#holland ask i don't know where you are but feel free to help!
juniebugs · 4 days
assigning marvel heroes engineering majors (1)
i tried to write this so it makes sense even if you don't know much about engineering!! this post has my headcanons for peter parker, steve rogers, tony stark, and clint barton!!
as a preface, i am very aware that most of the marvel heroes would not in fact be in school for engineering even in an alternate universe. unfortunately, my fixation on both superheroes and engineering knows no bounds.
please feel free to ask me any questions about eng or for further explanation my reasons for these picks!! i am only in one type of eng but know many people in other disciplines so hopefully i'll be able to answer :)))
Peter Parker - Mechanical & Biomedical
I truly, truly believe the correct peter parker engineering take depends on what portrayal of spiderman you are looking at. like tobey's spiderman? would not touch biomed with a pole let alone mech. ... that peter parker is so far from engineer...... i dont even know where i would put him. materials? pls send your opinions if you have them.
BUT MCU, tom holland, spiderman would definitely definitely be in mechanical & biomedical. i actually got this from an irl friend, so if you see this somehow pls say hi LMAO
mechanical is one of the most common streams of eng and, while absolutely not something i ever want to touch, is really neat. it centers around keeping things in motion (contrary to civil engineering where if something is moving you're in trouble). it applies physics in really cool ways which i imagine would be a draw to peter just on the sole basis of personal interest. mech also plays with materials as it explores elasticity, deformation, fractures, yield strength, and other materials things i have blocked out LOL. when i think of that aspect i feel like it matches really well with the designed suit, the webs, and, if you listen to the science jargon he throws around in the movies, some of his prior knowledge.
biomedical engineering is actually used by some (the insane) as a gateway into med school. it covers human anatomy and genetic engineering (radioactive spider????). i do not believe peter would do med school too (because that student debt tho) but i also can't imagine him not trying to apply what he learns to helping others. i am personally partial to applying engineering principles to physiology and i can just imagine him implementing his mechanical knowledge into making prosthetics. if i had the brain power for this degree i would love to do that.
Steve Rogers - Civil Engineering
.... listen. steve rogers would fight a war before sitting in an hour lecture about dirt. i know this and acknowledge this wholeheartedly. HOWEVER,,,, I have a friend in civil with a special interest on sustainable design and you cannot, cannot tell me that isn't steven rogers coded.
civil engineering is not architecture, like at all, which i think is a common misconception if you don't know engineering well ( totally understandable!) unfortunately, i don't think civil caters to his artistic side that well but as someone who likes art but only does it as a hobby next to eng, i think thats okay.
civil engineering is kind of the mother to environmental engineering in the sense that they both look into wastewater treatments, geology, and even environmental planning (in some cases) but civil will also go into more detail with structural components and design of buildings. you'll find civil engineers involved in every building being made and in every town council ensuring clean drinking water and working sewage systems. typically they specialize into one or the other but shhhh ignore that for this post.
what i am trying to say here is that this would give steve a shit ton of wiggle room which i think he would use to help both the environment and people. paying engineers is expensiveeee especially for qualified, capable ones. i think steve would find deep satisfaction in working either for free or for the bare minimum cost (not that you should - know your worth :) ) and i think that he would actively use his work to call out designs that endanger communities or their environments.
this man knows his local engineering ethics code and WILL call someone out.
Tony Stark - Engineering Physics
when i started writing this section i thought it was going to be the easiest but unfortunately i did in fact have to phone a friend. tony stark is THE engineer so narrowing him down to one discipline felt impossible. my friend suggested engineering physics so i went with that.
the thing is eng phys is THE engineering degree. it is wonderful because you look at almost every thing mech, elec, and comp related (will explain more below) without specializing too greatly. it is also difficult because you don't specialize. for tony stark, who did not have to go into that internship grindset mentality, it would all be net positives.
to make the suit i immediately knew tony needed to have an extremely good knowledge on BOTH electrical (circuitry, coding, wires, magnetism, fun stuff) and mechanical (explained in peter's section!!). i was considering a double major but then was stumped because i love my elec and mech friends but they have no desire to produce a new element and also... creating an arc reactor??? plus AI's??? while likely related to software, it he would have bare minimum had to have had a good computer engineering (kind of how it sounds, engineering related to building and using computers and components of computers, lots of overlap w/ elec) background.
to wield the amount of science knowledge tony stark has an be able to apply it in an engineering context he would either have to be a genius (which like canonically he is so yknow) or take every course offered to engphys students (and some).
i think as a student he would have also enjoyed that not having to specify aspect. i imagine him always in the pursuit of knowledge. yay eng physics!!!
Clint Barton - Materials Engineering
If you've read the reasonings for some of the characters above you have likely thought to yourself "wow, such clear arguments, time must have been put into this" which like yes but also no because for this decision i am going exclusively on vibes.
materials focuses on, well, materials. it looks at both composition and properties (plus how composition effects properties). my friends in matls tell me its pretty research heavy which doesn't really fit with clint, i am aware. but every person i have met from this faculty i am convinced would get along with him.
I KNOW THIS ISN'T GREAT REASONING. i think that engineering would always be second to other things or interests in his life (even when he's a student) but I think the promise of a stable job and the hypothetical applications are really interesting. matls and mech can be surprisingly similar and i think he would find more satisfaction in manipulating materials to better fit his goals than in being stuck within predefined constraints.
plus, imagine creating a new material for like the tensile strength of your bow. incredibly cool
I'm thinking i'll work on doing more of these as i find the time!! i definitely have a few ideas for other characters, i just need to figure out how to articulate my reasonings haha.
if you have any ideas or shared interest in engineering and superheroes please let me know!! i have also been recently into the bat family, as you could probably tell by my reblogs, and am thinking of doing a version with them also!!
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tomhiddlestonsangel · 12 days
geez louise this fanfic is long-
If you guys havent seen my fanfiction post over on my writing blog at @mileschoosesdeath or my ao3 account at the same name, here is your chance to take a little sneak peek ( I might post some snippets on that account as well as here so that everyone can see)
just a brief synopsis: this is basically "what if odysseus from EPIC canon was reborn as MCU peter parker ? " and the second chapter currently is me writing odysseus' journey in peter parker's body and since its a long 16-17 years- WHOOO- its a long one
currently on NWH rn and man- my heart is breaking - at the parallels
well, now that i got my rambles out of the way, some snippets:
before i do, some snippets may contain spoilers for the epic sagas (currently) and the movies that contain Peter Parker such as Civil War, Homecoming, Infinity War, Endgame, FFH, and NWH
with that out of the way, snippets ahead!: -------------------------------------------------------------
He sees Ben on the ground and Odysseus tries to save him, to keep him in this changed world but it's inevitable.  Ben dies and he’s left to chase the man who committed the crime.
Peter reaches the man, and Odysseus is at first chanting ruthlessness is mercy, ruthlessness is mercy, ruthlessness is mercy when he catches the reflection of the teen in a broken shard of mirror.
Peter’s eyes are filled with tears and he looks so young. So young to have the world take everything away from him. He’s reminded of his son, Telemachus, the bright-eyed boy who cried when his father revealed himself.
Odysseus notices the wizard acting strange. He’s twitching with his eyes shut almost… almost as if he's seeing the future. 
I am the prophet, with the answers you seek
The stone glows on his chest and they can’t help but feel a bit nervous. 
Time, I’ve unlocked it, I see the past and future running free
Strange gasps and stumbles, causing everyone to rush to his side.
“What was that?” Peter asks as he helps the man get his bearings.
Strange looks at them all and Odysseus cringes when he sees Tiresias’ face flicker on the man’s for a second.
"I went forward in time,  view alternate futures, see all the possible outcomes of the coming conflict." Strange’s voice is heavy with something Odysseus can't pinpoint.
"How many did you see?" Quill asks.  Mantis and Drax look at each other with uncertainty. Peter drums his fingers nervously.
Doctor Strange took a deep breath before saying, “Fourteen million, six hundred and five.” It’s dread, Odysseus realizes. Strange is afraid to reveal something.
There is a world, where I help you get home
"How many did we win?" 
Tony looks at Strange with a certain determination, like he is letting Strange handle this. Odysseus knows what’s about to happen, his voice wanting to be let out and shout stop, don’t listen–
 He’s staring directly into Tony’s eyes and everyone gasps.
But it’s not a world I know
The last one explodes and they land on the bridge, facing down Mysterio.
However, Mysterio is nothing but a sore loser, like Poseidon and he challenges Peter to a battle with the last remaining drones.
We’ve got this, Odysseus reassures. Just follow my lead.
The drones drop Peter in a dark void and Peter closes his eyes before Odysseus takes the reins.
Actually, it's Odysseus, Peter, and their Spider-Sense working in tandem. They swing, dodge, kick, and fight their way through, while Peter shuts off all his thoughts, feelings, and essentially himself.
Fight, little wolf, fight
Take advantage now and Strike, little wolf, strike
Don't go down without a Fight, little wolf, fight, little wolf
Get up and fight
“Strange-’” Peter laughs nervously, without a smile on his face. “They will die if you send them back.”
“Parker,” Strange glares at them. “It is their fate. They cannot escape it.”
“But-” Peter tries to plead their case but Strange cuts him off. “We cannot change the wheels of Fate anymore than we can stop them .”
Odysseus now feels horrified. This was Astyanax, Scylla, and the wrath of Zeus all over again. He faintly heard the baby crying for his mother, the crackling of his men's torches, and the pounding of thunder in the sky.
What were they about to do? Were they going to swing the axe of fate down on these villains just as he had done all those centuries ago?
“I’m sorry, kid,” Strange said, placing a hand on Peter’s shoulder. “This is their only way home, and the only way to fix your life.”
This is your only way home, the lair of Scylla.
But Scylla has a cost
It's just an infant
It's just a boy
What sort of imminent threat does he pose, that I cannot avoid?
Captain? I have to see her.
But we’ll die. I know.
Peter made his decision right there and then.
“Like you did?” Strange retorts. “I know what you did all those centuries ago, Odysseus,” He spat the name like an insult. “You threw a baby off a wall-”
“I didnt want to!” Odysseus cries, his hand faltering on his sword. “Who was I to question the gods?”
“You did it anyway!” Strange roars. “You led your friend, Polites to his death all because you wanted to greet the world with open arms” Odysseus’ grip falters on his sword but he held steadfast.
“You also sent six men to their deaths all because you wanted to go home to your wife- You fed them yourself!”
“That’s not- I-” Odysseus sputters, his sword shaking in his hands.
“You sent the rest of our crew to their deaths so that you could appease Zeus' debt. What makes this act any more different than your crimes?”
OKAY! That should be the last of the snippets I can post before I spoil huge plot points in the story. I will post some of these snippets again over on my writing blog (@mileschoosesdeath) [for some reason, it seems like my posts don't get as much attention on that blog than this one, I don't know why]
so! before i forget! the first chapter is actually up on my ao3, (mileschoosesdeath), [same name as the tumblr-blog, ]
Link down below of the chapter, in case you cant find it on your own-
Well! Thats all for now! I hope you guys enjoy my fic! As a prize for sticking around on this long post: behold! my favorite song from the entire musical!
see yall around!!
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alinatk · 6 months
Breaking Down Holland (A Dark Shade of Magic Tickle Fanfic)
Fandom: A Dark Shade of Magic (V E Schwab) Characters: Kell Maresh | Holland Vosijk Summary: Red London is in chaos, everyone is fighting to purge evil, and more than ever the Antari are needed. Even though he doesn't trust Holland, Kell needs his power and will use a somewhat unusual means to convince him to help.
Tumblr media
(The picture doesn't belong to me, It's just a reference)
"You told me once" Kell said "that you were either the master or the slave of magic. So which of the two is it now?"
"That's what you don't understand" said Holland "I was always just the slave".
"Holland" Kell sighed. "It's chaos outside, we're losing so all help is welcome. It's the least you can do after all, help us have a little hope"
"Hope for you and your London" Holland didn't change his tone but the harshness was clear. "I just want to stay here and sink into the void, now leave me"
"No" Kell came closer. "You will help, even if I have to make you"
"Go ahead" Holland leaned his head against the wall. "I've felt a lot of pain, I don't care anymore"
"As much as part of me really wants to hurt you, I won't" Kell controlled his chains, so that Holland went to the ground. "I thought of something else"
"And even?!" Holland didn't show it but he was a little surprised. He was sitting on the floor and felt the chains wrap around his wrists and ankles and anchor themselves to the floor. "Well, at least this way is more comfortable"
"Makes it easier for me too" Kell sat down in front of his feet and began to remove his boots and socks.
"What are you.." Holland couldn't hide the confusion in his expression.
"You are so used to painful touches, but what about softer ones? Have you felt them?" Kell asked, with an amused expression on his face.
"I don't know where you're going with this, I just..." He stopped talking and stiffened when he felt Kell's finger run over his sole.
"Oh, what was that?" Kell scoffed and repeated the movement, seeing Holland try to pull his foot back. "Looks like you're sensitive".
"Tickle me? You can't be serious" Holland tried but failed to hide the uneasiness in his voice. "I thought you had more urgent things to deal with"
"I really do, but I need your help and you don't want to collaborate" Kell ran his index finger up and down Holland's right sole. "So I'm going to convince him"
"S-Stop it" Holland's breathing became shorter as he tried to keep the smile away from his lips.
"I wasn't too sure this was going to work" Kell used all five fingers now, fingering him. "But it's really impressive how these light touches affect someone as serious and cold as you"
"L-Leave me alohohohone" Holland couldn't hold back his laughter any longer, feeling how Kell's fingers ran from the heel to the base of his fingers. "ahahahahahaha stop!"
"Of course, as soon as you decide to help me" Kell used both hands now, one on each sole, increasing the intensity of the touches. "I don't want to take you in chains or have to watch you all the time"
"Ahahahahahahahahahaha shit" Holland was caught completely off guard by this, he didn't even remember the last time he felt something like this. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NO!" He reacted more abruptly when Kell focused on his arches and toes.
"Oh, what an interesting reaction, is that a good spot?" Kell dug harder into his arches, reaching the bottom of his fingers and diving between them.
"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA DAMN YOU" Holland exploded and despite his effort to keep his fingers suppressed, he couldn't stop Kell from having access to those sensitive areas. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA STOP THAT! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"
"You know, you look so much better this way" Kell watched as a blush appeared on Holland's pale cheeks as his feet swayed and his body flexed in response to his movements.
Holland didn't know how to deal with it, he was supposed to be able to free himself but the tickling made him even weaker, it wasn't like he was going to win a fight with Kell in that state either. He kneaded his soles thinking it would help lessen the sensations but it just required more effort and feeling Kell's fingers traveling and exploring every sensitive spot on his feet was disconcerting, after all, he never realized how sensitive he was.
Kell continued like this for a few more moments before pausing. He rested his elbows on his knees and his chin in his hands, watching as Holland caught his breath and resumed his posture.
"Are you done with this nonsense?" Holland tried to face him but he was still recovering. His face had gained a little color, his hair was disheveled and his breathing was labored.
"No, but that seemed a little intense for you, I wanted to let you breathe before continuing, I'm not going to take it easy" Kell rummaged through his coat pockets and took out a long, stiff quill.
"Then that's it?" Holland said with disdain.
"Yeah, I'm curious to see how you'll react" And with that said, Kell began to stroke the feather along Holland's left sole.
"A-Ah!" Holland's breathing hitched the moment the feather made contact with his sole and as much as he tried to convince himself that it wasn't that bad, he quickly realized how wrong he was. "aaahahahahaha"
Kell was pleased that this method was also effective, noticing how Holland pursed his lips as he tried to contain his laughter. "Is a single feather enough to break you?! How curious"
"S-Shuhuhuhuhuht up" Holland bit his lip trying to stifle his laughter as he wriggled his foot away. "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NOT THAT!" He screamed when Kell began to pass it between his toes.
"I told you I wouldn't take it easy" He smiled, satisfied. "You can end this whenever you want" Kell moved the feather along the base of Holland's toes, alternating between dipping between them and taking his time as he sawed each of the sensitive spaces.
"NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO KELL STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP" Holland closed his eyes tightly, shaking his head.
"Not yet? Let me be more convincing" And he used his free hand to scribble his fingers on Holland's other sole, combining the methods.
"Begging won't help" Kell dug firmly into her arches with his fingers. "As much as I'm amazed to hear"
"Ok what?"
"You made this difficult, but I'm glad you agreed" Kell moved the chains to free him.
Holland stayed there for a few moments before retracting his legs and standing up. "And what makes you trust me?"
"I don't trust, but I could very well throw you here again and maybe tell the king about it and ask for a public "punishment" for you, with special participation from everyone who wants to have fun with you" Kell looked at him with a slight smile on the lips.
"Y-You wouldn't dare..."
"So we understand" Kell held his arm and led him out of the cell. "Let's go, we leave early tomorrow"
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celestial-thoughts · 2 years
are you gonna be my girl? (part 1) // rhea x shayna
Posting for day 7 of Rhea Ripley Appreciation Week: Free Choice
Summary: The 2022 draft lands The Judgement Day on SmackDown, and that means Rhea gets to spend every weekend with none other than the reigning SmackDown women's champion Shayna Baszler.
Author's notes: past Rhea/Liv, set after Extreme Rules 2022 (but pretend that Shayna won at CATC and defended against Liv at ER). Liv is the villain in this story because I wanted to try writing her in a different way than I otherwise might go about it.
"With the first pick in the first round of the 2022 WWE draft, Friday Night SmackDown selects: the SmackDown women's champion, the Queen of Spades, Shayna Baszler!"
The announcement from Stephanie McMahon is met with loud cheers. No one is surprised by this, of course the reigning champions are going to stay with their current brands.
"How are you feeling?" The sound of Damian's voice startles Rhea for a moment as she stands backstage, watching on the screens as the WWE draft begins.
Rhea shrugs. "Fine," she says. And she really is fine. Even though this is the first time in which the draft will put her on a different brand, she's feeling okay about all of it.
