#holy shit like she is really an AWFUL human being
idsb · 7 months
Not a song title called “the boy is mine” with her talking about how she can’t wait to fuck her new man bc he’s hers… regarding BREAKING UP A MARRIAGE????? It really well articulates what’s gross about this album; it’s not just “about” an affair it’s actually BRAGGING about the fact that you did it, and like rubbing in someone’s face that you ruined their life like I actually could fucking throw up about it
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al1fers-haven · 6 months
Adam x Innocent Sinner Reader?
Like, a reader who is a sinner but only because they went to hell on accident or the sin they did was so minor/they were forced into it?
Adam finds them during an extermination and they're just trying to calm down some kids and he's just like "aw, I can't hurt you 🥺"
They totally don't remind him of Eve, totally not
Sorry if that's a bit much >-<
AHH (as much as i hate Adam, they designed him way too good) ; 0 ;
I am so sorry about how long this took and how short it is, Adam is harder to write for since I don't see much of him in the show. but I hope this did well!
Adam x Sinner! reader You hadn't really done much in your life, let alone your death. You tried and tried to stay away from trouble when you were alive. And the only thing you could think of was stealing a couple things as a teenager. But everyone made those little mistakes, right?
The sound of the sinners running around in the streets and screaming was as evident as the smell of blood. The angels flew around the streets and killed many of the inhabitants in the area. You looked back at the group of children behind you, panic flowing through your body as you pushed them back towards the classroom corner, staying as far away from the windows and the door. "M-Ms.L/n. What's going on?" The little girl tugged on your jacket, letting out a sniffle as she hugged onto your leg. Your eyes widened a little as you sighed. Turning around and leaning down in front of her. "Sweetie....you remember how mommy said at the meeting that she was worried about that extermination thing? Yeah! Well- that's happening right now.." The little girl nodded, a couple of the children letting out yelps and screams as the door to the classroom slammed open. A couple of holy-looking beings wearing helmets and masks run into the room. "There! Look at those-" You stood up, shielding the students behind you with your body. The larger demon with a golden face looked towards you, laughing a bit. "You see this shit? Am I seeing this shit, Lute?" One of the exterminators shaking her head no. "You stay away from them! They have done nothing!" Adam looked towards you giggling, letting out a loud groan as he stared at you and the group for a bit. "Fuck! You're making it really hard to kill ya' hottie. Doing this selfless shit in front of me...." He looked you up and down, his heartbeat speeding up as he saw you now. Your bright blue glowing eyes and the more human-like features reminded him a lot of his second wife. Your black hair went down to your waist and you shielding the children reminded him a lot of how Eve had shielded their song, Cain. "Fuck!!" Lute blinked a couple times, looking over Adam's shoulder with a quirked brow. "You...you aren't going to hurt us...?" Your stance weakened a little bit, looking confused as you kept one of the children from looking out. Tears flowed from many of the students. "Awh! No, I could never babe! Damn, I have a soft spot huh? Gotta work on that shit. Hey! Lute! Danger tits, write that down in my log. 'Work on marital problems'." The woman nodded, walking over to the door with a notepad. "What are you doing here? Peter mess up?" Adam walked around you, huffing a little bit as he sent his little angels away. A couple of children walk out from behind you. "Im...I stole a bit. That's all. I'm glad to be here- so I could help these children--" Adam hummed, nodding. seeming not to care that much anymore as he sat in your desk chair. "Yeah- uh-huh. Sure. Okay miss virtue, You got boring. Tell anyone I spared you and I'll be back quicker than you want." He pointed at you, patting one of the children, and walked out of the door yelling for that woman.
"...what the fuck?" You quickly covered your mouth, looking down at the gawking 5-year-olds.
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generalllimaginesss · 9 months
"Who are you again?" with Nico. I have this thought that he wants to talk to her at a bar and gets nervous and is cocky when he approaches her. And obviously she knows who he is because his face is plastered all over the city. But she can’t stand when men are arrogant so she pretends not to know him and sends him back to his table. Then maybe he sees her at a coffee shop a few days later and he approaches her there too but in a more chill way. And she continues the “who are you again” joke but actually has a conversation with him.
Just like fluffy Nico being awkward and kind of being awful but only bc he’s nervous around the pretty girl.
Honestly I feel like Nico would be the most precious boyfriend ever. Whoever gets him wins in life. But anyways….here ya go! I kind of went a slightly different route with Nico not being very nervous, but I feel like this flows ok. Thank you for requesting! Keep them coming!
The bar that you were currently in was loud and slightly obnoxious. Because it was later in the night, the crowd was more rowdy than you cared for, causing you to become irritable with everything.
So here you were, sitting with a friend of yours at a table in the corner, trying to avoid people at all costs, when a group of guys walk through the door, some laughing, some heading to the bar, but one in particular caught your eye.
He was tall, had brown hair that was a little messy, but his smile was hard to miss. It lit up the whole room, a refresher from the scene that had been playing before his presence.
"Is that who I think it is?" Your friend elbowed you, pointing to where the guy was propping himself up against the wall talking to somebody.
As you sat there looking at him longer, trying to place his face, the realization that the guy is Nico Hischier hits you. He's practically the face of hockey in New Jersey, how could you miss that?
You watch as somebody hands him a beer and he takes a sip, his head tipping back slightly and his eyes beginning to take in the people around him. A couple of girls ask to take pictures with him, so he obliges. Some guys go over and talk to him about the game that night, but nothing really caught his attention until he glanced around the room and saw you sitting at a corner table, already looking at him.
Immediately, you break the eye contact, hoping that maybe he wasn't actually looking at you, but he pushes off of the wall and begins to walk in your direction.
"Holy shit he's coming over here," Your friend squeals, adjusting her hair so that she looks presentable.
"Shut up," You hiss, not wanting to seem like a crazy fangirl.
Nico gets intercepted by a guy with a Devils jersey on asking for a picture, but he immediately comes to your table afterwards, pulling a chair out and taking a seat.
Something about how he didn't ask if he could sit with you hit you wrong. Sure, he was famous and good looking, but that didn't mean that he got to do whatever he wanted.
You shifted your weight in your chair, eyebrows knitting together trying to figure the guy out.
"I saw you looking at me over there," Nico nodded his head to the spot where he was at earlier.
"And what about it?" You deadpan, your friend glancing between the two of you.
"I thought you would be interested, but apparently I thought wrong," Nico chuckled, putting his hands on his knees and pushing himself out of the chair to walk off. He took a few steps and stopped, turning towards you once more.
"I'm sorry..." He chuckled, running his fingers through his locks that hung just above his eyes, "...you now who I am, right?"
And that was the icing on the cake for you. You don't typically judge a person by the first couple of things they say to you, but he was so unbearably arrogant that it made your skin crawl. He might have been the captain of a successful NHL team, but the fact that he expected you to know who he was was gross. He was a human. He wasn't some god that graced you with his presence like he thought he was apparently.
"Hm, no I don't think so. Who are you again?" You chuckled, but it held zero emotion behind it. The audacity of this guy completely baffled you.
Nico bit his lip, realizing that he somehow struck a nerve within you. "Oh, I'm sorry, I just assumed-" He started, but was cut off by your harsh tone, "Well you know what they say about assuming? It makes an ass out of you."
You collected your purse and your friend as you left a dumbfounded Nico behind at the table, scratching his neck trying to figure out what just happened.
"What was that about?" Your friend nudged you as you made your way out of the bar and down the street.
"He acted like a pretentious bitch, that's what," Pulling your coat tighter around you, you arranged for an uber to pick you and your friend up and take you home, deciding that it was time to call it a night.
A few weeks passed after the encounter with Nico at the bar. It never really crossed your mind much, other than the fact that you roll your eyes every time he was shown during a game that you watched. The whole ordeal just really disappointed you because he was very attractive and seemed to be sweet in all of his interviews and moments with his team, but actions speak louder than words and his actions at the bar were loud and clear.
You were currently walking into a hole-in-the-wall coffee shop that was near your apartment, preparing to have an intense study session since finals were approaching soon. The cozy ambience felt warm and welcoming, the perfect combination for you.
As you were beginning to zone in on the material before you, the bell from the door sounded, signaling a new person in the shop. Out of habit, you glance up and notice a familiar person making his way to the counter. He didn't seem to notice you at first, so you debated on gathering your stuff and leaving. However, nobody was going to have that kind of hold on you. If you wanted to study in this coffee shop, then that is what was going to happen. Even if there was a douche hockey guy.
You watched as he ordered and gave the barista his card to pay. Since he still hadn't seen you, you decided to shift your attention back to your notes, seeing that's the whole reason you were here.
You thought you got off without having to interact with him, but quickly realized that was not the case when the sound of somebody clearing their throat near you interrupted you studying.
"It's a small world, isn't it?" He flashed an innocent smile, watching as your cheeks heated, much to your displeasure.
"Seems to be," Your answer was short and to the point, hoping he'd get the hint that you were busy.
"Um, is this seat taken?" He motioned toward the seat across the table from you. Maybe he learned his lesson from last time?
"Nope," You moved your bag out of the seat so that he could sit there.
There was a few moments of awkward silence before Nico decided to speak up.
"I'm sorry about the other night. My name is Nico," His outstretched hand hovered above the table, waiting for yours to meet it.
You could have been rude and just ignored him, but there was something about the way that his little dimple indented and the softness of his eyes. He was just a beautiful person.
"Who?" You joked, causing Nico to laugh, his whole body shaking with him.
"I'm teasing, it's nice to formally meet you," Your hand connected with his and you could have swore there were butterflies going rampant in your belly.
"The other night...I don't want to make an excuse for being an ass, but it was right after a win and I still had an adrenaline rush, the boys were around, and I honestly didn't realize how rude it was until I was trying to go to sleep that night. I don't want you to think that the fame went to my head or anything. That couldn't be far from the truth," He fidgeted with the rubber bracelet that decorated his hand, making eye contact with you a few times.
"Hey, we all have our moments. You happened to catch me out of my element. Bars are not quite my scene," You giggled, recalling the nightmare that was the bar that night.
"I didn't get a chance to tell you the other night, ha, but you're beautiful. Like wow," He sat back in his chair, sipping his coffee as he grinned at you trying to control your blush.
"Why thank you," Your laugh caused a train reaction from him.
The two of you talked about so many different things. The topic of how he got into hockey came up, and then what brought you into the bar that night, the conversation just flowing effortlessly. There was never another an awkward moment after that initial one.
Before either of you knew it, 2 hours had passed. Although you should have been studying, the time spent with Nico was nice, something that you could get used to.
"I've really enjoyed this," Nico nudged your leg with his, causing tingles to erupt from the spot where he touched you.
"Me too. You definitely made up for what happened at the bar," You winked, causing him to chuckle in response.
"The team has a Christmas party coming up and I happen to be dateless right now," A cheeky grin formed as he began to gain the courage to ask you on a date.
"Well that's quite the predicament, isn't it?" You knew where he was going with it, but you decided to play along with him.
"Yeah, it is. You wouldn't know how to fix that, would you?" He licked his bottom lip before taking it between his teeth.
"I mean, there's dating apps, fangirls, I'm sure you can find somebody who would love to go with you," Smirking, you finished the last bit of your coffee that was now cold.
"There's also girls that you meet in bars who happen to go to the same coffee shop as you..." Nico trailed off as he watched your response.
"Mr. Hischier, are you asking me to be your date?" You feigned shock, covering your mouth with your hand in attempt to hide your smile.
"Wait, who are you again?" His eyes squinted mischeviously as you rolled your eyes and handed him your phone so that he could put his phone number in.
"I would love to be your date," He punched in his number and felt his phone vibrate in his pocking, signaling that you had texted his phone.
"I've got to go study for my final, so I will see you later," You announced as the two of you gathered your things and walked out together.
Nico gave you a tight side hug, one that was unexpected, but definitely wanted. His cologne was magical and he was just cozy. You walked towards your apartment, a smile etched onto your face as you immediately recall the whole conversation.
Nico glanced at his phone as he headed to his car, deciding to read the text that you had sent him:
"You're pretty cute yourself. Like wow," It read and Nico couldn't help but giggle and smile as he climbed into the driver's side of his car, shaking his head and thanking God that he was able to impress you this time.
