#hoist with his own petard
fideidefenswhore · 1 year
There was only one state suite [at Hatfield], on the south front overlooking the gardens and approached by a great stair, and this must have been assigned to Elizabeth. Under James Nedeham's instructions, carpenters and bricklayers set up rooms for Mary elsewhere, possibly on the ground floor or in the guest rooms on the north front.
Houses of Power: Everyday Life in Tudor Royal Palaces / Thurley, Simon
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alexiethymia · 5 months
listen whatever you may think about their relationship…that little chin tuck/touch and mimzy’s whole ‘have fun with your li’l princess’ were cute
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ssaalexblake · 7 months
I do kind of want to watch Gatwa as the doctor but like, after years of dealing with fandom bullshit over 13 and the utter shitpile of fandom, I just can't be bothered to do it again here. I know what y'all gonna be like. He's never gonna be good Enough he's never gonna do it quite right and you're never going to manage to explain why because all logic is going to fall apart if you try and explain because it won't be logical, like it wasn't with 13. And the majority of you won't even Realise your own bias. And I cannot be goddamn assed to sit and stew in that cesspit anymore.
Dw fandom is terrible hours and I can only delude myself into thinking my circle is the only part of it for So long before I want to say fuck that and leave for less shit pastures.
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cyanide-latte · 4 months
fffffffsssssss every day I forget about one particular TWST OC I have until @simons-twsted-children @inmateofthemind or @ramshacklerumble remind me he exists.
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inkdemonapologist · 1 year
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I cant believe your 'dad shut up about joey drew' meme is literally wilson's canon motivation
Also I think my theory about Wilson being aged by the Ink Realm ended up pretty adjacent to canon/word of god? (Their reasoning was that the trips back and forth took a toll on him, which is also fun). SO THATS NEAT. I joined this fandom so late that getting actual canon confirmations of things now is quite stressful LMAO.
Anyway at this point my most strongly held unprovable headcanon about BatDR lore might be that Nathan was cheating on his wife with Joey, and Wilson knew, but Tessa never did. It lets Wilson be a little older (as old as 53 vs max of 46) if Nathan had a child prior to reuniting with Joey in the Sparkle Unicorn Speakeasy That’s Probably Definitely A Little Bit Gay, and it fits with Wilson’s frustration seeming so petty and blatantly incorrect, if there’s an additional insult in his father’s admiration of Joey that Wilson can’t say without outing his father.
We poke a lot of fun at Wilson (a wholesome activity that’s fun for the whole family) but like… [glances at Sammy Lawrence… glances at TLO…] it just makes a lot of sense that his weird, nonsensical obsession with taking over the Ink Realm might have come from interacting with the machine and the ink. He says the Machine speaks to him, and it just sounds like Wilson got Sammy’d by the Ink too, he just assumed it was the Machine speaking to him instead of the Demon (and if the Sammy in the cycle is the same guy, which the archive implies, then we have potential evidence in BatDR that Sammy’s also wrong; the Demon has a voice, and Sammy doesn’t seem to hear it). And then he gets fixated on taking over the Ink Realm, something that, really doesn’t seem to, fufill any reasonable goal? How… will this win his father’s attention or admiration exactly? He comes up with a bunch of conflicting reasons why this is a good idea, but none of them make much sense, and each trip back to the place he now calls “home” wrecks his human body more and more, and it just seems like MAYBE he’s being influenced to do something that is not in his best interests.
Maybe Wilson was very different before the Machine.
Anyway, the Archive stuff about Wilson is super interesting. He’s always struck me as a character who seemed like he'd had his role altered at the last minute, AND NOW ITS CONFIRMED: HE DID!! And honestly this has made me feel somewhat calmer about him as a character, lmao. Like, all the places I can point out that seem like super weird choices aren't really choices at all; they're backups. He doesn't fit because he was designed as part of an entirely different puzzle. I'm super curious what the more complicated story with two villains could've looked like, and maybe it would've ended up with characters that made more sense, but honestly, focusing on what they could feasibly finish and polish seems like a really wise choice for something that is a game first, story second, and now that all the baffling choices surrounding Wilson make sense on a meta-level, I feel like the part of my brain going WHY THIS IS SO DUMB can finally rest lmao.
