#hmm. hmmmmm. yeah. thought so.
gojosbf · 5 months
In role reversal au, do you think geto could kill gojo for the greater good? Why?
those two always used one excuse or the other to not face each other, they had so many chances to try to kill each other and yet they couldn't until the very last moment, so nope. Geto would've wanted to bring back Gojo to the right path or convince him to give up but wouldn't have killed him, just like how Gojo Satoru the strongest couldn't.
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marcusagrippa · 4 months
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and he's mad about it too!
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majimassqueaktoy · 2 years
If I could tinker with the Mirei/Majima aspect of the story, I honestly wouldn't alter it that much but I really think if he had married her when they were both teenagers, she's the upcoming pop idol and he's the bad boy Yakuza and they fall hard and fast and it's 1982, they both grew up in an era where if you fall in love, you get married, that's just how it goes- so they get married much too quick and then it just all falls to pieces spectacularly, he leaves and that's that. I don't know, I think that would have worked, it would have added an extra layer to his and Saejima's plan as well, like Majima's just thinking I'm only 20 and I'm a fuck up in life, I'm already divorced, the only other person I have is this guy and he's intent on going out in a blaze of glory... so I'm happy to go down with him- because what's really the use of me?
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astrxealis · 2 years
its weird how i feel bcs i dont actually really /hate/ genshin now but. the stuff that surrounds it pisses me off, i def don't /love/ it anymore, and ?? but ?? idk man
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ghostlygraphist · 10 months
ai generated mushroom guides could get people killed
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'i'm not going to link any of them here, for a variety of reasons, but please be aware of what is probably the deadliest AI scam i've ever heard of: plant and fungi foraging guide books. the authors are invented, their credentials are invented, and their species IDs will kill you"
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"update: i keep getting annoyed that the QTs are like "if this is true, it's horrifying" ..but you're right, you don't know me from a hole in the ground and you SHOULD worry about the veracity of anything you find online."
thread source
so i went looking
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the full description:
How to quickly become a confident mushroom forager without fear of misidentifying poisonous lookalikes!
Have you dreamt about becoming more self-sufficient and sourcing your own fresh, local ingredients?
Do you want to start sustainably foraging so you can become healthier and happier?
Have you thought about harvesting wild mushrooms but afraid you won’t be able to tell the edible and poisonous species apart?
Then this book is for you!
Save money and enjoy the delicacies that nature has to offer. Mushroom hunting is easier than you think, and less dangerous than everyone assumes.
Wild plant foraging is increasing in popularity with celebrity chefs and small cafes jumping on the bandwagon and using locally foraged produce in their food.
There are so many benefits of foraging to your health (physical and mental) and even the environment!
In Fearless Foraging in the Rocky Mountains, you’ll discover:
Over 40 species of mushroom you can harvest all year round
Complimentary access to the mobile-friendly Digital Field Guide that includes high-resolution photos and descriptions of all edible mushrooms and any toxic lookalikes so you don’t have to worry about misidentifying species
How to correctly create (and use) spore prints to help you figure out what’s what
An annual mushroom calendar so you can keep track of the mushrooms by season and make the most of each foraging season
Detailed descriptions of the anatomical properties of fungi - gain the essential knowledge you need to correctly identify species
Tips on sustainable foraging - and ways to increase the natural mushroom count for next time you visit!
And much more!
Foraging is a tradition upheld for centuries by indigenous people who used ancient, respectful principles to live off the land. Connect with that history by embracing the artful skills and knowledge to confidently collect food for your meals.
Even if you're still worried about toxic mushrooms, let this guide reassure you. Included are incredibly high-level descriptions and details to use so you don’t get it wrong. NOTE: To keep it economically prices, our paperback version is printed in black and white. Premium color is available in our hardcover version. Both will provide the quality necessary to identify wild mushrooms and plants and both come with access to the full color, high-resolution Digital Field Guide.
If you want to learn the skillful art of foraging mushrooms and enjoy nature's nutritious bounties then scroll up and click the “Add to Cart” button now.
end description
wild harvest publications... no named author? i n t e r e s t i n g
"To keep it economically prices" hmm *the design is very human meme*
this book that promises highly detailed descriptions doesn't even have color images unless you pay a premium
"Mushroom hunting is easier than you think, and less dangerous than everyone assumes." hmm. hmmmmm. yeah the government definitely put out those 'if you don't know what it is don't put it in your mouth' PSAs for no reason
tldr don't buy foraging guides off amazon if you can't locate a human author and verify their credentials yourself
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annymation · 4 months
The Kingdom of Wishes- A “Wish” Rewrite
Chapter 11- Into The Eye Of A Storm
Chapter 10
The rain was falling down, and thunder could be heard humbling over Rosas.
Aster struggled to free himself from the king's chains that are coming from his staff, but to no avail.
The king just looked down on the star as he held him close to his face, so he began to speak casually:
"So, "Aster" was it? Hehehe I gotta say though, naming yourself just "Star" in Greek? Maybe not your... "Brightest" moment, hum? AH! HA HA HA" The king laughs at his own pun. He completely moved on from the bad mood he was in earlier "OH- I'm on a ROLL today!"
Aster ignores the bad joke as he keeps trying to use his magic to free himself. But their powers aren't responding to him, he's not able to shrink, nor glow brighter, nor unlock the chains, nothing. All he can do is fly and even that feels weaker.
"UGH- Why can't I-"
"Feel your power?" The king finishes their sentence "Dark magic: versatile, easy to use, but somehow oh sooo unappreciated. But I'm sure your magic isn't anything to sneeze at neither, right?" He grabs Aster's face with one hand and makes the star look at him "Care to share a little bit of it? Promise I'll give it back." He says with a very obviously faux gentle tone.
"Yeah right, if you take away my magic you're gonna KILL me!" Aster looks at him furiously.
"Oh you know that? Aw shucks, really thought I could trick ya... But then again" His grin widens "I think you'll come to find that you don't have a choice in the matter"
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Asha is still on the top of the building, even though Aster begged her to run.
Magnifico ignores her like she’s not even there. He’s floating about 2 meters away from where she’s standing.
He’s focused on analyzing the star closely while holding his face “Hmm and what a fascinating form you’ve chosen, it’s like you’re her little hero in cape and everything? How sweet.” He says in a mocking way while pinching his cheek “Though you surely look a lot more… Childlike than I expected, say, how old are you?”
Aster is still fighting but he doesn’t see why not answer the question “Eighteen.”
“18 what, boy? 18 hundred? 18 thousand? Be specific.” The king says nonchalantly.
Aster kinda stops struggling for a second and just gives the king a confused glance “… Well, if you want specifics, I’m 17, but I’m turning 18 in like 2 weeks from now so-”
“Wa-wait you’re serious?” The king interrupts him, staring at him in disbelief. The star nods… Magnifico quickly turns his attention to the girl below them and yells at her in frustration “ASHA! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? MILLIONS OF STARS IN THE SKY AND YOU WISHED UPON A WEAK LITTLE RUNT?! THIS THING IS A BABY” He says while shaking Aster side to side by the chains on his wrists like a rag doll, making the star a bit dizzy.
(A reminder that this man can switch from threatening to comedic at any second and I love it. Like he’s complaining to her like she just got him the wrong pizza toppings.)
“IF THEY’RE NOT WHAT YOU WERE LOOKING FOR THEN LET THEM GO!” Asha exclaims at him, her face is filled with rage.
Magnifico calms down and looks back to the star in his hands like he’s pondering his next move “Hmmmmm… Nah.” He shrugs with a smile “Beggars can’t be choosers I suppose. Besides, this just means he’s too weak to fight back. Isn’t that right, little one?” The king asks with a wicked grin while looking deep into the star’s eyes.
That comment made Aster frown a little.
Even though it’s raining, a few people start gathering bellow where they are to see what’s going on.
Magnifico smiles widely at that. He speaks quietly so just Aster can hear:
“Ooooh looks like we have an audience. Do me a kindness and try to look as defeated and pathetic as you can, okay? I could really use the positive image right now.” Aster has a sad face “Perfect! you’re a natural.” He says like Aster and him are about to perform a scene together in a play.
Asha is looking side to side trying to think on what to do… She notices something on the floor.
The king walks on the air to get few feet down, so his people can better hear him.
(Now let me explain how exactly Magnifico’s flying works, he’s not floating around like Aster does, he’s much more “standing” while underneath his feet there’s a green light, like he just created the steps of a stair. If you watched Onward you know what I mean, it’s exactly like this)
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(So I guess Onward reference, huh, who would’ve thought, a Pixar reference at last, took me long enough.)
“REJOICE MY PEOPLE!” the king exclaims ecstatic “Our little “Wish stealing star” issues have been resolved much earlier than expected!” That got a reaction from Aster, his face became furious once again “Like I said, you can always count on me t-“
Aster screamed on the king’s face “THE ONLY WISH STEALER HERE IS YOU! YOU LYING SNA- HMmH!” The king used his magic to keep the boy’s mouth shut.
“Oh-ho and it’s FEISTY TOO! Heheh- GOOD! I was worried this would be way too easy-“
🪕B L A M🎶
The crowd gasps.
Something just hit the king’s head and made him lose focus on the flying spell. He falls on the floor.
… Asha just threw her Saba’s mandolin on Magnifico’s face, she’s standing on top of the building breathing deeply, relieved that it was a perfect shot.
Aster is free from the chains.
The star doesn’t skip a beat and flies to Asha immediately, holding her in his arms bridal style.
“Hold on tight!” Aster says.
The two fly off in the rain.
We cut to King Magnifico laying face first on the floor.
He didn’t fall from too high up but it was still quite painful.
The crowd is all around him, worried for their king.
Queen Amable rushes to where he is, with some guards pushing the people aside to let her pass.
“DARLING!! OH MY- ANYTHING HURT??” The queen asks genuinely worried, as she sits on her knees next to him.
