#his voice is just so idkk
thsc-confessions · 10 months
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"I HAVE A CONFESSION …… SOMETIMES when I’m alone and I had a bad day I like listening to compilations of Reginald talking because I LOVE his voice ESPECIALLY when he says “Nyeh!” It’s REALLY CUTE!!" submitted by @capturecharlesau
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sieglinde-freud · 8 months
can i confess something to you guys… i really like asugi— *gets shot*
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immortalsins · 1 year
every holiday i berate myself for not working harder during term time and i wonder how i so easily slip into the cycle of missing lectures -> spending free time catching up on lectures -> missing lectures to catch up on coursework/revision rinse & repeat etc and why can’t i keep up all-day productivity when it should be easier to do so if i’m already up&out for lectures ... but the start of each term has been overwhelmingly stressful and i fail at all-day productivity immediately then its like oh i have a diagnosis.
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anantaru · 5 months
hii <3 do you think that dr ratio or argenti would be into eating you out? like argenti just being so sweet abt it, he’s such a cutiee. and dr ratio doing it like he claims you or smth. idkk they could be anything but i’m interested if these two boys would be into thatt. ( ps your writing is so good… i love it sm 🙏🏻🙏🏻🫶🏻)
including. dr ratio, argenti
cw. oral (fem! receiving), petnames used: doll, angel, fem! reader
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— ꒰ VERITAS RATIO ꒱ + rough & sloppy
veritas cannot lie to himself but he finds it adorable how you cannot mutter out a single word right now, and the only thing you were still capable of doing was holding your thighs apart so he could fit his head in between and fill your tummy with consistent pleasure.
"you don't want to show me how you feel, doll?" he utters in that unbearably arrogant tone he adored to use on you whenever he proved you wrong as you shake your head, your sticky cream coating his chin, "hmm... well, i'll just force it out of you then, don't you think that's fair?" a refined mewl spills from you when he licks at your folds again, never breaking the eye contact and not caring if you'd end up making a mess of his entire face with your sweet liquids.
and the way his tongue vibrates on your pussy was turning you head over heels for the man, the coarse laps of his tongue full of affection that your toes curl at each lick, and he only gets rougher with proactive drags of his tongue rolling over your hole and collecting everything you give him.
by now, your core has been drenched by a mixture of your slick and his spit, and your legs shake when he kneads the skin on your thighs as to simultaneously comfort you and hold you deep against his greedy face.
one more, just to taste you once more, and you're finally showing him what he does to you, your labored breathing exhaling with the rapid thumping of your heart as your thighs clench around him to ride his face, his enthralling eyes looking more graceful and dark with no mercy reflecting off of them.
you lift yourself onto your elbows to get a better view of the mess on your lower area, watching him closely as the sensation of his mouth made you lose your mind.
your fingers move swift as to reach down and twist into his soft hair, holding him tightly into your cunt when he flips his tongue left and right, his breath hitting your pussy with every exhale— your folds were just so hot, so wet, and squishy that he needs to suckle on them before filling you with his cum later.
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— ꒰ ARGENTI ꒱ + attentive & fast
oh, you sure as hell are starting to see stars when argenti suckles on your folds, with his nose dragging into your cunt the more he forces his head in between your thighs— but you're unable to meet his gaze and it saddens him, despite the fact that it felt so deliciously good, doesn't it?
"argenti.." you moan his name just above a whisper of your labored breathing, your lower lip trembling at how dirty it felt to have him lap around your cunt like a mad man, his hands continuously feeling you up when you arch your back into his mouth.
"yes, angel?" his eyes flicker up with lust, "enjoying yourself for me?"
argenti receives no response, at least not a verbal one, instead you hum dazedly as your eyes flutter shut when his nose rolls between the flesh that protected the little pearl on your cunt, your swollen pussy aching to feel more of the friction it so desperately desires.
"such a good girl," he groans into your pussy, lowering one hand from your thigh to your hole as he gently pushes into it before curling deep to scissor your cunt. fuck, argenti simply cannot tear his eyes off you.
you're just so impossibly perfect to him, and he treats you like an ancient treasure whenever he received the gift of going down on you.
you repeatedly whisper his name imbedded in praises as you left it to your crumbling voice to find his ears— and argenti wasn't sure on who, out of the two of you, would break under the pressure first.
because listen closely now, your pussy was like none he has ever tasted before and he hopes you know it by the way he circles the tip of his pink muscle so precisely into you.
you turned him achingly hard, his tongue pressing upwards and back only to lap slightly faster, ugh, he swears that every time you chant his name or tremble your legs around his head he can feel his cock throb in his pants, pushing harder and harder against his boxers.
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©2023 anantaru do not repost, copy, translate, modify
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ddejavvu · 7 months
First time requesting here so idkk if I'm doing it right but...
James whos really attentive and invested with the tea from work/class that reader tells them while they cuddle like,, he has no idea who they are rlly but reader crawls up beside him in bed and is like "babe,, i have tea" or like "babe u know about..." and he's all ears, full attention nd all plus has the best reactions,, and idk i hope that makes sense but thanksss if this u get to do this
"Jamie," You hiss, pressing a slightly sticky kiss to his earlobe before whispering beside it, "Jamie, wake up."
He rouses with a grunted, 'hm?', and his brown lashes flutter open to reveal sleep-ridden eyes. There's crust at the corners but you don't care, you fit yourself against him while he blinks blearily at you.
"Wha's'a matter, love?" James slurs, turning over where he's facing the wall in his bed so that he's watching you with all of the focus he can muster.
"You're never gonna believe what I heard in the break room," You gush, and just like that, James is no longer tired.
Well, he is. But he perks, his eyes widening slightly and his posture stiffening.
"'Love it when you start stories like that, darling." He rasps, voice groggy from sleep, "G'head, tell me what's happened."
You launch into the rather seedy attempt at flirting that you'd witnessed between two of your coworkers earlier, and when you reveal that they'd later been caught heavy petting in the lingerie section, his face twists into barely-withheld disgust.
"It was nasty!" You recall with the delight that only comes from the juiciest of gossip, "They got hauled into the back office and I heard they got a lecture on workplace etiquette."
"Kinda pathetic, really," James observes with his lips curled into a sneer, "I mean, he got so worked up from seeing a bra that he had to take her right then and there?"
His judgement doesn't receive the reaction he personally thinks it deserves from you. You don't giggle or agree with him, your brows merely tighten in contemplation.
Wordlessly, you peel the shoulder of your shirt away from your skin, revealing a lacy bra strap.
James swallows what little saliva he's got in his mouth, turning away from you with a huff and trying to control his now-rampant thoughts as he readjusts his pajama pants, "That's different!"
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moonstruckme · 3 months
hayy!! so tonight i went to a small little show that my friend was doing with his band, and me and the bassist made crazy eye contact while he sang the lyrics “good, i’m proud of you” to me. (i’m dead) ANYWAYY it made me think, this is kinda out there but maybe a james potter band au?? like he’s a drummer or bassist and you keep making crazy eye contact and the tension is THICK.. (maybe even some groupie activity later??) IDKK i’d love to see youre interpretation 😋 or even just to chat about it!!! i love you’re work sm
That sounds so fun babe! Thanks for sharing omg <3
cw: bar
rockstar!James x fem!reader ♡ 1.1k words
As much as you like Marlene, you’d sort of thought her band was going to be shitty. And in your defense, most of the ones who play this venue, where the crowd is typically too drunk to care what sound fills the space and it only costs a few quid to get in, are pretty amateurish. They’ll play their one or two original songs, then fill the rest of their time with covers, trying all the while to figure out how to work the stage and engage the crowd. 
These guys definitely don’t seem like amateurs. 
Marlene had said they were just starting out, but you don’t believe it. She, as you expected, is incredible. She embodies this fierce, uncaring kind of cool, fingers sliding up and down the neck of her electric guitar with skill you didn’t know she had. The guys in the band aren’t half bad either. The singer has a voice that seems always on the edge of a scream, and he and Marlene play off each other’s energy, him occasionally leaning the mic her way to belt something together. The bassist seems a bit aloof, long fingers moving with an almost lazy dexterity, which seems to be driving the people clustered at the edge of the stage even madder than they might be if he paid them any attention. And the drummer…
Perhaps you’re partial to the drummer because he doesn’t seem like he’s trying to be cool at all. There’s something completely uninhibited about him that lights something in your chest and sends a buzz of excitement through the room, like you’re all feeding off his energy. He looks like he’s having the time of his life. Sweat shines brilliantly on his dusky skin and drips off the ends of curly brown hair that’s just long enough to flop into his eyes. Someone threw him a headband earlier in the show seemingly to help prevent this, so now he’s got it pushed back, curls protruding his head and bouncing as he bobs enthusiastically to the beat. A smile splits his face as he launches into a brief solo, and coincidentally your stomach erupts in butterflies at precisely the same time. 
You’re thinking of trying to jostle your way up to the barricade when the drummer’s eyes take another skim of the crowd, and this time they catch on you. Your heart stutters. A tall figure moves in front of you, obscuring your view of the stage, and when they pass the drummer’s still looking at you. And holy shit. This is eye contact. You’re not totally sure how well he can see you what with the lighting in here, but it feels like his eyes are looking right into yours and saying Hello, nice to meet you. 
A few seconds more and he has to tear his attention away as they go back into the chorus, but your eyes keep finding each other’s. It feels more intimate than it probably should, with several meters of distance between you and the crowded, raucous atmosphere, but you can’t help the giddy lightness that accumulates in your chest over the course of the set. 
