived disaster. Still, the crowd ate it up and the reporters in attendance that night labeled him a hero in the next day’s papers.
Emile immediately invited Remus for dinner that night with them as a thank you for “saving” their son. When the couple heard about Remus’ living situation, a dead father and a drunk mother, they offered him a place with them. They showed him how to fill out emancipation forms and gave him all of the instructions he would need. They also told him to think hard about what he wanted before deciding. Remus came home with his arm full of forms and big bright eyes telling Roman the story of his soulmate. How he had found his true love and he wanted the two of them to run away together to the circus so he and Roman would be free.
And... honestly how could Roman ever say no to that?
Roman could still remember the conversation they had that night.
“Do you think mom and dad were soulmates?” Remus had asked him then as they rapidly packed their necessities, and only looking back did he realize how thin his gaunt his brother looked. Roman hadn’t realized they were underfed until they just... weren’t anymore.
“Yeah, Rem, I do,” Roman remembers saying at the time. He still believes it too. He could remember the soul crushing expression on his mother’s face when she got the call about the accident. He could still picture the hollow, dejected look that never left her eyes even as she searched at the bottom of bottle after bottle in hope of finding some peace. She didn’t know how to live without him it seemed. At the time, Roman couldn’t help but feel guilty leaving her behind, but he would have felt worse if Remus gave up his chance at happiness.
Honestly, he wasn’t sure if Remus would have gone through with it if Roman refused. A small part of him was scared his brother would have left him behind. A bigger part of him was scared he wouldn’t have. Roman couldn’t have put him into that situation, choosing between his twin and his soulmate. He refused to. So off to the circus they went and at the circus they’ve been since. It’s been just over a decade now and while it wasn’t the life Roman imagined for himself in the days Roman and Remus would whisper what they’d do when they were finally on their own while their mother drank away her problems in the living room, it wasn’t a bad life.
He just was ready for something more.
The crowd had barely filed out before Remus had grabbed onto his usual rope to swing around the tent and rapidly opening all of the flaps while Patton did the same on foot. The two worked to let in as much light from the setting sun as possible. On evenings like these the couple would sit together in the rafters, hip to hip and hand in hand, watching each other’s soul light bounce around the stage, mimicking their performances in high speed. Meanwhile Roman slipped away and took to the street towards the town.
One perk of his job was that parkour came easily and up the buildings he went to find himself at higher ground like an everyday comic book superhero. Sometimes Roman liked to imagine what it would be like to be in a comic book. What kind of powers would he have? Character flaws? Would he be a hero? Would a comic book Roman still feel so lonely?
He jumped to the next roof.
No glowing mist.
Not that he really knew what it looked like, just what it was supposed to look like according to Remus and Patton. Not that either were the best at explaining.
He knew it looked like a light, but colorful. Like mist, but stringy, streaming. Like water. Like neon. And the description he hated most of all, like nothing he’d ever seen before.
How was he supposed to know what to look for if he didn’t know what it looked like?
Roman jumped to the next roof.
He stared down at the people crowded on the streets below and was suddenly thankful for additional height. He’d never be able to sweep the city for any remnants of glow from down there, the pushy crowd of endless people would both get in his way and block his vision. Plus, as used to he was swinging through the air unobstructed, being pushed into a tight space while completely surrounded by sweaty, gross bodies sounded like a special kind of hell. He wasn’t sure how their audience ever managed it.
He groaned at the height difference of his current building and the next one, before leaping across to grab a window ledge, only to find himself in a upward climb to the roof. He wished he brought a bottle of water, but knew in reality it was a terrible idea. Water would just slosh in his stomach uncomfortably and the bottle could leave condensation on his hands, which in his shoes could be fatal. He got to the top with a grunt, ready to call it for a five minute break when-
When he saw something.
