#historical reenactment AU
meerawrites · 8 months
Order in the court @ Colonial Williamsburg
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leapdayowo · 5 months
Redstone and Skulk au time!
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To start off with, here’s cat!Tanguish college au
(ignore that I don’t know how to draw people holding a sandwich from memory)
Tanguish is a scrappy alley cat Tango found who one day escapes from Tango’s apartment. Tanguish ends up trying to steal Helsknight’s lunch, but fails at first and falls on his face. Helsknight feels bad and gives Tanguish bits of meat and bread from his sandwich bonding them for life. He then wraps up Tanguish in his theatre cloak (he’s definitely a theatre kid + does historical reenactment fights with swords and such) and tries to take him to a shelter or vet or something, but Tanguish spooks when a really loud car passes by and runs into an alleyway. HK almost decides to leave it at that, it’s not his problem, but then hears Tanguish yowling and hissing and the sounds of another cat doing the same. He rushes into the alley and gets Tanguish away from the biggest cat he’s ever seen (it’s the Demon), but in the process he gets a good slash of claw marks across his face.
From there he takes Tanguish to his place, cleans them both up, and from there they have a bunch of misadventures of HK trying to take care of this scrawny, half hairless cat while also trying to find its owner/take him to a shelter/keep him. Eventually, he would find the Hermits on campus (who I am imagining are a more chill fraternity), and comes across Tango hanging out with Welsknight. Tanguish and Tango are happily reunited, HK looks like he got into a fight with a lawnmower the other night, and Wels takes glee in pointing that out while the two (they’re definitely brothers) are unhappily reunited.
Later that night, Tanguish escapes again and follows Helsknight home. When HK discovers this, he begrudgingly texts Wels to tell Tango Tanguish is with him (having not thought to grab Tango’s phone number earlier). There’s probably some joint custody thing that happens and Tanguish gets to eat muffins from two different friend groups now :3
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And on the other side of the multiuniversal coin: dog!Helsknight college au
This one is not as fleshed out, but essentially Helsknight is Welsknight’s dog who he keeps on campus, but HK has gradually grown to hate Wels. The coliseum group are all dogs too, and one day at the dog park, Helsknight runs away from Wels. He then stumbles across Tanguish (not a cat) who is getting harassed by these guys he used to steal things with along with other petty crime (not a crowd he wants to be with anymore), and when things get violent, Helsknight jumps in and attacks the guys (except Tanguish). Tanguish freaks out, but is trapped in the alleyway and can’t escape from this aggressive dog attacking everyone, so he holes up on a dumpster. When all the aggressors are gone, HK barks at Tanguish which scares the young man enough that he tries to scale the alley wall instead of get off the dumpster. He slips and falls down painfully next to Helsknight. More concerned if he broke a rib and finding some blood on him, he doesn’t notice HK checking him over until a rough paw tugs at his shirt.
He cautiously lets HK sniff his face and hands before getting up and slowly walking himself home. HK looks scary and is a big dog, but for some reason he has chosen to stick by Tanguish. They get to Tanguish and Tango’s apartment (roommates :3) and Tanguish has to introduce Tango to the Big Scary Dog that saved him and wants to be their third roommate, only to find out the HK is Welsknight’s dog who ran away a few days ago. At any mention of Wels’ name however, HK pins his ears back with a low growl. Regardless, Tanguish and Tango try to take HK back to Wels, and when they do everyone can tell just how unhappy HK is with Wels (he just doesn’t like the man’s vibes). Not knowing what else to do, Welsknight lets HK stay with Tanguish and Tango as a trail run to see what happens.
So yeah, Tanguish ends up with a big scary dog who keeps unwanted people away from him :3 HK eventually gets less hostile towards Wels over time, but still is not very friendly towards him. And yeah, dog versions of the coliseum crew playing in the dog park :3
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Last one :) warden!Helsknight au
even less fleshed out than the other two. I like the idea of Tanguish being able to do the shrieker sound, but then thought what if he could actually summon a warden with it?
So Tanguish is an inexperienced witch (maybe, or is just magical) who can do basic ice related magic, but one day he steals from a woman part of a larger crew of bounty hunters or something, and he gets chased down by them. He gets corner in a strange part of the woods and does the shrieker noise three times to ward them off, which doesn’t work until after the third try a tall armored warden!Helsknight emerges from the soft soil and scares off the bounty hunters.
I don’t really have much else in mind except Tanguish sitting on Hk’s shoulders while the two try and figure out what to do in the world (which is very vague I know). I’m not sure what HK’s relationship to Wels is like or if Wels would also be a warden (if he was I imagine he’s been on the surface much longer).
uhhh yeah! If anyone wants to run wild with any of these ideas, go for it! Maybe just mention me as an inspiration if you make something from these, but yeah they are free for anyone to develop further if you wish :)
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thatswhatsushesaid · 2 months
Things that might happen in a MDZS AU where the characters are all into history & know each other through various projects? (e.g. archivist, lecturer, works in a museum, just really into local history, has written a book, podcaster, history phd student, etc.). Brought to you by my obsession with love of history.
ohhhhhhhh you have inadvertently tapped into my other special interest, i was a history (and literature) double-major in my undergrad and then i went on to work in a historical archive for a few years before my masters program!
1. wei wuxian is a local historian who managed to get 3/4 of his undergrad history degree before dropping out of the program to write one very specific and controversial book, which is how he launches his podcast series on patreon. this is how he pays his bills.
2. jiang cheng did NOT drop out of the history program, but you'd never know it based on how his father talks about his accomplishments in comparison to wei wuxian's!!! he burnt out hard and took a job down at the municipal records office where he mostly deals with members of the public who are too into genealogy.
3. lan wangji and lan xichen are both music librarians at the local university. lan wangji also fosters rabbits; lan xichen teaches guqin lessons.
4. even with a scholarship, meng yao couldn't afford to attend the prestigious music program of his dreams and so ends up going to the state public school for records management. he and lan xichen have their meet-cute in the library elevator when they bump into each other and lan xichen drops a bunch of sheet music. their hands touch. their eyes meet. etc etc etc.
5. nie huaisang is a rare books and manuscripts expert with questionable credentials but who nevertheless is THE person to go to if you're looking to verify provenance about a specific text.
6. nie mingjue is really into civil war reenactments.
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
Thought- in the terracotta warriors thing, you mentioned that the Jedi archeologists brought in a specialist in mando iconography to try and work out what’s going on with the 501sts symbols- what if that outside specialist is jaster mereel? Could be pre becoming the mand’alor, could be just his side job, but either way he spends a few years studying it all and getting used to being the only mando in a base camp full of Jedi, makes friends, has academic discussions and disagreements, steals someone’s holopad to try and use the link to the Jedi archives to read all the things on tarre visla, gets into an actual argument, reconciles with agreeing to help with a historical reenactment of a Jedi mandolorian war, gets Madame nu’s comm number, introduces his new son to his comm bff who argues historical nitpicks with him, brings jango to the next summer at the site, clones react to jango somehow and/or there’s a few tubies in there who look distractingly like jango and/or someone has their helmet off and jango has a breakdown over it looking like a family member? And so on and so on
Context: Sleeping Soldiers AU
See, I don't really subscribe to the "halfway to archaeologist!Jaster" fanon. I'm especially reticent to engage with the Jocasta ship, honestly.
But... okay, here's the thing. It does feel pretty incongruous with how I've written Jaster thus far. I can believe him having like. A 'classical' education. Not actually tutored like a noble, but that he sought out the same subjects as an adult to make sure he understood how to rule once he started having a proper political angle. He's a history nerd in the way that a particularly political/philosophical aristocrat of the 18th century would have been.