During what the singer says will be their last song, his gaze flicks to you with something different in it. It’s not something you can place, but in the next second it’s gone, and all his attention is on his drum solo. You cheer with the rest of the audience as drumsticks fly, almost too quick to see, over the drums and cymbals, and you’re so caught up it takes you a second too long to realize one of them actually is flying. 
Your hands flinch up in front of you just in time, protecting your face and fumbling the drumstick nearly to the ground before you catch it. You look back towards the drummer, and his eyes have flared with alarm. 
“Sorry,” he shouts over the screeching of guitars, earning a glare from the singer a second before all sound cuts out. 
Marlene takes the mic, announcing that they’re done performing for the night but will be available to receive free drinks until closing. The band starts to pack up and leave the stage. 
The crowd splits in two, one half migrating towards the bar and the other towards the exits. You’re not quite sure where to go. You want to meet up with Marlene, maybe give her the drumstick to pass along to her bandmate and thank her for inviting you before you head home, but you’re not bold enough to venture backstage. You cast a glance toward the bar, twirling the wooden stick absentmindedly between your fingers. Maybe you can find a seat to wait for her? 
“You’re not bad at that.” 
You turn, and the drummer from the band is standing behind you. 
“Oh.” You glance down at the drumstick in your hand, feeling a bit silly as you hold it out. “Thanks. Here you go.” 
“Thank you.” His eyes are even better close up. He’s put on glasses, magnifying the warm brown of his irises and the thick, dark lashes that nearly brush his lenses when he blinks. “You looked like you’d be a better catcher.” 
You laugh. “Not sure what would make you think that.” 
“Well, you did manage it in the end.” He smiles. It’s charming with a touch of roguishness, and you get the impression he’s someone accustomed to being forgiven. “Sorry for almost hitting you in the face.” 
You shrug, suddenly unsure what you usually do with your hands. “It happens,” you say. “I don’t take it personally when musicians lose their instruments in my direction.” 
“Oh, well I wasn’t trying to lob it at your head, but tossing it your way wasn’t an accident.” 
Something funny happens in your gut. “It wasn’t?” 
His grin spreads and he shakes his head. “I figured it was my best shot at getting a chance to meet you.” 
Your face heats. You hope you’re not smiling as big as it feels like you are. “You could’ve just asked Marlene,” you say. “No need to throw things.” 
He laughs, a warm and hearty sound. “I’ll have to refine my methods,” he replies. “I’m James.” 
You tell him your name in turn, and he gets this look on his face like it’s the best thing he’s heard all night. 
“Do you wanna join us at the bar for free drinks?” he asks, taking out the headband and ruffling his hair so his curls bounce onto his forehead. It’s more than a little distracting. “I’m sure Marls would love for you to stay.” 
“I…” You glance towards the bar. “I’m pretty sure the free drinks are just for people in the band, no?” 
“Oh, don’t worry about that.” He waves you off, taking your hand and leading you towards the bar. “You won’t be paying regardless. Just tell me what you like.”
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wwilsonbarness · 10 months
I messed up.. (part 2)
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pairings:  bucky barnes x reader
summary: Bucky tries to apologise for the things he said... do you accept?
warnings: angstttt, some fluff, anxiety?, idkk i think that's all :)
word count: 2535
a/n: I'm so sorry it took so long for part 2. I hated what I first wrote and my week ended up super busy. I'm so scared to post this lmao I hope it doesn't disappoint!
Feedback, likes and reblogs are much appreciated :) 
I do not give permission for my work to be copied, reposted or translated on any other platform.
part one
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Sam insisted you took it easy for the rest of the night, he brought you dinner in bed, checked on you every hour, and brought you everything you could need. You appreciated it but at the same time you just wanted to lay in bed alone and cry. For the first few hours it was out of sadness, seeing Bucky that angry with you made your chest ache, the thought of disappointing him was something you couldn’t handle, but as the hours passed the sadness slowly turned into anger. The more you replayed his words in your mind the angrier you got, how could he imply you didn’t care about your baby? 
Ever since you were a little girl yourself you had wanted to be a mom, it was your dream and Bucky knew that.You had both spent countless nights talking for hours on end about how excited you were to have a baby together, you thought he was excited too but were you and your baby just a burden to him? A problem he had to sort out? Did he even want this?
Hours had passed and you were starting to drift to sleep when you heard voices outside your bedroom door. Part of you wanted to stay in bed and ignore whoever it was but when you heard Bucky’s voice you jump out of bed. 
“I just want to check if she's okay.” You hear Bucky’s voice through the door, slightly louder than he normally speaks, a clear sign he was getting frustrated. You hear a second voice but you can’t figure out who it is until you move closer, it was Sam.
“You… chance..screwed up..” It’s muffled but you can guess what he said. You keep walking closer to the door and go to open it as you hear a third voice. 
“Barnes, you need to leave her be, you’ve done enough tonight.” That was definitely Tony, he was the only one to call Bucky by his last name. 
You weren’t ready to face Bucky yet but you didn’t want to have to listen to them arguing any longer so you opened the door, to be faced with Bucky standing right in front of you, Tony to the side of him and Sam a few doors down outside his room. 
“Can you guys argue somewhere else please?” Bucky’s head flys round at the sound of your voice. He instantly looks you up and down, focusing on your bump for a few seconds longer than anywhere else, which reminds you of how he had looked at you earlier. You bring your hand up to your stomach without realising. 
“Doll, are you okay?” You could see the concern in his eyes this time but you couldn’t get past the anger you were feeling. 
“I’m fine, Bucky. I just want to sleep so can you three go somewhere else if you’re gonna shout at each other.” Bucky’s face started to lighten up in relief for a second but tensed up again as you continued. 
“I’m sorry, can we please talk?” He starts to walk closer to you but you flinch and move backwards into your room. You weren’t scared of him but you couldn’t handle this tonight. Bucky’s face drops as he watches you move away from him. “Doll I just want to-” 
“I don’t have the energy tonight Bucky, please can you just leave me alone.” You look at each other for a few seconds before you plead again, “Please.” Bucky slightly nods his head but you don’t wait for any other type of response before you close your door. 
You lean your head against the door as it shuts, taking a deep breath in as an attempt to keep yourself calm. You hear Bucky and Tony throw a couple more sentences at each other, resulting in Tony asking F.R.I.D.A.Y to lock your door to anyone but him and Sam. You didn’t want to shut Bucky out but the things he said to you really hurt your feelings and if you were to talk to him about it now you would end up saying things you regret. You just wanted and needed time to yourself to calm down. You climb back into bed and go to sleep to try and forget about the whole situation, it takes a few hours but sleep finally washes over you. 
You could only sleep for a few hours before your morning sickness hit. Without Bucky there to help you like every other morning it was a lot harder to deal with. After sitting beside the toilet for a few minutes you manage to run yourself a bath and relax for a bit. You wanted to put off talking with Bucky as long as you could, you knew he’d already be awake as he was every day, probably in the kitchen making breakfast. 
You hear a knock at your door as you're in the bath which brings you out of your thoughts about Bucky, but when you reach the door all that’s there is a tray with waffles, fruit and orange juice on it. You pick it up and place it on your desk to find a note, recognising Bucky’s handwriting straight away you pick it up.
I’m sorry for everything I said and did. I want to make it up to you when you are ready to talk. I know you’ve probably been unwell this morning so I hope this makes you feel better. I put some gummy bears on the waffles since I know you’ve been craving sweet things. I love you and baby so much - Buck x 
You feel your eyes tear up as you read each word, and even though you’re mad at him all you want in this moment is for Bucky to hold you. You quickly get dressed and start to walk towards the kitchen, hoping he’s still there. To your luck he was still hovering around the cooker cleaning up his mess from cooking breakfast.
“Buck?” His head whips around at lightning speed to the sound of your voice. He takes one step towards you before stopping himself, remembering how you reacted last night. The last thing he wanted to do was scare you more.
“Doll, are you okay?” 
“Mhmm, can we talk?” Bucky lets out a huge breath he wasn’t aware he was holding as you speak, he wants nothing more than to talk to you. 
“Of course doll, wanna sit over here?” He points his hand towards the couch in the corner of the room. You nod your head and walk over. When you both sit down it’s quiet for a few minutes, both of you equally scared to break the silence until Bucky speaks. 
“Are you scared of me?” He asks, tone soft as if he’s scared of what the answer might be.
“No, Bucky I’d never be scared of you.” His shoulders start to relax in relief but not for long as you continue. “But that doesn’t mean I’m not mad at you.” 
“I am so so sorry y/n, I promise you I didn’t mean anything I said, I was just scared which I know isn’t an excuse but it’s the truth. My worst fear is losing you, and now with the baby on the way I’m even more scared of losing you both. When I heard Sam telling Tony and Nat that you were seen with a bump it was.. It was like my brain just took over, I kept imagining you being hurt and I just wouldn’t be able to live with myself if that happened. I can’t lose you, either of you. If you let me, I promise I will try my best to make things back the way they were.” 
Bucky’s speech took you off guard, you were expecting and hoping to speak first so you could get everything out while you felt able to, you had to try so hard to hold back your tears. You could tell he was sorry and honestly part of you just wanted to say it’s okay, tell him you forgave him, that everything was fine but the other part of you was still focused on his horrible words yesterday, and you knew things would never be okay again unless you told him how he made you feel. “I just need to get this off my chest Bucky, I know you’re sorry but I still need to say this. He nods his head to show he understands you.
