#honestly how did ANYONE in the Rose think that would go well
respectthepetty · 4 hours
Pride Petty Watch (SOTUS) 1/5
The crowd picked two blacklisted shows for me to watch during Pride, which were Love in the Air and The Untamed, and so even though I finished the first, I've stalled on the second, and it's all because of the beast named SOTUS. I watched this show when it aired in 2016, but I don't remember any of it. All I remember is that I'm very mad at it, yet this was the wild card show that was unlocked during the voting, so instead of fearing this show so much that I cannot bring myself to finish The Untamed, I'm going straight to the big boss, and fighting this demon NOW!
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It's me and the gear in a battle until the very end, and even though I cannot remember a single thing about this show, as soon as I pressed play, all the hate in my body rose to the surface, so I already know this is going to be a ~journey~
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First and foremost, I'm going to give this show and Krist a compliment because I HATE Arthit, which is exactly what I should be doing in the first episode. He is 🎶The Worst🎶 and he leans all the way into it. He snarls. He yells. He forces a girl to give him her number through mere power dynamics and sexism, and this isn't just 2024-me thinking this. 2016-me knows that this character is written well because the worst thing Arthit can think of doing to another man is making him say he is gay.
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Then to casually whisper in that man's ear that he could find him a skirt to wear . . .
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Arthit really is the epitome of the homophobe-to-homo character and I can't believe that it worked in 2016 since I feel that was late for a character like this to still be a love interest, yet it's still working so well in 2024 because here I am, pissed, pressed, and ready to fuck him up for being the douchiest bro in this damn cafeteria. It's refreshing how much I'm allowed to hate him.
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Because even the way he screams Kongpob's name with his student ID every fucking two seconds is setting me off.
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And I'm very disappointed in BL Land for only ONE video existing of him screaming Kongpob's name, and it's only the times from the first half of the first episode. Thanks, OP, but we are slacking!
But, honestly, if I had a boy who looked up at me like this every time I screamed his name, I'd probably be a lot worse than Arthit. You know, instigating fights and hands on me or something like that.
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And now I'm questioning this series because if these two would just choke each other out then kiss, I would be fully for it and enjoying all my snacks along the way. I'd be fine with Kongpob telling the entire room he would make Arthit his bitch, but Kongpob instead says he'll make Arthit his wife, and . . . the vibe is not as kinky as I need it to be to support all that is being thrown at me from these two.
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Which is why I'm heavily shipping Kongpob with M! Kongpob got in trouble for having two books, one which was M's, and had to say he liked men. Now, they are drunk at this table with homophobe Arthit and the hazers are staring them down while Kongpob is just holding M's face.
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But let me actually rewatch this show instead of reflecting on how GMMTV messed this enemies AND lovers premise up twice (looking at you, Dangerous Romance) because right now, this show is trying to make me believe the girls would not wave hello to a babyface Off.
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Once again, back to the actual rewatch, and because I don't remember a thing about this, I don't know if Wad is good or bad, but him busting out this move when Prem told him to apologize was equivalent to an older white Southern Christian woman telling someone to have a blessed day, so I felt that shade through the screen!
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And I'm not victim-blaming, but I do actually think Kongpob and Arthit are trying to push each buttons to see who will break first and fuck (up) the other one because this is not a sane answer to "why did you stay?" when the possibility of the hazers physically harming someone is extremely high.
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I only see my Kongpob and M ship now because when Arthit asked if anyone knew M, Kongpob immediately stood up and knew his entire life story. I have known my best friends for decades, and I still could not recite half of that information. Kongpob, what are the heterosexual reasons for you know any of this information about M?
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Once again, Arthit is 🎶The Fucking Worst🎶 because instead of just taking his L, he made Kongpob say everyone's damn name, then ripped up May's name tag, only to scold Kongpob for giving her his, and now the kids are passing out from his ridiculous physical activities! As a member of a Greek-letter organization who was hazed because that was the culture of the time period, Arthit is being soooooo messy!
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Hear me out - Kongpob and M would be so good together! Arthit is the antagonist. Kongpob is the protagonist who meets a sweet quiet boy on his first day of orientation. He helps the sweet quiet boy come out of his shell and watches over him. He cares for him. THEY FALL IN LOVE!
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But instead I'm getting a love interest who nominated Kongpob because he knows he is cute, yet can't admit it because ~internalized homophobia~ Ryan from The OC would have never treated Seth this way, and they were in the early 2000s. What is your excuse, Arthit?! The show wants me to hate you, and for that, I'm thankful.
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But I could never hate Minnie! Arthit came up quick like he was protecting the boys from Minnie being a predator, but Minnie would NEVER! I could never fear Minnie with the bisexual scarf? And now MDL is telling me the actor has only acted in one other series and that series is Deep Night. Gold star resume, and I truly mean that.
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Look at them. LOOK AT THEM! Tell me they don't look good together. Tell me they wouldn't have wrecked every other ship. This is why I need GMMTV to let these MEN (no longer boys) kiss their homies. Kongpob x M. Singto x New. I ship it.
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*punching walls and ripping doors off hinges* Kongpob gets kicked out the group and the FIRST one to stand up for him is the boy he loves (it's canon to me and IDGAF what the story's gotta say about it). Quiet and sweet M finds his voice just so he can ask to have Kongpob back. THEY ARE IN LOVE!
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Arthit is wildin' out here trying to gaslight Kongpob with this bullshit of "if you keep helping out your friends, then they'll never stand on their own." Sir, you wanna fuck Kongpob so bad, you look stupid.
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I cannot stress enough how kinky this is and could have been if 2016 BL Land was allowed to lean into this because Kongpob has already established through his actions that he likes showing up for the punishments, and here he says the quiet part very loudly - Arthit likes punishing him.
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Taking a break from the kink to point out that GMMTV was always going to get My Love Mix-Up because in 2016, May's friend said that "In Japan, if you write down the name of your crush on an eraser and use it, that person will love you"
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Then we have May asking for an eraser and keeping it just so she can write Kongpob's name on it. But who gets upset about it? M! Because he loves Kongpob and I'm not accepting that he likes May just like Atom realized he liked a boy instead of girl eight years later. M loves Kongpob. That is my truth!
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And here comes the kink lite again! Kongpob could leave. He doesn't have to take this verbal abuse from Arthit. He doesn't have to eat that damn spicy ass plate of food. He doesn't have to finish it either because Arthit gets up and leaves, yet HE DOES! Because he likes this treatment. This makes sense if it's sadomasochism, and that will guide me through these next couple of episodes.
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Because the decision to make Arthit the one who likes pink milk is a choice, and now I want an entire TED Talk on how Arthit is probably the most well done homophobic bully with internationalized homophobia falling in love with the boy he is bullying.
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Because, joke's on him, the guy he falls for is into that kind of shit.
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And all of this happens so we can end with Kongpob getting pink milk for himself after he finished an entire spicy meal that he didn't need to since he enjoys being punished should make me so happy, but the show is trying to lighten Arthit's behavior by having him pay for the bill (and get the freshmen food, and having been hazed himself, and blah blah blah) instead of just letting the toxicito be toxic and Kongpob being into it.
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I never thought I'd write this, but I don't want Arthit to be tamed. I want him to be so much worse.
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tmae3114 · 1 year
currently Many Thoughts, Head Full about the Guardian Tower dialogues re: the Rose
something something the Rose as an organisation views itself as the only solution to their view of the problem something something the way they actively drive out competition fundamentally undercuts their ostensible goal of “protecting people” and reveals that their anti-magic attitude takes precedence (nobody is surprised) something something the Rose have been repeatedly picking fights with Falconreach’s guardian patrols and thus testing Falconreach’s defences something something is it any wonder that these people showing up and offering to help rebuild the town post-Calamity almost incited a riot?
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mariasont · 4 months
They Think I'm Pregnant - A.H
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a/n: i feel like this is kind of shitty but alas here we are!
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pairings: aaron hotchner x fem!reader
summary: the team thinks you're pregnant and you decide to have a little fun with it
warnings: reader is not preggers promise!, honestly the team gossiping is so lol, suggestive content per usual
wc: 1.3k
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"I mean she has been kind of moody lately."
The gasp that rose in your surprise was quickly smothered as you pressed yourself against the wall, pushing into it as if that would make you invisible somehow.
"Well, interestingly enough, there has been considerable growth in her chest area. It's due to elevated levels of estrogen and progesterone, which I've noticed with her." Spencer stopped abruptly, the sound of Morgan's muffled laughter in the background. "I'm not saying I make a habit of such observations. Okay, um, don't tell Hotch I said that."
Casting a skeptical eye down your shirt, your frown deepened. Sure, your boobs had grown, but that was a testament to a little happy relationship weight, not the fodder of their theories. 
"Nice one, kid," came Rossi's voice, and you could almost see the smirk on his face.
"Oh my gosh, guys, this is like, the best news ever! A mini-agent in the making! Can you imagine how cute she's going to be? I'm going to get her the cutest  outfits!"
"Garcia, how do you know it's going to be a girl? Did the baby send you a text?"
The baby? Was rational thought absent among them? It must be. You crossed your arms defensively.
"Okay, maybe we should pump the breaks everyone. Why do we even think she's pregnant in the first place?"
JJ—your voice of reason. You could kiss the ground she walked on.
"I'm just putting two and two together. She walked out, and there was a pregnancy test in the trash that wasn't there before."
Your eyebrows drew down, and the increasing shuffle from the room prompted you to make a beeline for Hotch's office before anyone saw you snooping. But in your defense, Emily snooped first.
The moment the door clicked shut, you lunged for the blinds, bypassing any attempt at a greeting with Aaron. The blinds clattered shut, so fast you nearly gave yourself whiplash.
"Honey, what are you—?"
His words hung unfinished as you whirled around, pressing your pointer finger to your lips as if he were a kindergartner about to walk down the hall.
"They think I'm pregnant!" you hissed indignantly, jabbing a finger toward the door as if it were a portal to the rumor mill itself.
His face drained of color as his eyes darted from your face, down to your stomach, and finally rested on your tits. "Are you?"
You slapped his shoulder. "No!"
"Then why do they think that?"
You recounted every piece of evidence  they had collected, giving special attention to Spencer's bodily hypothesis as a subtle form of retaliation.
"He said what?"
You laughed, draping your arms around his neck as you made yourself at home on his lap. He leaned back in his chair, arranging you so your legs were stretched out across his lap.
"Focus," you said desperately. "They think I'm pregnant."
"Sweetheart," he chuckled, his hands finding their way to your waist. "Does it really matter what they're assuming?"
Your lower lip jutted out, fingers threading through your hair as you mulled it over.
"You're a genius." Your arms were around him in an instant once again, leaving a big, messy kiss on his cheek as you hopped down from his lap and strode towards the door.
Who cares if that's what they think?
So, you devoted your day to your greatest talent: stirring the pot. If they were set on believing you were pregnant, why should you interfere? Better yet, why not enjoy their theories and have some fun along the way?
You pulled every trick in the book.
In the morning, you bolted from the briefing room with a hand clamped over your mouth, you later reappeared, ginger ale and crackers in tow--which you knew JJ would understand. No one said a word.
In the afternoon, you turned up your nose when Emily offered you coffee, which in turn caused her eyes to bulge out of her head, but still she said nothing.
In the evening, you staged a sudden craving for the strangest of snacks, convincing Spencer of your dire need for pickles dipped in peanut butter. You sent him on a wild goose chase for it, and he did it, no questions asked.
All of these, as some would say--childish antics, lead to a big pile of nothing because no one was brave enough to just ask you.
So now that you were all gathered around Rossi's living room, with the day's efforts in vain, you were forced to drastic measures. 
The wine glass was mere inches from your lips when the whole lot of them were up in arms--a blabbering, spiraling mess.
Garcia, her mouth a perfect 'o' of scandalized red, was quick to wrestle it from your grasp, hoisting it just beyond reach as Morgan promptly confiscated it, placing it atop the tallest bookshelf, as if you were a child meddling with contraband.
"What are you thinking?"
"Are you crazy?"
"What are you doing?"
"Hotch, do you see this?"
Their words bombarded you all at once, a rapid-fire of overlapping sentences that was impossible to decipher. A giggle escaped you, hand instinctively rising to your lips. Sure, you had braced for a reaction, but this was beyond anything you had imagined.
You played dumb, your head canting to one side as your brows contracted. "What?"
You basked in Aaron's exasperated eye roll, his hands coming together as if in prayer while he let you revel in the moment. He was a good man.
"What do you mean what? I love you so much, but you have to be out of your mind," Garcia probed, her hands clutching on to her necklace as she looked side to side at the others.
You opened your mouth, ready to provoke her further, but Spencer beat you to it.
"Given the potential impact on blood volume and plasma osmolality, it's really not advised to drink alcohol, considering your condition," he said, fidgeting with his tie while nodding to your belly.
"What condition?"
"Oh, come on! We found your pregnancy test in the trash today!" This time it was Emily speaking, her hands on her hips as she gave you a knowing glance. She quickly muffled her exclamation. "Hold on, you've told Hotch, right? If not, I'm prepared to get on my hands and knees and beg for your forgiveness if necessary."
"You all are ridiculous!" you declared, rising from the couch and moving toward your abandoned wine. Aaron was quicker, offering the glass to you. "I'm not pregnant, and if you nosy nellies had bothered to ask rather than speculate, you'd know that.”
You took a large gulp of your wine. For emphasis. Your colleagues' mouth hung agape, all but Rossi, who smirked and toasted to the absurdity with his whiskey.
"You heard us?"
"Reid, let's just say, I'd appreciate if you would reserve those observational talents for the case files, not on my girlfriend's anatomy," Hotch suggested, the warmth of his hand seeping through the fabric at your back as he casually sipped his scotch.
You watched Reid's complexion turn a spectrum of pink hues, his apology barely above a whisper as laughter bubbled around us. 
"Wait so then whose pregnancy test did I find?" Emily's words caused a collective breath to catch, glances shifting suspiciously around the room.
JJ's hand shot up, laughing as Garcia barreled into her side, arms wrapping around her before she could even get the admittance out. The room buzzed with congratulatory cheers, everyone sharing hugs and kisses as JJ told the story.
Aaron chose that instant to lift his hand to his neck, his lips meeting yours in a kiss so gentle it turned your insides to jelly. He eased back, his breath mingling with yours as he mumbled, "you know, the idea of you pregnant...it's not something I'm opposed to."
You let out a soft giggle, nestling your head against his chest, the steady beat of his heart bleeding into your ear. Your gaze drifted to your friends, toasting with raised glasses--minus JJ--with laughter and chatter filling the air.
"Is that so? Cravings, mood, boobs and all?"
You felt the rumble of his chuckle through his chest, the sensation tingling against your cheek. "All of it."
Rising onto your toes, you reached up to cradle his ear, lips grazing lightly against it. "How about we head home and practice? And then if you put a ring on it, I’ll consider it.”
That was the first time you had Irish goodbye-d a party.
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roosterforme · 2 months
Aim for the Sky Part 13 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley contemplates just staying in Mexico with you forever. Vacations look good on him, and you seem happier than ever before. But a return to San Diego means the final countdown to the baby is on.
Warnings: Fluff, smut, oral sex, adult language
Length: 3400 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
Aim for the Sky masterlist. This was written to accompany my series Is It Working For You? along with a bunch of my one-shots and other series, but it can be read on its own! Check my masterlist for the reading order.
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There were no alarms set for work, no meals to cook, and no interruptions of any kind. Other than the occasional text from Cam letting you know that Tramp was being the best boy imaginable, you were solely focused on your husband and your daughter.
"She's kicking up a storm," you said from your lounge chair on the beach, and Bradley almost fell out of his own seat where he'd been dozing off and on to get his hands on your belly.
"Where's my little Nugget?" he crooned as he knelt in the sand. You felt her do a somersault as he looked at you over his aviators, and his smile grew. "There she is. I swear she knows when I'm nearby, Baby Girl."
You ran your fingers through his wavy, sandy hair and down along his scarred cheek. "She absolutely does." He kissed your arm without moving his hands, and then he pressed a sassy kiss to your chest through your bathing suit. "Vacations look good on you, Roo. You look very relaxed."
The dark circles under his eyes were virtually gone after a few days in Mexico. He was still chasing you down with the blood pressure cuff several times a day, and he was constantly trying to get you to eat or drink something, but he was obviously feeling very good at the moment. 
"Yeah, well what do you expect when my wife lets me cum all over her tits as soon as I wake up? And then I get tacos and margaritas for breakfast? Honestly, I'm thinking maybe we could just stay here? Rose could grow up bilingual. I could fly some charter planes back and forth to the peninsula. You can lounge in your bathing suit and look pretty. What do you think?"
You were cackling as you reached for the tube of sunblock that you never let out of your sight when you were with him. "Let me think about it while I reapply." You sat up, and Bradley sat on your chair between your legs, and you smoothed the lotion all over his broad back and shoulders before continuing down his arms. "We did just finish the attic at home," you mused as you massaged his bicep. "But moving to Mexico does sound lovely."
Bradley grunted as you kissed the back of his head. "You're right. One of those rooms will be Rosie's someday. Can't let that shit go to waste. Gimme," he said, holding out his hand, and he had you sit on his lap while he put more sunblock on you as well. You bit back a moan as his hands smoothed down your back to the top of your bikini bottoms, and his fingers dipped deliciously into the fabric.
"Do you ever think about how you put sunscreen on me at the cliffs beach? The day we had our first kiss?"
"All the time," he replied easily, rubbing circles along your shoulders. "Best day of my life up to that point. But don't forget, we didn't kiss, Sweetheart. You kissed me. And then I reciprocated with enthusiasm."
You looked out at the water and smiled. "You were pretty enthusiastic. And you were so sweet and sexy. How was I supposed to keep resisting you?"
"You weren't."
When you turned to face him, he was smiling, and you put a dollop of sunscreen on his nose. "Vacations really do look good on you."
He shrugged and leaned back in what used to be your seat. "Well, you would know better than anyone else. I never really took them before you." He coaxed you back so you were curled up in his arms, and he ran his thumb reverently along the valley between your breasts. "Can't wait to go somewhere with both of my girls. Maybe Disneyland? Rose can get one of those fancy princess dresses."
You moaned at his touch and his voice. "You're going to spoil our child rotten, aren't you?"
"Haven't I already made that abundantly clear?" he asked with a laugh. "Nothing's too good for the Nugget."
"You're as bad as my parents," you muttered, letting your eyes drift closed. 
"Okay, they might actually be worse than me."
"It's a tie," you whispered as you fell asleep.
"I don't want to go home tomorrow," you complained with a little pout. 
You looked like an absolute goddess at the moment, and Bradley wished the two of you could stay in Mexico longer. He watched you get dressed from the bed where he was lounging in his shorts and tropical print shirt. His stomach was growling loudly for dinner, but he was very distracted by how you looked as you pulled your dress over your head.
"Jesus," he groaned as you wiggled it over your bump and down your hips. "Could that thing be any tighter?"
"It's a bodycon dress, so no, probably not."
He had no idea what a bodycon dress was, but he really liked this one. "Fits you like a damn glove," he muttered. He could even see your nipples peaked against the fabric, and he started to sit up in bed.
"That's the idea. It's stretchy and comfortable, which is good, because my belly feels tender today," you said as you smoothed the dress over your body.
Everything was exciting to Bradley. You looked smoking hot. And a tender belly was just a reminder that the baby would be here soon. And he was about to eat more tacos and give you a little surprise after dinner. He just kept winning.
When you slipped your feet into your high heels, Bradley jumped up from the bed. "I don't want you walking around in those unless you're holding my hand."