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semisolidmind · 1 year
What about a Bad End! Journey Wukong and *also* Yandere Macaque? Reader is having trouble enough trying to tame one yandere monkey warlord and then here comes Macaque who also decides haha nice human go brr
ooooh i do like this
(it's happening in the version of the au where wukong has the cuffs on his wrists and ankles that throw him to the ground whenever reader says the spell, but with macaque (who's still on wukongs side in this iteration) tagging along. like, this is happening after they were both keeping her on the mountain after their time with her as her little monkey companions. now reader has two rabid monkeys to deal with.)
when the bodhisattva summons reader (and by extension her two "husbands") to aid in the holy monks quest, both monkeys are given magic restraints (wrist cuffs, ankle cuffs, a circlet) and told to protect the humans on the journey. the bodhisattva does this because she knows the monkeys won't allow reader to go anywhere without them, and the temptation of an easy immortality boost would be too much for them to leave the monk alive.
not only do the two mystic monkeys practically one-shot every enemy they come across without much help from the other pilgrims, they really only care about protecting their wife. were it not for reader's "request" that they help him, the boys wouldn't give a shit about the monk (aside from making fun of him/threatening to eat him/the awful headaches the stupid circlets give them). reader has to act as the intermediary with all the different people they have to save, too, or else the monkeys wouldn't be bothered to help.
on that note, the monkey warlords don't really interact with the other pilgrims very much, and they try to keep reader from doing so too at the start. the boys don't care about these other demons; they kinda just make fun of them for being bad at their jobs. the other pilgrims become friends with reader, but in that regard the two warlords keep to themselves.
oddly enough but maybe not that surprisingly, reader doesn't use the throw-down spell on macaque nearly as often as she does on wukong. mac learned early on that pushing readers buttons whilst bound by the restraining cuffs is a bad idea. he isn't as annoying as wukong is, and knows how to play his cards to get reader to give him some affection occasionally (without threats against the safety of every town they come across). and if you think he doesn't get at least a little smug about that fact, you're overestimating him.
wukong and macaque spend their downtime hunting, lazing around, or invading reader's space. they like to make fun of the pilgrims when they're in earshot, knowing that the other demons can't do anything in retaliation. they're completely unconcerned with the journey as a whole; redemption and enlightenment who?
and what's fifteen years to a couple of immortal monkeys, anyways? after this boring escort mission, they'll be back on flower fruit mountain in no time at all. at least they've got their cute lil wifey to keep them entertained :)
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jesterofcringe · 7 days
Drain you of your love [Until you hate me.] vampire!shauna x witch!reader
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★ TW for murder and blood ★ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
★ The last thing you expected to see in the basement of one of Jeff's infamous parties was Randy Walsh's still warm dead body. On the bathroom floor he laid sprawled out, face twisted in something of agony as blood gushed out of his neck and dirtied his surroundings. There was no denying that he was murdered. Worse however, there was no denying Shauna Shipman was to blame.
★ There was blood everywhere- the baby blue walls, the bathmat (which, for some reason, was in front of the sink), and leaking into the tiles as well as foundation keeping them still- but most of it was on Shauna. You would've thought she was the one who had gotten hurt due to the sheer mess of red on the front of her shirt, but the way her palms were almost dyed red as she tried to wipe her hands on his shirt told you otherwise. In an almost nauseating way, a lot of it smeared around the corners of her mouth, meeting at the base of her chin before tracing along her jawline. Like an uncoordinated runway, the blood would slither down the outline of her throat before collecting on her shirt.
★ If you hadn't known Shauna was a vampire, you probably would've fainted. 
★ "...Holy shit." You mumbled, absolutely gob smacked on the carnage in front of you, "How did you even manage to do this?"
★ Shauna looked just as confused as you as she fumbled for a good answer, "I don't know! I just wanted to feed off him I didn't know he'd..." She didn't finish her sentence, instead gesturing to the bloodbath at her feet.
★ "When's the last time you ate?"
★ "I don't know... a few weeks ago I guess."
★ "Oh my god Shauna. That's the problem." You groaned, frustrated that you knew more about vampires than the literal vampire. In all fairness, she had turned recently- perhaps a few months ago- and was still getting used to it. Knowing of your status as a witch, Shauna decided to go to you for help. You're not a supernatural expert, but you knew enough about them to give her basic advice, "You need to eat at least once a week. What happened to the animal blood?"
★ Shauna made a face, "That stuff tastes awful."
★ "So I've heard, but it's all I've got." The more you thought about it, the more you felt bad. You couldn't imagine what it must've felt like, the moral conflict of needing to consume human blood in order to survive. Many tried to resist the urge, but the withdrawal just made the desire stronger until the hunger was strong enough to drive someone into quite literally going feral. You never understood why people labeled vampires as monsters until you watched it happen with Shauna, witnessing her spiraling and damn near losing your life as you tried to get her back. 
★ Now you were doing your ever loving best to make sure Shauna never descended to that level again, and here the two of you were staring at a pale corpse after Shauna slipped and accidentally took more than Randy could give. You really do need to start keeping a better eye on her.
★ Though it was awful to look at, you brought your attention back to the crime at hand, "So, what's your plan on avoiding jail time?"
★ "I didn't really think that far ahead."
★ "How did you even get him down here?"
★ Shauna rolled her eyes and scoffed, "I literally told him what I was gonna do and he fucking followed me. He took it as a weird innuendo when I meant it as a threat."
★ "That's... a very Randy Walsh thing to do." In a weird way, you honestly weren't very surprised.
★ "He kinda deserved it."
★ "Victim blaming someone who was murdered is insane."
★ "Shut up." Shauna shoved past you to get to the sink, being very careful not to step on the bloody mat while she ran her hands under the faucet water to rinse the rest of the blood down the drain, "We need to do something about the body."
★ "We? You're the one who killed him!"
★ "Well now you've both seen the body, so you're officially an accomplice."
★ You groaned, pinching the bridge of your nose as you struggled to come up with a solution, "I guess what I'm really wondering is what you expect me to do about this."
★ "Aren't you a witch? Can't you like, teleport him out of here?"
★ "That is absolutely not how it works. Best I could do is draw a protection sigil on the door but I know how you feel about those." You honestly didn't know why you were even mentioning it. Shauna hates your protection sigils, and you really didn't know why. You insist they aren't dangerous, but she won't have it. You had to take to wearing different charms as drawing on your arms was an instant way to piss her off.
★ She completely ignored your comment, "I kind of wish we could just frame someone, but the puncture wounds in his neck are kind of a giveaway. 
★ "We could probably frame it on Randy."
★ Shauna looked at you like you had three heads, "Did you not hear what I said or are you planning on making it look like Randy somehow bit himself to death?"
★ "I bet if we smear his fingerprints over a pair of scissors and place them well enough it'll look like he just kinda..." You trailed off as you were sure Shauna saw where you were going with this. Although she saw the vision, she was still somewhat skeptical, "I mean, what other ideas do we have?"
★ Shauna hummed as she contemplated the idea, "There are some scissors in the kitchen, I'll run and grab them quickly-"
★ "-Absolutely not." You quickly interjected, gesturing to her clothes, "You look like the final girl in a cheap horror flick. I'll get the scissors while you clean up."
★ The car ride home is awkward to say the least.
★ The two of you spent a considerable amount of time dressing the crime scene before promptly leaving the party. Shauna wasn't able to get all of the blood out of her clothes, but she was able to clean just enough so it no longer looked like she had just escaped a saw trap. You grabbed a spare hoodie from your car and let her wear it out. As you left, the both of you made an excuse about Shauna not feeling good and needing a ride home.
★ "Do you think Jackie would've noticed how long you were down there?"
★ You watched a wave of realization cross over Shauna's face as she contemplated your question, "...Jeez, I think this is the only time I've actually hoped she was too busy with Jeff."
★ "Does she know you're a vampire?"
★ "God I hope not." Shauna scoffed.
★ "Am I the only one that knows?"
★ "Yeah and I plan on keeping it that way."
★ You would've rolled your eyes at her, but you had to keep your eyes on the road, "With how reckless you've been acting, we'll be lucky if I'm the only one that knows for much longer." Shauna sighed and didn't say anything. You both knew it was true with how many close calls you guys barely dodged. You just wished you could help more.
★ It suddenly dawned on you that you totally could help more, but you knew Shauna wasn't going to be fond of your solution.
★ "Honestly, why don't you start feeding off me?"
★ "Hell no." Shauna responded sharply, "You know how that went last time."
★ "That only happened because you refuse to take care of yourself," You cut back, "The only reason why you tend to feel ravenous is because you wait too long. Small dosages off me every few days is the best of both worlds- you stay fed and I don't have to worry about murder charges."
★ Shauna was quiet, paying more attention to the streetlights flashing by than your suggestion, "Is that really our last option?"
★ "I guess not. You could try robbing hospitals but that will also land you in jail." you quipped back. Shauna audibly groaned.
★ "I just..." She frowned, talking quietly as if so much as speaking about the subject was a crime, "...what if I hurt you again?"
★ "I won't let that happen. I'll hex you or something, I dunno." Another groan. Tough crowd. "Are you scared you'll develop a taste only for my blood?"
★ "Kinda."
★ You were about to make a dumb quip about that being kinda hot but decided against it considering the seriousness of the current conversation. 
★ "If you have to drink my blood for the rest of my life so be it."
★ "Don't be stupid," Shauna scowled, "Eventually I'm going to-"
★ "-Would you quit pretending you're some monster and face the facts? I don't give a shit if it hurts, I'm going to help you survive. End of discussion."
★ Shauna was secretly grateful, but she'd never admit that. Instead rather, she was desperate to have the final say and she crossed her arms pretending to still be upset about it, "Fine."
★ The idea of being vampire prey indefinitely was scary, you couldn't deny that. But the idea of losing Shauna when you know you can help her is somehow scarier. She needed you, the both of you knew that. You just wished she would stop being so stubborn about it.
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m-jelly · 1 year
Hey there Jelly! If requests are open, may I request Hange x Fem! Titan Shifter reader? Hange spots the reader in her Titan form, helping animals and killing other titans. Hanger just looks at Her and is like "Yep, I can live with that!" Thank you for your time Jelly!
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Love in all shapes and sizes
Hange x fem!Reader
Canon world, romance, falling in love, fluff, cute, sweet, titan shifter reader.
Hange goes for a horse ride to clear her head and stumbles across you. She watches you as you care for animals and stop other titans from getting close. Hange approaches and starts talking to you. You get to know her and reveal who you really are.
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The wind tousled Hange's hair as she rode across the field. She knew very well that there could be some leftover titans in the area, but she didn't care and she was armed. For a moment, she wanted to be free. Countless responsibilities had been thrust upon her. It was becoming too much.
She closed her eye for a moment and enjoyed the freedom. Loud stomping made her open her eye and look over to where the noise was coming from. She slowed down as she watched a breathtakingly beautiful female titan carefully pick up a few sheep and place them back into a pen.
"Holy shit." She grinned as she felt excited about meeting another titan shifter. "I hope she's friendly."
Hange raced over to the female titan and kept a close watch. She yanked on the reins of the horse and gasped when the titan raced over to her. She expected death, but the titan ran past her. Hange looked behind her to see the titan grab the neck of an abnormal reaching for her. The female ripped the titan's head off and dropped the body on the floor.
You panted and turned to look at Hange gazing at you with adoration in her eyes. You squatted next to her and smiled. "May I carry you?"
Hange inhaled deeply. "Another talking titan!"
You hummed a laugh. "Yes. So, may I?"
You picked Hange up and placed her on your shoulder. "Hold on. I'll also carry your horse." You cradled the horse and rose to your feet. "I will take you to my home."
Hange gripped your hair as you walked towards a cottage with a farm area. "Pretty place! I didn't know anyone lived out here because of the Titans."
You gently placed the horse in your stables. You reached up to Hange. "Come."
Hange stepped onto your hand and held your thumb as you lowered her. "So, are you a human?"
You sat in front of her. "I...I am...please don't hand me over. I...I love it here. I have a cat and a dog. I have animals...please."
Hange gasped. "I would never! You are just living your life here beyond the walls."
You hummed. "I have been hiding. Titans only eat people and I kill Titans. So, I've been okay."
Hange offered her hand. "I'm Hange Zoe!"
You reached over and let her grab a finger as you introduced yourself. "Lovely to meet you." You hummed a laugh. "You're not afraid?"
"We have a shifter working with us!"
You smiled. "That's good."
You shook your head. "No thank you. I understand you need help, but I don't want to get involved. I've been hurt enough for being different. I enjoy being here alone with my animals."
Hange pouted. "Can I be here?"
You blushed a little. "Only if you want to."
"I do!" She grinned. "Can I meet the real you?"
You released a long sigh. "As long as you promise not to tell anyone about me."
"I swear."
You smiled and lay down. "Okay." You pulled from the back of the neck of the titan and gasped. You pulled free and made your way down to Hange. "This is me."
Hange gazed at you in awe. You were the most beautiful woman she had ever seen. The marking on your face framed you so perfectly. You were graceful and yet strong. Her eyes traced your body and the way it moved and curved. You were a divine being in her eyes.
Hange shivered as arousal shot through you. "You're hot."
You went bright red. "Th-thank you. You are a very beautiful woman." You pointed to your home. "Would you like to join me for a cup of tea?"
"Yes please!" She hugged your arm and walked with you. "Damn, you even smell good."
You smiled a little. "I make my own soap."
"You're incredible. I like you."
Your heart skipped a beat. "I like you also."
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iridescentdove · 1 year
Akutagawa, Mori, Kouyo & Higuchi x Elysia! Reader
Elysia is the Herrscher of Human Ego in Honkai Impact. She is a girl as beautiful as dancing petals, and holds the power which is comparable to a God itself.
Her personality is cheerful and sweet-loving, Elysia cares about her friends and everyone else dearly. She's elegant, unique, and is a person who enjoys everything.
Soukoku, Atsushi & Ranpo Ver. ♡ Decay Of Angels Ver.
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He'd be a curious lad, although not seeking much of his own personal interest because ... Dazai.
Then again, it's not unexpected you'd find a way to make even this guy fall for you. It takes time, but Akutagawa sees and uncovers the truth later on.
Honestly, surprised. A God? Really? But how? He's finally peaked some interest to see it for himself.
Wait holy shit you're so pretty i'm not ready for this–
He's gaping. Your aura is imperturbable, so omnipotent and strong. Yet, it found a hint of peace and tranquility as he felt safe and not ... terrified.
You're nicer than he thought. Given as the God of Humanity, maybe he shouldn't have been so on guard.
From there, you guys kicked it on. Albeit, slowly.