You take a deep breath and prepare yourself to speak. “First off, I just want to make it completely clear, that” you bring your hand to your stomach and cup the small bump you have, “I love and care so much for this baby, more than anything or anyone else in the world. So when you said that to me, said that I.. That I didn’t care, it really really hurt me. I know I went against what we agreed, I know I scared you, but that didn’t give you a right to talk to me the way you did.” 
“I kno-” Bucky tries to respond but you don’t let him. Your voice is beginning to shake and there are tears starting to fall from your eyes. Bucky’s heart was breaking at seeing you so upset.. all because of him.
“No, please let me finish. I.. I know you care about me and our baby, I know you do but you went way too far. You were so worried about other people hurting me you didn’t realise that you were the one doing it.” 
You can hear Bucky swallow deeply as he listens, his eyes growing wetter with every word, it was hard for him to hear but he knew everything you were saying was true. He had done the one thing he swore he never would, he hurt you and he wasn’t sure he’d ever forgive himself for it. “You promised me that you would never hurt me, and I believed you.” Your voice cracks with your last words, and the tears finally escape. “You made me feel like we were burdening you, like we were just a problem to you, something you had to deal with.”
Bucky desperately wants to reach out and comfort you but he stops himself. He keeps his eyes locked with yours and you nod your head a little, a silent way of telling him that it was his turn to talk. He nods back and readies himself, he had a lot he wanted to say but now he’d heard how much he had hurt you, it was like his brain had forgotten everything. 
“You have to know that you both are the most important people in my life, you could never be a burden to me, ever. I'm so sorry I made it feel that way. Y/N I know I hurt you, I want.. I need you to know that when I made that promise I meant it, I’ve never intended to hurt you, and for the rest of my life, as long as you’ll have me I promise, with every single part of me that I will care and love for you and our baby.” You are starting to choke up at what he is saying but try so hard not to let it show. 
“I’m not going to lie to you, I’ll always be scared of something happening to you both and nothing’s gonna ever change that, but I know now that I need to find other ways of working through that. I’ll do anything it takes for you to forgive me. I want to be there for you and our baby forever.” He looks down to your bump, his gaze softens, a slight smile grows, and with a quiet, soft voice he continues. 
“I can’t wait to see you be a mom, you’re gonna be the best there is. I really mean it, our baby is so lucky to have you as a parent.” When he looks up he tries to understand how you’re feeling but your face is pretty much blank, you were in shock. You’d only been in two relationships before Bucky but not once had either of them apologised for something they did, now Bucky was practically begging you to forgive him, you didn’t know how to take it. You just knew you couldn’t lose him.
“Buck.. As much as I hate how you spoke to me, I don’t want to let this argument get between us, I want things to change. I know you are scared and I understand that.. I’m scared too, but we can get through it together. We are strong enough to not let this break us apart, okay?” 
Bucky lets out a huge breath he didn’t even realise he was holding in. “Doll, I want nothing more than for us to be okay.” 
You stand up and put your hand out towards him, “Come on, I got you something.” He hesitantly grabs your hand, and follows you to your room. Just as you reach the door he stops, and drops his hand out of yours. “Bucky.. It’s okay you can come in.” 
“Are you sure?” He asks hesitantly.
“I’m positive.” He smiles slightly at your answer then follows you in.
“I got youu…” You trail your words out as you dig for his gift. “This.” You pass him the teddy, expecting to smile but instead he frowns, rubbing his thumb over each word as he reads it. 
“You don’t like it?” you ask him, taking a seat next to him. 
“I do,” He forces a smile out, “I’m just worried I won’t be a good dad. I’m just scared doll.” He looks up to you again and sees your eyes still glossy, and he feels he has to defend his words. “I am excited, please know I am. I just don’t wanna mess up again.” He reaches out to touch your stomach and you see him hesitating so you put your hand on top of his and gently push it onto your stomach.
“It’s gonna be okay Buck, I trust you.” You lay your head on his shoulder and cuddle into him, “We’re gonna be okay.” 
“I love you both so much.” 
“And we love you too.” Just as you finish speaking your stomach rumbles, which startles Bucky.
“Oh my god. Was that the baby??” 
You had to hold in your laughter as you replied to him, it was way too early for the baby to kick. “No Bucky, I’m just hungry.” He follows your gaze to the tray with the breakfast he made you. 
“Dolll… you didn’t eat?” You shake your head and Bucky stands up and brings it to bed.”Wanna share?” 
“Of course.” He picks up a gummy bear but before he can put it in his mouth you grab it.
“Hey!” He looks at you confused. 
“Sorry,” you say between your giggles, “you aren't getting any of the gummy bears, baby wants all of them.” 
“Oh yeah? Baby wants all of them? Sureee.” You were both laughing now, as you tried to get all the gummy bears before him.
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tags: (tagging everyone who was interested, sorry if I miss anyone!)
@missvelvetsstuff @learisa @pattiemac1 @satanstittyss @opheliabarnes @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 @kandis-mom @lokislady82 @k4t13l0u1s3 @jbbarnesgirl @nikkivillar @sarahjoestewy-blog @aboobie @queerqueenlynn @shabanggg @topguncultleader @wintrsoldrluvr @invalid-croissant @ada728 @that-girl-named-alex @spoopiloops @mayusenpai666 @paarthurnax59 @cl7ire @hereforfun22-blog @almosttoopizza @trixiekaulitz @aweleyirene @blackwood-bodecker-housewife @mavrellover91 @yeselmolovesyou
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toji-bunny-girl · 6 months
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CHARACTER— yandere!gojo x fem!reader CONTENTS— yandere themes, stalking, hidden camera bear thingy, slight angst? IDKK gojo is just gross asf, noncon, intoxicated!reader, worshipping kink, DELUSIONALL‼️‼️‼️, slight fingering idk, sex yuh A/N— enjoy this masterpiece I wrote months ago (I no longer have the ability to write as good as I did) kinda weird but I literally had this dream a few days ago of a guy kidnapping me and bruising my ass with his initials 💀💀 scary asf and I remembered it hurts like a bitch anyway I have an exam later on so wish me luck 🤩 (repost)
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The lustre of his eyes glimmered against the reflection of the screen, his face turning rubicund was evidence of the blood rushing underneath his cheeks. Sweat flecked across his palms, marginally soiling his pants when he rubbed his hands on them.
Your eyes stared straight into his, and he thought your orbs must be of millions of blended colours for them to glint in iridescent. The sliver of rays from the screen pierced his irises, and he swore the sight of you must be cleansing his soul.
He sucked his lips as you played with the toy bunny’s hands, and a smile reached your face before you pressed the soft toy into your chest, clutching it in your arms as you sighed something. Something that started with Sa and ended with Ru. His mind must be playing tricks on him, right? It couldn’t be that—
Then there it comes again, the cadence of your voice, the shape of your lips, and his name that you whispered. Sa-To-Ru.
The Sa whose eyes would only trail behind your wake, the To that breathed just for the air that you exhaled, and the Ru that didn’t believe God lives in heaven, because there was you, his Goddess that walked the Earth amongst the sinful humanity.
Satoru. He thought he had never loved his name even more than that moment.
But he found himself wrong—oh so wrong.
You sounded even more euphonious sprawled out before him, intoxicated with alcohol on your tongue and in your veins—not a clue about where you are and what’s going on. All you could gather was the familiar mop of silver in your foggy sight, and how the world seemed to be on vertigo.
The bits and pieces of recollections you could grasp onto in your besotted state were the hours spent drinking bottles of liquor, giggling at the charming jokes and teases from Gojo. Then the clashes of teeth and his hands on your chest, the long ride up an elevator, and stumbling onto a bed that smelled like him.
“My name…” he panted when his head rose from your jugular—marked and claimed through teeth and tongue. “Say my name,” he repeated, pressing his lips against your jaw as he took in a drag of your ambrosial scent, long fingers pumping in and out of your squeezing cunt.
You frowned, moaning into the torrid air that bubbled around the two of you and arching your back when an orgasm tumbled through, warmth pervading through your core when pleasure glitched over your body like static.
His name doesn’t read past your lips, but your groan of pleasure was enough for him to render him halcyon. Lining his painfully pulsing head to your slick entrance, the dilatory push of his fat tip into your folds made a cry ripple through both of your throats. In you he found warmth that tasted like divinity; the forbidden fruit between the thighs of his Goddess.
He didn’t dare move, afraid that your grip would tempt an orgasm in him to soil your quim with his load. His thumb drew circles upon your clit, trying to mitigate the tight clench of your cunt in the wake of your previous orgasm.
Your muscles finally relaxed in a few rubs, and he let his length ease into you, your hole still pulsing and spasming as his cock filled your insides. Gojo’s chest fluttered with rapture as he groaned for your name, almost as if he was trying to have you look at him, fully sober instead of laying crumpled on his bed.
But you don’t, your eyes remained still shut, and only the little whimpers and cries that fell off the edges of your lips denoted your senses still awake yet torpor from the inebriation.
“Please, look at me?”
You groaned when he benignly lifted your jaw, his sense of deify for you felt through his cold fingertips before his lips meld into yours. Your mouth lax open, letting his tongue taste the heaven off of yours and swallow your saliva of ambrosia down his throat.
When he withdrew from your face with a dense cloud over your heads, he found the hues of your orbs peering into his summer’s blue sky, your eyelashes fanning the heat over his cheeks. His heart jumped and paced, and he was sure you could hear his heartbeat. Could you?
“Satoru…?” you whispered. The tang of liquor blazing strongly in your system, but you still managed to recognise him. “Wha–Where are we? And wha—”
You were cut off from your words when his lips crashed into yours, and his hips began pistoning in and out of you, your moans jumbled between your dancing mouths before sizzling in the hot air. Your walls tightened around his girth as he pumped deep into you, his cock throbbing and threatening ejaculation, but he would rather abnegate himself from pleasure if you hadn’t succumbed to it.