"Why not?" you asked, looking at him with concern.
"I don't want you to trip. No more falls. And we're not going to dinner until I check your blood pressure."
He led you to the edge of the bed, got you seated, and kissed your belly before going to retrieve the blood pressure cuff. With a sigh, you held out your arm and said, "I've been eating and drinking plenty, Bradley. And getting some sun has been really good, too."
He grunted and got you all set up. "Maybe I just want to be sure my girls are alright. It's February now, Sweetheart. The Nugget will be here next month, and the last thing I want is for you to have to go back to the hospital any earlier than is completely necessary. But if your blood pressure isn't holding up, we need to know about it right away."
You reached for his face as he knelt in front of you, and he looked up to meet your eyes. "Rosie is the luckiest baby in the world. And you're already such a DILF. The gray hairs are definitely helping with that."
Bradley ducked his head in embarrassment. "Your blood pressure is normal. You ready for dinner?"
You moaned as he helped you back to your feet, and you let him hold your hand the whole way to the restaurant. "I need more tacos drenched in hot sauce," you said.
"I can make you tacos when we get home, and we can use the hot sauce you made," he promised.
"Oh," you gasped, wrapping your arms around him as he gave his name to the host. "I almost forgot you can cook things now."
He wasn't about to remind you that he was going to have to follow up with your mom again to be sure he remembered how to brown the ground beef. Not when you had that hazy eyed look on your face with your tits practically exploding out of your dress. He was suddenly so horny, he was considering skipping dinner, but he needed you to eat. He needed you to have energy for later.
As the host called out Bradshaw, Bradley leaned down to kiss your ear. "I need you to stop looking at me like that. At least until after dinner," he whispered. But you had been correct when you said that this vacation was doing something good for him. He felt incredible. The hotel room was comfortable, and you'd been wearing him out just enough that he was getting some solid sleep and waking up very refreshed. 
"Literally as soon as we get back to the room later, I want your pants off," you informed him in your bossiest voice. You didn't care who heard, because a second later, you were accepting a menu from the waiter with a smile.
Your belly was full of tacos, and you just watched your husband eat roughly his body weight in seafood, but he still looked sexy. He always looked sexy. Maybe it was your hormones, or maybe you were high on quality hot sauce. Or perhaps you were just hopelessly in love with him. But when he paid the bill for dinner and tucked his wallet back into the pocket of his snug shorts, you wanted nothing more than to fuck him. 
"The moon looks pretty," he mused as you left the restaurant hand in hand. "Let's walk down to the water."
"But it's pitch black outside," you told him when you realized there was barely even a crescent moon visible.
"Humor me," he said with a little laugh. You didn't argue when he started to tug you in the direction of the beach while he played with your rings. Before you got to the sand, Bradley knelt down to help you out of your shoes, and then he carried them for you. The soft sound of the waves mingled with music playing further up the beach. The pitch of the guitar was pretty, and the closer you got to it, the more familiar the song sounded. 
"Hey," you said as your steps slowed to a stop. "It's our wedding song. They're playing Everything!"
You could hear Bradley in the darkness more than you could see him, and his voice made you shiver. "It sure is. Nothing's too good for you."
Your lips parted in surprise. "How did you get them to play it?" Just then, the song changed to a slower guitar rendition of Roses by Outkast, and you bounced on your feet in excitement. "Bradley!"
"How did you do this?" you asked again as your cheek settled against his chest.
"I asked very nicely."
You laughed, because that was such a typical answer from him. If he wanted something badly enough, he'd go to the ends of the Earth for it, but he could usually get his way just by asking. 
"Do we have to go home tomorrow?" you whispered as he wrapped his big hands around your biceps, keeping you warm against the chill of the night air. "This is more fun than going to work."
He kissed the top of your head and said, "Spending time with you in any capacity is more fun than going to work, but we do need paychecks so I can spoil our kid."
You buried your face against him as you laughed. "It's all about Rosie."
"No," he corrected, giving your arms a little squeeze. "It's all about you and me and Rosie. Us against the world. A new era for the Bradshaws."
His words made you warm inside. "We're officially out of the honeymoon phase and in the baby phase."
"Well," he rasped, "I don't think we'll ever be completely out of the honeymoon phase, Baby Girl. Let's be real here." His hand slid down your backside over the tight fabric of your dress. "Not when you wear shit like this with your magic tits."
"You wanna see them?" you asked.
An hour later, you were in bed, sweating and whining Bradley's name. Your dress was pulled up above your hips and also down below your breasts, and he was absolutely worshipping you. You could feel the fabric of his discarded shirt and shorts next to you as you tried to wrap your fingers in the bedding to keep you grounded, but it was no use.
"Roo," you gasped, letting yourself get completely lost in the feel of his mouth on your pussy. He had one big hand splayed on your belly like he was protecting both of you, but his other hand was keeping your thighs spread wide for him. The wet sounds were delicious as he ran his nose over your clit.
"You've got the prettiest pussy," he crooned. "So fucking tight." His tongue slipped down until it dipped inside you, and he groaned as he sucked before pulling his lips free. "My god, you're perfect."
Your thighs were shaking slightly, and it kind of hurt to arch your back. All you could do was whine and hold onto whatever you could reach as you sucked in shallow breaths. You needed to come, badly. But he kept you right there on the brink as if he was trying to decide exactly how to finish you off.
"Roo," you whined.
"I know," he replied softly. "Me too." You were convinced he could read your mind by the way he shoved his cock inside you a minute later. It was such a different sensation, and then his mouth was on your breasts as he fucked you. His voice was aggressive as he whispered, "Your nipples are fucking delicious right now. I can't get enough."
If you weren't already pregnant, you were convinced you would have been tonight. He toyed with your breasts, rough hands and mustache everywhere. You were sore and tender, and he made everything feel better and also more pronounced at the same time. Your orgasm was building now, and while part of you wanted to crawl away, the rest of you couldn't get enough of him.
"Fuck," he grunted, his hard abs pressing against your belly as he buried his face to your chest. "Come on. Come for me!"
He pressed himself against your clit as he fucked you hard enough that your breasts were bouncing, and you closed your eyes as you finally clenched around his cock. The relief was immediate, and you let the needy sound of his orgasm wash over you.
Sticky cum coated up your thighs as he sprawled out next to you, his chest rising and falling rapidly from exertion. "You'll be the death of me, I swear," he muttered, eyes closed while you worked your dress up and over your head. He cracked one eye open and peeked at you. "Let's go skinny dipping."
You laughed as he helped you down into the private plunge pool a few minutes later. It was late, but you knew the two of you would have hours to nap on the flight home, so you let him hold you and talk to Rose. You let him tell you for the millionth time how excited he was while you could barely make out his face in the moonlight.
Bradley jerked awake as the plane touched down with a bumpy landing in San Diego. "Pilot must be retired Navy," he muttered to himself as you woke up next to him with a little pout on your face. The sky outside looked dark and cloudy for southern California, and he already knew what you were going to say.
"I don't want to go to work tomorrow. I want to eat tacos."
"I'll make tacos for dinner if you're well behaved," he promised as he turned his phone on again. A flood of texts from Nat came through just as it started storming outside. He scrolled through them and said, "Nat wants to know what you're doing on February fourteenth."
You stretched your arms over your head and gave him a funny look. "I don't know, Roo. You tell me. That's Valentine's Day."
"Oh," he replied. "Right." It wasn't like that day was particularly important to him. Other than the fact that he liked the color red, he could do without all of the chalky candy hearts and overpriced cards. The date never stuck in his mind like your birthday and November 28th did. That was the most romantic day of the year for him. His wedding anniversary was more important than pretty much anything else. "Well, how do you feel about having a baby shower on Valentine's Day?"
"A baby shower?" you gasped, a bright smile breaking out on your face. "I get to have a baby shower?"
"My god, you're adorable. Yes, you get to have a baby shower. I know your mom said she and your dad would rather wait until the Nugget is born to come out and help, so Nat is planning it."
You burst into tears, and Bradley's eyes went wide as rain pelted the airplane window as it taxied along. "What's wrong, Baby Girl?" 
He was already reaching for your belly as you wiped your eyes on the sleeve of his tee shirt. "Nothing's wrong," you sobbed. "That's just so nice of Phoenix to do that. Especially since she's really your friend."
Bradley kissed your forehead and swiped away your tears. "She's a lot more likely to do something nice for you than for me, and you know it, Sweetheart." Now you were laughing as you cried. "And keep in mind that you'll have to deal with Jake and Javy and all the guys being there. So is it really all that nice? It'll honestly probably be a shitstorm."
You nodded. "But it'll be our baby shower shitstorm."
"You're the only person I want to share a shitstorm with," he promised, helping you to your feet as the plane finally stopped at the gate. "Pretty soon we'll have literal diaper shitstorms, too."
You giggled as you wiped at your remaining tears while he reached down the carry-on bag. "You need to stop saying shitstorms."
He shook his head and reached for your hand. "I can't. I got started, and now I just can't."
It was nice to arrive at San Diego International and have you by his side for once instead of waiting at baggage claim. You and he walked slowly through the airport while you counted up how many times he could use shitstorm correctly in a sentence, and then Bradley drove home where Tramp was waiting.
"I heard you were a good boy," you crooned, scratching him behind the ear while Bradley made you a snack of hot sauce and carrot sticks. When you turned to him and asked, "Can you look at your calendar? We have a lot to do in the next few weeks."
He knew you meant the calendar on his phone, but he just smiled and said, "Absolutely," before heading out the back door toward the garage. He grabbed the dirty calendar you made for his birthday last year and brought it back inside where you were casually dipping a carrot into the hot sauce.
"Seriously?" you asked with a laugh when he held it up.
"This is the only calendar I use," he said, turning the page to February where the photo of you smiled back at him, mostly naked. "Holy shit. Six weeks until Rosie!"
"That's what I'm saying!" You had your hand resting on your bump while you poked at your phone calendar. Tramp was begging for a snack while you crunched on your carrot, and Bradley had the urge to go sit quietly in the nursery for a while. Every time he thought about his daughter, he got more excited, and it just made sense that she would be here soon.
"We've got a baby shower, maternity photos and last minute shopping to do," you muttered. "We should probably go to Costco soon."
"You get horny at Costco," he replied. "Block off a whole day for that. And block off a whole day for you and me to snuggle on the soft rug in the nursery. And block off another day for me to organize all of the cute board books on Rosie's shelf. I want everything to be perfect."
"It will be."
Roo is a sunny golden retriever husband even on a rainy day. They are well rested just in time for the baby shower and the Nugget's arrival. Thanks @beyondthesefourwalls
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majosullivan · 9 months
Nevermore Dashboard Simulator
🌷 many-coloured-grass Follow
Can we all agree to stop making jokes about each other’s deaths? Making light of someone’s death even as a joke is really gross
🪦 deadgirlwalking Follow
No I was murdered so I can reclaim it
85,958 notes
⏳ dream-within-a-dream Follow
Okay but can someone tell me how posts here are getting so many notes? There’s like around 100 people at the academy and I’m frequently seeing posts with well over 1,000 notes. Like, it would be one thing if these posts were years old but some of them are from 2 days ago. Did I just miss the memo and everyone here has at least 10+ accounts, like WHERE are you guys coming from?
👻 hourofsecrecy Follow
Can the spirits not show their appreciation for people’s commentery? Can the creatures of the night not find humour in wits and gists of others? What is the difference from the newly departed and the Unseen Ones?
⏳ dream-within-a-dream Follow
Absolutely horrific answer, thank you for your time
26,496 notes
🪱 conqueror-of-worms Follow
Tell me why it’s around eight in the morning and the first thing I see while heading to the dining hall is Lenore PINING Annabel Lee AGAINST A WALL
☠️ spookyxskeletons Follow
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🪱 conqueror-of-worms Follow
Care to clarify who the hell you were referring to in this post?
☠️ spookyxskeletons Follow
3,270 notes
🎈 floatinghoax Follow
After everything the afterlife could have been, you’re telling me that I have to go to SCHOOL and have CLASSES that start at 9AM? Truly tempted to walk straight into the wasteland, there’s only so much a second chance at life is worth
#not to mention with have fucking ROOMMATES #this academy is MASSIVE #you’re telling me there isn’t enough room for single rooms in this place?
7,984 notes
🥀 wilted-rose Follow
I’m curious, who do you guys think you could take in their spectre forms?
🥀 wilted-rose Follow
69,285 notes
🎶 decomposingmusic Follow
You’re not about to manifest your spectre, you’re just dehydrated
🩰 ghosting-giselle Follow
out of the way gay boy i’m boutta separate myself from my remaining mortal ties and embrace the abilites of my spiritual form
🩰 ghosting-giselle Follow
nures rom
173,032 notes
🌙 voyage-to-the-moon Follow
do you think the Deans wake up every day, take one look at us before telling Ms. Poppet ‘PUT THOSE BEASTS IN SITUATIONS!’
2,396 notes
🌃 eveningstar Follow
Does anyone know if Duke and Pluto (the two boys friends with Lenore) are an item or not? Cause any time I’ve seen them interact, Duke has consistently referred to Pluto as Mon Minou (my kitten in french) and I’m not sure if the two of them are together or if they’re just…Like That
🌃 eveningstar Follow
🌃 eveningstar Follow
Despite what you would think would occur from this development, none of this has answered by original question
#I was just curious if these two were gay or just European #by all accounts they might be both
6,974 notes
🍋 gives-you-lemons Follow
I think I’m about half with through the manor right now? Honestly this lesson is going much better than I expected!
🍋 gives-you-lemons Follow
5,052 notes
☔️ dew-dropped-nights Follow
[about to be eaten by one of the monsters in the Teraphobia trial] okay but do you think I’m cute? Be honest
4,824 notes
🪐 eureka Follow
Do you think that Annabel Lee and Lenore have ever explored each others bodies
🌷 many-coloured-grass Follow
Can you fucking not do this? Not only are they real people, they’re our classmates and clearly can’t stand each other. Stuff like this is weird and gross
🔮 sorcery-sorcery-sorcery Follow
I bet they fucked nasty up at the widow’s watch
🥂 drinking-into-the-grave Follow
This is actually how Lenore won the Mystery Manor lesson
☠️ spookyxskeletons Follow
Sometimes that butch pussy gets you acting unwise
🏵️ pendulum-in-the-pit Follow
🪦 deadgirlwalking Follow
What’s not clicking
29,496 notes
731 notes · View notes
shanastoryteller · 9 months
Happy Holidays! ❄️❄️ more from What They Expect please! I love that AU!
continuation of 1 2 3
It’s been well over a year since she’s seen Mustang. Al’s all aflutter about it, and how puberty has her looking like something other than a twelve year old boy, but she’s really not worried. Mustang is so involved with his own shit that he doesn’t have the time to care about hers. It would be a damning quality if it wasn’t exactly what she needed from him.
She is, sort of, a little bit worried about Riza. Not worried as in she actually thinks something is going to happen, but just that if anyone out of Mustang’s little idiot brigade would figure her out, it would be her.
Maes is a distinct possibility, but also not really. The thing that saves her, always, is that no one’s really looking. She’s loud and flashy and angry and no one thinks she’s too short to be a guy because of how sensitive she is about it and no one notices she’s pretty because they’re too busy dealing with her being mad and scowling and, with these guys, she’s got an extra ace up her sleeve.
They think they already know all her secrets.
They know about human transmutation and binding her brother’s soul to a suit of armor and every questionable and terrible thing she’s done since in her pursuit to fix it.
Why the hell would she be lying about her gender? It’s not even a thought in their heads, and if it ever becomes one, they’ll dismiss it before he even has a chance to.
Eden binds her chest tight extra tight, so her chest is nearly flat, and puts on her baggy tank top and giant red coat that hides the way her hips curve and the giant stompy boots that she really does love, sets her face in a familiar scowl, and goes off to war.
If war was child’s play, that is.
“Where have you been?” Mustang demands, towering over her and nostrils flaring.
Well. Sort of towering over her. She must have had a growth spurt, because he’s really only got a couple inches on her, which is sort of hilarious. She hadn’t noticed that he was short before. “Uh, lots of places. Haven’t you been reading my reports?”
She does not laugh in his face at the way his eyebrow ticks. She spends so much time meticulously writing everything down in dedicated code in her travelogues, she really doesn’t have the energy to spare when she gets to her reports for Mustang. Besides, he doesn’t really care what she’s doing, only that it’s big and flashy enough to distract from whatever he’s doing.
Is she supposed to know that? She can’t remember. But it’s so obvious that it doesn’t feel like something that can be a secret.
Then again, the rest of the brass haven’t caught on, so.
“What were you thinking in Liore?” he snaps.
Eden blinks. “Liore? That was forever ago. Did something happen? Rose didn’t mention anything in her last letter.”
“Yes, Edward, it was forever ago, but since you declined to answer my summons to come here and explain yourself, we’re discussing it now,” he says.
God, she’d forgotten how bitchy he gets. “Okay, well that priest guy was pretty strange-“
“I don’t care about the priest!”
She stares. She had to kill the guy twice and he doesn’t care? Honestly, she thinks it’s sort of memorable.
“What were you thinking messing with that river?”
Ed tilts her head to the side. “You’re upset about the river?”
He glares. “Of course I’m upset about the river!”
She bites the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing. Al’s really worried over nothing.
Mustang is never paying attention to the right things.
384 notes · View notes
jhuzen · 1 year
terms of service [m.reader]
what do you mean it’s been a whole week since i said i’d post this? pretty sure today is still tonight. anyway, this is based on this godly ask! this is… extra long. i’m sorry i got carried away 😭 it’s honestly going to be a lot longer if i didn’t cut out some scenarios. jadiksodc.
𖦹 nsfw, top reader, virgin haitham i literally have no idea what else to say.
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“Have you ever even gotten laid?”
Alhaitham’s eyes stopped at the last sentence of another book he’s buried his nose into. The night was quiet — save for the sounds of the burning embers from the campfire as well as the snores of one tiny fairy that laid beside you. The nights are cold in the desert, but it sure was enough to keep him awake. He’s been searching for ways to solve the problem with the suspicious Grand Sage, and you were kind enough to help.
You were revered across all lands apparently — even reaching the isolated Inazuma before the vast Sumeru in the first place. And while Alhaitham has every confidence in his own knowledge and meticulously calculated strategies in solving problems, he wasn’t one to take away credit from you, who protected him and fended off any other Eremites that tried to cut off his plan.
He found you reserved, keeping to yourself while the tiny floating chatterbox spoke for you like she was your advisor. You did find yourself talking to him at times, but most of it was either your agreements in his plans, your little snide remarks when he did something that both you and your flying companion considered as remotely pretentious. And quite frankly, he did not want to expend any form of effort to defend himself. If that’s how he came across to you, then so be it.
However, even with the limited time that he’s known you, he never pegged you for someone this… sheer.
In fact, he never expected it so much that he even did his own version of a double take, looking up at you with eyes that brimmed with curiosity and slight surprise. And yet, there you were, casually polishing your sword so diligently, tongue sticking out in determination with your brows furrowed in concentration.
Like you never asked him such a… question.
The scribe had half a mind to ignore your sudden query — chalk it up into a auditory hallucination and continue on with his reading. But his mind knew better; that if he left it at that, he would be perturbed until the end of his days, and Alhaitham is a practical man, meaning he’d rather get the trouble you suddenly placed on him out of the way than go through such feelings.
Alhaitham narrowed his eyes, were you now planning to pretend like you never asked the question in the first place? He cleared his throat, “You said something. And I think I misheard. Care to repeat?”