Akutagawa of course finds you beautiful. He's stole a few glances often, but refuses to admit it himself. Wouldn't say it out loud. At least not yet.
In the fight with Atsushi against Fitzgerald, you had come right on time.
And that man was no match for you. Akutagawa couldn't even believe his own eyes. You were the embodiment of power and grace.
You fought and destroyed without an ounce of anger.
Just purely going along. And he found himself just falling the moment you came down.
He's staring, with a certain look in his eyes no one has seen on him before. Was it...admiration? Softness?
You two had an actual convo. And his overflowing joy as you praised him so much, with words he always wished to hear from Dazai himself. But now, did he care?
Akutagawa loves you.
And he won't take shit from others who say otherwise. Let's just say Mori had no choice but to approve.
Privately is where he shows affection. You'd be in your God Form that he's in awe of, and just sits there quietly with you with a hand caressing your hair and outfit.
"Dazai is proud of you~" You said one day, both of you sitting at the foot of the bed. And he knew that. But...
Akutagawa simply shook his head. "He acknowledges me. However, it's no longer him I seek acceptance of." His heart beats fondly at the warm image of you.
"...It's you. Only you."
Sometimes regrets dating you seeing you dancing to WAP at 3am with Higuchi and Gin
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Man you know this guy only likes children 12 years and below that.
But who says you couldn't adopt Elise by force
He was most likely against it at first, but well, you're...Elysia. That's all i need to say. Mori did warm up to the idea but found the thought of you in the mafia weird.
You're too kind. Too sweet. Too...colorful. But you assure you were only there to take care of Elise LMAO
He appreciates you playing with the blonde girl whenever he gets too busy, so he won't have to worry. Plus, Elise seems to really like you! Then maybe he should, as well.
Silently watches whenever you do your makeup, or look around for an outfit you find really cute.
Finds you endearing overtime.
He'd definitely try and ask you to be Elise's mom, and the fact you know he's a pedophile so you decline lmfao. BUT HE WON'T GIVE UP AHAHAHA
Dude would just smirk and go along with his day. But not without asking again later on, probably.
Though you're not from the Port Mafia, you know enough that many get hurt or even die due to the missions being given. As such, especially if it's Mori giving out orders.
So you've decided to become support! Yay!
If taken out on dangerous missions, you'd come with them and interfere if you must. You can heal as well.
...Without half killing them–
Mori's seen your God Form, definitely. It was during that one time their precious Yokohama nearly bombed down to a crisp ._.
He's lost it for the very first time, the strong, head-on facade teared down at the last moment.
There's not a day this man stops thinking about you.
Elise is always coddling your time, laughing at your jokes and playing dress up. He's learned to be used to your presence, and hopes that you'll accept him one day.
Funny enough, you did. He's happy about it. Now, you can spend your time as a happy and chaotic family <3
Tried to take you on a dangerous mission but you came out with Akutagawa and Higuchi without a single scratch.
Mori, just give up. That's a God.
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You were the first to approach. Seeing as if there had been nothing else to do, you decided to talk to her.
She was pretty! And also found you rather cute too.
Both of you just ended up liking each other overtime and started gushing about Kyouka, but anyways. It seems that it didn't take too long for her to warm up.
After all, it's a big sister's duty. You both often went to taste some good tea and sweets around Yokohama.
You knew of Kouyou's past - that strength of yours coming as a legitimate God, but then again, you don't bring it up and prefer to help in her healing process.
She's thankful for you, and probably had prayed to you when Kyouka had disappeared. She's that trustful.
But then again, you're not like them. Why shouldn't she?
You're extremely beautiful, perfectly strong. The times she'd seen you fight so elegantly was a sight to behold. It would never get old no matter how many times.
Honestly everyone is double shocked because you just obliterated everything without moving a single leg ._.
And yet again, Kouyou is fascinated and overwhelmed by your God Form. She'll never get sick of seeing it.
The way you transform into it is so stunning too.
You'll often spoil her with outfits and expensive tea just because you want to, your roles reversed. No matter what, you'd always be taking care of her.
She appreciates it. Having you around makes her heart flutter a certain way.
You're there, showing her so much kindness and being so gentle it nearly hurt. A holy being as you deserved much more than her.
But again, you're assuring her no one else is as amazing and perfect as she was in your eyes. You loved her.
Kouyou could only smile so genuinely. So bright. So this is the light? It sure has been a while.
Maybe it wouldn't be so bad, after all.
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Akutagawa who? I only serve under (Y/N)
She and you are honestly the cutest couple ever. Where are the Higuchi stans? Damn this is unfair.
Higuchi first met you when you invited yourself into the base with a...is thAT AKUTAGAWA?! DEATHLY INJURED? She found no words to say at that moment.
You had taken him towards the nurse clinic, but not before staying to check if he was alright.
Higuchi alone found that strange. You weren't in the mafia.
Then how the hell did you manage to get past security, get all the way up without getting ambushed, and somehow get to Mori's office in one piece?
She saw you talking to Mori. You were carefree, sweet, and even gave him boxes of sweets claiming it's for everyone.
...Yes, she approached you herself. SLAY BESTIE
Although she planned it to be a simple interaction. It was anything about that. Because of that day, she learned so many things about you she never would have thought of.
The fact you also claim to love her, Higuchi just stops responding and goes red.
But by the time she realizes her emotions...well...
That happened.
Congratulations, you've earned a 100% faithful follower. Higuchi thinking 'mommy' everytime she sees you in your God Form is now canon
She doesn't even need to worry. You're strong in every way, and have the entire world on your side.
Higuchi has thrown Akutagawa away <3 bye bye Sanemi
All in all, she's literally become your number one fan beside the rat ass Fyodor. She's there for you, and you're there for her. The sweetest couple ever.
She loves complimentng you, while both of you sit on the couch watching TV late at night.
And don't forget cuddles and sneaking kisses. Top Higuchi
Man i love her sm, i got carried away. Higuchi believes that you were meant to be together forever, and that she would protect your life on earth no matter the cost.
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hopeymchope · 6 months
Looking more at femc I can see why she’s so popular in fact when it comes to the persona protagonists in my opinion she’s tied with narukami for best personality and funniest protagonist
(This is especially funny considering the fandom makes yu out to be the most flirtatious protagonist and yet femc was the first one to be able to woo not just one but two eldritch otherworldly beings before narukami)
(For the record I’m referring to the velvet room employees and ryoji)
You really have a good point about how FeMC being able to literally court Death itself is just fucking crazy.
Velvet room attendants are one thing — all of them seem to be fascinated by and in awe of normal humans anyway, so perhaps it's not AS insane for a human to romance them. But Ryoji?! I know he's already kind of a flirt, but even so: Dating the cosmic embodiment of death is truly some next-level shit. ............ Though I suppose that Narukami is ALSO capable of romancing one of the Persona universe's cosmic gods by way of Marie in Persona 4 Golden. Which I guess further strengthens the idea that Yu and Kotone share some similarities.
.....in fact, when you take that all into account, it's kind of surprising that Joker never gets the option to romance any otherworldly beings. Makoto can romance Elizabeth, Kotone can romance Theodore/Elizabeth (depending on which you randomly get) or Ryoji, and Yu can romance Marie. Joker doesn't have any crazy-ass inhuman romance options, though. Being able to date his teacher is gonna have to be crazy enough for him. :P
I actually opted to romance Akihito with FeMC when I played through P3P, however. Just a normal human romance. And despite that? It culminates in a wild moment that I don't think any normal person could realistically pull off.
To begin with, dating Akihito is already somethingo f an accomplishment because he's a guy that's constantly shown as being fawned over by girls at school, yet he never gives any of them the time of day. But hey, you've got an "in," right? You're both members of S.E.E.S., you share a dorm and a deeper understanding of the world. So maybe it makes sense that Kotone would get to worm her way into his heart where those others can't.
But Akihito doesn't actually confess his love to Kotone. Instead, he expresses confusion about his feelings, and SHE is the one who tells HIM that he's in love with her. And he's just like "Guess so" and decides she's right?!
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Holy. SHIT.
The sheer, unmitigated chutzpah. The unrestrained, mind-blowing rizz. It is incalcuable.
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hestzhyen · 2 months
Kagurabachi Chapter 42 Nonsense Takes-
Holy shit. Dear internet void, I'm on the edge of my seat. This CHAPTER man! Several key moments from Ch. 20 are paying off here in a satisfying way.
This time, Hiyuki is the one who wavers when her convictions are contested:
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Caught between duty, desire, and her own limitations... not a great feeling is it? She's in the same position now that Chihiro was facing off against her in Ch. 20. I feel like Chihiro's heroics will push her forward much like Hakuri's words did for him. Can't wait to see more of her after this arc and how she reconciles her noble beliefs with the selfish pragmatism of the Kamunabi. Not to mention how she'll manage her pride while reconsidering her rather dismal evaluation of Chihiro from earlier in the chapter.
Speaking of the Kamunabi, though... the older guys who have experienced the horrors of the Seitei war try to be realistic about the situation:
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They very understandably want to cut their losses and reduce the risk of death for their younger allies. With terrifying artifacts like Magatsumi being necessary, the Seitei War really must have been hell on earth. Better to save what you can than risk losing everything on a bet and all that. I think this will be the meaty, scrumptious crux of the conflict between Chihiro and the Kamunabi whenever he ends up clashing with them in the open. All for the greater good vs. the greatest good for all, pragmatism vs. idealism- I am hype!
And yet the idealistic duo of Chihiro and Hakuri are going to stake their lives on making a miracle. Across the hall, without being able to speak to each other or hear what's being said over the chaos, they still understand what the other is thinking and wants to do. I love these two so much.
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Hakuri recalling the conversation with Chihiro during the elevator ride in Ch. 20 when they first met. He knows his samurai's heart.
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(Ch. 20 vs 42) Liar, liar, pants on fire. Fakest IDGAFer ever ready to risk his life to save a bunch of strangers, just like he said he wasn't interested in doing.
These. Guys! ARE! THE! BEST!
But there's certainly going to be a price paid for this- the toothpick bidding guy said as much. Chihiro can't win it all, no matter how strongly he feels about having his cake and eating it too. So what's going to get fucked up? Well, pick your poison(s) on how Chihiro's idealism will be tempered:
Chihiro and Hakuri fail to save all the hostages
Hakuri overexerts himself and is incapacitated/dies
The Rakuzaichi isn't ended for good
Magatsumi falls into the wrong hands
Chihiro/Hakuri is/are captured by an enemy
Failure to Save Innocents This scenario is somewhat likely, I think. We're doing Ch. 20 callbacks so may as well go all-in here. It's also been the biggest sticking point this chapter. "We (YOU) can't save everyone." Be pragmatic when weighing good actions vs. the cost of doing them. Understand your limits, work hard, and be ready to cut your losses. Be willing to accept that someone could die. Chihiro struggles with this for obvious reasons. He's a heroic badass, but also a traumatized kid. A human. He's got limits and he's got to acknowledge them at some point. Even if Ms. Inazuma is saved, he might not be able to tag all the captives before Hakuri has to pull him out. This would be absolutely devastating to him as a brutal but very needed wake-up call before he overestimates himself in a situation with higher stakes. And, man... if Chihiro has to come back to Mr. Inazuma and tell the poor kid that he couldn't save his sister... god, that would be awful for everyone. Idealism alone can't save lives, nor wishing for it, nor trying your best. Sometimes you can't save everyone and end up losing everything. I think this is a bit too downer but it's not completely out of the question.
Hakuri Fucking Dies One of the two outcomes here is almost definitely going to happen. I went on a few several thousand-word screeds about Hakuri's significance and how much I love this slightly insane little goober. There's plenty of good reasons to think he'll stay a permanent member of the cast, and if I'm being honest, I think it's a little early for Chihiro to lose an ally. We need a little more time to get attached and invested in the core crew he assembles before one of them is offed. And yet... While I think Shiba's "you'll both die!" line is just to amp up the tension, this...
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I will kill everyone at the Rakuzaichi and then myself if anything happens to this kid.
... isn't looking good. At all. Knowing that Hakuri's basically had a full arc at this point means I can't just handwave away the chance he'll be the price Chihiro pays for his naive optimism. Because that's exactly why they're both doing this: Chihiro's expectations for himself are too high and unrealistic. And he's Hakuri's guiding light. Whatever Chihiro wants to accomplish, Hakuri will back him up with everything he has. He's pushing himself too far for Chihiro's sake and we'll all cry if that means he pays the ultimate price.
I think it's most likely that Hakuri will come out of this severely injured, though. Not dead, but close to it and unable to act for a while. It would teach the same lesson without breaking my heart so please, please let this be the variant chosen if Hakuri must be offered up. Protect his smile and give him the chance to learn that he deserves to be loved as he is.
The Rakuzaichi Yet Proceeds So this one would be interesting as hell IMO. There's a case for this due to the fact that, despite reappearing on the stage in the real world, neither Chihiro nor Hiyuki actually touch it. Only Kyoura does.
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God I love the perspective shots
A big point was made in Ch. 33 about how inviolable this wooden platform is:
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Lotta prestige tied to keeping people off a glorified wooden pallet, but hey what do I know. I'm not a human trafficker or abusive parent brainwashed into serving a merchant cult family.
