#honestly this whole chapter will fit in later
boxingcleverrr · 6 months
Popular Hades & Persephone "retellings" are, rightly, getting dunked on all over the socials right now and, as a Pagan who has an altar to the Queen, I could not be happier. But also, I feel like a lot of people miss WHY they're bad - aside from just plain bad writing and lazy tropes. Which are, yeah, also REALLY bad.
Pretty much all retellings try to wave away, or excuse, or twist the whole kidnapping bit. And I actually do have sympathy and understanding for why, when speaking from a modern perspective.
But honestly...you gotta get over it. There are other stories to play fix-it with, not this one.
The Abduction is The Thing.
Were I a little more sober I could bring up chapter and verse of the Hymn to Demeter but frankly, if you know even the middle school mythology curriculum version of the story, you SHOULD know the themes. The story of Persephone was one mothers and daughters in the ancient world held dear, because it was a reality: you will, one day, be swept away from your home to go cleave to a man you most likely know nothing about. You will miss your mother, but chances are very good that he will be a good husband, once you get to know him, certainly better than Zeus or Ares, and he will make you a queen of his home.
Leaving home to marry was often scary, and violent (look up the history of the tradition of Bridesmaids, if you don't already know it - they were originally decoys on the marriage road). Centuries later we'd have tales like Beauty & The Beast serving the same function: comfort, hope, you are leaving your safe loving home to figure life out with a (often older, powerful) stranger. Your trauma over this sudden ending of your childhood made manifest in a Beast, or a God of The Underworld.
It's wonderful that we don't NEED stories like this anymore to comfort us (here, at least, in this culture). But if you try to force them into modern vernacular it just will not work, not really, because you're gutting out the whole point just to have a more tidy romantic male hero.
I have read MANY very good ...novelizations? fanfic(? however you would frame them, but they're certainly not "retellings"), etc. that simply take advantage of the blank spaces in the myth, and there are many!
It's not explicit that sexual assault happens - "The Rape of Persephone" as a title was coined in much earlier eras, when the word was just as often used to simply refer to abduction.
"She was starving!" the gods didn't need to eat. So it's easy to read her eating the Pom seeds as a deliberate choice on her part. Like, shit, people, scholars have written whole papers on the symbolism of this moment, between marriage rites and even yeah, Seph choosing both worlds with her husband's knowing consent.
And that, I think, is the real heart of the thing. People want an utterly mundane, spelled-out story here, as opposed to what it really is, has always been, just like any other myth or religious parable: IT'S A METAPHOOOOOOR.
They don't need to be destined, or meet at a goddamned BALL and then CONSPIRE to fake her kidnapping, or shit, I once saw one where Hades got MIND CONTROLLED by Zeus?! Jesus.
Persephone was yoinked into the Underworld against her will.
That's how it went.
I don't mean this in a "stay out of my belief system!" way, shit I'm a white American chick with delusions of witchery. I mean this in a "stop stressing yourself out trying to make things palatable" way:
This is a very real, very precious myth to many people, BECAUSE for at least that one event, Persephone had no autonomy, BECAUSE for thousands of years most women had no autonomy. Erasing that, sanitizing the fact that a girl is ripped out of the spring, from her mother's arms, is erasing the thing that gave comfort to women for centuries. And people can and should still find power and healing in it now!
Fill in the blanks the story leaves in whatever manner seems fit to you, there's plenty of room, but. Come the fuck on.
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clairenatural · 7 months
Dean doesn't like the word "boyfriend." He decides this the second time Cas says it–the first time it was new, shiny, exciting. The second time, he fights the urge to cringe.
It's not the "boy" part. It's not. It would have been, for a long time, but he's dug all that shit up and unpacked all the suitcases. They hold hands in public. They kiss goodbye in front of his coworkers at the garage.
It's just–not enough. Not nearly. Jack comes home from hanging out with his friends and fills Dean on the gossip and his boyfriend and her girlfriend and–that's not them. "Boyfriend" feels like a cheap mockery. Like how demons used to tease.
He's heard "partner." He's heard it from Sam, to Eileen, but he doesn't know how he can stomach it. He's said that word too many times. I'm Agent Tyler and this is my partner, Agent Perry. This is my partner, Agent Page. My partner, Agent Stills. All lies. Sam says he likes it, that he's making it mean something real. Besides, Eileen loves it.
Good for them, Dean thinks. It makes his skin crawl.
So he sticks with “boyfriend” and he shrugs off the funny urge to protest every time Cas says it. It makes him happy, and honestly, it’s not like he has an alternative.
It’s a Sunday when he realizes that somehow, Cas does. They’re at the farmer’s market, like Cas is every weekend, but Dean had picked up weekend shifts and missed the past few. Cas is excited the whole way there, telling Dean about how he’d manage to befriend the local honey vendor in his absence, how she’d invited him to a beginner’s apiarist group she helps run. They beeline (heh) to the honey booth as soon as they get there, and the woman--Judith? Janice?--smiles up at them both, hands Cas a jar of honey like she’d been expecting him, and says “Oh, this must be the husband! I’ve heard so much about you.”
Dean stares at Cas. Cas stares at the honey. Judith/Janice stares at both of them, smile fading as the silence goes on a beat too long. 
Dean clears his throat. “Uh, yeah. The husband, that’s me! Ha ha.” Beside him, Cas relaxes, just barely. In front of him, the woman breathes an audible sigh of relief. “Sorry,” Dean shifts. “Just didn’t, um. Realize I was such a hot topic.” 
The smile he gets is almost sympathetic. “Oh, only good things. Here,” she hands him a business card. “You should also come out to our meeting on Wednesday. Lots of people bring their partners.” She leans in, almost conspiratorial. “Beekeeping can be wonderful for couples.”
It’s at this point that Cas clears his throat and finally looks up from the honey in his hand, evidently giving up hope on escaping this conversation. “Thank you, Janet.” (oh. Janet.) “Dean works late on Wednesdays, but I’m very excited to see you all.” He’s pulling out money as he says this, apparently deciding to just go ahead and end the entire interaction. He hands her the bills, grabs Dean’s hand, and is already moving away from the booth by the time Janet calls “See you Wednesday!” after them.
Cas drags him all the way back to the car without stopping for tomatoes, or Sam's carrots, or the free-range eggs that are way too expensive but Cas buys anyway because you can taste when the hen is well cared-for, Dean (whatever that means). They slide into the car, still not talking, and sit in silence for several long seconds. Dean stares at Cas, who stares out the windshield at the parking lot.
"I can explain," Cas speaks, finally, right as Dean was about to open his mouth and say anything to break the silence.
Dean pauses. Can you? Cause I feel like I missed a few chapters, he thinks.
"I don't work late on Wednesdays," he says instead.
"Oh." Now it's Cas staring at Dean, and Dean staring out at the asphalt.
He turns the keys. He drives them home.
Later, making dinner, Dean rolls the word around in his head. Husband. He's making his husband pasta (It's missing the tomatoes. He's made more with less).
Husband doesn't feel like a costume, like an ill-fitting suit and scratchy tie. It doesn't feel like high school gossip, or a monster trying to hit him where it hurts. It settles in warm in his chest.
It's just the two of them that night, and they're eating in the comfortable silence of the bunker until Dean clears his throat and brings it up. "Why does Janet at the farmer's market think we're married?"
Cas pauses, fork of pasta halfway to his mouth. He puts the fork down and takes a deep breath. "I'm sorry."
"I'm not mad," Dean hurries to clarify. "It's just that there's usually, uh. Steps, you know. Like a whole....thing."
"I'm aware." Cas sighs. "She assumed, seeing us around - the first time I spoke to her without you, she asked where my husband was. And I..."
"You didn't correct her?"
"...No. I, um." Cas is looking down at his plate again. He picks up the fork, still half-full of pasta, then puts it back down again. "I didn't want to?" He says the end of the sentence like a question but looks back up at Dean and squints just a bit, and Dean knows he's watching for a reaction.
"Uh huh."
"It felt trivial."
"To tell her we're not married?"
"To call you my boyfriend." For the first time, he stumbles over the word.
Dean blinks. "You--" he stops, brain processing too much information to finish that sentence. "Okay." He leans back in his chair. Sighs. Rubs a hand across his eyes and lets it drag down his face. "Okay, listen. I don't like boyfriend either, but we gotta...talk about it."
"We are talking about it. You don't like it either?" Cas leans forward as Dean slumps back, following him across the table.
Dean snorts. "No, man." He shakes his head. "It's been a decade. I've seen you die." Six times. But who's counting.
"I agree." Cas pauses, and then, as if it's the most natural conclusion in the world, "Will you marry me?"
Dean actually laughs at this. "You're asking me that now?"
Cas quirks an eyebrow at him. "I've grown quite fond of calling you my husband at the farmer's market. I'd like to continue."
Dean stares at him in disbelief. It's not how he'd pictured it going, but he also can't think of it going any other way. Slowly, he nods. "Yeah, okay. Let's be husbands."
Across the table, Cas grins at him.
"But we're getting rings," Dean points a finger at him, because something about this is going to be normal.
"If you'd like. Although I already told Janet that you can't wear a ring because of your work at the garage, and I don't wear mine in solidarity."
"Rings," Dean insists, and decides to overlook the rest of that sentence. For now. He stabs his fork into a pile of the pasta. "And let me stop for the damn tomatoes next time."
They get rings and wear them on chains around their necks. Cas puts a beehive on the hill, and there's a small ceremony in the summer - a "vow renewal" to Cas' beekeeping group, who all receive invites attached to little jars of honey. Janet gets the nicest one.
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eyrina-avatar · 9 months
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synopsis: based on this request. Neteyam finds reader's diary full of fantasies that she wants to fulfill with him.
pairings: neteyam x reader (avatar reader) aged up ofc
author's note: I tweaked it just a bit but it's still what anon requested. This was sitting in my drafts for like a month since I was so busy. But I finally finished it! Hope the anon who made the request likes this.
warnings: 18+, MDNI, extremely heavy smut such as fingering, squirting, and creampie. proofread once, I was rushing to get this out of my drafts already. Lmk if you see any errors that need to be fixed asap lol
word count: ~6.8k this is a long one (I think my longest ever, I could have divided this into two chapters and even thought about it)- you've been warned
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"Ugh, what a long day," you groaned as you hung your legs off the edge of the link unit.
"I honestly don't know how Grace used to manage being in charge of the kid's school plus do research and be so involved with the clan..." Norm trailed off as he yawned.
"And while hiding her findings from the RDA" You added.
"Probably by getting some proper rest. Which is what you two need." Max pitched in, as he handed you the back roller.
"God, that feels so good. What a relief." You sighed as you massaged your back, trying to reach all the sore spots.
"I can help with that!" Neteyam's voice hit your ears and you turned around in shock.
"What are you doing here, I though you were asleep in the tent?" You questioned.
"Yea well, you fell asleep meaning I would have to wait for you in the morning and I wasn't really feeling tired enough to go to bed yet." He responded as he took the roller from your hand and started massaging your middle back making you groan in relief.
"Yea, that's the spot..." you closed your eyes in bliss let out a small "mmm" sound, making you earn looks from Norm and Max.
"Jesus you two, get a room before this gets out of hand." Norm commented as he got up from his link unit, making Neteyam stop his movements.
"Wh-what? No, no. It's not what it looks like. Haven't you guys ever gotten a nice back massage after doing some strenuous activity?" Your cheeks flushed red in your flustered state, thinking about the possibility of ever doing it with Neteyam.
"Yea, but not as strenuous at what you and Neteyam will be doing later if you guys keep this up." Norm rolled his eyes.
"What?" Neteyam's tail stood up in shock and his ears flickered in embarrassment.
"Ha, it's not like they would bother us here anyways, they have the whole forest to go at it." Max chuckled.
"Max!" You and Neteyam yelled in unison, shocked at the words that came out of the usually calm scientist's mouth.
"What, just helping you guys out." He shrugged.
"That type of help is not needed!" You insisted as you crossed your arms.
"Whatever, as long as you two don't start interrupting anyone." Norm added in as he made his way to the shower
"Look who's talking. What I heard from Jake is that apparently Norm and Trudy were often going at it in the shared rooms." Max let out.
"That's none of you guys' business!" Norm stopped in his tracks to comment.
"Well, you sure were making it everyone's business!" Max rebutted, making everyone break out into fits of laughter.
"Woah, Norm!" You let out a giggle
"Maybe that's why he's so uptight, he hasn't been getting any action lately." Neteyam whispered.
"I heard that!" Norm made known before walking away.
"Anyways, I better go get freshened up as well, I'm a bit sweaty right now. Tell one of the repair guys that the cooling system in that unit isn't working so well." You said before placing a "down for repairs" sign on the link unit.
"Will do." Max nodded as you and Neteyam headed out of the lab and into the residency hallway.
"So, I guess I'll be going then if you're just headed to clean up." Neteyam scratched the back of his neck, still a bit flustered from Max and Norm's comments.
"What? No, I have my own room, remember? And my room has it's own shower as well, so I won't have to leave you waiting outside of some random hall. Come, come." You tugged at his arm and he followed you to your room.
"So, this is it!" You walked in and turned the lights on, closing the door behind Neteyam.
"Oh, you did some remodeling since last time?"
"Yup, I wanted to add some life to it so I added in some potted plants around the room plus some that glow in the dark, to add a 'nature-y' touch."
"Not bad. 'Nature-y' touch accomplished." Neteyam looked at the plants, curious to see how the glow would look in your room."
"Oh, let's turn the lights off!" You suggested before flicking the switch.
"Ohh that's nice, it almost looks like the forest in here!" Neteyam marveled while examining all of the colors in your room.
"Yup!" You flicked the light back on. "I just wish I could have added some vines along the window to add some greenery. That's just the finishing touch that it needs." You sighed as you looked around your room.
"Well, why haven't you? There's plenty of vines for you to collect." Neteyam cocked his head in question.
"I have plenty, it's just that I couldn't reach the spot on the wall where I wanted to attach them to. It's too high."
"Nonsense, I'll help you out. See, I can reach just fine." Neteyam stated, happy to lend you a helping hand.
"Thanks, I really appreciate that." You gave a smile and headed to your drawers as you looked for the measuring tape. "Nete, can you please get the vines? They're in my closet over there . The light switch is on the right side, and please close the door while you're at it. I have a automatic dehumidifier in there and I don't want it to start puffing extra hard and using up all of it's charge.
"Sure, sure. I'll get it, and um close the door as well. All of that..." Neteyam made his way to your closet and turned the light on. His hands rummaged through some of your clothes on the hangers and flipped through the ones folded in your drawers but couldn't find the vines.
Crap, forgot to ask her where in the closet they're at, he thought to himself. His eyes scanned the small room and landed on a few boxes stacked on the left side of the floor and one labeled 'room decorations.'
Perfect, probably in there.
He pulled the box out but three more came tumbling down as well. Neteyam hurried to clean up the mess and as his hands scrambled to put everything away, his eyes landed on a small book that landed open and face down. He carefully picked the book up and saw no words on it's cover so he decided to take a peak inside, wondering if it could be filled with your findings and experiments.
He brought the book up to his face and scrunched his eyes as he read the words on the page.
journal entry #105 not much happened today I took more lessons with Moa't and with the help of Kiri, I was able to successfully create a healing balm that was very effective in preventing infection and swelling. The main ingredient was yalna bark. Kiri found it and suggested that we should use it. Also, I took some weaving lessons with Neytiri and she said I was improving quickly. I was able to make my own top with my favorite blue and purple leaves. I later used the top while Neteyam took me to hunt some fish. I saw Neteyam staring so I think it accentuated my features well. I'll definitely be wearing it again since he complimented me and said I looked nice. Anyways, the fishing went well and Neteyam will give me more lessons tomorrow, but I hope I'll be able to concentrate. My feelings for him have been making me even more flustered lately. It doesn't help that he's so handsome. I caught myself staring at him by mistake, hopefully he didn't notice. I definitely don't want him to think that i'm some sort of weirdo.
"Neteyam, are you alright in there?" The sound of your voice snapped Neteyam out of concentration and he hurried to place the book back in the box. He grabbed the box containing the vines and hurried out.
"Gee, what took you so long? Did you get lost in there?" You chuckled.
"Sorry, I was getting the box that the vines were in and knocked down the others in the process so I had to clean up." Neteyam carefully handed you the vines and you untangled them.
"Just start at that corner of the wall and continue all the way around the room, okay?" You asked
"Got it," he nodded.
"Good. I'll go take a shower and by the time I'm done, you should be done as well." You grabbed your towel and headed towards your bathroom. "Oh, by the way, you can put any excess vines along the bottom of the wall, all around the room like the other ones!" You slipped into your bathroom and closed the door.
Neteyam quickly got to work unraveling the vines and hanging them up. By the time he was done, he heard the sound of the water turning off and the shower curtain sliding across the rail.
"Nete, can you please pass me the purple bag? It's in the closet. ." You asked as you hid your body behind the bathroom door.
"Sure," he headed off to retrieve the item for you.
"Thanks, I shouldn't be done for another 10 minutes as I'm doing a hair treatment. If you're done you can go ahead and look around my room if you want." You slipped back into the bathroom.
"Um, alright." Neteyam decided it would be best if he put the supplies back where they belonged and headed back to your closet, putting everything away. Unfortunately the words in your journal wouldn't leave him alone and he decided to take another peak.
One look shouldn't hurt, right? Plus, she told me I could look around.
Neteyam opened the box again and took your journal out. He flipped through the pages until he was met with the most recent entry:
journal entry #119 My skills have improved a lot and Neteyam says I'm one of the best hunters in the clan. In fact, I went hunting with Neteyam again and god, I had a really hard time controlling myself. His charm is so enticing and yet his personality so kind, in fact he makes me so flustered and shy sometimes. But god, his body is so hot?! Honestly, I wouldn't even mind if we banged. Of course I like him for his personality... but he's super attractive too. Gosh, I would let him do anything to me. Anything. And I mean it. I would be so lucky if I would somehow be able to get him to use his fingers on me, or better worded, in me. His dick too, I wouldn't mind. I know it's so big, I just know it, I know. I could bet all the meat from last week’s hunt that it's enormous. Probably a good 9-10 inches... I don't know if that would even fit inside of me, but I'm willing to find out.
Neteyam felt his cheeks burn up at the words he just read as his ears flickered while his tail swished back and forth in excitement.
She likes me back? In fact she likes me back so much she actually wants me to...fuck her?
Neteyam slammed the little book shut and shoved it back in the box. He knew everything he needed to know about it and was going to have the time of his life with the newly learned information. He cleared his throat and got himself together, trying to feel normal, as if he hadn't just finished snooping around his best friend's personal and private writings.
He stepped out and closed the door behind him.
"Gee, you sure took a while in there," you chuckled while combing your hair.
"Well, I was uh, putting some of the supplies away."
"Not bad, the vines came out looking nice! Thanks a lot" You exclaimed.
"No problem," Neteyam smiled nervously, worried if you would find out that he was snooping through your things.
"Hmm, a job like this deserves a little reward." You made your way over to him and flashed a warm smile. Neteyam's tail once again swished back and forth in excitement.
"What type of reward?" He asked, hoping that you would perhaps act on what you had written about.
"Ice cream!" You turned around and headed to your mini freezer.
"Oh" Neteyam murmured under his breath and his ears drooped down.
"Here, one scoop of strawberry and another one of yovo fruit. I made that one myself. I wanted to try something new!" You smiled as you handed him his bowl and spoon but stopped as soon as you saw his face.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing, nothing. Thank you, I really like ice cream. I've only had it once or twice." Neteyam tried to come up with any excuse for his disppointed reaction.
"Oh I see, you wanted a different flavor...Well, there's vanilla too but that's kinda plain."
"No, no it's fine. I really do like these flavors. I was just thinking that maybe Tuk would have liked to taste these." Neteyam reassured and began eating.
"It's fine, I have some more saved. She'll be able to taste them as soon as Kiri brings her along to the avatar compound. You know she like's to visit Grace at least once a week" You plopped yourself on your bed and joined him. His tail began swaying left and right as he thought about a new idea.
"So, any plans for tomorrow?" Neteyam questioned.
"Nah, maybe just chill and take it easy, you know what I mean?" You looked up at him and saw how his eyes glimmered with excitement.
"Oh, then maybe you and I can hang out tomorrow. You know, just us, have some space to spend some alone time with each other. Friends always need some time to hang out with each other, right?" He gave your smaller figure a light nudge.
"Right, friends..." Your face dropped at that word and you simply sighed as you continued eating your ice cream.
"Well, it's definitely getting late now. I'm heading back to home tree to get some rest for the morning. I'll see you in the morning, alright?" Neteyam patted your head as he headed out the door and you simply nodded.
"And thanks for the ice cream, it was great. I won't tell Lo'ak though or he'll get jealous, you know how he is. Good night!"
"Good night..." you waved back and sighed, flinging your ice cream into the trash. Too disappointed to do anything else, you threw yourself on your bed and decided to get some sleep.
You woke up early, and with the view of a pink hue illuminating the sky, it was barely dawn and you knew that some of the omaticaya were already awake but the Sully's were probably all asleep as a rock.
You decided to bring your avatar form into the avatar facility and you quietly made your way around into the laboratory as slid into a link unit and was awakened by the sound of Lo'ak snoring in the next tent.
What a nuisance, glad I was able to sleep somewhere else last night.
You quietly made your way out of the tent, careful not to wake anyone else. Cautious with your foot placement, you made it out of home tree and to the spot where you usually meet with your ikran.
With a quick call, your ikran came flapping towards you, and you swiftly boarded it and made way to the avatar compound.
"Mawey, Ira." You petted your ikran to calm her screeching and made way into one of the buildings, past the laboratory and into your room.
Ahh, some peace and quiet. Maybe I'll just relax and give myself a spa day or something. You thought to yourself as you massaged the bottom of your feet that were still a bit sore from all of the hunting and running you've been doing.
Still thinking of the events from last night, you sighed and threw yourself back on the bed, not sure of what to make from the situation.
Does Neteyam really feel the same about me?
Should I ask him out or is that too forward?
Or should I just wait for him to ask me out?
The questions filled your mind and started to make your head pound. You decided that it was probably best if you just took a small break from your emotions and just distract yourself until your mind felt more refreshed and you could think more logical.
Heading towards your table, you grabbed a small tablet where you had recorded data about some plant samples and decided to work on that.
"Has anyone seen y/n?" Neteyam searched around his tent, dumbfounded with where you could have possibly gone without telling him or even waking him up.
"I saw her leave the tent this morning." Kiri commented, not even looking up as she peeled some of the fruit she was preparing for breakfast.
"You saw her? Where'd she go?!" Neteyam questioned his younger sister.
"I don't know. I'm not as nosy as you. Maybe to the avatar compound or something." She shrugged.
"What if she's in danger or something. What if she got lost?!" Neteyam stood up, getting ready to go after you.
"And where are you going without eating?" Neytiri pointed to a spot next to Lo'ak.
"Ha! Guess you can't go looking for your crush right now." The younger brother teased.
"Shut up."
"Don't worry, she's not like Lo'ak. She can actually fend for herself so I'm sure she's fine." Kiri reassured
"Hey!" Lo'ak let out in a protest.
"She knows the forest like the back of her hand. Plus didn't you say she was a pretty good hunter?" Kiri popped the fruit into her mouth and waited for her brother's response.
"Yea, but-"
"Then she'll be fine." Jake reassured as he let out a yawn, still groggy from his sleep.
"I just don't understand why she would go out without telling me. She seemed fine last night." Neteyam sighed
"Oooooh, you were with her last night?" Lo'ak wiggled his eyebrows.
"Yea, and we had ice cream, without you."
"What, that's not fair. She promised she'd save some for me." Lo'ak crossed his arms in disapproval.
"She did save some." Neteyam took a bite out of his fruit and watched as Lo'ak's tail swished back and forth in excitement.
"But not for you." He swallowed his food and let out a smirk as he watched Lo'ak's tail come to a halt.
"Whatever, screw you! She's probably pissed and you deserve it. Y/n is always going out into the forest with someone, so to not even wake you up is a bad sign. You probably did something to upset her." Lo'ak spit out in retaliation.
"What? What did I do?" Neteyam put his fruit down as he tried to process the information just given to him.
"Maybe more like what didn't you do..." Kiri murmured.
"Probably nothing, you know how women are." Jake reassured his eldest son. "But umm, not Neytiri. She's always been wonderful to me. Anytime she was upset was because I deserved it." Jake chuckled nervously, saving himself as he remembered that his wife was sitting right next to him but still earning a light hiss from her.
"Yea, probably nothing..." Neteyam tried to calm his nerves. "After all, she was fine last night." He added.
"Skxawng!" Kiri knocked her brother over the head.
"Ow! What the heck was that for?"
"For being a skxawng, I just told you!"
"She likes you. Do I really have to spell it out for you?" Kiri rolled her eyes.
"I know that-"
"You see!" Kiri gave her brother a smack on the arm.
"Stop hitting me! You see what?" Neteyam cocked his head in question.
"You know that she likes you and you haven't even asked her out! That's what!"
"I only found out last night. What was I supposed to do..." Neteyam trailed his words.
"Oh great mother. Even worse! She told you and you didn't do anything about it?" Kiri stared in disbelief.
"She didn't tell me, I found out a different way."
"Norm told you? Max?" Lo'ak pried.
"Then how did you find out?" Lo'ak questioned.
"Mind your own business," was all that was given as an answer.
"Well, honestly, you've sorta been giving her mixed signals so she's probably confused on wether you like her or not. Maybe she went back to the avatar compound by herself to clear her mind for a bit." Kiri let out, not wanting to make Neteyam too nervous.
"Oh. What should I do?" Neteyam shook his head in question, unsure of what to do in order to fix the mess he made.
"Aww, the mighty warrior doesn't know how to approach his crush." Lo'ak let out a chuckled.
"Enough." Neytiri warned, quieting the younger boy.
"Just say you're sorry for not realizing earlier and then just ask her out. Or be more direct and say that you like her." Jake stood up and handed his bowl to Neytiri. "Good luck." He tapped Neteyam on the shoulder and made his way to the center of home tree.
You slid out of your chair and got up, stretching your back in the process.
God that was tiresome, but I'm glad to get that out of the way.
Deciding on a break, you headed out of your room and towards the shared lounging area. Grabbing a yogurt pack from the refrigerator, you made your way back to into your room and sat yourself down. Scooping the spoon into the cup, you were about to bring it into your mouth before hearing a knock.
"Coming!" You sighed before putting your food down and making your way towards your bedroom door.
"Norm, I told you I'm not going to be doing anymore experiments this week. I'm still putting together all of the data we collected from the last-" you opened the door to your surprise.
"Well, I'm not asking you to do any experiments. Can I come in?" Neteyam flashed a smile.
"Sure, sure. Of course, come in!" You flashed a warm smiled as you closed the door behind Neteyam.
"I was wondering where you went. You know, since I told you last night that I would see you in the morning but then you left home tree without telling anyone."
"Sorry, I just felt like I needed to clear my head a bit from, um stuff..." you trailed off and much to Neteyam's surprise, Kiri was right.
"Sorry, maybe I was interrupting your personal time. I can leave if you wanted to be left alone."
"No, no! It's fine." You grabbed Neteyam's arm and pulled a chair out for him.
"I've had plenty of time to clear my head and bring my thoughts together and feel less stressed...about things. You know how life is..." You let out a nervous chuckle, not wanting to give any hints on what you were so worried about.
"Sit down, make yourself comfortable."
"Actually..." Neteyam stayed standing up. "I wanted to talk to you about something."
"Oh. well… go ahead!"
"Well, actually... I wanted to apologize to you." Neteyam let out in a low voice
"I'm sorry, what?" You tilted your head in confusion at what you just heard. "Apologize for what?"
"Perhaps I've been a bit of a skxawng. Or maybe a complete skxawng. I didn't realize but I was giving you mixed signals. I should have realized sooner and I completely apologize for that. You probably thought I was toying with your feelings. I understand why you were upset with me this morning"
"I-" Your mouth was left agape, not sure of what to say.
"No, I get it. I should have told you sooner. I know that you like me and to be honest, I like you too. In fact, I'm completely enamored by you and should have acted on that earlier instead of leaving you confused. Can you... forgive me?" Neteyam nervously scratched the back of his neck, unsure of what your response would be.
"Neteyam...truth be told, I don't even know what to say. I suppose I forgive you. It wasn't really your fault, how were you supposed to know earlier? Maybe I should have been more bold. I don't know... It's quite alright," you let out a small chuckle. "There's really nothing to be sorry about. In fact, I wasn't mad with you this morning. I just left hometree to clear my mind on this whole situation. It's actually quite silly how flustered you make me feel sometimes. I was just a bit disappointed that last night you said we should hang out today as friends when honestly, I hate that word, friend. I don't want to just be your silly little friend, I want to be more. More than friends..." you trailed off as you looked down at the floor, too embarrassed to look at the na'vi in front of you.
Neteyam brought his hand up to your face and tilted your chin up, "Don't be shy, it's fine. You're quite cute when you're flustered, you know?" He let out a small chuckle. "I probably shouldn't have used that stupid word, friend. But I hope you don't mind it being used in the context of being my girlfriend? What do you think?" He tilted his head, waiting for your response.
"You want me to be your girlfriend?" You shyly smiled as you fiddled with your fingers.
"Why not? Girlfriend, lover, or mate? How's that?" Neteyam let with a small smirk.
"M-mate? That includes getting mated and-" you cut yourself off before you could explain the full details.
"Hmm, why not? I'm interested in you and you're interested in me. Plus, I think you're not as innocent as you make yourself out to be." Neteyam raised his eyebrow and inched himself closer to you.
"Why would you think that...I've never done that with anyone before..." you trailed your words and inched backwards.
"Still doesn't mean that pretty little head of yours isn't in the gutter." Neteyam stepped closer.
"Yea, and what proof do you have of that?" You smirked, cockiness filling your head.
"Hmm let's see, I found a book in your closet and maybe read a few pages."
"Pff, oh yea? And what did it look like?" you jokingly rolled your eyes at him.
"Well, in fact it wasn't one of those biology books. It was a small little book, no title on it. It had a brown leather cover and it was just full of your writing. Sound familiar?" Your eyes widened at the description and your mouth fell open, shocked at the realization.
"What, surprised?" Neteyam let out a small chuckle as he continued inching closer to you until your back hit the wall.
"I- I don't know what you're talking about." You huffed out, trying to sound confident.
"I think you know what I'm talking about. In fact, you're even wearing that pretty little top of yours that you said accentuated your features. It does, and you're right, I couldn't help but stare when you wore it the other day. Not my fault anything you wear makes you look so pretty." Neteyam's fingers played with the string of your top, gently passing over the knot on your back that was holding it together.
Between admitting to reading your journal and staring, Neteyam’s words had turned you into a flustered mess.
“Well, who told you that you could read my journal?!” You spat out, trying to get the upper hand.
“Hmm, let’s see. If I remember correctly, you did tell me that I could look around your room.” Neteyam shrugged.
“Yeah but my journal is private!” You retaliated.
“Oh really? I didn’t see any sign on it that said ‘private/ no trespassing’ or ‘y/n’s journal, don’t touch.’ Seems like you were missing a sign. Can’t blame me.”
“Why, y- you. You perv!” You lashed out defeatedly, not knowing how else to react.
“Really, I’m the perv? I wasn’t the one writing all of my fantasies about wanting to get banged.”
“I…” you dropped your head in shame, once again too embarrassed to face Neteyam.
“Hmm, thought so.” He let out a small chuckle as he raised your chin up again. “So, do you really think I’m handsome?” He looked at you seriously before giving you a slight smirk.
“Well, you read it! No need to tease me about it” you gave his chest a slight push.
“Teasing, who’s doing any teasing? I’m just trying to test the waters to see if you’re really up to doing what you mentioned.”
“So, are you?” Neteyam inched his face closer to yours.
“Are you what?”
“C’mon don’t try to play dumb. Do you want to do what you mentioned or what?” His lips hovered over yours as he trailed his hands over your waist and behind your back, pulling you in closer.
“What’s wrong sweetheart, cat got your tongue?” Neteyam let out a small chuckle before looking you in the eyes and giving a ‘so?’ look.
You simply nodded, too flustered to say anything.
“Words, babygirl. Words.” He pushed your hair out of your face and caressed your cheek. “Would you like to try what you wrote about?”
“Yes…” you whispered in a barely understandable tone.
“Don’t worry, we’ll take it nice and slow. How’s that for you, sound good?” Again, you nodded, giving Neteyam the green light to go ahead.
His eyes fell to your lips and yours on his. Each just a few centimeters away from the other. You leaned in and yours just gently brushed against his. Neteyam’s arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you in during the process, lips making contact for the first time. You let out a small gasp and his came crashing down on yours again, pushing your head back to the wall as you wrapped your arms around his neck. His lips moved in pace and you followed along, inexperienced but quickly catching on. Your hands traveled up and down his neck and Neteyam let out a small groan as you gave a slight tug on his hair. Hands started moving quickly as you found yours on his chest, traveling up and down and his on your back. His lips took a turn and started making his way down, leaving small pecks all over your collarbone and eventually moving to your neck, where his mouth left a wet trail wherever it could.
“Mmm, Nete-” you let out a moan as his lips sucked on your sweet spot making your body fidget in his hold. His lips traveled up your neck and you were sure you were going to have a few bruises for show.
“Neteyam, you’re gonna leave hickeys all over my neck.” You barely managed to breathe out.
“I know… that’s my plan,” he let out in between kisses. “…to mark you… As mine… all mine.” He held onto you and made his way to your bed, not letting go for a thing in the world. Neteyam sat down and had you on his lap facing him, your legs straddling him while he continued to make his mess.
You lifted his face and kissed his lips again, desperate to be able to do some of the action yourself, you pushed his chest, making him inch backwards as you crawled to him, lips still connected to his.
You sat up and his fingers started toying with the knot from your loincloth, still not stopping the kiss as he worked his hands behind your waist.
Neteyam's fingers worked quickly as he untied the knot and slid off the loincloth from under your womanhood. He lifted you off of his lap and placed your back on the bed while he laid next to you, his hands roamed over your body and made their way to your core. Neteyam gently massaged your nub, earning an erotic moan from you. He took the opportunity to slide his tongue into your mouth as he used his hand to spread your legs wider and brush his fingers over your clit, speeding up as the kiss grew more heated with each passing second.
"Oh.. fuck" you managed out as your hands fell on his, guiding him to a quicker speed.
"Mmm, you like that don't you, sweetheart?" Neteyam let out a smirk as you nodded a desperate 'yes' a your eyes scrunched closed. His hands made their way down to your entrance and he inserted a finger, making you groan in response.
"Fuck..." you groaned as Neteyam stretched you out, making way for his other fingers.
"If I remember reading correctly, you did write that you would be grateful even if you could have just my fingers inside of you. How's that coming out to be?" Neteyam smirked as you moan out a 'good.'
"More, please" you whined out as you attempted to close your legs to gain more friction.
"I can't give you more if you don't open your legs for me. My hands are trapped between your thighs right now syulang." Neteyam's hand moved up to pry your legs open, and you sighed at the slight loss of friction.
"No need to worry, your wish is my command sweetheart." And with that he inserted his second and third fingers without warning. Deep inside of your warmth, he moved his fingers in and out, making sure to hit all the spots of your wet walls.
"Shit....shit! Go faster!" you moaned out in a high pitched voice, convinced that if it weren't for the oxygen sealed doors and windows soundproofing your room, all of the scientists would have been raising their eyebrows by now.