Every stroke of his swollen head against the bump of your g-spot made you gasp and cry with the stimulation, palms desperately attempting to push the weight of the male off, but it simply came to piteous futility.
At his last stroke, your squirting cunt squeezed his cock tight and wet his pelvis, and his load began filling your inside to the brim, thick spurts of cum shooting at your cervix as you screamed his name.
The Sa who you could taste on your tongue, the To who swore you’re the lone fire to his loins, and the Ru who promised to never let your divinity step a single foot out of his door—your temple, to walk the earth soiled by sinning humans.
Satoru—the priest to your Holiness.
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chrissfawn · 22 days
THE BUS . 𓂃 ㅤ۫ ㅤ⊹
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︴﹒ warnings ; smut (obvii), p in v, unprotected sex (wrap it up buddy), pet names (baby and angel), highschool au (characters are 18+), first person pov, y/n is used like once, degradation if you squint, lowercase intended, public sex, and praise
︴﹒ summary ; theres a field trip and theres not that much space on the bus so reader sits on chris’ lap and it leads to smth (i HATE doing summarys)
︴﹒ paring ; switch!chris x switch!reader
︴﹒ haven’s notes ; IM BACK!! sorry for not writing in a while i have been busy w school 😞😞 also are u guys interested for a part 2 for make it up?? i might scrap it but idkk 🙁 also this was based on a request
ˋ☆ — i was waiting in line to get onto the bus for the end of year senior field trip. as sad i was for this to be my last field trip ever, i was excited to go to disney to be my last one. i got on the bus, seeing how there wasn’t that much room.
my eyes darted towards an open seat in the back. with a small sigh of relief, i made my way to it. i sat next to chris that i was somewhat friends with. “hi.” i speak softly. “oh hey, you excited?” he asked me, flashing me a smile.
“yeah! i haven’t been to disney in a long time, how about you?” i reply with a small smile in return. “eh, sort of. im not that much of a disney person, i really like universal more.” the brunette boy told me. my eyebrows raised slightly. i hum softly in reply before my eyes looked around the bus. it was incredibly crowded and to make it worse, a teacher came up to us.
“is it alright if you can move so i can place this box there?” the blonde curly haired lady asked me while holding a box filled with lunchboxes. i bit the inside of my bottom lip. “oh? uhh i don’t know where else to sit.” i say, my fingers starting to fidget with the lace on the hem of my shirt. “you could sit on my lap.” chris suggested nonchalantly. my face turned to face his, “you sure?” i said with a slight tint of worry in my voice.
“yeah i dont mind.” he said. after we got the approval from the teacher, i crawled onto chris’ lap. my back pressed against his chest comfortably and i placed my draw string bag on top of all the lunchboxes. “let me know if ya’ get uncomfortable.” chris reminded me as he awkwardly placed his hands in my lap. i nod, blushing a little bit when he placed his hands on my lap.
the bus started moving after a little bit, and as time passed i was getting bored. i turned towards my bag and grabbed my headphones and my phone so i could listen to music. just as i put one of the airpods in, the bus drove on a speed bump, making me bounce a little bit on chris’ lap. i heard his breath hitch a little bit, making me ask him if he was okay. “‘m okay.” he said, his hands starting to play around with my thighs that were being barely covered from my jean skirt.
as i sort of expected, i felt chris get hard underneath me. he started to ramble to me about what i would be doing this summer, trying to get me to not notice his boner that was rubbing against me. “chris its not working.” i giggle quietly as i place my phone and airpods back into my bag. “whats not working?” he asks me quickly, his words laced with anxiety.
“i can feel your dick.” i laugh again, turning around a bit so i could see his face. chris let out a small defeated sigh, earning a small smile from me. “im sorry, its a instinct.” he said quietly with a little embarrassed smirk. i shook my head, “dont worry chris.” i say, rocking myself onto his hardon. i smiled a little bit as i felt his hands quickly grip onto my hips.
“y-y/n.” chris stuttered as he leaned his head back slightly. i whined out quietly, thankful that the bus was loud enough to cover it up. i kept grinding against him, getting wetter and wetter to the sounds that he was making into my ear. “fuck.” he whimpered, leaning his chin on my bare shoulder. my eyes fluttered shut slowly as i teased chris a little bit by slowing my pace until it came to a halt. “why did you stop?” he pouted.
i looked to the side where i thought there would be other students sitting but instead it was just other boxes. “good.” i whispered under my breath as i sat up a bit. i guess this was a hint for chris to unzip his pants. as he did so, he also pulled his boxers down to his upper thigh. i lowered my ass down while my fingers pulled my white lacey panties to the side.
i shuddered when i felt the burning sensation of him stretching me out as i sunk down his cock. his hands found my hips again and he gripped onto them, guiding me as i rode him. my hands rested on top of my thighs, gripping onto my jean skirt. “your taking me so well angel.” chris breathed into my ear, sending me shivers down my spine. “shitt.” i dragged out quietly as my mouth fell agape from pleasure. my hips swayed against his a bit quicker now, earning whines from him.
“shh, don’t want anyone to hear you baby.” i say, turning around to look at him slightly. he nodded slowly, making me go back to doing my thing. i smiled when i noticed how grabby chris was getting. his hands grabbed and touched anything he could. “can’t believe your riding me in the back of the bus like a slut.” the boy with brunette loose curls laughed dryly. i turn to face him again and looked at him with doe eyes.
“well you were the one who suggested for me to sit on your lap in the first place, sturniolo.” i state, my voice a little bit unbalanced since the head of his cock hitting my sweet spot perfectly. after i turned my head back, chris grabbed onto the back of my skirt. my back arched off of his chest as i just let him thrust up into me. “f-fuck im gon— ahh, im gonna cum.” i breath, biting my bottom lip to prevent myself from making any loud sounds.
“cum with me baby.” chris whined into my ear while wrapping his arms around my waist just so he can hold me still to thrust into me. i let my bottom lip bounce back and my mouth fall agape. soon enough, i came all over his cock. i threw my head back on his shoulder with his chin on my shoulder.
i then felt him fill me up with his seed, making me whine a little bit. the brunette kissed my temple softly before he spoke. “you okay?” he asked. i nodded, my hand reaching up to my hair and tucking a small strand behind my ear. “yeah, i have uhm.. tissues in my bag.” i say while reaching over to the pink bag and grabbed a few tissues from inside so we could clean up.
after we did so, i managed to squeeze between chris and the box filled with lunchboxes. i looked up at the blue-eyed boy and smiled. “we’re at disney.” he said. “happily ever after then.” i joked with a giggle.
︴﹒ haven’s notes pt2 ; hope u guys liekd this :3 im gonna write more after this week i promise yalll
︴﹒ taglist ; @mxqdii @espressomads @luverboychris @sturniol0s @mattsluttywaist
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vikisbay · 2 months
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【GOJO S.】 early mornings.
A/N —> I kinda wanna make this a series… but idkk you guys tell me★彡
【chapter warning‼️】
—> suggestive
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➤ Your eyes flutter open to an annoying beeping sound, your hand reaches over to your night stand where your phone laid. Your fingers wrapped around the phone before bringing it to your line of sight.
The time read 7:30 and you had class in two hours so you decided to turn your alarm off and get out of bed, you moved your legs out of the blanket letting the cold air hit them. before you could get out of bed a large hand wrapped around your waist keeping you from leaving “stay…” a sleepy voice from behind you called out.
The deep voice made butterflies flutter in the pit of your stomach, when was there someone in my bed? Your thoughts and heart raced. You turned your head slowly almost scared to see who this person could possibly be and to your surprise a beautiful white haired man laid on your bed, his head buried into one of your white pillows.
“Sweetheart… don’t leave…” it sounded as though he was falling right back asleep “Gojo?” Your voice was low and shaky, when did Satoru Gojo enter your room, better yet when did this man come into your apartment. The events of last night blurry and in the very, very back of your mind.
Before you could protest his hand yanked you back into your previous spot in bed “just a few more minutes…” his head nuzzled into your neck, what the actual fuck his hot breath pressed right under your face and his arms wrapped around your body leaving you helplessly stuck with him in bed.
Your composure was slowly slipping, but you had to act calm… or at least you would try to act calm, but just then when your mind started to calm down you realized… he wasn’t wearing a shirt…
Oh god now you really started panicking, an extremely hot guys was in YOUR bed without a shirt. all your thoughts came to one conclusion, a conclusion you wished and prayed wasn’t true. “G-gojo?” His body shifted under you “hmm” a low hum was his only response “I have class gojo…” you said unsure how he would react.
Would he not care? Would he let you? You barely knew this guy, because you and Shoko had a few classes together she would invite you over to her house so you had occasionally been in the same room as Gojo but you never had a full conversation with him…ever. He lifted his head to look at you, confusion plant all over his face “why…are you calling me gojo?” He raised a brow at you.
Your eyes widened “w-well that’s your name…” you stuttered, his gaze was so intense yet so soft it was intimidating yet it was caring “last night you were calling me… Satoru” he smirked. He sat up, the bedsheets that once covered his body was now laying in his lap leaving his chest exposed “w-what?” Why would you call him Satoru? And why was he still in your bed? This had to be a dream.
“Wow… your hurting me sweetheart” his smirk replaced with a frown, he put his hand over his heart leaving you more confused “I mean you were pretty drunk…” his hand reached for your face, when you pulled farther from him right out of his reach his frown deepened. You knew what all of this meant but you still wished you were wrong “so…we slept together?” Your breath hitched just thinking about it.