So even when the whole thing seems poised to come crashing down, Kyoura alone remains worthy to stand on it. And if we don't see any non-Sazanami clan members step on it by the end of the arc, I think that's a signal that things aren't quite done with them yet. Or at the very least, their legacy will live on untarnished despite the head of the family falling in combat. They could become legends in the underworld for maintaining the sanctity of the Rakuzaichi until the very end. Not very wholesome for Team Goldfish, but hey, it's a comparatively small price to pay. I've got a lot of thoughts about what various scenarios would mean, but I'll wait until we actually see what happens before speculating too much. I will, however, do some Hakuri agendaposting while I'm here though!
I would find it incredibly tasty if Hakuri managed to stand on the stage at the very end somehow. Just for one last hearty "fuck you" to his sperm donor, you know? And to satisfy the part of my monkey brain that loves total vindication. The "worthless" kid who was instrumental in bringing down his family standing in the sacred zone he was supposed to protect, but was deemed unworthy of... that he rejects wholeheartedly while being the first since the progenitor to inherit both signature sorceries... yesssss. Especially considering this:
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RIP Tenri, gone too soon
I go feral for stuff like this. Hakuri is the Special Boy. He deserves the moment, if he can figure out a way to get there before he collapses after helping Chihiro.
Magatsumi Goes MIA Once More I think this is the most likely price to be paid. Chihiro's heroics will cause him to miss out on recovering the Super Evil Sword, which could end up just about anywhere at this point. Recovered by the Kamunabi, the Hishaku clan swooping in to take it, the wielder using Kyoura's body to abscond with it to parts unknown... anything's possible! But probably not Team Goldfish escaping into the night with it. Saving people at the cost of missing his big chance to recover his father's "masterpiece" seems like an appropriate setback for Chihiro right now. It'll throw his plans into disarray and really force him to look at his priorities and strategies thus far. Team Goldfish are mighty but they can't take on two massive orgs like the Kamunabi and Sazanamis at once, especially if the Hishaku are meddling. He'll get his reality check and prepare to make hard choices in the future. Save everyone, every time, and chase the blades forever? Or entertain a slightly less idealistic mindset to better the chances of success? Very tantalizing potential here, yes yes. It also ties in nicely with the main talking point of this chapter- much better than losing an ally would, at any rate.
Capturiffic Times I think this is the least likely given the circumstances, but may as well mention it just in case. Both Chihiro and Hakuri are worn down to their last dregs and aren't in a position to fend off anyone that could come at them. Maybe Hiyuki decides to capture Chihiro to take him to the Kamunabi instead of killing him, while Shiba retreats with Hakuri? Or Hakuri is captured by the Kamunabi/remaining Sazanamis while Shiba prioritizes escaping with Chihiro? Shiba gives himself up to let Chihiro and Hakuri run? Again, seriously doubt this scenario. They might not get out in one piece or with everything they hoped for, but I'm pretty sure that Team Goldfish will be able to flee to fight another day.
Anyway. Yapped too much again. Thank you void for letting me ramble into your uncaring ear once more. See you next week, probably.
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Hello! Can I plz ask for the ROTTMNT brothers (separately) react to their s/o being cute and innocent? Like they love watching animated movies, become a blushing mess if there's a kissing scene or in real life, love to draw, cook/bake, and dance, also are curious about everything. Oh, and they don't understand dirty jokes and if someone curses they put a hand over their mouth and look flabbergasted. They also are shorter than them and have small hands.
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Oh mi gosh,
You two are the most wholesome couple this side of anywhere.
Literally two peas in a pod.
Disney movies every movie night,
You bake together,
You draw together,
And he loves watching you dance around.
One of your favorite things to do is to walk around the city at night,
Just to see what you'll find.
He loves how easily flustered you are,
He thinks it's just the cutest!
Mikey thinks it's hilarious how shocked you get when someone swears.
You'd think someone just killed your grandmother!
The first time it happened is a treasured memory for the whole family.
Leo had fallen off his skateboard and smacked his face on the ground.
*Le gasp* "Language! Oh my gosh!"
Everyone just kinda looked at you then started laughing.
Mikey loves how much shorter than him you are.
I mean sure, it's only a few inches,
But he likes to rest his head ontop of your's.
Leo loves to make "That's what she said" jokes around you,
Mikey hates it,
He's scared you'll lose your innocence.
But everytime Leo goes, "That's what she said!"
You'll just look at him and say, "That's what who said? Who is 'She'? And why won't anyone tell me for gosh sake??"
"I'll tell you when you're older Cutie Pie."
You and Mikey are literally the sweetest couple, like, ever!
He finds your innocence impressive.
With the excistence of the internet,
He assumed there were no innocent teenagers left.
But you are on a whole new level of innocent.
And he thinks it's adorable.
Donnie does his best to shield you from Leo's jokes,
Because he is not about to let you be ruined by his brothers' crude sense of humor.
So imagine his surprise when you come ask him what one of these jokes mean.
He looks at you,
Then sighs,
You look at him confused as he stands up and grabs his tech bo
*Que screaches of fear*
Donnie loves that you dance too.
You guys have small disco parties every Saturday night.
He also loves how naturally curious you are,
Because it usually leads to him answering your endless questions about a ceratain topic.
But he doesn't mind.
He likes it when you ask him questions.
He also thinks its adorable how easily you get flustered.
Especially when it's over something as little as a movie scene.
He will tease you,
Just to fluster you even more.
And holy truffle mac & cheese,
You're so small!!
He has a habbit of resting his elbow on your head.
Kinda like how he leans on his tech bo.
You'll usually wave him off, and grab his hand instead.
Raph loves your innocent nature.
It just plays into how sweet you are,
And Raph loves him some sugar.
He's more than happy to participate in your hobbies,
Especially if it means you're trying to teach him something new.
You just look so cute when you're concetrating!
Like Donnie,
He does his best to keep you from Leo's awful jokes,
And like you,
He isn't very fond of swearing.
He'll act just as flabberghasted as you if one of his brothers were to swear.
Like, ExCuSE mE??
WaTcH YoUr MouTh YoUnG MaN!
Now when it comes to how much smaller you are than him,
It really depends on the day for how he feels about it.
On the one hand,
You are so tiny and adorable and he could just hug you for hours like holy crap.
Then on the other hand,
He is terrified he'll hurt you.
Human skin is just so friggin fragile,
And he doesn't want to be the reason you're in pain.
Just make sure your sweet self reassures him,
He'll get over it pretty quick with your help.
Oh my god, this boy teases you endlessly.
His favorite thing ever is to make you all flustered and stuff.
Whenever you two watch movies together he'll always pick some cheesy romance flick,
Just so he can watch you hide your face in your shirt whenever something romantic happens.
Leo loves baking with you.
Even if he's only allowed to watch.
(He set the kitchen on fire the last time he tried to actually help and in turn was perma banned from cooking.)
He likes trying all the sweet treats you bake up for everyone.
He also enjoys making jokes he knows you won't understand,
Because you look so cute when you're confused,
Your face gets all scrunched up while you try to figure out the joke,
And to him it's the cutest thing in the world.
Leo likes it when you freak out over swearing,
He thinks its funny.
You'll fan yourself with your hand all taken aback.
And your voice goes up an octave when you adress it,
"PARdon me?"
"I said fuck, (Name)."
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witchinatree · 1 month
magnus protocol episode 26 ramble
the academic victim era continues. i like putting my lil personal bits at the beginning of these i think it humanizes me
ok. i have to pause mid intro song. i just hit my bowl of snap pea crisps and spilled them everywhere and i'm going to tweak
3 of them fell on the floor.. but they're kinda expensive so we don't get to have them very often.. is it worth it..
i ate them i don't care
this has become more about me than the episode i'm gonna unpause it now
we're so back
celia at work core!! she dgaf!!!
MEET HELEN. pls don't be a tory in this universe pls pls pls pls. i didn't fw human helen at all i am less excited than i was about basira but also basira was one of my all time favs forever
hiii aliceeee <333
magnusing is so me tbh if you think about it
so does alice's voice have a slight hint of that effect they use for chester and norris to anyone else or.. like she sounds computer-y and i don't know if it's just the microphone or something real
"take protection" "jesus christ!" "LIKE A BIG KNIFE OR SOMETHING" CRYING. see my mind didn't go there sam so what's up with that sam huh sam
the hell does celia have in her workbag wtf. queen what. it's the trauma "are you sure that thing is legal?" LMFAOOOOOO
ok i don't like you saying nauseas because i'm on TWO medications that make me nauseas and i just ate pls don't be gross
DAMN. i was gonna be like JARED? HOPWORTH? but it's jared 'smith.' gerard jared is kind of like michael
P.E. teachers creep me out but probably because the only one my high school has ever officially had got fired my freshman year for spanking girls in the locker room and they never actually replaced him they just had various sports coaches take over
yea this is freaking me out already i don't like it
oh that's so sad the dad fucking died poor kid omg
wtf was he possessed by the soul of cross country. what is the horror here. ohh running for his life ok thanks
oh so the horror isn't mr jared it's what happens to him i guess. sorry man i shouldn't have called you creepy
this is just how my friends describe morning cross country practice
yeah so i was right to quit cross country in 5th grade then!!! running IS the horror!!!!
NOT THE TAPE RECORDER WTFFFFF IS THIS ERROR. ANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN ARCHIVIST.............................................................................................................................................................................................
we were right guyss it's an archivist...
yes alice connect those dots!!! connect them babe!!!!! i'm scared though to be honest with you
has celia shut down. oh my god she sounds really scared. probably because helen tried to eat her in another universe.
CELIA'S SO SCARED HONEYYYYYYY. wait now she's bringing up the magnus institute LMAOO
bloody big basement lmao it's where they keep the bodies
at least 20 years? it burned down 20 years ago? who's reaching out after it burned what
celia you are being watched honeyyy you are you need to connect some dots. alice style. obsessed with her.
calling her baby goblin after that baby episode that celia was mentioned by name in hello. hello.
ok sam let's go no longer being as selfish thanks sam.
awe that's adorable i actually think he's been really nice lately holy shit.
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Aidlyn oneshot - It's Not Romantic, I Swear.
Requested by ServingDumbassBlonde on AO3 <3
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Ashlyn felt like she was about to have her brain explode. She was texting Taylor with big, long, ranting paragraphs (which is nothing like her at all).
-Ashlyn: I don't know what to do, Taylor. He won't get out of my head and I really want to punch a wall, but, like, in a good way?? But also in a panicky way. I've never felt panicky and now I'm angry because I feel panicky and now I'm angry at Aiden because HIS DUMB FACE WON'T GET OUT OF MY HEAD.
-Taylor: Holy crap.. Ashlyn.. I think you have a crush on Aiden!
Ashlyn fumbled as she read the message, nearly dropping her phone but catching it just on time. A crush? On Aiden, of all people?! No. Absolutely not. That is ridiculous, stupid, and most of all, DUMB.
-Ashlyn: No I do not! Aiden is so annoying and loud and has no sense of personal space. Plus, I've never had a crush. Ever. And I intend for it to stay that way forever.
Taylor couldn't help but giggle at Ashlyn's texts. It's so unlike her. Usually she would just text things like "OK" or "👍" or "Don't be idiots" or "Have you done the homework?". Nothing like this. Taylor likes this side of Ashlyn. Vulnerable and more like a human who has immovable patience and levelheadedness.
-Taylor: Ashlyn, I think you should just think about it for a bit. Has Aiden ever done or said anything to you that made you see him in a different light?
Ashlyn sadly had several moments she could think of. Aiden saving her from a phantom and holding her close, Aiden checking if she was OK in the hospital and brushing her hand with his, Aiden nudging her foot in the living room before going to bed when she was busy being stressed, Aiden just... being there.
But Ashlyn couldn't say that. Hell. No.
-Ashlyn: I'm going to bed.
She shut off her phone and slammed it on her nightstand, hiding her face in the pillows. She still had a couple of hours until she and the others will be in the phantom dimension. And she knew she won't be able to sleep until then.
Taylor couldn't help but giggle at the final message. She's such a cat Taylor thought.
"Hey, Tay," Tyler says, stepping into their shared bedroom. He had a new pair of black studs in his ears after re-piercing them with Aiden (who had literally begged him nonstop for entire week to pierce his ears for him).
"Ohhh, nice new earrings!" Taylor said, doing a silly wolf whistle, getting an eye roll out of him.
"Thanks. Anyways, can I borrow your phone?"
"Sure. But what for?"
"Mine is dead and I need to text Aiden proper piercing maintenance before he gets an ear infection in the first night."
Taylor chuckled as she handed him her phone. "Is that even possible?"
"With him? Probably."
Tyler opens up his sister's phone and is met with a text conversation between her and Ashlyn. Usually, Tyler wouldn't care. Why would he? Ashlyn is just blunt and annoying. But this was something he couldn't help but get curious about. Ashlyn was sending huge, long paragraphs of some sort of rant. Very unlike her. This he had to see. So what if that made him a snoop?
He read through the messages quickly and felt his jaw drop. Taylor looked over and noticed her brother's expression. "What's with that look?"
"Ashlyn likes Aiden?!"
Taylor screams and snatches her phone away. "Don't read my conversations!"
"Holy shit, is she brain dead?!"
"Don't be so mean! I think that they're adorable!"
"Of course you do!"
"Ugh! Just get out!"
"But I sleep in here!"
"I don't care! Tonight I get both bunks! Now, shoo!"
Tyler rolled his eyes, still dumbfounded as he stepped out of the room. Seriously, Ashlyn likes Aiden? What awful taste, really.
He settles onto the couch and Taylor gets on the bottom bunk. Simultaneously, all 6 of them fell asleep together.
