#hmmm this is a very lengthy answer
beannary · 11 months
I feel like TLP Donnie is very relatable! At least, I know I've seen parts of myself in him when reading. Do you draw inspiration from things or people in your own life when writing/drawing TLP?
I draw partially on my own life experiences! Although I do like amp them up a whole lot for TLP Donnie.
When I was a kid I never had much control over my life especially regarding things I liked to do. Every time I expressed an interest in something my parents would see that as an opportunity to make me get really really good at it so that I could get scholarships one day.
Like I used to love playing volleyball I got really into it but then my parents made me continuously play club volleyball to the point where I was so miserable and I ended up sinking into a very bad depression 🤪. Same happened with swimming and also basketball and tennis and well mostly sports related activities lol
I’m sure you can see the connection between those experiences and what TLP Donnie is going through lol
There’s more like parts of my life that I want to explore through TLP Donnie like my eating disorder, depression, and anxiety but I won’t get into those too much because I don’t know how much I’m going to incorporate them into the comic and the narrative
I also don’t want to like only exclusively use the bad parts of my life as inspiration for TLP Donnie because I am an adult now and having freedom from my parents has helped me like figure out myself a whole lot more.
Like because of how exercise and sports were treated when I was a kid I stopped doing them even though I do like them! I started swimming again a few weeks ago and I’ve been really having fun! And I’ve always had fun swimming but now I’m actually able to control how much I swim and how often and it’s been so much better for me than having to stick with the schedule my parents set out for me. And I do want TLP Donnie to have that experience too of falling in love with something again if that makes sense so eventually he will start to love dancing and ballet again because he can do them on his own terms but that won’t be for a while :)
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mirimiramiri · 4 months
The curious case of two identical sport bags
A not so serious take on the trials and tribulations of time travel
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Maybe this is not a new idea in a fandom that is almost 30 years old. Still, I haven't seen it yet, so I'd like to take this opportunity to write about a theory of mine regarding the infamous gym bag that follows Hitomi throughout the series.
(gif was made by @riafunnel)
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There has been some discussion why she was holding her bag at the very last scene of the series although she clearly did not have it while saying her goodbyes to Van. Maybe she bought a new one, maybe that faithfully soul simply floated back to her through time and space.
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I want to believe that the answer is time travel.
There is one bag that came to Gaea during the first abduction.
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Since she did not take it with her when she departed from Astoria in a state of blind fury and disappointment, one remained in the palace. The pillar of light transported her back in time, though only her mind apparently, as otherwise we would have the misfortune of witnessing two Hitomis simultaneously. However, Gaean time proceeded as usual, and so did the bag, which is likely in the care of Milerna at this time.
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Also the reason why Hitomi could change back into a uniform when she returned with Van on Escaflowne (in sweatpants and a T-shirt). If I remember correctly Yukari was holding the bag and Hitomi didn’t take it with her. Guess she was a bit distracted by someone 😄
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The Gaean bag waited for her and when she returned home (probably again going back in time…) the earth bag waited there, too.
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So now… two bags. On earth and Gaea. Children of time.
I wrote a short scene about this for my current wip fanfic „Star-crossed lovers“ which I hope to fully translate as soon as it’s ready. Hitomi and Van are talking every now and then through their psychic connection or as I like to call it telepathy telephone.
For months they enjoyed their inexplicable form of communication. Taking advantage of every spare second to check in with each other. It was weird, but if anyone had seen enough weird to somehow get used to, it was these two separated yet connected souls.
One evening things got even stranger when Van opened their conversation with the following words: "Your bag arrived today." Hitomi turned around in her desk. She had been working on an lengthy essay and was glad for the distraction. "My bag? What do you mean?" "Your bag, the one you always carried with you." He sounded clearly confused as to why she was neither pleased nor understanding. "I'm holding it in my hand." "Uh, describe it to me." "As you wish. Green and purple, about half a costa wide, a long row of golden teeth on the sides. A carrying strap." "That sounds like mine…how did it get to you?" She had risen and crossed her room in two steps. "From Princess Milerna. She wrote that you left it in the palace." "That can't be… how could… Van, my bag is with me! I see it right in front of me, standing in my closet." "Then what do I have here?" wondered the one on the other end of the psychic line. "Hmmm." Hitomi gently ruffled her hair, which was still wet from showering. Back then, in the shadows cast by the hopelessness of a cruel war, when Van had unyieldingly sent her back to Astoria, her bag had been waiting there for her like a good dog, fortunately including a spare uniform. Otherwise, she might have had to spend the rest of the time in running shorts and a sweaty t-shirt. In retrospect, it was all very practical and yet totally strange. Still she never really wondered. Unknowingly she had gotten used to the bag following her around like a second shadow.
Somehow she hadn't taken it with her… there were so many more important things… chaos and relief, unbearably many deaths to mourn and a gentle, blooming love to explore…
And here at home she hadn't given it much thought. Instead, she had always taken it with her to training as a matter of course. She had probably subconsciously assumed that the faithful soul of a sports bag had simply floated after her through space and time… Hitomi opened the zipper. The familiar smell of tartan and detergent came out. And a mess of various things. "Did you look inside?" "Of course not." He sounded indignant at the insinuation, and she believed him. Although the curiosity had certainly been killing him. "Why don't you?" she said carelessly. The need for certainty was too great. "Describe to me what's inside."
There was silence for a while. Hitomi took the opportunity to vividly imagine him. Sitting on the floor in his simple tent, illuminated by the drag energist’s rose red glow, tugging at the zipper with a befuddled expression because of the odd thingy until it mercifully revealed its innermost parts. She chewed her lower lip, bursting with excitement. "A flat, metallic black treasure chest," he finally reported. "How strange, there are two strings growing out of it. Like thin tentacles." My discman and headphones, Hitomi thought and couldn't stop marveling. She also held one similar slim device in her hands, which was hopelessly behind the state of the art. Sometimes she had been ridiculed for it, after all, there were smartphones and, in a pinch, iPods. But she didn't care. The device had been a gift and, as we all know, those were to be cherished. And somehow she liked listening to her parents' old CDs on it, feeling nostalgic for a time when she hadn't even been born yet. "What else?" Van made a sound of muted disgust. "Your tarot cards," he grumbled, forcing himself to a neutral tone. Hitomi felt a chill run down her spine. Of course, he wasn't entirely comfortable with them, and she wasn't either by now. To much had happened involving the seemingly innocent deck of cards. That's why, shortly after her return, they had to be put into a box and were now gathering dust in the attic buried under some old toys. Almost exactly at the same spot where she had discovered them many years ago. She could have thrown the suspicious cards away, or even burned them. But she just couldn't bring herself to such drastic measures.
"It's like those things are chasing me…" Hitomi mumbled for no reason. "What else is there?" Somehow she knew that Van hasty put the tarot deck aside as if poisonous spiders were about to hatch out of it before he continued. "A coin-sized glass disk, but it's fragmented… the ends of a short belt are attached to the sides." Their game began to amuse Hitomi. The way he idiosyncratically described things that were strange to him was quite comical and puzzling. "Are there three black lines in the disk?" she speculated, because she had the slightest idea. "Yes… and the picture of a small winged figure." "My watch!" Hitomi exclaimed. She pushed back the left sleeve of her sweater a little, but she already knew that she would find the same model on her wrist. Eagerly counting second after second, accompanied by soft ticking sounds. A mechanical piece, also a gift. Plain, except for the cute silhouette of the tiny angel on the dial, serving as a clumsy way of foreshadowing future events. Stranded in Ford Castello, she had noticed that the watch had probably been damaged during her escape from Fanelia. The glass was crushed and its steady ticking had died. But on Gaea, time was measured differently, if at all. She had glumly put the useless piece into her pocket and imagined her mother's scolding… oh, what petty worries had preoccupied her at that time. Van had continued his voyage of discovery.
"Hmmm…" He hesitated in his description, the object in his hand was too strange. "It's a bizarre piece of jewelry," he said to her astonishment. She certainly hadn't been carrying any jewels in her bag, and if she had, it would surely have fallen victim to the mole man. "Made of silver, I presume. Set with a long emerald and a short chain with the figure of a dolphin dangling from it… a gift from Milerna, perhaps? A token of appreciation and gratitude." "My pager!" the penny finally dropped. "I completely forgot about that." Merle had stolen it back in Fanelia, which in retrospect had come in handy. It had eluded the mole's greedy claws and distracted the soldiers at just the right moment. In Freid, she had carefully put the little hero into the bag.
It did not escape her that Van seemed to know how a dolphin looked. Astonishing, since he grew up cradled by mountains and had seen the sea and it’s majestic beauty for the first time when they sought asylum in Astoria. According to himself he was an excellent climber and a lousy swimmer. So exactly the opposite of her. Anyway, the very same pager was on Earth, in her hand. But apparently on Gaea as well. Could perhaps… "It’s not from Milerna and no jewelry, it’s a communication device! Press the tiny button in the middle…. Does something happen? The, uh, emerald should glow like a, well, drag energist." She pressed the start button herself. Unenthusiastically the display came to life. No new messages, of course. Nobody was using pagers anymore. "Nothing's happening, the crystal seems dead," Van reported after a short radio silence. "Aw, that is too bad." How funny it would have been if she had been able to send him messages with it. Amano's short query about her whereabouts, which against all odds had reached her with perfect timing, had probably drained the last drop of energy from the battery. "There are a lot of white socks." Now Van sounded amused. "How many feet did you say you have?"