“… Just my pride.” His voice is muffled, because his face is still laying on the floor. He begins to stand up as he asks “Ugh- quick, how’s my face?” He asks his wife while touching his own face to feel if there’s any injuries.
“As handsome as always, mi rey” The queen coos, caressing his cheek lovingly.
His eyes light up as his excitement returns to him at full force.
“THEN NO HARM DONE!” He exclaims, smiling like a mad man, he’s high on the adrenaline of the hunt.
He stands up quickly to go catch those teens.
“A little bump in the road, sure! But no need for panic everyone!” The king announces to the people around “Just remain in doors and stay calm, things may get a little... Messy hehehe" He chuckles, thinking of all the forbidden and deadly spells he'll finally have an excuse to use.
He uses his staff to run upwards on thin air, he just can't wait to kill those two teens but-
He feels something pulling his cape.
He looks down.
... Amaya is holding his cape, looking at him worriedly... As in, ACTUALLY worried.
He looks at her puzzled, but his eyes for the first time show a gleam of humanity as he looks down on the love of his life.
"... Just... Be careful." She says, glancing at the storm above them.
... Magnus gives her a comforting smile as he removes his cape, it'll be easier to fly without it weighting him down.
He hands the cape to her, whispering softly "I'll be back before you know it."
And up he goes.
Amaya is holding his cape tightly...
She has a bad feeling about this.
Okay, so now you guys might think Asha and Aster successfully skedaddled from the king's grasp because he took too long on the ground, right?
Well I'm sorry to say but you thought wrong. Here's what was happening with our heroes while this was taking place.
Aster is flying with Asha in his arms, they're going back to the forest, his cape leaves a trail of light.
He sounds quite traumatized as he says:
(Vampire stars: stars that sucks the outer layers of material from a companion star, stripping their "bitten" victim down to a mere stellar core.
This is a real thing, and now I'm adding to the lore of wishing stars that there are these evil vampire stars that suck away other wishing star's powers... We have fun here.)
"Welcome to Rosas," (🎶Come on, come this way- sorry) "Where everyone just sees what they want to see." Asha says with a saddened expression. She's looking down on her kingdom as they fly away.
She looks at the castle in the distance...
"Wait... Aster, we gotta go to the castle!" Asha tells him determined
The star stops flying abruptly.
"UUUH Why???" Aster asks her in shock, this is kinda deja vu to that other time she suggested they should run to the castle.
"You can un-curse wishes!" She exclaimed "You un-cursed my wish! We can save A LOT of people if we go in there and you use your magic on as many as you can!"
Now usually Aster would be more than happy to do just that... But he's still a bit shaken by the whole encounter with the king, he's afraid he might catch up to them.
"Asha... I'm not sure we-"
"We can do this, he flies way slower than you, if we hurry we can get there before him." She looks into Aster's eyes, she's full of hope that they can at least save some of her people.
Aster can see her light shining brighter.
"... Then we better hurry." He gives her a trusting smile.
He turns around, flying towards the castle as fast as possible.
As they're reaching the castle, there's indeed no sign of Magnifico.
They get near the window of the wishes room.
"See? Told you we could do it." Asha says with a smile
"Yeah... I guess I am a lot faster than him." He says while flying to get through the window "Now let's do this quick before- OUCH!" Aster hits something when he tries to get in...
There's a green forcefield that manifested on the open window when Aster tries getting through it.
"What th-" Aster tries to hit it to get his hand through but the magic seems to be as strong as concrete, he groans in frustration.
Asha’s smile immediately fell into a scowl.
“oooOOOH SERIOUSLY?!” Asha screams.
“Why, yes. I do take the safety of my people’s wishes very seriously.”
… Take a wild guess on who’s standing behind them with a smug grin…
As soon as Aster hears the king’s voice he JUMPS and flies to the roof of the tower.
He’s holding Asha tightly as he KICKS the roof with his two feet to push himself away from the castle, thus flying away even faster.
Magnifico simply smiles as he uses his staff to once again summons a green hand.
The hand moves quickly through the rain.
Aster is flying as fast as he can but-
The hand catches him.
Asha falls from his arms.
She screams as she falls down.
“NO!” Aster yells in desperation.
Magnifico is now right next to him, smiling maliciously.
“Ah the stars look so pretty when they fall, don’t they?”
Aster’s legs are still free, so he KICKS the staff from Magnifico’s hand, making the king lose focus on the spell.
Aster is freed and flies down almost at the speed of light
It’s a shame the moment was so quick, maybe Aster would’ve noticed Magnifico almost stopped floating when the staff left his hand for a second…
“… That was close…” Magnifico said under his breath
Aster catches Asha in his arms.
“YOU OKAY??” He asks terrified.
“NOPE” She says shaken to her core. Holding him tightly.
Aster weights their options in his head… If they go to to the forest the king is just gonna follow them, he won’t give up on getting his power…
His power.
That’s what the king wants, not Asha.
He’s gonna have to break Rule number 1 again.
“Asha, listen.” The Star calls her attention, sounding more serious than ever “We gonna have to split up again, but I PROMISE I’ll come back before you know it.”
Asha looks at him confused.
His animation looks more sketchy, like it’s unfinished.
“I’ll send you to the forest, very deep into it, so he can’t find you, I’ll just keep him busy for a-“
“NO! You can’t fight him off! You gotta stay AWAY from him.” She’s holding him by the cape.
“I know, but it’s the only way I can keep you safe.”
He lets her go from his arms, making her float with his magic.
“I’ll know where to find you… I’m sorry.”
He stops flying away.
And makes his star dust cary her, flying away deep into the forest.
Asha is looking back at him in the verge of tears.
All Aster can do is sigh.
Time to fight a sorcerer king.
That happens to be right behind him, again.
“You know there are wolves in those woods, right?” Magnifico asks sarcastically as he floats like he's laying down on thin air.
Aster turn around quickly and uses his star dust to make several swords.
He throws them at the king and-
They just disappear into glittery smoke when they touch him.
“PFFT AHAHAHAHAAH STOP IT- I didn’t sign up for a tickle fight! Hahah” Magnifico holds his sides as he laughs
Aster is stunned.
“W-what? How did y-“
The king casted another spell to capture Aster, but this time the star dodges it.
Aster flies upwards.
The king follows with a wicked smile.
Aster doesn't understand, why didn’t that work?... Maybe the king was just expecting it and shielded himself? Yeah. That’s gotta be it.
He tries again, this time trying to do what the king did to him before, creating chains made of star dust to tie him down.
When the chains reach Magnifico, he just dust them off his body with his hand like it’s nothing.
… Aster is pretty peeved to say the least. His animation seems more sketchy and rough.
“HOW IS THIS FAIR? Your dark magic thing makes my powers useless!” Aster exclaims while he flies away from the king.
“Ha! You think THIS is because of my magic?! Boy, come on, I know you’re young, but don’t tell me I actually know more about your kind than YOU do!”
Aster keeps flying away, but he looks back at the king as he asks “What’s that supposed to mean?!”
“Let me "enlighten you", little one.”
He charges up a lightning spell.
“Your magic is made out of… JOY!
Aster manages to dodge the lightning.
Aster barely managed to escape the second one
Aster didn’t dodge this last one. Their chest has a hole in it now…
That didn’t feel like that time Valentino jumped through him, this actually hurts... A lot.
Magnifico takes the opportunity to capture him again, this time tying him up with a snake made out of green magic.
Aster doesn’t have time to react before he’s wrapped in the snake’s grip.
There's the sound of thunder near them.
Magnifico approaches him slowly, now that the boy is held still in one place.
“And those things- Well, they can’t really hurt anyone, now can they? Heh heh” Magnifico is now flying right next to the star “So... I’m afraid there's little you can do to defend yourself, or anyone else.” He makes a little pout as if to fake pity.
… Aster never knew his magic couldn’t hurt others… Then again, hurting others was never something that crossed his mind before he met this man.
“… If it’s only made of good things then… Why do you want it so bad?” Aster asks
Magnifico’s eyes light up with the question.
“Oooh because it just needs to be wielded by the RIGHT person, my boy. Yes, in you, this magic is very limited because your heart is pure… But in me and my beloved queen however… We’ll be able to do ANYTHING.” He leans in closer to look at the star straight in the eyes as he adds “And that includes hurting the petulant little brat that wished upon you~”
Aster feels a chill run down his whole body. He couldn’t let that happen.
He tried to struggle out of the snake's grip.
Magnifico is amused by the star's determination.
“Heh heh stubborn just like her, aren’t you?”
“Now what are you blabbering about insp- … Wait” Magnifico looks at nothing as he starts connecting the dots “Don’t tell me- That little performance you two were doing at the plaza…” a smile starts creeping in his face, and he starts trying to hold in a laugh “was -pffff- waS THAT AN ATTEMPT TO- HAHAH TO “INSPIRE” THOSE PEASANTS?!” The king has a maniacal smile.
… Aster doesn’t respond, he just avoids eye contact.
“*GASP* IT WAS! WASN’T IT?! OH- HAHAHAHAH” He lets out an evil laugh that echoes through the storm.
Aster tries not paying attention to what Magnifico says.
He tries looking at anything else, the rain, the lightning strikes in the distance, the king's staff...
“OH- oh that’s hahha! That’s too good! OH and let me guess, that was YOUR idea, wasn’t it?!”
Aster already muted Magnifico's voice in his head, he looks closely to the staff... It seems to be made of...
Aster hears another thunder.
The boy has a realization… This man is not smart.
Said man holds the star’s face, so he looks at him in the eyes.
“And here I was expecting that the girl got some WISE and MIGHTY guide from the sky! But NOPE! All she got was YOU, a naive little boy that doesn't know ANYTHING about how the world works!" The king has a deranged grin ear to ear as his grip on the boy's face tightens.
"Did you actually think that SINGING and DANCING would change ANYTHING?! Honestly, how much of a FOOL are you?!"
The star's face crescents into... A smile.