The 6 of them met where they left off last night. They were in their camp. A phantom had somehow managed to get through and now they were trying to find where it could have come from.
"I think it's west," Ashlyn says as they catch up with each other.
"I agree with Ashlyn!" Aiden says, looking over at her with a smile that said 'I only say this because Ashlyn said it'. He often had this look when she speaks.
Ashlyn averts her eyes and hunches over slightly, hating, hating, hating whatever this was. Ugh! He trusts her so much and so fully, it made her sickeningly happy. It didn't help that he had new piercings that she thought he looks weirdly good in and UGH STOP IT, BRAIN.
Tyler felt like gagging at the two lovebirds. "It can't be west. All the lights are working there. It has to be south. The lights are dimming there."
Ashlyn narrows her eyes at him and takes a step forward. "It couldn't be south, either. The walls are way too solid over there for anything like that. And dim lights or not, it still deters the phantoms. West is also closer to the trees, where the phantoms could have more shade."
Tyler glares at her. "No way it's west. It would make no sense for it to be there. Logan is patrolling there all the time."
"He could've missed something."
"No way. He has way too sharp of an eye for that."
Logan felt like interjecting here. "I could have totally missed something, Tyler."
"No, it just makes no logical sense. It has to be the south."
The two began to yell at one another, and Tyler resulted to yelling out of pure frustration, "You have no right to think you're smart about anything, you literally have a crush on Aiden!"
The entire group went quiet and Tyler immediately regretted his words. He had gone too far. He has a bad habit of not thinking before he speaks.
Everyone stared at Ashlyn and Aiden had to suck in a breath to try and slow his heartbeat as best as possible.
"I.. I do... I don't.." But Ashlyn was an awful liar. Her red face wasn't helping, either. "I don't!" she yells again, looking at the rest of the group.
Taylor looked absolutely guilt ridden and Tyler looked like he wanted to jump off a cliff because he felt so awkward and angry with himself.
Ashlyn then looks at Aiden, who is just staring. And that just makes this all the worse!
"I... UGH!" She storms away from the rest, flipping the bird at Tyler, which is probably the most irrationally angry anyone had ever seen her.
Aiden was about to go after her, but Taylor puts a hand on his shoulder. "Give her some space."
But Aiden felt like her had to talk to her. If this was true, if this was real, then... then everything would be.. it could be... he had to see if this was true. He had to. But he knew Taylor was right.
So, for the rest of the night, the group inspected both walls, and came to the finding that Ashlyn was in fact correct about her suspicions of the west wall, which made Tyler feel even worse.
The next day, at school, Ashlyn didn't show up.
"Should I text her?" Aiden asked. He really, really wanted to talk to her. To see her face. Hear her voice. Her her say it herself. The words that he so desperately wants to hear are true.
But Taylor just shook her head. "Just leave her be. My stupid brother seriously hurt her pride."
"But what's so pride-hurting about liking me?" Aiden asked, trying to make it sound like a joke, but deep inside he was hurting that the mere idea of her liking him could be some shameful, humiliating thing.
"Probably because you're annoying," Tyler said bluntly.
"Sorry, sorry, I'll shut up.."
Taylor let's out a sigh and turns back to Aiden. "It's just that.. you know how she likes to be in complete control of how she feels and stuff. She doesn't like not being in control. So being alone will give her a sense of control over her life. So let's give her that."
Aiden slumped in his chair, Ben giving him a sympathetic pat on the shoulder.
That night when they all fell asleep, Ashlyn busied herself with work, avoiding everyone else, especially Aiden. This was really starting to annoy him. He tried to follow her around as she was reloading riffles, fixing lights, and whatever else she could do. But he just couldn't keep up with her.
At school, she showed up, but sat at a different desk.
Seriously!? Let me talk to you! Aiden thought, absolutely miserable. He hated this! He hated it so much. He wanted to hear her say it. To hear if it was true. Please, please let it be true. The more time goes on, the more painful it gets.
Ashlyn didn't even show up at lunchtime.
"You're a complete idiot," Taylor said, looking over at her brother.
"I'm sorry, ok! I've sent hundreds of messages to Ash apologizing and she hasn't responded once!"
"I can't blame her!"
Aiden stands up, hating to hear the fighting any longer.
"Tyler," he says. "You are stupid. Really stupid. But you may have helped me out."
"Huh-?" But before Tyler could say anything, Aiden was sprinting out of the cafeteria in search of Ashlyn. Ben tried to reach out and grab him to stop him, but just missed.
Aiden zoomed through the halls, looking in every possible place she could be, narrowly avoiding teachers who would scold him and waist his time.
He ran up the stairs, looking in all the empty classrooms, clubs rooms, anywhere. He ran past the dance studio, where he heard music.
He stopped in his tracks and looked at the door. He very slowly approached it before peaking in. There he saw a figure.
She was moving fast, her body angry and thrashing while still keeping its elegant form, landing each jump and pirouette with rageful grace. Her hair was like a blazing fire, spinning around her form like the flames wanted to eat her alive.
Aiden opened the door, the creaking of it immediately made her stop and she whipped her head around to face him. Immediately, she looked like a cornered wild animal, ready to pounce to escape.
"Ashlyn. Can we please talk?"
She doesn't say anything as she looks around for any sort of escape.
"Please. I think I have the right to know what's going on?"
"Shut up," she spits out. This is the first time he's heard her speak in days. It was like music to his ears.
"Please, cmon. Yknow I never get this serious."
She clenched her fists, shaking angrily as she turns away. "What do you want?"
"I just.. wanna make sure you're ok."
"I'm fine!" she yells. "Happy?"
He laughs and tilts his head to observe her. "You don't look it."
"I.. ugh! I.. am fine. I'm fine! I'm in complete control and I'm not on the verge of punching someone in the face or on the verge of crying or anything like that! I AM FINE!"
He takes a step forward, trying to remain slow. He pulls his hoodie over his head and tightly pulls the string, the hoodie overtaking his face.
"I don't see anything," he says.
Such a goofy, Aiden way to show that he cares. Damnit..
She sucks in a breath and lets out a scream of frustration. She might be crying. That was weird. She never does. Why now?
"Damnit, damnit! I've never felt like this and I don't know how to handle it. All my nerves are in fight or flight. Everything is exciting but scary and I hate it!" she yells, kicking the wall.
He nods along to her words, keeping his eyes blinded with his hoodie as not to embarass her.
"And for some reason.. Some reason.. I like you. I think. Ugh! You won't get out of my head. I want you to comfort me and I want to squeeze you so tight that you suffocate. And in a good way!"
Aiden goes completely quiet now. She said it. She actually said it. And so matter-of-factly. Wow.. But he had to keep his cool, for her sake.
Aiden stays silent as she takes in deep, slow breaths before saying, "Can I look now?"
She pauses before answering with, "No."
"Why not?"
"Because-!" she stops herself. Because she's so embarrassed and if she were to see his stupid, stupid face right now, she might just crumble. She might just melt. She might just completely fall in love.
He takes a step forward, a small one since he can't see where he's going. "Ash." His voice is muffled through the fabric.
"Stop it.." she says, covering her ears in defiance.
"I like you," he says.
"Shut up."
She grabs his hoodie and pulls it down. He sees her face. Her eyes are down and her face is redder than her hair. She looks almost ashamed.
"I don't know what I'm doing," she says, frowning deeply.
"I don't either!" he says with a wide smile.
He takes her hand, and she lets him. She doesn't know why.
"I like you," he says again.
"I heard you the first time."
"Can you say it again, then?"
He laughs, his shoulders shaking from his own nervousness, but also his joy. "That's ok. Take your time."
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roseblog-rog · 8 months
She Actually Built a Shrink Ray…
(contains g/t mouthplay, g/t fearplay, and dubcon)
My best friend—Jamie—told me a while ago that she was working on a big project. After some prying from my end, she revealed it was going to be some sort of laser that would…do something with, like, atoms? And it would decrease them…I think? Maybe? When she started using science talk I kinda zoned out.
But she eventually dumbed it down for me, saying it would make whatever object it hits far smaller, which actually kinda made sense.
“So, a shrink ray? Like Honey, I Shrunk the Kids?”
“Yeah, something like that…but what the fuck are you talking about? Shrinking kids n’ shit??”
“Nah you made that shit up.”
For someone so smart she’s a complete dumbass. Or maybe it’s just not a popular movie…
Anyways, it’s not that I doubted her ability, per se, but I was highly skeptical about whether that was even possible. I mean sure, the idea of shit from Honey, I Shrunk the Kids being real was very intriguing…but could she do it?
That question was finally answered today when she sent me a text saying ‘HAZELLLLL COME OVER NOWWWW ITS SUPER DUPER IMPORTANT 😱😱😱’, and I arrived to her house only to be dragged to her lab where I found…well…a big laser. It really did look like something out of a movie, appearing very similar to Wayne Szalinski’s own creation.
This is where I am now: staring at the large machine, shock and some slight skepticism evident. “Is–is this…?”
“You bet your ass it is! Here lemme show you.” She ran over to a box containing several big red building blocks, taking one out and putting it on a stool where the laser was aimed. She then moved over to some sort of control panel and fiddled with some switches until the tip of the laser was glowing yellow.
I watched in awe; her genuine scientific prowess never ceases to amaze me. Still, I couldn’t help but make a remark. “Y’know, I honestly expected the beam to be red. Maybe some blue glow mixed in.” I smirk.
She glared at me playfully. “Well sooorryyyy it’s not exactly like your stupid obscure movie.”
We laughed as she finished activating the machine. She beckoned me to her side and we both watched as an actual laser was fired onto the building block, making it glow in a similar shade to the beam itself. My mouth then hung open in complete awe as I watched the once large block slowly shrink until it was about as big as a fingernail. She then turned off the machine, and we both went to look at the results. Sure enough, the block was intact, and I picked it up between my fingers to get a closer look.
Well holy fucking shit. The block was exactly the same aside from the now smaller size, and I could see Jamie grinning out of the corner of my eye.
“This is…this is, well, revolutionary.” I couldn’t believe she built this thing, still caught up in the shock of it all.
“Oh but thats not all! Put the block back on the stool.” She instructed, rushing back to the control panel. I could tell she was just as excited about this as I was, if her happy little bounces and giggles were any indication.
I placed the block back and returned to my position beside her, noticing the tip of the laser was now glowing purple instead of yellow. The process then repeated, only this time I watched the block grow back to its original size. Incredible.
“I still can’t believe you actually managed to pull this off…”
“You saying you doubted me?” She gave me another lighthearted glare. “Aaaaanyways, you ready?”
Ah. Right. Because I love and trust Jamie more than anyone, also seeing her capabilities firsthand, I volunteered to help test her machines as a human subject. Is there an ethical issue with this arrangement? Maybe, but it’s cool.
While nothing bad has ever happened to me as a result of previous tests, Jamie has a tendency to…mess with me during the process. She knows her machines more than I do, therefore knowing exactly how to fuck with me. Like the time she built some sort of emotional amplifier, activating it whenever I laughed until I was quite literally pissing myself and breathless on the ground laughing. Or the time she built that stupid artificial spider drone—Jeffrey, the fucker—and kept making it crawl into my peripherals to scare the shit out of me.
I love her to death but she can be a real pain in the ass during tests, using my misery to fully test the capabilities of her machines. The sadist.
This time though…this time was different. I would be completely at her mercy, too tiny to do anything but accept whatever she does. It was…thrilling, honestly. Will it be scary? Probably. Will I get annoyed? Maybe.
But she wouldn’t hurt me.
“Yeah yeah okay whatever, let’s get this over with.” I sat down at the stool, and Jamie gave me a knowing smirk. I watched the laser—which was now pointed at me—start to glow yellow again, but despite the nerves I could never miss a joke opportunity.
“I am not missing the mall today.” I huffed and rolled my eyes, truly embodying my inner Amy. Jamie just stared at me with the most deadpan stare I’ve ever seen.
“I am so glad I finished building this so I don’t have to deal with your bullshit about this movie you’re so obsessed with.”
“Oh cmonnnnn. Youuuu loveeee meeeeee~” I taunted in my singsong voice. But at that moment she smiled and the machine was activated.
The feeling of the beam hitting me is…hard to describe. The best word I can think of is tingly. An almost soft and fuzzy sensation filled my body as I watched the world around me get bigger and bigger. It was one thing to see an object shrink, but a whole different experience to actually see the world grow while you get smaller. Tables grew taller, tools became gigantic, things that were once so close by slowly felt miles away. Even the stool I was sitting on transformed into more of an open landscape in my eyes.
After some time the world stopped warping around me, and I stood up to take in my surroundings. I was so familiar with Jamie’s lab, and yet it seemed like a completely new room from this perspective. I could notice cracks and rough edges around me with more clarity, notice particles of dust flying through beams of light. I glanced down from the stool and it felt like I was on top of a whole fucking mountain. This was absolutely insane, like h—
“Holy shit!” Jamie’s voice boomed through my ears, and I had to raise my hands to cover them from the vibrations that practically shook my whole body. My ears started ringing. A shadow now loomed over me, and looking up I could see Jamie towering above. From the look on her face, though barely legible due to the distance, she seemed to notice my more sensitive hearing.
“Oops, sorry Hazey.” Her voice fell to a calmer speaking tone, which no longer rattled my eardrums as I slowly lowered my hands. “I can’t believe that actually worked!”
I laugh, smirking. “Oh look who’s doubting herself now.”
She pauses for a moment, then speaks again. “I can barely hear you.” She chuckles. “That’s new.”