Damian starts to say something else, but is cut off by the sound of Adam Pearce announcing the next pick: United States champion Seth Rollins. Again, no one is surprised by this move.
And then it's time.
"Friday Night SmackDown selects: Dominik Mysterio, Damian Priest, Finn Balor, and Rhea Ripley, the Judgement Day!"
The music is completely drowned out by the screaming fans. Where the Judgement Day would end up by the end of the draft had been the topic of much speculation for weeks. And the rumors that they might split the stable up had left fans eagerly anticipating tonight.
They watch as Adam Pearce announces the final pick for the round: Raw women's champion Bayley and her stablemates the current WWE women's tag team champions Dakota Kai and Iyo Sky will be staying on Raw. Although everyone knows that the rules of the brand split don't always apply to the tag team champions.
"Welcome to the blue brand." Rhea turns around to see Shayna leaning against a wall, title on her shoulder. "Glad to know the rumors of you four coming over to SmackDown turned out to be true."
Rhea can't help but smile at that. "It's kind of strange to think that we haven't been on the same brand in a year," she says.
"Please, you were ready to be done with me after NXT," Shayna says, her voice dripping with sarcasm, and they both start laughing. Shayna looks back at the screens, seeing that the next round is about to start. "I'm going to go watch the next picks. Want to join me?" It's an invitation to all of them, but she's only looking at Rhea as she says it.
"Sure," Rhea says. She looks back at Damian, Finn, and Dom, but they're clearly not listening. She follows Shayna to a corner of the backstage area that's fairly empty, and they sit down in a pair of chairs in front of a screen, just as the second round is beginning.
SmackDown's first pick isn't a surprise at all. Intercontinental champion Sheamus and his stablemates Butch and Ridge Holland are staying on SmackDown, though as the recently crowned WWE tag team champions, Butch and Ridge will likely be on Raw as often as Dakota and Iyo will be on SmackDown.
Raw's first pick for the round however, does come as a surprise. Solo Sikoa has been drafted to Raw, marking the first faction to be split up. SmackDown announces its next pick: Ronda Rousey. Again, to the surprise of absolutely nobody.
And then Adam Pearce announces the final pick of the round. "With the final pick in the second round of the 2022 WWE draft, Monday Night Raw selects Liv Morgan."
Rhea can't help the sigh of relief that escapes her. She has been hoping to hear those words since she learned she would be going to SmackDown. She's not ready to be on the same brand as her former tag team partner again.
"Can I ask you something?" Shayna asks.
"Sure," Rhea says.
Shayna pauses for a moment. "Was there something else going on between you and Liv?" she asks, keeping her voice quiet in case anyone else backstage is in earshot.
Rhea nods, not quite making eye contact with Shayna. "Yeah," she admits. "It was never supposed to go as far as it did but..." she trails off. She's never told anyone the details of her relationship with Liv. Not even Damian, who is like a brother to her.
"You don't have to tell me," Shayna says. "I mean, if you want to you can, and I'll be here to listen. But don't feel like you have to," she adds, her words coming out in a rush.
Rhea thinks for a moment. It would feel good to finally tell someone about all that happened. "I think I do want to talk about it," she says. She glances around backstage. "Not here though."
"How about I buy you a drink after the show?" Shayna offers.
Something in the back of Rhea's mind tells her to stop, that she could be making the worst mistake of her life. But it's time she started to learn how to trust again. So she takes a deep breath and smiles. "I'd like that," she says.
When SmackDown is done for the night, and the draft is halfway over, Damian approaches Rhea as she's packing up her things. "Hey, you want a ride back to the hotel?" he asks.
"I'm going out for a drink with Shayna," Rhea replies.
Damian raises an eyebrow. "Really?" he asks, a knowing smile on his face.
"Not like that," she says. "We're just hanging out. It's been a year since we've been on the same brand. We've got a lot to catch up on."
Before Damian can reply, Shayna approaches the two of them. "Ready?" she asks.
"Yeah," Rhea says, waving to Damian as she follows Shayna out a side door to where a rental car is parked. "So where are we going?" she asks.
"Only my favorite bar in Minnesota," Shayna says. Rhea's not surprised that Shayna has a place in mind, given that she grew up so close to Minneapolis, the city where tonight's show was.
Shayna drives the two of them to a bar a few blocks away from the hotel, and parks the car behind the building in a spot labeled "employee parking."
Rhea gives Shayna a look. "Are you sure you're allowed to park here?" she asks.
Shayna grins at her. "You're not the only one with secrets Ripley," she says. She motions Rhea to follow her out of the car and leads her to a back door. She knocks on it twice, then waits.
A moment later, the door opens to reveal a man who appears to be in his forties, with light brown hair and blue eyes. "I was wondering if you would stop by!" he exclaims, pulling Shayna into a hug.
"You think I would come to Minneapolis and not come visit?" Shayna asks.
"I never know your schedule," the man says. He nods at Rhea. "You brought a friend this time?"
"Oh, I should introduce you guys," Shayna says. "Rhea, this is Jake. We trained at the same gym in South Dakota," she explains. "Jake, this is Rhea."
"Good to meet you," Jake says. He turns back to Shayna. "Usual spot?" Shayna nods, and he brings the two of them to a private room near the back of the building. He leaves them with menus and says he'll be back in a few minutes.
Rhea turns to Shayna and shakes her head in disbelief. "So does anyone else know about this place?" she asks.
Shayna gives Rhea a sly smile. "I don't share my secrets with just anyone," she says. The two make small talk for a few minutes, only pausing their conversation to order drinks and some fries. Once they get their order, Shayna leans forward, resting her elbows on the table. "So, what exactly happened with you and Liv?" she asks.
Rhea takes a deep breath. "It was supposed to just be a one time thing," she begins. "After Elimination Chamber this year. We went out for a late dinner after the show, we had a couple of drinks, and one thing led to another."
"Elimination Chamber was almost a month before you two formed a tag team," Shayna says. "You were hooking up with Liv Morgan for a month before you teamed up with her?"
"Yeah," Rhea admits with a sigh. It was supposed to just be that one night in Saudi. We agreed it wouldn't happen again."
"Let me guess," Shayna says with a smirk. "It happened again?"
Rhea nods. "A few more times between Elimination Chamber and when we teamed up. I asked her out the night before we debuted as a tag team."
Shayna doesn't say anything, just nods, encouraging Rhea to continue. So Rhea tells her everything. How they went on their first real date the night they qualified for WrestleMania. How they spent more nights together than apart. How Liv knew exactly how Rhea liked her coffee, and how Rhea learned how to take care of the animals on Liv's farm.
How their relationship became about more than just work. It was real, something that Rhea didn't know she needed until she stumbled into it.
"And then WrestleMania happened." There is a noticeable shift in Rhea's voice as she goes from fondly recalling the memories of their relationship to bitter anger as she remembers how it all fell apart. "As soon as that match ended, she wanted to break up with me. But then we found out the plans for Raw the next night, so she didn't go through with it." Rhea shakes her head, still trying to fully process everything that had happened. "Of course, I didn't know she planned to break up with me until after the fact."
"When did you guys break up?" Shayna asks.
"The night I turned on her," Rhea says. "After it was over and we were finally alone backstage, she said that she was done with me entirely."
Something in Shayna's eyes changes. "What?" she asks, not quite believing what she's hearing.
Rhea nods. "She told me the only reason she wanted to get close to me was to get to WrestleMania." She sees the look in Shayna's eyes, one that says she's ready to make Liv pay, and she quickly continues. "I'm not mad at her," Rhea quickly says. "I mean, her career was on a downward spiral. She had lost to Becky at Day 1, came up short at Elimination Chamber, and needed a way back to the top."
"Doesn't make her using you like that okay," Shayna says.
"I know," Rhea tells her. "And I was pissed about it too. But I stopped being mad a long time ago."
"When did you finally stop?" Shayna asks.
"After I got injured," Rhea says. "Because the plans for Money in the Bank changed after that. Otherwise I would have been in a feud with her for weeks."
"What was supposed to happen?" Shayna asks. She had stopped caring all that much after she didn't qualify for the ladder match.
Rhea sighs. "I was supposed to beat Bianca and win the title. The original plan for Liv's cash-in was for her to run in and cash the contract in on me. However, I was going to retain, making Liv the first woman to fail a money in the bank cash-in. And then we would have had a rematch at SummerSlam."
"I mean, that would have been epic," Shayna says. "But then you wouldn't have gotten drafted to SmackDown. At least not without me getting drafted to Raw."
Rhea nods. "When they told me I was going to SmackDown, I said I would only go on the condition that Liv was drafted to Raw. I told them I would rather be released than be on the same roster as her."
Shayna's eyes widen. "It was that bad of a breakup?" she asks. "Like, so bad that you would choose being fired over having to work with her?"
"I don't know how to explain it exactly," Rhea says. "But even while I was injured, when I was off TV completely, I felt so much better about myself after she moved to SmackDown." She lets out a sigh. "Let's just say that Liv didn't choose to let me down easy," she says.
For a moment, Shayna once again considers finding Liv Morgan and making her pay for what she did to Rhea. But she quickly dismisses the thought, instead focusing her attention on the woman in front of her.
"Well for the record, I never liked Liv very much," Shayna remarks. "And she's clearly an idiot for treating you like that.
Rhea cracks a small smile. "At this point, I'm ready to leave her in the past." She takes a sip of her drink. "So, how have you been?" she asks.
Shayna smiles. "Good. Really busy, but I've honestly never been happier," she says.
"So how long before you and Ronda challenge for the tag titles?" Rhea asks, only half joking.
"Believe me, I've been asking the same question," Shayna says. "Although..." she starts to say, before trailing off.
"What?" Rhea asks.
Shayna shakes her head. "Never mind, it's a dumb idea," she says.
"Well now I want to know," Rhea fires back. Shayna looks down at her drink and Rhea gently kicks her leg under the table. "Come on, please?" she asks. She gives Shayna a soft smile and a nod of encouragement.
Shayna takes a deep breath. "I actually pitched a different idea," she begins. Rhea watches intently, waiting to hear what idea Shayna had dreamed up. "I want to challenge for the tag team titles with you," she admits.
Rhea is silent for a moment, unsure if Shayna is joking or not. "Really?" she asks, and Shayna nods. "What about Ronda?" Rhea asks. She knows how close the two of them are, and there has been talk of having them challenge Dakota and Iyo for the tag titles at Survivor Series next month.
Shayna shakes her head. "Ronda wants to take a step back. She wants to make the rest of the roster look good without having to get in the ring as much. They're talking about moving her into a manager role for a while," she explains.
"Makes sense," Rhea says. They're both silent for a moment before Rhea speaks again. "But why me?" she asks. Shayna looks down at her drink, not saying anything and Rhea gently kicks her under the table. "Hey, don't go all shy on me now," she teases.
Shayna cracks a smile. "Promise you won't judge me?" she asks.
"Promise," Rhea says.
"I've missed you," Shayna admits. "It's been so long since we've actually gotten to work together. And working that match at Mania with you this year reminded me of how much I enjoy sharing the ring with you. So when I found out you were coming to SmackDown, I jumped at the idea of possibly working with you again."
Rhea feels her heart beat a little faster. "So would you be joining the Judgment Day?" she asks.
"Hey, I didn't say I had all the details figured out yet," Shayna says with a laugh. "But I was thinking it would be more of an alliance for the sake of dominating the tag division, rather than me fully joining the group."
"That would be really fun," Rhea says. She glances at her watch. "Crap, I didn't realize how late it had gotten."
She reaches into her pocket for her wallet, but Shayna gives her a dismissive wave. "I've got it," she tells Rhea.
"No, let me," Rhea insists.
Shayna shakes her head. "Please, you listened to my crazy idea. I owe you." Rhea wants to argue, but she knows that Shayna can be stubborn so she lets it go.
In the end the argument ends up being pointless, as Jake insists that it's on the house. Shayna hands him a stack of bills for a tip, and she and Rhea exit through the back door and get into the car.
"So I've gotta ask," Rhea begins as Shayna navigates through the streets of downtown Minneapolis. "Are you and Dakota a thing?"
Shayna laughs. "Nope. She's pretty much a sister to me at this point. And I do love her, don't get me wrong. But not like that."
"Interesting," is all Rhea says.
Shayna glances at Rhea out of the corner of her eye. "Why do you ask?" she questions.
Rhea is incredibly grateful that it's dark enough to hide her blushing cheeks. "Just curious. I just told you about all of my relationship stuff after all.”
“Fair enough,” Shayna says. “My romantic life is honestly not interesting right now.” Before Rhea can say anything, Shayna changes the subject back to her tag team idea, and the two of them spend the rest of the drive talking about dream matches and their ideal paths to holding the tag titles.
They arrive at the hotel and make their way towards the elevator. "Hey, do you need a ride to the shows this weekend?" Shayna asks as they step onto the elevator.
Rhea pauses for a moment. She normally travels with Damian, Finn, and Dominik. But the idea of spending that much time with Shayna, she has to admit is a little exciting. "I was planning to go with the boys," she begins. "But I can always change my plans. If you're offering, that is."
"Well good news, I'm offering," Shayna says with a smile.
"Then I accept," Rhea replies.
The elevator stops and Shayna turns to leave. "I'll text you what time to meet tomorrow," she says.
"Sounds good," Rhea says. Shayna leaves and the doors close. As she continues to travel up, Rhea can't stop smiling and she has no clue why.
That is, until the elevator stops again and the doors open to reveal Damian leaning against the wall across from the elevator, arms crossed over his chest. "You have a lot of explaining to do," he says with a smirk. "Come on, the other two are waiting."
He grabs Rhea's wrist and pulls her down the hallway into the room the two of them share, and Rhea can't help but internally groan. This is not going to be fun.
part 2
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zendyval · 1 year
I’ve been watching Tom complete his press junket for TCR and noticing the headlines that are getting picked up and used for clickbait. A few headlines that stood out in particular, because he actually said them, were “being a producer, dealing with the day-to-day problem that come with any film set, just added to that extra level of pressure” “Holland to take a break from acting after new series broke him”“I’m now taking a year off and that is a result of how difficult this show was,” and “I thought that after two months I’d be itching to get back on set. I’m now six months in and I’m absolutely loving my time off. I’m really enjoying myself.”
🧐Should we be reading in between the lines or the writing on the wall?
I am by no means attempting to play mental health olympics. I understand feelings and emotions are personal and no two people feel everything the same. However, Z played Rue for 16 months, showed us pictures of her literal cuts and bruises from knocking down doors, had the same (if we’re being totally honest, even more) pressure on her since the person whose life she was portraying was always two centimeters away and she also had to go to deep, dark emotional places for twice as long (and she did a fantastic job) but she didn’t “take a break from acting” or use the job description of an EP to sell herself to critics, journalists or fans. Outside of Claire, no one from Z’s side has ever mentioned her being an EP.
I sound like I’m nitpicking because I am. It’s just Z doesn’t complain (publicly) or ever do the woe is me act. During Z’s Cinema Con acceptance speech, she said her “purpose was to be a story teller for those who can’t tell their own stories.” In your opinion, do those quotes up there sound like someone whose passion is acting or someone who’s become slightly jaded and is going through the motions?*
*again, feel free to not answer if you feel this/your response will reek havoc on your page.
p.s sincerely hope you and yours are getting through the terrible air conditions in new york as best as you can!
Yes, I was in NYC today and it looked like apocalypse. I know many on the west coast are used to this but I have never seen anything like it in my life. NYC was orange.
Anyway, your ask. I'll preface being I don't love comparing them and also that I really haven't read a lot of his TCM press interviews though I have seen the clickbait titles, more around him taking time off.
I think it's hard to say how Z really feels because there is also the idea that they only let us see what they want us to Z and I think Z has the added pressure of not being white and knowing that she she has to present a certain way because she has less room for error or to mess up or to be seen as angry or any other judgment that white men don't usually have. That said, I do think Z currently genuinely has a passion for storytelling.
I don't think there is any point comparing who handled their mental health better when dealing with more difficult roles but I do think it's good on Tom if he could see where it was messing with him and could talk about it or get help or do what he needed to do for himself.
I really don't know if acting is his one true passion, or maybe he is getting jaded? I also think there are people that genuinely love the craft but get disillusioned at everything else in the industry that comes along with it all.
I also keep in mind that both Tom and Z got into the industry as young children and so it wouldn't be totally crazy that they reach a point in their still young lives where they question if that is the career they want. Tom has certainly been way more vocal about it than Z, even before this when he would be talking in interviews about potentially retiring and having a family.
My guess is Tom doesn't want to completely retire and it's not that he lost his passion for the arts so much as he maybe doesn't want the kind of full on career he's had since Marvel and wants to take it a slower pace. Fans want their faves to work constantly and always be at the top of the box office.
Can I see current Z retiring? Not even a little bit. Could I see Tom taking a step back? Yes but I also think he would miss it if he ever did entirely. Purely guessing though.
0 notes
btw i'm going to amsterdam next week. lol.
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alltoowelltom · 2 years
blueberry muffin (t.h)
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tom holland x reader
summary: tom takes care of you when he worries about you forgetting to eat
a/n: i clearly don't know how to come up with a good fic name lmao. this is based off a situation i found myself in not that long ago (unfortunately tom wasn’t there to help me… *sigh*)
warnings: deals with important topics such as body image issues and not eating - please look after yourself if this could be triggering! ily <3 mentions of being sick (motion sickness) mentions of negative body image, forgetting to eat etc. also lots of fluff and pep talking from the boys
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:
“Love, no offence but who doesn’t like the beach?” asks Tom in disbelief, taking his eyes off the road for a moment to look over at you in the passenger side. 
“You don’t like the beach?” asks a shocked Harrison from where he’s squished up in the backseat with Harry and Tuwaine. Being the girlfriend of the driver does have its perks, including a surplus of legroom in the comfort of the front seat. 