Military history, philosophical history, political and even some arts... but not actually in an archaeological sense.
(Also, it raises my hackles because it's one of those things that feels like it's heavily associated with the whole "True Mandos Were Best Mandos" crowd.)
It also really depends on the era! Tarre makes more sense than Jaster, just because of the timescale! The soldiers are millennia buried by the time Jaster is born! That said, even Tarre is a few millennia late but... makes more sense than Jaster.
Most likely, there are historians and archaeologists coming by every few centuries, as new generations encounter the issue, and older analyses are lost in the depths of the archives. Frequency tapers off after a few millennia, but... by the time Jaster is around?
It's 100% a New Mandalorian with an art history doctorate. (With a military symbolism specialty, in this case.)
It's probably not a New Mando if it's an Early On moment, but it probably is a New Mando if the Jedi start getting Weird Vibes and investigating the soldiers in the decades leading up to the Prequels.
Would the New Mandalorians know more than the traditionalists? Not necessarily. Would they know less? Actually, no.
I firmly believe that the New Mandalorians are taught about their histories in a "German kids learn about WWII atrocities, going on field trips to historic sites of said horrors, so their teachers can stress that they don't repeat the mistakes of the past" kind of way. I imagine the New Mandos would have plenty of research and records in regards to actual history, with plenty of museums and such. Part of maintaining pacifism is ensuring that the coming generations understand what led them to pacifism in the first place.
Is this thousands of years in the past, and thus difficult to research? Yes, but the traditionalists would have that same problem.
More of them, even. If the New Mandos have been around for seven hundred years, like Legends claims, then the traditionalists have probably have lost a lot of history through various battles and bombings, while the New Mandalorians, while not entirely escaping large scale destruction and such attacks, are much more likely to have protected and maintained their sites, simply by not courting war as a matter of culture. The traditionalists, meanwhile, would have had a much stronger emotional and cultural attachment to legends and themes, though I'll admit those are probably prone to revisionism, much like real-world folklore and mythology.
As @atagotiak put it:
Ehhhh. The traditionalists do care about legends and history and stuff. Often in an idealized way, sure. But you could argue that they’d have more reason than new mandos to be into these stories. Which, to be clear, isn’t like, saying that Jaster is definitely a part-time historian or anything like that. It’s just I don’t think one side would have an advantage over another. (edited)
So the New Mandos and Trad Mandos are probably on an even playing ground, insofar as skill and resources and knowledge go.
But by Jaster's time, the Jedi would have more reason to think the New Mandos would cooperate. No real downside to asking them when it comes to knowledge/skill, and an upside in terms of 'not getting shot when asking.'
As Tia said:
And even if we assume Jaster is a big history nerd and would be receptive to the Jedi (and tbh there’s even less indication of the latter) there’s no reason to think the Jedi would know that.
So yeah, when the soldiers start having Vibes And The Force Becomes Suspiciously Active on that level... New Mando archaeologist, definitely.
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knchins · 1 year
Bachinalia - Bachira M.
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Summary: Maddened by the festivities of the Bacchanalia, you fall under Dionysus’ captivating glances.
Pairing: Dionysus!Bachira x Mortal!Reader
Reader Type: AFAB - gender neutral (no pronouns used)
Rating: E+
Word Count: 1.8k
Collab: Touch of Divine Rush by @dark-mnjiro
Warnings: Ancient Greece AU (not historically accurate), mentions of omophagia/blood, very mild dubcon, yandere behavior, public /outdoor sex, cunnilingus, vaginal fingering, vaginal sex, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, unsafe sex, creampie, kidnapping
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Well into the night, under a blanket of stars, the wine flowed, and music tingled the minds and bodies of those engaging in the festivities. Despite happening multiple times a year, the Bacchanalia was always something special and dear to you. You could dance and drink and fuck anyone in any class without repercussion. It was guaranteed to be a night full of debauchery and ecstasy. 
It was a night free of self-consciousness, fear, and worries about any problems you might have had. Your hips swayed, your body moving to the rhythmic beat that was playing. Others joined you though you were hardly paying them any attention. This was a night born for the god of wine, theatre, and fertility. It was his great blessing that had the harvest season plentiful, the grapes plump and ripe with flavor, the orchards full of the finest fruit the trees had ever bared.
It was believed that without the ritual reenactment of his birth, the omophagia of animals that were slaughtered in the same way as King Pentheus of Thebes the crops would wither and perish. Frenzied and maddened by lust and fermented fruit, the sacrifice’s blood still stained your hands and mouth. The coppery taste meshed well with the divine wine as you prayed for his love and warmth to flow through you, to bring you to the brink of insanity as he had so many others. 
Your prayers did not fall on deaf ears. They hadn’t since you became of age and started attending the Bacchanalia. He listened, quietly, patiently, madly. Waiting for the right moment to pluck you from the crowd so he may place you among the stars.
The time had finally come as your bleary eyes opened to see a figure in the distance motioning for you. A powerful magnetic force had you moving towards him, hips still swaying to the sweet strumming of the lyre. The figure’s amber eyes seemed to glow, a curling devilish smile on his wide mouth full of perfectly white teeth. 
You could smell him before you could even see him, the scent of a grape field after a heavy summer rain. The familiarity took you closer, and if you had the wherewithal to have a guard up it would have certainly come crashing down at the smell of home. Your eyes were connected to his as he stepped into the light, a daunting figure standing only at a hundred and seventy-six centimeters, beautiful with duo-toned hair. 
He was thin and muscular, his hair as wild as his conniving grin. He reached out for your hand and you graciously accepted, allowing him to pull you into his toned chest as his other arm caught your waist. His lips fell on yours, tasting of wine made from the sweetest of grapes. A whirlwind of lust and madness rushed through the two melding bodies as you began to feel as if he may devour you whole.
Teeth met flesh as a flurry of kisses seared down your throat, small welts of desire forming from the nips and pecks. Your vision swam as you felt like putty in the arms of the stranger, his hands pawing into your robes expertly until his nimble fingers were pressed against your clit. 
You gasped, hips moving in time with his digits to create the most pleasing amount of friction possible. His golden yellow eyes were on you, practically glowing in the darkness as he drank in your appearance: disheveled and desperate for release. The pace of his fingers increased as you grabbed helplessly at his robes, trying to stay upright as your knees shook from the pleasure. 
“So sweet,” He hummed as his fingers dipped into your dripping core suddenly, eliciting a sharp cry of excitement. “I could turn this into a wine fine enough that it would drive any mortal man mad.” His teasing tone and hard thrust of his fingers made it clear what exactly he was talking about. Your essence soaking into his godly skin. 
He brought you to orgasm quicker than anyone had ever before. The dizzying rush of endorphins as you desperately tried to kiss at the skin of his throat, leaving soft brushes of your lips on his throbbing pulse point. 
His fingers pulled out with a wet squelch, and the stranger brought them to his lips to have a taste. A pleased look crossed his features, “even better than ambrosia.” He said as you watched his tongue move across his hand, lapping at every last drop of your juices. 
Your gaze was transfixed on his mouth as it spread into yet another grin. His unsoiled hand moved to push you against the wall of the building you both were standing beside, the shadow cast by the moonlight the only thing keeping you hidden from the prying gazes of others, though, in all honesty, they were too crazed by their own frenzy to notice the divinity among them. 
He dropped to his knees, tugging at your robes in order to open them so he could have full access to your cunt to drink you in even more. Greedy and impatient, you could hear the fabric ripping from his surprisingly firm grasp. You attempted to help him, however, the wild look he gave you caused you to stop, sensing things would not go well for you if you continued. 