“Hey!” I pout, also noticing she’s cupped her hands. She lowers them down to the stool, and it looks like an offer to climb in. I accept, stepping onto her palm and balancing myself.
“Just don’t lift me up too—“ I feel her hands rocket up towards her face, and I fall over from the sheer force of it. Dark spots quickly faded in and out of my vision “…quickly.”
She chuckles softly. “Sorry about all this, you’d think I’d have thought about how to properly treat you with how much preparation I did.” I stood back up and met her eyes. They were huge, and I could really take in the rich shades of brown within her irises. “But speaking of you,” she left me standing on one hand while she moved the other to ruffle my hair with her pointer finger, “you are so fucking cute! You’re like a little speck on my hand!!”
I blush furiously, not used to being the short one. “Hey! I’m not that small!” Being in her hand I could see I was about the size of half her finger.
“Awwww poor wittwle thing~” She continued to coo and rub the top of my head. I hate the fact that it actually felt really good. Is this how she was gonna mess with me this time? Taunting me for being short?
“Stoppppp!” I whined through giggles, starting to melt at the contact but being unable to actually do anything about it. I already know my face is completely red. She knows me too fucking well.
Her finger starts to softly shove me around a bit, rubbing ever so often. I get a bit dizzy from the overwhelming tenderness of it all.
“Hehe! You’re such a fun little toy!”
That comment makes my mind and heart stutter, and I really start to take in just how powerless I am in this situation. I begin feeling a bit of wetness in my panties, but try to keep those thoughts at bay. As far as I know, Jamie isn’t interested in sex or anything of the sort. Besides, we’re friends. I’ll just enjoy the soft shoves and rubs and coos, that’s more than enough.
But then I notice that blush has crept onto her face as well, and she slowly smirks as her finger stops playing with me. She gently pinches the back of my shirt, lifting me up, and now I’m really helpless. I instinctively and slowly start to flail around to free myself from her grip, but to no avail.
I’m in front of her mouth now, and her lips are slightly parted. I can feel how heavy she’s breathing, warm air pushing out and brushing against my skin. Her breath smells nice, it’s honestly kind of soothing.
“I’ve been waiting a long time for this. Sorry in advance.” With that being my only warning, she fully opens her mouth and sticks her tongue out. She’s salivating a lot, and the realization of what she’s doing dawns on me.
“Wait! Wait wait wait wait!” She drops me onto her tongue as I beg and squirm, but no matter how much I try to crawl off of her tongue I cannot get any sort of grip. I keep slipping and falling helplessly as her tongue snakes back into her mouth with me on it.
“No no no no no please! Jamie!” But it’s too late. I’m fully inside her mouth at this point, her tongue now flipping me over to hold me down against the bottom of her mouth. I try to push myself out, but she’s too strong. I feel tears start enter my eyes.
“I don’t mean to scare you. I swear I’m not like…eating you or something. I just…” She trails off, and her mouth fully closes.
I honestly never realized just how dark the mouth is when closed, because it’s open whenever I look into mine. But now I get the real experience. It’s dark. Very dark. The air around me is also very thick and humid, the warmth of her tongue and copious amounts of saliva contributing heavily. It also smells completely like Jamie’s breath in here—I mean, obviously—but overwhelmingly so. I can hear her breathe through her throat from my position under her tongue.
Her throat. Right.
Well, she said she wasn’t gonna eat me…but what the fuck is happening then? Is this just another scare prank? Is she secretly a cannibal and just lied to make me struggle less? I’m at a complete loss.
I feel her moving around now, hear her searching through drawers for something. The vibrations of her footsteps ripple through the mouth, bouncing me between her wet tongue and the floor. As scary as this is, the warmth is comfortable, and the moisture surrounding me is actually pretty arousing.
Fuck, I’m trapped in my now-giant friend’s mouth and all I can do is be a whore. Typical, honestly.
I try to move again but I’m still being held down, and suddenly I hear Jamie stop searching. A breath of relief moves up through her throat and out her lips, giving me a brief glimpse of light before it is snuffed out once again.
I’m not even scared anymore, honestly. I’m just bored. This sucks actually. If you’re gonna scare me like this at least up the stakes.
I feel her move around some more until she sits down on what is either a couch or her bed. Regardless, I felt the bounce.
“Jamieeeeee!” I try to yell out to her, hoping she hears me from in here. “What the fuck is going on?!” I need answers and if nothing else I can try to get them.
“Just—! Please let me have this.” I’ve never heard her like this before, voice so shaky and desperate. I feel some fear creep back in, but this time it’s for her rather than me. “I need you, Hazel.” I’m still confused until I hear the familiar buzz of a vibrator.
Oh shit.
She…this…huh????? I can barely process what this actually means before I hear moans reverberating up from her throat, the pool of saliva around me starting to grow. I can feel her body start to shake with arousal, also starting to notice her tongue snaking back.
I’m able to stand up now, but it takes extra effort with how soaked I am in saliva. It’s heavy and slick, almost keeping me down. I can feel my clothes completely stuck to my body, making it very obvious that I’m hard. My heart rate and breathing are also picking up, both from shock and the resurgence of my arousal from before getting put in here.
Then her tongue leaps at me before I can react, pushing me against her gums repeatedly as I squirm to break free. It’s bigger than my entire body, each lick completely drenching me in more gooey spit. As much as I should be disgusted, this sensation is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before. It’s so warm and wet and comfortable, sending tingles of pleasure from my crotch throughout my entire body. Her moans pick up with each lick as well, and I truly start to realize just what she meant when saying ‘I need you.’
Her tongue quickly gets more frantic and suggestive, lapping my entire lower body from my feet up to my crotch, and I already feel incredibly sensitive and brainless as the motions continue. I can’t help but join Jamie in moaning. Instinct overtaking me, I remove my clothes as best I can while being bombarded with wet sensations. I manage to get my shirt and bra off first, and Jamie quickly notices what I’m doing as she focuses her tongue movements towards my now exposed upper body instead. This makes her moan even louder, if that’s even possible at this point.
My pants come next, and this takes some effort given how wet and sticky they are, combined with the fact that I’m still being licked mercilessly against a giant row of teeth. When the pants are lowered enough to reveal my panties, Jamie moves her tongue back down to my crotch. With one less cloth barrier, the overwhelming sensations are too much to handle, and I orgasm. I can feel my panties grow even wetter despite how soaked they already are. Jamie stops for a moment, taking in the taste of my leakage as it drips down my thighs and into the pool of saliva below me. Her tongue feeling me up as I continue to leak honestly feels so pathetic, and I can’t help but whimper.
Once Jamie finally realizes just what she’s tasting, she goes feral. Her tongue picks me up and shoves me over to her molars, placing me down carefully only to bite specifically at my pants and panties to rip them off. I’m finally completely naked. I’m then forcefully sent sliding towards her lips, pushed through so that my upper body dangles out of her mouth while my legs stay inside. She has her lips pressed tightly against my crotch, and she begins sucking on me while simultaneously licking relentlessly at my taint. It’s too much, sliding back and forth on her lips like this, grinding against such intense moisture, feeling that giant tongue absolutely lick me clean. I can’t think straight.
My vision is blurry in the light after having been in darkness for so long, but I can see Jamie vibing her clit. She’s shaky and wet, her frantic breaths pushing against my body as I rest my upper half against her lower lip.
I already feel close to a second orgasm, but then Jamie’s vibrator turns off. Her mouth opens wide, tongue licking her lips while I’m dragged along against her skin underneath. I’m then plucked up by my legs, dangling in front of her face. I am completely drenched, drop after drop of saliva falling down and hitting her body. We’re both breathing heavy, faces red. She looks at me, and from my upside down view I can see her smile before I’m sent down between her thighs.
Warm. That’s the first word that comes to mind. I’m shoved against her clit, and I immediately start humping. We’re both completely soaked so the grinding is smooth. Jamie’s moans from high above me reverberate through my ears, and I can feel her get wetter by the second. Her grip doesn’t let up, and she actually starts to rub me against her forcefully. She doesn’t need her vibrator now, she can just use me. I cum again, becoming even more slicked up as I’m slid up and down across her crotch. I can’t tell whether I’m more covered in her saliva or my cum anymore, I’m too brainless and soaked to process. She is in complete control of me; I’ve become nothing but her glorified sex toy.
She starts tensing, squeezing her thighs together tightly, and she quickly shoves me inside her hole. It’s a similar environment to the mouth but far more constrictive. Oppressive. Her walls push against me as I squirm and stimulate her, barely being able to breathe from her scent and moisture completely overpowering me.
Finally, she cums, and I hold my breath as I am once again completely drenched in her. I manage to get pushed out right in between her thighs, stuck pressed there until she unclenches. It’s all so much, so many new and euphoric sensations. I’m breathing heavier than I’ve ever breathed before, feeling like I might pass out at any moment. Yet I cannot stop myself from huffing her scent like my life depends on it, cannot slow my racing heart after everything that just happened to me.
When she unclenches, I do not go sliding down her thigh. Rather, I remain stuck there, practically webbed by the saliva and cum I’ve quickly become accustomed to being drenched in. Strings of fluid connect me to her other leg. I want more. I can get an explanation later, I just need to be back in her mouth again. Back inside her. I already feel myself start to dry up and I whine, trying to squirm out of the adhesive I’m trapped in.
I hear a breathless chuckle from above as I am carefully ripped from my prison, once again left dangling in front of Jamie’s face.
“Wow, so d-desperate for more? I g-g-guess I was right. You are a fun little toy.” She stutters and takes deep breaths as she speaks, likely just as brainless from pleasure as I am.
“P-please put me back in your mouth. I need—I need to feel your tongue again.” I blush furiously at the plea, already feeling myself ready to cum again. This is so fucked.
“Of course, Hazey. Anything for you.” And with that, Jamie opens her mouth and drops me inside once again.
Feeling the warmth of her breath and saliva is a comfort I could never take for granted. Her tongue is gentler this time, hums of approval ringing from her throat as she savors every taste of me. I let myself relax for a bit as she feels me up, catching my breath while still feeling highly aroused from the licking. Once my heart rate is under control, I slowly stand and wrap my body around her tongue as best I can. I then begin to thrust myself into it over and over again, my cock sliding against the impossibly warm and slick surface. It feels amazing.
A chuckle sounds from Jamie’s throat as I hump, and I feel her body rise as she begins to—presumably—clean up. I’ve gone from a sex toy to a simple form of stimulation for her mouth. A thing to mindlessly flick around and play with while she goes around and focuses on other tasks. The thought makes me blush ever so slightly more.
I feel myself get close to a third orgasm, but her tongue quickly goes back to overpowering me, pushing me towards her molars once again. This time, however, she bites down on me. Not enough to injure or kill me, but enough to keep me trapped with just enough pain that I still feel good. My lower body is facing her tongue, but I cannot see what it’s actually doing. From the feel of it, it doesn’t seem like she’s doing anything to me anymore. Is she just going to leave me here? Prevent me from reaching the orgasm I was so close to? My train of thought is interrupted, however, when her tongue suddenly goes to fondle my crotch and taint. The surprise of receiving such overwhelming sensations out of nowhere makes me moan loudly, feeling myself just on the edge of cumming.
But. Then she stops again. Oh you’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.
She repeats this process multiple times: fondling me by surprise only to stop just before I orgasm. No matter how much I try to squirm out of her teeth, how much I try to maneuver my arms to touch myself, it’s no use. I quickly become brainless and whiny, eventually deciding to cry out pleas for her to let me cum.
After enough begging, she finally relents, licking me once again but this time without stopping. I’m still trapped under her molars, but I thrash around wildly as I’m finally able to let myself go all over her tongue. I all but scream as the feeling fills my body. I don’t care how embarrassing it may sound, all I can focus on is releasing my pent up pleasure all over her. I feel each burst of cum exit me, all of which bringing more and more pangs of overwhelming euphoria. More and more pathetic sounds. I feel elated. Wet, shaky, dizzy, and elated.
As I come down from the climax, her teeth let me go. I look at my body to see massive red teeth marks across my chest. Woah. I try to stand up, but I’m so shaky and filled with pleasure that I immediately fall over. Her tongue takes that as an opportunity to pick me up and bring me towards her lips. Her mouth opens and I am released once again, only this time her tongue slowly angles down so that I slide off into her cupped hands below.
She holds my small and soaked body tenderly as I regain my senses, raising her hands so I’m at eye level. I look at her face and am shocked to see tears falling down rapidly.
“I’m sorry Hazel! I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m s—“
“Hey hey hey! I’m okay! I don’t know what that was, but I feel fine. Good, even!” I try to comfort her, sitting up and gently rubbing her palm with my hand. “Although, I would like to ask…why? Why did you do all this?” Sue me, I wanna know.
Jamie sniffs, the tears not slowing down. “I—I—I’m in love with you, Hazel.”
I freeze, and for a moment my heart stops. I say nothing, and she continues.
“And—and I was too afraid to ask you out or admit my feelings because you’re so…” She looks closely at me now, eyes filled with stars at the sight of me. ME?? “…you. I’ve loved you for a while now; your smile, your voice, your authenticity, your laugh, your jokes, your absolute beauty, even your stupid fucking movie obsession.” I wet chuckle at that, feeling tears falling down my eyes as well. “You are the only person I ever want to love, Hazel…and I ruined it. I got too desperate. I used you. I’m so fucking sorry.”