Hitomi chuckled at his attempt at humor, as usual. She also held several clean, rolled-up running socks in her hands. They were always there. Her mother, bless her soul, just picked them out and put new ones in without being asked. "A hairbrush." "You should try it," she couldn't help herself. "Haha," he said in that dry way that always made her imagine his eyes rolling. "Oh!" "What?" "Your dress from Astoria." There was insufficiently concealed awe in his voice. "Oh yeah…" In the deceptive safety of Freid, Hitomi had slipped it into the bag without thinking twice. As pretty as it was and as incognito as she could travel with it, she missed the simplicity of her school uniform. The elegant robe was already quite battered after her past escapades. The torn hem from the rescue mission in Palas, the escape from Dilandau's sea of flames, the journey through the wilderness to the Duchy that promised protection. Milerna hadn't said a word about it once Hitomi was back in her old chambermaid's outfit. Perhaps the beautiful princess had immediately abandoned her plan to mold the foreign girl to her liking.
But maybe there were more important things on her mind, an impending war for example. "You hmmm…" Van started to speak, but then fell silent. Typical behavior for him. It had always irritated her a bit. What was on the tip of his tongue? What was too dangerous to say? Unlike her, he never just blurted something out, but preferred to remain despondently quiet. She did the same now. There was no delicate pink dress with an elaborate lace collar in the bag in front of her. In her imagination, thousands of miles or even light years away, Van held the shimmering silk up to the light of his lamp and admired its dazzling beauty. "More clothes," he finally said hesitantly, clearing his throat in embarrassment. Was it possible to just hear a human's bright red face? Very much. "So hmmm…" "Okay, okay, stop it. Close the bag, it's clearly mine." Somehow she didn't like the idea of him rummaging lewdly through her laundry. He obviously didn't either. She should have thought of that before. There were also several very very private things in there she simply was not ready to discuss with him. She fumbled with the zipper of her own bag. "How odd that there seem to be two of these bags now." "What do you want me to do with it?" he asked pragmatically. "Just keep it, it’s a gift. And, uh, the contents, give it all to Merle. I'm sure she'll know what to do with it." "Wouldn't you like to…" He trailed off.
"What do you mean?" "Excuse me," he said quickly. "I'm being called. Good bye." "Talk to you later," she said hopefully, but already felt that he was gone. What had been left unsaid? Again?
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So if there are two bags, why not two Hitomis? Well I guess Gaea doesn’t play by the rules of physics (or basic sci-fi) everyone else has to obey. Time travel is a tricky thing and I’d love to see it used more often in Escaflowne fanfic, wouldn’t that be fun? I mean, as the ending suggests Van and Hitomi kinda control those pillars of light (or at least he with the energist). Doesn’t that make them time lords? Last words go to somebody who should know:
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(Gosh this would be me dream cross over, Hitomi and Van as The Doctors new companions. Let me work on that!)
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ckiine · 6 months
Butterflies in the Stomach # Summer when they were 14.
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A/N 1) - To whoever that missed me :P I am back guysss. I wanted to write this fanfic but it kept taking too long and once I started writing it became waaayy too lengthy so please bear with me.
A/N 2) The fanfic is kinda inspired by this pic. Such cuties!!! <3
A/N 3) All the credits to the actual artist. This image is NOT MINE.
A/N 4) Please forgive the typos!
There are a few easter eggs in this fanfic. Let me know if you guys managed to find them :) Without further ado. Enjoy!
Shinichi was annoyed.
He clearly knew he was annoyed.
His gums were aching because he was clenching his jaw way too tightly, his hands were tightly fisted and he just knew for sure that he had a very ugly expression on his face.
Since he aspired to be a detective he had deduced why he was feeling this way but no amount of rational logic was helping him right now.
Meanwhile, the core reason for his irritation remained completely oblivious to his agony and was happily chatting away with him.
He sighed and went to his seat not like he could interrupt.
Shinichi's emotions were all over the place.
He glanced at Ran who was chatting with Fuji Kaname. The two of them had become acquainted when both of them were assigned morning duty and to make things worse a seat change had happened. Shinichi and Ran who were seated together previously were separated and that guy now occupied the seat next to Ran, meanwhile, Shinichi was thrown at the back of the class. Throughout his classes, Shinichi's eyes would wander towards them. He would have a strange churning in his stomach every time he saw them interacting. He knew what this meant. He has always known what Ran was to him.
The problem was the other boys were looking at her too. Back in elementary school they had a crush on her too but were too immature and childish to figure it out and acted like bullies towards her.
But now in middle school, these boys were trying to put in effort to talk to her and vie for her attention. He was well aware of the eyes on her, the interested, curious gaze, the infatuated look anytime Ran was around. Shinichi was almost glad that Ran was oblivious to the attention she was getting. At least she was not interested in them.
"Shinichi? What happened? Are you alright?"
Shinichi jerked up and came face to face with a pair of concerned blue eyes.
"R-Ran?? What's up?" Shinichi called out in surprise on seeing her.
"Oh I just wanted to confirm what time your soccer practice will get over today? Regional matches will be starting soon, right?"
"Oh it's just the usual time for this week, we will have extended practice from next week."
He answered her automatically.
"Hmmm." Ran had a look pondering look on her face. Meanwhile, Shinichi snuck a glance at Fuji who was staring at them and their eyes met. Fuji didn't turn his gaze away from them.
"Then I guess we can go back together. Is that alright?" Ran asked cheerily.
"Yeah, sure." Shinichi answered in a daze and Ran went back to her seat.
Shinichi felt a bubble of joy in his heart.
"It sure has been a while since we walked back together." Ran stated simply.
"But I guess it is for this week only when our club practices will end together. Next week, I guess the soccer team will stay back for longer time."
"Are you match-ups out already?"
"Shinichi?? Shinichi are you listening to me?? Shinichi??? Shinichi look out!!!!"
Shinichi couldn't get the image of Fuji and Ran out of his mind.
Should I ask her about him? Am I meddling? Will she become conscious of him if I ask her and start paying attention to him??
In his worries, he missed the steps in front of him causing him to tumble down and fall flat on his face. Thankfully it was not very high and just three steps.
"Shinichi are you alright??"
Ran crouched near him and checked up on him.
"What were you thinking?? You are hurt." Ran said softly wiping away the dirt.
"I am fine... I was just-
"Thinking about Sherlock Holmes." Ran finished for him absent mindedly while taking out a small first-aid pouch from her bag.
"No it was something else." Shinichi defended himself.
"Really? Shinichi are you capable of thinking of something else apart from Holmes and Scoccer, I didn't know that." Ran poked fun at him and chuckled as she cleaned his hands and face.
You, you idiot. I think of you. A little too much.
"So what got you in such a daze that you tumbled down like this?" Ran asked now bandaging him up.
Shinichi just stared at her in a daze. His eyes drank in her features, her hair, her eyes, her nose, supple-looking cheeks which were just waiting to be pinched and dare I go lower. Her lips.
NOOOOOOO!!!!! He felt his cheeks burn
Shinichi smashed himself mentally.
She just had to be the prettiest looking gal, didnt she. Shinichi almost resented her.
Cant you just stick to me? Like, forever? Why the hell is this Fuji guy making googly eyes at you!? Punch him away with your karate!
"Why is your face turning red? Don't tell me you have a fever too. You looked listless in the class today as well." Ran came closer to check his temperature.
"Enough! I am alright. Don't touch me so recklessly like this."
Shinichi couldn't stand this torment and before he knew it he was sprinting away from Ran as if set on fire.
Oh the pains of an awkward teenage boy with the girl he crushes on.
UGGHHHH!! What have I done!? She definitely hates me now. What do I do? I didn't want to behave like this. She must be hurt.
Panting heavily and completely out of breath Shinichi entered the house, ran to his room and slumped by the door.
He did not know how to handle this jealousy and worst of all he ended up being irritable towards Ran of all people.
I really need to apologise to her.
"Shin-chan come down for dinner."
Shinichi's intercom buzzed.
The Kudou mansion was pretty big so they had intercoms in the rooms for easy communications.
Shinichi came down and took his place at the table and saw his parents share a glance.
Dinner was strangely quiet and Shinichi observed the strange behaviour of his parents who kept glancing at each other and at him.
"So what is it you guys want to talk about?"
Yukiko and Yusaku looked at Shinichi though not very surprised with his observation.
"Well Shin-chan, your father and I were discussing a few things and we are deliberating the option of moving abroad, US to be more specific."
Shinichi was caught a little off guard by the statement.
"Nothing is final yet. We are just discussing and we would like to hear your opinion about it. I know it is a lot to take in right now but think about it."
"But why the sudden idea?" Shinichi asked slowly.
"It's not really sudden."
True, the US was a frequent family destination for them.
"As you know Yusaku's book on the Night Baron has become an instant hit and for research purposes, the US is a good option. The country has a broad spectrum of studies and case analogies."
The 'Night Baron' novel series was a very well-planned plot. Yusaku Kudo wrote individual crime thriller novels but it always had a shadowy and mysterious character who manipulated the protagonists in very subtle ways. Not something which would be picked in the first reading. After writing multiple novels with such a vague figure a lot of conspiracy theories were making rounds on the internet as to who this mysterious person was. Finally, a few weeks ago the first book In the Night Baron series was released which literally disappeared from the shelves within a day. The people devoured the book like crazy and it was still on the bestseller for six consecutive weeks already.
"Shin-chan, moving abroad will be a big change but I think living in the States will be good for you too. Think about it okay."
"Is that all?"
Yukiko and Yusaku looked at each other and nodded. Shinichi walked to his room and crashed on his bed.
He could only think of her.
Will I be able to leave Ran? Will she miss me? Will I become a distant forgotten childhood memory? Will she fall in love with someone and become his girlfriend?
Fuji's lovestruck face flashed in his mind and why just him, so many countless guys were infatuated with her. Who will win over her heart?
I-I- cant...
He had a vague idea of what he needed to do and for that, he needed to speak to hakase urgently.