Your gaze met his before blinking, “Oh. I was just asking if you’ve even ever gotten laid in the first place,” you laughed while you turned back to your well-groomed sword, continuing to polish it with refined movements. “Sorry, it’s an out of the line question, isn’t it?”
“Yes,” he curtly replied, but even he could not extinguish the sudden curiosity that rose from him. “Though why even ask me that question seeing that you’re fully aware the invasive nature of it in the first place? What spurred this on?”
“Hm? Oh, nothing much, really. It’s just that you’re good looking but you seem to be the type to not… invest your time in those activities.” Alhaitham wonders where all that cutthroat honesty goes every time you go radio silent within the last few days, barely letting out a peep to talk to anyone while Paimon did the talking for you.
Alhaitham scoffed nonetheless. It was such a shallow reason for you to ask that. Surely pure aesthetics is not a prerequisite to have sex. “Is it a requirement to engage in such activities if I am pleasing to look at?”
Your lips turned up in a cheeky smile as you tore your eyes away from your blade, looking up at the stoic scribe with a mischievous mirth glinting through your eyes, “Well. You eat with your eyes too, right?”
A laugh escapes from your system when Alhaitham instantly made a face. He’s not stupid (far from it really, and the entire Akademiya knows) — he knows the preconceived notions to these play of words. He reeled back at the innuendo, partly taken aback. Just what on earth have you been thinking despite your persistent silence to come up with something as crude as that?
He composed himself, eyes averting from yours and looking back down to resume his reading; but his mind was far from the focus he always maintained when occupied with books.
Alhaitham chewed on his bottom lip discreetly before giving an answer he deemed relatively satisfactory, “…I have no interest for such things. And don’t things like these need to have prior connection in the first place? I’d rather not have attachments to someone. It’s far too bothersome.”
“Oh so that’s why,” you hummed, this time your attention fixated in refining your sword handle. “Well, it wouldn’t hurt to experience new things. And I can even help you. No strings attached.” You offered in a light jest, followed by a chuckle after.
It was a joke offer, of course. You of all people knew that when Alhaitham didn’t want something, he will steer clear from it. However, you only found him remotely interesting because he was so bloody shady in the first place. He was supposed to be an honorable scribe, being held at such a high position, and yet he was dubious enough to even make you buy forbidden cans of knowledges, and even with the partnership you’ve got going on now, you’d find yourself unable to sleep so freely without so much as expecting him to suddenly jump on you.
You simply found him interesting. And true to your love language (that your little traveling companion is often the recipient of), you couldn’t help but tease him, a little prying at something as intimate and private as his sex life (which you now knew to be nonexistent). Just a little jest to mess with him for your entertainment. That’s all.
However Alhaitham had much different perception to your lighthearted teasing. You… were offering him something so intimate as sex with no strings attached. While anyone with a right mind could quickly brush it off as a mere joke with no promises — Alhaitham was quick to entertain the thought of doing it with you without having to suffer the consequences of being in a relationship with someone.
No strings attached, huh. He pursed his lips, eyebrows knitting a little as he mulled over what seems to be an option (though there never was as it was only a joke from your end).
The thought enticed him. Of course, he was doing this for academic purposes and to satisfy the now insatiable curiosity that you placed upon him like an irreversible curse with one specific cure.
He stole a glance from where you sat as he recalled the many times you’ve managed to smooth talk your way into certain situations back in Port Ormos. Exuding confidence and sharp wit, along with a charming face that no one can say no to — also with your… beliefs earlier, Alhaitham was quick to deduce that you are a man whose had plenty of experience in sex. You were most definitely the kind to frolic around with anyone that suits your fancy, especially with how easily you offered to help him like it’s a simple favor from a colleague and nothing more.
The silence that engulfed your group (again, subtracting the snores from Paimon) soon broke when Alhaitham decided to go head in for the kill.
There was a sense of satisfaction that flooded his system when you looked up with a confused look on your pretty face.
Alhaitham cooly brushed off the flustering feeling that slowly nestled into the pits of his stomach, his stomach knotting in anticipation at the thought of taking you up on your generous little offer, “I agree to what you’re offering,” he refused to look at you, continuing to read the words that were barely coherent in his mind now, trying to look as composed as possible. “Just to satisfy certain questions from this sort of activity of course.”
You tilted your head at him, cocking an eyebrow, “Right… so you want to have sex?”
He coughed, “For research purposes.”
“If I had a mora for every time I heard that excuse, I wouldn’t worry about Paimon’s endless appetite by now,” you laughed. “But knowing you, you’re probably telling the truth.”
You were met with a silence from the scribe. Make no mistake however, he was stewing in absolute embarrassment — only glad that his headphones were able to cover up his ears that are sure to be burning up a bright red hue.
“…Are we doing it now?”
He sucked in a sharp breath, “Absolutely not. We have a mission, traveler. And doing such a thing outside… is sure to provide a less than stellar experience.”
You huffed out a laugh before stabbing your blade on the ground, “Man, you really are a virgin. And you have no idea how many freaks are out there that can do it outside even in the midst of a thunderstorm.” It was an exaggeration, but the look of mortification that was plastered on Alhaitham’s usually unfazed face was all the more entertaining. “Anyway, if you’re really serious, then who am I to back out? We’ll finish up this mission quick and then you can ring me up any time.”
Alhaitham could only give a strained nod before finally finding the words on his pocketbook a little more understandable as his mind cleared.
The last grueling days was nothing short of eventful, to say the least. You were somehow able to pull off in fighting an all too big of a god’s body with the vengeful puppet inside. You freed Nahida too, kicked Azar off of his position and destroyed the beloved Akasha that the people of Sumeru found themselves completely dependent on. It was like a blur, with you constantly on the run to ensure that every plan works in your favor, though you weren’t one to take away from Cyno and the rest — with their dutiful cooperation.
And now, you were hailed as a hero in Sumeru much like your past adventures in the last three nations, awarded as Buer’s first Sage added in the roster of your many, many titles. You were celebrated around and all you’ve ever wanted was to go inside your beloved teapot and sleep.
And that you did.
The next days were spent in leisure around Sumeru, getting along with anyone in the vicinity, often offered goods for gratitude. Paimon accepted every single food and you soon found yourself in need to build another display bedside table to decorate with trinkets you’ve received. It was relatively normal for you at least.
And the same could be said for Alhaitham. He can finally do his job with little to no inconvenience now that Azar and his corrupted lackeys aren’t around, banished off to the forests to do whatever is needed to compensate for their misgivings. The boring but doable work on a high pay returned and Alhaitham was at peace.
Up until Lesser Lord Kusanali came to his office, and with the tiny pitter patter of her feet against the cold floors of Akademiya, she walked to his desk with an expectant smile plastered on her adorable face.
Suddenly, Alhaitham was the Acting Grand Sage.
Great. More work for a considerably smaller increase in pay. How… productive and worth it.
And perhaps, that’s how you landed yourself in the confines of Alhaitham’s home in the dead of the night — at his request. His roommate was off and a few days prior after suddenly getting dragged into assisting him in catching another unhinged research with far too much talent yet little intent in seeing the bigger picture, he had asked you to come meet him at night. And he made it very clear to you that you come alone.
You were already aware of the Acting Grand Sage’s insinuation at this point. You’ve been through enough worlds and mingled with enough people to know the universal sign that is “come here alone tonight”.
Well, either you get laid, or… you will be laid in a coffin the next day.
Now here you sat, smiling a little as you sipped some water, watching Alhaitham dry off the droplets of water from his hair after a late night shower. You opted to look over some files strewn across the table to entertain yourself, trying to make sense of any of his work. Judging from the complicated nature of said paperwork, you figured he was already raring for some release. Or at the very least, a change of pace in learning something new other than the onslaught of mad researchers from Akademiya causing trouble for him to fix.
“I have some terms,” Alhaitham suddenly voiced out, pulling you out of your trance as you looked at him inquisitively. You nodded, letting him go on. “Nobody gets to hear a word of what will transpire tonight.”
“…I don’t think I even want anyone to know in the first place.”
He nodded before walking back to some shelves, “Also,” he grabbed a book and tossed it on the table, perfectly sliding towards you with the cover face up. “I’ve done some reading just to know what to expect.”
You huffed out a breath, disguising a genuinely amused laughter. Couldn’t your one night stand get any cuter? He wasn’t even trying too. He was so earnest and so serious, it was hard not to devour him right then and there. You placed your glass of water down the table sauntering up to him, grabbing the lecherous book that he apparently used to come into the battle prepared.
Alhaitham’s eyes widened as you wasted no time in closing the gap. His ears effectively reddening in a split second when he could feel your crotch rub up against his from the sheer proximity that you and the scribe had. There was even barely any room to breathe in the first place. His lips quivered a little as he looked to the side, avoiding your piercing gaze.
You tapped the corner of the book’s spine on his lips, while yours turned up in a sly grin, “Cast aside any expectation that this book have taught you, smart guy. I believe there is merit in learning from experience.” You tossed the book back as your lips latched onto the skin of his neck. You took a deep breath, inhaling the pleasant scent of his body wash. You could feel and hear him shiver from just that action alone, spurring you on to be bolder.
Of course Alhaitham knows that experience is a far better teacher than anything else. But how could he learn anything when the experience itself is detrimental to his sanity as he tried to comprehend your ministrations, from the way your hands were quick to attach themselves onto his narrow waist, your lips slowly mapping and conquering every inch of the skin of his neck, abused with bites that left bruises darker than the decorative rugs in his home.
You pulled away and he was left completely red, you leaned back to admire the work you’ve done on his neck and his collarbone, adorned with splotches of red from the abuse of your mouth.
But before Alhaitham could even recover, you went back in, but this time with your lips on his, “Try to keep up, smart guy. Here’s a crash course on how to kiss someone.”
Alhaitham could barely breathe, but even in the sweet suffocation, he tried to keep up with your lips. You made a mess out of him, your mischievous tongue dragging from the inside of his mouth to his lips to wet them. His jaw hurt and he was out of sorts, with drool dripping down to his chin while you sucked on his tongue, your hands under around his chin to keep him in place. He could only grab onto your shoulders, fingers squeezing against your flesh so tight while he closed his eyes shut, his chest heaving from the breathlessness when you refused to let up on him.
It was already dizzying — he knew you were aggressive on the battlefield, but had he known that you would be like this too, a little warning would’ve been nice.
And before he knew it, still with your lips latched onto his, he started to respond to your advances. Miraculously even with his clouded mind with that lusty haze, he was able to learn from your little techniques, kissing back with need and urgency, and you gladly welcomed him, letting him bite your lip as a test, return the favor as he sloppily sucked your tongue off with the charm of an inexperienced kisser.
It was a mess as you and him stumbled over to the his bedroom, with poor Alhaitham barely noticing until his back landed on the soft mattress of his bed. His eyes were glossed over, clearly in a daze as you pulled away, chuckling at the sight of the infamous stoic scribe who normally looks so put together come undone and become a complete mess with just a simple make out session.
You swiped a thumb over his wet lips, dragging it across his cheek and watched in delight when he slowly gained a bit of clarity.
“We haven’t even gotten to the best part yet, ‘Haitham.”
Alhaitham only scoffed, “You kiss so aggressively. A warning would’ve sufficed.”
“Aw c’mon. It’s just a little warmup,” you tugged into the hem of his shirt and he quickly got the hint, helping you take them off. You only watched in fascination as his body came into view. That tight shirt that he always wore doesn’t do his body justice. He was sculpted so perfectly that even you had to pause for a second to take in his beauty.
The scribe wasn’t fond of your ogling however, “…What?”
“Nothing… it’s just…” you couldn’t even resist the way your hands immediately gravitated towards his chest, palms flat against his pecs before steadily moving them to yours, comparing your sizes. “…Wow. You’re bigger than I am.”
“Do I get a trophy for that then?” Alhaitham quipped without missing a beat.
Unfortunately for him, you were quick-witted, cruel, and knew how to show someone a good time. And you gladly indulged his little jest as you bent down, cupping a hand around one chest, thumbing at his hardening nipple while you gave soft kitten licks on his other swollen bud. An electric feeling jolts through Alhaitham’s system and he could feel himself twitch against the restricting fabric of his pants.
You smirked against his skin, teeth grazing his sensitive nipple, making him jolt and grab onto the back of your head. You raised yourself, watching unabashed while Alhaitham tried to cover up his reddening face. Either this situation was embarrassing enough on it’s own or perhaps he was embarrassed that he liked what you did.
“D-Don’t… look at me like that,” came Alhaitham’s weak protest, voice shaking as he tried to avert his gaze.
“Getting all shy now?” You tilted your head, looking at him with so much amusement. You did not have an ounce of regret for offering jokingly in the first place. To see the hardheaded scribe fold like a shy maiden was something you never knew you needed. “Come now, Alhaitham, it’s not something to be ashamed about. Focus up, buddy. You said this is for research.”
“Quit… i— ah~! Quit it—!” He moaned in between hisses as you shifted your position, with one knee pressing up against his erection with much pressure. It was as if the soft spoken yet courageous hero revered across the lands suddenly disappeared — replaced by this mischievous teasing deviant that toyed with him so shamelessly.
“You make it so easy to tease you,” your hands slowly dragged themselves to the waistband of his pants, tugging at the band and snapping it against his skin. “Is this why our scribe— oh, sorry, our Grand Sage has to keep that no nonsense facade? So they won’t know that you’re just an adorable little boy?”
He clutched onto your wrists that threatened to free his cock from its constraint, “It’s Acting Grand Sage… and it’s not a facade— are you always this chatty when having sex with someone?”
“I’m just trying to get to know you,” you flashed him a grin and his grip on you slowly loosened, a wordless green light to finally see all of him. You obliged his little permission, tugging down his pants and stripping them off of him with little effort. Alhaitham made a subconscious effort of trying to shield himself from your prying eyes — never had he felt this vulnerable before, he could feel his entire body heat up just from the way you looked at him.
Meanwhile you were admiring every groove and curve that sculpted itself into this man’s body. You would most definitely be the envy of the entire Sumeru City had they known that you were the first man to have ever seen Alhaitham this way. Suddenly, the Acting Grand Sage’s term of not wanting anyone else to know about this engagement seemed so tempting to break.
You positioned yourself in between his legs, keeping them apart when Alhaitham so much as tried to close his legs on instinct, you cupped a hand around the base of his cock and relished in the tiny little yelp that left Alhaitham’s mouth, his back arching up in surprise.
“Already so hard, you truly are enjoying this,” you taunt, as if you weren’t feeling the same uncomfortable feeling in your tightening pants. With one hand, you dug into the pocket of your trousers, bringing out a packet of slime condensate and tearing it open, squeezing a handful on your fingers. “I think you know what this is for.”
Alhaitham only nodded, suddenly meek as the insinuation made its presence known. He read a lot for the sake of satiating the gnawing anticipation within him the moment he agreed with your little offer. Alhaitham, after all, never did nurture the bad habit of coming into a situation completely clueless and in the dark. But there was something far more dizzying at the feeling of your touches that could make him feverish, overtaking his senses like a fever dream that he could feel the whole way.
He shivered as your fingers pressed against his rim, drenched in cold lubrication. He lifted his hips out of instinct, his body slowly being compliant to your actions, readily following your bold lead. You took note of his actions, watching the way his chest heaved up in a frantic pace, clearly overwhelmed in anticipation.
“Try to relax,” you ought to soothe his anxieties. Sex isn’t something to be afraid of, after all. It’s meant to be enjoyed by the parties involved. He only nodded, a little strained but it was enough.
An uncharacteristic wail leaves Alhaitham’s mouth as you plunged two fingers inside him. He was warm, his walls already clenching around your digits that were barely even halfway inside. He shifted, hips wriggling at the discomfort. You distracted him from the sensation and slowly worked your other hand around his erection, pumping at a gentle pace.
Alhaitham felt breathless, the haze in his mind continuing to muddle any form of coherent thought that he tried to make. He whimpered quietly as the embarrassment slowly flooded in. He could barely gather himself as you’re jerking him off while fucking him with your fingers, any sense of awareness leaving him bit by bit, replaced with the unencumbered lust that you were holding over him with your ministrations.
“Feels good?” Your words barely registered in his usually sharp mind. He nodded frantically, hands clutching the sheets underneath him. It felt all too good, with your precise hands, from the way you prod around his gummy walls to how you teasingly thumb at the slit of his cockhead, it was an overwhelming pleasure that Alhaitham was suddenly being exposed to.
You weren’t any better. Who knew Alhaitham could look so erotic, his body almost close into going in an autopilot as he responded to your touch with little to no shame. The whimpers and cries that echoed in the room were music to your ears, a blessing to indulge yourself in.
It was hard to hold yourself back from just fucking him into oblivion, and your sentiments wee shared as another cry left Alhaitham.
“M-More~” he whined, completely insatiable as he yearned for something bigger. Your fingers weren’t enough. He needs to feel full, something that could stretch him out until he could barely think. He opened his eyes, bleary with lust and carnal need in comparison to yours that were gleaming with concentration and hunger. “M-More please~” he parroted, unable to find any more words to beg you.
You could feel any form of restraint leaving you as his pleading reached you, already shooting straight down to your dick that twitched in anticipation and raw excitement. You immediately pulled your fingers away, shivering at the moan that you drew out of the man underneath you. Your hands quickly worked to free your own cock, hard and throbbing as it slapped against your stomach. There was a sense of satisfaction that washed over you at the way Alhaitham’s eyes grew wide when he saw you, like a cold water drenching him and pulling him back down to reality.
“Is… that even going to fit?” Alhaitham’s sudden reluctance was all the more endearing, making you laugh.
“I prepared you, didn’t I? But hey, the confidence solely lies on you. If you think you can’t handle it, best we quit ahead.”
He swallowed a lump down his throat before looking at you with a much more determined gaze, “I— N-No… I need to see it through.”
“You can hold my hand if you want,” you offered, lending out your own hand. Normally, Alhaitham would swat it away but did otherwise as he held yours, feeling feverish all of a sudden at the intimacy.
He could feel himself shrink as you positioned yourself in between his legs, towering over him with a reassuring smile. His thighs quivered around you while you lined yourself up in his entrance. He shuddered as your cockhead slowly rubbed up against his entrance, making him writhe in anticipation. Alhaitham met your gaze, suddenly considerate in contrast to your teasing self earlier.
“Don’t think too much of it,” you reassured him one last time. “Just ride out everything that you’re feeling.” You said and he nodded, soaking up every word of yours as he took a deep breath.
Alhaitham jolts at the sudden intrusive feeling once you ease yourself inside him inch by inch. He was quick to clench around your cock and you stopped, heaving a shaky sigh as the feeling of his warm walls around you bring you complete and utter bliss.
“Fuck… so tight, ‘Haitham,” you breathed out, a pleased hiss from your lips with every pulsating clench his walls made around your cock.
The scribe could barely process the feeling as he slowly took you in, his hole squeezing your length while you continued to push inside until you’re buried to the hilt. His hand squeezed around yours tightly as he tried to take in your words earlier and ride out any form of sensation that racked through his body. He could already feel the numbing pleasure rake in his system as the overwhelming sensation continued to eat away at his sensibilities.
You stilled yourself as you watched every expression Alhaitham’s pretty face contorted into. You only swept away his fringe away from his forehead that’s already dotted with beads of sweat and continued to observe him. You’ve never been this considerate when it comes to fucking someone, but given the fact that Alhaitham was just far too adorable, you made a conscious effort to be more gentle in his first time.
It didn’t take long before Alhaitham slowly rolled his hips, in terrible need for some more friction, “Y-You can move…” he stammered, still with his hand clutching onto yours so tightly.