I stand up now, and gesture for her to move me closer to her face. She complies, and once I’m close enough I rush to hug her cheek. I really start bawling now, so overwhelmed from the affection.
“I—I’ve loved every moment spent with you, Jamie! You’re so fucking smart and funny and sweet and an absolute dumbass. There isn’t a part of you I don’t want to cherish. I…I love you too.” I manage to get out through sobs, feelings I had no idea were there finally coming up to the surface. “To be honest…I didn’t think you’d ever want to be with, well, someone like me.” I step back from her cheek now, wrapping my arms around myself in a pitiful hug.
Jamie bends her head forward, pressing a giant but soft kiss onto my head as I cry. “Oh, Hazel…you know that doesn’t bother me. I mean shit, I watched by your side as you slowly become the person you’ve always wanted to be. It’s admirable! You’ve become so much happier and genuine with yourself. So much prettier. How could I not love you?”
I full on wail at that, and she presses me close to her chest as I sob. The rhythmic beats of her heart slowly calm me down, and my breathing eventually begins to level.
“Do—do you mean that, Jamie?” I clutch her shirt as I brace for the inevitable ‘Just kidding! You’re gross!’
But it never comes.
“Every word, Hazel. I want to love you for the rest of our lives.” She gently takes one of her hands to rub the back of my head as I quietly cry into her shirt.
“So do I.” I manage to get out, and I feel her heart stutter ever so slightly.
“You mean that? Even after…what I did?” Jamie sounds nervous, just as afraid of rejection as I was. But she never has to worry about that. Not with me.
“I do. I really mean it. I could never hate you or leave you. I never want to spend a moment without you in my life.” I press a kiss onto her chest. “Besides, I was into it.” I full on laugh and Jamie can’t help but laugh too.
“Oh and I’m the dumbass?” She holds me even closer to her body, seemingly never letting go any time soon. Good.
When we both stop crying after a while, Jamie is the first to speak again. “So…do you want me to grow you back to normal size?” From a nearby window, I can see it’s dark out now. I am exhausted.
“Can…can I stay like this for the night? Sleep on your chest?” It was an embarrassing request, but I knew she wouldn’t care. She would probably tease me a bit though.
“Awww! You are adorable!” Speak of the devil. “Of course you can stay small tonight…though I think I accidentally swallowed your clothes.” I chuckle at her guilty expression, and resolve to just stay naked to sleep…as long as I can dry off first.
After we both get ready, Jamie lays down in her bed, and I rest in my position next to her heart, her hand serving as a blanket for me. This was an absolutely confusing and…surprising start to our relationship, and I had no idea what the days ahead would bring, but I knew we would figure it out.
I smile as the warmth of her body and pulses of her heart lull me to sleep.
Shoutout to my wife @flowers-but-gay for being my smart dumbass and describing how a shrink ray would potentially work only for me to dumb it down 😭
Also shoutout to Eve @specksizedgoddess for brushing the dust off my g/t kink and getting me back into writing
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Doctor Who, but Chronologically 26
It's 1913 and fuck me but this episode fucks like a rabid rhino as it's time for Human Nature.
And it kind of makes sense! Remember when the Tennant Doctor talked to Jackson Lake? And told him about how Time Lords sometimes store memories in fob watches? And then remember how Tecteun and the Ood had a fob watch they used to be a dick to the Whittaker Doctor? And she was maybe going to open it? Fob watch! We know all about these!!!
So, we start with Tennant and Martha, sprinting into the TARDIS to escape "The Family". These, it transpires, are aliens made of lurid green gas who can possess people, so we're off to a simply fantastic start right there in terms of saving the budget. To escape them the Doctor turns himself human, and gets Martha to basically guard him in The Past because as a human he remembers nothing, which
A) means we are treated to David Tennant's acting changing to being Subtly Wrong, right down to the way he smiles, which is unsettling as fuck; and
B) fucking sucks ASS for Martha because she's now a black maid in a posh white English boarding school and this episode is not interested in portraying posh white English boarding schoolers in 1913 as anything other than raging cock-heads who make you glad there's a world war around the corner to wipe two thirds of them out.
Although I say English. That's St Ffagans, that is. With some exteriors up by Llangors. I know my Welsh historical sites.
Anyway, Martha yeets herself bodily up the rankings with this one. She's capable, and clever, and marooned in a fucking awful time as a bodyguard for a man who doesn't remember her and treats her like shit, and she is so achingly alone. She's stored the TARDIS in a shed, and she goes to it for some normalcy, and to dream of going home. She's made friends with Jenny, another maid, and their friendship is sweet and wholesome, the only bright spot left, and the whole thing would make you weep if only, um, Freema's acting was good.
(I'm sorry I adore her but she is just... very hammy)
So it's very depressing when Jenny becomes an alien host.
BUT it's also an AMAZING SCENE, because Martha has managed to source some afternoon tea for them to share, and Jenny comes in and is Weird, and Martha doesn't just notice - in a move that had me going "Well THIS scene was written by a Welshman," she looks Jenny in the eye and says "Okay, shall I put some gravy in the teapot? We could have jam and herring." And Jenny falls for it just as a changeling would, and Martha gets the fuck out. Incredible. Martha for the win. Everyone should know their changeling lore. Martha clearly does. Good girl.
Although shout out to the Family actually; the Daughter is a little girl with a red balloon and the same nursery rhyme backing track as the sinister little girl with the red balloon in Remembrance of the Daleks who turned out to be possessed by a Dalek or some shit, which is very cool, although these little girls with red balloons and sinister nursery rhyme backing tracks are about as good at acting as each other, which is to say, not really. BUT the Son is played by what's his tits off of Game of Thrones, you know the one? Played the little blond inbred lad who loved dragons. He's fantastic in this! Plays it with just the right amount of menace and charm, it's great. It could easily have become hammy and undermined it, but it's just great. Who knew you could sniff in a frightening manner and make your eyes glow with the Power of Acting alone?
Um, what else, what else... oh yeah, the Doctor as a human is a trembling virgin who gets a girlfriend played by Jessica Hynes. He falls down some stairs because he's so flustered about asking her to a dance. He literally starts saying "Um, I've never..." before kissing her, as though that's at all news to anyone watching.
Anyway, plot-wise, the Doctor dreams of his real life and has written it all down in a dream journal, which he insists on explaining to every woman who looks his way with the tediousness of people who keep dream journals everywhere. He keeps the fob watch on the mantlepiece. He has left a list of instructions for Martha, of which number 23 is to open the watch as a last resort.
But, one of the students in the boarding school is that kid from Love, Actually who later was an American chess player in the Queen's Gambit (side note, I swear like half the cast in the Queen's Gambit was British and putting on lacklustre American accents). Turns out this kid is Mildly Psychic in the way that people often are in RTD's era because why the fuck not, and so he has, in fact, stolen the fob watch because it spoke to him. Occasionally he opens it and learns about Time Lords, but that means the Family can smell the Doctor. This means Martha tries to open the watch, only to find it missing.
So they all go to the dance, which is in the old Oakdale Working Men's Club, and my dad used to go drinking there. It's in St Ffagans now. They're moving the Vulcan there just next door which is fun, because I used to go drinking in the Vulcan, so it'll be two generations of us moved to a museum. I've forgotten what I was talking about.
So they all go to the dance. Unfortunately, this includes the Family, who are armed with a heady mix of alien guns and extraneous scarecrows. In a cliffhanger that lets down the rest of the episode, they grab Martha and Jessica Hynes, and tell a very confused Doctor that he has to change back from human or pick which of these women to kill. It feels a bit needlessly stapled on, tbh. But it's nice to see Oakdale Workies again.
Anyway I think no new questions? Other than "How will they get out of this?" but the second half is next even on this batshit watch order, so we can ignore that one. That's fun. However we do still have a fob watch hanging plot thread for Whitaker, so there's that.
The list!
“She” (an unknown person) is returning (perhaps River returned as Missy. Maybe Me? Maybe Clara???!)
There is something on Donna’s back
An entire planet, Pyrovilia, just… disappeared, somehow. (Maybe because the TARDIS is exploding??? Saturnine was also lost, and that WAS because of the TARDIS exploding. The lion man’s planet was also lost but he was a bit of a knob about it if I’m honest.)
Amy is maybe dead (she’s not)
The Doctor has been cubed (he’s out, but how?)
River is possibly blown up  (unless she’s Missy)
The TARDIS has blown up  (It’s fine now. Except it’s sort of melting now because it’s corrupted, but it’s fine again)
The universe appears to have ended  (the universe is back again)
The Doctor has employed(?) Nardole (And Nardole was “reassembled???”)
There’s a vault in the TARDIS and it contains Missy but we don’t know why (sometimes she knocks for the bants)
What has happened to all these companions and where are the new ones coming from?
There’s an immortal Viking girl now. Her name is Me and she’s now looking after the people the Doctor abandons
What’s With The Silence?
Why was Rory entirely unconcerned by the entire world suddenly going silent when that is Not Normal and should have been, at the very least, extremely disconcerting?
What did the Doctor do to Queen Lizzie One?
Who is Captain Jack Harkness? (Is he the one who gave the companions a warning about the lone cyberman?)
Why is Amy seeing a one-eyed woman in a vanishing window?
What’s with the Doctor’s future involving getting shot by an astronaut?
Is Amy pregnant and why is it inconclusive?
Who is Sarah-Jane Smith?
How is the Doctor Bill’s teacher and why/where does he have an office?
What is going on with the Cyber War and the Cyberium???
Who did the Doctor lose to Cyber Conversion?
What happened with the Other Cyber War?
What happened with the Third War that deleted the void?
Why does Rose seem particularly important?
What’s with the Weeping Angel statues, and why can’t you blink at them?
What order do these Doctors go in? (Eccleston, Tennant, uncertain, Smith, Capaldi.)
Which companion just… forgot the Doctor, and how?
Yaz and Vinder are about to die as Mori/Mwri/Muuri
There is a Lupari shield around Earth.
What’s a Time War?
What’s the Rift?
What’s Bad Wolf?
What happened with Amy’s pregnancy?
In which war did the Doctor become a war criminal, and how?
Who is the Master?
Why has Amy forgotten Rory?
Is Rory plastic or not?
Why is the Doctor sulking on a cloud?
How exactly does the Doctor have a cloud?
What exactly happened with Strax to, uh, tame him?
Which friend killed Strax?
Which friend brought Strax back?
Where did this lesbian lizard and human couple come from?
What happened with Clara as Souffle Girl and the Daleks?
How does Clara actually join?
Why so many Claras?
Why is Missy apparently in robo-heaven?
Why is probably!Missy pushing Clara and the Doctor together?
What is Trensilor and what happened there?
Who is Handles?
The Doctor is about to be dissolved by a beautiful geode man
The universe is being crushed by the Flux
Will the Doctor open the fob watch? (NEW INFO: he also needs to open a fob watch as Tennant, but this presumably won't count.)
Sontarans are invading Earth again
Who is Kate?
Who is Osgood? Another name of Clara’s again?
The fuck is the deal with the Grand Serpent
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gabessquishytum · 11 months
I love when humans and supernatural beings alike are completely taken in by Hob’s “Just Some Guy”™ vibe, only to slowly realize that he’s just as feral and obsessive as Dream.
Like some of his colleagues would approach him out of concern because there’s a blonde guy with sunglasses following him around campus.
Hob: oh, that’s just Cori, my boyfriend just sent him to keep an eye on me, since he’s busy today.
Colleagues: …your boyfriend has people keeping tabs on you??
Hob: only if he can’t come watch me himself. Normally he sends Matthew, he’s a lot more subtle, but I guess he’s busy too.
Colleagues: holy shit, your boyfriend is actually stalking you???
Hob: Yup. Isn’t he the best? 🥰🥰🥰
Or someone supernatural is looking to start trouble (or maybe even genuinely reaching out also out of concern for the poor clueless human).
Being: Hey, just thought you should know, but rumor on the grapevine is that Lord Morpheus was commissioning some sort of collar or brand to chain you to him.
Hob: really?? Aw babe~🥹🥹🥹that’s so sweet of him!
And it’s all somehow worse that Dream’s brand of crazy, because Hob still comes across as Some Guy™ as he’s saying this insane shit! As if his partner was doing something normal romantic like regularly giving him surprise flowers. Just people realizing that despite appearances, they work bc they match each other for crazy
I also absolutely love the fact that Hob is batshit insane :'D
Titania: Have you heard about Lord Shaper's new lover? Some say that they are evenly matched in both intensity and insanity...
Titania's bestie or whatever: But I thought the new lover was a human?
Titania: Indeed. But I have heard tell that he not only accepted the Dreamlord's proposal of marriage - but he also pulled out a ring with which he had also intended to propose. They had been romantically involved for just 10 days...
Titania's Bestie: Well that is a short time indeed. But rather romantic?
Titania: Indeed it would be... But. T'was a cock ring. Which the human intended to use on himself in an attempt to match Lord Shaper's stamina. I almost pity that human, I must say. He must have truly lost his senses.
And the next day she gets a wedding invitation.
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itsgothgirlthyme · 1 year
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chapter 1: the plummet of doom
next chapter
stranger things g/t
hi! i had multiple asks for this so i finally wrote something for it!! i hope i can deliver, based on what i made last year. i wanna continue this story :) ugHh! summary is, dustin finds you, and its misery. until TADA steve harrington swoops in to save you. also the borrower is a fellow girly.
borrower!reader x steve harrington
pov: you're a borrower who got herself stuck in a trash can
Stuck between plastic you tried to pry yourself out of the darkness. The stench of rotten foods you’d wished you’d gotten your hands on before made you gag. Sure, you could take the smell of a dead mouse stuck inside a trap but still cry at its death. Yet this food, it smelled foul and your hand sunk into it. It collapsed under your fingers as you gingerly pulled your hand back. You grabbed onto a piece of black plastic and pulled yourself up. 