“Ah, there it is.” He cooed as he gripped your bare thighs and spread them apart before lifting one leg and hooking it over his shoulder. His tongue glided along your outer labia before diving deeper to taste your honey directly from its source. 
A moan cascaded from your lips, harmonizing with the distant music as his mouth found its way to your swollen clit. It dragged in a slow circle around the bud as he enjoyed the way it made your thighs quake. 
With swirls of his tongue and sharp sucks of his mouth, he drank you in, devouring every inch of your sex. His fingers burned bruises into your thighs, holding them tightly in place as you attempted to pull away to save yourself the pain of overstimulation. 
It was no use, he was much too strong. Anchoring you down as he got you off using nothing but his talented mouth. Your hips bucked, grinding down onto his face as his nose pressed to your clit and tongue plunged into you deeper than you thought humanly possible. The thick muscle moved with strong intent within your tightening walls. 
Two hands were in his hair, scratching his scalp, tugging at the locks as you hunched over him, trying to find relief from the teetering edge of your second orgasm. One more thrust of his tongue had you nearly falling forward as you came undone over his perfectly divine face. 
Your chest heaved with pants as he guided you upwards to relax against the wall once more instead of possibly toppling over. The light of a nearby fire caught his features and you stared in awe at how they glistened with a mixture of your cum and his saliva. 
He freed his achingly hard cock from his clothing, pumping it with an eager fist. Your eyes dared to drift downwards to take in his long, blushed member. Unsure of what position he wanted you in, you stood still against the wall, holding your own robes up for easier access. 
”How pretty you look,“ He breathed out as he guided one of your legs to wrap around his waist so his leaking tip could press against your slick entrance. ”So willing for my cock, what an obedient little follower.” 
With one strong thrust, he was fully inside, pressed in to the hilt as his balls settled between your legs. The ecstasy it gave you left you little room for coherent thought as your back arched in a feeble attempt to push him in deeper. 
Bachira chuckled, low and dark as he dragged out his length just to push right back in again. There was no time to adjust to his crazed rhythm, the wet sounds of your fluid-covered sexes meeting reverberated off the wall and nearby tree. 
You cried out, not caring who could hear you as your hands met his shoulders, nails digging into the thin cloth of his robe. “That's it, what a good darling.” He cooed as his pace only increased into something completely inhuman. 
The god felt you tighten around him at his words of praise, your walls clamping down on him even tighter and sucking him in further. If he knew any better than he'd thought you were no mere mortal, that perhaps you had some divinity in you too. 
Now he understood why his father was so ready to stick his dick into anything that moved, anything to find the one perfect hole that he could slot into perfectly. Bachira had never known sex to feel like this, despite being well-versed in it himself. 
There was no doubt in his mind that you were created just for him. While your lineage was nothing of importance, while you had been born and raised a simple human on a vineyard, something about the way you tasted, the way you smelled, the way you pulled him in was holier than any goddess he'd ever met. 
“My Lord,” your voice strained, desperately trapped between two hard places as he fucked you in a frenzy. You were close again, ready to snap again, but this time you wondered if you could ever possibly be satisfied by a mortal man. 
”Bachi,“ He corrected, and hearing the nickname out loud drove it in further that this was the god you had been worshipping for years. The one that this very festival celebrated, and the awe that overcame you was almost greater than the orgasm that hit at the exact same time. 
You cried out his name, and while Bachira didn't want to be finished with you yet, he found himself releasing inside of you. A truly unrivaled amount of cum flowed into your still-spasming pussy, filling it to the point where it dripped out around his base. 
Bachira knew now that he had tasted you that he couldn't let you go. He couldn't possibly let you remain among mortal men so they could defile your beauty. You were his and his alone, and he'd make sure of that. 
”My sweet,“ He purred as he slid out of you and caught you before you could crumble onto the ground. ”You're coming with me.“ 
As you settled into his strong arms, heavy eyelids drooping shut, you could barely make out the large maniacal grin on the young god's face. He lulled you into a deep slumber before whisking you off to Mount Olympus to be granted immortality and a place amongst the holiest of beings. A place where you could be worshipped beside him until the end of days. 
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thebindingofpillo · 2 months
when it comes to characters such as lazarus, do you think anyone could trust him with any sort of firearm? or like, does any character know how to use weapons? Esau, Lazarus, Samson, Judas, Eve, (and maybe Eden) look like they know how.
Oh boy now this is an interesting question mhmmm… First we need to keep in mind that my story doesn’t really take place in America. I didn’t really want my AU to take place in a *real* country, I intentionally kept it vague, so that people could fill in the blanks themselves. Reincarnation can take place wherever you want! But since I’m more familiar with Italian legislation, some of it might seep into my setting. Which means: guns are rare and difficult to obtain.
Funnily enough, I have an inside joke with my friend that Isaac owns at least one gun. The boy got tired of all the supernatural bullshit so now he’s fighting back.
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With that being said: realistically, I think the only one with some expertise with guns would be Cain. He’s very old, he’s seen a lot of stuff, went through a lot of shit, and knowing how to protect oneself when faced with adversity is really important. He’s probably more used to older stuff tho, I can’t really see him with a high-tech automatic rifle. Maybe a tommy gun lmao. I don’t think he killed anyone else besides Abel tho, he doesn’t really want to go through that again.
As for the others you mentioned… Lazarus and guns seems like a terrible combination, knowing his chronic bad luck that thing would go off on him all the time. And while he can’t really die, accidentally shooting himself isn’t really something I’d wish upon him lol.
Judas would not trust himself with guns. At all. He’s already got some pretty strong self-destructive tendencies and Azazel would never allow a gun in their house. Judas has a problem with offing himself in every life, and Azazel always tries his damn best for it not to happen. He’s failed every single time, but that doesn’t deter him. He’s already pretty on edge with Judas living in a normal house with normal dangerous things (like knives) adding a gun to the equation would make Azazel explode immediately so that’s a big no no.
Esau strikes me as the type of guy who would know about weapons/guns but wouldn’t own them? Idk he doesn’t really seems like the type… Jacob might have an interest in Medieval weapons tho, he’s enough of a nerd for that. He probably tried to rope Esau into some historical reenactments but his brother wasn’t really having it. I can see Jacob taking on something like medieval fencing if he wasn’t disabled. Also Lazarus would make fun of him lol.
Samson wouldn’t really know his way around a gun or any other weapon, so he would be a danger to himself and others. Big no no.
Eve might know something about guns? Maybe her father was a cop, or a hunter. I could see that… tbf I didn’t really think about Eve’s parents, maybe this could be interesting! I can definitely see baby Eve looking at her dad cleaning and assembling his guns. The only gun she uses is the tattoo gun in her shop lol.
Maggy strikes me as a blunt force trauma girlie, she should have a warhammer. Or a crowbar, as a treat.
Lilith can’t see, so she wouldn’t even get close to a gun, or any type of weapon. Too risky.
Bethany is a wee baby, her defense mechanism is just curling up in a ball and hoping for the best.
OKAY now onto Eden and Azazel. They do absolutely know how to use weapons. Every angel has a weapon (usually a sword, Azazel and Eden both had swords) every angel is a warrior of God, and fighting demons is part of their purpose. So yeah, both Eden and Azazel (who used to be an angel) know their way around weapons, Azazel was quite the skilled warrior, and even used to create his own! When he first started living amongst humans he learned how to be a blacksmith and goldsmith, and he was really good at it. Azazel’s weapon is currently under archangel Michael’s care, and Eden lost theirs lol. As for guns, Azazel isn’t too fond of them and Eden wouldn’t really need them anyway even if they technically know how to fire one (they’re a Cherub, and Cherubim are omniscient).