“It’s not that I don’t like the beach, it’s just that I don’t always feel the need to lay around feeling completely exposed and getting sunburnt before taking a dip in this giant cold, salty bath where all the fish do their business and something will probably nibble on my feet,” you explain. “Plus, no offence but your beaches here are kinda suck.” you add, grimacing at the gasps from the outraged boys in the car with you who clearly ignored your ‘no offence’ free speech disclaimer. 
“You take that back, Y/N Y/L/N,” grumbles Harry. 
You shrug, flipping him the finger. 
“It’s a free country, Baz.”
“Well,” says Tuwaine, always looking to mediate the situation. “In your own words from a few months ago Y/N, there are ‘precisely 3.5 days of enjoyable weather in this country’, so we are making the most of this one by going to the beach while it’s not too hot and not too cold, alright?”
Twenty minutes later, Tom notices you’ve zoned out of the boys’ conversation and rests his free hand gently on your thigh to get your attention. 
“You okay love?” he asks. “You’ve gone kinda quiet.”
You swallow, not moving your eyes from staring straight ahead while you fiddle with the string of your bikini top underneath the T-shirt of Tom’s that you’d pulled on as a cover-up. 
“Yeah, I’m just feeling a little carsick, is all.”
“Do you want me to pull over?” he asks, concern immediately coating his features as he glances at you. 
“Woah, you’re looking kinda pale there Y/N,” adds Harrison. “If you get sick I’ll get sick. And I am very cosied up here in between these guys. Just saying.” he eyes Harry and Tuwaine threateningly who both inch away from him slightly. 
“I’m fine,” you insist as Tom opens your window slightly. 
“Are you sure you’re not sick?” he insists. “You never get carsick, even when you and I were giving Paddy a driving lesson and he kept stopping and starting every two seconds.”
“Did you eat something bad for dinner last night?” wonders Tuwaine. 
“We all had the exact same thing for dinner last night and you cooked it, you div.” says Harry. “If it was food poisoning we’d all have it.”
“For breakfast then?” says Tuwaine, rolling his eyes at the redhead. 
You shake your head. 
“No, I forgot to have breakfast this morning.” you admit. 
“Y/N!” groans Tom. “How many times do I have to remind you? Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.”
You nod apologetically, placing your hand on top of his where it rests on your thigh. 
“I know, but I was rushing around trying to get ready for the day, and then I lost my swimsuit, and then I had to help Harry find his which took around seven years because who the hell leaves their swim shorts in the bookcase? And then I was busy making my travel coffee and then you guys were all yelling that we had to go and I wasn’t going to play into the stereotype of the girl roommate who takes way longer to get ready than the guys so I just kinda…forgot.” 
Tom sighs. 
“I really worry about you when you forget to eat, darling.” he says. “You’ve had two coffees and no food-” he uses his free hand to pick up your travel cup of coffee from the cupholder and sighs when he feels how light it is. “-three coffees and no food! That’s not healthy.” 
He suddenly pulls off of the main road and into the queue for the Starbucks drive-through. 
“Tom, what are you doing?” you ask. “We’re meant to be going to the beach and it’s already like 11.30AM.”
“We aren’t going anywhere until we get you some breakfast, baby.” he says firmly, pulling up to the order kiosk. 
“Hi, can I get a ham and swiss croissant, please?” he asks. “oh, and a blueberry muffin.” he adds, remembering your favourite. 
“Quackson,” laughs Tuwaine and Harrison, quietly mocking Tom. 
“Tom, no!” you hiss. “You don’t need to do that, I told you. I. Am. Fine!”
“Bro buy me a snack too eh?” asks Harry, leaning forwards to stick his head between the front seats. “I could use a Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino right about now.” 
“Ham and swiss croissant, blueberry muffin, will that be all?” asks the worker. 
Tom huffs and turns around in his seat, glaring at his brother. 
“Have you had breakfast this morning?” he asks.
“Well, yeah-” sighs Harry. “But-”
Tom turns around to the front again, smiling at the worker. 
“Yes that’ll be all, thanks.”
Tom hands you your food and you thank him quietly but make no move to start eating. He sighs and pulls the car into a parking space, putting it in park and turning sideways to face you. 
“Darling, what is going on with you today?” he asks. 
You sigh, looking down at your lap and he gently cups your chin, bringing your gaze up to him. 
“It sounds so stupid,” you sigh, going pink. 
“Hey, none of that.” coos Tom. “You can tell me anything.”
You swallow before answering, unable to meet his eyes. 
“I just, I didn’t want to look bloated or anything in my swimsuit.” you mutter. “I know it’s a pointless thing to worry about, but I just can’t help it,” 
Tom doesn’t say anything but reaches out to hold your hands in his own, gently stroking his thumbs against the back of your hands as he allows you to finish. 
“I’ll be fine and then someone will recognize you, and they’ll take a picture, and I’ll not be able to see anything else for weeks and I’ll feel terrible about myself and people will ask why you’re even with me and- and-”
Tom senses you working yourself into a state and cuts you off with a gentle kiss. 
“Y/N, I want you to look at me.” he says. “I mean it, look at me please.” 
You shyly look across, seeing only concern and love in his dark eyes. 
“I know that you maybe can’t always see it, but I need you to know how gorgeous you are.” he begins. “And if you don’t know that, I’ll always be here to tell you. You’re gorgeous, kind, funny, smart and caring. Anyone who meets you knows that, and anyone who’s gonna tell you any different isn’t worth the time of day, okay? You’re my absolute world and I need you to take care of yourself. If you won’t do it for yourself, then do it for me. And on days where you can’t, that’s why I’m here to help you, alright my love?” he says, pulling you into his chest. 
“He’s right, you know,” adds Tuwaine. “You’re the hottest one in this car.” 
“Hottest one in this city,” says Harrison, poking you in the arm.  
“Watch it, that’s my girl you’re talking about,” says Tom, pretending to be mad. 
You lean into his touch, savouring the love that radiates off of him. As you pull back and he pulls out of the parking spot and back onto the main road, you open the bag and pull out the muffin, taking a large bite and relishing the sweet taste.
“Can’t believe you’ll buy her food and not your own flesh and blood,” whines Harry, not giving up. “At least give us a munch, Y/N?”
You roll your eyes, pulling off a chunk of muffin and handing it to Harry behind you. 
“Happy now?”
He nods thankfully, stuffing it into his mouth and you turn towards Tom. 
“Thank you, Tommy,” you say appreciatively. 
He once again takes his free hand off the steering wheel and grips yours in his own. 
“Nothing to thank me for, darling. I know you’d do the same for me.”
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:
a/n: i never know how to end fics skljsdsksjk. tysm for reading! your reblogs and comments are always super appreciated <3
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parkersroses · 4 years
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hi, i’m iman!
thank you for all your likes, reblogs and comments on my posts! your feedbacks are very much appreciated and they help me to improve on my writing.
as i basically write for free here, it would mean a lot if you consider donating to my ko-fi! this will just be another way for you to support me as a small writer, writing fics in her spare time <3
remember to support writers and their free writing here by reblogging and letting know your thoughts in the comments. <3
❊ fluff ❆ angst
last updated: 14th February 2022
.・゜゜・ harry styles ・゜゜・.
sunflowers ❊
→ harry is very much in love with his little family. 
taken ❊ ❆
→ harry finally found the love and happiness he was looking for. but someone from his past comes back and he’s reminded of the pain he went through.
this love ❊
→ mornings are a beautiful time to reflect how much love you and harry have for each other. 
1:32 AM ❊
→ a series of moments in yours and Harry’s life together that seemed to occur around 1:32 AM.
better ❆
→ he’s been neglecting you and that takes a toll on you.
delicate ❊
→ two lonely people find solace in each other for the night and something delicate blossoms from it.
it’s golden ❊
→ Harry brings you to the Grammy’s and it all ends in a wonderful night.
champagne problems ❊ ❆
→ Harry and Y/N meet again after things fell out for them.
lovin’ on you ❊
→ Harry loves loving on you and wants to take you on a date.
mother’s day  ❊
→ it’s mother’s day and harry makes you breakfast in bed, no thanks to your little baby’s help.
halo  ❊ ❆
→ Harry doesn’t believe in love and Y/N tries to figure him out. 
stupid girl ❊ ❆
→ it's a silly thought for you think something fake could turn into something real.
stupid boy ❊
→ Harry comes to his sense and realises it's always been you all this time.
kissy ❊
→ you simply just adore Harry and his kisses.
music in me ❊
→ Harry and Y/N are both pining for each other but don't know how to tell the other.
doughnuts ❊
→Harry loves a lot of things; his amazing wife, his beautiful babies, and doughnuts.
love in venice ❊
→ there’s nothing more romantic than an evening stroll down the streets of Venice as Harry and Y/N figure out how to tell each other how they feel for each other.
italy waters ❊
→ in where Harry and Y/N enjoy a little swim under Italy’s summer sky.
cheesecake ❊
→ in where it’s her birthday and Harry just really loves his girl.
a broken forever ❆
→ she thought they had secured their forever, but he’s fallen for someone else.
clandestine meetings ❆ ❊
→ an illicit affair looked simple at first, until Harry falls hopelessly and truly in love.
my love, my life ❊
→ on the morning of his 28th birthday, harry reminisces meeting the love of his life and the life they made with each other.
sweet valentine ❊
→ on the special day of love, Harry asks his love a hypothetical question.
.・゜゜・ tom holland ・゜゜・.
home ❊
→  in which Tom is home from work and you can’t sleep.
oceans ❊
→ in whereby two lovers profess their love for one another in the oceans at sunset.
on a summer afternoon ❊
→ Tom and y/n enjoy nice day out on their Sunday afternoon.
.・゜゜・ peter parker ・゜゜・.
park walks and coffee ❊
→  today is a good day for coffee, walks in the park and accidently confessing your feelings to your best friend.
i got you ❊
→  you’re never not worrying about Peter coming back.
take care of you ❊
→ even after having a bad day, Peter’s always there to comfort you.
don’t be happier   ❆
→ all y/n wants is for him to be happy. but not more than he was with her.
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spidernerdsblog · 3 years
Match made in Hell : Chapter Thirteen
A/N : And this is it the last and final chapter. Kinda sad but mostly happy to finally finish this series. Hope you like this chapter. Let me know what you think.
Pairing : Mob! Tom Holland x Reader
Summary : you always wanted a simple life but to be born as the daughter of a dangerous mobster turned out to be a curse for you. Everything changes when your father gets your lover killed and forcefully marries you off to another mobster as a part of a deal. You hate your father and your husband the only thing you seek is now revenge. Will you ever be able to fall in love again or this burning hatred inside you will consume you?
Warnings : mature content, kidnapping, blood, violence, murder, death, language
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“What? How?” you looked at him with a worrisome face.
“We don’t know yet but we are gonna catch him don’t worry” his hands come up to your shoulders in assurance.
“Then we must go now he might be planning something dangerous to take revenge on us” saying so you were about to rush back to your room to get dressed but Tom caught hold of your hand.
“Y/N stop, you can’t go” 
“Why? You only said we need to catch him” you look at him questioningly.
“By we I meant me and the boys. You are not going anywhere, not in this condition” he speaks softly placing a hand gently over your stomach “you remember what Dr. Martin said, right? No stress and as much rest as possible”
“But-but you don’t understand Tom I can help and I was pregnant the last time we caught him” you argue as Tom reaches his hand out to cup your face with an understanding smile.
“I know love but we weren’t aware of it at that time and I'm thankful that he didn’t do anything bad but not anymore" he caressed your cheek with his thumb "I’m not letting either of you come in harm's way” you were about to say something but he cut you off “please Y/N for this time just let me handle this. I know you’re strong and the most fearless woman I have ever met in my life but for this time for their sake at least stay back” 
You finally gave up hanging your head low with a sigh. He was right with your current situation; it wasn't a wise idea. The risk would be too much and you can’t afford it, not when it’s about the safety of the little ones growing inside you.
“Okay but promise me you’ll be careful and in no circumstance you will risk your life” you place your hand over his on your stomach “we will be waiting for you”
“I promise I’ll be safe” he presses a soft kiss on your forehead “you just take care of yourself. I have told the guards everything and Leslie will also be there” he gives a one last peck on your lips before parting “I’ll be back in no time I promise” he reassures smiling as you nod mirroring his smile.
Tom along with with his brothers and Harrison were at their office in Westminster discussing their next move to get hold of Ethan before he makes a move against them.
“Any news?” Tom asks Harrison. 
“Nothing,” he answers with disappointment.
“We searched downtown but found no trace of him,” Harry informs, exchanging glances with Sam.
“How is this even possible? A man escaped but is nowhere to be found?!” Tom groans in  frustration when they are interrupted by William whom Vanessa brought along with her in case he might be able to help track down Ethan with his years of experience with your father's mob.
“Only if the man has never left the place” he elucidates.
“What?” Tom’s brows knit in a frown.
“Has anyone seen him getting out of the house?” William throws the question to his men as they stood there silently with their gazes lowered down at the floor. 
“Answer the question you morons!” Tom barks at them.
“No sir” one of them squeaks out in response as the frown on Tom’s face grows deeper.
“Well then you have your answer Ethan is still in your house hiding maybe seeking for the right opportunity” William remarks.
“Right opportunity for what?” Vanessa questions.
“Y/N..” Tom’s voice comes out shaky as panic washes over his face at the realization “Y/N is all alone in the house. We need to go now!” 
You were in your room trying to keep yourself occupied by reading some books on parenting and childbirth to calm your nerves which honestly wasn’t helping much cause you knew how dangerous it is with Ethan escaping and the vipers seeking revenge. Since no one would be informing you about anything you thought it’s best, you take a nap as stressing about it will be useless and in turn be bad for the two little beans inside you. 
You were about to lie down when you heard shuffling noises outside of your room. Your hand instantly reached out to your bedside table, opening the drawer you took out your gun and got off the bed. You carefully tip-toed out of your room, eyes scanning the corridors when you felt someone’s presence behind you. You cocked your gun ready to turn and shoot. 
“I wouldn’t dare to do that” you heard, feeling the muzzle of a gun pressed to the back of your head. 
“Ethan?” you frowned deeply.
“Miss me baby?” his voice dark and full of malice. You went to shove him in the stomach with your elbow but he was quick to catch hold of your hand and twist it back as the gun fell from your grasp on the floor.
“You’re getting clumsy sweetheart” he chuckles tauntingly.
“What do you want?!” you hissed struggling to set free.
“You’ll get to know soon but for now start walking”
“What makes you think I’ll listen to whatever you say?” you grit under your teeth. 
“Well honey news is in the air that you're pretty knocked up right now" he snickers and your throat went dry, he knows "so if you don't do what I say I wouldn’t hesitate for a moment to pull the trigger” 
Usually you were tough and it takes a lot to shake you but now it is different. You couldn’t think of fighting back as fear grasped on to your mind and body. You weren’t alone, you had two lives growing inside you and in no way you were going to put their lives in danger so you remained quiet and decided to do exactly what you were told. You slowly walked down the stairs with Ethan behind you holding you by your arm with one hand the other had his gun pointed at the back of your head when Leslie walked out of the kitchen.
“Ma’am!” she gasped in horror and immediately pressed the alarm on the nearby wall to alert the guards outside as she rushed towards you in an attempt to save you.
“Get back or she dies” Ethan threatens, pressing the gun further to your head.
“It’s ok Les just stay where you are” you say calmly. Two of Tom’s men posted at the gate barged in pointing their guns.
“Put down your gun now or you’ll regret it” they threaten, cocking their guns which made Ethan chuckle darkly.
“You really thought I would be so stupid to do this all alone” he snickers when three men dressed in all black rounded them from behind. They pulled out their guns and within seconds several gunshots were fired piercing through their bodies as both of the guards dropped dead.
“Leslie run!” you shout at her. 
“But…” she hesitates.
“Just go or they will kill you!” you tell her as she unwillingly ran to the back of the mansion to get out of the place.
“Yes, run to your boss and tell him that I got his most prized possession and soon I’ll have this whole city within my palms too” he grins wickedly. He then drags you out of the front door to the driveway where two SUV’s were parked.
“C'mon get inside the car” he nudged you as you reluctantly got in the passenger seat while he sat on the driver's seat and starts the car.
“Ethan you don’t wanna do this” you tried to talk some sense into him.
“Oh hell I wanna do it. Today I take back what is rightfully mine. Now shut the fuck up!” he yelled at you while driving and you flinched feeling utterly helpless.
“Tom is on his way he is gonna kill you and if my dad comes to know” you glared at him.
“I don’t care what that bastard wants, he has been using me to take hold of the drug cartel but I was the one who was using him to set up my own gang to take my sweet revenge. Your daddy thinks he owns the vipers, no honey, it's me who gives them the orders” he laughs when his eyes go to the phone in your hands “give me your phone” he orders.
“Why?” you tried to hide it away from him
“Just give it to me dammit!” he snatched it out of your hand and threw it out of the window on the side of the road “now no one will know where you are” he chuckles darkly speeding away through the traffic.
“Y/N! Y/N! Where are you?!” Tom stormed inside the house to be met with the two dead bodies of his men in a pool of blood.
“Oh God!” V gasped in horror and the boys were left dumbfounded at the scene in front of them..
“Y/N! Where are you?!” Tom called out again desperately.
“Sir!” a very terrified Leslie came running from the back of the house.
“Leslie, where is Y/N? Answer me!” he demanded.
“They took her sir” she broke down into tears as Tom felt the ground slipping from under his feet. 
“Uggh this is all my fault!” he knocks off the glass sculpture kept on the nearby table out of rage.
“Tom, calm down, get yourself together!” Harrison stops him from breaking any other things further.
“How can I stay calm Harrison?! That bastard took her and I wasn’t even there to save her. Now I don’t know where she is or even if she is alive or not” he laments.
“You need to think clearly, Tom. He won’t do anything to her I’m sure not until he gets what he wants” William remarks and just then Tom’s phone rang with an unknown caller id
“Take it I’m sure it’s him” William advised he pressed the call button as Ethan’s face became visible on the scream. 