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doolallymagpie · 8 months
I think that if Mina had turned, it wouldn’t be great for Dracula, actually
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telemna-hyelle · 1 year
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You asked for it, so suffer the hotne- I mean consequences
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orange-locust · 2 years
plot concept for s2: jim and frenchie's adventures in malicious compliance
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chalkrevelations · 1 year
No, but have you ever stopped to think about the statement “I’m hungry” - really stopped to think?
That is a horror movie tag. That is a monster with a voracious appetite coming to devour you, and it’s often disguised as something innocuous or even cute, underneath the blood smeared on its teeth and around its mouth, so you get this incongruous image when it looks up at you and reveals its hunger.
I mean, does anyone else ever hear Claudia’s voice from the IWTV movie back in the day, echoing underneath it? Because that happens to me ALL. THE. TIME. (Haven’t watched the 2022 show yet, so I don’t know if that’s in there, but that childish gasping voraciousness that Kirsten Dunst imbued it with was top-notch).
None of this means that I’m arguing it’s not the perfect way for Pete to signal his love and desire and devotion for Vegas by using it. No, it all makes it even more perfect.
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inhcritance · 1 year
Small headcanon of the day:
After NWH, and/or after learning about other Goblins, Harry makes two significant upgrades to his Glider and Goblin Tech:
He makes sure his own glider doesn't have sharp edges. Using it as a weapon is not worth the chance of getting impaled himself, or injuring himself if he ever needs to hang on from it in an emergency.
He also designs a safety protocol to make the glider rush to him if the systems in his suit or its integrated wristbands detect he's falling from certain heights and up. These wristbands are also removable, so they can be keyed in to save someone else if needed
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aspiringbelle · 9 months
After the years of pushing for increased NATO spending, the NATO powers are finally seeing the bill come due. And all the spending on high-tech equipment, and bases closer to Russia has hit a snag, due to the simple cost and need for ammunition.
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incomingalbatross · 1 year
A heroine being protected by a talisman of her dead mother is classic fairy-tale (Cinderella and Vasilisa the Beautiful come to mind), but it seems like in those cases the evils they're protected from tend to be the results of their mother's death. In Small Spaces, the devils-bargain field trip would have happened either way, but if Ollie hadn't had her mother's watch she would probably have been doomed. This means her mother's death saved her and her friends from the smiling man, even though she couldn't see any meaning in it at the time.
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clementineskesh · 2 years
Absolutely CRYING about how the final confrontation played out. like any Sith in the galaxy would be like "Yes Obi-Wan YOU did this, wallow in your despair and guilt and grief!!!"
Meanwhile Anakin just goes "Fucking EXCUSE me, I did this! Don't take credit for my work!!!!" and accidentally gives Obi-Wan mental and spiritual catharsis
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flatstarcarcosa · 2 years
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i mean-
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thepotentialof2007 · 1 year
Sentencing Judgment for Nelson Piquet
Judge Pedro Matos de Arruda stated that the amount of the compensation is "in the sense that one should not only appreciate the reparatory function of civil liability, but also (and perhaps mainly) the punitive function, precisely so that, as a society we may someday be rid of the pernicious acts of racism and homophobia."
From the r/formula1 comments: "I read the sentence. The judge determined the value based on the fact Piquet was able to donate R$501,000 to Jair Bolsonaro's presidential campaign, and one is not allowed to donate more than 10% of their yearly gross income. Therefore, Piquet's income is at least R$5,010,000."
Here is the sentencing document [direct link to PDF - in Portuguese, naturally - hosted via the Congress in Focus section of UOL’s news site]
A thread on the same reddit post speaks from the perspective of one of the lawyers against Piquet explaining how Brazilian law works in these cases.
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el-ffej · 2 years
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