Apollyon, being an angel, also knows how to fight but never ever had to in the billions and billions of years he existed. His main weapon is a spear that doubles as the Key for the Abyss.
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dark-visitors · 1 year
A reenactment of a conversation I just had with the voices in my head
Me: I have an idea for a Wyler historical AU but although I don’t have anything against Enid’s other ships I don’t ship her with anyone other than Tyler and Wednesday. Should I leave her out or should I just make her single?
Evil me: Kill her.
Me: …what? No!
Evil me: Have her be the victim of a gruesome unsolved murder that haunts Wednesday for the rest of her days.
Me: I’m not doing that.
Evil me: She has a young child.
Me: Stop it.
Evil me: She was a single mother, disowned by her family when she became pregnant out of wedlock, and now she’s dead and Wednesday’s left with a little girl who’s the very image of her late best friend. She has no idea how to raise a child by herself but it’s Enid’s so she has to try.
Me: You’re a monster.
Evil me: Yes but found family fluff between Wednesday, Tyler and the daughter of their beloved childhood friend.
Me: …*sigh* I’ll start drafting.
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lupizora · 2 months
DCMK Empire of Corpses AU
This will be based on the 2015 anime movie Shisha no Teikoku or The Empire of Corpses. (I can't believe it's been almost ten years since it came out. The grip this movie has on me *sighs*). If you haven't watched it, I'll be dropping MAJOR SPOILERS from it for the overall development of this AU. Kind of like a speed-run of the important plot points. Also, lots of Character Death mentioned left and right. So, please consider yourselves warned 😅
The basic premise of it is that in an Alternative History Victorian era with a lot of steampunk influences, people have found the method of reanimation. Reanimated corpses don't have fully human sentience. They're more akin to zombies and can lose control just as fast, if the reanimation code is damaged in some way. Therefore, they're usually used for manual labor or in wars since they are still considered Undead.
The movie follows John Watson who reanimated his recently deceased close friend "Friday". Doing that outside of the government's control is considered illegal, so to avoid going to jail and other more personal reasons, he's roped into a mission from the government to find the notes of Victor Frankenstein, who was rumored to have produced the first Corpse that retains a soul. It has several philosophical debates about the nature of the soul which I personally found fascinating. Plus, it's gorgeously animated with how it combines the zombies/steampunk aesthetic (even if the ending leaves a lot to be desired imo. I mean we can't know if that was the author's original intent since he apparently passed away before he could finish the novel the movie was based on and someone else stepped up to finish it in his stead. But I digress since I will incorporate the movie's ending into the AU anyway lol).
Okay. Back to the AU.
Given that the characters were more or less contemporary historical figures or fictional heroes of the era, case in point John Watson, and even a cameo of dear Mr.Sherlock Holmes in the post-credits scene, my brain jumped at the opportunity of making it about DetCo.
DetCo has so many characters that could be used for this, but my first thought was focused on the Gosho Boys quartet. You can literally go for every ship variation between them, especially if you don't want to follow the movie's plot to the letter.
However, my BFF and I both agreed that the one who encompasses the headstrong, laser-focused determination Watson exhibits was Hattori Heiji. Because of course, Heiji will throw caution to the wind and go to great lengths for a friend (and/or potential lover).
If anything, this AU is so HeiShin-coded that you could more or less reenact the whole movie and not change much; even with the allusions in the credits scene that Friday turns out to maybe(?) be Moriarty when he gets his soul back. Like in my humble opinion, Shinichi and Saguru (the true Sherlockians) seem to personify different sides of Sherlock Holmes, with Shinichi being closer to (and I'm paraphrasing): "If he didn't give his brilliant mind to solving the crimes, he would be a criminal mastermind instead".
But! I never make things easier for myself that way so this turned into a HeiSagu/SaguHei AU 😂
Frankly, going for this ship angle was more compelling for me. Because Heiji's motivation behind his actions will come from a place of necessity instead of true compassion at first. Like he and Saguru were barely on civil interaction terms, maybe even academic rivals to a degree, at the point of Saguru's death. On the other hand, he couldn't let one of their generation's brilliant minds disappear like that. If Heiji got to prove his "rival's" theory wrong too in the process, no one would be any wiser.
This fictional British Government does not take lightly illegal reanimation, more so from a foreign citizen on their soil. So to avoid forced deportation and/or jail, Heiji and his "servant" (I'm not sure what sort of different name Saguru could have as a reanimated corpse. I was thinking some kind of bird of prey because of his falconry hobby) are tasked with finding the Karasuma notes. Said notes are currently rumored to be in the hands of some researchers Heiji and Saguru were having regular correspondence with. Special Agent Sera Mary and her daughter Masumi tag along as insurance so they won't run off.
The researchers are holed up at some secluded place in Siberia though, so the team ends up finding guides in the form of Kaito and Aoko. Despite Kaito's antics, the one Heiji finds odd is Aoko instead. She rarely eats, rarely sleeps, and she keeps talking in third person about herself. Heiji wonders if she's some kind of advanced corpse but Kaito dodges the question.
Before they reach their destination, they get attacked by corpses with higher mobility that usual. Then it's revealed that Aoko is a high-specs automaton Kaito had built himself when her arms change into weapons mid-fight. They are saved when another automaton, Conan, appears and fries the system running in those advanced corpses with a pulse attack. Conan explains that they were made with designs someone stole from his creators, who were trying a different approach than what the Karasuma notes were describing.
After the final stretch, they find the secluded town they were trying to reach filled with the original design of those advanced corpses and the only alive people there are Shinichi and Agasa. Nothing else seems amiss at first, even if it's creepy how life-like and not at the same time the citizens appear. The team stays there for a couple of days. Heiji is delighted to learn that Shinichi had been the one exchanging letters with him, instead of some stiff researcher like his teachers back in London. But Shinichi keeps diverting the conversation when inquired about the Karasuma notes.
It all comes to end the moment Shinichi realizes that the corpse following Heiji around is Saguru. Because all the time in the world can't prevent him from dying due to an accident or sudden illness before finishing his research. The reason the town's corpses look kind of alive is because they were created when the person was near-death. This time, in his fit of desperation, Shinichi does the procedure to a very much alive Kaito, hoping to preserve both of them for if/when proper reanimation succeeds, and follows suit in front of an appalled Heiji (this part in the movie was so unsettling, to put it mildly. I still shiver whenever I remember it. Here's even more terrifying to imagine because their appearance is so similar 😰). Shinichi does manage to tell them before he loses awareness that the previous researchers took the Karasuma notes with them to Japan.
But Heiji does not want to hear about the notes anymore or anything else really. He goes out in the cold to grieve and mope. Despite not giving him any commands, Saguru joins him. This only serves to anger Heiji because it doesn't prove that this action was made from any remnants of Saguru's "soul", and not a byproduct from the reanimation code. So Heiji lashes out, tackling him to the snow-filled ground. His fist stops midway though because he realizes that there is no point venting his frustrations on someone that will not comprehend why or even fight back.
Mary comes to remind him that he can't stop the mission whenever he wants, so they have to head out. They take Aoko and Conan with them while Agasa stays behind to take care of everyone for as long as he has left.
In Japan, they track the notes all the way to Osaka. Heiji learns that after the news of his transgression reached his father, he was disowned. Fine by him. It does not stop him from roping Kazuha and Otaki into helping him bust into the lab of the shadowy organization that seems to have the notes. And they do actually which amidst the chaos Heiji feeds them into Saguru's reanimation code to analyze them. Right about then though, the rumored successful reanimation project of Karasuma himself—Vermouth (of course it was gonna be her lol) appears, kills Mary and Otaki before she steals the notes.