“Hey Tom, what’s up man?” he says with a smug grin.
“You scum, where is Y/N?! If you lay a finger on her you’re gonna die a very brutal death!” Tom barked.
“Oh don’t worry, she's alright. For now. Say hi to your husband honey” he mocks flipping the camera towards you. Tom’s heart clenched seeing you tied up to a chair. You looked completely exhausted as you somehow lifted your face up to face the camera.
“Y/N…” he croaks a lump growing inside his throat as he fights back his tears after seeing you being treated like this when you should in the comfort of your home. 
“Tom-Tom, don’t agree to what he says it’s a tra-” you tried to warn him but were quickly cut off.
“Okay that’s enough sweetheart”
“Give me my Y/N back!” Tom growled in rage.
“Woah not so fast not until you give me what I want” he remarks with a smug grin.
“What the hell do you want?!”
“Nothing much, just hand over your mob and accept my allegiance only then you'll get your wife back. I’m giving you 12 hours to think Tom after that I’ll empty this gun into her head” he threatens and the call disconnects.
“Hey wait!” Tom yells at the dark screen.
“Let’s go! We don’t have much time” Tom was about to rush out when Harry stopped him
“Wait Tom, are you seriously going to hand over everything?”
“I'm ready to give up everything for Y/N. I don't give a fuck about the mob because that’s the reason behind Y/N, my wife, the mother of children is being held captive in the first place!” he snaps.
“Don’t do anything in a rush you don’t want to strengthen your enemy’s power do you?” William remarks..
“Yes Tom, I agree with William too. You do remember what the Coopers did back then before your dad had to kill them himself?” Harrison reminded him.
“Yes I do but what option do we have?” Tom sighed unable to find a way out
“You have an option” V speaks up
“Ask papa for help” she suggests
“Are you out of your mind?! You’re telling me to ask another enemy of ours for help for whom Y/N was almost going to die!” Tom says disapproving her idea.
“Just listen to me for once all this rivalry between you and our dad is just because of the business. If he comes to know that Y/N is in danger he would certainly help cause he loves his family more than anything” she explains.
“Vanessa is right Tom only Victor can help you. The vipers were his gang after all he will know everything and you also need more men to overpower Ethan” William agrees.
“What do you guys say?” Tom looks at his brothers and Harrison.
“You should call him” they all suggest unanimously. After a little pondering Tom took a deep breath and dialed his number.
“You really have the balls to call us after what you did Holland” Julian quipped.
“Julian you gotta listen to me mate this is important. Ethan escaped” 
“Well it's not our problem that he escaped”
“He has your sister Julian” Tom informs.
“And why would I help you to save her who is the reason we are about to lose the whole drug cartel”
“It wasn’t your sister Julian it was Ethan all along he had been double crossing you and using the vipers to grab hold of the drug cartel behind you back”
“So what? We just don’t care now end the call”
“Jules, wait your sister is pregnant” Tom reveals as Julian perks up at the news.
“What? What the hell are you talking about?” Julian asks with concern in his voice.
“She is expecting. I know you have had issues but I also know you care for her and so does Mr. Martinez. I know he is listening to this too. It's your daughter sir and if you really want her to stop hating you then help us take down Ethan” Tom’s voice breaks as he pleads with them.
“Dad?” Julian turned to Victor. 
“I'm gonna kill that bastard myself!” Victor mutters standing up from his chair enraged “everyone to get ready and tell them to meet at the Docklands”
After searching for almost three hours your father was able to locate you. You were being held in an old factory near Kennington. They drove to that place as fast as they could and stopped a mile ahead to not alert his goons. Carefully they walked over to the place and took down the guards posted outside surrounding the place. Tom along with Harrison and your father and brother entered the building killing anyone who came in their way. The deserted factory echoed with the loud noise of gunshots and you knew that Tom was here to rescue you.
“You hear that? Tom is here, you’re going to die Ethan” you quipped a knowing smile etched on your face.
“Not so easily” he goes to untie the ropes and pulls you up on your feet pressing his gun against the side of your head.
“Y/N!��� Tom barged in.
“Come closer and she dies,” Ethan threatens.
“You might want to reconsider mate” Tom says with a sly smirk
“Why is that?”
“Your sister Meredith, is her name right? And she lives in an apartment near Brixton” he muses “guess what? my brothers happen to be there too” fear washed over Ethan’s face as he realized how the tables have turned and all thanks to your father who knew about his sister and told Tom about her.
“No, keep my sister out of this” he says weakly.
“You left me no choice mate” Tom tsks “it’s over Ethan so let Y/N go and no one gets hurt” he warns him as Ethan removes the gun from your head and lets go of you. You take one quick glance at him and then look at Tom standing in front of you. You immediately strided your way towards him with tears in your eyes but Ethan had something else in his mind. He lifted his gun again and pulled the trigger aiming at your back.
“Y/N!!” Tom shrieked but before the bullet could hit you Victor was on time to pull you in his tight embrace guarding you as the bullet hit him on his right  shoulder. He flinched in pain as you grasped on to his shirt trembling.
“Daddy?” you said weakly glancing up to him with tear filled eyes. 
“It’s ok mija I’m here now. Don’t worry everything is going to be alright” he caresses the back of your head gently as you feel your head spin. The stress was too much for you to handle and you fainted in his arms.
“Go get that motherfucker!” Tom shouted seeing Ethan trying to flee. His men were quick to grab him as Harrison snatched the gun out of his hand and punched him right at his face.
“Jules, take her to the hospital now!” your father instructed. Jules took you from his arms and carried you to the car and immediately left for the hospital.
Tom stalked his way towards Ethan as if he was a prey. He cocked his gun, his gaze stone cold eyes burning with rage. He kicks Ethan on his legs as his knees buckled and he kneeled down on the floor in front of him.
“Tom please let me go I swear I’ll go as far away as possible and never return back” Ethan begs for his mercy.
“You should have thought about it before you decided to shoot Y/N” Tom growled, pressing the gun in between his eyes. But for some reason he couldn’t bring himself to pull the trigger. It didn’t feel right to him.
“Tom, what are you waiting for?” Harrison nudged him.
“I-I can’t, Y/N wouldn’t want this” Tom looked at him unsure of what to do “it’s better we hand him over to the police” he suggests.
“If you can’t I will” Victor interrupts and aggressively points his gun at Ethan.
“No Victor, wait!” Tom tried to stop him but it was too late he had already pulled the trigger and Ethan’s lifeless body collapsed on the ground.
“It’s ok Tom nobody gets away after messing with my family” he shrugs when the blaring of the sirens could be heard from a distance.
“Get out of here right now!” Victor says to Tom.
“But..” Tom hesitates.
“Leave or you’ll get caught too” he insists.
“What about you?”
“I think it’s time for me to pay for my crimes” he sighs looking at the gun in his hand with a contemplating smile etched on his face. The screeching of car tires could be heard as the bellowing of the sirens grew louder which was soon followed by the clamoring footsteps of people in tactical boots. 
“Now go to my daughter she needs you” Victor rushes him “and remember to keep her happy and safe or else I’ll hunt you down too” he warns him.
“Will keep that in mind” Tom smirks and walks out of the place.
“Raise your hands where I can see them!” Grace orders and without a single Victor raises his hands in surrender.
“Victor Martinez you are under arrest for embezzlement and several other crimes including hoarding and smuggling of illegal drugs and murders” Grace states pointing her gun at him along with a team of officers behind her. A male officer was quick to handcuff him. Tom watched it whole from a distance as he was led inside the police van before leaving for the hospital.
You woke up to the rhythmic beeping of the EKG. Your eyes slowly adjust to the lighting of the hospital room.
“Tom..Tom” you mumbled half awake.
“Hey, hey I’m right here” Tom quickly gets up from the couch and holds your hands as you sit up.
“Tom what happened?” you ask warily.
“You fainted honey, your blood pressure went low due to all the stress” he informs.
“What about our babies?” your hand goes to your stomach as you look at him with panic stricken eyes “are they ok? Tom, are they safe?” you rambled out of fear.
“Yes darling, they are safe and healthy the doctor’s confirmed” he assures you gently brushing your hair with his hands.
“Oh thank god” you heaved a sigh of relief.
“I think we should thank your dad too cause if he wasn’t there in time you would have got shot” he remarks.
“I know,” you say, staring at your lap.
“Y/N the interpol and police took your father”
“Well that was going to happen some or the other day anyways” you half shrugged.
“But he saved you, saved us”
“I know and that’s the irony for the first time my dad genuinely showed that cared about me and now I will never see him again” you say with regret in your voice.
4 months later….
You were seated in the huge courtroom of the New York State Supreme Court with Tom, Vanessa and your mother by your side as you awaited the jury’s verdict on the charges you, your father and brother have been indicted with. After your father’s arrest the underworld imploded and most of the leaders went into hiding to save their businesses and escape the law. It was a huge issue in the international media too, the trial went on for three months. You had to travel back and forth to appear before the court for the murders you were charged with. 
Though they could never find any proof against you, your dad and your husband made sure of that. Tom had told you that he had requested the families not to testify against you and they had agreed. But you know his way of requesting people very well : it's pointing a gun at their head. If they don’t agree then they are permanently relieved of their life. 
When you said that to him he laughed it off by saying “that’s preposterous! I would never do that” and you gave him ‘not buying it’ look “okay the old me would but I’m a changed man now and as I promised no violence” he clarified. But you knew better and you didn’t mind this time really cause you didn’t want to abandon this beautiful life you finally got and go to jail. 
Moreover in less than two months there will be two new additions to your little family and you don’t want to miss any of it. You knew that you could never get rid of the blood in your hands and so did Tom but this time you are gonna start afresh for those pure little souls that are coming to light up your entire world and remove the darkness that had been clouding your lives.
“The jury have reached a verdict” the judge’s voice echoed through the silent courtroom and Tom places his hand over yours comfortingly giving you a reassuring smile telling you that everything will be ok “and they unanimously find Victor Martinez guilty of the following charges related to extortion, money laundering, murders and illegal smuggling of drugs. He is being sentenced to lifetime imprisonment” the judge declared.
“Also due to lack of evidence the jury declares Julian Martinez and Y/N Holland innocent and free of all charges” he adds and Tom squeezes your hand gently with a soft smile and a relief in his eyes as you look at him mirroring his smile. 
“The court is adjourned for the day” the judge announced and everybody stood up from their seats to walk out of the room one by one. You watched your dad getting handcuffed and being taken away by the officials as your brother followed them to finish the rest of the formalities that needed to be done before they took your father to the prison. For once you wanted to hug him tight and let him know that you loved him even after whatever went down between you. You wanted to let him know that you have forgiven him, you felt bad for your mother too after all he is her husband.
“Don’t worry honey I’ll be fine” she touches your shoulder breaking you out of your thoughts. 
“I’m really sorry mom you don’t deserve this” you sniffled
“It’s ok, Y/N I knew this day was coming soon and how much ever you feel bad a crime is a crime”
“Mom, you can come live with us. I can talk to Tom, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind” you offered.
“No sweetie that’s not happening I’m better off here and Jules will be there I will be perfectly ok. You just take care of yourselves”  
“Hello Mrs Martinez” Tom interrupts.
“Hello Tom”
“Honey it’s quite some time you ate anything let’s get you something shall we?” he suggested to you.
“Yeah I’m feeling a little hungry to be honest” you  remarked.
“I know love, let’s go then there’s a nice café right around the corner of the street” he says as Julian joins you three too.
“All formalities are complete, it’s time for us to leave as well” he informs as you walk to him and held his hands.
“Jules please take care of my mother” you ask him with hopeful eyes.
“I will don’t worry” he pulls you in a hug and kisses your forehead “you guys take care too, alright” you nod and go to hug your mom before leaving the place with Tom.
Tom and you slowly walked out of the court and made your way to the café. Upon entering the shop you saw Vanessa already waiting for you as you went and sat down at the table while Tom went to give your orders. You were a little bit out of breath cause being seven months pregnant with twins is no big joke. You get easily tired now. Your stomach has grown round and big in the past few months which makes it difficult for you to bend down. But Tom was always there for you patiently helping you out. He even signed up for birthing and parenting classes so that you are ready for everything.
“Well finally it’s over isn’t it? You got what you wanted” V chimes.
“Yeah kind of” you sigh “is it wrong though that I feel bad for him?”
“Not at all after all he is our father we have the right to feel bad but past is past we gotta move on” you remarks “so how are the little munchkins?”
“Oh they are doing quite well and also not letting their mother sleep with their constant kicking seems like they can’t wait to come out already and so do I. I really want my precious sleep back” you joked.
“Oh sissy for the next two years forget about sleep cause you will be getting none” V snickers.
“Can’t complain though I voluntarily signed up for it” you shake your head smiling as you pull out a file from inside your bag “here” you say handing over the file to her.
“What is this?” V looks at you cluelessly.
“A deal is a deal, open it” you tell her as she opens the file and goes through the papers. Her eyes widened with shock as she finished reading the last page.
“What?! Are you serious?” 
“I told you I’ll give your rightful share in the family so this is it” you stated.
“But you are giving me the rum and diamond business. That’s yours” she emphasized.
“I know but I don’t have the time or interest to run it and I can’t handle the business in New York while staying in London. Moreover, Tom has decided to start a chain of luxury resorts and since I have a management degree I’ll be helping him to expand it” you explain “so I’m entrusting you with our family businesses. Welcome to the family V” you look at her with a proud smile.
“I’ll not disappoint you” she promises.
“I know you won’t”
If you want to send blurb requests based on the series I'm more than eager to write so send me your ideas. Also suggest me some cute baby names both girl and boy. I was thinking of going with Beatrice or April and Cole or Ben but would like to hear your opinions as well ❤️
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spideyspeaches · 4 years
The Prince and the Archer ↬ t.h
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EDIT: LOOK AT THIS AMAZING MOODBOARD @mischiefmanaged011​ MADE!!!!!!
A/N: So @blissfulparker and I wrote a fic on this prompt I sent to her. She already posted hers AND GO READ IT IT’S AMAZING OKAY?! ANYWAYS-
Pairing: Prince!Tom Holland x Archer!Reader
Masterlist || Taglist
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Thomas had been nineteen years old when he first saw You.
He had been coming back from the stable with his mentor after a session of horse riding, exhaustion evident in the young Prince’s face. It had been a tough ride, his horse- Jakie- had not been very compliant that day, and Harry had been poking fun at him all day. He loved his brother, but he could be annoying sometimes (most of the time.)
Walking towards the castle, his eyes fell around the sports fields, his vision zeroing onto the Archery range. He had always found the sport interesting. How a single shot from an arrow and a bow could do so much as slice a fruit or pierce an organ, he would never understand. It never ceased to amaze him though.
“You look a little lost there mate.” Harry smirked, eyes following his brother's. He startled when Harry laughed, punching his biceps playfully. 
He didn’t understand what Harry was talking about, until he saw You standing in the field, hands stretched out and legs apart, a perfect stance for a fight. A bow was held tight in your hands, stretching the arrow. He hadn’t even noticed that he had been staring at you, your hair flowing with the wind, a serious expression with your lips pursed as if you were ready for combat, the half of your face glowing with the sun.
The snap of Harry ’s fingers got him back, a blush raising his cheeks at being caught.
"She's pretty isn't she? She's the cook's daughter." He said. 
“Mr. (L/N)?” He asked absentmindedly.
Tom saw as the arrow went sailing in a perfect trajectory, hitting the centre of the eye. He watched in a sort of trance as arrows after arrows hit the various targets, your hands not wavering once even.
 “Uh- you, you go ahead. Tell mother I’ll be back in a minute.” He stuttered. 
“Okay. Her name’s Y/N, by the way.” Harry  retreated, patting his back and giving him a smile that he knew all too well. 
He gestured at his mentor to make his way back to the Castle, walking towards the field where you were practicing. 
You noticed him coming towards him, immediately bowing your head as he approached you. 
"It's alright darling, you don't need to do that." He smiled at You as you nodded feverently. He smiled at you, cooing at the way you shied and hid your face from him. 
“You’re Y/N right?” He asked slowly as you fiddled with your bow, nodding but not looking up for a long time.
“That's me, your majesty, to what do I owe you the pleasure of you visiting the archery range?” You finally said, looking up and stopped fiddling. 
Your heart sped up when you looked at the young prince, hair slicked back in a short mullet, horse riding clothes donned on. 
You had seen him quite a few times while practicing, and even admired him from afar like any other girl your age, but never had the guts to speak. You didn’t know how you would talk to the royalty without the intrusive thoughts of what he would possibly think of a poor girl talking to him. You felt giddy now that he was actually here, talking to you. 
"Oh no no! The pleasure's all mine sweetheart. I, uh, you're good at it."He said, clearing his throat when you raised an eyebrow, “Could you show me? Uhm, how to work a bow and an arrow? I’m actually really bad at it.” He chuckled as you smiled, eyes lighting up when he mentioned the sport.
“Only if you teach me how to ride a horse.” You said back. You couldn't hold back the grin that appeared on your face, neither did he, when you agreed. 
You couldn’t help but do an internal victory dance when he smiled, his soft brown eyes shining in the sunny day sending your mind into a frenzy.
"I could do that. So do we meet here tomorrow? Same time?" He asked, too giddy to notice anything around him. His heart was beating like crazy, feeling a pang of excitement in his tummy as you nodded shyly. 
"Uh yes. That would be great, Mister Holland." You nodded, packing your bow and arrows. Shuffling your feet, you stared at him before he moved out of your way, chuckling when you saw his cheeks flame in a blush. 
"Just Tom is fine!" He said, waving at you with a goofy expression on his young face. He chuckled, shaking his head as he felt an unearthed excitement at the thought of seeing you again.
The feeling felt foreign to the young prince. He had been offered services with other princess' before, danced with them in balls and even had fancy dinners with them, but the thought of spending time with you in the fields felt different, yet the excitement felt the same.