****The next morning****
"Hakase? Are you up? Hakaseee??"
The door clicked open, "What is Shinichi-kun? So early in the morning?" Agasa- hakase said yawning and still very much sleepy.
Like a cheeky brat, Shinichi just pushed hakase inside and said,"I need a favour hakase and only you can do it."
"What is it?" Hakase asked a little more alert now.
Shinichi looked at him and deliberated for a moment but in the end hakase was best possible option.
"My parents are planning to move abroad hakase. I want you to take legal guardianship of me in their absence." Shinichi said in a blunt and straightforward manner.
"NANIIII??? Shinichi-kun do you have any idea what you are saying!?" Hakase was completely bewildered at the Shinichi's request.
"Please hakase, do me this favour! You and my father have been friends even before I was born, you have seen me since I was an infant and you just live next door to me. I-I have my reasons for not wanting to leave Japan and you are the only possible way I can convince my parents to let me stay here. Please." Shinichi deeply bowed his head in front of Hakase.
"Shinichi-kun!" Hakase was flustered by the sudden development and the request.
"Have you told your parents about it?"
"No, not yet." Shinichi said slowly.
"But why do you want to stay? Studying in the States is a wonderful opportunity, especially if you want to be a detective."
Shinichi looked up at hakase, his eyes showed a determined gleam.
Feeling slightly better after talking to hakase Shinichi set off for school.
Shinichi kept glancing at the clock and at the door of the classroom waiting for Ran to appear who had still not arrived. Ran was not late yet but it was later than usual time for her. Just then Ran walked in through the door.
Shinichi moved towards her but the moment their eyes met, a look of pain flashed in Ran's eyes and she hurried away form him to rush to her seat.
"Ohayo Mouri. It's rare for you to be this late." Fuji greeted her
Ran just passed him a sheepish grin and settled down in her avoiding Shinichi who was just left stunned in his place but quietly went back to his seat.
Of course, she is avoiding me, especially after how I behaved.
Shinichi tried multiple times to talk to Ran throughout the day but Ran successfully managed to avoid him and before he knew it she was sprinting out the door the moment classes got over. Shinichi felt dejected and was not sure what to do.
Shinichi turned and came face to face with Fuji and flinched.
You are the last person I want to see right now.
"I saw you were trying to talk to Mouri today."
"Arent you being a little too pushy? She is clearly avoiding you. Stop bothering her."
"Mind your own business." Shinichi frowned and shot back coldly.
"I will mind my own business after you stop bothering her," Fuji said haughtily, not backing down.
"It sure is a good play, playing innocent childhood playmates and taking advantage of that."
"Fuji-kun!" Ran called out horrified.
Shinchi and Fuji looked in surprise to see Ran standing there, looking at Fuji with hurt and disappointment. He paled under her hurt gaze.
"Mouri! I was just-" Fuji started now, stripped off his arrogance but stopped unable to say anything.
"Please never talk like that ever again," Ran said firmly.
"Let's go Shinichi."
She grabbed Shinichi's wrist and they walked away. Their footsteps sounded loud in the empty corridor but Ran refused to slow down as she was still feeling extremely annoyed.
"Ran calm down." Shinichi started slowly in a placating tone.
"How could you let him talk to you like that Shinichi!?" Ran glared at him feeling extremely agitated.
No Ran, I was actually just a second away from punching him in the face, you arriving there actually prevented a fistfight.
Ran was seething, she really thought Fuji-kun was a nice person. He was nice and polite as a seatmate, they got along fairly well but to think he had such a shallow opinion of her relationship with Shinichi.
Shinichi and her have been together since kindergarten, she has known him since she was four. All through elementary school and even now in the second year of middle school they have always been together. Also, Shinichi always had valid reasons for acting in a certain way and Ran knew for sure that none of his actions were ever meant to hurt her.
"I thought you were mad at me," Shinichi said slowly.
"I was a little annoyed but right now I am angry for a completely different reason." Ran huffed.
"Don't mind it, I don't think he really meant it anyway." Shinichi didn't want to defend him but he sort of understood where he was coming from.
"But even so." She mumbled.
"Gomen Ran, for yesterday," said Shinichi
Ran looked at him. The deserted corridor was dyed in an orangish-yellow hue of the setting sun and Shinichi's eyes were fixed on her with an unwavering strange intensity. They were so sincere, shaking almost shining. She felt a pang in her chest, it felt like a bittersweet ache. It didn't hurt but somehow it did, it felt warm and lovely. Ran felt a vague realisation. She has felt like this before but for some reason, this feeling was getting stronger with every passing day.
The moment Shinichi looks at me like that I will forgive him for anything and everything in less than a heartbeat.
A sweet smile blossomed on her face reflecting the warmth she felt in her heart.
"Shinichi is Shinichi no matter what." She said smiling. Shinichi grinned at her somehow understanding and not understanding the statement. She felt the same, the words that came out of her mouth were something which perplexed Ran herself but she didn't want to indulge much in these complex intense emotions for now.
This deduction nerd and her were walking back together, which made her happy.
"Tou-san, kaa-san, please listen to me." Shinichi spoke with a deep breath.
Here goes...
"I wish to stay in Japan, I don't want to move abroad."
"But Shin-chan-"
"I spoke to Agasa-hakase, if you guys permit then he can take over my guardianship. He said that if you both agree to it then he will agree as well."
"What about wanting to pursue the path of being a detective?" Yusaku asked bluntly.
Shinichi clenched his fist and prepared to answer.
I got through to Agasa-hakase, I am sure I will get my intensions through to my parents as well.
"Tou-san, kaa-san, being a detective is my dream, and I wish to achieve and fulfil that with my own strength and efforts. Even if it takes a little longer, I want to remain in Japan. If in future certain conditions turn favourable I will think of going abroad, till then please let me stay here. Onegaishimasu!"
Shinichi felt a tense silence in the room but he looked at his parents with the same determination and desire which had won over Agasa-hakase in the morning.
"Fine then, I guess." Yusaku said cooly.
"Really!?" Shinichi shouted in surprise.
"But Yuu-chan!!" Yukiko whined but Yusaku managed to placate and reassure her.
Shinichi felt a sweet relief on getting acknowledgement from his parents.
I can do it! I will definitely become a great detective. I will be by her side. The girl who carries a first aid pouch for me. The girl who values the relationships of people around her. The girl who has me wrapped around her fingers. I won't have to part from her, for now, this is more than enough. For now, this will do.
"Please it's alright. I really don't want to impose on your family time like this." Ran said flustered and distressed to Yukiko-san.
"Oh Ran-chan, don't worry about it. We really want you to join us."
Ran glanced towards Shinichi for help who simply shrugged his shoulders. Though fireworks of madddening happiness were exploding in his heart.
Good job mom!!!
"Alright then! It's a four-day trip and pack accordingly Ran-chan."
Ran was completely shocked to find that the Kudos had planned to move to America. She felt as if she had been robbed of her breath for a moment but when she found out that Shinichi was going to stay in Japan she felt a trickle of relief in her veins.
He is not going! He is not going to leave me.
As of now, she was in the Kudou mansion and was invited to Shinichi's parent's villa mansion in Karuizawa. The Kudos were planning to move to America at the end of summer vacation. They would be spending time with Shinichi in Japan during the holidays. Knowing that they would be leaving in two months Ran felt distressed about being invited to a family vacation but on Yukiko-san's insistence, she gave in.
Ran and Shinichi's eyes met.
Is this really ok?
Yes. Yes, this is perfect. Shinichi felt his face growing warm and looked away.
These kids really grow up really fast.
Yukiko's eyes gleamed with nostalgia and mischief as she looked at her son sharing a moment with her (future daughter-in-law?).
A/N - Damnnn this is too long. Thanks to everyone who stuck with it till the very end. Please let me know how was, I look forward for your feedback!!
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suspendingtime · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
I've been tagged by @stars-of-kyber and @andthebubbles. 😁 So although I feel barely qualified, I guess I best do this...
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
7. 🤗
I started about 2 months ago, so... and yes, they're all Kanthony. Initially just started as a way of contributing to Anthony Week 2023, and I didn't even expect that I'd actually do all 7 days.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
Currently ranging at 661 to 3,779 per fic. Rookie numbers!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
So far, just my beloved Bridgerton.
But there have been a couple other shows that have tempted me...
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Astride  - 166
Nursery  - 118
Hunt - 105
Yours - 94
Temptation - 88
Having published a handful with various ratings, it's quite interesting to see the kudos, bookmarks (private vs public), and subs ratios! Much to think about.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Why... I sort of have a need? Idk, when I see a comment it's hard to just leave it hanging there and not to reply. Like irl if someone looked at something I made and verbally commented on it... and I just stared back blankly not saying anything. 😐 This is how it feels to me on the receiving end at least haha. And my replies saying various forms of 'Thank you!' is probably quite repetitive, but hey ho.
Plus comments give you that lil hit of dopamine; from both povs as a writer or reader. Being on the reader side for most of my Ao3 activities I tend to comment on most of fics I read, I can't help it - I must tell you what I loved about it and why, and there's a pleasure in reciprocating that back too. Look, now I've written half an essay on the subject, gaaah. (I've not been on Ao3 as much as I'd like to recently, and because I opened it to scoop out the stats for some of the questions above I can now see that I have some unreads... and the need is happening.)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmmm *thinking really hard*, I don't think any of them have an ending that is all that angsty. If I had to choose, maybe Temptation?
The pattern I've shown so far in my posted works is that it's gonna be 90% fluff. Though that is liable to change. 😆
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably Nursery?
I'm not sure, cause they've all ended on a pretty optimistic note so far. But that one has Kate and Anthony with a few of their kids, so it's the furthest on the Kanthony HEA timeline.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet...