"How's that? Enjoying it?" Neteyam managed out between kisses.
"Fuck yes!" you threw your head back in pleasure as you felt yourself nearing your orgasm.
Neteyams worked his magic in you, sparing your poor pussy no mercy as his fingers pumped in and out while his thumb played with your nub at an increasingly quick pace causing your eyes to cross for a split second as you covered your mouth as to not scream. Holding yourself up with your elbows, you watched as the Na'vi in front of you worked tirelessly to get you to explode.
"Neteyam! I'm getting close... I'm- I'm gonna..." You threw head back once more as your knuckles turned white from grabbing the bed sheets.
"Come! Fucking do it baby, I know it's in you!" Neteyam accelerated his pace as his fingers moved vigorously in and out of you, repeatedly hitting your g-spot.
"Ah- ahh... fuuuck" You let out a loud whine as your hips buck up and down while your orgasm washed over you. Your eyes close tightly making you see stars and your mouth falls agape as low whimpers leave your throat.
"Nghh.. oh my god.." you squeal out under his touch before he slows down and pulls his fingers out. Neteyam lifts up his hand and brings it up to your face, drenched fingers brush across your lips as you open your mouth and give a thorough suck.
"Mmm, that's a good girl" Neteyam praises as you swirl your tongue around his fingers, licking them clean of any residue. With a 'pop' sound, he pulls his fingers from between your lips and you sit up, looking at him with your big yellow eyes as you tug on his loincloth.
"Ready for round two, already?" You give a small nod and Neteyam lays you on your side and props your right leg up.
He positions himself behind you as your hands work beside you, helping untie his loincloth. Springing out, his length smacks your ass and Neteyam lets out a small sigh of relief. He spits on his hand before making it down between his legs and giving himself a few pumps.
Neteyam brushes his cock against your slick cunt, earning a light moan from you as he rubs it around your entrance.
"You ready sweetheart? I'll go nice and slow for you." Neteyam gives a small peck on your lips before you answer with a small 'yes.' He lines himself up with your entrance and pushes his mushroomy tip in, slowly driving his full length inside of you.
"Nghh.." was all you managed to let out before he asks 'are you okay' and you give a small nod. His dick goes all the way in and you can feel his tip against your cervix.
"Fuck, you're so big..." you squirm yourself around as you try to get used to the new feeling.
"You said you wanted to try it." Neteyam lets out a small chuckle at your struggle. "Ready?" He asks, making sure that you're all stretched out before moving."
"Of course," and with that, he pulls himself out completely before thrusting in with full force, making you yelp in surprise. Neteyam starts thrusting in and out of you, filling the room with sounds of skin smacking against each other.
"Shit" he groans out, untying your top as he continues smacking himself into you. Neteyam grabs your breast in his hand and starts sucking as his hips pick up in pace, making you moan aloud.
"Enjoying that, princes?"
"Yes. I love it so much!" you whine out as his dick hits against your cervix, making you shut your eyes in pain and pleasure. You can't help but tighten around him as he plays with your breast and his lips leave a trail of kisses on the back of your neck.
"Fuckkk, too big!" you let out in almost a scream before he wraps his hand around your neck, applying just a small amount of pressure.
"y/n, stop that... you're gonna make me spill inside of you if you keep squeezing yourself around me like that." Neteyam warned with a light smack on your botton.
"I can't...help it... You fuck me so good!" You let out in between breaths. Neteyam pounds himself into you, making you whine out incoherent nonsense and you can't help but tighten your walls again.
"Fuck...fuck!" Neteyam grits between his teeth and you can tell he's near his high as his hips start moving desperately.
"I *thrust* think *thrust* I'm *thrust* gonna *thrust* come!" Neteyam lets out in a groan before you feel his hot cum spill all over your insides making you moan at the feeling. His white juices overflow your insides and soon spill out, dripping down to underside of your legs.
"Mmm, princess, you look so fucking good with your pretty little hole filled up like that." Neteyam goes back to kissing the sides of your neck and once again, his fingers start playing with your insides while you play with his length in your hands, trying to harden him up again.
"Shit," he huffs out in sensitivity as your finger plays with the tip of his cock, swiping it over and over again.
"Alright let me finish you up, I've got this." Neteyam gives your thigh a light pat and you let go of him, letting him take control of his length and bringing it to you entrance again.
He thrusts into you without warning and you yelp out. His thrusts continue roughly, not giving you time to adjust. Neteyam hits your insides repeatedly and it makes you whimper in pleasure.
"Ah- ah! Neteyam... I'm close!" You let out in between whimpers as your hands search for anything to grab onto while your orgasm approaches.
"Mmm....fuck. Good, you're almost there sweetheart" Neteyam grunts out as his hips continue pushing into your rear.
"I'm gonna- I think... I'm gonna come!" You let out in a loud whine and Neteyam pulls out before pushing himself back in completely, causing you to moan aloud as your orgasm hits you, making your back arch and your legs tremble as you grab onto him while you squirm around as Neteyam pounds into you as fast as he can.
He pulls out, leaving you to squirt your juices all over your legs and on the bed. Your hips heave up and down as the clear liquid jets out of you, leaving you breathless until your high calms down and your legs stop shaking.
"Holy shit..." Neteyam lets out in a small chuckle as he stares in amazement.
"Well... that was intense" you break the silence and the both of you stare at each other before breaking out into small giggles.
"Are you alright, was I too rough with you?" Neteyam gently rubs your shoulders as the both of you lay down, flat on your backs, exhausted.
"No... you were fine. It was good." You flash him a shy smile.
"So, was it everything you expected... or did you I let you down?" He asks with a small chuckle.
"It was... interesting... definitely better than I expected." You chuckle as you lay your head in the crook of his neck.
"So I guess we can say... your wish has been fulfilled." Neteyam pokes your cheek, teasing you.
"I guess so..." you hide your blushing cheeks on his collarbone as he laughs at your shy antics. He slightly lifts up your face and gives you a small peck on your forehead as the both of you bask in each other's warmth.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
HEW, did this take FOREVER to write, OMG! But I'm so glad that I finally got it out! Thank you for this wonderful and super fun request, it was definitely a hell of a journey to write but I really enjoyed it! Hope you guys enjoyed it as well.
as always, comments/reblogs are always much appreciated as they help support and motivate your favorite writers, thank you❤!
do not steal my work and please don't post it on ao3 or wattpad
© eyrina-avatar
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I’m a sucker for pretty yan x monster darling. Like this person is thought to be the PERSONIFICATION of beauty. Nations come to catch a glimpse of them. They most likely have a cult dedicated to them too which would explain why anyone that makes them unhappy is “punished” (humiliated, tortured and cast out). They probably know the power they hold too! Or maybe they don’t!
Beauty! Yan that could fall in love with LITERALLY any one in the WHOLE world. Only for them to skip the whole way home and write in their diary, about their big fat crush on MONSTER! Darling. Hearts and hearts and hearts. Combinations of mixed names that has both of yours together. (They probably had to lurk around a lot to find out your name, people like to call you mean names which took them a while) a full entire chapter of BABY NAMES! Detailed descriptions of their lewdest fantasies, enough to make even a nymph blush. They already seemed to have gone through 20 diaries since they met you. Its okay! They have enough money to buy more, and usually people offer to by their stuff for them.
Monster! Reader who is described, by others as a “big, mean, ugly thing”. Really you were quite good looking for your species (if you said so yourself, and asked the Yan) you are too big to fit inside a normal house, almost 5” feet bigger than the tallest man in the world. Your body is built like a fucking mountain, strength to the GODS. Though people may not like you, your strength does get you a lot of jobs so that you can earn money.
I don’t have enough brain juice to describe how you met this protected beauty, but you got them hooked! Really, it is kind of funny. Most likely monster reader doesn’t even want to associate themselves with them. It only brings trouble. And death. They’ve seen it and don’t wanna be near them. And we’ll as much as pretty! Yan wants to be around you, they know that if they do people might harm you (they already get sad and depressed if you get hurt on the job) so they have to stalk you from a yard away. Kinda hard when the whole town had their eyes on you. I can imagine the only way they would stalk you is if you live in a house in your own little isolated part of the woods. They know the trail by heart and even come inside when your away. They caress your trinkets and self made goods, admire every single one of your decorations, lay on your oversized bed that is the biggest and comfiest thing they’ve felt and seen. Your scent clouding their senses that they can’t help but masturbate on your bed. It tips them over the edge. And they don’t even try to hide it. Thinking that you don’t even notice it (you do, your senses higher than a humans) and just go on with their little role play in their head. Thinking to themselves as if they were your lovely little spouse that waits home for you everyday. They clean and wash all your clothes (they want to cook but the sizes of the ingredients are way too big for their small arms).
Really they are the perfect spouse for you! Being raised to perfection they would be the perfect spouse for anyone! Too bad they’ll get rid of anyone who gets in the way of their happily ever after…
(I might edit or add more later honestly I’ve just been wanting to post this for a while)
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joequiinn · 2 months
The Dos & Don'ts of Fake Dating | E.M. x reader | pt. 5
[chap four] | [chap six] | [all chapters here]
summary: You propose a crazy idea to the resident freak of Hawkins, Eddie Munson. But maybe he was even crazier for agreeing to it…
notes & tropes: fem reader, slow burn, faking dating, opposites attract, bratty rich bitch reader, super minor revenge plot, not-quite-enemies-to-lovers
a/n: I'm very excited for this chapter because it's actually one of the scenes that inspired this whole fic! Before I knew what the hell I even wanted to write, I played this idea of a figure skating character over and over again in my head as I built up the story around it. I'm a little behind on writing the next chap, so it may be a slightly longer wait between this and the next one! Hope you all love it!
wc: 4.8k
taglist: @costellation-hunter @daisyridleyss @damon-loves-pie @damp4eddie @delilaaahhh @em0220 @fromasgardandback @kthomps914 @lotrefcp @marrowfrog00 @mewchiili @munsonssweets @no-bueno-writer @rach5ive @sav12321 @sheneedsrocknroll92 @steeldaisies @stormgrl19
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Chapter Five
You skated at least four times a week. You’ve done so since you were ten years old, when you decided that you wanted to take figure skating more seriously. Whether or not you had competitions, whether or not you were in the mood for it, you always stuck with your skating routine. With competition season coming up in November, you knew you’d have to start practicing more, putting in longer hours and more days in preparation.
Or maybe not. After all, competing was something that your mom enjoyed, that she encouraged wholeheartedly. Regardless of how much you enjoyed it, it didn’t exactly fit the teenage rebellion thing you had going on right now. Maybe you wouldn’t go to competition this year, maybe you’d skip out on your final season out of pure spite - now that would be cruel. Although a part of you hurt at that idea - because you really did love skating - you reasoned that it was something you had to consider.
Fridays were always very long days for you. While your peers would be set free to roam following the 3pm school bell, you had more obligations for the day. Once you left school, you crammed in as much homework as you could before hitting the ice rink by 4:30 at the latest to get your own practice in. Once that was done, you led a youth skating practice until 7pm, then you tried to squeeze in some more skating time before the hockey team took to the ice at 7:15. After arriving home at 8 o’clock or later, you crammed more homework so you wouldn’t have to deal with it over the weekend, and then by that point you’d be too worn out for anything else, so you generally slept late into the next morning.
This had been your routine for over a year now, ever since your own couch suggested that you needed to get more extracurriculars under your belt for your college applications. She had insisted that your resume would look far more impressive if you showed that you had teaching experience and “leadership potential,” an idea that really appealed to your parents, who were determined for you to get into a good school, maybe even on a figure skating scholarship. So, you ended up taking over the Friday night children’s lessons whether you wanted to or not.
You honestly despised it. You led children age 5 to 7, and they were a constant pain in the ass. You couldn’t raise your voice without one of them crying, you couldn’t leave them to their own devices without someone inevitably ending up hurt. Yet, you stuck with it because you were told to, because the adults around you insisted that you needed to. You couldn’t stand the way your coach would insist that this would help develop your skills, you couldn’t stand how your mother insisted “you’ll look back on this so fondly when you’re older.” These damned kids skating lessons were something else you’d probably drop soon, because you barely tolerated them as is.
While everyone else was at the football game, while Eddie was probably off playing his stupid fantasy game or doing something equally as nerdy, you were here at the ice rink, shouting instructions at children while parents and hockey players watched. Some of the parents had made it clear before that they weren’t fond of your impatient and mean teaching methods, but your coach always seemed to talk them out of pulling their kids from your group. She always argued something about you being the best skating in the county, but you weren’t sure how true that was - sure, you had your fair share of medals, but even with your ego you were pretty sure there were better skaters at your level.
“Come on, slackers, we’ve got five minutes left!” You taunted your group of 11 kids as they skated around the perimeter of the rink as a cool down. You zipped ahead of them, leading the charge as you skated backwards to keep an eye on them.
Many of the older kids had grown used to your abrasive coaching, but you could see that many of the newbies were still frightened of you, your loud voice, and your cold eyes. As a means of excusing your poor teaching style, you always said that skating was a tough sport and they needed to toughen up if they wanted to be any good at it. For how pretty and elegant figure skating could be, you knew from experience that competitive skating could be harsh, so you figured you were helping these kids prepare for it.
Because the Hawkins High hockey team had the rink after your group every Friday, many of them were already sitting on the sidelines, getting their gear ready or watching you work. The cocky part of you enjoyed the attention, but hockey players were stupid, so you rarely gave any of them a chance whenever they tried talking to you. Nonetheless, when you were in a good mood, you enjoyed putting on a bit of a show for them, shooting flirty glances their way or occasionally calling out remarks to them between instructing the kids. Tonight, you were paying them little mind, but that didn’t stop you from looking their way every now and again.
As you led the kids back to the center of the ice to wrap up the lesson, a lot of their parents were also waiting in the bleachers or out in the lobby. While you skated back and forth in front of your little army of children, going over some instructions for their next practice with your coach on Monday, your eyes roamed the bleachers. You gave a wicked grin to the hockey players that watched you, meanwhile you took in the parents with very little regards. It was as you looked over the clusters of parents that you saw a familiar face sitting at the penalty bench, and unintentionally you let your toe pick drag on the ice, which very nearly caused you to trip.
God damn Eddie Munson.
As you glared in his direction, hoping your momentary lack of balance didn’t make you look too stupid, you dismissed the kids before gliding towards the dasher board. Eddie, grinning like an asshole, stood up to meet you as children began to exit the ice. You braced yourself on the rail of the board, eyes narrowed at Eddie who appeared far too amused for your liking.
“What are you doing here?” You ask in lieu of a greeting. Eddie briefly glances over at the kids leaving the ice.
“You’re incredible with children.” He mocked, smiling far too wide for your liking; you narrowed your eyes while wondering just how long he’d been here, “Figured I might find you here.”
“That doesn’t explain why you’re here, though.” You respond coldly, gaze briefly looking in the direction of the hockey team to find a couple of them watching your interaction. 
“You did say we needed to make plans, figure out how this was going to work,” Eddie started, taking in your red cheeks and slightly damp forehead that developed over the course of your skating lessons.
“I also said we’d talk about it next week.” You glowered a little, not worried if any of the hockey players saw it - maybe they’d simply mistake it for a lovers quarrel. Eddie grinned, holding his arms up as if he were a presenter on some dumb show.
“No time like the present, right?” Your unamused face gave him all the answer he needed, and his expression fell a little in annoyance, “And here I hoped I was being a good fake boyfriend by visiting you at the rink.”
“You’re being too good a fake boyfriend,” You jab.
Now that all the kids were off the ice, you slid towards the open gate; Eddie kept pace with you on the other side of the dasher board, meeting you at the gate and offering you his hand in assistance. You looked between his face and his outstretched hand with a glare, but eventually accepted his help, stepping over the barrier and onto the slightly cushy floor on the other side.
“I told you not tonight because I’m busy.” You walk over to the gym bag you left sitting on the nearest bleachers. As you sat beside it, Eddie shrugged with a carelessness that seemed almost false.
“Then I’ll go.” He answered simply as you removed your skates, “Just thought it might not be a bad idea to get to know you a little better. It’s not gonna be easy to fake date someone who you know nothing about.”
You shot him a harsh look while putting skate guards over your blades. You didn’t want to admit that he was right, but he had a good point, especially since you had already discussed it before. You sighed heavily through your nose, your cold eyes locked on Eddie’s.
“Can’t it wait? I’ve had a long day.”
Eddie studied you for a moment, leaning back against the dasher board before looking around the ice rink. You quickly put some worn sneakers on your feet and stood, picking your bag and turning away with the intention to leave. But Eddie’s gentle grip on your wrist stopped you from going anywhere, causing you to look between his hand and his face. As you two held eye contact, you realized that Eddie could be just as stubborn as you when he wanted; damn, was this going to be difficult.
“Let me buy you dinner - I’m sure you’re starving,” Eddie started, and for a fleeting moment you wondered if he thought your attitude was because you were hangry. You chewed your lower lip, eyes staring critically at Eddie for another few moments before you let out a defeated sigh, allowing your shoulders to relax a little. Considering that it had been nearly eight hours since your lunch break, it might now be a bad idea to eat something.
Eddie’s eyes softened at your silent resignation, the corner of his mouth pulling up. He finally released your wrist, nodding his head in the direction of the lobby, “Come on, you pick.”
Your pick ended up being a 24-hour diner downtown. Eddie showed clear confusion when you mentioned it, so you explained that - for whatever reason - the diner had become something of a tradition, where students congregated post-Friday night football into the wee hours of the night. You’d joined that crowd a number of times in the past, but had no more interest in it - what you were interested in was having people see you and Eddie out together.
You knew it would still be at least an hour before the football crowd arrived, but that wasn’t such a bad thing - it gave you and Eddie a bit of time to actually become acquainted, to learn more about each other beyond “ice princess” and “the freak.”
You studied Eddie while sipping on a chocolate shake, waiting for your food to arrive. He stared back at you unabashedly, and you figured you could be locked into this staring contest until the end of time given how stubborn you both could be. As if Eddie knew what you were thinking, he smirked, finally caving as he looked away from you.
“Not to sound cliche,” Eddie scratched the back of his neck, almost as if he were nervous, but you assumed that couldn’t be true, “but… tell me about yourself?”
You smiled at how dumb the question was - that was so cliche. It was as good a starting place as any you figured, but that didn’t make it sound any less silly and forced. You leaned back in your seat, still holding tight to your milkshake as if it were a lifeline.
Putting on your best Miss America voice, you replied, “Well, I’m freshly 18 from Hawkins, Indiana. I love long walks on the beach, snuggling up with a good book, and I hope one day we’ll have world peace.”
Eddie narrowed his eyes at you, although you could tell he was fighting back a grin, “You’re making this very challenging considering that it was your idea.”
You shrug, taking a big gulp of the chocolate shake, “I guess I’m just a challenging person.”
“You guess?” Eddie laughed mockingly at that, “You’re the most challenging I’ve met. So, how about you try relaxing a little or else no one’s going to buy that we’re together.”
You made a face at the near-insult, finally putting down your drink. You leaned your elbows on the table, taking in Eddie’s face for a moment, stubbornly resisting the urge to say anything. Again, he had a good point, not that you wanted to tell him that. Eddie appeared to have an idea as he mirrored your pose.
“Okay, we’ll go back and forth, a question for a question; how’s that?” You nodded, “Right. First question: Why me?”
Your brows furrowed a little in thought, pinning down a good answer while trying to recall what you’ve already told him, “Haven’t I already explained that?”
“Kind of.” Eddie rolled his hand in a motion that basically said “but go on.”
You bit the inside of your cheek for a moment while thinking, “Your reputation. People don’t know you, but your reputation is in the absolute gutter. No better person to turn to than the guy who everyone in the school already hates.”
Eddie nodded in acceptance of the answer, “Okay, your turn.”
You grinned a little, a question already on your lips, “Why’d you agree to it?”
It was something you’d speculated briefly throughout the week, as you thought that your trade offer might not have been a compelling enough reason for Eddie to agree to this stupid plan. And now you could finally get the answer you were looking for.
Eddie silently stared at you in consideration, and again it almost felt like he was able to read your thoughts somehow. Finally, he answered, “Curiosity.”
You raised a brow in question, to which he once more scratched the back of his neck - maybe that actually was a nervous habit, so you took note of it.
“We both know this idea is kinda crazy,” Eddie started, mulling over his thoughts before continuing, “But I wanted to see how it plays out. See if we can actually trick people into believing it. And I wanted to see if you were as awful as I thought you were.”
You balked instantly, an amused huff escaping your mouth, “‘Awful?’ Jesus, you keep acting like I’m the devil or something.”
Eddie made a face while shrugging, not disagreeing with you, “You thought the same about me. So, let’s call it square.”
Food was finally brought to your table, and you had to resist the urge to attack the greasy burger set in front of you; you didn’t need Eddie to see you act like a ravenous gremlin over some food, even if it had been over eight hours since you’d eaten anything. But you nonetheless dug in, albeit with far more control than your empty, growling stomach would have liked.
“Your turn.” You say around a bite of food, causing Eddie to smile in amusement and the unladylike action.
“Hmm…” He leaned forward, scrutinizing you as he contemplated his next question. Self consciously, you wiped at the corner of your mouth just to make sure there wasn’t any stray ketchup or grease sitting there, “Why ice skating?”
“Because it’s better than cheerleading.” You smiled at your own joke before giving a slightly better answer, “I always thought it was pretty. Nothing else to it, unfortunately; no deep story and significance to it.”
“Fine.” Eddie responded almost as if he was disappointed by the mundane answer.
“Why Dungeons and Dragons?”
“Your questions can’t keep being off-shoots of mine.” Eddie laughed a little, and despite yourself it caused you to smile smally as well.
“Says who?”
“Says me,” He responded while pointing at himself, “I get to come up with some of the rules now, remember?”
“Whatever.” You rolled your eyes with a degree of fondness, which you immediately found strange, so you tried to wipe the look from your face. Nope, you weren’t fond of Eddie Munson, not at all.
You went back to your food, hoping Eddie didn’t catch the amused look on your face. You spoke around another bite of food, “Do you have siblings?”
“None that I know of.” He replied around his own mouthful of food, “But I wouldn’t exactly be surprised if there were any out there.”
You cocked your head a little at the response; it wasn’t so much shocking or sad, rather it was unexpected and different from your own life. You made a mental note to learn more about Eddie’s family, if not tonight then at a later point.
“What’s your plan after graduation?”
You opened your mouth to answer, but then paused - what was your plan now that you were trying to make your own decisions? You hadn’t even considered it. Did you still want to go to college? Where? Studying what? You suddenly realized that you had no true plan for yourself, only the one outlined by your parents, and that realization made you nervous.
“Honest answer: not a fucking clue.” Eddie looked taken aback by the response, so you continued, “My plan before was getting into a good school on a skating scholarship, and studying something completely irrelevant. My parents expect my skating to carry me through life until some good, rich man sweeps me off my feet.”
“But that’s not your plan anymore?”
“That’s another question.” You give him a teasing grin, causing Eddie to roll his eyes, “First, answer me this: If you weren’t stuck in Hawkins, where would you go?”
Eddie grinned with an unexpected eagerness, “LA. The music scene there is insane, and I’d happily sleep on the streets if it meant I had a shot at making my own music.”
Your eyes softened ever so slightly at the unexpected, genuine response - admittedly, you didn’t peg Eddie as the type to have any real goals. But music? That was interesting to you since you weren’t even aware that he played any instruments. You wondered if he was actually any good at it, or if it was some foolish aspiration.
“Now, what’s your plan?” Eddie repeated, smirking at the look on your face - this was one of the few times you didn’t look like a total bitch, so he appreciated it. In fact, you looked relaxed and, dare he say, content; that was certainly unexpected from you.
When you shrugged, he shook his head, leaning forward again, “No, you come up with a plan right now. Don’t base it off what your parents want or what you think sounds like the right answer. What do you want to do with your life once we’re done with this shit hole?”
You contemplated, a mild concern washing over you as you stared at Eddie - what the hell did you want? And why did you suddenly feel so vulnerable because of the question. You had to rip your gaze away from Eddie’s, hardening your expression as you tried to think up an answer that felt right.
“I… I like art, I love clothes,” You started dumbly, glancing at Eddie through your lashes, expecting him to make a face at the lame answer, “I don’t know shit about them in a technical way, but it might be fun for college. Take painting or sewing classes during the day, skate until my feet hurt at night, maybe… I want to be somewhere big and interesting. New York, LA… fuck, even Florida for all I care, I just want out of Hawkins, out of this town.”
“Then I guess we’ll be those high school sweethearts that run off to LA together after graduation, huh?” Eddie smiled widely, and you allowed an amused look to cross your face.
“Oh, I’m sure.” You returned to your food as you tried to come up with a good question for Eddie. An intriguing one came to you, so you asked before you could second guess it, “How do you expect your fake girlfriend to act?”
Eddie’s brow furrowed; it didn’t appear to be due to him misunderstanding the question, but rather that it was unexpected; he even looked maybe hesitant to answer it. Again, he scratched his neck.
You lean forward a little, looking at him seriously, “Give me a good answer, okay? We’re just gonna keep going in circles otherwise.”
Eddie shrugged, “Maybe I don’t have any expectations.”
“Then come up with some.” You immediately counter, prodding the same way he had about your plans for the future. Eddie stared at you with scrutiny while chewing the inside of his lip, as if he didn’t want to come up with a response to the question. You waited, making a mock sweet face at him while you chowed down on your fries. You were going to demand an answer until he gave you one.
“Well, going off the rules you already established,” He made a bit of a face as if to mock the oh-so-sacred fake dating rules, “Aside from playing nice in front of others, it might be helpful if you were less stubborn; you’re like a damn bull.”
You gave him a joshing smile right back, “Fair. Is that it?”
Eddie quickly shook his finger; now it was just a back-and-forth game of you mocking one another, “Ah, that’s another question.”
“Oh, fuck off.” You rolled your eyes with a short laugh, “That is not another question.”
Eddie gave a fake look of apology, shrugging again, “Unfortunately, it is.”
You threw a french fry at him, which lamely hit his chest then landed in his lap. As he laughed and picked it up, you found yourself smiling fondly again, and you quickly tried to shake off the expression.
At that moment, the bell above the front door chimed, and immediately the diner was filled with rambunctious conversation. Your heart jumped a little, realizing the time, and you briefly glanced in the direction of the door; the group that had entered wasn’t your friends, although you recognized them. You turned your attention back to Eddie, who gave you another grin.
“Showtime.” He stated simply, and then a thought appeared to cross his mind, “You want another expectation? Tell me if anything I do is too much, but otherwise let me do what I do - you don’t need to be in control all the time.”
“Don’t I, though?” You countered haughtily, which was met by a flash of seriousness across Eddie’s eyes.
“No, you don’t. I know what I’m doing, okay?”
You studied him for a moment, not entirely convinced that he did, in fact, know what he was doing. Considering that you’d never seen him even interact with a girl before, you weren’t sure if he knew the first thing about dating or romance. But despite your doubts, you relented, relaxing your shoulders as if to show you were relinquishing some control.
“Fine,” You rolled your eyes nonetheless, forever obstinate as you mocked, “I’ll tell you if I don’t like something, but otherwise I’ll let you do what you do.”
“Was that so hard?” Eddie replied with a condescending smirk. You sneered before relaxing your face, knowing your friends were bound to appear any minute now.
As you stole another glance at the door, you suddenly felt Eddie’s fingers graze the back of your hand, drawing your attention back to him with a confused little knot between your brows. He held your gaze as if to make a point, as if to remind you of the conversation you just had, that he knew what he was doing. His hand simply sat on top of yours, your fingers ever so slightly lacing together - he raised his brows as if to dare you to pull away from him. You had to resist the urge to narrow your eyes at him and snatch your hand away, and in turn Eddie gave you a cocky grin before continuing to eat with his free hand.
Eventually, your friends appeared, although they didn’t notice you at first. They were all so full of energy as they excitedly spoke to each other, descending upon a few tables in the middle of the diner and pushing them together. The staff were used to it, although you knew from experience that they nonetheless hated it; you guys were always disruptive to the other patrons, and you figured that was never going to change.
You tried your best not to stare, but your eyes kept trailing over, kept studying the excited faces of the people you considered friends only a couple of weeks ago. After your eyes had drifted over for the umpteenth time, you felt Eddie lightly squeeze your fingers, causing you to unintentionally sneer at how strange it was to maintain this physical contact with him.
“Stop staring,” He instructed when you looked back at him.
With a quarrelsome look in your eyes, you did as Eddie told you, returning your attention to the half eaten burger on your plate, “Talk to me about something, then.”
“Like what?”
“I don’t care, just talk so I can pretend to be interested.”
Eddie looked mildly put off by that, and you realized that you’d taken your customary mean tone with him. You couldn’t seem to help yourself with your former cohorts nearby, it was as if their energy was rubbing off on you.
“You know what I’m going to talk about,” Eddie taunted with a wide grin.
Your face fell in realization, “Please not Dungeons and Dragons.”
“I’m gonna do it.”
“I wish you wouldn’t.”
“So, there’s this character, Kas, who has really interesting lore--”
You threw another fry at Eddie, and at that same moment, you felt someone come up alongside your table. You both look up to see Amelia there with a critical look on her face; your gaze drifts past her, noticing that a few people from her table were also looking at you and Eddie.
You met Amelia’s eyes again, giving her a wide, false smile, “Small world.”
Her eyes narrowed as she crossed her arms, “Yeah, I’m sure you just completely forgot we always come here after games.”
“Maybe she just wanted to see her dear friends.” Eddie chimed in mockingly, once again surprising you with his willingness to instigate confrontation. You laughed as a dumbfounded look crossed Amelia’s at his remark.
“I don’t know what the hell she sees in you.” Amelia snarked with a glare before turning her gaze back to you, “And I don’t know what the hell is going on with you, but it’s already getting pretty old.”
You shrug with exaggerated nonchalance, “Sometimes a girl just needs a bit of a change every now and then, you know?”
Amelia didn’t look convinced as she rolled her eyes with a dramatic sigh, “Yeah, well, this ‘change’ doesn’t suit you at all.”
Before you could respond with another quip, Amelia spun on her heel and briskly returned to her table. By that point, everyone there was watching and awaiting Amelia’s return, quickly huddling together to whisper conspiratorially once she sat down.
You and Eddie shared an amused glance; he went back to poking at his food as your gaze trailed back to Amelia and company. You happened to lock eyes with Duncan, who stared at you with harsh scrutiny, as if he wasn’t buying this thing between you and Eddie in the slightest. You gave Duncan a mocking while, starting to wave before flipping him off, causing Eddie to snort and choke on his food. You couldn’t help but laugh out loud as he hit his chest a couple of times, trying to clear his throat. The sound of such a genuine laugh escaping you was absolutely foreign to Eddie, but he decided it was a sound he enjoyed, even if it was at his expense; he made a mental note that he had to find ways to make you laugh more that didn’t involve him choking.
“You could’ve killed me.” Eddie croaked before laughing himself, his smile wide.
“You’re fine.” You teased, squeezing his fingers while giving him a false pout of sympathy, “You big baby.”
Eddie rolled his eyes in amusement, digging his wallet out while finally relinquishing the grip he had on your hand, “Come on, let’s get out of here.”
He tossed money onto the table and stood, offering his hand to you again. You quickly snagged one last fry before accepting Eddie’s hand, allowing him to pull you to your feet. He once again laced his fingers with yours as he led you through the crowded diner, and you had to fight back the desire to cringe in confusion at it. The both of you eyed the crowd of Hawkins High’s elite as they watched you back critically.
Once outside the diner, Eddie paused in front of one of the large windows and pulled a ridiculous face at the kids still watching you; he quickly tugged your arm, leading you back towards the van as you laughed again at his antics.
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yumeka-sxf · 6 months
Becky's homewrecking is one of my most favorite stand-alone chapters...and the anime version did not disappoint!
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Everyone's reactions to Becky's hilarious delusions are just so perfect - Loid being baffled and totally clueless, Yor being flustered and completely misinterpreting things, while Anya just observes it all with quiet amusement.
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Plus the scenes of Anya imagining Becky as her mom, and even the short sequence of showing Becky her house - gah, everything about this chapter/episode is peak SxF comedy~
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Becky completely ignoring Bond...poor pup 😂
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If Loid thinks he doesn't understand children based on Anya, Becky certainly did not help! (also Bond in the corner still feeling rejected)
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Yor's "encounter" with the car worked much better in the anime 🤣
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I honestly feel really bad for the driver!
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Also this poor guy, lol. Though I'm sure the money Becky gave him was more than enough to cover repairs on the machine 🤣
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I know some people found this chapter uncomfortable, but I don't get why. If Loid reciprocated Becky's feelings, then yes, that would be bad, but he doesn't. He reacts how anyone would if some delusional little kid decided they had a crush on you - by being confused (and hoping that your wife doesn't interpret it wrong!)
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It's not unusual for little kids, especially little girls, to develop silly, fleeting infatuations with adults (I'm guilty of that myself when I was Becky's age, lol).
Anya's willingness (at first) to go along with Becky's delusions was fitting - she idolizes Becky's lavish lifestyle, especially the food (and since Yor's food is, well...) Plus someone at her impressionable young age can be swayed easily. But I'm sure if somehow this delusion became a reality, she'd realize that Yor is the best Mama and Becky should just be "best friend" 😅
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This chapter also confirms that Yor didn't completely forget everything that happened after the bar incident. Or at least she remembered it more clearly after Loid supposedly had the conversation with her again, lol. Just shows how important his compliments are to her.
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I love how the episode's key visual is a throwback to the one from episode 6! I hope we get to see more Yor/Becky interactions again.
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We also got a short anime-original story featuring Fiona. Everyone was expecting chapter 60 to be adapted, but I'm kinda glad it wasn't since it and the Becky chapter seem a bit too long to share the same episode. Not a whole lot to say about this segment other than I liked how Fiona's actions mirrored the Forgers' activities on their vacation. We also got to see more of her "training" in the woods that was hinted at after her tennis match with Yor.
I liked this bear hitching a ride.
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And omg, foreshadowing for chapter 67!
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And it seems like the final episode of the season will adapt the 2-part story of Loid and Bond's fire rescue. I know there's a scene of Fiona in the next mission preview, but it's likely from a quick anime-only scene while the rest of the episode will adapt the two parts of chapter 62. The big indicator that this will be the only story adapted is that the next episode only has one title, "Part of the Family."
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Can't believe we're just one week away from the final season 2 episode AND the CODE: White movie! Later today there's going to be a Jump Festa panel about SxF so I'm hoping there will be a season 3 announcement - stay tuned!
363 notes · View notes
Neteyam x human reader
Chapter 2
(Tw: Smut, Rough, Size kink)
Link part 1 at the bottom! I think if these chapters keep going well im going to make it a 6 part story! I would love to share some more smut and actual plot with you!
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It was a few hours later that Kiri came hurdling through your bedroom door, "You won't believe what happened!" She yelled before planting herself on your freshly cleaned bed.
You sat up with interest placing your book down next to you, your face scrunching up at the movement. "Well you have to tell me now!" You exclaimed trying to match her enthousiasm.
She didn't seem to notice your struggle as she leaned toward you like she was sharing the greatest secret ever, her placing her blue hands on your shoulders "Neteyam. was. in. a. fight!" She laughed loudly at her own words, "He came home like two hours ago, all bruised up!"