Skipping over to the main halls with a smile on his face that rivaled the brightness of the sun, Tom sighed. His heart was still fluttering from your previous encounter, stomach churning with an unknown feeling. 
It was a few days later, during dinner, that the others started noticing his absences and random visits to the royal grounds with his horse (or how he suddenly was interested in learning archery of all sports).
"What's got you so excited?" His mum smiled, snapping him from his stupor as he looked up from his plate. The steak from his fork nearly fell, the laughter of his brothers making him blush. 
"Is it the girl?" Harry smirked, eating his dinner innocently as he could.
"What girl?" Sam piped in. Everyone's eyes were on him now. Shuffling in his seat, he smiled, remembering your smile when he offered to learn archery from you in exchange of teaching you to horse ride.
"The girl in the archery fields. She's really beautiful. And her aim is impeccable. She's perfect, mum! I've never met a lady like her before." Tom said, looking at his mom with large eyes, anticipation making him sweat. He saw his mother nod, giving him a small smile. 
"An archer you say? Is she by any chance, our cook's daughter?" She asked, resting her fork on her plate. 
"I- I don't know, maybe? How does it matter though?" 
"Tom, you know the rules. There are so many other princesses waiting for you in a like, you can't go for a normal low-life girl." She said, eyes betraying the sadness missing in her stern expression. 
"Just because she's not as wealthy as us doesn't make her a bad person mum!" 
"Tom honey, it's not about that, you have to understand we have certain rules and regulations to follow. For all you know she's a gold digger!" 
Tom was used to the burden of being royalty, and he often felt guilty for feeling burdened with having all the wealth of London, when there were so many poor kids in the streets begging for food and a shelter. 
Sometimes he felt like he would break under all the pressure and rules. 
"How can you say that? You don't even know her! You know what? I don't care. I- You have to understand mum. She's different! She's not like those other snobby princesses who only want to marry me for my name! She's so much more better than those fucking pompous brats okay?-"
"Mind your language Thomas!" 
"You can't stop me!" He said, pushing away his chair angrily before storming away, walking towards the ballroom and ignoring the servants running behind him with apologies. 
Stomping his way to the ballroom, he opened the huge doors, slamming them as fast as he could with his strength. Locking them from the inside, he switched on the lights, sliding down the doors. 
Holding his head, his shoulders shook with silent sobs, tears falling free as he felt himself break. He felt weak, for having such variations of emotions over some girl he saw not long ago. 
Sniffing, he stood up, fixing himself as much as he could in his state, before looking at the small door behind one of the curtains. It was only noticeable if you were looking for it. He smiled, walking towards it. Touching the small latch, he opened the door, sneaking into a garden, the garden only he and his father knew about. 
Pushing aside the shrubbery growing around it, he finally found the rusted gates, slowly removing the rusty chains with his hands.
He smiled fondly, remembering the day his dad had brought him here. He had been sad that day for whatever reasons he didn't remember, sitting on the small swing set as his father pushed him higher and higher until his tummy hurt because of giggling so much. 
Sitting on the swing that was slightly too small for him, he idly pushed his feet back and forth, lost in his thoughts. 
"It's beautiful here isn't it? I didn't think anyone would know about this place, much less the Prince of England." 
His eyes widened, jaw dropping when he heard your voice.
"How do you know about this place?" He asked. 
"My grandfather built this place before you and I were even born. My father told me about this. Now, answer my question." You shrugged, picking the leaves of the bush you were leaning against. 
"That's nice. My father used to bring me here when I was a child. He doesn't do that anymore. I just, I wish he would spend more time with me." He said, biting his lips. 
“You come here often then?” You asked.
“Yes, whenever I feel like being left alone. I come here.” He bit his lip, nervous of the sudden silence.
"I'm sorry." You said, cutting off his wandering thoughts.
"What are you sorry for?" 
"Good childhood memories are sometimes more painful than the bad ones. At least you can deflect the bad ones, but the good ones are just a reminder of what you had and what you can't now." You said. 
"That's not entirely true, good memories can still be made you know? With the person you love." He said, getting up from the swing set. 
Walking towards You, he held his hand up, pushing a strand of your hair from your face as you ducked, shying away from his touch. 
Your breath hitched, your hands clenched behind you as he came closer. You were standing head to head now. You could feel his breath on You, your lips nearly touching. 
In the moment of courage, you leapt forward, capturing his lips in yours. 
You loved fairy tales, small stories that described kisses as magical that made sparks fly. You always thought they were exaggerations, but at this moment, when you were kissing the most beautiful boy, the Prince of England and the boy you had been crushing on since forever, you felt like you were a part of those fantasies. 
The kiss was indeed magical, albeit a little wet. You giggled when you broke apart, short of breath as you laid your hands on his chest, feeling the expensive fabric under your palm. 
"What will the others think?" You whispered. Your hair flew in whisps, the air around you whispering it's reassurance as you stood in front of him. 
"Let them think what they want to, darling. I've been the prey before, I'm ready to do it again." He smirked, pulling you by your waist for another kiss. 
"You're cheesy." You chuckled. 
"Yes, I'm melted cheese for you." 
"That was a terrible joke Holland." 
"Okay so you need to hold your stance, stiff but not too stiff. You will feel pressure in your shoulders the first day-" 
"- darling can't we just make out please?" 
You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose as if his yapping was giving you a headache. 
You had gotten comfortable around him since your first encounter, and you felt special, seeing the goofy and happy side of the Prince. Didn't mean he didn't manage to make your heart stutter with his devilishly handsome grin (that made you want to pinch his cheeks and suck his dick).
"Thomas no." 
"Thomas yes! I don't know how you manage to do this, this bow is so heavy!" He whined, keeping down the bow and folding his hands on his chest. He looked adorable with his pout.
Smiling, you shook your head, heaving a sigh, "the bow isn't heavy, Tom. Here, how about this, I'll hold your elbow while you aim alright?" You offer.
"That would be great, princess." You blushed at the nickname, not quite used to being called that. 
"Alright drama queen, don't need to butter me." You muttered, moving closer so your chest touched his back, one hand on his elbow and the other on the string of the bow. 
He could feel your breath on his neck, shuddering as you leaned in, your hair tickling him, your rough but nimble hands featherlight on his skin.
"Now aim." You said, moving your hair from your face. 
He stuttered a response, holding himself straighter. You pushed his elbow up, right as he unleashed it, the arrow hitting the bullseye with a thud. 
"We did it! Oh god Y/N did you see that? We did it ! It hit the centre!" He laughed, turning around, the bow laying on the ground as he lifted you up.
You shrieked as he spun you in circles, laughter bubbling in your chest as you rested your head against his. 
"We did, your majesty." You smiled, leaning in to kiss him. 
You weren't afraid of being caught, you were way past that point. And you felt that you could live like that, if it meant living with the loveliest Prince of England.
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swan lake || t.h.
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pairing: tom holland x reader
summary: you can't stand tom holland, the guy in your ballet ensemble. But when you two get the roles of Odette and the prince, you two will have to put your differences aside and learn to work with each other.
word count: 2.5k
warnings: language
chapter one
Not again.
This was starting to become a recurring theme - it was Monday and your bus had just left without you. You mumbled profanities under your breath, your duffle bag slung across your shoulder. Frustrated you slumped against a street lantern, when you felt the first drops of rain on your skin. You let out a groan of anger and pulled your hood up over your head, cursing yourself for staying up too late last night. But because you anticipated this, you had already put on your leotard and tights on at home, so when you got to class you’d only have to strip your clothes and start your warm up.
Last week you had gotten whacked on the head with a newspaper for being that late, but with a little bit of luck you wouldn’t have to endure that today.
When you arrived in the ballet studio almost an hour later you were soaked and freezing. You ran through the halls of the studio, already in the process of taking off your jacket and shirt, revealing your dancing clothes underneath. Three minutes left to go.
Your usual locker was already occupied, making you rush to the next best one, ripping the door open, throwing all your clothes in there and only taking your training ballerinas out and slamming the door shut. You had done your hair in the bus already, so it was in a low tight knot. You put your shoes on, running toward the door. One minute left.
“How kind of you to join us today on time,” Sophie, your dance teacher said, following you with her eyes as you took your position. Everyone in the room was staring at you and you could feel their looks drilling in your back. Tom next to you was bowing his head down, obviously trying to hide his laughter. You shot him a poisonous look, rage as well as embarrassment burned inside you. Tom had a special power of making your anger levels go from 0 to 100.
“I’m sorry, ma’am,” you said, your face running hot.
“Let’s start with the warm up, shall we?”
“Why is everyone whispering and staring at me,” you whispered through gritted teeth to your friend Hannah, who was helping you stretch. “Ouch!”
“Loosen up,” Hannah whispered, pulling you even closer to her. You were sitting in front of each other on the floor, pushing the others’ legs out. “Haven’t you seen the role sheet today?”
“Fuck,” you whispered, partially because of the stretch, but also because you had forgotten that today the roles for the upcoming show were published. You must’ve not seen the sheet in the locker rooms. “What role did I get?”
Hannah shook her head as you pulled her towards you, adjusting her pose. “You got the role of Odette.”
You immediately let go of Hannah, slapping your hand on your mouth, making her fall forward. You grabbed her shoulders. “I got the main role?” You whisper-screamed, trying your hardest not to get caught by Sophie. “Well, who is playing the prince?”
Hannah cringed and turned her gaze to the side, where a few of your colleagues were standing. Instead of stretching they were very obviously flirting with… Tom. He must’ve noticed you staring at him, as he turned his head and met your gaze. Both of you rolled your eyes as you turned away from each other. “You can’t be serious,” you said.
“I’m sorry,” Hannah huffed, sweat pearling on her dark forehead. “But hey, congrats on the role?”
You finished stretching and continued with your training, going through forms and positions, polishing your moves and getting scolded for flailing your arms too much. As you were approaching your first break, Sophie stepped towards you.
“We will begin with your training for Swan Lake today at 3, make sure to bring your pointe shoes.”
“Yes, ma’am,” you said, your heart fluttering at the idea of dancing to your favourite show. The fluttering quickly vanished when you noticed Sophie walking up towards Tom, telling him the same. So you’d already dance with him today.
You tried to shake the bad feeling and it mostly worked, since focusing on your dream always made things easier. Dancing and performing was a way for you to let go, to get completely lost in the story and think about nothing else. There wasn’t much in the world that could ruin that for you.
Oh how wrong you had been.
“I have never seen people with less chemistry than you two,” Sophie sighed. You have never heard her be this exasperated and desperate. “Do you two even dance? Are you really professional dancers? Where did your grace go, where did the love for dance go! Look each other in the eyes for God’s sake!”
“It’d be easier if you didn’t squeeze the hell out of me,” you spat through gritted teeth.
“It’d be easier if you weren’t this heavy,” Tom spat back, his face falling immediately after he realized what he had said.
You jumped out of his grip, staring in disbelief. “Well-” you stammered, not knowing what to retort. “How about you get a little stronger…”
Sophie whacked him with her newspaper over the head. “That is NOT something you say to a lady!” Tiny strands of hair were escaping her neat bun, making her look even more stressed than she was. “We’re finishing this part today and then you two can go home.”
“Sorry,” Tom mumbled under his breath.
“Save it,” you said, taking your start position. Kneeling down on the floor, Odette would wait for the prince to come and lift her up to start the dance with her. In the original the two would fall in love the minute they laid eyes on each other. You tried to do the choreography justice, although your dance partner made it incredibly difficult for you.
“Smile!” Sophie shouted, making you two put on fake plastic grins.
“I’ll spit on your face on stage,” you said through your grin as Tom lifted you up, making you look down on him.
"Do that and I'll rip your lashes off," he said softly while lowering you on the ground again.
You tried to continue the choreography without any incidents but you couldn't help but feel every step, every nudge to be executed with a hint of passive aggression. Tom basically let you fall on the ground instead of putting you down, you avoided each other's eyes, grabbed too harshly, turned too sharply.
"Alright," Sophie said after about four hours of it. "I can't watch this any longer. You both know the choreography, and that's all I can teach you for now. If you don't know how to be nice to each other, don't bother coming to me for help until you do. We'll work on the solos and the other dances first, until you two calmed down. Dismissed."
You slumped down on the floor, rubbing your face. You untied your shoes and took them off, throwing them in your bag. This was going to be hard.
“So how was it?” Hannah asked while the two of you sat on the studio floor.
As an answer you slammed your pointe shoes on the ground several times, breaking them in a way that made them comfortable for your foot. “Take a wild guess.”
She raised her eyebrows as she was sewing the elastic band into her shoe. “What did Sophie say?”
“She refuses to work with us anymore until we get it together,” you grumbled. You slammed your fist on the top of your shoe, softening the box. Suddenly the door opened, making you and Hannah turn your heads.
Tom was marching in the room, directly towards you.
“What the hell,” you mumbled, putting your shoe down and looking up at him as he stopped in front of you. “Can I help you?”
“Are you free today after class?”
You raised an eyebrow, looking at him up and down and smirked. “Are you asking me out?”
Tom crossed his arms, not saying anything. His foot was tapping impatiently on the floor which was tiled with dancing tiles.
“Yeah, I am. See you then,” you said, rolling your eyes. You waved as a good bye, signalling him to leave you alone. You turned to Hannah. “He told me I was too heavy to lift.” “Excuse me?” You shrugged, taking the thread and the needle. Your friend slapped her hands on her thighs in exasperation. “What an ass.”
You finished sewing and breaking in your shoes while talking about anything other than Tom - mostly Hannah’s new date she was going to see that very day. It was nice talking about something else, preparing yourself for class. You could feel that today was going to be a slow one - you eased into your shoes, then into your stretches, and finally into your training, testing out the waters with your new footwear and getting more comfortable as the day progressed. Your mind was empty, completely free of oppressive and depressing thoughts. Your body moved in unison with the music, following the tides of the melody, back and forth seemingly weightless and freed of gravity.
Before you knew it afternoon rolled around and class finished. You packed your stuff, and settled down in the locker room to have some lunch and lie down, coming down from your training.
As always your lunch break went by way too fast. You stood up, shaking your limbs and grabbing your things to go back to the now empty studio. Tom was nowhere to be found, so you warmed quickly up on your own. Your body had cooled down a bit, and you didn’t want to pull a muscle or something, so you did a few squats, jumping jacks and push ups to get moving again. You took your position at the railing in front of the mirror, practicing positions and movements, taking your sweet time. The clock ticked in the back of the room, showing 3.16pm. Where the hell was Tom?
At that moment the door swung open.
“Took you long enough,” you said in an arabesque pose.
“Sorry,” he said, getting in and throwing his duffle bag in the corner of the room.
You put your foot down, looking at him properly. You raised your eyebrows at his childish demeanor. You were already annoyed by him. “Bad day?”
He plonked down on the floor and began to put on his shoes. “I just want this day to be over.”
“Well then cheer up, do you expect me to dance with an energy as bad as yours?”
He looked at you incredulously. “Can’t I be in a bad mood? Do I have to be all sunshine and daisies all the time?” His voice rose now, making you back away a little, but you weren’t having none of that. You had an idea.
“I just said to lose the fucking attitude,” you said, getting louder now as well.
“What if i don’t want to?! God, you’re annoying!”
You took a deep breath putting force in your voice. “Then scream it out, because I don’t want to deal with this!” His hands turned into fists, his eyes lighting up a tiny little bit at the memory your words just triggered. But he was still angry. “Fuck you!”
“No, fuck YOU!”
And without a cue you two just started wordlessly screaming in the other’s face, a prolonged and agonizing scream, throwing it all out. Dancing didn’t require vocal chords, so you had no qualms absolutely shredding yours. You didn’t know if anyone else was in the building, but you didn’t care.
As you two ran out of breath your shoulders slumped, moving heavily up and down as you gasped for air. The room was awfully quiet except for your breathing. Your bodies seemed to mirror each other, more in sync than when you tried to be. Destruction seemed to be more constructive to the relationship between you two than anything else.
You swallowed, standing up straight. “Can we start now?”
Again you were on the floor, folded over in your starting position. You had decided to train without music, so you jumped a little as Tom’s hands touched your wrists, softer than usual. He lifted you up off the floor, placing his hands on your waist. This dance wasn’t particularly difficult or demanding, but for it to work you need a prince who guides Odette just enough without gripping her too tight, and an Odette who knows how much to rely on the prince and how much on herself. There were a few hang ups here and there, but you danced through the whole routine without saying anything once, enjoying the flow of your movements. The dance was still clinical, mostly about getting the order of the moves right. It ended with Tom lifting you up, and slowly lowering you down, and bringing your faces together, hinting at a kiss between you two. You still needed to work on that part.
“So,” he said as you jumped away as the dance ended. “With music this time?”
You nodded. “Maybe don’t grip me this tight when I do the pirouettes,” you said. You took a sip of water and put the bottle away. “I can basically do them on my own, just give me a quick spin and I’ll be able to do them faster.”
“Alright,” he said, getting into position. “But try to do your moves independently from me. It’ll make them look better.”
You folded over on the floor and waited for the music to start. When it started you closed your eyes for a second anticipating the touch on your wrists. Still it sent a jolt through you. “Softer,” you said as you did your pirouette, and the grip on your waist turned to a fleeting touch every few moments, accelerating your turns.
“Lean in properly,” Tom said as you leaned in his hands to the side to lift your leg. You did as told and managed to lift your leg even higher and with less effort. He lifted you by the waist, brows furrowed the slightest in concentration, turning in a circle. Your hands rested on his shoulders, eyes trained on him. You wondered if Odette really fell in love with the prince on sight.
The routine went smoother with each time you tried it, your movements dynamic and easy like a well oiled machine.