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Ummm 👀 I may have dabbled in some smut.
What kind... hm, the kind where both people are panting for each other, and end up caving because they literally can't hold their horniness in anymore (this totally explains why I went feral for Bridgerton S2, ha). Another pattern I seem to have is making Anthony a submissive man puddle.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not yet, but I do have some crack ideas I may explore.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of, I very much doubt it.
How often does this happen to people?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No. I'd certainly be all for it if anyone ever wanted to translate any works of mine. 😊
If I was proficient enough to write in other languages, then I would probably try publishing the different versions from the get go.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nothing formal, but there was a lengthy comment thread on Reddit some months ago where myself and another user went back and forth re-writing the script for that stormy library scene 😅 (not so much re-writing what was already there, bar the last few lines, more of a continuation in a universe where Kate hadn't fled).
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Must I even answer this? Kanthony, c'mon now.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
There's only 1 work that I have, where I've actually started a chapter 2. And I have all the faith that I will finish it. ✍️🤓
Other potential WIPs, that are currently just posted as one shots, only exist in my head... who knows if they will see the light of day.
16. What are your writing strengths?
This question feels illegal to be asked.
I have no idea, I'm very new to this whole writing thing. At least in terms of fiction, so I'm not sure what I'd consider my strengths to be. I feel like I need some more practice before I can get a real sense of this?
I would say that dialogue usually comes very quickly to me, and it's having to fill in the bits around it that takes more brain muscles. So that might indicate something.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Everything apart from the answer to the question above.
But really I think it's remembering that there is a world outside of the main couple happening, and trying to describe the details there. Also other general 'setting the scene' stuff like clothing, weather etc etc. I usually just want to jump straight in with some random dialogue.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
On writing it... no thoughts; not done it yet!
If I needed to for some unknown fic reason in the future, I'm sure I'll be apologising profusely in the author notes for trusting Google translate and probably butchering whatever language it is.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Still just the one so far, Bridgerton. 😌
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Hunt 🥺🥹 I was a lot of feels, and just very indulgent tbh.
I also really enjoyed my shortest one, Obedient, which was in 2nd person (hadn't done that before). The writing of that one was just really fun and I idky but I've reread it quite a bit!
I'm woefully looking at my Ao3 bookmarks (which has grown exponentially since joining Tumblr), full of things that I've not got round to reading yet. So I'm tagging partly based on stuff hanging out on top of that pile: @islemeadow, @ladykettlechips, @hydriotaphia, @eleanor-bradstreet, and the smut aunties @colettebronte & @fayes-fics 😋 (if y'all wanna do it, ofc. I tried to find those who hadn't been tagged/done it yet, sorry if you've actually already done this and I've just not found it).
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predvestnik · 4 months
Author Portrait
get to know the author behind the blog! repost, do not reblog.
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Name/nickname: Vênus Age: 29 Pronouns: she/he Years of writing: Around 18 <3 
Why did you pick up writing? It was an activity shared between friends in elementary school, we'd been RP-ing, shipping and writing (Saint Seiya) fanfictions way before we knew what those were. We had a compendium-esque thing for everything we'd read and written that I'd printed at home, and we carried it everywhere until one of our teachers took notice and asked to read. Very embarrassing, very formative. If I'm here today, it's all thanks to Libra no Dohko and his tragic boyfriend Shion.
Do you have any writing routines? No. We ball. I get to my PC and go like a toddler presented with too many toy options, then I crawl towards the one sparking more joy in that moment (could be writing, reading, playing, etc etc).
Besides, sometimes I'm hit with the Horrors(tm) and that also plays a part in why my energy for writing fluctuates so much.
What's your favorite part about writing? Specifically about RP, it's when I get to write with someone who really gets what I'm saying and get them too, that connection getting us to blabber nonstop until we reach the part where we're weaving a story together.
Three things you like about your writing:
O1. How it is customized for each thread, theme and character. I like to think each muse begs for a tune of their own, and that means which words I pick for the storytelling, like if it'll be more direct, or introspective with metaphors and reflections, or even if it'll be more formal. When we write together, one thing I can guarantee: it will be made exclusively to match the vibes of our story;
O2. I've been told multiple times that it flows easily even when lengthy and I choose to believe that! I know some things (namely idioms or comparisons) may get lost due to cultural differences, but if the message still lands, then I call it a success;
O3. Hmmm, my motto is to not write with my ego? That isn't revolutionary in any way, but a reassurance that I don't care if my muse gets the short end of anything during a thread, even more if it happened due to a lack of foresight from my part rather than a deliberate lapse. Honestly, that always makes writing more interesting because it makes me reroute and forces me to think outside the box.
A question for the next person
write a question for the next person to answer. once you've answered it, leave a new question for someone else to answer.
Sam's question: What kind of threads do you enjoy the most?
I'm partial to conflict of any kind, it translates to angst most of the time, but anything that puts my muse through it has my heart and soul (anger? When will Childe experience anger??? But it's me asking myself, mostly). Be it physical, moral or psychological.
Too much of the same fluff, sharing a drink and laughing over it, walking towards the horizon and similar type of interactions gets stale pretty fast to me and nukes my enthusiasm to write in general.
NEW QUESTION: What's the most challenging thing and character you've written, and why?
Tagged by: @ccaptain Tagging: @melodicbreeze @verdantluxury @theladymuses
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- @abirdintheworld
Hihi!! Thank you so very much for the ask!! 😊
🌻: Who would your self-insert say that their biggest role model is?
Hmmm... truthfully, I think my self insert would have the same answer as me! I mean, that's how most these questions might go since my self insert is practically just me with slightly different lore and job, but still! This could be a very lengthy and emotional answer, but to keep it short, Dan Avidan! Particularly the musical side of his career, but absolutely still enjoy the YouTuber side of his career as well. His music carried through a lot, and his story of how he got to his career is very like..comforting almost? Cause he didn't make it big young or such, he made it was he was close to his 30s, and he had a lot of help and a lot of scraping for money and stuff. And he's still doing it now at 45! I mean, it depends on your definition of "made it" cause he's not some massive star or anything, but I think it's going nicely. It's nice cause like he's still doing all sorts of things he dreamed of and is/was passionate about regardless of how old he is(not that I do think he's old, but some people act like if you don't achieve your dreams in your 20s then it's over for you, which is a whole thing for another time how that's completely bologna).
Okay, maybe I didn't keep it toooo short😅 but I can't help it!!!! He's great.
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junk-culture · 4 months
5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30. 5️⃣❗
now wtf is the 5 times table doing in my inbox... ! teehee... this is a lot of questions and my answers are lengthy so under the readmore they go:
5. Favourite band: HMMM this shouldnt be a difficult question but i feel like im always indecisive/struggle to identify an Absolute Favourite Above All Others...... i think i have to say depeche mode because i like them enough to have paid £[redacted] to go see them...they are definitely one of my big faves anyway........ i will add bastille as an honorary favourite simply because they are the band i have liked for the longest... i started listening to them as a miserable 14/15 year old so you know. that kind of band is eternal and forever even if i don't quite like all of their latest stuff/don't listen to them absolutely all the time etc. actually the jam are maybe tied with bastille for that sort of formative band so let's say them too. sorry i can literally never give one single answer LOL 10. Favourite model: uhm unfortunately i dont really have one im not really into following fashion or models....idk....but recently i started watching the x-men movies (cringe) and i kind of got the hots for halle berry a bit so ill say her. ik shes an actor but she started off as a model so it counts. honorable mention also to the sony d-e350 in gold . a very very sexy model (of cd player) :
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15. Lucky Number: It seems there's a typo in the questions post because they've put 14 twice instead of 15....I don't really have a lucky number although I sometimes see people with aesthetic blogs posting about angel numbers or whatever and im like i could get into that........ i guess any number can be lucky if it appears in a certain moment or is recurring... since 14 appears twice in the question post ill say 14. and its a pretty good number anyway
20. 5 things you love: ONLY FIVE? BUT I LOVE SO MANY THINGS ABOUT OUR BEAUTIFUL WORLD...! well to name a few: 1. mai friends (physical and virtual) ^_^ 2. BRIGHT GREEN GRASS IN THE SUNLIGHT 3. art. drawing. its my essential activity i have to do it its awesome plus so important in the world for everyone 4. when you're travelling home on the train from a pleasant day out somewhere and it's really sunny and you have a window seat and the music you are listening to is just right for that moment and its just so the beautiful world. you know? 5. shagging ur mum LOL !
25. Favourite blogs: UMM im sorry im kind of too lazy right now to like tag people plus i feel a bit shy doing that anyway but basically all of my mutuals etc...... <3 and the smug jug blog also 30. Someone you miss: hm...i don't know if there's any one person i Strongly miss but there are a few i vaguely to moderately miss. idk. such as: - my mother occasionally - not my irl best friend as such because shes still here lol but moreso i miss hanging out regularly like we did when we were teenagers? like now we're both adults and in different cities and she works full time and im either working or studying and she has a boyfriend anyway its like we dont hang out that often... many such cases obviously but i miss the time of seeing each other every single day at college and walking home together...and especially because id love to do that all over again Now when im like. a lot happier/more functional/more "normal" than i was when i was 16/17 lol. but its the way of the world what can we do - i guess i sort of miss an internet friend who disappeared .... it wasn't exactly unexpected because we always were aware of the possibility and i know its simply how such things go but i wonder how they're doing sometimes...plus we exchanged physical mail and gifts so now its like i just have these objects in my home that are from a person who i no longer talk to lol....