And the king hear's something that he REALLY didn't expect to hear from the boy.
"...pffft hihihi hi hi he- hehe heeh he heh ahah aahha aha ha HAHAH HAHAHAHA HAHAHA AHAAAHHAHAAHHAHHAHA"
The star boy is just laughing… It’s a youthful and free spirited laugh.
Magnifico's evil glee is replaced by bewilderment. He blinks a few times as the boy keeps laughing in his face.
... Did he just break this kid?... Already? After just knowing him for less than an hour?... Well, that sure is a new record for the king.
Magnifico looks frustrated as he asks "What's so funny?"
Aster calms down, and simply looks at the king with a playful smile as he explains
"Hehe oh nothing it's just that- heh heh yeah, I may be a fool but..." Aster's smile turns into cheeky smirk, and there's a gleam of mischief in his eyes as he says confidently:
"At least I'm not the IDIOT that brought a stick made of copper... Into the eye of a storm."
Magnifico's eyes widens.
And at the same time that realization hits him... Something else hits him too.
And all he has time to say is:
"Oh no-"
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(hahahaAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAAH aaaah… I waited 11 chapters to write this by the way.)
The king’s staff is hit by a lightning bolt, sending shockwaves through his body.
A painful scream echos above the Kingdom of Rosas.
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The queen exclaimed in horror.
... Just as she feared... He got carried away.
Needless to say, Aster’s body is freed from the king’s grasp. The boy watches as the man plummets along with the rain drops.
Aster isn’t smiling anymore, even he is shaken by what just happened, even though he saw it coming.
But he has no time to dwell on this now, he has a friend to find in the forest. So off he goes, leaving a trail of star dust behind him, like a shooting star.
But we’ll be focusing on Asha and Aster’s reencounter in the next chapter.
Now. Let’s focus our attention on what’s happening down in Rosas.
We see the bare foots of the queen running franticly through the dampened streets of her kingdom, she left her high heels behind her.
She's lifting her long skirt up so she can run faster.
Her hair is soaked and messy... Her crown falls on the ground.
She doesn't care, the crown doesn't matter, nothing matters. All that matters to her is finding him.
She’s desperate. An emotion never yet displayed by the relentless queen before.
The guards are trying to keep up with her, as well as other citizens.
She sees people gathered in a circle, the queen pushes through them violently to find what they’re all looking at.
“OUT OF MY WAY!” She yells, her voice is a high pitched screech full of anguish.
The people quickly let her through as they realize who she is.
Amaya finally gets through the people to find…
King Magnifico is laying face first on the floor. Just like before.
“MAGNUS!" The queen runs to his body and hugs it.
He must have used a protection spell, right? He just want to make the star look worse in the eyes of their people, right? Yes, that has to be it.
She tries to take some deep breaths while holding him.
"I-I'm here my love... You may rise now"
No response.
"... Mi vida?... This isn't funny... I know you used a spell to shield yourself... Didn't you?"
She's still not facing him, his face is still laying down on the floor.
A guard approaches from behind her
"... Your highness, we must take the king to the doctor at once-"
"NO- NO HE- he's alright, he-he's just being dramatic, like always ah haha right, my love?"
She starts turning his body so she can see his face.
"Co-come on Magnus, you wouldn't want to keep our people-" She sees his face, a few people in the crowd gasp "... Waiting"
There's a scar.
The king's left eye has a huge scar.
Amaya caresses his face.
She hesitates as she places a hand on his chest...
She can't feel a heart beat.
His cold heart stopped.
The king is dead.
Final Thoughts
OOOOH I'M KIDDING HAHAHA- this isn't the end of the chapter yet :)
But it could be the ending though, right?
I mean, the villain died, Aster even gave a cheeky smile and a final line the likes of "And everything that comes with it" from Alladin.
In a Disney movie, you defeat the villain and the story can wrap up, right?
What more there is to it?
... Well, this rewrite is meant to feel like a proper Disney 100th anniversary movie, so this ain't your typical Disney movie.
And King Magnifico is supposed to the 100th anniversary Disney villain, so he ain't your typical Disney villain.
No... He has something that no other villain in the Disney pantheon had.
He has love.
And what is love?
Love is, and always will be, the most powerful thing on earth. That's what Disney taught us for 100 years.
So... What happens when the villains have love?
This is what I think happens:
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Queen Amable’s eyes widen as it becomes undeniably clear… Magnus is dead.
... The rain now is dying down, becoming a drizzle...
She hears the sound of her people mourning for their king, crying and lamenting the tragedy.
She would not mourn. To mourn would be to accept that he's gone. And she knows him well enough to know that's not what he'd want. No.
She would never give up on him.
All this time she was worried about what these people would think of them, and now here they are, pathetically crying and moaning... They are weak...
She and her beloved don't need them. They never did. All they need is one another. It no longer mattered to her what they thought of her. It no longer mattered if they became afraid of her. It no longer mattered if they didn't love her anymore.
HIS love is all the love she needs.
And so, in this moment. She didn't care in the slightest about showing aaaaall these people... Why in the past they weren't kidding when they called her, well...
A witch.
Amaya suddenly get's up. Surprising the people around with how quickly she did so.
She RIPS the second layer of her long dress, revealing that inside there were many hidden pockets, each one with a small flask of colorful potions that she caries around for emergencies... Such as this.
The crowd gasps in surprise, they all stare at the queen in confusion.
She takes two of the flasks and begins mixing them, her face is cold and focused:
"Phoenix ashes mixed with two drops of scarab beetle juice" The queen says to herself under her breath.
She takes another flask from her skirt
"Newt saliva to heal the heart" She empties the flask and throws it on the ground, breaking it.
Another guard tries to talk to her:
"Uh- umm your majesty what are y-"
"Silence." She tells him, her tone is as sharp as a dagger.
She proceeds to name another ingredient.
"A tear of grief." She says as she takes one tear from her eye, and it really is one single tear.
She stops for a moment as if to remember the next ingredient... She remembers.
Her face turns to the confused citizens and shouts:
"I NEED A CHILD WITH LONG HAIR! NOW!" Her voice echoes, almost louder than the thunder from the storm.
The people are startled, their queen is usually so quiet and gentle, seeing her like this is like seeing a whole different person.
"He-here!" A woman emerges from the crowd holding her daughter, a little girl with long blonde hair and green eyes.
(Because you bet I'll fit in a Tangled reference in this serious and tense scene)
The queen walks quickly to the girl and plucks a strand of hair, which the girl responds with a little "Ow!"
Amaya measures the hair strand with her fingers
"... This will give him about 10 years... Good enough." She says to herself as she puts the hair inside the flask.
A puff of smoke comes out from the flask... The potion is ready.
... It won't be long now.
She walks to her beloved husband, holding the potion in her hands.
She sits next to him... She pets his hair as she looks at his lifeless but still gorgeous face, scar and all. She looks at him with a wistful smile and...
She drinks the potion.
The crowd looks in shock.
Amaya coughs a few times, by the looks of it the potion tasted terrible... But it would be worth it.
She looks back to her king and says in a whisper
"And now, the most important step... True love's kiss."
She kisses him.
The people in the crowd look hopeful, everyone has read in fairytales what a true love's kiss is.
... But Amaya's magic isn't the same as the magic of a fairy... Oh no no no. When it comes to dark magic, you can't simply gain something for free... All dark magic does is take. And it does take something away from Amaya... Something she values a lot.
As she kisses their king, the people start to notice something is happening to their queen...
Her hair get's whiter, with a prominent white hair streak growing from her roots and embracing her whole braided hair.
(Because you bet I'll ALSO reference Anna's hair, from Frozen!)
Not only that, but her hands and face become more wrinkled.
... The queen is aging rapidly.
The people look horrified, worried they might get their king back but lose their queen
(And let me tell ya folks, that would be a TERRIBLE thing to happen because then our boy King Mag would straight up kill everyone in Rosas and then himself... Again.)
But the queen suddenly stops the kiss, she lifts her head up taking deep breaths, exhausted after giving away 10 years of her life to her love...
She looks 60 years old now.
... The king is still motionless...
The crowd is staring in anticipation.
Magnifico's eye's are shot open.
He sit's up quickly as he coughs while gasping for air.
"Shhhhh there there darling, just take some deep breaths now" The queen coos gently, her previous cold hearted demeanor vanished in an instant, and she's once again the kind and loving queen they all know her to be.
The crowd cheers and applauds the queen for successfully bringing the king back to life.
And said king is... Very lost on what on earth just happened, as he places a hand on his head and his eyes are closed, he seems to be in a lot of pain.
"UGhhh... My head-"
"Does it hurt? I can make something to help with that... Healing your face however, may prove to be more of a challenge." The queen says while petting his back.
The king's eyes widen at the comment, he quickly turns to look at his wife for the first time since he came back to life
"What's that about my fa- *gasp*" He get's startled when he sees HER face.
His queen is changed... She's smiling at him, which show even more all her new wrinkles... The white hair streak is very noticeable on her crown-less messy and soaked wet hair.
Magnifico stares at her incredulous... He starts connecting the dots in his head, as he also remembers what happened to him...
"... Amaya... What did you do?" He says as he places a hand on her cheek gently. His eyes are full of worry.
The queen stops smiling... She instinctively tries covering her face with her hands.
Magnus immediately holds her hands, as he looks her deep in the eyes and reassures her "You are... And ALWAYS will be the fairest queen of all, and no curse in this world or any other can change that for me." He says with certainty.
... Even though it's raining, by the queen's expression it's clear that she teared up with that comment.
The king wraps his arms around her gently, like she could turn into dust at any moment.
"... I'm so sorry that I failed you... This never EVER should've happened... But I swear to you, my love" His voice goes cold "I will not fail you... Ever again."
... He would not let himself get carried away again...
That girl is going to pay.
And that star will be theirs.
King Magnifico realizes they're still being watched... They'll continue this tender moment later. Now, he better make the most of the situation, after all, him being literally MURDERED by the star boy certainly helps his side of the narrative.