Your heart jumped in your stomach, "What?" You mumbled. Apparently he had found an excuse.
"Yup! He came home like he hadn't been out all night, and Neytiri about threw a fit when he wouldn't tell her who did it!" Kiri smirked. "It was very rewarding to see him rebel against the parents, he's normally such a 'perfect son'."
Jup the perfect son who had said and done the most unholy things to you just the night before...
You shook your head, feeling guilty at the thought of Neteyam having to lie to his parents. You knew he strived to be a worthy succesor, you doubted this whole ordeal had been worth the hassle for him.
You let out a sigh, "What did Jake say? Was he very mad?" You asked softly.
Kiri rolled her eyes. "Well honestly he wasn't thrilled at first, but when he heard Neteyam had won the fight and he knew Neytiri wasn't watching he just gave him a pat on the back."
You let out a sigh of relief, "That's good"
"He always gets away with so much more than us," She complained. Dramatically draping herself over your pillows, raising her head to look at you.
"Oh yes i almost forgot to ask, tommorow the other Na'vi from the clan and us are going to the Hallelujah mountains! Did you want to come?" She asked excitedly.
You gave her a doubtfull look, you really didn't want to face Neteyam yet.
"Oh come on y/n pleassee! Neteyam probably won't even be allowed to attend!" Kiri pleaded, she had probably mistaken your curiosity about her brother as hostile... not whatever it actually was.
"Okay... fine" you finally murmured, honestly suprised you were able to resist her puppy dog eyes so long.
"Good! Lo'ak said he would pick you up after dropping of spider, you better be ready Y/n because the warriors are going to do a race on their ikrans again!" Kiri ranted, you somehow catching the whole thing.
"Wait wow, they allowed them to race again? After what happened last time?" You lifted your eyebrows in suprise, suprised Jake had been so lenient.
"Well he kind of has too! It's a holy ceremony, so however dangerous it is it's still in the name of Eywa!" Kiri shrugged.
"Now do you still want me to show you my new book?" You said to change the subject.
Kiri nodded excitedly and jumped to sit beside you.
You stood in front of the human lab in the dewy morning air, droplets of water still covering the plants around you. The sun still low in the sky, casting a warm light on the landscape.
It felt strange to look at your surroundings freely without the usual glass in front of your face, the new and improved mask Norm had made 'finally' fool proof. Now it just existed of an oxygen wire and a little machine clipped too your pants.
You had taken the rest of yesterday for yourself giving yourself a much needed relaxing bath. Honestly the aching muscles and other aching bits on your body still remained, not to mention the bruises and hickeys almost everywhere. You and Neteyam hadn't noticed instantly but you were sure he was covered as well.
A whistle pierced the air, startling you as Lo'ak's Ikran landed next to you, his mouth pulled into an inviting grin "Come on 'sky demon', we need to get to the others!" He yelled holding out a hand toward you, lifting you up to sit behind him.
Your dress thankfully covered any other hickeys and bruises as your legs were mostly unharmed. You had put on a blouse over it, the thin fabric covering your neck and arms nicely.
"You allright y/n? You seem off today." Lo'ak said softly, the boy was honestly too sweet sometimes. And he was indeed correct about you being quiet, you were normally much more talkative with him.
"Yup, still tired i guess" you just replied, hoping he wouldn't question you more.
"Hey i still wanted to ask you about Net...." he was interupted by a large amount of whoops and yells. The other Na'vi circling the two of you.
"Hey lovely sky demon! It's been a while since you joined us isn't it?" Mi,ak a younger na'vi waved at you with a smile, the jest more of a joke than a serious insult.
"Yup! Been a while! But here i am!" You yell at her, thankfull your lips didn't even come close to Lo'aks ears in this position.
The boy lands the ikran on a big ledge of one of the flying mountains, a large group allready gathered there. Spider and Kiri running up to the two of you.
"Y/n! There you are!" Kiri yelled with an excited Tuk hanging on her arm, "You better get off quick, they are going to start soon!" Spider yelled as he helped you off the large animal, carying you off and setting you on the ground.
Tuk held your hand tightly the moment you got off, dragging you along with her to the crowd"I'm so excited!," She yelled loudly.
Lo'ak waved at the other two as he quickly turned around and moved his ikran to the large group gathered on the edge of the mountain.
It was interesting how many different colour ikran there were, today they seemed almost peacefull. It had been strange to see the animals in a group not meant for war, a melancholy settling in your stomach at the sight.
The warriors were lining up at the edge of the platform, their bodies covered in war paint and more practical clothing than normal.
Confusion circled your stomach as you spotted another familiar Ikran in the midst of the chaos. "Oh my god, is that Neteyam?" You asked softly a flabbergasted expression on your face as you stared at the man.
"Yup! It totally is! NETEYAM!" Tuk screamed so loudly it almost blew your eardrums out. He swiveled around to look at her, his eyes instantly on your form.
He caught your eye, the two of you lost in the other for a second. He seemed so much older as he sat on the ikran, his riding visor set on his hairline and a thick leather piece clasped around his waist. His shoulders seemed broad, and his jawline seemed so strong. He looked like a true warrior.
Even from here you could see the scratches, bruises and hickeys across his body. You doubted another person would know what those were, you had never seen another Na'vi with any.
Jake, Neytiri and the other older Na'vi were stood next to him, Jake having switched his usual huge ikran with a normal sized one. Neteyam barely seemed any smaller than them from this distance.
It scared you how grown up he seemed to get, you knew you didn't belong in his future. Or at least the future his parents intended him to have.
Kiri gave you a sheepish smile as she leaned over, "Yeah, he suddenly insisted on coming this morning. I kind of forgot to tell you."
You opened your mouth to respond,...
"Allright! Today the riding Na'vi are racing their ikran to the Sljikla tree located on the other side of the halleluyah mountains." An older male you recognised as Heliruin yelled toward the remaining crowd of people stood in front of him, he had a fucked up knee from an ill placed bullet in the war. That was probably why he didn't compete.
"Now before you go there! You have to grab a marker from both of the other islands, he lifted up two pieces of red and yellow cloth "There are just enough for all of you, so if anyone grabs two your disqualified!"
"You are competing for the honor of victory and for a token dedicated to your win!" He finally yelled, the crowd roaring at the beaded sting he held in the air, a rare red gem hanging on the end.
"Now we wil start on three,
Chaos ensued as all the Ikran set off into the sky, the contestants all trying to slow down the others instantly. This meant pushing, kicking and throwing things at the other contestants. Which was the thing that caused a collision with a rock last year.
"Whooo you all got this!" Tuk yelled loudly, you only able to stare at your blue guy currently in the lead with your heart in your throat. He went impossibly fast in grabbing the markers, the others struggling to keep up. He moved like a warrior, his ikran following his lead like another limb.
You were pulled out of your thoughts as an ikran you recognised as Jake's tried to pull in front of Neteyam and cut him off. He seemed unfaced though so your heart calmed down a bit as he expertly moved across the mountains.
Finally Neteyam touched down on the ground in front of the tree, you just barely being able to see him place a palm on the tree. Jake wasn't far behind, touching the tree after him.
You looked around you at the crowd, the world seeming to slow down for a second. You noticed a few things all at once, Na'vi skin was beautifull in the sunlight, There were really a lot of beautifull women in the clan, and alot of them really liked your big blue guy.
You let out a shaky sigh, what had you done sleeping with him. You had really set yourself up for future heartache when he chose a Na'vi mate in the end.
Your friends all yelled loudly, you being more distracted by your thoughts.
It was another while before Neteyam, Jake and the rest arrived back at the ledge. You remained a bit behind the group, a bit too unsure of yourself to greet him first. It seemed Neteyam was first, afterwards Jake, after him Neytiri then two unknown riders and then Lo'ak.
The father and son jumped of the Ikran first, the other Na'vi coming over to congratulate him. Someone placing the token in his hand during. The other Sully kids gathered around their older brother, him strangely just looking around in the crowd in thought.
Neytiri who had also stepped of her Ikran looking at the young man in confusion. "You allright son?" She asked placing a hand on her grown son's shoulder.
"Yep I'm fine," He murmured obviously stil not listening as he looked around, growing more desperate by the second.
The other Na'vi seemed confused at his strange demeanor as well. You frowned in confusion, as he pushed a few other Na'vi out of his way.
Jake went to follow him, but was stopped by the crowd.
Neteyam's gaze hit yours in a flash, a relieved expression on his face as he finally looked into your eyes.. The world went quiet around you two as he walked toward you. Your heart beat reverberating through your body and your body relaxing as you looked at him.
He was on you in seconds, placing his hands on your waist and pulling you into an embrace. "I missed you, He murmured into your hair breathing in softly, "I won this for you" he muttered as he hesitatingly let you go of your hand to give you something.
The beaded string hit your palm softly, the red gem shining beautifully in the light. You stared at him and it with wide eyes, Neteyam just giving you a nervous smile.
"Well...wow... thank you so much. I love it." you finally settled on as you pulled his head down to give him a peck on the cheek. He blushed as well, his cheeks turning purple as a large smile spread on his cheeks. His hands softly stroking your waist.
"Let me put it in your hair, he muttered as he gathered a large strand of hair in his hands, expertly tying the bead into your hair. His hands carressing way more of your neck than neccesary during.
A warmth filled your stomach as you stared at his concentrated face.
The act was usually only reserved for mated people but he didn't seem to care, a satisfied smile appearing on his face as he stood back to behold his handiwork. The thin hair wrap blending in well with your hair, but standing out enough for people to notice.
Neither of you really acknowledged the crowd around you until it was a bit too late, a cough interrupting the two of you. Neteyam instantly moving in front of you at the interuption. Him calming down at the familiar face.
"Uhm bro, you might want to take this elsewhere" Lo'ak whispered as he gestured to Jake and Neytiri who were staring wide eyed at the two of you, a confused Norm quickly being called over by the Sully matriarch,
"Yup, he's right" You murmured as you saw a few other people in the crowd start staring too. Neteyam seemed annoyed he had to let you go, slowly pulling his hands of your waist.
Lo'ak grasped his brothers arm, "I'll distract them bro," He gave his brother a teasing look. "Then you might finally get over yourself and just kiss her." he let out a mocking laugh. "Allthough i doubt that"
Little did he know what they had done allready, you noticed Neteyam hide a smirk aswell.
The older of the two released a sigh at his brothers antics, but patted him on the back anyway before the boy left.
"lets go over there" Neteyam murmured as he pointed to a small alcove in the rock. You would be totally hidden from sight there, unless someone walked in that is.
He grasped your hand and pulled you toward it, Lo'ak starting to tell an heavily embelished 'war story' to distract the crowd. Effectively distracting the parents so you could slip away.
You were around the corner first, turning your body around to face him. "I'm not sure how were going to hide this anym..." you couldn't finish your sentence, his lips interupting you mid sentence as they covered yours in a sudden kiss. His tongue softly licking your lips as you opened up your mouth to let him slip his tongue in.
He groaned in your mouth, a hand grasping your ass automatically. You whined into his mouth, before he seperated from you for a second, leaving you hot and bothered.
"I'm really sorry, but this new oxygen mask, i just really neede..." He murmured guiltily, you interupting him this time as you jumped up in his arms wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him down toward you.
He let out a low growl, when you pulled at one of his braids. His arms wrapped under your thighs as he lifted you up. You wrapping your legs around him ignoring the discomfort between your legs to harshly rub against him.
A deep growl reverberated from his mouth as Neteyam deepened the kiss pressing your back against the wall as he grinded against you this time. His bare chest rubbing against your clothed one, you really wishing you could press your naked one against him again.
"I would take you right here, but...." he let out a shaky sigh, "You really need to rest, we really pushed you hard for our first time" He mumbled into your ear.
"Do you remember? My cock pressed deep into you, stretching you out so well?" He breathed out the words, a distant look on his face as he was lost in thought. You startled as you felt a bulge start to form under his loincloth, it pressing increasingly hard at your now moist panties.
"Uhm...Neteyam?" You squeeked, your voice turning higher than you wanted. He startled from his thoughts accidentally grinding against you more.
You let out a moan, as his bulge pressed against your core. "Please tell me to stop, i can't hurt you." He sadly murmured in your ear softly as he rutted against you.
You shook your head "This is fine, we just.." you let out a wanting moan. "We just can't.... you can't put your cock in me." You struggled to keep your voice normal.
You felt your body becoming warmer every second, his rough loincloth rubbing your clothed clit every time he came into contact. You both started to move faster against eachother, him groaning harshly into your mouth.
Your throat failed you as you let out the most ungodly moan, just as his erection slipped out from his loincloth and slid across your clothed folds. It's head softly sitting between your moist thighs.
You stared at him with half lidded eyes, your body deciding for you as you automatically slid your thighs back and forth over his member. His groaning continuing harshly, you feeling him start to shake.
You felt his hand enter your panties for a second, his fingers just raking across your wet folds before he suddenly took it out. You whined at the sensitive feeling, looking wide eyed as he licked his fingers clean.
Your teeth grazed his bottom lip, as you placed your lips over his. His face dwarving yours, his mouth way bigger than your own. That didn't stop him when he ran his tongue through your mouth, put it back in his own before collecting your combination of saliva on his tongue and sticking it back in your mouth.
You moaned softly at the strange taste.
The remaining shame you had both felt was gone as you lost yourselves in eachother. It must have been an obscene sight as his cock was pressed between your thighs and you devoured eachother messily. Both of your moans and the sucking and smacking sounds echoeing in the cave.
Neteyam grasped your blouse, pulling it open too reveal your allready bruised neck. He worked his mouth over the supple flesh, sucking harshly.
"You know you are mine, and your rubbing me so good." He cooed as his blue hand stroked your cheek, "Wouldn't it just be riviting if one of our clan mates saw us here, they would walk in and they would see you covered in my spit. Grinding on my cock" he sighed softly.
"They would know your mine instantly," He closed his eyes in bliss his pace growing harder and faster.
His cock sliding harshly across your abused folds was mind numbing, your mind so far gone you could barely think.
"I'm all yours big guy," you whispered as you looked into his big golden eyes, his pupils dilating again as his movements became eratic whilst he neared his orgasm.
"And you own me." He murmured as he harshly pressed you against the wall one last time, you feeling his sticky seed spill between your legs.
He let out a shaky sigh as he enjoyed the aftereffects of his orgasm, it almost being hypnotising to see him release himself on your body.
He softly tucked his now softened member back in his loincloth, giving you a sudden shy smile.
"Now i really want to pleasure you aswell" Neteyam murmured, as he started to kiss down your body.
Footsteps echoed through the cave as someone neared their secret spot. You both looking at eachother with wide eyes.
You pulled down your dress over your now sticky thighs, ignoring the warm feeling of his cum in your underwear.
Neteyam wiped your and his mouth with his hand, quickly placing you on your feet, jumping away from you instantly.
The familiar face of two of your friends, Mi,ak and Siatam entered the cave the female Na'vi startling at the two of you stood inside the small space.
"Oh hello there you two! Were you having a private conversation again?" Mi,ak said with a raised eyebrow. Siatam smiled as well, "Guys you should really talk to other people and not just yourselves! You two are way too close friends" She teased with a smile.
The two of you were known for being close friends and sneaking of to talk with eachother a lot, to your friends this wasn't strange behaviour at all. You never knew your innocent escapades from before could mean so much more now.
Luckily they didn't seem to see the change.
"Oh wel no not at all private! Haha.. were were just talking about the competition!" You somehow came up with an excuse, Neteyam giving you an impressed smile at your quick thinking.
Mi,ak and Siatam smiled broadly "Now Neteyam i have to admit that this was impressive even for you! You bested your father like it was nothing!" Mi,ak complimented, placing a tentative hand on Neteyam's shoulder. "You are a very mighty warrior.
He brushed of her hand instantly, instead grasping your arm and tugging you with him.You smiled awkwardly, very uncomfortable with the situation.
Mi'ak didn't seem to notice his rejection, only strolling after the two of you as you excited the cave. Still raving about his riding skills.
You looked around the crowd quickly, no one really noticing the strange pair and their temporary dissapearance. Except when your eyes met cold ones on the other side of the crowd, you instantly recognising them as Neytiri's, you quickly distanced yourself from Neteyam, softly nudging him to Mi'ak. He stumbled a bit accidentally getting a bit too close to the other Na'vi who stroked a hand across his chest again before joining her other friends.
When Neteyam looked back at you in confusion you slightly nudged your head toward his father. Neteyam's nodding in understanding.
He gave you a soft look before strolling toward his other friends, glancing behind him to stare at you during.
You and Neteyam had spend that whole day and the two after stealing secret glances at eachother. Jake, Neytiri and now Norm were not taking their eyes of the two of you for one second, them basically locking the two of you up night and day.
They couldn't possibly know everything that had happened. But you were sure the hair wrap had been the final nail in the coffin.
They had began pushing you and Spider together again, them constantly teaming the two of you up for things.
You noticed they had done the same to Neteyam as the boy now only seemed to do two things, which was dully strolling behind Mi'ak as they got teamed up for something random or full on glaring at Spider.
You could honestly say you really missed him, life just seemed so empty without your best friend around. Although Kiri thankfully still managed to cheer you up slightly.
It was around the end of the third day that they finally dropped their constant surveilance on the two of you.
The Metkayina clan had decided to visit your tribe the following week, the tribe had aided a lot during the Na'vi vs the sky people war. You and the other kids had all fought with them, it was a time with a lot of tears and blood spilled and none of the others really enjoyed talking about it.
You had been the only human they had tolerated there, this only after you risked your life to save the little kids of the tribe who were almost killed by a stray soldier. Spider was almost thrown to the sharks after he tried to save Quaritch, so they probably still kind of loathed him for that.
Anyway, considering the preperations of the celebration, sleeping arrangements and sustenance the 'adults' had gone on a frantic rampage to get everything ready in time.
And this made it that when you had locked eyes across the camp, and when the parents looked away you both snuck of to the only place no one would be at that time.
One of the extra halls attached to the old human base had been a pool, which was basically a 'cleaner' lake. The other scientists made sure it was still functional, as they still used it for excerise often.
This was one of the places you didn't have to wear a mask, and so Neteyam had practically forced the two of you over here.
"Why exactly did you want to meet here again?" You murmured as you turned your head to look at the large alien behind you. He just shrugged avoiding the question before placing the oxygen tank down and taking a hefty puff through the mask.
You turned to look at the pool, the water seeming strangely blue because of the tiles at the bottom. It was actually quite a deep pool you could barely see the bottom on the deep end of the pool, luckily a sort of ramp style made it that the pool became way less deep on the other end.
A lot of the lights had stopped working over the years, as now only the lights in the pool still remained functional. You noticed the water gave the room a blue tint as the reflection of the soft ripples shone on you and Neteyam.
You startled out of your thoughts as your blue alien reached around you to unbutton your pants. You let out a squeek as his hands shamelessly explored your body. "You wear too much clothes." he whispered in your ear.
"No i don't, and you can't allways rip my clothes off" you teased, a blush rising on your cheeks.
"Hm, i wouldn't mind making you new ones" he murmured as his eyes scanned your legs, you squirming under his gaze. His gaze grew more intense as you kicked of your now unbuttoned pants slowly lifting up your tanktop.
He instantly laid his warm hand on your belly his palm almost covering it entirely. You shivered at the sudden touch. "You are so soft.." he murmured to himself. He grasped onto the little bit of fat on the underside of your stomach, "I want to feel this against me again soon."
You blushed bright red as you swatted as his hands, "Neteyam! You can't just suddenly say stuff like that" you murmured.
His yellow eyes seemed almost green in the blue light, a smile circling his lips. "You are mine, and you are beautifull and soft, and i have the right to tell you that," he spoke in english this time, his Na'vi accent still visible through the words. His warm hand stubbornly remaining on your stomach as he gave you an intense stare.
Neteyam was suprisingly possesive these days, and you honestly hadn't known your gentle friend had this dominance in him. Not to mention the sudden rebelious streak he was on, actively deceiving his parents to spend time with you.
His hands moved toward your hips, softly pulling your body toward his and bending down to look you in the eye. "You are so small," he mumbled as his breath hit your face.
He placed a little peck on your nose, before his warm mouth slowly covered yours. Him dominating the kiss instantly, softly running his larger tongue through your mouth. You let out a moan, him groaning in response.
His fingers tickled your stomach softly, you letting out a squeel at the familiar action. This something he had done since he figured out as you were kids what a fun reaction he got by doing it.
He and Lo'ak often did things like that when you were kids.
A sudden idea struck you as you pulled his hands of your hips, allowing yourself to quickly slip downward making an escape as you ducked out from under him.
"Y/n?" He asked confused as he looked around to see where you ran off too. His gaze caught on a ripple in the water, him walking over to the edge to look for you, unknowingly peering into the blue abyss.
You smirked as you slowly snuck up behind him ducking down and using one of his hunting skills he had taught you when you were both young teens. The skill now proving usefull as you steadied yourself and pushed out your hands, your big blue alien letting out a scream and spashing water everywhere as he stumbled into the pool.
You laughed loudly as his head popped out from under the waves, revealing an annoyed looking Neteyam with his braids now clung to his skin.
"Your going to pay for that!" He yelled loudly, a gleefull smile revealing he wasn't actually all that annoyed with you. The sight familiar to you as you imagined a younger Neteyam doing the same, his round face and tiny body now replaced with a strong jawline and broad shoulders.
You had played like this all the time when you were kids and it was kind of nice to kind of relive that now.
His gaze turned gentle as he swam to the edge, "What are you thinking about?" He murmured, leisurely crossing his arms over the edge and placing his chin down on top.
You let out a sigh, "I guess i was just reminicing a little." You sat down next to his arms, placing your feet in the water and dangling them slightly.
Neteyam nodded softly, keeping his gaze fixed on your face.
"Do you remember going to the lakes when we were kids?" You asked, softly caressing one of his now soaked braids.
A smile spread on his lips as he gained a distant look in his eyes, "I don't think i can ever forget all that joy and happiness, we might have been young but i still remember a lot from back then." His hand grasped yours giving it a little squeeze.
"I was just afraid that all that trauma from the war might have overshadowed that," you murmured softly, thinking back to all the loss and death you had all endured so young. "Some things are still a bit muddled sometimes,"
You thought back to the time that you had gone to save Spider from the sky people. You, Lo'ak and Neteyam sneaking into the poachers boat and somehow succeeding to retrieve the other boy. Only for one of their men to show up at the last second to shoot at them, he had actually managed to hit Neteyam if it wasn't for the fact you managed to push him in the water just in time.
The only problem being that you had not taken into account that the guy would switch to swinging his gun around when his bullets ran out.
Which was how you got your lights punched out before you were plunged into the water, the guy thinking you were dead. Neteyam had looked behind him to find you, only to find your lifeless form floating right next to him.
Que the most horrifying moment ever when he thought you were dead, still dragging your body right to the nearest shore. He had basically screamed at his brother that he had forced them to go rescue Spider. When he finally calmed down a bit they recruited Tsureya to stay with your body, as they couldn't find a pulse.
Neteyam had basically gone on a murder spree, murdering a LOT of people as revenge. You scaring Tsureya's socks off as you suddenly started moving again.
Needless to say, it was a pleasant suprise for your blue alien when he returned to find you very much concussed but still alive. He had basically been your nurse the entire time you got better. Staying beside you even when you insisted he rested himself.
That was when he had first started acting strange around you allready.
You felt Neteyam squeeze your hand, pulling you from your memories. "Your thinking about the war aren't you? You do that alot these days." He murmured softly giving you a meaningfull stare.
You shrugged, averting your gaze "Don't you do it too? Especially now things changed between us."
Neteyam let out a breath, "Yes, i do. But mostly at night... when you aren't with me" His grip on your hand tightened before he spoke again. "I have a lot of nightmares these days, about.. uhm.. about losing you."
You turned to him in suprise, "About what happened back at the ship?"
He flinched before nodding, avoiding your gaze as you tried to look him in the eyes.
You slid yourself over to him, him instantly making space for you to sit on the edge in front of him.
"Teyam?" You murmured as you grasped his chin toward you, "I'm here now." You placed a kiss on his nose before placing your forehead on his.
He 'innocently' smiled, "Say if i happen to have another one of those Nightmares, you wouldn't mind if i climb into bed with you right?" His warm hands slid over your legs before settling on your hips.
You knew he was joking, but you couldn't help but take what he said seriously. "I would never mind spending time with you Neteyam, whatever the time whatever the place." You gave him a soft smile.
The look on his face warmed your insides as he smiled the biggest you had ever seen him smile. He placed his hands under your arms, lifting you off the edge of the pool and in his arms.
You let out a squeek, not at all expecting the action.Your body suddenly flush against his musculair chest as you wrapped your arms around his neck. His hands sliding downward until he held you up by your thighs.
"So good" you heard him mutter as he drew you as close as you possibly could be, his yellow eyes gaining that primal tint you had seen only once before as he observed your form.
A familiar warmth grew between your legs, you struggling to keep your cool because of it. You really only wanted one thing, and you needed it right now. You needed that delicious fullness right now, you even slightly wanting the pain that came with it.
"Neteyam?" You asked softly as his eyes instantly flashed to yours, "Well uhm... ithinkimreadytohavesexwithyouagain" Your words were impossible to decipher, your big blue guy staring at you with concerned eyes.
"Are you allr..." he began before you cut him off, softly pressing a finger to his lips.
"I... think" you took a deep breath "I'm ready to uhm.. have sex with you.. again." You murmered as you covered your blush with your hands. "Roughly." You added, your mind straying toward the bruises and hard thrusting you had enjoyed the first time.
Neteyam let out a low growl, "Roughly?" He asked, releasing a shaky sigh as you nodded. "I need to hear you say it y/n," He murmured, grasping your face with your hand.
You let out a whine, "I want you to fill me so deeply i can barely breath,.ah... i want you to take control" you finally moaned out,
Your big blue alien stepped backwards a bit, suddenly loosing his footing.
A huge splash of water rippled the pool as Neteyam stumbled, effectively dunking you both under water, totally disorienting you as you went under.
You both reached the surface of the water at the same time, catching your breath. Neteyam instantly scanning around himself to find you. You letting out a loud laugh as his eyes hit yours, splashing him with a little wave of water.
The tension from before momentarily forgotten as you played in the water.
He gave you a comically insulted look, it quickly turning relieved as he saw your smile. "You little skang!" He yelled as he used his large arm to send you a wave, it washing over you instantly.
"Oh come on, this is not a fair fight!" You exclaimed loudly, teasingly kicking him in the shin.
He let out an exaterated whine before he threw his body toward you picking you up under your arms, him dropping you afterwards. You felt some water enter your nose as you went under, you sputtering slightly in suprise.
He lifted you up again, "Shouldn't have contended me, ma y/n." He murmured into your ear, it a reference to the play water fights you would have as children.
He placed his arms around you softly, you both taking a second to just bask in eachothers presence. His arms settled around you in a way you only saw and felt him.
After a short while you felt his breath turn uneven, "Teyam, you really need oxygen" You warned.
Neteyam hesitantly let you go but finally swam toward the other side of the pool lifting himself on the edge before taking a puff of oxygen from the tank.
He turned to look at you, "That was unexpected." he murmured with an humorous smile on his face. Him obviously meaning the tension and then the tumble you guys just took.
"Now this totally killed my mood here, welp guess we'll just go back to the rest." You shrugged, sarcastically turning away from him and starting to swim away.
"OH no you don't," Neteyam yelled jokingly but not that jokingly at the same time.
You laughed, "Well i suppose you'll have to catch me then!" You taunted him giving him a meaningfull look.
He smirked before he walked over to the edge of the water, peering down on your form a little ways ahead.,
You underestimate me little mate! I'll catch you faster than you think!" He exclaimed loudly as you heard a loud splash behind you, Neteyam giving chase.
You swam toward the shallow end of the pool as quickly as your limbs would allow, slowly making your way toward the ramp, the water now coming up to your waist as you waided through at record speed.
You felt him gain on you,
You slowly kept crawling upward the water splashing loudly as you practically threw yourself forward, adrenaline rushing through your body as you heard the sound of his large body getting closer and closer to your smaller form.
You noticed him reach out to grab you a little too late, you stumbling down on your stomach. You were about to sit up too crawl when you were held down by two large legs pinning you too the ground. His large member sitting right on your ass.
"Got you" Neteyam whispered in your ear as his hands pinned yours to the dry part of the ramp, only your bottom half still fully submerged.
"Well, claim your price then my love" You murmured softly as you jokingly shook your bottom at him. He let out an excited growl, rutting against your body roughly. You letting out a moan as you felt his cock slip down, just missing your clothed entrance as it landed between your folds.
He sat on his knees around your legs, your ass pushed upwards toward him. Neteyam letting out a frustrated sigh and simply tearing off your bra and underwear, you letting out a gasp at the sting of the clothes digging into your skin as they tore. He threw the shreds somewhere to his right before reaching his hand down and placing the head of his cock at your entrance.
You shivered at the sudden sensitivity of your folds. You whimpering as you tried to dig your nails into the tiled pool. You tried to catch your breath from your running, failing immensely.
He pushed in without warning, you dropping yourself on your stomach with a breathless groan as he filled you to the brim. His large member stretching you out instantly, it feeling like it set aflame every sensitive place in your body all at once.
You tried to catch your breath, gasping heavily as your body adjusted to the large intruder. The filled feeling foreign but familiar as you could feel the tip of his cock reach far into you.
He groaned in your ear "You can't run away from me my mate," his breath uneven as he set a sudden harsh pace, his cock pulling all the way out of you before slamming into you again.
You were slowly pushed forward as he thrusted into you, his hands settled on your waist to keep you still.
You whined under him, your cunt a tingling mess as you took him, you feeling him so deep in your body you could see stars. "Oh god, your so deep" You moaned out, not able to keep the words in.
You tried to push yourself up on your underarms, intending to scootch yourself forward a bit. Him sliding out of you a little as you moved away from him.
You were pulled back harshly, a deep voice whispering in your ear. "Stay here" Neteyam demanded as he pulled your arms behind you, your body angling backwards as he slammed into you again, you feeling your belly rub against the tile with every thrust. His pace became more irregulair, you unnable to calculate his next move and completely at his mercy.
This new position drove him right into your sweet spot, your orgasm approaching fast and your eyes growing hazy as your surroundings went blurry. You let out a highpitched moan, your body shaking terribly as your cunt squeezed his cock uncontrollably.
Neteyam let out a feral groan, pushing your body back down practically laying on you as he drove himself in and out of you. He was animalistic as he growled and hugged your body to his in a posessive embrace.
You had never felt him like this, but you couldn't help but like it as he dominated your body in every sense. It was like your mind grew empty for a second, the only thing in your mind the hot pleasure coursing through your veins and the satisfying feeling of fullness in your stomach.
And every time he growled and ground himself into you, you felt yourself floating farther from your body. Your entire being overtaken by him as you let out unfiltered moans. "Oh please, please, please" you heard your voice come out of your throst even when you didn't remember speaking them.
Somewhere in the back of your mind, you really hoped no one would come anywhere near to the back of the human base. It a sure fact that they would hear the absolute massacre taking place. The huge alien rutting into you like a rabid animal, and you taking it like a bitch in heat.
He suddenly slowed down, his pace slower but his thrusts harsher than before as your body was harshly pushed into the tiles, your warm head settled on the cold surface as you let out incoherent words of satisfaction. You were scooted forwards like a rag doll as he moved you at his will. "Yes you are doing so well, my little mate. You are so damn tight." He murmured in your ear again, his warm breath tickling your neck.
You felt him swell up inside of you, your body tingling as Neteyam let out a hoarse moan, his seed spilling inside your womb and pumping it farther into you. The squelching obscene as it echoed through the dark pool.
You felt the knot in your stomach unravel suddenly but harshly as you let out a final moan, your legs shaking even harder than before and your body basically going limp on the tiles. Your brain too fucked out to even think.
The blue light of the pool faded away for a second as black spots covered your vision, a loud ringing filling your ears.
"Y/n, ...re .... allright?" You heard Neteyam ask you something, but your mind struggled to figure out what he had said.
You frowned in confusion as you felt Neteyam shake you a bit, "Y/n..please.. r...ond.." a panicked tone filtered in his words, you feeling his weight lift off of your limbs.
You curled your legs into your chest, placing your arms under yourself but letting out a whimper as you failed to sit up. Your heartbeat soared in your ears, it like a drum as it pounded in your head. His eyes widening as your eyes rolled upward, your vision fading.
"Y/N?" Neteyam's loud shout echoed through your mind. Your eyes shot open, revealing your big blue guy above you you as his palms softly hit your cheeks to keep you awake. "Teyam?" You murmured softly, a relieved look on his face as you acknowledged him.
You felt his arms slip around your body as he gently lifted you of the ground, you blinked.
When you opened your eyes again, you were cradled in Neteyam's arms. Your naked body flush against his. One of his arms holding you steady and the other one supporting your head. You weren't in the pool anymore, now sitting on the tile by your clothes. You stared around with dumbfounded eyes, "W..What happened?" You asked weakly.
Neteyam stared at you with worried eyes "You just didn't respond, i didn't know what to do." He mumbled softly as tears filled his eyes, slowly running down his cheeks. "I was just so worried, I'm so sorry." he murmured into your still damp hair.
You softly pushed your forehead against his, "It's not your fault," You let out a slow breath before sitting up in his arms.
"Why did you pass out? Did i push you too far?" He asked worriedly.
You shook your head, "No, no, not at all, i think i pushed myself too far... you did... amazing."
You leaned forward, softly kissing away his tears. A soft smile circling your lips afterwards, as you softly pressed the tip of your nose to the spots on his face.
"You felt so good, it was like i lost my mind. It was like something came over me." His eyes were still wild, no doubt still calming down from his orgasm.
"I had the same, you really are mine" You murmured in his ear,
Neteyam's eyes met your own again, his eyes soft and so filled with affection you could barely breathe. "I see you." He murmured softly, as he placed his hand on your cheek.
"I see you" you murmured, placing your arms around his warm chest as he did the same. You stayed in his embrace for a while as you both calmed down from your high both in the emotional and in the physical sense.
After a while you both got up, your body aching in so many places you would surely have to check in a mirror later. You slowly put on your clothes, your big blue guy keeping a close eye on you during.
"I really hurt you..." Neteyam murmured as he trailed his fingers over the allready forming bruises on your arms and legs
His fingers slowly brushed over to your neck, his hands tracing a few spots there. "I have marked you here as well." He did seemed pleased at 'that' thought, his stance instantly growing taller as he observed the love bites on your neck.
You finished dressing quite quickly, you both finally ready to sneak out the pool. "Shit" you cursed as you stared at the black nothingness.
Neteyam looked at you in confusion, "What is it?"
"Look outside"
You quickly grabbed his hand dragging him with you as you entered the dark hallway. Him just allowing himself to move with you as you peered around the narrow passages thankfully able to navigate in the dark.
"We have to move quickly here" you murmured as you stuck your head out into the main hall, quickly peering around to see if you saw any scientists wandering around thankfully seeing the corridor entirely empty.
You pulled him into the hallway, slowly crouching/crawling under the windows to the labs, you knowing that some of the human workers liked to work late.
You had no idea what time it was, but you sincerily hoped it wasn't past nine yet. Neytiri, Jake and Norm would trow a fit if they appeared past curfew again.
The pair of you slowly neared the avatar room where the big metal door leading outside was located, his big blue form sticking out like a sore thumb as they sneaked past the various hallways leading there.