You grinned a little before drawing your hips back and giving a testing thrust, pushing out a choked moan from the scribe, to which you greedily indulged in. Leaning in, you only gave a quick kiss on the shell of his ear before whispering;
“Don’t fall in love now.”
Alhaitham merely scoffed at your little taunt.
As if he would.
Miscalculations are rare in Alhaitham’s lifetime. Often times he’s mapped out every single action to consider to ensure a smooth sailing plan that he has to execute. Failure was a rare occurrence in the scribe— sorry, the Acting Grand Sage’s roster. He has yet to achieve a failure so spectacular that it puts his roommate to shame.
However, the way his eyes lingered on your form while you went about your day while you extended your stay in Sumeru was quick to tell him that the very idea of a miscalculation may not be so far-fetched in the first place.
And he absolutely loathed it.
It had been days since his… little research that you aided him in. Days since he felt the wonderful bliss of the mind numbing pleasure that only left his mind completely broken and incoherent. Days since he could feel the way your hands roamed around with such preciseness that every touch you left on him left him completely breathless. It had been days.
So then why? Why does he feel the same exhilaration whenever you were in the vicinity?
Why could he not push the thoughts of that night in the back of his mind? It was a skill he mastered that procured his unbothered persona. But the memories persisted like a parasite, latching onto his poor mind as it replayed the same night over and over again;
“H-Hah~! T-Too much already—!” Poor Alhaitham slurred, words barely able to convey while he held onto your hand for dear life, his eyes rolling at the back of his head while you pounded into him without an ounce of mercy. The bed creaked so violently under your movements, and his body shook in overstimulation.
“Just a little more, baby boy, one more, yeah?” You licked your lips hungrily, a predatory gaze flashing through your eyes as you devoured your prey.
Alhaitham winced as he slowly arched his back, suddenly feeling restless in his usual seat outside of Puspa café. Of all places, why couldn’t you have decided to chat with the nearby vendors. Where he can hear you and bury his mind into a delusion of bliss after hearing those sinful sounds from you when you bedded him that night. It was torture.
It was like a siren’s call, beckoning for him to give into his temptation. Except it was an excruciating thing to experience, drowning in that voice of yours that he could no longer hear normally.
“Oh! Isn’t that Alhaitham there?” He had to hide another grimace as the familiar shrill voice of your traveling companion echoed.
“So it is, let’s go say hi,” you smiled while you walked over to him, inviting yourself in without an ounce of embarrassment, like you didn’t make a mess out of him that particular night. “Been awhile.”
He could only stiffly nod before turning back to his book, “Mhm.”
“Yeesh! You’re just as cold as always! Hmph! Well, whatever. Paimon is going to get some food for herself.”
And just like that, there was silence in both of your company.
“Hey, you look really tense,” you frowned in concern and Alhaitham only continued to read into his book with an absent concentration that only served him to read the first lines of the paragraph over and over again. “I didn’t scare you now, did I?”
Alhaitham shuddered as the feeling of your touch slowly took over when your hands grazed by his shoulder in an attempt to console him. And the hauntingly addicting touches of yours continued to resurface in his mind.
A wanton squeal escapes Alhaitham as your fingers dug deep into the skin of his waist. He had little to no escape with the way you held him, hands completely sinking into his supple flesh to keep him in place. There was a rush of excitement that flooded Alhaitham’s system when you took hold of him in such a manner — possessive and almost desperate.
His already spent dick twitched at the notion, the very idea of you being all over him and wanting no one else but him. He wanted you to feel the same feeling that slowly poisoned his thoughts — that you would enjoy him just as much as he was enjoying you being so deep inside him.
He panted, short huffs leaving his wet lips that you vigorously licked, kissed, and bit until the both of you could taste his blood. He was a mess, from the marks on his collar down to the way even your fingertips made their bruising mark when you manhandled him.
Suddenly those touches burned through his skin, like you left them there just seconds ago. He was slowly feeling feverish. He could still remember which parts of him you touched, the way the uncomfortable feeling of your grip pressing against his soft skin was enough to get him on a state of frenzy.
You were far too intoxicating.
And without even an ounce of warning, he was suddenly met with your skeptic expression, clear as a day as you drew yourself nearer to his side, with your face a mere inch away from his. He could feel your even breathing, and could see those heavenly eyes of yours that peered through your thick lashes as you continued to put him on the spot with your own form of scrutiny.
“Tell me the truth, I didn’t scare you away from what happened nights ago, did I?”
He resisted the urge to swallow thickly — you may not be as smart as he is, but you were perceptive, already proven by the mere fact that you were quick to guess that his strange actions towards you did indeed stem from that amorous engagement you and him explored. Unable to focus on your minuscule concern, his gaze drifted down to your lips that formed into a frown, with your bottom lip jutting out a little in a very subtle pout.
Those lips. That mouth that often spoke of every proclamation and promise to aid whoever was in need of help, no matter how annoyingly minuscule the requests are.
His ears burned under his noise-cancelling headphones, finding himself completely unable to shut out the loud thrumming of his heart against his chest.
Who would’ve thought that mouth of yours were just as capable of delving into something incredibly lewd — that mouth that spoke valor suddenly speaking in the most flustering taunts that drove him over the edge.
Sobs spilled out from Alhaitham’s quivering lips, tears already flooding his ducts while you rutted into him like a dog in heat. The desperation in your thrusts were pushing up against his nearing release as your cock continued to abuse his prostate.
The overwhelming pleasure didn’t help as you busied yourself on his chest. You couldn’t leave it alone, your mouth already latching onto one of his sensitive and perky buds. Your tongue swirled against his swollen nipple and tore out another loud moan from the scribe. He was helpless against your ministrations. He could feel his stomach stir despite the fact that he was so sure he couldn’t cum anymore.
His hand shakily raked through the back of your head, biting his lip to keep himself composed.
You swiped your tongue against his nipple, looking up at him with a devious smirk, “Are you sure nothing’s coming out of these?”
“‘M… not a woman—” he protests in a weak voice, raspy from all the screams you drew out of him from coaxing orgasm after orgasm from him. “S-Stop saying that…”
“Getting embarrassed again?” You grinned, drawing your hips before snapping back into him, making him whine from the raw pleasure. “Aren’t you just the cutest~”
He isn’t. He’s far from such a description. Alhaitham knows that well. He was the intimidating figure of Akademiya, with his unbothered stoicism that could leave anyone scampering without the intention of screwing him over in the first place. But he hates how you’ve rendered him completely useless with just your words and subtle touches that quickly disarmed his guard that he put up several times already.
He loathes the mere fact that he couldn’t get you out of his head. Surely not all people that go through one night stands invoke such feelings of warm fondness towards someone they aren’t meant to be attached to. He’s not supposed to feel flustered just at the mere sight of you. He’s not supposed to feel vulnerable with your smiles. And he’s not supposed to feel the tempting submission with every touch you left on his body.
Alhaitham was quick to push your face away before running a hand through his own with a begrudging sigh, “…I am currently undergoing through a crisis. Please let me acquire some space for a good few minutes.”
He hates your dichotomy — from your ridiculously odious attitude when you fucked him, to your sudden gentleness when you were done and even the subsequent days after that.
You nodded in understanding (something he’d grown to fondly hate as well) with a patient smile, “Of course. How ‘bout I go get us some baklava? My treat.”
Your offer was oddly reminiscent of your aftercare too.
“Hope you can forgive the roughness. It’s your first time too,” he paid no heed to your apology. In fact, you’ve nothing to apologize for when you’ve granted him such a good fuck for his first time. He only relished in the feeling of your ghostly kisses against the bruises you made on him. “I’ll go get you some water. Need anything else?”
He was already dozing off by then.
He waved you off, more than eager to get you out of the way as the realizations slowly linked themselves in his constantly running mind.
Alhaitham dragged a hand over his face, repressing the urge to groan when he remembered your little taunt before this all happened.
“Don’t fall in love now.”
And damn it did he fall hard.
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boopshoops · 4 months
My oh my, what a turnout...
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Set to home screen: Hm hm hm~🎵
Home Transition 1: Ooh finally! Finally, a dress all my own. I feel so gorgeous in this, the little star charms are to die for~
Home Transition 2: I saw Jocia asking Malleus for a dance. Hehehe, she looked so confused when he commented on how brave she must be. I don't think she has a single clue-
Home Transition 3: With Azul on prince duty, the leech twins were handling a lot of the food for this party. I'm sure if the three of them were allowed more time together, they would've planned some shitty merch or something... maybe if I act on that idea first-
Home Transition 4: The little decorations on my veil make jingling sounds while I dance. I didn't even realize that, it's so cute! Come, spin me around and listen!
Home, after login: Jocia keeps glaring at me... come on, can I not have a little fun around here? I did help set up, after all, can't I mess around after all my hard work?
Home Tap 1: Now now, keep up with me! Would you like me to teach you? Okay, stand up straighter, put one foot in front of the other. I'll show you a waltz.
Home Tap 2: Grimmm... you better behave. If I see you stealing anyones food, I'll be limiting your tuna access for the next week.
Home Tap 3: Ahh, I love the lighting in here. It's so graceful and elegant, it suits the vibe perfectly. Aesthetics like this are important, you know!
Home Tap 4: If I were able to claim the title Belle of the Ball... hehe, my name would be a lot more well known, wouldn't it? It would certainly be useful.
Home Tap 5: Remember what I said about personal space? Hmph... I suppose it's alright seeing as it's you. Just don't poke at my headpiece, it took forever to secure- Wh- HEY! COME BACK HERE WITH THAT! I TOLD YOU NOT TO TOUCH IT!
Groovification: I haven't received nearly enough stares of awe, so let's make sure I truly imprint myself in their minds.
Home Tap Groovy: You think the crowd here would appreciate a serenade? I know most of the lyrics to these songs anyway, and I'm itching to perform.
Home Transition Groovy: Honestly, I'm enjoying this a LOT more than NBC's social by far! Not nearly as much chaos, and things finally feel like they're going to plan... hopefully I didn't just jinx myself.
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Art tags!
@thehollowwriter @skriblee-ksk @lowcallyfruity @kitwasnothere @cecilebutcher
@scint1llat3 @distant-velleity @justm3di0cr3 @techno-danger
Glimmering Soirée event by @starry-night-rose!!
187 notes · View notes
livingformintyoongi · 5 months
Misunderstanding | Kim Taehyung
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a/n: I'm so bad with titles lol. At least you get the idea a bit :). In one part it is mentioned that Y/N is not a public figure like Taehyung, even though she is a chaebol. This is because her family is somewhat like that of Samsung's owners, they keep their children's identities secret until they make their own place in the company.
Summary: It's basically your reaction to hearing about the dating rumours between Taehyung and Jennie while the two of you are still in a relationship. And obviously, he is trying to fix things as quickly as possible.
wc: 2.9k (I didn't think it would be so long honestly).
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When you started dating Taehyung, you never thought it would be a big problem. You knew that his schedule was complicated, but you didn't have any drama with that because yours was pretty much the same. You also knew that you wouldn't be a public couple because of the criticism you might get, but that was even better for you because you didn't like being in the public eye either. Problems on tour? Phones were there for a reason, not being able to have children? You were too young, can’t go out in public? Loved the cozy, private dates, little quality time together? Even better! Every moment with him would feel even more special because of how exclusive it was. Yes, you were willing to accept all these disadvantages because you never saw them as an insurmountable problem. At least until now.
You and Taehyung started dating in 2020, during the pandemic. You met him at the concert in cooperation with Lotte Duty Free, one of the companies your father founded, because yes, you were the youngest daughter of the Shin, the family in charge of the Lotte company and all its subsidiaries.
The two of you got along very well while preparing for the concert, so you decided to exchange numbers to keep in touch. It only took a few months before you started dating him officially, and you were very happy at first. 
His schedule was busy, of course, but he had time for you. He would greet you with a big smile, hug you from behind, and take you to the dining room where he had a whole show set up for you. Jazz in the background, scented candles, rose petals everywhere, and two plates of food of dubious origin that you would enjoy anyway because your boyfriend made it. 
You were willing to put up with all those cons if he gave you moments like this every chance he got, moments where it was just you and him. 
Once the pandemic was over and your schedule returned to normal, things got complicated.
And no, time, work, dating, none of that was the problem, because it didn't even have anything to do with you two as a couple.The problems were caused by a third person. Kim Jennie, one of the members of Blackpink and one of the most beautiful women you will ever meet.
You never had any problems with her. You had bumped into her once or twice in the hallway on your way backstage, but obviously she wouldn't recognize you, you were always covered from head to toe.You thought that your friend had the same relationship with her, something casual that couldn't even be called a friendship because you barely said hello to each other when you were together, in fact Taehyung never looked at anyone when he was with you.So why did this happen now?
Your boyfriend was on tour and it was the time of his concert, so you couldn't just call him and ask him about it. You looked at the screen of your cell phone for the sixth time, the headline in big, dark letters seemed to mock your feelings.
"Dispatch confirms, V of BTS and Jennie of Blackpink are in a relationship," you muttered to yourself, trying to get your brain to catch the words, to process them, to react. It didn't.
You scrolled down the page until you stopped at the myriad of photos they had as proof. None of them looked doctored. 
You saw the blue short-sleeved shirt with flowers that Taehyung was wearing in the photo and put your phone down to go to the closet you shared. You pulled out all of his clothes until you found it. You grabbed it and crumpled it in your hands. 
Only then did you burst into tears. You covered your eyes with your shirt and screamed until you felt your throat couldn't take it anymore. Your heart hurt so much that you even had trouble breathing. 
You looked around the room you both shared, trying to understand why he would do this to you. You thought you were fine, everything seemed fine, so why were there hundreds of videos and pictures of your boyfriend with another girl? You felt like all these people were making fun of you by being happy for them. What about you, why don't they think about his real girlfriend who had to put up with years of being locked away in secret while these two were fearlessly dating?
The sadness soon turned to anger, and it wasn't long before you got up and grabbed the biggest suitcase you could find, whether it was his or yours.
You stuffed it with as many clothes as you could, taking your time because you knew he wasn't coming. You lifted the suitcase as high as you could and carried it into the living room. You looked at every single picture of the two of you as a couple. Another few tears fell from your eyes and you let them out as you took the frames and threw them away. 
You threw out everything you could. Mugs, matching pajamas, pictures, rings, absolutely everything. When you were done, your eyes were dry and your head hurt too much, but you didn't care. You grabbed your suitcase and headed for the door.
The only thing that stopped you from leaving was Yeontan, who stood in the doorway, staring at you while wagging his tail from side to side.
"Tannie, mommy has to go do something, okay?" you nuzzled behind his ear and sobbed softly. You knew he wouldn't understand. "Don't worry, I'll visit you every day until your owner comes."
You stood up, took a breath, and walked away. You didn't know where you were going, but that apartment was no longer an option. 
You stood in front of the buildings where you lived and watched for taxis to pass by. Just then you received a phone call. For a moment you thought it would be Taehyung, but no, it was just Jimin's girlfriend, Soyeon, to whom you had become very close over the past years.
"Yes?" you mumbled hoarsely.
"Honey, it's me, Soyeonie," she said in a much calmer voice than usual. She was probably aware of your situation. "I read the news, are you okay?" You opened your mouth to reply, but she interrupted you so quickly that you didn't have time to say anything, "Of course you're not," she sighed, remaining silent for a few seconds, "Look, I know maybe I shouldn't pry, but I understand that you're hurting and the last thing you want is to be in a place full of... him."
You sob softly, wiping your cheeks as quickly as the first tears came.
"I haven't sold my old apartment yet, it has some furniture, enough to live decently, why don't you stay there for a few weeks?"
"Soyeon-ah," you cried, wanting to hug her until you fell asleep. That's what you needed, a long nap.
"Relax, everything’s gonna be okay, Unnie will come and see you there, I'll send you the address, just wait."
"Okay," you nodded, even though you knew she couldn't see you, "thanks."
"It's nothing."
And she hung up.
You looked around. It was full of cars and buildings that looked too big. 
You felt so stupid as you mentally wished that Taehyung was here to comfort you.
You saw a taxi coming your way and you made it stop. You weren't sure if this would be the end of your relationship, you were willing to hear his side, but you weren't willing to have to live with him or a place filled with his presence.
This was best for you.
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Taehyung called you the next day, about twenty times, not counting messages. You didn't answer any of them, mostly because you were asleep until 4 pm. You had a hard time falling asleep. Every time you closed your eyes, you could see the two of them holding hands, together in the car, on a date to some kind of zoo. You cried every time your brain projected those images.
Your phone rang for the 21st time. You were still a little groggy from sleep, but you answered it anyway.
"Y/N!" You turned the phone away from your ear. It was too painful to hear his voice so loud with the headache you were feeling, "Oh God, I was so afraid something bad had happened to you. I called the girls, but none of them knew anything about you, so I got worried and..."
"Why did you call me?" you asked curtly. You thought maybe you were being a little cruel, but you didn't care. Answering him like that wouldn't make him feel a thousandth of the pain you felt and still feel since last night.
He was silent for a few seconds. You'd never answered him like that before, you guessed that's why he was so quiet.
"I..." he cleared his throat, sounding a little more tense than when you answered him, "I was a little worried, my manager told me about the news and I thought maybe you were feeling a little depressed-".
You interrupted him again, but this time with a mocking laugh, "A little depressed? Is that how you think I felt? A little depressed?" you laughed again. You had completely woken up this time, "Tell me, Kim, how would you feel if overnight it was all over the news that I was dating an idol? Huh? What would you do if this news came to you on the fucking Dispatch, while I was on the other fucking side of the world enjoying a concert? Would you be a little depressed? A little hurt? Would you even have taken the fucking trouble to answer my calls?" you began to raise your voice with every word you said. You didn't even notice at what point your voice broke. "You have no idea what I'm going through, and you never will, because unlike you I'm not a public figure! I could be fucking any man in Korea and you're never going to see an internet media outlet post it and 'celebrate' my relationship, you're never going to see any fan of mine go on social media and celebrate my relationship with someone else while you're behind the curtains" You sobbed, wiping your cheeks awkwardly.
"Honey, I know it's-"
"Don't you dare call me like that" you growled, clenching your jaw, "I don't even want to hear you say my name, do you understand?"
"Y/N" he muttered, his voice trembling. You assumed that at some point in your verbal vomit he had started to cry, "Just give me 1 minute, I'll explain everything, I promise."
You tried to control your anger by taking a big breath of air, it worked enough to stop you from sending him to fuck off... for the second time.
"Do you want me to listen to you?" you mumble, looking down at your hands, remembering all the times he came home late, wondering if all those times he was at her house, doing god knows what while you tried to stay awake just to see him before bed. 
"Y-yes, please, I just need a minute".
"Fine," you smiled half-heartedly, "then come and explain it to me in person. If you're really sorry and say it's a misunderstanding, come here and tell me."
Your more conscientious side chided you for your request. It was his job, you couldn't just order him to make a trip from the United States to Korea just for you. Maybe that's why you gave him that condition. You knew he wouldn't come all this way just for you.
The line went silent, you could barely hear his breathing. You ended your conversation.
"I thought so," muttering much calmer than at the beginning, "I guess Soyeon was right in saying that the only one who would have to make sacrifices for our relationship would be me."
And you cut the call short.
You put your phone on airplane mode and plopped down on your bed, ready to go back to sleep for the rest of the weekend.
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It had been a day since you heard the news, barely 17 hours since you last spoke to Taehyung, because yes, you counted the hours. You hadn't eaten anything, you'd barely had a glass of water, and the only thing you felt like doing right now was taking a very long shower and then crying yourself to sleep. Yes, it sounded like the perfect plan to try to get over your ex, if that's what you could call it.