The king tries to get up but his legs are still feeling a bit numb, his body is still getting used to the fact that it's up and running again. Two guards help him stand up. And they also hand him his magic staff that was laying next to him
Magnifico is now standing up with his wife holding him tightly.
He takes a deep breath to start one of those long and inspiring speeches of his:
"People of Rosas... It seems even I underestimated just how vicious the enemy we're facing really is... The fallen star thought he could kill the heart of this kingdom, but as you can all see, this HEART is still beating! And it shall remain like this for many years to come!" The king says proudly.
The people cheer in unison. Some saying "Long live the king".
... Probably not the best time for Amaya to tell him she could only give him more 10 years soooo he's not getting past 65.
"Rosas shall never fall! For we are the kingdom of HOPE! And NO force in this world can stop-"
The king's speech is cut short, as the queen starts coughing and her legs go weak.
"Woah woah Amaya?" Magnifico looks worried as he holds her closer to him, stopping her from falling.
The people gasp in surprise
The king holds her close to him and whispers "Heh heh no need for theatrics my love, th-they're already on our side" Magnifico says, hoping the queen is just being dramatic to gain even more sympathy from them.
"... It's not pretending" She whispers to him "I feel... Weak."
(If this was a movie, the whole internal dialogue that will happen now, as well as Amaya's internal dialogue that happened earlier, would be just their expressions changing from worried to serious in a few seconds, and just by their expressions and the music the audience would be able to tell that this is a "Oh, they snapped" moment)
Only in that moment Magnus really starts to process what just happened.
He... DIED.
Just like that... He could've left her... Alone... Forever.
And why did he die?... Because he wanted to impress these people. He wanted to make a big spectacle about capturing that star. They made him weaker.
Not only that, but their love and loyalty was flimsy. It took only ONE GIRL speaking in front of a crowd for some people to start questioning him... Clearly, he and his queen are doing this all wrong.
All this time, pretending and deceiving to gain the love of these people, so they'd trust him with their wishes... But the situation changed. Once he harness that star's power, they'll have no use for these people anymore, will they?
So why be loved... When they can be feared?
It's not like he needs their love anyway.
HER love is all the love he needs.
And so, in this moment. He didn't care in the slightest about showing aaaaall these people... Why he wasn't chosen to be the heir to the throne.
The king's face morphs from worried to stoic, as he caresses his wife's hair gently.
The people are looking at him, expecting him to continue the speech.
But instead, Magnifico addresses one specific guard that is standing next to some others
"Captain O'Danohue." The king's voice is emotionless, he's still looking down to his wife while talking to the soldier.
The captain steps forward.
"Yes sire." The captain is a tall and large man with a beard and ginger hair just like Simon's
"Where did that star and that girl go?" Magnifico is still not making eye contact with the man
"They were seen flying to the forest, your majesty."
"Good, good. Send all your men to search for them immediately."
"Right away, your majesty. Do not worry, we'll-"
"And if they're not found til tomorrow night your men will burn that whole forest down." The king added, still talking monotonously.
That gets a few surprised looks from the people around them
The captain of the royal guard is taken aback by this "... Pardon me sire but I think I misun-"
The king finally takes his eyes off his wife to look at the captain with a bored expression "They can't hide in a forest if there's no forest, now can they?" He says like it's just common sense
The captain is perplexed "But- But what about the people that live there? There are houses in the woods."
"They have till tomorrow night to leave then." The king said simply "But of course, if that sounds too hard for you I can burn it down myself." Magnifico shrugs.
The people look shocked... The island's forest has been considered sacred for generations.
The king adds
"Oh, and speaking of "leaving", have your men also burn and destroy all the boats at the docks... No one get's in or out this kingdom until we find that star, was I clear?" He says while looking at the people around him this time.
Simon's father is speechless for a moment... The king seems to have lost his mind, but that's understandable, right? He died a few minutes ago.
The soldier tries to snap him out of it:
"My liege, with all due respect, I don't think-"
"Due respect?" Magnifico interrupts him once again, this time with a hint of anger creeping in his voice "I think you misunderstand captain. You all OWE ME all the respect you can possibly give, not only as your KING, but also as the one who MADE YOU who you are." He doesn't even raise his voice much, those words echo in the hearts of all the citizens that had their wishes granted "I didn't grant your wish of becoming my knight for you to THINK, O'Danohue, I did it for you to OBEY... Was I clear?" The king asks again.
The captain goes stiff.
He bows down to the king as he says "Crystal clear, your majesty."
... A sinister smile finally returns to the king's now scared face.
"There you go, that's a lot easier, isn't it?" The king says condescendingly.
That felt good... He should've done this a long time ago.
He looks down to his queen that he has been holding in his arms this whole time, she's looking up to him, also smiling wickedly.
They're on the same page, they won't pretend to be something they're not anymore.
That girl thought that truth would set these people free? Oh... They're more trapped than ever.
They both turn to look at their frightened and confused subjects.
The king’s glares at them as he says "... I believe it’s quite obvious what will happen to anyone who dares helping the traitor and the star" The green gem on the king's staff starts glowing "Right?"
The crowd all shakes their heads "Yes" quickly, as they know this is a threat.
The gem slowly stops glowing.
"Wonderful, that will be all then." He lifts the staff upward to hit it on the ground "And remember, Rosas... Just keep wishing." He has a subtle smile, this phrase is what he always says at the end of Wish ceremonies.
He hits the floor, creating a huge cloud of green smoke that engulfs him and Amaya, they teleport to the palace.
(I was gonna write Magnifico's reaction to his new scar... Buuuut I think I'll keep that off screen, I think you guys can imagine how he felt about it.)
The people of Rosas are at a loss.
Some think the king just went insane and it's all thanks to that star.
Other's think that he's right to take desperate measures to handle this threat.
And a few are now starting to realize that maybe they've been lied to this whole time and the king has always been a bad person.
No one is quite sure what to think of this.
Except for a certain group of teens... And a goat.
Who went inside to get cover from the rain just before the king went after Aster... So they didn't see the whole ordeal that just happened.
But they have seen enough to know exactly what side they're choosing to be on... Knowing what they know now.
Note that I didn't say how many teens are in that group.
Chapter 12
Final Thoughts
(for real this time)
... So ummmm... That was a lot, wasn't it? hahaha
I swear next chapter will be all about Asha and Aster and there will be WHOLESOME VIBES... After some sad vibes first.
Yeah, they gotta have a little heart to heart BUT it'll be more chill than THIS whole thing that just happened. In fact, from this point forward things should get a little bit more calm... For a while.
But now speaking on this chapter-
I usually don't say this, but ummm if I see fanart of King Magnifico with a scar on his left eye and Queen Amable looking older with a white hair streak it would be so awesome, it would be so cool... Just saying I would go insane, even more than I already am.
And the way I came up with this plot point weeks ago literally is the funniest thing, here's how my thought process went:
I want the confrontation in chapter 10 to feel tense... I'll say it's a cloudy day... Clouds bring rain... And rain brings a storm... And storms brings lightning... And lightning kills Disney villains... I'll kill Magnifico because he had it too good for too long. He needs to take an L. His actions have consequences.
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But seriously though, THIS is a big turning point for the villains.
Initially, they just wanted Aster's power for the sake of wanting it, because it would be fun to have it... Now? Now it's a NEED.
It's a need because they need immortality, Magnifico had a taste of his own mortality, and Amaya is older and weaker, they NEED to have that magic so they can live together forever. Have their happily EVER after, so to speak.
To me that feels more unique and compelling than just "We want power... Even though we already got it."
And speaking of Aster CAREFUL BOY! YOUR PETER PAN SIDE IS SHOWING!!! That laugh Aster let out is supposed to feel like a Peter Pan laugh by the way.
Yeah writing Aster and Magnifico's dynamic was SO MUCH FUN like wooooow you guys have no idea. It's Captain Hook and Peter Pan, it's Alladin and Jafar, it's Hercules and Hades, I wanna fit in all those vibes!!!
But let's address the elephant in the room... So true love's kiss, huh?
I just think it would be HILARIOUS if Disney not only gave us a villain couple for the first time ever... BUT ALSO USED THEM TO PROVE THE POINT THAT TRUE LOVE IS POWERFUL AS HECK.
I mean, they've shown us that
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And over
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So I think having this classic trope happen, BUT TWIST IT in your 100th anniversary movie, would be pretty neat ya know? like, I think, you guys tell me, I don't know 🤷‍♀️
Anyway, this chapter was LOOOONG and full of emotions, mostly tense ones, but things are gonna chill a bit with Asha and Aster on the next one, I promise!
As always
Thank You For Reading!
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fakesimp · 1 year
Congratulations for 500 follower!🎉🎉Hmmmmm how about a fluff Ver x Reader? Hope you like it Chia✨✨
"Can I kiss you?" , With Ver Vermilion
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Warning !
Fluff ; Friends to Lovers ; Confession ; Established Relationship ; Shy ! Ver ; Mentions of Kissing ;
A/n : I am liking this so much to my delight, I finally have a reason to write Ver's kissing idea I had a week ago.
No, a few days ago? Yeah-- i think.. uh..
Also thank you for the congratulation Anon ! 💜
I, hope you like this. (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)
You admire his hardwork, everything. How he manages the student council, how he acted so friendly with other students. You remember the day when he told you, you can come over to him. Or should I say, The president of the student council, Ver Vermilion. For ranting about almost everything, he said he looked forward to it.
Do you remember?
That was a few months ago..
The way he smiled at you, constantly patting your head. His kind words, flows through your eardrums, his voice. Oh-so-addicting to listen to,
You've gone closer to him ever since that day, you sometimes would go visit him at the student council room when you had the time, not only for ranting sometimes you just go there, visiting him.
Socializing with the other student council members, Kotoka, Zaion, Doppio, Meloco. even the student counselor is there too. Hex.
. . .