You crouched beside the doorframe, peering into the room. It was silent in there safe for the occasional snore, you looking back at Neteyam to see if he heard anything. He gave you a silent nod, slowly moving in front of you this time as he grasped your smaller hand in his to guide you forward. You both sneaking past the giant tanks, one of them containing Kiri's mother..which was honestly quite weird.
You finally had the door in sight, Neteyam reaching forward to grab the handle as you both stood up. "Goodni...." you were interupted by his lips on your own as his large hand cupped your face. You gasped as his tongue entered your mouth, him groaning as your teeth grazed his lips.
You felt yourself get carried away, him apparently having the same problem as he harshly slammed your back against the wall. Your legs wrapped around his waist pulling him toward you as his hands roughly kneaded your behind.
"Okay... we... should.. really stop" You mumbled between kisses. Neteyam only letting out an dejected moan before unwillingly pulling away from you, softly setting you back down on your feet.
"I shall see you tommorow" He murmured giving you one last kiss and stepping out the door.
Your private moment being way less private than the both of you thought.
(Welp! That was part two! Again please let me know if you liked it! I think I will only do a part 3 if you guys want me to! Also let me know if i need to be more descriptive, I am sometimes not sure if i put enough.)
Link to part 3:
Link to part 1!:
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readyplayerhobi · 7 months
Knife's Edge | Epilogue
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; Mafia!Jungkook x Reader, Jimin x Reader
; Genre: Fluff, mild angst
; Word Count: 3.6k
; Synopsis: The Jeon Clan is Family, built on blood and loyalty. It’s been an  unspoken fact that one day you will marry the heir to the Clan, Jeon Jungkook. You would be a fool to deny that you love him, but what happens when you meet a blue haired man who offers you a chance at normality?
; A/N: Recent interest in this series again has inspired me to finally write an epilogue - it's just fluffy nonsense, honestly. But I hope you enjoy it either way! Thank you for all the love on this series!
Previous Chapter
Five Years Later
Humming quietly, you carefully take the baby foxglove out of its pot and place it into the hole you've dug. The dirt is soft and malleable - not too hard to dig, but not borderline mud, either. The plant looks tiny compared to some of the giants surrounding it, but you know this little one will grow taller than them all.
It might not be much now, but in a few months, it will be a few feet high and blossoming with delicate purple blossoms, the petals sighing down to the ground. Beautiful flowers that will hide a dark secret - foxgloves are as deadly as they are pretty.
That wasn't why you were planting it, though. You just thought they were pretty, the reason why you'd planted everything in the extensive garden of your home. The mansion Jungkook lived in, and now you, was huge and the gardens were equally so.
Neither of his parents had ever cared what the gardens looked like, so they'd just hired landscapers and gardeners to care for it. But when you'd married Jungkook and officially moved in, you'd asked if you could take over the garden beds. It was a new passion you'd discovered over the months leading up to your wedding - hours spent knelt in the dirt in between your classes and exams.
Unlike people, plants weren't judging. They didn't care what you'd done, or what you thought and they had no opinions of you. They just existed, and they were happy to get the attention.
It probably wasn't too healthy, but you'd used the plants as therapy. Hours upon hours had been spent with you whispering all your secrets to them, your hopes and dreams and fears and regrets being woven into their leaves as they grew. A real therapist would've been more helpful, but what kind of therapist would be able to help someone like you?
They'd have to be Clan approved, which in turn would mean you couldn't possibly tell them what you really thought. No one knew why Jungkook and you had suddenly had a rift so deep that he'd refused to see you for weeks. And everyone knew that something bad had happened - Jungkook was, and still is, infamous in the Clan for his weak spot for you.
Anything you told a therapist would be spread throughout the Clan like wildfire, the winds of gossip spreading the fires of rumour faster and higher than you could hope to outrun. The whole Clan would know that you'd cheated on Jungkook, that you'd betrayed him in the worst way a woman could in the Clan. On top of that, everyone would know that Jungkook had overlooked it - that he'd opted to forgive you for your transgression and love you still.
You'd be vilified for being unfaithful, and he'd lose all respect from the Clan he now ruled. 
No, you couldn't tell anyone what had happened. A secret you would take to your grave, with only 3 people aware of it outside of yourself. And none of them had any interest in it getting out.
Still, you hadn't wanted the ghost of unsaid anger and resentment haunting your relationship, so you'd done a lot of research into therapy. It’s not as good as going to an actual, qualified therapist, but it's better than nothing. Plus, you can only imagine the judgment if people find out Jungkook had been attending therapy - the backwards views of the Clan would have them screaming that he wasn't fit to lead if he was going to therapy of all things.
So you watched videos and you read things, until you had a basic understanding of how to navigate things. Jungkook and you talked things out instead of keeping secrets, you let him know if you were feeling lonely or sad and he let you know if he was feeling overwhelmed or unhappy. Some things you'd improvised yourself, all in the name of making sure you both communicated.
If there was an argument, then you would both write down why you were angry on a piece of paper and then let the other read it. Jungkook had thought this was silly at first, but getting out his stress and anger on paper instead of shouting it let him think through what he was annoyed over. Most of the time, you both discovered that you weren't angry at the other, but at something else and it had simply bubbled up.
Just last year, you'd both had an argument with you snapping at Jungkook for not taking his laundry upstairs. He'd snapped back, pointing out that he'd been busy all day and the laundry was the least of his worries. Cue a ten-minute argument before Jungkook grabbed a notepad, ripped out two pages and handed you a pen. The two of you had scribbled furiously, brows creased in concentration and jaws tight with frustration.
What had started with you being annoyed at him for not taking his laundry, after asking him many times, was revealed to be that you were feeling lonely in the big house on your own. He'd been busy, true, which meant he'd barely been home for a month and when he had been home, he'd been either asleep or locked in his office. Whilst you'd been able to graduate college and take a job as a teacher - much to the shock and horror of pretty much everyone in the Clan - it had summer vacation. You'd had no work to do during the time off.
As unhealthy as it was, he was still your only friend in the Clan - other women steered clear of you after the Incident - and you'd been desperately lonely and sad. You’d had casual friends - acquaintances from work and a few elderly folks from the gardening club you'd joined, but no one you could be open and honest with. You'd wanted your husband, your best friend.
Ironically, Jungkook had been irritated by his work just like he'd said. But when he drove down into it, he was annoyed that the busiest period had occurred at the same time you were off work. He'd wanted to spend time with you, maybe even go on vacation, yet he'd barely seen you. Add on his irritation at idiotic people in the Clan putting people's lives in danger and he'd been a powder keg of annoyance.
Understandably, you'd both apologised once you'd figured out why the argument had happened. Though Jungkook had felt terrible that you'd been so sad - he'd never quite forgiven himself or the Clan for isolating you, even if it had been warranted at the time.
Patting down the soil around the plant until it's fully compacted, you hum lightly before brushing your hands together. Dirt falls to the floor from the gloves and you sit up, stretching your back with a wince and a groan. As much as you love being in the garden, your back certainly doesn't.
Standing, you grab the empty plant pots and begin to tidy up after yourself. It's meant to rain later tonight, so you don't bother watering the new plants.
Before you even get to the door that leads to the kitchen, you hear the low tones of Jungkook's voice from inside. He's home early, you think, you check the time on your phone before washing your hands in the sink.
“Here's mommy!” He coos, and you turn to see him holding your four-month-old daughter in his arms, her back to his chest. Jungkook grins at you over the top of her head, his hair perfectly gelled into place as dimples dot his tan skin.
He hadn't even bothered changing yet, still in his crisp all-black suit that he'd left in this morning. The only thing he was missing was his shoes - instead, he was just wearing black socks.
Hana squeals with excitement as she recognises you, chubby legs kicking out as her arms windmill and your heart swell with love and adoration for her. For him, too. A few years ago, you'd thought this would all be an impossible dream - yet here you are, married to him and with the perfect little girl.
“Hey, beanie! You being good for daddy?” Leaning forward, you tickle her sides and smile in delight as she wriggles in Jungkook's arms. She's such a perfect baby and has been adored by Jungkook and you since you'd seen the two pink lines in the pregnancy test. Life without her was an impossible thought, and the whole Clan knew that Hana was more important to Jungkook than anything in the Clan. He didn't care if the idea of him being a loving parent shocked some of them, if anything he believed that there were people in the Clan who needed to see what an actual parent should be.
The only thing that concerned you was Jungkook's love for Hana and you were also well known to other Clans. A deep-rooted fear was that one of them would try to attack him through Hana, despite the high levels of protection he put in place. It was something that the two of you could only attempt to mitigate, as there was no way to completely cut off the threat. Even turning whistle-blower to the government wouldn't guarantee protection.
But Jungkook did what he could. You both at least had the relief of knowing that Hana, and yourself, were safe from the rival Clan in your city. Jimin had taken over a few years ago, and even though your friendship was much more sporadic than it had been, he'd made it clear that no one was to hurt you or Hana for fear of a war breaking out.
That was his excuse, but you knew he just didn't want you or your baby girl hurt. Whilst Jungkook wasn't exactly thrilled that you were still friends with Jimin in some way, he'd been grateful to find out that Jimin had given you friendship and comfort when the whole Clan had turned against you. He was even more grateful to find out the protection that Jimin had bestowed, and if it wouldn't have caused issues with both sides then he would have let you introduce Jimin to Hana.
No one could ever say Jungkook wasn't a reasonable person. If anything, he was too reasonable when it came to you, but he'd put aside his dislike of Jimin because he'd been the only person there for you in your darkest days.
“I'm guessing you turned off the monitor, as mine didn't go off.” You ask Jungkook, gesturing to the baby monitor attached to your belt. He liked to surprise you with her, and there was nothing more you loved than seeing your big, tough husband holding his tiny baby girl. You didn't understand the logic of it, but it made you want to do things that could not be spoken aloud around Hana.
“Yeah, she was just starting to wake so I thought I'd take her instead of bothering you. You seemed pretty happy in the garden.” He replies, kissing Hana’s dark hair fondly.
No matter what the Clan thought of you, there could be no denying that Hana was Jungkook's daughter. She'd inherited his eyes, from their shape to the way they seemed to shine at nothing. The two of them next to each other made the family resemblance even stronger.
You'd made some terrible decisions in your life, but you liked to think Hana made up for them. She sure made Jungkook happier than he'd ever been, which was more than enough for you.
Leaning forward, you kiss Hana’s forehead and cherish the squeal of delight she gives at the affection. She adores her mommy and daddy - you won't accept anyone’s comments that she's a baby and they all love their parents that much. Hana, of course, is special.
“Someone's had a good nap, haven't you? You get it from your daddy, he sleeps like a log, too.” Smiling, you tickle her stomach around Jungkook's arms and enjoy the sharp peals of laughter she gives. Pregnancy hadn't been fun, and there were nights when you questioned why you'd done this, but it all went away when you heard that laughter.
“The sleep genes are strong in the Jeon's.” Jungkook laughs, leaning past Hana to press a kiss to your lips. He's not wearing his lip ring, or his earrings, as Hana had a habit of grabbing them and not letting go. Jungkook might be the head of an entire Clan that does plenty of shady shit, but he whined like a baby himself when Hana was tugging on those rings and you were constantly afraid she was going to accidentally rip them from him.
You missed them, but he put them back in for date nights or when he was going to his job. Miss Hana would have to wait till she was older to get to see daddy with his piercings again.
You're distracted away from that thought process by the way Hana starts making familiar noises, her tiny body bouncing in Jungkook's arms whilst her eyes are focused firmly on your chest.
“Okay, looks like someone is hungry.” You say, reaching out and taking Hana into your arms. She almost immediately starts nuzzling, trying to root out her source of food and makes some cranky noises when your top prevents her from reaching her goal. It’s a familiar process by now, and you take comfort in it as you head through to the living room - despite the house becoming Jungkook’s after he took over for his father, the two of you only use half of it, with the other half still housing his parents.
You’d had no interest in kicking them out of their home, especially as you thought this house was ridiculously large anyway. So, instead, Jungkook renovated the mansion until it was technically two houses in one with an office section in the centre for Clan business. It gave you the privacy you needed, without taking away from the prestige it gave to Jungkook. You didn’t have to worry about Clan business being brought into your personal space, as there was no way to access your side from the offices.
The living room was still an obscene size, but you’d chosen an equally large sofa to take up most of the space. It was somewhere that Jungkook and you enjoyed laying on to relax after a long day, and Jungkook had installed a screen projector instead of a TV. Hana was going to love this room when she was older, and you could already see the fights between her and Jungkook when they wanted to watch something in particular.
“Hang on, lemme just sort this-” Jungkook mutters as he moves past you, heading over to where the corner of the sofa intersects with the other part and patting the cushions into place. He was the master at creating a snuggle zone for you with enough support that nursing Hana didn’t cause any backache, but today you wanted to enjoy the fact he was here with you.
“Can you sit with us? Or let me lean on you?” You ask, bouncing Hana lightly as you try to distract her enough until he’s done. She’s getting impatient though, and the soft whining sounds are starting to turn a little more upset. Another few minutes and she’ll start crying.
Jungkook pauses, looking up at you with raised brows before smiling. He doesn’t even try to hide the happiness that takes over, and your heart skips a little at the pure joy and love radiating from him.
“Yeah, gimme a sec.” He says, rearranging the cushions so it’s comfy for two to sit in before quickly taking off his jacket. It’s thrown onto the sofa without a second glance, and you take a moment to wince at the elegant fabric - it’s going to crease and you know for a fact that jacket is worth a few grand. But he’s never cared about stuff like that, and you need Hana fed sooner rather than later so you don’t mention it.
“Okay, come on princess, let’s get our little bean fed.” Standing back for a second, Jungkook grins at you happily as he rolls the sleeves of his shirt up his forearms, revealing the ink on them that is a colourful contrast to the rest of him. He sits down and holds out an arm, which you happily sink into before readjusting until you’re comfortable enough to sit for a while.
Hana’s face creases and the first sounds of that heartbreaking cry start to leave her. Hurriedly, you coo to her as you lift your shirt and pull your nursing bra down slightly. There’s a brief moment where you’re worried she’s going to start screaming, but her mouth latches onto your nipple and almost immediately she settles as she begins to feed heartily.
Letting out a deep breath, you let your head roll back onto Jungkook’s shoulder before smiling at him.
“Crisis averted.” You laugh, wincing ever so slightly as Hana suckles a little too painfully. Jungkook smiles at you and looks down at his little girl, his smile turning so soft. Being around Hana is always so soothing to him, even when she’s screaming with tears flowing because she’s the complete opposite of his job as the head of the Clan. She’s peace and joy and happiness and love whereas his job is often anger and frustration and violence.
He’s made it clear to you that Hana will get to do whatever she wants when she grows up. If she wants to go to college, she can or if she wants to join the Clan, then she can. Jungkook refuses to let her gender hold her back, and even though he doesn’t want her involved in the dark side of his life, he’s going to let her decide. If she wants to walk away from the Clan forever, then he’ll do whatever it takes to make sure she’ll live a safe life. There’s going to be those in the Clan who will bristle at these decisions he’s making, but he’s already told you that he doesn’t care. His daughter and her happiness are more important than anything else, and you’ll support him 100%.
Sighing quietly, you let yourself relax and just watch Hana as she feeds. Her life is so uncomplicated right now, and she’s got so much to look forward to as she grows.
“Are you happy?” You ask Jungkook, not even realising you were thinking the words until they’ve left your mouth. There’s a moment of silence as Jungkook processes what you’ve said, and you feel him tense ever so slightly.
“Yeah? Why wouldn’t I be?” The tension in him is from confusion more than anything else, and you let out a soft sigh before shifting until the back of your head is resting in the crook of his neck. Of course, he’s happy, why wouldn’t he be? But deep down inside, you know that you’ve never forgiven yourself for what you did, and there’s a part of you that’s still waiting for the other shoe to drop.
The small part of you that’s terrified you’ll make a mistake one day and Jungkook will throw you out again, only this time keeping your daughter. It’s ridiculous, and you know that he’d never do it, but you’ve never been able to get rid of that tiny voice that says dark things to you in the back of your mind.
“Ignore me, seriously, ignore me - I’m happy and I know you’re happy. I love you. Hana is perfect, and I love her so much. She’s the best present you’ve ever given me. I dunno, I’m just tired and taking crap.” Letting out a huff of laughter, you inhale deeply and let it out in a slow motion. You’re not lying, you are tired lately and still hormonal. A four-month-old baby who relies on you to feed her means that you’re exhausted, and you’re already feeling your body start to shut down as you sit comfortably in the arms of your husband with the warm weight of your baby against you.
Jungkook presses his lips to your temple, letting them rest there for a moment.
“One day, you’ll finally believe me when I say I forgive you. But I’ll say it again - I forgive you, and I love you, and I don’t want to spend a day of my life without you. If I died tomorrow, then I’d die happy knowing I got the chance to love you and Hana. So yes, I’m happy and I’ve been happy and I’ll be happy. Please, stop beating yourself up for it.” He kisses your head again, and you’re too tired and hormonal to be hearing his words rationally. 
You start to cry, your chest heaving in a way that makes Hana grumble at being jostled but the thought of him being gone makes your heart ache so painfully. 
“Please don’t die, please.” Your plea makes him laugh quietly, and he wraps his arm around your front, just above where Hana is, and hugs you.
“Okay, okay, those were the wrong words to say when you’re nursing. My bad, forget I said it. I’m not gonna die, okay? Just…focus on that I love you. I love you, princess. Always have, always will.” Tears falling down your face, you tilt your head up until you’re able to kiss him. It’s nothing vulgar or intense, but the depth of emotions in that small kiss makes you feel so much.
“I love you, too. And Hana, I love her so much.”
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suga-kookiemonster · 1 year
satisfy 05
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summary⇢ “listen,” taehyung says, eyes wide and eager as he smiles at you. “i figure we can just help each other out. i scratch your back, you scratch mine.” but when you find yourself suddenly in need of a massive favor, exactly how much scratching are you willing to do? pairing⇢ seokjin/reader, namjoon/reader, taehyung/reader, …..jimin/reader word count⇢ 15.9k genre⇢ smut | escort!au | ceo!au (kinda) warnings⇢ 😇😇😇😇 *chin hands sweetly* STRAP IN, FOLKS!!: GANGBANG. this chapter will include three brothers having sex with the reader at the same time (but not with each other). if this bothers you, please feel free to skip!, rough sex, unprotected sex, oral (f+m giving/receiving), fingering, face fucking, exhibitionism, voyuerism, da booty getting ate like groceries, assplay, name calling, daddy kink, orgasm denial, forced orgasm, marking, spitroasting, cumplay, bukakke 😭, honestly this is a hot ass MESS and i should be sorry but i’m not 🤷🏽‍♀️ a/n⇢ well, hello~ long time no see!!!! i'm super pumped about this chapter because it has literally been in the works since i planned this whole fic out years ago 😭 a lot of planning and struggling later, and WE FINALLY HERE 🙌🏾 🙌🏾 i am so relieved that this finally exists in the world and not just in my head lmao. thank you all for hanging with me for this long and being so patient. i hope this chapter lives up to your expectations 😈 only the epilogue left! 😮‍💨👀 mood for this chapter is this song~ hope everyone enjoys!
chapters⇢ previous | next | series masterlist
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Days quickly morphed into weeks, time continuing to flow even without you consciously noticing it pass you by. You were just so busy, both your schoolwork and your unconventional part-time job a whirlwind of activity that left you too preoccupied to do much else. Your already scant social life was starting to suffer, but honestly? You were completely fine with that—a neverending schedule of sex, sleep, and studying was more than enough, and it was highly unlikely you would be able to fit anything else onto your overflowing plate anyway.
It was expected for you to not have that much free time, anyway. Jimin’s was waning too, as the further the two of you got into your studies, the busier you both became. You still texted often to make sure each other was alive, but with your differing schedules, the new normal became not getting to see him in person for weeks on end.
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t losing steam. Burning the candle at both ends was finally starting to catch up with you, but there wasn’t much you could do about it other than focusing on powering through it. This was the career path you chose—your dream—and so you simply just had to bear everything that came along with it. You were willing to put the work in to reach your goals, and you just kept reminding yourself that how you were living now was just a means to an end. 
Not that you at all only found the Kims to be a means to an end. Yes, they were paying your way through school, but you still really enjoyed the time you spent with each of them. They were all great company in different ways, and at this point, the only time you were freed from the library’s clutches was when one of them wanted to take you somewhere, so you found them to be more of a welcome distraction than anything else. 
Unfortunately, that still didn’t change the fact that at the end of the day, you were bone tired.
You had always been good at compartmentalizing. But though you tried your best to not let your slowly-building fatigue show, even your new employers could tell that you were being ran a bit ragged. Namjoon came to pick you up for a date one day, and all it took was one long look at you while you were trying to buckle your seatbelt for him to put the car in park and hustle you back upstairs instead, despite your protests. You thought that maybe he decided to forgo your movie plans for much more carnal activities, but once you were back inside your apartment, he sprawled himself onto your couch and reached for you. You were confused, but when you reflexively took his hand, he simply pulled you down with him and easily folded you into his body. 
God, he smelled good. And was comfortable and warm, so it didn’t take long for you to nod off, despite only being fifteen minutes into whatever Netflix movie he had put on. Namjoon spent his scheduled date letting you snore into his chest, and when you woke up hours later, groggy and discombobulated, you found him already gone and a blanket thrown over you.
It didn’t take a genius to realize he must have said something to his brothers. The next day, seemingly out of the blue, you got an email notification that Wendy, Seokjin’s assistant, had canceled an upcoming work lunch that had been on the calendar for weeks. (You highly doubted the lunch itself was canceled—just that Jin had decided to go alone.) And you were so used to Taehyung’s frequent visits that when he didn’t stop by for four days in a row, it became blatantly obvious that something was amiss. 
They were giving you space.
But if you were honest, though you appreciated the sudden breathing room in your schedule, all of them suddenly pulling out of the arrangement was making you uneasy. This was a job, after all, and you weren’t fully holding up your end of the bargain. Hell, the week before had been your period, so you hadn’t slept with any of them then, either. And, considering the fact that all three Kims were set to go on an overseas business trip soon, the amount of leave you were inadvertently taking was quickly adding up.  
You needed this money. You needed this money, this was not what they agreed to, and you were nervous you were starting to frustrate them.
To their credit, none of them ever seemed to be. Early on, when your period made its first appearance as the perpetual wrench in your plans, Seokjin had casually informed you that he was totally fine with just putting a towel down. However, when he saw you weren’t nearly as enthused with the idea, he simply gave you an easy shrug and said, “Then take whatever time you need.” His brothers had been equally as accommodating, and have been ever since (though Taehyung sometimes still liked to playfully pout at you when you told him Aunt Flo was in town).
But the fact was, you ultimately weren’t holding up your end of the bargain, and that knowledge was constantly hovering in the back of your mind and making you a bit anxious. That was why, days before he was scheduled to leave for his three week business trip, you took initiative and asked Taehyung if he wanted to come over. 
Both Seokjin and Namjoon had already graciously canceled their standing appointments with you for the second week in a row, but Taehyung had never had a standing appointment. He was always much more spontaneous than his brothers, and that personality trait was no different when it came to you, so that’s what you were counting on.
[1:32] Hey! Did you want to come over tomorrow? [1:32] Or later today, I guess
Despite it being so late, Tae apparently hadn’t gone to bed yet. He was a bit of a night owl, like you.
Taehyung [1:34] Well hello~ Taehyung [1:34] So nice to hear from you, sweetcheeks. How’s it been going? [1:35] Sweetcheeks, Taehyung? Really? Taehyung [1:35] What? They’ve always looked pretty sweet to me 😌👀
You scoffed, amused and fond. Always an incorrigible flirt, that one.
[1:35] Yeah, okay lol  [1:36] So if they’re so sweet, what are you gonna do about it?
A pause, one slightly too long for someone whose phone was in their hand and had been actively responding to you only moments before. You knew you had him even before his reply finally came through.
Taehyung [1:37] What time?
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The next day, you focused on getting as much of your work done as you could before the hard stop of when you knew you had to start getting ready. You took a long shower, letting the hot water relax your stiff muscles before carefully maneuvering into the lingerie that was still prettily packaged in the bag from the boutique you got it from, untouched on the floor of your closet since you bought it.
You hadn’t seen him a while, so it only made sense to you to make things a little more exciting than usual. Spice it up. Honestly, sex with Taehyung was always anything with boring, but the thigh-highs you slipped into were just as much for you as him. You had been so focused on your studies that you couldn’t remember the last time you wore anything other than court-approved suits, sweatpants, or pajamas. It would be nice to feel something other than just tired again. To feel desired. Sexy.
And even you could admit the outfit you had chosen was sexy. A crimson, lacy bodysuit thing that did little to obscure the dusk of your nipples and disappeared between your asscheeks. The matching thigh-highs, joined with garters. You even had a pair of heels that you planned to wear—ones that made your legs look a mile long, but hurt like a bitch every time you attempted to wear them out. Despite their shortcomings, you were willing to slip on the deathtraps because luckily, for this particular occasion, you wouldn’t have to go anywhere in them, nor would they stay on you for very long. 
You were even planning on putting on a little makeup, on properly doing your hair for the first time in weeks and giving the bun you had been sporting a rest. However, all it took was a knock on your door to put an end to all those extras.
You frowned at the sound and padded over to your front door, happy you had already thrown on one of your law school hoodies to keep yourself warm until the festivities properly started. The sight of a familiar man through the peephole, hands resting comfortably in his slacks, threw you off.
Automatically, your hands were disengaging all the locks, were swinging the door open. “You’re early—”
Whatever words you had next immediately dissipated on your tongue. Taehyung was there, but he apparently came with company. Your mind whirred, trying to come up with a perfectly logical reason for why all three Kim brothers were at your doorstep right now.  
“Your hair,” you blurted, your scrambled brain latching onto the easiest subject first.
“Hmm?” Taehyung ruffled his newly dyed locks, the onyx hue a stark difference from the silver you were used to. “Oh yeah, I guess I haven’t seen you all week. My dad wanted me to dye it to a more ‘appropriate’ color before the conference. But whatever—it was time for a change, anyway. And this will be much easier to upkeep.”
You could only continue to stare at him as he spoke, your eyes naturally drifting over his shoulder at your additional visitors. 
All three of them were dressed pretty casually, which was normal for Taehyung and Namjoon, but less so for Seokjin when not in the comfort of his own home. The soft pink of his sweatsuit was a stark contrast to the sharp intelligence of his eyes, and he met your gaze for only a few seconds before he was turning to meet Namjoon’s instead, a pinch in his brow. 
Taehyung spoke again before either of them could say anything. “You gonna keep us out here?” he teased, casually leaning against the doorframe.
That finally jumpstarted you out of your haze, scrambling to move out of the way and gesture them inside. “Yes, of course. Come in!” Before your nosy neighbor caught them and assumed you were slutting it up.
(She would technically be right, but still. It was the principle. Your life was none of that judgy old shrew’s business.) 
Tae strolled in like he always did—like he owned the place—but you noticed his brothers’ strides seemed a bit more hesitant than the confidence you were usually witness to. Namjoon’s mouth was slightly pursed in the way you’d long learned meant he was thinking. Why did they seem as confused as you did?
“Hi,” you hedged anyway, a small, puzzled smile on your lips. “It’s been a while. Sorry if I’m acting weird—I just wasn’t expecting you, so I’m a little thrown off.”
Understanding immediately crossed Seokjin’s features, but you only got a second to see it before he was whipping towards his youngest brother, appalled. 
Namjoon was looking at him too, clearly irritated. “Are you serious, Taehyung?”
“What?” you asked, gaze flitting between the three of them in hope of finding some sort of clarity. 
“You never asked her?” Seokjin snapped.
“You know that’s not cool, man,” Namjoon sighed, an agitated hand running though blond locks.  
Why were they standing in your hallway and having whole conversations in front of you like you weren’t even there? “Never asked me what?” you cut in bemusedly, a little louder than you intended. It worked, at least, all three men immediately turning back to you.
Taehyung, for his part, looked properly contrite, cringing a little at the exasperation in your voice. “I’m sorry,” he told the room before placing his attention solidly back on you. His eyes were soft and sincere. “It truly slipped my mind, and I’m sorry, _____. I didn’t think.”
“When do you ever?” Seokjin snarked, but you ignored him, focused solely on Taehyung.
“What, Tae?” you encouraged gently. “What are you sorry for?”
It was clear from the hunch of his shoulders that he felt bad. “Um…”
“He invited us to come with him to meet you today,” Namjoon supplied. He gave his little brother a disappointed shake of his head. “But that’s not a decision for him to make. Is it, Tae.”
“I just knew that none of us have seen her in a while,” Tae whined. “And _____, when you reached out yesterday, I figured it would be the perfect opportunity since we’re about to leave the country for a few weeks.”
“I should have known better,” Seokjin muttered below his breath, looking heavenward in his annoyance. “I’m really sorry about this, _____. You never marked group activities as a no and I assumed Taehyung actually asked you like an adult, so I thought you were on board. I can leave.”
You blinked, still trying to grasp what was going on. “You were…trying to share your time?” you asked Taehyung slowly.
He nodded meekly. “I don’t mind sharing,” came his honest answer.
“But does she,” Seokjin scoffed, rubbing his temples in irritation. “That’s the only thing that matters. And to think otherwise is just selfish, Taehyung.”
“No, no, it’s okay.” The words left your lips before your brain could even register them, likely spurred on by how the increasingly chastened expression on Taehyung’s face. The three of them looked at you in surprise.
“It’s okay?” Namjoon parroted, an eyebrow raised in question.
You swallowed, mind racing to actually consider the consequences of what your mouth had just offered. But your nod of confirmation came almost immediately, because you knew Taehyung had never been trying to trap you. One of the qualities that simply made him him was his spontaneity, and while that made him fun and interesting to be around, it also was a double-edged sword that could easily make you end up in situations like this.
Tae knew none of them had seen you in a while, he knew they were soon going to jet out of the country, and had simply been trying to be nice in inviting his brothers along. He didn’t mean any harm.
“It’s okay,” you repeated, giving him a reassuring smile that visibly loosened some of the tension in his body. “You can all stay.”
The words settled between the four of you, heavy in the resulting quiet. Teeming with implication. You still weren’t completely sure what you were agreeing to, but what you did know was that you were going to need something to help stave off the nerves slowly bubbling beneath your skin. You cleared your throat, turning to make your way to the kitchen. “I think I need a drink.”
You didn’t glance back at them, but you could still feel them trailing you. Feel the heat of their gaze, and even the distinct heat of a body against your back, only a whisper away. Instead, you busied yourself with rooting around in your pantry and pulling out a handle of tequila. 
“This for me?” hummed a familiar velvety voice, close enough for you to easily deduce who had invited himself into your space so intimately. Taehyung. 
You looked over your shoulder at him, immediately frozen with what you saw. His eyes were blatantly trailing your figure, undeterred by the obstacle of your sweatshirt and easily roving your stockinged legs and feet. A dangerous smirk crawled across his face that had a delighted shiver racing down your spine in anticipation. “What?” came your stupefied reply. 
“This.” His gaze lingered on your toes, but quickly rose so he could playfully flick the zipper of your sweatshirt. “Whatever you’ve got on under there. Is it for me?”
Heat licked between your thighs at his deceptively light tone. At the way he was looking at you. “No,” you sniffed. Not wanting to give in just yet. “Just something I wear around the house.”
“Well, it’s nice,” came another voice, and you were instantly reminded of your other guests. Namjoon was leaning against an adjacent counter, eyes dark. “You never wear stuff like this for me—Taehyung must be your favorite.”
Startled despite his teasing tone, your hands flew up in protest. “N-No, it’s not that—”
“Of course I’m the favorite,” Tae sassed, throwing you a wink. “It’s okay to admit it, _____. We all know!” 
There was an almost immediate snort from behind you. Technically quiet enough to go unnoticed, but full of just enough derision that Taehyung’s proverbial hackles raised at the very sound of it. His head whipped to the source.
Jin looked deceptively bored, meeting his youngest brother’s glower with a flat stare. A single lifted eyebrow said everything his mouth deigned not worth the effort. What?
Tae scowled at his brother’s obvious disdain, but then, after a few moments, he simply shot an exhale from his nose and shook his head. “You’re clearly goading me,” he chuckled. “But you know what? It’s not gonna work this time. If you’re gonna be a jackass, you can just go.”
“I think you’re vastly overestimating your importance in this situation,” Seokjin scoffed, rolling his eyes. “But what else is new.”
“Guys,” Namjoon sighed, holding up pacifying hands in an attempt to ward off the rising tension.
You observed the whole exchange silently, still too off-kilter from the situation you’d suddenly found yourself in to do much more than look from brother to brother as if you were watching a tennis match. 
This was only the second time the four of you had all been in the same room—with the first being your original meeting discussing the contract. Well, technically third, if you counted that party Taehyung took you to so many months ago—the one that rerouted your life onto this much more interesting path. But the three of them hadn’t really mingled then, so you had been left to speculate their group dynamic. 
Now, though, you were starting to suspect your inklings were true.
Seokjin, the oldest, with lots of responsibility and expectations always set on him. Taehyung, the spoiled youngest who grew up without any of the same restraints, but also without any of the same parental attention. And Namjoon, the calm, stereotypical middle child, the glue who held it all together. The forced peacemaker who made sure that any of his brothers’ unspoken resentment for each other never got too far out of line.
“The only person who can tell me to leave is _____,” Seokjin continued, the sound of your name immediately throwing you out of your thoughts. You straightened, unprepared to suddenly find yourself locking eyes with him and surprised at the intensity you found there. “And is that what you want, _____? Do you want me to leave?”
“No, of course not,” you blurted. You didn’t miss the smug look Jin threw his brother, nor the way Tae’s lips pursed in irritation, but you couldn’t really find it in you to care about any of that right now. With a steadying breath, you focused instead on shuffling over to another cabinet and pulling out a glass.
It was starting to hit you. You weren’t sure what in the hell was going on, what exactly it was you agreed to, but whatever it was, you now had all three of your lovers in your apartment at the same time. Respectful of you and your space, but still obviously ogling you—ravenous predators slowly and eagerly circling their next meal.
It all made your skin prickle in anticipation, the thrill of the unknown buzzing in your veins.    
“Choo choo,” you muttered to yourself sarcastically, pouring a healthy amount of tequila into your cup.
Namjoon raised a brow. “What?”
“What?” you parroted immediately, startled that he had heard you.
“I just…nevermind, I thought you said something.”
“Oh. Uh, I was just wondering if any of you wanted any.”
“No, I’m okay. Thank you.”
“I’ll take some,” Tae piped up brightly, moving into your space before you could blink. Body a breath away as he reached over to you to pull his own cup from the cabinet. You froze at his proximity, unable to look away as he smirked down at you. “Choo choo,” he murmured with a wink.
Before you could react with anything more than a sharp gasp, he was pulling away again, reaching for the tequila bottle.
With a slightly unsteady hand, heart pumping furiously in your chest, you welcomed the burning liquid down your throat, sticking your cup out for Tae to pour you more once it was empty.
“So how have you all been?” you babbled, tone a little too high and strained to be casual. “It’s been so long, I was beginning to think you’d forgotten about me. Or that you’d made other arrangements or something. I don’t think I’ve ever been paid to be stood up before, that’s kind of embarrassing—” A hand, warm and gentle, rested on your arm, and immediately, all coherent thought escaped your electrified body.   