After a while you decided to call it a day, and after you awkwardly said your goodbyes, you went home. Suddenly you didn’t know how to act around him, everything you did felt clumsy and weird. You were used to being annoyed by him and just being generally mad at him. But now that you had to cooperate and put those things aside, what was left?
a.n.: this is the first chapter of maybe two or three, lmk what you think! this is the first time i post to tungle, be kind lmfao
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mehphoobia · 3 years
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Pairing- Tom Holland(x3) x Reader
Summary- Who knew teasing Arvin, Peter and Tom, your three boyfriends would get you such a punishment...triple punishment.
Warning- ABSOLUTE FILTH (I don't know even how but the entire fic is smut. JUST SMUT.)
There weren't a lot of people who were into polyamorous relationships. Naturally having more than one person in your life would be a nightmare to anyone. But with Tom, Arvin and Peter everything just seemed so easy.
On some days Peter and you would go out on dates to a beach or just walking in the park hand-in-hand. On some days Tom and you would go to a movie together or sometimes it was a dinner date. With Arvin you felt like a teenage girl again who would be with her first boyfriend. You know the same hormonal teenagers who were always horny. Well that resulted in Arvin eating you out in the car as if there was so tomorrow or the both of you making out behind a bus.
Regardless it was never difficult with them, instead they made your life easier. Your favorite days were when you would tease them with your nudes, whenever you would go out for an office trip. Oh man you loved teasing them. But they had had enough of your teasing and little did you know it was your turn.
It had been two weeks since you had left for your office trip and you were excited to see them again. Your boys...you had missed them. When you stepped outside the airport you found Arvin waiting for you. "Babe!!" you yelled to have his attention towards you. "Hi!!" he mouthed as he ran to you and picked you up. Both of you chuckled and his familiar cologne comforted you. The endearing moment was over when you felt his fingers on the hem of your panties. "Ah" you gasped when you realized his fingers slowly had started making their way..inside.. The skirt you were wearing let him in with no difficulty and the overcoat you wore protected the world from the torture Arvin was doing to you.
"Let's go home kitten..they are waiting." Arvin whispered in your ears and he chuckled as he felt your fresh slick coat his fingers which were still massaging your velvety folds. "O-Okay" as he pulled his fingers out, your folds clenched around nothing.
The entire ride back home was..well difficult. Arvin played this sensual music while his fingers trailed up and down your thigs. That made things difficult because you were already riled up since your little reunion at the airport. "Already kitten? we still have the entire day ahead of us" Arvin chuckled as he saw your restlessness. You were frustrated as they never kept you waiting but you needed it.
You needed to cum.
When you reached home, Peter hugged you and helped with your bags. Tom took one look at knew what was going on. "Vin' already? I thought we were gonna wait." Tom talked sheepishly. "Couldn't control man, you have no idea how wet she is right now" Arvin said as he took out his overcoat and hung it. "Wait for what Tom?" you asked. "Payback time" Peter said as he made his way back, grabbed his bag and winked at you before stepping out of the house for his class.
You blushed as you entered your room and undressed yourself. "Sugar! Don't help yourself" Tom warned from the living room. "We will come to know" Arvin added. "Fucking triplets" you cursed. After stepping outside of your bath, you tried to hunt down your lingerie but you couldn't find any. "Arvin babe where is my lingerie?" you asked. "Not allowed today." You could have swore that you head them high fiving each other.
Around two hours later, Arvin had left for work and it was only Tom and you at the house. You were in the kitchen making some food for the both of you. Fuck your jetlag, two weeks of no sex and these triplets are making you wait. You were sexually frustrated.
"Hey" Tom whispered as he stood behind you dragging his lips on the nook of your neck. Your sexual frustration ran way somewhere when you him picking up your dress-shirt and felt his rock hard dick lined up in your entrance. "Wanna know where did you panties go?" he said while kissing your earlobe. You nodded, "hnng" you withered as he slapped the tip of his cock on your bud. But just when you were gonna cum he pulled away. "We will tell you later" he spoke with no difficulty, "NOOOO just please fuck me..please" you pleaded but he just caressed your hair and walked away. "I am gonna cry" that sexual frustration which had run away somewhere hit you like a truck when you felt your slick running down your thigs.
With all that sexual tension, you had to take a bath again to clean yourself. Now that all the three of your boys were home, you could only imagine what they would do to you. You stepped outside the bathroom and suddenly could feel hot breath on your neck. It was Peter. "Hey Y/N" he whispered. "Peter I just took a bath, I have to clean myself again if you continue to do this." you spoke with frustration clearly evident on your tone. On your sudden confession Peter cocked an eyebrow, placed the ice container and looked behind you. "Not anymore kitten, we have had our fun." Arvin spoke from behind nibbling on your left ear. "We can't control either" confessed Tom occupying your right side. You were sandwiched in between the three of them, it just felt so good. With their hands roaming around your skin and their legs parting your knees apart, oh you could melt away then and there.
Peter disrobed you and all the three of them looked at your now exposed body with lust in their eyes. Peter who was usually the shy one, was the first to crash his lips into yours. Tom made his way down and Arvin massaged your nipples. None of you spoke anything but your moans, all those sensations going around your skin and the three of them panting was enough. But the sudden silence was broken because of a sudden yelp extracted from you when Tom placed an ice cube on your inner thing. "So wet" Tom whispered as he slowly dragged his fingers along your folds followed by the ice cube.
Warm breaths, cold water suddenly on your bud and Tom's fingers slashing through you were enough to have you come undone with a loud moan. "That's it baby, missed this." panted Tom. Peter grabbed an ice cube himself and pressed them on your nipples, he alternated sucking and pressing the ice cube on your perked up nipples. "Ahh..so g-good...fuck" you moaned too emerged in the sensations and you felt Arvin's cock enter you from behind. The foreplay had made you wet enough for them to forego the lubricant. "Fucked you so well..but still this tight isn't it" Arvin panted as he slipped out completely only to slam back into you. "Think you can take Pete too?" Tom asked never once stopping his fingers inside you. "Yes p-please" you whimpered at the suggestion.
Arvin pulled out to have Peter adjusted. Tom fetched his cock out which bounced against his abdomen because of how riled up he was. "Couldn't control huh?" you mocked him as you stroked his dick. He smirked and moaned as you gulped around his cock in your mouth. "Ahh" "Fuck" Tom and Peter grunted as both of them entered you together. The sudden stretch was a bit painful but Peter massaged your clit. "HNNGH" you moaned but with Tom's cock deep down your throat, it only seemed like a vibration. Tom's head fell back as his sensitive cock head received the vibration of your moan.
Peter and Tom alternated and set a pace which had you quivering on the bed. You came the second time that night and Tom and Peter couldn't hold back at your clenching walls. Hot cum ran down your throat and from your pussy. It was rushed, rough and messy and they knew you loved it.
"Feel better?" Peter asked you and your smile said everything. "By the way where are my panties?" you suddenly remembered. All the three of them chuckled and Arvin said, "We jerked off to it."
What else could you say? The sudden confession had fresh slick oozing out of you..again.
A/N: Okay guys on heavy request here is triple trouble part 2 for you guys. Honestly at this point I don't think its the reader who is sexually frustrated, its me. I mean this fic is pure filth. Do I love it? YAHABSOLUTELY 😂🤣
My inbox is free for requests so go on and dump in your plots and I will surely go through it. 💌
Love yourself...you are worth it ❣❣
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mcwriting · 3 years
Lost in Rome
hello, friends! Ever since "La Vita Dolce," I've wanted to write something else involving Italy and at least one Italian phrase, and so this lil story was born! Hope you all enjoy!
Ship: Tom Holland x Reader
Word Count: 1488
Warnings: mentions of drinking, vv slight language
You had been walking around Rome for what felt like an eternity.
(It had only been like 30 minutes)
You knew the bar was right near Piazza Navona, but you'd only been to that part of the city one other time, having been staying south on the other side of the river in Trastevere.
You felt embarrassed knowing you were dragging your friends around the city without much of a guide, but you were too stubborn to admit that you were actually lost.
"Maybe we should've gone to Bar San Calisto again. It was cheap and close but noooo. I just had to look up a 'best bars in Rome' list" you thought as you continued to trudge on.
Not only were you lost, but you also didn't have the ability to look up where you were going, since you'd decided to go cheap and not buy an international plan or a vpn, choosing to only using wifi so you'd "stay in the moment."
That moment seemed stupid now that every marble wall and cobblestone street started to meld together in your brain as it continued to darken.
A trip to Rome was something you'd been wanting to do for years, so when your university offered up the chance to go study abroad for 4 weeks, you immediately began scrounging up the funds to go, even scoring a scholarship based on the fact that you'd taken Italian classes in school.
You'd only been there a week but thankfully had bonded with your roommate before even going, having struck up a conversation at the informational meeting the semester before. Since then, you had also bonded with those in the room next door, them sticking to you as their translator.
Finally, you couldn't take it anymore, stopping.
"Okay, look, guys. I'm really sorry but I literally have no idea where we are," you admitted, feeling guilty. Everyone else smiled.
"That's okay! This place is beautiful! I'm sure we'll find it eventually," your roommate, Olivia, said.
"Yeah. Didn't you say it was at Piazza Navona?" Aaron, one of your neighbors, asked. You nodded. "Well as long as we can find that, then we're basically there!"
After some wandering, your group found itself in the square in front of the Pantheon, which was a step in the right direction, but you were determined to actually find the right place.
There was a hotel right there, so you quickly stepped in to ask the desk worker to point you towards the Piazza, who explained that it was only a couple streets East of where you were.
Relieved, you and your friends quickly walked that way, breathing out a collective sigh when you walked into the giant open square, looking around at the familiar structures from the second day of class when you'd toured the area.
"Sooo... where's this bar?" Aaron's roommate Joseph asked.
You all circled the square from the inside and out a couple times, not seeing any signs with the name "Bar del Fico Roma" anywhere.
Dread started to wash over you as you realized the website must not have meant the bar was actually on the square, but was somewhere nearby. You felt stupid for not screenshotting the website page or, you know, actually looking it up first.
"Fine, that's it! I'm marching up to the next person I see and asking where this darn place is. We've made it this far!" you said, exasperated.
The first thing that caught your eye was a group of people who looked close to your age, talking in a small group. They were pretty well dressed, typical of a young Italian, so you immediately started over towards them, expecting them to be the most helpful in giving directions.
"Wait, y/n!" Olivia protested, but you ignored her, walking between a shorter boy and taller girl.
You couldn't help but sigh out the words as you started speaking, placing a light hand on the boy's arm.
“Scusa, potresti dirme dov’è la-" "Excuse me, could you tell me where the-"
"Sorry! I don't speak Italian!" the boy answered in a British accent, turning to face you with hands in surrender.
You both seemed taken aback when your eyes met.
Tom Holland?
"Um, oh what was the word for sorry in Italian again?" the actor in front of you asked, looking to one of his many Spider-man costars around you. Before one could answer, you blurted out one for him.
"It's 'mi dispiace' or 'perdonami,' depending on how you want to say it," you started, realizing how stupid you probably sounded to be teaching a world famous actor Italian words after accidentally infiltrating his conversation.
However, Tom was more shocked by your American accent. Your eyes still widened as you realized what was actually going on.
"Oh my gosh, what am I saying, um. I- I'm so sorry. We're just trying to find this bar and got lost and-"
"Which bar?" he asked in return. You furrowed your brows and looked at him funny, wondering why he would care. He seemed to take notice. "It's just that, we're also headed to a bar and can't seem to find it, either."
You chuckled at the situation, baffled.
"Well, um, it's called 'Bar del Fico Roma.'"
Tom's eyes widened.
"Hey, that's where we're headed!" Jacob Batalon cut in, making you look at him and the rest of the actors in surprise. You could see your own friends shock from your peripheral.
"No way! Really?" Joseph said for you. The group nodded.
"I just got it pulled up on maps," Zendaya said, holding up her phone. Realization suddenly hit that she of all people was the one who you had been standing next to this whole time.
You and your friends all gasped incredulously, amazed at your luck after spending all that time lost.
"If you want, we can show you the way," Tom offered.
"What? No, no we couldn't impose like that," you began, knowing your friends were probably internally screaming at you.
"Oh come on," Tom responded. "We're all going to the same place anyways, not like we won't see you there. It's barely a five minute's walk."
"Seriously, y/n. Do you really want to go around asking more locals for help when we've got it right here?" Olivia asked, raising a good point.
"Alright, fine," you started, rolling your eyes. You turned back to Tom. "You know what they say, 'when in Rome.' Seriously, thank you. All of you. You're definitely saving our asses."
He chuckled as Zendaya began leading the way. Though the sun had set, lights throughout the roads and emanating from various shops lit the way.
Without meaning to, you fell into step with Tom, easily matching his gait as you crossed through the bustling piazza.
"So what brings you to Italy?" He asked. "You don't quite sound like a local."
"We're studying abroad through our university. Unfortunately for me, these goons keep following me 'cause I speak the language," you joked, causing Olivia to slap the back of her hand to your shoulder.
"Ah, I see. I was definitely confused when you went from Italian to American in an instant. Y/n, was it?"
"Yes! Yeah, that's me. And you're obviously Tom Holland."
"You better remember that later, he tends to forget his own name after a few drinks," Zendaya called back to you, causing the group to laugh.
"Hey! That was one time!" Tom defended himself. "Not my fault I was going through a breakup!"
He turned back to you.
"Don't listen to them. I'm quite fun to drink with. You should see for yourself."
"Is that some sort of offer..?" you questioned playfully, tucking your hair behind your ear.
"If everyone's alright with it, I figured you all would join us at the lounge. I'm more than happy to pay for a round or two," he winked.
The group was approaching the bar, and any anxiety you'd had about finding it finally quelled when you could see people outside laughing and drinking as they enjoyed the summer night.
"Hmm... I don't know..." you sing-songed, looking up at the sky.
"Dude are you crazy?" Aaron exclaimed, causing the others to argue in agreement with him.
"Okay, okay. Of course we would be happy to join you for a drink. Thank you."
Both groups cheered in approval.
"The only thing I ask in return is a little lesson in Italian and, if all goes well, a pretty lady's number at the end of the night," he said smoothly, giving you a look.
The others looked between you with wide eyes, surprised at his open flirting. You couldn't help but smile and blush before replying.
"I think that's something I can manage. Now come on, your first lesson will be in ordering drinks," you said, grabbing his hand to lead him in what was about to be the best night of his life.
And yours.
A/N: Okay fun fact I thought up this concept immediately after publishing La Vita Dolce and just... never wrote it? The entire work was actually written around the one Italian phrase I used haha.
Anyways... Hope you all enjoyed as per usual and feel free to hmu anytime about anything :)
Send a message or ask if you’d like to be added to my permanent or series taglists so I can verify you’ve been added!
@jackiehollanderr, @one-big-fangirl, @agentnataliahofferson, @spider-babe, @justafangirlduh
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wannabemobwife · 3 years
Guns, Glamour, and Goodfellas - Chapter 3
Chapter 3: A Little Party Never Killed Nobody
Dad!Mob!Tom Holland x Mom!Mob!Reader
-Pairings: Tom Holland x reader, Parker Holland x Charlotte Owens
-Warnings: Language, Blood, Death, Fighting
-Words: 3.6K
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Author note: I really love this chapter. I love all the comments and would appreciate nice constructive criticism (please don't butcher my work lol) if you want. Feel free to leave in the comments or message me directly your feelings while reading the chapter :))
Chapter 3: A Little Party Never Killed Nobody
Word: 3.6K
“Haz are you okay mate?” Tom asked, seeing Haz freak out, they were about to land at Heathrow, on their way back from Dublin.
“No, I just heard from my neighbor that Henry never came home last night. With everything that happened yesterday, I’m just worried. I hope he is not lying in a ditch somewhere.” Harrison explained.
“He probably crashed at ours, everything will be ok.” You said as you comforted Haz. Oh boy, were you wrong.
Back at home, Parker awoke to his impending death once you and Tom, his parents’, find out what happened to their beautiful mansion. One party did all this damage. The curtains were torn down, there was red party cups everywhere and all the liquor bottles were displayed on the table. One amazingly epic party did all that.
“Bloody hell! That’s it I’m dead. I’m dead. I will never be allowed to leave this house ever again.” Parker said to himself. Picking up his phone he noticed 4 missed calls from you. Each one had a message and if there was one thing he knew about you is that you only left more harsh and frantic voice messages the more you called.
He only played the most recent one, you sounded really peeved “PARKER JACKSON HOLLAND! Please call me, I’m worried about you. I can’t get in touch with the staff either. I will be home in 20 mins, you better have a good fucking explanation for everything.” Parker’s eyes nearly flew out of his head when he saw that was sent 15 mins ago. Any moment now he would hear the Rolls pulling into the driveway.
The poor kid could only move so fast, he quickly gathered the liquor bottles and threw them into a plastic trash bag along with all the red solo cups that seem to be multiplying. All the meanwhile corralling all the squatters, from last night, who crashed there. He found some people by the pool and others passed out in the dining room. Running like a madman through the house, he caught a glimpse of what would be the reason for his demise. The door to Tom’s office was open. He swore to god he locked it, someone must’ve broken in. They could’ve taken anything, all the information about the mob was stored in that one tastefully decorated room. Parker quickly shut the door and hoped nothing would happen, he couldn’t live with himself if this one stupid party cost his family their livelihood.
“Rosie? Henry? Where are you guys? Mum and dad will be home any minute, I need your help.” Parker called out throughout the house. He didn’t expect Rosie to show up because of their fight last night, but where the fuck was Henry.
You and Tom pulled up along with Harrison in the black Rolls Royce, coming to a screeching halt. You all walked along the cobble stone path to the two large, intimidating front doors. You all simultaneously freaked out when you saw the door was ajar. Tom and Haz pulled out their guns and made it a priority to keep you safe by shoving you behind them. You all had no idea what you could be walking into.
Tom whispered to Haz to split up, Haz took the East Wing while Tom checked the main rooms. Rounding the corner he could her footsteps.
“Darling, stay behind me. I don’t want you getting hurt,” Tom whispered and you nodded in response.