"..y.. ey.. Hello? (Y/n)? Earth to (Y/n)?" You blinked back to reality thanks to a certain familiar voice calling out your name. "H-huh? What-" you were spacing out, as you unconsciously stare at the..
President of student council.
Oh, wait, you're staring at Ver this whole time?! And you didn't even realize you were staring, you look up at Ver. Who was standing not too far from you, "Hey, you were, kinda uh, spacing out there. Are you okay?" He asked you, with a very visible worry plastered on his face. "Ah, I- I'm okay, I was just thinking about yo- I MEAN UH, YOGURT- yogurt? YOGURT YEAH." You panicked.
You don't even know why you spat out yogurt, you look away flustered, now you're a flustered mess. You almost expose yourself and your feelings to him! You closed your eyes tightly and took a deep breath, you didn't even realize how Ver just stood there a bit flabbergasted. "Yogurt huh.. do you, perhaps? Want some..?" He hesitantly asked you, you look over at him trying to explain yourself but you only ended up getting more flustered than before when you see his cute confused face.
"I-, Kaichou, I'm sorry, I was, just, blabbering out nonsense, forget that I said anything" You said as you scold at yourself internally, mentally yelling at yourself. "Oh- Ah, I see.. I, uh I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable by approaching you, but you.." Ver went quiet before he could finish his sentence, you look up at him, confused. Why did he not finish his sentence.
Noticing your confusion, he slightly chuckled, "No, nevermind, it's nothing, So how's your study?" "Huh, hmm.. well it was ..."
. . .
Both of you talked for quite awhile, the bell rings, and that is both of your queue to go to your classes. You bid goodbye to Ver, and walked away as he went the opposite way.
As you walk to your class, you ponder, how should you confess your feelings to Kaichou, to him, Ver Vermilion. But you're guessing by doing so, you might just risking your friendship with him.
What if he rejects you?
What if he doesn't feel the same way?
What if..
You slowly shook your head and sighed, maybe later you thought. You enter your class and went to your seat, your classmates asked you bunch of questions since they saw you talking with Kaichou.
But all you can say is nothing since you both talked about are mostly about school, nothing much.
. . .
The bell rings again, it's your second break, you're currently talking with your friends about the lesson you just learned a few minutes ago. Until one of your boy classmate called you out,
"Yo (Y/n), Kaichou is looking for you" He said, your friends coo at you, teasing you endlessly, making your face red not only because you're flustered but you're also a bit mad about their teasing. You sighed softly and walked out of your class, and there he is standing right in front of your class door, arms crossed, face looking to the side, watching at other students.
"Kaichou, you're looking for me?" You asked as you approach the president of the student council, He turned his head to you and smiled. "Yeah, I'm sorry if I bother you, I want to talk to you about something, do you have a minute?" He asked as he fixed his uniform. You slowly nod your head, "Okay, good, uh, do you mind if we talk somewhere else tho?" "Sure, lead the way Kaichou! I'll follow you" You said to Ver, making the male smile at you sheepishly.
"I'm sorry if I request too much, but I hope you don't mind." Ver said as he scratched the back of his head, "No, it's okay Kaichou, I'm more than willing to help you!" You said and smiled at him. Your words made him chuckle softly, he then pat your head, "Well then, come with me." He said as he lead you to somewhere less crowded.
And that is the student council room.
Here you are staring at Kaichou's table that is almost full of stacked papers on his table, you look over at Ver to see him pinching his nose bridge. "Those papers..." He whispered to himself and sighed, "Well, I'll finish those later.." he said and took a deep breath.
You smiled at him, a bit guilty, "Must be tiring huh?" You said, making the male's attention move to you. "Ah, well, I would be lying if I said it isn't haha" Ver replied and lead you to the nearby chair, "Have a seat..!" He said as he gently pull out the chair to let you sit, like a gentleman he is.
"I was wondering, if you're, uh, free this weekend?" He hesitantly asked you, "I am, free. Why do you ask?" You asked, eyes sparkled with curiosity. "I was wondering if you want to hangout, with me." He said, "With the others too-! O-of course." He continued a little bit stuttering at the end. You blinked a few times at him, you frowned for a moment.
"Don't force yourself if you can't, I am not forcing you to.... ..." "I thought it would just be the two of us" you spattered out, and the next second you slap your mouth after realizing what you said. You look up at the male in front of you, standing there a bit stunned, "Well- uhm, I mean, That could also work- if that's what you want." His reply is making things nowhere near better.
You bury your face into your palms, slightly screaming into it. You want to run away and hide now. You did not just spat out your disappoinment right in front of the male, now here you are in an awkward situation.
Ver stared at you with with a soft gaze, he sat himself across you. He watches you try to calm yourself down as he put his chin on his palm. He stared at you, with not only admiration, but also something else. If only you notice the way he look at you right now. "Are you okay?" He finally asked after a long silence of you trying to calm your nerves down.
You look up at him, blinked a few times and looked away again. "I'm sorry, I swear I did not mean to spat out that sentence.." you tried to explain yourself, but then you realize the male in front of you doesn't even seem to be bothered by it. Instead he just smiled and chuckled, "It's okay, if that's what you really want, we can do that. Hanging out only with the two of us." He said as he stands up from the chair and approached you, he put his hand on your head once again patting your head.
"I'll be waiting then, meet me at .."
. . .
The time moves so fast, it's already weekend. Right now you're preparing yourself for the da- the hangout, With Ver. You look at yourself on the mirror, you fixed your clothes, you look at yourself one more time before leaving your house.
You walked down the road, a bit frowning, you wonder how today's 'hangout' will go. Doesn't this feel like,
A date?
You look down at your bag, you opened it and there is a small present that you made specifically for Ver. You were planning to give him this at school, but you didn't have the chance to. Now you do, last night you almost didn't get any sleep due to how nervous you are. You're planning to confess your feelings today, you can't stop thinking about what he would say to your confession.
What would happen if you got rejected?
Is he still going to act the same? Or is he going to change?
So many questions flooded your mind.
When you snap back to reality, you've arrived at the location where you would see each other. You stood there idly, looking around to see if you can find the familiar looking male. And then there he is, walking down the path, with a coat on, black turtle neck.
The weather is indeed quite cold, maybe you should've wear something more warmer. But you did bought yourself some shawl to warm yourself. Ver when he spotted you he immediately smiled, he quicken his pace to you and stopped a few steps away from you. "Sorry I'm late.." he apologized and smiled sheepishly, "It's okay Kaichou, I just arrived too" you replied and smiled at him. "Haha, is that so? Well then shall we go?"
. . .
How long has it been? Both of you went here and there, went to some shops, even went to the arcade. Both of you had so much fun until you're both currently waiting in a line for food, you both waited for quite awhile to finally reach your turn. The owner looked at you both, "For couples?" Both of you stared at the owner surprised, "Uh- does that make any difference with the original ones?" Ver asked trying to not make things awkward. "Yes, of course! You're a couple right? Both of you look cute together haha" the owner said complimenting both of you, "T-thank you, uh, we will take the couple one then.." Ver said.
. . .
Now both of you sat across each other, eating the food together. Like a couple, but you're both are not even in relationship. Yet. You stared at the food In front of you, you slowly scoop another one. And put them in your mouth, you frowned. Couldn't stop thinking about what the owner said, "(You look cute together)" you spaced out again as you think about that one sentence. "(Y/n)?" Ver called you out, noticing you've stopped eating.
You look up at Ver, tilting your head in confusion, "Yeah?" "You're spacing out again, what's wrong?" He asked worried. "Oh, I was just, thinking about, something not important don't worry." You replied, making the male raise his eyebrow. "Not convincing enough but okay, I won't push you to tell me." Ver replied and smiled at you, "Well, is there a place that you want to go before I take you home?" He asked. "Uhmm.. there is, come with me." You said, as you stood up from your chair and extend your hand to him. He stared at your hand for a second and then your face, he then chuckled softly, a little bit flustered. He put his hand on top of yours, you smiled at him and gently pull him off his chair, not forgetting the half finished food. You then pull Ver to a spot, that there's barely people to be seen there.
"Oh, wow." Ver was in awe looking at his surroundings, "This is," He smiled as he watch his surrounding once again. "It's beautiful isn't it?" You said and smiled at him, "I thought you knew about this place?" You asked, he slowly shook his head. "No, I don't, but now I do." He said as he let out a chuckle, "Thank you for taking me here." He thanked you.
There's a bench nearby and both of you sat down there, watching the scenery in front of you. You on the other hand, fiddling on the bench, trying to figure out a way how to confess to this man that's sitting next to you.
"Ah, the sun is setting. We should head back, no?" Ver said as he stood up, extending his hand to you. "We should go now, before it's getting darker" he said waiting for you, you stared up at him. Then at his hand.
You slowly put your hand on top of his, he smiled at you as he gently pulled you off the bench. You both stood so close, you didn't pull your hand away. Instead, you hold it a little bit tighter.
Ver, who felt you still holding his hand, gently rub his thumb at the back of your hand. "Are you okay?" He softly asked, you closed your eyes and took a deep breath. You look up at him, both of you made eye contact for a moment. You slowly open your mouth, and say
"I like you.."
The male in front of you stood there, staring at you, surprised. He blinked multiple times, "M-me? You? Like me??" He repeated your confession. You slowly nod your head, you look down to your foot. Ready for rejection.
You feel his hand held yours tighter, he then gently pull your hand, make you walk closer to him. Until you're like inches away from his body, you look up at him. And oh boy, his face is so close to the point you can feel his breath. Smell his perfume. "You like me?" He whispered, staring into your eyes, seeking for the truth. As if you're getting hypnotized, you repeated your sentence. "I like you"
The male smiled, you can see a faint blush on his cheeks. He immediately engulfed you into his arms, "I, like you too.." he whispered into your ear. He slowly loosen up the hug, "We're official now huh?" He said as he smiled sheepishly. You nod your head and chuckled softly, "Let's go home.." you said as you pull Ver's hand, leading both of you away from the spot.