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cerealmonster15 · 1 year
Grabs you and shakes you ALSO 14 & 15 for violence questions :3
PHEW ok you're [probably] safe from my lengthy rambles bc i dont read too much fic especially lately HMMM
14- that one thing you see in fics all the time
are these specifically Hater Things since it's violence. like am i supposed to complain or am i allowed to say Nice Things. HMM. hmm. damn ur right these ARE hard LOL lkfsdjfls uhhhhhhh fuck when was the last time i read a fic.... i kinda come and go in phases with these bc Reading Is Hard uhhhh
well. i read mostly jami/azu when i do read fic, in terms of twst. but also sometimes heartslabyul fic but also im way pickier about heartslabyul related fics <- probably bc there's way more of it. jami/azu was harder to come by in the early days and i do feel like when something's less popular you find the more dedicated works that have a lot put into them!!
idk i dont think that answers the question tho LJFDKSL UMMM well in jami/azu fics ive read there's often a plotline of azul overworking himself and jamil trying to get him to pull away from his workaholic tendencies. i think that's fun! i like seeing the different ways people approach the same topic :]
15- that one thing you see in fanart all the time
[mind goes blank despite consuming dozens of fanarts daily] uhhh hang on lemme check my trusty tumblr tag 🚶
[seeing my own posts][scrolling faster] uhhhhhhHHHH ok well i guess i was in a jami/azu fever the past few days actually so that's what im talking about here too LOL there's a lot of fanart [mine included JLFJSD] of azul being shamelessly adoring and/or obnoxiously smug while Also Being Flustered over jamil and jamils just like. either also flustered yet SO pissed about it and in denial jsklfds OR just straight up Trying To Get Rid Of Azul and it's so fun. it's my favorite thing in the world <- hence why i too draw it so often LOL listen. theres a lotta earnest fanart of them thats so so so good. theres also silly goofs and japes that are equally SO fun and i love it all fjksljfelsjf
i could not be a hater for these idk if i followed the rules please don't tell riddle i just was overcome by the jami/azu and im not very picky about them kfljjflsjdklf 🕺🕺🕺 [i could probably find things to be picky about. i just dont feel like it rn LOL]
[violence questions] [theres a 50/50 chance ill be normal about my answers i guess!!!]
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randoimago · 1 year
Not really a request, but I did want to ask what dnd class you think Chaerin's class in Surviving Romance would be
Ooh that's really interesting. Hmmm let's see...
I don't technically have spoilers in here but there are some "if you read between the lines" type of stuff. Also this does get a bit lengthy so I'm including the Read More!!
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Chaerin -
This is tricky for Chaerin. Maybe Fighter because she's skilled in many different things? But she doesn't really use a lot of weapons, from what I remember in the webtoon, she's just very smart.
I guess she could be a Bard. Maybe a Vengeance Paladin?
Actually no, I'm so silly. She's a Blood Hunter!
Seonyeong -
I guess Druid? It seems a bit on-the-nose considering the only druid thing she has is the mushroom on her head.
Hana -
I can see Sorcerer for Hana for some reason, idk
Juri -
I don't think there's been a whole lot from Juri? Like she had a motorcycle at one point and is the 2nd toughest. So maybe she'd be a Fighter?
Rina -
Okay so the automatic assumption is Barbarian, which fits. But she also has pummeled zombies with just her fists so Monk could work too.
Mihui -
The animal companion that everyone is sworn to protect --
Maybe like a Life Cleric? She has helped Chaerin quite a bit.
Jinseon -
Wizard. She's the smartest one. I might be stereotyping just to answer your question anon, but she gives Wizard vibes.
Shinbi -
This one is interesting because I thought Artificer due to all the weapon creation she does.
Jinyeon -
Gives me Paladin vibes. Although I can see her being Ranger too with her speed and accuracy.
Seyeong -
I get Warlock vibes from her. Maybe Fiend Warlock, but it's the relationship where she's fighting with her Patron so her powers aren't all there right now.
Jinhui -
Hexblade Warlock/Fighter. With her whole Chunibyo self, this is very fitting imo
Yeri -
Oh she's a monk. It might be a bit on-the-nose for her, what with her boxer background, but monk.
Seonwoo -
There's not a whole lot with Seonwoo that I can recall. She's devoted to her sibling. I guess she would have high Insight so maybe a class with Wisdom as its main stat?
Maybe she'd be a Ranger? Wouldn't really call Minwoo her animal companion but--
Cheram -
She's got to be a Rogue. The lockpicking skills and acrobatics she has? That's a Rogue.
Se-Eun -
Definitely Bard. Her persuasion ability? That gives off so many bard vibes. Maybe Whispers Bard to be more precise.
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uhzuku · 2 years
hmmm sorry for the random questions they were just the first thing that came into my head:
do you read many actual books (not 'actual' in a snide way just like idk how else to word it 😭) and if you do what genres do u like and what's a book that comes to mind when you think of a book you enjoyed reading?
Sorry for the lengthy questions, short answers are fine bcos i don't want to interrupt your writing 😭
Have a great day ^^
i haven’t read published books in so long unfortunately 😭😭 but i will say that i really enjoy horror and crime novels as well as historical fiction/nonfiction!! crime and punishment ( ive mentioned it before ) is good, and the auschwitz escape and the nightingale are two of my favorites !! the jack reacher series is also very very good, and my sister’s keeper is amazing.
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du-buk · 2 years
do the instances of rabbits have meaning in 8:11 or is it a secret for now? they remind me of how i portray rabbits in my own oc story (representing salvation/damnation, objectification, rebirth, etc) im also curious about if biblical numerology was an influence but i feel like thats too many questions- either way i loved the game ;v;
Howdy! No worries here, thank you for the support! I will put the answer under a read more as I got a bit lengthy with my reply, haha. I love the concept of what you're doing with rabbits, I wish you luck with your story!
For rabbits;
Rabbits definitely hold some symbolism! I gotta be careful, of course, as I don't want to spoil the big surprise;) I can say that rabbits do hold a very similar imagery in 8:11, as is with your story! Rebirth and cycles are especially important to 8:11, but we won't see the full side of that until later. Vittorino, obviously, has a very special connection to rabbits and will hold a secret meaning to them. If I could spoil everything now, for the fun of it, I would...... But I must be strong. Lol.
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Rabbits as a general image of them, and their nature(and where they are placed on the food chain) hold some vague importance for 8:11 as well. Like Vittorino said, a lot of the women and men at the Basilica were mistreated, and seen at the bottom of the social pyramid = the food chain.
As for biblical numerology...... Hmmm.... There wasn’t really any specific influence from the concept for 8:11 with this. I think there’s a happy coincidence with some numbers, for sure, but it was never really intended in the writing. I don’t know much about Biblical numerology so I can’t answer much on this, sorry! But thank you for giving 8:11 a try and enjoying the game!
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hunnyzee · 2 years
Love Cassette | No. 1 New Love Cassette
(Each chapter is based off of a real song)
Song- New Love Cassette: Angel Olsen
Summary: You close down your coffee shop to find an unexpected surprise at home.
Word Count: 1.4K
Content: Fem. Bodied Nonbinary Character, Foul language, Suggested death, verbal violence
Author’s Note: This will be the first ever fanfic I’ve written! I’m excited to go on this journey and I plan to make this story fairly long and also a slow burn. This fic will touch on very sensitive real life triggers. So, this story may not be fit for everyone. If I ever forget a trigger warning please do not be afraid to let me know. At some point I’ll make a Spotify playlist if you feel the need to listen along or to understand the vibe I wanted to create for each chapter.
‘Dammit… dammit…’ You think to yourself while crouching down to clean up all the coffee beans from the floor. Using the mini broom and dustpan as you start to space out. Glancing up at the mocking clock. 7:45. ‘Okay… I have to go to the grocery store. And I close the shop at 8. So that should leave me at least an hour to get there before they close. Pick up paper towels, umm, olive oil. Do I need more zucchini? I don’t know if it’s too old at this point or not.. What else is-’
“Hey (Y/N)!” You look over at the register to see one of your regulars, Joe. You stand up and face the wall. Dumping out the coffee beans.
“Hey Joe, late night black coffee as usual?” You say looking over your shoulder with a small smile. Turning around and walking over to the register while wiping your hands off on your apron.
“You know it. Just you and Vincent again tonight?” Joe smiles at Vincent and waves while leaning on the counter top. Upon hearing their name he glances up from his notebook and smiles. Closing it and then walking to the back. Tucking their pen into his breast pocket. Vincent doesn’t like Joe. Vincent is one of your best friends, you’ve known each other since high school. Along with your lengthy friendship you two became business partners around four years ago. Opening up the coffee shop, Lovely Cleo.
“Yeah, it always is. $2:50” Joe hands you the money and a knitted coffee cozy. Then putting the money into the register you grab a cup and start to fill it up. Making sure to slip on the cozy while you do so.
“Not doing so hot today are you?” He points out.
You look up. “What makes you say that?”
“Your smiles are not as big as usual.”
“Hmmm… maybe it’s because you always come in fifteen minutes before we close?” You smirk. Knowing he’ll get defensive. He always does but, it makes you laugh.
Joe stands up and throws his arms out. “Oh come on doll! You know I get off work late.” saying with a huge grin. ‘Cocky as ever’ You think as you shake your head and chuckle.
“Haha! I know I’m just fucking with you.” You hand him his coffee and glance up at the clock. 7:50, the one couple that was sitting at the table near the window is gone now. ‘Time to dump out the rest of the brew.’ You grab the coffee pot and start dumping it out into the sink. Vincent then comes back to start helping by wiping things down.
“No but seriously (Y/N), what’s wrong? I know I’m a pain in your neck but I care about you.” He’s back to leaning on the counter. You set the pot back. Grabbing your cleaning cloth from your apron pocket, you wipe down the edge of the sink. Looking back up with a sigh you answer Joe.