“Mhmm” and against your wishes the memory started flowing right back in from the back of your brain, Goj- Satoru was on top of you and his lips were all over you and then-
“Oh god”
You muttered, your hand covering your now red and hot face, no, no, no, no and NO, you slept with THE Gojo Satoru and you didn’t even mean to… well you did, you definitely knew what you were doing last night but that’s besides the point, his hand finally pressed against your cheek snapping you back into reality “so you do remember” he smiled happily.
You nodded your head slowly “so now will you say in bed with me? Just for a few minutes” one of his hands laid lazily on your waist while the other was on your cheek, he waited for your response, “maybe…maybe just a few more minutes” you knew it was a bad idea, you knew you would get attached in the end if all of this. But who cares, because he was here now and that was a good enough reason to stay with him.
— yours truly, Viki
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qhoaaaa · 4 months
Saw someone say that Milo and Sweetheart have sex with jewelry on (bondage talk later on ohohoo, and hcs)
I forgot who said that but props to you omg
Sweetheart with 2 chains on, they clink on each other as Milo fucks them doggy style on the bed, their hands holding themself up
It oddly becomes a kink for Milo 👀
Sweetheart likes the cold metal on their warm skin 👀 temp play maybe ooo
First time they do this, Sweetheart gets all (delightfully) flustered when they see Milo wear the chains in public bc it reminds them of that night
Milo running cold rings on their thighs, Sweetheart's leg muscles jolt a little when he moves it near their core, ya know that sensitive skin thats super warm yeah yeah 👀
..... Sweetheart later gives him a hint by wearing a kinda punk aesthetic choker (the leather ones with the circle/shaped bar in the middle) and he catches on quick, when they're home they show him a matching leash
Hes kinda surprised but is like , oh wow 😳 kind of "no way..." surprised
Feel like Sweetheart brought more kinks in the relationship, like things they wanted to try and Milo obviously indulged them
That night Milo tests the waters a bit by, when they reverse ride him, he pulls the leash back to see their head perk up, neck slightly strain up on the tug and uses a hand on their waist to pull them deeper on his cock
Leads to Sweetheart buying one of those restraints that bind the arms behind the back and a choker on the neck, a harness or smth that he can tug on
For someone who can turn literally invisible, they sure like losing their senses (and their mind) in bed with Milo shbskejskd
First time Sweetheart tries to get Milo in bongage, they use one of those ties that bind the wrists so he can't touch them, mid ride he rips them off and takes them right there bc he can't handle not touching them
Sweetheart likes having their face smushed on the bed, tongue out, moaning nonsense while Milo ruins them from behind
Milo absolutely loves seeing Sweetheart's hair all messy after, thinks its very cute and hot
Sweetheart goes crazy over eye contact during sex, so does Milo, he just growls, the knowledge of being watched by his mate WHILE he fucks them makes it all much more hotter
They both are pretty flexible, but Sweetheart is much more, Milo was once trying to position their legs, asking,, "how does this feel?" And they would say, "Lower..." and it led to a mating press with their legs all the way to their ears , gods
Sweetheart just gets a wave of pleasure when Milo spanks them, might be limited spanks but damn , the way they shiver or increase in pitch always catches Milo's attention (MILO THIGH SPANKER ARGAHAHH, ass too but he loves their thighs so much)
You heard me.
B. E. L. T.
Especially Milo's belt.
He used it to hold them in place once, wrapping it around the under of their waist to keep them tight around him (cockwarming jwshsjsh TELL ME THE BOTH OF THEM WOULDNT LOVE THAT)
They love to watch him take off his belt, just the slow process of him painstakingly sliding it off his pants, and then when his pants are off, they let out a strong huff through the nose to not try to suck him through his boxers right then and there
He loves to see their noises turn into blissed-out ecstasy, like they're moaning his name and praises and then minutes later he's got them mumbling gibberish
They like to see this from him too, especially his growls when they roll their hips on him when they're riding in a certain way
Got this boy from groaning to moaning omg, voice breaking grip KSBSJSJ
They love to hear those strong huffs when he's about to cum, talk abt a rush or smth idk
Ok,,, am I done,, who knows
Enjoy 🐺💛
(Milo is best (wolf) boy mwah mwahh)
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aanoia · 1 year
Pretty in the Moonlight
Thomas Jefferson x reader
Summary; just missing your boyfriend and him missing you
Warnings; broken glass, cheesy Thomas
Words; idkk
I wrote this forever ago
Requests are welcome and encouraged!
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y’know ur rly pretty, we should go out sometime
r u high again
highly in love with u
u do the cutest things
like what
I smiled at my phone as I sat on my couch. I stared at what my boyfriend of almost a year said to me, happiness blooming in my heart. My phone dinged as another message came through.
Sick Boi 🤒🤧
are you texting him rn
like currently
thomas, r u texting thomas rn
dude he’s smiling at his phone mad hard rn
stop, my heart
i’m not kidding he’s smiling so much
I shut my phone off and squealed, kicking my legs into the air. Fast footsteps came down the hall to reveal the youngest Schuyler sister.
“What is it? What happened?” She asked quickly.
“Come here,” I motioned her over as her sister came behind her. Peggy sat next to me whereas Angelica and Eliza stood behind the couch, peering over our shoulders.
I opened my phone to show them the texts. Big smiles grew on their faces as they read Thomas’ texts, and then Peggy started squealing when she read James’.
“Oh my god, y/n, Jeffersons in love with you,” Angelica commented with a big smile.
“By the looks of it the feeling is reciprocated as well,” Eliza teased and I smiled, hiding my red face in my sweater paws.
Thomas’ sweater. I remember when he purposely ordered it a size too big for him (for my bigger girls who think they won’t fit into his sweatshirt, don’t sweat it, he needs bigger sizes for his big muscles and he likes his sweatshirts big on him as well, don’t worry about that my loves, body positivity) so it’d be baggy on me.
“Omg, you should go see him!” Peggy said excitedly, “When was the last time you left the dorm? You’ve been so busy studying, you haven’t had time to see him. He’s probably so emo about it,” She said quickly and I laughed.
“Okay, I’ll go see him,” I stood from the couch as the sisters dispersed and walked to my room. I put on a pair of sweatpants over my shorts because it was cold outside, and just slipped my slides over my socks. The combo might look horrible but it’s so comfortable.
I stepped out of the door, immediately shivering at the cold night air as I closed it. I could see my breath in the air as I looked at the moon and the stars, slightly smiling at the sight before my eyes. I truly am grateful it’s a sight I get the privilege to see anytime when the clouds aren’t out and concealing its beauty. The leaves on the trees sang as the wind passed through them, every once in a while a leaf would fall, signaling that winter was coming soon.
As I neared Thomas’ dorm room I heard voices inside, the dumbest thing the school’s done was put Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton in the same dorm room. I went up to the door and decided to silently walk in instead of knocking. The boys were arguing in the living room area of the dorm as James was trying not to have a coughing fit on the couch and Aaron was sitting at the island holding his head in his hands. John was nowhere to be found so I assumed he was next door with Laf and Hercules.
I silently walked over to the fridge, waving to Aaron who immediately noticed I was there. I grabbed a glass from the drying mat and quietly pulled the milk from the fridge, I barely paid attention to the fight that was happening as I poured my milk. I turned around and walked towards the island but tripped over something, in an attempt to not step on whatever I tripped on, I dropped the glass of milk. The glass shattered against the ground, successfully catching the attention of everyone in the room.
I gave them a sheepish smile, “Hi?”
“Darlin’, when did you get here?” Thomas asked, frozen in place.
“Like, two minutes ago. Now, where is the broom?”
Aaron pointed to the corner where the trash can was and I nodded as a silent thank you. Before I got the broom, I bent down and picked up the culprit for the tripping. John’s turtle.
“Here, I’ll put him in his enclosure,” Aaron offered and I smiled at him, handing the turtle over to him.
I went to get the broom, but Thomas ran and beat me there.
“Let me get that for you.” He said and I rolled my eyes, grabbing onto the broom, but he didn’t let go.
“Thomas, I made the mess.”
“It’s my dorm, and I’m stronger than you. I win."
I rolled my eyes again and defiantly let go. I began searching for a rag to clean the milk up with as he swept up the glass. Alexander threw something at me and I smiled at the rag in my hands.
“Thanks, dickhead.”
“Anytime, asshole."
After Thomas swept the glass I quickly wiped up the milk. Once I put the rag in the sink arms immediately wrapped around my waist.
“Hello, baby." I said quietly with a smile.
“I missed you.” He whispered in my neck, sending shivers down my spine.
“I’ve missed you too, my love.”
“I wanna go on a walk with you,” He mumbled.
“Okay, let’s go.” I gently unwrapped his arms from my waist and he reluctantly left my side to slip his shoes on.
Once he put them on he opened the door and gestured for me to exit. I did and he followed after me, quietly closing the door so as to not wake anyone. He held my cold hand, warming it up as we walked.
We walked in silence until we sat on a bench, looking up at the moon.
It was quiet until his voice cut through the air.
“Has anyone ever told you that your eyes sparkle in the moonlight?”
I looked at him beside me and smiled, “No, no one has ever told me that. And that's really cheesy.”
He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear (if you have long enough hair for that), “Shame on them. You’re so beautiful in the moonlight. And I love cheese so that's okay.”
“As are you, Thomas, and yes, cheese is delicious.” I responded as his face neared mine.