The place burns down, separating Heiji and Saguru from the rest as they end up in the sewers. Since the notes were analyzed halfway and jumbled Saguru's code, he acts like a feral zombie. Heiji tries to hold his ground, but there is only so much he can do against a corpse that doesn't hold back its strength at all. Pinned against the wall by Saguru trying to choke the life out of him, Heiji ponders why he got into this mess and if dead people should stay dead and dammit he might have cared about Saguru more than he originally thought but he sure as hell won't allow him to run amok any longer. So he headbutts him, causing Saguru to drop him. While Heiji is wheezing for breath on the floor, he notices Saguru isn't moving. If anything, it looks like he calmed down. And then, a soft sound starts coming from him until it's apparent that Saguru is laughing. Heiji flashbacks to the aftermath of a fencing duel they had during their first days in the academy. For a moment, the images overlap and Heiji could believe that Saguru is still alive right before he "shuts down".
Reconnecting with the girls and Conan, they escape Japan through Kazuha's connections (she stays behind to cover their tracks). Saguru is back to being feral the next time he "wakes up", but Heiji has seen hope that he's still there (even if inevitably this is confirming Saguru's theory) so he continues to struggle to fix the scrambled reanimation code. While on Vermouth's trail, they come across the Kudous along with Nakamori Ginzo and learn that Aoko was modeled after his daughter because her body had been cremated before Kaito could even consider the thought of reanimating her. Aoko isn't interested in playing make-believe with Ginzo, even with the implanted memories Kaito had given her. Since she's just an automaton, therefore lacking a soul by conventional means, she wants to find her place in the world by herself.
Around then, Vermouth kidnaps Aoko to use as a vessel to bring back her beloved "angel" (Ran, the only human who showed her kindness) and the recently fixed Saguru because he has the missing portion of Karasuma's notes inside of him. Heiji, Conan and Masumi follow her back to a London in flames. Vermouth intents to use the Archive of the Dead that holds every reanimation code ever issued which is akin to holding humanity's collective conscious along with the notes for her plan. Although they manage to intercept her in the control room and Masumi shoots her, Vermouth's "soul" had already entered Saguru's body.
Heiji asks Conan to overload the Archive while Masumi reluctantly helps him connect himself to it through Shinichi's reanimation method. In the sea of humanity's collective conscious, Heiji finds Vermouth clinging to Saguru like a parasite because otherwise her artificial "soul" would disperse and disappear. Heiji yells at her that there is nothing artificial about someone with such a strong will to live. It's just that humans were not made to last for centuries on end and there is not much left of her anymore. Right then, someone looking like Aoko (but not really) appears and after fusing with Vermouth's remnants, disperses into their surroundings.
Saguru opens his eyes, finding himself in Heiji's embrace. Heiji offers his congratulations to him for being right about this, but the latter does not accept it. Because Heiji's recklessness to be here will make him die when he returns to his body. Their little reunion is interrupted by Kaito and Shinichi showing up, since the Archive overloading connected every Undead around the world into the sea of humanity's collective conscious. They all brainstorm together if there is a way to prevent Heiji's death or actually resurrect Saguru. Kaito proposes that before the Archive completely collapses, they could connect Heiji's living body and Saguru's reanimated one and feed the system the leftover pieces of the Karasuma notes (it's similar with how they implant memories on automaton brains). But if it works, they'll lose every memory they have of each other. While the notes work like the glue keeping their souls tethered, a certain amount of energy still needs to be spend for all this.
Heiji wakes up and tells the others of Kaito's proposal. Conan tells him that there is no guarantee that both of their objectives will become true. Heiji's final words are that he doesn't care if his soul takes all of the burden for Saguru to return to life.
***THE END?***
Quite a while later, Kazuha drops Heiji at a lodging in Tokyo.
After he returned from London still being disowned by his father, Heiji worked odd jobs here and there; relying on his employer to provide him with a place to stay. His latest job unfortunately doesn't, and even though the pay is alright, it's not enough for one person to live alone. So Kazuha had asked around and heard from Momiji that someone was looking for a roommate, before dragging him there.
Heiji is a bit hesitant about all this. The house looks kind of out of his budget, even with a roommate. His alarms go off when Kazuha vanishes while the housemaid (Keiko) had just let them in. But before he could make up an excuse to leave, the master of the house comes down the stairs.
He seems familiar; from his build to how he handles himself and the way he speaks. The only thing that strikes Heiji as odd are his eyes. For some weird reason, he was under the impression they were going to be blue and faded. They are a warm brown instead.
The man introduces himself as Hakuba Saguru.
Heiji had heard of him. Something about rebelling against his father wishes to join the military and leaving for London to pursue some kind of criminology field. Several different people had asked Heiji if he ever met him while he was still in England, and Heiji had denied it. But this familiarity, tugging him to close the distance between them, is unmistakable.
"Do I know ya?" Heiji asks.
Saguru smiles politely as if he's humoring him. "I would have certainly remembered someone rude enough not introduce themselves first."
Irritation, that comes off as borderline déjà vu, flares up in Heiji's chest as he gives back only his first name. That catches Saguru's attention as he inquires about it. Despite his reservations, Heiji admits that he isn't allowed to use his family name anymore.
"Why don't you take mine?" Saguru says.
At the shock of Keiko, more so to Heiji himself, he backtracks and goes on about housing laws and contracts being troublesome without full names from both participants. However, Heiji can somehow tell that Saguru is a bit flustered from that fumble.
"Sure," Heiji says with a chuckle. "As long as ya won't take yer word back."
Outside, in a cafe across the street, Kazuha joins the others to discuss the success of their little scheme. Conan wonders if this would be alright in the long run, because the chances of them remembering everything is close to none. Kazuha starts harping about fate and similar romantic notions, leaving him unimpressed.
Aoko stirs her teacup with a mysterious air about her. "We only helped them find each other faster. It's up to them whether they will cling to the past or set forth to make new memories."
Changing the subject, Masuki asks her if she has decided on her name yet. Aoko is conflicted since she has always been Aoko, but after what happened at the Archive, she isn't so sure about it anymore.
"Something starting with M sounds interesting though."
Around then Kazuha notices that Conan is gone. Masumi reassures her that he has been doing this kind of thing lately. Even after following him a couple of times, it didn't seem like something to worry about.
Conan enters the dilapidated warehouse he had been visiting and finds its sole occupier tinkering on his body again.
"I know I'm better at taking things apart than fixing them," he complains, "but you could have waited a bit!"
Turns out that before making Aoko, Kaito had made an unfinished automaton prototype based on himself that he hadn't told anyone about, more so Shinichi. While Conan was connected to the Archive, he saw it in his memories. Apparently, he had reactivated amidst the chaos of Vermouth's plan, fixing himself little by little and sending out some sort of signal. The first thing Conan told him when he found him was that only someone like Kaito would think to make trial runs on himself. Automaton!Kaito asked if he hadn't done the same since Conan is technically Shinichi (made from Agasa as a compromise for his parents, in case things went wrong with his research), not to mention his self-destruction in Siberia.
"Even in death, we still kept a lot of secrets from each other," Conan says with a bitter smile.
"Showing all your cards leaves you vulnerable. Isn't it in human nature to hold a part of ourselves hidden?" He pauses, thinking it over. "Although, I suppose we don't qualify as 'humans' at the moment."
Conan rolls his eyes. "It's a matter of perspective."
Kaito teases him about his optimistic outlook when they are merely shadows of the originals, stuck into artificial bodies.
"But we are still here, aren't we?"
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itonashi · 1 year
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pairing: chigiri hyoma x fem!reader
warning: royal!au, fluff, romantic (idk)
note: sen req me this and yes. idk how to do dance idk... anyway i read some historical manhwa and that's that i guess.. im using like my manhwa knowledge to write this.