“It’s James' anniversary today.” Suddenly the atmosphere in the shop changes as Joe perks up.
“Oh… I’m sorry.”
“Me too.”
He smiles and stands up fully. “Well, you can get through it. I know yo-” Joe’s phone starts ringing. “Hello?- Oh yeah I’ll be there soon- Okay- Okay-” He waves as he starts to leave. He puts the phone down to his chest. “Bye Doll! Try and have a good night!” Turning around he goes back on the phone rushing out of the shop. The bell makes its signature ding as the door closes. Vincent rushes over and locks it.
“Thank God. He’s gone” They turn around facing you.
“I know you hate him.” You beamed with the biggest shit-eating grin.
“Well, if he didn’t hit on you all the time maybe I wouldn't. It’s gross. He’s like 57.” Vincent’s eyebrows crinkle in disgust.
“Welllll… maybe if I marry him and he dies I can get life insurance. Haha!” You state while turning around to pull the trash out.
“Ughh. Haha! Shut up.” Vincent rolls his eyes and walks back over to finish the tasks for the night.
‘Dammit Erwin’ The rain was coming down hard. This mission was just as terrible as the rest of them. Lives lost and no further discovery on the titans. Except for Eren Jaeger there's been no progress.
“Levi squad! Cover the right flank! Make sure we get back to the Walls!” Erwin belts as they continue our way home. Erwin knows they can handle this. It’s the Levi squad. Of course they can. Levi then guides the squad towards the right.
“Captain! We have an abnormal coming!” Petra yells.
“Tsk. Let me handle it, keep moving the group forward. Don’t let any titans through.”
“Ai Captain!” The squad yells in unison.
Levi guides his horse even further right away from the squad and towards the abnormal…
‘Abnormal? That’s not an abnormal. What the hell is that?’ Levi’s eyes widened. The rain is coming down even harder now. Levi’s horse starts to get spooked as it notices the “abnormal” too. He tries to calm the stallion down but it throws him onto the wet soil. The horse then takes off. By this point his squad is too far away that even if he screamed they wouldn’t hear him. At least not over the sound of this rain. He pulls out his swords ready for a fight. What the Levi squad thought was an abnormal looks more like a fast moving fog. A fleshy colored fog. Suddenly he’s taken into it. It’s too fast. Too fast for Levi. Which is saying something.
Then suddenly it’s still. Levi can’t see anything. And the world feels quiet. Not even the sound of rain penetrating his ears. He turns his head. Left, right. But it’s all fog. And then-
“HEY JACKASS! GET OUT OF THE WAY!” The sound of the rain comes back as an older man with a salt and pepper beard and a balding head leans out the side of his car window. A cigarette dangles from his mouth as he honks the horn again. Levi just turns and looks staring at the man with his eyebrows raised and his mouth slightly gaped.
“What the fu-” Levi starts to mutter to himself.
Levi whips his head back around to see an angry woman leaning out her window as well. His senses suddenly come back to him. He runs out of the road clutching his chest. Bending over trying to catch his breath. He might be humanity's strongest but damn was his heart beating fast. He looks up to the sky and sees the clouds finally noticing that wherever he is, the thick fog is here too. He wipes the rain on his face off and looks at his hand. It’s shaking slightly.
‘What the hell are those things?’ He ponders as he looks back over to the street. ‘I need to find shelter first, then I can figure out where I am.’
He feels around his waist. ‘Good. I still have my knife.’
Levi straightens himself and looks around. He has two ways he can go. One seems to be facing a neighborhood and the other direction seems to have more of those metal things on the road. He chooses the direction that faces the neighborhood.
“Of course it had to rain.” You grumble to yourself. As you speed walk home from the store. “No umbrella. And it’s dark as hell out here.”
Finally, you reach your front door coming in and then closing it behind you. Shaking out your hair you bend down to set down the groceries, your work bag and to take off your boots.
“Hey Dick! I’m home!” You yell out. But no response.
“Hmmm… guess you're not excited to see me.” You mumble. Standing back up you stretch and take your grocery bags to the kitchen. Reaching over to turn on the lights, something grabs your arm and pulls you in. You start to scream but your mouth is covered. A knife is pressed to your throat and your breathing increases. Your heart feels like it’s about to jump out of your chest. You try to see but it’s too dark. You can’t make out a face.
“Keep your mouth shut and tell me where the hell I am.”
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bailey-reaper · 3 years
Do a drabble on Barok’s and his s/o wedding day and night.
The Ring of Truth
Notes: Hmmm! This is another of those scenarios that would no doubt differ depending on S/O's gender and, possibly, their standing in society. I'm going to proceed on the assumption that the wedding is a private affair that is conducted in a rather unconventional manner.
Also, sorry anon, I didn't end up writing about the wedding night – perhaps another time!
In this instance, S/O is gender neutral (they/them pronouns). Barok refers to them using petnames.
Content Warnings: fluff, marriage, Herlock Sholmes
"You know," Herlock Sholmes began, causing Barok to surreptitiously roll his eyes, "It just so happens that I'm a recognised member of the clergy!"
That one caused a small ripple of shock at the table, "Are you really?" Barok replied dryly, because no doubt this was going to form part of a 'witty' (and lengthy) anecdote that would drone on and on until the teller forgot what he was talking about and changed to some other inane subject.
"Yes, indeed," Sholmes said, taking a brief puff on his pipe, "I was ordained into the priesthood as thanks for my swift, discreet solving of a little matter that was upsetting Vatican City..."
"Oh Mr. Sholmes you simply must tell us more!" Susato chimed in, clasping her hands together in delight.
"Why I'd love to, my dear madam."
"Yes," Barok muttered, "There's nothing you love more than the sound of your own voice..."
"Rather a rude quip, Mr. Reaper, and from a lawyer no less!"
"At least when I talk it holds some relevance to it."
"Hmmm, I suspect what I say here will hold relevance some day down the line..."
And, much to Barok's disbelief, Sholme's words held true when he found himself in need of someone to officiate a ceremony between him and his beloved. He'd abandoned his faith a long while ago, when Klint died, and he did not care to rejoin a flock again.
While his beloved had never been much for faith and was similarly without a Parish Church to call theirs. In such circumstances, Barok had finally cast his mind back to the irksome detective's declaration to the effect that he was a 'member of the clergy'.
Any ceremony they conducted would be unofficial, of course, given their circumstances, but they were both keen to be married in a symbolic sense. An exchange of rings and words. It was not something Barok had thought he wanted, but a growing part of him had become deeply keen on the idea of a 'wedding' with his beloved.
So, much to his chagrin, he found himself calling at 211B Baker Street to speak to Sholmes.
"My dear man!" Sholmes exclaimed excitedly, "A wedding is a truly auspicious affair, and the wedding of a Reaper must be doubly so in some realm or another!"
Barok peered at the detective, lips drawn into a thin line, "Answer the question, man, will you officiate or not?"
"Nothing would delight me more! Now, might I suggest the perfect venue?"
". . . . You may suggest what you like, but I remain at liberty to reject your request on account of it no doubt being utterly ridiculous."
"Come now, Mr. Reaper, I'm not about to suggest you be wed in a hot air balloon or something of that nature! Though, come to think of it, that would be quite a thrilling way in which to 'tie the knot' haha!"
". . . . I'm starting to lose my patience, Sholmes..."
"Running out of wine, are we?"
"That's neither here nor there," Barok observed, taking a sip of wine, "Though it does mean that casting this hallowed chalice at your head would be a more worthwhile use for it..."
"Yes, yes, no doubt you've the right of it, sir!" it seemed nothing could affect the detective's mood when his spirits were high, not even the threat of violence from the Reaper himself, "Anyway, as I was saying: I think a ceremony, right here, in Baker Street, would be perfect. There can be no more romantic venue than the living quarters of the greatest and most famous detective of all time! And the pleasure can be yours, my good fellow, for the nominal fee of one hundred shillings!"
A long silence drew out between the two men: Herlock stood over his guest, leaning in, with a smile on his face and hands out in fanfare while Barok stared at his host, unblinking, before finishing what remained in his chalice.
"No," he finally and bluntly replied, "I have a perfectly attractive ancestral home that can serve as a venue. Naturally, I will permit you the use of one of the cottages within the estate, and you may remain for a spell afterward on holiday if you so wish... but I won't be renting your... eccentric premises. I cannot think of a more chaotic and unappealing place to host a wedding."
Sholmes sighed, "Ah... it must be quite a challenge to be so perpetually dour! Still, I admire your tenacity Mr. Reaper!"
"... Thank you, it comes naturally."
"Well, it is settled, give me a date and time and I shall be there posthaste to wed you and your sweetheart in holy matrimony? Unholy matrimony? Oh but wait... what on earth will happen when you reach the 'til death do us part' section of the vows? Being a reaper and all!" Sholmes laughed with delight as he contemplated the absurdity of a reaper being wed.
"I'll see myself out," Barok said, leaving the detective to his amusement.
A few months later, the date of the wedding arrived.
In somewhat unconventional fashion, Barok had selected his lawyerly nemesis, Ryūnosuke Naruhodō, to be his best man. The gesture was not lost on the young man, who took to it with his usual furtive vigour.
"Would you stop looking around like with quite such a terrified look in your eyes?" the groom said, glaring at the best man as he stood there trembling, "Anyone would think it was you getting married."
"Well... uh... yes I... um, sorry," Ryūnosuke eventually managed, "... I suppose I'm still a little surprised that you would ask me, of all people, to be your best man... not least of all given that I have no idea how British wedding ceremonies work."