Our lips met in a soft kiss, his hand touched my cheek. My heart’s rhythm synced with his and our lips moved together perfectly, his thumb gently caressed my cheek, and my arm wrapped around the back of his neck. We pulled back for air, our foreheads resting against each other.
“I love you so much, mon amour.” He whispered.
“I love you too.” I whispered back with a smile.
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rfxiii · 7 months
this is probably weird? but franklin clinton & lamar X black female reader but like separate ofc
idk like just making her feel more confident n pretty 😭 IDKK
This is not weird at all and honestly a really cute ask! I love it. Tysm for the request! 💕
*TW: none
Franklin Clinton & Lamar Davis (separately) with a black, female s/o:
(I thought it may be easier to convey my thoughts via headcanons. But if you’d have preferred me to write scenarios for both the guys I’d love to do that too! Just send me a request! 💕)
Franklin Clinton:
I honestly feel like Franklin would prefer a black, female s/o over any other s/o. Especially if he knew her from his neighborhood or if they’d gone to highschool together. He’d enjoy the shared background and coming from the same place (unlike if he’d met a s/o from the Vinewood Hills. I feel like he’d have a harder time relating to someone who didn’t understand where he came from.)
If you did go to highschool together he’d occasionally bring up how he’d always been into you, how beautiful he’d always thought you were. Even though he’s embarrassed about it he’d even tell you about all the times he’d used to practice asking you out in front of the mirror before chickening out once he saw you.
You could be in your pajamas, fresh out of the shower, no makeup, or full face and dressed to the nines. It does not matter. He thinks you’re the most gorgeous girl he’s ever seen and he’s going to let you know. It doesn’t even have to have horny vibes or be about your body. He’s talking about your voice, your smile, your laugh, how happy you look in the moment. You’re perfect to him.
The perfect hype man. He wants to sit back and watch you do a fashion show for him when you buy new clothes, he wants you to proudly show off to him how good your makeup looks, and he wants to receive tons of selfies. He probably has pictures of the two of you saved as his home and lock screen on his phone.
You’re getting random compliments all throughout the day: “Damn, baby girl.. How’d I get so lucky?”, “Shit! We can’t go out tonight with you looking like that. I can’t fight off every guy in LS that’s gonna wanna steal you.”, “Have I ever told you you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me?”
He likes to lay in bed with you on lazy mornings, holding you from behind and pressing kisses to your shoulder while he lists every single thing he loves about you.
If you’re ever having a bad day- maybe feeling down or low on self confidence and you ask him if there’s anything he doesn’t like, or anything he’d change about you. The only thing he’d ever have to say is, “Babe, only thing I’d ever wanna change about you is that you’d be able to see you like I see you. Then you’d always know how beautiful you are.”
He’ll off-handedly brag about you to his friends. He’ll show pictures of you to Lamar and look so damn smug when Lamar complains about not having a steady girl to be with. He’ll make little comments about how perfect you are to Michael when Michael bitches about his home life. He’ll even occasionally bring you around the guys if he knows nothing crazy is going down.
He buys you things that remind him of you- different jewelry pieces, your favorite flowers, perfume, or candies, he’s even tried to write a song for you before (he keeps that a secret though. He’s too embarrassed to show you).
Lamar Davis:
You’re his home and lock screen on his phone and computer. He keeps a framed picture of you by his bed. He’s even got a picture of you in his wallet and in the visor of his car.
He loves you so much he may just go the Trevor route and get your name tattooed on him.
He’s constantly posting you on social media, raving about how beautiful you are and how everyone else should be jealous of him. He honestly feels like you’re the most perfect girl he could have ever pulled. He’s still in awe of how he ended up with you.
“Goddamn girl! Look at you!”, “You get more and more fine every time I see you!”, “Babe, please stop looking so hot and shit! You got me losing my damn train of thought everytime I see you!”- he’s full of silly, loud, over the top compliments that he has saved for when you’re alone, or shouted full volume in front of people. He loves you, you’re beautiful, and he’s going to let everyone know.
Loudly brags about you to everyone he knows. Even people who have never met you are convinced you’re a goddess by the time he’s done describing you.
He always has his hands on you, complimenting your body and how much he loves the way you feel against him. He could spend hours doing nothing but telling you all the things he thinks are perfect about you.
He fell over himself once trying to open a door for you before you could do it yourself. If you try to open your own car doors he’s gonna close the door just so he can be the one to open it for you again. He’s goofy as hell but he loves you more than anything and it’s always going to be obvious that he does.
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icyminghao · 1 year
Hiii I loved your teaser soo much!! Can you pls do a woonhak fanfic plss?? You know how he likes basketball and stuff. What If he always gets hurt and the reader is like a student trainee assistant for the nurse and she’s like always helping him idkk I think it would be so cutee
sure! hope you like it :)
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nurse (kiss) me back to health
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pairing: athlete!woonhak x nurse’s assistant!reader ft. nurse!jeonghan genre: fluff, highschool!au, idiots to…? word count: 597
summary: in which woonhak goes to the infirmary way too many times for it to be simply coincidences…
part 2: scored! (straight into your heart)
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Woonhak is here again.
You can no longer count with two hands the amount of times he’s been here in this semester alone, and you’re starting to wonder if his coach has been mistreating their star player.
“What’s got the infirmary’s number one regular running all the way here this time?” the school nurse, Jeonghan, asks, his words laced with amusement. Woonhak holds a hand up, panting as he recovers from running across the school compound to the nurse’s office. Isn’t he an athlete? You smile to yourself.
“I… kind of injured my wrist shooting hoops just now, and I thought I should probably check it out just in case!” Woonhak practically raps, looking everywhere but into your eyes as he gestures wildly… with both his hands.
Jeonghan simply smirks, turning to look at you.
“Well, I suppose y/n will check it out for you, won’t you, dear?” Jeonghan wriggles his eyebrows at you, not even bothering to hide it from Woonhak, who seems to be too busy staring at you to notice. Wait, what?
“O-okay!” you chirp, leading Woonhak to sit down on an empty bed nearest to the door, away from the piercing eyes belonging to Jeonghan.
“So,” you start, gesturing for Woonhak to lift the injured hand and proceeding to move his wrist around, “does this hurt?”
Woonhak winces immediately, a little too quick for it to be natural. You note this strange reaction, but don’t think too much of it and start bandaging his wrist.
“Um, I was here yesterday, too, but I didn’t see you here.” Woonhak says so softly that you have to lean closer in order to hear him, and his breath hitches for a split second.
“You were here yesterday too? What for?” you ask in surprise and pause from bandaging his wrist.
Woonhak’s eyes widen, breaking out into a sheepish smile. “I, uh, ran straight into a pole during basketball training?”
Jeonghan lets out a loud snort from behind you as you grimace at the idea of running into a pole, resuming your bandaging.
“You’ve got to be more careful next time, Woonhak. Anyway, you’re all bandaged up! I would say I’d love to see you again, but that would mean you getting injured again, so I won’t say it.” you pat his injured wrist gently and stand up, turning to go back to Jeonghan.
“Wait!” Woonhak raises his voice a little, and you turn to look at him inquisitively.
“We’re having a game next week, and I’d love for you to come watch me— us! Watch us,” Woonhak stutters, his other hand reaching up to rub his neck. You tilt your head in surprise, before breaking out into a huge smile at the nice gesture.
“Well, sure! Thanks for the invite, I’ll make sure to be there!” you reply. Woonhak beams at you in return.
“See you!” he exclaims, leaving the nurse’s office with an extra bounce in his step.
“So…” Jeonghan slurs the word, looking at you with an eyebrow raised. You give the same energy back, waiting for his response. “it seems someone has a very, very obvious crush on my student nurse.”
“Well, maybe he’s just extremely clumsy and I just happen to be here to help him, Jeonghan.” you deadpan, not believing his words. Why would someone as popular, cool and as handsome as Woonhak be interested in you?
“There was no basketball training yesterday. I know, because Seungcheol is the coach.” Jeonghan smiles triumphantly as he mentions his best friend, spinning a pen between his fingers.
Oh, you think. You’re done for.
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a/n: i hope this was at the very least decent >< lmk if i should make a part 2! knocking on heaven’s (your) door is still in progress!! thank you for all the love and support <3
edit: part 2 is up!
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lixiesbrowniess · 1 year
Ⅳ. Look after the Ilus - Omaticaya storyline
Words count: 2.9k
Warnings: aged up characters 18+, nsfw, p in v, dom/sub dynamic, angsty, enemies to lovers, make up sex?, you cry a little, praising,
Aged up to 20
This request inspired it: “Enemies to lovers with Lo'ak where u guys used to be friends and he gave u like a cute lil plushie (IK THERE AREN'T ANY PLUSHIES BUT WE IMAGINE) and then Lo'ak kinda finds reader cuddling with that plushie or talking to it idkk” - anon, if you read this pls know that I'm thankful for your request!
Na'vi vocabulary: Mawey: calm down/stay calm, Skxawng: moron, Yawne: beloved
Follow the don't like don't read rule please - minors DNI
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“You can choose” you heard Tonowari say. Well you loved animals, you always felt like you had a stronger bond with them.
“I would be happy to look after the Ilus sir” you cussed to yourself as the habit to call Jake sir affected you to call the Olo'eyktan so.
“as you whish, you should get going then” he said smiling.
You exited the Olo'eyktan family marui and headed to the Ilu training pool. Your Ilu was there and Tsireya's too. You walked to greet your Ilu as it clicked it's tongue emitting a clack-like sound.
You called all the Ilus with a similar sound as they all swam near you as you dove in the water. “Mawey Ilu-yä. Mawey” you said smiling as some of them were a bit too excited or even afraid.