It was barely there anymore, but he scaled down the building as fast as his hands and feet would go, taking leaps and shortcuts he generally wouldn’t risk in order to get down there faster. He lucked out making it down unscathed, knowing that even Remus would have lectured him about a particularly dodgy jump (and when Remus lectured him, you knew he was being stupid) but his quick ascent allowed him to catch the last bits of a rapidly fading yellow trail. It faded from beginning to end, so he must have been closer to earlier parts, he thought as he pumped his legs, trying to keep pace with the lights that moved so much faster than him.
God the sun would be setting soon.
He was determined dammit!
Roman did as he did best and started to swing between the buildings, grabbing hold of a balcony here, a light post there, anything that he could that allowed him forward momentum at a faster pace than he could run it. People dodged out of his way, but he didn’t care as he was finally beginning to keep pace with it. The problem was that eventually the city ended.
He was back on his feet, running as fast as he could manage across open field, trying to defy the odds and keep up with the light that was rapidly denigrating before his eyes, focused on nothing but finding the end of it.
Then it was gone.
His surroundings were bathed in darkness as the very last remnants of the setting sun disappeared before his eyes. He finally looked up to take stock of his surroundings and found himself confused to be back in front of the circus tent he had just vacated earlier. There was no way that his soulmate was one of their crew, he would have known by now.
It must have been someone in the audience.
Oh god, but there were so many of them!
That didn’t help at all! Even if Remy gave him the list of attendees, he’d never be able to cross them all off before they were packing up again! He groaned and wanted to collapse where he stood. He wanted to fall into the grass and let himself sink until into the muddy, crummy underbelly of the earth as it swallowed him up and he rejoined the celestial plane. Screw this physical plane bullshit.
Instead he sighed, his shoulders slumped dejectedly as he headed to his trailer. At least he knew they were somewhere here. He just thought that he’d finally have a story of immediately finding them as soon as he caught sight of that beautiful, golden light that danced through the streets the way smoke weaved away from a warm candle. Like waves ebbing and flowing into each other. Like nothing he’d ever seen before.
At least he understood what that meant now.
For now, he was going to sleep away his depression so he could try to convince Remy to let him out of tomorrow’s show. Tomorrow’s started before the sun set, but decidedly ended much after and he wanted to get another look around town.
Roman paused in his gait, thankful that he had worn cloth slip-ons for balance. It had the added benefit of keeping his foot steps near-silent.
There was an odd clicking noise coming somewhere from his trailer. Roman tip-toed around it, keeping himself minimizing even the sound of his breathing. He was effectively impossible to notice, especially compared to the residual noise of the others shuffling around their general campsite. Roman wasn’t sure what to think when he found a hooded boy sitting at the side door of his trailer, with his ear pressed against a door as his hands... wait was that a lock pick?
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” Roman demanded when he stopped in front of the boy- no man, he realized as he rapidly stood up and easily matched Roman’s height.
The guy looked around rapidly, searingly, but his gaze didn’t settle despite Roman standing just in front of him. Now that they were face to face, Roman got a look at his eyes, even with the rapid movement. They were big and beautiful, despite the messy, dark makeup framing them and they sparkled a light lilac color, nearly white. A realization struck Roman and he deliberately he cleared his throat. The face finally settled its search to point in his direction. He was blind.
“You uh... probably wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” the guy said, shoving the hands in his hoodie pockets.
“Try me,” Roman retorted. “I think the least I deserve is an explanation for why someone is trying to break into my trailer.”
“Your trailer?” The guy asked with a head tilt.
“Yes, my trailer,” Roman said, putting emphasis on every word. Why did he look so disbelieving?
“Right,” the man replied and pulled one hand out of his pocket to reach down for a white cane Roman hadn’t noticed before. “Would you believe me if I said I was looking for something for my soulmate?”
“I doubt you could look for much,” Roman said automatically, but horror overtook him as he realized the words that had tumbled out of his mouth.
Shit he’d been hanging around with Remus too much.
“I’m so sorry, that was insensitive of me, I-”
Roman was bewildered to see the man laughing as he leaned his weight on the cane for balance rather than direction.