"Well, happily for you this is far from a conventional one," Barok replied, "Who knows what will go wrong with that idiot detective in charge of proceedings..." it was strangely freeing, however, to know that nothing hinged on this. There were no expectant aristocrats, waiting for anything to go wrong so that they could then gossip about it for years to come; nor extended relatives to have to placate. The intimacy of the ceremony meant that the only thing Barok cared about was his beloved enjoying their day, which was a good concern to have.
"And as for choosing you to be my best man," he continued, "I think you've earned at least that much... Were it not for you, I'd no doubt be dead or transported by now."
It was still sobering to think that he'd almost been convicted of murder...
"... I'm sure you would have managed your own defence, but, I'm glad that we could all reach the truth."
"Yes..." it had been deeply cathartic in its way, perhaps just a touch more so than it had been soul shattering. If not for Ryūnosuke's impressive defence and his beloved's support, Barok was unsure what sort of a mess he would have become post-trial.
The ordeal had only cemented in his mind that this person was the one he wanted to be with for the rest of his life – however long that might be. He paused as he looked down at the Prosecutor's badge he'd affixed to his suit; Klint's badge. His fingers grazed the finely enameled surface. The fact that his older brother was not here to see him wed was a tragic one, but, he had come to the conclusion that he needed to move forward rather than perpetually looking back.
No doubt Klint would want him to enjoy his day, so he ought to honour that wish.
"Uh... Lord van Zieks?" he realised Ryūnosuke was speaking.
"... You may call me Barok, Mr. Naruhodō."
"Oh... uh..." clearly that had startled him, "In... that case, please call me 'Ryūnosuke'."
"... Very well. What is it, Ryūnosuke?"
"It's time for the ceremony."
Barok took a deep breath and nodded, "... Let's go, then," it had been a long while since he felt the flutter of nerves quite like this; in fact, it reminded him of the first time he stood in a court during his studies for a mock trial full of nervous energy.
To his credit, Sholmes was surprisingly focused and capable in his capacity as an officiator. Barok had to give him credit for that. The proceedings were conducted with an air of sobering warmth and not even a snicker at the 'til death do you part' section. Even the exchange of rings went off without a hitch.
It was all going so well, until––
"I now pronounce you Reaper and Spouse, you may now kiss the demigod."
Barok shot a fierce glare at Sholmes, but was quickly and completely distracted by his beloved's arms around him and their lips on his. He had to lift them up so that they could reach his mouth, but that was easily and readily achieved.
Finally they parted, Barok looking at his love in a delighted stupour, "... Well," he murmured after a few moments pause, "It seems we're now wed..."
"Yes," they replied, with a beaming smile and tears rolling down their cheeks, "And I couldn't be happier..."
It took him a moment to realise that his own eyes were glassy with tears as he looked down at his delighted love; his spouse, "Nor I... You have brought such light into my life, my beloved... it may sound trite, but it's true."
"I love you, Barok," they held him close while he returned the hold in kind; everything else melting into the background as he focused on the love of his life.
"I love you too..."
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Here to bomb you with the emoji ask:
🍰 for Erica and Tris
🔮 for Max and Snow
👽 and 💔 for Hestia
🎆 for both Raven and Sapphire hehe
💕 for Cassandra and Kaye
💯 for Lan and Elliot
☄️ for Monty
👀 for everyone (or whoever you feel like if it's too much)
Happy Storyteller Saturday!
OC Interview Asks
Yes, so many questions! Very excited to see how my characters answer them all. (Under the cut cuz it gets lengthy :D)
🍰 Describe your ideal birthday
“A day on the beach with all my friends, and we stay up all night too, dancing barefoot in the sand and waves."
👀 What's something you feel guilty about?
“... Hmmm.... I'm not really sure, I've always loved adventure and just letting the wind carry me wherever it does with no regrets. Maybe leaving my mother all alone at home, but I think she'll be alright without me for a little while."
🍰 Describe your ideal birthday
“My ideal birthday? … my stepmother and stepsisters are gone, father makes me a cake, and then we stay up reading stories by the fire before bed."
👀 What's something you feel guilty about?
“… Not telling father I love him more… Not leaving my stepfamily sooner even though I couldn’t…”
🔮 What's something you hope your future holds in store?
“I'm supposed to become a councilor of Dryklan after my father. I just hope that I'll do a good job and the people will like me. So perhaps a long and prosperous time for Dryklan while I'm a councilor is what I hope the future holds."
👀 What's something you feel guilty about?
“Well, this one time I accidentally overheard a councilors meeting. I wasn't even supposed to be there. My father would be disappointed if he knew that I heard any of it."
Princess Snow
🔮 What's something you hope your future holds in store?
“I'm scared to be Queen, but I'm the only one who has any chance of beating my stepmother. I just hope I'll be good enough for my people."
👀 What's something you feel guilty about?
“Father dying... I know it wasn't my fault, but sometimes I wonder if he ever would've gotten sick if we hadn't gone up into the mountains for my last birthday."
Princess Hestia
(Oooh three questions for her >:D)
💔 Have you ever been heart broken? What happened?
"... When our castle was attacked, me and my siblings all managed to make it out into the forest. When my sisters and I got separated from our brothers by the mountains of Dinvirty, [redacted]....."
👽 Share a secret (it doesn't have to be yours).
"I can control fire... summon it at will... as a child, I was told it was a gift from the gods. Now I know it's nothing but a curse."
👀 What's something you feel guilty about?
"My sisters, when they.... it was all my fault. If my brothers are still alive, they would be horrified to know what I did. And they would be right, I'm a monster..."
🎆 Describe the ideal date (doesn't have to be romantic!)
"Oh Hallya, there's a lot of ideal dates for me. A festival is always fun, especially the Festival of Dixi during the summer. It lasts three days and everyone parties the whole time, especially at night. Something quiet and outside is always great too, like a picnic with a book."
👀 What's something you feel guilty about?
".... Not going far enough to protect Sapphire. She's alright now, we rescued her from the sleeping curse, and she's awake, but... I can't help but feel that if I had taken more risky measures the witch would've never been able to even reach Sapphire."
Princess Sapphire
🎆 Describe the ideal date (doesn't have to be romantic!)
"Any kind of adventure. A walk in the woods, exploring a new town or city, trying something that's new for both of us... anything adventurous."
👀 What's something you feel guilty about?
"The sleeping curse. Raven keeps telling me it's not my fault, and I know it's not... but I feel so stupid, I never should've provoked the witch and given her a reason to hurt me like an idiot... I thought I was invincible, guess I was wrong..."
Captain Cassandra
💕 What's something you love?
"My ship. My crew. Very loyal. Very sturdy. Can always count on them." *she's signing it*
👀 What's something you feel guilty about?
"That prince. I never should've trusted him. I gave up my tail and my life for him, and he left with another girl like I never existed. He forgot about me. He's a bastard for leaving, but it's on me for stupidly trusting him and giving up my life under the sea for him." *she wrote it down*
💕 What's something you love?
"When it's quiet and peaceful. Or the days when my parents ignore me enough to not push their expectations on me. The expectations for me to be this bloodthirsty warlord like they are. My siblings too, they're nice and don't expect me to be like them."
👀 What's something you feel guilty about?
".... Well, there was this one time-.... It was my fault for letting my anger take over, now that man is dead because of me."
💯 What's a good quality in a friend?
"Loyalty. If the only quality a friend has is loyalty, that's a good friend who will have your back."
👀 What's something you feel guilty about?
"I know it's not my fault at all, but I wish there was something I could do for Snow... to help her see her stepmother for what she really is."
💯 What's a good quality in a friend?
"The ability to spend time with them without saying anything. The best kind of friends are the ones who can sit quietly with you and communicate without saying a word."
👀 What's something you feel guilty about?
"I wish I could help my father and grandmother more. I know I'm still a young man, but sometimes I feel like if I did more father wouldn't be so sad and grandmother wouldn't forget all the time."
Prince Monty
☄️ Make a wish!
"I wish my body could pick a form and stick with it! If it's gonna be a frog it should stay a frog!"
👀 What's something you feel guilty about?
"I haven't found my sisters yet... I don't even know if they're still-... My parents and brothers are all gone... My sisters are all I have left and I still haven't found any of them."
Thank you so much for the ask, I had fun! @rose-bookblood
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fincalinde · 2 years
For the latest meme, 23, 24, 36, and 30? 👀
23. Dialogue or description? Why is the other one so hard?
Hmmm I actually quite enjoy both. Lengthy and detailed description doesn't suit my style and I find it difficult, but I also find it difficult at times to differentiate between 'voices' for different characters. Sorry I don't have a more interesting answer. As a freebie: what I really find difficult is action sequences of any kind.
24. Thoughts on flashbacks/flashforwards.
Nothing against either though it's not something I'm drawn to. I'm not an adventurous writer and while I've experimented with analepsis and prolepsis in the past it doesn't come naturally to me and therefore doesn't crop up much in my fanfic. I think I've only done two fics with a flashback structure: the garden we find inside and the NMJ sidestory for weakness. But both are still quite straightforward.
An example of a fic that moves back and forth in a clever way is my perennial favourite darkness and fears to appease by welcome_equivocator. One that really rewards multiple readings.
36. How do you come up with fic titles? What's the one you're most proud of?
Oh almost always lyrics, I'm awful at titles and have absolutely no illusions about how inadequate most of my choices are. My rule is just that the song as a whole should more or less work for the fic or at minimum the pairing. My best title is probably old enough to be yours though I'm also very fond of the weakness of falling in love. And the whimsical working title a study of the urban fridge deer I ended up keeping because a certain raccoon and possum are enablers. If I ever manage to finish the sequel the file is named 'further study of the urban fridge deer' which I'm sure won't confuse anyone at all.