“don't worry it's ok” you whispered patting some of their heads. As you began to submerge signing them to follow you. After a couple of spins into the water you emerged and as you were exiting the water to feed the Ilus a figure leaned down to you.
“what are you doing here?” you scoffed rolling your eyes.
Few minutes before - His POV
He exited the Olo'eyktan marui as he had a conversation with him about the Ilus and their training.
He was near the Ilu pool and he heard a voice. Your voice. “Mawey Ilu-yä. Mawey”.
He silently walked over to you and squatted looking at you as you were swimming underwater with at least seven Ilus swimming around you.
He was almost hypnotized by your gently moves while you took care of those animals.
Back to the present - your POV again
“Lo'ak just tell me what do you want?” you sighed finally lifting yourself up as water run down your body as you sat on the rocky edge of the pool.
“oh well i just wanted to train my Ilu” he said as he stood up to his full height towering over you as you still didn't exited the water.
“I have the task to do it you can leave it to me.” you said flipping your wet hair “Hm well I'd prefer to do it on my own thank you.” he scoffed in return.
You couldn't help but feel a bit hurt by his words. You still couldn't forget when you guys were friends even if it was long ago in your children ages. He then jumped in the cold water and sank above it approaching his Ilu.
What you didn't know though was that he was still secretly observing you and your every move.
Your day was kinda orribile after your short but irritating encounter with Lo'ak. You thought about his skxawng ass all day during the Ilus training and even when you went with them to a swim around the reef to admire the corals.
Lo'ak pov again
“Hey bro!” a voice made Lo'ak quickly turn to it's source. “What are you doing?” Neteyam approached him with his Ilu. “None of your business.” Lo'ak answered trying to act cool.
Neteyam noticed you some miles away with the Ilus. “Really? Bro you have to tell her you can't just spy on her and then treat her like you don't care.” Neteyam was exasperated as he laid a hand on is little brother's shoulder.
“Stop it bro! She hates me, I can't just go there and tell her 'oh hey sorry for all these years but I love you' c'mon be for real” Lo'ak stated sighing about to swim away.
“Lo'ak. You can't treat y/n like that. Just go talk to her” And with that Neteyam swam away. Behold, now Lo'ak was even more confused about how he was feeling. He decided that he would speak to you... sooner or later.
Your pov
“Skxawng.” you exclaimed out of nowhere. Right now you were with Rotxo helping him to fillet the fishes he caught, and he looked at you kinda confused on why you called him a skxawng.
“Oh sorry Rotxo that wasn't for you.” you sighed as your eyes fell on the fish again. “For who it was then?” he said chuckling.
“That idiot Lo'ak. He's always so mean to me. Sometimes I wish I never knew him!” you scoffed slamming the fish on the ground. “Careful y/n you might hurt the fish” Rotxo jokingly said.
“I talked too much right?C you murmured staring at the poor fish. “Oh no. No you didn't y/n” he said contaging you with his smile.
You continued with your work in silence for a while until he spoke again. “I think you like him” he muttered still focused on taking the organs out of his fish.
Your eyes shot up electrocuting him “What?? Not in a thousands years!” You yelled throwing the fish at the boy. “I don't!” you said staring at him. “Then why you reacting like that?”
You stopped for a second and sat back down. Rotxo approached you and sat to your side. “you know, I see the way you guys are fighting” he started “but i also see the way you look at each other when the other is not looking” he said making you turn to him with a kinda lost look.
He patted your head smiling again. To think this was same guy who bullied you the first day you were here. You sighed “maybe just a little bit...” you admitted looking away from your friend.
"Well then you better speak to him cause I'm hundred percent sure he likes you too.” he said going back to work.
“I still don't think it's a good idea” you said finally putting down the last fish. “mh well I can't do anything more about it” Rotxo said lifting you up from your armpits causing your tail to whip the air.
“Now go to rest. It was a hard day” he pushed you on the sand. “thank you Rotxo” you turned to him before greeting him and running to your marui.
Time skip - in your marui
“Why is acting like that? He changed so much” you said holding the little Ikran shaped plushie. “we used to get along well.” you laid down holding the plushie up and looking at it.
“I liked to spend my time with him. What changed?” you huffed hugging the plushie to you chest.
“I though you threw it away”
You jumped sitting back cross legged and hiding the plushie behind your back. “for- how long have you been there?” you murmured trying to act cool even tho you were probably an embarrassed mess.
“Enough to understand a lot of things” he said sitting down in front of you. “I though you hated it.” he looked at the plushie then into your eyes “I thought you hated me” a sly smile spread on his face. “Shut up!” you scoffed turning your back to him.
“i wanted to talk to you” he said sitting down in front of you staring at the ceiling like fabric. “what now?” you scoffed about to stand up.
He grabbed your wrist and pulled you down again. “if I'm gonna talk sincerely you're gonna listen here in front of me.” He almost hissed at you but you comply, you sat there and looked at him straight in the eyes.
He sighed and closed his eyes “all right uuh...” he tried to find the right words. “I talked to Neteyam a while ago...” he started fidgeting with his fingers “...about you and ...me” his voice trembled imperceptibly but you caught it anyway.
You recognized the old Lo'ak in alla that fidgeting and voice trembling. A little smile threatened to creep on your lips for a second. You got closer to him.
“He thinks I shouldn't be treating you in that way...” he started again leaning backwards a little “I think that too of course and...” he swallowed his word harshly “I kinda wanted to apologize!” he said in one breath.
You were scared. You wanted to believe him but... All the things he has done kept you from believing him. You were too afraid this was another joke and he would've teased you for the rest of you days.
“You understand I can't believe you right?” you muttered, your voice sounding hurt. He looked at you desperately hoping to see someone willing to believe him. He felt his heart sank when he saw your eyes.
That pair of eyes he loved so much were looking at him in despondency. You looked so hurt he couldn't bear it. “No look I'm- I'm serious” he murmured taking your hands into his.
“You have to give me a reason to believe you” your voice almost cracked as you looked away. His hand fell down as he wanted to say something but it was stuck in his throat.
“I know i don't have the right to expect you to even listen to me..” he looked down at his fingers “but i think I'm in love with you. I think i always did. But I was stupid, I thought it would've ruined our friendship so i tried to keep us apart.” He squinted his eyes “And i ended up ruining it with my own hands” you heard his voice crack a little.
He got up and turned around. “I'll go now. I promise I won't bother you anymore.” He exited your marui as soon as those words left his throat. You stood there, in the middle of the now empty marui.
“You stupid, selfish, skxawng.” you muttered “You're such a skxawng!” your voice cracked as you yelled, eyes falling to the flooring.
You didn't noticed were the hot tears that were falling from your eyes soaking your cheeks. You hiccuped and stifled sobs left your lips again and again. You couldn't stop them as you stopped holding yourself back and cried you eyes out.
You curled up in a ball and you tried to calm the tears down. Your eyes were burning from how much you cried.
Two days has passed and you didn't move from your hut. You didn't eat, neither open the flap or letting anyone inside your marui.
Everyone was worried about you. So were Rotxo, Tsireya, Ao'nung and Neteyam. They came in front of your door at anytime asking if you were okay but you never answered.
Lo'ak refused to talk to anyone, they asked what happened to you. What he did. But he didn't dare to let out a word.
The next morning was going to be the fourth day. Lo'ak had enough and he exited his marui and walked in the dark of the night. He went straight to your hut and called out your name.
You didn't answer which made his heart sank a little more. He was probably the last person you wanted to see. But now wasn't the right time to be selfless.
He ripped the flap off and run to your little figure “Y/n!” he called you again as he toll you into his arms. “L-lo'ak” your voice was weak and it sounded lifeless.
“That's it. I'm taking you to my marui.” he picked you up into his arms and run to his hut. He placed you down onto his hammock and took all the metkayina fruits he had and cut the to slices.
“Here eat.” he stated holding the slices to your lips. You tried to refuse but he shoved them into your mouth.
“You better eat 'cause I won't let you starve” he said placing you onto his lap and feeding you the fruits slices. You looked up at him, he looked so concerned about your health.
A single tear fell from your eyes as you began to apologize ad you hugged him so hard he almost stopped breathing. “Don't you dare apologize. I'm the one who should.” he hissed kissing your forehead.
Your sobs came to an end as he hugged you as tightly as you did “I don't think starving to death would be a solution” you stared at his golden orbs as you ran your fingers onto his cheeks.
He looked down at you as his voice sank into his throat as he saw the look on your face. He was about to say something until you did. “You look hotter when you shut up.” you muttered before pulling him down and kissing him deeply.
His hand wrapped around your shoulders and he tilted his head deepening the kiss. You opened your mouth a little leaving him slid his tongue into your wet cavern exploring it.
He pulled away for a moment panting heavily “what- are you doing?” he murmured gripping your arms.
“What you should have done” you answered pulling him back against your body. You knew you loved, and now you wanted nothing but to be loved by him.
His hands roamed onto your back. You tugged onto his loincloth signaling him to pull it off.
⇊Incoming smut [if not comfy skip till the next warning]⇊
He blushed slightly doing as you suggested. You did the same throwing your clothing away. He leaned in again attacking your neck and collarbone.
You palmed his dick lightly squeezing it as he bit your skin. He took your wrists and pinned them at the sides of your head. “You touch too much you know?” he smirked holding your wrists still as he kissed down to your breasts.
You groaned softly jerking your hips against his trying to find some kind of relief for your heated core. You felt his dick poking you inner thighs as you moved closer.