You got in the tub at 10am, didn't get out until 12:30, and when you did you could barely feel your fingers and toes. At least your muscles had finally relaxed.
You dressed more slowly than usual, in just your pajamas, the only ones that weren't your partner's, and went to bed.
Until the doorbell rang.
You changed direction, confused. You were sure that no one besides Soyeon knew you were here. It crossed your mind that maybe she was worried about you and that's why you'd decided to open up and politely turn her away.
Except she wasn't the one waiting for you on the other side.
"Y/N," Taehyung said, trying to regulate his breathing. "You really were here," he whispered, entering the flat and closing behind him. It wasn't until the door rattled that his arms wrapped around you so tightly that you almost stopped breathing. "Why did you leave home? I got so worried when I saw our stuff in the trash and the wardrobe almost empty" he cupped your cheeks, inspecting your face.
You didn't understand what exactly was going on.
"What are you doing here?" you mumbled, letting him search your face. 
"You told me to come" he looked into your eyes and, almost instantly, his eyes began to fill with tears. "I couldn't let you because a misunderstanding made you hate me to the point of breaking up with me, I... I don't want to be without you, at this point I don't think I can be," he bent down until he could place his forehead against yours, his thumbs caressing the skin of your cheeks, "You're the best thing that ever happened to me, I don't plan on losing you over something stupid like this."
You looked at Taehyung, still not understanding what he was trying to say. 
"The pictures are real" he exhaled deeply, "but it's not like you think" he pulled his phone out of his trousers pocket. His hands were shaking slightly. You wanted to hold them, but you completely erased the thought, "We dated for a few months, it was a very short thing, about two or three months before we met".
He showed you some conversations from a few years ago. He was asking her to bring him the shoes he had left at her house last time, and that he would appreciate it if she would bring the leash they had bought Yeontan. You also saw the last messages they sent to each other, it was only a few days ago.
Jennie told him that someone had hacked into her phone and most likely found the pictures they took the time they went to the zoo. She apologized and sent him stickers of crying puppies, saying that the lawsuit against the hacker had already started and that she would try to speed up the process so that he wouldn't be affected. 
"I totally understand how angry you were, and obviously I also understand that you want to talk about this face-to-face, so I took the first flight I could find so I could come talk to you and-".
You didn't let him finish. You couldn't do that, not after everything you've been feeling the last few days. So you did the only thing you could think of since he came into the flat. You kissed him.
It was much more awkward than your kisses usually are, but you didn't care. You were so relieved that it was all a misunderstanding that no matter what kind of kiss it was, it would still be amazing to you.
He followed your kiss as soon as he came out of his surprise. He clung to you as if his life depended on it. He was the one who deepened the kiss and lifted you off the floor so he could kiss you better.
"I'm so sorry" you whispered in the middle of the messy kisses he was giving you, "sorry for doubting you" you sobbed softly, hugging his neck with all your strength.
He shook his head, holding your cheeks, "Don't apologise, it was a normal reaction, you said it yourself, I wouldn't have even answered your calls if I had been in your place" he kissed your shoulder softly, letting out a soft sigh. It felt so good to have you with him after all the tension he experienced during the flight.
"You were right about everything you said" he murmured, pulling away enough to look you in the eye, "so please don't apologize to me".
You nodded a little calmer, closing your eyes as you felt Taehyung's nose on yours.
"Now let's go get your things, I don't want to go back inside the house and not see your things in it."
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obeymematches · 5 months
Hi! How about hc of mc getting pursued by another demon to be with them instead since the demon brothers ignores them and doesn't treat them that well connected to their avatar (like how belphie ignores you 24/7 for sleep) I just wanna see possessive demon brothers please! 🥺
ahhh i remember the guy who i was _just_ talking to on tinder say i needed to have his name painted on my nails... what a funny guy he was
also i'm having this in several parts, it's gonna be that long.
You supposed you and him had a special chemistry between the two of you. It is hard to describe what it was like but you felt it everytime you looked into his eyes, heard their voice, felt their touch. To your best knowledge the feeling was mutual, he did ask you out on a couple of dates. Until he stopped texting you (if you texted him he didn’t even open your messages) and sometimes you didn’t even see him for a day or two despite living in the same house. You didn’t want to make the situation more awkward than it already was , so from your point of view you made the most realistic decision. Catching another fish from the sea seem like a great idea.
Lucifer: He saw you from a distance as you were having a chat with Lord Diavolo himself. At the time he preferred not to think much of it. Not that the idea of you falling madly in love with the prince didn’t cross his mind; of course he did consider that a possibility. He knows Diavolo the best and he also knows he’d adore you if he got a chance to. The next day you and Diavolo walk by, completely unnoticing him. He didn’t eavesdrop; what would be the point of that? But he, or to be more specific, this side of the RAD building could hear Diavolo joking about and laughing with you. It was most unusual! Especially in public like this, Diavolo would normally keep it lowkey, it would be too risky to let anyone know he enjoys your company.
That’s when The Avatar of Pride had the idea to check the message you sent him ….. almost 3 weeks ago.
Was telling you he was busy be good enough? Would you buy that? Most likely not. It was a shame he let the situation escalate like this, however it’s been decades or maybe even a century since he felt chemistry with anyone the way he did with you. Of course he can’t tell you like it is, otherwise he wouldn’t be the Avatar if Pride but the Avatar of Bluntness.
As much as it hurt his ego to admit it, he did grow fond of you.
„Meet me in my office, 3PM today.”
As you read his message your little human heart almost skipped a beat. It’s going to be awkward assisting him after you started growing feelings for him, feelings which he pretty clearly never reciprocated. You don’t really feel like meeting him, quite honestly.
So you didn’t meet him. He could call you if it was so urgent anyway.
The next day he made sure to run into you when you weren’t in the company of his friend.
„We must talk. Are you free now?”
„I am, for now. I have a class in 20 minutes.”
„I am sorry I did not talk to you about it sooner. Our last date was everything I could ask for. It would be a shame if you were seeing anyone else now. Are you free this afternoon?”
„Oh…um…how should I put this… if you really enjoyed it that much how come you were avoiding me for weeks?”
„I will tell you everything later. I promise.”
• It is up to you to accept or decline him now, however his possessivenes will get the best of him in the following days. He’ll be waiting for you after classes just to talk to you. Sometimes he even gives you a rose. Why is he being so desperate now? Thankfully his pride doesn’t allow him to talk to Diavolo about the situation.
There you are, in his favourite pub, playing pool with two attractive demons plus a duo who appears to be a couple. He knows you can’t play pool very well; it was most definitely not your idea to come here and play. Then who’s? Are you on a date? That cannot be happening.
Yes, he stopped spending time with you but it hasn’t been that long, has it??
He checked your message which you sent about 4 days ago. Surely not much time has passed since!
He ordered himself AND YOU a drink and didn’t hesitate to go up to you.
„Heyy, watcha up to? This ones for ya.”
„Thanks Mammon-„
„So who’re ya here with?”
„I’m with my friend” you look at one of the members of the couple.
„And who’re these losers? Lemme join ya!” he said as he put his arm around your waist.
„Well actually we don’t know them. They were just here, playing.”
The night went by, Mammon did provide you support in the game, although he is not much of a pro himself either. He did his best.
„Sorry I didn’t text ya. I was hustlin at Hell’s Kitchen ya know, givin me sweet money for working nightshift.”
You didn’t really reply as it was still a bit hard to believe him.
„And I also got me a second hustle for the day. I needa get more money! I wanna take ya on some nice ass dates, not a stupid coffe from the machine again.”
• Even if you tell him so he won’t leave you alone for the night. • Which is nice as the unknown demons left already! Now you are for sure for him only!
Part 1.
Tumblr is out there making me fight for my life as I'm trying to edit this post
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cherry-velvet-skies · 6 months
Marigolds In The Porch Lights (18+)
Gardener!George Harrison × GN!Reader
Genre: Smut (FINALLY), but also some Fluff and Angst
Warnings: A poor attempt at a shower sex scene, unprotected sex (ALWAYS USE PROTECTION, Y'ALL), and some kinda twisted feelings I guess idk these two are just constantly teasing each other
Words: 6.4k (I had so much fun with this y'all)
Summary: 1971 era; SEQUEL TO STRAWBERRY LEMONADE; George and Reader finally have their time together; also Geo is not famous in this so I guess it counts as AU lol
A/N: MUST READ STRAWBERRY LEMONADE FIRST FOR THIS TO MAKE SENSE! But honestly the amount of requests I got to make a sequel, anyone who's here has probably already read S.L. (also thank you for all the requests! <3)
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One week had gone by since the blossoming of your new relationship with George, and you could not stop thinking about him. Calling him during the week just for your own pleasures seemed rather selfish, so you forced yourself to wait the full week until his next Saturday gardening job. After all, that wouldn’t be fair to his personal schedule, now would it?
Now, here it was, the fateful Saturday afternoon, and the anticipation was swarming you. You knew that you were always his last appointment of the week, and you would have him all to yourself from now until the sunset. You contemplated walking outside naked to greet him, but quickly remembering that neighbors exist, the idea was obligated to fade away. You still wished you could, though.
You left the gate unlocked, allowing him to let himself in. He was so caring of your space, taking time to lock the gate behind him so as not to allow the opportunity of any unwanted guests. You waited by the patio for him, prepared with another plate of fresh strawberries and a cold glass of lemonade. You made enough for two this time, specifically if those two were going to be staying together for a while.
Upon George’s entry, he eyed the fruity treats reminiscent of his previous time here. Instead of helping himself to a snack, he approached you to place a patient kiss upon your lips, wrapping an arm tightly around your waist as he did so. His other hand held his gardening toolkit, keeping it at his side while you deepened the kiss. George was almost ready to drop the bag and take you in his arms, but felt he should at least accomplish what you’re paying him for first.
“How have you been?” You started, having a bit more courage to talk to him this time. He laid out his tools as he knelt in the grass.
“Doing what I normally do, I guess.” He replied absentmindedly, “Though I was excited to get back here and see how the strawberry seeds are doing.” He flashed you a cheeky grin, and your shoulders instantly floated down to a more relaxed stance. George wasn’t big on expressing his true feelings directly, but he had his own ways of getting his point across. You slowly drifted off, listening to his voice as he spoke, until he stopped, and you realized he was waiting for you to answer his question.
“Pardon?” You squeaked, causing George to tilt his head in confusion.
“You have been watering the strawberries, right?” He repeated, gesturing to the empty space beside him, “The soil looks moist, so I’d say they’re doing well.”
“Oh! Yes,” You giggled, “I purchased a book on how to care for them the morning after you planted it.” A wide smile spread on George’s face, giving you a short nod and happily moving on to the next patch of flowers. You wore a scarlet colored dress today, planning for him to give you a matching rose from your garden. You concluded that you were the one who could determine which type of flower you receive by the color you chose to wear that day. You weren’t sure if George was also aware of this arrangement, or he just enjoyed finding flowers for you too much to notice.
You had treated this time you spent with George almost like your first date. You wanted to know everything there is to know about him, no matter how minor. In the hours that he had been there, you learned that George also knew how to play guitar, and he enjoyed writing songs, but was never really interested in the life of fame and performing to the public, so he preferred not to pursue it. Being a gardener and getting as much time in nature as he could was more than enough to make him happy.
The time went faster than you both wanted it to, partly because this time felt like you had known each other for years. George had even taken the time to show you how to tend to certain flowers, as the rules differed based on the type of plant. He showed you all his tools, demonstrating how to use them and the best places to start to preserve the flowers, as well as any of his personal favorite natural additives to help the flowers grow. You now knew that adding common household items, such as white vinegar or banana peels can give your flowers a speed boost. George even explained how ground coffee could be beneficial to the soil if you decided to start growing vegetables. His wide range of knowledge was better than any purchasable book could provide.
Before you knew it, the sky was growing orange, and the sunset was upon you. More time to spend with George aside from his occupational responsibilities was not completely out of the question, so you hadn’t lost hope yet. That is, until you saw him reach for his bag to start packing up his tools.
“You’re leaving?” You blurted out, not wanting to sound desperate but your body not even giving you a chance to consider your words. “You just got here!”
George glanced down at his watch, eliciting a small chuckle. “I’ve been here for three hours, love.”
“Well it felt like three seconds to me.” You pouted, crossing your arms and slumping back against the tree you were sitting under. “And you said we would do more together next time! That’s what you said the last time you were here!”
“And we did, didn’t we?” George replied, not missing a beat. “Last time, there was much more uncomfortable silence. This time, we had a wonderful conversation.” He paused to remove his gloves and place them in the pocket on the side of his bag, slowly rising from where he was seated in the grass. “That’s a pretty big improvement, don’t you think? It’s something I can cherish, especially since we won’t be seeing each other next week.”
Your eyes widened. Initially, you weren’t sure if you had heard him correctly, but it was true. First you had missed out on quality time with George and now next week he wasn’t going to come by? You felt your heart sink, trying your hardest to keep the tears from escaping your eyes.
“Why not?” You whined, a little louder this time. You didn’t want to sound like you were throwing a tantrum, but it was difficult when that was exactly what you wanted to do.
“I’ll be out of town next weekend.” George replied matter-of-factly, “I’m going to visit my family as one of my relatives is getting married. The wedding is on Saturday, so I’ll be gone the whole weekend.”
You wanted to cry. You wanted to scream. You wanted to do anything that would make him stay. But why? He didn’t do anything wrong, but your impression of how the day would go when he got here was a lot different than how it actually went down. You felt like you were lied to, except that you weren’t. Last week, George said that you would ‘make more time for each other’ this time, and technically, you did. He never said what that time was going to be spent on. Perhaps you two had different ideas as to what his return would bring. But instead, you tightened your chest, putting away that tantrum for your alone time later.
“But I thought-” You stopped yourself, knowing that telling George what you really wanted could potentially lead to unwanted results, especially if he didn't feel the same way.
“Thought what?” George asked, staring at you as you mentally cursed yourself for popping a corner of the lid on Pandora's Box. “Did you have a plan for today?” He was too clever. There was no going back now.
“Well…” You started, feeling a blush creep up onto your cheeks, “Sort of…”
“Oh?” He teased, the sunset casting a brilliant sparkle on those dark brown eyes, “Well, come on then. Out with it.” You pursed your lips, shifting your gaze to the floor. George leaned in closer, the coarse hairs of his mustache brushing against the shell of your ear. “So long as we're pretending I don't already know.”
He knew what you wanted. He was going to make you say it.
You stood concerningly still, almost frozen. It was a battle of wits, but you weren't exactly sure if you wanted to win or lose. If you gave up now, and spilled your guts, would you get what you wanted? Or would George continue to string you along, making you wait anyway just to see you squirm?
George sighed, looking at his watch again. “Well,” he huffed, feigning annoyance, “if you have nothing else to say, I suppose I should be going now.” He kissed your cheek, wedging his hand into your own to leave his complementary petal before making his way to the gate. You couldn't even look at him as he left, feeling too embarrassed. Instead, you looked down at your hand. A rose petal, no surprise. You were about to head inside until you heard George call your name. You partially turned around, still feeling rather conflicted. He was standing on the other side of the gate, pointing towards the patio.
“I'd turn that light on if I were you. It gets rather dark out here.” He waited for you to respond. You slowly nodded, approaching the back stairs. And with that, he got in his car and drove off.
You flipped the switch, watching as the porch light came on. It was a glimmering golden yellow hue, expanding its beam about halfway through the garden. You weren't sure why George told you to put it on, but it did make the garden look brighter. Even when you were angry with him, you would still do whatever he wanted you to.
But why were you angry? George hadn't done anything wrong. You knew he was teasing you, but you didn't care. In fact, there was a part of you that liked it. You felt like he was playing with you without even touching you. Wrapped so tightly around his finger that you felt like it was your life force. It strangled you in the best way possible. Like an invisible leash secured around your neck, and he could pull you wherever he wanted. You were completely and truly captivated by him.
Slipping quietly into the house, you felt like you wanted to cry. The anger had subsided and was soon replaced by a persistent longing. Your disdain towards having to go two weeks without seeing George wasn’t even due to the fact that you were crazy about him. It had become a routine. At this point, you wished you hadn’t been so shy to start a conversation with him the first three times he showed up. That you hadn’t waited until just this previous week. Maybe things would be different now. Maybe you’d be closer.
You didn’t know where to go from there. Part of you accepted this as what it was, and you would see George eventually, while another part of you felt defeated that you wanted to do something about this when you knew you couldn’t.
When you woke up the next morning, your house felt quieter, despite you having always lived alone. Almost like George had been staying in the guest room this whole time unbeknownst to you. Perhaps he was a frequent visitor to the guest room in your brain.
You spent the rest of your weekend like any other weekend: it was another gorgeous spring day, and you loved to sit out on the patio and catch up on your reading while you enjoyed your lunch or an afternoon snack, hearing the faint melodies coming from your living room of whatever record you put on for the occasion. It was the only time you actually preferred being alone. Perhaps it was the only activity potent enough to fill the void of your longing for George.
When night came again, you headed inside, about to shut the patio door when you swore you heard a voice.
You froze, but briefly shrugged it off as being in your head. You looked outside, barely being able to see your garden, but knowing it was only your subconscious. You shut the door, turning to walk away until you heard it again.
I’d turn that light on if I were you.
It gets rather dark out here.
You sighed. Even when George wasn’t around, you felt like he was right beside you. You weren’t sure if you wanted to laugh or cry, so you released a noise that sounded like a mixture of both as you flicked the porch light on, not paying it another thought as you headed to the kitchen to prepare dinner.
Monday morning. You dreaded it more this week for some unknown yet obviously known reason. The past few weeks, you would just think about your weekend with George to get you through the boring parts of the day. But since this weekend did not pan out like you thought it would, there wasn’t much to occupy your mind. That was the hard part about all this. George didn’t have a typical nine-to-five. He would have gardening sessions scattered throughout his day. Sometimes he would be booked solid, and other days would be quick appointments for treatments, leaving more time for his personal schedule. Even if you wanted to meet up with him during the week, your strict schedule prevented you from having any time with him. Maybe something could’ve been worked out eventually, but the current state of your brain would not settle for that. You wanted him and you wanted him now.
When you got home that night, the feeling had not left. It was more manageable while you were away, but you felt like you were coming home to a house that was once full of life, only to no longer harbor that same feeling. You had never realized how much life George brought to your daily routine even when you didn’t live together. For a moment, you wondered why this was affecting you so much. Perhaps you were overreacting. You would see George again. It would just be longer than usual until you did. You released a heavy sigh, a sliver of hope that you could push this feeling out of your mind, for at least a little while, had begun to show itself.
Until night fell. You glanced at the back door.
The porch light.
That fucking porch light.
The entire time you lived here, you barely even acknowledged its existence. But ever since George made you aware of it, you think of it every night. Subconsciously, you thought maybe if you were consistent in putting it on every night, he would come back. He would find his way to you, sensing your desire to see him, and you would never be apart again. Never be alone again.
You turned it on again, simultaneously hopeful in your delusional scenario and growing impatient at how long your heart wanted to keep up the act.
The next morning, going by the door to shut the light felt like a walk of shame. What were you waiting for? George had his own schedule. His own life. He would see you when he could. You couldn’t help but start thinking if George was missing you as much as you were feeling every day was so bleak without him.