“On the count of 3. 1, 2, 3,” Tom screamed as he jumped out, holding his gun straight ahead. He found his son disheveled, carrying grocery bags filled with empty beer cans and liquor bottles.
“DON’T SHOOT! DON’T SHOOT! Holy fuck! Dad is that you?” Parker screamed, dropping the bags to the ground, glass shattering and raising his hand up in innocence. Scared for his life her quickly caught his breath when he realized who it was.
“Parker, what the hell? Why the fuck was the door opened…. wait? Did you have a party!?!” Tom thundered as he realized what his son did. His voice gradually growing more furious. Parker just stood there with a shameful look on his face.
“Mum, dad. How was Dublin?” Parker sneaked to quickly change the subject.
“Don’t try to get out this, explain now!” You scolded, just as furious as Tom
“I’m sorry. I don’t know why I did it, I just needed to blow off steam.” “What the fuck do you think a sorry is going to do? I run a fucking mob, Parker. Are you a fucking idiot? Parker, for fucks sake, anyone could have stolen some information from my office or gotten into the gun room. What the fuck were you thinking?”
“I’m not that much of a div, I locked your office and I don’t know,” Parker explained.
“You’re not as dumb as I thought. Hope you were smart enough to lock the liquor cellar too,” Tom concluded.
“Yeah…about that,” Parker mumbled as Tom ran off to his liquor room. A loud clash and curse sounded throughout the house when he laid his eyes on his ransacked priceless collection.
“Mum, say something?” Parker pleaded with you as you just stood there in silence.
“2 months. You’re grounded for 2 months. No dates or parties, just school and home. I don’t think you understand how lucky you are that nothing serious happened here.” You said, your voice drenched with disappointment. “I know, I’m sorry. I’ve been thinking about what dad and you asked me and —” Parker whispered as he was soon cut off by Haz walking in.
“Did you find Henry?” Haz interrupted.
“No, I’m going to check upstairs. Will you check on Tom?” Harrison nodded as you ascended the staircase. Making your way through the halls, coming upon Rosie’s room.
“Roo, honey you awake?” You said walking into Rosie’s room
“AHHHH! Oh my fucking god! Rosie!” You screamed at the sight in front of you. Your sweet, slightly bad tempered daughter asleep with a boy in her bed.
“Darling? You alright?” Tom yelled from downstairs after hearing your scream.
“Mum, what are you doing here?” Rosie exclaimed frantically.
“Hi, Y/N.” Henry whispered, praying he wasn’t going to be berated. You were a mother figure to him after his own mother left his father and never looked back. “This is my house and hi Henry. What the fuck is Henry doing here in you bed? What the fuck are you doing here?” You questioned bouncing between the two of them to get some answers.
“I can explain. But, firstly are you gonna tell dad?” Rosie inquired.
“The fact that he is already fuming downstairs, no. Not right now. And please explain, you have 5 seconds, but first you need to get Henry out of here.”
“Thank you mom, I just don’t —.“
“Ehh, eh, eh! Shut it, I’ll deal with you later,” you barked.
“Henry, I suggest you take the window and your dad is looking for you,” you said.
“Shit! Thanks Y/N… I mean Mrs. Holland” Henry said as you shot him a glare.
The moment Henry was in the clear, Tom barged in with his gun in hand. Someone needs to tell this man to put it down. All morning he has been traumatically scarring his kids for life, first with Parker and now Rosie.
“What? Is everyone all right? I heard a scream.” Tom exclaimed out of breath.
“Umm, yeah. I just saw a spider.” You stuttered.
“Oh love, you can kill a man in cold blood but can’t handle an itty bitty spider,” Tom joked as he pressed a chaste kiss to your forehead.
“You're afraid of them too, Thomas.” You quipped with a side eye. If looks could kill, yours definitely would.
“And for you missy, you’re grounded along with your brother.” Tom said, looking down on Rosie. “Me? What did I do?” Rosie asked in a high pitched voice. “You attended this party correct? And since this is also your house, you threw it by association. Am I right?” Tom inquired.
“I guess so,” Rosie huffed.
The twin’s exile was worse than they prepared for. Not only were they responsible for cleaning up the entire mess but they were given a list of chores to complete. This was no ordinary list. It was devised by you and Tom along with inputs from the maids and capos.
On it read:
Wash the Rolls
Clean the guns
Reorganize the pantry
Mow the lawn
Re-order all stolen liquor and stock the liquor room
Drain the pool, clean the pool, fill the pool back up again…
The list was never-ending. Each task more pointless than the next. It went on forever. The household staff was happy for their load was to be lessen for a couple weeks, unlike the kids. Harrison even forced Henry to partake in the chores.
The kids were only a couple days into their quarantine and were already going stir crazy. Parker was having withdrawals from Charlotte, missing her even more. The boy was whipped for her, really smitten. They would talk the night away. Some nights never getting any shut eye as their conversations would prolong hours.
Parker couldn’t believe this was where he was now. One night of unadulterated juvenile fun equated to 2 months of misery. Today was Charlotte’s birthday and he was supposed to take her to the London Eye on a surprise birthday trip, but all his plans were ruined the moment his parents came home and grounded his sorry ass.
“I can’t believe your parents grounded you. Assholes.” Charlotte said over the phone, fuming he couldn’t celebrate with her.
“I can’t go babe. I really wish I could but I’m grounded for life remember.” Parker said, the cold shoulder Tom and you had been giving him was killing him.
“Parker its my birthday. You have to come,” Charlotte pleaded
“There’s no chance in hell I’m allowed to leave.”
“Geez you just threw a party, it’s not like you killed someone,” Charlotte added. He might as well have. If he killed someone he wouldn’t be burdened with this punishment, probably praised instead, carrying on the family tradition.
“Just sneak out. Come on, we are all going to this nightclub downtown. It’s gonna be awesome. And I’m such a good girlfriend, I can’t let you miss it.” Charlotte pleaded.
“Alright, Char you wore me down.”
“I knew it. Pick you up at 11 tonight.”
“Park around the block, I’m going to have to climb out my window. Remember my house is like a fortress.” Parker said. He wasn’t lying.
Meanwhile, Tom was in and out of meetings in his office all day. He received one odd phone call in particular from his dad, Dominic Holland. “Hi dad, how are you” Tom said as he picked up the phone.
“I’m fine son, so how did the talk with Parker go. I’m excited to teach him all my mobster tricks,” Dom exclaimed. “Actually dad, he reacted like I did.”
“Oh well, he will come around just like you did” Dom said encouragingly.
“I don’t know if he will. Anyway it wouldn’t be so bad if he had his own path in life.” Tom murmured trying to stick up for his son’s decision.
“Tom, you know what will happen to this family if that happens,” Dom yelled.
“I know dad. I just don’t want him to feel trapped, like you did to me,” Tom exclaimed growing more annoyed by the minute.
“What I did to you got you to where you are today. Your life is thanks to me son and don’t you forget it,” Dom said with a stern, menacing voice.
“Understood sir,” Tom quipped. “Maybe Parker needs a push, in the right direction.” “Dad, I swear to god, don’t fucking do anything. Y/N and I are handling this” Tom yelled. “We’ll see how that turns out” Dom ended the phone call. Leaving Tom frustrated that his father sees him as his own puppet.
The night soon fell and Parker’s plan had been put into motion. He bribed a few of the Tom’s men with his allowance to let him sneak past. He jumped out the window, carefully walked on the roof as to not slip and make any noise. Finally on the ground, he scaled the iron fence to be met with Charlotte’s ice blue eyes. She was dressed in a pink party dress that hugged her figure perfectly.
“Wow princess, you look *chef’s kiss. Happy birthday baby,” Parker said while making his way back to the ground.
“Thanks doll. Now come on, before someone catches us,” she yelled whilst hopping into her silver Mercedes.
Arriving at the nightclub, everything was in full swing for 11 o’clock at night. Parker, Charlotte and her other friends were treated like royalty the moment Parker let his name slip.
“Right this way Mr. Holland and I will have someone bring you a bottle of champagne, on the house of course,” the hostess said as she sat them at their table.
“Oooo fancy, you should drop your name more often,” Charlotte whispered in Parker’s ear.
“Oh it was nothing, love.” Parker said while pouring himself and Charlotte a glass of bubbly. “Seriously Parker, how’d you do this? If I didn’t know any better I’d say your dad owned the club or something,” Charlotte said dumbfounded, causing Parker to choke on his champagne at her remark.
It was amazing what power could do. Having enough power to make your enemies disappear was unimaginable. Parker knew what turning down his father meant. He would have the name and the look of a Holland, but he wouldn’t be one anymore.
How could he give all that up. He enjoyed his cushy lifestyle. Sure it was day after day of worrying about your image but, he felt as though he belonged in that world. How could he go on being a kid for two more years knowing there was a metaphorical expiration date on his life.
He desperately wanted to want to be like them, his family. You, his mother, are the strongest person he knows. Having you in his life keeps him grounded, literally at the moment. Also his dad, Tom is a very loving and amazing father. He was there at all the football games (English football) cheering him on and at the spelling bees, also when he felt his first heartbreak, Tom was there.
Family has been the one constant in his life. Now it was being eclipsed by power, a power that could ruin lives or affect change. Turning his back on his family means they would never get see his future.
No one would be there at his graduation from college or when he first child was born, only Charlotte would be there. The girl he hoped to marry and have his kids. He couldn’t give up his future with her, no way. Parker eyes glanced at her, mesmerized by her beauty. He thought to himself, “This was it. This, she is all I’ll ever need, my princess.”
Most of Parker’s pet names for Charlotte were derived from Tom. He had heard his dad refer to his mother as: princess, queen, doll, darling, love. The list goes on. As long as Parker had his princess he knew he would be ok.
They danced the night away. Song after song. Feeling like the only two people in the room. Getting more drunk as the night progressed and other guests started to fizzle out. Leaving Charlotte and Parker alone on the dance floor.
“Char, I think it’s about time we head home. We are the only people left,”
Parker chuckled.
“Just two more songs please,” she muttered with her head nuzzled by his neck.
“It’s two hours til sunrise!” Parker exclaimed.
“Just a little while longer, I don’t want this moment to end.” “Me neither baby, I want to stay in your arms forever” Parker said. In a moment of love, coupled with champagne and a few tequila shots, Parker whispered, “We should get married.”
“What? Are you serious? Do you mean now or in like 5 years?” Charlotte asked as her voice slowly diminished
“Umm… yes and now. I love you,” Parker murmured. “YES! I will marry you!” Charlotte exclaimed pulling her boyfriend into a deep, passionate kiss. Parker’s dream was coming true and all he had to do was leave his family.
Just then a group of tall, stocky men, all dressed in black, funneled through the door of the club. They didn’t bother with sitting down, they just stood there blocking the only exit.
One of the men spoke up, “Parker Holland? I have a message for you.”
“Can’t it wait til morning, just tell him I’m sorry and he can ground me even longer,” Parker replied thinking the message was from Tom.
“It’s not that kind of message,” all the noise drifted away as the other man drew his gun. Both Charlotte and Parker grew tense at the sight of his pistol.
“Charlotte, get behind me,” Parker whispered, scared for both their lives.
“Boy, it’s not from your daddy,” said the leader of the men. “Do you know who my father is? He will have all of your heads if you so as much lay a finger on me,” Parker responded
“So the girl is up for grabs?” “Charlotte, RUN!” Parker Screamed
“Eh, not so fast. I’m going to enjoy this one.” The guy said, seizing Charlotte in his grip and motioning for this associates to grab Parker. Two arms holding Parker back from protecting Charlotte.
“Why you hanging out this rift raft? I’m sorry but he needs to atone for his mistakes.” “Parker..” Charlotte whimpered.
“Such a pretty girl and such a waste” the man snickered as he pressed the gun into her abdomen. Tears slipped down her face as she felt the cool metal against her.
It was the shot heard round the room. Everything stood quiet as Charlotte collapsed to the floor. The leader of the men shouted he need a drink. “NOOOOO! ” Parker screamed as he was let go and raced to Charlotte’s side
“Hey, hey, baby look at me. Look at me,” Parker said as tears flooded down his face.
“I’m sorry, we should’ve left.” Charlotte whispered with labored breaths while blood poured out of her wound. “Baby, you have nothing to be sorry for.” Parker cried while rubbing his thumb on her cheek. Blood pooled around them and he could only be focused on one thing, the love of his life dying in his arms. “Parker, it hurts so much,” Charlotte cried. The pain was mind-numbing. Threatening the life inside her.
“I know, love. Just keep your eyes on me love, keep’em open”
“I’m so tired Parker… I want my last words to you to be I love you. I love you ok? So much.” she whispered, then broke into a coughing fit. Blood filling her mouth and running down her chin, scaring Parker.
“Don’t, don’t fucking start that now you, hear me. You’re gonna be fine, we’re gonna get married and have kids and grow old together,” Parker exclaimed as her eyes threatened to shut.
“You said yes, Char. You have to be okay. You said yes. I asked you to marry me and you said yes.” Parker cried as tears refused to stop coming. Charlotte’s eyes growing more and more to a close.
“Please, don’t leave me baby. Charlotte don’t leave me. Don’t fucking close your eyes. You hear me. Don’t.” And with that, the hand Parker held so close to his heart was limp. Her eyes had closed and heart stopped beating. She was gone.
“No! No, no no, hey hey hey, come on, come on baby stay with me. Stay with me please.”
“Wake up, darling. Please. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Just come back to me baby. , I need you,” Parker whimpered. He burst into a fit of sobs and hugged her close to his body, not wanting to let her go because then it all became real.
The woman who changed his life, no longer walked this earth. The love of his life was gone. All the bubbling life inside of her, vanished like it had never existed in the first place. Parker’s demeanor flipped like a switch. His sadness became infused with anger, he was out for blood.
“You bastards! Why did you do that? She had nothing to do with this?” Parker thundered as blood coated his knuckles. “I’m sorry kid, but it had to be done” The leader spoke.
In a fit of rage, Parker grabbed the empty champagne bottle and smashed it over one of the guy’s heads, knocking the muscular guy unconscious.
“Big mistake, kid. Thought you were smarter than that.” The leader said as he stood in front of Parker and delivered him a swift punch to the jaw, flooring Parker.
“She really wasn’t enough of a message? Want her death to be in vain?” He spat as he kicked Parker in the stomach.
Several kicks followed, two more to the stomach, one to the groin and one final blow to the head, demobilizing Parker. He laid on the ground coughing up blood, trying to gather enough strength to get home.
He looked once more over to the girl he had loved, lifeless with a whole in stomach, knowing if it weren’t for him she would still be alive. Charlotte was the only thing on his mind as he succumbed to all the pain and everything faded to darkness.
Guns, Glamour, and Goodfellas Series Masterlist
Taglist: @thenoddingbunny-blog @adriannauni @dummiesshort
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ageofevermore · 4 years
falling with grace | i
Summary → lilah’s a newly single mom, tom is her charming english co-star 
Words → 1.6k
Warnings → mentions of divorce, hints to anxiety and anxious behaviors, fluff 
Notes → this has been in my drafts since early 2019. i stumbled across it, so i fixed it up for a cute tom slowburn !! big big big thank you to @hollands-taste​ + @theamazingtomholland​ for hyping me up ahead of time, and for @killingbxys​ listening to me rant for hours on end !! 
add yourself to my taglist
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The sun is unruly in it’s entry, wild in the background. Blonde wisps of hair blow into her face routinely and a little hand comes up to rub sleep from her eyes. The sky is a canvas of wild pastels, the morning just barely upon New York.
Lilah smiles gently as she rubs a delicate pattern into her daughter's warm skin, hoping to keep the toddler asleep for at least another hour or so. Her eyes catch sight of a crew member off in the distance. They’re preparing for a busy few weeks, though things are never anything but organized on warner brothers sound stages as they produce marvel magic.
Lilah breathed out a gentle sigh of relief when she felt her daughter's weight drop, and the telltale steady breaths dance across her neck. She shifted her bag up higher onto her shoulder, escaping the early morning sunrise into her trailer. As always, Lilah leaves the door open, anticipating the arrival of her co-star. The sun brightened her trailer as it rose fully, the sky a brilliant bright blue that teasingly reminded her of what is not yet the past. 
"Hey." Zendaya greets in a whisper, "You've got Gray today?"
The toddler is sprawled out in a pack-in-play, wisps of blonde hair unruly with sleep. Zendaya frowns, watching closely as the façade Lilah built crumbles. The older blonde buries her head in her hands, heaving a heavy and heartbroken sign.  
"William’s plane got delayed. He doesn't know when he'll be up to get her." Lilah ranted, lifting her head only to glance over at her sleeping toddler. This entire situation wasn’t fair to her. 
The stress of a divorce, motherhood, and a movie had been weighing Lilah down for months, and the perfect life she constructed for herself and her daughter seemed to be falling apart. Even then, Lilah tried to make the best of her less-than-ideal situation. 
"I'm always here if you need me, Li," Zendaya reminded with a small smile of encouragement, grabbing onto Lilah’s hands and giving them both a gentle squeeze. "You don't have to do this alone."
Lilah returned the smile, letting silence speak for her. She was never good with dependency and communication, but with Zendaya as her support system, she didn’t have to be. The two actresses went over their sides, wordlessly supporting one another.  
"Good Morning.” Tom peeked his head into the trailer, a warm smile on his face. Lilah couldn’t help but smile back at him. 
Lilah couldn’t help but notice that the English actor was dressed in grey sweatpants, white strings hanging untied, and a white tank top that perfectly showcased his defined biceps. A blush traveled up Lilah’s neck, and she forced her eyes away from Tom before he could notice that she was staring. 
"Hey. How's Tessa?" Zendaya asked, looking up from her sides to greet Tom. He took a seat on the couch opposite the two girls, a luminescent grin brightening his features as he caught sight of the princess sporting toddler sprawled out in the pack-n-play. 