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the newest rising star lady among the young nobles, [first name] [last name]. she's considered a one in a million genius. usually it's the men who will be sent to academy. the rarity of women in the academy is low. the majority is mostly men.
as men is supposed to be the head of the family. they need education, but who said that women can't be a heir too?
[first name] [last name] the only child and the heir of [last name] family. the pride and joy. [last name] family is known for their multi-talented. an all-rounder, simple as that.
every year, the academy will host an event showing off their best students; hosting an event especially for them to be known. the academy is keeping everything inside private from the public so this is the only time they would reveal to the world on who is their best students.
the event will be lasting for three days. the last day as predicted is always the time for them to have fun. they're required to go to the ballroom night with a partner but going there alone is okay.
"[first name], who will you be choosing to go to the blue lock event this year?" every year, students will be curious on who [first name] will take to go to the event with her. it has been years she's going to the event alone. maybe this year she will choose someone.
"it's a secret." putting a finger across her lips.[first name] already have her eyes set on someone and wish that the guy would be the one to ask her out. his speed amazed her, it was as if he have become one with the wind. a beautiful eyes and hair, he's what she desire.
he was a new student, just one year younger than her and yet in the first day of the academy — he already made a big impression on [first name], but he doesn't know about it. through gossips, [first name] heard many things about him. some say he could be a princess in disguise because of his feminine features — the best yet, is that this man might be a superpower user. which is a rare sight in the world.
only 10% people in the world have it. if people knew among them that there is a superpower user. one might be jealous and kill them. so that's why, those superpower user have to keep secret.
if you think that [first name] is one of those lucky 10%, no she's not. she's just like any other human.
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"did you hear? you and that guy have a fanclub! probably better than the prince." one of your friends giggle. you asked her to lower the voice so passerby won't hear what she just said about the prince. it will be devastating if she was charge for insulting the royal members.
skimming through the pages of your book, suddenly your friend tap your arm rapidly. you look to see why; it was love at first sight really, ah no well you have already been smitten by that guy now. let's just say we're reenacting it. you are sure that your eyes is widen and pupils dilated right now.
putting a hand over the lower part of you face, you hide your blushing face. suddenly someone shake you hard "earth to lady [first name]! are you okay?" your friend flick her fingers again and again to get you out of your head. "don't tell me... you have a crush on him!" she grin, your other friend agree with her.
"just keep your voice down, ana." you replied. you aren't denying it all as you are quite sure of your feelings. would it be weird for a lady to ask the man to dance? the blue lock event is just two months away. you cannot let this chances go. ana and cecilia (the other friend) , eyed you suspiciously but shrugged what you just said off.
you bid your friend goodbye and make your way to the dorm. when suddenly you hear a meow and a voice. "were you really that hungry?" a soft man voice could be heard and it was soothing to your ears. you walk towards the voice, and see the scene you weren't expecting to see in your life.
chigiri hyoma! i think he's the only one here...
"looks like the cat is fond of you." you spoke up. the red-haired man slightly jump by your sudden presence. he look into your direction, while you make your way towards him. he's looking at my direction!! you may look like a calm person on the outside but certainly you're not on the inside.
"not really..." he chuckled and softened his eyes "when i first encountered this little guy, he scratched me and hissed at me." he added. you may be crazy right now but when he soften his eyes he look so cute to you. you tried to keep your composure, keyword 'tried'. "a-ah.. is that so? pardo have always been wary of new people..." you stammered, looking at the black cat.
curse me for stammering there!
"pardo...?" he mumbled under his breath with curiosity. does this cat have a owner and is it her? he wondered. "pardo is a name given by the students. so it basically means this cat is the unofficial pet for the academy. the professor doesn't mind at all about this one cat wandering here." you shook off your thoughts and beamed at his curiosity on where did the pardo name come from.
"i see..." he raised his eyebrows and look back at the cat, eating the treat he had given the cat. the slight end of his lips perked up. why is he so pretty... there's really no turning back from not liking him. maybe this is the time for you to get to know him for a month and ask him out to be your partner for the ball a few days before the event.
"why are you standing up, lady [first name]? you should go and take a seat here." he pointed to the bench that's empty beside him while he stood up from there. "well then, excuse me." you sat on the bench, fixing up your skirt.
"i wouldn't be a gentleman, if i let you a lovely lady to only stand there while i sit here." he reasoned with you when you ask him to sit too. your body stiffened at the 'lovely lady' and could feel the warmth coming in but you kept the composure and smile at him. "thank you, chigiri." you thanked him, putting a hand on your chest.
"you knew my name?"
"were you uncomfortable? i knew it because of the gossip that was around. the nobles wouldn't really shut up about it..." you worried if you make a mistake there but he doesn't seemed surprised about the gossip and only shake his head indicating he wasn't uncomfortable at all.
"well, do you know my name?"
"of course, who wouldn't know the rising star in the academy? one would say lady [first name] [last name] is also the rising star in the empire ever since your debutante ball." he stated, making you more flustered than ever. you humbly denied the empire one even if you're the duke's daughter, you wouldn't think that you're the rising star in the empire when there is the prince.
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"welcome back, lady [first name]." your roommate greeted you as soon as you enter the dorm room. "you're late than usual. today is not the day you study at the library, right?" she added, you nod your head and explained that you were playing with pardo which is half of the truth and leave out the fact you met with chigiri hyoma for the first time formally.
you finish showering and put on your pyjamas, sitting on the side of your bed. kira, your roommate called out to you. "yes? do you need anything, kira?" you replied "why do you never request for your own room without any roommate? im sure the academy will give you the special treatment." kira rambled on how you could be getting the luxurious life in the academy but you're not using your authority right. "i would've done that, you knowwww..." kira sighed, burying her face into the pillow.
"all the students here is equal, kira. you're amazing yourself as you're a commoner that managed to get into the academy. even nobles that studies here may or may not get here into illegal meaning..." you explain, almost pissed off.
"im sorry for the sudden rambling just now. i was just thinking on how you're a noble and not disgusted by the fact me, your roommate is a commoner." kira express her apologies towards you, hugging her pillow tight while looking at you. you smiled and just simply accept it. you bid your goodnight and goes to sleep. kira does the same thing and goes to sleep.
now that you have finally become acquaintance with chigiri hyoma, whenever he passes by you would greet him and he will greet you back. cecilia nudged you and ask "since when did you two know each other? if i recalled you were still shy to even speak to that guy." she tease you with a grin but it soon turned into a neutral face when you look infront of you.
"your highness, good morning." you and cecilia greet the prince and bow. "[first name], do you have anyone in mind this year...?" the prince ask you with his neutral voice. you hate to admit it but you have known the prince since you two were children. one of you two is bound to like the other person. the prince like you ever since that time but you don't. this may be the final chapter, the prince will go up to you like this.
"with the utmost apologies, your highness... i already have my eyes set on someone." you stated while looking straight into the prince's eyes. he stiffen and wanted to open his mouth but couldn't. cecilia was stun by what you said and felt the awkward tension going on. you were lucky that there was no passerby and took cecilia hand walking away from the prince.
the prince clench his fist and grimace. if people knew about this it would spread like wildfire.
"uhhh... the prince wouldn't do anything to you, right..?" cecilia whisper when you two arrived at a place where there's a lot of student. "he wouldn't." you nonchalantly said.
"i gotta go. im sorry, cecilia." you run away from your spot and saw pardo — laying around doing nothing. you approach the cat and sit beside it, the cat notice you and sit on your lap.