But yet, that night, you turned the porch light on again. Feeling an overwhelming, compelling urge to stay, you opened the back door, stepping out onto the patio. You stared up at the light, admiring the wonderful golden hue of the small bulb inside its painted glass shade. The shade was brushed in bright yellow, matching the bulb and some other accents of the house’s exterior decor. It seemed so much more prominent at night. It was the only thing visible from far away. A sign of life in the home. You smiled at the thought. You would’ve probably never got around to use it if it wasn’t for George. He truly did bring new life into your home.
Thanks to the light, you could see the first few rows of flowers in your garden surrounding the large tree in the center of the yard. This was your gradient row, as you loved to refer to it as. The row where George had taken many creative liberties, creating a smooth-flowing spectrum of colors around the tree like a color wheel. The warm tones faced the house, showing you your lovely spread of roses, tiger lilies, and marigolds.
The marigolds reminded you of the light. Bright, yellow, and outstanding. It was also one of the only few flowers in your garden that George had not given you petals from. You turned back to the light. You decided it could be your marigold petal. At least for now.
You didn’t stay long. You quickly returned inside, shuffling briskly back down the hall, trying to make it to the bathroom before the tears dripped off your face and down onto the floor.
The following morning, as your fingers brushed against the switch to turn off the light, you let out a loud sob. It had rained in the middle of the night, and the sight outside the back door, one of gray overcast and a messy, muddy garden, made it all feel much too real. You couldn’t hide it anymore. You missed George. Oh, how you missed him. One day a week wasn’t enough anymore. You needed more of him. So much more. More than your own mind, body, and soul would ever know.
You considered taking off work today, as your mangled emotions were surely draining your energy. But realizing that staying home would only twist the knife further, you conceded. It was almost as if any choice that life could make would've been wrong in your eyes. Whether you went to work or stayed home, you felt uncomfortable. If the work day went quickly, you were dreading coming home to face your feelings again. Yet, if the day dragged on, you groaned at the thought of having to endure more time until your fateful reunion with George. You were incessantly unsatisfied. Insatiable, even. The only correct answer was George. You needed him to give you what he had promised you, whether he was waiting for you to admit it or not. At this point, you wouldn't have even cared if you sounded desperate. You were desperate. You didn't care if you had to call him right now and divulge everything you felt. How badly you wanted and needed him. Your brain was chasing a fierce addiction, and George was your dealer.
That night had been the hardest so far. You couldn't even bring yourself to walk down that hall. The light wasn't going to be some magical beacon to signal George. You felt like you were holding onto nothing. You didn't care if the light wasn't on tonight. It made no difference anymore.
You went to sleep early that night. Your main thought process was to sleep as much as you could to make the days go by faster. You didn't even want to think about this Saturday. Your soul felt like it was grieving. But grieving what? George didn't break up with you. Technically, the two of you never even established any sort of declaration of a relationship anyway. But you felt like you belonged together. You were his and he was yours. As sweet as the thought was, you quickly shoved it away as you felt your eyes welling with tears.
You turned on your side to try and sleep when you heard a noise outside. It sounded like a low thud, but fairly close to your house. You shrugged it off at first, until you heard it again a few minutes later, sounding closer this time.
You sat up in bed, overtaken by fear. Living alone, you always worried about having to fight off intruders. Luckily, nothing had ever come of it. Until now.
Grabbing a broom from your hall closet to arm you, you headed into the living room. Your first instinct was to check out the front window, being too scared to open the door.
You peered through the curtains, seeing nothing to the left or right of the door, the street only illuminated by the porch lights of your surrounding neighbors. Of course the universe had to think of a way to remind you of what you were desperately trying to put out of your head.
You closed the curtains, ready to go back to bed when you heard what sounded like wet footsteps coming from your back door.
Oh fuck.
If this really was an intruder situation, you were anything but prepared. You glanced at the back door, hiding behind the hall corner. With your breath held and your muscles stiff as the wooden boards beneath your feet, you took slow steps down the hall. You lurched forward to quickly lock the door, which you normally did anyway but forgot that night as you never actually made it to the door without crying.
Knowing that the lock was safely in place brought you some time. Being closer to the door, you heard another sloshing sound, as well as some angry muttering. With your luck, the intruder slipped on the wet and muddy grass and was now disoriented, leaving you time to- well, do what, exactly?
You hadn't thought this far. Do you call the police? Make a loud noise in retaliation in hopes to scare them away? Armor yourself with throw pillows to burst through the door and use your broomstick to beat them senseless? Your mind was racing. The most reasonable thing to do in that moment, although it hurt quite a bit, would be the answer to whether this was really a life or death situation.
You turned on the porch light.
When the illuminating glow hit the grass below, you saw a person laying there, covered in mud, clearly not anticipating the new biome that had been created in your backyard. You screamed, causing the person to immediately look up at you. Upon making eye contact, you felt your heart spring up into your throat before free falling down to your stomach. You threw open the door, feeling like you were being fled with a million emotions at once, all conflicting each other. You stood there in shock, only being able to choke out one single word.
“I thought I told you to keep that bloody light on! I almost broke my neck out here!” George shouted, but couldn't keep a straight face long enough to be convincing, dissolving into a puddle of laughs back onto the ground. You felt your whole body fill with happiness. You dropped the broom, running out into the yard, slippers and all, squealing all the way before landing on top of him, trapping him in a tight hug.
You kissed him faster than your brain could process what you were doing. The familiar feeling of his soft skin, luscious hair and beard, and plush lips made your whole being swell with euphoria. Your golden yellow silk pajamas were now full of mud, but it didn't matter. George was back here with you. And you didn't need anything else.
“You’re getting all muddy, love.” George giggled, pushing damp strands of hair away from your face.
“I don't care!” You shouted while laughing, pressing loud, wet kisses across his face and neck. George wrapped his arms around you, resting his hands on your waist. You pulled away, staring into his eyes. It may have been late at night, but you felt wide awake as ever. Before you even opened your mouth to speak, you knew there were tears dripping down onto your cheeks. “I didn't think I'd see you again for a while.”
“I planned to stop by before I left, but I didn't have much time during the day.” George confessed. “I wanted to surprise you, but I'm realizing it might have been a better idea in my head.” He looked around the yard, then at his muddy clothes, eliciting a light chuckle. “Thinking about it now, I probably should've called first.”
“I'm just so happy to see you.” You replied, not even hearing half of what he said. You heard he planned to come back for you, and that was all you needed to know. “But I'm guessing your plan involved you being able to see once you got back here. Hence the, you know, porch light.” You averted your gaze, adding a nervous laugh.
“First I tried hopping over the fence, and tripped over that.” George explained, staring back at the gate. “Then I tried to walk quietly, and slipped in that big puddle over there. Not to mention I tripped over the center gradient, so I apologize for that. I'll be sure to fix it the next time I'm around.” He added with a swift cup of your chin and a kiss to your lips. You looked at the tree, seeing the warm toned flowers slightly uprooted, tiny specks of dirt adorning their golden petals. Honestly, that didn't even matter to you. The image of George trying to sneak into your backyard and failing miserably made you erupt into laughter again.
“I suggest you have to get cleaned up now, don't you?” You asked, running a finger through the thick layer of mud adorning his jeans.
“Well, yeah, but I refuse to get your floors all dirty.” George declared. You helped him up off the ground, trying your best to smudge the dirt out of his hair, as well as your own.
“You can leave the clothes in the laundry room. I'll deal with them tomorrow.” You replied. George shot you a look, helping you brush some of the grass off your pajamas.
“So it's already been decided that I'm spending the night, then?” You smirked, not saying anything back. George smiled, sneakily pinching the skin on your waist. You squealed, playfully batting his hand away. You turned to walk back to the patio when he spoke again.
“Even after we get out of these filthy clothes, we still have to get ourselves clean, you know.”
You froze, a chill running through your spine, excitement filling your body. You whipped your head around, grabbing George’s hand and leading him to the stairs. You were about to open the door when he put his arm out to stop you.
“I know you're excited, love, but I still don’t want to bring all this mud into your clean house.” He seemed genuinely concerned by this issue, but at this point, nothing was going to stop you.
“Okay, fine. Easy fix.” You stated, slipping the straps of your pajamas off your shoulders, followed by your underwear. George’s eyes widened as he watched the silken fabric pool around your ankles, leaving you completely nude standing on the patio. The cool air of this particular spring night began to wash over your body, and you shivered slightly. You weren't sure if it was from the sudden breeze, or the tantalizing feeling of this whole situation, but either way, your nipples were completely hard.
Seconds later, George followed suit, removing his muddy shoes, followed by his equally sodden shirt and pants. He stopped at his underwear, feeling a flash of uncertainty. He was no stranger to being nude, but being nude while standing on the back porch of his lover’s house in the middle of their classy suburban neighborhood? That was a new one.
He turned back to you, taking in the sight before him. Seeing your fully bare form, taking one slow drag of his eyes over your lower half, he quickly shuffled off the remaining piece of clothing and tossed it on the floor with the rest. You opened the door, scooping your clothes up in one swift motion, walking a mere few feet and tossing them in the laundry room to be dealt with eventually. You couldn’t be bothered right now. George did the same, keeping his clothes in a neat pile right beside yours, placing his boots by the door. He stood there for a few seconds, gauging your readiness to proceed. With a smirk on your face, you grabbed his hand, leading him into the bathroom.
You opened the shower curtain and turned the water on, feeling the warm steam slowly fill the room. You adjusted the water to a comfortably neutral temperature before climbing inside, leaving space for George to join you. You stayed under the stream of water, allowing it to take its time to rinse all the mud off your arms and legs, and most of it out of your hair, leaving you with a fresher start before moving on to shampoo and soap. You looked over your shoulder at George, who now seemed rather chilly, so you switched places, allowing him to rinse off as well. He had been wearing more covering clothes than you, so there wasn’t much dirt he needed to get off his body, but his hair was a different story. He spent extra time using his fingers to comb through his beard, which seemed to be a prime target for all that grass and soil.
Getting started on washing your body, you had briefly turned away from George to grab your soap. Before you could open the container, you heard a low shudder coming from behind you. You looked at George, who was now staring at you, while sporting quite the erection. You giggled, lightly poking his stomach. “Am I taking too long for you?”
“You know, for someone who wanted me so badly outside, and is now teasing me about having to wait, you’re quite mad, aren’t you?” He stated, glancing down at himself while continuing to rinse his hair. You laughed louder this time.
“I figured we would clean up first.” You said innocently. He chuckled.
“Why do that when we’re just gonna get dirty again, love?”
You bit your lip, holding back a whimper, but the way your legs involuntarily began to clench shut gave it away immediately.
You nodded. “I see. Well let’s get it on then.”
The second you finished your statement, George wasted no time grabbing your waist and pressing his lips against yours. It was a hungry kiss. Passionate. Longing. It had confirmed he missed you just as much as you missed him. You put your hands in his hair, which was now much softer under the water. You were the one to take that passion further, feeling his lips part and allowing your tongue to enter his mouth. He seemed to thoroughly enjoy this, moving his hands from your waist down to your ass, kneading it softly yet with an impatient edge to it. You were tempted to hook one leg over his waist, but the slippery floor beneath you made you fearful of losing your balance, so you refrained. But you wouldn't have even had time to take action, as George quickly pulled away, spinning you around and pushing you up against the shower wall. You put your hands out, both of them splayed out on either side of your head as your cheek made contact with the cold tile. George grabbed your waist again, slowly grinding against you, slightly pressing you between the wall and himself. The contrast in temperature between the cool, flat surface and the steamy air made your head spin before he even did anything else. He leaned in closer, pressing a kiss to your earlobe.
“I think you've waited long enough, my beautiful flower.” You moaned softly at his statement as you felt him enter you. Slowly, savoring it just as much as you. It was a bit of a stretch, but you never found it painful. The combination of the warm water and your mutual arousal provided a decent amount of lubrication.
George continued to leave kisses around the shell of your ear and down to your neck, resting his chin on your shoulder. Once he was all the way in, he steadied himself before going any further. “You doing okay, love?” He cooed, patiently waiting for your response.
You sighed blissfully, softly nodding your head and letting out a low “mhm” while taking in all the sensations around you. The mix of everything made you whine in pure ecstasy, feeling so full in the best way possible, not wanting to say or move much in fear of losing your grip on it. You felt like you were in a different world, where it was only you and George, and nothing else mattered. However, you were not in the mood to be kept waiting either, feeling like you were holding your breath a bit, waiting for his next move. You took another deep inhale and exhale, releasing another moan in the interim. “It's okay,” you mumbled, “you can keep going.”
George nodded, starting with a soft, slow pace. Even with shallow thrusts, you were already in heaven. You quickly got lost in the rhythm, hearing his occasional breathy sighs directly into your ear. Hearing him enjoy it just as much as you were only turned you on more. And the more George fell into a rhythm as well, the faster he went. His thrusts became quicker and harder, pushing you up against the wall with each motion. Your moans had just become one long groan of pleasure, the way your nipples dragged across the cold wall with each thrust stringing you along even further.
When you felt that pressure start to build, you couldn't even form a coherent sentence to signal anything, the only word falling from your lips a meek “George...” before a high-pitched whining overtook you again. George shushed you softly, rubbing his thumbs along your waist as he brought you closer to the edge.
“I know, flower. I know.”
What felt like seconds later, you felt your orgasm crash over you, a noise that sounded like a mix between a moan and a scream flying from your mouth, proclaiming your everlasting love and worship of the man behind you, feeling yourself begin to slump against the wall, trying to catch your breath. George finished shortly afterwards, his grip on your hips tightening as he came inside you. He tilted his head back, a low, steady groan signaling his release. He had no choice but to use the wall for support as well, nearly falling on top of you after he slowly slid out. It was times like these you considered turning off the shower head and just filling up the bath instead, as your legs felt like jelly by this point, leaving you with minimal energy to hold yourself up.
Before you could say anything else, you felt George’s hands on you again, running his fingers through your hair. You smelled the familiar scent of your shampoo, feeling it glide through your hair as you closed your eyes again. He held you tenderly, guiding your head to the water, gently tilting it back to rinse the suds from your hair.
Once finished, he started on your body, massaging the soap all over your back, making sure to be careful around any areas that were currently more sensitive than usual. You sighed happily, feeling pampered like royalty, so grateful to have him here with you.
After a few minutes, your legs didn't feel like that of a newborn giraffe anymore, so you turned around to face George, pressing a soft kiss to his lips before taking the bar of soap. “I got it from here.” You giggled, finishing yourself off before starting to help him out as he eyed your shampoo. It wasn't what he used, but it smelled nice, and there wasn’t much of a choice in this situation. He chuckled before squeezing a small amount onto his palm, looking down as you lathered up his chest and stomach.
Once you both had thoroughly cleaned up, you turned off the water and stepped out, fetching some large fluffy towels and equally soft robes to only increase your level of comfort. By now, both of you were free of mud, partially dry, and ever so tired. Wasting no time to climb into bed, you snuggled up against George, resting your head on his chest.
“I'm so happy you came back.” You whispered, placing a kiss right over where his heart is. George giggled, caressing your arm.
“I would've always come back, flower.” He paused with a pensive sigh. “I enjoy every second I spend with you. You give me new life. A new purpose to an already wonderful experience.” You stared up at him, eyes wide in awe. It was the first time he had openly expressed his feelings to you without hiding them behind his usual cheeky humor. It was the most beautiful thing you had ever heard.
“You have no idea how special you are to me.” You beamed, craning your neck up to kiss his jawline, surprised when he turned his face and you landed on his lips instead.
“And you to me.” He replied. You enjoyed the streak of added sappy statements from George, but you knew it was a big step for him, judging by the deep breath he took afterwards, followed by a swift “Let's get some sleep, love.”
“Okay,” you agreed, “but let me just make sure I locked the back door first.” George nodded, getting comfortable on his side of your bed as you hopped out from under the covers, shivering again as the cool night air came back with a vengeance on your naked body. You quickly put your robe on and shuffled down the hall. You clicked the lock shut and went to go back to your room when you noticed something out of the corner of your eye. Something yellow.
You looked around until you spotted it again, sticking out of the side of George’s boot. Bending down to get a closer look, you moved the muddy laces and pulled it out. A tear almost fell down your cheek and you held it between your fingers. A petal from one of your precious marigolds, presumably stuck there when George tripped over them on the way in. You smiled warmly, feeling your heart soar at the idea that George can give you a petal every visit, even if he didn't realize it. Without saying anything, you put the petal in the pocket of your robe and made your way down the hall, trying not to disturb George as you quietly slipped back into bed.
IT'S FINALLY HERE Y'ALL 😄 I'm so happy I can share it and it was definitely a fun plot to continue!
Taglist: @peaceloveandstarrs @queen-of-stars @nosegoes @cocteautwiny @thatgoesinthere-misshapes
(If you want to be added to my taglist, feel free to send an ask and let me know! 🥰)
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ataraxiaspainting · 8 months
The End.
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Yan Kafka x F Reader.
Synopsis: Kafka always sits in the front row, despite being part of the show herself.
Warnings: Yandere themes, stalking, thoughts of violence, manipulation, and unhealthy relationships.
Word Count: 1k.
Ten Songs Like This Piece:
Breezeblocks by alt-J
Waltz No. 2 by Dmitri Shostakovich (feat. The Dixie String Quartet)
Swan Lake by HAUSER
Claus by Los Tres
Doin’ Time by Lana Del Ray
Lie by BTS
She’s My Collar by Gorillaz (feat. Kali Uchis)
Cha Cha by Freddie Dredd
Michelle by Sir Chloe
The roses are wilting.
It was destiny, fate. Such pretty things never last forever, after all, even if the entire universe wished otherwise. One way or another, they are meant to fall, like how the sun drops below where anyone can see it, being replaced with the moon, and vice versa. They fall deep, deeper than hell itself, and no one can pick them back up, unless one would be inclined to make a pact with the devil himself, doing horrendous things in his name. But Kafka has already committed such sins, so why deny doing so any longer? It is who she is. It is who you are, to be entangled in her lies and be forced to dance and to sing and to act.
With two gloved hands, she picks up the vase, spilling out the moldy water and the dying roses, the roses she got for you after you sang so well at the opera house, looking so beautiful, into the trash can underneath your makeup vanity, where little clumps of hair and emptied products always meet their end.
She’ll get you a new bouquet later. A new vase too. Perhaps instead of white roses you would like red ones instead? Kafka knows that this vase is cheap too, from one of your fellow divas, whose high notes are not as high as yours and her costumes not as elaborate or as elegant as yours.
“I honestly don’t see why you even try to befriend any of them, darling. They are all envious harpies. They can’t hold a candle to anything you do.”
You are not here, but Kafka’s mouth always has a mind of its own, so it spins lies even when your delicate, lovely ears are not in the general vicinity. Not that she minds it. But yours is what she is quite more so than trifles with, because yours is carefully controlled by her and her alone, and you, as always, don’t get a say. It’s a sort of hypocrisy, Kafka thinks, but she doesn't mind that either.
If she has to, she’ll even sew your mouth shut, your ears shut, your eyes shut, if that is what it takes for you to stay with her. She doubts it would ever come to that, though, because you are always too fragile and too trusting to tell the difference between an Iago and a Desdemona. But the latter role would much better suit you, her little flower, her princess.
You are so precious, but also a treasure prying eyes will always want to touch and see and hear. Kafka would, in all honesty, love to cut their hands and tongues off, if it did not ruin the carefully crafted image she made just for you. Maybe later, though, when all the stage lights are off.
“Lady Macbeth, hmm?” She murmurs.
She disagrees with the role you were given entirely. But, you were not one to stand up for yourself, so Kafka let it go. 