30. Describe a fic that almost happened, but then it didn't.
I dream constantly of the Wangxian Temple Fix but it's not going to get written because describing it is the joke. Probably the best serious example is the Orphan AU @xiyao-feels (aka you lol) and I devised where LXC and JGY end up at the same foster home. There's lots of cute little scenes like JGY getting a part time job as a barista and then LXC getting a job there too. Oh and they share a tiny room with a very small single bed each, so that makes it easy to be secret boyfriends but not that comfortable for all the very necessary spooning, so one of the many things JGY dreams of achieving when he's a rich and successful adult is buying the Biggest Bed Possible.
Maybe I'll be nice and share a tiny bit since it's never going to be a fic unless someone wants to pay me to write Xiyao all day:
They each have a single bed, on opposite sides of their very small room, and every night Meng Yao fantasises about shoving the bedside tables out of the way and pushing the beds together. He dreams about having enough space.
Tonight they talked after lights out, whispering to each other in Cantonese until Lan Xichen got quiet and not in a way that meant he was falling asleep. So Meng Yao had slipped out of his own bed and joined him, hugging him and letting him hide his face against his shoulder.
What Meng Yao remembers is falling asleep with one arm thrown over Lan Xichen and his nose pressed to the nape of Lan Xichen's neck. What he discovers when he wakes is that his arm is still over Lan Xichen's waist but his face is now hidden against Lan Xichen's back, his nose and forehead rubbing the clean-scented cotton of Lan Xichen's pyjama shirt.
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sexen-sven · 4 years
Lucius malfoy
Warning this contains: smut, multiple orgasm, spanking, harsh words, knife play
Things you should know before you read:
(s/c) - skin colour
(h/c) - hair colour
(Y/n) - your name
(l/n) - last name ( your)
Somewhere below the Malfoy manor in a deep red room that was heavily enchanted with no escape laid a girl with beautiful (s/c) skin on the beautiful deep red silk sheets already pooled in her own cum and blood, chained by each extending limb to a post of the bed, blindfolded, and two thick silicon vibrating dildos from the Muggle word ranging from the sizes of 6-8 inches deeply shoved in her soaked cunt.
While the rest of her body was littered in either blue and purple bruises/hickeys, dried up blood, or wounds that were still slightly bleeding out.
In this very room all you could hear were the screaming and moans that erupted from this girls mouth as she tried to stop the dildos to continue letting her over stimulate yet again, none the less it was proven difficult with her legs being spread apart so nicely giving anyone who walked in a clear view of her throbbing pussy as she pulled against the chains on her arms
This girl was an order member and known as the black cat around the Wizarding word she was: y/n l/n
At the top of the Malfoy manor
It was quiet nothing but the quill being used to write by the head of the house hold; Lucius Malfoy. As the manor was nearly empty except for the few house elf's and their master, as his wife was out of town and his son far away at Hogwarts.
Stress and fed up with his work Lucius sighs as he runs a hand through his long, silky platinum blond hair.
"Bloody fudge...laying out all this work for me" Lucius mutter to him self but then thought back to his little slut, play toy, his mere pet being tortured by him to get more answers to the dark lord in a room beneath his office.
Smirking to himself he decided to go pay his little whore a visit. Tossing his papers aside he powerfully waved his hand over the floor right under his seat making the ground ever so slightly shaking a portion of it sliding off aside revealing a stair case to a darkly lit passage way.
A wave of his hand was all it took for the powerful dark wizard to open a securely, heavily guarded door charmed and casted with many spell.
Making his way down Lucius started to unbuckle his belt, loosen his robes, all while running his hand through his hair getting comfortable and ready to strip.
Reaching the final step Lucius look around seeing the familiar corridor lined up with candles alone each wall going in a liner path, a space for each door.
Each door had a different purpose but the one door with heavy metal plating and a secure surrounding was the one that Lucius had visited quite often.
As it's purpose was: his personal sex torture room
Lucius took long strides power defining every step he took and when he finally reached the room he waved his hand yet again and the door open.
with a swift movement and a thud of something heavy opening you gathered all your remaining energy and lifted your head to see if it was the the usual house elf to change your sheets or the one who was keeping you captive here.
With exhausted eyes Lucius came into your view,
"Ma-Master !" was what came out of the (h/c) girl mouth with a huff as it took some strength to even talk when there was so much pleasure pulsing through your veins.
Lucius just looked down towards where you laid and just smirks and stares at you and says nothing as he strips into his boxers.
You watch him walk over to you with his wand and he mumbles something under his breath that you couldn't quite catch but you knew what it was as you felt a rush pleasure forming a quick knot in you and near to breaking
He had just increased the speed of the dildos
"Ahhhh...mmm...I'm gonna cum" you scream out as you release your high
"Who said you could cum in my presence" Lucius asked you, no more like demanded for an answer
You cowered in fear and looked to the other side as you tried to avoid his terrifying gaze, but shivers still were sent down ur spine as you heard a louder voice, Lucius's louder voice thundering across the room asserting his dominance
"I asked you who let you cum in my bloody presence, do not make me repeat myself y/n" he demanded again
".... no one" you quietly mumbled out
He peered down at you "what" he question in disbelief while harshly grabbing your jaw turning it as he slowly caressed your lips
u looked anywhere but his eyes and then finally tried to yell out "no one master....I'm sorry master"
Smirking he looked at you "hmm...that's better you little cumslut" he harshly spat you
you whimpered as you felt his cold hand brutally
Rub your bud and soon enough slide both the dildos out and shoved two digits in instead and started thrusting in such a fast pace you just accepted it pushing ur hips forward moaning along the way
Every few moments he would rub his thumb over the open slit of your carven and trace around your pussy in a such a way teasing you further
Slowing adding another finger you we're going to have another orgasm
"Mmm...ahhh!! Let me cum!...please master!" You kept begging Lucius and you didn't want to repeat the same mistake
"Hold it" Lucius told you in a stern voice
Thick hot tears where streaking your cheeks as you tried to continue hold your high in for some more time
"I can't...ahhh...master" and you finally released after a lengthy moan
Lucius look at you with fury "didn't I say to hold it in you stupid whore"
With a rough force he grabbed each chain and broke it, then flipping you with your arse over his lap
"You deserve a punishment..*scoff* cumming twice in my presence without permission" Lucius said to you in a sly tone while he started caressing your ass, following with his rough hand then coming in contact with your ass turning it a bright shade red, a hand print taking form on one cheek
"Please Lucius I'm sorry...ahhh" you tried to beg but another slap was struck making ur butt slightly shake
"Ahhh...but that's not my name, and I thought I told you to count my little whore" he spat in a teasing but dominant manor
Once again spanking you
"mmm...th-..thre-" not even getting to finish, but Lucius already has stuck his hand harshly against your soft (s/c) skin
"FOUR eeep" you said through pain but pleasure was also laced through your voice
"haaa...haaa thir...thirty...ni- nine" you said breathlessly
With another spank already on your arse now looking blue and purple due to bruising in some area but still bright red covering most of it he caressed your ass one again like he had the few time through giving you, your punishment before slapping ur cheeks again
"For- forty...nghhh" you said with a dry mouth, tears running down your ass, but most of all you enjoyed every. last. S p a n k.
A amused hum escaped Lucius' lips as he caressed your ass yet again in a slow motion "have you learned our lesson hmmm y/n? " he questioned
"Mmm mhmm " you said muffled as you nodded with your head buried deep
"Mmmm let's reward you shall we" he told you with a grinned plastered on his gorgeous face as he walked over to a drawer (cabinet) and he skimmed his eye across the drawer and pick up a small sleek black and red butterfly knife and made his way back towards you.
In a fashionable manner he opened the knife and ran his hand over the under ur breast and gave you a slight squeeze on your right breast and he then started to crave in 'cum slut' in capital letters that made that area slightly bleed out.
As he carved that in your skin you felt a slight sting rush through your vein and you tried to get out of his hold but he places a firm hand on you
"Stop squirming y/n" He told you as he continues to crave into you
When finished he pushed you roughly with you ass sitting up in the air and in a swift movement he took his boxers off and without any warnings shives his thick lengthy cock into you and started to thrust without letting you catch your breath or adjust to his size.
Groaning while giving you no stop as he continues to pound into you while grabbing a hold of your waist with one arm and hold back both your arms with his other hand as you were screaming and moaning while he constantly hit your g spot over and over again, and you just couldn’t get enough, while you buried your head in deep into the deep red sheets as your eyes felt as if they were rolling into the back of your head and you’re toes curling and squeezed as your stomach churned in pleasure
After some time you felt him twitch and get sloppy and he just kept on going
While moaning you yelled out “ahhh...mmmm please master pleasee”
While continuing with a steady voice he asks “please what my toy, what do you want from your master, come on don’t be shy” he toyed with you
“mhmmm pleas cum on me master....fill me up with all your cum...ahhh ha” you said shamelessly not thinking about anything else but wanting him to release his thick hot seed all in you
He starts slowly but sloppily making his way up your body leaving wet hickeys behind earning very lewd moans from you as he then starts groaning in your ear while he cums in you
With a last thrust he pulls out and let’s go of your body and watches you collapse on to the bed having no support to hold you up and your legs shaking in bliss satisfaction
Lucius with a quick wave of his wand changes the sheets new and has the house elf clean you up while he watches your chest rise and fall as you sleep with a peaceful look his gets dressed, takes a seat right beside where you sleep, while gently brushing your hair aside, covering your body up but is shaken when he sees your body move and your arm wrap around him with a smile ghosting upon your lips as you continue to sleep
He decided he would stay there a bit longer until the house elf abruptly came into the room and announced with his head slightly bowing to his owners back “mistress has returned home master”
(not edited)
A/N: I hope you enjoyed that if you have any more requests I will try my best to write them I hope that you can give me feedback since I am a new writer please don’t be afraid to request
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