“You got me there dude,” he said with a snort.
“No, please don’t forgive me so easily for that, that was uncalled for. I’ve had a frustrating day and I should not be taking it out on you,” Roman said with a groan, still in disbelief of what he let himself say.
“Nice to see you’re worried about the feelings of the man who tried to break into your trailer.”
“I do when I misdirect my anger. If I was going to make fun of you, it should have been related to the crime. Instead, my usual foot in mouth syndrome around cute men took over and I said what is probably the worst possible thing.”
“So you think I’m cute?”
Roman just groaned. There was no winning this conversation.
“I’m Virgil,” the hooded man said, finally taking pity on him while reaching out a hand.
“Roman, but you might have heard of me as Charm,” Roman said the stage name with a sigh, as if the name alone was exhausting, but shook the offered hand and tried not to think about how soft those long, pretty fingers were.
“Oh! We went to your performance today. I heard it was amazing.”
“Heard? But if you went to it wouldn’t you have...” Roman trailed off and immediately groaned, realizing his mistake.
Virgil was laughing at him again.
Roman willed the earth to swallow him whole for a second time that night.
“So, Roman, what would it take for a guy to get an escort home around here?” Virgil asked with a cheeky grin.
“Despite what my brother might insist, we’re not those kind of performers,” Roman shot back just as quick, finally able to contribute to the joke.
Virgil paused and Roman knew it was impossible, but it felt like man was checking him out.
“That’s too bad,” Virgil breathed with a smirk. “Sometimes it can be hard to find my way home this late at night.”
Roman snorted at the brazen impossibility of the statement as Virgil reached in his direction. Roman granted him mercy and took his hand, but he hadn’t been anticipating him slotting their fingers together.
“Walk with me?” Virgil asked, playfully bumping his shoulder into Roman’s.
Roman chided himself for automatically nodding, but Virgil seemed to get the idea somehow as he tugged lightly on their joined hands, pulling him forward without even a verbal confirmation. From there the two of them strolled through the city, keeping even a pace that could be best classified as a dawdle. Virgil seemed intent on taking his time as the two slunk along. Honestly, Roman didn’t even mind that much because otherwise he’d probably be in the corner of his trailer, sobbing as that performance’s makeup ran down his face in harsh, ugly lines.
“Tell me a boring fact about yourself,” Virgil said suddenly, not even pausing in his gait.
“Wouldn’t most people wan’t to hear an interesting fact?” Roman asked with an eyebrow raise.
Apparently Virgil could hear the gesture in his tone because he gave a shit-eating grin in return.
“Interesting facts are too much pressure,” Virgil shrugged, “Plus you work in a circus and try to fall to your death for a living, that’s already inherently interesting.”
“It’s not exactly trying to fall,” Roman defended, but conceded at Virgil’s own eyebrow raise. “Alright... uh... I hate sleeping with socks on.”
“Ha, me too,” Virgil agreed with a nod. “Janny always wears them and I don’t understand how it doesn’t drive him nuts.”
“Oh shit, I mean Janus,” Virgil said, but seemed amused at his own slip-up. “Don’t tell him I called him that when we meet up with him.”
Roman swallowed and couldn’t help the disappointment building up in his gut.
“Is that your soulmate?” He found himself asking, if only to punish himself because he was already pretty sure of the answer.
“Mmmm, yeah,” Virgil agreed with a fond look that consisted of crinkled eyes with a little half smile. It was such a soft and endearing look and Roman wanted to cry.
Why didn’t anyone look at him like that?
“With the whole not being able to see anything, much less these “soul light” things I keep hearing about, it was up to Janny to find me, got me out of a shit situation too.”
“Yeah, apparently being disabled was already pushing the envelope for my family, but gay with a male soulmate too? That was just too much for them. I was instantly kicked out. We barely just met, but he immediately made sure I was taken care of. Even offered to find a way for me to stay somewhere else if I was uncomfortable staying with him.”