“You really ought to leave this business soon, dearest.” Kafka looks around, her arms crossed, not impressed with the room you were given in the slightest. “You can always just come with me.” She meant it. “Imagine all the sights you would see. All the food you would eat. All the gifts I would be so happy to give you. All the hugs and kisses you would receive from me. Everything… just think about it.”
She could imagine it herself. It is not hard, really, for the mind to reject all sense of logic and bow down to the whim of what is known as human emotions, mortal joys, woes, desires, wants, and needs. She could imagine sitting you on her lap as the ship jumps to the next world she will have to visit, telling you stories of the past, present, and future, as you look on with amazement. You don’t do that anymore, now. She would do anything to see it come back. She would steal a crown and place it on your head, though you having the genuine article does not make you any stronger. If anything, perhaps it would make you weaker to her whims.
“Imagine that…” She sighs, closing her eyes as she smiles. “We can go to Penacony. Your dreams would come true there if I cannot make them true myself. You can sleep on beds worth more than this entire opera house. If only you would let me. I know it would make you happy. I know it would make me happy. So why wouldn’t it make you?”
She would listen to your ultimate pains, and your ultimate wishes, and act accordingly. She loved you. You will too, again. It is only a matter of time, isn’t it? Yes, Kafka thinks, it is fate. 
Kafka always sits in the front row of the theater.
It does not matter whether or not she purchased the tickets for it, the seat, or the show soon to come to fruition. No one dares talk back to her, even security. She finds comfort in that. No one gets in the way of her having the chance to see you. Better yet, no one else sits in the front row when she is present.
So, she watches, one of her legs crossed over the other, her eyes never blinking. During interludes she likes to adjust her makeup accordingly, painting on another shade of crimson to her lips. Art comes in many forms, after all.
Kafka told you that once. As always, you listened dutifully as she taught you to be.
She taught you many things, not just that. She taught you how to read constellations. She helped you learn her vocabulary in the books she gave you, often long fairytales or poems. She preferred it that way when you used to be so eager to have someone be friendly to you and not want to simply use you for their own amusement, not wanting to throw you out of the opera house altogether.
The opera house may rot after it goes up in flames, in the future, if things go her way as it always does, but she’ll stay to watch it all, to take you in as you cry and as she shushes you. She’ll be happy. Maybe you will be too, for her. It matters how good your performance is, if you even want to act anymore, after all.
The lights dim, and she shows her pearl-white teeth as she grins.
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Is “willingly unloved” canon to the roomates au?
yes, unless it is excplicitly stated all comics/ drawings under the hashtag r canon!
it was also a bit of a character study of ethan, i wanted to draw what i think he would act like after going through something as traumatizing as re8 and re7. a lot of the times ethan getting horribly hurt (arms/legs cut off) is either passed off as a joke of "haha he lost another arm" or passed off as him being a idiot being stupid. i wanted to explore how those things would affect him and how all his past relationships did as well. both mia and chris, two people he cared for and trusted broke his trust, mia on two different occasions. (pls dont turn this into a anti mia post lol, its just straight canon im just acknowledging what she literally did. what she did affects the people in her life, and this post is about ethan. it doesnt nesscarily matter what her intentions were since the execution was still horrible so pls dont get upset at me)
in re7 he suffers the consequences of someones lie, and it repeats in re8. i feel like he would be far more reserved after re8. he cant trust anyone and he now lives with the knowledge that he and his daughter r bioweapons and there organizations out there to get him. in this AU chris is helping by trying to return ethan to a normal life but after re8 ethan would not trust chris imo. not in a way where he thinks chris will turn him into the BSAA or whatever but more like hes worried that chris is possibly hiding something important or planning something he doesnt know.
he would have major trust issues and probably would have huge difficulty with opening himself up to another connection, especially since leon is friends with chris. ethan would probably be wary due to association.
after re8 he is left with nothing. his wife lied to him again, and the man who was suppose to protect him did a horrible job at it LOL. he has rosemary and thats it. and at any moment someone could take her for being a bioweapon. he would live a life of paranoia and stress trying to give rosemary and normal life while trying to keep her safe at the same time. i feel like getting divorced with mia would be the best option for ethan. as much as they loved each other it wasnt healthy. mia wanted to forget and move on while ethan knew nothing and wanted to understand more. its unfortunate i know. in re8 ethan has a book about weapons and says, "its not paranoia if theyre really out to get you."
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its honestly so tragic 😭
in a more realistic way to canon, ethan was doomed to die in that village. a life after it all, after surviving re8 would be horrible. the BSAA is corrupt so hes stuck with chris trying to hide and live a normal life. theres no where for him to go.
BUUTTTTTT... in a cutesy AU where leon and ethan r roomates he gets to heal so yayy. ethan would definetly be very hesitant to open up to leon and would probably not trust him for a long time
for now its just him and rose
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chukys-mouthguard · 2 months
A Shot at Love: The First Rose
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5.7k words
Tonight, on ‘A Shot at Love’, who will be the recipient of the first rose?
The boys are invited on group dates, with one lucky guy being awarded the coveted one on one date. With two men being awarded roses prior to the ceremony, solidifying their place in the mansion for another week.
At the end of the night, voting will officially open and viewers will get to chose who moves on to next week.
Voting is only open for 24 hours, so be sure to cast your vote for who should get the first rose!
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As you scanned the room, you took a deep breath, a smile on your face as his name sat on your tongue, eager to shout it out and see his reaction. But you kept your composure, as you finally called his name.
“John, would you like to go and chat?”
All eyes flew to John as he beamed, standing up and buttoning his suit jacket. The rest of the room gave him a few cheers, though you saw the looks of disappointment on the other men’s faces as they realized John was surely the recipient of the first rose.
As he joined you at the front of the group he took your hand in his, his smile making your stomach do backflips as you led him off to another room to talk. The rest of the guys hung back with Biz and Whit, questioning one another on how their one on one conversations went, trying to figure out why they weren’t chosen over John.
“So, Mr. John Marino. How do you feel?”
John sighed out of relief as he sat next to you on the couch, his smile not having left his lips since he’d heard you call his name.
“Honestly, I’m a little surprised. I mean, don’t get me wrong I’m feeling great! But, I know we didn’t get much time together so I didn’t expect to be called for the first rose.”
His hands were still holding yours as his thumbs brushed over your skin, tracing small circles as his eyes focused on yours.
“That is true, but, in the few moments we had. You made me feel so calm, you noticed me having a hard time and whether you felt like you did anything, you helped me so much in that moment. And that means so much to me. More than talking to anyone about their opinions on why certain people should or shouldn’t be here, more than talking about silly things like favorite colors and favorite foods. You were able to see me in a difficult moment, and that felt amazing that you recognized all I needed in that moment was a hug and reassurance.”
John could see in your eyes just how much that short interaction had meant to you. Not knowing in the moment that a simple hug and some reassurance would be everything you needed and more.
“So, with that being said. John, will you accept this rose?”
He tried his best to hide the blush that was creeping onto his cheeks, but you immediately could see his excitement. The look on his face as he smiled down at you, rose in hand, and it was all for him.
“I would be honored to accept this rose.”
Your inner voice squealed in excitement as you pinned the rose to his jacket, hands resting on his chest as you took in the feeling. Not wanting to get ahead of yourself, but very much happy with the idea of John being a contender for your heart.
As your eyes moved from the rose to meet his, you’d wondered if he was thinking the same thing as you. But before you could search his expression for some sort of clue, his lips were on yours. A hand resting on your cheek as he kissed you, nothing crazy but just enough to have your heart racing. One of your hands leaving his chest to tangle in his hair as you felt your heart racing.
John, like the gentleman he was, stopped before he’d gotten ahead of himself. Wanting to be respectful with it only being the first night, though he was fairly confident he’d have plenty more chances in the future to kiss you if he’d done so well on night one.
As John pulled away you tried your best to hide your blush, a smile plastered on your face as you giggled to yourself.
“What? Do I have something in my teeth?”
He playfully questioned as you smacked his chest. “No of course not! You’re just, you’re cute John Marino. I can’t help blushing around you.”
The two of your rejoined the group, the rest of the guys now lined up for the rose ceremony. John took his place to the side as he awaited the fate of the rest of the men, while you found yours at the front with Biz and Whit.
“Gentleman, tonight’s first rose ceremony will unfortunately see two of you eliminated. John has received the first rose of the night, and now it is time to see who will join him and move on to next week.”
Biz moved to step to the side, but not before Whit could stop him.
“Biz, you forgot something.”
“No I didn’t? Oh, god, I’m drunk guys forgive me.”
Biz cleared his throat as he reached into his pocket pulling out, you guessed it, more Pink Whitney.
“This first rose ceremony is sponsored by Pink Whitney, the official vodka of ‘A Shot at Love’. Remember to always drink responsibly, except you Luke because you’re not 21. You just can’t drink, period.”
The guys shook their heads laughing as you rolled your eyes.
“Can I start now?”
Biz and Whit took the places off to the side as you grabbed a rose, your hands sweaty as you looked at the men in front of you. One by one calling the names of those who would stick around for another week.
“Quinn…Nico…Auston…Mat Barzal…Luke…Matt Rempe…Cole…Trevor.”
Three men remained, but there was only one rose. Jamie nervously bit his lip, while Vince’s eyes were focusing anywhere but you, and Jack seemed the most calm, a soft smile on his face as waited for the final name to be called.
Taking a deep breath, you knew that it wasn’t going to be any easier the longer you waited, you called the final name.
His eyes went wide as he stepped forward, clearly surprised to know you’d picked him, but of course thankful.
“Jamie, will you accept this rose?”
“Yes, of course!”
Pinning the rose to his jacket he gave you a hug before joining the group of chosen men. Vince and Jack both looked to the ground as Biz and Whit had to point out the obvious.
“Gentleman, I’m sorry but you have not received a rose tonight. it’s time to say your goodbyes.”
The two men said goodbye to the group before they each gave you a hug, wishing you luck and thanking you for the time they’d spent with you, despite it being short. Then they headed off to pack their bags, the rest of the group all gathering around to say toast.
“I just want to thank each of you for an amazing first night, I feel like there is such a great group of guys here. And you definitely are not going to make this easy on me by any means. Cheers to ‘A Shot at Love’ !”
The next morning the remaining ten men gathered in the living room, impatiently waiting for the arrival of the group date letter.
“Gentleman, any takers?”
Biz held up the letter and Jamie volunteered being the closest to Biz, taking the letter and opening it to reveal your message for the guys.
“Cole, Matt Rempe, Nico, Quinn, and Trevor. It’s time to putt your skills to the test and drive your way into my heart.”
The selected group cheered as they knew they were headed out to golf, the remaining guys a bit discouraged their names weren’t called. Left wondering why they hadn’t been chosen, or if perhaps one of them would be lucky enough to get a coveted one on one date with you later.
“Hey boys!”
The five chosen guys looked up to find you waving from the balcony above, all of them smiling from ear to ear at the sight of you. Trevor having the brilliant idea to race the rest of them up the stairs to be the first one to greet you, to which Cole was the only one to challenge him. The remaining guys taking their time to join the three of you, taking in the view from the Top Golf platform.
You laughed at Trevor and Cole fighting over who could hug you first, the two of them continuing to bicker as you greeted Quinn, Matt, and Nico.
“I’m sure you all can see clearly that we are golfing today! But I figured Top Golf would be a little more fun, we can have some drinks and good food. And hopefully I don’t hit anyone with a golf club.”
The guys chuckled as you all moved to grab your clubs, Nico immediately helping you find one that would suit you best.
“I think this one, that’s perfect. Practice your swing and see how that feels.”
“Oh god, everyone is watching and will definitely be able to tell I do not golf regularly.”
Nico laughed as he helped to position your hands, enjoying the opportunity to get closer to you as he felt like he didn’t have that great of a chance the night before. You tucked some hair behind your ear as you smiled at him, watching as he assessed your stance, approving and waiting for you to give a practice swing.
“That was great! Now let’s try it with the ball.”
Nico continued helping you get set up, the other guys watching or talking amongst themselves. Despite Nico’s help you still felt nervous to have them all watching, and the boys could tell, though they thought it was cute to see how nervous you were.
“You got this y/n. If it makes you feel any better, there is no way you will suck as bad as Trevor.”
Quinn’s comment made you laugh, Trevor quickly protesting despite his mouth being full of nachos. “Just you wait Quinn, guarantee I score higher than you today!”
Finally you took your swing, the ball surprisingly going far as cheered, hugging Nico and thanking him for his help.
“Okay, maybe I should retire early cause that was the best I have ever done. Maybe I'll just sit back and watch all of you and admire how good y’all look golfing.”
Taking a seat on the couch you playfully munched on some fries as each of the boys stepped up to show off their skills. Cheering each of them on only made them all more competitive, wanting to get more of your praises than the last guy. It was clear that Quinn was the better golfer of the group, Trevor and Cole spending most of their time trying to hype one another up or joking around. Despite trying to follow their conversation, they lost you quickly as they both spoke a mile a minute.
After a few minutes, Matt joined you on the couch as he sipped his water. “Do you golf much in the offseason?”
He shook his head as he smiled, your heart skipping a beat at how cute he was. Despite being a giant, Matt was more like a big teddy bear. His nervousness around you only made you want to get to know him more, to attempt to calm his nerves and get him to open up.
“To be honest, I am not much of a golfer at all. I like spending time with family in my offseason, of course I train, but I try to dedicate as much time to family as I can.”
“I love that. So I take it you’re very close with your family?”
“Oh yeah!”
His smile grew ten times bigger as he turned to face you on the couch, his body language immediately showing you that he’d relaxed as he began telling you about his mom and sister’s. Talking about how they’d come to see his debut at the Stadium Series and how they were his biggest supporters. It warmed your heart to see this side of Matt when the majority of people saw him as just a guy who fights all the time on the ice.
“Y/n, can you please tell Quinn he was wrong?”
Trevor interrupted your conversation with Matt, pulling your attention as you got up to head to his lane where he had been golfing. Giving Matt a squeeze of his hand as you walked past him, wanting him to know you’d appreciated the conversation.
“Tell Quinn what Trevor?”
“That he was wrong, and I am actually a good golfer.”
“Well let’s see something, I can’t judge without seeing some proof.”
Trevor agreed, setting the ball on his tee as he urged you to stand back so he didn’t hit you with his club accidentally. You softly chuckled to yourself as Quinn appeared next to you, whispering his digs about Trevor in your ear.
“He’s gonna choke, just watch…What target are you aiming for Z?”
“Shut up Quinn!”
Trevor took a deep breath before he swung, the ball going nowhere near any of the targets. Cursing to himself as he walked back to the couch in embarrassment.
“It’s okay Trevor, you still hit the ball.”
You threw your arms around Trevor trying to cheer him up as you could see him discouraged. His competitive nature overtaking his ability to enjoy the date and just have fun. He softly smiled at you, appreciating your attempt to cheer him up before he took a seat back on one of the couches. Going back to the nachos he was enjoying earlier.
“Let’s see your skills Quinn, since you were talking such a big game!”
The boys joined one another on the couch as you headed back to Quinn’s lane, messing with him as he tried to focus on his swing.
“What do you guys think of y/n?”
Nico asked the group quietly as he sipped his drink. The boys all glancing from him to you, as they didn’t know who would speak first.
“I think she’s pretty amazing. She is always so engaged, picking up on little things you mention and wanting to learn more. I just, I appreciate her seeing past us being hockey players you know?”
Matt spoke up to the surprise of the others, though they all agreed. Nico smiling as he watched you laughing at something Quinn had said, admiring how beautiful you were without even trying.
“Plus she’s pretty gorgeous huh?”
Nico playfully spoke as the others agreed without hesitation. Trevor and Cole headed back to their lanes, golfing a bit more as they were battling to see who could hit the ball further.
“Those two care more about spending time together than spending time with the girl we all came here for.”
Matt laughed at Nico’s comment, the two of them tipping their drinks to one another as the date was soon coming to an end.
You bid the guys farewell as they headed back to the house, the group only making you realize how much harder this journey would be as you get to know each of the guys. Learning about them, their families, their interests. You’d found yourself getting attached to each of them, which would only mean the rose ceremonies would become even harder.
As the guys arrived back at the house, those not invited on the date asked a million questions. Some of them are a bit discouraged about not having the chance to show off their golf skills to impress you. Others just hoped it meant they were going to be the lucky guy to get the one on one date with you.
“Guysss, we have a solo date letter!”
Mat Barzal entered the room flashing the letter in his hand, standing at the front of the group to read it. His reaction immediately told the group he was not the lucky one, but he chose to take his time to build up the anticipation for everyone else.
“Auston, break my heart and you’ll end up in the dog house.”
Auston smiled as the guys shook his shoulders, patting him on the back with cheers as he’d gotten the date they’d all been hoping for. He tried to control his excitement, but inside he was screaming with joy. The night before he had a great feeling about your conversation, so being awarded the first one on one date reassured him you’d felt the same way.
As he made his way out of the van, finding you patiently waiting for him, he couldn’t help but smile. Lightly jogging over to you he wrapped you in a hug, slightly lifting you off your feet as he spun you around. The giggles coming from you only make him wrap his arms around you tighter.
“Hello to you too Auston!”
He set you down with a smile, exchanging hellos as he began to assess the multiple reusable shipping bags that were set on the ground behind you.
“Any ideas of what we might be doing today?”
Peeking in the bag his eyes went wide as he smiled at you. “Are we doing something with dogs? Please say yes!”
The second you’d chosen to have a one on one date with Auston, you knew you wanted to involve dogs. He had a dog of his own, and you’d always loved the animal. Growing up with dogs, and having volunteered at shelters your entire life, you felt it would be a great opportunity to get to know each other more.
“Yes! We are going to be taking some donations to this local animal shelter and volunteering with some of the dogs today. You’re a dog dad, I have previously been a dog mom, and I thought this was the perfect date for us.”
“I’m so freaking excited, oh my god!”
Auston picked up the majority of the bags, not wanting you to have to do any heavy lifting, while you led the way to the shelter entrance. The owners waited for the two of you to arrive, greeting you with smiles as they saw all the donations you were bringing.
“Y/n, Auston, thank you so much for being here! And all these donations, wow! Thank you so much!”
Workers had gathered to take the donations, beginning to sort through the items while the owners took the two of you in for a tour. Auston’s hand instinctively grabbed yours as the two of you headed towards the kennels to meet some of the dogs.
“Shut up, this is heaven!”
Auston’s smile only made yours grow ten times bigger as you both were eyeing all of the dogs, wagging their tails and barking, excited to see new faces. A younger dog, a bernedoodle to be exact, immediately caught Auston’s eye.
“He looks a little bit like Felix huh?”
Auston’s eyes quickly met yours, as he was shocked you knew his dog’s name. Sure you knew about Auston, and his team, but the fact you knew something more personal about him, it warmed his heart.
“He does, makes me miss the stud. What’s this little guys name?”
Auston looked to one of the workers, “that is Cooper, he’s been here about 7 months now. He came in when he was a puppy, he just turned 2 last week. Poor guy just hasn’t had much interest from anyone.”
You could see on Auston’s face that he was drawn to the dog, the look in his eyes that of sadness. Wishing he could help the dog, but knowing that he couldn’t be the saving grace the dog needed. Though maybe today he could at least show the dog love and affection to make his day.
“Can we take him out?”
Auston smiled at your suggestion, kneeling down in front of Cooper’s kennel as he laughed at the dog spinning and jumping in circles.
The worker led you and Auston out back to the fenced in field, allowing you time with Cooper to play. Auston immediately ran around while the pup chased after him, eventually falling to the grass as Cooper peppered his face with kisses.
You joined the two of them in the grass, Copper climbing into your lap as you played tug of war with one a rope toy he’d brought out from his kennel.
