politikwatch · 5 months
#Irak stellt #homosexuelle #Beziehungen unter #Strafe
Mich kotzt dieses #Rückwärtsgewante nur noch an❗️🤦‍♂️🤬🧠
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anthonysperkins · 4 months
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It Is Not the Homosexual Who Is Perverse, But the Society in Which He Lives (1971) dir. Rosa von Praunheim
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celinedjjon · 2 months
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Ride on me 🍆 💦
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kelpeigh · 8 months
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Wholesome Facebook post from a confused but supportive horse owner
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therealdykemarch · 8 months
Are you butchy dykey suspiciously terfy and generally an eyesore in the eyes of the male (worshipping) population?
Are you madly in love with women?
Then you've come to the right place!
We are looking for opinion pieces written by opinionated lesbians on a range of issues revolving around lesbian lives. The goal is to give radical lesbian voices a platform.
Got a controversial opinion? We would love to hear it!
To name a few examples, the following Substack pieces are coming up:
Goldstar: In celebration of a term
An article about the lesbian experience of often being treated as less then by men and women alike - lesbian relationships being seen as stop-gap solutions immature or fetishized. The feeling of being betrayed by your own sex. How this aided the transgender assault on our sex.
We translate all articles to German and English. Sometimes to Spanish.
You can find our Substack here
Every lesbian is welcome! Be aware though that we are radical lesbians who reject queer theory. We might not accept your submission if we consider it too gender. Or for other reasons. There's no guarantee we're going to use what you submit.
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calvinphil · 4 months
One Year of Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Act: A Human Rights Crisis
The Anti-Homosexuality Act, enacted in Uganda a year ago, has had devastating consequences for the LGBTQ+ community. This draconian law has led to widespread persecution, human rights abuses, and has forced many to seek refuge and asylum abroad.
LGBTQ+ individuals face daily threats, including forced evictions, blackmail, and unwarranted arrests. Torture and degrading treatment in police custody, such as forced anal examinations, have become alarmingly routine. Human rights defenders advocating for LGBTQ+ rights also face violence and intimidation.
The Act has severely disrupted the lives of LGBTQ+ individuals, causing job losses and heightened economic hardships. Many are denied basic rights and opportunities due to their sexual orientation or gender identity, leading to increased food insecurity and homelessness.
The hostile environment has driven many LGBTQ+ individuals to flee Uganda, seeking safety in other countries. This forced migration underscores the urgent need for international intervention and support.
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International pressure on the Ugandan government is crucial to repealing this discriminatory law. Western countries must offer refuge and support to those escaping persecution.
For more detailed information, visit the [full article on Bond](https://www.bond.org.uk/news/2024/05/one-year-later-the-ongoing-struggle-of-lgbtq-community-under-the-anti-homosexuality-act-in-uganda/).
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siliceouspebble · 2 months
And one more! This is actually the first one I did this monday
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I just kinda winged it on the moth. I really like the colours on the gay men flag really aesthetically pleasing. I really wanted to do this one since you don't see a lot of sticker designs with it.
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elialys · 3 months
Ca pète déjà dans ma famille avec les résultats des élections. Ras le cul des discours recrachés de BFMTV and CNEWS, et l'incapacité d'écouter des opinions qui vont à l'encontre de ce que disent ces chaînes de merde.
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another-girasol · 6 months
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Stolas Goetia ❤️
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anthonysperkins · 4 months
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It Is Not the Homosexual Who Is Perverse, But the Society in Which He Lives (1971) dir. Rosa von Praunheim
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catnarusasu · 1 year
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celinedjjon · 2 months
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Would you top me? 🤭
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cuntyfieddemon · 8 months
just watched mizumono for the first time and i just think that i gave you such a rare gift but you didn't want it– didn't i ? you denied me my life– no. not your life. my freedom then. you would take that from me you would confine me to a prison cell. Do you believe you could change me the way i've changed you? i already did and honestly i think that's love in its most heartbreaking form. and something about teacups also
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therealdykemarch · 1 year
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23. Juni in Berlin, 16:30 Uhr auf dem Savignyplatz. Sei dabei! //
June 23, Berlin. 4:30pm at Savignyplatz. Be there or be square!
👉👉 We prefer registrations! Only women who registered in advance can attend the afterparty. Register under [email protected]
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hard--headed--woman · 10 months
En train d'écrire un recueil de poèmes sur l'homosexualité féminine...J'espère pouvoir le faire éditer ! Je ne sais pas si ça ira très loin mais en tout cas je suis motivée. (Personne dans ma famille ne sait que je suis lesbienne mais... on verra ça plus tard)
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acetonitril · 10 months
Zusammenfassung von Der Mann, der in den Dschungel fiel:
Mirko und Alberich, Opfer toxischer Männlichkeit, lösen zusammen den Fall. Boerne und Thiel überkommen unterdessen ihre toxische Männlichkeit und stehen endlich öffentlich zu ihrer Beziehung
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