“Did you?” Roman asked. This Janus guy deserved a medal or something.
“Yeah actually, chilled with his co-worker Logan for a bit, cool guy, bit of a neat freak though. Didn’t stay too long though. Janus came and checked on me every day and well... its hard not to care for someone who makes it so abundantly clear they care for you.”
“A love story of the ages from there?” Roman teased, giving their intertwined hands a playful squeeze.
“Something like that.”
“I’ve always loved stuff like that,” Roman muttered in admission.
“Like what?” Virgil asked, stopping his trek and pulling Roman to stop too.
“Love stories... soulmate stories, the whole deal,” Roman said wistfully. He loved them more than anything because he wanted them more than anything. “I look at every stop we make to see if I can catch sight of mine. I feel like I’m so close!”
“That’s... actually really good to hear,” Virgil muttered.
“Nothing,” Virgil said, and reached forward to a door that Roman hadn’t noticed before. “Don’t freak out too much, he’s got perfect aim, I promise.”
Virgil pulled Roman inside without another word. Roman was just about to ask just what that was supposed to mean, when a throwing knife whizzed passed him and landed in the wood of the door mere centimetres from his face!
What the fuck?
“Who the hell is he and where the fuck have you been Virgil?! You’ve been out all night! Do you have even the slightest idea how dangerous it is out there for-”
“For someone like me?” Virgil asked with a huff as an, admittedly attractive man with a snake tattoo covering half of his face stomped straight up him.
The man put a hand on each of Virgil’s shoulders and literally shook him and demanded, “Do. You. Have. Any. God damn. Sense. Of fucking. Self preservation?!”
“None whatsoever,” Virgil deadpanned.
Absolutely savage.
The man sighed and slumped forward, letting his forehead rest against Virgil’s shoulder as he balled his gloved hands into the fabric of his hoodie.
“Aww, giving up already Janny? You haven’t even asked about your present yet.”
Oh! This was the soulmate. Suddenly his distraught reaction made a lot of sense.
Didn’t explain the knife though.
“I’ve been looking for you for hours,” Janus moaned in return. “You’re never leaving this god damn house again, I swear. You’re going to be the death of me.”
Virgil just snorted in return and motioned for Roman to move closer to them and out of the way as he used his cane to push open a curtain.
Then something beautiful happened.
No, something absolutely, astoundingly magical happened.
The room suddenly lit up in purple and gold as the first light of sunrise peeked through the window.
Virgil and Janus were literally glowing.
Roman watched as Virgil carefully tipped up Janus’ chin up, forcing him to face the sudden new lights streaming in and Janus let out a gasp.
“...Red,” he muttered breathily before he whipped around to look Roman’s way. For the first time, Roman could see the beautiful, two toned eyes that stared at him as if he were some kind of dream. “It’s you.”
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onlywished · 4 years
16 and 22 for mermaid quartet?
16. Who makes the plan, who follows the plan and who knows the plan is going to fail?
kenn of course is almost always the one with a plan! and then meri tends to try to make one of his own that’s usually a lot worse and ends up having to follow kenns with a pout. caspian always notices the flaws in both of theirs, but he also usually chooses to not say Anything (unless it’ll kill him-). bellus is just here to have a good time!! and he trusts in the others to not kill him. so hes the one who just follows along
22. What poses do the squad like to do when taking a group photo?
it isnt Quite a pose but often in photos kenn tends to end up with his arm around someone just to make sure everyone gets in frame :>! bellus usually is doing a double peace sign or just a single one if he has to be holding something. he just thinks its cute and good for every occasion...  someone (caspian) told meri it was a land thing to flip off the camera and by the time he found out what it meant he just thought it was really funny and kept on doing it!! if its for something school related though he just defaults to an arms crossed smug boy pose. caspian is just constantly vibing - hes almost Always doing a pose where his hands are in his pockets. that or hes on his phone-
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