It was Seokjin, slowly rubbing what he likely thought were calming assurances, but only amping you up more. “She rambles when she’s nervous,” he informed his brothers, the small smile on his lips betraying his endearment.  
“Aw, don’t be nervous, babe. I’ll take good care of you,” Taehyung cooed, effortlessly draining his glass and motioning towards yours. “Want another one?”
No, that probably wouldn’t be a good idea. The last thing you needed was something that could lower your gag reflex even more. Vomming all over them would certainly make for an interesting going away gift, but then they would most certainly ghost you for real.
You shook your head of the negative thoughts, timidly swiping a tongue over your suddenly very dry lips. “So how exactly is this going to work?”  
“The way it’s always worked,” Tae reassured you with a nonchalant shrug. “It’s just you and me. The only difference is that they’re here too—but you don’t have to worry about that. I told them they could only watch.”
It took you a few moments to process that, your eyes silently roving over each of them and finding them all watching you right back. Ready, but waiting. 
Look, don’t touch. Another interesting twist to a night that was already looking to be interesting.
“Is that okay?” Seokjin asked, clearly intending to follow your lead. Leaving the ball in your court. And another glance at the other two showed they obviously shared their older brother’s sentiments. 
A memory flickered teasingly in the corner of your mind—the trepidation of being fucked in front of a window where anyone could see. The undeniable thrill that followed the thought of being watched. 
You swallowed. “Yeah,” you finally replied. “If…you want to.”
“Do you want us to?” Namjoon pressed sternly, refusing to let go of your gaze. Communication, he always insisted. Solid consent, or no consent at all. Yes or no.
All three stared at you. You shifted under their attention, a bit out of your element, but ultimately sure. “Yes,” you breathed.
“Okay,” Namjoon simply replied with an approving nod. With a pleased smile that brought forth dimpled cheeks. But then he shifted towards you more, and the slight change in his stance seemed to completely change his demeanor. His intention. “What’s your safeword?”
You knew he knew it; knew he knew you did as well. The two of you had been together enough times for a rhythm to between you to form, so this repeating of superfluous information was likely solely for his brothers’ benefits.
“And if you can’t say it?”
“Tap you 3 times.”
“Safeword?” Taehyung chuckled incredulously, eyes a little wide in surprise. “Well shit.”
“Yeah, and I know how to use it too, if you get out of line,” you teased, but your mind was already elsewhere. It didn’t matter that Tae was the one who would be actively playing with you today—you had spent enough time with Namjoon that you had apparently been conditioned. The blond had asked you your safeword, you repeated it to him, and so the scene had officially started. All of your previous unease ebbed away as you couldn’t help but focus instead on what you were all here for. 
Carefully, you set your glass down on the counter and moved to exit the kitchen, brushing against Taehyung on your way out and shooting a pointed look at him over your shoulder. “You ready?”
“Baby, you know I’m always ready,” he purred, jolted into action and eagerly trailing down the hallway after you. “I’ve just been waiting on you.”
You didn’t bother to turn to see if the others were following you. You knew they were, their very presence somehow making the hallway feel like it was shrinking, overstuffed. Still, you tried not to let that unnerve you, continuing on with purpose until you made it to your destination and were hovering awkwardly next to your bed. 
They all filed into the room, one by one, and you bit your lip, fully out of your element. Three handsome men had allowed you to lure them here, but now that they were? You had no idea what your next move was supposed to be.  
Luckily for you, Tae was more than happy to take initiative, immediately slinking up to your side and waggling his eyebrows suggestively. The gesture was so ridiculous that you couldn’t help but snort, and he simply grinned, pleased with himself for lessening your nerves, even if only a little. He reached for you without a second thought and you let him, eager to fall into more familiar territory. 
Taehyung’s large hands smoothed over your hips, your ass with clear familiarity. A finger curled under the top of your thigh highs, lightly snapping the elastic against your skin. “You really did this is for me, huh?”
The dark look in his eye had the breath catching in your throat. “Shut up,” you scoffed unconvincingly.
He tsked, the wicked curl of his lips ruining any illusion of disappointment. “You know I like it when you’re mean to me.” 
You could only blink in response. You hadn’t known that. Was he serious? Was this another level to his subjugation, or was he just pulling your leg? 
Before your brain had the opportunity to come up with a proper retort, Tae was reaching out a finger to tap the zipper of your sweatshirt, gaze focused on its slow, teasing sway. “So.”
Your brow lifted, an unspoken prompting. 
The swinging zipper almost slowed to a stop, and when he reached out this time, it was to lightly run his thumb over the metal, to slowly roll it between his fingers. You swallowed, the anticipation of what you knew to be coming only adding to the charged silence between you. Distractedly, the tip of his tongue swiped across his lips, drawing your gaze. “You invited me to play,” he finally continued, voice honeyed amber. Crushed velvet. 
As if he hadn’t been playing with you from the moment he entered your apartment. You tilted your head anyway—an invitation and a challenge. “Then let’s play.” 
A small smile touched his lips, clearly pleased that his teasing invoked yours. But he didn’t say anything else, his response simply to finally guide the zipper down its track. Leisurely, unwrapping you like a present and delighting in the underneath.  
And you had technically dressed yourself to be one, so you let him. Let him take his time so he could fully appreciate the swell of your breasts, the purposeful, flirty peek of your nipples through the scarlet lace. You wished you had had the time to properly do your hair and makeup and slip on the heels you had set aside just for the occasion so he could get your full intended effect, but your less than perfect appearance didn’t seem to dissuade Taehyung at all. No, he simply slid his hands under the fabric when he finally got impatient enough—fingers light and palms warm—and pushed the sweatshirt off your shoulders with eyes that were all pupil. His hungry gaze carefully roved your form, a lingering path from head to toe that made your skin tingle in its wake.  
His lips parted, tongue giving them another distracted swipe, and then he finally moved again, making his way to your dresser. Now that his broad form wasn’t blocking your view of the rest of the room, you were quickly reminded of the room’s other occupants. Seokjin and Namjoon still hovered near the doorway, quiet, but obviously also drinking in the sight of you now that they could see you properly. Your breath caught, not used to having so much obvious desire directed at you, the air so thick with it you could practically taste it, heady and syrupy.
A light scraping sound regained your attention, and when you turned your head, you realized Taehyung had pulled open a particular drawer—one that he had quickly became familiar with since the start of your arrangement. He pulled out the lube he was looking for, but was much more interested in something else in there, if the mischievous look on his face was any indicator. “What’s this?” he asked, mouth a delighted box, and before you could chastise him about going through your things without permission, he was already pulling out your wand vibrator. “You got a new toy?”
“It’s not new,” you huffed, slightly embarrassed despite everything. “I just usually keep it in the shower.”
You saw his Adam’s apple dip at that information. Saw the wheels turning behind his eyes before he was quickly shutting the drawer and headed towards the bed with his loot in hand. He sat on the edge and eagerly motioned for you to follow.
Your eyes narrowed suspiciously at the vibrator he had neglected to put away, but Taehyung just reached for your hand and gently pulled you towards him until you were close enough for him to properly guide onto his lap. “Don’t be like that,” he murmured against your neck, his hot breath against the skin inciting a shiver to run through you. “Gotta prep you for the show.”
Ah yes, the show. He had faced you away from him, so now it was impossible for you to forget your captive audience. At some point, Seokjin had pulled your office chair away from your desk, and now he was lounging across the room, in direct view of the bed. His legs were comfortably spread, almost as if it was an open invitation for you to crawl onto his lap instead. Namjoon, on the other hand, was casually leaning against the desk, arms crossed. Eyes dark.
Lips trailed up your neck, quickly regaining your attention. Taehyung pressed slow kisses into the sensitive skin, humming contentedly when you tilted your head to give him better access. His hands dragged up and down your stockinged legs, his exploration only pausing to playfully snap the garter at your thigh. Your breath caught in your throat, heat thrumming through your veins at the action. You felt him smirk, and then he was tactfully lifting your legs by the knees and hooking them around his own one by one. Easily spreading  your thighs by widening his own.
Easily revealing to your unsuspecting employers that your lingerie was crotchless.
The sudden display of your pussy had an immediate effect on the room, though no one said a word. The air was so charged with crackling energy that you shivered, almost breaking out in goosebumps at the onslaught of blatant desire. This close, it was quite easy for you to hear how Tae’s breath hitched, quite easy to interpret the excitement of his fingers, still compulsively tracing over the pattern of your stockings like he wasn’t even aware he was doing it. Inexplicably, you still found yourself feeling a bit shy at the salacious attention you intentionally brought upon yourself, gaze darting to the floor for a few seconds before you finally chanced a look at the other two from beneath your lashes. Seokjin was busy unabashedly staring at your spread pussy, Adam’s apple bobbing, but Namjoon was unabashedly staring at you, your heart pounding when you locked eyes.
The spell was only broken when an impatient hand guided your head to the side, Taehyung demanding your full attention. After lapping against your pulse one last time, his mouth promptly switched course to your own,  the kiss sweet, but decidedly sloppy due to the angle. In any case, it was easy to quickly lose yourself in the warmth of his lips—at this point, it was all practically reflex—and you were so engrossed in the ebb of his tongue that you completely missed the rather foreboding buzzing in the room until something was being purposefully pressed against the most sensitive part of you.
“Shit,” you gasped, jerking in his hold. But it didn’t matter, because Tae’s other hand was gripping tight at your thigh, ensuring you could do nothing but squirm in his lap, breath quickening in anticipation. 
“Hm?” came his casual response. You knew from experience that he only had your vibrator on the first or second level, but the way his restless fingers still plucked at your stockings told you he was nowhere near done with you. Let’s play you had teased, and he clearly intended to do just that. 
Before your thoughts could linger too long on how intense this night was likely going to be, the vibrator was shifted slightly to the side, resting momentarily on your thigh so Taehyung could reach for the bottle of lube and give it a generous squeeze. 
“What’s your plan?” you breathed, the question inane even to your own ears. But the words escaped you before you could even properly process them, needing to say something in an effort to distract yourself from the muted vibrations that were still trickling up your leg to your core. 
Tae let out an amused exhale, clearly not fooled by your feigned nonchalance. He humored you anyway, despite your very obvious failings to suppress a shiver. “Gotta prep you,” he answered huskily, busy warming the lube with his fingers and making them visibly slick in the process.
You only had one moment—two—before you felt him sliding a finger across the seam of you. Slowly dragging the digit up from your entrance to your clit, ghosting over the bundle of nerves just enough to make your breath catch, then drifting his way back down again.
“Don’t tease,” you murmured. 
That earned you a chuckle in response. “Don’t you think you’re the one being the tease here? Texting out of the blue and wearing this—”another snap of your garter against your thigh, to punctuate his point—“when you knew damn well it would drive me crazy?”
“I don’t know. Sounds like I was being pretty direct to me.”
Another chuckle. “Fair.” And without further preamble, he slipped a finger in you, your relief leaving you in a shuddery exhale. “That better?”
“How about this?”
Another finger, plunging into your willing heat and making another relieved sigh escape you at the stretch. “We’re getting there.”
You didn’t have to be able to see him to know he was grinning, always one to be entertained by the easy banter between you. Tae didn't say anything, his response better communicated by a scrape of his teeth across the sensitive skin of your neck, settling to suck on your pulse point. 
You didn’t bother hiding your shiver this time, unconsciously slumping further against him, hips reflexively jerking forward to pull him in deeper.
Taehyung added a third finger, snapping and scissoring and pressing and curling. Seducing your body’s natural resistance until you really started to betray your need, hips canting greedily towards his thrusts, whines erupting from your throat.
“You’re enjoying this already, baby?” Tae cooed, delighted by how responsive you were being. “I’ve barely done anything.”
You just nodded distractedly, the familiar warmth that was building in your core and creeping down your legs making it hard to think about anything else. Still, you couldn’t help your gaze being drawn to the other occupants of the room, who seemed to be frozen in time, dutifully having not moved from their posts. Completely enraptured by the way their brother meticulously worked you open.
Tae breathed hot into the shell of your ear. “You like it when they watch you?” came his knowing whisper, a nip against the cartilage punctuating his point. “Like for them to see how good I make you feel? Hmmm? What if we show them how good you take this dick?”
Your pussy fluttered. Tae cussed under his breath, teased with the wet, pulsing grip of you and falling deeper into his own fantasy. “Fuckkk, you’re dripping all over my hand, baby. I would probably just slide right in, wouldn’t I?”
“Yesss,” you moaned. “I can take it, baby.”
“I know you can. With this perfect fucking pussy. But what if we played some more? Got you nice and juicy for me?”
“I’m always juicy,” you sassed back, but any more retorts died on your tongue when you saw him reach again for the momentarily forgotten vibrator. 
Tae’s arms circled around you, his chin slotting into the crook of your neck so he could get a better look of what he intended to do. The vibrator was turned up from its low rumble and pressed unceremoniously against you, and you yelped, jolting in his hold. It was too much, and you couldn’t help but writhe against him. Still, you welcomed the sudden intensity, desperate whines freely escaping you as you hurtled toward your peak. Tae only fingered you faster in response, the undoubtedly sloppy sounds drowned out by the vibrator. “I could slide right in, but I won’t cause it’s much more fun this way. Especially since we haven’t seen each other in a while. More fun for everybody if take our time, right, baby? So how about you cum on my fingers first, and then you can pick everywhere else on me you’d like to cum?”
You could only moan freely, just like how Tae liked. If you weren’t so distracted by the way he was fucking stars behind your eyelids, you would have noticed just how affected your spectators were becoming at your display. The shifting, the subtle rubbing over pants.
But as it were, you were completely preoccupied by your swift descent into madness, your hand desperately scrabbling for purchase before ultimately rooting itself in the hair at Taehyung’s nape to await your rapidly approaching release. Because at this point, your orgasm was inevitable, your thighs quivering with the sheer force of it, every atom of you hyper-focused on achieving that satisfying end goal. 
Until the sudden sound of a certain voice knocked you out of your trance. 
You jolted as if touching a live wire, hand immediately wrapping around Taehyung’s wrist like a vice and yanking the vibrator away from you. 
For a few moments, the room was silent, save the rumble of the toy and your heavy breathing. But Taehyung was too baffled to let what just happened slide. “What’s the matter?”  
You nervously licked your lips, too frozen in Namjoon’s dark stare to answer his younger brother.
“You know better,” came the blond’s low admonishment, Seokjin turning to look at him in bewilderment. 
And you did know better—when you were with Namjoon, you were not allowed to cum without his express permission. It was a game the two of you played that you often lost, despite your valiant efforts. It just never occurred to you that you would still be expected to play in Namjoon’s general presence, whether he was the one touching you or not. 
Jittery with your aborted orgasm and nervous excitement, you looked away, your eyes automatically averted submissively to the floor in a last effort to assuage him. “I’m sorry, Daddy,” you replied softly.
“Daddy?” Taehyung repeated incredulously. “What the fuck?” In his confusion, his hold on you slackened, and, nervous he wouldn’t take the hint otherwise, you used the opportunity to shift his fingers out of you and stumble forward on wobbly legs.
“Take your clothes off,” was your reply, breath labored and skin already veiled in a light sheen of sweat. You needed to distract him from asking too many questions right now. Needed to distract yourself from just how strongly your body was begging to fall apart.
Tae was still confused, but he didn’t need to be told twice. Off came his button-down shirt, each button popped open just roughly enough that you were surprised none of them ended up scattered across the floor in his haste. Off came his slacks, unzipped and then easily slipped down his slim hips. He paused when reaching for his underwear though, eyes narrowing at something behind you.
You didn’t even get the chance to turn around to investigate what had caught his attention before you felt it—the distinct feeling of someone hovering in your space, close enough you could feel his body heat radiating against you.  
“Hey sweetheart,” came a familiar husky voice, goosebumps rippling across your body at the feel of Seokjin’s hot breath ghosting up your neck. “Can I touch you?”
“Hey,” Tae scowled.
“_____?” Jin interrupted, still only millimeters away. A whisper away, but never touching, waiting for the only permission he truly needed—yours. Not Taehyung’s.  
Without a second thought, you leaned back against him, delighting in the feel of his body slotting so naturally into yours. “Yes,” you breathed, pressing your ass further into what could only be the hard jut of his cock.  
Soft, plush lips trailed up your neck instantly, large hands sliding over your hips and around your waist. You immediately melted into him, your body well-trained and eager for the pleasure it knew those lips and hands would deliver. 
“This wasn’t the deal,” Tae huffed, eyebrows scrunched in irritation as he finally slid off his boxer briefs. Drawn like a magnet, your eyes fell to the bounce of his freed cock, tip already shiny with precum.
Seokjin tutted distractedly, too busy nibbling along your jaw to give his youngest brother much attention. “You need to learn to share, Taehyung. The rest of society learned that concept when we were toddlers.”
“Whatever,” Tae grumbled, clearly not happy with the way the night was turning out. He only allowed his brother a few more seconds to have his way with you before he was reaching for your hands and walking you back towards the bed.  
You gasped in surprise when the world was suddenly off-kilter, your hands reflexively scrambling to hold onto Tae for balance, but it was only when the two of you landed on the mattress that you realized he had purposely tipped you into him, your chests flush. 
“Really, Taehyung?” you laughed, now conveniently in his embrace instead of Seokjin’s. 
Tae just grinned in response, so close that his nose brushed yours. Cheekily, his hands worked the flesh of your behind.
“I’ve been wondering where those have been coming from,” you heard Seokjin say behind you, and your face heated up in realization of what he was talking about, once again shy to be so on display and open for scrutiny. You had forgotten how mottled the skin of your ass still looked, and it was a little embarrassing to be called out on it. Time apart meant the bruises were near the end of their healing stage, but though you no longer sported marks of potentially alarming colors, their faded remnants still branded you in the distinct shape of a hand. 
“If you were wondering, why didn’t you ask,” you countered, tucking your face in Tae’s neck to help hide your flustered state. 
“Because that’s rude,” Jin answered easily, his own hand reaching over to gently smooth over the discolored skin. “And it’s really none of my business.”
“I think they’re pretty,” Taehyung cut in from below you. This close, you could feel the rumble of his declaration, could feel the heat of his stare. Of his want.
“So do I.”
A different voice, one that made an undeniably eager shiver run through you. Slowly, you lifted your head and turned, and there was Namjoon, still standing across from the bed, eyes all pupil.
The way he was looking at you…desire rippled through your whole body in response, your next words leaving your lips before you could even process them. 
“Are you going to touch me too, Daddy?”
The room was quiet, the question marinating long enough that the air became thick and heavy with the resulting tension. Just when you thought you might suffocate, Namjoon finally tilted his head. Slowly—a predator locked in on prey, playing with his meal simply for his own amusement—he stalked closer to the bed. He walked past Seokjin and made it all the way to the foot of the mattress, close enough to touch you if he so pleased.
The burn of his gaze was somehow stronger now that he was closer, a palpable energy that drew you like a moth to a flame. You couldn’t help but scramble upright when he was finally right in front of you, clambering to your knees despite Tae’s clear reluctance to let you go.
“Do you want me to?” Namjoon asked passively. He looked down at you, seemingly unimpressed by how eagerly you knelt on the mattress, just waiting for him to join you on it. “You already have enough people taking care of you. Are you really that greedy?”
“Yes,” you shivered, the action involuntary but wanting. “Want you too, Daddy.”
“Hm.” The single syllable was dismissive, but your previous time spent with Namjoon had taught you not to take that at face value. That you had to have patience, that if you simply waited him out, you would always eventually get what you wanted.
As if proving your point, Namjoon silently considered you for a few more seconds before his eyebrow finally raised in challenge. “Open,” he demanded. 
Your jaw dropped instantly, tongue out, and he smiled, pleased at your obedient response.  
You weren’t sure you had the energy to be bratty to him today when his brothers were still in the mix too. 
“Good,” Namjoon cooed, all dimples and boy next door. The boy next door who firmly grasped your chin, lifting your head a little and leaning down. But though your eyelashes fluttered in preparation for the slot of his mouth against yours, it never came. Namjoon paused, slanted eyes quietly observing you, then spit in your open mouth instead.
“Jesus,” came Taehyung’s awed reply from behind you, but you were too busy trying not to whimper, thighs squeezing together with sudden want. Namjoon hadn’t told you you could swallow, so you didn’t, drool starting to collect until it overflowed and dribbled down your jaw. 
“Very good,” Namjoon murmured, and this time, he did lean down to kiss you, all wet and sloppy. You eagerly pushed further into his space, blood thrumming with your need for more, but he pulled away before you could get too carried away. He cleared his throat, lips pink and spit-slicked. “Gonna keep being a good girl for us today?”
You immediately nodded, a thrill going through you at the way the action rapidly made his expression steel over. He tsked condescendingly. “Now, now, you know better than to not speak when spoken to.”
“I’m sorry Daddy. I promise I’ll be good.”
“Well, that definitely answers the mystery bruises.” It was Seokjin, now behind you. Somehow you hadn’t noticed him discard his shirt and climb onto the bed, too caught in Namjoon’s spell. You felt his hands drifting across your waist again, roaming up to cup your breasts and lightly pinch at your nipples through the lace. You whimpered, arching eagerly into his touch.
“Oh come on,” Taehyung whined. A turn of your head produced him, naked and sulking in the middle of the bed. “It was supposed to be my turn.” 
You couldn’t help but laugh at his cute pout, dutifully extracting yourself from Jin’s hold to crawl your way towards the youngest brother. “Don’t worry, baby. I know how to multitask.”
He greedily grabbed you as soon as you were in reach, holding you tight to his chest and plopping back onto the bed so you were once again on top of him, knees straddling his hips. You giggled again at his antics, flattered by his sudden possessiveness, and Tae playfully nipped at your collarbone in retaliation. 
The bed dipped behind you, and then there was Seokjin again, undeterred by Tae’s petulant behavior. “Not only are you bad at sharing, but you’re only thinking about yourself,” he scoffed, grabbing your hips without preamble. “What about _____?”
Taehyung immediately bristled beneath you. 
“It’s okay,” you tried to reassure, but before you could properly defend him, you suddenly found yourself face down and ass up, the sudden appearance of a tongue swiping through your slit rendering you shuddery and brain dead. “Fuck. Jin—”
You felt Seokjin’s smirk against you. “Sorry, sweetheart,” he said huskily, hot breath ghosting over your most private of parts. “Couldn’t help myself. You dressed my meal up so pretty.”
That was fair, you supposed. That he made proper use of the easy access your lingerie provided, that he gave himself the opportunity to admire the tiny lacy hearts on your garter belt up close. But Seokjin didn’t allow himself to preen for very long, his focus immediately turning back to the task at hand. Laving hot and slow, your whole body tingling down to your toes.
Unconsciously, you pushed back further into his face, and Jin hummed approvingly, massaging your asscheeks, large hands spreading them apart so he could get as close to you as humanly possible. His enthusiasm has always been so fucking sexy, and you knew he wasn’t playing it up for theatrics when the slurping sounds started. You were that turned on, still frustrated from being led to the edge of the proverbial cliff and not allowed to jump, and Seokjin was more than happy to help himself to the honey he was coaxing from between your thighs. 
A haze was starting to take over you, completely focused on how good he was eating you out, on how hot you were, sweat and desire prickling your skin. Your hips mindlessly circling while you vaguely tried not to drool on Taehyung’s chest. 
Not that Tae seemed to mind much, hands idly roaming whatever stretch of skin he could touch, content to watch how your expression twisted and eyes glazed over as lust easily towed you under.
Seokjin pulled back a bit, chuckling at your whines of protest when he did so. But the familiar click of a top being popped open shut you up, lifting your head and looking over your shoulder to confirm your suspicions. The lube was a bit cold when it hit your asshole, and Jin wasn’t shy with the amount he squeezed out. His eyes were completely blown, enraptured by its slow decent, watching the lube trail through your pubic hair and down your slit. A distracted tongue swept across his lips, completely focused on sliding his fingers through the slick and making everything somehow even more wet. 
You shivered at his touch, thighs twitching as his long fingers smoothed the lube over your bundle of nerves in sure, purposeful circles. He leaned in again, tongue blazing a hot, meandering trail up the inside of your thigh and giving the sensitive skin there a playful nip before his fervent licks returned. Tongue slipping down to caress your clit, wandering back up to dip into your throbbing cunt, and dragging back down again. 
It was on one of these passes that Seokjin accidentally drifted a bit too high, your undulating hips causing him to lap over your asshole instead. You moaned, loud, and he immediately froze. 
It was clear neither of you had been expecting that reaction. But while you could only describe the look on his face as light surprise, you couldn’t help but duck your head in embarrassment.
“What’s the matter?” Taehyung breathed into your hair, wondering what halted the activities.
You weren’t really sure what to say, now embarrassed by your embarrassment. But it turned out you didn’t have to say anything, Seokjin curiously testing the waters by leaning in and placing a chaste kiss against your rim. When you didn’t do anything but suck in a breath, his tongue dipped out again for a tentative lick. You shuddered, ass reflexively bucking towards him instead of pulling away, and that was all the confirmation he needed. His hands palmed your asscheeks again, spreading them open to give himself more room to press his tongue against you more confidently, and you trembled in response.
It was a foreign sensation, but not bad. You technically hadn’t marked this as a no when signing your contract, but it never even crossed your mind that getting your booty ate would be a very real possibility. You weren’t against assplay per se—you simply had never experienced it before. And never in a million years would you have expected it to feel like this. 
“Mmmm, that’s good,” you couldn’t help but whimper. Electricity licked up your spine when his sloppy tongue slowly circled around the tight ring of muscle. Unbidden, your hand reached back, gliding through his hair before rooting itself and pulling in an attempt to get him impossibly closer to you. 
Seokjin hummed approvingly at the your enthusiasm, the sound almost sounding like he was blowing bubbles with the way you were now shoving his face between your asscheeks. Leaning somehow further into it, he ate you out with a vigor that told you he was clearly pleased you were using him to get yourself off. You melted into his ministrations, a whine falling from your lips when he gently slipped his sinful tongue inside you, the foreign feeling making your toes curl in unexpected pleasure. 
You were getting worked up. With nothing more than his mouth, Seokjin was easily restoking the blazing fire within you that only minutes before had been forced to embers. You were getting worked up, and the more you moaned and gyrated against him, the more Taehyung’s fingers twitched restlessly against your skin. If you had been in your right mind, you would have noticed his rising agitation and wouldn’t have been surprised when he suddenly grabbed you by the backs of your thighs and pulled you away from his brother. Instead, you blinked at him dazedly, pelvises flush after momentum had you inadvertently scooting further up his body.  
“I’ve shared enough,” he growled, irritated. “It’s my turn now.” Another pull, and you were back on his lap, his leaking erection grinding pointedly against your slick folds. “C’mere, baby—fucking sit it on it.” 
You were dazed, already pretty fucked out even though things were just getting started. The constant influx of pleasure was striking all your coherent thought, unable to understand anything other than finally being able to cross the finish line. And you knew from experience that Taehyung’s massive dick was a great way to get there, so you didn’t mind at all when he continued to maneuver you as he pleased, large hands canting your hips at a proper angle to receive him. 
Your breath hitched when he finally sunk into your fervid body. You were so turned on and wet at that point that it didn’t hurt the slightest, but he was so big that the very pressure of him forcing your walls apart caused your eyes to roll back in your head, your nails pressing crescent moons into the caramel of his skin. “Ungh—”    
“Shit,” Tae groaned, fingers tightening on your thighs at the wet grip of you. “Feel so fucking good, baby. Always so fucking good.”
He was buried balls deep, too on edge to give you any more than a few seconds to adjust before he was bucking wildly into you, easily scraping against your spongy nerves with every unforgiving stroke. You couldn’t do much more than take it, unfiltered moans readily escaping you. Hot and low, like they were generated deep in your pussy and Taehyung was hard at work fucking them up and out of your mouth.
You were so worked up at this point that you knew you weren’t going to last much longer, your walls tightening more and more by the second, your whole body trembling in preparation of the inevitable.
 “_____,” Namjoon snapped.
It took some effort to lift your head from where you had buried it in Tae’s neck, startled into blearily looking up to meet the middle brother’s steely gaze. Your mind raced, flustered and trying to understand how you had somehow forgotten about him. When his lips curled with a whisper of a smirk, it instantly dawned on you that him fading into the background had been entirely by design.
Namjoon had allowed you to be distracted by his brothers. Had allowed them to have all the fun while he quietly watched your slow, uncontrollable descent into carnality. Because he knew that all he had to do was wait, and you would inevitably disobey him.
And then his fun would start.
You had played your part in his little game, cockily swaggered your way right into his trap with thigh highs and a smile. Too naive to notice that the situation had been rigged from the start, and now that everything was in motion, it was far too late to save yourself from your oncoming reckoning. 
You were gasping, the pistoning of Taehyung’s cock setting all of your nerves alight and making it hard not to meet him thrust for thrust, trapped in meeting Namjoon’s stare through your wet lashes. He had moved to stand at the foot of the bed, close enough to touch, and he was the only person in the room who was still, bafflingly, fully-dressed.
“Please,” you babbled, too far gone to even know who your begging was directed towards. “Please, I—” Your body spazzed violently, only contained by Tae’s bruising grip as he relentlessly continued to plow into you. “Ohhh godddd! Fuckkk—ah, ahhhh—”
Against your best efforts, your cunt locked down, hard. So hard you forgot to breathe, pleasure and relief finally flooding your veins as you stuffed your face into Tae’s neck to ride it out, bucking and whining and incoherent.
Taehyung made a loud, choked noise, the feeling of you pulsing around him throwing him further into his trance. “Fuck yeah,” he growled, fingers digging into your thighs punishingly. Drilling into you harder, your release heightening his desperation for his own. Biology making him single-minded, manic, even when you started to mewl in oversensitivity. “Squeezing me so tight. Cream me good, baby. Fuck.” 
You continued to tremble, nothing more at this point than sparking nerve endings. Tae lifted his head a little to lick into your awaiting mouth, kissing you wet and wild and desperate while still plunging deep inside you.  
But even though you did nothing to attempt to control the torrent of whines freely spilling from your tongue, in the back of your mind, you still had the good sense to be nervous. Because even without seeing his face, you already knew Namjoon was pissed. 
You had failed.
As if confirming your thoughts, fingers wrapped around your hair and pulled, naturally ripping your lips from Taehyung’s and forcing your head to lift. With nowhere to hide, you were forced to meet the full intensity of Namjoon’s glare. 
“What did I say,” he demanded darkly, a muscle jumping in his jaw. Your blood pounded excitedly.
“Cut her some slack, Namjoon,” came Jin’s mild reply from behind you. Your eyes widened, not expecting his dismissive tone to go over very well. 
Namjoon didn’t acknowledge his older brother, instead focusing his attention on his younger. A carefully controlled tempest that was moments away from unleashing its wrath. “Taehyung. Move.”
The swivel of Tae’s hips slowed, but didn’t stop. He was too on edge, too close to joining you in bliss. “I—g-give me a minute, hyung—”
You could feel just how reluctant Tae was to comply—his rutting finally stopped, but his hips still instinctually twitching in a primal need to keep fucking you. Still, something in his brother’s tone made his protest cut off in his throat, and after a few labored, frustrated breaths, he obediently slipped out of you. 
You whimpered at the loss, your toes curling at the resulting friction. Between the cum that had long been leaking from you and dribbling down your thighs and the mess Tae’s cock was making in his excitement, it was hot and sticky where your bodies slotted together, and you couldn’t help the way you senselessly started to grind against him, lashes fluttering at the feeling.  
Namjoon scoffed at your clear desperation. “You would have liked that, wouldn’t you?” he snapped, grip still firm in your hair. “For him to cum inside you.”
You shivered at the thought, a little embarrassed that you were so obvious. “Yes, Daddy,” you murmured, releasing a shuttering breath when you felt Tae’s slick cock jump against your stomach at your admission.
“Well you’ve been bad,” Namjoon replied slowly, as you weren’t very bright, “so you don’t get to have what you want.” He took a step forward, legs knocking into the edge of the bed, now only a breath away, and you licked your lips, mentally preparing for what you knew would come.
But before he could get any closer to you—before Taehyung could even slide from beneath you—there were once again hands on your hips.
“Hey!” Tae snapped irritably, but whatever he had to say was drowned out by your surprised, rather pathetic choking when, with a delicious roll of his hips, Seokjin unexpectedly sank inside your pliant body, thoroughly making himself at home exactly where Tae had been forced to vacate. You had been so focused on Namjoon that you somehow missed the weight shifting behind you, the telltale rustling of clothing as he pushed is sweatpants down his hips enough to free his cock so he could stuff you the hilt. 
You had been saved by the eldest Kim, at least for now. But for how long would he really be able to delay your punishment?
Since he was still holding you by the hair, you could easily see the emotions flicker across Namjoon’s face at his older brother butting in, but his expression quickly settled into something mirroring cool indifference.
You knew better. Namjoon was a patient man, but you doubted he would let your disobedience slide so easily. 
Seemingly uncaring of either of his brothers’ vexation, Seokjin rode your ass, hips rolling forward in constant waves, strokes long and deep and pointed. Clearly wanting to keep you mewling for him. 
And as you did just that, you rapidly realized that saving you from Namjoon’s wrath had never been his intention. No, he simply liked you just like this, whiny and shivery and too fucked out to care that you were drooling and desperate. 
“You feel it, sweetheart?” he asked, voice melodic and sweet. Leaning over to press plump lips up your spine and sucking on a rather sensitive spot at the back of your neck. 
“Yesss,” you whined. You could feel everything, could feel the ripple of your ass every time his hips slammed against it, could feel every ridge of his cock that scraped against your insides. Sparks shot through you after every stroke, your clit forced to drag across Tae’s stomach with the force. “Fuck, you’re so big and deep, fuck, fuck.”
Seokjin just hummed, playing your body like a fiddle and pleased by how it was responding to him. Breath stuttering, toes curling, fingers gripping the sheets.
But despite how good he was making you feel, you weren’t too fucked out to overlook Namjoon this time. No, this time forgetting him was impossible, the middle brother doing nothing to hide his massive presence. He towered over you, intently watching you get railed by his older brother, and the barely suppressed fury you could sense radiating off him was making your cunt throb and head spin. 
“I’m sorry, D-Daddy,” you stuttered, everything tingling at the look he fixed you with in response. “I couldn’t help it.”
“Are you?” he asked lowly, a tic in his jaw. He let the question marinate for a few moments, let you simmer beneath his intense stare. Just when you felt the overwhelming compulsion to apologize again, he finally reached for you, a single finger lifting your chin and forcing you to meet his gaze directly. With a patronizing tilt of his head, he popped open the button on his pants. “Then make it up to me.”
You were already pushing yourself to your hands and knees, desperate to please. Taehyung’s hands drifted up your sides to steady you, your body trembling from the way Seokjin still reamed into you, undeterred. You reached out for the band of Namjoon’s pants, trying to get to the important bits, but he simply tutted and smacked your hand away.
“Mouth,” he said simply, the single word full of derision.
So you leaned forward again, this time using the tip of your nose to part his fly and give you proper access to his clothed cock. He was thick and swollen already, straining against the material, and you felt him stir with interest when you mouthed at him through the fabric. Coquettish licks lapping hot against the length of him and making his hips reflexively shift forward, unconsciously chasing the stimulation. You licked and sucked until there was a noticeable wet patch, doing your best to show that your apology was sincere and give him your full attention. 
But that was hard to do when his brothers were busy giving you their full attention.