He stopped you and lined himself up to your cunt. “Are you sure about this?” he said searching for your eyes. “never been so sure.” you muttered pushing your hips down to his.
He pushed his shaft inside you until it was completely engulfed. He cursed as you clenched around him. “Move- please--” you groaned softly.
He started to thrust inside you, going in and out of your pussy the faster and harder he could. His hips snapping into yours rhythmically, making mewl at the intense pleasure. He kept your wrist pinned to the soft mat as he slammed himself inside you.
He was hitting your spots so good you could hold your moans back and you started crying for the pleasure.
“I always thought you hated me” you whispered through sobs. His thrusts slowled to the point you barely felt him move, he released your wrists immediately “no no no baby don't cry. I never hated you” he showered your face with kisses.
“I'm sorry-” he grunted as he kept rolling his hips into you slowly while you wrapped your arms around his neck. He started making love to you thrusting slowly, hitting your cervix every time.
Somehow this was even better that before. His cock was hitting precisely every spot that made you scream. “Sorry-” his voice shuttered little as tears fell from his eyes, you connected your forehead to his and kissed his tears away. You chuckled as he did the same.
His thrusts were strong, yet loving, you felt your orgasm approaching as he held your thighs up to his chest making your back arch. “Lo'ak- I'm-” you didn't finish your sentence, you came as your orgasm hit you at full force.
You squirmed lightly as he kept slamming himself innto your abused hole. “I can't-” you gasped and tried to close your legs at the overstimulation. He kissed your face as he thrusted faster, “it'll be over soon mama”
Your eyes went wide as soon as you heard the nickname. He pulled one of your legs up on his shoulder making you split and shoving himself till his v line collapsed against your inner thighs. You felt his balls slap against your ass cheeks making you squirm under his touch.
He threw his head back feeling you tight walls clench around him causing his thrusts to become sloppy. “Shit−” he cursed feeling himself near the edge.
You wrapped your hands around his arms to keep yourself still as he rutted into you. “So close−” he wildly lift your legs onto his shoulders and leaning down to peck your lips.
He was buried deep inside your cunt when he came undone releasing his seed, painting your walls, his chest rose heavily as your cunt milked him dry.
He pulled out and watched as his seed leaked out of your hole and down to your thighs. “Oh we made a cute little mess right?” his flirty attitude slowly crawled back to him while he stared at your stuffed body.
⇈smut ends here⇈
“You skxawng” you muttered as a silent sob left your throat, you smiled tears soaking your face. His hand stoked your cheeks “Don't worry yawne everything is fine.”
He licked the tears from your cheeks savoring the salty taste “you look so cute right now” he muttered cockily “I bet so” you bit back chuckling.
“Shall we call it truce?” he tilted his head
“Hey y/n could you−” you two freezed at the voice behind your naked and tangled bodies. Tuk gasped harshly covering her mouth “TUK WHAT THE−?!” Lo'ak shouted trying to cover his and yours body. “Y/N AND LO'AK MADE UP!!!!” she yelled running out of the marui.
She bumped into her father figure as she reached the family marui. “Hey tuk what's wrong baby? Why are you jumping” he chuckled looking at his youngest daughter.
“Y/N AND LO'AK HAVE MADE UP” She jumped higher tugging Jake's loincloth trying to drag him to your marui “Really? How??” he cocked his eyebrows quite surprised.
“I DON'T KNOW BUT THEY WERE NAKED!!” She yelled giggling and smiling, she gave up on moving her father and just telling him to follow her. “They were what?” Jake's eyes went wide at Tuk's words.
"looks after ilus" Taglist! @kawaistrawberry21 @jacsssssssss @yelenassafeplace @epicy0n
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itaerae · 11 months
Omgg Hii I love your works so much they are the besttt!! Can you please make a Ollie enimies to lovers story? The enimies part might be hard becuase Ollie is such a sweetie but IDKK I feel like it would be cute
hating game — l. ollie
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pairing: nemesis!ollie x reader
synopsis: the campus cutie was your estranged enemy, but when you two are paired up for a project, your relationship becomes complicated as you watched yourselves fall for each other in the small span of two weeks.
word count: 1.1k
warning: minor arguments ! (not proofread)
author notes: this is so overdue i’m so so sorry, but thank you for requesting and happy reading ! especially you my little 🌱 anon ! ⟡
“oi, (name) !” you recognize the obnoxious voice of the person you were hoping not to see all morning. peering your eyes up from your notebook, you caught a glimpse of the boy, a grin plastered across his face in amusement.
rolling your eyes, you turned your attention back to the notes you were taking, ignoring the scoffs and huffs made by ollie in the background. not long after, you heard the bell ring.
“good morning students, you will all be assigned partners for a research project. no exceptions will be made to those who wish to change their partners.” hearing this, you mentally prayed you would get someone somewhat decent to work with.
after a long while of waiting as others’ names were called, you finally heard yours. “(name) and ollie.” your eyes widened, and suddenly you felt sick to your stomach. the boy just smirked and leaned back in his seat, as if teasing you for your reaction. oh boy, this was going to be a long two weeks.
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week 1, day 1
“can you stop moping over there and help me with this project ? i’m not trying to fail this class here.” you huffed, glaring at the boy who was bored in his own little world. obviously he heard you, but he decided he wanted to tease you and make your life harder than it already was.
“oh, sorry what was that ?” that stupid smirk you wished you could wipe of his face. “you know what, nevermind.” you scowled, returning to the textbook, extremely agitated. the boy grinned in triumph, one for ollie, zero for (name).
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week 1, day 4
“(name), i don’t get this part of the projecttt..” he whined, slouching over his chair. you just shrugged, not really interested. “maybe you should’ve payed attention in class instead of zoning out.” you replied snarkly before focusing back on your half.
the boy huffed and collapsed on the table, face smushed against his textbook. “you should be grateful i even agreed to do my portion.” he fired back, but you quickly smacked him across the head, earning a small yelp. one for (name), one for ollie.
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week 1, day 7
you couldn’t believe it. that sly boy stood you up on the day you planned to work on the project. you were furious, you had every right to be. with a scowl on your face, you hurriedly shoved everything into your bag, preparing to leave the cafe.
suddenly, a familiar figure rushes in frantic, until he spots you. you were already fuming and seeing him here after standing you up pushed you over the edge. “well, look who finally showed up.” you snarked with sarcasm, venom lacing your tone.
the boy winced, his eyes widening. he shook his head in panic, “(name) i swear i just overslept, i didn’t mean to stand you up !” he looked sincerely apologetic but your pettiness got the best of you. shoving past him as he begged for you to come back, as it was just an honest mistake. two for (name), one for ollie.
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week 2, day 1
ollie felt horrible. he’d been trying to apologize to you all morning, but you just pushed the boy aside. you wouldn’t even talk to him, let alone spare him a glance in class. he thought for a while, seeing as you did all the work in the project at first, he decided that’s how he was going to apologize.
he waited until class ended, before making his way over and grabbing your wrist. you sneered and him before jerking your hand away. he sighed, and took your palms back into his. “look (name), i know you’re upset, but i swear i didn’t do it on purpose. i want to make it up to you, so please meet me at the same cafe tomorrow.”
you thought for a second. there wasn’t any harm about giving him a second chance, he did seem pretty sincere. after a long silence, you sighed, “fine but if you don’t show up, i’ll go out and hunt you down liu.” he just replied with a nod and a laugh. two for ollie, two for (name).
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week 2, day 2
you were surprised, he had kept his promise, even arriving earlier than you did ! the two of you immediately started working on the project, but you were still skeptical since he was being a little too productive. he noticed your lingering gazes and couldn’t help but grin.
“care to share something, (name) ?” he asked, wiggling his eyebrows teasingly. you smacked his shoulder but replied anyway. “you know, you’re acting quite suspicious, you haven’t been this helpful with the project before.” you emphasized ‘this’.
he scoffed in faux offense. “excuse me, i was very productive, i don’t know what you’re talking about missy.” for the first time, you laughed at his silly tone of voice, not long after he joined you. some other customers gave you stares, but you two were a little busy in your own world. looks like three for (name), and three for ollie.
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week 2, day 5
surprisingly, you and ollie were starting to get along quite well. you both found out you shared many similarities and have gotten extremely comfortable around each other now. almost too comfortable.
“oi, what are you staring at liu ? this project isn’t going to finish itself you know.” you jokingly rolled your eyes. but he just looked up, still in a daze. “has anyone ever told you how pretty you are ?” your cheeks instantly dusted in a dark pink hue.
“don’t say things like that out of the blue !” you scolded, gently smacking his head, earning a dramatic cry from the boy. he rubbed the spot you hit him in, “wow is this what i get for complimenting you ?” he pouted. you huffed and looked away, the blush still very much obvious. four for ollie, three for (name).
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week 2, day 7
“finally we finished it !” you cheered, getting up to engulf him. he chuckled, hugging you as he patted your back. you weren’t going to lie, these past couple of days had changed your views about the boy you once swore your nemesis. and he seemed to agree with you.
“soo, don’t you think i should receive a treat for working on the project so well ?” he asked, eyebrows wriggling jokingly. you crossed your arms and raised your own eyebrows, “and what would that be ?” he just had a boyish grin on his face.
“oh i don’t know, maybe you can go on a couple dates with me and we can see where that takes us ?” he suggested confidently, although his eyes hid some fear of rejection. you smiled and pretended to ponder, “i don’t see why not, pick me up at 7 liu.” four for (name), four for ollie; looks like you’re both even now.
this officially marks the ending of your childish hating game, wanna start over ?
taglist: @wonswife
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