#honestly in shock
innerchorus · 1 year
Holy fuck. I found all my old unfinished fanfiction.
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ottomatonic · 2 years
Interview with the Vampire, Our Flag Means Death, Heartstopper, A League of Their Own, etc... In just one year. I'm realizing that I'm experiencing a revolution in queer media in real time and it is so gratifying yet surreal to experience something not even close to realistic a mere 10 years ago. 10, 20, 30 years from now, this will be common place, and I can't wrap my brain around that
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ravelqueen · 3 months
Absolutely insane to me that Akira Toriyama is gone.
Dragonball was so not just influential to me personally (as someone who grew up in the very gender segregated 90s it was the action anime/manga that inspired me to keep checking that genre out, even though it was so aggressively marketed to boys - Western comics made it clear that This Was Not For Me, but Dragonball fit very well with my other fare of Sailor Moon) but also to (shonen) manga in general.
He had such a clear artstyle and amazing fight choreographies but for me the most important thing he contributed to the genre is
a) this sort of sense of whimsy, of fun - not everything had to be grim and serious and macho at all times, sometimes it could just be silly!!
b) Goku as a protagonist of a popular franchise was so out there at the time in a way we can't really envision now because the Lovable Good Boy/Man has pretty much become the shonen action archetype. At the time you did have some spunky boys - but mostly those were sport related and/or slapstick related.
Cursory google shows that in action manga the protagonist tended to be older and a bit more grim, a bit more hardened, stoic and cynical (like...Fist of the North Star was debuted very close to DB)
Goku however was a kid who who was bright and fun and a bit simple but fundamentally good, who didn't care who you were or what you looked like, who cared what you did.
And even more importantly someone who didn't grow out of his childlike naivete, someone who had seen horror and death and still at the heart of him was kind and funny and open.
And I think that says so much about who Toriyama was a person and the sort of things he gave the genre and the world.
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ca-3 · 4 months
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twitter is distracting cause i keep saving tweets to draw... anyway, this is MakoHaru to me 🤭
(Bonus: big sis is here to help....?)
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egophiliac · 7 months
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so excited for Kalim to save the day by swiper-no-swiping this dip. you can do it! I believe in you!
god I hope this reads properly
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the-pobble-terrarium · 9 months
Ever heard of a wife guy?
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(For anyone wondering why reblogs are suddenly off, theres a few posts of mine- like this one- that have gotten so many notes it’s genuinely starting to annoy me, so I’m trying to minimize. Sorry!!)
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dogwhizzer · 7 months
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transmasc couple you can find on your midwestern college campus
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lady-whistledowns · 24 days
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Bridgerton (2023) / Pride & Prejudice (2005)
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enbyplant · 2 years
oh yeah my work has an incentive for getting the most leases each day and yesterday I got the most so on friday i get $50 cash!!!!!!
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theartingace · 1 month
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up too late once again in the name of continuing to attempt to visualize a voice in Arthur's head: return of bedsheet John; now with TEETH
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chasingthestarss · 2 months
Ok but think “but daddy I love him” as Regulus singing “but Siri I love him” talking about James. Trans Reggie saying “I’m having his baby” and Sirius freaking the fuck out and Regulus just saying “no I’m not but you should see your faces”
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starrynightsxo · 4 months
"What I want is him back, him standing beside me, him laughing at all this. I would settle for even his worst self, his cruellest trickster self, if only he could be here."
- Jude Duarte, The Queen of Nothing
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egophiliac · 1 month
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HEY guess who's being completely normal about episode 7 :)
anyway it sure ain't me, so I made myself a baby Malleus! I used the single-headed version of Choly Knight's hydra pattern (link will be in replies ↓↓↓) as a base, and just messed with some of the pieces to make him more Mall-y. including sewing all those little claw pieces, then pinning them on and realizing I actually liked him better without them...oh well. to heck with accuracy, I want stubby little dragon legs!
unfortunately, he doesn't photograph very well, especially his forehead scales (they're there! I promise!) (they're made of glitter HTV so they are actually SPARKLY in real life, yet apparently they come out completely invisible in photos, woe). but he is super cuddly and soft so I'm happy with him! just as in canon, he is a product of LOVE. :>
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dog-beast · 9 days
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Imelda Goldfinch 573 - 624
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errornowifi · 8 months
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Tall eighth gym leaders and their short champion boyfriends
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blvvdk3ep · 10 months
the cat returns is possibly the funniest animated film ever made. it's just 1 hour 15 minutes of Haru pretending she wouldn't marry a cat and failing. Her going nooo I can't marry a cat and even if I did I don't know him I mean knowing him doesn't matter I can't marry a cat haha. And then at the end she tells the Baron he's hot and even he's like. this is unnatural. thanks I guess. hit me if you need any work related shit.
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