. . .
After walking for awhile, you're both now standing in front of your house. Both of you did not let go each other's hands at all on your way back home, you opened your bag and decided to give him the present that you have been waiting for the right time. And Right now is the right time, "Ver, I want to give you something." You said as you rummage your bag. "Hm?" He hummed curiously, he looked over at your bag.
You found the present and took it out, it's small. You gave it to him, he accepts it. He look down at the present, he smiled at it. He then reach down to his coat pocket, he took out a present too, and the size is almost the same as yours. It's also small. "I also prepared one for you.." he said, "I was planning to confess today, but you beat me up to it." He said and chuckled. Your eyes brightens up as you stare at the present and Ver, he wanted to confess too?
"here you go.." Ver offered you his present, and you took it. You stared at the present in awe, you wonder what's inside. You gave Ver a bracelet. Simple yet fashionable. If that make sense. "Open it." Ver said as he stared at you, "It's okay, open it." He said smiling. You look down at the present and slowly opened the present, it's a small box, and then you opened the box.
It's a necklace, you gently took it out from the box and touched the charm. You look up at Ver, "I, hope, ahem, I hope you like it.." he said, clearing his throat. "I love it, thank you.." you replied to him, you stared at the necklace once again. "Can you help me wearing it?" "Of course, here let me help you."
You turn yourself around, letting Ver help you wearing the necklace. You can feel his fingers brush against your neck, it's cold. Your body slightly shiver from the sensation. "Are you okay?" He asked when he noticed your body was shivering, "Yeah I'm okay.." you replied, "Thank you." You thanked him as you turn yourself back facing him.
Both of you stared at each other for a second, Ver slowly reach out his hand and put them on your cheek. Gently rub his thumb on your cheekbones, he slowly open his mouth
"Can I kiss you?"
Your eyes widen at his sudden request, you placed your hand on top of his. You slowly nod your head, giving him the permission to kiss you.
You felt his soft lips on yours, your face felt warm when he kissed you. He pulled away and stared at you in awe, adoration, he smiled sheepishly. "Thank you for allowing me to kiss you, haha.. also,
Thank you for choosing me."
Bonus scene !
You laid on the bed, playing with the necklace that Ver gave you.
You heard your phone buzzing, you took your phone and look at the screen to see a message notification from Ver!
He send you a picture, you opened it to see him wearing the bracelet you gave him.
There's a message, he wrote,
'Thank you for the bracelet, I love it'
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A/n : This is longer than intended, oh dear.
(1/6) - 500 Followers Event !
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anarchy-and-piglins · 3 months
unless they both caught the flu in their separate cabins and couldn't make it that far what about that hmmm
Or one's injured and the other one gets sick and they don't know what's going on with each other though yeah that also wouldn't stop them would it,,,
new thought: friends (Niki...) finding them absolutely wiped out with illnesses and such after the blizzard passes and going "guys you should've stayed put why did you do that" and they're just looking up with the saddest wettest eyes like "but I had to see my bestie :((((((( broken leg/minecraft covid/etc can't stop me >:((("
now I'm also trying to think of what kind of thing could actually keep them locked inside despite the like, what is it ten or so blocks between their front doors, hmm,, hear me out nuclear fallout–
(In reference to this ask)
Minecraft Covid -wheeze-
That's cute though, I like that <3
Nuclear fallout, now THERE'S an idea. No concrete thoughts but hmmmmm
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iam93percentstardust · 2 months
tony stark for your ask game? <3
peachy fren! thanks for the ask!
Favorite thing about them All of him. Every last bit. I left this question for last because I had no idea what to say. He's my favorite character of anything ever. Picking just one favorite is impossible.
Least favorite thing about them Hmmmmm, maybe how smart he is? But mostly just because it's so difficult to write. Oh, I know! The fact that Marvel, in an effort to keep up with the economy, has made him a billionaire because I'm so tired of seeing the coldest takes on how being a fictional billionaire makes him the literal devil.
Favorite line MCU: "I am Iron Man" (the first time) I'll admit I wasn't sold on the idea of Iron Man when I originally saw it. I grew up on the Tim Burton Batman films and only watched the X-Men movies for the scenes with Rogue in them (baby Alle had a crush), so I thought I knew what superheroes were and I wasn't overly impressed with them. And then Tony stood there and took accountability for his actions and at the very young age of 12, I sat up and took notice. Comics: "Good morning, beloved" because he's just so blasé about the whole thing. Why are you calling him beloved, Tony, hmm? Answer me, Marvel. I demand answers.
brOTP Rhodey & Tony. Hands down. Best brOTP in the entire world. My favorite chaos duo. Super smart when they're apart, the biggest idiots in the entire world when they're together.
OTP I feel like I shouldn't have to say this, but Stony. *gestures vaguely at my ao3* Obviously
nOTP Any of the pairings that came out of CACW. Are there good ones out there? Yeah, absolutely. Are they overshadowed by the absurd amounts of bashing fics that were written just to dump on Steve whether or not he'd been romantically involved with Tony in that verse? Yeah, and I don't feel like scrolling through all of them just to locate the gems.
Random headcanon Tony learned how to play the piano from his mom. She had a grand that was kept at the mansion that moved with him to Malibu and then to the tower (he's beyond thankful at his past self for insisting on having it moved instead of leaving it in the Malibu house to sink into the ocean when it was destroyed).
Unpopular opinion My unpopular opinion about Tony for the greater MCU fandom (and non-fans) is that he's a good character who doesn't deserve all the hate he gets. For actual Tony fans? My unpopular opinion is that he has the same mentor/mentee relationship with Peter that he has with Harley and the only reason Peter's gets so much more emphasis in the fandom is because Peter had his own movie with Tony in it.
Song i associate with them Taylor Swift's The Archer
Favorite picture of them This one. He just looks so happy!
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lumenflowered · 3 months
[A video is attached. Janine—a young woman with spiky purple hair and a long scarf on over what sure looks like ninja attire—appears to have just shut the door behind Maria into some sort of break room.
"So! Good to finally meet you, champ," Janine says cheerfully, practically bouncing on her feet as she makes for a comfy-looking couch and launches herself backwards into it, the camera following her there. "You beat Dad, so. I knew I probably wasn't winning, but damn if it wasn't fun to try!"
"I can see the resemblance," Maria comments, looking around the break room and eventually choosing to just remain standing, very awkwardly, near the door.
"Aw, really? That's really sweet, thank you. But anyway!" Janine beams at her. "What brings you here? Are you just the sort of overachiever who wants to get all sixteen of the viable badges, or... something else? My guess is something else. Though you do have overachiever energy."
Maria blinks, clearly confused. "Thank you? I... think?"
"Eh, it can be a compliment, could be not, I mean it as a compliment so you're welcome. Seriously, though, what are you doing here?" Janine pauses. The smile drops from her face. "It's Rocket, isn't it."
"As in the team? I... had intended to ask you that."
"Wait what."
"How much has Lance told you?"
"Pretty much just that he did get defeated but for personal reasons you're not taking over for him at the Indigo League quite yet. Also a quick physical description of you so we'd actually know when you turned up. Which... understated a few things, but never mind that." Janine sits up, arms crossed over her chest. "What's going on?"
"After being driven out of Johto, Team Rocket seems to have plans of some variety here in Kanto instead," Maria clarifies. "They seem far more afraid of me than they are of Lance—"
"Wait, were you the one who crashed Ho-oh into the Johto Radio Tower???"
"—and as such the plan is for the rest of the League to monitor Johto while I search them out and deal with them here in Kanto." Maria pauses, brow furrowing. "Also, no. Ho-oh crashed themself into the Johto Radio Tower; I was merely taking advantage of their offer of a way into the building."
"What the fuck, you're way too cool to be the new champ," Janine mutters. "Anyway. Uh. Got it! Fully understood. Honestly it wouldn't be the first time that Rocket has managed to listen in on League communications, so I get why Lance didn't want to say much, but also what do you want from me here?"
"I'd like to know," Maria says, "if you have seen anything particularly suspicious in or near Fuchsia City recently. Anything directly related to Rocket would be ideal, but anything... out of the ordinary would work."
"Hmm. Hmmmmm." Janine steeples her hands thoughtfully, shifting to an even more ridiculous sitting position on the couch if she does. "See, I can't think of anything off the top of my head, but I've seen Rocket's work before, and I've got a hunch about where they will be if they're anywhere near here. Give me a couple days, I'll let you know. Or I'll have one of the girls let you know."
"...One of your gym trainers is a boy?"
"Oh, Barry? Yeah, he's bigender. He delights in being one of the boys and one of the girls. Not the point though, I'll get on that after the gym closes tonight. In the meantime... stay close, give me a call if you find something first, and I hope you enjoy Fuchsia City!"
"Thank you," Maria says. "There is one other thing, more of a... personal matter."
"Oooooooh? Do tell?"
"I... believe there may have been a challenger here... close to a month ago?"
"Okay...? I'm gonna need something slightly more specific, I get a lot of challengers. It's mostly people who are here for the Safari Zone and figured they might as well try for a badge while they're in the area, but hey."
"Dee. The name she would be going by is likely Dee."
Janine's brow furrows. "About a month ago... yeah, I think I remember her. Actually, I thought she was you at first—Lance's original description of you wasn't as specific as it should've been, he didn't even mention that you're an edgelord."
"...A what."
"Uh, you like dark clothes and... don't worry about it, actually. What about her?"
"I..." Maria hesitates. "She... did Lance mention that I was a Faller?"
"Like Surge, yeah. But also it's pretty... you're not subtle. I like you a lot but you're not. What about it?"
"I believe that she may be too," Maria says. "That she may be from the same place I am, and... may even be someone I knew once."
"Oh shit? That's a good thing, right?"
"...I don't know."
"What, is she your ex or... yeesh. For real? That's rough." Janine pauses. "Also, you can totally sit down if you want. Like. There are plenty of seats."