Tom’s throat went dry while he racked his memory for who Tessa was. He’d been lost in a thought, one that involved himself and Lilah hours away from New York. He scolded himself for running away with the thought, pulling his gaze from Grace and instead refocusing on Zendaya with a boyish blush he hopes she won’t notice.
"She’s healing, keeps running into the walls though." He let out a small, nervous chuckle, scratching at the back of his neck. Lilah and Zendaya both quirk an eyebrow at him, but before they can ask, a head pops into the trailer and calls both women to makeup.
Lilah bites her lip, watching her daughter’s back rise and fall with the gentle motion of sleep. “Do you want me to stay with her?” Tom asks softly, picking up on the uncertainty in Lilah’s posture. 
“I couldn’t ask you to do that, Tom. I’ll just take her with me.” Lilah advances towards the pack-n-play somewhat possessively, distress in her eyes as she looks startled by Tom's offer. 
Tom smiles at the young mother, absolutely amazed by her strength, yet wishing she would let him in. “Don’t worry about it, Lies.” 
“Are you sure?” She falters, eyes falling upon Grace with guilt. She feels bad leaving her daughter in somebody else’s care, especially now, while she’s in the middle of a divorce. “I don’t want you to feel like you half to--” 
“I don’t.” Tom shakes his head, a soft promise in the words he’s spoken. “Let me help you, yeah?” 
Lilah, though reluctantly, nods her head in agreement. 
— ☆ —
Lilah smiled softly at Zendaya, finding the taller girl already set up in the hair and makeup trailer. Her mind was still heavy on Tom and Grace, but she tried to refocus her energy on the day of work ahead of her. 
“You know, Tom is really good with her.” Zendaya mimed, looking over at Lilah with a gentle smile as to not seem like she was intending to overstepping. Nobody really knew where the boundaries were with Lilah, especially now. “I’m pretty sure they had a tea party last week.” 
Lilah grinned. Her daughter was fascinated with the little british mannerisms Tom and Harry carried, and both brothers were more than willing to play-up their accents. It was no great surprise that they had taken it a step further and had a tea party with her toddler. Lilah's heart swelled at the thought, her cheeks turning crimson. Worries of William had fallen behind her for the time being, and a gentle happiness returned to her heart. 
Zendaya smiled, seeing the soft switch in Lilah. They’d been friends for years, even prior to their entry in the MCU, but things with William had really taken a toll on Lilah; even before she had filed for divorce. Zendaya was glad to see that happiness hadn’t completely abandoned her. 
"It's lively in here today." Jake smiled when he came in, his entrance just barely heard over Lilah and Zendaya. 
For the first time in days, Lilah smiled fully and authentically; dimples carving into her cheeks that had begun to ache from laughing so hard. She felt tetherless, for the first time in weeks like absolutely nothing was holding her down.
The makeup artists finished up on her shortly after Jake came in. She smiled thickly at both of her co-stars, standing up from the makeup chair with a gentle groan, wincing at the way her thighs had stuck to the seat. 
“Alright. See you later.” She waved, laughing softly when Jake insisted on kissing her head before she left to find Tom. 
— ☆ —
When Lilah walked into her trailer, she smiled seeing Tom asleep on the couch. His shoes had been kicked off, and it looked like he had tried to throw a blanket over himself before he fell asleep. She couldn’t blame him, it was only slightly past eight in the morning.  
She had picked up her costume on the way back to her trailer, and without making too much noise, she slipped past Tom and Grace to change. On her way to the bathroom, she fixed the blanket over Tom’s naked shoulders, grinning at the way he subconsciously curled into the soft cotton. 
Acting was an escape for Lilah. She’d started when she was only young, through musicals and local commercial auditions, and somehow, she’d gotten her chance. 
"Oh, hey." Tom yawns, sitting up on the couch, dropping the blanket into his lap. Lilah smiled amusedly at him, offering a shy smile and a wave. 
She sits down opposite Tom, picking up the sides that had been half-heartedly highlighted the previous night. “Thanks for watching her.” She diverts her attention to the lines she knows three times over, avoiding Tom’s heavy stare on her. “It’s just, she was meant to be with William, and things came up for him. Everything was so last minute, and I couldn’t find anyone--”
“It’s no problem, Li. If you need someone for tomorrow, I’m free.” Tom disregarded Lilah’s babbling, reaching forward to squeeze her knee. He hated when she got like this; so inwardly shy and ashamed of her life.
 He wished she had at least a small understanding of how admirable and strong she truly is. She doesn’t see herself the way he sees her, though, and it tears him apart inside. 
This was Lilah. His sweet best friend that was losing herself in a divorce. She’s really just a kid, but she’s got her own child to worry about before herself, and Tom worries. He wonders when the last time somebody looked out for her was. Tom wanted to help her in any way that he could, but he didn’t want to overwhelm her. He knew what this could look like. Like, he was trying to make a move while she was at her lowest, but that’s not the reality of his intentions at all. 
"That would be really helpful." Lilah shyly admits, tempted to throw her arms around Tom and let herself melt into his chest, but she barely restrains herself, settling for squeezing at his hand that still rests on her thigh. "Are you sure that's how you want to spend your day off? What about Harry?"
Lilah hates burdening others with Grace, especially her friends. She’s suffered enough scrutiny from the media, not even to begin on her own amplified concerns and anxieties towards parenting.
"I wouldn't have offered if I wasn't sure. She's an angel, Li." Tom smiled, nodding towards Grace who is still sound asleep in the pack-n-play. He searches Lilah’s eyes, finding gentle flicks of yellow twisted into green. 
Lilah’s eyes are his new favorite color.
"Thank you. For everything." Lilah reaches forward, hugging Tom and relishing in the way his arms wrap tightly around her middle. Tom doesn’t make any objections to Lilah’s affection, wishing he could hold her like this every day. 
He doesn’t know what he feels for Lilah, but he knows she belongs in his arms, and he never wants to let her go. 
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taglist (urls with a strike through won’t let my tag) →
@deionswannabegirl @killingbxys @mauvesdior @mischiefandi @dmonchld @waddlenut @tanakaslastbraincell @hollandsxheart @quacksonhehe @tothemoonandbackx3000 @stiles-o-dylan24 @tikapollak @tomthetease @spookybooisa @geminiparkers @teen–marvel @rogersparkerbarnes @sarcasticallywitty15 @anapocalypseinmymind @stillmanicc @sonnydoesrandomshit @buckybarnesbiiitch @itsbieberxholland @lmaotshollandd @spideyspeaches @stillmanicc @mymilliefrommarketing @jess-holland23 @sararora11 @sambucky8 @cosmiccaptian @spideysensesl @lillucyandthejets @strawberrytom @thollandstuff @lharrietg @hollandswife @brisildadauti @themaddies-obx @hmw696
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ikassienatics · 4 years
𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐞 ↬ 𝐭𝐨𝐦 𝐡.
sypnosis: you were hired as paddy's tutor in golf by the royal family and you're confident that nothing could go wrong. except for the fact that the oldest prince of the hollands, prince tom took a liking on you.
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the bed squeaks whenever he will thrust himself inside of her, the headboard slapping the wall and the sound of pleasure is evaporating inside the oldest prince’s chambers. maria, magdalena, or madelyn. whatever her name was is lying on her stomach as her body is getting ravished by the handsome prince, eyes rolling on the back of her head, back arching and an almost pornographic moan coming out of her mouth, she fisted the covers of the mattress, nails digging on the soft fabric while prince tom continued on using her body for pleasure, fucking her at a rapid pace from behind. 
"fuck, cum for me darling." he whispered breathlessly, pleasured erupted in her stomach, the pace is too fast for her to even let out a word, the feeling is too strong to the point that she could see the galaxy with her eyes closed
a loud knock from his chamber didn't stop the prince from pounding into her heat, heavy and hot breathing, the sound of skin slapping gets louder and louder whenever his balls will hit her flesh
"tom!" harry called out from the other side of the door, the scene inside the room is oblivious since the sound of pleasure can be heard from the hallway, the younger twin only rolled his eyes as he tried to remove the picture of his brother fucking a girl inside his head. he expected a response but didn't get any, letting out a loud groan, he knocked for the second time so his presence can be known
his voice is deeper and louder this time "thomas!" clearly, tom heard his brother but he's too busy running after his climax to even bother answering, he reached out for the woman's hair before pulling it making her muffled noises be heard inside the quarter, letting his hand drop on her neck as he slowly choked her and at the same time, pulled her closer to his body. her back facing his front "you're so fucking tight, bet no one in your life fucked you this good." he dirty talked the poor girl
"tom open the fuck up!" harry called out for the third time "shut the fuck up harry, i don't want to picture your face as i come." slowly feeling pissed off at his brother's unhealthy behavior, he barged in just in time when his juices exploded inside the condom he's wearing. with a loud groan, he slowly pulled away from her, taking off the condom before shoving it on the nearest trashcan. the girl layed flatly on his bed trying to calm herself after experiencing the best climax she ever had.
"mother and father has been requesting your presence in the dining room." harry said while trying to keep his eyes on tom's face. even though they're brothers and they have seen each other naked a couple of times, harry didn't find it reasonable for him to stare down at his rooster after witnessing him having sex
standing up from the bed, the oldest son of king dominic grabbed a glass of water from his bed side "what for?" he asked, clearly unaware of the event.
"we'll be meeting paddy's tutor today, did you forgot? mother has been blabbering about it since last week." from tom, harry let his eyes move down to the female body laying on the mattress, almost looking like her body just survived a storm. he figured that she must be one of the servants or gardener, since tom never really fucked a woman from outside of the castle’s tall gates, as for the people responsible for cooking, harry is sure that she can’t be a cook since most of them are males. the hickeys and marks are very visible on her body. he can't help but pity her, not just her but every women who entered his brother's chambers only to be fucked senseless and to be left just like that. like they're some sort of toys and an object you can use for a quick fuck.
drinking from the glass, he nodded his head "didn't know it was today." he muttered, placing the water back on the table before letting his hand wonder in his hair, pulling it back then eyeing the person laying on his bed.
the curly haired boy take a step back before calling out a name "milagros!" and within a seconds, a middle aged woman came running inside the room holding a bath robe. clearly she already know the reason why one of the prince called upon her, she's been doing this for almost a few years for tom, helping the ladies that tom slept with and guiding them outside of the palace, telling them to never come back just like what she was ordered to do.
"please take her out, thank you." harry ordered softly
milagros, the name of the helper did what she was asked to do, helping the female stand up on her feet and covering her naked glory with a bathrobe while leading her out of the room, the twin took a step aside to give them the space they needed. "and you! hurry up and get your ass in the dining room."
he was about to leave but remembered to warn his older brother "and do us a favour please? don't try to get under her pants." he playfully stated but you can hear the seriousness in his tone. thomas is known in the whole nation as the prince who slept around, he fucked women who wanted to be fucked, flirt with ladies he wanted to bed. it doesn't matter where you came from or if you came from a low life family, as long as you're a walking individual with a huge tits, nice ass and a pretty face. and let's just say that his mindset and the way he wanted things to be done causes the heartaches of many women, not to mention, aside from causing heartache he also causes headache in the family because of his lifestyle.
tom chuckled before shaking his head, walking towards his closet as he find a formal attire to wear "is she cute?" she asked
harry shook his head "she's hot so back off for the sake of paddy." and with that, harry closed the door leaving the oldest prince to wander what the mysterious golf tutor of paddy would look like, and maybe. just maybe he can keep his hand inside his pants.
"so lady y/n, what does your parents do?" king dominic asked from his chair. prince sam, who's sitting not far from you gave his father a warned his father "dad." to not make the lunch awkward for all of you
"what? i'm just trying to make a conversation." the king defended himself. you seriously didn't know why you're nervous about this awhile ago. everything seemed to be going alright, paddy is an easy learner and already learned a few technique in golfing, soon enough he will be a pro and it will be your cue to leave and let him be, the king and queen is also pretty chill. far from your first impressions on them, the twins are comfortable to be with and always making sure they're not over stepping the line.
"it's quite okay, your grace." you said, referring to prince sam himself that king dominic is not stepping a line you did not even draw "my father work as a fisherman while my mother sells the fish he caught." you said to answer his question, the king seemes to be pleased with it.
"you play golf often?" he asked once again
you nodded your head "i take golf lessons when i was younger then decided to tutor people who wants to learn or be better with the sport, i do that to help my parents."
"well, if you needed help with anything or a place to stay. our door is always open for you." queen nikki stated, you gave her a simple smile.
"thank you, my queen." the married royals gave each other a look before giggling as if you said something funny, you didn't quite get the reason for their actions but the king made it clear with his words "drop the formality, lady y/n."
"you can call us by our names, we don't mind." the queen added, your eyes widen in response clearly not agreeing with them. being prince paddy's tutor did not give you a free pass to disrespect the royalties. before you can even protest, the door inside the dining room burst open revealing the oldest son of the king and queen, prince thomas holland. or tom as he likes to be called
"mother, father sorry i'm late." he voice out just after entering the room, king dominic doesn't seems to be pleased by his son's late arrival while the queen mother gave you a forced smile.
all are complete inside the room not long ago, the foods, the maids who will help just in case you all needed something more, the guards who's standing on the side alert just in case something happened. the whole holland royalties except tom, you did not know what cause him to come late in the gathering. not that you should care since it's not your business but by the looks of the king and how he ordered one of his sons, prince harry to pick up prince tom from his chambers. you imagined he did what he mostly do which is sleep with girls.
the young prince has a reputation in the castle, not just in the castle but in the whole city. how he slept with girls that wants to sleep with him, how he wanted to get under every woman's pants except his mother of course. and let's just say that you're not quite impressed, you found it disgusting that he poke his dick inside every women's hole whenever he can. that's very low of him
"tom, meet lady y/n. paddy's tutor." queen nikki introduced, you were slightly taken a back before quickly standing up from your sit once you realized what she's trying to do, looking up at the prince in front of you who's about to take a sit, you throw him a smile
"nice to meet you, your grace."
to say that tom is shocked at your beauty is an understatement, you're a goddess in his eyes, and the prince also can't help but to ask where have you been all this time? and how come he never seen your pretty face before? your hair is done and the dress you're wearing also didn't leave anything in his imagination, the front is too tight and hugs your breast making them look rounder than usual, not to mention. how soft your voice is, he can't help but wonder how your voice will sound if your squirming under him as he pound into you relentlessly.
he quickly shook the thought away before smiling back at the tutor in front of him "i could say the same, my lady." offering his hands, you gladly gave it to him then he kisses the back of your hand, your once again taken a back by his action since none of the prince's inside the room did that kind of courtesy, exchange of smiles and shake hands are alright but it seemed like tom took it too far, not that he's embarrass or regretting anything. he actually love the feeling of your flesh against his lips, wondering how better it would feel if his lips are in the lower part of your body
"tom." harry warned, reminding him the words he let out not long ago. the both of you sat down, tom taking the sit in front of you while you remained where you are before fixing your dress. probably that's the thing you hate about this. wearing a dress that reached the ground, it made it even more harder for you to walk properly but you can't do anything about it considering how you should look formal and presentable in front of the royals.
"pardon my son for arriving late... he did..." the queen looks at his husband for help while thinking of a scripted reason they can tell you "we asked him to run some errands." the king continued although that's not really what happened, base on the look of him he looked like he just finished having sex. the messy bed hair and the hickey displayed on his neck, his flush cheeks and to add it up. his brown eyes
the married couple nodded their head and you did the same "it's quite alright, your grace." to be honest, you didn't expect to eat a lunch with all the royals, if you did then you would have put a lot of effort in your appearance. you and paddy just happened to finish your session earlier than what you all expected and the queen invited you to eat lunch with them which you gladly take, saying no would be a disgrace knowing that the queen insisted.
queen nikki turned to you before holding your hand that was placed flatly on the table "it's good to have a woman in this house, finally." she told you
paddy murmured under his breath which you all heard "there's always a woman in this castle, mother."
"what i mean is, a woman who will eat with us. and like that, i really hate being the only lady in the family. we all are waiting for tom to finally come up on his right age so we can marry him off with a princess." with that, tom throw a glare at his mother because of the subject, getting married for politics is not what he wanted, besides, he's enjoying his life and is contented with it "or perhaps i've been waiting for all my sons to finally find that girl, since not of them haven't introduced anyone to us just yet." from the corner of your eyes, you saw how prince sam stiffen from his seat.
let's just say that the lunch almost go well, almost. you talk here and there, ask questions, answered all of them, then they told you a funny story about the royal family. you laugh, you eat, it doesn't felt like you're just paddy's tutor for a moment, you felt safe, welcomed, happy and accepted even though you're family is considered a low level in the city, you were treated fairly like you're one of them. you're too overwhelmed and comfortable
but then, you felt tom's foot slightly touched yours from beneath the table, at first you shrug it off thinking that maybe he just happened to accidentaly put his feet on top of yours, you continued conversating with the hollands, and then you felt his feet starting riding up to your ankle in the most seductive way, you jolted from the touch before making eye contact with the prince in front of you who's already staring back at you. he didn't seem to be embarrass that he's just caught staring at the tutor of his brother or the oblivious action he's doing under the table.
the queen noticed you jolted and she asked you "are you alright, y/n? do you need anything?" she asked concern. by the hours pass by, you and the hollands decided to come in an agreement to drop the formalities and be in the first name basis which you turned down at first but then the king looks at you with that eye, so you just agree afraid that he will take your head if you disagree once more
"i'm fine, just. . . i'm just. . . i'm okay." you nervously told her before retreating your legs closer to you, not wanting to have any contact with prince tom.
tom is actually fascinated by your actions, he thought you will give in or maybe already giving in just like those other girls because you didn't move your feet during the first time, but then ended up backing off after realizing what he's trying to do. he smirked from his seat before eyeing your flushed face, red from embarrassment or some other reasons he already know, he thought that maybe this coming days will be more interesting than he tought it would be. considering that he's taken a quite liking on lady y/n, golf tutor of paddy holland.
disclaimer: all publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. the original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. the author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.
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