Seokjin was in a trance, fingers sinking into your thighs so he could properly hammer into you. Thrusts steady and coaxing your pussy to leak its praises, your thighs sticky with your essence. 
Taehyung, on the other hand, was getting noticeably antsy beneath you, fingers increasingly twitching against your damp skin the longer his brothers got more of your attention. You looked down, and the furrow of his brow and downturn of his lips were your last clues to his growing jealousy before he took action, hand reaching up to drag through the mess you were making before his thumb sought your clit, rolling and pinching. You bucked and squealed, the extra stimulation rocking you to your core and making your walls pulse dangerously enough that you found yourself squirming to escape him, grabbing Tae’s wrist for the second time that night in an act of self-preservation.
He was undeterred, rerouting his focus to your chest instead. With impatient hands, he yanked on the cups of your bodysuit, a concerning ripping noise immediately filling the room at the action. Before you could even say anything, he was already lifting his head to eagerly bite and suckle on your newly freed tits, tongue curling around a pebbled nipple and mumbling “I’ll buy you another one.”
Switching from one erogenous zone to another did nothing to quell your desire, but at least the stimulation wasn’t as intense. This you could safely enjoy, lashes fluttering, chest inadvertently pushing further into his face in silent encouragement.
And encourage you did, Taehyung creating enough suction with his mouth to properly burst capillaries. Contentedly littering your skin with marks you allowed, comfortable in knowing this was a region easily covered by your clothes. 
Determined not to lose focus, you leaned forward again to continue giving Namjoon your full attention, trying to strategize the best way to get at him without using your hands. But either Namjoon finally decided to take pity on you or he was getting impatient too, because it was his own hands that reached down, only bothering to disturb his waistband enough to free his already leaking cock.
You didn’t know if it was a conditioned response from your past escapades or simply the extremely sexy sight of him giving himself a few firm, confident pumps. Either way, you felt it when you started to salivate, aching to properly taste him.
Your enthusiasm must have shown on your face, because the blond man simply smirked down at you knowingly, thumb slowly running over a prominent vein and further smearing his own mess around. “Well?” he prompted, almost sounding bored. You knew he wasn’t. That he was rock hard and dribbling precum, that his eyes were hooded yet laser-focused on the way his brothers devoured you—those were clues enough. Still, you couldn’t help the fire his feigned disinterest lit low in your belly, desperate to please him.      
You started low, turning your head so you could playfully tongue first at his balls before making the long trek up the massive length of him, taking care not to accidentally involve your teeth from the way Seokjin’s thrusts were rocking you forward. Finally, you took him in your mouth, suckling on the weeping head. Humming contentedly at the salty taste and meeting his blown eyes from beneath your lashes.
Namjoon’s lips parted, but he didn’t say anything, hips twitching forward when you pressed your tongue into his slit.
You didn’t notice at first. To be fair, you were plenty preoccupied with everything else going on, with all other sensations. So you didn’t notice Taehyung’s hand drifting over your hip until he was cupping one of your asscheeks, fingers teasing further inward. 
Before you could say anything, a finger sunk itself into your cunt, right next to where Jin was still plowing into you. You groaned, eyes rolling back at the added stretch, but the oldest brother wasn’t as pleased by the intrusion.    
“Taehyung,” he said gruffly, voice deep with irritation and thinly-veiled hunger. But Tae just pumped the long digit into you a few times and then slowly backtracked, lightly trailing the slick back up the cleft of your ass.
“Relax,” came Tae’s mellow reply, and when he started circling a questioning finger around your rim, you weren’t sure if he was talking to you or Seokjin. 
Still, you shivered, breath stuttering when you realized where this was going. When the finger did nothing more than circle and lightly press against you, you released Namjoon’s cockhead from between your lips, eyes fluttering. “Yes,” you breathed hot against Namjoon’s crotch, understanding what Tae was wordlessly asking you. 
A glance down produced Taehyung, eyes all pupil, tongue lolling thoughtfully in his mouth as he watched you tremble above him, tits rippling and swaying from Seokjin’s force. Finger mindlessly continuing the massaging of your hole. He locked eyes with you, making sure he understood, and then slowly started pressing the slick digit into your asshole.
You whimpered, fighting against your instinct to clamp down on him. Relax. Relax. It didn’t hurt exactly—was just pressure where you weren’t used to having any. And Tae made sure to go at a glacial pace, made sure to keep massaging your insides, to help you acclimate to the intrusion. 
Distantly, you felt Jin’s thrusts slow to something much more languid, and you had a feeling the way your body was opening up for his youngest brother was more than a little distracting.
“Good?” Tae asked shakily, sinking into you bit by bit. 
“Yes,” you slurred, completely fucked out. Tae’s always had large hands with long, elegant fingers, and right now, when he kept going further and further in, you were becoming privy to just how long they actually were. Your eyes threatened to roll back when his last knuckle finally breached you, and when he gave you a cursory tap after a few seconds, you had to swallow a moan. 
Rather affectionately, Namjoon started caressing your face, bringing your attention back to him. Dazed, you put him back in your mouth, continuing to suck him and trying not to think about how Seokjin was revving his pace back up and Taehyung was tapping your insides in tandem. Namjoon just smiled softly down at you, and it was so sweet that you almost don’t see what happened next coming, too preoccupied with everything else that was going on. Gently, his hand drifted up—and gripped you securely by the hair, cock suddenly surging down your throat. You immediately gagged, throat repeatedly convulsing around him, and he grunted appreciatively at the feeling before pulling all the way out. Cheeks still sweetly dimpling at how wrecked you were.
And wrecked was the only way to describe you. You were gasping, jaw glistening with spit. Eyes watering and whole body twitching from all the relentless stimulation.
Namjoon only gave you a few seconds to gain your bearings before a pull of your hair had your head snapping back. Before his cock was pushing back into your panting mouth. You tried your best to relax your throat this time, taking stuttered breaths from your nose when his fucking began in earnest. Tried your best to ignore the way your jaw threatened to lock from trying to accommodate the sheer girth of him.
It was a lot. You were feeling sensations from so many areas at once—ass, tits, mouth, cunt—that your brain was absolutely swirling trying to figure out which brother’s ministrations it should be focusing on. And though the pleasure pumping through you was borderline unbearable, you couldn’t even let that overflow of emotion out, your wails stuck bubbling in your chest because you were too busy lewdly gargling on Namjoon’s cock.
You remembered, all those months ago when you’d first been considering whether you should take this job, how you'd poured yourself another glass of wine and reread the contact for the nth time thinking well, I guess I do have three holes. That’s certainly convenient. 
Now that it was happening, however—now that all three of your holes were stuffed and both your mouth and your pussy were dribbling and messy and straining with effort—now, it was nothing short of intense. Nothing hurt, but you were so completely and entirely overwhelmed by all of the feeling that you thought you might just simply burst, your nerve endings crackling free and raining over the room like fireworks.  
It’s too much. It was too much, but right when you were starting to consider giving Namjoon two taps on the wrist—a metaphorical yellow—he backed off on his own, easing some of the pressure. And suddenly your mouth was free, a string of saliva still connecting you to his glistening cock before the tension of him stepping back eventually made it snap.  
Namjoon had eased some of the pressure, but he couldn’t stop more from surging forward in its place. Your body could only take so much of their tortuous teasing before it succumbed to its baser instincts, and it seemed you had finally reached your boiling point. In a trance, you pressed your hips backwards to meet Seokjin’s next stroke, forcing him deeper inside you and making you both shudder. And that small action was all the encouragement he needed, his primal instincts screaming at him to ruin you.
Drilling into you with new purpose, Jin fucked the remaining breath out of your lungs, staccatoed bursts of ah ah ah pouring from your drooling mouth. Panting like an animal in heat, moaning so wantonly that you would be embarrassed if you weren’t already so completely braindead with pleasure. 
“Holy shit,” Taehyung breathed, watching your rapid unraveling in amazement. “You’re so fucking hot. Fuck.”
Before even realizing what was happening, you finally shattered around him, your bones liquifying at the intensity and causing you to collapse on Tae, writhing and choking into his neck.
“There you go,” Jin encouraged, words wobbling as he tried to weather the force of how tightly your walls were squeezing him.
Taehyung was curling his finger within you to lengthen your orgasm, was absently rubbing your back to guide you through it. “So perfect,” he whispered, lips fondly brushing against your temple while you shook.
When it finally ended you were left twitching and sensitive, too dizzy from the sheer force of your climax to register the thunder rolling across Namjoon’s face.
His brothers did, though.
An audible squelch filled the room when, without warning, Seokjin pulled completely out of you. Confused, you looked over your shoulder at him, only to suddenly find yourself lifted and tilted, Taehyung surging upright and taking you with him. Unprepared to catch yourself, your back easily hit the mattress, now finding yourself looking up at the three brothers who hovered over you.   
“Hmmm.” Namjoon pretended to think, tone calm but eyes steely. “I could have sworn I specifically told you not to do that.”
“You did,” Jin cut in mildly, looking between the two of you curiously.
Your eyes widened, unprepared for this turn of events. You never would have pegged Jin as such an instigator, but apparently he was very interested in seeing the consequences of your continued disobedience.
Your betrayal must have shown on your face, because Seokjin’s lips pursed in amusement. “Sorry, sweetheart,” he chuckled, leaning down to press a chaste kiss against your lips. “You’ve been so good for me, but we have to be fair. And unlike Taehyung, I know how to share.”
“Am I or am I not sharing right now?” Tae griped, unamused by the dig. But you were no longer paying those two any attention, your focus now fully on Namjoon and the leisurely way he was now stripping out of his shirt.
“I’m sorry, Daddy,” you hedged, knowing before you even said the words that they would do jack shit to appease him. “It just felt too good…”
Namjoon raised an unimpressed eyebrow, throwing his t-shirt on the floor as if it offended him. “All you keep saying is sorry,” he mused. Down went his pants and underwear, kicked out of his way. His knee hit the mattress, Taehyung shifting to the side so Namjoon could finally stalk over to where you lay, fucked open and wet. Cautiously, you met his stare, the breath halting in your lungs when you recognized the retribution that was undoubtedly about to come. 
“But sorry means nothing if you don’t modify your behavior,” he tsked, eyes darkening. “So. I don’t believe you.”
That was all the warning you got before he was crowding into your space, grabbing you by the ankles and hooking them over his shoulders. Caging you in with his body, pressing close enough that his cock easily slid over the mess of your cunt, making you mewl at the sensation.
And that involuntary reaction didn’t seem to help your case with Namjoon. “More?” he scoffed, seemingly displeased, though the way he rocked his length through the seam of you told a different story. “After all that, you still want more?”
You were exhausted, thighs still quivering from your last orgasm. But you couldn’t help the way the weight of his body and the slide of his cock were causing your pussy to pulse. “Yes, Daddy,” you breathed, angling your hips down so you could deliciously meet him on his upstroke.
“And it’s all about what you want, isn’t it?” he mocked, spearing you to the hilt in one go. You choked at the intrusion, not expecting him to enter you so suddenly. At this point, you were fully prepped enough to take him, but, like his brothers, Namjoon was still a lot to take all at once.
Particularly when he had already made up his mind that the best way to punish you was with his cock.
You quickly gathered his gameplay from the immediate way he started rutting into you, not giving you any time to adjust or catch your breath. Simply railing you into the mattress, your legs over his shoulders ensuring he hit deep enough for you to feel it in your throat.
“Fuckkk,” you groaned, fingers curling in the sheets, biting down on your lip enough to taste metal. “Fuck fuck—”
“What?” he taunted, eyebrows furrowed in concentration. Making sure he scraped your g-spot on every thrust. “This is what you wanted, remember? And it’s all about what you want.”
“Yes, Daddy.” You could already feel yourself ready to clamp down again, your extremely sensitive pussy overreactive to any and all stimulation. “I want it, I want it, yesss—”
He pressed impossibly closer, bending you enough that you felt the burning strain in your legs, and that did the trick. Before you could nervously start to ponder whether you were flexible enough for what he wanted to do, you were cumming, hard, back attempting to bow with the force of it but only succeeding in making your whole body lock up and your vision blur.
Namjoon didn’t slow down during your climax, and he certainly didn’t slow down after. He fucked you like a machine, undeterred by how your pulsing walls tried to suck him in and keep him there. Undeterred by how you hopelessly whined and squirmed in overstimulation. And when you suddenly heard a familiar buzzing noise, there was nothing you could do but meet his intense gaze with wide, alarmed eyes.
“What?” he demanded, pressing your long-forgotten wand vibrator right on your clit and making you immediately jerk. The caramel of his skin was already glistening and beading with sweat, but he seemed long from tired. “You think you can cum on everbody’s dick but mine?”
It was too much, the near animalistic pace of his fucking paired with how high he had turned the vibrator making your hands shoot up, scrabbling along his biceps in a panicked response, your body now entirely on autopilot, desperately trying to save itself from its fate. 
“Please,” you heard yourself beg, choking at the intensity. Legs jerking uselessly on his shoulders, nails scratching marks down his skin.
But the word that would make him stop never passed your lips. And so he continued to ignore your unsuccessful struggling, fucking you right back to orgasm, this time somehow even stronger than the last and stealing all air from your lungs.
He felt it, of course. Felt exactly how hard you were squeezing him, the tight grip of your pussy evoking the grit of his teeth. 
“You’re gonna have to try harder than that to milk me,” he growled, moving the vibrator away from you just enough for you to suck in a breath. “Come on, take this dick since you want it so bad. Take it!” 
And you had no choice but to take it, trying your best not to black out as he forced the coil within you to snap, again and again. You were shrieking, but you couldn’t even perceive your own actions anymore, swept completely by his unforgiving undertow of pain-lined pleasure. Namjoon was fucking you stupid, scrambling your brain as easily as if it were an egg, forcing you to your most primal of reactions, your most basest of self. Thrashing beneath him, desperate tears trickling down your cheeks, spit freely trickling from your wailing mouth.
It felt neverending, this exquisite torture, and just when you were starting to get distressed about how much longer you would be able to take it, Namjoon’s thrusts started to turn sloppy.
“This is all you wanted, right?” he panted, hips stuttering. A welcome warning for what was soon to come. His focus rapidly shifted from your orgasm to his own, and the way he tossed the still buzzing vibrator to the side was nothing short of impatient.
You blinked up blearily at him, the reduction in stimulation helping you slowly return to your body after being stuck the stratosphere. 
“Wanted my nut? Agreed to fuck all of us at once just so you could get more of it, isn’t that right, babygirl?”
His intense stare told you he expected an answer, but all you could do was whine in response, hesitant to admit it. Pussy pulsing at the very visual he had conjured up. Warily, you glanced at the other two brothers, nervous at what you might find there, but one look quickly evaporated all uncertainty.
Though they had moved out of the way for Namjoon, they hadn’t moved far—still close enough for you to reach out and touch, still close enough for them to hover over you and get a close view of the action. Still close enough for you to see understanding dawn across Seokjin’s face, to see pure astonishment take over Taehyung’s.
Namjoon spotted your division in attention and was having none of it, a hand guiding your jaw until you were focusing on him again. “You like being a dirty cumslut,” he prompted mildly, your heart racing in response. Slipping a thumb between your plush lips and humming approvingly when you sucked on it, tongue twirling. “Don’t you, baby?”
“Yes, Daddy,” you moaned hoarsely, the very admission making your whole body vibrate. The continued hammering of your sensitive core making you want to reflexively squirm away, though Namjoon’s heavy body ensured you had nowhere to go.
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, I like being a dirty cumslut.”
Taehyung whimpered, and it was easy for you to deduce from the rapid movement you could see from the corner of your eye that he was jacking himself off while watching you. Well and truly done with delaying his own pleasure.
And from the rather manic way Namjoon was looking at you, he was obviously on the same wavelength. “And do you know how much cumsluts love it?” A quick swipe of his tongue over his panting lips. “They want it in them. On them.”
“Please, Daddy,” you begged, nearly sobbing at the strength your want. Your head whipping around, desperately pleading with all three of them. “Please let me have it! I’ve been so good, please—”
“Holy shit,” Tae groaned, eyes rolling back in his head. “Okay baby, I’ll give you what you want. I’ll give you it all. You want it all?”
“Yes. Yes, yes yes yes yesyesyes—”
Abruptly, Taehyung was pushing forward into your space, hovering more directly over you and treating you to the sight of how those long fingers were furiously pumping his cock. He was panting, a prominent vein in his neck visible because of his efforts, little whines escaping him as he viciously worked his slick length.
There was shifting on your other side, and your focus immediately turned to Seokjin. He looked back at you dazedly, lips parted, chest flushed at your attention.  
“Please?” you whimpered, fully aware how pathetic you must have looked but not giving a single shit. So long as you got what you wanted. You needed them to give you what you wanted.
The oldest immediately softened at your pleading, always so willing and eager to please you. “Of course,” he breathed, hand already moving over himself with long, tight strokes. He shivered, hips reflexively jumping forward at the stimulation. “W-Where?”
A shift, and Namjoon was pulling back from you, maneuvering your legs back to the bed and sitting back on his haunches. Despite this new position, he never let his cock leave the comfort of your walls, continuing to hammer into you, jaw locked in concentration, balls smacking into your ass with a lewd slapping sound. Focused only on racing to the finish line.
“Anywhere,” you shuddered. “Everywhere, just…” Your entire body was on fire and you could barely take it, the anticipation of what was about to happen making you writhe over the sheets, whimpering pathetically. Your tongue lolling out your gasping mouth, an eager target.
And then finally—finally—you were given what you asked for. Loud, uncontrolled moans spilled from Taehyung’s lips, swiftly becoming desperate before one last squeeze of his cock had him cumming, his release spraying hot all over your breasts and slowly trailing through your cleavage. 
You moaned with him, delight buzzing through your veins at being marked so intimately, and the sound seemed to trigger Namjoon, who immediately pulled out of you, expertly pumped himself a few times, and then ejaculated with a long, drawn-out grunt. After essentially edging himself for most of the night, the amount of cum he gifted you was more than generous, most of it painting your pussy in long ropes, but some of it inevitably ending up on your belly with how aggressively he was jerking himself off.      
The sight of it all, the feeling, was so unbearably hot that you almost came untouched, eyes rolling back, pussy pulsing with interest despite how exhausted you were. And your obvious pleasure was what finally set off Jin, teeth digging into his lower lip while his seed spurted white across the lower half of your face and slid down your jaw, some of it delightedly landing on your awaiting tongue. 
You hummed contentedly, immediately licking the thick, heady remnants from your lips so you wouldn’t waste a drop. Your eyes fluttered shut, your hands slowly and sensually trailing over your own body. Basking in it all. Purposely smearing their mess over wider stretches of skin—pinching gently at your nipples, dragging your fingers between your tits, gliding over your hips, drawing light, sticky figure eights around your clit before dipping a bit lower and slipping two cum-coated digits inside your hot walls. Your hips twitched, lazily chasing the intrusion on reflex. Simply enjoying being so completely and utterly satisfied.   
You were so transfixed and in your own world that you completely forgot about the three other people still in the room, greedily feasting on the undeniably filthy way you savored what they gave you. You weren’t sure how long they let you be, but it was a voice finally breaking the silence that slowly lured back to reality.          
The voice was gentle, yet deep, the spell cast over you immediately broken at the sound of it. It was Namjoon, hovering over you again, lips quirking into a small smile as he watched the fog disperse from your eyes. “How do you feel?”
You let out a satisfied sigh, pulling your fingers out of your pussy with hum. “Tired,” you admitted, voice raspy from the activities. “But amazing.”
His smile widened, cheeks dimpling. “I’m glad.”
Suddenly, Taehyung was laying on the bed with you, arms wrapped around your sticky form. Just like always, his sweaty body slotted easily against yours, happily nuzzling his face into your neck and apparently wholly unfazed about the fact that you were completely covered in spunk. “You’re amazing,” he chirped, pressing a flurry of kisses into your skin and making you giggle. “You know, when you told me you liked cum forever ago, I didn’t realize this was what you meant.” 
“You never asked,” you shrugged, somehow still timid despite everything that had just happened. “What did you want me to say, exactly? Hey Tae, do you mind doing me a solid and shooting the club up? Or maybe can you give me a nice, relaxing facial?”
The pure bafflement of his expression had you laughing again. “In what world would I ever say no to that?” he demanded incredulously. 
Amused by the turn in conversation, Seokjin bent down to press his lips against your forehead in gratitude before swinging his legs over the side of the bed. “Do you mind if I use your shower?”
“Of course,” you replied, moving to direct him to your bathroom before Namjoon stopped you with a pat on the thigh.
“I’ll show him.”
You couldn’t help but watch their strong, naked forms leave the room, eyes drawn to the musculature of their backs and buttocks.
“Hey.” Tae poked you in the cheek, mirth dancing in his eyes from catching your ogling. “Focus. I’m talking to you.”
“What, I’m not allowed to enjoy the view?” 
He couldn’t help but huff out a laugh, though he was undeterred from getting the answers he sought.
“I told you what I wanted,” he reminded you gently, pressing another kiss against your jaw. “You know you could have done the same.”
You shifted in his hold, sheepish. “Tae, all of this isn’t really about me…”
“What, so just because we’re paying you, you’re not supposed to enjoy it too?” he scoffed. “Baby, as we’ve just proven tonight, it’s more fun when we all have fun.”
“I always have fun!” you protested, but you were prevented from elaborating by Namjoon returning with a washcloth. He climbed back on the bed, reaching for your ankles and guiding them apart.
“Open,” he directed, his tone containing none of the dominance it often had when he usually uttered the word. You obediently followed his instruction, a soft sigh escaping your lips when he pressed the warm cloth against your thoroughly battered netherparts and started cleaning you up. 
For a little bit, Taehyung watched your makeshift bath in silence, not even saying anything when Namjoon left to rinse off the towel and came back with a freshly damp one, gliding over the stained skin of your face and chest before they started to crust over. In fact, Tae didn’t speak again until your spot bath was finished and Namjoon was clambering back in the bed with the two of you, an arm slinging low over your waist as to not disturb where Tae’s rested. Pulling you against him until your chests were flush.
“Are you sure you don’t want to come with us on our trip?” You could feel Taehyung’s pout against your skin, displeased at the idea of being away from you for three weeks.
You huffed out a laugh, slinging a leg over Namjoon’s hip to settle more comfortably into your new position as the filling of a TaeJoon sandwich. “I’m positive. I have a lot studying to do and frankly, I’m not completely sure I can walk anymore.”
“Who said you need to walk?” Namjoon cut in sleepily. 
“We can pay someone to walk for you,” came Tae’s enthusiastic, yet ridiculous offer. “We’ll be going to meetings, but you can just roam the city if you want. Or relax at the hotel. You can lounge by the pool all day and put all your food and drinks on our tab.” 
Though it certainly sounded tempting, you were fully aware what the tradeoff of that makeshift vacation would be, and the absolute last thing you wanted to think about after the crazy intense session you just experienced was sex. So, despite Taehyung’s wheedling, you managed to stand firm in your decision, completely fine with waiting until they were back in the country to even consider spreading your legs for any of them again.
And you were justified when Seokjin finally reappeared, fully clothed, rubbing a towel through his hair, and informing you that his assistant Wendy would be in touch to schedule his next session for sometime after he returned.
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I don’t like how the Sokeefe confession went down, because it felt so abrupt compared to the build up of the series.
I think this because the whole series it’s Keefe who’s loved Sophie since the beginning, Keefe who hinted his feelings and flirted with her, and Keefe who couldn’t confess. And it was Sophie who couldn’t figure out her feelings and was oblivious to his. So it felt strange that though Keefe technically confessed first in the letter he left, it was Sophie who initiated the actual confession.
I understand that all the build up for Sophie confessing was in Stellarlune, but it just didn’t fit with the rest of the series, and honestly, felt unfair to Keefe (from a readers stand point, I’m sure he’s very happy in cannon). He should have been the one to confess.
I’ve heard people complaining that Chapter 42 was written like a fan fiction, and I disagree with this statement for two reasons, one that I think this is supposed to be insulting the actual writing of the scene, and I would never insult Shannon Messangers writing, and two because I don’t like to spread that fanfic writing is bad because fan fiction can have some amazing writing.
However I can see the similarities to Chapter 42 and fanfiction. As an avid reader of fanfiction, a reader can tell when the fanfic author is just writing a confession as a way to get the characters to kiss, the confession may be abrupt without a lot of build up, but also may just be very easy and quick. And that’s sort of how I felt reading the Sokeefe confession. It felt too easy for all the build up and angst and unrequited but eventually requited love that is Sokeefe.
Keefe should have been the one to confess, and Sophie should of had a harder time accepting feelings instead of pining for Keefe the entirety (?) or Stellarlune, and it should have been more difficult. Also Ro shouldn’t have been peer pressuring Sophie….
….And that’s the real controversial take here. Because, I do genuinely believe Sophie likes Keefe in cannon. I’m not a big Sokeefe shipper but I saw where this was going throughout the series. However in cannon, to the reader, it looks like Ro had to convince Sophie that she liked Keefe, and even if I think she does, it still feels like peer pressure when reading it. And I think Keefe would also be disappointed if he heard that it was Ro who convinced Sophie that she like him, because it should have been Sophie battling with her own feelings, not Ro telling her how she feels (regardless of if she was correct).
If I were to rewrite the Sokeefe part of Stellarlune, I would’ve have Sophie understanding that part of the letter, but pushing down her feelings and choosing to be oblivious in order to avoid facing her feelings when she already has so much going on. Have her think about Keefe while he’s gone, and be jealous of Biana (or suspicious whatever you’d call it) in that one scene but have her obviously be falsely justifying it in order to push down those romantic feelings.
Then when she does find Keefe, make her avoid mentioning the letter at all costs. Have it hang over their heads at every moment their alone together, have it be awkward. Then, on accident have her mention the letter. Let there be a pause.
Let Keefe be a bit bitter about Sophie refusing to acknowledge anything. Have him be all like “oh so you did see the letter.”
Have Sophie still refuse to talk about it. “yeah, I guess I was so distracted with trying to find you I didn’t really think about it (lying). was there anything important in there?”
Have Keefe’s eyes turn dark “no, I guess not. (lying)” and have him rudely stalk of.
Then later have them doing something for the black swan with their friends, looking over scrolls, idk research or something.
Have Sophie be frustrated after the scrolls don’t tell them anything important. “why can’t the author of these just tell us what this means?” She should grumble
And Keefe should say “well maybe you should read between the lines to figure out what they mean.”
Sophie throws down the scroll in her hands “well maybe people should just say what they mean instead of writing it down in a way that can mean anything!!” Keefe sets down his scroll, walking off outside. No one else knows what’s going on but Sophie sighs and follows him out.
“Keefe! Wait!” She shouts. Keefe would whirl around, tears in his eyes.
“Don’t you think I’ve waited long enough?”
Sophie stares at him, surprised that he’s crying.
“I’ve waited this whole time to because I didn’t want to pressure you. But you can’t even acknowledge it.”
“Because I don’t know what “it” is! You left, and you leave me this note, and I’m just supposed to understand what it means?”
“You know what it means! Why else would I write it?”
“You wrote it because you were leaving-“
Suddenly there are tears in Sophie’s eyes too. “You’re accusing me of avoiding all this but you were just as willing to! You didn’t want to confront me with your feelings so you wrote down your confession, but now you’re back and all you can do is shout it at me.”
Keefe takes a step closer, his eyes wide.
“How am I supposed to know you mean it if you don’t say it?” Sophie looks down, tugging at an eyelash.
Keefe takes another step closer, taking her hand in his. His voice is croaky and wet but each word is clear.
“Sophie Foster…I love you.”
And that’s when it all hits Sophie, because that’s everything she needed to hear and all the things she’s been stuffing down comes up and hits her all at once, and she physically stumbles into Keefe.
“Foster?” Keefe asks, catching her. Sophie looks up and makes eye contact with him.
“I think I’ve just fallen for you.” (The joke is that she actually fell over. In case it wasn’t clear.)
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thechaoticdruid · 5 months
[This Bites] (3)
Pairing: Astarion x F! Chubby MC
Content/Warnings: Sexual humor, suggestive content, animal death, blood, slight angst, no Brian yay!, Winnie freaking out again, fluff,
Quick summary: Winnie gets Star out of the house after being cooped up since his arrival. Vampire hijinks ensue.
Chapter Two: Go Back
Chapter Three: Stay here.
Chapter Four: Lets fucking goooo!
Check out this silly recreation of the chapter in The Sims I did.
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Hiding a secret pet from your parents was stressful enough, but hiding a whole grown ass man in your room would likely be a thousand times as nerve wracking.  Especially with a step douche who had a habit of barging into the room. Luckily for Winnie, her stepfather was never a quiet man, always stomping along the floor in thick combat boots. And her current stowaway was very perceptive. That still didn't cover all her issues. Winnie had searched all over Nexus Mods for that damn cheat mod she downloaded but could not find it again. It was as if the creator deleted it just after Astarion got out. To make matters worse the vampire was likely starting to get hungry. He'd been gazing at her more and more longingly each day since his escape from the computer. She'd need a way for feeding her guest which didn't involve anyone getting sucked flat like a caprisun. Of course she thought about offering him her own blood, but the idea honestly made her uneasy. In fantasy it was very appealing, having an extremely attractive and alluring man suck on your neck, what's not to like? There was the whole sharp teeth tearing into your flesh aspect, but in fantasy there was no pain, no need to worry about death. Just sweet sweet blissful fantasy. But that was not the case now.  In reality if Astarion were to sink his fangs into her neck he wouldn't need to drink all her blood to kill her. She'd probably bleed out from her jugular being punctured alone. 
Winnie stared over at him as he peeked out the window. Night had fallen and he didn't need to worry about the sun. At least not for a while. 
Winnie sighed, “I have no idea how I'm going to feed you if I'm honest.” 
“Since you're so keen on protecting our dear friend Brian I suppose that leaves me with having to go out and hunt for my next meal, well unless you'd be generous enough to offer me your lovely neck.” 
“I don't think that's a good idea, but I guess my arm might be okay…” Winnie lifted up her arm to look at it. 
“You love to take the fun out of things don’t you? But alright, I'm not about to turn down a willing meal.” Astarion's pupils practically dilated at the sight of the veins on Winnie’s arm. His mouth watering at the thought of her warm blood coating his throat and he couldn't help but lick his lips.
“Hold on! I didn't mean right this second!” Winnie hid her arm behind her back, her cheeks turning red at the hungry look he was giving her. 
“Such a tease.” Astarion huffed and crossed his arms.
“I had some things planned for tonight and I can't do them if my head is spinning from blood loss.”  Winnie said before searching through her closet.
She pulled out a large duffle bag and began to unzip it. Inside were some hoodies and other clothing. Grey and black T-shirts, some jeans and a pair of sneakers. “Here, these were my brother's, they’ll probably fit you.” Winnie said before tossing the bag onto the bed.
Astarion made a disgusted sound.
“These are so tasteless and drab!” 
“We’ll get you something more suitable to your tastes later. For now you need to be able to blend in.” Winnie explained. Astarion muttered something under his breath before he started removing his purple doublet and exposing his pale muscular chest. He was so perfect, so flawless. Winnie’s brain honestly turned off for a moment as the elf then proceeded to slide down his pants. Her eyes nearly entranced by a certain large shape in his drawers, her face turning bright red. 
“My eyes are up here, darling.~”Astarion purred, voice husky and soft. 
“A-Ah sorry! I should….” Winnie sputtered before scrambling off into the connecting bathroom. Astarion chuckled a bit, watching the flustered female dash out of the room. He couldn't help but find her rather adorable.  Winnie stood in the bathroom for a few moments, heart pounding as she pressed her back against the door. 
Oh God, why didn't I walk out sooner!?
“You can come out now, my dear.” Eventually Astarion's voice broke her from her thoughts. The human girl let out an exasperated sigh before opening the door and heading back in. The clothes were a little tight around his body, making his muscles quite visible through the light gray tee.  Winnie quickly grabbed a black hoodie and handed it to him. “Here, put this on.” She said, watching him slide the jacket on. Winnie zipped it up for him before leaning up on her tiptoes and  pulling the hood over his head.
“Hey! My hair!” He whined.
“I'll fix it for you later. Right now I don't want anyone gawking over your ears.”
“Why would anyone be doing that?” 
“Ah, right. You see, in this world there are no elves, no magic, no vampires….Just humans really.” Winnie rubbed the back of her head. 
“Really? Gods, how dull. Not that I mind being the only vampire around. That actually sounds rather delightful.” Astarion smirked a bit. 
“Please don't get in any world domination ideas. Just because there aren't any vampires doesn't mean there aren't people who can tear you a new one.” Winnie sighed before peeking out the door into the hall. “Okay, they're asleep. Now come on.” Winnie said quietly.
“Where are we going?” Astarion whispered, slowly following Winnie as they tiptoed out of the house. 
“We're heading out to town. It's probably a good idea for you to get acquainted with the area just in  case something bad happens.” Winnie explained, “plus I feel bad about keeping you locked up in my room for days.” She then took out her cellphone and shook it, causing the flashlight to turn on.
“I thought you said, you didn't have magic here.” 
“We don't. This my fanged friend is technology. It’s a machine mostly for talking to people far away, but also does a bunch of other stuff.” Winnie used her phone to navigate in the dark as they began walking down across her driveway. Winnie’s neighborhood was quiet, each of the houses were fairly spaced out with plenty of trees and brush littering the terrain.  Parked in the yard near her family’s cars was a purple motorcycle. 
“Oh, and this is my trusty steed! Or well it's basically my personal source of transportation. Think of it like a horse but made of metal. To make it even better this won't decide to turn around and bite you!” Winnie said with a smile.
“As wonderful as that sounds. I'm not quite sure about climbing onto some strange metal contraption.” 
“Well…If you'd rather walk….” Winnie said in a sing-songy tone, putting her phone into her pocket.
“Nevermind! Let's go!” 
Winnie climbed on the bike, her hands gripping the handles as she glanced over at Astarion. He looked the vehicle over curiously, nearly jumping up in the air when the girl turned on the engine. 
“Come on!” Winnie said.  Hesitantly he climbed on and immediately clung to Winnie, arms wrapped around her plush waist. 
“Oh, this is rather intimate.~” Astarion took the opportunity to nuzzle his face into her neck, growing a bit more comfortable as he held onto her soft form. Winnie immediately turned bright red, a shiver going down her spine.  She didn't really think this through did she? 
Focus! Do not let the incredibly sexy vampire elf hugging your back cause you to have a crash! 
We are not dying because of horniniess goddamnit!
Winnie mentally scolded herself as she drove off. Not that she disliked his attentions, mind you. She was just very easily flustered, never having been in any kind of romantic relationship, physical or otherwise.  Astarion sighed into her neck, The smell of lavender and cherry blossoms mixed with the delectable scent of her blood was absolutely heavenly.  It took all he had to resist the urge to sink his fangs into her neck and gorge himself on her blood.
Winnie kept her eyes on the road, the headlights of her motorcycle illuminated the street as they zoomed down it.  There weren't too many cars on the road so Winnie could be thankful for that. 
They rode away from the suburbs where Winnie’s home resided, eventually until coming towards a small shop just outside of the city. A large sign that read ‘CornerStore’ sat atop the building and illuminated the parking lot.
“This is where I work.” Winnie said as she turned into the parking lot. She parked up front in her usual spot before turning off the engine and hopping off. 
“Well this seems like a cozy little shop.” Astarion said, getting off. “What exactly could you precure here?” 