There are, indeed, plenty of seats. Maria equally awkwardly takes one.
"Perhaps I am wrong," Maria says. "I hope that I am wrong. But any information on her that you are willing to share may help."
"Okay. Well. Um..." Janine's brow furrows. "Let me think on that one too, actually, it's been a long month."
The video ends.]
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coolyiooo · 2 years
⚠️WARNINGS⚠️:hickeys, creampie, slight hair pulling,
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You were with your boyfriend, Eddie Munson, hiding from the police since Eddie has been accused of murdering Chrissy, you knew the whole situation and you believed Eddie because your friends with Steve, Nancy, Jonathan and the kids so you've seen some shit, he was glad you believed in him, he was afriad you'd find him crazy and leave him but luckily, in some sense, you've gone through the same thing but you were giving him company and keeping him calm since he was afraid and on the run from the police basically and you were doing a good job of keeping him distracted.
You two were sitting on the floor, your backs against the wood wall, smoking some weed, without telling the others you even had some, to keep him even more calm but not too high, you were both just talking about the time you and the gangs experiences of some demonic creatures and how you told him Nancy and Jonathan bought some bear traps once to try to catch something he started to laugh because he would never have guessed Nancy wheeler would buy bear traps and such
"I'm so glad your here with me, and believed me " he said "yea I'm always happy to be with you " you smiled at him, he kissed your hand while looking at your lovingly with a smile,then his smile disappeared "I'm so scared (y/n) they'll never believe me even if I tried telling them I didn't do it" "true your in a sticky situation" he scoffed "gee thanks " "but we'll figure it out, don't worry I'm here for you always and same with the kids...and Steve and Robin and everybody else in the group" he smiled and looked away "I guess that's true" "it is trueeee" you punch his shoulder gently and playfully, shoving him slightly "everybody is literally helping you rn and taking care of you" he sighed loudly "yea true that" it was silent for a few moments, his thumb was rubbing you hand lovingly
"I think I have an idea to keep your mind off of things" "hmm oh yea?" He looked at you with curiosity but bright eyes, you then started to rub his thigh, trying to hint him you wanted to fuck him "what is it? Are you trying to sooth me? Because it's making me feel weird instead" you laughed "Noooo " "are you trying to say I need new jeans? Are you saying I look like shit?" You laughed harder "You kind of do considering you've been basically living here without showering or moving for a couple of days" "okay" he scoffed and put his hands up as in a 'hold up' symbol "I have a valid reason to look like shit" "if someone was accused of murder im pretty sure they'd wanna wash themselves clean...hahaha see wat-er I did there..get it? Because you need water to shower HAHAHHA" he looked at you weirdly but with a smile, he thought that you really were a freak but also beautiful the way you are "your so perfect" you stopped laughing and started to blush, you punched his shoulder "stopppp...I know I am" he laughed "also I rubbed your thigh because I was trying to tell you I. Wanna. Fuck. You" "ohhhhhh....oh?" He smirked, you rolled your eyes but smiled "if you'll allow me to" you said ,"hmmmmm lemme think...oh yes ,you don't even have to ask baby cakes" "baby cakes?" "... yeah" you laughed but kissed his cheek, he smiled
You then sat on his lap, each of your knees next to his legs and started to kiss him, he kissed you back ofc, one of his hands was on your neck and the other was on your waist, pulling you closer, you started to go back and forth against his crotch, he started to groan silently, his hand that was on your waist slowly crept under your shirt, under your bra and started to caress your breast, you moaned, both of your hands around his neck but one touching his hair "your so beautiful" he said and went back to kissing you, you felt him become hard, you then unbuttoned his pants, his dick sprang free, you got up to pulled your pants down and sat on him again, you then put his cock in between your folds and started to go back and forth, he could feel you making his dick wet from your cunt and his cock would rub your clit, you guys went back to kissing while moaning, his hands working on lifting up your shirt, under your bra to feel your soft breasts, you gripped on his hair from the pleasure you were already feeling, he groaned louder from the slight hair pulling, you then pulled away to get your shirt off and he instantly put his mouth on your tits, sucking them perfectly , you moaned his name silently "fuck!" He mumbled through your breast, which vibrated through your hard tit "I'm already feeling better" and he went back to sucking on your breasts, leaving some hickey marks on them,you then thought it was the right time to get to the main course
You pulled his head away "you can continue that later but rn...it's time for the main course" "good things DO happen to those who wait" he said, you rolled your eyes, you held his dick and slowly set yourself on his dick, gripping on his shoulders from the sudden fullness, he groaned "God you really are perfect" you then started to jump on his dick, already soaking his cock with your juices making him feel even better, you both started to moan and groan but you kissed him, remembering y'all had to be quiet just in case, he kissed you back passionately, his tongue swirling around with yours while moaning, he knew your weak spots so whenever he thrusted upwards, he'd hit that target he was going for, making you closer to your high, he pulled away from the kiss to kiss your neck, putting a hand on your breasts again to grope them, you moaned "MMN!... Eddie.." you panted his name out, trying not to say it so loud just incase anybody heard, it still turned him on though, you felt him twitch inside you, you pulled his head away from your neck to make him look at you, you got his hand and pushed it close to your stomach "do you feel that?" He could feel his cock moving inside of you "that's how deep you are... please come deep inside me"
He then grabbed your back, moved forward and set you down gently on the floor, hovering above you, thrusting into you roughly, his head in your neck, mumbling his moans, you arched your back from the intense pleasure and put your legs around him for deeper access, your hands on his shoulder and back, gripping onto them, "holy shit!...so good..too good...close!" He groaned against your neck "yes!.. please inside me Eddie!" you moaned, he started to thrust faster, his cock hitting your g spot every thrust making you not be able to hold back anymore, "fuck!!...(y/n)!" he then finally came deeply inside you, you felt his hot cum deep within your core, you started twitch and cum onto his dick, squeezing him with your legs and clenching down on his dick.
He looked at you and started to chuckled softly, you chuckled with him, he then pulled out of you and kissed your neck a few times and stood up "I'll get you some clean towels to clean you up" he put his pants back on and found some clean towels and cleaned you up himself, insisting on it, he also gave you some water and let you rest on his chest while sitting on his lap, he was kind of cradling you like a baby "I thought I was supposed to be taking care of you" "Letting me take care of you is you taking care of me..if that makes sense..your my world so...don't complain" you smiled "thank you" "no no...thank you" you smiled and rested your head back on his chest, hearing his heartbeat, making you fall asleep in his arms.
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booksandchainmail · 1 year
Pale 5.d
welp. those poor boys. I hope they're not dead, and there's a way to get them back. Thinking on karma, and what their parents said in the paper, that they only got hurt because they tried to help
also I love these little local ads in the paper, one of them written in comic sans
... is slippery nick the dolphin an other. Nine years would match up with the timeline
goblin interlude? fascinating
“Point of order number seven.  There’s a fight coming.  I don’t think everyone knows there’s a fight coming, but we’re rounding up help because we can’t do all of this alone.  Two sides are picking their teams but one side doesn’t even know.  You are not on these sides, Bumcake.  You’re on my side, understand?”
hmmmmm. Kennet Trio on one side, people who killed the CB on the other? With goblins neutral? I think this is maybe confirmation that Toadswallow wasn't involved with the CB thing. And if the Kennet Trio is the side that doesn't realize they're picking a team, who have they been picking? Snowdrop obviously, maybe Alpeana or John? Or could it count people outside of Kennet, like Zed.
“Five rules,” Bluntmunch growled.
ooh. So he doesn't know about rules 6 and 7? Is this because he's not preparing for the fight, or because he's on a side?
“They didn’t share that.  They’re keeping things close to the chest.” “Yeah,” Matthew said. “But so are we.”
this is ominous! Seems like Edith more than Matthew is opposed to the girls, but at least neither of them seems happy about it?
He hadn’t voiced it to Edith, and Edith hadn’t voiced it to him, but there was the possibility of killing Brie and releasing the Choir again.  A horrible thought and a thought he wouldn’t have had a decade ago. 
if a decade ago Matthew wouldn't have considered killing to release the Hungry Choir, I don't think he would have considered creating it either. And if he wasn't involved in creating the HC, he wasn't part of planning to kill the CB that far back (he could have joined later I guess)
“Tha lassie liked yeh.  Verona did.  If ye’d like to be less lonely, an’ if ye’d be good, we’d have yeh.”
nice that Verona followed up about her. And presumably the eye girl will have some goodwill about it, which could come in handy
The woman stood with one hand to the wall.
These places were woven together. The weave wasn’t always obvious, but there were ways to work out their design.
like a fucked up escape-the-room style point and click adventure
“Any one of you can say that!” he called out.  “I’ll try not to kill you, but I can’t have a strange Other wandering around!  Places like this are too sensitive!”
Because the world of the otherverse is so dangerous, you have to interact with caution and suspicion. But that puts you at odds with all others, who also can't trust you. And then things just keep getting worse, because everyone has to act to defend themselves.
The trajectory of her fall shifted to a right angle, plunging her into bright daylight.  The remnants of a neighborhood with brightly painted houses tumbled through the air with her.
is this what happens to the houses from zoomtown?
“You picked us because you think we can do it, but the actual culprit is likely to think we can’t,” Lucy said. “Yes,” Miss told her.
ooooooh! That's a pretty good reason. Also. I think that wording rules out Miss being the culprit? Not discounting that she's using a way around full culpability like I discussed way back in arc 1, but I'm getting more trusting.
Lucy nodded.  “Matthew makes the most sense as the central figure.  Then people like Maricica, Edith, the Choir, and maybe Charles as accomplices.  Though that’s based on a coin turning up in a few ways, instead of anything concrete.”
hmm. I hadn't thought about the driving angle. Still not sure about that making it Matthew though, I think someone could probably have procured a car for Charles to drive. And Matthew's POV earlier didn't seem that suspicious. How would becoming Carmine affect his Doom?