I’m such an idiot. 
You continued to climb up the mountains of garbage bags while trying not to fall. It was slick or sticky depending where you touched it. You recalled yourself earlier in the day when no one was home, other than for that stupid cat. You’d climbed onto the tabletop and were getting quite a few crumbs of bread. A victory you awaited to celebrate in the coziness of your walls. Yet when that thing meowed at you, it scared the shit out of you. Foolishly you misstepped and fallen into the depths of rotten peels and papers. Your hook had gotten stuck on thick brown paper and wouldn’t let go, and then the worst of it happened. That damn door to the entrance boomed making you freeze up. Your grip grew tighter as footsteps boomed in your direction. A familiar high-pitched voice of the house was talking to the devil cat.
Then she muttered something about the trash being taken out. That's when you hid under the flesh of fruit and held your breath. Then find yourself trying to untangle yourself from this mess. It had taken far too long to break the garbage bag, but journeying to the top of the tin became hard labor. You were dirty, sweating, and really wanted a breath of fresh air. Things you were used to feeling, but this time you weren’t sure if you’d make it. These humans, you weren’t sure where they threw out so much food waste in the first place. Your hands trembled. Would you suffocate in this pile of trash, or worse? 
You climbed up the last black bag closest to the lid. Yet you were so far away, and when you jumped your flicker of hope vanished. 
“Shit,” you squeaked as your foot went over something slick. 
You fell on top of another bag in the darkness and looked up at the ceiling. The longer you looked at the dark metal caved lid your eyes welled up. This couldn’t be it, to die due to your own foolishness. You’d expected to die due to a fight with the whiskered beast, or crushed by the hand of a human. Not being dumped into the trash due to your own skittishness (or stupidity). 
“No,” you said to yourself. You got up and slid down the trash to hit the metal can. You started to bang it in frustration, like it would open. You shouted till your throat got sore, not remembering when you’d even shouted last. Hot tears slipped down your face, at least you wouldn’t go down quietly. Yet no one would know, the mad little borrower, screaming till they could no longer breathe. 
Your knuckles stung and your tears had stopped. Then a loud creaking noise followed by being shed in golden light made you gasp. Tearful again you turned to look up and your eyes went wide. The house you borrowed from, the boy that lived there, stared down at you in awe.
“Holy shit,” he said. 
You purse your lips together and lean into the wall. 
I think I’ll die actually. 
Your thoughts were not answered as a large hand loomed over you. You ran and tried to dig your way into the garbage. When you tried to dive in further into the trash he’d gotten your leg. Pulling you out painfully slowly and you sighed. This was worse than trash death, this was so much worse. You were held upside down and you were met with his dark brown eyes. His fingers pinched your ankle and you were terrified it would break. 
“What are you?” he asked. 
A warm cloud of air hit your face causing you to swing. You stayed silent, not daring to give this kid more reason to keep you around. You hoped. Again, your hopes were crushed as he dropped you into darkness. The small space had even you feeling cramped in as you kicked the doors of it. He shushed you but that only made you kick harder. The doors wouldn’t budge but when you heard two voices you stopped. 
Then it went quiet. Then it went still. Then something zipped and you hit the ground. 
“Ow,” you muttered.
The ground under you was colored red and felt like dust. You became distracted for a moment as you put it between your fingers. Tiny rocks slipped past your fingers, and your lips parted. You realized it was quite warm as well, and when you looked up you hissed. It was a bright light that packed a lot of heat it seemed. You’d never seen it before, or maybe you had. You looked away and blinked. Seeing the outline of the light in dark colors everywhere you looked. Then you saw the kid again, staring at you. 
You stood up and already scurried off under a piece of wood. Yet he knew you were there but you couldn’t help yourself. You’d rather die trying to survive than playing his game. 
“Aw, hey buddy. I’m not going to hurt you,” his voice was now above you. 
“Buddy,” you scoffed with a brow raised. 
This kid was trying to act like a nice guy? 
“Look, uh. I don’t know if you know English actually,” he said. You looked to the other exit of the wood tunnel and started to crawl through it. “But I’m not going to hurt you, okay?” he said. When you crawled out you saw him, staring right at you. He frowned but then his face lit up. 
“Maybe you’re hungry,” he seemed determined as he scurried out of the room. You looked back at the red dust to see it stopped at… glass. Your heart dropped and you got out of the wooden tunnel. You looked around to see your worst nightmare. You were trapped in a glass box, and the only way out was up. Your heart started to pound against your chest and your hand touched it. You wanted to cry again, and you weren’t sure if it was possible to. 
Then something fell right beside you, and you looked back up. The kids' fingers pulled away and you looked back down. There was a pile of food beside you and you licked your lips. The kid told you to go ahead and eat from the same source. He called it, KitCat? Whatever it was, it took you a moment but you dug right in. It tasted like heaven to you, it melted in your mouth and was sweet. A different kind of sweet from that one time you had the peel of an apple or any other food. 
You’d sat down beside it and ate away till you were full. When you were done, you could feel his eyes burning the back of your head. You sighed, now full, at least feeling a little better, but what now? 
“My name is Dustin,” he introduced himself. 
Your brows shot up and you looked up at him. 
“Dustin,” he pointed at himself. 
The giant child was trying to have a conversation with you. You sighed, defeated, and took in a deep breath. You stood up and told him your name. This sent him into being a crazed maniac. He was giggling, gasping, and practically shouting at you. You just stared back up at him in shock at how overjoyed he was to hear you say a couple of words. You decided to stay quiet afterward, already regretting those words. You’d hidden under the wooden log and curled yourself up into a ball. You didn’t even have your damn hook anymore, you felt naked, useless. Eventually, the kid gave up, told you goodnight, and turned the lights off. Except yours. Thankfully it was a quiet night as you tried to fight off heavy eyelids. Eventually darkness, once again, got the best of you. 
You felt weightless and then your face crashed into something. You blinked your eyes open and realized you were trapped in darkness. You rubbed your eyes and your body flung toward another wall in the darkness. You hissed in response and backed up to the other wall. You steadied yourself and then your heart sank. 
Last night flashed before your eyes and now you were here. Stuck inside the trap he’d put you in last night. Going who knows where, and you couldn't fight it. You couldn’t do anything so you kicked the opening again. Nothing happened, but you did it again. You kicked again and again until you got tired. 
Being thrown into a bag and tossed around was not ideal. All the while this kid, Dustin, said nothing to you. You sat, defeated in his trap, as loud muffled noises met your ears. It scared the hell out of you, to be in this position. Would he tell other humans about you? What was he going to do with you? It made your head hurt. 
Time passed, and finally, the bag opened. You were lying down and were immediately met with new faces. They all looked wide-eyed, mouths dropped and they were all children. 
“Oh what the…” you stood up while trying to sink back into the bag. 
“What is that?” the boy with thick black hair said. 
You raised a brow at that, that. They are referring to you as it? 
Dustin told them your name and you rubbed your temple. Your neck strained looking up at a total of five new faces. Oh, you hated this, this is bad. 
“What? Did you name it?” the boy with a bandana tied around his head asked. 
“It’s my own name,” you spoke up. 
All eyes snapped to you and you stayed seated. You looked over your shoulder and your eyes went wide. All you could see were patches of long thick green grass. 
“This is insane,” the redhead girl said. 
“Isn’t it so cool?” Dustin said giddily. 
You followed the conversation, kinda, but eventually, you lost track of the topics. Something about a creature named Dart, and how Dustin found you. You hopped over the ledge and your feet were met with a soft ground. The blades of grass met your height and the edge of your lips tugged upward. You reached a hand out to touch it but then you got scooped up into a warm hand. 
You struggled against their grip but their fingers just tightened around you. The world spun until you were met by the kids' faces again. They started to blur in front of you and your breath started to get shallow. Once again you’d faded into darkness. 
It had been a couple of days of being handled and biting your tongue. You’d still been staying in Dustin’s glass box, which was called an “aqua-something” you couldn’t remember. You’d occasionally see his pet “turtle” slowly walking around on the floor. You sat on the log with your head in your hands. Trying to think of a way out of the cage, since Dustin put down the mesh top on it. You were close to escape two nights ago but had managed to mess up your leg. It wasn’t till you were awkwardly walking around in the morning he’d made the connection.
You perked up when you heard the door and slid under the log. You watched Dustin walk in on his lonesome. That was odd, usually the other kids joined him to just watch you (creepy). He flopped onto the bed and huffed. You rested your hands on the log and watched him look sad. It actually made your heart crack at the sight. Dustin hadn’t treated you horribly, but not amazingly either. Yet, you knew human children were complicated. You’d heard his mom complain about his teenage years when you were still in the walls.
Your brows furrowed and you huffed. Yep, now you remembered why you hated him. He took you away from your quiet, peaceful life which would have ended in a trashy death. When you zoned back into reality Dustin was no longer in bed. The hairs on your neck rose as a shadow loomed over you. Exhausted, you just let him pick you up into his warm palms. He held you in a loose fist and you stared up at him. 
“You’re still mad at me?” he asked. 
You didn’t say anything and he sighed. Clearly, you were still upset over him holding you so tightly you’d passed out. The first time he showed you to his friends, he’d left bruises for days all over your ribs. They were sore alongside your pride, now with the addition of a possibly broken leg. 
“I’m sorry,” he repeated for the millionth time. You looked away with little to no interest in his words. If you had any power over him, it was this. You didn’t give him what he wanted, and he’d leave you alone. Most of the time. This time he’d placed you in his backpack which had duck tape all over one side. You were surrounded by duck tape on the inside as well and pressed yourself up against it. He’d travel in silence the entire time and that freaked you out. The kid was always talking your ear off, even when you were pretending to not listen. Honestly, the things he said confused you but again, interested you. 
In the darkness, you finally heard Dustin whispering. Another voice whispered back and soon enough you were jostled in the bag. You landed on your bad leg and bit down a yelp. The sound of the zipper was followed by light. You dragged yourself to the corner of the pocket and were still shed by a shadow. 
“Dude, what are you talking about? There's nothing here,” a guy said. 
“She’s probably hiding, hold on,” Dustin said. 
Damn right, I am. 
You pressed your back against the wall and hugged your knee to your chest. You blinked in surprise as the surface below you tipped. You started to slide and you had nothing to grab onto. Your good leg met with a hard surface and the bag disappeared. Your eyes darted around you and you found out you were on an open table. Escape was possible. 
“What the–” you heard as Dustin cut off the voice. 
“Right?” Dustin introduced you to the voice.
You slowly turned around to be met with someone older for once. You take a step back and cringe at the pain shooting up your leg. The guy looked at you with wide brown eyes but they softened. His tense shoulders relaxed and his brows furrowed. He put his hands on the table and he looked at Dustin. 
“She’s scared, and looks like hell,” he said. Soon enough loud voices filled your ears as you started to step away to the edge of the table. You looked down at the drop which would surely end you. A shiver ran up your spine and you looked over your shoulder. 
Steve watched you and his chest cracked at the sight. You were pale and were shaking like a leaf. Not to mention the limp in your walk. You’d been handled by Dustin and his knucklehead friends. He ran a hand through his hair and put a hand on his hip. He’d dealt with weird shit before but you were something entirely new. He didn’t want to freak you out, considering Dustin had helped in that department already. 
“Okay okay,” Steve tapped the table, “Dustin, I’m taking her.” 
“What?” Dustin asked and your head snapped to Steve. 
Steve’s eyes went wide and he shook his head. “I mean, they’ll just stay with me. Dustin, clearly you’ve done enough.”
Dustin tried to fight his idea, claiming you’d been “found” by him. If anything you helped him, you vividly remember going insane in a trash can. That led him to opening it, so you really saved yourself, kinda.
“Dustin, just look at her,” Steve pointed at you. 
Dustin’s anger washed away but no words followed. 
“Steve!” Robin shouted from the other side of the doors. 
“Yeah, I heard you!” Steve shouted back. 
You jumped and he apologized immediately. Your tiny face finally looked up at him but he couldn’t detect your emotions. Once Dustin recapped Steve on what had happened up to this point, Robin burst in. 
“Jesus,” Steve jumped and turned around to face her. He moved himself to cover you from her vision as Robin started to complain to him. 
“C’mon doofus, it's my break time,” Robin exclaimed and continued to complain. 
Your heart raced as you let Steve’s silhouette cover you from her eyes. Dustin kept looking at you but you could never meet his eyes. You sidestepped closer to Steve and the edge of the table. Your head was spinning, and you were losing sight of your escape plan “the plummet of doom” you’d called it 5 minutes ago. 
“Oh my god, what is that?” you heard and you looked upward.
Robin, Steve, and Dustin loomed over you. Your heart plummeted to your stomach and you slid off the table. You hugged a leg of the table and made your way down. Shouts followed and then your fingers gave out. Hair whipped your face as you shut your eyes tight. Instead of being met with a hard floor you were met with something soft. You opened your eyes to see Steve staring down at you, inches away. Your face flushed at the closeness while he looked startled. His fingers cave in around you to hold you still and you don’t move.
“Jesus, who jumps off a ledge like that?” was the first thing he blurted.
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