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how did it happened? how did you managed to bag the fastest student in the academy? either way, you're happy with the results — about you asking out chigiri hyoma for the last day of the blue lock, it spread like wildfire. it was the talk of the academy.
left and right, students will question on how and why you did it. how long? are you and chigiri a couple? their curiosity exceeded your expectations. they even went out their way to interview ana, cecilia and kira for the answer.
"[first name], are you excited for the first of blue lock event?" ana is ecstatic for the blue lock event that she even stated she didn't got a single sleep last night. "since when are you excited for this, ana?" you said while reading through your book. ana start to ramble about how she's only excited for the last day to see you and him dancing in the middle of the ballroom taking the spotlight off the prince.
"my lady, don't tell me you're not excited..." ana pout while crossing her arms. she will only call you my lady when she want a reaction out of you. cecilia snicker at ana acting mode.
"i am excited."
three days later...
"i cannot believe it. it's time!" ana hug you tightly, beaming about the fact that this day is the day for the last day of the blue lock event. the time for the students to relax and interact with other nobles. the time when even the emperor himself may make an appearance.
"did you already have a dress for the night?"
"i do. don't worry." you nod and put a hand on ana shoulder "you should worry about your cookies instead." the smell of burning flew into ana's sense of smell and she rush to get the cookies out while you just mind your own business looking at her being a mess.
you walk away from the scene, walking along the hallways of the palace that was made for the blue lock event only. you notice a red head lingering infront of your personal room. you fasten your step and he hear footsteps, he look towards the direction and see you. the moment he saw you, his lips raised and make a smile that's truly so beautiful to you.
"what's wrong, chigiri?"
"i just wanted to see you."
this is very bad for you health. definitely. you take his hand and enter your room. he jump at the sudden contact but didn't resist you. "then, let's just hang out in my room." you beam at him, and he just couldn't stop smiling in your presence.
night time...
"and here comes, the heir of [last name], [first name] [last name] with her partner, chigiri hyoma!"
the servant announced your arrival with chigiri hyoma. you mouth at chigiri hyoma 'be confident' and he nod. the nobles gasps that you finally have a partner for the event.
"the duke's daughter finally have a partner?"
"oh my, this is a surprise."
"isn't this an interesting moment?"
"this will shake the duke."
father, im sorry. i think i won't be single at the age of 25...
time passes in the ballroom. the only thing you did before the dancing was talking and laughing with chigiri. you didn't pay a mind to other surroundings when you are with him. some might say chigiri is lucky for having you at the tip of his fingers.
a melodious sounds started, and that means the dancing have started. people start getting with their partner and ask them for a dance.
he hold out a hand infront of you "shall we? my lady." his voice that's pleasant to the ears. you accept his offer and hold his hand "we shall."
"do you actually know how to dance, my lady?" he put a hand around your waist and start to sway left and right, getting accustomed to the melodies that's playing by instrument. "im a noble. of course i know." you slightly smirk.
"don't you think the music is getting faster now?" chigiri twirl you around and you gotta admit he really got the move to sway you over. the two of you move with the flow of the music as you felt yourself drifting to his world where you guys hearts connected as one. the melodious music of the piano and violin filled the air, giving the glamorous ballroom a romantic glow.
chigiri is the one leading this dance at this point and you follow only him to take you away, to save you, to lead you. to be the only one for you.
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taglist: @seneon
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zlobonessa · 1 year
personally i think the type of modern au that's underutilized in a lot of fandoms with somewhat-historic-ish setting really and in re zero specifically is a modern au where all characters are very invested in historical reenactment of canon events. for example julius is that one guy who constantly argues with subaru about Ruining The Atmosphere with the ahistorical use of the word "vibe" and fights tooth and nail to defend reid astrea honor. reinhard is a distant descendant of reid which makes him a local celebrity much to his disappointment. also he spares julius from the knowledge that his family has preserved some of reid's extremely inappropriate letters.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
A Georgia mom is outraged over an interactive lesson taught during her daughter's field trip to the historic Mable House plantation in the city of Mableton, where third-graders were asked to simulate a slave auction by holding up signs containing dollar amounts equal to the prices of cars – except, in this instance, numbers indicated the value of humans.
"They lined the kids up. They had them to pick cars they wanted to be. So it was like $1,300, $2,000, $2,500, $3,000, and it ranged from like Honda, Acura, Lamborghini, Ferrari. Each kid chose a car, and basically she [the instructor] began to explain to them that they're being sold. Each one of them had a real bill of sale in front of them, and she was explaining to them the cost analogy of them being sold then as a slave child today would be the equivalent of whatever car they were," Gladese Cleaves told Fox News Digital on Monday.
Cleaves said her 9-year-old daughter came home and told her about the field trip by referring to one her friends as a Lamborghini and then referring to herself as a Ferrari. The comments caught her attention, so she called her oldest daughter, who chaperoned the event, to ask what happened.
She then contacted her younger daughter's teacher at W.C. Abney Elementary School via email and spoke with her over the phone.
"What was crazy is that the teacher, when I called… her response was, ‘I explained to the children that these were nice slave owners,'" Cleaves recalled. "This is exactly what she said to me. She said, ‘I explained to the children that these were nice slave owners because they treated the slave like family.’I said, 'Don't say it again, Mrs. Westmoreland.' There's no way you could put nice and slave owner in the same sentence. There's no way."
She met with the principal, who, according to FOX 5 Atlanta, told parents the following in a letter:
"The lesson had never been part of the Mable House's curriculum for Abney students prior to that day, nor was it described in the field trip materials or mentioned on the Mable House website," the letter read.
Cleaves said the school's statement addressing the issue and the eventual ban on future trips to the site came after media reached out to the institution.
She argued she has still received no compassion from all fronts, and she believes school officials found the incident justifiable since a Black woman – donning attire synonymous with enslaved people from the antebellum South – had narrated the activity.
Cleaves's primary concern throughout the ordeal, however, was her daughter and how she said the assignment gave her a false narrative about a dark time in history by making slavery appear benign.
"They [the students] left there thinking that slavery was fine and that they clapped and that they danced and that it was a choice and that they could leave any time. That was the narrative that my child left there with on top of being on a chopping auction block," she said.
Cleaves said parents were not previously notified that the field trip would mention slavery and explained that they were told students would engage in arts and crafts while learning about 19th century history.
"The permission slip says nothing about that. It's little stick people in a wagon. So you think they're going to go learn about how corn was made, and they did learn about potato houses the slaves cooked in and that kind of thing, but nothing to the extent of them playing and running around a whipping tree because there's a whipping tree there with marks all over it. None of this were things that we were told," she said.
A photo of the permission slip provided to Fox News Digital mentioned chaperones, lunch plans for students, what children should wear to the trip and expected departure and arrival times.
Cleaves called for diversity, equity and inclusion training to better inform school officials on how to handle such situations, arguing that the teacher – who claimed she was unaware of how the activity would go – should have been better informed.
"What they're saying now is that the teacher didn't know that the narrator was going to do this. Let's give the benefit of the doubt. I believe that she did [know] because she helped paint the narrative of the cost analogy after the narrator spoke, so I'm not buying into any of that," she said.
Cleaves said the most harrowing part of the entire experience was telling her daughter the truth about slavery after the project gave her a false narrative. 
"The horrible part of this, all of this outside of my child believing a false narrative, outside of what she's been taught, is watching my child as I had to explain to her in depth why this was wrong and how her civil rights were violated and the truth about slavery. And literally watching the tears and the innocence leave her with exposing the truth at 9 years old because something else was given to her, meaning she would have learned about it, but it would have been in steps."
Fox News Digital reached out to an affiliate of the Mable House and Cobb County PARKS, to which the house is leased, but did not receive a comment from either.
The field trip programs occur through a nonprofit organization, however.