“Mostly snacks. Some hygiene products and other things. Just stuff you need around your home really.” Winnie said, leaning up on her toes to fix his hoodie before leading him inside. 
Winnie looked around the shop, thinking about anything she could get which would be useful for her new guest to have in the future. She couldn't get too much however. She only had so much room in the little trunk she had on her motorcycle. 
Bandages would be a good idea, shampoo…. Though he'd likely complain if it was some kind of cheap smelling stuff….
Astarion looked over Winnie as she scanned around the store. His tongue flicked over his fangs as he couldn't help but stare at her jugular. The gnawing pain in his stomach was crying out, demanding to be sated. He backed up as Winnie became engrossed in the products that decorated the shelves. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed a small creature outside the shop. Almost cat-like, but with a longer snout, a ringed tail and tiny black hands.  The creature appeared to be picking around in the trash outside. Not his first choice, but it had to at least be better than a rat.
Winnie kept looking through some hygiene products, wondering what her fanged friend would need when suddenly she heard what sounded like an angry raccoon. She quickly whipped her head around, heart nearly stopping when she noticed Astarion was gone. 
Quickly she rushed outside and glanced over to see a dead raccoon fall to the ground. Astarion stood over it, blood dripping down his chin. 
“Are you fucking kidding me!?” Winnie whisper-shouted. 
“I was hungry…” Astarion shrugged, looking at her with round innocent eyes, mouth still covered in blood. Winnie grimaced, kicking the dead raccoon off to the side and out of sight before grabbing hold of Astarion and dragging him off. She pulled him into the store before making a beeline for the bathroom. She dragged him inside and slammed the door. 
The young woman pinched the bride of her nose, on the verge of tearing her hair out.  
“Please…Just please….Can you not do any vampire shit out where people can see you!?” Winnie said.
“No one was even around to see me. Sweetie, you worry far too much.” Astarion said, making a sassy hand gesture. Winnie crossed her arms and huffed, her eyebrow twitching.  She turned before grabbing some paper towels and wetting them. 
“You have to understand.” Winnie said calmly, “if people find out you're a vampire they'll probably try to kill you or worse cut you open and try to find out what makes you tick. Just please be careful.” She wiped the blood off his face before crumbling up the towels and burying them in the bottom of the trashcan. Astarion crossed his arms and stepped closer to her.
“I am a master of stealth, my dear. And if you expect me to just wait about for my next meal while you flaunt around that delicious neck of yours, I might not be able to control myself for long.” He said, running a clawed finger over her jugular making her shiver. His voice was playful, a bit flirty even, but the warning was still very clear. If she kept him waiting for too long he might not even be able to think before taking a bite out of her. 
“I promise I'll figure out a way to feed you, just give me time…Please.” 
“Oh alright, but only because you're so sweet.” He tapped her nose playfully. “And that little snack should keep me sated for now, ahaha.” 
Winnie washed her hands before leaving the bathroom to continue looking around for some supplies. Astarion followed after her, red eyes inspecting the isles with interest. Some of the objects looked familiar, but somehow still foreign.
A couple of times he'd ask Winnie what something was, and she'd do her best to explain, but sometimes it was difficult. Especially with some technological items that Winnie herself wasn't even completely educated on. 
She picked up a few things she deemed would be useful for hosting her guest, bandages, hygienic stuff and a burner phone. Winnie was about to go pay for the items when she froze, eyes widening in fear. Shit. Becca was working tonight. 
“Darling, are you alright?” The vampire’s voice was gentle. Astarion noticed Winnie’s fear and placed a hand on her shoulder before looking over to what had her tense. At the cash register was a tall skinny woman with long red hair, round red glasses and a face full of freckles. There was a black visor around her neck with a name tag attached along with several different round pins, most notable ones being a colorful pin with a pattern of pink and blue with a purple line in between and a second pin with what looked like a mind flayer on it. She wore a casual blue dress and didn't look the least but intimidating so Astarion was rather puzzled as to what had Winnie's heart pounding so wildly.
Becca was probably the closest thing Winnie had to a friend these days, considering practically all her peers from high school had ran off to start their own lives (the fucking plebs) and the two were able to bond a bit over a common interest in video games. See where this is going? Becca was a gamer. A rather devoted gamer who was always quick to snatch up any of the hot new triple A releases.  Winnie turned back to look at Astarion before quietly whispering, “when we go up to the counter do not say a word, okay?”
“Why?” Astarion asked.
“I'll explain it later, just stay quiet please.” She said before the two walked up to the register. Becca glanced up from the magazine she was looking over and smiled. Astarion held the small of Winnie’s back and stayed close to her. He was still not sure why Winnie was so frightened of this very simple looking woman. Though looks could be deceiving. She could be some kind of shapeshifter in disguise! 
“Winnie! I didn't think you'd be stopping by tonight.” Becca said in a cheerful tone. 
“Hey Becca!” Winnie greeted in a tone as perky as she could muster. “I…Just needed to pick up a few things I was running low on.” She said handing over the items. Becca’s blue eyes looked over Winnie’s face as she scanned the supplies.
She noticed her nervousness, but didn't seem too concerned. Winnie was known to get anxious quite easily. But then she noticed the male standing next to her and hummed. Becca noticed the white curls peeking out from under the hoodie he wore and took a long look at his very pretty face. He seemed very familiar, but she couldn't for the life of herself figure out why. 
“Winnie,” She spoke up in a playful tone, “is this your boyfriend? He is cute.” Becca teased with a wink. Astarion couldn't help but chuckle a bit.
“A-Ah! N-No! We're just friends!” Winnie said, getting very embarrassed. Astarion suddenly snapped his head towards her, a bit shocked at her words.
Winnie ignored him the questioning looks he was giving her. She leaned over towards Becca. “I'm just helping him out. He's really really shy….” Winnie muttered to her. Astarion stood there arms crossed as he glared at Winnie slightly, eyebrow twitching.
“Oh, okay.” Becca responded, scanning and bagging up Winnie’s things. “That'll be 29.50.” 
Winnie paid for the supplies before walking out, Astarion stomping after her. She put the bags into the trunk of her motorcycle before she finally acknowledged his glaring.
“What?” She asked.
“Just friends? After everything we've been through, you and I are just friends?!” Astarion almost hissed out, but his tone sounded far more hurt than angry. 
“We literally just met a few days ago.” Winnie said, a bit confused. She backed up a bit, flinching at his tone.
“I wasn't lying when I said I fell in love with you over and over! I..I…Did something happen? Do you not like me anymore?” His voice sounded a bit hoarse. Winnie’s heart shattered as she noticed he looked like he was on the verge of tears. 
“Astarion…” She said softly before approaching him. “I do like you. I like you a lot, but you don't really know me ... .The person in the game, the brave strong beautiful adventurer. That's not me.” 
Astarion huffed, trying to blink away the glassiness of his eyes. 
“I fell in love with the sweet person who saved me, nothing else matters!” He took her hands in his. “Please…I want to be with you…” 
“Honey, you don't even know my birthday.” Winnie said with a sad smile. “And I….I'm really not sure. I know everything was probably quite real for you, but to me it was like I was just a spectator. Someone enjoying a good story. Hell I've never even kissed anyone in real life so the idea of jumping into a serious relationship out of nowhere is honestly terrifying…” Winnie said and looked off to the side. The silver haired male took a moment to regain his composure, wiping one of his eyes.
Winnie thought for a moment before looking back at him and gently squeezed his hands.
“Look, I don't have a lot of experience in this, but maybe we could start over? I could court you, maybe?” 
“Oh….Y-Yes…Yes that would make me very…happy…” The vampire blinked away his tears before mustering up a smile. Winnie released his hands, before hesitantly moving in closer. She thought about going in for a hug before she noticed him lean closer, lips puckered. 
Quickly she stopped his mouth with her index finger. 
“I'm…Not ready for that just yet…” She said with a sad smile as he pulled back. 
“Of course, apologies…I misunderstood.” He said feeling a bit embarrassed. Winnie quickly decided to just pull close for a hug before anything else happened. Astarion relaxed a bit, taking comfort in her embrace, and quickly wrapping his arms around her. It was difficult. His relationship had now practically been set back to stage one. 
After Astarion had calmed down and the two of them left the Corner Store. Winnie decided to keep her word about beginning a courtship with her flamboyantly fanged friend.  The night was still young and a date was the perfect excuse for Winnie to stop somewhere to look for something edible to sate her own hunger. Unfortunately there was little the pale elf could enjoy at such establishments, but Winnie did have one idea. 
Astarion looked over Winnie’s shoulder, his eyes widened in awe at the bright lights of the city. It was rather beautiful, making the night much more pleasant and allowing him to see so much more color than he usually would at this time.
Winnie eventually stopped, bringing the motorcycle to a halt as they arrived at a large pleasant smelling building. The air was filled with the scent of meat and other savory dishes. 
Winnie got off the bike before quickly adjusting the hood on Astarion's head, making sure his ears were not visible.  Winnie then took her vampiric companion inside before ordering a table for the two.  She sat across from him in a booth, looking down at her hands shyly. 
“I know it might be hard to believe with my charms and devastatingly good looks, but I've actually never been on a date before, not a real one anyway.” Astarion chuckled a bit.
“What about before you were turned? Surely you'd have been on a date then?” Winnie frowned.
“Perhaps, but I can't exactly remember much from before. It might as well not have happened.” He sighed, looking off as a waitress walked towards the table. She was rather beautiful, long blonde hair, blue eyes, a waspy waist and thick curves in all the right places. 
“What can I get you both?”  She asked. 
“Oh, something full bodied and red.”  Astarion said and looked back at Winnie. 
“Red wine and a pinjacolada please.” Winnie said as she glanced up at the waitress, eyes staring enviously at her nearly perfect bodice. 
“Ah and some fried chicken fingers, and um….Can you get maybe get us an extremely rare steak?” Winnie asked feeling a bit clumsy and embarrassed about how her last line was worded. 
“An extremely rare steak?” The waiter looked at Winnie like she had grown a second head. 
“I don't know if we're allowed to-”
“Be a dear, and fetch me something as bloody as possible won't you beautiful?” Astarion turned towards the waitress, his tone dripping with charm, his ruby red eyes almost hypnotic as he gave her a flirtatious wink.
The waitress’s face turned bright red. 
“Y-Yes! Yes of course!” She sputtered, a giddy grin spreading across her face. Winnie felt a twinge a jealousy shoot through her. She understood why he did that, but it didn't make it feel any better. The pudgy female took out her cellphone as Astarion began to ramble on about something. Something about how dull all of the people here seemed, and how abhorrent their attires were.
Winnie began looking on Tumblr, noticing a notification about TheRespectfulBard posting a new BG3 fanfiction. Though something else caught Winnie's eye as she skimmed through the Bard’s blog.  Apparently the bard was also looking for a mod that had been recently removed from the Nexus Mod page. However the modification they were looking for happened to be a mod that added a few new overpowered attacks to the game. Winnie quickly looked through the comments and reblogs to find someone saying the mod was made by a user named ShadowMommy69. 
Oh God…….It was made by a simp…..
“Winnie? Winnie? Are you even listening to me!?” Astarion spoke up, sounding a bit annoyed.
“Ah! Sorry…I got a bit distracted….” Winnie hearted TheRespectfulBard’s post before putting her phone in her pocket. 
“Honestly darling if you can't pay attention I might have to find a way to punish you.~” He teased, his hand reaching over to hold hers from across the table.
“Oh shut up.” Winnie rolled her eyes with a grin, her cheeks burning up. Astarion was just eating up all of Winnie’s overly flustered reactions. They were honestly all too cute. He looked at her with soft round eyes, wanting nothing more to plant kisses all over her pudgy little face. 
“I've got your order!” The waitress from before brought in their food and drinks. Her hips swayed as she strutted over and set them down on the table. Blue eyes roamed over Astarion’s face and body, though he didn't seem particularly interested. The smell of blood from the meat hit him like a truck, making his mouth water. Winnie immediately began to nibble on her chicken, but her eyes were glued on that woman. 
“I hope you both enjoy…. Especially you.~” The blonde said, seductively running a finger over Astarion's chest, making him stiffen.
“Um lady he doesn't like to be touch-” Winnie tried to object, though her mouse like voice was completely ignored.
“I'm getting off at ten just so you know.” She winked at him before wandering off. Winnie glared at her strutting form.
“Creepy bitch…” She muttered under her breath. That skank was so not getting a tip. Astarion cleared his throat before dusting off the front of his jacket, acting as if the waitress had got him dirty.  
“Well, now that that's over. I think I have something to attend to.” His looked down at the streak which was practically dripping with blood. 
Winnie bit her lip. She wouldn't lie. This was a bit gross. 
Winnie grabbed her drink, slowly sucking it down as she attempted to ignore the vampire in front of her, cutting up the steak and sucking the blood off. She couldn't imagine what was probably going through the head of any on lookers.
“Oh my God he is so fucking hot.” Winnie’s ears perked up at the waitress’s voice as she gossiped with her friends.
“Who's girl with him? Think they're together?” 
“Fuck no! Have you seen her? Probably his sister or something.” 
Winnie rolled her eyes and glanced back at her food. She didn't really feel very hungry anymore. She looked down at her stomach. The round, plumpness of it made her feel so disgusting. It wouldn't be long before Astarion realized he had more options. Better looking options.
“Are you alright my sweet?” Astarion's concerned voice brought her gaze back up. 
“I'm fine I guess…A bit tired if I'm honest…” She said tapping her fingernails to the table. 
“Well then, perhaps we should get you home so you can get your beauty rest hm? Not that you need it of course! You're already the most beautiful person here.” The elf said sweetly.  
“Yeah, let's go.” Winnie nodded, the two left their table and Winnie payed for the food at the register. She side eyes the waitress from before who was still gossiping with her friends. Winnie turned ready to head out the doors before she was suddenly snatched up by Astarion.
“I just want you to know once we get home. I am going to make you scream my name.” He said, his husky voice purposely raised loud enough for everyone to hear.  Winnie immediately buried her embarrassed face into his neck. Despite being ready to faint she also couldn't help but let out a series of giggles at his bluntness.
The waitress from before looked over with a shocked and frankly pissed expression. The vampire smirked slightly before tugging Winnie outside.
It was around eleven o'clock when they arrived back home. Winnie got off her bike with a yawn before looking over at Astarion who's hood had once again fallen off due to the motorcycle ride. 
Since they were home though, she saw no point in fixing it again.  
“I think that was an absolutely delightful first date, my love.” Astarion said as the two walked over towards the front door. “Don't you agree?” 
“Shit.” Winnie stopped in her tracks.
“Oh come on! It wasn't that bad! Actually I don't think it was bad at all!” Astarion crossed his arms with a scoff.
“No! Shit!” She pointed at the front door which was cracked open about two feet. 
“Oh, oh dear.” The vampire exclaimed before his companion rushed inside. He quickly followed after her as she zoomed into her bedroom. 
“Maddie!? Maddie!” She called looking under the bed and in her closet before checking the bathoom. Astarion went into the bedroom and inhaled, trying to pinpoint the scent of the sweet little kitten’s blood. Was it nearby? However, his red orbs suddenly shot open at the echo of barking coming from outside. 
“Maddie!” Winnie cried in fear. 
Note from The ChaoticDruid: Been so hyped to get this chapter out! We have a lead on who caused Astarion to suddenly become sentient and it looks like a Shadowheart lover lol. A Shadowheart simp if you will! Also I know a lot of people would probably think Winnie's crazy for not wanting to jump right into a serious romance with Astarion, but I just feel like there are some things we'd love to fantasize about, but might not be too sure about in real life. Besides the girl is very romantically awkward. If anyone has any ideas on how to hide Astarion's ears better I'm open to suggestions, oh and PLEASE tell me what you think of the chapter! I love hearing all the comments about stuff, really makes my day.
Also fuck, Maddie's in danger! Somebody do something!
Taglist: @astarioffsimpmain , @iamsexytrash , @tiedyedghoulette , @hp-art-studio , @gaymistakeboi @the-disaster-in-waiting
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venomous-qwille · 4 months
You once said you plan to have 100+ chapters for GITM.
Do you have the story planned out from start to finish? Because my goodness that is a lot especially with the lengths they reach QwQ /pos
The story is gunna have to be long to fit all the characters in it, honestly! I have the majority of the story beats physically planned out, I know the majority what is going to happen and how the story will go. There are a lot of scenes I have planned in particular (that Im super looking forward to but have to wait soooo long to write!!). I even have a bunch of plans written up for the epilogue. There are still a number of questions about the fine details and the order of some of the events in the later acts though. To be honest I don't want to hardlock that stuff too much in case character actions force me to change stuff. The scaffolding of the story is all there though!
I imagine the whole thing is probably going to be pushing 1.5-2mil words- which is terrifying, but exciting. There is a long journey ahead when it comes to getting gitm done!
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kkami-writes · 9 months
Devil's Advocate - Chapter Three. cw. none wc. 1.2k + 10 SS
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Introductions had been brief and you tried your best to remember them, repeating the names over and over in your head, which was what you were doing now while laid in your new bed. The room was small but rather cozy, just a singular bed and desk, nothing else occupying the space and you briefly wondered who had lived in here before. 
Glancing at the clock it read 4am, the last two hours since you had said goodnight had been a blur, much like time usually was for you when you had nothing to do (which was most of the time). While you didn’t need to sleep, you still loved to close your eyes and let the hours pass by - but with your thoughts bouncing around in your head you know you won’t be able to get any rest. So instead, you decide to at least spend some of your time wisely, moving out of your new room to explore the rest of their little apartment.
In order to make less noise you had taken off your heels. If you were honest, you hated them. You were clumsy enough without them, the amount of times you had almost broken an ankle is far too many to count. Walking around, you noticed that their place is rather big, enough to fit all of them comfortably with a nice kitchen area with three fridges. You briefly wonder why they would need three, but with eight boys they probably ate a lot. Still, it made you laugh at the fact they had three whole ass fridges. 
The shared living space had a large black leather couch sitting in front of a TV. It wasn’t the cleanest space with scattered boxes around but it wasn’t terrible, and honestly you were surprised it was rather put together for eight boys who looked around college age. 
Not feeling like confining yourself up in your new room, it was a little too depressing to be in to be honest, just the bed and desk being your only company. Instead, you decide to just chill on the couch, which was a lot more comfy than you thought. Hours were spent like this, just mindlessly scrolling through your phone and you don’t even notice when the sun slowly starts to come up.
When the first boy wakes up he’s dragging himself out of his room, yawning loudly before he makes eye contact with you. He seems shocked to see you just chilling on the couch in their living room, and perhaps you think he’s forgotten that you were here, hoping that last night had just been a nightmare. 
You smile a little awkwardly at him, greeting him a good morning as you check the time. 7:30. Damn, now you feel really bad for partially being the reason they had gotten less sleep than normal. Hopefully they could get some more rest later. Your voice seems to finally stir him out of his sleepy haze as he scratches the back of his neck awkwardly. Chan. You’re pretty sure that’s what his name was, the redhead. 
“Ah, right. Um. Good morning,” 
“You’re up early. I’m surprised,”
“Yeah, we have a lot of work to do right now so unfortunately, no sleeping in for us. Sorry- I don’t really have time to talk right now, I need to get the other boys up and ready,” You simply nod your head in understanding, waving him off and telling him you were fine, to not worry about the demon in his living room. Chan laughs a little awkwardly before sliding into another room and you can hear the other person letting out an annoyed groan. 
It doesn’t take long for the apartment to become a chaotic mess, boys scrambling in and out of doors, trying to complete their morning routines. They look like a bunch of ants, all scattered around and yelling at each other. It’s entertaining to say the least but you can spot several of them with dark circles, easily seeing how tired they are as they drag themselves across their dorm. 
With a sigh, you move to get up, heading towards their kitchen as you search for a coffee machine. You decide to make yourself somewhat useful if they weren’t going to use you for your “intended purpose”. While tempting, you didn’t want to just sit there like an idiot, doing nothing. It was the least you could do for now. 
One of them is by the door, putting on his shoes and adjusting the bag he has over his shoulder. He’s just about to leave before you call out to him and he looks up at you with a slightly confused face, even as you push the to-go cup into his hands. 
“Um…Hyunjin? Right?”  He nods, slightly surprised that you had even remembered his name and honestly, you are too. “It’s just uh, coffee. I just thought maybe you’d guys would like some. Um, you don’t have to take it of course if you don’t want any,” You’re rambling now so you shut yourself up. To be honest you don’t know what you’re doing, this situation is so out of your depth and it was making you act weird. You were good for one thing, and one thing only and it certainly wasn’t making coffee for 8 tired college(?) students. 
Before you can take it away, he’s grabbing onto the cup and subsequently your hands.
“Ah no! It’s fine! Thank you, I’ll take it,” Hyunjin is smiling at you and for a second you can’t help but think that his smile is almost prettier than he is. His eyes dart down your figure for a moment before he’s flushing, ears turning pink as he averts his eyes. It’s then you realize that you’re still clad in your normal clothes, which is just the lingerie you had been wearing the night before. Still, you find it rather endearing that he can’t look at you now without staring at your chest, which in his defense is completely on display. 
“Um! Thanks again! Ok, I gotta go, bye!” He’s quick to throw himself out the door, a small tittering laugh leaves your lips at his antics. You end up giving each boy a cup of coffee, each of them thanking you in return with little to no eye contact. You briefly wonder if you should change - or keep it on just to tease them. 
Chan is the last one out of the door, thanking you for the coffee but politely refused since he didn’t prefer the drink. 
“So, uh- I know things haven’t really been explained yet and hopefully we can soon but um. The gist for now is please do not leave the apartment. It would be really bad if people were to see you,” You hadn’t been expecting to be let out of the house of course, but the way he emphasizes this fact makes you curious. You let it go for now, assuming you’d get answers to everything later. 
“No problem, you got it boss. Oh, here’s my number by the way. Text or call if you need anything, I can be there in a second,” You hand him a piece of paper with your number as you quickly summon your phone into existence, waving it around. Chan wasn’t sure if he would ever get used to the small magic you could do, much less come to terms with having an actual demon in the dorms.
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moni-logues · 9 months
Kintsugi 7
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Pairing: Yoongi x reader
Genre: strangers-to-friends-to-lovers, non-idol!au, angst, smut, eventual fluff
Summary: In a fit of spiteful, post-break-up self-improvement, you sign up to a baking class. Yoongi, in a bid to appease his demanding girlfriend, signs up, too. Determined to make him your friend, you end up with more than you ever imagined.
Word count: 6.1k
Content: alcohol consumption, drunkenness, Yoongi POV!, also Yoongi is bi kthx
A/N: would you believe me if I said they actually have some fun in this chapter? LMAOOOO huge thanks to @here2bbtstrash for Yoongi's costume idea and @quarter-life-crisis2 for reading the first half of this when I needed validation but this has not been actually beta'd (so DO feel free to point out all my typos!)
Chapter Six | Masterlist | Chapter Eight
Chapter Seven – You! Me! Dancing! 
“Pleeeeaasasseeeeeeee,” you asked, holding your ‘please’ as long as you could, stretching your arms over the counter, clasping your hands together in front of him, doing your best at supplication. “Pretty, pretty please with a hundred cherries on top? And sprinkles and whipped cream and chocolate saaauuuuuuuuce?” 
“Even if I’ll love you the most out of everyone I know? You’ll be my most favouritest, bestest, bestest friend in the whole world?” 
“Yoongiiiiiiii,” you whined, your head dropping between your arms. “Please do this for me? You are the best, sweetest, funniest, coolest, nicest, most handsome, beautiful person in the whole world and I will love you forever and ever and ever and ever-” 
Yoongi’s mouth was tight as he tried to contain his grin and his eyes were narrowed. He loved to tease you, this you knew, and he hated it when you said nice things to him, which you also knew. You hadn’t thought it would take this much arm-twisting, but you were fully prepared to bring out the big guns if necessary.  
You clamped your hands around his wrists and leant in closer to him, pouting with your best puppy-dog eyes and wobbly bottom lip.  
“Pwease? Pwease, Yoongi, won’t you come to the party with me?” It was the best, most annoying baby voice you could manage and one he absolutely could not stand. If this didn’t break him, you might actually have had to go to the party by yourself after all.  
Yoongi took in a deep breath and left it out in a huff. 
You threw your hands up in the air and then he interrupted your cheers. 
“But I’m not wearing a fucking costume.” 
You would argue with him about that later, but you let yourself revel in the victory for that night. 
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It was as Taehyung had said: it was easier this time. It was easier now that you had committed to avoiding destructive coping mechanisms and decided to be honest with your therapist (and yourself). It was easier because you had finally accepted what your therapist had you explain months ago: that it wasn’t about Sungbin. He could have been anyone. It wasn’t about all those other men. It was about the black hole in your heart that wanted to suck up every second of someone’s attention and would still be left feeling empty. It was about your insatiable need to feel loved, whilst you continued to tell yourself you were unlovable. It was so not about Sungbin that you wanted to reach out and apologise to him (nobody thought this was a good idea, including you, but you wanted to). That would have been about you, too, not him. You were working on that. Properly this time. Honestly. Committedly. And it was having a strange effect on you.  
You supposed that it was ‘working’. This is what it meant to get better, to make progress, to ‘heal’ (even though that word made you sick). You felt strong. Some days you felt spiteful and bitter and hateful and irritable, but almost none of that was turned inwards towards yourself and you felt a little empowered by it, in a way you couldn’t quite make sense of. Yes, you hated everything on those days, and yes, you wanted to scream and shout and kick things, but it was defiant, it was defensive, it was a way of continuing to establish your existence on the earth. You would not be erased. All this time, you had wanted to kill yourself and hadn’t quite managed it, so you sure as shit weren’t going to let little things like Life and Existence and Capitalism take you down.  
You had found some fire. That little, tiny spark inside you, that the most treasured people in your life kept going, had found some tinder. It had grown. It was keeping you warm even as the days got shorter and the nights got colder. All that independence and self-sufficiency that you had so bitterly grasped at after the break-up with San was in your hands now. Suddenly, you felt almost like a capable adult. You could cook things—real things! Meals! With vegetables and home-made sauces!—you could take care of yourself. You could cope. You could, to your surprise, exist on your own.  
“Work it-” 
“Make it-” 
“-...Do it-” 
“-...Makes us...-?” 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” 
“Hey!” you exclaimed. “What?” 
Taehyung was looking at you as if you were insane and you had no idea why.  
“Those are... not the right words.” 
“You were singing that all wrong.” 
“No, I wasn’t! It doesn’t have correct words! They go all in different orders throughout the song!” 
“No, they don’t!” 
“Yes, they do!” 
Taehyung pressed two fingers to the bridge of his nose and took a dramatic sigh before turning to you, his hands on the arms of your chair. 
“My precious, sweet, little bean, how did I not know until now that you are this stupid?” 
You pushed him away as hard as you could and his chair slid back, knocking with more than just a little force into the office wall behind. Knocking into it hard enough to disturb the meeting that was taking place inside it. You both grimaced and waved apologies and leant forward to try to hide your giggles behind the desk partitions.  
“You are a fucking idiot!” Taehyung hissed at you. 
“Am not!” 
“Look up the song and then try tell me it doesn’t have correct words.” 
“No! I won’t!” 
“Because you don’t want to admit that you are wrong.” 
“Have I told you today that I hate you?” 
“Not yet; it’s only twenty-past ten.” 
“Well, I hate you.” 
“I love you, too, darling.” 
The song had been in honour of your feeling, as the song goes, harder, better, faster, stronger – or things vaguely approaching that. You were feeling better and stronger but maybe not faster, and the aim was to make things softer rather than harder, but the sentiment was there.  
Or it had been until Taehyung had taken the opportunity to call you an idiot, but it wouldn’t dampen your spirit. You were doing the hard work and doing it every day. That meant something. It meant that he could call you an idiot and you could laugh and not a single part of you would take it personally—a thing that might not have been true a couple of months ago.  
“Have you decided on your costume, by the way? You haven’t got long to sort it.” 
“Yeah,” you answered without enthusiasm. “Yoongi has point-blank refused to do a couples costume with me—I don’t even think he’s going to dress up at all—so I'm going to have to do something on my own. Can’t believe you’ve both abandoned me in my hour of need.” 
“Your hour of need is a halloween party?” 
“YES! My greatest hour of need is your halloween party where you’ve rejected me in favour of your stupid boyfriend and Yoongi has rejected me in favour of being a spoilsport! I cannot believe you would both treat me so cruelly.” 
“Take that up with Yoongi and Hyunjin. Not my problem.” 
“‘Not my problem’,” you scoffed. “It’s your fucking party!” 
“And I’ll uninvite you from it if you don’t stop being a git.” 
Not satisfied with having already annoyed everyone else in your office, you tipped your head back and did your shockingly accurate impression of a baby crying.  
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You heard Yoongi approaching down the corridor while you were preening in the mirror. You might have had to come up with, design, find clothes and accessories for this costume all on your own, but you didn’t think you had done such a bad job after all. Your dress fit you well, draping over your softest parts, pulled in at the waist, not really revealing but hinting. You had placed your hair just so and done the lightest make-up you could manage, all shimmer and highlight. You looked in the mirror and you thought you looked good. That felt nice.  
You turned around when you heard the beep of the keypad and could not contain your surprise. 
“He- oh! What?!” 
You moved to the doorway, looking at Yoongi with dismay. 
“What are you wearing?"  
It was all black. Black on black on black. No headpiece, no props, no discernible character he might be playing. 
“I was holding out hope that you’d show up here in a proper costume but this is even worse!” You stomped your foot and fixed him with a glare. “You’re going to hide in a corner and not talk to anyone all night, aren’t you?” 
Yoongi grinned slowly at you, sly and triumphant and cheeky. 
“What makes you think this isn’t a costume?” 
That made you balk. 
“How is that a costume? I don’t know what you are!” 
“You’ll just have to wait and see, won’t you?” 
You stomped your foot again, biting back the grin threatening your face. Although you had done your damnedest to get him to agree to come, there was a niggling worry in the back of your brain that had been saying he wouldn’t have fun, that he wouldn’t enjoy it. He wasn’t a party guy, wasn’t a ‘show up to someone’s party where you know precisely one (1) person and have a good time anyway’ guy. He was shyer than he’d have liked people to know; he didn’t like loud parties with lots of people where there was no quiet place for him to escape to. You knew, when you were asking him to come, that you were asking him to do something he wouldn’t want to do. You knew, when you were asking him, that he would probably say yes anyway, because it was you. And you wanted him to come; you wanted him to be part of your world and your world included Taehyung and his halloween party. Yes, he and Taehyung had met before, but that was accidental. You were deliberately now drawing together the strings of your life. This was important to you.  
And here was Yoongi, grinning and teasing you about not wearing a costume and reminding you that he was a grown man who could make his own decisions and, tonight, he had decided to come to Taehyung’s halloween party with you and put his best foot forward. Even if maybe he really wasn’t  wearing a costume.  
You were planning to arrive fashionably late, as you had promised Taehyung you would, as part of your protest against his decision to couple costume with Hyunjin instead of you. Ordinarily, you showed up early, helped prepare, got ready with Taehyung, let him dress you and make you over how he liked. He treated you like a doll and that is the reason you enjoyed it so much. Not this time, though.  
As you walked from your apartment to Taehyung’s with Yoongi in tow, it hit you just how many things were different this year. No San, for a start. Yoongi. Hyunjin. It didn’t scare you. It didn’t hurt you.  
You grabbed Yoongi’s hand and swung it high between the two of you, skipping a little on your way. Yoongi merely smiled.  
The first person you saw when you entered was Taehyung’s travelling roommate. He was hardly ever home which meant you hardly ever saw him; the last time you had spent time together was pre-break-up. Because he was away so much, you couldn’t call yourselves ‘close’, but he was always a delight and always nice to you and there was something so easy about his company; the light jolt you felt at seeing him again was unexpected, but welcome.  
His being away so often made him the perfect person for Yoongi to meet. There were his friends here, too, but he was slightly on the periphery, not involved in the day-to-day of their lives while he was away; he could ease Yoongi into the circle. Of course, you were supposed to be doing that, too, but without Taehyung literally by your side, you didn’t feel quite so confident. They were all his friends, not yours. Not really. 
“Taemin!” you cried, making a beeline straight for him. “What the fuck are you?!” 
Taemin laughed, a little embarrassed, and hugged you hello. He gave you a spin—his white, fluffy tail lashing out behind him—and daintily pawed over one of his white ears. 
“I’m Daengie! Can’t you tell?!”  
He span again and you couldn’t help but laugh. 
“Only you would dress up as your own fucking cat.” 
“Hey! We’re cute!”  
He had a point.  
“Who’s this?” he asked, gesturing to Yoongi, politely. 
“Oh! Yoongi, this is Taehyung’s roommate, Taemin. Taemin, this is Yoongi.” 
“Boyfriend?” Taemin asked, shaking Yoongi’s hand but looking at you. 
You spoke over each other in your joint panic to answer, to set the record straight. You were off boyfriends and it felt important for as many people to know that as possible. It was A Thing you were doing now. No boyfriends. Spread the word. 
“So, you’re single?” Taemin asked, looking this time at Yoongi. 
Taemin smiled, his eyes disappeared, and he gave an approving hum, quickly flicking his eyes over Yoongi.  
“And what are you dressed as, Yoongi?”  
You did not miss the glint in Taemin’s eyes. 
“Ah, you’ll find out later,” was Yoongi’s answer and he looked quickly over to you. You grinned. 
“A reveal?” Taemin fake-gasped. “I’m intrigued! But you must not, under any circumstances, steal Taehyung’s thunder, ok? It would destroy him.” 
“Steal his thunder...?” 
“Yeah,” you butted in. “Every year, we-… Every year, he and whoever he’s dressing up with make a grand entrance. It’ll be fun to watch this time, instead of doing it.” 
“Yes, and it’s very important to Taehyung that he is the star of the show.” 
Yoongi nodded. “I have no intention of being the star of any show or stealing any thunder. I promise.” 
“Then I’m sure you’ll get on fine.” 
“Anyway,” you began pointedly, picking up the hem of your skirt between your fingers and twirling slightly. “Don’t you want to say anything about my costume?”  
“Of course!” Taemin cried. “You look even more beautiful than the real Aphrodite herself.” 
“What?! I’m not Aphrodite!”  
Taemin looked to Yoongi for support; Yoongi shrugged.  
“But you look so beautiful! Who else could you be?” 
“I’m Cupid, you morons!”  
You raised your bow and home-made arrow with the heart-shaped tip and you hit them both with it. 
“Look at me! Obviously, I’m Cupid. I can’t be Aphrodite because everyone falls in love with her automatically. I am Cupid, so I can go around and shoot people with my arrow and make them fall in love with me!” 
Yoongi and Taemin exchanged a look, then both looked at you, and back at each other. 
“You know that’s not how Cupid works,” Yoongi stated. 
“What do you mean?” 
“Cupid doesn’t make people fall in love with him; he shoots two people and makes them fall in love with each other,” Taemin explained. 
The realisation dawned on you. Yes, that is how Cupid worked. You knew that. You definitely already knew that. Yet, somehow, between the moment the costume first occurred to you and this very second, that knowledge did absolutely nothing to make its presence known to you.  
You nodded. You tucked your lips into your mouth and breathed out hard.  
“Cool,” you said, nodding some more. “Cool cool cool.” Then you wailed. “I can’t believe I got my own costume wrong!”  
You threw your bow to the ground and Yoongi and Taemin laughed. 