“This is honestly the best date of my life. A beautiful girl, dogs, I’m in heaven for sure.”
Auston’s words made you blush as you cuddled up with Cooper. “Well I’m happy to know that you’re enjoying yourself. And I can’t believe we lucked out with this adorable puppy that looks so much like Felix.”
He nodded as he gave the dog some love, “It is crazy how much he looks like him. I don’t know if I could handle two pups right now though. Felix might also not like it if he had to share me.”
“What if he has to share you with me?”
You were a bit shocked at your own words, being forward never your style, so you tried to laugh it off. But Auston didn’t mind it, appreciating the comment as he smiled.
“I think Felix would love you, and he’d gladly share me.”
It made you happy to know that Auston had even considered what his dog would think of him bringing you around. Sure it was a dog, and you’d like to assume Felix was friendly with everyone. But the fact he thought about you and him being together at the end of this warmed your heart.
The two of you continued your time outside with Cooper before returning him to his kennel, completely worn out from his play time. Moving on to help with setting up new kennels for incoming dogs, as well as helping with feeding time. It made you happy to know you’d picked a date that despite it being some volunteering, Auston was so willing to participate and didn’t think twice.
You bid your goodbyes to the workers, and of course to Cooper, before you headed off to have a little more one on one time.
“I really want to thank you for today.”
Auston sat next to you as you sipped some water, a questioning look on your face. “Thank me? Why?”
“Well I don’t know, this date just felt special. I’m not gonna speak about any other guys because that’s not how I want to spend my time with you. But I know that this is a date I’d do again and again. Volunteering and giving back is something I’ve made a priority since I got to Toronto, and it makes me happy that it’s something close to your heart too.”
You smiled as you took his hand, holding it tight as his thumb traced circles over your skin.
“It is, I’ve always loved to be involved in my community, and to give back. And, when I was thinking of things for us to do I just kept coming back to this idea, and something told me this was the right choice.”
The two of you continued on with conversation, Auston talking about Felix, then his family. But you couldn’t help but want to go deeper and talk about things that he’d not brought up.
“So, I wanted to revisit what you mentioned yesterday. About the fact that you all could have any girl you wanted on your arm. What’s been missing for Auston that he hasn’t found the right girl yet?”
He let out a soft laugh as he pondered the question, letting out a sigh as he shrugged.
“I’ve dated, like most guys in the league have. But, the girls that I’ve been with. They see me simply as a pro hockey player who makes lots of money, lives this extravagant life, and they see my circle of friends I keep. They don’t see me, Auston Matthews. Just a kid from Arizona that just so happened to make it big. I don’t care about the flashy stuff or that I’m friends with big name celebrities. I’m focused on one day finding my person, a girl I can give a ring to. Someone I can start a family with, have the dogs running around the yard with the kids. Making breakfast together on Sunday mornings. That’s what I want. And I’m not just trying to make you blush, I truly think I could see that with you. And, I can’t help but be nervous around you or scared about whether or not you feel the same.”
Seeing the look on Auston’s face it was easy to see his nerves, to see past the NHL star persona. Seeing in his eyes he meant every word he said. Your heart skipping a beat as you were taking your time to think of how to respond, no words seeming like they’d come close to being as sweet as his.
“I don’t want to simply say I feel the same, because that sounds like a cop out, but I feel like I can’t even come close with how heartfelt that was.”
Auston laughed as held your hand tighter, his other hand tucking some hair behind your ear. Thumb resting on your cheek as his smile faded, you biting your lip as he slowly closed the distance. His lips meeting yours, the kiss being everything you’d hoped for and more.
He took control, but kept things respectful, deepening the kiss slightly as he only continued with your permission. Eventually pulling away he couldn’t help but laugh, you doing the same as there was no hiding your blush.
“Well damn, you’re a really good kisser too. Definitely not making this any easier on a guy you know.”
You buried your face in his chest as he wrapped his arms around you, kissing your head before helping you to your feet.
The guys gathered in the living room the next morning, those who had not yet been called for a date hoping to hear their names called.
“Group date card boys!”
Trevor entered the room holding the coveted date card envelope, smiling as he read it to himself.
“Mat Barzal, John, Luke, and Jamie, you boys are cute enough to eat.”
The boys looked at each other with smirks as they tried to imagine what that could mean. Their dirty thoughts of course running wild, but knowing it was too good to be true as this show was broadcast on television after all.
“Hello boys!”
You waved to the boys as they entered the private room of the restaurant, each smiling wide as they hugged you. A soft giggle coming from your lips knowing what was in store for them.
“So, I’m sure you think we are just going to enjoy some nice lunch today, a fun chill date. Right?”
The guys nodded as they awkwardly looked at one another. Their expressions showed they’d become nervous at the suspicion in your voice.
“You boys will be enjoying some lunch, but you will not know what you’re eating until after you take a bite.”
Their jaws fell to the floor as they all laughed, immediately wishing they’d been chosen to go golfing like the other group.
“I really enjoy traveling and trying cuisines from different countries, so I thought you boys could try some today. The guy who eats the most will automatically get a rose for tonight’s ceremony.”
The guys took their seats at the table, you finding your place across from them as they each were adorned with bibs around their necks. John shook his head as he glared at Luke, the younger boy simply laughing to himself as he shyly looked down at the table.
“What’s so funny over there?”
Playfully questioning John he pointed down to Luke while he spoke, “Rusty over there is like a human garbage disposal, this isn’t even a competition with him.”
“Rusty? Like Ocean’s 11?”
Luke’s eyes went wide, shocked you knew the reference. “I watch movies Luke, I don’t live under a rock.”
Everyone laughed as the first dish was brought out, hidden under lids as the guys took deep breaths.
“Let’s start easy…sushi with eel.”
The boys didn’t even flinch, each of them eating the sushi with no issues. Little did they know the next round would be a drastic change of pace.
“This time, I’m not telling you what you’ve got.”
The guys looked to one another, though Luke didn’t hesitate, taking a bite of the unknown food as the others slowly followed. Mat and Jamie both making faces as they painfully swallowed. John keeping a straight face as he rushed to get the bite down.
“Any guesses?” The guys shook their heads as you tried to contain your laughter, “Those were Rocky Mountain Oysters.”
“Bull testicles? You’re kidding?” Mat immediately shook his head, a hand soon coming to his mouth as he gagged. The others simply tried their best to not let the thought eliminate them from the opportunity at a rose, though this clearly was no enjoyable game for them.
“Okay looks like Mat is out…next dish?”
The remaining three guys each took a minute to try and decipher what was in front of them. Though it didn’t look bad at all, they knew that was too good to be true after the last dish. Each of them picking up the toast and taking a bite, Jamie’s facial expression making you burst out laughing as he shook his head. Needing to spit out the food into his napkin.
“Jamie is out…that my friends was vegemite.”
John and Luke shrugged, as if to say that was an easy round. The next dish coming out and being revealed, each of them a bit unsure of it just based on the smell.
“John you really don’t have to eat it if you don’t want to, I’m not forcing you.” You laughed as a pained expression came across his face, trying his best to focus and force himself to take a bit. His competitive nature getting the best of him as he didn’t want to let Luke win.
Luke on the other hand didn’t even pay attention to John, simply taking a bite of the food and barely making a face. Though immediately chugging some water after he’d swallowed it down.
“What, the hell, was that?”
John questioned as he chugged his water, trying to get the taste out of his mouth. “Black pudding.”
John stared at you with a sorrowful look, as if begging you to stop the game because he knew his stomach couldn’t handle anything more. But since he and Luke had both successfully tried the last treat, another was brought out for them.
“We might run out of food if neither of you bows out.”
“Oh wouldn’t that be a shame!”
John’s sarcastically spoke as the lids were removed, the two guys immediately covering their noses as they gagged. Mat and Jamie exchanged fist bumps as they were glad to have been eliminated as to not have to try whatever was in front of John and Luke.
“As much as I want that rose, I’m out.”
John threw up his hands as he quickly ran from the table, joining Jamie and Mat as far from the food as possible.
“Okay Luke, looks like you get the rose!”
“I don’t have to eat it?”
“Um, I mean, no? You technically won because John quit.”
“I’ll still try it, to really solidify that I won.”
Before you could protest, Luke took a bite of the food, his face finally showing that he was human as he slowly chewed, trying to control his gags.
“What is it?”
He spoke with his mouth full as he chugged his water in order to get the food down. You couldn’t speak, in shock he’d actually followed through and ate the food.
“That was a century egg.”
Luke’s eyes shut tight as he took a deep breath, trying to rid himself of any queasiness. Chugging more water before he stood up from the table victorious, the others simply clapped for him as they didn’t understand his ability to truly eat anything out in front of him.
“Well, you earned this fair and square.”
Hanging him the rose you wrapped your arms around him in a hug, attempting to go in for a kiss but opting for his cheek. “Sorry, just, the egg. Your breath is a little..”
“It’s okay. I’ve got a date with a whole bottle of mouthwash when we get back home.”
“No way you ate that thing Luke!”
The guys sat around as they waited for the rose ceremony to begin, all shocked to hear that Luke ate a century egg. All of them asking Quinn if he believed the story, to which Quinn reiterated that Luke does eat anything and everything.
“How did you guys get to golf and we got nasty food? It’s ridiculous in my opinion.”
Mat Barzal let out a frustrated sigh as he sat back on the couch, sipping his cocktail as his grip on the glass tightened. “Relax man, not every date is gonna be exactly what you want. But you gotta make the best of it.”
“Well I didn’t come here to eat gross food, I came here to win a girl's heart.”
The guys tried to change the subject, Quinn immediately bringing up Trevor’s horrible golf skills to distract from Barzal’s outburst.
“Gentleman! We had some great group dates, a very nice solo date. As a reminder, Luke was awarded a rose from the second group date, and Auston received a rose from his one on one date. So you two will be sticking around another week.”
Auston and Luke gave each other a fist bump as the rest of the group shared a collective sigh. Realizing that meant there were two less roses on the table.
“Now, we noticed a little tension in the room, so before we head in for the ceremony, how about a shot?”
The guys filed in, finding their places in front of you while Auston and Luke found theirs off to the side as they were already sporting their roses.
“Gentleman, this truly doesn’t get any easier. As I get to know each of you more, and form these connections, I don’t want to say goodbye to anyone. But, that is unfortunately the name of the game.”
As you picked up the first rose, there was only one name that immediately rolled off of your lips.
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Tag list: @dasiysthings @tkwrites @ijustreallylovethem @sweetestcaptainhughes @asunsetgrace16 @loveforaugust @hockeybabe87 @jaayddd @svexhenthusiast @patron-saint-of-scraped-up-knees @petite-potato4
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cheri-2047 · 3 months
Hello! I hope im doing this right hehe,,,
Can i request for a Lyney x fempainter!reader who's also a tsundere? Reader also has a soft spot for flowers :3 tysm in advanced!!!!
i have such a big Lyney brainrot sm to the point that my parents call him my boyfriend 😭
ANYWAYS. IVE been wanting to feed The lyney x reader tag cause I love my husband. thank u for the req btw !!
sorry if I made the reader a bit like,,, too much (??) my bad if I did
“Roses for you!”
TAGS: fluff ! CHARACTERS: Lyney, Rosseland, Mentions of Charlotte,
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you were painting peacefully, while Lyney was out on a mission. Lately you had been running out of inspiration, so sometimes you would get his cat Rosseland to pose for you.
“guess who~”
Someone covered your eyes, appearing out of nowhere.
“you’re back early” you smiled, before the man who appeared behind you covered your eyes tighter
“You didn’t guess”
“ugh you- I mean my wonderful and amazing boyfriend, the one and only, the greatest man in Teyvat, Lyney!” You said sarcastically, Lyney chuckled as he felt you rolling your eyes.
“oh come on now! Don’t you want to see something cool?” “look Lyney- I’m- ah rosseland no go back!” you felt the cat rub against your leg, you got tickled a bit.
lyney chuckled at the sight, pressing a kiss to the back of your neck, causing you to get tickled more
“ah-lyney” you laughed “stop!!”
He chuckled before letting go of your eyes
and just like that, your canvas was gone. “hey where did you-“
when you looked back, you saw him holding a bouquet of rainbow roses. You blushed
“why did you…”
“you said you were running out of inspo right?”
you nod
“and you know how I’ve been in a lot of missions lately right?”
you nod
“well I.. charlotte told me in a mission that rainbow roses signify romance and passion. And well… I got reminded of you”
you blushed, averting your gaze
“they’re fresh too! I Just picked them”
he smiled, sitting on a chair behind you and hugging you from behind.
“wait..picked them?”
“mmhm, I grew them myself.”
you were shocked, you didn’t even know that he had been growing flowers for you.
“just like my love has grown for you”
AND THAT WAS IT. That was the last straw, at this point you were a flustered mess and you didn’t know how to thank him. Let alone even look at him.
“Tsk…you shouldn’t have-“
“No- no buts! I wanted to, I love you”
he smiled, holding your chin to make you face him. He laughed, “my you’re so cute like this!” “shh!!” You crossed your arms, as your lover planted a kiss on your lips.
He moved the chair next to you and with a snap, the canvas re appeared and the roses in a vase in front of it
“can I Watch?”
you nod, and he lays his head on your shoulder as you start to sketch.
“your art is so pretty… I’ll never understand how you do it so well…” he mumbled as Rosseland hops into his lap. and just nuzzles against him a lot.
“I think rosseland agrees as well” he smiles. Looking up to see you for a bit
“still speechless Mon ange?” He chuckled, wrapping an arm around your waist.
“I love you”
A/B: aaaaand that’s a wrap. I might draw this honestly HAHAHAHAH sorry it’s kinda short, I just kinda did whatever here. Also sorry if the French terms of endearments are wrong, I just searched it up. Anyways mon Ange is my Angel :>>> I had fun writing this WAAH I love Lyney so much (this is my second lyney post of the day…) btw, good luck on your art journey !!
btw… my Masterlist issue isn’t fixed yet, if anyone can comment how to fix it that would be a great help, thank you !! (And also comments to improve are also appreciated, anything about capitalization and grammar and stuff I know, I’m writing for fun so I don’t pay much attention to that HAHHAHA)
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vxperorchist · 1 year
Center Of Attention.
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Lyney x Fem! Reader
You catch the eye of a certain magician during one of his shows, leading to an unexpected relationship.
I'm going through a Lyney phase help.
Warnings: None!
Theme: Fluff
This is not proofread, this is just me expressing my love for Lyney 😝
All eyes were on him. Always. That's how performing was. All-day, everyday. He was used to the stares and awestruck glances, it no longer bothered him.
That's when he accidentally lingered on a pair of captivating e/c eyes. Her eyes were beautiful. She was beautiful. He was caught off guard for a moment, but honestly he wasn't complaining.
He quickly got himself together and went on with the show. He made sure to glance a few extra times in her direction, lingering for a little too long.
He didn't seek approval from anyone, he knew his capabilities and how to impress a crowd. However, he found himself seeking her approval. A gasp, a smile, anything to tell him he was impressing her. Seeing her smile made him smile.
The show felt longer than usual, but maybe that was simply because this was one of the rare occurrences he wanted to be done. He wanted to see her again.
The show ended and he quickly went backstage, only to exit to the front lobby. He knew who he was looking for.
He found her, striking up a conversation with another girl, a friend perhaps. He waited for his opportunity to get her somewhat secluded, away from the many fans.
He found an opening and went for it.
"Hello Miss, I wanted to ask you a question if you have time to spare." He asked quickly, almost nervously.
Your eyes widened as the magician approached you. "Oh, Lyney! What a surprise. I have time to spare, what's up?" You tried to conceal your happiness to meet someone who was so well known. He was a lot cuter up close as well.
He snapped and a rose appeared from thin air. It stood in between his thumb and pointer finger, gently placing it in your hand. "Would you like V.I.P tickets for my next performance? I enjoy meeting new people, and I couldn't help but notice you in the crowd." He smiled, magic is what he did best, it was impressive.
"I'd love that, your performance was amazing today." You felt your cheeks go warm, rose in hand. "I'm glad you think so, that's the goal!" He replied confidently.
The two of you fell into idle chatter about personal lives. Lyney was genuinely so sweet and charismatic.
Your conversation was brought to an ending when Lynette called for Lyney, signaling it was time to go home.
"I unfortunately have to be going now, but I hope to see you around. I'll be looking forward to seeing you at my next show." He winked and disappeared (not literally 😭) into the hallway he came from.
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The next show came quicker than expected, afterwards he continued with the tradition of talking to you. He greeted you with a rose once more.
"I'm glad you were able to make it." He smiled, watching your body language, trying to learn as much as he could about you.
"I wouldn't have missed it for the world." You replied, obviously flirting with him. "I'd like to keep this streak going, would you be so kind to be in my audience again?" He asked, he knew what you would say, but he felt a rush of adrenaline.
"I'd be delighted to." You responded, smiling at the hopeful glint in his eyes. "I think I've found my favorite audience member." He laughed as the two of you walked around the lobby. "I'd love for you to meet my sister." He said enthusiastically, showing you the way to backstage where Lynette was.
He introduced the two of you, you managed to hit it off right away. Contrary to popular belief, Lynette was a sweet girl. Many people simply didn't get the chance to speak to her.
From then on you attended most of, if not all of Lyneys shows. He'd never got tired of those beautiful eyes on him. In fact, he didn't want you to lay your eyes on anyone else that way.
After every show, and every time you met up, he surprised you with a flower. It had become a tradition at this point. One you always looked forward to as well.
"Thank you Lyney." You giggled at the new flower that had appeared out of thin air. "I took some of Lynette's advice and found this one for you." You smiled at him, he was so thoughtful, a natural flirt too.
The three of you started to hang out more outside of performances, whether it be strolling around the city or taking a walk outside of the opera house.
You and Lyney got your fair share of alone time too when Lynette was busy. He became increasingly flirty, managing to leave lingering touches that wouldn't seem to go away.
He had a way with words, but also a way of making sure he never left your mind. He wanted to be your Center of Attention.
Lyney was a sweet boy. When he wasn't performing at large venues such as the Opera House, he was entertaining those who couldn't make it to his shows. That could range from young children to the elderly, either way they loved him. You found yourself not only loving his magic, but loving him.
You were an observer, watching him make other people happy in the nation he loved. It made you happy seeing him happy. It worked the same way for him. If him performing was making you happy, it made him happy.
He confessed his feelings through a letter left on your seat during one of his performances. You found your seat with a small note on the chair. "To my favorite audience member, it delights me to have you watch my shows. I find myself yearning for your company every time we are apart. With that being said, I wish to not be apart from you any longer." It wasn't direct, but you understood the message.
You couldn't contain your smile as you say down, holding the letter in your hand.
When he finally came out onstage and locked eye contact with you, he smiled. It was an adorable, meaningful smile. You lifted the note in your lap, just enough for him to see and nodded. Showing him you understood. That made him laugh a bit, not skipping a beat with the speech he was giving.
The performance was enchanting, it was truly beautiful.
After the show you waited for him, the letter was still in hand. He quickly walked over to you, not containing his wide grin. He snapped and a flower appeared once more. You weren't looking at the flower this time. This time, you were looking at his lips. The only thing you could think of is how badly you wanted to kiss him.
Apparently, he caught on to your not-so-subtle stare. He moved the flower towards your face, placing it in your hair. His other hand gently caressed your cheek. In one swift motion, he then kissed you.
It was gentle and sweet. Exactly like him. Both of his hands were caressing your face softly.
He then pulled back and rested his forehead on yours. "Thank you for being my favorite audience member."
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