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empty-pizza · 11 months
thoughts on nona the ninth chapter twelve
first a few comments i just got
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thank you lmao
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hmm, yes, this seems like it makes sense. i'm just still wondering though like... aren't some of the lyctors the people alive with him right now? wouldn't they remember this? which means something funky is going on.
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ah! i definitely forgot that entirely. thanks!
anyway let's see. oh, so this is Blood of Eden taking them! do they know them, or is this just a random raid?
hmm. so they're checking that they're alive. nona must appear to be so, then. but this seems like it means that people from the Houses aren't by default undead or anything. then do these people have the wrong perception, or has something recently changed after the last book and now there actually are a lot of zombies running around?
i wonder if this is because the message Nona accidentally sent
it's Coronabeth!!! man this means i have to go back and re-evaluate a bunch of times they referred to the Crown and figure out what that means with the new context. i don't know if i remember enough of the details to do that.
first of all the fact that she's a leader in the group now is awesome and based i hope we get more of her she really found herself and found her confidence and i think it would be cool if she shot Ianthe in the face though i like Ianthe it would just be cool
secondly man i wish i had a better grasp on the dynamics here. like, what does each side want from each other. is Camilla's group only living by the goodwill of Coronabeth's group? what caused them to split? why is Camilla's group allowed to be doing their thing separately? aaaah. maybe this chapter will give me some breadcrumbs.
i wonder whose sword that is
wonder who the captain is
wonder how Coronabeth rose in the ranks
this is very very very much that shit someone commented about where this is all from the perspective of the person who knows the least about what's going on. like wtf is the negotiator. is the thing there's a picture of different from that?
hmm. maybe it's that Camilla's group is part of Coronabeth's faction. seems kinda treated that way here.
maybe the zombies are just something new
Varun the Eater? i have no idea. maybe it's a resurrection beast.
is it that this ship is holding a negotiator from the Houses? they really made something that simple so tricky for me to figure out
"Well, he would, wouldn't he? said Camilla. :You're selling him back the Sixth House."
Sources? maybe this is a fairly literal descriptor. a title for people who gave information.
oh hmm. they refer to Cytherea as Source Chrysaor, i think. yeah i got no clue.
am i nuts or do i just not remember there being a necromantic monster that Marta defeated
so the Hopers have the leverage, control the people of the Sixth House, and want Nona to be a proper Lyctor
i can't tell if a lot of sixth house is still alive or if it's just the sixteen people
"Ah, in the end, all of us are people . . . who need the bathroom."
interesting stuff. i didn't understand close to enough. but we're getting somewhere with plot movement. negotiations will happen. the problem is, will nona be remotely aware of any of it happening.
i somehow have a feeling that ianthe is gonna show up.
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clowningaroundmars · 2 months
what do u think abt the other burners zodiacs? :o ur headcanons are very interesting! id love to know more!!
geeeee. hmmmmm i actually dont know if i gave enough thoughts on everyones signs yet! i actually stalled on that zodiac part of the meme cuz i just decided it kinda... on the spot. then i finished it and went "hmm yeah, close enuf" and posted it. it started out as "lol wouldnt it be funny if chuck was an august leo" and went from there
but hell, if i did that there then i can do it with the rest of the burners here, right?
here we go
dutch: taurus sun, capricorn moon, aquarius rising (pisces venus, gemini mercury, pisces mars)
am i projecting a lil bit by giving them my sun and moon signs....... maybe. am i correct tho. also yes. the only reason why dutch hasn't up and abandoned the burners yet is probs also bc of their pisces venus and mars. despite all the sarcasm and eye rolling, he really does care for his team! he's a watery artsy lad and that cap moon wants to hide it but it all comes dissolving away once he interacts w ppl he cares abt (tennie, dar, his family, etc)
julie: gemini sun, scorpio moon, scorpio rising (taurus venus, gemini mercury, aries mars)
julie being a gem sun is very stereotypical i know but trust me on this one. she seems way too calculating to be a fire sign, but she does have that lil flame burning underneath those hundreds of layers she puts on. it's what mike saw in her when he accepted her into the team despite everyone else insisting he didn't :') also scorp moon cuz she seems to be Trying Her Best with emotions but Yikes™
texas: aquarius sun, taurus moon, sagittarius rising (aries venus, pisces mercury, aries mars)
what more can i say.... he's a Weirdo, he's an oddly emotionally intelligent weirdo. his taurus moon does a LOT of heavy lifting and he seems to be ruled by neptune to me cuz i mean.... *gestures vaguely* so yah. pisces mercury definitely doesn't help when he wants to convey anything remotely serious. plus his sense of heroism doesn't seem to come from wanting to steal all the glory, which is where i think his aqua sun and sag rising help out with
BONUS bc i actually just realized i didn't give mike's own personal planets
mike: sag sun, aries moon, taurus rising (aqua venus, pisces mars, aries mercury)
despite how much flack aries mercuries get, i can See it in mike, he's always straightforward with his thoughts (except for when he Badly conceals his angst lol typical aries mercury i would know, after all i am one OUCH) and jumps into fights very quickly. but its for ppl he loves, so its okay LOL it's his pisces mars that reigns him in most times, otherwise all that fire in his chart will burn the whole country down
chuck's own signs in case anyone missed it: leo sun, virgo moon, gemini rising (virgo mercury, cancer venus, cancer mars)
now at first glance i know everyone will see these signs as a "jittery nervous talkative dork". and lemme tell ya, he is all of those things. but. cancer mars can shelter a LOT of explosive and protective anger, which is exactly what i see in chuck. this dude is PISSED like all the time, and all he wants to do is go home (lol cancer homebodies) and just... be safe. keep his loved ones safe, too. yuh
thx for reading this word vomit LOL i still love my children so thanks for the ask! it made me think Many Thoughts abt these children again which is always a treat :)
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tenebrius-excellium · 2 years
How To Steal A Dragon’s Sword Liveblog Part 2
everyone is mysteriously disappearing and nobody cares except for Hiccup. hmmmmm Idk if I still like how much of the plot is relying on simple viking stupidity, is this allowed to be called lazy writing yet?
the Witch’s hut sounds like a place I’d live in tbh. seems cozy.
I can’t believe Excellinor can bake
ok look, the hidden trap door under the literal fireplace is VERY neat. I want it.
hmmmmmmm RttE ice cave...Bewilderbeast...Snow Wraiths... totally not references and such...
Flashburn is alive! Good for him
Is it ever revealed why Toothless, the fang-free dragon, was able to find the fire pit and not anybody else? Why destiny?
I love Hiccup’s and the Wodensfang’s conversation, also Toothless’ jealousy of the Wodensfang. But the Wodensfang’s size is weird. Doesn’t he say that Hiccup the First rode him? But Hiccup can tuck him in his waistcoat? What’s up with that?
The crown is really cool. I want that one too.
“Throow uup thee crowwn!” - “Doo youu thiink Ii’m stupiid???” FAVORITE MOMENT, I replayed that for at least three times lol
I also love how they didn’t leave Flashburn behind although he was a wuss. It’s nice that the kids are nice to him.
...aaaand of course Hiccup is immune to Venomous Vorpent venom... Excellinor could’ve just threatened to scratch Fishlegs or Stoick instead??
oh and so THAT’S the famous “Checkmate!” scene??? hmm. I had hoped that there would be a more epic delivery to that one, actually.
okay so the swordfight competition is really, really well written. How everything blurs and boils down to focus for Hiccup in the heat of battle, that’s... really immsersive. I was captivated by that moment. Very well done.
THE WAY HE ASKS HIM ABOUT WHETHER HE WOULD FREE THE DRAGONS FIRST!!! (like Hiccup really doesn’t want to be king,...)
Camicazi got a reality check about idolizing Hiccup which is probably for the best
Love how Hiccup draws the dragons’ attention to himself. the only smart move in that craze. The Red Rage having a sort of hypnotising effect was also clearly played at in Httyd 2...now I understand that better. Still, the thought was much better executed in the book imo.
The last scene. Gosh. Best thing ever. Hiccup the outcast, alone in a cave with three dragons. Thank you for saving him, Windwalker. 
WHAT A BOOK. The stakes were awesome. However, yeah...I’m slowly beginning to get annoyed by the plot holes that are clearly only there “because it’s a kids’ book” and “because vikings are stupid”. Why rely on deus ex machina this excessively? A great story needs to build itself up logically, I believe. The first Httyd movie is a good example. The reason why it works so well is because it barely has plot holes. A well outlined story happened to be aided by chance, making it a masterpiece. I wish the books that this kind of solid worldbuilding too.
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nell0-0 · 1 year
Hi Nell0! I hope you are doing well and oh my goodness it’s so exciting to have Hisuian sync pairs coming in Masters and I’m loving the idea of Emmet being a champion someday. It’s also really fun with the Emmet plus Submas discussion going on here with your Tumblr! Hmm I wonder what new Pokémon he would have on his champion team? Him having U. Zoroark would be very cool! 😃
Hi again! My thesis' deadline is tomorrow so I'm a bundle of nerves, but it is what it is ^^
Also, heck yeah, the sync pairs! I'm so looking forward to that. I won't even mind if there's no warden Ingo, I love PLA a lot and it has such nice characters in general.
But yeah, I see champion Emmet totally being a possibility, and a much more appealing one than the villain trope. Yikes. As for his champion team, I have some thoughts but only vaguely. I haven't really stopped to think about it in detail. It would be nice for Ingo and Emmet to still somewhat match in their teams, but hmmmmm... The other possibility I see is using either his or Ingo's pokemon. Like, take all their pokemon and form two teams, one for his usual wanderings/job (if he's still a subway boss or casually walking around) and another one for his champion battles.
A Unovan Zoroark would be a nice touch, I'll admit, but not sure how that would work out. Who knows, though? Still, the theme of Emmet's teams points more towards another kind of pokemon, a less popular one but still verrrry good for battling.
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