“Ok, let me get some drinks so you can drown your sorrows.” Taemin wandered off into the kitchen. 
You knocked your forehead onto Yoongi’s shoulder and whined some more. 
“Am I stupid?” you asked. 
You felt him chuckle and a hand came up to pat your back. 
“Yeah... But it’s ok; Aphrodite is Greek and Cupid is Roman, so Taemin was also kind of wrong. Should’ve called you Venus.” 
You lifted your head and looked at him.  
“What?” he asked when you still hadn’t said anything seconds later.  
“Why do you know so many things?” 
His bashfulness stifled another chuckle and he shrugged.  
You whined for the last time and pouted until Yoongi squished your face between his fingers. Then you took the cup Taemin had returned with and took a long gulp. It didn’t really matter. A costume was a costume. You could pretend to be Aphrodite or Venus or some other vaguely classical character—no one would know or care, except you. You couldn’t let it ruin your evening. Especially not this one, the one you’d dragged Yoongi to, the one you had built up expectations for in your head for weeks now. It was going to go right. Come hell or high water, it would be fun. 
“How long do we have to wait for the big entrance?” Yoongi asked. 
You had already opened your mouth to answer but Taemin got there first, smirking just a little and looking unfathomably cute as he did it. 
“Just long enough for us to get to know each other a little better!”  
Then he hooked his arm through Yoongi’s and tapped his cup against his. Yoongi looked a little surprised but you didn’t attempt to rescue or reassure. Taemin was both utterly charming and completely harmless. 
He led most of the conversation, asking Yoongi about himself, reciprocating with his own answers; you did your best not to speak for both of them at once. You distracted yourself looking at everyone else: their costumes, the successes or failures therein, looking for people you most recognised, peering at those you didn’t. It struck you, again, that this year was different. You had literally never done this without Taehyung before. You looked at the two men next to you and realised maybe you did have other people; you weren’t alone after all. You would have to remember to tell Taehyung. 
Then the music cut and a spotlight (where did Taehyung get a spotlight from?) lit up the central living space, which had been cleared of all furniture. Out of rising dry ice (where had he got that?), Taehyung and Hyunjin appeared.  
A pencil moustache, slicked down hair, perfectly tailored trousers. Long, sleek black hair, a dress, tight, and sparkling, the fairest skin and reddest lips.  
“Wow,” you breathed, transfixed as they took to their spots and the music started.  
You were surprised by how gracefully Taehyung moved. You were not surprised by Hyunjin’s grace because he seemed to be one of those people that was just good at everything, but they moved together, as one; they acted the parts with conviction. When Hyunjin, as Morticia, stood before your little trio and reached out to ever so lightly caress Yoongi’s cheek, you noticed him gulp and you could’ve sworn that you saw, even in the shadows against the spotlight, the tips of his ears redden. When Taehyung pulled Hyunjin back, Yoongi emptied his cup. 
“Holy shit,” you exhaled when they had finished and the applause had ended. “Well, no wonder he didn’t want me to do the couple costume with this year; there’s no way I could have done that.” 
“I was just about to ask,” Yoongi replied. “I didn’t know you were a dancer.” 
“I am so not.” 
“Well, I am and I can’t believe he didn’t ask me,” Taemin interjected. “It is my job!” 
“Yeah, but you’re not Teddy’s boyfriend.” 
“So, that’s uh, Hyunjin?” Yoongi queried. 
“That’s Hyunjin. Most beautiful man in the world probably.” 
Yoongi’s gaze still looked a little far-off and you could see his eyes sweep the room for Hyunjin. Taemin sighed beside him, also looking into the crowd for Morticia.  
“Can’t believe we’re all secretly in love with Teddy’s boyfriend. What a tragic situation we’re all in.” 
“None more than you,” Yoongi said. “Taehyung would never let you third.” 
“He’s gay, right? Taemin and I at least stand a chance.” 
Taemin cackled beside Yoongi and held his hand up for a high-five which Yoongi freely gave him.  
“My life is pathetic,” you groaned, looking up to the ceiling. You went to walk away and then did a quick about-turn. “Not that I want to be involved in any kind of threesome involving Teddy, let’s be clear. I absolutely do not, in any way, want to do anything even remotely sexual with him. I would rather die, ok? Hyunjin? Sure, no one’s kicking him out of bed, but this is a hall pass situation only. You guys do what you want with the both of them, but I am out if it’s a threesome.” 
You were very pleasantly tipsy. Maybe a little more than tipsy. It was getting hot in the apartment and you snuck on to the balcony in hopes of some cooling air. You were relieved to find it empty and you leant heavily over the railing, looking at the street below.  
You’d been there no more than a few seconds when you heard the door slide open. 
“Found you.”  
Yoongi leant on the railing next to you. 
“Are you having fun?” 
Yoongi grinned. 
“Taemin asked if I wanted to see his cats.” 
You had made the mistake of taking a sip of your drink, which you promptly inhaled and choked back up. Yoongi laughed and gave you a hard slap on the back. You replied when soju had stopped coming out of your nose. 
“When you say ‘see his cats’, do you mean actually see his cats or...?” 
Yoongi laughed again. 
“Actually see his cats.” 
You linked your arm with his and rested your head on his shoulder. 
“Of course. I had forgotten you’re a catboy.” 
“Stop!” Yoongi groaned, unable to stop himself laughing. “Don’t do that.” 
“You’re my little catboy!” 
“Noooo! I only have a cat. I like cats. I’m not a catboy.” 
“Whatever you say, sugar. For the record, though, I reckon Taemin would ask you to see his cats... If you wanted.” 
He shook his head.  
“No, thank you.” 
“You sure? Have you seen him dance? I reckon he’d be good-good, y’know?” 
He shook his head again. 
“I would not, first thing upon arriving at your friend’s party, fuck his roommate. Besides, the whole one-night stand thing...” 
“Yeah, it kind of sucks. It’s not for me.” 
“But hey, you have it a really good try.” 
You snorted and took another sip of your drink. 
“That I did. And never again. And, y’know, not one of those pricks ever called.” You were joking now, because you knew that you didn’t really want them to call, but it had hurt at the time. You turned around, your back to the street and Yoongi smiled at you. 
“Definitely. You know who else is an idiot?” you asked, but Yoongi returned no answer, save for a raised brow. “Your fucking ex-girlfriend.” 
He rolled his eyes. 
“She was worse than an idiot. Your ex was an idiot, though.” 
You shrugged. 
“Eh, I don’t know; I don’t blame him.” 
“Then you are the idiot. Maybe that’s why they all didn’t call.” 
“I would have called me. I’m great, don’t you know?” 
“I do know. I would call you.” 
“Yeah; I’d call you! Because we’re great. We’re great!” 
Yoongi laughed and held his cup to you; you bumped your own against it. Then you tipped them both back and drained them.  
“For the record, just so you know,” you began, holding a finger up and pointing vaguely at him, “Teddy would not mind at all if you fucked Taemin.” 
Yoongi only shook his head again. 
“Smart. Save yourself for Teddy and Hyunjin.” 
It was Yoongi’s turn to choke on his drink.  
“I’m not sure trying to fuck your best friend and his boyfriend would do much to ingratiate me with them.” 
“Oh, you don't know Teddy well enough.” You laughed. “The more sex, the better, as far as Teddy’s concerned, regardless of who's having it!”  
“Well, in that case, I’ve got somewhere to be—you cool out here on your own?” 
Yoongi turned and started to move off, back into the party. You grabbed his arm and tugged him backwards. 
“No, I’m not! Don’t leave me!” 
He tripped over his own foot as he stepped back to the railing and it was only then that you noticed the bright flush of his cheeks, the black of his pupils blown wide against his irises, the easiest of easy grins on his face. 
“Hey, mister, you’re drunk!” 
As if to prove a point, he took a long, performative gulp from his (empty) cup and dropped it to the floor with a bow. 
“It’s a party; isn’t that what I’m supposed to be?”  
“You’re even drunker than I am!” 
“I do know how to have fun, y’know.”  
You thought he was teasing, not really wounded, but there was a slight dim in the glint of his eyes and he turned to look out over the street below so you hurried to overcorrect. 
“I know! We have fun! Obviously I know you’re fun! I just... I guess I was just worried you wouldn’t have fun. That you only came for me.” 
“Of course I only came for you. Doesn’t mean I’m not enjoying myself. I’ve been to parties before. I do have other friends.” 
“Yeah, I keep forgetting that most people have more than two friends. I’m glad you came.” 
Before it could descend into true squabbling nonsense, the door slid again and Taehyung leant out.  
“Stop hiding out here, fuckers; outside is for the smokers. Come in and have some fun!” 
He didn’t even wait for you to respond before turning back into the apartmet, leaving the door open. 
“Shall we?” you asked, gesturing widely. 
“Let’s shall!” 
You were hot. And drunk. And dancing. Just like everybody else in this humid, dark room. Yoongi included. You watched him, scream-singing with Taemin, jumping as his cup sloshed his drink onto floor—your Yoongi. He had come to be associated, for you, with both comfort and sadness. It was serious, somehow, this friendship, even when you were laughing; there was something deep and dark and it held you close together. You were mirrors. All your sadness, all your darkness, all your deepest parts reflecting back at each other. But where was all that darkness now? Now, it was all bright, all moving, sparkling, shining parts. Who could possibly look at him and think he could be as sad as you knew he sometimes was? As you sometimes were. 
Sometimes used to be. Because you were getting better now. You were. A lump formed in your throat as you tried to screech a chorus and it muted you. It almost brought a tear to your eye: this happiness, this revelry, this community, this party, this friendship, this healing. This. You had to take a strong shot of something vile-tasting to make it go away. 
You continued to shout your voice hoarse and drink too much and stumble through your dance moves. You accidentally kissed Taemin on the mouth—which surprised you more than it did him—and then spent five minutes insisting you didn’t want to sleep with him before realising he was winding you up. You danced with Taehyung; you cornered Hyunjin and asked him about his skincare routine until he needed to be rescued. You fished Daengie out of hiding in Taemin’s bedroom and made the two of them do a mother-daughter photoshoot. You had more fun than you had had for a while.  
You watched Yoongi have fun, too. You watched him let Taemin lead him on the dancefloor; you watched him play (and lose) a drinking game against someone whose name you had forgotten. You sang directly into each other’s faces and drank from each other’s cups just because. You felt full: of fun, of friendship, of altogether way too many marshmallow ghosts. 
People had left, the lights had been switched back on; the party had ended. You were trying to scoop Yoongi into a standing position, grumbling to yourself about why it always had to be you propping up the drunk guy. 
“I ’n go ‘ome,” Yoongi slurred with one arm slung around your shoulder, the other hand close to the ground as he failed to find his feet. “Ge’ taxi.” 
Taehyung tapped you on the shoulder. 
“He can stay here, too, if you like.”  
You groaned a thank you as he sloped off towards his bedroom with a backwards wave and you heaved Yoongi onto the sofa (which had previously had your name on it).  
“Honey, you’re not going home,” you told him as you rolled him onto his side. “You can stay here.” 
He tried to protest, to roll himself forwards, to argue something. Unfortunately for him, he was so drunk, his argument was barely intelligible; you simply pushed him back onto the sofa and told him again he was staying at Taehyung’s. 
“Hey,” he said throwing a hand in the air as if he was trying to point at you. “Y’ here.” 
“Yes, I’m here.” 
“Good... Yeah, ’s good. Y’ good.” His eyes were barely open, but he smiled sleepily at you. “I like you..." He chuckled. “You’re... good.” 
“Thank you; you’re good, too.” 
He snorted lightly and chuckled again. “Yeah... Best... Be-”  
As if hit by lightning, he sat up and looked at you, eyes wide. 
He gestured to himself. 
“M’ costume. D’y’ guess yet?” 
“You’re not in a costume, babe. You can stop pretending.” 
He looked outraged and continued to gesture at his clothing. 
“This!” he cried.  
“You are literally so drunk, love, I don’t even know what the fuck you are talking about.” 
“Drunk.” Yet more gestures to his clothes; he picked at his T-shirt and ruffled it. “Loads.” 
“You’re so drunk... you’re wearing black?” 
He groaned loudly and clutched at your hands.  
“Yes,” he said, slowly and deliberately, emphatically even. You couldn’t believe he had somehow become the one who knew what was going on. He was so impatient with your inability to apparently put two and two together, even while he was falling-down drunk, so drunk he could barely manage a full sentence. So drunk he was barely conscious. So dru- 
“Oh, fuck me!” you exclaimed. “You’re blackout drunk.” 
Yoongi fell back onto the sofa with his hands in the air. He threw a hand up to his face in what you thought might have been an attempt at a peace sign.  
“See? Fuckin’ costume.” 
Then he closed his eyes and was, you assumed, fully unconscious. You turned away, on a new mission to hunt down some blankets or pillows from one of the Taes who shared the apartment. Yoongi mumbled and you ignored it but his mumbling took on a more insistent, deliberate note so you returned to him. 
“Are you trying to say something to me, sweetheart?” 
Yoongi nodded—just barely—and his hand lunged forward, aiming for the hand you had rested on his shoulder, missing, and hitting himself slightly around the face. You took it gently for him and he mumbled some more, with effortful enunciation. 
“You’re th’ best thing to happ’n t’ me this year. The best thing.” 
You smiled. 
“No, that would be breaking up with your cunt ex-girlfriend.” 
Yoongi shook his head with a glazed smile on his face. 
“But that was you, too.”  
He smiled a little wider, open-mouthed, and kind of weird with his eyes still mostly closed, then his head fell back against the cushion and his entire body slumped. You waited a minute just to make sure he was unconscious this time. 
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Yoongi woke, if you could call it that. His tongue felt too big for his mouth, his brain too big for his skull. His limbs felt heavy and rubbery, as if he couldn’t quite make them go where he wanted. He was thirstier than he’d ever been and his bladder uncomfortably full. He didn’t know what time it was; he couldn’t remember where he was; his memory of the preceding night was scant and hazy. His eyelids felt heavy as lead as he tried to force them open. The first thing he saw was your face opposite him: you were sleeping on the floor. He felt bad for that. He couldn’t remember falling asleep, couldn’t remember ending up on this sofa but he knew he should never have let you end up on the floor. He’d have moved if he’d been able, forced you to swap places. As it was, he could barely shuffle enough to find his phone in his pocket.  
It was only 6am. He was in half a mind to get up and leave. The other half of his mind let him know he wasn’t physically capable of f movement, not even close. Barely able to think straight, he let his head flop back against the cushion again; he could sleep a little longer, just a little. And then he would go. 
‘A little’ became four hours and when Yoongi woke for a second time (feeling marginally more human) and blinked his eyes open, you weren’t opposite him any longer. He stared at the empty space on the floor as he tried to will his brain back into his body.  
Then he heard noises from elsewhere in the apartment, some quiet talking, the chink of china against china, your laugh. So you were still here. That was good. Yoongi shuffled onto his front and peered over the arm of the sofa, from where he could see just a small slice of the kitchen through the doorway. He focused and could hear you and Hyunjin chatting low, laughing as you moved around the room. There was a stab of anxiety that made him worry you were laughing about him, at him; large sections of the night had not made their way back to Yoongi so he had no idea what kind of stupid thing he might have done or said. You wouldn’t do that; he knew you wouldn’t do that. And yet. 
A door to Yoongi’s right opened and Taehyung padded out in slippered feet. Yoongi froze, embarrassed, unsure, but Taehyung didn’t even see him on his way to the kitchen, still bleary-eyed and waking up. Yoongi could imagine what he couldn’t see: a morning kiss for Hyunjin, their sleepy smiles, hands clasping, their tired bodies leaning into each other for support. He heard your chipper greeting (“Teddy!” with the long drawn-out final vowel as always) and saw in his head the way your arms would stretch out for a hug with Taehyung’s stretching back; he’d kiss you on the head and ruffle your hair and take the cup of coffee from your hand to drink from rather than drinking his own. 
He was happy you had Taehyung. He didn’t know what it was like to have that kind of bond with someone. The rock solidness of it. The stability. The assuredness. The way he’d never, not once, seen even the slightest hint of doubt whenever you spoke about Taehyung. The way you knew he was there, would always be there; the way he was. That your faith in him was in every part a reflection of the reality of your friendship.  
It ached in him, this loneliness Yoongi felt. He was on the outside here, in Taehyung’s apartment, in this little social circle, but sometimes he felt on the outside of all life. Like he was missing something vital—within himself or without he could never decide. Maybe both.  
Then he chastised himself – all the more harshly for his hangover – because he had friends, good friends, kind friends, who did not deserve him self-indulgently whining to himself about how he didn’t have a good enough friend, didn’t have a Taehyung, as if he would ever have let anyone get close enough to be a Taehyung.  
He sighed and stopped watching that slice of life, resting his forehead on his arm, working out how to get out of this as quickly and quietly as possible. He was gathering strength for it, for seeing everyone, for facing people, for having to do the awkward goodbye thing where no one really cared that he was there or that he was leaving but they’d all pretend that they’d even notice his absence, when he heard your voice again, louder this time. 
No, not louder. 
“Hello, you.” You held out your mug to him. “Want some coffee?” 
Chapter Six | Masterlist | Chapter Eight
Taglist: @chimmisbae, @idkjustlovingbts @miriamxsworld, @quarter-life-crisis2, @tarahardcore, @simp47koreancrackheads, @xyahrinx, @olyd, @diorh0seokie, @thelilbutifulthings 
125 notes · View notes
buthowboutno · 6 months
Thank you to everyone who participated in the one year anniversary poll!! I still maintain that it would be funny as /fuck/ to just delete “And They Were Lab Partners” in a memento mori fashion, but alas; Only one person voted for it.
Cowards /j
In any case, the majority voted for the behind the scenes stuff, so here we are! The tidbits of how ATWLP turned into the fucking beast it is.
I would like to personally blame @morning-sun-brah , @hitechlatte, and @ordin-arily for being such big inspirations in this corner of the fandom. You guys are amazing and I probably wouldn't be where I am today without your works.
Shout out to all my losers in the backrooms for keeping me going and being such terrible influences. You are all responsible for the horrors that have been unleashed. A solid third of my content exists because of your sins /aff. 
@beckerboopin is the best beta anyone could ask for and has only brought this story up to the next level. I would die for you becks <3
Also @betyoudidntcthatcoming-blog is the love of my life that I only met ‘cause of this fic or whatever. They’re pretty neat. I guess. :p
(Major Spoilers Ahead Pre-Chapter 23)
I would like to remind everyone that ATWLP was only supposed to be 50k words. You can still witness my naivety in the notes of “Pudge ‘Preciation.” 
How… simple those times were. 
How I so firmly believed the idiots would be kissing by chapter 16. How a projected word count of 150k words seemed unfathomable for a single work, much less a work with multiple published and planned companion pieces.
Crazy. (I was crazy once.)
There was a lot of ATWLP that ended up getting scrapped as I got further into the story. The idiots had a lot of opinions and tugged at me a few different ways as I got to know them better. (aka they wouldn’t listen to me when I told them to fucking kiss already.)
Anyways, some of the few major structural changes:
Casey was originally supposed to reveal that he knew Sweet’s in the bad timeline during the “Intro to Sparring” chapter. That chapter was also originally slotted to happen /before/ the kidnapping debacle, but it just so happened to fit in better later
The stage kiss from “Hit the Club” was going to be in the Nerd Prom chapter. It felt too corny at the time (and lowkey still feels corny) so I put that in my pocket for later. For as much as y’all yelled at me for it, it barely made the final cut lmao.
The way the idiots are going to confess to each other is a COMPLETE 180 from how I planned the story from the beginning, which was already entirely different from the first idea for this fic. I wrote a whole ass chapter about an accidental kiss being the tipping point of them positively macking on each other, which I did end up cutting into convenient pieces for other stuff. (I PUT A PART OF IT DOWN BELOW)
Sweets was going to be kidnapped twice and the whole Purple Dragons debacle was going to be drawn out more. There was a lot more action planned than slice of life content at ATWLP’s conception. For better or for worse, this is where the story led us.
Donnie’s mating season wasn’t going to be as involved in the story, if in it at all. I grew to be hornier and less ashamed. You’re welcome.
The first title for this fic was “Lab Rat: a Story of Nerds Falling in Love.” For the life of me I cannot remember what compelled me to change it, but holy shit am I glad I did.
I was going to use (y/n) in this fic. No hate to those who do, but stylistically I’m pretty happy with not doing that.
And because I have no control over the idiots, quick rundown of the chapters that weren’t supposed to happen.
Kart Conflict
The Christmas Issue
The Recovery: Day Two 
Valentine’s Day Episode
Hit the Club
Aquarium? Hardly Know ‘Em
****Pool Excursion
****Beach Episodes
****honestly just like the entire endgame of this fic
All the ficlets/ alternate POV’s
All the smut! I still have it written down in my original notes that ATWLP was gonna be completely PG lmao. Once again y’all have @morning-sun-brah and her fucking fabulous fics to blame for that
The Valentines’ and aquarium chapters are COMPLETELY different than how I had originally planned, even with being forced to include them in my chart. The Valentine’s day plans that the brothers had “ditched” with Sweets was the og plot for the chapter. The aquarium chapter was supposed to be a rooftop picnic with feels~~, no aquarium even fucking mentioned in my outline.
I don’t have much control over what happens tbh. I am praying that the 37 planned chapters will be the final chapters. 
We’ll…. we’ll just have to see how that turns out.
The scrapped plots as a little treat for y’all <3 ~~~
Cut Stage Kiss (after the lift in Nerd Prom)
You leaned closer to Donnie’s face, intent on screeching in his ear for pulling that stunt.
“Kiss them already!” May yelled from the inner edge of the crowd. You turned bright red, blinking at her. You shook your head at her, but the crowd started to catch onto the idea. 
“Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!”
Donnie laughed, a little incredulous. He leaned in close to your ear, whispering, “Theatre kid protocol?”
You nodded in agreement, allowing him to put a hand to your face. He leans into your mouth, making the crowd go wild. You giggle against the thumb separating your lips, smiling against it. Donnie pulled away from you with a dramatic ‘mwah’. You threw your head back, fully laughing as Donnie lifted you up from the dip. 
First Valentine’s Day Outline
The final four move to the living room
Sweets: “We’re making friendship bracelets while we watch the most romantic movie of all time.”
Raph: “Shrek 2!”
Donnie: “This is ridiculous”
Sweets: “This holiday is ridiculous, now pick out your five favourite colors of embroidery floss”
Donnie: “....Fine."
Donnie is actually terrible at making bracelets lmao while mikey has wristfuls of them
Donnie: “I don’t understand! I’m following the blueprints exactly!”
Mikey: “The... instructions?”
Donnie: “Whatever! How are you making those so fast? You don’t even have that many friends!”
Mikey: “Physical therapy is a hell of a time, my brother.”
Sweets: “Is Donnie being ableist again?”
Mikey: “I do believe he is.”
Donnie: “I am autistic!”
Sweets: “Bless you.”
And it all starts like most things in your life do: a silly mistake.
“Donnie,” you whined. You were working on your physics homework at his desk while he was soldering a new motherboard for the Turtle Tank’s controls.
“Little pest,” he mimicked your tone without looking up. He kept on soldering as you stared at him, not a care in the world. 
“Would you be so kind as to look over my work for this problem? I’m following the steps but I’m not getting the right answer.”
“Mmm,” Donnie said. At that moment, a spark flew from his project and caught his exposed cheek. He flinched back, dropping his wire and soldering rod on the table and rubbing his face. You batted your eyes at him while he scowled. 
“I don’t know how, but I blame you for that.”
“I would *never*,” you teased. You pushed your chair to the side a bit so Donnie could stand next to you. 
He moved his goggles to his head and put his left arm over the back of your chair, leaning over you. He parsed through your work for a minute and tilted his head down to tell you what you needed to fix.
It just so happened that you tilted your head up to ask him a question at the same time, the two of you meeting in the middle with a kiss. 
Well, it wasn’t so much of a kiss as it was the two of you accidentally brushing your lips together for a moment. Seconds, almost nothing at all. 
But the way that Donnie looked at you when the two of you jumped apart…
That…that wasn’t nothing. 
You could almost laugh at the ridiculousness of this situation. You could’ve cracked a joke, played up your ridiculous game of pet names and intellectual bravado. 
(To be honest, you almost did.)
But then you thought about the way Donnie’s lips felt against yours. You thought about the way you’d dream of that moment and then proceed to do everything in your power to banish those thoughts away. Your mouth hung open slightly as you looked up at him, trying to will yourself to do anything, anything at all.
Donnie ended up making that decision for you. That oh, so familiar churring started emanating from his chest. He took your face in his hands, looking into your eyes for just a hint of confirmation before leaning in for a real kiss.
(Yeah, you could get used to this.)
There was nothing more you could do than press yourself against him, against his touch. You felt him smiling into the kiss, pressing you down into the chair. 
Donnie was *everywhere*, like he was trying to encompass you. His hand moved to your hair, the other to your hip. You smiled when you remembered his adoration for your love-handles all that time ago. You traced along his plastron, making nonsense shapes and mapping out every scar.
He was so responsive. The chirring increased tenfold for every touch to his chest, every soft bite you gave his lips. You recalled all the times he would make noises from you touching along his shell. You pressed your hands fully against him, doing your best to draw out more and more of those sounds.
What Donnie lacked in experience he made up for in enthusiasm. He followed your lead, matching your pace every step of the way. You licked along the seam of his lips, gasping as his mouth opened for you. Donnie’s tongue against yours was tentative, shy even. You did everything in your power to ease Donnie into deepening the kiss. 
When he moved from your lips and started kissing down your throat, your soul could have left your body right there. He was so…*gentle*. 
Donnie always has been. From when he was slinging his arms around you to kicking your ass in sparring, Donnie has never failed to treat you with care and reverence. 
You feel it now, with every soft bite he gives you, every gentle peck behind your ear.
Donnie pulled away from you after what felt like decades. (Never enough, it would never be enough.) You leaned forward after him, trying to close the space he was creating. He looked bashful.
“This might be the proper time to tell you that I have a massive crush on you,” Donnie said. His face was fraught with nervous determination. 
“Yeah, no fucking shit,” you said. You stood up from the chair and used your body to push Donnie against the desk. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, pulling him down to your height.
“I’ve been wanting to kiss you for forever, can we get on with it?” you said, looking into his eyes. Donnie turned bright red.
“But– you? Do you?” Donnie stammered a bit.
“Donnie,” you deadpanned, crowding into his space, “I’ve had a crush on you for a year, thanks for noticing. Will you *please* lean your face down a bit so I can reach it?” 
Donnie looked at you a bit incredulously, like you were a problem he didn’t know how to solve yet. He made quite a picture, all red faced and calculating with a dumb half-smile while he looked at you. But, giving in, he put his arms around you and leaned in to kiss you again.
“Aye, aye, captain.”
You smiled into the kiss, humming with contentment.
He likes you.
He likes you.
Aaaaand some random headcanons because I love you guys and I am truly so thankful to this kickass community <3 I truly do not know where I would be without the support y’all have given me.
Donnie has a hella oral fixation
NOT IN A KINKY WAY (most of the time) But as an autist, Donnie do be biting
One of his biggest shows of trust if he bites you while just chilling
Like if donnie is big spoon, he just nom on a shoulder and stay there chillin
Or if reader is body pillow, he’ll lean around and bite their bicep
Good sensations
Donnie draws on eyebrows every day, he for sure would be very good at doing intricate makeup on reader
Gently holds their chin up, concentrated as hell while reader blushes like mad
Donnie keeps getting banned off of roblox
Didn’t matter tbh, he knew how to hack into it to get his account reinstated
Also makes money off of roblox??
never explains to Sweets, very suspicious
Sweets likes to kiss along donnie’s neck/where his battle shell usually sits
The word here is reverence
Donnie is egotistical, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have insecurities about being a mutant turtle and you being a human
Lots of tracing along his arms, his face, his shell
Donnie likes his coffee to be half coffee, half milk to cut down on bitterness. Sweets is a tea drinker normally, but opts for coffee when they can’t focus (which ends up being most of the semester).
Sweets drinks black coffee when they’re on the struggle bus
To quote them, “Black coffee can’t hurt me more than Calc II already has”
But they prefer two creamers and two sugars when they have it in their dorm.
That’s all, congrats on making it to the bottom of this long ass post lmao <3
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exo-raskreia · 2 months
hi as a jjk fan, do you have any issues with the writing from gege? if so, what do you think are wasted potential in terms of characters, bonds. i think that there is lack of emotional impact or expansion fo characters sometimes. for instance animes like mha have alot of meaningful character arcs and backstories. It's a bit hard to express how I feel becuase jjk is an amazing story but i am just a bit disappointed of the wasted potential with female characters and like shoko and utahime. and the world building. yes i am fellow gojohime shipper ;).
(Oncoming long RANT 😅)
If you ride on Gege's coattails, this may not be for you.
I actually do have issues with Gege's writing, so I agree with you. JJK has an interesting premise with hidden lore & I would recommend it to anyone wanting to get into, or already into, anime/manga, but it could be so much better if Gege just cared enough (which I sometimes feel like he doesn't? It just feels like he wants to hurry up & finish it so he can start on his idol manga... 💀). He skips so much, it honestly feels like he's going off a checklist, especially in the latest arc.
Compared to other battle shounens, namely Naruto, Fairy Tail, MHA, & even Gintama, JJK is severely lacking in several areas. It's unfortunate because the premise & characters are full of potential.
I will go over some of the issues. A lot of these were obvious from the start but they've only gotten worse over time.
• The fast pacing (speed running at this point). It's battle after battle, no downtime, big arc right after big arc, etc. Us readers & the characters themselves barely have time to process things before he moves on to the next thing. He skips so many things, so much happens off-screen/off-panel (can't forget how he skipped Yaga's fight with Gakuganji that lead to his death, skipped Gojo's entire month after his unsealing then "kills" him off-panel a few chapters later, I could go on...)
• The lack of character emotions, development, backstories, etc. We barely know anything about the characters, like their hobbies & interests? (This is why I have a hard time making up headcanons & potentially writing a fic for our ship... How can I keep them in character when I barely know stuff about them? 😮‍💨). We barely see any of them training (training arcs/chapters are typical for battle shounens); the Tokyo students preparing for the Goodwill Event would have been a fitting time to showcase this, for example. There's little to no mourning shown for character deaths (like Yaga? Nanami? Mai? Mechamaru?).
Yuta has such a cool CT & we didn't get to see how he discovered it & all. Like, come on 😔. Also, it would've been nice to see the Goodwill Event from his first year when he beat the Kyoto students, especially Todo... (Gege simply tells us about it. Like he tends to do for a lot of things 🙄).
Gege could've done more build-up to Gojo's sealing in Shibuya by showing his upbringing & development from his arrogant teen self (tho already having shown hints of caring for others & not liking the higher-ups) to the sensei who loves his students & strives for a better Jujutsu society. His past arc should've been longer imo. Needed more slice of life & character interactions, bonding. Heck, Toji should've gotten his whole backstory there too before he died. More build-up to Gojo's "death" too, as Gege skipped that whole month after his unsealing 😒...
• While on the subject, the lack of character interactions, bonding. We haven't seen most characters interact with each other despite being in the same circles, vicinity. Tokyo & Kyoto students, GjHm with them, Gojo & his colleagues (esp more Uta), the Zenin clan (like, wish we could've seen how GjHm interacted with Naoya. Imagine the drama 😫), Gojo & his elusive clan, I could go on... Would've loved to see Gojo interact with Kashimo, Higuruma, Choso... 😮‍💨
As such, several have died & we never saw them interact with certain others nor even know much about them 😑... The emotional impact of character deaths & bonding would be higher if only Gege cared enough to flesh out his characters more... (At least the Phantom Parade mobile game is giving us some much-needed slice of life content. Wish Mappa would give us some OVA's like that too...)
• Lack of world building. Once again, so much we don't know, such as the clans, especially Gojo's. Apparently, they're still alive, yet we haven't seen them?
Tumblr media
Are they not fighters, then? Nothing from them on their clan head's sealing/unsealing/"death". The Zenin Clan debuted & got killed off soon after. Other clans irrelevant. Jujutsu sorcery primarily exists in Japan so other than Miguel, goodbye to the potential of any foreign sorcerers making their appearance...
• Female cast. It's crazy how they were once praised for their potential but now... Now, all they've got is just your typical battle shounen treatment 😒. While Gege has shown he cares little for all his characters (lol), it does seem like the female characters have suffered a bit more from his writing. They've either died (like Mai off-screen? Yuki, the only female Special Grade, had one fight & died?), become powerless (Miwa, thru an off-screen Binding Vow revealed many chapters later? Seriously?), lack screentime (the Kyoto girls? Shoko, the only one who can use RCT on others & closest friend to Gojo?!), or simply haven't done a whole lot, especially compared to the male characters. For some or most, it's a mixture of all these 💀 (like Tsumiki).
Nobara is the main girl & yet her role ended about halfway thru the series. Can't believe Gege did that to her, despite her potential & competence to be the FL of a battle shounen (poor Yuuji still thinks of her. And we don't even know what Gojo thought about her demise? 😮‍💨). Maki seems to have it better, yet some could argue she's just Toji 2.0/female Toji. Unfortunately, I thought about Toji when she was fighting Sukuna; I was like, "If Sukuna's this impressed by her, imagine Toji with his higher experience?" I doubt that's what Gege would want us to think when Maki's shining (or does he? 🤨😒).
• Don't even get me started on Utahime. She's the main teacher of Kyoto, loved by all her students according to Gege, yet we don't get to see it? She's barely relevant? Imagine what she felt as her students kept on dying or becoming unable to fight. Thru her character, such as during her investigation of Kyoto for the traitor, we could've gotten some great insight into how things are over there? We don't even know what the school looks like 💀.
Her scar has several implications & yet we don't know how she got it? How has she dealt with being a scarred woman in Jujutsu society, especially considering Momo's words about such a thing during the Goodwill Event? Utahime could be a great role model to the girls, especially Maki now, & yet... 😮‍💨 (I'm telling you, she should've been the main adult female of the series, just like Gojo's the main adult male)
She's one of Gojo's friends, has known him for 10+ years, & is one of his few most trusted allies, yet we haven't seen how they got to this point? Their comedic interactions make us wonder how they built that deep trust. I NEED to know what happened between them during the timeskip!!! 😫
Her CT buffs herself & others. Why has she not been a part of any on-screen fight prior to the Shinjuku Showdown? There were a couple instances where we almost saw her in action & yet... Why did Gege gatekeep her CT for so long? To showcase her CT for the first time for Gojo & Gojo ONLY. He's insane. They can't beat the package deal allegations. So, does this have any meaning? Can we hope for more-
• I sometimes wonder if JJK would be better as a seinen like I once heard he intended for it to be... There are definitely elements of that... How much darker could the story get, since sometimes Gege pushes the boundaries of Shounen Jump (I know he wants to, lol)... How much more fleshed out could it be if he was writing it the way he wanted to originally (supposedly he never intended for a school setting but was forced by his previous editor?)... Maybe we could even get a Tokyo Ghoul:re style chapter with GjHm during the timeskip if y'all know what I mean-
So, to sum up: JJK is interesting & I would recommend it, but there's a whole lot of wasted character potential, terrible pacing, & lack of interactions, development, & world building. There's so much we don't know & Gege wants to end it already? He's sitting on a gold mine & yet... 😑😒
No idea how things will end but I can at least hope for an open ending that leaves us with some hopeful possibilities... Uh, right?
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