For News Digital also reached out to Paulding County School District for comment, but did not receive an immediate response.
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bilberry-jam · 5 months
Idea number idk at this point for Witcher modern earth au fic: Geralt longing to get into historical reenactment and being like "ah but what if people think I'm weird?" And Dandelion dragging him to a meeting because "you're not a special freak Geralt, theyre a group of people who do historical reenactment- they'll be glad you're interested."
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cadmusfly · 7 months
magical girl marshalate au
This is just a dump of what I ended up rambling about on discord to various people because i cant stop, very slightly edited but I can't really be bothered writing this up into a proper thing right now
so have pure unfiltered lowercase cad sentence fragments after the cut (you too can experience this by adding me on discord)
I do not have plans for this apart from some silly doodles, I don't even have that much magical girl show experience, this is just. based off vague tropes that other things parody or something, feel free to steal or remix these ideas or whatever
link to the doodles of Shining Sabre (Lannes) and Sentinel Strategist (Soult)
if anyone has any additional ideas just throw them at me
but basically yeah TL;DR:
A mix of angsty schoolkids, exhausted college students and overworked office workers are actually the reincarnations of Napoleon's trusted generals! A strange penguin claiming to be Napoleon has empowered a school boy and an office worker with magical powers, entrusting them with the mission to find and awaken the hearts of the others while fighting off the evil Coalition of Nightmares! Will the Magnificent Marshals reunite in this strange modern times, or will they fall to shadow and darkness?!?!?! And is Napoleon actually telling the truth????
so we have some kind of magical napoleon who is trapped in the form of a cute cartoon mascot penguin, some kind of ghost or fairy or alien or maybe even The Real Historical Napoleon
who is seeking the reincarnations of his marshals and needs to awaken their hearts to magic in order to fight against something he claims
so the ones that he's awakened - it would be very funny and self indulgent to me personally for the first ones to be lannes and soult - are tasked with finding the others
but they are stymied by the Nightmare Coalition, who are pretty much evil shadow monsters until evil magical girls Alexander and Wellington show up
but also napoleon might not be telling the whole truth or something
i think that napoleon is genuinely looking forward to reuniting with his pals, and doesn't want to awaken junot because of what happened to historical!junot
but also napoleon has some sort of agenda he's not telling people, whihc couild be something like the Nightmare Coalition isn't actually evil
and they arose to stop him from conquering the world or something
why is he okay with awakening lannes but not junot, why is he specifically awakening the reincarnations of his marshals, those certainly are questions
duroc is either another cute funny animal who napoleon hangs out with, or duroc is a normal guy at whose house napoleon crashes
i cant decide whether to have the marshal reincarnations be schoolboys at a high school, or... office workers, that would be really funny
oh my god some of them are high schoolers, some of them are uni students, some of them are office workers theres 26 of them
... if we have soult and lannes forced to work together, lannes is the office worker, soult is a high schooler because. the other way around would make too much sense.
and soult is just so fucking done with this adult man being so stupid
and lannes is like "this is the prime of your life! you should be enjoying yourself, young man!!"
their ages do not match up with their historical ages because thats funnier
junot is a schoolboy
bessieres and murat are college students who are roommates
murat is doing a degree in uhhh fashion design or theatre and he also does SCA reenactment so he knows how to hold a sword! but he has no clue about the napoleonic stuff
bessieres is a perpetually exhausted med student who is a hairdresser on the side
courtesy of @phatburd, ney is a normal guy who actually isnt like the historical ney at all, but. due to all the shenanigans and weirdness - he is in a sparkly short skirt fighting monsters - he just gets more done and fed up with everything and thus more aggro
(could be fun in a horror/creepy way if its because of past life memories taking over, i do like my identity horror, or could just play it for comedy by having him just. be like that due to all the nonsense)
lannes is a glass cannon who has super speed and is fast, soult may be able to do green lantern esque-summoning but takes a really long time to do it so he can't react quickly, ney may be literally on fire, murat has illusory copies of himself because he's so vain
im this close to giving everyone RWBY esque stupid weapon combos
soult has a gunscythe because. baker soult memes -> bread is made of wheat -> scythes cut wheat
lannes has a gunsabre
anyway feel free to tell me additional ideas for the Magnificent Marshals or whatever
maybe we can have other people in the setting awaken like Josephine or Caroline as tuxedo masks or something
what even is this au
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scienceoftheidiot · 10 months
hello! thank you for that really informative post on the uniforms! I definitely have a better understanding of them now (not sure if that means I'll learn to like drawing them though lol) If you don't mind me asking, what got you into historical costuming (or the era you're into)? It's a really interesting subject and I'd love to know more ☺️
Oh well thank you ^^" I was just indulging in something I find interesting, as well as keeping my brain busy, I'm glad you found it interesting too !
I would say I don't know if I'm into historical clothes or the specific era. Probably the era itself, but as we're reenacting using uniforms, I am especially versed into the clothes and objects of WW1. I am not especially interested in the battles themselves, more in the life in and out of the trenches, on and off the front (I of course have a WW1 AU for Royai that I've been writing for months lol, but I'll get back to it once I'm done with my current long fic).
It's mostly random circusmtances that got me into it, I grew up with history buff parents who loved late 19th-early 20th century stuff (they still do lol and they always have had a lot of objects around), and then met my now husband who's really into reenactment. He used to do so only for WW2, but his focus has shifted now and he's way more interested in the same period than my parents, including WW1.
My husband is from the Chemin des Dames, which is to the French the same thing as the Somme for the British. So he actually grew up surrounded by this history, and yes, even almost (then) a century later, you still see the traces of these everywhere - in monuments and cemeteries of course but also in the land itself, the way it's shaped, and we find things every time we go pick mushrooms in the woods there. Including unexploded bombs. So it's something kinda vivid still, and we now want to keep the history living by doing reenactment.
So, FMA happening in a nondescript European country in the 1910s? Can't help. It's there. I need to make the link XD
Feel free to ask questions if you have them ! thank you so much for showing an interest in this and asking me :)
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decepti-thots · 2 years
Cyclonus X Tailgate (find a way to curse it)
vampire AU but like... twilight style vampires, not cool vampires. cyclonus is the saddest most pathetic sparkly vampire of all time. they're still robots and he is sparkly and purple which really undercuts his stoic looming. he has a crush on the janitor for his apartment building and keeps hanging around at like 9pm when the guy comes by to clean the stairwell twice a week. keeps trying to hit on him but always sounds insulting. talks with an inexplicable primal vernacular accent, which sounds like he's trying to do some kind of 24/7 historical reenactment thing. writes really terrible poetry about how effervescent tailgate looks while he's cleaning or whatever. tailgate asked around about what his deal with and everyone is like 'we keep finding dead turborats ever since he moved in and we keep making noise complaints about the singing but the landlord is scared SHITLESS of him for some reason???'
tailgate, prone to leaps of logic in an effort to make his life more exciting, proves that a stopped clock is right twice a day and decides the guy is a vampire. he keeps trying to trick cyclonus into sucking his blood now. it's going very poorly.
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sophia-sol · 4 months
Eagle of the Ninth fic rec
Where Do You Do Your Research, Wikipedia? by Carmarthen
➤ modern au of the book The Eagle of the Ninth, where they're all in a historical reenactment group together
➤ (yes rereading this was inspired by arecent thought about jgy and the sca drama he'd love to involve himself with)
➤ anyway it's a delightful fic, written by someone who Knows what historical reenactment groups are like. it's exquisitely well drawn and so funny
➤ written entirely in the format of emails on the group's listserv
➤ includes Marcus/Esca but is about the cast as a whole, really, and I love to see all the different characters making an appearance!
➤ 5k words in length
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